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A48868 The fifth book of the most pleasant and delectable history of Amadis de Gaule containing the first part of the most strange, valiant, and worthy acts of Esplandian, son to Amadis de Gaule ...; Amadís de Gaula (Spanish romance) Lobeira, Vasco de, d. 1403.; Lobeira, Joâo de, d. 1386? 1664 (1664) Wing L2731; ESTC R12437 221,431 272

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able to resolve his doubt then Urganda was caused her to go into the closet where the Emperess with the Princess Leonorine Quéen Minoresse and no more stayed for her they five being together the Emperor caused the Image of Jupiter to be brought thither which done he said unto Urganda Madam I pray you do me so much pleasure as to declare if it be possible what are the meaning of the Letters that this Image holdeth With that Urganda read it and having considered thereof she said unto the Emperor My Lord the great knowledge and skill that this Idol hath foreshowen shall in time to come be lost is already happened for as you know the power of Jupiter and of other gods hath béen suppressed and abolished by the coming of Iesus Christ and as touching these words The bondslave of the bond of slavery shall be burried here and life restored by him that suffered death These are hard and obscure tearmes yet will I declare them to your Grace as well as possibly I may With that Leonorine and Quéen Minoresse thought she would have spoken of the Knight Esplandian that had béen put into a Cedar Chest as you heard before wherewith they being surprised with a deadly fear began to behold each other in most pitiful manner which Urganda well perceiving intending to ease their mindes continued her discourse in this manner My Lord said she this Prophecy was written concerning Matroco Lord of the Castle of the defended mountain who as you know was always a Pagan till his latter day that he became a Christian whereby long time he continued a bond-slave of the bond of slavery for such ought the Sect of Idolatry to be named but Esplandian perceiving his repentance suffered him to be buried in the hermitage where as yet Carmelles father doth remain who since that time hath so much honored the Giants body that she hath buried his bones within the Cedar Chest that you Madam said she to Leonorine if you do remember gave unto her And touching these lines which contain these words That life shall be restored by him that suffered death that is likewise to be understood of him for that loosing this transitory life he hath obtained the eternal in Abrahams bosom so great grace hath he receiv'd at the hands of God by the merit of his Sons passion in whom he did believe as I said before and so my Lord said she you have heard what I can say as touching this strange Prophecy Ey but said the Emperor what means the rest My Lord said she I can tell you no more of it than can my Lady your daughter or Quéen Minoresse but so much I can assure you that in short time you shall sée it come to pass and if in any point it concerneth you the best is it will all fall out to greater good of your soul than to any power or worldly glory wherewith for this present I pray you content your self I truly said the Emperor and so will I always do for so my soul be well I estéem not the misery or torments of my body And with that he left Urganda with the Empress went into the Hall where great number of Knights and Gentlemen stayed for him with whom he passed the rest of the day in all pleasant delights mean time fortune by little and little began to play her part and to spread the nets wherewith she meant to inclose that troop thereby to work the envy and great tribulations that afterward fell upon them the beginning whereof was such as you shall hear About a mile without the City the Emperor had built a sumptuous Palace called Vaelbeniatnof as like to that of Apollidon in the Firm Isle as well could be devised which place was compassed with a Park furnished with all things requisite for mans delight whither he meant to lead the Ladies with Esplandian and his company as also king Armato to feast them in the same and for that purpose within thrée days after their arrival they departed from the City of Constantinople and went to Vaelbeniatnof going into the park wherein they found the hunters and at their first entrance a great Hart was singled out which in the end after long chace was killed almost before the Ladies and going further they espyed a Bore so fiercely hunted by dogs that they made him turn and with his Tusks stroke the dogs that none durst set upon him but at the last one of the hunters strake him in the throat and so he died so long this sport endured that supper time drew on wherefore the Lords and Ladies entring into the pallace found the tables covered and sitting down were served in most sumptuous manner and having supped they began to dance which continued till midnight minding the next day to begin their sport again but fortune minding to bear a part did so trouble the feast that she gave them well to understand how she can work in all things at her pleasure for the next day about evening the Knights and Ladies being in the Park some talking with those to whom they bare affections and contenting their mind with such devises as love to pass the time in pleasure put into their heads others running about and taking pleasure to gather flowers and do as most delighted them Melie from whom till then they could not hear one word went unto Urganda and before them all spake unto her and said Madam I marvel if it be so that your learning and skill be such as is reported why you make no sport unto this company Melie said Urganda where you are present I will not undertake