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A17140 Itinerarium totius Sacræ Scripturæ. Or, the trauels of the holy patriarchs, prophets, iudges, kings, our sauiour Christ, and his Apostles, as they are related in the Old and New Testaments. With a description of the townes and places to which they trauelled, and how many English miles they stood from Ierusalem. Also a short treatise of the weights, monies, and measures mentioned in the Scriptures, reduced to our English valuations, quantitie, and weight. Collected out of the workes of Henry Bunting, and done into English by R.B.; Itinerarium totius Sacræ Scripturæ. English Bünting, Heinrich, 1545-1606.; R. B., fl. 1619. 1636 (1636) STC 4020; ESTC S106784 396,681 582

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resembles our Sauiour Christ who compared himselfe vnto a Vine and the Faithfull vnto the branches saying I am the true Vine and whosoeuer is ingraffed into me shal haue eternall life Io. 15. The Crystall grapes do denote the doctrine of the Gospell and the works of the Faithfull which are faith loue hope charity patience prayer and workes of grace all which do inhere vnto such as beleeue The mysterie of Oblations and Sacrifices ALl the Oblations and Sacrifices of the old Testament were Types and figures of our Sauiour That as they were slaine for the performance of the ceremonial law so Christ for the saluation of man was slain and made a free-will Offering by whose bloud and mediation the sin of man is pardoned and he made capable of eternall life Esay 53. Iohn 10. Heb. 9 c. The mysterie of the vpper Court THe vpper Court was a figure of the spirituall Priesthood of Iesus Christ who hath made vs all Priests and Kings and hath beautified vs with his guiltlesse death 1 Pet. 2 The mysterie of the Fountaine and molten Sea standing vpon twelue Oxen in the vppermost Court THe molten Sea and Fountain was a figure of Baptisme and that liuing water issuing from the wounds of Christ whereby we are washed from all our sinnes the Lavor of regeneration whereby we are made capable of eternall life that Well of water whereof if we drinke we shall neuer thirst The twelue Oxen represent the twelue Apostles whose voice haue gon through the world according to that in the Corinthians and haue carried the sea of Grace through all the parts of the earth Of which Water saith S. Augustine if thou drinkest but one drop it is more effectuall to quench the thirst of worldly and insatiable desires than an Ocean of earthly waters The mysterie of the middle Court SOlomons Court wherein Christ taught and in which the Iewes vsed commonly to pray was a figure of that Church which should be gathered from amongst the Iewes For from thence he indeauoured first to assemble and gather together a Christian congregation according to that which he spake to the Canaanitish woman Mat. 15. I am sent only to the lost Sheep of the house of Israel Of the outward Court of the Gentiles THis Court signified That the Gentiles also should partake of the sheepfold and congregation of Christ and be members of his holy Church according to that of Iohn 10. I haue yet other Sheepe which I must also bring hither that so there might be one sheepfold one Pastor c. Of the rest of the memorable Buildings standing vpon mount Moriah HAuing thus described the temple together with the seueral courts ornaments al which did typically represent Christ his church I wil now proceed to the rest of the buildings standing vpon mount Moriah The first and most memorable was the house of Solomon which stood iust against the Temple vpon the South it shined so with gold and siluer was so stately and sumptuously built that when queene Saba came to Ierusalem she stood amased to see it There belonged to it diuers Courts and Walkes in one of which the Prophet Ieremy was prisoner Ier. 37. Ouer against this he made the Iudgement hall in which hee placed the Ivory Chaire spoken of 1 Kin. 10. He built by that another house for his Queen she that was daughter of Pharaoh 1 Kin. 7. But when Nebuchadnezzar conquered Ierusalem all these together with the Temple were burnt and vtterly defaced Of the Poole of Bethesda VPon the North lay that sheepfold o● sequestred place called Bethesda Ioh. 5. which hath fiue porches or Xenodochius as some would haue it here Cattell came to drinke and the Priests vsed to wash their Sacrifices because no vncleane beast might come within the Temple nor any thing that was foule or spotted be offered vpon the Altar The water was of reddish colour and ran into that place in great aboundance and therefore it was called the house of effusion or pouring out This was the place into which the Angel of God sometimes descended and troubled the water after which whosoeuer stepped in was presently cured and heere our Sauiour Christ healed the man that had beene diseased 38 years Ioh. 5. This place was made by King Hezekiah who caused the water of the vppermost poole which was called Gihon not far from mount Calvary to be conueied by pipes passages through the earth into the lower city called Acra and so fel into this place for which cause it was called the lower poole The Allegorie or mysterie hereof is That euery one of Christs Sheepe ought to be washed in the poole of his bloud before they can be made fit sacrifices to enter into his Temple or church 1 Io. 1. Of the tower or castle called Antonia THis castle as Iosep hath it lib. 6. de Bell. cap. 6. stood betweene two Courts of the Temple at the North-West corner at first built by the Machabees and called by the name of Baris but after King Herod taking affection to that place bestowed great cost vpon it walled it about built vp sumptuous towers made it very strong then gaue it the name of Antonia in fauor of Antonius that noble Roman which Augustus a long time sustained after their decease Of the Hall called Coenaculum Anguli THis house stood vpon an angle or cantle of the hill and was therefore called Coenaculum Anguli it was very large spatious and within had a great hall whereof Nehem. cap. 3. maketh mention and here as some thinke our Sauior Christ ate the Paschal Lambe with his Disciples but I rather thinke it was in the suburbs Of the Tower Ophel or the darke Tower NEere to the valley of Cedron toward the East not farre from the Temple and neere the castle Antonia there was builded a lofty and strong tower or palace called Ophel that is a place of darknesse it was a very sumptuous thing Of Hamea or the Tower of the Centurions IN the town wall betweene the sheepe gate and the dung gate stood this castle Hamea or Centurion taking the name à Centenario numero i. the number of an hundred and was vpon the East side of the city neere to the sheepfold or poole Bethesda Neh. 3.12 Here the Centurions commonly kept watch Of Mount Acra and the buildings vpon it MOunt Acra as is aforesaid stood vpon the West side of Ierusalem it was a very high mountain and tooke that name from the Greeke word Acra a sharpe or high hill It was much higher than mount Moriah in times past till Simon Iudas Machabeus brother caused it to be cut lower to make it equall in height with mount Moriah Between these two hils lay the vally Cedron which was in profunditie 400 cubits Vpon this Mountain another part of the city was builded beeing strongly fortified and richly adorned with sumptuous houses of which Dauid and Solomon were the principal founders and was called the
Samaria which was 104 miles where he relieued a certain widdow woman that was afflicted with pouertie and want miraculously by a Cruse of Oyle 2 Reg. 4. Iosephus lib. Antiq. 9. supposeth this Woman to bee the widdow of Obediah the Kings Steward of whom you may reade before who did hide and maintaine a certaine number of the Prophets of the Lord in a caue 2 Reg. 18. From Samaria Elisha went oftentimes to a Towne called Sunem as he returned to Samaria to Carmel which was 16 miles distant Here a certaine rich woman obseruing his often passage to and fro by that Towne built him a little chamber wherein he might rest himselfe after his journey to which place he often resorted and in recompence of this benefit although she had been long barren he prophecied that within a yeare she should haue a sonne which accordingly shee had to her great joy and comfort 2 Reg. 4. From Sunem he went to Carmel which was 16 miles From thence he returned back again to Sunem to the woman where hee vsed to lie which was 16 miles here hee restored her sonne to life 2 Reg. 4. From thence he went to Gilgal which is distant from Sunem 36 miles towards the South here he fed 100 men with 20 barlie loaues 2 Reg. 4. From Gilgal he went to Samaria which is accounted 20 miles to this place Naaman the Syrian came to him to be healed of his leprosie 2 Reg. 5. From Samaria he went to Iordan which was eight miles Here he made a Hatchet of yron that fell into the water to swimme 2 Reg. 6. From Iordan he went to Dothan where the children of Iacob sould their brother Ioseph to the Midianites which was 8 miles here the Angells of the Lord compassed him and his seruant about lest they should haue bin taken by the armie of the Syrians and God strooke the Syrians with blindnesse 2 Reg. 6. From thence he led the army of the Syrians being thus made blind to Samaria which was 12 miles and deliuered them to the King of Israel vpon condition that he should giue them meate and drinke to refresh themselues and suffer them to depart in peace which he did 2 Reg. 6. From Samaria he went to Sunem which was 16 miles here he aduised the woman where he vsed to lie to trauel thence to some other place because of the famine that should follow and continue for seuen yeares 2 Reg. 8. From Sunem hee went to Damascus which was 132 miles there he told Hazael that he should succeed his Master Benhadid in the gouernment of the Syrians 2 Reg. 8. From Damascus he returned to Samaria which was 132 miles where soone after he fell sicke and died his body was buried neer to Samaria where the Lord a long time after his death shewed a wonderfull miracle for a