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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A31085 Sermons preached upon several occasions by Isaac Barrow ... Barrow, Isaac, 1630-1677.; Loggan, David, 1635-1700? 1679 (1679) Wing B958; ESTC R36644 220,889 535

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shall then be seated upon unmovable Thrones their heads encircled with unfading Crowns their faces shining with rays of unconceivable Glory and majesty The less of Honour they have received here in this transitory moment of life the more thereof they shall enjoy in that future eternal state where with him who through the whole course of his life sought not his own honour but the honour of him that sent him who for the suffering of death was crowned with glory and honour who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and is set at the right hand of God with those who consecrated all their endeavours and who sacrificed their lives to the promoting of God's Honour they shall possess everlasting glory Which together with them God Almighty of his infinite mercy grant unto us all through Jesus Christ our Lord to whom with God the Father and God the Holy Ghost be for ever all Honour and Praise Amen The Fifth Sermon PROV 10. 9. He that walketh uprightly walketh surely THE world is much addicted to the Politicks the heads of men are very busie in contrivance and their mouths are full of talk about the ways of consulting our safety and securing our interests May we not therefore presume that an infallible Maxim of Policy proposing the most expedite and certain method of security in all our transactions will be entertained with acceptance Such an one the greatest Politician and wisest man for business if we may take God's own word for it that ever was or will be doth here suggest to us For the practice couched in our Text he otherwhere voucheth for a point of Policy telling us that A man of understanding walketh uprightly and here he recommendeth it as a method of Security He that walketh uprightly walketh surely Treating upon which Aphorism I shall by God's help endeavour first in way of Explication briefly to describe the practice it self then in way of Proof by some Considerations to declare that Security doth attend it For Explication To walk as well in the style of Holy Scripture as in other Writings and even in common speech doth signifie our usual course of dealing or the constant tenour of our practice Uprightly according to the original might be rendred in perfection or with integrity And by the Greek Translatours in several places is supposed chiefly to denote Sincerity and Purity of intention In effect the Phrase He that walketh uprightly doth import One who is constantly disposed in his designs and dealings to bear a principal regard to the rules of his Duty and the dictates of his Conscience who in every case emergent is ready to perform that which upon good deliberation doth appear most just and fit in conformity to God's Law and sound Reason without being swayed by any appetite any passion any sinister respect to his own private interest of profit credit or pleasure to the commission of any unlawfull irregular unworthy or base act who generally doth act out of good principles namely reverence to God charity to men sober regard to his own true welfare who doth aim at good ends that is at God's honour publick benefit his own Salvation other good things subordinate to those or well consistent with them who doth prosecute his designs by lawfull means in fair ways such as honest providence and industry veracity and fidelity dependence upon God's help and prayer for his blessing In short One who never advisedly doth undertake any bad thing nor any good thing to ill purposes nor doth use any foul means to compass his intents For Proof That such an one doth ever proceed with much security from the following Considerations may appear I. An upright walker is secure of easily finding his way For it commonly requireth no reach of wit or depth of judgment no laborious diligence of enquiry no curious intentness of observation no solicitous care or plodding study to discern in any case what is just we need not much trouble our heads about it for we can hardly be to seek for it If we will but open our eyes it lieth in view before us being the plain straight obvious road which common Reason prompteth or which ordinary Instruction pointeth out to us so that usually that direction of Solomon is sufficient Let thine eyes look right on and let thine eye-lids look straight before thee Turn not to the right hand nor to the left The ways of iniquity and vanity if we may call them ways which indeed are but exorbitancies and seductions from the way ill designs and bad means of executing designs are very unintelligible very obscure abstruse and intricate being infinitely various and utterly uncertain so that out of them to pick and fix ●n this or that may puzzle our head● and perplex our hearts as to pursue any of them may involve us in great difficulty and trouble But the ways of Truth of Right of Vertue are so very simple and uniform so fixed and permanent so clear and notorious that we can hardly miss them or except wilfully swarve from them For they by Divine wisedom were chalked out not onely for ingenious and subtle persons men of great parts of refined wits of long experience but rather for the vulgar community of men the great Body of God's subjects consisting in persons of meanest capacity and smallest improvement being designed to make wise the simple to give the young man knowledge and discretion to direct all sorts of people in their duty toward their happiness according to that in the Prophet A high way shall be there and it shall be called the way of Holiness the wayfaring-man though fools shall not erre therein They are in very legible characters graven by the finger of God upon our hearts and consciences so that by any considerate reflexion inwards we may easily reade them or they are extant in God's Word there written as with a Sun-beam so perspicuously expressed so frequently inculcated that without gross negligence or strange dulness we cannot but descry them For who with half an eye may not see that the practice of pious love and reverence toward God of entire justice and charity toward our neighbour of sober temperance and purity toward our selves is approved by Reason is prescribed by God to us Hence in the Holy Scripture as bad ways are called dark crooked rough slippery ways so the good ways are said to be clear plain direct even ways The path of the just say they is as a shining light All the words of my mouth are plain to him that understandeth or that considereth them My foot standeth in an even place The Law of his God is in his heart none of his steps shall slide Hence it is affirmed that an upright man doth hardly need any conduct beside his own honesty For The integrity saith Solomon of the upright shall guide them and The righteousness of
