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A51839 XVIII sermons on the second chapter of the 2d Epistle to the Thessalonians containing the description, rise, growth, and fall of Antichrist : with divers cautions and arguments to establish Christians against the apostacy of the Church of Rome : very necessary for these times / by that late reverend and learned divine, Thomas Manton ... Manton, Thomas, 1620-1677. 1679 (1679) Wing M522; ESTC R7577 216,743 470

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that the condition of the Wicked should be changed yet there is no Reason at all why the state of the Godly should be changed who have past the Pikes and are triumphing with God that they should ever lose that Estate again 2. They depend on everlasting Foundations such as are these 1. The everlasting Love of God Psal. 103.17 The Mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on them that fear him Not only from the beginning of the World to the end of the World but from Eternity to Eternity It was an ordinary Form of praising God in the Old Testament for his Mercy endureth for ever 2. The everlasting Merit of Christ which never loseth its force and effect Heb. 9.12 He hath obtained eternal Redemption for us Not that Christ is always propitiating No the Work was performed in a short time but the Virtue of it is of everlasting continuance 3. There is an eternal and unchangeable Covenant Heb. 13.20 Through the Blood of the everlasting Covenant Though the Covenant made with Israel was abolished yet this is everlasting and continueth for ever and shall never be altered because it was able to reach the end for which it was appointed which is the eternal Salvation of Man That was a Temporary Covenant this Eternal Now because this is the main Circumstance and the next ground of our eternal Consolation the Covenant of Life and Peace that God hath made with us in Christ I shall prove the eternal truth and immutable constancy of this Covenant That a Promise be immutable certain and firm three things are required 1. That it be seriously and heartily made with a purpose to perform it 2. That he that hath promised continue in his purpose without change of Mind 3. That it be in the power of him that promiseth to perform what he hath promised Now of all these things there can be no doubt 1. God meaneth as he speaketh when he promiseth to give eternal Life to those that believe and obey the Gospel There is no question but he is so minded when he sent the Lord Jesus Christ from Heaven to assure us of it by his Doctrine to die the Death to purchase it for us and afterward to rise again and enter into that Happiness that he spake of and assoon as he was ascended up on High gave gifts to Men to give notice of this blessed Estate to be had upon the Terms of his New Covenant his Spirit attesting the truth of it by divers Signs and Wonders partly to alarm the drowzy World to regard it and assure the incredulous World that it is no Fable and because they live not for ever did inspire those holy Men before they went out of the Body to write a Book of thi● Salvation for the use of the World in all Ages To think that God is not serious in all this yea to make him a Lyar indeed yea to establish a Falshood with the greatest solemnity and demonstration that can be offered to Mankind yea to make a Lye necessary not only to the Governing but Sanctifying of the World Surely then there is a truth in that great Promise which he hath promised us even Eternal Life 2. That God doth continue in his Purpose without change of Mind there is no doubt of it if we consider his Eternal and Unchangeable Nature Mal. 3.6 I am the Lord I change not James 1.17 With him is no variableness neither shadow of turning And what should alter his Purpose Doth he meet with any thing that he foresaw not or knew not before No This is a weakness incident to Man God doth never repent and call back his Grant which he hath by this condescending Act of Grace ensured to the Heirs of Promise 1 Sam. 15.29 The strength of Israel will not Lye nor Repent for he is not as Man that he should Repent Psal. 110.4 I have Sworn and will not Repent thou art a Priest for ever after the order of Melchisedek Christ is by Oath instated in full power of entertaining and blessing his Faithful Servants which shall never be retracted and reversed To take off all doubt he hath given double Assurance his Word and his Oath Heb. 6.17 18. God being willing more abundantly to shew unto the Heirs of Promise the Immutability of his Counsel confirmed it with an Oath That by two Immutable things wherein it is impossible for God to lie we might have strong Consolation who have fled for refuge to lay hold on the hope that it is set before us That we might know that the New Covenant is Unchangeable and Irrevokable and so our Comfort be the more strong certain and stable God was pleased to give sincere Believers this double Assurance by his Word and Oath having regard to our Infirmity and those many Doubts wherewith we are haunted about the World to come God hath ever bin tender of his Word above all that is famed or believed of him this is most conspicuous Psal. 138.2 Thou hast magnified thy Word above all thy Name And Matth. 