dead man being throwne into his Sepulchre was restored againe to life by touching of his bones 2 Reg. 13. This man gouerned the Church of God amongst the children of Israel 60 yeares after the death of Elias So all the Trauels of Elisha were 730 miles Concerning the townes and places mentioned in his Trauels you may reade before The Typicall signification of Elisha ELisha or Elischa signifieth The saluation of God being deriued of El that is God and Iaschag He hath saued from hence Iesus a Sauiour because this Prophet was a notable type of our Sauiour Iesus Christ for as Elisha was annointed Priest by the Prophet Eliah so Christ was the annointed Priest of the father and as Elisha did many workes of mercy and myracles to make euident Gods power and prouidence so our Sauiour Christ went from place to place shewing mercy to the blind lame and impotent vpon them working wonderfull miracles that thereby his Doctrine might be made euident to the World and all such as trust in him be made capable of eternall happinesse Tha Trauels of the Shunamite whose sonne Elisha had raised from death to life FRom Sunem she went to Mount Carmel and besought Elisha to come and raise her sonne from death to life which was 16 miles 2 Reg. 4. From thence she and Elisha returned backe againe to Sunem which was 16 miles and there hee deliuered her sonne vnto her aliue 2 Reg. 4. From Sunem hauing buried her husband shee trauelled into the land of the Philistins because of the famine that was to come suddenly after being 56 miles 2 Reg. 8. From the land of the Philistines shee returned to Samaria which was 40 miles 2 Reg. 8. From Samaria she returned to Sunem which was 16 miles So all her trauels were 144 miles Of the Prophet Isaiah or Iesaia IEsaia or Ieschaia is all one in signification with Elisha that is a Sauiour He was the sonne of Amos which signifieth strength and by consequence Ozia King of Iudah was his cosin-german as may appeare by this Genealogie following Ioas King of Iuda Amasiah King of Iuda Ozias King of Iuda Iotham King of Iuda Ahas King of Iuda Ezekias King of Iuda Manasses King of Iuda who caused Isaiah to be slaine Amos Isaias father Isaias had two daughters Sear Iasub that is the rest remaining and was a signe of the rest of the posteritie of Iuda that should remaine and dwell there Isa 7. Mahez Schatal that is a suddē destruction for this 2d daughter of Isay did denote the immediat desolation of the kingdomes of Syria and Samaria From whence it plainely appeareth that the Prophet Esaias was of the stocke of Dauid and linage of Christ for which cause in the fifth chapter of his prophecie he calleth him his beloued He began to teach publiquely in the yeare of the World 3167 and before Christ 800 and gouerned the Church eighty yeares and more vntill the time of Manasses who caused him to be cut in pieces with a saw In anno mundi 3190 before Christ 778 Isay saw the Lord sitting vpon a high throne in great majestie the lower part whereof filled the Temple and the Saraphins compassed him round about Esa 6. Cherubins are glorious and bright shining Angels of a fiery nature For Saraph signifieth He hath turned to fire His doctrine was two fold that is partly concerning the Law partly the Gospell as may appeare by his prophecie in the first forty chapters whereof the doctrine of the law is set forth with sharpe reprehensions for sinne in the first foure of which are grieuous accusations of sinners for breach of the first commandement the other for the most part prophecie of horrible punishments mutations and change of gouernement but principally of the Iewes Babylonians Assirians Syrians and Aegyptians From the fortieth to the end of the booke is contained the doctrine of the Gospell and of the Kingdome of our Sauiour Iesus Christ which hee hath set forth with such excellent eloquence figures and amplifications that hee may be compared with the best Orator that euer wrote The Trauels of the Prophet Ieremias IEremias or Ieremiah signifieth The exalted of
45 From Almon Diblathaim they went to the hill Abarim 16 miles 46 From the hill Abarim they went downward ouer the Riuer Arnon to the field of the Moabites to the town of Iachra 16 miles where Moses ouercame Sehon King of the Ammorites with all his camp Num. 21. Deut. 2. 47 From Iacra they went to Hesbon 4 miles which Towne Moses won from the King of the Ammorites Num. 21. Deut. 2. 48 From Hesbon they went to the towne of Iaëzer which Moses won 8 miles Num. 21. Deut. 2. 49 From Iaëzer they went to Edrei 12 miles there Moses ouerthrew King Og with all his army at Basan Num. 21. Deut. 3. 50 From Edrei they went to mount Libanus 56 miles which Moses won Num. 21. Deut. 3. 51 From mount Libanus they returned backe againe to the field of the Moabites 40 miles by which field lieth the high hill Pisga where Moses died Deut. 34. So all the trauels of the Patriarch Moses were 1424 miles The description of the townes and places by which Moses trauelled with the children of Israel Of Midian MIdian was a metropolitan city of the Midianites neer to the Red sea some 160 miles from Ierusalem toward the South and signifies a measure being deriued of Madad which signifies He hath measured Here Iethro Moses father in law dwelt In this town the Kings of Idumaea kept their court 1 Reg. 11. There was also another city of the same name that stood neere to Arnon some 24 miles from Ierusalem toward the East so that the Midianites had their seat partly neere the red sea in Arabia Paetrea and partly vpon the confines of the Moabites taking their beginning from Midian the sonne of Abraham which he had by his wife Kethura Gen. 25. Of Horeb. HOreb is a mount of the Midianites and is sometimes called by the name of Sina It lieth 420 miles from Ierusalem toward the South In this place God appeared to Moses in a flame of fire Ex. 3. And as Bernard Britenbach saith In this place there is a chappel built called the Church of S. Mary in the bush In this Chappel there is a place shewed where God spake with Moses Ex. 3. but how true that I leaue because there are many Churches built by Monks for no other purpose but to deceiue trauellers and pilgrims of their mony Of Raemsis THis is one of the strong cities which the Israelites built for Pharaoh and is a metropolitan city in the land of Gossen 174 miles from Ierusalem toward the Southwest signifies Ioy and delight being deriued of Raam and Sus that is To leape for joy Of Pihachiroth THis was a certain Plain lying between two hils neere to the Red sea and was called Pinaehiroth which signifies a mouth cut or carued out where the Children of Israel pitched their tents Here Pharaoh inuaded them when they went out of Egypt taking opportunitie of the place for they hauing on either side of them an high mountaine before them the red sea and behinde them a cruell and mighty tyrant to the iudgment of man had no means to escape But the Lord to expresse the mightines of his power and that the Children of Israell might know who it was that deliuered them made them a passage led them vnder the conduct of Moses through the red sea in that very place drowning their enemies which had thought to make a prey of them A little from this place the temple of the idol Baalzephon is to be seen Of the Red sea THe Red sea is 160 miles from Ierusalem Southward betwixt Arabia and Aegypt and as some are of opinion it taketh the name of the red scales that grow therein wherefore in Scripture it is also called the Scaly sea Some say it taketh the name from red sand that lies on the shore cast vp by the sea Others say tha● the rednesse thereof hapneth because of the shadow cast into the water by the mountaines thereabout The vulgar are of opinion that it is naturally red by reason of the water but it is not so because it is like the water of the Ocean cleare and salt Strabo li. 16 obserueth that this sea was so called from Erithraea and thence Mare Arithraeum because the word Erithraeum in Greek signifieth red or purple the Latines call it Mare rubrum and we the red sea This Erithrae was sonne to Perseus and Andromada who sometime● dwelt in the Island of that sea It is also called the Arabian gulf running from the South to the West and by the Hebrewes Iam-suph a scaly sea all which names are at this day vsed at the vtmos● bounds hereof are seene the admirable workes of Pharaoh Meco who would haue brought this Sea to the riuer Nilus that so he might haue sailed thence into the Mediterranian Sea But this worke he could not finish being opposed by the wise men of Aegypt Here also growes certaine trees that are as red as Brasill wood Of the misterie of the red Sea AS Moses led the children of Israel through the red Sea and deliuered them from the bondage and captiuitie of the Kings of Aegypt So Iesus Christ the Sonne of God by his precious bloud hath deliuered vs from the house of bondage and the tyranny of Sathan and as Pharaoh and all his host was there drowned so the sinne of Adam Death and the Diuell in that sea of Christs bloud is vtterly drowned and we deliuered from the pit of hell Of Baal-Zephon THis was an Idol erected by the Aegyptians neer to the shore of the Red Sea and is called Baal-zephon that is the Lord of defence and watchfulnesse because as they thought hee resisted fugitiue seruants as Fagius and other Hebrewes obserue being deriued from Baal which signifies a Lord and Zapha that is That hath seene or to behold and see The temple of this Idol stood close by the shore of the Red sea vpon a high hill very curiously wrought so that the children of Israel going through the same could not chuse but see it yet neuerthelesse they went securely when Pharaoh and all his host were drowned notwithstanding that their God of defence was so neere them Of Marah THis is a place in the Desart which took the name of bitternesse distant from Ierusalem 160 miles towards the Southwest Here Moses made the water sweet by throwing in wood The misterie whereof is when Adam and Euah had eaten of the forbidden fruit they brought bitternesse through all the World yea the bitternesse of sin and death but God shewed vnto Moses another tree that is our Lord Iesus Christ who being throwne into the waters of bitternesse afflictions calamities miseries yea and the death of the Crosse for our sakes and sins vnderwent the curse of the Law that so taking away the bitternes we might be made capable of that sweet and delectable place of eternall life Of Elim THis was the sixt resting place of the Israelites in the desart 120 miles from Ierusalem toward the
