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A27637 The principles of Protestant truth and peace in four treatises : viz. the true state of liberty of conscience, in freedom from penal laws and church-censures, the obligations to national true religion, the nature of scandal, paricularly as it relates to indifferent things, a Catholick catechism, shewing the true grounds upon which the Catholick religion is ascertained / by Tho. Beverley ... Beverley, Thomas. 1683 (1683) Wing B2188A; ESTC R12543 325,863 502

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Corruption They walk in the Light of their own Sparks and have only this at Gods hand to lie down in sorrow Besides that God in just displeasure sends down upon them the Revenges of an abused and injur'd Power and Godhead Now all this expresses the Heighth both of the Deception and Mischief of Scandal 4. The fourth great Principle of Truth is the absolute and indispensible Necessity of Holiness both in Heart and Life without which no Man shall see the Lord Against which Heb. 12. 24. there lies no such Scandal or cause of Offence as inward and inherent Lust and inordinate Appetite which is obstinately set to obtain its Satisfaction and is no way to be tam'd but by bein● cut off though it be the Right Hand or Right Foot or even the Right Eye The Love of God Mark 9. 43. and his Law is the best Security against this Scandal and daily Mortification and Crucifixion of the Old Man with Ephes 4. 22. its sinful Lusts and Affections Pretences from Reason or Doctrines of Religion there can be none in this Case to those who acknowledge either Christianity or Morality But Men are carried down the violent Stream of ungovern'd Passion and that falls into the wide Sea of general Corruption and Bad Example which looks most like an Authority There are the Palliations and Excuses of Sin which may serve in a time of Peace and Carnal Security but cannot so delude Conscience as to be in a strict sense Scandal The continual Practice of Sin hardens the Heart sears benumbs and stupifies all inward Sense and cancels the Awe of those ingraven Laws and revealed Commands of God for a time but cannot either deny their Just Power or challenge them of Unreasonableness So that if any where Men are forc'd to take Refuge at the Atheistick denial of Religion it self or to blind Conscience with Superstitious Acts which seem to commute and make satisfaction for Sin Or if Men are resolved to blind their Eyes and obstruct all Sense they may make the Profession of True Religion a Cover to Sin as they that cry Lord Lord and Mat. 7. 22. the Temple of the Lord are we that name the Name of Jer. 7. 4. 2 Tim. 2. 19. Christ with great ostentation and so may deceive their own Souls but to hold out against either the Challenges of Divine Truth or of their own Reflexions is impossible So that upon the whole matter Predominant Lust from within and Bad Example from the so abounding Iniquity of all sorts of Men the Falls of Good Men the Miscarriages of Hypocrites and insincere Professours of Religion are the greatest Scandals or Stumbling-blocks in the Ways of Holiness to those that are not insnared in the afore-named Scandals But although the necessity of Holiness is above the reach of strict and proper Scandal yet it is the very Center of all Scandal in the effect of it for then a Man is indeed scandalised when the Salt of Divine Truth when the Spirit of Truth can have no power nor efficacy upon him because of that Scandal to season the Heart nor govern the Life and Action in the Love Fear and Obedience of God and Jesus Christ But if it be possible for any Man to understand in his Heart and Life what he does not promise by Profession or if he seem to deny any Principle of Truth and does not understand in his Heart and Life the Extent and Force of his Denial but hath better Principles that are an Antidote and Counter-poyson to any Mistakes in the Doctrine of Religion he is not scandalised with the great Mischief of Scandal But that Man is scandalised that through False Principles or the denial of True ones wants their Power and Vertue upon his Affections and Actions For no Truth is for Notions sake but to make truly good the Heart and Practice the very Confession with the Mouth is to recoil back into the Soul and make that better and to move forward and ingage the Life along with it 5. It is a grand Pillar of the Truth of Religion That we love our Neighbour as our selves and that he that loves 1 John 4. 