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A57963 Christ dying and drawing sinners to himself, or, A survey of our Saviour in his soule-suffering, his lovelynesse in his death, and the efficacie thereof in which some cases of soule-trouble in weeke beleevers ... are opened ... delivered in sermons on the Evangel according to S. John Chap. XII, vers. 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 ... / by Samuel Rutherford. Rutherford, Samuel, 1600?-1661. 1647 (1647) Wing R2373; ESTC R28117 628,133 674

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all the world of Elect and Reprobate all Adams Sons live and die in sin and are tormented with the Devill and his Angels eternally such a thing as life eternall and the Kingdome of heaven is for no use offered or purchased to the redeemed who stand before the Throne and sing praises to the Lambe He is the Lord and builder of his house the Church but he hath no Church but that which cannot be called a Church I know no Article of the Gospel that this new and wicked Religion of universall attonement doth not contradict 11. To beleeve in Christ is to beleeve that omnipotency can save Judas Pharaoh and all every mortall man so they beleeve in Christ But Christ hath purchased sufficient grace to no mortall man because in the obtaining of eternall life to all the world as Arminians say neither faith repentance or grace to beleeve and repent hath any place God might after Christs death have required nothing for our actuall salvation but abstaine from eating the fruit of such a tree and yee have life eternall in Christ. 12. How can Christs satisfaction be imputed to any man seeing it is a meer possible salvation or a power to save that may and doth stand with the damnation of millions that Christ died for 13. Christs dying had in his eye the Sanctification the giving of the Spirit the raising to life the eternall glory of not one man more then another not of Peter of Moses more then of Cain or Judas though he said Joh. 17.19 For their sakes sanctifie I my selfe And v. 24. Father I will that those whom thou hast given me should be where I am that they may behold the glory that thou hast given me 9. I pray not for the world but for them that thou hast given me 14. Christ hath died yet he must by the Arminian way make no Testament appoint no certaine heires but win the dead mans Legacy by free will and have it who will 15. Christ obtained by his death that the Gospel should no more be preached then the Law or faith in an Angel that men may be saved Vse All the doctrine contrary to universall attonement doth highly advance Christ for by it the Lord Jesus as Mediator and our High Priest must be essentially grace and essentially an Ambassador of Grace It is kindly to Christ to save salvation belongeth to Christ as Christ injoy him as a Saviour and yee cannot perish be joyned to him as a Husband and he cannot but love and save his Spouse submit to him as a King and ye must share with him in his Throne his Kings royall Crown was never ordained for another end but that the lustre of the precious stones in that Crown should shine on the face and soules of his Redemed ones Christ came not to destroy but to seek and to save the lost get in union with Christ by faith and the Spirit of the Lord Jesus and he will save you to speak so whether you will or no yee complain of corruption he is a King over the body of sin he is a Priest to sacrifice lusts to preach Christ a dying Redeemer of all and every one of mankind when millions redeemed doe eternally perish is to steal away Christ from the people as thieves in Ieremiahs dayes did steal the word of the Lord it is to make the Lord Jesus as weak and powerlesse a Priest as ever any son of Aaron for his blood no more can take away their sins then the blood of Bullocks or Goats could doe it it s to enthrone free will and dethrone the grace of Christ and to put shame on the Lord Iesus and his blood and though these enemies of the crosse of Christ now croud in in England under the Name of the Godly party yet it was a good Observation of that Learned and gracious servant of Christ Doctor Ames who conversed with Arminans that he could never see a proof of the grace of Christ in the conversation of such men as in doctrine were declared enemies of the grace of Christ. Now for the world All and the World and all Nations it may be demonstrate from Christs will in the Scriptures that if universall attonement and Redemption of all and every one can be proved from these Grammattications Then with the like strength I can prove 1. The conversion of all and every mortall man to saving Faith 2. The eternall salvation of all and every man 3. The eternall perishing of all and every one which must be infinitely absurd and blasphemous And if the good will of God cannot be extended to the end and the efficacious and onely saving meanes tending to this end which are salvation and saving faith with no colour of reason can it be extended to one means of redeeming all and every one rather then to another 1. There is an universall conversion and saving illumination which is called in the Text A drawing of all And I when I am lifted up on the crosse will draw all men to me Here is a drawing of all men and so an effectuall conversion but not of all and every man as Mr Den saith 1. Because v. 33. This drawing is by the power of Christ lifted up on the Crosse and by the Holy Spirit given by Christ Joh. 7.39 and 14.16 7. and 15.26 ●7 and 16.7 1● 14. Now it can bee no Gospel-truth that Christ draweth by the lifting of himselfe on the Crosse and by his death all and every man to himselfe even thousands and millions of the sons of Adam that never heard one letter or the least sound of the Gospel or of his lifting up on the Crosse for sure Christs death-drawing must be by proposing the beauty and lovelinesse of Christ crucified which thousands never heard of 2. This drawing must be all one with the drawing which effectually produceth running Cant. 1.4 after Christ. And which is Ioh. 6.44 Now when Christ saith No man can come except he be drawn He clearly sheweth that the drawing of the Father is a peculiar priviledge of some and not common to all as the other two expressions beside of being taught of God and hearing and learning of the Father 3. Because all the drawn are raised up by Christ their life and head at the last day v. 44.4 The Adversary cannot show any drawing of Christ or to Christ that is common to all and every one of mankind So All Israel shall know the Lord as its Heb. 8.10 for this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel saith the Lord I will put my lawes into their minde and write them in their hearts and I will bee to them a God and they shall bee to mee a people vers 11. And they shall not teach every one his neighbour and every man his brother 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 They shall all know me from the least of them even to th● greatest When was this covenant made under the Mesiah when
72.12 All Nations 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 shall serve him it s meant of Christ and in the letter cannot be true if many refuse him to be their King Psalm L●k 19 14. Psal. 110.1 So is it said Psal. 22.27 All the ends of the world shall remember and turne to the Lord and all the kindreds of ●he Nations shall worship before thee Now that he meaneth of spirituall turning to God and of Repentance is cleare Vers. 18. For the Kingdome is the Lords and he is the Governour among the Nations Vers. ●3 A seed shall serve him it shall be counted to the Lord for a Generation Except there be a restriction of this All how will Arminians eschew this that all and every man of the heathen shall repent and be a holy seed devoted to the Lord as his Righteous ones For sure the same expression of all Nations Esai 40.16 are taken for all and every one of mankinde Psalm 66 9. All Nations whom thou hast made shall come and worship before thee O Lord and shall glorifie thy name Esai 66.23 And it shall come to passe that from one new Moone to another and from one Sabbath to another shall all flesh come ●o worship before me saith the Lord. Let Arminians speake if all flesh that commeth before God from Sabbath to Sabbath under the New Testament to worship be as large and comprehensive as the same expression Esai 40.6 All flesh is grasse Sure the latter comprehendeth all Adams Sonnes without exception even including infants the former cannot beare so wide a sense So Gen. 12.3 In thee shall all the Families of the earth be blessed Gen. 22.18 If the meaning be that without any figure or exception all and every family be blessed in Christ then shall I inferre that all the families of the earth without exception are justified by faith in Christ Gal. 3.10 11 12 13.14 And that the Nations of the earth without exception are heires of the promise have right to strong consolation are fled for refuge to lay hold on the hope laid before them and have anchored th●ir hope up within the veilo whither the fore-runner Christ hath entred for of these Nations the Apostle expoundeth the promise Hebr. 6.13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20. So Esai 27.6 Israel shall blossome and bud and fill the face of the world with fruit then shall there bee none on earth but the blossoming I●rael of God Rom. 11.26 And so all Israel shall be saved as it is written there shall come out of Sion a deliverer c. These that Paul calleth all Israel Esaiah 69.20 21. calleth Jaakob and the seed and the seeds seed Esaiah 59.19 So shall they feare the name of the Lord from the West and his glory from the rising of the Sunne Mal. 1.11 For from the rising of the Sunne even to the going downe of the same any name shall be great among the Gentiles and in every place incense shall be offered unto my name and a pure offering for my name shall bee great among the heathen saith the Lord of Hosts If from the East to the West and in all places of the Gentiles men feare the name of the Lord then sure the whole inhabitants of the earth between the rising of the Sunne to the going downe of the same must bee converted to Christ and offer prayers prayses spirituall service to Christ except some restriction be made the most part from the East to the West are enemies to the Gospel And how would Arminians triumph if so much were said for universall Redemption as here is said for universall Regeneration and Conversion of all except we say there must be a figure a Senechdoche of All for many Or Christs all and universalitie of converted ones must bee here meant Joh. 1.9 That was the true light that inlighteneth every one that commeth into the world What Even infants who come into the world and all and every one of Adams Sonnes it cannot bee true in any sense except it be meant of the light of the Gospel that yet never came to the halfe part of the world For Vers. 10. The world knew him not and Vers. 6. There was a man sent from God whose name was John ver 7. the same came for a witnesse to beare w●tnesse of the light that all men through him might beleeve Can any divinity teach that God intended that all and every mortall man should beleeve by him that is by the Ministery of John the morning starre which was to fall and disappeare and shine no more at the rising of Christ the Sunne of righteousnesse 1 Joh. 2.27 Yee need not that any teach you but the anointing that yee have received teacheth you all things Why should then fewer have the Spirit of holy unction in them then the world for whom Christ is a propitiation and all the visible Saints that John writeth unto 1 Joh. 1 2. 2.1.2 4.9 God sent his onely begotten Sonne to the world that we through him might live nor need we flee to that exposition ever and anone that Christ dyed for all that is all ranks of men For All is put in Scripture ordinarily for many as Deut. 1.21 Psal. 71.18 Ier. 15.10 and 19.9 and 20.7 and 23.30 and 49.17 Ezech. 16.27 Exod. 33.10 Col. 1.28 Isai. 61.9 Gen. 41.57 Mark 14.4 Joh. 3.26 Acts 17.31 and 10.38 Mark 1.37 2 Cor. ● 2 Luke 24.47 and 4.15 Isai 2.2 3. Otherwise I could say Christ died for no man because the Scripture ascribeth an universality to the wicked Jer. 6.28 c. 9.2 Mic. 1.7 1 Iohn 2.15 16. and 1 Iohn 5.19 And surely that election and redemption move both in the same spheare and or be of the free love of God is cleare to me from that place Ioh. 3.16 on which Arminians confide much for Gods love to save mankinde by the death of Christ is the very love of election to glory of such certaine persons as the Lord therefore gives grace to beleeve because they are ordained to life eternall so that the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as many and the number of beleevers and of the chosen to life are equall Acts 13.48 Ioh. 10.26 Rom. 8.29.30 1. That love cannot bee a generall confused antecedent conditionall love offered to all the world on condition they beleeve for that the Scripture freeth thousands of the sinne of unbeliefe of that love if Christ come not to them and speake not Ioh. 15.22 and Paul saith Rom. 1.14 How shall they beleeve in him of whom they have not heard Now the loved world Ioh. 3.16 is obliged to beleeve 2. That love that is the cause of Christs death is Ioh. 15.13 the greatest love that is it is such a giving love whereby Christ gives his Sonne that with him hee cannot but give his Holy Spirit faith and salvation yea and all things Rom. 8.32 But the conditionall generall love is not the greatest love for the Lord beareth not the greatest
on the crosse 2. This makes the way of redemption so much the more admirable that out of a way of weaknesse of death and shame the Lord should out-work sinne and the Devil and rear up to himselfe out of dust and hell and death glory heaven and eternall life Infinite glory made a chariot of shame and from it highly honoured Christ Omnipotency did ride upon death and triumph over hell and devi●s 1 Cor. 1.27 God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound things that are mighty 28. and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the base the kinlesse things that are of no noble blood and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 things that are despised the nothings of the world he hath chosen and things that are not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that he may make idle and fruitlesse or bring to nothing things that are Vse If the Lord Iesus at the lowest and weakest his dying and shamed condition be so strong as to pull his bride from under the water and out of the bottome of hell up to heaven what power has he now when hee is exalted at th● right hand of the Majesty of God and has obtained a name above all names and is crowned King in Zion It is better to be weak and sick and weepe and sigh with Christ then to bee strong and live dance sing laugh and ride upon the skies with men in the world sure his enemies will be now lesse then bread to him and shall be his footestoole 2. Christ had cause to minde himselfe and forget us being now lifted up to the crosse under extreame paine and shame but love has a sharpe memory even in death Two things helpe our memory and they were both in Christ 1. Extreame love the mothers memory cannot faile in minding her childe because the childe is in her heart and deepe in h●r love the wretch cannot forget his treasure his gold is in his heart Christ loved his Church both by will and nature and cannot forget her she is Christs gold and his treasure Esai 49.14 15. Christ could not cast off nature the husband cannot forget the wife of his youth and the deeper love is rooted the memory of the thing loved is the stronger O but it is many yeares since Christ loved his redeemed ones 2. Sense helpeth memory a man cannot goe abroad in cold weather and forget to put on his cloaths sense will teach him to doe that a paining boyle will keep a man in minde of paine the Church is a fragment and a piece of mysticall Christ hee cannot forget his own body the Church is bone of his bone the head forgets not a wound in the hand Love did sweat up an high and mighty mountaine with thousands on his back 1. O what sweating for us even in death and sweating of blood 2. O what praying and praying more earnestly Lord help me up the mountaine with this burthen and all this time he is drawing and carrying on his shoulders hell up to heaven 3. What a sight was it to behold Christ dying bleeding pained shamed tormented in soule wrestling in an agony with divine justice and wrath receiving stroaks and lashes from an angry God and yet he kept fast in his bosome his redeemed ones and said death and hell paine and wrath shall not part us It pleased the Lord to bruise him to afflict his soule not to spare him to smite the shepheard but it pleased him in that condition out of deep love to draw his redeemed ones from the earth up after him to heaven Christ was a good servant he alwayes minded his work even to his dying day Vse If he in his weakest condition draw all men 1. How easily can he with one look blast the beauty and strength of his enemies being a God of such majesty and glory how weak is hell and all the Iron gates of it when Christ at the weakest plucks his Church out of the jawes of death and triumphs over death and hell 2. It shall be nothing to him with a pull of his finger when he appeares the second time in power and great glory to break the pillars that beare up heaven and earth and to dissolve with the heat and sparkles of fire that comes from his angry face the great Globe of the whole world as a hot hand can melt a little snow-ball of some few ounces weight and to loose with one shake of his arme all the Starres in heaven especially since the world is now but an old thred-bare-worn case and the best jewell in the case is man who is old and failed and passeth away like a figure and it shall be but a case of dead bones and of old broken earthen shards at Christs comming and Christ with no labour or paine can crush down the Potters house marre all the clay-vessels and burn with fire all the work of the house the Houses Castles Towe●s Cities A●kers Lands Woods Gold Silver Silks and whatever is in it glory not in the creatures but glo●y in Christ. 3. Death and the crosse are the weakest things in the world but being on Christs back they are the strongest things in the world 2 Cor. 13.4 Though he was crucified through weaknesse yet he liveth by the power of God 1. The crosse was Christs triumphing Chariot there is power and strength in Christs teares in his sighes in the holes that the thornes made in his head in the stone laied above him when he is buried 2. His shame death and buriall made the greatest turning of wheels in the earth and heaven that ever the eares of man heard the more providence does concerne God his highnesse his glory the more speciall it is and accurate not that infinite wisdome is not infinite in the care over a worm as over an Angel but because there is more art of seen and externall visible providence in whole Kingdomes in Kings in the Church then toward one man or one Saint so providence must have more of the art wisdome speciall care of God toward his Catholick Church and his own only begotten Son in redeeming the whole Catholick Church then in caring for the Lilies of the field and the wormes of the earth or some one particular Saint What wonder then there be an eminent providence observed in the disposing of Christs coat when he dyed in the borrowing of an Asse for him to ride on and in casting a garment on the Asse for a Saddle or a foot-mantell when he rode into Ierusalem so in Christs suffering there is much of God there was a more noble work in his dying on the crosse then the creating of the world and there were foure things of the greatest basenesse imaginable upon Christ in this providence for there were upon Christ. 1. The weaknesse of death 2. Extreame paine 3. The openest shame Christ dying poore despised forsaken of all friend and unfriend 4. The curse of the Law in the manner of
mentis and so it concludeth not the Question 2. It s Antinomian doctrine to make opposition between the Gospel promise and the debt of the promise the debt of works Rom. 4. and Rom. 11. is Law-debt due to the worker as an hireling is worthy of his wages because hee hath done the work perfectly according to a covenant made with his Master In which case no man sayes the wages of the labourer is a free-gift But if whatever the Lord promise to us in the Gospel make God a debter and the thing promised to be debt then let Antinomians speak out for they say The whole letter of Scripture and so of the whole Gospel-promises hold forth a covenant of works contrary to Gal. 4. where there be two covenants one of works another of grace and contrary to the promises of grace in the Gospel Joh. 2.16 Heb. 8.10 11 12. Mat. 11.28 1 Tim. 1.15 2 All the promises of the Gospel must make salvation debt was not Christ promised in the Prophets to the lost world Rom. 1.2 The inheritance is not by Law but by promise Gal. 3.17 18. Rom. 9.8 9. Luk. 1.45 54 55 68 69 70. Is Christ come to save sinners by debt or by grace is salvation debt its promised Is not righteousnesse promised to him that beleeves Rom. 4.5 then righteousnesse must be debt and so not of grace for Cornwell telleth us Pag. 13. The right which a man hath by promise to a worke maketh the assurance of the promise but of debt unto him and then the promise is not sure to him out of grace Then all the promises of an established Kingdome to David and his seed if they should keep Gods commandements all the blessings and salvation promised to beleevers in the Old and New Testament so they bring forth the fruits of a lively faith are mercies of debt not of free-grace I well remember that the Famulists say It is dangerous to close with Christ in a promise And There can be no true closing with Christ in a promise that hath a qualification or condition expressed I rather beleeve the Holy Ghost Ho every one that thirsteth come to the water come buy wine and milke without money and without price Isai. 55.1 And if any man thirst let him come to me and drink Joh. 7.37 And whosoever will let him take of the water of life freely Revel 22.17 Mar. 1.15 If Cornwell can free willing thirsting desiring from working hee hath much divinity Yet the water of life and salvation promised to such cannot be debt but free grace for they are promised to these freely and to be bestowed without money Of the same straine is the fourth Argument of Cornwell Object 5. When sanctification is not evident it cannot be an evidence of justification But when justification is hidden and doubtfull sanctification is not evident Therefore sanctification cannot be our first evidence of justification The Minor is proved Because when faith is hidden and doubtfull sanctification is not evident But when justification is hidden and doubtfull faith is hidden and doubtfull therefore when justification is hidden and doubtfull sanctification is not evident The proofe of the Major is 1. Faith is the evidence of things not seen and so makes all things evident then when faith is hidden what can be cleare 2. Because no sanctification can be pure and sincere but when it is wrought in faith and so it cannot be evident but when it clearely appeareth to be wrought in faith Answ. 1. There is in the Conclusion first the first evidence of justification that is not in the premises against all art The Proposition When sanctification is not evident it cannot be an evidence of justification is weake and weakly proved For there is a twofold evidence one of sense and feeling spirituall another of faith When sanctification wants the evidence of faith that I cannot beleeve salvation from mine owne Christian walking yet may the soule have evidence of feeling and sense that we trust we have a good conscience in all things willing to live honestly Heb. 13.18 and wee dare say Lord wee delight to doe thy will and long for thee O Lord as the night-watch watcheth for the morning and whom have wee in heaven but thee c. and can out of sense give a testimony of our selves yea and can place all our delight in the excellent ones Psal. 16.3 119.62 1 Joh. 3.14 so as the heart warmes when we see the Saints and in this case sanctification is evident when remission of sinnes may be under cloud else this Argument does conclude if it have any feet that sanctification ever and at all times is dark when justification is dark and so sanctification is never an evidence of justification but when justification is evident So the wisdome of God is taxed as if hee would never have us to know that wee are translated from death to life because wee love the brethren but when wee evidently know wee are thus translated though wee had no love to the brethren Then the Lord hath provided a candle for his weak ones by this Argument when it is day-light but hath deny'd any candle-light moon-light or star-light when it is darke night 2. The Major is not proved Faith is not so the evidence of all things as that it maketh all things evident to our spirituall sense for Cornwell granteth faith may be hidden then it can evidence nothing when it is is hidden Love to the brethren keeping of his commandements yeeld sensible evidences that wee are justified even when faith is not evident and how many are convinced they have undoubted marks of faith and justification who doubt of their faith and justification And so the Minor and Probation of it is false for it is most false that when faith is hidden and doubtfull sanctification is not evident this is asserted gratis not proved As if yee would say Ever when the Well-head is hidden the streames are not seen when the sap and life of the tree is not seen but hidden the apples leaves and blossomes are not evident This is a begging of the conclusion for then should a man never neither first nor last know that hee is translated from death to life because hee loves the brethren Why Because when translation from death to life or when faith and justification is hidden the love to the brethren and all the works of sanctification are hidden saith this Author 3. The second proofe of the Major is lame Sanctification is never pure and sincere without faith saith hee Ergo It cannot be evident but when it appeareth to be wrought in faith The consequence is null just like this Sweet streames cannot flow but from a sweet spring ergo It cannot be evident and cleare to my taste that the streames are sweet except I taste the water at the fountaine-head and see it with mine eyes and my taste cannot discerne the sweetnesse of the fruit except my senses were
deare bought and his intercession in heaven speaketh his hearty Amen and fullest consent of love to our Redemption 8. All this was done by Christ for nothing Grace fell from God on the creature by meere grace Grace is the onely hire of grace 9. When Ancient Love looked first on sinners how ●glie and black did the Lord see and fore-see us to be but Christ loved us not according to what wee were but to what Grace and Love was to make us and that was faire and spotlesse And this love was so free in the secret of eternall election that it was not increased by Christs merits and death but the merits death and fruit of this love had being and worth from Christs eternall love and Christs love hath no fountaine and cause but love 10. The Law of Gratitude tieth us to love Christ for hee hath loved us If the love of Christ be in us it worketh nothing in order to merit or hire Libertines need not weaken Christs love from doing upon this feare but love doth all in order to the debt of love and oblieged expressions to love which excludeth not Law but the Law 's rigid cursing and imperious commanding Christs love is most imperious but is no hireling and looks not to the penny wages but the free Crown But for this cause came I to this houre Here is the fifth Article in this Prayer a sort of correction in which Christ doth resigne his will as man to the will of God as Mat. 26.39 Luk. 22.42 Neverthelesse not my will but thine be done In this there is offered to us a question Whether or no there be in this Prayer any repugnancy in the humane will of Christ to the will of God For 1. a correction of the humane will seemeth to import a jarring and a discord 2. Christ desired that the contrary whereof hee knew was from eternity decreed of God 3. The Law of God is so spirituall straight and holy that it requireth not onely a conformity to it and our will actions words and purposes but also in all our affections desires first motions and inclinations of our heart that no unperfect and halfe-formed lustings arise in us even before the compleat consent of the will that may thwart or crosse the known Law and command of God and by this Thou shalt not lust Rom. 7. and the duty of the highest love wee owe to God to love him with all the heart soule mind and whole strength Mat. 22.37 Mark 12.33 Luk. 10.27 Some Arians and Arminians Joh. Geysteranus at the Synod of Dort have said blasphemously that there was concupiscence and a will repugnant to Gods will in the second Adam as in the first But this they spoke against the consubstantiality and deity of the Sonne of God To which wee say Asser. 1. Jesus Christ that holy thing Luk. 1.35 was a fit high Priest holy harmlesse undefiled separated from sinners Heb. 7.26 Which of you saith Christ to the Jewes convinceth me of sinne Joh. 8.46 There could not be a spot in this Lamb sacrificed for the sinnes of the world no prick in this Rose no cloud in this faire Sunne no blemish in this beautifull Well-beloved Asser. 2. An absolute resolved will or desire of heart to lust after that which God forbiddeth in his Law must be a sinfull jarring betweene the creature 's and the Creator's will Now Christ's will was conditionall and clearly submissive it lay ever levell with his Father's holy will Asser. 3. I shall not with some affirme that which in the generall is true a will contrary to Gods revealed command and will called voluntas signi which is our morall rule to obliege us is a sinne but a will contrary to Gods decree called voluntas bene-placiti which is not our rule oblieging except the Lord be pleased to impose it on us as a morall Law is not a sinne Peter and the Apostles after they heard that prophecie of their denying of Christ and their being sinfully scandalized and their forsaking of Christ when the Shepherd was smitten were oblieged to have a will contrary to that decree and to pray that they might not be led into temptation but might have grace to confesse their Saviour before men and not flee nor be scattered Here is a resolute will of men lawfully contrary to the revealed decree of God yet not sinfull But the Lords will that Christ should die for man as it was a decree of the wise and most gracious Lord pitying lost man so was it also a revealed commandement to Christ that hee should be willing to die and be obedient to the death even the death of the crosse Phil. 2.8 Yea a rule of such humble obedience as wee are oblieged to follow as is said Vers. 5. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus c. If the Lords will that Christ should die be nothing but his meere decree it could not obliege us in the like case to be willing as John saith to lay down our life for the brethren Yea Joh. 10.18 Christ hath a commandement of God and the revealed will of God to die for us No man taketh it from me but I lay it down of my selfe I have power to lay it down I have power to take it againe this commandement have I received of my Father Here is an expresse commandement given to Christ to die for sinners and the Father loveth Christ for obedience to this commandement Asser. 4. A conditionall and a submissive desire though not agreeable to a positive Law and Commandement of God is no sinne nor doth the Law require a conformity in all our inclinations and the first motions of our desires to every command of God though most contrary to nature and our naturall and sinlesse inclinations 1. If God command Abraham to kill his onely begotten sonne and offer him in a sacrifice to God which was a meere positive commandement for it s not a command of the law of nature nor any other then positive for the father to kill the sonne if yet Abraham retaine a naturall inclination and love commanded also in the law of nature to save his sonnes life and to desire that hee may live this desire and inclination though contradictory to a positive command of God is no sinne because the fifth command grounded on the law of nature doth command it Nor did Gods precept Abraham kill now thy sonne even Isaac thine onely begotten sonne ever include this Abraham root out of thine heart all desire and inclination naturall in a father to preserve the life of the child So the positive command of the Father that the Son of God should lay down his life for his sheep did never root out of the sinlesse nature of the man Christ a naturall desire to preserve his owne being and life especially hee desiring it with speciall reservation of the will of God commanding that hee should die 2. A Martyr dying
nor out of sanctified principles abstaine from these acts of Adultery Murther Oppression which being committed would make rationall men under guiltinesse and sin before God 4. Towne Ass●rtion of Grace Pag. 56.57 and pag. 58. pag. 156. A beleever is as well saved already as justified by Christ and in him Pag. 159. Divines say our life and salvation is inchoate but they speake of life as it is here subjectivè pag. 160. Quantum ad nos spectat Or in respect of our sense and apprehension here in grace our faith knowledge sanctification is imperfect but in regard of imputation and donation pag. 162. our righteousnesse is perfect and pag. 160. he that beleeveth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 hath life not he shall have it or hath it in hope Answ. If we have glory really actually perfectly but we want it onely in sense wee have the resurrection from the dead also actually and perfectly and wee are risen out of the grave already and we want the resurrection onely in the sense for sure by merit and Christs death we have as really the resurrection from the dead as wee have glory and life and the one we have as really as the other so we want nothing of the reality of heaven but sense but wee are not yet before the throne nor risen from the dead nor locally above the visible heavens except they say as Familists doe and as Hymeneus and Philetus did that the Resurrection is a spirituall thing in the minde and heaven is but a spirituall sense of Christ and that Christ is heaven and the life to come is within the precincts of this life this were to deny a life to come a heaven a hell a resurrection which Antinomians will be found to doe This one speciall ground is much pressed by Master Towne and the generality of Libertines to wit that holy walking before God is neither way to heaven nor condition nor meanes of salvation in regard we are not onely in hope but actually saved when we are first justified and as really saved and passed from death to life when we beleeve as we are said Ephes. 2.6 To be raised up with Christ to sit together with him in heavenly places And therefore holy walking can be no meanes no way no entrance no condition of our possession of the heavenly kingdome and therefore no wonder they reject all sanctification as not necessary and teach men to loose the raines to all fleshly walking But 1. Rom. 8.24 We are saved by hope then wee are not actually saved but the jus the right through Christs merits to life eternall is ours and purchased to us The borne heire of a Prince is in hope a Prince but he comes not out of the wombe with the crowne on his head Christ comming out of the grave which is the wombe and loynes of death as the first begotten of the dead is borne a king Acts 5.31 and all that are borne of this father of Ages Esai 9.6 his seed are heires annexed with Christ the first heire Rom. 8.17 but heires under non-age and minors and waiting for the living and the crowne they have it not in hand Rom. 8.24 Hope that is seene is not hope for what a man seeth why doth hee yet hope for it Vers. 25. But if we hope for what we see not then we doe with patience wait for it Hence I argue what wee wait for and see not that we do not actually injoy But we hope for salvation Rom. 5.2 1 Joh. 3.1 2 3. The proposition is Scripture no man can hope for that which he enjoyes already 2. We can be no otherwise said to be saved then the beleever is said to be passed from death to life and to be risen again with Christ and to sit with Christ in heavenly places For as we are saved and glorified in hope onely not actually so are we passed from death to life and sit with Christ in heavenly places and are partakers of the resurrection in hope onely or in our flesh in regard our flesh is in heaven in Christ who hath infestment of heaven for us as a man getteth a stone or a twigge in his hand and that is to get the land but yet hee may want reall possession Christs presence in heaven is reall in Law we are there with him But it cannot inferre our personall and bodily presence and reall resurrection which we hope for and want not onely in sense but really For we are not in this life immortall beyond death and sicknesse and burying and corruption actually nor yet are we in glory that which wee shall be when Christ our life and head shall appeare For 1. wee yet groane as sicke creatures in tabernacles of clay 2 Cor. 5.1 2. and carry about with us sicke and dying clay and Christ promiseth that of all that the Father gives him he will lose nothing but raise them from the dead but that is not in this life but at the last day Joh. 6.39 3. Such as are really and actually saved can neither mary nor be given in mariage neither can they dye any more marying and dying are bloud-friends together but are as the Angels in heaven Luk. ●2 36 37 38. their vile bodies are changed and are fashioned and made like the glorious body of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ. Phil. 3.20.21 And shall be heavenly bodies spirituall and as the starres of the heaven in glory 1 Cor. 15.40 41 42 43. But we are not in that condition in this life this corruptible hath not put on incorruption nor this mortall immortality Then as wee are saved in hope and have jus ad rem a full right to life eternall and the Resurrection of our bodies in regard that the price is payed for us a compleat and perfect ransome even the bloud of the Son of God is given for us and so we are saved in hope 2. in Law and jure But sure we have not actuall possession of the Kingdome in the full income rent and compleat harvest of glory but onely grapes and the first fruits of Canaan 4. It is too evident to halfe an eye that when Antinomians say we are actually saved and perfectly freed from sin in this life and as perfectly sinlesse as Christ himselfe That their meaning is that which the old Libertines in Calvins time said 1. That our deliverance from sin in Christ is in infernali Spiritualitate as Calvin speaketh in such a Divelish and hellish Spirituality as that wicked Priest Anto Pocquius said was in judging neither murthers adulteries perjurie lying oppression to be sins when once the pardoned and justified person committed such villanies because the Spirit of God was in him and took sense from him 2. Because the justified person is made one with Christ one person or as Antinomians speak we are Christed and made one with Christ and he one with us or incarnate and made flesh in us and the new creature or the
New man mentioned in the Gospel is not meant of Grace but of Christ and by love 1 Cor. 13.13 and by the armour mentioned Ephes. 6. are meant Christ. So said that vile man Pocquius that we and Christ are made one as Evah was formed out of a rib of Adams side he meaneth one person 3. Man following his lusts and committing all sin with greedinesse is made spirituall and mortified by Christs death so also Pocquius who said to sin without sense is the Spirituall life we are restored to in Christ So Antinomians aime at this that what ever the regenerate do they are as free of sin before God as Christ or the Elect Angels and this is the begun Spirituall Life 4. Libertines in Calvins time said that life eternall was in this life and that the resurrection was past as Hymeneus and Phyletus who made shipwrack of the faith because a man knowes his soule is an immortall Spirit living in the heavens and because Christ hath taken away the opinion and sense of death by his death and so hath restored us to life Mistris Hutchison and her Disciples the Familists of New England denying the immortality of the soule and the resurrection of these our mortall bodies affirmed all the resurrection they knew was the union of the soule with Christ in this life I never could observe any considerable difference between the foule Heresies of the Familists of New England and of Old England either by the writings of or conference with them nor of either from the damnable Doctrine of Hymeneus and Phyletus and the old Libertines who said The Resurrection was past Vse 3. The drawing of sinners to Christ if he draw so sweetly and with such a loving condiscension cannot be a violence offered to free will by which the naturall and concreated liberty of the creature is destroyed for there remaines a naturall indifferency by which reason and judgement proposeth to the elective faculty divers objects that have no naturall connexion with will so as the will should be bowed to any of them as the fire casteth out heat and the Sun light and the stone falleth downward its true in drawing of a sinner Christ is carried into the heart with a greater weight of love and a stronger sway of grace then any other object whatsoever and with so prevailing a sway as masters the elective power that it cannot will to refuse yet it destroyes not the elective power because this non posse repudiare impotencie or unwillingnesse to reject Christ to speak so is a most free vitall kindly voluntary and delighting impotency and comes from the bowels and innate power of will and this is the Virgin-liberty and power of will But againe because Christs drawing is efficacious and strong and carries the businesse with a heavenly and loving prevalency the Arminian and Jesuiticall indifferency that New Pelagians ascribes to free will as an essentiall property of it by which when God and the pull and nerves of the right arme of Jesus Christ in his free grace have done what they can to draw a free Agent neverthelesse the man may refuse to be drawn if so it please free will though it displease God and crosse his decree and most hearty and naturall desire is a wicked fancie 1. Because by this dream God hath not a dominion and soveraign power over the created will of man to determine it for his own ends and to make use of it for the glory of his grace though the Lord with his soul desire so to doe but the creature hath an absolute free and independent power to crosse the desire of the Lords soule for its own destruction and a far other end which God intends but at the second hand and contrary to his naturall and essentiall desire as they teach to save his creature to wit that revenging justice may be declared in the eternall destruction of the most part of mankind whereas it was his desire that not only the most part but that all and every single Man and Angell the fallen Devils not excepted should be eternally saved 2. We beleeve that God the first cause as he decrees to all things that were from eternity in a state of poor possiblity so as of themselves they might be or might not be a futurition or a shall be or a non-futurition or a shall never be So he is midwife to his own blessed decrees and determines all created causes to bring forth these effects that were in the wombe of his holy decrees for all things that were to be and doe fall out in time were births from eternity that lay in the wombe of the decree of God evils of punishment or sins as permitted Acts 17.30 are not excepted So Zephaniah willeth the people to flee to God before the decree that is with child bring forth the birth Then God must in time open and unlock free will for all its actions Isai. 44.7 And who as I shall call and set it in order for me since I appointed or decreed the ancient people and the things that are coming or shall come let them shew unto them So God taketh this to him as proper to appoint things to come and no supposed God nor power what ever can share with him in it and let any man answer and give a reason why of ten thousand possible worlds of infinite things actions of Men and Angels that from eternity of themselves were only possible and might be or not be so many of them not more not fewer received a futurition that they shall come to passe and so fall out in time and others remained only possible and came never further to being and never fall out but from the only free decree and will of God who conceived in that infinite wombe of his eternall counsell and wisedome such things shall be such things shall only remaine possible and shall never be nor never come to passe As it was decreed that wicked men should break the legs of the two Theeves crucified with Christ and that they should not break Christs legs yet the breaking of Christs legs was in it selfe and from eternity no lesse possible then the breaking of the legs of the fellow-sufferers with him but Gods only decree gave a futurition and an actuall being to the one not to the other So are all the actions the chusings refusings ●illings willings of free will determined to be or not be and come to passe or not come to passe according as they were births conceived in the mother-decree of God from eternity Psal. 139.16 In thy booke were all my members written which in continuance were fashioned when as yet there were none of them 3. Hee that works all things according to the counsell of his will as Ephes. 1.11 Hee of whom and through whom and for whom are all things as Rom. 11.36 Hee that made all things for himselfe Pro. 16.4 even the
impeachment of revenging justice to save men upon a new transaction either of grace or works and to destroy his enemies that would not accept of that new transaction yet so as when Christ hath dyed and taken away the sinnes of all and is made Lord and King of dead and quick all mankinde may freely reject all covenants Christ maketh or can make and be eternally lost and perish For 1. Christs Princedome and Dominion that hee hath acquired by death is not a free-will-power or possibility by which he may upon such and such conditions kill or save though all may eternally perish But Christ is made Lord of quick and dead by dying Rom. 14.9 that he might be judge of all but so that we should live and dye to our selves but that whether we live or dye we should be Christs though we change conditions yet not Masters in both we should be the Lords v. 7.8 as Christ lived againe after death that hee might bee the husband of his owne wife the Church that hee dyed of love for 2. Upon what termes Christ was by death made a Lord and acquired a Princedome upon these termes he was made a Prince over his Church for Lord and Prince and King are all one But the Lord maketh David that is Jesus the Sonne of David Prince over his people not with power to save or destroy his redeemed slocke and so as all the slock may eternally perish Ezech. 34.22 Therefore will I save my slocke and they shall no more be a prey Vers. 23. And I will set one Shepherd over them and he shall feed them and my servant David hee shall feed them and he shall be their Shepherd Vers. 24. And I the Lord will be their God and my servant David a Prince among them I the Lord have spoken it Vers. 25. And I will make with them a covenant of peace Now was Christ by the bloud of the eternall covenant brought back from the death and made a Shepherd of soules to the end he might have power to destroy all the slock Ezechiel saith to feed them the Apostle to make the Saints perfect in every good worke working in them actually and efficaciously that which is wel-pleasing in his sight Heb. 13.20 21. It s true Christ obtaineth by his death a mediatory power to crush as a Potters clay vessell with a rod of yron all his rebellious enemies But 1. this is not a power to crush any enemies but such as have heard of the Gospel and will not have Christ to raigne over them in his Gospel-government but not to crush all his enemies that never heard of the Gospel and so are not Evangelically guilty in sinning against the Lord Jesus as Mediator for they cannot be guilty of any such sinne Rom. 10.14 Joh. 15.22 Hee had and hath power as God equall with the Father to judge and punish all such as have sinned without the Law 2. It s not merit or acquired by way of merit of Christs death that a Crown is given to Jesus Christ for this end to destroy such enemies as are not capable of sinning against his Mediatorie Crowne especially when as God he had power to destroy them as his enemies though hee had never been Mediator Yea Act. 5.31 It s said him whom yee slew and hanged on a tree hath God exalted with his right hand to bee a Prince and Saviour not to destroy all his subjects upon foreseene condition of rebellion to which they were through corruption of nature inclinable but that he might by his Spirit subdue corruption of nature and give repentance to Israel and forgivenesse of sinnes 3. By what title Christ is made a King and Lord by the same he is made head of the body the Church For Ephes. 1.20.21 22 23. By raising him from the dead God conferred a headship upon him Now he was not made head of the body that he might destroy all the members or most of them as Arminians must say but his headship is for this end that the whole body by his spirit fitly joyned together might grow up in love Ephes. 4.16 and that the members might receive life and Spirit from him 4. By the same title he is made Lord by which hee is made King Governour and Leader of the people for power of Dominion and Lordship is nothing but Royall power now he was made King not on such termes as hee might destroy all his subjects for all mankind are his subjects to Arminians But he is made King Psal. 72.11 That all Nations may serve him that hee should deliver the poore needy and helplesse and redeeme their soules from violence and esteeme their death precious and he raigneth and prospereth as a King that in his dayes Judah may be saved and Israel dwell safely Jer. 23.7.8 and God raiseth the horne of David Luk. 1. And so setteth Christ on the throne to performe his mercy promised to our Fathers and remember his holy covenant Ver. 69.7 That wee might serve him in holynesse and righteousnesse Now by the Arminian way he is set upon the throne of David to execute vengeance on all his Subjects and that he may utterly destroy all if all rebell and not to save one of Judah and Israel for he may be a King without any subject suppose all his Subjects were cast in hell yea hee groweth out of the root of Jesse a Royall branch of King Davids house not that these Warres may bee perpetuated betweene God and all the children of men but that the Wolfe should dwell with the Lambe and the Leopard lye down with the Kid and the Calfe and the young Lyon together and a little Childe should lead them and the earth should be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the Sea Isai 11.1 2. 6.7 8 9. And Christ is given for a guide and leader of the people Sure for the good of the slock and that he may carry the lambes in his bosome Esai 40.11 That they should not hunger nor thirst that neither the heat nor the Sunne should smite them because he that hath mercy on them doth lead them and by the springs of water doth he guide them Esai 49.10 Salvation is ingraven on the Crowne of Christ by office Christ must be a destroyer and a Lord crusher of his people as a Jesus and a Saviour by this conceit 5. And what more contrary to the intrinsecall end of Christs death then that he should obtaine no other end by dying but a placability a possible salvation a softning onely of Gods minde whereby justice should onely stand by and a doore bee opened by which God might be willing if hee pleased to conferre salvation by this or that Law a covenant of grace or of works or a mixt way or by exacting faith in an Angell or an holy man and this possible salvation this virtuall or halfe reconciliation doth consist with the eternall damnation of all the world whereas the genuine
