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A38026 Polpoikilos sophia, a compleat history or survey of all the dispensations and methods of religion, from the beginning of the world to the consummation of all things, as represented in the Old and New Testament shewing the several reasons and designs of those different administrations, and the wisdom and goodness of God in the government of His church, through all the ages of it : in which also, the opinion of Dr. Spencer concerning the Jewish rites and sacrifices is examin'd, and the certainty of the Christian religion demonstrated against the cavils of the Deists, &c. / by John Edwards ... Edwards, John, 1637-1716. 1699 (1699) Wing E210; ESTC R17845 511,766 792

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follow'd with the perfect enjoyment of Good and the violating of it with the experience of all Evil of Sin and Punishment It was to signify what they should know by eating viz. the difference between the Evil of Disobedience and the God of the contrary Or thus it was the Tree of Knowledg of Good and Evil i. e. of the Good they had before and of the Evil which was to ensue upon eating They should experimentally find what Good they lost and what Evil they fell into So that it is probable this Tree had its name from the Event and Effect of it It taught them by experience what Good and Evil was for after Man had sinn'd in eating that forbidden Fruit he saw and felt what Happiness he had lost and what Misery he had procured Some have been so curious as to enquire and so bold as to determine what particular Tree and Fruit this was It was and Apple-tree say some and they would make it probable from Cant. 8. 5. It was the Vine saith Vossius It was the Indian Fig-tree saith Goropius Becanus Most say it was a Fig-tree with the Leaves of which Adam and Eve covered their nakedness as soon as they had eaten of the Fruit. Theodoret stiffly maintains this Opinion and saith This was the reason why Christ cursed the Fig-tree Athanasius with others incline to this belief but there is no ground for it it must only pass as a Conjecture And so that Father grants in his Answer to that Demand What Tree was it of which Adam eat the Fruit No Man saith he is able exactly to discover that which the Scripture hath wilfully conceal'd The grand thing which we are to mind and which is the principal thing in this first Oeconomy is this that it was God's pleasure that the Fruit of that Tree whatever it was should not be meddled with and therefore straitly charged Adam and his Consort that they should not dare to touch it God might reasonably act after this manner For first as an antient Writer saith on this Subject God dispenseth all things sutably to the particular Time and measureth his Institutions by the Abilities and Powers of Men. Therefore he gave that Command of not eating of this Tree to Adam as it were to a new-born Babe He dealt with our first Parents as with Infants and Children he tried them by mean and low things as most agreeable to their nature But secondly tho he was thus pleased to prohibit them the Fruit of one single Tree yet this was highly accountable if you consider that God gave them the use of all the rest of the Trees in Paradise Of every Tree in the Garden thou mayest freely eat Gen. 2. 16. there was only this one Tree excepted and reserved Here was Liberty and Indulgence sufficient And they might well have contented themselves in the injoyment of it Besides the Creator can lay what Restraints he pleaseth on his Creatures He that made both them and the Garden could justly bar them of any thing which that place afforded Therefore God gave them this Precept to shew his Dominion over them as he was their Maker and Lord. He would let them see by this little Command his absolute Soverainty over them as a pious Father speaks Again God having made them reasonable and indowed them with a power or freedom of choice he might justly exercise that Faculty and put them to an actual trial of it which could not be done but by proposing something to their choice As they had a rational Nature and free Will given them by God they were able to keep that Law of Abstinence and therefore it was not unjust in God yea it was just and fit to impose this upon them as they were free and reasonable Beings This shews the reason of this positive Law which was given them to try their Obedience Likewise it was very reasonable and equitable Command that seeing God had con●err'd on them so many Benefits and Blessings they should be limited as to a single one that thereby they might shew their Thankfulness to God for all the rest In the next place consider also that God particularly told them what he expected from them when he gave them a Prohibition about the Tree He assured them that if they ventured to eat of it it should cost them their Lives or more emphatically in the Original they should die the death Here was fair warning and they had time to consider of it and they were sensible how greatly they were obliged to God and how just and reasonable a thing it was to observe his first and original Law that which was matrix omnium praeceptorum as Tertullian calls it yea to obey God in whatsoever he commanded Fifthly To the revealed Laws under the State of Integrity we must refer the Covenant of Works For we may gather from the Sacred Writings that there was a mutual Agreement or federal Compact between God and our first Parents wherein he promis'd to them Eternal Life and Happiness on condition of their perfect Obedience to his Laws and on the contrary Death was threatned if they disobey'd as we have heard already It is true it is not expresly call'd a Covenant in Genesis but it was one for God gave Man a Law and back'd it with Threatnings and Promises and Man agreed and consented to it which is the formal nature of a Covenant Not are we to think that those two Persons and no more were under this Dispensation Altho only Adam and Eve were in actual being at that time yet all Mankind were included in them and represented by them and therefore are to be reckon'd as under that Dispensation For God having created our first Parents without Sin and with knowledg of their Duty and strength to do it he made a Covenant or Agreement with them not only in behalf of themselves but of all their Posterity It was covenanted that if they and their Race continued in Obedience they should never die but be always blessed and happy but if they disobey'd the Divine Command they should be subject to Death and be every way wretched and miserable It is certain they consented and agreed to this for in that State of Integrity what God propounded to them could not but be acceptable God would offer that which was just and equitable as he was God Our first Parents would not disagree to it as they were indu●d with a perfect understanding and knew that what their Maker propounded was most reasonable They could not but approve of the Condition on their part viz. Obedience and they could not but accept of the Reward promis'd on God's part viz. endless Happiness That they fully consented to the Contract in the name of themselves and their Posterity is demonstrable from many passages in Holy Writ as that Hos. 6. 7. They like Adam for so it is the Hebrew have transgress'd the Covenant which refers to God's Covenant
