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A35949 A brief exposition of the evangel of Jesus Christ according to Matthew by David Dickson ... Dickson, David, 1583?-1663. 1651 (1651) Wing D1400; ESTC R13881 307,666 370

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the governour said Why What evill hath he done But they cried out the more saying Let him be crucified The people choose Barrabbas and refuse Christ by their rulers perswasion Doct. 1. Wicked men have a greater hatred against Christ then against the most vitious amongst them as here they ask Barrabbas to be saved and seek that Christ may be destroyed 2. Wo to the people when their leaders are corrupt for then shall they be tempted by wicked counsel and wo unto them yet more if they follow their wicked directions for so might they be led with these cursed Jewes to preserve Barrabbas and destroy Christ. 3. Halfe friendship lake warme affection toward Christ wily-working for him so as men who are Christs adversaries may be pleased also may well shew the righteousnesse of Christs cause but cannot deliver him or his servants from suffering nor exempt the cold-rise friend from sin therfore either must a man be a right down friend plain and frank for Christ or nothing Pilates wiles striving to save Christ and to please the people also do not serve the turn but do rather ensnare him and inrage Christ's adversaries the more for They cryed out the more Let him be crucified Ver. 24. When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing but that rather a tumult was made he took water and washed his hands before the multitude saying I am innocent of the blood of this just person see ye to it Pilat overcome with the temptation of pleasing the People first absolveth Christ and then yeildeth him over to the fury of his adversaries and will have them only to be guilty of his death Doct. 1. He that is not resolute to resist sin upon all hazards will yeild to it at last as Pilat doth here 2. Ignorant men are easily deceived counting themselvs free of such sins as men or inconveniencies from men do presse them unto as Pilat is here for because the people made a tumult he washeth his hands and saith I am innocent of the blood of this just person 3. Whatsoever be the fault of instruments in a wicked deed the prime authours and instigatours have the chief guiltinesse therefore not without ground saith Pilate to the Jews See you to it Ver. 25. Then answered all the people and said His blood be on us and on our children The mad people deluded by their leaders take on them the guilt without fear Doct. The stupidity of a misled conscience is fearfull when it is most deep in guiltinesse it dare defie Gods Justice in the opinion it hath of its owne innocency as here the people answer ●ilate His blood be upon us wherein their mouth doth pronounce their own doom and Wrath is from that time come on them unto this day Ver. 26. Then released he Barrabbas unto them and when he had scourged Iesus he delivered him to be crucified Thus is Jesus absolved from all guiltinesse in himselfe and declared in the face of his Accusers to be a just person and yet is he dealt with as a guilty man scourged and delivered to be crucified wherein we must look up unto the dispensation of a higher Judge who had the sins of the whole Elect in a Roll to charge upon him and now to exact of him above what he had already suffered yet more satisfaction to justice for the full Redemption of his people that so they may behold him as he is to wit the eternall and only begotten Son of God in his humane Nature suffering according to the paction of Redemption past between him and the Father all that Justice could crave for the expiation of our sins and purchase of righteousnesse and life eternall unto us and to this end we must take along with us in all Christ's sufferings 1. The consideration of the worthinesse of the person who is surety suffering for us that he is the Lord God Almighty filling the whole Earth with his Glory the Redeemer and holy One of Israel personally united with our Nature now upon him while he standeth before Pontius Pilate Secondly The consideration of the fearfull and horrible deservings of sin in us which calleth for our everlasting torments with the curse of God upon us Thirdly the consideration of the strictnesse of Divine Justice which will have sin punished condignly and will neither quit the sinner without a ransome nor the Redeemer without full satisfaction and punishment equivalent to the principall Debters deservings Fourthly the consideration of the wonderfull grace of God who is content to take satisfaction unto justice for the sins of men from one man in the name of all those for whom he offereth to satisfie Fifthly the consideration of the unspeakable love of God who giveth his own eternall Son to be the man who shall pay for the rest of the adopted children Sixthly the consideration of the meeknesse and patience of our dear Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who loved us and gave himselfe for us even to the cursed Death of the crosse yea to be made a curse for us that we might obtain the blessing of righteousnesse and eternall life through him if these considerations go along with us we shall see our selves worthy for ever of the shame and torment which our Lord endured for a short time and we shall see Christ in his deepest humiliation shining gloriously in our eyes our faith shall find food and our sins shall find poison in the sufferings of our Redeemer Doct. 1. Such as think they cannot stand except by the good will of Princes or People whensoever they are put to declare themselves whether they love Christ or the World better will certainly choose to please Princes or People whatsoever may become of Christ as here the People will have Barabbas set free and Christ executed to please their Rulers and Pilate will both release Barabbas and scourge Christ to give unto the People satisfaction 2. It is no wonder that Christ's Servants find hard measure of men at the Bar of Justice for no fault is found in Christ And yet he is scourged and delivered to his Adversaries to be crucified 3. Christ's Servants should resolve after lesser sufferings to endure yet more and at last to suffer death for Christ after suffering of many things is scourged and then delivered to be crucified 4. Our sins deserve to be punished with extremity of pain and torment and with extremity of shame and disgrace for our Redeemer behoved to be scourged and crucified also Ver. 27. Then the Souldiers of the Governour took Iesus into the common Hall and gathered unto him the whole Band of souldiers 28. And they stripped him and put on him a Scarlet Robe 29. And when they had platted a Crown of Thorns they put it upon his Head and a Reed in his right hand and they bowed the knee before him and mocked him saying Hail King of the Iews 30. And they spit upon him and took a Reed and smote him on the Head 31. And after
cited giveth evidence Vers. 19. But when Herod was dead behold an Angel of the Lord appeareth in a dream to Ioseph in Egypt 20. Saying Arise and take the young child and his mother and go into the land of Israel for they are dead which sought the yong childes life Now Joseph is called back from Egypt Doct. 1. The Lord doth remember his owne in trouble to comfort them in due season for so soon as Herod dieth the Angel carrieth news 2. The death of Persecutors is the delivery of the persecuted therefore saith the Angel Arise for he is dead that sought the Childes life Vers. 21. And he arose and took the the young child and his mother and came into the land of Israel 22. But when he heard that Archelaus did reign in Iudea in the room of his father Herod he was affraid to go thither notwithstanding being warned of God in a dream he turned aside into the parts of Galilee Joseph is affraid of Archelaus and is delivered of his fear Doct. 1. No wonder the Children of wicked parents be suspected till their regeneration appear therefore Joseph is affraid of Archelaus Herods Son that he shall be father-like or father-worse 2. When God will comfort a man he removeth one doubt as well as another as this fear is removed by another revelation from heaven 3. The Lords warrant and clear direction doth quiet the mind Therefore Ioseph being warned by the Angel turned aside into Galilee Vers. 23. And he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets He shal be called a Nazarene In Christs abode at Nazareth The Evangelist observeth Gods providence intending therby that he should be called a Nazarite that is one separate from sinners Sundry types of Christ did foresignifie and promise that he should be called indeed a Nazarite or one separate for Joseph is called the Nazarite of his brethren or one separate from his brethren Gen. 29.26 first in regard of the measure of love which his Father bare unto him next he is separate from his brethren in regard they sold him unto the Gentiles and thirdly he is separate in Gods providence from his brethren that he might prepare a place for them and preserve the life of his owne people in Joseph was Christ sore-shadowed and promised to be such a Nazarite separate in all these respects Again in the typicall law of the Nazarite Numb 6. it is foresignified that Christ should be separate from sinners and dedicate unto holinesse dead unto the pomp and pleasure of this world that he should be the ornament and flower of Religion and the true pattern of piety to all the Israel of God Moreover in the type of Samson it is foresignified Iudg. 13.15 That Christ should from his birth be a Nazarite unto God who by his power and sufferings should overcome his enemies and bring delivery to Israel Now Christ his dwelling at Nazareth and his being called a Nazarene from his dwelling was a fit mean to call to mens minde the perfections of the Nazarite in him and to make them see the accomplishment of the foresaid prophesies in him And therefore doth the Evangelist mark the providence of God in directing his dwelling to be in this little town Nazareth whereby occasion might be given to all men to observe and perceive in Christ the fulfilling of the prophecies which foretold that he should be really a Nazarite Doct. Whensoever we hear him called Iesus of Nazareth let us remember that he is that true Nazarite that promised pleasant Plant that Holy One of Israel separate from sinners the true Deliverer of Israel from their enemies who hath broken the bars of death and hell and by his death hath overcome the divell and accomplished everything which in the types were foreshadowed of him CHAP. III. The Evangelist passeth over our