to do it before you but you should rather do it being well assured that the Emperor would be thankful for the same If it pleaseth him said she I am content upon condition that after me you do the like or better if you can Truly said the Emperor it is but reason and I pray you both to do it My Lord said Melie then command Urganda to lend me a book that I was wont to have whereon the picture of Medea and her name written over it doth stand then shall you behold some of mine art and if Urganda never knew it before she may learn it now of me In good faith said Urganda that will I not deny you with that she called one of her Gentlewomen willing her to fetch the book mean time Melie took King Armato by the hand and making as though she would speak a word with him they walked a while together then they sat them down hard by the place where the Empress and the Ladies were talking with each other and staying till the thing Melie had requested were brought unto her she having it in her hand opened the book and then began to read making certain signs with her eyes lifted up to heaven and calling Urganda prayed her to come thither saying she should sée that she never had séen before Urganda not
mine and with that he lifted up his hatchet thinking to cleave his head whereat the black knight stept back and with his Sword gave him such a blow that he overthrew him on the ground and stepping upon him thrust him into the body and as he had done there entered at the Gate that went out of the vault a villain all armed who thinking to speak to the Porter with a rude and churlish voice said Argantes why stayest thou so long to bring up that accursed wretch that even now entred at the Gate Be content a while said the black Knight I will be there soon enough both for thée and those that sent thée if the Gates be open With that the villain perceived himself to be deceived for he espyed Argantes dead upon the ground wherefore without longer staying he turned his back and pulled the door after him left the knight shut into the vault whereat he was abashed fearing to be famished for want of meat but it fell out otherwise for not long after he saw the gate opened whereat there entred a Giant arned all in gréen who perceiving the party dead and the Knight that had slain him standing by him was in such a rage that he said unto him Thou cursed wretch I am much abashed how thou hast thus intangled thy self within this place from whence while thou livest thou shalt never be able to escape but when thou hast indured a long and most hard imprisonment shalt be constrained to end thy miserable days with a thousand cruel torments that are prepared for thee Art thou at that point said the Knight I hope rather before we depart to make thée bear this villain company that at my entring spared not to threaten me as thou doest now What said the Giant I assure thee I loved this dead Knight as well as I love my self and now I finde him in this manner slain before mine eyes yet art thou not afraid to boast thereof By my head said he thou shalt dearly buy it Behold I pray thee answered the Knight how thy unhappy fortune followeth thee at once here before thy face thou seest thy friend dead and by the same means thou shalt likewise loose the soul out of thy body which the devil hath waited for since thou first beganst to lead an evil life That shall soon be seen said the Giant and with that they encountered and at their meeting laid upon each other so fiercely that with the noise they made it seemed ten Knights fighting together and so long they continued the Combate that in the end the Giant waxed faint which he perceiving having lost the greatest part of his Shield and in a manner all his blood he began to flie and the black Knight after him so fast that before he could get out of the vault with one blow that clave his Head to the teeth he flew him in the place And as the Knight stepped forth he met two Squires that came to see the Combate who perceiving the Knight with his Sword bloody in his hand asked him what was become of their guard I have dealt with them said he as it hath pleased God to dispose And how is that said they To send them both said the Knight an unhappy end of their wretched lives that their souls might be tormented in the everlasting pains of hell With that they looked in and perceived Argantes on the one side and the Giant on the other as yet shaking their legs with the pangs of death whereat they had so great fear that in great haste they presently retired cr●ing with a loud voice Come forth my Lords come forth for your Vncle and the Porter are both slain wherewith at the gate of the dungeon there appeared another Giant unarmed very young and of a huge stature named Frerion who perceiving the black Knight marching so boldly towards him held the door half shut and with a loud voice spake unto him and said By my Fathers soul thou must surely be some devil disguised in humane shape otherwise it had been impossible for thee to have slain two of the best Knights in the world and in despight of them to enter thus far within the Castle but of one thing am I well assured that what pain or torment soever I shall cause thée to indure I cannot be revenged of the least wrong and injury I have received at thy hands Thou brutish unreasonable beast said the Knight thou art surely worse then he of whom thou speakest for that he being already judged of God hath neither mean to repent his wickedness nor hope of salvation but thou to whom it hath pleased God to give sence and reason to know both good and evil doest still persevere in thy wickedness making of vice a vertue in such manner that by good right I may better tearm thee a devil then those that are wearied and wax melancholly to