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A35951 An expositon of all St. Pauls epistles together with an explanation of those other epistles of the apostles St. James, Peter, John & Jude : wherein the sense of every chapter and verse is analytically unfolded and the text enlightened. / David Dickson ...; Expositio analytica omnium Apostolicarum Epistolarum. English Dickson, David, 1583?-1663.; Retchford, William.; Dickson, David, 1583?-1663. Epistle of Paul to the Hebrews. 1659 (1659) Wing D1403; ESTC R7896 807,291 340

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of Christs obedience upon his And it is meer that as one sin of Adam was imputed to his children to condemnation and death so the intire obedience of Christ only should bee imputed to his sons to Justification and the obtaining of Eternal Life Vers. 20. Moreover the Law entred that the offence might abound but where sin abounded grace did much more abound 21. That as sin hath reigned unto death even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Iesus Christ our Lord. Hee illustrates and concludes this whole comparison by shewing the abundance of sin in those that are justified renders the grace of Christ more illustrious and this hee does by answering an objection concerning the end and use of the published Law It may bee questioned if death reigned by the Law of Nature not written before Moses what need was there of any written Law and seeing righteousness comes not by the Law as is said before to what end was the Law Hee answers by shewing a three-fold end of giving the Law First The Law entred that the offence might abound i. e. The Law forbidding sin and enjoyning righteousness in that space of time betwixt Adam and Christ came in that sin which was daily committed and yet because of ignorance not acknowledged might bee known to bee sin and that the natural wickedness of men might appear which occasions that by how much the more the Law requires righteousness by so much the more concupiscence is stirred up aga●nst the Law and that by this the sin which lyes hid in men might bee manifested and known to abound But where The second end that from the abundance of sin in those that were to bee justified the exceeding abundant grace of Christ towards those that are justified might appear seeing that where sin abounds in the conviction of men that are to bee justified there the grace of Christ justifying is found to super-abound Even as The third end that the power of sin as a King by the Law might more clearly appear shewing forth its condemning power the power of the righteousness of Christ as a Superiour King held forth in the Gospel might bee more ●minent prevailing not only to the abolishing of the Kingdome of sin but also to the conferring of Eternal Life upon those that are justified Therefore by how much the more the force of sin reigning over men not justified crowding them to the prison of Eternal death might more clearly appear by so much the more the virtue power and excellency of the grace of Christ overcoming and subduing sin leading men powerfully unto Eternal Life might more manifestly bee declared CHAP. VI. THe third proof of the Doctrine of Iustification freely by Faith in Christ in that it conduceth very much to the promoting of Sanctity and Holiness There are two PARTS of the Chapter In the first hee shews that by Faith in Christ or the Doctrine concerning the free ground of Iustification several wayes promotes endeavours after Sanctification to verse 12. In the other part hee exhorts those that are justified to follow after holiness to the end Vers. 1. What shall wee say then Shall wee continue in sin that grace may abound 2. God forbid how shall wee that are dead to sin live any longer therein By answering an objection which seems to arise from this Doctrine hee sets down a confirmation of the Proposition That this Doctrine of Grace or of Free Justification makes for the promoting of holiness Some may say Shall wee persevere in our sins wee that are justified by Faith that the grace of God may appear more abundant as this Doctrine of Free Justification by the imputation of the Righteousness of Christ seems to intimate Hee answers by denying and rejecting Far from us bee such a thought As if hee had said They that are justified by Faith ought not to indulge themselves in any sin but to endeavour after holiness And this Proposition hee confirms by ten Arguments Argum. 1. Wee are dead unto sin in as much as when wee gave up our names unto Christ that wee might bee justified and sanctified by him wee renounced sin that wee might not have any more to do with it than the dead have with the living Therefore wee that are justified ought not any longer to live in sin Vers. 3. Know you not that so many of us as were baptized into Iesus Christ were baptized into his death Argum. 2. Wee as you know which are freely justified by Faith in Christ are also taken into the fellowship of his Death by Baptism by which Sacrament wee have bound our selves to die unto sin and Christ hath bound himself unto us to communicate the power of his Death that wee might die unto sin Therefore wee ought not to undulge our selves in our sins but endeavour after holiness Vers. 4. Therefore wee are buried with him by Baptism into death that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father even so wee also should walk in newness of life Argum. 3. Our communion with Christ in his Death is sealed to us in our Baptism for the abolishing of the old Man of Sin i. e. Not only that wee might bee bound to mortifie the old man but also that wee might bee made certain concerning the mortifying and subduing of sin by virtue of Christs Death Therefore wee ought not to indulge our selves in sin but endeavour the mortifying of it Argum. 4. As our communion with Christ in his Death is sealed to us in our Baptism so also in his Resurrection that as Christ was raised from the dead to a blessed and immortal life by the glory of the Father who powerfully raised him so should wee endeavour by Faith applying the virtue of Christ to arise from sin and to walk in newness of life to the glory of the Father powerfully renewing us Therefore ought wee not to continue in sin but follow after holiness Vers. 5. For if wee have been planted together in the likeness of his death wee shall bee also in the likeness of his resurrection Argum. 5. Drawn from our spiritual and neerest union with Christ by Faith which union is the ground of the communication of that virtue which flows from the Death and Resurrection of Christ for by Faith wee are planted into Christ as the Branch into the Vine and this ingrafting brings us into that conformity with the Death and Resurrection of Christ that wee dying unto sin Christ dying and following after newness of life Christ rising again may bee clearly seen in a certain likeness to himself Hence hee confirms his former Argument when wee are planted together with Christ by Faith wee are so neerly united to him that there follows of necessity a conformity with him in his death to the mortification of sin and in his resurrection to newness of life Therefore unless wee will acknowledge no union with him and implanting into him wee must renounce all sin and
the Commandment exacted strict obedience but affords no strength to assist in our obedience but you are under Grace or the Covenant of Grace wherein the Grace of God with the Command confers life to Believers and strength to obey therefore certain of the victory against sin yee ought to endeavour after Holiness Vers. 15. What then shall wee sin because wee are not under the Law but under grace God forbid Hee repeats and rejects the absurd objection of Libertines who take occasion from the grace of God to sin more freely when the contrary follows viz. because wee are under grace therefore wee ought not to indulge to our selves a liberty of sinning Vers. 16. Know you not that to whom you yeeld your selves servants to obey his servants yee are to whom yee obey whether of sin unto death or of obedience unto righteousness Argum. 6. Serving by the way to confute the objection seeing there is a necessity that you bee servants to him whom you obey and that you receive a reward proportionable to your work whether you obey sin or the Divine Commands unless you will bee accounted the servants of sin and will receive the reward of eternal death it behoves you to beware that you indulge not your selves in sin and if you will bee accounted the Servants of God that you may bee pronounced Righteous and Heirs of Life of necessity you must labour after Holiness Vers. 17. But God bee thanked that yee were the servants of sin but yee have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered to you Argum. 7. By the grace of God the time of your bondage is past in which you were servants to sin before your regeneration and now converted you have begun to yeeld sincere obedience to the Gospel the impression whereof you have received as from a print Therefore to return to the service of sin or to depart from the sound Doctrine is unworthy but it behoves you to persevere in your obedience to the Doctrine into which you were delivered Vers. 18. Being then made free from sin yee became the servants of righteousness Argum. 8. Being now freed from sin by the Omnipotent Arm of God yee are servants of righteousness to holiness Therefore by the Law of servitude being servants to righteousness yee are bound to become servants also unto holiness Vers. 19. I speak after the manner of men because of the infirmity of your flesh for as yee have yeelded your members servants to uncleanness and to iniquity unto iniquity even so now yeeld your members servants to righteousness unto holiness After his excuse of his homely similitude which in many things holds no proportion with these spiritual things yet notwithstanding the Holy Ghost is pleased to use because of the infirmity of the Romans for the sake of those that were carnal which could not so easily apprehend an higher or more spiritual way of speaking Hee repeats the exhortation and addeth Argum. 9. You have sometimes yeelded your members unto uncleanness and have been altogether servants to unrighteousness therefore now 't is fitting that with equal industry at least you yeeld your members servants unto righteousness and to holiness not to bee less studious of doing well than heretofore you have been of sinning and doing ill Vers. 20. For when yee were the servants of sin yee were free from righteousness Argum. 10. Confirming the former When you were servants of sin yee were free from righteousness for you were not at all servants unto righteousness Therefore now 't is equal seeing you are the servants of righteousness that you should bee free from sin and not at all servants unto it Vers. 21. What fruit had you then in those things whereof yee are now ashamed for the end of those things is death Argum. 11. You have gained no other fruit for your former sinful course of life but shame which is now upon you nor could you expect any other fruit for the future but eternal death which is the end of sin Therefore it behoves you to beware that you serve sin no longer Vers. 22. But now being made free from sin and become servants to God yee have your fruit unto holiness and the end everlasting life Arg. 12. After you gained your liberty from the bondage of sin you became servants unto God and have your fruit unto holiness encreasing and abounding daily therein at length you shall obtain eternal life therefore ought you diligently to follow after holiness Vers. 23. For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Iesus Christ our Lord. Arg. 13. Confirming those which went before after this manner Whatsoever hath hitherto been spoken in this Argument is sufficient and firm for it is decreed by a Divine Sentence to render a reward to sinners according to their deserts which is eternal death and to bestow life eternal with Justification and Sanctification which are chained to eternal life not of debt but freely of his grace and that no way but in our Lord Jesus Christ Therefore ought wee not to continue in sin lest wee perish but with Faith in Christ wee must joyn the practice of holiness which holiness with eternal life God will freely give to those that believe in Christ and follow after holiness as it is largely proved before CHAP. VII IN the former Chap. hee exhorts those that are justified by Faith to Holiness and because they who most follow after Holiness are most sensible and lament the power of sin dwelling in them not yet extinguished Therefore for the sake of these ariseth the fourth Confirmation of the Doctrine of Free Iustification by Faith in Christ in that it yeelds consolation to the afflicted consciences of the Saints by reason of their imperfect obedience to the Law and the reliques of sin that dwell in them There are three parts of the Chapter in the first that they who are justified should take comfort against their imperf●ct obedience to the Law hee handles the freedome of justified persons from the Covenant of Works and their interest in the Covenant of Grace which is the first place of Consolation to ver 7. The second contains an Apology for the Holiness of the Law two objections against the Law being answered to verse 14. In the third is contained the second place of Consolation wherein from the Doctrine of Iustification by Fait● in Christ the Apostle propounds the wrestling which hee had with the remnants of sin and the victory which hee gained that by his example and experience troubled consciences might take comfort The first Part. Vers. 1. Know yee not Brethren for I speak to them that know the Law how that the Law hath dominion over a man as long as hee liveth 2. For the Woman which hath an Husband is bound by the Law to her Husband so long as hee liveth but if the Husband bee dead shee is loosed from the Law of her Husband 3. So then if while
contrary hee is condemned In the second verse a reason of this is subjoyned because the judgement of God is just and according to the merit of the deed condemns every sinner both him that judgeth and him that is judged Therefore hee which according to the judgement of God condemns another to death for sin condemns himself doing the like things Vers. 3. And thinkest thou this O man that judgest them which do such things and doest the same that thou shalt escape the judgement of God This Argument in the following part of the Chapter is confirmed removing the four pretended Objections whereby men may evade the force of the Argument Object 1. Hee securely contemns the judgement of God who because God hath hitherto spared him promiseth himself impunity or freedome from punishment when hee judgeth others I am not afraid saith hee of the judgement of God The Apostle refutes this Objection and proves it null by six Reasons Reas. 1. That such an imagination is vain and foolish for Thinkest thou c. which is the same as if hee had said In vain doest thou think to escape the judgement of God Vers. 4. Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and long-suffering not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance Despisest Reas. 2. Such an imagination puts contempt and abuse upon the riches of the bounty forbearance and gentleness of God when any one because God hath spared hitherto goes on in sin and conceives hopes to go unpunished Bounty Reas. 3. That the bounty of God ought to invite and move to repentance not to go on in sin out of hopes to go unpunished Vers. 5. But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thy self wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgement of God Hardness Reas. 4. That such a thought is the hardening of our hearts in sin and a sealing of them up that wee cannot repent Treasure Reas. 5. That hee who securely contemns the judgement of God heaps up unto himself a kinde of treasure of punishments from divine justice to the time of that last and terrible judgement wherein that whole treasure of punishments in the most righteous anger of God shall bee openly poured out upon him Vers. 6. Who will render to every man according to his deeds 7. To them who by patient continuance in well-doing seek for glory and honour and immortality eternal life 8. But unto them that are contentious and do not obey the truth but obey unrighteousness indignation and wrath 9. Tribulation and anguish upon every soul of man that doth evil of the Jew first and also of the Gentile 10. But glory honour and peace to every man that worketh good to the Jew first and also to the Gentile Reas. 6. God will give to every man in the day of Judgement according to his works good or evil his rewards of grace or punishments of his justice To wit eternal life to them that persevere in obedience to the truth hoping for a reward vers 6 7. And besides the signs of wrath in this life eternal death also after this life as it is just for an angry God to inflict upon the adversaries of the truth and the servants of unrighteousness verse 8. Hee confirms this reason in that God will have no respect to any Nation or outward Priviledges in the inflicting of his punishments But the Jews which had the chiefest favours of God should bee first in their punishments and that hee would inflict upon the soul and body of the Heathens or Gentiles their deserved torments verse 9. And to the same manner in his rewards without difference of Nations hee will glorifie i. e. with all gifts that may externally accomplish a man such as Glory and Honour and inwardly which is signified by Peace and will heap upon the pious and honest Jew according to all the priviledges which hee hath vouchsafed to that Nation and will crown the pious and honest Gentile in his place with eternal life verse 10. from whence it follows that hee is deceived who indulges hopes of impunity because God hath hitherto spared him Vers. 11. For there is no respect of persons with God Hee confirms the former reason from the equity of God in that hee is no respecter of persons and hee meets with the second Objection propounded verse 2. against the severe judgement of God against sinners Some might object In the executing of Judgement respect is to bee had as well of the Heathen who lives out of the Church without the knowledge of the Law or the doctrine of God as also of the Jew which is a Disciple of God and an hearer of the Law God forbid that either of them should perish for both seems unjust although they are sinners Hee refutes this Objection and proves it just that every sinner should perish by five Reasons Reas. 1. Because there is no respect of persons with God that hee should exempt from condemnation those that persevere in sin whether Jews or Gentiles for any reason which appertains to the person not the cause And here it is to bee observed that God looks with an equal eye upon the Jew and Gentile out of Christ not in the degrees of punishment but in the guilt of eternal death which all sinners are worthy of although not in the like degree Vers. 12. For as many as have sinned without Law do by nature the things contained in the Law those having not the Law shall be judged by the Law Reas. 2. This confirms and unfolds the other because they that have sinned without the Law scil written Against the Law written upon their hearts by nature even by the same Law within them shall perish without the written Law by the sentence of Justice And whoever have sinned in the Law or in the knowledge of the Law written shall bee condemned even by the sentence of the written Law Vers. 13. For not the hearers of the Law are just before God but the doers of the Law shall be justified Reas. 3. Especially intended against the Jews who according to the rule of Righteousness cannot bee accounted for Righteous before God even they that are hearers of the Law unless they perform perfect obedidience to the Law which because neither Jew nor Gentile can do by consequence neither can they bee exempted from deserved condemnation but on the contrary especially the Jews which are hearers of the Law and do not keep it are most worthy of judgement Vers. 14. For when the Gentiles which have not the Law do by nature the things contained in the Law these having not the Law are a Law unto themselves 15. Which shew the work of the Law written in their hearts their conscience also bearing witness and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another Reas. 4. Especially intended against the Gentiles which though they have not the written Law yet they have a Law within
one man sin entred into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men for that all have sinned Another comparison is of Christ and Adam tending to shew that the righteousness of Christ is no less effectual to save those that are justified by Faith than the sin of Adam was of force to destroy those that are not justified There are six parts of the Comparison The first As by one man viz. Adam sin entred into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men that are the sons of Adam by nature in as much as in him as in a common parent all have sinned so by one man Christ Jesus the second Adam Righteousness entred into the world and Life by Righteousness and so life was communicated to all men which are the sons of Christ by grace such as all are which are justified by Faith in as much as in him as in a common parent surety and advocate all are justified This Antithesis remains to bee collected from what follows and especially from the end of ver 14. where Christ is made the Anti-type of Adam because hee is the Gate and Fountain of Righteousness and Life as Adam was the Gate and Fountain of sin and death Vers. 13. For until the Law sin was in the world but sin is not imputed when there is no Law 14. Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adams transgression who is the figure of him that was to come Hee proves that sin entred into the world by one man Adam and was propagated to his posterity For from Adam to the Law written by Moses sin was in the world and imputed and that could not bee unless there had been some Law at least unwritten and innate for had there been no Law neither written nor innate sin could not bee imputed ver 13. but it was imputed because the punishment was inflicted If so bee the wages of sin is death it reigned from Adam to Moses not only over those that were of riper years but also over infants which sinned originally in him seeing all men were in Adam one man though not actually or after the similitude of Adams actual transgression ver 14. The sum of all is there was death the wages of sin therefore there was sin therefore a Law and sin from one passed unto all Hee calls Adam a type of him that was to come viz. of the second Adam Christ that wee might understand how Christ ought to answer in his saving effects to those destructive effects of Adam and that by the purpose of God who would represent Christ the Saviour of men in the lost original of mankind that Christ might bee no less acknowledged the Fountain Head and Root of Righteousness and Life to bee derived to those that are his as Adam was the Fountain Head and Root of propagating sin and death to his Vers. 15. But not as the offence so also is the free gift for if through the offence ●f one many be dead much more the grace of God and ●he gift by grace which is by one man Iesus Christ hath abounded unto many The second member of the Comparison wherein they disagree which is first briefly propounded afterward more largely explained The offence is not like the gift of God for that good which proceeds from God is of Divine efficacy and virtue therefore infinitely surpasses the evil which is from man Wherefore if the offence of one man i. e. Adam could bring forth death to many that were naturally propagated from him much more the infinite grace of God and the free gift of one m●n Jesus Christ who also is God shall abundantly convey life to them which are spiritually born of Christ. The sum of all is Hee would have us know that the grace of Christ is more potent to save than the sin of Adam to destroy and the gifts which are bestowed through the grace of God are more excellent than those which Adam lost Vers. 16. And not as it was by one that sinned so was the gift for the judgement was by one to condemnation but the free gift is of many offences unto Iustification The third branch of the Comparison shewing the dissimilitude between the evil that entred only by Adam sinning and the gift which is by Jesus Christ because the just judgement of God from one sin of Adam proceeded to the just condemnation of himself and of all that by the Law of Nature were comprehended in his loyns But grace or the free gift of God not only frees us from that one Original sin but from a multitude of actual sins committed by every one to a full justification from all sin The sum of all is condemnation is from one offence but the gift of grace is an acquittal from all offences Vers. 17. For if by one mans offence death reigned by one much more they which receive abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one Iesus Christ. The fourth branch of the Comparison with a confirmation of the former after this manner If by one only sin of Adam death entring as a King subdued mankind to it much more being justified by Faith receiving that abundant grace of God and the gift of Righteousness shall reign in life by one Jesus Christ By how much the more excellent therefore the Kingdome of Life is which makes its Subjects Kings and companions with Christ in Life Eternal than the Kingdome of death which destroyes all its subjects by so much the gift of Christ in respect to its efficacy excells the offence of Adam Vers. 18. Therefore as by the offence of one judgement came upon all men to condemnation even so ly the righteousn●ss of one the free gift came upon all men unto ●ustification of Life The fifth branch of the Comparison As by the fall of Adam only the guilt came upon all that sprang of Adam by a natural propagation to their condemnation so by the obedience of Christ only wherein hee was obedient to his Father unto the death the satisfaction came to justification of all men which spring of Christ by a spiritual regeneration Vers. 19. For as by one mans disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one shall many bee made righteous The sixth branch of the Comparison illustrating and ●onfirming the former after this manner As by the disobedience of Adam only it comes to pass that many are accounted and dealt with in the judgement of God as sinners because they are derived from him according to the flesh so by the obedience of Christ only many shall bee made righteous that is shall bee accounted as righteous to wit all they that are in Christ by Faith born of him after the Spirit For equal it is that the poyson of sin should not pierce deeper or the sin of Adam spread further upon his Off-spring than the virtue
