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A20000 Dialogicall discourses of spirits and divels declaring their proper essence, natures, dispositions, and operations, their possessions and dispossessions : with other the appendantes, peculiarly appertaining to those speciall points, verie conducent, and pertinent to the timely procuring of some Christian conformitie in iudgement, for the peaceable compounding of the late sprong controuersies concerning all such intricate and difficult doubts / by [brace] Iohn Deacon, Iohn Walker... Deacon, John, fl. 1585-1616.; Walker, John, preacher. 1601 (1601) STC 6439; ESTC S323 312,434 405

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sir we also our selues would gladly see that same Iesus whom the world so egerly affecteth and followeth Andrew no sooner perceiued their sute but he acquainted Phillip therewith and they both together propounded the whole matter to Iesus Now then Iesus considering in the zeale of those greekes how all nations affected his preaching and miracles and came flocking vnto him he answered Andrew and Philip thus I perceiue by all signes that the very hower it selfe is now come wherein the sonne of man must be glorified in the actuall manifestation of his effectuall power vpon satan by his sufferings and death Which his said death I assure you must now necessarily succeed to the actuall accomplishment of that actuall conquest a very liuely resemblance whereof you may plainely behold in the wheate corne Which vnlesse it doth fall into the ground and die abideth alone but if it doe die it bringeth foorth abundance of fruit And euen so if this body of mine were once wrapped within the bowels of the earth by the dart of death there would vndoutedly spring many moe branches from thence as from that liuing roote which quickneth many to eternall life Neither let any be so dismaied with the sight of my death as that therefore they themselues would not gladly vnde●goe the like shame of the crosse For whosoeuer is so taken vp with the loue of this life as he would not for my sake be throughly willing to put ouer the same to the extreamest aduentures of all that man without question shall loose his life Whereas they that for my sake doe make themselues ready to forgoe if neede so require their very life in this world they shal be sure to preserue the same to eternall life Yea and euen you also your selues whom I haue especially chosen my ministers to declare my said death to the world if in your said ministery you desire to serue me aright you likewise must willingly follow me your Lord and Maister now leading this dance vnto death For wheresoeuer I am there must my ministers willingly be Neither haue I any other purpose in suffering death for you but to giue you an example to follow my steps Wherein if you readily serue me assure your selues that then my father in heauen will honour you highly In deed this corporall death I confesse is extreamely fearefull to flesh and bloud For euen my very soule I assure you is so intollerably tormented with the terrours thereof as I would earnestly entreate my father that the approching hower of this my death might presently passe away were it not that euen therefore I came vnto this hower In consideration of which my determined death I will the more earnestly endeuour my selfe to vndergoe with patience the whole bickering whatsoeuer by crying incessantly vnto my father and saying Oh father glorifie thy owne name in these my appointed sufferings Moreouer to the end you may plainely perceiue the fruits of my praier you your selues shal be eare witnesses of my father his answere from heauen saying My son I haue both glorified it before in thy conception thy birth thy baptisme thy fasting thy preaching and miracles and I will now glorify it againe in thy death and resurrection because therein shal be actually effected the finall ouerthrow of satan his kingdom And howsoeuer the people here present may happely imagine this sound from heauen to be but a thunder or some voice of an Angel at the most yet I assure you it is the very thundring speech of my father himselfe Neither came this voice onely because of my selfe but for your sakes especially To teach you assuredly that euen now is the iudgement and reformation of this world because euen now must the prince of this world be actually cast foorth from thence as touching his actuall possession Yea and this so glorious a conquest ouer satan must euen now be actually effected by the power of my death wherein if I were once lift vp from the earth and fastned withall vpon the crosse I would then actually determine the actuall dominion of the diuel yea and would effectually draw his captiuated prisoners vnder my princely regiment Now all this haue I purposely spoken vnto you to shew you before hand what death I must die that so soone as you perceiue me to giue vp the ghost you may then certeinely assure your selues that the whole worke of your redemption from satan from death and from hell is actually effected finished Thus much for analysing the text it selfe Wherin you haue heard the occasion coherence proceeding and the orderly conclusion of all the premisses Lycanthropus The exposition is plaine in my simple conceite let vs therefore now heare the testimonie of writers for further confirmation thereof Orthodoxus You shall And first to begin with Augustine he saith that by the iudgement of the world we must there vnderstand not the iudgement of damnation which is reserued to the