24.35 Heaven and Earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away And an Oath is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and the Apostle tells us it is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 It is interposed usually indeed in a doubtful Matter But though here it needed not God would shew his extraordinary care for our Salvation We see his good Will in the Promise his solicitude in the Oath In short God wou●d never be so fast bound but that he doth and will still continue his purpose 3. That he is able to perform it Faith looks to that also for this was the ground and prop of Abraham's Faith Rom. 4.21 Being fully persuaded that what God had promised he was able to perform So must all Abraham's Children that would give glory to God in believing The Way of Salvation is so rare and mysterious and so many difficulties object themselves to our view that we are soon puddered unless we reflect upon the Power of God God is able to find out a way whereby Sinners may be reconciled our corrupt Hearts sanctified and our Sins subdued by his Spirit whereby his Interest in us may be preserved against the Assaults and Temptations of the Devil World and Flesh he is able to receive our Souls to himself after they flit out of the Body And finally He is able to raise our vile Bodies after they are eaten out by Worms and turned into Dust Phil. 3.21 Who shall change our vile Bodies that they may be like unto his own glorious Body according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself Matters of Faith being wholly or mainly future or to come and difficult to be performed And in the mean time we being exercise● with so many Trials an express belief of God's Power is necessary to convert such an obstinate Creature as Man is to sanctify such a sinful Creature to preserve us in the midst of
upon it so many errors in Doctrine corruptions in Worship and Tyranny in Government that if a man could be sa●ed he is saved but as by fire 1 Cor. 3.13 and no man that hath a care of his Soul wi●l either embrace Popery or continue in it where the way is plainest there are difficulties enough and the righteous are scarcely saved and therefore in a questionable way none should venture Worshipping of Angels and Saints departed and Images are no light thing Nor will a serious Christian chuse that way where the Doctrines of the Gospel are so exceedingly corrupted and there is such a manifest invasion of the Authority of Christ by c●allenging an Universal Headship over his Church without his leave and this maintained by errors and persecutions 3. We must distinguish of those that lived under Popery rather as Captives under this Tyranny than voluntary Subjects of this Kingdom of Antichrist As many holy men did in former times groaning and mourning under the abominations rather than countenancing and p●omoting them To these God speaketh when he said Rev. 18.4 Come out of her my people that ye be not partakers of her sins and that ye receive not of her plagues They were his people while they were there These were as those seven thousand in Israel that had not bowed the knee to Baal Rom. 11.4 4. There is a difference to be put between those that err in the simplicity of their hearts knowing no better and t●ose that withstand the light upon carnal reasons and will not retract their errors though convinced of the degeneration of Christianity For simple ignorance is not so damning as obstinate error Luke 12.48 But he that knew not and did commit things worthy of stripes shall be beaten with few stripes c. and 1 Tim. 1.13 But I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief The Scriptures many times condemn a way as a way of ruine but all in that way are not damned as John 4.22 Salvation is of the Iews There it is eminently dispensed and yet therefore it followeth not that all the Samaritans were damned Some among them though tainted with the errors of their Country might have such knowledge of the law of God and love to him as might be effectual to Salvation 5. We must distinguish between Papists so living and so dying many by Gods grace may have repentance conferred upon them at death and though they lived Papists might die as reformed Christians seeking Salvation by Christ alo●e in the way of true Faith and Repentance and so the Lord may manifest his compassion to them pardoning the errors of their lives 6. We must distinguish Times God might dispense with many in