21. God should love his Brother also And there is not there cannot be any Law of Religion wherein the Equity the Love Favour and Compassion of the Lord our God and of Jesus Christ our Saviour towards Humane Nature does more evidently recommend it self It is the Justification of the Religion of the Scriptures to be the True Religion And as the Love of God to Man his Philanthropy does shine out more illustriously in the Gospel so does the Law and Doctrine of this Love of Christians to one another and not only to Christians but to all Men And in this as of greatest concernment th● Gospel is so abundant and its Discourses of so great weight that it is made another Hemisphere of Religion to the Love of God The one is the first and Mat. ●1 38 39. great Commandment and the second is like to it It is the Law and the Prophets it is the whole Law It is irreconcilable Rom. 13. 8 9. to the Love of God not to love our Brother It is 1 Joh. 3. 15. such a Degree of Murther that whoever is guilty of cannot have Eternal Life abiding in him It is the great Mark 1 Joh. 3. 14. We have passed from Death to Life because we love the Brethren So many are the Arguments and so strong the Obligations to this Duty that they cannot be recounted all may be summed up in that God is Love and he that dwelleth in Love is born of God dwelleth in God and God in him Now that this Love is fix'd in an Uniformity of Opinions or points of outward order in the Worship of God is most unreasonable to believe for besides the impossibility to reconcile all the innocent Varieties that are in Humane Nature though it be Christian humane Nature in their Sentiments and Elections in these things the things themselves are not of that amount as to be the proper rest of this Divine Love or that if it misses these Poles it should therefore cease to be the Axis upon which the Catholick Society of Christians and Christian unity turns for that in the very Nature of the thing must be substantial Christianity it self And this is indeed the Great Schism to be divided in Affection from Christians it is a wonder how it could be otherwise understood seeing smaller differences are frequently by the Apostle considered and allowed for without the least allowance for Christians not loving one another Christianity carries no Gall even towards utmost Strangers upon the account of its being the true Religion much less towards those that are truly Christians though not each uniform with one another in all things The great Scandals against this Love are private Men think it justifiable not to love those that have injured them but this Case hath been considered
Adultery and Peters Denial of his Lord the one was plain Temptation the other Scandal arising from the to him uninterpretable Suffering of our Saviour though both were great and grievous Sins 3. Scandal is a Temptation to some great Sin or course of Sin For though the least Sin introduc'd upon the Counterfeit of Religion and Reason is truly Scandal and partakes in its Woe Yet those Scandals of daily almost unavoidable Incursion in this imperfect State are broken in their deadly effect by the daily and general Repentance and desire of Pardon and Faith in the Blood of Jesus all true Converts live in the Practice of Who can understand his Scandals Deliver thou me from secret ones may every good man pray But keep back thy Servant from Insolent Scandals that they may not have Dominion so that I be Innocent and free from the great Transgression The sins that Scandal precipitates upon may be either in the refusal disavowment rejection or despight to some of the prime manifestations of God in the World in Infidelity or Unbelief or some great Enormity of Practice and it may be absolv'd and finished in some Notorious Act of Sin or may run through the whole Course of a mans Life in an habitual State of sin or Transgression of the Rule that he acts in all a-long Lives and dies in this Snare of Satan in this Captivity under him It may be partial only there being a reserve of the Soul preserv'd by Grace by which the renewed Soul recovers it self as the Apostles were Offended or Scandalis'd in Christ on the Night of his Passion and Peter in a fouler manner and yet theirs even his Faith did not fail They and he most Eminently escap'd out of the broken Snare But men devoid of any Principle of true saving Grace are though in several degrees lock'd within the Scandal and cannot be rescued out of it but by a Renovation to Repentance the first Repentance Yea even the best men under the power of Scandal as we now discribe it are for the present inwrap'd and involv'd so that the whole man seems to fall and the whole strength for that time so far as is visible is taken Captive Now by all this that hath been spoken it is undeniable that a Man is never Scandalised but when he sins he is not Offended in this Scripture-sense but when he himself Offends To be justly displeas'd with other mens sins or defiling Religion with impure mixtures is not to be Offended but when a man himself displeases and offends God and against his Duty 4. Scandal in wraps in Sin and the dreadful consequents of it for in the