Saviours life in private and i●ts down how John the Baptist by his Ministry as the forerunner of our Lord doth prepare the way for the receiving of him to vers 13. How Christ by him is baptized and how Christ is magnified from heaven in his entry into his publike office Vers. 1. IN those dayes came Iohn the Baptist preaching in the wildernesse of Iudea WHile Christ is dwelling at Nazareth in Galilee at the time appointed of God John Baptist is sent forth to preach in the wildernesse of Judea that is in the Mure lands and Hilly countrey of Judea John is called the Baptist because he was the first that did baptize her●by distinguishing him from John the Apostle Doct. 1. God hath set times wherein he will have every thing which was foretold to come to passe therefore it is said In those dayes to wit of which Isaiah did speak chap. 40 3. while Christ is dwelling at Nazareth this appointed work is done 2. How basely soever the world count of preaching yet is it the onely ordinary way to prepare souls for receiving of Christ Therefore it is said Iohn came preaching 3. It is in Gods choice to send the preachers of the Gospel to what place he will for John is sent to preach in the wildernesse of Judea and not in Jerusalem Vers. 2. And saying Repent ye for the kingdome of heaven is at hand The summe of Johns preaching was to move men to repent because the kingdome of Gods grace offered in the Gospel was now ready to receive the penitent Doct. 1. The Gospel finds men mad and out of their wits in an evill way when it is sent unto them they are men who must return to their wits as the originall of the word repent importeth 2. The end of the preaching of the gospel is to perswade men unto repentance for repent is Johns main scope 3. The grace of God offered in the gospel is in effect the Kingdome of heaven for it opens the way unto it and entreth the man not only in the right but also in the begun possession of the Kingdome of heaven 4. There can be no greater allurement to move a man to change his evill course and turn unto God then the offer made unto the penitent of the Kingdome of grace and glory through Christ for this is the motive which John useth saying Repent for the Kingdome of heaven is near 5. Both ability and exercise of repenting is brought about by the preaching and power of the gospel for to beget both John is sent to preach this doctrine saying Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand Vers. 3. For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Esaias saying The voyce of one crying in the wilderness Prepare ye the way of the Lord make his paths straight Johns calling and authority to preach is described to be from heaven according to the prophesie past of him Isay 40.3 Doct. 1. The calling and authority of a preacher is chiefly to be looked unto that he take not this honour to himselfe but be called therto
unto him Doct. 1. The Lord knoweth the intentions of his honest servants and sets a price on their good deeds therby therfore saith he She did it for my buriall 2. Our Lord knew that the gospell should be preached through the world c what was to be preached also for Where this gospel shal be preached saith be this shall be told c. 3. True faith seeth afar off for this woman seeth life in death believeth the Lord Jesus to be the true Saviour worthy of all honour in his death as well as in his life believeth that he should not see corruption believeth that his death should be a sweet smelling sacrifice to God and the savour of life unto his people for She did it saith Christ for my buriall 4. The memorial of the just shall not go to the grave with them but their good deeds shal be had in everlasting remembrance In this woman we have assurance of it for This shall be preached for a memorial of her saith he 5. Whosoever do any thing for Christ shall never have cause to rew Christ accounts more of it then it is all worthy for She hath wrought a good work on me saith Christ before and now This shall be told of her for a memoriall Ver. 14. Then one of the twelve called Iudas Iscariot went unto the chief Priests 15. And said unto them What will you give me and I wil deliver him unto you and they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver 16. And from that time he sought opportunity to betray him Iudas minding to have gain some way seeketh opportunity first to sel then to betray Christ. Doct. 1. When a wicked man is ingaged to do an evill turne he never taketh rest till he act it as is here seen in Judas from that time he sought opportunity to betray Christ. 2. When men have an evil turne in their heart and want opportunity only they shall not want occasion long as Judas minding to sell Christ doth seek and find fit Merchants the chief Priests 3. God will suffer wicked men to follow their designes even against himselfe when he seeth it fit for his own glory as here he wil not hinder a Judas to go to the high priests 4. He that is greedy of gain will sel his Soul and Heaven and Christ for money as Judas here doth 5. He that is not Christs friend in truth will soon turn Traitour as Iudas here doth 6. Hypocrites wil be found in best societies for here a Traitour is one of the twelve 7. The wicked shall bear their own blame and the society shall be free as here Judas is named alone 8. Secret enemies and open will easily agree together and own one another as here Judas and the high Priests make a short bargain 9. He tha●●ell●th Christ knoweth not his worth for Wh● wil● you gi●e me saith the seller 10. He that will sin and sell Christ will do it upon a naughty condition ere he want all Thirty pieces of silver or what may be had will make the bargain ●all Ver. 17. Now the first day of the Feast of unleavened bread the disciples came to Iesus saying unto him Where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the passeover The doctrine of the covenant of grace being delivered by our Lord and confirmed abundantly by miracles the institution of the Sacrament of the Lords Supper followeth for sealing up of this covenant unto the believer and to this intent mention is made of Christs last eating of the Sacrament of the Passover unto which was subjoyned the institution celebration of the Sacramental Supper for the clearing of some circumstances whereof and of the duty of preparation for right receiving of it that which is here spoken of the Passeover doth give light Doct. 1. It is commendable to remember Gods Ordinances in due time and to prepare for them as here The first day of the Feast the Disciples came and make ready for it 2. Our Lord made himself so poor that he had not a house of his own albeit he was Owner of all the earth as Where wilt thou that we prepare doth import 3. Our Lord subjected himself unto the Law and did keep exactly both the Moral and ceremoniall Law that he might deliver us from the yoke of the one and from the cursefor breaking of the other He kept the Passover 4. The terms of Sacramental speech were wel understood by Christs disciples as to put the thing signified for the sign namely by this phrase To cat the Passeover they mean to ●at the Lamb the Sacramental memorial of the Angels passing over of the houses of the Israelites in Egypt Ver. 18. And be said Go into the city to such a man and say unto him The Master saith My time is at hand I will keep the Passoever at thy house with my Disciples 19. And the Disciples did as Iesus had appointed them and they made ready the Passeover Christ directeth them to a friends house a worthy man for so holy a service Doct. 1. The Lord wil not want friends whersoever he is here in Jerusalem he hath friends as he had also in Bethany Go into the city to such a man saith he 1. He hath such commandement of the spirits of men as he can bow their will to do what service he pleaseth for he is sure to make such a man obey 3. Christ hath taken on him to be our Teacher and to him only the dignity of Master is due therefore he calleth himself the Master 4. It is of his own free choise that our Lord doth imploy any man more th●n another for Go to such a man and say importeth this 5. The more near our time to depart this life doth draw the more carefull should we be to have all things done by us which should be● done therefore saith he My time is at hand I will keep the Passeover 6. It is the part of true Disciples to follow Christs direction in all things and being clear in the command to go about the obedience of it for The Disciples did as Iesus appointed Ver. 20. Now when the even was come he sate down with the twelve For clearing of the history of the Lords Supper which was instituted at the close of the Passeover we have here set down the circumstances of eating of the Passeover as time place and persons whereby we have ground to conceive that Iudas was present at the Sacrament of the Passeover he being one of the twelve for first seeing there is no question made that as Iudas was imployed in the Apostleship with the rest so he was admitted also with the rest unto the fellowship of all Worship and Divine Ordinances and was present at so many former feasts of the Passeover as Christ did keep with his Disciples there can be no inconvenience to suppose him present at the Passeover at this time also Secondly seeing whatsoever is said by Historiographers concerning a
