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A11777 The holie Bible faithfully translated into English, out of the authentical Latin. Diligently conferred with the Hebrew, Greeke, and other editions in diuers languages. With arguments of the bookes, and chapters: annotations. tables: and other helpes ... By the English College of Doway; Bible. O.T. English. Douai. Martin, Gregory, d. 1582. 1609-1610 (1610) STC 2207; ESTC S101944 2,522,627 2,280

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reproches v God semed to be wel pleased with Christ as with his owne Sonne if it be so let him deliuer him from these afflictions say these blasphemers w diuine powre without man formed me in the wombe of my mother a virgin x As I haue no father but thee O God so without intermission from myn incarnation to this time I haue had thee my protector y leaue me not now without comforte seing I must dye as thou hast determined and I freely consented yet leaue me not in death but raise me againe to life Psal 15. v. 9. 10. z Almost al are become myn enemies and those few that would can not helpe me a Delicate lasciuious yougmen b and the scribes Pharises and elders of the people haue al conspired against me c condemning me and perswading the people to crie Crucifie crucifie him d So weakned with paines of torments as fluide water not able to consist e My bones and strongest partes of my bodie are weakned verified when our Sauiour fel downe vnder his crosse f the part that first and last liueth is weakened as soft waxe by heat of the fire and ready to faile g al my powres and radical humiditie is dried vp as a potters vessel is baked in the furnace h Through exceding great drught which our Sauiour professed on the crosse saying I thirst i thus thou O God hast suffered me to come to the last breath of life next to death Yet finally ou● Seuiour gaue vp his spirite before he should haue died v. 21. k Agane this royal Prophet recounteth by whom and how our B. Sauiour should suffer euen as clere as tho Euangelistes afterwards haue written the historie ●●● 19. l Our Sauiours body was so racked on the crosse that his bones might be seene and counted m The persecuters vvittingly determined al ti●● crueltie beheld it vvith their eyes and vvithout al compassion persisted in malice reioyced and blasphemed n the souldiars that crucified our Sauiour taking his garments for their praye o yet in mysterie of his Church diuided not his coate p He prophecieth Christs speedy resurrection q Christs saul vvas not seperated from his bodie by force of the torments but he preuenting death freely yelded vp his spirite Ioan. 10. v. 9. 10. r the most pure and sanctified soule of vvhose fulnes al other iust soules are sanctified ſ that it stay not in hel vvhich deuoured al other soules in the old Testament t The propagation of the Church of Christ in al nations v not the carnal but spiritual children of Iacob Isaac and Abraham Rom. 9. v. 8. w the Church gethered both of Ievves and Gentiles is very great and vniuersal x Our Sauiour promised to geue his ovvne bodie the bread of life Ioan. 6 and performed the same at his last supper y those that be faithful humble and poore in spirit participat the sruict of this most excellent Sacrament z The effect of this B. Sacrament is the resurrection in glorie and life euerlasting a Gentiles which haue bene idolaters shal recollect themselues when they heare Christ preached and shal turne to true Religion b Although men can neither deserue to be conuerted nor to perseuere in iustice yet Christ meriteth to haue a continual kingdom which is the perpetual visible Catholique Church c Not only the poore sorte but also the mightie ones of the world shal be conuerted to Christ participate his B. Bodie in the Sacrament d and religiously adore the same e Al that adore God shad adore him in this Sacraments f Death being once ouercome it shal haue no more powre g Againe the prophet inculcateth the continuance of the Catholique Church h Apostles and other preachers of Christ Christs Resurrection The Passion of Christ according to Dauid Christs conditional prayer was not heard His absolute prayers were alwaies heard Christs suffered for our example ● Pet. 2. The Hebrew text corrupted by the Iewes This Psalme is of Christ Prophecie of the visible and vniuersal Church in hu●● Psal S. Agustin proueth the Church to be alwaies visible and great by this Psalme The Eucharist prophecied in this place Real presence of Christ in the Eucharist Thāksgeuing for Gods protection The 7. key a Christ the good pastor gouerneth protecteth Isa 40. Iere. 23. Ezech. 34. Ioan. 10. 1. Pet. 2. 5. b and feedeth his faithful flocke c Baptisme of regeneration d which is the first iustification e Gods precepts which the baptised must obserue Mat. 28. v. 20. f Saluation is in the name and powre of Christ not in mans owne merites g in great dangers of tentations to mortal sinne h yet by Gods grace we may resist i Gods direction and law is streight k and strong l Christ hath prepared for our spiritual foode the B. Sacrament of the Eucharist S. Cyprian Epist 63. Eutim in hunc Psal m against al spiritual enemies the world the flesh and the diuel n Christian soules are also streingthned by the Sacraments of Confirmation Penance holie-Orders Matrimonie and Extreme Vnction o The B. Sacrament and Sacrifice of Christs bodie and bloud p continual and final peseuerance is by Gods special grace q in eternal life Christ Lord of al the world The 5. key a Christ rising from death the first day of the weeke had al powre geuen him in heauen and in earth Mat. 28. b Not only the soile it selfe but al the fruict and al that dwel therin are Gods c Though Christ created and redeemed al yet only the iust shal inherite heauen d not occupied himselfe in vaine and vnprofitable thinges but in commendable workes e Gods mercy goeth before iustifications iust workes folow and so glorie is the reward of al. f This sorte of people thus seruing God shal receiue euerlasting blisse g The prophet contemplating in spirite Christs Ascension inuiteth Angels to receiue him and by prosopopeia speaketh also to the gates of heauen by which he is to enter h Angels answer admiring demanding as in a dialogue how Christ is become so glorious i The Prophet answereth that Christ by his powre hath ouercome al enemies in battel k Againe he willeth Angels to open the gates and biddeth the gates to enlarge them selues l the Angels demand as before m the prophet answereth that Christ is Lord also of Angels and al heauenlie powres vnder God A prayer of the faithful The 7. key a This Psalme perteyneth more properly to the new testament And is artificially composed the verses beginnīg with distinct letters in order of the Hebrew Alphabet to the last verse b my min● to be attētiue c not be frustrate of my petition d that patiently expect the time when God wil assist e This maner of praying is frequent in the Psalmes signifying as a prophecie that so it wil come to passe and the conformitie of the iust to Gods iustice f in true faith and religion g al our
transgressed Morally ancient Fathers here note that albeit the life of the Patriarkes seemeth long to vs yet if we cōpare the same to eternitie it is nothing Neither by the iudgement of Philosophers may aniething be counted long that hath an end as Tullie bringing Cato wisely disputing sheweth the longest life to be but a short moment VVhereby againe we may see what losse we sustaine by sinne seeing if sinne had not benne we should al haue benne translated from earth to heauen and neuer haue dyed 24. VVas seene no more That Enoch and Elias are yet aliue is a constant knowne truth in the hartes and mouthes of the faithful saith S. Augustin in his first booke de peccat merit remiss c. 3. and confirmeth the same in diuers other places And it is testified by very many both Greeke and Latin Doctors S. Ireneus li. 5. S. Iustinus Martyr q. 85. ad Orthodoxos S. Hippolitus li. de Antichristo S. Damascen li. 4. de Orthodoxafide S. Hierom. epist 61. ad Pamach c. 11. S. Ambrose in Psalm 45. S. Chrysostom ho. 21. in Gen. ho. 58. in Mat. ho. 4. in epist 2. ad Thess ho. 22. in ep ad Heb. S. Greg. li. 14. Moral c. 11 ho. 12. in Ezech. S. Prosp li. vlt. de promis S. Bede in c. 9. Marc. Theophilact and O●cumenius in cap. 17. Mat. and others innumerable Touching Elias it is manifest in Scriptures that he shal come preach be slaine with an other witnes of Christ before the terrible day of Iudgement Of Enoch Moyses here maketh the matter more then probable saying of euerie one of the rest he dyed onlie of Enoch saith not so but that he appeared or vvas seene no more For which the seuentie two interpreters say And he vvas not found for God translated him VVhich can not signifie death but transporting or remouing to an other place VVhereto agreeth the author of Ecclesiasticus saying Enoch pleased God and vvas translated But most clearly S. Paul saith Enoch vvas translated that he should not see death and he vvas not found for God translated him VVith what plainer wordes can any man declare that a special person were not dead then to say He vvas translated or cōueyed away that he should not see death Neither is it a reasonable euasion to interprete this of spiritual death For so Adam being eternally saued as S. Irenaeus li. 3. c. 34. Epiphan con haeresim 46. S. Agu●●in epist 99. ad Euodium and others teach and the whole Church beleeueth was preserued from that death and so vndoubtedly were Seth and Enos being most holie and the rest here recounted as is most probable Neuertheles for further confutation of the contrarie opinion of Protestants the reader may also obserue the iudgement of S. Chrisostom who affirmeth that Though it be not a matter of faith vvhether Enoch be novv in Paradise from vvhence Adam and Eue vvere expelled or in some other pleasant place Dicunt tamen sacrae Scriprurae quod Deus transtulit eum quod viuentem transtulit eum quod mortem ipse non sit expertus The holie Scriptures say that God translated him and that he translated him aliue that he felt not or hath not experienced death And S. Augustin as expresly saith Non mortuus sed viuus translatus est He to vvit Enoch is translated not dead but aliue Yea he teacheth how his life is sustayned thus many thousand yeares vpon earth And sheweth moreouer that both Enoch and Elias shal dye For seing Enoch and Elias saith he are dead in Adam and carying the ofspring of death in their flesh to pay that debt are to returne to this life of common conuersation and to pay this debt vvhich so long is deferred Diuers reasons are also alleaged why God would reserue these two aliue First to shew by example that as their mortal bodies are long conserued from corrupting or decaying in like sorte Adam and Eue and al others not sinning should haue bene conserued and according to Gods promise neuer haue died but after some good time translated to heauen and indued with immortalitie Secondly to giue vs an argument of immortalitie which is promised after the general Resurrection For seing God doth preserue some mortal so long from al infirmitie we may assuredly beleue that he wil geue immortal eternal life of bobie and soule to his Sainctes after they haue payed the debt of death and are risen againe Thirdly these two one of the law of nature the other of the law of Moyses are preserued aliue to come amongst men againe towards the end of the world to teach testifie and defend the true faith and doctrin of Christ against Antichrist when he shal most violently oppugne persecute the Church Of Enoch it is said in the booke of Ecclesiasticus that he was translated vt det gentibus poenitenntiam that he geue repentance to the nations by his preaching reducing the deceiued from Antichrist And of Elias Malachie prophicieth that he shal come before the great and terrible day of our Lord and shal turne the hart of the fathers that is the people of the Iewes to the sonnes the Christians and of the sonnes the deceiued Christians to the fathers the ancient true Catholiques CHAP. VI. Mans sinnes cause of the deluge 4. Giants vvere then vpon the earth 8. Noe being iust vvas commanded to build the Arke 18. vvherin he vvith seuen persons more and the seede of other liuing things vvere saued AND after that men began to be multiplied vpon the earth had procreation of daughters † The sonnes of God seing the daughters of men that they were faire tooke to them selues wiues out of al which they had chosen And God said My spirit shal not remaine in man for euer because he is flesh his dayes shal be an hūdred twentie yeares † And Giants were vpon the earth in those dayes For after the sonnes of God did companie with the daughters of men and they brought forth children these be the mightie of the olde world famous men † And God seing the malice of men was much on the earth and that al the cogitation of their hart was bent to euil at al times † it repented him that he had made man on the earth And touched inwardly with sorrowe of hart † I wil saith he cleane take away man whom I haue created from the face of the earth from man euen to beastes from that which creepeth euen vnto the foules of the ayre for it repenteth me that I haue made them † But Noe found grace before our Lord † These are the generations of Noe Noe was a iust and perfect man in his generations he did walke with God † And he begat three sonnes Sem Cham Iapheth † And the earth was corrupted before God and was replenished with iniquitie † And when God had perceiued
death of his Saincts Hence also is proued that seeing in this life the good are afflicted and the bad oftentimes prosper temporally there must nedes be an other Court of exact Iustice and an other Reaconing day wherin euerie one shal receiue according as they haue donne good or euil which was sufficiently intimated by Gods discussing and manifesting Abels and Cains deserts which were hidden before and in part rewarding them accordingly yet reseruing the ful reward of the one and punishment of the other to the next world Of the Iudge and his sentence Enoch alleadged by S. Iude the Apostle proficied clerly saying Behold our Lord cometh in his holie thousands to doe iudgement aganst al and to reproue al the impions of al the workes of their impietie wherby they haue donne impiously and of al the hard things which impious sinners haue spoken against him Thus holie Enoch preached touching the wicked which thought there was no Iudgement to come nor Iudge to be feared At this Iudgement al shal appeare in bodie and soule returning to life For that Al men shal rise from death is proued by the immortalitie of mans soule which God did not make nor produce of corruptible matter but immediatly Breathed into his face the breath of life and man became a liuing soule so the soule being immortal and hauing a natural inclination to the bodie mans natural perfection requireth the coniunction of bodie and soule for neither soule nor bodie separated is a man but both ioyned in one subsistence are a man in so much that mankind should perish except the bodies shal rise againe and liue with the soules And then shal the bodies be qualified according to the state of the soules happie or miserable for euer Of Eternal life the translation of Enoch is a figure For seeing God preserueth his corruptible bodie so long from death and infirmitie it is a token and manifest signe that by the same powre of God the bodies of men shal at last day after that al men are once dead rise againe and remaine with the soules for euer The good in Eternal ioy the wicked in Eternal paine Both signified by the custodie of the gate of Paradise by Angels who for euer kepe out these that are stil defiled with sinne and so they depart into fire euerlasting and admit the innocent and iust into the kingdome of heauen which is euerlasting ioy and perfect felicitie Thus we see the face and briefe summe of Religion in the beginning of the world til the floud and the state of the Church which was alwayes Visible consisting of men good and bad with a continual Succession of Rulers as wel spiritual as temporal For the first borne were both Priestes and Princes in euerie familie And amongst the same one euer chief of al. From which ranke Cain was excluded or rather excluded him selfe by Going forth from the face of our Lord. Wherupon holie Moyses r●●teth this Monarchical succession of one chiefe and Supreme Head from Adam by the line of Seth Enos Cainan Malaleel Iared Enoch Mathusala Lamech and Noe. Neuertheles he setteth downe also the progenie of Cain the first beginner of a worldlie schismatical and heretical conuenticle opposite to the Citie of God He denied Gods prouidence as Thargum Hierosolomitanum testifieth protesting to Abel That there was no Iustice nor Iudge nor other world then this no reward for vertue nor punishment for sinne and so desperatly he killed Abel of these negatiue principles proceeded other like detestable opinions and most wicked life sauage and barbarous crueltie and al kind of impietie And in processe of time albeit manie remained in true faith and vnitie of the Church yet by conuersation with such miscreantes especially by occasion of Mariages betwen the faithful and infidels almost the whole world was corrupted in maners But Noe was iust and perfect In punishment therefore of so great and enormious sinnes God sent the general floud wherby al Cains progenie and al other infidels were wholly destroyed and extinguished and the true Church notably purged onlie iust Noe and his familie reserued By whom the same true Church was continued and the world againe replenished with men CHAP. VIII The waters diminishing by litle and litle 6. Noe sendeth forth a crow 8. after him a doue thrise 18. lastly goeth forth with al that were with him in the arke 20. erecteth an Altar and offereth Sacrifice AND God remembred Noe and al the beasts and al the cattle which were with him in the arke and brought a winde vpon the earth and the waters decreased † And the sountaines of the depth and the floud gates of heauen were shut vp and the rayne from heauen was stayd † And the waters returned from the earth going comming and they begane to decrease after a hundred fiftie dayes † And the arke rested the seauenth moneth the seauen twentith day of the moneth vpon the mountaines of Armenia † But the waters for al that were going and decreasing vntil the tenth moneth for in the tenth moneth the first day of the moneth the topps of the mountaines appeared † And after that fourtie dayes were passed Noe opening the windowe of the arke which he had made let forth a crowe † which went forth and did not returne til the waters were dried vpon the earth † He sent forth also a doue after him to see if the waters were ceased yet vpon the face of the earth † Which finding not where her foote might rest returned to him into the arke for the waters were vpon the whole earth and he stretched forth his hand and caught her and brought her into the arke † And hauing expected yet seauen moe dayes againe he let forth a doue out of the arke † But she came to him at euentide carrying a bough of an oliue tree that had greene leaues in her mouth Noe therfore vnderstood that the waters were ceased vpon the earth † And he expected yet neuertheles other seauen dayes and he sent forth a doue which returned not any more vnto him † Therfore in the sixt hundred and one yeare the first moneth the first day of the moneth the waters were cleane diminished vpon the earth and Noe opening the roofe of the arke looked and sawe that the face of the earth was dried † In the second moneth the seuen twentyth day of the moneth the earth was dried † And God spake to Noe saying † Goe forth of the arke thou thy wife thy sonnes and the wiues of thy sonnes with thee † Al cattle that are with thee of al flesh as wel in soules as in beastes al creepers that creepe vpon the earth bring out with thee goe yee vpon the earth increase and multiplie vpon it † Noe therfore went forth and his sonnes his wife and the wiues of his sonnes with him
put it vpon their shoulders † And the children of Israel did as Moyses had commanded and they asked of the Aegyptians vessels of siluer and gold and very much rayment † And our Lord gaue grace to the people before the Aegyptians that they did lend them and they spoyled the Aegyptians † And the children of Israel sette forward from Ramesse into Socoth almost six hundred thousand of foote men beside litle ones † But also the common people of al sortes innumerable went vp with them sheepe and heardes and beastes of diuerse kindes exceding manie † And they baked the meale which a litle before they had taken out of Aegypt tempered and made hearth cakes vnleauened for it could not be leauened the Aegyptians vrging them to depart not suffering them to make any tarriance neither did they thinke vpon preparing any meate † And the dwelling of the children of Israel that they abode in Aegypt was foure hundred thirty yeares † The which being expired the same day al the armie of our Lord went forth out of the Land of Aegypt † This is the obseruable night of our Lord when he brought them forth out of the Land of Aegypt this night al the children of Israel must obserue in their generations † And our Lord said to Moyses and Aaron This is the religion of the Phase No aliene shal eate of it † And euerie bought seruant shal be circumcised and so shal eate † The stranger and the hireling shal not eate therof † In one house shal it be eaten neither shal you carrie forth of the flesh therof out of the house neither shal you breake a bone therof † Al the assemblie of the children of Israel shal make it † And if any of the soiourners be willing to dwel among you and make the Phase of the Lord first al the male that he hath shal be circumcised and then shal he celebrate it according to the rite he shal be as he that is borne in the land but if there be any man vncircumcised he shal not eate therof † Al one law shal be to him that is borne in the land and to the prose lyte that soiourneth with you † And al the children of Israel did as our Lord had commanded Moyses and Aaron † And the same day our Lord brought forth the children of Israel out of the Land of Aegypt by their troupes ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XII 3. The tenth day Our Sauiour Christ instituting the Sacrament of the Eucharist after the celebration of the Paschal lambe whiles they were at supper the night before his death therby sufficiently declared that this old Pasch was a figure not only of his Passion and Sacrifice on the Crosse but also of that he then did so solemnly with his Apostles whom also in that action he made Priests commanding them and their successors to do the same in commemo●ation of him til the end of the world Other circumstances likewise and conference of the one with the other make it more clere that as in some respectes it more resembled Christs Passion and Sacrifice on the Crosse so in others it more expressed the Eucharist and mystical commemoration of his death though also in manie it profigured Christ in both places For example The preparing of the lambe the tenth day signified our Sauiours coming into Hierusalem the same tenth day of the first moone now represented in the Church on Palmesunday Also the choise qualities of the lambe vvithout spotte a male of the first yeare foreshewed in general the puritie fortitude meeknes and al perfection of the true Lambe of God that ta●eth avvay the sinne of the vvorlde More particularly the killing and bereuing the Paschal Lambe of natural life the sprinkling of his bloud on the dore-postes the ●●st●●● at t●e ●ire and not breaking anie b●ne therof most specially expressed Christs death on the Crosse But the fourtenth day the euining agree only with the Eucharist instituted the night before our Lords Passion which he suffered the fiftenth being the ful moore and at midday as ancient S. Dionyse of Ariopagite in two Episties to Polic●rpus and to Appollophanes testifieth admiring the miracle of the sunnes Eclip●e that hapned the same time Neither did the ●ating of the Lambe directly prefigurate the oblation on the Crosse for Christ was not crucified to be eaten but the Sacrament in formes and bread and vvine was expresly figured by eating the lambe with vnleauened bread and drinking the cuppe therto idioyned Luc. 2● v 17. In like sorte the Lambe immolated in commemoration of the deliuerie of Israel from death and from seruitude when the-first-borne of Aegypt were slaine most aptly prefigured the Eucharist which is a perpetuat commemoration of mans redemption and deliuerie from eternal death and from bondage of the diuel and sinne by Christes death on the Crosse which death in dede was the very redemption and deliuerie of mankind and not a commemoration therof Finally the immolating of the Lambe vvithin the house with precise commandment to carie nothing therof forth perteined particularly to the Eucharist which our Lord celebrated vvithin the house wherby S. Cyprian lib. de vnit Eccles proueth that the B. Sacrament must not be giuen to anie ou● of the Catholique Church though Christs Passion be extended to al the world as wel to bring such as are without into the Church as to saue those that are already entred in In this sorte the most ancient and best expositors of holie Scripture explicate this special figure of the Paschal Lambe As we shalhere produce some witnesses in confirmation of this truth Tertulian lib. 4. contra Marcionem expounding our Sauiours wordes VVith desire I haue desired to eate this Pasch vvith you before I suffer saieth Christ coueted not veruecinam Iudaeorum the mutton of the Iewes but professing that with desire he desired to eate the Pasch as his owne for it was vnmete that God should couete anie thing not his owne the bread which he toooke and gaue to his disciples he made his owne bodie saying This is my bodie that is a figure of my bodie Figura autem nonsuisset nisi veritatis esset corpus But it had not bene a figure saith he onles it vv●re a bodies of veritie or a verie bodie to wit not phantastical as the heretike Marcion imagined because the figures in the old Testament were not figures except a true bodie answered vnto them So the Sacramentaries sense that Tertullian should cal the Eucharist a figure is quite against his meaning and maketh him conclude nothing against Marcion wheras his whole drift is by the figures of the old Testament to proue that in the Eucharist is the true real bodie of Christ and that consequently Christ hath a true and real bodie Origen in 26. Mat. teacheth that in the great parlar where Christ did ea●e the Paschal Lambe he also made his new Pasch S. Cyprian
of our Lord thy God and keepe his preceptes and ceremonies which are written in this law and returne to our Lord thy God in al thy hart and in al thy soule † This commandment that I command thee this daie “ is not aboue thee nor so farre of † nor situated in heauen that thou maiest say Which of vs is able to ascend vnto heauen to bring it to vs that we may heare and fulfil it in worke † Nor placed beyond the sea that thou mayest pretend and say Which of vs can passe ouer the sea and bring it euen vnto vs that we way heare and doe that which is commanded † But the word is very neere thee in thy mouth and in thy hart to doe it † Consider that I haue “ set before thee this day life and good and contrariewise death and euil † that thou mayest loue our Lord thy God and walke in his waies and keepe his commandmentes and ceremonies and iudgementes and thou mayest liue and he multiplie thee and blesse thee in the Land which thou shalt enter to possesse † But if thy hart be auerted and thou wilt not heare and deceaued with errour thou adore strange goddes and serue them † I foretel thee this day that thou shalt perish and abide a litle time in the Land which passing ouer Iordan thou shalt enter to possesse † “ I cal for witnesses this day heauen and earth that I haue proposed to you life and death blessing and cursing Choose therfore life that both thou mayest liue and thy seede † and mayest loue our Lord thy God and obey his voice and cleaue to him for he is thy life and the length of thy daies that thou mayest liue in the Land for the which our Lord sware to thy fathers Abraham Isaac and Iacob that he would geue it them ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXX 6. God vvil circumcise thy bart Most true it is that of our selues without Gods grace none can kepe or fulfil the commandmentes But he whose hart God doth circumcise is therby made able to loue God with al his hart and with al his soule And except some hartes were thus circumcised and so made able to loue God aboue al and consequently their neighboures God should not performe his promise that he wil circumcise the hart of some 11. Is not aboue thee VVhen thou art stirred vp assisted and indued with Gods grace the commandment of God is not then aboue thee nor faire of from thee but very nere thee in thy mouth to confesse God and his truth and in thy hart to do it But you wil aske How then cometh it to passe that manie hauing receiued sufficient grace yet do not kepe Gods commandmentes God him self answereth 15. That he hath set before thee life and good and contrrivvise death and euil he inuiteth and helpeth yet forceth thee not he geueth●thee powre abilitie helping and not destroying thy freewil that thou maist loue our Lord thy God walke in his wayes and kepe his commandements But if thy hart be auerted and v. 17. thou vrilt not heare thou shalt perish Againe God inculcateth 19. I cal for vvitnesses heauen and earth that I haue proposed to you life and death blessing and cursing Choose therfore life c. VVhat Doctor can teach more plainly the possibilitie of keeping Gods commandmentes and frewil in man then this text of holie Scripture CHAP. XXXI Moyses substituteth Iosue his successour in temporal gouernment 9. deliuereth the law to the Priestes 16. God fortelleth that the people wil often forsake him and that he wil punish them 19. commandeth Moyses to write a canticle an abrigement of the Law easie to be remembred 25. and in further testimonie against them the Leuites must put this booke in the arke of couenant MOYSES therfore went and spake al these wordes to al Israel † and said to them I am this day a hundred and twentie yeares old I can not goe out and come in any longer especially wheras our Lord also hath said to me Thou shalt not passe ouer this Iordan † Our Lord therfore thy God wil passe ouer before thee he wil destroy al these nations in thy sight and thou shalt possesse them and this Iosue shal passe ouer before thee as our Lord hath spoken † And our Lord shal doe to them as he did to Sehon and Og the kinges of the Ammorheites and to their land and shal destroy them † Therfore when our Lord shal haue deliuered these also to you you shal doe in like manner to them as I haue commanded you † Doe manfully and be strengthned feare not neither tremble ye at their sight because our Lord thy God him selfe is thy conductor and wil not leaue nor forsake thee † And Moyses called Iosue and said to him before al Israel Take courage and be strong for thou shalt bring in this people into the Land which our Lord sware that he would geue to their fathers and thou shalt diuide it by lotte † And our Lord that is your conductor him selfe wil be with thee he wil not leaue nor forsake thee feare not neither dread thou † Moyses therfore wrote this law and deliuered it to the priestes the sonnes of Leui which caried the arke of the couenant of our Lord and to al the ancientes of Israel † And he commanded them saying After seuen yeares in the yeare of remission in the solemnitie of tabernacles † when al come together out of Israel to appeare in the sight of our Lord thy God in the place which our Lord shal choose thou shalt read the wordes of this law before al Israel they hearing † and the people being assembled together as wel men as wemen children and strangers that are within thy gates that hearing they may learne and feare our Lord your God and keepe and fulfil al the wordes of this law † Their children also who now are ignorant that they may heare and feare our Lord their God al the daies that they liue in the Land which passing ouer Iordan you goe to obteyne † And our Lord said to Moyses Behold the daies of thy death are nigh cal Iosue and stand ye in the tabernacle of testimonie that I may command him Moyses therfore and Iosue went and stoode in the tabernacle of testimonie † and our Lord appeared there in the piller of a cloude which stood in the entring of the tabernacle † And our Lord said to Moyses Behold thou shalt sleepe with thy fathers and this people rysing vp wil fornicate after strange goddes in the Land to the which it entreth to dwel therein there wil they forsake me and wil make the couenant which I haue made with them of none effect † And my furie shal be wrath against them in that day and I wil forsake them and wil hide my face from them and they shal be deuoured al euils and afflictions shal finde them so that they shal say
First the passage of the Israelites ouer Iordan In the five first chapters Secondly their conquest of the promised Land In the seuen chapters folowing Thirdly the partition of the same Land amongst nine Tribes and a half from the. 13. chap. to the 22. Fourthly In the three last chapters the returne of the other two Tribes and a half to their possessions on the east side of Iordan with Iosues last admonition to them al to serue God sincerly and his and Eleazars death THE BOOKE OF IOSVE IN HEBREW IEHOSVA CHAP. I. Iosue encoreged by our Lord 10. admonisheth the people to prepare themselues to passe ouer Iordan 12. and al the able men of the tribes of Ruben Gad and half Manasses to march armed before the rest 16. Al promise to doe whatsoeuer he commandeth AND it came to passe after the death of Moyses the seruant of our Lord that our Lord spake to Iosue the sonne of Nun the minister of Moyses and said to him † Moyses my seruant is deade arise and passe ouer this Iordan thou and al the people with thee into the Land which I wil geue to the children of Israel † Euerie place the steppe of your foote shal treade wil I deliuer to you as I haue spoken to Moyses † From the desert and Libanus vnto the great riuer Euphrates al the land of the Hetheites vnto the great sea against the going downe of the sunne shal be your border † No man shal be able to resist you al the daies of thy life as I haue beene with Moyses so wil I be with thee I wil not leaue nor forsake thee † Take courage and be strong for thou shalt by lotte diuide to this people the Land for the which I sware to their fathers that I would deliuer it to them † Take courage therfore and be very strong that thou keepe and doe al the Law which Moyses my seruant hath commanded thee decline not from it to the right hand or to the left that thou mayest vnderstand al thinges which thou doest † Let not the volume of this law depart from thy mouth but thou shalt meditate in it daies and nightes that thou maiest keepe and doe al thinges that be written in it then shalt thou direct thy way and vnderstand it † Behold I command thee take courage and be strong Feare not and dreade not because the Lord thy God is with thee in al the thinges to whatsoeuer thou shalt goe † And Iosue commanded the princes of the people saying Passe through the middes of the campe and command the people and say † Prepare for your selues victuals for after the third day you shal passe ouer Iordan and shal enter to possesse the Land which our Lord your God wil geue you † To the Rubenites also and Gaddites and halfe tribe of Manasses he said † Remember the word which Moyses the seruant of our Lord commanded you saying Our Lord your God hath geuen you rest and al this Land † Your wiues and children and cattel shal tarie in the Land which Moyses deliuered to you beyond Iordan but passe you ouer armed before your brethren al that are strong of hand fight for them † vntil our Lord geue rest to your brethren as to you also he hath geuen and they also possesse the Land which our Lord your God wil geue them and so returne into the Land of your possession and you shal dwel in it which Moyses the seruant of our Lord gaue you beyond Iordan against the rysing of the sunne † And they made answer to Iosue and said Al thinges that thou hast commanded vs we wil doe and whither soeuer thou shalt send vs we wil goe † As we obeyed Moyses in al thinges so wil we obey thee also only be our Lord thy God with thee as he was with Moyses † He that shal gainesay thy mouth and not obey al thy wordes that thou shalt command him let him die thou only take courage and doe manfully CHAP. II. Two discoueres sent into Hiericho are hid and concealed by Rahab 8. and vpon promise of like safetie to her whole samilie 21. she helpeth them secretly away THERFORE Iosue the sonne of Nun sent from Setim two men to spie in secrete and said to them Goe and view the Land and the citie of Iericho Who going entred into the house of a woman a harlot named Rahab and rested with her † And it was told the king of Iericho and said Behold there are men come in hither by night of the children of Israel to spie the Land † And the king of Iericho sent to Rahab saying Bring forth the men that came to thee and are entred into thy house for they be spies and are come to view al the Land † And the woman taking the men hid them and said I confesse they came to me but I knew not whence they were † and when the gate was a shutting in the darke and they withal went out I know not whither they be gone pursew quickly and you shal ouertake them † But she made the men to goe vp into the roofe of her house and couered them with the stalke of flaxe which was there † And they that were sent folowed them the way that leadeth to the ford of Iordan and they being gone out the gate for with was shutte † Neither were they yet a sleepe that lay hidde and behold the woman went vp to them and said † I know that the Lord hath geuen this Land to you for your terrour is fallen vpon vs and al the inhabitantes of the Land are become fainte † We haue heard that the Lord dried vp the water of the Redsea at your entring when you came out of Aegypt and what thinges you did to the two kinges of the Amorrheites that were beyond Iordan Sehon and Og whom you slew † And hearing these thinges we greatly feared and our hart fainted neither did there remaine spirite in vs at your entring in for the Lord your God he is God in heauen aboue in the earth beneth † Now therfore sweare to me by the Lord that as I haue done mercie with you so you also doe with my fathers house and you geue me a true signe † that you saue my father and mother my brethren and sisters and al thinges that he theirs and deliuer our soules from death † Who answered her Be our liues for you vnto death only if thou betray vs not And when our Lord shal haue deliuered vs the land we wil doe in thee mercie and truth † She therfore did let them downe by a corde out of a window for her house ioyned fast to the wall † And she said to them Goe vp to the mountaines lest perhaps they meete you returning and there lie hid three daies til they returne and so you shal goe on your way † Who said to her We shal be quitte from this oath wherwith thou hast sworne vs † if