sin taking occasion by the Commandement wrought in mee all manner of concupiscence for without the Law sin was dead Reason 2. Because the sin that dwells in us or the habitual pravity of our nature is the cause of actual sins but the Law is not the cause but the occasion to sin not given but taken For sin that dwells in us saith hee or the evil of nature taking occasion from the Law forbidding lust so much the more is inflamed and excited And indeavouring after what was forbidden begat in mee all manner of concupiscence and evil motions against the Law For without the Law Which hee confirms by a sign Because the Law not being known sin lies hid and is as dead but when the Law comes it is stirred up and appears as filthiness is not seen in the absence of the Sun but that arising it appears and stinks not by the Suns fault but by its own Therefore the Law is holy Vers. 9. For I was alive without the Law once but when the Commandement came sin revived and I died By his own experience hee further explains the matter shewing that formerly when hee was a Pharisee and unregenerate in his own opinion hee was alive that is very just and in no wise guilty of eternal death but when his eies were opened by the grace of God the true sense of the Law was unfolded then hee understood the force of sin and that hee was guilty of eternal death Vers. 10. And the Commandement which was ordained to life I found to bee unto death From this experience hee saith that hee learned two things First That the end of the command and the effect was good in it self because the command is good in it self and by it self ordained to life if men obeyed it The other that the effect of the Law by accident was death so farre as it threatned death to the sinner and urges him from justice with the sentence of death Vers. 11. For sin taking occasion by the Commandement deceived mee and by it slew mee 12. Wherefore the Law is holy and the Commandement holy and just and good The third Reason in defence of the Law The sin that dwells in us is the cause of death onely taking occasion from the Law or the command as hee had learned by experience for sin while hee thought of what was forbidden in the Law invited and inticed him to forbidden things and polluted him and so by the Command made him more and more obnoxious to death Therefore the Law is altogether holy and particularly that which forbids Concupiscence is holy just and good because it is given by an holy God according to equity and for our profit Vers. 13. Was that then which is good made death un●o mee God forbid But sin that it might appear sin working death in mee by that which is good that sin by the Commandement might become exceeding sinful The second Objection Some might say Therefore hath that which is good been the cause of death Hee answers by rejecting the reproach for the occasion is to bee distinguished from the cause and the use of a thing from the abuse of it Hee therefore acquits the Law and casts all the blame upon the sin that dwells in us Truly saith hee it is not the Law but sin that dwells in mee which is the cause of death and discovers it self to bee sin so farre forth as it is stirred up in mee and kindled by the good Law of God it enkindles rebellious motions to the Law of God and so much the more upon this account doth it cause death that so sin in mee by the Command might appear above measure sinful Which is spoken most seasonably to stop the mouths of all who otherwise would deny inborn concupiscence now natural to all to be sin was it not found to bee the cause of actual sins and death and this defence hee makes for the Law The third Part. Vers. 14. For wee know that the Law is spiritual but I am carnal sold under sin The third part of the Chapter wherein is set down the second head of comfort to those who bewail the imperfection of their obedience to the Law from the Apostles example wrastling with the same evil and getting the victory by the favour and benefit of free justification as appears from vers the last This is the force of the Argument I bewailing in my self the power of sin wrastle against it taking comfort from justification by faith in Christ Therefore you holy Champions take comfort in your wrastling and conflict In the conflict of the Apostle appears a threefold difficulty and a threefold victory in the retreat in all which are mixed some Arguments of comfort drawn from the Apostles experience The first difficulty arises from a threefold contention The first is of the Law and himself I saith hee with the rest of beleevers acknowledge the Law to bee spiritual which wholly favour● the holiness of the Spirit of God and is wholly referred to a spiritual course of life But when I look upon my self and compare the imperfection of my obedience with the spiritualness of the Law I am compelled in respect to the Old Man in mee not yet mortified to acknowledge my self carnal and as a slave sold to subjection under sin out of whose bonds I cannot deliver my self but I am carryed away whither I would not Vers. 15. For that which I do I allow not for what I would that do I not but what I hate that I do Hee proves what hee hath said and shews the second contest betwixt his actions and his judgement renewed That which I do I do not approve viz. when I examine my actions to the perfect Rule of the Law I am forced not to approve but condemn many things in my actions The third disagreement hee shews to bee betwixt his actions and his will renewed I do not that good which I would saith hee hindered by the body of death in mee and that evil which I hate that I do failing of the Rule where I would not for I would perform perfect obedience to the Law of God but I fall short and in many things I offend Vers. 16. If then I do that which I would not I consent unto the Law that it is good The first difficulty you have seen the victory follows and three Arguments of Consolation whereby the Apostle comforts himself and the rest of his fellow-combatants Argum. 1. I my self am in the number of those who bewail their imperfect holiness and finde the same conflict in my self as they do from the imperfection of my obedience Therefore they have Consolation that mourn over the imperfection of their holiness seeing they suffer nothing different from other Saints nay not from the Apostles themselves I consent Argum. 2. Of Consolation Because from this con●●ict it appears that sanctification is begun in him that wrastles and a consent to the Law of God that it is holy and good
of their Sanctification and the reliques of sin Which consolation hee appropriates to those that are justified endeavouring after holiness secluding those that are unregenerate and delight in sin to ver 9. which hee applyes to the Romans to ver 12. and thus applyed hee shews the use of it to ver 17. The second part contains the Consolations of the Iustified in respect to the calamities of this life to which the godly are lyable to ver 31. The third part contains the triumph of those that are justified over all their enemies to the end Vers. 1. There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Iesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit From what hath been spoken hee infers consolation to those that are justified against the fear of condemnation which the conscience of sin dwelling in us may easily affright us with There is no condemnation saith hee to those which by true Faith are ingrafted into Christ And because many profess the Faith they have not hee describes true Believers and justified persons from this property that they do not indulge themselves in sin neither do they willingly follow the guidance of the flesh and corrupt nature but walk after the Commands of God and the motions of the Holy Ghost inwardly perswading them to direct the course of their life according to the Rule of the Word of God Vers. 2. For the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Iesus hath made mee free from the Law of Sin and Death That this consolation belongs to them that are truly justified and endeavour after holiness hee proves by three Arguments Argum. 1. The Law of Faith of Life and the Spirit in Christ or the Covenant of Grace hath freed every Believer and mee in particular from the law of sin and death or the Covenant of Works Therefore to them that are justified truly united unto Christ there is no condemnation For by the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus hee understands the Law of Faith or the Covenant of Grace because by Faith or the Covenant of Grace the Spirit is received and communion with the Life of Christ. And by the Law of Sin and Death hee understands the Law of Works as Rom. 3.27 or the Covenant of Works by which Law or Covenant conviction of sin is made and condemnation unto death of them that are guilty Vers. 3. For what the Law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin condemned sin in the flesh Argum. 2. Seeing the Law was found weak to procure for us Justification by reason of the infirmity of the flesh or humane nature now corrupted not able to yeeld perfect obedience to the Law God sending his Son in the flesh of the same nature with us and in all things like unto us sin excepted in the flesh of his Son crucified condemned our sin that satisfaction being made for us it might bee abolished in us Therefore sin in us that are justified who are in Christ cannot bee the cause of condemnation and thus there is no condemnation to us Vers. 4. That the righteousness of the Law might bee fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit Argum. 3. To this very end sin is condemned in Christ that is condemned and dead for us that wee being once dead and condemned in him it might appear that the Law is satisfied in us I say who follow not the lusts of the flesh but the guidance of the Holy Ghost Therefore now no condemnation remains us Vers. 5. For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh but they that are after the spirit the things of the spirit Hee gives four reasons why hee makes this consolation peculiar to them that follow after holiness secluding all that are unregenerate and continue in sin The first reason They that are carnal and unregenerate savour and affect only those things that are carnal and wicked but those that are regenerate savour and affect spiritual things Therefore its no wonder that only they that follow after holiness are admitted to the consolation of an immunity from condemnation and they which are carnal are excluded Vers. 6. For to bee carnally minded is death but to bee spiritually minded is life and peace Reason 2. The wisdome of carnal men which is the Governour of their counsels and actions and is carried only to those things which please the flesh whether in respect to God or eternal life and so it inclines to death But the wisdome of the spirit or an habit directing the actions of regenerate men is carried to those things which belong to spiritual life and peace Therefore it s no wonder if only they that are regenerate and spiritual are exempted from condemnation but not they that are carnal Vers. 7. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God for it is not subject to the Law of God neither indeed can bee Reason 3. Confirming the former the wisdome of the flesh it self the principal virtue of politick wits is enmity against God for it only seeks and cares for its own rejecting God neither is it subject to the Law of God or can bee subject for it cannot but subject to its own carnal ends the Soul Heaven God and all things and pursue after these so far as it thinks them conducible to carnal ends Therefore it s no wonder that carnal men are not freed from condemnation Vers. 8. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God Reason 4. Whoever are unregenerate in the state of corrupt nature or the flesh cannot please God because they cannot but follow after those things which please them Therefore no wonder they are not freed from condemnation Vers. 9. But yee are not in the flesh but in the spirit if so bee that the Spirit of God dwell in you Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ hee is none of his Applying the character of justified persons out of the judgement of charity to the Romans hee also applies to the same Romans to whom hee writes the consolation which arises from freedome from condemnation hee prudently in the mean time bespeaks them that they would not indulge hypocrisie in any and hee gives four Reasons of this application The first Reason You are not subject to the dom●nion of the flesh you are not unregenerate but in a spiritual condition following the guidance of the Spirit Therefore there is no condemnation to you or which is the same to you belongs the foresaid consolation Reas. 2. Confirming the former the Spirit of God dwelling in you framing your hearts and lives unto holiness for unless I should thus judge of you I should think you did not belong unto Christ for hee that hath not the sanctifying Spirit of Christ is not yet a living member of Christ Therefore there is no condemnation unto
speaks in the singular number The first triumph is over all enemies together in one by reason of the conjunction of those that are justified with God If God bee for us who shall bee against us i. e. Seeing God is for us about to fulfil in us his eternal purpose of sanctification and glorification who or men or Devils may rise up against us to hinder our salvation Vers. 32. Hee that spared not his own Son but delivered him up for us all how shall hee not with him also freely give us all things The second triumph is concerning the want of some good necessary to salvation leaning upon such great love of God towards us that hee gave his Son to death for us After this manner God who spared not his own Son than whom hee hath nothing dearer but gave him up to death for the salvation of all the Elect cannot but give us his Son and with him all other gifts necessary to salvation and lastly salvation and glory it self what therefore can bee wanting to us to salvation Vers. 33. Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect it is God that justifieth The third triumph is over every accuser the Devil the World our own conscience leaning upon the absolving sentence of God justifying us Who shall lay any thing to the charge of those whom God hath elected That is none will do it but in vain It is God that justifies i. e. from our sins and from any action brought against us hee absolves the Elect Therefore in Christ wee triumph over all Vers. 34. Who is it that condemneth it is Christ that died yea rather that it is risen again who is even at the right hand of God who also maketh intercession for you The fourth triumph is over every judge or any one that shall assume that office and shall undertake to condemn those that are justified Seeing God hath justified us who shall dare to condemn us Seeing Christ is dead for us yea as a Conquerour is risen from the dead and ascended into Heaven and there in glory intercedes for us no condemnation is to bee feared by us unless wee should say that the death resurrection and ascension of Christ his sitting in glory and intercession is in vain which is blasphemous Therefore wee triumph in Christ. Vers. 35. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword The fifth triumph is over outward afflictions whereof hee reckons up six kinds wherein hee comprehends all adversities with which Christians in any kind by the unthankful world are used to bee persecuted for Righteousness sake Denying concerning all that any enemy by these evils can hinder the fullest effect and sweetest sense of divine love towards us but that wee should at length partake of it Vers. 36. As it is written for thy sake wee are killed all the day long wee are accounted as sheep for the slaughter Lest hee should seem to triumph over a feigned enemy hee proves out of Psal. 44.22 That all the true servants of God which then lived were liable to all those miseries that they may apply to themselves the words of the Psalm saying For thy sake O God! are wee killed all the day long and are handled as if wee were sheep for the slaughter Vers. 37. Nay in all these things wee are more than Conquerours through him that loved us Hee follows his triumphing declaring the excellency of the victory which Christians in his time had over these evils by the power of Christ for they returned alwaies from the battel more than Conquerours neither wounded nor wearied suffering no loss but more healthy and strong more holy and increased in every grace even then when they seemed to the world to bee most overcome the glory of which triumph hee wholly ascribes to the love of Christ. Vers. 38. For I am perswaded that neither death nor life nor principalities nor powers nor Angels nor things present nor things to come 39. Nor height nor depth nor any other Creature shall bee able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. The sixth and last act of triumph is over unbeleef and all doubtings which might arise from any Creature or any present or future cause By Life and Death hee understands prosperity and adversity by which wee might bee either allured or affrighted By Angels hee understands good and evil spirits if it was possible they should concur to the separating of us from Christ. By Principalities and Powers hee means the power of Kings Emperours Governours Tyrants in the whole world By things present and things to come hee understands all those occurrences which had already fallen out or might before death come upon us By height and depth hee means the creatures placed above or below us By any other Creature any created thing universally in the whole world or any thing besides God that may seem terrible Over all these in a full confidence of Faith hee triumphs because of the powerful and efficacious certain and immutable love of God whereby hee is pleased to promote us to Eternal Life from the embracing of whose love and a saving sense thereof nothing shall ever separate those that are justified by Faith in Christ. Whereof hee gives this reason because the efficacy of Gods free love conveyed unto us is founded in Christs infinite merit and omnipotent power whereby wee are kept through Faith unto salvation CHAP. IX THe sixth and last Confirmation remains of free Justification by faith in Christ and not of works from EXPERIENCE Partly of the rejected Israelites who seeking after Righteousness by Works did not attain it or were not justified at all Partly of the beleeving GENTILES who being destitute of works are justified by faith in Christ without the works of the Law whence it follows that justification by Faith in Christ without the works of the Law onely is true and solid Because hee saw this Argument liable to several cavils hee is careful every way to fortifie it and opens it in the three next Chapters There are three parts of the Chapter In the first four Objections are preve●●ed against the Doctrine of the Apostle touching the rejection of the Jews In the answering whereof hee exactly handles the doctrine of Predestination to vers 24. In the second hee proves out of the Scriptures the rejection of the Jews and the calling of the Elect of the Jews and Gentiles to vers 30. In the third to confirm the Doctrine of Justification by Faith without works hee produces the EXPERIENCE of the Jews who seeking for Righteousness by works are not justified and the EXPERIENCE of the beleeving Gentiles who being destitute of the pretence of works are justified by Faith in Christ. Vers. 1. I say the truth in Christ I lye not my conscience also bearing mee witness in the Holy Ghost In the first part of the Chapter hee
shew of good works and they that affect Justification thereby fondly desire to bee justified as it were by works or a shew of good works The third cause because they knew not Christ by reason of his humility and the infirmity of his flesh in whom they should believe that they might bee justified but despised him and to their own destruction set themselves against him stumbling at him as at a stumbling stone Vers. 33. As it is written Behold I lay in Zion a stumbling stone and rock of offence and whosoever believeth on him shall not bee ashamed Both parts of this experience hee confirms from the Prophets prediction Isai. 8.14 and 28.16 after this manner Behold I will lay saith God Christ in the Church whose beginning is out of Zion a tryed stone a rock of offence as the incredulous Jews have experienced and whoever believeth in him in the expectation of him that is in his righteousness and life eternal hee shall not bee frustrated as the believing Jews have found by experience And thus the Apostle hath firmly proved that wee are justified by Faith CHAP. X. HEE further prosecutes the argument of the Jewes temporal rejection shewing this to bee the cause in that the Jews foolishly and stubbornly rejected the righteousness of God in Christ. There are two parts of the Chapter In the first hee shews the folly of the Jews to ver 14. In the other their stubbornness to the end of the Chapter Vers. 1. Brethren my hearts desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might bee saved The Apostle being about to shew the just causes of the Jews rejection hee prefaces as before from his good affection lest any thing should bee thought to bee spoken by him out of hatred Vers. 2. For I hear them Record that they have a zeal of God but not according to knowledge Hee shews their preposterous zeal for God to bee the cause of his affection which zeal was worthy of humane commiseration though it was not to bee commended because it did not arise out of knowledge but ignorance therefore it was blind zeal the zeal of fools Vers. 3. For they being ignorant of Gods righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness have not submitted themselves to the righteousness of God Hee proves the folly of the Romans by six Arguments The first Argument Out of ignorance of the righteousness of God imputed to us by Faith in Christ they affected the inherent righteousness of their own works and proudly rejected the righteousness of Christ offered to them Therefore they betrayed their folly Vers. 4. For Christ is the end of the Law for righteousness to every one that believeth The second Argum. Christ is the end of the Law for righteousness to him that believes i. e. the whole Law is therefore given that men acknowledging their sins manifested by the Law might flee unto Christ and might obtain righteousness by Faith Therefore the Jews did foolishly who making a shew of the Law did not acknowledge Christ which is the end of the Law Vers. 5. For Moses describeth the righteousness which is of the Law that the man which doth those things shall live by them Argum. 3. The righteousness of the Law or Works as Moses testifies confers life upon none but those that perform all things that are commanded in the Law which is impossible Therefore the Jews foolishly affected such a kind of righteousness Vers. 6. But the righteousness which is of Faith speaketh on this wise Say not in thine heart who shall ascend into heaven that is to bring Christ down from above 7. Or who shall descend into the deep that is to bring Christ up again from the dead Argum. 4. The righteousness of Faith as the same Moses witnesseth forbids those that believe in God from being troubled for those things which are so difficult or impossible as to ascend into heaven or to descend into the deep Because seeing Christ hath already overcome those difficulties descending from heaven and rising from the dead to bee any further troubled how to attain righteousness life eternal and freedome from death is no less than to destroy the foundations of the Christian Religion and to enquire how it was possible to descend from heaven or rise again from the dead Therefore the Jews betray their folly who renounce this righteousness of Faith Vers. 8. But what saith it the word is nigh thee even in thy mouth and in thy heart that is the word of Faith which wee preach Argum. 5. The righteousness of Faith as it gives security to those that believe touching the difficulties in the way of salvation so also it holds forth an easie way to righteousness and salvation For the Word of God or the Word of the Gospel the same which the Apostles preached is neer us that receiving it into our hearts wee may acquiesce in it and confess the truth of it with the mouth As if hee should say to us Bee not troubled cast your care upon God and believe him that speaks in the Gospel and shew forth your Faith by your works Therefore the Jews rejecting this easie way of righteousness propounded are very foolish Vers. 9. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Iesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead thou shalt bee saved Argum. 6. Opening and confirming the former The sum of the Gospel is propounded under this most sweet condition viz. If thou applyest with sincere affection to thy self the redemption procured by Christ and manifested in his Resurrection by the power of God and studiest to glorifie Christ with a sincere confession without doubt thou shalt obtain salvation Therefore the Jews refusing this condition of Justification and Salvation betray their folly Vers. 10. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation This hee confirms with five reasons The first Reason is From the connection of Faith in the heart and confession in the mouth according to the order appointed by God which is that by Faith from the heart in Christ Jesus wee might obtain righteousness or Justification and that justified by Faith wee might proceed to the possession of Salvation glorifying Christ by confession of the mouth or outward works Therefore they ought to bee joyned Faith in Christ from the heart and confession of Christ in the mouth or inward Faith and outward works ought to bee joyned together Vers. 11. For the Scripture saith Whosoever believeth on him shall not bee ashamed Reason 2. Confirming the connection of true Faith and Salvation from the testimony of Isai. 28.16 which shews that they shall not bee frustrated in their hope or their expected salvation whoever believe in Christ Therefore the connection of Faith and Salvation is firm Vers. 12. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon
manner The first comparison is in the opposite state of a natural and a spiritual body The first Adam was made a living soul not giving life which had a life indeed but supported as other creatures are with meat and drink c. And not such as could continue life to the body without nourishment But Christ the last Adam is made a quickning Spirit who could communicate virtue to those that were his by his Spirit that without nourishments of the body the most blessed union of body and soul may bee preserved Vers. 46. Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual but that which is natural and afterward that which is spiritual The second comparison in respect to Order The first Adam had the precedency in the natural state of the body The second Adam was latter in the spiritual state of the body for the imperfect state ought to precede so God is wont to proceed to the highest perfection Hee saith not simply that Adam was before Christ but that the Natural state of the first Adam is first in time in Adam in Christ and in us And our Spiritual state which is from Christ is latter Vers. 47. The first man is of the earth earthy the second man is the Lord from Heaven The third comparison in the order and dignity of the person The first-Man meer man is of the earth earthy whose body rose out of the earth and is resolved again into earth upon the substraction of food whereupon hee could communicate unto us nothing but a terrene life But the second Adam is both man and God from Heaven who although hee hath a body from the earth yet because hee is God from Heaven and therefore is called heavenly as hee could support his body that it should not see corruption though in its own nature terrene and resoluble into dust and as it being raised out of the grave hee could make it every way glorious immortal and heavenly not needing earthly supports So in like manner can hee make our bodies such Vers. 48. As is the earthy such are they that are earthy and as is the heavenly such are they also that are heavenly From these hee proves the future mutation of the qualities of the body from earthly to heavenly from natural to spiritual by four Arguments Argum. 1. Such as was the earthly Adam the head of our stock after the fleshly propagation such it became us to bee born viz. mortal Therefore as the heavenly Adam our head in respect to regeneration and glorification is after his resurrection viz. Spiritual glorious incorruptible immortal such shall wee bee that are born again of him after our resurrection Vers. 49. And as wee have born the image of the earthy wee shall also bear the image of the heavenly Argum. 2. From its future certainty As sure as wee bear the image of the first Adam in the qualities of our substance being made conform to him in soul and body so sure shall wee bear the image of the second Adam in the glorious qualities of our substance Vers. 50. Now this I say Brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdome of God Neither doth corruption inherit incorruption Argum. 3. The promises of glorifying our bodies or of bringing us into the glorious Kingdome of God ought to bee fulfilled But flesh and blood i. e. our bodies as now they are corruptible cannot enter into the Kingdome of God unless they bee fitted for that glorious state Therefore our bodies shall bee made meet by the mutation of their qualities to enter into the Kingdome of Glory Corruption By way of confirmation to this reason hee adds Argum. 4. Corruption cannot inherit incorruption Therefore necessary it is that our bodies bee changed in their qualities from corruptibility to incorruptibility Vers. 51. Behold I shew you a mystery wee shall not all sleep but wee shall all bee changed Objection 3. What shall become of those that are alive at the comming of our Lord How shall they arise which shall not dye but bee found alive by the Judge at his comming Hee answers by opening the mystery viz. that all shall not die nor rise again but they shall bee taken that remain alive at the comming of our Lord and changed into an eternal state of immortality either in glory or torments which change shall bee in stead of death and a resurrection Vers. 52. In a moment in the twinckling of an eye at the last Trumpet for the Trumpet shall sound and the dead shall bee raised incorruptible and wee shall be changed Hee shews the manner of this change that it shall bee in the twinckling of an eye i. e. in a moment all that are alive and dead shall be summoned by a fearful alarum to the judgement of God Vers. 53. For this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality Hee gives two Reasons of this change First Mortality must bee swallowed up of immortality and this mortal body must put on immortality Therefore they shall bee changed that are found alive at the comming of our Lord. Vers. 54. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption and this mortal shall have put on immortality then shall bee brought to pass the saying that is written Death is swallowed up of victory 55. O death where is thy sting O grave where is thy victory Reason 2. The Prophecie of Hosea ought to bee fulfilled chap. 13. v. 14. who fore-told our full victory over death and the grave Therefore they that are alive shall bee changed at the comming of the Lord which shall bee in stead of death Vers. 56. The sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the Law That this victory may appear the greater hee intimates the victory wee shall have over sin and the Law without which the grave cannot prevail any thing over us for unless satisfaction bee given to the Law sin wrath and death remain in full power But after satisfaction is made to the Law for us sin and wrath are taken away wherewith death is armed as with a sting which being disarmed is abolished and triumphed over Vers. 57. But thanks bee to God who giveth us the victory through our Lord Iesus Christ. Hee shews a twofold use of this victory The first is that thanks may bee given to God who hath given us through Christ victory over death sin and the Law yea verily hee hath imputed the victory of Christ to us and hath made it ours for hee hath died for us and by his resurrection hath obtained for us victory over death that hee might make us conquerours Vers. 58. Therefore my beloved Brethren bee yee stedfast unmoveable alwaies abounding in the work of the Lord forasmuch as you know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. Another use of this doctrine is this That under hope of the free gift at the day of resurrection wee would persevere constantly in the Faith of the Gospel
that hee might better do service to the Corinthians freely ver 8. by name from the Macedonian Philippians lest hee should bee chargeable to the Corinthians Vers. 10. As the truth of Christ is in mee no man shall stop me of this boasting in the Regions of Achaia 11. Wherefore because I love you not God knoweth 12. But what I do that I will do that I may cut off occasion from them which desire occasion that wherein they glorie they may bee found even as wee Lest hee should seem to repent of what hee had done he determined that he will not afterwards be chargeable to them or will not receive wages which hee confirms with an oath v. 10. And lest they should take it ill as if it was for want of love that he would not receive wages of them hee professes that he had thus determined out of special love to them calling God to Witness concerning the truth of his words ver 11. and that for this end lest the false Apostles should seem to exceed him in his boasting from whom hee would have the occasion of reproaching him so taken away who otherwise would say that Paul preached to the Corinthians for the encreasing his substance Vers. 13. For such are false Apostles deceitful workers transforming themselves into the Apostles of Christ. 14. And no marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an Angel of Light 15. Therefore it is no great thing if his Ministers also bee transformed as the Ministers of Righteousness whose end shall bee according to their works Reason 7. Shewing the necessity of his boasting because the wickedness of his Emulators did compel him to this boasting for they did feign themselves the Apostles of Christ and Workers in the Vineyard of God when in the mean while they only cared for their own business not Gods they preached the Gospel for profits sake and their own honour they feigned themselves Ministers of Christ when they did only personate Stage-players ver 13. neither is it to bee wondered at seeing these deceivers were the Apostles of Satan imitating the Devil who sometimes puts on the form of some celestial Angel that under the pretence of zeal and piety hee might beguile men whose manners his Emulators did follow pretending the glory of Christ when in the mean while they sacrificed all their labour to the belly to their purse to their honour nothing solicitous what became of the Apostles what of the Churches so that they might obtain their desires To whom therefore the Apostle threatens eternal death according to their deserts Vers. 16. I say again let no man think mee a fool if otherwise yet as a fool receive mee that I may boast my self a little 17. That which I speak I speak it not after the Lord but as it were foolishlie in this confidence of boasting Reason 8. Because they should find that it was wisely done that hee was necessitated to this boasting which hee desires them to take notice of but if as yet for the present they could not perceive the just necessity and prudence of his boasting at leastwise hee desires that they would bear with him patiently a little as foolishly boasting until hee could finish his Speech and Apology ver 16. Yeelding only but not affirming that hee foolishly boasted or that it was un-beseeming him to God-ward for otherwise the Apostle with the greatest Wisdome of the Spirit did most justly boast to the glory of God and the benefit of the Church in this whole business Vers. 18. Seeing that many glorie after the flesh I will glorie also Reason 9. Because the false Apostles did falsly glory against him therefore hee contends that it is an equal thing that hee himself should truly boast in his own defence Vers. 19. For yee suffer fools gladlie seeing yee your selves are wise Reason 10. Wise men were wont to bear with those that seemed more foolish as you know by experience Why should yee not therefore suffer mee of necessity to boast although herein I may seem foolish to some amongst you Vers. 20. For yee suffer if a man bring you into bondage if a man devoure you if a man take of you if a man exalt himself if a man smite you on the face Reason 11. Because yee suffer more harsh things as it appears than this foolishness of my glorying For 1 Yee suffer those importunate men who bring you into bondage Such were the false Apostles who exercised their power over them dividing the Church of Corinth into factions and set up themselves Captains and Lords of their Followers amongst the Corinthians as of Souldiers and Servants 2 Yee suffer those which devoure you such were the false Apostles affecting stately banquets and eating up the substance of the Corinthians 3 Yee suffer spoilers such also were the false Apostles who would not indeed take wages but in the mean while they coveted gifts and did collogue and receive them from the Corinthians 4 Yee suffer those that contemn you such were the false Apostles who because of the Stock and Hebrew Nation which they were of and some gifts of the Spirit given to them above the Church of Corinth gathered out of the illiterate and ignoble Gentiles did above measure exalt themselves 5 Yee suffer those that smite you on the face or those that use you reproachfully Why therefore should not yee suffer this may just boasting Vers. 21. I speak as concerning reproach as though we had been weak howbeit wherein soever any is bold I speak foolishlie I am bold also Hee expounds what it is to smite on the face that it is not to bee understood of external violence but in respect of reproach which in some measure hee found amongst the Corinthians from those false teachers when the false Apostles hit the Corinthians in the teeth with the lowness of their minds in that they subjected themselves to Paul an handicrafts man for what else was this but to smite the Corinthians in the face and insult over the holy Apostle The Second Part. Howbeit whereinsoever The second part of the Chapter follows in which the way already being prepared for him to a just glorying and the necessity of it being demonstrated hee compares himself with those glorious Doctors proving himself not inferiour to them in four Characters of his dignity but to bee preferred before upon many accounts Sign 1. Of his dignity propounded in general that hee was inferiour to them in nothing whatsoever they looked upon in their glorying In the mean while hee modestly grants a shew of folly in this his glorying which yet hee wisely prosecutes Vers. 22. Are they Hebrews so am I Are they Israelites so am I The second sign of his dignity more specially laid down that hee is worthy to bee compared to them in the Nobility of his Linage For if hee had sought glory from a Holy Nation hee sprung from that family which had not mixt themselves with the Gentiles hee was an Hebrew from Hebrew
and hypocritical faith but the lively faith effectually working by charity towards all Saints and openly manifested to mee an Apostle and others Therefore you Ephesians should bee confirmed in the faith Vers. 16. Cease not to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers Arg. 2. You are esteemed worthy that thanks should bee daily given unto God for you even as I do Therefore you ought to bee strengthened in the faith of the Gospel Mention Argum. 3. Because the sincerity of your faith is manifested in the love of the Saints I continually keep you in my memory and make daily mention of you in my prayers begging that the work of God may bee perfected in you and your faith confirmed Therefore unless you think the motion of the Spirit in mee who pray for you bee in vain you ought to have your faith strengthened Vers. 17. That the God of our Lord Iesus Christ the Father of glory may give unto you the Spirit of Wisdome and Revelation in the knowledge of him Now hee comes to set down the summe of his prayers which hee put up for them wherein are contained the other Arguments for the confirmation of their faith Give unto you Arg. 4. In praying that God would give them the Spirit of Wisdome and Revelation hee intimates that they have more and greater causes viz. in the Scripture which is the fountain of Wisdome and the summe of saving Revelation for the confirmation of their faith than they did yet understand You have such and so many Arguments in Scripture for your confirmation in faith that I cannot wish any thing more to the strengthening of faith than a larger measure of the working of the Spirit of God that having more wisdome given you and the mysteries of the word being more clearly disclosed to you you may know what is the mind of God and Christ towards you Therefore even from this my evidence and prayer for you you ought to bee confirmed in the faith The God of our Lord Arg. 5. Drawn from the description of God of whom this gift is craved God who bestows the Spirit of faith or of wisdome on the Saints is the glorious God and Father of our Lord and of all us the servants of Christ who both out of Covenant as hee is our God and out of fatherly affection as hee is our Father will give the Spirit of faith to you upon our request for it Therefore even from those relations which pass between God Christ and you you should bee strengthened in faith Vers. 18. The eyes of your understanding being inlightned that yee may know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints Argum. 6. It is not possible that I should express with tongue what and how great those good things which God by calling you to Christ hath commanded you to hope for or how glorious the riches of that inheritance are which is prepared for you in the sanctuary of heaven I only beg that your eyes may bee inlightned that yee may apprehend them Therefore c. Vers. 19. And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who beleeve according to the working of his mighty power Argum. 7. That power of God is unspeakable which hee hath put forth into act in the converting you to and in thus long upholding you in the faith and which hee hath in a manner bound himself that hee will put forth that so by the infinite power and efficacy of his strength beleevers may bee carried on to salvation I onely pray for the illumination of your eyes that yee may know it Therefore c. This Argument hee confirms by a threefold comparison 1. Of the power of God with the adversaries power and with the Ephesians weakness in which respect hee calls the greatness of that power super-excellent which was actually apparent in them that they might know there was no power in Satan the world sin death or any other hindrance without them which the greatness of the power of God doth not and will not for ever overcome 2. Of the powerful work of God in their conversion with the original of that work that is Gods Omnipotency in which respect hee makes mention of the efficacy or working of his mighty power that they might know the work of God in converting them and induing them with faith and holiness was such a manifestation of that working which proceeds from the actual and exerted power of the Omnipotent God as was suitable to Omnipotency and becoming an Omnipotent God in a word it was a work very well befitting God 3. Of the power of God now actually declared in their conversion with that power which God had shewn in raising Christ from the dead 1. That they might know that as a great power was required to a mans conversion regeneration and endowment with faith and other saving graces as to revive one dead and buried 2. That they might know the very same power was exercised in our conversion as in Christs Resurrection 3. That they might understand it was no less easie for God to bring to pass all other things which pertained to the perfecting of our salvation than it was for him to perform the fore-mentioned particulars Vers. 20. Which hee wrought in Christ when hee raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in heavenly places Argum. 8. Taken from the raising up of Christ our Head Christ our Head who was killed in our stead God raised from the dead in our stead and for our good unto eternal life Therefore you who are his members even in the midst of afflictions and in death it self should bee stedfast in Faith touching your deliverance And set him Argum. 9. From Christs ascension and sitting at the right hand of the Father Christ our Redeemer is ascended into Heaven and reigns with the Father being partner in that great authority that hee might take us into fellowship in that happiness and make us partners of that condition in which hee is Therefore you ought to bee confirmed in the Faith and hope of your future glorification in Heaven unless you imagine Christs dominion is to no purpose Vers. 21. Far above all Principality and Power and Might and Dominion and every name that is named not onely in this world but also in that which is to come Argum. 10. Christ even in his flesh is exalted far above all both Angels and Men so that nothing should bee so high so powerful so excellent either in the earth this present world or in Heaven the world to come as that Christ should not bee infinitely higher even as hee is man and therefore there is not any thing wanting in him to the perfecting nor can any thing oppose him to hinder him from perfecting our salvation Therefore you should bee strengthened in the Faith of the Gospel Vers. 22. And hath put all things under his feet
death that is the Devil Argum. 10. Christ out of his love to the Elect the Children of God would partake of the same humane Nature with them that hee might by his death satisfie for them and so abolish the power of the Devil which hee as an exe●utioner hath by the Law against all sinners Therefore the reputation of Christ is not to bee diminished because of his sufferings in the flesh Vers. 15. And deliver them who through fear of death were all their life time subject to bondage Argum. 11. Amongst the fruits and ends of Christs death this is one that hee might deliver his from the fear of death both temporal and eternal under which fear all sinners are held all their life long till they see themselves freed from sin and death upon the merit of Christ dying for them Therefore c. Vers. 16. For verily hee took not on him the nature of Angels but hee took on him the seed of Abraham Argum. 12. Christ by assuming the seed of Abraham or humane nature into the unity of his person wherein from eternity hee subsisted he● advanced the humane nature in respect to priviledges dignity and honour above the Nature of Angels which hee took not Therefore the reputation of Christ is no● to bee lessened because of his sufferings in the flesh Vers. 17. Wherefore in all things it behoved him to bee made like unto his Brethren that hee might bee a merciful High Priest in things pertaining to God to make reconciliation for the sins of the people Argum. 13. Christ ought to bee made like his Brethren the Elect in Nature Properties Affections and all infirmities except sin that his Brethren might bee the more certain and assured of his faithfulness and mercy in the exercise of his Priestly Office and perpetual intercession with God for them Therefore the excellency of Christ ought not to bee diminished because of his sufferings in the flesh Vers. 18. For in that hee himself hath suffered being tempted hee is able to succour them that are tempted Argum. 14. Confirming the former Christ by his suffering afflictions and temptations in the humane Nature was fitted by his experience of sufferings in whom wee may trust to bee able and willing to succour us under the like trials Therefore his reputation is not to bee diminished because of his sufferings in the flesh And thus as in the former Chapter it was demonstrated that Christ is the true Son of God so in this Chapter hee hath demonstrated him to bee the son of man The one true God-man and hath removed the scandal of infirmities and sufferings of Christ in the flesh which all the beleeving Hebrews did dash against CHAP. III. THe excellency of the Prophetical Office and person of Christ being vindicated in the fore-going discourse even under all his sufferings in the flesh Hee exhorts them now to a consideration of this excellency that they may hold fast the profession of the Christian Faith and not apostatize from it to this end producing fifteen Arguments Vers. 1. Wherefore holy Brethren partakers of the heavenly calling consider the Apostle and High Priest of our Profession Christ Iesus The Proposition concerning the holding fast their Profession of the Faith is contained in an Exhortation to a serious consideration of Christ the Apostle and High Priest of our Profession Argum. 1. Yee are sanctified and by Faith made partakers of an effectual calling to heavenly things Therefore you ought to hold fast the Profession of this Faith Apostle Argum. 2. Yee have Jesus Christ the Son of God the Apostle or Teacher of your Faith sent from God and our High Priest who hath expiated our sins by his blood You have him I say the Author of this Profession Therefore it is to bee held fast Vers. 2. Who was faithful to him that appointed him as also Moses was faithful in all his house Argum. 3. Christ in the administration of his Apostleship and Priesthood committed to him is not less faithful than Moses who obtained testimony from God that hee was faithful in all his house Therefore ought yee to hold fast your Christian Profession Because the Hebrews ascribed too much to Moses and could hardly bee drawn away from Mosaical Ceremonies that they might bee brought to Christ Therefore here on set purpose hee compares Christ with Moses Vers. 3. For this man was counted worthy of more glory than Moses inasmuch as hee who hath builded the house hath more honour than the house Argum. 4. Christ is so much more excellent than Moses and the whole Church also by how much the builder of the house is more excellent than the house it self or any part of it Moses also is but a member of that Church and a part onely of that house Therefore the Profession of your Faith is to bee held fast Vers. 4. For every house is builded by some man but hee that built all things is God Argum. 5. Confirming the former under the same comparison As no house not part of an house is built by it self but by another man so neither the Church nor Moses who is a member of the Church is built by himself but owes his building to some higher Architect But Christ who is proved God is the builder of the Church and of every member of it and also of all things Therefore hee is more excellent than Moses and the Faith and Profession of his Doctrine is to bee held fast Vers. 5. And Moses verily was faithful in all his house as a servant for a testimony of those things which were to bee spoken after 6. But Christ as a Son over his own house whose house are wee if wee hold fast the confidence and the rejoycing of the hope firm unto the end Argum. 6. Moses was faithful as a servant in anothers family to testifie and that indeed darkly which afterwards more fully and openly was to bee spoken of Christ and his dominion But Christ is faithful as Son and Heir who is over his house and speaks from his own authority Therefore Christ is more excellent than Moses and the Profession of his Doctrine is to bee held fast Whose house Argum. 7. If wee firmly hold fast the confidence and hope of eternal life procured for us by Christ and to bee communicated in which hope wee now make our boast wee shall declare our selves to bee his house or his true Church in which the Lord will dwell Therefore the Profession of our Faith is to bee held fast Vers. 7. Wherefore as the Holy Ghost saith Today if yee will hear his voice 8. Harden not your hearts as in the provocation in the day of temptation in the wilderness 9. When your Fathers tempted mee proved mee and saw my works forty years Argum. 8. From Psal. 95.8 9 c. unless you hold fast the Faith of Christ you will disobey the Holy Ghost who in the Scripture forbids you to harden your hearts when you hear the Word of God