con-naturall end of Christs death is Joh. 10.10 That his sheepe may have life and have it more aboundantly he suffered the just for the unjust that he might bring us to God 1 Pet. 3.18 and in the very act of suffering to speake so or in that he was stripped and dyed The chastisement of our peace was on him Esai 53.5 This cannot bee such a possible heaven a fowle sleeing in the aire a may be as farre off as a never may be which may consist with an inevitable hell So as Christ dyed not but on a poore hopelesse venture and a forlorne contingencie that might as soone fill Hell with the damned soules of all the world as grace Paradice with redeemed ones 6. His comming in the world hath no such Arminian end that we reade of as a possible saving or an obtained salvation that thousands yea not one in the world may ever enjoy but he came to seeke and actually and intentionaly to save that which was lost Luk. 19.10 to save sinners 1 Tim. 1.15 and Paul the first of sinners and not for wrath but that we might obtaine salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ 1 Thes. 5.9 7. Nor did he so die that we should not live to our selves but unto Righteousnesse but that we might be 1 Pet. 2.24 redeemed from this present evill world Gal. 1.4 from our vaine conversation 1 Peter 1.18 That hee might redeeme us from all iniquitie and purifie to himselfe a peculiar people zealous of good workes Titus 2.14 That wee should glorifie God in our bodies and Spirits which are Gods 1 Cor. 6.20 That hee might present to himselfe a glorious Church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should bee holy and without blemish Ephes. 5.27 Now Christ may obtaine the native and intrinsecall end of his death though all the Redeemed ones say the Arminians Live to themselves and never be redeemed from the present evill world nor from their vaine conversation and live and die to themselves and walking in their lusts 8. And upon what ground Christ is made Lord hee is made also a husband to the Church for the husband as an husband is made head of the wife Now the intrinsecall end and so the specifick acts of this husband who is joyned to us by the marriage-covenant of free grace must bee free love to his Spouse as Paul expoundeth it Ephes. 5.25 and the native fruit and end of Marriage is that the Spouse might have interest in the righteousnesse glory spirit wisdome and sanctification the kingdome and throne of the Husband and Lord not that hee might condemne and destroy his Spouse 9. It is a reasonlesse conceit that after Christ dyed hee hath a freedome to transact for our actuall saving and glorifying in what termes he will Law or Gospel Grace or Works because he dyed the surety of the covenant of grace Hebr. 7.2 and made his Testament and last will and confirmed it by his death as our friend and bequeathed to his poor friends the promise of an eternall inheritance Heb. 9.15 and so he died as the Mediator of the New Testament and sealed the Covenant with his blood which is therefore called the blood of the eternall covenant Heb. 13.20 Zach. 9.11 And therefore neither the first Testament was dedicated without blood Heb. 9.18 19 20 21. and Christ by his blood entred into heaven as a Priest to intercede for us v. 23 24. And this Arminian way over-turneth the whole Gospel which is a bargaine of blood between the Father and the son Christ and Christ dying and justifying pardoning the iniquities of his people making them heires of the same Covenant and Kingdome with himselfe is in this Indenture of free Grace the chiefe man Now unpossible it is that this can be an effect of Christs death that he may set up a covenant of grace and a Gospel-way to Heaven or set up another way when as by the Gospel-covenant only God gave Christ a body indented with him to doe the worke to make his soule an offering for sin and God promised to him if he would die a seed and that the pleasure of the Lord should prosper in his hand that his soule should be satisfied that he should justifie many intercede for many Isai. 53.10 11 12 13. Now if all might eternally perish notwithstanding that Christ died for them and it were free to Christ to make such a Covenant after his death in which not one man possibly may be saved Christ then should doe his work and yet not have his wages nor have a seed nor justifie his people nor have a willing people to serve him yea then should Christ offer the sacrifice of his body as our Priest on earth in sheding his blood and yet not enter into Heaven and the Holy of Holiest to intercede for us as our High Priest there also 10. All the offices and relations of Christ and comfortable promises of the Gospel shall be overturned for it is in the free will of man that Christ be King or no King Head or no Head of the Church a Husband or no Husband Clear it is Christ is a Gospel King now if his death might stand and attain its intrinsecall end and effect which is a meer possible reconciliation and a salvation to his people standing only in a may be or a may never be then Christ is a Gospel-King without a Kingdome of Grace the fruits whereof are righteousnesse joy of the Holy Ghost and peace Rom. 14.17 He is a King but Iudah shall never be saved in his dayes there shall be no righteousnesse no peace no joy in his Kingdome he is a Redeemer and a Saviour but his people all are eternally lost and die in bondage and misery and in their sins he is a Saviour but saves not his people from their sins he is the chief corner stone but no other living stones are built on him he is a head but hath not a living body quickned by his Spirit nor a body that is the fulnesse of Christ he is a Husband but the essence of his maritall and husbandly power standeth in that he hath power to destroy his Spouse eternally That he hateth his own flesh he is a Shepherd and a good Shepherd and layeth downe his life for his Sheepe but the roaring Lyon devoureth all his Flocke he carrieth not the Lambes in his bosome he feedeth them not in the strength of the Lord he causeth them not lye downe safely he leadeth them not to the living waters they hunger and starve eternally he is the vine-tree but no man bringeth forth fruit in him He is an eternall Priest but the sins of all he offereth for remaine in heaven before the Lord for ever hee is the promised seed and by death triumpheth over Devils and Principalities and powers but the Serpents head is not bruised Satan is not cast out Satan reigneth and ruleth in all mankinde He hath much in Christ
that differenceth the loved of God from all others Psal. 87.2 Psal. 1.6.8 otherwise all the world should in regard of this generall and antecedent and conditionall love of God bee so the beloved of God as Christ in the song of Solomon esteemeth the Spouse his love his welbeloved It s a love better then life Psal. 6● 3 and the dowrie Christ bestoweth on his spouse Hos. 2.19 now the Scripture no where speaketh of that conditionall love which the Lord beareth to Heathens Reprobates and to all Men and Angels 5. Such as the Lord so loved as hee hath redeemed them from perishing he hath redeemed them from sinne and Gentilisme to wit from this present evill world Gal. 1.4 yea the blood of the Lambe unspoted and undefiled hath bought them from their vaine conversation received by tradition from their fathers 1 Pet. 1.18 yea from fornication that they should bee members of Christ temples of the Holy Ghost 1 Cor. 6.20 yea Christ bare their sinnes in his owne body on the tree that they should live to righteousnesse Now all and every one of mankinde Heathen and Turks are not thus bought with a price and deliv●●●d from idolatry blasphemy killing of child●●● to th●ir god from the world of Gentilisme 1. Th●y liv● in these sinnes as serving God in them the Gospel nev●● forbade th●m any such si●n●s in regard th●y never heard the Gospel 2 They cannot sinne on a n●w score or a new reckning these being to them no sinnes against the Gospel but against the law written in their heart 3. There is a p●ice then given for all the reprobate vice reproborum it is 〈…〉 as they had payed the price to redeeme them from sinne and unbeliefe yea from finall impenitencie against the Gospel If this bee a sinne as it is the sinne of sinnes Christ must beare it on the tree 1 Pet. 1.24 The lambe of God must take it away Ioh. 1.29 Except it were possible finall unbeliefe were pardonable without shedding of blood Heb. 10. Now here the ransome payed but the captive is never delivered for the reprobate die in their sinnes Ioh. 8.21 There bee some say there is a ransome given for these Gospel-sinnes of the reprobate conditionally so they beleeve An●w That is they are freed from finall impenitencie so they bee freed from finall impenitencie is this a wife bargain 2. Where is there is all the Word a warrant that Christ layd downe his life for his sheep conditionally so he foresaw they would be his sheep so they would beleeve and repent Now this hee could not doe for Christ out of deliberation and his Fathers eternall counsell absolutely gratis freely di●d for these he died not for those that he foresaw would never fulfill the condition nunquam positâ conditione nunquam ponitur conditionatum 6. Christ bought by his blood of the eternall Covenant all the Jewels of the Covenant all things that belong to life and go●linesse and all spirituall blessings 2 Pet. 1.3 Ephes. 1.3 A new heart and a new Spirit Ezech. 36.26 Jer. 31.33 34 35 36. Ezek. 11 19 20. He bought all that God giveth to us then he must have purchased faith Phil. 1.29 Joh. 6.29 and if he was made a Prince to give repentance and remission then to give faith for it is a grace above nature and out of this fountain we have grace for grace Ioh. 1.14 Now this is not given to all men 7. All these graces are particular 1. Election to glory is particular Few are chosen Mat. 22.14 Joh. 10.26.29 Ephes. 1.4 Rom. 9.11 The promise is particular to the sons of the promise Rom. 9.8 9. made to Christ and his seed only Gal. 3.16 17 18. Gal. 4.22 23 c. the calling particular Isai. 55.1 2. Matth. 11.27 28. Acts 2.39 the Covenant particular and takes in only the House of Judah the elect and such as cannot fall away Ier. 31.34 35 c. and 32.39 40. Isai. 54.10 and 59.19 20. The surety of the Covenant Christ Heb. 7.22 promised to be King over the House of David over his people only the intention of God particular to a foreknown people only Rom. 11.1 The circumference and extent of Grace then cannot be so wide as to take in all nor can Redemption be universall because conditionall For 1. Arminians make Election conditionall but they deny it in words to be universall further glorification is conditionall justification conditionall upon condition of Faith but because the condition never is all men have not fa●th therefore glorification and justification is particular and redemption on the same ground must be particular none are actually redeemed but the beleevers so as glorification actuall the decree of glorifying is another thing and absolute and Election to glory are commensurable the one not larger then the other Rom. 8.29 30. how can Redemption which is a mid-linke between both be of a wider Sphear to take in all for 1 Thes. 5.9 Gods counsell set us on Christ as Redeemer and gives us to Christ. 8. These two Christ redeemeth all and Christ intendeth to redeem all are most different Now Gods intention to redeem all if they beleeve suspendeth either redemption or the intention of God to redeem If the former be said redemption of all is no Redemption except all beleeve but all doe not beleeve If the latter God must wave and hang by his intention in millions of soules and cannot fixe his foot to be peremptory in his intentions except they beleeve and he seeth they shall never beleeve for he knoweth what is in man and beholdeth the thoughts a far off Yea as I said elsewhere if we speak properly in reference to God the very promises of the Gospel are not conditionall because both the condition and the thing that falls under the condition depend on his owne absolute will and free gift if a father promise to his child an inheritance upon condition the child pay him ten thousand crowns and the Father only do give and can give the child these ten thousand crownes we cannot say this is a bargain between the father and the son that leans upon conditions especially if we suppose as the case is between God and the creature that this father can and doth indeclinably determine the will of his son to consent and to give back againe to his father this sum of money and to consent to the bargain there is here no condition relating to the father but he does all freely Beleeving is a condition and life eternall is conditionatum a thing that falleth under promise but both d●pend upon the absolute free and irresistible will of the Lord as there is no condition here properly so called either laid upon the will or limiting the externall action of God 9. Hence the promises of the Gospel are indefinite not universall and in the Lords purpose and intention made with the Elect onely not with the Reprobate at all for when God saith if Iudas Cain Pharaoh
of England now risen to comfort all mankinde in these sad times 3. Saving faith layeth hold on salvation righteousnesse and everlasting redemption as proper heritage faith being a supernaturall instinct that layeth a peculiar claime to Christ as the naturall instinct in the lamb claimeth the mother its property that faith pe●sueth let e●perience speak if there be not a peculiar warmnesse of heart in a believer at the sight of Christ now to believe a common salvation hanging in the aire the heaven of Turks and Armenians and the righteousnesse and redemption of Indians of Seneca and Catiline Clodius and Camillus I confesse must be farre from such a property 4 Saving faith is the first dawning the morning sky and the first day light of the appearance of election to glory Act. 13.48 The man never hath a fair venture of heaven nor commeth in handy-gripes with eternall love revealed till he believe because the poore mans believing is his act of chusing God for his portion and so cannot be an assent to a common good generall to all men Heathens Pagans Iewes Turks and believers faith makes him say I have now found a ransome I have found a pearl of great price I make no other choyse my lot is well fallen upon Christ whether Christ cast his love or his lot on me from e●erni●y I cannot dispute but sure I have chosen him in time Now for the second The Scripture shewes us of an ho●e of ●ighteous●esse by faith this we wait for through the ●pirit Gal. 5.5 and of the hope laid up for the Saints in heav●n ●ol 1.15 and Christ in the Saints the hope of glory v. 27. and of the hope of the appearing of our life Christ Ti● 2.13 Which hope makes a man ●o purg● himself to be holy 1 Ioh. 3.3 and of a rejoycing in hope in the glory of God Rom. 5.2 Rom. 12.12 the hope to come for the which the Twelve Tribes of Israel serve God instantly Act. ●6 7 and that lively hope unto which we are regenerated by the resurrection of Jesus ●hrist from the dead 1 Pet. 1 5. and the hope that we have through patience comfort of the Scripture Rom. 15.4 and the hope which is not confined within the narrow sphear and Region of time and this corruptible life 1 Cor. 15.19 the hope which experience bringeth forth Heb. 5.4 Now whe●her we take hope for the object of hope the thing hoped for or the supernaturall or gratious faculty of hoping in neither respects have Seneca Scipio Regulus Jewes Turks Americans and such as never by any rumour heard of Chri●t any hope from Scripture Paul saith of them and of the Ephesians in their condition Ephes. 2.12 At that time ye were without Christ being Aliens from the Common-wealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise having no hope and without God in the world and for the grace of hope the Scripture saith it s an Anchor cast in heaven by these who upon life and death make Jesus t●eir City of refuge Heb. 6.19.20 it is a fruit of the Spirit Gal. 5.5 where ever it is it makes a man purifie himselfe 1 Ioh. 3.2 it s a lively hope and a fruit of predestination and of the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus 1 Pet. 1.3 4 5. Now such a hope as Arminians allow to Heathen and Indians to Reprobates who believe that Christ dyed for all and every one and such as perish eternally we gladly leave to themselves and if our doctrine of particular redemption furnish ground of dispaire as opposite to thi● hope we professe it But let Arminians answer this of their own way So God must speak to the most part of the Christian world Be of good courage hope for salvation in Christ be comforted in this that Christ dyed for you all without exception and be fully assured and believe there is a perfect ransome given for you and salvation and righteousnesse purchased to you in Christs blood but I have decreed so to act upon the wils of the farre greatest part of you that you shall have no mo●e shaire in that redemption and purchased salvation then the damned Devils whereas if I had so drawn you as I have done others as sinfull by nature as you are you should certainly have been eternally saved in Christs blood and the like and fa●re more I could say of the dreame of the middle science and knowledge of God for Arminians spoyle the Almighty of all grace compassion mercy or power to save for this is the Gospel and no other that God must utter by their doctrine I hav● chosen out of grace and mercy all to salvation who shall believe and have given my Son to give his life and blood a ransome for all and every one and I will desire and wish that all m●nkinde were with me in eternall glory and that my revenging justice had never been experimentally known to Men or Angel and that death hell sin had never had being in the world but the farre greatest part of mankinde were to sin and finally and obstinately to resist both my generall universall grace given to all and my speciall and Evangelick calling and that they were to doe before any act of my knowledge free decree strong grace or tender mercy and I cannot bow their wills indeclinably to finall obedience nor could I so powerfully by morall swasion draw them to constant faith and perseverance except I would act against that which is decent and convenient for a Law-Giver to doe and destroy the nature of that free obedience that lyeth under the sweet droppings of free reward which must be earned by sweating and under the lash and hazard of eternall punishments to be inflicted which I will not doe yea though in all things even done by free agents as translations of Kingdoms from one Prince to another and bringing enemies against a land which are done by free agents I doe what ever I will and my decree stands and cannot be recalled Dan. 4.35 Esa. 14.24 25 26 27. chap. 46.10.11 Psal. 115.3 Psal. 135.6 Yet in maters of salvation or damnation or of turning the hearts and free actions of men and Angels that most highly concerne my glory above all I cannot but bring all the arrows of my Decrees to the bow of that slippery contingent ind●fferency of the up and down free-will of Men and Angels and here am fast fettered that I can but dance as free-will pipeth and say amen to created will in all things good or bad I cannot cut of the abundance of my rich grace and free mercy though earnestly and vehemently I desire it save one person more then are saved or damn one more then are damned or write one man more in the book of life and bestow on them the fruits of my dear Sons death then such as in order of nature were finally to believe before any act of my middle science or my conditionall free Decree
predeterminating grace did keep the Saints and stirre them to every act 3. Who is the Author and finisher of our faith Christ and who perfecteth the good work once begun but Christ and who but he bringeth many children to glory Not we when the soule is distempered under desertion the soule is so tender and excellent a piece love so curious and rare a work of Christ that let all the Angels in heaven Seraphims and Dominions and Thrones set their shoulders and strength together they cannot with Angell-tongues let them speak heaven and Christ and glory calme a soul-feaver and words of silk and oyle dropped from the clouds cannot command the love-sicknesse of a sad soule Will ye look to heaven while your sight faile and weep out two eys while Christs time come you cannot find ease for a broken spirit when Christ breaketh can Angels make whole The conscience is a hell-feaver the comforter is gone can you wi●h a nodde bring the physitian back againe can golden words charme and calme a feaver of hell can you with all the love-waters on earth quench a coale of fire that came from heaven Send up to heaven a Mandate against the decree and dispensation of God if you can if the gates of death can open to thee or if thou hast se●ne the doores of the shaddow of death or can doe such great works of creation as to lay the corner-stone of the earth or hang the world on nothing which Iob could not doe chap. 37. chap. 38. But who can command soule-furies onely onely Christ. The soule is downe amongst the dead wandering from one grave to another Can you make a dead Spirit a Gospel-harp to play on of the springs of Zion the songs of the holy Ghost Christ can doe it Can you cry and finde obedience to your call O North O South winde blow upon the Garden Christ hath his owne winde at command hee is master of his owne mercies Can you prophecie to the winde to come and breathe on dead bones Christ onely can Can you breathe life soule and five senses on a coffin could you make way for breathing in the narrow and deep grave when clods of clay closeth the passage of the nostrils Christ can Isai. 26.19 Thy dead men shall live together with my body they shall arise awake and sing ye that dwell in dust for thy dew is as the dew of herbs and the earth shall cast out the dead Can you draw the virgins after the strong and delitio●s smell of the ointments of Christ but if he draw the virgings ●unne after his love Cant. 1.3 Christ indictes warre are you a creator to make peace he cryes Hell and wrath can you speak joy and consolation are you an anti-creator to undoe what Christ does Christ commandeth fury against a people or person can men can angels can heaven countermand Position 3. The Lords suspending of his grace cometh under a twofold consideration 1. As the Lord denyeth it to his own children 2. As to wicked men also As he witholdeth grace especially actuall and predeterminating It falleth under a threefold respect 1. As it is a work of the free and good pleasure and Soveraignty of God 2. As it is a punishment of former sinnes 3. As from it resulteth our sinne even as the night hath its being from the absence of the Sunne Death from the removall of life 4. The Lords denyall of Grace is seene most eminently in two cases 1. In the parting asunder of the two decrees of election and reprobation 2. In Gods with drawing of himselfe and his assistance in the case of ●●ying the Saints In the former the Lord has put forth his soveraigntie in his two excellentest creatures Angels and men if wee make any cause in the free-will of Angels I speak of a separating and discriminating cause wh● some Angels did stand and never sinne some fall and become divels wee must deny freedom of Gods grace in the predestination of Angels now the Scripture calleth them Elect Angels how then came it that they fell not from fre-will No Angels are made of God and for God and to God then by the Apostles reason they could not give first to God to ingage the Almighty to a recompence they could not first set their free-will to work their owne standing in Court before God did with his grace separate them from Angels that fell Rom. 11.36 Esai 40.13 2. Make an election of Angels as the Scripture doth when some are called Elect Angels and some not then it must bee an Election of grace an election of works it cannot be because Angels must glory in the Lord that they stand when others fell Rom 4.2 as men do Proverb 16.4 Ier. 9.23.24 2 Cor. 10.17 Rom. 11. ●6 for no creature Angels or Men can glory in his sight for Angels are for him and of him as their last end and first Authour Rom. 11.36 then they gave not first to God to ingage the Lord in their debt vesr. 35. for if so then glory should be to the Angels but now upon this ground that none can ingage the Lord in their debt Paul vesr. 36 saith to him be glory for ever because none can give to him first and all are for him and of him then so are Angels 3. Angels are associated in the Element and orbe of free grace to move as men with graces wings to fly over the Lake prepared for the divel and his Angels whereas others fell in otherwise Christ the Lord Treasurer of free grace cannot bee the head of Angels Col. 2.9 as of men Col. 1.8 Ephes. 23. for as art not nature can prevent a dangerous feaver by drawing blood or some other way even as the same art can recover a sick man out of a feaver whereas another sick of that same disease yet wanting the helpe of art dieth So the same free grace in nature speece and kinde not free will hinde●●● the elected Angels to fall where as by constitution of na●u●e and mutabilitie being discended of that first common po●r 〈◊〉 ●ase house the first spring of all the creation of God meere and simple Nothing the mother of change and of all defects naturall and morall in every the most excellent creature th●y were as an humorous grosse body in which the vessells are full and in a neerest propension to the same feaver that devils fell into even to the ill of the second death if the grace of God had not prevented them 2. In men God has declared the deep Soveraignty and dominion of free grace in calling effectually one man Iaakob not Esau Peter not Iudas in having mercy in time on whom hee will and hardening whom hee will I humbly provoke all Arminians all Libertines who dash themselves the contrary way against the same stone to show a reason why one obeyeth and actively joyneth with the draught and pull of the right arme of Iesus Christ Ioh. 12.32 and his father
pierced as a full vessell out of whom issueth blood and water justification and redemption from the guilt of sinne and sanctification is a drawing lover 2 Here is fulnesse of power to reconcile to himselfe all things whether they bee things in heaven or things on earth by the blood of his crosse here wee are made Chrrsts friends to doe whatsoever hee commands us Col. 1.20 Ioh. 15.15 3. Nor is there a stronger band or cord to draw men from sinne then the faith of Christs death Gal. 2.20 I am crucified with Christ neverthelesse I live yet not I but Christ liv●th in me and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Sonne of God who loved me and gave himselfe for me Gal. 6.14 But God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Iesus Christ by whom the world is crucified to mee and I unto the world here is reciprocation of death's Paul is crucified to the world as a dead man not in the world nor one of the worlds number A mortified Saint drawne up to heaven from the earth is an odd person not under tale hee may bee spared well enough the world and the Towne he lives in may be well without him as Ioseph was the odde ladde separated foom his brethren and David none of the seven miscounted in the telling among the Ewes at the sheepfolds and forgotten as a bastard or as a dead man out of thought And againe the world is crucified to Paul for it looks like a hanged man it smells like a dead corps to a Saints sences Now thus they have not eyes more affected with the world nor eares more taken with their musick nor a heart more overcome with the lusts of the world nor a dead man set to a rich table is affected with all the dainties there or with the harping of the sweetest musician the man has escaped the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the pollutions ●f the wo●ld to him the world has sooty fingers and dirty and picky hands it defiles washen soules but to the unmortified man the world smelleth like the garden of God Lust casteth in and well cometh to eye and heart and fancy Granadoes and fire-bals of uncleannesse sinfull pleasure has a rosie face profit has golden fingers Court and honour has a sweete breath the world is not to him an ill smelled stinking corps fit for nothing but for a hole under the earth Nay but god-Mammon looks like heaven the world a poore thing yea the world of it self is but a bagge of empty winde a fancy 1. It has no weight as touching the part of it wee count most of the earth but so many pounds of clay the dreggs the earthie bottome of the creation 2. the stage that peeces of brittle clay comes upon and weeps and laughs and lives speaks and dies 3. The flowers of it that we are most in love withall the lusts of the eye the lust of the flesh the pride of life are not of God 1 Ioh. 3.16 4 It is a house of glasse or of Ice that stands for the fourth part of the yeere for winter but is removed in the Spring and is never to be seene againe for it passeth away like a figure written on the Sea-shoar when the sea floweth 1 Cor. 7.31 5. the frenizes or passements of it pleasure profit honour are all sick of vanity and change to the Saints that are crucified and buried with Christ in whom lust is nailed to the crosse of Christ the world is a dead bagge of despised dust and though a toe or a finger of a crucified Saint will make a motion and a sti●re and breake a wedge of the Crosse because of the indwelling of a body of death yet hear his arguing O vaine clay-god dirty Earth I ow thee no love because my Lord was lifted up from the earth and has drawne me after him I care not for this bubble of a vaine life this transient shaddow seeing Christ could not brook it What is the fancie of a plaistered and fairded worldly glory to mee if Iesus his face was spitted on what is this painted globe of an empty perishing and death-condemned world to my happines seeing my Saviour was a borrowed body a stranger and slaughtered in the world and had all against him and alwayes the winde on his face Now let us consider what Antinomians say of mortification What is mortification saith a Mr Den but the apprehension of sin slain by the body of Christ What is vivification but our new life The just shall live by faith I may know saith the Antinomian I am Christs not because I do crucifie the lu●●s of the flesh but because I do not crucifie them but beleeve in Christ that crucified my lusts for me Much of this lawlesse and carnall mortification is to be found in Saltmarsh his unexperienced treatise of free Grace in which he labours to make Protestant Divines Anti-christian Legalists in the doctrine of mortification for his way is that we are to beleeve our Repentance true in Christ who hath repented for us our mortifying sinne true in him through whom wee are more then conquerers our new obedience true in him who hath obeyed the Law for us and is the end of the Law to every one that beleeveth our change of the whole man is true in him who is righteousnesse and true holinesse and thus without faith it is possible to please God for there is saith hee great deceitfulnesse in mortification of sin as it is commonly taken hee must point at Calvin and other Protestant Divines for as Papists and Arminians commonly speake and teach wee are justified by works of pennance and mortification for the not acting of sinne or conceivings of lust is not pure mortification for then children and civilly morall men were mortified persons c. It is not in the meere absence of the body of sinne for then dead or sick men were mortified persons Eatons Honey comb of justification chap. 8. pag. 164.165 Wee mortifie our selves onely declaratively to the sight of men whereby the holy Ghost seeth not us properly mortifying our sinnes out of the sight of God for then he should see us robbing Christ of that glory which his blood hath freely done before wee begin nay but when the wedding garment hath freely curified us in the sight of God then the Spirit enters in us to dwell which otherwise hee would not do and enableth us to walk holtly and righteously to avoid and purifie out of our owne sight sence and feeling and out of the sight of other men that sin which the wedding garment hath purified and abolished before out of the sight of God But this in name and thing is the doctrin of the old Libertines in Calvines time as ●e may read Calvin opuscul instructio adversus Libertinos chap. 18. pag. 450.451 The Libertines saith Calvine seeme to
are given to ransome others but poor soules if they be turned in servants their life should be spared but Christ was such a ransome as must lay down his life for the captives Matth. 20.28 No ransome can come lower then a man and an innocent mans death If the captive be wounded and sickly the man that goes a ramsome for him by no Law should be sickly and wounded also 1. It is not ordinary that he that stands as a ransome for captives should take their naturall infirmities their body sighes sadnesse sorrow wants and be like them in all things but Christ was like us in all things except sin 2. And what greater hardship can you put on a ransome captive then death all these Christ did ●ndergoe for us The third and last consideration of Christs death is as it was the end of Christs journey and all his labours in the flesh and this I desire to be considered in these repects 1. As death is Christs last enemy 2. In the concomitants of it 1. As in his triumph of victory 2. His welcome to his Father 1. As death was Christs last enemy dying was to him as to man the last day and moment of his week when he entered into his Sabbath and rest and dyed never to die againe the world and devils chased him into the grave and when he was there hee was in his own land in Paradise in a Kingdome Death was the wearied way-faring-mans home the end of his race and at this place was the fore-runners gold his garland and prize even the glory set before him for the which hee indured the Crosse and despised shame he then sat down it was Christs landing port after his stormy sailing 2. He had no more to do in the merit of redemption in the way of satisfying justice for Christs buriall or lying in the grave was but his mora his lodging all night with death or a continuation of his death when he dyed all was finished the Law of God for satisfaction could crave no more as the last enemy of the body is death 1 Cor. 15.26 so it was the head Christs lasts enemy on earth 3. Heaven was Christs place of refuge his sanctuary and his asylum when Christ was in the other side of death and of time hee was in his castle in his strong Fort enemies can neither besiege him nor take him he cares not now for the worlds feud or for death or the grave Revel 1.18 There was no more law against Christ after his soul was in Paradise the believer has a perfect acquittance of all crosses when he is once in the land of glory 2. There be two considerable concomitants in Christs death 1. His victory 2. His welcome His victory was in his very act of dying that death and the justice of a divine law had their will of Christ and could demand no more of him for all engagements and to answer the bill but death and such a death it was a sort of over-plus and aboundance of ransome to God that death was put to the worse and could in justice never arrest any believer or Saint after Christ. O dea●h what wouldst thou have more Or what canst thou demand in law 2. Christ and all his l●gally were crucified and dyed and Christ and all his were not destroyed under death but Christ lived and all his with him Ioh. 14.19 when two strong enemies doe conflict and put out their strength one against another to the full and the one lives in his full strength the other must be foiled Christ after death lived and can die no more and is strong and omnipotent now death did all it could against Christ in that he dyed then he must be the Victor and death the vanquished party death was Christs Land-port his shoar after sad Sea-sailing his last stage in which he posted to glory and he came into Paradise and his Fathers Kingdome in a sweat of bloud and the Crosse accompanied him in over the threshold of the gates of heaven so he was welcommed he and all his feed who then were legally in him as one who had acquitted himselfe bravely and honourably in the businesse that most highly concerned the Lord and the glory of all his blessed attributes mercy justice grace wisdome power soveraignty c. There was a most joyfull acclamation in heaven a welcome and embracing and a hand-shaking as we say 1. Between the Father and the Sonne and this is a sweet medi●ation Dan. 7.13 I saw in the night visions and behold one like the Sonne of man came with the clouds of heaven and came to the Ancient of dayes and they brought him neare before him ver 14. And there was given him dominion and glory and a Kingdome that all People and Nations and Languages should serve him Now who be these that brought Christ to the Father when he ascended who but th● holy Angels his ministering Spirits or servants they attend his ascension to heaven as the Estates of a King wait on and convey the Prince and Heire of a Crown in his Coronation day Heb. 1.6 14. the Disciples Act. 1.10 See two men in white apparell at his ascension goe up to heaven sure there must have been a hoast of them as there were at his birth and shall be at his second comming and its little enough that the Peeres of Heaven such a glorious Parliament of the High House beare the taile of his Robe Royall and attend to welcome to heaven their Lord Creator and their head Christ by whom they stand in Court they are the servants of the Bridgroome it was much joy to them when Christ returned a triumphing Lord to heaven having done all gloriously and compleatly The Father after his death made him a great Prince and gave him a name above all names and set him at the right hand of the Majesty of God 2. And if the Lord shall say to sinfull men Well done good servant enter into the joy of thy Lord Farre more being infinitely satisfied with the travels and service of his Sonne he must say Well done well suffered O Son of my love enter into the joy of thy Fathers soul For the Fathers soule ever delighted in him Esa. 42.1 3. And to see the Father embrace his Sonne in his armes after the battels and put the Crown on his Head and set him down at his right hand and exalt him as an eternall Prince for evermore and accept all his labours and his faithfull and most successefull acquitting of himselfe in all his offices as Redeemer King Priest and Prophet must be a joyfull sight Vse 1. No Believer take it ill to die death sips at every bloud noble or low and would but drink the bloud of this celebrious and eminent Prince of the Kings of the earth 1. For besides that God has stinted our moneths and the ship cannot passe farther then the length of the cable here is the matter Christ
for imputed sinne behoved to bleed to death 2. Only Enoch and Elias were reprieved by the prerogative of free-grace we are by birth and sinne but some ounces or pieces and fragments of death and its appointed for all men to die there is more reason we should die then the Lord of life for life was essentiall to the Prince of life but life is a stranger to us man is but man but a handfull of hot dust a clay-vessell tunned up with the breathing of warme wind that smoaks in and out at his nostrils for a inch of flietting away time And sinne addes wings to the wheels of his life and layes a Law of death on man and if Christ had not come into this clay city he had been under no law of death he dies for us then we should ●arre rather have died p●opter quod unumquodque tale c. Now because your Redeemer laid his skin to death and was willing to kisse death believers are to esteeme of death as the crosse that Christ went through love the winding sheet and the coffin the better that they were the sleep-bed and night-clothes that your Saviour sleeped in 3. And Christ had the more cause to be willing to die that he was little beholden to this life it looked ever with a frowning face on Christ 1. The first morning salutation of this life when Christ was new born it boasted and threatned Christ with the cutting of his throat in the cradle and banishment out of his own land to Egypt 2. He had good hap all his life to sufferings hee had ever the winde on his faire face and the smoak blowing on his eyes as if his whole day had been a feast of teares and sorrow yea life and the sad and glowing crosse parted both together with Christ as if the world had sworn never to lend the Son of God one smile or one glimpse of a glad houre 3. Christ thought himselfe well away and out of the gate as he fore-telleth when the people mourned for his death Luk. 23. ver 28 29 30 31. before the destruction that came on the City of Ierusalem that killed many of the Lord of the wine-yards servants and at last killed the righteous heir 4. You may remember Christ message that he sent to Herod Luk. 13.32 I doe ●uers to day and to morrow and the third day 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I shall be perfected Heb. 2.12 It became him from whom are all things and by whom are all things in bringing many sons to glory to make the captain of their salv●tion perfect through sufferings 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Death made Christ perfect for the Lo●d put the faire crown of Redemption on Christs head with a very black hand it was a black boat-man that carried our Prince Iesus over the water to Paradise but sweet Iesus would have it his perfection his crown his glory to be swallowed up in deaths womb for us It s considerable that death perfecteth the head 1. As a Priest he had been an unperfect sacrifice if he had not dyed and being offered dead to God Christs dead corps had an infinitely sweet smell in the nostrils of a just God never sacrifice never burnt offering like this which perfected all 2. He had not been a perfect King and Conqueror had he not persued the enemy to his own land and made the enemies land the seat of warre and triumphed dead upon the crosse 3. He had not beene a perfect Redeemer had he not dyed and paid life for life no satisfaction without death no remission of sinnes without blood Heb. 10. but it was the heart-blood and blood with the life that was shed to God Now these same befall the dying Saints 1. While the Saints are here they are from home and not at their Fathers fire-side and this world their Step-Mother looks ever asquint on them Ioh. 16.33 And the crosse gets a charge from God concerning a Saint w●it on him as his keeper while he die leave him not the crosse follows the house of Christ and all the children of the house it s kindly to all the second Adams seed it is an in-come by year that followes the stock every childe may in his suffering say my father the Prince of ages even the head of the house my brother Iesus and all our kine were sufferers the sad crosse runs in a blood to us Psal. 34.19 Matth. 19.24 This is not our home I would I were ashoare and at home in my Fathers house 2. The Lord takes the righteous away from the ill to come Esai 57. When Christ was taken away vengeance came to the full on the lewes when he was in heaven Christs followers that die out-runne many Crosses as we see a man upon his life chased by his enemies gets into a strong house and with speed of foot wins his life sad dayes persue the Saints and they escape to their Castle before the affliction can reach or overtake there be some cruces posthume late-borne crosses calamities and ill dayes that come on the posterity of the godly the Lord closeth their eyes that they never see them The grave is a house the Devill and the World and aff●ictions cannot besiege sure when a Saint is in heaven he is beyond Doomesday death and teares he defies the malignants of this world then and the warres and bloud that his own brethren can raise against him 3. What shall we say that as Christ thought himselfe maimed and he wanted a piece or an arm or legge of a Saviour and a perfect Redeemer till he dyed and then when hee dyed he was perfected indeed our redemption had been lame and unperfect had not Christ dyed and his escape through death and the land of darknesse the grave to his Fathers old crown that hee had with him befere the world was was a perfecting of Christ 1. So dying to a Saint is the Sun rising the morning birth-day of eternity the opening of the prisoners doore the Coronation-day the marriage-night 2. He is ever a lame man he wants incomparably his best halfe so long as he wants Christ in a fruition of glory all the travelling and way-fairing men in their journey toward heaven are but sick men for sicknesse is but a lamenesse of life a want of so many degrees as make up a perf●ct life because good health is but the flowre and perfection of life and the only perfect life Col. 3. ver 3.4 is the life of glory then all the Saints yet wanting the life of heaven must be crazie weak groaning men not healthy in a spirituall consideration while they be in heaven 3. When a Saint dies he but takes an essay of the garment and robe of glory though death make it seem strait and pinching and enters in the joy of his Lord Rev. 14.13 There is both Word and Writ and from a land where there can bee no lies from heaven blessed are the dead