holie persecution then bringing them forth of the fornace of Egypt in his strong hand as is recorded in the former age at last his Diuine Maiestie deliuered to them his perfect and eternal Law conteyned in two tables distributed into tenne preceptes teaching them their proper duties first towards himselfe their God and Lord then towards ech other Adding moreouer for the practise and execution therof other particular precepts of two sortes to witte Ceremonial prescribing certaine determinate maners and rites in obseruing the commandements of the first table pertaining to God and Iudicial lawes directing in particular how to fulfil the commandements of the second table concerning our duties towards our neighbours So we see the whole law is nothing els but to loue God aboue al and our neighboures as our selues The maner of performing al is to beleue and hope in one onlie Lord God honour and serue him alone who made al of nothing conserueth al wil iudge al and render to al men as they deserue and therfore fully to confirme this point he beginneth his commandements with expresse prohibition of al false and imaginarie goddes saying Exod. 20. v 3. Thou shalt not haue strange goddes after threates to the transgressours and recital of the other nine commandementes he concludeth v. 23. with repetition of the first saying You shal not make goddes of siluer nor goddes of gold shal you make to you 〈…〉 i● repeted and explaned Deut. 5. And in the next chapter Moyses 〈…〉 the people saith Heare Israel the Lord our God is one Lord. And God himselfe speaking againe sayth Exod. 23. See ye that I am onlie and there is no other God besides me The royal prophet Dauid 2 Reg. 22. and Psalm 17. who is God but our God and in sundrie other places the sene● doctrine of one God is grounded confirmed and established The Misterie of the B. Trinitie or of three Diuine Persons is no lesse true and certaine then that there is but one God though not so manifest to reason no● so expressly taught in the old Testament yet beleued then also and often in inuaded where God is expressed by names of the plural number as Elobim Elim Elah● Saddai Adonai Tsebaoth which import pluralitie of Persons in God who is b●●e one nature and substance Distinction also of Persons in God 〈…〉 ced Exod. 33. God saying I wil cal in the name of the Lord That is as S. Augustin and other fathers expound it the second Person by his grace maketh his seruants to cal vpon God More distinctly Psalm 2. The Lord said to me Thou art my Sonne I this day haue begotten thee Psalm 109. The Lord said to my Lord that is God the Father to God the Sonne who according to his diuinitie is the Lord of Dauid according to his humanitie the sonne of Dauid The same king Dauid maketh mention also of the third Person the Holie Ghost praying Psalm 50. Thy holie Spirit take not from me In the forme of blessing the people Num. 6. al three Persons some to be vnderstood in the name of our Lord thrise repeted our Lord the Father blesse thee and keepe thee Our Lord the Sonne shew his face to thee and haue mercie vpon thee Our Lord the Holie Ghost turne his countenance vnto thee and geue thee peace Of the Incarnation of the Sonne of God we haue in this age manie prophecies and figures Moyses euidently Deut. 18 forsheweth that after other prophets Christ the Sonne of God should come in flesh and redeme mankind as S. Peter teacheth Act. 3. Likewise in his Canticle and Blessing of the tribes Deut. 32 33 he speaketh more expresly of Christ and his Church then of the Iewes and thier Synagogue The starre prophecied by Balaam Num. 24. forshewed both to Iewes and Gentiles that Christ should subdue al nations Iosu● both in name and office was a manifest figure of IESVS Christ Also the Iudge and Kinges some in one thing some in an other most especially king Dauid and king Salomon were figures of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ The brasen serpent Num. 21. sign fied Christ to be crucified as him selfe expenndeth it Ioan. 3. Bri fly the whole Law was a pedagogue or conductor to bring men to Christ Galat. 3. and by him to know God and them selues to wit God omnipotent al perfect Creator of al our Father Redemer and Sanctifier and man his chief earthlie creature though of himselfe w●●k● and impotent yea through sinne miserable yet in nature of free condition indued wish vnderstanding to conceiue and discourse and with freewil to choose or refuse what liketh or displeaseth him For God appointing al creatures their offices ingraffed in al other thinges inuariable inclination to performe the same so that they could neither by vertue nor sinne make their state better not worse then it was created but ordaining Angels and men to a higher end of eternal felicitie left their wils free to agree vnto or to resist his precepts and counsels VVherupon Angels cooperating with Gods grace were confirmed in glorie and some reuoking were eternally damned Man also offending fel into damnable state but through penance may be saued if he cooperate with new grace of our Redemer which is in his choise to doe or omitte As when God gaue his people meate in the desert Exod. 16. he so instructed them how to receiue it and vse it without force or compulsion that he might proue them as himself speaketh whether they would walke in his law or no. And after making couenant with them Exod. 19. Deut. 26. required and accepted their voluntarie consent entring into formal contract or bargaine betwen him self and them he promising on the one partie to make them his peculiar people a priestlie kingdome and a holie nation they on the other partie promising loyaltie obedience and obseruation of his commandements saying Al thinges that our Lord hath spoken we wil doe For which cause Gods promises are conditional Deut. 7. if thou kepe his iudgements God wil keepe his couenant to thee Againe most plainly Deut. 11. Behold I sette before your sight this day benediction and malediction and Deut. 30. I cal for witnesses this day heauen and earth that I haue proposed to you life and death blessing and cursing Choose therfore life that thou mayest liue In al which it is certaine that Gods promise being firme mans wil is variable and so the euent not necessarie which made Caleb hoping of victorie to say Iosue 14. if perhaps our Lord be with me Neither doth Gods foreknowledge make the euent necessarie for he seeth the effect in the cause as it is voluntarie or casual yea God knoweth al before and some times fortelleth thinges vvhich conditionally vvould happen and in deed the condition fayling come not to passe as 1. Reg. 23. God answered that the men of Ceila would betray Dauid meaning if he staied there vvhich
and fasting for them 2. Reg. 1. Al which were to no purpose if soules departed could not be releiued by such meanes It moreouer appeareth that the same royal prophet beleued diuers places to be in hel when he said Psal 85. Thou hast deliuered my soule from the lower hel signifiyng plainly that there is a lower and a higher hel which higher the Church calleth Purgatorie where soules suffer that paine in satisfaction for their sinnes which remaineth not satisfied before death is due after the guilt of sinne is remitted the law prescribing that besides restitution of damage sacrifice should also be offered Leuit. 5. 6. 16. And Dauid was punished by the death of his child 2. Reg. 12. by the plague sent amongst his people 2. Reg. 24. after his sinnes were remitted He feared also punishment in the other world yea two sortes and therfore prayed to be deliuered from both saying Psal 6. Lord rebuke me not in thy furie nor chastice me in thy wrath That is saith S. Gregorie Strike me not with the reprobate nor aflict me with those that are purged by the punishing flames And most expresly signifieth also a higher place called hel saying Psal 15. in the person of Christ to his Father Thou shalt not leaue my soule in hel From vvhence Christ deliuered the holie Patriarches Prophetes and other perfect soules resting vvithout sensible paine brought them into heauen vvhither before him none could enter VVhich vvas also signified by the cities of refuge whence none might depart to their proper countrie til the death of the high priest Num. 35. by Moyses dying in the desert and not entring into the promised land ouer Iordan Deut. 4. 31. 34. Presupposing the general Resurrection of al men as a truth knovven by former traditions king Dauid shevveth the difference of the vvicked and godlie in that time saying Psal 1. The impious shal not rise againe in iudgement nor sinners in the councel of the iust That is the vvicked shal not rise to ioy glorie as the iust godlie shal doe Of general iudgement is more plainly prophecied 1. Reg. 2. That our Lord shal iudge the endes of the earth not that Dauid nor Salomon but Christ should raigne in his m●litant Church euen to the endes of the earth and in fine iudge the vvhole vvorld The same is confirmed Psal 49. God wil come manifestly our God and he wil not kepe silence Fire shal burne forth in his sight Psal 95. He shal iudge the round world in equitie and the peoples in his truth Psal 96. Fire shal goe before him and shal inflame his enemies round about Againe the same royal prophete Psalm 48. describeth the future and eternal state of the damned saying as sheepe creatures vnable to helpe themselues they are put in hel death shal feede vpon them Of the blessed he addeth And the iust shal rule ouer them in the morning that is in the resurrection and Psal 149. The Sainctes shal reioyse in glorie they shal be ioyful in their beddes in eternal rest The exaltations pra●ses of God in their throate and two edged swordes in their handes to doe reuenge in the nations punishments among the peoples To bind their kinges in fetters and their nobles in yron manicles That they may doe in them the iudgement that is written This glorie is to al his Sainctes And much greater glorie belongeth to Sainctes for this is but accidental vttered according to vulgar capacitie The essential and perfect glorie which no eye hath seene nor eare hath heard nor hart can cone iu● consisteth in seeing God Among accidental glorious giftes the foure dowries of glorified bodies are especially prefigured Impassibilitie by the wood Setim wherof the Arke was made Exod. 25. Agilitie and Penetrabilitie in some sorte by Dauids quicknes against G●liath and his conuering of him self into Sauls campe and forth againe 1. Reg. 17. and 26. but a more plaine figure of Claritie was in Moyses face Exod. 34. which by his conuersation with God became more glorious then mortal eyes were able to behold glistering and shining as most splendent l●ght through christal described as if his skinne had benne a clere horne a●●earing and spreading beam● like the sunn● proceding from the beautie of his soule so th●● none of al the people could looke directly vpon him except he couered his face Thus much concerning particular pointes of faith and religion And it is no lesse euident that the vniuersal Church and Citie of God stil continued yea was more visible and conspicuous to the whole world then before First by Gods maruelous protection therof in the desert and famous victories and conquestes of the land of Chanaan And by the excellent lawes geuen to this people which al nations admired and none had the like Deut. 4. For in this fourth age besides other lavves and preceptes the spiritual and temporal States were more distinguished and the Ecclesiastical Hierarchie especially disposed in subordination of one supreme head with inferiour gouerners ech in their place and office for edification of the whole bodie For Moyses being chief ruler and conduct●r of the Israelites out of Aegypt receiued and deliuered to them the written Law Exod. 20. And for obseruation and conseruation therof by Gods expresse appointment Leuit. 8. consecrated Aaron the ordinarie High priest himself remayning stil extraordinarie Superiour also aboue Aaron And after Aaron he consecrated in like maner his sonne Eleazar high priest and successour to his father Num. 20. To whom succeded others in this order 1. Paralip 6. Phinees Abisuë Bocci Ozi Zacharias otherwise 1. Reg. 1. called Heli Meraioth Amarias otherwise Achimelec whom Saul slew 1. Reg. 22. Achitob othervvise Abiathar vvho vvas deposed 3. Reg. 2. and Sadoc in vvhose time the Temple vvas founded To these vvere adioyned other Priestes also consecrated in a praescript forme Leuit. 8. and Leuites ordayned to assist in lower and distinct offices Num. 3. 4. In the first degree the Caathites whose office was to carrie the Sanctuarie and vessel therof vvrapped vp by the priestes but vvere forbid in paine of death to touch them or to see them In the second degree the Gersonites vvho carried the cortines and couers of the Tabernacle and vessel of the Altar In the third degree the Merarites vvho carried the bordes barres and pillers vvith their feete pinnes cordes and other implementes of the tabernacle euerie one according to their office and burdens Num. 4. v. vlt. But in the temporal state and gouernment Iosue of the tribe of Ephraim succeeded to Moyses Num. 27. Deut. 3. 34. And after Iosue were diuers interruptions of succession with gouerners of diuers tribes and change of gouernment from Dukes to Iudges and from Iudges to Kinges For after Iosues death the people being sore afflicted by inuasions of Infidels God raised certaine special men with title of Iudges to
† For our Lord knoweth the way of the iust and the way of the impious shal perish ANNOTATIONS PSALME I. 1. Hath not gone not stood not sitte The Hebrew stile and maner of discourse differeth here from other nations in mentioning first the lesse euil and the greatest last VVhereas we would say in the contrary order He is happie that hath not sitte that is hath not setled himselfe in wickednes nor finally persisted obstinate more happie that hath not stood anie notable time continued in sinne and most happie that hath not gone not geuen anie consent at al to euil suggestions 2. His vvil in the vvay of our Lord. As one part of happines consisteth in declining from euil so the other is in doing good the wil desiring and diligently endeuoring to walke in the way of vertue and law of God VVhich is true iustice and right forme of good life proposed in this Psalme for attayning eternal beatitude PSALME II. Christs glorie the world repining therat 4. shal be propagated in al the world 7. His diuine powre as wel spiritual in conuerting mens hartes as external in seuere iustice is prophecied VVHY did the Gentiles rage and peoples meditate vaine things † The kings of the earth stood vp and the princes came together in one against our Lord and against his Christ † Let vs breake their bondes a sunder and let vs cast away their yoke from vs. † He that dwelleth in the heauens shal laugh at them and our Lord shal scorne them † Then shal he speake to them in his wrath in his furie he shal truble them † But I am appoynted king by him ouer Sion his holie hil preaching his precept † The Lord said to me Thou art my Sonne I this day haue be gotten thee † Aske of me and I wil geue thee the Gentiles for thyne inheritance and thy possession the endes of the earth † Thou shalt rule them “ in a rod of yron and “ as a potters vessel thou shalt breake them in peeces † And now “ ye kings vnderstand “ take instruction you that iudge the earth † Serue our Lord in feare and “ reioyce to him with trembling † Apprehend discipline lest sometime our Lord be wrath and you perish out of the iust way † When his wrath shal burne in short time blessed are al that trust in him ANNOTATIONS PSALME II. 2. Kinges and Princes against Christ VVhen Christ and his Apostles preached the Gospel both Iewes and Gentiles with their Princes Kinges and Emperors most furiously resisted but al in vaine For they could not hinder the wil and powre of God But the more they persecuted the more was increased the zele and number of Christians 8. The gentiles thyn inheritance By this promise of God to Christ S. Augustin conuinced the Donatistes in them the Protestantes that say the Church of Christ failed and became smal or inuisible as though Christ the Sonne of God could sometimes lose his inheritance which is the Catholique Church gethered of the Gentiles and his possession extended to the endes of the earth 9. As a potters vessel If a potters vessel saith S. Ierom in hunc Psal tom 8. be broken whiles it is soft it may easily be repared but after it is hard it can not be made whole againe So sinners are more easily restored to grace shortly repeating then long obdurate yet that which is vnpossible to man is possible to God Mat. 10. For as clay in the potters hand so are you in my hand saith our Lord. Iere. 18. 10. Ye kinges vnderstand Not onlie innumerable other people of al nations but also after a while Kinges and Emperors beleued in Christ And such as at first persecuted became most Christian Catholique Defenders of the faith 10. Take instruction you that iudge the earth Petilianus Gaudentius other Donatistes inueyghing against Christian Kinges for punishing heretikes most falsly auoched that Christianitie neuer found kinges but inuious enimies and persecuters To whom S. Augustin answereth in seueral bookes that Christian Kinges and Princes are not enemies to Christianitie but are enemies to heretikes the rebelles of Christ and his Church For according to this prophecie of king Dauid Christian kinges are instructed and know it is their dutie ●● the seruice of God to defend the Church against Heretikes and other Infidelles And it is the propertie of Apostataes to fauour heretikes So good Constantin the great maintained Catholique vnitie and Iulian the Apostata to make greater diuision tooke Churches from Catholiques and gaue them to Donatistes to nourish dissention and so to o●e●●●row al Christians But God stil protecteth the true Church again●● al such suttle and malicious d●ui●es because it is Christs inheritance 11. R●●oy●e vvith trembling Gods seruice is tempeted with two affections with ioy in consideration of his goodnes mercie meeknes and with feare in respect of his ●ustice and ●euere iudgement The one is a remedie against desperation the other against presumption PSALME III. King Dauid recounteth his danger when his sonne Absalom conspired against him 4. and thanketh God for his deliuerie 9 acknowledging al helpe to be from God Mistically Christs persecution Death Burial and Resurrection † The “ Psalme of Dauid “ when he fled from the face of Absalom his sonne 2. Reg. 15. LORD why are they multiplied that truble me manie rise vp against me † Many say to my soule There is no saluation for him in his God † But thou Lord art my protectour my glorie exalting my head † With my voice I haue cried to our Lord and he hath heard me from his holie hil † “ I haue slept and haue bene at rest and haue risen vp because our Lord hath taken me † I wil not feare thousandes of people compassing me arise Lord saue me my God † Because thou hast stroken al that are my aduersaries without cause thou hast broken the teeth of sinners † Saluation is our Lordes and thy blessing vpon thy people ANNOTATIONS PSALME III. 1. Psalme of Dauid Al Interpreters agreably teach that king Dauid made not the titles which are before the Psalmes Neuertheles they are authentical as endited by the Holie Ghost And it is most probable Esdras added those titles which are in the Hebrew and the Seuentie interpreters writte the other in their Greke Edition Both which S. Ierom translated into Latin In these titles fiue thinges may be noted First the former two hauing no title at al the general name of Psalme common to al is particularly appropriated to some and other names to others VVhich in al are twelue to witte Psalme Inscription Prayer Canticle Psalme of Canticle Canticle of Psalme Hymne Testimonie
aspes vnder their lippes Whose mouth is ful of cursing and bitternesse their feete swift to shee l bloud Destruction and infelicitie in their waies and the way of peace they haue not knowen there is no feare of God before their eies Shal not al they know that worke iniquitie that deuoure my people as foode of bread They haue not inuocated our Lard there haue they trembled for feare where no feare was † Because our Lord is in the iust generation you haue confounded the counsel of the poore man because our Lord is his hope Who wil geue from Sion the saluation of Israel when our Lord shal haue turned away the captiuitie of his people Iacob shal reioyce and Israel shal be glad ANNOTATIONS PSALME XIII 1. No not one S. Paul by this place and the like Isaie 59. v. 7. confirmeth his doctrin Rom. 3. that both the Iewes and the Gentils meaning al mankind were in that state that none no not one without the grace of Christ were iust nor could be iustified nor saued by the law of Nature nor of Moyses VVhich proueth the necessitie of faith But neither that only faith iustifieth nor that the iustest are stil wicked as Caluin and Beza falsly expound these Scriptures For the Prophets and S. Paul speake in these places of men before they be iustified teaching that al mankind was once in sinne and none could be iustified but by Christ Neuerthelesse they teach also that men being iustified must and may serue iustice vnto sanctification And that their workes are not then vnprofitable For being made free from sinne saith the same Apostle to the Romanes c. 6. and become seruants to God you haue your fru●ct vnto sanctification and the end is life euerlasting VVhich point of doctrin how man is iustified S. Augustin excellently briefly explicateth li. 1. de Spirituet lit c 9. in these wordes The iust are iustified freely by Christ his grace they are not therfore purified by the lavv they are not iustified by their proper wil but iustified freely by Christ his grace Not that it is done without our wil but by the law our wil is shevved weake that grace might cure the wil and the wil being cured might fulfil the law not being vnder the law not needing the law VVherto we may here adde and so saue labour of repeting this in other places an other document of the same Doctor in the same booke de spirit lit c 27. that the iust do not liue without some sinnes and yet remaine in state of saluation the wicked do sometimes certaine good workes ful remaine in state of damnation For euen as saith he venial sinnes without which this life it not ledde do not exclude the iust from eternal life so certaine good workes without which the life of the very worst is hardly found profite nothing the vniust man to eternal saluation but in euerlasting damnation some shal haue more and somelesse torment PSALME XIIII For attayning eternal glorie in heauen it is necessarie to flee from sinnes and do good workes † “ The Psalme of Dauid LORD who shal dwel in thy tabernacle or who shal rest in thy holie hil † He that walketh without spot and worketh iustice † He that speaketh truth in his d hart that hath not done guile in his tongue Nor hath done euil to his neighbour and hath not taken reproch against his neighbour The malignant is brought to nothing in his sight but them that feare our Lord he glorifieth he that sweareth to his neighbour and deceiueth not † that hath not geuen his money to vsurie and hath not taken k giftes vpon the innocent k Likewise doing wrong for bribes He that doeth “ these thinges shal “ not be moued for euer ANNOTATIONS PSALME XIIII 1. The Psalme of Dauid As the appropriating of the general name of Psalme vnto some doth not preiudice but that the rest are also Psalmes though they be called Prayers Canticles Testimonies and the like so the application of Dauids name to certaine Psalmes proueth not other authores of the rest But the name of Psalme sheweth a spiritual songue apt for musical instrument and the name of Dauid by interpretation signifieth that it particularly perteyneth to the beloued 5. He that doth these thinges wheras this or anie other place of holie Scripture attributeth saluation to certaine good workes neither faith nor other workes are therby excluded but presupposed as no lesse necessarie then those which are mentioned Especially faith is alwayes requisite without which it is impossible to please God and other vertues either in practise or in purpose and preparation of mind when and where occasion requireth 5. Shal not be mou●d for euer Al states of this world are mutable and only eternal felicitie in heauen shal continew for euer Therfore this Psalme can not be vnderstood of the Tabernacle nor Temple of the old Testament which were but figures of eternal glorie But if so much puritie was then requisite much more al sinceritie and great sanctitie are necessarie for entrance into heauen PSALME XV. Christ by the mouth of Dauid declareth his future victory and triumph ouer the world 9. and death † The inscription of the title to Dauid him self PRESERVE me ô Lord because I haue hoped in thee † I haue said to our Lord Thou art my God because thou needest not my goods † To the sainctes that are in his land he hath made al my willes meruclous in them † Their infirmities were multiplied afterward they made hast I wil not assemble their conuenticles of bloud neither wil I be mindful of their names by my lippes † Our Lord “ the portion of myne inheritance and of my cuppe thou art he that wil restore myne inheritance vnto me † Cordes are fallen to me in goodly places for mine inheritance is goodlie vnto me † I wil blesse our Lord who hath geuen me vnderstanding moreouer also euen til night my veines haue rebuked me I forsaw our Lord in my sight alwaies because he is at my right hand that I be not moued † For this thing my hart hath beene glad and my tongue hath reioyced moreouer also my flesh shal rest in hope † Because thou wilt “ not leaue my soule in hel neither wilt geue thy holie one to see corruption Thou hast made the waies of life knowen to me thou shalt make me ful of ioy with thy countenance delectations on thy right hand euen to the end ANNOTATIONS PSALME XV. 5. Out lord the portion of myn inheritance Christ whom the Iewes expected as an earthlie conquerour that should aduance himself and them temporally in this world was in dede as the
Say ye to God How terrible are thy workes ô Lord in the multitude of thy strength thine enimies shal lie to thee † Let al the earth adore thee and sing to thee let it sing a psalme to thy name † Come ye and see the workes of God terrible in counsels ouer the chidren of men † Who turneth the sea into drie land in the riuer they shal passe on foote there we shal reioyce in him † Who ruleth in his strength for euer his eyes looke vpon the gentiles they that exasperate him let them not be exalted in themselues † Ye Gentiles blesse our God and make the voice of his prayse hearde † Who hath put my soule in life and hath not geuen my feete to be moued † Because thou hast proued vs ô God by fire thou hast tried vs as siluer is tried † Thou hast brought vs into a snare thou hast laide tribulations on our backe thou hast set men vpon our heades † We haue passed through fire and water and thou hast brought vs out into refreshing † I wil goe into thy house with holocaustes I wil render thee my vowes † which my lippes haue distinguished And my mouth hath spoken in my tribulation † Holocaustes with marrow wil I offer to thee with incense of rammes I wil offer to thee oxen with bucke goates † Come ye heare and I wil tel al ye that feare God what great things he hath done for my soule † To him haue I cried with my mouth and haue exulted vnder my tongue † If I haue beheld iniquitie in my hart our Lord wil not heare † Therfore hath God heard and hath attended to the voice of my petition † Blessed be God who hath not remoued my prayer and his mercie from me PSALME LXVI The prophet prayeth for and withal foreshoweth the propagation of the Church of Christ Vnto the end in hymes a Psalme of Canticle to Dauid GOd haue mercie vpon vs and blesse vs illuminate his countenance vpon vs and haue mercie on vs. † That we may know thy way vpon earth in al nations thy saluation † Let peoples ô God confesse to thee let al peoples confesse to thee † Let nations be glad reioice because thou iudgest peoples in equitie and the nations in earth thou doest direct † Let peoples ô God confesse to thee let al peoples confesse to thee † the earth hath yelded her fruite God our God blesse vs † God blesse vs and let al the endes of the earth feare him PSALME LXVII Notwithstanding great persecutions the Church prospereth 10. Especially in the new testament by Apostolical function 18. ministerie of Angels Christs Ascension coming of the Holie Ghost 31. confirming the faithful repressing the insolent and conuerting manie 35. For al which the prophet inuiteth al men to praise God Vnto the end a Psalme of Canticle to Dauid himself LEt God arise and let his enimies be dispersed and let them that hate him flee from his face † As smoke vanisheth let them vanish away as waxe melteth at the presence of fire so let sinners perish at the presence of God † And let the iust make merrie and reioyce in the sight of God and let them be delighted in mirth † Sing to God say a Psalme to his name make way to him who mounteth vpon the west Lord is his name Reioyce ye in his syght they shal be trubled at the presence of him † the father of orphanes and iudge of widowes God in his holie place † God that maketh men to inhabite of one manner in a house That bringeth forth them that be bound in strengh likewise them that exasperate that dwel in sepulchers † O God when thou wentest forth in the sight of thy people when thou didst passe through the desert † The earth was moued and the heauens also distilled at the presence of the God of Sina at the face of the God of Israel † Voluntarie rayne shalt thou seperat ô God to thine inheritance and it was weakned but thou hast persited it † Thy liuing creatures shal dwel in it thou hast prepared in thy swetnes for the poore ô God † Our Lord shal geue the word to them that euanglize with great powre † The king of hoastes the beloued of the beloued and to the beautie of the house to diuide the spoyles † If ye sleepe among the middest of the lottes the winges of a doue layde ouer with siluer and the hinder parts of her backe in the palenes of gold † Whiles the heauenlie discerneth kings ouer her with snow they shal be made white in Selmon † “ The mountane of God a fat mountane A mountane crudded as cheese a fatte mountane † “ why suppose you crudded mountanes A mountane in which it hath wel pleased God to dwel therin for in dede our Lord wil dwel euen to the end † The chariote of God is ten thousand folde thousands of them that reioyce our Lord in them in Sina in the holie place † Thou art ascended on hygh thou hast taken captiuitie thou hast receiued gifts in men for euen those that do not beleue our Lord God to inhabite † Blessed be our Lord day by day the God of our saluations wil make vs a prosperous iourney † Our God is the God of sauing and the issues of death are of our Lord our Lord. † But yet God stil breake the heads of his enimies the hearie croune of them that walke in their sinnes Our Lord Said Out of Basan I wil conuert I wil conuert into the depth of the sea † That thy foote may be dipped in bloude the tongue of thy dogges made redde with * the same bloud of the enimies † They haue seene thy entringes in ô God the entrings of my God of my King Who is in the holie place † Princes came before ioyned with them that sang in the middes of young wemen plaing on tymbrels † In churches blesse ye God our Lord of the fountains of Israel † There Beniamin a youngman in excesse of minde The Princes of Iuda their leaders the Princes of Zabulon the Princes of Nephthali † Command thy strength ô God confirme this ô God which thou hast wrought in vs. † From thy temple in Ierusalem kinges shal offer giftes to thee † Rebuke the wilde beasts of the reede the congregation of bulles in the kine of thy peoples that they may exclude them which are tried with siluer Dissipate the nations that wil warres † Legates shal come out of Aegypt Aethiopia shal prevent his handes
sorte of al is the Idolatrie vvhich the P●almist here describeth vvhen Imagees made by mens handes are immediatly honored as goddes in themselues For such goddes the Gentiles had and of them the Prophet here speaketh Compa●ing these visible sensles imagined goddes vvith the one eternal inuisible God vvho is made notorious by his diuine conspicuous vvorkes vvheras these idols by hovv much they are more visible so much more they are contemptible because being fashioned vvith mouth eyes eares nose handes feete throte and other members they are altogether sensles not able to speake vvith their mouth and therin more base in nature then the men that made them nor able to see heare smel taist feele to vvalke to moue nor to crie al vvhich beastes can doe And therfore these that make them or haue confidence in them as the Prophet here signifieth that some haue v. 16. are most absurde becoming like to the same idols in their vnderstanding and internal cogitations as these idols are voide of external sense And al Idolaters are most vvicked geuing diuine honour to anie creature are therin seruantes of diuels VVhether they immediatly honour diuels as vvhen sorcerers and vvitches making pact vvith the diuel adore him and he for the same doth some thing vvhich they demand or that they honour some other creature vvherin by the diuels false persvvasion they thincke there is diuine poore Both vvhich vvares diuels vsurpe Gods honour and therfore the same Prophet saide in an other Psalme Al the goddes of Gentiles are diuels PSALME CXIIII The prayer of a iust man in tribulation with confidence and gratitude towards God Allelu ia I haue loued because our Lord wil heare the voice of my prayer † Because he hath inclined his eare to me and in my daies I wil inuocate † The sorowes of death haue compassed me and the perils of hel haue found me I haue found tribulation and sorow † and I inuocated the name of our Lord. O Lord deliuer my soule † our Lord is merciful and iust and our God doth mercie † Our Lord kepeth litle ones I was humbled and he hath deliuered me † Turne ô my soule into thy rest because our Lord hath done good to thee † Because he hath deliuered my soule from death mine eies from teares my feete from sliding † I wil please our Lord in the countrie of the liuing PSALME CXV A iust man acknowledging that spiritual life beginneth by faith and by publique profession therof 4. gratfully accepteth of Christs Redemption 5. dedicateth his life and al he hath to Gods seruice Allelu ia I beleued for which cause I spake but I was humbled excedingly † I said in mine excesse Euerie man is a lyer † What shal I render to our Lord for al thinges that he hath rendred to me † I wil take the chalice of saluation and I wil inuocat the name of our Lord. † I wil render my vowes to our Lord before al his people † precious in the sight of our Lord is the death of his Sainctes † O Lord because I am thy seruant I am thy seruant and the sonne of thy hand maide Thou hast broken my bondes † I wil sacrifice to thee the hoast of praise and I wil inuocate the name of our Lord. † I wil render my vowes to our Lord in the sight of al his people † in the courtes of the house of our Lord in the middes of thee ô Ierusalem PSALME CXVI Gods mercie is largely extended to al Gentiles by Christ and his promise withal is performed to the Iewes Allelu ia PRAYSE our Lord al ye Gentiles prayse him al ye peoples † Because his mercie is confirmed vpon vs and his truth remaineth for euer PSALME CXVII Faithful people collected in the Church of Christ exhorte each other to render thankes to God for their deliuerie from spiritual and temporal tribulations 16. The Laitie demand participation of Christs Mysteries promising to serue him duly 25. Which the Pastors freely impert and together with the people solemnely celebrate Gods praise Allelu ia CONFESSE ye to our Lord because he is good because his mercie is for euer † Let Israel now say that he is good that his mercie is for euer † Let the house of Aaron now say that his mercie is for euer † Let them now say which feare our Lord that his mercie is for euer † From tribulation I inuocated our Lord and our Lord heard me in largenes † Our Lord is my helper I wil not feare what man can doe to me † Our Lord is my helper and I wil looke ouer mine enemies † It is good to hope in our Lord rather then to hope in man † It is good to hope in our Lord rather then to hope in princes † Al nations haue compassed me and in the name of our Lord am I reuenged on them † Compassing they haue compassed me and in the name of our Lord I was reuenged on them † They compassed me as bees and were inflamed as fyre in thornes and in the name of our Lord I was reuenged on them † Being thrust I was ouerturned to fal and our Lord receiued me † Our Lord is my strength and my prayse and he is made my saluation The voice of exultation and of saluation in the tabernacles of the iust † The right hand of our Lord hath wrought strength the right hand of our Lord hath exalted me the right hand of our Lord hath wrought strength † I shal not die but shal liue and I wil tel the workes of our Lord. † Our Lord chastising hath chastised me and to death he hath not deliuered me † Open ye the gates of iustice to me being entred into them I wil confesse to our Lord † this is the gate of our Lord the iust shal enter into it † I wil confesse to thee because thou hast heard me and art become my saluation † The stone which the builders reiected the same is made into the head of the corner † This was done by our Lord and it is meruelous id our eies † This is the day which our Lord made let vs reioice and be glad therein † O Lord saue me ô Lord geue good successe Blessed be he that cometh in the name of our Lord. † We haue blessed you of the house of our Lord † our Lord is God and he hath geuen light to vs. Appoint a solemne day with thicke bowes euen to the horne of the altar † Thou art my God and I wil confesse to thee thou art my God and I wil exalt thee I wil confesse to thee because thou hast heard me and art become my saluation
about † Before he be broken the hart of a man is exalted and before he be glorified it is humbled † He that answereth before he heare sheweth him self to be a foole and worthie of confusion † The spirit of a man vpholdeth his imbecilitie but a spirit that is casie to be angrie who can susteyne † A wise hart shal possesse knowlege and the eare of the wise seeketh doctrine † The gift of a man enlargeth his way maketh him roome before princes † The iust is first accuser of himself his frend commeth and shal search him † Lotte suppresseth contradictions and betwen the mightie also it determineth † Brother that is holpen of brother is as a strong citie and iudgements are as the barres of cities † Of the fruite of mans mouth his bellie shal be filled and the ofsprings of his lippes shal fil him † Death and life in the hand of the tongue they that loue it shal eate the fruites therof † He that hath found a good wife hath found a good thing and hath receiued a pleasure of our Lord. † The poore speaketh with supplications and the rich wil speake roughly † A man amiable to societie shal be more frendlie then a brother CHAP. XIX BEtter is a poore man that walketh in his simplicitie then a rich writhing his lippes and vnwise † Where is no knowlege of the soule is not good and he that is hastie with his feete shal stumble † The follie of a man supplanteth his steppes and he boileth in his minde against God † Riches adde manie frendes but from the poore they also which he had are separated † A false witnes shal not be vnpunished he that speaketh lies shal not escape † Manie worshipe the person of the mightie and are frendes of him that geueth giftes † The brethren of the poore man hate him more ouer also his frendes haue departed far from him † He that purse weth wordes only shal haue nothing but he that is possessour of the minde loueth his soule and the keper of prudence shal finde good thinges † A false witnesse shal not be vnpunished and he that speaketh lies shal perish † Delicacies become not a foole not a seruant to rule ouer princes † The doctrine of man is knowen by patience and his glorie is to ouerpasse vniust thinges † As the roaring of a lion so also the anger of a king and as dew vpon grasse so also his cherefulnes † The sorow of the father a foolish sonne and roofes continually dropping through a woman ful of brawling † House and riches are geuen of the parents but of our Lord properly a prudent wife † Slothfulnesse bringeth drousinesse and a dissolute soule shal be an hungred † He that kepeth the commandement kepeth his soule but he that neglecteth his way shal die † He lendeth our Lord that hath mercie on the poore and he wil repay him the like † Nurter thy sonne despayre not but to the killing of him set not thy soule † He that is impatient shal susteyne damage and when he shal take away violently he shal adde an other thing † Heare counsel and receiue discipline that thou mayst be wise in thy later endes † Manie cogitations in the hart of a man but the wil of our Lord shal be permanent † A needie man is merciful and better is the poore then the lying man † The feare of our Lord vnto life and in fulnes he shal abide without the visitation most noysome † The slothful hideth his hand vnder the armehole neither doth he put it to his mouth † The pestilent man being whipped the foole shal be wiser but if thou rebuke a wiseman he wil vnderstand discipline † He that afflicteth his father and fleeth from his mother is ignominious and vnhappie † Cease not ô sonne to heare doctrine neither be ignorant of the wordes of knowlege † An vniust witnes scorneth iudgement and the mouth of the impious deuoureth iniquitie † Iudgements are prepared for scorners hammers striking for the bodies of fooles CHAP. XX. VVIne is a luxurious thing drunkenes tumultuous whosoeuer is delighted therwith shal not be wise † As the roaring of a lyon so also the terrour of a king he that prouoketh him sinneth also against his owne soule † It is honour to a man that separateth himself from contentions but al fooles medle with contumelies † Because of cold the slothful would not plowe he shal begge therfore in the summer and it shal not be geuen him † As deepe water so counsel in the hart of a man but a wise man shal draw it out † Manie men are called merciful but a faithful man who shal fynd † The iust that walketh in his simplicitie shal leaue blessed children † The king that sitteth in the throne of iudgement dissipateth al euil with his looke † Who can say My hart is cleane I am pure from sinne † Weight and weight measure and measure both are abominable before God † By his conuersation a child is perceiued if his workes be cleane and right † The eare hearing and the eie seing our Lord made both † Loue not sleepe lest pouertie oppresse thee open thyne eies and be filled with breades † It is naught it is naught sayth euerie byer and when he is departed he wil boast † There is gold and multitude of pearles but a precious vessel the lippes of knowlege † Take his garment that was the suretie of a stranger and for strangers take a pledge from him † The bread of lying is swete to a man and afterward his mouth shal be filled with the grauelstone † Cogirations are strengthened by counsels and battels are to be handled by gouernmentes † Medle not with him that reuealeth mysteries and walketh fraudulently and dilateth his lippes † He that curseth his father and mother his lampe shal be extinquished in the middes of darkenes † The inheritance wherunto haste is made in the beginning in the later end shal lacke blessing † Say not I wil requit euil expect our Lord and he wil deliuer thee † Weight and weight are abomination with our Lord a deceitful balance is not good † The steppes of man are directed of our Lord but who of men can vnderstand his owne way † It is ruine to a man to deuoure saintes and afterward to retracte the vowes † A wise king dissipateth the impious and bendeth ouer them a triumphant arch † The lampe of our Lord the breath of a man which searcheth al the secretes of the bellie † Mercie truth kepe the king and his throne is strengthened by clemencie † The ioy of