last day but the iudgement of discretion which consisteth wholie in reforming the worlde by the expelling of Satan For the diuell saith he possessed mankinde and held them guiltie of punishment through the handwriting of sinne He did dominier in the harts of Infidels and drewe them being deceiued and captiuated to worship the creature by forsaking the Creator Howbeit through that selfesame faith of Christ which by his death and resurrection was actually established and through his precious bloud which was shedde for remission of sinnes a thousand beleeuers being then actually freed from the power of the diuell were effectually coupled to the bodie of Christ and by the operation of his spirit became liuely members of his mysticall bodie For so Christ expounds himselfe in the very next words saying Now is the prince of this worlde cast foorth Vnderstanding by the particle now that which was then to bee done at his death not that which he was finally to accomplish at the generall iudgement The Lord therefore foresawe that worke which he knewe should be effected after his death and glorification namely that many thousands throughout the world should faithfully beleeue in his death From whose harts the diuel who worketh effectually in thē before should actually be driuen out by Christs death and finally be subdued through faith in his name Exorcistes The diuell then it should seeme by your speech was neuer driuen foorth from the patriarkes before the passion of Christ. Orthodoxus Not so For Christ was the Lambe slaine from the beginning of the world Neither speake we in this place of the effectual but of the actuall conquest which he made ouer Satan Yea and this I further auouch that euen as the particle now in an especiall regard of Christes actuall conquest respecteth especially the verie hower of his death so surely in some consideration also of Christs effectuall eonquest the said particle now may likewise haue a more speeiall reference to
diuel should essentially assume to himselfe the bodie of Samuell it being before consumde in the earth Surely this your opinion as it auoucheth a resurrection of bodies before the generall iudgement so it ascribes to the diuell an absolute power of raising dead bodies which onely is proper to God as was shewed before and the marginall note may tell you withall that the diuell hath no power ouer the dead Besides that if it were Samuels body in deed then it was so either with or against the Lords will Against the Lords will it could not be because he is omnipotent and able euen to tread downe satan vnder our feete and with his will it would neuer be for it is vnlikely the Lord should suffer the body of so blessed a Saint to be defiled at all by the diuell especially after his death Moreouer how should the death of the godly be iustly termed that long lasting sleepe wherein by the ordinance of God their bodies must rest till the generall iudgement if the diuell hath power to awaken and to raise them vp at his pleasure yea and how can the faith of the godly concerning the continuance of their bodies in the dust of the earth be a certaine faith if the diuell can essentially assume their said bodies from the earth at his pleasure Briefly how is it certaine that death doth dissolue our bodies from s●ne and corruption and that the blessed which die in the Lord do cease from their labours if the diuel hath power to raise vp our bodies at pleasure and can cause them to labour afresh and vse them as fit instruments in his diuellish and sinfull proceedings And therefore doe cease for shame to hold any longer that it was the diuell in Samuels body who appeared to Saul Lycanthropus If it was not the very true and essentiall body of Samuell in deed what was it I pray you that appeared to Saul Orthodoxus I will tell you what some fathers affirme concerning this matter lesus Syrach lustinus Martyr Tertullian Ambrose and Ierome they do euery of them very confidently conclude that it was not the very true body of Samuell in deed which appeared to Saul but onely a meere phantasie deceite and illusion of satan for the better effecting of his tyrannous purpose intended to Saul whom he knew the Lord had reiected Yea the very decretals also doe flatly determine that it was not Samuels body at all but some ghost or fantasie deceitfully offered to Saule by satan his diuellish deuise There be others againe who doe as considently hold that it was Samuell himselfe miraculously raised vp by the power of God of very purpose to intercept the witches entent who went about to raise vp a diuell in Samuels likenesse by such meanes to satisfie Saul his importunate and earnest desire But this her purpose say they was preuented by God who refusing to haue the truth of that accident deliuered by satan did therefore extra ordinarily and miraculously raise vp Samuel to discouer the truth of the matter to Saul Briefly there be others who doe verily thinke it was neither the diuell alone nor Samuel alone neither yet the diuell and Samuel together nor any phantasie ghost or other illusion of Satan but a meere cosinage and a cosining tricke of the witch at Endor Who pretending an absolute power to haue raised vp whomsoeuer Saul should haue named vnto her neither did nor possible could cause any visible apparition at all but onely iuggled with Saul him selfe he being without and she close in her Cel or playing some legerdemaine at the least behinde a cloth no sensible vision appearing at all to the King Thus then hauing briefely deliuered