The rectified Mind said they is the Man but the sensitive Appetite is the Beast This latter they declared to be the Principle which predominateth in all vicious Men and because they wholly ●ollow their Sense and are led merely by a corporeal Appetite they resemble Brutes Accordingly Epimenides calls the Cr●tians evil Beasts as the Apostle takes notice and for the same reason all Persons that are given to Vice deserve that Denomination For their Portion like Nebuchadnezzar's is with the Beasts You cannot reckon them in the number of Men for tho they retain the human Shape yet they are really degenerated into the nature of Brutes Nay Man is become more irrational by far than the whole Herd of Brutes who by a natural Instinct or by some certain Laws of Motion following the Apprehensions of their Senses discern what is good or hurtful to them and not only so but imbrace the one and avoid the other Man alone once the excellentest Creature in the World but now depraved knows not his Happiness or despises it which in the sacred Stile is expressed after this manner The Ox knows his Owner and the As● his Master's Crib but Israel doth not know my people do not consider Isa. 1. 3. These are the inword and spiritual Evils which are the effects of Adam's Degeneracy and they are usually called by Divines by the name of Spiritual Death for these also were part of that dreadful Threatning In the day thou ●atest thereof thou shalt surely die But there are not only temporal but eternal Evils which are the fruit of Man's Apostatizing Man by his Guilt and Pollution contracted by the Fall and since delighted in is liable to be excluded from Happiness in another Life and is obnoxious to eternal Punishment and Misery in the World to come for Sin of it self can never be expiated and therefore the Guilt of it must necessarily continue without any Period Accordingly we read that the Wages of Sin is Death Rom. 6. 23. i. e. eternal Death for it being oppos'd in that place to eternal Life it cannot signify less It appears then that the Sinner deserves to be ●ormented both in Body and Soul with endless and eternal pains which makes his Condition far worse than that of the Beasts who Perish and so are made uncapable of all future Sufferings This is that worst of Deaths which is another part of that dire●ul Threatning denounced against Adam and which is the most grievous and terrible effect of his Disobedience and falling from God and from this as from the other Evils procured by Man's Apostacy there is no redemption on 〈◊〉 the merciful and meritorious Undertakings of the blessed Messias who was afterwards promised After all it might be observ'd that not only Adam and Eve were threatned to be punish'd for this Transgression but even the Serpent which the Devil made use of in order to it he was rendred the most cursed of all Creatures and condemn'd to grovel on his Belly and to feed on the Dust of the Earth Gen. 3. 14. Which was design'd to be a lasting as well as a visible Memorial of God's Displeasure against the first Sin in the World So we read afterwards that God spared not the brut● Beasts whom the Sinners of the old world had abused but destin'd them no less than the Offenders themselves to Destruction Gen. 6. 7. which gives us some account of the implacable Opposition of the Divine Nature to all Sin and even to all that are but instrumental and serviceable to it He that is of purer eyes than to behold Iniquity will not suffer it to go unpunish'd wherever he observes it And this might be added here that the foresaid Curs● on the Serpent hath reference also to the malicious D●mon who actuated that Animal The doom of this impure Spirit is here included his being not able to raise up himself against the Servants of the most High so as to hurt them and his being 〈◊〉 to Hell and his being made for ever a curs●d Creature l●ath'd and abhor'd of God and Man are comprehended in this Execration Thus I have finish'd the second State of Man This I call a State as it respects Us but I call it a Dispensation as it hath respect unto God because it was his Will and Pleasure to suffer this to be Out of infinite Wisdom he permitted Man's Fall designing to make it subservient at last to the Good of Mankind and to his own Glory by inhansing his Mercy and Goodness in the 〈◊〉 and unexpected rescuing of Mankind from the Miseries which they had incur'd by this general Lapse I say general for as I asserted before concerning the first State that of Innoc●ncy that it included all Men in it as well as our first Progenitors so I must declare the same concerning this second State and Dispensation It takes in not only Adam and Ev● who indeed were the most consp●cuous Persons but all the succeeding Generations of Men and Women For by reason of our first Parents wilful sinning and transgressing the Divine Law all Persons are under the Displeasure of God the Penalty of his Law and the Power of Satan for they are all conceived in Sin and brought forth in Iniquity they are naturally averse to all Good and prone to all Evil and therefore a Condemnation is justly pass'd on them all Here I might cop●ously treat of Original Sin and the fatal Influence of it but I intend not at present to enlarge on any main Article or Point of Divinity this Treatise being design'd only as an 〈◊〉 to so great a Performance This only in brief is to be remembred that Adam as a common Person sinn'd for himself and his whole Posterity In him all Mankind were created and in him they all ●ell and were corrupted Adam being the Father and Root of all Successions by his sinning involv'd himself and his Prog●ny into a State of Guilt and Enmity against God This great Banker broke and with him all his Race were beggar'd and ruin'd His particular Fault became the Catholick Crime of all Persons descended from him even before they knew what was Good and Evil i. e. before they were born They were all accurs'd in him and rendred obnoxious to the Divine Wrath and no Creature was able to deliver them from it But God the merciful Creator and indulgent Father of Mankind was pleased to contrive their Deliverance Accordingly he made an early Discovery of his Grace and Love to our first Parents and to their Posterity which leads me to the next Dispensation CHAP. III. The Nature of the Third General Dispensation The first part of which is the Adamick State The early Promise concerning the Messias Gen. 3. 15. explain'd He was expected betimes The New Testament witnesses that he was to bruise the Serpent's Head Several positive Laws were under this Oeconomy That of Oblations and Sacrifices is especially consider'd Eucharistical Sacrifices were part of the Law of Nature Expiatory
that Christ's words here are not oppofed to Moses's that he doth command nothing contrary to the Law but that he vindicated the Law from the false and corrupt Glosses of the Pharisees you may be convinced that Christ is here no New Legislator but an Interpreter of the Old Law that he only explaineth and cleareth it and more fully delivereth it to the World and consequently that the Precepts of the Gospel are the same in substance with the Decalogue that Christ enjoineth no New Virtue as to the kind of it that he hath made no addition of New Laws and Precepts to the Old ones unless in those respects which I have before mentioned and on the account of them it is that the Legal and Evangelical Dispensation differ so much Being now employed in shewing the Difference between the Old Dispensations before Christ and that which he introduced I cannot finish what I intend unless I particularly handle that noted Question What is the difference between the Covenant of Works and the Covenant of Grace or between the Old and New Covenant and why they are called so I have said something already which may give light to this but now I will purposely insist upon it Indeed the Discourse of the Old and New Cov●nant might have been inserted in the beginning when I enter'd upon the General O●conomy of Grace when I spoke of the first Discovery made to Adam concerning the Mess●as but then I must have antedated some things which I have mention'd since and I must have treated of the Evangelical Dispensation long before it came in my way It is therefore pertinent and most proper to treat of the C●venants in this place and to shew the true difference between them We must call to mind then what I said before that God covenanted with Man 1. When he was in the State of Innocence 2. When he was fallen The former was the Covenant of W●rks the latter was the Covenant of Gr●ce As to the first it was properly a Covenant for a Covenant is a mutual Agreement betwixt Party and Party with reciprocal Obligations of each other So that Covenant was a Contract between God and Adam and in him with all Mankind wherein God promised Everlasting Life and Happiness to Man if he continued in his Obedience to him And Man having a sufficient Ability given him by God ingaged on his part to perform perfect Obedience and to persevere in all good Works without sinning whence it was call'd the Covenant of Works Upon this Agreement God gave Adam a particular Commandment as a trial of his Obedience that he should abstain from the Fruit of a certain Tree in the Garden where God had placed him But Adam soon broke this Covenant by eating the forbidden Fruit and so brought a Curse on himself and all his Posterity Hereupon the First Convenant or Covenant of Works was succeeded by a Second viz. the Covenant of Grace This is that Covenant which God made with Adam and his Posterity just after his Fall when they were in a state of Sin and Misery Christ was promised forthwith the Seed of th● Woman shall break the Serpent's Head Gen. 3. 