King of Egypt 2 Reg. 23. In the trauels of Iosiah King of Iuda I will speake of this town more at large The 27 King dwelt at Kades Ios 19.21 The 28 King dwelt at Iaknedam 27 miles from Ierusalem Northward being vpon the Mediterranean sea This towne was alotted to the Tribe of Zabulon and giuen to the Levits Ios 21. The 29 King dwelt at Naphet Dor which towne lay vpon the sea coast between the hill Carmel and the town of Cesarea Stratonis 48 miles from Ierusalem Northward The 30 King dwelt at Gilgal between Iericho and the Riuer Iordan and was the first King that Iosuah ouercame and slew al his host The 31 King dwelt at Thirtza in the Tribe of Manasses 24 miles from Ierusalem In this towne Ieroboam and after him all the Kings of Israel kept their courts before Samaria was built THE BOOKE OF IVDGES The Trauels of Caleb and Athniel CAleb and Athniel with all the Children of Iuda went from Iuda to Beseck 44 miles where they tooke King Adoni-Beseck prisoner and cut off his fingers and toes Iudg. 1. From Beseck they went to Ierusalem 44 miles which they tooke by force and burnt it Iudg. 1. From Ierusalem they went to Hebron 22 miles which they tooke and slew the Gyants that inhabited therein Iudg. 1. Not far from Hebron lay the towne of Debir which Athniel won and therefore Caleb gaue him his daughter Achsa for his wife Iudg. 1. From Debir they went to Zephat 16 miles which town they won Iudg. 1. From Zephat they went to Gaza 4 miles From Gaza they went to Ascalon 6 miles Iudg. 1. From Ascalon the went to Hebron 14 miles From Hebron they went backe again to Debir where Athniel dwelt 12 miles So all the trauels of Caleb and Athniel were 132 miles The Description of the Townes and places to which they trauelled Of Beseck BEseck was a metropolitan city of the Canaanites neere to the water Merom where Adoni-Beseck kept his Court 44 miles from Ierusalem toward the North and tooke the name of Desaeck or Beseck which signifies lightning Of this King you may reade Iudg. 1. Of Zephah THis was a town vpon the borders of the tribes of Iudah and Simeon not far from Siclag Ios 15. It takes the name from Zaphah which signifies a watch-tower and was also called by the sons of Iuda who destroyed all the country Chorma which signifies a Curse or a desolat place To the citisens hereof Dauid sent gifts 1 Sam. 36. Of Gaza OF this town you may reade more hereafter in the Trauels of the Arke of the Couenant The typicall signification of CALEB CALEB signifieth An hearty man or A man after Gods owne heart louing his Neighbour with all his heart For Col is as much as Omnis which signifies All and Cala Hee forgiueth all and Leb or Lebbah signifieth an Heart the seat and fountain of all life So that Caleb seems to take his name from a singular heartie affection whereby he forgiueth his neighbour For as this man being of a noble resolution and courage in the 29 yeare of his age won Hebron a strong City and put to death the three sons of Anak terrible Gyants so Christ the Son of God that so loued the world that he gaue himselfe for it with a more than humane resolution conquered hell and those three mighty Gyants incident vnto it the sons of Sathan Sin the World and Death Of Athniel IN the yeare of the World 1503 and before Christ 2565 Ioshuah died after whose death Caleb and Athniel iudged Israel about which time the Israelites committed idolatry and worshipped Baal and Asteroth wherefore the Lord suffered them to fall into the hands of Chushan Rishathaim King of Mesopotamia But because of their oppression they cried vnto the Lord and hee stirred vp Othniel the yonger brother of Caleb who in the yeare of the world 2512 conquered Chushan deliuered the people and gouerned Israel 40 years Iudg. 3. Athniel or Othniel signifies the god of time being deriued of Aeth that is an Age and is a Type of Christ who is the God of time and in his due time conquered the world and Sathan the prince thereof thereby deliuering the poore afflicted members of his Church out of his miserable seruitude and bondage for which cause God hath made him judge ouer it and giuen him fell power and authority to rule and gouern it The Trauels of Ehud the third Iudge of Israel EHud was the sonne of Gira of the Tribe of Iuda and dwelt in the City of Iericho or of the Palmes Hee was a valiant and resolute man lame of his right hand Iudg. 3. and to the iudgement of man not fit to bee a Captaine beeing so infirme Yet it happened that this man growing in fauor with Eglon King of the Moabites who at this time kept his Court in Iericho which towne he had but eighteene yeares before conquered tooke opportunitie by the Children of Israels comming to Gilgal for they came thither to offer to the Idoll and to bring gifts of the king to present these presents vnto him and because of his former familiaritie was admitted to speake in priuat with him in his summer parlour where as he was talking with him he thrust him into the belly with a short knife and locking the dore he fled back to Seirah and told the children of Israell what he had done From thence they presently went to Ephraim there blew the trumpet and set vpon the Moabits and put them to the sword Iudg. 3. The Trauels of Ehud EHud went from Iericho to Gilgal 2 miles From Gilgal he went to Iericho 2 miles From Iericho he went to mount Ephraim 6 miles From Mount Ephraim he went to Iorden 4 miles where hee ouerthrew 10000 Moabites So all the trauels of Ehud were 14 miles Of Mount Ephraim THis mountain is about 8 miles from Ierusalem towards the South and extends it selfe in longitude to the city neer the Mediterranean sea called Ioppa which is distant from Ierusalem 20 miles toward the Northwest The Trauels of the sonnes of Hobab the Kenite THe sons of Hobab the Kenite Moses brother in law were from Iericho to Arad a City in the tribe of Iuda scituated in the desart toward the South Num. 10. Iudg. 1. 44 miles Of Arad ARad is a city in the Tribe of Iuda 22 miles from Ierusalem towards the South taking the name of a multitude of asses that were found thereabouts in the desart and is deriued from Arod which signifies a wilde Asse a rude creature The Trauels of Iael the wife of Heber the Kenite who killed Sisera the Captaine FRom Arad shee and her husband went to the plaine of Zaaenaim and dwelt there neere to a Towne called Kades a Towne of refuge of the Leuites in the Tribe of Nephthali 166 miles there she killed Sisera This towne lieth 92 miles from Ierusalem towards the North. Of Deborah and Barak DEborah was the wife of Lapidoth and dwelt vnder
fetch gold from Tharshish and other places in India he displeased the Lord for which cause there arose a great tempest which brake down the workes and destroyed the Navy From Ierusalem he went with Iehoram King of Israel to war against the Moabites and with them went the King of Idumaea so passing through the desarts of Edom they came to Mount Seir and so went to Petra the chiefe city of the King of the Moabits distant from Ierusalem 72 miles 2 Reg. 3. From Petra Iehosaphat returned to Ierusalem 72 miles where he died and was buried 2 Reg. 22. 2 Chr. 21. So all the trauels of Iehosaphat King of Iuda were 372 miles The Typicall signification of IEHOSAPHAT AS Iehosaphat by prayer and the sound of trumpets and other instruments of musick ouercame dispersed his enemies without drawing his sword so Christ also by the sound of his Word and doctrine without drawing weapon ouercame the enemies of the Church The Trauels of IORAM King of Iudah IOram signifies The Exalted of the Lord. He was crowned king his father yet liuing at such time as he made his expedition against Mesa King of the Moabites which hapned about the fift yere of Iehoram King of Israel An. mundi 3055 before Christ 913. He reigned with his father Iehosaphat 2 yeares and after his decease six So Ioram reigned 8 yeares ouer Iudah and when hee was forty yeares old died miserably 2 Reg. 8. 9. About the beginning of the second yeare of this Kings reign which was the sixt of Iehoram King of Israel Elias the Prophet was taken vp into heauen About the beginning of his reigne he went from Ierusalem to Mount Seir which was 28 miles Southward where he vsed such extreme cruelty toward the Edomites which at this time were his subiects that of a sudden they fell from him and chose them a King of their own 2 Reg. 8. From the Mountain of Seir he returned to Ierusalem which is 28 miles and there cruelly put to death his owne brothers But God stirred vp against him the Philistines and Arabians who broke into Iuda and destroyed it with fire and sword They also went to Ierusalem and tooke thence all his substance and riches put his children to the sword all but Ioachas which also called Ahaziah or Ochorias caried away his wiues captiue into Arabia Foelix which is neer vnto Ethiopia 1200 miles Then the Lord strooke him with an extreme paine in his bowels of which after two yeares he died and was buried without any funerall pomp or honorable respect neere to the Kings tower A man vnworthy to be buried in the sepulchre of the rest of the Kings because hee so much degenerated from Dauid his predecessor 2 Reg. 8. 2 Chr. 28. So all the trauels of Ioram were 56 miles The Trauels of AHAZIAH King of Iudah AHaziah which also was called Iehoachas succeeded his Father Ioram in the gouernment of Iudah began his reign in the 12 yeare of Iehoram King of Israel Ann. mundi 3062. and before Christ 906 and reigned one yeare 1 Reg. 8. He went from Ierusalem to Ramoth in Gilead which is accounted 48 miles There he went to battell with Iehoram King of Israel against the Syrians 2 Reg. 8. 