that die in the Lord that they may rest from their labours 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that the travellers may over-rest or exceedingly breath and refresh or comfort themselves after much toyle and sweating in the way therefore is death 2 Tim. 4.6 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 an unfolding of the net or of the tent that the man may goe out or a taking up the burthen and laying it down in another Inne or a loosing the cabels of ships to saile or an untying of cords of a tabernacle to goe to a choycer place Vse 2. From Christs dying we learn to die to sinne and live to him that dyed for us 1 Pet. 2.24 Rom. 6.2 6. 2 Cor. 5.15 Mortification to this goodly and God-like Idoll the World is a speciall lesson of the death of Christ Gal. 6.14 It is a great distance and many miles about and off the roade-way to heaven to goe through such a thorny thick and bushy-wood of honours riches pleasures wordly it s a shorter and easier way to stand at a distance from the silken and golden creature and despise the fairest created excellencies that fill both sides of the Sun Antinomians would have us rest satisfied with a morall mortification in the brim of the imagination to believe that Christ dying mortified sinne and the body thereof on the Crosse and there is an end and that wee are obliged by no command no precept no law to a personall mortifying of our lusts to walk in new obedience and that all that we doe is arbitrary and free to us comming on us by the immediate Spirits impulsion for Christ works in the Regenerate as in these that are dead not as in these that are alive and that after conversion we are altogether dead to spirituall acts say they contrary to 1 Cor. 15.10 Phil. 2.13 Rom. 6.11 Gal. 2.20 1 Pet. 2.5.24 And that it is the efficacy of Christs death to kill all activity in his members that he might act all in all Yea and that there is not any command in the Gospel all is but promises Christ is obliged to doe all in us and if he suffer us to sin let him see to his own honour Yea to act by vertue of or in obedience to a command is a Law-way and we have nothing to doe with the Law But the Gospel teacheth us a reall and personall mortification and that we are to be holy as he is holy perfect as he is perfect that is a new-covenant command Gen. 17.1 That we should walk before him and be perfect that we should walk after the Lord Deut. 13.4 walk in all his wayes Deut. 5.33 take diligent heed to walk in his way Iosh. 22.5 Psal. 119.93 Prov. 2.7.20 Isa. 2.3 walk in the steps of that faith of our Father Abraham Rom. 4.12 according to this rule of the Gospel Gal. 6.16 and worthy of the vocation Eph. 4.1 worthy of the Lord Col. 1.10 in light 1 ●oh 1.7 even as he walked 1 Ioh. 2.6 after his commandements 2 Ioh. 6. honestly as in the day Rom. 13.13 in love Ephes. 5.2 as children of the light v. 8. as we have received Christ Col. 2.6 in wisdome ver 4.5 as wise men Ephes. 5.15 And the Gospel forbids and condemns walking as the Gentiles doe in the vanity of the minde having the understanding darkned being alienated from the life of God but observe by Antinomians fleshly doctrine no Gospel command under paine of eternall death bee it a command of believing in him that justifieth the sinner or of holy walking as a fruit and witnesse of our faith and justification obligeth these that are in Christ as if in regard of any Scripturall command of law or Gospel we might live as we list and follow the inspiration and leading of a lawlesse spirit separated from all word either Law or Gospel either commanding or conditionally promising or threatning We are not so to live after flesh in lasciviousnesse lusts excesse of wine revellings banquetings and abominable Idolatries 1 Pet. 4.3 not after the flesh 2 Pet. 2.10 Rom. 8.13 If yee live after ths flesh yee shall di● There is a Gospel threatning as a promise of life yea the armes colours the badge of Gospel grace is to deny ungodlinesse Tit. 2.11 Not to walk in darknesse nor hate our brother 1 Ioh. 2.8.9 for this is the new commandement and that the Gospel has commandements is cleare Math. 15.3 Ioh. 15.12 Rom. 16.6 Eph. 6.2 1 Tim. 1.1 The holy commandement 2 Pet. 2.21 1 ●oh 3.23 Rev. 22.14 Prov. 2.1 Ioh. 14.21 1 Thes. 4.2 1 Ioh. 2.4 3 2● And he that keepeth his Commaadements dwels in him and he in him Ioh. 14.15 If ye love me keep my Commandements Math. 5.3 4 5 6 7 8 9.20 21 22 24. Math. 7.1.2 3 c. Vse 3. We have rich consolation from the Article of Christs dying the sinners debts are paid his band and the hand-writting of bloud and eternall vengeance is cancelled and taken out of the way the gates of the p●ison broken and the prisoners brought out by the bloud of the everlasting Covenant 1 Pet. 2.24 with his stripes we are healed Esai 53.5 The chastisement of our peaces or treaties of peace as the word beares were upon him and with his stripes we are healed Th● word of stripe in either languages is a mark of a wound where blood and humours are neighboured together it leads us to this that the only medicine of sick and dead sinners was that which is sicknesse paine swellings from nailes in hands and feet to Iesus Christ. Christ the Physitians paine was our case his wounds the healing and cover●ng of our wounds with his skinne and his death the life of sinners to visit the sick and help him at his bed side with consell and art is favour but its physick of grace not of nature that the Physitian should be the sick man the pained the groaning and dying Patient● and lye down in his bed and make his life and blood and medicine to cure our diseases and wounds In a Law-challenge the believer is so freed from eternall wrath that if Satan and conscience say Thou art a sinner and under the curse of the Law he can say its true I am a sinner but I was hanged on a tree and dyed and was made a curse in my head and Law-surety Christ and his payment and suffering is my payment and suffering Vse 4. Sinne is a sad debt the Law is a severe crave● 1. It s pastime to a foole to sinne it is no pastime nor sport to Christ to satisfie for sinne 2. There is as much justice and vengeance in the Gospel as in the Law the Gospel-suffering for our sin was as salt and sowre to Christ as the Law vengeance would have been to us The Lord never minded that any should beare sinne either by acting or suffering gratis and at an easie rate 3. Will yee not read bloudy justice persuing sinne on
the free Spirit is sin and to obey for the letter of the command to Antinomians is to controule the free Spirit but its blasphemy to say that there is a contraiety between the letter of the Lords command either in Law or Gospel and the free impulsion of the Spirit working ●in us by grace to will doe and obey the command ●or to obey the voyce of the Lord in his Prophets and Apostles and to obey the Lord himselfe are all one in the word but this is the error of old Anabaptists and Enthysiasts to reject the word and all teaching by men and the word and to leane to the only immediate inspirations and free motions of the Holy Ghost and to doe or obey for any other teaching is the way of legall and law-men led by the letter not by the Spirit If any obey or doe Gods will out of by respects or for feare of punishment or hope of reward they doe not Gods will nor obey they from the power of an outward command nor doe they controule the free Spirit because the very letter and outward commandement enjoyneth inward spiri●uall sincere obedience farre from hypocrisie and forbiddeth in the sense of the letter of it all servile respects and service of God for hire Antinomians believe that the Law as the law doth ommand men to obey for fear of hell as a servant for beating obeyeth his Master or that it commandeth perfect obedience for hire of life eternall I do●bt not to say this is not far from blasphemy for the Law is spirituall and holy and good and most just it s a cleane and undefiled Law Psal. 119. Rom. 7. is the expresse and image of th● good acceptable and perfect will of God Rom. 12.2 then the Law as the Law can command no finer hypocrisie no servile no mercenary obedience for hire for the Law cannot command sin its true Luther saith that the Law compelleth men to obey God but he speaketh of the accidental operation fruit of the Law because of our sinfull disposition and of the condemning Law as it works on our corruption the holy Law commandeth no man to obey God wickedly 2. The letter of the Gospel carrieth to us and holdeth forth free grace openeth the bowels and heart of Christ calleth on the weary and loaden to come to Christ speaketh heaven glory and the promise in the wombe of it though it be but the foolishnesse of preaching of men yet it s the power o● God to salvation and there is such a Majesty so much of heaven in the womb and bowels of the word that as I never read or heard the like of it so I shall hate that Religion that joyns with popery to call it Ink-divinity and a letter and a legall servile thing so did the Libertines in Calvines time 3. All tendeth to this that we despise prophecying neglect the word commands promises covenant of grace and all these inferiour meanes and so praying experience conference hearing reading Sacraments because without the Spirit these are livelesse and dead for saith Towne the meanes are passive shall be also many restraints laid on the free Spirit of God But so we should not saile nor traffi●k we should not plew nor eare we should not watch the City nor build houses because all these are fruitlesse without the influence of a blessing from heaven if their meaning be that we are not to trust or rest on the meanes the word promises covenant of grace but to seek Christ hims●lfe in all these its good but then to seek Christ in his own way is not to controule his spirit as Mr Town phancieth Now what Town doth meane in saying that the Spirit freely conformeth the heart and life to the outward rule of the law without the help of the Law is heard to conjecture for ●f the meaning be that the Spirit needeth the he●p of the Law to make us know our sinnes to humble us and chase us to him who is the end of the Law then surely the Spirit by the help of the Law worketh these in us as God maketh cornes to grow by husbandry raine good soile and by nature his handmaide no man can say God works here without the help of the Law if the meaning be that the law of it selfe cannot convert a man to God Antinomians father most falsely such a dream on us nay the Gospel of it selfe cannot effectuate this without the Spirit But if the Spirit conforme us to the outward rule of the law then must the law be yet a rule of our obedience how are we then freed from the law as a rule of our obedience if the Spirit led us back to this rule And Rom. 3. Rom. 7. Gal. 3. 2 Cor. 3. where the Apostle speaketh of our freedome from the law he ever speaketh of our freedome from the law as it condemneth as it worketh wrath as it involveth us in a curse as it can justifie us or give life never as it doth regulate direct teach and lead us in the way of righteousnesse Mr Towne Pag. 9. What freeth a believer from the curse but because he is a new creature in Christ and is made personally perfectly and everlastingly righteous and the principall debt is obedience the failing wherein bindeth ●ver to the curse and death Answ. That new creature is sanctification not justificatification 2 Cor. 5.17 If any man be in Christ that is if he be justified h● is a new creature that is he is sanctified else by the Antinomian glosse the meaning must be if any man be justified in Christ he is justified in Christ Paul speaketh not so non sense 2. It is true we owe active obedience to the law as a debt but that is the d●bt of absolute●y perfect ob●dience how shall it follow that Christ has loosed us from all debt of active obedience because he has loosed us from a necessity of perfect active obedience under the paine of damnation but the Law as in the hand of Iesus the Mediator or the law 〈◊〉 spiritualized and lustered with Gospel law and free-grace and drawn downe to a Covenant of free-grace req●ireth not exact perfect obedience under paine of losing salvation yea it requireth obedience as the poore man is able to give it by the grace of God that the man enter in the possession of life eternall but that he may have ransome-right by merit and conquest to heaven or to free justification in Christ the law cannot crave either legall or Evangelick obedience This then is no more a good consequence then to say Christ has by his death freed us from death and suffering as they are caused by the Law and satisfactory to justice therefore Christ hath freed us from death and sufferings in any respect Yea Paul showeth what Law it is that we are freed from Rom. 8.2 it is the Law condemning and killing called the law of sinne and death and he saith expressely Christ dyed for
Reasons why our prayers are not ever heard at first 120 We are readier to pray then to praise 121 Christ bottomed his prayer on the sweet relation of a Father and a Sonne 121.122 Sonnes onely can pray ibid. The power of Prayer 123.124 Christs houre-sufferings 125 He suffered in value what we should have suffered ibid. Whence commeth the dignity of Christs suffering 126 Christs losse great from his excellency 127 How Christs sufferings were bounded being infinite ibid. Our debt of love to Christ eternall 128 Our sufferings short ibid. We are not too weary for length of time in sufferings 130.131 Christs death soure and blacke to nature and Christ and why 131.132 Christ sensible of paine and death ibid. Gods anger against Christ. ibid. The personall union not dissolved in suffering 133 Christ bare the whole Crosse and we but chips of it 134 Soules of great value with God not so with us 135.136 Strength of Christs love 137 Death sweetned in Christ. ibid. Christs will subordinate to Gods doubts removed 138 1●9 Gods revealed will not his decree our rule ibid. A conditionall desire though not agreeable to a positive Law no sinne 140 Rules touching our submission to Gods will 141 Nine considerable objections comfortably answered Thirteene considerable Rules touching submission to Providence c. Gods wisdome in creating good and ill 146.147 Afflictions proportioned to every mans measure ibid. The Royall prerogative of providence 152.153 It cannot be counter-wrought 154.155 We dote much on the sweet accidents of Christ and love himselfe too little 155.156 Submission to the absence of God 156.157 Christs returne no merit ibid. The worke of Redemption rationall and full of causes and reasons 158 Afflictions are to bee weighed 1. Who. 2. How 3. For what end 159.160 Blind and dumbe Crosses ibid. Christ willing to suffer 160.161 An agent in his suffering 162 Intended his Spouse ibid. To be active for God and submissive 163.164 The Charters of a right intention in serving God 164.165.166 Christs love tooke strength from difficulties ibid. How the Lords glory is to be sought by us 167.168 Six considerations of errours therein Christ ever heard ibid. Our failings in expecting to bee heard in five considerations 171.172.173 All Christs good and ours from heaven ibid. Easie traffiquing with heaven 173.174 God cleareth a good cause though darkned ibid. The scandall of the Crosse removed 175.176 How the Lord was glorified in Christ. 177.178 Omnipotency maketh glory of any thing 178.179 Mans glory vaine 199. The Gospel darke to us 180 Our understanding affections and heart hereticall in Gods will word and works 181.182.183 Sinne and errour broody truth but one 184 Angels kept fast their birthright 185.186 Seven considerations of conviction 186.187.188 Will-heresie 186 Christ a most publike person as all excellent things and good men are 188.189.190 Christs office warran●s us to apply him 190.191 The Saints a mystery ibid. Hopes good prophecying 192.193 Five characters of the World 194.195 This world differenced from the other 196 Judged of Christ 3. waies 197.198 What a Prince the Devill is not in three points ibid. What a Prince he is in foure points and what a Godhead he hath 199.200 Twise judged ibid. Sathans power 1. Naturall 2. Acquired 3. Sinnefull 201.202 seq Ill Angels knew not the incarnation before they fell ibid. They have no Princedome in knowing the thoughts or over free will 203.204 Sathans legall power ibid. To tempt 204.205 What temptation is 205.206.207 Sathans outward power over men 208.209 How God onely not Angels knows the heart and why 209.210.211 Sathans power over the Creatures 212 Over sen●es and soule 213 How Sathan sinneth yet 214 His punishment 215 2●6 Sathans knowledge hurt and how ibid. His sadnesse ibid. His faith despaire 216. Obduration 217 Christ his Judge and how 217.218.219 Five observable considerations thereof ibid. State-wit against Christ stark folly 220 Familists vaine opinion of the Devill and sinne 221.222 Sinne against light devillish 222 2●3 Obduration ibid. Tenne motives to the good fight 2●4 225 Six points concerning drawing 1. The drawing it selfe 2. The drawer 3. The persons drawne 4. To whom 5. The condition 6. The way and manner Of drawing foure points 1. The expression 2. Reasons moving Christ to draw 3. The manner 4. The power 226.227.228 c. No violence in drawing 2●8 Our indisposition to be drawne 229.230 We naturally hate Christ. 229 2●0 231 Will not weakenesse the cause why we are not drawn 232.233 The strength greatnesse freenesse of grace in 6. Positions 233 234. c. The place Ezech. 16.8.9 c. opened in 12 Articles of free love 234.235.236 Christ gracious for no bire 237 238.2●9 Preparations before conversion in a fourefold consideration 240.241 c. How there be and be no preparations before conversion 240.241 c. How a desire to pray and beleeve is prayer and beliefe how not 242.243 A Royall prerogative in conversion 244 Antinomians objections for immediate beleeving without any preparations or breakings of the soule loosed 245.246.247 c. Saltmarsh his experiences in the Method of conversion tryed and found light 249.250.251 The Antinomian faith presumption 249.250 Fifteene Propositions opening our Doctrine touching preparations 251.252.253 Twelve Assertions against Antinomians in the Doctrine of Preparations 239.240 c. largely Dispositions before renewed drawing of converted soules 260.261 The signes thereof Antinomian confession of sinnes refused 257 How the promises of the Gospel are held forth to sinners as sinners 2●8 Preparations make us nothing lesse sinners then if wee wanted them 259 The doubt of conditionall Gospel-promises discussed against Antinomians 261.262.263 In five positions 264 ●65 c. What conditions we reject and we admit in the Gospel 261.262.263 Obedience in the Law and Gospel the same and how 263.264 How election justification salvation are of grace but differently 265 The decree of God and mans liberty fight not 266.267 Grace inherent in the Saints 268 Bastard preparations 269 Gods Method in deliverances 269.270 Libertines falsely make Justification and Regeneration one 271.272 How Law and love worke in drawing sinners 272.273 The particular manner of drawing not knowne to us 275.276 Drawing Morall and Physicall 277 278 Inspirations without Scripture rejected 270.271 Christs oratory in drawing strong 280.281 His love in drawing 1. Violent 2. Speedy 3. Vehement 4. Reall 5. Lovely 6. Strong 281.282.283 Drawing by love sweeter and stricter then by Law 283.284 Way of loves working ibid. Binding lovelinesse in Christ. 285.286 Drawing power of Christs Kingdome in many particulars 286 287.288.289 Drawing arguments in Christ from beauty 290.291 What beauty From gaine 296.297 From Honour ibid. A survey of Christ. 298.299.300 Libertines enemies to grace 300.301 Great things reported of the waies of God 301.302.303 Objections removed 303.304 The Lord draweth by proportion by charming 305.306 By condiscention 306 By internall application 307.308 By externall accommodation of word and providence ibid. In regard of meanes
awed by the Law 576.577 Antinomians oblige not beleevers to personall walking with God 578 The Law leaveth not off to bee a rule of righteousnesse because it giveth not grace 579 Every naturall man under the Law 581.582 A Mystery of Antinomians that all meanes not effectually moving the will are not meanes laying bonds on the conscience 582.583 Antinomians take away all use of teaching and exhorting 584 Faith looseth us not from the Law ibid. Obeying of God because of the direction of Law and Gospel is to Antinomians a controuling of the free Spirit 589 The Law as the Law required perfect obedience but the Law as Evangelized requireth not perfect obedience that we may be justified 589 The Antinomian doctrine propounded by the carnall Libertine Rom. 7. 590.591 The Law is not meerely passive 591.592 How Faith and new obedience are the meanes of our delivery from the body of sin the former from the guilt and that perfectly and at once in justification and the other from the blot and in-dwelling of sinne and that by degrees in Sanctification 593.594 How we are saved without works 594.595 How God accounteth the good works of the justified porfect 595.596.597.598 CHRIST DYING AND Drawing Sinners to himselfe JOHN 12. 27. Now is my soule troubled and what shall I say Father save me from this houre But for this cause came I unto this houre 28. Father glorifie thy Name IT is a question whether these words of our Saviours Soule-trouble be nothing but the same words and prayer which Matthew chap. 26. and Luke 22. relate to wit O my Father if it be possible let this cup passe from me when his soule was troubled in the garden in his agonie Some think them the same others not It is like they are words of the same matter for first when Christ uttered these words hee was neare his sufferings and on the brink of that hideous and dark sea of his most extreme paine and drew up against hell and the Armies of darknesse as the story sheweth But that the Lord uttered these same words in the garden and not before is not apparent because upon this prayer it is said Then came there a voyce from heaven c. A voyce speaketh to him from heaven now Mat. 26. Luk. 22. no voyce is like to have come from heaven for when hee prayed in his agonie there were no people with him as here because of the voyce the people being present Some said it thundered others said an Angel spake from heaven there being now with Christ in the garden when hee prayed O my Father c. none save Peter James and John the three famous witnesses of his extreme suffering and of his young heaven of his transfiguration on the Mount when hee acted the Preludium and the image and representation of heaven before them as is cleare Mat. 26. vers 37. And he was removed from them also Mat. 26.39 Luk. 22.41 and they were sleeping in his agonie Mat. 26.40 43 45. But now there is a waking people with Christ who heard this voyce But I deny not but it is the same prayer in sense even as suppose it were revealed to a godly man that hee were to suffer an extreme violent and painfull death and withall some fearfull soule-desertion as an image of the second death it should much affright him to remember this and hee might pray that the Lord would either save him from that sad houre or then give him grace with faith and courage in the Lord to endure it so here Christ God and man knowing that hee was to beare the terrors of the first and second death doth act over afore-hand the time being neare the sorrow and anguish of heart that hee was to suffer in his extreme sufferings as it were good ere the crosse come to act it in our mind and take an essay and a lift of Christs crosse ere wee beare it to try how handsomely wee would set back and shoulders under the Lords crosse I doe not intend that wee are to imitate the Martyr who put his hand in the fire the night before hee suffered to try how hee could endure burning-quick but that wee are to lay the supposition what if i● so fall out as Christ being perswaded his suffering was to come acted sorrow trouble of soule and prayer before-hand and to resolve the saddest and antedate the crosse and say with our owne hearts Let the worst come or to suffer our feare to prophecy as Job did chap. 3. vers 25. yet suppose the hardest befall me I know what to doe as the unjust Steward resolveth on a way before-hand how to swimm● through his necessities Luk. 16.4 The Lord acteth judgement and what they shall pray in the time of their extremity who now spit at all praying and Religion they shall be religious in their kind when they shall cry Revel 6.16 Mountaines and rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb. You cannot beleeve that a Lambe shall chase the Kings of the earth and the great men and the rich men and every bond-man and every free-man into the dennes and the rocks of the mountaines to hide themselves But the Lord acteth wrath and judgement before your eyes Men will not suppose the reall story of hell Say but with thy selfe Oh! shall I weep and gnaw my tongue for paine in a sea of fire and brimstone Doe but fore-fancie I pray you how you shall look on it what thoughts you will have what you shall doe when you shall 2 Thes. 1.9 be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power 1. Fore-seen sorrowes have not so sad an impression on the spirit 2. Grace is a well-advised and resolute thing and has the eyes of providence to say in possible events What if my Scarlet embrace the Dunghill and Providence turne the Tables 3. It is like wisedome grace is wise to see afarre-off to fore-act faith and resolve to lie under Gods feet and intend humble yeelding to God as 2 Sam. 15.25 26. In the Complaint wee have 1. the Subject-matter of it The Lords troubled soule 2. The Time Now is my soul● troubled 3. Christs Anxiety wrought on him by this trouble What shall I say or which is the sense What shall I doe 4. And a shoare is seen at hand in the storme a present rock in the raging sea What shalt thou say Lord Jesus what shalt thou doe Pray and hee prayeth Father save me from this houre 5. There is a sort of correction or rather a limitation But for this cause came I to this houre The Lord forgetting his paine embraceth this evill houre 6. Going on in his resolution to embrace this sad houre hee prayeth vers 28. Father glorifie thy Name Touching the first the Soule-trouble of Christ wee are to consider 1. How it can consist with
doth not suffer but is rather enlarged by exhalation Yet is there great halting in these comparisons because though the soule cannot be sick when the body is distempered for there is nothing of the Elementary nature nor any contemperation of Physicall humours in it because of a more sublime and pure constitution yet there is such alliance and intire society between the soule and the body that the soule through concomitancie and sympathy does suffer as the In-dweller is put to the worse if the house be rainy and dropping The soule findeth smoke and leakings of paine in that it s pinned in a lodging of sick clay and so put to wish an hole in the wall or to escape out at doore or window as often our spirits are over-swayed so with distaste of life because of the foure accidents that doe convey it that they think the gaine of life not so sweet as it can quit the cost But the blessed God-head united to the Man-hood cannot so much as for companies cause be sick pained or suffer nor can the God-head be weary of an union with a troubled soule Wee conceive in the grave and death that glorious f●llowship was never dissolved Secondly Many things may suffer by invasion of contraries as shoot an arrow against a wall of brasse some impression may remaine in the wall to witnesse the violence that has been there and wee know that They shall fight against thee but they shall not prevaile But the blessed God-head in Christ is uncapable of an arrow or of repercussion there is no action against God hee is here not so much as a coast a bank or bulwurke capable of receiving one spitting or drop of a sea-wave onely the Man Christ the Rose of heaven had in his bosome at his root a fountaine Oh how deep and refreshing that kept the Flower greene under death and the grave when it was plucked up it was faire vigorous green before the sunne and thus plucked up and above earth blossomed faire Thirdly Not onely the influence and effects of the glorious God-head did water the Flower and keep strength in Christ so I think God can keep a damned man in the doubled torments of everlasting wrath with strength of grace courage faith the love of Christ for ever as hee could not be overcome by hell and devils but there was the fulnesse personall of the God-head that immediatly sustained the Man Christ it was not a delegated comfort nor sent help nor a message of created love nor a borrowed flowing of a sea of sweetnesse of consolation but God in proper person infinite subsistence the personality of the Sonne of God bottomed all his sufferings the Man-hood was imped and stocked in the subsistence of the tree of life It s true God is a present help to his Saints in trouble but his helping is in his operation and working but hee is not personally united to the soule It s abominable that some Famulists teach that as Christ was once made flesh so hee is now first made flesh in us ere wee be carried to perfection Because not any Saint on earth can be so united personally to God as the Son of Man for hee being made of a woman of the seed of David the Son of Man hee and not any but hee is the eternall Son of God God blessed for ever The Child born to us is the mighty God the Father of age the Prince of peace Isai. 9.6 Rom. 9.5 Gal. 4.4 There is a wide difference between him the second Adam and all men even the first Adam in his perfection 1 Cor. 15.47 If Christ suffered without dissolving of the union God keeping the tent of clay and taking it to heaven with him in a personall union then God can in the lowest desertion dwell in his Saints We complaine in our soule-trouble of Christs departure from us but hee is not gone our sense is not our Bible nor a good rule there is an errour in this Compasse The third Particular was the Cause What cause was there Papists say there was no reason of Christs soule-suffering except for sympathy with the body Wee beleeve that Christ becoming Surety for us not his body onely but his soule especially came under that necessity that his soule was in our soules stead and so what was due to our soules for ever our Surety of justice behoved to suffer the same Isai. 53.10 Hee made his soule an offering for sinne Sure for our sin Nor must wee restrict the soule to the body and temporary life seeing hee expresseth it in his owne language And now is my soule troubled Secondly There was no reason of Christs bodily sufferings when in the garden hee did sweat bloud for us nor had any man at that time laid hands on him and all that agonie hee was in came from his soule onely Thirdly Nor can it be more inconsistent with his blessed person being God and Man and the Sonne of God that hee suffered in his soule the wrath of God for our sinnes then that his soule was troubled and exceeding sorrowfull heavie to the deaths in an agonie and that hee complained My God my God why hast thou forsaken me And the cause of this soule-trouble was for sinners this was Surety-suffering The choicest and most stately piece that ever God created and dearest to God being the Second to God-man was the Princely soule of Christ it was a Kings soule yet death by reason of sinne passeth upon it and not a common death but that which is the marrow of death the first-borne and the strongest of deaths the wrath of God the innocent paine of hell voyd of despaire and hatred of God If I had any hell on me I should chuse an innocent hell like Christs Better suffer ill a thousand times than sinne Suffering is rather to be chosen than sinne It was pain and nothing but paine Damned men and reprobate devils are not capable of a godly and innocent hell they cannot chuse to suffer hell and not spit on faire and spotlesse Justice because Christs bloud was to wash away sin hee could not both fully pay and contract debt also But if it be so that death finding so precious a Surety as Christs Princely and sinlesse soule did make him obey the law of the Land ere hee escaped out of that Land what wonder that wee die who are born in the Land of death No creature but it travelleth in paine with death in its bosome or an inclination to Mother-Nothing whence it came God onely goeth between the mightiest Angel in heaven and Nothing All things under the Moone must be sick of vanity and death when the Heire of all things coming in amongst dying creatures out of dispensation by Law must dye If the Lords soule and the soule of such a Lord dye and suffer wrath then let the faire face of the world the heavens look like the face of an old man full of trembling white haires
want nothing Mercy be satisfied Peace should kisse righteousnesse and warre goe on in justice against a sinlesse Redeemer Angels bowing and stooping downe to behold the bottome of this depth 1 Pet. 1.12 cannot read the perfect sense of the infinite turnings and foldings of this mysterious love O Love of heaven and fairest of Beloveds the flower of Angels why camest thou so low down as to be-spot and under-rate the spotlesse love of all loves with coming ●igh to black sinners Who could have beleeved that lumps of hell and sinne could be capable of the warmings and sparkles of so high and princely a Love or that there could be place in the brest of the High and lofty One for forlorne and guilty clay But wee may know in whose brest this bred sure none but onely the eternall Love and Delight of the Father could have outed so much love had another done it the wonder had been more But of this more else-where Wee may hence chide our soft nature the Lord Jesus his soule was troubled in our businesse wee start at a troubled body at a scratch in a penny-broad of our hyde First There is in nature a silent impatience if wee be not carried in a chariot of love in Christs bosome to heaven and if wee walk not upon scarlet and purple under our feet wee flinch and murmure Secondly Wee would either have a silken a soft a perfumed crosse sugered and honyed with the consolations of Christ or wee faint and providence must either brew a cup of gall and worm-wood mastered in the mixing with joy and songs else wee cannot be Disciples But Christs Crosse did not smile on him his Crosse was a crosse and his ship sailed in bloud and his blessed soule was sea-sick and heavie even to death Thirdly Wee love to saile in fresh waters within a step to the shoare wee consider not that our Lord though hee afflict not and crush not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 from his heart Lam. 3.33 yet hee afflicteth not in sport punishing of sinne is in God a serious grave and reall work no reason the crosse should be a play neither Stoicks nor Christians can laugh it over the Crosse cast a sad glowme upon Christ. Fourthly we forget that bloody and sad mercies are good for us the peace that the Lord bringeth out of the wombe of warre is better then the rotten peace that wee had in the superstitious daies of Prelats What a sweet life what a heaven what a salvation is it we have in Christ and we know the death the grave the soule-trouble of the Lord Jesus travelled in paine to bring forth these to us Heaven is the more heaven that to Christ it was a purchase of blood The Crosse to all the Saints must have a bloody bit and Lyons teeth it was like it selfe to Christ gallie and soure it must be so to us Wee cannot have a Paper-crosse except we would take on us to make a golden providence and put the creation in a new frame and take the world and make it a great leaden vessell melt it in the fire and cast a new mould of it Fiftly the more of God in the Crosse the sweeter as that free grace doth budde out of the black rod of God to the soule that seeth not and yet beleeveth and loveth the Crosse of Christ drops honey and sweetest consolations Wee sigh under stroakes and we beleeve The first Adam killed us and buried us in two deaths and sealed our grave in one peece of an houre he concluded all under wrath Now how much of Christ is in this Omnipotencie infinite wisedome when Angels gave us over and stood aloofe at our miserie as changed lovers free Grace boundlesse love deepest and richest mercy in Jesus Christ opened our graves and raised the dead Christ died and rose againe and brought againe from the dead all his buried brethren Sixtly we can wrestle with the Almighty as if we could discipline and governe our selves better then God can do Murmuring fleeth up against a dispensation of an infinite wisdome because its Gods dispensation not our owne as if God had done the fault but the murmuring man onely can make amends and right the slips of infinite Wisdome Why is it thus with mee Lord saith the Wrestler Why doest thou mis-judge Christ he who findeth fault with what the Creator doth let him be man or Angel undoe it and doe better himselfe and carry it with him Seventhly we judge God with sense with the humor of reason not with reason the oare that God rolleth his vessell withall is broken say we because the end of the oare is in the water Providence halteth say we but what if sense and humour say a straight line is a circle The world judged God in person a Samaritane one that had a devill if we mis-judge his person we may mis-judge his providence and wayes Suspend your sense of Gods wayes while you see his ends that are under ground and instead of judging wonder and adore or then beleeve implicitly that the way of God is equall or doe both and submit and be silent Heart-dialogues and heart-speeches against God that arises as smoake in the Chimney are challengings and summons against our highest Landlord for his owne house and land Secondly If Christ gave a soule for us hee had no choiser thing the Father had no nobler and dearer gift then his only begotten sonne the sonne had no thing dearer then himselfe the man Christ had nothing of value comparable to his soule and that must runne a hazzard for man The Father the Sonne the Man Christ gave the excellentest that was theirs for us In this giving and taking world we are hence obliged to give the best and choisest thing we have for Christ. Should wee make a table of Christs acts of love and free grace to us and of ou● sinnes and acts of unthankefulnesse to him this would be more evident as there was 1. before time in the breast of Christ an eternall coale of burning love to the sinner this fire of heaven is everlasting and the flames as hot to day as ever our coale of love to him in time hath scarce any fire or warmenesse all fire is hot Oh we cannot warme Christ with our love but his love to us is hotter then death or as the flames of God Wee were enemies in our minds to him by wicked workes Col. 1.21 Heires of wrath by nature Christ began with love to us we begin with hatred to him 2. The Father gave his onely begotten Sonne for us how many Fathers and Elies will not let fall one tough word to all the sonnes and daughters they have for the Lord God spared not his Sonne but gave him to the death for us all Earthly Fathers spare clap their Sonnes Servants Friends Magistrates flattering Pastors their people in their blasphemies for him 3. Christ gave his soule to trouble and to the horrour of the
why there is not among troubles any so grievous as the want of the presence of God to a soule fattened and feasted with the continuall marrow and fatnesse of the Lords house No such complaints read you so bitter so patheticke and comming from deeper sense then the want of the sense of Christs love It 's broken bones and a dryed up body to David it 's bitter weeping and crying like the chattering of a Crane to Ezechiah it 's more then strangling and brings Job to pray he had been buried in the wombe of his mother or that he had never been borne or his mother had beene alwaies great with him it is swoning and the soules departure out of the body sicknesse and death to the Spouse Cant. 5. vers 6.8 it 's Hell and distraction to Heman Psal. 88.15 It is to Jeremiah the cursing of the Messenger that brought tidings to his Father that a man-child was borne and a wishing that hee never had being nor life it 's death to part the lover from the beloved and the stronger love bee the death is the more death But in all that we yet have said Christs greatest Soule trouble as a Sonne for that he was essentially was in that his holy soule was sadded and made h●avie even to death for sinne as sinne and as contrary to his Fathers love The Elect sinned against the Lord not looking to him as either Lord or Father but Christ payed full deare for sinne eying God as Lord as Father Wee looke neither to Lord to Law nor to Love when we sinne Christ looked to all three when hee satisfied for sinne Christ did more then pay our debts it was a summe above price that he gave for us it is a great question yea out of all question if all mankind redeemed came neere to the worth to the goodly price given for us So according to the sense of any happinesse so must the Soule-trouble for the losse of that happinesse be in due proportion First as we love so is sorrow for the losse of what we love Jaakob would not have mourned so for the losse of a servant as of his Sonne Joseph Now no man enioying God could have a more quicke and vigorous sense of the enjoyed God-head then Christ so his apprehension and vision of God must have been strong 2. Because the union with the Godhead and communion of fulnesse of Grace from the wombe must adde to his naturall faculties a great edge of sense his soule and the faculties thereof were never blunted with sinne and the larger the vessell be the fulnesse must be the greater What or who of the highest Seraphims or Dominions or Principalities among Angels had so large and capacious a a spirit to containe the fulnesse of God as Christ had When Salomons heart was larger the● the sand in the Sea-shore and he was but a shaddow of such a soule as was to divell personally with the fulnesse of the Godhead bodily O how capacious and wide must the heart of the true Salomon be it being to containe many Seas and Rivers of Wisdome Love Joy Goodnesse Mercy above millions of Sandes in millions of Sea-shoares What bowels of compassion and love of m●●●●nesse gentlenes of free grace must be in him Since all thousands of Elected soules sate in these bowels and were in his heart to die and live with him and withall since in his heart was the love of God in the highest Love must make a strong impression in the heart of Christ and the stronger purer and more vigorous that Christs intellectuals are the deeper his holy thoughts and pure apprehensions were and more steeled with fulnesse of Grace his fruition sense joy and love of God must be the more elevated above what Angels and M●n are capable off Hence it must follow that Christ was plunged in an uncouth and new world of extreame sorrow even to the death when this strong love was Ecclipsed Imagine that for one Spring and Summer season that all the light heat motion vigour influence of life should retire into the body of the Sunne and remaine there what darkeness deadness whithering should be upon flowres herbs trees mountaines valleys beasts birds and all things living and moving on the earth Then what wonder that Christs Soule was extreamly troubled his blessed Sunne was now downe his Spring and Summer gone his Father a forsaking God was a new World to him and I shall not beleeve that his complaint came from any error of judgement or mistakes or ungrounded jealousies of the love of God As his Father could not at any time hate him so neither could he at this time actu secundo let out the sweet fruits of his love the cause of the former is the nature of God ●s the ground of the latter is a dispensation above the capacitie of the reason of Men or Angels We may then conclude that Jesus Christs Soule-trouble as it was rationall and extreamely penall so also it was sinneless and innocent seldome have we Soule-trouble sinneless but it i● by accident of the way For our passions can hardly rise in th●ir extremity except when God is their onely object but they goe over score yet Soule-trouble intrinsecally is not a sinne Then to be troubled for sin though the person be fully perswaded of pardon is neither sin no● inconsistent with the state of a justified person nor is it any act of unbeleefe as Antinomians falsely suppose For 1. To be in soule-trouble for sin which cannot to the perfect knowledge of the person troubled eternally condemne was in Jesus Christ in whom there was no spot of sin And Antinomians say Sin remaining sin essentially must have a condemnatory power so as its unpossible to separate the condemnatory power of the Law from the mandatory and commanding power of the Law 2. Because as to abstaine from sin as it offendeth against the love of God sh●wing mercy rather then the Law of God inflicting wrath is spirituall obedience so also to be troubled in soule for sin committed by a justified person against so many sweet bonds of free love and grace is a sanctified and gracious sorrow and trouble of soule 3. To be troubled for sin as offensive to our heavenly Father and against the sweetnesse of free Grace and tender love includeth no act of unbeleef nor that the justified and pardoned sinner thus troubled is not pardoned or that hee feareth eternall wrath as Antinomians imagine no more then a sons griefe of mind for offending a tender-hearted father can inferre that this griefe doth conclude this son under a condition of doubting of his state of son-ship or filiation or a fearing hee be dis-inherited Wee may feare the Lord and his goodnesse Hos. 3.5 as well as wee feare his eternall displeasure 4. Sanctified soule-trouble is a sonlie commotion and agonie of spirit for trampling under feet tender love spurning and kicking against the lovely warmnesse of the flowings of the
the Society mixed with the godly they thinke it a worke of the flesh to confesse their owne sinnes this is to steale the word of the Lord from his people So David Psal. 25.7 Remember not the sinnes of my youth nor my trangressions The sinnes of his youth as touching obligation to eternall wrath were pardoned I question it not but in regard God was turned from him in the flamings of love and his sinnes sealed up in a bagge in regard of innumerable evils that lay on him he prayeth Vers. 16. Turn thee unto me Hebr. Set thy countenance on me Gods favour in the sense of it was turned away and Vers. 18. Looke upon mine affliction and paine and forgive all my sinnes the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with a point in the left side of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is to carry away Jerome aufer take away all my sinnes Isai. 53.4 hee carried or did beare as a burden our iniquities Vatablus portavit Pagnin parce condona Spare or pardon all my sinnes then sinne heere is pardoned onely according to the present paine and griefe of body and soule that was on David Psal. 3● 4 For mine iniquities are gone over mine head as a heavy burden they are too heavie for me Wee have no reason to beleeve that David thought himselfe already a condemned man and now in hell though some sparkes of hell's wrath and fire not in any sort as satisfactory to divine justice or as a fruit of Gods hatred and enmity can fall on the children of God yet it s not imaginary but reall anger God was really angry with Moses at the waters of strife The thing that David did against Vriah displeased the Lord not in David's opinion onely And though the hell for a time in the soule of God's children and the hell of the reprobate differ in essence and nature in that the hell of the reprobate is a satisfactory paine 2. and that i● floweth from the hatred of God but the hell of the godly not so yet in this materially they are of the same size that the one as well as the other are coales and flames of the same furnace and neither are imaginary Then againe Sinnes of youth long-agoe pardoned though sometimes dearly beloved are like the ghost of a deare friend some yeares agoe dead and buried that re-appeareth to a man as dead Samuel did to Saul look how loving and deare they were alive they are now as terrible and dreadfull when they appeare to us living out from the land of death so are sins of youth when they rise from the dead and were pardoned in Christ long-agoe they appeare againe to David and Job and the Saints with the vaile and mask or hew of hell and sealed with temporary wrath Psal. 99.8 Thou wast a God that pardonedst or forgavest them though thou tookest vengeance of their inventions The same word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is given to God when hee taketh vengeance on his enemies Num. 31.2 Esay 1.24 I will be avenged of mine enemies 2 King 9.7 That I may avenge the bloud of my servants the Prophets So is the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vengeance used Deut. 32.43 Hee will render vengeance to his adversaries And if one and the same temporary judgement in the two Theeves that were crucified with Christ be so differenced that mercy is stamped on the same death to the one and wrath to the other wee may well say there is a temporary vengeance and wrath that befalleth both the Saints and the Reprobate in this life and the difference is in the mind and intention of God in both And that God pardoneth sin when hee removeth temporary wrath So 2 Sam. 12.13 Nathan saith to David The Lord also hath caused thy sinne to passe away why Thou shalt not die This is meant of temporall death especially as the context cleareth V. 10. The sword shall not depart from thine house And V. 14. The child borne to thee shall surely die Then the Lords putting away of Davids sin was in loosing him from the sword in his own person not in his house and children for by proportion of divine justice though tempered with mercy the Sword was punished with the Sword I doe not exclude relaxation from eternall punishment but remission going for relaxation of punishment Then as there be two sorts of punishmen●s one temporary and another the eternall wrath to come so there are in Scripture two sorts of remissions one from the temporary another from eternall punishment Therefore sin is put for punishment Gen. 4.13 Mine iniquity saith Cain is more then I can beare or My punishment is more then I can bear Levit. 24.15 Hee that curseth his God shall beare his sinne Ezek. 23.49 And yee shall beare the sinnes of your Idols Num. 9.13 The man that is cleane and forbeareth to eat the Passe-over that man shall beare his sinne So when God layeth sin to the charge of the sinner in punishing it hee is said to lay a burden on the sinner 2 King 9.25 And to remove this burden is to pardon the sin 2 Chron. 7.14 If my people humble themselves then will I heare from heaven and will forgive their sinne and will heale their land by removing the locusts and the pestilence See the pardoning of their sin is exponed to be the removing of the locusts and pestilence And to call sins to remembrance is to punish sin The Shunamite saith 1 King 17.18 Art thou come to me O man of God to call my sin to remembrance and to slay my sonne Job complaineth c. 13.26 Thou makest me to possesse the iniquities of my youth Now though out of unbeleefe hee might apprehend that hee was cast off of God and a man rejected of God and that his sins were never pardoned and hee himselfe never delivered from the wrath to come these legall thoughts might keep Job in a distance from God to his owne sinfull apprehension yet it shall be unpossible to prove that Job in all these complaints had no other but a meere legall esteeme of Gods dispensation and that 2. God stamped not temporary wrath and the paine of a hidden and over-clouded God the substraction of the sense of divine manifestations of love the Lord standing behind the wall in all these afflictions Now it s known that as these are often trialls of the faith of the Saints yet are they soure fruits of our fleshly indulgence to our carnall delights and of our not opening to our Beloved when hee knocketh Cant. 5.2 3 4 5 6. And though the godly doe stedfastly beleeve their salvation is in a Castle above losing yet in reason sin bringing broken bones Psal. 51.10 a sad cloud the damming up of a spring of Christs love spread abroad in the heart a temporary hell in the soule it must be sorrowed for hated mourned for confessed and yet in all these there is no necessity of such a Law-spirit of bondage to work these