day 6 The sixt is of the last Iudgement wherein eternal life shall bee alotted to the faithful and eternal death to the wicked Vers. 3. And this will wee do if God permit Arg. 2. To perseverance and progress in the faith of the Gospel I an Apostle by the grace of God shall to my utmost endeavour that yee may persevere in the faith so far as it shall seem good to God to bless my labours in the Ministry Therefore you ought to endeavour after perseverance and progress in the faith of the Gospel Vers. 4. For it is impossible for those who were once inlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost 5. And have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the world to come 6. If they shall fall away to renew them again unto repentance seeing they crucifie to themselves the Son of God afresh and put him to an open shame Argum. 3. Whosoever do not persevere after such conviction of the Truth of the Gospel as you have here described but start from the Principles of Faith and slide into that unpardonable sin against the Holy Ghost they cannot repent nor bee saved Therefore lest yee fall into this sin yee ought to persevere and make progress in the Faith of the Gospel They against whom this commination is bent are described by six Marks 1 They are illuminated by the knowledge of the Gospel by whose light the miserable condition of men and the means of Redemption by Christ may bee opened even to the unregenerate 2 They have tasted the Heavenly gift which may bee by the contemplation of Christ and heavenly things revealed in the Gospel for every the lightest taste of truth sti●s up some rellish of it although not alwayes solid and permanent 3 They are made partakers of the Holy Ghost which may bee by some gifts common both to the Regenerate and unregenerate 4 They have tasted the good word of God which may bee by an historical faith of the Gospel an apprehension of the possibility of their own ●alvation which that they may actually attain they do not prosecute 5 They have tasted the powers of the world to come in some lighter joyes concerning the life to come which may come to pass by a temporary faith in those that receive the word in the stony ground with joy Mat. 13.20 not only our of an apprehension of the possibility of their future salvation but also the Probability which they may willingly with Balaam wish for and hope for with the foolish Virgins though they have not renounced the world and their wicked lusts 6 After all these degrees of conviction produced by the Holy Ghost concerning the truth of the Christian Religion they fall away or with a total voluntary an● malicious Apostacy as will afterwards appear they revolt from Christ. Again The punishment which hee threatens to these kinde of Apostates is this That their Repentance and by consequence salvation is impossible because ●fter this sin Repentance never follows The Reasons whereof are two 1 From their malice against Christ because by their malicious denial of the Son of God once crucified they will not bee saved by his death they abhor that way of salvation upon which alone Repentance and salvation depends and indeed as much as in them lyes they depose Christ from the Throne of his Celestial glory and if it were possible would crucifie him again Put him 2 Another Reason is taken from the scandal given Because they expose Christ to ignominy reproach and the scoffes of Infidels and that by a more cruel wickedness than they who at first through ignorance hanged Christ upon the Cross. Vers. 7. For the earth which drinketh in the rain that commeth o●t upon it and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is d●●ssed receiveth blessing from God Arg. 4. To perseverance As the fruitful earth receives blessing from God so persevering and proceeding in the faith and obedience of the Gospel yee receive blessing from God Therefore ought yee to persevere Vers. 8. But that which beareth thorns and briars is rejected and is nigh unto cursing whose end is to bee burned Arg. 5. As the earth tilled and often watered which brings forth nothing but briars and thorns is rejected and nigh unto cursing and at length is to bee burned So Apostates who have taken in the showres of the word of God often coming upon them and bring forth no good fruit but fall back and altogether Apostatize are Reprobates and being near unto cursing shall utterly perish as those who in respect to conversion and salvation are desperate Vers. 9. But beloved wee are perswaded better things of you and things that accompany salvation though wee thus speak Hee comforts the beleeving Hebrews against the harshness of what he had said and the supposition of their future Apostacy which the Apostle might seem inwardly to surmise had hee not cleared himself and adds Arg. 6. Although I presupposed danger of your Apostacy yet wee have perswaded us better concerning your faith and sincere obedience and perseverance and other graces which have a necessary connexion with eternal salvation Therefore yee ought with so much the more courage to persevere Vers. 10. For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love which yee have shewed toward his name in that yee have ministred to the Saints and do minister Arg. 7. Confirming the former The Justice and Truth of God will not suffer that the saving grace of God already bestowed upon you and by your constant and effectual love towards the faithful or Saints hath been demonstrated by works should bee forgotten but will give you grace for grace perseverance and life eternal promised to you Therefore c. Vers. 11. And wee desire that every one of you do shew the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end Arg. 8. By endeavouring after perseverance yee shall gain more and more a certain perswasion of your hope Therefore every one of you ought to endeavour after perseverance And here the Exhortation to perseverance is expresly se● down Vers. 12. That yee bee not sloathful but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises Arg. 9. By shaking off your sloathfulness in striving after a deeper knowledge of the Gospel and proceeding in charity you ought to imitate the holy Fathers who persevering in faith and patience have obtained the promised inheritance Therefore labour yee after perseverance Vers. 13. For when God made promise to Abraham because hee could swear by no greater hee sware by himself 14. Saying Surely blessing I will bless thee and multiplying I will multiply thee 15. And so after hee had patiently indured hee obtained the promise Argum. 10. The promise of the blessing being made unto the faithful in the person of Abraham the father of the faithful and confirmed by the Oath of the great God and experienced
changeableness and the changing of the Levitical Priest-hood hath drawn along with it the mutability and change of the Levitical Law or Legal Covenant joyned with it that another Priesthood might succeed and another Law or another unchangeable Covenant Therefore the changeable Levitical Priesthood is not so excellent as that of Melchisedec or the immutable Priesthood of Christ. Vers. 13. For hee of whom these things are spoken pertaineth to another tribe of which no man gave attendance at the Altar 14. For it is evident that our Lord sprang out of Juda of which tribe Moses spake nothing concerning Priesthood Argum. 4. Proving withall the Levitical Law was to bee changed with the Priesthood Christ● concerning whom these things are said in Psalm 110. belongs to another Tribe and that the Principal and most worthy viz. Iudah from whence it appears that our Lord sprang whereof none attends at the Altar none hath any command from Moses●o ●o exercise the Levitical Priesthood Therefore Christs Priesthood being introduced the Levitical is to bee done away with the Levitical Ceremonial Law and by consequence the Priesthood of Christ which sprang of the Principal Tribe is more excellent than the Levitical Vers. 15. And it is yet far more evident For that after the similitude of Melchisedec there ariseth another Priest Arg. 5. From the words of Psalm 110. proving the same that before Christ is another Priest from the Levitical between whom and Melchisedec his type there is a similitude Therefore is follows that the Priesthood of Christ doth not hang upon the Levitical Law and also because it is Melchisede●ian it is far more excellent than the Levitical Priesthood Vers. 16. Who is made not after the Law of a carnal commandement but after the power of an endless life Argum. 6. Christ is made a Priest not according to the Law which gave weak and carnal commandements concerning bodily Ceremonies as the Levitical Priests but after the power and virtue of an immortal or indissoluble life whereby Christ himself lives for ever and can as the author of life effectually bestow eternal life Therefore Christs Priesthood is more excellent than the Levitical Vers. 17. For hee testifieth Thou art a Priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec Hee confirms this Argument from Psalm 110. wherein the Father declares his Son a Priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec and by consequence declares the virtue of Christs Priesthood to bee sufficient unto eternal life Vers. 18. For there is verily a disanulling of the Commandement going before for the weakness and unprofitableness thereof Argum. 7. Taken from the foresaid Psalm The Law or Legal Covenant with the Ceremonial Precepts and the whole Levitical Priesthood joyned to that Covenant by reason of the weakness and unprofitableness of it in it self for the expiation of sins and the justification of men and the bestowing of eternal life is abolished by the introduction of an eternal Priesthood viz. of Christ Therefore the Priesthood of Christ is more excellent than the Levitical Vers. 19. For the Law made nothing perfect but the bringing in of a better hope did by the which wee draw nigh unto God Argum. 8. Confirming the former The Law or Legal Covenant under the Levitical Priesthood although it was a School-master unto Christ yet in it self it made nothing perfect it justified sanctified saved none But the Priesthood of Christ that better hope or Gospel that good prefigured and hoped for by the faithful under the Law being now introduced in the room of the Levitical Priesthood or Legal Covenant This I say brings perfection to the people of God and puts them into good hopes of life Therefore the Priesthood of Christ c. By the which Argum. 9. By the Priesthood of Christ or by that hope better than the Law or Levitical Priesthood wee that are at a great distance from God by nature all of us come near unto God to the Throne of his Grace which was the priviledge of the Priests onely or rather of the Chief Priest under the Legal types Therefore the Priesthood of Christ c. Vers. 20. And in as much as not without an oath hee was made Priest 21. For those Priests were made without an oath but this with an oath by him that said unto him the Lord sware and will not repent thou art a Priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec Argum. 10. The Levitical Priests without an oath by a Law changeable at the pleasure of God the Law-giver were made Priests But Christ as appears from Psal. 110. is declared a Priest for ever by the oath of God the Father Therefore the Priesthood of Christ c. Vers. 22. By so much was Iesus made a surety of a better Testament Argum. 11. Christ in his Priesthood is the Surety of a Covenant so much the more excellent by how much the Priesthood confirmed with an oath is more excellent than that which is mutable and commanded for a time Therefore his Priesthood is more excellent For where there is a Priest there is a Covenant the Surety whereof is a Priest the Covenant being legal and vanishing had for its Surety a typical Priest which prefigured the true Priest Christ that was to come But the Covenant of Grace hath Christ the true Priest for its Surety who first of all bound himself to give satisfaction to Divine Justice for our debt furthermore that as the friends of God in the Covenant of Grace wee should walk to life eternal There are other offices of a Surety but these suffice for the opening of the present Argument Vers. 23. And they truly were many Priests because they were not suffered to continue by reason of death 24. But this man because hee continueth ever hath an unchangeable Priesthood Argum. 12. The Levitical Priests were many at one time and successively followed one another for one alone could not undergo all things belonging to the office and death did hinder that any one should abide long in his office But Christ alone executes his Priestly Office for ever having no Partner or Successor nor wanting any to substitute in his stead Therefore his Priesthood is more excellent than the Levitical Vers. 25. Wherefore hee is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him seeing hee ever liveth to make intercession for them Argum. 13. Following upon the former Christ our Priest living for ever and in the perpetual odour of his Sacrifice interceding for his is able to save and perfect to the utmost or every way to accomplish the sanctification and salvation of all the faithful or of all that come in to him But the Levitical Priests could not do that Therefore his Priesthood is more excellent than the Levitical Vers. 26. For such a● High Priest became us who is holy harmless undefiled separate from sinners and made higher than the Heavens Argum. 14. Christ as a Priest as it became our onely Redeemer hath more excellent
without blood which hee offered for himself and for the errours of the people Hee proceeds in describing the anniversary rites which were of this sort 1 The High Priest alone without any companion 2 Once a year not oftener 3 Never without the offering the blood of a Calf and an Hee-Goat in a basin 4 This blood hee offered for his own sins great and small and for the sins of the people All these outward worldly and shadowy things were in no wise efficacious in themselves For they prefigured the entring of Christ into Heaven by his own blood the true Propitiatory This is the first Argument of the earthly imperfection in the Levitical Priesthood Vers. 8. The Holy Ghost this signifying that the way into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest while as the first Tabernacle was yet standing Argum. 2. Propounded by way of exposition of the next mystery In the time of the Levitical Priesthood while it obtained a standing Tabernacle and that Ceremonial worship about the Sanctuary the way to Heaven or the true Sanctuary was not manifestly declared as it is now under the Priesthood of Christ That which the Holy Ghost taught by excluding the Priests from the inward Sanctuary by admitting the High Priest once a year the Sanctuary remaining shut all the year after Therefore the Priesthood of Christ is more excellent than the Levitical Vers. 9. Which was a figure for the time then present in which were offered both gifts and Sacrifices that could not make him that did the service perfect as pertaining to the conscience Argum. 3. The rites of the foresaid expiatory and the other such exercises of the Levitical High Priest were typical and parabolical and a meer pattern of those things which were to bee performed by Christ Therefore the excellency of the Levitical Priesthood is no waies to bee equallized with the Priesthood of Christ. For the time Argum. 4. The things which were done by the High Priest and the Levitical Priests served onely for the time present of the Law institution viz. in the infancy and beginning of the Church wherein gifts and typical Sacrifices were offered Therefore the Levitical Priesthood is far inferiour to the Priesthood of Christ. Could not Argum. 5. The gifts and sacrifices which were offered by the Levitical Priesthood could not sanctifie the conscience of him that worshiped or take away the evil conscience of sins committed Therefore the Levitical Priesthood c. Vers. 10. Which stood onely in meats and drinks and divers washings and carnal ordinances imposed on them until the time of reformation Argum. 6. Confirming the former Those things which were offered by the Levitical Priest consisted onely in meats and drinks and divers washings and carnal rites which did not commend a man to God 1 Cor. 8.2 but onely they did these things as sanctified in the flesh ceremonially they might bee accounted pure worshipers Therefore the Levitical Priesthood is nothing being compared to the Priesthood of Christ. Until Argum. 7. These gifts and sacrifices and the other offices of the Levitical Priests were imposed as a yoak and burden onely till the time of Reformation i. e. till the comming of Christ who would reform the imperfect sacrifices and gifts of the old Priesthood and they being abolished hee would introduce a more perfect gift and sacrifice Therefore the Priesthood of Christ is more perfect c. Vers. 11. But Christ being come an High Priest of good things to come by a greater and more perfect Tabernacle not made with hands that is to say not of this building Argum. 8. Christ is the High Priest not of types but of spiritual good things of Justification Sanctification and Salvation which were figured by the types Therefore c. By a greater Argum. 9. Christ had a greater and more perfect Tabernacle not made with hands not of a common structure viz. the Tabernacle of his body which was formed in the womb of the Virgin by the Holy Ghost after a special manner without the spot of Original sin in which Tabernacle the fulness of the Godhead dwels Therefore his Priesthood is far more excellent than c. Vers. 12. Neither by the blood of Goats and Calves but by his own blood hee entred in once into the holy place having obtained eternal redemption for us Argum. 10. Christ offered not the blood of Bulls or Goats as the Levitical Priests but his own blood and the same is made the Priest and the Sacrifice Therefore his Priesthood c. Once Argum. 11. Christ hath once entred into the true holy place i. e. Heaven and there abides not often as the Levitical Priests into the typical holy place Therefore his Priesthood c. Eternal Argum. 12. Christ hath purchased eternal Redemption with his own blood which was impossible for the Levitical Priests Therefore his Priesthood is more excellent than c. Vers. 13. For if the blood of Bulls and of Goats and the Ashes of 〈◊〉 Heifer sprinkling the unclean sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh 14. How much more shall the blood of Christ who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God purge your conscience from dead works to serve the Living God Shall purge Argum. 13. Confirming the former The blood of Christ purges the conscience partly as the conscience seeing full satisfaction made in the death of Christ to divine Justice for it self closeth with its perfect discharge and rests therein partly as the power of sanctifying the heart to the service of God flowes from him For if Hee confirms this Argument a minori The blood of Bulls and other types performed what they were appointed to viz. Ecclesiastical purification of the outward man that hee might be sanctified to the works of external worship how much more shall the blood of Christ the Antitype perform that which is signified by the types viz. The purifying of the conscience from sins to the service of God Sins are called dead works because they deserve death and make sinners guilty of death By the Spirit Argum. 14. In the Sacrifice of Christ the Eternal Spirit or Christ as God acted the chief parts of the Priest and offered up himself as a man without spot for a Sacrifice Therefore his Priesthood is so much the more excellent than the Levitical as God is more excellent than man and his holy humanity than a beast Vers. 15. And for this cause hee is the Mediatour of the New Testament that by means of death for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first Testament they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance Argum. 15. Under the Old Covenant neither Remission of sin nor the Inheritance of Eternal Life was given to them that were called but for the sake of Christs death interceding under the New Covenant to which end hee being now the Mediatour of the New Covenant is ordained for all them that are called Therefore his Priesthood is more excellent
repeated But Christs entry into Heaven to be perfect because but once not to be repeated 3. The Levitical Priests entred by the blood of Goats and Calves But Christ entred by his own blood 1. And if Christ entred but once into Heaven after his Suffering Then Wee must not think that his Body is any where else but in Heaven onely wherein it is once onely entred 2. If the blood whereby Christ entred into Heaven was his own blood Then 1. Verily Christs Body was like ours in substance having blood in it as ours and wee must not conceive otherwise of his body than to be of the same substance and substantial properties with ours 2. The blood belonged to the same person to whom the properties of God belongeth so often in this Epistle attributed unto Christ. His Blood was the blood of God Act. 20.28 That is the same Jesus was God and man with flesh and blood in one person 3. The Fruit of Christs bloody Sacrifice hee maketh The Eternal Redemption of those for whom hee offered it And to the typical Sacrifice hee ascribeth no redemption at all in the comparison Thereby giving us to understand 1. That from the worlds beginning to the end thereof salvation of sinners is by way of Christs Redemption That is by his loosing them through payment of a price 2. That the Redemption was manifested to have force when after his bloody Sacrifice hee entred into Heaven 3. That such as are once redeemed by Christ are Eternally Redeemed not for a time to fall away again but eternally to be saved most certainly Vers. 13. For if the blood of Bulls and of Goats and the Ashes of an Heifer sprinkling the unclean sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh Vers. 14. How much more shall the blood of Christ who through the Eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God purge your consciences from dead works to serve the living God To prove that eternal Redemption is the fruit of Christs Sacrifice he reasoneth thus If the Typical Sacrifices and Rites of old were able to work that for which they were ordained that is external Sanctification Much more shall Christs true Sacrifice be able to work that for which it was appointed that is Eternal Remission of sins and inward Sanctification unto eternal life Then there are two sorts of Sanctification One external of the flesh which maketh a man holy to the Church whatsoever he be within Another internal of the conscience and inner man which maketh a man holy before God 2. The purifying of the flesh he maketh to be by the exercise of such and such Ordinances of Divine Service for the time Then External or Church-holiness of the outward man is procured by such and such exercises of Divine Ordinances in the Church as serve to make a man to be reputed and holden for clean before men and so to be received for a member of the Church as is to be seen Numb 19. 3. From his form of reasoning we learn That whatsoever liberty and access of coming to the Church was made to the Jew of old by these ceremonies of the Law as much and more liberty is made to the Christian to come in to God by the blood of Christ. 4. In describing Christs Sacrifice he saith Christ through the Eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God Then 1. Christ is both the Sacrifice and the Priest in one person He offered himself as man through the Eternal Spirit that is by the vertue and power of his own Godhead by which he preached before his Incarnation to sinners 1 Pet. 3.19 2. His sacrifice was without spot He was that spotless Lamb in whom was no sin nor imperfection nor defect of any thing that the sacrifice required 3. The vertue of the sacrifice which made it to purchase Eternal Redemption unto us floweth from the infinite worth of his Eternal Godhead 4. Albeit Christs two natures have their distinct respects in the actions of his Office yet Christ is one and undivided in the execution of his Office 5. The fruit and force of the sacrifice is set down in this that this Blood shall purge our conscience from dead works to serve the living God That is shall both absolve a man from his foregon sin and also enable him to serve God for time to come Then 1. Sins are but dead works flowing from nature dead in sin and not onely deserving but also drawing on death upon the sinner 2. The conscience lieth polluted with the filthiness of dead works till the vertue of the blood of Jesus applied bring intimation of absolution 3. Christs blood doth not purge the Conscience from dead works that a man should go wallow in them again but that he may serve the living God more acceptably 4. The purging vertue of Christs blood is joyned with the sanctifying and renewing of the absolved sinner and what God hath conjoyned let no man put asunder Vers. 15. And for this cause he is the Mediator of the New Testament that by means of death for the redemption of the transgressions which were under the first Testament they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance Now lest any man should stumble at Christs death he sheweth a necessity thereof in respect of his office of Mediation and the purchase to be made by his Redemption The force of the reason is this Remission of sins could not have been given under the Law except the Mediator had been to pay the price of the same under the Gospel Nor could the faithful and called ones either then or now obtain eternal life for an inheritance otherwise than by the Mediators death Therefore it behoved the true Mediator by means of death to pay the promised price of the purchase of remission of sins and eternal life Then 1. The remission of transgressions and the inheritance of eternal life are both fruits of Christs Passion 2. The fruits of his Passion extended themselves unto them who were under the Old Testament as well as unto us under the New 3. The way of purchase of these benefits was by Redemption that is to say by lawful purchase such as might satisfie justice 4. The way in special was by means of the Mediators death His life was laid down to redeem ours His one life as good as all ours 5. For this cause Christ took the office of a Mediator unto himself that he might have right and interest by death to make this purchase 6. And therefore except he had really died the purchase could not have been lawfully made Vers. 16. For where a Testament is there must also of necessity be the death of the Testator Another reason to prove the necessity of Christs death from the force of the word Covenant which signifieth also a Testament The force of the reason is this Christ Jer. 31.31 promised to make a New Covenant and therefore also a New Testament i● to make a New Testament then also he promised