Now the Lord discovereth Herods plot and disappointeth him Doct. 1. Wicked men may keep their design against Christ close from the knowledg of men but cannot hide their counsell from God he perceiveth Herods mind perfectly 2. The Lord is watching over the just and will not suffer their honest simplicity to be so far abused by the enemy as ignorantly to betray Christ into his enemies hands therefore he forewarnes these wise men that they should not trust Herod nor to go toward him any more but return home another way 3. Such as beleeve in Christ the longer they follow him the more confirmations of faith they find as here beside all the former God giveth this revelation also unto these wise men and their life also for a prey from the rage of Herod Vers. 13. And when they were departed behold the angel of the Lord appeareath to Ioseph in a dream saying Arise and take the yong child and his mother and flee into Egypt and be thou there untill I bring thee word for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him The wise men are gone now Christ is sent away also Doct. 1. Our Lord was persecuted so soon as he was known in the world he is sought to be slain who came to save men for Herod doth seek to destroy him 2. He who is the ancient of dayes the everlasting Father according to his God-head is called a young child according to his man-head as Isai. 9.6 did foretell for Herod shall seek the young child 3. The Lord will have ordinary means used when they may be had He will save Christ by flight and will do no miracle needlessely therfore Go flee into Egypt saith the Angel 4. It is safe to wait for the Lord in all things and to attend his providence Be thou there till I bring thee word saith the Angel to Joseph Vers. 14. When he arose he took the young child and his Mother by night and departed into Egypt Joseph obeyeth speedily Doct. 1. When our direction is clear our obedience should be speedy and without delay as Joseph being warned ariseth by night and makes for his journey 2. When Christ is known he will be more dear then any thing else for as the child is first in Josephs commission verse 12. to take care for him so in his obedience here the child is before the Mother for it is said He took the child and his mother 3. Any place if God send us there if Christ be in our company is good even Egypt for Ioseph departed into Egypt being sent thither Vers. 15. And was there untill the death of Herod that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the Prophet saying Out of Egypt have I called my son That we may see how the prophesie is fulfilled the meaning of the words of Hosea is in effect as if it had been said O church of Israel when thou was in thy infancy I so loved thee that I brought thee out of Egypt as my adopted Son and in thee I called out of Egypt my only begotten Son who as the promised seed of Abraham was in thy loynes and as in thy bondage in Egypt I intended to fore-shadow and signifie the sufferings of my Son and his fleeing out of Canaan into Egypt so also in the calling of thee my adopted Son out of Egypt I intended to fore-shadow and signifie the calling of my only begotten Son out of Egypt that he should perfect the work of redemption in the midst of the land promised unto thee yet notwithstanding of all this thou hast been unthankfull unto me Thus Christs going down to Egypt and bringing back out of it is a fulfilling of the Prophesie and withall this sheweth unto us that in all the Lords work about Israel be had a speciall eye upon the promised seed upon the Messiah who was to come out of that people fore-shadowing somthing of him or accomplishing somthing foresignified of him Therefore it should not seem strange unto us that the Evangelists do apply sundry such speeches of the old Prophets unto Christ who was mainly aimed at and born witnesse unto in the Law and Prophets Ver. 16. Then Herod when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men was exceeding wrath and sent forth and slew all the children that were in Beth-lehem and in all the coasts thereof from two years old and under according to the time which he had diligently enquired of the wise men Now Herod finding himself disappointed bewrayeth his cruell design against Christ. Doct. 1. God turneth the wisdome of his enemies into folly Now Herod did find himself mocked 2. Wicked heads do take it hardly if every instrument whom they imploy and abuse do not serve their base designes for Herod is wroth with the wise men as if they had mocked him 3. Enemies of Christ when fraud doth fail them do fall to open rage now Herod sends forth to slay Christ if he can find him 4. Satan and his instruments do labour to overthrow such as are likest unto Christ if they cannot overtake himself Therefore Herod causeth to slay all the young children in Beth-lehem who were nearest in age unto Christ. 5. Wicked men do not reverence Gods providence in disappointing their wicked purposes but are incensed the more to do mischiefe as Herods course doth shew here Vers. 17. Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Ieremiah the Prophet saying 18. In Rama was there a voyce heard lamentation and weeping and great mourning Rachel weeping for her children and would not be comforted because they are not The Evangelist applieth to this passage of Gods providence the words of the Prophet Ier. 31.15 Who doth foretell that as the captivity of the ten tribes had once made the state of Israel as it were their mo●her to morne so should the calamity of Israel make that st●●e to mourn again for the murther of so many children in and about Beth-lehem and yet this comfortlesse sorrow should be swallowed up by the consolations of Christ come into the world as may be seen Ier. 31. comparing vers 15 16. with 10 11 18 22. in the last of these verses the incarnation of the Messiah is pointed at expressly Now this prophesie is here accomplished Rachel indeed here mourneth and no consolation can be sufficient to asswage this sorrow except that consolation only which cometh by the Gospel and by the incarnation of the Son of God Doct. 1. It is a good way for making use of Gods providence to compare events with the predictions of Gods word and to mark where we see accomplishment answerable that we may say with the Evangelist Thus is it fulfilled what the Lord hath spoken 2. The troubles of the Lords people are foreseen and weighed in a ballance and comfort is prapared for them for the weeping of Rachel is foretold of the Lord before it come and consolation is prepared for it in Christ as the place in Ieremiah
any extraordinary proofs of his care towards us when he hath after an ordinary manner provided means for our safety neither should we limit the Lord in any thing for this is the meaning of Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God 3. What the Scripture speaks indifferently to all it is to be esteemed as spoken to every singular person and the singular persons are to be accounted as written in the writing of the generall● for upon this ground Christ saith It is written Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God Because Deut. 6.16 it is written Ye shall not tempt your God 4. Christ as our surety did subject himselfe unto the law and therefore he doth apply the prcepts to himself no less then to us for he saith of himself Thou shalt not tempt the Lord. Ver. 8. Again the Divel taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain and sheweth him all the Kingdomes of the world and the glory of them 9. And saith unto him All these things will I give thee If thou wilt fall down and worship me This is the third temptation whereunto Satan doth make way by shewing the glory of the Kingdomes of the World from a high mountain whence many Towns Castles and fruitfull Fields might be seen as the compend and example of all the kingdomes of the world which have nothing in them but a greater quantity of what may be seen in one place of one Kingdom Doct. 1. Satan will not give over the conflict till he have made triall of all sorts of temptations after the former essayes Satan wil now tempt Christ with the offer of gain and glory All these saith he will I give thee 2. Satan labours to have a man in love with the bait of Riches and Honour ere he utter a temptation and to have the bait speaking ere the temptation speak for before he speaks to Christ He sheweth him all the Kingdomes of the world 3. Satan will make fair offers of what he cannot perform for the saith All these things will I give to thee 4. The children of God may be tempted with the vilest and most blasphemous suggestions that Satan can devise for this uncleane Spirit dare tempt the Son of God to the vilest idolatry and dare say to Christ fall down and worship me 5. When Satan mindes to make a man a slave to sin and to ruine him for ever he will crave but one act of sin as a very small thing and that under hope of great advantage therefore he saith All these things will I give thee if thou wilt fall down and worship me or kneel to me Verse 10. Then saith Iesus unto him Get thee hence Satan for it is written Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve The Lord abhorring the blasphemy of the proud and unclean Spirit rebuketh him and answereth the temptation by Scripture Doct. 1. A bold temptation should have a peremptory answer and that confirmed by Scripture as here Get thee hence c. saith Christ. 2. As well religious service as religious worship is due to God only God will not permit either of them to be given to Saint or Angel or any creature for him only shalt thou serve 3. Whatsoever is the true sense and intent of any passage of Scripture it is to be accounted of as if it were expressly written for because Deut. 6.13 it is said Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God and serve him Christ saith it is written Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and serve him only Ver. 11. Then the divel leaveth him and behold angels came and ministred unto him Thus our Lord hath overcome Satan in our name and shown to us the way how to fight against and overcome the Adversary Doct. 1. Satan being resisted doth flee for it is written here Then the divel leaveth him 2. The grief and vexation which cometh by temptation shall be recompensed with consolation after the conflict and victory for Angels do come and minister unto Christ after his combate Ver. 12. Now when Iesus had heard that Iohn was cast into prison he departed into Galilee Upon the hearing of John Baptists imprisonment Christ goeth unto Galilee Doct. 1. Faithfull Ministers must resolve for persecution for Iohn Baptist is cast in prison 2. All Preachers of the Gospel are not imprisoned at once for when John is in prison Christ is free 3. Persecution of the Ministers of the Gospel is a forerunner of Christs departing from a land for when word came of Johns imprisonment Christ departed from Judea and went into Galilee Ver. 13. And leaving Nazareth he came and dwelt in Capernaum which is upon the seacoast in the borders of Zabulon and Naphthali 14. That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the Prophet saying 15. The land of Zabulon and the land of Naphthali by the way of the sea beyond Iordan Gal●lee of the Gentiles 16. The people which sate in darkness saw great light and to them which sate in the region and shadow if death light is sprung up Christ being now come into Galilee fleeth from Nazareth to Capernaum Doct. 1. Christ will not be tyed unto any place though he be brought up at Nazareth he will leave it for his own reasons and come and dwell at Capernaum 2. Our Lord in all things had respect to Scripture to fulfill what was foretold in it Even this change of place was made that the Prophesie of Esaiah might be fulfilled by this means In which prophesie to comfort the church against the desolation to be made in the land by the enemy Isaiah doth foretell that in that part of the countrey where the desolation began that is in the land of Zabulon and Nephthali there Christ should begin the consolation of the church in preaching of the gospel and now our Lord performeth this 3. The people that lie in their sins without the saving knowledg of the gospel are indeed in great darkness and under the power of death 4. Whatsoever sin or misery people be under the preaching of the gospel is able to relieve them therefore it is called A great light A light sprung up to them when Christ preacheth the gospel among them Vers. 17. From that time Iesus began to preach and to say Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand Christ had preached before in the time of Johns freedome and made mo● disciples then he Iohn 3.26 but now he begins in this country side and shews himself more powerfull then before Doctr. 1. When his gospel is opposed and his servants persecuted he can let forth his light and power so much the more and can supply the inlack of instruments therefore it is said From that time he began to preach 2. Christs doctrine and the doctrine of his faithfull servants is all one in substance the sum of John Baptists preaching and Christs is all one for both preached in substance Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand
the world about them and withail to perceive loving kindness toward themselves and at length they shall see God face to face perfectly in the Kingdom of Heaven Ver. 9. Blessed are the Peace-makers for they shall be called the children of God The seventh mark of true Disciples is peaceableness whereby Christians study not only to live peacebly with all men but also to procure peace among Men where they live so farr as in them lies Doct. 1. Whosoever do without wronging of truth in love to other mens welfare study to make solid peace wheresoever they have power are truly blessed for Blessed are the Peace-makers 2. They who give evidence of their christian disposition both to maintain and to procure true peace among those with whom they live should be esteemed true christians begotten of God for they shall be called Gods children That is by this mark they are declared of God and should be by men acknowledged for truly regenerate persons in whom the image of God is to be seen shining in their works Ver. 10. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdome of heaven The eighth mark of a true Disciple is suffering persecution for righteousness sake Doct. 1. Whosoever in following of Christ are troubled and persecuted by men for doing that which God alloweth and do chuse rather to suffer affliction then to commit sin are indeed blessed for Blessed are they that suffer persecution for righteousness sake 2. Let persecuters do their utmost to rob the godly of all that they have yet they cannot rob them of Heaven for it is said the Kingdom of heaven is theirs that is albeit they were banished out of their native country and utterly spoyled yea killed yet Heaven belongs unto them by Christs conquest and by Gods promise and it shall certainly be given to them for making up all their losses Verse 11. Blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against you falsly for my sake This last Doctrine our Lord applyeth ●nto his new chosen Apostles intimating unto them that they were to be hunted after and persecuted by men as a prey is hunted by dogs unto death Doct. 1. Reviling or speaking any manner of evill against Christs servants is in our Lords estimation persecution for so doth he expound it saying When men revile you and persecute you 2. Christians must beware to give just ground for troubling of themselves for that is not persecution when ill is spoken against men truly justly but when ill is spoken against them fasly and for Christs cause Therefore Christ saith Blessed are ye when they speak ill of you falsly for my sake 3. Notwithstanding of whatsoever persecution the troubled and persecuted servant of Christ doth still remain blessed for Blessed are ye when men persecute you Ver. 12. Rejoyce and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in heaven for so persecuted they the Prophets which were before you This commandment is added for a further consolation Doct. 1. Our Lord will not be content that his servants in persecution do carry themselves heavily thus and so as may be but will have them to beare the crosse joyfully he will not have the courage or comfort or countenance of his children beaten down while they bear his glorious crosse but he will have them chearfull for Rejoyce and be exceeding glad saith he 2. Albeit this their suffering cannot merit any thing yet shall it be rewarded graciously Great is your reward saith our Lord. 3. Whatsoever consolation God doth give to his suffering Servants here in this world which indeed is not small for they have more peace and joy in themselves from God and more estimation among the Saints then all their trouble is worthy yet he will not reckon this for a reward till he have them up in heaven for he hath said for Great is your reward in Heaven 4. The light affliction of this life cannot be compared with that which shall be given in heaven therefore he saith Great is your reward 5. Whosoever indureth any trouble were it but so much as evill words for Christs cause he shall be inrolled among the Martyrs and holy Prophets who from the beginning of the world have suffered for righteousnesse this is our Lords reckoning saying For so persecuted they the Prophets which were before you Vers. 13. Ye are the salt of the earth but if the salt have lost his savour wherewith shall it be salted it is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and to be trodden under foot of men Our Lord having armed his Apostles against persecution now he teacheth them their duty and that under divers similitudes and first of Salt Doct. 1. Ministers have need to have their duties told them no lesse then other people therefore Christ speaketh to them saying YE that is Ye my Apostles and Ministers are the Salt of the earth 2. As Salt seasoneth maketh savoury and doth preserve from putrifaction that which otherwise would be unsavoury and ready to rot except it were salted so Ministers should not onely be filled with Grace and Wisedome for their own preservation but also labour by the word preached by admonition by discipline by a holy manner of conversing among the people and by all other means to season earthly men and make them become savoury to God and one to another therefore it is said Ye are the salt of the earth 3. If a Minister either labour not to have graces and induements for his imployment or having them studieth not to be faithfull in his Ministry that he may season his Heare●s by the power of the Gospel or if having for a time given a show of something do he cease and fall from the faithfull employment of his Gifts then is he of all men the most us●lesse and u●profitable both to others and to himself of all men the most loathsome and intolerable burden of the people of God most worthy to be despised of God and men and least of all men to be suffered to bear office and charge in the church of God for so much impo●teth our Lords speech comparing him to unsavour● salt which hath lost his savour and cannot recover it again and which is good for nothing but to be cast out and trodden under fo● of men Ver. 14. Ye are the light of the world a city that is set on a hill cannot be hid He sheweth the Ministers duty in another similitude of light Doct. 1. It is true the originall light and fountain of all Light who illuminateth every one that cometh into the world is Christ our Lord himself yet the Ministers are called The light of the world also as instruments to hold out the light because their office is to preach Jesus Christ who is the true light through whom alone delivery from the dark condition of sin and misery that is true righteousnesse and salvation is to be
the murther should be of the vilest and most abominable sort then by the great Councell which sate at Jerusalem the guilty were to be adjudged without mercy or more ado to be executed most shamefully and burnt in the most abominable place in the valley of Hinnom or Gehenns whereby was represented Hell fire The first of the three ranks is mentioned vers 21. The rest are to be collected by CHRISTS alluding thereunto vers 22. Doct. 1. Naturall men are but slight interpreters of the Lords Law it is not killing in their sense if a man be not actually slain for Whosoever shall kill in the grossnesse of the letter he only is guilty in their judgment 2. Antiquity seemeth enough to carnall men for a reason in defence of whatsoever errour or corrupt custome for which they can pretend antiquity for Christ sheweth us that these Jewish Doctors did think it sufficient that It was said of old 3. Truth must never be prejudged by antiquity nor error strengthened thereby for unto their pretended antiquity It was said of old Christ doth oppose this But I say unto you c. Vers. 22. But I say unto you that whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment and whosoever shall say to his brother Racha shall be in danger of the councel but whosoever shall say Thou fool shall be in danger of hell fire While Christ doth expone the sixth command more exactly then the Pharisees did and doth shew the meaning of it by allusion unto the manner of their judgement of capitall crimes our Lords mind is not that those Judiciall courts with their different degrees of punishment should be the rule for censuring the breach of the sixth command but his mind is that albeit there be degrees of sin in breaking of the sixth command yet the command reacheth to the condemning of every degree of the sin forbidden so far that even rash anger is capitall and doth bring a man under the severe sentence of Gods judgment for Whosoever is angry saith he without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment that is he is culpable of death and if our neighbour be wronged by us in a disrespectfull speech the sin is yet more capitall and yet more deserveth the punishment of death and condemnation for Whosoever saith hee shall say to his brother Racha or any word of disdain shall be in danger of the councell that is shall be found guilty of a capitall or deadly transgression in a higher degree But if anger and disdain proceed so far as to reproach our Brother yet more despitefully and to call him Fool then we shall be in danger of hell fire that is of a yet higher degree of judgment in hell Doct. 1. The meanest and mainest outbreakings of our corruption in any sort are forbidden in one and the same command for our Lords exposition of Thou shalt not kill forbiddeth rash anger and every evill motion of the heart against our neighbours person no lesse then it forbiddeth murther 2. The wages of the least degree of sin is death for not onely murther but also rash anger and disdainfull speech are made capitall or deadly sins by our Lords interpretation worthy of death and hels fire So that no relief is to be looked for in Gods justice from the smalnesse of our sins but all standeth in the rich ransome of Christs Blood and largeness of his Grace unto which refuge the severe exaction of the Law and strict reckoning of Justice doth drive us Ver. 23. Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar and there remembrest that thy brother hath ought against thee 24. Leave there thy gift before the altar and go thy way first be reconciled to thy brother and then come and offer thy gift After the exposition of this command Christ maketh application of the doctrine unto his Disciples and all his hearers for making use thereof wherein he sheweth a necessity of making conscience to keep this command by two reasons one is that if we shall not entertaine love to our neighbour but both do him wrong and also not care to be reconciled with him then God will take no service or worship at our hand nor will from thee for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish and not that thy whole bodie should be cast into hell This exhortation is set down as the use of the former doctrin wherein the words are not to be taken captiously as if one might hurt his own body under pretence to preveen sin for this is both forbidden in the sixth command and cannot be a solid cure or remedy of sin though it were permitted but the matter is proponed in allusion to a presupposed like case of the hazard of a mans life by a fester or gangrene in a mans eye or hand wherein as it were better that the Chirugion should pluck out the festered eye and cut off the festered hand then that the whole body should be lost so in the case of a darling sin or lust whereby a man is made to stumble and fall in sin it were better that he should be mortified and quat how necessary soever how dear soever though esteemed of as the right eye or the right hand rather then by sparing of that sinfull lust soul and body bothshould be cast in hell now there is no mortifying of the lusts of the flesh but by the Spirit of Christ Rom. 8.13 And as for pardon of sin we are led unto Christ in the exposition of the sixth command so are we here driven to Christ for the morfication of sin in the exposition of the seventh command for he is the onely Chirurgion who can cut off those fretting lusts which fight against the soul. Ver. 31. It hath been said Whosoever shall put away his wife let him give her a bill of divorcement 32. But I say unto you that whosoever shall put away his wife saving for the cause of fornication causeth her to commit adultery and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery For clearing yet further of the seventh command Christ correcteth a third corrupt glosse about the abuse of marriage in divorcements which howsoever the civill Law left unpunished for civill Reasons yet it did not exeem him from sin nor wrath who was the giver of the Bill of Divorcement upon a light cause this abuse Christ doth correct teaching that if any persons married should thrust away their party except in the clear case of Adultery found in the party put away they should be guilty of the breach of the seventh command and of all the consequents thereof and they who approved the Divorcement should be guilty also each in their own degree in so high estimation hath our Lord the band of marriage that nothing can dissolve it except that which everteth the nature of the bands and bringeth perjury beside the breach of the command is double
instructed about the person and office of Christ he foretelleth his suffering death and resurrection to acquaint them with the crosse and so to prevent their stumbling at his sufferings Hence learn 1. Our Lord was not ignorant what he was to suffer ere it came nor ignorant of the out-gate appointed for him how he should be killed and raised again 2. Whoso would look rightly on Christs sufferings must also look unto his out-gate and victory over the same he must look on his raising as well as his killing for he telleth them He must be killed and raised the third day Verse 22. Then Peter tooke him and began to rebuke him saying Be it far from thee Lord this shall not be unto thee Peter out of his carnall wisdom rashly forbiddeth Christ to suffer himself to be so used H●nce learn 1. That if the crosse be looked unto without looking to the Appointer of it the use end and outgate of it men will never consent that either they or such as they love should bear it therefore saith Peter Far it be from thee Lord. 2. Naturall wit is very confident and presumptuous to judge of Gods matters for Peter leaning unto it dare take upon him to rebuke Christ. 3. Yea if a man lean unto and follow his own naturall wit and affection he may be led to oppose God and the worke of his own Salvation for This shall not be unto thee Lord saith Peter Ver. 23. But he turned and said unto Peter Get thee behind ●e Satan thou art an offence unto me for thou savourest not the thing● that be of God but those that be of man In Christs reproof given to Peter learn 1. Our Lord so loved to work out our redemption that he could not endure to be any way hindred therefore saith he Get thee behind me 2. What Satan cannot do immediately he will assay to do it by instruments Christ findeth him out here saying Get thee behinde me Satan 3. Naturally a man savoureth not thing● spirituall neither knoweth them nor loveth them if they be told him Therefore saith he Thou savourest not the things of Go● 4. We should in temptations beware of Satan as our pany whoever be the instrument and the more impudently we be tempted unto sin wo should the more stoutly and peremptorily resist it as Christ did saying Get thee behinde me Satan 5. After a man hath been much lifted up in consolation be may readily miscarry and fall in some offence as Peters case is here compared with ver 16.6 A man may be a stumbling block unto others albeit he do not intend it for to Peter it is said Thou art an offence 7. Apparent good counsell from a carnall friend may readily carry some temptation in the bosome of it as Peters counsell here doth and sin will serve Satans tur●● where ever he find it whether in the godly or wicked for Peters corruption here is Satans instrument fit enough for the time Ver. 24. Then said Iesus unto his disciples If any man will come after me let him deny himselfe and take up his crosse and follow me Hereupon our Lord takes occasion to teach all his followers a necessity of bearing the cross Hence learn 1. That Christ ●o●● that he was to be crucified and resolved to suffer the shame full death of the crosse before it came Therefore calls he his servants suffering fo him by the name of the Crosse that he mig●● teach them not to be ashamed of his manner of death when i● should come 2. Christs followers must resolve to be disclaimed of him as one of his followers except they will resolve to be●● his crosse Therefore saith he If any man will follow me L●● him take up his Crosse. 3. Love to a man● own life estimation of his wit and worth in a word a mans own self is a bundle of all sort of idols which we must either renounce and be content to have them mortified or else we cannot follow Christ therefore saith he Let him deny himself This self-denyall the Lord hath appointed to be helped forward by a crosse which God will not leave to our choice but will fit it for every man and lay it before him or upon him and wil have every man humbly to stoop and submit and take it on and bear it out constantly so long as the Lord thinks fit to let ●●ly for Let him saith he deny himself and take up his crosse 5. This crosse must not make a man forsake to follow Christ but rather the man under the crosse must draw the more ne●r unto Christ and follow him that he may be helped to bear his cross and so attain to self-denyall more and more therefore he saith Take up and follow me 6. As the crosse doth force a man to deny himself for it faileth not to take from him and to lay upon him what he would not so self-denyall boweth the back to take up and bear the crosse kindly therefore said he Let him deny himself and take up his crosse Ver. 25. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall finde it The reasons to move us so to do are seven The first reason is the eschewing of the crosse to save your life is the very way to lose your life therefore resolve to bear the crosse for Whosoever will save his life saith he shall lose it A second reason to resolve to lose thy life for my sake is the way to keep it therefore resolve to bear the crosse Hence learn 1. That the love of this temporall life maketh men deny Christ therefore is it that Christ will have a man resolving about this life 2. Whosoever will save his life by denying Christ is a great fool for he loseth that eternally which he seeketh by eschewing of Christs crosse to save for a time for Whosoever will save his life saith he shall lose it 3. To lay our reckoning to lose life and al rather then deny Christ or any point of his truth is our greatest wisdom He who maketh least account of his life and of all things belonging thereto in comparison of serving and confessing Christ is a wise man for he gaineth for ever in effect that which he hazards temporally for Christ for Whosoever saith he will lose his life for my sake shall finde it Ver. 26. For what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul A third reason is He that refuseth to bear my crosse in hope to gain thereby shall be disappointed for he shall lose his own soul and so can gain nothing though he seem to gain a world therefore resolve to bear my crosse Doct. 1. When the cause of Christ cannot be maintained without the crosse be born and hope is offered of worldly gain also if a man shall fall off from Christs cause it is a sore
