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A33301 A collection of the lives of ten eminent divines famous in their generations for learning, prudence, piety, and painfulness in the work of the ministry : whereunto is added the life of Gustavus Ericson, King of Sueden, who first reformed religion in that kingdome, and of some other eminent Christians / by Sa. Clarke ... Clarke, Samuel, 1599-1682. 1662 (1662) Wing C4506; ESTC R13987 317,746 561

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36. that then every man shall be judged Jude 15. and every secret thing shall be brought to light Rom. 2. 16. and that the judgement will be most just and so confessed by all Rom. 2. 5 6. why then should I fear the last Judgement seeing he shall be my Judge who is my Brother Advocate and Redeemer He that was willingly judged for me will give no hard sentence against me yea he hath already absolved me from my sins and given me the earnest of his Spirit and the seal of the Sacraments and I have judged my self that I may not be condemned with the world 1 Cor. 11. 32. I do beleeve that the glory of Heaven is unspeakable and incomprehensible by us here on earth 1 Cor. 2. 9. that is it eternal Matth. 25. 45. and that it is the gift of God proceeding onely from his free Grace not our merit Luke 12. 32. his free gift bestowed onely upon the Elect Rev. 21. 27. O that I could by the effectualness of contemplation behold the greatness of this felicity which is provided for me yet as I can conceive it I cannot choose but long to be absent from hence that I may be present with the Lord 2 Cor. 5. 8. whos 's admirable beauty I shall clearly see and know as I am known and that with a perfection both of holiness and happiness such holiness as will not onely free me from all sin but from all possibility of sinning such happiness as that ceasing from all labour and sorrow I shall enjoy an eternal Sabbath and shall be free to all the treasures of Heaven and with the fruition of Gods glorious presence shall enjoy the sweet society of all the glorified Saints and Angels And all this as it is unuterable so it is unalterable For as I cannot be disappointed of it because it is certain so I cannot be deprived of it because it is eternal How then should the hope of the future life but swallow up the afflictions of the life present and why should I fear Death when being dead I shall be so blessed Yet was not her Faith elevated so high but that she could readily apply it to promises of an inferiour degree For as she trusted in God at all times as David teacheth Psal. 62. 8. so did she in all things whether temporal or eternal In straits and difficulties for the affairs of this life she had that ready at hand Commit thy way unto the Lord trust also in him and he shall bring it to pass Psal. 37. 5. If at any time she was sinisterly censured by any one her faith applied that promise to her heart He shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light and thy judgement as the noon day Psal. 35. 6. And whatsoever it were that came upon her as a cross her faith was either as a wreathe betwixt her shoulders and it that it did not pinch her or a remover of it from her self to him who was best able to bear it by vertue of that Warrant Psal. 55. 22. Cast thy burthen upon the Lord and he shall sustain thee and that done her faith which teacheth to keep an eaven pace with the promises not making haste Isa. 28. 16. by anticipating the time of accomplishment taught her soul to wait upon God as Davids did Psal. 62. 1. to effect his own work at his own time in his own way and manner wherein she would not prescribe any thing at all By this daily exercise of her Faith she gained a great deal of freedome and lightsomness of spirit which admirably appeared in her deportment upon great disappointments of that which was her own due and unexpected payments unto others when she hath seen no way of supply for the present occasions she hath believed that Gods providence would effect what her forecast could not when she was not wanting in the use of means and that he could furnish her with that which should be sufficient albeit for the present she saw not how nor by what means it would come to pass and therefore when she had done what belonged to her duty in the affiance of her Faith she rested quiet and remained cheerful and slept neither the less nor the worse for it and that which confirmed her confidence the more was that she still found by experience that God was most worthy to be trusted That her Faith was as good as it was great appeared by the effect of it in her Devotion and Piety which was suitable to her knowledge of God and her faith in him by both which as she had a clear apprehension of him so none had more dear and devout affections to him or more assured signs of such than she as appeared in these particulars She was frequently and fervently conversant with God besides the publick in her private supplications and therein was he most favourably familiar with her for he sent forth his Spirit into her heart whereby she cried Abba Father Gal 4. 6. The Spirit of Grace and Supplication Zach. 12. 10. which enabled her in an extraordinary manner and measure to pour out her soul into his bosome and though she duely esteemed of the solemn prayers of the sacred Assemblies whereof a learned and pious Divine said that never any one prayed well privately who contemned or neglected the publick prayers of the Church and never sleighted or censured set forms of Prayer yet could she and that excellently well conceive Prayer and vary her Petitions as the present occasion did require Yea in this Devotion she was so abundant in apt and pertinent expressions that indeed it was admirable that one so silent in her common conversation with the world should be so fluent and eloquent in her entercourse with God Nor was she more copious in speech than fervent in spirit For such was her holy violence in Prayer as that she seemed not to knock at Heaven Gate for another to open it but to make a battery upon it her self and to break in by the powerful importunity of her supplications Her service also of God in this kinde was no dry Devotion but steeped and drenched in showres of tears and though her prudence used as much privacy as might be herein yet such a singular gift could not be hid from her servants and some secret female friends who sometimes when they were sick or possessed with fears or pains of child-birth they would move her with importunity to pray with them and when she yeelded to them and God to her by answering her request they were apt as there was cause to impute the good effect to her fervent supplications A female friend of hers who was her bed-fellow in London for many weeks together and thereby was a partaker of her daily Devotions professed that she was so plentifully furnished for utterance of her requests to God that she never wanted variety of meet words to be presented unto him but when a surcharge of sighs and
yet will I trust in him I will wait and hearken to him when I say he is thus far proceeded Satan may now go shake his ears and receive his answer Its God that justifies who shall condemn Oh! Hell where is thy power Oh! Death Oh! Devil what is thy Commission It s not my meaning to prescribe to God any one way of working but this is the way he often takes with his children and this we may finde exemplified in this foregoing Narrative touching the conversion and procedure of this Saint so far as she hath commented upon her own life Now for her death I will tell thee wh●t my observations were thereabout 1. I finde that God began with her quickly and called her hence before she was aged and that is mostly his method where an early harvest is intended a timely seeds-time is promised they live quickly and live apace who ripen betimes so was it with her who was seldome out of action after her entrance but gained as much time in so little a time as any I knew 2. I observe that death came not all at once upon her she was yearly dying some years before she dyed her last and thus death was made familiar to her I have seldome known any of her age that was less amazed at the speech and thoughts of death so good a thing it is to know experimentally what it is to dye beforehand 3. Observe how Gods power triumphs in weakest vessels It is a thing I have often thought on that godly women for the most part dye more confidently and comfortably than do good men the Lord trampling upon Satan in them and in her very eminently 4. Her patience was remarkable in the midst of sore pains which frequented her in the beeding and bearing of children yet then her speech was I fear not pains I fear my self lest through impatiency I should let fall any unfitting word It is a blessed frame when pain seems light and sin heavy 5. I plainly saw in her the power of Grace beyond nature 1. When life and death were both laid before her her speech was this I am at my Fathers disposal howbeit of my self I rather incline to death than life 2. Whereas her affections were very strong both to her loving Husband and children insomuch as it was conceived that the last farewell would go very near her when she should part with so precious and dear Friends she was so much taken up with the thoughts of Christ that she seemed not to stick at any such relations Nay thirdly she seemed wholly to forget her natural self for being intreated to favour her body and speech in regard of the lowness of her spirits after some pause she brake forth into these words Shall I for this poor carkass be wanting to my souls comfo●t and my Saviours praises Let me have your prayers still and God his praises yea pray not onely for but with me Which being done she overflowed with comfort and in that condition I left her and that stream of comfort led her not long after to the Fountain where are Rivers of joy for evermore Thus lived she a most profitable life Thus dyed she a most fruitfull death God so turned this his servant that living dying and after death she should be fruitfull Thus will God honour those that honour him To him be all honour to Eternity Amen Now it may be usefull to make mention of her last sickness especially eight weeks before her death All her discourses were savoury tending to edification Many good Christians came to visit her who all if it were not their own fault might reap some spiritual benefit from those many excellent speeches which proceeded out of her mouth And the counsels she gave to her Relations and other friends were tempered with gravity and affection She accustomed not her self to affectation of high-flown phrases but held fast the form of sound words She was an old Disciple and her grave and sober language accordingly discovered her so to be From the very first of her last sickness her apprehension was that she should dye shortly and her longing desire was to be dissolved and to be with Christ. She often repeated those words of Job There the weary go to rest and those words in the close of the Revelations Come Lord Jesus come quickly upon the approach of her death whereof she was very sensible she asked her Husband what Promises of assurance were a firm ground for her to bottome upon He named Joh. 10. 28. And I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand Likewise he added Rom. 8. 33. 34. Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect It is God that justifieth who is he that condemneth It is Christ that dyed yea rather that is risen again who is ever at the right hand of God who also maketh intercession for us He added vers 38 39. For I am perswaded that neither Death nor Life nor Angels nor Principalities nor Powers nor things present nor ●●ings to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. These said she are sweet promises That morning she dyed she desired her Husband to read the 17 Chapter of John which Chapter that eminent holy Scotchman Mr. Rollock caused to be read to him when he was dying after that was read she was ravished with great joy and expressed her self accordingly Her Husband and two other Friends prayed with her After the last Prayer was ended she said My flesh and my heart faileth Her Husband answered her That God was the strength of her heart and her portion for ever He would never fail her She returned an answer which were the last words which ever she spoke to him He will never fail me About an hour after she resigned up her spirit unto God who gave it and her last words were I have finished my course She slept in Jesus December the 8 Anno Christi 1654. To her to live was Christ and to dye was gain She lived much desired and dyed much lamented Her name is like precious Oyntment powred forth She lived holily and dyed comfortably and now partakes of those joyes which eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither can enter into the heart of man to conceive even those things which God hath prepared for them that love him Divers Epitaphs were made at the Death of this rare Gentlewoman I shall onely insert two which were made by two Reverend and Learned Doctors On the Death of that worthy Gentlewoman Mrs. ELIZABETH WILKINSON E-re while Dear Consort I was leas'd to thee Wise now to Christ for perpetuity L-iving with thee was sweet with him far best I-n earth joy 's mixt with pain in him all rest I-wrought I suffer'd much in a few years L-ife now rewards
leave a sweet savour and relish upon their spirits and whole converse To give you a true and full Character of his whole deportment in few words He was a good and a faithfull Steward in his Masters house alwayes abounding in the work of the Lord a Pillar in the house of his God never weary of his Lords work but best pleased when he had done most service His conversation was immaculate and unblameable His behaviour uniform and universally pious He was grave without austerity pleasant without levity Courteous without dissembling Free in discourse where he might profit yet reserved where he saw cause He was seldom the first speaker although he was best able to speak He loved usefull discourse but abhorred froth and babling He was witty without vanity facetious without girding or grieving of others He knew his place yet was not insolent Resolute he was but not wilfull He maintained his authority but was not haughty A great Master he was of his own Passions and Affections and thereby abundantly furnished with the more abilities and embellishments that most attract and maintain the dearest love the deepest reverence and highest respect He was a great admirer of Learning and Piety in others though they were far below himself in both His affections were above though he were below He conversed more with Heaven than with earth while he remained on it and is now a Crown of Glory in the hand of the Lord and a Royall Diadem in the hand of his God as being an ornament unto Heaven it self He lived in the world seventy five years within one moneth in which long race he saw many sad changes and sore storms beating hard upon the Church tossed with tempests and not yet at Anchor But never was David more distressed for his dearest Jonathan than this man of Bowels was for the calamities of the dear Spouse of Christ. He was most incessantly inquisitive after the Churches estate in all Countries A sad lamenter of all her afflictions A daily Orator and mighty Advocate for her at the Throne of Grace and never enjoyed himself but when he descried her under sail towards some Creek or Haven wherein she might find comfort and rest being much in Prayer and Fasting for her full reformation and perfect deliverance Some good hopes whereof he conceived in the prosperous atchievements of the Great Gustavus Adolphus late King of Sweden semper Augustus But when he by the sad and unsearchable providence of the only wise God suddenly and untimely fell in the full carier of his victories and of the Churches hopes and that the Christian world was by his fall hurled from the height of so great expectation he continually mourned over the unhappy setting of that glorious Northern Starre as a sad presage of all the inundations of miseries since befallen and that still are rising higher and higher upon the Church of Christ the quick and deep sence whereof lay close upon his heart to his dying day Neither was he without his sufferings and dangers in our uncivil Civil Wars He was affronted by rude Ruffians and bloody minded Souldiers who tyranized over him in his own house not permitting him quietly to enjoy himself and his God in his private study to which he often retired not only from their insolencies but from their Blasphemies Even thither would they pursue him with drawn swords vowing his instant Death for not complying with them in their bloody engagements Yet it pleased that gracious God whom he had so faithfully served to preserve him for further service and to make that an hiding place for his preservation which they intended for his slaughter house and after all to bring him to his end in peace When he had faithfully served his Generation by the will of God in the Gospel of his Son for above forty seven years he was gathered to his Fathers in a good old Age full of Days and Honour by a blessed and happy Death the certain result of an holy life Decemb. 