mens seuerall opinions concerning this point you may deliberately conferre them with that which is spoken before and thereupon imbrace which pleaseth you best Pneumatomachus Good sir giue vs your owne censure concerning these sundrie opinions of men Orthodoxus I neither dare nor will vndertake the censuring of anie Onely if you simplie desire to heare what my selfe in an onely regard of our question do esteeme of their iudgements then this I must tell you concerning the first opinion Namely that howsoeuer it be granted for truth it serues not your turne for it denies the apparition to be Samuell in deed but rather a meere illusion of Satan Touching the second it is that you know which I argue against and therefore by their leaues I dissent from the same till that which I haue said be considerately answered As for the last howsoeuer it be new and therefore may haply seeme strange vnto some yet if your selues without preiudice and with a single respect to the truth would but deliberately peruse that priuileged discourse to the full you might happily perceiue it a verie probable opinion how pregnant soeuer in proofe Philologus Nay that opinion I disclaime aboue all the rest for it denieth there was any apparition at all whereas the text saith plainely that Saul knew it was Samuell and bowed himselfe Is it likelie that Saul would bowe vnto nothing Orthodoxus He bowed to as much as he sawe which was nothing at all as may easely appeere if you but carefully examine the confused conference betweene him and the Witch For saith shee being labouring alone in her Cell oh thou hast surely deceiued me for thou art Saul which she might and did know verie well howsoeuer she dissembled the same for the present Well go to saith Saul be not afraid for what seest thou As if he should say I my selfe do see nothing as yet that thou needest to feare O yes saith the Witch I see Gods ascending vp out of the earth as though she had brought vp a number of dead saints I do not yet behold any saith Saul but go to what fashion is he of for I my selfe see no fashion of any appearance Yes saith the Witch an old man commeth vp lapt in a mantell As though either Samuel had beene buried before in his mantel or the diuell he had had his Weauers and Tailers at hand to haue wrought him a new one vpon the sodaine Well nowe saith the text Saul knew it was Samuel that is by this her description he thought Samuel had appeared to her although he sawe nothing himselfe and thereupon he bowed to a phantasied Samuel Lycanthropus But sir if nothing appeared in truth how then was the conference afterwards performed to Saul Orthodoxus That was cunningly deliuered by the Witch alone in her Cell she being a cunning Ventriloquist as all Pythonistes are who can very hideously speake in the bottome of their bellies with an hollow counterfeit voice and therein by practise she was verie expert Philologus Lycanthropus we verily thought this last reason would haue striken all dead but now being come to the rifling I perceiue
foorth from the harts of so many as dedicate their names vnto Christ this Christ by the verie power of his death hath actually conquered his tyrannie And therefore the holie Ghost saith truely that nowe is the iudgement of this world that is euen now and foorthwith shal the reformation thereof be effected Againe Musculus vpon these wordes Now is the iudgement of this world saith thus The Lord in these words doth seeme to vnfold the meaning of that heauenly voice which spake thus a little before I haue glorified my name alreadie and wil glorifie it againe For what is it else to illustrate the name of God in this world but to beate downe and destroy the kingdome of Satan the prince of this world And because this ouerthrow of Satan was to be actually effected by that selfesame death which Christ did then suffer for the redemption of the world therefore he saith not there shall be a iudgement of this world but now is the iudgement of this world Neither saith he the prince of this world shall be but now is cast out Againe maister Caluin vpon these words Now is the iudgment of this world writeth thus By the worde iudgement some vnderstand the reformation and some the condemnation of the world the first accordeth better with the purpose of Christ because the world by his death was then to be brought into a lawfull order For the Hebrew word Mishpat which is here interpreted iudgement betokeneth a right and a lawfull constitution of things Howbeit we haue to consider that without Christ there is nothing in the world but meere confusion Although therefore that Christ before by his preaching and miracles began to erect the kingdome of God yet for all that his verie death it selfe was the true beginning of a rightly compounded state and the full restauration of the worlde Notwithstanding this withall would be noted namely that the worlds reformation it cannot possiblie be effected but the kingdome of satan must first be abolished but flesh and what else soeuer withstandeth the iustice of God must first be subdued Christ therefore pronounceth the prince of this world to be nowe cast foorth because all dissipation and deformitie proceedeth from him For so long as satan doth exercise his tyrannie so long there doth violently breake foorth all maner of iniquitie So then Satan is no sooner cast foorth but the world is forthwith recalled from her reuolted estate to the well ordered kingdome of Christ. Againe Hemingius vpon these words the holy Ghost shall reprooue the world of