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A45586 A Scriptural and rational account of the Christian religion particularly concerning justification only by the propitiation and redemption of the Lord Jesus Christ. Harley, Edward, Sir, 1624-1700. 1695 (1695) Wing H778; ESTC R14848 33,881 122

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Blood if he were found out of the City of Refuge it was only the City of Refuge which conferr'd and established his Preservation and Safety So the Sinner cannot be saved from Wrath to come without Faith in Christ But the Propitiation according to the Will of God by the Blood of the Everlasting Covenant can only make a Sinner perfect before the Tribunal of God's infinite Justice Therefore to assign any degree of Ability to any Act of Faith as meritorious of Justification is to usurp upon Christ and to incur the severe Animadversion of the Almighty Then will I confess unto thee that thine own Right-hand can save thee The everlasting Covenant of Grace is ordered in all things and sure For the Foundation of God standeth sure having this Seal The Lord knoweth them that are his And let every one that nameth the Name of Christ depart from Iniquity But unto the wicked God saith What hast thou to do to declare my Statutes or that thou shouldst take my Covenant into thy Mouth These Scriptures fully evidence that altho the Covenant of Mercy to Sinners is established only in the free Grace of God and the meritorious Satisfaction and Righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ yet there remains an utter Incapacity in any Person to partake actually of the Benefit thereof until by the Spirit of Christ without which not any can be Christ's he be born again and made a new Creature For the State of every Man since the Fall is a Complication of Misery under Condemuation Dementation and mortal Corruption Accordingly the necessary Remedies are distinct Justification to take away Condemnation and Sanctification to free from Corruption by a new Principle of Life by a renewed Faculty of Life acted by a new Rule the Word of God written in the Heart directed to and aiming at a new End and Mark the Glory of God and the Prize of our high Calling in Christ Jesus our Eternal Salvation Accordingly the Tenour of the New Covenant is both promised and expressed in the Old and New Testament Then will I sprinkle clean Water upon you and ye shall be clean This imports that washing throughly and cleansing from Iniquity and Sin so as to be whiter than Snow which is supplicated by David and promised by God to Sins of the deepest Stain being effected by the Blood of Sprinkling the Blood of the Everlasting Covenant which makes us perfect to do his Will For the End why the Blood of Christ who by the Eternal Spirit offered himself without Spot to God purges the Conscience from dead Works is to serve the Living God But God is the God of the Living not of the Dead Therefore as the Condemnation of Death is to be taken away in Christ Jesus so the Corruption of Death is to be abolished which cannot be without a new Principle and Faculties of Life and being made a new Creature Accordingly the Covenant of Grace proceeds to promise A new Heart also will I give you and a new Spirit will I put within you This is that renewing of the Holy Ghost vouchsased unto the foolish and disobedient who are unperswadable by any Moral Argumentation being deceived serving divers Lusts and Pleasures because the Heart of Man is full of Evil and Madness is in his Heart while he lives and after that he goes to the Dead This is the native Misery of every one and the Recovery is as wonderful as to restore the Habit and Exercise of Reason into a Person depraved with Idiotism or Madness Now as they who are such tho they are sometimes capable of uttering some words sensible and rational yet they are utterly unable to perform or maintain the Tenour of reasonable Discourse or Conversation So neither can any meer animal Man dead in Sins and Trespasses before he be made a new Creature by being born again live to the Glory of God the End of Being or in Communion with God the highest Felicity of every Intelligent Being This is the Gift of God as our Lord saith to the Jews No Man can come to me except it were given him of my Father Judas indeed came to our Lord as many do in Profession but not in Heart He did believe with a Faith of general Assent and of particular Fiducial Assiance in the Power of Christ for miraculous Operation but not with a Faith of vital Union with Christ so as to dwell in Christ and Christ in them so as to live by Christ which cannot be without having the Spirit of Christ Also our Lord saith I have chosen you and ordained you to bring forth Fruit that should remain and persevere even much Fruit to the Glory of God Election Vocation Justification and Sanctification are inseparable Eternal Election is unto Holiness and Justification of Life is universally and necessarily conjoin'd with Renovation of Life The End of which is Activity Operation Fruitfulness without which there is Death Burning Destruction for good Works are ordained by God to be the Walk and Conversation of every Child of God For this is the Covenant God makes with every Israelite to put his Laws into their Minds and write them in their Hearts as both the Rule and Inclination of Life which is indeed to be taught of God to know God without which it is impossible that God shall be to any a God Covenant-Relation or that any can be a People to God Now as the Principle of Life and the Operation of Life so Justification and Sanctification are not confoundable yet always inseparable For of God are we in Christ Jesus who of God is made unto us Wisdom Righteousness Sanctification and Redemption That no Flesh should glory in his sight but according as it is written Let him that glorieth glory in the Lord. From the beginning of Apostacy the Devil was a Murderer and a Liar When he speaketh a Lie he speaketh of his own for he is a Liar and the Father of it He envenomed the old World with the evil Imaginations of continual Contempt of God and profane Irreligion which broke out in all the Acts of Wickedness and Violence justly provoking the Vengeance of God to destroy that World of Atheistical Rebels When through infinite Mercy a small Remnant of eight Persons were not only spared to survive the Deluge that had swept away the World of the Ungodly but much more a Covenant of Grace and the Blessing thereof was renewed to them and to their Seed confirmed unto Noah by the Acceptance of instituted Sacrifice Then again the great Adversary and Deceiver of Mankind tempted the new World to distrust Safety in the Promise of the living and true God and to attempt Self preservation in a Structure of Babel or Confusion in the Land of Shinar the proper Base upon which was to be built and established the House of Wickedness that is the