haue not lent not because of wickednes but they were afraid to be defrauded without cause † But yet vpon the humble be stronger of minde for almes differre him not † Because of the commandment receiue the poore and because of his pouertie send him not away emptie † Lose money for thy brother and thy freind and hide it not vnder a stone vnto perdition † Put thy treasure in the precepts of the Highest it shal profite thee more then gold † Shut vp almes in the hart of the poore and the same shal obteyne for thee against al euil † Aboue the shilde of the mightie aboue the speare it shal fight against tnyne enemie † A good man becometh suretie for his neighbour and he that hath lost shame wil leaue him to himself † Forget not the kindnes of a suertie for he hath geuen his life for thee † The sinner and vncleane person fleeth from his suretie † A sinner counteth the goodes of his suretie to himself and vnthankful in minde wil forsake him that deliuered him † A man is suretie for his neighbour and when he hath lost shame he shal be forsaken of him † Naughtie suretieshippe hath vndone manie that were In good case and hath tossed them as a waue of the sea † Whurling round about it hath made mightie men to remoue and they haue wandred in strange nations † A sinner that trangresseth the commandment of our Lord shal fal into naughtie suretieshippe and he that endeuoureth to doe manie thinges shal fal into iudgement † Recouer thy neighbour according to thy power and take heed to thy self that thou fal not † The beginning of mans life water bread and garment and house couering his turpitude † Better is the poore mans fayre vnder a roofe of bordes then sumptuous cheere in a strange place without a house † Let the least thing please thee in steede of a great and thou shalt not heare the reproach of peregrination † It is a naughtie life to change lodging from house to house and where he shal lodge he shal not deale boldely nor open his mouth † He shal lodge and feede and make the vnthanckful drinke and beside these thinges he shal heare bitter wordes † Passe thou stranger furnish the table with the thinges thou hast in thy hand feede the rest † Depart from the presence of the honour of my freindes for the necessitie of my house my brother is to be lodged with me † These thinges be greuous to a man that hath vnderstanding rebuke for the house and the reproch of the lender CHAP. XXX Chastisment of children is necessarie and indulgence very dangerous 14. Health is better then riches 17. A trublesome life is worse then death 22. Be not pensiue but chereful in mind HE that loueth his soune doth accustome him to stripes that he may reioyce in his later end and not grope after the doores of his neighboures † He that teacheth his sonne shal be praised in him in the middes of them of his houshold he shal glorie in him † He that teacheth his sonne doth cast the enemie into emulation and in the middes of his freindes he shal glorie in him † His father is dead he is as it were not dead for he hath left behind him the like to himself † In his life he sawe and reioyced in him in his death he was not made sorie neither was he confounded before the enemies † For he left a defender of his house against the enemies one that should render thanck to his freindes † For the soules of his sonnes he wil binde vp his woundes at euerie voice his bowels shal be trubled † An vntamed horse becometh stubburne and a dissolute childe wil become headie † Pamper thy sonne and he wil make thee afraid play with him and he wil make thee sorowful † Laugh not with him lest thou be sorie and at the last thy teeth shal be on edge † Geue him not power in his youth and contemne not his cogitations † Curbe his necke in youth and knock his sides whiles he is a childe lest perhaps he be hardned and beleeue thee not and he shal be sorow of minde to thee † Teach thy sonne and worke in him that thou offend not in his dishonestie † Better is a poore man whole and strong of force then a rich man weake and scourged with miserie † The health of the soule in holines of iustice is better then al gold and siluer and a sound bodie then infinite reuenewes † There is no riches aboue the riches of the health of the bodie and there is noe delight aboue the ioy of the hart † Better is death then a bitter life and euerlasting rest then continual sicknes † Good thinges hid in a mouth that is shut are as messes of meates set about a graue † What shal sacrifice profite an idol for neither shal he eate nor smel † so he that is chased away of our Lord beareth the rewardes of iniquitie † seing with his eies groning as an eunuch embracing a virgin and sighing † Geue not heuines to thy soule afflict not thyself in thy counsel † Ioyfulnes of the hart this is the life of a man and a treasure without defect of holines and the ioy of a man is long life † Haue mercie on thine owne soule pleasing God and refraine and comfort thy hart in his holines and expel sorow far from thee † For sorow hath killed manie and there is noe profite in it † Enuie and anger diminish the daies and thought wil bring old age before the time † A magnifical hart is good in bankettes for his bankettes are made diligently CHAP. XXXI By seeking vertue and laboring for necessaries the flesh is subdued to the spirite 8. Moderate riches are best 12. with temperance in diette 30. especially in drinking VVATCHING after honestie shal pine the flesh the thought thereof taketh away sleepe † The thought of foreknowlege turneth away the vnderstanding greuous infirmitie maketh a sober soule † The riche man hath laboured in gathering of substance together in his rest he shal be replenished with his goodes † The poore man hath laboured in the diminishing of his liuing and in the end he is made poore † He that loueth gold shal not be iustified he that foloweth after corruption shal be replenished of it † Manie haue bene geuen into falles for gold and their perdition hath come by the beautie thereof † The gold of them that sacrifice is a wood of offence wo to them that folow after it and euerie vnwise man shal perish in it † Blessed is the rich man that is found without spot and that hath not gone after gold nor hoped in money and treasures † Who is this we wil praise him for he hath done meruelous thinges in
the cloudes of glorie and as a flower of roses in the daies of the spring and as the lilies that are in the passage of water and as frankensence smelling in summer daies † As fire glistering and frankensence burning in the fire † As a massie vessel of gold adorned with euerie precious stone † As an oliue tree budding and a cypresse tree aduancing it self on high when he tooke the robe of glorie and was reuested to the consummation of strength † In going vp to the holie altar he made the vesture of holines glorie † And in receiuing the portions out of the hand of the priestes himself also standing by the altar About him was the ring of his bretheren and as the ceder plant in mount Libanus † so stoode they about him as boughes of the palme tree al the children of Aaron in their glorie † And the oblation of our Lord in their handes before al the synagogue of Israel and executing the consummation on the altar to amplifie the oblation of the high king † he stretched forth his hand in oblation of moist sacrifice and offered of the blood of the grape † He powred out on the fundation of the altar a diuine odour to the high prince † Then cried out the children of Aaron they sounded with beaten trumpets and made a great voice to be heard for a remembrance before God † Then al the people together made hast and fel on their face vpon the earth to adore our Lord their God and to make prayers to God omnipotent the Highest † And the singers amplified in their voices and in the great house the sound was encreased ful of sweetenes † And the people in prayer desired our Lord the Highest vntil the honour of our Lord was perfected and they finished their office † Then coming downe he lifted vp his handes ouer al the congregation of the children of Israel to geue glorie to God from his lippes and to glorie in his name † and he repeated his prayer willing to shew the power of God † And now pray ye the God of al who hath done great thinges in al the land who hath encreased our daies from our mothers wombe and hath done with vs according to his mercie † geue he vnto vs ioyfulnes of euerlasting † that Israel may beleue that the mercie of God is with vs to deliuer vs in his dayes † Two nations my soule hateth and the third is no nation which I hate † they that sitte in mount Seit and the Philisthijms and the foolish people that dwel in Sichem † Iesus the sonne of Sirach a man of Ierusalem wrote the doctrine of wisdom and discipline in this booke who renewed wisdom from his hart † Blessed is he that conuerseth in these good thinges and he that layeth them in his hart shal be wise always † For if he doe them he shal be able to doe al thinges because his steppes are in the light of God CHAP. LI. The auctor rendereth praises and thankes to God 18. and inuiteth others to do the same by his owne example 31. and by earnest exhortation THE prayer of Iesus the sonne of Sirach I wil confesse to thee ô Lord king and wil praise thee God my sauiour † I wil confesse to thy name because thou art become my helper and protectour † and hast deliuered my bodie from perdition from the snare of an vniust tongue and from the lippes of them that worke lying and in the sight of them that stoode vp thou art become my helper † And thou hast deliuered me according to the multitude of the mercie of thy name from them that did roare prepared to deuoure † out of the handes of them that seeke my soule and from the gates of tribulations which haue compassed me † from the oppression of the flame which hath compassed me and in the middes of fire I was not burnt † From the depth of the bellie of hel and from a defiled tongue and from the word of lying from a wicked king and from an vniust tongue † my soule shal praise our Lord euen to death † and my life was approching to hel beneth † They haue compassed me on euerie side there was none that would helpe I looked toward the helpe of men there was none † I remembred thy mercie ô Lord and thy operation which are from the beginning of the world † Because thou deliuerest them that patiently expect thee ô Lord and sauest them out of the handes of the nations † Thou hast exalted my habitation vpon the earth and I haue prayed for death to passe away † I haue inuocated our Lord the father of my Lord that he leaue me not in the day of my tribulation and in the time of the proude without helpe † I wil praise thy name continually and wil collaude it in confession and my prayer was heard † And thou hast deliuered me from perdition and hast rescued me from the wicked time † Therfore wil I confesse say praise to thee and blesse the name of our Lord. † When I was yet young before I erred I sought for wisdom openly in my prayer † Before the temple I prayed for it and vnto the later end I wil se●ke after it and it shal flourish as the grape timely ripe † my hart hath reioyced in it my foote hath walked the right way from my youth I searched after it † I bowed mine eare a litle and receiued it † I found much wisdom in myself I haue much profited therein † To him that geueth me wisdom wil I geue glorie † For I haue consulted to doe it I haue had a zele to good and shal not be confounded † My soule hath wrestled in it and in doing it I was confirmed † I stretched forth my handes on high I lamented foolishnes † I directed my soule to wisdom and in knowlege I found it † I possessed with it an hart from the beginning for this cause I shal not be forsaken † My bellie was trubled in seeking it therefore shal I possesse a good possession † Our Lord hath geuen me a tongue for my reward and with the same I wil praise him † Approch vnto me ye vnlerned and gather yourselues together into the house of discipline † Why slacke ye yet and what say you herein your soules are exceeding thirstie † I haue opened my mouth and haue spoken Bye it for you without siluer † and submit your necke to the yoke and let your soule receiue discipline for it is very neere to finde it † See with your eyes that I haue laboured a litle and haue found much rest to myself † Take ye discipline in a great summe of siluer and possesse abundance of gold in it † Let your soule reioyce in his mercie and you shal not be confounded in praise † Worke your worke before the time and he wil geue you your reward in
Iuda and the bones of the princes thereof and the bones of priests and the bones of the Prophets and the bones of them that inhabite Ierusalem out of their sepulchers † And they shal spread them abrode in the sunne and the moone and al the host of heauen which they haue loued and which they haue serued and after which they haue walked and which they haue sought and adored they shal not be gathered and they shal not be buried they shal be as a dunghil vpon the face of the earth † And they shal choose rather death then life al that shal be remaining of this wicked kinred in al places which are leaft to the which I haue cast them out saith the Lord of hostes † And thou shalt say to them Thus saith our Lord Shal not he that falleth rise againe and he that is turned away shal he not turne againe † Why then is this people in Ierusalem turned away with a contentious reuolting they haue apprehended lying and would not returne † I attended and harkned no man speaketh that which is good there is none that doth penance for his sinne saying What haue I done They are al turned to their owne course as an horse going with violence to battel † The kite in the heauen hath knowen her time the turtle and the swalow and the storke haue obserued the time of their coming but my people haue not knowen the iudgement of the Lord. † How say you We are wise and the law of our Lord is with vs In very deede the lying penne of the Scribes hath wrought lying † The wise are confounded they are terrified taken for they haue cast away the word of our Lord and there is no wisedom in them † Therefore wil I geue their wemen to strangers their fildes to inheritours because from the least euen to the greatest al folow auarice from the prophet euen to the priest al make lies † And they healed the destruction of the daughter of my people to ignominie saying Peace peace when there was not peace † They are confounded because they haue done abomination yea rather they are not confounded with confusion and they haue not knowen how to blush therefore shal they fal among them that fal in the time of their visitation they shal fal saith our Lord. † Gathering I wil gather them together saith our Lord there is no grape in the vines and there are no figges on the figtree the leafe is fallen downe and I haue geuen them the thinges that are passed † Why doe we sitte come together and let vs enter into the fenced citie and let vs be silent there because the Lord our God hath made vs to be silent and hath geuen vs water of gaule for drinke for we haue sinned to our Lord. † We expected peace and there was no good a time of medicine and behold feare † From Dan was the snoring noyse of his horses heard with the voice of the neyinges of his fighting horses al the land was moued and they came and deuoured the land and the fulnes thereof the citie and the inhabitants thereof † For behold I wil send you serpents basaliskes for which there is no inchantment and they shal bite you saith our Lord. † My sorow is aboue sorow my hart mourning within me † Behold the voice of the daughter of my people from a farre countrie Is not our Lord in Sion or is not her king in her Why then haue they prouoked me to wrath in their sculptils and in strange vanities † The haruest is past sommer is ended and we are not saued † For the affliction of the daughter of my people I am afflicted and made sorowful astonishment hath taken me † Is there noe rosen in Galaad or is there no phisition there Why then is not the wound of the daughter of my people closed CHAP. IX The prophet lamenteth the future calamitie of the people and their false dealing ech with others 12. willing al to consider that their wickednes is the cause of their miserie 17. and to mourne 23. and returne to God 25. Who otherwise wil punish both Gentiles and Iewes not circumcised in hart VVHO wil geue water to my head and to mine eies a fountaine of teares and I wil weepe day night for the slaine of the daughter of my people † Who wil geue me in the wildernes an inne of wayfaring men and I wil forsake my people and depart from them because they are al adulterers an assemblie of transgressors † And they haue bent their tongue as a bowe of lying and not of truth they haue taken courege in the land because they haue proceeded from euil to euil and me they haue not knowen saith our Lord. † Let euerie man take heede to himself of his neighbour and in euerie brother of his let him not haue affiance because euerie brother supplanting wil supplant and euerie freind wil walke deceitfully † And man shal scorne his brother and they wil not speake truth for they haue taught their tongue to speake lies they haue laboured to doe vniustly † Thine inhabitation is in the middes of deceipt in deceipte they haue refused to know me saith our Lord. † Therefore thus saith the Lord of hostes Behold I wil melt and wil trie them for what els shal I doe at the face of the daughter of my people † Their tongue is a wandring arrow it hath spoken guile in his mouth he hath spoken peace with his freind and secretly he layeth waite for him † Shal I not visite vpon these thinges saith our Lord or vpon such a nation shal not my soule be reuenged † Vpon the mountaines I wil take vp weeping and lamentation vpon the beautiful places of the desert mourning because they are burnt for that there is not a man that passeth through they haue not heard the voice of the owner from the foule of the ayre vnto the beastes they are gone away and departed † And I wil make Ierusalem to be heapes of sand and dennes of dragons and I wil geue the cities of Iuda into desolation because there is not an inhabiter † Who is a wise man that can vnderstand this and to whom the word of the mouth of our Lord may be made that he may declare this why the earth hath perished and is burnt as a desert because there is none that passeth through † And our Lord said Because they haue forsaken my law which I gaue them and haue not heard my voice and haue not walked in it † And they haue gone after the peruersitie of their owne hart and after Baalim which they learned of their fathers † Therfore thus saith the Lord of hostes the God of Israel Behold I wil feede this people with worme wood and geue them water of gaule to drinke † And I wil disperse them in the Nations which they and their fathers haue not knowen and I wil
and sayd As yet fourtie dayes and Niniue shal be subuerted † And the men of Niniue beleued in God and they proclamed a fast and were clothed with sackcloths from the greater to the lesser † And the word came to the king of Niniue and he rose vp out of his throne and cast away his garment from him and was clothed with sackcloth and sate in ashes † And he cried and sayd in Niniue from the mouth of the king of his princes saying Men and beasts and oxen and cattel let them not taste any thing nor feede and let them not drinke water † And let men and beasts be couered with sackcloths and crie to our Lord in strength and let euerie man conuert from his euil way from the iniquitie that is in their handes † Who knoweth if God wil conuert and forgeue and wil returne from the furie of his wrath and we shal not perish † And God saw their workes that they were conuerred from their euil way and God had mercie on the euil which he had spoken that he would do to them and he did it not CHAP. IIII. The prophet lamenteth for that he was commanded to preach otherwise then it came to passe 5. Going forth he stayeth nere the citie to see the end 6. an yuie growing couereth his head from the sunne 7. but withereth the next day 8. he lamenting desireth to dye 10. and God sheweth that it is more meete to saue Niniue then the yuie AND Ionas was afflicted with great affliction and was * angrie † and he prayed to our Lord and sayd I besech thee ô Lord Why is not this my word when I was yet in my countrie for this did I preuent to flee into Tharsis For I know that thou art a clement and merciful God patient and of much compassion and forgeuing vpon the euil † And now Lord take I besech thee my soule from me because better is death to me then life † And our Lord sayd Art thou angrie wel thinkest thou † And Ionas went out of the citie and sate against the East part of the citie and he made himself a bowre there and he sate vnder it in the shadow til he might see what would befal to the citie † And our Lord God prepared an iuie tree it came vp ouer the head of Ionas to be a shadow ouer his head and to couer him for he had laboured and Ionas reioyced vpon the iuie with great ioy † And God prepared a worme in the rysing of the morning against the morrow and it stroke the iuie and it withered † And when the sunne was risen our Lord commanded an hotte and burning winde and the sunne beate vpon the head of Ionas and he broyled for heate and he desired for his soule to dye and sayd It is better for me to dye then to liue † And our Lord sayd to Ionas Art thou angrie wel thinkest thou for the iuie And he sayd I am angrie wel euen vnto death † And our Lord sayd Thou art sorie for the iuie wherin thou hast not laboured nor made it to grow which in one night came forth and in one night is perished † And shal not I spare Niniue the great citie wherin are more then a hundred twentie thousand men that know not what is betwen their right hand and their left and manie beastes THE PROPHECIE OF MICHEAS MICHEAS a Morasthite of the tribe of Ephraim prophecied part of the time with Isai the former fiue lesse Prophets against both the kingdomes of Israel and Iuda foreshewing their captiuities and relaxation of Iuda from Babylon their conuersion to Christ nere the end of the world and that in the meane time al other nations shal beleue in Christ CHAP. I. Samaria and al the tenne tribes shal be brought into captiuitie by the Assirians 9. The two tribes shal also be inuaded and spoyled euen nere to Ierusalem THE word of our Lord that was made to Michaeas the Morasthite in the dayes of Ioathan Achaz and Ezechias kinges of Iuda which he saw vpon Samaria and Ierusalem † Heare al ye peoples and let the earth attend and the fulnes therof and let our Lord God be vnto you for a witnes our Lord out of his holie temple † Because loe our Lord wil goe forth out of his place and he wil descend wil tread vpon the highest of the earth † And the mountaines shal be consumed vnder him and the valleis shal be clouen as waxe at the presence of fyre as waters that runne downe headlong † For the wickednes of Iacob al this and for the sinnes of the house of Israel what is the wickednes of Iacob is it not Sammaria and what the excelses of Iuda is it not Ierusalem † And I wil lay Samaria as a heape of stones in the filde when a vineyard is planted and I wil plucke downe her stones into the valley wil discouer her fundations † And al her sculptils shal be cut in sunder and al her wages shal be burnt with fyre and I wil lay al her idols into perdition because they are gathered together of the wages of an harlot vnto the hyre of an harlot they shal returne † Vpon this wil I lament and howle I wil goe spoiled and naked I wil make lamentation as of dragons and mourning as it were of striches † Because her plague is desperate because it is come euen to Iuda it hath touched the gate of my people euen to Ierusalem † In Geth declare it not weepe not with teares in the house of dust sprinkle your self with dust † And passe ye to your selues ô faire habitation confounded with ignominie she went not out that dwelleth in the going out the house adioyning shal receiue lamentation of you which stood to her self † Because she is weakened to good which dwelleth in bitternesses because euil is descended from our Lord into the gate of Ierusalem † Tumult of the chariot of astonishment to the inhabitant of Lachis it is the beginning of sinne to the daughter of Sion because in thee are found the wickednesses of Israel † Therfore shal he geue spoilers vpon the inheritance of Geth the houses of lying into deception to the kinges of Israel † As yet wil I bring an heyre to thee which dwellest in Maresa euen to Odolla shal the glorie of Israel come † Be bald and be pouled for the children of thy delicacies enlarge thy baldnes as an eagle because they are led captiues out of thee CHAP. II. By their great iniustice 7. notwithstanding their vaine presumption of Gods mercie wherto he is in dede most prone 8. the Israelites through their excessiue rapine prouoke God to punish them 12. yet when Christ shal come some Iewes wil serue him and manie more in the end of the world VVO TO you which thinke that is vnpofitable and worke euil in
both good euil nn this life :: Feare on mans pa●t and hope in God do wel consist together So both presumption and desperation are auoided :: Holie Iob knowing it to be vnpossible that God calumniateth anie man inquireth what is the cause why his goodnes afflicteth the iust :: In that I am thy creature thou maist iustly destroy me but in deede because I am thy creature thou 〈◊〉 spare me through thy m●●c● 〈◊〉 me thy grace which if I vse wel thou wilt also geue me eternal rest :: Repentance is alwayes necessarie but most especially at the houre of death The third conflict :: Sophar might haue applied the vice of much speaking to himself and his felowes alleaging manie thinges which proued not their opinion wheras Iobs allegations proued directly that which he affirmed :: Iobs owne conscience affirmed the contrarie c. 6. v. 3. :: He could not iustly confesse iniqeitie which he had not cōmitted :: God suffereth his simple true meaning seruantes to be scorned for the time but afterward the wicked shal be forced to confesse that those whom they derided are worthily in honour before God Sap. 5. ● 3. :: Craftie plotters of deuises at last by Gods iust punishement commit so great absurdites that the meanest may see their fo●lie :: Iobs state of sinne or innocencie was best knowen to God next to his owne conscience not at al to his aduersaries that presumed to iudge therof :: It semed to his aduersaries that of desperation he would tea● his flesh and so kil himself and to be so nere death as if one held his soule in his hand readie to bet it s●l from him :: He was in extreme anguish but stil trusted in God :: He denieth that he is guiltie in conscience but desireth to know of God if he haue anie hi● sinnes which himself knoweth not :: Al children taking their s●bstance from the mother and hauing only a temporal life continually tending to death can not but be subie●t to ●anie 〈◊〉 ●●●s 〈…〉 itselfe though it may some long is a limited thin● 〈…〉 is very 〈…〉 yea 〈…〉 proportion in respect of eternitie which is infinite yet God hath care to bring this weake creature to life eternal :: The parentes after death are not afflicted with the state of their children as they be in this life The fourt conflict :: Eliphaz not able to answer Iobs solide reasons raileth against him as if he were iniurious to God or taught others to cast away feare :: It is a very rare priuilege to be without spot :: But spot of venial sinnes may be in a iust man :: Al these miseries are incident to the wicked but are falsly applied to holie Iob who ●ndede was iust :: True and freindlie comforters ought to heare the afflicted with patience and not vnmercifully charge him with crimes which they neither know nor his conscience is guiltie of :: A great affliction when one ful of paine and distres is also forced to defend his owne innocencie against calumniators :: As the aduersaries stil obiect great iniquitie to him so he yeldeth them the same true answer :: Not hauing committed such sinnes as he was charged withal in this duble bitternes of corporal paine and calumniation his eye was stil vpon God expecting to be deliuered * Se●l 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Infernus :: This tex● sheweth euidently that there was a place of rest called hel The fifth conflict :: Baldad perceiuing Iob to speake confidently as the common doctrin of manie opposeth him self neuertheles against him and al that thincke as he doth and so speaketh as to manie in the plural number vvil ye speake and of himselfe his felowes are vve reputed c. So holie Iob a figure of the Church defended the common cause his aduersaries a figure of here t●kes speaking some truthes mixed false thinges therwith S. Greg. li. 14. c. 1. :: Blessed Iob saith S. Gregorie li. 14. c. 16. 17 looking sincerly on his owne life saw that his affliction was greater then his sinnes deserued and in that respect was not equal yet it was iust for God being iust geueth a iust reward a crowne of iustice as S. Paul speaketh of himself 2. Tim. 4 :: Al refused holie Iob in his affliction euen those whom he had loued most who therfore ought most to haue loued him againe :: An expresse profession of his faith of the Resurrection :: VVe shal rise againe not as one tree riseth in place of an other but the self same persones changed in qualities not in substance The sixth conflict :: Al mans life is short and as a moment in comparison of eternitie but it is not alwayes true that thewiked are shortly punished in respect of this life as this disputer applieth it to proue Iob to impious Therfore Iob answereth in the next chapter ● 13. That ordinarily the wicked lead their dayes to witt their whole life in vvealth and then in a moment goe downe to hel So the rest of these mens assertions are for most part true in some sense but il applied :: Though he disputed with three men yet it was concerning diuine thinges not humaine but of Gods prouidence and iustice of the resurrection of eternal life and punishment :: See ch 20. v 5. :: The same word is in Hebrew Greke and Latin for hel as in the 7 and 17. chap. other places which sheweth that besides hel of the dāned the resting place also of holie fathers in the old Testament was called by the general name of hel * a riuer of hel The seuenth conflict :: In dede whē a iust man hath donne his dutie he is vnprofitable to God but he is profitable to himself which greatly pleaseth God who desireth mans good and it redoundeth to Gods glorie that he hath such seruantes ●●at 5. v. 17. :: After imputation of false crimes this 〈…〉 chargeth 〈…〉 also with 〈◊〉 a 〈…〉 error of the Aegyptians that God hath no prouidence of men in this world Aristotel li. d● mundo textu 84. So some heretikes in their phrensic accuse Catholiques of condemned heresies :: VVhiles he expected some comforth of his freindes they stil afflicted him more and more chargeing him with fal●● crimes and so aggrauating his grief both of bodie and mind :: Therfore he appealeth to Gods iudgement seate for sentence :: Gods seruantes know that he wil punish wickednes but know not when the wicked presume that he wil neuer punish them :: Heretikes doing and teaching against their owne knowledge are afterward striken with blindnes that they can not see the truth S. Greg. li. 16. c. 26. :: Sinners running into both extremes of defect and excesse are likewise punished with contrarie tormentes :: Man by powre of free wil oftē presumeth to spend the time in sinning which God granteth him to do penance for former sinnes Rom. 2. The eight conflict :: Iob answered before ch 9. yet blind
forced to promise libertie to the children of Israel vvhich he aftervvards denied e The read sea f when Iosue brought the people ouer Iordan g in remembring and reciting these singular benefites h Gods chosen people the Iewes did often exasperate God by their ingratitude murmuring and other sinnes whom the prophet therfore admonisheth i not to be proud lest they be subdued and brought lowe k By way of inuitation the Psalmist prophecieth the conuersion of Gentiles l The voice of the whole Church confessing Gods prouidence and protection that she neuer faileth for the Iewes falling from Christ the Gentiles beleued in him and some nations or countries falling from Religion others are conuerted m God suffereth his Church to be persecuted with al kindes of tribulation as some are here recited n But through Gods assistance his seruants passe through and ouercome al tentations o Sacrifice of thankes p and voluntarie vowes q that which anie promiseth to God in tribulation they must performe accordingly r Th●se were the best external sacrifices of the old law ſ But both then and now the internal sacrifices of contrite hart of iustice and of diuine praise best please God t from the hart which is vnder the tongue and directeth the tongue what to speake v VVhosoeuer wil be heard in prayer must repent of his sinnes Propagation of the Church the 6. key a This Psalme beginning to be songue by voices instruments were adioyned b God first remitte our sinnes c then geue vs thy manifold graces d grant faith and repentance e and so forgeuenes of sinnes f Al nations shal be conuerted g God the Fater h God the Sonne i God the Holie Ghost saue the peoples of al nations by Euangelical preaching of thee the most Blessed Trinitie The Church stil conserued The 6. key a In maner of praying that God wil vouchsafe to defend the Church the Psalmist prophecieth that God wil arise b and the enimies shal flee away not daring to abide the combate c As God is terrible to the wicked so he is comfortable to the iust d Resist not Gods inspiration but receiue it with ioy and thankes e who triumpheth ouer death f God is Lord not only of these or those nations countries or other creatures but absolutly and vniuersally of al. g That is the true holie Church which hath h vnitie in doctrin touching faith and ma●ers i That be bond in sinne S. Cypr. ep 76. k euen rebellious willes are altered by Gods mercie and freely embrace his law l also the dead and drie hartes that cared not for spiritual thinges are softened and quickned with new grace m The benefites bestowed on the Israelites are written in the bookes of Moyses Iosue and Iudges n Not mans deseruing but Gods mere good wil and free grace caused Christ to come and by himselfe and his Apostles to preach the Euangelical doctrin which watereth the whole world o God chose the weake but made them strong p Those whom thou hast chosen and so made thyn owne peculiar people shal enioy this grace q Thou gauest Manna in the desert the B Sacrament in the new testament r God geueth to the preacher what to speake ſ and to some he geueth also powre to worke miracles in confirmation of their doctrin Mar. 16. t Some potent king or as it is in the Hebrew kinges being beloued of the beloued of God the only Sonne of God shal yeld themselues to the same beloued Sonne of God v which shal redound to the glorie and beautie of his Church gayning such spiritual prayes from the diuel w If you be in such danger that the aduersaries cast dice o● lottes for your persons and goodes yet you shal be deliuered as if a doue with her glistering fethers like siluer and gold flie away into a secure place without losse or diminution but rather with increase of vertues x VVhen the heauenlie king determineth thus of earthlie kinges y they shal be purged from their sinnes and made white like snow that falleth in mount Selmon which is a shadowed hil thicke with trees in mount Ephraim nere to Iordan z The Church of God is visible and durable like to a mountane a Combined or ioyned together as when milke is turned into curde and so into cheese b fructful enriched by spiritual giftes of the Holie Ghost c ye that are not of this Church do in vaine and erroniously imagine that anie other mountaines are vnited d Innumerable Angels ministers of Gods wil do continually attend vpon his Diuine Maiestie as if he who otherwise nedeth no seruice were caried by them as in a chariotte of infinite magnificence Dan 7. e So God appeared in Maiestie when he gaue his law in mount Sinai f Christ ascended with innumerable Angels attending vpon him g caried with him the fathers of the old testament that had benne captiue Ephes 4. h as man he receiued giftes of God in and for men his faithful seruantes i yea also he receiued for his merite that innumerable which before were incredulous were conuerted and God dwelt in their soules k Our Lord I say our Lord and none but he could ouercome death by dying l Though Christ died to deliuer al men from death yet he wil geue capital sentence of eternal death to al that obstinatly remaine his enimies and multiplie sinnes vpon sinnes to the end of their temporal life m Euen of the iudest barbarous nations manie shal be conuerted to Christiantie n namely Gods grace is extended into the Ilandes of the Ocean and other seas o But such seuere slaughter shal fal vpon the obstinate contemners of this grace that mens feete shal be defiled in their bloud and dogges shal lappe it Exi●i●●●● ab ●●● p Manie haue sene or knowen in general but the faithful more exactly know how Christ came into this world his conuersation therin and his going forth q his reigning now in heauen our Mediatour by whom al other intercessors haue accesse to God r The Apostles sowing the first seede of Euangelical doctrin ſ with whom other Apostolical men t and other soules of al nations conuerted by their preaching most ioyfully sing together in hart voice and instruments especially in good workes shew their gratful affections to our Redeemer v And al this in the particular Churches of diuers Kingdomes and partes of the world vv beginning with the Israelites in Ierusalem and so proceding into al furie and Samaria and to the vt most of the earth Act. 1. x S. Paul of Iacobs yongest sonne Beniamin last called to Apostleship was chiefly sent to the Gentiles y Other Apostles of diuers tribes sent first to the Iewes secondarily to Gentiles z As the Church begane by the omnipotent powre of God so by the same only powre it is conserued a Chastice therfore ô God al persecuters of thy Church who are but as weake wauering reedes in comparison of thy powre