25. Anno Christi 1649. the day formerly used for celebrating the Nativity of his great Lord and Master the Lord Jesus Christ. The last Testimony of the Peoples great love to him must not be forgotten by any that desire to preserve his precious memory in their hearts with honour This amply appeared by their great lamentation and mourning for him in his sickness and at his Death and sad Exequies His Funeral was extraordinarily celebrated not only by the voluntary confluence of the greatest number of people that ever crouded into the spacious Fabrick of that Church and by many hundreds more there assembled about the door which were unable to get in But by multitudes of Gentlemen and Ministers all striving to out-mourn each other standing about his Hearse with tears recounting his excellent Labors his fruitfull Life their great profiting by him as sometimes the widows about Peter weeping and shewing the coats and garments which Dorcas made while she was with them every one aggravating their griefs and losses in his gain and striving who should honour him most in bearing his Body to the bed of Rest. The Testimony given him at his Interment by him who performed that last office of love with many tears and which he knowingly spake from his long and intimate acquaintance and conversing with him almost forty years together take with you for a close in that Ministers own words out of the Pulpit Although said he Funeral Orations are commonly either the vain flourishes of mercinary tongues or the weak supports of an emendicated fame and since good mens works shall praise them in the gates it is but to light a candle to the Sun and since bad mens works cannot be covered with so thin a daub It is but to paint arotten Post. Yet some Testimony is due to such as having obtained a more eminent place in Christs mystical Body the Church have also been instruments of more than ordinary good to his Members Samuel died a Judge a Prophet a Great man a Good man in Israel and all the Israelites were gathered together to honour his Obsequies and lamented him and buried him 1 Sam. 25. 1. To say nothing then of so rich a Cargazoon so full a Magazine so rare a subject of all commendable qualities and admirable endowments were a frustrating of your eager expectations To say little were a wrong to him that deserved so much to say much were both a derogation from his merits that may challenge and an imputation upon your Judgements and affections that will acknowledg more due than I can now deliver Nevertheless since the memorial of the Just is a sweet perfume give me leave to strew a few of his own flowers upon his Herse and I will discharge your Patience His holy Life and consciencious courses his constant Labors thrice a week in the Ministery of the Gospel unless in times of sickness or necessitated restraint for the space of
forty seven years wherein he could give an account of above seven thousand elaborate Sermons preached by him are so well known not only in this or the neighbour Parishes but through the whole County and the Country round about that I need not mention them Few men ever ran so long a Race without cessation or cespitation so constantly so unweariedly so unblamably All which time he was a burning and a shining light joyfully spending and being spent for the good of Gods people Many many of whom he hath guided to Heaven before him who received the beginnings of spiritual life from his Ministry and many more shall walk in that light after him And from his splendent Lamp divers faithfull Ministers some Triumphant before him some Militant after him have lighted their Candles His Tuesdays Lecture being more profitable to teach usefull Divinity than an Academy whereby he did not only Dolare lapides sed artifices Two things rarely met in one man were both eminent in him A quick invention and a sound judgement and these accompanied with a clear expression and a gracefull elocution To which Integrity and Humility being joyned made him a transcendent Minister and a compleat Christian. In his sickness full of biting pains which he bore with great Patience it was his greatest grief that God had taken him off from his labour which was his life and joy His heavenly mind like the heavenly bodies counted his work no weariness If he were weary in work he was yet never weary of work His spirit was still willing when the flesh was weak And he often used to say in his health Si per hanc viam mors sum immortalis and in his weakness Odi artus fragilemque hunc corporis usum desertorem animi And when he saw no more ability for labors he accounted it superfluous to live and chearfully not only yielded but patiently desired to die in a satiety and fulness of life not as meat loathed as many times natural men do but as a dish though well liked that he had fed his full of He had his intellectuals strong in a weak body witness his last Swan-like song in this place the sweet Doctrine of our Adoption in Jesus Christ on Rom. 8. 16. so far he had gone in that Chapter most clearly and acuratly delivered and aptly distinguished from Justification and sanctification yet that day October 16. going to Church and sensible of his own weakness he said to a dear Friend who told him that he came to see and hear him perhaps it may be my last as to all our loss it was indeed And as if his motion in Gods work had been natural he was more quick more vigorous toward his Center and like the Sun shewed his greatest light when he was nearest his setting His last Ministerial duty privately done in great weakness of Body unable to go to the Church was the Baptizing of two children wherein he streamed such beames of Divinity sounded such bowels of Humanity shewed such sweetness of affection to his charge that I seriously wished his whole Congregation had heard him in this departing farewell And being told how well it was approved he replyed with tears in great humility Lord what am I What am I To diverse of his loving Neighbours visiting him he often protested that Doctrine that he had taught them was the truth of God as he should answer at the Tribunal of Christ whereunto he was hasting exhorting them to stand fast therein as he most affectionately prayed for them professing of them with joy I have kind friends kind neighbours Lord reward them all and grant they may find mercy with him in that day His desire was to give to his Neighbours if enough could have been had his Printed Catechism which to my knowledge hath had the approbation and commendation of the profoundest and accutest Judgements in both Universities and well it might being a compleat Body of Orthodox Divinity and to have this assertion of the Apostle Peter written before it Exhorting and testifying that this is the true Grace of God wherein ye stand and to subscribe his name to it After he had in himself received the sentence of death approaching which he chearfully did when he saw no more likelihood of Labour he desired his Friends not to pray for his life but pray God said he for Faith for Patience for Repentance for joy in the Holy Ghost and the Lord heard him in that he desired for he was a rare pattern in all these as amongst many others these gracious words of his may witness Lord said he cast me down as low as Hell in Repentance and lift me up by faith to the highest Heavens in confidence of thy salvation I wish our proud presumptuous impenitentiaries had heard him crying for Repentance and seen him weeping for Grace It might perhaps have melted their stony hearts As he was full of days so was he full of grace full of peace full of assurance The Tuesday before he departed This day seven night said he is the day on which we have used to remember Christs Nativity and on which day I have preached Christ I shall scarce live to see it but For me was that Child born unto me was that Son given who is Wonderfull Councellor the Mighty God the everlasting Father the Prince of peace And no less full was he of true Honour for his worth and work sake in the hearts of all that feared God his memory shall be blessed and his name a sweet perfume to posterity when the names of his reproachfull scorners the last brood of Beelzebub shall rot and stink and be an abhorring to all slesh He is now come to the end of his labour and the beginning of his rest His work was with his God and his reward shall be from his God Now he sees the blessed and blessing face of God which is the glory of all sights and the sight of all glory Thus set this bright Occidental Star A Star of the first Magnitude One of the first and I dare say without envy of any that knew him and that knows himself one of the most glorious Lights that ever shone in this Orb or ever is like to arise in this Horizon O! how is such a publick loss to be lamented Of such a Champion of Christ Such an Atlas of the Truth that set his shoulders to support the shaken pillars thereof in these days of abounding and abetted errours Well may this Parish mourn well may this Country well may his Friends his Family well may we of the Ministry bewail it saying O my Father my Father the Chariots of Israel and the Horsemen thereof Ah my Brother my Brother I am distressed for thee very pleasant hast thou been unto me Lovely and gracious in Life lovely and glorious in Death Heu tua nobis Morte simul tecum solatia rapta I end in one word of Exhortation You that have heard the joyfull sound of this
University being a means to set up Lectures in many of them and very often assisting in them and as our Savior is observed by some Divines to have preached more frequently the nearer he was to his departure so this his faithful servant as it were presaging that his day would be but short towards his evening he made the more haste and speed in his journy towards his end and yet more abounded in this work of the Lord and now findes That his labour is not in vain in the Lord 1 Cor. 15. 58. Thus of him as a Minister And lastly as he was a Christian he was active for God as his Saviour Act. 10. 38. Going up and down and doing good and though otherwise modest yet when the case required it bold in a good cause He was spiritual in communion and a quickner of those with whom he conversed Fruitful in discourse by which the frame of his spirit might easily be discovered Frequent in asking questions which was both his humility and Christian good husbandry thereby to improve himselfe his time and company Affable he was to others of much humility and low thoughts of himself and of great integrity and singleness of heart towards God his Truth Ordinances wayes and servants of a very publick spirit and much affected with the various conditions of the State but especially of the Church and people of God He was a most loving Husband to his wife and a dutiful son to his Parents and in his life time very helpful to his other Relations Many poor both of the University and Town do now feel the want of his bounty which they tasted of in his life time and both they and others had done more at his death as appeared by his intentions of it in the draught of his Will had not the suddenness of his change prevented it In a long continued Quartan God had knocked at his door which in the interim of his recovery awakened him to get all within ready against the coming of his Lord which though to his friends was unexpected yet found not him unprepared In his short sickness he expressed to an intimate Friend his great comfort and joy in Gods discriminating electing-love and to a Reverend Doctor about half an hour before his departure who enquired of him about the setling of his outward estate and inward peace he readily and without the least hesitancy answered that thro●gh the mercy of God in Christ his peace was made and that he quietly rested in it whereby it seems as was said by one he had his Faith at his fingers ends and having before given all diligence to make his calling and election sure though he was somewhat suddenly called out of this life yet had he an abundant entrance set open to him into the everlasting Kingdome of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ departing quietly in the Lord Decem. 18. 1653. As to himself he had lived a fruitful and gracious life and therefore as Clemens Romanus speaks of some of the first and best Bishops he closed up all with a happy and blessed death and as to others he lived approved and dyed desired and very much lamented He was a great Friend to the publication of the lives of godly and eminent Ministers and Christians and assisting to me in procuring information concerning the Lives of some of those Worthies whom I have formerly printed Dr. WILLIAM GOUGE The Life and Death of Dr. Gouge who dyed Anno Christi 1653. WIlliam Gouge was born in Stratford-Bow in the County of Middlesex Novem. 1. Anno 1575. His Father Mr. Thomas Gouge was a godly Gentleman His Mother was the vertuous and pious Daughter of Mr. Nicholas Culverel a Merchant in London and she was sister to those two famous Preachers Mr. Samuel and Mr. Ezekiel Culverel she had also two sisters who were married to those two famous and learned Divines Dr. Chaderton the Master of Emanuel College in Cambridge and Dr. Whitaker the Regius Professor of Divinity in the same University so that by the Mothers side he came of a stock of eminent Preachers Our William Gouge in his younger years was first trained up in Pauls School London and was afterwards sent to a Free-school at Felsted in Essex where he was trained up three years under the publick Ministry of his Uncle Mr. Ezekiel Culverel by whose labours he was much wrought upon and if not first begotten yet much built up in his holy Faith as himself often expressed From thence he was sent to Eaton where he was educated other six years during all which time he was more than ordinarily studious and industrious for when other boyes upon play-dayes took liverty for their sports and pastimes he would be at his book wherein he took more delight than others could finde in their Recreations whereby he profited beyond many his equals At this time whilst he was a Schollar at Eaton he was possessed with an holy fear of God was conscionable in secret prayer and in sanctifying the Sabbaths and was much grieved at the ordinary prophanation thereof by sports and pastimes which were then and there too much allowed as he did oft-times in his life with much thankfulness unto God express From the School at Eaton he was chosen to Kings College in Cambridge whither he went Anno Christi 1595. and at the first entrance of his studies he applied himself to P. Ramus his Logick and grew so expert therein that in the publick Schools he maintained and defended him insomuch as when on a time divers Sophisters set themselves to vilifie Ramus for which end the Respondent had given this question Nunquam erit magnus cui Ramus est magnus which some of the Sophisters hearing and knowing the said William Gouge to be an accute disputant and a stiff defender of Ramus they went to the Divinity Schools where he was then hearing an Act and told him how in the other Schools they were abusing Ramus he thereupon went into the Sophisters Schooles and upon the Moderators calling for another Opponent he stepped up and brought such an argument as stumbled the Respondent whereupon the Moderator took upon him to answer it but could not satisfie the doubt This occasioned a Sophister that stood by to say with a loud voice Do you come to vilifie Ramus and cannot answer the Argument of a Ramist Whereupon the Moderator rose up and gave him a box on the ear then the School was all on an uproar but the said William Gouge was safely conveyed out from amongst them When he was Senior Sophister he was chosen Moderator of the Sophisters Acts in the publick Schools which was a place of great credit and he began every Act with a solemn speech in Latine which was not usual in those dayes and it added much grace to the Act. The said William Gouge took his degrees in order performing for every one of them all those
