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A15673 A glasse for the godly Contayning many comfortable treatises to perswade men from the loue of this world, to the loue of the world to come, and exhorting them with cherefulnes to passe through the crosses and afflictions of this life. Full of spirituall comfort for all such as hope to be saued by Iesus Christ. The first [-second] part. By R:W: minister of Gods word. Wolcomb, Robert, b. 1567 or 8. 1612 (1612) STC 25941; ESTC S121029 292,196 642

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such death and tribulations are not a reproach vnto them but a thing glorious in Gods sight and pleasing vnto him Rom. 5.3 Therefore the Apostle saieth That we reioyce in Tribulations That is we iudge afflictions to be a glorious thing which God will after chaunge into glorie and this is the peculiar wisdome of the Church which the world perceiueth not Lastly hee affirmeth that there remaines a life and iudgement after the death of the bodie For if the death of the godlie be not neglected of God but is pretious in his sight and on the contrarie * Mors impiorum pessima vulgata translatio ex Graeco Psal 6.8 If the death of the vngodly bee euill there must néedes remaine a iudgement wherein this shall bee made manifest to all Tyrants shall receiue punishment for their crueltie but the godly shall be ●dorned w th eternall glorie For if God number the teares of the faithfull and put them into a Bottell Ps 34.21 How can he suffer the blood that is shed for the confession of his diuine Name to perish and vanish away to nothing Doest thou quake and tremble at the remembrance of that horrible day 2. Pet. 3.10 in which the Heauens shall passe away with a noyse and the Elements shall melte with heate and the earth with the workes that are therein shal be burnt vp Bee of good comfort For thy Iudge is also thy Sauiour he is thy Brother he is thy head and thou a member of his bodie Hee loues thée most ardently hee is thy Iesus That is SAVIOVR Patrone Aduocate Redeemer Intercessor Hee layed downe his life for thée Ioh. 5.24 He hath sworne with an oath that if thou belieue in him thou shalt haue eternall life He maketh request for thée and who shall condemne thée He cōmeth to finish the troubles of the World and to auenge himselfe of his enemies and to deliuer the godly from the hands of sinners and he commeth not to condemne thée but to absolue thée and not to torture thée but to rid thée from all miserie and to make manifest thy full Redemption and to frée thy bodie also from all calamities to performe that promise of eternall life which so often he hath made vnto thée in his sacred word For he that heareth his word belieueth God that sent him hath euerlasting life shall not come into condemnation but hath passed frō death to life Therefore as Christ saith Surely Reu. 22.20 I come quickly So thou mayest say with the Euangelist Amen euen so come Lord Iesus It is for the wicked that haue no part in Christ to tremble and be dismaied at the very mention of the great day For what haue they to doe with it Amos. the day of the Lord is as darknes and not light as if a man did flie from a Lyon a Beare met him or went into the house and leaned his hand on the wall and a Serpent bit him shall not the day of the Lord to the wicked be darknes not light euen darknes and no light in it Zach. 9.9 But the Prophet Zachariah bids the Daughter of Zyon to reioyce for the comming of her King And vpon good reason Isai 35.4 for as another Prophet testifieth The same day that brings wrath vengeance to the vngodlie brings a recompence and saluation to the godly For which cause the holie Apostle Paul sets this downe for a marke of the faithfull by which they may be knowne Namely 1. Cor. 1.7 2. Tim. 4.8 that they wayre for the appearing of CHRIST and loue his comming Therefore if we shall happē to liue at such time as Christ shall come to Iudgement against the beholding of those ghastly signes which shall be ioyned with his Cōming we must cōfort our selues with Christs promise that then our Redemption draweth neere that is that he will take vs to himselfe into heauen finally deliuer vs from all miseries In the meane time let vs belieue with the Apostle That there is layed vp for vs the crowne of righteousnes which the Lorde the righteous Iudge shall giue vs at that day not to vs only but vnto all them that loue that his appearing And when we sée the clowds of the Heauen let vs be admonished of these things For as when Christ Ascended Act. 1.11 a clowde tooke him out of sight and as Christ shall so come againe euen as he was takē vp that is in the clowds 2. Thess 4.17 so the clowds shall as a Charret to lift vs vp to eternal glorie and we shal be rapt vp into the clowdes to meete the Lorde in the Aire Psal 20.3 c. When we heare the Thunder which is the terrible and mightie voice of God let vs suppose that we heare the lowde voice of the high Iudge pronouncing the Sentence both of the shéepe and goates When wee sée the swift and bright and sudden flashes and flakes of lightning Let them call to our mindes the sudden and vnexpected and * Epipháneian 2. Tim. 4.8 cleere and perspicuous comming and appearing of the supreme Iudge For as the lightening that lighteneth out of the one part vnder heauen shineth vnto the other part vnder Heauen so shall the Sonne of man be in his day Luk. 17.24 And since these things must be so For heauen and earth shall passe and be changed but the word of the Lorde abideth for euer what manner persons ought wee to be in holy conuersation godlines looking for and hasting vnto the cōming of that day of God by which the heauens being on fire 2. Pet. shal be dissolued the Elements shall melte with heate But we looke for new Heauens and a newe Earth according to his promise wherein dwelleth righteousnes Wherefore seeing we looke for such things Let vs be diligent that wee may bee found of him in peace without spot and blameles Let vs take heed to our selues Luk. 21.34 least at any time our hearts be oppressed with surfetting and drunkennes and cares of this life and least that day come on vs at vnawares There are thrée Robes and Garments belonging to a true Christian The first is a Purple robe the second is a white robe the third is a golden robe If we will attaine to true happines and holines Iude. vers 23. wee must cast off our owne polluted rags and denie our selues and we must put on these rich pretious garments First we must be arraied in a purple garment dyed and dipped in the blood of the Sonne of God That is Gal. 3.27 wee must fréely receiue forgiuenes of sinnes and be reconciled to GOD through CHRIST and Faith in his blood and this is our Iustification Next Rom. 13.13 wee must be clothed with a white robe That is it becomes vs to be renued in the spirit of our mind and to serue God in holines and
that the infirmitie is expelled the Patient cased so God workes in vs by his grace vt peccatum consumatur homo liberetur that sinne is consumed and we set at libertie to the end we may fréely serue the Lord in holines righteousnes all the daies of our life Or else the Kingdome of God in this place may be taken for the kingdome of glorie which is the scope last ende of all the godlie and vnto which we are directed and led by the kingdome of grace For as among the Romanes Honour had a temple and Vertue had a temple but these temples were so built and scituate that none could come into the temple of Honour but hée must first passe through the temple of Vertue so there is a kingdome of grace in this life and there is a kingdome of glorie in the life to come but these two Kingdomes haue such coherence and societie betwéene themselues that none can enter into the kingdome of glorie except he walke through the kingdome of grace nor none may be a subiect in the latter except hée haue bene a subiect in the former In the kingdome of glorie there shall be perfect knowledge here wée know but in parte and sée darkely through a glasse 1. Cor. 13 9. In the kingdome of glorie shal be eternall life peace quietnes ioy and concord here our life is as a Flower our peace is soone broken our quietnes troubled our ioy molested our concorde dissolued In the kingdome of glorie is no death sorrowe wearines infirmitie hunger thirste pouertie slauerie Reu. 21.27 For no imperfection or vncleannes enter into the newe Ierusalem héere the waues of affliction and tribulation tumble one vpon the others necke as long as wee carrie about vs this bodie of death Briefly if we liue here in prosperitie yet we liue subiect to mortalitie and sicknes yet we sée but a vaine and wicked world yet we behold but mortall men and dwell but with sinfull men and conuerse but with inconstant men but in the kingdome of glorie our bodies shall be immortall the Maiestie of God shall be the obiect of our eyes Hebr. 12.22 the company of innumerable Angels and the assemblie and congregation of the first borne which are written in heauen and the spirites of