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A51840 A fourth volume containing one hundred and fifty sermons on several texts of Scripture in two parts : part the first containing LXXIV sermons : part the second containing LXXVI sermons : with an alphabetical table to the whole / by ... Thomas Manton ... Manton, Thomas, 1620-1677. 1693 (1693) Wing M524; ESTC R13953 1,954,391 1,278

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God I thank thee I am not as other Men are And you confound the Covenants when you think that a Man may merit of God by his own Grace Adam under the Covenant of Works might then be said to be saved by Grace Why Because he could not persevere in the use of his own Free-will unless he had received it of God Well then Grace doth not exclude Faith nor Works not Faith as the Instrument of Justification and as the Condition of the Covenant not Works as the Fruit and Testimony of Faith There is a Concurrence of Works but not by way of Causality but Order God will first justify then sanctify then glorify and all of Grace Obedience is the Conditio 〈◊〉 quâ non the Condition without which we cannot be saved The Grace of God is the first moving Cause Christ is the meritorious procuring Cause Faith is the Instrument and Obedience is the Fruit of Faith These are subordinate not contrary III. My next Work shall be to give you some Reasons why it must be so that Grace is the Original Cause of all the Blessings we receive from God because it is most for the Glory of God and most for the Comfort of the Creature 1. It is most convenient for the Glory of God to keep up the Respects of the Creature to him in a way suitable to his Majesty Mark God would dispense Blessings in such a way as might beat down Despair and carnal Confidence at the same time Man had need of Mercy but deserveth none Despair would keep us from returning to God and carnal Confidence from ascribing all to God therefore as the Lord would not have Flesh to glory so neither to be cut off from all Hope It is of Grace that we may hope and keep up our Respect to God for there is nothing that keeps up the Devotion and Respects of the Creature to God so much as Grace The Psalmist intimates this There is Forgiveness with thee that thou mayest be feared Psal. 130.4 Mercy in God makes us fear love and respect him And it is of Grace that Flesh may not glory Ephes. 2.9 Not of Works lest any Man should boast but that God may have all the Glory of his Grace If God did not deal with us upon Terms of Grace Despair would make us let go all sense of Duty and a guilty Creature would stand at a distance and fly from the sight of God Some think that the only way to gain Men to a sense of Religion is by rubbing the Conscience and keeping it raw and sore with Terror But the Psalmist faith There is forgiveness with thee that thou mayest be feared this is the best way to keep up the Creatures Respects False Worships are meerly supported by Terror and Fear but God that hath the best Title to the Heart will gain it by Love and Grace But as Despair standeth in the way of God's Glory so doth carnal Confidence Now Grace taketh off all boasting 1 Cor. 1.31 He that glorieth let him glory in the Lord. Here is nothing of Pre-engagement Merit and Hire yea it is for the Glory of the Supream Majesty that he should act freely and that his Blessings should come to us not as a Thing deserved but as a Gift and that he should entertain us as a King not as an Host. He that hath no Money come ye buy and eat yea come buy Wine and Milk without Money and without Price Isa. 55.1 Nothing can be more dishonourable to God than the Merit of the Creature for it takes off part of his Royalty and Supremacy 2. It is most for the Comfort of the Creature Grace is the original Cause of all the Good we expect and receive from God that we may seek the Favour of God with Hope and retain it with Certainty 1. That we may seek the Favour of God with Hope If we had to do with Justice there could be no Hope for Justice giveth only what is due and doth not consider what we need but what we deserve Now mark the Apostle in the behalf of God makes the Challenge Rom. 11.35 Who hath first given to him and it shall be recompensed to him again Come let me see the Man that durst plead Desert with God and claim any thing of him by way of Merit Who will enter that Plea Lord give me what thou owest I desire no more than is due to me Let me not have Mercy till I deserve it Merit-mongers are best confuted by Experience Let them use the same Plea in their Prayers which they do in their Disputes and plead the Merit of their Works and say Lord give me not eternal Life and Grace and Favour till I deserve it at thy Hand Let them thus dispute with God or with their own Consciences in the Agonies of Death and under Horrors of the Lord 's Wrath. Surely those that cry up the Merit of Works are Men of little spiritual Experience and seldom look into their own Consciences Dare they thus plead with God Lord never look upon me in Mercy if I do not deserve it You shall see the best Plea that the eminentest of God's Children could make is meer Grace The Church speaks thus Hos. 14.2 Receive us graciously so will we render the Calves of our Lips It is the Form that is prescribed to returning Israel If you would establish Hope with God this must be your only Plea and Claim Grace Lord Mercy Lord And David saith Psal. 13.5 I have trusted in thy Mercy There 's the ground of my Confidence And Chrysostom hath a sweet gloss upon that place 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. If others have any thing to alledg let them plead it Ah Lord I have but one thing to say and plead and upon which to cast all my Hopes and that 's Mercy and Grace Lord I have trusted in thy Mercy Thus Ambrose when he was to die saith Etsi non sic vixi ut pudeat inter vos vivere c. Thô I have not so lived as that I should be ashamed to live I am not afraid to die Why not that I have lived well but quia bonum habeo Dominum because I have a gracious Lord and have made Grace my Confidence So we read in the Life of Bernard seeming to be cited before the Tribunal of God when Satan had spoken in his Conscience What! thou look for any Favour at God's Hand thou art not worthy He replies I confess I am not worthy nor can I by my own Deserts obtain the Kingdom of Heaven but I have a double right Haereditate Patris Merito Passionis by the Grace of my Father and by the Merit of Christ's Passion hereby I can take hold of God with both Hands by Grace and Merit not my own but Christ's Thus God's best Servants their Hopes have been established this way by casting themselves upon Mercy and Grace 2. That we may retain the Favour of God with Certainty Rom. 4.16
begging to his own Creature and deals with us as importunately as if the Benefit were his own thus doth he pray us to be reconciled And then God threatens eternal Death to stir us up to take hold of eternal Life he tells us of a Pit without a Bottom and a Worm that never dies Sometimes he seeketh to work upon our Hope and sometimes upon our Fear he not only tells us of the loss of Happiness which is very grievous to an ingenuous Spirit Heb. 12.14 Follow Holiness without which no Man shall see the Lord But he tells us of those eternal Torments that are without End and Ease of a Worm than never dies and of a Fire that shall never be quenched O whose Heart doth not tremble at the mention of these things Then on the other side we have Promises as great as Heart can wish for and more 2 Pet. 1.4 Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious Promises It hath not entred into the Heart of Man to conceive of these things Who ever hired a Man to be happy or a thirsty Man to drink or a hungry Man to eat Salvation is so acceptable and the heavenly and blessed Hope so glorious that we should purchase it at any rate but God taketh all Methods to awaken Man Thus the Gospel may well be said to be a powerful Instrument of our Salvation because it hath a powerful Tendency that way 2. Because it hath the Promise of the Spirit 's Assistance Rom. 1.16 the Gospel is said to be the Power of God unto Salvation not only because it is a powerful Instrument which God hath appropriated to this Work but this is the Honour God puts upon the Gospel that he will join and associate the Operation of his Spirit with no other Doctrine but this And therefore the Apostle saith Gal. 3.2 Received you the Spirit by the Works of the Law or by the hearing of Faith How come you to receive the Spirit either by endeavouring to get Acceptance with God according to the Terms of the Law or by the Doctrine of the Gospel The Assistance of the Spirit is joined with no other Doctrine This is the Authentick Proof of the Excellency of that Doctrine that God hath reserved the Power of his Grace to go along with it he will not associate and join his Spirit with any other Doctrine The Law as it is contra-distinguish'd from the Gospel it is called the Ministration of Condemnation 2 Cor. 3.9 and the Ministration of Death to fallen Man ver 7. It is the Office of the Law to condemn a Man not to save him Not as if preaching of the Law did make us guilty but shews us to be guilty to him that is guilty of Death it puts the Guilt before their Eyes that knowing it and feeling it he may be terrified and despair in himself and beg for Deliverance To this end the Apostle gives us an account of his own Experience Rom. 7.9 I was alive without the Law once that is I thought I was alive and did not know my self or feel my self guilty of Death I thought my self to be in as good a condition towards God as any Man but when the Commandment came Sin revived and I died then I counted my self to be lost and utterly undone A Sinner before the Law comes is like a Beggar that dreams he is a King and that he wallows in Ease and Plenty but when he awakes his Soul is empty and he feeleth his Poverty and his hungry Belly and his Rags confute all his Dreams and false Surmises So we thought our selves to be alive in a good condition towards God but when the Law comes then we see our selves to be dead and lost Therefore the Law as it is opposed to the Gospel is not the Means of Salvation so it is only the Law of Sin and Death Rom. 8.2 For the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Iesus hath made me free from the Law of Sin and Death Object You will say these seem to be hard Expressions to call it the Law of Sin and Death but you must understand it aright To Man fallen the Law only convinceth of Sin and bindeth over to Death it is nothing but a killing Letter but the Gospel accompanied by the Power of the Spirit bringeth Life Again Psal. 19.7 it is said there The Law of the Lord is perfect converting the Soul therefore it seems the Law may also be a word of Salvation to the Creature I answer By the Law there is not meant only that part of the Word which we call the Covenant of Works but there it is put for the whole Word for the whole Doctrine of the Covenant of Life and Salvation as Psal. 1.2 His Delight is in the Law of the Lord and in his Law doth he meditate day and night And if you take it in that stricter sense then it converteth the Soul but by accident as it is joined with the Gospel which is the Ministry of Life and Righteousness but in it self it is the Law of Sin and Death Look as a thing taken simply would be Poison and deadly in self yet mix'd with other wholsome Medicines it is of great use is an excellent Physical Ingredient So the Law is of great use as joined with the Gospel to awaken and startle the Sinner to shew him his Duty to convince him of Sin and Judgment but it is the Gospel properly that pulls in the Heart Vse To press you to regard the Gospel more as you would Salvation it self for it bringeth Salvation By way of Motive and Encouragement 1. Consider the greatness of the Salvation Heb. 2.3 How shall we escape if we neglect so great Salvation It is not a slight matter in the Gospel God doth not treat with you about Trifles your eternal Life lies upon it we preach to you a Doctrine that tends to Salvation That so the Argument may be more operative consider what is Salvation Salvation implieth a Deliverance from Danger and Distress and a preservation in a condition of Safety Sometimes he is called a Saviour qui quod semel factum est conservat ne pereat that keepeth a thing in a condition of Safety tho it were never lost In this sense God is said to save Man and Beast Psal. 36.6 O Lord thou preservest Man and Beast As he doth preserve them from Decay and Ruin so he is the Saviour of all Men 1 Tim. 4.10 There is not a Creature but may call God Saviour But this Salvation I speak of is a Salvation proper but to a few Creatures not a general Preservation or Act of Providence here is not only Safety but Glory it is a translation to a place of Happiness Again he is said to save that delivers out of Danger and Destruction as the Shepherd that snatcheth the Lamb out of the Teeth of the Lion saveth him and in common speech we call him a Saviour that delivers from Evil. But mark this
but a small matter in comparison of what God hath provided for you A Christian's Blessings are future his Crosses are present therefore we need some Support Now Hope is of great use in Affliction and Temptation this appears by the Comparisons that are used it is called an Anchor in the stormy Gusts of Temptations and a Helmet in all Spiritual Conflicts There are Fightings without and Fears within here is an Helmet here is an Anchor Hope is the Anchor of the Soul and the Apostle reckons up all the Properties of a good Anchor it must be firm sharp and enter into good Ground so saith he Heb. 6.19 Which Hope we have as an Anchor of the Soul both sure and stedfast and which entreth into that within the Vail here is a sure hold-fast upon good Ground it is a weighty Anchor which will not bow nor break Mariners when they have cast out a good Anchor which is fastned to the Ship with a strong Cable they sleep quietly tho the Winds blow and the Storms and Tempests arise they know the Anchor will keep them from floating and dashing upon the Rocks So Hope is a good Anchor Then it is an Helmet Ephes. 6.17 And take the Helmet of Salvation that is Hope 1 Thess. 5.8 And for an Helmet the Hope of Salvation The Apostle reckons up all the pieces of the Spiritual Armour Faith that is a Shield for the Body but Hope that is an Helmet for the Head as long as we can lift up our Heads and look up to Heaven we are safe whatever befals us it will hold out in the midst of all the fiery Darts that are cast at us 6. This looking for the blessed Hope is of use to resist Temptations Sin makes many Promises and so prevaileth by Carnal Hopes Balaam was moved to curse God's People against his Conscience but when he boggled and stuck at it Come saith Balac I will give thee Gold and Silver this puts quickening into him The Fool in the Gospel promised himself long Life Luke 12.19 Soul Soul thou hast Goods laid up for many Years take thine Ease eat drink and be merry So Ier. 44.17 We will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth out of our own Mouth to burn Incense unto the Queen of Heaven as we have done we and our Fathers our Kings and our Princes in the Cities of Judah and in the Streets of Jerusalem for then had we plenty of Victuals and were well and saw no Evil. And so the Devil comes to Christ and makes the Temptation as strong as he can Mat. 4.8 9. He sheweth him all the Kingdoms of the World and the Glory of them And saith unto him All these things will I give thee if thou wilt fall down and worship me And Babylon's Fornication was presented in a Golden Cup there are Baits of Honour and Preferment to draw them to Popery and Heresy Now Faith sets Promise against Promise and Heaven against Earth and the Pleasure at God's Right-hand against Carnal Delight As one Nail drives out another so one Hope and one Promise drives out another Carnal Motions are defeated by Spiritual Promises and those Motions that are presented to the Soul SERMON XIII TITUS II. 13 Looking for c. Vse 1. INformation 1. It informs us that we may look for the Reward Those Men would be wiser than God that deny us a Liberty to make use of the Spirit 's Motives they begrudg God's Bounty To what end should God propound Rewards but that we should close with them by Faith Graces may be exercised about their proper Objects without Sin It requireth some Faith to aim at things not seen The World is drowned in Sense and present Satisfactions they are Mercenaries that must have Pay in hand their Souls droop if they do not meet with Credit Applause and Profit they make Man their Pay-master They have the Spirit of a Servant that prizes present Wages above the Inheritance but it is the Work of Grace to look for the blessed Hope and a great help to us in our Work It was the Comfort of Christ's Human Soul Heb. 12.2 Who for the Ioy that was set before him endured the Cross despising the Shame Christ as Man was to have rational Comforts and human Encouragements Nothing is sinful but coveting the Reward whilst we neglect the Work when we will be Mercenarii but not Operarii we would receive the Reward but not do our Work We are all born Libertines we would sever the Reward from the Duty Hosea 10.11 Ephraim is an Heifer that is taught and loveth to tread out the Corn but not to break the Clods in treading out the Corn there was Pleasure and Profit but in breaking the Clods Pain and Labour Or else we sin in having a carnal Notion of Heaven our looking for Heaven is like their looking for Christ as the Consolation of Israel Some of the Jews look for a carnal Messiah so do many Christians for a carnal Heaven for base Pleasures fleshly Delights such Hopes debase the Heart it is the Priviledg of our Profession that we have a sublime Hope Or else we sin in looking for the Reward as the Fruit of Merit if we expect it as Wages for Work done we are Mercenaries Sin and Death are as Work and Wages Rom. 6.23 The Wages of Sin is Death but the Gift of God is Eternal Life through Iesus Christ our Lord. Eternal Life is a Donative What is the reason of this Difference because wicked Men stand upon their own bottom but Christ hath obtained this Priviledg for us Wicked Works are ours meerly evil but the Good we do is by God's Grace as a Servant tradeth with his Master's Estate I am bound to do Good and am forbidden to sin when I do that which is forbidden I deserve Punishment but when I do that which is commanded I do not deserve a Reward because I am bound to do it Jude 21. Looking for the Mercy of our Lord Iesus Christ unto Eternal Life It is Mercy that we are called Mercy that we are glorified neither before Conversion nor after Conversion do we deserve any thing We serve a good Master he hath provided Comforts for us not only against our Misery but our Unworthiness we have not only Glory as a Reward but Mercy as the cause of it Glory out of the hands of Mercy Thus must you look for the Reward and build your Hopes of it As you pray so must you expect now you will not pray Lord give me Heaven for I deserve it natural Conscience would blush at the Immodesty of such a Request Who would not have the Title of Inheritance rather than of Hire Again our own Happiness must not be our ultimate End Man was made for a twofold End to glorify God and enjoy him for ever they must both go together we must desire the Enjoyment of God that we may glorify God to all Eternity otherwise Interest swayeth us more than Duty First we love God out of
was lost The sinking Disciples cried Lord save us we perish Mat. 8.25 It is long e're God bringeth us to this we never look after Christ till we are ready to perish and be undone Why should we make choice of a Saviour but in case of Danger Faith necessarily implies this a renouncing our selves not in Words but in the Temper and Frame of our Hearts You cannot practise swimming on shore or on the firm Land but then we strive to swim when we are ready to perish in the Flood so when you are utterly lost in your selves then you will look after Christ. 2. Be earnest with God for an Interest in Christ and for the Manifestation of it cry out with David Psal. 35.3 Say to my Soul I am thy Salvation You must chuse Christ as a Saviour Faith is a Consent to take Christ as God offers him you must consent to the Articles of the Covenant of Grace that you will have no other Saviour but Christ Lam. 3.24 The Lord is my Portion saith my Soul And go to God that he would ratify your Choice by his Consent desire God that he would say Amen that Christ might be thy Saviour You had better be a Beast than a Man if you have not an Interest in this Salvation The Death of a Beast is the end of his Wo and Labour but then yours begins The greatest part of Salvation is to be delivered from Evil to come therefore be earnest with God that your Interest in this Salvation might be cleared up SERMON XIX TITUS II. 14 Who gave himself for us c. IN this Paragraph I have observed 1. The Teacher 2. The Lesson 3. The Encouragements to Learning The Teacher is the Grace of God The Lesson is the whole Duty of our Heavenly Calling The Encouragements to Learning are twofold some taken from the Hope of eternal Life and some from the End and Effect of Christ's Death I have finished the former and now come to the latter sort taken from the End and Effect of Christ's Death So that whether we look forward or backward we still meet with Obligations to Obedience Forward there is a glorious and blessed Hope backward there is a great Obligation established upon the Creature The Lord Christ gave himself for us to redeem us from all Iniquity Certainly there is a lawful use of Hope that hath a great Influence upon Grace but the great Principle of the Gospel is Gratitude and Thankfulness to Christ therefore let us look upon this second Encouragement We enter upon other Services out of Hopes but we enter upon Christ's Service out of Thankfulness and Gratitude it is an ingenuous Service In this Verse you have 1. Christ's Act He gave himself for us 2. His Aim to redeem us c. And this is express'd partly by the Privative Part to redeem us from all Iniquity and partly by the Positive Part of it and purify unto himself a peculiar People zealous of good Works Here is Redemption and Sanctification I observe it the rather because both parts are suted to the Exhortation There was the Privative Part denying Vngodliness and Worldly Lusts and sutably hereunto we are redeemed from all Iniquity then the Positive Part living soberly righteously godly So Christ did not only die to free us from Hell but to make us holy where we have the inward Constitution to purify unto himself a peculiar People and the outward Conversation or the Sign and Manifestation of it zealous of good Works All these things are Arguments to enforce the Matter in hand There is the Act of Christ Shall Christ die for us and we cherish his Enemy Shall he be our Saviour and we hug and cherish that which is contrary to him Worldly Lusts and Ungodliness in the Heart Then his Aim he died to free us from the Bondage of Sin therefore they that would have their Sins live are said to put their Redeemer to Shame and make his Kindness void Then Christ died to make us a peculiar People and shall we live as the rest of the Multitude do We expect great Benefit from him therefore certainly we must be holy and not pick and chuse how we would have him a Saviour unto us I begin with the first thing Christ's Act He gave himself for us that is to be an Expiatory Sacrifice he gave himself to die for us Iohn 17.19 I sanctify my self for their sakes that is set apart my self as a Sacrifice 1 Tim. 2.6 Who gave himself a Ransom for all The Point is Christ's Willingness to suffer for the fallen and lost Creature I. I shall demonstrate it by some Expressions by which it is discovered II. Give the Grounds why Christ gave himself by such a willing Resignation to be our Propitiatory Sacrifice to be a Ransom to God I. For the Expressions of his Willingness And there I shall begin with his Eternal Longings to be with the Sons of Men before ever there was Hill or Mountain in the World Prov. 8.31 Rejoicing in the habitable Parts of the Earth and my Delights were with the Sons of Men. Mark long before ever the World was Jesus Christ was feasting himself with the thoughts of his own Grace and what he would do for Men. He desired the making the World and fixing the Bounds of our Habitation that he might be with us there was his End Angels were the Workmanship of his Hands as well as Men nay in their Frame and Constitution they were more noble Creatures than Man yet Christ doth not say My Delight was to be with Angels but with the Sons of Men. I was thinking of the Day I should come into the World and die for Men and purchase exceeding Grace for them The next Expression is Psal. 40.7 8. when God's Decree came to be express'd and made known to the Church see what Christ saith Lo I come In the Volume of the Book it is written of me I delight to do thy Will O my God yea thy Law is within my Heart For the understanding of this place you must know the Divine Justice is there introduced as proposing its Demands God in his Justice as it were speaking thus to Christ Son I am weary of Sacrifice and Burnt-Offerings Hitherto I have shewed my self gracious to the World whilst Burnt-Offerings stood now I resolve to shew my self Just as the Apostle explains this Rom. 3.26 To declare I say at this time his Righteousness that he might be just As long as God accepted of Burnt-Offerings he was a God of Patience and Forbearance and not willing to execute his Wrath upon Creatures Burnt-Offerings served the turn But saith God the World shall know though I pardon yet I will be just therefore now you must take a Body Man's Blood is tainted and you must be formed in fashion like one of them and stand in the Sinner's stead I shall expect from you Satisfaction for every Elect Person you must give your Cheeks to the Nippers and your Back to
God will not linger but fly Delays are a Sign of Unwillingness To say Non vacat I am not at leisure rightly interpreted is Non placet it doth not please me When Men are not at leisure for the things of their Peace it is a Sign they have no Mind to go to Christ and are not earnest in this matter Excuses are but a real Denial as they that have no Mind to pay their Debts they put off their Creditors and troublesome Suitors until another time only to be rid of them When Men have a true sense of their Case they can trifle no longer In a matter of Life and Death Delays are dangerous God is for present Obedience Heb. 3.7 To day if ye will hear his Voice And so a Soul that is affected with its Condition cannot dally with God any longer Gal. 1.16 Immediately I consulted not with Flesh and Blood When Christ called Andrew and Peter they straitway left their Nets and followed him Mat. 4.20 And Zacheus made haste and came down and received him joyfully Luke 19.6 When Men have but a slight Conviction they think of a more convenient Season when such a Business or such a Temptation is over but alas modò modò non habet modum a Sinner's Morrow will never come 2. Running to the City of Refuge implieth avoiding all By-ways A Soul that is rightly affected cannot be satisfied with any other thing Another place would not secure the Man nothing but the City of Refuge Worldly things to a wounded Conscience are as unsavoury as the White of an Egg. Surely the Wound is not deep enough when it can be healed with other Plaisters and that Thirst is not urgent which we can quench at the next Ditch I mean when the Comforts of the Creature can satisfy the Soul our Thirst was not very deep Many have a Trouble upon them but they quench it in Mirth and carnal Company and by little and little wear out all Feelings of Conscience A Man that ran to a City of Refuge would not turn aside but went a strait way thither another Town could not secure him So all things else are but Dung and Dross in comparison of being found in Christ Phil. 3.8 9. There are two things which are apt to keep us from Christ when we begin to be touched with any sight of Sin or God's Wrath pursuing us either the Delights of the World or some formal Duties When a Man begins to be in want with the Prodigal he first feeds upon Husks with the Swine takes up with Worldly Delights which serve to benum and stupify the Conscience Or if that will not do then some outward formal Duty That Trouble never went very deep that can be cured with any thing on this side Christ. 3. This Running implies an unwearied Diligence The Man was running still till he was gotten into the City of Refuge for it was for his Life so we are unwearied until we meet with Christ Cant. 3.2 The Spouse sought her Beloved throughout the whole City from one Ordinance to another Where is Christ They run here and there to the Word and to Prayer to see if God will let in any glimpse of Love They do not presently give out tho they find not what they look for but are born up by Encouragements of the Word Many that have Trouble upon them are anxious and make a kind of Essay whether God will give them Christ or no and if not presently answered throw up all But they which run to Christ in good earnest wrestle with many a Discouragement and Delay it is for the lost Sheep of the House of Israel it is Childrens Bread and not to be given to Dogs but they are resolved to hold fast and take no Denial 4. When they are got into their City of Refuge they stay there having once taken hold of Christ they will not quit their hold-fast for all the World Many times the Children of God have that which Divines call a Negative Adherence that is they do not stick to other things tho they dare not apply Christ to their Souls tho they have but a Twilight and make but a blind Adventure they dare not say Christ is theirs yet they will not let go that kind of loose Hope for all the World Much more when it comes to some Positive Adherence tho not a full Assurance that is when they are resolved to cast their Souls on Christ to see what God will do with them as Ioab when he took hold of the Horns of the Altar he said If I die I 'll die here 1 Kings 2.30 So whatever Discouragements they meet with their Hearts hold Christ fast and will not let him go II. For the second Branch To lay hold upon the Hope that is set before us and you must repeat the word flying or running again Here is another Metaphor implied the Apostle having spoken of flying alludeth not only to the City of Refuge but to that speed and haste Men make in a Race to take hold of the Prize for he speaks of laying hold of a Hope set before them the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifies to seize upon it and ver 20. of a Fore-runner that is entred before us 1 st What is this Hope Hope is put for the thing hoped for Heaven with all the Glory thereof for it is a Hope that lies within the Vail ver 19. or a Hope laid up for us in Heaven Col. 1.5 Mark the double end of him that cometh unto Christ Refuge and Salvation for in Christ there is not only Deliverance from pursuing Wrath but Eternal Life to be found First we fly from deserved Wrath then we take hold of undeserved Glory This is more easy of the two Rom. 5.10 11. For if when we were Enemies we were reconciled to God by the Death of his Son much more being reconciled we shall be saved by his Life And not only so but we also joy in God through our Lord Iesus Christ by whom we have now received the Atonement The greatest Brunt is at first because of the great fear upon us to fly from Wrath then we encourage our selves to take hold of Eternal Life In the temporal Refuges they had Security but not Possessions there was no Heritage there but here we are not only secured against the Avenger of Blood but we are called to great and glorious Hopes Our Privileges in Christ are not only privative but positive Cant. 2.3 I sat down under his shadow with great delight and his Fruit was sweet to my Taste Christ is not only a shady Tree to afford a cool and wholsome Shade to shelter us from the Scorchings of the Sun but a fruitful Tree we are not only sheltred from Wrath but called to eat of the Apples of Paradise In the Covenant of Grace God doth not only enter into a League with us that he will not hurt us but he openeth all his Treasure to us So Psal. 84.11
only mentioned 3. Why seeing it is plain that the Six Commandments of the Second Table are alluded unto Defraud not is put for the last Commandment Thou shalt not Covet for of the Method wherein they are recited we need not move any doubt for Christ beginneth with the Negatives and the Affirmative Precept is put last as a thing not accurately to be stood upon 1 Question Why Christ referrs him to the Commandments The Reason of the Doubt is this Because the fallen Creature can never be Justified or Saved by his own Works Rom. 3.20 Therefore by the deeds of the Law there shall no Flesh be justified in his sight Tit. 3.5 Not by works of Righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us 2 Tim. 1.9 Who hath saved us and called us with an holy Calling not according to our works but according to his own purpose and Grace Eph. 2.8 9. For by Grace ye are saved thrô Faith and that not of your selves it is the gift of God Not of works lest any man should boast The Scripture doth always run in this Strain yea Christ himself puts Salvation upon another Score upon Believing in him Iohn 3.16 For God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have Everlasting Life Why then doth Christ referr him to the Commandment I answer Christ speaketh not this as if any Man could be Saved and Justified by the Works of the Law It was far from our Saviours meaning to foment such an Error but the scope of his Speech is to shew that it is in vain to enquire for the Way to Heaven while men trust to their own Righteousness And therefore good Works and Obedience to the Law are proposed to convince him of his Impotency to humble him in the sense of his Guilt to drive him out of himself and to draw him to seek Salvation by a better Covenant or if not to leave him without Excuse That this was Christ's aim to shew him his Sin and miserable Condition and disability to be justified by the Law will appear by these following Considerations 1. It was necessary this Man should be treated in this way for the many Errors wherewith he was tainted required it As 1. To draw him again to the Service of God from those Traditions and humane Observances in which the Pharisees placed most of their Religion and Piety and therefore Christ mentions not the Traditions of the Elders but the Commandments of God 2. To draw him from the Law Ceremonial which was to be abolished to the Law Moral He mentioneth not the Ceremonial Law which the Iews strictly observed but Moral Duties 3. To beat down his Presumption whereby he believed that the Law was easie for him to accomplish such as seek Justification and Eternal Life by Works must be taught that to keep the whole Law in all Points without the least Sin is the only Way to Heaven by Works which Way to every Man now polluted by Sin is impossible There was no better Course to humble a Pharisee than by referring him to his own Covenant rightly understood to let him see the Perfection and Spiritual Sence of it and so to bring him to a Knowledge of Sin that he might learn to seek God's Favour by the Mediator who is the end of the Law for Righteousness to every one that believeth Rom. 10.4 That is to say The end of giving the Law by Moses was that Men might thereby be brought to the Knowledge of their Sins and so be necessitated to fly for Refuge to Christ and his Righteousness who hath perfectly fulfilled the Law for us If any Man think that this consisted not with the Simplicity of Christ's Instruction especially when such a serious Question was proposed to him What shall I do that I may inherit Eternal Life And that it may seem to countenance their Error who sought Righteousness by the Law to referr such to the Commandments I answer 1. Christ used the same Method that God did in giving the Law upon Mount Sinai Why did God give it then but to break a stiff-necked People trusting to their own strength by this exact Yoke of Duty which neither they nor their Fathers were able to bear That seeing their manifold Guilt in which all are inevitably involved by the violation of the Law they might be burdened and condemned in themselves and so fly to the Lamb of God that taketh away the Sins of the World as he was represented to them in the Sacrifice and burnt-offering That this was God's End in giving the Law see Rom. 5.20 21. Moreover the Law entred that the Offence might abound but where Sin abounded Grace did much more abound That as Sin hath reigned unto Death even so might Grace reign through Righteousness unto Eternal Life by Iesus Christ our Lord. And Gal. 3.19 Wherefore then serveth the Law it was added because of transgressions till the seed should come to whom the promise was made Suitably here Christ having to do with a Man that was puffed up with an Opinion of his own Righteousness and Strength as if he had already discharged the whole Duty of the Law and was ready and able to do whatsoever should be further required of him in order to Eternal Life to humble him Christ referreth him to the Commandments and so layeth a ground work of convincing him of base Idolatry in loving Riches more than God and Eternal Life So that his End was not to foster and increase his Presumption but by urging the Law which he professed to stand to to convince him of his own baseness and the necessity of seeking another Righteousness 2. Practical Conviction is best and Men never see their unworthiness so much as when they are held to their own Covenant and we are so far to condescend to the humours of Men as to convince them and condemn them in their own way As Festus told Paul Acts 25.12 Hast thou appealed unto Caesar unto Caesar shalt thou go As a presumptuous Sick Man that is strongly conceited he is able to leave his Bed and walk up and down the best way to confute him is by tryal Or a Phrenetick Person or a Man that is distempered with melancholly Fancies wise Physicians indulge the Humour a little that by dealing with them in their own way they may afterwards the better dispossess them of their vain Conceits If men will go to Heaven by Doing let them know what Doing is required Gal. 4.21 Tell me ye that desire to be under the Law do ye not hear the Law If men will betake themselves to stand to or fall by the Sentence of the Law or Covenant of Works let them see how it will succeed with them 3. It was a Truth Christ spake If thou wilt enter into Life keep the Commandments but we must consider his Intention Thô Mens trusting in their own Works is displeasing to God
goods to feed the poor and though I give my Body to be burned and have not Charity it profiteth me nothing I am nothing without saving Grace Therefore these are the Mercies for which God will be praised Thirdly These are brought about with more ado than Temporal Favours God as a Creator and Upholder of all his Creatures doth bestow Temporal Blessings upon the Ungodly World even upon the Heathens that know him not that never heard of Christ yet Saving Grace he bestoweth only as the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who was to purchase these Blessings by his Death and bloody Sufferings before we could obtain them Eph. 1.3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Iesus Christ who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. Other Blessings run in the Channel of common Providence these in the Channel of Christ's Mediation Fourthly Because these are pledges of Eternal Blessings and the beginnings of our Eternal well-being The Life that is begun in us by the Spirit is perfected in Heaven Ioh. 5.24 He that heareth my words and believeth on him that hath sent me hath everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death to life It is a spark that shall not be quenched and the Food that feedeth it is the meat that perisheth not but endureth to everlasting life John 6.27 Those Graces and Eternal Blessedness are to be linked together that they cannot be separated Rom. 8.30 Whom he did predestinate them he also called and whom he called them he also justified and whom he justified them he also glorified Sanctification is included in the last word here in the Beginnings by Sanctification and hereafter in the full possession of Eternal Glory So 2 Cor. 3.18 We all with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord are changed into the same Image from Glory to Glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord. It loseth it self in the Ocean of Eternal Glory and Happiness Fifthly These incline and fit the Heart for praise and Thankfulness to God There is an Occasion to praise God and a Disposition and an Heart to praise God outward Benefits give us the Occasion to praise God but these not only the Occasion but the Disposition other Benefits are the Motives but these the Preparations as they do fit and encline the Heart The Work of Faith and Love do set the Lips wide open to magnifie and praise the Lord Grace is the matter of God's Praises and give also a ready will to praise him yea the very Deed of praising him Psal. 63.5 My Soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness and my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips When they feel the Love of God shed abroad in their Hearts they are enclined to praise God Sixthly Temporal Favours may be given in Anger but the Graces of the Spirit are never given in Anger God may give us worldly Honour and Riches in Judgment and indulge large Pastures to Beasts fatted for destruction but he giveth not Faith and Love in Anger or a Renewed Heart in Anger but as a token of his Special Love To you it is given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven Matth. 13.11 To you it is given to believe Phil. 1.19 So that for these principally we should praise the Lord. We have a quick sense in Bodily Mercies but in Soul Concernments we are not alike affected We think God dealeth well with them to whom he giveth Greatness and Honour but doth he not deal well with you to whom he hath given his Spirit Seventhly These render us acceptable unto God A Man is not accepted with God for his worldly Blessings he is indeed the more accountable unto God but not of greater Account with him Luke 12.48 For unto whomsoever much is given of him shall the more be required The more Helps and the more Encouragements the more Work and Service God expecteth but they are not more precious in his sight for Temporal things sake Under the Law the Rich and Poor payed the same Ransom the Rich is not accepted for his Riches nor the poor Man despised for his Poverty but now the Saving Graces of his Spirit are acceptable with God It is said 1 Pet. 3.4 A meek and quiet Spirit it is in the sight of God of great price God esteemeth this more and therefore it should heighten the esteem of Grace in our Hearts and quicken us more to get and encrease it Eighthly These Benefits should be acknowledged that God may have the sole Glory of them for he is the Father of Lights from whom cometh every good and perfect gift Jam. 1.17 It was the Opinion of the Stoicks Quod vivamus Deorum munus est quod bene vivamus nostrum Our Natural Being we ascribe to God but our Moral Perfections we are apt to usurp the Glory of them to our selves Iudicium hoc est omnium mortalium saith Tully All Men think that Prosperity and Success is to be asked of the Gods but Prudence and good Management belongeth to us But these Opinions are Sacrilegious and rob God of his chiefest Honour Therefore to prevent Spiritual Pride we must be sure to bless God for Spiritual Blessings our Crowns must be cast at the feet of the Lamb Rev. 4.10 11. for he only is worthy to receive Honour and Blessing and Glory and Power Whatever we do 't is from him who worketh all our works in us Isa. 26.12 Thou wilt ordain peace for us for thou also hast wrought all our works in us And 1 Chron. 29.14 All things come of thee and of thy own have we given thee By his Grace we are what we are 1 Cor. 15.10 By the Grace of God I am what I am And Luk. 19.16 Thy pound hath gain'd ten pounds VSE Is to Exhort us to two Things First To be in a Capacity to bless God for Spiritual Blessings Secondly To be most Affected with these Mercies First See that you be in a Capacity to bless God for Spiritual Blessings First see that you have these Mercies and then bless God for them It would trouble a Man even to trembling to hear slight and vain persons take up a Form of Thanksgiving which no way is proper to them as to Bless God for their Election before Time their Sanctification in Time and their Hopes of Glory after all Time As if a Leper should give thanks for perfect Health or a Mad-man that he is made wiser than his Neighbours or a Man that is ready to die to thank God that he is pretty well and recovering so they give thanks for Grace which they never knew nor felt This is to mock God while we pretend to adore him It is true there are Spiritual Mercies for which all are bound to give Thanks such as the Mystery of Redemption the New Covenant the Offers and Invitations of Grace Means and Time to Repent these you
Faith standeth us in most stead Acts 3.19 Repent ye therefore and be converted that your Sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. Then by the one we are freed from the guilt of Sin and so have deliverance from Eternal Death By the other we have not only right but entrance into Eternal Glory What is our whole scope but to be absolved by Christ at last and enter into Eternal Life Finally these two are to be regarded to obviate their mistake who think indeed that Faith and it may be Repentance is necessary to pardon or to dissolve our Obligation to Punishment but not new Obedience But in their place all the Conditions are necessary They think new Obedience is necessary to Salvation or Eternal Life but not to Justification But Salvation is as gracious an Act of Mercy as free and undeserved a Gift as Pardon Rom. 6.23 The wages of Sin is Death but the Gift of God is Eternal Life through Iesus Christ our Lord. Eternal Life is not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 wages but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Gift of God It is as much merited by Christ as the other and therefore as proper a part yea the chief part of the Hope of Righteousness by Faith and that which is only waited for and not injoyed III. What is the work of the Spirit in this business in urging Believers to wait for the Hope of Righteousness by Faith I Answer the work of the Spirit doth either concern the Duties of the new Covenant or the Priviledges of the new Covenant or what is common to them both I begin with the latter 1. What is common to them both He doth convince us of the Truth of the Gospel both of means and end that there is such an Hope and the Righteousness of Faith is the only way to obtain it Now this he doth Externally and Internally 1. Externally and by way of Objective Evidence All the certainty that we have of the Gospel is by the Spirit Acts 5.32 We are Witnesses of these things and so is the Holy Ghost which he hath given to them that obey him And Iohn 15. 26 27. When the Comforter is come whom I will send to you from the Father even the Spirit of Truth which proceedeth from the Father he shall testifie of me And ye also shall bear witness because ye have been with me from the beginning Mark in both these places the two solemn Witnesses are the Spirit and the Apostles the one Principal the other Ministerial the one declaring Doctrine and Matter of Fact the other assuring the World of the Truth of their Testimony The Apostles testified of Christs sayings and doings and the Holy Ghost which came down upon them and the rest that consorted with them and was given in some measure to those that obeyed their Doctrine was an undoubted Evidence that God owned it from Heaven Here was enough to open mens Eyes and to give them a right understanding of his Person and Doctrine that it was of God The Visible Gifts of the Holy Ghost and his powerful working in the Hearts of men in order to their Conversion unto God These admirable Gifts and Graces shed abroad upon men were a Notable Conviction to the World that Christ was a Teacher sent from God to teach men the way to Eternal Life and Happiness This did afford sufficient matter of Confirmation and Conviction by the Spirit shed abroad and poured forth on the Christian Church 2. Internally inlightning their Minds and inclining their Hearts to imbrace the Truth Which maketh the former Testimony effectual So the Apostle prayeth Eph. 1.17 For the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the Knowledge of Christ the eyes of their understanding being inlightned that they might know what is the hope of his Calling and the Riches of the Glory of the Inheritance of the Saints in Light To the sight of any thing these things are necessary an Object a Medium a Faculty As in outward sight an Object that may be seen a convenient light to represent it and make the Object perspicuous An Organ or Faculty of seeing in the Eye Unless there be an Object you bid a man see nothing Unless there be a Medium a due light to represent it as in a fog or at Midnight the sharpest sight can see nothing Unless there be a Faculty neither the Object nor Medium will avail a Blind-man cannot see any thing at Noon-day Now here is an Object the way of Salvation by Christ A convenient light it is represented in the Gospel And the Faculty is prepared for the Eyes of the Mind are opened by the Spirit that we may see both Way and End the necessity of Holiness and the reality of future Glory and Blessedness Alas without this sight we busie our selves about Vanities and Childish Toys and never Mind the things which are most necessary certainly we can have no saving understanding of Spiritual Truths neither what is the Benefit of Christianity or the blessed Condition of Gods People Nor what are the Duties of Christianity so as our Hearts may be held to them or how we may behave our selves as true Believers 2. The Work of the Spirit as to the Duties of the new Covenant He doth not only convince us of the Reality and the Necessity of Christs Obedience and our Holiness but by his Powerful Operation frameth and inclineth our Hearts to the Duties required of us Faith it self is wrought in us by this Holy Spirit for it is the Gift of God Eph. 2.8 And so is Repentance and Obedience Heb. 8.10 I will write my Laws upon their Hearts and put them into their Minds Moses his Law was written on Tables of Stone as a Rule without them but Christs Law on the Heart and Mind as drawing and inclining them to obey it The Renewing Grace of the Spirit of God doth prepare us and fit us and his exciting Grace doth quicken us that we may do what is pleasing in his sight And therefore if we profess to live under the new Covenant we are inexcusable if we do not bestir our selves and accomplish the work of Faith with Power and obey from the Heart the Doctrine delivered to us Indeed the Spirit doth most naturally put us upon spiritual Worship and spiritual Holiness these things agree most with his Being and Nature The observances of the Law were carnal yet as long as Gods command continued the Spirit inclined to Obedience to them But a better Law being enacted by Christ the Spirit that proceedeth from the Father and the Son suiteth his Operations accordingly For he cometh into us as Christs Spirit He shall take of mine and glorifie me John 16.14 All that he doth accordeth with Christ as Christs Will doth with the Father 3. The work of the Spirit as to the priviledges of the New Covenant which are pardon and life 1. As to Pardon he is the Comforter He cometh
so 1 Pet. 1.13 Be sober and hope to the end Draw off your Affections from Carnal Vanities or Delights of the Senses that you may more earnestly mind God and Heaven 2. Wait on all opportunities of profiting and use the known Means of Grace more conscionably These Graces indeed are not acquired but infused they are God's Gifts As for Faith Eph. 2.8 For by grace ye are saved through faith and that not of your selves it is the gift of God So for Love 1 Iohn 4.7 Beloved let us love one another for love is of God Not only recommended to us by his Example but wrought in us by his Spirit So for Hope Rom. 15.13 Now the God of hope fill ye with all joy and peace in believing that ye may abound in hope through the power of the Holy-Ghost But God loveth to bless us by his own means which are the Word and Prayer 2 Use. Exercise these Graces Remember they are your Armour and Furniture for the Conflict when your Resolutions of Obedience to God are most assaulted or you are apt to be discouraged 1. When any Want Cross Sorrow or Tribulation overtaketh you upon Earth fetch your Comforts from God Christ and Heaven be sure that Faith Hope and Love be at work so the Children of God are wont to do in their deep Afflictions How calamitous soever our condition be Faith can see that there is comfort enough to be had in God Christ and the Covenant 1 Pet. 1.8 In whom though now ye see him not yet believing ye rejoyce with joy unspeakable and full of glory So for Hope Rom. 12.12 Rejoycing in hope patient in tribulation Though we are pressed with Wants and Miseries yet there is a better State to come And in the worst condition Love can rejoyce in God Hab. 3.18 Yet I will rejoyce in the Lord I will joy in the God of my salvation 2. In some grievous Temptation whereby we are apt to wax weary in our Minds stir up these Graces Do I believe the Promises heartily love God and hope for his Salvation And shall his Service or my Fidelity to him be tedious to me When some present Delight inviteth us to Sin or some present Bitterness to draw us off from God in time of Temptation these Graces are seasonably acted to counterbalance Things carnal with spiritual Things present with future Heb. 11.35 They were tortured not accepting deliverance that they might obtain a better resurrection A Sermon on Prov. xiv 14 The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways and a good man shall be satisfied from himself IN the Proverbs we must not look for Method and Coherence for these Sentences are not as Golden Links in a Chain hanging one to another but as Pearls in a String every Sentence is precious but independant of each other In this Proverb I shall take notice 1. Of the Drift of the Holy-ghost 2. The Art and Contrivance so as may best suit that Scope First The drift of the Holy-Ghost is the same with that of many other Scriptures and divers Passages in the Proverbs also which may serve for a Doctrine Doctr. That whether good or bad every one shall reap the Fruit of his own ways Isa. 3.10 11. Say ye to the righteous that it shall be well with them for they shall eat the fruit of their own doings Wo unto the wicked it shall be ill with him for the reward of his hands shall be given him To keep up the Hearts of that small company of godly Persons that yet remained among them God giveth them assurance of his goodness they shall fare well whatsoever befalleth others All things that happen shall be good or work for good to better their Hearts or hasten their Glory for they shall enjoy the Fruit of all their Labours But it is sure to go ill with the Wicked for he shall be rewarded according to what he hath wrought Lest you should think this a particular Promise to that time only Salomon maketh it the common Cordial of the Saints against the prosperity of the Wicked Eccles. 8.12 13. Though a sinner do evil an hundred times and his days be prolonged yet surely I know that it shall be well with them that fear God that fear before him But it shall not be well with the wicked neither shall he prolong his days which are as a shadow because he feareth not before God Wicked Men though they escape long they shall not escape always though Punishment be delayed it is at length executed and generally they do not live long Lest you think this is spoken Pro more faederis according to the tenor of the Mosaical Covenant where long Life is promised instead of Eternity and short Life threatned as a Curse Let us see what the Gospel saith where we have greater Encouragements to quicken us to hold fast our Integrity and go on steadily in our Obedience and patient waiting on God Rom. 6.21 22 23. What fruit had ye then in those things whereof ye are now ashamed For the end of those things is death But now being made free from sin and become servants to God you have your fruit unto holiness and the end everlasting life For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Iesus Christ our Lord. Where the different Recompences are asserted and the manner how they accrue to us Death to Sin as Wages and Life to Obedience as the meer Gift of God not merited by us but bountifully bestowed by him This is the drift of the Holy-Ghost to shew that different Courses have contrary Ends and Issues Secondly The Art and Contrivance of this short saying whereby this Truth may the better be insinuated into our Minds and here 1. I shall take notice that here are two different Persons spoken of The backslider in heart and The good man 2. That both desire to be filled or satisfied 3. That the one taketh his own Ways and the other God's Direction 4. That in the Event they are both filled but in a different sense 5. That rightly understood every one hath this from himself The Backslider is filled with his own Ways and the godly Person hath his own Choice and eats of the Fruit of his Doings I. Let us state the Character of these different Persons for that is the Clue to guide us to the understanding of all the rest for according to this the different Course and End must be determined Well then The backslider in heart and The good man are opposed First The backslider in heart is he that turneth his Heart from God and his Ways and daily groweth worse and worse The Word may be rendred doubly either Aversus Corde or Reversus Corde and so it is meant either of the ordinary wicked Person or of the Apostate the one turneth away from God after Counsel the other after Tryal 1. It is meant principally and chiefly of the ordinary wicked Person who turneth
11 12. If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto Death and those that are ready to be slain If thou sayest Behold we knew it not doth not he that pondreth the Heart consider it and he that keepeth thy Soul doth not he know it and shall not be render to every Man according to his Works Here is a Work of Charity delivering the Innocent from temporal Death the Sin is a Sin of Omission every Man is bound to do what he can to save his Neighbour from imminent Destruction It is our Duty not to be silent and see him perish with a safe Conscience we cannot do so it is against the Light of Nature and all Honesty to use Tergiversation in this Case when we have Probability to help it and will not this hold good in the Case of Brotherly Reproof when thou seest thy Neighbour likely to perish and be undone for ever The same Charity that bindeth us to deliver him from Temporal Death will much more bind us to deliver him from Eternal Death Heb. 3.12 13. Take heed lest there be in any of you an evil Heart of Vnbelief in departing from the living God Not only in you your selves but in any of you as will be clear in the Remedy prescribed But exhort one another daily while it is called To Day lest any of you be hardened through the Deceitfulness of Sin This is a Work of Christian Charity which we owe to one another as Christian Brethren But see how God answereth the Excuse If thou sayest Behold we knew it not They knew not the Danger or Innocency of the Person Can you answer so to God Doth not he that pondereth the Heart consider c. He will be Judg whether you love your Brother yea or no whether this Pretence be Cowardice or mere Ignorance 2. How far the Obligation reacheth extensively It bindeth all For 1. All are to be able Col. 3.16 Let the Word of God dwell in you richly in all Wisdom teaching and admonishing one another And Rom. 15.14 I am perswaded of you my Brethren that ye also are full of Goodness filled with all Knowledg able also to admonish one another There are several Relations between Christians but all are bound to reprove some are Superiours some are Inferiours Superiours are bound in point of Justice Inferiours in point of Charity Superiours that have Charge of Souls are much more bound to reprove than others God 's Threatnings against them are more grievous if they neglect this Duty of Love The Watchman must not spare Yea they are bound though it be with the Danger of their Lives as Matth. 10.16 Behold I send you forth as Sheep in the midst of Wolves Iohn the Baptist reproved Herod though it cost him his Life Mark 6.27 And the Reason is they have a double Tie and Bond upon them as their Office and Relation besides the common Bond of Charity But now whether Inferiours are bound to reprove those that are over them Yes certainly for David a King did receive with Meekness a Reproof not only from Nathan a Prophet but from Abigail a Woman 1 Sam. 25.32 33. And Iob produceth it as a Proof of his Integrity that he despised not the Cause of his Man-servant or of his Maid-servant when they contended with him Job 31.13 Certainly we owe this Duty to Superiours as their Danger is greater To save a private Person is not so much as to do good to one that shineth in a higher Sphere Well then we are bound to reprove all whom we are bound to love whether Superiours or Inferiours But then to Superiours we are to use great Modesty 1 Tim. 5.1 Rebuke not an Elder but intreat him as a Father and the younger Men as Brethren It should be rather an Exhortation and Intreaty than a Reproof So Princes and Magistrates who are subject to Errors and Miscarriages may with Humility and Wisdom be admonished as Naaman's Servant 2 Kings 5.13 My Father if the Prophet had bid thee do some great thing wouldst thou not have done it how much rather then when he saith Wash and be clean Dan. 4.27 Wherefore O King let my Counsel be acceptable to thee And Col. 4.17 Say to Archippus take heed to the Ministry which thou hast received in the Lord that thou fulfil it But yet this is still a Generality If every one be bound to reprove all and all every one when shall we know that this Duty is to be put in Act Answer The Admonisher should have a Calling to it through some Relation between him and the Offender So we may find it in all kind of Relations A Minister or Prophet as Nathan reproved David 2 Sam. 12.1 As a Counsellor Ioab reproveth him 2 Sam. 19.5 6. Thou hast shamed this Day the Faces of all thy Servants which have saved thy Life A Yoke-fellow as the Husband the Wife Iob 2.10 Thou speakest as one of the foolish Women speaketh The Wife the Husband as Abigail to Nabal 1 Sam. 25.37 And it came to pass in the Morning when the Wine was gone out of his Head and his Wife had told him these things his Heart died within him and he became as a Stone A Son as Ionathan to Saul 1 Sam. 19.4 And Jonathan spake good of David to Saul his Father and said unto him Let not the King sin against his Servant against David because he hath not sinned against thee A Servant admonisheth a Prince 2 Kings 5.13 A Subject so Daniel to Nebuchadnezzar Dan. 4.27 A Friend to his Friend Prov. 27.6 Faithful are the Wounds of a Friend Yea a Stranger travelling by the way and seeing his Fellow-Traveller sin or sitting at the same Table it is a Call because he is then in his Company and there is the Sin committed For so Christ proveth the Samaritan was a Neighbour to the Iew when he lighted upon him Luke 10.29 So that the Duty though it universally obligeth yet it is not unpracticable there is something giveth us the Occasion 4 thly It is recommended When besides the Precept there is a Commendation it sheweth the Value of a Duty Now God not only commandeth but commendeth to us both the giving and taking a Reproof and that upon the highest and most pressing Motives 1. Let us see how the giving a Reproof is recommended to us as a Means to increase Knowledg Prov. 19.25 Reprove one that hath Vnderstanding and he will understand Knowledg that is profit in the Fear of the Lord. Yea as a Means to convey Life Prov. 6.23 And Reproofs of Instruction are the way of Life They are a means to reduce Men to God and eternal Happiness and it is called saving a Soul from Death Iam. 5.19 20. Brethren if any of you do err from the Truth and one convert him let him know that he that converteth a Sinner from the Error of his way shall save a Soul from Death and shall hide a Multitude of Sins So Prov. 24.25 But to them that
not only shew them what they must do but how they may come to do their Duty in this kind for saith he The Grace of God which bringeth Salvation c. In the Words you may observe the Teacher the Lesson the Encouragement and Inducements to learn First The Teacher is the Grace of God described ver 11. Secondly The Lesson is the whole Duty of our Heavenly Calling set forth ver 12. and there 1 st Negatively in departing from Evil denying Vngodliness and worldly Lusts. 2 dly Positively in cleaving to that which is good We should live soberly righteously and godly in this present World Where you may observe that the Duty of the Creature is distributed into three Ranks and Parts according to the several Objects to which it is ref●●red soberly we must walk as to our selves righteously as to our Neighbour and godly that the Lord himself may not be defrauded of his Portion There are in a moral Consideration but three things in the World thy Self thy Neighbour and God and suitably doth the Apostle distribute and parcel out Christian Offices and Duties soberly as to our selves righteously as to our Neighbour and godly as to God Thirdly The Encouragements to learn and they are two If we look forward there is Hope if we look backward there is Gratitude or an Obligation arising from the Death of Christ. In short the two great Motives and Inducements are the Hope of eternal Life and the End of Christ's Death Hope of eternal Life ver 13. Looking for the blessed Hope c. the End of Christ's Death ver 14. who gave himself for us c. The Text being long I shall forbear Exposition till I come to handle the several Branches I shall first begin with the Teacher described ver 11. The Grace of God that bringeth Salvation hath appeared to all Men. The Grace of God is described by its Property it is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Grace bringing Salvation or tending to Salvation as the Word signifies and by a special Adjunct its present Manifestation 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it hath appeared suddainly broken out like the Light of the Morning after a dark Night and then there is the Extent of that Manifestation it hath appeared to all Men. Some indeed refer this Extent not to the Word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it hath appeared but to the Word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 bringing Salvation and they read it as we do in the Margent The Grace of God that bringeth Salvation to all Men hath appeared there is not much Difference To supersede all Doubt and Dispute about the matter all Men here signifies all sorts of Men for the Apostle had spoken of Servants and Bond-men that they in their Relations should glorify God and he proves it by this Argument The Grace of God hath appeared to all Men that is to the Bond-man as well as to the Lord and Master therefore they in their places are to discharge their Duties as well as others for the Gospel as I said hath appeared to all Men and presseth all sorts of Duties I. I begin with the thing described The Grace of God It is a term that admits of divers Acceptations sometimes it is put for God's eternal Favour and Good-Will sometimes for the Effects of this Favour as Grace infused and bestowed upon the Creature Ephes. 4.7 To every one of us is given Grace according to the Measure of the Gift of Christ. Sometimes it is put for the Gospel which is the Charter by which we hold this Grace and so it is said Rom. 6.15 You are not under the Law but under Grace i. e. under the State of the Gospel Here I take it in the first sense viz. for the gracious Will and good Pleasure of God to do Good to Men or to shew Mercy to the Creature for God's Kindness and Bounty to Men is expressed by several terms the most usual are two Grace and Mercy I will shew how they agree and how they differ They both agree in this that they are Attributes which merely respect the Creature The Love and Knowledg of God first falleth upon himself God knows himself and loves himself and then the Creature But now the Mercy and Grace of God are merely transient and pass out to and respect the Creature only God cannot be gracious to himself and merciful to himself as he loves himself and knows himself and therefore herein they agree But now in some respects they differ Grace properly signifies the Freeness of God's Love Mercy relates to the Misery of the Creature God's external Motive is our Misery and his internal Motive is his own Grace Mercy respects us as we are in our selves worthy of Condemnation Grace respects us as we are compared with others that are not elected As for Instance if the Question be Why any are chosen to Life it is out of Mercy because they are lost and undone Creatures But then if the Question be Why these are chosen above others then the ultimate Reason is God's Grace Once more the Angels that never sinned are saved meerly out of Grace and not out of Mercy it is not proper to say they are saved out of Mercy for they were never miserable but Men that were once miserable are saved not only out of Grace but also out of Mercy In short Mercy signifies that Love of God which helps the Miserable and Grace signifies a Property in God to give forth things freely and without desert Grace doth all gratis freely and without any Merit or Precedent Obligation or Debt Note then Doct. 1. That the original and first moving Cause of all the Blessings we have from God is Grace Survey all the Blessings of the Covenant and from first to last you will see Grace doth all Election Vocation Justification Sanctification Glorification all is from Grace There 's a clue of Scriptures which will lead us through all these steps and direct us to Grace 1. For Election Rom. 11.5 6. There is a Remnant according to the Election of Grace And then he adds presently for Paul cannot mention Grace but he must run out into the Praise or Vindication of it And if by Grace then it is no more of Works otherwise Grace is no more Grace But if it be of Works then it is more Grace otherwise Work is no more Work Mark the Context The Apostle's drift in that place is to prove that all Israel are not cast away that thô the Nation of Israel were past by yet there were a Remnant chosen according to the Election of Grace Grace is spoken of by the by but he takes every little Occasion to digress into the Commendation of Grace and what doth he say The Foundation and Ground of Salvation is God's Election and the impulsive Cause of Election is God's Grace Why is there a Remnant there 's an Election and why is there Election it is according to Grace 2. Our Calling when Election breaketh out in time and becometh