the times of universal darkness and Captivity more than he doth afterwards when the light of the Gospel breaketh forth and his Trumpet is sounded to call them forth Whosoever shall compare Iohn Fierus and Iohn Calvin will find they were assisted by the same Holy Spirit of God though the one lived and died a Papist and the o●●er was ●n eminent instrument in reforming t●e Church of God but an ignorant fear of separation from the Catholick Church caused many to do as they did but much more doth it hold good in the times before Our Fathers if alive would not have condemned us nor should we condemn them being dead before they had these advantages which we now enjoy Illi si reviviscerent c. saith Austi● in a like Case 7. We must distinguish between Popish Errors some are more Capital as Adorations of Images Inovocation of Saints Justification by the merit of Works Inhibition of the Scriptures c. others not so deadly as when too much reverence is given to Ecclesiastical Orders and Constitutions Penance Auricular Confession Fasting c. Now though the Case of a re●l Papist who is compleat in this mystery of I●i●uity and refuseth hateth persecuteth the truth offered be desperate yet the Lord ●ay in tender mercy accept of other devout Souls who yet live in that way if they hold the head and the foundation 1. Vse Let us not think Popery a light thing which the Lord so peremptorily threatneth Surely it is no li●●●e mercy that we are freed from it Therefore we should be thankful for the light we have and improve it well while we have it and hold it fast What hope soever we may have of men living in former times and foreign Countries where they knew no better but after such express warnings what hope can we have of English Papists considering the time when Rome is not grown better but worse and what was common opinion is now made an Article of Faith and when the truth is taught and so clearly manifested so that for any by their own voluntary choice to run into Popery it is a p●ain defection from Christ to Antichrist and wilfully to drink that poison which will be the bane and ruine of your Souls 2. The great reason why God sent this Judgment upon the Christian World is to punish those that received not the love of the T●uth Here I shall enquire 1. How many ways men ●ay be said not to receive the love of the ●ruth 2. How just their punishment is f●r such a sin 1. I● stating this sin 1. It is supposed that ●he truth and doctrine of Christ is made known to a people yea cometh among them with great Evidence Conviction and Authority For it is not the want of means but want of love that it is charged on them And the plenty of means aggravateth their fault and maketh their Condemnation the ●ore just John 3.19 This is the Condemnation that light is come into the world and men loved darkness more than light The truth was not for their turns but was contrary to their lusts and passions and prejudices and these they preferred before the light of the Gospel shining to them 2. That as inevidence of doctrine was not the cause of not receiving the truth so not bare weakness of understanding no it is not weakness but wilfulness which is here intimated not a defect of their minds but their hearts Joh. 8.15 Because I tell you the truth ye believe me not It was not weakness but prejudice hindred their believing They despised the grace of God yea hated it for their lusts sake Their lusts lie more in opposition to the truth than speculative doubts and errors Luke 16.14 And the Pharisees who were covetous when they heard all these things they derided him the words are blew their Noses at him The sensual carnal and ungodly World scorneth heavenly doctrine and pure Christianity is distasted by false Christians Err in mind err in heart 3. It is not enough to receive the truth in the light of it but we must also receive it in the love of it or it will do us no good To make the truth operative 1. Knowledge is necessary and also Faith and then Love Knowledge for without knowledge the
●e is Ephes. 5.27 That he might present it to himself a glorious Church not ●aving Spot or wri●kle or any such thing but that it should be Holy and without Blemish Then it is a glorious Church Christ hath done his whole Work Holiness is the Beauty of God himself Exod. 15.11 and puts an Excellency on us if we love it and imitate it Prov. 12.26 The Righteous is more excellent than his Neigbour But the way of the Wicked seduceth them We do not only excel other Men but we are more amiable in the sight of God Prov. 11.20 The Upright is his delight In short it is a part of Salvation it self and a Means to that which remaineth Act. 26.18 Inheritance among them which are Sanctified by Faith in Christ Iesus 3. Let us reflect upon our selves Have we God's Call Have we obeyed the Gospel This will clear up your Election to you 2 Pet. 1.10 Wherefore the rather Brethren give diligence to make your Calling and Election sure For if ye do these things ye shall never fall Do you find such a belief wrought in you by the Spirit as begins in brokenness of Heart and ends in Holiness for Christ came to call Sinners to Repentance Matth. 