iust and perfect men shall be those with whom we shall continually abide and dwell What is the earth and earthly glorie compared with the glittering Pallace of heauen but an earthen and dirtie cottage of a beggar in respect of a gay gilded mansion of a Prince They that are translated out of the wretchednes of this world into the blessednes of that other worlde are like those that are exalted out of Dungeons fetters into a Royall throne of dignitie It is much to say this but when S. Iohn Chrysostome had saide it Hom. 6. ad Heb. he addes presently Sed neque sic integrè pertingere potui ad illius regni similitudinem that by this spéech he could not fully expresse the likenesse of that glorious Kingdome For in the aduancement from worldly miserie to worldly felicitie there ariseth a pleasure and great delight but after a few dayes the minde begins to be satiate with the ioy and gladnes and though it remaine in delectation yet the delectation beginnes to fade for that it is vsuall and common but in those good things which eye hath not séene nor eare hath heard nor mans heart can comprehend there is no decrease ende or change but there is an augmentation of ioy replenished with all desireable good things For as the death of the wicked may be termed euill worse and worst euill because it ends their earthly ioy Bernard in paruis sermonib ser 41. worse because it sends to tormēts worst because there is no ende of those anguishes so the death of the godly may be called good better and best good because it finisheth their miseries better because it puts into possession of happines best because there is no alteration nor feare of alteration in that happines In a word as much as the soule excels the bodie so much the ioyes of heauen surmount all the pleasantest and carest choisest delites of this fading life And this is that kingdome that Christ commands vs to seeke before all other things and who will not be desirous to attaine vnto it The Righteousnes of God which Christ bids vs to followe is that Righteousnes and holines which God in his word commaunds and allowes And these wordes The righteousnes of God are an exposition and declaration of the former namely the K ngdome of God For then God doth raigne in vs and then we are subiects of Gods kingdom when he by his holy spirit works sanctification and an earnest desire of godlines in our hearts to liue godly and holily and soberly in this present world Therefore if we will be inheritors of Gods kingdome and finde the ioyes thereof we must as obedient children not fashion our selues vnto the former lusts of our ignorance 1. Pet. 1. v 4 15. ●6 17 ●8 19 but as he which hath called vs is holie so we must be holy in all manner of conuersation because it is written Bee ye● holie for I am holie And since we call him Father which without respect of persons iudgeth according to euery mans work we must passe the time of our abiding héere in feare knowing that we were not redéemed with corruptible things as siluer and golde but with the pretious bloud of Christ as of a Lambe vndefiled and without spot And is it not reason that we should studie to please the Lord in holines Ioh. ● 16 and righteousnes and newnes of life Since God hath so loued vs that he gaue his onely begotten Sonne that whosoeuer beléeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life When thou art worne out with age or liuest in pouertie or art tossed and turmoyled with affliction and aduersitie what wouldest thou not suffer to bee made young and lustie rich and wealthie setled and quiet Christ hath promised and will performe more then all these Pr●● 25.14 Iud. 11.12 Antiochus was called Dolon because hée was wont to say that he would giue and he would reward he would pay and yet gaue and rewarded and payde nothing being like the vapour and winde that hath no Raine Hebr. 13.18 and the clowde without water but Iesus Christ is no willinger to promise then able to performe and hée is the same yesterday and to day and for euer For youth doth not so much excéede Age riches beggerie peace quietnes Nay truth doeth scarce so much excéede a dreame and the bodie a shadow and a precious iewell a clod of clay as all the brauery and pleasant delights of this world shal be truely and indéede excéeded by the glorie and ioy of heauen If any would liken the glorie of heauen to the brightnes of the Sunne yet he should say nothing
make a statue thereof as good as the matter would permit so saith he a wise man and why not a Christian endued with vertue will shew it in riches if he be rich in pouertie if he be poore in authoritie if he be a Magistrate in health or sicknes according to his place quamcunque fortunam acceperit aliquid ex ca memorabile efficiet in whatsoeuer state he liue he will doe some praiseworthy thing therein On the other side as good workes are good and profitable so euill workes are dangerous and vnprofitable Psal 5.6 Rom. 2.25 2. Tim. 2.6 Eph. 4.30 For euill déedes are displeasing to God that hates all the workes of iniquitie Euill déedes disgrace our profession and Gods glory what lies in vs. Euill deedes make vs the slaues and vassals of Sathan and by them he dominéers ouer vs. Euill deedes hinder all spirituall exercises Deut. 28. for by them faith faints the conscience is hurt praier ceases and the holy spirit of God is greeued Euill déedes doe procure and pull on vs punishments both publike and priuate as warres famines pestilence and the like At a word euill deeds do merite eternall torments after this life For they that doe commit euill works haue no parte in Christs Kingdome Gal. 5.21 1. Cor. 6.10 neither shall possesse it And is it so Is death the stipend and wages of iniquitie What exhortation then is fitter then that of the holie Apostle Let not sinne therefore raigne in our mortall bodie that we should obey it in the lusts thereof That is Rom. 6.23 let vs not fréeze in the dregges of vngodlinesse Let vs not wallow welter in the puddle of wickednes Rom. 6 1● Let vs compare and examine our liues and doings by the rule line of Gods lawes and statutes and where we finde our faultines and imperfection and who will be able to say My heart is cleane Since the righteous falles seuen times in a day therefore let vs hartily repent for the same and beséech God the Father to forgiue our offenses for the merites and Passion of his dearely beloued Sonne CHRIST IESVS Let the swearer and blasphemous person forsake his Oathes and vaine prophaning of Gods sacred name Let the abuser of the Sabbath and neglecter of Prayer and Sermons and Sacraments reclaime himselfe sanctifie the Lords Sabbath Let the enuious and malicious person lay aside his hatred and spitefulnes Let the couetous and gréedie mizer forsake his inordinate loue of money which is the roote of all euill Let the drunkard abstaine from drunkennes the fornicator from vncleannes and the hypocrite from counterfeiting and the lyer from slaunderous vncharitable reports and the brawler contēder from strife and d●ssention To be short let the ignorant of the mysteries of their saluatiō seeke to be filled with the knowledge of Christ spiritual vnderstāding And let the breaker offender of Gods Lawes perswade himselfe that it is sufficient to haue spēt the time past in wātonnes lusts concupiscences abhominable trāsgressions and let him not suffer sinne to raigne swaye longer in his mortall bodie CHRIST our high Priest Heb. 7.26 that offered a full perfect sufficient sacrifice for our Redemption was holie innocēt vndefiled separate frō sinners higher then the Heauēs And this our holie high Priest hath sāctified vs by his Sacrifice that we should also be holy innocent vndefiled For Heb. 2.11 He that sāctifieth they which are sāctified are all of one And CHRIST gaue himselfe for vs that he might redeeme vs from all iniquitie Tit. 2.14 purge vs to bee a peculiar people vnto himselfe zealous of good workes Therefore we ought also as being sanctified by Christ our redeemer as being members of so worthy an head as being made conformable to so excellent an Image wée ought also to loath detest and abhorre sinne iniquitie F●●e from si●ne as frō a serpent for if thou cōmest too néere it it wil bite thee Ecclus 21.2.3 the teeth thereof are as the teeth of a Lyon to slay the soules of men All iniquity is as a two edged sword the woundes therefore cannot bee healed saith the Wise man Consider how pestilentiall how horrible how fowle a thing sinne is and tell whether it bee a fit guest to be harbored lodged of vs or not What is it that makes a separation betwéene God and our sillie soules but sinne Hearken what the Lord saith by his holy Prophet Beholde Isai 59.1.2 the Lords hand is not shortned that it cānot saue neither is his Eare hea●e ●hat it cannot heare but your iniquities haue separated betweene you your God and your sinnes hau● hid his Face from you that hee will not heare And how vn speakeable a losse is it to be separated and diuorced from GOD As almost euery one offers wrong to a Widowe