to do than to make the World at first The Object of Creation was pure Nothing but then as there was no Help so no Hinderance But now in Redemption there was Sin to be taken away and that was worse than any thing We deserv'd Ill his Justice and Truth had a Quarrel against us and therefore this was the harder Work and needed more of his Wisdom which now is discovered fully to us in the Gospel When God was to make Man though he was to be his noblest Creature next the Angels it was nothing to the Divine Power to make him of the Dust of the Earth Now Sin makes us worse than Earth Job 30.8 They were Children of Fools Children of base Men they were viler than the Earth Our Condition was worse here God's Justice opposed but Grace found out the Contrivance and sent Christ in the Form of a Servant who was in the Form of God thought it no robbery to be equal with God Phil. 2.6 7. 2. We discern the Freeness of Grace in the Gospel both in giving and accepting Whatever God doth is a Gift and what we do it is accepted of Grace In giving there 's a great deal of Grace made known there The Lord doth all freely Ioh. 1.16 And of his Fulness have all we received and Grace for Grace that is for Grace's sake He gives Christ gives Faith gives Pardon He gives the Condition as well as the Blessing Certainly now we have to do with a God of Grace who sits upon a Throne of Grace that he might bestow freely to all Comers Out of Christ and in the Law there God is discovered as sitting upon a Tribunal of Justice as he is described Psal. 97.2 Clouds and Darkness are round about him Righteousness and Iudgment are the Habitation of his Throne But now saith the Apostle Heb. 4.16 Let us come boldly unto the Throne of Grace that we may obtain Mercy and Grace to help in a time of need that we may have Mercy for Pardon and for acceptance of our Persons and Grace to help us against our Weaknesses This was figured out in the Law under the Law it was figured out by the Mercy-Seat between the Cherubims from whence God was giving out Answers but there the High-Priest could enter but once a Year and the way within the Veil was not fully made manifest Heb. 9.8 There was a Throne of Grace then but more of God's Tribunal of Justice there was Smoak and Thundering about his Throne But now let us draw near that we may obtain Grace take all freely out of God's Hand Then there is Grace manifested in accepting as well as giving God accepts of serious Repentance for compleat Innocence of Sincerity for Perfection of the Will for the Deed of a Person for Christ's sake and of the Works for the Person 's sake Thus God doth both give and accept freely That we do is not brought to the Ballance but Touch-stone Many times a good Work is not full Weight God doth not look to the Measure but to the Truth of Grace he requires Truth in the Reins 3. The Efficacy and Power of Grace is discovered in the Gospel Christ sendeth his Spirit to apply what he himself hath purchased One Person comes to merit and the other to accomplish the Fruit of his Merit Mark to stop the course of Grace Divine Justice did not only put in an Impediment but there was our Infidelity that hindred the Application of that which Christ was to merit and therefore as the second Person is to satisfy God so the third Person is to work upon us There was a double hinderance against the Business of our Salvation God's Justice for the Glory of God was to be repaired therefore Christ was to merit and there was our Unbelief therefore the Spirit must come and apply it First Christ suffered and when he was ascended then was the Spirit poured out Had it not been for the Gospel we should never have known the Efficacy and Power of Grace The Apostle puts the Question Gal. 3.2 This only would I learn of you Received ye the Spirit by the Works of the Law or by the Hearing of Faith How did you come to be acquainted with Grace This is the Seal which God would put upon the Excellency and Authority of the Gospel that he will associate and join in assistance with it the Operation of the Spirit to accompany it Look as it is with the Sun Light encreaseth with Heat the Morning-Beams are faint and gentle but at Noon the Sun shines out not only with Glory but with Strength So it is here the more the Light of the Gospel is encreased the more is the Efficacy and Power of it conveyed into the Sons of Men. The Dispensation of the Law is called the Oldness of the Letter and the Dispensation of the Gospel the Newness of the Spirit Rom. 7.6 But now ye are delivered from the Law that being dead wherein we were held that we should serve in Newness of Spirit and not in the Oldness of the Letter In the meer Law-Dispensation there was only a literal Direction but no strength and ability to perform what is suggested Lex jubet Gratia juvat The Law commands but all the Commands of Grace help There is a Spirit that goeth along with the Gospel to qualify us for the Duties of it 2 Cor. 3.6 Who also hath made us able Ministers of the New Testament not of the Letter but of the Spirit for the Letter killeth but the Spirit giveth Life With the Dispensation of the Gospel God joins the Virtue and Power of the Holy Ghost The Letter convinceth and so by consequence obligeth to Death for we cannot perform what it requireth of us but now there 's a Spirit goes along with the Gospel and so we are acquainted with the Efficacy of Grace 4. We are acquainted with the Largeness and Bounty of Grace The Benefits that come by Christ were not so clearly revealed in the Law there was no Type that I know of which figured Union with Christ. The Blood of Christ was figured by the Blood of Bulls and Goats Justification by the fleeing away of the Scape-Goat Sanctification by the Water of Purification But now Eternal Life is rarely mentioned in express Terms sometimes it is shadowed out in the Promise of inheriting the Land of Canaan as Hell is by going into Captivity but otherwise it is seldom mentioned 2 Tim. 1.10 But now it is made manifest speaking of the Grace of God by the appearing of our Saviour Christ who hath abolished Death and hath brought Life and Immortality to light through the Gospel The Gentiles had but glimmerings and gross Fancies about the future State Life and Immortality was never known to the purpose till Christ came in the Flesh and therefore Heaven is as sparingly mentioned in the Old Testament as Temporal Blessings are in the New In the New Testament we hear much of the Cross of Sufferings and Afflictions
hath spent his Time well but the Apostle commands Eph. 5.15 16. See that ye walk circumspectly not as Fools but as Wise redeeming the Time because the days are evil Those other are the worst Fools who make no Provision for the future they part with Jewels for Trifles SERMON XII TITUS II. 13 Looking for that blessed Hope c. I Observed 1. The Teacher The Grace of God 2. The Lesson the whole Duty of our Heavenly Calling To deny Vngodliness and Worldly Lusts and to live soberly righteously and godly c. 3. I come to the third general Branch The Encouragements to Learning here are two Eternal Life and Christ's Death There are two great Principles of Obedience Gratitude and Hope Gratitude or Thankfulness because of the Obligation that is left upon us from Christ's Death and then Hope because of the glorious Reward that is set before us So that whether we look backward or forward we meet with Obligations to Obedience Backward there is an excellent Merit ver 14. Who gave himself for us to redeem us from all Iniquity c. Forward there is a glorious Hope Looking for that blessed Hope c. There is nothing lost by God's Service the Lord might deal with us out of Soveraignty and rule us with a Rod of Iron but he is pleased to draw us with the Cords of a Man and with Bands of Love Hos. 11.3 to indent with us and propound Rewards as if we were altogether free before the Contract Men do not use to covenant with their Slaves we are bound to serve him whether there had been any Reward or no but the Lord will not leave us without an Encouragement We are apt to have hard Thoughts of God and to think him harsh and austere requiring Work but not giving Wages But consider we have the highest Motives as well as the noblest Work we are not only to live soberly righteously and godly in the present World but to look to the blessed Hope Life and Immortality is brought to light by the Gospel There is no such Encouragement to vertuous living any where as in the Gospel Lactantius saith of the Heathens Virtutis vim non sentiunt cujus premium ignorant They do not feel the force and transforming Power of Vertue because they are ignorant of the Reward of Vertue The Heathens had no such Encouragement as Immortality and Eternal Life and the happy Enjoyment of God and Christ for evermore But to handle the words a little more distinctly We have here 1. the Reward it self called a blessed Hope Then 2. the time when it shall be accomplished to the full at the coming of the Lord. Both these things you must look for Christians as often as you think of Eternal Life you must also think of Christ's Appearing Before we enter into Glory we must first give an Account Carnal Men fancy a Heaven without a Day of Judgment they would be saved but they would not be called to an audit and reckoning with God Many can brook sitting upon the Throne with Christ but not coming before his Tribunal but they that would live holily must look for both the blessed Hope and the glorious Appearing of Christ. Many Points may be observed out of this Verse Doct. I. That looking for the blessed Hope conduceth much to the Advancement of the Spiritual Life I. What this Looking is II. What Influence and Power it hath to work us to the Spiritual Life I. What this Looking is It implies Patience but chiefly Hope 1. Patience in waiting God's Leisure Patience is a Grace very needful in our Pilgrimage where we are exercised with so many Difficulties Heb. 10.36 For ye have need of Patience that after ye have done the Will of God ye might receive the Promise you do not only need Holiness but Patience It is long before we can bring our Hearts to do the Will of God but after that is done you have need of Patience that you may wait God's Leisure for your Reward For the Reward is not given till there be time for Labour and Exercise and Troubles coming on make time seem very long Whatever Grace we may spare we cannot spare Patience if we would persist in well-doing for we are to wait for the blessed Hope The good Ground bringeth forth Fruit with Patience Luke 8.15 Look as the Ground endures the Plough the Harrow the Cold the Frost that in due time the Seed may spring up so we have need of Patience that we may wait upon God for the blessed Hope And as Patience is very needful in the present Life so it is inseparable from Hope 1 Thess. 1.3 it is called the Patience of Hope To every Grace he gives a proper Action there is the Work of Faith the Labour of Love and the Patience of Hope Faith propounds Work Love makes us to labour and sweat at it and Hope makes us wait with Patience for our Reward and Recompence Rom. 8.25 But if we hope for that we see not then do we with Patience wait for it What we hope for we wait with Patience for between Hope and Having there is an intervening time to exercise Patience There is want of the thing desired and Delays are troublesome Now to keep looking is a Work of Patience 2. It chiefly implies Hope This looking for is the formal Act of Hope an actual Expectation of Blessedness to come Now because there 's a bastard and blind Hope and there is a regular and good Hope 2 Thess. 2.16 Who hath given us everlasting Consolation and good Hope through Grace therefore let me tell you First What this Expectation is not Secondly What it is First Negatively what it is not 1. It is not a blind Hope such a Hope as is found in Men ignorant and presumptuous that regard not what they do Presumption is a Child of Darkness as Hope is a Child of Light Presumption is the Fruit of Ignorance and Inconsideration When Men are once serious they find it the hardest matter in the World to hope for guilty Nature in it self is more presagious of Evil more inclinable to Fear and Sorrow than to Joy and Hope But yet a blind Confidence is very common because Men do not consider what they do but hand over head make a full account that they shall go to Heaven without Warrant and without Evidence And therefore you shall find it is one of the first things God works by the Word to break down our former carnal Hopes and make Men see they are out of the way lost and undone Creatures Paul in his presumptuous State thought he had as much to shew for Heaven as any Man in the World Rom. 7.9 I was alive without the Law once but when the Commandment came Sin revived and I died The Commandment coming in full Conviction upon his Heart he began to be serious and then he found himself lost and obnoxious to God's Judgment The Excellency of Hope doth not lie in the Strength
for her Purification given her at the King 's Cost Nay it is danger to neglect him Heb. 12.25 See that ye refuse not him that speaketh for if they escaped not who refused him that spake on Earth much more shall not we escape if we turn away from him that speaketh from Heaven It is God wooeth you he will take you with nothing you bring him nothing but Necessity but he will pay all your Debts Nay nothing can hurt you as long as he is on your side Rom. 8.31 If God be for us who can be against us Do not leave then till you can say as Thomas Joh. 20.28 My Lord and my God Take him but give him the Honour of a God Adoration Invocation Faith and Love Vse 3. Direction 1. If we would see God let us look on Christ as we look on the Sun in a Bas●n of Water Christ is the Character of his Father's Person Heb. 1.3 Who is the Brightness of his Glory and the express Image of his Person 2. If we would see Sin without Horror and Despair let us look on Christ all the heavenly Powers could not bring us into favour with God again Secondly For the Title of Mercy and Love Christ is a Saviour as well as the great God How is Christ the Saviour Take it thus Positively as well as Privatively he doth not only free us from Misery but gives us all spiritual Blessings Ephes. 1.3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Iesus Christ who hath blessed us with all spiritual Blessings in Heavenly Places in Christ. As he frees us from Misery so he gives us everlasting Life John 3.16 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting Life Then he is a Saviour not only by way of Deliverance but by way of Prevention he doth not only break the Snare but keeps our Feet from falling he not only cures our Diseases as a Physician when we are sick but he leads guides and keeps us as a Shepherd We do not take notice of preventive Mercy How many times might we fall if we had not a Saviour Prevention is better than Escape better never meet with Danger than be delivered out of Danger There is an invisible Guard we are not sensible of it but the Devil knows and is sensible of it Iob 1.10 Thou hast made an Hedg about him and about his House and about all that he hath on every side Again he is a Saviour by way of Merit and by way of Power not only to rescue us from Satan but to redeem us to God If a Man would deliver a condemned Person it is not enough to take him by force out of the Executioner's hands but he must satisfy the Judg. Thus hath Christ done not only delivered us from the Power of Darkness but God in Christ is well-pleased he hath satisfied his Father's Wrath. Again before his Exaltation he redeemed us then he deserved our Salvation and afterwards he works our Salvation When he was upon Earth he was a Saviour by Merit therefore it is said we have Salvation by his Death 1 Thess. 5.9 God hath not appointed us unto Wrath but to obtain Salvation by our Lord Iesus Christ who died for us And after his Exaltation he works out our Salvation and so we are saved by his Life Rom. 5.10 Much more being reconciled we shall be saved by his Life Living and dying he is ours that so living and dying we might be his Again he saves not only for a while so as we might be lost afterwards but for ever therefore it is called eternal Salvation Heb. 5.9 And being made perfect he became the Author of eternal Salvation unto all them that obey him He saves us not only from Temporal Misery but from Hell and Damnation he saves not only the Body but the Soul Nay he saves not only from Hell but the very fear of it Heb. 2.15 And deliver them who through fear of Death were all their Life-time subject to Bondage He not only delivers us from the hurt of Death but the fear of it He doth not only give us Heaven but Hope and frees us from Bondage and Despair He not only saves us from the Evils after Sin but from the Evil of Sin So Mat. 1.21 Thou shalt call his Name Iesus for he shall save his People from their Sins and there is the chief Point of his Salvation In short he not only saves us in part but to the utmost Heb. 7.25 Wherefore he is able also to save to the uttermost all that come unto God through him He not only gives us Grace at first but all things that are necessary to Life and Godliness Vse 1. Bless God for Christ that he hath taken the care of our Salvation into his own Hands he would not trust an Angel with it none was fit for it but him Isa. 59.16 He saw and there was no Man and wondred that there was no Intercessor therefore his Arm brought Salvation unto him and his Righteousness it sustained him Christ did as it were look down from Heaven and say Alas there are poor Creatu●es like to perish for want of a Saviour I will go down and help them my self Look as when Ionah saw the Storm he said Take me up and cast me into the Sea and then shall the Sea be calm to you Jonah 1.12 So when the Lord Christ saw the Tempest raised he said Cast me into the Sea Lo I come to do thy Will O God Heb. 10.9 The Storm was raised for Ionah's sake but we raised the Storm and yet Christ would be cast in to appease it Therefore bless God for Christ. Vse 2. Get an Interest in him O be not quiet till you are able to say Our Saviour You can take no Comfort in the great God until the next Title follows and you can call Christ your Saviour but that is matter of Joy and Comfort Luke 1.46 47. My Soul doth magnify the Lord and my Spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour But what shall we do that we may apply this 1. Reject all other Saviours Neither is there Salvation in any other for there is none other Name under Heaven given among Men whereby we must be saved Acts 4.12 Mark when God threatned a Deluge to sweep away the old World there was no Safety but in the Ark if the World had devised other Ships yet they would not hold out against the Flood So whatever you do unless you close with Christ and are grafted and implanted into Christ as Members of his Body for he is only the Saviour of his Body you are not safe But especially take heed of making a Saviour of Self that we are wont to set up instead of Christ of setting up the Merit of thy Works and the Power of thy Nature the one renounceth the Humiliation of Christ the other his Exaltation Be at a loss till you close with Christ for Christ came to seek and to save that which
and neglected It is very sad when God is provoked to swear to the Damnation of any Creature Who are the Persons that may stand in dread of this Oath why they that believe not Heb. 3.18 To whom swear he that they should not enter into his Rest but to them that believe not It is the Sin of Unbelief after many tenders and offers of Mercy which provokes God to this Indignation Here is Oath against Oath the one to drive us the other to draw us and pull in the Heart to God If you continue in this course you shall have neither Part nor Portio● in Christ nor in the Land of Promise It is better to be satisfied with God's Oath in Mercy than to run the hazard of his Oath in Judgment Therefore speak to Conscience Do I come up to this Certainty and Confidence Is the Controversy ended between God and me Are all Suspicions laid aside Obj. But you will say I do not doubt of the Truth of the Gospel but of my own ●nterest I doubt that I am the Person to whom God hath sworn The Truth of God is sure but my Interest is not clear Sol. In Answer to this consider 1. It doth but seem so that all Doubts are about our own Interest● but it is not so indeed If once you were heartily perswaded of God's good Affection in Christ Doubts and Scruples about our own Estate would soon vanish Look as the Fire when it is well kindled bursts out of its own accord into a Flame so if Faith were once well laid in the Soul if Men could rest upon these two immutable things Consolation would not be so far from them if there were a firm Assent to the Doctrine of the Gospel there would not be so many Buts if you did firmly believe his Mercy in Christ it would soon end in a stedfast Confidence This appeareth from the nature of the thing All Uncertainty ariseth either from a Neglect of the great Salvation or else from Trouble of Conscience Now carnal Men neglect it because they are not perswaded of the Worth and Excellency of it and Men under Horrors of Conscience distrust it they are such Sinners they dare not apply it and are so full of Doubts and Scruples because they are not perswaded of the Truth of the Gospel See how the Apostle proposeth the Gospel 1 Tim. 1. ●5 This is a faithful Saying and worthy of all Acceptation that Iesus Christ came into the World to save Sinners of whom I am chief If negligent and carnal Men would but look upon it as worthy of all Acceptation and troubled Conscience look upon it as a faithful Saying there would be more regular Actings and Effects found in their Hearts and Lives the Negligent would give more Diligence and the Contrite would rise up into a greater Hope and Confidence If Men did believe the Worth of Salvation they would not run after lying Vanities If they did believe the Truth of Salvation for Sinners there would not be so many Scruples and Fears It is notable that the Scriptures very seldom do press Assurance of the Subject but Assurance of the Object in very many places to believe the Doctrine it self for there is the greatest Difficulty and in the Word of God we have no Precedent of any that were troubled about their own Interest If an Earthly King should proclaim a general Pardon and an Act of Grace to all Persons in Rebellion only on terms of Submission and laying down their Hostility and returning to their Duty and Allegiance the Doubt would not be of their own Interest but of the truth of his Intention to shew them such Grace and Mercy So it is with God he hath proclaimed Terms of Grace in the Gospel provided we will lay down the Weapons of our Defiance and return to the Duty of our Allegiance now that which we suspect is the Heart of God and the Gospel in the general whether there be Mercy for such kind of Sinners as we are 2. Because we cannot perswade Men to a Certainty against their Consciences what should hinder but that now you should establish your Interest and that you now make your Plea and Claim according to God's Word and Oath for Joy must arise from a Sense of it Your complaining is not the way to ease your Conscience but Obedience It is an Advantage to find our selves in an ill Condition not a Discouragement As the Woman in the Gospel made an Argument of that that she was a Dog Mat. 15.27 Truth Lord yet the Dogs eat of the Crumbs that fall from their Masters Table As when the Man-slayer saw the Avenger of Blood at his Heels this made him mend his pace and fly for Refuge so when we see we are under the Wrath of God this should make us more earnest to look after Christ and Salvation in and by him The Cities of Refuge under the Law stood open for every Comer and there was free Admission till their Cause was heard So Christ is the Sanctuary of a pursued Soul and whosoever comes shall be received Iohn 6.37 Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out God excludeth none but those that exclude themselves No Sin is excepted but the Sin against the Holy Ghost Therefore make your Claim till your Cause be heard The great Affront we put upon God's Oath is not so much doubting of our Condition but not running to Christ for Refuge If we still stand complaining of our lost Estate and do not attempt the Work of Faith we put an Affront upon God's Oath If the Lord had bid thee do some great thing I allude to the Speech of Naaman's Servants wouldst thou not have done it to be freed from Death and Hell How much rather when he saith unto thee Only come fly as for thy Life and see if I will cast thee out Take up a Resolution to try God and see if he will not be as good as his Word and Oath Say Lord thou hast given two immutable Grounds of Hope here I come I will wait to see what thou wilt do for me in Christ. 3. I answer Do but see whether thy Interest in Christ be not established or no Here is the lowest Qualification of an Heir of Promise and yet the highest and most solemn way of Assurance Here are two immutable Grounds and yet what 's the Description we who have fled for Refuge to lay hold upon the Hope set before 〈◊〉 Here is a driving Work that belongs to the Law implied in these words We fly 〈◊〉 Refuge then a drawing Work which belongs to the Gospel in these words To lay hold on the Hope set before us The Law begins and works preparatively as Moses brought the Children of Israel to the Borders then Ioshua led them into the Land of Canaan The Law shews us our Bondage and makes us fly for Refuge but then the Gospel pulls in the Heart to God There is a necessity of the preparing
of fruitfulness Rev. 2.10 Be thou Faithful to the Death and I will give ●hee a Crown of Life 1 Thess. 2.19 What is our Hope or Ioy or Crown of Rejoicing Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Iesus Christ at his coming Vse 1. Let this asswage the Envy and Trouble of the meanest If thy Gifts be mean thy Account will be so much the easier Alas it is no easy thing to stand in the Judgment How much have others to account for 2. To perswade those who have received greater Gifts than others to do so much the more good with them That which God will accept from others he will not accept from you You will be deeper in the state of Condemnation if your Fruit be not proportionable The Rich in this World must be rich in good Works 1 Tim. 6.18 That they do good that they be rich in good VVorks ready to distribute willing to communicate Those that have more Helps than ordinary should have the more Grace He fenced it and gathered out the Stones thereof and planted it with the choicest Vine c. and looked that it should bring forth Grapes Isa. 5.2 Heb. 6.7 8. The Earth which drinketh in the Rain that cometh oft upon it and bringeth sorth Herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed receiveth Blessing from God But that which beareth Thorns and Briars is rejected and is nigh unto Cursing whose end is to be burned So for them that have more Grace Others have common Mercies but you have the great and special Mercies and should not you abound in Love and Holiness You are made partakers of a Divine Nature and therefore you should be somewhat more than ordinary Men. You have the Spirit and will you not walk in the Spirit and mortify the Flesh by it Surely God expecteth more from you for he hath given you more and will do more for you As there is a great difference between Heaven and Hell so should there be between your Lives and theirs that shall perish for ever A SERMON UPON DEUT. XXXII 51 Because ye trespassed against me among the Children of Israel at the Waters of Meribah-Kadesh in the Wilderness of Zin because ye sanctified me not in the midst of the Children of Israel I Shall give you some Strictures or short Notes on this Scripture The Words contain a Reason why Moses and Aaron were shut out of Canaan Because of their Sin at Meribah-Kadesh or the Waters of Strife Their Sin is doubly expressed here 1. Ye trespassed against me 2. Ye sanctified me not The one Expression seemeth to imply a Sin of Commission Ye trespassed against me that is disobeyed God The other a Sin of Omission Ye sanctified me not in the Eyes of the Children of Israel Or rather the one is a more general Expression it was a Trespass The other more particular shewing what sort of Trespass it was Not sanctifying God For the first This Sin is called Numb 27.14 A Rebellion against the Commandment of the Lord. In the Text a Trespass or a Transgression For the second More particularly Not sanctifying God is a Transgression with a Scandal annexed to it To sanctify God is to carry our selves to him as to a God of such Glory and Power to fear him above all and to love him and trust him above all In short to do that which God commandeth depending upon his Word and Promise by which we ascribe to him the Glory of his Truth Goodness and Power as counting him worthy to be feared and trusted whatever Temptations we have to the contrary Thus Isa. 8.13 Sanctify the Lord of Hosts himself and let him be your Fear and let him be your Dread 1 Pet. 3.15 Sanctify the Lord God in your Hearts and be ready always to give an answer to every Man that asketh you a Reason of the Hope that is in you with meekness and fear There was a Scandal annexed for it is said in the Text Among the Children of Israel and in the midst of the Children of Israel And elsewhere in the Eyes of the Children of Israel They publickly dishonoured God before all the People Moses used like words of Unbelief when the People lusted for Flesh at Taberah as now he did at Meribah when they murmured for want of Water Numb 11.21 22. And Moses said The People among whom I am are six hundred thousand Footmen and thou hast said I will give them Flesh that they may eat a whole Month. Shall the Flocks and the Herds be slain for them to suffice them Or shall all the Fish of the Sea be gathered together for them to suffice them And the Lord said unto Moses Is the Lord's Hand waxed short thou shalt see now whether my Word shall come to pass to thee or not Unbelief will be always urging Difficulties against God's Promises But there was no threatning then that Unbelief was only professed in Secret only before the Lord but this was before all Israel And both Moses and Aaron are charged with this Sin and being both Partners in the Transgression they are both concerned in the Chastisement both are shut out of Canaan and died the one at Mount Hor the other at Mount Nebo Doct. That the Sins even of God's Children may cost them dear here in this World I. I shall reflect on the Instance in the Text. II. Give you general Reasons I. To give you some Reflections on the Instance in the Text. The History of it you have Numb 20. The People when the Water failed gather together against Moses and Aaron to chide ver 3. that is to resist or speak with bitter and reproachful words They menaced and therefore Moses and Aaron withdrew for fear of them and because of their Outrages and fell upon their Faces praying in the Door of the Sanctuary ver 6. and it is said the Glory of the Lord appeared to them that is in the Cloud as a sign that he heard their Prayer and would save them And the Lord biddeth Moses ver 8. to take his Rod and he and Aaron to speak to the Rock to give out Water enough for all Israel for them and their Beasts And this speaking to the Rock was to be done in the sight and hearing of all the People Upon this Moses and Aaron gather all the Congregation together before the Rock ver 10 11. and then he said Hear now ye Rebels must we fetch Water for you out of this Rock And he lift up his Hand and with his Rod smote the Rock twice and Water came out abundantly and the Congregation drank and their Beasts also This is the account of the History The Question now is Wherein was Moses his Sin in all this Some think in that Moses smote the Rock and spake to the People It is not said that he spake to the Rock as he is commanded by God he should only have spoken to the Rock not have smitten it But when God biddeth him take his Rod
Zealous and Earnest he came running to him It was Humble he kneeled down to him and besides it was Civil and Respectful he calls him Rabbi and gives him the title of good Good Master he comes with a kind Compellation which shews his Reverence and Respect to Christ This was the Manner of his Address 4. The Question it self which is weighty and serious What shall I do to Inherit Eternal Life Out of all these Circumstances take this Observation Doct. That men may go very far in a sense of Religion and yet come short of True Grace I give it with respect to the Context This young man is a pregnant Instance he went far for as this Text delivers his Character to us you will find few his Equals and the most part of the World left behind him Here 's a Young Man a Rich man a Noble man that is troubled about Salvation and seems to forget himself and his Dignity he comes running to Christ kneels to him and puts a serious Question but yet he came short the Context shews that for when he heard of Christs terms he went away sorrowful To make good the Observation 1. I shall shew what was Commendable in this Young Man 2. Where the defect and fault was for here seems to be nothing but what is fair and plausible he comes and he comes kneeling to Christ and says Good Master what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life I. There is something yea much commendable in him and worthy of Imitation and that will appear by considering 1. The Question which he puts 2. The Quality of the Person that propounded it 3. The Manner how First The Question asked What shall I do that I may inherit Eternal Life This for the substance of it is a good Question and very necessary for all to ask Our Hearts would be in a much better frame than they are if we did ask it more and ask it oftner O how shall we do to be saved 1. It is not a Question about another Man but himself We read of an impertinent Question put by Peter to Christ Iohn 21.21 Lord what shall this man do Many do not look inward and are busie about the Concernments of others but here it is not What shall they do or what shall others do But Good Master What is my Duty what shall I do to be saved 2. It is not a curious Question or the Proposal of some intricate Doubt and nice debate Titus 3.9 Avoid foolish Questions Curious Questions argue wantonness they that are Heart whole will dispute and wrangle about unprofitable needless points but neglect those that are most weighty and necessary and it is a true Rule Deficit in necessariis qui redundat in superfluis Those that wholly give up themselves to vain janglings neglect more necessary and profitable matters But the Young Mans Question is not about curious Speculations but a weighty point What shall I do to be saved 3. It is not about the Body but the Soul There are things necessary for the outward Man and Questions of that Nature are too rise with us What shall we eat and what shall we drink and what shall we put on Mat. 6.25 All Mens care is about the Body and these worldly Questions do most perplex their Hearts How shall I be cloathed and fed But this Young Man's Question is not about any matter of the World but the saving of his Soul How shall I do to live for ever with God 4. About his Soul he doth not ask a frivolous or small thing but a thing of the greatest moment in all Divinity What shall I do that I may inherit eternal Life A weighty matter the weightiest of all others Mat. 6.33 Seek first the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness Prov. 4.7 Wisdom is the principal thing therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting get understanding And certainly such a Question as this discovers a good Spirit 1. That he was no Sadducee for he enquires after Eternal Life which they denyed The Young Man was one that did believe Heaven and Hell and enquires after the way how to escape the one and obtain the other 2. It discovers some Thoughtfulness about it Many of Christ's own Disciples dreamt of an earthly Kingdom they were ever putting Questions to Christ about it Acts 1.6 Lord wilt thou at this time restore again the Kingdom to Israel But his thoughts were more upon the Kingdom of Heaven than upon a Temporal reign which they fancyed to themselves 3. It discovered that which was very sensible of the connexion that is between the End and the Means that something must be done in order to Eternal Life There are some men that would have Heaven and Happiness but are loath to be at the cost Numb 23.10 Let me dye the death of the Righteous and let my latter end be like nis At oportuit sic vixisse but we must live so if we would dye so It is presumptuous folly to hope for the End without the Means there are Means leading to the End which must be enquired after and regarded by us Well then so far the Pharisee is right that without Holiness no man shall see the Lord. 4. This Question so put discovers that he was sensible that a slight thing would not serve the turn not a little saying and outward Profession This was not a vain and loose Person but a moral Man and one that had done much yet What good thing must I do 5. This was the Errand and great thing that brought him to Christ to find the way to Heaven and true Happiness The Man was rich but he saw that his happiness lay not in Riches but in everlasting Salvation and thereupon he goes to Christ to learn how he should do to obtain it There were many which followed Christ upon other Accounts some for his Miracles he cured their Diseases others for the Loaves Ioh. 6.26 but he comes to him about Eternal Life 5. This Question was seriously put he did not ask it in jest but in the greatest earnest When men are convinced things now begin to be real and seem other than formerly they did they think and speak and talk like men in another World Sin is another thing they were wont to marvel what made men keep such a do about Sin What great harm was it to take a little forbidden pleasure That it was hard measure to be held so closely to Duty but now they have other Thoughts some are anxious all are solicitous and careful and enter into consultation about the means of Salvation When the Corinthians were made sorry by Paul's Letter 2 Cor. 7.11 What carefulness it wrought in you In short that I may gather up all I have said Necessary Questions are better than those which are nice and impertinent and Practical Questions are better than Speculative and Questions about Spiritual and Eternal things are better than those that only concern Temporal Questions about
of Faith There were Moralities among the Heathens far more exact than are to be found among many Christians As Dogs excell Man in acuteness of smell and sense it is their Perfection so do many Heathens excell abundance that go for Christians in Temperance Justice Meekness and a command of their Passions they that were never acquainted with Christ and the Spirit were civil and harmless therefore to be a meer Moral Man certainly is not enough Paul saith of himself before he was acquainted with Christ that he was as touching the Righteousness which is of the Law blameless Phil. 3.6 And the Apostle hath taught us to live Godly as well as Soberly and Righteously in this present World Titus 2.12 There is a living in Communion with God as well as being fair to Men and therefore a Man may be civil and harmless but such as are not Vicious rather than Vertuous and Gracious the meer Rational Life is one thing and the Spiritual Life another thing Then take the Comparative part they live better than others so did the Pharisee Luk. 18.11 God I thank thee I am not as other men are yet Christ saith Mat. 5.20 Except your righteousness exceed the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees ye shall in no case enter into the Kingdom of Heaven Among Blind men the Purblind is a kind of King and guide of them all A man may not be as bad as others and yet not so good as God requires Gal. 6.4 Let every man prove his own work and then he shall have rejoycing in himself alone and not in another It is a miserable thing when a Man hath no other Ground of Confidence but the Sins of others he is good because others are worse he hath no rejoycing in himself but only from the sinfulness of others Or suppose that a Man be better than himself was heretofore there is a Moral Change as well as a Supernatural a Reformation as well as a Regeneration As a wanton Young Man that came in to Zenocrates his Lecture half drunk with his head crown'd with Rose-buds and when he heard a Discourse of Temperance he was converted by his Lecture and betook himself to a sober Course So a Man may cast off his Youthful vanities and may be changed from being Riotous to be more sober and yet be far from Grace A Sow washed is a Sow still What is short of Regeneration is short of Salvation Therefore do not think because of a civil orderly Life you do enough this is a sottish Principle and keeps us from the Righteousness of God 2. Here is another of their Errors They are born and bred up in the bosom of the Church and true Religion and because they are Baptized and profess the Faith of Christ therefore they think they ever had Faith and a good Heart towards God and do not see why or from what they should be Converted It was a wonderful thing to Nicodemus to hear that a Man should be Born again as strange as if a Man should enter again into his Mothers womb John 3.4 They are wholly Ignorant of any Change of Soul or State and mind it not So the Jews when Christ told them of being made free from the Bondage of Sin Iohn 8.33 We be Abrahams Seed and were never in Bondage to any man how sayest thou Ye shall be made free Alas Men neglect their inward Spiritual Estate and are not sensible of setting their Souls free from the Fetters of Lusts and Carnal Affections that they may pursue their chiefest Good Nothing so hard and heavy as Spiritual Bondage and yet is little known and little discerned in the World They live in the Bondage of Sin with as much delight as Fishes in their own Element and all this while they are pufft up with Carnal Dreams of their own Priviledges and Worth These are the Men that are said to need no Repentance Luk. 15.7 that is in their own Conceit those that do not see why or from what they should be Converted 3. They own no difference between a State of Nature and a State of Grace they know no such thing as passing from Death to Life and therefore are never troubled about it All the Lord's People are holy Numb 16.3 and it is factious to make such Distinctions they have put no difference between the holy and prophane neither have they shewed difference between the clean and unclean Ezek. 22.26 As if all were of one Lump and all should fare alike and therefore think themselves as good as the best 4. That those that are blameless before Men and well spoken of in the World need not doubt of their acceptance with God O No God's Tryal is one thing and Mens another Men see no further then the Outside but God regards the frame of the Heart 1 Sam. 16.7 Man looketh on the outward appearance but the Lord looketh on the heart Therefore thô a Man cannot be justly taxed before men yet this is nothing before the All-seeing God Psal. 143.2 Enter not into judgment with thy Servant for in thy sight shall no man living be justified Non dicit cum hostibus tuis sed cum servo tuo David doth not say Lord enter not into Judgment with thine Enemies but with thy Servant 5. Another sottish Maxim is That petty Sins are not to be stood upon They shall do well enough if they never Sin more nor worse as the Omission of good Duties in their Closets or Families lesser Oaths vain Speeches idle Sport whereas Christ saith By thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned Mat. 12.37 Light things may weigh heavy in God's Ballance Well then until the Soul be dispossessed of these sottish Conceits it cannot be but they must overween their own Righteousness and think too well of themselves and of their Estate before God Thirdly Self-love is the Reason of it Prov. 16.2 All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes but the Lord weigheth the Spirits A Man is very Blind and partial in his own Cause and will not own any Opinion and Conceit against himself There is an Emphasis in that his own Eyes surely Man would favour himself and be friendly to himself we have a double Instance of this in Scripture Iudah was severe against Tamar when he thought her to be with Child by another Man Gen. 38.24 Bring her forth and let her be burnt But when she shewed him the Tokens the Ring the Staff and Bracelets and that he was the Man then he becomes gentle enough So David when his own Story was represented to him in the case of a third Person that took away the Ewe-Lamb from the poor Man he says in a heat As the Lord liveth the man that hath done this thing shall surely dye 2 Sam. 12.5 but when the Prophet closeth with him and told him Thou art the man all this is spoken to thee he was more calm All this is spoken to
the midst of Difficulties such a fickle and such a changeable Creature as Man is how can that be 1 Pet. 1. Who are kept by the Power of God through Faith unto Salvation The Power of God is engaged for our Defence So for Temporal Difficulties when we see no means no likelihood to escape yet we are not thoughtful of this matter for our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and he will deliver us out of thy hand O King Dan. 3.17 In Death when we go to the Grave to moulder into dust and rottenness then to look upon the Morsels of Worms as parcels of the Resurrection what shall uphold and support our Hearts in waiting upon God for this Phil. 3.21 Who shall change our vile Body that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious Body according to the working whereby he is able to subàne all things unto himself The Scripture still referrs us to the mighty Power of God whereby he can subdue and cause all to fall under him The Destruction of Antichrist and Enemies of the Church who are supported by great and strongly combined Interests how can that ever be hoped for Rev. 18.8 Her plagues shall come in one day death and mourning and famine and she shall be utterly burnt with fire for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her and that is the greatest Cordial of the Soul The Life of Faith lyes in the Belief of God's Power and All-sufficiency He can raise up the Church from her low Condition and all without any means when all is dry Bones then God can put Life into his People 2. To encourage us in Obedience it is good to believe and improve the Power of God 1. That we may carry it more humbly and more dutifully 1 Pet. 5.6 Humble your selves under the mighty hand of God This is that which begets a deep awe and reverence of his Majesty Shall we not submit to that God that is able to crush us O therefore let us Study to please him in all things When you sin you bid de●iance to the Almighty and enter into the Lists with God and provoke him to jealousie 1 Cor. 10.22 Do we provoke the Lord to jealousie are we stronger than he Do you know what it is to dash against God and Contest with God He that is Almighty is the most desirable Friend or the most dreadful Adversary and therefore humble your selves and carry it dutifully towards him Every one would be in with the Almighty Be sure to keep in with the Lord Deut. 10.17 For the Lord our God is a God of Gods and Lord of Lords a great God a mighty and a terrible which regardeth not persons nor taketh reward Will you provoke him and dare him to his Face 2. To keep us upright in Obedience without Warping and using any Carnal shifts Gen. 17.1 I am the Almighty God walk before me and be thou perfect God alone is enough to you The Reason why we so often step out of the way is because we do not believe God to be Almighty that he is more able to defend than Man to hurt Even God's own Children may warp for want of a sound belief of this Abraham saved himself by a Lye because he would not trust God with his Preservation Gen. 20.11 Moses was backward to do the Lord's Message Exod. 4.13 as if God could not bear him out before Pharaoh and before the Egyptians There was a Promise Iacob should have the Blessing but Rebecka puts him upon using indirect means to obtain it because she could not trust God's Al● sufficiency to bring it about He that will not trust God and rest upon his Power cannot be long faithful to him because they think there is not enough in God they will seek elsewhere All sincerity ariseth from these two things and until you get your Hearts into this Frame you never will be sincere submitting all things to God's Will and resting upon God's Power How desperate soever the Case be this will relieve you and keep you sincere and comfortable the Lord is a powerful God and knows how to provide for his Glory and for your sustentation Now to quicken you thus to believe and improve the Power of God I will offer these Considerations 1. Consider the Amplitude of God's Power which is not to be measured by our scantling and model we can do something but God can do all things we must have Matter prepar'd but God works out of nothing we do things difficultly and must have time but God can do all things in a moment he needs no Instruments or Tools no Pattern or Copy but worketh all things according to the Counsel of his Will We rust with Age and our strength is dryed up but the Lord's hand is not shortened that it cannot save Isa. 59.1 His strength is never wasted or dryed up When any thing is to be done or expected from God is it greater than making the World and God is where he was at first Our knowledge of things is by Effects but God never had an Effect adequate to his Power he hath done great things but he hath Power to do greater Mal. 2.15 And did not he make one yet had he the residue of the Spirit When he Created the World he had the residue of the Spirit he could have made more Worlds All Created Effects are finite and therefore not fully answerable to the force of the Cause Let us be still enlarging in our Thoughts of God's Power This is a Power that needeth not the Concurrence of visible means but can work without them yea opposite Power is no hinderance to God Rubbs are plain Ground to him Isa. 27.4 Who would set the bryars and thorns against me in battle I would go through them I would burn them together What can Bryers and Thorns do against a devouring Flame they are fit Fuel to encrease the Fire but cannot hinder the burning God works through all Opposition Isa. 43.13 I will work and who shall lett it 2. Consider this Power is ready to be employed for our Use so far as it shall make for God's glory and our good God is ours if we be in Covenant with him and if so all that is in God is ours also Quantus quantus est as great as he is God makes over himself in Covenant I am yours therefore Almightiness is yours to be set a work for you And as Aristotle said 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 All things are common between Friends and Confederates 1 Kings 22.4 Iehoshaphat said unto the King of Israel I am as thou art my People as thy People my Horses as thy Horses Surely being in Covenant with God it is a Relation of Friendship and whatever is God's is ours and that is the reason of this Expression Eph. 6.10 Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might In all our Faintings and Fears we should look upon God's Almighty Power as a
with some Joy and the Life in some measure reformed at least from grosser Sins called escaping the pollutions of the World 2 Pet. 2.20 But the Impression is not deep enough nor is the Joy and Delight rooted enough to encounter all Temptations to the contrary Therefore this sense of Religion may be choaked or worn off either by the Cares of this World or voluptuous Living or great and bitter Persecutions and Troubles for Righteousness sake It is a common Deceit many are perswaded that Jesus is the Christ the only Son of God and so are moved to embrace his Person and in some measure to obey his Precepts and to depend upon his Promises and fear his Threatnings and so by consequence to have their Hearts loosned from the World in part and seem to preferr Christ and their Duty to him above worldly things as long as no Temptations do assault their Resolutions or sensual Objects stand not up in any considerable Strength to entice them But at length when they find his Laws so strict and Spiritual and contrary either to the bent of their Affections or worldly Interests They fall off and lose all their Taste and relish of the Hopes of the Gospel and so declare plainly that they were not rooted and grounded in the Faith and Hope thereof This is true Faith generally considered which Foundation being laid it will be easie to shew the Nature of Special Faith which now followeth to be discussed Secondly The Special Objects of Faith are God's Transactions about Man's Salvation by Christ therefore besides the General Faith there is a Special Faith whereby we receive Christ and rest upon him Saving Faith is called a receiving of Christ Ioh. 1.12 To as many as received him to them gave he power to become the Sons of God even to them that believe in his Name And Col. 2.6 As ye have received Christ Iesus the Lord so walk ye in him We take him as God offereth him and to the ends for which God offereth him to do that for us and to be that to us which God hath appointed him to do for and to be unto poor Sinners The General Work of Christ as Mediatour is to bring us to God 1 Pet. 3.18 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us to God And the great use that we make of him is to come to God by him There is implyed in Faith an Intention of God as our Chiefest Good for otherwise Christ is of no use to us and a Consent to Christ's undertaking that he may bring us to God or a thankful acceptance of him for those ends All they are rejected that will have none of him Psal. 81.11 12. But my people would not hearken to my voice and Israel would none of me so I gave them up unto their own hearts lust and they walked in their own Counsels That will not come to him that they may have life John 6.40 That will not have him to reign over them Luke 19.27 But they who consent to receive him as their Lord and Saviour are accepted with him only let us see how this Consent is qualified 1. It is not a Rash Consent but such as is deliberate and serious and well-advised When God in the Gospel biddeth us to take Christ Men are ready to say With all their Hearts but they do not consider what it is to receive Christ and therefore retract their Consent as soon as 't is made No you must sit down and count the Charges Luke 14. When you have considered his strict Laws and made a full allowance for incident Difficulties and Temptations and can resolve forsaking all others to cleave to him alone for Salvation it is an advised Consent 2. It must not be a forced and involuntary Consent such as a Person maketh when he is frighted into a little Righteousness for the present such as a Person would not yield to if he were in a State of Liberty It may be in a distress or pang of Conscience by all means they must have Christ when Sick when afraid to dye when under some great Judgment No the Will must be effectually enclined to him and to God the Father by him as our utmost Fecility and End Christ's People are a willing People Psal. 110.3 Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power 3. It must be a resolved Consent a fixed not an Ambulatory Will which we take up for a purpose or at some certain times for a solemn Duty or so No you must cleave to him Acts 11.23 He exhorted them all that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord. You must trample upon every thing that will seperate you from him Phil. 3.8 9. Yea doubtless and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Iesus my Lord for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and do count them but d●ng that I may win Christ c. And Rom. 8. from the 36 th to the end I am perswaded that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come Nor heighth nor depth nor any other Creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. 4. It must be not a partial Consent but Total not only to take Christ as offered with his Benefits but a Consent of Subjection to him as our Lord. We are to take him and his Yoke Mat. 11.29 Take my Yoke upon you and learn of me We are to take him and his Cross Mat. 16.24 If any man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his Cross and follow me It is accompanyed with a Resolution to obey his Laws and keep his Commandments that we may abide in his Love Thirdly Besides this Consent there must be a Recumbency Dependance Resting or a fiduciary Relyance upon him for all things we stand in need of from him Recumbency is a Special Act of Faith Isa. 26.3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusteth in thee Now what do we rest upon him for For somewhat Here and somewhat Hereafter 1. Here For the Inward Man for all kind of Grace Justification Sanctification Priviledges Duties for the Beginning and Continuance Phil. 1.6 Being confident of this very thing that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it untill the day of Iesus Christ And Acts 5.31 Him hath God exalted to be a Prince and a Saviour for to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of Sins He is the Author and Fountain of Grace as well as a Lord and Law-giver and the ground of our Hope and Confidence as giving us that Righteousness whereby we may stand before God and have comfortable access to him And then for the Outward Man God hath not only undertaken to give us Heaven and Happiness in the
Eye is Faith which is the Evidence of things not seen we are are as sure of them as if we saw them with our Eyes or as we are of those things which we now see with our Eyes The Sight of Faith may be considered either 1. As to its Certainty and Clearness 2. As to its Power and Efficacy First As to its Certainty and Clearness We do so see God Heaven Christ that we are affected in some measure as if we saw them with our Bodily Eyes God whilst we walk before him Acts 2.25 I foresaw the Lord always before my Face Christ Gal. 3.1 Before whose eyes Iesus Christ hath been evidently set forth crucified among you Christ was set forth before their Eyes as if they had seen him hanging and dying upon the Cross. Heaven They have it in their Eye and are affected in some measure as if they were in the midst of the Glory of the World to come I say only in some measure for compare the Light of Faith and the Light of Glory and there is a difference in the degree The Light of Glory nullifieth Sin the Light of Faith only mortifyeth it but yet really it maketh us do those things which we would do if we saw the Glory of Heaven shun those things which are to be avoided as if we saw the Flames of Hell There is a Certainty and Firm Belief which hath a great Influence upon us so compare it with the Light of Sense Those things which we are to see and feel move the more passionately for while the Soul dwelleth in Flesh and looketh out by the Senses the Objects of Sense are more apt to move the Passions but yet Faith doth effectually move us thô not so passionately Secondly As to Efficacy and Prevalency this Sight prevails over those things which we see and feel A Christian hath Senses as well as others and knoweth that he dwelleth in a World full of sensible Objects which are pleasing to that Flesh which he still carrieth about with him but God hath opened the Eyes of his Mind by which he seeth better and more Glorious things which take up his Heart and Mind Life and Love Care and Time and so is weaned from Sense-pleasing Vanities and can deny them and trample upon them for the Enjoyment of these better Things and neither Life nor any thing comfortable to Life is counted so dear as that for their sake he should hazard the Favour of God his Redeemers Blessing and the Happiness of the World to come if Sight and Sense invite and entice him to Sin and forsake his God and Christ the Objects of Faith prevail against the Musements of Sense and sway his Choice and encline his Heart and govern his Resolutions in the whole Course of his Life He looketh not to things as they seem for the present or Relief to the Flesh or as they appear to short-sighted men who are governed by Sense but as they will appear at last and will prove to all Eternity and so can leave things which he seeth and feeleth for things which he never saw but expecteth shortly to enjoy Well then This is the Essential Property of Faith to look to things not seen by Sense but revealed by God in his Word and this Property sheweth its self in all the Acts of Faith Elicite and Imperate Elicite Acts are those which are proper to this Grace Imperate are such as belong to other Graces but Faith hath an Influence upon them by Vertue of which they are produced We may more plainly call them Acts and Effects 1. As the Acts of Faith which are Assent Consent Trust or Dependance 1. For Assent to such Truths as God hath revealed in his Word When we have sufficient Evidence of this Revelation the less sensible Helps we need to underprop our Assent the stronger is our Faith Let me Instance in the great Article of the Christian Faith Christs Person and Office I shall produce that place of the Apostle 1 Pet. 1.8 Whom having not seen ye love in whom though now ye see him not yet believing ye rejoyce with joy unspeakable and full of Glory Tho' they had never seen Christ in the Flesh and he was now absent from them in regard of his Bodily Presence being withdrawn into the Heavenly Sacrary yet this did not hinder their Faith they loved him and rejoyced in him as if they had seen him and conversed with him Bodily It was an advantage certainly to have seen Christ in the Flesh and to Converse with him Personally here upon Earth to see his Miracles and hear his gracious words But Faith can embrace him as offered in the Promise tho' it never saw him in the Flesh and the fewer sensible Helps Faith hath besides the Word it is the more highly esteemed by Jesus Christ. The same appeareth by Christs words to Thomas Joh. 20.29 Thomas because thou hast seen thou hast believed but blessed are they that have not seen yet have believed Thomas must have the Object of Faith under the view of his Senses which argued a great weakness and Imbecility Vnless I see in his hand the print of the Nails and put my Finger into the print of the Nails I will not believe What if Christ would not give him that satisfaction but other sufficient Evidence This was his Infirmity therefore Christ telleth us they have the stronger and more acceptable Faith that do not give Laws to Heaven or prescribe to God upon what Terms they will believe but accept of the Assurance God offereth without Satisfaction to Sense 2. For Consent When we come to enter into Covenant with God God is Invisible who maketh the Promise and Heaven which is the great Promise that he hath promised us is future and yet to come and lyeth in another World and before we get thither we must encounter many Difficulties yea shoot the Gulf of Death but the Believer can as really and heartily Transact with the Great God and give the Hand to the Lord to become his as he can with a Man that is present and offereth a good Bargain upon easie Terms and Conditions he hath so firm a Belief of the Life to come that he taketh it for his Portion and Happiness 2 Cor. 4.18 While we look not at the things which are seen but at the things which are not seen he looketh to things unseen which he taketh for his Treasure and Happiness and is resolved to be any thing and do any thing which God will have him be and do that he may obtain it 3. Another Elicite Act of Faith is Trust and Dependance which maintaineth us in a Course of patient and chearful Obedience to God tho' our Happiness be yet to come yea tho' for the present we are harras'd with great Troubles and Afflictions and it may be see not the Signs i. e. any sensible Tokens of God's Favour and Respect to us Yet the Sight of an Invisible God and Confidence of a future Reward
he that forbeareth let him forbear for they are a rebellious House As if God should say Let them now do what they will I am at a point Now sometimes their Condition is irreversible which is clear because when God hath given them over how shall they repent and break off their Sin God's Oath is past Psal. 95.11 Vnto whom I sware in my Wrath that they should not enter into my Rest. God standeth sworn to condemn and destroy them If they should have any Anguish of Conscience and Remorse stirred up in them God will have no regard to it Prov. 1.26 27. I also will laugh at your Calamity I will mock when your Fear cometh when your Fear cometh as Desolation and your Destruction cometh as a Whirlwind when Distress and Anguish cometh upon you Hosea 5.6 They shall go with their Flocks and with their Herds to seek the Lord but they shall not find him he hath withdrawn himself from them When Men have neglected God's Seasons and begin to be surprized with Death then they would fain have Comfort and Pardon but instead thereof the Lord puts them off No you would have none of me Psal. 81.11 12. But my People would not hearken to my Voice and Israel would none of me So I gave them up unto their own Hearts Lust and they walked in their own Counsels Instead of Compassion they are mocked and turned over to their evil Courses and carnal Company Joh. 8.21 I go my way and ye shall seek me and shall die in your Sins That this may be before Death appeareth because Grace is confined to a Season Isa. 55.6 Seek ye the Lord while he may be found call ye upon him while he is near And that Season is not always as long as Life Luke 19.42 If thou hadst known even thou at least in this thy Day the things which belong to thy Peace but now they are hid from thine Eyes The Day of Grace is bright but short We may mourn over many thus when the Measure of their Iniquities is filled up God giveth over calling and expecting and waiting for their Repentance It is true the time is not to be known by any Man of himself nor by others concerning him we cannot state the number of Calls because Circumstances are diverse and Light breaketh in with Warnings in a different degree There is a great deal of variety in the Lord's Dispensations therefore all must use the Means and warn we must to the last We can only say in the general that after God hath done with them and expects no Good from them he may let them live for the Glory of his Justice as after God had hardned Pharaoh's Heart yet he continued his Life that he might shew his Power in him Exod. 9.16 And in very deed for this cause have I raised thee up for to shew in thee my Power and that my Name may be declared throughout all the Earth You may survive your final Hardness as a Monument of God's Justice in the World 2. It is a just Dispensation It is just with God to take the Refusal and be gone and to cease to deal with your Hearts any more when after all the melting Intreaties of his Grace you cast him off he commands and you will not obey he is willing and you are not willing he intreats and you will not hearken He wishes Deut. 5.29 O that there were such an Heart in them that they would fear me and keep all my Commandments always that it might be well with them and with their Children for ever He laments Psal. 81.13 O that my People had hearkned unto me and Israel had walked in my Ways And you will not join with him He is grieved that his Offer of Grace is not received and you will not lament It is but just that a Man should be left to his own Choice that a Man should miss of that Salvation which he cared not for that if after Warnings Convictions and Intreaties he will be filthy he should be filthy still In Hell Conscience will acquit God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I have been the cause of all this to my self 3. It is a merciful Dispensation to the rest of the World We are told of these things before-hand not that we may despair that is an ill Consequence but that as we love our Souls we should take heed of resisting Grace and turning our Backs upon our own Mercies It is a merciful and fatherly Warning to strike in betimes and own the God of our Mercies Delay is that that undoeth all the World Now this is the best Cure of Delay 2 dly The Causes of it 1. Sinning away the Light of Nature By Nature Men have some knowledg of Good and Evil. There are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 some common Principles as that God is and must be worshipped that we must do wrong to none nor pollute our selves with promiscuous Lusts. The Heart of a Pagan would rise against it Rom. 2.14 15 For when the Gentiles which have not the Law do by Nature the things contained in the Law these having not the Law are a Law unto themselves which shew the Work of the Law written in their Hearts Now when Men hold the Light of Nature in Vnrighteousness Rom. 1.18 when they hold poor Truth fettered and bound that it cannot break out into an holy Conversation this provoketh God to give them up to Hardness There are many Sins which Nature discovereth and may be avoided upon such Reasons and Considerations as Nature suggesteth Now when Men put the Finger into Nature's Eye or will not suffer Reason to exercise any Dominion but let loose the Reins to Lust God leaveth them to a carnal and sottish Heart Tho by the Light of Nature Men cannot convert to God yet by the Light of Nature Men may practise many Duties and avoid many Sins The Gentiles were left to an unsound injudicious Mind When Men fall into foul Sins against the Light of Nature Conscience loseth its Feeling and Tenderness Eph. 4.19 Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto Lasciviousness to work all Vncleanness with greediness Hearts prejudiced against the things of God may grow to very Stones 2. Refusing God's many Calls Prov. 29.1 He that being often reproved hardneth his Neck shall suddenly be destroyed and that without Remedy God may bear with us a while after one or two or more Reproofs but when we are often reproved and often convinced and yet will not be reclaimed God may give us over The exact Date of Christ's Patience or the Number of his Calls e're the fatal Period of final Induration cometh we know not but when it is often you are in danger Take heed of forfeiting your own Mercies by refusing the most earnest Motions of the Word and Spirit When God importuneth to be heard and obeyed his Spirit being thus resisted and refused God will be at length wearied and will not give as much Grace as before Isa.