Manifestation of his infinite incomprehensible Being which Manifestation of the Deity is given in his Word of Truth to be God the Father God the Son God the Holy Ghost one and the same living and true God blessed for ever 21. The Efficacy of the Covenant of Grace consists in Redemption and Regeneration Redemption by the Propitiation to Divine Justice through the Satisfactory Merits of the Sufferings Death and Righteousness of our Lord Jesus Christ according to the Will of God for the Justification of a Sinner Regeneration by the Holy Ghost in the Renovation of the Soul quickened and sanctified in all the intellectual Faculties unto Newness of Life by a new spiritual Birth The Condition of the Covenant is Faith fiducially resting on Christ and vitally uniting unto Christ for Justification and Sanctification by effectual Vocation The Obligation and indispensable Duty of the Covenant is the Obedience of Faith working by Love in the fulfilling all the Commandments of God 22. The Covenant of Works being made with the first Adam who was a meer Creature and therefore liable to fall when left to the freedom of his Will the Perseverance in his created Uprightness could not be secure But the Covenant of Grace being made with the second Adam the Lord from Heaven both the Performance of the Duty of Obedience to the Precepts of the Covenant and the final Perseverance in the Conditions of the Covenant are according to the Promise of God by the Spirit of God enabled to preserved in and perfected So that no believing Sinner may presume in himself or despair in the Grace of God by whose Power he is kept through Faith unto Salvation The everlasting Covenant is ordered in all things and sure for this is our Salvation that nothing shall be able to separate us from the Love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. 23. That which is stiled Natural Religion is the Rational Conviction upon the Intelligent Mind of Man of indispensable Duty to fear trust obey believe and love God with all his Heart Mind and Strength according to the Commandments of God Therefore there is a necessity of the Revelation of the Will of God by which is made known the compleat Perfection of instituted Religion Instituted Religion is the Rule of true Wisdom to bring Mankind to eternal Happiness by directing all his Affections and Actions in the Fear Faith and Love of God to their proper Objects according to the Will of God and the Glory of God That Religion only is true which is the Practice of Obedience to the Word of God and accordingly brings us to God in Spiritual Worship by Jesus Christ alone who is the only Mediator of Redemption and Intercession That Wisdom which was the Enquiry of Philosophy the Demonstration of Theology is the Possession and Practice of the pure undefiled Christian Religion which removed from all Profaneness Superstition and Will-worship is the commanded and accepted way of Worship to God in Spirit and in Truth of Obedience to all the Commandments of God from Love to God of Righteousness to the Neighbour with Love as to ones self of Holiness and Sobriety in respect of his own Person made and renewed in the Image of God all upon hope of everlasting Blessedness to the Glory of God This Religion is the Characteristick Excellency of Man and is the only true Cement and Security of Mankind in all Conditions and Relations 24. The Felicity to which the Christian Religion gives Title and Possession is both temporary and everlasting In this Life Conversion from Darkness unto Light from the Power of Satan unto God from the Folly and Madness of Vanity and Sin unto the Fear and Love of God which is the beginning of true Wisdom Justification from the Guilt of Sin and thereby Peace with God Sanctification by the renewing of the Image of God in Righteousness Knowledg and true Holiness by the Spirit of God dwelling in the Soul to quicken direct preserve in the Paths of Righteousness from all Apostacy Adoption to be a Child of God an Heir of Heaven and to have Right and Acceptance to cry Abba Father that is to be emboldened to approach the Throne of Grace and to offer continual Sacrifices of Supplication and Thanksgiving upon our only great and glorious Altar the Lord Jesus Christ in him drawing near to God our exceeding Joy This State gives Contentation in every Condition under the assurance that all things shall work together for our good and that all our most difficult Labour to resist Temptation to overcome the World to mortify Corruptions to deny Self shall not be in vain in the Lord but shall receive a full Recompence of Reward in the Kingdom of Heaven Therefore whatsoever is done or suffered is in hope of the Glory of God knowing that the State of this present World is not capable to receive the Blessedness and Glory of Eternity in Heaven The Felicity of Eternity cannot possibly be represented or declared by the Tongues of Men and Angels Unspeakable Words uncapable to be heard or uttered in this Vale of Tears are necessary to set forth what Eye hath not seen nor Ear heard neither have entred into the Heart of Man the things which God hath prepared for them that love him and fear him and wait for him and trust in him before the Sons of Men. This is that immense Felicity when we shall know as we are known and shall be changed into the same Image from Glory to Glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord in the Beatifick Vision of God to all Eternity when the Lord shall bring all his Servants into the Possessions of the Joy and Glory of that Kingdom which God hath prepared for them before the Foundation of the World But most dismal shall be the woful Misery of those who refuse to obey the Gospel commanding to crucify the Flesh with the Affections and Lusts to renounce a vain Conformity to the Pomps and Pleasures of the World to forsake a vain Conversation received by Tradition from our Forefathers to deny self so as to cut off Right-hand and Foot and pluck out right-Eye and to cast them away They that account such Lessons too difficult to be observed must hear and perish under the Sentence Depart from me ye Workers of Iniquity into everlasting Fire where the Worm shall never die and the Fire shall never be quenched The Conclusion and Sum of the whole is this In the beginning i. e. from Eternity was the Essential Word and the Word was with God All things were made by him and without him was not any thing made that was made Who in the fulness of Time was God manifested in the Flesh for of the Seed of Abraham as concerning the Flesh Christ came who is over all God blessed for ever Amen In whom we have Redemption through his Blood even the forgiveness of Sins Who is the Image of the invisible
Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God Tit. 3.5 According to his Mercy he saved us by the washing of Regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost The Knowledg of secret Sins is ascribed to the Holy Ghost Acts 5.3 4. Why hath Satan filled thy Heart to lie to the Holy Ghost thou hast not lied unto Men but unto God Likewise the Sin against the Holy Ghost is declared to be unpardonable Mark 3.29 He that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never Forgiveness but is in danger of Damnation These and many other Scriptures evidence the Truth of the Unity of Essence in the Trinity of the Divine Persons Joh. 10.30 I and my Father are one I John 5.7 For there are three that bear Record in Heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one Compare also 2 Tim. 3.16 All Scripture is given by Inspiration of God And 2 Pet. 1.21 Holy Men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost Likewise in the last words of David 2 Sam. 23.2 3. The Spirit of the Lord spake by me and his VVord was in my Tongue the God of Israel said c. Thus the Doctrine of the blessed Trinity is not meerly Notional but Real it is not fictitious but eternally true it is infinitely good therefore necessary to be believed and adoringly received in Love as the Principle of Felicity to Intellectual Creatures The Divine Trinity is Incomprehensible therefore to be adored not doubted nor subjected to Human Argumentation which cannot illustrate that which in all respects necessarily excels all Methods of finite Proof or Evidence tho the Reality and Efficacy thereof be most certainly and feelingly perceived and enjoyed The curious Inquiry is like gazing upon the Sun which dazles our weak Eyes For now we see through a Glass darkly now we know in part but when we shall know even as also we are known when we are brought into the third Heaven then we shall hear those unspeakable words which in this State of Mortality are not possible to be uttered fully to reveal the Glory of the Divine Trinity What the Lord said unto Moses is also spoken unto us We cannot see the Glory of God and live but the Lord maketh his Goodness pass before us and proclaims his Name before us that he will be gracious to whom he will be gracious and will shew Mercy on whom he will shew Mercy according to the eternal Election of God the Father and the Redemption by God the Son and Sanctification by God the Holy Ghost into which Truth all Believers who shall be saved are baptized The Duty of common Philanthropy obliges deeply to grieve at the Folly and Madness of Epicurean Sensualists who renounce the Glory of the Image of God and the hope of immortal Felicity and corrupt themselves to be like natural Brute Beasts made to be taken and destroyed vainly imagining to evade the impartial Justice of the Almighty God with whom is terrible Majesty No less miserable are the Profane who take up a scoffing Name of Deist to act the Atheist renouncing the Fear of God which is the only Bond of Human Society and rejecting Hope in God which is the only distinguishing Excellency of Man above the Beasts that perish Unreasonable also is the Pride of those who deny the predestinating Prescience of God the Father changing the Glory of the Incorruptible God in 〈…〉 of corruptible Man as if they thought God to be altogether such an one as themselves who upon any Disappointment or unexpected Accident endeavour to patch up a Remedy for unforeseen Inconvenience But let the Potsherds of the Earth strive with and discourse of the Potsherds of the Earth But unto the eternal Wisdom of God are known all his Works from the beginning of the World according to that determinate Counsel and Knowledg of his own Will who hath appointed all things that ever shall come to pass and all for his own Glory so that not any the least thing even the falling of a Sparrow to the Ground befals by chance but by Divine Appointment Also the most flagitious Wickedness that ever was contrived and acted even the crucifying the Prince of Life was to fulfil the determinate Counsel of God for this very end to accomplish the highest Exaltation of Divine Glory and Goodness in the Salvation of Man Which Salvation likewise is made effectual only to such as are ordained to Eternal Life They also deny the meritorious Satifaction to the infinite Justice of God by the Death and Righteousness of Jesus Christ for the Redemption of Sinners from Wrath to come by which miserable Error is effectually and really denied and evacuated the Essential Justice of God They also deny the necessity of the Almighty efficacious Grace of the Spirit of God to sanctify regenerate and quicken those that are naturally dead in Trespasses and Sins under that Corruption and Impotence wherein all are alienated from the Life of God Now concerning the words used by the Orthodox to express the Mystery of the Divine Trinity It ought to be considered that Words of Rational Speech being the Signatures of Things there are many more things to be expressed than are words to represent them For such is the Poverty of every the most copious Language that there is necessity to apply the same syllabical Word to signify various and different things which yet receive the Certainty of Interpretation from the Rational Contexture of the respective Discourse Thus in the Controversies raised by Heretical Blasphemers against the Doctrine of the blessed Trinity The Orthodox to vindicate the Truth of the Scriptures which abundantly testify both the Essen●●●● 〈◊〉 and the distinct ●●●perties of God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Ghost have made use of several words as Person and Co-essential to express and signify the scriptural Truth of the Identical Substance and distinct Properties of the Divine Trinity in Unity Therefore the possession and use of the aforesaid Words or Phrases are duly retained by the Church according to the Meaning and Intention clearly made known in the holy Scriptures which ascribe as before mentioned unto the Father unto the Son and unto the Holy Ghost Attributes of Essential Divine Perfection incommunicable to any but unto the only living and true God who from everlasting to everlasting is God blessed for ever Religious Worship being the absolute Soveraignty of the only living and true God both in respect of the Object of Worship which can only be God and in respect of the Rule of Worship which can only be appointed by God For all other Objects of Worship are despicable vain Idols and all Rules Mediums and Ways of Religion not instituted by God are blasphemous Detraction from the Truth and Majesty of God It must therefore be that the great Temptation to Atheism is Superstition that is a Human Composition of Religion when the Fear