because shee wants a protector So euery vncleane spirite and euery creature riseth vp against the soule that is a widow Psal 70.10.11 that is depriued of the GRACE OF GOD And the spirituall Foes that seeke such a soule take counsell together and say God hath forsaken that Soule Persecute and take it for there is none to deliuer it The Shippe that hath lost her Mast and Rudder and Gouernor yeeldes to the flawes and flouds is driuen hither and thither and tossed by euery Tempest and at last is dashed against a Rocke and is broken in pieces and the Citie that is besieged of most cruell enemies hauing no Walles nor Bulwarkes to defend it and no Garrison nor strength of Soldiours to protect it but the Citizens that are in it are in hostilitie and ciuile discord this cittie must néeds be sacked and ransacked Euen so the wretched soule destitute of the loue and fauour of God it is exposed to innumerable flouds of tēptations and is néere to shipwrack it is as a prey readie to bee torne and rent by her enemies Sathan the world and the Flesh and it is cast foorth by the very bodie that it quickeneth to vncleane spirites to be deuoured When the King remooues his Court all the Kings houshold and all the Courtiers depart with him and we say that the Court is remoued Ezek. 18.14 So when God departs from the soule all the Angels that are Gardians to the soule celestiall Courtiers depart also from it and the very good works which were formerly done are forgotten and doe léese their reward For so saith the Prophet If the righteous man turne away from his righteousnes and commit iniquitie and doe according to all the abhominations that the wicked man doth shall he liue all his righteousnesse that he hath done shall not be mentioned but in his transgression that he hath committed and in his sinne that he hath sinned in them shall he die Of the departing of this heauenly Court Saint Basin thus saies In Psa 33 Like as smoke driues away Bees and
all their distresses so that by faith they subdued kingdomes wrought rigteousnes obtained the promises stopped the mouthes of lions quenched the violence of fire escaped the edge of the sword of weake were made strong waxed valiant in battell turned to flight the armies of the Aliants Consider these things well and may we not truely say Rom. c. that all things worke together ioyntly for the good and saluation of them that loue God and may we not say who shall seperate vs from the loue of Christ shall tribulation or anguish or persecution or famine or nakednes or perill or sword In all these things we are more then conquerors through him that loued vs. For we must be perswaded with the Apostle that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor heigth nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate vs from the loue of GOD which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. We thinke amisse if we thinke that God doth chastise vs by crosses because hee hateth vs. Was not Abraham beloued of God the Patriarkes beloued of God and Moses and Dauid and the Prophets beloued of God yet all these sayled in the Sea of Tribulation Luk. 22.40.41 c. 24 26. Which is most of all was not CHRIST our Sauiour most déerely beloued of GOD yet was he not afflicted troubled tossed tormented and doth not the Scripture testifie that he must suffer many things and so enter into his glorie Wherefore by Tribulation the Lord maketh vs like the Image of his own Sonne and being faithfull we are the children of God and if wee be Children Rom. 8.17.18 wee are also heires euen the heires of GOD and heires annexed with Christ if so bee that wee suffer with him that we may also be glorified with him For wee must count that the afflictions of this present time are not worthy to be laied in comparison with the glory that shall be shewed vnto vs. Let vs then run with patience the race that is set before vs Hebr. 12.1.2 c. looking vnto IESVS the Author and finisher of our Faith who for the ioy that was set before him endured the Crosse and despised the shame and is set at the right hand of the Throne of God Let vs consider him that endured such speaking against of sinners least we shuld be wearied faint in our minds For whom the Lord loueth he chasteneth and he scourgeth euery sonne whom he receiueth If we endure chastening God offreth himselfe to vs as vnto sonnes for what sonne is it whom the father chasteneth not If therefore we be without correction whereof all are partakers then are we bastards and not sonnes When fathers chastise their vnruly sonnes by remouing them from their table by correcting them with stripes by giuing them vilde and reproachfull termes or after any other fashion yet when they doe thus they loue their sonnes and cease not to be fathers nay they shew themselues most of all to be fathers when they doe these things Shall men that are often transported with furie and rage be thought to punish their sonnes whom they loue not of crueltie but of care and loue and is it not much more méete to thinke that the loue of God in afflicting his children doth excéede the greatest loue and affection whatsoeuer of earthly and naturall fathers for as Parents when their children are too much delighted with their play mates thereby departe farther from them then they should doe cause their Seruants or some other to fraye them that being terrified they may runne home to their parents and wander no farther So God oftentimes not onely permits other things to afflict and molest vs but also himselfe now and then séemes to threaten vs and to shew an angrie and seuere countenance towards vs not to confound and discourage vs but to reclaime and bring vs home vnto himselfe againe Gregor in Iob. lib. 23. cap. 22. And what is this life but a way to Heauen our abiding Citie and desired Countrey and therefore we are often exercised with tribulation to the end we should not loue the way to our countrey more then our countrey it selfe We sée manie Trauellers when they behold plesant and alluring Fieldes in the way to turne aside and to fall from their former haste and to preuent this God doth make the way of this world rough vneasie to his Elect that are trauelling towards him least whiles they are delighted with the ioyes of this present life they should forgot their Countrey to which they trauell Solon one of the seuen Sages of Greece when his friend bewailed his miserie immoderately hée tooke him with him into the Castle of Athens from which he might behold the Citie vnder him and hee willed his friend to cōsider what sorrow there had bene and then was would be after vnder so many Roofes thereby admonishing him to take griefe and miserie more patiently that was generally incident to all mankinde And hee said also that if all men should lay their Troubles into one common masse and heape out of which euery man should take his equall portion Hée that did endure great anguish were better to rest content with his portion that befalleth him then take it by due proportion out of that generall heape If then no new thing happeneth vnto vs when we are afflicted but such as agréeth with the nature condition of man we must arme our selues with patience that thereby we may possesse our soules and declare our selues to be the Sonnes of God For God afflicteth the Faithfull and the vnfaithfull also but yet in diuerse manners The Faithfull he afflicteth as a Father the vnfaithfull as a Iudge And therfore the Faithfull haue comfort in their sorrow knowing that light will rise out of darknes and that their bitter potion will bréede health of soule but the vnfaithful murmure vnder the hand of God increase their affliction with impatiencie as the Horse that is fallen vnder the loade hurts himselfe by too much strugling Saint Austin sayes excellently As by one and the same fire De Ciuit. Dei lib. 1 cap. 8. Golde shineth and Chaffe smoketh and vnder one and the same threshing instrument the stubble is broken and the graine purged and the Fome is not mixed with the Oyle because it is wroong out vnder one and the same presse So one and the same force of Affliction when it comes it approoueth purifieth and clarifieth the good but it condemnes spoyles and destroyes the wicked And therefore in one and the same affliction the wicked doe detest and blaspheme God the good doe pray and praise God So great is the difference not what things euery one suffereth but what manner of person euery one is that suffereth For wish the like agitation and moouing the Puddle stinckes loathsomely and the Oyntment smells fragrantly One sayes of pleasures that we