15. As soon as this Promise was given and made the Covenant of Works expired then began the Covenant of Grace and so was in succeeding Generations more and more revealed till Christ came and fully revealed it This is called the Covenant of Grace as hath been said before because it proceeded from mere Grace and Favour and because a more abundant Grace and Love are discovered in this Covenant for Man's restoring than in the other for preserving him Now a Covenant being a mutual Contract and Stipulation of both Parties as hath been suggested this Covenant as well as the other was made up of something on God's part and something on ours As God is tied to Man so Man is tied to God God promised to send his Son to take our Nature and to make known to us the Will of his Father thus he is a 〈◊〉 and also to satisfy God for our Sins and by this means to redeem us from Hell and Eternal Damnation and to obtain for us forgiveness of Sins and the favour of God and Eternal Life and Blessedness Sinners are justified pardoned and restored to what they lost by 〈◊〉 they are reinstated in the Right and Privilege they had before their Apostacy This is done by Chrrist's Death thus he is our Priest he offers himself a Sacrifice for our Sins Further he inables us to discharge our Duty by sending his Holy Spirit into our Hearts he rules and governs us and so is our King This is the Covenant on God's part On ours it is to hearken diligently to our Prophet and to be desirous and ready to learn his Will to accept of rely upon and apply unto our selves the meritorious Satisfaction of our Priest and to be ruled by him as our King to submit to him and to obey his Laws which briefly are these that we acknowledg his Soveraignty over us that we believe in him and that we repent and forsake our Sins These are the Conditions of the Covenant of Grace on Man's part Or take the whole in a briefer way thus To give Ability and Power to believe and repent and perform Acts of Holiness is the New Covenant on God's part But personally to do these by virtue of the foresaid Power is the New Covenant on Man's part which yet God alone can make effectual It is said by some that Faith and Obedience are not the Conditions of this Covenant on Man's part because they are promised in the Covenant for the Condition of the Covenant must be a distinct thing from the Covenant But this is a mere Nicety for tho in the Gospel-Covenant Faith and Repentance are pr●mis●d i. e. God hath ingaged to give us strength to exert these Graces yet so far as they are consider'd as our Acts and coming from 〈◊〉 for God cannot be said to believe and repent they are Conditions They are promis'd by 〈◊〉 upon 〈◊〉 as all that we are to do is promis'd but since we on our part engage and promise to do them they are rightly stiled and really are Qualifications without which we shall never partake of the Divine Favour Neither do these Condition● of Faith and Obedience which are required of us hinder the freeness of the Gospel-Grace as is objected for God promised pardon of Sin and Eternal Life freely and it is the same free Grace which first appointed and afterward accepteth of these Conditions It is mere Favour and Good-will that God was pleased to give Salvation and Everlasting Happiness by Christ on condition of believing and obeying him But you will say it is the Language of the Covenant of Works Do this and live whereas the Gospel saith Believe and be saved I answer The Covenant of Grace as well as the Covenant of Works requires doing and so in effect saith Do this and live But yet
Sacred Trinity about the making of Man His Excellency What God's Image in Man is not What it is largely discours'd of The various Opinions concerning Paradise It is proved by sundry Arguments that it was in Babylon An account of its Four Rivers An Objection fully answered whereby the Author's Opinion concerning those Rivers is explain'd and establish'd The Employment of our First Parents in Paradise Besides the Law of Nature there were these positive Laws in the State of Primitive Integrity 1. That of Matrimony 2. That concerning Propagation 3. Observing the Sabbath or Seventh Day It is proved that Adam and Eve kept this Day 4. Abstaining from the Fruit of a certain Tree in the Garden of Eden An Account of the Tree of Lif● and the Tree of Knowledg of Good and Evil. The prohibiting of this latter shew'd in several Particulars to be Reasonable and Equitable 5. The Covenant of Works Not only the first Man and Woman but all their Race were under this First Dispensation Page 1 CHAP. II. The Nature of the Second General Dispensation The several particular Ingredients of the First Sin Its Aggravation from the Matter of it What kind of Creature the Serpent was whom the Devil made use of in seducing our first Parents It was not a firy flying Serpent but an ordinary one Wherein the Subtilty of this Animal consisted That Adam and Eve fell not on the same day in which they were made is proved from Scripture and Reason The dreadful Effects of the Fall which related to themselves Others which belong'd not only to them but to their whole Race Death was the Penal Consequence of the First Defection The Inward and Spiritual Evils that attended it are enumerated How Man became like the Beasts Eternal Death the Fruit of his Apostacy The Penalty insticted on the Serpent Not only our First Parents but all Mankind were under this Second Dispensation p. 49 CHAP. III. The Nature of the Third General Dispensation The first part of which is the Adamick State The early Promise concerning the Messias Gen. 3. 15. explain'd He was expected betimes The New Testament witnesses that he was to bruise the Serpent's Head Several positive Laws were under this Occonomy That of Oblations and Sacrifices is especially consider'd Eucharistical Sacrifices were part of the Law of Nature Expiatory and Bloody onec were not so Thence these latter were disapproved of by the wisest Heathens They are founded upon Divine Institution The Practice of Sacrificing among the Pagans was derived to them by Tradition from the Jews or the foregoing Patriarchs Whether sacrifices were prescribed before or after the Fall of our First Parents Concerning the Primitive Priesthood The Distinction of clean and unclean Animals was in respect of Sacrificing not Eating Gen. 4. 26. explain'd and a settled Church founded upon it Marrying with Infidels seems to be prohibited under this Dispensation The Rise of Polygamy The seven Precepts said to be given to the Sons of Adam and Noah The Improbability of this Jewish Tradition evinced from several Considerations The Mistakes of Volkelius and Episcopius concerning the Antediluvian Oeconomy p. 83 CHAP. IV. The Noachical Oeconomy The first Positive Law under it was about eating of Flesh. It is proved that this prevail'd n●● till after the Flood Objections against it answer'd The Testimony of Pagans to confirm it The Reason of the Prohibition The second Positive Law was concerning not eating Flesh with the Blood The Reason of it The third Positive Law was concerning not shedding of Man's Blood With the Penalty of it And the Sanction of Magistracy Ser●itude not introduced under this Dispensation The Longevity of the Patriarchs was common to all in those Times The Months and Years were of the same length then that they are now They were Solar not Lunar Years The Causes of the long Lives of those that lived before the Flood The Abrahamick Oeconomy With its several Steps and Advances The Nature of the Covenant made with Abraham Now the Faithful were separated and distinguish'd from the rest of the World Why they are called Hebrews The Nature and Design of Circumcision Vnder this Dispensation Altars were erected Tithes paid c. Of Polygamy and Concubines and other Vsages p. 112 CHAP. V. The Mosaick or Jewish Dispensation seems to be Preposterous The Law of Grace was veiled for a Season The Triple Law which this Oeconomy was famous for briefly display'd Four Reasons assigned why the World was so long without a Written Law The Ceremonial Law is part of this Dispensation The several things which are comprehended in it Oblations viz. of Inanimate things Sacrifices which were of Living Creatures An enumeration of those Sacrifices