the rest of the Chapter all those places the Lord often made a stay unto my soul And afterwards the Lord so blessed one means or other unto me insomuch as I was kept from sinking and falling into such horrour as many of the people of God sometimes fell into But yet my fears and doubts were so many as that my comfort never lasted long If the Lord did but hide his face I was troubled No longer could I beleeve then I found new strength given in that the Lord would ever have mercy upon my soul. The sense of Original sin and Actual transgressions in their filthiness and guiltiness caused my fears yet to remain upon my spirit my faith then seemed very small if I had any which I much questioned I durst not then say Lord encrease my faith but I could cry earnestly Lord work faith in me I found much dulness and deadness manifold distractions in duties so that God might justly have withdrawn himself from me for ever yet notwithstanding all my uneven walking with God he was graciously pleased to manifest his mercy unto my soul. When I was stricken with such weaknesses as I apprehended might quickly have ended my life I fell into a great fear At the first finding my heart to sink the Lord was pleased to g●ive me so much respite as to pour out my soul before him desiring strength and support from him to keep up my spirit and to make me willing to submit to his dispensations and the Lord graciously answered my prayers in that he removed all my former doubtings and fears all the time of that sickness which was long and so dangerous that neither I nor others expected my life The Lord then cleared up my evidences for Heaven and gave me in so much comfort against the apprehension of death as I never had in all my life before Other like trials of the Lords love I found still when I was in the greatest extremity and stood most in need of help from him insomuch as at such times I have hoped that I should never again have questioned the love of God to my soul But I have found it otherwise by sad experience For when these impressions were worn of I have been ready to call all in question again concerning my poor soul. It made me oft to think of that which was laid to Solomons charge that he forgat the Lord that had appeared to him twice I found it the hardest thing to believe that ever I went about But this wavering condition could not satisfie my soul for the Lord giving me sometimes a glimpse of his love made me long after fuller enjoyments of it so that I was carried out with a restless impatience to beg that the Lord would take away the heart of unbelief from me which did both dishonour him and hinder me from that peace which the Lord was willing that his people should enjoy My heart then being brought unto that frame I was more willing than ever I was before to impart my condition unto some spiritual Friends whom I desired to deal impartially with me acquainting them with the whole condition of my soul how far the Lord had carried me on and at what I stuck and still as new objections did arise I laboured to get satisfaction Being convinced that I had too much prejudiced my self in that I had not sooner made my condition known to some who were able to give me advice This way of communicating my condition I found the Lord blessed unto my soul insomuch that my hopes were more confirmed my fears more removed my faith more strengthned and by the hearing of such Sermons and reading such Books as came closest unto the conscience and were most for trial of ones spiritual condition I found the greatest benefit by and received the most comfort from them Formerly I had many fears that I was not one of them who had an interest in the Election of Grace But the Lord afterwards put into my heart to enquire whether I had those Graces of his Spirit wrought in me which none but his own elect people could have Upon the strictest searching into mine own heart the Lord was pleased after many years of fear at last to evidence unto my soul that there was a change wrought in my heart will and affections notwithstanding the remainders of sin and corruption which still encompassed me about being confident that he that had begun this good work would not leave it unfinished unto the day of Jesus Christ and the Lord was pleased to set home divers Promises for the strengthning of my faith to wit those which set down the Everlasting Covenant 2 Sam. 23. 5. The Everlasting love of God Jer. 31. 3. Joh. 11. 13. The certainty of the Foundation 2 Tim. 2. 19. The certainty of the Promises 2 Cor. 1. 20. They are all in Christ Yea and Amen and that the children of God have eternal life promised unto them and that none shall be ever able to pluck them out of Christs hands Joh. 10. 28. Then for divers years the Lord was pleased to stay me to lead and guide me till he had set my feet upon that Rock which is higher than I from whence I trust that I shall never be removed And now my hearts desire is to ascribe that measure of hope and comfort which the Lord hath given me at any time onely unto the praise of the glory of his Grace who hath made me accepted in his Beloved which is so great a mercy as I can never be thankfull enough for nor walk answerable thereunto I know when I look into my heart there is matter of fear that the Lord will withdraw the influences of his comforts from me But that which I rest upon is the free mercy of God in Christ expecting performance of his Promises made Rom. 6. 16. Sin shall not have dominion over you because you are not under the Law but under Grace And Ezek. 36. 25. that he will sprinkle clean water upon me and that he will give me a new heart and put a new spirit within me that he will take away my stony heart and give me an heart of flesh being perswaded that the Lord will keep me by his own Power through faith unto salvation And now that I may have all the Graces of the Spirit strengthened and encreased in me which I finde that I stand in continual need of It is the desire of my soul to be a partaker of the Lords Supper which through the blood of Christ onely I have right unto This is the particular account of Gods gracious dealing with this godly Gentlewoman considering there was no administration of the Sacrament in that Parochial Congregation where she lived and used formerly to receive it nor any Pastor at all to officiate there she being desirous to enjoy that great Ordinance and that after a pure way of administration sent this aforementioned Narrative
p. 157. l. 11. r. dayes for life p. 233. l. 31. r. knowing for know p. 312. l. 4. r. wrote for wrough● p. 318. l. 25. r. jure human● juris human● p. 342. l. 17. r. bury for b●y l. the last r other for to her p. 315. l. 8. r the restless for restless the p. 369. l. 17. r. Sabboth for Sabbath l. 27. r. Lubeckers for Lubecks p 435. l. 21. r. the so●l for the sould p. 439. l. 7. r. M●t. 6. 3. for M●t. 3. 6. p. 443. l. 11. r. which for when p. 451. l. 15. put in by that l. 24 p●t in he p. 452 l. 13. p●t out used and put in to p. 457. l. 3. put in of p. 468. l. 29. r. you for yours l. 529. l. 11 r. breeding for being Mr. JOHN CARTER The LIFE and DEATH OF Mr. JOHN CARTER Who died Anno Christi 1634. MAster John Carter was born at Wickham in Kent near Canterburie about the year of our Lord 1554. He was descended but of mean Parents yet were they Religious and of good report who not being able to maintain him at the University wholly upon their own charge there was one Mr. Rose a rich man in Canterbury who taking notice of his Piety in those his tender years of his ingenuity studiousness and proficiency in all School-learning even beyond the pitch of a Grammer Scholar and finding him hopefull and likely to prove a precious instrument in the Church of Christ he took him into his care sent him to Cambridge and contributed such sums of money to him from time to time as were needfull He was admitted into Clare-Hall and was Pupil to Dr. Bing a famous Civilian and Master of that House Presently after his first admission into that House he was taken notice of as one of singular Learning and ripeness for his years Amongst the rest that were of his year he had a Theam given him to make upon this Subject Frugalitas virtutum maxima and when the young Students brought in their Theams the Lecturer took and read them and when he came to Carters Theam he stood and paused awhile and at last said before them all Here is the best Theam that ever I read and gave him some money for his encouragement and highly commended his Industry and always after cast a favourable eye upon him and sought opportunities to do him good When Mr. Carter had taken his degrees of Batchelor and Mr. of Arts his Tutor Dr. Bing out of his singular love to him for his Piety and Learning gave him a Chamber in his own Lodgings where he continued a year or two which conduced much to the compleating of him for the work of the Ministry and all the while that he continued a gremial in the lap and bosom of his Mother the University he held constant Meetings with divers of his famous Contemporaries and that every week as with Dr. Chaderton Dr. Andrews afterwards Bishop of Ely Mr. Culverwell Mr. Kewstubs and divers others whom God raised up and fitted to send forth into his Harvest to gather his Corn then ripe for the Sickle into his Barn At their meetings they had constant Exercises first They began with prayer then applied themselvs to the Study of the Scriptures one was for the Original Languages anothers task was for the Grammatical Interpretation anothers for the Logical Analysis anothers for the true sense and meaning of the Text another gathered the Doctrines and thus they carried on their several imployments till at last they went out like Apollos eloquent men and mighty in the Scriptures and the Lord was with them so that they brought in a very great Harvest into Gods Barn Mr. Carter would not run before he was sent though he was so excellently qualified for the work he durst not venter upon the exercise of the holy work of the Ministry till he had not only an inward but an outward call also viz. an assignation approbation and solemn admission by the laying on of the hands of the Presbyterie When he was ordained the Bishop who in those days was primus Presbyter or Praeses seeking to oppose him asked him this Question Have you read the Bible through Yes said he I have read the Old Testament twice through in the Hebrew and the New Testament often through in the Greek and if you please to examine me in any particular place I shall endeavour to give you an account of it Nay said the Bishop if it be so I shall need to say no more to you only some words of Commendation and encouragement he gave him and so with other assistants he Ordained him Anno Christi 1583. the Vicaridge of Bramford in Suffolk near Ipswich fell void and Mr. Rose of Canterbury beforementioned procured the Presentation thereof for Mr. Carter of the Dean and Chapter of Canterburie in whose Gift it was The Salary at first was only twenty Marks per annum but afterwards the Church raised it to twenty pound per annum and that was the most that ever he had there yet he accepted of it and being setled in it he set himself to do the work of Christ faithfully with all his might as a workman that needed not to be ashamed Every Lords day he preached twice very powerfully and Chatechised the younger sort He also preached a Lecture every Thursday to which multitudes from Ipswich and other adjacent places did resort And God gave such success to his Ministry that by his labours many sons and daughters were from time to time begotten unto God Many precious Christians that remain unto this day acknowledge that their Conversion was by Mr. Carters Ministry Before his Sermons he made but a short Prayer and that always in the same words After Sermon he used to be large and full and expressed himself with great variety of phrases and with much fervency and always he concluded with the Lords Prayer He was very diligent in visiting the sick especially the poorer sort and he never went to the house of any poor creature but he left a Purse-Alms as well as a Spiritual-Alms of good and heavenly advice and prayer No poor body ever came to his door that went away empty his wife also looking to that as carefully as himself Every Saturday throughout the whole year he gave the Milk of his Cows to the poor of the Town and indeed he gave more to the Poor every year then the Revenue of his slender Vicaridge came to in the whole yet God so blessed him that whilst he was in Bramford he quickly paid Mr. Rose of Canterbury all the money that he had disbursed toward his Education in the Uuniversity and before he left Bramford he purchased about twenty pound per annum Gods blessing only makes rich He had but two sons and he brought them both up in Learning and maintained them in the University in good fashion He
used to do and came out of his Bed-chamber into the Hall and after Prayer he called for his ordinary breakfast which he used before he went to Church for still he held his resolution for Preaching which was an Egg he took it into his hand but alas it would not down whereupon he said to his daughter Eunice I am not able to go to Church yet I pray thee lead me to my Bed I will lie down a little and rest me So he rose up out of his chair and walked up and down she supporting him and when he came to the Parlour door before he put his foot over the threshold Oh Eunice saith he What shall I do Put your trust saith she in that God of whom you have had so much experience who never yet did leave you nor forsake you Yea saith he the Lord be thanked So he gathered up his strength went to the Bed-side sat down upon it and immediatly composed himself to lie down He lifted up one of his Legs upon the Bed without any great difficulty laid down his Body and rested his Head upon the Pillow His Daughter still stood by expecting when she should lift his other leg upon the Bed thinking that he had been faln asleep and she was not mistaken for so he was It proved his last sleep and before she could discern any change in him his soul had taken its flight into heaven even into the Arms and embraces of his Blessed Saviour whom he had faithfully served all his life long being about fourscore years old He intended a Sabbaths labour for Christ and Christ gave him rest from his labour even the rest of an eternal Sabbath When his daughter began to speak to him and to lift him she found that his breath was departed yet was there not any change in his countenance at all his eyes and his mouth continuing in the same posture they used to be in his sweetest sleeps Thus the Lord gave unto his faithfull Servant the desire of his soul and a return of his Prayers such an easie passage as that his death could not be discerned from a sweet natural sleep Not many days before his death he called his daughter and said to her Daughter Remember my love to my Son John I shall see him no more in this life and remember me to the rest of my children and Family and deliver this message to them all from me Stand fast in the faith and love one another This was the last message that ever he sent to them He ended his life with a Doxology breathing out his last with these words The Lord be thanked When he had thus yielded up his Spirit into the hands of his heavenly Father his daughter Eunice dispatched away a Messenger to his Son John at Norwich for so had her Father given order before he died that his body should not be put into a Cofsin till his Son John came and God carried him through the journey in hard weather so that through Gods good providence he arrived at Belsted early on the Tuesday and going into the house of mourning he found the Body of his deceased Father still lying upon the bed they uncovered his face and sweetly he lay and with a smiling countenance and no difference appearing to the eye between his countenance alive and dead only that he was wont to rejoyce and to bless his Son at their meeting and now he was silent His son fell upon his face and kissed him and lift up his voice and wept and so took his last leave of him till they should meet in a better world February the 4th in the afternoon Anno Christi 1634. was he Interred at which time there was a great confluence people from all the parts thereabout Ministers and others all taking up the words of Joash King of Israel Oh my Father my Father the chariots of Israel and the Horsemen thereof Good Mr. Samuel Ward that famous Divine and the glory of Ipswich came to the Funeral brought with him a mourning Gown and offered very respectfully to have preached his Funeral Sermon now that such a Congregation was gathered together and upon such an occasion But his Son and daughter durst not give way unto it for so their Father had often charged them in his life time and that upon his blessing that there should be no Sermon at his burial For said he it may give occasion to speak some good of me that I deserve not and so false things may be uttered in the Pulpit Mr. Ward rested satisfied with this and accordingly did forbear But the next Friday at Ipswich he turned his whole Lecture into a Funeral Sermon for Mr. Carter in which he honoured him and lamented the Churches loss to the great satisfaction of the whole Auditory Gloria fugentes sequitur Glory is like your shadow follow it and it will flie away from you but she from it and it will follow you And so it proved with Mr. Carter He was most eminent for Humility Humble he was in his habit and humble in all his deportment For though his Gifts called him before great men yet his most ordinary converse was with those of an inferiour rank in whom he saw most of the power of godliness So that he might truly say with David Psal. 119. 63. I am a companion of all them that fear thee and of them that keep thy precepts He wrote very much but he left nothing behinde him save what is Printed and his Exposition upon the Revelations and a Petition to King James for the taking away of burdensom Ceremonies out of the Church Nothing else but a few broken Papers which he regarded not Probably he burnt the rest when he saw his appointed time draw neer meerly out of a low opinion of himself and his own gifts He avoided all things that might tend to outward Pomp and ostentation He would have no Funeral Sermon He left order in his Will not to be buried in the Church but in the Church-yard where he and his wife that glorious pair he interred together without so much or rather so little as a poor Grave-stone over them He had learned of Christ to be meek and lowly in heart He was humble in his Life and humble in his Death and now the Lord hath highly exalted him He kept a constant Diary or day book in which every day he set down Gods extraordinary dispensations his own actions and whatsoever memorable things he heard or read that day He cast up his Accounts with God every day and his sins were blotted out before he came to his last reckoning his day of refreshing came and he rests from his labours Plus vivitur exemplis quam preceptis saith Seneca Examples of the dead are Sermons for the liv●ng He was a true child of Abraham and the blessing of Abraham fell upon him I will bless them saith the Lord to him that bless thee and I will curse