iudgement because the prince of this world is iudged already saith thus The world that made a mock of Christ and willed him if he were the sonne of God to come downe from the crosse by the holy ghost who fell vpon the disciples at the feast of Pentecost was flatly conuinced that in so doing they iudged vniustly of Christ. For the holy ghost saith Christ shall then cause them to vnderstand and perceiue in deed that I hauing conquered the diuel by my death and resurrection do now exercise by your ministery an absolute authority ouer the world in that none are now able to withstand the wisedome which speaketh so effectually in euery of you This saith Hemingius is the very sence of this place if especially we refer as we ought the fulfilling therof to the efficacy and power of the holy ghost apparantly resting vpon the Apostles at the feaste of Pentecost To be short Gualter vpon these words they brought vnto Christ a Demoniack saith thus There were many such no doubt in the daies of Christ because the prince of this world was not yet cast foorth Who grew so much the more raging mad by how much he perceiued that fatal hower very neerely approche wherein he knew he must needs be cast foorth from the possession which he had so long time vniustly vsurped Loe Exorcistes these be the writers which for the present I haue purposely produced to prooue the exposition I gaue of these words Now is the iudgment of this world now shall the prince of this world be cast foorth Exorcistes Whatsoeuer you say or whomsoeuer you produce for proofe of your purpose I passe not this exposition you giue is strange and something more then that which hath been vsually receiued Orthodoxus Be it so It ouerthrowes not you see but rather confirmes the ordinary receiued exposition in that it shewes directly some actuall accomplishment of that actuall conquest concerning satans dominion Yea and this actuall conquest satan himselfe so actually felt as he was foorthwith enforced to acknowledg the same saying thus Ah what haue we to doe with thee o Iesus of Nazareth art thou come to destroy vs Not meaning therein satan his essentiall destruction but the actuall annihilating of his actuall dominion as hath been handled before And this also according to the determinate councell of God who had certeinely decreed the actuall breaking of the serpents head by the promised seede of the woman The which promised seede did purposely take flesh and bloud that he might in the flesh destroy through death him that had power ouer death that is the diuell as was shewed before Exorcistes Why should you so confidently applie this destruction of Satan to the actuall determination also of his essentiall possession and not rather to the onely effectuall weakening of that his spirituall dominion as it is vsually expounded of others Orthodoxus Because the holie Ghost ouer and besides the effectuall weakening of Satan his spirituall dominion speaketh directly there of the actuall accomplishment of something else by the verie act of Christs death The which actuall accomplishment of something else may at no hand be vnderstood either of the essence of Satan or of his power of obsession but onely of that his temporarie power of actuall possession as hath beene handled at large Yea and that selfesame actuall determination of Satan his said temporarie power of actuall possession it was so mightily feared so actually and so sensibly felt of the diuell as it made him with a bitter exclamation to burst foorth and say Ah art thou come to destroy vs As if Satan should sorrowfully exclaime in this sort Oh thou the promised seede that must actually breake my head Thou Iesus of Nazareth Thou sonne of the liuing God Thou that by the verie act of thy approching death art appointed to destroy me that had power ouer death Ah woe woorth thee Oh what haue I to doe with thee Art thou come to vndertake the actuall destruction of my actuall possession Art thou come now with force and armes to enter my house to depriue me of this my speciall armour wherein I trusted and euen actually to cast me forth of that my pallace or house which I haue hetherto possessed in peace Yea and therewithall likewise to weaken my whole spirituall dominion for euer Exorcistes But why
a like power be eftsoones permitted vnto them for the working of miracles it beeing a faculty inferiour to the other by much yea and such a power also as the very wicked may haue Physiologus The soundnesse of this reason consisteth in vnsoundnesse altogether and therefore the supposed soundnesse thereof for the proofe of your purpose is nothing else in effect but a festured incurable corruption concerning both matter and forme For first that it is faulty in matter your selfe may plainely perceiue in that it wholely relieth vpon a very false exposition concerning the word Exousia For whereas your Gregory or your selfe in his name do translate it a power the whole coherence and circumstance of the text doth plainely declare that it ought rather to be termed a right or prerogatiue Yea and which makes me to merueile sith that selfesame word is diuersly translated according to the diuerse occasions thereof namely sometimes a power sometimes a faculty sometimes a liberty sometimes an authority sometimes a care a procuration a right or prerogatiue It is too too strange that your selfe quite contrary to the true scope of the text should so confidently cleaue to the word power alone aboue all the other rehearsed before Neither may I possibly perceiue your purpose therein