A Scriptural and Rational ACCOUNT OF THE Christian RELIGION PARTICULARLY Concerning Justification only by the Propitiation and Redemption of the Lord Jesus Christ Rom. 5.1 2. Therefore being justified by Faith we have Peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ By whom also we have Access by Faith into this Grace wherein we stand and rejoice in hope of the Glory of God Psal 14.1 2. The Fool hath said in his Heart There is no God they are corrupt they have done abominable Works there is none that doth good The Lord looked down from Heaven upon the Children of Men to see if there were any that did understand and seek God Deut. 32.6 Do ye thus requite the Lord O foolish and unwise Is not he thy Father that hath bought 〈◊〉 Hath he not made thee and established thee London Printed for Jonas Lumley at the Bird in Hand near the Maypole in the Strand 1695. THE PREFACE IT was the usual Saying of an excellent Person That variety of Books tho upon the same Subject concerning the Principles of Religion was very advantagious that every one might be furnished with a Weapon fitted to his Hand For as in Water Face answereth to Face so the Heart of Man to Man As in general so in particular respects Therefore it may be hoped that in the perusing of the following Discourse some also may be gratified with the Agreeableness of a plain Representation of so great a Truth An Interest in Redemption by the Satisfaction of the Death of our Lord Jesus Christ is that by which every Christian must stand or fall before the dreadful Tribunal of the Justice of God Accordingly the Principle of Justification by the Sufferings Death Resurrection and Righteousness of Jesus Christ is the Article of Faith by which every Church must stand or fall It being the Pillar and Ground of Truth the Rock upon which our Lord hath built his Church against which the Gates of Hell cannot prevail This is the Rock upon which the Reformed Churches were recovered from Antichristian Apostacy For other Foundation can no Man lay than that is laid which is Jesus Christ But instead of building upon this precious Corner-Stone with precious Stones to bring up the head-Stone with Praise to Divine Grace many unhappily have not taken heed how they build with Wood Hay Stubble Materials for fewel of Contention to make Jerusalem Babylon and defeat the glorious Things spoken of the City of God That Jerusalem might be a Praise and the Joy of the whole Earth For Peace is the Fruit of Righteousness But this must be for a Lamentation and Prognostick of Desolation if not prevented by infinite Grace and Mercy that after so many Years Gospel-Light there should be regard to false Teachers privily bringing in damnable Heresies even denying the Lord that bought them Privily indeed pretending an Inquiry after sensible Ideas of spiritual and supernatural Truths of Eternal Life Whereas they are not able to give an Idea of the Breath of Natural Life Suborning also a Spectre of Rational Demonstration to determine and judg Things invisible which can only be the Objects of Faith in the Word of God Whereas the use of right Reason is miserably lost and overwhelmed in the Ruins of Apostacy from God Vanity now possessing the Mind the Understanding being darkned and alienated from the Life of God through the Ignorance that is in them because of the Blindness and Hardness of their Hearts Thus being past feeling they give themselves over to Lasciviousness and to work all Uncleanness with Greediness For the Heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked even in these pretended Rationalists as well as others That this is the true State and Temper of the universality of Mankind is undeniably evinced by the continual Practice and Conversation of all the World in all Ages and Countries Therefore Natural right Reason is no where to be found directing the Tenor and entire Compass of Human Affections and Actions But those baptized Epicures as they are termed by the most Worthy and Honourable Mr. Boyle that strut under the Name of Deists but are indeed Atheists without God in the World renouncing the Providence of God rejecting the Justice of God denying the Immortality of the Soul and the Future State of Rewards and Punishments Thus Mankind is subjected to a Baseness and Wretchedness inferior to the worst of Brutes And thereby also rescinding the Bond of Security and Peace among all Human Societies and Relations which can only consist in the Fear of God Such happy Infects who desire to live apace may receive their own Idea from Mr. Cowley After Death I nothing crave Let me alive my Pleasures have Happy Insect happy thou Dost neither Age nor Winter know But when thou 'st drunk and danc'd and sung Thy fill thy flow'ry Leaves among Voluptuous and wise withal Epicurean Animal Satiated with thy Summer's Feast Thou retir'st to endless Rest But this is the certain Conviction and inevitable Doom of such Men That the Heart of the Sons of Men is full of Evil and Madness is in their Heart while they live and after that they go to the Dead But as it is appointed unto Men once to die so after this the Judgment A Scriptural and Rational Account of the Christian Religion The invisible Things of God from the Creation of the World are clearly seen being understood by the Things that are made even his Eternal Power and Godhead so that all Men are without Excuse Consequently there is implanted in every intellectual Mind a Conscience of Good and Evil accusing or excusing according to the Work of the Law written in their Hearts so that there cannot but be Trembling at the Apprehension of Judgment to come For the Elements of a Rational Creature are dependent upon the Creator for Life God is our Life and the Length of our Days and for a Rule of Action which can be no other than the Will of God the only Eternal Reason of Good and Evil Not any thing being antecedently good to the Unchangable Eternal Holy Will of God Also for the End and Felicity of Being which is the Glory of God including the Salvation of the Immortal Creature God made Man upright in his Image engraved his Mind with a Law holy just and good a Rule of perpetual Righteousness to direct and judg all Human Affections and Actions But Sin which is the Transgression of the Law alienated Man from the Eise of God who thereby becoming vapid and unprofitable fell miserably short of the Glory of God subjected the Creature to Vanity Vexation and Death renounced the all-sufficient Goodness Truth and Soveraignty of the Infinite Almighty Creator God blessed for ever Shall not then the Judg of all the World do right For according to his Fear due to his Infinite Perfections and Absolute Dominions