9.14 That is Men sensible of Sin to holiness of Heart and Life to return to God that we may first live to him and then with him 4. To improve the belief of the Glory promised 1. To sweeten Obedience or a c●●se of Holiness which for the present is so tedious to the Flesh. Now here is our Labour hereafter our Recompence 1 Cor. 5.58 Every day we should grow more meet for his Glory Col. 1.12 2. To a contempt of all Worldly Things good or evil If good many are pleased with this World 's good Things but have no affection to Spiritual and Heavenly Things Like the rebell●ous Israelites who more desired the Onions and Garlick of Egypt than the Milk and Honey of the Promised Land or the Celestial Manna Numb 11.5 6. Worse than Prodigals that rest satisfied with Husks of Swine than Bread which is in their Father's House They have their good Things Now we should remember we are called off from these Things from dreggy Contentments base Injoyments to the Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. 3. The evils of the World Crosses Afflictions After we have suffered a while the God of all Grace who hath called us unto his Eternal Glory by Christ Iesus make you perfect stablish strengthen settle you And 2 Tim. 2.11.12 It is a faithful saying For if we be dead with him we shall also live with him If we suffer we shall also reign with him Our Afflictions are both breves leves light and momentary 2 Cor. 4.17 For our light Affliction which is but for a moment worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of Glory Our sufferings are small if compared with the Reward The time short if compared with Eternity There is a two-fold Eternity that eternal Death which the Wicked must endure that eternal Life which we enter into This should sweeten all bitter Waters 4. To dispose and prepare us for Death The contemplation of Immortality hath left strong impressions on the Hearts of Heathens some Burnt themselves as impatient to tarry longer If a dark view vain hope cause this what should a sure Promise and Earnest of the Spirit do 2 Vse To the Called 1. Bless God for this Calling The woful Estate out of which we are called and the blessed E●t●te into which we are entered compared togeth●● should make us wonder 1 Pet. 2.9 Ye should shew forth the Praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous Light 2. Walk answerably Ephes. 4.1 I therefore the Prisoner of the Lord beseech you that ye walk worthy of the Vocation wherewith ye are called And 1 Thess. 2.12 That ye would walk worthy of God who hath called you unto his Kingdom and Glory SERMON XIII 2 Thess. 2.15 Therefore Brethren stand fast and hold the Traditions which ye have been taught whether by Word or our Epistle THE Apostle after he had comforted the Thessalonians he exhorteth them to constancy in the Truth what-ever temptations they had to the contrary The Comforts he propoundeth to them were taken 1. From their Election vers 13.2 From their Vocation vers 14. His Exhortation is to Perseverance Therefore Brethren c. In the words observe 1. The Illative Particle Therefore because God hath chosen you and called you and given you such advantages against Error and Seduction 2. The Duty inferred 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 stand fast It is a Military word you have the same in other places 1 Cor. 16.13 Watch ye stand ye fast c. Ephes. 6.14 Stand therefore having your Loins girt about with Truth The word intimateth Perseverance 3. The Means of Perseverance Hold the Traditions which you have bin taught whether by Word or our Epistle Where observe 1. The Act. 2. The Object 1. The Act 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 hold with strong hand The word implyeth a forcible holding against Assaults whether of Error or Persecution The Thessalonians were assaulted in both kinds the Heathens persecuted them and some were gone abroad that began the Mystery of Iniquity and were ready to pervert them 2. The Object which is propounded 1. By a common and general term The Traditions which ye have bin taught 2. By a distribution Whether by Word or our Epistle I. The common and general term The Traditions which ye have bin taught There are two sorts of Traditions Humane and Divine First Humane Traditions are certain external Observances instituted by Men and delivered from hand to hand from Progenitors to their Posterity These may be either besides or contrary to the Word of God 1. Beside the Word as the Institutions of the Family of the Rechabites in the observance of which from Father to Son they were so exact and punctual that God produceth their example to shame the disobedience of his People Ier. 35.6 7. Jonadab the Son of Rechab our Father commanded us saying Ye shall drink no Wine nor build Houses nor plant Vineyards c. 2. Contrary to the Word of God such as were those of the Pharisee● Matth. 