mischief and deadly issue of Sin is the complemental nature and notion of Scandal It is in the way of Righteousness onely that there is Life and in the Path-way thereof that there is no Death none of the beginnings and first strokes of it of the avant Couriers of Death It is Wisdom alone that is Health to the Navel and Marrow to the Bones whose ways are ways of pleasantness and all its paths are Peace But the ways of Scandal so closely united with Sin though they seem right in a Man 's own Eyes yet are all along the ways of Death and most evidently so in their end Guilt Divine displeasure Perplexity Anguish of Mind Grief if the Sin be felt however a wound a stripe upon Conscience and a mark of that stroke of that wound and stripe whether felt or not that can never be worn off but by Repentance and Faith in the Blood of Christ Weakness Inability loss of Vigour to a Holy Life 〈◊〉 Action and often down right Apostacy are the Fruit● 〈◊〉 Scandal for every Sin is a prejudice a mortification 〈◊〉 dead works upon the Consci●nce dispiriting it to Holi●●●● more and more It is the way of Righteousness that is strength to the upright and the joy of the Lord therein is his double strength Through Scandal Men stumble and fall are discouraged and lye down at length out of Choice and with resolution to continue where they are as most easie Qui jacet in terris non habet unde cadat Upon all this ensues at last Eternal Death if not prevented by Repentance 5. Scandal is covered under some plausible pretence or disguise of a principle of Reason or Doctrine of Religion For Reason being an efflux from God the Sovereign Reason and Light from the Father of Lights any true principle of true Reason and rightly applyed is undoubtedly a Divine Oracle and would justifie any pretension grounded upon it Now in all Cases wherein Divine Revelation is refused or avowedly forced from the genuine Sense because either the Revelation or all Natural Interpretation will not serve the turn of Scandal but detects and exposes it it then flyes under an umbrage of Reason as separated from such Revelation or sets it up to limit and control such Revelation But if it professes to own the Scripture it then serves it self of Divine Revelation but wrested and mis-applyed for the higher the Authority is that is vouched and pretended the deeper the Scandal as we may see in the Pharisees the greatest both Masters and Bondmen of Scandal that ever were in the World except the Galley Slaves of it in the Romans Antichristianisme and they were so because they were defended and flanked on all sides as they miserably deluded themselves with the Authority of the Old Testament the Law and the Prophets together with the to them equall or indeed superiour awful Traditions of the Elders by which they circumscribed and kept under the Authority and Sense of Scripture as the Papists do at this day by like Traditions and Faith of their Church Now all these as they would have it joyned in perpetuating the Ceremonial Law as irreversible by God himself and settling an indefeisible state of Inheritance in the true Religion upon the Jews alone without the calling of the Gentiles to be the People of God but as their meer Proselytes All these as they deemed represented a Messiah of quite another Figure another Character than our Saviour and therefore he as they concluded must needs be an Impostor and his Doctrine Blasphemy upon which Rock of offence the Vessel of their Church and even Nation it self besides their particular Souls was most dismally Shipwrack'd But not only things of so good a Title and Claim as the Jewish Religion are counter-scarf'd with a Doctrine but even such vile things as Balaam taught eating things Sacrificed to Idols in honour of the Idol and committing Fornication when contrived into Scandal must have a Doctrine for them For so the Spirit of God calls it the Doctrine of Balaam In Scandal even Jezabel puts on the Vail of a Prophetess and calls her self so and under it teaches and seduces which may abate to us the wonder of Romes calling it self a Church and its Adulteries Sorceries and Idolatries Catholick Christian Religion 6. Scandal by such a Principle of