Pastor which suffered much extremity by reason of the persecution of their then prevailing adversaries forcing them from Bermudas into the Desart Continent The sound of whose distress was no sooner heard of but you might have heard the sounding of his bowels with many others applying themselves to a speedy Collection and sending it to them on purpose for their seasonable relief the sum was about seven hundred pounds two hundred whereof he gathered in the Church of Boston no man in the Contribution exceeding and but one equalling his bounty And it was remarkable that this Contribution arrived there the very day after those poor people were brought to a personal division of that little Meal then remaining in the Barrel and not seeing according to man but that after the eating thereof they must dye a lingring death for want of food and upon the same day their Pastor had preached unto them it being the Lords day upon that Text Psal. 23. The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want At such a time the good hand of the Lord brought this succour to them from afar Whilst he was in Old England his eminent piety the success of his labours and his interest in the hearts both of superiours inferiours equals drew upon him much envy and his Non-conformity added thereunto so that he was delivered in a great measure to the will of his Adversaries who gave him not over till they had bereaved him of much of his livelihood his liberty Country and therewithall of the sweet society of lovers friends and many wayes endeared acquaintance more precious to him than life it self Yet the measure of the afflictions of Christ appointed to be suffered by him was not so fulfilled but lo in the time of his exile some Brethren provoked by the censure of Authority though justly not without tears inflicted upon them singled out Mr. Cotton as the object of their displeasure who though above other men declining irregular and unnecessary interesting himself in the actions of the Magistrate and while opportunity lasted endeavouring their healing yet they requited him evil for good and they at least some of them who were formerly companions with him in the tribulations of that Patmos yea respecters of him had taken sweet counsel together and they had walked in the house of God as friends Hence was he with Tongue and pen blasphemed by them for whom he formerly intreated and for whom he both then and afterwards wept and put on sackcloth As touching any Tenet wherein he may seem singular remember that he was a man and therefore to be heard and read with judgement and happily sometimes with favour St. Hierom makes a difference between reading the writings of the Apostles and other men They saith he alwayes speak the truth these as men sometimes erre But no man did more placidly bear a Dissentient than he It contributes much towards the fuller discovery of truth when men of larger capacities and greater industry than others may be permitted to communicate their Notions onely they should use this liberty by way of disquisition not of Position rather as searchers after Scripture-light than as Dictators of private opinions But now this Western Sun hastens to his setting Being called to preach at a neighbour Church he took wet in his passage over the Ferry and not many hours after he felt the effect of it being seized upon with an extream ilness in his Sermon time This sad providence when others bewailed he comforted himself in that he was found so doing Decet Imperatorem stantem mori It is the honour of a Commander to dye standing St. Austins usual with was that when Christ came he might finde him Aut praecantem aut praedicantem either praying or preaching Calvin would not that when the Lord came he should finde him idle After a short time he complained of the inflamation of his lungs and thereupon found himself Asthmatical and afterward Scorbutical which both meeting in a complicated disease put an end to his dayes insomuch that he was forced to give over those comforting drinks which his stomack could not want If he still used them the inflamation grew unsufferable and threatned a more sharp and speedy death If he left them his stomack forthwith ceased to perform its office leaving him without hope of life By these Messengers he received the sentence of death yet in the use of means he attended the pleasure of him in whose hands our times are his labours continued whilst his strength failed November the 18. he took in course for his Text the four last verses of the second Epistle to Timothy Salute Prisca and Aquila c. Giving the reason why he spake of so many verses together because otherwise he said he should not live to make an end of that Epistle He chiefly insisted upon those words Grace be with you all so ending that Epistle and his Lectures together For upon the Lords day following he preached his last Sermon upon Joh. 1. 14. And the Word was made Flesh and dwelt among us and we ●eheld his Glory as of the onely begotten Son of the Father full of Grace and Peace Now he gave himself wholly to prepare for his dissolution making his Will and setting his house in order When he could no more be seen abroad all sorts Magistrates Ministers Neighbours and Friends afar off and those near at hand especially his own people resorted to him daily as to a publick Father When the neighbour Ministers visited him in which duty they were frequent he thanked them affectionately for their love exhorting them also as an Elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ to feed the Flock encouraging them that when the chief Shepherd shall appear they should receive a Crown of Glory that fadeth not away Finding himself to grow weak according to that of James he sent for the Elders of the Church of Boston to pray over him which last solemn duty being performed not without much affection and many tears Then as Polycarp a little before his death said That he had served Christ fourscore and six years neither had he ever offended him in any thing so he told them through Grace he had now served God forty years it being so long since his conversion throughout which time he had ever found him faithful to him and thereupon he took occasion to exhort them to the like effect that Paul sometime did the Elders of Ephesus a little before they were to see his face no more Take heed therefore to your selves and to all the Flock over w●ich the Lord hath made you overseers to feed the Church of God which he hath purchased with his own blood Particularly he lamented that the love of many yea and some of their own Congregation was grown cold towards the publick Ordinances calling upon them so much the more for their watchfulness in that respect which done he thanked them for their loving and brotherly assistance to
Highness and for the same reason he constantly declined publick appearances insomuch as he could not without much reluctancy be drawn by those who had most interest in him unto more solemn Assemblies 3. In his meek conversation with and condescention to the meanest Christians For he refused not familia●●●y to converse with the poorest Christian that repaired to him for counsel or satisfaction in their doubts His Charity was large though for the most part secret both in giving and forgiving to poor persons For he would not permit it to blaze only allowed it to shine when his example was requisite to lighten and lead others to glorifie God and gratifie men In redemption of Captives relief of poor Protestants especially of the Ministry to the repairs of publick and common losses and general calamities and to the setting forward of any good work he was strangely liberal the fruit whereof the Lord returned into his own bosome according to that promise The liberal soul shall be made fat Yet did he not so exhaust himself in his life but that in his last Will and Testament he did also bequeathe unto the poor of the Parish of Redrith 50 l. To ten of his Brethren in the Ministry whose wants and necessities especially if occasioned by the iniquity of the times he gave 50 l. i. e. to each of them 5 l. and to eight Ministers Widows 5 l. apiece in all 40 l. to them Thus his good works both went before him and followed him also unto Heaven whereby also he hath left behinde him the perfume of a good name for the imitation of them that survive Justice is presupposed unto Charity For God hates robbery for sacrifice Isa 61. 8. And Mr. Gataker was exactly just in giving every man his due though very frequently he remitted of his own right so that he was according to the Hebrew phrase a just man that is a kinde equitable person of a milde disposition no severe exacter of his own and a free dispenser of Gods gifts so that his Righteousness endures for ever both to his honour upon earth and to his happiness in Heaven In and about his death to which the course of his declining dayes leads us his Patience and Faith were very eminent the later attended with a deep sense of his own sins which he acknowledged unto God and to him only was that Confession needful For as to men his conversation was as ● Bishop● ought to be Irreproveable 1 Tim. 3. 2. The first step to his decease for morbus est via ad mortem sickness is the rode way to death was a fainting fit that surprized him on Friday night July the 7 or rather on Saturday morning July the 8 yet of this he made no great account for he disturbed not the rest of a servant by calling for assistance because he had at sundry times such faintings wherein he gave Nature leave to work out her victory over those vapours or viscous humors that oppressed her Yet thus far he made use of it that he compared his infirmity to that of Seneca which according to his relation the Physitians of that age called meditationem mortis and wished that it might prove to him a preparation to his dissolution The indisposition not ceasing with the fit discovered it self within a short time to be a Tertian Ague which how gentle soever yet falling upon a person of his age and crazie temper who had long supported a weak frame with a very regular course of diet made his condition doubtful to his Physitian who was one of learning and worth that imployed his best care and skill about that Patient whom he looked upon as a considerable person to the whole Church July the 17 Having published his Will and taken such order as he thought fit for the settlement of his outward estate he composed himself to God his Tertian growing too strong both for Nature and Art resolved it self into an almost continued Feavor the extream heat whereof was very painful unto him yet during those conflicts he shewed a sweet calmness of minde a heart weaned from the world to which he had no affection though his memory exactly served him for ordering his charity even to the last and in one word he represented a soul wholly submitting to Gods good pleasure He professed more than once that no outward thing troubled him so much as the condition of that Reverend Minister Mr. Sainthill who had but lately undertaken that charge at Redrith upon the uncertain Title of Mr. Gatakers life which now failing so soon besides the expectation of his Friends that Minister he foresaw was like to be unsettled and thereby to suffer some inconvenience Though Friends and Physitians gave him incouraging words at their visits yet he being sensible of his inward decayes could not be flattered into 〈◊〉 hopes of long continuance here earnestly contending that he was not to expect Miracles His expectation of Gods dismissing of him hence was so fixed th●t being consulted whether he would appoint any 〈◊〉 person to perform the last office for him He not startled at the Question appointed that Mr. Ash should be intreated to do that work because he had done the same at his last wives Funerals and one opportunity casually offered it self to set forward that design For July the 18 Mr. Ash out of his kinde respect to Mr. Gataker sent him two Funeral Sermons preached by him one at Mr. Whitakers the other at the interment of Dr. Spurstows only childe This gave occasion to Mr. Gataker in the return for that favour to request the last that he could be capable of Upon the receit of a Letter to that purpose Mr. Ash on the Saturday following visited his dear and dying Friend who then told him that he found him conflicting with his last Adversary and that though he knew the sting was pulled out yet nature would struggle These and other of his expressions Mr. Ash presently wrote down and related them at the end of his Sermon That day in the afternoon being July the 22 he called for some Papers of Mr. Baxters which were sent to him by the Author with a desire of his judgement concerning them He wished some short Notes for the perusal of them had been his last work to be read over to him in which he altered something And having dictated a Letter to that his Learned and Reveren Friend he appointed that that with the Animadversions inclosed should be sent to him So vigorous was his minde in a body drooping and dropping into the dust He had now given over the use of Physick as to any prolongation of his life For he said that he would struggle no more because he found that what was prescribed for the refreshing of nature did rather oppress it and therefore he was resolved to wait the Lords leisure An ancient servant that waited on him desiring leave to rectifie the bed-cloaths and saying withall
Duties Deaths Advantage The benefit of a good Name and a good end Abrahams Decease Jeroboams Sons Decease Christian Constancy crowned by Christ. All these are Printed in one Volume in Folio The Decease of Lazarus in 4o. St. Stevens last Will and Testament in 4o. A Defence of Mr. Bradshaw against Jo. Cann in 4o. Gods eye on his Israel in 4o. A mistake removed and Free-Grace c. in answer to J. Saltmarsh in 4o. Shadows without Substance a Rejoinder adversus ●undem in 4o. Mysterious Clouds and Mists c. an Answer to J. Simpson in 4o. Mr. Ant. Wottons Defence in 8o. A true Relation of Passages between Mr. Wotton and Mr. Walker in 4o. An Answer to Mr. Geor. Walkers Vindication in 4o. A Vindication of the Annotations on Jer. 10. 