of the Israelites t from the mediterranean sea of Palestin v to the riuer Euphrates Exo. 23. v. 31. Beut 11. v. 24. vv eruel enimies more like to most cruel beastes then to men x yea so cruel as none els in the world are like vnto them y The Prophet now prayeth for the coming of Christ which he saw in spirite z The Church of the old testament in her best state wanted the perfection which the Church of Christ hath a Christ our Messias most commonly calleth by this title The Sonne of man b So thy vinyard can not indure if it be stil afflicted and trodden downe c Christ working by Gods powre redresseth almiseries d The same is the 8. and the 15. verse with litle alteration and here repeted the third time In which we also pray for three thinges first to be purged and conuerted from sinne second to be illuminated by Christ the Image of God Thirdly to be sanctified and saued in eternal glorie to haue the fruition of the most blessed Trinitie Inuitation to celebrate festiual dayes deuoutly the 7. key a This Psalme perteyneth not only to the old testament but also to the new b Gods seruants oppressed with tribulations c to be songue by Asaph a chief master of musike d Make readie al these musical instruments e In the Calendes or first day of euerie moneth in remembrance of Gods prouidence and perpetual gouernment of al creatures :: The feast of Neomenia f and most especial solemnitie in the first day of the seuenth moneth in memorie of Isaac conserued from death in whom God promised Abraham to multiplie his seede and to blesle al nations Gen. 17 v. 21. c 21. v 12. c 22. v. 18. :: Feast of trumpetes g The people of Israel signified by Ioseph as Psal 79. v. 2. :: In memorie of this benefite Pasch was instituted h God deliuered the same people from their vntolerable bondage of carying burdens in baskettes from geathering straw making brickes and other seruitude Exo 1. v. 14 c. 5. v. 7. i The admonition of God to the people k yet after so great benefites thou didst murmure and contradict me Exo. 17. Num. 20. l Seriously admonish thee m Man by free wil may choose whether he wil obey or no. :: The feast of Pentecost in memorie of the lawe n This was an other great benefite to geue an expresse law for their instruction o Obseruing my commandments aske what thou wilt and I wil geue it thee Pom. 1. ● 24. p Very easely q of my freewil and liberalitie without necessitie or obligation r The wicked that promise to serue God and do it not shal be in eternal torments In the meane time God bestowed these benefites vpon them for the iusts sake Admonition to Magistrates the. 7. key a The wordes of the prophet admonishing al magistrates that when they sitte in iudgement or determine anie cause God who is there and euerie where present b attendeth their processe and therfore it behoneth them to be aduised what they doe euen as if they heard God speaking as here foloweth c The wordes of God though not vttered sensibly yet in effect intimated by his law according wherto he wil procede in iudgement against vniust Iudges d Such iudges procede in grosse ignorance not caring to vnderstand but content to walke in darknes e Ye are so euil disposed that you would turne al vpside downe instifying the wicked and condemning the iust f For your office which you participate of me you are certaine goddes vpon earth g But when you die you shal find that you are men subiect to Gods iudgement h yea your punishment wil be greuous and importable for the mightie shal mightely suffer torments Sap. ● i Againe the wordes of the prophet praying God k that eing he is Lord of al he wil iudge al. Persecuters of the Church confounded or conuerted the 6 key a Seing none is like to thee ô God b shew thy powre and maiestie c be not silent d The cruel persecuters are most insolent e and proud f That there be no more anie faithful people g anie Catholiques leift aliue h The progenie of Esau i the seede of Ismael k descending from the elder sonne of Lot l the issue of Abraham by Agar who falsly cal them selues Sarascens as if they were of Sara m People of Gebal a citie of Syria n of the other sonne of Lot o those that first oppugned the Israelites after they were parted from Aegypt Exo. 17. p The Philistians q and Tyrians al nere neighboures and some of them nere akine to the Israelites were their great enimies r Others also coming further of ioyned against Gods people in figure that al heretikes and other infidels conspire together against Catholiques ſ The Psalmist therfore prayeth and withal prophecieth that God wil at last destroy them as he did Madian Num 31. Iudic. 6. 7. t Sisara captaine general v for Iabin king of Asor nere Cisson Iudic. 4. v. 7. 23. w Within the territorie of Manasses Ios 17. which they inuaded x slaine and not buried y These foure princes of the Madianites were slaine by Gedeons forces Iudic. 7. 8. z By foure similitudes the prophet describeth the punishment that shal fal vpon persecuters :: By foure similitudes the prophet describeth the punishment that shal fal vpon persecuters 1. 2. 3. 4. a God by punishing seeketh the conuersion of sinners not their eternal death b But such as be stil obstinate and finally impenitent do perish for euer c God only the creator of heauen and earth is properly called LORD VVhose essential and incommunicable name is VVHICH IS Exo. 3. v. 14. 6. v. 3. Eternal glorie the 10. key a For men afflicted in this vale of miserie b By the children of Core not being musitians but porters in the temple 1. Par. 26. S. Augustin here and in other titles of Psalmes vnderstandeth the faithful children of Christ c The glorious mansions in heauen which God hath prepared for the iust d Vehement desires do sometimes depriue vs of external sense e The mind reioycing in hope the bodie is also recreated releeued and reuiued which before was dulle and heauie f As sparowes by natural instinct seeking habitations finde houses to dwel in g and turtles haue nestes wherin to lay their young ones so faithful soules seeke to dwel in heauen and in the meane time to lay vp good workes within the Catholique Church out of which sayth S. Augustin in this place how good soeuer workes do seme as when paganes and heretikes feede the hungrie cloth the naked receiue strangers into their houses visite the sicke comforte prisoners being not laid in the nest conculcabuntur conterentur non seruabuntur non custodientur they shal be trodde vnder foote they shal be bruised in peeces they shal not be conserued they shal not be kept but
praised her she returneth al the praise to him d Praying him to come and stil remaine vvith her e Acknovvleging him to be the only Sauiour of both old and nevv testament a The Synagogue prosecuteth her prayer desiring Christs Incarnation b Christ admonisheth vvordlie men not to molest those that serue him in contemplation other spiritual vertues c Angels and other Sainctes of the triumphant Church admire the beautie of the C●n●les conuerted which is also vnderstood of euerie holie soule ascending from this world into heauen And more singularly of the most glorious virgin mother of God f The Church of Gentiles reioyceth in the strong defence vvhervvith her Sauiour hath established her g Keepers of this vinyard vvere the Prophetes and Apostles and their Successors are stil the kepers therof h Christ shevveth that together vvith the pastors himself especially hath care of his Church alvvayes assisting the visible gouerners therof vvith his inuisible grace i The vvhole Church militant vvel contented yea desiring Christs Ascension into heauen for the good of al that here serue him prayeth him from thence to send abundance of his grace that vve may ascend the high mountaines of perfect charitie and zele of Gods honour that he vvil make our soules such hilles the garden of al vertues so voutsafe to dwel therin Amen d The Synagogue of the Iewes was corrupt vnder the tree of Christs Crosse when they cried Crucifie him Crucifie him And againe His bloud be vpon vs and vpon our children Againe VVe haue no King but Caesar c. e Christ againe sheweth his affection towards his Church of the Gentiles calling her his owne sister and the Synagogs sister promising and bestowing on her manie excellent benefites Both the auctor auctoritie of this booke were sometimes doubtful The same doubt is of Ecclesiasticus It is most probable that Philo a Iew writte this booke collecting manie sentences of Salomons Argum. lib. Reg. Fiue Sapiential bookes of the old testament Chap. 7. 8. 9. The Iewes denie these bookes to be Canonical Mat. 22. Exo. 3. They are iudged by very manie ancient fathers and afterwards defined by the Church to be Canonical Scriptures Et li. 17. c. 20. ●●●● The contents Diuided into three patts The 1. part An admonition to loue and practise iustice 3. Reg. 3. Isa 56. 2. Par. 1● :: Mortal sinnes are not only committed in dedes vvordes but also in though tes :: He that maliciously curseth s●u●sed of God ●al 5. v. 22. :: Be not cause of your owne eternal death by euil life :: Desperate death deliuereth not the wicked from calamities :: Neither are an●e damned vvhile they are in th●● life :: But sinners not repenting being et●●nal 〈…〉 them 〈…〉 〈…〉 be 〈…〉 and 〈…〉 be after death fal to these prophane thoughts and speaches of infidelitie :: Of infidelitie touching paine or reward after death procedeth the Epicures life :: Infidels are not content to liue in riote but doe also enuie and persecute the iust vvhose good examples vexe their mindes sturred therto by the diuel :: An euident prophecie of the Iewes malice persecuting our Sauiour Fulfilled by the chief Priestes Scribes and Ancientes recorded dy the Euangelists Mat. 27. v. 41. Mar 14. v. 53. Mat. 27. v. 43. :: vvant of beleuing diuine Mysteries namely the reward of the iust punishmēt of the wic ked is cause of dissolute life and of hatred against the good :: Temporal death of the iust is the way to eternal life vvhere damnation called here the tormēt of death shal not touch them :: For albelt Martyrs seme in the eyes of the vnwise to dye or to be extinguished they passe in dede into eternal and vnspeakeable glorie Chap. 5. v. 4 Mat. 13. v. 43. :: Al the iust shal approue Gods iudgmēt condemning the wicked :: Literally is vnderstood that the wiues of adulterers often become adultresses their children wicked Morally their sensualitie al their vvorkes are wholly corrupted * See S. Ierom. in Isa 56. v. 4. :: Chastitie of the bodie is a singular great vertue spiritual chastitie of true faith and religion is greatter and more generally commended as the roote and fundation of al vertues For vvithout faith it is vnpossible to please God :: VVhen soeuer the iust dieth it is profitable for him dying yong his immaculate life is more commendable then old age in the wicked v. 16. :: The damned shal be vvithout al excuse vtterly confounded in their owne consciences Gods prescience d●●th not preiudice mans free wil. ●tl 17. ● 30. ciuit :: VVicked men in their false conceipt iudge the trauels of the iust to be vaine fructles :: Repentance of the damned is only for the losse paine whereinto they are fallen not of loue towards God or vertue nor of hate towards sinne therfore is fructles bringing no comforte nor helpe at al but euerlasting torment and anguish of mind Chap. 3. v. 2. Pro. ●0 v. 19. :: For the certaintie of thinges that shal be Prophetes do very often speake in the pretertence of thinges to come as if they vvere already past :: As the ioy of the blessed so contrariwise the miserie of the damned is meruelous great for euer vnchangeable Eccle. 9. v. 18. :: Al powre is from God therfore to be respected though the magistrates sometimes abuse their auctoritie Rom. 1● v. 1. :: As euerie ones charge is more or lesse so his account is easier or har der and the punishment if he offend smaller or greater S. Gre. ho. 9. in Euang. :: VVisdom is attained by this gradation and so from first to last a resolute desire ioyneth faithful soules to God v. 21. The second part VVisdom procedeth from God and is procured by prayer :: The perfectest children are borne in the beginning of the tenth moneth :: Children in the mothers wombe are as in slepe :: Salomon whose sayinges are here recited praied for wisdom obtained it 3. Reg. 3. 3. Reg ● v. 9. :: God first gaue him grace to desire wisdom before al other thinges as he explicateth plainly cap. 8. v. 21. :: Salomon was a most excellent Philosopher :: Proper Epithetons of the spirite of wisdom :: See the Annotation Prouerb 1. v. 2. Heb. 1. v. 3. :: God the increated wisdom is infinite and wisdom created is also most excellent amongst Gods giftes 3. Reg. 3. Prou. ● :: This is also the speach of Salomon recited by the writer of this booke :: Of Salomons wisdom riches glorie renowmed fame not only the bookes of Kinges Paralipomenon but also our Sauiour doth witnes Mat. 6. 12. :: It is not certaine that Salomon hath immortal glorie but rather by immortalitie is here vnderstood that his glorious fame remaineth to the end of this world :: Neuertheles wisdom of her part geueth life and glorie euerlasting to al that perseuere to the end of this life :: It is
a. greable to mans nature and freevvil by his loue and charitie not as beastes are dravven by feare force :: To make shevv of turning to God and to trust more in men is as vayne as to thinke to fede or to gouerne the vvinde Gen. 25. 32. :: The historie of Iacob and his children written in Genesis and Exodus vvhich the prophet here toucheth sheweth the singular benefites of God tovvards this people Gen. 28. Exo. 14. a VVhen Iero boam first set vp the calues to be adored the people had horrour therof yet consented therto b and shortly after some added the idol of Baal 3 Reg. 16. c and of other idols as this place testifieth Isa 43. d Euils that happen are al of mans owne procurement by his sinnes vvherof God is no vvay the auctor or cause e vvho of his part doth al for the helpe of man for vvhether he punish or pardon al is to saue men so God is onlie cause of helpe and of al good but not of euil as it is euel he is in dede the cause of punishment vvhich is called malum paenae the euil of paine Amos. 3. v. 6. but this for amendment during this life and of iustice after death 1. Reg. ● f This can not be vnderstood of temporal death from vvhich God vvil no● deliuermen nor of violent death from vvhich he vvould not deliuer those that vvere slaine by the Assyrians but necessarily of eternal death from vvhich the iust shal be deliuered 1. Cor. 15. Heb. 2. Ezec. 19. a Such imprecations in holie scriptures are sometimes only predictions as Psal 68. v. 23. so here is prophecied what shal happen to the Israelites in Assyria S. Ierom. sometimes are the zelous desires of Sainctes conformable to Gods iustice as Psal 149. v. 6. 7. 8. 9. I●el 2. Zach. 1. b VVhen the Israelites shal conuert to God as some did vvhen Christ came and manie wil nere the end of the vvorld then Christ wil heale thē c No humane vvitte is able to vnderstand this and other prophetes yet the iust shal know so much as is necessarie S. Ierom. in prooem S. Aug. li. 18. c. 28. ciuit S. Epiph. de vita Patriar● Ioel prophecied the same time vvith Osee Especially to the two tribes S. Iero. Epist ad Paulin. The contents :: Prophecies perteyne not only to those that then liue when they are vttered but also to al poste ritie euen to the end of the vvorld that it may appeare vvhat is fulfilled and vvhat yet resteth to come in due time :: VVhen Ierusalem vvas taken and the Temple destroyed by the Babylonians the sacrifice necessarily ceased according to this and other prophecies :: Fasting praying and other good vvorkes of manie assembling together are an especial meanes to appeaze Gods vvrath prouoked by former sinnes The captiuitie described by the harme of most noysome thinges Ierusalem foure times spoyled by the Babylonians Dan. I. 1. 2. 3. 4. VVhy vve make not more Annotations a Prophets do often speake in such phrase as if they admonished the people vvhat to doe vvhen in dede they foreshevv what they wil do in their distresses b In the time when God wil suffer affliction to fal vpon them for their sinnes * take no harme Isa 13. Ezec. 32. Mat. 24. Iere. 30. Amos. 5. Sopho. 1. c For better mouing the hart to true repentance d God requireth these external workes of penance And where the same are wanting at least in vvil it is a manifest signe that the hart is not truly penitent S. Ierom. ● Psal 85. e Zele is an indignation rising of loue vvhen one seeth anie person or thing vvhich he loueth contemned or vvronged So God hath zele for his people when they are vniustly afflicted more of the malice of their afflicters then for iustice Yet God suffereth often times his people to be punished for their ful correction and for their more merite f So that vvhich God here promiseth by his prophet touching his protection and deliuerie of his people was not fulfilled til after the seuentie yeares of their captiuitie nor then fully but is verified in those that beleue in Christ And especially after this life vvhen his glorious Saincts shal liue in eternal ioy g That this is a plaine prophecie of the mission of the Holie Ghost performed on VVhitsunday the fiftith day after Christs Resurrection and the tenth after his Ascension S. Peter teacheth Act. 2. Isa 44. Act. 2. Rom. 1● a S Ierom and most other expositers vnder stand this chapter of the general Iudgement though some expound it of the relaxation of the Ievves from captiuitie and of the punishment of their enimies b And so Iosaphat is literally vnderstood the place on the east side of Ierusalem betwen the Temple and mount Oliuet whence our Sauiour ascended into heauen Neither is there anie reason why the Iudgement should rather be in an other place seing this is expressed by name signifying The Iudgement of our Lord. Apoc. 14. c This duplication of the vvord peoples importeth an innumerable multitude in that valley of concision also repeted to signifie that there al Gods enimies shal be vtterly damned to eternal destruction as it vvere cut in peeces as fuel to the fire of hel Psal 128. v. 4. Our iust Lord vvil cut the neckes of sinners Iere. 21. Amos. 1. Amos. 9. Amos prophecied the same time vvith see and Io●l S. Ierom ●●●●● ad ●●●●● Especially Against the tenne tribes a As Dauid was called from keping shepe made a king a Prophet so Amos being a shepheard o● hearde man was also made a Prophet b Iosephus li. 9. c. 1. Antiq. sayeth this earthquake happened when king Onias presumed to offer incense but it must nedes be vnderstood of a former in the dayes of Ieroboam v. 1. who died in the 38. yeare of O●ias ● Par. 26. at least 14. yeares before his deposition for he reigned in al. 52 I●el 3. Zach. ●4 c Three signifie the multitude of their sinnes for three is the first number that is called manie or may be called al. d and foure signifie excesse in multitude so that albeit God doth forgeue a multitude of sinnes yet at last for so great excesse he hasteneth their punishment * The god of the Ammonites a Besides other sinnes of the Moabites their crueltie in dravving the bones of the king of Idumea out of the graue as S. Ierom testifieth by tradition and their king immolating his ovvne sonne 4. Reg. 3. exceeded the rest and therfore vvere at last more seuerely punished b The most heynous sinne in Iuda vvas that hauing the lavv to instruct them they contemned and transgressed it c Israel much more contemned the same lavv of God committed the sinnes of al nations d Sonnes committed incest vvith their fathers vviues the fathers vvith their daughters in lavv vvhich most detestable sinnes must nedes be seuerly punished * puellam Num. 21. Deut. 2.
loaues and fishes Ioan 6. And some real effect Christs blessing must nedes worke also in the blessed Sacrament Mat. 26. VVhich can be no other but changing bread and wine into his bodie bloud seing him selfe expresly sayeth This is my bodie this is my bloud And though Gods blessing in this place be also a precept yet it is not to al men for euer but for the propagation of mankind which being long since abundantly propagared the obligation of the precept ceaseth the cause ceasing So S. Cyprian S. Ierome S. Augustin and other Fathers expound this place And confirme the same by the text for immediatly God signifying to what end he spoke saith and replenish the earth VVhich benig replenished Gods wil is therin fulfilled CHAP. II. The worke of six dayes being finished God rested the seuēth day blessed it 8. Then placing man in paradise planted with bewtiful swete trees witered with foure riuers 16. comandeth him not to eate of the tree of knowledge of good euil 18. formed a woman of a ribbe of Adam THE heauens therfore the earth were fully finished and al the furniture of them † And the seuenth day God ended his woorke which he had made rested “ the seuenth day from al woorke that he had done † And he blessed the seuenth day and sanctified it because in it he had ceased from al his woorke which God created to make † These are the generations of heauen earth when they were created in the day when our Lord God made the heauen and the earth † And euery plant of the filde before it shotvp in the earth And euerie herbe of the ground before it sprang for our Lord God had not rayned vpon the earth and man was not to til the earth † But a spring rose out of the earth watering al the ouermost part of the earth † Our Lord God therfore formed man of the slyme of the earch and breathed into his face the breath oflife man became a liuing soule † And our Lord God had planted a Paradise of pleasure from the beginning wherin he placed man whom he had formed † And our Lord God brought forth of the ground al maner of trees fayre to behold and pleasant to eate of the tree of life also in the middle of Paradise and the tree of knowledge of good euil † And a riuer issued out of the place of pleasure to water Paradise which from thence is diuided into four heades † The name of the one is Phison that is it which compasseth al the land of Heuilath where gold groweth † And the gold of that land is very good there is sound bdelium the stone onyx † And the name of the second riuer is Gehon that is it which compasseth al the land of Ethiopia † And the name of the third riuer is Tygris that same passeth along by the Assirians And the fourth riuer the same is Euphrates † Our Lord God therfore tooke man put him in the Paradise of pleasure to woorke keepe it † And he commanded him saying Of euerie tree of Paradise eate thou † But “ of the tree of knowledge of good euil eate thou not For in what day soeuer thou shalt eate of it “ thou shalt dye the death † Our Lord God also said It is not good for man to be alone let vs make him a helpe like vnto him selfe † Our Lord God therfore hauing formed of clay al beastes of the earth and foules of the ayre brought them to Adam that he might see what to cal them for al that Adam called any liuing creature the same is his name † And Adam called al beastes by their names and al foules of the ayre and al cattel of the filde but vnto Adam there was not found an helper like him selfe † Our Lord God therfore cast a dead sleepe vpon Adam and when he was fast a sleepe he tooke one of his ribbes filled vp flesh for it † And our Lord God built the ribbe which he tooke of Adam into a woman and brought her to Adam † And Adam said This now is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh she shal be called woman because she was taken out of man † Wherfore man shal leaue his father mother shal cleaue to his wife they shal be two in one flesh † And they were both naked to wit Adam his wife and were not ashamed ANNOTATIONS CHAP. II. 2. The seuenth day Al creatures benig made in their kindes in six dayes complete and perfect God not neding as men often do in their workes to perfect poolish or amend the same rested the seuenth day and therfore the natural perfection of Gods workes is attributed to the seventh day and the supernatural perfecting of men in eternal life after the Resurrection is attributed to the eight day as S. Augustin and other fathers teach And for this cause God blessed and sanctifyed the seuenth day and after we haue in the Decalogue or tenne commandments that this day al should rest and abstaine from workes yea and kepe it festiual occupying them selues in spiritual exercises seruice and special worshipe of God as the Iewes did euen til Christs and his Apostles time praying and hearing the word of God read and expounded in the Sabboth day VVherby we see that distinction of dayes pertayneth to Religion the people of God thus obseruing the Sabboth in memorie of the Creation diuers other feastes in memorie of other benefites And we now kepe the Sunday holie in memorie of Christs Resurrection and other feastes in gratful remembrance of other Mysteries of Christs Natiuitie the coming of the Holie Ghost and the like Yea also feastes of his blessed Mother and other Sainctes for the benefites receiued from Christ by them and for more honour to Christ in them So this Catholique obseruation of feastes is neither Iudaical which also in the law was good but now is abrogated nor heathnish for we honour not Iupiter nor Iuno noranie false god or goddesse but our Lord God Creator Redemer for his sake his best seruants VVherof see the Annotations in the English new Testament 4. chap. to the Galathians VVherto we here only adde these wordes of S. Basil VVhich may serue for a general answer to the most common obiection Honor seruorum redundat in commun●m Domin●m The honour of the seruantes redoundeth to the common Lord or Maister So saith he the honour of Sainctes is the honour of Christ their Lord and ours 17. Of the tree of knovvledge Besides the law of nature by which Man was bound to direct al his actions according to the rule of reason and besides the supernatural diuine law by which he was bound to beleue and trust in God and to loue him aboue al things hauing receiued the giftes of faith hope and
other things in the first age were figures of Christs Sacraments the Spirite of God geuing powre to the waters as Tertullian S. Hierom and others expound it and the floud of Noe by S. Peters testimonie were figures of Baptisme Mariage instituted in Paradise is the very paterne of holie Matrimonie a Sacrament in the Church of Christ where one man and one wife are on lie lawful and not more at once in anie wise Christ reforming that which in Moyses law was tolerated for hardnes of mens hartes and for auoyding murther to put away one wife and take an other to this first institution as it was in the beginning two in one flesh not three nor more The repentance of Adam and Eue was a perfect and examplare figure of the Sacrament of Penance First they were ashamed couering their nakednes and hiding them selues which shewed their griefe and sorow for the sinne committed Secondly they confessed their fault and by what meanes it happened For God examining Adam he answered truly and simply saing The woman which thou gauest me to be my companion gaue me of the tree and I did eate Likwise Eue confessed sincerly saying The serpent deceiued me and I did eate Thirdly God gaue them penance besides death before threatned and other penalties annexed that Eue should in paine and trauel bring forth her children and Adam should eate his bread in the sweate of his face And withal cast them forth of Paradise But not forth of his fauoure as appeared by his making them garments of skinnes granting them and their posteritie the rest of the earth to liue and labour in especially to serue him and do penance with admonition to remember that of duct man was made and into dust he shal returne Al which were signes of loue and that finally he would bring them and manie more to eternal saluation The first borne and heades of families were Priests al the time of the law of nature vntil the law being changed God tooke Priests only of the stock of Aaron and the rest of the Leuites to assist them in that function Aaron his sonnes thou shalt appoint saith our Lord ouer the seruice of Priesthood for I haue taken the Leuites of the children of Israel for euerie first borne And ● Paul teacheth that changing of Priesthood and changing of the law goe alwayes together shewing euidently that euerie lawful communitie or commonwealth vnder God hath external Priesthood So that if there had benne no distinct order of external Priesthood in the law of nature or now were none in the law of grace as Protestantes say there is not there were no law at al. See more of this point in the Annotations chap. 7. ad Hebre. Here we only obserue that Abel Seth Enos and other Patriarches were Priestes and exercised priestlie functions yea Cain also was a Priest though a bad one and offered Sacrifice But external offices or ministerie without a wel disposed mind and sincere vertues producing Good workes did neuer iustifie anie man And therfore Cains Sacrifice offered with a peruerse mind was not respected by God as Abels was wherupon he becoming worse and more malicious God sharply reproued his anger and enuie conceiued without iust cause saying If thou doest wel shalt thou not receiue againe but if thou doest il shal not thy sinne forwith be present at the dore clerly shewing that euerie one shal receiue according to his workes This place also euidently sheweth Freewil yea in a wicked man For this expostulation had neuer benne vttered by our most reasonable Lord and Maister if Cain had benne depriued of freewil For he might haue excused himselfe and must needes haue benne holden excused if he had benne forced to do as he did But God charged him as inexcusable and as one that knew or ought to know that he had freewil And doth further inculcate that he had and should haue powre and freewil ouer his concupiscence to correct the same if he would saying The lust therof shal be vnder thee and thou shalt haue domion ouer it So that no sinner be he neuer so wicked much lesse a iust man lacketh freewil yet Luther abhorreth the very word and Caluin wisheth it out of the world Temporal punishment is proued to be due for sinne remitted by that both death and other penalties are inflicted by Gods iustice vpon men after iustification and by the particular punishments laid vpon Adam and Eue confessing their faultes Purgatorie is also proued by the same iustice of God For when anie dieth penitent and yet haue not madeful satisfaction they must suffer for that remaineth after death and be purged before they can enter into rest which remnant of debt our B. Sauiour calleth The last farthing and saith it must be payed The lewes also at this day hold the doctrin of Purgatorie by tradition And consequently they Pray for soules departed not only to God but also to the ancient Patriarches which likewise sheweth Inuocation of Saincts in these wordes Yee fathers which sleepe in Hebron open to him the gates of Eden that is of Paradise which was planted in Eden And Hebron is the place where Adam was buried and his sepulcher religiously conserued in the time of Iosue aboue 1500 yeares after his death The same is the place which Abraham bought and there buried Sara where also him selfe and Isaac and Iacob were buried and to which finally the bodies of the twelue sonnes of Iacob were translated from Sichem As Iosephus writeth And sichem also was specially honored because such persons had benne buried there as S. Hierom witnesseth of his owne knowledge in his time Againe by religious care of burying the dead in this first age Enoch was more certainly knowen to be Translated aliue and not to be dead For the seuentie Interpreters and S. Paul say He was not found which importeth that they sought diligently for him and that his bodie could not be found for God translated him By al which we see mutual offices and communion of good workes amongst good men aliue and dead which is called Cōmunion of Saincts And herein Angels lacked not their offices For God set Cherubins to kepe the gate of Paradise that neither man should enter being iustly expelled for sinne nor diuels as S. Augustin noteth left they should take fruite of the tree of life and geuing it to men allure them to more sinne And now Saincts being exalted to Angels glorie haue like honorable offices towards other men as Angels haue Yea the bloud of Abel vniustly shed by Cain and iustly to be reuenged by God sheweth the peculiar honour which God bestoweth vpon his Saints for their vertues and merites in this life especially in their death For Precious in the sight of our Lord is the
children of Heth answered saying † My lord heare vs thou art a prince of God among vs in our principal sepulchres burie thou thy dead and no man can let thee but that in his owne monument thou mayest burie thy dead † Abraham rose vp and adored the people of the land towit the children of Heth † and he said to them If it please your soule that I burie my dead heare me and be intercessors for me to Ephron the sonne of Seor † that he geue me the duble caue which he hath in the vttermost part of his field for money to the worth therof let him deliuer it to me before you for possession of a sepulchre † And Ephron dwelt in the middest of the children of Heth. And Ephron made answer to Abraham in the hearing of al that went in at the gate of the citie saying † No it shal not be so my lord but thou rather harken to that which I doe say The field I deliuer to thee and the caue that is therin in the presence of the children of my people burie thy dead † Abraham adored before the people of the land † And he spoke to Ephron his people standing round about I beseech thee to heare me I wil geue money for the field take it and so I wil burie my dead in it † And Ephron answered † My lord heare me The ground which thou desirest is worth foure hundred sicles of siluer this is the price between me and thee but how much is this burie thy dead † Which when Abraham had heard he weyed the money that Ephron had asked in the hearing of the children of Heth foure hundred sicles of siluer of common currant money † And the field that before time was Ephrons wherin was the duble caue looking towards Mambre aswel it as the caue and al the trees therof in al the lymits therof round about † was made sure to Abraham for a possession in the sight of the children of Heth and of al that went in at the gate of his citie † And so Abraham buried Sara his wife in the duble caue of the field that looked towards Mambre this is Hebron in the land of Chanaan † And the field was made sure to Abraham and the caue that was in it for a possession to burie in of the Children of Heth. CHAP. XXIIII Abrahams seruant adiured and sent by him into Mesopotamia to seke a wife for Isaac 12. prayeth to God for a signe findeth Rebecca 34. and demanding her for this purpose 50. with her parents 58. and her owne consent she goeth with him 67. is maried to Isaac who therby is comforted for the death of his mother AND Abraham was old and of manie dayes and our Lord had blessed him in al things † And he said to the elder seruant of his house which was ruler ouer al that he had Put thy hand vnder my thighe † that I may adiure thee by our Lord God of heauen and earth that thou take not a wife for my sonne of the daughters of the Cananites among whom I dwel † but that thou goe vnto myne owne countrie and kindred and thence take a wife for my sonne Isaac † The seruant answered If the woman wil not come with me into this land whether must I bring thy sonne backe againe to the place from whence thou didest come forth † And Abraham said Beware thou neuer bring my sonne backe againe thither † Our Lord God of heauen which tooke me out of my fathers house and out of my natiue countrie which spake to me and sware to me saying To thy sede wil I geue this land he shal send his angel before thee and thou shalt take from thence a wife for my sonne † but if the woman wil not folow thee thou shalt not be bound by the oath only bring not my sonne thither againe † The seruant therfore put his hand vnder the thigh of Abraham his lord and sware to him vpon this worde † And he tooke tenne camels of his lords heard and departed of al his goods carying something with him and setting forward went on into Mesopotamia to the citie of Nachor † And when he had made the camels lye downe without the towne beside a wel of water at euen at the time when wemen are wont to come forth to drawe water he said † O Lord God of my lord Abraham mete me to day I beseech thee and doe mercifully with my maister Abraham † Behold I stand nigh to the fountaine of water and the daughters of the inhabiters of this citie wil come forth to drawe water † Therfore “ the maid to whom I shal say Bowe downe thy tankard that I may drinke and she shal answere Drinke yea to thy camels also wil I geue drinke she it is whom thou hast prouided for thy seruant Isaac and by this I shal vnderstand that thou hast delt mercifully with my maister † Neyther had he yet ended these wordes within him selfe behold Rebecca came forth the daughter of Bathuel the sonne of Melcha wife to Nachor the brother of Abraham hauing a tankard on her shoulder † a passing comely maide most beautiful virgin not knowen to man and she was gone downe to the fountaine and had filled her tankard and came backe † And the seruant ranne to mete her and said Geue me a little water to drinke of thy tankard † Who answered Drinke my lord And quickly she let downe the tankard vpon her arme and gaue him drinke † And when he had druncke she added but for thy camels also I wil drawe water til al doe drinke † And powring out the tankard into the troughes she ranne backe to the wel to drawe water and being drawen gaue it to al the camels † But he musing beheld her with silence desirous to know whether our Lord had made his iourney prosperous or not † And after that the camels had drunck the man plucked forth golden earelettes weying two sicles and as manie braceletts of tenne sicles weight † And he said to her whose daughter art thou shew me is there anie place in thy fathers house to lodge † Who answered I am the daughter of Bathuel the sonne of Melcha whom she bare to Nachor † And she added saying Of strawe also and hay we haue good store and a large place to lodge in † The man bowed him selfe and adored our Lord † saying Blessed be the Lord God of my lord Abraham that hath not taken away his mercie truth from my lord and hath brought me the streight way into the house of my lords brother † The maide therfore ranne and reported into her mothers house al things that she had heard And Rebecca had a brother named Laban who in al haist went forth to the man where the fountaine was † And when he had seene the eareletts and braceletts in his sisters hands and had heard al her words reporting These words spake
the thunders may cease and the haile that I may dismisse you and ye tarie not here any longer † Moyses said When I shal be gone forth out of the citie I wil stretch forth my handes to our Lord and the thunders shal cease and the haile shal not be that thou maist know that the earth is our Lords † but I know that neither thou nor thy seruantes do yet feare the Lord God † The flexe therfore and the barley were hurt because the barley came vp grene and the flaxe now was boulled † but the wheate and other winter corne were not hurt because they were late ward † And Moyses going forth from Pharao out of the citie stretched forth his handes to our Lord and the thunders haile ceased neither did there droppe raine any more vpon the earth † And Pharao seing that the raine and the haile and thunders were ceased he increased his sinne † and his hart was aggrauated and the hart of his seruantes and indurate exceedingly neither did he dismisse the children of Israel as our Lord had commanded by the hand of Moyses CHAP. X. The eight plague of Locustes 21. the ninth darknes Pharao yeldeth that al men and children should goe to the desert but not the cattle 28. At last commandeth Moyses to come no more in his sight which Moyses forecelleth shal so be AND our Lord said to Moyses Goe in to Pharao for I haue indurate his hart and the hart of his seruantes that I may worke these my signes in him † and thou maist tel in the eares of thy sonne and of thy nephewes how often I haue broken the Aegyptians wrought my signes in them and you may know that I am the Lord. † Moyses therfore and Aaron went in to Pharao and said to him Thus saith the Lord the God of the Hebrewes Til when wilt thou not be subiect to me dismisse mv people to sacrifice vnto me † But if thou resist and wilt not dismisse them behold I wil bring in to morow the locust into thy coastes † which may couer the face of the earth that nothing therof appeare but that which the haile hath left may be eaten for it shal gnawe al trees that spring in the fieldes † And they shal fil thy houses and the houses of thy seruantes and of al the Aegyptians such a number as thy fathers haue not seene nor grand-fathers since they arose vpon the earth vntil this present day And he turned him selfe away and went forth from Pharao † And Pharaoes seruantes said to him How long shal we endure this scandal Dismisse the men to sacrifice to the Lord their God Doest thou not see that Aegypt is vndone † And they called back Moyses and Aaron vnto Pharao who said to them Goe sacrifice to the Lord your God who are they that shal goe † Moyses said With our young and old we wil goe with our sonnes and daughters with our sheepe and heardes for it is the solemnitie of the Lord our God † And Pharao answered So be the Lord with you as I shal dismisle you and your litle ones who doubteth but that you intend very wickedly † It shal not so be but goe ye men only and sacrifice to the Lord for this your selues also desired And immediatly they were cast out from Pharaoes sight † And our Lord said to Moyses Strech forth thy hand vpon the Land of Aegypt vnto the locust that it come vpon it and deuoure euerie herbe that remained after the haile † And Moyses stretched forth his rodde vpon the Land of Aegypt and our Lord brought in a burning wind al that day night and when it was morning the burning winde raised the locustes † which came vp ouer the whole Land of Aegypt and sate in al the coastes of the Aegyptians innumerable the like as had not bene before that time nor shal be afterward † And they couered the whole face of the earth wasting al thinges Therfore the grasse of the earth was deuoured and what fruites soeuer on the trees which the haile had left there was also nothing at al left that was greene in the trees and in the herbes of the earth in al Aegypt † For the which cause Pharao in hast called Moyses and Aaron and said to them I haue sinned against the Lord your God and against you † But now forgeue me my sinne this time also and pray to the Lord your God that he take away from me this death † And Moyses going forth from Pharaoes sight prayed to our Lord † who made a very vehement wind to blow from the west and taking the locustes it threw them into the Red sea there remained not so much as one in al the coastes of Aegypt † And our Lord did indurate Pharaoes hart neither did he dismisse the children of Israel † And our Lord said to Moyses Stretch for thy hand toward heauen and be there darkenesse vpon the Land of Aegypt so thicke that it be palpable † And Moyses stretched forth his hand toward heauen and there was made horrible darkenesse in the whole Land of Aegypt three dayes † No man saw his brother nor moued himselfe out of the place where he was but wheresoeuer the children of Israel dwelt there was light † And Pharao called Moyses and Aaron and said to them Goe sacrifice to the Lord let your sheepe only and heardes remaine let your litle ones goe with you Moyses said Hostes also holocaustes thou shalt geue to vs which we may offer to the Lord our God † Al the flockes shal goe with vs there shal not a hoofe remaine of them the which are necessarie vnto the seruice of the Lord our God especially wheras we know not what must be offered til we come to the very place † And our Lord did indurate Pharaoes hart and he would not dismisse them † And Pharro said to Moyses Getre thee from me and beware thou see not my face any more in what day soeuer thou shalt come in my sight thou shalt dye † Moyses answered So shal it be as thou hast spoken I wil not see thy face any more CHAP. XI God biddeth Moyses cause the people of Israel to borow siluer and gold vessels of the Aegyptians 4. Fortelleth one other plague the death of the first borne 9. and that Pharao wil stil be obdurate AND our Lord said to Moyses Yet with one plague more wil I touch Pharao Aegypt and after this he shal dismisse you and compel you to goe forth † Thou shalt sav therfore to al the people that euerie man aske of his frend euery woman of her neighbour vessels of siluer of gold † And the Lord wil geue grace to his people in the sight of the Aegyptians And Moyses was a very great man in the Land of Aegypt in the sight of Pharaoes seruantes of al the people † And he said This saith our Lord At midnight