to dye The Articles of the Covenant also evinceth it to be a Testament and the promiser bound to make his word good and so to dye For Jer. 31. the Lord Christ promiseth to reconcile his people to God to take away their sins and to be their God Iustice required satisfaction of them before they could be reconciled Satisfaction they could not make themselves therefore he who promised to make the Reconciliation with God was bound to make the satisfaction for them to God and if satisfaction for them then to undergo the curse of the Law for them and so to dye Then 1. The New Covenant is of the nature of a Testament and the benefits promised therein to wit Remission of sins Reconciliation Sanctification and Life Eternal are Legacies freely left unto us by our Defunct Lord who was dead and is alive to execute his own will for evermore The Scripture is the instrument and evidence the Apostles Notaries the Sacraments are seals witnesses from Heaven the Father the Word and the Spirit witnesses on earth the Water the Blood and the Spirit 2. Christ Jesus is both the maker of the Covenant which is in Ier. 31. and the Mediator thereof also the Testator and Executor of that blessed Testament 3. Christs death was concluded and resolved upon and intimated before he came into the world Vers. 17. For a Testament is of force after men are dead otherwise it is of no strength at all whilest the Testator liveth He cleareth his reasoning from the nature of Testaments amongst men which not before but after a mans death have force But here it may be objected How can this be seeing by vertue of the testament of Christ benefits not a few were bestowed upon the Church before his death from the beginning of the world not onely Remission of sins and Eternal Life but also many graces and blessings in this life both bodily and spiritual I answer Albeit Christs death was not accomplished in act till of late yet for the certainty of his death to follow and the unchangeableness of his minde towards his Church before his death he was reckoned both with God and the Church for dead and the promise of laying down his life for his people accepted for the time as if it had been performed For which cause he is called Rev. 13.8 The Lamb slain from the beginning of the world And Christ was still represented as a slain man in all these Sacrifices which the Apostle pointeth at as meeting this doubt in the next words which follow hereafter Vers. 18. Vers. 18. Whereupon neither the first Testament was dedicated without blood He proveth the necessity of Christs death yet farther Under the Law his bloodshed was represented by types of bloody Sacrifices therefore it behoved those types to be answered by his real bloodshed and death Then 1. What the types of the Law did signifie Christ behoved to accomplish in verity 2. The Old Church was taught that by vertue of the blood signified by these types the Covenant stood betwixt God and them Vers. 19. For when Moses had spoken every Precept to all the people according to the Law he took the blood of Calves and of Goats with Water and Scarlet Wooll and Hyssope and sprinkled both the book and all the people 20. Saying This is the blood of the Testament which God hath enjoyned unto you 21. Moreover he sprinkled with blood both the Tabernacle and all the Vessels of the Ministery From Moses example we learn 1. That the Lords Word should be manifested to all the people and none of them debarred from taking knowledge thereof 2. That the Word must be spoken plainly with a distinct voyce in the common Language and not muttered in an unknown Tongue 3. That with the use of holy Rites appointed of God the Preaching of Gods Word should be joyned to shew the Institution and force of Gods Ordinances to his people 2. In that the Book and the People and Instruments of Service were all to be sprinkled we learn That every thing which we touch or meddle with or make use of is unclean unto us were it never so holy in it self except the Blood of Jesus make it clean unto us and cleanse us in the using of it Vers. 22. And almost all things are by the Law purged with blood and without shedding of blood is no remission He saith Almost because of some purging which was done by washing and yet even that washing also drew the Vertue of Ceremonial purging from the Sacrifice whereunto the washing was annexed 2. In saying Without shedding of blood there is no remission of sins he teacheth us That wheresoever a sacrifice is offered for obtaining remission of sin there shedding of blood must really be and where an unbloody sacrifice is pretended to be offered for obtaining remission it serveth not the purpose because Without shedding of blood there is no remission Either therefore must such as pretend to offer Christ for obtaining the remission of sin grant that Christ is daily murthered by them and his blood shed anew in their pretended Offering or else that by their Offering no new Remission is purchased But the truth is Christs Blood is once shed and never to be shed again and that once Offering and Blood shedding is sufficient for everlasting remission without any new Offering of him again Vers. 23. It was therefore necessary that the Patterns of things in the Heavens should be purified with these but the Heavenly things themselves with better Sacrifices than these Another reason of the necessity of Christs death in force thus much If things figuratively holy behoved to be cleansed with the Typical Blood of Beasts Then things truly holy behoved to be cleansed with better blood even the blood of the Messias Hence we learn 1. That for the significations cause God would not have the Tabernacle nor any Instrument of Service about it to ●e esteemed holy till blood was shed to sprinkle it That it might be known thereby that without the shedding of Christs blood he would not accept of any thing from us as holy 2. That the blood of Beasts was sufficient to make representation but better blood even the Blood of the Messiah behoved to be shed to give the truth of the signification For as far as Heaven is above the earthly sanctuary and mens souls above the vessels thereof so far better behoved to be that blood which made souls acceptable to God and to get entrance into heaven than the blood of Levitical sacrifices was Vers. 24. For Christ is not entred into the Holy Places made with hands which are the figures of the true but into Heaven it self now to appear in the presence of God for us He cleareth the matter how Christ hath offered a better Sacrifice than the Levitical yea and behoved to offer a better because he is entered into a better Sanctuary another man in another manner and to another end than the High Priest under
it 3. That this felicity could not be attained unto but by flitting and removing out of this life 4. That the body is a partner with the Soul of Life eternal 5. That howsoever it be appointed for all men once to dye yet God can make when he pleaseth Translation or a Change to stand in room of death 3. Before Enoch was translated he had this testimony That he pleased God Then whosoever desireth to be blessed with God after they are removed from this life must first learn to please God before they depart hence Vers. 6. But without Faith it is impossible to please him For he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him He proveth that Enochs Translation and pleasing of God was by Faith because pleasing of God cannot be without Faith He nameth no other of Gods graces in him but Faith onely because it onely of all other graces strippeth a man naked of the worth of any thing in him and sendeth him to Gods mercy in the Mediator Then 1. Whatsoever glorious Vertues he found in Gods children yet it is not by any of these that they are justified or acceptable to God but onely by their Faith For it is by Faith that it may be by Grace And if it be by Grace it is not by worthiness of works 2. In the matter of Justification and acceptation with God to be justified by Faith or accepted not without Faith is all one to be justified and accepted by vertue of nothing in a man beside Faith else the Apostles reasoning were not strong 3. Except a man have this commended Faith in Gods Mercy he cannot please God Let him do else what you can name without this faith it is impossible to please God 2. He expoundeth what the Faith is of which he meaneth To wit A coming to God All-sufficient and merciful Then 1. God is Self-sufficient and All-sufficient 2. God is so gracious as none can seek unto him by that way which he hath revealed but he will give them that which they seek 3. Except a man believe Gods All-sufficiency and merciful Bountifulness he cannot come unto him to seek supply of wants or relief from evil 3. From these words also we may observe the nature of Faith 1. It maketh a man sensible of his indigence and misery else it could not send him a begging 2. It maketh him to acknowledge his natural alienation and farness from God else it could not set him on work to seek God and to come unto him 3. It emptieth him of the confidence in his own and all the creatures help else it could not send the man away from all these to God 4. It pointeth out God both able and willing to help else it could not encourage to take course for relief in him 5. It setteth a man on work to use the appointed means to finde God 6. It certifieth a man of Gods impartiality towards every one that seeketh to him and maketh him to hold on the way seeking diligently and never to give over And so it bringeth a man to deny himself and to have communion with God Vers. 7. By Faith Noah being warned of God of things not seen as yet moved with fear prepared an Ark to the saving of his house by the which he condemned the world and became heir of the Righteousness which is by Faith In Noahs example observe 1. He believeth the Deluge is coming and feareth and prepareth the Ark. Then 1. Faith apprehendeth Judgements threatned in the Word as well as Mercies in the Promises 2. Faith apprehending the Threatning moveth to fear 3. That is right Fear which setteth a man on work to prevent the danger 2. By his diligence he condemned the world Then The pains which the Godly take to eschew wrath condemneth careless beholders of their diligence 3. By this he became heir of the Righteousness which is by Faith that is came evidently to be such Then 1. There is a Righteousness which is onely by Faith 2. That Righteousness is Heirship to all true Believers 3. Some special point of Faith may bring this heirship unto light and give evidence of a mans Right thereunto Vers. 8. By Faith Abraham when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance obeyed and he went out not knowing whither he went Abrahams following of Gods calling and leaving of his Countrey is counted a work of Faith From Abrahams example then let us learn 1. That Faith in God will cause a man quit his Countrey and Parents and every dearest thing at Gods calling 2. Faith counteth Gods Promises better than present possessions and is content to quit the one for the other 3. Yea it is content with a Promise of better in general and for the special manner of performance standeth not to be blinde 4. Faith is willing to obey as soon as it seeth a Warrant Vers. 9. By Faith he sojourned in the land of Promise as in a strange Countrey dwelling in Tabernacles with Isaac and Iacob the heirs with him of the same promise Abrahams sojourning in Canaan is counted another work of his Faith Wherein we learn 1. That Faith can for a while suffer to be a stranger even from that whereunto it hath best Right 2. When Faith hath certainty of an heavenly inheritance it can be content with a small portion of things earthly 3. A man who sojourneth amongst Idolaters should be sure of a calling thereunto and being amongst them ought to behave himself as a Stranger and Sojourner 4. Yes where he hath best Right on earth hee ought to have a Pilgrims mind Vers. 10. For hee looked for a City which hath Foundations whose builder and maker is God That which moved Abraham to behave himself as a Sojourney on earth was the hope of a setled during place with God in the society of the Saints in Heaven Then 1. Heaven is a setled commodious and safe-dwelling Place All places here are but moveable Tabernacles 2. The Fathers under the Law looked for entry into their eternal rest in the Kingdome of Heaven after the ending of their Pilgrimage here 3. The hope of Heaven is able to make a man content with Pilgrims Fare and Lodging here-away Vers. 11. Through Faith also Sarah her self received strength to conceive Seed and was delivered of a Childe when she was past age because she judged Him faithful wh● had promised Sarah is reckoned in the Catalogue of Beleevers and her laughing through unbeleef is not remembred but her victory over her mis-beleef is commended Then 1. Even Women are made Patterns of beleeving and wisely walking with God worthy to be imitated of Men. 2. God marketh not the defects of Faith but the soundness thereof how small soever it be what good is in His Children and not what sins they are cloged with 2. When shee is past age by Faith shee getteth strength to conceive
Part. Vers. 11. For this is the message which yee heard from the beginning that wee should love one another From hence hee proceeds to the other Exhortation viz. the love of Brethren The Arguments of the Exhortation are fifteen Argum. 1. The Precept concerning the love of the Brethren is given to you by Christ from the beginning of your calling Therefore love your brethren Vers. 12. Not as Cain who was of that wicked one and slew his Brother and wherefore slew hee him Because his own works were evil and his Brothers righteous Argum. 2. The faithful ought to bee unlike to Cain the Son of the Devil and murtherer of his Brother Therefore c. Wherefore Argum. 3. Confirming and illustrating the former those that do not love their brethren but hate them shall bee found to hate the Grace of God in them and in this to bee like Cain who out of envy persecuted with hatred the Image of God in his Brother Therefore yee ought to endeavour after brotherly love Vers. 13. Marvail not my Brethren if the world hate you Argum. 4. By preventing and retorting an Objection That charity amongst Brethren ought by no means to wax cold because they see themselves hated by the world but on the contrary they ought so much the more vehemently to love one another Therefore c. Vers. 14. Wee know that wee have passed from death unto life because wee love the Brethren Hee that loveth not his Brother abideth in death Argum. 5. W●e are more assured by our love of the Brethren or the love of the Image of God in them as by a certain sign that wee our selves are regenerated and translated from death to life Hee that doth not Argum. 6. Hee that loveth not his Brother remaineth unregenerate in the state of sin and death Therefore that yee may prove your selves regenerate love your Brethren Vers. 15. Whosoever hateth his Brother is a Murtherer and yee know that no Murtherer hath eternal life abiding in him Argum. 7. Confirming the former Hee that doth not love his Brother hates him and therefore hee is a murtherer and consequently hee hath neither the beginnings of eternal life in himself neither right to eternal life but remains obnoxious to eternal death Therefore yee ought to love the Brethren unless yee will bee accounted such Vers. 16. Hereby perceive wee the love of God because hee laid down his life for us and wee ought to lay down our lives for the Brethren Argum. 8. Christ exceedingly loved us when hee laid down his own life for us Therefore wee imitating his example ought to love one another Wee Argum. 9. Wee owe this gratitude to Christ who hath laid down his life for us and our Brethren that wee bee ready to pour out our lives for the good of the Church or our Brethren Therefore so much the rather ought wee sincerely to affect them and perform the inferiour duties of love towards them Vers. 17. But whose hath this worlds good and seeth his Brother hath need and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him how dwelleth the love of God in him Argum. 10. Confirming the former They who do not so love their brethren as to communicate of their substance to those that want being moved to it out of bowels of mercy are Hypocrites and far from that love which is ready to lay down its life for the brethren Vers. 18. My little children Let us not love in word neither in tongue but in deed and in truth Hence is inferred the Exhortation it self that they testifie their mutual love in deed and in truth and not in words and in tongue onely Vers. 19. And hereby wee know that wee are of the truth and shall assure our hearts before him Argum. 11. By love of the brethren as by the fruit of sincere Faith wee know that wee are sincere or truly faithful and born of God Therefore wee ought to love the brethren Before him Argum. 12. By love wee shall confirm our confidence with God and shall from this effect of Faith help conscience in the conflict of Faith to the giving of us a testimony of our absolution and justification by Faith Therefore c. Vers. 20. For if our heart condemn us God is greater than our heart and knoweth all things 21. Beloved if our heart condemn us not then have wee confidence towards God Hee confirms this Argument by comparing of a watchful and an evil conscience in this verse in the effects of condemnation with a good conscience in the following verse in the effect of absolution as when an evil conscience condemneth him that is altogether void of brotherly love the sentence of condemnation is ratified by God the supream and omniscient Judge until they flye unto Christ so on the other side when a good conscience which howsoever it accuse us of imperfection doth not condemn us as if wee were altogether destitute of this fruit of persevering in brotherly love wee retain a confidence of going to God as our Father in Christ Therefore by following after brotherly love wee shall assure our hearts before him as it is vers 19. Vers. 22. And whatsoever wee ask wee receive of him because wee keep his commandements and do those things that are pleasing in his sight Argum. 13. Conscience of brotherly love gives confidence of obtaining those good things which wee ask of God according to his will because wee can reason from our endeavour of keeping and doing Gods Commandements which are pleasing to him that wee are of the number of those that are true beleevers who through Faith in Christ are in favour with God and whose prayers God doth not reject as hee doth the prayers of Hypocrites and wicked men Therefore yee ought to follow after brotherly love Vers. 23. And this is his Commandement that wee should beleeve on the name of his Son Iesus Christ and love one another as hee gave us commandement Argum. 14. Confirming the former and answering an objection Lest any man should abuse the things spoken before to defend the merits of works or justification by works The Commandement concerning brotherly love is consequently included in the precept of saving Faith which is to bee placed upon Christ. For when God commands Faith in Christ which works by love he also commands that wee should love one another Therefore if any man have respect to the Precept concerning Faith in the Son of God it is necessary also that hee have respect to the command touching mutual love and that hee obey it Therefore yee ought to follow after brotherly love Vers. 24. And hee that keepeth his Commandements dwelleth in him and bee in him and hereby wee know that hee abideth in us by the spirit which hee hath given us Argum. 15. In whom there is an indeavour to obey the commands of God and namely the precept touching Faith in Christ which worketh efficaciously by brotherly love hee hath communion with God and knows that hee hath
of his prayers Therefore for this cause yee ought to beleeve in Christ. Vers. 16. If any man see his Brother sin a sin which is not unto death hee shall ask and hee shall give him life for them that sin not unto death There is a si● unto death I do not say that hee shall pray for it Argum. 13. Hee that beleeves in Christ not onely praying for himself but also out of love for his sinning brethren shall bee heard to whom through the merit of sin declining to destruction and perdition God will if hee bee but asked by a faithful man restore him to life Therefore c. Not unto death Hee excepts in case of the sin of the Holy Ghost When a Professor of the Faith or a Brother as to the external communion of the Church falls into open Apostacy from the Faith of Christ and maintains cruel ha●red against the Gospel and those that are faithful against the light of conscience illuminated once by the Holy Ghost hee commands not to pray for him that commits this sin when it may bee discerned It is called a sin unto death because eternal death follows that sin and hee that falls into it remains in it without repentance until hee is thrust down into Hell Vers. 17. All unrighteousness is sin and there is a sin not unto death Hee explains what hee had said that although all transgression of the Law is sin wherefore it deserves the wages of death yet death follows not all sin because all kind of sin is remitted except this sin which is called blasphemy against the Holy Ghost which was never remitted to any nor never shall Vers. 18. Wee know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not but hee that is begotten of God keepeth himself and that wicked one toucheth him not Argum. 14. Hee that is regenerate or truly beleeves in the Son of God is kept that hee sin not this sin yea nor doth hee lye alwaies intangled in any sin but by the grace of God and virtue of Gods seed remaining in him keepeth himself lest the Devil touch him to death with his sin Therefore yee must beleeve in Christ. Vers. 19. And wee know that wee are of God and the whole world lyeth in wickedness Hee applies this Argument by way of assumption from the proposition to their comfort and the comfort of the faithful to which hee writes and confirms it by five Reasons viz. that the faithful whereunto hee writes are kept together with hims●lf and shall be preserved in Faith and Obedience of the Gospel Wee know Reas. 1. Wee are certainly perswaded of our regeneration Therefore wee are perswaded that wee shall not sin that unpardonable sin neither shall bee in bondage to it but shall bee freed from the Devil fully through Christ. The World Reas. 2. Those that are of the world are onely in the power of that malicious Devil that hee may throw them headlong out of one wickedness into another Therefore wee who are translated out of the world into the Kingdome of God are not in the power of that malicious one but shall bee preserved as the free-men of God Vers. 20. And wee know that the Son of God is come and hath given us an understanding that wee may know him that is true and wee are in him that is true even in his Son Iesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life Reas. 3. Wee are certain of the coming of Christ our Redeemer into the world who hath enlightened our minds with his grace and hath given us true Faith in God Therefore wee shall not sin unto death but shall bee preserved And wee Reas. 4. Wee have communion with God and Christ wherein wee are and dwell by Faith Therefore wee shall bee untouched by that sin This is Reas. 5. Christ is the very true God and Life eternal who in himself is Life and the fountain of life to be communicated to the faithful and also the Procurer Giver and Preserver of it Therefore wee are certainly perswaded of our perseverance and eternal salvation Vers. 21. Little children keep your selves from Idols Amen For the conclusion of the Epistle hee proposes a short admonition that they have a care and keep themselves from Idols in the plural number and that from all sorts of Idols which after any manner might thrust themselves into the place of truth or of the true God to draw them from beleeving of the true Doctrine or from the true worship or obedience of God under any pretence whatsoever and that so much the more because these Idols may bee obtruded upon the faithful by the Devil and his Ministers and by all possible cunning Therefore hee the more diligently commands them to watch and to keep themselves from them lest they should bee in any wise polluted by them but by name that they beware of Images wherein Antichrist will glory and by these deceive the world The second Epistle of IOHN Analytically expounded The Contents AS Luke writ the Book of the Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles to a certain noble Theophilus for the use of all the faithful So John wrote this familiar Epistle to one Noble and Holy Matrone and her children not onely that hee might appropriate the Doctrine which hee had commended in his former Epistle to the universal Church of the faithful to this private family but also that hee might teach the Pastors how they ought to teach publickly and from house to house from the Apostles example Act. 20 20. The parts of the Epistle are three the Preface containing the direction of the Epistle and Salutation to vers 4. An Exhortation to perseverance in the obedience of the Gospel or a constant exercise of Faith working by love to vers 12. The third is the conclusion Vers. 1. THe Elder unto the Elect Lady and her Children whom I love in the Truth and not I onely but also all they that have known the Truth The direction of the Epistle shews who to whom and with what minde hee wrote this Epistle The writer is Iohn the Apostle who makes no doubt of his authority in this family content with the title of the ordinary and common ministery hee calls himself an Elder by which name hee being now very antient hee also notes his age to the end that his admonition who could not live long by reason of his age might bee the more deeply fixed in them The person whereunto it is chiefly writ is the Elect Lady To signifie civil and due honour hee calls her Lady acknowledging her more happy spiritual condition in the Lord. Hee calls her Elect because in that this Matron had from the sincerity of her Faith declared her self to bee elect a farre more excellent commendation than that shee was accounted a Lady in a civil condition by men Her children are adjoyned because they were partakers with their Mother of the Grace of God in the knowledge of Christ. As for the mind of the
for if I do what I wo●ld not then I assent to the Law of God that it is good and the same sign of their sanctification have all those that bewail the imperfection of their obedience Vers. 7. Now then it is no more I that do it but sin that dwelleth in mee Argum. 3. Of Comfort Because to him that laments his imperfection and disallows it that evil shall not bee imput●d which is also to bee understood of all the other holy Combatants but to sin dwelling in him Because God esteems those that weep over the evil of their nature from their better part viz. that which is renewed which doth and shall prevail in the mortification and abolition of sin that dwells in us from which renewed part hee is called the Christian Champion It is no more I saith hee but sin that dwells in mee Vers. 18. For I know that in mee that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing for to will is present with mee but how to perform that which is good I finde not The other difficulty or sharp contest consisting in a threefold conflict First Betwixt himself and the Old Man or that part which was not yet renewed and himself the New Man or the renewed part and here hee himself renewed condemns himself unrenewed as void of any good and a fit receptacle for all evil I know saith hee that there doth not dwell in mee that is in my flesh or corrupt and unrenewed nature which I receive from my carnal Generation any spiritual good thing whereby I may please God Hee proves what hee said and propounds the second conflict betwixt his will renewed and the weakness of his flesh or his perverse nature hindring that the holy motions stirred up by the Spirit were not brought into act and performed Vers. 19. For the good that I would I do not but the evil which I would not that I do The third conflict betwixt the regenerated Will and the Flesh or the Old Man not onely hindring the execution of the Will renewed but also producing evil effects contrary to the renewed Will Some may wonder what hee means when hee speaks of the commission of evil seeing wee all know from the Scriptures how holily and unblameably our Apostle behaved himself in all things after his conversion But it will bee no wonder when wee consider that by reason of the abundant measure of holiness which was bestowed upon him hee could not behold those rebellious motions of his nature but hee would accuse himself of the omission of good and the commission of evil for hee took notice of those motions either hindring him from performing all the parts of his duty towards God and men which hee strictly desired to do or polluting some way or other all his actions in the sight of God What wonder therefore if after this manner hee set out himself as a great sinner Vers. 20. Now if I do that I would not it is no more I that do it but sin that dwelleth in mee The Conquest follows after this sharp conflict repeating the consolations of himself and the rest of the Saints That the sin committed would not bee imputed to him bewailing this his imperfection but to the corruption of his nature or his habitual corruption indwelling designed to destruction and abolition And because hee conflicted with sin therefore is hee denominated from the better and renewed part as above vers 17. and not from the worser part Verse 21. I finde then a Law that when I would do good evil is present with mee The third sharp Conflict follows consisting of a three-fold contention The first is betwixt himself regenerated endeavouring after holiness and an evil inclination cleaving unto him and impelling him with a kind of necessity and as it were by a Law inciting and provoking to evil Vers. 22. For I delight in the Law of God after the inward man 23. But I see another Law in my members warring against the Law of my mind and bringing mee into captivity to the Law of sin which is in my members The second Contention is betwixt the inner spiritual man renewed with his affections and the Law of God on the one part and the outward or Old Man not renewed furnished with his instruments and faculties with his rebellious motions on the other side Against the Law of God and the Law or inclination of his renewed mind fighting and sometimes prevailing and making him captive to the evil disposition of his nature This is the fight whereof hee speaks Gal. 5.17 The flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh and these are contrary that you cannot do the things which you would Which wrastling onely they understand that feel it within them and the force of sin some way or other polluting their most holy actions all their life long Vers. 24. O wretched man that I am who shall deliver mee from the body of this death The third Contention is betwixt evil Concupiscence and the holy servant of God lying prostrate under the oppression of the conquering perverseness of his nature or this body of death groaning lamenting and crying out to God for deliverance Vers. 25. I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. After this feirce combate follows the victory and Comfort by faith in Christ justifying together with his thanksgiving to God his deliverer who hath provided comfort in his Son not for those that continue in sin but which bewail their sins and imperfections Vers. 25. So then with the mind I my self serve the Law of God but with the flesh the Law of sin At length with a composed mind after his being affected with sorrow for sin dwelling in him and with joy because of his hoped-for liberty by Christ the Apostle at length propounds himself a fellow-souldier with other Saints in this holy war against the remainder of sin After this manner I therefore an Apostle that for comfort to those who bewail their sins I may briefly recollect what I have spoken of my self I profess that I have not attained to that measure of Sanctity after which I aspire But together with the rest of the Saints mourning and conflicting under the hope of freedome I go forward and as if I was divided from my self the spirit and the flesh wrastling in me with my mind or my spiritual part delightfully I serve the Law of God but with my flesh or my unregenerate part I am as a Captive to the Law of sin or the prevalency of corrupt nature CHAP. VIII THe fift Confirmation of Justification by Faith is this That this way of Iustifying affords solid consolation not only against all evil to bee dreaded after this life but also against all troubles and afflictions to which the children of God are lyable in this life There are three parts of the Chapter The first is to comfort those that are Iustified against the fear of Condemnation which might trouble those that bewail the imperfection