which were Set and Determined Others were Occasional viz. 1. Sin-Offerings 2. Trespass-Offerings 3. Peace-Offerings Some Remarks about Sacrifices The several Ends and Designs of this way of Worship How the Mosaick Sacrifices are said to Expiate It is largely proved that the guilt of all kinds of Sins whatsoever was Atoned by them The Objections to the contrary are answered The Principal End of the Jud●ick Sacrifices was to typifie and represent the Sacrifi●e of Christ on the Cross. p. 145 CHAP. VI. The High-Priest's Office His peculiar Attire The Imployment and Apparel of the P●iests The Levites particular Charge Whether they might sacrifice or no. Their Office in the Reigns of King David and King Solomon differ'd in some things from what it was before The ordinary and fixed Place of Worship and particularly of Sacrificing was the Tabernacle A particular Account of the three Divisions or Partitions of it viz. the Outward Court the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies with all things contain'd in them The Mystical and Spiritual meaning of the several Particulars The Travels and Removes of the Tabernacle and Ark. A distinct Account of the Parts of the Temple shewing wherein it differ'd from the Tabernacle Of the Fabrick it self and its Dimensions Houses and Chambers belonging to it The Sacraments appointed by the Ceremonial Law p. 173 CHAP. VII The Jewish Feasts Sabbaths New Moon Passover The Parallel between the Paschal Lamb and our Sa●iour shew'd in several Particulars This Mystical Way approved of Christ celebrated not the Passover the same Evening that the Jews did but in the Evening before This represented in a Scheme The Feast of Pentecost The Feast of Tabernacles The Feast of Trumpets Of Expiation Other lesser Feasts not commanded in the Law but appointed by the Jewish Church Fasts kept tho not injoin'd by the Law The difference of Clean and Unclean Animals Why the latter were forbidden to be eaten The chief Reason of the prohibition was to prevent Idolatry Two Objections answer'd Vows proper to the Mosaick Dispensation They were either Personal or Real The Cherem p. 205 CHAP. VIII The Reasons of the Ceremonial Rites among the Jews They were to Try that People They were to Restrain them They were injoin'd in opposition to the Idolatrous Customs of the Heathens Several
with Mankind in the beginning of the World when Adam was their Representative And it is certain that he could not transgress it unless he had first agreed to it And this is abundantly clear from the Epistles of St. Paul which frequently have reference to this very thing And the Truth of this may be too manifestly gather'd from the miserable Effects and Consequences of it which we now experience This Covenant then and this Dispensation to which it belongs extend to all Mankind As being in Adam they were all indued with the Divine Image they were all possess'd of Life and Happiness and might have so continued unless they had in him fallen from their Primitive Integrity Hitherto Man was in honour Psal. 49. 12. being created in God's Image he was placed in Paradise he was possess'd of all manner of Felicity and he might have perpetuated it to himself and his Posterity This is the first State of Man viz. that of Innocence which constitutes the first Dispensation CHAP. II. The Nature of the Second General Dispensation The several particular Ingredients of the First Sin Its Aggravations from the Matter of it What kind of Creature the Serpent was whom the Devil made use of in seducing our first Parents It was not a firy flying Serpent but an ordinary one Wherein the Subtilty of this Animal consisted That Adam and Eve fell not on the same day in which they were made is proved from Scripture and Reason The dreadful Effects of the Fall which related to themselves Others which belong'd not only to them but to their whole Race Death was the Penal Consequence of the First Defection The Inward and Spiritual Evils that attended it are enumerated How Man became like the Beasts Eternal Death the Fruit of his Apostacy The Penalty inflicted on the Serpent Not only our First Parents but all Mankind were under this Second Dispensation THE second General Dispensation is the State of Sin and Infelicity viz. from Adam's Fall till he was Restored and Recover'd This State is doubly express'd by the Psalmist Man understood not but became like the Beasts The first represents his Sin and Fall the second the Effects of it So here are both his Fault and his Penalty As among Philosophers there is Physiology which is the considering of Bodies in their natural Temper and there is Pathology which is the consideration of Man's Body as fallen into a state of Disease so in Divinity we distinctly treat of these two the State of Innocence the primitive temper of Mankind and the State of Corruption which is a degeneracy from that first Temper and Constitution Des Cartes imagines this Earth of ours to have been once a glorious Sun but afterward to have sunk into another Vortex and to be overcast with Spots and Scum and so to move slowly and to be what it now is It is certain that Man the best Creature on Earth was once a bright and glorious Being and moved in a high Sphere and cast a most ravishing Light He had the Image of God and the Characters of Divine Wisdom impress'd upon him but he soon lost his Primitive Light and Lustre he forsook his Station and was absorp'd into darkness and overspread with Sin and Misery I begin first with Adam's Sin and here I must enquire into these two things 1. What this Sin was 2. Who were the Instruments of it As to the Sin it self it was no other than this Whereas God had commanded our first Parents that they should not eat of the Fruit of the Tree of Good and Evil they wilfully despised that Command and took of the forbidden Fruit and did eat of it This was the Sin of Adam and Eve and the first Sin that ever was in the World But this I must insert that there were many undue Inclinations and vitious Dispositions in their Souls which made way for this actual and external Transgression and may be said to be parts and ingredients of this Sin and which are also great Aggravations of their Crime 1. Man being in Honour understood not which may signify that ignorance and senslesness which they had contracted by non-attention They consider'd not what Honour and Dignity they had and so discerned not what was their proper Duty in that State Incogitancy was the first rise and occasion of the Fall of our first Parents saith the profound Dr. Iackson and that very rightly And before him St. Chrysostom had determin'd in the like manner for he holds that Negligence was the first Fault they grew heedless and careless not reflecting on their state and circumstances not duly thinking what they were and what they ought to do thence arose their transgression 2. Sensuality was the previous cause of the first Apostacy The sight of the Fruit excited the Woman's Appetite When she saw the Tree was good for Food and that it was pleasant to the Eyes she took of the Fruit thereof and did eat Gen. 3. 6. And she might easily prevail with her Husband to do so too whilst he perhaps was as much taken with her Beauty as she was with that of the Fruit. There have been several Conjectures about the rise of the first Transgression and I am now presenting the Reader with them but if I should say that Lust among other Incentives was the first spring of it I think no considerate Man can disallow what I propound For tho the new-married couple were created without any tincture of sinful Concupiscence yet God had planted in them those natural Inclinations which were proper and sutable to the Conjugal State Tho these were unpolluted and void of all Vice yet God had placed the Possessors of them in such a mutable State and had endued them with such Powers and Faculties both of Soul and Body that they might make use of them to good or evil as they pleas'd And accordingly they enclined to the latter and turn'd the concupiscible part into that which was evil and vicious and so their innocent Propensions to one another were chang'd into lustful Amours and their mutual desires and complacencies occasion'd by the force of each others Beauty became instrumental to that Sin which we are treating of With Adam more especially this had a great sway for his Wise was a very fair and lovely Creature and it is probable that he look'd on her more than on the Fruit. This was not so fair as she that handed it to him and therefore he was more in love with her than with that because he saw a brightness in that Face which was more charming than what the Tree afforded But yet he had a love to this for the sake of the other and thereupon the uxorious Man after several fits of reluctancy we may suppose resolv'd to gratify his Spouse being beguil'd by her Beauty and by that amorous propension which it had produc'd in him he could deny her nothing Or to speak in more general terms his entire love and affection to her