as to one Lord if I haue found grace in thy sight goe not past thy seruant and by and by as to manie VVash yee your feete In like maner Moyses sometimes speaketh plurally as of manie There appeared to him three men they saied VVhere is Sara sometimes singularly He said I wil come So Lot Gen. 19. spake to two Angels representing the Sonne of God and the Holie Ghost one God with the Father first as to manie I besech you my Lordes turne into the house of your seruant after as to one I besech thee my Lord because thy seruant hath found grace before thee VVho likewise answered as one only I haue heard thy prayer Againe Moyses sheweth distinction of Persons in God saying v. 24. Our Lord rained from our Lord. Io● also who liued in this age and his frendes professed and serued the same one God auouching him to be the onlie God and Lord that geueth and taketh away Chap. 1. 2. He the maker and peculiar Keeper of men He that taketh away sinne and iniquitie c. 7. He that doth great things incomprehensible and meruelous wherof there is no number c. 9. And that with termes appropriated to the three diuine Persons c. 26. In his strength sodainly the seas are gathered togeather and with his wisedom he stroke the proud man His Spirite hath adorned the heauens The same Mysterie of pluralitie of Persons in one God is more clere by the Hebrevv text chap. 30. v. 11. and 35. v. 10. where the same actions are ascribed to God as to one and as to manie But most euident are the promises figures and prophecies of Christ our Redemer For besides present abundance of riches promise of great progenie and that the same should possesse the fruitful L●ad of Chanaan three special blessings of the old Testament God promised Abraham a farre greater thing Gen. 12. that in his seede al nations and kindreds of the earth should be blessed In confirmation whereof God also changed his name Abram high or noble father into Abraham Father of manie nations Gen. 17. And so he was natural father of foure great Kingdomes Ismaelites Madianites Idumeans and Israelites but spiritual father of manie more to wit of al that beleue in Christ Iewes and Gentiles from that time to the worlds end The same promises of possessing Chaanan and of Christ vvere renevved and confirmed to Isaac Gen. 26. in like sorte to Iacob 28. for they pertained not to Ismael nor to the other sonnes of Abraham nor to Esau Moreouer Christ our Redemer and deliuerer from sinne and captiuitie of the diuel was prefigured by Abraham at last deliuering those from captiuitie who otherwise endeuoring to shake of the yoke of Cordorlahomor fel further into subiection and bondage Gen. 14. Also Melchisedech King and Priest of vnknowen generation extraordinarie vocation without predecessor or successor prefigured Christ King and Priest for euer who not by successors but by Priests his vicars perpetually exerciseth al Priestlie functions Likewise Isaac borne aboue the common course of nature Gen. 21 singularly beloued of his father carying wood on his back for the sacrificing of himselfe 22. Iacob flying his brother Esau 27. hardly treated by Laban 31. yet alwayes inuincible against his aduersaries 32. Ioseph hated of his brethren sold and deliuered to Gentiles 37. By them also persecuted 39. but afterwardes aduanced and called the Sauiour of the world 41. Iust Iob vehemently afflicted Moyses hidden for a while then exposed to danger and thence deliuered afterwards manifesting him selfe to his brethren by them reiected bewrayed and flying from Pharao Exo. 2. returning againe Exod. 3. 4. c. and at last deliuering the Israelites from bondage of Aegypt Exo 14 And manie other things as the ramme sacrificed in place of Isaac Gen. 22. the ladder of Iacob Gen 28. Iosephs scepter 47. Aarons rodde Exo. 7. Paschal lambe 12. prefigured Christ borne of a Virgin the onlie Sonne of God sometimes hidden other times conuersant with men hated persecuted sold betraied who caried his ovvne crosse was sacrificed vanquished al his enimies aduanced and acknowledged the true Sauiour of the world Redemer and deliuerer of mankind from seruitude slauerie thraldome and bondage of sinne death and the diuel Againe Abraham prophecied that of his seede Christ our Sauiour should be borne when he saied to his seruant Gen. 24. Put thy hand vnder my thigh that I may adiure thee by our Lord God of heauen earth that is by Christ who should come of his loynes as S. Hierom Tradit Heb. in Gen. et explic Psal 44. S. Ambrose li. 1. c. 9. de Abraham and S. Augustin q. 62. in Gen. et li. 16. c. 33. ciuit expound it More euidently Iacob Gen. 49. The scepter shal not be taken away from Iudas and a duke of his thigh til he do come that is to be sent and the same shal be the expectation of the Gentiles Iob as planely I know that my redemer liueth Moyses foreknowing that Christ the true Redemer and chiefe Lawgiuer should be sent praied God to hasten his mission saying I besech thee Lord send whom thou wilt send Exod. 4. External Sacrifice was frequent and solemne as the soueraigne homage to God And manie Altares erected by Abraham for that purpose Gen. 12. 13. 15. 22. Vnbloudie in bread and wine by Melchisdech Gen. 14. other liquide sacrifices Gen. 35. v. 14 offered by Iacob with dedication of the place called Bethel the house of God which he also before hand promised by vow Gen 28. Diuers other Sacrifices offered by Isaac and Iacob Gen 26. 31. 33. 36. By Iob and his frends Iob. 1. 42. by Moyses Aaron and other ancients of Israel Exod. 12. Al which consequently shew Priesthood whose proper office is to offer Sacrifice though amongst al the aboue named onlie Melchisedech was called a Priest And among the gentiles we finde that Putiphar Gen. 41. and Iethro Ex. 3. whose daughters Ioseph and Moyses maried were called Priests or as the word Cohenim doth also signifie Princes for they were great and eminent men in their countries At least those that by special priuilege were exempted from selling their landes to Pharao and had not withstanding prouision of mantenance in time of dearth Gen. 47. were properly called Priests for such function as they had in seruing their idols For where vvas true and right Sacrifice there vvere also right Priests and vvhere Idololatrical sacrifice there were like Priests and vvhere no external sacrifice at al as amongst Protestants there are no Priests but ministers only In this age also long before Moyses the Sacrament of Circumcision vvas giuen to Abraham for distinction of Gods selected and peculiar people and for remedy of original sinne in the male sexe of Abrahams seede and others of his communitie In the other sexe and other generations former remedies of sacrifice or other
is other mens the best of whatsoeuer he hath in his owne field or in his vineyard he shal restore according to the estimation of the damage † If fire breaking forth light vpon the thornes and catch stackes of corne or corne standing in the fieldes he shal render the damage that kindled the fire † If a man committe money or vessel vnto his frend to keepe and they be stolen away from him that receaued them if the theefe be found he shal restore duble † if the theefe be not knowen the maister of the house shal be brought to the goddes and shal sweare that he did not extend his hand vpon his neighbours good † to doe any fraud as wel in oxe as in asse and sheepe and rayment and whatsoeuer may bring damage the cause of both parties shal come to the goddes and if they geue iudgement he shal restore duble to his neighbour † If a man committee asse oxe sheepe or any beast to his neigbours custodie and it die or be hurt or be taken of enemies and no man saw † there shal be an oath betwen them that he did not put forth his hand to his neighbours good and the owner shal admitte the oath and he shal not be compelled to make restitution † But if it were taken away by stelth he shal restore the damage to the owner † If it were eaten of a beast let him bring vnto him that which was slaine and he shal not make restitution † He that asketh of his neighbour to borow any of these thinges and it be hurt or dead the owner being not present he shal be compelled to make restitution † But if the owner be present he shal not make restitution especially if it were hired and came for the hire of the same † If a man seduce a virgin being not yet despoused and lie with her he shal endowe her and haue her to wife † If the virgins father wil not geue her he shal geue money according to the maner of the dowrie which virgins are wont to receaue † Inchanters thou shalt not suffer to liue † He that lieth with a brute beast dying let him die † He that sacrificeth to goddes shal be put to death but to the Lord only † Thou shalt not molest a stranger nor afflict him for your selues also were strangers in the Land of Aegypt † A widow and an orphane you shal not hurt † If you hurt them they wil crie out to me and I wil heare their crie † and my furie shal take indignation and I wil strike you with the sword and your wiues shal be widowes and your children orphanes † If thou lend money to my people being poore that dwelleth with thee thou shalt not vrge them as an exactour nor oppresse them with vsuries † If thou take of thy neighbour a garment in pledge thou shalt geue it him againe before sunne sette † For that same is the onlie thing wherwith he is couered the clothing of his bodie neither hath he other to sleepe in if he the goddes and the prince of thy people thou shalt not curse † Thy tithes and thy first fruites thou shalt not slacke to pay the first-borne of thy sonnes thou shalt geue me † Of thy oxen also sheepe thou shalt doe in like maner seuen dayes let it be with the damme the eight day thou shalt render it to me † Holie men you shal be to me the flesh that beastes haue tasted of before you shal not eate but shal cast it to the dogges CHAP. XXIII Lawes are appointed to Iudges the enemies oxe or asse to be saued 8. namely not to take bribes 10. The seuenth yeare and day al must rest 14. Three principal feastes must be solemnized euerie yeare 20. Conduction and protection of an Agel is promised 24. the people is agane commanded to destroy Idols 29. VVhy their enemies shal be destroyed by litle and litle THOV shalt not admitte a lying voice neither shalt thou ioyne thy hand to say false testimonie for a wicked person † Thou shalt not folow the multitude to doe euil neither shalt thou in iudgement argree to the sentence of the most part to stray from the truth † The poore man also thou shalt not pitie in iudgement † If thou meete thy enemies oxe or asse going astray bring it backe to him † If thou see the asse of him that hareth thee lye vnderneth his burden thou ●halt not passe by but shalt li●t him vp with the same † Thou shalt not decline the poore mans iudgement † A lye thou shalt auoide The innocent and iust person thou shal not put to death because I abhorre the impious man † Neither shalt thou take bribes which doe blind also the wise and peruert the wordes of the iust † The stranger thou shalt not molest for you know the hartes of strangers because your selues also were strangers in the Land of Aegypt † Six yeares thou shalt sow thy ground and shalt gather the corne therof † But the seuenth yeare thou shalt let it alone and make it to rest that the poore of thy people may eate and whatsoeuer shal be leift let the beastes of the field eate it so shalt thou doe in thy vineyard and thy oliuete † Six dayes thou shalt worke the seuenth day thou shalt cease that thy oxe may rest and thine asse and the sonne of thy handmaide may be refreshed and the stranger † Kepe al thinges that I haue said to you And by the name of foren goddes you shal not sweare neither shal it be heard out of your mouth † Three times euerie yeare you shal celebrate feastes to me † Thou shalt keepe the solemnitie of Azymes Seuen dayes shalt thou ●a●e azymes as I commanded thee in the time of the moneth of new corne when thou didst come forth out of Aegypt thou shalt not appeare in my sight emprie † And the solemnitie of the haruest of the first fruites of thy worke whatsoeuer thou didst sow in the field The solemnitie also in the end of the yeare when thou hast gathered al thy corne out of the field † Thrise a yeare shal al thy male sexe appeare before the Lord thy God † Thou shalt not sacrifice the bloud of my victime vpon leu●n neither shal the fatte of my solemnitie remaine vntil the morning † The first fruites of the corne of thy ground thou shalt carrie into the house of the Lord thy God Thou shalt not boyle a kidde in the milke of his damme † Behold I wil send myne Angel which shal goe before thee and keepe thee in thy iourney and bring thee into the place that I haue prepared † Obserue him and heare his voice neither doe thou thinke him one to be contemned for he wil not forgeue when thou hast sinned and my name is in him † But i● thou wilt heare his voice and doe al that I speake I wil be enemie to
murder by death Exod. 21. v. 12. partly with alteration as by punishing theift in some countries with death but not adultrie which were contrarie in the old Testament Gen. 38. v. 24. 44. 17. Exod. 22. v. 1. Leuit. 20. v. 10 in like sorte the Church of Christ ordaineth lawes altereth vpon iust occasions dispenceth in al degrees of consanguinitie and affinitie not forbid by the law of nature CHAP. XIX Diuers Moral Ceremonial and Iudicial precepts are briefly recited OVR Lord spake to Moyses saying † Speake to al the assemblie of the children of Israel and thou shalt say to them Be ye holie because I the Lord your God am holie † Let euerie one feare his father and mother Keepe my Sabbathes I the Lord your God † Turne not your selues to idols neither make you to your selues molten goddes I the Lord your God † If ye immolate an hoste of pacifiques to the Lord that it may be placable † that day wherin it is immolated shal you eate it and the next day and whatsoeuer shal be left vntil the third day you shal burne with fire † if after two daies anie man eate therof he shal be profane and guiltie of impietie † and shal beare his iniquitie because he hath polluted the holie of the Lord and that soule shal perish out of his people † And when thou reapest the corne of thy lande thou shalt not sheare the face of the earth to the verie ground neither shalt thou gather the eares that remaine † Neither in thy vineyard shalt thou gather the clusters and grapes that fal downe but shalt leaue them to the poore and the strangers to take I the Lord your God † You shal not committe theft You shal not lie neither shal anie man deceaue his neighbour † Thou shalt not forsweare thy self in my name nor pollute the name of thy God I the Lord. † Thou shalt not calumniate thy neighbour nor oppresse him by violence The worke of thy hireling shal not abide with thee vntil morning † Thou shalt not speake euil of the deafe man nor put a stumbling blocke before the blinde but thou shalt feare the Lord thy God because I am the Lord. † Thou shalt not doe that which is vniust nor iudge vniustly Consider not the person of a poore man neither honour thou the countenance of him that is mightie Iudge iustly to thy neighbour † Thou shalt not be a criminatour nor a whisperer among the people Thou shalt not stand against the bloud of thy neighbour I the Lord. † Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thy hart but controwle him openly lest thou incurre sinne through him † Seeke not reuenge nor be mindeful of the iniurie of thy citizens Thou shal● loue thy freind as thy self I the Lord. † Keepe ve my lawes Thou shalt not make thy cattel to gender with the beasts of an other kinde Thy field thou shalt not sowe with diuers seede A garment that is wouen of two sortes thou shalt not put on † If a man lie with a woman by carnal copulation that is a bondwoman also mariable and yet not redemed with a price nor made free both shal be beaten and they shal not die because she was not free † And for his offence he shal offer to the Lord at the dore of the tabernacle of testimonie a ramme † and the priest shal pray for him and for his sinne before the Lord and he shal become propitious to him againe and the sinne shal be forgeuen † When you shal be entred into the land and haue planted in it fruite trees you shal take away the prepuces of them the fruite that come forth shal be vncleane to you neither shal you eate of them † But in the fourth yeare al their fruite shal be sanctified laudable to the Lord. † And the fifth yeare you shal eate the fruites gathering the ofspring that they bring forth I the Lord your God † You shal not eate with bloud You shal not diuine nor obserue dreames † Neither shal you cut your heare roundwise nor shaue your beard † And for the dead you shal not cut your flesh neither shal you make in your selues any figures or markes I the Lord. † Make not thy daughter a common strumpet lest the land be contamined and filled with wickednesse † Keepe ye my Sabbathes and feare my Sanctuarie I the Lord. † Decline not to magicians neither aske any thing of soothsayers to be polluted by them I the Lord your God † Before the hoare head rise vp and honour the person of an old man and feare the Lord thy God I am the Lord. † If a stranger dwel in your land and abide among you doe not vpbraid him † but let him be among you as the same countrie man and you shal loue him as your selues for you also haue bene strangers in the Land of Aegypt I the Lord your God † Do not anie vniust thing in iudgement in rule in weight or measure † Let the balance be iust and the weightes equal the busheliust and the sextarie equal I the Lord your God that brought you out of the Land of Aegypt † Keepe al my preceptes and al my iudgements doe them I the Lord. CHAP. XX. VVhosoeuer geueth of his seede to Moloch must be stoned to death 6 Althat decline to Magicke 9. eurse their parents 10. commit ad●ltri● certaine incest or bestialitie shal die 19. Other incest is depriued of children 22. The Israelites also shal be cast out of the Land if they committe such AND our Lord spake to Moyses saying † These thinges thou shalt speake to the children of Israel If anie man of the children of Israel and of the strangers that dwel in Israel geue of his seede to the idol Moloch dying let him die the people of the land shal stone him † And I wil set my face against him and wil cut him of from the middes of his people because he hath geuen of his seede to Moloch and hath contaminated my Sanctuarie and polluted my holy name † And if the people of the land neglecting and as it were litle esteming my commandement let alone the man that hath geuen of his seede to Moloch and wil not kil him † I wil sette my face vpon that man and his kinred and wil cut of both him and al that consented with him to committe fornication with Moloch out of the middes of their people † The soule that shal decline to Magitians and south sayers and shal committe fornication with them I wil sette my face against it and destroy it out of the middes of his people † Sanctifie your selues and be holie because I am the Lord your God † Keepe my precepts and doe them I the Lord that sanctifie you † He that curseth his father or mother dying let him die he hath cursed father and mother his bloud be vpon him † If any man commit adulterie with an other mans
Your carcasses shal lie in the wildernesse † Your children shal wander in the desert fourtie yeares and shal beare your fornication vntil the carcasses of their fathers be consumed in the desert † according to the number of the fourtie daies wherin you viewed the Land a yeare shal be reputed for a day And fourtie yeares you shal receiue your iniquities and shal know my reuenge † for as I haue spoken so wil I doe to al this wicked multitude that hath risen togeather against me in this wildernesse shal it faile and die † Therfore al the men whom Moyses had sent to view the Land and which returning had made al the multitude to murmur against him detracting from the Land that it was naught † died and were stroken in the sight of our Lord. † But Iosue the sonne of Nun and Caleb the sonne of Iephone liued of al them that had gone to view the Land † And Moyses spake al these wordes to al the children of Israel and the people mourned excedingly † And behold very early in the morning rising they went vp to the toppe of the mountaine and said We are readie to goe vp to the place wherof our Lord hath spoken for we haue sinned † To whom Moyses said Why transgresse you the word of our Lord which shal not suceede prosperousely with you † Goe not vp for our Lord is not with you lest you fal before your enemies † The Amalecite and the Chananeite are before you by whose sword you shal fal for that you would not consent to our Lord neither wil our Lord be with you † But they being blinded went vp to the toppe of the mountaine But the arke of the testament of our Lord Moyses departed not from the campe † And the Amalecite came downe and the Cananeite that dwelt in the mountaine and striking and hewing them pursewed them as farre as Horma CHAP. XV. Certaine precepts concerning Sacrifices 17. and first fruites are repeted 22. also touching different punishment of sinne comitted by ignorance and by set wilfulnes 32. and accordingly one is stoned to death for gathering stickes on the Sabbath day 37. Al are commanded to carie a signe in their garments therby to remember the commandments of God AND our Lord spake to Moyses saying † Speake to the children of Israel and thou shalt say to them When you shal be entred into the Land of your habitation which I wil geue you † and shal make oblation to the Lord for an holocaust or victime paying vowes or voluntarily offering giftes or in your solemnities burning a sweete sauour vnto the Lord of oxen or of sheepe † whosoeuer immolateth the victime shal offer a sacrifice of flowre the tenth part of an ephi tempered with oyle which shal haue in measure the fourth part of an ●in † and wine of the same measure to powre the libamentes shal he geue for the holocaust or for the victime For euerie lambe † and ramme there shal be a sacrifice of flowre of two tenthes which shal be tempered with oile the third part of an hin † and wine for the libamente the third part of the same measure shal he offer for a sweete sauour to the Lord. † But when thou makest an holocaust or hoste of oxen to fulfil thy vow or for pacifique victimes † thou shalt geue for euerie oxe three tenthes of flowre tempered with oile which shal haue halfe the measure of a hin † ●nd wine to powre libamentes of the same measure for an oblation of most sweete sauour to the Lord. † So shalt thou doe † for euerie oxe and ramme and lambe and buckegoate † As wel they that are borne in the countrie as the strangers † after one rite shal offer sacrifices † There shal be al one precept and iudgement as wel to your selues as to the strangers of the land † Our Lord spake to Moyses saying † Speake to the children of Israel and thou shalt say to them † When you are come into the land which I wil geue you † and shal eate of the breades of that countrie you shal separate first fruites to the Lord † of your meates As of your barne floores you separate first fruites † so of your pastes shal you geue first fruites to the Lord. † And if through ignorance you omitte any of these thinges which the Lord hath spoken to Moyses † and by him hath commanded you from the day that he beganne to command and so forward † and the multitude haue forgotten to do it they shal offer a calfe out of the heard an holocauste for a most sweete sauour to the Lord and the sacrifice and libamentes therof as the ceremonies require and a buckegoate for sinne † and the priest shal pray for al the multitude of the children of Israel and it shal be forgeuen them because they sinned not wittingly offering notwithstanding burnt sacrifice to the Lord for them selues and for their sinne and errour † and it shal be forgeuen al the people of the children of Israel and the strangers that seiourne among them because it is the fault of al the people through ignorance † But if one soule shal sinne vnwitting he shal offer a she goate of a yeare old for his sinne † and the priest shal pray for him because he sinned vnwitting before the Lord and he shal obteine him pardon and it shal be forgeuen him † As wel to them that are borne in the countrie as to the strangers one law shal be for al that sinne by ignorance † But the soule that through pride committeth any thing whether he be borne in the countrie or a stranger because he hath bene rebellious against the Lord shal perish out of his people † for he hath contemned the word of the Lord and made his precept of no effect therfore shal he be destroyed and shal beare his iniquitie † And it came to passe when the children of Israel were in the wildernesse and had found a man gathering slickes on the Sabbath day † they presented him to Moyses and Aaron and the whole multitude † Who shut him into prison not knowing what they should doe with him † And our Lord said to Moyses dying let this man die let al the multitude stone him without the campe † And when they had brought him out they stoned him and he died as our Lord had commanded † Our Lord also said to moyses † Speake to the children of Israel and thou shalt say to them that they make them selues fringes in the corners of their garmentes putting in them ribandes of hyacinth † which when they shal see they may remēber al the commandements of the Lord and not folow their owne cogitations and eies fornicating after diuers thinges † but rather mindful of the preceptes of the Lord may do them and be holie to their God † I the Lord your God that brought you out of the Land of Aegypt that I
might be your God CHAP. XVI Core and his complices making schisme against Moyses and Aaron 31. some are swalowed in the earth with their families and substance 35. other two hundred and fiftie offering incense 41. and fourtene thousand seuen hundred of the common people murmuring in behalfe of the sedicious are consumed with fire from heauen AND behold Core the sonne of Isaar the sonne of Caath the sonne of Leui and Dathan and Abiron the sonnes of Eliab Hon also the sonne of Pheleth of the children of Ruben † “ rose against Moyses and other of the children of Israel two hundred fiftie men princes of the synagogue and which in the time of assemblie were called by name † And when they had stoode vp against Moyses and Aaron they said Let it suffice you that al the multitude consisteth of holie ones and our Lord is among them Why lift you vp your selues aboue the people of our Lord † Which when Moyses had heard he fel flatte on his face † and speaking to Core and al the multitude he said In the morning our Lord wil make it knowne who pertaine to him and the holie the wil ioyne to him selfe and whom he shal choose they shal approch to him † This do therfore Take euerie man their censars thou Core and al thy councel † and taking fire in them to morrow put vpon it incense before our Lord and whom soeuer he shal choose the same shal be holie you do much exalt your selues ye sonnes of Leui. † And he said againe to Core Heare ye sonnes of Leui † Is it a smal thing vnto you that the God of Israel hath separated you from al the people and ioyned you to him selfe that you should serue him in the seruice of the tabernacle and should stand before the ful assemblie of the people and should minister to him † did he therfore make thee and al thy brethren the sonnes of Leui to approch vnto him that you should chalenge vnto you the priesthood also † and al thy companie should stand against our Lord for what is Aaron that you murmur against him † Moyses therfore sent to cal Dathan and Abiron the sonnes of Eliab Who answered We come not † Why is it a smal matter to thee that thou hast brought vs out of a land that folowed with milke and honie to kil vs in the desert vnles thou rule also like a lord ouer vs † In deede hast thou brought vs into a land that floweth with riuers of milke and honie hast thou geuen vs possessions of fieldes vineyardes What wilt thou plucke out our eies also We come not † Moyses therfore being very wrath said to our Lord Respect not their sacrifices thou knowest that I haue not taken of them so much as a little asse at anie time neither haue afflicted anie of them † And he said to Core Thou and al thy congregation stand ye apart before our Lord and Aaron to morrow apart † Take euerie one your censars and put incense vpon them offering to our Lord two hundred fiftie censars Let Aaron also hold his censar † Which when they had done Moyses and Aaron standing † and had heaped together al the multitude against them to the dore of the tabernacle the glorie of our Lord appeared to them al. † And our Lord speaking to Moyses and Aaron said † Separate your selues from the middes of this congregation that I may sodenly destroy them † Who felilatte on their face and said Most mightie God of the spirites of al flesh when one sinneth shal thy wrath rage against al † And our Lord said to Moyses † Command the whole people that they separate them selues from the tabernacles of Core and Dathan and Abiron † And Moyses arose and went to Dathan and Abiron and the ancientes of Israel folowing him † he said to the multitude Depart from the tabernacles of the impious men and touch not the thinges that pertaine to them lest you be wrapped in their sinnes † And when they were departed from their tentes round about Dathan and Abiron coming forth stood in the entrie of their pauilions with their wiues and children and al the multitude † And Moyses said In this you shal know that our Lord hath sent me to do al thinges that you see and that I haue not forged them of my owne mind † If they die the accustomed death of men and if the plague wherwith others also are wont to be visited do visite them out Lord did not send me † but if our Lord do a new thing that the earth opening her mouth swallow them downe al thinges that pertaine to them and they descend quicke into hel you shal know that they haue blasphemed our Lord. † Immediatly therfore as he ceased to speake the earth brake insunder vnder their feete † and opening her mouth deuoured them with their tabernacles al their substance † and they went downe into hel quicke couered with the ground and perished out of the middes of the multitude † But al Israel that stoode round about fled at the cric of them that perished saying Lest perhappes the earth swallow vs also † But a fire also coming forth from our Lord slew the two hundred fiftie men that offered the incense † And our Lord spake to Moyses saying † Command El●zar the sonne of Aaron the priest that he take vp the censars that lie in the burning fire and that he sprinkle the fire hither and thither because they be sanctified † in the deathes of the sinners and let him beate them into plates and fasten them to the altar because there hath bene offered incense in them to the Lord and they are sanctified that the children of Israel may see them for a signe and a monument † Eleazar therfore the priest tooke the brasen censars wherin they had offered whom the burning fire deuoured and bette them into plates fastening them to the altar † that the children of Israel afterward might haue wherwith to be admonished that no stranger approch and he that is not of the seede of Aaron to offer incense to our Lord lest he suffer as Core hath suffered and al his congregation according as our Lord spake to Moyses † And al the multitude of the children of Israel murmured the day folowing against Moyses and Aaron saying You haue killed the people of our Lord. † And when there rose a sedition and the tumult grew farder † Moyses and Aaron fled to the tabernacle of couenant Which after they were entred the cloude couered it and the glorie of our Lord appeared † And our Lord said to Moyses † Depart from the middes of this multitude euen now wil I destroy them And as they lay vpon the ground † Moyses said to Aaron Take the censar and drawing fire from the altar put incense vpon it going quickly to the people to pray for them for euen now is the wrath come forth
was dead mourned vpon him thirtie daies throughout al their families CHAP. XXI Israelites at the first encounter with the Chananeites hauing the worse after their vow kil the King of Arad and destroy his cities 4. The people againe murmuring are stricken with firie serpents 7. but confessing their fault Moyses by Gods commandment setteth vp a brasen serpent for a remedie 10. They march through diuers places 17. and sing a Canticle at a wel which God gaue them 21. They kil Sehon King of the Amorreites and conquer his land 33. Likwise Og King of Basan VVHICH when the Chananeite king of Arad who dwelt toward the south had heard to wit that Israel was come by the way of the spies he fought against them and being victour he tooke the pray of them † But Israel binding himself by vow to our Lord said If thou wilt deliuer this people into my hand I wil destroy their cities † And our Lord heard the prayers of Israel and deliuered the Chananeite whom they slew ouerthrowing their cities and they called the name of that place Horma that is to say Anathema † And they marched also from the mountaine Hor by the way that leadeth to the Redde sea that they might compasse the land of Edom. And the people began to be wearie of the iourney and labour † and speaking against God and Moyses they said Why didst thou bring vs out of Aegypt to die in the wildernesse There wanteth bread waters there are none our soule now lotheth at this most light meate † Wherfore our Lord sent vpon the people firie serpentes at whose plagues and the deathes of verie manie † they came to Moyses and said We haue sinned because we haue spoken against our Lord and thee Pray that he take from vs the serpentes And Moyses prayed for the people † and our Lord spake to him Make a brasen serpent and sette in for a signe he that being striken looketh on it shal liue † Moyses therfore made A BRASEN SERPENT and set it for a signe whom when they that were striken looked on they were healed † And the children of Israel marching camped in Oboth † Whence departing they pitched their tentes in Ieabarim in the wildernesse that looketh toward Moab against the east part † And remouing from thence they came to the Torrent Zared † Which they forsaking camped against Arnon which is in the desert standeth out in the borders of the Amorrheite For Arnon is the border of Moab diuiding the Moabites the Amorrheites † Wherof it is said in the booke of the warres of our Lord As he did in the Redde sea so wil he doe in the streames of Arnon † The rockes of the torrentes were bowed that they might rest in Ar and lie in the borders of the Moabites † From that place appeared the wel wherof our Lord spake to Moyses Gather the people together and I wil geue them water † Then Israel sang this verse Arise the wel They sang therto † The wel which the princes digged and the captaines of the multitude prepared in the law geuer and in their staues And they marched from the wildernesse to Mathana † From Mathana vnto Nahaliel from Nahaliel vnto Bamoth † From Bamoth is a valley in the countrie of Moab in the toppe of Phasga which looketh toward the desert † And Israel sent messengers to Sehon King of the Amorrheites saying † I besech thee that I may haue licence to passe through thy land we wil not goe aside into the fieldes and the vineyardes we wil not drinke waters of the welles we wil goe the kinges high way til we be past thy borders † Who would not grant that Israel should passe by his borders but rather gathering an armie went forth to meete them in the desert and came vnto Iasa and fought against them † Of whom he was strooken in the edge of the sword and his land was possessed from Arnon vnto Ieboc and to the children of Ammon for the borders of the Ammonites were kept with a strong garrison † Israel therfore tooke al his cities and dwelt in the cities of the Amorrheite to wit in Hesebon and the villages therof † The citie Hesebon was Sehons the king of the Amorrheite who fought against the king of Moab and tooke al the land that had bene of his dominion as farre as Arnon † Therfore it is said in the prouerbe Come into Hesebon let the citie of Sehon be built and erected † A fire went forth from Hesebon a flame from the towne of Sehon and deuoured Ar of the Moabites and the inhabitantes of the high places of Arnon † Wo to thee Moab thou art vndone people of Chamos He hath geuen his sonnes into flight and his daughters into captiuitie to Sehon the King of the Amorrheites † Their yoke is perished from Hesebon vnto Dibo● they came wearie into Nophe and vnto Medaba † Israel therfore dwelt in the Land of the Amorrheite † And Moyses sent some to take a view of lazer Whose villages they tooke and possessed the inhabitantes † And they turned them selues and went vp by the way of Basan and Og the King of Basan came against them with al his people to fight in Edrai † And our Lord said to Moyses Feare him not for into thy hand I haue deliuered him and al his people and land and thou shalt doe to him as thou didst to Sehon the King of the Amorrheites the inhabiter of Hesebon † They therfore smote him also With his sonnes and al his people vnto vtter destruction and they possessed his land CHAP. XXII Balac King of Moab fearing the Israelites sendeth for Balaam a souths●●●r to curse them 8. VVho consulting his false god is forbid by God almightie to goe and so excuseth him self 15. Balac sendeth againe offering greater reward 19. he againe consulteth and God bidd●th him goe 〈◊〉 but sendeth an Angel to meete him in the way whom his asse seing hu●neth three times and so often he beateth her 28. then she speaketh expostulating his hard vsage 31. he also seeth the Angel 35. and is chargeg ● speake nothing but that the Angel shal suggest AND marching forward they camped in the champion countrie of Moab where Iericho is situated beyond Iordan † And Balac the sonne of Sephor seeing al thinges that Israel had done to the Amorrheite † and that the Moabites were in greate feare of him and could not susteyne his assault † he said to the elders of Madian So wil this people destroy al that dwel in our coastes as the ox● is wont to eate the grasse vnto the verie rootes And he was at the same time King in Moab † He sent therfore messengers to Balaam the sonne of Behor a Southsayer who dwelt vpon the riuer of the land of the children of Ammon to cal him and to say Behold a people is come out of Aegypt that hath couered the face of the earth sitting against me