is that which the Apostle calleth the Power of Death and the Terrors which follow upon it Heb. 2.14 15. That through Death he might destroy him that had the Power of Death that is the Devil and deliver them who through fear of Death were all their Life-time subject to Bondage The Devil hath no Power as a Judg to condemn Sinners He is not Dominus Mortis the Lord of Death but Minister Mortis the Minister of Death For being condemned of God the poor Sinner is put into his Hand that he may either terrify or stupify him and so more and more involve him in the Curse of God's broken Law and also he may hasten his Death and everlasting Destruction 2. Satan hath a Tyrannical Usurped Power So the Devils are called Rulers of the Darkness of this VVorld Ephes. 6.12 the blind idolatrous superstitious World And Satan is called the Prince of this VVorld John 14.30 And the God of this World 2 Cor. 4.4 God made him an Executioner but we make him a Prince a Ruler and a God Now Christ as a Priest disannulleth his legal Power by his Death and the Merit of his Sacrifice And Christ as the true King and Head both of Men and Angels pulls down Satan as an Usurper delivers the poor captive Souls out of his Power And as a Prophet he discovereth his Cheats and Delusions 2. His Works There is a twofold Work of Satan the Work of the Devil without us or the Work of the Devil within us 1. The Work of the Devil without us is a false Religion or those Idolatries and Superstitions by which Satan's Reign and Empire is upheld in the World This is destroyed by the Doctrine of the Gospel accompanied with the all-powerful Spirit of God And therefore when the Gospel was first preach'd by Christ's Messengers the Devil fell from that great and unlimited Power which he had before in the World Luke 10.18 I beheld Satan as Lightning fall from Heaven 'T is an Allusion to his first Fall as Lightning flasheth and vanisheth and never recollecteth it self again So Iohn 12.31 Now shall the Prince of this VVorld be cast out When Christ did first set upon the Redemption of Mankind the Apostles went abroad to beat the Devil and hunt him out of his Territories and they did it with great Effect Therefore this is made one Argument by which the Spirit doth convince us of the Truth of the Gospel John 16.11 He shall convince the VVorld of Iudgment because the Prince of this VVorld is judged The silencing of his Oracles the suppressing of his Superstitions the destroying of the Kingdom of Wickedness and Darkness was an apparent Evidence of the Truth of the Gospel The old Religion by which the Devil's Kingdom was supported every-where went to wrack no more the same Temples the same Rites the same Gods all was made to stoop and bow before God as worshipped in Christ. 2. There is the Work of the Devil within us This concerneth the recovering particular Persons out of the Snare of the Devil who were taken captive by him at his Will and Pleasure Here we must distinguish between the Purchase and Application The Purchase was made when Christ died Col. 2.15 Having spoiled Principalities and Powers he made a Shew of them openly triumphing over them in it that is on his Cross. Christ's Death was Satan's Overthrow then was the deadly Blow given to his Power and Kingdom This was the Price given for our Ransom and the great means of disannulling all that Power Satan had before The Application is begun in our Conversion for then we are said to be turned from Satan unto God Acts 26.18 To open their Eyes and to turn them from Darkness to Light and from the Power of Satan unto God Then we are rescued out of the Devil's Clutches and adopted into God's Family that being made Children we may have a Child's Portion III. That in this Conflict his Heel was wounded bitten or bruised by the Serpent 1. Certain it is that Christ was bruised in the Enterprize Which sheweth how much we should value our Salvation since it costs so dear as the precious Blood of the Son of God incarnate 1 Pet. 1.18 19. Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things as Silver and Gold c. but with the precious Blood of Christ as of a Lamb without blemish and without spot He thought not his whole Humiliation from first to last too much for the overthrowing of the Devil's Kingdom nor any Price too dear to redeem poor captive Souls 2. But how was he bruised by the Serpent Certainly on the one hand Christ's Sufferings were the Effects of Man's Sin and God's Hatred against Sin and his governing Justice for it is said Isa. 53.10 It pleased the Father to bruise him Unless it had pleased the Lord to bruise him Satan could never have bruised him On the other side they were also the Effects of the Malice and Rage of the Devil and his Instruments who was now with the Sword's-point and closing Stroke with Christ and doing the worst he could against him In his whole Life he indured many outward Troubles from Satan's Instruments for all his Life long he was a Man of Sorrows wounded and bruised by Satan and his Instruments Iohn 8.44 Ye are of your Father the Devil and the Lusts of your Father ye will do he was a Murderer from the beginning and abode not in the Truth because there is no Truth in him But the closing Stroke was at last then did the Serpent most eminently bruise his Heel When Iudas contrived the Plot it is said the Devil entred into him Luke 22.3 Then entred Satan into Judas Iscariot being one of the Twelve When the High Priest's Servants come to take him he telleth them Luke 22.53 This is your Hour and the Power of Darkness The Power of Darkness at length did prevail so far as to cause his shameful Death This was their Day 3. It was only his Heel that was bruised It could go no further for tho his bodily Life was taken away yet his Head and Mediatory Power was not touched Acts 2.36 This same Iesus whom ye have crucified God hath made both Lord and Christ. Again his bodily Life was taken away but for a while God would not leave his Soul in the Grave Psal. 16.10 Thou wilt not leave my Soul in Hell neither wilt thou suffer thy holy One to see Corruption The Counsel and Purpose of God concerning Man's Redemption had then been wholly frustrated For if Christ be not risen your Faith is vain ye are yet in your Sins 1 Cor. 15.17 Once more tho Christ was bruised yet he was not conquered When the Jews and Roman Souldiers were spoiling him and parting his Garments then was he spoiling Principalities and Powers And when Satan and his Instruments were triumphing over the Son of God then was he triumphing over all the Devils in Hell for by Death he
thee to repentance And shall we use all these as Weapons of Unrighteousness Food Rayment Peace Plenty Ah but his Christ above all Oh never any sinned as I have done The Devil sinned but Christ never dyed for him as he did for me Iudas sinned but he was never pardoned as I have been Achan sinned but he had not that Light and Knowledge of the Gospel that I have had he did not live under such Means as I have injoyed we content our selves with an hasty Sigh Oh but it is a deep Sorrow that is required and an active pungent grief renting the heart Ioel 2.13 Afflicting the soul Levit. 16.29 Matth. 26.75 Peter wept bitterly When we are touched with a sense of our unkindness to God we shall mourn 4. Indignation which is an Act of our hatred against Sin hatred quickned into a Zeal against it Indignation is the Souls expulsive faculty when we heartily renounce it as unsuitable to our present resolutions professions and hopes Isa. 30.22 Thou shalt cast them away as a menstruous cloth thou shalt say unto them Get ye hence So Hosea 14.8 Ephraim shall say What have I any more to do with idols The Soul saith first when it is convinced Oh what have I done And then What shall I do And then What have I any more to do If a Christian did remember what he is and what he hopeth for these Questions would be more rise with him Repentance is not a bare purpose to leave Sin but to leave it with an hatred and deep displeasure against it SERMON II. LUKE xvi 30 31. And he said Nay father Abraham but if one went unto them from the dead they will repent And he said unto him If they hear not Moses and the Prophets neither will they be perswaded though one rose from the dead Secondly I Now proceed to the next terme which is the Terminus ad quem turning to God which is done in two things 1. A Setled Purpose and Solemne Dedication of our selves to his Use and Service which is a Resolution taken up upon Debates of Conscience Luke 15.17 18. And when he came to himself he said how many hired servants of my fathers have bread enough and to spare and I perish with hunger I will arise and go to my father First he came to himself then I will go to my Father This ariseth out of a sense of Gods Mercy in Christ Rom. 12.1 I beseech you brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable to God which is your reasonable service Lord accept me for thine and is the Fruit of super-natural Grace Iames 1.18 Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth and is accompanied with shame that God so long hath been kept out of his Right 1 Pet. 4.3 For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles when we walked in lasciviousness lusts excess of wine revellings banquetings and abominable idolatries and a purpose to serve him with all our might 2. It is seconded by a real performance Matth. 3.8 Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance Acts 26.20 That they should repent and turn to God and do works meet for repentance Without these he is a Lyar and deceiveth his own Soul if the Heart be not more watchful over it self affraid to offend God and grieve his Spirit more tender of the least Sin more careful to please God in all things more close at work in the business of Eternal Life These are fruits worthy of Repentance this is that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that which we do more than Carnal Hypocrites Fruits suitable to the power of Grace working in us and to our professions of respect to God This is the summ of the Doctrine of Repentance II. What doth the Scripture offer to perswade us to this work 1. It clearly layeth down the absolute and indispensible necessity of it in grown Persons or such as are come to years of discretion Acts 3.19 Repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. Luke 13.5 Except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish Ezek. 33.11 Say unto them as I live saith the Lord God I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that the wicked turn from his way and live Turn ye turn ye from your evil wayes for why will ye dye O house of Israel One way or the other turn or dye it is no moot point or matter of Controversie There are many Controversies about other things but in this all is clear Many will say there is such a doubtfulness that every one bringeth Scripture and maketh a nose of wax of it ductile and pliable to his own fancy But in points of absolute Duty it is fully clear and in the Marks of one that shall go to Heaven or to Hell especially in the Doctrine of Repentance Make use of the Scriptures and practice conscientiously according to your Light and God will clear up his mind to you By Study and Prayer and Practice you will come to an increase of Knowledge Iohn 7.17 If any man will do his will he shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God or whether I speak of my self 2. It doth not only call for Repentance but a speedy Repentance Heb. 3.7 8. Wherefore as the Holy Ghost saith to day if ye will hear his voice harden not your hearts Ioel 2.12 Therefore also now saith the Lord Turn ye even to me with all your heart God standeth upon now If the Season were not determined yet the Nature of the thing would bear it A necessary work that is to be once done should not be left to uncertainties But because Men are loose and arbitrary and think they may make use of Repentance at their leisure therefore the Scripture is as peremptory for the Time as for the thing Now and to day if you will hear his voice harden not your hearts Assoon as you are convinced of your sinful estate Why not now Sin is such an evil that you cannot be rid of it too soon Sin is as a Poyson in the Bowels a Fire in a Building Now who will say we will get an Antidote next Week Or quench the Fire hereafter Sin is a Wound and shall we let it alone till it fester and rankle No Wound so dangerous as that which destroyeth Body and Soul no Fire so dreadful as the Wrath of God no Poyson so hurtful as that of Sin it robbeth us of Eternal Life God hath not given us leave for a day nor for a moment If a Man were banished by Proclamation and it were Death whoever should entertain and harbour him after ten dayes till the time were out there were no danger but God faith now When we are in any trouble we cannot brook any delay Psalm 102.2 In the day when I call
Worship and Conversation He did indeed observe the way of the Christian Worship which they called Sectarisme or Heresie and Paul was accused to be a ring-leader of the sect of the Nazarens verse 5. But yet this was agreeable enough to the Religion of the Iews for the substance which he proveth by his Faith Hope Carriage and Conversation Here is in effect all Christianity delivered to us in one prospect and view 1. An Account of his Faith at the bottom of all Believing all things which are written in the law and the prophets 2. His Hope as the immediate fruit of it And have hope towards God And the principal Object is The resurrection of the dead both of the just and the unjust When we shall injoy the full of what we wait for 3. An Account of his Manners where you have a brief Description of a Christian Conversation Herein do I exercise my self to have alwayes a conscience void of offence both towards God and towards men My business is not to discuss all these branches of Christianity apart and in their full Latitude but to give you the summ and Delineation of all Religion in one view Therefore observe Doct. That true Christianity is such a believing the truths contained in the Scriptures as produceth an hope of Eternal Life and is expressed in an impartial uniform and constant obedience Here is Pauls Apology Faith at the bottom Hope as the immediate Effect and Product of it and an Holy Conversation as the fruit and consequent The same Method is observed in other Scriptures as 1 Tim. 1.5 The end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and of faith unfeigned The Commandment is the Gospel-Institution and this received with a pure Heart and Faith unfeigned produceth a good Conscience which shews it self in love to God and Men by a true and lively Faith in Christ The Holy Ghost purifieth the Heart and Conscience and so produceth Love 2 Pet. 1.5 6. Add to your faith vertue and to vertue knowledge and to knowledge temperance and to temperance patience and to patience godliness In the Chain of Graces Faith is the Root of all I shall 1. Examine the Expressions here used 2. Give some Reasons why this is true Christianity I. Examine the Expressions here used First Concerning Faith Believing all things that are written in the law and the prophets 1. Here is the Object or things believed Things written in the law and the prophets 2. The Extent All 3. The Act believing First The Object Things written in the law and the prophets Law and Prophets is an expression commonly used for all the Scripture then extant Matth. 11.13 For all the prophets and the law prophesied until Iohn And Luke 16.29 They have Moses and the prophets let them hear them The Books of the Old Testament are thus called We Christians who have received the Canon and Rule of Faith more inlarged are said to be built on the foundation of the prophets and apostles Eph. 2.20 So that now the Object of our Faith is Prophets and Apostles The Object of Faith may be considered Formally or Materially Materially Such things as God hath revealed Formally Because God hath revealed them If God hath revealed what is in the Writings of the Apostles then we are to believe them God's Veracity is the ground and support of our Faith into which it is ultimately resolved His Instruments in revealing are the Prophets and Apostles We know God hath revealed the things written by them partly because these Writings are delivered to us by the Universal Tradition of the Church and the Testimony of Christians thorough all Successions of Ages in whose experience God hath blessed these Writings for Conviction Conversion and Consolation And partly because of the consent between the Prophets and the Apostles the one foretelling whatever the other declared as accomplished Acts 26.22 Having therefore obtained help of God I continue unto this day witnessing both to small and great saying none other things than those which the prophets and Moses did say should come Partly because the Doctrines have an impress of God upon them as every thing that hath passed his hand hath How do I know a Flie Gnat or any other Creature to be made by God God hath set his signature upon them Psal. 19.1 The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament sheweth his handy work So the Scriptures agree with the Nature and Properties of God As God is Wise Powerful and Good these Doctrines become his Wisdom they have the stamp of his Moral Goodness which is his Holiness and as for his Power they that feel it not fear it Iohn 3.20 For every one that doth evil hateth the light neither cometh to the light lest his deeds should be reproved There is something that alarmeth the Conscience And partly because it agreeth with the Nature of Man so far as a Man hath any good left in him It agreeth with the necessities of Man his guilty Fears and his Desires of Happyness For his guilty Fears Men that by reason of Sin are afraid of Gods Justice cannot be quieted by any other means but are by this Ier. 6.16 Stand ye in the wayes and see and ask for the old paths where is the good way and walk therein and you shall find rest for your souls Matth. 11.28 Come unto me all you that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest In Life and Death the Conscience is quieted So for desires of Happiness Men rove and grope about for some satisfying good Acts 17.27 That they should seek the Lord if happily they might feel after him and find him And Psalm 4.6 There be many that say who will shew us any good Life and Immortality are brought to light in the Scriptures and the way to obtain it clearly revealed Psalm 16.11 Thou wilt shew me the path of life in thy presence is fulness of joy and at thy right hand are pleasures for evermore Partly because God hath witnessed and attested it by his Spirit Acts 5.32 We are witnesses of these things and so is also the holy Ghost Without by Miracles and other wonderful Effects within by inlightning the Heart and Mind inclining and exciting us to believe it upon these Motives and Arguments 2 Cor. 4 6. God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness hath shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Iesus Christ so as to discern Gods Impress Upon these accounts we receive what is written in the Prophets and Apostles as revealed by God Secondly The Extent All things A Believer receiveth all Truths which are of Divine Revelation whether Precepts Promises Threatnings Doctrines or Histories But then we must distinguish of an implicite or explicite Faith With the latter we can only believe those things which we know what we know not we cannot believe with an explicite
thee pray to God for us that he take away the fiery serpents In Adversity Men will own the faithful Servants of God against whom they have murmured when all is well Moses forgetteth the injury and prayeth to God for them and God though he doth not take away the Serpents yet he provideth a Remedy unlikely in appearance a Brazen Serpent to cure the bites of Living Serpents but Divine Institution conveyeth a Blessing The word of Command is that they should look upon the brazen serpent and the word of Promise is that they should be healed Numb 21.8 Make thee a fiery serpent and set it upon a pole and it shall come to pass that every one when he is bitten that looketh upon it shall live This is in short the History Secondly The Mistery or Typical use of the Brazen Serpent The chief things represented in it are Sin Christ and Faith the deadliness of Sin the manner of our deliverance by Christ and the Nature of Faith 1. Israelites deadly Sin and Misery occasioned the setting up of the Brazen Serpent so the occasion of Christs sending into the World was Mans Sin and Misery we being all bitten by the old Serpent and so liable to the Curse The Devil is called the old serpent Rev. 12.9 And in the appearance of a Serpent he deceived our first Parents Therefore we read that the serpent beguiled Eve 2 Cor. 11.3 Humane Nature was then stung to Death by Sathan and the Venome dispersed its self throughout the whole Race of Mankind Among the Israelites there were but a few stung here all there their Bodies here the Soul there Temporal Death followed here Eternal In the Sting of these fiery Serpents two things representeth our Misery by Sin 1. It is painful 2. Deadly 1. This Sting is painful The bitings did presently cause pains and an intolerable thirst and burning which was very grievous to them so the sting of Sin is painful not alwaies felt but soon awakened In Spiritual things we are more stupid and are not so sensible of the Maladies of the Soul as they were of the pains of the Body We are subject to bondage Heb. 2.14 Though we do not alwaies feel actual horrour There is a fire smothering in our Bosoms though it be not blown up into a Flame One of our Spiritual Diseases is a Lethargy and it is a great part of our Misery not to know our Misery If Conscience were not lulled asleep we would be more sensible Surely Sathans bites are more painful than those of these Serpents his Darts are called fiery darts Eph. 6.16 His Darts are dipt in the gall of Asps and Vipers Boiling Lusts will in time awaken raging Fears and Despair O what horrour and torment will Sin procure to us if it be not speedily cured Sin is an Evil and a Mischief whether we feel it yea or no but we shall soon feel it an Evil as the stung Israelites felt the biting of the Serpents Sin in the Life will make Hell in the Conscience it seemeth a sweet draught while we are taking it down but there is rank poison at the bottom A wounded Spirit findeth it now Prov. 18.14 A wounded spirit who can bear Horrour and anguish of Conscience is insupportable ask any Man whose Heart is well awakened and he will tell you that the sense of the guilt of Sin is more bitter to the Soul than the gall of Asps no terrour comparable to the terror and sting of an accusing Conscience Gods terrors are compared to a Fire that drinketh up the Blood and Spirits Iob 6.4 The arrows of the almighty are within me the poison whereof drinketh up my spirit the terrors of God do set themselves in array against me No poison more burning than Sin in an awakened Conscience it may lie asleep till you come to dye in Sin stupid and benummed Creatures But then the sting of death is sin 1 Cor. 15.56 Death is made terrible by those sad horrors and apprehensions which Sin raiseth in us 2. This Sting is deadly As the biting of the Fiery Serpents could not be cured but was present Death till God found out a Remedy so this sting of Sin is deadly Rom. 5.12 By one man sin entred into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men for that all have sinned Gen. 2.17 In the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely dye dying thou die Rom. 6.23 The wages of sin is death Death Temporal Eternal Thou art a dead Man lost for ever if thou art not cured Those who were not solicitous about their Cure are a figure of the impenitent who obstinately continue in their Sins though they bring destruction upon them Not only Death Temporal which consists in the separation of the Soul from the Body but Death Spiritual which consists in an estrangement from God as Author of the Life of Grace yea Death Eternal which consists in a separation both of Body and Soul from the presence of God for evermore and is a perpetual living to deadly pain and torment This Second Death is set forth by two solemn Notions the worm that never dyeth and the fire that shall never be quenched Mark 9.44 By which is meant the Sting of Conscience and the Wrath of God Prov. 8.36 All they that hate me love death 2. Christ is set forth by the Brazen Serpent Here I shall shew you 1. The Resemblances 2. The Superexcellency of Christ above this and all the Shadows and Types of him 1. The Resemblance between Christ and the Brazen Serpent 1. The Brazen Serpent was a Remedy of Gods own prescribing out of his great Mercy So is this Remedy for lost Sinners the meer Fruit of Gods Love Iohn 3.16 God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son the causa 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Occasion or outward moving Cause was our Misery the causa 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the inward impulsive Cause was his own love and pity to lapsed Mankind God found out the Remedy we neither plotted it nor asked it he saw the world of Mankind was perishing and involved in Eternal Ruine and because there was no Intercessor therefore his own Arm wrought out Salvation Herein the Antitype differeth from the Type The stung Israelites having Death in their bosoms go to Moses Moses goeth to God for he saw there could be no help elsewhere then God said Make thee a brazen serpent The motion came from them first but here it is quite otherwise God is the offended Party yet he maketh the first motion 1 Iohn 4.19 We love him because he loved us first There God found out the Remedy but here his meer love began the whole business and did set at work all the Causes that did concur to our Salvation we neither minded our Danger nor asked our Remedy 2. The conveniency of this Type to set out the low Estate and Humiliation of Christ. The form of a Serpent was chosen to shew
be vexed by Sathan for his Tryal Iob 1.12 And Paul had his Messenger of Sathan to try him to see what shift he could make with sufficient internal Grace against outward and vexatious evils 2 Cor. 12.7 8. Now it is better to undergo the fiery Tryal than the fiery Torment Tryed we are then but not destroyed Yea sometimes hurried to Death and yet we overcome Revel 12.11 Christ doth prevail upon opposition and by opposition When Sathans Instruments were killing Christians they were pulling down Sathans Throne and advancing Christs and when they were butchered and slaughtered yet they multiplyed 4. The Means and Manner of Victory is to be considered 1. Christ overcometh this Enmity by taking our Nature He might have destroyed him by his Divine Power but the Conquerer is the Seed of the Woman or the Son of God incarnate He conquered in the same Nature that was so lately foiled and thereby Sathans main design is crossed and counter-worked which was double Partly to make Man jealous of God as if he were envious of our Happiness and by this false representation to alienate our hearts and make a breach between us and him Gen. 3.5 God knoweth that in the day ye eat thereof ye shall be as Gods knowing good and evil This way would he weaken the esteem of God in our Hearts but hereby we have a fuller manifestation of his love to make him the more amiable to us Rom. 5.8 But God commended his love to us that when we were sinners Christ dyed for us And Iohn 3.16 God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life And 1 Iohn 4.9 10. In this was manifested the love of God towards us because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world that we might live through him Herein is love not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be a propitiation for our sins We would be as God and Christ would be as Man Partly to depress the Nature of Man which in Innocency stood so near to God that was the end of his malicious suggestion But now 't is advanced and set up far above the Angelical Nature and admitted to dwell with God in a Personal Union Heb. 2.16 For verily he took not on him the nature of angels but he took on him the seed of Abraham The Nature of Man being only assumed by Christ the Angels are not concerned in it immediately Man had the benefit and honour put upon him especially in his glorified Estate Eph. 1.20 21. 2. By his Passion or Death on the Cross Heb. 2.14 For as much as the children are partakers of flesh and blood he also himself took part of the same that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death that is is the Devil Christ would not only take our Nature but also suffer in it so to frustrate and make void the Devils design which was to keep Men for ever under the power of Death wherein he had involved him He had brought Sin upon us and by Sin Death and in this Condition as the Executioner of Gods Curse he would still have held us but that Christ came to put us into a Condition of Holiness and Happiness and so make us capable of Eternal Life The Devil did not conquer Christ by Death but Christ did conquer the Devil When the Roman Soldiers were parting and spoiling his Garments he was spoiling Principalities and Powers 3. By his Resurrection and Ascension After he had been a Sacrifice for Sin by his Resurrection he overcame Death Hell and Sin and soon after he ascended into Heaven that he might triumph over the Devil and lead Captivity Captive Eph. 4.8 His Enemies were foiled upon the Cross but his Triumph over them was at his Ascension whereby he hath assured the World of his Conquest that he hath carried the day and gained an absolute and compleat Victory for our Lord in Heaven is out of the reach of Enemies as having done his work we are only left behind to scatter the Relicks of the Battle 4. By his sitting at the Right Hand of God he doth two things 1. He poureth out the Spirit endowing his Messengers with all Gifts and Graces ordinary and extraordinary to preach the Gospel to the Heathen World whereby the Old Religion by which the Devils Kingdom was supported went to wrack every where his Oracles were silenced his Superstitions suppressed No more the same Temples the same Rites the same Gods all fell before God as worshipped in Christ Iohn 16.11 The spirit shall convince the world of judgment because the prince of this world is judged 'T is true in some parts of the World Sathan yet reigneth where Christ hath not pursued him with his Gospel or withdrawn his Gospel for the ingratitude of Men but where it cometh it prevaileth mightily and the World cannot resist its convincing power 2. By his Secret and Invisible Providence he defendeth his People and stilleth the Enemy and Avenger Christ as God incarnate having the grant of a Kingdom is every way furnished with power to maintain it by Means proper to the mediatory Dispensation by his Word Spirit and Providence this last we are upon All Judgment is put into his hands Iohn 5.22 Though there be many vicissitudes and changes in the outward Condition of the Church yet by invisible wayes God doth notably defeat Sathan and his Instruments And though there be ebbings and flowings of the two Kingdoms yet we have much experience that Christ is upon the Throne by his protecting strengthning and assisting his faithful People and prospering their just endeavours for the advancing of his Kingdom Sometimes he destroyeth Enemies Isa. 27.4 Who would set the briers and thornes against me in battle I would go through them and burn them together Sometimes he infatuateth their Counsels Iob 5.12 13. He disappointeth the devices of the crafty so that their hands cannot performe their enterprize He taketh the wise in his own craftiness and the counsel of the froward is carried head-long Sometimes he hideth his People in the secret of his Presence Psalm 31.20 Sometimes he blasts all their prosperity by an invisible Curse Iob 20.26 A fire not blown shall consume them Or else he divides them as you may read in 2 Chron. 20. Chapter 5. The Degree of the success How far is the Enemy and Avenger stilled I Answer 1. Non ratione essentiae not to take away his Life and Being No there is a Devil still and shall be when the whole work of Christs Redemption is finished for it is said of that time Revel 20.10 That the Devil was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet shall be tormented day and night for ever and for ever So Matth. 25.41 Hell was prepared for the devil and his angels Then Eternal Judgment is executed on the
that But so as first that which is necessary to be done by his Man-hood be done for us first the merit of his humiliation was to be interposed before we could be acquainted with the power of his exaltation God took this way partly because we were to be restored in a way contrary to that by which we fell We fell by Pride and we must be restored by humility We would be as God not in a way of blessed conformity but cursed self-sufficiency therefore to expiate this pride God must become like Man take our Nature and suffer in it Once Man in the pride of his Heart attempted to be like God and God by a Mystery of humility became like Man that he might bring Man into a nearer degree of likeness to God Partly because the honour of his justice required it Reconciliation supposeth satisfaction for we are not at peace with God till his justice be appeased And the Spirit of God had not been sent if God had not been at peace with us for this is the token of his friendship And till the Spirit be given to change both our Natures and Estate we have no title to the pardon of sin and Eternal Life Therefore the Merit of Christ's humiliation is at the bottom of all the good we expect from God Partly because he delighteth to carry on our Salvation by contraries Christ emptied himself to fill all things became poor that we might be rich brought life out of death covered his glory wherewith he would inrich the World under shame and disgrace In the same way that Christ purchased it we obtain it a Christian is tossed with Tempests and yet the peace of God preserveth his Heart He hath nothing and yet hath all things was disgraced in the World and yet approved of God There was nothing stronger than Christs seeming weakness in his lowest abasement he discovered the greatest power of his God-head He satisfied the Justice of God overcame Death and his Fathers wrath triumphed over Satan crushed his Head when he bruised his Heel The Apostle telleth us 1 Cor. 1.25 The foolishness of God is wiser than Men and the weakness of God is stronger than Men. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The foolish part and the weak part that which in Mans opinion hath least Wisdom or strength in it Nothing is such a glorious act of Wisdom and Power as Salvation by Christ dying Christ abased as also to bring a Christian to Heaven by Afflictions rather than to suffer him to be prosperous in the World 2 ●y way of Pattern and Example Christ that came to set open the way to Heaven would also teach us the way to Heaven not only by his Doctrine but Example Christ made himself of no reputation and therefore we should be dead to the reputation and grandeur of the World which is the great diversion and hinderance to the Heavenly Life The Apostle when he bringeth this instance he saith Let the same mind be in you that was also in Christ Iesus Phil. 2.5 This very thing is propounded to our imitation The Son of God had wisdom to chuse right to injoy power to procure the best condition which the World affordeth but yet he chose a mean state of life subject to many afflictions and sorrows Here I shall shew 1. The power of Christ's example in the general 2. What he teacheth us by emptying himself or making himself of no reputation 1. All example hath an alluring power or great force in moving this is the example not of an equal or inferiour but of a great person one far above us This great person is Jesus Christ our Lord the great Messenger of the God of Heaven who came to reclaim Mankind from their vain courses and to instruct them in the way 〈◊〉 Life His example is a perfect and unerring Pattern for his Life is Religion exemplified a visible Commentary on God's Word He came not only to restore us to God's favour by his merit but to set us an example 1 Cor. 11.1 Be ye followers of me as I also am of Christ. Then you cannot err if you follow Christ in his imitable actions 2. It is an ingaging pattern Christs submission to a duty should make it lovely to us The Disciple is not above his Lord nor the Servant above his Master If I then you Lord and Master have washed your Feet ye also ought to wash one anothers Feet Iohn 13.14 Shall we decline to follow such a Leader 1 Ioh. 2.6 He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk even as he walked Alexander Conqueror of the World atchieved most of his great exploits by his example when hardly beset he would make the first in every danger and desperate action when his Army grew sluggish as laden with spoils of their Enemies he commanded all his Carriages to be fired and when they saw their King devote his rich treasures to the Flame they could not murmur if their mite and pittance were consumed also If Christ had only taught us contempt of the World and not given us an instance of it his Doctrine would be less powerful 3. It is an effectual pattern The Spirit of Christ goeth along with it as well as his Doctrine 2 Cor. 3.18 We are changed into the same Image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord. His steps drop fatness He hath left a blessing behind in all the way that he hath trodden before us and sanctified it to us that we may follow after him with comfort 4. It is a very incouraging pattern For he sympathizeth with us in all our difficulties having intendered his own Heart by experience Heb. 2.18 In that he himself hath suffered being tempted he is able to succour them that are tempted Heb. 4.15 We have not an High Priest that cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities but was in all points tempted like as we are He knoweth the weaknesses and reluctancies of humane Nature in our hardest duties and will pity and pardon our infirmities 5. The example of Christ will be Armour of Proof against all Temptations The Apostle saith here ver 5. Let the same mind be in you which was in Christ Iesus And in 1 Pet 4.1 For as much then as Christ hath suffered for us in the Flesh Arm your selves also with the same mind If this mind be in you temptations will have little force upon you 2. What he teacheth us hereby 1. Patience under all the indignities we undergo for God's sake in the course of our Pilgrimage 1 Pet. 2.21 It is said Christ suffered for us leaving us an example that we should follow his steps So Heb. 12.2 Looking to Iesus the Author and fi●isher of our Faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the Cross despising the shame Let us be contented to be abased for him He descended from Heaven to the Grave as low as he could for us therefore let us
this purpose Nemo te quaerere potest nisi qui prius invenerit vis inveniri ut quaeraris quaere ut inveniaris potes quidem inveniri non tamen praeveniri God will be sought that he may be found and found that he may be sought we cannot seek him till we find him we may return to him but we cannot prevent him for he pitied our misery and sought us when we had neither mind nor heart to seek him 2. To save them Two ways is Christ a Saviour Merito Efficacia by Merit and by Power We are sometimes said to be saved by his Death and sometimes to be saved by his Life Rom. 5.10 If when we were Enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son much more being reconciled shall we be saved by his life There is the Merit of his Humiliation and the Efficacy and Power of his Exaltation He procureth Salvation for us by his meritorious Satisfaction and then applieth it to us by his effectual and invincible Power Here I shall do two things 1. I shall shew why it is so 2. I shall prove that this was Christ's great end and business First Why it is so 1. With respect to the Parties concerned In saving lost Creatures Christ hath to do with three Parties God Man and Satan 1. With God God's Wrath was to be pacified by the Blood of his Cross Col. 1.20 Having made Peace through the Blood of his Cross by him to reconcile all things to himself His Blood was to be shed on Earth and represented and pleaded in Heaven Now thus he came to save us that is to die for us and give his life a ransom for many here upon Earth Matth. 20.28 The Son of Man is come not to be ministred unto but to minister and to give his life a ransom for many In Heaven it is represented Heb. 9.24 For Christ is not entred into the holy places made with hands which are the figures of the true but into Heaven it self now to appear in the presence of God for us 2. The next party is Man who is to be saved who is guilty and unholy His guilt is removed by Christ's substituting himself in Man's stead and bearing his sins But Man by a foolish obstinacy is apt to turn the back upon his own Mercies so that there needeth the efficacy of the Spirit of Christ to gain his Consent as well as the Merit and Mediatorial Sacrifice of Christ to reconcile him to God We are so prepossessed with a false Happiness and biassed by sinful inclinations so indisposed for the waiting for and receiving of the offered Mercy in that humble and submissive way wherein God will dispense it that unless Christ save us by a strong hand we are not likely to be the better for the tender of the Gospel to us Iohn 6.44 No man can come unto me except the Father which hath sent me draw him And verse 65. No man can come to me except it were given him of my Father And Iohn 5.40 Ye will not come unto me that you might have life So that as we are deservedly cut off by the Law so also we are become morally impotent and averse to the undeserved free and gracious tenders of the Gospel and having wilfully pulled upon our selves just Misery we do obstinately reject free Mercy tendred to us upon the terms of the Gospel We are lost before unless Christ satisfie the Old Covenant and we are lost again unless he qualifie us for the priviledges of the Gospel And as the Gospel transcends the Law so our disobedience to the Gospel doth so far exceed in evil our disobedience to the Law so that we are doubly lost utterly lost unless Christ help us 3. With Satan who is a Tempter and an Accuser As an Accuser not a Whisperer but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Accuser Rev. 12.10 For the Accuser of the Brethren is cast down which accused them before God day and night And 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 an Adversary 1 Pet. 5.8 Because your Adversary the Devil like a roaring Lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour As a Tempter by the baits of the World he doth sollicit and entice our flesh to a rebellion against God his assaults are daily and assiduous and the baits presented are pleasing to our flesh So that to begin an Interest for God or to keep it alive and maintain it in our selves the Divine Power is necessary As to begin it Col. 1.13 Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us into the Kingdom of his dear Son Luke 11.21 22. When a strong man armed keepeth his Palace his goods are in peace But when a stronger than he shall come upon him and overcome him he taketh from him all his Armour wherein he trusted and divideth the spoil So to maintain and keep it still alive 1 Pet. 1.5 Who are kept by the Power of God through Faith unto Salvation 1 John 4.4 Ye are of God little Children and have overcome them because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the World Nothing else nothing less can do it than the Power of Christ. 2. With respect to the parts of Salvation There is Redemption and Conversion the one by way of Impetration the other by way of Application It 's not enough that we are redeemed that is done without us upon the Cross but we must also be converted that is real Redemption applied to us We must again recover God's Favour and Image his Image was first lost and then his Favour So is our recovery first we recover his Image Titus 3.5 He hath saved us by the washing of Regeneration and the renewing of the Holy Ghost That is put us into the way of Salvation Sanctification is spoken of as a principal branch of our Salvation Matth. 1.21 Thou shalt call his Name Iesus for he shall save his people from their sins he hath his Name and Office for that use And then recovering the Image of God we also recover his Favour are adopted into his Family are justified and freed from the guilt of sin Eph. 2.8 By Grace ye are saved through Faith and that not of your selves it is the gift of God 3. With respect to Eternal Salvation which is the result of all that is to say it is the effect of Christ's Merit and of our Regeneration for in Regeneration that life is begun in us which is perfected in Heaven With respect to our Justification for thereby the Sentence of Death is taken off and he that is justified shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death to life Iohn 5.24 Yea our Sanctification is acted in obedience performed upon the encouragements and hopes of Gospel Grace before we are capable of Eternal Happiness For the Apostle telleth us Heb. 5.9 That Christ is become the Author of Eternal Salvation to them that obey him He bringeth us at length to live in those Eternal Mansions
possident minores census tulerunt Those that possessed great Estates paid the least Taxes In many great Houses how little is God owned God hath many times more Prayers from a smoaky Cottage than from Great Mens Houses The Revenues of Heaven do more arise from a few poor broken-hearted Christians that have little in the World than from Great Ones that have altogether broken the yoak 3. We must inure the Soul to the thoughts of a change and live in the midst of the abundance of worldly comforts with greater weanedness and looseness of heart As remembring that temporal enjoyments are not our happiness that here God will exercise us with much uncertainty and that surely every Man at his best estate is altogether vanity Psal. 39 5. When we seem most setled to rest secure upon temporal things is but to raise a Fabrick or Structure upon the Ice God can so●n remove us not onely by the great remove of death but by many interveening accidents during life when we have surest tenures strongest dwellings clearest air best accommodations how soon can the Lord blast all these things and break in upon us by his Judgments There were two Types Leaven in their Thank-offerings and Dwelling in Booths at the Feast of Tabernacles Deut. 16.13 14. with Levit. 23.42 After they had gathered in their Corn and VVine and their Houses were full of all the Blessings of the Earth then they were to dwell in Tents They that are secure as if above Changes God will soon shew them the vanity of all earthly enjoyments Psal. 30.6 7. In my Prosperity I said I shall never be moved Lord by thy favour thou hast made my Mountain to stand strong thou didst hide thy face and I was troubled No Man ever slept well on a carnal Pillow but his rest was disturbed before his night was spent 4. Be content with God's allowance God is our habitation and doth appoint to us how much or how little we shall have of these comforts He is as to temporal things a larger habitation to some than to others If he be but an hiding-place to us though not a Palace we must be contented Psal. 119.114 Thou art my shield and my hiding-place David took notice of that as a great Mercy VVe are not to seek great things for our selves If we have any tolerable safety or any tolerable condition of life and opportunity of service it is enough The degree of enjoying these Comforts must be left to God himself Promises were not made to suffice Covetousness but to incourage us in our want Heb. 13.5 Let your conversation be without covetousness and be content with such things as you have for he hath said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee Purge the Soul from VVorldly desires and then there will be room and place for the exercise of Faith 5. If God be our habitation the heart must not be fixed in the Creature nor diverted from the everlasting enjoyment of him For the present your dwelling is in God himself Now God is enjoyed three ways In the Creature In the Ordinances and in Heaven These three ways of enjoying God must not clash one with another but be subordinate To be satisfied in the enjoyment of God so far as the creature or outward things can let him out to us is a sign of a carnal heart David was otherwise minded His great thing in this VVorld was to enjoy God in his Ordinances See Psal. 27.4 One thing have I desired of the Lord that will I seek after that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to behold the beauty of the Lord and to enquire in his Temple that is to enjoy God in the Ordinances Now those that desire thus to enjoy God in the Ordinances will long to see his Face in Heaven For these are but part of his ways a taste to make us long for more Besides God is never so much so truely an house to us as in Heaven 2 Cor. 5.1 For we know that if our earthly house of this Tabernacle were dissolved we have a building of God an house not made with hands eternal in the Heavens That house should be mainly desired Therefore all that we enjoy here should but quicken our desires after more in Heaven for if God be our habitation he is there all in all Heb. 11.14 For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a Country and verse 16. Now they desire a better Countrey that is an Heavenly There is our Inheritance which is Immortal Eternal and Undefiled There is our Father and the best of our Kindred If the Creature were onely our habitation then it were good to be here still but since God is we must strive to be there where we shall have most of him And therefore as to the Creature and any outward comforts resulting from thence we must carry our selves as Strangers and Pilgrims The Life of Faith is Heaven anticipated and Heaven is but the Life of Faith perfected Here we must be contented to be Strangers and Pilgrims So was Abraham who had the best right Heb. 11.9 By Faith he sojourned in the Land of Promise as in a strange Country So was David who had most possession Psal. 39.12 I am a stranger with thee and a sojourner as all my fathers were He that had so full a right to an opulent powerful Kingdom not onely when he was chased like a Flea or Partridge on the Mountains but in his full glory and prosperity when he offered many Cart-loads of Gold and Silver 1 Chron. 29.15 For we are strangers before thee and sojourners as were all our Fathers Iesus Christ who was Lord Paramount complains Psal. 69.8 I am become a stranger to my Brethren and an Alien to my Mothers Children He that was Lord of all had neither house nor home He telleth us Iohn 17.16 I am not of this World He passed through the World to sanctifie it as a place of service but his heart and constant residence was not here to fix in it as a place of rest All that are Christ's have the Spirit of Christ. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 saith Chrysostom We pass through but do not inhabit this World Here we are absent from our own Country yea from our God who is our house and home 2 Cor. 5.6 Whilst we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord. We are at home there where we may enjoy the full of God Our hearts should be still homeward and we should take little and moderate pleasure in the delights that offer themselves in the course of our Pilgrimage and esteem it an honour if we may get a little leave and respite to do any piece of service to God while we are upon our Journey Vse of all To press us to dwell in God This is the happiness and honour of the People of God that they dwell in God and God dwelleth in them He
are all gone and you must fall into the hands of an unreconciled God to Answer for the abuse of these things 3. After Death then the Misery will appear indeed If you have gotten so much hardness of heart that you did not apprehend God's Anger against you nor see any hazard upon the back of Death yet then you enter into your eternal Misery and one moment puts an end to all your joy for ever VVhen the Saints who having chosen God for their Portion are comforted you are tormented Their condition may be sad here in the world but yours is sad for ever Three things torment the wicked and they are all in this Parable First There is Memoria praeteritorum the remembrance of our former good Estate in the World and the ill use we made of it Son Remember that thou in thy life time receivedst thy good things VVhere are now his fine Garments stately Houses the sweet Odour of his fragrant Ointments his Lustful Meats and Dainty Rich and Sprightly Wines and Artificial Sauces with all the costly accommodations of his Pomp and Pleasure The things are gone but the remembrance of them is a a sting to his Soul for ever 2. There is sensus praesentium a sense of his present misery v. 25. I am tormented in this flame There is a bitter sense of the Wrath of God and nothing to allay it or divert the mind from it 3. There is Metus futurorum a fear of what is to come v. 26. Between us and you there is a great Gulph fixed They are in termino in their final state and there must abide there is no passing from death to life more nothing remaineth but a fearful looking for of Iudgment and fiery Indignation Heb. 10.27 Vse I. Information to teach us 1. What lit●le reason the People of God have to envy wicked Men their Portion We should rather pity them alass this is all they get they have this and no more this and everlasting destruction at the back of it God suffereth them to clamber up to the height of Wealth and Honour that their fall may be the more terrible Worldly Wealth and Prosperity is not of so much worth and excellency as many think If it were the conduit wherein God conveyeth his special love it were an other matter though we should be satisfied in God's ordering but it is not so if it were so it would be dispensed otherwise than it is the wicked would not have so much of it nor the Godly want it so much The Godly want it the rather because they think so highly of it and God is more gracious than to give it to them when they are in a frame so ready to abuse it 2. How contented the People of God should be in a mean condition if God reduce them thereunto See Sermon on Mark 10.23 Vse II. Is Caution to us all Now we must turn Abraham's Memento remember into a Cave beware Beware that you do not receive your good things in this Life I must turn the exprobration into Counsel and Admonition Prevention is better than remembrance 1. Be satisfied with nothing which may stand with the hatred of an Eternal God The enjoyment of all the VVorld may but Sanctifying Grace cannot The highest worldly happiness may consist with God's hatred and the greatest adversity of the Saints with his love The first is verified in Christs supposition Mat. 16.24 If any Man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his Cross and follow me And the latter is verified by that of the Apostle Rom. 8.35 36 37 38 39. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ Shall Tribulation or Distress or Persecution or Famine Nakedness or Peril or Sword As it is written for thy sake we are killed all the day long we are accounted as Sheep for the Slaughter Nay in all these things we are more than Conquerors through him that loved us For I am persuaded that neither Death nor Life nor Angels nor Principalities nor Powers nor things Present nor things to Come nor Heighth nor Depth nor any other Creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. A Man may rejoice in the Love of Christ in the want of other things 2. Be satisfied with nothing but what will stead thee and serve thy turn in the other VVorld for all must be measured with respect to Eternity 1 Tim. 6.19 Laying up in store a good foundation for themselves against the time to come that they may lay hold on Eternal Life And Mat. 6.19 20 21. Lay not up for your selves Treasures upon Earth where Moth and Rust doth corrupt and where Thieves break through and Steal But lay up for your selves Treasures in Heaven where neither Moth nor Rust doth corrupt and where Thieves do not break through nor Steal For where your Treasure is there will your Heart be also A Sermon on 1 Cor. xiii 4 5 6 7 8. Charity suffereth long and is kind Charity envyeth not Charity vaunteth not it self is not puffed up Doth not behave it self unseemly seeketh not her own is not easily provoked thinketh no evil Rejoyceth not in iniquity but rejoyceth in the truth Beareth all things believeth all things hopeth all things endureth all things Charity never faileth but whether there be prophecies they shall fail whether there be tongues they shall cease whether there be knowledge it shall vanish away I Have a long time had a desire to open the Nature of this Divine and Heavenly Grace of Charity I know not how the Argument will relish with you but my aim is rather to profit than to please We are defective in our Duties to God the Lord knoweth But what and if I shew that we are as defective in our Duties to Man wherein we think Natural Conscience is a sufficient Guide to us A little serious Reflection upon this Scripture will discover it In the Context observe I. The Excellency and Necessity of Charity above all other Gifts II. The Nature and Properties of it 1. For the Excellency and Necessity of Charity Gifts are of several sorts as on the same Tree grow Leaves Flowers Fruit None ad Pompam for show but all ad Usum for use But in the Gifts for use some make us profitable others acceptable Though they have their use yet they profit not to Salvation Though I speak with the Tongue of Men and Angels and have not Charity I am become as a sounding Brass or a tinkling Cymbal And though I have the Gift of Prophesie and understand all Mysteries and all Knowledge and though I have Faith so that I could remove Mountains and have no Charity I am nothing And though I bestow all my Goods to feed the Poor and though I give my Body to be burnt and have not Charity it profiteth me nothing A Man may sacrifice a stout Body to a stubborn Mind yet if it be not for God's Glory and to
ingage our Thankfullness and increase our Hatred of Sin In short two affections are most proper and seasonable Mourning for Sin and Rejoycing in Christ. 1. Mourning for Sin When we call to remembrance the Death of Christ the anguish of his Soul the bruises of his Body the effusion of his Blood these are all occasions of Godly sorrow For he hath born our griefs and carried our sorrows and he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the Chastisement of our peace was upon him and by his stripes we are healed Isai. 53.4 5. Therefore godly sorrow is seasonable so far as it is a means part of Repentance The Iews on the Solemn day of attonement used to afflict their Souls on that Day as you may read Levit. 23.27 28 29. On the Tenth day of the seventh Month it shall be a day of Attonement it shall be an holy Convocation unto you and ye shall afflict your Souls and offer an offering made by Fire unto the Lord. And ye shall do no work on that day for it is a day of Attonement to make an Attonement for you before the Lord your God For whatsoever soul it be that shall not be afflicted in that same day he shall be cut off from among his people Mark when this should be at the day of Expiation or Attonement and Solemn Reconciliation with God that they might have forgiveness of all their Sins Affliction of Soul or Humiliation is inward by Godly sorrow for Sin which worketh repentance unto Salvation not to be repented of 2 Cor. 7.10 It is done by judging and loathing our selves for the Evils we have committed outwardly by Fasting and Abstinence from all fleshly Delights which the Iews observed with great rigour I press it only as it was a sign of Repentance Then we best remember Christ Crucified when we are Crucified with him Gal. 2.20 I am Crucified with Christ. When the Sensual Inclination is mortified and the Heart deadned to the pleasures of Sin which are but for a Season 2. Rejoycing in Christ Jesus The other tendeth to this as a preparation to the Solemn effect And to Repentance there must be joyned Faith which is an acceptance and acknowledgment of the benefits procured and offered to us by Christ. Therefore we cannot receive them so sealed confirmed and applied as they are in the Lord's Supper without joy We are invited to the Lord's Table as to a Feast and joy doth best become an Holy Feast This Ordinance was instituted for our Consolation as being one of those Solemn assutances given to the Heirs of Promise And their nature and use is to beget Strong Consolation Heb. 6.18 It is true we come to it with remorse but that by way of preparation and for the quickening of our appetite But the proper act wherein consisteth our Communion with Christ and his Body and Blood is the joy and contentment that the Soul received in that Christ dyed for us Christ is not only propounded as dead but as dead for us that his Death may be our Life and a fountain of everlasting comfort to us When we come to God's Table we Eat and Drink in his presence as those that are agreed with him and reconciled to him by Jesus Christ. And then Rom. 5.11 We joy in God through our Lord Iesus Christ as those that have received the attonement So Psal. 22.26 The meek shall Eat and be satisfied they shall praise the Lord that seek him your Heart shall live for ever That is the poor humble Christian is revived and comforted by the Eucharistical Spiritual Food and the vital effects thereof of which by Faith they are made partakers He speaketh there of paying his vows and alludeth to the Peace-offerings when they feasted with their Friends Which is fulfilled in the Eucharist or Commemorative Feast which we observe in the remembrance of Christ's Death These are the Spiritual Affections we come with brokenness of Heart and go away with Joy Act. 8.39 And when they were come up out of the Water the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip and the Eunuch saw him no more and be went on his way rejoycing 3. The Commemoration of Christ's Death as a Mystery of Godliness is done by a due consideration or reflection on the cause occasion and benefits of it 1. The first inward moving cause of all is the great love and mercy of God to us Iohn 3.16 God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have Everlasting Life And 1 Iohn 4.10 Herein is love not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our Sins This must not be overlooked partly because this is commended to us Rom. 5.8 But God commendeth his love to us in that while we were yet Sinners Christ dyed for us Some things may be told us but this is commended that we may be sure not to forget it This was the great thing propounded to our thoughts this gracious act and expression of God's mercy and bounty carried on in the most astonishing way far beyond what we could conceive or imagine And partly because this calleth for thankfulness the great principle of Gospel-Obedience 2 Cor. 5.14 15. For the love of Christ constraineth us because we thus judge that if one dyed for all then were all dead And that he dyed for all that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves but unto him which dyed for them and rose again Yea the Life and Soul of every Duty the very design and tenor of the Gospel and the way of Salvation by a Redeemer is so ordered by God as to raise the highest Thankfulness in Man and that we might be deeply possessed with his Love Thankfulness is the great Duty of the Gospel and which containeth and animateth all the rest For the Gospel from first to last is a benefit 1 Tim. 6.2 Partakers of the Benefit And therefore to be received with Thankfulness for what obedience is to a meer Law that is Thankfulness to a Benefit This Duty is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or an Eucharist The Lord Jesus hath gone before us as a pattern 1 Cor. 11.24 When he had given Thanks he brake it and Verse 25. After the same manner he took the cup that is giving Thanks as Matth. 26.27 He took the cup and gave thanks And all because of that Grace and Bounty of God which he came to discover to Mankind and would Seal with his Blood Well then this Grace Love and Good●ess of God in giving his Son to dye for our Sins should never be over-looked by us That all our Acts may be Acts of Thankfulness our Repentance may be a thankful Repentance our Love may most affect the Heart with Sin Ezek. 16.63 Thou mayst remember and be confounded and never open thy mouth any more because of thy shame when I am pacified
toward thee for all that thou hast done Our Faith a thankful acceptance of Christ and all his Benefits our Obedience a thankful Obedience not out of fear of Hell but Gratitude all our Duties but the thankful Returns of Christ's Redeemed ones for the great Love he hath shewed to us So for all works of Charity our giving an● imitation of Christ who loved us and gave himself for us 2 Cor. 8.9 Tho' he was rich yet for your sakes became poor that ye through his power might become rich Forgiving so it is said Eph. 4.32 Forgiving one another even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you Our works of Piety Worshipping God Love should bring us into his Presence and his Mercies to us in Christ should be continual matter of Praise and Thanksgiving Our Preaching Love to God should sweeten the labours of it Oh had we a deeper sense of this great Love that provided such a remedy for us we would feel the constraining influence of it in every thing that our hand findeth to do for God! 2. The next thing is the outward occasion or procuring Cause which is our Misery by reason of Sin He came to propitiate God offended by Man's Sin Sin was the cause of Enmity between God and Man and did set us at such an infinite distance from him that our peace could be made no other way but by Christ's making his Soul an offering for Sin Isai. 53.10 and becoming a curse for us Gal. 3.13 Therefore when we remember the Agonies and Death of Christ we should remember the odiousness of Sin To make light of Sin is to make light of the sufferings of Christ. The Scripture often shews the greatness of Sin by the greatness of the price that was given to redeem us from it 1 Pet. 1.18 19. Ye were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold from your vain conversation but with the precious blood of Christ. And this both in order to Caution and Humiliation Caution ver 17. pass the time of your sojourning here in fear And Humiliation Zach. 12.10 I will pour upon the house of David and upon the inhabitants of Ierusalem the spirit of Grace and Supplication and they shall look on Him whom they have pierced and they shall mourn for him as one mourneth for his only Son and shall be in bitterness for him as one that is in bitterness for his first born Before God would be propitious to Sinners the Son of God must be made Man and suffer and dye to expiate our offences Well then Is Sin nothing that sowed the Seeds of that woful Discord between God and us that he will have no communion with us till the Blood of Christ be shed to purge us from our Sins Generally we have slight and superficial apprehensions of Sin therefore we are not much troubled for what is past nor careful to avoid it for the time to come Ye are not deeply affected with what our Mediator hath done to deliver us from it Oh Christians Without these bitter Herbs due thoughts of Sin Christ our Passover will not relish with us Do but consider what you conceive of wrongs done to you how they provoke and stir your passions so that there is much ado to get you pacified What hainousness must there be in your offences against God both as to the quality of their nature and their multiplicity both as to number and kind It is true God is free from passion and is not troubled as your Spirits are But such is the provoking nature of Sin that it cryeth for Vengeance and bringeth you under the dreadful Sentence of Divine wrath which would fall upon you with all its weight if Christ had not interposed and catched the Blow In short the Sinner is in a dreadful and damnable condition by reason of Sin but Christ bore our Sins in his own Body on the Tree which should increase our Thankfulness for woe be to us if we bear our own Sin and heighten our Repentance that we may not provoke God for the future For you see satisfaction cannot be easily made for the injury of Sin The ignorance of God's Majesty and Holiness hath tempted the World to fancy some lesser expiations of Sin and satisfaction to God by sacrifices of Beasts or Penances or such a number of Prayers or costly Alms But the Gospel teacheth us there is no purgation of Sin but only by the death of Jesus Christ. 3. The effects and fruits are Pardon and Life I. Pardon For God's Justice being satisfied by Christ he hath granted a new Covenant wherein Pardon is assured to the penitent Believer We are told in what way and method Sin is pardoned upon the account of Christ's death If we in a broken-hearted manner confess it before God 1 Ioh 1.9 If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness So Luke 24.47 And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations Now this is no small mercy to have sin pardon'd II. The other benefit is Life begun in us by the Spirit and perfected in Heaven Consider it as begun in us by the Spirit in Regeneration We have have it by virtue of Christ's death Tit. 3.5 6. Not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his Mercy he saved us by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost whicsh he shed on us abundantly through Iesus Christ our Lord. Or as perfected in Heaven it is still the fruit of Christ's death Heb. 5.9 Being made perfect he became the Author of Eternal Salvation to all them that obey him Now these benefits should be considered by us because they are the matter of our Faith and Trust. As God's Love calleth for Thankfulness and the hainousness of Sin for Repentance so the benefits of Christ's death for Faith and Affiance God solemnly reacheth out to us the benefits contained in the promises of the Gospel as by a Deed and Instrument and we by Faith accept them and by Affiance depend on God for the performance of them In short that Christ may give us the Favour and Image of God and all the consequent priviledges free access to God for the present and the full fruition of him in Bliss and Glory for the future Thus for the Object Secondly The Act is Annunciation or Shewing forth This may be considered with respect to the parties to whom we annunciate it Or with respect to the Properties or manner how it is to be annunciated 1. With respect to the Parties We annunciate and shew forth Christ's death with respect to our selves that we may anew believe and exercise our Faith With respect to others that we may solemnly profess this Faith in the Crucified Saviour with a kind of Glorying and rejoycing With respect to God that we may plead the merit of his Sacrifice with Humility and Affiance I. With
lifted up his Eyes being in Torments He had a pompous Funeral here upon Earth for it is said he died and was buried which is not said of Lazarus These are Truths not spoken of once or twice but every-where 2 dly The Covenant sheweth it which is God's solemn Transaction with his Subjects and consists of Precepts or Laws invested with the Sanction of Promises and Threatnings Christ argues thus Luke 20.37 38. Now that the Dead are raised even Moses shewed at the Bush when he calleth the Lord the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob For he is not the God of the Dead but of the Living He proves the Immortality of the Soul and the Resurrection of the Body 1. His Commands all of them imply such an Estate and some of them express it All imply it as Faith in Christ we believe in his Name to obtain eternal Life Joh. 20.31 But these things are written that you might believe that Iesus is the Christ the Son of God and that believing you might have Life through his Name And Joh. 5.24 He that heareth my Word and believeth on him that sent me hath everlasting Life Repentance Acts 3.19 Repent ye therefore and be converted that your Sins may be blotted out when the Times of Refreshing shall come from the Presence of the Lord. Therefore it is called Repentance unto Salvation 2 Cor. 7.10 And Repentance to Life Acts 11.18 Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted Repentance unto Life So new Obedience Heb. 5.9 He became the Author of eternal Salvation to all that obey him Acts 26.7 Vnto which Promise the twelve Tribes instantly serving God Day and Night hope to come And some express it He hath commanded us not to labour for the Meat that perisheth but for that Meat which endureth unto everlasting Life John 6.27 Not to lay up Treasures upon Earth where Moth and Rust doth corrupt and Thieves break through and steal but lay up for your selves Treasure in Heaven Mat. 6.19 20. And strive to enter in at the strait Gate Luke 13.24 Now if there were no such thing all these Commands would be in vain Would God flatter us into a Fool 's Paradise and command us to look after a thing of nought 2. The Sanction And there 1. The Threatning which is Damnation or the second Death Mark 16.16 He that believeth not shall be damned Is this a vain Scarcrow and need God govern his Subjects by a Cheat or a Lie 2. The Promises he promiseth Eternal Life to them that obey the Gospel and seek after this Immortality Rom. 2.7 To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for Glory Honour and Immortality Eternal Life Rev. 2.10 Be thou faithful to Death and I will give thee a Crown of Life Be faithful in making good your Baptismal Vow improving Talents withstanding Temptations So to comfort us against Fears Losses and Sorrows Luke 12.32 Fear not little Flock it is your Father's good Pleasure to give you a Kingdom Now would God over-reach us and lead us with Chimera's and vain Hopes 3 dly The Mediator of the New Covenant sheweth it his coming from Heaven the Place of Souls the Region of Spirits and his going thither again at his Ascension 1. His coming from Heaven Wherefore was Christ incarnate and clothed with our Flesh but that we might be apparrelled with his Glory Iohn 10.10 I am come that they might have Life and that they might have it more abundantly To lay a Foundation for our eternal Happiness 2. His going to Heaven his entring into that Glory he spake of and so giving a visible Demonstration to the World of the Reality of it 1 Pet. 1.21 Who by him do believe in God that raised him up from the Dead and gave him Glory that your Faith and Hope may be in God There he remaineth at God's Right-Hand to open Heaven to all Believers Christ when he died recommended his Spirit to the Father Luke 23.46 Father into thy Hands I commend my Spirit And so do Believers to Christ Acts 7.59 Lord Iesus receive my Spirit If the Soul did perish with the Body why should we commit it to Christ 4 thly The Holy Spirit is given to form and prepare us for this Estate therefore by consequence to assure us of it 2 Cor. 5.5 Now he that hath wrought us for this self-same thing is God who hath also given unto us the Earnest of the Spirit 1. Look to the Graces of the Spirit we are made Partakers of the Divine Nature to draw us off from the World to Heaven 2 Pet. 1.4 Whereby are given to us exceeding great and precious Promises that by these you might be Partakers of the Divine Nature having escaped the Corruption that is in the World through Lust. Now will God fit the Soul for such a blessed Estate when this Life is ended and shall we never enjoy it If we consider the Soul not only as being an inward Principle of Life and Sense but also of Reason it proveth the Immortality of it much more as sanctified and enobled by Grace Rom. 8.10 The Body is dead because of Sin but the Spirit is Life because of Righteousness Believers have a Life wrought in them by the Spirit which is the Pledg and Beginning of Eternal Life for they are sanctified and purified and fit to be brought into the Sight and Presence of God The Apostle doth not draw his Argument there from the Immortality of the Soul for that is common to Good and Bad the Wicked have a Soul that will survive the Body but little to their Comfort their Immortality is not an happy Immortality but he taketh his Argument from the New Life wrought in us by the Spirit which is the Beginning and Earnest of a blessed Immortality the New Life is an eternal Principle of Happiness 2. Look to the Comforts of the Spirit from the Love of God and the Hopes of Glory 1 Pet. 1.8 Whom having not seen ye love in whom though now you see him not yet believing ye rejoice with Ioy unspeakable and full of Glory Rom. 5.2 And rejoice in hope of the Glory of God Now is it a Fancy that holy Men rejoice in Look as the Terrors of a wounded Conscience are the Foretastes of Hell-Torments called somewhere the Pains of Hell so the Comforts of the Spirit are the first-Fruits of Heavenly Joys to set us a longing for more Rom. 8.23 And not only they but our selves also which have the first-Fruits of the Spirit even we our selves groan within our selves waiting for the Adoption to wit the Redemption of our Body Now by all these things let us rouse up a drousy Faith and triumph over that Carnal Atheism and Unbelief that worketh in our Hearts Is the whole Scripture false and the Christian Religion a well-devised Fable our Redeemer an Impostor and the Covenant of God a Dream and the Comforts of the Spirit Fanatical Illusions And were they all
deceived that embraced the Christian Religion that took such Pains in subduing the Flesh so freely hazarded their Interests and Life it self on the Promises of Christ and the Hopes of another World Are the wisest Men the World ever saw Fools and the Ordinances of Christ a customary Superstition and these Rejoicings and Foretastes of the Children of God a meer Deceit and Imposture Surely it cannot be Therefore this is true that the Soul dieth not with the Body but is in that Estate into which God disposeth it II. By the Light of Reason First I shall urge such Arguments as the Scripture directeth us to 1. From the Nature of the Soul it is a Spirit and such a Principle of Life as hath Light in it John 1.4 In him was Life and the Life was the Light of Men. The Soul of Man differeth from the Soul of a Beast for that hath only Life and Sense in it but this hath Light and therefore was designed to more noble and glorious Ends than merely to quicken and enliven the Body The Soul of the Beasts is mortal because it is created only to serve the Body and knoweth nothing desireth nothing delighteth in nothing but what belongeth to the Pleasure and Welfare of the Body But now the Soul of Man apprehendeth things past present and to come is capable of Tongues Arts and Sciences and things abstract from bodily Sense it can discourse about God Angels and all kind of spiritual Beings about Eternity and Immortality and propound and debate Questions and Doubts concerning the World to come The Beasts look only to their Food and the Propagation of their Kind they know nothing and can conceive nothing of Man's Affairs But now Man's Soul is not only capable of being enobled and improved by Moral Vertues and such things as fit us for Humane Society but is capable also of Conformity to God by being made holy and upright and of Communion with him in holy Duties and Acts of Grace 1 John 1.3 And truly our Fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Iesus Christ. The Beasts desire not the Company of Men as we do of God and of the blessed Spirits In short there is a greater Affinity between the Souls of Men and Angels than between the Souls of Beasts and Men Psal. 8.9 Thou hast made him a little lower than the Angels Well then can it be imagined the Souls of Men furnished with such Capacities of Understanding are nothing but a little Puff of Air that is dissipated in dying or a little vital Heat that is extinguished with the Corporeal Matter or only the Vigour of the Blood That Soul that can so much soar aloft above the Interests and Concernments of the Body and take such a marvellous Delight and Contentment in spiritual things as the view of all manner of Truths must that follow the State of the Body Shall that Creature that cometh so near the Angels die like the Beasts or rather become like the Angels of God that always behold his Face Yea that Creature that draweth so near to God in the Majesty of his Person and the Abilities of his Mind that was created after God's own Image and for the Worship and Service and Enjoyment of God shall he die as the Beasts that perish It cannot be imagined 2. The Scripture mentions Words that imply its Independance upon the Body or that it doth not so wholly depend on the Body that it cannot subsist and act without it they go several ways as in the Text. 3 John ● 2. I wish above all things that thou maist prosper and be in Health as thy Soul prospe●eth 2 Cor. 4.16 For which cause we faint not but though our outward Man perish yet the inward Man is renewed Day by Day And Experience teacheth the Truth of these things that the Body and Soul seem sometimes to have no Communion with one another so different are their Functions and Offices You shall often see Men decrepit in all the Members of the Body who yet have the Motions of their Minds as strong and as nimble as when in perfect Health and when they are upon the Borders of Death without Vigour and Pulse their Understandings are more sublime than before and their Thoughts more refined It is true the Indispositions of the Body clog the Soul in things that are to be acted by the Body but in what the Soul acteth apart in the midst of Aches and Pains their Strength of Mind is entire and their Comforts never more raised than in bodily Weakness Therefore it lives and acts apart from the Body 3. The Scripture directs us to this Argument that this is the general Perswasion of all Mankind that there is a Life after Death and it instanceth in that that is most sensible and of every Day 's Experience our Desires and Fears 1. Desires The Soul hath a natural desire of Immortality which if it should not enjoy that Desire were in vain but God doth nothing in vain The Apostle intimateth this how Men feel about for something eternal and infinite Acts 17.27 That they should seek the Lord if haply they might feel after him Every Man would be happy and eternally happy for otherwise he would be tormented with a fear of losing that which he counteth his Happiness See Psal. 4.6 Who will shew us any Good Lord lift thou up the Light of thy Countenance upon us Mat. 13.45 ●6 The Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a Merchant-man seeking goodly Pearls who when he had found one Pearl of great price he went and sold all that he had and bought it John 6.34 Lord evermore give us this Bread Numb 23.10 Let me die the Death of the Righteous Other Creatures besides Man are satisfied with what they have here but the Soul of Man is satisfied with nothing but the eternal Injoyment of what is good an immortal Estate an infinite Good Every one that loveth himself would be happy and if he could everlastingly happy The Saints and those that are taught of God pitch upon the right Way Psal. 17.15 As for me I will behold thy Face in Righteousness I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy Likeness But this is the universal Inclination of all Mankind Whence cometh this Desire to be so universal if there be nothing to satisfy it Every natural Appetite was given us for some Purpose and have things designed for their Satisfaction and therefore there is that Immortality we all seek after not in our Bodies they must return to their Earth not in Fancy that is a S●adow this is like the Pleasure which those take that want Children in playing with little Dogs it lieth in the Soul in the eternal Injoyment of God 2. Fears which presage and foretel such an Estate to our great Disquiet Conscience fears a Judgment after this Life Rom. 1.32 Who knowing the Iudgment of God that they which commit such things are worthy of Death And a State of Misery to come
Christ is the First-born or First-begotten because he was the first that rose from the dead in his own Strength and vanquished Death others were raised before him but to die again they were raised in their own single Persons he as a publick Person But now is Christ risen from the dead and become the first-Fruits of them that slept 1 Cor. 15.20 And he will by the same Power raise again all his Members to Immortality and Life 3. He is the Prince of the Kings of the Earth one that hath all Power given him in Heaven and in Earth and is superiour to all Princes of the World not only in regard of Eminency as a far greater Prince than they but Authority and Power over them he is their Lord and Soveraign as well as ours as it is said Dan. 4.17 The most High ruleth in the Kingdoms of Men and giveth them to whomsoever he will 1. Observe these Titles are given to Christ with respect to his three Offices of King Priest and Prophet 1. His Prophetical Office is implied in that Term the faithful Witness one that hath brought the Gospel out of the Bosom of God and plainly and clearly revealed it to the World and hath confirmed the Certainty of it by divers Miracles especially by his Death from which he rose again and ascended and poured out the Spirit upon the Disciples for a Testimony and still continueth that Dispensation in part of giving the Spirit so far as to assure the Hearts of his People that this is the Truth 2. His Priesthood is implied in that Expression The first begotten from the dead He died and so offered himself as a Sacrifice of Atonement to God he rose again and is entred within the Vail to continue the Exercise of that Office by his constant Intercession 3. His Kingly Office is implied in that other Expression The Prince of the Kings of the Earth They are all his Vicegerents absolutely at his dispose and can do neither more nor less than he will have them Mat. 28.18 All Power is given unto me in Heaven and in Earth He hath supream and absolute Authority given him over all things both in Heaven and Earth for the Good of the Church and in the Church he is the only Head and King to appoint and maintain the Way and Means of gathering preserving ruling the Church and ordering all the Affairs thereof to the World's End 2. Observe that all these Titles are suted to the present occasion of this Prophecy which is to encourage his People to suffer Persecution for the Gospel's sake 1. As he was the faithful Witness it assured their Cause to be right The Gospel is called the Testimony of Iesus Christ ver 2. He declared nothing to us but the Will of God The Flesh hath such a value for and tenderness of its Interests that Men will soon distinguish themselves out of their Duty if there be the least doubtfulness in the Cause for which they suffer or any suspicion of it Therefore now when dreadful Troubles attended the Profession of the Gospel he setteth forth Christ as the faithful Witness to heighten their Zeal As also Rev. 3.14 These things saith the Amen the faithful and true Witness 2. As he was the first-begotten from the dead it still encourageth them more by assuring them of a joyful Resurrection if their Lives should fall in this Quarrel and Conflict This should allay all the Fears of Death Christ is not called the first-born of the Living but the first-born from the dead to own a Relation to us in every Condition dead as well as living He as the first-born rose as a Pledg and Pattern of what should be done to us 3. As Prince of the Kings of the Earth of whose Power and Persecutions they were so much afraid but needed not for they are not only accountable to Christ at last which those adverse Powers little valued having not imbraced the Profession of the Gospel but were held in by the Reins of his Government for the present so as they could not so much as touch an Hair of their Heads without his leave So that here was much Encouragement for suffering Christians who at that time were to conflict with great Difficulties and exposed to the Slaughters and Butcheries of cruel Enemies 3. Observe all these Titles serve to beget a Reverence and great Respect in our Hearts to the Person that owneth them he is the faithful Witness The great Prophet of the Church should be regarded by us This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased hear ye him Mat. 17.5 We are to hearken to him believe him obey him as knowing that we must stand or fall at the Sentence of his Word He is the greatest and most excellent of all the Prophets and far above them all who knew more of God and of his Mind than all they joined in one and hath declared his Will more fully clearly and powerfully and shall we set at naught his Counsel Some that despised the Counsel of an ordinary Prophet smarted for it Heb. 10.28 29. He that despised Moses 's Law died without Mercy under two or three Witnesses Of how much sorer Punishment suppose ye shall he be thought worthy who hath trodde● under foot the Son of God who came out of his Bosom on purpose to teach us the Way of Salvation If he require Repentance and Faith with a Promise of Righteousness and Eternal Life and a Commination of Eternal Death unavoidable if we believe not nor repent we are to believe it with all Certainty to set about this Work with all Care and Diligence and continue therein with all Constancy and Perseverance Heb. 12.25 See that ye refuse not him that speaketh for if they escaped not who refused him that spake on Earth much more shall not we escape if we turn away from him that speaketh from Heaven Christ came from Heaven at first returned to Heaven again from Heaven sent down the Holy Ghost upon the Apostles and by that Spirit enabled them to preach the Gospel with Success O surely we should attend to his Doctrine and receive it with firm Assent and obey it with humble Submission Again he is the first-begotten from the Dead That he died should render him dear to us for it was for our sakes as I shall shew by and by That he rose again was for our sakes for our Justification Who was delivered for our Offences and ros● again for our Iustification Rom. 4.25 For it sheweth that his Sacrifice was accepted as sufficient for our Atonement Yea for our blessed Resurrection 1 Cor. 15.20 But now is Christ risen from the dead and become the first-Fruits of them that slept As the whole Harvest was blessed and sanctified in a little handful of the first-Fruits offered to God But I urge it now as an Argument why we should give him Glory as deserving it by the Greatness of his Person This made it evident that he was the
Son of God Rom. 1.4 Declared to be the Son of God with Power by the Resurrection from the dead The true Messiah and Judg of the World Acts 17.31 Because he hath appointed a Day in the which he will judg the World in Righteousness by that Man whom he hath ordained whereof he hath given assurance unto all Men in that he hath raised him from the dead If he had been an Impostor neither could he have raised up himself being a mere Man nor would God have raised him up for we cannot imagine that Divine Providence would cooperate to countenance a Lie or Cheat. As then you would not be found Enemies to Christ in his Imperial Day give him Glory and Dominion If you slight him you despise one that is evidently declared to be the Son of God and there is no Medium either he must be your loving Saviour or your terrible Judg. If you neglect him he will not be the first-born from the dead to you nor the first-Fruits to you The first-Fruits did not bless the Tares or the Cockle or Darnel or filthy Weeds but only the good Corn though raised again you shall be by his Judicial Power Again he is the Prince of the Kings of the Earth and therefore highly to be respected Respect to great Ones and fawning upon great Ones is the practice of all the World all will seek the Ruler's Face As all Rivers run to the Sea so do all the Respects of the World to the Great and the Mighty And is not the Son of God worthy of our Respects that is sat down at the right Hand of Majesty above all If we did live by Faith as much as by Sense we would see it is our Interest as well as our Duty to honour Christ we would not fear a mortal Man that can threaten us with a Prison but Christ who can threaten us with Hell nor be dismayed at the Frowns of Men when Christ smiles Who would not fear thee O Lord and glorify thy Name Rev. 15.4 We would yield up our selves to be his willing Subjects and obey his Laws who can reward us not with Temporal Dignities but Eternal Life The Authority and Power that all others have is but derived from Christ and subordinate to him therefore if he smiles whose Frowns need we fear He is the one Law-giver that hath Potestatem Vitae Necis Power of Life and Death he is able to destroy absolutely and you may be safe in his Protection Well then if we consider what he is he deserveth everlastingly to be honoured II. What he hath done for us He loved us and washed us from our Sins in his own Blood And there we begin First With the Fountain and Bosom-cause of all and that is Christ's Love To him that loved us 1. Christ's Love is the Ground of Man's Redemption that stirred all the Causes and set them a-work that concurred to this End Other Attributes were manifested in the Redemption of Mankind as God's Wisdom Power Justice Holiness but they are all subservient to Love but Love is at the upper end of all Causes subservient to nothing but it self If you ask a reason of other things it may be assigned but if you ask a reason of his Love that cannot be given but from it self If the question be Wherefore did God discover such Riches of Wisdom Goodness and Power for the saving poor worthless Creatures He loved us Iohn 3.16 God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son Wherefore did Jesus Christ submit to such bitter Agonies such an accursed Death He loved us Ephes. 5.2 Walk in Love as Christ also hath loved us and hath given himself for us an Offering and a Sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling Savour Ephes. 5.25 Christ loved the Church and gave himself for it And Gal. 2.20 Christ liveth in me and the Life which I now live in the Flesh I live by the Faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me But now put the question Wherefore did he love us Love only is the reason of it self He loved us because he loved us Deut. 7.7 8. The Lord did not set his Love on you nor choose you because ye were more in number than any People c. but because the Lord loved you 2. As it is the Fountain-Cause so it was that Property that shined forth most conspicuously in the Work of Redemption Rom. 5.8 God commendeth his Love toward us in that while we were yet Sinners Christ died for us And therefore this is that which we should most admire and be ravished with in our Thoughts Here next to the Description of the Excellency of Christ's Person the first thing mentioned in the Doxology it self is this To him that loved us This is a comfortable Word as if Jesus would be described and known by nothing so much as by his Love What was the Son of God but Love incarnate Love born of a Virgin Love conversing in the World and preaching Salvation to poor Sinners Love going about and doing Good Love relieving the Diseased and the Possessed curing the Deaf and the Dumb and the Blind and the Lame and finally Love dying and hanging on the Cross God is Love 1 John 4.8 The Angels in Heaven adore this Love tho Spectators not Parties interested he came not for their sakes but ours only We have a little notional knowledg of it but could we once find the saving Effects of God's Love in Christ impressed upon our Hearts by the Spirit how would you be melted and ravished and ever be thinking what Glory and Honour you might bring to him that thus loved you You and I may discourse of it it is not a few cold Thoughts of the Love of Christ will work on us but the shedding of this Love abroad in your Hearts by the Holy Ghost Rom. 5.5 There is no Knowledg like the experimental Knowledg which ariseth from the felt and known Effects of this Love this would awaken your Hopes fill you with solid Comfort excite you to your Duty 2 Cor. 5.14 For the Love of Christ constraineth us However till you have this the Means you must use are sound Belief and serious Consideration 1 st Imbracing by Faith the Love of God in Christ and the good things prepared by it as they are revealed and offered in the Gospel That is the way to get this fuller Insight and experimental Knowledg and Feeling of this Love for so the Apostle prayeth Ephes. 3.17 18 19. That Christ may dwell in your Hearts by Faith that ye being rooted and grounded in Love may be able to comprehend with all Saints what is the Breadth and Length and Depth and Height and to know the Love of Christ which passeth knowledg 1 John 4.16 We have known and believed the Love which God hath to us God is Love and he that dwelleth in Love dwelleth in God and God in him 2 dly The serious Contemplation and
Corrosives are not proper to all Wounds and Diseases and a proud Censure is not a charitable Reproof Therefore in the general it must be so as it may best obtain its Effect 2. With Lenity and Christian Meekness that it may appear an Act of Love not the Fruit of Passion but Compassion Gal. 6.1 If a Man be overtaken in a Fault ye which are spiritual restore such an one in the Spirit of Meekness When we would reclaim and restore such as are surprized with any Sin we must do it in such a manner that they may see our Love to them and that we have a right Aim which is not the Reproach and Disgrace of the Person but his Reformation and Amendment Our Indignation against the Sin must not transport us or carry us besides our Pity to the Person and there must not appear in it the Rigour and Severity of Censure which proceedeth of Pride but the Lenity of Love considering the Circumstance of humane Failty and our own Proneness to offend if we were in like Circumstances It is our Brother's Amendment we look after not to beget in others an ill Opinion of him or a good Opinion of our selves as if we were singular in Holiness and Hatred of Sin above others And we must by all means shew that our reproving proceedeth from a Zeal for the Glory of God and Love to and Care of the Salvation of our Neighbour 3. Prudently All Circumstances must be well weighed of Person Time and Place Occasion and the Temptations to the Offence that all things may be done conveniently and proportionable to the End Prov. 25.12 As an Ear-ring of Gold and an Ornament of fine Gold so is a wise Reprover upon an obedient Ear. That is wise Reproof is a precious Jewel that is not so great an Ornament to the Ear as a wise seasonable Reproof is acceptable to a gracious Heart Reproof is an Ear-Jewel now an Ear-Jewel must not be too weighty and heavy left it tare and rend rather than adorn the Ear. Thirdly The Argument by which this Duty is inforced Lest thou bear Sin for him that is the Marginal Reading In the Text Thou shalt not suffer Sin upon him either Reading affordeth a strong Argument 1. Thou shalt not suffer Sin upon him that is not leave him in his Sin unreproved Sin should be so odious to a gracious Heart that as we should be careful not to commit it our selves so we should not permit it to lie upon others As we would shake off a Spark of Fire from their Clothes so we must not suffer any sinful Blemish to remain upon their Consciences and Conversations God would every way hedg us within our Duty as by mourning for the Sins of others he teacheth us Penitence for our own so by reproving others Sins he teacheth us Caution for our selves Rom. 2.1 Thou art inexcusable O Man whosoever thou art that judgest for wherein thou judgest another thou condemnest thy self for thou that judgest dost the same things They that live and go on in these Sins in judging others they condemn themselves 2. The other Reading also offereth a good Argument That thou bear not Sin for him To bear Sin is to bear Punishment as Christ is said to bear our Sins in his Body upon the Tree when he indured the Punishment due to our Sins 1 Pet. 2.24 So he that reproveth not Sin is said to bear Sin for his Brother or Neighbour that is Punishment for his sake because he seeketh not to save a Soul from Death as the Lord threatneth Ezek. 3.18 When I say unto the Wicked Thou shalt surely die and thou givest him not Warning nor speakest to warn the Wicked from his wicked way to save his Life the same wicked Man shall die in his Iniquity but his Blood will I require at thine Hands Others are to answer for it who have Ability and Opportunity to reprove Now we have Sins enough of our own that we need not take on us a new Guilt and be Partakers of other Mens Sins or bear more for their sakes From the whole observe Doct. That Brotherly Reproof is a necessary Duty which all are bound to practise as well as they can I. Let us consider the kind of the Duty which we are bound to enforce Reproof and Admonition is either Authoritative and by way of Office or Charitative and by way of general Duty 1. For Reproof by way of Office we have many Scriptures 2 Tim. 4.2 Preach the Word be instant in Season out of Season reprove rebuke exhort with all Long-suffering and Doctrine that is urge them press them call upon them when they are at leisure to hear and come together for that Purpose or when thou hast any Opportunity to fasten any thing upon them at other times Labour still to convince the Evil-doers of their wicked Courses This is the continual Duty of Ministers and they must mind it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Season out of Season both when they have probable Opportunities and when they take occasion though they find it not when the Hearers it may be think it not so seasonable the Recovery of Souls must not be delayed 2. Reproof by way of general Duty which lieth upon all Men that are capable and have the Use of Reason Of this the Apostle speaketh 1 Thess. 5.14 Now we exhort you Brethren warn them that are unruly comfort the feeble-minded support the Weak be patient towards all Men. All these are Duties of Christian Charity which belong to private Believers 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 warn them that are unruly Reproof is one of these Duties 2 Thess. 3.15 Count him not as an Enemy but admonish him as a Brother 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 set his Duty in his Mind Again all Christians must contribute their Help to preserve the Church of Christ from Scandal and Prejudice And therefore when they see any Man forsake his Station and his Work they must admonish him of his Fault and never leave till they have reduced him into his proper Posture and Place again Now there is a Difference between these two Duties for the one is not only an Act of Charity but Justice the other is an Act of Charity and that general Duty that we owe to a Neighbour as a Neighbour The one is done by a Superiour by virtue of his Office the other is done by an Equal towards his Equal or by a Superiour by virtue of his common Relation The one is done publickly by right dividing the Word of Truth and giving every one his Portion the other is done privately between us and our Brother that we may gain him according to Christ's Rule The one is done by publick Declaration and the Evidence of Truth in their Consciences disproving their evil Deeds Iohn 3.20 Every one that doth Evil hateth the Light neither cometh he to the Light lest his Deeds should be reproved The other is done by closer Application or personal Charge for the Sins
that we have heard and seen Gal. 2.11 When Peter was come to Antioch I with stood him to the Face because he was to be blamed The one requireth Aptness of Gifts the other only Christian Prudence and a fervent Charity This latter we have now in hand II. The Arguments by which we are to inforce it Which are needful in this Case because Men are so apt to bear with Sin both in themselves and others and this Duty is of so great Use that Satan seeketh to hinder it with all his Power and so hard to be done rightly that most Men quite omit it 1 st I shall prove it from the Law of Nature which teacheth me to love my Neighbour as my self and therefore Conscience bindeth me to reduce those into the right way who are gone out of it this is the obliging internal Cause We our selves by a regular Will having erred would be glad to be reduced and set into the right way again Ier. 8.4 Thus saith the Lord Shall they fall and not arise Shall they turn away and not return Is any Man so absurd heedless and witless that when he hath gotten a Fall will lie still and not essay to get up again Or that hath been unwittingly out of the way and will not desire to come into it again and be willing to receive Direction from those that would set him right Now this being a Dictate of Nature produced by God himself by his Prophet to aggravate their Apostacy who having faln by their Sin refused to rise and return holdeth good also to others whom we are to love as our selves And therefore when they are fallen we must help them to rise again and when they are turned away we must help them to return This is so natural that the very Birds and Beasts desire to return to their proper Places in their natural and appointed time when they have wander'd as the Prophet speaketh of the Stork Turtle and Crane ver 7. Yea the Stork in the Heaven knoweth her appointed times and the Turtle and the Crane and the Swallow observe the time of their coming Now from that reciprocal Obligation that is between Men and the Law of Nature we are bound to reprove our Brother as we desire it and expect it from them to be set right when we are wrong we are to pay the same Debt of Love to them again The Argument holdeth à fortiori because in spiritual things the Danger is greater the Good to be procured is greater the Evil to be feared greater Yea this Argument is the stronger because it holdeth good concerning the Ox and Ass not only of our own Neighbour but of our Enemy as Exod. 23.4 If thou meet thine Enemy's Ox or his Ass going astray thou shalt surely bring it back to him again And Deut. 22.1 Thou shalt not see thy Brother's Ox or his Sheep go astray and hide thy self from them thou shalt in any case bring them again to thy Brother Surely hereby God would teach every Man not to look on his own things only but to love and do Good to other Men. This Duty required towards Beasts is much more towards Men Ezek. 34.4 Ye have not brought again that which was driven away and ye have not sought that which was lost We are all like Sheep going astray and have need of one anothers Help Mark there are two Precepts in Deut. 22.1 a Prohibition not to hide and a Commandment to restore so that they are doubly guilty that are not affected with other Mens Sins or do not seek to reform them 2 dly It is a Duty because positively commanded by God so that unless we will be guilty of flat Disobedience we ought to mind it God bindeth all Men to reprove their erring Brother and Neighbour keeping the Rules of Prudence Justice and Charity Now that God hath commanded this many of the Scriptures cited before prove it Matth. 18.15 16 17. If thy Brother offend thee go and tell him his Fault between him and thee Which is to be understood not only of Offences done to us but to be extended to all wilful Crimes of which we see him guilty for Zeal for God should prevail with us as much as Injuries done to to our selves and it is not angry Reproach but Christian Admonition that we press you to 1 Thess. 5.14 Warn them that are unruly 2 Thess. 3.15 Admonish him as a Brother So Rom. 15.14 I my self also am perswaded of you my Brethren that ye are full of Goodness filled with all Knowledg able to admonish one another So Prov. 25.8 9 10. Go not forth hastily to strive lest thou know not what to do in the End thereof when thy Neighbour hath put thee to Shame Debate thy Cause with thy Neighbour himself and discover not a Secret to another lest he that heareth it put thee to Shame and thine Infamy turn not away All these Expressions concern Brotherly Reproof debating Matters in Case of Offence and Injury real or supposed If we presently run to Law without using previous gentle Methods of taking up Matters among our selves we run a great Hazard both of Loss and Infamy Better end it by friendly Composition than running to the Judg where by many unhappy Representations a Righteous Cause may be oppressed But for the common Duty of Christians see Ephes. 5.11 Have no Fellowship with the unfruitful Works of Darkness but rather reprove them The word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 rather doth not lessen our Duty but inforce it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 saith Chrysostom We ought to reprove We shall not be excused before God unless we do our Duty So Iude 22.23 And of some have Compassion making a Difference And others save with Fear pulling them out of the Fire SERMON II. LEVIT XIX 17 Thou shalt not hate thy Brother in thy Heart thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy Neighbour and not suffer Sin upon him 3 dly COnsider how far it bindeth 1. Intensively as to the Value of the Precept It is not an Arbitrary Direction which we may omit or observe at Pleasure but a Necessary Precept which we must obey 1. From the Danger we incur We are under Danger of Sin and bearing Punishment for them whom we reprove not and the Punishment of Sin is eternal Death if it be omitted out of a culpable Negligence Eternal Life and eternal Death is in the Case there is no doubt of Superiours who by Justice and Office are bound to reprove as well as by the Law of common Love and Charity Ezek. 33.6 His Blood will I require at the Watchman's Hands But even private Persons may bear Sin for others 2. Because of the Good which cometh thereby which is the Glory of God and the gaining of our Brother Matth. 18.15 Thou hast gained thy Brother And the gaining of another's Soul is no small Advantage this will be your Crown and rejoicing in the Day of the Lord. To enforce both consider that Text Prov. 24.