Succession from the Apostles without cautioning for any thing of their true Spirit and which so hangs Salvation at the Girdle of those that would be their Successours as turns Christianity into a most Arbitrary and Tirannick Party But they that know the Scriptures know assuredly Christ hath founded no Rule Government or Authority in his Church whatever but whose whole display of it self is in Teaching Instructing according to his Word If that be not clear and evident the whole Authority and Power falls to the Ground This Word appearing in and with it self though by the Ministers of it hath the sole Power over Conscience They that would Rule without this as Rulers appointed by Christ in his Church are but Lay-Elders Lay-Bishops or indeed they leave the Word of God and serve Tables But in this Universal Rage of Scandal God hath not so forsaken the World but that his Spirit lifts up a Standard against it Evil is not Infinite but is at all times stopp'd by Evidences of God and true Goodness environing it on every side and bounding it that it cannot do what it has a mind to do and is therefore forced to leave it undone for it can go no farther than the Beings that carry it can go and God is always above them and hems them in on every side Scandal hath only a permission from God a Dispensation to manifest it self it is always subject to Truth as Night is to Day It is subject to be reduc'd and contracted as God pleases And thus have I finished the Third Head of Discourse concerning Scandal It must needs be that Scandals come I come to a brief Dispatch of the Fourth Head The Demonstration of the World's Woe because of Scandal 1. Let the Scandal be never so fair and plausible in its Pretence or Reasons of Seduction from God and our Duty there is so great a Force of Truth and Higher Reason against it that our Guilt and Condemnation is unavoidable in not resisting the Temptation Nothing can justifie a Plea against the Divine Law not an Angel from Heaven we must pronounce Anathema upon him if he undertakes it There are such Foundations of Truth laid by God that cannot be moved and they have such Evidence and Assurance to all sincere Minds that there is no excuse against the Guilt of being taken with Scandal 2. There is therefore always some most Guilty Cause of Scandal and its prevalency within every Man that is taken by it Some Lust and love of Evil that betrays him and on which he is condemned When Scandal rages most abroad and comes with lying Signs and Wonders and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness it is because Men have pleasure in unrighteousness and receive not the Truth in the love of it 3. Scandal is it self Misery and Ruine A Man cannot fall and be snared he cannot be wounded and broken but he must be miserable Life Health Salvation are only in Obedience to God and Conformity to his holy Will Who hath Woe Who hath Wounds Who hath Grief But he that hath received Scandal against the Divine Truth This is a deep Ditch he only that is hated of God falleth into it as not to recover It is vain to pretend the Force the Power the unavoidableness of Scandal when it self is Death and Ruine How many are pleased with their Scandals and will by no means part with them Many excuse themselves they could not withstand their Deceipt and Violence and will not apprehend their Case The first closely embrace Death or as Solomon says love Death The latter can have no other Pity at the highest but that they are undone their Scandals are upon them and they pine away in them as they speak in Ezekiel and how then should Ezek. 33. 10. they live God hath no pleasure in their death yet still they dye except restor'd by Repentance 4. Were it not for Scandal were it not some unhappy and mischievous mis-representation of Divine Goodness and Truth were there not something that imposed upon the Understanding and seduced the Will with a false appearance of Truth and Good Rational Beings could not resist Truth nor fall out with Infinite Goodness or on the other side entertain Falshood or fall in love with Evil and so would be every way secure from Destruction Surely were it not for Scandal some most mischievous possession upon our Minds while there are any hopes of Mercy we could not refuse and reject it nor cleave so fast to sin and death which can have no desirableness but to the deceived Soul as Holiness and the Favour of God cannot be disgustful to any but the Scandalised Were it not for some indissolvable Scandal even the sin against the Holy Spirit might be repented of and forgiven some irreconcileable prejudice retains both the sin and so the punishment And in Hell there is that Eternal Scandal for ever holding fast the Damned That a Creature deprived of God justly hate and rebel against him Or it is best for it in that Circumstance so to do Were it possible to be loosed from this Snare of Death this Everlasting Chain of Darkness there might be an escape out of Hell it self Were there not an Eternal Discontent and Disgust to God Hell could not be Hell nor Devils Devils any longer so miserable a thing is Scandal The fifth Head in this Discourse is the accumulative Woe to him by whom Scandal cometh the Woe by way of Transcendency 1. The Designers of Scandal must be as so many Satans in the World of the just contrary Spirit and Action to God and Christ and the Holy Spirit in the World and therefore shall be for ever separated from that Blessed Presence into that Fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels the God and the Angels of Scandal Some have in all Ages been brandedly infamous herein but none like him whose coming is after Satan with lying Signs and Wonders and all deceivableness of Vnrighteousness All those Atheistical Defamations of God and Religion and the Scurrilities of Prophane Wits are deeply dyed in this Guilt They are like the throwing of Firebrands Arrows and Death so is the Scandalising of Men in such sports of Wit to their Ruine They that offer themselves as Coppies and Patterns of Wickedness in defiance of Heaven dwell near to this insupportable Woe They whose Laws Armed with cruel Penalties are so many destructive Traps and Engins of Mischief against all that are Professors of true and sincere Religion shall be gathered out of Gods Kingdom their Scandals and themselves that work iniquity by them They that in Indifferent Things that they themselves acknowledge Indifferent use a violent Example that must be answered with Conformity though Men do with greatest Seriousness and Solemnity protest their Doubt in the Case and though Scandal be planted every where in their Indifferencies had need as our Saviour bids them take heed they offend not they despise not though they should be but the Little ones in
wholly naked and uncovered of any pretence according to acknowledged Principles of Natural Religion and the Word of God yet they are not without the Shelter of some Scandal and if they are driven out of all else they yet retire under this It is an undesirable state for a free-born Understanding and Will to be under Subjection there is something Tyrannick and Oppressive in it that they may not know and chuse what is best for themselves and so there is a resolvedness in corrupt Nature to do whatever goes out of its own Mouth The Apostle observes The Carnal Mind is Enmity to the Law of God it is not subject to it neither indeed can be Rom. 8. 7. It is always offended at it it always pretends some Cause against it and if there be no other that it is too Arbitrary A pretence a shew of Reason seems necessary to a Rational Mind and Will that is so made under the power of Truth and Goodness it cannot sin but by being deceived and grasping at some forbidden appearing Good Hence even the Devils think their Case justifies an eternal quarrel against God their Misery is to them a just Cause But the various Degrees Kinds and Shapes of Scandal are so many so confused so perplexing that the very view of it would enforce a thinking Soul to cry out I have waited for thy Salvation O Lord as the Patriarch Jacob in a Prophetick Prospect upon Dan out of whom some have fansied Antichrist should arise describes him as one would describe Scandal and therefore near enough to Antichrist that Man of Scandal and Son of Perdition that yet will be as Dan Judge over the Tribes of Israel Scandal is a Serpent by the Way an Adder in the Path that biteth the Horse heels so that his Rider shall fall backward most mischievous Ruine Considering therefore the Danger the Multitude of Scandals We wait for thy Salvation O Lord. Scandals then in particular Persons and Cases are Infinite but the more general may be reduced In Persons of no sense no true love to Religion 1. To the almost Universal Insolency of Wickedness in Humane Nature bearing away with the force and authority of so bad Example all before it And if defended by Atheistick Boldness wicked men clap their hands among themselves and multiply words against God they go in Company Job 43. 7. one with another and fulfill or justifie and make good the judgment of the Vngodly They drink scorning like Water and add Rebellion to their sin 2. To the Ignorance Sottishness and Unconcernedness in Religion of Vulgar Minds which rests under such Shadows as these God is Merciful and will not Damn his Creatures All have their Faults even the Best the Wisest and the most Religious There is more ado than needs Religion drives Men out of their Wits 3. To a False a Formal Religion Damnable Heresies or a Superstition in place of Religion raging with great shew of Zeal and Devotion against True Religion which while men bloodily pursue they think they do God good service From those that are more serious in the True Religion these Scandals especially arise 1. All Immoralities impure Interest of Ambition Pleasure or Coveteousness are very Offensive and expose Religion both to Strangers and even among themselves it being so very difficult or almost impossible in this Scandalis'd state to sever in our Censures Religion it self from the miscarriages of those that profess it men will know the Religion and not only the men by the Fruits they bring forth though Religion be the first and most severe in condemning what ever is bad and so should be judg'd only by it self 2. The great and many and sharp