speake ought els but that which the Lord commandeth † Balac therfore said Come with me into an other place whence thou mayest see part of Israel and canst not see the whole from thence curse them † And when he had brought him into a high place vpon the toppe of the mountaine Phasga Balaam builded seuen altares laying thereon calues and rammes † he said to Balac Stand here beside thy holocaust whiles I goe to meete him † Whom when our Lord had mette and had put the word in his mouth he said Returne to Balac and thus thou shalt speake to him † Returning he found him standing beside his holocauste and the princes of the Moabites with him To whom Balac said What hath the Lord spoken † But he taking vp his parable said Stand Balac and harken heare thou sonne of Sephor † God is not as man that he may lie nor as the sonne of man that he may be changed Hath he said then and wil he not doe hath he spoken and wil he not fulfil † I was brought to blesse the blessing I am not able to stay † There is no Idol in Iacob neither is there simulachre to be seene in Israel The Lord his God is with him and the sound of the victorie of the king in him † God hath brought him out of Aegypt whose strength is like to the vnicorne † There is no South saying in Iacob nor diuination in Israel In their times it shal be said to Iacob and Israel what God hath wrought † Behold the people shal rise vp as a lionesse and as a lion shal raise it self It shal not lie downe til it deuoure the pray and drinke the bloud of the slaine † And Balac said to Balaam neither curse nor blesse him † And he said Did I not tel thee that whatsoeuer God should command me that would I doe † And Balac said to him Come and I wil bring thee to an other place if happely it please God that thence thou mayest curse them † And when he had brought him vpon the toppe of the mountaine Phogor which looketh to the wildernesse † Balaam said to him Build me here seuen altares and prepare as manie calues and rammes of the same number † Balac did as Balaam had said and he laide the calues and the rammes on euerie altar CHAP. XXIIII Balaam forced by the euidence of truth though not conuerted in wil to serue God whom he confesseth to be omnipotent prophecieth stil more good of Israel 10. wherefore Balac interrupteth him and he answereth plainly that God almightie wil haue it so 15. And so proceeding he prophecieth of CHRIST 20. Also of Amalacheites Cineites and Italians AND when Balaam had seene that it pleased our Lord that he should blesse Israel he went not as before he had gone to seeke Southsaying but directing his countenance against the desert † and lifting vp his eies he saw Israel abiding in their tentes by their tribes and the spirit of God coming vehemently vpon him † taking vp his parable he said Balaam the sonne of Beor hath said The man hath said whose eye is stopped † The hearer of the wordes of God hath said he that hath beholden the vision of the Omnipotent he that falleth and so his eies are opened † How beautiful are thy tabernacles ô Iacob and thy tentes ô Israel † As wooddie valleis as watered gardens beside the riuers as tabernacles which the Lord hath pitched as cedres by the waters side † Water shal flow out of his bucket and his seede shal be into manie waters For Agag shal his king be taken away and his kingdom shal be taken away † God hath brought him out of Aegypt whose strēgth is like to the rhinocerote They shal deuoure nations his enimies and breake their bones and pearce them with arrowes † Lying he hath slept as a lion and as a lionesse whom none shal be bold to rayse vp He that blesseth thee him self also shal be blessed he that curseth thee shal be reputed accurst † And Balac being angrie against Balaam clapping his handes together said To curse mine enemies I called thee whom thou contrariewise hast blessed the third time † returne to thy place I was determined verily to honour thee magnifically but the Lord hath depriued thee of the honour appointed † Balaam made answer to Balac did I not say to thy messengers whom thou didst send to me † If Balac would geue me his house ful of siluer and gold I can not passe the word of the Lord my God to vtter of my owne minde either any good or euil but whatsoeuer the Lord shal say that wil I speake † But yet going to my people I wll geue thee counsel what thy people shal doe to this people in the last time † Therfore taking vp his parable againe he said Balaam the sonne of Beor hath said The man whose eye is stopped hath said † the hearer of the wordes of God hath said who knoweth the doctrine of the Highest and seeth the visions of the Omnipotent who falling hath his eies opened † I shal see him but not now I shal behold him but not neere A STARRE SHAL RISE out of Iacob and a rodde shal arise from Israel and shal strike the dukes of Moab and shal waist al the children of Seth. † And Idumea shal be his possession the inheritance of Seir shal come to their enemies but Israel shal doe manfully † Of Iacob shal he be that shal rule and shal destroy the remaines of the citie † And when he had seene Amalec taking vp his parable he said Amalec the beginning of Gentiles whose latter endes shal be destroyed † He saw also the Cineite and taking vp his parable he said Thy habitation in deede is strong but if thou build thy nest in a rocke † and thou be chosen of the stocke of Cin how long shalt thou be able to continew For Assur shal take thee † And taking vp his parable againe he spake Alas who shal liue when God shal doe these thinges † They shal come in galleies from Italie they shal ouercome the Assyrians and shal waist the Hebrewes and at the last them selues also shal perish † And Balaam rose and returned into his place Balac also returned the way that he came CHAP. XXV By carnal fornication manie are drawen to spiritual For which twentie foure thousand are slaine 10. Phinees his Zele in stabbing to death two fornicators is commended by God and rewarded AND Israel at that time abode in Settim and the people fornicated with the daughters of Moab † who called them to their sacrifices And they did eate and adore their goddes † And Israel was professed to Beelphegor and our Lord being angtie † said to Moyses Take al the princes of the people and hang them vp against the sunne on gibbettes that my furie may be auerted from Israel † And Moyses said to the Iudges of Israel
are they whom our Lord commanded to diuide the Land of Chanaan to the children of Israel CHAP. XXXV Cities and suburbes are appointed for the Leuites among the other tribes 6. Of which six shal be for refuge of such as vnwittingly kil anie man 22. where keping them selues til the death of the high Priest they shal be safe 30. VVilful murtherers conuicted so it be by more then one witnes must die forthwith THESE thinges also spake our Lord to Moyses in the champion countries of Moab vpon Iordan against Iericho † Command the children of Israel that they geue vnto the Leuites of their possessions † cities to dwel in and their suburbes round about that them selues may abide in the townes and the suburbes may be for their cattel and beastes † which from the walles of the cities outward round about shal reach the space of a thousand paces † Toward the East shal be two thousand cubites and toward the South in like manner shal be two thousand toward the sea also which looketh to the West shal be the same measure and the North part shal be limitted with equal boundes And the cities shal be in the middes and the suburbes without † And of the same townes which you shal geue to the Leuites six shal be separated for the ayde of fugitiues that he may flee to them which hath shed bloud and beside these other fourtie two townes † that is in al fourtie eight with their suburbes † And those cities that shal be geuen of the possessions of the children of Israel from them that haue more moe shal be taken away and that haue lesse fewer Eache shal geue townes to the Leuites according to the measure of their inheritance † Our Lord said to Moyses † Speake to the children of Israel thou shalt say to them When you shal haue passed ouer Iordan into the Land of Chanaan † determine what cities shal be for the succour of fugitiues that haue not voluntaryly shed bloud † in which when the fugitiue shal be the kinseman of him that is killed can not kil him vntil he stand in the sight of the multitude and his cause be iudged † And of those cities that are separated for refuge of the fugitiues † three shal be beyond Iordan and three in the Land of Chanaan † as wel for the children of Israel as for strangers and soiouners that he may flee to them which hath not voluntaryly shed bloud † If any man strike with yron and he die that was strooken he shal be guiltie of murder and him self shal die † If he cast a stone and he that is strooken die he shal be punished in like manner † If he that is strooken with wood die he shal be reuenged by the strikers bloud † The kinsman of him that is slaine shal kil the murderer as sowne as he apprehendeth him he shal kil him † If through hatred one push a man or cast any thing at him by stratageme † or being his enemie strike him with his hand and he die the striker shal be guiltie of murder the kinseman of him that is slaine as sowne as he findeth him shal kil him † But if by chance medlie and without hatred † and enemitie he do any of these thinges † and this be proued in the hearing of the people and the question debated betwen him that stroke the next of bloud † the innocent shal be deliuered from the hand of the reuenger by sentence shal be brought backe into the citie to which he had fled and he shal tarie there vntil the High priest that is anointed with the holie oile do die † If the murderer be found without the limites of the cities that are deputed to the banished † and be strooken of him that is the reuenger of bloud he shal be guiltles that killed him † For the fugitiue ought to haue stayed in the citie vntil the death of the High priest And after he is dead then shal the murderer returne into his countrie † These thinges shal be perpetual and for an ordinance in al your habitations † The murderer shal be punished by witnesses none shal be condemned at the testimonie of one man † You shal not take a price of him that is guiltie of bloud he also shal die forth with † The banished and fugitiues before the death of the High priest may by no meanes returne into their owne cities † Pollute not the land of your habitation which is polluted with the bloud of innocentes neither can it otherwise be expiated but by his bloud that shedeth an other mans bloud † And so shal your possession be cleansed my self abyding with you For I am the Lord that dwel among the children of Israel CHAP. XXXVI That the inheritances may not be alienated from one tribe to an other al must marrie within their owne tribes AND the princes also of the families of Galaad the sonne of Machir the sonne of Manasses of the stocke of the children of Ioseph came and spake to Moyses before the princes of Israel and said † Our Lord hath commanded thee our lord that thou shouldest by lotte diuide the Land to the children of Israel and that to the daughters of Salphaad our brother thou shouldest geue the possession dew to their father † Whom if men of an other tribe take to wiues their possession shal folow and being translated to an other tribe it shal be a diminishing of our inheritance † And so it shal come to pas●e that when the Iubilee that is the fiftith yeare of remission is come the “ distribution of the lottes shal be confounded and the possession of one shal passe to others † Moyses answered the children of Israel and as our Lord commanded said The tribe of the children of Ioseph hath spoken rightly † And this law is promulgated of our Lord touching the daughters of Salphaad Let them marrie to whom they wil onlie that it be to the men of their owne tribe † lest the possession of the children of Israel be mingled from tribe into tribe For al men shal marrie wiues of their owne tribe and kinred † and al wemen shal take husbandes of the same tribe that the inheritance may remaine in the families † and that the tribes be not mingled among themselues but remaine so † as they were separated by our Lord. And the daughters of Salphaad did as it had beene commanded † and Maala and Thersa and Hegla and Melcha and Noa were married to the sonnes of their vncle by their father † of the familie of Manasses who was the sonne of Ioseph and the possession that had beene allotted to them remained in the tribe and familie of their father † These are the commandementes and iudgementes which our Lord commanded by the hand of Moyses to the children of Israel in the champion countries of Moab vpon Iordan against Iericho ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXXVI 4. Distribution of lottes By reason
this people and shal diuide vnto them the Land which thou shalt see † And we abode in the valley against the temple of Phogor CHAP. IIII. Moyses exhorteth the people to kepe Gods commandments 15. Namely that they make no similitude nor image of man nor of beast bird fish sunne moone nor of anie creature to serue the same for the Creator He fortelleth his owne death 23. threatneth them if they forsake God 41. and appointeth three cities of refuge on the same side Iordan AND now Israel heare the preceptes and iudgementes which I teach thee that doing them thou mayest liue and entring in mayest possesse the Land which the Lord the God of your fathers wil geue you † You “ shal not adde to the word that I speake to you neither shal you take away from it keepe the commandment of the Lord your God which I command you † Your eyes haue seene al thinges that our Lord hath done against Beelphegor how he hath destroyed al his worshippers out of the middes of you † But you that cleaue to the Lord your God liue al vntil this present day † You know that I haue taught you preceptes and iustices as the Lord my God hath commanded me so shal you do them in the Land which you shal possesse † and you shal obserue and fulfil them in worke For this is your wisedome and vnderstanding before peoples that hearing al these preceptes may say Behold a people ful of wisedome and vnderstanding a great nation † Neither is there other nation so great that hath goddes approching vnto them as our God is present at al our petitions † For what other nation is there so renowmed that hath the ceremonies and iust iudgementes and the whole law which I wil sette forth this day before your eyes † Keepe thy selfe therfore and thy soule carefully Forget not the wordes that thyne eyes haue seene and let them not fal out of thy hart al the daies of thy life Thou shalt teach them thy sonnes and thy nephewes † the day wherin thou didst stand before the Lord thy God in Horeb when our Lord spake to me saying Assemble vnto me the people that they may heare my wordes and may learne to feare me al the time that they liue on the earth and may teach their children † And you came to the foote of the mount which burned euen vnto heauen and there was in it darkenes and a clould and mist † And our Lord spake to you from the middes of the fyre The voice of his wordes you heard and forme you saw not at al. † And he shewed you his couenant which he commanded you to do and the tenne wordes that he wrote in two tables of stone † And he cōmanded me at that time that I should teach you the ceremonies and iudgementes which you should doe in the Land that you shal possesse † Keepe therfore your soules carefully You saw not any similitude in the day that our Lord spake to you in Horeb from the middes of the fire † lest perhaps deceiued you might make you a grauen similitude or image of male or female † the similitude of al cattel that are vpon the earth or of birdes that flie vnder heauen † and of creeping beastes that moue on the earth or of fishes that vnder the earth abide in the waters † lest perhapes lifting vp thyne cies to heauen thou see the Sunne and the Moone and al the starres of heauen and deceiued by errour thou adore and serue them which the Lord thy God created to serue al nations that are vnder heauen † But you our Lord hath taken and brought out of the yron furnace of Aegypt to haue you his people by inheritance as it is this present day † And our Lord was angrie with me for your wordes and he sware that I should not passe ouer Iordan nor enter into the excellent Land which he wil geue you † Behold I die in this ground I shal not passe ouer Iordan you shal passe and possesse the goodlie Land † Beware lest at any time thou forget the couenant of the Lord thy God which he hath made with thee and make to thee a grauen similitude of those thinges which our Lord hath prohibited to be made † because the Lord thy God is a consuming fyre ielouse God † If you shal begette sonnes and nephewes and abide in the Land and being deceiued make to you some similitude committing euil before the Lord your God to prouoke him to wrarh † I cal this day heauen and earth witnesses that you shal quikly perish from out of the Land which being passed ouer Iordan you shal possesse You shal not dwel therin long time but our Lotd wil destroy you † and disperse you into al nations and you shal remaine a few among the nations to the which our Lord wil lead you † and there you shal serue goddes that were framed with mens hand wood and stone that see not nor heare nor eate nor smel † And when thou shalt seeke there the Lord thy God thou shalt finde him yet so if thou seeke him with al thy hart and al tribulation of thy soule † After that al the thinges aforesaid shal finde thee and in the latter time thou shalt returne to the Lord thy God and shalt heare his voice † Because the Lord thy God is a merciful God he wil not leaue thee nor altogether destroy thee nor forget the couenant wherein he sware to thy fathers † Aske of the dayes of old that haue bene before thy time from the day that God created man vpon the earth from one end of heauen to the other end therof if euer there was done the like thing or it hath beene knowen at any time † that a people should heare the voice of God speaking out of the middes of fyre as thou hast heard and liued † if God so did that he went in and tooke vnto him a Nation out of the middes of nations by temptations signes and wonders by fight and strong hand and stretched out arme and horrible visions according to al thinges that the Lord your God did for you in Aegypt thine eies seeing it † that thou mightest know that our Lord he is God and there is none other beside him † from heauen he made thee to heare his voice that he might teach thee And in earth he shewed thee his fyre verie greate and thou didst heare his wordes out of the middes of the fyre † because he loued thy fathers and chose their seede after them And he brought thee out of Aegypt going before thee in his great power † to destroy verie great nations and stronger then thou at thy entring in and to bring thee in and geue thee their land in possession as thou seest this present day † Know therfore this day and thinke in thy hart that our Lord he is God in heauen aboue and in the earth beneth
that thou shalt perish vtterly † As the Nations which our Lord destroyed at thyne entrie so shal you also perish if you be disobedient to the voice of the Lord your God CHAP. IX Lest they should impute the victories which they shal haue to them selues 6. they are put in mind of their often prouoking Gods wrath 12. by idolatrie 22. by murmuring by concupiscence by contempt and other sinnes 25 for which they should haue bene destroyed but God spared them for his prou●●se made to Abraham Isaeac and Iacob HEARE Israel Thou shalt goe ouer Iordan this day to possesse verie greate nations and stronger then thy selfe huge cities and walled euen vnto heauen † a great people and tal the sonnes of the Enacims whom thou hast seene and heard against whom no man is able to resist † Thou shalt know therfore this day that the Lord thy God him selfe wil passe ouer before thee a deuouring and consuming fyre who shal destroy and abolish and bring them to nothing before thy face quickly as he hath spoken to thee † Say not in thy hart when the Lord thy God shal haue destroyed them in thy sight For my iustice hath our Lord brought me in to possesse this land wheras these nations were destroyed for their impieties † For not because of thy iustices and equitie of thy hart doest thou enter in to possesse their landes but because they haue done impiously at thy entring in they are destroyed and that our Lord might accomplish his word which by oath he promised to thy fathers Abraham Isaac and Iacob † Know therfore that not for thy iustices hath the Lord thy God geuen thee this excellent land in possession wheras thou art a verie stiffe necked people † Remember and forget not how thou didst prouoke the Lord thy God to wrath in the wildernesse From the same day that thou camest out of Aegypt vnto this place thou hast alwayes contended against our Lord. † For in Horeb also thou didst prouoke him and being wrath he would haue destroyed thee † when I went vp into the mounte to receiue the tables of stone of the couenant which our Lord made with you and I continewed in the mounte fourtie daies and nightes not eating bread nor drinking water † And our Lord gaue me two tables of stone written with the singer of God and conteyning al the wordes that he spake to you in the mounte from the middes of the fyre when the assemblie of the people was gathered † And when fourtie dayes were passed and as manie nightes our Lord gaue me the two tables of stone the tables of couenant † and he said to me Arise and goe downe from hence quickly for thy people which thou didst bring out of Aegypt haue quickly forsaken the way that thou hast shewed them and haue made them a molten idol † And againe our Lord said to me I see that this people is stiffe necked † suffer me that I may destroy them and abolish their name from vnder heauen and may set thee ouer a Nation that is greater and stronger then this † And when I came downe from the burning mounte and held the two tables of couenant with both handes † and saw that you had sinned to the Lord your God and had made you a molten calfe and had quickly forsaken his way which he had shewed you † I cast the tables out of my handes and brake them in your sight † And I fel downe before our Lord as before fourtie dayes and nightes not eating bread not drinking water for al your sinnes which you committed against our Lord and prouoked him to wrath † for I feared his indignation and anger wherwith being moued agaynst you he would haue destroyed you And our Lord heard me this time also † Against Aaron also being exceeding angrie he would haue destroyed him and for him in like maner did I pray † And your sinne that you had committed that is the calfe I tooke and burnt it with fyre and breaking it into peeces and bringing it wholy into dust I threw it into the torrent that de●cendeth from the mount † In the burning also and in the tentation and in the Sepulchres of concupiscence you prouoked our Lord † and when he sent you from Cadesbarne saying Goe vp and possesse the Land that I haue geuen you and you contemned the commandement of your Lord God and did not beleue him neither would you heare his voice † but were alwaies rebellious from the day that I beganne to know you † And I lay before our Lord fourtie dayes and nightes in the which I humbly besought him that he would not destroy you as he had threatened † and praying I said Lord God destroy not thy people and thyne inheritance which thou hast redemed in thy greatnes whom thou didst bring out of Aegypt in a strong hand † Remember thy seruantes Abraham Isaac and Iacob regard not the stubbournes of this people and his impietie and sinne † lest perhappes the inhabitantes of the land out of which thou hast brought vs say The Lord could not bring them in vnto the Land that he promised them and he hated them therfore did he bring them forth that he might kil them in the wildernes † Which are thy people and thyne inheritance whom thou didst bring forth in thy great strength and in thy stretched out arme CHAP. X. Moyses receiuing the second tables of the tenne commandments and making an arke put them therin 6. with mention of certaine places where the children of Israel had camped of Aarons death and to the Leuites offices and possesstons 12. be inculcateth the feare and loue of God and the keping of his precepts 16. namely to circumcise the hart 19. to loue strangers 20. and not to serue nor sweare by false goddes AT that time our Lord said to me Hewe thee two tables of stone as the former were and come vp to me into the mounte and thou shalt make an arke of wood † and I wil write in the tables the wordes that were in them which before thou didst breake and thou shalt put them in the arke † I made therfore an arke of the wood Settim And when I had hewed two tables of stone like to the former I went vp into the mount hauing them in my handes † And he wrote in the tables according as he had written before the ten wordes which our Lord spake to you in the mount from the middes of the fyre when the people was gathered and he gaue them to me † And returning from the mount I came downe and put the tables into the arke that I had made which are there til this present as our Lord commanded me † And the children of Israel remoued their campe from Beroth of the children of Iacan into Mosera where Aaron died and was buried for whom Eleazar his soone did the function of priesthood † Thence they came into Gadgad from the which place departing
6. how nere soeuer they be in kinred or freindshipe 12. The whole citie that shal permite false doctrin must be vtterly destroyed men beastes and al moueables and neuer be built againe IF there rise in the middes of thee a prophete or one that saieth he hath seene a dreame and foretel a signe and a wonder † and it come to passe which he spake and he say to thee Let vs goe and folow strange goddes which thou knowest not and let vs serue them † thou shalt not heare the wordes of that prophete or dreamer for the Lord your God tempteth you that it may appeare whether you loue him or no with al your hart and with al your soule † Folow the Lord your God and feare him and keepe his commandementes and heare his voice him you shal serue and to him you shal cleaue † And that prophete or forget of dreames shal be slaine because he spake that he might auert you from the Lord your God which brought you out of the Land of Aegypt and redemed you from the house of seruitude that he might make thee to erre from the way that the Lord thy God commanded thee and thou shalt take away the euil out of the middes of thee † If thy brother the sonne of thy mother or thy sonne or daughter or thy wife that is in thy bosome or thy freind whom thou louest as thy soule wil perswade thee secretly saying Let vs goe and serue strange goddes which thou knowest not nor thy fathers † of al nations round about that be nigh or farre from the beginning vnto the end of the earth † consent not to him nor heare him neither let thyne eie spare him to pitie and hide him † but forthwith thou shalt kil him let thy hand be first vpon him and after thee al the people lay hand on him † With stones shal he be stoned to death because he would haue withdrawen thee from the Lord thy God which brought thee out of the Land of Aegypt from the house of seruitude † that al Israel hearing may feare and may doe no more any thing like to this † If in one of thy cities which the Lord thy God shal geue thee to inhabite thou heare some say † There are gone forth children of Belial out of the middes of thee and haue auerted the inhabitants of their citie and haue said Let vs goe and serue strange goddes which you know not † inquire carefully and diligently the truth of the thing being looked into if thou finde it certaine that is said and that this abomination is in act committed † thou shalt forthwith strike the inhabitantes of that citie in the edge of the sworde and shalt destroy it and al thinges that are in it vnto the very beastes † What stuffe also soeuer there is thou shalt gather together in the middes of the streares therof and shalt burne it with the citie it selfe so that thou consume al thinges to the Lord thy God and it be a heape for euer it shal be built no more † and there shal nothing sticke in thy hand of that anathema that our Lord may be turned from the wrath of his furie and may haue mercie on thee and multiplie thee as he sware to thy fathers † when thou shalt heare the voice of the Lord thy God keeping al his preceptes which I command thee this day that thou mayest doe that which is pleasing in the sight of the Lord thy God CHAP. XIIII Gentiles maner of mourning for the dead is prohibited 3. Likewise to eate things vncleane with mention of certaine cleane and vncleane beastes 9. fishes 11. and birdes 21. Also preceptes of pietie clemencie paying tithes first fruites 27. nourishing of Leuites strangers orphanes and widowes BE YE the children of the Lord your God you shal not cutte your selues nor make bauldnes for the dead † because thou art a holie people to the Lord thy God and he chose thee to be his peculiar people of al nattions that are vpon the earth † Eate not the thinges that are vncleane † This is the beast that you ought to eate The oxe and the sheepe and the goate † the hart and the doa the buffle the chamois the pygargue the wilde beefe the cameloparde † Euerie beast that diuideth the hoofe in two partes and cheweth the cudde shal you eate † But of them that chew the cudde and diuide not the hoofe these you shal not eate as the camel the hare the cherogril because they chew the cudde and diuide not the hoofe they shal be vncleane to you † The swine also because it diuideth the hoof and cheweth not the cudde shal be vncleane their flesh you shal not eate and their carcasses you shal not touche † These shal you eate of al that abide in the waters Such as haue finnes and scales eate † them that are without finnes and scales eate not because they are vncleane † Al birdes that are cleane eate † The vncleane eate not to witte the eagle and the grype and the osprey † the ringtaile and the vulture and kite according to their kinde † and al of the rauens kinde † and the ostriche and the owle and the sterne and the hawke according to his kinde † the herodian and the swanne and the stroke † and the diuer the porphyrion and nightcrow † the onocratal and the charadrion euerie one in their kinde the lapwing also and the batte † And al that creepeth and hath litle winges shal be vncleane and shal not be eaten † Al that is cleane eate † But whatsoeuer is dead of it selfe eate not therof To the stranger that is within thy gates geue it to eate or sel it to him because thou art the holie people of our Lord thy God Thou shalt not boyle a kidde in the milke of his damme † The tenth part thou shalt seperate of al thy fruites that spring in the earth euerie yeare † and thou shalt eate in the sight of our Lord thy God in the place which he shal choose that his name may be inuocated therin the tithe of thy corne and wine and oile and the first borne of thy heardes and sheepe that thou mayest lerne to feare our Lord thy God at al time † But when the way and the place which our Lord thy God shal choose are farre and he hath blessed thee and thou canst not carie al these thinges thither † thou shalt sel and bring al into a price and shalt carie it in thy hand and shalt goe to the place which our Lord thy God shal choose † and thou shalt buy with the same money whatsoeuer pleaseth thee either of heardes or of sheepe wine also and sicere and al that thy soule desireth and thou shalt eate before our Lord thy God and shalt feast thou and thy house † and the Leuite that is within thy gates beware thou forsake him not because he hath no other part in
vvorkes Mat. 23. And S. Iohn ascribeth the true sentence geuen by Caiphas in the councel to his office of High Priest saying Ioan. 11. He said not this of him selfe but being the high priest of that yeare he prophecied that IESVS should die for the nation and to gather into one the children of God VVhere the high priest by vertue and priuilege of his office vttered the truth which him selfe neither meant nor vnderstood And this happened when the Law and Priesthood of the Iewes was to decline geue place to Christs new ordinance and therfore no doubt God euer directed the sentence of the high Priest and most specially now Christ preserueth the Apostolique See from error in faith and in general decrees touching manners yea though the chiefe visible Iudge were as wicked as Caiphas And therfore the Protestantes euasion is friuolous limiting the priests sentence to binde the subiectes so long as he is the true minister of God and pronounceth according to his vvord For except God assisted him that he should pronounce according to his word and so al men rest satisfied submitting them selues to his sentence the controuersie should be endles and this consistorie nothing worth but stil be new examinations and new iudgementes whether the former were according to Gods word or no. 12. He that shal be proude This also conuinceth that al were bound to accept of the high priests sentence the law condemning him of pride that refused to obey the commandment of the Priest vvhich at that time ministred to our Lord and for his disobedience punishing him with death CHAP. XVIII In steed of other inheritance Priesies and Leuites haue prouision by Sacrifices and oblations 9. Al superstition to be auoided 15. Perpetuitie of prophetes and finally one special PROPHET towit CHRIST is promised 20. False prophetes must be slaine THE priestes and Leuites and al that are of the same tribe shal haue no part nor inheritance with the rest of Israel because they shal eate the sacrifices of our Lord and his oblations † and nothing els shal they receiue of the possession of their brethren for our Lord him selfe is their inheritance as he hath spoken to them † This shal be the right of the priestes from the people and from them that offer victimes whether they immolate oxe or sheepe they shal geue to the priest the shoulder and the mawe † the first fruites of corne of wine and oile and a part of the woolle of their sheepe shearing † For him hath our Lord chosen of al thy tribes that he might stand and minister to our Lord he and his sonnes for euer † If a Leuite goe out of one of thy cities of al Israel in the which he dwelleth and would come desiring the place which our Lord shal choose † he shal minister in the name of our Lord his God as al his brethren the Leuites that shal stand at that time before our Lord. † He shal receiue the same portion of meates that the rest doe beside that which in his owne citie is dew to him by succession from his fathers † When thou art entred the Land which our Lord thy God shal geue thee beware thou be not willing to imitate the abominations of those nations † Neither let there be found in thee any that shal expiate his sonne or daughter making them to passe through the fyre or that demandeth of southsayers and obserueth dreames and diuinations neither let there be a sorcerer † nor inchanter nor that consulteth with pithone or diuiners and seeketh the truth of the dead † for al these thinges out Lord abhorreth and for these abominations wil he destroy them at thy entring in † thou shalt be perfect and without spotte with our Lord thy God † These nations whose land thou shalt possesse heare southsayers and diuiners but thou art otherwise instructed of our Lord thy God † “ A PROPHET of thy nation and of thy brethren like vnto me wil our Lord thy God raise vp to thee him thou shalt heare † as thou didst request of our Lord thy God in Horeb when the assemblie was gathered and saidst I wil no more heare the voice of our Lord my God and this exceding great fire I wil see no more lest I die † And our Lord said to mie They haue spoken al thinges wel † A prophete wil I rayse vp to them out of the middes of their brethren like to thee and I wil put my wordes in his mouth and he shal speake al thinges that I shal command him † but he that wil not heare his wordes which he shal speake in my name I wil be the reuenger † And the prophet that being depraued with arrogancie wil speake in my name the thinges that I did not command him to say or in the name of strange goddes shal be slaine † And if in secrete cogitation thou answer How shal I vnderstand the word that our Lord spake not † This signe thou shalt haue That which the same prophete foretelleth in the name of the Lord and cometh not to passe that our Lord hath not spoken but by the arrogancie of his minde the prophet hath forged it and therfore thou shalt not feare him ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XVIII 15. A PROPHET of thy nation Amongst other places this plainly proueth that the same wordes in holie Scripture may haue diuers literal senses For first the coherence of the text sheweth that God here promised to geue his people an other extraordinarie prophet after Moyses death of their owne nation as wel to take away occasion of seeking to southsayers diuiners and other prophane prophetes of false goddes strictly forbidden in the wordes going immediatly before as in approbation of their conuenient desire mentioned in the wordes folowing to heare Gods wil not by himself nor by an Angel but by Moyses who was now shortly to be taken from them And so this promise was first performed in Iosue succeding next after Moyses in gouernment And as neede required God ceassed not to send more prophetes besides their ordinarie Priests Againe this place is also vnderstood of Christ our Sauiour chief Prophete and master of al prophetes S Peter so expounding it Act. 3. v. 22. 23. CHAP. XIX Certaine cities of refuge must be assigned for casual manslaughter 11. wilful murther punished by death without remission 15. so it be conuinced by two or three witnesses 16. False witnesses punished with the paine which the crime obiected deserueth VVHEN our Lord thy God hath destroyed the nations whose land he wil deliuer to thee and thou doest possesse it and dwellest in the cities and houses therof † three cities shalt thou separate to thee in the middes of the Land which our Lord thy God wil geue thee in possession † preparing diligently the way and thou shalt diuide the whole prouince of thy Land equally into three partes that he which for murder is a fugitiue may haue
neere at hand whither to escape † This shal be the law of the murderer that fleeth whose life is to be saued He that striketh his neighbour vnwitting and that is proued yesterday and the day before to haue had no hatred against him † but to haue gone with him simply vnto the wood to cutte wood and in cutting the wood of axe slipped out of his hand and the yron falling from the handle strooke his freind and killed him he shal flee to one of the cities aforesaid and liue † lest perhaps the next kinseman of him whose bloud was shed pricked with sorow pursew and apprehend him if the way be too long and stricke his life that is not guiltie of death because he is proued to haue had no hatred before against him that was slaine † Therfore I command thee that thou separat three cities of equal distance one from an other † And when our Lord thy God shal haue dilated thy borders as he sware to thy fathers and shal geue thee al the Land that he promised them † yet so if thou keepe his commandementes and do the thinges which I command thee this day that thou loue our Lord thy God and walke in his wayes at al time thou shalt adde to thee other three cities and shalt duble the number of the three cities aforesaid † that innocent bloud be not shed in the middes of the Land which our Lord thy God wil geue thee to possesse lest thou be guiltie of bloud † But if any man hating his neighbour lie in wayte for his life and rise and strike him and he die and he flee to one of the cities aforesaid † the ancientes of his citie shal send acd take him out of the place of refuge and shal deliuer him into the hand of the kinseman of him whose bloud was shed and he shal die † Thou shalt not pitie him and thou shalt take away the guiltie bloud out of Israel that it may be wel with thee † Thou shalt not take and transferre thy neighbours boundes which thy predecessours did sette in thy possession which our Lord thy God wil geue thee in the Land that thou shalt receiue to possesse † One witnesse shal not stand against any man whatsoeuer sinne or wickednesse it be but in the mouth of two or three witnesses shal euerie word stand † If a lying witnesse stand against a man accusing him of preuarication † both of them whose the cause is shal stand before our Lord in the sight of the priestes and the iudges that shal be in those daies † And when searching most diligently they shal finde that the false witnes hath said a lie against his brother † they shal render to him as he meant to doe to his brother and thou shalt take away the euil out of the middes of thee † that others hearing may haue feare and may not be bold to doe such things † Thou shalt not pitie him but life for life eie for eie tooth for tooth hand for hand foote for foote shalt thou exacte CHAP. XX. Lawful warres are to be vndertaken with corege and confidence 5. Such as for special causes may be discoreged must be dismissed from the field 10. VVhat to be obserued towardes the enimie 19. VVhat trees may not be cut downe and what sorte may be for the vse of warres IF thou goe forth to warre against thyne enemies and see the horse men and chariottes and the multitude of the aduersaries hoste greater then thou hast thou shalt not feare them because the Lord thy God is with thee which brought thee out of the Land of Aegypt † And when the battel is now at hand the priest shal stand before the armie and shal speake to the people thus † Heare Israel you this day ioyne battel against your enemies let not your hart feare be not affrayd retire not neither dread them † because our Lord your God is in the middes of you and wil fight for you against your aduersaries to deliuer you from danger † The Captaine 's also through euerie bande in the hearing of the hoste shal proclaime what man is there that hath built a new house and hath not dedicated it let him goe and returne into his house lest perhaps he die in the battel and an other dedicate it † What man is there that hath planted a vineyard and hath not as yet made it to be common wherof al men may lawfully eate let him goe and returne into his house lest perhaps he die in the battel and an other man execute his office † What man is there that hath despoused a wife and not taken her let him goe and returne into his house lest perhaps he die in the warre and an other take her † These thinges being said they shal adde the rest and shal speake to the people What man is there feareful and fainte harted let him goe and returne into his house lest he make the hartes of his brethren to feare as him selfe is frighted with feare † And when the Captaines of the host shal hold their peace and make an end of speaking euerie man shal prepare their bandes to fight † If at anie time thou come to winne a citie thou shalt first offer peace † If they receiue it and open the gates to thee al the people that is therein shal be saued and shal serue thee vnder tribute † But if they wil not make peace and shal beginne battel against thee thou shalt assalt it † And when our Lord thy God shal deliuer it into thy hand thou shalt strike al that is therein of the male sexe in the edge of the sword † excepting wemen and children the cattel and other thinges that are in the citie Al the praye thou shalt diuide to the armie and thou shalt eate of the spoiles of thine enemies which our Lord thy God shal geue thee † So shalt thou doe to al cities that be verie farre from thee and be not of these cities which thou shalt receiue in possession † But of those cities that shal be geuen thee thou shalt suffer none at al to liue † but shalt kil them in the edge of the sword to witte the Hetheite and Amorrheite and Chananeite the Pherezeite and Heueite and Iebuseite as our Lord thy God hath commanded thee † lest perhaps they teach you to doe al the abominations which them selues did worke to their goddes and you sinne against our Lord your God † When thou hast besieged a citie a long time and hast compassed it with munition to winne it thou shalt not cutte downe the trees that may be eaten of neither shalt thou spoile the countrie round about with axes because it is a tree and not a man neither can it increase the number of warryers against thee † But if there be any trees not fruitful but wilde and apt for other vses cutte them downe and make engines vntil thou take the citie