to pure justice but fire-flashes or flamings of hell on the deserted Saints are medicinall or exploratory corrections though relative to justice and punishments of sin yet is that justice mixed with mercy and exacteth no Law-payment in those afflictions 3. Despaire and blasphemous expostulating and quarrelling divine Justice are the inseparable attendants of the flames and lashings of wrath in reprobates in the godly there is a clearing of justice a submission to God and a silent Psalme of the praise of the glory of this justice in this temporary hell no lesse then there is a new Song of the praise of free grace in the eternall glory of the Saints perfected with the Lamb. Nor should this seem strange that God punisheth the sins of his children with such spirituall plagues of unbeleefe and jealousies and lying mis-judgings of God in their sad desertions more then that the Lord punished the lifted-up heart of Hezekiah with leaving him to fall on his owne weight and Davids idlenesse and security with letting him fall in adultery and Peter's selfe-confidence with a foule denying of his Lord. But it s a sad dispensation when God cleaveth a Saint with a wedge of his own timber and linketh one sinfull mis-judging of God in this feaver of soule-desertion to another and justice seweth in a permissive providence one sin to another to lengthen the chaine if free Grace a linck of Gold did not put a period to the progresse thereof Now wee are not to look at this as an ordinary calamity Job's expressions are very full chap. 6.4 For the arrowes of the Almighty are within me the poyson whereof drinketh up my spirit the terrours of God doe set themselves in aray against me An arrow is a deadly weapon when it s shot by a man or by an Angel but its soft as oyle in comparison of the arrow of the Almighty 1. It s the arrow of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Almighty did frame and mould and whet it in heaven 2. The arrow was dipt in poyson and hath art from hell and divine justice One Devill is stronger then an hoast of men but legions of Devills are mighty strong when such Archers of hell are sent to shoot arrowes that are poysoned with the curse and bloudy indignation of heaven 3. What a sad stroke must it be when the armes of Omnipotency draweth the bow The armes of God can shogge the mountaines and make them tremble and can move the foundation of the earth out of its place and take the globe of heaven and earth and can cast it out of its place more easily then a man casts a slung stone out of his hand When hee putteth forth the strength of Omnipotency against the creature what can the man doe 4. Every arrow is not a drinking arrow the arrowes of divine wrath drinke bloud Suppose a thousand horse-leeches were set on a poore naked man to drink bloud at every part of his body and let them have power and art to suck out the marrow the oyle the sap of life out of bones and joynts say also that one man had in his veins a little sea of bloud and that they were of more then ordinary thirst and power to drink the corpse of the living man as dry as strawes or flaxe what a paine would this be Yea but it were tolerable 5. Arrowes can but drink bloud arrowes are shot against the body the worst they can doe is to drink life out of liver and heart and to pierce the strongest bones but the arrowes of the Almighty are shot against spirits and soules The spirit is a fine subtile immortall thing Isai. 31.3 The horses of Egypt are flesh and not spirit The spirit is a more God-like nature then any thing created of God The Almighty's arrowes kill spirits and soules There 's an arrow that can pierce flesh joynts liver heart bones yea but through the soule also Never an Archer can shoot an arrow at the soule but this the Almighty can doe Say your arrow killed the man yet the soule is saved 6. Many love not their life to death as the Witnesses of Jesus Death is death as clothed with apprehensions of terror no man is wretched actu secundo within and without but hee that beleeveth himselfe to be so here are terrors selfe-terrors Jeremiah could prophesie no harder thing against Pashur The Lord saith hee hath not called thy name Pashur but Magor-missa●ib Jer. 20.3 Thou shalt be a terror to thy selfe Compare this with other paines Job would rather chuse strangling or the dark grave and the grave to nature is a sad a black and dreadfull house but a beleever may get beyond the grave What doe the glorified spirits feare a grave now or are they affraid of a coffin and a winding-sheet or of lodging with the wormes and corruption or is burning quick a terror to them No not any of these can run after or over-take them and they know that But selfe-terrors are a hell carried about with the man in his bosome hee cannot run from them Oh! hee lieth down and hell beddeth with him hee sleepeth and hell and hee dreame together he riseth and hell goeth to the fields with him hee goes to his garden there is hell It s observable a Garden is a Paradise by art and Christ was as deep in the agonie and wrestlings of hell for our sins in a garden a place of pleasure as on the crosse a place of torment The man goes to his table O! hee dare not eat hee hath no right to the creature to eat is sin and hell so hell is in every dish To live is sinne hee would faine chuse strangling every act of breathing is sin and hell Hee goes to Church there is a dog as great as a mountaine before his eye Here be terrors But what one or two terrors are not much though too much to a soule spoyled of all comfort 7. The terrors of God God is alwayes in this sad play doe set themselves in battell array against me Or Chap. 16.13 His archers compassed me about round Hebr. his great ones or his bow-men because they are many or because the great ones did fight afarre-off have besieged me So 2 Chron. 17.9 1 Sam. 7.16 Samuel went in a circuit to Bethel and Gilgal and Mispeh And Josh. 6.3 Yee shall besiege Jericho The wrath of God and an army of terrors blocked up poore Job and stormed him Now here be these sore pressures on the soule 1. The poore man cannot look out ●o any creature-comfort or creature-help Say that an Angel from heaven would stand for him or a good conscience would plead comfort to him it should solace him but the man cannot look out nor can hee look up Psal. 40.12 The enmity of God is a sad thing 2. A battell array is not of one man but of many enemies Say the man had one soule it should be his enemy and that hee had a hundred soules hee should
clay in our water but because good works are not our Saviours it s no good ground to say they have no influence in the way of our salvation and they are not way-marks in our journey because they are no part of the ransome that bought heaven Wee have a grand opinion of our owne righteousnesse and when wee misse it wee think wee misse Christ himselfe which is a great mis-judging and argueth a beleeving in our selves not in Christ. And often soule-trouble ariseth from defects omissions and sinnes in our selves If simple griefe for sin as offensive to love arise that 's good soule-trouble but such soule-trouble as shaketh the bottome of faith and turneth the soule off Christ to seek righteousnesse in it self is damnable as it 's hard for an unregenerate man to see sinne in it's dreadfullest colours and not despaire so it 's hard for a regenerate person to see sinne as sinne and not to fall on unbeliefe and doubting of Christs love Antinomians thinke any anxiety for sinne which expelleth actuall rejoycing in Christ our turning off Christ and our casting of the conscience againe under the Spirit of bondage and worke of the Law Which is contrary to truth and the command of James to be afflicted and mourne and Christs saying Blessed are they that mourne for they shall be comforted and Peter who saith there may be need that the Saints be in heavinesse for a season It 's a great point of wisdome 1. to know how farre forth our spirituall walking may be a seed of comfort we may easily erre on either hands 2. The Logick would bee humble Lord I am not hauty Ergo I am comforted in thee Paul saith well I know nothing by my selfe yet am I not hereby justified we would not build a Towre on a Moale-hill 3. From our sinnefull walking we may draw grounds of godly sorrow yet not grounds of unbeliefe Faith and Godly sorrow are consistent together 4. It 's not safe to argue that wee are not in Christ from the wants adhering to our sincere performances While we slander our selves we may slander the Spirit of God 5. The measure of our obedience cannot bee a warrant to counter-argue Christ as want is no warrant to stand farre off from Christ no more then it 's good Logicke to flee from the fire because you are cold or to bee at odds with gold because you are needy and poore poverty may conclude a sayling with low sayles and humility but not unbeliefe your want of all things should not empty rich Jesus Christ. 7. Absence of Christ mis-apprehended through unbeliefe occasioneth soul-trouble In which there is something which evidenceth saving grace in the troubled soule as is afore said For the want of the thing loved cannot but here be a gracious torment to the lover The Spouse is sicke and dyeth when she wanterh him whom her soule loveth Cant. 2.5 chap. 5. vers 6 8. David so expresseth himselfe Psalm 84.2 My soule longeth yea even fainteth or dyeth or is at an end for the Courts of the Lord my flesh and my heart cryeth out for the living God The word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is to desire or to bee consumed or to make an end of any thing Davids desire of injoying God was such as it was his death to want God it may hold forth as Pagnine observeth that Davids soule either extremely desired the Lord or dyed upon the absence of God But to be anxiously troubled in an unbeleeving manner is the sinnefull soule-trouble Why doth the soule doubt of Christs Winter more then of his Summer Absence and presence his comming and his departing are both his owne workes God hath liberty in the one as in the other as it is Gods liberty to make faire weather and stormes to make a faire day and a cloudy day To make David a King and his brethren shepherds and common souldiers so hath he his own freedome in the breathings of his owne Spirit and the blowing of his own winde or of the drawing a curtaine over his owne face and hiding himselfe and neither in this nor in any of his waies of freedome can we challenge the Lord or plead against him And if we thinke we doe well to be angry even to the death at the motions and breathings of Christs free love then may we compel Christ to be kind and visit us as we think good What ever yee be Christ is Lord of his owne presence and visits and it 's good the Kings Chamber of presence be a Dainty and Christs wine bee not so common as water nor can wee here force kindnesse or acts of heavenly manifestations on him he hides himselfe Why he is as reasonable and wise in his going as in his comming 2. We should take on us to steward and husband the kisses and embracements of Christ better then he can doe himselfe and should quarrell because the Lord hath not thought fit to make Heires and Minors that are yet under Non-age Masters and Lords of their owne young heaven this were not a good world for us Christs love is better then wine Cant. 1. Neither our head nor our heart could endure to drinke at our own will of this new wine of the higher Kingdome Better for us it is that Christ beare the key of the Well of life then children have it and if the Government of the higher and lower familie bee upon the shoulders of Christ the leading of this or that single person to heaven is worthy Christs care 3. And consider that Christ goeth not behind the mountaine or hideth himselfe upon meere hazard but so weighty reasons that love may bee sharpened through absence that the house may be adorned with new Hangings and Christs bedde made greene that care may bee had when he resteth in his love not to stirre up nor awake the beloved untill he please that the high Tydes and rich Feasts of Christs love after sad and heavy desertions may heighten the worth and esteeme of Christ that faith and love may with more of the violence of ven lay hold on Christ after long seeking and not part with him on so easie termes Cant. 3.1 2 3 4. that we may know what weakenesse is in our owne clay legs under desertion and how we are to walke on Christs legges which are pillars of marble set on sockets of gold that absence and presence the frownings and smilings of Christ may bee to the Saints the little images of hell and heaven and broken men may read their deb●s in Christs count-booke of free grace with teares in their eyes and songs of praise in their mouth That wee may bee in high love and sicke for absent Christ and may be at the pains through thicke and thin to seeke him And l●arne to live lesse by sense and more by faith and resolve to die beleeving and be charitable of Christ absent and kisse his veile when we can see no more and be upon our watch-towre
when that faileth them and they dare not pray to God they petition hills and mountaines to be graves above them to bury such lumps of wrath quicke Revel 6. 2. I defie any man with all his art to be an Hypocrite and to play the Politician in hell at the last judgement in the houre of death or when the conscience is wakened A robber doth never mocke the Law and Justice at the Gallowes what ever he doe in the woods and mountaines Men doe cry and weep and confesse sinnes right downe and in sad earnests when Conscience speaketh out wrath there is no mind then of Fig-leave-coverings or of colours veiles masks or excuses 3. Conscience is a peece of eternity a chip that f●ll from a Deity and the neerest shaddow of God and endeth as it begins At first even by it's naturall constitution Conscience warreth against Concupiscence and speaketh sadly out of Adam while it is hot and not cold-dead I was afraid hearing thy voice I hid my selfe and this it doth Rom. 1.19 chap. 2.15 While lusts buy and bribe conscience out of office then it cooperateth with sinne and becommeth dead in the end when God shaketh an eternall rod over conscience then it gathereth warme bloud againe as it had in Adams daies and hath a resurrection from death and speaketh gravely and terribly without going about the bush O how ponderous and heavy How farre from tergiversation cloakings and shifting are the words that dying Atheists utter of the deceitfulnesse of sinne the vanitie of the World the terrours of God Was not Judas in sad earnest did Saul speake policie when he weepeth on the Witch and saith I am sore distressed Did Spira dissemble and sport when he roared like a Beare against divine wrath What shall I say This saith that Christ answering for our sinnes had nothing to say The sufferer of Satisfactorie paine has no words of Apologie for sinne The friend that was to bee cast in utter darknes for comming to the Supper of the great King without his wedding Garment 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 his mouth was muzled as the mouth of a mad dog he was speechlesse and could not barke when Divine justice speaketh out of God Job chap. 40. answereth ver 4. Behold I am vile what shall I answer thee I will lay my hand on my mouth When the Church findeth justice pleading against her It 's thus Ezech. 16.63 That thou mayest remember thy sinnes and be confounded and there may bee no more an openining of a mouth because of thy shame when I am pacified toward thee for all that thou hast done saith the Lord. I grant satisfactory justice doth not here put men to silence but it proveth how little we can answer for sinne Even David remembring that Shimei and other Instruments had deservedly afflicted him in relation to Divine justice saith Psalm 39.9 I was dumbe I opened not my mouth because thou didst it There were three demands of justice given in against Christ all which hee answered Justice put it home upon Christ. 1. All the elect have sinned and by the law are under eternall wrath To this claime our Advocate and Suretie could say nothing on the contrary It 's true Lord. Christ doth satisfie the Law but not contradict it The very word of the Gospel answereth all these In this regard Christs silence was an answer and to this Christ said What shall I say I have nothing to say 2. Thou art the sinner in Law to this Christ answered A body thou hast given me The Sonne of man came not to be served but to serve and to give himselfe a ransome for many Matth. 20.28 The whole Gospel saith Christ who knew no sinne was made sinne for us 3. Thou must die for sinners This was the third demand and Christ answereth it Psal. 40. Hebr. 10. Thou hast given me a body here am I to doe thy will To all these three Christ answered with silence and though in regard of his patience to men it be said Esai 53.7 Hee was brought as a Lambe to the slaughter and as a sheepe before the shearer is dumbe so he opened not his mouth Yet it was most true in relation to Divine justice and the Spirit of God hath a higher respect to Christs silence which was a wonder to Pilate before the bar of Gods justice O could we by faith see God giving in a black and sad claime a bill written within and without in which are all the sinnes of all the elect from Adam to the last man and Christ with watery eyes receiving the claime and saying Lord It 's just debt crave me what shall I say on the contrary We should be more bold not barely to name our sinnes and tell them over to God but to confesse them and study more for the answer of a good Conscience by faith to substitute an Advocate to answer the demands of Justice for our sinnes and if men beleeved that Christ as suretie satisfieing for their sinnes could say nothing on the contrary but granted all they should not make excuses and shifts either to wipe their mouth with the whoore and say I have not sinned nor be witty to make distinctions and shifts and excuses to cover mince and extenuate their sinnes Father save me from this houre The fourth part of this complaint is an answer that Faith maketh to Christs question What shall I say What shall I doe Say praying wise saith Faith Father save me from this houre A word of the Coherence then of the words Wee often dreame that in trouble helpe is beyond Sea and farre off as farre as heaven is from earth When help is at our elbow and if the Spirit of Adoption bee within the prisoner hath the Key of his owne Jayle within in his owne hand God was in Christs bosome when he was in a stormy Sea and the light of Faith saith behold the shore at hand Death taketh feet and power of motion from a man but Psal. 23.4 yet Faith maketh a supposition that David may walke and live breathe in the grave in the valley of the shaddow of death It 's the worke of Faith to keep the heate of life in the warme bloud even among clods of clay when the man is buried This anxious condition Christ was in as other straits are to the Saints is a strait and narrow passe there was no help for him on the right hand nor on the left nor before nor behind nor below Christ as David his type Psal. 141.4 Looked round about but refuge failed him no man cared for his soule but there was a way of escape above him it was a faire easie way to heaven The Church was in great danger and trouble of warre and desolation when shee spake to God Psalm 46. Yet their faith seeing him to bee very neere them God is our refuge and strength true he can save saith sense but that is a fowle flying in the woods and
I his sonne But I hold this Position as evidently deducible out of the Text In the roughest and most bloudy dispensation of God toward Saints neither soule-trouble nor anxiety of spirit can be a sufficient ground to any why they should not beleeve or question their son-ship and relation to God as their Father It s cleare that Christ in his saddest condition beleeved and stood to it that God was his Father The onely question will be If sinfull and fleshly walking be a good warrant To which I answer If any be a servant of sin and walk after the flesh and be given up to a reprobate mind to commit sin with greedinesse such a one hath good warrant to beleeve that God is not his Father and that hee is not in Christ because 2 Cor. 5.17 If any man be in Christ hee is a new creature If any be risen with Christ he seeketh the things that are above where Christ is at the right hand of God Hee is dead and his life is hid with Christ in God And Hee mortifieth his members on earth Col. 3.1 2 3 4. Hee is redeemed from this present evill world Gal. 1.4 Hee is dead to sinnes and liveth to righteousnesse 1 Pet. 2.24 Hee is redeemed from his vaine conversation 1 Pet. 1.18 Hee is the Temple of the Holy Ghost hee is not his own but bought with a price and is being washed in Christ's bloud a King over his lusts a Priest to offer himselfe to God an holy living and acceptable sacrifice 1 Cor. 6.19 20. Revel 1.5 6. Rom. 12.1 But hee that remaineth the servant of sin and walketh after the flesh and is given up to a reprobate mind c. is no such man ergo such a man hath no claime to God as his Father and upon good grounds may and ought to question his being in Christ. Onely let these cautions be observed 1. It is not safe to argue from the quantity of holy walking for many sound beleevers may find untowardnesse in wel-doing yet must not cast away themselves for that A smoking flaxe is not quenched by Christ for that it hath little heat or little light and therefore ought not by us 2. Beware we lean not too much to the quality of walking holily to inferre I fast twice a weeke I give tithes of all I have then God I thanke him I am not an hypocrite as the Publican and a wicked man Sincerity is a sensible speaking grace it s seldome in the soule without a witnesse Lord thou knowest that I love thee saith Peter hee could answer for sincerity but not for quantity hee durst not answer Christ that hee knew that hee loved him more then these Sincerity is humble and walketh on positives Lord I love thee but dare not adventure on comparatives Lord I love thee more then others 3. There be certain houres when the beleever cannot make strong conclusions to inferre I am holy therefore I am justified because in darknesse wee see neither black nor white and Gods light hides our case from us that wee may be humbled and beleeve 4. Beleeving is surer then too frequent gathering warmnesse from our own hot skin Saltmarsh and other Libertines make three Doubts that persons have as sufficient grounds to question their being in Christ 1. Back-sliding 2. The mans finding no change in the whole man 3. Unbeleefe Give me leave therefore in all meeknesse to offer my thoughts in sifting and scanning this Doctrine This is then saith hee your first doubt that you are not therefore beloved of God or in Christ because you fell backe againe into your sin so as you did Suppose I prove to you that no sin can make one lesse beloved of God or lesse in Christ. Answer Then I shall conclude that sinne cannot hinder the love of God to my soule Question This I prove 1. The mercies of God are sure mercies his love his covenant everlasting Paul was perswaded that neither life nor death c. could separate him from the love of God The Lord changeth not in loving sinners 2. Whom the Lord loveth hee loveth in his Sonne hee accounts him as his Sonne for hee is made to us righteousnesse sanctification and redemption But God loveth his Sonne alwayes alike for hee is the same yesterday and to day and for ever ergo Nothing can make God love us lesse because hee loves us not for our selves or for any thing in our selves c. 3. God is not as man or the sonne of man Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's chosen The foundation of God standeth sure God's love is as himselfe ever the same Answer 1. The thing in question to resolve the sinner whether hee be loved of God from eternity as one chosen to glory is never proved because no sinne can make one lesse beloved from eternity and sin cannot hinder the love of God non concluditur negatum for its true sinne cannot hinder the flowings and emanation of the love of election it being eternall else not any of the race of mankind God seeing them all as guilty sinners could ever have been loved with an eternall love But the consequence is nought ergo back-sliders in heart and servants of sinne have no ground to question whether they be loved with the love of eternall election or not 2. This Physician layes downe the conclusion in question which is to be proved to the resolving of the mans conscience that hee may be cured the thing to be proved to the sick man say hee were a Judas wakened in conscience is that notwithstanding his betraying of Christ yet God loved him with an everlasting love and hee is in Christ. Now hee cureth Judas thus God's love is everlasting his covenant everlasting no sin can hinder God to love Judas or separate a traitor to Christ from the love of Christ. Seperation supposeth an union lesse loving supposeth loving so he healeth the man thus no disease can overcome or hinder the Art of such a skilled Physitian to cure a dying man But what if this skilled Physitian will not undertake to cure the man nor to move his tongue for advice nor to stirre one finger to feel the mans pulse Ergo The man must be cured For if the man be a back-slider in heart and a servant of sinne Christ never touched his pulse He hath as yet sure grounds to question whether he be loved of God or be in Christ or no for except you prove the man to be loved with an everlasting love you can prove nothing And your argument will not conclude any thing for the mans peace except you prove him to be chosen of God which is his onely question But say that hee is loved from everlasting and that hee is in Christ by faith its easie to prove that his sinnes cannot change everlasting love nor make him lesse beloved of God nor separate him from the love of God You must then either remove the
we are heard or not heard yet wee are lesse in praises when wee are heard and our desires fulfilled and in submission when wee are not heard then wee are forward to praise because necessity and straits can more easily obtaine of us to pray and set on moving the wheels of our affections then grace can keep our spirituall affections in heat of motion or limit and border our naturall affections in praising when they take them to their wings David Psal. 22. Psal. 69. O my God I cry night and day till my throat be dry in asking but where doth hee say O my God I praise night and day till my throat be pained in praising and my heart and eyes are wasted and spent in submissive waiting for thee and praising for not hearing mee in some things 6. God is equally gracious to his own in not hearing and granting as in fulfilling their desires 7. No man should take it hard not to be answered at the first when the prime heire Christ was kept knocking at his Fathers doore 8. Heard or not heard the prayers of faith have a gracious issue though the drosse of them be cast away 9 As praises have no issue but to give to God not to our selves so prayers in faith are to be offered to God as God though nothing returne in our bosome that God may be extolled Christ knew deliverance from this hour cannot be granted yet hee prayes 10 Faith is required no lesse to beleeve the good that the Lord mindeth us in not hearing us then the good hee intendeth in hearing and fulfilling our desires No condition of providence can fall wrong to faith which can flie with any wings and saile with every wind so long as Christ liveth Father save me from this houre Christ bottometh his prayer on the sweetest relation of a Father and a Son Father save me So Joh. 17. Father glorifie thy Son Vers. 5. And now Father glorifie me Six times in that prayer h●● useth this stile Mat. 11.25 I thank thee O Father Lord of heaven and earth Mat. 26. O my Father remove this cup. His Father was great in his esteem none like his Father It s a strong argument to Christ to perswade an hearing and a deliverance and hee was heard in that which hee feared Hee had no end in his coming into the world but to doe the will of his Father Joh. 5.30 2. Love is a sweet ingredient in prayer the beloved Disciple John who onely of all the Ev●ngelists setteth down Christ's love-prayer chap. 17 useth it more frequently then any of the other three Ev●ngelists 3. Propriety interest and covenant-relation is a sweet bottome and a strong ground for prayer So in praying hath Christ taught us to say Our Father which art in heaven And Psal. 5.2 Hearken unto my voyce my King and my God 2 King 19.19 Now therefore O Lord our God I beseech thee save us out of his hand Ezra bottometh his prayer on this Chap. 9.6 O my God I am ashamed and blush And Jehoshaphat 2 Chron. 20.12 O our God wilt thou no● judge them In prayer consider what claime and interest you have to God if you be a sonne and hee a Father Bastards cannot pray strangers without the Covenant and Heathen having no right to God as their God and Father may petition God as a subdued people doe their Conqueror or as ravens cry to God for food and as some howle upon their beds for corne and wine Hos. 7.14 but they cannot pray for praying aright to God there is required not onely gracious ingredients in the action but also a new state of adoption and filiation many speake words to God who doe not pray many tell over their sinnes who confesse not their sinnes to God many speake good of God who doe not praise God many sigh and grone in praying and have no deep sense of God or their owne sinfull condition Trees growing together make not alwayes a wood Ah our prayers God knowes are often out of their right wits Many cry Father to God but lie for they are not sonnes and their words are equivocation Thousands claime Father-ship in God where there is no Son-ship nor fundamentum in re no ground in the thing it selfe A new nature is that onely best bottome of praying that taketh it off from being a taking of the Name of God in vaine All creatures speak of God and in their kind to God but onely a sonne can speak to God in prayer as to his Father calling upon God with a pouring out of the soule to him in Christ is essentiall to sonnes Father save me from this houre Christ had no meanes of refuge safer and surer in his trouble when hee knew not what to doe then prayer Christ had never a greater businesse in hand then now hee was to transact with God and divine Justice the Law of God in the weighty bargaine of paying a ransome of dearest and preciousest bloud to open the new way to heaven hee had to doe with devills principalities and powers and hell to subdue devills and death and hell and to redeeme his Catholike Church from the second death and hee was to offer himselfe a Sacrifice to God through the eternall Spirit for the sinnes of the whole elect and hee must use prayer in all this great work The greatest works have been thus effectuated For the dividing of the red sea Moses cryed to the Lord and it was done Hezechiah obtaineth 15. yeares lease of his house of clay from Jehovah his Land-lord and how 2 King 20.2 Hee turned his face to the wall and prayed Jonah broke the prison of hell by prayer Jeremiah had many against him Chap. 20.12 Vnto thee saith hee to the Lord I have opened my cause Daniel in his captivity Ezra when the people were under wrath Ester and her maides when the Churches destruction is warped and in weaving by prayer loose the captive bands and break death's jawes So low a man as Job Chap. 7.20 was What shall I say to thee O preserver of man David looketh back to his prayers Psal. 34.6 and when hee is over-whelmed Psal. 61.2 From the ends of the earth will I cry to thee when my heart is overwhelmed To Elias this is the key that openeth heaven The last great work the perfecting of Mysticall Christ the judgeing of the world the putting crownes on the heads of so many thousand Kings must have prayer to bring it to passe Even so come Lord Jesus The putting and keeping on the crowne on Christs head is by prayer his Sword Crowne and Scepter stand and prosper by this prayer Thy Kingdome come 2. Though Christ kn●w of his owne deliverance and was sure of it yet hee will not have it but by prayer Christ had Son right to heaven yet he will take a new gift of heaven by prayer-right Christ maketh prayer his new Charter Joh. 17.5 Father glorifie me with the glory which I
of God that the punishment of sinne be infinite in duration or if it depend on the nature of sinne and of divine justice so as essentially God be necessitated not from any free decree that is not properly necessitie but essentially from that spotlesse and holy justice which is essentially in him to punish those who equally sinned on earth with equall torments in hell and all with eternall punishment Yet notwithstanding all this Christ by his death not onely exhausted the infinite punishment due to us as infinite mountaines of Sands can drinke up all the finite Seas Rivers Brookes and fountaines of the earth but he purchased to us an infinite and eternall weight of glory by the worth of his merit Now by this there must be more in Christs death then we can easily conceive as it is more to bring Israel out of Egypt onely and devide the red Sea and to present them living men on the shore then to doe that and also to give them in peaceable possession that good land which floweth with milke and honey And it s much to deliver a slave from perpetuall poverty misery and bondage and not onely that but positively to make him a rich honourable and glorious King all which Christ by his bloud purchased to us I leave it then to be disputed whether Christs sufferings had not onely a morall meritorious and legall worthynesse from the free act of Gods acceptation or also an intrinsecall worth and weight reall and intrinsecally congruous and proportionable to the paine and shame he delivered us from and the glory that positively he conquesed for us It is more to pay a poore mans debts then to make him rich Quest. 1. If Christs sufferings were limited in regard of time and houres why then could he suffer infinite punishment It involleth a contradiction to limit that which is infinite and if an Angel was sent to comfort him it is like God did extend mercy and not unmixed and satisfactory justice to him Answ. Moderation in suffering as an Angel to comfort him that not a bone of him should be broken that he should not lye three full dayes in the grave that his body should not see corruption all these may well stand with sufferings that are infinite morally and from the worth of his noble and glorious person who is God blessed for ever And it proveth that all the exactest justice that the Lord followed in the persuing Christ to the second death for our sinnes was not in inflicting punishment on Christ intensively and intrinsecally infinite and which should be infinitely satisfactory if wee lay aside all supposition of the punishment of the person suffering who was infinite and of the free and voluntary acceptation of God Quest. 2. But then was not all the infinitenesse of justice in punishing Christ not in inflicting paine infinitely and intensively extreame on him but in that the person was infinite but the paine finite both in time and otherwise Answ. Wee hold that the suffering for the time was so extreme that hee and hee onely could ●ndure the infinit● wrath of God but whether all the infinitenesse of paine flow from this that the person was infinite or that the paine was intrinsecally infinite we desire not too curiously to determine Sure the infinitenesse of his person conferred infinitenesse of worth to his merit so as hee purchased a Church by the bloud of God Act. 20.28 The Lord Jesus gave himselfe for his Church Ephes 5.25 26. and a ransome for many Mat. 20.28 1 Tim. 2.6 But I see no reason why Christs suffering should be thought finite because hee suffered in some few dayes then the Lords acts of creating the world of raising the dead working of miracles should be finite acts because absolved in a short time Hence wee cannot say what an obligation is on us to Jesus Christ ●ove for love is too little because our drop of dew can 〈◊〉 no proportion to his infinite and vast sea of tender love to us As Christ gave himselfe an infinite ransome by Law for us so hee brought us under an infinite debt of love and service to him Christ payed all our debts of Law to infinite Justice but wee shall never pay all our debt of love to him O how many thousand talents are wee owing to Christ And because glory is a love-engagement to Christ the longer we enjoy the glory of heaven through millions of Ages the debt to the Lamb to him that sitteth on the throne will be the greater and shall grow infinitely Praises for eternity shall take nothing down of the debt Know you are the sworne and over-engaged and drowned debters of Jesus Vse 2. The sufferings of Mysticall Christ are but for an houre for a night and joy in the morning Psal. 30.5 A little season Revel 6.11 Three dayes Hos. 6.1 A short time and the vision will speake and will not tary Hab. 2.3 Heb. 10.37 It s but tribulation ten dayes Revel 2.10 And which is shorter then all a moment 2 Cor. 4.17 and the shortest of all Isai. 54.7 a little moment All the generations of the first-born that were in great tribulations and in the wombe and belly of the red sea are now come off safe and landed on the shore and are now up before the throne in white triumphing with the Lamb the houre is ended some of them two thousand yeares agoe are eased of burning quick of the sword of the t●●th of lyons Jobs face now is not foule with weeping Davids soule droopeth away and melteth no more with heavinesse as Psal. 119. The traces of tears on Christs faire face are fifteen hundred yeares agoe washed off and dryed with his Fathers hand Paul is now beyond fears without terrors within and the sentence of death All the Martyrs now are above the fire the faggo●s the rack the gibbet the axe What thoughts hath John Baptist now of beheading or Steven of stoning to death the gashes and wounds of the stripes of the Apostles scourged for the name of Jesus are over now There is not one sigh nor one t●are nor one cry nor one death now in heaven all the former things are gone Afflictions are but a short transe for an houre our short-living sufferings will be over quickly We are near the shore Our inch of winter shall weare out there is but a little bit of soure death before us the Ceremonies of death's approaching of the noyse of its feet of its awsome and dreadfull gloome the train of little images of death the aking of bones the stiches of heart the paine of the side and such soft passing accidents and the name are more then death it selfe and all these shall passe over quickly Wee have not Centuries nor Millions of yeares to suffer hee who limited a time to the Head Christ's suffering hath set so many sand-glasses and determined so many houres for all our sufferings Yea 2. the gall in our cup must be weighed
hoasts came against Christ Heaven Hell Earth any Adversary but God the enimity of men cannot make me or any man formally miserable There be great edges and Emphasis in these words My God my God why hast thou forsaken me Not a point not a letter of them can be wanting they are so full and Emphatick 1. My God my God the forsaking of Angels is nothing that Men all men friends all my inward friends forsake me is not much they doe more then forsake they abhorre Job their friend Job 19.19 that father and mother and all my mothers sonnes forsake me is hard yet tollerable Psal. 27.10 Psal. 31.11 Psal. 88.18 Yea that mine own heart and flesh forsake me is an ordinary may bee amongst men Psal. 73.26 But Gods forsaking of a man is sad 2. If he bee a God in covenant with me both God and then my God that is a warme word with childe of love if he forsake me it is hard When our owne leave us we forgive all the world to leave us 3. In forsaking there is a great Emphasis any thing but unkindnesse and change of heart and Love is well taken this speaketh against Faith though Christ could not apprehend this the Lord cannot change Christs could not beleeve such a blasphemy yet the extremity of so sad a condition offered so much to the humane and sinnelesse and innocent sense of Christ a change of dispensation 4. Me Why hast thou forsaken me the sonne of thy love thy onely begotten Sonne the Lord of glory who never offended thee but the relation of Christ to God was admirable hee was as the sinner made sinne for us in this contest the enimity of a Lyon and a Leopard is nothing Hos. 13.7.8 the renting of the caule of the webbe that goeth about the heart is but a shaddow of paine to the Lords running on a man as a Giant in furie and indignation 2. Hell and all the powers of darkenesse came against Christ in this houre Col. 2.14 15. 3. All the earth and his dearest friends stood aloofe from his calamity there was no shoare on earth to receive this ship-broken man In regard of that which was taken from Christ it was a sad houre which I desire to be considered thus 1. The most spirituall life that ever was the life of him who saw and enjoyed God in a personall union was vailed and covered 1. Possession in many degrees was lessened but in jure in right and in the foundation not removed 2. The sense and actuall fruition of God in vision was over-clouded but life in the fountaine stood safe in the blessed union 3. The most direfull effects in breaking bruising and grinding the Sonne of God betweene the millstones of Divine wrath were heere Yet the infinite love and heart of God remained the same to Christ without any shaddow of variation or change Gods hand was against Christ his heart was for him 4. Hence his saddest sufferings were by divine dispensation and oeconomy God could not hate the Son of his love in a free dispensation he persued in wrath the surety and loved the Sonne of God 5. It cannot bee determined what that wall of separation that covering and vaile was that went between the two united natures the union personall still remaining intire how the God-head suspended its divine and soule-rejoycing influence and the man Christ suffered to the bottome of the highest and deepest paine to the full satisfaction of divine justice As it is easie to conceive how the body in death falleth to dust and ill smelling clay and yet the soule dieth not but how the soule suffereth not and is not sadned is another thing How a Bird is not killed and doth flee out and escape and sing when a window is broken with a great noise in the cage is conceivable but how the bird should not suffer or be affected with no affrightment is harder to our apprehension and how ship-broken men may swime to the shoare and live when the shippe is dashed in an hundreth pieces is nothing hard but that they should be nothing affrighted not touch the water and yet come living to shoare is not so obvious to our consideration Yea that the soule should remaine united with the body in death and the Ship sinke the passengers remaining in the ship and not bee drowned is a strange thing The Lord suffered and dyed the Ship was broken and did sinke the soule and body seperated and yet the God-head remained in a personall uinion one with the Man-hood as our soule and body remaine together while we live and subsist entire persons Vse 1. Christ hath suffered much in these sad houres for us hee hath drunken Hell drie to the bottome and hath left no Hell behind for us Heb. 12.2 Jesus the Author and finisher of our faith he hath not onely suffered so much of the Crosse but he hath suffered all the crosse he hath endured the crosse despised shame In the originall the words are without any Article 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 It is as much as he hath left no crosse no shame at all to be suffered by us and Phil. 2.8 He was obedient to the Father he saith not to the death but to death even death of the Crosse 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 It holdeth forth to us that Christ suffered so much for us as hee hath taken up to heaven with him the great Crosse and hath carried up with him as it were the great death and hath left us nothing or very little to suffer and indeed Christ never denyed but affirmed he himselfe behoved to dye but for the beleever he expressely denieth hee shall dye and that with two negations Joh. 11.26 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 He shall never in any sort dye and for our sufferings Paul calleth them Col. 1.24 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the remnants the leavings the dregs and after-drops of the sufferings of Christ the sips and dew-drops remaining in the bottom of the cup when Christ hath drunken out the whole cup so are our affections and being compared with what Christ suffered they are but bitts fragments and small pieces of death that we suffer for the first death that the Saints suffer is but the halfe and the farre least halfe of death it s but the lips the outer porch of death the second death which Christ suffered for us is onely death and the dominion Lordship and power of death is removed Why doe you then murmur fret repine under aflictions when you beare little wedges pinnes and chips of the Crosse Your Lord Jesus did beare for you the great and onely Crosse that which is death shame and the Crosse 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by way of excellencie so called It is true the Spouse of Christ since the beginning of the world and since Christs time these 1600. Yeares hath been crying as a woman travelling in birth of a Man-childe and the Dragon neare persuing her and is not yet