2 Chr. 22. From Ramoth in Gilead he returned to Ierusalem forty eight miles Within a while after he went backe again to visit his kinsman Iehoram King of Israel to Iesreel for hee was wounded in the battell against Hasael and lay there to be cured which was forty and eight miles With Iehoram he went to meet Iehu the Captaine of the Host who shot an Arrow and wounded Iehoram that hee died in the field of Naboth the Iesreelite Wherefore Ahaziah to saue his life fled with all possible speed taking his way to the Kings garden that stood close by the vineyard of Naboth the Iesreelite not farre from the City and Tower of Iezreel But Iehu followed him so close that he wounded him as he ascended vp vnto a place called GVR which signifieth A Lions Whelpe neere vnto the Towne which is called Iiblea Wherefore Ahaziah feeling himselfe hurt he went to Megiddo foure miles from Iesreel and neere to Apheck vpon the West There as Iosephus saith Lib. Antiq. 9. hee caused his wounds to be searched and bound vp This citie of Megiddo is 48 miles from Ierusalem Northward From Megiddo hee went to Samaria which was 14 miles there he lay hid for a while flying from one place to another to saue himselfe 2 Chron. 22. But being found out he was carried backe to the citie of Megiddo which was 14 miles and at the commandement of Iehu was there slaine 1 Reg. 8. From Megiddo his carkasse was carried to Ierusalem which was 48 miles and there buried 2 Reg. 8. 2 Chron. 22. So all the Trauels of Ahaziah King of Iudah were 224 miles Of that Idolatrous and wicked Queene Athalia AThalia was sister to Ahab and daughter to Omri married to Ioram sonne of that good King Iehosaphat when he was but 17 yeares of age and after the death of Azahiah who was slaine about the 23 yeres of age she vsurped vpon the kingdome of Israel anno mundi 3063 before Christ 905 and raigned with great tyranny almost 7 yeares So soone as she had obtained the gouernment she cruelly and miserably put to death all the children of Ahaziah and all those that were next heire to the Kingdome onely Ioas who was saued by the policie of Iehoshabeath sister to Ahasiah that stole him from among the rest of the Kings sonnes and put him to nourse in her bed-chamber and hee was with them in the house of God six yeares all which time Athalia raigned ouer the land And in the seuenth yeare Iehoiada waxed bold and proclamed Ioas King as being next heire to the crowne and annointed him in the temple who after Athalia was slaine succeeded in the gouernment 2 Reg. 11. 4. 2 Chron. 22. Of Ioas King of Iudah IOas began th raigne ouer Iudah when he was almost 7 yeres of age and about the middle of the seuenth yeare of Iehu King of Israel anno mundi 3069 and before Christ 899 and raigned ouer Iudah 40 yeres He did that which was acceptable in the sight of the Lord all the daies of Iehoiada the Priest who crowned him king but after his death he fell into euil courses and caused that good Priest Zachariah the sonne of Iehoiada who was the author of all his preferment to be stoned to death in the vpper court of the Temple which act argued that he was very vnthankefull and tyrannicall But the Lord displeased with his crueltie within a yeare after the death of Zachariah stirred vp the Syrians who inuaded Iudaea and spoiled the citie of Ierusalem in which warre all those that stirred vp the king to Idolatrie were cruelly slaine To conclude within a while after some of his courtiers conspired against him and as he lay sicke of a grieuous disease in his
bed put him to death and buried him in Millo the Citie of Dauid Thus God justly punished this tyrant for his vnthankefulnesse apostasie and cruelty when he had liued 47 yeares 2 Reg. 12. The Trauels of Amasiah King of Iuda AMasias or Amasiah signifies the strength of Iehouah This man was 25 yeares of age when he was enthronised by his father about the second yeare of Ioas King of Israel Anno mundi 3108 and before Christ 806. He ruled the kingdome while his father was sicke one yeare and after his decease 28 so all the yeares of his raigne were 29. He went with an army from Ierusalem to Saelag that is to the tower or rocke of Mount Seir 40 miles towards the South here in the valley of Salt he put to death a multitude of the Idumaeans And although this towne was very strongly scituated yet he woon it and called it Ioctiel that is The eare of the Lord because God in that place heard his prayers being deriued of Iakah and El which is God hath heard Neere to this Towne Amasiah commanded ten thousand Idumaeans which hee had taken in warre to be cast downe headlong from the top of an high rocke into a deepe valley in which fall their bones were shattered all to pieces and they died miserably 2 Reg. 14. From Selag Ioctiel hee returned to Ierusalem which was 40 miles where hee began to worship the gods of the Idumaeans that he brought along with him 2 Chron. 25. From Ierusalem hee went to Bethsemes and there was ouercome by Ioas King of Israel which was 4 miles 2 Chron. 25. From Bethsemes Ioas led Amasiah backe againe to Ierusalem captiue which was 4 miles 2 Reg. 14. From Ierusalem he fled to the citie of Lachis which was 20 miles and there was slaine by his owne seruants 2 Chron. 25. From Lachis his carkasse was carried backe againe to Ierusalem 20 miles where it was buried in the citie of Dauid 2 Reg. 14. 2 Chron. 25. So all his trauels were 128 miles The Trauels of Azariah or Vzziah King of Iudah THis man succeeded his father Amasia in the yeare of the world 3138 and before Christ 830 when hee was but 16 yeares of age and raigned 52 yeares his mothers name was Iecoliah of Ierusalem He did those things that were vpright in the sight of the Lord therefore the Lord blessed him And after the death of his father built Elah and restored it to Iudah He therefore went from Ierusalem to Elah 160 miles towards the South and rebuilt that towne it being a famous Mart towne scituated vpon the red sea and fortified it because Resin King of the Syrians in times past for want of due fortification woon it and destroied it 2 Chron 26. From Elah he returned to Ierusalem 160 miles After hee went from Ierusalem to Gath a citie of the Philistines which was accounted 34 miles this towne he woon beat downe the wals and destroied the Bulwarkes thereof From thence he went to Iabnia which is 24 miles and broke downe the wals thereof 2 Chron. 26. From thence he went to Azotus or Asdod which was 8 miles 2 Chron. 26. From Asdod he went againe to Ierusalem being 22 miles Within a while after he gathered an armie and went from Ierusalem to Gur-Baal that is Gerar where he ouercame the Arabians in a great battell which was 32 miles 2 Chron. 26. From Gerar he returned to Ierusalem being 32 miles He went from Ierusalem the third time into the land of the Amonites 60 miles which people he conquered and made tributarie to him so that he was made famous through all the countries thereabout euen to the vtmost part of Egypt because of his often victories and triumphs 2 Chron. 26. Out of the land of the Ammonites he returned to Ierusalem which was 60 miles But now being lift vp with the prosperitie of fortune and not content with his regall dignitie he endeauoured to haue chiefe authority ouer the Priests also for which cause he went into that part of the temple where the Altar of sweet incense stood where it was lawfull for none to goe but the Priests and there tooke vpon him to offer sweet incense but as he was offering the Lord strucke him with Leprosie so that he was constrained to dwell in a house by himselfe separated from the congregation And his sonne Iotham gouerned in his stead all the dayes of his life But within a while after he died of this disease and was buried in the Kings garden at Ierusalem and not in the sepulchre of the Kings 2 Reg. 15. 2 Chron. 26. So all the trauels of Azariah King of Iuda were 592 miles Of the places to which he trauelled Of Elah THis was a city scituated vpon the Red Sea 160 miles from Ierusalem towards the South betweene Ezion-gaber and Midian This city Resin King of the Syrians conquered but Azariah King of Iudah droue thence the Syrians and made it so strong that it seemed impossible to be conquered It tooke the name of aboundance of Oakes which as it seemeth grew about that place for Elah or Ilix signifies a kind of Oake tree of which there is great plenty in the Holy land so called because of their strength and hardnesse Of Iabnia THis was a city neere to Ioppa and Lidda 16 miles from Ierusalem towards the Northwest This city taketh the name of wisedome and prudence being deriued of Bin to vnderstand Of Gur-Baal THis towne is also called Gerar where Abraham and Isaac sometimes trauelled it is distant from Ierusalem 32 miles towards the Southwest and six miles from Hebron Here the Iewes and neighbouring Arabians afterward worshipped the Idol Baal and therefore this citie which in the times of the Patriarchs was called Gerar a Perigrination was after called Gur-Baal that is the Perigrination of the idoll Baal being deriued of Gor which signifies He hath trauelled The Trauels of Iotham King of Iudah IOtham signifies Whole and Perfect He succeeded his father Azariah when he was about 25 yeares of age anno mundi 3190 and before Christ 778. He raigned ouer Iudah 17 yeares vntill the 41 yeare of his age His mothers name was Icruscha so called from an inheritance or possession He began his raigne in the second yeare of Pekah King of Israel and continued it vntill the 17 yeare of his gouernment 2 Reg. 15. 17. When this noble Prince had rebuilded and richly adorned the porch of the house of the Lord he went from Ierusalem and inuaded the countrey of the Ammonites which was 60 miles conquered their King and made the whole land pay him tribute euen a hundred talents of siluer of the common weight and 10000 measure of Wheate and 10000 of Barley yearely This tribute continued three yeares From the land of the Ammonites he went backe to Ierusalem which was 60 miles where after he had adorned the Citie and Temple with many Princely buildings hee died about the 41 yeare of his age 2 Reg. 15. So all