2. in 4o. A Discourse Apologetical in 4o. Marcus Antoninus Imp. cum Commentario in 4o. De Novi Instrumenti Stylo Dissertatio adversus Psochenii Diatribam in 4o. Cinn us sive Adversaria Miscellania Lib. 6. in 4o. De Baptismatis Infantilis vi efficatiâ Disceptatio inter D. S. Wardum Tho. Gatakerum in 8o. T. G. Stricturae in D. Davenantii Epistolam in 8o. De Tetragammato in 8o. Ejusdem vindicatio adversus Capellum in 8o. De Bivocalibus Dissertatio Philologica in 8o. Animadversiones in J. Piscatoris L. Lucii scripta adversaria de causa meritoria Justificationis cum responsione ad L. Lucii Vindicias in 12o. Fran. Gomari Disputationes Elencticae de Justificationis materiâ formâ Elenchus in 8o. Stricturae in Barth Wigelini Sangallensis de Obedientia Christi disputationem Theologicam in 8o. The Annotations upon Isaiah Jeremy and the Lamentations which was his work in the great Notes upon the Bible Adversaria Miscellanea in qibus Sacrae Scripturae aliorum Scriptorum lux redditur Edente Carolo Thome Gatakeri filio Fol. The Life and Death of Mr. Jeremy Whitaker who dyed Anno Christi 1654. JEremy Whitaker was born at Wakefield in Yorkshire Anno Christi 1599 In which place also he was trained up in the Grammar School and it seems that the Lord betimes did draw forth his love towards himself for even whilst he was a School boy his affections did flow out towards those who were most religiously disposed in whose company he used frequently to go eight or ten miles to hear a wakening-soul-warming Sermon he used also to joyn with them in Prayers and other holy exercises and duties and being able to take Sermon Notes both understandingly and largely he was very helpful to those private Christians in repeating what they had publickly heard being from his child-hood full of affections in whatsoever business he undertook Thus this Plant of Gods own setting did both blossome and put forth fruit quickly which Providence did afterwards make a very fruitful Tree Whilst he was at the Grammar School though his Father endeavoured often and earnestly to divert his thoughts from the Office of the Ministry yet was he unmoveable in his desires to be a Minister and he never afterwards repented of this his choice but would all his life long upon all occasions magnifie that his Office insomuch as he hath often been heard to utter this speech I had much rather be a preacher of the Gospel than an Emperour and when a motion was once made to him to be the Head of a College in the University he readily returned this answer My heart doth more desire to be a constant Preacher than to be the Master of any College in the world When he was sixteen years old being well grounded at the Grammar School he was sent to the University of Cambridge and admitted a Sizar in Sydney-Sussex College where he soon discovered and was taken notice of and much valued for his pregnant parts and Scholarship At twenty years of age he Commenced Bachelor of Arts and a while after he was sent to Okeham the chiefest Town in Rutlandshire there to teach the Free-School At that time there was one Mr. William Peachy the Minister at Okeham a godly man and a painful Preacher of the Gospel and eminent for his skill in the sacred Languages who dearly loved and highly valued our Mr. Whitaker from his first acquaintance with him which he manifested by proffering to him his Daughter in Marriage as Mr. Whitaker hath since told some of his Friends he was the rather inclined to accept of the motion because she was the Daughter of a pious painful and learned Minister of the Gospel and occasionally hath told his Friends that he was the better pleased with his choice because of that relation About four years after his coming to Okeham he married Chephtzibah the Daughter of the said Mr. Peachy by whom God gave him four Sons and three Daughters All his Sons he designed for the Ministry but it pleased God in his life time to take one of them away whilst he was a Student in Cambridge the other three survived and he lived to see two of them Ordained and set apart for the work of the Ministry the third he appointed to be educated for the same work Having staid about seven years at Okeham he was removed to a Pastoral charge at Stretton in the same County where he continued about the space of thirteen years Whilst he continued School-master at Okeham he undertook and preached a weekly Lecture there besides many Sermons which he preached occasionally in neghbouring Congregations And during his abode at Stretton besides his Pastoral imployment wherein he preached twice every Lords day he also constantly preached his weekly Lecture at Okeham and was a principal prop to hold up some other Lectures in the Neighbourhood His manner also was to set apart every Holy-day if there were but one in the week as a day of seeking God in reference to the necessities of the times and no man was more free and frequent in assisting in dayes of Humiliation in private both in Rutlandshire and in the adjacent Counties whensoever he was called and invited thereunto Such was his love to Christ that his publick imployments though many and great did not take him off from attending his Family duties nor from more private exercises of communion with God his ordinary course in his Family was together with Prayers to expound some part of the holy Scriptures and that twice every day besides other parts of Scripture which he daily read in secret so that usually he read all the Epistles in the Greek Testament twice every fortnight yea when by reason of extremity of pain and weakness he could not read himself he herein imployed others for his help Hence it came to pass that he was a man mighty in the Scriptures like unto Apollos Act. 18. 24. as was observed by all that conversed with him or that heard him preach or pray and this course he earnestly commended to the practice of his dearly beloved eldest Son as an excellent
affectionately spread before God in most of the Congregations about London as his Three dayes were set apart by Ministers and many other praying friends to seek God in his behalf one in private and two in publick which also were observed much better than such dayes usually have been of late yea in remote Countries besides the ordinary Prayers made for him there were some Fasts kept also with special reference to his afflictions The multitude of people that came to his Funeral with the many weeping eyes did clearly shew how much he was beloved Here might also be remembred the readiness of the London Ministers to supply his place at home and his Lectures elsewhere as also the willingness of his Fellow-lecturers at Westminster to preach for him there when he himself by reason of weakness could not possibly do his own work but its needless for still every where upon the naming of Mr. Whitaker love is some way discovered by such as had any knowledge of him Whilst he was able he never neglected his Minsterial service he hath often gone upon Crutches unto the Congregation of his own people to fulfil his Ministry yea once at least he adventured to preach at Michaels Cornhil when he was scarce able to get into the Pulpit and his Friends with much difficulty holp him out of the Church homewards and at other times when his legs would not serve him he used to ride to Church And when he was by extremity of pains taken off from his Ministry he would sometimes profess to some special friends that the pain felt was not so grievous to his spirit as his inability by reason thereof to mannage his wonted work Indeed it was his meat and drink to be doing the will of his Heavenly Father Many times these were his words If I could but preach I should be much better and he would rejoyce with cheerfulness and thankfulness when in the times of his weakness he found not himself more distempered by his preaching and would mention such experiences as arguments to move and induce his friends to yeeld to his preaching when they disswaded him from it as prejudicial to his health Anno Christi 1654 about the beginning of November the violent pain of the Stone did in such a manner and measure arrest him that from that time he continued Gods prisoner confined to his bed or chamber till he was set free by a long expected and much desired death Most Physi●ians in the City were consulted with and were from time to time very ready to serve him with their advice who did unanimously conclude that his sharp pains proceeded originally from an Ulcer in the Kidnies but immediately from an ulcer in the neck of the B●●dder caused by a continual flux of ulcerous m●tter dropping down upon that part and by reason of the acuteness and quickness of the sense there his pains were almost continually in that place though the fountain of them was from the Kidnies About two moneths before his Death his pains grew more extream yet Divine indulgence vouchsafed at some times some mitigation of them and intermission both in the night and day But notwithstanding the long continuance and extremity of them neither his Faith nor Patience did abate yea they much encreased and grew higher and as he grew nearer his end so his longings for death were much increased yet accompanied with holy submission to the good pleasure of his gracious Father These were some of his expressions O my God break open the Prison door and set my poor captive soul free But enable me willingly to wait thy time I desire to be dissolved never aid any man more desire life than I do Death When will that time come that I shall neither sin more nor sorrow more When shall mortality put on immortality When shall this earthly Tabernacle be dissolved that I may be cloathed upon with that House which is from Heaven Blessed are the dead which dye in the Lord for they rest from their labours and follow the Lamb whither soever he goeth So great was his love to his God and Saviour that he maintained and expressed high estimations and honourable thoughts of his Majesty when he was under the most tormenting providences He feared nothing more than lest he should do or speak any thing that should red●und to the dishonour of his Name These were some breathings of his large love when through pain he was as in the fire or upon the rack Good Lord keep me from dishonouring of thy Name by impatieency Oh who would not even in burnings have honourable thoughts of God! who that knows thee would not fear thee O Lord love thee and honour thee Lord thou givest me no occasion to have any hard thoughts of thee Blessed be God there is nothing of Hell in all this Blessed be his Name for Jesus Christ and the Revelation of the everlasting Gospel Who knows the power of thy wrath If it be so heavy upon thy servant hore how heavy shall it be to all those who shall endure it without mixture Blessed be God for the peace of mine inward man when my outward man is full of trouble This is a bitter Cup but it is of my Father mixture and shall I not drink it yea Lord through thy strength I will This is my burthen and I will bear it Upon any abatements of his excruciating pains he was constantly much in blessing God using these and such like expressions O! what a mercy is it that there is any mitigation any intermission Lord make me thankfull And turning himself towards those that stood by he would bespe●k them thus O help me to be thankfull O lift up a Prayer for me that I may be thankful O what a mercy is this How much worse might this affliction have been I might have been distracted or laid roaring under disque●ness of spirit By these and many such like expressions and workings of his spirit who perceiveth not the sparklings of his love to God And to a dear friend he often said Brother through mercy I have not one repini●g thought against God The Sabbath sevennight before God released him though his pains were very sharp yet he bestowed most part of the time of publick Ordinances in prayer together with those that were about him and his Petitions were most in the behalf of Ministers that God would cloath his Ordinances with his own power and enable his Ministers to speak to the souls of his people Then did he also with many tears bewail his detainment from the Sanctuary and Sabbath-opportunities of doing and receiving good which had been his delight Professing also that his being taken off from service was a greater affl●ction to him than all his bodily pains And because this apprehension to wit of his present unserviceablness did much afflict him this therefore was often suggested to him which the Lord pleased to make a relief to his spirit viz. that now by the practice
of Faith Patience Contentment and spiritualness which he had formerly preached to and pressed upon others he was very profitable unto them who visited him and might also prove very advantagious unto others who might be acquainted therewith through Gods grace by Christ. So great was his tender respect to his friends that when his pains were coming with violence he would intreat them to withdraw from him that they might not be grieved with his roari●gs and he used often to bless God that his compassionate friends were not necessitated to abide within the reach of his doleful lamentation As his death drew more nigh so his fits of pain were more frequent either every half hour or many times every quarter yea two or three in a quarter of an hour which did exceedingly abate his strength The night before God took him out of this vale of tears Mr. Ash hearing that he was not likely to live another day went early in the morning to take his leave of him whom his soul loved at which time he found his bodily strength much decayed and perceiving that he could not speak without much difficulty Mr. Ash spake the more unto him in reference to the approach of his happy hoped for change and his discourse through Gods mercy was very refreshing his spirit He told him also that many of his friends intended to set apart that day in seeking the Lord for him and asked him in what things e●pecially he desired to be remembred before the Throne of Grace His answer was Do not complain but bless God for me and intreat him to open the prison door Then Mr. Ash laying his hand upon his cold hand covered with a clammy sweat took his last farewell of him with an aking heart and upon his departure from him the last words which Mr. Whitaker spake to him were these Brother I thank you I pray God bless you and I bless God for you That day was spent in addresses to God for him at Peters Cornhill where Mr. Newcomen quickned and guided our prayers in his Sermon upon Joh. 11. ● Lord Behold he whom thou lovest is sick and Mr. Jenkin endeavoured to moderate and regulate our sorrows from Luke 23. 28. Weep not for me Thus his friends having by prayers and praises on his behalf given him to God and having prepared their hearts for the loss of him the Lord was pleased that evening to take him to himself June 1654 being above Fifty five years old After his death Mr. Holiard opened his body in the presence of Dr. Cox Dr. Micklethwaite and Dr. Bevoir some other more ancient Doctors would have been there if either their being out of Town or present urgent occasions had not hindred being opened they found both his Kidnies full of ulcers and and one of them was swelled to an extraordinary bigness through the abundance of purulent matter in it Upon the neck of his Bladder they found a stone which was about an inch and an half long and one inch broad weighing about two ounces when it was first taken out and withall they found an ulcer which was gangrenized and this was judged to be the cause of his death All other parts of his body were found firm and sound He was so humble that he feared lest Gods people praying for him should speak too well of him before the Lord. He was a self-denying man never daring to look after great matters in this world whereby he condemned many whose self-seeking in earthly advantages renders them very offensive and unsavoury in the Church of Christ. Mr. Calamy speaking of him saith If I should enter upon his Commendations I might truly say what Nazanien doth of his Sister Gorgonia that I have more cause to fear lest I should speak below than above the truth For he was a burning and a shining light in this our Israel A Messenger and an Interpreter one amongst a thousand A Bazal●el in Gods Tabernacle A true Nathaniel that by his integrity humility constancy charity publickness and peaceableness of spirit and by his diligence and f●ithfulness in preaching the Gospel made his life both amiable and desirable I will say of him as it was said of Athanasius that he was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 an Adamant and a Loadstone To all that conversed with him he was as a Loadstone to draw their hearts to love him But in the cause of God and in reference to the truths of Christ he was as an unconquerable Adamant He was a Jeremy both in mourning for and in witnessing against the sins of the times He was a second Whitaker though not so eminent in Learning as to be what is said o● 〈◊〉 Mundi miraculum Academiae Oraculum the miracle of the world and the Oracle of the University yet he was which is also said of him sound in the Faith one that had no private opinion that did not in veteri viâ novam semitam quaerere seek out new paths of his own but kept the old way and the old path That had a great wit without any mixture of madness He preached no less by the heavenliness of his Doctrine than by the holiness of h●s life yea he preached as effectually by his death as by his life or Doctrine for so great was the patience which God measured out to him that though in his extremity of torments he groaned yet he never grumbled Though he often mourned yet he never murmured nay though he often roared by reason of the greatness of his pain yet he alwayes justified and m●gn●fied God therein and this he did so constantly and in such a measure that as it is said of Job so it wi●l be said by the Saints that succeed us for their mutual consolation and encouragement Ye have heard of the Patience of Whitaker He had indeed an ul●●rated flesh but a sound and whole spirit and that inabled him to bear his infirmity he had a stone in the Bladder but a very soft and tender heart he had a gangreene in his body but a sound soul unstained by sin I heard him often say with thankfulness that under all his bodily sufferings he had a blessed calmness and quietness in his spirit that God sp●ke peace unto him that though he roared for pain yet the Devil was chained up from roaring upon him On the Death of my dear Friend Mr. JEREMIAH WHITAKER IF Death be but a servant sent to call The souls of Saints to their Originall Dear Saint thine was a Noble soul to whom Three Messengers were sent to call thee home A Stone an Ulcer and a Cangreene too Three Deaths to hasten that which one should do ' ●was not because thy soul was deeper set Than ours within its house of clay nor yet Because thou wert unwilling to depart Thither where long before had been thine heart They were not sent to hale by violence A soul that lingred when 't was called hence God shew'd how welcome one Death was to thee