ô house of Israel Christs will is heaven Christ thinks it is best that his Fathers will stand and his humane will be repealed Rom. 15.3 for even Christ pleased not himselfe to have no will of your owne is the Pearle in the ring a Jewel in submission 2. that the Lords end is good he minds to have me home to heaven then as in his six dayes workes of creation he made nothing ill so hee hath been working these five thousand years and all his works of providence are as good as his works of creation hee cannot chuse an ill meane for a good end if God draw my way to heaven through fire tortures bloud poverty though hee should traile me through hell hee cannot erre in leading I may erre in following Object But there is a better way beside and hee leades others through a rosie and greene valley and my way within few inches to it is a wildernesse of thornes Answ. Gold absolutely is better then a draught of water but comparatively water is better to Sampson dying for thirst then all the gold in the earth So cutting a veine is in it selfe ill but comparatively letting bloud through a cut veine is good for a man in danger of an extreame Feaver there is no better way out of heaven for thee then the very way that the Lord leades thee God not onely chuses persons but also things and every crosse that befalls thee is a chosen and selected crosse and it was shapen in length and breadth and measure and weight up before the Throne by Gods owne wise hand Heaven is the workehouse of all befals thee every evill is the birth that lay in the wombe of an infinitely wise decree so God is said to frame evill as a Potter doth an earthen vessell so 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 jatsar signifieth Jer. 18.11 to frame a vessell of clay is a work of art and wisedome so it s a worke of deliberation and choise God is said to devise judgement against Babylon Jer. 51.12 And the Lord hath done to his people the things which he devised 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is to think meditate studie devise Deut. 19.18 and Isai. 45.7 he creates darknesse and evill it is such a worke of omnipotency and wisedome as the making of a world of nothing then if God follow infinite art in shaping vengeance against Babylon farre more must he wisely study to mould and shape afflictions for his owne for no afflictions befalleth the Saints but they be well framed chosen wisely studied forged and created crosses A Potter cannot frame by deeper Art and judgement a water-pot for such an end and use a fashioner cannot frame clothes in proportion for a mans body so fitly as the wise Lord in judgement and cunning shapes frames this affliction as a measure for thy foot only poverty for this man and its shapen to his measure wicked children and the sword on Davids house fittest for him such a loathsom disease for this Saint want of friends and banishment for such a man another more and heavier should be shapen to wide for thy soule and another lighter should have been too strait short and narrow for thee It s comfortable when I beleeve the draught portraiture and lineaments of my affliction were framed and carved in all the limmes bones parts qualities of it in the wise decree and in the heart and breast of Christ It were not good to bear a Crosse of the Devils shaping were there as much wormwood and gall in the Saints cup as the Devil would have in it then hell should be in every cup and how many hells should I drink and how often should the Church drinke death It s good I know Christ brewed the cup then it will worke the end for be it never so contrary and soure to my taste and so unsavory Christ will not taste poyson in it he hath purposed I should sail with no other winde to heaven and I know its better then any winde to me for that Port. Rule 6. Christ prescribes no way to his Father but in the generall The Lords will be done on me saith he be what it will Let hell and death and Devils malice and heavens indignation and enmity and warre ill-will and persecution from earth hard measure from friends and lovers if the will of my Father so be welcome with my soule welcome black crosse welcome pale death welcome curses and all the curses of God that the just Law could lay on all my children and they are a faire number welcome wrath of God welcome shame and the cold grave The submission of faith subscribeth a blanke paper let the Lord write in what he pleaseth patience dares not contest and stand upon pennies or pounds on hundreds or thousands with God Moses and Paul dare referre their heaven and their share in Christ and the book of life to Christ so the Lord may be glorified Submissive faith putteth much upon Christ Let him slay me yet I will trust in him said Iob 13.15 Heman alledgeth it was not one single crosse Psal. 88.7 Thou hast afflicted me with all thy waves And David Psal. 42.7 All thy waves and thy billowes are gone over me One of Gods waves could have drowned David afflictions coming in Armies and in a battle-array say that one single Souldier cannot subdue us Lawfull warre is the most violent and the last remedy against a State and it argueth a great necessity of the Sword Job had an Army sent against him and from heaven too cap. 6.4 The terrors of God doe set themselves in array against me See what a catalogue of sufferings Paul did referre to God 2 Cor. 11.23 24 25 c. one good violent death would have made away a stronger man then Paul yet he was willing for Christ to be in deaths ofen 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 many deaths many stripes many prisons five times nine and thirty stripes this was neer two hundred stripes every one of them was a little death Thrice beaten with rods once stoned thrice in shipwrack night and day sailing in the deep in journeying often in perils of waters in perils of robbers in perils of his owne country men in perils by the heathen in perils in the City in perils in the wildernes in perils in the Sea in perils among false brethren in wearinesse and painfulnesse in watching often in hunger in thirst in fasting often in cold in nakednesse c. Many of us would either have a crosse of our own carving as we love will-worship and will-duties so we love will-suffering and desire nothing more then if that we must suffer Christ with his tongue would licke all the gall off our crosse and leave nothing but honey and a crosse of sugar and milk we love to suffer with a reserve and to die upon a condition an indefinite and catholique resignation of our selves without exception to Christ and to undergoe many furnaces many hels
because I cannot comprehend infinite Jesus Christ. Rule 11. Christ is not so intent and heart-bended on freedom from death and this black and sad hour but he reverences a higher providence that Gods will be done so are we to look to providence and we are not to stumble at an externall stroake in sad occurences when Iob 9.22 God destroyeth the perfect and the wicked And he furbishes his Sword Ezek. 21.3 and saith I will draw out my sword out of its sheath and will cut off from thee the righteous and the wicked Then 1. Arise goe downe to the potters house Jer. 18. The earth is Gods work-h●use for clay good and bad are equally on the wheeles Christ as punishable for our sinnes though a vessell of burning Gold is under art Soveraignity rolles about three in one wheele the Blaspheming the Repenting Thiefe and Christ who is Uertue Grace yea Glory in the midst An elect and a reprobate man may bee both sewed in the same winding-sheet they may touch others skins in the same grave but they are not rolled in in the same hell Yea Cham is saved in the Arke but as the uncleane beasts are hee is preserved from drowning but reserved to cursing 2. There is a providence of grace as there is in God a speciall love of free-grace the good and the bad figs are not in the same invisible basket there is a Pavilion a Cabinet of silke in Gods privie Chamber seene to no eye Psal. 27.5 And upon all the glory shall be a covering Esai 4.9 Christs free and invisible love is a faire white webbe of gold that a Saint is wrapped in in the ill day Where is he he is hid yet he goes through the sieve and sifted he must be but not a graine of him falles to the earth Amos 9.9 3. There have been questions about the Prerogative of Kings and the Priviledge of Parliaments too but undeniably in the Market-roade of Providence the Lord hath kept a Prerogative Royall of justice to himselfe to cut off the innocent and righteous with the wicked in temporall judgements 2. And of speciall grace of Providence when the godly man is blacked with a death-marke and condemned to die Gods Prerogative sends him a reprievall of grace above the law and current of providence Esai 38.5 Ezechiah saith the high Land-lord is summoned to slit and remove yet he shall dwell in his Farme of clay fifteene yeares 3. This Prerogative dispenseth with fire not to burne with the Sea not to ebbe and flow so long as the soles of the feet of Christs bride are upon the new-found sands in the heart of the Sea Yea with hungry Lyons not to eat their meat when they have no food but the flesh of Daniel beloved of the Lord. Christ here commits himselfe unto an unseen Soveraignty For Abraham to kill his owne onely begotten sonne of promise to reason it s a worke of God but it s a providence of non-sence Neither Law nor Gospel for ought that reason can see shall warrant it yet Soveraignity commands it and that 's enough Afflictions of trialls such as the prosperitie of the wicked and the trying sufferings of the godly seeme more to contradict Gods promises and revealed will in the Word then any other visitations of God therefore beside that they require patience they must have faith in an eminent manner To beleeve infinite wisdome can tye the murthering of Isaak by his owne Father against the Law of Nature as it seemes with the Gospel which cannot command unnaturall blouds must require much faith Rule 12. Christ declares when matters are at the worst there is good will for him in the done will of God it s an objection to sense and to sinlesse Nature in Christ-man O doest thou not see sad and four-faced death is not thy soule thy darling in the power of dogs hath not hell long and bloody teeth is not the furnace the oven of the Lords highest indignation for the sins of all the chosen of God very hot when the flames of it makes thee a troubled soule and causes thee to sweat out blood what blood shall be l●ft for scourging for the Iron nails of that sad crosse True saith Christ I have God knowes a heavy soule my strength is dried up like a potsheard This cup casteth a savour of hell and fiery indignation a sight of it would kill a man yet I 'le drinke it the good and just will of my Father be done there I stand further I goe not To be at a stand and to lay silence on our tumultuous thoughts who are compassed with a body of sin and to be satisfied with the will of the Lord is our safest we should not be perswaded by the crosse or all that sense can say far lesse what sin can say from this The will of the Lord be done The friends of Paul hearing what he must suffer say Acts 20.14 When he would not hee perswaded we ceased saying The will of the Lord be done It is grace to cease and say no more when we see the Lord declare his mind to us An holy heart will not goe one haires breadth beyond the Lords revealed will 1. Because love which thinketh not ●ll does not black the spotlesse and faire will of God when it is revealed to be from God though Hell were in that will 2. Faith seeth even in permitting of persecution from Pharaoh and Egypt the Lords good will in the burning bush the very good will by which he saveth his people redeemed in Christ Mat. 11.26 Phil. 1.13 who dwelleth in the bush Deut. 33.16 And it 's considerable that the same good will which is the root of reprobation and of permitting hell and Devils and Devils persecuting instruments to turn his Church into ashes and to a burnt bush and Devils and men to crucifie Christ is free grace and the root of Election to glory and is extended to the Saints Rom. 9.15 16 17. Ephes. 1.11 Faith seeth and readeth free grace in a providence which of it self is extended to Devils and reprobate men though not as extended to them and it is an Argument of true grace if any can say Amen to Hell and the sadest indignation coming from this will though against a particular will of of our owne 3. As we are obliged to adore God so also his Soveraignty and holy will when it s revealed to us and to murmure against it because it crosseth our short-sighted and narrow-witted will is the highest contempt of God and that which is the Soule and Formale of sinne and the determination of a wicked and ill-stated question Whether should my short and pur-blind will stand for eternity or the holy and infinitely-wise will of God which had eternity of duration infinitnesse of wisdome and not seven but millions of eyes to advise what was decreed as fittest to be done 4. Since there is not a Fatum nor an Adamantine destiny and
hard for Christ Ergo his prayers are better heard then the prayers of the Saints except our prayers be folded in his prayers they cannot be answered The perfume the sweet odours of Christs prayers are so powerfull and strong as comming from God-man in one person they must be both asking and giving desiring and granting praying and hearing flowing from the same person Christ. When our prayers goe to heaven Christ ere they come to the Father must cast them in a new mould and leaveth to them his heart his mouth though the Advocate taketh not the sense and meaning of the Spirit from them yet Christ presenting them with his perfume he removeth our corrupt sense so as they are Christs prayers rather then ours Hebr. 13.15 Let us by him as our High Priest offer the sacrifice of praise then of prayers also to God continually The offering is the Priests aswell as the peoples Revel 8.3 and farre more here because Christ by his Office is the onely immediate person who maketh request to God for us Romanes 8.34 From heaven Hence Christ troubled in soule and afflicted beleevers on earth keep correspondence and compliance with heaven 1. Christs prayers in his saddest dayes have their returne from heaven Posts and Messengers fly with wings between God and a Soule in a praying disposition possible ten Posts in one night Prayer hath an Agent lying at the Court of heaven and an open eare there Psal. 18.6 Hee heard my voyce out of his temple and my cry came before him even into his eares Christ takes care that the Messenger get presence and be quickly dispatched with a returne Psal. 102.19 The Lord ere the Messenger come looked down from the height of his Sanctuary Vers. 20. To heare the groning of the prisoner to loose those that are appointed to death So Lam. 3. Teares lie in heaven as Solicitors with God untill hee heare Mine eye trickleth down and ceaseth not Vers. 50. Till the Lord look down and behold from heaven 1 King 8.30 Heare thou in the heaven thy dwelling place and when thou hearest forgive saith Solomon Isai. 63.15 Look down from heaven and behold from the habitation of thy holinesse Our Saviour hath appointed the Post-way in that Prayer Our Father which art in heaven We have a Friend there who receives the Packet An high Priest set at the right hand of the throne of Majesty Heb. 8.1 Who hath passed into the heavens Heb. 4.14 And is made higher then the heavens Heb. 7.26 And liveth for ever to make intercession for us Vers. 25. 2. In Christs hardest straits comfort came out of this aire Luk. 22.43 When hee was in his saddest agony there appeared to him an Angel from heaven strengthening him In his lowest condition when hee was in the cold grave among the dead heaven was his Magazin of help and comforts Mat. 28.2 An Angel of the Lord came down from heaven and rolled away the stone Heaven came to his bed-side when hee was sleeping in the clods 3. The Saints have daily traffiquing with heaven O my dear Friend my Brother my Factor is in that Land Psal. 73.25 Whom have I in heaven but thee What are not Angels Prophets Apostles and Saints there Yea but wee have no acquaintance by way of mediation in that Land but Christ hee is the choice Friend there 1 Cor. 15.47 The second Man both first highest second and all is the Lord from heaven 4. All our good every perfect gift comes from heaven Jam. 1.17 Manna came not from the clouds How then Joh. 6.32 My Father giveth you the true bread from heaven We are ill lodged in bits of sick and groning clay our best house is in heaven 2 Cor. 5.2 We groning desire to be clothed with our house from heaven 5. The earth is but the beleevers Sentinell or at best his Watch-tower but our hope is in heaven 1 Thes. 1.10 Wee wait for the Son of God from heaven Our life and treasure is there Mat. 6.20 Lay up treasure for your selves in heaven Our 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 our city-dwelling and our haunting is in heaven Phil. 1.21 What acquaintance have yee in heaven what bloud-friend have you in that Land The wicked man 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is the man of the earth And Psal. 17.14 Save me from men of time men of this life Are you a Burgesse of time or a Citizen of the earth or a man of the higher Jerusalem Imagine there were a new-found Land on earth and in it there be twelve Summers in one Yeare all the stones of the Land are Saphyres Rubies Diamonds the clay of it the choicest gold of Ophir the trees doe beare Apples of life the inhabitants can neither be sick nor die the passage to it by sea and land is safe all things there are to be had for nothing without money price or change of commodities and gold is there for the gathering if there were such a Land as this what an huge navie would be lying in the Harbours and Ports of that Land how many Travellers would repaire thither Heaven is a new Land that the Mediator Christ hath found out it is better then a Land where there is a Summer for every Moneth of the Yeare there is neither winter nor night there the Land is very good and the fruits of it delectable and precious grace and peace righteousnesse joy of the Holy Ghost the fruits of that Kingdome Rom. 14.17 are better then Rubies Saphyrs or Diamonds Christ the tree of life is above all Lands on earth even his alone and there 's no need of price or money in this Kingdome grace is the cheapest thing of the world wine and milk are here without money and without price Esay 55.1 It s a Land that stands most by the one onely commodity of Grace and Glory Oh there is little traffiquing with heaven when was you last there It is an easie passage to heaven David who often prayed even seven times a day was often a day there Prayer in faith is but one short Post thither Oh wee have too much compliance with the earth A voyce The third particular in this Returne is the Manner In an audible voyce the Lord answereth him The multitude heard this voyce though they understood it not Wee read not often of an audible voyce from heaven to Christ onely at his Baptisme there was a testimony given of him from heaven Mat. 3.16 17. and at his Transfiguration Mat. 17. of which Peter speaketh 2 Pet. 1.18 And this voyce we heard when we were with him on the holy Mount The Lord in the hearing of men gives a testimony of his Son Christ and his good cause Hee was accused because he made himself the Son of God hee prayes to God and calleth him Father openly a voyce from heaven openly answering acknowledgeth him to be the Son of God though they knew not the Lords testimony from heaven God maketh a good cause
was contrary to the course of nature darkened and by the Rocks when they were rent and the Temple cloven asunder and the Graves opened when men weakely or wickedly denyed him and would not onely not preach his glory but blaspheme his name 5. He was glorified in his resurrection being declared to be the Sonne of God and obtained a name above all names and was by the right hand of God exalted to be a Saviour and a Prince to give repentance to Israel and forgivenesse of sinnes Phil. 2.9 Ephes. 1.20 Act. 5.31 Act. 3.13 6. He shall come againe in his glory Math. 25.31 And shall be glorified and admired in all his Saints 2 Thess. 1.10 The fairest and most glorious sight that ever the eye of man saw shall be when Christ shall come riding through the cloudes on his Chariot of glory accompanied with his mighty Angels and with one pull or shake of his mighty armes shall cause the Starres to fall from heaven as figges fall from a fig-tree shaken with a mighty wind and blow out all these candles of heaven with one blast of his ire and A fire shall goe before him and burne up the earth with the works that are therein when the higher house of heaven and the lower of the earth shall meet together and when Mystical Christ shall be glorified If there be so much glory in Jesus Christ and his sufferings as he must beare the glory Zach. 6.13 And All the glory of his fathers house be upon him Esai 22.24 His Crowne of glory on his head must be so weighty and ponderous with Rubies Saphires Diamonds that it will break the neck of any mortall man King or Parliament to beare it None on earth have a head or shoulders for this so weighty a Diademe Parliaments have not necks worthy to carry Christs golden bracelets nor a backe to be honoured with his robe Royall if they will but take his Scepter in their hand it shall crush them as clay-vessels this stone hewen out of the Mountaine without hands shall crush the clay-leggs of Parliaments and then how shall they stand God properly glorifies himselfe Angels and Men are but chamberlaines and factors to pay the rent of his glory and because he will give himselfe his Sonne his Spirit to us and his grace and yet will not give his glory to another let us beware to intercept the rents of the Crowne Object The Lord giveth grace and glory Psalm 84. And he hath a crowne of glory laid up for his Saints in the heavens Answ. That glory is but matured and ripened grace Gods glory is the eminent celebrious and high esteeme that Men and Angels have of God as God or the foundation of this to meddle with this is to encroach upon the Crowne and Prerogative royall of God Glory imparted to Saints in heaven is but a beame a lustre shaddow or way of that transcendent and high glory that is in God and is as farre different from the incommunicable glory of God as the shaddow of the Sunne in a Glasse or in the bottome of a Fountaine and the Sunne in firmament We may desire the chips and shaddows and raies of glory but beware that we meddle not with that which devels and men alwaies seeke after in a sacrilegious way 3. We are hence taught to admire the excellencie of the unsearchable knowledge and skill of Divine providence out of Christs abasing himselfe to take on him our nature 2. Out of his miracles that were just nothing to blind-naturall-men 3. Out of his death and shame the Lord extracteth the most eminent and high glory of his name That Omnipotencie should triumph in the jaw-bone of an Asse in a straw in a crucified man commends the glory of God and the art of his workmanship to make Gold out of clay and iron Diamonds and Rubies out of the basest stones would extoll the art of man A creation out of nothing and Flowres Roses Forrests Woods out of cold earth is the praise of the wisdome and power of the Creator the baser the matter be the art of the Author is the more glorious if the worke be curious and excellent God here 1. Out of death shame sinfull oppressing of the Lord of glory raiseth the high worke of mans Redemption 2. When we spill businesse and marre all through sinning and provoking God then Israel must bring a spilt businesse to God that he may right them Judg. 3.10 11. God can find the right end of the threed when matters are ravelled and disordered We see now Nations confounded enemies rising against us But bloud warres confusions oppression and crushing downe of Christ and his Church are good and congruous meanes when they have the vantage of being handed by omnipotencie When we worke the instrument must bee as big as a mountaine and then our eye cannot see God for the bignesse of the Instrument God regardeth not the nothings and the few that he worketh withall Dead men can sight when God putteth a sword in their hand Men shall fall under wounded men beware of robbing God of his glory Did ever a decree or a counsell of God part with child Or can Omnipotencie bring forth untimely births or prove abortive You see Christ now in the death-house of Adams sonnes and wrestling with hell yet God by Christ at the weakest works his end death is a low thing sinne is farre more base but when God acts at the end of either they have a scope and end as high as God to glorifie God 3. If God hath been and must be glorified in all that is done what doe we doe we trouble our selves to seeke glory one of another We are created for this end and it s our glory to fetch in glory to God What can the aiery applause of men bee golden stilts for creeples to walke to heaven withall Or can the peoples poore Hosannas be silken sailes to our ship or golden wings that by these you man saile and flye up to heaven Where is Belshazzer who but built a house for the glory of his owne name Where is Herod who did receive one word of a God which the people did steale Doe not these fooles take little roome in print and at this day as little in the clods of the earth The Roman State would not permit Christ to be a God What was their doome must not a Kingdome cast its bloome fall and wither that will not suffer Christ to be a King in his Church Vers. 29. The people therefore that stood by and heard it said it thundered others said an Angel spake to him Another effect of the Prayer of Christ doth follow in the people They had sundry judgements of this Answer from heaven Some said it was a thunder for they understood it not Others nay but it is above nature An Angel hath spoken to him It thundered Doth not any rude shepherd or the most simple ideot know a thunder
opposition to another known false god though all may oppose the Gospel The Lord complaines of a whorish heart that playeth the harlot with many lovers Jer. 3.1 and heaven and saving grace stands on an indivisible point like the number of seven one added one removed varieth the nature no man is halfe in heaven halfe in hell almost a Christian is no Christian. When Adam fell from one God hee fell upon many inventions not upon one onely Eccles. 7.29 Our wandering is infinite and hath no home either God is a thunder or then hee is an Angel speaking from heaven Consid. 5. Men think the supernaturall wayes of God a thunder in the aire which is a most naturall work the ebbing and flowing of the Spirit either naturall joy or melancholly naturally following the complexion of the body It s Grace that puts a right sense on the works of God as on the word wee are no lesse heterodox in mis-interpreting the wayes and workes of God then in putting false and unsound senses on his word Emrods plagues the Philistines they doubt if chance or if the God of Israel have thus plagued them Moses works miracles the Magicians work miracles and the Egyptians doubt whether their false god or the living God that made the heaven and the earth hath wrought the miracles When God and Nature both worke naturall men or Saints as naturall betake themselves to the nearest God As sicknesse comes the naturall man saith Neglect of the body health the moone humours the air cold weather did it but hee looks not to God And the beleever guilty of a breach of the Sixth Command in neglecting second causes and in needlesse hurting the body seeth not this but fathers all upon God onely in a spirituall dispensation and considereth onely dispensation in God not sin in himselfe 2. Mercies grow invisibly and wee see not wee are ready to sleep at mercies offered When Christ knocks in love wee are in bed Cant. 5. 3. Judgements speak in the dark but wee heare not the Lord fatteneth some slaughter-oxen for hell and death is on some mens faces even the second death on their person but they see not To heare the Lords rods and who hath appointed it is the man of Wisdomes part Micha 6.9 There is an Orthodoxe Wisdome and Will as there is an Orthodox Faith Will as well as the minde can frame Syllogismes every unrenewed man hath a faith of his owne in the bottome of his will 2 Pet. 3. Some are willingly ignorant Some Jer. 9. through deceit refuse to know the Lord whereas lusts puts out reason and takes the chaire Lust hath stout Logick against Christ a fleshly minde vainely puffed up is a badge of bastard wit out-reasoning all the Gospel O but grace is quick-eyed sharpe and a witty thing to see God vailed in under the curtaine of flesh to see Christ and heaven through words and the Gospel with childe of so great a salvation Consid. 6. What wonder that there bee divisions about Christ. Some will have the Lord speaking from heaven a thunder others an Angel Christ is the most disputable thing in the world Math. 16.13 14. there be five Religions and sundry opinions touching Christ the Scribes and Pharisees had many sundry opinions and one of them is the right way onely and tenne false Joh. 7.40 Many say Christ is a Prophet Vers. 41 Others said this is the Christ Others no Shall Christ come out of Galile and there was a division among them Luke 2.34 Christ is for a signe that shall bee spoken against And amongst Christs sufferings this is one Hebr. 12.3 He sustained 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 contradiction of sinners Math. 24. Many false Christs shall arise There is but one heaven and one way to heaven and there is but one hell but there be thousands of wayes to hell from one point to another you can draw but one straight line but you may draw tenn● thousand crooked and circular lines The truth is one and very narrow the lie is broad and very fertile and broodie error is infinite It s a blessed thing to find wisdome to hit upon Christ and adhere to him there be some dicets and couseners Ephes. 4.14 that lye in wait to deceive the simple and they cast the dice for heaven and can cast you up any thing on the dice either one or seven do yee then resigne your selves in this wood of false Religions that now is to Christ to be led to heaven Many now teach there be some few fundamentals beleeve them and live well and you are saved And many false Teachers that turne the Gospel upside downe say it is the same Gospel though the head be where the feet should be and for errors we wrong not truth so long as we hold nothing against fundamentals Should a man remove the roofe of your house cut down the timber of it and pick out all the faire stones in the wall and say Friend I wrong not your house see the foundation stones are safe and the foure corner stones are sure in the meane time the house can fence off neither winde nor raine would not this man both mock you and wrong you He that keeps the foundation Christ shal be saved though he build on it hay and stubble 1 Cor. 3. It s true But it was never the intent of the Holy Ghost That a man beleeving some few fundamentals though he hold and spread lyes and false Doctrines is in no hazard of damnation or that hee hath liberty of conscience to adde to the foundation hay and stubble and untempered morter and to daube dirt upon the foundation Christ and not sinne the place speaks no such thing but of this else where Others said it was an Angel These come neerer to the truth for they conceive there is more in this voice then a worke of Nature such as a thunder is they think an Angel spoke to Christ and they are convinced that Christ keeps correspondence with Heaven and Angels Angels have been and are in high estimation among men alwaies and there is reason for it 1. There is more of Heaven in Angels and more of God then in any of their fellow-creatures Sinnefull men have been stricken with feare at the sight of them they are persons of a more excellent countrey then the earth John the Apostle did overvalue an Angel Revel 19. Revel 21. And fell downe to worship him 2. Angels elect and chosen never lost their birth-right of creation as Men and Devils have done they were created as the Lilies and Roses which no doubt had more sweetnesse of beauty and smell before the sin of man made them vanity-sick Ro. 8.20 but they have kept their robes of innocency their cloth of gold above five thousand yeares without one sparke of dirt or change of colour for they never sinned innocencie and freedome from sinne hath much of God Adam as many think kept not his garments cleane
conscience yea too many goe on against supernaturall illumination and wee will but leap the damned Devils unhappy leap we know not that victory over one graine weight of light leaveth behind it pound weights of disposition and bentnesse to farther provoking of the Lord a daring boldnesse to looke God in the face and sin turneth quickely in the very sinne as neere in kinne to the Devols sinne as can be and rendreth its Devilish stonpe and fall downe before the light of a shining command as the Elect Angels doe who receive Gods commands with wings and flee upon obedience as ministring Spirits Vse 4. Hearden not your hearts be not obstinate in evill that is the plague of Devils also men render themselves Devils with their owne hands they open hell and goe in and lay the Devils chaines and fetters on their own will and mind when they resolutely and deliberately resist God and God in a deepe judgement in them bindeth them and they cry not he is deservedly a captive who twists his owne coards and chaines about himselfe Selfe-induration is a selfe-hell and a selfe-bondage How affraid should we bee to keepe loose watch over the heart or to give the raines to our owne will to goe on against God For he 1. needs doe no more but loose an Army and a strong armed Garison of sinfull thoughts as so many Spirits of hell that are within the towne already and they can destroy us 2. The Devill is neere by to put in our heart all wickednesse he hath the command of the out-workes the humours fancie disposition the spies and Posts that goe in and out the Sen●●s we have need to lay the bands of a covenant on the eye and if the devil be master of all the Forts and Sconces wit●ou● the walls we are in no small danger Vse 5. From Satans power and opposition against us wee want not both motives and incouragements to watch For 1. Satan is a great partie hee is a Prince Ephes. 2. And 2. a Prince above us the Prince of the ayre 3. He hath large territories the Text saith He is the Prince of this World 4. He is not a common Prince he is Prince of Kings many of the Kings of the earth give their power and strength to him and so he is a Principalitie 5. Not that onely but he is a great army Principalities Powers Rulers Potentates we have a mighty army of Lords and Kings to fight against 6. The more Spirituall the enemy be and the more subtile to come in at closed iron gates and through strong walls the more dangerous Satan for all your keyes and locks will be at the inner doore of the heart ere ever yee know of it You watch and he is at your elbow and covenanting with your watches on the walls to corrupt them 7. When the enemy is strong if he be wicked so much the worse Now Ephes. 6.12 we fight against wickednesse it selfe against spirituall wickednesse the more wicked the enemy is he hath a greater minde to fire and destroy 8. The more active the worse is the enemy Satan hath no office but to bee the butcherer and executioner of justice and hath no distractions to withdraw him he may attend upon blouds and soule-murthers and walketh in a circle compassing the earth too and fro and goeth about like a roaring Lyon seeking whom he may devoure 9. Hee hath friends within us every Saint is a devided party 2. The Quarrell is not Money civill Liberties Lawes Houses Lands nor corruptible things yet wee runne and strive for pence and pounds but here peace of Conscience an incorruptible Crowne 1 Cor. 9.25 the Lords glory is the garland at the stake 3. We have noble Witnesses The Father the Lord Jesus the Spirit of glory the glorious Angels are beholding us 4. The battle will not last for Centuries nor for many scores of yeares the issue will bee quickly death will end the controversie 5. We have Christ on our side he hath spoiled Principalities and powers the Lord the master of the game hath promised us his might his strength all his forces grace wisdome power his Angels that are stronger then ill Angels here Angels against Angels God ingaged against hell 6. We fight but with a broken and overcommed Devill both spoiled Coloss. 2.15 and disarmed Hebr. 2.14 1 Cor. 15.55.56 7. There is little required of us to the victory but a strong negative consent not render not treat not with the enemy though he fire and kill 8. The losse is the greatest of all eternall misery once fully ende close and make a covenant with the enemy and yee can hardly be everable to rebell or make head against your conquerour but once a slave and eternally a slave 9. The Garland is faire and glorious The tree of life that is in the midst of the paradise of God Revel 2.7 The hidden Manna the white stone and the new name Vers. 17. Power over the nations and the morning starre Vers. 26.27.28 To be clothed in white and his name confessed before Christs Father and his holy Angels Revel 3.5 And hee is made a pillar in the house of God and on him is written the name of Christs God and the name of the citie of Christs God Jerusalem that commeth downe out of heaven and Christs new name Vers. 12. And he sits with Christ on a throne and with the Father of Christ vers 21. 10. The victory is certaine and ours by promise all which should arme us with sobriety a drunken warriour is seldome victorious worldly pleasures and lusts are above our head and strength and to put on the whole armour of God and watch and pray is wisdome Vse 6. Let us thankfully acknowledge our obligation to Jesus Christ who hath cast out this Prince of this world What service owe we to Jesus Christ who hath ransomed us from such an enemy Sure wee are his debtors for ever the captives whole service is little enough for his ransome-payer And 1. we cannot be the servants of the World if Christ have ransomed us from this present evill world Galat. 1.4 and from the Prince thereof It is base to bee the vassall of the tyrant from whose hands wee are redeemed the World is but Satans vassall 2. He is a Spirit who hath redeemed us from a cruell Spirit Christ-God is a Spirit out-side-service cannot please him When corruption like poyson strikes into the heart and the hands are pretty cleane it s most dangerous 3. Redemption argueth not freedome from infirmities but from such sinnes as are called the pollutions of the world There is sinne in all but in the redeemed sinne desileth the actions not the person because he is washed in the Hypocrite it blacketh both person and actions 4. Wee cannot serve our ransome-prayer in the strength of false principles or naturall gifts but of his owne grace 5. Glorifie God by shewing forth his glory for yee can adde nothing
voluntary in us and the bondage that we love 3. The Scripture both calles it impossibility and also rebukes it as sinfull Joh. 6 44. Rom. 8. ● 7 8. Ephes. 2.1 2 3 11 12 13. chap. 4.17 18 19. chap. 5.8 Asser. 3. All preparations even wrought in us by the common and generall restraining grace of God can have no effective influence to produce our conversion from the Scriptures alledged for then should we be called saved and quickned when we are dead in sinne foolish disobedient and enemies to God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 According to our works of righteousnesse which we had done contrary to Ephes. 2.1 2 3 4 5.11.12 13. 2 Tim. 1.9 Tit. 3.3 2. Then common generall gifts might also engage Christs free grace 3. Men might prevene Grace and forestall Christ and his merits which overturnes the foundation of the Gospell and cries down Christ and free Grace Asser. 4. All these fore-going endeavours and sweatings being void of Faith cannot please God Hebr. 11.6 These who act in the strength of them are yet in the flesh and not in the Spirit and so can doe nothing acceptable to God being yet out of Christ Rom. 8.8 Joh. 15.4 5 6. and the tree being corrupt the fruit must be soure and naught humiliation sorrow for sin displeasure with our selves that goe before conversion can be no formall parts of conversion nor any essentiall limbs members or degrees of the new creature nor so much as a stone or pin of the new building Divines call them gradus ad rem initium materiale conversionis non gradus in re nec initium formale For parts of the building remaine in the building when the house is come to some perfect frame all those bastard pieces coming not from the new principle the new heart Christ formed in the soule are cast out as unprofitable Paul when he meets with Christ casts off his silks and sattins that hee was lordly of while hee was a Pharisee as old rags losse and dung and acts now with farre other principles and tooles It s all new worke after another Sampler heaven workes in him now Asser. 5. Those are not morall preparations which wee performe before conversion nor have they any promise of Christ annexed to them as Hee that is humbled under sinne shall be drawne to Christ Hee that wisheth the Physician shall be cured and called to repentance Wee read of no such promise in the word 2. A man not in Christ is without the sphere or element of Christ at the wrong side of the doore of the sheep-fold hee is not in Emanuels land and all the promises of God are in Christ Yea and Amen 2 Cor. 1.20 The whole stock of Gospel-promises are put in Christ as the first Subject and beleevers have them from Christ at the second hand Christ keeps as the true Ark the book of the Testament the beleevers Bible It s true the new heart is promised to the elect even while they are not in Christ but they cannot make claime to that promise till they be first in Christ but those promises are made in a speciall manner to Christ as to the head of the redeemed to be dispensed by Christ to those onely whom the Father gave him before time And as the promises are peculiar to Christ so the persons and grace promised both the one and the other are due to Christ and result from the Head to those who in Gods decree onely shall be members as righteousnesse life eternall and perseverance are made to those that are members 3. Many runne and obtaine not 1 Cor. 9.24 25 26. Many strive to enter in and shall not be able Luk. 13.24 Many lay a foundation and are not able to finish Luk. 14.29 Many hunt and catch nothing Many have stormes of conscience as Cain and Judas who goe never one step further When therefore Antinomians impute to us that wee teach That to desire to beleeve is faith To desire to pray is prayer They foulely mistake for raw desires and wishes after conversion and Christ are to us no more conversion and the soules being drawn to Christ then Esau's weeping for the blessing was the blessing or Balaam's wish to die the death of the righteous was the happy end of such as die in the Lord. But the sincere desires and good will of justified persons are accepted of the Lord for the deed and when Christ pronounceth such blessed as hunger for righteousnesse wee say in that sense a sincere desire to pray and beleeve is materially and by concomitancy a neighbour and neare of kin to beleeving and praying A virtuall or seminall intention to pray beleeve love Christ doe his will is in the seed praying beleeving when the intention is supernaturall and of the same kind with the act as the seed is the tree Wee say not so of naturall intentions and desires As Abrahams sincere intention to offer his son was the offering of his son the widows casting in her mite was in her honest desire the casting in of all that shee had certainly not all simply that had been against charity toward her selfe but 2 single desires unfained aimes weigh as much with Christ as actions in their reality So wee say many are in affections Martyrs who never die nor suffer losse for Christ because nothing is wanting on the part of such Saints thus disposed but that God call them to it So Abraham offered his son Isaac to God because Abraham did all on his part and hee was not the cause why hee was not offered and made an actuall sacrifice to God but Gods countermand and his forbidding was the cause and nothing else Asser. 6. The humiliation and sorrow for sin and desire of the Physician by way of merit or 2. by way of a morall disposition having the favour of a Gospel-promise doe no more render a soule nearer to Christ and saving grace then the want of these dispositions for as a Horse or an Ape though they come nearer to some shadow of reason and to mans nature then the Stork or the Asse or then things voyd of life as stones and the like yet as there is required the like omnipotency to turn an Ape into a Man as to make a stone a sonne of Abraham so the like omnipotency of grace is required to turne an unhumbled soule into a saved and redeemed Saint as to turne a proud Pharisee into a Saint And merit is as farre to seek in the one as the other So an unconverted sinner though some way humbled if the Lord of free grace should convert hi● were no lesse oblieged to free grace and no lesse from laying any tye or bands of merits or obligation by way of promise on Christ for his conversion then a stone made a beleeving sonne of Abraham should be in the same case of conversion And 3. the humbled soule for ought hee know●s I speak of
God is formally all things that God is man that God is the Spirit and forme that acteth in all that a holy man is God incarnate and Christ God man and that Christ the Mediator is nothing but God humanized and man Godded and deified and that Christ dwelling in a beleever by faith and the inhabitation of the holy Ghost is but God manifested in the flesh of every man This destroyeth many articles of Faith as Familists care not boldly to subvert all Scriptures for Christ then is not true man borne of the seed of David and he is not God blessed for ever in one person 2. All creatures and created beings compared with God the first being of himselfe subsisting and the infinite God may be denied to bee beings comparatively And so our created selfe is nothing to wit nothing in dignitie or excellencie beside God or nothing in the kinde of a being that essentially is of it selfe as God is in genere entis per essentiam yet man is a being in the kinde of being by participation in genere entis per participationem man compared with God is a poore worthless sorry little-nothing a weeping melting evanishing Cipher Yea sweetest ordinances because it s but created sweetness that is in them are neare of blood to nothing and in comparison of God meere shaddows that cannot bottome the immortall soule and nothing and partake of vanitie common to all creatures So the Scripture saith Man at his best state is altogether vanitie Psal. 39.5 Behold thou hast made my dayes as a hand breadth and mine age is nothing before thee verily every man at his best state is altogether vanitie Esai 40.17 All nations before him are nothing and lesse then nothing and vanitie Yet a heathen may say and thinke and demonstrate by reason that selfe and man and all the world are lesse in incomparison of the infinite God then nothing to all things a droppe of water to the Sea the shaddow to the body a peny-torch to the light of ten thousand millions of Suns in one and yet be as farre from selfe-denyall from puting off the old man and mortifying the lusts of the flesh as light is from darknesse It is most vaine to say as its the property of the creature to seeke and will it selfe and its own and this or that here or there as it is the property of God to bee without this or that without selfiness egoity or the like Because every thing created even worms frogs trees elements such creatures as beget creatures like themselves they have such a sweet and naturall interest in being that without sin or deviation from law or rule or any leading or directing principle of nature they desire themselves their owne being and when they cannot keepe being in themselves they desire to keep it in the kind by propagation and will fight it out against all contraries and enemies to preserve their owne being though but borrowed from God and I know no sin they are guilty of in so doing nor was Christs conditional desire of life and deprecating death any whit contrary to innocent selfe-denyall 2. The Lord seeketh himselfe and his owne glory and made all things for himselfe even the wicked for the evill day Prov. 16.4 And that is a most holy and pure act which God ascribeth to himselfe Esai 43 21. This people have I formed for my selfe they shall shew forth my praise Now in all dwelling in Christ there is a continuall acting of life by beleeving joying resting in God As Phillip saith Iohn 14.8 Lord shew us the father and it sufficeth us Here life seeks a soule-satisfying union with life for life is onely a satisfactorie object to life Living things seeke no dead things as such to be their happinesse if reason doe rightly act them and God as revealed in Iesus Christ is that in which the Saints find a soule sufficiency for themselves and the act of seeing God in Christ whether in this life or in the life to come is an act of life for the soule liveth in the Ocean Sea and bosome of a fair eternall truth But doth it act there yea it doth and the Scripture expresseth its acting by seeing God drinking the fountain of life Then th● soule thus in Christ drinketh in love and milketh and sucketh in the soule-reioycing irradiations of Christ and Christ letting out the breathings of the sweetness of his excellency on the face of the soul draweth and sucketh in reciprocally acts of admiration and wondering Cant. 2.8 The voice of my beloved behold he cometh leaping upon the mountaines and skipping on the hils behold is a word of wonder 1 Joh. 3.1 Behold what manner of love the father hath bestowed on us Not love onely but the manner and the kinde of the Fathers love in Christ is a worlds wonder and 2 Thess. 1.10 Christ when he cometh shall be wondered in them that beleeve 2. Then again when wee see and injoy the drawing lovelinesse of Christ hee as the fountaine and well of life powreth in in our intellectuall love and in the glancings and rayes of our understanding acts of divine light lumpes of fresh love from the spring of heavens love and the soule openeth its mouth wide and taketh in the streames of Christs nectar hony and milke his consolations and love breathings and in his light we seeing light and in his love feeling love he maketh out light and love as it were coeternall with borrowed eternitie and we goe along with the out-shinings of Christs bright countenance to shine in borrowed light to flame in borrowed coals of love and as Christ is said to feed his flock among the Lilies the garden of Christ his Church being the common pasture for the lambes of the flock so he feeds the soules of the Saints that enjoyeth him with the marrow fatness and dainties of his light and love that shine in his face even as the oyle feeds the lampe but with this difference Christs dainties are not lessened because wee feed upon them as the oyle is consumed with burning Pos. 10. There is a living and solacing of the soule in Christ even to saciety in this enjoying of Christ. Hence 1. Love giveth strong leggs and swift wings to the soule to persue an union with Christ. Love putteth the hand to the bottome of the desire and draweth with strong coards the lover to it we have heard of Christs invitation Come to me But suppose Christ had never outed his love in such a love-expression Come to me Christ himselfe is such a drawing object that beauty the smell of his garments his mountaine of myrrhe and hill of Frankincense the Sea and rivers of salvation that capacious and wide heaven of redemption are intrinsecally and of themselves crying drawing and ravishing objects as gold is dumbe and cannot speake yet the beauty and gaine of it cryeth Come hither poore and bee made rich 2. Loves wings move sweetly