Iesus Christ. Where the three Persons are again mentioned and their Concurrence to our Salvation 2. That Words proper to their personal Operation are used for there is Love ascribed to the Father Grace to the Son and Communion to the Holy Ghost The Father is represented as the Fountain of Love and all Goodness and as expressing and exerting his Love by the Son and Spirit By the Grace of Christ is meant all that gracious Provision which he hath made for Man's Salvation both in the reconciling God to us and procuring the Mission of the Spirit Communion is ascribed to the Spirit because all is applied or communicated to us by him Or thus our Salvation is ascribed in Election to the Love of the Father in Redemption to the Grace of the Son in Sanctification to the Communion or Participation of the Holy Ghost 1st The Love of God Love is ascribed to the Father for the Love of God is the Cause of all consider his giving Christ for us or giving Christ to us and us to him 1. In giving Christ for us Iohn 3.16 God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting Life Christ did not merit electing Love but Love rather moved God to give Christ for Sinners Love appointed the Son to be our Redeemer there was the Bosom and Bottom-Cause 2. In giving Christ to us Iohn 6.37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me And him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out John 17.6 I have manifested thy Name unto the Men which thou gavest me out of the World thine they were and thou gavest them me and they have kept thy Word And in time he doth execute and accomplish this out of his meer Love Ier. 31.3 The Lord hath appeared to me of old saying Yea I have loved thee with an everlasting Love therefore with Loving-kindness have I drawn thee As by Elective Love the Heirs of Salvation were distinguished from others in God himself or in his Intention and Purpose so by Regeneration and converting Love they are distinguished from others in themselves and set apart from the rest of the World to be the Objects of his special Love and Instruments of his Glory Besides there is a Love of God whereby he loveth us when we are in Christ Jesus which is the Ground of our Safety and Preservation Rom. 8.38 39. For I am perswaded that neither Death nor Life nor Angels nor Principalities nor Powers nor things present nor things to come nor Height nor Depth nor any other Creature shall be able to separate us from the Love of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. 2dly The Grace of our Lord Iesus Christ. What is intended us by the Father is brought about by the Grace of the Redeemer and therefore all the Provision Christ had made for our Salvation is called Grace 2 Cor. 8.9 For ye know the Grace of our Lord Iesus Christ that though he was rich yet for your sakes he became poor that ye through his Poverty might be rich That is ye know his gracious Condescension in submitting to such a mean Condition for our sakes So 1 Cor. 16.23 The Grace of Lord Iesus Christ be with you all Grace is God's Favour and Love which was first purchased by Christ by his Obedience and bloody Sufferings Rom. 3.24 Being justified freely by his Grace through the Redemption that is in Iesus Christ. Secondly applied by his Intercession which is also another Act of his Grace and therefore we come boldly to the Throne of Grace that we may obtain Mercy and find Grace to help us in time of need Heb. 4.16 Namely having a great High Priest that is passed into the Heavens Iesus the Son of God ver 14. who knoweth our Infirmities Thirdly As it is bestowed by him as Lord of the New Creation upon such Terms as every way keep up the Honour and Interest of Grace in our Salvation Ephes. 2.8 By Grace ye are saved through Faith and that not of your selves it is the Gift of God All the saving Benefits we have by Christ are from Grace such as Reconciliation with God the Renovation of our Natures and everlasting Glory and Happiness they are all dispensed in a gracious way from first to last 3dly The Communion of the Holy Ghost Communion is ascribed to the Holy Ghost It may be rendred Communion or Communication The Spirit reneweth and changeth our Nature and worketh Faith and Holiness in us Light Life and Love are the special Benefits which he communicates to us He doth enlighten our Minds to understand and believe the great things prepared for us by God through Jesus Christ. It is said 1 Cor. 2.10 But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit for the Spirit searcheth all things yea the deep things of God So Ephes. 1.17 18. That the God of our Lord Iesus Christ the Father of Glory may give unto you the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the knowledg of him the Eyes of your Vnderstanding being enlightned that ye may know what is the Hope of his Calling and what the Riches of the Glory of his Inheritance in the Saints Life for we live in the Spirit and are born of the Spirit that is have a new Life begotten in us therefore called a Spirit of Life before we lived as Men now as Christians And Love the Heart is bent and inclined to God It began in Love and endeth in Love Love of God endeth in Love to God This threefold Effect is expressed 2 Tim. 1.7 For God hath not given us the Spirit of Fear but of Power of Love and a sound Mind Life in Power as Light in a sound Mind And it is all together called the Divine Nature 2 Pet. 1.4 Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious Promises that by these you might be Partakers of the Divine Nature For it answereth to the Wisdom Power and Goodness of God 3. That all these Words imply Riches of Goodness Bounty and Liberality Love noteth a ready Inclination to do Good to others without the Excitement of external Motives it openeth and inlargeth the Heart to another and then the Hand cannot be shut 2 Cor. 6.11 O ye Corinthians our Mouth is open unto you our Heart is enlarged Grace is some good thing freely given So 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Communion noteth a liberal Effusion or Distribution of the Graces of God's sanctifying Spirit and so it suteth with 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Love of God and the Grace of Christ Elsewhere 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Communion of the Spirit is joined with Bowels and Mercies Phil. 2.1 If any Fellowship of the Spirit if any Bowels and Mercies that is if you have received any Good from Christ by the Spirit So Rom. 15.26 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain Contribution for
not in Iniquity but rejoiceth in the Truth Ver. 7. Beareth all things believeth all things hopeth all things endureth all things Ver. 8. Charity never faileth but whether there be Prophecies they shall fail whether there be Tongues they shall cease whether there be Knowledg it shall vanish away In 1 Sermon p. 995 Psal. 84.7 They go from Strength to Strength every one of them in Zion appeareth before God In 1 Sermon p. 1000 1 Cor. 11.26 For as often as ye eat this Bread and drink this Cup ye do shew the Lord's Death till he come In 1 Sermon p. 1009 Mal. 3.17 And I will spare them as a Man spareth his own Son that serveth him In 1 Sermon p. 1016 2 Tim. 2.19 Nevertheless the Foundation of God standeth sure having this Seal The Lord knoweth them that he his and let every one that nameth the Name of Christ depart from Iniquity In 1 Sermon p. 1024 Acts 24.25 And as he reasoned of Righteousness Temperance and Iudgment to come Felix trembled and answered Go thy way for this time when I have a more convenient Season I will call for thee In 1 Sermon p. 1031 Prov. 3.17 Her ways are ways of Pleasantness and all her Paths are Peace In 1 Sermon p. 1038 Prov. 10.20 The Tongue of the Iust is as choice Silver the Heart of the Wicked is little worth In 2 Sermons p. 1053 Acts 10.34 Then Peter opened his Mouth and said Of a Truth I perceive that God is no Respecter of Persons Ver. 35. But in every Nation he that feareth him and worketh Righteousness is accepted with him In 1 Sermon p. 1065 Mark 4.24 And he said unto them Take heed what you hear with what Measure ye mete it shall be measured to you and unto you that bear shall more be given In 1 Sermon p. 1076 Heb. 2.11 For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one for which Cause he is not ashamed to call them Brethren In 1 Sermon p. 1083 Heb. 13.5 For he hath said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee In 1 Sermon p. 1093 1 Thess. 5.8 But let us who are of the Day be sober putting on the Breast-plate of Faith and Love and for an Helmet the Hope of Salvation In 1 Sermon p. 1100 Prov. 14.14 The Backslider in Heart shall be filled with his own ways and a good Man shall be satisfied from himself In 1 Sermon p. 1108 John 1.29 Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the Sin of the World In 2 Sermons p. 1116 John 18.11 The Cup which my Father hath given me shall I not drink it In 1 Sermon p. 1131 Luke 23.34 Father forgive them for they know not what they do In 1 Sermon p. 1138 John 19.30 He said It is finished and he bowed his Head and gave up the Ghost In 2 Sermons p. 1149 Eccles. 7.29 But they have sought out many Inventions In 1 Sermon p. 1153 Eccles. 12.7 Then shall the Dust return to the Earth as it was and the Spirit shall return unto God who gave it In 1 Sermon p. 1161 Rev. 1.5 And from Iesus Christ who is the faithful Witness and the first begotten of the Dead and the Prince of the Kings of the Earth Vnto him that loved us and washed us from our Sins in his own Blood Ver. 6. And hath made us Kings and Priests unto God and his Father unto him be Glory and Dominion for ever and ever Amen In 2 Sermons p. 1175 Levit. 19.17 Thou shalt not hate thy Brother in thine Heart thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy Neighbour and not suffer Sin upon him In 2 Sermons p. 1195 1 Cor. 15.19 If in this Life only we have Hope in Christ we are of all Men most miserable In 2 Sermons p. 1209 Rom. 2.7 To them who by patient Continuance in well-doing seek for Glory and Honour and Immortality eternal Life In 1 Sermon p. 1224 2 Cor. 13.14 The Grace of our Lord Iesus Christ and the Love of God and the Communion of the Holy Ghost be with you all Amen In 1 Sermon p. 1232 ADVERTISEMENT THE Publication of this Fourth Volume as also the Author 's former Works in Folio is due to the kind Incouragement of many worthy Persons both Ministers and others who from a publick Spirit and a true Sense of the real Benefit that may accrue thereby to the Church of God have readily contributed their Assistance But that it came out no sooner it must admit of this favourable Excuse from those that were concern'd in the Publication thereof that notwithstanding the hopeful Incouragement it met withal when first proposed yet many Persons that did not decline it were very backward in sending in their first Payments by means of which there could not be any Paper procured before this last Summer to begin the Work which Omission in Subscribers proves very injurious to the speedy finishing any Work of this Nature and sometimes is the Cause of their being wholly laid aside There are some also that 's very strange that were not willing to promote this Work themselves were not satisfied in that but did very industriously indeavour to hinder others by giving out that what was printed were but Scraps and not from his own Notes and that if publish'd would tend rather to the Dishonour than Credit of the Author All which savours so much of Disingenuity that it needs no more Words to refute it But let such judg if they are able by this and the Doctor 's former Works if any thing has been publish'd under Dr. Manton's Name that has not truly born his Character and there is so little need of publishing Scraps that there remains as many single Sermons under his own Hand as would make as large a Volume as this besides several whole Chapters which would make one if not more large Folio's viz. on Psalm 131. Isaiah chap. 53. Ephesians chap. 5. Philip. chap. 3. most of 2 Thess. chap. 1. most of the Chapters of the 1 st Epistle of Iohn with many others not mentioned ERRATA in the First Part. PAge 3. line 16. read no more Grace P. 17. l. ult r. Heat increaseth with Light P. 21. l. 37. f. sure r. soar P. 22. l. 29. r. we must hearken P. 25. l. 10. r. of Argument P. 28. l. 5. dele his P. 29. l. 37. f. lurking r. hucking P. 30. l. 28. f. Conversation r. Conversion l. 44. f. Case r. Care P. 32. l. 20. r. Practicals P. 34. l. 56. f. thô r. if P. 47. l. 57. f. or r. of P. 50. l. 25. r. after he is recovered P. 60. l. 3. dele l. P. 64. l. 9. f. hinged r. honied 1. 24. f. but r. and l. 34. r. a wanton l. 54. for remit r. vomit l. 55. f. Case r. Care P. 74. l. 14. r. a wanton P. 75. l. 33. f. the Sin r. seen P. 79. l. 16. r. envy it P. 83. l. 20. f. these r. there l. 26. dele his P.
Salvation is not only privative but positive Christ doth not only deliver us from Evil from Sin from the Wrath of God the Accusations of the Law and eternal Death but positively he gives us Grace and Righteousness and everlasting Life he is not only a Saviour to defend us but a Saviour to bless us a Sun and Shield Psal. 84.11 not only a Shield to keep from Danger but a Sun who is the Fountain and Cause of Vegitation and Life it is not Preservation meerly but Preferment If Christ had only delivered us from Wrath to come and been a Saviour privatively it had been more than we could expect or if he had procured some place where we might have been unacquainted with Pain or Trouble yet then he had been a Saviour but here is not only a Ransom and Deliverance but an Inheritance an Exaltation Heaven and everlasting Glory are included in this Salvation Instead of Horror and Howlings here are everlasting Joys and we shall ever be with God praising his Grace in the midst of all his Saints The Blessing is so excellent that we cannot neglect it without great danger Heb. 2.3 How shall we escape if we neglect so great Salvation For what can we expect but that God's Mercy and Patience abused should be turned into Wrath and Fury and we cannot despise it without a great deal of Sin and Profaneness Heb. 12.16 Lest there be any profane Person as Esau who for one morsel of Meat sold his Birthright The Birthright was a Pledg of the Blessing and a right of Priesthood and Ministration before the Lord depended upon it This was Esau's by Birth and he is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a profane Man for parting with it at so low a rate and thinking so meanly of spiritual Priviledges O but what Profaneness is this to despise the great Salvation that will cause us ever to be before the Lord and minister in his Presence We count him a profane Man that is guilty of Murder Theft Adultery Perjury because those Sins bring publick Shame and Contempt and because these Sins are most destructive to human Society But he is a profane Man indeed that despiseth the Gospel because it offereth such an excellent Salvation that is Profaneness to slight God's best Provision to scorn his Bowels and when the Lord hath made the Bait an Allurement so strong to gain Man's Heart yet to turn his back upon it 2. Consider the Compleatness of the Saviour Jesus Christ is so by Merit and by Efficacy and Power and so every way fitted to do us good He doth something for us and something in us Look as in the Gospel there is the History of Salvation and there Christ doth all he is a Saviour by Merit and there is the Counsel of Salvation and there he is a Saviour by Power he helps us to do the Duty on our part We have the Merit of his Humiliation and the Power of his Exaltation for us he prevails by the Merit of his Death and in us by the Efficacy of his Spirit When Christ was to save us there were several Hinderances one on God's part and another on ours there was Hinderance put in by God's Justice and a Hinderance by our Unbelief Justice requires Merit and Unbelief Power Christ was a Saviour both ways Again there are different Enemies to our Salvation which were of several Qualities God and the Law and Sin and Death and Satan and the World Now God and the Law are to be considered in a distinct rank from Sin and Death from Satan and the World God was an Enemy that could not be overcome therefore must be reconciled The Law was an Enemy that was not to be disanulled and destroyed but to be satisfied the Precepts of it were not to be relaxed or repealed but fulfilled the Curses of it were not to fall to the ground some must be made a Curse that the Authority of it might be kept up Now Jesus Christ he is made a Curse for us and by his Merit he satisfies the Law and the Justice of God Then among the other Enemies look to Satan he is not only a Tempter but an Accuser as he is a Tempter so Christ is to overcome him by his Power as he is an Accuser so Christ is to overcome him by his Merit Certainly so far as Satan is an Enemy so far must Christ be a Saviour that the Plaister may be as broad as the Sore and therefore against the Accusations of Satan he interposeth as our Advocate by representing his Merit and by bringing his Blood unto the Mercy-Seat Once again consider that our Comfort may be full Christ saves us by Merit and by Power By his Obedience and Merit he gives us jus ad rem a Right and Title to Salvation but by his Efficacy and Power he gives us Possession jus in re he was first to buy our Peace our Comfort our Grace our Glory of God and then to see that we be possessed of it and therefore we are said to be reconciled by his Death and saved by his Life He died that we might rely on his Merit and Ransom and Blood which was a Price to reconcile us to God and he lives that we might wait for his Power and so be saved by his Life 3. Consider As the Greatness of the Salvation and the Compleatness of the Saviour so the Excellency of the Gospel how it manifests and sets out this Saviour not in Shadows and Types but with clear and express Explication God bestowed many Benefits upon the Old Church which were great Enforcements to Godliness but not so powerful and effectual because they were but Shadows of Salvation Things that grow in the Shade come not to such Perfection as Things that grow in the Sun In the Old Testament they had many Blessings but they were Typical Ones and lasted but for a while they had many Saviours that delivered them from the House of Bondage led them through the Red Sea and through the Desart into Canaan delivered them from their Enemies destroyed the Nations round about them But now these were Shadows of good Things to come the New Testament shews what is the meaning of all these that we are delivered from the Devil and led into Heaven and brought to the possession of Eternal Life by Jesus Christ. The Old Testament speaketh of calling Abraham out of Ur of the Caldees and separating his Seed as a People to God we can speak of Election that we may obtain the Adoption of Sons The Old Testament speaks of multiplying the Seed of the Iews as the Sand of the Sea The New Testament speaks of the multitude of Converts a great Number which none can number The Old Testament speaks of the bringing out of Egypt the New of bringing Sinners out of the Power of Darkness The Old Testament mentions the Red Sea the New the Grace of Baptism or Red Sea of Christ's Blood The Old Testament speaks of God's
World for he is to be accepted not only as our Lord and Lawgiver but as our chiefest Good as an All-sufficient Saviour You are under a Vow and alienate things once consecrated when you withdraw your Affections after you have once given them up to Christ What have Lusts to do in an Heart that is once dedicated to God Vse 1. Information It informeth us 1. How little Interest in Christ they have who are still under the Power of worldly Lusts. The Apostle giveth us this Note Gal. 5.24 They that are Christ's have crucified the Flesh with the Affections and Lusts. He doth not say that they are Christ's that believe that he was crucified or that he died for Sinners but they are Christ's that feel that he was crucified that by the Virtue of his Cross do crucify their own Lusts and sinful Affections What a Christian and yet worldly a Christian and yet sensual a Christian and yet proud You that are given to Pleasures do you believe in Christ that was a Man of Sorrows You that are carried out after the Pomp and Vanity of the World do you believe in Christ whose Kingdom was not of this World You that are proud and lofty do you profess an Interest in the humble Christ It is in vain for those to talk of his dying for Sinners and boast of the Excellency of his Cross that never felt the Virtue of it Gal. 6.14 God forbid that I should glory save in the Cross of our Lord Iesus Christ by whom the World is crucified unto me and I unto the World Your Affections to the World are still strong how can you glory in his Cross What Experience have you of the Goodness of it Have you gotten any thing by the Cross Are you planted into the Efficacy of it Rom. 6.5 For if we have been planted together in the Likeness of his Death we shall be also in the Likeness of his Resurrection Do you feel any weakning of Lusts and decay of Sin at least doth it put you upon Endeavours in this kind The Roots of Sin are in all but do you seek to mortify them Do you deny them in the way prescribed do you seek to prevent them with Diligence to suppress them with Watchfulness to resist them with Strenght and Resolution When there is not a constant Course of Mortification set up but Lust is let alone to reign without Controul you have no Interest in Christ. Mark it is said they crucify the Flesh there is a Work on your part Man is not wholly passive 2. It informeth us that true Mortification is proper to Grace Grace teacheth us to deny worldly Lusts mere Reason cannot Reason may sometimes convince us of Lusts but it cannot reform them in many things it is blind but in all weak The sublimest Philosophy that ever was could never teach a Man to go out of himself to deny his Lusts to despise the World Many of the Heathens were to Appearance temperate just sober and liberal but still the Lusts remained and therefore some in Despair have pulled out their Eyes because they could not prevail over a naughty Heart Sapientia eorum abscondit vitia non abscindit they hid their Sins but did not cut them off As an Oven stopped up is the hotter within so the Excess and Execution of Lusts being prevented they grew more outragious The Heart of Man will not be kept in order by any thing but by the Power of Grace We may argue fast vow pray promise and watch against Sin these are good means but not to be rested in for they are too weak to master Sin God hath reserved this Honour for his Grace in Jesus Christ Rom. 7.24 25. O wretched Man that I am who shall deliver me from the Body of this Death I thank God through Iesus Christ our Lord. We can have Deliverance no where else Are not Counsels of Reason able to help me No they cannot Is not a moral Course of Mortification able to help me as Fasting Watching Prayer No these may restrain it somewhat and lessen the Violence of it Satan may be outed for a time but yet he returneth with more Violence as the Jailor hangeth more Irons on him that is caught again after an Escape It is only the Grace of God that mortifies Sin Vse 2. Of Reproof of those that do not deny worldly Lusts but feed and serve them they act for their Sins rather than against them Nature is bad of it self and we need not make it worse these tempt Temptations and cater and purvey for Sin Therefore the Apostle useth that Phrase Rom. 13.14 Make not Provision for the Flesh to fulfil the Lusts thereof Men make it their Business to satisfy their boundless Desires forecast to fulfil their sinful Desires and Affections We must provide for the Body but not to fulfil every wanton Lust and loose Desire This may be done by outward Provocations when Men feed their Distempers and make Nature more lustful and more wrathful Iames 5.5 Ye have lived in Pleasure on Earth and been wanton ye have nourished your Hearts as in a Day of Slaughter The Heart is the Seat of Desires they reared up their Concupiscence by Excess and dainty Morsels and all those Courses by which Lust seemeth to be satisfied but is indeed inflamed As salt Water wets the Palate but inflames the Stomach so they nourished Lust by voluntary casting themselves on Occasions of Sin He who truly desireth to shun Sin will shun the Occasions of it Who would bring Fire to a Barrel of Gunpowder Gen. 39.10 And it came to pass as she spake to Joseph day by day that he hearkened not unto her to lie by her or to be with her As he would not yield to the Sin so not to the Occasion Or else it may be done by Meditation and Thoughts By Thoughts the Heart and the Temptation are brought together as a Match is first propounded before it is closed with Thoughts are Sin 's Spokesmen and fasten the Temptation on the Heart as worldly Thoughts admiring outward Excellencies Psal. 144.15 Happy is the People that is in such a case Wrathful Thoughts debase Men every Circumstance aggravates the Injury and Offence and so inflames their Spirits Or else by a free and uncontroled Use of the Senses Matth. 5.28 Whosoever looketh upon a Woman to lust after her hath committed Adultery with her already in his Heart Death getteth in by the Windows Eve saw the Fruit Gen. 3.6 And when the Woman saw that the Tree was good for Food and that it was pleasant to the Eyes and a Tree to be desired to make one wise she took of the Fruit thereof and did eat David saw Bathsheba 2 Sam. 11.3 From the Roof he saw a Woman washing her self and the Woman was very beautiful to look upon and this inflamed his Heart Solomon bids us Prov. 23.31 Look not thou upon the Wine when it is red when it giveth his Colour in the Cup
the Fruit of his Sufferings When Christ was about to die he made his last Will and Testament Heaven was his by Purchase to bestow upon all his Heirs He had bought it at a dear Rate therefore now he shews what he would do with it Iohn 17.24 Father I will that those whom thou hast given me may be where I am that they may behold my Glory And then he is gone to Heaven again as our Harbinger to prepare a Place for us Ioh. 14.2 I go to prepare a Place for you to take up Mansions and Rooms for us in his Father's Palace He is gone as a Guardian or Feoffee in trust to seize upon Heaven in our Right to keep it during our Non-age and he will come again in Person as the Husband of the Church to bring us into his Father's House with Triumph therefore it is said Rev. 4.10 That the Elders did cast their Crowns before the Throne not as despising their Glory but as professing their Homage and Dependance and Rev. 5.8 9. The four Beasts and four and twenty Elders fell down before the Lamb c. saying Thou art worthy to take the Book and to open the Seals thereof for thou wast slain and hast redeemed us to God by thy Blood His Abasement was for our Preferment and therefore even here upon Earth may we bless God for the Elders represent the Church upon Earth for his great Mercy to us in Christ. 3. Consider how much we are engaged to God the Spirit who fits and prepares us for this happy State and seals up our Interest to us therefore it is called the Earnest of the Spirit Now he that hath wrought us for the self-same thing is God who also hath given to us the Earnest of the Spirit 2 Cor. 5.5 The Holy Ghost shapes and fashions all the Vessels of Glory fits and prepares them for Heaven It is the Spirit of God dwelling in us that wrought us and fits us for this great and blessed Hope therefore when-ever you think of it your Hearts should be raised in Thanksgiving It is not only their Duty to praise God that are in actual possession of Glory but ours also to whom these Hopes are revealed Rev. 5.8 There was a mixture of Harps and Vials full of Odours which are the Prayers of all Saints Compare this with Vers. 11. And I beheld and heard the Voice of many Angels round about the Throne and the Beasts and Elders Not only Angels and blessed Spirits but Saints on Earth all join in Consort praising the Lamb. We must praise the Lord in the time of our Pilgrimage for this great Estate reserved for us in Heaven 3. It informs us how desperately wicked the Hearts of sinful Men are that can run the hazard of eternal Death and forfeit this blessed Hope of eternal Life for a little carnal Satisfaction Survey all the Temptations of the World how much they come short of it If the Heart were not desperately wicked we would not be carried out to these things What is Vain Glory to Eternal Glory What are a few dreggy Delights to those Pleasures which are at God's right Hand for evermore What are the Riches of the World to our glorious Inheritance You would count him a mad Gamester that would throw away whole Lordships and Mannors at every Cast. A Sinner forfeits a blessed Hope that is above all the Kingdoms and Possessions of the World It is for this you will be the Scorn of Angels at the last Day Psal. 52.7 Lo this is the Man that made not God his Strength but trusted in the abundance of his Riches and strengthned himself in his Wickedness This will make you ashamed in the great Congregation that you were so foolishly bent to your own Ruin Nay this will torment you for ever nothing torments Men more than their foolish Choice Conscience will for ever tell them with what disadvantage they have forsaken God for a thing of nought Disappointment to a reasonable Creature is the worst vexation and what Disappointment is more than to be disappointed of our glorious Hopes and that for Trifles and a little carnal Satisfaction This will be our Shame and Torment to all Eternity We may guess at the gnawings of Conscience in the Damned by the Horrors of carnal Men when they come to die O then how do they bewail the Folly of their Choice O that they had been as mindful to serve God as to provide for the World as careful to satisfy the Motions of the Holy Ghost as to satisfy a Lust and carnal Desire When they are on a Death-bed and upon the Confines of Eternity then all worldly Comforts cease and there is a real confutation of the folly of their Choice a Sting then begins that never ceaseth Jer. 17.11 At his End he shall be a Fool. When he comes to die his Conscience will rage and call him Fool Beast and Mad-man for hazarding such eternal Joys for a Trifle 4. It informs us of the Excellency of the Gospel or Christian Profession Wisdom should be justified by her Children And all that do profess Religion should see the Excellency of it what there is in their Beloved more than in another Beloved Cant. 5.9 This there is in the Christian Religion there are purity of Precepts Psal. 19.7 8. The Law of the Lord is perfect converting the Soul the Testimony of the Lord is sure making wise the Simple The Statutes of the Lord are right rejoicing the Heart the Commandment of the Lord is pure enlightning the Eyes Then there is sureness of Principles of Trust and Dependance established between us and God that we may depend upon God with Comfort and Satisfaction there do you find rest for the Soul Ier. 6.16 Stand ye in the Ways and see and ask for the old Paths where is the good Way and walk therein and ye shall find rest for your Souls Then there are no such Rewards any where as in the Christian Profession 2 Tim. 1.10 Life and Immortality are brought to Light by the Gospel The Heathens had Dreams of Elizium Fields and Mahomet tells his Followers of a sensual Paradise but Life and Immortality is a Revelation proper and peculiar only to the Gospel The Heathens were at a loss for the Reward of Vertue Austin out of Varro gives us an account of 288 Opinions concerning Happiness and the chief Good of Man but now here is all brought to Light we may look beyond the Grave now and there is not such a Mist and Darkness upon Things to come God having acquainted us with the Gospel Nay there 's more revealed than was in the time of the Law If God had still kept this Secret in his own Bosom what a Support should we have wanted in our Trouble what Encouragement to the practice of Holiness O therefore prize the Gospel it is the Charter of your blessed Hope 5. It informs us what little cause we have to be slack in God's Work or to
the World whether Christ should come or no do you think carnal Men would give their Vote this way for Christ's Coming The Voice of corrupt Nature is Depart Iob 22.14 Therefore they say unto God Depart from us for we desire not the knowledg of thy Ways that 's the Language of their Hearts Carnal Men are of the Mind of the Devil when Christ wrought a Miracle in casting out a Devil and discovered somewhat of his Divine Power the Devils were afraid as if he were coming to Judgment already Matth. 8.29 Art thou come hither to torment us before the time The Devil cannot endure to hear of Christ's Coming no more can carnal Men for they are of his Mind If Thieves and Malefactors might have the Liberty to choose whether there should be Assizes yea or no do you think they would look for and long for the Judg's Coming and the Day of his Approach So corrupt Nature hath no Desire of this Day It is the Spirit in the Bride that says Come as soon as the Spirit of Grace works in us there is a Bent and Inclination this way 1 Pet. 1.3 Who hath begotten us again unto a lively Hope Spiritual Desires come from Heaven and thither they tend As soon as the Spirit works Grace in the Heart it looks out this way the Heart is bent thither from whence it receives all it hath as all Creatures love the Place of their Original The great Work of the Spirit is to bring us and Christ together The Spirit comes from the Father and the Son to bring us to the Father by the Son and therefore the Spirit stirs up those holy Groans in us When will he come Then look upon the Graces of a Christian there is Faith Love and Hope 1. Faith The Ground of this Looking is the Promise now Faith stands waiting for the Promise as if it were already begun to be accomplished Look as Rebeka espied Isaac a-far off so Faith espies Christ a-far off Faith is the Evidence of things not seen and looks upon Christ as if he were already on his way and so makes the Soul stand ready to meet and receive him As a loving Wife stands upon the Shoar and looks for the Return of her Husband and the Sight of every Ship makes her to realize by an active and loving Fancy the Sweetness of an Interview So Faith stands waiting for the Coming of Christ and the Approaches he makes towards the Church 2. Love 1 Pet. 1.8 Whom having not seen ye love The Saints love Christ whom they never saw We know Christ by hear-say here in the Church not by Sight he wooes us as Princes use to do by Picture therefore they long for his Appearing Whosoever is a Friend to Christ will find his Heart long for Christ of whom he hath so often heard in the Word and so often tasted in the Supper Love is an Affection of Union it desires to meet the Party loved so is Love to Christ it is not satisfied with the present State but it cries out Come come Why is his Chariot so long a coming It longs to see him whom it hath heard of so often and so much and of whose Sweetness it hath already tasted for this Love is not only kindled by the Knowledg we have of him by hear-say but by Experience Christ first comes in the Heart by Grace and then the Soul having tasted the Sweetness of it longs for another Coming When will he come in the Clouds that we may see him as he is And as Love to Christ so also Love to the Saints enkindles this Desire We have not all our Company here in the World and till we all meet together we shall never be satisfied 3. Hope that is another Grace God sitteth us with Graces as well as Happiness The Lord doth not only provide a glorious Estate for us but Grace to expect it and stirs up Affections in us sutable thereunto As in the privative Part of Salvation Christ doth not only deliver us from the Hurt of Death but from the Bondage and Fear of Death Despair is the Beginning of Hell So in the positive Part of Salvation the Lord doth not only provide Heaven and Happiness for us but Hope that we may look for this Happiness We are begotten again to a lively Hope 1 Pet. 1.3 And to wait for his Son from Heaven 1 Thess. 1.10 Hope was made on purpose for this thing that we expect our full and future Happiness When the Affection of Hope is elsewhere placed and turned to carnal things it is like a Member out of Joint It was made and framed on purpose that we might look for this glorious Appearing of Jesus Christ. 2. Look upon their Relation to Christ. There are two Relations the Scripture usually takes notice of with respect unto the Day of Judgment Christ is our Master and our Husband As he is our Master we must look for him It is the Property of a good Servant to wait for his Master 's Coming Mat. 24.46 Blessed is that Servant whom his Lord when he cometh shall find so doing Here we have only present Maintenance but hereafter we shall receive our Wages Rev. 22.12 Behold I come quickly and my Reward is with me A Servant of God should remember that when Christ comes he will not come empty-handed he is your good and bounteous Master Here you have but an Earnest as when you hire a Man you give him Earnest But now because God would not have our Affections to be servile therefore there is a sweeter Relation we are to look for him not only as a Lord and Master but as an Husband and therefore it is the Bride that saith Come Rev. 22.17 Here we are only contracted to Christ he hath pass'd his Promise to us but the Day of Judgment is the Day of solemn Espousals Hos. 2.19 I will betroth thee unto me for ever Here in the Covenant of Grace Christ doth pass a Promise to the Church here he comes to give us a Pledg and take a Pledg from us As Tertullian saith Christ took from us the Token and Pledg of our Flesh and is gone to Heaven to make all things ready and he hath left with us the Token of his own Spirit that so we might long for the time when he shall come again for the Consummation of this happy and glorious Marriage that is between him and us We are to wait for Glory as a Servant for his Master and as a Bride or Virgin betrothed doth wait for the Coming of him that hath promised Marriage to her 3. Look upon a Christian's Privileges which we shall then enjoy and certainly Christians must needs desire Christ's Coming The Day of Judgment is the Day of Manifestation the Day of Perfection the Day of Congregation and the Day of Glorification 1. It is called a Day of Manifestation of the Sons of God Rom. 8.19 The earnest Expectation of the Creature waiteth for the Manifestation of
once The Wages of Sin was eternal Death now something there must be to recompense and countervail the Eternity of the Punishment and nothing could counterpoise this but the Infiniteness and Excellency of Christ's Person therefore we are said to be redeemed by the Blood of God Acts 20.28 Feed the Church of God which he hath purchased with his own Blood that is with the Blood of that Person that was God It was necessary he should come out of his Sufferings for if he were always suffering we could have no Assurance that God was satisfied If our Surety were not taken from Prison and Judgment how should we know the Debt was paid Isa. 53.8 How shall this be reconciled that he is to suffer but once and but a while and yet to do that which should countervail Eternity It was because of the Value of his Person as a Payment in Gold takes up lesser room than if paid in Silver Then his Aim in all was to expiate Sin and nothing but an Infinite Good could remedy an Infinite Evil. The Person wronged is Infinite so is the Person suffering and then he was not only 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Ransom to redeem us from Hell but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Price given to God to purchase for us Heaven and eternal Glory An ordinary Surety if he pays the Debt he frees the Debtor from Bonds and hath done his Work but Jesus Christ was no ordinary Surety he was to bring us to Grace and Favour with God and to merit Heaven for us now such a Person as could lay an Obligation upon God must needs be Infinite 2. Then for Intercession the other Act of his Priesthood He that intercedes with God must be God to know our Wants and Necessities as the High Priest had the Names of the twelve Tribes upon his Breast and Shoulders Exod. 20.12 29. so Jesus Christ hath the Names of all the Elect he knows their Desires Wants Conflicts he is to negotiate with God in behalf of all Believers that he may dispatch Blessings sutable to their State Now who can do this but God who knows the Heart and tries the Reins Who could know our Needs our Wants our Thoughts Sins Prayers Groans Desires Purposes throughout all the World Who can wait upon our Business day and night and continually interpose that Wrath do not break out upon us but such an All-sufficient Saviour as he is Secondly That he is God and so fitted for this Work In times of Delusion it is good to settle Foundations and give you Grounds of Faith It may be a Discourse upon the Godhead of Christ Men may think unnecessary 1 Ioh. 5.20 This is the true God and eternal Life Isa. 9.6 The mighty God and here in the Text he is called the great God Rom. 9.5 God blessed for ever These Proofs are so pregnant that they need no Illustration And certainly he is not God by Grant or Courtesy but it doth unavoidably follow if he be God he must be so by Nature for the Lord will not give his Glory to another Nay Col. 2.9 In him dwelleth all the Fulness of the Godhead bodily that is essentially not only Divine Qualities such as are infused into us but the whole Essence of the Godhead was in him as in its proper Residence Again Phil. 2.6 Who being in the form of God thought it not Robbery to be equal with God It was not a Usurpation of another's Right And you know this Doctrine Christ himself preached Iohn 5.18 Therefore the Iews sought the more to kill him because he said that God was his Father making himself equal with God Certainly when Christ said God was his Father he did not mean it in an ordinary sense as he is our God and Father but as his eternal everlasting Son Thus Christ is the great God Vse 1. Let us observe the Love of Christ in becoming Man and let us improve it 1. Observe it Men shew Love when they have another's Picture about their Necks What Love did Christ show when he took our Natures To see the great God in the form of a Servant hanging upon the Cross this is wonderful Condescension Christ's Incarnation was a glorious Contrivance 1 Tim. 3.16 Great is the Mystery of Godliness God manifest in the Flesh. If God had not revealed it it would have been Blasphemy for us to think it Angels stoop to see it the Prophets studied it again how should the Saints admire it Among the Friars they count it a mighty Honour done to their Order if a great Prince when he is weary of the World cometh and taketh their Habit and dieth in their Habit. Certainly it is a mighty Honour to Mankind that the Son of God should take upon him the Nature of Man and die in our Nature and that the Word should not only be made Flesh but be made Sin and made a Curse for us 2. Improve it 1. Let us be desirous to be made Partakers of his Nature as he is of our Nature 2 Pet. 1.4 Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious Promises that by these ye may be partakers of the Divine Nature Christ's partaking of our Nature was his Abasement the Sun of Righteousness went backward but our partaking of the Divine Nature is our Preferment 2. Let us use our selves more honourably for Christ's sake The Philistines would no more tread on that Threshold on which their Idol Dagon fell 1 Sam. 5.5 Shall we defile that Nature which the Son of God assumed Certainly every one of you should know how to possess his Vessel in Sanctification and Honour 1 Thess. 4.4 Vse 2. Here is an Invitation to press us to come to Christ or by Christ to God Christ is worth a thousand of us We are to seek a Match for our Master's Son Our way to win you is to tell you what he is that those who have given up their Names to him may keep themselves as pure Virgins till his Coming 2 Cor. 11.2 I am jealous over you with godly Iealousy for I have espoused you to one Husband that I may present you as a chaste Virgin unto Christ. Now that you may be wrought upon I will tell you what he is he is God-Man in one Person he is Man that you may not be afraid of him and God that he may do you good He is the Lord of Lords the King of Kings the Heir of all things the Saviour of the World a proper Object for your Faith 1 Pet. 1.21 Who by him do believe in God who raised him up from the dead and gave him Glory that your Faith and Hope might be in God He knows your Wants and is able to supply them yea he is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him Heb. 7.25 Tho we are unworthy yet he needeth no Portion with us we can bring nothing to him but he hath enough in himself I am God All-sufficient as Esther had all things
Christ Iesus Mark there is a Redemption in Christ a Price paid but no humane Satisfaction made Free-Grace found out the Remedy not excited by any Works of ours 2. For Deliverance by way of Exchange that seems to have some Place here for Christ was substituted into our Room and Place so far as would stand with the Dignity of his Person and he was made a Captive that we might go free from the Wrath of God though he was never in Bondage to Sin so it is said 2 Cor. 5.21 He was made Sin for us that is a Sin-Offering and he was made a Curse for us Gal. 3.13 Christ hath redeemed us from the Curse of the Law being made a Curse for us He was substituted into our Room and Place saith Austin Suscepit sin● malis meritis poenam ut nos sine bonis consequeremur gratiam He did not deserve the Punishment as we do not deserve the Glory only he took our Chains and our Bonds upon himself In Ecclesiastical Story mention is made of one Pambo a Monk a charitable Man after he had given all his Goods for the Redemption of Captives and had nothing left but his Bible Nay says he I will give this away also that hath taught me to give other things and when that was gone Socrates reports of him that he gave himself he went in their stead to stay as a Pledg for them This I have brought as a Shadow and some kind of weak Adumbration of Christ's Love to Men he himself would become the Ransom and be put in our Place and Room that we might go free 3. Another way of Deliverance is by Force and powerful Rescue and thus Christ hath redeemed us as we were under Satan's Power and held under Sin As Abraham rescued Lot when he was taken captive Gen. 14. So did Christ make a Rescue of us when we were led captive by our own Lusts or rather for this was the Type of it as God by a mighty Hand recovered Israel out of Egypt Egypt signified the Kingdom and Power of Darkness so we are said to be snatched and recovered out of the Kingdom of Darkness Col. 1.13 Who hath delivered us from the Power of Darkness By a powerful Rescue hath God snatched and taken us out of our spiritual Egypt out of our natural Bondage The Blood of the Passover was sprinkled on the Door-Posts as the Blood of Christ on our Hearts which is a Mark of Preservation On the Devil's Part our Captivity was a mere Tyranny and Oppression for when God was once satisfied Satan had no more Power by Right over us and therefore Christ redeems us from the Devil by Force and Violence he needs not make Satisfaction to him Therefore it is notable that in the Sufferings of Christ there was not only the Lord 's own Hand and Counsel but also the Powers of Darkness had a hand in them therefore it is said Luke 22.53 This is your Hour and the Power of Darkness Though the Devil did not immediately afflict Christ as some Divines hold though I dare not positively assert it yet by his Instruments the Jews he crucified him and therefore justly for this Injury done to Christ was his Power made void When Christ did something to God he was doing something to the Devil he triumphed over Principalities and Powers by his Cross Col. 2.15 Having spoiled Principalities and Powers he made a shew of them openly triumphing over them in it Thus the Elect the Prisoners of Hope are called out and set free 4. Another way is by paying a Price and Ransom 1 Tim. 2.6 Who gave himself a Ransom for us Eph. 1.7 In whom we have Redemption through his Blood His Blood was the Price paid to God Tho Satan held us Captive yet the Satisfaction must be made to God because Man had not sinned against the Devil but against God and therefore to him it belonged either to condemn or absolve us and let us go free therefore Christ gives Satisfaction to God and by that means he dissolves the Power of Satan for God being satisfied Satan hath no Power over us Thus you see we are several ways redeemed freely as to our selves by way of Price and Satisfaction as to God Christ being substituted in our room and place but by way of Power and Force as to Satan Thus I have discovered our Redemption by Christ with Allusion to the Figures of the Law and Custom of Nations II. I shall more particularly shew you how we are redeemed from Iniquity We were under a double Bondage of Sin the Guilt of Sin and the Power of Sin both which made our Condition slavish The latter is chiefly understood yet I shall speak a little of both we are redeemed from the Guilt of Sin by Christ's Satisfaction from the Power of Sin by his Spirit First From the Guilt of Sin Redemption is made mainly to consist in Remission of Sins Col. 1.14 In whom we have Redemption through his Blood even the Forgiveness of Sin So Eph. 1.7 The Apostle in both places explaineth wherein it mainly consists Now concerning this part I note 1. That it is the Ground and Pledg of all the rest Sin being pardoned the Power of the Devil is abolished the Wrath of God removed the Guilt of eternal Death is taken away Acts 5.31 Him hath God exalted with his Right-hand to be a Prince and a Saviour for to give Repentance to Israel and Forgiveness of Sin So Luke 24.47 And that Repentance and Remission of Sins should be preached in his Name Repentance is the beginning of all new Obedience and Remission of Sins is the Seed of eternal Life all Duties are included in Repentance and all Blessings in Pardon The Gospel is nothing else but a Doctrine of Repentance and Remission so that the Devil cannot hold us as his Captives nor Sin rule in us as in Slaves This is the Ground and Pledg of the rest 2. Sin being pardoned we are freed from the Penalties of Sin viz. the Evils after Sin Sin hath a long train of Judgments all which are done away when Sin is pardoned It will not stand with the Honour of his Mercy to forgive the Debt and yet to require Payment it is a mocking to say I forgive the whole Debt and yet to expect part of Payment Certainly God forgiveth us our Debts as we are bound to forgive others so we are bid to pray Mat. 6.12 Forgive us our Debts as we forgive our Debtors Now we are bound to forgive them wholly and not in part It would not stand with God's Justice to exact the Debt twice of Us and of our Surety Isa. 53.4 Surely he hath born our Griefs and carried our Sorrows Obj. But we are still subject to Corruption and Misery the Miseries of the present Life and Death hereafter Answ. 1. As to Miseries The Afflictions of God's People seem to be Punishments but are not and differ as much as a Punishment and a Medicine God acts
Spirit worketh it for he is the Comforter Rom. 14.17 The Kingdom of Heaven is not Meat and Drink but Righteousness and Peace and Ioy in the Holy Ghost Nay it is not only God's Allowance but his great Aim the solemn Assurance that is given by his Covenant is that you may grow up in believing to a strong Consolation and be able to laugh at Fears and Sorrows 1. You may pray for it when you want it Psal. 90.14 O satisfy us early with thy Mercy that we may rejoice and be glad all our Days 2. Nay when you have lost it by your Default it is not Boldness to ask Grace and Comfort again when you have wasted Conscience and weakned your Hopes as David Psal. 5.12 Restore unto me the Ioy of thy Salvation When your Candle is put out you may get it lighted again 3. You may wait for Comfort and still continue your Attendance upon God Psal. 85.8 I will hear what God the Lord will speak for he will speak Peace to his People and to his Saints 4. You may entertain it when it comes Comfort is a Fruit of the Spirit as well as Grace he which is the God of Grace is also the God of Consolation and the same Spirit which works Grace witnesseth for our Comfort and it is as great a Crime to smother his Witness as to resist his Work Whatever we think God would have us not only to be holy but to be chearful Would you make the Heart of Christ glad See Iohn 15.11 These things have I spoken unto you that my Ioy may remain in you and that your Ioy may be full Christ rejoiceth most in his Heritage when they live up to the Provision and Preparation he hath made for them in the Gospel The Devil envieth our Comfort he knows how useful it is in the Christian Life to make us thankful for Mercies chearful in his Service to wean us from carnal Delights and make us willing to do and suffer for God he seeks to weaken our Confidence as knowing the Joy of the Lord is our Strength he would either keep us from Grace or from a Sense of it and make us either wicked or sad and keep us from a comfortable Feeling and Apprehension of Grace 2. If strong Consolation be a Fruit of Certainty upon God's Oath then it informs us that it is a false Comfort and Peace which is not the Fruit of Certainty and Confidence in Christ which ariseth either from a Neglect of Duty or carnal Pleasure and all that wicked Men have comes from one of these Grounds It is good to look to the Fountain and Spring of our Joy and Comfort that we may be able to say with the Psalmist Thy Comforts delight my Soul Psal. 94.19 We should look to the Ground and Reason of our Peace and Security Why am I thus quiet Is it because God is reconciled to me in Christ because of Assurance from him under his Oath upon my taking Sanctuary in Christ The Devil ●ulls Men asleep by other means Carnal Men their Comfort ariseth from Carelesness and Negligence in the spiritual Life they do not trouble the Devil nor he them When a strong Man armed keeps his Palace his Goods are in Peace Luke 11.21 The Devil lets us alone when we let him alone when we do not exasperate Lusts nor trouble his Kingdom in our Heart Look as the Sea is very calm when Wind and Tide go together so when our Corruptions and Satan's Temptations run the same way all is calm and quiet As a Man feels not the Sickness that grows upon him till the Humours are stirred by Exercise So when there is a Spirit of Slumber and Security and Men are neglectful and careless in the spiritual Life and let Satan alone to possess the Heart they sleep but their Damnation slumbers not Then for carnal Pleasure this will not give them leave to think of their Condition Their whole Life is nothing but a knitting of Pleasure to Pleasure and a Diversion from one Contentment to another so they put far off from themselves the Thoughts of their own eternal Condition The outward Man is gratified and the inward Man hath no time they fill the Soul with Work that it may not fall upon it self as a Mill grinds not it self as long as it hath something to work upon as the Prophet observes of those that drink Wine in Bowls and put far away the evil Day Amos 6.3 They melt away their Days in Pleasure and charm and lull their Souls into a deep Sleep with the Potion of outward Delights lest Conscience should awake and talk with them Therefore look to the Ground of your Comfort and Security whence it cometh Psal. 94.19 Thy Comforts delight my Soul Ever now and then we should be making Experiments and try the Strength of it Can you venture your everlasting Estate upon the present Confidence Would I be thus found of God 1 Iohn 2.28 Little Children abide in him that when he shall appear we may have Confidence and not be ashamed before him at his Coming In Afflictions and Sickness Men are wont to be serious Is your Faith found to praise and honour 3. It informs us that the State of a Believer is far better than the State of those that flow in worldly Delights A Man of a great Estate and that abounds in all the Comforts of this Life may seem to live a merry Life O but a Believer hath strong Consolation such as when it is put to the Trial will bear him out in Life and Death Wicked Men may rejoice as a Bird sings in the Fowler 's Snare they may take Comfort in their Portion for a while but in their latter End they will be Fools Alas your Comforts cannot ease you of the Colick or Head-ach nor give you a good Night's Sleep Small Comfort that can neither satisfy the Heart in any Distress nor ease the Conscience Solomon saith Prov. 11.4 Riches profit not in a Day of Wrath. Take it for Man's or God's Wrath. In Man's Wrath Riches many times prove our Burden and none lie so obnoxious to publick Displeasure as rich Men the Comfort is soon lost it lieth without us An Estate cannot be carried about you though it be in Jewels it is liable to hazard The rich Jews were carried captive when the Poor were left to till the Land So in the Day of Man's Wrath it falls most upon worldly great Men they have poor Comforts which will not bear them out but we read of those which took joyfully the spoiling of their Goods knowing in themselves that they have in Heaven a better and an enduring Substance Heb. 10.34 Though with Ioseph they lose their Coat yet they keep a good Conscience and this makes amends for all their outward Losses But I take the Place rather for God's Wrath there is the Trial in Trouble of Conscience and in the Pangs of Death Christian as sure as the Lord liveth there will a
tho the Fruits are seen so Habits of Grace lie out of sight but Operations discover what is in the Soul the Fruits appear Therefore if Christians be lazy and without Fruit they will be without Comfort St. Iames saith chap. 2.23 Faith is made perfect by Works Understand not in a Popish sense as if Works did contribute a Worth and Value to Faith No but as the strength of God's Power is discovered with more advantage by the weakness of Man 2 Cor. 12.10 When I am weak then am I strong So Faith by Works is sensibly discovered with more advantage to the Soul So that if a Man would come to the knowledg of Grace he must be constant in the Operations of Grace SERMON V. HEB. VI. 18 Who have fled for Refuge to lay hold upon the Hope set before us THE Third thing I would take notice of in this Text is the Description of those who may take Comfort in God's Word and Oath Who have fled for Refuge to lay hold upon the Hope set before us The Point is this Doct. III. The true Heirs of Promise with whom God hath pawn'd his Word and Oath to do them good eternally are such as have fled for Refuge to lay hold upon the Hope set before them In the Description there are two Parts flying for Refuge and taking hold of the Hope set before them The one relates to their Justification or their first Acceptation with God in Christ Flying for Refuge The other relates to their Carriage after Justification To take hold of the Hope set before them To open both these 1. For the first Branch Flying for Refuge It is an Allusion to the Cities of Refuge spoken of under the Law God provided six Cities of Refuge for them to fly to that were guilty of casual Homicide that killing a Man by Chance they might avoid the Fury of the Avenger of Blood These Cities of Refuge were a Type of Christ. In the opening of which I shall shew two things First That Christ is a Believer's City of Refuge Secondly That Believers must run in to him First That Christ is a Believer's City of Refuge or the alone Sanctuary for distressed Souls These Cities are spoken of Numb 35.11 12 13 14. Ioshua 20. and Deut. 19. Now the Comparison or Resemblance between Christ and these Cities is very obvious Look as God appointed Cities of Refuge to fly to so Christ is of God's appointing to be a Sanctuary for distressed Souls These Cities were built upon Hills and Mountains that they which fled to them might ever keep them in Sight so Jesus Christ is set forth Rom. 3.25 Whom God hath set forth to be a Propitiation for our Sins And the Apostles which did hold forth Christ are compared to a City upon a Hill Mat. 5.14 Christ is lifted up in the Preaching of the Gospel to be seen of all There was a Caus-way with Stones set up to guide them a direct Path that the Man-slayer might fly thither Deut. 19.3 Thou shalt prepare thee a way and divide the Coasts of thy Land into three Parts that the Slayer may flee thither The Cities were so established that they might have a short and direct way to them and that their Escape might be more easy So the way to Christ is clear and open that we may not miss of him who is alone the Support of our Souls and God hath appointed some that were as Stones to signify to us that this is the way Zech. 9.12 Turn ye to the strong Holds ye Prisoners of Hope By the Ministry of Man he holloweth as it were after us Isa. 30.21 Thine Ears shall hear a Word behind thee saying This is the way walk ye in it when ye turn to the right Hand and when ye turn to the left Again they were ordered so that in half a Day one might recover one or other of them from any Part of the Land or Corner of the Land so God is made near to us in Jesus Christ Rom. 10.6 7 8. Say not in thine Heart who shall ascend into Heaven that is to bring Christ down from above Or who shall descend into the deep that is to bring up Christ again from the dead But what saith it The Word is nigh thee even in thy Mouth and in thy Heart that is the Word of Faith which we preach Our Refuge doth not stand at a Distance the Gospel hath brought him near to us in the Gospel God doth so plainly and fully show the way of Salvation that we need not seek further Christ is at hand to do us good Once more these Cities of Refuge were all Cities belonging to the Levites partly that the Tribe of Levi might be the more esteemed and loved of all Israel but chiefly that they might not be lurking Holes of wicked and flagicious Persons but a School as well as a Sanctuary where Persons that lived there in Exile might be instructed in the Law of God So whoever comes to Christ for Refuge must come also for Instruction to be taught and instructed in all the ways of God Micah 4.2 Come and let us go up to the Mountain of the Lord and to the House of the God of Jacob and he will teach us of his Ways Othe● things are spoken of these Cities of Refuge but I now come to the Persons that had slain a Man by chance and were not guilty of Malice prepense they fled thither as for Life for fear of the Avenger of Blood So do we even fly from Wrath to come Matth. 3.7 as if the Wrath of God were at our Heels And whoever ran to the City of Refuge was to be received the Gates were always open for Jew or Foreigner the Sojourner was capable of the Privilege as well as the Natives Numb 35.15 These six Cities shall be a Refuge both for the Children of Israel and for the Stranger and for the Sojourner among them that every one that killeth any Person unawares may flee thither So Iohn 6.37 He that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out The Arms of the Lord's Mercy stands open to receive us And when they were once received they were safe and might enjoy their Privilege without Molestation unless they went out of the Limits and Bounds of the City then it was Death Numb 35.26 27. But if the Slayer shall at any time come without the Border of the City of his Refuge whither he was fled and the Revenger of Blood find him without the Borders of the City of his Refuge and the Revenger of Blood kill the Slayer he shall not be guilty of Blood So when Wrath makes Inquisition for Sinners they are never safe but so long as they are found in Christ Phil. 3.9 Christ must not be made use of only at first but for ever And here they were to remain until the Death of the High-Priest Iosh. 20.6 who was herein a Type of our Great High Priest the Lord Jesus Christ who by his