fathers The Trauels of Manasses MAnasses or Manasseth signifieth forgetting or he hath forgotten This man was 12 yeares old when hee succeeded his father Ezekiah in the Kingdome of Iudah he began to raigne anno mundi 3251 and before Christ 717. This King was a great Idolater and one that put the Prophets of the Lord to death so that it was wonderfull to see what tyranny mischiefe he wrought in Israel wherefore the Lord stirred vp the Assirians against him who ouercame him in a great battell and tooke him captiue carrying him bound in chaines from Ierusalem to Babylon euen 680 miles But after being humbled by his afflictions he came to a knowledge of himselfe and repented for his former euill humbling himselfe with prayer and fasting vnder the hand of God wherefore the Lord tooke compassion of him and stirred vp the minde of the King of Babylon to mercy so that hee loosed his bands and sent him backe againe to Ierusalem 680 miles From that time forward he left idolatry and worshipped the true God adorned the Temple of the Lord with many faire and beautifull buildings and in the 55 yeare of his age he died and was buried in the Kings garden 1 Reg. 21. 2 Chron. 33. So all the trauels of Manasses were 1360 miles Of Amon King of Iuda AMon signifieth True and faithfull he succeeded his father Manasses when he was but 22 yeares of age anno mundi 3307 before Christ 661. He raigned two yeres and then because of his exceeding idolatry the Lord cast him off when he was about 24 yeres of age neere which time some of his seruants conspired against him and put him to death The Trauels of King Iosiah IOsiah signifies A sacrifice of the Lord he succeeded his father Manasses in the gouernment when he was but 8 yeres of age Anno mundi 3309 hefore Christ 659. He gouerned Israel with great commendations 32 yeares 2 Reg. 22. his mothers name was Iedidah and dwelt in a towne called Bozkath but how farre this Towne stood from Ierusalem it is not set downe by any Author This good King went from Ierusalem to Bethel which was 8 miles there he burnt vpon the Altar which Ieroboam built the bones of the Priests of Baal as the man of God that came from Iuda had told Ieroboam 350 yeres before 1 Reg. 13. 2 Chr. 23. From Bethel he returned backe again to Ierusalem which was 8 miles there he celebrated the Passeouer with a solemne feast and great attendance 2 Reg. 23. 2 Chr. 35. In the last yeare of his raigne he went with his army from Ierusalem to Megiddo which was 44 miles against Pharaoh Necho K. of Aegypt in which battell he was slaine with an arrow about the 39 yeare of his age 2 Chron. 35. From Megiddo his body was carried in a chariot backe again to Ierusalem which was 44 miles and there with great lamentations honourably buried 2 Reg. 23. 2 Chr. 35. So all his trauels were 104 miles The Trauels of Iehoahas King of Iudah IEhoahas signifies The knowledge of God he succeeded his father Iosiah in the 23 yeare of his age Anno mundi 3340 which was 628 yeares before Christ and raigned onely three moneths 2 Reg. 24. 2 Chron. 36. Ieremy cap. 22. calleth this man Schallum that is A recompence He went from Ierusalem to Riblah a city in the tribe of Nepthaly which is accounted 80 miles where he was taken prisoner by Pharaoh Necho 2 Reg. 23. From Riblah Pharaoh Necho led him captiue bound in chaines backe again to Ierusalem which was 80 miles and there appointed Iehoiakim his elder brother to raigne in his place 2 Reg. 23. 2 Chron. 36. From Ierusalem he carried Iehoahas to Memphis the Metropolitan citie of Aegypt which was 244 miles 2 Reg. 23. So all the Trauels of Iehoahas were 404 miles Of Iehoiakim King of Iuda IEhoiakim was the eldest sonne of Iosiah that good King and succeeded his brother Iehoahas in the Kingdome Anno mundi 3341 before Christ 627 he gouerned Iudah 11 yeares Pharaoh Necho made him King when he was 25 yeares of age to whom he was constrained to pay 100 talents of * What this is in our money you may reade after in the quantitie of moneys siluer and a talent of gold This money being payed he obtained the Kingdome and continued in great impiety and idolatry for which cause he was sharply reprehended by Ieremiah the Prophet but he being offended at his words sought to put him to death wherefore the Lord stirred vp Nebuchadnezzar the second of that name Emperour of the Assirians and Babylonians who in the 11 yeare of this Kings raigne came to Ierusalem and took him captiue tyed him in two chaines and would haue carried him to Babylon but his minde changed wherefore hee caused him to be put to death and cast out into the fields of Ierusalem for a prey to wilde beasts Ier. 22. 2 Reg. 23. Of Iehoiachin King of Iudah IEhoiachin signifies the preparation of Iehouah This man succeeded his brother Iehoiakim and began his raigne about the end of the 3351 yere of the world and raigned only 3 moneths and 10 daies which was about the 8 yeare of Nabuchodonesor the great at which time he was led captiue from Ierusalem to Babylon together with Mordochae and many other Nobles which was 680 miles This captiuitie hapned 617 yeares before Christ 2 Reg. 24. 2 Chron. 36. Ester 2. Ier. 52. The Trauels of Zedekiah the last King of Iudah AFter Iehoiachin succeeded Zedekiah which signifies The just man of God This was the sonne of that good King Iosiah yet an impious tyrant who by the permission of Nabuchadonezar the great was suffered to be King of Iudah after his brother when he was 21 yeares of age He began to raigne about the beginning of the 3352 yeare of the World and before Christ 616 he gouerned tyrannically 11 yeares 2 Reg. 24. In the 11 yere of this king Ierusalem was taken by Nabuchadonezar the great Emperour of the Babylonians wherefore Zedekiah to escape the brunt of war fled from Ierusalem with all possible speed to Iericho which was 12 miles Ier. 39.52 From the plaine neere the citie of Iericho where he was ouercome by the Princes of the Chaldeans he was led to Riblah to Nebuchadonezar which was 68 miles From Riblah after the Emperour Nabuchadonezar had caused all his children to be put to death before his face and had put out both his eyes he led him captiue to Babylon which was 600 miles where he died miserable 2 Reg. 25. So all the Trauels of Zedekiah King of Iudah were 680 miles Of the destruction of Ierusalem by Nabuchadonezar In the ninth yeare of this Zedekiah which was the last King of Iudah Nabuchadonezar began to besiege Ierusalem it being then Winter anno mundi 3860 vpon the tenth day of the tenth moneth Tebeth which answereth to the 27 day of December which day the Iewes till now obserued as a fasting
Priests to death and prayed vnto the Lord who sent rain vpon the earth in great aboundance 1 Reg. 18. From Mount Carmel he ran by King Ahabs chariot to Iesreel which was accounted 16 miles After when Queene Iesabel threatned his death hee departed thence and went to Beersaba 84 miles 1 Reg. 19. From Beersaba he went one daies journy into the wildernes of Paran because hee thought to remaine there safe from the mischiefe of Iesabel which was 20 miles from Beersaba Southward Here the Angell of the Lord brought him meat as he was sitting vnder a Iuniper tree 1 Reg. 19. By vertue of this meat Eliah trauelled from thence to Mount Horeb or Sinai 80 miles and continued there 40 daies and forty nights without meat or drinke There the Lord spake to Eliah as hee stood in the entrance of a caue his face being couered with his mantle 1 Reg. 19. From the mount Sinai or Horeb he returned to Abel-Mehola which was 156 miles where hee called Elizeus the son of Saphas to the ministeriall function and office of a Prophet 1 Reg. 18. From thence he went to Damascus 124 miles where he anointed Hasael King of Syria 1 Reg. 19. From Damascus Elias went to Mount Carmell where hee dwelt which was accounted 120 miles From mount Carmel he went to Iesreel 16 miles there in the vineyard of Naboth who Iezabel caused to be stoned to death he sharply reprehended Ahab for his impiety and idolatry 1 Reg. 21. From Iezreel he returned back again to his own house to Carmel which was 16 miles From thence he went to Samaria which was 32 miles where he answered the seruants of King Ahaziah whom he had sent to enquire of Baalzebub the idoll of Ekron concerning his health saying Go and tel your master that sent you That the God of Israel saith Because thou hast sent to aske counsel of Baalzebub the idol of Ekron and thinkest there is no God in Israell therefore thou shalt not rise off the bed whereon thou liest but shalt surely die 2 Reg. 1. Soone after Elias returned to Mount Carmel which was 32 miles where the two Captaines with their Companies of fifty that were sent to take him were consumed with fire from heauen 1 Reg. 1. From Mount Carmel he went to Samaria with the third Cap. 32 miles where hee prophecied of the death of King Ahaziah 2 Reg. 1. From Samaria hee returned backe againe to Mount Carmel 32 miles From thence he went to Gilgal 52 miles From Gilgal he went with Elizeus to the towne of Bethel being 6 miles 2 Reg. 2. From thence to Iericho 4 miles 2 Reg. 2. From Iericho hee and Elizeus went to Iordan which was sixe miles through which riuer they went vpon dry ground Now as they were speaking one to another vpon the East side of the riuer behold a fiery chariot came with fiery horses and tooke Elias vp aliue into heauen after he had gouerned the Church 30 yeres an mundi 3056 and before Christ 912 2 Reg. 2. So all the Trauels of Eliah the Prophet were 1033 miles Of the Cities and places to which he trauelled Of Thisbe IN this towne the Prophet Eliah was borne it being scituated in the land of Gilead beyond Iordan 48 miles from Ierusalem towards the Northeast It taketh the name from Captiuitie being deriued of Chabah he hath led into captiuitie Of Kerith THe riuer Kerith where the Rauens fed Elias runneth from Mount Ephraim between Bethel and Iericho 8 miles from Ierusalem towards the North and so passing along towards the East falleth into the riuer Iordan 