contention and condemning of each other propounding a rule of due carriage of themselves in such a case to wit that every one of them should labour after solid grounds for the supporting their Faith either for the doing or omitting those things which were controverted touching the Ceremonial Law and thus hee addeth a fourth Argument That they would not condemn one another because in the foresaid case some might do it with a well-grounded perswasion and another upon the like foundation might abstain Therefore it was not fitting that they should condemn one another For the Apostles in the Council at Hierusalem freed the Gentiles from the Law of Moses for the Ceremonial Law was never imposed upon them But the Apostles taking away from the Jews the necessity of Ceremonies for some time left them to a free use till after a season the Gospel shining forth more clearly they might plainly see that their Synagogue was to bee buried wherefore the Gentiles might with a full perswasion lay aside those ceremonies and the Jews observe them at least so long as the favour of God suffered the Temple at Hierusalem to stand whereunto the chief ceremonies were tyed Vers. 6. Hee that regardeth a day regardeth it unto the Lord and hee that regardeth not the day to the Lord hee doth not regard it hee that eateth eateth to the Lord for hee giveth God thanks and hee that eateth not to the Lord hee eateth not and giveth God thanks Argum. 5. Because the Jew observing a day prescribed by the Law of Moses and abstaining from meat forbidden in like manner the Gentile not observing the Law of Moses both of them acted with Thanksgiving to the glory of God The Jew because hee had meat enough not forbidden The Gentile because hee might eat any meat gave thanks Therefore neither to bee condemned by the other Vers. 7. For none of us liveth to himself and no man dieth to himself 8. For whether wee live wee live unto the Lord and whether wee die wee die unto the Lord whether wee live therefore or die wee are the Lords 9. For to this end Christ both died and rose and revived that hee might bee Lord both of the dead and living Hee confirms the end propounded to him that did observe and to him that did not observe the ceremonies and withall adds a sixth Argument They that are not in their own power but anothers nor live to themselves nor die to themselves but only to Christ they are bound to direct their actions and omissions to the glory of Christ as also not to condemn their fellow-servants But wee or none of the Faithful lives or dies to himself nor is at his own dispose ver 7. But wee live and die to Christ to his honor to whom appertains the care over us in life and death ver 8. which hee proves because Christ died and rose again to this end that hee might bee Lord over his Redeemed ones living and dying Therefore it follows that the Faithful ought not to condemn or contemn one another Vers. 10. But why doest thou judge thy Brother or why doest thou set at nought thy Brother for wee shall all stand before the Iudgement Seat of Christ. Argum. 7. The Faithful are Brethren whether Jews or Gentiles Therefore they ought not to judge or contemn one another Wee shall appear Argum. 8. All are to bee judged at the Tribunal of Christ Therefore all ought to take heed that they do not rashly condemn one another Vers. 11. For as it is written As I live saith the Lord every knee shall bow to mee and every tongue shall confess to God That hee confirms by the testimony of Isaias foretelling Chap. 45.23 that Christ shall bee Judge of all and that all shall acknowledge subjection to him as to God Vers. 12. So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God 13. Let us not therefore judge one another any more Argum. 9. Drawn from the former Every one is to give an account of himself to Christ ver 12. Therefore every one ought to prepare himself for the Judgement Seat of Christ and not to judge his Brother The second Part. Vers. 13. But judge this rather that no man put a stumbling-block or an occasion to fall in his Brothers way The second part of the Chapter follows wherein after the conclusion of his general Exhortation hee begins a special properly belonging to them that are strong that they abuse not their liberty with offence to the weak vers 13. Vers. 14. I know and am perswaded by the Lord Iesus that there is nothing unclean of it self but him that esteemeth any thing to bee unclean to him it is unclean Hee prevents an Objection Some might say I am perswaded by the Grace of Christ that no meat is impure or prohibited under the Gospel Therefore I may eat any meat indifferently Hee answers by denying the consequence because pure meat is made impure to him that eats after two sorts First if hee that eats thinks it unlawful Vers. 15. But if thy Brother bee grieved with thy meat now walkest thou uncharitably Destroy not him with thy meat for whom Christ died Secondly Meat is impure if any one perswaded of his liberty eat to the offence of his Brother In which case hee proves that hee must not eat with scandal or that hee must take heed that hee abuse not his liberty and that by eleven Arguments Argum. 1. It fights against charity to act in things indifferent to the offence of the weak Therefore wee must not abuse our liberty Destroy Argum. 2. To lay a stumbling block before the weak from the nature of the deed tends to the destruction of a Brother for whom Christ dyed and hee that puts an offence in his Brothers way in a judicial sense destroies his Brother For as much as in him lies hee is the cause of bringing destruction upon him Therefore wee must not abuse our liberty For whom Argum. 3. Hee that eats with offence thereby opposes the merit of Christs death and the intent of it for hee died that the weak might bee saved but hee that eats with offence doth what is in him to destroy him that is weak Therefore wee must not abuse our liberty Vers. 16. Let not then your good bee evil spoken of Argum. 4. Eating with offence causeth the Christian Faith to bee evil spoken of and to bee brought into contempt and that Christian liberty bee evil reported of by those that are weak and without Therefore wee must not abuse our liberty Vers. 17. For the Kingdome of God is not meat and drink but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost Argum. 5. Because as it is 1 Cor. 8.8 meat and drink nothing promote the spiritual Kingdome of Christ but righteousness peace and joy and the other fruits of the Spirit Therefore wee are bound to abstain from meats or things indifferent when there is danger that by an unseasonable use of
unto you that the Lord Iesus the same night in which hee was betrayed took bread 24. And when hee had given thanks hee brake it and said Take eat this is my body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of mee That hee may correct these errours First hee sets down the institution of the Sacrament to vers 27. and then hee exhorts them to and teaches them the lawful use of this Sacrament to the end As for the institution of the Supper hee shews that the Lord Jesus being about to suffer by way of Testament set his seal to the Covenant of Grace which by his mediation hee entred into between God and the Church Whereby the glorious memory of his death might bee celebrated in the world till his second comming and might bee delivered to the faithful and being delivered it might judicially confirm a right to his person and the benefits of his sufferings and a living virtue flowing from his death resurrection and exaltation to the sanctification and salvation of Beleevers and that by the symbols of this holy Banquet and holy Communion with God and amongst themselves To which end Christ sitting at Table with his Disciples after the eating of the Paschal Lamb First Took Bread and sanctified it by giving of thanks brake and gave it to his Disciples commanding them to take and eat further hee declared the Bread received and eaten to bee his body represented after a Sacramental manner that i● being given for our Redemption and after a judicial manner applied to us and last●y hee commanded that his Disciples or all the faithful should imitate this his action in the Church in remembrance of him who had paid the price of Redemption by the sufferings of his body Vers. 25. After the same manner also hee took the Cup when hee had supped saying This Cup is the New Testament in my blood this do you as oft as yee drink it in remembrance of mee That which concerns the other part of the Supper follows In the same Supper viz. after the Paschal Supper when the Bread was distributed Christ took the Cup with Wine sanctified by the giving of thanks gave it to the Disciples to drink further concerning the Cup hee declared That it being taken and drunk was that new Covenant of Grace between God and the Church established Sacramentally by his blood i. e. As it is ratified on Gods part that gives so it is confirmed on the beleevers part that receives and judicially applied and sealed Lastly Hee commanded that his Disciples should frequently imitate him in this action in remembrance of him who had paid the price of Redemption for the Church by the shedding of his blood Vers. 26. For as often as yee eat this Bread and drink this Cap yee do shew the Lords death till hee come And that wee might acknowledge that of two Elements Bread and Wine one Supper frequently to bee celebrated in the Church ought to bee made the Apostle would have perpetuated in the Church a publick commemoration of our Lords death by the often reiteration of this Sacrament and that because Christ would not bee present in his body with the Church before the last judgement by this Sacrament hee would that the memorial of the Churches redemption by his death might bee preserved and celebrated until hee come out of Heaven in the last day Vers. 27. Wherefore whosoever shall eat this Bread and drink this Cup of the Lord unworthily shall bee guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. After the Apostle had repeated the institution of this Sacrament hee exhorts and instructs the Corinthians in the right use of it and that in six waies First Shewing the danger of guilt which they are liable to who prophane this Sacrament For whosoever without preparation and reverence otherwise than becomes such an Ordinance approaches so great mysteries abuses the Sacrament despiseth Christ and comes near to the wickedness of those that crucified Christ. Vers. 28. But let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that Bread and drink of that Cup. Secondly Shewing the easiness of preparation that every one may worthily receive this Sacrament Onely saith hee set every man examine himself that being sensible of the greatness of his sin and misery hee may see how much need hee hath of a remedy by Christ and let him consider with what Faith and purposes of holiness hee is bound to approach communion with Christ who is a thousand times lost without him and when hee hath examined himself so let him eat and drink in that holy Banquet i. e. so let him apply the thing signified with his participation of the sign that hee consider what need hee hath of it Vers. 29. For hee that eateth and drinketh unworthily eateth and drinketh damnation to himself not discerning the Lords body Thirdly Having shewed the punishment of eating unworthily That hee brings judgement or temporal and eternal punishment unless hee repent upon himself by unworthy eating and drinking who participates of the outward Sacrament without examination of himself because hee discerns not this Feast or the thing signified from his own common Supper but comes to the Lords Table no otherwise than to some common one Vers. 30. For this cause many are weak and sickly among you and many sleep Fourthly Shewing before their eyes the examples of Gods temporal anger in diseases and death it self inflicted already upon many of the Corinthians for their prophanation of the Sacrament Vers. 31. For if wee would judge our selves wee should not bee judged Hee clears from severity this infliction of temporal judgement First From the equity of it That God justly punishes those that judge not themselves or repent not but lye securely in their sin which hee would not do if they repenting would judge themselves Vers. 32. For when wee are judged wee are chastened of the Lord that wee should not bee condemned with the world Further That the inflicting of these punishments is a fatherly chastisement whereby the faithful may bee brought to repentance and not perish with the world Vers. 33. Wherefore my Brethren when yee come together to eat tarry one for another Fifthly The Apostle directs the Corinthians to a right use of the Supper giving a Precept to avoid Schism that they would tarry one for another and would partake of the holy Supper together and every man take not his supper asunder because the Supper of the Lord is a common action of the Church in the publick Assembly to bee celebrated after the manner of a Feast Vers. 34. And if any man hunger let him eat at home that yee come not together unto condemnation And the rest will I set in order when I come Sixthly By forbidding their manner of feasting in publick by their feasts of charity before the holy Communion and commanding that if need were they would eat at home to satisfie their hunger repeating the danger of prophaning the Supper and of the
Conversion and Salvation of so many men should bee ascribed to the virtue of the Apostle that it should bee wholly ascribed unto God for by so much the more the Power of God is conspicuous in great works by how much the weakness of the Instrument more evidently appeareth Vers. 8. Wee are troubled ●n every side yet not distressed wee are perplexed but not in dispair 9. Persecuted but not forsaken cast down but not destroyed Hee answers 3. That all his afflictions are moderated and hee himself is upheld by God in all things that hee is not destitute of the help of God doth not sink under his burthen that hee doth not forsake God nor dispair is not forsaken of God not left or lost Therefore it matters nothing how weak he is in himself Wee are afflicted hee saith yet not distressed i. e. on every side wee are troubled with adversity but wee are not brought into such streights as to bee over-whelmed but wee are preserved by the help of God in the midst of afflictions Wee are perplexed but not in despair i. e. wee doubt sometimes what may bee done in the dangers of this life but wee are not so destitute that wee are void of all counsel Wee are persecuted but not forsaken i. e. God permits us to bee vexed and evil intreated by the enemies of the Gospel but hee neither permits us to bee slain before the time by him determined neither doth hee withdraw his consolations from us Wee are cast down but not destroyed that is wee sometimes seem presently ready to perish but God helping us wee are kept from perishing Vers. 10. Alwayes bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Iesus that the life also of Iesus might bee made manifest in our body Hee answers 4. That his afflictions make for the glory of Christ because the Image of Christ suffering and dying may bee seen in them and that the virtue and strength of Christ living may appear in supporting him under so many afflictions Therefore it matters not how weak hee may bee in himself Vers. 11. For wee which live are alway delivered unto death for Iesus sake that the Life also of Iesus might bee manifest in our mortal flesh Hee confirms this from hence that the Apostles who lived in the midst of troubles by the strength of Christs Spirit for the cause of Christ daily undergo danger that the quickning Virtue of Christ may more and more appear in sustaining their fleshly infirmities obnoxious to that miserable condition Vers. 12. So then death worketh in us but life in you Object 2. But not necessarily because thou art the Servant of Christ therefore thou shouldest bee also miserable and contemned For wee Corinthians are Christians and yet wee live more prosperously Hee answers four manner of wayes 1. By granting it to bee so yet by the Wisdome of God it comes to pass that in some stronger Christians as the Apostles the Image of Christ dying might rather appear at least to the world But in others as the weaker Corinthians the efficacy of Christs Life supporting them under extreme afflictions might bee more apparent to the world Vers. 13. Wee having the same spirit of Faith according as it is written I believed and therefore have I spoken wee also believe and therefore speak 14. Knowing that hee which raised up the Lord Iesus shall raise up us also by Iesus and present us with you Hee answers 2. Although the Apostles may bee afflicted more than the Corinthians yet there is the same Spirit of Faith both in them and in the Corinthians by which Faith believing with David Psalm 116. ver 10. The Apostle dare promise to himself together with the Corinthians a glorious Resurrection although now hee is more pressed under the Cross than they Vers. 15. For all things are for your sake that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of God Hee answers 3. That hee was afflicted for their consolation and confirmation as also that from his afflictions and deliverances occasion of praying and suffering together with the Apostles might not onely bee given to the Corinthians But also occasion of thanksgiving with them for their eminent deliverances from trouble which God forthwith granted to him with the rest of the Apostles and was about to grant Vers. 16. For which cause wee faint not but though our outward man perish yet the inward man is renewed day by day Hee answers 4. That hee was not tyred nor wearied by his afflictions whereof hee subjoyns three Reasons Reason 1. Because as much as was diminished of those goods that made for the maintaining the State of this present life so much was added to his holiness for the increasing of his spiritual life Vers. 17. For our light affliction which is but for a moment worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory Reason 2. Because it did procure an unspeakable weight of glory to the promoting of which afflictions help as instruments and means both of mortification and glorification so that no afflictions are to bee accounted of yea truly the lightness of afflictions which is but for a moment clearly vanisheth and becomes as nothing in comparison with future glory Vers. 18. While wee look not at the things which are seen but at the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporal but the things which are not seen are eternal Reason 3. Why hee doth not wax faint is Because saith hee by Faith I look at things eternal and invisible by reason of which I despise all temporal and visible i. e. both Riches Honours and Profits c. I do not look at because those are onely durable for a time but I have my mind intent upon those good and eternal things which God hath promised Therefore I do not weigh the loss of temporal things by all which the Apostle confirmeth the Corinthians lest they should bee offended at his afflictions CHAP. V. HEE goes on to shew more fully his faithfulness in the Ministery by mentioning seven impellent causes whereby hee was moved to faithfulness in the discharge of his duty Vers. 1. For wee know that if our earthly house of this Tabernacle were dissolved wee have a building of God an house not made with hands eternal in the heavens The first impellent cause to faithfulness in the Ministery is his certain confidence of a blessed immortality which after death remains for him and all the rest of the faithful Ministers of Christ of which felicity also the body shall bee partaker in the Resurrection I am perswaded saith hee that after the dissolution of this my frail body I shall continually injoy felicity of soul and the glorious immortality of a raised body why should not I therefore bee faithful so long as I dwell in this mortal body Vers. 2. For in this wee groan earnestly desiring to bee cloathed upon with our house which is from Heaven
The solidity of this his confidence or perswasion is confirmed by seven Signs all which did stir up his mind to faithfulness Sign 1. Is a desire of departing out of this life that hee might obtain immortality or bee endued instead of a corruptible body with immortal glory An Argument certainly of a mind conscious of its sincerity and certified of future happiness Vers. 3. If so bee that being clothed wee shall not bee found naked Hee limits this sign and priviledge of being endued with future glory That it may belong to those onely who departing out of this life to an immortal and immutable state are not found naked i. e. not destitute of that true covering whereby our filthy nakedness is covered which covering is Christ or Christs Righteousness which can alone cover our sins wherein our nakedness consists This therefore is the second Sign of his solid desire of going out of this life and of a mind very conscious of the faithful administration of his office that hee knew himself to bee in the number of those to whom alone the certainty of being cloathed upon with glory belonged to wit of those who are cloathed already with that covering whereby the foul nakedness of sinners is covered i. e. the Righteousness ●f Christ with which except a man bee cloathed in this life hee shall bee found naked in the other and shall remain naked for ever Vers. 4. For wee that are in this Tabernacle do groan being burdened not for that wee would bee uncloathed but cloathed upon that mortality might bee swallowed up of life Sign 3. That the desire of his departing this life arising from this confidence was holy i. e. it was derived not so much from the weariness of natural life but from the hope of a better This is that which hee saith although hee groan and bee sorrowful in his body yet hee would not bee uncloathed of this body but that this body might bee cloathed upon with immortality and that mortality might bee swallowed up of immortality Vers. 5. Now hee that hath wrought us for the self-same thing is God who also hath given unto us the earnest of this Spirit Sign 4. That this desire is not natural but the supernatural work of God stirred up and formed in the hearts of his own by the special work of God It is God that hath wrought formed and created us for this thing His confidence therefore is solid Who also Sign 5. That this confidence of a better life is sealed by the earnest of the Spirit having as it were a taste and experience of that life in the peace and joy of the Spirit i. e. in the first fruits of that happiness which is to come Vers. 6. Therefore wee are alwaies confident knowing that whilst wee are at home in the body wee are absent from the Lord. Sign 6. That this confidence is firmly grounded in the certain perswasion of his nigher access to the Lord which should bee vouchsafed to him after death when doubtless even as in one house hee should dwell with God who now in the body is as absent from the Lord. Vers. 7. For wee walk by Faith not by sight 8. Wee are confident I say and willing rather to bee absent from the body and to bee present with the Lord. Sign 7. Confirming the former that hee knoweth himself to walk by Faith in this life and not by sight of the beatifical vision which abideth for us in the life to come who in our sense are absent from the Lord while wee are present i● the body Therefore more vehemently and confidently hee did both desire and chuse to go to the Lord rather than to remain in the body Vers. 9. Wherefore wee labour that whether present or absent wee may bee accepted of him That this confidence confirmed by so many signs of sincerity was the impellent cause to his faithfulness in his Ministery hee now expresly declares Because whatsoever change towards life or death did happen to him out of this confidence hee did indeavour to please God with no less diligence than those which contend for honour that both in this life or pilgrimage and in his death or approaching to God hee might bee made acceptable to him Vers. 10. For wee must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ that every one may receive the things done in his body according to that hee hath done whether it bee good or evil His second impellent cause to faithfulness in his Ministery is the consideration of punishments and rewards which abide every one according to their works at the last judgement in which God will inflict punishments upon the wicked but to the godly whose good works after their sins are pardoned onely remain hee shall render rewards Vers. 11. Knowing therefore the terrour of the Lord wee perswade men but wee are made manifest unto God and I trust also wee are manifest in your consciences He shews by calling God and the consciences of the Corinthians to bee his witnesses that this Argument hath urged him to faithfulness in the Ministery For the apprehension of that future terrible judgement hath affected this that he exhorted all to reconciliation with God by Faith Vers. 12. For we commend not our selves again unto you but give you occasion to glory on our behalf that you may have somewhat to answer them which glory in appearance and not in heart He solves two Objections which his adversaries may object against him so earnestly glorying of his faithfulness Object 1. Thou O Paul gloriest some one may say whilst thou commendest thy self Hee answers that hee did not say these things for that end but that the Corinthians may have that for his defence whereby to repress their vain and boasting Teachers who did diminish the authority of the Apostle amongst them and did glory in the presence of men otherwise than their conscience and the truth of the matter did permit For they being destitute of piety or matter of glorying in heart they gloried in their adulterated eloquence Vers. 13. For whether wee bee besides our selves it is to God or whether wee bee sober it is for your cause Object 2. But O Paul thou art besides thy self who doest so openly confute such Teachers Hee answers that hee did not dispute but give a reason of the fact as it did become a wise man to wit that hee uttered those things for the glory of God and their salvation For sayes hee if I praise my Ministery which seems to bee the part of one besides himself I do it for the Glory of God lest my Gospel should bee undervalued If I speak humbly of my self as sober men use to do I do it for your good Vers. 14. For the Love of Christ constraineth us because wee thus judge that if one d●ed for all then were all dead The third impellent cause to faithfulness containing a reason of the former saying is his love wherewith hee loved Christ which did cast