5.14 Wherefore he says Awake thou that sleepest 2. Have you been drawn to Christ by the Cords of the Gospel Have you been brought to him as a Sanctuary for your distressed Souls as the Man shut up himself in the City of Refuge 2 Tim. 1.12 I know whom I have believed and I am perswaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed to him against that Day Here is my Anchor and Safety 3. Are you begotten to a lively Hope Do you often look within the Vail and groan and long for your everlasting Hopes Do you send Spies before-hand into the Land of Promise a few Thoughts thither What hearty Groans are there and Sighs of that happy State Rom. 8.23 And not only they but our selves also who have the First-fruits of the Spirit even we our selves groan within our selves waiting for the Adoption to wit the Redemption of our Body Doth it quicken you and make you mend your pace whatever Difficulties you meet with Rom. 5.2 We rejoice in hope of the Glory of God Vse 2. Conviction It sheweth the hardness of their Hearts who have neither felt the Law-work nor the Gospel-work but remain like the Smith's Anvil softned neither with Hammer nor Oil neither driven by the Threatnings of the Law nor drawn with the glad Tidings of Salvation neither Iohn nor Iesus worketh on them Of such Christ speaketh Mat. 11.17 We have piped unto you and you have not danced we have mourned unto you and you have not lamented A rude and stupid People not affected with any kind of Musick In times of Rejoicing the Jews had their lighter Notes fitted for Mirth in times of Lamentation they had their Minstrels and mourning Women that had venales lachrymas beating their Breasts and crying Alas my Brother and ah Lord and ah his Glory Jer. 9.17 Consider ye and call for the mourning Women Notable movers of Passions they were It was a thing so common among them that the Boys would imitate them in the Streets To these Christ likeneth a stupid People that are moved with no kind of Doctrine neither with Judgment nor sweet offers of Grace Alas they are far from the strong Comfort here spoken of Vse 3. To perswade you to this Temper Three sorts of People usually we speak to 1. The carnally Secure 2. Those that are affected with their Condition 3. Those that esteem Christ and embrace him that own him as ready and willing to save Sinners 1. For the carnally Secure that never made their Peace with God never fled for Refuge nor took Sanctuary at the Grace of Christ. Our Work is to make them sensible of the Avenger of Blood that is at their Heels O poor Wretches will you sleep when your Damnation sleeps not Within a little while what will become of you In the ordinary Course of Nature you have but a few Years to pass over in this World but for ought you know the Wrath of God which makes Inquisition for Sinners may seize upon you a great deal sooner you may not live out half your Days that is so long as in an ordinary Providence you might expect Psal. 68.21 God shall wound the Head of his Enemies and the hairy Scalp of such a one as goeth on still in his Trespasses God may take you by the hairy Scalp while you are in your youthful Freshness before Baldness and old Age cometh and Infirmities seize upon you That which is measured by Time will soon come about Every Day you are a step nearer to Eternity O what will become of you When you are at odds with God Death way-layeth you in every place it may take you Sleeping Eating Drinking Ah poor Man what Refuge hast thou What Buckler to catch the Blow of God's angry Indignation and ward off the Strokes of his Vengeance O fly Sinners for Refuge the Lord knows how soon Destruction may seize upon you while you are yet in Health and Strength there is no other means but Christ. Surely this driving Work would prosper more if Men were not wanting to themselves to improve the Conviction of the Word When God shews you your natural Face and begins to startle and awaken you O let not Conviction die No Iron so hard as that which hath been often quenched and often healed So no Heart so hard as when it hath worn out many Convictions Make use of Remorses of Conscience and your own trembling Fears lest you are given up to a Spirit of Slumber 2. To those that are affected with their Condition to seek for Salvation in Christ alone You which are troubled about your Eternal State own Christ as a City of Refuge his Arms are always open to receive poor trembling Sinners that fly thither from the Wrath of God You do but go about while you seek else-where Jer. 31.22 How long wilt thou go about O thou back-sliding Daughter for the Lord hath created a new Thing in the Earth A Woman shall compass a Man that is when God hath set forth Christ born of a Woman why will you weary your selves to go about This City of Refuge stands open for all Corners own Christ as the only Remedy One who was long exercised with Troubles of Conscience and at length came to some establishment gave this Advice I will never look for that in the Law which is only to be found in the Gospel and I will never look for that in my self which is only to be found in Christ and I will never look for that on Earth which is only to be found in Heaven These three things are the Causes why Men are kept in Trouble You will get nothing but Weariness and Discomfort by running about and looking to Duties and legal Qualifications and therefore while you are affected with your Condition own Christ. 3. To those which are fled to Christ and owned him as the only Sanctuary for poor Souls Press onward to take hold of eternal Life Now you have fled from deserved Wrath run to take hold of undeserved Glory You are past the worst the rest is more easy The Apostle Rom. 5.11 12. puts a much more upon this Much more being reconciled we shall be saved by his Life as if that were a more easy thing Now the worst Brunt is over And not only so but we also joy in God through the Lord Iesus Christ by whom we have now received the Atonement When you are reconciled to God you may look to be entertained as Friends being adopted in Christ you may look for a Child's Portion If God would pardon your Sins and take you with all your Faults quicken your selves to be more diligent in the pursuit of Eternal Life and put to your best Strength You will have many ups and downs in the World but bear it with Patience Heaven will pay for all But here is a Doubt May we look to the Rewards I answer Yes else there were no room for Hope for Hope is nothing else but a longing
expectation of Blessedness to come Sure those think themselves wiser than God that deny us the use of the Spirit 's Motives why else doth God set these things before us It requireth some Faith to aim at things not seen The World is drowned in Sense and present Satisfaction it is a great help to us to look upward Christ made use of it Heb. 12.2 For the Ioy that was set before him he endured the Cross and despised the Shame As Man he was supported with humane Encouragements Our Flesh is weak and our Task is difficult and therefore we need all Helps But yet we are not so to covet the Reward as to fever it from Duty and neglect our Work SERMONS UPON St. IOHN XIV 1 SERMON I. JOHN XIV 1 Let not your Heart be troubled ye believe in God believe also in me THE Disciples had heard our Lord Jesus discoursing of his Death and Departure and the great Trials which they were to undergo and that one Disciple should betray him another eminent among them deny him and all take offence and leave him therefore Fear and Trouble seized upon them Our Lord perceiving this Distemper growing upon them seeketh to relieve and ease them He had Sorrow and Agonies of his own to think upon but he is so taken up with comforting his Disciples that he seemeth to forget himself and his own approaching Death and wholly applieth himself to them Let not your Heart be troubled c. In these Words we have 1. An Evil dissuaded Let not your Heart be troubled 2. A Cure prescribed and that is the Exercise of Faith set forth by its double Object God and Christ Ye believe in God believe also in me In God as the supream Fountain of all Blessing in Christ as Mediator or the only Way to come to God In God as the Creator and Preserver of all things in Christ as the Redeemer to whom the Care and Conservation of the Church belongeth They did believe in God they were trained up in that as Jews but they had not hitherto so clear so distinct so strong a Faith in Christ as they should have their Faith was but dark and weak as to the Dignity of his Person Therefore he presseth them to believe not only in God as Iews but in himself as Christians that was the Point the Faith of which would be now assaulted by his ignominious Death and Sufferings There are two Points First That Christians should carefully guard themselves against Heart-trouble Secondly The proper Cure of Heart-trouble is Faith Doct. 1. That Christians should carefully guard themselves against Heart-trouble 1. What is this Trouble of Heart that is here spoken of There is a twofold Evil Natural Evil which is Misery and Moral Evil and that is Sin The one we act of our own accord the other we suffer against our Wills The one ariseth from something within the other from something without This Text speaketh not of Troubles for Sin but of Troubles in the Flesh which being many and grievous to be born it cannot be supposed but that the Heart will be touched with them 2 Cor. 4.8 We are troubled on every side Yet let not your Heart be troubled A ●ense of them 〈◊〉 not only la●ful but necessary The two Extreams must be both a●●●ded Slighting and Fai●ting Heb. 12.5 My Son despi●e not th●u the chaste●●ng of the Lord nor faint ●hen thou art rebuked of ●im Without 〈◊〉 sense of them they cannot be improved neither do we shew that Reverence that is due to our Father's Anger as not to be afflicted and humbled under his mighty Hand Numb 12.14 If her Father had spi● in her Face should she not be ashamed seven days Some kind of Spirits are stupid and sensless neither affected with Sin nor Misery Not with Sin tho they provo●e God to his very Face with their continual brutish Practices yet they never lay their Condition to heart Conscience is feared or at least benummed they are past feeling Eph. 4.19 Shall we say to these Let not your Hearts be troubled No these usurp a Peace and Exemption from Trouble as if Joy and Comfort were their Portion The only way for such is to be troubled that their Trouble may prepare them for Comfort Christ came to save Sinners but they are penitent and broken-hearted Sinners that are weary and heavy-laden under the Burden of Sin Mat. 11.28 Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy-laden and I will give you Rest. Not the Heart that is whole but the Heart that is wounded These he calleth and calleth to Repentance Mat. 9.13 I came not to call the Righteous but Sinners to Repentance Not with Misery neither with their Fathers Anger nor their Brethrens Misery Jer. 5.3 O Lord are not thine Eyes upon the Truth Thou hast stricken them but they have not grieved thou hast consumed them but they have refused to receive Correction they have made their Faces harder than a Rock they have refused to return Amos 6.3 Ye that put far away the evil Day and cause the Seat of Violence to come near Fall out what will they set their Hearts for Ease and Pleasure and carnal Delights and are given altogether to Mirth and ●ollity Riot and Revelling and all manner of Vanity Should we say to these Let not your Hearts be troubled and lull them more asleep in carnal Security by tincturing their Sensuality with Religion and adding a Dram of spiritual Comfort to make their carnal Potion more effectual No Christ speaketh not to such kind of Persons as mind neither his Presence nor Absence and regard not whether he do Good or Evil. No to such we must rather say Be afflicted and weep and mourn let your Laughter be turned to Mourning and your Ioy to Heaviness James 4.9 We call not upon them to rejoice but to howl for the Misery that is coming upon them A Sense there must be Q. What is then dissuaded Answ. A perplexing oppressing Trouble about sensible and worldly things Here I shall shew you First The Causes of this Trouble Secondly The Nature of it First The Causes of this Trouble which are 1. Carnal Self-love which is all for bodily Ease and Welfare or the Pleasures and Honours or Profits of the World They that are under the power of it seek great things here and the disappointment of their carnal Expectations breedeth Trouble Solomon telleth us what was the result of his accurate and deep search into all worldly and humane Affairs Eccles. 1.14 I have seen all the Works that are done under the Sun and behold all is Vanity and vexation of Spirit He found all worldly things not only vain and ineffectual to confer Happiness but which is worse apt to bring much Trouble and Affliction upon the Hearts of those who are too earnestly conversant about them Therefore the best way to be free from Trouble is to look for no great Matters here in the World 2. The Life of Sense which
only looketh to the present State of things and if we have not all things which we affect under the View of Sense Trouble filleth our Hearts Heb. 12.11 No chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous but grievous There are two emphatical Words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for the present and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 seemeth they both intimate the Causes of our Trouble present Sense and false Appearance Of the latter I shall speak in the next Head the former is to our purpose now All Affliction is ungrateful to Flesh and Blood and so cannot but be troublesome to us if we look only to the present but then in the End it giveth us a full Recompence for all our Patience namely such an Increase of Grace as bringeth Peace along with it 3. Fancy Vain conceit and false Appearance And so we are often troubled at what may afford Joy The sad Point which the Disciples could not digest was Christ's Departure yet our Lord telleth them how necessary it was for his own Honour and their Comfort His Honour Iohn 14.28 Ye have heard how I said unto you I go away and come again to you If ye loved me ye would rejoice because I go to the Father for my Father is greater than I. If ye were kind to me ye would have looked upon it with Joy because his going to the Father was the advancing him to an higher Condition than that in which he was now the ignominious Cross was the way to Dignity and Honour Again it was for their Comfort Iohn 16.7 It is expedient for you that I go away for if I go not away the Comforter will not come unto you but if I depart I will send him unto you They were full of Sadness at the Thought of his Departure as if it were their utter Ruine and Undoing But the coming of the Holy Ghost would be of more Advantage to them than his staying with them it was for his Glory and their Benefit Thus we often misinterpret God's Dispensations those hard Trials which are ordered for our Comfort and Peace increase our Troubles and Perplexities We judg according to Appearance and therefore do not judg righteous Judgment So we wound our selves by our own Fancies and make our Evils much worse than they are by our vain Conceit All these concurred in the present Case They had Dreams of sharing Honours in Christ's Kingdom all which would be disappointed by his ignominious Death And they looked to the present Face of things and so could not see Glory in this Shame And besides they did quite mistake the Dispensation Secondly The Nature of this Trouble wherein it consisteth In three things 1. A Fear of Danger or Evils to come 2. Sorrow for Evils present 3. A fretting Indignation or Dislike of God's Dispensations It is Distrust to be troubled about what is to come Despondency or uncomely Dejection to be troubled about what is present Impatiency and Murmuring to dislike God's way of dealing All these constitute that Trouble of Heart from which Christ dissuadeth his Disciples 1. There was Fear in it of approaching Dangers Christ was to depart and they were to be left to an unquiet World Iohn 14.27 Let not your Heart be troubled neither let it be afraid They were afraid what should befal themselves when their Master and Guide was gone from whose Direction and Protection they promised themselves so much Comfort and Safety Future things are to be left to God's Providence Every Day that bringeth its Cares and Difficulties bringeth also its incident Comforts Matth. 6.34 Take no Thought for the Morrow for the Morrow shall take Thought for the things of it self sufficient unto the Day is the Evil thereof We must not be over sollicitous about future Contingencies nor be anxious for that to Day which may be soon enough cared for to Morrow But we usually anticipate our Troubles and make our present Condition more grievous by hearing the Charge and Burden of the future also and so by our Cares and Fears about Futurity oppress and so both overwhelm our selves and take God's Work out of his Hands 2. This Trouble did arise from Sorrow and immoderate Dejection because of the loss of Christ's bodily Presence Iohn 16 6. Because I have said these things unto you Sorrow hath filled your Hearts Usually upon the Loss or Absence of some prized Comfort we let loose the Reins of our Affections and keep no Moderation in our Sorrow and Grief as if God could not supply the Loss of the Creature by the Presence of his Spirit 3. Indignation or a fretting Dislike of God's Dispensations That this was a part of the Disciples Trouble appeareth from Christ's whole Discourse with them The bodily Presence of Christ was comfortable to them upon a spiritual Account as they injoyed many a sweet Instruction by it but they also looked for great things in the World and were confounded with the Disappointment of their Expectations The temporal Kingdom ran in their Minds and therefore the News of his ignominious Death was so afflictive to them Our Lord taxeth them for this but in a gentle condescending manner that for want of Faith and Love they were so unsatisfied with God's Design which was so expedient and useful for them and the World Now this is the usual Ground of our Troubles we set up an Anti-providence in our Hearts and obtrude some Model and Scheme of our own upon God which if he doth not comply with we are troubled But God's Way is more for our real Good though our own Way suteth better with our Fancy and vain Opinion II. Why Christians should not let their Hearts be troubled 1 st It is very incident to us We have somewhat within us and without us which will always be an occasion of Trouble There is Corruption within and an evil World without A Believer is not to become as a Stock or Stone or cease to be a Man our Flesh is not as the Strength of Brass nor are our Sinews Iron Our Saviour himself was troubled Iohn 12.27 Now is my Soul troubled But his Trouble was like the shaking of pure Water in a chrystal Glass there was no Mud at bottom Certainly it is lawful and requisite to be sensible and to be affected with our Condition but we are apt to exceed in our Fear and Grief and so it becometh a Fault There is a Dejection and Discouragement which cloggeth us in our Duty and causeth sinful Negligence and Deadness of Heart This is a Distemper which we should oppose by all spiritual means 2 dly This is contrary to our Duty and Obedience which consisteth partly in a Subjection to God's governing Will revealed in his Laws partly in a Submission to his disposing Will discovered in his Providence 1. For the first The Case is clear there if God hath forbidden Cares and Fears and immoderate Sorrows if he hath said Be careful for nothing Phil. 4.6 and fear them not therefore Matth. 10.26
and at Christ too little and therefore was full of Fears and began to sink So the Disciples were afraid to perish tho Christ himself were in the Ship Mat. 8.26 Why are ye fearful O ye of little Faith It is Mark 4.40 How is it that ye have no Faith A little Faith is as no Faith in great Trials Well then there is no way to ease our Hearts of Trouble but by exercising Faith To make this more expresly to appear to you I shall consider again what is Trouble the nature of it and what are the causes of it and then you will discern that Faith is the proper Remedy First For the nature of this Trouble It consisteth 1. In a Fear of Danger 2. Sorrow for some Disappointment in the Creature 3. A fretting dislike of God's Dispensations 1. Fear is vanquished by Faith That appeareth by that Opposition Prov. 29.25 The Fear of Man bringeth a Snare but whoso putteth his Trust in the Lord shall be safe Or as it is in the Hebrew shall be set on high There is no conquering either the Allectives or Terrors of Sense till Faith represent something greater to be feared and loved 1 Iohn 5.4 This is the Victory that overcometh the World even our Faith It much out-weighs all Temptations What is a Prison to Hell a fiery Furnace to everlasting Burnings the Creature to God or the Threatnings of Men to the Lord's Promises Do but shut the Eye of Sense and open that of Faith and you will see that God is only worthy to be feared and trusted and then the Creature will be nothing to you we shall comfortably do our Duty and not fear what Man can do unto us We have more encouragement to be faithful to Christ than the World can present Allurements or Affrightments to the contrary If Man be our Enemy and God be our Help and Second what need we fear Psal. 16.8 I have set the Lord always before me because he is at my right Hand I shall not be moved God is set before us either in a way of Reverence or in a way of Dependance either for seeing him in all our ways making him our Witness Approver and Judg so it is an Act of Holy Fear or as looking up to him as our Helper and Deliverer so it is an Act of Faith and Confidence And he that thus often looketh to God is carried through all his Fears and Cares and may easily despise all the frightful things in the World therefore why should your Hearts be troubled Believe in God and believe in Jesus Christ. It is a Fault in Christians to be immoderately fearful in times of Trouble and Danger Faith puts it self under God's special Protection upon a two-fold Perswasion of God's Power and Presence 1. His Power God is greater than the Creature and all the Terrors which Sense can present to us from the Creature Dan. 3.17 18. If it be so our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery Furnace and he will deliver us out of thine hand O King But if not be it known to thee O King that we will not serve thy Gods nor worship the golden Image which thou hast set up If Men bind God can loose if they threaten to kill God can save 2. His Presence Heb. 13.5 6. Let your Conversation be without Covetousness and be content with such things as ye have for he hath said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee So that we may boldly say The Lord is my helper and I will not fear what Man shall do unto me The Lord will stand by his People and deliver them when it shall be for his Glory Now till we come to this Courage and Constancy of Mind and fearlesness of Men we never have the Generosity of Christians 2. Sorrow is vanquished by Faith 1. As it diverteth the Heart from present things to future and maketh things absent present and recompenseth Losses and Disappointments in the World with the hope of greater things in the World to come Faith sheweth better things to be enjoyed Heb. 10.34 Ye took joyfully the spoiling of your Goods knowing in your selves that ye have in Heaven a better and an indaring Substance Spoiling of your Goods is either by Violence or by Fire and Confiscation It goeth near to the Hearts of Worldlings to part with their necessary and convenient earthly Comforts But to a Believer it is more easy for Heaven is infinitely better and more precious than all the Wealth of the World If the World be our Darling or any created Comfort be overvalued it will fill our Hearts with sorrow to be deprived of it A Christian that hath Heaven in Hope and Reversion cannot be poor he is richer than all worldly Men though God's Providence hath given him little or left him little 2. The Sting of present Evils is removed by the Pardon of Sins and the Sense of God's Love You are secured from Death and Wrath and God in Christ is your Father Rom. 5.1 2 3. Therefore being justified by Faith we have Peace with God through our Lord Iesus Christ. By whom also we have access by Faith into this Grace wherein we stand and rejoice in hope of the Glory of God And not only so but we glory in Tribulations also If his Love be shed abroad in the Heart it is no great matter what we feel in the Body The Venom of the Affliction is the Curse due for Sin that is gone when we have first made sure of our personal Reconciliation with God and Acceptance with him in Christ. 3. Not only is the Venom gone but every Condition is useful and hath a Blessing in it to the Godly We know this by Faith Rom. 8.28 We know that all things work together for good to them that love God Psal. 119.71 It is good for me that I have been afflicted that I might learn thy Statutes And ver 25. I know O Lord that thy Iudgments are right and that thou in faithfulness hast afflicted me Our wise and faithful God would not bring it upon us if he did not know how to make a good use of it By this we may discern whether God chasten us in Anger yea or no Whether our Crosses be Curses The Cross which maketh thee better than thou wert it cometh with a Blessing and as a Blessing It is not the sharpness of the Affliction that we should look to but the Improvement If it be improved the bitter Waters are made sweet if we are more godly wise and religious All God's Dispensations to his People are good and tend to good Luther hath a saying Qui tribulantur sacras literas melius intelligunt securi fortunati eas legunt sicut Ovidii carmen Those that are in trouble understand the Scriptures better the secure and prosperous read them as a piece of Ovid. It maketh us more serious keepeth us in a relish of spiritual Things While God is striking we feel
of Service There is great difference among the People of God in degrees of Grace All Barks that sail to Heaven do not draw alike Depth I have instanced in all this because this concerneth the People of God more than others to keep them free from boasting Pride in others feedeth upon empty Shadows but in God's People on the best things such as spiritual Gifts Graces Privileges singular Mercies and Deliverances Paul's abundance of Revelations was ready to puff him up 2 Cor. 12.7 And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the Revelations there was given unto me a Thorn in the Flesh the Messenger of Satan to buffet me lest I should be exalted above measure Hezekiah had received a remarkable Deliverance 2 Chron. 32.24 25. In those days Hezekiah was sick to the Death and prayed unto the Lord and he spake unto him and he gave him a Sign But Hezekiah rendred not again according to the Benefit done unto him but his Heart was lifted up c. And it is in them most unnatural to be proud of that which is given to destroy Pride for Grace is given to humble us They are common not sanctifying and saving Gifts that puff up 1 Cor. 8.1 2. Knowledg puffeth up but Charity edifieth And if any Man thinketh that he knoweth any thing he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know Pompous Gifts are of a more swelling Nature than spiritual Grace so that you bring a suspicion on your Gifts and Graces if you are proud of them that they are common not sanctifying saving Gifts Besides the Danger you take the Course to provoke God to bereave you of his Gifts when you are puffed up with what should be used for the Glory of God If we should do so he provideth a sharp Cure witness Paul's Thorn in the Flesh 2 Cor. 12.7 2 dly Where to seek Gifts and Graces that are needful If any of you lack VVisdom let him ask it of God James 1.5 But then you must use Means as well as Pray They that cry for Knowledg and Understanding must also dig for her as for hid Treasure Prov. 2.3 4 5. If thou criest after Knowledg and liftest up thy Voice for Vnderstanding If thou seekest her as Silver and searchest for her as for hid Treasures thou shalt then understand the Fear of the Lord and find the Knowledg of God II. These things are intrusted as well as given for the word committed is used It is given us as an Estate to trade with Here is not only the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 given but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 committed That which we have is not only a Matter of Grace and Favour but a Matter of Charge and Trust. A Depositum something deposited with us that we must not only be chary of them that our Gifts be not lost by Luxury Ease and Idleness but we must be faithful in the use of them that God may have Glory others Benefit and we Comfort and Peace for the present and everlasting Life for the future All is an Estate in Trust not for Enjoyment barely but for Use and Service I will prove it 1. From the Nature of the Gifts They are not given us for themselves but for some other thing I confess they are of a various Nature and it is hard to bring them under one Denomination Reason Health Strength Time Parts Interests Power Authority Wealth Providences such as Afflictions Prosperity Ordinances Means of Grace yea Grace it self All these are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not simply given us for their own sakes but some other thing Reason or such a Life as is Light Iohn 1.4 In him was Life and the Life was the Light of Men. Why was it given us but that we might have a Mind to know God and an Heart to love him For therefore doth God teach us more than the Beasts of the Field It was a good saying of Epictetus Si essem Luscinia canerem ut Luscinia If I were a Nightingale I would sing as a Nightingale c. But alas how often do Men use their Wit against God rather than for him So for Strength and Time Is it given us only to be employed in the Service of Sin or for the Service of God in our Generation Is it to be strong to serve our Lusts or to have time to grow Monsters in Wickedness No we have strength and time to glorify God Rom. 6.13 Neither yield ye your Members as Instruments of Vnrighteousness unto Sin but yield your selves unto God as those that are alive from the Dead and your Members as Instruments of Righteousness unto God So for Interests Honour and Power and Wealth Is this given us to set up for our selves No but to be Factors and Agents for God to glorify him here in the World 1 Tim. 6.17 18. Charge them that are rich in this World that they be not high-minded nor trust in uncertain Riches but in the living God who giveth us richly all things to enjoy That they do good that they be rich in good Works ready to distribute willing to communicate Every Man should be what he is for God So for Providences Take the comfortable part of them not Afflictions but Deliverances Afflictions are sent because we deny God his Right Hosea 2.8 9. For she did not know that I gave her Corn and Wine and Oil and multiplied her Silver and Gold which they prepared for Baal Therefore will I return and take away my Corn in the time thereof and my Wine in the season thereof and will recover my Wool and my Flax given to cover her nakedness But for Deliverances Why are we delivered and enjoy so much of Comfort Peace and Ease from Trouble to satisfy our Lusts or to glorify God They are branded as a wicked People that said We are delivered to do all these Abominations Jer. 7.10 Because they were free and out of danger therefore they might harden themselves in Sin and live in a forgetfulness of God So for Ordinances and means of Grace which are Advantages and Opportunities put into our Hands of being more good our selves and doing more good to others Prov. 17.16 Wherefore is there a Price in the Hand of a Fool to get Wisdom seeing he hath no Heart to it That is Why is the Opportunity given when Men have no Heart to solid Wisdom So for Grace it self The very Nature of it sheweth it is a Trust. Luke 16.11 If you have not been faithful in the unrighteous Mammon who will commit to your trust the true Riches To be trusted with an Estate is not so great a Trust as to be trusted with Grace This is a Gift more precious and should not lie idle God trusts ordinary Men with an Estate but his People with Grace When we suspect a Vessel is leaky we fill it with Water before we fill it with Wine God expecteth more Honour from new Creatures than he doth from all the World besides and
the Law that I might live unto God Sometimes Repentance is described by one term called Repentance from dead works Heb. 6.1 where by dead works are meant Sins which render us liable to Death And often by the other called a Turning or Returning to God Zach. 1.3 Turn ye unto me saith the Lord. Acts 26.18 To open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God From him we fell to him we return and so it includeth an acknowledgment of our Sins with grief of Heart and a resolution to forsake them that we may live unto God both of which if they be hearty and sincere will be evidenced by newness of Life Rom. 6.4 or doing works meet for Repentance Acts 26.20 That they should repent and turn to God and do works meet for repentance The sum of what he preached was reduced to three Heads the two first by way of Foundation the third by way of Superstructure The two first imply an Internal Change the third the Outward discovery of it By Repentance is meant there a bethinking our selves or considering our ways after we have gone wrong with a broken hearted sense and acknowledgment of the misery into which we have plunged our selves by Sin By turning to God our seeking happiness in God by Christ and giving up our selves to him to do his Will And by works meet for repentance a suitable and thankful Life All practical Divinity may be reduced to these three Heads a sense of our misery by Nature a flying to God by Christ for a Remedy and the Life of Love and Praise which becometh Christs reconciled and redeemed ones This is Repentance Secondly What the Gospel doth to Promote it 1. It requireth it indispensibly of all grown Persons In the Text he commandeth all men every where to repent And our Lord telleth us that the great end of his Commission was to call Sinners to Repentance Mat. 9.13 I am not come to call the Righteous but Sinners to repentance The Gospel findeth us not innocent but in a lapsed estate under the power of Sin intangled in the Love of the World and the snares of the Devil and obnoxious to the Wrath of God Now Christ came to recover us from the Devil the World and the Flesh unto God that we may love him again and be happy in his Love So that they quite mistake the Nature of our recovery who dream of a meer exemption from Wrath without an healing our Natures or restoring and putting poor Creatures in joynt again which were disordered by the Fall or that we can live in the Love of God before we are changed both in Heart and Life No Christ took another course to call us not only to Pardon and Eternal Glory but to Repentance or strictly to enjoyn this Duty upon us that by his Grace we might recover a disposition of Heart which in some measure might incline and enable us to love please and obey God and that under pain of his displeasure we might break off our Sins and live unto God For he came not to give liberty to any to live in Sin 2. By its Promises for it offereth Pardon and Life to the Penitent Believer and to them only None can enjoy the Priviledges of the New Covenant but those that are willing to return to the Duty which they owe to the Creator This is Gospel Luke 24.47 That repentance and remission of Sins should be preached in his Name compared with Mark 16.16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned God and Christ are agreed that Salvation should be dispensed upon these terms and no other We are not within the reach of the Blessing and Comfort of the Promise till we repent 3. By its Ordinances or the Sacraments and Seals of the Covenant As Baptism which serves for this use Mat. 3.11 I baptize you with water unto repentance And Acts 2.38 Repent and be baptized every one of you in the Name of Iesus Christ for the remission of Sins This is the initial Ordinance which is our first covenanting with God and therein we bind our selves to forsake all known Sin and to live unto God And from that time forward we must reckon our selves as under such a Vow Bond Debt and Obligation Rom. 6.11 Reckon your selves also to be dead indeed unto Sin but alive unto God through Iesus Christ our Lord. What! doth our Mortification or Vivification depend on our esteem or conceit Will that kill Sin or quicken Holiness The meaning is Count your selves obliged to dye to Sin and to persevere in Holiness by your Baptismal Vow and Covenant In the Lord's Supper one great Benefit offered and sealed to us is the remission of Sins Mat. 26.28 For this is my Blood of the new Testament which is shed for many for the remission of Sins that is supposing we make Conscience of our Baptismal Vow and renew our resolutions against Sin lest we grow cold and remiss in them Thirdly How convenient and Necessary this is for our recovery to God 1. For the Honour of God Surely Christ communicateth the effects of his Grace in a way becoming the Wisdom of God as well as his Justice Now as the Justice of God required that his Wrath should be appeased so his Wisdom required that Man should be converted and turned to God because God in dispensing Pardon will still preserve the Honour of his Law and Government As he doth it in the Impetration so in the Application As to the Impetration that was not without Satisfaction so to the Application that is not without Repentance or a consent to live according to the Will of God Now this would fall to the ground if we should be pardoned without Submission without Confession of past Sin or resolution of future Obedience For till then we neither know our true misery nor are we willing to come out of it For they that securely continue in their Sins they despise both the Curse of the Law and the Grace of the Gospel 2. The Duty of the Creature is secured when we are so solemnly bound to future Obedience Our first hearty consent to live in the Love and Service of our Creator with a detestation of our former ways is made in a solemn Covenant manner called therefore the Bond of the Covenant Ezek. 20.37 I will bring you into the bond of the Covenant So Numb 30.2 If a man vow a vow unto the Lord and swear an Oath to bind his Soul with a bond he shall do according to all that proceedeth out of his mouth And besides it is made in our anguish when we drink of the bitter waters and feel the smart of Sin Acts 9.6 And he trembling and astonished said Lord what wilt thou have me to do And so the fittest time to induce an hatred of Sin and also love to God and Holiness as having then the sweetest and freshest sense of his
Guardian for our good All that God hath is forth coming for our use as all other things so his Almighty Power and Strength 3. Whatever his Will is or whatever God hath determined to do concerning us yet he would have us magnifie his Power and with Comfort cast our selves upon it Isa. 8.12 13. Fear not their fear nor be afraid sanctifie the Lord of Hosts himself and let him be your fear and let him be your dread You should set Power against Power that you may not be dismay'd Isa. 50.10 It is not meant Spiritually only but also in Temporal Cases Let him trust in the Name of the Lord and stay upon his God You should Comfort your selves in the Power and All-sufficiency of God 4. Consider how angry God hath been with his Children for not resting upon his Power Nothing hath hindered the discovery of God's Power and the Manifestation of his Love to them so much as distrust of his Power Mark 6.5 He could there do no mighty work It is not said he would not but he could not do any mighty works there because of their Unbelief Unbelief doth put a Barr and Rubb in the way of God's Omnipotency And Ioh. 11.40 If thou wouldst beleive thou shouldst see the glory of God God doth not put forth himself because we do no more rest upon him and his Alsufficiency to help us See how angry God hath been on this account with his own Children and People with Moses and Aaron Mat. 20.12 Because ye believed me not to sanctifie me in the eyes of the Children of Israel therefore ye shall not bring this Congregation into the land which I have given them The believing of God's Power is not determining the Success but when we encourage our selves to Pray and Wait and to be Sincere and Faithfull upon the account of God's Power that God is able Many Troubles and Perplexities have befallen God's Children for not believing his Power Zacharias Iohn's Father was struck Dumb for not believing Luk. 1.20 Behold thou shalt be dumb and not able to speak until the day that these things shall be performed because thou believest not my words which shall be fulfilled in their season And God let the Nobleman live to see himself confuted and then he was crushed to Death 2 Kings 7.2 Then a Lord on whose hand the King leaned answered the Man of God and said Behold if the Lord should make Windows in Heaven might this thing be And he said Behold thou shalt see it with thine eyes but thou shalt not eat thereof 3. Consider it is a notable Argument in Prayer to conjure the Lord by his Power As the Leper comes to Christ Mat. 8.2 Lord if thou wilt thou canst make me clearn Do what thou wilt but this I know that thou canst thou hast Power enough See how Moses insinuates Numbers 14.15 16. Now if thou shalt kill all this People as one Man then the Nations which have heard the fame of thee will speak saying Because the Lord was not able to bring this People into the Land which he sware unto them therefore he hath slain them in the Wilderness As if he should say Lord thou wouldest have the glory of thy Power seen in the Eyes of the Nations that they may know thee as a mighty powerful God now they will say the Lord was not able to bring them into Canaan 6. All our Courage and all the strength of our Comfort and Obedience and all the Blessings of Obedience depends upon the Belief and the Improvement of God's Power Look into the Book of God and you shall see all the generous Acts that worthy Men have performed came from hence Abraham the Father of the Faithful offered up his Son his only Son the Son of the Promise and that freely and why Accounting that God was able to raise him up even from the dead from whence also he received him in a figure Heb. 11.19 In such a Tryal what would support and bear us out So when the fiery Furnace was heated seven times hotter than ordinary burning and flaming exceedingly the three Children ventured into it upon this Principle Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery Furnace and he will deliver us out of thy hand O King Dan. 3.17 What is the reason we are so Cowardly and Dastardly we look to things sensible and visible and cannot set the Power of God against it or above them and consider how he can bring good out of evil and so Carnal Fears and Hopes draw us aside Why are we discouraged and turn from God in difficult Cases rather than in easie Cases but that we do not believe that he can do all things Paul believed therefore in the Face of Opposition he goes on in his Work unweariedly 1 Tim 4.10 Therefore we both labour and suffer reproach because we trust in the living God who is the Saviour of all Men ●specially of them th●t believe This made him in the midst of Reproaches and all manner of Difficulties to go on with Courage 7. When we run to Carnal Shifts because we cannot trust this Power of God then we engage his strength that should be for us against us and it is just with God to blast us Ionah runs from his Work and God sends a Storm after him Ionah was afraid of the Ninevites but mischief will sooner or later overtake them that run from their Duty and they have worse Inconveniencies by their own Shifts Iacob would get the Blessing by a Wile but that cost him dear he was Banished from his Father's House upon it lest Esau should kill him Indirect Courses will certainly prove a loss though you may obtain your Purpose yet you plunge your selves into greater difficulties afterward and Obtain your Desires with more Trouble than if you had waited upon God 8. If the thing be not done for us which we need and desire when we trust upon the Power of God it is because it is not best for us He that trusts upon the Power of God cannot miscarry A Cross is best and a low Estate is best and Troubles are best It is not for want of Power and Love that we are afflicted of God he will deliver us and support us and turn it to the best Psal. 84.11 For the Lord God is a sun and a shield he will give Grace and Glory and no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly Psal. 34.9 The young Lyons do lack and suffer hunger but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing If we want any thing we would have certainly it is not good for us 9. The less Power we have in our selves the more Experience we have of God's Power Isa. 40.29 He giveth power to the faint and to them that have no might he increaseth strength So Deut. 32.36 The Lord shall judge his people and repent himself for his Servants when he seeth that their power is
Christ had let out a beam of his Divinity in that great draught of Fishes Peter said Lord depart from me for I am a sinful man Luke 5.8 The Prodigal Luke 15.19 I am not worthy to be called thy Son So 1 Cor. 15.9 I am the least of the Apostles and am not meet to be called an Apostle So tho' the Iews had said of our Centurion Lord go to him for he is worthy Luke 7.4 Yet he saith of himself Lord I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof Qu. Why are true and sound Believers so ready to profess their Unworthiness Answer They have a deeper Sense of God's Majesty and Greatness than others have and also a more broken-hearted sense of their own Vileness by reason of Sin They have a more affective light and sight of things God is another thing to them than before so is Sin and Self The more unworthy they are in their own Apprehension the more is God and Christ exalted Faith is an emptying Grace and the best Men have lowest thoughts of themselves a proud Man thinketh all things due to him but an humble Man nothing 4. He is content with Christ's Word without his bodily presence Speak but the word and my Servant shall be healed God's word is enough to a Believer he doth not limit him to a certain way of working as if there were no way of working but that way only that is a sign of weakness of Faith Psal. 78.41 They limited the holy One of Israel We are to depend upon him and submit to him and not prescribe how and when he should help us nor straighten and confine his Power to such or such means Compare Iohn 4.47 48. with this Centurion A certain Nobleman whose Son was sick at Capernaum the Town where this Centurion was in Garrison he again and again besought Iesus that he would come down and heal his Son for he was at the point of death And Iesus said Except ye see signs and wonders ye will not believe The Cure must be done in their way Verse 49. The Nobleman saith unto him Sir come down e're my Child dye Christ refuseth to go to the Rulers House being twice intreated but here he offereth to come to visit this poor Servant but the Centurion saith Speak but the word he was loth to give him this trouble to come to his House one word will as easily cure him as if he come personally he doth not tye his Vertue to his bodily presence but ascribeth all to his Word God made the World by a word sustaineth the World by a word therefore the Centurion only desireth a word There is a threefold Word of God 1. Verbum Scriptum his written Word his Promise and that is the Food of Faith and a Believer can make a Feast to himself in the Promises when he is seemingly starved in the Creature 2. There is Verbum Benedictionis his Word of Blessing So Matth. 4.4 Man liveth not by bread only but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God It is quoted out of Deut. 8.3 In the Wilderness where they had neither Bread nor Water they were not famished with want nor compelled to use unlawful Means for their relief God blessed Manna He that provided forty years for such an huge Multitude in the Desart will not be wanting to his own Son who had fasted but forty days It is not Bread but the Blessing of God that sustaineth us If they reserved ought of the Manna till morning it putrified and stank yet the same Manna kept by the Commandment of God was sweet and good in the Ark God gave his Blessing to the one and not to the other 3. There is Verbum Potentiae the Word of his Power He spake and it was done Psal. 33.9 so here the Centurion desireth a word The Word made the World and the Word upholdeth it Heb. 1.3 Vpholding all things by the word of his Power The powerful Word of God doth all in the World He sendeth forth his Commandment upon earth his word runneth very swiftly Psal. 147.15 So Psal. 107.20 He sent his word and healed them it is dictum factum with God So the word of the Lord tryed them Psal. 105.19 that is his Power there is a powerful commanding word which is enough 5. Here is Christ's Power and Dominion over all Events and Events that concern us and ours fully acknowledged and that is a great Point gained He is Lord both of the dead and living Rom. 14.9 Health and Sickness are at his command So Isa. 45.7 I form the light and create darkness I make peace and create evil I the Lord do all these things So Iob 34.29 When he giveth quietness who then can make trouble and when he hideth his face who then can behold him whether it be done against a Nation or against a Man only Here is a clear Confession of Christ's Omnipotency and Soveraign Dominion This Soveraign Dominion is backed with Omnipotency and extendeth to all things To Devils Mark 9.25 I charge thee come out of him thou dumb and deaf Spirit To Sickness Luke 4.39 He rebuked the Feavour and it left her Christ can speak to the Leprosie I will be thou clean Mat. 8.3 To the Winds and Seas Then he arose and rebuked the Winds and the Seas and there was a great Calm Mat. 8.26 27. To Death Lazarus come forth John 11.43 To nothing as if it had Ears and Reason Rom. 4.17 And calleth those things which are not as tho' they were To the Fishes in the Sea Ionah 2.10 The Lord spake to the Fish and it vomited up Ionah upon the dry land Thus all Creatures have an Obediential Ear to hearken to what God saith and God can make use of them according to his own pleasure yea he can speak to Sinners who are the most stubborn and obstinate pieces of the Creation Ezek. 16.6 I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood live Eph. 5.14 Wherefore he saith Awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead and Christ shall give thee light Every Creature is a Servant of Omnipotency and doth suspend or exercise it's Natural Operations as God biddeth it Christ hath this Power as God and Heir of all things 1. Let us see what is this Alsufficient Power and Dominion of Christ. It lyeth in three things 1. A right of making and framing any thing as he will in any manner as it pleaseth him Ier. 18.6 Behold as the Clay is in the Potters hand so are ye in mine hand O house of Israel 2. A Right and Power of possessing things so made all is his they are Rebels that said Psal. 12.4 Our tongues are our own who is Lord over us 3. A Right of using governing and disposing of all things so possessed Mat. 20.15 Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with my own whether Men or any other Creature in the World 2. This Dominion and Alsufficient Power is a
notable Temptation to a poor Woman who had heard so much of Christ's Power and Compassion towards all those that came to him for Relief He heard well enough what she asked but not a Word of Answer gets she from him I will shew you that though Christ love our Persons and dislikes not our Petitions but meaneth to grant them yet for a time he will seem to take no notice of them 1. That this is a sore Temptotion 2. That it should not yet weaken our Faith 1. That it is a sore Temptation appeareth by the Complaints of the Saints and Servants of God Lam. 3.8 When I cry and shout he shutteth out my Prayer As if God had locked up himself that their Prayers should not come at him or find access to him So Verse 44. Thou coverest thy self with a Cloud that our Prayer should not pass thorough as if God had wrapped up himself in a thick Cloud of Displeasure against our Sins that our Prayers could find no entrance So the Spouse Cant. 5.6 I sought him but I could not find him I called him but he gave me no Answer That God should refuse and reject our Prayers is a grievous Tryal to the Faithful who value Communion with God Nay this Delay may be so long till the Ca●se seem hopeless Psal. 69.3 I am weary of my crying my Throat is dried mine Eyes fail while I wait for my God So Psal. 22.2 O my God! I cry in the Day-time but thou hearest not and in the night season and am not silent And all this while God seemeth to forsake them nor to regard the Suit as if he had no respect to their hard Condition To lose our labour in Prayer is one of the saddest Disappointments that we can meet with when our loud and importunate Cries bring no Relief to us But 2 It should not weaken our Faith For God's Delay is for his own Glory and our Good 1. For his own Glory and the Beauty of his Providence We read Iohn 11.5 6. Iesus loved Martha and her Sister and Lazarus and when he heard he was sick even to Death he abode-still two days in the same place where he was There is little Love in that you will think to a sick Friend who was ready to die Martha expostulateth with him about it Verse 21. Lord if thou hadst been here my Brother had not died But Christ giveth the true Account of it Verse 40. Said I not unto thee that if thou wouldest believe thou shouldest see the Glory of God It was more for the Glory of God to raise a dead Man than to cure a sick Man So when the Disciples were in a Storm Christ made a shew of passing by Mark 6 4● He cometh unto them walking on the Sea side and would have passed by them So Christ delayeth the Woman as to Appearance and denieth her that the Glory and Greatness of her Faith might be more seen 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 saith Chrys●●●● that he might crown the Woman as a Notable Believer 2. For our Good and to exercise our Faith Patience Love and Desire 1. Our Faith to wait and depend upon God for things we see not For Faith is a dependance upon God for something that lieth out of sight This Woman was delayed but had at last that which she desired but first her great Faith was discovered 2. Our Patience in tarrying God's leisure His dearest Children are not admitted at the first knock David saith in three Verses I cryed I cryed I cryed Psal. 119.145 146 147. Our Lord Jesus prayed thrice before he got any Comfort in his Agony Matth. 26.44 And he left them and went away again and prayed the third time and then an Angel appeared to him from Heaven and strengthened him Luke 22.43 Elijah prayed thrice for the dead Child e're he got him to Life 1 Kings 17.21 And he stretched himself upon the Child three times and cryed unto the Lord and said O Lord my God! I pray thee let this Child's Soul return unto him again Paul prayed thrice 2 Cor. 12.8 For this thing I besought the Lord thrice that it might depart from me The Lord useth the like Dispensation to us that are their Followers Heb. 6.12 Be followers of them who through Faith and Patience inherit the Promises We are told Lam. 3.26 It is good that a man should both h●pe and quietly wait for the Salvation of the Lord. It is Bonum honestum utile It is our Duty and it is our Profit Our times are always present with us Hungry Stomachs must have the Meat e're it be sodden or roasted We would have our Mercies too soon like the Foolish Husbandman who would reap his Corn and get it into the Barn before it be ripened 3. Our Love tho' we be not feasted with felt Comforts and present Delights or bribed with a sensible Dispensation or indulged with a ready condescention to our Requests God will try the Deportment of his Children whether we love him or his Benefits most Whether sensible Consolations especially external be more to us than a God in Covenant Isa. 26.8 Yea in the 〈◊〉 of thy Iudgments O Lord have we waited for thee A Child of God will love him for his Judgments and fear him for his Mercies God will try whether we can rejoyce in himself in our greatest Wants and Destitutions Heb. 3.17 18. Although the Fig-tree shall not blossom neither shall Fruit be in the Vines the labour of the Olive shall fail and the Fields shall yield no meat the Flocks shall be cut off from the Fold and there be no Heard in the Stalls yet I will rejoyce in the Lord I will joy in the God of my Salvation A resolute dependance on an unseen God is the Power and Glory of Faith and a resolute Adherence to a withdrawn God is the Vigour of Love Lime the more Water you sprinkle upon it the more it burneth Many waters cannot quench Love neither can the Floods drown it Cant. 8.7 4. To enlarge our Desires and put greater Fervency into them A Sack that is stretched out holds the more Delay increaseth Importunity Matth. 7.7 Ask seek knock the Door is kept bolted that we may knock the harder The choicest Mercies come to us after great Wrestlings She prayeth but Christ keepeth Silence Silence is an Answer and speaketh thus much Pray on and continue your praying still though Christ loved the Supplicant and meaneth to grant the Petition yet at first he answereth her not a Word Secondly Her next Temptation was from the small Assistance she had from the Disciples Verse 23. Send her away for she crieth after us Interpreters dispute whether this was spoken out of Commiseration or Impatience I incline to the former and the Sence is Send her away by granting her Request do that for her that she desireth that she may be quiet But though it were Commiseration yet they spake too coldly as to her Distress and seem to have
Abraham had a strong Hope in God when all Appearances seemed to forbid Hope Most Mens Faith is born up by outward likelihoods and probabilities and when they fail their Faith faileth they can trust God no farther than they can see him But true Faith dependeth upon him when his way is in the dark and there is little appearance of the things we wait for as Paul could assure them not a Man should be lost when all hope that any should be saved was taken away Acts 27.20 22. I prove this 1. From the Genius and Nature of Faith There must be some difficulty in the thing to be believed or else it is not an Object of Faith Rom. 8.24 But hope that is seen is not hope for what a Man seeth why doth he yet hope for The Nature of Faith and Hope is so that it is not of things presently enjoyed for Vision and Possession exclude Hope and what is easie and next at hand it is as if it were already enjoyed therefore it is no Tryal of your Faith to wait for probable things and such as are within the View of Sense or Reason But to Hope against Hope when God disappointeth our Confidence and seemeth to beat us off from believing yet to adhere to him this is the disposition of Faith 2. From the Warrant of Faith which is the Word of God Now we must believe God upon his bare word though we know not what time or way he will take or by what means the things promised may be accomplished In things future and invisible we believe against Sense to say with Thomas Except I see I will not believe Joh. 20.25 this maketh way for Atheism In things incredible we believe against Reason Heb. 11.1 Faith is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Evidence of things not seen provided they be revealed by God we must not be false Prophets to our selves and make Promises which God never made that is to interest his Glory in our vain Conceits Ier. 4.10 Ah Lord God! surely thou hast greatly deceived this People and Ierusalem saying Ye shall have peace meaning the false Prophets using his Name And it is a Snare to our selves we dream of Deliverance when God intendeth a further Tryal 1 Thes. 5.3 For when they shall say peace and safety then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a VVoman with Child and they shall not escape But when the Promise is clear then we must believe in Hope against Hope Sense Nature and humane Reason must not be heard against Faith Psal. 27.3 Tho' VVar should rise against me in this I will be confident whatever the Danger was for he had a particular Promise of coming to the Throne It must not be saith Sense It cannot be saith Natural Reason It both can and will be saith Faith Though what God had promised to do do far exceed the Power of Nature his Word is enough to Faith But if we have no express Promise may we not believe in Hope against Hope Answer If Believing be meant only of a Confidence in God's Power not determining the certainty of the Event Many times we are cast upon God's Providence all humane refuge and help faileth there is no possibility of escape yet God forbiddeth Despair and thus driveth us to himself 2 Cor. 1.9 But we had the sentence of death in our selves that we should not trust in our selves but in God which raiseth the dead He means when the furious multitude at Ephesus was let loose upon him for his adherence to his way Psal. 44.19 20. Tho' thou hast sore broken us in the place of Dragons and covered us with the shadow of death we have not forgotten the Name of our God We have sometimes that which is equivalent to a Promise even the usual Practice of God Deut. 32.36 For the Lord will judge his people and repent himself for his servants when he seeth their Power is gone and there is none shut up or left Gen. 22.14 In the Mount of the Lord it shall be seen 3. The Object of Faith God-all-sufficient We must neither measure his Goodness nor Power by our Scantling and Module Not his Goodness Isa. 55.8 9. For my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways saith the Lord. But as the Heavens are higher than the Earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts Hosea 11.9 I will not execute the fierceness of mine Anger I will not return to destroy Ephraim for I am God and not man We sin as Men but he pardoneth like a God Nor his Power Zech. 8.6 If it be marvellous in the eyes of the remnant of this People in these days should it also be marvellous in mine eyes saith the Lord of Hosts The Promises then made seemed impossible or improbable to be performed for the Iews were a despicable Remnant and the Times full of Dangers and Fears Reason and Probability is not our Support but Faith which looketh to God to whom nothing is impossible Nothing can be laid in opposition to his Power or can overballance his Promises We are at a loss many times but God is never at a loss You would think that man ridiculous that should say An Horse cannot carry him upon his Back because a Fly cannot It is more ridiculous to confine God to Humane Likelyhoods and Probabilities We cannot do this therefore God cannot Psal. 78.41 They l●mited the Holy One of Israel that is streightned his Power as if their Wants were so great God was not able to supply them or their Miseries so grievous that he were not able to remove them or their Enemies so strong that he were not able to vanquish them If there be any difficulty in the Case it is the fitter for an Almighty Power Certainly we have no strong Faith if any Faith when we cannot see the Truth of God's Promises unless we see the Possibility of their Accomplishment by Natural means If it pass the power of the Creature we say How can these things be Alas you do not know God's Infinite Power Can you say Thus far God can go and no further This much God can do and no more II. He considered not the Difficulties Ver. 19. And being not weak in Faith he considered not his own Body now dead when he was about an hundred years old neither yet the deadness of Sarah's Womb. Here we learn that we must not oppose natural Impediments to the Power and Truth of God Unbelief will stir up many Objections great Reasonings within our selves against the Promise To hearken to these is to tempt our selves and choke our own Faith As in other Sins to pore upon the Temptation is to parley with the Devil and suffer the Evil to fasten it's self upon our Spirits So in point of Believing Abraham considered not how dead and unmeet he and his Wife were as to Prolification First I shall examine how we are or are not to consider Difficulties 1.