of God the onely comforter doth swéeten the bitternes of affliction and doth strengthen our féeble knées and stablish our fainting hearts we may iustly say O Lord wee are not worthy that such consolation should come vnder the roofe of our soules Besides this as the Centurion said Maister I am not worthy that thou shouldest come vnder my roofe so we may inuert and turne about and stretch his spéech farther and say O Lord we are not worthy that we should come vnder thy roofe And why The world in which we inhabite is Gods house and we are all Tenants at will to be put out at our liue lords pleasure In this house of the world Man is a great commander hauing dominion ouer the workes of Gods hands and hauing all things put vnder his féete The Sunne and the Moone giue him light the shéepe and oxen and beasts of the field the foules of the aire and fishes of the Sea yéeld him sustenance the birds delight him with singing the flowers solace him with smelling all the workes of Gods fingers serue either for this profite or pleasure or both In that then Man a worme and the sonne of rottennes and corruption is brought into such a spacious and specious a great and gay house of God as the world is and made little lower then God and crowned with glorie and worship we may iustly say Psal 8.4 O Lord our Lord what is man that thou art mindfull of him and the Sonne of man that thou visitest him We are not worthy that we should come vnder the roofe of thy house Nay when we consider our houses that protect and shroud vs from the furie and violence of the weather our beds whereon we case our selues when we are wearie and sicke our liuings and goods by which we sustaine our selues our children which are an heritage and gift that commeth from the Lord and which possesse the fruit of our labours and which preserue our memoriall on earth when we consider these and many other blessings which God bestowes on vs that daily and hourely offend him and transgresse his commaundements and which many others doe want who notwithstanding are redéemed with the pretious blood of Christ aswell as we may we not procéed farther and say O Lord we are not worthy that we should come vnder the roofe of our owne house Furthermore the materiall temple and Church is called the house of God For why In the Church we are taught the statutes and lawes of God and God speakes vnto vs in his sacred word In the Church we speake vnto God by praier and we worship God by singing foorth the swéet praises of his mercie and goodnes In the Church we are by Baptisme clensed from our sinnes and receiued into Christs Church and congregation which is the spirituall house of God and we are incorporated into Christs bodie made members thereof In the Church we spiritually feede on the body and blood of our Sauiour Christ and we are thereby partakers of Christs merites righteousnes to the fruition of eternall life In that then the materiall Church is the house of God and the soueraigne Apothecary shop where euery sinner may finde a spirituall medicine and salue to cure the maladies infirmities of his soule we may truely say when we are going into the temple and Church where we participate of so many diuine things O Lord we are not worthy that we should come vnder the roofe of thine house Lastly let vs contemplate on the ioyes and felicitie of Heauen where is ioy without sorrowe plentie without scarsitie glorie without enuie life without death where is the trée of life and the riuer of the water of life where the Seraphins sing continually Holy holy holy and all the Angels and Saints praise God vncessantly with most sugred and harmonious melodie where the elect receiue the pennie of immortalitie for working in the vineyard and sit downe with Abraham Isaak and Iaakob and where are those vnspeakable good things which eye hath not séene nor eare heard nor heart of man can conceiue In that then God hath ordained vs to this eternall rest and from the dust hath exalted vs to his heauenly kingdome we may truely say O Lord we are not worthy that we should come vnder the roofe of Heauen Thales Milesius being old and hauing deuised some admirable inuention of the motion of the Heauens he did communicate it with Mandrita another Philosopher who gaue him thankes for the instruction and asked what recompence he should giue him for the document to whom Thales said O Mandrita it shall be sufficient to me if when thou wilt vtter this which thou hast learned of me thou doe not ascribe it to thy selfe but confesse that it was mine inuention This a man craues of a Man how much more iustly doth God require of vs that if we haue any vertue or any knowledge or any wisedome or any strength or any good thing when we make vse of it we attribute it not to our selues but acknowledge that it is receiued from him Wherefore let vs humble and prostrate our selues with this Noble and godly Centurion let vs praise the Lord for all his blessings with vnfained thankefulnes let vs confesse our vnworthines either that God should come vnder our roofe or that we should come vnder Gods roofe let vs amend our liues repent for our iniquities and expresse true gratitude by our good workes that God may augment and heape his mercies vpon vs continually and that Christ may heare vs as he heard the Centurion and that as by the mercy of God we entered into the house of God the world and dwell therein and as by the same mercy we enter from time to time into the materiall Church which is the house of God so at last by the fauour and grace of Christ we may ascend and mount into the glorious and magnificent house of Heauen there to remaine with him for euermore Amen CONSTANCIES CROWNE Gal. 6.9 Let vs not therefore be wearie of well doing for in due season we shall reape if we faint not THe holy Apostle Paul in these words doth admonish the Galathians and in the Galathians all other Christians to be plenteous in good works and to bring foorth the fruits of the Spirit neither this onely but to persist and perseuere in well doing that they may obtaine the reward of eternall life The spéech containes first an exhortation to continue in well doing secondly a reason and motiue why we should not faint in well doing The exhortation is this Let vs not therefore be wearie of well doing If we refer this well doing to beneficence and liberalitie towards the néedie which is spoken of in the verse following where the Apostle saith While we haue time Calon poioûntes 1. eupoioûntes euergetoûntes let vs doe good to all men as if well doing were doing well and bestowing well on the poore then where Paul saith Let vs not be
according to the riches of his glorie that we may be strengthened by his spirit in the inner man God makes vs worthie of his calling and fulfils all the good pleasu●e of his goodnes and the worke of faith with power God giues vs euerlasting consolation and good hope through grace and doth comfort our hearts and stablish vs in euery word and good worke and is faithfull Iude. ●●r 3.4 and will stablish vs and keepe vs from euill and is able to keepe vs that we fal not and to present vs faulties before the presence of his glorie with ioy Therefore pray we earnestly to God that he would so confirme vs w●th his grace that we may so runne that we may come to the goale of eternall happines For it is God alone that can and will grant this perseuerance vnto the end to those that vnfainedly beg it of him Therefore the holy Psalm●st speakes thus in the person of Christ Psal 36.8 I haue set the Lord alwaies before me for he is at my right hand therefore I shall not slide As if Christ had said I haue confirmed my saith by the consideration of the will of God For I knew that I should be offered vp a sacrifice for mankind by the speciall and vnspeakable determination of God and beholding and setting this decrée of God before mine eyes I see and assure my selfe that God is present with me stands on my right hand sustaines and helpes me therefore I turne not mine eyes from him and I am certainely perswaded that I cannot be ouercome and swallowed vp of these sorrowe And as Christ doth confirme himselfe so all the godly must know that when they are pressed with incumbrances and tentations they must promise to themselues certaine deliuerance For that which was auailable in Christ must needes be auailable in his members also And where are the Doctors of diffidence and distrust that teach men that they cannot ascertaine themselues of their finall perseuerance and therefore they must still remaine doubtfull since Dauid in the person of Christ doth not onely mention his confidence for the present time but also extends it to the time to come and therefore saies that he should not slide be shaken or mooued Psal 138.7 Say not what though Dauid could say Though I walke in the midst of trouble yet God will reuiue me he will stretch foorth his hand vpon the wrath of mine enemies and his right hand shall saue me And what though Paul said of the Corinthians 1. Cor. 1.8 that God would confirme them vnto the end that they might be blameles in the day of our Lord Iesus Christ And what though the same Apostle could say by inspiration that he was perswaded that neither death nor life Rom. 8.38.39 nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. Yet how shall we be sure that we shall neuer fall away from our owne stedfastnes Consider what our Sauiour saith Ioh. 6.37 that all that the Father giueth