have so long attended for thy accursed soul which I will shortly send them if thou come forth into this court or let me enter in Then stay said Frerion and thou shalt sée how I will teach thée to preach in other sort and with that he shut the door and went in to arm him mean time the black Knight sat down upon a marble stone and he had not rested long but the Giant came again who bringing a great Cimiter upon his shoulder would have issued at the gate when the Knight spake unto him saying Stay a little I pray thée before thou comest forth and grant me one request which in right thou canst not well deny me for although neither courtesie nor any part thereof did ever lodge within thy breast that habit of Knighthood wherewith thou art invested ought more to move thée to humanity then thy nature of it self affordeth Ask what thou wilt said the Giant and it may be thou shalt be refused Both thou I said the Knight are now on foot I pray thée then let us fight in the other Court that those of thy Castle may behold the pastime which he said to the end that if he overcame his enemies as he doubted not thereof they should not shut him out By my head said the Giant at the first I thought thou wouldest have asked mercy at my hands which would not much avail thée but séeing thy request is no other I am content to grant it although a means to flie away were much more advantage unto thée which these high walls will not permit thee if thou be once inclosed within them Thou speakest said the black Knight as thy nature yieldeth and I as vertue bindeth me for the rest let God work his will Come in then said Frerion and defend thy self from me if thou canst With that the black Knight entred into a fair court paved with white Marble all galleried about and supported with Pillars of Porphire in the middest whereof stood the portal that entered into the house where an old Lady accompanied of divers
yong gentlewomen stood looking forth to whom the Giant went and knéeling on his knée said unto her Madam I most humbly beséech you that neither for good nor evil which may happen unto me in fighting with this Knight not one of your house be so bold to help or favor me in any sort for I my self will put him to death with this my trenchant blade and rising up again holding his Shield before him with his Cimiterre in his hand he marched towards his enemy who having God on his side to whom he recommended himself stood ready to receive him Then there began such a Combate betwéen them that their blows séemed two Smiths forging upon their Anvils seeming like fire that the wind kindled in the air and surely the black Knight had sped but hardly at that time had it not been for the Armor Urganda gave him that could not be cut by any weapon and for the good Sword he conquered in the Rock of the Enchantress wherewith he stroke not one blow but he drew blood on the Giant Frerion who nevertheless did marvellously both defend himself and assayl his enemy but by evil fortune as he thought to strike the Knight on the right arm he started back and stepping forwards again gave the Giant such a blow upon the Helmet that he cut away a great piece thereof together with the buckle that made it fast but although the blow was marvellous great and in a manner incredible yet was not the Giant any thing therewith abashed but still shewed himself as fresh as if he had not fought all the day long Nevertheless the blood in such abundance issued out of his body that the white pavement of the Court was changed into red and therewith he grew so weak that it might easily be judged he had the worst whereby he still began to revile seeking onely to defend himself from his enemies blows whereat the old Lady that beheld them considering her Sons extreamity cryed out and said Alas my childe is it possible I should see thee murthered before my face and therewith in great haste she ran thither thinking to part them but it was too late for as she began to go towards them the Giant fell dead on the ground with two blows that the black Knight gave him one upon the head where he was unarmed the other right in the middle of his leg wherewith he cut it from his body whereat the old Lady was so grieved that she swooned in the place being by her Gentlewomen carryed from thence into her Chamber where they layed her on a bed cursing him that was the cause thereof nevertheless he followed them to the chamber door where the old woman being revived perceiving him to enter began again to lament and mourn and shedding great abundance of tears she said unto him Alas thou cruel knight the onely bereaver of all my joy and felicity art thou not satisfied yet But wilt thou likewise have my life and my Sons both Then I pray thee with spéed either execute thy will or else depart from hence and take what thou thinkest good permitting me to live the rest of my miserable days in sorrow and care with these poor women but all her intent was to make him enter into the chamber which was so inchanted that no man could pass the threshold of the door but presently he lost all his sences and fell down upon the ground as if he were dead but little did the inchantment avail her against the black knight because the shining Sword had such a property in it that no enchantment whatsoever could hurt the bearer thereof Therefore the Knight hearing the sorrow the old Lady made he went into the chamber speaking courteously unto her and said Madam me thinks you should take the offence I have committed on your behalf in much better part considering such hazards are common unto Knights desiring to win honor and therefore I pray you applease your sorrow and shew me the Knight you brought hither out of great Britain When the old Lady perceived him so far within the