which fighteth against thee CHAP. XXI How to seeke out a secrete murtherer 10. wemen taken in battel may be maried and afterwardes can not be sold nor made bond wemen 15. The eldest sonne may not be depriued of his birthright for hatred of his mother 18. A stubburne sonne must be stoned to death 22. VVhen one is hanged on a gibbet he must be taken downe the same day and buried VVHEN there shal be found in the Land which our Lord thy God wil geue thee the corps of a man slaine and he that is guiltie of the murder is not knowne † thy ancientes and iudges shal goe forth and measure from the place of the corps the distance of euerie citie round about † and which they shal perceiue to be neerer then the rest the ancientes of that citie shal take an heifer out of the heard that hath not drawen yoke nor ploughed the ground † and shal bring her to a rough and stonie valley that neuer was ploughed nor receiued seede and in it they shal strike of the necke of the heifer † and the priestes the sonnes of Leui shal come whom our Lord thy God hath chosen to minister to him and to blesse in his name and at their word euerie matter dependeth and whatsoeuer is cleane or vncleane must be iudged † And the ancientes of that citie shal come to the slaine person and shal wash their handes ouer the heifer that was strooken in the valley † and shal say Our handes did not sheede this bloud nor our eies seee it † be merciful to thy people Israel whom thou hast redemed o Lord and impute not innocent bloud in the middes of thy people Israel And the guilte of bloud shal be taken from them † and thou shalt be free from the innocents bloud that was shed when thou shalt haue done that which our Lord hath commanded thee † If thou goe forth to fight against thyne enemies and our Lord thy God deliuer them in thy hande and thou leade them away captiue † and seest in the number of the captiues a beautiful woman and louest her and wilt haue her to wife † thou shalt bring her into thy house who shal shaue of her hare and payre her nailes † and put of the rayment wherein she was taken and sitting in thy house shal mourne her father and mother one moneth and afterward thou shalt enter vnto her and shalt sleepe with her and she shal be thy wife † But if afterward she content not thy mynde thou shalt let her goe free neither canst thou sel her for money nor oppresse her by might because thou hast humbled her † If a man haue two wiues one beloued and the other hated and they haue begotten children by him and the sonne of the hated be the firstborne † and he meaneth to diuide his substance among his sonnes he can not make the sonne of the beloued the first borne and preferre him before the sonne of the hated † but the sonne of the hated he shal acknowledge for the first borne and shal geue to him of those thinges which he hath al duble for this is the beginning of his children to this are dew the first brith rightes † If a man begette a stubbourne and froward sonne that wil not heare the commandementes of his father and mother and being chastened contemneth to be obedient † they shal take him and bring him to the ancientes of his citie and to the gate of iudgement † and shal say to them This our sonne is froward and stubborne he contemneth to heare our admonitions he geueth himself to comessation and to ryote and banketinges † the people of the citie shal stone him and he shal die that you may take away the euil out of the middes of you and al Israel hearing it may be afrayde † When a man hath offended so that he is to be punished by death and being condemned to die is hanged on a gybbet † his bodie shal not remaine vpon the tree but the same day shal be buried because he is accursed of God that hangeth on a tree and thou shalt not contaminate thy Land which our Lord thy God geueth thee in possession CHAP. XXII Pietie towardes neighboures 5. neither sexe may vse the apparel of the other 6. crueltie to be auoided euen towardes birdes 8. batlement about the roofe af a house 9. Things of diuers kindes not to be mixed 12. cordes in the hemes of a cloke 13. Trial and punishment of adulterie and of deflowring virgines 30. the sonne may not marie his stepmother THOV shalt not see thy brothers oxe or sheepe straying and passe by but shalt bring it backe to thy brother † although thy brother be not nigh and thou know him not thou shalt bring them vnto thy house and they shal be with thee vntil thy brother seeke them and receiue them † In like manner shalt thou doe with his asse and with his rayment and with euerie thing of thy brothers that shal be lost if thou finde it neglect it nor as perteyning to an other † If thou see thy brothers asse or oxe to be fallen in the way thou shalt not contemne it but shalt list it vp with him † A woman shal not be clothed with mans apparel neither shal a man vse womans apparel for he is abominable before God that doeth these thinges † If walking by the way thou finde a birdes nest in a tree or on the ground and the damme sitting vpon the young or the egges thou shalt not hold her with her young † but shalt let her goe taking the young and holding them that it may be wel with thee and thou mayest liue a long time † When thou buildest a new house thou shalt make a batlement to the roofe round about lest bloud be shed in thy house and thou be guiltie an other slipping and falling headlong † Thou shalt not sowe thy vineyard with diuerse seede lest both the seede which thou didst sow and the thinges that grow of the vineyard be sanctisied rogether † Thou shalt not plough with an oxe and asse together † Thou shalt not weare a garment that is wouen of wolle and linnen † Thou shalt make litle cordes in the hemme at the foure corners of thy cloke wherwith thou shalt be couered † If a man marrie a wife and afterward hate her † and seeke occasions to put her away obiecting vnto her a verie il name and say I tooke this wife and compayning with her I found her not a virgin † her father and mother shal take her and shal carie with them the signes of her virginitie to the ancientes of the citie that are in the gate † and the father shal say I gaue my daughter vnto this man to wife whom because he hateth † he layeth vnto her a verie il name so that he sayeth I found not thy daughter a virgin and behold these are the signes of my
with shippes into Aegypt by the way wherof he said to thee that thou shouldest see it no more There shalt thou be sould to thine enemies for bondmen and bondweomen and no man shal bye you CHAP. XXIX A couenant and oath is made betwen God and his people with commemoration of sundrie benefites by them receiued that keping his law they shal be more blessed and breaking the same shal susteine the threatned punishmentes THESE are the wordes of the couenant which our Lord commanded Moyses to make with the children of Israel in the Land of Moab beside that couenant which he made with them in Horeb. † And Moyses called al Israel and said to them you saw al thinges that our Lord did before you in the Land of Aegypt to Pharao and to al his seruantes and to his whole land † the great tentations which thine eies haue seene those mightie signes and wonders † and our Lord hath not geuen you a hart to vnderstand and eies to see and eares that can heare vnto this present day † He hath brought you fourtie yeares by the desert your garmentes are not worne out neither are the shoes of your feete consumed with age † Breade you haue not eaten wine and sicer you haue not drunke that you might know that I am the Lord your God † And you came to this place and there came forth Sehon the King of Hesebon and Og the King of Basan meeting vs to fight And we stroke them † and tooke their land and deliuered it in possession to Ruben and Gad and the half tribe of Manasses † Keepe therfore the wordes of this couenant and fulfil them that you may vnderstand al thinges that you doe † You stand this day al before our Lord your God your princes and tribes and ancientes and doctors al the people of Israel † your children and your wiues and the strangers that abide with thee in the campe besides the cutters of wood and them that carie water † that thou mayest passe in the couenant of our Lord thy God and in the oath which in this day our Lord thy God maketh with thee † that he may rayse thee vp a people to him selfe and he be thy God as he hath spoken to thee and as he sware to thy fathers Abraham Isaac and Iacob † Neither with you onlie doe I make this couenant and confirme these oathes † but with al that be present and absent † For you know how we dwelt in the Land of Aegypt and how we haue passed through the middes of nations which passing through † you haue seene their abominations and filth that is to say their Idols wood and stone siluer and gold which they worshipped † Lest perhaps there be among you man or woman familie or tribe whose hart is turned away this day from our Lord God to goe and serue the goddes of those Nations and there be among you a roote bringing forth gal and bitternes † And when he shal heare the wordes of this oath he blesse him selfe in his hart saying I shal haue place and walke in the prauitie of my hart and the drunken take to her the thirstie † and our Lord forgeue him not but then his furie most specially fume and his zeale against that man and al the curses sitte vpon him that be written in this volume and our Lord abolish his name vnder heauen † and consume him vnto perdition out of al the tribes of Israel according to the curses that are conteyned in the Booke of this law and couenant † And the generation folowing shal say and the children that shal be borne from thence forth and the strangers that shal come from a farre seeing the plagues of that Land and the infirmities wherwith our Lord hath afflicted it † burning it with brimstone and heate of the salt so that it can no more be sowen nor any grene thing spring therof after the example of the subuersion of Sodom and Gomorrha Adama and Seboim which our Lord subuerted in his wrath and furie † And al the Nations shal say Why hath the Lord done thus to this Land what is this exceding wrath of his furie † And they shal answer Because they forsooke the couenant of the Lord which he made with their fathers when he brought them out of the Land of Aegypt † and they haue serued strange goddes and adored them whom they knew not and to whom they had not beene designed † therfore the furie of the Lord was wrath against this Land to bring vpon it al the curses that are written in this volume † and he hath cast them out of their land in wrath and furie and in verie great indignation and hath throwen them into a strange land as this day it is proued † Thinges hidden to our Lord God which are manifest to vs and to our children for euer that we may doe al the words of this Law CHAP. XXX If the children of Israel offending and falling into the forsaide curses shal repent God wilrestore them to his blessings againe 11. leauing it in their powre to serue him if they wil 17. and therfore warneth them that the impenitent shal assuredly perish because hauing life and death blessing and cursing proposed they choose the worse THERFORE when al these wordes shal be come vpon thee the blessing or cursing which I haue sette forth before thee thou be touched with repentance of thy hart in al nations into which our Lord thy God dispersed thee † and shalt returne to him and obey his commandmentes as I this day command thee with thy children in al thy hart and in al thy soule † our Lord thy God wil bring thee againe from thy captiuitie and haue mercie vpon thee and gather thee againe out of al the peoples into which he dispersed thee besore † If thou be dispersed as farre as the poles of heauen thence wil our Lord thy God draw thee backe † and wil take thee to him and bring thee into the Land which thy fathers possessed and thou shalt obteyne it and blessing thee wil make thee to be of a greater number then were thy fathers † Our Lord thy God wil circumcile thy hart and the hart of thy seede that thou mayest loue oure Lord thy God in al thy hart and in al thy soule that thou mayest liue † And al these curses he wil turne vpon thine enemies and them that hate and persecute thee † But thou shalt returne and heare the voice of our Lord thy God and shalt doe al the commandmentes which I command thee this day † and our Lord wil make thee abound in al the workes of thy handes in the issue of thy wombe and in the fruite of thy cattel in the fertilitie of thy ground and in the plentie of al thinges For our Lord wil returne to reioyse vpon thee in al riches as he reioysed in thy fathers † yet so if thou heare the voice
in that day In truth because God is not with me these euils haue found me † But I wil hide and keepe close my face in that day for al the euils which they haue done because they haue folowed strange goddes † Now therfore write vnto you this canticle and teach the children of Israel that they know it by hart and sing it by mouth and this song be vnto me for a testimonie among the children of Israel † For I wil bring them into the Land for the which I sware to their fathers flowing with milke and honie And when they haue eaten and are ful and fatte they wil turne away to strange goddes and serue them and wil detract from me and make my couenant of none effect † After that manie euils and afflictions shal haue found them this canticle shal answer them for a testimonie which no obliuion shal take away out of the mouth of their seede For I know their cogitations what thinges they are about to doe this day before that I bring them into the Land which I haue promised them † Moyses therfore wrote the canticle and taught it the children of Israel † And our Lord commanded Iosue the sonne of Nun and said Take courage and be strong for thou shalt bring the children of Israel into the Land which I haue promised and I wil be with thee † Therfore after that Moyses wrote the wordes of this law in a volume and finished it † he commanded the Leuites that caried the arke of the couenant of our Lord saying † Take this booke and put it in the side of the arke of the couenant of our Lord your God that it may be for a testimonie against thee † For I know thy contention and thy most stiffe necke Whiles I yet liue and goe in with you you haue done alwayes contenciously against our Lord how much more when I shal be dead † Gather to me al the ancientes by your tribes and your doctors and I wil speake these wordes in their hearing and wil inuocate against them heauen and earth † For I know that after my death you wil doe wickedly and wil decline quickly from the way that I haue commanded you and euils shal come vpon you in the later times when you shal doe euil in the sight of our Lord to prouoke him by the workes of your handes † Moyses therfore spake in the hearing of the whole assemblie of Israel the wordes of this song and finished it euen to the end CHAP. XXXII A Canticle of the Law wherin the people are exhorted to serue God for his perfect goodnes for his singular benefites for their former ingratitude and for his mercie stil mixed with his punishmentes 44. Al which being earnestly commended to them to remember and teach their children 48. Moyses is commanded to goe into a mountaine whence he shal see the promised land but not enter into it HEARE ye heauens what thinges I speake the earth heare the wordes of my mouth † My doctrine grow together as raine my speach flow as the dew as it were a shower vpon the herbe and as it were droppes vpon the grasse † Because I wil inuocate the name of our Lord geue magnificence to our God † The workes of God be perfect and al his waies iudgementes God is faithful and without any iniquitie iust and right † They haue sinned to him and not his children in filthines a froward and peruerse generation † These thinges doest thou render to our Lord thou foolish and vn wise people Is not he thy father that hath possessed thee and made and created thee † Remember the old daies thinke vpon euerie generation aske thy father and he wil declare to thee thy elders and they wil tel thee † When the highest diuided the nations when he separated the sonnes of Adam he appointed the limites of people according to the number of the children of Israel † But our Lords part is his people Iacob the corde of his inheritance † He found him in a desert land in a place of horrour and of wast wildernes he ledde him about and taught him and kept him as the apple of his eye † As the eagle prouoking her young to flie and houering ouer them hath he spred his winges and he hath taken him and caried him on his shoulders † Our Lord onlie was his guide and there was not with him a strange God † He placed him ouer an high land that he might eate the fruites of the fieldes that he might sucke honie out of the rocke and oile out of the hardest stone † Butter from the heard and milke of the sheepe with the fatte of lambes and of rammes the sonnes of Basan and bucke goates with the marow of wheate and might drinke the bloud of the grape most pure † The beloued was made grosse and spurned made grosse fatted dilated he left God his maker and departed from God his saluation † They prouoked him in strange goddes and in abominations stirred him to anger † They immolated to diuels and not to God to goddes which they knew not there came new fresh ones whom their fathers worshipped not † God that begatte thee thou hast forsaken and hast “ forgotten our Lord thy creatour † Our Lord saw and was moued to wrath because his sonnes and daughters prouoked him † And he said I wil hide my face from them and wil confider their last for it is a peruerse generation and vnfaithful children † They haue prouokedme in that which was no God and haue angred me in their vanities and I wil prouoke them in that which is no people and in a foolish nation wil I anger them † A fyre is kindled in my wrath and shal burne euen to the lowest partes of hel and shal deuoure the earth with her spring and shal burne the foundations of mountaines † I wil heape euils vpon them and myne arrowes I wil spend in them † They shal be consumed with famine and birdes shal deuoure them with most bitter biting the teeth of beastes wil I send vpon them with the furie of those that traile vpon the ground and creepe † Without shal the sword deuoure them within fearefulnes the young man and the virgin together the sucking child with the old man † I said Where are they I wil make their memorie to cease from among men † But for the wrath of the enemies I haue differred lest perhaps their enemies might be proude and would say Our mightie hand and not the Lord hath done al these thinges † A nation without counselis it and without wisedome † O that they were wise and vnderstoode and would prouide for their last † How should one pursew a thousand and two put ten thousand to flight was it not therfore because their God sold them and our Lord inclosed them † For our
Lord is not as their goddes our enemies also are iudges † Of the vineyard of Sodom is their vineyard and of the suburbes of Gomorrha their grape the grape of gall and the clusters most bitter † The gall of dragons their wine and the venime of Aspes vncurable Are not these thinges laid vp with me and signed in my treasures † Reuenge is myne and I wil repay them in time that their foote may slide the day of perdition is at hand and the times make hast to be present † Our Lord wil iudge his people and wil haue mercie on his seruantes he shal see that their hand is weakened and the shut vp also haue fayled and the residew be consumed † And he shal say Where are their goddes in whom they had confidence † Of whose victimes they did eate fatte and dranke the wine of their libamentes Let them arise and help you and protect you in necessitie † See ye that I am onlie and there is no other God besides me I wil kil and I wil make to liue I wil strike and I wil heale and there is none that can deliuer out of my hand † I wil lift vp my hand to heauen and wil say I liue for euer † If I shal whette my sword as the lightening and my hand take iudgement I wil repay vengeance to myne enemies and them that hate me wil I requite † I wil embrew my arrowes with bloud and my sword shal deuoure flesh of the bloud of the slaine and of captiuitie of the bare head of the enemies † You gentiles “ prayse his people because he wil reuenge the bloud of his seruantes and wil repay vengeance vpon their enemies and wil be propitious to the land of his people † Moyses therfore came and spake al the wordes of this canticle in the eares of the people he and Iosue the sonne of Nun. † And he finished al these wordes speaking to the children of Israel † and he said to them Sette your hartes on al the wordes which I testifie to you this day that you command them to your children to keepe and to doe and to fulfil al thinges of this law that are written † for not in vaine are they commanded you but that euerie one should liue in them which doing you may continew a long time in the Land which passing ouer Iordan you enter to possesse † And our Lord spake to Moyses in the same day saying † Goe vp into this mount Abarim that is to say of passages into mount Nebo which is in the Land of Moab against Iericho and see the Land of Chanaan which I wil deliuer to the children of Israel to obteyne and die thou in the mount † Which going vp vnto thou shalt be ioyned to thy peoples as Aaron thy brother died in mount Hor and was layd to his people † because you did preuaricate against me in the middes of the children of Israel at the Waters of contradiction in Cades of the desert of Sin and you did not sanctifie me among the children of Israel † Ouer against shalt thou see the Land and shalt not enter into it which I wil geue to the children of Israel ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXXII 18. Forgotten our Lord. Caluin li. 1. Instit c. 11. parag 9. contending that it is idolatrie to worship Christ in his picture saieth the idolatrie committed about the molten calfe Exod. 32. consisted in worshipping the true God in that image of a calfe affirming that the Ievves vvere not so inconsiderate as not to remember that it vvas God vvhich had brought them out of the Land of Aegypt Quite contrarie to this text which saieth God that begate thee thou hast forsaken and hast forgotten our Lord thy creator Caluin therfore was either ignorant or forgetful that the Holie Ghost here chargeth them to haue forsaken and forgotten God the Creator or els which is worse Knowing and remembring it he was most impudent in auouching the contrarie 43. Praise his people In the people of the Iewes were alwayes some good worthie of praise that serued God and sometimes suffered persecution for iustice whose bloud God promised here to reuenge and for their sakes to be merciful to others Al which we see was performed in that God reduced them from captiuitie and conserued them after in their countrie til Christs time for so he was propitious to the land of his people CHAP. XXXIII Moyses blessing the tribes of Israel Simeon omitted prophecyeth particularly of euerie one 26. Againe exhorteth them that as God hath chosen them his peculiar people so they loue and honour him their onlie God THIS is the blessing wherwith Moyses the man of God blessed the children of Israel before his death † And he said Our Lord “ came from Sinai and from Seir is he risen to vs he hath appeared from mount Pharan and with him thousādes of Sainctes In his right hand a fyrie law † He hath loued the peoples al the saintes are in his hand and they that approch to his feere shal receiue of his doctrine Moyses commanded vs a law the inheritance of the multitude of Iacob † He shal be king with the most right the princes of the people being assembled with the tribes of Israel † Liue Ruben and die he not and be he litle in number † This is the blessing of Iudas Heare Lord the voice of Iudas and bring him in vnto his people his handes shal fight for him and he shal be his helper against his aduersaties † To Leui also he said Thy perfection and thy doctrine be to thy holie man whom thou hast proued in tentation and iudged at the Waters of contradiction † He that said to his father and to his mother I know you not and to his brethren I know you not they knew not their children These kept thy word and obserued thy couenant † thy iudgementes o Iacob and thy law o Israel they shal put incense in thy furie and holocaust vpon thyne altar † Blesse Lord his strength and receiue the workes of his handes Strike the backes of his enemies and they that hate him let them not rise vp † And to Beniamin he said The best beloued of our Lord shal dwel confidently in him as in a bride chamber al the day shal he abide and betwen his shoulders shal he rest † To Ioseph also he said Of the blessing of our Lord be his land of the fruites of heauen and the dew the depth lying vnderneth † Of the pomes of the fruites of the sunne and moone † of the toppes of the old mountaynes of the pomes of the eternal hilles † and of the fruites of the earth and of the fulnes therof The blessing of him that appeared in the bush come vpon the head of Ioseph and vpon the crowne of the nazarite among his brethren † His beautie as of the first borne of an oxe his hornes the hornes
going in brought out Rahab and her parentes her brethren also and al her stuffe and kinred and made them to tarie without the campe † But the citie and al thinges that were found therein they burnt except the gold and siluer and brasen vessels and yron which they consecrated vnto the treasurie of our Lord. † But Rahab the harlotte and the house of her father and al that she had Iosue caused to liue and they dwelt in the middes of Israel vntil this present day for that she hidde the messengers which he had sent to view Iericho At that time Iosue pronounced a curse saying † Cursed be the man before our Lord that shal rayse vp and build the citie of Iericho In his first borne lay he the fundations therof and in the last of his children sette he vp the gates therof † Our Lord therfore was with Iosue and his name was bruited in al the earth CHAP. VII For the sinne of Achan reseruing secretly to himself certaine money and other precious thinges the Israelites are beaten in battel 13. But the offender being found out and stoned to death Gods wrath is turned from them BVT the children of Israel transgressed the commandment vsurped of the anathema For Achan the sonne of Charmi the sonne of Zabdi the sonne of Zare of the tribe of Iuda tooke somewhat of the anathema and our Lord was angrie against the children of Israel † And when Iosue sent from Iericho men against Hai which is beside Bethauen at the East side of the towne of Bethel he said to them Goe vp and view the Land who accomplishing his commandmentes viewed Hai. † And returning they said to him Let not al the people goe vp but let two or three thousand men goe and destroy the citie why shal al the people be vexed in vaine against verie few enemies † There went vp therfore three thousand fighting men Who immediatly turning their backes † were strooken of the men of the citie of Hai and there fel of them six and thirtie men and the aduersaries pursewed them from the gate as farre as Sabarim and they stricke them flying away by the descent and the hart of the people was much afrayd and melted like vnto water † But Iosue rent his garmentes and fel flatte on the ground before the arke of our Lord vntil euening as wel he as al the ancientes of Israel and they cast dust vpon their heades † and Iosue said Alas ô Lord God why wouldest thou bring this people ouer the riuer of Iordan to deliuer vs into the handes of the Amorrheite and to destroy vs would God as we beganne we had taried beyond Iordan † My Lord God what shal I say seeing Israel turning their backes to their enemies † The Chananeites shal heare of it and al the inhabitantes of the Land and being gathered together in a plumpe shal compasse vs about shal destroy our name from the earth and what wilt thou doe to thy greate name † And our Lord said to Iosue Arise why liest thou flatte on the ground † Israel hath sinned and transgressed my couenant and they haue taken of the anathema and haue stolen and lyed and haue hid it among their vessel † Neither can Israel stand before his enemies and he shal flee them because he is polluted with the anathema I wil be no more with you til you dispatch him that is guiltie of this wicked fact † Arise sanctifie the people and say to them Be sanctified against to morrow for thus saith our Lord God of Israel There is anathema in the middes of thee o Israel thou canst not stand before thyne enemies til he be destroyed out of thee that is contaminated with this wicked fact † And you shal come in the morning euerie one by your tribes and what tribe soeuer the lote shal finde it shal come by the kindredes therof the kinred by the houses and the house by the men † And whosoeuer he be that shal be taken in this fact he shal be burnt in the fyre with al his substance because he hath transgressed the couenāt of our Lord and hath done abomination in Israel † Iosue therfore rysing in the morning made Israel to come by their tribes and it was found the tribe of Iuda † Which being presented by the families therof it was found the familie of Zare Presenting that also by the houses he found it Zabdi † whose house diuiding into euerie man he found Achan the sonne of Charmi the sonne of Zabdi the sonne of Zare of the tribe of Iuda † And Iosue said to Achan My sonne geue glorie to our Lord God of Israel and confesse and tel me what thou hast done hide it not † And Achan answered Iosue and said to him In deede I haue sinned to our Lord the God of Israel and thus and thus haue I done † For I saw among the spoiles a cloke of scarlet verie good and two hundred sicles of siluer and a golden rule of fiftie sicles and coueting I tooke it away and hid it in the ground against the middes of my tabernacle and the siluer I couered with the earth digged vp † Iosue therfore sent ministers who running to his tabernacle found al thinges hid in the same place and the siluer withal † And taking it away out of the rent brought it to Iosue and to al the children of Israel and threw it before our Lord. † Iosue therfore taking Achan the sonne of Zare and the siluer and the cloke and the golden rule his sonnes also and daughters his oxen and asses and sheepe and the tabernacle it self and al the stuffe and al Israel with him they brought them to the valley of Achor † where Iosue said Because thou hast disturbed vs our Lord disturbe thee in this day And al Israel stoned him and al thinges that were his were consumed with fyre † And gathered together vpon him a greate heape of stones which remaineth vntil this present day And the furie of our Lord was auerted from them And the name of that place was called The valley of Achor vntil this day CHAP. VIII By stratageme of an ambushment the citie of Hai is taken and burned and al the inhabitantes slaine 29. the king hanged 30. An Altar built Sacrifice offered 32. the law written in stones the people blessed and the blessinges and cursinges read before them al. AND our Lord said to Iosue Feare not neither doe thou dread take with thee al the multitude of fighting men and rysing goe vp vnto the towne of Hai. behold I haue deliuered into thy hand the King therof the people and the citie and the land † And thou shalt do to the citie of Hai and to the King therof as thou hast done to Iericho and to the King therof but the praye and al the cattel you shal spoyle for your selues lay ambushmentes to the citie behind it † And Iosue arose and al the hoste of
made an end of diuiding the Land by lotte to euerie one by their tribes the children of Israel gaue possession to Iosue the sonne of Nun in the middes of them † according to the commandement of our Lord the citie which he requested Thamnath Saraa in mount Ephraim and he built the citie and dwelt in it † These are the possessions which Eleazar the priest and Iosue the sonne of Nun and the princes of the families and of the tribes of the children of Israel diuided by lotte in Silo before our Lord at the doore of the tabernacle of testimonie and they parted the Land CHAP. XX. Six cities of refuge for such as commit casual manslaughter are named 6 in which remayning til the death of the high priest they may then returne to their proper dwelling place and be safe AND our Lord spake to Iosue saying Speake to the children of Israel and say to them † Separate the cities of the fugitiues of the which I spake to you by the hand of Moyses † that he may flee to them whosoeuer shal strike a soule vnwitting and may escape the wrath of the nigh kinseman which is the reuenger of bloud † when he shal be fled to one of these cities he shal stand before the gate of the citie and shal speake to the ancientes of that citie those thinges that may proue him selfe innocent and so they shal receiue him and geue him place to inhabite † And when the reuenger of the bloud shal pursew him they shal not deliuer him into his handes because he stroke his neighbour by ignorance neitheir is he proued to be his enemie two or three dayes before † And he shal dwel in that citie til he stand before iudgement rendring a cause of his fact and the high priest die which shal be at that time then shal the manslaer returne and enter into the citie and his house out of the which he had fled † And they appointed Cedes in Galilee of the mount of Nepthali and Sichem in the mount of Ephraim and Cariatharbee the same is Hebron in the mount of Iuda † And beyond Iordan against the East quarter of Iericho they appointed Bosor which is situated in the champaine wildernes of the tribe of Ruben and Ramoth in Galaad of the tribe of Gad and Gaulon in Basan of the tribe of Manasses † These cities were appointed to al the children of Israel and to the strangesrs that dwelt among them that he might flee to them which vnwittingly had striken a soule and might not die in the hand of the kinseman coue●ing to reuenge the bloud shed vntil he might stand before the people to declare his cause CHAP. XXI Cities with suburbes are assigned to the tribe of Leui. 4. To the sonnes of Caath by the line of Aaron being priestes thirtenne 5. to the rest of Caaths progenie being Leuites tenne 6. To the sonnes of Gerson Leuites thirte●ne 7. To the sonnes of Merari Leuites 34. of a lower degree twelue 9. with the names of al the cities 39. in al fourtie eight 41. So Gods promise is fully performed hauing geuen the whole Land to Israel in peaceable possession AND the princes of the families of the Leui came to Eleazar the priest and Iosue the sonne of Nun and to the chief of the kinredes in euerie tribe of the children of Israel † and they spake to them in Silo of the Land of Chanaan and said Our Lord commanded by the hand of Moyses that cities should be geuen vs to inhabite and their suburbes to feede cattel † And the children of Israel gaue of their possessions according to the commandement of our Lord cities and their suburbes † And the lotte came forth vnto the familie of Caath of the children of Aaron the priest out of the tribe of Iudas and Simeon and Beniamin thirtene cities † And to the rest of the children of Caath that is to the Leuites which remayned out of the tribes of Ephraim and Dan and the halfe tribe of Manasses ten cities † Moreouer to the children of Gerson came forth a lotte that they should take of the tribes of Issachar and Aser and Nephthali and the halfe tribe of Manasses in Basan cities in number thirtene † And to the sonnes of Merari by their kinredes of the tribe of Ruben and Gad and Zabulon twelue cities † and the children of Israel gaue to the Leuites cities and their suburbes as our Lord commanded by the hand of Moyses geuing to euerie one by lotte † Of the tribes of the children of Iudas and Simeon Iosue gaue cities whose names be these † to the children of Aaron by the families of Caath of the Leuitical stocke for the first lotte came forth to them † Cariatharbe the father of Enac which is called Hebron in the mountaine of Iudas and the suburbes therof round about † But the fieldes and the townes therof he had geuen to Caleb the sonne of Iephone to possesse † He gaue therfore to the children of Aaron the priest Hebron a citie of refuge and the suburbes therof Lobna with the suburbes therof † and Iether and Estemo † and Holon and Dabir † and Ain and Ieta and Bethsames with the suburbes therof nine cities of two tribes as hath bene said † And of the tribe of the children of Beniamin Gabaon and Gabae † and Anathoth and Almon with their suburbes foure cities † Al the cities together of the children of Aaron the priest thirtene with their suburbes † But to the rest by the families of the children of Caath of the Leuitical stocke was geuen this possession † Of the tribe of Ephraim the cities of refuge Sichem with the suburbes therof in the mountayne of Ephraim and Gazer † and Cibsaim and Beth horon with the suburbes therof foure cities † Of the tribe of Dan also Eltheco and Gabathon † and Aialon and Gethremmon with the suburbes therof foure cities † Moreouer of the half tribe of Manasses Thanac and Gethremmon with their suburbes two cities † Al the cities ten and their suburbes were geuen to the children of Caath of the inferiour degree † To the children of Gerson also of the Leuitical stocke he gaue of the half tribe of Manasses the cities of refuge Gaulon in Basan and Bosram with their suburbes two cities † Moreouer of the tribe of Issachar Cesion and Dabereth † and Iaramoth and Engannim with their suburbes foure cities † And of the tribe of Aser Masal and Abdon † and Helcath and Rohob with their suburbes foure cities † Of the tribe also of Nephthali the cities of refuge Cedes in Galilee and Hammoth Dor and Carthan with their suburbes three cities † Al the cities of the families of Gerson thirtene with their suburbes † And to the children of Merari Leuites of the inferiour degree by their families was geuen of the tribe of Zabulon Iecnam and Cartha † and Damna and Naalol foure cities with their suburbes † Of the tribe
our Lord saying Who shal goe vp before vs against the Chananeite and shal be captaine of the warre † And our Lord said Iudas shal goe vp behold I haue deliuered the Land into his handes † And Iudas said to Simeon his brother Come vp with me into my lotte and fight against the Chananeite that I also may goe forward with thee into thy lotte And Simeon went with him † And Iudas went vp and our Lord deliuered the Chananeite and the Pherezeite into their handes and they stroke in Bezec ten thousand men † And they found Adonibezec in Bezec and fought against him and stroke the Chananeite and the Pherezeite † And Adonibezec fled whom pursewing they tooke cutting of the extreme partes of his handes and feere † And Adonibezec said Seuentie kinges hauing the extreme partes of their handes and seete cut of gathered vp the reliques of meates vnder my table as I haue done so hath God repayed me And they brought him into Ierusalem and there he died † Therfore the children of Iudas assaulting Ierusalem tooke it and stroke it in the edge of the sword setting the whole citie on fyre † And afterward going downe they fought against the Chananeite which dwelled in the mountaines and southward and in the champaine countries † And Iudas going forward against the Chananeite that dwelled in Hebron the name wherof was before time Cariatharbe stroke Sesai and Ahiman and Tholmai † and departing thence went to the inhabitantes of Dabir the old name wherof was Cariath Sepher that is a citie of letters † And Caleb said He that shal strike Cariath Sepher and spoile it I wil geue him Axa my daughter to wife † And when Othoniel the sonne of Cenez the yonger brother of Caleb had taken it he gaue him Axa his daughter to wife † Whom going on her way her husband admonished to aske a field of her father To whom when she had sighed sitting on her asse Caleb said What aileth thee † But she answered Geue me a blessing for a drie land thou haft geuen me geue me also a waterie Caleb therfore gaue her a watrie ground aboue waterie beneath † And the children of the Cineite the cosin of Moyses went vp from the citie of palmes with the children of Iudas into the deset of his lotte which is at the south side of Arad and dwelt with him † But Iudas went with Simeon his brother and together they stroke the Chananeite that dwelt in Sephaath and slew him And the name of the citie was called Horma that is Anathema † And Iudas tooke Gaza with the coastes therof Ascalon and Accaron with their boundes † And our Lord was with Iudas and he posessed the mountaines neither could he destroy the inhabitantes of the valley because they had manie hooked chariotes † And they gaue to Galeb Hebron as Moyses had said who destroyed out of it the three sonnes of Enac † But the Iebuseite the inhabiter of Ierusalem the children of Beniamin destroyed not and the Iebuseite dwelt with the children of Beniamin in Ierusalem vntil this present day † The house also of Ioseph went vp into Bethel and our Lord was with them † For when they besieged the citie which before was called Luza † they saw a man comming out of the citie and said to him Shew vs the entrrance of the citie and we wil shew thee mercie † Who when he had shewed them they stroke the citie in the edge of the sword but that man and al his kinred they dismissed † Who being dismist went into the Land of the Hetthims and built there a citie and called it Luza which is so called vntil this present day † Manasses also destroyed not Bethsan and Thanac with their litle townes and the inhabitantes of Dor and Ieblaam and Mageddo with their litle townes And the Chananeite began to dwel with them † But after that Israel was waxen strong he made them tributaries and would not destroy them † Ephraim also killed not the Chananeite that dwelt in Gazer but dwelt with him † Zabulon destroyed not the inhabitantes of Cetron Naalol but the Chananeite dwelt in the middes of him and was made tributarie to him † Aser also destroyed not the inhabitantes of Accho and of Sidon of Ahalab and Achazib and Helba and Aphec and Rohob † and he dwelt in the middes of the Chananeite the inhabiter of that Land neither did he kil them † Nepthali also destroyed not the inhabitantes of Bethsames Bethanath and he dwelt in the middes of the Chananeite the inhabiter of the Land and the Bethsamites Bethanites were tributaries to him † And the Amorrheite straytened the children of Dan in the mountaine and gaue them not place to goe downe to the playne † and he dwelt in mount Hares which is inter preted shelles in Aialon and Salebim And the hand of the house of Ioseph was agrauated and he became tributarie to him † And the border of the Amorrheite was from the Ascent of the Scorpion the rocke and the higher places CHAP. II. An Angel reciting manie benefites of God towardes Israel and their ingratitude 4. they weepe for their faultes 10. After the death of Iosue and other antientes of his time the people often fal and repenting are deliuered from afflictions 19. but stil fal againe worse and worse AND the Angel of our Lord went vp from Galgal to the place of weepers and said I brought you out of Aegypt and haue brought you into the Land for the which I sware to your fathers and I promised that I would not make frustrate my couenant with you for euer † onlie so that you should not make a league with the inhabitantes of this Land but should ouerthrow their altares and you would not heare my voice why haue you done this † For the which cause I would not destroy them from before your face that you may haue enemies and their goddes may be a ruine vnto you † And when the Angel of our Lord spake these wordes to al the children of Israel they lifted vp their voice and wept † And the name of that place was called the place of weepers or of teares and there they immolated hostes to our Lord. † Iosue therfore dismissed the people and the children of Israel went euerie one into his possession to obtayne it † and they serued our Lord al his daies and the daies of the ancientes of them that liued a long time after him and knew al the workes of our Lord which he had done with Israel † And Iosue the sonne of Nun the seruant of our Lord died being a hundred and ten yeares old † and they buried him in the borders of his possession in Thamnathsare in the mount of Ephraim on the North side of mount Gaas † And al that generation was gathered to to their fathers and there rose others that knew not our Lord and the workes which he had done with