where he ●new the traitour with the enemies should shortly come to apprehend him and acquainteth his Disciples with his pu●pose of going apart to prepare himself by prayer for suffering Doc. 1. As the truth of the Gospel so the right way of suffering for the truth must be learned from Christ Therfore our Lord tak●th with him his disciples unto Gethsemane a Garden and place where he is to begin his last sufferings that they might see how voluntarily and holily he addressed himself unto that service 2. As we should not make oftentation of going to private prayer so neither need we scrupulously to conceal our purpose when it may edifie for Christ saith here Sit you here till I go and pray yonder Ver. 37. And he took with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee and began to be sorrowful and very heavy 38. Then saith he unto them My soul is exceeding sorrowful evenn unto death tarry ye here and watch with me Out of the eleven Disciples He chooseth three to be witnesses of the hardest parts of his sufferings even the same who were lately witnesses of his glorious transfiguration Doc. 1. Albeit al the redeemed be alike dear to Christ yet wil he acquaint some with more deep passages of his sufferings then others and readily such as he hath acquainted before with clearer sight of his Glory as here He took with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee 2. Our Lord suffered for our sins not only in his body but also in his soul dolour and heaviness in a measure unspeakable My soul saith he is exceeding sorrowfull even unto death 3. Our Lord kept back from his own humane nature the consolations of the personal union thereof with the Divine nature so far that he as Man did not despise the smallest mean of ease or relaxtion that could be but calleth for the company of his slippery disciples and hereby doth teach us in our sad perplexities to take the company of some of the Saints to whom we may reveal our mind for Tarry ye here and watch with me saith he to them Ver. 39. And he went a little further and fel on his face and prayed saying O my Father if it be possible let this cup passe from me nevertheless not as I wil but as thou wilt Albeit their company could be of some use yet but of smal use to him therfore he goeth on and prayeth Doc. 1. There is no ease to a perplexed soul under the sense of wrath till it be alone with God there it may sigh groan utter broken words keep silence or freely expresse it selfe as it pleaseth without misconstruction Therfore He goeth a little from them and fell on his face and prayed 2. The sense of the wrath of God felt by Christ and the weight of the curse due to our sins laid upon him was so horrible that his holy nature looking upon it simply as it tendeth to the destruction of the creatures could not but abhor it and so wish to be rid of it if it had been possible therfore doth holy nature say My Father if it be possible let this cup passe from me 3. The love that our Lord hath to our redemption and his special covenant made with the Father for the paying of our ransome made him to subject his holy nature and Wil to that which otherwise is abhorred therfore looking to the Fathers will thus to expiate the sinnes of the Redeemed he saith Neverthelesse not as I will in an holy naturall choise but as thou wilt let it be I voluntarily do choose it that is according to the condition past between us for redemption of the Elect Let me drink this cup and here the merit of sin th● strictnesse of Divine Justice the horrour of the wrath of God with the weight of the curse the mercy of God towards sinners and the unspeakable love both of God and Christ toward the Elect is to be seen lively set forth before us in our Lords passion Ver. 40. And he cometh unto his disciples and findeth them asleep and saith unto Peter What could ye not watch with me one hour 41. Watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak Here is a short breathing time after his wrastling wherein he cometh to his Disciples whom no trouble could make him forget because for them and for the rest of his own people these sufferings were sustained and finding them asleep he gently reproveth them and exhorteth them to watch and pray by three reasons The first is joyned with a reproof It is but an hour you have to watch til you be yoked with a temptation by occasion of my sufferings approaching Therfore why do you not watch this one hour with me The second reason Except you watch and pray you may readily come under the power of temptation Therfore watch and pray lest you enter into or begin to come under the power of temptation The third reason is Albeit the spirit or your renewed part be ready and willing to resist and oppose temptations yet the flesh your natural and unrenewed part is weak and ready to be overcome Therefore watch and pray Doc. 1. When we are in greatest danger and matters most concerning us are in hand when God calleth most for our service and we have most need to watch then are we readily most secure as it fares with these disciples whom Christ called to watch with him and now findeth them asleep 2. Seeing we have no strength of our own to overcome temptations the only way to prevail is to watch and pray to God for assistance therefore Christ saith Watch and pray lest ye enter into temptation 3. Seeing the godly are in great part flesh and unrenewed and so are easily insnared by temptations the spirit and renewed part hath so much more need of the help of spiritual exercises for therfore Christ bids them watch and pray upon this reason that howsoever the spirit be willing yet the flesh is weak Ver 42. He went away again the second time and prayed saying O my Father if this cup may not passe away from me except I drink it thy wil be done 43. And he came and found them asleep again for their eys were heavy 44. And he left them and went away again and prayed the third time saying the same words Our Lord's Agony under the sense of wrath and weight of the curse due to our sins is renewed again and again while he is coming and going between his Father and his slippery Disciples pra●ing to the Father the second and third time in the same wor● for understanding whereof let us consider that it standeth with the holinesse of humane Nature so well to be naturally and necessarily sensible of pain and griefe as to be voluntarily patient under it so well to tremble and be feared for the wrath of the Creatour as to love to have his consolation and to have
they had mocked him they took the Robe from off him and put his own Raiment on him and led him away to crucifie him While the crosse is making ready the Souldiers fall on Christ and abuse him despitefully Doct. 1. When Governours and great men are against Christ no wonder to see their Servants against him also and to go about to please their Masters by wronging of Christ's members for here The Souldiers of the Governour gathered together to take their sport in abusing Christ himself 2. As the Doctrine of Christ's God-head is counted Blasphemy by the corrupt Church-rulers Chap. 26.65 So is Christ's by gracelesse States-men and Servants of civill Rulers the Souldiers of the civill Governour here do make a laughing-stock of Christ the King of the Jews offering him a Souldiers coat for a Robe a Reed for a Scepter Thorns for a Crown a mocking Beck for Reverence spitting on his Face for a Kisse of love and subjection and smiting on the head of loyalty and service but so behoved our pride and vain glory to be punished and explate 3. The malice of Christs enemies will not be satiate with lesse then bloud for when they have mocked Christ and shamefully used him They led him away to be crucified Ver. 32. And as they came out they found a man of Cyrene Simon by name him they compelled to bear his Crosse. Our Lord was so exercised in the Garden through agony of Spirit so tossed all the night with the Souldiers so agitate and vexed before the judgment seat of Caiphas and Pilat so sore spent by scourging by buffeting by piercing his Head with Thorns that now there remained not so much natural strength in his body as to bear the tree of the crosse through the way unto the place of execution therefore they finding one Simon of Cyrene by the way coming from his work in the field they compel him to bear Christs crosse Doc. 1. It was not by any humane strength that Christ did bear the weight of the curse of God due to our sins for as his body so also his naturall strength of body was like another mans and here he who upon the tree of the crosse bare our sins which are of more weight then all the mountaines and the sand of the Sea hath not so much naturall strength as to bear that tree unto the place of execution for Simon a fresh man must bear it after him 2. The death of the crosse was so shameful so abhorred and so cursed a death that none of all the multitude which followed him would touch the crosse but Simon must be compelled to bear it Ver. 33. And when they were come into a place called Golgotha that is to say a place of a skul Followeth that which our Lord did suffer in Golgotha or Calvary to which place the skuls or bones of malefactors executed there to be seen apparently did give the name ● filthy place without the Town ●s was fore-signified by the offering of these beasts which we●e burnt without the camp Doc. Our sins deserve that punishment should be poured in upon us by the conduit of every sense that as we have abused all our senses unto sin so we in every one of them should be tormented for beside wearines and much pain the place of Christs execution is Golgotha where the sight of dead mens bones forme●ly executed as malefactours and the scent of their rotten reliques might offend both his sight and smel Ver. 34. They gave him vineger to drink mingled with gal and when he had tasted therof he would not drink A further degree of suffering is his thi●st which he could have willingly quenched with wate● but they gave Him vineger and gal to drink no wonder he was thirsty being now spent with his bloudy swear and Agony in the Garden being tossed and toiled all night scourged and beaten and burdened with the crosse and such like other exe●●ises Doct. 1. For our abuse of meat and drink and to the end that liberty might be purchased unto us to eat and drink the Sweet with Gods blessing Christ our Lord is put to thirst and not so much as a cup of cold water is furnished unto him but in stead of the common favour of some refreshful drink usually granted even to Malefactors the Father out of justice and his Enemies out of malice Give unto him to drink of vineger mixed with gall 2. Our Lord how great soever his pain was was so patient in his suffering that he would not hasten his owne death by such a drink therefore Having tasted thereof he would not drinke thereby also teaching us that no paine nor misery should make us so impatient as to do any thing which may shorten our life Ver. 35. And they crucified him and parted his garments casting lots that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Prophet They parted my Garments among them and upon my vesture did they cast lots Our Lords Enemies go on to fulfil their malice mean-time they do nothing but what was agreed upon in the counsel of God and was foretold in the Scripture Doct. 1. No other death could satisfie mens cruel malice or Gods justice or was