vnto him shall come to him and him that commeth to him he casteth not away Ioh. 10.28 and that he giueth eternall life to his shéepe and that they shall neuer perish neither any shall plucke them out of his hand Consider what the Apostle saith Rom. 11 2● that the gifts and calling of God are without repentance and that God is faithfull which will not suffer vs to be tempted aboue that we are able 1. Cor. 10 13. but will euen giue the issue with the tentation that we may be able to beare it Consider what Christ saith againe that the Gates of Hell shall not preuaile against his Church and children Matt. 16.18 Luk. 22.32 and what he saith to Peter I haue praied for thee that thy faith faile not Nay consider this that if thou be the shéepe of Christ if thou beléeue in him if thou cleaue vnto him Christ praied for thée as for Peter Ioh. 17.20 that thou maiest be one with him vnited to him and neuer fall from him Let the vnfaithfull reiect the wisedome of God against themselues yet the elect will not onely embrace it and cleaue vnto it but also defend it maintaine it and iustifie it For wisedome is iustified of her children Matt. 11.19 Matt. 13.8 Let the foules deuoure the séede that fell by the way side and the Sam●e parth the seede that fel on the sto●e ground though if haue a tempora●te flourishing the thornes choake the seede that fell among thornes yet that seede that fals on good groūd brings foorth fruit one corne an hundred sold some sixtie folde and another thirtie solde that is Luk. ● 5 They that haue an honest and good heart beare the w●rd and keepe it and bring forth fruit with patience Act. 5. Let Ananias and S●phira fall from sinceritie and let many Antichrists depart from the true Church and faith of Christ yet the Lords seale abideth sure on his elect and the holy Ghost hath giuen the censure 1. Ioh. 2.19 They went out from vs but they were not of vs for if they had bene of vs they should haue continued with vs but this commeth to passe that it might appeare that they are not all of vs Let Pharaohs heart be hardned at Gods correction and let him repell the scourges that should reforme him as the hard Anuill beares off the strokes of the hammer yet Paul and euery faithfull person that hath his stonie heart changed into a heart of flesh by the working of the spirit will be bettered by the terrors and threatnings and chasticements whereby God prepares vs to subiection and will presently crie out and say Lord what wilt thou haue me to doe Act. 9.6 behold I am readie to fulfill thy cōmandement Now since good workes and continuance in well doing are so necessarie for the glorifiing of our heauenly Father and for the profiting and edifying of our neighbours and for the infini●e reward promised to the godly and for the auoyding of the sharpe punishments threatned to the wicked there remaineth an instruction both for them that haue not began to doe well and for those that haue began to doe well To the swearer the fornicator the drunkard the malitious person the railer the vnmercifull the vniust in a word to them that wallowe in their sinnes without remorse the saying of Paul is to be proposed The wages o● sinne is death Rom. 6.23 If the sweet pleasures of sinne haue so sowre sawce and if the workers of iniquitie haue deadly pay and wages detest and abhorre sinne then as a biting serpent and at length begin to doe well and to embrace vertue The Prophet saies of the stiffe-necked Iewes Zach. 7.11.12 that they refused to hearken and pulled away the shoulder and stopped their
out he tempted Christ himselfe nay he often tempted him for it is said that the Diuell departed from him for a little season If this be done in the gréene trée what shall be come in the drie He that tempted Christ our Maister will also tempt his seruants either not to doe good or if they doe good to be proud of well doing and so through pride to poyson their vertuous actions that as the moth is bred in the garment and eates the garment and as the worme ariseth on the hearbe consumes the hearbe so the haughtie conceit and reputation which they haue imagined of their owne workes may cause them to loose the things which they haue wrought 2. Chron. 6.30 and not to receiue the reward It is he that though he cannot see the thoughts of the heart for that is proper to God alone yet because he searches out the affectiōs of the minde by our spéeches and gestures and outward behauiour and constitution and complexion of body he labours busily to steale the hearts of men from God 2. Sam. 15. as Absolom did the hearts of the Subiects from his father Dauid As the Cole takes fire when it is put to it for that it was apt fit to take fire so sathā notes the inclination and tempts accordingly some to Anger some to wantonnes some to gluttony some to pride some to contention some to couetousnes if resistance be not made the flame followes that bellowes the motiō breaks out into performance Aug. super Gen. li. 10. And yet oftentimes Sathan is deceiued by the outward lineaments of the bodie and the coniectures that hee gathers therevpon for if he could sée the inward Faith Constancie and other qualities of the minde there are manie whom he would not tempt and if he could haue seene the admirable patience of Iob he would neuer haue bene so often foyled and discomfited But when hee hath ensnared and bound anie in the Fetters of sinne as the Poet sayes of Mezentius the Tyrant Mortuae quinetiam iungebat corpora vinis Vi●gil Aeneid 8. Componens manibusque manus atque oribus orae That hée ioyned dead bodies with liuely bodies laying hand to hand and mouth to mouth to the ende the dead should defile and corrupt the liuing So this cruell Tyrant and torturer of soules linkes the liuing soule to the loue of the world and the pleasures of sinne as to a rotten carkasse that at the last also the soule may be holden of eternall death It is he that knowes that we are born anew of the immortall seede of Gods worde and therefore he endeuors either to steale the worde out of our hearts Luk. 8.12 that it may not be rooted or hée withdrawes vs from the Loue hearing reading of it or else hee procures hatred slaunder against the minister that his person may make vs to loth the word It is he that trāsfigureth himselfe into an angell of light not in regard of his substāce 2. Cor. 11.14 for he is stil an angell of darknes but in regard of his colouring counterfeiting For by his glozes shifts superstitions hée will faine himselfe to be an angell of glorie sent from God out of heauen and will perswade men to obey his counsels It is he that alledgeth Scripture to seduce soules the rather and pretendeth pietie vnder the bare shew of Gods word but he bewraies hīselfe to be a subtle sophister For as Procrastes the Tyrant of the citie Corydallus dealt with his guests making them alwayes fit for his bed for if they were too long he cutte them shorter if they were too shorte he lengthened them with pieces of their owne bodies So Sathan in whose steppes also the Heretikes of all Ages haue walked applies scripture to his wicked purpose either omitting parte thereof if it serue not his Argument or else adding somewhat theret● and interpreting and wresting it to a wrong sense So hee cited Scripture in the tentation of GHRIST when hee set him on a pinacle of the Temple and saide vnto him Matt. 4.6 If thou bee the Sonne of God cast thy selfe downe For it is written that he will giue his Angels charge ouer thee and with their handes they shall lifte thee vp least at any time thou shouldest dash thy foote against a stone He produceth indéed a place of the Psalme Psal 91.11 as though God promised that his Angells should safegard and defend his children euen when they do despise the meanes that he hath ordained and when they prooue whether God will or can saue them without those meanes whereas God promiseth succour only to them that walke in their wayes which God hath set downe vnto them and therefore do obediently vse the meanes which God hath ordained For this cause he abridgeth or rather mangleth the Word and leaues out these words in all thy waves whereas hee should thus haue produced the intier Scripture Hee shall giue his Angells charge ouer thee to keepe thee in all thy waves And therefore when the diuell abuseth Scriptures in tempting of vs the safest way is to oppose Scriptures againe vnto him as CHRIST did Because it is certaine that God doth not contradict himselfe in scripture and therefore the Diuell citeth scripture in a false sence when hee alledgeth it to perswade vs to that which is repugnant to the manifest word of God It is he that is the spirituall Pharaoh that studieth how to stay all the male chidren of the Israelites Exo. 1.16 in the very byrth That is he goeth about to choake smoother euē a good thought as soone as it ariseth in the minde that it may not growe to full age and ripenes It is hee that is the mightie Nimrod and Hunter of soules Luc. Flor. de gest Roman li. 1. cap. 7. and that famous Robber that séekes for the worthiest booties preyes and strikes off the heads of the Poppies with Tarquinius Superbus Robbers and Thieues goe not thither where there is hay and strawe but where there is Golde and siluer saith S. Chrysostome Chrysost hom 4 in Isai so Sathan bends all his might and maine to the sacking destroying of the best of all And as it is séene among Saylers that they which haue an emptie shippe feare not the assaulte of Pyrates who come not to sinke or take a shippe that carries no wealth but they feare Pyrates that haue a shippe fraught with Marchandize and riches because Pirates couet to come where there is golde siluer and precious stones so Sathan doth not so much pursue a sinner that is deuoide of vertue and godlines as the holy Chrysos homil 9. de Ozia godly and righteous that possesse the true Treasure And as Pyrates doe not set vpon the ship that is sailing foorth of the Harborough when they know it is vnfurnished of substāce but then they endeuor by all assayes to apprehend it when it returnes home to