Chamber without let and that he desired to sée the King she being as it were out of her wits cryed as loud as she could and said alas unhappy wretch that I am what have I done for thinking to revenge another mans death I have procured the destruction of mine own children and therewith she sighed in such manner as if her heart would burst within her body and lamenting the absence of her other Son said Alas Matroco where art thou now What happy fortune hath thus separated thée from thy brother and me Surely when thou hearest of his death and at thy return shalt finde another Lord of this castle I am in doubt thou wilt not have the patienre to put up so great an injury but thinking to revenge thy self I fear this devil will handle thée in the like sort he hath done the rest for sure he is no mortal man for if he were he had found more resistance in this place then he hath done Then speaking unto the Knight she asked him if he knew the man she held in prison I truly said he it is King Lisuart whereof I am right sorry being well assured that Kings elected of God as he is for the government of his people ought not to be used in that manner Wherefore I would have you shew me where be is otherwise I will do worse then I have hitherto done I know not said she who thou art nor by what means thou hast so great power but I am well assured and I would never have thought that twenty such Knights as once this day I did estéem thée could ever have attained to the atchieving of so great an enterprize and much less to have withstood my art as thou hast done so that considering thereof I suppose that this thy power procéedeth from him in whom in my young years I did once believe and since that have forsaken him to follow the works of the common enemy of all mankinde who according to his natural instinction hath justly rewarded me to my desert therefore it were but folly to deny thee any thing that art so surely defended by him to whom all things are obedient Follow me then said she and I will shew thee the king but as I think it is not he thou seekest And with that she rose up and went into a dark chamber the knight following her then she opened an Iron-gate and said unto him go in and there shalt thou find the pris●ner Lady said the knight if it were to fight I would not fail to do your commandment but if by subtilty I should be shut in prison you would laugh at me that I had no more wit but to put my trust in you wherefore go you in first that whatsoever happeneth you may have your part I see well said the Lady that my labor is in vain and all my art is nothing in respect of
me think you that for fear of death I will refuse to do that whereunto by Knighthood I am bound No no likewise what reason or what excuse should move me being as I am both fresh and well disposed to refuse the Combate alone against one simple Knight I deny not Madam but confess that affection causeth you to use these words and shew the nature of a woman but you must conceive and think with your felf that I answer you as it becometh me prefeirving mine honor before your tears wherefore I beseech you suffer me to take the small vengeance I can upon the villain that hath so much offended me Matroco said the Knight thou reckonest before thine host I would not for al the gold in the world lose such an occasion offered as I now have both for mine honor and advantage Believe me that neither thy mothers tears nor the duty thou owest unto her as being her childe can by any means prolong the end of thee or me if without dissimulation thou dost not by oath promise and assure me to live in as good sort from this time forwards as in times past thou hast lived wickedly Wherefore it were better for thée to make me know by effect the Prowess thou vauntest thy self to have and for me to let thée sée the courtesie which it may be thou shalt finde at my hands if I overcome thée When the Lady perceived that her prayers could take no place she left them and the two Knights began to run one upon the other so bravely and with such fury that King Luisart beholding them thought he never saw so cruel a battel and the which abashed him more was that he could not presume how or in what manner the black Knight had found him in so strange a place and yet he knew him not sometime he thought him to be Amadis but when he remembred the love he bare unto the Lady Oriana that he had newly married he was otherwise perswaded and likewise he remembred very well the Combates he had séen Amadis De Gaule make at Windsore against Dardan le Superbe and after that with Ardan Canile wherein he used all his forces yet were they not comparable to those of the black Knights who as then found himself as fresh and well disposed to fight as if he had not fought all the day before Again when he thought it to be his nephew Esplandian for that Urganda had foreshewed many wonderful things of him he was soon disswaded from that opinion by reason be left him with the Queen his Mother not once séeking to receive the order of Knighthood and although that since his departure out of Britain he might have obtained that honor yet did he estéem it impossble for Esplandian to do so valiantly at the first Further Urganda had always prophesied of him that the first valiant acts he should atchieve should be renowned and spoken of by his strange and fearful navigation in the great Serpent wherein he should be imbarqued and for the black knight he knew he arrived there in a little Barque unfurnished whereby he esteemed it unlikely to be his nephew Esplandian But he thought he never had séen so valiant and and hardy a Knight for the longer he fought the more he wearied and labored Matroco Nevertheless he continued fighting for the space of two hours together before it