vnlesse happely you would iumpe with Castalio and the papists in their free-will opinion a thing directly opposite to the holy ghost himselfe as you may plainely perceiue both in that and the verse immediately following Where the Euangelist acknowledgeth onely such as are borne of God to haue the right or prerogatiue to be made the sonnes of God Not vnderstanding by the word Exousia as your selfe would falsly beare vs in hand any power of electing but a power of apprehending the adoption of God by faith Attributing wholy therein the effectuall working power of that selfesame adoption to the almighty alone and the power of apprehending that priuiledge vnto the sauing faith of the adopted sonnes of God in Iesus Christ. Yea and thus much also your selfe at vnwares doe flatly confesse in your very assumption saying that they haue power to be made the adopted sonnes of God making them plainely you see very passiues and no actiues at all in the work of adoption And so your owne reason concludeth directly the contrary of that which you labour to prooue namely that those good men of God they had onely a passiue power in the working of miracles that is they had none other but an instrumentall power therein as we shewed before Secondly your reason it is faulty also in forme For besides that the same is in no good forme it concludeth only a may be from a bare or naked supposall telling vs by a pittifull begging of the cause in question that if the Saints haue an actuall power in the greater there needes be no merueile at all if sometimes they haue also a like power in that which is lesse Very true as you say if the Saints of God haue in deed an actuall power in that which is greater then the sequel of your speech might happely haue in it some more probability But whether they haue in them such a power or no your Gregory he hath not concluded as yet Exorcistes Yea but he illustrates the matter by a plaine example Physiologus How could he illustrate the thing that is not at all For it is not yet concluded you see that the Saints of God had euer in themselues any actuall power for the working of miracles and therefore he cannot possibly illustrate the same by any example Notwithstanding propound your example that so we may see whether it be any sounder then the reason produced before Exorcistes That sundrie deuout and religious persons did effect many miracles sometimes instrumentally and sometimes principallie I meane sometimes by prayer alone apprehending the power of Christ and sometimes also by an actual power permitted vnto them it is verie apparant saith Gregorie by these folowing examples First the Apostle Peter instrumentally by praier alone apprehending the power of Christ restored Tabitha againe to her life On the otherside the selfesame Apostle more principallie and by an actuall power in himselfe and without anie inuocation or praier at all did actually deliuer Ananias to death By both which it is verie apparant that the holy men of God they had in themselues not onely instrumentally but which more is euen princ●pally also an actuall power for the powerfull expelling of spirits and diuels Physiologus That some holie men of God haue had an especiall power permitted vnto them for the admirable effecting of miracles no wise man will euer denie because the Scripture it selfe doth plainely auouch that vnto some there was giuen the operations of great workes by the spirit of God Howbeit this we must hold withall that such a power whatsoeuer it was onely an instrumentall and no principall power at all For seeing the sacred Scriptures do flatly affirme that Iehouah alone doth woondrous things we must therefore verie conscionable confesse and acknowledge that Iehouah alone is the author and man but the instrument of all those admirable actions whatsoeuer which he by their hands doth so powerfully accomplish Touching therefore your vaine surmize of Peter his principall power in the actuall deliuerie of Ananias to death the Euangelist Luke a little after doth flatly auouch that Peter was onely the hand whereby the Lord himselfe with his scepter or two edged sworde did wound Ananias his soule vnto death Yea and it is verie apparant by the storie it selfe that Peter he had onely a Ministeriall power in that action he being but a Minister and no Master of that selfesame worde of the Lord which is vndoubtedly a sauour of death vnto death in them that perish Howbeit because that selfe same death of the soule cannot possiblie be discerned by our corporall eies the Lord therefore he sawe it exceedingly good euen by the Ministerie of Peter therein to giue an extraordinarie visible token thereof on Ananias his bodie To the end that so many as then beheld or should from thencefoorth but heare of the same might tremble at the maiesticall power of the word and humble themselues to the auctoritie of God Who hauing plainely foretold by the mouth of his prophet that he would smite the earth with the rodde of his mouth and with the breath of his lippes destroy the vngodly did euen then by the Ministerie of Peter exhibite vnto vs an experimented triall thereof So then howsoeuer Peter himselfe he being the speciall instrument of Iehouah in that most admirable matter might by vertue of the principall agent it selfe attaine to the admirable acting of that which highly surmounted the whole facultie or power of his owne proper person euen as we also may see that a naturall heate by a power in the soule begetteth flesh yet had Peter as hath that naturall heate