of Nabal Indeed I haue kept all in vaine that this fellowe had in the wildernes so that nothing was missed of all that pertained to him for he hath requited me euill for good so and more also doe God vnto the enemies of Dauid for surely I will not leaue of all that he hath by the dawning of the day any that pisseth against the wall Euen so Christ may say Indéed in vaine haue I bestowed so many benefites on wicked and obstinate mankind in vaine haue I shewed so many mercies in vaine haue I taken flesh for vngodly and vnfaithfull men and suffered death and preach the Gospell and sent my Apostles and offered the graces of my holy spirit and instituted my Sacraments and winked at them so often and imparted on them so many good things of nature and of the earth and what lay in me for my part I haue caused that nothing hath perished of all that pertained to man in vaine haue I done all this for vngodly and vnfaithfull men since they requite euill for good Vngratefull and foolish men are like to sottish Babel for they haue receiued my benefits yet haue se●ued Sathan and the flesh and when I sent my children my poore and my distresied members vnto them they did not couer the naked nor féede the hungrie nor comfort the afflicted God doe so and more also vnto mine enemies For I will destroy them and make them know how dangerous a thing it is to fall into the hands of the liuing God who is euen a consuming fire Abigail met with angrie Dauid Heb. 12.29 and appeased him but in the last Iudgement when Christ shall descend to reuenge the contempt of the vngodly that regarded not his saluation offered vnto them No Abigail shall make Intercession for sinners as S. Chrysostome prooues clearely out of the Scriptures Hom. 22. ad pocul Antiochē Behold saith he how he that was not arrayed with the Wedding robe was cast out at the doores and none was a petitioner for him Behold how he that gained not with his Talent was punished and none made Intercession for him Behold how the fiue foolish Virg nes were excluded and their fellowes made no request for them Therfore the terror of this day is vnutterable and cannot be expressed because the Iudge shall be inexorable and cannot be intreated Then shall be heard the great and loude voyce of the Archangell and the Trumpet of God which all the Elements obey which cleaues the Rockes opens Hell breakes the bondes of the dead Chrys sup 1. Cor. 15. calles soules out of the depth and ioyned them againe with their bodies and all this it doth sooner then an Arrow doeth flie through the Ayre For the Apostle saith that it shall be done in a moment or twinkling of an eye Then shall come the time when the vnbeléeuing and vnrepenting shall say to the hils Fall vpon vs to the Mountaines Couer vs Luk. 23.30 and shall hide themselues from the presence of him that sitteth on the Throane and from the wrath of the Lambe and shall séeke death Reu. 6.16 Reu. 9.6 and shall not finde it and shall desire to die and death shall flie from them and shall goe into the holes of the Rockes Isai 2.19 and into the Caues of the earth from before the feare of the Lord and from the glory of his Maiestie when hee shall arise to destroy the earth Then there shall be a most strickt examination For what is lesse then an idle word yet the Lord saith Mat. 12.39 That of euery idle word that men shal speak they shal giue account therof at the day of Iudgement Then the hidden and secret cogitations shall be disclosed 1. Cor. 4.5 For when the Lord doeth come hee will lighten things that are hid in darknes and make the counsels of the hearts manifest and then shal euery man haue praise of GOD. Then shall bee done to the wicked and impenitent sinners which Nathan threatned to Dauid Thou didst it secretly 2. Sam. 12 12 but I will doe this thing before all Israell and before the Sunne That is the lurking sinnes of the vngodly shall be displayed before the view of the whole world 2. Cor. 5.10 Then we must all appeare before the iudgement seate of God that euery man may receiue the things which a●e done in his body according to that he hath done whither it be good or euill Eccles 12.14 for God will bring euery worke vnto iudgement with euery secret thing whether it be good or euill Then Ierusalem shall be searched with lanterns Ezek. 8.12 and the wall shall be digged downe and the abominations shall be seene at an open doore which sinners haue done in the darke and in their priuie chambers when they fondly said in their imagination The Lord seeth vs not the Lord hath forsaken the earth Then the Sonnes of men shall be called to a reckoning for all their workes as schollers are brought to repetitions in the end of the weeke and laborers receiue their wages in the euening and merchants pay when the faire is done for the wares which they haue staied and taken vp Then the wicked shall feele the sh●rpenes of the two edged sword of Gods wrath which now is shut vp in the scabberd of mercie and the burning flame of Gods displeasure which is now couered like the Sunne vnder the cloude of long suffering and they shall no more be able to resist Gods firie anger Matt. 3.12 then the chaffe can resist the fire for they are the chaffe that shall be burnt vp with vnquenchable fire Then Sathan will conuince the obdurate transgressor by his owne offences and charge him with the debts he oweth him euen as the Creditor conuinceth his debter by his owne hand-writing Then the sinnes of the vnbeléeuers shall be opened as a fardell in the market and shall appeare in iudgement against them and like bastard children borne of wickednes Wisedom 4.6 shall be witnesses of the wickednes against their parents when they be asked If any should haue his secret faults reuealed in an open assembly in this world Chrys hom 5. ad Rom. would he not rather wish to die and to be swallowed vp quicke of the earth then to haue so many witnesses of his sinnes What then shall become of wretched sinners when all their doings shall be disclosed to the whole world vpon an open and perspicuous stage and shall be séene of infinite thousands whom they neuer knewe Now the sinnes of the wicked are so hidden as if they were written in Gods booke not with cléere Inke but with the iuyce of a citron or orenge Those things which are written with the iuyce of an orenge appeare not till they be brought to the fire and then they may be read plainely euen so the secret iniquities of the vngodly shall clearely appeare in the fire of the last iudgement For in Fire
our hearts that otherwise would rebell against his decrées and because he comforts vs both by the swéete promises reuealed in his word and by that comforter Ioh. and Ioh. 16.13 that abideth with the godly for euer euen the spirit of truth who shall leade into all truth and teach the faithfull all things requisite to their saluation and bring all things to remembrance that Christ hath told vs. Matt. 5.4 Christ saies expressely Blessed are they that mourne for they shall be comforted One Prophet thus comforts the Iewes Sorrow and mourne Micah 4.10 ô daughter Zion like a woman in trauell for now thou shalt goe forth of the citie and dwell in the field and shalt goe into Babel but there shalt thou be deliuered there the Lord shall deliuer thee from the hand of thine enemies And another Prophet thus Isay 54.7.8 for a little while haue I forsaken thee but with great compassion will I gather thee for a moment in mine anger I h●d my face from thee for a little season but w●th euerlasting m●rcie haue I had compassion on thee saith the Lord thy Redéemer And another Prophet thus Come Hos 6.1.2 and let vs returne to the Lord for he hath spoyled and hee will heale vs hee hath wounded vs and hee will binde vs vp after two daies will he reuiue vs and in the third day w●ll hee raise vs vp and we shall liue in his sight These words are fully fraught with heauenly consolation and may be appropriated to all and euery one of the faithfull Sée the truth héereof in the