Lamb without blemish and without spot as he is call'd 1 Pet. 19. who was to present to himself a Church not having spot or wrinkle Ephes. 5. 27. This was he and there was none ever like him who ●id no ●in neither was guile found in his mouth 1 Pet. 2. 22. Secondly The Paschal Lamb was to be a Male ver 5. Serviu● on that place of Virgil Casâ jungebant foed●r● porcâ hath this Note that the Gentiles thought the S●●-Sacrifices were most prevalent and acceptable Whence some conjecture that here is a Male-Sacrifice enjoined in opposition to the custom of the Gentiles for it is well known that many things were commanded the Iews because they were contrary to the practice of the Heathen People round about them And there might be some regard to this here tho I cannot say with a late Writer that all the Circumstances here relating to the Passover were inj●ined in opp●sition to the practice of the superstitious and idolatrous Gentiles Others think a Male was to represent Christ who was Man as well as God So that this qualification was fulfilled as the Learned Bochart observes in the very strictness of the Letter And this excellent Writer adds that it was a Male because the Sacrifice of this kind was reputed more worthy and excellent than the Female Offerings Mal. 1. 14. But the plainest and most obvious Reason why the Paschal Lamb was a Male is because it is the stronger and more vigorous and so it was fittest to represent him who is the Christians Strength I can do all things through Christ who strengthn●t● me saith the Apostle God hath laid help on one that is mighty one that 〈◊〉 able to save to the uttermost them that com● to God by him one who was indued with sufficient Power to accomplish the great Work he undertook And as the Paschal Lamb was to be a Male so on the very same account the third Qualification of it was that it must be of the first Year ver 5. for then it was supposed to arrive to its vigour Such a Lamb was Christ Iesus he was crucified when he was in the strength of his Years in the full vigour of his Age when he was young and lively Thus you see there is a perfect resemblance in all these Particulars between the Paschal Lamb and the Lamb of God even our Lord Iesus Christ. And I may add this too that the Paschal Lamb was to be taken out of their own Folds ver 3. and Deut. 16. 2. So was our Redeemer one of the Flock taken out of the Fold of Mankind taken from his Brethren Deut. 18. 15. Heb. 2. 17. He was one of us a true Man of our Flesh and of our Bone And which was yet nearer to the matter he was taken out of the Fold of the Iews and he was of the Seed of David In the next place the Lamb was to be kill'd and in this also it is a manifest Type of Christ. That without shedding of Blood there should be no remission was the appointment of Eternal Wisdom that which Angels admire and Men must ever stand amazed at Therefore the Messias was to die for us to expiate our Sins by his Blood for his Blood cleanseth us from all Sin 1 John 1. 7. But before the Lamb was kill'd it was to be kept in their Houses four days ver 3. and ver 6. You will find upon perusing the History of the Gospel that Christ was crucified the 4 th day after his last coming into Ierusalem the Iews own Home he was as it were all that time kept up before he was slain Or it may be Bochart's Notion may be acceptable who observes that this Passage was thus fulfill'd Christ was taken from his Mother's House the Fold where he was brought up at 30 Years of Age and suffer'd Death the 4 th Year after that If according to the Prophetick Stile we take a Day for a Year this is exactly accomplish'd But this Judicious Author favours rather the other Interpretation viz. Christ suffering on the fourth day after his coming to Ierusalem tho I conceive this Learned Man is mistaken in his Reckoning of it for tho our Saviour rode into Ierusalem on the 10 th day of the Month yet he return'd to Bethany whence he came at the Evening Mat. 21. 17. and came back to Ierusalem the next day Mat. 21. 18. and consequently he was not crucified on the 14 th day as this Author determines but on the 15 th But let us pass to the next Circumstance of Time and that is that they were to kill the Lamb in the Evening at the going down of the Sun ver 6. Deut. 16. 6. Which plainly points at the Time of Christ's Passion and Death viz. towards the shutting in of the day at the declining of the Sun Then did this Sun of Righteousness leave this World For tho some apply it to the Evening of the Iewish Oeconomy and Government and others to the Evening of the World yet I rather pitch upon the most easie and unexceptionable meaning i. e. the Evening of the Day then our Christian Passover was sacrificed for us He was slain in the Evening or as 't is said here of the Paschal Lamb between the two Evenings i. e. as I have shew'd before between the first declining of the Sun and its going down or setting which was about the Ninth hour or Three a clock in the Afternoon Then the Lamb which was slain from the foundation of the World viz. as to the Decree of God and as to the virtue and efficacy of his Death for those that were before Christ's coming were as effectually saved by him as those that lived at or after it was really and actually slain in his body on the Cross. And thus He and the Paschal Lamb were slain at the same hour of the day Mat. 27. 45 46. The next thing observable is the Effusion and Sprinkling of the Blood of the Lamb ver 7 13. The Blood was to be to them for a Token upon the houses where they were that when the Angel saw the Blood he should pass over them and the plague should not be upon them to destroy them Here is the Benefit which came to the Israelites by the Passover they were kept safe and secure from the Destroying Angel when Death and Destruction seiz'd upon the Egyptians Can any thing more evidently set forth the Design of Iesus the Messias who was to come and shed his Blood for us that thereby we might be freed from the Vengeance of God and escape the stroak of the Destroyer and be rescued from Death and Eternal Misery Wherefore a Pious Father saith rightly The Lamb which of old was slain by the Israelites was a Type of the True Lamb Christ our Lord who was sacrificed for us for as there the Blood sprinkled on the posts saved those that sprinkled it so the Blood of the True
Lamb Christ our God delivers us from the Curse of the Enemy and from Eternal Death Indeed this is the grand and principal thing signified by the Paschal Lamb viz. our Redemption by the Blood of Jesus Christ. And the Sprinkling of this Blood is twice expresly mention'd as absolutely necessary for this purpose Heb. 12. 24. 1 Pet. 1. 1. And the hearts of Believers are said to be sprinkled from an evil conscience Heb. 10. 22. that is purged and cleans'd from the defilements of Sin by sprinkling of the Blood of this Lamb. Besides the sprinkling and striking of the Blood on the posts denotes unto us the particular applying of the Blood of Jesus and the virtue of his Passion to our selves by a lively Faith Which that Religious and Pious Critick whom I have before quoted expresses thus The Blood of Christ saith he is sprinkled on the posts of our hearts when with a firm Faith we imbrace the Doctrine of the Cross being assured that the Son of God poured out his Blood for us so that every one of us may say with the Apostle This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation that Christ Iesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am chief Moreover at the Celebration of the Passover they were to strike the blood of the slain Lamb on the two side posts of the door within and without on purpose that they might see it and take special notice of it as the Angel did before and that they might call that Wonderful Mercy to remembrance This shall be to you for a Memorial and ye shall keep it a Feast to the Lord for ever ver 14. This solemn Feast was instituted on purpose to remind them of their Deliverance and so the Lords Supper which succeeds in its room is a Commem●ration of our Deliverance by Christ. Do this in Remembrance of me saith he observe this Holy Feast to help you to call to mind my Death and consequently the Infinite Benefits and Advantages which you receive by it In the next place we come to speak of the Eating of the Paschal Lamb and the several Circumstances that were observable in it and let us see how they agree with that which we are speaking of First I say it was to be Eaten and so was the Lamb of God He himself uses this stile and language he calls unto us saying Take eat this is my Body Mat. 26. 