Mystery of Iniquity the Doctrine of Devils to suborn the Worship of Baalim of many Lords or middle Gods Mediators between God and Man Now the Spirit speaketh expresly that in the latter Times some shall depart from the Faith giving heed to seducing Spirits and Doctrines of Devils This is the notorious Apostacy from the absolute Simplicity and Purity of Christian Religion unto the fabulous Superstition and Will-worship which gangren'd both Eastern and Western Churches The Mediation of Saints and Angels being introduced as succedaneous to the Heathen Adoration of Baalim Heroes and middle Deities called Dii Medioximi Those Pagan Idols having been cast to the Moles and Bats by the Divine Influence of Gospel Light in the Manifestation of Truth even this faithful Saying and worthy of all Acceptation that Jesus Christ came into the World the only Mediator between God and Men to save Sinners Now also for these last hundred and fifty Years the Gospel-Reformation miraculously both begun and preserved hath again as it were brought Life and Immortality to light exploded the fabulous Legends of Popery evidenced the pretence of Antiquity to be no other than as Defection from Primary Institution precedes Restitution and Reformation convinced the Idolatry of the Mass and the Superstition of their Will-worship and Adoration of Saints and Angels all cherished by an imposed Ignorance the Parent not of Devotion but of crual Persecution But as in the first Manifestation of the everlasting Gospel unto the World that lay in Darkness and the Shadow of Death the Serpent cast out of his Mouth a Flood of deceitful Errors of desperate Wickedness to carry away with that Flood the Church from the Rock of Truth So now the Reformed Churches have been and are infested not only with the Dragon 's great persecuting Wrath but no less dangerously with the Serp●●i●●●● Suggestions of false Teachers ●●vily introducing damnable Heresies even denying the Lord that bought them This being the Master-stroke of Satan by verisimilar Errors to suppress the Fundamental Truth of Salvation for Sinners by the Expiatory Propitiation of the Death of the Lord Jesus Christ in Satisfaction of the Justice of God according to his good Pleasure which he had purposed in himself before the Foundation of the World That this Truth may appear in a right Light it must be considered that all the Divine Attributes are equally of infinite Perfection Consequently to detract from or limit any is to evacuate and effectually to deny the Essential All-sufficiency of God Therefore to retrench the particular and universal efficacious Providence of God and to impeach the supreme absolute Justice of God is under the Prosession of owning God not to glorify him as God but to change the Glory of the incorruptible God into an Image made like to corruptible Man a meer Idol which is nothing in the World and as the Prophet expresses neither able to do Good or Evil. But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord is God Who knoweth the Power of his Anger According to his Fear so is his Wrath according to the infinite Perfections for which God is indispensably to be feared so is his Wrath in the Vindictive Execution of his Justice upon every Violation of his holy just and good Laws the natural Rules of perpetual Righteousness to direct and judg all the Affections and Actions of all Mankind Herein therefore the manifold Wisdom of God is glorified in the Establishment of the infinite Perfections of Justice and Mercy in the Redemption and Salvation of Sinners It being impossible to make way for immense Mercy to be manifested without Satisfaction to infinite Justice which otherwise must be exposed to blasphemous Contempt and Annihilation Accordingly the Apostle Paul expresses that we are justified freely by his Grace through the Redemption that is in Jesus Christ whom God hath set forth for a Propiriation through Faith in his Blood to declare his Righteousness for the Remission of Sins that he might be just and the Justifier of him even of the ungodly which believeth in Jesus So that Faith cannot fly for Refuge unto Mercy until plenary Satisfaction be made unto Justice thereby to obtain the Answer of a good Conscience towards God through the Resurrection of Jesus Christ The Scripture fully and always testifies that Remission of Sins is an Act of absolute Sovereign Justice vouchsafed upon plenary Satisfaction represented under the Notion and Terms of Redemption Propitiation Ransom which word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 used by the Septuagint Numb 35.31 32. is duly translated Satisfaction And the learned in the Hebrew observe that the word in the Original imports sufficient Preservation which a Sinner can only find in the compleat Merits of the Death Resurrection and Righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ applied by Faith and imputed by Grace Accordingly the Scripture stiles the Act of Divine Pardon to be Justification Reconciliation Atonement Righteousness all which words are juridical Phrases evidencing such a Person to be Rectus in Curia right in Court according to the judicial Authoritative Sentence of Law This cannot possibly be obtained or performed unless due Satisfaction were made to the infinite Justice of the Divine Majesty For Pardon upon any other less or diluted account must leave the Justice of God violated and void of Satisfaction Also the Sinner must be without possbility of a Conscience free from Guilt consequently never able to arrive at Peace which flows from being justified by Faith in Jesus Christ who is our Peace with God It is also absurd Contradiction to imagine any Benefit can possibly be obtained by the atoning Virtue of the Death of the Lord Jesus Christ without the quickning regenerating Power of the Spirit of Christ make the Sinner a new Creature There is the manifold multifarious Wisdom of God magnisied to a Sinner that the Work of Grace may be compleatly perfect in respect of the Justice and Mercy of God and of the damning Guilt and deadly Corruption inherent in the desperate Wickedness of every Sin Yet the manifold Wisdom of God decreeing from Eternity and effecting in the fulness of Time the Redemption of Sinners by the Blood of the everlasting Covenant could not possibly have any Cause or Motive antecedent to the Eternal Purpose of God which he purposed in Christ Jesus out Lord and from the beginning of the World was hid in God For it was both impossible for a sinite narrow Intelligence to conceive how God should be manifest in the Flesh And it would have been impious blasphemous Presumption to imagine that the Son of God who knew no Sin should be made a Propitiatory Sacrifice for Sin unless the Will of God had so promised and declared Indeed the immense Goodness of God made this known immediately after Man's Apoltacy by the Promise of the Seed of the Woman to break the Serpent's Head that is to destroy the Works