otherwise for the Apostle avoucheth the Gospel is preached the promise of salvation published to all that call on the Lords Name v. 12. Be they Jewes or Grecians that is Gentiles and beleeve they must or else they cannot pray and needs they must heare or then they cannot beleeve and hear they cannot except God send Preachers But God hath sent Preachers with pleasant feet to both Iewes and Gentiles as the Prophets Isaiah and Nahum f●retold v. 13 14 15. and they have not all obeyed v. 16 17 18. But it may be said They have not all heard the Gospel preached this must certainly excuse the Gentiles if they beleeve not having never heard of Christ how can they beleeve as it is v. 14. It s a rationall excuse I cannot sin in not beleeving the Gospel saith the Gentile yea and Christ frees them from the sin of unbeliefe also Ioh. 15.22 If I had not come and spoken unto them and so if they had not had a Lord Speaker from heaven they had not had sin That is they should have ben free of the Gospel-sin of unbelief but now they have no cloak for their sin Now they cannot say Lord we cannot beleeve a Gospel never spoken to us by any nor heard of by us But sure the Iewes heard these creatures and works of God that preached his glory Psal. 19.6 And if they preach Christ objectively as Amyrald and other Arminians fancie then the not hearing and not obeying the Gospel thus preached had been their sin though Christ or his Apostles had never spoken the Gospel which is contrary to Christs word Ioh. 15.22 And contrary to Paul how shall they beleeve in him of whom they have not heard by the preaching of a sent Minister who subjectively and vocally must preach the Gospel But to return to the state of the question 4. So much of God is revealed to all even to those who never heard of Christ as serves to make all unexcusable for that knowing willingly and knowingly they glorifie not God as God Rom. 1.19 20 21. 5. All within the visible Church have meanes sufficient in their kinde in genere mediorum externorum to save them 6. As none can be saved by the light of nature nor ever any used or could use it so far forth as to improve it for their sufficient preparation to receive the tidings of the Gospel either from Men or Angels sent to preach to them or by any inspiration bringing the sense or things signified in the Gospel so saved they cannot bee by any name under heaven but by the Name of Christ that is Christ named preached and revealed in the Gospel Act. 4.10 11 12. Joh. 14.6 Heb. 11.6 Joh. 5.40 and 1 Joh. 5.12 He that hath the Son hath life and hee that hath not the Son hath not life 7. The question is whether or no God so farre forth willeth desireth intendeth that all and every one within and without the visible Church Tartarians and Indians who never by any rumor hard of Christ not excepted that hee giveth them sufficient meanes and helps of a common and universall grace which if they would use well the Lord should so reward pro-move or increase whether out of decencie or a congruous disposition of goodness or of equity or of free promise or any obligation so farre as to send the Gospel to them and bestow on them a larger measure of saving and internall grace by which they should if they so would bee converted to the Faith of Christ and saved We deny Arminians affirme 2. Whether the Lord from eternity late Arminians are for time-election hath absolutely without any provision in or pre-science or fore-knowledge of good works Faith perseverance in both or of condition reason cause merit qualification in some certaine and definite persons rather then others predestinated and chosen them to glory and life eternall And all the meanes conducing to this end and that of meere free grace because he so willeth or if the Lord passe no definite compleat peremptorie and irrevocable decree to save some certain persons while he forsees them expiring and dying in faith and holy conversation Arminians hold that the Lords decree of election of men to glory is generall conditionall incompleat changeable while he forsees they have ended their course in the Faith and then peremptorily and irrevocably he passeth a fixed decree to save such and not others we deny any such loose decrees in the Almighty and beleeve that of free grace he chuseth some absolutely without conditions in them or respect to any good foreseene to be in them rather then in others because He hath mercy on whom hee will and hardens whom he will Rom. 9.17.18 3. Upon this generall indefinite revocable and conditionall good will and intention of God to save all and every one whether or no did the Father give his Sonne and the Sonne dye for all and every one intending absolutely to impetrate and obtaine to all and every one of mankinde remission of sinnes and especially expiation of sinne originall and all sins against the covenant of works and salvation to them all both within and without the visible Church and the opening of the gates of heaven so as God hath laid aside his anger for all these sins hath made all savable reconciliable that notwithstanding of divine Justices plea against men all and every one may according to the intention of God bee saved in his bloud so they would as they may and can beleeve in Christ we deny Arminans here affirme 2. The mind of Arminians Arminians runne upon six Universalities 1. They say God beareth to all and every man of what kind soever an equall universall and Catholike good will y●a to Esau Pharaoh Judas as to Jaakob Moses and Peter to save them all so as this love is not stinted to any certaine persons precisely and absolutly loved and chosen to salvation 2. That there is a Catholicke price an universall ransome given by Christ dying on the Crosse for all and every one an Attonement made and a Redemption purchased in Christs bloud by which all and every one Pharaoh Judas Cain all the heathens Tartarians Americans Virginians that never heard of Christ are made savable and reconcil●iable and God made placable and exorable to them so a● though they be lost in the first Adam yet have they a new venture of heaven and in Christs death the Lord hath a generall antecedent and pri●●ry intention to save all without exception yet no more to save Moses and Peter then Judas and Pharaoh Yea that the fruit of Christs death and the effect of it may stand though all and every one of mankinde were eternally lost and not one person saved 3. As there was a Catholicke forfeiture of all so there is a second covenant of free grace made with all and every one of Adams sonnes with promises of free grace a new heart righteousnesse and
eternall life to all and every one upon faire conditions if their free will play the game of salvation and damnation handsomely as if Christ were not free wills choisest tutor 4. All and every man are received in this covenant in the new state of reconciliation grace and favour and justification from any breach of the Law or the first covenant all are once fairely delivered both young and old from damnation and wrath all the heathen are reconciled and justified by Christ in his blood and all sinnes now are against the 1. Covenant of grace Christ and all mankinde now beginne to reckon on a new score 2. Though the ship be broken and all mankinde sent to Sea to die there yet so are they cast over board as Christ the surety of a better Covenant is made the great vessell that ship-broken men may if it seeme good to Lord free will swimme unto and so come safe the second time to land 3. So as there be two Redemptions in Christ two Justifications by grace 4. Yet neither the tydings of this new covenant made with all men nor this state of reconciliation or justification are ever revealed to the thousand part of mankind and though all and every one be under this Law of Faith and Covenant of Grace yet is this obliging and supernaturall Law never promulgate to millions of mankind whom it obligeth to obedience so farre forth as by the good industry and improving of common gifts of nature or rather the hire and merit of men out of Christ to make a conquest of the preached Gospell and Christ free will doing its best 5. All and every Mothers sonne and children of Adam are called and invited yea and Christ by our Text draweth all and every man though they will not be drawn say they the sole cause of election reprobation of salvation damnation lying on mans free will 6. All and every one are furnished with all externall meanes of salvation with sufficient grace and absolute indifferenci● and power of free will to say ay or no to the drawing of Christ and purchase by industrious improvement and carefull husbanding of the common gifts or relicts of nature and their new sufficient grace if they could give it a name to us a farther degree of grace while they conquesse the Preaching of the Gospell and the grace of conversion Yet so are they let Christ doe his best as all may be converted or not any one at all but all lost and all may persevere in grace and be saved as not one men shall be damned and all may so totally and finally fall away from grace as not one man may persevere but all be eternally lost if free will use his owne liberty notwithstanding of the Lords eternall decrees of Election or Reprobation or of Christs death the strength of free grace the intercession of Christ at the right hand of God the unchangeable love of God for all these can doe nothing to marre the absolute and independent free will of men to worke as it listeth for either wayes Propos. 1. Election is the decree of free grace setting apart certaine definite individuall and particular men to glory 1. The men chosen and drawne are by head designed Jaakob not Esau before the children had done good or evill though Esau be elder Isaak must be the Sonne of the promise father and mother were free grace rather 〈…〉 of Abraham and Sarah now pa●led natures 〈…〉 E●mael Peter and John not Judas the Sonne of 〈…〉 Abraham and his house worshipping Idols beyond the 〈◊〉 is singled out not any other the Lord sets his love on 〈◊〉 Jews because he loved them Deut 7.7 When their Father 〈…〉 Amorite and their mother an Hittite and they dy● 〈…〉 bloud Ezech. not any one of the rest of the Canaanites the Tribes of Judah is the King by Tribe not any of the rest of the Families Low Jephtahs Family not an● of the rest of the sonnes of that Family None of the seven sonnes but the dispised shepheard the ruddy Boy singing after the Ew's David forgotten by all as none of the number 2. They are pointed out with the finger with pronownes Psalm 87.5 And of Sion its said this man Hebr 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 man and man shall be born in Sion Esai 49.1 The Lord hath called me from the womb from the bowels of my mother hath hee made mention of my name Thou art head or member or of which the Prophet spake it s all one in the mouth of God by name from eternity John Anna c. Esai 43.1 O Israel feare not for I have redeemed thee I have called thee by thy name thou art mine So the Lord points them out with the finger Esai 49.12 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Behold these shall come from farre and behold these from the North. North-land men and from the Sea Ilanders or from the West West-land men so it may be read and these from the land of Shimin Ezech. 36.20 These are the people of the Lord. Hebr. 11.13 All these 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 died in the Faith they are named and told by the head Revel 14.4 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 these are thrise in one Verse These are they that are not defiled with women these are they that follow the Lambe whithersoever he goeth These were redeemed from amongst men 3. They are defined by their countrey Esai 19.18 Five Cities of the land of Egypt shall speake the Language of Canaan Vers. 24. In that day Israel shall bee the third part with Egypt and Assyria even a blessing in the midst of the Land Vers. 25. Whom the Lord of Hosts shall blesse saying blessed be Egypt my people and Assyria the worke of my hand Zephan 3.10 From beyond the river of Ethiopia my suppliants even the daughters of my dispersed shall come .4 Their names are particularly inrolled in the Lambes booke of life Luk. 10.20 Revel 13.8 Revel 20.15 As Citizens of some famous incorporation or Senators that governes a Citie are written in the booke of Records of the King or Citie so these that are to follow the Lambe cloathed in white are booked in the publike Register of heaven in the minde of God to be members of the heavenly Society 5. It was no blind bargaine that Christ made hee knew what he gave hee knew what he got Christ told downe a definite and certaine Ransome as a told summe of money every penny reckoned and layed and he knew who was his own and whom and how many by the head and name he bought there is no hazard that one come in in the lieu and roome of another Joh. 10.14 I am the good Shepherd how is that made good He hath particular care of all the flock by the head he knowes how many and who are his if any bee not his if any be sicke or lost or wandered away that proves a good Shepherd I know my sheepe
with the blood of Buls and Goats which was offered for the reconciling of men to God not of God to men 2. Because that blood is said to sanctifie and purge the conscience from dead works to serve the living God which cannot be said of God but clearly holdeth forth that Christ having offered himselfe without spot to God through the eternal Spirit those for whom he offereth himself cannot eternally perish as M. Moor saith p. 5. but that their consciences by this blood are purged from dead works to serve the living God And the place 1 Pet. 2.24 doth not prove that Christ bare the sinnes of many on the tree who are not actually saved by his death 1. The place saith the contrary and no such thing as that the Lord layd on Christ the iniquities of all and every one of mankinde 1 Peter restraines it to beleevers elect according to the fore-knowledge of God the Father through the sanctification of the Spirit begotten again unto a lively hope who are kept through the power of God by faith unto salvation 1 Pet. 1.2 3 4 5. And there is no colour that Peter speaketh of all Adams sonnes of all the heathen because hee saith Christ bare our sinnes Which bee these The sins of these that be called to patient suffering for well doing who are to follow Christ who left us an example of patient suffering who when he was vers 23. reviled reviled not again Now what is this the Indians and Tartarians patient suffering after Christs example to whose eares the name of Christ and his suffering never came by a dream or imagination 2. The sinnes of these which Christ bare on his own bodie on the tree are these that are healed with Christs strips and these that are returned to the Shepherd and Bishop of their soules and are to live to righteousnesse being dead to sin by the death of Christ who bare their sins v. 24 25. now these are the All that Isai speaketh of c. 53. when he saith 53.6 The Lord layd on him t●e iniquities of us all That is if we beleeve Arminians of all Moab Ammon Egypt Philistims Caldeans Ethiopians and all Adams Children who never heard of Christ for the thousand part of Adams Sons never heard of Christ then are they not obliged to beleeve in him of whom they never heard nor is it their sinne that they beleeve not Rom. 10.14 Ioh. 15.22 Ergo they are not obliged to live to righteousnesse being dead to sinne through Christs death because they never heard of Christs death Far lesse are all Adams sonnes healed with Christs stripes and returned to the shepherd and Bishop of soules nor was the chastisement of all the heathens peace upon Christ. And Esaiah expoundeth who be these all 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 whose iniquities were laid upon Christ v. 8. for the transgressions of my people was he stricken and v. 12. he bare the sins of many as Matth. 20.28 and 26.28 The blood which is shed for many and he made intercession for sinners What doth he beare stripes for all the heathen and is he entred as High Priest for all Adams sons into the Holy of Holiest to plead and Advocate for such as Cicero Regulus Scipio Cato such as Pharoah Cain Judas Julian If he bare their iniquities he must beare their apostacie and finall infidelity or doth hee intercede for all and every one of mankinde 1 Ioh. 1.2 compared with 1 Ioh. 1.6 7 8 9 10. and Hebrew 9. He appeareth for us ver 24. for those that are sprinkled 13 14 15 16 17. and looke for him the second time vers 28. He maketh intercession for them that come to God through him Heb. 7.25 Who have a High Priest over the house of God Heb. 10.20 21 22. All these and many other places sheweth the contrary And the redemption that is in Iesus Christ Rom. 3.24 is not a Redemption which might have been confined within Christ to reconcile God to himselfe and which might consist with the finall totall and utter perishing of all mankind 1. We are justified through this redemption and not by the works of the law 2. V. 25. God set forth Christ this redeemer to be a propitiation through faith in his blood 3. That Christ might appeare the justifier of the ungodly vers 26. and exclude boasting by the law of faith ver 27. and bee the God of Iews and Gentiles ver 30.31 so that it was never Gods minde to imprison a reconciliation within the Father and the Sonne and leave our heaven at such a dead and cold venture as the discretion of indifferent free will so as it might fall out if men pleased that the suretie Christ should die and all his poore broken friends die eternally and suffer the second death also Arminians turne the Gospel in the sadest and bloodiest bargaine that ever was and yet the new English Arminians worse then their fathers say they preach not the Gospel of grace nor Christ who preach not their universall attonement in a grosser way then ever Arminians did for 1. Arminians durst not say Christ died vice loco omnium singulorum sed tantum in bonum eorum he died not in the person place and roome of all mankinde but onely for their good as Socinus taught them But Master Moore saith this right downe pag. 3. 2. Arminians durst not say Christ died and rose again and pleadeth as high Priest and Advocate for all but onely for beleevers Mr. Moore saith that for all he rose and acquiteth us of all our sins pag. 4. The place 2 Cor. 5.14.15 doth not prove a Reconciliation of all within God as Mr. Moore dreameth 1. The All that Christ died for if one died for all then were all dead by no reason must bee in number equivalent to all that died in the first Adam Nor is there any reason in the text to make all those that are actually made alive in Christ and live not to themselves but to Christ equall in number to all that died in Adam 1. God gave not Christ to die for heathen who were never to hear of Christ that they might live to Christ. 2. These words hence forth know we no man not Christ after the flesh nor for the outward priviledge of Jewish dignitie circumcision or a temporall kindgome which fleshlie dignity the Apostles sometime knew Christ for and expected in him but now this is taken away and Christ hath died for all that is for Iews and Gentiles without respect of any such differencie for Christ gave his life for the Gentiles as well as for the Iews 3 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for All is a word of efficacie and holds forth the Lords effectuall intention but if Mr. Moores glosse stand there is no effectuall intention in Christ to save all and every one Nor doth the place 1 Tim. 2.4.6 signifie any reconciliation not applyed to persons for his being given a ransome for all noteth clearely an
interest and propriety in these for whom he gave himselfe a ransome as Luk. 22 20. for many Matth. 20.28 Matth. 26.28 So 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 doth in all Greek Authors insinuate Joh. 6.51 Joh. 10.11 Rom. 5.6 such an interest Object 1. But the reason were frivolous we are to pray for all except we know that God willeth salvation to all how can we with the certainety of faith pray for all It must bee a doubting faith and so no faith at all Answ. But seeing God will not have Nero Persecutors Apostates Rebellious unbeleevers men obstinate against the Gospel such as Paul was before his conversion to be excluded out of our prayers What certaintie of faith have Arminians to pray for all Or for the twenty or hundreth part of all mankinde This therefore is denyed Christ gave himselfe for as many as we are to pray for but we are to pray for all without exception The proposition and the assumption both are false nor doth our prayers for men depend on the certitude of Gods decree of election of men to glory which is Gods secret will not knowne to us to whom the Lambes booke of life is not opened but on the revealed will of God commanding us to pray for all that sinne not to death but conditionally and with a speciall reserve of the Lords decrees of Election and Reprobation and this in effect is to pray for the Elect only nor am I warranted by the Word of God the rule of my prayers to pray for any others Nor is there promise precept or practise in Scripture to pray for all and every one of man-kind Therefore I retort the Argument thus wee are to thinke God willeth so many to be saved and his Sonne to give himselfe a ransome for so many as wee are warranted to pray for that they may be saved but we are not warranted to pray for all and every one that they may be saved but only for the Elect. Ergo God will have them onely to be saved and his Son to give himselfe a ransome for them onely Object 2. Judgement of charity is no ground of our prayers We have no charity to beleeve all and every one shall be saved nor have wee any faith or certainety in these prayers Answ. I may have judgement of charity touching this or that man to pray for him but this judgement is a motive to my affection not a foundation to my faith My faith is bottomed on a word of precept to pray for the salvation of all conditionally but not for the salvation of any but for my owne onely absolutly Object 3. God will have as many to be saved as hee will have to come to the knowledge of the truth But he will have all to come to the knowledge of the truth Answ. The argument is strong for us the Apostle speaketh of the Gospel-truth but he will not have the Gospel preached to Samaritans Mat. 10. to Bithinians and thousands others 2. He wil not open the hearts of housands that heare the Gospel because he will Mat. 11.28 Rom. 9.17 and many he blindeth and judicially hardneth Math. 13.14 Joh. 1● 37 38. Esai 6.9 10. Acts 28.24 25 26 27. Object 4. It s uncertaine whether yee pray for Magistrats as such or for vulgar men as such and uncertaine whether yee pray for this or that ranke Answ. It is certaine we are to pray for Kings Subjects Men Women Jewes Gentiles reserving the Lords decrees to his owne Soveraigne liberty Object If we are to pray but for some because God willeth the salvation of some he should have said we are to pray for no man for the farre largest part of the world are lost Answ. This is to censure the Holy Ghosts speaking not us Upon the same ground a Physician in a Citie cannot bee called the healer of all diseased nor a Professor a teacher of Phylosophy to all in the Citie because many in the City dye of the Pest and the twentieth person remaine ignorant of Philosophie if God will have all to be saved that he predestinate to life hee is rightly said to will all men to bee saved and in that sense wee are to pray that all may bee saved 2. God by his consequent will desireth the farre greatest part of the world to be damned Ergo By the Arminian way hee should say God willeth not any man to bee saved nor any to come to the knowledge of the truth but that all may be damned and because they say there is in the Almighty an Antecedent naturall affection and desire that justice may be satifyed in Men and Angels which affection is in order of nature prior and before Gods full peremptory and deliberate will of damning all that are finally obstinate as there is a naturall antecedent will in God to call invite to repentance offer Christ to all and will the salvation of all and every one which is afore and precedent to his peremptory compleat and irrevocable decree of electing to glory all that God foreseeth shall dye in the faith of Christ. Upon the same ground it may well bee said GOD willeth the damnation of all and every one of mankind and the salvation and repentance of none at all and that Christ dyed upon no intention naturall to redeeme or save any but upon a conditionall and naturall desire that justice might be declared in the just destruction of all for sure all Gods naturall affections and desires of justice are as naturall and essentiall to him and so as universally extended toward the creature as his desires and antecedent natural affections of mercy Object 5. The sense of the word All appeares to be of Adam and all that come by propagation of him 1. The word Men is used for Adam and all his Sons Hebr. 9.27 2. Often in the fullest sense not regenerated nor wholly reprobated are called Men Job 11.11 12. Psal. 12.1 and 4.2 and 53.2 3 Beleevers are called Men Acts 1.11 1 Cor. 3.21 22. In regard of passions Acts 14.15 Of carnall walking 1 Cor. 3.3 Yet they are called something more Sonnes of God Joh. 1.12 1 Joh. 3.1 Saints 1 Cor. 1.1 Brethren faithfull Ephes. 1.1 Christians Acts 11.26 Some who have heardned their heart are called Men but something more reprobate Jer. 6.28 30. Seed of the Serpent Gen. 3.15 Children of Belial Deut. 1.3 Of the Devil Joh. 8 4● and with an Emphasis the wicked Psal. 9.17 Answ. In these Grammattications M. Moor sheweth how weake his cause is and how dubious from the word men and all for Heb. 9.27 It s said it s appointed for all men to die and the Holy Ghost insinuateth clearly that Christ died for all men that die in the very next words v. 28. So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many he saith not all men Observe the change of words 2. We deny not but all men in Scripture signifieth all descended of the first Adam by propagation Ergo
5.44.45 Motives to pray for beleevers are sweeter as their uprightnesse with God faith in Christ love in the Saints fellowship to the Gospel Answ. The thing in question is not concluded we say not we are to pray for the salvation of none but beleevers only and that Christ died for none but those that already beleeved We are to pray for all ranks beleevers or unbeleevers as Christ died for thousands of both but ever in order to faith and election to glory 2. It s a ●lasphemous comparison to say the gracious good will of God to chuse men to glory and the highest and most matchlesse love of Christ Ioh. 3.16 and 15.13 Ephes. 5.25 26 27. Acts 20.28 Tit. 3.3 4. is but a common motive to induce us to pray for all men and such belly-blessings as a shining Sun and raining clouds which God bestoweth on blasphemers apostates and cru●ifyers of the Lord Iesus Psal. 73.1 2 c. Ier. 12.1 2. Job 21.1 2 3 4 5 6. Yea the giving of Christ to die for sinners is an argument to prove that far more Christ will give us all other things Rom. 8.32 even righteousnesse faith love and all graces and therefore there can be no sweeter motive to move us to pray for all men conditionally then because for any thing our charity is to deem on the contrary they may even though persecuters be within the circumference and sweet lists of Gods free love and greatest good will and affection of Election and Redemption Rom. 9.11 12 13. Ephes. 1.9 Ioh. 15.13 and 3.16 Gal. 2.20 and we are to pray for them under this reduplication and notion as freely loved of God and redeemed of his rich grace and in no other consideration which is the far sweeter motive then any inherent uprightnesse faith or love that can be in us Object 11. We are to pray without wrath ver 8. which is incident when we pray for those that crosse and persecute us not when we pray for beleevers Answ. Non concluditur negatum Ergo We are to pray for all and every man because we can hardly pray without wrath and grudging for such as Nero. 2. If beleevers injure us as they often doe now adaies hee knowes not his owne heart who is not tempted to wrath in praying for them 3. Vers. 8. All prayers in generall must be without wrath and with pure hands and not prayers onely for persecuters Ob. 12. The thing prayed for is that wee may lead a quiet and peaceable life that so the Gospel might runne and be glorified 2 Thes. ● 1 Joh. 17.22 23. But things to bee prayed for to the beleevers are higher as increase of love sincerity filling with the fruits of Righteousnesse Phil. 1.9 c. Answ. All these prove this place will prove onely wee are to pray for Magistrates under whom we have peace and the Gospel nor for beleevers and so not for all Adams sonnes as the next words Pag. 59. prove Object 13. Here is a ground to preach the Gospel to all men to every Creature Matth. 28.20 Mark 16.15 And how farre to all men Joh. 16.12 1 Cor. 3.12 Hebr. 5.12 even though they hate and persecute us Answ. If every creature be no Senechdoche it must warrant us to preach to Devils 2. It s evident by the story of the Acts that the Apostles obeyed not this command in the letter ●s Master Moore presseth it there bee many Nations and thousands of people to whom the Apostles never preached the Gospel neither to fathers nor sons 3. Gods decree is no warrant to the to preach the Gospel except God confer miraculously the gift of tongus and this strongly proveth the contrary the Lord never yet sent the meanes of the knowledge of the truth to all and every Son of Adam then he cannot will all and every Son of Adam to be saved and Christ dyed not for all and every creature then he commanded not to preach the Gospel to all every creature but onely to every creature that is to all Nations Jewes and Gentiles now when the partition wall is broken downe Object 14. He sheweth the will of God touching the Mediator to save and ransome all 2. To bring all to the knowledge of the truth 3. By this knowledge sinne is removed death abolished enmitie slaine peace obtained so farre for all men that God hath given all over to the dispose of Christ and made him Lord and Judge of all 4. The other part of Gods will Jesus Christ performeth to wit to preach the Gospel to all and will performe it in due time 5. The Gospel may be preached to all vers 7. 6. Prayers made for all v. 1 2 3 4 and here is no more then Christ doth to all men Answ. Here be faire Positions but not a word to prove that this is Gods will concerning all and every sonne of Adam He supposeth all this as granted because he saith not because the Text saith it and therefore we deny what he proveth not Master Moore alledgeth that Joh. 1.29 Behold the Lambe of God that takes away the sinnes of the world Answ. The word World is the Nations and Gentiles and beleevers are elect of both Jewes and Gentiles Joh. 3 16. God so loved the world Rom. 11.12 If the fall of them bee the riches of the world if the casting away of them bee the reconcilement of the world of the Gentiles and especially of Jewes and Gentiles Math. 24.14 And this Gospel of the kingdome shall be preached in all the world for a witnesse to all Nations that is Jewes and Gentiles A personall witnesse to every single man it cannot be except every single man heard it Rom. 10.14 How shall they beleeve in him of whom they have not heard Joh. 15.22 Rom. 2.12 So is the world all Nations taken Mar. 14.9 10. and the word World Mark 16.15 2 Taking away of sinne is the actuall free compleat pardoning of sinne so as Judas sin is sought and not found Jer 50.20 As 2 Sam. 24.10 David having numbred the people prayeth O Lord take away the iniquity of thy servant any Arminian in conscience answer Did David pray for no more then is due to Iudas Cain and all mankind of whom many never in faith can pray as David here doth Or doth he not seeke the effectuall pardon of his numbring the people Job 7.21 And why doest thou not pardon mine iniquity and take away my transgression Esai 27.9 This is all the fruit to take away his sinne this cannot be the potentiall and ineffectuall removing of sinne common to all the world but proper to the Church and brought to passe by particular afflictions on the Church Rom. 11.27 This is my covenant with them when I shall take away their sinnes These words are not fulfilled till all Israel be saved both elect Iewes and Gentiles and the Iewes converted But Arminians say Though the Iews were never converted and not a man of Israel
saved yet the Lambe of God taketh away the sinnes of the world So Esai 6.7 Thine iniquity is taken away and thy sinne purged this is no halfe pardon such as Esaiah had before the Lord touched his lips 1 Joh. 3.5 And yee know that he was manifested to take away our sinnes Iohn speaketh of the taking away of the sinnes of us Iohn and the Saints who were loved Vers. 1. with a wonderfull love to bee called the Sonnes of God us whom the World knoweth not vers 2. us who shall be like Christ when he appeareth Arminians are obliged to give us parallel places where the redemption of all and every man and Christs naked power and desire to be friends with all men and to make any covenant of grace or works as he pleaseth is called the taking away the sinnes of the world and yet the whole world may possibly dye in their sinnes and not a man be saved the taking away of the worlds sinnes to us is the compleat pardoning of them Remission of sinnes in his bloud Ephes. 1.7 Col. 1.14 Blotting out of transgressions Esai 4● 25 as a thicke cloud Esai 44.23 a not remembring of sinnes Isai 43.25 Ier. 31. ●4 Such a taking away of sinnes as is promised in the covenant of grace to the house of Iudah to the Church under the Messiah that heareth the Gospel Ier. 31.34 Hebr. 8.8 9 10 11 12. Rom. 11.26 27. Esai 59.20 This is the taking away of the sinnes of the world a new world in whose inner parts the Lord writeth his Law and with whom the Lord maketh an everlasting covenant never to turne away from them Jer. 31.33 34 5 36 37. in whom the Lord putteth his Spirit and in whose mouth he puteth his Word and in the mouth of their seed and their seeds seede Esai 59.20 21. The Arminian taking away of sins is of all and every one of Adams seed of such as never heard of a Covenant of a Word of a Spirit of a Seed a holy Seed of a new heart Finally the taking away of the sinnes of the world is the removing of them as farre from us as the East is from the West Psal. 103.12 bestowed on these that feare the Lord vers 11. and are pitied of the Lord as the Father pitieth the Sonne and the subduing of our iniquities and the casting of our sinnes in the depths of the Sea Mich. 7.19 ●0 a mercy bestowed only on the remnant of the Lords inheritance The Arminian taking away of sins is a broad pardon of sins to all the world let them shew Scripture for theirs as we doe for ours and cary it with them Object 15. Though Reconciliation bee purchased to all and every one yet it is not necessary that it bee preached to all and every one but onely it is required that God bee willing it bee preached to all now it is free to God before he be willing to make offer of the purchased reconciliation to all to require afore hand such acts of obedience and dueties which being performed hee may publish the Gospel to them or being not performed hee may bee unwilling to publish the Gospel to them Yea though reconciliation be purchased to all yet its free to God to communicate the benefits of his death upon what termes hee thinketh good And Christ died saith Master Moore to obtaine a lordship over all and a power to save beleevers and destroy such as will not have him to raigne over them as wee heard before Answ. 1. We have in this Doctrin that Argument yeelded God commanded to preach to all and every one Ergo Christ died for all and every one For 1. The consequence is true absolutely by the Arminians doctrine Christ absolutely died for all and every one without prescribing any condition to those for whom he dies he saith not my sonne dieth to purchase reconciliation to all upon condition all beleeve or perform some other dutie but beleeve they or beleeve they not the 〈◊〉 is payed and salvation purchased for all without exception but the antecedent is not true but upon condition God is not willing the Gospel bee preached to all but to such as perform such conditions 2. If they perform not the condition Christ should have said preach not the Gospel to all nations nor to every creature but onely to such as yee finde fit hearers of the Gospel and have performed such acts of obedience as I require for conditionall threatnings are set downe in the Gospel as well as conditionall promises he that beleeveth shall be saved he that beleeveth not shall bee damned But in Old or New Testament Arminians never shew us where the preaching of the word of Grace is referred to our free will Doe this O Ammonits O Indians and the glad tyding shall come to you if yee doe not this ye shall never heare the Gospel Arminians say God sendeth his Grace and Gospel both genti minus dignae indigniori negat to the unworthy Nation and denyeth both to the worthier 3. Arminians say in Script Synod Dordr pag. 6. Lex non lata aut non intellecta cum intelligi non possit non obligat a law not made or not understood when it cannot be understood doth not oblige then God cannot deny a salvation and the benefit of a preached Gospel to Indians though both were purchased in Christ if they never heard as hundreths of Nations could by no rumor heare or dreame of Christ and the Gospel of Christ. 4. How can God with the same naturall and half-will equally will that all bee saved when hee absolutly without merit or condition willeth the meanes of salvation to some and denyeth the meanes of salvation to the farre largest part of mankinde for want of a condition unpossible because it neither was nor could be known to them 5. By the Arminian way sinne originall is no sin it bringeth wrath and condemnation on no man God beginneth upon a new score and the reckoning of the covenant of Grace to count with all men and God is so reconciled to all mortall men and transacteth with them in such a way of free grace that hee will punish no man for any new breach except committed actually by such as are come to age as have the use of reason and are obliged to beleeve in Christ. pag. 285 286 287. Dordr scrip Synod Yet hath God decreed never to reveale any such gracious transactions to millions of men that better deserve to heare these secrets of grace then thousands to whom they are proclaimed in their ears ere they can discerne the right hand by the left This Arminians say was Gods dispensation Matth. 11. with Capernaum and Tyrus and Sidon But it will bee found that Arminians deny the prescience and foreknowledge of God 6. Most abominable and comfortlesse must the doctrine of the death of our Lord Iesus be if Christ died onely to bee a Lord and such a Lord as hee might have power without
both the Iews to whom this Apostle wrote and the Gentiles came in After those dayes Arminians cannot deny but the putting of the law in the minde and writing it in their hearts and this knowing of the Lord not by the ministerie of man but by the inward teaching of the Spirit must be saving conversion and there is no more reason to expound Israel all Israel both Iews and Gentiles of all of every kinde and some few except they flee to our universalitie of the elect in the matter of conversion then in the matter of redemption by Christ when it is said Christ gave himselfe a ransome for all 1 Tim. 2. B●cause it is their constant doctrine to make all and every one of Adams Sonnes as many as Christ died for to be the parties with whom the covenant is made so in the same covenant it is said Ioh. 6. 45. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 They shall bee all taught of God as Ieremiah saith Chap. 31.34 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. Because they shall all know me for I will forgive their iniquity and remember their sinne no more except they admit an universalitie of the redeemed of God then as they contend for an universall redemption and all and every one of mankinde in Christ to bee taken in within the covenant of grace for they expound all those of the visible Church there is as good reason that wee prove from the Grammar of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 All. An universall Regeneration and an universall justification of all as they can prove an universall redemption so is the same promise Isai. 54.11 and clearly Rom. 11.26 All Israel shall bee saved He meaneth Iews and Gentiles when the fulnesse of the Gentiles shall come in here is universall salvation of all So by Iohn Baptists ministry all and every one of his hearers must bee converted why As Arminians expound many that Christ died for Matth. 20.28 To bee all and every man without exception 1 Tim. 2 6. Heb. ● 9 1 Ioh. 2.1 so they are debters to us for the same liberty Mal. 4. He shall turne the hearts of the fathers to the children Luke 1.16 Many of the children of Israel shall hee turne to the Lord their God these wee must expound by the Arminian Grammar of the conversion of all and every one that heard ●ohn preach contrary to Luke 7.29.30 for Pharisees and Lawyers were not converted Yea it is said Isai. 40. Every valley shall bee exalted and every mountaine shall bee made low and the crooked shall be made straight and the rough places plain and the glory of the Lord shall bee revealed and all flesh sh●ll see it together Matth 3. expoundeth it of the preaching of repentance and the coming of the kingdome of God by the ministrie of Iohn so doth Mark 2.3 and Iohn 1.2 And the filling of vall●yes and making straight crooked things is sure the humbling of the proud and the exalting of the humble and the conversion of the disobedient But who can say that all and every mountaine was made low and by Iohns ministrie or Christ either Was the Gospel preached to all and every man or the heart of every sonne converted to the father or did all flesh see or injoy the salvation of God Then they must flee to our exposition yea the seeing of the salvation of God is no lesse the saving of all which Arminians cannot say Mr. Den saith That the seeing of God is in that when they knew God they glorified him not as God Rom. 1.21 And they liked not to retain God in their knowledge as that is they have both seen and hated both me and my Father and Mat. 13 1● And seeing they see not but saith he it is not to bee understood of saving knowledge Answ. 1. This is contrary to the scope of the Prophet Isaiah and of the Evangelists who aime at holding forth the fruits of the Gospel in John Baptist his Ministery which was the conversion of soules as Malachy saith and the bringing down the proud and in tu●ning many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God and in going before C●ri●t in the Spirit and power of Elias to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the disobedient to the wisedome of the just and to make ready a people prepared for the Lord Luke 1.16 17. Which is a cleer Exposition of laying every proud Mountain levell to Christ and of fitting soules for the Messiah Which no man can say by teaching such a knowledge of Christ as Idolatrous Heathen had of God as Creator or blinde and obstinate Pharisees had of Christ and his Father whom they both saw and hated Joh. 15. Rom. 21. That seeing of the salvation of God is neither conversion nor preparation of a people for Christ. 2. The phrase of seeing God and the salvation of God being set downe as a powerfull fruit of the Gospel hath never in Scripture so low a meaning as is not wanting to naturall men and Atheists and Pharisees But is meant of an eff●ctuall knowledge of God and the injoying of God as Job 19.25 I shall see God Psal. 106.5 That I may see that is inioy the good of thy chosen Isai. 33.17 Thine eyes shall see the King in his beauty Isai. 52.10 The ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God Matth. 5.8 Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God Joh. 3.3 Except a man be born againe he cannot see the Kingdome of God Acts 22.14 Then Ananias said to Saul the God of our Fathers hath chosen thee that thou shouldest know his will and see that just one Heb. 12.14 Follow holinesse without which no man shall see the Lord. But if Mr. Den and others will contend that this seeing of the salvation of God is the revelation of the literall knowledge of Christ that saving thing which is bestowed on the Nations by the Ministery of John and the coming of the Messiah they must with us confesse a large Synecdoche and figure in this when it is said All flesh shall see the salvation of God because there are thousands that live and die in the region and shadow of death to whom the least taste of literall knowledge of Christ or of his Name n●ver came Psal. ●9 9 In his Temple shall every one speak of his glory not every one but converts only can utter the glory of God savingly in the Temple of the Lord otherwise many speak and doe in his Temple to his dishonour Jer. 7.4.10 11. Ezech. 23.38 39. Acts 2.4 They were all filled with the Holy Ghost 17. And it shall come to passe in the last dayes saith GOD I will poure out my Spirit upon all flesh Now it is clear This is a prophecying of all flesh within the Church Your sonnes and your daughters shall prophecie your young men shall dreame dreames c. Now all flesh did never prophecy nor was
heaven nor will this include all and every Nation without exception Erasmus would aske of those that will not admit an Hyperbole in Scripture if there were English and Scots there Ye tithe every herbe that is Herbs of all kinds Luke 11.42 Christ cured every disease Matth. 4. 23. Yee shall eat of every tree of the garden Gen. 2.16 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 all his masters goods are in his hand 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gen. 24.10 Now thus God will have all to be saved and Christ is the Mediator of all men 1 Tim. 2. which is not to be understood of all and every man but of Kings and low men and all conditions of men the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is thrice used in the Text. 1. We are no where but in this place only commanded to pray for all men but if for the eternall salvation of all and every one without exception is the doubt You shall not finde a warrant in the Word to pray that all mankinde may be saved absolutely for God hath revealed in his Word that he hath decrees of Election and Reprobation of men 2. And hath expresly forbidden to pray for their salvation that sinne to death 1 Iohn 5.16 And what Faith have we to pray for such for the salvation of Magistrates in that notion only we may pray for the peace of Babylon and for peace of Heathen Princes the Church being under them 3. God will have all men to be saved no other waies then he will have all to come to the knowledge of the truth that is of the Gospel Now how he will have all men without exception to come to the knowledge of the Gospel since this natural Antecedent and conditionall will to save all was in God toward the fallen Angels and the Gentiles in the time of the Old Testament when the Law of God and his will touching salvation through the Messiah to come was only revealed to the Jewes Deut. 7.7 Psal. 1 47.19 20. Let Arminians see for sure the Gospel is not and hath never been preached to all and every rationall creature and to all men yet he wills all men by Arminians grounds to come to the knowledge of the Gospel Now we know not how God who hath this naturall will eternally in him as they say willeth the heathens to come ●o the knowledge of the Gospel except he send Apostles with the miraculous gift of tongues to them to preach in their language 4. He instances in a specie of the all he spoke of v. 1. in Magistrates though Heathen Thanksgiving here for all and every man must also be commanded as well as prayer even for Julian and the greatest scourges and bloody Scorpions that lay heaviest stripes on the back of the Church Sure we have no faith to beleeve this in reference to their salvation 5. Paul must here speak of the Lords effectuall will whom he saveth and will have to be saved and to heare the Gospel they must be saved So the Apostle 2 Pet. 3.9 8. The Lord is long-suffering 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to us willing none of us to whom he is long-suffering to perish but will have all us to whom hee extendeth this long-suffering to come to repentance For he gives a reason why the day of judgement comes not so quickly but is so delayed that lustfull men scoffes at it because God waites till all the elect be gathered in they should perish and should not come to the knowledge of the truth if the Lord should hasten that day as Matth. 24. For the Elects sake the ill daies are shortned not for the reprobate So to this ransome Paul vers 7. is appointed a Preacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth this must be the Gentiles that beleeve and come to the knowledg of the truth nor did Paul beare this testimony to all and every one of the Gentiles yet Arminians say God will have all and every one of Jewes and Gentiles saved and ransomed as also he restricts the peaceable and godly life to the Church taking in himselfe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. that we may lead c. 6. His reason There is one God so much as of all orders in the Christian Church there is one God the King and Magistrate as touching his office hath not one God and the poore another God the Jewes have not one God and these I preach to the Gentiles vers 7. another the husband hath not one God and the wife another for these three orders Magistrats and these that are under them Jewes Gentiles Husband Wives are in the Text and if that poore argument of Master Moores had bloud or nerves because there is one God and because he names 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Men therefore God will save all and the Ransome must be as wide and spacious as the reason God is God to all and every one and all and every man is a man it may prove that these that blaspheme and sinne to death these of Bythinia and Samaria and all the Gentiles that the Lord wincked at and did not invite to repentance Act. 14.17 they left off to be men and God was not a God in relation to them as to the worke of his hands for sure God is not in covenant with all and every one of mankind for thousands that are men are without the covenant I demand of this universall will of God to save all and every one and the ransome for all and every one was it ever heard off in one letter in the Old Testament except by prophecying what was to be under the New Never Now was there not one God and one Mediator in the Old as in the New And naturall and universall desires and wils in God to save men as men and that God should save men as one God doe not rise and fall in God but sure his will called his command and revealed in the Gospel is larger under the Gospel nor it was before the Messiahs time otherwise God no otherwise willed all men to be saved amongst the Jewes as their God in covenant with them then hee willed all the Gentiles and every man of the heathen to be saved which contradicts Old and New Testament broadly for in the time of the Old Testament God willed not Moab Ammon Tyre Sidon Philistims Egyptians to come to the knowledge of the truth and Gospel 2 Sam. 7.23 Deut. 4.34 Psalm 147.19 7. God no more wills all and every man to be saved and come to beleeve so they will all and every one beleeve then he wills all and every one to bee damned so they beleeve not and refuse the Gospel the one will is as universall as the other 8. It is no justice that the ransome should be payd for all and every one and the captives remaine in prison eternally it s against the law Exod. 21. ●0 Exod. 30.12 15. Yee the Lords Ransomed Esai 35.9 10. Must obtaine everlasting joy in