could be judged who should have the victory but in the end the Giant feeling himself wounded in so many places his armor altogether broken and his shield half cloven in two began to mistrust his own force Wherefore stepping back he stayed his hand and said Knight I pray thee let us breath our selves a while and hear what I will offer thee which cannot be other then to thy honor and advantage With that the Knight stood still and Matroco began to speak saying I wonder sir Knight what moved thee to venture in this manner upon this Rock wherein never any but thy self durst enterprise to come during my Fathers life neither yet sithence that by his death I have been Lord thereof and besides this thy enterprise wherein thou hast done the thing that all others feared to do before thee thou hast also slain three of my friends whereof two of them as I think were the best Knights in their time living on the earth whereby I have just cause to hate thee more then any man living But when I call to minde that thou hast done therein like a valiant and hardy Knight I have some reason to pardon thee and to esteem thee for one of the valiantest Champions that ever I saw in all my life although I have both proved and vanquished many others longer practised in arms and stronger then thy self Wherefore if the onely cause of thy arrival in this place was to deliver the King that looketh on us I am content thou take and lead him hence in safety and for the same cause likewise I quit thee of the combate upon condition that without longer sojourning here thou shalt presently depart out of this castle that belongeth unto me When the black Knight had ●eard him be answered him and said Giant as far as I perceive thou esteemest it a great enterprise that I have done to come hither and finde thee here within thy Castle where by me those that thou so much lamentest have been slain but if thou knowest the master that I serve to whom as duty bindeth me I am obedient thou shouldst presently perceive and plainly see this enterprise by thee estéemed much to be nothing in comparison of that he is able to do and bring to pass for that from him onely and none other procéedeth all whatsoever I have done whereby of good right the glory belongeth unto him and to the contrary you that are idolaters serve th●se that are accustomed to rock and lull you asléep in all kind of vices cruelties outrages thefts murthers and infinite other wickedness which for a time do prosper with you whereby you live in honor riches and all worldly pleasures and so are nusted in all filthiness but surely such manner of life may well be compared to buildings erected upon the sands that cannot continue long but are most sure to have an evil end even then when they are esteemed to be at the top of all their worldly felicity like as it happened unto Lucifer and his fellows whereof it may be thou hast heard spoken Nevertheless if thou wilt acknowledge thy former life and of a wicked wretch as thou hast always lived become a vertuous Knight and as thou hast béen most cruel and inhumane become courteous and pitiful forsaking thy vain and foolish faith to believe in my God who is the most true and mighty Lord of all Lords I will not onely pardon thée the Combate whereof thou hast the worst but will leave thée thy castle frée unto thy self so wil be thy friend upon condition nevertheless that from hence forth both thou
the order of Knighthood my companion and I were never in any place where we have had any great occasion to try our forces You lie fasely said he that accused them I know you better then you think I do and to justifie the same said he to Frandalo the Gentlewoman that you now hold prisoner will satisfie you more By my great God said Frandalo you shall then dearly buy it You will do no more then you can said Manely and for my part I assure you I am well content séeing you will have it to be so that you say we have slain your cousin although it be not so Nevertheless the glory thereof will redound to us in your behalf and it may be death to you said Frandalo And therewith caused the Gentlewoman to be called up who perceiving the Knights armed in like arms Talanque and Ambor had said Alas what may this mean these arms bel●nged to two Knights great friends unto my lord and master For Gods sake Gentlemen I pray you tell me said she how you came by them for if they of whom I speak were here they would not leave me long in this captivity Gentlewoman said the King if it pleaseth you to name them and that in any sort we are acquainted with them whereby the bond of amity may bind us for their sakes assure your self we will not fail to do for you the best that possibly we may The one said she is called Talanque and the other Ambor companions to the Knight which I serve Manely hearing that answered her presently and said Gentlewoman tell us I pray you when we depart from hence where we may finde them My lords said she if you can do so much with this Giant that he grant me liberty I will conduct you thither and shew you strange adventures they have done which I am sure if they be your friends will like you well With that Manely desired the Giant Frandalo to give the Gentlewoman liberty but he séeing him so earnestly intreat began to laugh and said unto him Before you escape out of my hands it may be her intreaty for you will much more avail with me then yours for her shall do In the mean time I will provide you both of an honorable estate within my Gallies making you Knights of the order of mine eares with divers others that have béen there long time You speak at your ease said Manely being in a place for your advantage so do not we that expect not any favor either on land or sea having neither boat nor victuals to receive