Differences among those that are the Professors of Religion made most remarkable by the high Feuds and furious Rencounters that give sport to the Enemies of it in traducing it and every way enfeeble it among themselves are great Scandals 3. The strange Antipathy in Religious persons against permitting the due Liberty to Conscience in things indifferent or in all things that are not expresly commanded or forbidden by God that men either upon the known Principles of Natural Religion or their own Principles and acknowledged Consequences from them cannot deny which is many ways destructive of the true power of Religion wherever it takes being the Scandal of acting against Sense or Conscience The Apostle as hath been shewn so remarks upon and is however a great discouragement to the entrances into and loss of Reputation to the profession of it by the Clashes between those that cannot comply because they Doubt and those that either will not believe them when they say they Doubt or think them not able to understand whether they doubt or not or would drive them against the express Rule of the Apostle though it be allowed they do doubt Thus I have described Scandal in which the whole unconverted Nature of man is Seated though some are deeper than others in it The very best men are under the Remains of it and are never perfect from it till in the state of Just Spirits made perfect where Scandal cannot enter In Hell it remains for ever even under the Convictions of Everlasting punishment There is an Eternal Dislike and Discontent at a Reply against God and his Government as not worthy of love and submissive Reverence but to be rebelled against in the very midst of those Convictions Could there be that humble deference so due to God it would be Repentance and Recovery to Heaven And now the misery of Scandal runs along with it All Disobedience to the Divine Commands which are Eternal Life is Scandal in the Deception first and after falls down into the miserable state in which it always remains but never ends expressed by the Worm that never dies the Fire never quenched the weeping wailing and gnashing of Teeth for ever Every one that maketh and he that receiveth the lye of Scandal are cast into the Lake that burneth with Fire and Brimstone which is the second Death but he that maketh that ●ye sinks deepest for though they are so miserable so great a Woe is to them that receive it yet still Woe in an Eminency to him by whom Scandal cometh hath been pronounced by the Lord and cannot be reversed And now I am more immediately and nearly to fall upon what concerns us in a way of Practice from the consideration of Scandal 1. Let us seriously apprehend the great Folly of taking hold of Scandal and making advantage of it against any of the Rules and Laws of Religion It is no other than sucking in a Common Infection or Contagion because it is common or taking into our selves a Reason or a pretence of Reason to be Eternally undone and miserable because the most are so The Scandalising and the Scandalised World perish together they that bring the Pestilentitial Contagion that runs deep in their own Veins and they that draw it in to themselves from
others What recompence or allay of Anguish will it be to us that there were such and such Offences or Causes of Exception to Religion and the Ways of it And that we saw they took mightily in the World that they were generally received When all is but making a Covenant with Death and binding over our selves to it Can there be any Cause just enough why we should be Damned and lose our selves for ever Or will it satisfie us for our Souls that others perish with us 2. It is therefore every Mans Interest to arm himself with all the Reasons he can against Scandal as there are sufficient and to resist this Enemy at the very Gates It is only that we are deeply Scandalised first against Religion that we go up and down as it were inquiring for Scandal for some to Scandalise us and to give us further shew of Reason against being Religious Were our Hearts but true to Religion we should easily find they are more and stronger that are with it than that are against it If our Eyes were opened the Reasons for Religion are like a Mountain full of Charriots and Horses of Fire that cannot be resisted Our business therefore is not if we sincerely resolve that we and our 2 kings 6. 17. House shall serve the Lord to search every where for Offences Josh 24. 