m●st Orthod●x Divines They determine according to St. Austin against the Doctrine of the Pelagians Prove the Man of sin spoken of 1 Thess. 2. to be the Bishop of Rome and for the Morality of the Sabbath of both which this most learned Doctor was very confident and oft wished that some of our learned men of late had spared their pains when they went about to prove the contrary In defence of the last of these he wrote a most excellent and learned Letter to Dr. Twiss who had desired his judgement about it He wanted not enemies who sought to scandalize him to King James under the Title of a Puritan which was very odious to him in those dayes seeking hereby to prevent his further promotion but God so ordered it that it proved an occasion of his advancement for King James being jealous of him upon that score by reason of the eminency of his learning fell into serious discourse with him and therein received such abundance of satisfaction both of the soundness of his judgement and piety that notwithstanding the opposition made by some great ones without his seeking he made him Bishop of Meath in Ireland which just then fell void whilst he was in England and the King often boasted that he was a Bishop of his own making Whilst he was thus Bishop Elect he was chosen to preach before the House of Commons Feb. 18. 1620 in Margarets Westminster The Sermon by order of the House was printed and it is a most learned one Upon his return into Ireland he was consecrated Bishop of Meath at Droheda by Archbishop Hampton with the assistance of two Suffragan Bishops according to the custome at which time there was given him an Anagram of his Name as he was then to write himself which was this James Meath I am the same and he made it good ever afterwards His preferment did not cause him to grow slack in his constancy of preaching as it did too many who having caught the Fish laid aside the Net But as Possidonius saith of St. Austin he was still the same which he bound himself the rather unto by the Motto of his Episcopal Seal Ve mihi si non Evangelizavero Woe is me if I preach not the Gospel which he continued in the Seal of his Primacy also He had many Papists in his Diocess whom he endeavoured to reclaim by private conferences and at length they were willing to hear him preach so it were not in a Church which he condescended to and preached in the Sessions-house and his Sermon wrought so much upon some of them that their Priests forbad them hearing him in any place ever after Anno 1622 there were some Papists censured in the Star-chamber for refusing to take the Oath of Supremacy at which time he was called thither to inform them of it before the sentence passed which occasioned that learned Speech of his upon that subject since printed with his English works While he was Bishop of Meath he answered a challenge sent him by the Jesuite Malone and his going over into England to Print it occasioned another learned Tractate of the Universality of the Church of Christ and the Unity of the Catholick Faith in a Sermon preached before King James on Eph. 4. 13. Till we all come in the unity of the Faith c. And Gods providence so ordered it that whilst he was thus busied in England Archbishop Hampton dying he was made his successour Primate of Ireland Anno Christi 1624 and he was the hundreth Bishop of that See Being thus promoted to the highest preferment his Profession was capable of in his native Country he was so far from being puffed up with Pride that he was more humble and frequent in preaching and it so fell out that for some weeks together overtoyling himself in the work of the Ministry to the overwasting of his spirits whic he did at the request of some Essex Ministers who importuned him to preach on the week dayes because they could not come to hear him on the Sabbaths he fell into a Quartane Ague which held him three quarters of a year After his recovery the Lord Mordant afterwards Earle of Peterborough being a Papist and desirous to draw his Lady to the same Religion he was willing that there should be a meeting of two eminent persons of each party to dispute what might be in controversie between them The Lady made choice of our Lord Primate and prevailed with him though newly recovered from the aforesaid long sickness and scarce able to take such a journey The Jesuite chosen by the Earle went under the name of Beaumond but his true name was Rookwood brother to Ambrose Rookwood one of the Gunpowder Traitors The place of meeting was at Drayton in Northamptonshire where there was a great Library so that no Books of the ancient Fathers were wanting upon occasion for their view The points to be disputed on were concerning Transubstantiation Invocation of Saints worshipping of Images and the visibility of the Church Three dayes they were in this Disputation three hours in the forenoon and two hours in the afternoon each day and the conclusion was this After the third day of meeting the Lord Primate having been hitherto opponent now the Tables were to be turned and the Jesuit according to his desire was to oppose and the Lord Primate to answer But when the time came and the Jesuit was expected instead of coming he sent his excuse to the Lord Mordant which was that all the Arguments which he had framed in his head and premeditated so that he thought he had them as perfect as his Pater Noster were now slipt from him and he could not possibly recover them again and that he believed it was a just judgement of God upon him for undertaking of himself to dispute with a man of that eminency and learning without a licence from his Superiour The Lord Mordant seeing his tergiversation upon some further discourse with the Lord Primate was converted and became a Protestant and so continued to his death One Challoner a Secular Priest afterwards writing a book against this Beaumond by way of scorn bids him beware of coming any more to Drayton lest he meet with another Usher to foil him again to the dishonour of his profession and himself The Lord having made his labours so succesful the Countess of Peterborough had him alwayes in great respect and upon his losses in Ireland and other distresses here she took him home to her owne house with whom be lived about nine or ten years and then died there Anno Christi 16●6 in August he went back into Ireland where he was entertained with all the expressions of love and joy that could be The discourses which daily fell from him at his Table in clearing difficulties in the Scripture and other subjects especially when learned men came to visit him tended exceedingly to the edification
his death besides very considerable summes extraordinary All that knew him found him very communicative not onely of his studies for the advantage of their mindes but of part of his stipend for the relief of their bodies and indeed in works of charity he more needed a bridle than a spur He was not so severe in his judgement about Episcopacy as to disown other Reformed Churches but declared that he loved and honoured them as true members of the Church universal and was ready for the Ministers of Holland France ● to testifie his Communion with them He was a man of a most exemplary moderation meekness humility and ingenuity Anno 1641 he drew up an Expedient to accommodate some of our differences in Ecclesiastical Affairs which some moderate men of both parties were ready to subscribe But in matters of Doctrine for the substantials it was often his charge that Ministers should not preach any thing as to please men but God who hath put them in trust 1 Thess. 2. 4. For such as seek to please men are not the servants of Christ Gal. 1. 10. And in defence of those truths no man was more resolute and constant than he not giving place by way of subjection no not for an hour Gal. 2. 5. but in circumstantials he thought it to be our duty with St. Paul to please all men and not our in all such things 1 Cor. 10. 31. to edification and concord He was in these things alwayes the same holding fast the form of sound words in Doctrine and practice to the last The night before he left London Oh! the humble expressions he used of his own unworthiness demeaning himself as if he had been the least of Saints which he uttered with many tears He wished those about him to prepare for afflictions and trials which he was perswaded were not far from them Having abode at London one and fifty dayes for so it was punctually noted by himself in a Book it being his custome with David so to number his dayes both for the place where and the manner how he spent them he returned to Rygate Feb. 13. 1655 to the Countess of Peterboroughs March the 20 following was the first day of his sickness upon which day as every day he had been well busied Most part of it as long as he had light he had spent at his study proceeding in his Chronologia sacra clearing all the doubts in his Annals of the Bible in which he had gone as far as to the Book of Judges where the last words he wrote were these Hic praeterea notandum but returned not to make any further progress From his study he went to visit a sick Gentlewoman in that Family and prescribed to her most excellent preparatives for death with other most holy advice in practical matters in which he spent three quarters of an hour but in such an heavenly manner as if like Moses upon Mount Nebo his eyes had been strengthened to take a prospect of the heavenly Canaan That night about eight a clock he first complained of his hip judging it to be a spice of the Sciatica which he had been troubled with about five and thirty years before contracted by sitting up late in the College Library at Dublin but by the application of an ointment he was presently eased of that pain so that he took some rest that night In the morning he complained of a great pain in his side whereupon a Physitian was sent for who used such means as he judged fit for him but the pain continuing and his spirits decaying he wholly addicted himself to prayer only upon the abating of the torment he advised those about him in health to prepare for sickness and death that then they might have nothing else to do but to dye and after a short settlement of the things of this world he took great content in his approaching death A Minister there present assisted him with his prayers but afterwards he desired to be left to his own private The last words he was heard to utter which was about one a clock in the afternoon and a little before his death were these praying for the forgiveness of his sins he added But Lord in special forgive my sins of Omission Herein he had his wish which he often used that he might dye as holy Mr. Perkins did which expired with crying for mercy and forgiveness But did he pray for pardon of his sins of Omission and yet he was a person that was never known to omit an hour but was alwayes imployed in his Masters business either in preaching reading writing or hearing others as of late to read to him either resolving doubts or exhorting instructing and counselling such as came to visit him yet did he dye with this humble expression Lord forgive my sins of Omission A speech that may give us all matter of solemn meditation and imitation March the 21. Anno Christi 1655 this glorious Sun set and from earth was translated to Heaven having been Primate of Ireland just one and thirty years and a Preacher five and fifty years and having lived about seventy five years What he had to leave was only his Library and divers imperfect Copies of his intended Works which death prevented his finishing of The Lord Protector as he was then called gave him an honourable burial at the publick charge in the Chappel of Henry the seventh at Westminster and extended to his what was before intended for himself in the grant of some of the Lands belonging to the Primacy of Armagh for the terme of one and twenty years He was highly admired and much honoured by all the famous Lights of his time through the Christian world Spanhemius Divinity-Professor at Geneva Anno Christi 1639 in his Epistle Dedicatory to him before his third Part Dubiorum Evangelicorum spends above two leaves in extolling him Some of his expressions are Your very great parts Most excellent Usher are known not onely within your own Country but in ours and wheresoever else there is honour given to Piety or price set upon learning c. He speaks much of his Charity to strangers his Humility Piety Works his Library of which he made such use for the publick good that it was not so much his own as the Library of all learned men In a word saith he the name of Usher with us is a name of Piety and Vertue it is of great Renowne at our Geneva c. Gerard Vossius frequently admires him as a man of vast learning worthy of an everlasting Monument The high merits saith he of this most excellent and throughout most learned man both of the Church and of the whole Commonwealth of Learning deserve an everlasting grateful memory A man so excelling in the knowledge both of Humane and Divine things that I cannot speak any thing so high of him but his worth doth surpass it Bochartus and Simplicius call
many places Read the Proverbs and remember him in this 1. Forsake not an old Friend 2. Be friendly and faithful to your Friends 3. Never trouble or trust Friends unless there be a necessity 4. Lastly be long in closing with Friends and loath to lose them upon experience of them For your Marriages In Marriage you lay the foundation of your present woe or weal therefore here be not rash go not alone yet remember Paul 1 Cor. 7. 2. First study whether you have a calling to Marry yea or no and advise well of that If none forbear if so advise with friends before your affections be engaged In your choice 1. Aim at Grace 2. Good nature and education the best woman is not ever the best wife 3. Good parts of understanding Huswifery c. As for Portion be it more or less be upon certainties and trust not words and for Parentage let not the distance be too great lest you despise or be despised However be sure that the person likes not your fancy but your judgement For your Children Make it your chiefest work to make them 1. Godly 2. Useful Bestow most of their Portions in good Education and if Grace make no difference do you make none in your affections countenances portions partiality this way ends in nothing else but envy strangeness c. For your selves within your selves My desire hath been to carry an even hand over you all and have laboured to reduce you as near as I could all circumstances considered to an equality and therefore my last request and charge is that you will live together in an undivided bond of love you are many of you and if you joyn together as one man you need not want any thing what counsel what comfort what money what friends may you not help your selves unto if you will contribute your aides wherefore my dear children I pray beseech command adjure you by all the Relations and dearness that hath ever been betwixt us that you know one another visite as you may each other comfort counsel relieve succour help admonish one another Whilst your Mother lives meet there if possible yearly When she is dead pitch upon some other place if it may be your eldest Brothers house or if you cannot meet yet send to and hear from one another yearly And when you have neither Father nor Mother be so many Fathers and Mothers each to other so you shall understand the blessing mentioned Psal. 133. For your Estates Be not troubled that you are below your kindred get more wisdome humility goodness and you are above them onely this do 1. Study work more than wages 2. Deal with your hearts to make them less 3. Begin below 4. Joyn together to help one another 5. Rest upon the Promises which are many and precious this way 6. Sow mercy Take of your Mother to this end a piece give that in works of mercy and if all other means fail you that shall maintain you I know I know I say and I am confident in it that if ye will be humbled for my barrenness and will trust God in his own way he will make comfortable provision for you Object no more but trust him For the Publick Bless God that you are born English men and bear your selves dutifully and conscionably towards Authority See God in the Magistrate and hold Order a precious things And for the Church neither set her above her Husband Christ nor below her Children give her that honour obedience and respect that is her due and if you will be my Children and heirs of my comfort in my dying age be neither Authors nor Fautors of any either faction or novelty It s true this is not a rising way but it is a free fair comfortable way for a man to follow his own judgement without warping to either hand Perhaps you may hear variety of judgements touching my walk when I sleep in silence some taxing me for too much some for too little Conformity but be not ye troubled I did what in my circumstances seemed best to me for the present howsoever the event hath not in some points answered expectation yet I have learned to measure things by another rule than events and satisfie my self in this that I did all for the best as I thought Sure I am my Saviour Christ is perfect and never failed so much as in circumstance To him I commit your Souls Bodies Estates Names Lifes Deaths All and my self waiting when he shall change my vile body and make it glorious like unto his own Amen Even so come Lord Jesus Amen On the Memory of that Famous and Godly Minister Dr. Robert Haris my late worthy Friend As once Elias in John Baptist came Back to the Jews in that Triumphant flame Of Light and Zeal wherein he did before Without Deaths help up into Glory soar And by this Transmigration of his Grace Prepared paths before his Masters face Even so in thee blest soul did breathe anew Great Chrysostom yea great Apollos too To thee those mighty Orators did give Their Tongues to speak to thee their life to live Nay thou thy self didst in thy self renew Thy Fort'ys vigour in Fourscore we knew When all thy strength decayd thy Gifts did thrive The man is dead the Preacher still alive Alive in his own Sermons in our love His Name alive below his Soul above And may the younger Prophets still inherit A double portion of their Fathers spirit That by a sacred Metempsychosis The gifts may now be theirs which once were his That every Sermon which we hear may be Rare Preacher a true Pourtracture of thee Yea may it of each following age be true The former are exceeded by the new Visions of young surpass old Prophets dreams The Fathers Light 's outshin'd by Childrens beams That in their measures we may more and more Th'unmeasur'd fulness of our Lord adore E. REYNER The Second Part Containing the LIVES OF GVSTAVUS ERICSON King of Sueden who was the first Reformer of RELIGION in that KINGDOM AS ALSO Of divers other Christians who were eminent for Prudence and Piety We desire that every one of you do shew the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end That ye be not slothful but followers of them who through Faith and Patience inherit the promises Heb. 6. 11 12. LONDON Printed for Will. Miller at the Gilded Acron near the Little North-door in St. Pauls Church-yard 1661. The Life of Gustavus Ericson King of Sueden who dyed Anno Christi 1562. IN the dayes of Christian the Second King of Denmark who also laid claim to the Crown of Sueden after the decease of Swanto the Lords of Sueden chose Steno Stur to be their Governor against whom Gustavus Archbishop of Upsal opposed himself loving his place more than his Country and being crossed in his expectation he promotes the interest of Christian of Denmark who to set forward his claim to the Crown of Sueden spent