1 Reg. 17. The Kerethites were such as garded the person of the King which in the Prophet Dauids time were called mighty men taking their name from striking and cutting being deriued of Charath he hath smitten or cut in sunder Of Zarpath or Sarepta THis was a Citie of the Sidonians where they found much mettall of diuers kindes lying betweene Tyrus and Sydon 112 miles from Ierusalem towards the North and taketh the name from Zoraph which signifies To trie or burne with fire There is at this time but eight houses in all the towne although by the ruines it seemeth to haue beene in times past a very faire citie The inhabitants thereof take vpon them to shew the chamber wherein Elias the Prophet sometimes liued when hee raised the widowes childe to life Before the gate of the citie also there is shewed a certaine Chappell where they say Elias first spake with the widow 1 Reg. 17. Of Abelmehola THis was a towne in the tribe of Manasses on this side Iordan in the mid-way betweene Sichem and Salem some 38 miles from Ierusalem Northward At this day it is called Abisena where there are found certaine ruines of Marble pillars by which may be gathered that in times past it hath beene a very beautifull citie It seemeth to haue taken the name from a great Lamentation or Mourning for Abel signifieth To lament and bewaile and Machol A company The typicall signification of ELIAS ELias according to the interpretation of Saint Ierome signifies the minister of Iehouah but as others would haue it Eliah is as much as my God Iehouah He was a type of Saint Iohn Baptist who was sent before to prepare the way of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Chirst Of this you may reade more Malach. 4. Matt. 11.17 Isa 40. c. The trauels of the Prophet Elisaeus or Elisha ELisha followed Elias through diuers countries and became as it were his seruant pouring water vpon his hands and ministring to him 1 Reg. 19. 2 Reg. 3. Elisha went with Eliah from Gilgal to Bethel which was six miles 1 Reg. 19. From Bethel they both went to Iericho which was 4 miles From Iericho he went beyond Iordan 6 miles where his Master was taken from him vp into heauen and his spirit was doubled vpon him 2 Reg. 2. From thence he returned backe again to Iericho which was ● miles passing through the riuer Iordan vpon drie ground by which miracle the children of the Prophets viz. such as studied diuinitie at Iericho did certainly know that the spirit of his master Elias rested vpon him Neere to this towne he flang salt into a riuer by which the water was made sweet 2 Reg. 2. From Iericho Elisha returned to Bethel which was 4 miles here the chldren that mockt him saying Come vp thou bald pate c. in contempt of his age and office were deuoured by 2 Bares 2 Reg. 2. From Bethel he walked to Mount Carmel which was fifty six miles From thence he went to Samaria which was about thirtie two miles From thence he went to the three Kings viz. Ioram King of Israel Iehosaphat King of Ierusalem and the King of the Idumaeans into the desart of Arabia Petraea which was 104 miles here he prayed vnto the Lord and he sent them water lest they should haue perished with thirst 2 Reg. 3. From the Desart of Arabia Petraea hee returned backe to
the Lord he was borne in the Tribe of Benjamin in a Citie of the Priests called Anathoth and from thence came to Ierusalem which was two miles and continued there for 40 yeares teaching and prophecying From Ierusalem he was sent to Euphrates where in the cliffe of a rocke he hid his girdle Ier. 13. which was 400 miles From the riuer Euphrates he returned backe againe to Ierusalem 400 miles A little after the Lord sent him backe againe to Euphrates 400 miles to fetch his girdle and loe it was putrified From thence he returned backe againe the second time to Ierusalem 400 miles From Ierusalem he was led captiue bound in chaines with other prisoners to Ramath a citie in mount Ephraim which was eight miles there Nabusaraden the chiefe captaine caused him to be set at liberty From Ramath he went to Mispah which is 8 miles where he continued a while with Gediliah Prince of the Iewes which man had the chiefe command of certaine cities of Iudaea vnder Nabuchadnezzer But in the seuenth yeare of the captiuitie of the people of Israel Ishmael that was of the stocke and progenie of Dauid hoping to obtaine the gouernement of Iuda made warre vpon Gediliah and put him to death wherefore Ieremy went from thence with Iohn the son of Kareach Prince of the Iewes to Bethlem Euphrata which was 8 miles Ier. 41. Now when he had staied a while in a village neere Bethlem called Geruth Ghimeham were sometime Chimeham the sonne of Barzillai liued 2 Sam. 19. hee prophecied saying If you stay in this land you shall do well neither shall any euill hap vnto you but if you depart hence into Aegypt they shall deuoure you with famine and with the sword Ier. 42. But Iohn and the rest of the Princes would giue no credit to the words of Ieremy but went into Aegypt and compelled the Prophet to goe along with them so they went from Bethlehem to Tachpanes which was 172 miles Here the second time Ieremie prophecied vnto them saying Behold Nabuchadnezzer shall come hither and wast and destroy all the countrey of Aegypt beat downe the Images of Bethsemes or Heliopolis and carry away the Aegyptians into perpetuall captiuity Ier. 43. But the people of Israel being moued to anger because of his words stoned him to death So the Trauels of the Prophet Ieremiah were 1786 miles Concerning the townes and places mentioned in the Trauels of this Prophet you may reade of them before except Geruth Chimeham which stood close by Bethlehem it taketh the name from a stranger or traueller being deriued of Gor which signifieth He hath trauelled and Tachpanes which was a Citie of Aegypt some 180 miles from Ierusalem where the Prophet Ieremy was stoned to death it is oftentimes called by the name of Taphnis The trauels of Vrijah the Prophet VRias or Vriah signifies Illuminated or inlightned of the Lord. He was borne at Kiriath-jearim a mile from Ierusalem towards the West from thence he came to Ierusalem and there prophecied of the destruction of the Citie After when King Ioachim went about to take away his life he fled thence into Aegypt 160 miles But the king sent messengers into Aegipt fetcht Vrijah back againe to Ierusalem 160 miles and there cut off his head and caused his body to be throwne into the sepulchre of a poore despised man that it might not be knowne that he had beene a Prophet of the Lord. So all his trauels were 321 miles Of Hananias the false Prophet HAnanias or Chanania signifieth the grace of God This false Prophet was a Gibeonite and came from Gibeon to Ierusalem which was foure miles where he tooke the woodden yoakes from the necke of Ieremiah the Prophet but Ieremiah caused yron yokes to be made in their places and told Hananias that for his falshood that yere he should surely die as after he did Of the Prophet Ezekiel Ezekiel or Iechezkel signifies the strength or fortitude of God He was carried captiue with 3000 others of the Nobility of the Iewes from Ierusalem to Babylon which was 680 miles the same yeare that Nebuchadnezzer put King Ioachim to death within fiue yeares after a little before Easter the Booke of the Law was found 2 Chron. 3. He began to prophecie in Babylon Anno mundi 3356 before Christ 612 at which time he saw his first visions neere to the Riuer Chebar Of the Riuer Chebar THe riuer Chebar was neere Babylon in Chaldaea vpon the borders of Mesopotamia falling into Euphrates and was oftentimes called Aborras according to the opinion of many learned men Strabo in the seuenteenth book of his Geography saith that there is another riuer between Tygris and Euphrates called Basilius Aborras passeth along by the citie of Athemusia and is a very faire streame from whence it is called Chebar which signifies a swift and spacious riuer Neere to this riuer the Prophet Ezekiel saw the Glory and Majestie of our Lord Iesus Christ in a bright shining cloud In this place also dwelt many Iewes to whom hee prophecied and foretold the destruction of Ierusalem by Nebuchadnezzer and the captiuitie of Zedekiah The Trauels of the Prophet Daniel DAniel signifies The Iudge of God In the raigne of Ioachim King of Iudah he was carried away captiue from Ierusalem to Babylon by Nabuchadonezar which was 680 miles and there with his fellowes learned the Arts and Language of the Chaldaeans for three yeares He was then but young about some 19 or 20 yeares of age and liued in exile 91 yeares vntill the third yeare of Cyrus Emperour of the Persians about which time he saw his last vision and a little after died when hee was about 110 yeares of age as may be gathered by the circumstances of Histories and times From Babylon he went to Susan in Persia an mun 3418 before Christ 550 being then 94 yeares of age which was 252 miles where neere to the flood Eulaeus hee had a vision of a ram and a goate which set forth the state of the second Monarchie which was that of the Graecians In this vision Gabriel the Archangel appeared to Daniel Dan. 8. This was in the third yeare of King Balthasar From Susan Daniel returned to Babylon which was 252 miles Here hee interpreted to Belthasar the meaning of these words Men Mene Tekel Euphrasin Dan. 5. From Babylon he went to the riuer Tygris of Hidekel which was accounted 36 miles here in the third yeare of Cyrus King of Persia he saw his last vision which is described in the 10 11 and 12 chapters of his prophecie From Tygris he returned to his own house at Babylon which was 36 miles Sometimes also in his three last yeares of his life he vsed to goe to Egbatan the Metropolitan citie of the Medes which was accounted 464 miles from Babylon towards the Northeast Here Daniel built a faire and artificiall Temple so strongly that it remained vnperished and retained the ancient beautie many ages to the great admiration of all the