betweene faith and salvation is desired of God with his will of approbation complacency and morall liking without all dissimulation most unfainedly and whereas Arminians say we make counterfeit fained and hypocriticall desires in God they calumniate and cavill egregiously as their custome is 2. The other thing expressed in these invitations is a sort of dislike griefe or sorrow its a speach borrowed from man for there is no disapointing of the Lords will nor sorrow in him for the not fulfilling of it or an earn●st nilling and hating dislike that these two should not goe along as approved efficatiously by us to wit the creatures obedience of Faith and life eternall God loveth approveth the beleeving of Hierusalem and of her children as a morall duty as the henne doth love to warme and nourish her chickens and he hateth with an exceeding and unfained dislike of improbation and hatred their rebellious disobedience and refusing to bee gathered but there is no purpose intention or decree of God holden forth in these invitations called his revealed will by which he saith he intendeth and willeth that all he maketh the offer unto shall obey and be saved But it s to bee observed that the revealed will of God holden forth to all called voluntas signi doth not hold forth formally that God intendeth decreeth or purposeth in his eternall counsell that any man shall actually obey either elect or reprobate it formally is the expression onely of the good liking of that morall and duty-conjunction betweene the obedience of the creature and the reward but holdeth forth not any intention or decree of God that any shall obey or that all shall obey or that none at all shall obey and what Arminians say of Christs intention to die for all and every one and of the Lords intention and Catholike good will to save all and every one to wit that these desires may be in God though not any be saved at all but all eternally perish which maketh the Lords desires irrationall unwise and frustraneous that we say with good reason of Gods good will called voluntas signi it might have its compleat and intire end and effect though not any one of men or Angell obey if there were not going along with this will of God another will and eternall decree and purpose in God of working by free grace in some chosen ones what the Lord willeth in his approving will and another decree in the which the Lord purposeth to deny his saving grace upon his absolute liberty to others that being left to the hardnesse of their own hearts they may freely disobey and bee the sole Authors of their owne damnation Now because Arminians deny any such two decrees in God but assert onely such as depend wholly in their fulfilling on the free will of Men and Angels and all the decrees of God may be frustrated and disappointed by Men and Angels as if the poore short-sighted creature not the Soveraigne Creator were carver and Lord of the decrees and Master of worke in fulfilling of these counsels Wee reject their Catholike intentions and decrees to save and redeeme all and every one which they vainely fancy to bee in God as repugnant to his will which is irrisistible and cannot misse its end 2. To his immutability which cannot be compelled to take a second port whereas hee cannot saile the first 3. To his Omnipotencie who cannot be resisted 4. To his happinesse who cannot come short of what his soule desires 5. To his wisdome who cannot ayme at an end and desire it with his soule and goe about it by such meanes as hee seeth shall bee utterly uneffectuall and never produce his end and not use these meanes which hee knoweth may and infallibly doth produce the same end in others Now this desire of approbation is an abundantly sufficient closing of the mouth of such as stumble at the Gospel being appointed thereunto and an expression of Christs good liking to save sinners Expressed in his borrowed wishes Deut. 5.29 O that there were such a heart in them that they would feare me and keepe my commandements Psal. 81.13 O that my people had hearkened unto me and Israel walked in my waies Which wish as relating to disobeying Israel is a Figure or Metaphore borrowed from men but otherwise sheweth how acceptable the duty is to God how obligatory to the creature 2. By the Lords expostulations Ezek. 18.31 Why will yee dye O house of Israel Verse 32. For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dyes 3. In the Lords crying to sinners Prov. 1.20 Wisdome cries shee uttereth her voice in the streets The Word is to cry with strong shouting either for ioy Psalm 81.2 or sorrow Lament 2.19 which expresseth Christs desire to save sinners 6. For the ground and warrant of Christs willingnesse to save and draw sinners doe but consider 1. The words of the text I will draw all men to mee It is as if he would say I will baulk no Nation nor any man upon a nationall respect the first covenant to the Jews suffered a mighty exception What is God the God of the Jews onely Have all the Nations of the earth done with their part of Heaven and salvation but onely the narrow trinket and bit of the earth in po●rel●●●le Iudea This made the Gospel despised and liable to sad and heavie calumnies Christ must have narrow bowels and must bee ebbe short and thin in free grace if the matter bee so Nay but Christ hath mercy for all men I will draw all men that is multitudes of Iews and Gentiles for that Christ draweth all and every one without exception and that by his death is against Scripture and experience but hee hath an all that he drawes Tit. 2.11 The grace of God hath appeared to all men 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 what grace the teaching grace of God that teacheth us to waite for the blessed hope and the appearance of the glory and of our Saviour Iesus Christ sure this must bee the preached Gospel now the Gospel by Scripture experience consent of Arminians never appeared in the least sound to all and every sonne of Adam then Christ must have another all a faire and numerous multitude whom he saves and drawes and this saith hee had a good will to save all and that his elect ones beleeve Revel 5.11 And I beheld and I heard the voice of many Angels round about the Throne and the beasts and the Elders and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands v. 12. Saying worthy is the Lambe Revel 7.9 After this I beheld and loc a great multitude which no man could number of all nations and kindreds and people and tongues stood before the Throne and before the Lambe cloathed in white robes and palmes in their hands It is true in civill assemblies and judicatures Christ hath a few number yet hee hath a faire
is chosen to salvation from eternity so Election is neither precept nor promise but a truth of Gods gracious good will and pleasure hid in Gods mind till he be pleased to reveal it by the fruits thereof There can bee no such imaginable double dealing in the world as Arminians lay upon God For they make the Lord to say thus as imagine a King should speak to twenty thousand captives I have a good will purpose hearty intention and earnest desire to make you all and every one free Princes and pray wish obtest and beseech you subscribe such a Writ of grace for that end but I only can lead your hand at the Pen and give you eyes to see and a willing heart to consent to your own happinesse and if you refuse to signe the Bill of grace you shall be tormented for ever and ever in a river of fire and brimstone Again I have a like good will to my own justice and purpose so to carry on the designe as that sixteen thousand of you shall not have the benefit of my hand or of one finger to lead your hand at the pen nor any efficacious motion to act upon your will to obtain your consent to subscribe the Writ yea by the contrary though I of exceeding great free love will intend decree and purpose you bee all Princes of glory yet I purpose that these sixt●e● thousand whose salvation and happinesse I extreamly desire shall for their former rebellion which I with the like desire of spirit could and I only might have removed never be mo●od to consent to this Bill of grace Now were not this the outside of a good will a●d should not this Prince bee said rather to will and desire the destruction of these sixteen thousand and not their honour and happinesse Asser. 3. This is the mystery of the Gospel in which I must professe ignorance and that the Lords thoughts are not as our thoughts nor his wayes as ourwayes he hath by the preaching of the gospel ingaged thousand thousands within the visible Church to the duty of their fidutiall adherence and heart resting on Christ as they would be saved and yet hath the Lord never purpos●d to work their hearts and he only can do it to this heart-resting on Christ by faith nor hath he purchased either remission of sinnes or pardon for them If any object how can Christ in equitie judge and condemne them for not beleeving pardon and salvation in his blood when as neither pardon nor salvation are purchased in this blood to them nor purposeth he to give them faith Yet we may plead for the Lord we conceive of the decree of God as of a deep policie and a stratagem and snare laid for us whereas the Lord lies not in wait for our ruine nor carries he on a secret designe in the gospel to destroy men If Christ should say in the Gospel-precepts promises or threatnings I decree purpose and intend to redeeme all and every man but I purpose to carry on the designs so as the far greatest part of mankinde inevitably shall be lost it should be a stratagem but the gospel as the gospel revealeth not any decree or intention of God touching the salvation or damnation of men intended from eternitie Indeed the gospel as obeyed or dis●beyed reveals Gods intentions and decrees the gospel revealeth nothing but the Lords complacencie approbation and good-liking of the sweet connexion between faith and salvation the just concatenation between unbeliefe disobedience and eternall damnation so the gospel reveals duties but not the persons saved or damned the Lords working with the gospel or the efficacie of the gospel which is a far other thing reveals the persons Now the difficulty is how the Lord can command the reprobate to beleeve life and salvation in Christ when there is no life and salvation either intended to them or purchased for them To which I answer 1. God gave a law to all the angels created in the truth If ye abide in the truth ye shall be eternally happy ye cannot say that the devils in that instant were to beleeve that God intended and dec●eed them for eternall happines and to give them ●fficacious grace by which they should abide in the truth as their fellow-Angels did Gods command and promise did reveal no such intention of God So the Lord said to Adam and to all his seed If ye keep the law perfectly ye shall have life eternall according to that Do this and live yet was not Adam then far lesse these that are now under the Law to beleeve that God ordained them from eternitie to eternall life legally purchased or that any flesh should be justified by the works of the Law Arminians tell us that there be numbers judicially blinded and hardned within the visible Church who cannot beleeve and whom the Lord hath destined for destruction yet the word is preached to them they hear and read the promises of the gospel and the precepts Whither are they to beleeve that God intended from eternitie to them salvation and grace to beleeve I think not For they teach that Christ neither prayeth for nor intendeth to die for the unbeleeving and obstinate world as such nor decreed their salvation and except men may fancie sences on the words of Gods Spirit where learned they to expound the word World when it makes for them for all and every one of mankinde and when it makes against them for the least part of mankinde and that e●ther within the visible Church only or yet without the visible Church for in both Satans world of disobedient ones is the far greatest part s●eing the whole world lyes in sinne as John saith Let it be also remembred when Arminians say the Lamb of God taketh away the sinnes of the world that is of all and every mortall man they mean Christ takes not away nor sheddeth he his blood for the sinnes of the rebellious world so the worlds rebellion contu●●acie and infidelitie against Christ must be pardoned without shedding of blood and if Christ did bear all the sinnes of the world on the crosse conditionally and none of them absolutely ●hen our act of beleeving must be the onely neerest cause of satisfaction for sinnes but why then if Christ satisfied on the crosse for the finall impenitencie and unbeli●fe of the rebellious world conditionally so they beleeve and be not rebellious but Arminians should say right downe Christ died for the rebellious and contumatious world and he prayes for the contumacious world as such but conditionally for he prays and dieth for the not rebellious world of all mortall men not absolutelie but conditionally so they beleeve in Christ if they beleeve not neither the prayers of Christ nor his death are more effectuall for them then for Devils To all these wee may adde that the Lord in commanding reprobates to rest on Christ for salvation though no salvation be purchased for them
such a temple and seat of Majesty m●ght be named it should not be above every name nor a glory above every glory that can be named either in this world or in the world to come To me Conversion is the drawing of a sinner to Christ it s a supernaturall journey it s not a common way to come to this eternall wisdome of God as saith Iob 28.7 A path which no fowle knoweth and the vultures eye hath not seen where is the place of understanding ver 21. seeing it is hid from all living and kept close from the fowls of the aire v. 22. destruction and death say we● have heard the fame thereof with our ●ares ver 23. where is it then Natures dark candle cannot show it ver 23. God und●rstandeth the way thereof and he knoweth the place thereof Prov. 15.24 The way of life is on high the way of the life of all excellent lives is an high and an exalted way every man knows it not 2. Christ saith by way of exclusion that hee getteth not one soule to him but by strong hand and violence never man comes to Christ on his owne clay-leggs and with the strength of his owne good-will Ioh. 6.44 No man can come to me except the Father which hath sent me draw him 3. There be other acts of God of an high reach in these that come to Christ as there must be resigning over a making over of the Father to the Sonne v. 39. All that the Fathe● giveth me shall come The Fathers making over of any soule or his giving one to Christ is not by way of alienation as if the man belonged no more to the Father or were no more under the tutorie and guidance of the Father but under the sonne Familists teach us That there be distinct seasons of the working of the severall persons of the Trinitie so as the soule may bee said to be so long under the fathers and not the Sonnes and so long under the Sonnes work and not the Spirits Wee know no such destinct posts to heaven nor such shifting from hand to hand the Saints have many bouts in their way to glory but all the three joyntly at the same season help at the lifting of the dead out of the graves Ioh. Ioh. 5 24.25 All the three in one dead list openeth blinde eyes and converteth lost sinners Matth. Eph. 1.17.18 Mat. 16.17 Ioh. 12.32 2 Cor. Ioh. 14.23 Ioh. 16.7 8.9.10 Ioh. 14.16 Eph. 1 I●● 2.27 1 Ioh. 5.6.7 Grace mercy and peace cometh that the same season to the seven Chu●ches from all the three From him which is and which was and which is to come and from the seven Spirits that is before the throne and from Ie●us Christ who is the faithfull witnesse c. 2 Cor. 13.14 Revel 1.45 Then the Father so giveth the elect to the sonne as I should not desi●e to be out from under the care and tutory of the Father the Father maketh them over and keepeth them in his own bowels and in the truth Ioh. So there is the Fathers teaching and the hearing and learning from the Father Ioh. 6.15 It is written in the Prophets and they shall all be taugh● of God Every man therefore that hath heard and hath learned of the Father cometh to mee In the uses of the doctrine I have three things to speak of 1. What a sinne they bee under who resist the right arm of the Father 2. What free-will and morall honestie can do or how nothing they are to work a communion with God 3. These are to be refuted who think we are nei●her to p●ay nor to doe nor to work out our salvation in fear and trembling but when the Lord by saving Grace acteth in us and draweth irresistibly Now to the end that this common Gospel-sinne may be the better seene in all its spots consider 1. What is in Christ the drawer 2. What is in Grace by which sinners are drawn 1. In Christ the drawer There bee many drawers suiting us the world is the taile of the great red Dragon and his taile drew the third part of the starres of heaven and did cast them downe to the earth Revel 12.4 Glorious professours like glistering starres up in heaven are drawn away after the dirty world should there bee more power in Sathans taile to draw down stars from heaven then there is beauty and sweetnesse in Christs face to ravish hearts and Deut. 30.17 Some turn away their hearts and are drawn away and worship other gods and serve them yet they are but bastard gods Christ has a true reall God-head in himselfe Why will you not be drawne after the smell of his precious ointments and Act. 5.37 Iudas of Galilee arose and drew away much people after him and they were destroyed and Iam. 1.14 every tempted man and who is not tempted is drawn away of his own lust and this is a mother with child of death and hell supposed goodnesse is an angle a vast net that drawes millions of souls to eternall perdition every man has a soule-drawer about him divels and false teachers are pulling at and hailing soules O bee drawn by Christ he is the rose without a thorne the Sunne without a cloud the beauty of the Godh●ad without a spot hee drawes his Fathers heart to love him and delight in him Christs love and the art of free grace are good at drawing of soules there is not a soule-drawer comparable to him Ah our hearts are as heavy as hell suppose that hell were of the bignesse of ten worlds all of Sand yron or the heaviest stones in the world nay all fancies that pretend lovelinesse are but lyes and Christ true every peece of fair clay is hell and Christ heaven every beauty blacknesse and he all loves Cant. 5.16 2. For alluring souls in a morall way nothing like Christ in the Gospel David is called by the holy Ghost the sweet singer of Israel when Christ speaketh to hearts he sings like heaven and like the glory of a new unseen world Deut. 3● 16 Ioseph was blessed of the Lord for the good will of him that dwelt in the bush It s most alluring in Christ that he is the bird in the bush the bird of Paradise the Turtle in our Land Can. 2.12 that singeth the sweet Gospel-hymnes and Psalms of good tidings from Sion peace peace from heaven to the broken-hearted mourners in Sion all the Gospel is a love-song of Christ dying for love to enjoy sinners of clay and to have them with him in heaven are not these love-songs of the bird whose nest was in the bush If any man thirst saith Christ let him come to me and drink and whosoever will let him take of the water of life freely if this cannot draw to Christ the law curses rewards cannot draw Christ pipeth a spring of joyfull newes but few dance Matth. 11.16 3. The lower
O how admirable was his love and that love was Christs last work in this life he dyed of no other sicknesse but love love love was Christs death-work Christs Testament Christs winding sheet Christs grave he took his Bride lapped in his love and hart to Paradise with him his last breath was love The myrrhe when it is withered has the same smell and a sweeter that it had while it was g●een Christ that bundle of myrrhe that lyeth all the night between the Churches breasts when withered and dead smelled of love for hee opened the graves and raised the dead and took a repenting sinner to Paradise with him which are acts of great love its considerable that hee is at one time a dying a drawing and a loving Saviou● and ask what was Christs last act on earth it s answered he dyed in the very act of loving and drawing sinners to his heart Vse We are engaged to love him and if so to keepe his commandments and to draw him after us his owne image ho●inesse in the Saint● takes Christ and causes him fall in love with us Cant. 4.9 Thou hast ravished my heart my sister my Spouse thou hast ravished my heart with one of thine eyes with a chaine of thy neck It s much love that ravishes Christ y●a it so overcomes him that hee professes its above him hee must desire his Spouse to looke away Cant. 6.5 Turne away thine eyes from me for they have overcome me Cant. 7.5 The king is held in his galleries holinesse make● our king the Lord Iesus a captive for eternitie he will delight to see the Lambs wife his bride when shee shall bee decked up with endlesse glory Bee holy and the king shall desire your beauty ingage Christ more to love you deck your selves with chains with bracelets be attired in raiment of needle work the braver in this apparell you are yee are the lovelier to Christ the wedding garment makes you fair to the king put on the crowne of grace on your head and bee highly beloved of this Prince Ver. 33. Now this he spoke signifying what death he should dye The last article in Christs draw●ng of sinners is the exposition of the Evangelist Iohn who openeth to us the sense of Christs words to wit what was meant by Christs lifting up from the earth for it is not an ordinary phrase to expresse dying on the crosse therefore saith Iohn hee meaned by his lifting up from the earth the kinde and manner of his death to wit that he should bee crucified and dye the shamefull and ignominious death of the crosse it would seeme that the exposition of Iohn may be referred to the whole verse 32. What is the sense of this If Christ be lifted up hee will draw all men up to him that is if he be crucified by that shamefull and painfull death and the merito thereof he will draw all men to him and translate them from the kingdome of darknesse to the state of saving grace which is true in it self but seemeth not to bee the sense of the words 1. Because the Evangelists use to expound what may appeare ambiguous to the hearers as Ioh. 7.8.39 But this he spoke of the Spirit ●oh 20.23 Then went this saying abroad among the Brethren that that disciple Iohn should not dye yet Iesus ●aid not to him hee sh●ll not dye So Matth. 2.16.17 18. But that Christ draweth sinners by his death was not so much controverted for to come to Christ to beleeve in Christ to bee drawen to Christ were Phrases obvious enough and known to all 2. It is most pertinent to the text that lifting up from the earth which is ambiguous and may seeme to allude to Elias his beeing carried up to heaven should bee expounded by Chri●●s manner of death to wi● by crucifying 3. Because the holy Ghost expoundeth not the connexion of the conditionall proposition If I be lifted up from the earth I will draw all men after me which he must doe if the sense goe thus but onely speaketh of the kinde and nature of Christs death which was known to the ●ewes to bee both shamefull and cursed but in his exposition hee speaks nothing of the fruit of Christs death but of the kinde and manner of death Now that the Evangelist expoundeth the sence of Christs words what he meaned by being lift up from the earth it holdeth forth to us a necessity that the Lord speak plaine language to us in scripture and that one scripture expound another In finding the meaning of scripture these considerations may give light 1. The Scripture in the plainest expressions is dark that is high and deepe in regard of the matter which is deepe high above the reach of reason and yet the language plaine obvious easie that a virgin shall be a mother the antient of dayes a young sucking infant that through one man death digged a hole in the world and sinne passed on all through a second Man life and heaven entered again are high and deepe mysteries yet is not the Gospel obscure as Papists say 2. In meer historicall narrations and prophecies foretelling the wars of the Lamb the Dragon and the Beast the Antichrist their persuing the woman in traveling in birth to bring forth a man child the matter subject is not profound nor deepe yet the expressions are dark and covered while the works of the Lord bee a key to open his word Here 's the wisdome of God that in deepe and high mysteries necessary for salvation the Lord is plaine and lower and easier stories are foretold more darkly articles of faith are not set downe in dark and enigmaticall prophesies but plainly whereas histories of things to come are more mysteriously proposed 3. The Scripture in no place is in the popish sense dark that is that we are not to take any sense for the word of life and the object of our faith but that which the Church giveth as the sense in regard the Scripture is a nose of wax with equall propension to contradictory senses except the mistris of our faith the witch of Babel expound it and then it is for such formally the word of God as she expoundeth it 4. The holy Ghost the Authour of Scripture has concreated with the words the true native sense which all the powers on earth cannot alter Then when we sweare a covenant with the Lord in plaine easie countrey language not devised of purpose to bee ambiguous or to hold forth that all sects Antinomians Socinians Arminians Prelati●all halters Anabaptists Seekers c. may salve every one his owne way and his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 what hee thinks good to obtrude any authoritative interpretation on this covenant which it holds not forth in its owne simple words to the reader is the greatest tyranny and equivocating jugling in the world and we may easily distinguish and dispute our selves out of a good conscience or rather confesse wee had never any
ha● but a chip of life the dregs of it or the hundreth part of an hand-breath the twentieth part of an inch yet holds it so long as there is so much as the fourth part of a dram of naturall vigorin him Now Christ had cause to love his life as any man else It was about the flower of his age the thirty three yeare of this life and it must be a noble life that dwelt personally with the God-head yet when he was called to a treaty for rendering his life hee gave it not up but upon princely and honourable quarters even that he should see his seed have a noble prize and a ransomed spouse a faire crown a rich Kingdome to mysticall Christ but hee parted with his noble and glorious life deliberatly intentionally most willingly Ioh. 10.18 there was more will more love in Christ dying then in the dying of all men from the creation to the last judgement O how he thirsted and longed to pay that Ransome he had it by him to give it out on demand he did not first die and bow his head but he first bowed his head and beckened with his hand and called upon death and then rendred his Spirit 6. O what a wonder this rose of life on the Crosse withereth in his full beauty the Sun of life would shine no more on it The prime delight of the Sons of men the second Adam from Heaven fades and life can breath no more and beauty shine no more and green●sse blossome no more and when most lowly and low cloathed with a curse most lovely most Lordly and Princely because in the act of Redeeming 7. Christs death must come under a three-fold notion 1. At a torment inflicted by Gods enemies 2. As a punishment inflicted of God or sinne as a Ransome pa●● to justice 3. As the crown and ●nd of Christs journey In the first notion Christs death as comming from wicked men wanted three ingredients that all the wicked world and Hell could not give it 1. All the world cannot adde a curse to the death of any man God only is the Master and Lord of cursing and blessing God cast this in from heaven of his own for 2 Cor. 5.21 God made him sinne Esai 53.6 Iehovah the Lord laid on him the iniquities of us all Who said that Cursed be every one that abideth not in all that is written in the Law to doe it Gal. 3.10.13 Deut. 21.23 Deut. 27.26 the only Law-giver who can dispense curses he made Christs death a curse One death has not a curse more then another and Christs death of the crosse had not a Ceremoniall curse only in it for that was common to the deaths of all that hangeth on a tree Deut. 21.23 But the curse of the Morall Law which is upon the sinner Deut. 27.26 Gal. 3.10 13. was laid upon Christ and this is heavier then ten millions of deaths of the crosse O how many thousands and what millions of talents weight of gall vengeance did the Lord from heaven adde to the cup of Christ 2. Because Christ was made sin he behoved to be made the sinner and from Christs person his death had the sweet perfume of infinite merit a sweet smel of a savor of rest to God above all sacrifices and offerings that ever were offered to God infinitnesse of merit this Christ gave to his own death 3. The Lord gave it a third ingredient that it had acceptation even in point of Law and Iustice which no man could give to feele a smell of everlasting love peace reconciliation in bloud is the sure mercies of David O but it was white bloud to God crying bloud or rather singing blood that sings the sweet Gospel-song Abels blood cryed a song of vengeance ye are come to the bloud of sprinkling 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that sounds better things then the bloud of Abel Heb. 12.24 In the second notion that Christ came under the Law of dying for it is appointed for all men to die speaks much love To come to sleep which is deaths brother to come under paine weaknesse bleeding that are the neare bloud-friends of death is great love expression But to die the lowest and the saddest and sowrest of bodily infirmities and then for other mens faults it sets out the love of God In this respect Christ dying was a Ransome for justice there be foure of the sadest things in a ransome that are here 1. To give person for person is the hardest bargain by the Law of Nations they are meeker warres where moneys and gold may buy a captive God in this bargain could send captives away for neither silver nor gold nor any corruptible thing 1 Pet. 1.18 A gift a reward will not bow justice Rubies Saphires let ten earths be turned into gold of Ophir they cannot buy the offended Law of God therefore it must be man for man person for person or nothing a man is more pretious then gold 2. If you must have man for man then let proportion of common justice be kept a souldier for a souldier a servant for a servant a free-man for a free-man a master for a master yee cannot demand a King to ransome a servant Yea saith justice but I will they are but men and slaves and servants of sinne their Father Adam was indeed a King but by Law he is fallen from the crown and all his children are traytors and born servants therefore justice would have no lesse ransome then one of the Kings line one of the bloud royall and more the only heir of the crown of heaven and earth the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords he is more then an over-ransome and over-summe this is hard but infinite wisdome cannot be against justice but it was the strictest justice that ever was the Kings Sonne for the Traytors sonne the Prince for the Slave the Lord of Lords for the poor c●ay-subject 3. But the ransome King must have honourable conditions like himself if he must be a captive let him have some freedome befitting his birth and condition now because this bargain was to be stretched out to the utmost line and border of strict justice as also it wanted not deepest mercy shining in glorious rayes through justice therefore the King standing a ransome was as farre below his place as a servant is below a King Phil. 2.6 7. You have the lowest and the highest steps who being in the forme of God thought it not robbery to be equall with God but made himselfe of no reputation and took upon him the forme of a servant a King and God made a servant Matth. 20.28 for even the Sonne of man came not to be served but to serve and to give his life a ransome for many See here the Sonne of God a ransome in his own person and the lowest of ransomes a servant farre below a King 4. It is not universall in these persons that
the blew stripes and scarlet wounds on innocent Iesus back and sides his head and hands and fe●t will ye young men Eccles. 11.9 laugh and sinne and must Christ weep and shout and cry for paine when he suffers for sinne Sinners yee have merry dayes in your lusts O but it was a dolefull and a wearisome time to Christ to pay for sinne The drunkard sings and drinks when Christ answers his bill he sighes Salomon Eccles. 2. in the dayes of his vanity sought to give himselfe to wine ver 3. to lay hold on folly and ver 10. and what ever his eyes desired he with-held not from them he kept no joy from his heart But Christ had a sad night in the garden O but he had a heavie soul when with teares and strong cryes he prayed when justice squeazeth a sweat of blood out of Christs body and hee looks like sorrow and sadnesse it selfe dying and b●eeding and crying My God my God why hast thou forsaken me never mothers sonne after this make a sport of sin or sinne with good will and delight What death 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 what quality or kinde of death he was to dye The quality and kinde of Christs death is most remarkable for three characters were printed and engraven on the death of the Crosse which Christ dyed 1. Paine 2. Reproach and shame 3. The Curse of God and man The paine in Christs death comes under a twofold consideration 1. Naturally 2. Legally the nature of the death was painefull for death of it self is painfull no man payes that debt with ease and nature smiling and sporting die who will it will cost you of your flesh when Asa dies he cryes ah my feet when David dies he complaines O my cold body the Shunamites child ah my pained head Vzzah Oh my lep●ous skin do not pamper nor idolize your body if wicked men have not one band or coard in their death but steal down to the grave in a moment beside deaths knowledge yet they pay deare for it Iob 24.20 The wormes shall feed sweetly on them life is a great pearl But there bee three things besides that made the death of Christ painfull 1. Violence 2. Slownesse of dying 3. Many degrees of life taken from him Violence it is to die of any disease or of paine 1. But when five or six deaths do all start equally at one land-port and at one race and strive which of them shall dispatch the poore man soonest the paine is the more yee know the complaint of our blessed Saviour Psal. 22.16 They pierced my hands and my feet and Ioh. 19.34 one of the souldiers with a spear pierced his side and forthwith came there out bloud and water here by Scripture be five deaths that invade a living man death on every hand and death on every legge and death on his side though this last came a little too late the Souldiers had no law to pierce his side but to make sure work he should be dead by a sort of chance to men which yet sweetly was subservient to the decree of God and the Prophecies Christ was thus served 2. Now a violent death it must be when strong and great nailes did pierce the most nervous parts of his body his hands and his feet one Iron wedge thrust in at his left pape to pierce his heart or to pierce through the temples of the head would quickly have dispatched him 2. As for the slownesse of his death foure leasurely and slow violent deaths to cause him to bleed to death were hard the word saith the bloud is the life of the living creature then look how long his bloud was comming out his life was dropping out as long They say the death of the Crosse will keep a man aliv with his life in on the Crosse above three or foure hourese the man dying and yet cannot die these languishing deaths procuring a cruell favour such as is deaths slow pace and yet quick torment are images of hell where men seek death but cannot finde it because death sleeth from them 2. The lentnesse of death is much when death is divided into foure quarters death at every hand and at every foot makes the paine greater when the weight and trunck of Christs living body lifted up from the earth hangeth upon four paining and tormenting pillars the Lords pierced hands and feet as if death had delighted to hold Christ long at Sea and denyed him the last sad service 3. And Christ had been before dying a terrible death in the garden when he had been see●hed and boyled in a bloud of sweat and two circumstances evidence that the two Theives death was nothing in slownesse of torment comparable to Christs death 1. The sad and direfull Prefaces and preparatories to Christs death as he was in the night before in a soule death in the garden and in a sweat of bloud there trickled out of his body down upon the ground 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as it were drops great hail-stones of blood frozen or h●ardened together as Stephanu● thinks through extreame terror he was scourged against all Law and crowned with thornes 2. And so was he weakened in body as he was not able to beare his own crosse it was his own complaint Psal. 22.17 I may tell all my bones what ever the story of passion say how Christ could have been so lean in twen●y and foure houres its evident he complaines his ●●rength was dryed up like a pot-sheard and that death was more painfull to Christ then to these tha● dyed the same death yea Christ began to die the night before he was then under violent death of soule and body above the houres that hee was on the Crosse when others are long tormented with paine that paine is rather the fore-runner of death then death for death stayes but a moment in doing that sad service in bringing the soule out but death all this time twenty foure houres was acting upon Christ both the second death the Lords anger and curse being on him and then bodily paine with the curse of the law all this time wrought upon him Some say gall and vinegar were given to men to be crucified to make them lesse sensible of that extream paine And consider his death legally may we not say as Christ in bearing the paines of the second death did suffer that which all the Elect should have sustained in their souls for ever so Christ did bear many millions of bodily deaths it may be a question if Christs suffering for Peter be Christs suffering for David for sure Peters sins and Davids sins together are more then Davids sins alone and if on Christ the Lord laid the iniquity of us all ●sai 53.6 it must be a greater punishment then if the Lord had laid the iniquity o● some few one or two upon Christ say that the Elect were three millions of rede●med ones as we cannot de●erm●ne the number
sure thi● must be a sadder death then if Christ had dyed but for tenne men it is true it was an infinite paine in regard of the one infinite person that did beare our iniquiti●s yea and so subjectivè it was an infinite love with which in election and free redemption Christ followed all the Elect of God withall but terminative as his love is bounded on sundry persons Paul speaks of it as if there had been not one man loved but himselfe Gal. 3.20 Christ loved me and gave himselfe for me Though the Lord Iesus passed in one bill the election and redemption of all the family of the first born yet every soule has a white stone and a new name that no other elect man knowes but he himselfe as every flower every rose every medow and severall garden has its severall rayes beames and comfort and vigor of hear from the Sunne yet all these rayes and beames are but one in the Sunnes body so though Christ dyed but on death for all the Elect yet in the hight of paine it was many de●ths to him 3. Againe consider how much of life Christ had the removing of it by violence must be so much the more painfull life naturall had in Christ a sweet and peaceable dwelling the possession of life was with excellent deligh●s like a tree growing on the bank of a sweet river of oyl wine and honey it was planted beside the glorious Godhead pers●nally and had sweet company and that made it pleasant the more beautifull pleasant and green the flower of lesse was the more violence and paine it was to hew down this delitious tree of life and to cut him out of the land of the living it had not been so much to cut down a thistle or a thorn tree or to take away the life of a common man whose life is not priviledged with grace and the grace of a personall union with God yea the destroying of the life of an Angel could never have been such violence And then its considerable that Christ was not suffered to goe to the grave without bloud and that his skine his winding sheet were bespotted with bloud Christ paid not this sum quickly as many die its true there was more will and love infinitely in his blood then violence and paine every streame of bloud flowing in a channell of love and it s also sure the soule and the Godhead were not separated but the pretious life of Christ was expelled and that by a bloudy death out of a sweet Paradise and death was a rough sad and thorny journey to Christ weapons of Iron on hands and feet came against the Lord to fetch the soule out of the body 2. Shame The second character engraven on Christs death was shame and reproach in which consider 1. How shame could be on Christ dying 2. What sh●me was on him 3. How it stood with his honour as King 1. Shame is taken either fundamentally in the cause or formally sinne and sinne acted by men against the Law of God is the only foundation of shame when the people fell in idolatry Exod. 32.25 Aaron made the people naked to their shame so when Tamar disswads her brother from incest 2 Sam. 13.13 she saith and I whether shall I cause my shame to goe and as for th●e thou shall be as one of the fooles of Israel Shame and sinne are of one blood for sinning is a shamefull reproaching of the crea●ure and thus Christ was no more capable of shame nor of sin for he had done no violence neither was there any guile in his mouth Christ-man came out of the wombe cloathed with a precious white Robe of innocency and abundance of grace hee never contracted one black spot on that faire Robe of the highest image of God from the wombe to the grave and so there was no shame but fundamentally glory in Christ all his life but there is shame formally in sinne and that 1. Which we call thinking of shame or being ashamed actively 2. In bearing of shame passively In the former consideration because sinne is a shamefull thing in selfe Ier. 11.13 Ye set up Altars to that shamefull thing even Altars to burn incense to Baal there is an internall blushing and shame rising from sinne when the sinner if the conscience through a habite of sinne be not turned brazen and hard thinks ill of sinne and esteemes it s●lf base in doing ill Rom. 6.21 What fruit had yee then of these things whereof yee are now ashamed Adam and Eve were not ashamed before they sinned now Christ man had this ingenuity which Heathens called halfe a vertue shamefastnesse or a power to think ill of sinne Christ of himselfe though he could not sinne as Adam had a power before the fall to pitty and commiserate the sick and miserable though there was no formall object for that power afore men sinned could think it of sinne Christ I say thought ill of sinne and esteemed the creature base in sinning Heathens said vertue was of a red blushing colour and the Scripture condems the shamelesnesse of sinners that are not abased themselves for sinne and cannot bee ashamed so the Lord burthens his people with this Ier. 3.3 And thou hadst a whores forehead thou refusedst to ashamed Heb. to blush Esai 3.9 The shew of their countenance that cannot blush at sinne doth witnesse against them and they declare their sin as Sodome they hid it not Zeph. 3.5 But the unjust knoweth no shame In this Christ our Lord to come to the second point being our surety though he could not be ashamed of any sinne he did himself for that he never sinned yet being made sinne for us he did did beare the shame of our sinne And so Christ was not free of shame passively as it is a punishment of sinne for it is penall evill of the creature Dan. 12.2 Many that sleep in the dust shall awake some to shame and everlasting contempt Ezech. 32.24 Elam and all her multitude are slaine they have born their shame with them that goe down to the pit That which is penall in shame the Lord Iesus did beare he saith of himselfe Esai 50.6 I gave my back to the smiters and my cheeks to them that plucked off the haire I hid not my face from shame and spiting Heb. 12.2 Hee endured the crosse despising the shame in these respects he did beare our shame 1. That hee being the Lord of glory and thought it no robbery to bee equall with the father hee abased himselfe to come so low as to be a man and the lowest of men a servant Phil. 2.6 7 8. Matth. 20.28 Esai 49.7 Thus saith the Lord the Redeemer of Israel and his holy One to him whom man dispiseth Hebr. to one dispised in soule a contemned soule abhorred by the nation to a servant of Lords 2. All the tokens of reproach and shame was on his suffering As 1. In gestures