us but if you be the man you boast your self to be either come out to fight with us or else send us a boat and which of us two you chose shall come and heal you of the pride that maketh you so hardly know your self Vpon condition nevertheless that you alone shall fight with him and as fortune favoreth the combattants the gentlewoman shall go with him that remaineth victor Content said Frandalo although I know full well I shall win but little honor to fight against such lacquies as you are which he said in respect the eldest of the two Knights had not above seventéen years of age wherewith he cal'd for his shield and entring into the Barque he took from the Gentlewoman went on land where calling the two Knights unto him he said Children pity your own yong years and rather yield your selves unto me otherwise you are both dead without all remedy Thou art mad said Manely we are yet strong and in good health and how estéemest thou us to be dead that were never sick In good truth I hope before the cake be parted to make thée King of the unhappy wretches Wherefore choose either me or my companion to fight with thée mean time the other shall enter into thy Barque to kéep the gentlewoman thou hast refused me Alas poor man said Frandalo it appeareth well thou knowest not what is good for thée for if two of the best Knights in all Asia had undertaken this combate against me I would make no more account of them then a wolf doth of the shéep By reason then you that are such beardless boys what can you look for at my hands We look to break thy idly head said Manely Truly said Frandalo séeing thou hast so good a courage I will give thée the honor to fight with me for the last that ever thou shalt have And if thou thinkest good send thy companion to entertain the Gentlewoman for as I suppose he is better made for such a matter With that Manely took the King of Denmark aside and said unto him You have heard Frandalos words I pray you grant me the combate and go you into the ship and as it pleaseth God to prosper me do after what you shall think convenient The king of Denmark perceiving it in vain to strive entring presently into the boat wherewith the Giant landed and with the same boarded the ship wherein the Gentlewoman was With that the two knights prepared themselves to fight but before any blows striken Manely said to Frandalo Giant I pray thée leave us the Gentlewoman her Barque and before thou spéedest worse we give thée leave to sayl where thou thinkest good Art thou afraid already said Frandalo Ask me mercy and I will save thy life otherwise be thou assured I wil hang both thée and thy companion upon the top of these high trées Defend thy self then said Manely wherewith they covered themselves with their shields and began the combate though as it séemed far unequal for that Frandalo on his mothers side issued from the strongest race of Giants in all Turky of his father of the valiantest knights in all the world And Manley yong unexpert in arms having never béen in fight but when he succored Urganda yet the valiant blood of Childadan king of Ireland his father wrought such force in him that he had rather die then indure the least spot of dishonor and well perceived Frandalo he had not to deal with a childe as he estéemed but rather a Knight hardy as a Lion and one that used him in such manner that his shield being hewed and his armor all unbuckled at every stroke he drew blood from his body in such abundance that the grass was died therewith whereat those in the ship were much abashed especially the king of Denmark that never thought to finde such prowess in his friend Manely but the Gentlewoman that knew Esplandians force as likewise their 's she left in the castle on the mountain séeing Manely and his companion armed in the like arms made her full account if they were of the Ferm Isle Frandalo could not long resist Wherefore she said to the King of Denmark In good faith sir knight I am well assured it will not be long before I be delivered for Frandalo waxeth very weak sée you not how he beginneth to recoil You poor slaves said she what think you
thereof I think it will be now or never that you must be frée Whereat they all began to look up perceiving the Giant so weary that recoiling back he said unto Manely Knight thou art not able to resist me long wherefore yield thy self or else thou dyest I grant the like to thée said he if thou wilt deliver us the Gentlewoman and her Barque with all thou tookest from her otherwise thou must do better then hitherto thou hast done if thou mindest not to lose thy head It is too well guarded said the Giant and as he would have spoken more Manely lifted up his sword charging him with greater fury then before Wherewith Frandalo ashamed to sée himself so hardly handled by him whom he made so smal account of put forth all his strength in such maner as at that instant Manely was sore wounded but the more he felt himself hurt the greater grew his courage especially when he felt the blood run within his harness so that with an accustomed fury all fear clean laid aside he set so fiercely on his enemy that he constrained him to turn his back running to wards the Sea wherein he waded to the shoulders and Manely after him but being lower in statute then the Giant could not enter so far into the water as the Giant unless he should have drowned In the mean time four of the saylers entred into the boat and with all spéed went to fetch him aboard wherewith the boat and with all spéed went to fetch him aboard wherewith the slaves brake their chains and with the aid of the King of Denmark set upon the Pirate and others that held Frandalos part whereof the greater number were thrown into the Sea Which Frandalo perceiving thought to spéed