of the Devil and more evidently by the Institution of Sacrifices For it is a most absurd Derogation from the Soveraignty of a Creator and Contradiction to the Duty of a Creature to impose upon God the necessity of accepting the groundless Fancy of a guilty Malefactor in the highest degree of desperate Wickedness to be a Price of Redemption from everlasting Wrath Considering also that Man had no Title of Interest or rightful Power over any of his Follow-Creatures to substitute any of them a Sacrifice for his Sin Indeed It was an early and due Apprehension that every Sin was of capital Guilt and Forfeiture of Life But it could never have entered into the Heart of Man to conceive how God could be just and the Justifier of Sinners until God had revealed it by his Spirit and the Word of his Grace The Apprehension of Propitiation attainable by Sanguinary Sacrifices could not be a Primary Notion in any Human Mind but consequent and derivative from the Institution of Sacrifices by the express Command and Appointment of God without which it was impossible to please God For Faith cannot be or subsist without a word of Command and Promise But to fancy a Religious Worship to appease the just Wrath and to conciliate the Favour of the Majesty of the Great and Terrible God the Creator of all Beings by any performance of Offering not instituted expresly by God is a presumption becoming a dumb Idol or some precarious Superstition and is an effectual practical Denial of the insinite Perfections of God obtruding and imposing the Blood and Carcass of a wretched Calf or Sheep to expiate the Guilt of most nefandous Crimes and satisfy infinite Justce Neither can there be any possible ground of Reason to imagine that the Ceremonial Ordinances of Sacrifices and other Rites of Divine Worship and Service were instituted by God with respect to or Motive from the superstitious Practice or Expectation of profane Sinners who offered their Devotion to Devils as the Word of God expresly testifies That the things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to Devils and not to God But Sacrifices and all other Typical Services and Ordinances were by God appointed until the time of Reformation when Christ came an High Priest of good things to come that is everlasting who by the eternal Spirit offer'd himself without Spot to God by his own Blood to purge our Consciences from dead Works that is from Sins deserving Death to serve the living God The Ceremonial Law had a Shadow of good things to come but not Virtue to make the Comers thereunto perfect For it is not possible that the Blood of Bulls and of Goats should take away Sin Therefore because in Sacrifices and Offerings for Sin God could not take Pleasure as therein receiving any Satisfaction to Justice When Jesus Christ came into the World he faith A Body hast thou prepared me Lo I come to do thy Will O God by the which Will we are sanctisied through the offering of the Body of Jesus Christ once But this Will of God was not induced by any Temporary Consideration it was from everlasting God hath chosen us in Christ before the Foundation of the World God hath saved us and called us with an holy Calling not according to our Works but according to his own Purpose and Grace which was given us in Christ Jesus before the World began In hope of Eternal Life which God that cannot lie promised before the World began Who verily was fore-ordained before the Foundation of the World but was manifested in these last Times It could not then be in Compliance with any Human Apprehension of Expiation of Sin by any Sacrifice of any Creature that Jesus Christ was constitued and given by God to be the Propitiation and Redemption for Sinners But contrariwise God having according to the Counsel of his own free Will made known to our first Parents in their dismal Fall the Mystery of his Will in the Promise of the Seed of the Woman to break the Serpent's Head And then for the Confirmation of that Promise and for the support of Faith instituted Sacrifices revealed first to Adam then to Noah and consequently in them to the whole World of Mankind Noah builded an Altar unto the Lord and took of every clean Beast and of every clean Fowl and offered Burnt-offerings upon the Altar And the Lord smelled a sweet Savour or a Savour of Rest and Satisfaction Now this could not he affirmed or believed unless such Sacrifices had been according to the express Institution of God who as was before observed only could appoint the Discrimination of Beasts clean and unclean All which also was performed and accepted with respect to and in virtue of the Offering and Sacrifice of Christ himself to God for a sweet smelling Savour Immediately upon Noah's Sacrifice God established his Covenant with Noah and his Seed after him Thus all Mankind was by Divine Institution initiated in the Religion of Propitiatory Sacrifices all in reference to and deriving Virtue and Acceptance from the Merits of Jesus Christ the Lamb of God which taketh away the Sins of the World But as it is charged upon Israel both by David and Moses so all Nations soon forgot God's Works they forgot God their Saviour which had done great things for their Preservation they corrupted themselves their Spot was not the Spot of his People they for sook God which made them and lightly esteemed the Rock of their Salvation they provoked him to Jealousy with strange Gods they sacrificed to Devils not to God So that the offering of Propitiatory Sacrifices by the Universality of Mankind was not a Human Invention but a Derivation from Divine Institution tho wretchedly corrupted by Satanical Suggestion Neither was there any Rite of Religious Worship among the Heathen but what was pretended to be a Direction and Command from Heaven so deeply engraven was the Impression in every Rational Mind that Divine Worship could not be acceptable unto God unless commanded by God The whole Work of Redemption and Salvation of Mankind by Jesus Christ was in every part and respect proceeding originally from and effectually to fulfil the Will of God Salvation by Christ was promised before the World began In the fulness of Time he was made of a Woman his Sufferings in every particular Circumstance was to fulfil the Scriptures Our Lord died according to the Scriptures and rose again according to the Scriptures that is for the End appointed by the Word of God to make full Satisfaction to the infinite Justice of God so as to make perfect the Comers unto God by Jesus Christ by Faith in whom the Heart is sprinkled from an evil Conscience that is from the Conscience of the Guilt of Evil To obtain the Answer of a good Conscience towards God by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ
without which cur Faith is vain and we are yet in our Sins void of any sufficient Plea to answer the Charge of the Law of Righteousness at the dreadful Tribunal of the Divine Majesty The manifold unfearehable Wisdom of God in the Administration of the Riches of insinite Grace exceeds what Creatures can ask or think The most large and advantagious Pardon from an Earthly Soveraign to a Rebel cannot reclaim a Felon's Mind or alter a Traitor's Heart But they who are in Christ Jesus and free from Condemnation they have the Spirit of Christ by which they are made new Creatures and enabled to walk nor after the Flesh but after the Sprit This is the Comprehension of the Love of God in Christ extended to all Saints Yet the primary Reason of the Death of our Lord Jesus Christ was to make Satisfaction to the Justice of the holy Creator for the Sins of Rebel Apostate Creatures It then became a consequent Corollary of our Lord's Death to awe from Sin and represent the abominable Sinfulness of Sin In all the righteous Administration of Rewards and Punishments supreme Justice obtains the first and necessary Consideration so that if there were no Persons to be deterred from future Crimes yet Justice requires severe Animadversion upon the present Malefactor otherwise How shall God judg the World God cannot be unrighteous in taking Vengeance upon the Damned in everlasting Torments where there is no place for Repentance nor Capacity for the Benefit of a deterring Example The happy Sum of the Doctrine of Man's eternal Redemption and Salvation is That God hath given us the sure Mercies of David He hath made with us an everlasting Covenant ordered in all things and sure and this is all our Salvation where no proud Pharisee can assume or impute to himself nor any humble repenting Sinner doubt or despair Wherein God willing more abundantly to shew unto the Heirs of Promise the Immutability of his Counsel confirmed it by an Oath that by two immutable things in which it was impossible for God to lie we might have a strong Consolation who have fled for Refuge to lay hold upon the Hope set before us which we have as an Anchor of the Soul sure and stedfast Jesus Christ the same yesterday to day and for ever Amen Now for a Corollary to the precedent Discourse that it may be evidenced not to be a private Opinion but the Doctrine of the Church of England according to the Scriptures here are subjoined the Expressions of the Homily of the Salvation of Mankind only by Christ our Saviour from Sin and Death Everlasting Homily Because all Men be Sinners and Offenders against God and Breakers of his Law and Commandments therefore can no Man by his own Acts Works and Deeds seem they never so good be justified and made righteous before God But every Man of necessity is constrained to seek for another Righteousness or Justification to be received at God's own Hands that is to say the Forgiveness of his Sins and Trespasses in such things as he hath offended And this Justification or Righteousness which we so receive of God's Mercy and Christ's Merits embraced by Faith is taken accepted and allowed of God for our perfect and full Justification For the more full understanding hereof it is our Parts and Duties ever to remember the great Mercy of God how that all the World being wrapped in Sin by breaking of the Law God sent his only Son our Saviour Christ into this World to fulfil the Law for us by shedding of his most precious Blood to make a Sacrifice and Satisfaction or as it may be called amends to his Father for our Sins to asswage his Wrath and Indignation conceived against us for the same But here may Man's Reason be astonied reasoning after this fashion If a Ransom be paid for our Redemption then is it not given us freely For a Prisoner that paid his Ransom is not let go freely for if he goes freely then he goeth without Ransom For what is it else to go freely than to be set at liberty without paying of Ransom This Reason is satisfied by the great Wisdom of God in this Mystery of our Redemption who hath so tempered his Justice and Mercy together that he would neither by his Justice condemn into the everlasting Captivity of the Devil and his Prison of Hell remediless for ever without Mercy nor by his Mercy deliver us clearly without Justice or Payment of a just Ransom But with his endless Mercy he joined his most upright and equal Justice His great Mercy he shewed unto us in delivering us from our former Captivity without requiring any Ransom to be paid or Amends to be made on our parts which thing by us had been impossible to be done And whereas it lay not in us that to do he provided a Ransom for us that was the most precious Body and Blood of his own most dear and best beloved Son Jesus Christ who besides this Ransom fulfilled the Law for us perfectly and so the Justice of God and his Mercy did embrace together and fulfil the Mystery of our Redemption And of this Justice and Mercy of God knit together speaketh St. Paul in the third Chapter to the Romans All have offended and have need of the Glory of God but are justified freely by his Grace by Redemption which is in Jesus Christ whom God hath sent forth for us for a Reconciler and Peace-maker through Faith in his Blood to shew his Righteousness And in the 10th Chapter Christ is the End of the Law unto Righteousness to every Man that believeth And in the 8th Chapter That which was impossible by the Law in as much as it was weak by the Flesh God sending his own Son in the similitude of sinful Flesh by Sin damned Sin in the Flesh that the Righteousness of the Law might be fulfilled in us which walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit In these aforesaid places the Apostle toucheth specially three things which must go together in our Justification Upon God's part his great Mercy and Grace Upon Christ's part Justice that is the Satisfaction of God's Justice or the Price of our Redemption by the offering of his Body and shedding of his Blood with the fulfilling of the Law perfectly and throughly And upon our part true and lively Faith in the Merits of Jesus Christ which yet is not ours but by God's working in us So that in our Justification is not only God's Mercy and Grace but also his Justice which the Apostle calleth the Justice of God and it consisteth in paying our Ransom and fulfilling of the Law And so the Grace of God doth not shut out the Justice of God in our justification but only shutteth out the Justice of Man that is to say the Justice of our Works as to be Merits of deserving our Justification And therefore St. Paul declareth here nothing upon the behalf of