is made in his book Vers. 14. Alexander the Copper-Smith did mee much evil the Lord reward him according to his works 15. Of whom bee thou ware also for hee hath greatly withstood our words Artic. 2. It relates to Alexander the Copper-Smith an enemy to the Gospel who earnestly withstood the Apostle in his preaching and was very troublesome to him to whom out of well-tempered zeal in the Spirit of God hee wishes divine revenge as to a malicious and obstinate enemy and hee warns Timothy to take heed of him lest hee receive the like injuries from him Vers. 16. At my first answer no man stood with mee But all men forsooke mee I pray God that it may not bee laid to their charge Artic. 3. Hee mentions four remarkeable things which befell him at his first defence when hee first pleaded his cause before Neroes judgement seat The first is that none in the Church at Rome assisted him or became any waies helpful to him which is an Argument that hee did not succeed Peter there nor that hee was Bishop of Rome which desertion of him hee imputes to the infirmity of the Saints at Rome Therefore hee intercedes to God for them and beseeches him to pardon them Vers. 17. Notwithstanding the Lord stood with mee and strengthened mee that by mee the preaching might bee fully known and that all the Gentiles might hear and I was delivered out of the mouth of the Lion The second is That the Lord was his help in the defence of his cause and supported him by his Grace against all accusations whereof hee gives the Reason That so the Lord did more illustriously confirm and commend the preaching of the Gospel amongst the Gentiles Out of the mouth The third is That God delivered him from the present danger of death or from the cruelty of Nero and his adversaries which accused him as it were out of the mouth of the Lion Vers. 18. And the Lord shall deliver mee from every evil work and will preserve mee unto his heavenly Kingdome to whom bee glory for ever and ever Amen The fourth is That by this experience God had confirmed his Faith in him that hee would preserve him lest daunted with any danger hee should defile himself in any evil work even until hee should translate him into his heavenly glory upon which account hee gives thanks to God with confidence Vers. 19. Salute Prisca and Aquila and the houshold of Onesiphorus 20. Erastus abode at Corinth but Trophimus have I left at Miletum sick 21. Do thy diligence to come before Winter Eubulus greeteth thee and Pudens and Linus and Claudia and all the Brethren Artic. 4. It contains the salutations sent to Prisca or Priscilla and her Husband Aquila and to the houshold of Onesiphorus Trophimus Artic. 5. Wherein to hasten the comming of Timothy hee mentions the absence of Erastus and Trophimus who might minister unto him and supply the place of Timothy Salutes Artic. 6. It contains the salutations sent from some Saints at Rome who were with the Apostle while hee writ these things Vers. 22. The Lord Iesus Christ bee with thy spirit Grace bee with you Amen Artic. 7. Hee concludes his Epistle wishing the presence of Christ with the spirit and soul of Timothy and praies for grace to the whole Church whom it concerned to understand the Doctrine set down in this Epistle that with the greater reverence they might receive the Ministery and acknowledge the authority of Timothy The Epistle of Paul to TITVS Analytically expounded THE CONTENTS WHen Paul had onely laid the foundation of a Church in the Isle of Crete which is also called Candia making haste to some other place as it became the Apostle of the Gentiles hee leaves Titus and enjoyns him as an Evangelist to prosecute the work But when Paul understood that hee was contemned by some and that hee might bee brought into further contempt by those that were obstinate as if hee had been a common Pastor Paul invests him with Authority and puts upon him as it were his own person as well in making Ministers as in the whole administration of the Church and encourages him to go forward in the work of the Lord. Besides the Preface and Conclusion there are three parts of the Epistle according to the number of the Chapters The first is concerning the Election of Ministers Chap 1. The second is concerning the duties of each ranck in the Family Chap. 2. The third is concerning the duties of all Christians Chap. 3. CHAP. I. AFter the Preface to vers 5. Hee instructs Titus about the chusing of Pastors shewing who are to bee admitted to vers 10. and who are to bee rejected to the end Vers. 1. Paul a servant of God and an Apostle of Iesus Christ according to the Faith of Gods Elect and the acknowledging of the Truth which is after godliness The Preface contains three things 1 A description of the Pen-man vers 1 2 3. 2 A description of him to whom hee writes 3 A salutation with an Apostolical benediction vers 3 4. In the description of the Pen-man Paul his authority is asserted from these eight heads 1 That hee is a servant of God and that is maintained against the Jews who reproached him as a deserter of the Religion of his Country 2 That hee is an Apostle of Iesus Christ who by an immediate commission to all Nations held the supreme degree of Ministry in the Church 3 That his Doctrine agrees with the Faith of Abraham and the Fathers and all the Elect which every one of them that are elected would receive none but Reprobates would reject because it contains nothing but the known and acknowledged Truth instructing men to godliness and the pure worship of God Vers. 2. In hope of eternal life which God that cannot lye promised before the world began Hee adjoyns the remaining commendations of his Doctrine and the Arguments of his Authority 4 That it brings a lively hope of eternal life to Beleevers 5 That it is upheld by the testimony of God that cannot lye or it is impossible for him to lye or to speak what is not or not to bee able to effect what hee saith 6 That the original of this Truth is most Ancient inasmuch as God hath promised eternal life not onely in the beginning of the world preaching it to our first Parents in paradise but also covenanting with his Son designed to bee our Mediatour about it before the world was made in the Covenant of Redemption 7 That this Truth was most wisely revealed i. e. by degrees and in convenient seasons as it seemed good to God it was made known and now is openly manifested by the preaching of the Gospel Vers. 3. But hath in due times manifested his word through preaching which is committed unto mee according to the Commandement of God our Saviour 8 That the charge of preaching this Gospel by special Ordination and deputation of our Saviour Christ was committed to
an one Christ is i. e. how excellent hee is in the offices of his Apostleship or of his Prophetical and Priestly office wherein hee humbled himself and suffered Argum. 1. From Psal. 8.5 to this purpose The man Christ is highly accounted of with God and other men are subjected because of him if the Majesty of God and the Magnificence of his works bee compared with the meanness of humane nature or if it bee considered how great God is and how eminent his other works and how mean and low man is Therefore the excellency of Christ as man ought not to bee lessened with us because of the infirmities and sufferings of the humane nature which hee took Vers. 7. Thou madest him a little lower than the Angels thou crownedst him with glory and honour and didst set him ruler over the works of thy hands Argum. 2. From Psal. 8.6 Although Christ in the time of his humiliation was made lower than the Angels in respect to his sufferings in the flesh yet that humiliation was not perpetual but for a short time and onely in part in respect to the humane nature that suffered Because the price of Redemption being paid hee was raised from the dead exalted to the right hand of God and crowned with glory and honour declared Lord and King over all the works of God Therefore wee ought not to detract from him because of his sufferings in the flesh Vers. 8. Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet For in that hee put all in subjection under him hee left nothing that is not put under him But now wee see not yet all things put under him 9. But wee see Iesus who was made a little lower than the Angels for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honour that hee by the Grace of God should taste death for every man Argum. 3. From Psal. 8.7 Christ is the Lord of Angels even as hee is man For God hath put all the works of his hands without exception in subjection to him and so amongst the rest Angels Therefore c. But now Argum. 4. Propounded by way of Solution to an Objection Although yet wee see not all things subjected unto Christ in respect to his members which are daily opposed by very many enemies Yet wee see not with the eyes of Faith onely but even the light of reason by many tokens and are convinced by the multitude of miracles Christ after his humiliation below the condition of Angels now crowned with glory and honour in his own person in Heaven and sitting at the right hand of his Father till all his enemies bee made his foot-stool and thus wee see the victory of Christ begun Therefore wee must not detract any thing from the excellency of Christ because of his sufferings either in his own person or in his members A little Argum. 5. From the fore-telling of his humiliation Psal. 8.6 From the decree of God and to the fulfilling the Prophecies of Christ it behoved him to bee humbled and suffer death and to this end in a sort to bee made lower than the Angels that hee might suffer death Therefore c. Taste Argum. 6. Not unadvisedly or compelled by necessity did Christ suffer but freely or out of the gracious good will of God towards us hee tasted death for a short time not for himself but for all us his Sons that hee might bring us to salvation as it is expounded in the following verse Therefore his estimation is not to bee lessened because of his sufferings in his assumed flesh Vers. 10. For it became him for whom are all things and by whom are all things in bringing many Sons unto Glory to make the Captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings Argum. 7. It was agreeable to the Glory of God who is the Author and End of all things seeing that his justice mercy wisdome power and the rest of his Attributes might bee manifested chiefly by the sufferings of Christ that hee might consecrate inaugurate consummate and every waies make him meet to bee Captain of our salvation the more conveniently by afflictions to bring many Sons his Elect to life and glory not by his Doctrine onely nor onely by the example of his life but also by the merit of his death undergone for the redeeming of them Therefore his excellency ought not to bee abated because of his sufferings in the flesh Vers. 11. For both hee that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one For which cause hee is not ashamed to call them Brethren Argum. 8. The Redeemer and the Redeemed Hee that sanctifies and they that are sanctified not onely by the decree of God and the predictions of Scripture but also from Justice it self are of one and the same Nature of the same Natural lump derived from the same Adam For the Justice and Wisdome of God required that in the humane Nature which had sinned sin should bee punished And therefore required that the Redeemer of men should bee truly man Therefore the reputation of Christ the Son of God because of his assuming the infirmities of humane Nature is not to bee diminished For which Argum. 9. Confirming the former The Messias would bee incarnate that wee might bee his Brethren and that hee might shew forth himself a Brother unto us And although hee is the Son of God yet hee is not ashamed to call the Redeemed or Elect his Brethren Therefore the reputation of Christ is not to bee lessened because of his sufferings in humane flesh but rather ought wee to boast in his relation to us and to glorifie him so much the more because of his sufferings for us Ver● 12. Saying I will declare thy name unto my Brethren in the midst of the Church will I sing praise unto thee This Argument hee proves by three Testimonies of Scripture The first is taken from Psal. 22.22 wherein Christ undertakes to pay the price of our Redemption and promiseth to preach the Righteousness purchased by his Obedience to his Brethren the Elect or the Church of the faithful in whose Congregations hee is present by his Spirit even after his ascension stirring up joy and thanksgiving in the hearts of the faithful by the preaching of Righteousness Vers. 13. And again I will put my trust in him and again Behold I and the children which God hath given mee The second Testimony is taken from Psal. 18.3 whence Christ is proved to bee man because put in the number of the Covenanters depending upon God by Faith Again Testimony the third From Isa. 8.18 where Christ is brought in by the Prophet associating himself with Children as his Brethren whom God had chosen and given to him to bee redeemed and saved whom hee presents with himself to the Father to bee glorified Vers. 14. Forasmuch then as the Children are partakers of flesh and blood hee also himself took part of the same that through death hee might destroy him that had the power of
So hee but by his Word commandeth and all standeth fast And this his Word is nothing else but his powerful Will ordaining things to bee and continue and powerfully making them so to bee and continue so long as hee will 4. Christ by himself purged our sins To wit by bearing our sins upon his body on the Tree 1 Pet. 2.4 Then 1. Our sins are filthiness that must bee purged 2. The satisfactory cleansing of our sins is not a thing to bee done by mens meritorious doings or sufferings but already done and ended by Christ before hee ascended and that by himself alone all creatures being secluded 3. Hee that upholdeth all things by the Word of his own Power and hee that purged our sins by his own Blood is but one self-same Person God and Man is He in one Person 5. Christ sate down on the right hand of the Majesty on high That is when Christ had cleansed our sins by his death hee ascended to Heaven and possessed himself as Man in the fellowship of the same Glory which as God hee had before the World was Joh. 17.4 5. Then 1. The Son is joyned in the fellowship of the same Glory with the Father as well in his Manhead after his Resurrection as in his Godhead before his Incarnation For though the glory of Christs Godhead was hid for a while by the sufferings of his Manhead yet was it not abolished nor in it self abated thereby but the Manhead first assumed unto the unity of Person with the Godhead that our Ransome might bee rich and then to the union of the same Glory that the Redeemer after the Ransomes paying might bee altogether glorious 2. Seeing hee that hath cleansed our sins is so glorious a Person all the means of his cleansing us how base soever such as were his Hunger and Thirst his Poverty and Weakness his shameful and painful Death should bee glorious in our eyes also 3. Majesty and Magnificence and Grandeur properly so called is the Lords The highest excellencies of the creature are but sparks of his Majesty and weak resemblances onely albeit their earthly glory often hold mens eyes so as they forget the Lords Greatness Vers. 4. Being made so much b●tter than the Angels as hee hath by Inheritance obtained a more excellent Name than they 1. Hee proveth Christ to bee greater than the Angels because his Name is more excellent than theirs For they are called Angels and hee Gods Son which hee is said to have by inheritance as due to him both as God by eternal Generation and as Man by assumption of our Nature in unity of one person according to which hee is not the adopted but natural Son of God Filius natus non filius factus Then God giveth not idle titles as God calleth things so they are or are made to be Christ as God is called Gods Son because by eternal Generation hee is so as Man hee is called Gods Son because by assumption of the humane nature unto the personal union of his Godhead hee is made so to be 2. As far as Sonship is above servile imployment so far is Christ more excellent than the Angels Vers. 5. For unto which of the Angels said hee at any time Thou art my Son this day have I begotten thee And again I will be to him a Father and hee shall be to mee a Son 1. Hee proveth this point by Scripture Psal. 2.7 2 Sam. 7.19 and putteth them to improbation of his Doctrine by Scripture if they could Then 1. In the Primitive Church in matters of Religion all Authority was silent and Divine Scripture spake and determined questioned points of Truth 2. The Apostle counted it sufficient to bring Scripture for his Doctrine and permitteth no impugning of it but by Scripture 2. Onely of Christ saith God I have begotten thee Then 1. Howsoever God hath many Sons by Creation by Office by Grace and Adoption yet a Son by Generation a native Son hath hee none but Christ. 2. Christ is of the same Nature and Essence with the Father consubstantial with him because begotten of him in himself without beginning the Son being eternally in the Father and the Father eternally in the Son of the self-same Nature and God-head 3. This day have I begotten thee Being understood of Christ according to his God-head signifieth the Fathers timeless eternal perpetual constant and present Generation of his Son in himself being understood according to his state in his Man-head it signifieth the Fathers bringing forth of the Son to the knowledge of the World and declaring him to bee the Son of God with power by his Resurrection from the dead Rom. 1.4 These places it is true were spoken of David and Solomon as Types of Christ typically in a slender resemblance Psal. 2.7 and 2 Sam 7.19 But the body of the Truth aimed at and signified was Christ resembled by them as here wee see Whence wee learn that typical speeches in Scripture have not their perfect meaning neither can be fully expounded nor truly understood till they be drawn to Christ in whom they have their accomplishment and of whom they mean to speak under the name of the Types And therefore neither could the old Church of the Jews nor can wee get comfort in any of them till Christ in whom all the Promises are Yea and Amen be found included in them Vers. 6. And again when hee bringeth in the first begotten into the world Hee saith And let all the Angels of God worship him 1. Hee saith that is the Father saith Psal. 97.7 Then The Scripture which elsewhere is called the Speech of the Holy Ghost is also the speech of the Father 2. Hee bringeth in his first begotten into the World Then 1. The Father is the Author of Christs Incarnation and of his Kingdome amongst Men and of Divine Glory given to him in his Kingdome 2. Christ is the Fathers first begotten both for the eternity of his Person begotten without beginning before the world was and for the excellency of his Person being more glorious than all Angels or Men which get the name of Children either by Creation or Adoption 3. The Father commandeth Let all the Angels of God adore Him Then 1. The Father communicateth to Christ as his own Nature and God-head by Generation so also his own Glory by commanding the creatures to adore him 2. What the creatures adore they acknowledge by adoration to be God so God esteemeth 3. And Christ is the Angels God because they must adore Him Vers. 7. And of the Angels Hee saith Who maketh His Angels Spirits and His Ministers a flame of fire Hee maketh his Angels Spirits c. Psal. 104.5 Then 1. God made not the Angels to get any part of Christs room in the Churches worship but to serve Christ as lowly as any of the meanest creatures 2. And the Angels indeed are as ready to do so and as swift and active in their service as the Winds and fire-slaughts
esteemed by us Vers. 10. For it became him for whom are all things and by whom are all things in bringing many Sons unto glory to make the Captain of their Salvation perfect through sufferings 1. Another reason of Christs Suffering This way of our saving by Christs Sufferings made for the Glory of God and our good Then When the reasons of Christs Death are seen the scandal of his Cross ceaseth 2. There is a work to do here a great many of Sons to bee brought to glory Then 1. All the Elect and saved Souls are in the rank of Children 2. Albeit they bee few in comparison of the world yet are they many of them all together 3. There is not one of them all who can go to Heaven or Salvation but by Christs leading and conduct 3. The Captain of their Salvation must bee made perfect through suffering Then 1. How perfect soever Christ be in himself yet before his suffering hee lacked one thing which his Office towards us required to wit experimental suffering of such sorrows as his souldiers and followers are subject unto 2. When his sufferings were ended hee was perfectly fitted to comfort us seeing hee found our sorrows in himself sometime 4. Hee saith It became God for whom and by whom are all things that the matter should bee so brought about Then 1. All things are for Gods Glory at the end and so should the manner of our salvation bee also 2. All things are by Gods Hand and Power brought about and reason too that hee dispose of the means of our salvation as hee pleaseth 3. This way became God most of any It brought him greatest Glory by the Shame Sorrow and Death of one to bring Glory and Joy and Life to many Vers. 11. For both Hee that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one For which cause hee is not ashamed to call them Brethren 1. If any should further ask how could hee die or how could Iustice accept him in our stead Hee answereth Because hee is one of our kind and nature Then 1. There is a natural Band betwixt Christ and his Followers They are of the same stock of the same natural substance 2. Christs natural Band with us maketh him a direct entress to redeem us 2. Hee calleth Christ him that sanctifieth and the Beleevers they who are sanctified Then 1. The Band of Nature betwixt Christ and Men is reckoned unto those onely who are sanctified with none other will Christ reckon Kindred 2. Therefore they must study to Holiness that would claim Kindred to Christ. 3. The sanctification which it behoveth us to have must proceed from Christ no holiness until a man bee in him 3. Hee saith Christ is not ashamed to call the Sanctified Brethren Then 1. As Christ hath dimitted himself to our Nature so also to the stiles of consanguinity with us 2. Christ is as kindly affectioned to his Followers as ever Brother was to another hee will not misken his own albeit unworthy 3. That which may serve to our glory and comfort Christ will think it no disgrace to himself Vers. 12. Saying I will declare Thy Name unto my Brethren In the midst of the Church will I sing praise unto Thee Hee proveth that hee calleth us Brethren from Psal. 20. vers 22. The Messias there taketh upon him to preach to men and to praise the Father Then 1. With our Nature Christ took on also the Yoke of the Exercises of Religion 2. Hee joyneth with us in the Discharge of them 3. Hee is first in the Exercise not onely because hee discharged them in his own proper person but also because still by his Spirit where two or three are gathered together in his Name hee is in the midst of them moving and moderating the Spirits of his own delectable Organs Vers. 13. And again I will put my trust in him And again Behold I and the children which God hath given mee 1. The next proof is from Psal. 18. Vers. 2. Where Christ under the type of David promiseth to beleeve in the Father Then 1. Christ is one of the number of Beleevers one of the Covenant of Grace confederate by Faith and therefore hee behoved to be a man to this end 2. Then have wee in the sense of our unbeleef the comfort of the soundness and strength of Christs beleeving as well as of his other Perfections 2. The third proof is from Isa. 8.18 Wherein Christ under the type of the Prophet Isaiah presenteth himself with his chosen Children before the Father Then 1. Christ is our Father also and wee his Children 2. Wee are given to him of the Father 3. Wee are not presented before the Father without our Mediatour Christ. 4. Christ and wee his little ones joyned together and separated from the world are a pleasant sight for the Father to behold Vers. 14. Forasmuch then as the Children are partakers of flesh and blood Hee also Himself likewise took part of the same that through death Hee might destroy him that had the power of death that is the Devil 1. Hee giveth further reasons of his Incarnation And first hee behoved by death to destroy the Devil that had the power of death and so behoved to bee a Man that hee might dye Then 1. Sinners without Christ are under the sentence of death temporal and eternal 2. Satan hath power of Death as the Burrio hath power over the Pit and Gallows at death to take them away to torment who are not delivered from his power 3. Christ hath destroyed Satans power and tyranny in this point in behalf of all his Elect and true Beleevers 4. The way how Christ hath overcome Satan is by his own death ransoming his own 5. For as death behoved to bee the way it behoved also Christ to bee a mortal man as well as God that hee might dye 2. Again hee saith Christ took part of flesh and blood with the Children that is with the Elect given to him Then 1. Love to the Elect made the Son of God come down and make himself a Man also 2. Christ in his humane Nature is as kindly a Man as any of the Elect having flesh and blood and bones as well as wee His flesh and blood is not onely like to ours but is a part of our substance who is come of the same stock of Adam and Eve as surely as ours and not made either by Creation of nothing or by trans-substantiation of some other things than our substance Vers. 15. And deliver them who through fear of death were all their life time subject to bondage Another fruit of Christs death is the delivery of Beleevers from the bondage of the fear of death wherein they do lye before Beleef Then 1. There is a natural fear of Death and the Devil and Hell rooted in all men alwaies albeit not as yet felt yet easily wakened 2. This fear putteth men in bondage that they dare not meditate on Death or Gods