my Soul and forget not all his Benefits who pardoneth all thy Iniquities and healeth all thy Diseases Psal. 103.1 2 3. 3. Our own personal Victory over Satan's Temptations In part now We renew that Covenant now wherein we ingaged to fight against Satan 1 Iohn 2.14 I have written unto you young Men because ye are strong and the VVord of God abideth in you and ye have overcome the wicked one Fully hereafter Rom. 16.20 The God of Peace shall bruise Satan under your Feet shortly The God of Peace as pacified in Christ. Now this is matter of Thanksgiving 1 Cor. 15.57 Thanks be to God who giveth us the Victory through our Lord Iesus Christ. That Christ will take us along with him in his Triumphant Chariot and help our weak Faith and faint Hope and that we may conquer the Tempter and Accuser IV. Tho Christ's Heel was bruised in the Conflict yet it endeth in Satan's final Overthrow For his Head was crushed which noteth the subversion of his Power and Kingdom To explain this we must consider First What is the Power of Satan Secondly How far Satan was destroyed by Christ. First What is the Power of Satan It lieth in Sin And Christ destroyed him as he made an end of Sin and brought in everlasting Righteousness and made Reconciliation for Iniquities Dan. 9.24 Namely as he reconciled Man to God and restored God's Image and Life eternal In short the Power of Satan may be considered either as to single Persons or his Interest in the corrupt World or the sinful Race of Apostate Adam who in their degenerate Estate make up a Confederacy or Party that may be called the Kingdom of the Devil 1 st As to single and individual Persons All his Power over them is by reason of Sin which was introduced by his Subtilty and Malice There are three things in Sin the Power the Guilt the Being Whilst any of these remain Satan hath some Power and all these Christ came to dissolve but by several Means and at several Times 1. The Devil's Power lieth in the Corruption of our Natures for Men continuing in the Apostacy from God are of Satan's Party Eph. 2.1 2 3. And you hath be quickned who were dead in Trespasses and Sins wherein in time past ye walked according to the Course of this World according to the Prince of the Power of the Air the Spirit that now worketh in the Children of Disobedience Among whom also we all had our Conversation in Times past in the Lusts of our Flesh fulfilling the Desires of the Flesh and of the Mind This was the Power that Satan had over us to rule us and govern us by the Lusts of the Flesh. This was our daily Walk and Trade without any Remorse for it or any desire to change our Condition And we are the more confirmed in it by the general and corrupt Example of those among whom we live Now whilst we follow these sinful Motions and Suggestions Satan is our Prince and God the corrupt Nature maketh us readily to entertain his Motions and we are taken captive by him at his Will and Pleasure 2 Tim. 2.26 Now how doth Christ take away this Power I answer By converting Grace which is not only a turning from Sin to God but from Satan to God Acts 26.18 To open their Eyes and to turn them from Darkness to Light and from the Power of Satan to God Whereby the Reign of Sin is broken for as long as Sin reigneth Satan is in peaceable Possession Luke 11.21 When a strong Man armed keepeth his Palace his Goods are in peace And the Devil who hath ●ost his Seat in Heaven hath still a Throne in the Hearts of Men and lords it over them as his Slaves Now the Reign of Sin is broken when Christ puts an Enmity into your Hearts against it I will put Enmity between thy Seed and her Seed For Sin dieth as your Love to it dieth and is mortified and subdued as your Enmity increaseth Well then they that are converted to God are possessed with a Spirit of Enmity to Satan and his Ways such as they had not before whilst they remained in the degenerate Estate Therefore 't is said Ezek. 36.26 A new Heart will I also give to you and a new Spirit will I put within you such as none else have till the Redeemer work upon them 1 Cor. 2.12 We have received not the Spirit of the World but the Spirit which is of God The Spirit which possesseth the Generality of Men is the worldly Spirit that inclineth to earthly and sensual Satisfactions but this Spirit maketh them look after the great things promised by Christ and the great things required by Christ In short a Spirit quite opposite to the Satanical Spirit The Satanical Spirit is contrary to God and Man To God Col. 1.21 And you that were sometimes alienated and Enemies in your Mind by wicked Works yet now hath he reconciled To Man James 4.5 The Spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to Envy But this Spirit begetteth in us Love to God and Man that we may seek his Glory and the Good of others Now till this Spirit be planted in us we have not changed Parties and Masters The Being of Sin is found in all but the Reign only in the Unconverted Therefore the Reign of Sin must be broken by the dwelling of this Spirit in us Sin will put strongly for the Throne again but you must pray earnestly Psal. 119.133 Order my Steps in thy Word and let not any Iniquity have Dominion over me And watch constantly as ever mindful of your Baptismal Vow and Covenant Rom. 6.11 Likewise reckon ye your selves to be dead indeed unto Sin but alive unto God through Iesus Christ our Lord. And then you will find Christ overcoming more and more the Satanical Spirit and inlarging you into the Liberty of God's Children 2. The Guilt of Sin which is an Obligation to Punishment and ariseth from the Sentence of Condemnation pronounced by the Law against Sinners Our Misery ariseth first from the Violation of the Precept of the Law and then from the Sanction and Penalty threatned And so also therein lieth Satan's Power as we are obnoxious to the Wrath of God for therein he is the Minister and Executioner of Death as God maketh use of all his Creatures according to their Inclination And so this wrathful revengeful Creature is the Instrument of his Wrath he hath an advantage against us by the Law of God the Precepts whereof we have broken and so incurred the Penalty and so Satan cometh on as one that hath the Power of Death Those obstinate and careless Souls who refuse the Government of the Lord's Grace and Spirit are put into his Hands as when the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul an evil Spirit from the Lord troubled him 1 Sam. 16.14 He doth or may terrify and afright the Consciences of Men with the dreadful Expectations of Death and the Consequences of
trouble us no more but that the World should not be a Snare to us He came not to exempt us from Trouble but to save us from our Sins Mat. 1.21 To deliver us from Wrath to come 1 Thess. 1.10 We have the Victory which he purchased for us if the Devil and the World do not hinder the Fruition of eternal Glory Our Victory over Satan is mostly gotten by Patience even to the Death and so those that are killed all the Day long are more than Conquerors through him that loved them Rom. 8.35 36 37. Satan's main Spight is not at your worldly Interests but your Souls God may give him sometimes a Power over your worldly and bodily Interests but he doth not give him a Power over your Souls Though he get his Will over your Bodies yet if he get not his Will over your Souls it is you that conquer and not Satan Therefore in the Christian sense Suffering is Conquering If he do not draw you away from God and Christ though he and his Instruments have great Power over you it is your Heel only is bruised but your Head is safe 2. It is not a total Exemption from Sin Necessary vital Grace is only absolutely secured you shall receive no deadly Wound to destroy your Salvation The Godly sometimes may be foiled Satan stirred up David to number the People 2 Corinth 11.2 3. I am jealous over you with a godly Iealousy for I have espoused you to one Husband that I may present you as a chaste Virgin to Christ. For I fear lest by any means as the Serpent beguiled Eve through his Subtilty so your Minds should b● corrupted from the Simplicity that is in Christ. 1 Cor. 7.5 That Satan tempt you not for your Incontinency Yea God may imploy Satan in punishing his People as when the Israelites murmured he sent evil Angels among them Psal. 78.49 and they were destroyed of the Destroyer 1 Cor. 10.10 Because careless Souls are apt to fall asleep God permitteth him to be the Executioner of his Indignation Vse 4. To animate and incourage Christ's Servants in their War against Satan's Kingdom at home and abroad within and without Not to give place to the Devil Ephes. 4.27 Christ whom we serve is more able to save than Satan is to destroy 1. The Devil is a Creature but Christ is the Sovereign Lord who hath Power over him and all Creatures The Devil 's tempting is by Leave Iob 1.12 And the Lord said unto Satan Behold all that he hath is in thy Power Luke 22.31 And the Lord said Simon Simon behold Satan hath desired to have you that he may sift you as Wheat He could not enter into the Herd of Swine without Leave from Christ Matth. 8.31 So the Devils besought him saying If thou cast us out suffer us to go away into the Herd of Swine When we are in Satan's Hands Satan is in God's Hands 2. The Devil is an Usurper Christ is the Heir of all things Satan is the God of this World by Usurpation but by lawful Ordination Jesus is both Lord and Christ Acts 2.36 Therefore let all the House of Israel know assuredly that God hath made that same Iesus whom ye have crucified both Lord and Christ. 3. The Devil hath only a perswasive Force no constraining Efficacy He cannot change the Heart or create any new Principles and Habits there which were not before But God can put his Law into our inward Parts and write it in our Hearts Jer. 31.35 He can only propound alluring Baits or Objects to the outward Senses and Fancy but God worketh immediately on the Heart 4. If the Devil be vigilant and assiduous in his Temptations he is matched and overmatched Christ is always mindful of the Affairs of his People he doth ever make Intercession for us before God And he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep Psal. 121.4 Satan daily bloweth the Bellows inflaming our Corruptions suggesting Temptations but the Spirit is as watchful in our Hearts maintaining his Interest there 5. The Devil's Malice is restrained for he is held in Chains of Darkness 2 Pet. 2.4 If God spared not the Angels that fell but cast them down to Hell and delivered them into Chains of Darkness to be reserved unto Iudgment Meaning thereby not only the powerful Restraints of Providence but the Horror of their own despairing Fears Chains imply Restraint but Chains of Darkness Horror he himself believeth and trembleth Iames 2.19 Thou believest that there is one God thou dost well the Devils also believe and tremble 6. The Lord Jesus doth often give out Demonstrations of his Power and Providence Partly in protecting strengthning assisting his People and prospering their just Endeavours for the Advancement of his Kingdom so that all the Machinations of the Wicked against them come to nought Partly in making fearful Havock and Destruction in Satan's Kingdom In protecting his People sometimes he destroyeth their Enemies Isa. 27.4 Who would set the Briars and Thorns against me in Battel I would go through them I would burn them together Sometimes infatuateth their Counsels Iob 5.12 13 14. He disappointeth the Devices of the Crafty so that their Hands cannot perform their Enterprise He taketh the Wise in their own Craftiness and the Counsel of the Froward is carried headlong They meet with Darkness in the Day-time and grope in the Noon-day as in the Night Sometimes he hideth his People in the Secret of his Presence Psal. 31.20 Thou shalt hide them in the Secret of thy Presence from the Pride of Man thou shalt keep them secretly in a Pavilion from the Strife of Tongues He smiteth his Enemies by an invisible Curse Job 20.26 All Darkness shall be hid in his secret Places a Fire not blown shall consume him it shall go ill with him that is left in his Tabernacle He divideth them 2 Chron. 20.23 The Children of Ammon and Moab rose up against the Inhabitants of Mount Seir utterly to slay and destroy them and when they had made an end of the Inhabitants of Seir every one helped to destroy another Christ is the Assailant and makes fearful Havock in the Devil's Kingdom The Word of Truth is come into all the World and pulleth down Idolatrous and False Worship Coloss. 1.6 The Word of Truth is come unto you as it is in all the World and bringeth forth Fruit as it doth also in you since the Day ye heard of it and knew the Grace of God in Truth Sermon on Gen. 24.63 Isaac went out to meditate in the Field c. SERMONS ON THE XXIV Chapter OF GENESIS SERMON I. GENESIS xxiv 63 And Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the even-tide THE Context is spent in describing the Journey of Rebecca with Abraham's Servant and the Text sheweth the occasion of the first interview between Isaac and Rebekah he goeth out into the Fields to meditate and of a sudden he seeth the Camels coming I cannot pass by this Accident
Ambition and Aspiring thought but Man sinned by the Devils suggestion certainly it is more to be a Tempter than a Sinner and he that sinneth himself doth not offend God himself so much as he that made Israel to Sin However it be we have cause to bless God that he hath revealed his Justice against them and his Mercy to us 2. Observe Gods Wisdom fetched a large compass and circuit and those things which we count the ruine of Man were through the Wisdom of Providence his Preservation The fall of Angels the fall of Man those crooked things which seemed to be the destruction of the Creature through the over-ruling of God made for the manifestation of his Glory Gregory called the Sin of Adam Foelix Scelus because it occasioned the coming of Christ. Providence hath many creeks and turnings but all concur to the Beauty of the whole Frame The Apostle calls it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the manifold wisdom of God Ephes. 3.10 Therefore we are not to judge by present Sense Gods mending is better than his making he would have all fall to pieces to discover more of his Mercy Man must commit a shameful Act and Christ must suffer a shameful Death and all this to advance his own Glory As a Vessel that is crackt and sodered is the stronger there or a Legg that has been broken and set again by a skilful hand is the stronger so the Lord would first have Man to fall and ruine himself that he might be the better established by his own Grace 3. Observe again that God should pitch upon this way of sending his Son God was not limited or bound up he could have done it by an Angel or of his own will have released the Creature of his offence but it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell Col. 1.19 it was Gods Will that Salvation should be brought about this way In the whole business of Salvation God would proceed by choice not necessity I confess supposing the determination of the Divine Decrees no Creature was qualified to do us good the Angels do but their work they could not so fitly super-erogate for us But if God would send his own Son he might have come as a King in Glory and Triumph and wrestled with Satan and rescued all the Elect out of his hands but the Lord would not now discover Power but Love he had discovered Power in Creation Rom. 1.20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal Power and Godhead but in Redemption he discovered his Wisdom every Attribute of God was to be discovered in its season Again the Lord would meet with the Sin of Men and Angels The Angels had lost their Holyness out of a desire of greatness they would be over all and under none And Man was sick of the same Disease and did desire to be rather great than good Adam would be as God Adam fell by Pride and to counter-work this Christ was to restore Mankind by Humility When he cometh to save Mankind he layes aside his Majesty and puts on a humble garb he would not save Mankind by Power but by Suffering the Lords design was by the quality of the Remedy to shew the Nature of the Disease 4. Observe Man or Angel could not have found out such an excellent Plot or Design as this is It could not have come into our heads or hearts and therefore it came meerly from the Breast of God it was devised by Father Son and Holy Ghost Rom. 11.34 Who hath known the mind of the Lord or who hath been his counsellor What Creature did prescribe to God or direct him to such a way The Apostle sheweth it could not enter into the Creatures thoughts 1 Cor. 2.9 Eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither have entred into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love him You will find by the Context he speaks of the Doctrine and Contrivance of Christ crucified neither Sense nor Fancy nor Reason could suggest such a thing to the Creature There are some seeds of the Law in Nature but not the least seeds of the Gospel We see in other Nations they cannot so much as think of a way of a Recovery Isa. 56.19 He saw that there was no man and wondred that there was no Intercessor therefore his arm brought salvation unto him it is chiefly understood of the Everlasting Salvation by Christ. If the Lord had tarryed till Man had devised a way for his own Comfort we had been miserable to all Eternity 5. Observe God discovered this design before it was accomplished in the fullness of time Isa. 42.9 Before they spring forth I tell you of them This Love was too big to be contained in his Heart but he must open his Mind the Prophecies and Promises of the Old Testament were the Eruptions and Overflows of Gods Love his Heart was so full of Love that it could not be contained within the bounds of secrecy he openeth his Heart and gives vent to his Love in the midst of Anger Assoon as Man had displeased him God drops out the Promise That the Seed of the Woman should break the Serpents Head 6. Observe again God discovered this by Degrees first in Types then in Truths first in Promises then in Performances God spake to his People formerly not so much by Words as by Things We teach Children to fight with Puppets and in the Oriental Nations it is their genius to be taken with Allegories and Figures God would prepare the World by degrees as the day groweth till it cometh to high Noon to us he hath opened all his good Treasure And further it was for our instruction that wickedness should be perfectly discovered And besides the former Ages needed Restraints more than Comforts Every Age had sufficient Revelation for what God required of them 2. Follow this Meditation by Arguments There could not have been a better way to save the Creature whether we respect Gods Glory or the Creatures Comfort and Profit 1. If we consider Gods Glory It was the best way to commend his Love Rom. 5.8 But God commended his love towards us in that while we were yet sinners Christ dyed for us Herein was the commendation of the Divine Love that God would give up the Son of his own Love and Bosom to dy for us that were Sinners As the Apostle saith Heb. 6.13 When God made promise to Abraham because he could swear by no greater he sware by himself So when the Lord could give us no greater gifts he gave us his Son David seems to be amazed with wonder when he considers the Power of God in making such Creatures as the Moon and Stars much more when he considers the Love of God in framing of Man Psal. 8.3 4. When I consider the heavens the work of thy fingers the moon and the stars which
from Faith in Christ Rom. 5.1 Being justified by Faith we have peace with God from a sense of our sincere dealing with God 2 Cor. 1.12 For our rejoycing is this the testimony of our conscience that in simplicity and godly sincerity not with fleshly wisdom but by the grace of God we have had our conversation in the world A serenity resulting from our peace with God and close walking with him 2. The strictness and exactness of the Apostles course He would keep this good Conscience void of offence It may be understood passively or actively Passively that Conscience be not offended and suffer wrong Actively that we offend not or offer wrong to others 1. That Conscience be not offended or receive wrong by any miscarriage of ours For it is a tender thing the least dust in the eye hindreth its use so doth Sin offend and trouble the Conscience Take those four Notions before-mentioned Clearness Matth. 5.8 Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God A dusty Glass hindreth the sight of the Image so Lust cloudeth the mind In regard of Purity so far as we give way to Sin Conscience is defiled the Apostle speaketh of some Whose minds and consciences were defiled Titus 1.15 It is defiled by Sin In regard of tenderness nothing bringeth a brawne upon Conscience so much as frequent and allowed sinning in small things first it is wounded and then hardned and so groweth dead and sleepy though it may write it refuseth to speak it is a Register when it is not a Witness So it is offended in regard of quietness an offended Conscience will offend us and a wounded spirit who can bear Prov. 18.14 You may as well expect to touch the Flesh with a burning Coal without pain as to sin without trouble of Conscience Sin will bring shame and horrour ever since Adams experience who was afraid and ashamed Gen. 3.7 2. The second Sense that we offend not nor offer wrong to others will fall in with the next Head 3. The Impartiality of his Obedience both towards God and towards men There are two Tables and we are to take care we do not give offence to God or Men by neglecting our Duty to either 1. Our chief care should be that we do not make a breach upon our Love to God Conscience standeth alwayes in dread of God's Eye and Presence to whom it is most accountable Acts 23 1. I have lived in all good conscience before God until this day Oh grieve not the spirit Eph. 4.30 Offend not the pure Eyes of his Glory 2. That we do not offend Men Rom. 12.17 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Provide things honest in the sight of all men We must be careful of our Conscience before God and frame with Men that we neither seduce them by our Example nor grieve them by any unjust or uncharitable Carriage of ours but be blameless to Men. 4. The Constancy 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 alwayes in all cases by all means at all times A Conscience brought forth at times and for certain turns is not a good Conscience Iob 13.18 Behold now I have ordered my cause I know that I shall be justified A Man is tryed by his course not by a step or two 1 Pet. 1.15 As he that hath called you is holy so be ye holy in all manner of conversation 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in every creek and corner of your lives not in an Humour and in good Moods A Christian is every where like himself and never dareth to do any thing knowingly against Conscience Thirdly The laborious diligences wherewith he carryed it on I exercise my self We must make it our constant labour and endeavour by a diligent search into the mind of God Rom. 12.2 That we may prove what is the good and acceptable will of God Eph. 5.17 Be not unwise but understanding what the will of the Lord is Eph. 5.10 Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord that we may not offend him in Worship or Daily Conversation By a serious enquiry into the state of our own hearts and wayes Psalm 4.4 Stand in awe and sin not commune with your hearts upon your bed and be still If we would have Conscience speak to us we must often speak to Conscience Ier. 8.6 I hearkened and heard but they spake not aright no man repented him of his wickedness saying what have I done Ask questions of your hearts And also by a constant watchfulness and taking heed to our feet Psalm 39.1 I said I will take heed to my wayes that I offend not with my tongue Many live as if they had no Conscience and by a broken-hearted making use of Christs Death Rom. 5.1 Being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Iesus Christ. And 1 Iohn 2.1 If any man sin we have an advocate with the Father Iesus Christ the righteous And Heb. 9.14 How much more shall the blood of Christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself to God without spot purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God By a serious resistance and mortification of Sin cutting off the right Hand and pulling out the right eye Matth. 5.29 30. and Gal. 5.24 They that are Christs have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts And by the use of all Holy Means which God hath appointed II. The Reasons Why this is true Christianity 1. The necessity of it it is a great question how far Obedience belongeth to Faith whether as a part or as an end fruit and consequent I answer both wayes consent of subjection is a part of Faith Actual Obedience a fruit of it In the Covenant there is a consent first before practice Faith believeth the Precepts as well as the Promises Psalm 119.66 Teach me good judgment and knowledge for I have believed thy commandments Heb. 10.22 Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water It believeth the Promises to sweeten Obedience to us it hath a perswasive Oratory as it worketh by Love or Hope it worketh us to an observance of the Precepts by the hopes of the Resurrection least we be inticed from them either by things grateful or troublesome to present sense 1 Cor. 15.58 Be stedfast and unmoveable alwayes ab●i●ding in the work of the Lord for as much as you know that your work is not in vain in the Lord. If you believe things written in the Law and the Prophets you will see your labour is not in vain in the Lord. 2. The Comfort of Obedience to us we cannot make out our Evidence and Plea but by a uniform constant and impartial Obedience Principles are latent till they discover themselves by their Fruit our Faith and Hope is but a fancy unless it prevail over sensitive inclinations to present things that we may live in the patient and delightful service of God and an intire
Life and Affection that he hath required Their Actions are superficial shadows of good things they draw nigh to him with their Lips when their Hearts are far from him Matth. 15.8 This people draweth nigh to me with their mouth and honoureth me with their lips but their heart is far from me Their Duties to Men are but shadows of good Actions not flowing from a hearty Love and a good Conscience but from Interest or Natural Temper 3. There is a defect in the end they do not regard Gods Glory Col. 3.17 Whatsoever you do in word or deed do all in the name of the Lord Iesus giving thanks to God and the Father by him 1 Cor. 10.31 Whether ye eat or drink or whatsoever ye do do all to the glory of God The most commendable Actions of Carnal Men have either a Natural aim as self-preservation So in their Worship Hosea 7.14 They have not cryed unto me with their heart when they howled upon their beds They howl upon their Bed for Corn and Wine or Self-quiet and Ease so in their Duties to Men more for wrath than conscience-sake Rom. 12 5. Or for Vain-Glory To be seen of men Matth. 6.1 Or a legal aim when most Devout to quiet Conscience or to satisfie God for their Sins by their Duties Micah 6.6 7. Wherewith shall I come before the Lord and bow my self before the high God shall I come before him with burnt-offerings with calves of a year old Will the Lord be pleased with thousand of rams or with ten thousands of rivers of oyl shall I give my first-born for my transgression the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul Usually the Sacrifice of the Wicked is brought with an evil mind Prov. 21.27 To buy our Indulgence in some Sins by avoiding others or by performing some Duties to pay for their neglect of others which are more weighty Duties are performed as a Sin-Offering not as a Thank-Offering to pacifie God not to glorifie him There is no delight in God or Obedience In short all is as Flowers strowed upon a Dunghil 2. The Solifidians That cry up an empty Faith without Obedience and Holiness These are to be dealt with as well as the other 1. The end of all Religion is Practice Christianity was not brought into the World that we might talk of great things but do great things for God All the Misteries of our most Holy Faith are Misteries of Godliness and if it be not so the Word of God is come to us in Word only and not in Power and we are Christians of the Letter not of the Spirit The Law of Grace was never intended to try the Acuteness of Mens Wits who could reason most profoundly of these Glorious Things nor the firmness of their Memories who could best carry in mind these Holy Truths nor the readiness of their Invention who could most plausibly discourse about them but the willingness of their Obedience who would most intirely practice them Iohn 14.21 He that hath my commandments and keepeth them he it is that loveth me The practical Christian hath the truest sense of his Religion 2. The end of our Redemption is Obedience Christ hath Ends of his own as well as those which more immediately concerne our benefit Rev. 5.9 Thou wast slain and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood Sin had made us unserviceable to God and the end of Christ's Death was to put us in joynt again and to bring us into a course of Service and Obedience unto our Creator Rom. 14.9 For to this end Christ both dyed and rose and revived that he might be Lord both of dead and living He came to redeem us not only from Wrath but from Sin not only to abolish Guilt but to establish Holiness Titus 2.14 Who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purifie unto himself a peculiar people zealous of good works 3. It is the end of his Renewing Grace He hath altered the constitution of our Hearts that we may live unto God 2 Cor. 5.17 Therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new We are renewed in Heart that we might walk in all newness of Conversation 4. It is the end of our Faith and Hope Faith and Hopes are but Means subservient to Love which is the Grace by which we are inclined to perform our Duty to God and Man And therefore the strength of our Faith is to be judged by the readiness of our Obedience Gal. 5.6 For in Christ Iesus neither circumcision availeth any thing nor uncircumcision but faith which worketh by love That carryeth away the prize of Justification It is the love of God stirred up in us by Faith which maketh us watchful against Sin and careful to please him in all things VSE II. To press us all if we would be Compleat Christians to take all the three parts 1. Let us be sound in the Faith 2. Let us keep up Hope 3. Let us be thorough and exact in Obedience 1. Let us be sound in the Faith believing all things that are contained in the Word of God not contenting our selves with a light credulity or common Tradition but have a Faith of the Spirits working Your Love to God dependeth upon the Principles laid down in the Gospel which discover to you his Love in the Redeemer and the provision made for your Souls therefore you are to build up your selves in your most holy faith that you may keep your selves in the love of God Iude 20.21 2. Let not Hope be left out as unnecessary Grace This is not a cursory and slight but a desirous expectation so as not to be weakned by the Lusts of the Flesh 1 Pet. 1.13 Wherefore gird up the loins of your minds be ye sober and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Iesus Christ. When Christ cometh all your Labours and Self-Denyal shall be recompensed Rom. 8.24 25. For we are saved by hope but hope that is seen is not hope for what a man seeth why doth he yet hope for but if we hope for that we see not then do we with patience wait for it 3. Be sound and thorough and exact in Obedience Many hold sound Doctrine and have some lazy expectation of Eternal Life but they are defective in the third branch they are not careful to keep a good Conscience and do their Duty in all things to God and Man Here I shall press you to two things 1. Let Conscience be your Guide 2. Exercise your selves in this that Conscience may be a good Guide to you First Let Conscience be your Guide I shall press you hereunto by two Considerations 1. From the Nature of Conscience It is not only a Monitor but a Judge as a Monitor it warns us of our Duty as a Judge it censures our neglects of it Science is one
swallowed up of this Joy shall we be no more affected with it now We that shall so shortly be so full of joy shall we be empty now Shall not we rejoyce who have now a Title to Heaven and shall in a little time be in the full and perpetual possession of it III. The many Reasons which shew we should have a greater inclination to this Blessed Work than usually we have and be oftner in it 1. Because God hath done so much to raise it in us All the Persons of the God-head concur and contribute their Influence in that way of operation which is proper to each to give us grounds of joy 1. The Father giveth himself to us and his favour as our felicity and portion Gods Love is the bosom and bottom cause of all our Happiness which sets all other causes at work and when we have the sure effects of it can any thing so bitter befal us that will not be sweetned by the Love of God Or so evil that this shall not be ground of Comfort to us Psalm 4.6 7. There are many that say who will shew us any good Lord lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us Thou hast put gladness in my heart more than in the time that their corn and their wine increased Carnal Men must have something good to sense but Godly Men take their full delight in God This doth them good to the Heart it is not like a little Dew that wets the Surface but like a soaking Showre that goeth to the Root And more enough to draw us off from the World enough to swallow up all our infelicities yea to encounter the Thoughts of Death Hell and Judgment to come 2. The Son is also matter of rejoycing to us as our Redeemer and Saviour You are to consider what the Lord Jesus hath done to deliver you from Sin and the bitter Curse of the Law and the Fears of Death and the Flames of Hell The Eternal Son of God came to heal our wounds Isa. 53.5 By his stripes we are healed To make our peace with the Father by the Blood of his Cross Col. 1.20 To vanquish our Spiritual Enemies and triumph over them Col. 2.14 15. to be the ransom of our Souls 1 Tim. 2.6 The Captain of our Salvation Heb. 2.10 the Head of his Church Eph. 1.22 The Treasury and Store●ou●e of all our Comforts Iohn 1.16 and in short he hath recovered us to God and hath given us an Interest in the Comforts of his Gospel and the Promises thereof which are in him Yea and in him Amen and is not this matter of joy and rich comfort The whole Covenant breed strong consolation in the hearts of Gods People Heb. 6.18 And David saith Psalm 119.111 Thy testimonies have I taken as an heritage for ever for they are the rejoycing of my heart It doth our hearts good when we take these things for our Happiness Abraham rejoyced in the fore-thought or fore-sight of Christs day Iohn 8.56 Your Father Abraham rejoyced to see my day and he saw it and was glad And should not we rejoyce that live under the clearest dispensation of it The benefits of our Redemption by Christ should be so esteemed that no Affliction should be grievous The Kingdom of Christ is every where represented as a Kingdom of Joy and Comfort Rom. 14.17 The kingdom of heaven is not meat and drink but righteousness and peace and joy in the holy Ghost And if we be real Members of it we should see more cause of rejoycing in Christ Jesus 3. The Holy Ghost concurreth in his way of Operation as a Sanctifier Guide and Comforter As a Sanctifier he layeth the foundation for Comfort for it is the spirit of Delusion that comforts us in our sins that by imaginary Comforts he may keep you from those that are real solid and everlasting But the true Spirit is a Sanctifier and therefore a Comforter he first poureth in the Oyl of Grace and then the Oil of gladness Comfort and Joy follow Holiness as Heat doth the Fire And then as a Guide either in his restraining Notions as he mortifieth Sin or in his inviting motions as he exciteth and quickneth to Holiness These are helps to our Comfort cannot a Man live merrily without Sin And do you think a Life of Holiness irreconcileable with a life of rejoycing no such matter it is the ready way to joy especially to joy Spiritual But chiefly as a Comforter he is purposely given us to keep in this Holy Fire and maintain a constant delight in God in our Souls And therefore it is called Joy in the Holy Ghost where God himself taketh upon him the Office of a Comforter surely there will be comfort Life will quicken light will illuminate and the comforting Spirit will comfort in that season and degree God seeth fit and we are capable to receive Now he comforteth partly as sealing partly as giving earnest 2 Cor. 1.22 Who hath also sealed us and given us the earnest of the spirit in our hearts As sealing us by stamping the impress and image of God upon us which is the mark of his Children the sure Evidence of his Love and the Pledge of our Happiness And as giving us the earnest of a Blessed Estate to come that Life is begun which there shall be perfected Now consider all this when God himself will be our Portion our Saviour our Comforter should not all this cause us to rejoyce in God what-ever our Condition be in the World 2. All the Graces tend to this Faith Hope and Love 1. Faith That is a dependance upon God for something future that lyeth out of sight Now these invisible and future Objects are so great and glorious that they support and comfort the heart how afflicted soever our present Condition be 1 Pet. 1.8 In whom believing ye rejoyce with joy unspeakable and full of glory Rom. 15.13 Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that ye may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Ghost In both these places Faith implyeth a firm belief of and dependance upon Christ as an All-sufficient Saviour by whom alone God will give us Eternal Life This Faith will breed a perpetual rejoycing in the Soul if it be firm strong and operative 2. Hope breedeth this Joy also Rom. 12.12 Rejoycing in hope and Rom. 5.2 We rejoyce in hope of the glory of God Though we be pressed with Miseries for the present yet there is a better Estate to come the excellency and certainty of which causeth us to rejoyce and giveth us a foretast of it Joy is chiefly for Injoyment but there is a partial Injoyment by hope which is not only a desirous expectation but delightful for tast or praeoccupation of the thing hoped for 3. Love to God also causeth us to rejoyce in him For it sheweth it self in a complacency and well-pleasedness of Mind in God as our chief good Psalm 16.5
faint when thou art rebuked of him These are the two extreams The sense of our Condition is necessary that we may not sleight the Affliction and the support that we may not faint under it Both may and must stand together for in all worldly cases we must weep as if we wept not 1 Cor. 7.30 And again sorrow not as those without hope 1 Thess. 4.13 and so be without all comfort In short the sense is necessary for improvement the support to make trouble easie 1. If we have not a Sense we cannot make a right use of our Sufferings and Afflictions but our Hearts will be more hardned in Sin God is their Author Repentance is their end and their cause is Sin Lam. 3.39 Wherefore doth a living man complain a man for the punishment of his sins And therefore though we be not to droop and languish under our Afflictions yet we must consider the righteous Providence of God and the smart of his displeasure must awaken us to Repentance otherwise the Affliction is frustrated and you leave the thorn in your foot which caused your first pain and soarness If you do not repent of your Sins and no cure is wrought if you still let out your hearts freely to the World and the prosperities and delights thereof this is the high way to security and carelesness of Soul Concernments 2. You must not faint and despair as if all joy and comfort in God were lost For 1. We are not utterly undone as long as we have God for our Portion Lam. 3.24 The Lord is my portion saith my soul therefore will I hope in him Though the Creature be blasted he is alive still and should be the joy and delight of our Souls for then we are tryed whether he be so or no. 2. God is a Loving Father when he corrects Our chastisements are effects not only of his Justice but Mercy it is a Rod in the Hand of our Father wherewith we are scourged Iohn 18.11 The cup which my Father hath given me shall I not drink it And so it is an Act of Love and kindness to us 3. Our Father hath Mercy enough to turn it to our benefit Heb. 12.10 They verily for a few dayes chastned us after their own pleasure but he for our profit that we may be partakers of his Holiness And shall we mourn for that which is for our benefit If we rejoyce in God and Holyness it will not be so If God will stir us up to more Humility contempt of the World confidence in himself and to place our delights in him alone shall we be dejected and displeased as if some great wrong had been done us 4. If this Affliction fits us for Everlasting Happiness there is cause of joy still left 2 Cor. 4.17 For our light affliction which is but for a moment worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory One that must have Eternal Glory and Eternal Glory promoted by such a means should not grudge at a little suffering and affliction which is the common burden of the Sons of Adam 2. Prejudice Christ hath pronounced those Blessed that mourn for Sin Matth. 5.4 Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted how then can we rejoyce evermore Answer 1. Mourning for Sin is necessary to cure our vain Rejoycing or delight in carnal vanities and at our entrance into Christianity this is a Duty highly incumbent upon us because of Sin and the Curse which we naturally lie under Certainly while we are out of Christ we have nothing to comfort us nothing to answer to the terrours of the Law or to reply against the Accusations of Conscience and the fears of approaching Misery and Judgment and what should we do if we be sensible of it but bemoan our selves and seek after God with weeping and supplications Gods first work in Conversion is to put Men out of their fools Paradise who are satisfied with the Creature without himself Therefore Humiliation and a broken-hearted sense of Misery is required to deaden the rellish and tast of Sin and that Men may more prize and esteem the healing Grace of Christ and set more by it than all the Pleasures and Riches and Honours of the World Can a Man see himself lost and in danger of Condemnation and not be grieved But all this while joy is in the making and we are providing Everlasting Comfort for our selves for God is ready to ease us assoon as our need requireth and our care will permit Isa. 57 15 16 17. For this saith the high and lofty one that inhabiteth eternity whose name is holy I dwell in the high and holy place with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit to revive the spirit of the humble and to revive the heart of the contrite ones For I will not contend for ever neither will I be alwaies wroth for the spirit shall fail before me and the souls which I have made For the iniquity of his covetousness I was wroth and smote him I hid me and was wroth and he went on frowardly in the way of his heart And he saith afterwards verse 18. I have seen his wayes and will heal him I will lead him also and restore comfort to him and to his mourners The Lord is ready to come in with sweet and Heavenly Cordials when the Physick worketh but a little kindly Ier. 31.18 19 20. I have surely heard Ephraim bemoaning himself thus thou hast chastized me and I was chastized as a bullock unaccustomed to the yoke turn thou me and I shall be turned for thou art the Lord my God Surely after that I was turned I repented and after that I was instructed I smote upon the thigh I was ashamed yea even confounded because I did bear the reproach of my youth Is Ephraim my dear son is he a pleasant child for since I spake against him I do earnestly remember him still therefore my bowels are troubled for him I will surely have mercy on him saith the Lord. Well then this sorrow may be well allowed because it prevents greater sorrow namely the pains of Hell It is better mourn for a while than for ever better to have healing grief than tormenting grief to mourn now while mourning will do us good then to howl at last when all sorrow will be fruitless and only a part of our punishment not of our cure And besides this sorrow maketh for comfort Matth. 5.4 Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted When the shower is fallen the Sun cleareth up and shineth in his full strength and Beauty The vain rejoycing being deadned we have grounds of Everlasting Joy by considering the means God hath appointed for our deliverance from Sin and Death and the flames of Hell 2. Mourning for Sin and Joy in the Lord may stand well together For Grace and Grace are not contrary but Grace and Sin Those who most mourn for Sin do most rejoyce in the
willing to return to their Obedience to God expecting their help and discharge from Gods Grace in Christ. It is opposed to such as are Righteous in their own Eyes Such as do in some measure feel their Sins are humbled for them desirous to be freed from them lost Sinners broken-hearted and grieved and wounded for their transgressions These are respected in Christs Commission Isa. 61.1 2. The spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tydings to the meek he hath sent me to bind up the broken-hearted proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening the prison doors to them that are bound to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. Here is Christs calling to his Ministry and the exercise of his prophetical Office described Sent to preach the spiritual deliverance from sin and Sathan But to whom To such as are humbled and thoroughly touched with a lively sense of their Sin for which purpose God maketh use of legal sorrow to awaken Sinners and prepare them before Conversion II. That Christ recovereth us out of this lapsed Estate by Calling There is a two-fold Calling of Christ by which he calleth Men 1. Outward 2. Inward 1. Outwardly By the Ministry of the Word by which he inviteth Men to come out of their Sins offering Grace and Salvation in the outward means Thus Iohn preached Repentance Mat. 3.20 Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand When the Kingdom of Grace was about to be set up by the Gospel the great Duty called for was Repentance For the Gospel findeth Men involved in an evil way like mad Men out of their Wits and they must return to their Wits again if they would be capable of it Now they must change their course if they will receive benefit by it Thus Iohn preached and Jesus Christ came with the same form of proclamation Mark 1.15 The kingdom of God is at hand repent and believe the gospel The great business to which he called was to be willing to own the benefit offered by Christ and to return to the Duty which they owed to their Creator So his Apostles when sent abroad by him spake to Men in the same note Acts 2.38 Repent and be baptized every one of you for the remission of sins And Acts 3.19 Repent that your sins may be blotted out They offered Pardon and Life upon these termes 2. Inwardly By the effectual working of the Blessed Spirit inclining and moving their hearts to obey that outward Calling in forsaking their Sins and turning to the Lord by true Repentance We have need of a Saviour to help us to Repentance as well as to help us to pardon And God hath exalted him to such an end Acts 3.26 God having raised up his Son Iesus sent him to bless you in turning away every one of you from his iniquities Acts 5.31 Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a prince and Saviour to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins He by the Gospel giveth leave to repent Acts 11.18 And when they heard these things they held their peace and glorified God saying That then God also to the Gentiles granted repentance to life Which is a great Mercy The Law doth not say I will not the Death of a Sinner but that he turn and live but the Lord saith do and live sin and dye This favour was not vouchsafed to Angels Heb. 2.16 For verily he took not on him the nature of angels 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 He took not hold of Angels That he giveth us space to repent as well as leave that by his Providence he may do and doth to many that perish Revel 2.21 I gave her space to repent and she repented not God is not quick and severe upon every Miscarriage He might have cut us off betimes as we crush Serpents in the Egg and destroy venomous Creatures when they are young But this is not all he giveth Grace to repent yea Repentance its self whereby Mans Heart is changed This is by his Spirit 2 Tim. 2.25 If God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth The Evangelical Call carries its own blessing with it III. The Means of Application or the Duty on Mans part is Repentance For to that he calleth them here Here let me shew you these four things 1. What Repentance is 2. The kinds of it 3. That this is the way of our Recovery 4. The suitableness of this qualification to the Grace of the New Covenant I. What Repentance is It is turning of the whole heart from Sin and Sathan to serve God in newness of Life Or a turning from Sin because God hath forbidden it to that which is good because God hath commanded it There are in it as in every action two tearms a quo and ad quem We turn from something and we turn to something 1. The terminus a quo we turn from something From Sin Acts 8.22 Repent of thy wickedness 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 from thy wickedness and from dead works Heb. 6.1 from Sathan Sathan is sometimes made the terme because the Sinner falleth to his share Acts 26.18 To turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Sathan to God 2. The terminus ad quem is to God Acts 20.21 To the truth 2 Tim. 2.25 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 repentance to the acknowledgment of the truth To holiness and newness of Life Rom. 6.4 To life Acts 11.18 Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life 2. The kinds of it There is a general Repentance which consists in the putting off the body of the sins of the flesh Col. 2.11 When a Man renounceth all sin and devoteth himself to God And there is a particular repentance for any provoking Sin Acts 8.22 Repent and pray that if it be possible the thought of thy heart may be forgiven thee Again There is a Repentance at our first Conversion which is our passing from Death to Life or our entrance by the strait gate Matth. 7.14 And there is a Repentance afterwards which belongeth to our walking in the narrow way For after Conversion we need it still and not in our Natural Estate only 'T is not only necessary for a Sinner yet unregenerate yet unreconciled to God without which he cannot expect any peace with God or benefit by the New Covenant but also for a Believer till his full and final Recovery This Repentance after Conversion is either occasional or constant 1. Occasional After any offence given or breach between us and God Repentance is necessary to obtain pardon of Sins after Justification as well as before it God saith to the Church of Ephesus Rev. 2.5 Repent and do thy first works So verse 19. Whom I love I rebuke and chasten be zealous therefore and repent Where Repentance is put for a necessary means of removing Gods rebuke and quarrel from them whom he loveth The promise is made
one Be zealous to reduce them from their errours Let there be a hatred of Popery and a Pity to Papists a hatred of Abomination but not a hatred of Enmity Prov. 29.27 An unjust man is an abomination to the just and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the Wicked A Sermon Preached November 5. 1676. Micah 6.5 O my People remember now what Balak King of Moab consulted and what Balaam the Son of Beor Answered him from Shittim unto Gilgal that ye may know the Righteousness of the Lord. THese words are a part of God's Plea against Israel for their ingratitude in departing from their obedience to him Their backsliding had raised an Evil report upon God as if he were harsh and severe and had not dealt well with them Therefore God justifieth his Providence what injury had he done to them wherein had he wearied them What had they to lay to his charge verse 3. Oh my People what have I done to thee and wherein have I wearied thee Testifie against me The matter concerneth us for the General Sin of this Nation is that we are grown weary of God but we have as little reason as they had injuries he had done none to them but on the contrary vouchsafed many rare and singular favours He instanceth first in his redeeming them from Egypt where they were dealt with as Slaves and Bond-men vers 4. For I brought thee up out of the Land of Egypt and redeemed thee out of the House of Servants Surely a deliverance from Spiritual or Temporal Bondage should be an Eternal bond upon us to be for God The Second instance is his Conduct of them in the Wilderness under Moses and Aaron vers 4. And I sent before thee Moses Aaron and Miriam When God giveth a People such Governors both in Church and State who do not only adhere to true Religion but countenance it in others yea set their whole heart to propagate it it is a great mercy not to be forgotten The Third Instance is that in the Text his bringing them into Canaan notwithstanding the designs to root them out by the way O my People remember now what Balak King of Moab consulted c. In which words 1. Observe the matter what is recomended to their remembrance in two things First The Plot betwixt Balak and Balaam Secondly The many good things that fell out between Shittim and Gilgal 2. The End why it is recommended to their remembrance that ye may know the righteousness of the Lord. First For the Matter First The plot between Balak and Balaam 1. What Balak consulted how to ruine Israel and bereave them of God's favour and protection Therefore he sent for Balaam to curse them hoping that by this Wizards Inchantments and Predictions the matter would be easie 2. What Balaam Answered 1. Somewhat by way of Prophesie 2. Somewhat by way of Counsel 1. By way of Prophesie he found that to curse Israel was a fruitless endeavour and God over ruled his Tongue to bless them 2. By way of Counsel he perswaded Balak to feast them to induce them to Idolatry and Fornication 2. The Second part of the matter which is commended to their remembrance is what happened between Shittim and Gilgal Shittim was the place where they went astray after Baal-Paeor Numb 25.1 And the place where they did abide until after Moses his Death And from whence Ioshua removed them to Iordan where they passed over to Gilgal and there the Lord renewed his Covenant with them by Circumcision Iosh. 5.2 Therefore the Lord willeth his People here to remember the things that befel them from Skittim to Gilgal What these things were may be seen by the History following 1. Though many warped and committed such hainous whoredoms with Baal-Paeor the State and Body of the Church was still preserved 2. That God led them on dry foot through Iordan and at length brought them into Canaan the Land of promise And 3. there anew confirmeth his Covenant with them And 4. the slaying of Balaam their pernitious enemy in the intervail between their going from Shittim to Gilgal Numb 31.8 Balaam also the Son of Beor they slew with the Sword Secondly The end That ye may know the righteousness of the Lord. It implyeth here both his Mercy and his Fidelity His Mercy which strove with their wickedness and overcame their evil with his goodness His faithfulness in keeping his Covenant and his Promises for though some of the People did Perish for that they fell into this wickedness with Baal-Poeor yet those that cleaved to the Lord remained alive This was just as they were entring into the promised Land Doct. That old Mercies especially National Mercies should not be forgotten that we may know God's uprightness in keeping his Covenant and Gracious Promises 1. I shall give you an account of this Instance of mercy which the Text offereth 2. What observations may be thence deduced 3. Why such kind of mercies should not be forgotten First To give an account of this Instance of Mercy in the Text 1. What Balak consulted Let us state his design for this Plot that he laid was most dangerous and wicked and the most likely to obtain his desire For if he could have obtained from God a Curse upon Israel he might soon have vanquished them There are many ways which the Devils Instruments take to mischief Religion Sometimes by fomenting and promoting divisions among themselves that they may first ruine one another and then become a Prey to their common Adversaries Gal 5.15 If ye bite and devour one another take heed that ye be not consumed one of another It beginneth in calumniating and defaming one another And then within a while it breaks out into open fewds and that breedeth mischief and persecution The Devil hath an hand in all this And many times his instruments as Sanballat and Tobiah set up a party among the Iews to weaken their hands in the work Nehem. 6. Sometimes by sowing divisions between them and their rulers The Devil knoweth what an advantage it is to Religion to have the countenance of Princes and on the other side how jealous they are of their Authority and Prerogatives Therefore by his instruments he seeketh to prejudice and prepossess them against those that profess Religion in strictness and Power Thus Amaziah the Priest of Bethel sent to Jeroboam the King of Israel saying Amos hath conspired against thee in the midst of the house of Israel and the Land is not able to bear all his words Amos 7.10 As if he had inticed the People from their Duty and made them enemies to his Authority And this by clancular insinuation when Amos was neither called nor heard So Saul against David 1 Sam. 24.9 Wherefore hearest thou Mens words saying Behold David seeketh thy hurt So Haman against the Iews Esther 3.8 There is a People scattered abroad and dispersed among the People in all the Provinces of thy Kingdom and their Laws are
divers from all People neither keep they the Kings Laws therefore it is not for the Kings profit to suffer them Thus whisperers make Princes conceive an ill opinion of Religious men But the Devil will Soar an higher flight yet to divide between them and God and to disengage him from the protection of his People What else is the meaning of all his Temptations But most eminently this was the Plot now in hand The Israelites could not be overcome as long as God was with them and how shall they do to get away God from them God was not as the God of the Heathens to be called out by sacrifices and inchantments as they used before they warred against any People to endeavour by certain Charms and Rites to get away their Tutelar Gods from them Macrobius hath a Chapter De ritu evocandi Deos And if they conquered any Country they ascribed it to the departure of their Gods Excessere omnes adytis arisque relictis Dii quibus imperium hoc steterat Balak according to the custom of the Nations would try this but they were now to deal with the God of Israel who could not be charmed away from his People And though Balaam were of great repute and esteem among that People and though it was misery enough to be blasted with his curse and happiness enough to be blessed by his mouth Numb 22.6 He whom thou blessest is blessed and he whom thou cursest is cursed indeed Even as Simon Magus was esteemed the great power of God Act. 8.10 Yet this would not take effect Therefore 2. Let us see what Balaam Answered him 1. By way of prediction He came to curse them but he uttereth many Prophesies concerning the happiness of Israel Numb 23.8 How shall I curse whom God hath not cursed or how shall I defie whom the Lord hath not defied He sheweth that no inferiour power is able to hurt without leave from God yea he pronounceth a great blessing upon Israel as those that were happy both in life and death vers 10. Let me dye the Death of the righteous and let my last end be like his And farther sheweth the stableness of Gods love to his People vers 19 20. God is not a man that he should lie nor the Son of man that he should repent hath he said and shall he not do it or hath he spoken and shall he not make it good Behold I have received commandment to bless and he hath blessed and I cannot reverse it All the powers of the world are not able to separate them from his love and blessings in Christ. And then prophesieth of Christ Insomuch that Balak intreateth him to give over vers 25. Neither curse them at all nor bless them at all Since he could do no evil to Israel he would hinder him from doing good But yet he would make another tryal but still it pleased the Lord to over-rule his Tongue to bless Israel and the truth and constancy of his love appeared against whose will the more he strugleth the stronger he is resisted Numb 24.3 He taketh up a new parable blessing Israel once again which puts Balak all into a rage and indignation and he driveth away the false Prophet from his sight who sought after honour and riches as the wages of his unrighteousness but is sent home with ignominy and shame But Balaam's mind is still hankering after the reward and therefore when he could not hurt them by any prophetical curse he seeketh to do it by his Pestilent counsel 2. What he answered him by way of advice Numb 24.4 Come now and I will advertise thee what thou shalt do Moses doth not express the counsel given because it was whispered secretly into Balaks ear you see the sense is imperfect in that place And what it was may be known by the effect and by other places By the effect Numb 25. Balaam gave counsel to Balak and the Princes of Midian to put a stumbling block before the Israelites to see if they could withdraw the People from the Love ●ear and Obedience of the Lord their God that so God might be provoked to withdraw his favour and blessing from them and so Israels Sinning might bring themselves into the curse which Balaam with all his Inchantments could not bring upon them By this wicked counsel they prevailed against many to the Death of Twenty four Thousand Israelites That Balaam was the Author of all this mischief appeareth Numb 31.16 Behold these that is the Midianitish Women caused the Children of Israel through the Counsel of Balaam to commit trespass against the Lord in the matter of Peor And it is said Rev. 2.14 That Balaam taught Balak to cast a stumbling-block before the Children of Israel to eat things sacrificed to Idols and to commit fornication This was the plot to send some Beautiful Women of the Midianites to wander about the Camp of Israel to Tempt their Lusty-Youth and Martial Men first to uncleanness and then to Idolatry that so God might be provoked against them a design pernitious and full of refined malice 3. What befel them between Shittim and Gilgal 1. In Shittim they miscarryed fowlly by the effect of Balaams Counsel The intended War of Moab against Israel was turned into a pretended Peace and fained Amity and their fair Women were sent about the Camp to defile the Bodies and Souls of Men with Whoredom and Idolatry And so a People that had such experience of Gods Power and Goodness in the wilderness and were just now ready to enter into the Promised Land are here prevented and overthrown in the wilderness and Gods Anger was kindled against them and Twenty four Thousand were destroyed among the People Numb 25.9 It seems one Thousand slain by the Judges and Twenty three Thousand by Gods own hand that is by a Plague 1 Cor. 10.8 Neither commit fornication as some of them also committed and fell in one day three and twenty Thousand But after that God was atoned to them and his judgment was executed upon the Malefactours and the plague ceased 2. They are sent against the Midianites who had vexed them with their wiles that is with their Deceits and feigned Amity and there they light on Balaam and slew him Numb 31.8 This wretch died not the death of the righteous as he seemed to desire but his iniquity found him out for among others he was slain with the Sword 3. After this God appears among them again and they are led into Canaan with a miracle an argument of a great favour on Gods part and an awe of those things that befel them at Shittim and now they are very tender of provoking God again Iosh. 22.17 Is the iniquity of Peor too little for us from which we are not cleansed until this day They had tasted of the bitter Waters 4. Gods Covenant is renewed at Gilgal to shew that he would still be their God and bless them as formerly Iosh. 5.2 3. II. The observations
should be broken off Alas whosoever readeth the carriage of this people in the Wilderness towards God he shall still find Grace striving with sin and the goodness of God overcoming the evil of Man and his fidelity prevailing above their unthankfulness and unfaithfulness And the character of this people in the Wilderness is just our own in travelling to Heaven how often do we forfeit the blessing of God's presence but he is not severe upon every failing and upon repentance he is willing to renew covenant with us and set us in joint again nothing hurteth us more than the sinful provocations of God's people have no hand in them or if you have been accessory to publick guilt bemoan it and humble your selves before God and be more awful and tender for the future and you will find God to be a merciful God III. Why such kind of Mercies should not be forgotten Here I will prove First That Man is apt to forget the great mercies of God especially national Mercies Secondly That yet these Mercies should not be forgotten both because of God's command and the profit of remembring them First That Man is marvellous apt to forget these benefits Therefore there are so many cautions that we forget them not In private mercies Psal. 103.2 Bless the Lord O my Soul and forget not all his benefits Deut. 8.11 Beware that thou forget not the Lord thy God in not keeping his commandments and his judgments and his statutes which I command thee this day and verse 14. That thy heart be lifted up and thou forget the Lord thy God which brought thee out of the Land of Egypt from the House of Bondage So we have many Precepts Deut. 8.2 Thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee these forty years 1 Chron. 16.12 Remember his marvellous works which he hath done his wonders and the judgments of his Mouth And so many charges and complaints Jud. 8.34 The Children of Israel remembred not the Lord their God who had delivered them out of the hands of their Enemies on every side Psal. 78.11 they forgot his works and his wonders that he had shewed them and Psal. 106.13 They soon forgot his works And all this is no more than needeth for Man's memory is a bad friend to benefits Injuries are written in Marble but benefits in the Water Now as these cautions charges and accusations do respect all Mercies so especially more eminent Mercies for it is said He hath made his wonderful works to be remembred Psal. 111.4 The great miraculous works of his Providence should make such impression upon Men as never to be forgotten but recorded and reported for ever As for great deliverances God hath appointed Ordinances for a memorial such as the Passover or the Lord's Supper to remember our Redemption by Christ for by these works God maketh himself a name by doing great things for his people 2 Sam. 7.23 Redemption from the tyranny of Antichrist is not to be forgotten 2. That yet these mercies should not be forgotten partly because God hath commanded the contrary as we have seen It is not only a sin to forget his Word but his Works and partly also because of the profit 1. That we may be more deeply possessed of the goodness of God The Ear doth not affect the Heart so much as the Eye and what is felt leaveth a greater impression upon us than what is talked of for experience giveth us a more intimate perception of things The King of Syria said We have heard that the Kings of the House of Israel are merciful Kings 1 Kings 20.31 A rumour and report giveth incouragement but actual experience silenceth all contradiction when I can say I know God is not unmindful of his people but relieveth them in their great streights and watcheth over their welfare As the Apostle Acts. 10.34 Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons Psal. 140.12 I know that the Lord will maintain the right of the poor and the cause of the afflicted Unquestionably God will undertake the patronage of his distressed Servants when all other hopes fail them meaning when God did signally defend them and watch over them 2. To incourage us to walk in his ways It is our forgetfulness of God's goodness that maketh us so disobedient and unthankful to him Psal. 78.7 That they might set their hope in God and not forget the works of God but keep his commandments Nothing breedeth a careful uniform obedience to his commands so much as a grateful remembrance of his Mercies Alass as our thankfulness is abated so is our obedience God's authority sways the Conscience but God's love inclines the Heart Therefore mercies should be remembred 3. To fortifie us against all oppositions and temptations Deut. 7.18 Thou shalt not be afraid of them but shalt well remember what the Lord thy God did unto Pharaoh and unto all Egypt It is a great comfort to Faith to look back upon the former manifestations of God's power and good will towards his People We have manifold fears and infirmities upon us when we see the power or suspect the craft of our Enemies but let us remember former experiences and that will be an allay to them When we see the continuance of his judgments so many years and in so many forms frequently varied but still lying upon us we are filled with many sad thoughts and reasonings of unbelief but we may soon suppress and silence them by the thoughts of God's power and love heretofore and the evidences of his love and good will and fidelity to all that depend upon him Former dealings raise our hearts to the expectation of future mercies Vse is to press us to this remembrance 1. Of the great Christian Mercies that concern the whole common-wealth of Believers such as the Birth Death Resurrection and Ascension and Intercession of the Lord Jesus these are the standing Dishes at a Believer's Table the constant food for our Faith Mercies never out of season these are mercies so general and beneficial that they should never be forgotten but remembred before God we should always bless God for Jesus Christ and desire that the knowledge of these things may be perpetuated to after Ages Eph. 3.21 Vnto him be glory in the Church by Iesus Christ throughout all Ages World without end Amen 2. For National Mercies so far as they concern either the first planting or the restoring of Christs Religion or the maintenance of it against the eminent open attempts or secret plots of Antichristian Adversaries These should be remembred by us partly to awaken our zeal that religion thus owned may not die upon our hands partly to shew our esteem both of the Religion and the mercy of God in owning it partly that we may beg the continuance of it for every thanksgiving is an implicite prayer partly that we may embolden our selves against all the difficulties we may be exposed unto in owning the true profession
and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the Waters and God said Let there be light and there was light He can give light in darkness Exod. 10.22 23. And there was thick darkness in all the Land of Egypt three days and they saw not one another neither rose any from his place for three days But all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings Psal. 18.28 For thou wilt light my Candle the Lord my God will enlighten my darkness And he can turn darkness into light that is change and alter our condition Isa. 9.2 The people that have walked in darkness have seen a great light they that dwell in the land of the shaddow of death upon them hath the light shined Eph. 5.8 Ye were sometimes darkness but now are ye light in the Lord. 7. When you cannot interpret the promises of God by his providential dealing with you you must interpret his dealing by his promises Psal. 73.16 17. When I thought to know this it was too painful for me Until I went into the Sanctuary of God then understood I their end His promises are as the light part of the Cloud his providential dealings as the dark part of the Cloud 8. You must distinguish between a part of God's work and the whole intire frame of it The taking of a Watch asunder to mend it an unskilful Man when he seeth every Pin and Wheel taken out will think this is undoing But the skilful Artist knoweth this is mending and repairing Zach. 14.7 But it shall be one day which shall be known unto the Lord not day nor night but it shall come to pass that at evening time it shall be light After the longest suspence there is comfort at the end 9. That is not best for us which we think best Mat. 17.4 It is good for us to be here We think it best to be at the top and have an inspection over affairs in ease and in an uninterrupted prosperity Peter was upon Mount Tabor but Christ saw it fit to bring him thence and expose him to the winnowings of Satan and to penitential weeping this is wholesome to the Soul and afterwards to imploy him in the labours of the Gospel and then to dye a cruel death Paul thought it best to be rid of the thorn in the Flesh but God thought not so 2 Cor. 12.9 My Grace is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in weakness When we are lowest we are most humble Gods thoughts are not as our thoughts 10. That Gods greatest severity to his people is consistent with his covenant love Psal. 89.32 33. Then will I visit their transgressions with the Rod and their iniquity with stripes Nevertheless my loving kindness will I not utterly take from him nor suffer my faithfulness to fail There is no contradiction between covenant kindness and hard dispensations they may be easily reconciled II. Point That in dark and gloomy times our great Duty is to trust in the Lord. This is prescribed here and in other places commended to us Isa. 8.17 I will wait upon the Lord that hideth his face from the House of Jacob and I will look for Him We should not give over seeking for a withdrawn God but seek and wait and look for him If you keep his place warm in your Hearts by your Estimation and Affection he will come again Iob 35.14 Although thou sayest thou shalt not see him yet Iudgment is before him therefore trust thou in him Times may come when the Saints may say they do not see yea they shall not see him yet they must resolve to lye at Gods door till relief come Trust then in him Job 13.15 Though he slay me yet I will trust in him Though they be under sad Dispensations already and look for sadder yet they resolve to keep up their Dependance and will not be beaten off from God by any rebukes of Providence No trouble how great so ever is a warrant to quit our Faith Faith must not quit God when he seemeth to quit us but must take him for a Friend and put a good Construction upon his dealings when he sheweth himself an Enemy So that in a sinking helpless and hopeless Condition this is a great Remedy The Reasons are taken from the Act and the Object The Act is Trusting and Staying the Object is God or the Name of God The Benefit we have by this Act the Encouragement we have from this Object 1. The Utility and Profit of Trusting 2 Chron. 20.20 Believe in the Lord your God so shall you be established If you would be delivered or supported Trust and stay upon the Lord. This allayeth our fears Psal. 56.3 At what time I am afraid I will trust in thee Psal. 112.7 He shall not be afraid of evil tydings his Heart is fixed trusting in the Lord. A Christian is or may be immoveable in all changes of Condition It overcometh our Sorrows there was a storm in David's Spirit how doth he calm it Psal. 42.5 Why art thou cast down O my Soul and why art thou disquieted within me Hope thou in God for I shall yet praise him for the help of his Countenance And verse 11. Why art thou cast down O my Soul and why art thou disquieted within me Hope thou in God for I shall yet praise him who is the health of my Countenance and my God He is at it again and again It keepeth us from fretting Psal. 37.7 Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him fret not thy self because of him who prospereth in his way because of the man who bringeth wicked devic●s to pass It preserveth us from Fainting Psal. 27.13 I had fainted unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the Land of the Living Yea from Defection and Apostacy Heb. 3.12 Take heed Brethren lest there be in any of you an evil Heart of unbelief in departing from the Living God They that cannot trust God cannot be long true to him 2. There is much in the Name of God to encourage trust Psal. 9.10 They that know thy Name will put their trust in thee The Name of God is any thing by which he is made known It comprizeth two things what God is in himself and what he will be to his People 1. What he is in himself a Wise Powerful and Holy Being his three grand Attributes are Wisdom Goodness and Power Now nothing can be amiss that is done by a God of Infinite Wisdom Power and Goodness and what may there not be expected from him He that can do all things can do what ever you stand in need of he that knoweth all things can never be at a loss either in preventing evil or bestowing good he that is so good will not be backward to pity and help us Our choicest Consolations are fetched out of God's Nature in his Works we see much of him but in his Nature we