Judge of the earth It is God's manner hereby to notifie himself The Lord is known by the judgment that he executeth He for this very purpose doth interpose his Hand that men may know that it is his Hand and that the Lord hath done it that as it is in Esay they may see and know and consider and understand together that the Hand of the Lord hath done this and the Holy one of Israel hath created it He manageth things so that men may be brought to know may be induced to acknowledge his authority and his equity in the management thereof that they may know that he whose Name is Jehovah is the most High over all the earth that they may say Verily there is a reward for the righteous verily there is a God that judgeth the earth In fine the knowledge of God's special Providence is frequently represented as a mean of nourishing our faith and hope in him as a ground of thankfulness and praise to him as an incentive of the best affections of holy joy and humble fear and hearty love toward him wherefore we ought to seek it and we may attain it There are consequently some distinctive marks or characters by which we may perceive God's Hand and such may these be which follow drawn from the special nature manner adjuncts and consequences of events upon which may be grounded Rules declarative of special Providence such as commonly will hold although sometimes they may admit exceptions and should be warily applied 1. The wonderfull Strangeness of Events compared with the ordinary course of things or the natural influence of causes when effects are performed by no visible means or by means disproportionate unsutable repugnant to the effect Sometimes great exploits are atchieved mighty forces are discomfited huge structures are demolished designs backed with all advantages of wit and strength are confounded none knows how by no considerable means that appear Nature rising up in arms against them panick fears seising on the Abetters of them dissensions and treacheries springing up among the actours sudden deaths snatching away the principal instruments of them As when the stars in their courses fought against Sisera when the winds and skies became auxiliaries to Theodosius when the Lord thundered with a great thunder upon the Philistines and discomfited them and they were smitten before Israel when the Lord made the host of Syrians to hear a noise of chariots of horses of a great host whence they arose and fled when the children of Ammon and Moab stood up against the inhabitants of mount Seir utterly to slay and destroy them and when they had made an end of the inhabitants of Seir every one helped to destroy another when the Angel of the Lord went out and smote in the camp of the Assyrians 185000 men and when they arose early in the morning behold they were all dead corpses when the mighty power of Antiochus was as it is said to be broken without hands and when as it is foretold a stone cut out of the mountain without hands should break in pieces the iron the brass the clay the silver and the gold Such Events do speak God to be their cause by his invisible efficacy supplying the defect of apparent means So likewise when by weak forces great fears are accomplished and impotency triumpheth over might when as the Prophet saith the captives of the mighty are taken away and the prey of the terrible is delivered when One man as is promised doth chase a thousand and two put ten thousand to flight when a strippling furnished onely with faith and a pebble shall knock down a monstrous Giant armed with a helmet of brass and a coat of mail with a huge target sword and spear when successes arrive like those recorded in Scripture under the conduct of Joshua Gideon Jonathan Asa Jehosaphat wherein very small forces by uncouth means did subdue formidable powers This doth argue that God doth interpose with whom as it is said it is all one to save by many or by few and those that have no power whose power is perfected in weakness who breaketh the arm of the wicked and weakneth the strength of the mighty and delivereth the poor from him that is too strong for him Also when great policy and craft do effect nothing but are blasted of themselves or baffled by simplicity when cunningly-laid designs are soon thwarted and overturned when most perspicacious and profound counsellours are so blinded or so infatuated as to mistake in plain cases to oversee things most obvious and palpable when profane malicious subtil treacherous Politicians such as Abimelech Achitophel Aman Sejanus Stilico Borgia with many like occurring in story are not only supplanted in their wicked contrivances but dismally chastised for them These occurrences do more then insinuate Divine wisdom to intervene countermining and confounding such devices For he it is who as the Scripture tells us maketh the Diviners mad turneth wise men backward and maketh their knowledge foolish disappointeth the devices of the crafty so that their hands cannot perform their enterprize taketh the wise in their own craftiness and turneth down the counsel of the froward headlong When-ever a just cause or honest design without any support or succour of wordly means without authority power wit learning eloquence doth against all opposition of violence and art prevail this signifieth him to yield a special countenance and aid thereto who to depress humane pride and advance his own glory hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and the weak things of the world to confound the things that are mighty and base things of the world and things which are despised and things that are not to bring to nought things that are that are with us in most request and esteem Again when Plots with extream caution and secrecy contrived in darkness are by improbable means by unaccountable accidents disclosed and brought to light a bird of the air as the wise man speaketh telling the matter the stones in the wall as it is in the Prophet crying out Treason The King cannot sleep to divert him the Chronicle is called for Mordecai's service is there pitched on an inquiry is made concerning his recompence honour is decreed him so doth Aman's cruel device come out Pity seiseth on a pitiless heart toward one among a huge number of innocents devoted to slaughter that he may be saved a Letter must be sent in that words inserted suggesting the manner of execution that carried to the wise King who presently smelleth it out so This day's Plot was discovered Such events whence can they well proceed but from the all-piercing and ever-watchful care of him whose eyes as Elihu saith are upon the ways of man and he seeth all his goings There is no darkness nor shadow of death where the