receive the Promises is to receive the thing promised or the Promises in performance But here it is to have the Promises first and immediately made unto him Then the meaning of forms of speech in Scripture is to be found by consideration of all circumstances of the place where they are spoken and not of some circumstances onely 4. It serveth to the commendation of his faith that he obeyed Gods command when it seemed to make the promise null Then 1. To adhere to the promise when by appearance of reason it is likely not to be performed is tried faith indeed 2. When Reason sighteth against Faith it is wisdom to quit that Reason which would make us quit the Promises 3. When Gods commandments and promises unto us seem to cross one another it is wisdom for us to justifie them both All his words are truth Vers. 19. Accounting that God was able to raise him up even from the dead from whence also he received him in a figure Abrahams looking to Gods Fidelity and Omnipotency made him victorious over every difficulty and so to give obedience to this hard commandment Then 1. When we get hard commandments we must lay our reckoning how we may obey them and not how we may shift them 2. Difficulties and impossibilities as would appear must be rolled over upon God 3. Gods Omnipotency maketh that his promise cannot miss but take effect 2. Abraham as he expected so he found He expected Isaac ' s resurrection from the dead and in a figure or similitude be received Isaac back from the dead that is from the jaws of death no less unexpectedly than from the dead Then 1. The Believer shall finde as much as he can expect from Gods word 2. If the performance be not as he doth forecast yet it shall be by a way as comfortable and p●ofitable Vers. 20. By Faith Isaac blessed Iacob and Esau concerning things to come Isaac ' s blessing of his sons is said to be by Faith Then Patriarchal benedictions were given by ordinary Faith albeit from the ground of extraordinary revealed truth For faith ordinary believeth Gods truth revealed howsoever ordinarily or extraordinarily 2. In that this example is propounded for ordinary imitation in believing of Gods ordinary revealed word it teacheth us That he who hath the ordinary word of God hath as sure a ground to rest upon as if he had a particular and extraordinary revelation Vers. 21. By Faith Iacob when he was a dying blessed both the sons of Ioseph and worshipped leaning upon the top of his staff Jacob a dying blesseth his off-spring and worshippeth God in bodily weakness Then 1. Faith can look through the cloud of Death and behold both its own and others felicity 2. In the solid assurance which it hath it can worship or glorifie God for things to come as if they were already past 2. It is not said that he worshipped the top of his Staff but upon the top of his Staff leaning for his weakness cause by approaching Death because he would for this fore-seen blessing of God upon his posterity testifie by signs of worship in his weak body how he esteemed of that favour Then 1. Faith will make the body albeit it be weak concur with the Spirit in the Lords worship 2. When the infirmity of the body maketh it unable to concur with the Spirit it must be helped with a stone as Moses prayed against Amalek or staff as Iacob here or any thing else which may enable it to perform the worship the better being put under breast or arms or knees 3. Iacobs bending of his body in so great weakness thereof must bear witness against the prophane ease which many men now-a-days take unto themselves both in private and publike worship Vers. 22. By Faith Ioseph when he dyed made mention of the departing of the children of Israel and gave commandment concerning his bones Joseph also testified his Faith in his death concerning the delivery of Israel out of Egypt by direction giving for transporting his Bones in sign of his assurance of their going to Canaan because God had promised so Then the Lords promises are sure comforts in death whereby Faith both sustaineth it self and is able to encourage and strengthen others And Faith maketh a man to keep them in memory and to make use of them in due time Vers. 23. By Faith Moses when he was born was hid three moneths of his parents because they saw he was a proper childe and they not afraid of the Kings Commandment How great weakness Moses parents did bewray the history maketh evident yet is their faith commended as victorious over the fear wherein their weakness did most appear Whence we learn 1. That nothing is commendable but because done in faith Their natural love is not mentioned but their Faith 2. That God so loveth faith in his children that he commendeth it in the measure it hath albeit it go not so far as it ought and marketh what faith hath and not what it wanteth of the perfection 2. The Evidence of their Faith he maketh this That they were not afraid of the Kings Commandment Then 1 GOD alloweth not that Kings commandments should be regarded when they command impiety and wickedness for then should they be honoured above God if for their commandment we should do that which he forbiddeth 2. Nothing but faith in God is able to make a man overcome the fear of that which Potentares may do unto him And it is a commendable work of faith to get this victory 3. The beauty of the childe stirred up his Parents to this work of Faith thinking with themselves that it behoved to be for some special end that God had so fashioned the childe Then 1. The Lord hath ways enough to excitate the faith of his own and bring it forth to act 2. Where special endowments are given there is good evidence of special employment to follow Vers. 24. By Faith Moses when hee was come to years refused to be called the Son of Pharaohs Daughter Moses refusing the honour which hee might have had in Pharaohs Court because it might have hindred him from the honour of one of Gods people is commended for a work of Faith Then It is better to be a member of GODS Church amongst GODS People than to be a Prince in a great Kingdome without the Church 2. Because hee would not have chosen to be the Son of Pharaohs Daughter therefore hee refused to be called so Then That which a man dare not avow himself to be or may not lawfully chuse to be hee must refuse to be esteemed to be hee must refuse to be called such 3. His manner of refusing this unhallowed honour is expounded to be by joyning himself with the people of God and so forsaking of Pharaohs Court Then 1. That is the true way of refusing unlawful honour to quit the place whereunto the unlawful honour is annexed and betake themselves to what they may
him and powerfully seize upon the conscience to cause it acknowledge the Judge represented by the sound of the Trumpet 5. The killing Letter of the Law read out unto us shewing us our Duty what we should have done and have omitted and what we should not have done and have committed without giving any strength to obey for time to come represented by the sound of Words 6. By this Charge and new exaction of the Law an unsupportable weight lieth upon the Conscience pressing it down to Desperation and Death that we would give all the world if we had it to be free of the terror of the Lord and challenge of the Conscience upon so fearful a ditty represented by the peoples entreating That the word should not be spoken to them any more 7. There is an impossibility to help our selves by any thing we can do or to do any thing better than we have done and the seen impotency of our cursed Nature maketh the commandement for time to come a matter of desperation as well as the challenge for breaking the Law in time by gone represented by their inability to endure the thing which was commanded 8. No drawing near to God here such terrour in his Majestie justice being onely seen and no mercy represented by their debarring from touching of the Mountain 9. Such uncleanness and vileness as not onely our selves but our beasts and cartel and all that we have is counted unclean for our cause and liable to the curse with us represented by the debarring of the Beasts from the Mount 10. Such a loathsome abomination in the guilty as the Judge will not put hand on the Malefactor himself nor employ any of his clean Angels but give them over to death if they remain in that estate to be destroyed ignominiously represented by stoning or darting where the stone or dar● lighteth upon the Malefactor but not the hand which threw it Vers. 21. And so terrible was the sight that Moses said I exceedingly fear and quake Yet further 11. If God deal with us as Judge and by the Rule of the Law examine our works were we like Moses The meekest men under Heaven the least harmful and innocent in the world richest in good works for service done to GOD and to his Church yet could we not stand before this Tribunal all that ever we had done all our works were not able to free us from the curse of the Law and Gods fearful wrath for our sinfulness mixed amongst our works represented by Moses his confessed fear and quaking 12. And with all this no place to flee unto no place to remain in no company but an evil conscience within and matter of terror without represented by the Wilderness wherein this Throne of Justice was set up And this is the estate wherein we are by Nature according to the Law from which we are delivered by Christ according to the Gospel as followeth Vers. 22. But ye are come unto Mount Sion and unto the City of the living GOD the Heavenly Ierusalem and to an innumerable company of Angels This is the estate whereunto we are advanced under the Gospel by CHRIST which by comparison with the former shall be more clear thus 1. Before we come to CHRIST we have to do with God as Judge sitting upon his Throne terrible After we come to Christ we finde God upon a Throne of Grace reconciled unto us resembled by Mount Sion 2. Without Christ we are kept under upon the earth depressed in the valley and may not touch the Mount to ascend But through Christ we get access to climb up towards God and to advance piece and piece above the world and sin and misery towards Heaven resembled by going up Mount Sion 3. Without Christ vagabonds wandring abroad in a waste Wildernesse but through Christ collected together under a head and brought to a place of refuge and rest and commodious dwelling to the Kingdom of Heaven resembled by the City where Mount Sion stood 4. Without Christ exposed to the wrath of the living God Through Christ admitted to remain as reconciled in the City of the living GOD. 5. Without Christ afraid by the terrible sight of wrath and judgement Through Christ brought into Ierusalem the Vision of Peace not onely in this world by faith but in Heaven by fruition resembled by Ierusalem 6. Without Christ heirs of Hell Through Christ Citizens of Heaven 7. Without Christ exposed to the fellowship of Devils in sin and torments Through Christ admitted to the society of innumerable Angels resembled by the inhabitants of Ierusalem on earth 8. Without Christ Angels our foes Through Christ our fellow-Citizens Vers. 23. To the general Assembly and Church of the first-born which are written in Heaven and to God the Iudge of all and to the spirits of just men made perfect Without Christ we are scattered as sheep in the Wilderness a prey to all the ravenous Beasts But through Christ gathered together in one to the Society of the true Catholick Church of the Elect under the Government of one Head even CHRIST 9. Without Christ living with the world in the Suburbs of Hell Through Christ made Members of the true Church and Company which is called out of the world by the effectual calling of his Word and Spirit 10. Without Christ forlorn Children who have deprived our selves of our inheritance and wasted all our Fathers benefits on vanities Through Christ our fore-faulting is reduced our inheritance redeemed we brought back to the Family restored to the inheritance dignified with the first-born and made Priests to our God as his portion from amongst men 11. Without Christ living amongst them whose names are written in the earth and whose portion is beneath Through Christ our names are enrolled in Heaven amongst those who are written in the Book of Life elected and predestinated unto Grace and Glory 12. Without Christ without God in the world having God our Judge against us Through Christ we are reconciled to God get acces● unto him and have our God Judge of all upon our side to absolve us and to plead for us against all our foes 13. Without Christ we are for guiltiness in the rank of those who are already damned and brethren to those whose spirits are in prison But through Christ we are brethren to those who are already saved whose souls and spirits are freed from sin and misery and made perfect in holiness and glory having the same grounds of right to Heaven through CHRIST which they have who are entered already into possession Vers. 24. And to IESVS the Mediator of the NEW COVENANT and to the blood of sprinkling which speaketh better things than that of Abel He goeth on 14. In our natural estate we are under the Law and the Covenant of Works which bindeth us to perfect Obedience or to the Curse When we come to Christ we are under the Covenant of Grace which proclaimeth remission of sins unto all who are in him 15.
Christ. The Arguments of the Exhortation are fourteen all which prove that wee ought to endeavour after these virtues joyntly Argum. 1. If you have obeyed the Exhortation endeavouring both to have these virtues and to abou●d in them yee will prove that your Faith or the knowledge of Christ in you is not idle or unfruitful but efficacious which makes you ready to every good work Therefore yee ought to obey Vers. 9. But hee that lacketh these things is blind and cannot see far off and hath forgotten that hee was purged from his old sins Argum. 2. If yee were destitute of these virtues you will declare that you see nothing afarre off but that you are onely intent upon the things of this world but blind in divine and spiritual things and unthankful towards God by whom yee confess your former sins are pardoned Therefore yee ought to endeavour after these virtues Vers. 10. Wherefore the rather Brethren give diligence to make your calling and election sure for if you do these things yee shall never fall Argum. 3. With the Exhortation repeated By endeavouring after these virtues yee will prove your selves to be effectually called and elected and will solidly confirm your selves in this perswasion Therefore follow after these virtues For these Argum. 4. If you follow after these virtues yee shall be preserved from Apostacy or falling back neither will yee yeeld to temptations Therefore yee ought to follow after these Vers. 11. For so an entrance shall be ministred unto you abundantly into the everlasting Kingdome of our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ. Argum. 5. So a more abundant entrance into the eternal Kingdome of Christ shall be administred unto you i. e. happiness and that life eternal shall more largely open and unfold it self to you that yee may more freely and abundantly peirce into the inward parts of his Kingdome and enjoy the sense of that life in a more abundant measure Therefore follow after these virtues Vers. 12. Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you alwaies in remembrance of these things though yee know them and be stablished in the present Truth Argum. 6. Preventing an Objection Although yee are established in the present Truth yet I being an Apostle have now thought out of a desire of your proficiency it necessary to exhort you which yee should in no wise reject Therefore c. Vers. 13. Yea I think it meet as long as I am in this Tabernacle to stir you up by putting you in remembrance Argum. 7. Justice it self by reason of my Apostolical office requires that I excite you to holiness by exhortations and admonitions of this sort so long as I live Therefore be yee obedient Vers. 14. Knowing that shortly I must put off this my Tabernacle even as our Lord Iesus Christ hath shewed mee Argum. 8. As the Lord hath foretold I expect after a short time to end my life by a glorious Martyrdome Therefore as it lyes upon mee to exhort you to these virtues so it lies upon you to hearken to my Exhortation Vers. 15. Moreover I will indeavour that you may be able after my decease to have these things alwaies in remembrance Argum. 9. This Exhortation which I have written to you will be profitable to minde you of your duties even after my death Therefore hearken you to my admonitions Vers. 16. For wee have not followed cunningly devised fables when wee made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Iesus Christ but were eye-witnesses of his Majesty Argum. 10. Those things which I have taught you as touching Christs incarnation or his first coming to execute the office of a Redeemer and as touching his divine nature power sufficiency and efficacy to save the people of God are not fables artificially feigned which may be despised or negligently without use and benefit past by but they are serious and certain things Therefore yee ought to hearken to these my admonitions But as those Argum. 11. Yee have been taught by us Apostles both eye and ear-witnesses of the Truth of Christ already demonstrated so that the certainty of this Gospel was so much as were possible to be concerning things done and past For wee Apostles have perceived by our senses the Majesty of Christ to be so great that wee cannot chuse but at the sight bee rap● up in an extasie as it is in the history Matthew 17. conconcerning Christs transfiguration Therefore obey my Exhortations Vers. 17. For hee received from God the Father honour and glory when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased Argum. 12. Christ in whose Faith and Obedience wee exhort you to persevere hath by the audible voice of his Father speaking from Heaven received a glorious testimony from the excellent glory of the Father that hee is the Son of God wherein as in a Mediatour and Surety for his redeemed people God is well pleased satisfying himself abundantly in his Mediation and purchase Therefore obey yee diligently this Exhortation Vers. 18. And this voice which came from Heaven we heard when we were with him in the holy Mount Argum. 13. Those things are so holy which appertain to the Kingdome of Christ that the place it self wherein those things were declared which are preached by us was after a manner made holy viz. Because of Gods extraordinary voice and the divine glory of Christ there manifested Therefore with greater reverence yee ought to hearken to our Exhortations Vers. 19. Wee have also a more sure word of Prophecie whereunto yee do well that yee take heed us unto a light that shineth in a dark place until the day dawn and the day-star arise in your hearts Argum. 14. The Doctrine concerning Christ in whose Faith and Obedience wee exhort you to persevere is confirmed by the testimony of Scripture or a most firm prophetical word Therefore yee ought studiously to obey my Exhortations Hee staies upon this Exhortation confirming the certainty of prophetical Scripture by seven Reasons More sure Reas. 1. Because compared with other waies of revelation it is a most firm medium without and above exceptions whereto other means of revelation no less clear and true are obnoxious But this reason most especially did prevail with the Hebrews who examined visions and revelations made to the Apostles by the Scripture of the Old Testament For the divine authority of the old Scripture was confirmed in their minds some ages before Of Prophecie Reas. 2. That the testimony of foreseeing future Truth hath more evidence in it self of divine operation than the testimony of him who testifies that which hee hath seen or heard being present For no man could foresee this Truth but a Prophet every Beleever could see the Truth fulfilled Which Reas. 3. Because the word of Prophecy is worthy to be attended to by Beleevers into the sense whereof they might enquire to which truth and authority they might subject their consciences
6. They who are united in the Faith of the Truth preached by us shall also be united with the Father and his Son Jesus Christ by virtue of the Holy Ghost Therefore c. Vers. 4. And these things write wee unto you that your joy may be full Reas. 7. The summe of our preaching which is written to you hath this end that yee being made certain of your election and glorification may have a true and spiritual joy and that your joy may remain and be perfected Therefore it is deservedly to be accounted the most excellent Vers. 5. This then is the message which wee have heard of him and declare unto you that God is light and in him is no darkness at all Reas. 8. The summe of our preaching is that God is light or a most present and perfect remedy against the evils of ignorance errours falshood vices and miseries which are in us and that God in himself is most free from these evils so that it is impossible for those that come unto him to be deceived not to be illuminated and directed not to be delivered from sins and misery and not to obtain eternal life Therefore it is necessary that my preaching and the rest of the Apostles should be excellent Vers. 6. If wee say that wee have fellowship with him and walk in darkness wee lye and do not the Truth The other part of the Chapter follows wherein hee propounds partly negatively and partly affirmatively the notes or signs of him that is a true Beleever who shall be partaker of the good things promised in the Gospel And the Notes are five Note 1. Is negatively propounded with his confirmation Hee that is a true beleever doth not walk in darkness is not given ever to sin leading his life according to the lusts of the flesh Because if any one profess himself to have communion with God who is light and holiness and in 〈◊〉 mean time walketh in the darkness of his sins hee is an hypocrite and a lyar seeing that hee doth not that which is right but that which hee professes with his mouth hee denies in his works Vers. 7. But if wee walk in the light as hee is in the light wee have fellowship one with another and the blood of Iesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin Note 2. Is propounded affirmatively Hee that walks in the light or hee that follows after holiness that hee may be conformable to God who is light and perfect holiness hee is a true beleever having communion truly with God and the Saints to whom the fruit also of Christs death to the remission of sins doth wholly belong Vers. 8. If wee say that wee have no sin wee deceive our selves and the truth is not in us Note 3. Is negative Hee that is a true Beleever is not so just in his own eies that hee denies that hee cannot sin either in word or deed or that hee hath not sinned after Justification or that hee as if hee could not want the daily intercession of Christ and the daily applying of his merit for the delivering of his conscience from new guilt is not touched with the sense of sin so that hee must forthwith flye unto Christ as his Redeemer For whosoever either in word or deed doth really so deny that hee hath sin in him for the present deceives himself and is an hypocrite in whom there is no sincerity Vers. 9. If we confess our sins hee is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness Note 4. Hee that is a true Beleever is so affected with the sense of his sins that hee acknowledgeth them before God and doth confess from his soul that hee deserves eternal death and that his guilt can no otherwise be expiated but by the merit of the blood of the Son of God and that hee cannot be sanctified but by the divine virtue of the Spirit of Christ or be free from the pollution of sin Faithful The Apostle promiseth to him that doth so confess his sins that upon the faithfulness and righteousness of God hee shall be absolved and purged from the guilt of sin or sanctified from the stain of it For God is faithful who hath promised these things and God is just who hath taken satisfaction from Christ the Surety hee doth not exact the debt from him for whom Christ hath satisfied but on the other side hee bestowes all the good things upon him that beleeves which Christ hath purchased for his salvation Vers. 10. If wee say that wee have not sinned wee make him a lyar and his word is not in us Note 5. Is negative Hee that is a true Beleever doth neither deny nor extenuate his sins past as if either with that Pharisee hee had performed all the commands of God from his youth or as if there was no original sin or as if it was not at all worthy of death Neither is hee impenitent as if the sins which hee had committed were light and venial which need not the expiation of the blood of Christ or as if there were not so much corruption in his nature but that by his free will hee might confide in his own strength to dispose himself for grace and merit it or at leastwise bee able to obtain it For hee that either so or by any other means directly or indirectly denies that hee hath not sinned and consequently denies that hee is not nor hath not been so guilty of death that hee needed such an expiation as the death of the Son of God is hee is a blasphemer against God accusing him of a lye who hath in his word condemned all as sinners and guilty of death and hath affirmed that there is no remission of sins but by the blood of his Son neither is the Word of God received by Faith at any time in his heart i. e. neither hath hee beleeved the Doctrine of the Law not yet of the Gospel CHAP. II. THe rest of the whole Epistle enforceth the use of the former Doctrine to which end five Exhortations are propounded The first to vers 9. The second to vers 15. The third to vers 18. The fourth to vers 29. The fifth to verse the last Vers. 1. My little Children these things write I unto you that yee sin not And if any man sin wee have an Advocate with the Father Iesus Christ the righteous The first Exhortation is to the following after holiness that they sin not The Reasons of the Exhortation besides a friendly compellation are eleven Reas. 1. Because this is the end and use of the Doctrine of the Gospel and the Apostles writing These things write I unto you that yee sin not saith hee Therefore follow yee holiness And if Reas. 2. If yee follow after holiness the sins which perhaps yee shall fall into shall bee taken away through the intercession of Christ Jesus our Advocate and Lord Therefore endeavour after holiness When hee names one