17. against such a resolution but to find out the pressing and undeniable Arguments why we should so resolve to fortifie our selves against all the seeming pretences to the contrary by setting them before us as Joshua does before the People of Israel to animate our selves the higher against them That we are so unequally poised so propense upon Scandal is because our Hearts are first bribed toward Sin and Apostacy from God 3. This should engage us to take heed to our selves to beware of our own proper Scandal the motion prejudice and passion that grows from our own false Understanding or Lust and does and will scandalise us though there were no other Scandal in the World these will make us fall into Dislike or Discontent with any of the ways of Holiness and our Duty when they do not satisfie our particular Apprehensions Affections or Desires Let us commit our ways wholly to the Lord and he will give us the desires Psal 37. 1. c. of our hearts a hundred fold in our Design of Good even in this Life in the room of what we would purchase with Scandal Let us rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him and he will bring it to pass for us But let us not fret our selves in any wise to do Evil because any thing in our Duty lies cross to our inordinate Concupiscence We cannot do well in being angry to Scandal for that is indeed to be angry to our Death we foolishly pervert our own way when ever our hearts fret against the Lord. If we love the Law of God nothing can offend us If we love God and our Brother we can have no occasion of stumbling or Scandal in us 4. Seeing Scandals are so every where abroad and our own Hearts so weak on the part of Scandal it is most necessary to commit our selves to Infinite Grace and the Divine Spirit as our greatest Security and Protection without which no Flesh could be saved not the very Elect If we set our love upon God and place our trust in him we shall dwell in the secret place of the Most High and rest under the Shadow of the Almighty and he will deliver us from the Snare of the Fowler from noisome Scandal though a thousand Psal 91. fall at our side and ten thousand at our right hand They that be planted in the House of the Lord shall flourish Psal 92. 13. c. in the Courts of our God they shall still being unscandalised bring forth fruit in their old-age they shall be fat and flourishing not blasted with Scandal's East Wind to shew that the Lord is upright a Rock of Security not of Scandal and there is no unrighteousness no cause of Scandal in him Oh how great is thy Goodness to them that fear thee to them Psal 31. 19. that trust in thee before the Sons of Men. Thou shalt hide them in the Secret of thy presence from the Pride of Scandal that compasseth men as a Chain yet they are proud of it from the strife of Tongues the Tongue of Scandal that are a World of Inquity that are set on fire of Hell that are set against Heav'n and walk through the Earth 5. We may from hence learn the great unreasonableness of being Scandalised that there are so many Scandals against Religion not marked with Vengeance If we consider well the state of the World how can it be otherwise It is neither a Heaven nor a Paradise upon Earth that immediately spue out Scandal and having once spued it out never receive it any more for ever Nor is it a Hell where there is Scandal all Scandal and no Religion but Scandal under Divine Vengeance Scandal all in a Flame with the Wrath of God discovering what it is so that it can intrap none any longer but those that are its Vassals for ever This World then is a World of Scandals and scandalised only it is under a Discipline an Administration of Grace like an Hospital a Bethlehem for Lunaticks the Lunaticks of Scandal the Infani as Holy Writ calls them They are under a gracious Provision of all Necessaries and a Method for Cure In the mean time that they that are at the height of this Lunacy should throw about Scandal with all their might is no more strange than that there are Mad Men in such a Bethlehem at the height of Distraction Indeed the Patience the Bounty that God uses to these is greater than of the most compassionate Hospitals generally in this world yet no doubt they have the cruel twinges and lashes of Conscience in order to their Cure if they might proceed to their Effect but that their Cure grows desperate is no more to be wondered at in the one Case than in the other Many never come to themselves They truly have Devils and are Mad Devils that are never cast out Others there are that are brought to a more quiet but sullen state others that have their lucid Intervals others again that have generally fair appearance of Reason yet not in their Right Minds and lastly some that are reduced beyond danger of relapse but not perfect What Reproach is it now to Right Reason to Sobriety that Lunaticks of all sorts erre from it or that some rally at it or that the very best among them do some things unbecoming to it No more is it that Evil Men or Imperfect Men not sanctified to the Perfection of Paradise or Heaven do unsuitable to Religion according to their several states though they do insanire cum ratione seem to be in their Wits and Reason while they do so Or that there