Ioppa and Silicia to the Streights betweene Spain and Mauritania Into this Sea Ionas was cast when the Whale deuoured him In like manner the Red sea and all others that are ocean seas are called Tharsis as appeareth in the 72 Psalme where it is said The Kings of Tharsis and of the Isles shall bring Presents Here the Kings whose Empires extend themselues alongst the sea coast are vnderstood But the city Tharsis the countrey of the Apostle Paul is not a kingdome neither euer had a King much lesse many Kings So Solomon sent his shippes by Tharsin that is by sea towards the Southeast into the Red sea and Eastern Ocean that they might bring gold pretious stones and sweet gummes from Arabia But the ships could not saile by the Red sea vnto the town of Tharsis vnlesse they would haue sailed ouer the land which is vnpossible because Tharsis lieth into the land from the Red sea as all Cosmographers agree So also the Psalmist saith Thou breakest with thy strong windes the ships of Tharsis that is of the sea beside many such like speeches From whence S. Ierom concludes that Tharsis may better signifie the sea than the city Tharsis Of the Euxine sea THe Euxine Ocean is that great and troublesome sea which beginning not farre from Constantinople runneth from Bosphorus and Thrace towards the East and North containing to the Longitude eight hundred miles but to the Latitude two hundred and eighty Towards the South it toucheth vpon Asia the lesse towards the East vpon Calcos towards the West Thracia and Valachia but towards the North it is ioyned to the poole of Maeotides This sea in times past was called Pontus Axenus that is the inhospitable country because as Strabo lib. 1. of his Cosmography saith The inhabitants neere about the sea-shore did vsually sacrifice those strangers they got or else cast their bodies vnto dogs to he deuoured making drinking cups of their skuls But after when the Ionians had built certain townes vpon the sea coast and had restrained the incursions of certaine Scythian theeues which vsually preyed vpon Merchants that resorted thither at the command of Pontus their King who had obtained a large and spatious kingdom in that country they called it Pontus Euxinus which is as much to say as the hospitable country Ovid testifieth almost the same concerning the originall of the name of this sea after this manner Frigida me cohibent Euxini littora Ponti Dictus ab antiquis Axinus ille fuit The chilly shores of th' Euxine sea constraines me to abide In antient time call'd Axinus as it along did glide Of Ninus or Nineveh NInus or Nineveh was a city of Assyria where the Emperours of that country vsed to keep their courts It was first built by Ninus that great Emperour of the first Monarchy 300 yeares after the floud and 2000 before Christ about the time when the Patriarch Abraham was borne It continued in great glory for the space almost of 1500 yeares and was distant from Ierusalem toward the Northeast 684 miles vpon the East side ioyning to the riuer Tygris on the North to the Caspian sea It takes the name from the beauty of it being deriued of Navah which signifieth A comely place spatious and pleasant There are many that are of opinion that in many things it exceeded Babylon as for the sumptuousnesse of the buildings the strength of the Walls and the extent The walls were so thicke that three Chariots might haue met vpon them without any danger and beautified with an hundred and fifty towers Ionas being sent of God to this city was three daies going through it that is as Luther expounds it through euery street of it in which time he conuerted a hundred and twenty thousand to repentance Arbaces who was also called Arphaxad was then Emperor This Arbaces Iustine lib. 2. calleth Arbactus he was a Captaine of the Medes who perceiuing the effeminat disposition of Sardanapalus the then Emperour taking aduantage of the times and this mans weaknesse conspired with some of his companions to vsurp vpon his gouernment and that he might make them hate and loath his loosenesse brought them into a room where the might see him sitting amongst his harlots tyred in womans apparell and carding wooll This sight greatly displeasing them and before being encouraged by Arbactus they seised vpon the city and besieged Sardanapalus in his palace But to preuent the miserie of a shameful death after he had gathered all his riches together he set fire on his palace where he his companions and treasure perished This fire continued 15 daies and hapned 823 yeares before Christ about which time Arbactus succeeded Sardanapalus began to reign and continued his gouernment 28 yeres But the Medes held not the Assyrian Empire long for Phul Belochus who at this time reigned in Babylon and his successour Tiglath Philasser are called Kings of Assyria betweene whom there hapned many great Warres 2 Kings 15.26 From whence may be gathered That after the death of Arbactus these Emperours dwelt in Niniveh and succeeded in the Empire Thus was this city greatly defaced with continuall euills the Lord before hand giuing them many admonitions and gentle corrections if it had bin in them to haue conceiued it to winne them to repentance but they continued still in their sins therefore according to their former prophecies Cyaxares King of the Medes besieging this towne tooke it and destroyed it euen vnto the ground as Eusebius saith This desolation hapned 13 yeares before the destruction of Ierusalem in the 11 yeare of Sadyattis King of the Lyddians who was grandfather to Croesus An. mundi 3349 before Christ 619. After this destruction it lay a long time desolat but at length some part of it was restored though with much trouble then when it was at the best estate constrained to suffer many changes and at length vtterly destroied by Tamerlane the Great the second time An. mun 3390. After this the inhabitants of that countrey vpon the East side of the riuer Tygris began the third time to build it But whether this third restoring of this City was at the command of some Prince that had the gouernment of the Country thereabouts or because of the scituation or for priuat profit it is not set down neuerthelesse it is again repaired standing on the borders of Armenia beautified with goodly buildings with faire and spatious streets compassed about as other cities of the East are with walls and ditches sufficiently strengthned to oppose the Enemy But in respect of the former Niniveh it seemes a small village It hath a bridge built of ships lying vpon the East side of it ouer the riuer Tygris and vpon that side of the Riuer there stand many faire gardens and orchards and the land there also is very fertil and pleasant But vpon the West of Tygris the soile is nothing so fruitfull At this day it is called by the name of Mossel so that although
of Oliues you come vnto the place where Christ mounted vpon the Asse as we reade Matth. 21. And a little after you may see the whole citie of Ierusalem with Solomons Temple and the Church of the holy sepulchre with many other holy places Then as you descend from the top of the mount of Oliues you may see the place where the multitude cryed Hosanna blessed be he that commeth in the name of the Lord. And in this discent also our Sauiour Christ wept ouer Ierusalem saying O Ierusalem Ierusalem how often would I haue gathered thee vnder my wings as a Hen gathereth her Chickens but thou wouldest not Of Bethpage BEthpage standeth vpon the right hand of the way towards the East as you goe from Bethania to Ierusalem and as S. Ierom saith was somtimes a habitation of the Priests which at their appointed times went vp to Ierusalem to minister to the Lord. It was so called because of the multitude of Figs that grow there for Pagim signifies a Figge Cant. 2. Bethpage is a notable type of the Church for that ought likewise to be fruitfull and to bring forth sweet Figges that is good workes and many other comfortable vertues that so men in their afflictions might be comforted As it is thought the Fig-tree that our Sauiour Christ cursed because it wanted fruit stood not farre from Bethpage Matth. 21. Marke 11. Wherefore let vs take heed that wee be not like that fruitlesse Fig-tree couered onely like our forefathers Adam and Eue with leaues and bearing no fruit Gen. 3. lest so Gods curse fall vpon vs and we be thrust out of eternall happinesse Matth. 3. Of the Castle from whence the Asse and the Colt were brought vpon which our Sauiour rode to Ierusalem THis Castle as Adamus Risnerus saith was a certaine Hold compassed about with strong walls and within beautified with a faire pallace supported with goodly columnes it stood not farre from the Mount of Oliues just in the deuiding of the way as you goe from Bethania to Ierusalem for there goes one way to the fountaine gate and another to the valley of Gehinnon In the Hebrew text it is called Tirah as you may reade in Matthew which signifies not onely a Castle but a firme and sure building with good decorum and order for Tor signifies a circular order It is credible that this Hold is a resting place and that the Asse and the colt were tied in the way for this cause that if by chance any trauellers were wearie by reason of the tediousnesse of their journey they might hire them for certain houres to carrie them ouer the Mount of Oliues and so returne them backe againe The Allegoricall meaning of this Asse and the Colt according to the opinion of many learned men signifies the people of the Iewes who were burthened with Moses lawes and the Asses Colt signifies the rest of the Gentiles which were not charged with the burthen of Moses law but tyed onely to the law of nature So we also like trauellers and strangers in this miserable world are tyed to the afflictions and calamities thereof standing in two waies expecting the death of the body and libertie of the soule then our Sauior Christ commeth in peace and looseth this bond of death as the Apostle saith Rom. 7. and bringeth vs to that heauenly Ierusalem eternall joy according to that of Saint Paul in the first of the Philippians I desire to be loosed and to be with our Lord Iesus Christ Of the Mount of Oliues ABout halfe a mile