fit to deliver us from the curse of the Law due to us except the cursed death of the crosse therefore they crucified him 2. Though the death of the crosse had in it shame abundant above all other sorts of death yet for satisfaction of justice for expiation of our abuse of apparell and for purchasing unto us not only liberty wi●h Gods blessing to put on comely raiment each man according to his place but also to cover our sinfull nakednesse with righteousnesse and glory our Lord was stript naked and his garments parted in his sight 3. It is necessary in looking upon our Lords suffe●ings that we keep our eye upon the determinate counsell of God and upon the Prophesies and Types foretelling the sufferings of the Messiah that we may be kept from stumbling at the crosse of our Lord for this was done that what was typified in thespoliation of Davids goods might be literally fulfilled in Christ They parted my garments among them Ver. 36. And sitting down they watched him there It was necessary that Jesus being nailed on the crosse should lay down his life and that we should be certified of the compleat payment of our ransome therefore malice on mens part and divine justice and Wisdome on Gods part do provide for a guard to secure the crosse and to be witnesses of the certainty of our Lords suffering Doct. God so disposeth of matters that when his Enemies are doing their worst against him they are doing most for him contrary to their minde therefore it is marked that They who crucified Christ sate down and watched him there Ver. 37. And set up over his head his accusation written THIS IS IESUS THE KING OF THE IEWS It was ordinary to put the cause of mens crucifying over their head upon
for him neither from God nor Man Doct. 1. Satan by what means he can doth drive hard to have men despairing when they are in extremity as here speaking by his instruments he tempteth Christ. 2. Till Christ had ended the worke of redemption all sort of vexations did run together and by course upon him for now unto all the former exercises in body and soul he must hear his prayer unto the father wrested and mocked he must see himself insulted over as a man smitten and plagued of God and as forsaken of God and man Let us see say they if Elias will come to him Ver. 50. Iesus when he had cried again with a loud voice yeilded up the ghost In this close of Christ his suffering learn 1. That the Son of God according to his man-hood verily died and his soul was separate from his body for He yeilded up the ghost 2. He died not by constraint but willingly for of his own accord He yeelded up his Spirit 3. In dying he was conquerour over death for before death could come at him as a weakling which cannot live any longer Christ being so strong as To cry with a loud voice sets upon death and yeeldeth up the ghost Ver. 51. And behold the vail of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottome and the earth did quake and the rocks rent Our Lord being dead as man letteth forth the glory of his God-head more then before in four wonders The first wonder is The vail of the temple or the mid-wal of partition which divided between the Sanctuary and the body of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom wherein Christ gave all men to understand 1. That his death was the fulfilling and the accomplishment of all the Levitical rites and figures of the temple and of all the ceremonies annexed unto it and that now they were to be esteemed as rent and to be done away 2. That now by the Gospel sealed up in his death the way unto heaven was made plain and open 3. That the partition wall between Jew and Gentiles to wit The ceremonial Law which divided them asunder was rent and no more to stand in force The second wonder is The earth did quake wherby the Lord gave men to understand 1. That as he is Lord of heaven which had given testimony unto him by hiding its glory when he is suffering shame so also he is Lord of the earth which now doth tremble before her Lord. 2. That he was to shake the heavens and the Earth by the gospel of his sufferings and of the redemption purchased unto sinners by his sufferings The third wonder is The rocks rent to shew the power of Jesus who could subdue the greatest difficulties and overcome the hardnesse of whatsoever obstinate hearts upon whom he pleaseth to shew his power Ver. 52. And the graves were opened and many bodies of the Saints which slept arose 53. And came out of their graves after his Resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared unto many The fourth wonder is The opening of the graves and the resurrection of many deceased Saints after Christ's resurrection which was done 1. To shew that Christ died and was buried not to remain under the great power of death and the grave but to quicken the dead and to raise them out of their graves and that he neither died nor rose for his own particular but that he might redeem his own from death and give unto them resurrection and life 2. To let us understand that he is the Saviour of all those that believed in him before his Incarnation and were deceased who were to be saved by the Messiah no lesse then of those who believed since and that the former are partakers of the fruit of his death and resurrection no lesse then the later 3. The death of the godly is only a sleep of the body till the morning of the Resurrection come for it is said The bodies of the Saints which slept 4. Resurrection and the rest of the effects of Christ's death and resurrection are benefits only unto the Saints therefore only the bodies of the Saints arose 5. Albeit the great Harvest of Christ's death and resurrection is not to be expected till the day of judgement yet the first fruits of that Harvest are abundantly manifested In that many of the bodies of the Saints arose 6. The resurrection of the Saints dependeth upon the resurrection of Christ who is their Head for He is the first born from the dead The rest who arose unto an immortall life came out of their graves after his resurrection 7. The wonders which our Lord did worke were all able to abide the light and wanted not sufficient witnesses for among the rest these Saints which were raised out of their graves came into Ierusalem and appeared unto many 8. Such as did not believe in Jesus and did not belong unto his election were not worthy to be called to be witnesses of the blessing following upon his death and resurrection it is sufficient that these Saints raised from death did appear to many for they which believe in any measure shall have confirmation abundant that they may believe still more unto them that have it shall be given others are worthy to be despised 9. Albeit a visible Church be very corrupt yet so long as there is a number of true believers in it so long as it hath not gotten a bill of divorcement from God it is to be esteemed of honourably as a Church belonging unto Christ Therefore is Jerusalem here called The holy City Ver. 54. Now when the Centurion and they that were with him watching Iesus saw the earthquake and those things that were done they feared greatly saying Truely this was the Son of God These wonders wanted not their effects for the Captain of the Guard and the Souldiers which were with him were convinced by these wonders that truely Christ was the Son of God Doct. 1. The Lords works as well as his word do the errand for which they are sent for when the wonders were seen the Souldiers were afraid and confessed the Deity of Jesus Christ saying Truly this was the Son of God 2. Profane Souldiers are more easily gained unto Christ then misbelieving Rabbies for we hear thus much of the one but nothing of the other that they were any whit moved 3. Christ's love is such that when sinners are doing him all the dishonour they can he will reveale himselfe unto them and overcome them with free love for here is a Centurion and other Souldiers with him turned Subjects to him and confessours of his Name even when he is hanging dead on the crosse life springeth forth of him to open the eyes of these Souldiers to see his God-head and giveth them courage to confesse it in his deepest humiliation Ver 55. And many women were there beholding afar off which followed Iesus from Galilee ministring unto him
56. Among which was Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Iames and Ioses and the mother of Zebedees children When the Disciples were fled except John It is observed here that many women waited on and were witnesses of Christs Death Doct. 1. It is usuall with the Lord to shew his power and grace most upon the weak and the despised for here he giveth strength and courage to women to attend his sufferings when men had failed 2. Whatsoever grace the Lord bestoweth upon his own it is so bestowed as their weaknesse in themselves doth usually appear also for these women attend But for fear they behold afar off 3. The power of faith in Christ and love to him is such that it will make these that are weakest in the midst of fear and infirmities to spare no travell nor expences but to hazard if need be their life for him Many even women were there who had followed Iesus from Galilee ministring unto him 4. So acceptable unto Christ are the evidences of Believers love that he will subject himselfe to the standing in need thereof and will receive the fruit of their love and cause to register it for the parties honour and others edification as here he causeth to write down that these women ministred unto him of their means followed him out of Galilee and attended on him at his death The name of some of whom he causeth to be set down to let us see that none of them nor such as they are forgotten Ver. 57. When the even was come there came a rich man of Arimathea named Ioseph who also himself was Iesus disciple 58. he went to Pilate and begged the body of Iesus then Pilate commanded the body to be delivered 59. And when Ioseph had taken the body he wrapped it in a clean linnen cloth 60. And laid it in his own tomb which he had hewn out in the Rock and he rolled a great stone to the door of the Sepulchre and departed 61. And there was Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sitting over against the Sepulchre The manner of our Lords buriall is set down to verse 61. and the securing of the buriall place by the adversa●ies to the end Our Lord being dead it was expedient that he should be buried 1. That the type of Jonah and other figures in Scripture should be fulfilled 2. That the truth of his death might be known 3. That his buriall might be as a step lower in humiliation so also a mid passage unto a more glorious resurrection 4. That he might sanctifie our burials and