forget to acknowledge Gods goodness in bestowing any of these outward things upon him He found by experience that they were but uncertain riches 1 Tim. 6. 17. And that they had wings and would fly away Prov. 23. 5. But he did not run crying after them as they use to do who set their hearts upon them whereas he saw and acknowledged Gods hand as well in taking away as in giving as Job did Job 1. 21. and therefore was quiet and content having experimentally learned in some good measure that excellent lesson with St Paul I have learned in whatsoever state I am therewith to be content Phil. 4. 11. By vicissitudes and changes of estates God did exercise his faith patience and contentation Having passed through the severall inferior Offices he at last ascended to the highest place of honour in the City to be Mayor there wherein as hath been shewed he demeaned himself as became a Christian Magistrate and his ambition therein was highly to honour God who had thus honoured him And afterwards he was twice chosen to be a Burgess of Parliament wherein his zeal for God and against the corruptions of the times was abundantly manifested He was a great stickler to have the Bill passed for the punishment of Adultery with death but those times would not bear it Surely some of the Lawmakers knew some speciall reason for it When he made a motion for the passing of that Bill one or more of the Members in the House cried out Commit it Mr. Jurdain commit it upon which a great laughter was occasioned whereupon he presently said unto them in a zealous manner like himself Do you laugh when a man speaks for Gods honour and glory Upon which there was a more than ordinary silence in the House The Bill was at that time laid aside but in a following Parliament it was called upon by the name of Mr. Jurdains Bill He was also as it 's said the first man that promoted the Bills for the more strict sanctification of the Sabbaths and against Swearing Yea God did not only advance him to places of honour and dignity in the eye of the world but gave him an high place also in the hearts of his people and therein God made good his promise 1 Sam. 2. 30. Such as honour me I will honour His name was very precious in the esteem of those that knew his worth both whilest he lived and since his death Indeed it is confessed that he was a by-word unto many and that his name was taken up by way of reproach but it was by such as were upbraided and reproved by his holy and gracious conversation And he valued not their reproaches knowing that his Lord and Master did suffer much more in this kind and that this was but a Chip of that Cross which as he was commanded he was willing to bear Yea he was well content to drink of this bitter Cup after his Master and with him he despised the shame Heb. 12. 2. which the men of the world cast upon him Nay he accounted it his honour to suffer shame for the Name of Christ as the Apostles did Act. 5. 4. But some there were that brought shame upon themselves whilest they thought to cast contempt and scorn upon him Amongst other instances this one was remarkeable That being chosen Burgess for the Parliament not without much opposition and going up to London to clear the Election at which time there was an accusation sent up against him by a man of no mean place and power That he was the Host of the Schismaticks Whereupon some presumed that he would have been sent back with disgrace and accordingly there was a Sermon prepared by one to jeer him at his return this being his Text Psal. 114. 5. What ailed thee thou Jordan that thou wast driven back Thus men of prophane spirits will dare to make the sacred Word of God to serve their own base lusts and ends But Mr. Jurdaine instead of being driven back was confirmed in the place to which he was chosen and so shame was cast into the face of this wicked scorner and his Sermon or Invective rather proved abortive And as Mr. Jurdaine stood up boldly for God so did God stand by and for him and assisted him and carried him through many troubles and dangers that did threaten and even compass him about One act of Gods providence amongst many others was most notable in delivering him out of trouble He having done an act of justice as was hinted before in punishing an unclean person whose offence was aggravated by some hainous circumstances being moved with an holy indignation against the offence he went as it seems besides the letter of the Law in some circumstance Whereupon some friends of the person punished being stirred up with fury for the disgrace that reflected upon them without weighing the dishonour that was done to God and the foul blot that was cast upon Religion resolved to prosecute him to the uttermost for it wherein they put him to great charge and trouble by prosecuting him in the Star-Chamber and when the cause was to come to a finall determination it was much feared by many of his friends and through the boastings of his adversaries that some heavy censure would have passed upon him to his crushing if not to his utter undoing But when his friends on earth failed he flees to Heaven for succour and defence and cried unto God in Davids words Psal. 22. 11 19. Be not far from me O Lord for trouble is near for there is none to help O my strength hast thou to help me And he set apart the evening and a great part of the night by fasting and Prayer to engage God of his side who hath the hearts of all men even of the greatest in his hands to turn them as he pleaseth Prov. 21. 1. And behold the next morning he received a reall and gracious answer from Heaven being not only acquitted but commended by the Lord Keeper God stirring up the hearts of divers in that high and arbitrary Court to speak for him Thus the Lord was a very present help to him in the time of trouble Psalme 46. 1. After he was thus through Gods mercy freed and returned to his house he piled up the Books and Papers of all the proceedings in that troublesome and vexatious business under his Cupboard in his Parlour which was the place to which he did often resort and where he had that daily sweet and heavenly communion with God aforementioned and being asked the reason why he left so many Books and Papers to lie in that manner His answer was These I keep in my sight as memorials and monuments of Gods mercy in freeing me from my troubles Many other particulars might be instanced in but by that little which hath been said you may guess at the great worth of this holy man Only give me leave to adde the observations and testimony
into that better world which she so much longed after often professing that there was nothing that could tempt her to wish for life but the breeding up of her little ones which yet now she was the less solicitous about because she could leave them in the hands of their tender and careful Father not doubting as old dying Jacob said when he was blessing the two Sons of Joseph Gen. 48. 15. 16. That that God which had fed her all her life long untill that day and the Angel which had redeemed her from all evil would bless them And now finding her self arrested by the messenger of Death and her body like the house of Saul growing weaker and weaker but her soul like the house of David waxed stronger and stronger took higher flights and made nearer approaches to God that gave it When her Husband came to her as he did frequently he continually admonished and minded her of the gracious Promises of mercy in Christ and of faith in him and desired her to be strengthened and comforted in them Her answer was she was comforted in them she found the comfort of Gods Spirit in her and verily believed she should see the goodness of the Lord in the Land of the living Psal. 45. 13. Ever and anon saying I am comforted Gods Spirit is in me which makes me endure my sickness and more pains than you can think of so comfortably as I do When she knew of none by her usual prayer was Lord look down upon me in thy mercy Lord forgive me my sins Lord assist me with thy holy Spirit Lord thou hast assured me of the forgiveness of my sins Lord assist me still with thy holy Spirit And many times passing the whole night without sleep she spent that time in these and the like heavenly prayers and ejaculations in which her Husband and those which attend her continually still found her when they came to her Never man had a more faithfull dear and loving Wife or more carefull of what concerned him than himself and more tender of any thing said or done against him than if it had been said or done against her self And when he seemed to lament the loss he should have if God took her from him She meekly answered We came not into the world together and therefore may not look to go out together When he replied that it would be much better for their children if he went first as by the course of nature was most likely she said that he could do much better for the children than she could and thanked God for that she could now leave them with him For the space of three weeks she kept her bed and about a fortnight before her death being surprized with a fainting fit in which she was like to depart and thereby perceiving that earth would suddenly return to the earth whence it came that her soul might be the better winged and prepared for a return to God that gave it she de●ired that all the Family might be called up and joyn in prayers with and for her At which time observing the grief and passion of her Husband and those that were present expressed plentifully by tears from their eyes she besought him and them not to grieve and lament for her happiness About that time a Reverend person coming to visit her Husband he solicited him to enlarge that great act of favour unto him by a greater act of charity to his wife by visiting her also whom God now visited with sickness as also to pray with and administer some comfort unto her which he most willingly condescended unto and having taken a strict account of her faith in Christ and hopes of a better life he left her with his Fatherly benediction top full of comfort and when she was afterwards told that he came out of respect and kindness to visit her Husband she said No but God had sent him for her comfort often acknowledging the consolations which she had found by him When any came to visit her in the time of her sickness at the parting she desired them to pray for her and often sent Messengers and caused Letters to be directed to her friends in London to pray for her for that she was now preparing for another world When she was sometimes desired for her childrens sake to chear up her self her answer was that to leave them did not trouble her because she was assured that God would provide for them adding that she would willingly leave Husband Children and all to go to Christ which was just the minde of that blessed Martyr Ignatius Befall me said he what will or can so I may enjoy Jesus Christ my Love my Life that was crucified for me or rather St. Pauls case expressed in that most elegant Barbarisme Phil. 1. 23. Desiring to be with Christ which is multo magis melius much more better And now finding the day of her life wasted to the evening and ready to dye into night on the Lords day before her death she desired the prayers of the Congregation in the Parish where she lived being well assured as she said that many good people would pray heartily for her After which some coming to visit her and exhorting her to patience and to remember the afflictions of Job she answered that she had had her part in his afflictions God having given her Luctuosam foecunditatem as St. Jerom said of Laeta a sad and sorrowfull fruitfulness taking away seven of her children in their minority so that she as Hanna spake in her song 1 Sam. 2. 5. that had born seven waxed feeble yet she comforted her self with this hope that they were in Heaven before her and hoped that they would be Lamps to lead her to heaven for she assured her self that they followed the Lamb whithersoever he goeth and for those two which were yet alive she thanked God for that she saw no ill qualities in them Besides she said that God had taken away her goods from her but had given her patience which to her was of more value and she esteemed it above them all knowing that God was able to restore all when he pleased She often acknowledged Gods goodness to her in sending her a milde sickness and not taking her away with some sudden stroke as he did the wife of Ezekiel Chap. 24. 16. or by some tormenting disease as he is pleased to visit some of his dear ones acknowledging the wonderful mercy of God to her therein A week before her death she called her eldest Daughter to her being to go from her to School at Putney and putting her hand on her shoulder she said to her I give you that blessing which my Mother gave me at her death The God of Abraham the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob bless you and then added the blessing which Aaron by Gods own appointment was to give the children of Israel The Lord bless thee and keep thee
of God against it Thou shalt not take the Name of God in vain And another of them reasoning with his fellows about God and the Devil professed that he had rather be in hell with God than in heaven with the Devil And a third who by reason of her age could not speak distinctly said in some discourse with her Father that God Almighty would not bless them who tell Fibbs meaning Lies and that she had rather dye than tell a Fibb so far had their Mothers instructions prevailed with them She was eminent for a charitable and bountifull spirit she was another Dorcas full of good works and Alms-d●eds That high Elogium that Solomon gives a vertuous woman may properly be applied unto her Many Daughters have done vertuously but she excelled them all Prov. 31. 29. Many there are that come far short of her but very few that went beyond her in the acts of Charity God gave her a liberal and plentifull estate and that was a great mercy but it was a far greater mercy that he gave her a liberal heart to do good and to distribute To cast her bread on the waters and to honour God with her substance That protestation which Job makes for his own vindication may fitly be applied unto her Job 31. 16 19. He would not with-hold the poor from their desire nor cause the eyes of the widow to fail He would not see any to perish for want of cloathing nor any poor without covering The whole Country round about where she dwelt will bear her witness that she visited and relieved the sick and cloathed the naked fed the hungry and healed the wounded Her purse her hand her heart were all open for their relief She bought many precious Drugs and cordial waters She made several precious salves and gave them all away to such as were in need of them She spared not her best pains being never aweary of well doing insomuch that in the extremity of her greatest sickness such bowels of compassion yearned in her she compounded several Medicines with her own hands and applied them Thus will her works praise her in the Gate and being dead she yet speaketh Prov. 31. 31. Heb. 11. 4. For her precious name liveth The Lord will have the name of the Righteous to be in everlasting remembrance Psal. 112. 6. and the memory of the just is blessed Prov. 10. 7. And precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints Psal. 116. 