no better but he determined by fair means to obtain that which his force had utterly denyed him Wherefore with a weak and féeble voice he called to Manely said Sir knight If I have offended I pray you pardon me for what I have done to you was onely in hope to win the praise that such as haunt arms most commonly desire Wherefore by reason you ought to bear with my unhappy fortune and shew some courtesie in my behalf especially for that I am so wounded that my life cannot be long Frandalo said Manely I grant thée thy request upon condition thou be obedient to my will which the Giant swore to do Then Manely desired the King of Denmark to take him into the ship and give order to the Surgion to cure his wounds which done he prayed him to send the Barque again to fetch him aboard CHAP. XX. How the Knights being in Frandalos ship staying for calm weather desired the Gentlewoman to shew them to whom she appertained and what she had seen done by the Knights whereof she spake THe combate ended as you heard before and the Knights aboard Frandalos Ship staying for calm weather the King of Denmark sitting at the foot of his companions bed who as then was not fully healed of his wounds desired the Gentlewoman to shew him where she had séen Talanque and Ambor My Lords said she being well assured that you are their friends I can certefie you for truth that I left them in good health and in such a place where they have obtained honor and had not so soon forsaken them if at the commandment of the best knight in the world I had not béen sent when Frandalo took me to Constantinople whether if it pleaseth you to bring me I will there shew you what strange things he did I being present till then I pray you crave it not at my hands otherwise you shall do wrong both to him and me God forbid we should said the King with that they called him that accused them Frandalo asking him how he knew them that he durst affirm a thing unto his master which they never once so much as thought The Squire fearing death fell down at their féet and shaking like a leaf said unto them My Lords I beséech you be not abashed if I sought to revenge my master that long since was slain by two Knights wearing the like arms Where was it said Manley Hard by the place said the Squire The defended Mountain where I found this Gentlewoman speaking to a Knight unarmed with whom I left her to go unto Matroco and Frerion but at that instant I understood that a Knight armed all in black had slain them both and conquered their Castle For certain said the King it was Esplandian for he wore such armour and for him onely as I think that victory was reserved With that the Gentlewoman began to smile which Manley perceiving said unto her Gentlewoman I charge you by the faith you owe unto the thing you love best in all the world shew us what you know of him The thing I love best in the world said she is he of whom you speak for the rest require it not at my hands for you hear no more of me before I be in the place where he hath sent me we will bring you thither the sooner said the King of Denmark wherewith he called the Patron of the ship asking him in what time they might be at Constantinople if we have a good winde said he I will bring you thither in less then four days But Frandalo feared that more then any thing in the world for he had robbed so many of the Emperors subjects that he looked for no pardon at his hands Whereupon he desired the two knights rather to cast him into the sea For said he I know if he once lay hold on me he will put me to most cruel death but he shall not said the king rather will we die in your defence for you shall spéed no worse then we Wherewith the Giant thanked them and as they were devising together the winde came good then the Patron caused the ankers to be hoised up and setting sayl put to sea with so prosperous weather that within four days after about break of the day they discovered the City of Constantinople entring into the Haven Then the two knights asked the Gentlewoman what she would do My lords said she I have express commandment from my master to speak unto the Emperor and the lady Leonorine his daughter to whom I pray you let me be conducted and in their presence I will satisfie your request in that you have desired at my hands Wherewith they issued out of the Ship taking Frandalo with them determiming to present him to the Princess Leonorine to whom they went because the Emperor was ridden abroad two miles from thence to chase a Hart and finding one of the Princess Squires at the gate the King of Denmark spake unto him and said companion I pray you tell the Princess that I and this knight have brought a strange lady unto her that if it were her pleasure would gladly speak with her With that the Squire went in and staid not long before he came
the marriage was solemnised and finished the same day with no great ceremonies the Court being as yet troubled for the death of so many princes and great Lords that were slain in the battel But let it suffice to know that those two Lovers enjoyed the thing which they so long desired Esplandian the same day being proclaimed Emperor of Greece according to the commandment of his father in law who within two months after with the Empress his wife went to a monastery and place of devotion And because quéen Calafre had always pretended to marry with Esplandian perceiving her intent frustrate she could not refrain to speak in presence of thē all said unto them My Lord I beséech you give me leave to declare my mind It is certain said she that those which know me are not ignorant that I am one of the greatest most puissant princess in all the east parts by reason of the great quantity of gold and precious stones that are within my countries