by following death as it were to its den make a way through the grave unto our resurrection and full victory over death and the grave Doct. 1. When shame and sufferings are ended some degrees of glory do begin as God provideth here for an honourable buriall unto Christ after the shame of the crosse is past 2. Grace maketh no difference of rich or poor but sanctifieth riches and poverty to his own for Ioseph of Arimathea is a rich man and a Disciple of Iesus also 3. Love to Christ feareth no inconveniences neither thinketh shame of any service unto Christ for Ioseph goeth boldly unto Pilate and professeth it a favour to have liberty to take care of Christs crucified body 4. Christ both in life and death was a friend to magistracy he will have justice satisfied and order kept in his taking down from the crosse no lesse then in his crucifying he will be taken down at Pilates command 5. God provided for Christs buriall so as it should be known that he verily arose for he is put in A new Tombe hewen out of a rock wherein never man did lie before him 6. As persons are more zealous for Christ so are they more particularly taken notice of by God Therefore these women which did attend him so carefully are specially spoken of 7. Love will never shed with Christ in what condition soever he be and will bestow on him what it may as these holy women do bestow looks upon the place he is put into when they can do no more Vers. 62. Now the next day that followed the day of the preparation the chiefe Priests and Pharisees came together unto Pilate 63. Saying Sir we remember that that deceiver said while he was yet alive After three dayes I will rise again 64. Command therfore that the sepulchre be made sure untill the third day left his disciples come by night and steal him away and say unto the people He is risen from the dead so the last errour shal bee worse then the first 65. Pilate said unto them Ye have a watch go your way make it as sure as ye can 66. So they went and made the sepulchre sure sealing a stone and setting a watch To make the matter of our Lords buriall and resurrection yet more cleare Divine providence makes use of the adversaries malice they think to keep Christ under and to provide against his resurrection by setting a guard about the Sepolchre and sealing of the stone Doct. 1. Christs enemies are vexed about him how to suppresse him as here is to be seen while he is alive and while he is dead they can never be secure enough for fear he shall overcome them when they have him dead they know not how to make the sepulcher sure 2. They make of his words and of his servants words as best serveth their purpose for when hee told them that though they destroyed the Temple of his body yet hee would raise it again the third day they passed by his meaning and made it a matter of his ditty and now they take up his meaning and make advantage of it against him 3. When Christ and his cause is brought low every wicked man wil speak as he pleaseth as here they call the God of truth A deceiv●r 4. Hypocrites do respect religion only for their own ends and as it may serve their turn They pretended to have great respect to the sabbath that they may have Christ shortly out of the way and now they stand not to pollute the sabbath by making a business to secure his sepulchre 5. Magistrates are in a dangerous condition when the rulers of the church are enemies to Christ they will ever be insnaring them in some one thing or other against Christ as here Pilat is used 6. He that sets not God before his eyes but is given to please men will prove a slave to every mans affection such a man is Pilat who granteth whatsoever Christs enemies doe require 7. Whatsoever power of craftinesse can work for obscuring of Christs glory his enemies will go about it carefully albeit with ill successe as here They seal the grave-stone and set a watch thinking to keep Christ fast in the tomb CHAP. XXVIII In this chapter Christs resurrection is declared by Angels to vers 9. By Christ himself ver 11. by the watch to the priests who do corrupt the watch and make them to
the Damned are brought in giving unto Christ as pleading for themselves learn 1. That the wicked do conceive they have such excuses as will bear them out at the great day but which will faile them altogether Therefore When saw we thee c. say they 2. If omission of duties shal be a sufficient ditty unto condemnation how great shall the ditty be when all commissions shall be joyned with all omissions and all sorts of sins shall be joyned together for here is their ditty In as much as ye did it not to one c. 3. Misregarding of Christ's servants and children in their need of our help shall be interpreted a mis-regarding of Christ for so importeth Ye did it not to me 4. The sentence of absolution shall be executed as it is pronounced and so shall the sentence of condemnation also Everlasting life shall be the portion of the godly and everlasting punishment the portion of the ungodly for They shall go away c. but the righteous into life CHAP. VI. Christ forewarneth his Disciples of the manner of his death to be within three dayes which accordingly was fulfilled for his enemies resolve to kill him before the feast day verse 5. And Christ giveth warning again of his death and buriall in Simons house by occasion of oyntment poured on him verse 13. Then Judas selleth him to the Priests verse 16. But Christ before he was apprehended celebrateth the Passeover and instituteth the Sacrament of his Supper that night he was betrayed and forewarneth his Disciples of his being betrayed that same night verse 36. After which he goeth to the garden and endureth horrible agonies in his soule verse 46. Being apprehended he endureth hard things of the Priests and Elders and is condemned in Caiaphas hall where Peter having denied him is raised up again by repentance Ver. 1. ANd it came to passe when Iesus ha● finished all these sayings he said unto his Disciples 2. Ye know that after two dayes is the feast of the Passeover and the Son of man is betrayed to be cru●ified AFter Christ hath taught his Disciples what was fit to be told them in answer to their questions about the time of the day of judgment he telleth them of the time of his passion because that was most necessary Doct. 1. The Lord hideth and sheweth secrets to his people as may best profit them 2. His foretelling the time of his sufferings which his enemies knew not albeit they longed for it sheweth his fore-knowledge of and resolute willingnesse toward the work of redemption for he saith After two dayes the Son of man shall be betrayed Ver. 3. Then assembled together the chiefe Priests and the Scribes and the Elders of the people unto the palace of the high Priest who was called Caiphas 4. And consulted that they might take Iesus by subtilty and kill him 5. But they said Not on the feast day lest there be an uproar among the people In this wicked assembly decreeing to kill Christ Lehrn 1. That councels may erre and such as have the title of rulers and elders in the Church may prove enemies to Christ for such is the assembly of the chiefe rulers here 2. Satan laboureth to have and often findeth men of most power in Church and State to be against Christ as here Elders and Scribes 3. The craft and malice and blood-thirstinesse of Christ's enemies is great as here They resolve to take him by subtilty and kill him 4. Wicked men are wise to foresee temporall inconveniences but blinde to foresee the danger of sinning as here Not on the feast day say they lest there be an uproar among the people● but no fear of God is in their heart to kill the Innocent 5. When the people are zealous for Christ it muzleth the mouthes of bloody dogs as here Lest there be an uproar say they among the people Therefore these wicked men preveened the feast day Ver. 6. Now when Iesus was in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper 7. There came unto him a woman having an alabaster box of very precious oyntment and poured it on his head as he sat at meat There is a remarkable passage of anointing of Christ unto his buriall observed here In which history learn 1. That in little Bethany as well as in great Jerusalem God hath his own as here Simon and this woman 2. The man who is sensible of his cleansing by Christ will love him all his life long after as Simon the leper here receiveth entertaineth Christ and his Disciples 3. When our by-past infirmities may glorifie Christ it is no shame to bear the memorials thereof for here the Evangelist calleth him Simon the leper though now whole 4. Love spares no cost where love is hot there nothing is dear as is to be seen in this woman who breaks an alabaster box of very precious ointment and pours it out upon Christ. Ver. 8. But when his Disciples saw it they had indignation saying To what purpose is this waste 9. For this ointment might have been sold for much and given to the poor 10. When Iesus understood it he said unto them Why trouble ye the woman for she hath wrought a good work upon me 11. For ye have the poor alwayes with you but me ye have not alwayes Judas bearing the bag was offended that this ointment was not sold and put in his custody and moveth the rest to mislike the waste as he calleth it Doct. 1. One murmurer may infect a whole company one Judas doth insnare in his fault other disciples Therefore it is said When his Disciples saw it they had indignation ● 2. When men look after the manner of the world upon Christ they account all to be losse that is bestowed on him To what purpose is this waste say they 3. Avarice wants not faire pretences as here It might have been sold for much and given to the poore say they 4. Good mens best actions may be misconstrued even by Christs own disciples as here may be seen 5. It is no small trouble to the godly to find their good works mis-interpreted especially by the godly Therfore saith Christ Why trouble ye the woman 6. Albeit men mis-interpret good works yet Christ will judge aright of them and take part with his owne and defend them as here is seen She hath wrought a good work saith he 7. Such good works as offer themselves rarely and will not readily occur again should not be neglected but instantly be followed and preferred to other good works whereof more frequent occasion is offered as here The poore you have alwaies with you saith he Ver. 12. For in that she hath poured this ointment on my body she did it for my buriall 13. Verily I say unto you Whersoever this Gospel shal be preached in the whole world there shall also this that this woman hath done be told for a memoriall of her This holy woman foresaw his death and doth the last duty