and a furlong from Ierusalem towards the East stood the Mount of Oliues very fruitfull and pleasant bringing forth Oliues Palmes Figs Gossumpine many other notable fruits but principally Palmes and Oliues of which the mountaine taketh the name It is said in Pliny lib. 16. cap. 19. that these Oliue and Palme trees doe neuer lose their leaues and are greene both Winter and Summer Saint Austine calleth it The mountaine of vnction because of the fertilitie and pleasantnesse of it also The mountaine of health because it bringeth forth Oyles and many other plants necessarie for Physicke also The mountain of light first because it lieth vpon the East so that the Sun shineth in the morning very pleasantly vpon it and in the euening when it setteth the beames thereof reflecting vpon the Temple of Ierusalem casteth a beautifull light to this Mount secondly because it bringeth forth Oyle which is the nourishment and life of light thirdly because it was beautified with the gratious presence of our blessed Lord and Sauiour Christ which is the Day-starre and light of the Church rising vpon high to enlighten all those which shall be called vnto eternall happinesse For which cause it typically representeth the Church which is the light of the World wherein are found many Christians that bring forth pleasant fruit good workes relieuing the necessitie of such as are in want comforting the afflicted patiently supporting the calamitie and misery of this world that so they might triumphantly rejoyce with Christ in that heauenly citie of Ierusalem What things Zacharias hath spoken of this Mount in his last chapter is to be vnderstood of the preaching of the Gospell and propagation of the Church through all the world Saint Ierom saith in his Epitaph vpon S. Paul That vpon this hill the Iewes commonly burnt the red Cow with the ashes whereof the people of God being sprinckled they were purified and sanctified of which you may reade Num. 19. Heb. 6. Hellen the Empresse mother to that godly Emperor Constantine the Great about the yeare of our Lord 332 caused a faire and beautifull church to be built vpon this Mount just in the place where our blessed Lord and Sauior Christ ascended vp into heauen It was built round all of white polished marble vpon the top therof there is no roofe but a window euen as Christ should ascend through it as Eusebius saith in the life of the Emperour Constantine the Great lib. 3. cap. 40. The same S. Ierom affirmeth in his booke de locis Hebraicis He also saith That the inhabitants of the Holy land take vpon them to shew in this Church the impression of the feet of our Sauiour Christ which hapned as they say just at such time as he ascended vp into heauen out of which trauellers and pilgrims take sand to carry with them as an holy relicke though indeed it is verily to be thought that they were feet made in stone by antient Monkes thereby to get mony from such as resorted thither vpon deuotion for looke how oft pilgrims take thence the sand they are presenly filled againe from whence may bee gathered that there is no sand naturally there Euery man therefore ought to embrace a neerer way to saluation than to follow those monkish fables and to seeke Christ in the holy Scripture not vpon the Mount of Oliues or amongst sand for since the graue could not containe him the Mount of Oliues cannot hold him
in the holy Land Myrrhe and Aloes Aloes is the juyce of a certaine bitter herbe which by some is called Euerliuing it killeth the wormes and preserueth from putrifaction it is also good for the sight There is to be gathered in India Arabia and the Holy land a certaine herbe of an extraordinary sweet smell with leaues broad fat and juicie which being prest yeeldeth more Aloes than honey from whence this metaphoricall prouerbe is vsed Quod plus molestiae quam voluptatis gignit that is more troublesome than profitable You may reade also in Plautus that the life of man tasteth more of Aloes than honey And Iuvenal speaking of an euill wife saith she hath more of Aloes than honey So Euripides Euery sweet hath his sowre So also the holy Crosse seemeth to haue more of Aloes than hony notwithstanding it preserueth vs from eternall corruption and killeth the venomous worms of conscience clenseth vs from our sinnes and freeth vs from the feare of the Diuel eternall death that so we might be recreated and by the faith of our Sauiour be raised vp at the last day and pertake with him in his euerlasting kingdome according to that of Iohannes Taulerus Where the crosse there the light where temptation there prayer and regeneration c. The Trauels of Peter IN the 35 yeare after the natiuitie of Christ about the moneth of Ianuary and a little before the conuersion of the Apostle Paul Peter and Iohn were sent from Ierusalem to Samaria which was 32 miles that the Samaritans might receiue that admirable gift of the Holy-Ghost and there they disputed with Simon Mag●● Acts 8. From Samaria they returned backe again to Ierusalem which was 32 miles In this journey they went to diuers townes of the Samaritans teaching and preaching vnto them the doctrine of the Gospell Acts 8. In the sixt yere after the resurrection of Christ Peter went to Lidda which was distant from Ierusalem twentie miles towards the Northeast where he cured Aeneas who had lien sicke eight yeares of the Palsie vpon his bed Acts 9. From thence hee went to Ioppa which was three miles here he raised Tabitha from death Acts 9. In the seuenth yeare after the resurrection of Christ Peter went from Ioppa and came to Caesarea Strato which was six and thirtie miles where hee preached the Gospell to Cornelius the Centurion and baptised him and his whole familie Acts 10. Clemens Recogn lib. 9. From Caesarea he returned to Ierusalem which was 32 miles where being accused for going to the Gentiles hee excused himselfe Acts 11. In the eleuenth yeare after the resurrection of Christ hee was cast into prison and set at libertie by an Angell of God Acts 12. So he went secretly from Ierusalem as it was thought into the desart or to some other vnknowne place vpon the second day of August in the same yeare Herod Agrippa King of the Iewes was strucke by an Angell of God at Caesarea and he was deuoured of wormes Acts 12. Ioseph Antiq. lib. 19. cap. 4. After Herod Agrippa being dead and buried Peter returned to Ierusalem where hee was in Councell with the rest of the Apostles about sixteene yeares after the resurrection of Christ and fourteene after the conuersion of Paul Gal. 2. Acts 15. See also Bede vpon the Acts of the Apostles In the seuenteenth yeare after the resurrection of Christ Peter went from Ierusalem and came to Antiochia in Syria which journey was 280 miles there Paul resisted him Gal. 2. From Antiochia hee went to Babylon in Aegypt where hee wrote his first Epistle this journey was 520 miles So all his Trauels which are mentioned in the Scripture were 955 miles Allegations of the Author to proue that Peter was neuer at Rome BVt that Peter was twenty fiue yeares seuen moneths and fiue daies Bishop and chiefe Priest at Rome cannot be proued by the testimony of the Scripture and is vtterly repugnant to the supputation and true accompt of the times First because it is manifest by that which hath beene said that he continued at Ierusalem and in Iudaea during the time that Tiberius Caligula and Claudius were Emperours of Rome And shortly after the martyrdome of Steuen hee and Iohn were sent into Samaria that the Samaritans might also receiue the gift of the holy Ghost Act. 8. Paul also in the third yere after his conuersion came to Ierusalem and there spoke with Peter and remained with him fifteene daies Act. 9. Gal. 1. Fourteene daies after the conuersion of Paul Peter was at the Apostolicall councell held in Ierusalem and there with Iames and Iohn gaue the right hand of fellowship to Paul and Barnabas that they should goe and preach the Gospell vnto the Gentiles and that hee and the rest would goe vnto the Iewes those that were circumcised Gal. 2. In the time of Claudius Caesar Peter was committed to prison by Herod Agrippa in Ierusalem and miraculously deliuered by the Angell of God Act. 10. In the ninth yeare of Claudius Caesar Peter was at Antiochia in Syria where Paul resisted him to his face Gal. 2. All these things manifestly proue that the Apostle Peter was not at Rome at such time as any of these three viz. Tiberius Caligula and Claudius were Emperors but either in Ierusalem or else at Antiochla in Syria Secondly it may axactly bee made euident out of the holy Scriptures that Peter was not at Rome in the time of Nero. For in the second yeare of Nero Paul wrote his Epistle to the Romans and sent it from Corinth by the hand of Phebe in which Epistle he saluted all his friends which he had in that citie by name as by the conclusion of the Epistle more plainely appeareth but there is no mention of the Apostle Peter who if that at time Bishop of that place surely should not haue bin omitted Also in the fift yeare of Nero Paul being then in prison at Rome wrot his Epistles to the Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians and to Philemon and in the conclusion of these Epistles he expressely nameth all his friends that he had in Rome yet makes no mention of Peter And when he was the second time in prison vnder Nero in the last yeare of the reigne of this Emperour hee wrot from Rome his second Epistle to Timothy beeing a little before his death at the end of which Epistle he plainly shewes that he had no companion there but Luke 2 Tim. 4. From whence it is manifest that Peter during all the pilgrimage and life of Paul was neuer at Rome how then can it possible be that Peter should be bishop of Rome for the space of almost 26 yeares Truly there are many learned men and they also of great iudgement which hold this opinion false and vtterly repugnant to holy Scripture neither can be proued by any good Authors or histories But if Peter were euer at Rome hee came thither after the last imprisonment of Paul and a few daies before his martyrdom