that is the Worship of God is taught by the Precepts of Men. The course of Rational Argumentation carrying the Mind to infer that if the Object of Adoration must be obliged to depend upon the Will and Fancy of Human Imposition how and when and with what Mediums or Ceremonies it shall be adored Then the Deity must become a meer Fiction and such Religion nothing but an Idol-Contrivance of the crafty or the foolish Such Superstition being sacrilegious Invasion of the Divine Majesty to institute or practise any Rite Formulary or Ceremony in Religion not commanded by God or otherwise than God hath commanded because God only can be the Law-giver of his own Worship for all other Worship falls short of Acceptance with God consequently cannot make the Worshipper happy but prepares for an Atheistical Rejection of all Religion The most refined Human Intelligence could never find out to Perfection the Works of God which are the Objects of our Sense so as fully to discover the Formation Texture Consistence and compleat Use and End of created Beings Who can fully understand the glorious Orbs of Light which dazle the Beholder Who knows the Firmament of his Power Who knows the Ballancings of the Clouds the wondrous Works of him which is perfect in Knowledg how thy Garments are warm when he quieteth the Earth by the South Wind The very Augmentation of Stones and other Subterranean Materials the Growth of Vegetables the Production Generation Use and Operation of Animals even of the most despicable Insects have escaped and surpassed the diligent Inquiry of the most sagacious Pretenders The Certainty of all which having only Substance and Evidence in Faith by which we understand that the World was made by the Word of God so that things which are seen are not made of things which do appear But who can by searching find out God Or who can find out the Almighty unto Perfection It is as high as Heaven what canst thou do deeper than Hell what canst thou know Yet this is Life Eternal to know the only true God and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent The Mysteries of the Divine Trinity and of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ God manifested in the Flesh must necessarily transcend the Comprehension of any finite created Intelligence But tho the Love of Christ passeth Knowledg it is impossible for sinful Man to be delivered and saved from Wrath to come that is from eternal Death but by unfeigned Faith in God the Father to be just and the Justifier of an ungodly Sinner which believeth in Jesus in God the Son who only is able to save to the utmost having by himself purged us from our Sins and satisfied Divine Justice is only capable to be an everlasting Mediator of Redemption and Intercession Also in God the Holy Ghost who only can regenerate and sanctify a Sinner to be received into Communion of Life with God for ever Now for a Golden Clasp to the rehearsed Truths none of them being of private Fancy or Invention duly consider the two first Articles of Religion being the Doctrine of the Church of England published in the beginning of the Reformation confirmed by Act of Parliament and continually subscribed by the Clergy Articles of Religion I. Of Faith in the Holy Trinity THere is but one living and true God everlasting without Body Parts or Passions of Infinite Power Wisdom and Goodness the Maker and Preserver of all things both visible or invisible And in Vnity of this Godhead there be Three Persons of one Substance Power and Eternity the Father Son and the Holy Ghost II. Of the Justification of Man WE are accounted righteous before God only for the Merit of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ by Faith and not for our own Works or Deservings Wherefore that we are justified by Faith only is a most wholsom Doctrine and very full of Comfort as more largely is expressed in the Homily of Justification FINIS Prov. 27.19 1 Cor. 4.11 12. 1 Pet. 2.6 Zech. 4.7 Psal 87.3 Isa 62.7 Psal 48.2 Isa 32.17 Jam. 3.18 Rom. 5.1 2 Pet. 2.1 Ephes 4.17 18. Epicire Grashopper Eccles 9.3 Heb. 9.27 Rom. 1.20 Rom. 2.15 Act. 24.25 Deut. 30.20 Prov. 16.4 Eccl. 7.29 Rom. 2.15 1.12 1 Joh. 3.4 Eph. 4.18 Rom. 3.23 Rom. 8.20 Psal 90.11 Isa 40.13 14. Rom. 11.33 Ephes 1.7 8 9. Rom. 3.26 4.5 Gen. 3.15 Jer. 17.12 Heb. 5.9 Heb. 11.4 Heb 9.22 10.4 Heb. 13.20 21. Rom. 1.21 25. Tim. 3.15 Col 2.2 2 Cor. 5.19 21 Heb. 9.22 Heb. 10.1 Heb. 9.14 Heb. 10.14 Heb. 6.18 Heb. 10.2 Isa 53.6 1 Tim 1.15 Rom. 3.25 26 1 Tim. 4.1 2. Luke 17.10 Tit. 2 1● 12. Cor. 5.17 James 2.26 Eph. 2.8 Isa 42.3 Mat. 12.20 Isa 45.24 Job 40.14 2 Sam. 23.5 2 Tim. 2.19 Psal 50.16 Rom. 8.9 Ezek. 36.25 Psal 51.7 Heb. 12.24 13.20 21. 9.14 Rom. 8.1 2 Tim. 1.10 Ezek. 36.26 Tit. 3.3 Eccl. 9.3 1 Cor. 2.14 Joh. 3.3 Joh. 6.65 Joh. 6.56 57. Rom. 8.9 Joh. 15.5 16. Ephes 1.4 Rom. 5.18 Joh. 15.6 Eph. 2.10 Heb. 8.10 11. Hos 2 2● 1 Cor. 1.29 30 31. Gen. 8.20 21. Zech. 5.8 11. Tim. 4.1 Christanam Religionem absolutam simplicem anili superstitione confundere Am. Marcellin Isa 2.19 20 21. Rev. 6.15 16. Joh. 16.3 Rev. 12. Pet. 2.1 Eph. 1.4 9. Rom. 1.23 1 Cor. 8.4 Isa 41.23 Psal 90.1 11. Rom. 3. 1 Pet. 3.21 Rom. 3.24 25. Mark 10.45 1 Tim. 2.5 Rom. 5.1 9 10 11 19. Act. 13.39 10.36 43. Rom. 5.1 Eph. 2.14 Gen. 3.15 Jer. 17.9 Psal 50. Rom. 3.26 4.5 Heb. 9.1 1 Cor. 10.20 Heb. 6.1 Heb. 10.1 4 to 10. Heb. Ephes 1.4 2 Tim. 1. T it 1.2 Ephes 1. Gen. 8.20 21. Ephes 5.2 Gen. 9.9 Joh. 1.29 Psal 106.13 21. Deur 32. Deut. 32.5 15 16 17. Ephes 1.4 2 Tim. 1.9 Tit. 1.2 Mat. 27.35 Mark 15.28 John 19.28 36 37. 1 Cor. 15.3 4. Heb. 9.9 10.1 10.22 1 Cor. 15.17 1 Pet. 3.21 Rom. 8. Eph. 3.18 Rom. 3.5 6 Act. 13.34 2 Sam. 23. Heb. 6.17 18. Heb. 13.8 Rom. 3. Sacrae Scriptura non movent non persuadent sed cogunt agitant vim inferunt Jo. Pic. Mirand Ep. H●m Barbir Prov. 20.27 Prov. 6.23 Heb. 8.10 1 Cor. Rom. 5.2 Heb. 13.10 15. Psal 43.4 2 Cor. 12.4 Psal 31.19 Isa 64.4 1 Cor. 2.9 Joh. 1.1 3. 1 Tim. 3.10 Rom. 9.5 Col. 1.14 15 16 17 18 19 20. Heb. 1.1 2 3 8. Act. 17.31 Luke 16.17 Mat. 25.3 12. Luke 14.18 Mat. 25.41 Ver. 34. Luke Rev. 6.16 17. Psal 14.1 Jer. 17.9 Psal 36.1 2. Psal 130.4 7. Rom. 6.1 2 Rom. 2.4 5 Mat. 11.27 1. Cor. 12.3 Psal 104.2 1 cor 13.12 2 Cor. 12.4 Exod. 33.19 20. Rom. 1.23 Psal 50.21 Isa 45.9 Acts. 2.23 Matth. 10.29 30. Act. 13.48 Isa 33.22 Psal 150.1 Job 37.16 17. Heb. 11.1 3 Job 11.7 8. Joh. 17.3 Rom. 3.26 4.5