beggar Lazarus who though he were full of sores in this world yet he was after this life in Abrahams bosome but the rich glutton though he fared deliciously and were clad gorgeously euery day yet after this life he was in hell tormented in firie flames And héereof Abraham yéeldes no other reason but this Sonne remember Luk. 16. ● 26. that thou in thy life time receiuedst thy pleasures and likewise Lazarus paines now therefore is he comforted and thou art tormented Wherefore as in the workes of nature God declares his prouidence not in taking away diseases vtterly from mens bodies but in prouiding fit remedies for all maladies so in the workes of grace God declares his goodnes in that he hath not altogether taken away tribulation from his elect neither would he haue them exonerated from all sorrowes but against all afflictions and crosses he hath giuen vs the certaine expectation of the life to come as a shield and rocke of defence and therefore Christ saith your sorrowe shall be turned to ioy As it is appointed for the godly to be sorrie in this world and then to reioyce so on the contrarie the vngodly reioyce héere but at length their gladnes is chaunged into sorrowe Isay 65.13.14 So saith the Lord by the Prophet Isayah Behold my seruants shall eate and ye shall be hungrie behold my seruants shall drinke and ye shall be thirstie behold my seruants shall reioyce and yee shall be ashamed behold my seruants shall sing for ioy of heart and ye shall cry for sorrowe of heart and shall houle for vexation of minde Reu. Ihon the Diuine saith of the great whore of Babylon reward her euen as she hath rewarded you and giue her double according to her workes and in the cup that she hath filled to you fill her the double in as much as she glorified her selfe and liued in pleasure so much giue you to her torment and sorrow for she saith in her heart I sit being a Queene and am no widdowe and shall see no mourning therefore shall her plagues come at one day death and sorrowe and famine and she shall be burnt with fire for that God which condemneth her he is a strong Lord. As it is said of the godly Matt. 5.4 Luk. 6.25 Blessed are they that mourne for they shall be comforted so also it is said of the vngodly woe be to you that are full for ye shall hunger Woe be to you that now laugh for ye shall wayle and weepe Worldlings desire to conforme and fashion themselues according to this present world to fulfill the lusts of the flesh to walke after the flesh to reioyce in strife enuying chambering wantonnes drunkennes gluttonie deceit guile lying couetousnes backbiting reuenge hatred malice anger These are the workes of the old man these are the desires of the world these are the reioycings of the vnregenerate of the children of disobedience But all this what is it but to heape vp wrath against the day of wrath and of the declaration of the iust Iudgment For though the wicked act their parts neuer so plausibly yet when the Tragedie is ended and the stage broken downe then they shall crie out one to another We haue wearied our selues in the way of wickednes and destruction Wisd 5.7.8 c. and wee haue gone through dangerous wayes but wee haue not knowne the way of the Lorde What hath pride profited vs or what profite hath the pompe of Riches brought vs All those things are passed away like a shadowe and as a Post that passeth by As a ship that passeth ouer the waues of the water which when it is gone by the trace thereof cannot be found neither the pathes of it in the Floods or as a Bird that flieth through the Ayre and no man can sée any token of her passage but onely heare the noyse of her wings beating the light winde parting the aire through the vehemencie of her going and fléesh on shaking her wings whereas afterward no token of her way can be found or as when an Arrow is shotte at a marke it parteth the Aire which immediatly commeth together againe so that a man cannot knowe where it went thorough Euen so wee as soone as we were borne we beganne to drawe to our ende and haue shewed no token of vertue but are consumed in our owne wickednes And how can it be otherwise For the hope of the vngodly is like the dust that is blowne away with the winde and like a thinne fome that is scattered abroade with the storme and as the smoke which is dispersed with the winde and as the remembrāce of him passeth that tarrieth but for a day Is the matter euen so why then it is vanitie to trust in the ioyes of the world For all the imaginations of worldlings of their golde and siluer of their honors and promotions of their houses and possessions of their wiues and children of their Banquets and sportes doe fade away in a moment as if they had nere bene What are the ioyes of the world but the dreames of them that sléepe For so saith the Prophet Isay 29.8 And it shall bee like as an hungrie man dreameth and behold he eateth when he awaketh his soule is emptie or like as a thirsty man dreameth and loe he is drinking and when he awaketh behold
the loynes of the poore blessed him because hee was warmed with the Fléece of his Shée●e Looke on Obadiah the Gouernour of Ahabs house 1. King 18 13. who when Iezebel slew the Prophets of the Lord did hide an hundred of the Lords Prophets by fifties in a Caue and fed them with bread and water 1. King ●7 Looke on the widowe of Z●rep●h● which in the great famine nourished and lodged the Prophet Eliah Tob. 2.2 Looke on Tob● who when he sawe at his table abundance of meate he bad his sonne Tob●● to goe into the citie and to bring whatsoeuer poore of his brethren he could finde and would not eate till his sonne returned And these are some of the golden and graue sentences which he gaue to his sonne not knowing whether he should euer giue him more Tob. My sonne saith he giue Almes of thy substance and whē thou giuest almes let not thine eye be enuious neither turne thy face from any poore least that God turne his face from thée giue almes according to thy substance if thou haue but a little be not afraide to giue a little almes for thou layest vp a good store for thy selfe against the day of necessitie Because that Almes doth deliuer from death and suffereth not to come into darkenes for Almes is a good gift before the most high to all them which vse it Looke on Zichaeus the Publican who said to our Sauiour Christ Luk. 9.8 Behold Lord the halfe of my goods I giue to the poore and if I haue taken from any man by forged cauillation I restore him foure fold Looke on Dorcas which is commended by the holy Ghost to be a woman full of good workes and almes Act. ● 39 for whose death all the widowes wept before S. Peter shewing him the coats and garments which she had made while she was with them Looke on Cornelius the Captaine Act. ● 4 of whose praiers and Almes the Angell giues this testimonie That they were come vp into remembrance before God Vnto which spéech of the Angell Homil. 9. super Matt. S. Iohn Chrysostome séemes to allude in his description of Almes when he saies that it is a friend of Gods and still néere to God and hath the gates of heauen opened vnto it and when it enters in manner of a Queene none of the Porters or kéepers dare say vnto it What art thou or whence camest thou but they presently receiue it Virgo est habent alas aureas Almes is a Virgine hauing golden wings adorned with gay colours and yet so well feathered and nimble that it still stands before the throne of the superiall king Act. ● 3●.34.35 Looke on the Infancie of the primitiue Church Where there was one heart and minde neither any said that any thing of that which he possessed was his owne but they had all things common neither was there any among them that lacked for as many as were possessors of Lands or houses solde them and brought the price of the things that were solde and laid it downe at the Apostles feete it was distributed vnto euery man according as he had neede Act. 11.28.29 Looke on the Church of Antiochia in which Beleeuers were first called Christians how when Aga●us signified by the spirit that there should bee great Famine throughout all the world the Disciples euery man according to his abilitie purposed to send succour vnto the brethren which dwelt in Iudea 2. Cor. 9.2 Looke on the Church of Corinth Achai● how readie they were to contribute distribute to the necessity of the Saints so that Pau● was bold to boast himselfe of them to Macedonie affirms that their zeale had prouoked manie Looke on Placilla the most deuoute wife of Theodosius the Emperor Nicephor Callist l. 2. c. 4. who being blamed for visiting the sicke ministring to them with her own hands and giuing them large money she answered that it became the Emperor to giue the mony and it became her to cōsecrate the ministery of her hands to him that had bestowed the Empire on her Husband Looke on Amadaeus the Duke of Sau●y Munst lib. 2. Cosmograph who being asked of certaine Orators and Embassadors that were before him whether he kept Hounds or not he leckned vnto them that they shuld