26. And he assures us that except we eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his Blood we have no life in u● Whose ●ateth my Flesh and drinketh my Blood hath eternal life for my Flesh is meat indeed and my Blood is drink indeed He that eateth my Flesh and drinketh my Blood dwelle●h in me and I in him Joh. 6. 53 c. This I think is sufficient to prove the Parallel between Christ and the Paschal Lamb as to eating them Next we are to observe that this Lamb which was to be eaten was to be roasted with fire ver 8. And therein also is prefigured what be●el the Lamb of God The Holy Ghost in Scripture is pleased to compare God's Wrath to Fire Deut. 32. 24. Jer. 4. 4. Jer. 15. 14. Jer. 21. 12. Lam. 1. 13. Lam. 2. 4. and in many other places Therefore Roasting in the fire fitly expresseth the Extremity of Christs Sufferings under the Flames of God's Anger He was as it were Scorched and Burnt he underwent the Displeasure of God who is a Consuming Fire Deut. 4. 24. Heb. 12. 29. This is thus expressed in other terms by Isaiah He was wo●nded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities Isa. 53. 5. He was oppressed and he was afflicted ver 7. It pleased the Lord to bruise him and to put him to grief ver 10. Some Commentators take no notice of this Parallel but certainly it is not to be omitted nay it is of very great moment and the manner of speech very fitly and significantly expresses the Heat the Height of God's wrath kindled against Sinners We see this Torrefaction is adapted to the usual language of Scripture where the Extremity of the Divine Anger against the wicked is set forth by fire with which saith the Learned and Pious Bochart it behoved Christ to be as it were scorched and burnt who had made himself a Surety for Sinners that he might undergo the Punishment which they deserved Nay besides the Mystical signification there is a kind of literal fulfilling of the Expression here used if we may credit an antient and pious Father who acquaints us that the Roasted Lamb at the Passover was spitted in such a manner that it resembled the figure of a Cross and he particularly tells us how If we consider that this Antient Writer of the Church was born and bred in Palestine and was skill'd in the Iewish as well as Pagan Rites and Customs and likewise if we remember that he spoke these words in a Conference with a knowing Iew who could and would have contradicted him if he had deliver'd any thing concerning the Iewish practices which was not true we cannot but look upon this as a very considerable Testimony and we must conclude that he would not have dared to apply this particular passage of the Roasting of the Lamb to our blessed Savi●ur he would not have compar'd this Cross to the Spit unless there had been ground for it The next thing observable is that the whole Lamb was to be eaten ver 10. Ye shall let nothing of it remain's which may import how Intire and Compleat the spiritual eating of the Lamb of God should be Whole Christ or none must be receiv'd by Faith Which the forecited Author thus piously descants upon It is not sufficient to eat Christ in part as if we were desirous to enjoy his Glory but not to be partakers of his Sufferings or as if we would have him for our Redeemer not for our Lawgiver and Master as if not attributing enough to the Merits of Christ we would partly place our confident hope of Salvation in our own Works or in the Mediation and Intercession of others And further when it is said that the Lamb must not remain till morning it doth strangely and marvelously agree with what the Evangelists relate that Christ was taken down from the Cross on a sudden contrary to the Custom in such cases and partly because of the Sabbath on the ensuing day that thereby the Parallel between our Saviour and the Iewish Passover might be more manifest It is said further ver 46. and Num. 9. 12. Neither shall ye break a bone thereof That Christ Iesus who suffer'd on the Cross was presignifi'd and foretold by this is plain from what is recorded by St. Iohn who tells us that Divine Providence so order'd it that tho the Souldiers broke the Legs of those that were crucified with Christ yet they br●ke not his Legs Joh. 19. 33. A most remarkable completion of the Type
and that by the wonderful disposal of Heaven Whereupon the Evangelist saith This was done that the Scripture might be fulfill'd A B●n● of him shall not be broken ver 36. Which plainly refers to this passage concerning the Paschal Lamb of the Iews that they were commanded not to break any bone of it And if according to St. Iohn that particular injunction concerning the Lamb be applicable to Christ and was fulfill'd in him there is just ground so believe that the other passages and circumstances relating to that Lamb are to be apply'd to Christ the Lamb of God and are accomplish'd in him This no man of composed thoughts can deny And whereas the Iews were to eat their Paschal Lamb with Vnleavened Bread ver 8 20. the Apostle hath told us the meaning of that for after he had said Christ our Passover i● sacrificed for us he immediately adds Let us therefore keep the Feast not with old Leaven neither with the Leaven of malice and wickedness but with the Vnleavened Bread of sincerity and truth The corrupt Ferment of Sin especially of Hypocrisie and Dissimulation which our Saviour also calls Leaven Luks 12. 1. futeth not with the Bread of Life which we are to eat Yea we must purge out all sin and wickedness which the same Inspired Author in the same place again calls the Old Leaven ver 7. If we would keep the Christian Passover aright we must abandon every known Vice which is fitly compared to Leaven because it spreadeth it self and soon corrupteth the Soul a little Leaven leaveneth the whole lump ver 6. Gal. 5. 9. But from what we read in Deut. 16. 3. we may gather that something besides this is shadowed out there they are bid to eat all the time of the Passover Vnleavened Bread even the Bread of affliction because they came forth out of the Land of Egypt in haste Vnleavened Bread then is the Bread of affliction but why is it call'd so I conceive it hath this name because it is such Bread as the Poor and Afflicted by reason of pressing hunger eat not staying till it be leavened This sort of Bread they were to eat And so we are taught here in what manner we are to eat the Christian Passover viz. with the Bread of affliction we must not pamper our carnal part we must not make provision for the flesh to fulfil the lusts thereof we must according to the Apostles Example keep under our bodies and bring them into subjection to our better part And this was partly signified by the eating of the Paschal Lamb with bitter herbs ver 8. The spiritual meaning whereof is that we should not indulge our selves in the pleasures of Sin that we should celebrate our Evangelical Passover with godly Contrition and Sorrow with hearty Remorse and Repentance and that with the Penitent Apostle we should weep bitterly for our Sins The Crucified Iesus is best entertain'd with a broken Heart And moreover the posture and demeanour which the Israelites were to observe in their celebrating the Passover viz. with their loins girded and with sh●●s on their feet and staves in their hands ver 11. which exprest their readiness to leave Egypt and to depart out of it at the first warning represent unto us our duty which is to be prepar'd to quit our sins which make us worse than Egyptian Bondslaves Christ being sacrificed and ascended we are to fit our selves to follow him we must gird up the loins of our minds we must have our feet sh●● with the Evangelical preparation we must be constantly in the posture of Pilgrims whose thoughts