As touching my linage I am daughter of a Quéen of ancient race and as noble as any that ever was in the world so it is that fortune brought me into these marches promising me shortly to return laden with great number of slaves and abundance of treasure but to the contrary I that pretended and sought the captivity of others finde my self taken and better holden prisoner then they that are in their mortal enemies hands This imprisonment whereof I speak is not that whereunto I am bound by the faith I have given unto king Amadis having vanquished me by force which I certainly know to be wholly subject to fortune but the imprisonment whereof I now complain is that wherein my heart hath inclosed it self and hath the onely moving by the sole beauty and favor I have found in the new and most happy Emperor estéeming my self to be such that I hoped leaving my law to accept of yours to have had him for my lord and husband although my hope by little and little began to diminish when I perceived the Princess Leonorine to be more recommended in al perfections then any that ever I heard of or ever have séen so that speaking against my self it had béen impossible to finde a more equal match nor more conformable one unto the other then the marriage of them together which maketh me believe that fortune extendeth wholly to eternize this my passion wherein I will if I can s● much impeach her that forgetting my first affection and if it will please him to give me another husband worthy my estate I will accept it willingly together with baptism and the law of Christ which you do hold When the Emperor Esplandian saw her good pretence he began to comfort her in the best manner he could and calling Talanque a fair lusty and well disposed Gentleman he said unto the Quéen Madam this Gentlewoman I offer unto you is my cousin and son unto King Galaor one of the best knights as I think living in the world I pray you at my request refuse him not for your lord and husband assuring you that I know no Princess how great soever she be living in the world but might content her self with him The Quéen beheld him with so good affection that she easily believed Esplandian and said unto him Vpon your word my Lord I will accept of him and from this time forward yield my self to be his wife and will for his sake do so much that the Island wherein I and others my predecessors would not suffer a man to live shall from henceforth be governed by him as other c●untries are by their Kings and Princes And because her sister Liote was not at that assembly but with her ships lying in the straights as Quéen Calafre had commanded her as you heard before she desired the Emperor to send for her who presently sent the admiral Tartary to fetch her she being come and having heard her sisters mind easily agréed thereto and by the same meanes was married to Manley the wise both espoused at one time and being baptised caused all their army to do the like which done not long after those new married couples taking their leaves of the Kings Princes Lords Ladies and Gentlewomen of the Court they imbarqued themselves Manley having with him the vessels wherein Childadan his father arrived in the east and Talanque those of king Galaor which they caused to be fraighted and laden with all things necessary for so strange a country And setting sail for Californie not without great trouble which in the end they overcame they arrived in safety where afterward they had many battels with their neighbors bordering about them whom they overcame augmenting their dominions with many great lands and territories But because the subject of our History is not further to intreat of them we will for this present leave them to go on with that which afterward was done in the City of Constantinople You heard before of the love of Norandel and Quéen Minoresse that daily increased in them more and more which the Empress knowing full well caused them to be married together the Emperor giving to Norandel the Castle of the defended mountain with the towns of Alfarin and Galatia for the which he recompenced Frandalo with the rich fertile and well peopled Isles of Galatines Mean time the Emperor Esplandian not forgetting the imprisonment of Urganda one day among the rest not long before the Princes of the West imbarqued themselves to return into their countries he shewed them in what sort Melie had taken her away and by inchantment carried her to the great city of Tesifant where he held her prisoner in a great tower desiring them most earnestly to give him counsel what he might do therein Son said king Amadis it were good you sent unto Armato to offer him for her the Souldan of Liquie that is your prisoner and if he refuse you so to do we will enter into his country and fetch her thence by force Whereunto they al agréed so that without longer delay Carmelle was sent to Tesifant i●barquing her self with four squires and thrée gentlewomen and with a good wind arrived at the castle of the defended mountain where she remained certain days staying for king Armatos pasport which by one of her women she sent to fetch who found Armato as melancholly as might be féeling as yet his fortune past specially the death of his son Alphorax which without ceasing he continually lamented With that the gentlewoman gave him to understand the cause of her arrival wherewith he was so well pleased that presently he caused Carmelles safe conduct to be made and giving it to the messenger said unto her My friend return unto your mistriss and assure her from me that she may come unto my court as often as it pleaseth her remembring well the pleasures she shewed unto me during my imprisonment The gentlewoman thanked him most heartily and returned to Carmelle who within