returne the next day And when they were come Cor. Nepos Plutarch Xenoph. Amadaeus from a Galiery on a side of his house shewed them a great companie of Beggars that sate at meale together and saide vnto them These are my H●unds that I nourish euery day and by which I hope to hunt after the glorie of Heauen Here may be remembred also the bountifulnes of Ethnicks to the poore and néedie as of Pomponius Atticus that sustained many poore people Of Cyrus Ontôs ègò ùmîn Dipsô charìzesthai Plut. Chrémata ●●âsthai mèn ôs chrôto chréschai dè ós timôto that sware he was more delighted to bestowe good turns vpon other then to enrich himselfe and that sayd that he did thirst to vse liberalitie Of Timon the Athenian that suffered his Fieldes Orchyards to lye open that the poore might take of the fruits without asking leaue and of whom it is reported that he did get Riches to vse them and did vse them to spend them honorably on the néedie And of Titus the Romane Emperor who vpon a time as hee sate at Supper remembring that he had the day before done no good turne to any he brake out into these wordes Amici diem perdidi Friendes Sueton. I haue lost a day These Presidents of Ethnick liberalitie to the néedie we must endeuour to follow and those former bright starres of godlines that shined in the middes of a darke and peruerse generation wee must beholde and imitate if we purpose to obserue the commandement of the Lord and to be partakers of the blessing that accompanieth liberalitie towards the néedie Third motiue to mercy Heb. 13.15.16 And what is that blessing It is to haue the fauour and loue of God toward vs for the Apostle saies Let vs ●ffer the sacrifice of praise alwaies to God that is the fruit of the lips which confesse his name to doe ●ood and to distribute forget not for with such s●crifices God is pleased As if Paul should thus say Let vs offer the oblations that are now pleasing to the Lord the old corporall sacrifices are abrogated and abolished but the true and spirituall sacrifices remaine which consist partly in giuing thankes and partly in liberalitie to the poore with which sacrifices God is delighted Luk. 6.38 Giue saith Christ And it shall be giuen vnto you a good measure pressed downe shaken together running ouer shall men giue into your bosome Of the mercifull man the Psalmist pronounceth Psal 112.9 That as he hath distributed and giuen to the poore so his righteousnes remaineth for euer That is his pietie
was defiled and that he was cast downe to the pit and died the death of a man Where is Nebuchadnezar Dan. 3.15 that said who is that God that can deliuer you out of mine hands Is not this great Babel that I haue built for the house of the kingdome by the might of my power for the honour of my Maiestie Where is Edom 4.27 Obad. that because he dwelt in the clefts of the rocke and on high said in his heart Who shall bring me downe to the ground Though thou exalt thy selfe as the Eagle and make thy nest among the stars thēce will I bring thee downe saith the Lord. Where is the reioycing citie Niniueh Zeph. that dwelt careles and said in her heart ●am and there is none b●side●●e how was she made wast and ●esolate like a wildernes for the flocks did ●●e in the midst of her and all the beasts of the nations and the Pe●c●ne and the owle did abide in the vpper posts and the voice of birds did sing in the windowes and desolation wa v●ō the posts 2. Macc. 9.8.10 Where is Annochus that was so proud beyond the condition of man that he thought he might commaund the flouds of the Sea and weigh the high mountaines in the balance and reach to the stars of heauen Matt. 3.9 Io. 8.23.39 9.28 Where are the haughtie Scribes and Pharises that gloried of their honorable discent and that they were the disciples of Moses were not all these consumed in their pride and compelled to féele the puissant and yron scepter of the Lord and forced to confesse that all honour and glorie is to be ascribed to the highest If then the proud haue still vanished away as a vapor and cloud and haue perished in the imaginatiōs of their owne harts let vs learne to be humble Gregor l. 25. Mor●l either remēbring our miseries cōsidering where we haue bene or fearing the sentēce of Gods iudgmēts considering where we shall be or hauing an eye to the afflictions of this life considering where we are or contemplating the ioy of the supernall countrie considering where we are not by which fower considerations one saith Ie● 9.23.24 That humilitie is engraft in our minds and let not the wife man glorie in his wisedome nor the strong man glorie in his strength neither the rich man glorie in his riches but let him that glorieth glory in this that he vnderstandeth and knoweth the Lord● and let euery one say with the humble Centurion Maister I am not worthy that thou shouldest come vnder my roofe For why our soules naturally are depraued and corrupted with the pollution of originall sinne which is deriued from Adam our great grandsire by which originall pollution the Image of God after which we were at first formed is deformed in vs and all innocencie is defaced in vs and we are depriued of the knowledge of God and spirituall things and we are fraught with pride darkenes ignorance and vnholines Our soules being thus originally by the grace and mercie of the Lord they are made temples and dwelling places of the holy Ghost who formes and frames vs anew who shuts out at doores the old man with his deceiueable workes and brings the new man in possession which is created in holines and true righteousnes after the Image of him that at first created him and who refines our thoughts and casteth our mindes in a newe mould Isa so that the Wolfe forgets his greedines and the Leopard his fiercenes and the Lyon his sauagenes and the Beare his rauenousnes and the Cockatrice his poyson Mic. 4.3 and the warriour turnes his speare into a sithe and sword into a mattock that is by the spirit of God we are regenerate new borne and made new creatures In that then our mindes which naturally are cages receptacles of pollution and vngodlines are made mansions pallaces and temples for the holy Ghost his sacred motions to dwell and lodge in we may iustly say Lord we are not worthy that thy grace and holy spirit should come vnder the roofe of our soules Againe by nature we are the children of wrath subiect to eternall death and of our selues we had no power or meanes to deliuer and saue our selues But God so loued vs that he gaue not an Arkangell or an Angell or a Patriarke or a Prophet to pay our ransome but he gaue his only and beloued sonne Iesus Christ to the death and the cursed and ignominious death of the crosse for vs wretched sinners that sate in darkenes and in the shadowe of death Christ is our Redeemer our mediatour our aduocate our Moses that stood in the gap betweene vs and Gods anger that made peace betweene God and man that cancelled the handwriting of the law that was against vs that brake downe the partition wall and of strangers made vs fellow citizens with the Saints and that combines and vnites our soules as members to himselfe by a liuely and sauing faith By this faith we apply the promises of mercie and Christs merites and worthines to our soules by this faith we appeare iust and vnblamable in the fight of God by this faith in Christ we are accounted as holy and righteous before the Tribunall seate of God as if we had neuer committed any sinne and as if we our selues had wrought that atonement satisfaction which Christ hath wrought for vs. In that then we are so metamorphosed and altered that of sonnes of damnation we are become heires of saluatiō we may iustly say O Lord we are not worthy that this vnconceiueable loue of God this all-sufficient satisfaction of Christ this iustifying faith should come vnder the roofe of our soules Againe who knowes not how manifold the afflictions of the godly are in this present world Sathan cōtinually séekes to pray vpon vs the world labours to fashion vs like it selfe the flesh which we carrie about vs like an intestine traitour is readie to beguile vs and to draw vs from the narrowe way of life to the wide way of destruction Vnto these may be added the vnfaithfulnes of men the ingratitude of the world the maladies and sundrie infirmities of the body the anguish terrors of conscience the variable crosses and tribulations which cōtinually succéed one the other as Iobs messengers reported il newes one vpon the other Iob. 1. If the God of cō●olation did not arme vs with strength to quench and repell the firie darts of the wicked with constancie to fight valiantly till we be more thē Conquerors in all tentations with patience to submit our selues to the blessed will of God in all changes chances of this mortall life and with firme hope of remission of sinnes by the blood of Christ and of obtaining eternall life by his intercession the●e surging and swelling flouds of tribulation would goe ouer our soules and ouerwhelme vs. In that then the holy spirit