was on Christ dying 2. How he was a curse and the causes of it To curse in both languages is to pray evill to devote to destruction either in word or deed now the curse that Christ was made 1. Was the Lords pronouncing him a curse 2. The setting of him a part as appointed for wrath and judgement 3. The dishonor done to him the nothinging or dispising of Christ was a part of his curse now in the first of these three we know Deut. 21.23 The Lord pronounceth him accursed that hangeth on a tree Paul in Gal. 3.10.13 applies it to Christ it was a Ceremoniall curse I grant Deut. 21. but had a speciall relation to Christ who was under a reall and morall cu●se for such a curse is upon the sinner for Idolatry and the highest breaches of the morall Law Deut. 27. as to s●t light by Father and Mother to remove the neighbours land-mark and by fraud or rapine to take his Lands from him such a curse was laid on Christ an higher curse then to be hanged on a tree to be hanged was a note of a temporall curse but except the man dyed in sinne no mark of the eternall displeasure of God but as typicall and relative to Christ for whose sake only this cu●se was put on the death of the Crosse it was in equivalency an eternall vengeance and that wrath which all the Elect were for ever to suffer in hell the Apostle saith Gal. 3.10 11 12 13. Such a curse as is due to these that abide not in all that is written in the Law of God to doe it was upon Christ now this was a reall and morall curse because first due to the Gentiles who were not obliged to the Law of Ceremonies and was secondly due to thousands that dyed not on the tree 2. Christ was devoted and set apart in the eternall counsell of God for suffering the punishment of sinne when God first purposed if there be order of first and second in the eternall decrees of God the Lord devoted and set apart this Lamb before the foundation of the world was laid to bee a bloudy sacrifice for sinne He was separated from the flock to be killed and for our sakes he devoted vowed and sanctified himself for that work Christ was of all mankinde separated to be an atonement and an expiation for sinne he was dieted for the race to runne through death and hell hee was fitted to suffer no man so furnished to undergoe the wrath of God as hee 3. As to be accursed comes under the third notion to wit to be dishonou●ed so was Christ under a curse Psal. 22.7 no man Esa. 53.3 the last of men the contempt and the refuse of men Act. 4.11 the stone rejected by you builders saith Peter 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that Nothinged stone not so much esteemed as an errand murtherer Barrabas and this death of the Crosse now especially in the Christian world is become most base as the buriall of an Asse Ier. 22. was a sign of Gods displeasure so is hanging N●tions having not without Gods providence casten their consent together that it should be the death of the poore and basest of men so Peter as if it had been only of mens chusing Act. 5.30 The God of our Fathers raised up Iesus whom yee slew and hanged on a tree And Act. 2.23 whom by wicked hands ye have crucified and slain hanging on a ●●ee is more then slaying to kill a man is all yee can doe but to put him to a base death that is cursed both of God and man is farre worse it s more then the wo●st and that a King lineally discended of Kings and of the blood Royall the Kingly Tribe of Iudah the man on earth that only by birth and law had Title to the Crown of Iudea should be put to so base a death is the worst that wicked men and devils could doe I may adde yet a fourth consideration Gen. 3.17 Al● the creatu●es are put under the curse of mans sinnes Christ dyed such a death as took the creatures off the cu●se and Col. 1.20 Christ having made peace through the blood of his crosse reconciled all things to himself whither they be things in earth or things in heaven 2. Now how Christ could be a curse is harder there is a thing intrinsecally and fundamentally cursed and there is a thing extrinsecally and effectively cursed none but he that sinneth is intrinsecally and fundamentally cursed for in this regard its a personall ev●ll Christ was not intrinsecally abhominable hatefull and an execrable thing to God Obj●ct But if Christ suffered all that we was to suffer for our sinnes then as God must in ●ustice abhorre and hate with a hatred of abhomination the sinner and the sinner is such an one as God must let out his displeasure against him so must God hate and abhorre his person therefore Gods displeasure not only persued Christ by way of punishment that extrinsecally he was cursed but also the Lord in justice behoved to hate and abho●re the person of the Son of God with the hatred of abhomination that he intrinsecally should be a curse as well as the sinner in whose person he stands Ans. Christ the surety behoved to suffer all and every punishment due to the Elect either in the same kinde and coyne as death or in the equivalency and in as good for there were some punishments that may be well changed the one in the other as death naturall or by violence was changed in the death of the crosse we have no ground to think if Christ had never come to die for us that the death of all mankinde must have been the death of the crosse so Gods hating and abominating the sinner must bee and was changed in Gods forsaking of Christ when he complained My God my God c. in regard this was all as penall and sad to Christ as the other to wit to be abominated and hated in our persons as cursed of God not to say that it was not congruous to the condition of him who is the Son of the eternall God by nature and by an unspeakable generation to be in his person abominated and abhorred of God as a man intrinsecally cursed as the sinner who sinneth in person is and not to adde also which may be said the kinde of punishment this not this is arbitrary to the Law-giver now the Apostle saith not Christ was cursed but Gal. 3.10 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he was made a curse for us extrinsecally a curse as 2 Cor. 5.21 God made him sinne for us that is what was penall in the curse and sinne and whatever was congruous and sutable to his holy person that the Lord Iesus came under sure as Christ took on him our nature so he changed persons and names with us legally he was made the sinner and the sinner made the Sonne there was reciprocation of imputation here Christ was you legally
and by law and yee are Sonnes in him The Law was a bloudy bond and our names and soules were inked with the blood of the eternall curse but blot out saith Christ my brethrens names out of the bloody bond and writ in my name for blood and the curse of God and there was a white Gospel-bond drawn up and the Elects names therein Then the two writs runne this in the new Covenant Christ was made a curse and lyable to pay all our debts and law-penalties to the blood and death and the poore sinner eternally blessed in Iesus Christ even to perfect imputed righteousnesse and everlasting life Christ changed your bleeding even to the second death and made it blessings for evermore to new and everlasting life Vse 1. If Christ dyed such a violent and painfull death then death violent or naturall is not much up or down 1 Sweet Iesus had it to his choice hee would choose the sowerest of deaths to go to the grave in blood Christs winding-sheet was blooded a good prince a reformer of the house of God Iosiah dyed in blood Many of the worthiest that dyed in faith dyed not in their beds were Heb. tortured had tryall of bonds and imprisonment they were stoned they were sawne asunder were tempted were slaine with the sword The first witnesse in the Christian Church after the Lords ascension Steven a man full of the holy Ghost and of faith was stoned to death Psal. 79.2 The bodies of thy servants have they given to be meat to the foules of the heaven the flesh of thy Saints to the beasts of the earth Many thousand Martyrs have been burnt quick extreamly tormented with new devised most exquisite torments as to be rosted on a brander to be devoured with Lyons and wilde beasts 2. Violence more or lesse is an accident of death as it is the same hand folded in or the fingers stretched out violent death is but death on horse-back and with wings or a stroak with the fist as the other death is a blow with the palmes of the hand Naturall death is death going on foot and creeping with a slower pace violent death unites all its forces at once and takes the Citty by storme and comes with sowrer and blacker visage Death naturall divides it selfe in many severall bits of deaths old age being a long spun out death and nature seemes to render the Citty more willingly and death comes with a whiter and a milder visage the one has a salter bite and teeth of steele and yron the other has softer fingers and takes asunder the boards of the clay-tabernacle more leasurely softly tenderly and with lesse din as not willing that death should appeare death but a sleep the violent death is as when apples greene and raw are plucked off the tree or when flowres in the budde and young are plucked up by the rootes the other way of dying is as when apples are ripened and are filled with well boyld summer-sap and fall off the tree of their own accord in the eaters mouth or when flowers wither on the stalk Some dying full of days have like banquetters a surfet of time others are suddenly plucked away when they are greene but which of ●he wayes you die not to d●e in the Lord is terrible yee may know yee shall dye by the fields yee grow on while ye live a beleever on Christ breaths in Christ speaks walks prayes beleeves eateth drinketh sickens dies in Christ Christ is the soyl he is planted in hee groweth on the banks of the paradise of God when hee falleth hee cannot fall wrong some are trees growing on the banks of the river of fire and brimstone when God h●ws downe the tree and death fells them the tree can fall no otherwise then in hell O how sweet to be in Christ and to grow as a tree planted on the banks of the river of life when such dye they fall in Christs lap and in his bosome be the death violent or naturall its all one whether a strong gale and a rough stormie shoar the childe of God on the new Ierusalems dry land or if a small calme blast even with rowing of oars bring the passenger to heaven if once he be in that goodly land 2. To dye in faith the righteous has hope in his death is the essentiall qualification to be most regarded that is the all and sum of well dying make sure work of heaven and let the way or manner violent or naturall be as God will it s amongst the indifferents of death Saints have dy●d either way to dye in Christ in the hope of the resurection is the fair and good death to die in sinne Ioh. 8.21 that is the ill death and the black death 3. To dye ripened for eternity is all and some it s said of some they dyed full of dayes Object How is a man full and ripe for death Answ. In these respects 1. When the man is mortified to time and is satisfied with dayes he desires no more life he lies at the water side near by death waiting for winde and tide like a passenger who would fain be over the water so dying Iacob in the midst of his testament Gen. 49.18 Lord I have waited for thy salvation Lord when shall I have fair passage Iob saith chap. 14.14 All the time I am on the sentinell or the time of my warfare I will wait till my las● change come So Paul saith Phil. 1 2● having a desire to be dissolved and to bee with Christ which is farre better the man desires not to stay here any longer 2. He would goe to Sea when all his land-busines is ended the Courts are closed and if the Sunne bee low and near his setting loe the way ends with the day see the lodging hard at hand 2 Tim. 4.7 I have finished my course I have kept the faith 8. henceforth is laid up for mee a crowne of righteousnesse Sweet Iesus ere he dyed said It is finished all is done hee is on the skaffold and nods on his executioner Death friend come doe your office I pray you see your task be ended 3. The man seeth the crowne hee is come to the stone wall or the hedge of Paradise and seeth the apples of life hanging on the tree and hears the musick of heaven Steven Acts 7.50 I saw heaven opened 4. He goes not away pulled by the hair but willingly gladly Heb. 11.8.15 They desire a better country Iob 5.26 Like a shock of corne in his season it would bee the losse of the corne to bee longer out of the barne death shall not come while it be welcome Iob. 7.3 As the hired servant panteth for the shaddow so hee for death All these four were in Iesus Christ. Had Christ so much pain in his death that his death and the crosse were all one so as hee had five deaths on him at once foure on his body death on every hand death on
every foot and a death on his soule ten thousand millions of pounds weightier and sadder then let us correct all our errours and mis-judgings touching the crosse Errour 1. We love to go to Paradise through a Paradise of roses and a land-way to heaven and a dry fair white death wee would have Christ and the crosse changed which saith who ever would follow Christ let him take up his crosse 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 dayly and follow him Luke 9.23 2. We forget that heaven is fenced with a huge great wood of thornes we must croud through though our skinne be scratched even to blood and death life eternall is like a faire pleasant rich and glorious Citie in the midst of a waste wildernesse and there lies round about this City at all the corners of it a Wood of Briats and Thorns Scorpions and Serpents and Lyons abounding in it and the Wood is ten thousand miles of bounds on all hands of a journey of threescore years at some parts there no high road-way in the Wood no back entry about wise Professors seek away about the crosse God has given wings to none to flie over the wood or it s like a fair Kings Pallace in an Iland of the Sea it s a most pleasant Isle for all kinde of delights but there is no way to it by dry land Would yee have valley ground Summer medows fields and gardens of flowers and roses all your way and how is it that the Lord will not give peace to his Church nay but there is not a way to heaven on this side of the crosse or on that side of the crosse but directly straight through we must goe when the Apostles went through the Churches confirming the brethren Act. 14.22 they preached that the crosse was Gospel and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 through the midst of affliction or under flailing and threshing we must goe there is not a way about to shift the crosse but we must enter into the Kingdome of God this very way and no other 3. The blood was not dryed off Christs hands and feet and his winding sheet till he was in the flower of the higher Pallace of his Fathers Kingdome and within the walls and so his Church must not think hard of it if she goe not a dry death to heaven Error 2. We tacitely condemn the wisdome of God in our murmuring under the crosse cannot Christ lead his people to heaven a better way then through the swords speares and teeth of malignants and must new Armies of Irish murtherers land on us againe these would bee considered 1. Paul encouraging the Thessalonians saith 2 Thess. 3.3 no man should be moved by these afflictions why for your selves know we are appointed thereunto from eternity the wise Lord did brew a cup of bloody sufferings for his Church and did mould and shape every Saints crosse in length and breadth for him our afflictions are not of yesterdayes date and standing before the Lord set up the world as it now is he had all the wheels pinnes wedges works and every materiall by him in his eternall minde all your teares your blood all the ounces and pounds of gall and worm-wood yee now drink they were an eternall design and plot of Gods wise decree before the world was they were the lot God did appoint for your back they are no sourer no heavier this day then they were in the Lords purpose before time your grave O Saints is no deeper then of old the Lord digged it your wound no nearer the bone then mercy made it your death is no blacker no more thorny and devouring then Christs soft hands framed it ere God gave you flesh and skinne and heat in your blood Christs doome and the Churches doome of the black crosse was written in Heaven So Christ smiles and drinks with this word Ioh. 18.11 shall I not drink the cup that my Father hath given me 2. Rom. 8. Predestination is the first act of free-grace and ver 29. in that act a communion with Christ in his crosse is passed this we consider not will ye not think good to set your shoulders and bones under the same burthen that was on Christs back we fear the crosse lesse at our heels and behind our back then when it s in our bosome the Lord Iesus speaks of his suffering often afore-hand and its wisdome to make it lesse by antidated patience submission before we s●ffer it were good would we give our thoughts and lende some words to death as Christ here doth ere it come Opinion which is the pencill that drawes the face armes and legges of death and sufferings might honey our gall if a Martyr judge a Prison a Pallace and his Iron chaines golden bracelets sure his bonds are as good as liberty if a Saint count death Christs master-usher to make way to him for heaven then death cannot be a Mill to grind the mans life to powder faith can oyl and sugar our worm-wood and if Christ come with the crosse it has no strength the believer has two skinnes on his face against the s●ittings of storme and haile-stones Christ can make a Saint sing in hell as impatient unbeliefe could cause a man sigh and weep in heaven 3. We forget that the Church is the Vine-yard of the Lord of hoasts and that the owner of the Farm must hire Satan and wicked men to be his Vine-dressers and his Reapers but the crop is the Lords not theirs they are plowers but they neither know the soyl nor the husband-man Psal. 129.2 Error 3. When we see we must suffer we tacitely are offended that Christ will not give us the first vote in our own jury and that he would not seek our own advise in this kinde of crosse not this except to one man David God never referred the choise of a crosse but then grace made the choyse sure Scotland would have chosen famine or the Pestilence rather then the sword of a barbarous unnaturall enemy but it must not bee referred to the wisdome of the sick what should be his physick we often say any crosse but this especially if there be any letter of reproach on the crosse a shamefull death or distraction of mind but the Lord seeth nothing out of heaven or hell so good for you as that that and no other 2. We would have the pound weights of affliction weighted in our ballance oh this is too heavie hence Davids and Iobs over-complaining Oh my calamity is heavier then the sand of the Sea Iob 6.3 and am I a Sea or a Whale that thou setest a watch over me chap. 7.12 Should God deale with a man as with a fish or a beast 3. Wee desire to be creators of such and such circumstances of our own griefe So wee storme often at the circumstances as at the very poyson of the crosse as if God had through forgetfulnesse and a slip of wisdom left that circumstance out of his
decree as the Painter that draws the whole body exactly but forgetteth to draw one of the five fingers and in the mean while that circumstance which we wrestle most against in our thoughts was specially intended of God how often doth this fire our thoughts and burn them up with fretting Had I done this I might have eschewed this heaviest and saddest calamity Had I gone to Sea when the winde and Sailers called me but the fourth part of an houre sooner I had not been in dry land where I am now butchered to death so had I but spoken a word I might have saved all this losse and labour had not this man come in with an ill counsell and one unhappy word many hundreth thousands had not been killed in battell and Martha Ioh. 11.21 is upon this distemper for she saith to Iesus Lord if thou hadst been here my brother had not dyed She would say it was an ill hap Christ was unluckily in another place when my brother dyed but the wise decree of God had carved these circumstances so that Christs absence was especially decreed in that affli●tion ver 15. Iesus said plainly Lazarus is dead and I am glad for your sakes that I was not there to the intent that yee may believe c. Look up in the affliction to the sadest and blackest circum●●ance in the crosse infinite wisdome was not sleeping but from eternity with understanding and counsell the Lo●d decreed and fr●med that sadest circumstance even that Shemei a subject should curse David his Prince and that he should harge him with blood again●t Saul of which he was m●st free and at that time and no other time when he was flying for his life from his Son Absolom but all these sad circumstances were moulded and framed on the wheels of the decree of him who deviseth all shapes our woes according to the counsell of his will We would have our Lord to remove the gall the worm-wood and the fire-edge out of our crosse and we lust for some more honey and sugar of consolation to be mixed with it it were good if we could by grace desire three ills to be removed from our crosse 1. That of its nature it be not sinfull such as hardnesse of heart we may in our election and choyce pray that it be not both a sinfull plague of God on the soule and a judgement to us 1. We may pray that the affliction may be circumstanced and honeyed with the consolations of Christ and with faith and patience and a spirituall use of the affliction 3. We may pray it may not be a burthen above our back and such as we are not able to bear and this we may as lawfully chuse and pray as say Lord lead us not into temptation Vse 3. Was there shame and reproach on Christs crosse fie on all the glory of the world let us not think 1. too much of this peece airy windy vaine opinion of mens esteem and the applause it s but a short living hungry Hosanna when your name is carried through a spot or bit of this clay-stage for a day or two they 'll wonder at you but nine nights Christs fame spread abroad through all the countrey and now hee is shamed and a reproached man now the whole people cry out away with him away with him crucifie him the ground of mans glory is his goodlinesse or graciousnesse his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 all his endowments and brave parts and all this glory Esai 40.6 is as the flower of the field his glory has a moneth and lives the poore twelfth part of a year and Herod is gone to the worms and his silks rotten and gone and Shebna is tossed like a ball in a large place and must hear this Esai 22.18 Thou shall die in a strange land and there the chariots of thy glory shall be the shame of thy Lords house it s an earthly thing Phil. 3.19 Whose glory is their shame who minde earthly things Hos. 4.7 I 'le change their glory into shame and when Epharim glories in children God sews wings to that glory and it flies away Hos. 9.11 As for Ephraim their glory shall flie away as a bird The tenne Tribes boasted of their strength and multitude but the Lord saith Esai 17.4 The glory of Iacob shall be made thin 2. God in a speciall manner sets himself in person against this glory Esa. 23.9 The Lord of Hoasts has purposed to staine the pride of all glory and to bring into contempt all the honourable of the earth Esai 10.12 I 'le punish the glory of the high looks of the King of Assyria Habac. 2.16 The Lord layes a right curse on Chaldees glory the cup of the Lords right hand shall be turned into thee and shamefull sp●ing shall be on thy glory 3. It s the sweet fruit of Christs death and abasement that we learn to lay down our credit under the Lords feet Phil. 2. Let the same minde be in you that was in Christ Iesus O that must be a high and an aspiring mind for he was the high and lofty one n● he teaches all his to be abased ver 6. who being in the form of God thought it no robbery to be equall with God ver 7. but he emptied himselfe he was full of majesty and glory but he made himselfe of no reputation an empty thing and took upon him the form of servant and was made in the likenesse of men and humbled himself ah let never man go with high sailes nor count much of worlds glory after Iesus Christ ah our reputation name is as tender to us as paiper as our skin a scratch in it or a rub is a provocation cannot be expiated as if we minded in the airy cloud of mens fame to fly up to heaven and frothy fame were as good to lay hold on Christ as fervent faith breach of our priviledges of State is more now then blasphemy against God Vse 4. Now if Christ was made a curse for us that we might be delivered from the curse we are comforted in Christs being made a curse for us in regard of 1. Extream love 2. Perfection of blessednesse For this act of love we are assured he that will be made the curse of God for us will be any thing four great steps of love were here every one of them greater then another 1. To be a man 2. To be a dying man 3. To be as a sinning man 4. To be a cursed man Consider these foure as they grow out of the root of love A Spirit sinlesse and holy is a happy thing the Sonne of God being God is a Spirit and so in another condition then man he was above bones and clay and the motion of hot ayr going in and out at the nostrils it s a sort of cumber to carry about a piece of dust of more then a hundreth and fifty bits of clay organs five senses two hands two
to be instructed and ordered in all things inwardly and outwardly after the minde of God but no unconverted man can bee said so to doe except Antinomians be grosse Pelagians But I think Antinomians with Mr. Crispe think the person under the Law in all this chapter to bee the beleever personating or acting the person of a scrupulous beleever under a temptation of doubting but cleare it is Paul speaks of a man under the Law in the flesh and in opposition to him of one under grace of one married to the Law and of one married to Christ in the first part of the chapter of one in the flesh and so unrenewed vers 5. For when wee was in the flesh c. and of one that is dead to the Law married to Christ and serves the Lord spiritually and its clear that the Apostle counteth it a part of deliverance from the Law and a fruit of our marriage to God that vers 4 we● bring forth fruits to God and walk holily 2. That the motions of sinnes bring forth wicked works as children to the second death vers 5. 3 that wee serve the Lord vers 6. in newnesse of Spirit and walk in Christ. Now Mr. Towne as setting himselfe to contradict Paul saith pag. 6. This is an addition and mixture of works and faith and cannot stand with a covenant of meere grace Towne pag. 8. How can Christ red●eme us f●om the Law being under the Law for us except beleevers be redeemed from the Law in that same very sence and extent that Christ was under it as a mediator But was not Christ under the Rule and obedience also as well as under the Raigne to death seeing he came to doe the will of his father and fulfill all righteousnesse Mat. 3.15 Answ. 1. Wee cannot every way be said to be redeemed from the Law in that same sence that Christ was under it For Christ was under the Law of Ceremonies to free the Iewes from observing that Law I hope we Gentiles are not that way freed from the Law of Ceremonies for that Law did never oblige the Gentiles except the Gentiles had adjoyned themselves in some profession to the then visible Church 2. If Christ was under the Law as the rule to free us from the Law as the rule then why did Christ command us to imitate him in doing his fathers will and submitting to that same Ru●e that hee submitted to as is clear Matth. 11.29 learne of mee that am meek Ioh. 15.10 If yee keepe my commandments ye shall abide in my love even as I have kept my fathers commandments and abide in his love Ioh. 14.15 If yee love me keep my commandments Ioh. 13.15 For I have given you example that yee should doe as I have done unto you Ephes. 5.1.2 Rev. 3.21 Heb. 12.1 1 Pet. 2.21.22 Ioh. 15.23 but Antinomians say that these that be in Christ are not under the Law or commands of the word even of the letter of the Gospel as the rule of life and that Christians are not bound to conforme themselves in their life to the directions of the word contrary to Psal. 119.9 Esai 8.20 and contrary to all the gospel-exhortations given in the New Testament by Christ and his Apostles and they say that the example of Christs life even in subjecting himselfe to the law as a rule of righteousnesse is not a paterne according to which we are to act and live In a word they will have the Spirit separated from the word and from the example of Christ and all the cloud of witnesses to be no rule to us to which I oppose that one precious word of the beloved disciple 1 Ioh. 2.26 He that saith he abideth in him ought so to walke even as he hath walked But observe 1. All means that doe not efficaciously bow the will to obedience to God and convert the soule are rejected by them as not obliging the conscience such as are the Law the letter of the Gospel all the promises exhor●●tions and precepts of the Gospel the example of the Lord who commandeth us 1 Pet. 1. to be holy as he is holy the example of Christ of all the Prophets Apostles Martyrs and Saints because all these are some other thing then grace and may prove ineffectuall hence 1. The Gospel as contradistinguished from the Law is not the Gospel written or preached but the grace that resideth no where but in God and in Iesus Christ is the Gospel so say they The faith that justifieth us is in Iesus Christ and never had any actuall beeing out of Christ. 2. There i● no habituall grace inherent in beleevers all such must bee a created thing Grace is an uncreated favour only in God for all that which is called habituall grace in us is in effectuall to act graciously and cannot produce supernaturall acts except the holy Ghost act and move it Hence they say that the new creature or the man or the new heart or new Spirit the circumcised the opened heart the Law in the inward parts the one heart the renewed minde the inner man the Law of the mind Christ dwelling in the heart by faith mentioned in the Gospel is not meant of Grace but of Christ and therefore we must not pray for gifts and graces but only for Christ and so a man may have all graces and poverty of Spirit and yet want Christ. 2. We are patients in justification Sanctification beleeving in Christ and we are blocks all the way to heaven minde will affection memory love desir● joy feare and all in us act nothing in supernaturall acts there is not such a thing as grace in any of the Saints but Grace is nothing but Christ without us drawing us as blocks as dead stones in the way to heaven having no activitie but to sin even after we beleeve in Christ and Christ works in the regenerate as in deadmen 3. Omissions of duties commanded in the Gospel are no sins for none are to be exhorted to beleeve but such whom we know to be the elect of God or to have his Spirit in them effectually and a man may not bee exhorted to any dutie because he hath no power to do it then Law Gospel exhortations commands promises threatning● are to no purpose these that want grace to obey are not lyable to obey nor guilty nor under wrath because they beleeve not in the Son of God and these that are under grace are under obligation to no commands at all and farewell all Scripture from henceforth Yea Mr. Town is frequent in this we are not under the Law as our rule Why because saith he it cannot effectually work obedience in us but so all the word of God the Gospel without the Spirit must be no rule of obedience at all because the Scripture the Gospel and all the promises without the Spirit are just alike and uneffectuall to work us to obedience But not
one word of old or new Testament frees us f●om the Law as our rule of righteousnesse and all the scriptures that speake of our freedome from the Law doe directly speak of our freedome from the curse and condemnation of it because we cannot be justified thereby as Gal. 3.10 For as many as are of the work of the Law are under the curse for it is written Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things that are written in the book of the Law to doe them this must be to doe them in a legall way 1. Hee must doe them all in thought inclinations motions of the heart and all the strength of the soule in all his actions in all his words and in a spirituall manner as the law charges otherwise hee is cursed then all mankinde both such as are in Christ or out of Christ are cursed now if the simple doing of the things of the law as its a rule of our life did involve us in a curse then to honour Father and mother which Paul certainly commandeth as a Gospel-dutie Ephes. 6.1.2 and the loving of our brother to which Iohn 1. Epist. c. 2. c. 3. c. 4. c. 5. exhorteth us unto should involve us in a curse which is absurd 2. He must continue to the end in doing all the Law if ever he fail he is under a curse Now thus it is clea● Paul saith wee are freed in Christ from a necessitie of justification by the works of the law For Paul addeth in the next words vers 11. But that no man is justified by the Law in the sight of God is evident for the just shall live by faith if the living by faith did exclude work● and keeping of the law in an● respect at all as the keeping of the law is a witnesse of the life of faith then to doe the things of the law as its an eternall rule of righteousnesse should also involve us in the curse and argue that we seeke to be justified by the law and so that we are fallen from Christ even as to be circumcised doth involve a man to bee a debtor to the whole law and argueth a falling from Christ and the grace of the Gospel for Antinomians contend that we are the same way freed from the morall law as it is a rule of Righteousnesse that we are freed from the Ceremoniall law But wee are freed under the paine of a curse and of falling from Chri●t and the gr●ce of the Gospel from the literall observing of circumcision Act. 15. Gal. ● 1 2 ● 4. as the Ceremoniall Law is a rule of righteousnesse and if any should pretend the impulsion and leading of the Spirit not any letter of the Law and thereupon be circumcised and should renounce the law of ●eremonies as a rule of righteous walking as Antinomians professe they obey father and mother and love their brother and abstaine from Idolatry not because the Law is their rule or the letter of the Law swayeth their conscience but because the Spirit of Christ leadeth them if I say any upon this Spirit would be circumcised and eat the passeover and sacrifice Lambs and blood to God now this Spirit is no Gospel S●irit but the spirit of Sathan leading such from Christ If then we are not to obey the Morall Law as a rule of life and righteousnesse but are f●●ed from it the same way that we are freed from the Ceremoniall Law then to love God and our brethren in any notion should bee sinne as to be c●rcumcised in any notion is to fall from Christ Act. 15. Gal. 5. Mr Towne has a strange evasion for this Page 138. The Spirit is free why will yee controule and rule it by the Law whereas the nature of the Spirit is freely to conforme the heart and life to the outward rule of the Law without the help of the Law as a crooked thing is made straight according to the line and square and not by th●m and thus while a believer serveth in newnesse of the Spirit the Spirit freely and cheerefully moving him and inclining him to keep the Law which is meerely passive herein they doe wickedly who hence take liberty to sinne Answ. 1. To doe the will of God meerely as commanded from the power of an outward commandement or precept in the word is but legall and brings forth but mixt obedience or finer hypoc●isie saith Saltmarsh and Mr Town saith that it is to controule the free Spirit and to rule it by a Law and Familists of new England as the old Libertines say all verball Covenants or covenants expressed in words are covenants of works and such as strike men off from Christ and the whole letter of the Scripture holdeth forth a covenant of works and its dangerous to close with Christ in a promise of the Gospel because the promise is an externall created letter and the Spirit is all this is to make a battell and contrariety between the Word of God and the Gospel as written or preached and the Spirit whereas 1. that which the Scripture saith the Spirit of God saith the command and Gospel promise is the sense and minde of the holy Spirit for that the Scripture is q●ickned by the Spirit 2 Tim. 3.16 and the Word is the seed of God and of the new birth 1 Pet. 1.23 and mighty in operation and powerfull and sharper then a two-edged sword Hebr. 8.12 nor is it possible that any can believe the report of the Gospel because it is the Gospel-report but the arme of the Lord and the power of God in the Gospel must be revealed to them Esai 53.1 Ioh. For Iohn saith the not receiving the report of the Gospel is judiciall blindnesse and unbeliefe when Ioseph dare not oppresse his brethren and Iob dare not lift his arme against the Fatherlesse because the sixth command saith thou shalt not murther this is but finer hypocrisie in Ioseph and Iob and a controuling of the free Spirit better believe David Psal. 119.6 Then shall I not be ashamed when I have a respect to all thy Commandements no doubt the Lord concurred freely with Adam in the act of obeying God in abstaining from the fruit of the forbidden tree if therefore Adam should obey God out of conscience to Gods command eat not he should either controule the free Lord in his working which none in conscience can say or then Adam must have been loosed from obedience to that command if yee eat yee shall die as we are now loosed from the Law and the second death though we break the Law according to the Antinomian way yea it s unconceivable how these that are under grace doe obey the Gospel enjoyning faith because the Lord ●esus commandeth them but they must sin in so doing because they controule the free Spirit of God in not obeying for the free impulsion of the Spirit but for the literall command of God for sure to controule
non-j●stif●catio● Protestants make mortification and repentance some other thi●g then Faith Townes asser of grace pag. 32. Regeneration and justification not one as Antinomians teach No assurance can flow from acts of sanctification performed by our good nature The Antinom●an Mortification a delusion How we see righteousnesse in our selves a Rise reigne er 7. pa 2. b Rise reigne er 15. pag. 3. Holinesse and mortification inherent in us Rise reigne er 17. pag 4. (d) Rise reigne er 77 pag. 15. Antinomians deny all inherent holinesse to be in us How we are to see grace in our selves Nothingn●sse in our selves heighteneth the price of Christ. How Ministers are to deale with troubled soules Christ more to be chosen then the comforts and peace that results from duties Vnder soule-trouble we are to doe but not to rest and 〈◊〉 in what wee doe Love-Iealousies under desenti●n Desertions have a time Christ recompences his absence with doubled smilings Saltmarsh Free Grace c. ● pag. ●8 Works of sanctification though polluted with sinne may bottome assurance We doe not at all times know that we beleeve a Saltmarsh ibid. 84. There is need of the a●●uall influ●nce of grace to the refl●ct knowledge of ou● faith and spirituall condition The witnessing of ●anctification sometime darke Duties performed in faith not contrary to free Grace The difficulty of a●tai●i●g comfort when God deserteth Sense of Christ's absence cannot be out-reas●ned Wee may 〈◊〉 argue a troubled soule All in glory farre short of what they owe to Christ. God cannot ●e quarrelled in deserting Wee cannot beare fulnesse of glory in this life Longings after Christ strongest in absence When the soul is in la●guishi●g disp●sition after Chris● its fittest to pray him home againe Christs love not lordly The Lords joyfull returne after desertion How neare Christ is in desertion Christ pardoneth love-errors and can hardy punish them Saltmarsh in hi● Free-grace cap. V. pag. 92 93. It is a lie and not a Gospel-secret that none are to question their faith whether it be true or no. We may so far question our faith as to try whether it be true or not We are to beleeve after Christs fashion and order not after our owne Saltmarsh ●6 64 There is nothing in Scripture to prove that the Saints have not doubted of their temptations Beleevers doe doubt whether they beleeve or not under gre●t temptations (a) Story rise reign er 32 (b) Er. 10. (c) Saltmarsh Free-grace cap. 5. pag. 93. Doubting in beleevers no signe that th●y are under the Law Saltmarsh Ibid. pag. 64. Saltmarsh pag 95. Sanctification in it selfe is an infallible sign● of justification but not ever so to us How acts of sanctification make good that wee beleeve Assurance may flow from oth●r ma●ks the● the immediate testimony of the Spirit The inward testimony of the Spirit The holy Ghost speaketh by marks of Sanctification How An●i●omians compare the evidence from marks of sanctification and that which is from faith together Degrees of freedome of grace Antinomians who deny all preparations before faith must hold that faith ●loweth from naturall principles in us as Pelagi●ns of old aid Pag. 95. The broad seal of the Spirit puls no man beyond all hazard of doubting is Libertines dreame a Rise reigne er 42. Saltmarsh 65. Doubting whether the sound beleevers ●aith be true or not is not that unbeleefe that excludeth us out of the eternall rest Ibid. 69. Crisp. Vol. 2. Ser. XV. (b) Rise reigne er 72. (c) Ibid. 73. (d) Er. 75. Scriptures and reasons from thence make good that we know our justification by our sanctification (a) Ser. 15. Vol. 2. Libertines say there be no m●rks in the children of God of true sanctification which can difference them from hypocrites Works of sanctification are not doubtsome warrants and evidences of justification (b) Vol. 2. Ser. XV. pag. 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 c. Works may prove faith and faith workes to be done in Christ The question mistated by M. Cornwell Wh●t wa● Sanctifi●●●●on doth evidence Justification Peace from justification and peace from sanctification how different To be ●ssured of righteo●snesse and to know that we are in that state are two diffirēt things Cornwell pag. 12. M Cornwell proveth what is not in question Many things are made over to vs by the debt of promise that a●e ours ou● of free gra●c also Rise reign a●d ruine cr● Conditionall Gospel-promises argue free grace not debt (b) Rise reign er 62. (c) Rise er 38. Cornwell pag. 15. Cornwell pa. 16.17.18 a Rise er 39. b Er. 9. Gospel-promises are made to acts of Sanctification Antinomians deny all conditionall promises a Rise raigne er ●● b Er. 38. (c) Er. 30. (d) Er. 69. (e) Er. 37. f Er. ●7 g Er. 2● h Er. 38. What kind of faith was in Christ. Christ had not saith of justifying the sinner but of justifying his cause How faith of dependencie was in Christ. How the not-seeing of God might stand with the personall union A rare providence that Christ is put to God save me We are not to be discouraged when we are not heard at first Prayers of the Saints not ever heard ●t first and the Reasons We are readier to pray then to praise Christ bottometh his prayers on the sweet relation of a Father Vse Sonnes onely can pray The power of prayer Rise reign ruine ●r 34. Christs sufferings but for an houre Christ suffered ● value what wee should have suffered Whence commeth the dignity of Christs sufferings The more exce●lent the life of Christ was the more heavie was the l●sse thereof How Christs sufferings were were limited being infinite Our debt of love to Christ eternall Our sufferings short and measured by yards ●weetn●ss of love 〈◊〉 Christ measureth by yards and weigheth by ounces all the sufferings of the Saints Vse 3. We are not to weary for length of time under suffering Death soure and blacke to nature and to Christ for sund●● reason● Christ sensible of paine and death as a●y man Coelestis ira quos premit miseros fa●it Humana nullos Gods Anger against Christ. Many edges of words in Christs complaint My God my God why hast thou c. Christs soule-s●ff●rings most 〈◊〉 how his life was invaded The persona●● union not dissolved in C●rists suffering Vse 1. Christ did 〈◊〉 the whole Crosse we but 〈◊〉 bit● and 〈◊〉 of it Vse 2. Soules are of great value with God We sell soules at an easie rate How great strong was Christs love God h●d one Son he gave him for us Christ had 2. loves ● glories he bestowed them on us Christ overcome with love How death is sweetned to us ●n Christ. Christ repents not of his love to us The fifth article of Christs prayer the Correction Christs will in his suffering subordinate to Gods will Doubts on the contrary removed We are to conf●rme our will to Gods revealed will as a rule not to his decree
as it is his decree A conditionall desire though not a●●●eable to a positive l●w of God no sinne Rules touching our submission to Gods will Providence mysterious Confusions nothing against providence Prosperity of the wicked adversity of the godly not against providence All goes well so long as Christ liveth Faith looks to God in sad providences The enemie plow and sow and Christ reaps Providence hath a time for all things It s a shame that the wicked are fat on common mercies and not we on th●se same perfumed with Christ. All wheeles of provide n●e move according to the first Looking to God the onely ground of faith in a crosse-providence We must both submit to and approve of providence We are not to murmure We make no● away our will when we submit it to God Mul●s est miles qui 〈◊〉 ●ratorem gemens s●quitur Gods w●ll for us better then our owne Gods wisdome in creating good and framing evill Affl●ctions proport●ned to every mans meas●re Gods will for every Saint a safe rule● Faith welcometh all Many afflictions must be referred to God We love will-suffering as well as will-duties In duties Gods revealed will should be our rule in suffering his high decree Patience an● high grace The Image of God is in his works Many v●rtues in Christs s●bmi●sion to his fathers will What and how much reason was in Christs why or 〈…〉 he ●uts on the Father All Gods workes are with child of reason and causes Providence goes many wayes at once Providence can do more then we can expect Visible and invisible providence ●ow differenced Royall Prerogative of providence and the waies thereof To stand at the wil● of God and goe no farther 〈◊〉 s●bmission Fai●h s●●th 〈◊〉 gra●e in a sad provid●●ce Providence wise and cannot be counter-wrought We d●te to much on the sweet 〈◊〉 dents of Christ and love ●imselfe to l●ttle God who created supernaturall love can rule it We desire Christ often for ourselves Submission to the absence of G●d is requ●red 〈◊〉 expedient that we 〈◊〉 on our own leggs some time Oblisse bonum est n●turae obire mulum Returne of Christ no merit The work of redemption most rationall and full of causes Grace a cause of it selfe Sin an occasion of actes of grace Much of God in the work of redemption Afflictions are to be weighed in all the caus●s 1. Who afflicts 2. How or in what manner 3. For what cause Blind and dumb cr●sses not good How actively wil●ing Christ was to serve for us Excellent qualities in Christ as he 〈◊〉 a servant to God in the work of redemption Christ● willi●gnesse to die Christ an Agent in his passion Christ specially intended to have a spouse in all his sufferings and labours Vse 2. It s much to be active for God but more to be passive To looke to highest providence a safe ground of sudmission Vse 2. What is a right intention in serving God Where Christ is the predominant hee is the over-swaying end in the soule Where Selfe is predominant the intention cannot be sincere Two Characters of the thing which is our intended end The love of Christ strong and takes stre●gth fro● difficulties That is our e●d which obtained 〈◊〉 the de●ire in th● pros●●ution of meanes Wee glorifie God when we are willing that our losse may ●e the gaine of the Lords glo●y We are to desi●e that our paine may prais● revengi●g justice in hell as g●ace ●e●g●t●neth the glory of pardoning mercy in heaven We des●re God m●y be glorified by our wishes rather t●●n 〈◊〉 indeavour to glorifie him We care more for th● Lords passiv● gl●●y of 〈…〉 for his active glory in our duties A glory of holynesse and of grace Saints are the glory of God and God 〈◊〉 the glory of Saints Our ●ymes are low when we intend not the Lords glory Foure particulars in the answer retur●ed to Christ. Christ praying ever heard Our failings in expecti●g an answer of our Prayers All Christs good and all ours for him came from heaven Vse Vatab. à tempora rariis 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Pagnin à viris de tempore How easie traffiquing with heaven is to the Saints God ●●areth a good cause though darkned The scandall of the crosse removed A faire rose growes out of the crosse when Christ waters it The Crosse a p●sse that Christ keepes Death altered by Christ. How the Lord was glorified in Christ. Vse 1. Vse 2. Wee have grace but must not share with the Lord in his glory How the glory of God and grace doe differ Vse 3. God art of omnipotency in extracting glory out of all the b●sest and most shamefull things of the world All things most base are most corgruous for high ends when omnipotencie handle●h them Glory from men a vaint thing Many false opinions touching the Gospel The Gospel dark to many God must use Logick to our affections as well as to our mind ere we know him ●●vingly The mind dark in the things of God The understanding vain The affections vaine A naturall man hath not one certaine predominant We are heterodox and hereticall in mis-interpreting the works of God as well as his word A Heterodox will Division the birth of weake minds Sinne and error broodie truth but one ●en erri●g though in non-fundamentals may displease God and deface truth and hee damned eternally El●ct A●g●ls kept fast their ●t th● right Conviction how farre it goes Light is a cumbersome captive Conviction with malice most devil-like Will heresie more dangerous then minde-heresie It s right conviction when love is convinced to duties that lye under the drop of the crosse A d●spised Gospel prosperous Christ a most publike person Heaven and all things there most publike and so much the more excellent Christs ●ffi●e warrants us to apply him Much of the busi●●sse of our salvation wa● transacted without our knowledge One Saint a mystery to another Vse 1. Vse 2. All things are for the Saints What is the the judged World Hopes goo● prophecying in saddest times and the sweet fruits thereof Scotland though low is to hope in the Lord. Characters of the world The world uncapable of grace The world as enemy to Chr●st The world a 〈…〉 A childe of the world The Pi●grimes sigh This world so differenced from that which is to come Why this World The world may be pointed out with the finger the world to come is above our senses Vse How Christ judged this world and how many waies Christs dying exemplarily condemneth the world S●t●an n●t 1. a ●ree not 2 a● abs●lu●e ●ot 3. a ju●t Prince How Satan is a God Satan hath a God head over minds Satans crown stands by relations Vse Few in the way to heaven Satan twice judged Death the devills Fort-royall All the devils Forts taken from him and his Courts cryed down and his Lawes annulled by Jesus Christ. Vse Take not in a dislodged Spirit lest you have eight for one Satans power and