15. Now this rare Gentlewoman reaps the fruit of her serving of God and the whole harvest whereof she received onely the first fruits in this present world The usual saying is All is well that ends well Come we therefore to speak of her end Her life was holy and therefore her death must needs be happy It pleased the Lord to exercise her with a long and lingring sickness and amidst the weakness of the outward man God gave her great strength in her inward man though her limbs and outward strength failed her yet God was her strength and portion and he never failed her A few dayes before her distemper waxed high her Husband being from home she sent for all her Family both young and old to come in unto her chamber with whom she prayed near two hours with such pathetical heavenly Scripture-language as drew admiration and tears from those that were present She blessed her children counselled her servants heartily and affectionately commended her Husband unto God she wept and prayed and prayed and wept and could not easily part with the company nor yet leave off praying and weeping Upon the encrease of her distemper her spirit was much disturbed and some impertinent speeches did fall from her yet in the middest of all her impertinences Grace and the Spirit of God did eminently declare their Power and Sovereignty in her by many savoury and choice speeches and sweet breathings of her soul some of which are these that follow I was in the Devils claws but Jesus Christ the sweet Bridegroom of my soul the sweet Bridegroom of my soul these words she often reiterated the sweet Bridegroom of my soul hath delivered me At another time I am safe for Jesus Christ is at my heart and I would not part with him for ten thousand worlds Again Come Lord Jesus the Captain of my salvation ride on gloriously conquering and to conquer for me Satan Sin Hell Death and all mine enemies Afterwards again I was in Hell but now I am in Heaven I am in Heaven indeed indeed I am in Heaven I am in Heaven eternally I am in Heaven the habitation of Gods glory unto all eternity Much of this nature she did speak even when her understanding was so disturbed that she scarce did know her near Relations and those who did attend upon her in her Chamber And now all these things are worthy to be transmitted unto posterity and to be had in perpetual remembrance She was an eminently godly Gentlewoman being but little above Eight and twenty years of age when she dyed which was in the beginning of March Anno Christi 1656. But though she was young in years yet was she old in Grace She had lived long in a little time She was a mirror of her age and a renown of her sexe a pattern worthy of imitation She was the beloved faithfull wife of as an intirely loving and faithfull Husband She was a tender affectionate Mother to her own and no less carefull of those pledges committed to his charge She was a most dear Sister an affectionate Mistress carefull both of the bodies and souls of her servants that they should neither want corporal nor spiritual food Her profession was with Joshua Chap. 24. 15. Choose you this day whom you will serve But as for me I and my house we will serve the Lord. She was not onely a friend to her friends but a friend to her enemies even unto such as despitefully used her All the Country round about could not but look upon her whilst living as a publick gain and when dead as a publick loss She was very usefull whilst she lived and will be much missed now she is dead Two things were very eminent in her Setledness in Religion and holiness of conversation By her death the poor have lost a liberal Almoner the sick 〈…〉 a good Physitian the wounded have lost a 〈◊〉 Chirurgion the Husband hath lost a faithful Wife the children a tender Mother the servants a gracious Mistress and not any that knew her of all her neighbours and friends but they will finde a great loss and miss of her All that knew her loved her but onely such whose love is not worth the having She lived much desired and dyed much lamented For her to live was Christ and to die was gain Phil. 1. 21. She was honoured in her life and she was honoured at her death by a confluence of many persons of quality of the Gentry
the godly and the miserable condition of the wicked in their death and so for ever unto all eternity it pleased the Lord so much to affect my heart with it as from that time my heart was wrought over to a desire to walk in the wayes of God But at that time I fear I did not go upon a right principle for I then did not eye the glory of God in it but only my own safety that it might be well with me for ever But quickly after that I had but begun to set my face towards Sion I was set upon with many temptations and perplexities in my thoughts which were very troublesome to me at all times but especially when I was alone the consideration whereof brought such an horrour upon my conscience insomuch as I did not know what to do That little I had whether from education or from the light of Nature caused a striving in me continually against those thoughts of Atheisme which were most terrible unto me I was sensible that it was a fearfull sin to have any such thoughts to lodge within my brest but I desired from my soul to be freed from them and had continuall reasonings within me against them and yet still for a long time I was troubled but could not acquaint any with my condition I did not think that it was so with any other as it was with me In this strait when I knew not which way to turn me even there did the Lord extend his compassion towards me in my greatest extremity in directing me to read Calvins Institutions and especially that part that treats of the Creation Whereupon the Lord was pleased to give in such satisfaction to my soul concerning those things about which I was troubled as that from that time forwards I was not violently assaulted in that kind But no sooner was I freed from that trouble but new ones sprang up For the very remembrance of that horrid sin of Atheisme left such a terrour upon my spirit as made me fear that I had committed that sin against the Holy Ghost and so my condition seemed to be not only for the present but in my apprehension then for ever most miserable All other sins though never so great I knew upon true repentance were pardonable but this sin that I lay under the fear of I knew out of the Word of God should never be pardoned which caused many sad fears upon my spirit known to God alone For the removall of these fears the Lord in mercy directed me to the reading of Mr. Scudders Works where are laid down the marks of that sin Upon perusall whereof the Lord was pleased to satisfie my misgiving heart by a clear manifestation to my soul that I had not committed that sin and so assured me that though my sins were great yet were they pardonable which put me more chearfully upon the use of such means as the Lord had directed me unto And having satisfaction given in concerning this particular there was a great burden taken off from my spirit Although I found no grace in my heart nor discovery of the love of God unto my soul yet in that there was but a possibility there was a ground of comfort administred to my heart which I formerly feared that I should be shut out from But still my fears remained that I was not one of those in particular for whom Christ died The more I looked into mine own heart the more I saw of sin and Satan discouraging me from having any hope that the Lord should accept of such a vile sinfull wretch as I was who had entertained such sinfull thoughts I likewise thought how small the number was of those that should be saved in comparison of others and my repentance I feared came short of that which was required in the Gospel As for faith I could not find the least measure of it in my soul with many other sad discouraging thoughts But when I was most perplexed with fears and doubts even then did the Lord graciously dart in some beams of his reconciled countenance as I was reading something in Mr. Scudders Christian daily Walk c. which the Lord set home upon my soul and brought into my soul so much joy and comfort at the present as neither my tongue nor Pen can express But this joy remained not long for I quickly lost the sense of it yet the remembrance of it was sweet unto me at all times But after this all my former fears returned afresh again upon my heart only I had a door of hope opened that when God saw it best for me he would return and renew his reconciled countenance unto my soul in the clear light and apprehension thereof and this was when I was about sixteen years of age After which time the Lord did exercise me with various dispensations For for two years space I was by providence cast upon a place where I heard very little powerfull preaching small helps for the good of my soul but what the Lord was pleased to give in by the use of private means But his power and abundant mercy was much seen in that time that though I had not much comfort yet the Lord was pleased to keep up my spirit in a way of depending upon him and my fears were less at that time than formerly when I had more helps So gracious was t●● Lord unto me in keeping me alive in a time of famine After this through Gods goodness I was sometimes under the preaching of a powerfull Minister Mr. Bateman of Ockingam who was Crowned with the conversion strengthening and building up of many souls unto whose preaching the Lord gave me such a blessing as I seldome if ever went away from hearing him without comfort Though I came to hear him with many doubts upon my spirit yet the Lord so ruled and directed him as if his Sermons had been only concerning my particular and he fully acquainted with the whole condition of my soul. Sometimes the Lord directed me to some supporting Promises upon which I relied But those Promises which were made to Believers though I highly prized them yet I durst not apply them to my self fearing that I had no interest in them But that Promise Prov. 28. 13. He that confesseth and forsaketh his sins shall find mercy And that 1 Joh. 1. 9. If we confess our sins he is faithfull and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness And the Promise is 1 Joh. 2. 1 2. If any man sin we have an Advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the Righteous and he is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours onely but for the sins of the whole world and the Invitation Isa. 55. 1. Ho every one that thirsteth come ye to the waters and he that hath no money come ye buy and eat yea come buy wine and milk without money and without price together with
49● Piety 369 384 387 502 51● Policy 338 393 41● Popish lies and slanders 37● Prayer frequent and fervent 425 426 50● Prayer prevalent 479 52● Pride 39● Providences remarkable 344 357 51● Prudence 386 403 417 418 454 480 50● R Religion reformed in Sueden 377 383 387 39● Restitution 47● S Sabbath sanctified 454 46● Satans subtilty and methods 516 517 52● Self examination 52● Slanders against Gods children 450 47● Speeches holy 427 50● Sympathy 43● T Thankfulness to God 436 52● Treachery 344 39● W Wives good 367 443 49● Z Zeal 453 46 FINIS Courteous Reader be pleased to take notice that thefe Books following are Printed for and sold by William Miller at the Guilded Acorn in St. Pauls Church-yard near the Little North-door MR. Anthony Burgess of Original Sin Folio Rouses Works Folio Gadbury's Doctrine of Nativities Folio Hickes Revelation Revealed Folio Wilson on the Romans Folio Taylor of Temptations c. in Folio Boltons Discourse of true Happiness Quarto Clarks Lives of Ten Eminent Divines and other famous Christians Quarto Clarks Ministers Dues Quarto Obstinate Lady Quarto Record Urinal of Physick Octavo Langleyes Death of Charles the first Lamented and Restauration of Charles the second Congratulated Octavo Ravius Oriental Grammar Twelves Latin Bibles Twelves Latin Testaments Twelves Boltons Helps to Humiliations Twelves Mr. Peacocks Meditations Twelves Country-mans Catechisme Twelves Clamor Sanguinis Twelves Lord Capels Meditations Twelves Quarles Barnabas Twelves King Charles's Work Twenty fours Heb. 6. 12. Rom. 15. 4. Doctor Sibb● 1 Cor. 11. 1. 2 Sam. 24. Jaer 20. 10. Dan. 3. 12. 6. 13. Amos 7. 10. Esther 3. 8. Act. 24. 5. 2 Cor. 13. 14. His birth His education He goes●● Cambridge His Proficiency His Industry Gods providence Note His Ordination He fixes 〈◊〉 Bramford His great pains His Successe His Prayers Hi● Charity His children His zeal His non-conformity His enemies Gods providence His remove to Belsted His Communion with God His works His Family Duties His humility His hospitality His conversation His secret Duties His Prayers Of the Lords Prayer His skil in comforting afflicted Conseences A● Prediction His Prayers successfull His gracious speeches His acuteness His fruitfulness His Justice His Age. His Fastings His retirements His vigour His sickness His Death His Funeral His Humility His Works His Diary Note His birth His education His Proficiency His Preferment His youthly ●abours A good Linguist What use he made of them A good Artist His Ordination His preaching His Gratitude His remove to Wring●on His Industry and ●rudence His Contentment His holy life His esteem His Marriage His Wives characte● His great pains His manner of preaching His Motto His Industry His hospitality His Self d●niall His prudence in his Ministry His Catechism His Humility His powerfull Pra●ers ●is long labors His holy life His Family carriage His studiousness His usefulness to others His skill to comfort others His Charity His hospitality His humility His mirth His Table-Talk His Character His long life His sympathy His afflictions Gods providence His death His Funeral The Testimony at his Funeral His Works His Birth His education He goes to Cambridge His remove to Emanuel Gods providence His Industry His prudence His Conver●ion His Ora●ory He converted Dr. Preston His great Learning His call to Boston His Temptations His troubles His Labours ●is Industry His holy Duties Gods providence His Marriage His troubles Gods judgement on a persecutor He ●lies into New Engl. His arrivall in New Engl. A speciall providence Magistrates and Ministers united His Labours The success of the Ministry His learning and studiousness His piety His Humility His Family carriage His Sabbath imployment His dependance on God His Fastings His Moderation His Wisdome 〈◊〉 Meeknes● His Modest His Candor His Peace-making His Hospitality A special Providence His suffering● from men His Sickness His Death His Parentage His Education His Proficiency He is chosen Fellow of 〈◊〉 A careful Tu ●r His labours in ●he Ministry His remove to Tichmersh His Marriage He is chosen ●o the Assembly Chosen to be Matter of Emanuel His remove to ●●iuity His Industry His care of the University De jure belli pacis lib. 3. cap 1● Sec. 10. His sound judgement His painfulness in the Ministry His activity for God His Character His Charity His last sickness His Death His Birth and Parentage His Education His early Piety His remove to Cambridge He defended Ramus His Advancement He is Fellow His studiousne●s He read 15 Chapters every day His meditation of the word He instructed others He learned Hebrew A general Schollar His Diligence His Marriage His Children His esteem of the Ministry His Family government His sanctifying of the Sabbath His visiting the sick His frequent Prayers His Ordination His choice to Black-Friars His self-denial His Industry His success in the Ministry His painfulness His manner of Preaching His holy life He is envied His judgement about the Calling of the Jews His Labours He commenced Doctor His publick imployments Buying in of Impropriations He is chosen to the Assembly of Divines To the Ordination of Ministers To write Annotations on the Bible He refused to read the Book for Sports His skill in Cases of Conscience His Meekness A Peace-maker He is slandered His good Memory His Charity His studiousness His Temperance His Deportment His Affabi●ity His Humility His Fastings His Thanksgivings His Sympathy His Faith His Patience His excellent Speeches His Sickness His Death His Parentage His Birth His Education His remove to Cambridge Gods Providen His industry and preferment His remove to Sidney College His abode in Essex His imployment there His Ordination His return to Cambridge His Diligence His Ministe●●ial imployment His remove to London His call to Linconlus-Inne His Self-deni● His rem●ve to Rotherhithe His Industry His Catechizing His first Marriage His second Marriage His third Marriage His fourth Marriage He views the Low-Countries He is chos●n to the Assembly His Self denial His Distempers His care of his Flock His Family imployments Persons bred under him English Forreigners His great Memory His great Learning His Piety His Zeal His holy life His Humility His Charity His Justice His Patience and Faith His Sickness His preparation for death ●is words to Mr Ash. His return to Mr. Baxter He waits for Death Death seizeth on his leg The vigour of his natural parts His last charge to his Relations His Death His Character His Works His Birth His early seeking God His esteem of the Ministry His remove to Cambridge His remove to Okeham His Marriage and Children His remove to Stretton His great pains His frequent Fastings His Family-duties His Zeal and Courage His delight i● the Ministry He is chosen to the Assembly He is chosen to Mary Magdalens Bermondsey His great Industry He was a Universal Schollar His Zeal and Courage His high esteem of the Ministry Gods love to him His tender-heartedness His Meekness His Patience His spirit of Prayer His Humility His