are on leaving the place where they are and we must be willing and ready to follow our Blessed Saviour which way soever he calls us This is to be remarked likewise that no Vncircumcised person was to eat of the Passover no F●reigner or Stranger ver 43 44. Which acquainteth us that none but those who are admitted into Christ's Church and are True and Proper Members of it can partake of the Benefits which accrue by the death of our Lord and also that Strangers and Aliens from the Covenant of Grace and those that are Uncircumcis'd in heart receive no real Advantage by coming to the Lord's Supper they partake only of the outward Elements but are excluded from sharing in the Inward Grace and Blessing which are represented by those External Signs Thus you see the Parallel between the Iewish and Christian Passover The Paschal Lamb was a Male and without Blemish and of the First Year It was taken out of their own Fold and kill'd in the Evening and the Door-posts were sprinkled with the Blood It was roasted and then eaten whole not a bone of it was to be broken and nothing of it was to remain It was eaten with Unleavened bread and bitter herbs with loins girt and in haste it was eaten not by Strangers and Uncircumcised persons and in every one of these particulars it was Typical and Representative For tho it is true there was this general Reason why these several Observances concerning the Paschal Lamb were enjoyn'd namely because of their direct opposition to the Heathen Cerem●nies then in practice as you shall hear afterwards yet there was a more particular reason and distinct ground of the prescribing of these several Rites viz. because they in some manner were Types and Significations of what our Lord Christ was to do or suffer and of what is required of us in solemnizing the Gospel-Passover If any man shall despise these things and imagine them little and not worthy of the Spirit of God he may correct his prophane mistake by looking into the Epistles of St. Paul especially that to the Hebrews where he will find that the Apostle takes notice of such passages as these which relate to the Iewish Observances and by the direction of the Divine and Infallible Spirit applies them to our Lord and his Blessed Undertakings and the main things of the Gospel-Dispensation Let none then be so presumptuous and imp●ous as to say that these are Little and Contemptible seeing they are such as the Holy Spirit was pleased to dictate Nay I might add with great reason and truth that this Mystical way of delivering the most weighty matters was heretofore used and approved of by all the Antient Sages and Men of Wisdom especially by the Egyptians whose Learning chiefly consisted in Hieroglyphicks And therefore when we see that some men who have a great esteem of the Egyptian Learning and admire it at a very high rate do yet slight and vilifie those Mysterious Representations of the greatest and most important Truths which the Old Testament presents us with we cannot but observe their wicked perversness whilst they disregard and even ridicule that very way of communicating Truth in the Holy and Inspired Scriptures which they magnifie and extol in Prophane Writers But I have not finished this Parallel yet To make it every way compleat Christ our
cogent Reasons to perswade us that they truly and faithfully delivered down to us those things This I will make good from the Consideration 1. Of the Persons that transmitted these things 2. Of the Evidence of the Cause First as to the Persons I will consider both their Lives and their Deaths Their Lives are sufficient proofs of their Integrity in delivering the Scriptures of the New Testament to us and of their confident belief of the Truth of all that is contain'd in them The Primitive Christians lived after another rate than we do now They did not wrangle and quarrel as we do they did not ●ight and devour one another as the manner of too many is of latter times but they were remarkable for their mutual Love and Concord for their Humility Meekness and Condescension to one another and they were admired for their Gravity Sobriety Self-denial and Patience they were eminent for their Piety towards God and their Innocent and Righteous dealing with all Men. The Ministers practised what they preached and the People were ambitious to imitate their Preachers and both were singularly Good and Virtuous This was it which gain'd so many Proselytes to Christianity in those first times this brought them to a perswasion of the Truth and Reality of Christ's Doctrine Therefore when Origen had excellently proved the Truth of Christianity to Alexander Severus that noble Emperor ingenuously confessed that he was more convinced of the Truth of that Religion by the humble and loving carriage of Christians than by all Origen's Arguments The exemplary and blameless Conversation of those Primitive Professors argued that the Doctrine and Principles of their Religion were real and certain For how can it enter into any sober Mans thoughts that such holy and upright Men true followers of the Apostles and Disciples of Christ would have constantly confessed and owned the Christian way unless they had been throughly convinced of the Truth of it and that it was the very same which was confess'd and acknowledg'd by the Apostles themselves These Holy and Godly Men made Conscience of a Lie and counted it a heinous Crime to falsify yea they esteem'd it no less than a damnable Sin to disbelieve or misreport those things concerning Christ and the Christian Doctrines They were really perswaded in their Minds that their Salvation lay at stake that their Eternal Welfare or Everlasting Ruin were concern'd in these things And can you imagin then that they would report them falsly and impose upon the World by delivering things which were counterfeit Again as the Lives so the Suffering and Death of the Saints in the Primitive Days and in the succeeding Ages are an undeniable Argument of the Truth of what was deliver'd to them and of what they conveyed to us They underwent the most exquisite Pains and Torments with ineffable Courage and Constancy and nothing could prevail with them to renounce the Christian Religion insomuch that when the Pagan Adversaries in those days would express any thing to be impossible they did it thus Ye may sooner make the Professors of Christ quit their Masters● Doctrine This was a thing not to be effected for those Persons first of all forsook their worldly Goods and then parted with their Lives to hold fast their Religion This patient Suffering and undaunted Dying of so many thousands is an unquestionable Proof of the Truth of Christianity For those enlightned and sanctified Men would never lay down their Lives to maintain a Falshood and to perpetuate a Lie No they knew whom they believed in and for whom they suffer'd and that made them so couragious We may conclude then that the Christian Doctrine is confirm'd by the Blood of those Worthy Men those expiring Saints did testify the Truth of Christianity and therefore they are stiled Martyrs Secondly The Evidence of the Cause is an impregnable Argument of the Reality and Truth of these things which I am speaking of There is this following heap of Evidences 1. A great Presumption arising from just Causes and Circumstances yea and from a multiplicity of them which in all Courts of Judicature is of considerable weight and value with understanding Judges This first but lowest sort of Evidence the Christian Church since our Saviour hath not been destitute of for there were never higher Presumptions in any Cause under Heaven than there were in this But we need not mention this when we have 2. The Notoriety of the Facts i. e. when the things in trial are openly and commonly known when they are avouched by publick Fame and the universal Vogue of Men. And that this was the case of Christianity ever since Christ left the Earth cannot be denied by any Man of Modesty and Truth 3. The Succession of Christians and Churches in the World is a plain Proof that they verily believed those things which made them Christians and Churches Hereupon they deliver'd to us those Writings which they receiv'd from the Hands of the Evangelists and Apostles by their transmitting them to Posterity they shew that they believe them to be sacred and certain Verities 4. The Succession of Bishops and Pastors is an other Evidence for it was their Office to read publickly