your Dedication of them to God in Baptism It is a mockery to Dedicate them to God and to Breed them up for the Devil the World and the Flesh. God complaineth Ezek. 16.20 Thou hast taken thy Sons and thy Daughters which thou hast born to me and these thou hast Sacrificed unto them to be devoured It is as disingenuous to Offer them to God and ●rain them up for the World or the Flesh. If they prove openly sensual we are troubled but if they secretly please the Flesh we mind it not but rather are secretly helpful to them in it if worldly we applaud them Thus do we betray those Souls which we should be a means to save 6. If they prove naught the Affliction will be double if you have not used the means to prevent it If by your carnal fondness you have born with their sin and given them their wills or indulge it by the evil example of your careless walking or out of sloth have neglected unwearyed endeavours to instruct them in godliness But when you have done your part you can the better submit to the will of God A Sermon on Phil. Iv. 8 Finally Brethren whatsoever things are True whatsoever things are Honest whatsoever things are Iust whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are Lovely whatsoever things are of good Report If there be any Vertue and if there be any Praise think on these things Here is a General Rule for the regulating of our Conversations In it observe 1 The bounds of our Duty are fixed in seven things True Iust Honest Pure Lovely of good Report if any Vertue or if any Praise 2. The accuracy and care that we should use not to transgress these bounds Think on these things 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 diligently take heed to them that you may practise them Doct. That Christianity doth Adopt Moralities or precepts of good manners into its frame and constitution Here I shall inquire 1. What these Moralities are as they are here set forth to us in the Text. 2. In what manner Christianity doth enforce them 3. For what reasons I. What are these Moralities 1. Whatsoever things are true 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 this concerneth both our Speeches and our Actions 1. For our speeches that they be free from lying and falsehood Ephes. 4.25 Wherefore putting away Lying speak every man truth with his Neighbour for we are members one of another Lying is when men wittingly and willingly and with a purpose to deceive speak that which is false The matter of a lye is falsehood and the formality of it is an intention to deceive Now this we may do two ways either by way of assertion or promise The lying assertion is concerning what is past and present thus Ananias lyed to the Holy Ghost when he brought part of the price instead of all Act. 5.3 Eut Peter said Ananias Why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost and to keep back part of the price of the Land The Promissory lie is when we Promise that which we mean not to perform Prov. 19.22 The desire of a man is his kindness and a poor man is better than a lyar That which men should desire is to be in a capacity to shew kindness or do good for greatness in the world is valuable upon this account as it giveth a man a power to shew kindness to others But many that covet the praise and reputation of it are very forward in promises but fail in performance Now a poor man that loveth you and will do his best is a surer Friend than such great men as only give you good words and sprinkle you with a little Court holy water But this should be far from a Christian for he is to keep his word though it be to his hurt Psal. 15.4 In whose eyes a vile person is contemned but he honoureth them that fear the Lord he that sweareth to his own hurt and changeth not Lying is a sin most contrary to the nature of God who is Truth its self but the Devil is called the Father of Lies And it is most contrary to the new nature Ephes. 4.24 25. And that ye put on the new man which after God is created in Righteousness and true Holiness Wherefore puting away lying speak every man truth with his neighbour Isa. 63.8 And he said Surely they are my People Children that will not lie It is most contrary to humane Society for commerce is kept up by Truth 2. For Truth in actions we should always keep the integrity of a good Conscience Psal. 32.2 Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity in whose Spirit there is no guile 2 Cor. 1.12 For our rejoycing is this the Testimony of our Consciences that in simplicity and Godly sincerity not with fleshly wisdom but by the grace of God we have had our conversations in the World and more especially to you ward And Truth Sincerity and candour should be seen in all that we do Satan assaults you with wiles but your strength lyeth in down-right honesty Ephes. 6.14 Stand therefore having your loins girt about with Truth and having on the Brest-plate of Righteousness This will give you courage in the day of sore tryal and comfort in the very Agonies of Death Isai. 38.2 ● And Hezekiah turned his face towards the wall and prayed unto the Lord and said Remember now O Lord I beseech thee how I have walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart and have done that which is good in thy sight Therefore we must carry our selves sincerely free from Hypocrisie and Dissimulation whether towards God or men 2. The next boundary is Whatsoever things are Honest 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 grave and venerable free from scurrility lightness and vanity in word or in deed Religionis a serious thing and accordingly leaveth an impression upon the heart and maketh them serious that profess it The Apostle would have the Christian Women to carry themselves as Women professing godliness 1 Tim 2.9 10. In like manner also That Women Adorn themselves in modest apparel with shamefastness and sobriety not with broidered Hair or Gold or Pearls or Costly Aray but which becometh Women Professing Godliness with good works And surely all Christians should be of a modest and good behaviour A garish levity will not become them that live in constant Communion with a great God This cannot but make the Heart more awful and serious especially in the more aged Titus 2.2 That the aged men be Sober Grave Temperate sound in Faith in Charity in Patience 3. Whatsoever things are Iust 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 giving to every one what is due and doing to others as we would be dealt with our selves Therefore we must defraud no Man of his Right whether Superiours Mat. 22.21 Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesars and unto God the things that are Gods Or Inferiours Col. 4.1 Masters give unto your Servants that which
that kept not their first Estate but left their own Habitation he hath reserved to Everlasting Chains under Darkness unto the Iudgment of the great Day They were not contented with the place they were in but would be Independant of themselves Equal to God by Usurpation and Robbery and so instead of Angels became Devils But Christ is not God by Usurpation but God by Nature He was not thrust down but came down 2. His Exinanition and Abasement Which is 1. Generally set forth 2 Particulars are mentioned 1. Generally 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 He made himself of no Reputation in the Text 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 He humbled himself ver 8. 2. The Particulars are His Incarnation mean Life and accursed Death Let us stand a little and consider this Condescention by comparing the terms That the Creator should stoop so low as to become a Creature and go down from the form of God to the form of a Servant from Equality with God to Subjection to Men from being Lord of all to a State of Obedience and that Obedience carried on in the way of the most perfect self-denial Obedient to the Death and that Death cloathed with all the circumstances that might make it grievous it was painful ignominious and accursed I shall insist only on the general Description of it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 He made himself of no Reputation emptied himself lessened himself in the next verse humbled himself Doct. That the Lord Iesus did for our sakes empty lessen and humble himself I shall open three things 1. How far Christ was lessened 2. That this was his own voluntary Act. 3. That this was for our sakes I. How far Christ was lessened It chiefly lieth in these two things 1. Obscuring his Godhead 2. Abatement of his Dignity 1. His Godhead was obscured by the interposing vail of our Flesh. He did empty himself of that Divine Glory Splendour and Majesty which before he had Not by ceasing to be what he was but by assuming something to himself which he was not before viz. the Infirmity of the humane Nature which did for a time hide his Divine Glory so that little of it did appear and that to some few only that narrowly observed him Iohn 1.14 We beheld his Glory the Glory as of the only begotten of the Father To the generality it was otherwise Isa. 53.2 He shall grow up before him as a tender plant and as a root out of a dry ground he hath no form or comeliness and when we shall see him there is no Beauty that we should desire him As the covering in a dark Lanthorn hideth the Light from shining forth so did the Humane Nature obscure his Divine Glory For he assumed not this Nature as it shall be in Heaven perfectly Glorified but as it is now since Sin entred into the World cloathed with manifold Infirmities He came in the form of a Servant not of a Glorified Saint The Apostle Rom. 8.3 calleth it The likeness of sinful Flesh the Estate and Condition of his assumed flesh was exposed to all those Infirmities which in us are the Punishment of Sin Though he continued still Infinite Eternal and Omnipotent and in his greatest Abasement was still the Lord of Glory yet his external Habit and Appearance was that of a mean afflicted man and the Divinity though not separated with-held its influence to leave the Humane Nature to suffer whatever the Humanity was capable of As it exposed the Soul to desertion so the Body to all manner of Sufferings and Death it self 2. His Dignity was lessened And there was a Depression of the Glory of his former State That which the Romans called capitis Diminutio a lessening of State and Condition The Eternal Word set himself at nought lessened and humbled himself from the Condition of being Lord of all to that of a Subject and Ordinary Man Gal. 4.4 But when the fulness of time was come God sent forth his Son made of a Woman made under the Law From a Judge of the World he became a Party It was a Condescention of God to take notice of mans Misery Psalm 113.6 Who humbleth himself to behold the things that are in Heaven and in the Earth Much more to make a Party in it and to be found among the miserable Three steps of Condescention we may eminently take notice of 1. That Christ Who thought it no Robbery to be equal with God is made less than God Iohn 14.28 My Father is greater than I compared with Iohn 10.30 I and my Father are one As Mediator Incarnate he undertook an Office designed him by God and obeyed him in all things They are one in Essence yet the Father was greater than he not as he was God but Man and Mediatour and in his present State of Humiliation For he bringeth it there to prove that by departing out of the World then he should be exalted to a more glorious Estate than that in which he was during his abode upon Earth because the Vail should then be laid aside and that Glory which he had with God before the World was made should fully appear Iohn 17.5 And now Father glorifie thou me with thine own self with the Glory which I had with thee before the World was 2. That he was not only lesser than God but lesser than the Angels 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Heb. 2.7 Thou madest him a little lower than the Angels or for a little time the time that he spent here on Earth Man is Inferiour to an Angel as Man in the Order of Being much more as Mortal for the Angels never die therefore his very Incarnation and liableness to Death was a great lessening of his Dignity Though the Incarnation of Christ was the Exaltation of our Nature yet it was the Depression and Humiliation of the Son of God God could stoop no lower than to become man and man could be advanced no higher than to be united to God 3. That in the Humane Nature he was depressed beyond the Ordinary Condition of Man For he came in such a form and course of Life as was beneath the ordinary rate of Mankind Psal. 22.6 I am a worm and no man a reproach of men and despised of the People So Isa. 53.3 He was despised and rejected of men a man of Sorrows and acquainted with griefs and we hid as it were our faces from him he was despised and we esteemed him not As a vile and abominable Creature both despised and rejected scarce deemed worthy the Name of a man or to have any converse and fellowship with them It is in Hebr. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the leaving off of a man as if we should say the very list and fag-end of Mankind so low and mean that the Nature of man can hardly descend lower Mark 9.12 The Son of Man must suffer many things and be set at nought it is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 made nought worth or nothing Thus did he appear in
submit to any condition for his glory Some that profess his name will suffer nothing for him If they may injoy him or his ways in peace and quietness well and good but if trouble arise for the Gospel's sake immediately they fall off The most yea the best have a secret lothness and unwillingness to condescend to a condition of trouble and distress for the Gospel Now to these I will but propound these three considerations 1. If Christ had been unwilling to die for us and suffer for us if the same mind had been in Christ what had been our estate and condition to all Eternity without his sufferings we should have suffered eternal misery If you would not have Christ of another Mind let the same Mind be in you 2. We cannot lose for him as much as he hath done for us 2 Cor. 8.9 Ye know the Grace of our Lord Iesus Christ that though he was rich yet for our sakes he became poor that we through his poverty might be rich 3. We are gainers by him if we part with all the World for his sake Mark 10.29 30. There is no Man that hath left House or Brethren or Sisters or Father or Mother or Wife or Children or Lands for my sake and the Gospel but he shall receive an hundred fold now in this time Houses and Brethren and Sisters and Mothers and Children and Lands with Persecutions and in the World to come Eternal Life Oh then do not stand upon terms The same Mind or Spirit answerable to Christ was that of David 2 Sam. 6.22 I will be yet more vile than thus Christ became vile for us made himself of no reputation and shall we be flouted out of our Religion If he had disdained to indure grief and sorrows and stood upon befitting terms what had become of us 2. Humility We are far inferiour to Christ and shall we stand so much upon our reputation Mat. 11.29 Learn of me for I am meek and lowly in Heart Learn of me not to make Worlds or work Miracles but to be contented with the lowest place the meanest service to be any thing and do any thing to bring glory to God and that not out of necessity but choice Mat. 20.28 Even as the Son of Man came not to be Ministred unto but to Minister It is brought to check aspiring or affecting domination in the Church They that love the preheminence would be great and high seem to dislike Christs proceeding especially those that rend and tear all to advance themselves or to grow greater in the World See that magnificent preface to the History of Christ's washing his Disciples Feet Iohn 13.3 Iesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands and that he was come from God and went to God Poor Worms that are but three degrees distant from dust and nothing how do we stand upon our terms Christ when his own thoughts were most filled with his own glory doth the meanest office Surely considering Christ's humility we should no more over-value our selves nor desire high esteem with others nor affect preheminence nor undervalue and despise others 3. More exact obedience Christs condescention was a special act of Grace and Love but it was also a signal act of obedience It is so called in the 8th verse He humbled himself and became obedient to death even the death of the Cross. It was done in pursuance of the Fathers command and elsewhere Heb. 5.8 9. Though he were a Son yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered And being made perfect he became the Author of Eternal Salvation unto all them that obey him By the multiplicity of his sufferings he learned obedience and the impression is according to the Stamp and Seal Christ came to be the Leader of an obeying People 4. Self-denial as well as obedience Preferring a publick Interest the glory of God and the good of Souls before his own glory as God and the Interests of that natural Life that he assumed Rom. 15.3 Christ pleased not himself and Iohn 12.27 28. Now is my Soul troubled and what shall I say Father save me from this hour but for this cause came I unto this hour Father glorifie thy name That was enough if God was glorified Every Christian should be thus affected Phil. 1.20 That Christ may be magnified in my body whether it be by life or by death 5 The last lesson is contempt of the World and all the glory thereof Christ teacheth us this lesson by making himself of no reputation two ways 1. The example of his own choice The Lord of Heaven and Earth despised and neglected the glory and riches of this World He passed through the World to sanctifie it as a place of service but chose not pomp of living nor the happiness of it lest we should chuse it as our rest and portion They are not of the World as I am not of the World Iohn 17.16 Those that are dearest unto God must look by crosses and trials to be fitted for another World If a Man say never so much for contempt of the World yet live in the love of it his saying is nothing But Christ would be a pattern of his own doctrine Contempt of the World is a lesson of great consequence Salvation lieth upon it 1 Iohn 2.15 16 17. Love not the World neither the things that are in the World if any Man love the World the love of the Father is not in him For all that is in the World the Lust of the Flesh the Lust of the Eye and the Pride of Life is not of the Father but is of the World And the World passeth away and the lust thereof but he that doth the Will of God abideth for ever Whether we are high or low full or kept bare it concerneth us all to learn it Though we flow in wealth we should be as having nothing and sit loose from the Creature If we are poor we must count grace a preferment Jam. 1.9 10. Let the brother of low degree rejoyce in that he is exalted But the rich in that he is made low because as the flower of the grass he shall pass away There is required of all an hearty preparation for when they are not called to a patient enduring of afflictions for Christs Name Phil. 4.12 I know both how to be abased and I know how to abound every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry both to abound and to suffer need This is of an hard digestion to a Natural Man Now Christs example is a great help to us to check our worldly desires let us not affect greater eminency in the World than Christ had And to check the vanity of fulness or our carnal complacency that it may not be a snare to us 1 Tim. 5.6 The Woman that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth Christ was a Man of sorrows do you Profess Christ and yet are
you addicted to vain pleasures and not able to deny them 2. As it is an argument to confirm us in the certainty of the happiness of the world to come It were best to chuse the easiest life here if we did not believe eternity to live a life of pomp and ease The troubles and miseries of the Godly have been counted a sure argument to confirm it 1 Cor. 5.19 If in this life only we have hope in Christ we are of all men most miserable God would not make us miserable by our Duty And 2 Thes. 1.5 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 It is a manifest token of the righteous Iudgment of God If the consideration of Godly mens sufferings in this world be of moment to such an inference much more the sufferings of Christ who was not only a man good and innocent beyond example instructing the Souls curing the Bodies of so many men but also the Son of God His exaltation is a pledge of our happiness and his humiliation an argument he is gone there as our fore-runner Application to the Sacrament This Duty bindeth us both to the mediatory and moral consideration of Christs abasement 1. The Mediatory consideration of Christs abasement That we may grow in Faith and Love we remember the Death and sufferings of the Lord Jesus for the increase of Faith and Love 1. Faith Here is the foundation laid of all our happiness and deliverance from sin and misery Here is a merit and a price full enough to purchase all needful graces He became Poor that we might be Rich and not have a slender measure of grace John 1.16 Of his fulness we all receive and grace for grace He was emptied that we might be filled Ephes. 4.10 He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all Heavens that he might fill all things And 1 Cor. 3. latter end All things are yours and ye are Christs and Christ is Gods John 10.10 I am come that they might have Life and that they might have it more abundantly Tit. 3.5 6. He saved us by the washing of Regeneration and Renewing of the Holy Ghost which he shed on us abundantly through Iesus Christ our Saviour What may we not Promise our selves from God made man made sin made a curse for us Surely a larger and plentiful measure of the gifts and graces of the Spirit 2. His great Love to lost Sinners For he made himself of no reputation for our sakes Such was the unconceivable Love of our Lord Jesus Christ to the Souls of men that he was willing to condescend to any condition for their good and Salvation Some will do a kindness so as themselves may not be the worse nor the poorer nor disgraced nor adventure the displeasure of others But Christ hath filled us by emptying himself taken our nature and was subject to misery out of Love to the Salvation of lost Sinners He did willingly lay aside his Glory which he had with the Father before the World was to suffer in his Humane nature the utmost of misery and grief which the malice of Men and Devils could inflict and which seemed good to the Father to order and appoint for a satisfaction to provoked Justice Quanto vilior tanto charior Bernard So much more vile as Christ was so much dearer should he be to us 2. Let us improve the moral consideration of Christs being a pattern and example to us We feed upon Christ that we may be like him Other food is assimilated and changed into our Substance but here we are changed into it We who give up our names to Christ must expect to injoy the fruits of his obedience in the same steps wherein he walked before us If we can contemn the World be content to be of no reputation that we may glorifie God and finally save our souls then are we like Christ. We come to arm our selves with the same mind which was in Jesus to get above the the hopes and fears pains and pleasures honours and profits of the present World 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Nothing in this World should be great to us These things are transitory soon conveyed out of sight the basest and vilest of men are capable of them the most generous are above them Therefore we should be weaning our hearts more and more from this World and drawing them off to another World for we profess our selves to be followers of a poor Saviour A Sermon on 1 Cor. Viii. 3 If any Man Love God the same is known of him THE Apostle is reasoning in the context against them that abused the knowledge of their Liberty by Christ to the offence and scandal of others and sheweth that we ought to joyn Charity with our Knowledge of God His Arguments are three 1. Bare knowledge without Charity is windy and pussing The flesh may serve it self even of the knowledge of Divine Mysteries as it giveth men occasion to be proud and despise others Knowledge puffeth up but Charity edifieth vers 1. 2. That it is not knowledge unless it be joyned with love Otherwise it is only a talking after others by rote not the effect of Divine Illumination vers 2. And if any man think that he knoweth any thing he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know For the Spirit of Light and Life is also a Spirit of Love Bare knowledge sufficeth where the matter requireth no more But Christianity is a practical effective knowledge tending to make us good rather than learned And therefore the profit of our knowledge is lost it is as no knowledge unless it produce Love God never intended a Religion to try the sharpness of mens wits but to draw their hearts to himself As God can neither be Loved Obeyed nor Trusted without knowledge for without knowledge the heart is not good So knowledge is not knowledge unless we know him so as to love him John 4.10 If thou knewest the gift of God and who it is that saith unto thee Give me to drink thou wouldest have asked of him and he would have given thee living Water Know him so as to trust in him Psal. 9.10 They that know thy name will put their trust in thee Know him so as to please him and serve him 1 John 2.4 He that saith I know him and keepeth not his Commandments is a Lyar and the Truth is not in him 3. God knoweth such as rightly know him with a knowledge joyned with Love He knoweth them that is doth acknowledge them for his Faithful Servants as will be demonstrated by the effects So in the Text If any man love God the same is known of him But in this Argument the Apostle seemeth to forget his purpose and to alter the terms of the dispute in hand for instead of Charity towards our neighbour he puts in Love to God and instead of our Knowledge of God he puts in Gods Knowledge of us and so seemeth to be carried besides his purpose I. Answer No such matter
it Again it is an holy Law according to which the process of that day shall be guided A Law that is clean and pure which alloweth not the least evil Thy Law is exceeding pure Psal. 119.140 The Gospel abateth nothing of the purity of it Now when we appear before an holy God and must be judged by an holy Law surely we must have holiness and righteousness answerable or how can we stand in the Judgment It is an holy God before whose Tribunal we must appear and an holy Law that we must be judged by therefore if we be destitute of all kind of righteousness What shall we do 2. No other righteousness will serve the turn but the righteousness of Faith And therefore till we submit to the New Covenant we are in a woful case Now the righteousness of the New Covenant is supream or subordinate The supream by way of Merit and Satisfaction The Subordinate by way of Application and Qualification on our parts 1. The Supream is the Righteousness or Obedience of Christ. VVhich can alone deliver us from Hell Job 33.24 Deliver him from going down to the Pit for I have found a ransom There is no deliverance from eternal destruction which our sins deserve but onely by the Ransom which he hath paid Till his Justice be satisfied by Christ no good can come unto us 2. The Subordinate Righteousness which qualifieth us and giveth us an interest is Faith Repentance and new Obedience All which are hugely necessary and convenient and gracious terms 1. Faith By which we own and acknowledge our Redeemer with love thankfulness dependance and hearty subjection to him Certainly love and thankfulness is due to him who hath indured so much and procured such great benefits for us Would we have the blessings instated on us and not know from what hand they come And acceptance is due for should Christ save us without our wills and against our consent Dependance is due Should they have benefit by Christ's Merits who question the force and efficacy of them Therefore God hath set him forth to be a propitiation through faith in his Blood Rom. 3.25 2. Repentance is necessary Would we have God to pardon us while we continue in our rebellion without sorrow for it or purpose to leave it The case of the obstinate is not compassionable Jer. 3.13 Onely acknowledge thine iniquity and I am gracious And to acknowledge an offence and continue in it is to condemn our selves 3. New Obedience That was due before to our Creator and our Redeemer strengtheneth the Bond and maketh it more comfortable For we have a new Lord by right of Redemption Rom. 14.9 For to this end Christ both died and rose and revived that he might be Lord both of the dead and living A Lord that hath payed dear for our Souls 3. This righteousness is every way sufficient that we may venture our eternal well-being upon it For what is appointed by God will be accepted by God And though there be many defects in our Faith Repentance and Obedience yet there is an intrinsick value in the obedience and death of Christ besides the Institution Heb. 9.14 How much more shall the blood of Christ who through the eternal Spirit offered up himself without spot to God purge your Conscience from dead works to serve the living God And 1 Pet. 1.18 19. Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold from your vain conversation received by Tradition from your Fathers but with the precious blood of Christ as of a Lamb without blemish and without spot Lastly See your help The Spirit is the great New-Covenant Gift purchased by Christ that it might be dispensed to us the more abundantly John 1.16 And of his fulness have all we received and grace for grace Tit. 3.5 6. By the renewing of the Holy Ghost which he shed on us By his Sanctifying and renewing Grace we are inabled for all this duty We have it by the hearing of Faith Gal. 3.2 And the whole dispensation of the Gospel is called the Ministration of the Spirit 2 Cor. 5.8 Therefore if a sluggish heart did not possess Christians they might do more than they do A Sermon on 2 Pet. III. 9 The Lord is not slack concerning his Promise as some Men count slackness but is long-suffering to us-ward not willing that any should perish but that all should come to Repentance THe Apostle in Answer to the Cavil and Exception of the Mockers of Religion is taking off the Scandal of the delay of Christ's Coming Three Considerations are produced to satisfie the Godly 1. The true measure of speed or delay is the Eternity of God which admits of no beginning succession and ending but consists in a constant presentness to all that which to us seemeth past or to come And we must judge as he judgeth This is laid down vers 8. 2. The end of this delay which is the conversion of Sinners It proceedeth not from any culpable slackness in God but onely his patience towards the Elect. God is not slack but we hasty Our temper requireth time and patience to work upon us and bring us under the power of Grace This is in the Text. 3. The manner of coming which is sudden and unexpected like the coming of a Thief upon a sleepy family ver 10. Therefore we should rather prepare for it than complain of slackness We are upon the second consideration Wherein 1. The false cause of this delay is removed The Lord is not slack concerning his Promise as some Men count slackness 2. The true cause assigned But is long-suffering to us ward 3. The end of this long-suffering propounded First Negatively Not willing that any should perish Secondly positively But that all should come to Repentance Wherein the way to escape ruine is intimated which is Repentance The only doubt is about the sense of the words How that is to be understood that God would not have any perish but all come to Repentance For we see many do yet perish all do not come to Repentance And is God frustrated of his end Ans. To this doubt three answers are given and all solid though I prefer the two first 1. The Patience of God according to its nature hath that use and end to invite all sinners to Repentance Rom. 2.4 Despisest thou the riches of his goodness forbearance and long-suffering not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to Repentance Gods continuing forfeited Mercies and tarrying the sinners leisure giveth us an hope that he is willing to be reconciled And if we do not seek his favour and turn to him by Repentance it is long of our selves the fault is our own because we do not improve this hope 2. The Apostle in this place hath special reference to the Elect who are concerned more especially in the promise of Christs coming to put an end to their sufferings and to render them an eternal reward Certain
fellowship of the guilt of undermining Truth and Godliness 2. The ways by which we make this profession The Mouth is only mentioned in the Text but that implieth other things Briefly this Confession is made either in word or deed 1. Verbal and in word by a constant owning of Christ and our Hopes by him both publickly and upon all occasions by private conference or taking all meet opportunities to discover our selves that we are Christians so the Apostle saith of Timothy 1 Tim. 8.12 Lay hold on Eternal Life whereunto thou art also called and hast professed a good profession before many Witnesses He had openly confessed the Name of Christ. And the Apostle telleth us 1 Iohn 4.15 Whosoever shall confess that Iesus is the Son of God God dwelleth in him and he in God He meaneth it of times wherein this primitive and fundamental truth was mainly contradicted and opposed in the World Then for a Man to declare himself a Christian was hazardous and argued a great degree of self-denial and especially it is spoken in opposition to the G●osticks and Nicholaitans who accounted it sufficient to believe with the Heart taking a liberty to confess what they listed see how they are taxed Iohn 12.42 43. Nevertheless among the chief Rulers also many believed on Him but because of the Pharisees they did not confess Him lest they should be put out of the Synagogue For they loved the Praise of Men more than the Praise of God 2. Real or indeed and that was either by Action or Passion By Action and that is twofold either more publick or private 1. More publick by submission to Gods appointed Ordinances as hearing of the Word Baptism and the Lords Supper Christ instituted these visible duties to make the profession of his name publick and open Mark 16.16 He that believeth and is Baptized shall be saved In the Lords Supper we commemorate his Death 1 Cor. 11.26 As often as ye eat this Bread and drink this Cup ye do shew forth the Lords Death till he come That is we publickly commemorate it and shew it forth as the ground of our hopes So in all the other duties which we observe in the Assemblies of the faithful they are a keeping up of our confession or a testimony that we are not ashamed of Christ. As Heb. 10.23 Let us hold fast the Profession of our Faith without wavering for he is Faithful that hath promised Now this profession is solemnly made by our Communion with Gods People in their publick Assemblies as it followeth ver 25. Not forsaking the assembling our selves together as the manner of some is The assembling our selves that is with the Christians and their Assemblies wherein they did meet together to serve and worship God and mutually to promote their own Salvation now 't is not enough to have our private devotions in our Families and Closets but we must entertain publick converse with God to testifie our Union and Agreement with the People of God in the same Faith and Worship Now it was the manner of some to forsake these Conventions and Meetings which was a grievous sin and of very ill consequence not only as they deprived themselves of the benefit of these societies but as they seemed to love their Life Goods or Quiet and Peace and Reputation and liberty more than Christ. And though they were convinced of the truth of Christianity yet could not be noted as open Professors of it 2. More private and personal by Holy Conversation and Godliness for we are to confess and glorifie Christ both in Word and Deed. Confession indeed is a life of love and praise in perpetual acknowledgement of this incomparable benefit which we have by Christ. This confession is always necessary to true Christians that their works be holy and agreeable to their Faith for thereby they signifie that they do believe in Christ and expect Eternal Glory by him that he that is raised up by God from the dead at length will come again to bring us to himself As without Faith there is no Righteousness so without this Confession there is no Salvation for this distinguisheth the Christian from the Hypocrite Titus 1.16 They Profess to know God but in their works they deny him They confess fair but their lives shew they believe nothing The very Devils confessed Christ to be the Son of the most High God Mark 4.7 But it profited them nothing because it was a confession extorted and they were Creatures in Rebellion against God Therefore Holiness of Life is one means of our confession otherwise we deny the Lord that bought us Mat. 5.16 Let your light so ●●ine before Men that others seeing your good works may glorifie your Father which is in Heaven And 1 Pet. 2.9 That you may shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light Works are a sign as well as words the surer sign of the two of the Faith which is in our Hearts For t is a sign that Faith prevaileth in us when we do things consentaneous and agreeable to our Faith Our profession in words may be contradicted by our works and that is interpretatively a denial of the Faith 1 Tim 5.8 If any provide not for his own he hath denied the Faith 'T is an act of uncharitableness or dishonesty What profess Christ to be our Lord and live in such rebellion and disobedience to him 'T is as if you should assure a Prince of your Loyalty and yet actually be in Arms against him This Confession is never out of season and is our surest evidence 2. By passion or suffering enduring the hardest things that can befal you in the World for his sake Or this our Lord speaketh Mat. 10.31 32. Whosoever shall confess me before men him will I confess before my Father in Heaven But whosoever will deny me him will I deny before my Father in Heaven His name his truth his ways must be avowed before all the World whatever it cost us we cannot honour Christ so much as he will honour us and therefore we must contemn the hatred of the World and all the pleasures and profits of this life that we may be faithful to him Confession is an harder matter than usually we take it to be and requireth good preparation 1 Pet. 3.15 Be ready always to give an Answer to every Man that asketh you a reason of the Hope that is in you c. Not ready in point of knowledge only to argue for the Faith but ready as to courage fortitude and resolution of Mind 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is not an account of the reasons but of the Nature and Tenour of our Christian Faith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Be ready is the same with 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as St. Paul saith Act. 21.13 I am ready not to be bound only but to die also at Jerusalem c. and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Eph. 6.15 Shod with the preparation of the Gospel
best known by those eternal Torments which are appointed for the punishment thereof Present punishments do somewhat discover it Now know that it is an evil thing and a bitter that thou hast forsaken the Lord thy God Ier. 2.19 Briars and Thorns and sensible smart will teach us that which bare contemplation doth not But if the Temporal punishment maketh us know What an evil thing and a bitter it is What will Eternal do Go ask the Damned in Hell whether it be a light thing to Sin against God Mark 9.44 Where their Worm dieth not and the Fire is not quenched Here is the great aggravation of Sin that for Temporal Trifles they have lost Eternal Joys and run the hazard of Eternal Pains for the ease mirth and pleasure of a Moment And then for things evil in opinion it sheweth how falsely we are deluded As Afflictions Sufferings and Losses for Christ Death c. It much concerneth us to have a true notion of these things For Afflictions It sheweth that they are not so bad as the World taketh them to be They are tedious for the present but 't is but for a season 1 Pet. 1.6 Wherein ye greatly rejoice though now for a season if need be ye are in heaviness through manifold Temptations All things are lessened by having eternity in our minds the delights of the World and the sorrows of the World 1 Cor. 7.29 Since the World passeth away and the fashion thereof we should rejoice as if we rejoyced not mourn as if we mourned not the good and evil will be soon over We cry out How long but 't is not for ever 'T is grievous but 't is not Eternal 't is not Hell yea they may be good Psal. 119.71 It is good for me that I have been Afflicted that I might learn thy statutes All things are good as they help on a blessed eternity so Afflictions may be good that part of the World that is led by sense will never endure this but that part which is led by Faith will easily assent to it the World that is led by sense say to a Covetous Man that the loss of an Estate is good to a Worldly Rich Man that Poverty is good to an Ambitious Man that it is good to be despised and contemned to Voluptuous Man that it is good to be in Pain to Afflict the Body for the good of the Soul they will never believe you But go to them that measure all things by Eternity and they will tell you that Poverty maketh way for the true Riches Mourning for the true Glory Want for fulness of Pleasure at Gods Right Hand That misery mortifieth sin 1 Cor. 11.32 When we are judged we are chastned of the Lord that we should not be condemned with the World Sufferings for Christ If we win Eternity with the loss of all the World we are no losers For the World passeth away and the Lusts thereof but he that doth the Will of God abideth for ever 1 Iohn 2.17 But on the contrary 't is a sorry bargain to lose Eternity for the injoyment of all the World Mat. 16.26 For what is a Man profited if he shall gain the whole World and lose his own Soul Or what shall a Man give in exchange for his Soul And then Death the King of Terrors yet 't is not feared by a Christian because it is an entrance into Eternal Life when he dieth then shall he live Iohn 11.25 26. I am the Resurrection and the Life he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall be live and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die Believest thou this If we have a sense of this why should we be troubled to be uncloathed that we may be cloathed upon with Immortality and Glory It separateth us from our Worldly Friends and Benefits but bringeth us to God with whom we shall abide for ever it puts an end to time that we may enter into Eternity so that death is ours 1 Cor. 3.22 A Friend not an Enemy It maketh an end of Sin and Sorrow to make way for Blessedness and Glory For things Good Good seeming or Good real Good seeming There are many things which the vain deceived World doteth upon which are impertinencies to our great end As Foolish Sports and Recreations Eccles. 2.2 I said of Laughter It is Mad and of Mirth What doth it There are other things which are meer inconsistencies As many evils which we commit for a little Temporal happiness Then real good things Duties Ordinances Graces Christ the Favour of God We know how to value these things by looking to Eternity The good things of this World are not valuable only upon a natural account but as they are helps to Heaven If they be diversions from eternity they are the worst things that can befal us to be condemned to this kind of felicity is a part of Gods Curse Ier. 17.13 They that forsake thee shall be written in the Earth On the contrary to have our names written in Heaven is a great Blessing Luke 10.20 Notwithstanding in this rejoice not that the Spirits are subject unto you but rather rejoice because your names are written in Heaven It is better to injoy a little as an help to Heaven than a great deal as an hindrance to it oh Blessed is the Man that taketh no farther content in the comforts of this life than they may further his Soul to Eternity If an Estate increase upon you 't is most valuable as you may be rich in good works and take hold of Eternal Life 1 Tim. 6.18 When your Hearts rest in them without subordination to Eternal things your estate becometh a Snare whatever the Heart is set upon if it be not in order to this end and scope 't is cursed to thee The Spiritual Blessing of all our natural comforts is in order to this last end But then for Duties time spent with God in order to Eternity is the best part of your lives Acts 26.7 When we are imployed in the World we make provision but for a few Months or Days it may be Hours But in converse with God you lay up for everlasting the Throne of Grace will be the more sweet because 't is the Porch of Heaven Ordinances and publick means of Grace A Child of God valueth them more than the greatest Worldly advantages Psal. 84.12 One day in thy Courts is better than a Thousand I had rather be a Door-Keeper in the House of my God than to dwell in the Tents of Wickedness But why Because there is trading for Eternity there he gets a prospect into Heaven and heareth news of his Long-home And then Graces they are glorious things because they are the seed and earnest of eternal glory 'T is called Immortal Seed 1 Pet. 1.23 When this state is begun it cannot be dissolved and it is called the Earnest of the Spirit Graces as well as comforts are his Earnest By all these things the Holy
ye eat this bread and drink this cup. It is Sacriledge to defraud the People of the communion of the Cup and to separate what God hath joyned 2. The End declared Where what and how long 1. What is the end To annunciate or shew forth the Lord's death It may be read Indicatively or Imperatively 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 They come to the same effect Annuntiare debetis Ye ought to shew forth So Vatablus 2. How long this Rite must be observed to this end Till He come that is to judgment Which implieth that this is a standing Ordinance or means to keep his Death in perpetual remembrance till we have no more need of Memorials because Christ is come in Person Doctr. The Lord's Supper is a solemn Commemoration of the Death and Passion of our Lord Iesus Christ. 1. By way of Illustration 2. By way of Confirmation I. By way of Illustration I shall explain both the Object and the Act. The Object is the Lord's death The Act is Annunciation or shewing forth First The Object Which I shall open in three Propositions 1. That the Sacraments do chiefly relate to Christ's death For Baptism Rom. 6.3 Know ye not that so many of us as were baptized into Iesus Christ were baptized into his death The Lord's Supper in the Text. Both Sacraments represent him dead they do not represent him Glorified but Crucified They were Instituted in favour of Men and for the benefit of Man more directly and immediately than for the honour of Christ exalted In these Duties he representeth himself rather as one that procured the Glory of others than as one that is possessed of Glory himself and would have us consider his Death rather than his present Exaltation His Death is wholly for us but his Glory is for himself and us too Only we must distinguish between what is Primarily represented in the Sacrament and what is Secondarily and Consequentially It is true the consideration of his Humiliation excludeth not that of his Exaltation but leadeth us to it But primarily and properly Christ's Death is here represented and consequentially his Resurrection and Intercession as these Acts of his Mediation receive value from his Death We remember his Death as the Meritorious Cause of our Justification and Sanctification his Resurrection as the Publick Evidence Rom. 4.25 Who was delivered for our offences and was raised again for our justification Namely as his Resurrection sheweth his Satisfaction is perfect God requireth no more for the Atonement of the World His Intercession is nothing else but a representation of the Merit of his Sacrifice and receiveth its value from his Death Heb. 9.12 By his own blood he entered in once into the holy place having obtained eternal redemption for us That is by his own Bloud he entered into Heaven having purchased Redemption for us from the Guilt and Power of Sin Well then it appeareth from the nature of the thing and the Rites here used that Christ's Body is represented to us as dead and broken and so proper Food for our Souls And his Blood as shed or poured out for the expiation of our Sins that we might obtain pardon and peace Eph. 1.7 In whom we have Redemption through his Blood the forgiveness of Sins according to the riches of his grace Luke 22.20 This Cup is the New Testament in my Blood which is shed for you 2. That we do not Commemorate Christ's death as a Tragical Story but as a Mystery of Godliness Many when they come to these Duties look upon Christ as an innocent Person unworthily handled and so make a Tragedy of his passion for the entertainment of their fancies and the lighter part of their affections rather than for their Faith to work upon their desire joy and thankfullness or to stir up any deep Repentance in them This remembrance produceth either Compassion or Indignation against the Jews 1. Compassion Alas the History of Christ's Passion will work no more upon us than the sad preparation of Abraham when he went to Sacrifice his Son Isaac or the Crys of Ioseph in the Pit or the pittiful words of Iacob when they told him that some Beast had devoured him or than the Sacking of Ierusalem by the Babylonians or how they handled that miserable King Zedekiah when they put out his Eyes or the moans of Dido for Aeneas Austin instanced in that living in that Country Quid miserius homine flente Didonis mortem non mis●riam suam All these things though they be not of such importance as the sufferings of the Son of God will draw tears from us and passionately affect us for the time Christ seemeth to disprove this fond Compassion as it is acted and exercised towards himself Luke 23.28 to 31. Iesus turning unto them said Daughters of Jerusalem weep not for me but weep for your selves and for your Children For behold the days are coming in the which they shall say Blessed are the Barren and the Womb that never bare and the Paps which never gave suck Then shall they begin to say to the Mountains fall on us and to the Hills cover us For if they do these things in a green Tree what shall be done in the dry The Gospel doth not propound the death of Christ as a Spectacle of humane Calamity No it is a point of higher consideration and God looketh for more inward and Spiritual motions than this passionate condoling 2. So for indignation against the Iews It is no more pleasing to Christ than the other Many Christians think it a piece of high Devotion to execrate the Memory of Iudas and the other Iews who were accessory to Christ's Death but this or somewhat like it is disproved too Peter was in a rage against Christ's Adversaries and therefore out of bravery draweth his Sword against a whole Troop or Band of Men that came to attacque him in the Garden But Christ saith Iohn 18.11 Put up thy Sword into the Sheath the Cup which my Father hath given me shall I not drink it No question but great Injustice was shewed to Christ the Iews fact was odious Iudas his treason Execrable but as our pity should be turned upon our selves so must our exasperation also The Gospel calleth for deeper consideration of this Mystery than what is Historical Namely such as is Evangelical and may suit with God's ends in it and our Faith in the Mediator and Saviour of the World Namely the horror of our Sins that they may become odious to us the Terror of God's impartial Justice that we may never think a light thought of it more the inestimableness of God's Love that we may have more admiring thoughts of the wonders of this Condescending Grace in giving his Son to die for us and of the unspeakable benefit and the joy of Salvation which is derived thence to us These are the true reflections on the Death of Christ and best serve for the improvement of it Namely to raise our hopes of Mercy
respect to our selves to raise our Faith in the Crucified Saviour For God hath set him forth to be a propitiation for our sins through faith in his blood Rom. 3.25 We believe that by this means the Favour of God may be recovered his Image restored Eternal Life obtained and all the Mercy offered in the new Covenant bestowed upon us according to the Gracious terms thereof II. With respect to others We annunciate it as we make publick profession of this Faith that we are not ashamed of Christ Crucified but rather glory in it and in the Blessed Effects of his death Gal. 6.14 God forbid that I should Glory save in the cross of our Lord Iesus Christ by whom the world is crucified to me and I unto the world We glory in this that we are his peculiar People distinguished from the perishing world as Goshen from Aegypt or those in the Ark from those who perished in the waters or as Gideon's Fleece wet with the Dew from all the rest of the ground or as Rahab's House from the rest of Iericho We own Christ and Christ will own us You will say What great matter is there in this profession where all are Christians among whom Christ's name is had in Honour and Esteem I Answer 1. Never was it so well with the World but that somewhat of Christ was called in question and so the profession of his intire Truth may be dangerous and costly Sometimes this Truth and sometimes that is contradicted and opposed And so it cometh to pass that Self-denial is a standing Rule never out of season And therefore we still fortifie our Selves by this Duty to own the present Truth how much soever it be spoken against Thus Paul Gloried in Christ in opposition to the carnal policy of the false Apostles who gloried in the flesh the riches pomp and favour of the World which ran of their side But we remember the Cross of Christ to deaden our Affections to the glory and applause of the world II. This profession must be not in Word only but Deed also We profess our selves to be a peculiar People redeemed from all iniquity by Christ to live to God and serve God Now if our conversation be not answerable we do not remember the Blood of the Covenant with Honour but spill it on the ground and trample it under our feet Heb. 10.29 and destroy our profession by our conversation As we destroy our profession of God Tit. 1.16 They profess that they know God but in works they deny him So of Christ 1 Tim. 5 8. If any provide not for his own and especially for those of his own house he hath denied the faith and is worse than an Infidel A merciless Man hath denied the Faith And Ier. 9.25 26. Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom neither let the mighty man glory in his might let not the rich man glory in his riches But let him that glorieth glory in this that he understandeth and knoweth me that I am the Lord which exercise loving kindness judgment and righteousness in the earth for in these things I delight saith the Lord So that our Lives must be an Hymn to Christ or a constant glorying in him Great things are expected of the peculiar people 1 Pet. 2.9 Ye are a chosen generation a royal Priesthood an holy nation a peculiar people that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light Well then this annunciating the death of Christ before many witnesses is useful to us in times of trouble that we may be faithful to his Interest and in times of Peace that we may be the more bound to all Holy Conversation and Godliness III. We profess also our selves to be parrtakers of the benefits of Christ's death by a lively Faith For the Apostle tells us 1 Cor. 10.21 Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of Devils Ye cannot be partakers of the Lords Table and of the Table of Devils In the Lord's Supper we profess to be partakers of the Body and Blood of Christ that is the benefits of his death And he had said before of the Iews ver 18. They which eat of the sacrifices are partakers of the Altar they Eat and Drink with God at the Altar So eating and drinking at the Lord's Table is a sign of communion with Christ and that we rejoyce in this that we are admitted into the participation of the benefits and efficacy of his death If we be unqualified and unprepared to Receive them we mock God and dishonor Christ. 3. We annunciate it to God This we do two ways 1. In a way of Prayer Pleading before him the value of this Sacrifice with Humility and Affiance expecting the benefits thereof Christ's Blood is pleaded by him in Heaven by his constant intercession and by us upon Earth in Prayer when we shew the Father that Sacrifice once made by him In which we trust and for which we expect Mercy and Grace to help us As the Apostle beggeth Grace through the Blood of the everlasting Covenant Heb. 13.20 21. Now the God of peace that brought again from the dead our Lord Iesus Christ that great shepheard of the sheep through the blood of the everlasting Covenant Make ye perfect in every work to do his Will working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight through Iesus Christ to whom be Glory for ever and ever Amen And we sue out our Pardon and beg the Gift of the Spirit in the name of our Mediator and Advocate 2. In Thanksgiving and Praise to God for Jesus Christ and his benefits Eph. 1.3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Iesus Christ who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. Looking upon all Blessings as streaming to us in his Blood and the fruits of his Mediatorial Administration 2. With respect to the Properties and manner how it is to be annunciated 1. It must be serious In Spiritual things the Heart is not soon wrought upon or else the Sacred Impressions are easily defaced Glances have no Fruit and Efficacy to warm the Heart As Birds that often straggle from their Nests suffer their Eggs to grow chill and cold but when they sit long the Brood is hatched So by a constant Incubation we profit most and these things sink deeper into our Hearts It is true the things represented are great things and so force their way into our Minds whether we will or no but yet they are Spiritual and depend on Faith therefore some Entertainment and serious Consideration is necessary Heb. 3.1 Wherefore holy Brethren partakers of the heavenly Calling consider the Apostle and High Priest of our Profession Christ Iesus The Heart of Man catcheth like Tinder at every Spark when Sin is represented but it is otherwise in Holy and Heavenly Things They that do not use to command their Thoughts make less Earnings
certainly than others who are not of such a light and unsettled Mind It is said Zech. 12.10 They shall look upon him whom they have pierced Which implieth a steady consideration otherwise we are in danger to go as we came There is not that lively Commemoration of Christ. You come full of other Cares Desires and Delights and therefore return empty of all solid and true Refreshment 2. It must be Applicative Gal. 2.20 He loved me and gave himself for me This great Love which God hath manifested in Christ is not only sounded in our Ears and represented to our Eyes but is brought home to us and shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost given to us Rom. 5.5 The Spirit accompanieth Christ's Institutions and the diligent serious hungry Soul is not left destitute Christ and his Benefits are no where so particularly offered applied and sealed to us as in this Duty Christ's Messengers offer him to us in particular with a Charge and Command that we should receive him take and eat for our own Comfort and Use. What is particularly applied to us and made ours as Food that is turned into our Substance should awaken in us greater Thoughts and Care about our own Interest 3. Practical The Effects must more sensibly appear Two ways is that done 1. When we are made Partakers of his Benefits when we are justified and sanctified Heb. 10.22 Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water The Annunciation inferreth this Then it is Practical when it assureth our Confidence Rom. 8.32 He that spared not his own son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him also freely give us all things And we are incouraged to wait for the accomplishing of these ends and instating us in these Priviledges 2. When we express more likeness to Christ in dying to Sin and to the World or suffering for Righteousness Dying to Sin and the World Gal. 2.20 I am crucified with Christ. Gal. 5.24 They that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts Or suffering for Righteousness Phil. 3.10 That I may know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings being made conformable unto his death For as Christ came to destroy the Desires of the Carnal Life so to wean us from the Interests of the Animal Life Sacraments bind us to this Matth. 20.22 Are ye able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of and to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with II. Confirmation or Reasons why the Lord's Supper is a Commemoration of Christ's Death 1. To supply the room of his Bodily Presence 1 Pet. 1.8 Whom having not seen ye love in whom though now ye see him not yet believing ye rejoyce with joy unspeakable and full of glory And in the Text Ye shew forth the Lord's death till he come Christ is not bodily present in the Church till the last Judgment And we are to continue this holy Festival till the time that we shall have no need of these Memorials because then he cometh in Person 2. It is a lively Objective Means to affect our Hearts Both in regard of what is represented Christ is as it were evidently set forth Crucified before our Eyes Gal. 3.1 And also in regard of what is required to be done on our parts that we should return to our Duty and devote our selves to God's Service Rom. 12.1 I beseech you therefore Brethren by the mercies of God that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service Use. To press you to the Duty of the Text To shew forth Christ's death 1. It is the strongest support to Faith When we apprehend the Greatness and Heinousness of Sin the Righteousness of God and Purity of his Holiness what shall compensate that infinite Wrong which is done to his Majesty If it seem easie to us we do not know what Sin is and what God is Not what Sin is which is a depreciation of God and a contempt of his Majesty There is no petty Creature above another but he is jealous of his Honour and will vindicate himself from Contempt Nor what God is God is of pure Holiness his Nature ingageth him to loath Sin his Justice to punish it It is a difficult case questionless how to get Sin expiated but this wonderful Condescention will make this Difficulty cease the Person is great and Way wonderful Consider what a Person hath undertaken this and what he hath done he hath died for us which at once sheweth God's willingness to Pardon and an answerable Ransom that such an one should undertake for us so beloved of God so equal to God Phil. 2.6 7. Who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men This will settle and calm the Heart that such an one should come about such a Work 2. It is the greatest Incentive to Love That Christ loved us and gave himself for us a sacrifice to God of a sweet smelling savour Eph. 5.2 Those innumerable Angels that left their Station and were once in Dignity above us have not such glad Tydings to impart to one another or to shew forth in their Societies not such a word to comfort themselves withal They cannot annunciate the Death of Christ and say Lo there is our Confidence and Hope the Propitiation for our Sins 3. It is a powerful Perswasive to Obedience Shall we deny our selves to him that gave himself to and for us Or seek to frustrate him of his End This was his great End 1 Pet. 2.21 For even hereunto were ye called because Christ also suffered for us leaving us an example that ye should follow his steps He hath purchased Grace to mortifie Sin and to quicken us to the fruits of Holiness shall we be alive to Sin and dead to Rightousness A Sermon on MAL. iii. 17 And I will spare them as a man spareth his own son that serveth him THese Words are part of the Promise which God maketh to them that fear him or to those who are good in evil Times In them take notice of 1. The Blessing promised that God will spare them 2. The manner of this Indulgence amplified and set forth by the Carriage of a Father to his Son wherein a double Reason of this Indulgence is intimated 1. Propriety his own Son 2. Towardliness or Obedience his Son that serveth him Parents are not severe to any of their Children especially the dutiful 1. Propriety his own Son A faulty Child is a Child still and therefore not so easily turned out of the Family as a Servant We often forget the Duty of Children but God doth not forget the Mercy of a
judged by this Law the holiest and the humblest the most penitent and believing Soul and the Soul that most loveth God cannot abide the Tryal and were it not for this promise and its Fellows what could we look for but Eternal Ruine 2. As to the Sanction the Law saith The Soul that sinneth shall die Ezek. 18.4 Now this being the Sentence of God delivered in a Righteous Law how shall we escape it Surely it cannot fall to the Ground Unless some Provision be made it will eternally take place This should the more affect us because it is often verified in the course of God's Providence Rom. 1.18 For the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness Heb. 2.2 For if the word spoken by Angels was stedfast and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompence of reward Now when others are punished and we are spared surely we ought to be affected with his Severity towards them but towards us Goodness 3. Our incapacity of appearing before God by reason of the multitude of our Sins There are none of God's Children but have a great and vast Debt upon them and if God should call them to an account and should not spare not one of them could stand or appear in Court Psal. 130.3 4. If thou Lord shouldest mark iniquity O Lord who shall stand But there is forgiveness with thee that thou mayest be feared There is not a Man to be found who hath not some fault and failing which would render him uncapable of God's favour If he should proceed in just severity against us who could stand Not who among the Wicked but who among the Regenerate or the People of God So many are the Frailties and slips of their Lives And Psal. 143.2 Enter not into judgment with thy servant for in thy sight shall no man living be justified It is impossible for such a frail sinful imperfect Creature as Man is to appear before God's exact Tribunal with any comfort and hope But he will not charge them on us with Severity but spare us with Mercy 4. The sense which Conscience hath of these Sins 1. Consider it in its old natural Bondage somewhat of which yet remaineth while Sin remaineth so Conscience accuseth of the Sins that are committed Rom. 2.15 Which shew the work of the Law written in their hearts their consciences also bearing witness and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another And fears the Death threatned Rom. 1.32 Who knowing the Iudgment of God that they which commit such things are worthy of Death Now can it be appeased unless the Lord spare or set up some way of Grace which alloweth pardon for our failings And if the Lord spare it should be as welcome to us as a Pardon to a Condemned Man 2. Consider it as it is inlightned and renewed by the Holy Spirit It is true it doth not produce such a fear of Wrath as before but a greater apprehension of the Evil of Sin because of the increase of light and love both which intender the Heart As their light and love increase so doth their trouble about sin Rom. 7.9 For I was alive without the Law once but when the Commandment came sin revived and I dyed and verse 24. O wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from the body of this death They are ashamed of that folly and filthiness and unkindness that is in Sin and are grieved for the relicks of Corruption Ezek. 16.6 And when I passed by thee and saw thee polluted in thine own blood I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood Live yea I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood Live So Rom. 6.21 What fruit had ye then in those things whereof ye are now ashamed for the end of those things is death Therefore if God will spare and not impute their trespasses to them they are more apprehensive of this mercy than possibly others can be None fee so many Sins and none see such hainousness in Sin and are more deeply affected with it In a clear Glass of Water the least Mote is espied They have a greater dread of God's Holiness a more sincere respect to his Law a greater reverence for the sentence of it a more firm belief of his threatnings a more earnest desire to please him and so a a greater grief for offending him Therefore if he will pardon and pass by their infirmities they are the more apprehensive of the privilege III. The grounds and reasons of this indulgence or sparing which God useth towards them 1. God's merciful nature which inclineth him to pass by the infirmities of his Saints This appeareth by the description of God given to Moses when the Lord proclaimed his name Exod. 34.6 The Lord the Lord God merciful and gracious long suffering and abundant in goodness and truth Since this is the description which God giveth of himself therefore it deserveth to be weighed by us The first notion is Merciful whereby God's Nature inclineth him to succour those that are in Misery by reason of Sin The next is Gracious which implieth his self-inclination to do good to his Creatures without any precedent obligation on their parts The third is Long Suffering or slowness to Anger he is not hasty to revenge the wrongs done him by the Creature He often pitieth wicked Men so far as to prevent the Temporal punishment and spareth them long when he might destroy them The Last is Abundant in goodness and truth that is expressing his kindness and bounteous nature many ways not at one time and in one sort only but upon all occasions and in all ways wherein we stand in need of his help and therefore will deal tenderly with his people Micah 7.8 Who is a God like unto thee that pardoneth iniquity and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage he retaineth not his anger for ever because he delighteth in mercy If we had a due sense of the nature of God we should have much relief against the Evil Merit of Sin and a greater hope that he will deal in a Fatherly manner with us He had told them of great things God would do for them now in the apprehension of the sensible Sinner it is Sin chiefly which standeth in the way of their Mercies Therefore God will pardon Sin in his people in such a wonderful way as shall exceed all their thoughts He will not call them to a strict account for them and though he beginneth to reckon with them yet he will spare them and moderate his Anger and be reconciled to them It shall not go on to Eternal Wrath nor over long Temporal Evils and all because of the pleasure which he taketh in shewing acts of Mercy rather than acts of Vengeance 2. The satisfaction of Christ whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through Faith in his Blood to declare his
the same Covenant It is a common Charter Acts 2.39 For the promise is unto you and to your children and to all that are afar off even to as many as the Lord our God shall call 3. They have the same Redeemer 1 Cor. 1.2 Iesus Christ both theirs and ours Rich and Poor gave the same Ransom Exod. 30.15 Half a shekel One has not a more worthy Christ than another Rom. 3.22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Iesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe for there is no difference 4. The Faith of the one is as acceptable to God as the other 2 Pet. 1.1 Simon Peter a servant and an Apostle of Iesus Christ to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our saviour Iesus Christ. The same for kind though not for degree 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 A jewel held by a Child's hand is a Jewel as well as that held by a Man's Well then the Expressions of God's love to his People of old have their use for the establishment of our Comfort and Hope Rom. 15.4 Whatsoever things were written afore-time were written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of of the Scriptures might have hope Rom. 4.23 It was not written for his sake alone that it was imputed to him but for us also As Judgments on the Wicked are for our Admonition 1 Cor. 10.6 These things were our examples So Promises are for our Consolation The Word is not only an History but a Book of Precedents As a Painter hangeth forth his Master-Pieces to draw Custom so here God's kindnesses to his People are advantageous to us only let us take heed that we have the same Spirit 2. I observe that it is a capacious Promise applicable to several purposes To Ioshua to imbolden him against Dangers To Iacob to make him patient under Crosses To Salomon to quicken him against coldness in God's Service To Israel to hearten them against Enemies To all Believers to support them under Family-wants and Straights One Promise hath several Uses it is good for Wants good for Wars This one Promise well observed will teach us to live well and dye well for still God is with us To live without carking for then God is with us and to dye without discomfort for then we are with God If one Promise yield so much Comfort what will all It is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a common Remedy for every Disease As the Scripture saith in another case Mark well her Bulworks tell her Towers There is no Case to which God hath not spoken no Blessing but it is adopted into the Covenant 3. I observe that it is a Promise emphatically delivered 1. For the Matter I will not leave thee nor forsake thee That is I will be so far from forsaking or casting thee off that I will not so much as leave thee for a time It is such another as that Psal. 121.4 Behold he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep There is no time that his People are left to shift for themselves but they are under the Care of his Providence continually 2. For the Form 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I will not not leave thee neither not not forsake thee Five Negatives He will not yea he will not surely he will not forsake his Servants or neglect them and withdraw his Presence and Providence from them 3 For the Duplication I will not leave thee nor forsake thee Ioseph told Pharaoh the Dream was doubled because it was established by God Gen. 41.32 All this is to shew how dull and stupid we are in conceiving of God's Promises O ye fools and slow of heart to believe Luke 24.21 We are backward to every thing but especially to Faith or dependance on God for something that lyeth not in our own power Before we are serious and put to tryal nothing seemeth more easie than dependance upon God but when it cometh to the push it is evinced Now it is God's condescention that he will press these things again and again that we may not lose the comfort of the Promise The Expression is universal to awaken our attention to engage our Hearts to believe that he will not forsake us in our streights 4. I observe that it is a promise that every one must particularly apply to his own case God doth not say I will not leave you nor forsake you as speaking to his People collectively but distributively thee And that not only to Ioshua but to Israel Deut. 31.6 8. Be strong and of a good courage fear not nor be afraid of them for the Lord thy God he it is that doth go with thee he will not fail thee nor forsake thee As in the Decalogue that every one might look upon himself as concerned God speaketh in the singular number to every individual Person Thou shalt have no other Gods So here Thou as if spoken to by name Thou Peter Andrew Thomas I will not forsake thee Oh that we had this Spirit of Application and could read our Names in Christ's Testament Omnis operatio fit per contactum the closer the touch upon our Hearts the greater the Efficacy Break out your own Portion of the Bread of Life Iob 5.27 Loe this we have searched it so it is hear it and know thou it for thy good Christian how many Promises dost thou know for thy good Canst thou say Here is my Portion blessed be God for this comfortable Promise to me Doctr. That God never utterly forsaketh or leaveth his People destitute to utter and insupportable Difficulties Why 1. The tenderness of his Love will not permit it Isa. 49.15 Can a woman forget her sucking child that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb yea they may forget yet will I not forget thee There is no such Affection as God hath to his Children The Mother if she leave her sucking Child she doth not utterly forsake him but runneth to the cry So will God he is unchangable Mal. 3.6 I am the Lord I change not He is immutable in his Grace and constant in his Promise as well as his Being He needs no after-thoughts his purpose of Love stands firm he willeth a Change but changeth not his Will Though he uses various contrary Means yet his Love altereth not as our Condition altereth We are full of Inconstancy but not he Death doth not make void Christ's Interest nor cause his Affection to cease when we are rotting in the Grave Where God has once fixed his Dwelling-place he will never leave it again Psal. 37.28 The Lord loveth judgment and forsaketh not his saints By Judgment is meant Righteousness or Holiness the Rule for conformity to the Rule that is the Ground His Truth is plighted in his Promises God hath ever stood upon his Credit especially when his Promise hath drawn forth the faith of his People Psal. 111.5 God will ever be mindful of
God in token whereof he hath set him forth in the Gospel as a propitiation for Sin Rom. 3.25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood And in the Text he is said to be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not a Lamb but the Lamb that Lamb of God which is said partly by way of dignity and distinction to put a difference between him and the Typical Lamb and partly by way of Ostension and Demonstration that Lamb figured in the Sacrifices and spoken of by the Prophets this is he the Lamb of God indeed Now Lambs were often used in Sacrifices In the Purification of Women Levit. 12.6 She shall bring a Lamb of the first Year for a Burnt-Offering In the Cleansing of the Leper Levit. 14.10 On the eighth day he shall bring two He-Lambs without blemish and one Ewe-Lamb without blemish both which figured the Cleansing of our defiled Natures by Christ and the doing away the Defilement and Leprosie of Sin But the most frequent and constant use of the Lamb was in the daily Sacrifice Exod. 29.38 39. Now this is that thou shalt offer upon the Altar two Lambs of the first year day by day continually the one Lamb thou shalt offer in the Morning and the other Lamb thou shalt offer at Even which was to be done with Meal and Wine the two great supports of the Natural Life all which figured Christ. God is every day pleased and propitiated for our Sins and by vertue of his daily Mediation we and all our actions are accepted of the Lord. The Lord Jesus is our daily Lamb which must be represented to God's justice as the only means of our atonement every Morning and every Evening we need it as much as they and are more obliged than they because all is clear and open to us Now upon the Sabbath Day this Offering was double Numb 28.9.10 And on the Sabbath day two Lambs of the first year without spot and two tenth deals of Flower for a Meat-offering mingled with Oyl and the Drink-offering thereof This is the burnt-offering of every Sabbath beside the continual burnt-offering and his drink-offering Then God requireth a more solemn remembrance of Christ our Lamb slain for us Thirdly But the most solemn Figure and Type of Christ was the Paschal Lamb and most frequently interpreted of him in the New Testament 1 Cor. 5.7 Christ our Passover is Sacrificed for us And Iohn 19.36 A bone of him shall not be broken This was originally spoken of the Paschal Lamb Exod. 12.46 Neither shall ye break a bone thereof Now the Evangelist bringeth this as a Prophecy this which was ordained concerning the Paschal Lamb is said to be fulfilled in Christ it is brought as a reason why the Divine Providence permitted not his Legs to be broken This is the Type to which Iohn here alludeth and saith Behold the Lamb of God Therefore here my Work must be fixed to state the resemblance between the Paschal Lamb and Jesus Christ. Certainly the use of that Ordinance was Typical as well as Historical it was ordained not only as a Memorial of their redemption from Aegypt but as a figure of our redemption by Christ. To the first Use it is supposed David hath respect when he said Psal. 111.4 5. He hath made his wonderful works to be remembred the Lord is gracieus and full of compassion He hath given meat to them that fear him he will ever be mindful of his Covenant The Meat there mentioned is supposed to respect the Paschal Lamb when they were to remember the Works of God But the chief use was to Type out Christ who hath so taken away Sin that he hath freed us from eternal Death He was the Truth and Substance of that Type and the true Passover sacrificed for us in whose Person and in whose Sufferings and Benefits all that is really to be found which is pointed out and Typified by that Shadow That this may more clearly appear to you I shall shew you that the Paschal Lamb figured 1. The Person of Christ. 2. His Death on the Cross. 3. The Fruits of his Death 4. The manner how we are made Partakers of them I. The Paschal Lamb figured the Person of Christ. The Prophets and Apostles do often set forth the Person of Christ under the Notion of a Lamb. Isaiah calleth him a Lamb Isa. 53.7 He is brought as a Lamb to the slaughter And Philip instructing the Eunuch applyeth that Prophecy to Christ Acts 8.35 And among the Apostles Peter telleth you That we are redeemed with the precious ●lood of Christ as of a Lamb without spot and blemish 1 Pet. 1.19 And Iohn the Evangelist calleth him often The Lamb that was slain Rev. 5.6 9. And here Iohn the Baptist who was Fibula legis Evangelii in the middle between the Prophets and Apostles calleth him The Lamb of God in the Text and Ver. 36. Behold the Lamb of God And fitly for Christ was a Lamb in regard of his Meekness Patience and humble Innocence For his Meekness he was a Lamb for he saith Learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart Matth. 11.29 And for his Innocency for there was no guile found in his mouth 1 Pet. 2.22 But chiefly for his Patience for as a Lamb before the shearers is dumb so he opened not his mouth Acts 8.32 He did not cry nor lift up nor cause his voice to be heard in the streets Isa. 42.2 Who when he was reviled reviled not again when he suffered he threatned not but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously 1 Pet. 2.23 Not that he wanted Strength and Power for all Power was given him both in Heaven and Earth and if he would have made use of them he had more than twelve Legions of Angels at his command Matth. 26.53 Thinkest thou not that I cannot now pray to my Father and he shall presently give more than twelve legions of Angels One of which was able enough easily to dissipate and destroy all his Enemies But he came not to be ministred unto but to minister and to give his life a ransom for many Matth. 20.28 And therefore he humbled himself being made obedient to death even the death of the Cross Phill. 2.8 Thus the Lion of the Tribe of Iudah by a strange Metamorphosis of a Lion was made a Lamb that out of the Eater might come forth Meat and out of the Strong might come forth Sweetness for this Lamb feedeth us with his Flesh and giveth us to drink of his Blood Iohn 6.55 My flesh is meat indeed and my blood is drink indeed No Dish so savoury as that to an hungry Conscience no Draught to comfortable to a thirsty Soul And besides this he cloatheth us with the Fleece of his own Righteousness and therefore we are said to put on Christ Gal. 3.29 As many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. And Rom. 13.14 Put ye on the Lord