15.2 Why transgress ye the Commandment of God by your Traditions Humane Inventions in Religion are contrary to and destructive of Divine Laws Secondly Traditions Divine Are either Heavenly Doctrines revealed by God or Institutions and Ordinances appointed by him for the use of the Church These are the Rule and Ground of our Faith Worship and Obedience The whole Doctrine of the Gospel is a Tradition delivered and conveyed to us by fit Messengers such as the Apostles were 1 Cor. 11.2 Now I praise you Brethren that ye remember me in all things and keep the Ordinances Marg. Traditions as I delivered them to you So that holding the Traditions is nothing else but perseverance in Apostolical Doctrine II. The Distribution that
3. Why it is to be sought of God 1. He only is able Rom. 16.25 Now to him that is of power to establish you according to my Gospel and the preaching of Iesus Christ c. Surely God never made a Creature too hard for himself He is able to d●f●at the Power of Enemies and to preserve ●is People in the midst of Temptations So Iude v●● 24. To him that is able to keep you from falling c. And He is able to keep that which I have committed to h●● 2 Tim. 1.12 The Saints gather much com●or● from this ●or it is a relief to their thoughts against the dread●ul and powerful opposi●ion of the World they have no reason to doubt of their Fath●r's Love That whi●h surprizeth thein is to see all the World against them It is the dreadfulness of power in the Temptation and sense of their own weakn●ss therefore the power of God is a fit relief to them 2. God is not very forward to cast you off when he hath a just cause to do it Your constant experience evidenceth this If he here had done so what had become of you long ago For you have given him abundant occasion you have wearied him with your Sins abused his Mercies and yet he hath not cast you off He hath not utterly forsaken you when you have turned the back upon him and have been ready to forsake him but hath kept you from Dangers and in Dangers yea called you to his Grace confirmed you hitherto why should you doubt of his Grace for the future 2 Cor. 1.10 Who delivered us from so great a death and doth deliver in whom we trust that he will yet deliver us 2 Tim. 4.17 18. Notwithstanding the Lord stood with me and strengthened me that by me the preaching might be fully known and that all the Gentiles might hear and I was delivered out of the Mouth of the Lion And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil Work and will preserve me unto his Heavenly Kingdom To whom be Glory for ever and ever Amen 3. He hath made Promises of Sustentation and ●●eservation Psal. 73.23 Nevertheless I am continually with thee thou hast holden me by my right-hand Though he fall he shall not be utterly cast down for God upholdeth him with his Hand If God hath promi●●d to preserve that Grac● which he hath once given should not we pray ●or the continuance of it with the ●ore encou●agement 4. The experience of the Saints Psal. 9● 18 When I said my foot slippeth thy Mercy O Lord held me up God's Manutenancy is there asserted Vse Is to press us at all times to look up to God for establishment But especially in two S●asons 1. When we begin to d●cline and grow more remiss and indifferent in the practice of Godliness If Grace be weak you must get it strengthened When you grow bolder in Sin and more strange to God and Jesus Christ and have little converse with him in the Spirit Oh! it is time to be ins●ant and earne●● with God that he would recover you Though you have embezled your Strength yet you have to do with ● Merciful God go to him for Help Psal. 17.5 Hold up my ●oings in thy Path that my foot-steps s●ip not You have ●orfeited the more plentiful aids o● Grace but beg h●m not to forsake you utterly You must confess the Sin but God must remedy the ●vil Psal. 119.133 Order my steps in thy Word and let not any Iniquity have dominion over me Lord I am apt to be led away with worldy Allurements my Spiritual Ta●●e is dis●empered with carnal Vanities But let not Iniquity have dominion over me 2. In unsettled Times when we are full of Fears and think we shall never hol● out in a holy Course God that keepeth us in times of Peace will hold us up in times of Trouble Psal. 16.8 I have set the Lord always before me because he is at my right hand I shall not be moved FINIS ADVERTISEMENT THere is lately Printed Twenty Select Sermons Preached by the late Reverend and Learned Divine Doctor Thomas Manton in Quarto published by Dr. William Bates