the Scriptures of the New Testament and to preach the Doctrines contain'd in them and consequently to own them to be Truth which is a good Motive to us to do the same 5. The frequent Disputes which Christians in all Ages have held with those who opposed the Scripture and Christianity are no mean Testimony in this Cause 6. To these may be added the famous Writings of the Christians in the several Centuries their Apologies Dialogues Sermons Homilies Orations Commentaries Histories All which proclaim their serious and firm Belief of what they have convey'd down to us 7. All Christian Churches have deliver'd to us certain Symbols or Articles of Belief which they reckon'd to be the Standards of Evangelical Faith and Truth 8. The Constant Communion of the Church and the publick Worship of God in the solemn Assemblies of Christians ever since the days of the Apostles the setting apart a Day for that Worship the reading of the Scriptures at such times the instructing the People out of them the celebrating the Lord's Supper the constant custom of openly rehearsing and pro●essing the Christian Belief the Prayers and Praises offer'd to God in the name of Christ the yearly Commemoration of the Birth Death and Resurrection of our Saviour the Sacrament of Baptism which acknowledgeth the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost 9. The sundry Decrees and Canons of Synods and Councils held in the Christian Churches Lastly the many Laws and Edicts of Christian Emperours and Princes in defence and confirmation of our most holy Religion These and all the rest before-named are clear Proofs and Evidences that the Evangelical Writings which contain the Doctrine and Actions of our blessed Lord were rightly and truly convey'd to us and that we are in possession of the same Faith and
3. 1. to explain this Place in the Revelation for as Christ is said to be crucified among the Galatians i. e. they had been so clearly and fully taught and instructed in the Nature of Christ's Sufferings as if Christ himself had been crucified in their Sight So in a resembling sort the SAINTS are said to live again i. e. their holy Lives and Actions whence they are denominated Saints are as evidently and completely copied out in the Persons then upon a kind of a Resurrection On such the second Death bath no Power i. e. those who have the Honour to be reserved to that excellent State of the Church which is called Reigning with Christ being Holy and Righteous Persons they shall be rescued from the second Death which is no other than Everlasting Destruction For as there is a Twofold Resurrection as hath been said so in the same way of Allusion there is a Twofold Death a Death of Temporal and a Death of Eternal Destruction This latter is called the second Death because it comes after the other and is a great deal more terrible than it Therefore to be free'd from this is the greatest Mercy imaginable And this is that which all those who live under the Heighth of the Evangelical Dispensation shall be rescued from At the end of those Thousand Years when the Books shall be opened and the Dead shall be judged out of them they shall escape everlasting Death and Damnation and they shall pass from Earth to Heaven from the happy State of the Church here to endless Blessedness in the Mansions above The short then of all is this That the Living and Reigning of the Saints with Christ which is foretold in this Chapter is to be understood of the most Prosperous and Flourishing State of the Church of Christ here on Earth which is the Thing that I have undertaken to prove and illustrate Indeed it is not expresly said that this Reign shall be on Earth but we may most rationally infer as much from this Chapter The Angel who was to bind Satan came down from Heaven ver 1. therefore the Scene of these Things spoken of in this Chapter was to be here below Afterwards ver 3. it is said that Satan was shut up that he might deceive the Nations no more Now none can deny but that these Nations were on Earth And in ver 9. it is said of Gog and Magog That they went up on the Breadth of the Earth and compassed the Camp of the Saints about The Saints then are upon the Earth as well as Gog and Magog And this appears yet further from what follows in the same Verse Fire came down from God out of Heaven and devoured them Therefore neither they nor the Saints were then in Heaven but on Earth else the Fire could not be said to come down from Heaven upon the latter It is out of question then that this Reigning of the Saints with Christ is meant of that happy Administration of the Church here on Earth Though the common Doctrine of the Millennaries viz. of the Saints and Martyrs leaving Heaven and coming down to Reign on Earth and so likewise of the Personal Reign of Christ with them be a groundless Fancy and built neither on Reason nor Scripture yet I have in some good measure shew'd that T●is which I am now speaking of is founded on Both. The former dictates to us that there shall be a more perfect State of Christianity than ever yet hath been and the latter in several Places speaks of this higher Degree of Christianity Though Christ will not come in Person yet he will come in the Spirit to renew his Church and to exalt it to a greater Measure of Holiness and Purity And there shall then be such a joyful blessed Season as never was before and never will be again upon Earth It remains now that I speak particularly and distinctly of the Duration of this Spiritual Reign It shall last a Thousand Years which some have thought is to be understood i●definitely As in Iob 9. 3. 33. 23. One of a Thousand is One of a great Many And in Psal. 50. 10. A Thousand Hills and Psal. 105. 8. A Thousand Generations is as much as very Many Hills and Generations so they think here a Finite Number is put for an Indefinite and accordingly the Reigning of the Saints a Thousand Years signifies no more than the long Time of the Churches Prosperity St. Augustin who takes the Thousand Years in this Indefinite manner holds that they began either at Christ's Birth or his Passion and last to the Worlds end or till a little before it when Antichrist is to come and appear in the World Others say they commence at Christ's Death and that as the Saints are said to Reign so the Devil is bound a Thousand Years i. e. all the Time from Christ's Passion to the Consummation of all Things excepting only that little Time when he is Loosed But these are very extravagant Assertions and no considerate Men have undertaken to make them good Why therefore should I undertake to confute them I will only say this to baffle their Notion who take these Thousand Years Indefinitely that first it is expres●y asserted in this Chapter that the Godly shall Reign a Thousand Years and that Satan shall be bound just so many Years which indeed are but the same Time Again The Thousand Years are repeated no less than Six-times by St. Iohn here which clearly makes against and Indefinite and Uncertain Number Unless a Certain Determinate Portion of Years were here meant this Definite and Precise Number would not have been reiterated so often For this reason both the Ancient and Modern Expositors of this Chapter universally agree that the Thousand Years here are to be taken in the most obvious and Proper Sence viz. for that Particular Determinate Number But then there is a great Disagreement about the Beginning and Ending of these Thousand Years thus precisely taken Some say they began at Christ's Nativity and lasted till Pope Silvester the Second which was about a Thousand Years after for Idolatry and all Superstitious Rights in the Church broke out and manifestly appeared under him first of all So our Wickliff and Bilney and Aretius a Foreigner thought But others as Bede Primasius Pererius fix the Date at Christ's Passion Others hold the Thousand Years began at the Preaching of the Gospel or about the Destruction of Ierusalem and ended when Popery first began Eminently to prevail which was they say about the Year of Christ 1073. when Hildebrand i. e. Gregory the Seventh invaded the Chair then Satan also was loosed This is Dr. Lightfoot's Opinion as it was also of our Broughton and Vsher and of Pareus and Iunius abroad But surely it is harsh to say that the Devil was bound all the time of the Ten Persecutions when he had Power given him to stir up those Bloody Emperours and Tyrants to commit such Outrages against the