Objects of Pity and Compassion rather than of Passion and Anger Eph. 1.32 Be ye kind one to another tender hearted forgiving one another even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you Consider what God hath done to you that you may do the same to them Secondly The next consideration of this Prayer of Christ is as a Tast and Pledge of his Mediation and Intercession So it is Prophecied Isa. 53.12 He was numbred with the transgressors and he bare the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors Christ was placed in the midst of Thieves as the first Clause is explained Mark 15.28 and he made Intercession that is prayed for his Persecutors The whole Chapter is a Prophetical Narration of the Acts and Sorrows of Christ upon the Cross. In this publick Sense and Consideration let us see what may be gathered out of the Clause Father forgive them 1. It is an Instance of Christ's Love and Bowels to Sinners he loved Mankind so well that he Prayed for them that Crucified him Look on the Lord Jesus as Praying and Dying for Enemies and improve it as a ground of Confidence Upon the Cross he would give us an Instance of his Efficacy in converting the Thief and of his Affection in praying for his Persecutors We were as great Enemies to Christ and as deep in the Guilt of his Passion as they Rom. 5.10 When we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son The Enemies of his Kingdom are every way as bad as the Enemies of his Person if Christ did not say Father forgive what would become of us You will say we are Christians But scandalous Sinners renew his Sufferings and put him to an open shame Heb. 6.6 Oh! let us Adore God for these Experiences it is a mighty ground of Hope that Christ hath put in for a Pardon he would not die till he had expressed his Reconciliation with his Enemies 2. See what is the Voice and Merit of his Sufferings Father forgive them This is the Speech that Christ uttered when he was laid on the Cross. The Apostle compareth Christ's Blood and the Blood of Abel Heb. 12.24 And to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better things than the blood of Abel Abel's Blood was clamorous in the Ears of God Gen. 4.10 The voice of thy brothers blood crieth to me from the ground And so in the Conscience of Cain it crieth Avenge Avenge me Christ's Blood hath another Voice it speaketh to God to pacifie his Wrath and to Pardon us if penitent and believing Sinners it speaketh to Conscience to be quiet God hath found out a Ransom The Blood of Christ may speak against us as well as against the Iews for by our Sins we made Christ to die Oh! be not quiet till it speak Peace in your Consciences Christ's Blood was spilt in Malice as Abel's was and might have cried for Vengeance on the Actors who were not only the Iews but we and it yet speaketh as Abel's did Heb. 11.4 By it he being dead yet speaketh It is a speaking Blood and is yet speaking The speaking of the Blood is interpreted according to the Words in their Mouth wherewith they died Mat. 23.35 That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zecharias the son of Barachias whom ye slew between the porch and the altar Our Lord gathers it from Zecharias his saying The Lord look upon it and require it 2 Chron. 24.22 So the Words of Christ interpret his Death 3. In the Mediatory Consideration it hinteth the coupling of his Intercession with his Satisfaction On the Cross there he dieth and there he prayeth he was both Priest and Sacrifice The High-Priest under the Law was not only to slay the Sacrifice but to intercede for the People first the Beast was slain without the Camp and then the Blood was carried into the Holy of Holies and there Prayer was made with Incense but before that Aaron when he was going into the holy Place before the Lord was to cause the sound of his Golden Bells to be heard under pain of Death Exod. 28.35 To this I parallel this Action of Christ upon the Cross. This Prayer was as the sound of the Golden Bells he would make his Voice to be heard by Prayer and then he goes into the Holy of Holies the Lord Jesus Christ when he shed his Blood before the Tribunal of God he sendeth forth a Prayer God would have our Salvation carried on in a way of Mercy and Justice and Christ was to mingle Intreaty with Satisfaction as Lev. 16.14 the High-Priest was to bring the Blood within the Vail and to sprinkle it upon the Mercy-Seat He must satisfie Justice and make an Address to Mercy that we that have sinned with both hands may take hold of God with both hands Rom. 3.24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Iesus Christ it is freely and yet through the redemption that is in Iesus Christ these two sweetly accord 4. This is a Pledge of his constant Intercession in Heaven The Ceremonies of the Old Law were not only Types of Christ but his visible Actions were a kind of Types and Pledges of his Spiritual Actions 1 Iohn 2.1 If any man sin we have an advocate with the father Iesus Christ the righteous He that could pray for Enemies will pray for Friends and he that got our Pardon by his Intercession will promote our Salvation Certainly Christ's Glorified Soul looseth no Affection he is as earnest with the Father for his Friends as ever he was upon the Cross for his Persecutors Heb. 9.24 For Christ is not entred into the holy places made with hands which are the figures of the true but into heaven it self now to appear in the presence of God for us Christ doth appear as our Advocate in Court not only in our Name but in our stead 5. It shews the Nature of his Intercession It not only implies the everlastingness of his Merit that his Blood doth continue to deserve such things at the hands of God as we stand in need of but it is a continual representation of his Merit it is not a Metaphor but a solemn Act of his Priesthood Again it is not by Verbal Expressions such as he used here upon Earth Father forgive them this became the state of his Humiliation but now he intercedes Non voce sed miseratione Not by Voice but by Pity What is it then Partly his appearing in Heaven as God in our Nature Heb. 9.24 Christ is not entred into the holy places made with hands c. but into heaven it self now to appear in the presence of God for us He is said to appear before God for us as the High-Priest came and presented himself before God with the Names of the twelve Tribes engraven on his Breast-plate Partly in his expressing an actual Willingness or the
perish for his Impenitency and Unbelief but not meerly for the Greatness of his Sin for what Sin is so great that it is not or cannot be expiated by the Blood of Christ Christ's Satisfaction maketh the Salvation of the worst possible you may have Peace with God if you will 5. It bindeth our Duty the closer upon us No Man shall perish but for want of a willing Heart to accept of the Redeemer who hath paid our Ransom and of the Grace which he hath brought to us by which we may be interested and instated in the Benefits of this Ransom All things are ready if we are ready Luke 14.17 Come for all things are now ready God's Fatlings are killed his Wines are mingled if we will not come to the Feast we perish through our own default We need confer nothing all is but to receive the Benefits propounded and offered Victory over Death Hell Sin Satan is ready yea Heaven is ready and all Spiritual Blessings are ready if we are ready For the Merit and Satisfaction of Christ is the great cause of all that Blessedness which is offered to the Creature God hath opened the way to all if they will not enter into it they perish by their own default He hath sent Preachers into all the World Mark 16.15 16. And he said unto them Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved and he that believeth not shall be damned Tit. 2.11 For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men Let not us refuse our Cure though we must take a bitter Potion though we must enter in by the strait Gate of Faith and Repentance and walk in the narrow way of Self-denial and all holy Conversation and Godliness yet because it is to Life and the Legal Exclusion is taken off let us enter and walk in it Indeed if the Door were shut against us by the Sentence of thr Law and there was no way to remove the Bars and Bolts our Excuse were more just because then our Condition would be hopeless But now all is finished Salvation rendred possible now God hath taken away the Bars and Bolts by which his Law shut us out from all hope Let us not set up Bars and Bolts by our own Unbelief and by our own Cowardly Fears If Man were not Man but a Beast a Fool or a Mad-man it might more excusably be allowed to them to be led by Sense and Appetite and then it were an intolerable thing to Crucifie the Flesh with the Affections thereof But Man having Reason doth know or may know that this Command of God is equal that God doth not only require but help us to perform it and prevent us by his Grace 6. It doth not only bind our Duty upon us but it doth encourage us to Repent and Believe and Obey for Christ is able to save to the utmost all those that come to God by him Heb. 7.25 And he is the author and finisher of our faith Heb. 12.2 And doth give repentance as well as remission of sins Acts 5.31 For to you it is given on the behalf of Christ not only to believe on him but also to suffer for his sake Phil. 1.29 The first Grace is his Gift and his resolved Gift to the Elect but all are to take their Lot If it were said to us alone That we should strive to enter in at the streight Gate or that we alone should deny our selves and take up our Cross and follow him it were hard But when the same Terms are propounded to all and when many young and old rich and poor have received them and have tried God's Ways and it hath succeeded well with them upon Trial why should we fear it If no body had done it or could do it then we might stick at God's Terms This Argument Austin used to himself in his Conflicts of Conscience Lib. 8. Confess Cap. 11. When he had long withstood offers of Grace he would then propound to himself the Example of others Cur non poteris quod isti istae Isti istae non in se pouterunt sed in Domino Deo suo Why may not I as well as those holy Men and those good Women They did it not in themselves but in the strength of their God and the power ●f his Grace The Yoke of Christ will be more easie than we think of especially when it is lined with Grace 7. When we have once accepted the Condition cleared up our Title then we shall have cause to Glory in the Lord and be sensible indeed that all things are finished which are necessary to our Comfort and Peace and that this was a full Merit As Paul would Glory in the Cross of Christ Gal. 6.14 God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Iesus Christ. Rom. 8.1 There is now no condemnation to them which are in Christ. Then we shall make the bold Challenge of Faith Rom. 8.33 34. Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect It is God that justifieth Who is he that condemneth It is Christ that died yea rather that is risen again who is even at the right hand of God who also maketh intercession for us If Christ had not made a full Expiation of all our Sins we were under Condemnation still He doth not say there is nothing worthy of Condemnation in Believers for as long as Sin and the Flesh remaineth in us which doth as long as we live in the World there is a Potential Guilt of Damnation an intrinsick Merit in our Actions of Death and Condemnation yet the Actual Guilt or Obligation is taken away because Christ is made a Curse for us Well then our solid Rejoycing to the lasts is in this compleat Satisfaction Rom. 5.11 We rejoyce in God through our Lord Iesus Christ by whom we have received the atonement It is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 We Glory in God Vse Let this raise in us 1. An hearty Thankfulness and Admiration of the Love of Christ who would not give over Suffering till he could say It is Finished till he had done enough to Glorifie God and Save the Creature enough for the Destruction of Sin as well as the Abolition of the Curse Christ did not Compound but paid the utmost Farthing Oh! let us raise our Thoughts in the Consideration of this Love His Enemies interrupted him and tempted him to give over Save thy self if thou be the son of God come down from the cross Mat. 27.40 42. If he be the King of Israel let him now come down from the Cross and we will believe him But because he was the Son of God and the King of Israel he would not come down till he was taken down and all was done that was necessary All God's Works are perfect Deut. 32.4 The Father ceased not till upon the Sixth Day he had perfected the Work of
the Creation and upon the Seventh Day he Rested So Christ will not come down till he had finished the Work of Redemption on the Sixth Day and on the Seventh he Rested in the Grave and Rose early in the Morning on the First Day of the Week to shew the Truth of his Satisfaction And the Holy-Ghost his Work is perfect all the time of his Life he continueth increasing our Graces but in the everlasting Sabbatism when Sin shall be no more his Work is brought to an end And then he shall present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy Iude 24. But what were the Reasons why Christ would not give over till all was perfected 1. Love to his Father Iohn 18.11 The Cup which my Father hath given me shall I not drink it Christ loved the Father with unspeakable Love and was in like manner beloved by him Therefore when this Cup was put into his hands by his Father he would drink it off to the very bottom 2. Love to the Church Eph. 5.25 26. Even as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it that he might sanctifie and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word c. And Rev. 1.5 6. To him who loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood The Church was given for a Spouse to Christ but we were polluted and defiled with Sin he would not only cleanse it but make it a glorious Church without spot or wrinkle or any such thing Eph. 5.27 Christ loved the Church and therefore it was not grievous to him to wash it with his Blood Because Iacob loved Rachel he served seven Years for her in Heats and Frosts by Night and Day and they seemed to him but a few days for the love he had to her Gen. 29.20 So the Son of God loved the Church and therefore endured all these Indignities and grievous Passions 3. He had respect to that eminent Glory set before him Heb. 12.2 Looking to Iesus the author and finisher of our Faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and is now sate down at the right hand of the throne of God Though the Way was rough the Prize was excellent and so he run through all the Pain and Shame and attained the eternal Crown of Glory He endured cruel Pains in his Body and bitter Sorrows in his Soul such as never any Man did suffer never any Angel could have born as he did so dear did it cost our Saviour to make a Propitiation for our Sins That which in all this did strengthen and encourage him was the Joy set before him namely that happy and glorious Estate which followed upon his Sufferings so that his Burden was made the lighter and his Sorrows much abated Oh let us think of this 'T is not a lessening his Love to us for he needed not to put himself into this condition Herein he was our Example to teach us how to sweeten the Cross and as our Mediator he is gone to Heaven to prepare a Place for us Iohn 14.2 3. I go to prepare a place for you And if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and take you to my self that where I am there ye may be also 2. Let it raise in us a Confidence of the Benefits purchased For Christ expresseth himself as a Conqueror and in a kind of Triumph over the Devil and all the Enemies of our Salvation The Wrath of God is appeased Rom. 5.9 Much more then being now justified by his blood we shall be saved from wrath through him The Law is satisfied Gal. 4.4 5. God sent forth his son made of a woman made under the Law to redeem them that were under the Law Satan is vanquished Iohn 12.31 Now is the judgment of this world now shall the Prince of this world be cast out Guilt is removed Eph. 1.7 In whom we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace Sin is subdued Rom. 6.6 Knowing this that our old man is crucified with him that the body of sin might be destroyed that henceforth we should not serve sin Death is unstinged 1 Cor. 15.55 56 57. Oh Death where is thy sting Oh Grave where is thy victory The sting of Death is sin and the strength of Sin is the Law But thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Iesus Christ. The Curse is removed Gal. 3.13 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the Law being made a curse for us Surely where Christ beginneth he will make an end We cannot have too high Thoughts of the Blood of Christ Heb. 9.13 14. For if the blood of bulls and of goats and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh How much more shall the ●lood of Christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to God cleanse your consciences from dead works to serve the living God Let us stand still now and behold the Salvation of God and Eccho to Christ's Cry It is finished it is finished What can the Law crave more than the Blood of the Son of God What will make us perfect as appertaining to the Conscience if this will not Being justified by his Blood we shall be saved from Wrath through him Christ hath so far obtained Pardon and Acceptance for us that he hath made an end of Sin for all that are willing to accept of his Grace upon God's Terms 3. Let it quicken us to Perseverance in our Duty notwithstanding Sufferings till all be ended that when we come to die we may be able to say Iohn 17.4 I have glorified thee on earth I have finished the work thou gavest me to do 2 Tim. 4.7 8. I have fought a good fight I have finished my course I have kept the faith Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness If Christ out of Love to us would finish the Work of our Redemption What shall separate us from the love of Christ Rom. 8.39 4. It teacheth us how to comfort our selves in Death It finisheth all our Labours and Sorrows as Christ sheweth when he was about to give up the Ghost Isa. 57.2 He shall enter into peace they shall rest in their beds Believers have a Joy set before them as well as Christ. The Wicked cannot say It is finished their Evils are then begun 5. Let us believe Things to come The Event sheweth that all these Things were true which the Prophets had so long before foretold The Holy-Ghost cannot be deceived nor can God lie We are certain that Things yet to come shall be fulfilled as well as these which are past Those who lived before Christ's time had not such an Experiment of God's Truth as we have We have seen the Coming of Christ let us so fix our Minds on future Things as to draw them
the Soul is said to return to God therefore the whole Man dieth not and is not extinguished with the Body All these Particulars import the Immortality of the Soul Doct. That the Soul of Man is immortal and dieth not when the Body dieth but remaineth in that Estate into which it is disposed by God First There is a threefold Immortality 1. An essential Immortality which importeth an absolute Necessity of Existence so it is said 1 Tim. 6.16 God only hath Immortality 2. There is a natural Immortality which hath a Foundation in the Being of the Creatures so the Angels and Spirits of Men are in their Nature immortal so as they cannot be destroyed by any second Cause and have no Principle of Corruption in themselves though by the Power of God they might be annihilated 3. A gratuitous Immortality or by Gift and Courtesy so the Body of Adam in Innocency non conditione corporis but beneficio conditoris not by the Condition of his Body but the Bounty of his Maker so the Bodies of the Faithful after the Resurrection shall be immortal Secondly Let us prove this that the Soul is immortal and subsisteth after the Separation The Point is necessary to be discussed for till we are established in the Belief of this Truth we shall fear no greater Judgments than what do befal us in this World nor expect greater Mercies than what we injoy here and so never take Care to reconcile our selves to God or to deny the Profits of the World and the Pleasures of Sense that we may attain a better Estate An holy Life will never else be indeavoured or produced to any good Increase For such as Mens Belief is of an immortal or never-dying Condition in Heaven or Hell such will the bent of their Hearts and Course of Life be Therefore the Salvation of our Souls is said to be the End of our Faith 1 Pet. 1.9 Receiving the End of your Faith even the Salvation of your Souls There the End signifieth either the Scope or the Event If you take it for the Scope the great End of Faith is to lead us from all worldly Happiness to an Estate after this Life Heb. 10.39 But we are not of them that draw back unto Perdition but of them that believe to the saving of the Soul Sense faith Spare the Flesh but Faith saith Save the Soul This is the Scope and mark to which it tendeth If you take it for the Event and Issue of things all our believing praying enduring Suffering rejoicing pleasing and glorifying of God endeth in this the saving of our Souls Therefore let us see how it may be proved both by Scripture and by the Light of Reason I. By Scripture which is the proper means to beget Faith Dives desired one to go from the dead to tell his Brethren of an everlasting Estate of Torment and Bliss Luke 16.27 28. I pray thee Father that thou wouldst send him to my Father's House for I have five Brethren that he may testify unto them lest they also come into this Place of Torment Intimating thereby that the Cause of his own Sin and theirs was Unbelief or a not being perswaded of a World to come Alas we have but an obscure Prospect of an Estate after this Life and therefore indulge sensual Delights But what Cure and Remedy Dives thought a Spectre or Apparition would be the best Cure of this Atheism But Abraham or Christ thought otherwise he referreth them to Moses and the Prophets that is the holy Scriptures for all the Books then written and received in the Church are comprized in that Expression Since we are sick of the same Disease this will be our best Remedy We are told 2 Tim. 1.10 That Christ hath brought Life and Immortality to Light through the Gospel It is the Privilege of the Divine Revelation to represent this Truth with more Clearness and Certainty 1. With more Clearness There is a Mist upon Eternity which is only dispelled by the Light of the Gospel Reasons from Nature may in some measure acquaint us with an everlasting Estate yet what kind of Happiness it is that attendeth the Godly and what Misery shall befal the Wicked it telleth us but little but the Scripture sets down enough to invite our Hopes and awaken our Fears Heathens had some Conceits of Elysian Feilds and Places of Blessedness and some obscure Caverns appointed to be Places of Torment fitted to work Men into a blind Superstition but the Word of God hath given us such clear Discoveries of future Happiness and Misery as that we may know what to hope for and what to fear and if well improved will breed in us a true Spirit of Godliness 2. In Regard of Certainty Nature may give us some dark Guesses and uncertain Conjectures so as the Heathens that had no other Light were ready to say and unsay in a Breath what they had spoken concerning our Estate to come but the Gospel is a sure Word apt to beget Faith not a wavering Opinion Go to Sense which judgeth by the outside of things Eccles. 3.21 Who knoweth the Spirit of a Man that goeth upward and the Spirit of a Beast that goeth downward to the Earth By Sense we see Mankind as the Beasts to be conceived formed in the Belly brought forth nourished to grow in Strength and Stature wax old and die by the Eye we can discern no external sensible Difference so that if we consult with mere Sense all Religion and Hope is gone Go to Reason and that will tell us indeed that there is a Difference between a Man and a Beast that Man knoweth and desireth things which the Beasts do not and cannot And that the reasonable Soul hath Operations independent on Matter and on the Body and therefore it is probable it can subsi●t without the Body for the manner of working sheweth the manner of being but there is cold Comfort in a bare may be The Gospel sheweth it shall be As a Glass it doth discover this State to us as a Rule it guideth us to the Injoyment of it as a Motive it perswadeth us to seek after it as a Charter and Grant it doth assure our Title to it it is full fraught and thick sown with this kind of Seed Therefore let us see what the Light of Scripture saith to this Point 1 st It discovereth to us every-where the Doctrine of the eternal Recompences two Places and two Estates wherein Souls abide after Death Heaven and Hell Heaven the Mansion of the Just Iohn 14.2 In my Father's House are many Mansions And Hell the Place of Torments Mark 9.44 They are cast into Hell where their Worm dieth not and the Fire is not quenched And as soon as the Soul passeth out of the Body it is in one of these Luke 16.22 23. And it came to pass that the Beggar died and was carried by the Angels into Abraham 's Bosom the rich Man died also and was buried And in Hell he
away The Party displeased and provoked is God and the Party defiled is the immortal Soul of Man which being subject to the Power of God and bound by his Laws upon Disobedience is conscious to it self of the Merit of Death and Punishment and debarred from all Communion with God And it cannot have any sound Peace till it knows that God is satisfied and that it shall be admitted again into terms of Grace and Favour with him That Sin hath made us filthy and loathsom to God that we cannot please him nor be accepted with him the Word doth not only assert it Psal. 14.2 3. The Lord looked down from Heaven upon the Children of Men to see if there were any that did understand and seek God They are all gone aside they are altogether become filthy there is none that doth good no not one Job 15.14 What is Man that he should be clean and he that is born of a Woman that he should be righteous Job 14.4 Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean not one But Conscience is in part sensible of it so that a Sinner hath a secret Dread and Shiness of God especially upon the commission of actual Sins 1 Iohn 3.20 21. For if our Heart condemn us God is greater than our Heart and knoweth all things Beloved if our Heart condemn us not then have we Confidence towards God I know generally Man looketh to the Foulness and Cleanness of the body but is insensible of the Stain of the Soul Yet we cannot always exempt no not the worst from a secret Sense of this However our Misery and Happiness dependeth upon God's Judgment not our own If in the Eye of God all of us are polluted and unclean lying in our Blood defiled with the Guilt of Sin already committed and the filthy Vileness of Sin yet in-dwelling This is evident we were miserable enough till God found out a Remedy And this Misery is the deeper because Man loveth what God loatheth as the Swine loveth wallowing in the Mire and therefore it is a Creature loathsom to us We count Sin a Bravery when it is the greatest Impurity a Filthiness deeply ingrained in our Natures and therefore not easily washed away both as to the Guilt as also to the Stain and ●lot 2. This being our Misery Christ came to wash us and with no other Laver than his own Blood as a Priest offering himself a Sacrifice for our Sins The Remedy for so great a Mischief must have a noble and excellent Cause That Blood was necessary appeareth by the Types of the Law for the typical Expiation was made by the Blood of Bulls and Goats offered in Sacrifice And that no Blood but the Blood of Jesus Christ would serve the turn is evident if you consider the Party displeased and provoked who was God the Party defiled the immortal Spirit of Man and the heinous Nature of the Offence which was a Breach of his righteous and eternal Law Therefore it is said 1 Iohn 1.7 The Blood of Iesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all Sin Heb. 1.3 He by himself purged our Sins And Heb. 9.13 14. If the Blood of Bulls and of Goats and the Ashes of an Heifer sprinkling the unclean sanctifieth to the purifying of the Flesh How much more shall the Blood of Christ who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without Spot to God purge your Conscience from dead Works to serve the living God There is Virtue and Efficacy enough in the Blood of Christ partly from the Institution of God and its own manifold Worth and Value as being the Blood of God partly by the way and manner in which it was offered by an Act done in our Nature of the greatest Obedience and Self-denial that ever was or can be and so God is fully repaired in point of Honour 3. This Sacrifice thus offered was accepted of God in the Behalf of sinful Man as a full Price and Merit to procure for us both Justification and Sanctification We needed both being polluted both with the Guilt and Stain of Sin Both are a Trouble to a sensible Conscience or an awakened Sinner who is in the next Capacity to receive this Sacrifice 1 Iohn 1.9 If we confess our Sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our Sins and to cleanse us from all Vnrighteousness As a Man that hath broken his Leg is not only troubled with the Pain but would have it set right again Both are implied in this Washing and both are effectually accomplished by virtue of his bloody Death and Sacrifice 1 Cor. 6.11 And such were some of you but ye are washed but ye are sanctified but ye are justified in the Name of our Lord Iesus and by the Spirit of our God And Christ hath obtained both by virtue of his bloody Death and Sacrifice for our Pardon and Restitution to God's Grace and Favour Rom. 5.1 Therefore being justified by Faith we have Peace with God through our Lord Iesus Christ As also the Gift of the Spirit to sanctify and renew us to the Image of God Tit. 3.5 6. Not by Works of Righteousness which we have done but according to his Mercy he saved us by the washing of Regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost which he shed on us abundantly through Iesus Christ our Saviour 4. Besides the Impetration of this Benefit we must consider the Application The Sacrifice had Power to purge us and wash us from our Sins as soon as it was offered and accepted of God The procuring of the Power is the Impetration which was antecedent to actual Pardon and Sanctification Therefore it is said When he had by himself purged our Sins he sat down at the right Hand of the Majesty on high Heb. 1.3 Then he interposed the Merit then was the first Grant made or Liberty given But then for the Application It is applied when we submit to those terms that are agreed upon between our Redeemer and God as our supream Judg and Lawgiver As when this Sacrifice is believed and depended on and pleaded in an humble and broken-hearted manner and improved to Thankfulness and Resolutions to return to the Obedience of our Creator then is Sin actually pardoned and our Hearts cleansed He did not pardon nor cleanse nor sanctify as soon as this Blood was shed upon the Cross until it be effectually applied to the filthy Soul by a lively Faith Acts 15.9 Purifying their Hearts by Faith and a serious and broken-hearted Repentance 1 Iohn 1.9 If we confess our Sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our Sins We must bewail our Sins depend upon the Sacrifice of Christ sue out the Virtue of it by Prayer Psal. 51.2 VVash me throughly from mine Iniquity and cleanse me from my Sin Extinguish the Love of Sin by godly Sorrow and all holy means and mortify the Flesh by the Help of the Spirit Rom. 8.13 If ye through the Spirit mortify the Deeds of the Body c.
enter into the Tabernacle Numb 4.18 19 20. Cut ye not off the Tribe of the Family of the Cohathites from among the Levites but this do unto them that they may live and not die when they approach unto the most holy things Aaron and his Sons shall go in and appoint them every one to his Service and to his Burden but they shall not go in to see when the holy things are covered lest they die They were to keep near the Tabernacle and the Cohathites to bear things which they must not see and touch upon pain of Death And this was not only threatned but executed on the Bethshemites which was a City of Levites when they looked into the Ark 1 Sam. 6.19 20. And he smote the Men of Bethshemesh because they had looked into the Ark of the Lord even he smote of the People fifty thousand and threescore and ten Men. And the People lamented because the Lord had smitten many of the People with a great Slaughter And the Men of Bethshemesh said Who is able to stand before this holy Lord God and to whom shall he go up from us Well God kept at a distance from that People and would not have them too familiar with him but the Priests might come near and minister before the Lord but not till they were consecrated and till they had cleansed themselves Exod. 30.20 21. When they go into the Tabernacle of the Congregation they shall wash with Water that they die not and when they come near to the Altar to minister to burn an Offering made by Fire unto the Lord. So they shall wash their Hands and their Feet that they die not But though an ordinary Priest might come to the Altar of Burnt-offering yet the High Priest was only to enter into the Sac●ary or Holiest of all and that not when he pleased but only once a Year Levit. 16.2 And the Lord said unto Moses Speak unto Aaron thy Brother that he come not at all times into the Holy Place within the Vail before the Mercy-seat which is upon the Ark that he die not The High Priest was a solemn Type of Christ yet he was not to be too familiar with God The People were sensible of this State and Distance which God kept and murmured at it Numb 17.12 13. And the Children of Israel speak unto Moses saying Behold we die we perish we all perish whosoever cometh any thing near unto the Tabernacle of the Lord shall die Shall we be consumed with dying What did the Holy Ghost signify by all this That the way of the Holiest of all was not yet made manifest But now God is more familiar with his People a Christian hath the Privilege of the High Priest a Privilege which the most eminent Person of that Dispensation could injoy but once a Year in the most solemn Service which ever he performed and that not till after many Washings and Purifications In every time of need we may come to the Throne of Grace It was dangerous heretofore to thrust themselves upon God but now the Lord is willing to admit us into his Presence Gospel-Believers may come to him the Fountain of Grace is not unaccessible Well but though we may come to the Throne of Grace we cannot come to the Throne of Glory thence we are all shut out no Man can immediately approach the Throne of Glory till he be both fully and perfectly justified and sanctified for the present we are not fit to come nigh him As Absalom when his Peace was made and he was permitted to come home to Ierusalem yet he was not admitted to his Father's Sight and Presence 2 Sam. 14.24 The King said let him turn to his own House and let him not see my Face And Esther when cho●en for a Spouse for the great King Ahasuerus yet she was to accomplish the Months of her Purification Esther 2.12 We have Access to the Throne of Grace that is all we can have in this Life but hereafter we shall have Access to the Throne of Glory then we shall have full Communion with our God and a clear Vision of his eternal Beauty and as great a Fruition of his Godhead as we shall be capable of in a State of full Contentment Joy and Blessedness 5. If there be a Temple in the other World then there are Priests and there will be a Ministration But now Heaven is often represented as a Temple As the Temple under the Law was a Type of Christ in whom the Fulness of the Godhead dwelt bodily and a Type of the Church in which God manifesteth his Power and Presence So also it was a Type of Heaven and so frequently applied As in the Temple there were three Partitions the outward Court the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies so is there the airy Heaven the starry Heaven and the Heaven of Heavens as it is called Acts 3.21 Whom the Heavens must receive until the times of Restitution of all things And the third Heaven 2 Cor. 12.2 I knew a Man in Christ above fourteen Years ago such an one caught up to the third Heaven This third Heaven the Seat of God and of the blessed Saints is often called the holiest with Respect to the Type in the Temple or Sanctuary Therefore that is called a worldly Sanctuary Heb. 9.1 and holy Places made with Hands which are the Figures of the true that is Heaven it self ver 24. The earthly or worldly Sanctuary was the Throne and Palace of God residing as a King in the midst of his People which figured or shadowed a more excellent Throne and Palace which is Heaven where God doth manifest his Presence in a far more glorious manner Well then in this Temple must we minister and be admitted to a nearer Attendance upon God 6. One great Part of our Sacrifices and Oblations remaineth everlastingly to be done by us and that is the Sacrifice of Praise and Thanksgiving it is a great Branch of the Thank-offerings of the Gospel Heb. 13.15 By him therefore let us offer the Sacrifice of Praise to God continually that is the Fruit of our Lips giving Thanks to his Name And in Heaven they cease not Prayer suiteth more with our imperfect State when we are compassed about with divers Infirmities and Necessities But the Angels praise God and so do the blessed Spirits We shall then have a fuller Sense of the Mercies and Goodness of God when our Redemption is full and compleat and a clearer Sight of his Excellencies when we see him Face to Face Here we do but tune our Instruments and prepare for the Work of Heaven but then we perform it We are here but as Learners when we see God by Faith and understand a little of the Love of Christ but then as Practisers Therefore certainly to be Kings and Priests unto God doth not respect the present Life only but our Ministration in the heavenly Temple There is a for ever always affixed to the Doxologies
ever with the Lord and ministring in his Presence have more of the Divine Nature communicated unto us 5. There is the unanimous Conjunction of all the Saints in the Praises of God or a joining in Consort without jarring or difference The Apostle biddeth us Rom. 15.6 with one Mind and with one Mouth to glorify God even the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ. It is our Duty but never performed to the full but when we meet together in that great 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that Council of Souls or the General Assembly and Church of the First-born which the Apostle describeth Heb. 12.23 The Spirits of just Men made perfect or consecrated It is comfortable to join in Worship with the People of God now Moses preferred it with Afflictions before all the Riches and Honours and Pleasures he enjoyed in Egypt Heb. 4.24 Choosing rather to suffer Affliction with the People of God than to enjoy the Pleasures of Sin for a Season But then is the Communion of Saints compleated when all are admitted to the Vision and clearest Knowledg of God and have the most perfect Adherence and Love to him Now what an happy Time will that be when we and all the holy Ones of God shall with the same enlarged Affection set about the same Work As our Groans here made but one Sound and our conjoined Tears but one Stream and our united Desires but one Prayer so all our Praises then shall make but one Melody and Harmony If it be an Happiness to live with the Saints in their Imperfection when Sin doth often imbitter their Society surely it is an Happiness to live with them for ever when they are purged and freed from Sin and fully consecrated and fitted to minister before the Lord. 6. To think of God and to rejoice in his Glory and to love and praise him will be our great Imployment There we shall be intent upon our Choice and noble Work which is praising and lauding God Psal. 84.4 Blessed are they that dwell in thy House they are still praising thee Praises now are a part of our Sacrifices and must be mingled with our Prayers Phil. 4.6 In every thing by Prayer and Supplication with Thanksgiving let your Requests be known unto God So Rev. 5.8 The four Beasts and four and twenty Elders fell down before the Lamb having every one of them Harps and golden Vials full of Odours which are the Prayers of the Saints Harps signify their Praises and Thanksgivings Here it cometh in by way of Mixture but there it is our sole Imployment There is no need of Prayers for there are no Sins nor Wants nor Necessities there all is Praise David calleth upon the Angels to bless the Lord Psal. 103.20 to tell us what they do And when a Multitude of them descended at Christ's Birth Luke 2.13 14. they presently fell a lauding and praising God Glory be to God in the Highest It is the Opinion of the ancient Hebrews that every Day they sing Praises to God and that in the Morning this they gather from Gen. 32.6 Let me go for the Day breaketh Which Place the Targum of Ierusalem thus explaineth Let me go for the Pillar of the Morning ascends and behold the Hour approacheth that the Angels are to sing This was their Opinion Sure we are that the Angels bless God and that in an eminent manner as appeareth by frequent Passages of Scripture where they are called upon to bless the Lord for though the Speech be in the Imperative Mood as if it were hortatory yet it is to be expounded by the Indicative as Narrative of what the Angels do Particularly we read they blessed God for his own Excellence Isa. 6.1 2 3. In the Year that King Uzzia died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a Throne high and lifted up and his Train filled the Temple Above it stood the Seraphims each one had six Wings with twain he covered his Face and with twain he covered his Feet and with twain he did fly And one cried unto another and said Holy holy holy is the Lord of Hosts the whole Earth is full of his Glory For the Creation Iob 38.4 5 6 7. Where wast thou when I laid the Foundations of the Earth declare if thou hast Vnderstanding Who hath laid the Measures thereof if thou knowest or who hath stretched the Line upon it Whereupon are the Foundations thereof fastned or who laid the Corner-stone thereof When the Morning-Stars sang together and all the Sons of God shouted for Ioy. For the Nativity of Christ Luke 2.13 14. And suddenly there was with the Angel a Multitude of the heavenly Host praising God and saying Glory to God in the highest on Earth Peace good Will toward Men. So they blessed Christ Rev. 5.11 12. I beheld and I heard the Voice of many Angels round about the Throne and the Beasts and the Elders and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands saying with a loud Voice Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive Power and Riches and Wisdom and Strength and Honour and Glory and Blessing Though they cannot fully comprehend God yet they do it far more clearly than we They apprehend God's Excellency and Perfection in himself they know also the Excellency of his Works Creation and Providence and the Redemption of Mankind Then we shall know as we are known 1 Cor. 13.12 and understand the Faithfulness of God's Conduct in bringing us to Glory O blessed Time when we shall fall upon the Work of Angels when we shall have a sublime Understanding to know God an Heart to love him and a Mouth to praise him for evermore We shall not need any Excitement but be willing and ready to do it We have greater cause of blessing God than the Angels have It is a question whether an innocent or a penitent Person is more bound to thank God An innocent Man is bound to praise God in respect of the Greatness of the Benefit and the Continuance of it but a penitent Man in respect of the Freeness and Graciousness of it The Freeness and Graciousness is much more conspicuous towards Men. God was indeed good and bountiful to the Angels creating them out of nothing endowing them with many excellent Gifts But to Man sinful was God good indeed he loved us as Enemies when his Justice offended by Sin put a Bar to our Salvation he spared not his beloved Son but delivered him to a cursed Death in our Room and Stead Secondly To exhort us to prepare our selves for this Estate And let us labour that we may be such as may be counted meet to minister before the Lord in his Heavenly Temple To this End 1. Let us hasten the Acts which belong to our Consecration and attend upon them with more Seriousness which is the cleansing of the Soul from the Guilt and Stain of Sin From the Guilt of Sin Rom. 5.1 2. Therefore being justified by Faith we
have Peace with God through our Lord Iesus Christ. By whom also we have Access by Faith unto this Grace wherein we stand and rejoice in Hope of the Glory of God Comfortable Access to God here in the World depends upon our Justification the more clear that is the more we are fitted to come before the Lord. From the Stain of Sin Matth. 5.8 Blessed are the pure in Heart for they shall see God Though all see enough of God to Satisfaction these see more than others do Therefore the more we cleanse our selves from all Filthiness of Flesh and Spirit the more of God shall we see and the sooner shall we be admitted into his blessed Presence It was an old Observation even among the Heathens 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 That he whom God loveth dieth young Not that all that die young are beloved of God But ordinary Observation will teach you this that let a Man more than ordinarily improve in Purity of Heart though God may lend him to the World for an Example for some time yet they are taken to God sooner than others or if they are continued in the World they are continued under more Weaknesses and do with more Earnestness expect their Translation to the everlasting Priesthood 2. Let us begin our Sacrifices and discharge our Priestly Office now and perform all the Duties which belong to our Ministration with more Fidelity Some of our Duties are proper only to the present State as consecrating our selves to God and using our selves for God that is out of date then for our Consecration is over before we come there It is undeniable that the blessed Spirits all live to God Luke 20.38 He is not a God of the Dead but of the Living for all live unto him But there is no need of giving up our selves to God for then we possess God Mercy is useless in an Estate where Misery cannot approach therefore now it must be exercised None are Priests in Heaven but those that have acted the Priests part upon Earth But Praise holds good now and then too Psal. 107.22 Let us sacrifice the Sacrifices of Thanksgiving and declare his Works with rejoicing This is to tune our Instruments and to be fitting our selves for our everlasting Work 3. Let us be more frequent and often with God For the Throne of Grace is the very Porch of Heaven by it we pass to the Throne of Glory Surely that Life upon Earth is best which is likest to the Life of Heaven Psal. 84.10 For a Day in thy Courts is better than a thousand I had rather be a Door-keeper in the House of my God than to dwell in the Tents of Wickedness Prayer giveth us the nearest Familiarity which a Man in Flesh can have with God and is the best Preparation for our Entrance upon our everlasting Priesthood A Man acquainted with a God before-hand is not to seek for a God to pray to when he cometh to die nor for a Mediator to intercede for him nor for a Spirit of Adoption to fly to God as a reconciled Father Having been frequently entertained and accepted by God he can the better resign his Spirit into his Hands and with more Confidence wait for this nearer Attendance Alas to go out of the World into unknown and unseen Regions where we are wholly Strangers how sad is that Who will venture into the Ocean who hath not learned to swim in the shallow Brooks and Streams Communion with God in a way of Grace is the way to Communion with him in a way of Glory We go to see him Face to Face whom we have seen by the Eye of Faith to live with him in Heaven with whom we have lived upon Earth Species non laetificat in Patria quem fides non consolatur in via Sight will not be joyful to him in Heaven whom Faith hath not comforted upon Earth He that hath often heard and accepted us will not reject us Thirdly Let us be more apprehensive of the Greatness of the Privilege of drawing nigh to God that we may improve it accordingly The Priests were sanctified to draw nearer to God than the common People and imployed in his holy Service yea Nearness of Ministration before the Lord is the Felicity of the Glorified How must we improve it 1. Partly to be ashamed of our Lothness to draw nigh to God and our Weariness of his special Service O let us not shun God as an Enemy and be loth to come into his special Presence or backward to converse with him 2. To Thankfulness to our Redeemer It was purchased by the Blood of Jesus Heb. 10.19 Having therefore Brethren Boldness to enter into the Holiest by the Blood of Iesus We may be the more confident of drawing nigh to him in a way of Grace for he hath purchased also our Entrance into Glory Ephes. 3.12 In whom we have Boldness and Access with Confidence by the Faith of him Vse 3. Comfort 1. Against present Weaknesses in Duty There will be a Time when we shall more perfectly express our Thanksgiving to God 2. Against Troubles and Sufferings It must be so now that we may be conformed to our Head but no Molestation should be an Impediment in our Work 3. Against Death It should make us willing to die that we may minister before the Lord. If David so longed for the Injoyment of God in the earthly Temple Psal. 63.1 2. O God! thou art my God early will I seek thee my Soul thirsteth for thee my Flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty Land where no Water is to see thy Power and thy Glory so as I have seen thee in the Sanctuary How much more Cause have we to long for the time when we shall be made Priests to him for ever SERMONS UPON LEVITICVS XIX 17 SERMON I. LEVIT XIX 17 Thou shalt not hate thy Brother in thy Heart thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy Neighbour and not suffer Sin upon him I Am to speak to you at this time concerning Christian and Brotherly Reproof Our first Care should be that we are not Sinners our selves Our next that we partake not of the Sins of others which may not only be by counselling and abetting their evil Actions but also by a faulty Connivance and Silence when the Glory of God and Love to our Neighbours Souls do loudly call upon us to mind them of their Duty and warn them of their Danger To this End I have made choice of this Scripture Thou shalt not hate c. Where take notice First Of the Removal of the Impediment Thou shalt not hate thy Brother in thy Heart Secondly An earnest Excitement of the Duty of Reproof Thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy Neighbour Thirdly A Reason to enforce it Thou shalt not suffer Sin upon him or that thou bear not Sin for him First A Removal of the Impediment or Hindrance Thou shalt not hate thy Brother in thy Heart Hatred is forbidden when Rebuke or
its present Estate Therefore every Man if there be not a Life after Death is bound to seek the Preservation and Continuance of this Life above all things in the World besides and to do that no Device would be dishonest or Practice amiss But all they that have ever heard of the Name of Vertue abhor this Principle as base and odious That a Man should make what shift he can though never so base and wicked to maintain and save his Life no Means used to this end are to be accounted foul for nothing is so ill as Death nothing so good as Life But if this would destroy all Honesty and Vertue then certainly we have Hopes and Fears of another Life If you will say No Vertue is a sufficient Recompence to it self at what rate soever it be purchased and maintained yet what is there to countervail all the Losses and Grievances it exposeth us unto such as the loss of Life and Limbs Vertue is a sufficient Reward to it self Spe non Re in Hope not in the Thing it self but so far as 't is the only way to everlasting Communion with God who is our exceeding great Reward or so far as the assured Hope of a better Life after Death is inseparably connexed to the constant Practice of Godliness in this Life And to do Good merely for Goodness sake without any Eye or Respect to the Reward is a Strain of Devotion contrary to that Doctrine which is taught us by Christ and his Apostles 3. With respect to Man's Comfort and Solace in his Troubles which ariseth from reflecting on our future Reward when all things go across to us here Comfort one another with these Words saith the Apostle 1 Thess. 4.18 Now what Words were those The Belief of a blessed Resurrection of those that died in or for the Lord that is by occasion of the Faith of Christ he thought that Consideration sufficient to yield Matter of Comfort or Support to them These are Consolations proper to Christians because they are sure as depending upon Christ's Word and they are congruous and sutable because their Hearts are set upon these things not upon a vain World but a blessed and glorious Estate that Christ hath offered and himself is entred into and when we get thither our Affections will be satisfied Desires granted and Hopes fulfilled So that still the Apostle's Reasoning is strong If in this Life only we have Hope in Christ we are of all Men most miserable For our Consolations which are fetched from the other World are our proper Consolations 4. With respect to the Credit and Esteem of God's Servants in the World It is neither for the Glory of God nor the Safety of his People that the most eminent Vertue and Goodness should lie under perpetual Infamy God's Servants do not only suffer hard things but their Names are cast forth as evil Now this is not for the Honour of God because it reflects upon him when the Children of Wisdom are represented as Sons of Folly in checking their Lusts venturing their Interests and renouncing their All for their Fidelity to Christ as if they did foolishly in running into such Inconveniences when they might spare themselves and sleep in a whole Skin Now it is a great Dishonour to God that his wisest and most faithful Servants should be accounted Fools and an humorous odd sort of Men that needlesly trouble themselves and others This hardneth the World in Sin and would quench and destroy all Zeal for God if there were not a time coming when the Wisdom of the World shall be seen to be the greatest Folly and that there are no such Fools as those that imploy their greatest Abilities in attaining present Pleasure Profit and Preferment but those are the wisest Adventurers who have sold all to promote the Glory of God and gain Christ who look not upon things as they appear now to the sensual and deluded World but as they will be found at the last Day when all things shall be seen in their own proper Colours Neither is it for the Safety of the Saints who though they seek nothing but the Publick Good are traduced as the Troublers of Israel and their Way condemned as factious Singularity Therefore it is a great Satisfaction that we have hopes that things shall be reviewed and that which is good be restored to its publick Honour and the Godly who prize a good Name above all earthly Interests shall have their Faith found to Praise and Honour and Glory 1 Pet. 1.7 That the Trial of your Faith being much more precious than of Gold that perisheth though it be tried with Fire might be found unto Praise and Honour and Glory at the Appearing of Iesus Christ. Vse 1. It sheweth us how much it concerneth us to be assured of the future Estate It is the Life of our Religion it bindeth our Duty upon us by the strictest Tie and doth also establish our true and proper Comfort If we may have hope of better things from Christ in another World not only in our Calamities but by our Calamities we should not have such dark and doubtful Thoughts about Eternal Blessedness but live more in the clear Foresight of it by Faith and the Foretaste of it by Hope especially should this support us in two Cases in sharp Afflictions and in Death 1. In sharp Afflictions We are apt to take scandal and offence at the Sufferings that befal us for Righteousness sake but consider not only the Promises of Christ but that our very Persecution is an Argument of our final Deliverance The opposition of ungodly and unrighteous Adversaries is to them an evident Token of Perdition but to you of Salvation and that of God Phil. 1.28 That they are wretched and obdurate People and run on to their own Destruction but that you are sincere and penitent Believers who are not drawn away from your Fidelity to Christ by any Terrors whatsoever It is not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not only an Argument to confirm the Hopes of the Gospel but a Mark and Token of your Sincerity it confirmeth your Right Well then though our Afflictions be smart and grievous let us comfort our selves with these Hopes You are not to look to present things but future not to what is applauded in the World but what Opinion Christ will have of them at the last not to what you feel now but what you shall enjoy hereafter Though all things appear with Pomp and Glory on the World's side and Terror to the Saints yet this Scene is soon withdrawn and present Time is quickly past like a Dream or piece of Phantastry and then there is an utter Inversion of things Shame is on the Wickeds side and Honour put upon the Saints and the Shame and Glory are both eternal and when they enter into everlasting Torments we enter into our Master's Joy and the Children of God that are derided and vilified in the World are then approved and justified
by Christ and it shall be plainly seen that they have chosen the better Part that have chosen the Faith and Patience and Holiness of the Saints 2. In Death This is a Comfort suted to that time When you die you may commend your Souls to Christ as Stephen Acts 7.59 Lord Iesus receive my Spirit God trusted Christ with Souls from all Eternity they were given him by way of Charge and Reward and you may trust him for he is able to make good his Trust 2 Tim. 1.12 I know whom I have believed and I am perswaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that Day If they are consecrated they may be committed And you may dismiss your Bodies to the Grave there to rest in Hope Acts 2.26 Moreover also my Flesh shall rest in Hope Acts 24.15 And have Hope towards God that there shall be a Resurrection of the Dead both of the Iust and Vnjust So Acts 26.6 7 8. And now I stand and am judged for the Hope of the Promise made of God unto our Fathers Vnto which Promise our twelve Tribes instantly serving God day and night hope to come For which Hope sake King Agrippa I am accused of the Iews Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you that God should raise the Dead Death seemeth to make void all the Promises at once but there is an Estate after Death The Dead shall rise and to Men bred up in the Church this should not seem incredible It is not incredible in it self considering the Justice and Power of God and this should not seem incredible to us since all Religion tendeth to it but rather you should entertain it as a Matter of undoubted Certainty All true Believers do look and long for and prepare for this Blessedness otherwise why should they trouble themselves about Religion which abridgeth them of present Delights and often exposeth them to great Difficulties and Sufferings But there is another Life which is happy and joyful and therefore we serve God instantly day and night Vse 2. That it concerneth us to see this blessed Estate not only by the Light of Faith but Reason Though the Light of Scripture be more sure and clear yet the Light of Nature hath its use Nature saith It may be Faith It shall be yet the Light of Nature must not be rejected 1. Because Things seen in a double Light work the more strongly upon us as our Affections are stirred more by a double Consideration than a single As Paul said of Onesimus to Philemon that he was dear to him but much more dear to him both in the Flesh and in the Lord ver 16. as being one of his Faith and one of his Family So this worketh upon our Faith when even Nature teacheth us that it is reasonable to expect such a Retribution then all vain Cavils are refuted All have not received the Light of Scripture at least with such Veneration and Reverence as they ought to do to such the Light of Nature is a preparative Inducement either to believe or to believe it more firmly Nay the Children of God have not such a steady Belief of the Life to come as they ought to have especially in time of Temptation as the time of grievous and bitter Persecution is Surely we need all the Succour and Relief which the nature of the thing will afford Evil is present and pressing and our great Hopes are to come surely then besides the Grounds of Faith we must study the Helps of Faith The Grounds of Faith are the Promises of the Gospel the Helps of Faith are such Demonstrations and Evidences as the Light of Nature will afford in the case Therefore Reason must be allowed to be an Handmaid to Faith 2. Because by this means a Temptation is turned into an Argument Men doubt of the Being of God of Providence and the future Estate because of the Afflictions of the Good and this is one means to settle you in the belief of these things It is good to observe how differently Men will reason from the same Principles for the Wicked draw another Conclusion hence either that there is no God or he hath no respect to Humane Affairs or that all things are governed by Chance or the like So elsewhere you may see what contrary and different Conclusions the Carnal and the Spiritual draw from the same Premises as David infers the immutable Certainty of God's Promises Psal. 119.89 90 91. For ever O Lord thy Word is settled in Heaven thy Faithfulness is unto all Generations Thou hast established the Earth and it abideth They continue this day according to thine Ordinance But the Scoffers said Where is the Promise of his Coming For since the Fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of the Creation 2 Pet. 3.4 Because the Frame of Nature had kept one constant Tenour and Course they plead for the Eternity of the World and the Falshood of the Promises but David was hereby confirmed in the belief of God's Constancy and Fidelity So from the Brevity of Life see the different Conclusions drawn from hence 1 Cor. 7.29 30. The Time is short it remaineth that both they that have VVives be as if they had none and they that weep as though they wept not and they that rejoice as though they rejoiced not and they that buy as though they possessed not and they that use the VVorld as not abusing it On the contrary 1 Cor. 15.32 Let us eat and drink for to morrow we shall die So from the Grace of God Iude v. 4 Turning the Grace of God into Lasciviousness Compared with Rom. 6.1 Shall we continue in Sin that Grace may abound So also 2 Sam. 7.2 I dwell in an House of Cedar but the Ark of God dwelleth within Curtains Observe the Workings of David's Heart The Lord hath built me a stately House but what have I done for God But those Wretches Hag. 1.2 This People say The time is not come the time that the Lord's House should be built So 1 Sam. 3.18 It is the Lord let him do what seemeth him good Compared with 2 Kings 6.33 Behold this Evil is of the Lord why should I wait for the Lord any longer See Prov. 26.9 As a Thorn goeth up into the Hand of a Drunkard so is a Parable in the Mouth of Fools All is as the Heart is 3. Because if the perverse Carriage of Things now be not a Confirmation to your Faith it will at least be an help to your Meditation Improve the Argument as it was set forth before by your most serious Thoughts thus Surely there is a God he is wise holy just and good and would not impose Duty upon a Man but he hath Encouragements and Rewards to quicken him to the performance of it Few Christians are so firm and strong in believing but they may find it a Prop to their Faith Certainly all are so barren of
to worldly Comforts and Love of Ease and Flesh-pleasing and Ingratitude for all the Spiritual Good we have received Shall God lay in such great Comforts and after such great Receivings do you take it ill to be put to a little Expence Iob 15.11 Are the Consolations of God small with thee If you had a due sence of the World to come you would be glad to keep your Conscience thô you lose your Coat Hebr. 10.34 Ye took joyfully the spoiling of your goods knowing in your selves that ye have in Heaven a better and an enduring substance Rom. 8.18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us Do you look for a Glory to be revealed in you Then look upon all the Sufferings of this Life as a Feather put into the Scales against a Talent We are to have a sense of our Condition yet in regard of the Honour done to us to bear a part of Christ's Cross and in regard of the Comfort and Happiness provided for us we should be chearful that it may not be known to be an unwilling Patience and extorted by force There is one Expression more Luke 9.23 Let him take up his Cross daily How daily There are fair days as well as foul days and the Face of Heaven doth not always look sad and lowring How then are we to take up the Cross daily I Answer 1. It notes a daily expectation of it the first day that we begin to be Christians we must reckon on the Cross. Mat. 16.24 If any man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his Cross and follow me These words are the Christians Indenture and every one must Seal to this before he can call Christ Master As Porters stand in a Street waiting for a Burden for them to carry so must a Christian be ready and prepared to meet with any hardship which God may lay out for him in his Christian Course Or as the Israelites eat the first Passeover with their loins girded their shooes on their feet and their staff in their hand Exod. 12.11 as ready for a Journey so should a Christian be ready to go forth at God's Call Acts 21.13 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I am ready not to be bound only but also to dye at Ierusalem for the Name of the Lord Iesus Evils familiarized are less burdensome by renewing our daily Resolution the evil is the less when it cometh 2. The Frequency of our Conflicts as if every day there were some exercise for our Faith and Patience We are not to prescribe to God how long or how much Affliction he shall exercise us with No thô it were all the days of our Lives we must be content it is but a moment to Eternity We must take up our Cross as often as it lyeth in our way and we cannot baulk it without Sin Gen. 47.9 Few and evil have the days of the years of my life been Man is Born to Trouble The World is a Valley of Tears not the Mount of the Lord where is fulness of Joy If there were no Cross we should not be in Tune and Consort with the rest of the World for here all the Creatures are a groaning 3. The Word Daily sheweth That private and personal Calamities are a part of the Cross as well as the Afflictions of the Gospel and for the Profession of the Name of Christ. Afflictions are either for God or from God Sickness and Death of Friends and loss of Estate by an immediate Providence are a part of our Cross There is an enduring Persecution for the Name of Christ and an enduring Affliction at the Will of Christ. Ordinary Crosses do not exclude the Comforts of Christianity these occasion Experience of God and Tryal of Grace and are a part of God's Discipline for the mortifying of Sin and are happy opportunities to discover more of God and of Grace to us Yea there is more Reason for Submission in these because God taketh us into his own hands A Man that stormeth when a Bucket of water is cast upon him is patient when he is wet with the Rain that cometh from Heaven II. The Reasons why those that follow Christ should prepare their Shoulders for the Cross. 1. That we may be conformed to our Head He had a bitter Cup tempered for him by his Father's hand Iohn 18.11 The Cup that my Father hath given me shall I not drink it and we must pledge him Jesus Christ was a Man of Sorows and acquainted with grief Isa. 53.3 And there would be a strange disproportion between Head and Members if we should altogether live in Delicacy Ease and Pleasures The bitter Cup goeth by course and round first to Christ then to his Apostles and it goeth from hand to hand ever since The Apostle speaks of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Col. 1.24 that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ. There is Christ personal and Christ mystical Christ personal as he is compleat in himself so his Sufferings are compleat but the Sufferings of Christ mystical are not perfect until every Member have their own allotted share and portion Indeed our Sufferings are but the drops upon the brim of the Cup he drank up the Dreggs The great Wave of Affliction did first beat upon him and being thereby broken some small sprinklings of it do light upon us we bear the hinder part of the Cross of Christ. It is but Reason that those that will partake with Christ in his Kingdom should be partakers with him in his Sorrows and that the Souldiers should follow the Captain of their Salvation Heb. 2.10 and fare as he fared Iohn 15.20 Remember the word that I said unto you the Servant is not greater than the Lord if they have persecuted me they will also persecute you We cannot in Reason expect better entertainment than he found in the World If you had an high esteem of Christ and a low esteem of your selves you would easily consent to submit to the Will of God herein It is an unseemly daintiness to be nice and tender of carrying the Cross after Jesus Christ as if we were better than he Many Christians will seem to express much Devotion to a Crucifix or those Chips of Wood which Impostors cry up for pieces of the Cross of Christ but here is true respect to the Cross of Christ to be willing for Christ's sake to bear afflictions with patience and humble submission The Apostle counted all things but dross and dung Phil. 3.10 That I may know him and the power of his Resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings being made conformable to his death There is a great deal of sweetness and spiritual Comfort in suffering after for and with Christ we should count all things dung and dross to gain this Experience This should be comfort enough to a gracious heart that thereby he is made more like his
Lord and Master 2. Because of the World's hatred Ioh. 15.19 If ye were of the World the World would love it● own but because ye are not of the World but I have chosen you out of the World therefore the World hateth you A thorough Christian will be sure to meet with opposition we are told 2 Tim. 3.12 Yea and all that will live godly in Christ Iesus shall suffer Persecution If a Man will be lukewarm not caring how things goe he may find Frien●dship with the World but he that hath any Zeal and Conscience and would be faithful the World will hate him as an Object reviving guilt 1 Ioh. 3.12 Not as Cain who was of that wicked one and slew his Brother and wherefore slew he him because his own works were evil and his Brothers righteous The Spiritual and Carnal Seed cannot agree Gal. 4.29 For as then he that was born after the Flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit so it is now 3. It is needful in order to our following Christ that our Pride and Carnal Affections should be broken by the Cross 1 Pet. 1.6 Now for a Season if need be ye are in heaviness through manfold Temptations There is a need of the Cross to reclaim us from our wanderings to cut off the Provisions and Fuel of our Lusts to make us mindful of heavenly things and that we may retreat to our great Priviledges and to humble us for sin to stir us up to Prayer and to wean us from the World Tribulatio tam nobis necessaria est quàm ipsa vita immo magis necessaria multò utilior quàm totius mundi opes dignitates Affliction is as necessary to us as Life it self yea more necessary and profitable than all the Wealth and Honours of the World And therefore being so necessary and profitable for us we should be willing to take up the Cross. 1 VSE Is of Information It informeth us 1. With what Thoughts we should take up the stricter Profession of Christianity namely with expectations of the Cross. We cannot but expect great inconveniencies and troubles in Christ's Service therefore let us not flatter our selves Many think they may be good Christians and yet live a Life of Ease and Peace free from Troubles and Afflictions This is all one as if a Souldier going to the Wars should promise himself Peace and continual Truce with the Enemy or as if a Mariner committing himself to the Sea for a long Voyage should promise himself nothing but fair Weather and a calm Season without Waves and Storms so irrational it is for a Christian to promise himself a Life of Ease and Rest here upon Earth 2. That a Christian had need be a Mortified and Resolute Man 1. A Mortified weaned Man That which is la●e is soon turned out of the way Heb. 12.13 If we have any weak part in our Souls there the assault will be most strong and fierce A Garrison that looketh to be Besieged takes Care to fortifie the weak places and where there is any suspition of Entrance so should a Christian mortifie every corrupt Inclination lest it betray him be it Love of Honour Pleasure or Profit 2. He had need be a resolved Man his Feet shod with the Preparation of the Gospel of Peace Eph. 6.15 or else in hard ways he will soon founder and halt That 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that Preparation is a resolved mind to go through thick and thin and to follow Christ in all Conditions Well then it is no easie matter to be a Christian indeed Nature in the general is against bearing the Cross Christ himself his Humane Nature recoyled and shunned it without sin and to us it is more grievous to suffer Heb. 12.11 No affliction for the present seemeth to be joyous but grievous And besides Lusts if they be not purged out will tempt us to stumble and we need to be armed with great Resolution or else after we have launched out into the deep with Christ we shall be ready to run ashoar again Now most Christians are not mortified and so they trip up their own heels Most Christians are not resolute and do but take up Religion as a Walk for Recreation not as a Journey so as to be prepared for all Weathers 3. What Fools they are that take up Religion upon a Carnal Design of Ease and Plenty in the World they quite mistake it There are Inconveniencies that attend Religion in peaceable times but the Profession will afterwards engage us in the greater troubles and therefore Men do but make way for the shame of a Change and other Inconveniencies to themselves that hope for temporal Commodity by the Profession of the Gospel The great drift of the Gospel is to draw us off from the Comfort of this World to the Concernments of a better and to bring us to follow a naked Christ upon unseen Encouragements therefore they that have Temporal things in their Eye quite change the Nature of the Gospel and make Christ another Christ. 4. That the course which Christ taketh to draw in Proselytes is quite different from that of Satan and the World Satan sheweth us the Bait and hideth the Hook but Christ telleth us the worst at first The World useth to invite followers with Promises of Honours and Riches and Christ telleth us not of the Crown but the Cross Why so partly to discourage Hypocrites who will come and cheapen and taste but will not buy Christ will not deceive them but have them count the Charges Partly to forearm his People that they account afflictions will come and prepare accordingly We entered upon the ways of Godliness on these Terms to be willing to suffer Afflictions when the Lord seeth fit and therefore we should arm our selves with a mind to endure them whether they come or no. God never intended Isaac should be sacrificed yet he will have Abraham lay the Knife to his throat Partly because Sorrows foreseen leave not so sad an impression upon the spirit the evil is more familiarized before it cometh Iob 3.25 For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me and that which I was afraid of is come unto me When we suffer our fears to prophesie and do expect evils they smart less praecogitati mali mollis ictus but when they come unlooked for it is the more burdensome He saith his Lesson best that often conned it over Partly because it allayeth the offence when we see nothing befalleth us but what we were warned of before-hand Ioh. 16.1 These things have I spoken to you that ye should not be offended And Ver. 4. But these things have I told you that when the time shall come ye may remember that I told you of them The Scripture speaketh nothing at random we pretend to believe them when they are read and yet we complain when they are fulfilled For all these Reasons it is necessary that those that will be Christ's Disciples must be