Philisthimes six hundred men with the culter of a ploughe and he also defended Israel CHAP. IIII. Againe the people sinning are oppressed and crying to God 4. by direction of Debbora a prophetesse Barac fighteth against Sisara their enemie 15. who stricken with feare and fleeing away 17. Iahel pretending his saftie killeth him in her house AND the children of Israel added to doe euil in the sight of our Lord after the death of Aod † and our Lord deliuered them into the handes of Iabin the king of Chanaan which reigned in Asor and he had a captaine of his armie named Sisara and he dwelt in Haroseth of the gentiles † And the children of Israel cried to our Lord for he had nine hundred yron hooked chariottes and for twentie yeres had vehemently oppressed them † And there was one Debbora a prophetese the wife of Lapidoth which iudged the people at that time † And she sate vnder a palme tree which was called by her name betwen Rama and Bethel in the mount of Ephraim and the children of Israel went vp to her for al iudgement † Who sent and called Barac the sonne of Abinoem of Cedes in Nepthali and she said to him Our Lord God of Israel hath commanded thee Goe and lead an armie into mount Thabor and thou shalt take with thee ten thousand fighting men of the children of Nepthali and of the children of Zabulon † and I wil bring vnto thee in the place of the Torrent Cison Sisara the prince of the hoste of Iabin and his chariotes and al the multitude and wil deliuer them in thy hand † And Barac said to her If thou come with me I wil goe If thou wilt not come with me I wil not goe † Who said to him I wil goe in deede with thee but at this time the victorie shal not be imputed to thee because Sisara shal be deliuered into the hand of a woman Debbora therfore arose and went with Barac into Cedes † Who calling vnto him Zabulon and Nepthali went vp with ten thousand fighting men hauing Debbora in his companie † And Habet the Cineite was in time past departed from the rest of the Cineites his brethren of Hobab the cosin of Moyses and had pitched his tentes vnto the valley which is called Sennim and was nere Cedes † And it was told Sisara that Barac the sonne of Abinoem was gone vp into mount Thabor † and he gathered nine hundred yron hooked chariottes and al his armie from Haroseth of the gentiles to the torrent Cison † And Debbora said to Barac Arise for this is the day wherin our Lord hath deliuered Sisara into thy handes behold he is thy leader And Barac went downe from mount Thabor and ten thousand fighting men with him † And our Lord terrified Sisara and al his chariotes and al the multitude in the edge of the sword at the sight of Barac in so much that Sisara leaping downe from his chariote fled a foote † and Barac pursewed the chariotes fleeing and the armie vnto Haroseth of the gentiles and al the multitude of the enemies was vtterly destroyed † But Sisara fleeing came to the tent of Iahel the wife of Haber the Cineite for there was peace betwixt Iabin the king of Asor and the house of Haber the Cineite † Iahel therfore going forth to meete Sisara said to him Come in to me my Lord come in feare no● Who being entred into her tabernacle and couered of her with a cloke † said to her Geue me I beseech thee a little water for I am very thirstie Who opened a bottle of milke and gaue him to drinke and couered him † And Sisara said to her Stand before the doore of the tabernacle and when any shal come asking thee and saying Is there any man here Thou shalt say There is none † Iahel therfore the wife of Haber tooke a nayle of the tabernacle taking with al a hammer also and going in secretely and with silence she put the naile vpon the temple of his head and striking it with the hammer fastened it into his braine euen to the ground who ioyning deepe sleepe and death together faynted and died † And behold Barac folowing Sisara came Iahel going forth to meete him said to him Come and I wil thew thee the man whom thou seekest Who when he was entered in vnto her saw Sisara lying dead and the nayle fastened in his temples † Therfore God that day humbled Iabin the king of Chanaan before the children of Israel † which increased daily and with strong hand oppressed Iabin the king of Chanaan til they destroyed him CHAP. V. The Canticle of Debbora and Barac geuing thankes after their victorie AND Debbora and Barac the sonne of Abinoem sang in that day saying † You that of Israel haue voluntarily offered your liues to peril blesse our Lord. † Heare you kinges and geue eare ye princes I am I am she that wil sing to our Lord I wil chaunte to our Lord the God of Israel † Lord when thou wentst out of Seir and didst passe by the countries of Edom the earth was moued the heauens and cloudes distilled waters † The mountaines melted before the face of our Lord and Sinai before the face of our Lord God of Israel † In the daies of Samgar the sonne of Anath in the daies of Iahel the pathes rested and they that went by them walked by by waies The valiantes in Israel ceased and rested vntil Debbora arose a mother rose in Israel Our Lord chose new warres and the gates of the enemies him selfe subuerted shield and speare if there appeared among fourtie thousand of Israel † My hart loueth the princes of Israel you that of your owne good wil offered your selues to danger blesse our Lord. † You that ride vpon your faire asses and sitte in iudgement and walke in the way speake † Where the chariottes were frushed together and the armie of the enemie was suffocated there let the iustices of our Lord be told and his clemencie toward the valiantes of Israel then did the people of our Lord goe downe to the gates and obteyned the principalitie † Arise arise Debbora arise arise and speake a canticle Arise Barac and apprehend thy captiues thou sonne of Abinoem The remnant of the people is saued our Lord hath fought in the valiantes Out from Ephraim he destroyed them into Amalec and after him out from Beniamin into thy peoples O Amalec Out from Machir there descended princes and our from Zabulon they that led the armie to fight † The captaines of Issachar were with Debbora and folowed the steppes of Barac who as it were into a headlong and bottomeles pitte gaue him self to danger Ruben being diuided against it self there was found contention of couragious persons Why dwellest thou betwen the two boundes that thou mayest heare the whistlinges of the flockes Ruben being diuided against it self there was found contention of
hapened she did is a great and hard question saieth S. Augustin q. 49. in lib. Iudic and not easily decided the holie scripture neither approuing nor reprouing his fact Neuertheles by conference of other scriptures and discourse of reason he iudgeth it most probablo that Iephte offended in vowing without special warrant from God to sacrifice that which by the law was not sacrificable yet ●inned not in performing his vow but rather pacified God therby whose wil it semed to be that for punishment of his sinne he should sacrifice his daughter because by his diuine prouidence she first mette him and the omission might rather haue benne for his natural loue towards his onlie childe then for the vnlawfulnes of the sacrifice seing it once pleased God to command Abraham to immolate his sonno Isaac though when it came to execution he forbade the same appointing an other hoste in place of the childe which here he did not Neither was it iniurious to the daughter seing she as al mankinde must once die when God appointeth Yea further she offered her self freely which semed to be by Gods instinct willing her father to do to her whatsoeuer he had promised to God This is the summe of S. Augustins large discourse Likewise S. Ambrose li. 3. de Officiis c. 12. supposeth assuredly that this prince Iephte offended in vowing vn●duisedly for it also repented him when his daughter first mette him yet that with godlie feare and dreade he performed to his owne bitter paine that which he had promised inst●●●ting an anniuersarie lamentation of his daughter for a warning to posteri●●● of more circumspection in making vowes S. Hierom also li. 1. aduers Io●i●●●● approueth their opinion that say It was Gods ordinance Iephte should se●●e the errour of his vnaduised vow by the death of his daughter for a document to others The very same teacheth S. Chrisostom ●o 14. ad pop Antioch that God would haue this errour to be thus punished that others might be warned from vowing the like S. Gregoire Naziazen orat de ●achab●●● preferring the martyrdome of the seuen brothers and their mother befor this sacrifice of Iephte as more aduised and more honorable yet condemneth not this but recounteth it amongst other commendable actes Theodoret q. 19. in Iudic. and al the afore said fathers do highly commend the daughters promptnes in offering her self to be sacrificed which either much extenuated he● fathers fault or wholly iustified his fact Thus the ancient fathers moderate their censures Yet a new glosser of the English Bible without scruple sayeth that by his ●ash vow and vvicked performance his victorie vvas defaced and againe that he was ouercome vvith blinde Zele not considering whether the vow was lawful or no. CHAP. XII Ephraites rising against Iephte fourtie two thousand of them are slaine 8. Abesan is Iudge 11. After him Abialon 13. Then Abdon BVT behold in Ephraim there arose a sedition For they passing against the North said to Iephte Going to fight against the children of Ammon why wouldst thou not cal vs that we might goe with thee Therfore we wil burne thy house † To whom he answered I and my people were at great strife against the children of Ammon and I called you that you should ayde me and you would not doe it † Which I seeing put my life in myne owne handes and passed to the children of Ammon and our Lord deliuered them into my handes What haue I deserued that you rise against me in battel † Therfore al the men of Galaad being called to him he fought against Ephraim and the men of Galaad stroke Ephraim because he had said Galaad is a fugitiue of Ephraim and dwelleth in the middes of Ephraim and Manasses † And the Galaadites tooke the fordes of Iordan by the which Ephraim was to returne And when there had come to the same one of the number of Ephraim fleeing and had said I besech you let me passe The Galaadites said to him Art thou not an Ephraite Who saying I am not † they asked him Say then Schibboleth which is interpreted an Eare of corne Who answered Sibboleth not being able by the same letter to expresse an eare of corne And immediatly being apprehended they killed him in the very passage of Iordan And there fel at that time of Ephraim two and fourtie thousand † Therfore Iephte the Galaadite iudged Israel six yeares and he died and was buried in his citie of Galaad † After him Abesan of Bethlehem iudged Israel † who had thirtie sonnes and as manie daughters which he sending abrode gaue to husbandes and tooke wiues for his sonnes of the same number bringing them into his house Who iudged Israel seuen yeares † and died and was buried in Bethlehem † To whom succeeded Ahialon a Zabulonite and he iudged Israel ten yeares † and he died and was buried in Zabulon † After him Abdon iudged Israel the sonne of Illel a Pharathonite † who had fourtie sonnes and of them thirtie nephewes mounting vpon seuentie asse coltes and he iudged Israel eight yeares † and he died and was buried in Pharathon of the Land of Ephraim in the mount of Amalec CHAP. XIII The people fal againe to idolatrie and are afflicted by the Philisthims 3. An Angel fortelleth Manue his wife that she shal haue a sonne and that he shal be a Nazareite from his birth 11. confirmeth the same to Manue 16. They offer sacrifice to God 24. The childe is borne called Samson and blessed of God AND againe the children of Israel did euil in the sight of our Lord who deliuered them into the handes of the Philisthimes fourtie yeares † And there was a certaine man of Saraa and of the stocke of Dan named Manue hauing a wife barren † To whom an Angel of our Lord appeared and said to her Thou art barren and without children but thou shalt conceiue beare a sonne † beware therfore that thou drinke not wine sicer nor eate any vncleane thing † because thou shalt conceiue and beare a sonne whose head the raser shal not touch for he shal be a Nazareite of God from his infancie and from his mothers wombe and he shal beginne to deliuer Israel from the handes of the Philistijmes † Who when she was come to her husband said to him A man of God came to me hauing an Angelical contenance exceeding terrible Whom when I had asked who he was and whence he came and by what name he was called he would not tel me † but this he answered Behold thou shalt conceiue and beare a sonne beware thou drinke not wine nor sicer and that thou eate not any vncleane thing for the child shal be the Nazereite of God from his infancie and from his mothers wombe vntil the day of his death † Manue therfore prayed to our Lord and said I besech thee ô Lord that the man of God whom thou didst send
man of Bethleem Iuda to seiourne in the land of Moab with his wife and two children † him self was called Elimelech and his wife Noemi and his two sonnes the one Mahalon and the other Chelion Ephraites of Bethleem Iuda And entring into the countrie of Moab they abode there † And Elimelech the husband of Noemi died and she remained with her sonnes † Who tooke wiues of the Moabites of the which one was called Orpha and the other Ruth And they abode there ten yeares † and both died to witte Mahalon and Chelion and the woman remayned destitute of her two children her husband † And she arose to goe into her countrie with both her daughters in law from the countrie of Moab for she had heard that our Lord had respected his people had geuen them victuals † She therfore went forth from the place of her peregrination with both her daughters in law and being now sette in the way to returne into the Land of Iuda † she said to them Goe into your mothers house our Lord doe mercie with you as you haue done with the dead and with me † Grant he vnto you to find rest in the houses of your husbandes which you shal take And she kissed them Who lifting vp their voice beganne to weepe † to say We wil goe on with thee to thy people † To whom she answered Returne my daughters why come you with me shal I haue sonnes any more in my wombe that you may hope for husbandes of me † Returne my daughters and goe your wayes for I am now spent with old age and not fitte for wedlocke Although I might conceiue this night and beare children † if you would expect til they grow and be of mans age you shal be old women be●o you marrie Doe not so my daughters I besech you for your distresse doth the more greue me and the hand of our Lord is come forth against me † Therfore lifting vp their voice they beganne to weepe agayne Orpha kissed her mother in law and returned Ruth cleaued to her mother in law † to whom Noemi said Behold thy kinse woman is returned to her people and to her goddes goe with her † Who answered Be not against me to the end that I should leaue thee and depart for whither soeuer thou shalt goe I wil goe and where thou shalt abide I also wil abide Thy people my people and thy God my God † The land that shal receiue thee dying in the ●ame wil I die and there wil I take a place for my burial These thinges doe God to me these thinges adde he if death onlie shal not separate me and thee † Noemi therfore seing that Ruth with a stidfast mind had determined to goe forward with her would not be against it nor perswade her any more to returne to her frendes † and they went forth together and came into Bethlehem Who being entered into the citie a brute was quickly spred among them and the wemen said This is that Noemi † To whom she said Cal me not Noemi that it to say beautiful but cal me Mara that is to say bitter because with bitternes hath the Almightie very much replenished me † I went forth ful and our Lord hath brought me backe emptie Why therfore doe you cal me Noemi whom our Lord hath humbled and the Almightie hath afflicted † Noemi therfore came with Ruth the Moabite her daughter in law from the Land of her peregrination and returned into Bethlehem when barley was first reaped CHAP. II. Ruth gathering eares of corne in Booz field 8. he kindly biddeth her tarie with his seruantes 17. At night she returneth carying good quantit●e of corne and part of the meate which they gaue her to her mother in law AND Elimelech her husband had a cosin a mightie man and of great riches named Booz † And Ruth the Moabite said to her mother in law If thou command I wil goe into the field and gather the eares of corne that shal escape the handes of the reapers where soeuer I shal find the grace of the father of the house fauorable towardes me To whom she answered Goe my daughter † She went therfore and gathered the eares of corne after the backes of the reapers And it chanced that the owner of the same field was Booz who was of the kinred of Elimelech † And behold he came out of Bethlehem and said to the reapers Our Lord be with you Who answered him Our Lord blesse thee † And Booz said to the yongman that was ouerseer of the reapers Whose maide is this † To whom he answered This is that Moabite which came with Noemi from the countrie of Moab † and she desired that she might gather the eares of corne that remayne folowing the steppes of the reapers and from morning vntil now she stayeth in the field and not so much as for a very moment hath she returned home † And Booz said to Ruth Heare me daughter goe not into an other field to gather neither depart thou from this place but ioyne thy selfe to my maides † and where they haue reaped folow For I haue commanded my seruantes that no man molest thee but if thou shalt thirst also goe to the fardels and drinke the waters wherof the seruantes also doe drinke † who falling on her face and adoring vpon the ground said to him Whence cometh this to me that I should find grace before thine eies and that thou wouldest voutsafe to know me a strange woman † To whom he answered Al thinges haue beene told me which thou hast done to thy mother in law after the death of thy husband and that thou hast leift thy parentes and the land wherein thou wast borne and art come to a people which before thou knewest not † Our Lord render vnto thee for thy worke and God grant thou mayest receiue a ful reward of our Lord the God of Israel to whom thou art come vnder whose winges thou art fled † Who said I haue found grace in thine eies my lord which hast comforted me and hast spoken to the hart of thy handmaide which am not like to one of thy maides † And Booz said to her When the houre shal come to eate come hither and eate bread and dippe thy morsel in the vinagre She therfore sate at the side of the reapers and she heaped to her selfe polent and did eate and was filled and tooke the leauinges † And from thence she arose to gleane the eares of corne after her maner And Booz commanded his seruantes saying Yea and if she wil reape with you forbid her not † and of your owne handfuls also cast forth of purpose and let them remaine that she may gather them without bashefulnes and gathering let no man controwle her † She gleaned therfore in the field vntil euening that which she had gathered beating with a rodde threshing she found of barley as it
vnhappie woman and wine and whatsoeuer may inebriate I haue not drunke but I haue powred out my soule in the sight of our Lord. † Account not thy handmaide as one of the daughters of Belial for of the multitude of my sorrow and heauines haue I spoken vntil this present † Then Heli saied to her Goe in peace and the God of Israel geue thee thy petition which thou hast asked him † But she sayd Would God thy handmaide may find grace in thyne eyes And the woman went on her way and did eate and her countenance was no more changed otherwise † And they rose in the morning and adored before our Lord and they returned came into their house to Ramatha And Elcana knew Anna his wife and our Lord remembred her † And it came to passe after a certaine compasse of dayes Anna conceiued bare a sonne and called his name Samuel because she asked him of our Lord. † And Elcana her husband went vp and al her house to immolat vnto our Lord the solemne hoste and his vowe † and Anna went not vp for she sayd to her husband I wil not goe til the infant be weaned and til I may bring him that he may appeare before the sight of our Lord and may remayne there continually † And Elcana her husband sayd to her Doe that which seemeth good to thee and tarie til thou weane him and I pray that our Lord fulfil his word The woman therfore taried and gaue her sonne sucke til she remoued him from the milke † And she brought him with her after she had weaned him with three calues three bushels of meale and a flagon of wine and she brought him to the house of our Lord in Silo. But the childe was yet a litle infant † and they immolated a calfe and offered the childe to Heli. † And Anna said I besech thee my lord thy soule liueth my lord I am that woman which stoode before thee here praying our Lord. † For this childe did I pray and our Lord hath geuen me my petition which I asked him † Therfore I also haue geuen him to our Lord al the daies which he shal liue that he may be applied to our Lord. And they adored our Lord there And Anna prayed and sayd CHAP. II. Anna geueth thankes in a Canticle 11. the sonnes of Heli greuously sinning are reprehended but not duly corected by their father 21. Anna beareth three sonnes more and two daughters 27. Heli is threatned 34. and the death of his two sonnes fortold MY hart hath reioysed in our Lord and my horne is exalted in my God my mouth is dilated vpon myn enemies because I haue ioyed in thy saluation † There is none holie as our Lord is for neither is there an other beside thee and there is none so strong as out God † Doe not multiplie to speake high thinges boasting let old matters depart from your mouth because our Lord is a God of al knowlege and to him cogitations are prepared † The bow of the strong men is ouercome and the weake are girded with strength † They that before were filled haue hyred out them selues for bread and the hungrie are filled vntil the barren woman bare verie manie and she that had manie children was weakened † Our Lord mortifieth and quickeneth bringeth downe to hel and fetcheth backe agayne † Our Lord maketh poore and enricheth humbleth and lifteth vp † He rayseth the needie man from the dust and from the dung he lifteth vp the poore that he may sitte with princes and hold the throne of glorie For the poles of the earth are our Lords and vpon them he hath sette the world † The feete of his Saintes he wil keepe and the impious shal be silent in darknes because in his owne force man shal not be strengthned † Our Lord shal his aduersaries feare and vpon them shal he thunder in the heauens our Lord s●al iudge the endes of the Earth and shal geue empire to his king and shal exalt the horne of his Christ † And Elcana went into Ramatha vnto his house but the childe ministered in the sight of our Lord before the face of Heli the priest † Moreouer the sonnes of Heli were the sonnes of Belial not knowing our Lord † nor the office of priestes to the people but whosoeuer had immolated a victime the seruant of the priest came whiles the flesh was in boyling and had a flesh hooke with three teeth in his hand † and thrust it into the kettle or into the caudron or into the potte or into the panne and al that the flesh hooke brought vp the priest tooke to him selfe so did they to al Israel that came into Silo. † Yea before they burnt the fatte the seruant of the priest came and sayd to him that immolated Geue me flesh that I may boyle it for the priest for I wil not take flesh of thee sodde but raw † And he that immolated sayd to him Let the fatte first be burnt to day according to the maner and take vnto thee how much soeuer thy soule desireth Who answering said to him Not so for thou shalt geue it now or els I wil take it away by force † Therfore the sinne of the yong men was exceding great before our Lord because men detracted from the sacrifice of our Lord. † But Samuel ministred before the face of our Lord a child girded with an ephod of linnen † And his mother made him a litle tunike which she brought vpon the ordinarie daies going vp with her husband to immolate the solemne host † And Heli blessed Elcana and his wife and he saied to him Our Lord render thee seede of this woman for the vsurie that thou hast geuen our Lord. And they went into their place † Our Lord therfore visited Anna and she conceiued and bare three sonnes and two daughters and the childe Samuel was magnified before our Lord. † And Heli was very old and heard al thinges which his sonnes did to al Israel and how they slept with the wemen that wayted at the doore of the tabernacle † and he sayd to them Why doe you these kinde of thinges which I heare very naughtie thinges of al the people † Doe not so my sonnes for it is not a good report which I doe heare that you make the people of our Lord to transgresse † If man shal sinne against man God may be pacified toward him but if a man shal sinne against our Lord who shal pray for him And they heard not the voice of their father because our Lord would kil them † But the childe Samuel prospered and grew and pleased both our Lord and men † And there came a man of God to Heli and said to him Thus ●ayth our Lord Was not I openly reueled to thy fathers house when they were in Aegypt in the house of Pharao † and I chose him of al the tribes
Aegypt † And he apprehended Agag the king of Amalec aliue but al the comon people he slewe in the edge of the sword † And Saul and the people spared Agag and the best flockes of sheepe and heardes and the garmentes and rammes and al thinges that were fayre neither would they destroy them but whatsoeuer was vile and refuse that they destroyed † And the word of our Lord was made to Samuel saying † It repenteth me that I haue made Saul king because he hath forsaken me hath not fulfilled my wordes in worke And Samuel was strooken sadde and cried to our Lord al the night † And when Samuel had risen in the night to goe to Saul in the morning it was told Samuel that Saul was come into Carmelus and had erected to him selfe a triumphant arch and returning was passed and gone into Galgal Samuel therefore came to Saul and Saul offered an holocaust to our Lord of the first of the prayes which he had brought from Amalec † And when Samuel was come to Saul Saul sayd to him Blessed be thou to our Lord I haue fulfilled the word of our Lord. † And Samuel sayd And what is this voice of flockes which soundeth in myne eares and of heardes which I heare † And Saul said They haue brought them from Amalec for the people hath spared the better sheepe and heardes that they might be immolated to our Lord thy God but the rest we haue slaine † And Samuel said to Saul Suffer me and I wil shew thee what our Lord hath spoken to me this night And he sayd to him Speake † And Samuel said When thou wast a little one in thyne owne eyes was thou not made chief in the tribes of Israel And our Lord annointed thee to be king ouer Israel † and our Lord sent thee on the way and sayd Goe and kil the sinners of Amalec and thou shalt fight against them vntil the vtter destruction of them † Why therefore hast thou not heard the voice of our Lord but art turned to the praye and hast done euil in the eies of our Lord † And Saul said to Samuel Yea I haue heard the voice of our Lord and haue walked in the way by which our Lord sent me and haue brought Agag the king of Amalec and Amalec I haue slaine † But the people tooke of the praye sheepe and oxen the principal of those thinges which were slaine to immolate to our Lord their God in Galgal † And Samuel said Why wil our Lord haue holocaustes and victimes and not rather that the voice of our Lord be obeyed For BETTER is obedience then victimes and to harken rather then to offer the fatte of rammes † Because it is as it were the sinne of inchantment to resist and as it were the wickednes of idolatrie to refuse to obey For as much therefore as thou hast reiected the word of our Lord our Lord hath reiected thee that thou shalt not be king † And Saul said to Samuel I haue sinned because I haue transgressed the saying of our Lord and thy wordes fearing the people and obeying their voice † But now beare I besech thee my sinne and returne with me that I may adore our Lord. † And Samuel sayd to Saul I wil not returne with thee because thou hast reiected the word of our Lord and our Lord hath reiected thee that thou shalt not be king ouer Israel † And Samuel turned him selfe to depart but he caught the hemme of his cloke which also did rent † And Samuel said to him Our Lord hath rent the kingdom of Israel from thee this day and hath deliuered it to thy neighbour better then thou † Moreouer the Triumpher in Israel wil not spare and he wil not be turned with repentance for neither is he a man that he may repent † But he said I haue sinned how be it now honour me before the ancientes of my people and before Israel and returne with me that I may adore our Lord thy God † Samuel therefore returning folowed Saul and Saul adored our Lord. † And Samuel said Bring vnto me Agag the king of Amalec And Agag was presented to him very fatte trembling And Agag sayd Doth bitter death thus separat † And Samuel said As thy sword hath made wemen without children so shal thy mother among wemen be without children And Samuel hewed him into peeces before our Lord in Galgal † And Samuel departeth into Ramatha but Saul ascended vnto his house into Gabaa † And Samuel saw Saul no more vnto the day of his death but yet Samuel lamented Saul because it repented our Lord that he had appointed him king ouer Israel CHAP. XVI Samuel by Gods commandment annointeth Dauid King 14. Gods spirite parteth from Saul and a wicked spirite vexeth him 16. the vexation is mitigated by Dauids playing on a harpe AND our Lord said to Samuel How long doest thou mourne Saul whom I haue reiected that he rule not ouer Israel fil thy horne with oile and come that I may send thee to Isai the Bethlehemite for I haue prouided me a king among his sonnes † And Samuel said How shal I goe for Saul wil heare of it and wil kil me And our Lord said A calfe of the heard shalt thou take in thy hand and shalt say I am come to immolate vnto our Lord. † And thou shalt cal Isai to the victime and I wil shew thee what thou must doe and thou shalt annointe whomsoeuer I shal shew to thee † Samuel therefore did as our Lord spake to him And he came into Bethlehem and the ancientes of the citie merueled meeting him and they said Is thy entrance peaceable † And he said Peaceable I am come to immolate vnto our Lord be ye sanctified and come with me that I may immolate He therefore sanctified Isai and his sonnes and called them to the sacrifice † And when they were entered in he saw Eliab and said Is there before our Lord his Christ † And our Lord said to Samuel Respect not his countenāce nor the talnes of his stature because I haue reiected him neither doe I iudge according to the looke of man for man seeth those thinges which appeare but our Lord “ beholdeth the hart † And Isai called Aminadab and brought him before Samuel Who said Neither this hath our Lord chosen † And Isai brought Samma of whom he sayd This also hath not our Lord chosen † Isai therefore brought his seauen sonnes before Samuel and Samuel sayd to Isai Our Lord hath not chosen of these † And Samuel sayd to Isai Are al thy sonnes now fully come Who answered Yet there is left a litle one and he feedeth sheepe And Samuel sayd to Isai Send and bring him for neither wil we sitte downe til he come hither † He sent therefore and brought him And he was reade and beautiful to behold and of a comelie face And our Lord said Arise and annoint him for
not 12. but taketh from him his speare and bottle of water 14. sheweth what he hath done 21. Saul againe confesseth his fault and promiseth peace AND there came Zepheites vnto Saul in Gabaa saying Behold Dauid is hid in the hil Hachila which is ouer against the wildernes † And Saul arose and went downe into the desert Ziph and with him three thousand men of the chosen of Israel to seeke Dauid in the desert Ziph. † And Saul camped in Gabaa Hachila which was ouer against the wildernes in the way and Dauid dwelt in the desert And seing that Saul was come after him into the deset † he sent discouerers and lerned that he was come thither most certainly † And Dauid arose secretly and came to the place where Saul was and when he had seene the place wherein Saul slept and Abner the sonne of Ner the prince of his warre and Saul sleeping in the tent and the rest of the multitude round about him † Dauid spake to Achimelech the Hetheit and Abisai the sonne of Seruia the brother of Ioab saying Who wil goe downe with me to Saul into the campe And Abisai said I wil goe with thee † Dauid therefore and Abisai came to the people by night and found Saul lying and sleeping in the tent and his speare fixed in the ground at his head and Abner and the people sleeping round about him † And Abisai said to Dauid God hath shut vp thine enemie this day into thy handes now therefore I wil thrust him through with my speare in the earth once and twise shal not neede † And Dauid said to Abisai Kil him not for who shal extend his hand vpon the annointed of our Lord shal be innocent † And Dauid said Our Lord liueth vnlesse our Lord shal strike him or his day come to die or descendig into battel he perish † Our Lord be merciful vnto me that I extend not my hand vpon the annointed of our Lord. now therefore take the speare which is at his head cuppe of water and let vs goe † Dauid therefore tooke the speare and cuppe of water which was at Saules head and they went away and there was none that sawe or vnderstood or awaked but al slept because the dead sleepe of our Lord had fallen vpon them † And when Dauid had passed ouer against and stood in the toppe of the mountaine farre of and a good space betwen them † Dauid cried to the people and to Abner the sonne of Ner saying Wilt thou not answer Abner And Abner answering sayd Who art thou that criest and disquietest the king † And Dauid sayd to Abner Art not thou a man And who is like thee in Israel why therefore hast thou not kept thy lord the king for one of the multitude hath entered in to kil the king thy lord † This thing is not good which you haue done Our Lord liueth you are the children of death which haue not kept your lord the annointed of our Lord. Now therefore behold where the kinges speare is where the cup of water is which was at his head † And Saul knew Dauids voice and sayd Is this thy voice my sonne Dauid And Dauid sayd My voice my lord king † and he said For what cause doth my lord persecute his seruant What haue I done or what euil is there in my hand † Now therefore heare I pray my lord King the wordes of thy seruant If our Lord stirre thee vp against me let there be odoure of sacrifice but if the sonnes of men they are cursed in the sight of our Lord which haue cast me out this day that I should not dwel in the inheritance of our Lord saying Goe serue strange goddes † And now let not my blood be shed vpon the earth before our Lord for the king of Israel is come forth to seeke one flea as the perdix is pursued in the mountaines † And Saul sayd I haue sinned returne my sonne Dauid for I wil no more doe thee euil for that my life hath bene precious in thyne eies to day for it appeareth that I haue done foolishly and haue bene ignorant of very many thinges † And Dauid answering sayd Behold the kings speare let one of the kings seruants passe and take it † And our Lord wil reward euerie one according to his iustice and fidelitie for our Lord hath deliuered thee this day into my hand I would not extend my hand vpon the annointed of our Lord. † And as thy life hath bene magnified to day in myne eies so be my life magnified in the eies of our Lord and deliuer he me from al distresse † Saul therefore sayd to Dauid Blessed art thou my sonne Dauid and truly doing thou shalt doe and preuayling thou shalt preuaile And Dauid went into his way and Saul returned into his place CHAP. XXVII Dauid for more securitie goeth againe to Achis king of Geth 5. obtaineth of him the citie of Siceleg 6. by which meanes it becometh subiect to the kinges of Iuda 8. and maketh prayes vpon the enemies of King Achis AND Dauid sayd in his hart at length I shal fal one day into the handes of Saul is it not better that I flee and be saued in the Land of the Philistians that Saul may despaire and cease to seeke me in al the coastes of Israel I wil flee therefore his handes † And Dauid arose and went himselfe and the six hundred men with him to Achis the sonne of Maoch the King of Geth † And Dauid dwelt with Achis in Geth he and his men euerieman his house and his two wiues Achinoam the Iezrahelite and Abigail the wife of Nabal of Carmel † And it was told Saul that Dauid was fled into Geth and he added no more to seeke him † And Dauid sayd to Achis If I haue grace in thy sight let there a place be geuen me in one of thy cities of this countrie that I may dwel there for why abideth thy seruant in the citie of the king with thee † Achis therefore gaue him in that day Siceleg for which cause Siceleg became the kinges of Iuda vntil this day † And the number of the daies that Dauid dwelt in the country of the Philistians was foure monethes † And Dauid went vp and his men and draue prayes out of Gessuri and Gerzi and from the Amalecites for these villages were inhabited in the land in old time as men goe to Sur as farre as the Land of Aegypt † And Dauid stroke al the land neither left he anie man or woman and taking the sheepe oxen and asses camels and garments he returned came to Achis † And Achis sayd to him Whom hast thou set vpon to day Dauid answered Against the south of Iuda and against the south of Ier●miel and against the south of Ceni † Dauid gaue life neither to man nor woman neither brought them into Geth saying Lest perhaps they
made himselfe a name when he returned hauing taken Syria in the Valle of Salt-pittes eightene thousand being slayne † and he put souldiours in Idumea and placed a garrison and al Idumea was made to serue Dauid and our Lord preserued Dauid in al thinges to whatsoeuer he proceeded † And Dauid reigned ouer al Israel Dauid also did iudgement and iustice to al his people † And Ioab the sonne of Seruia was ouer the armie moreouer losaphat the sonne of Ahilud was recorder † and Sadoc the sonne of Achitob and Achimelech the sonne of Abiathar were priestes and Saraias scribe † And Banaias the sonne of Ioiada was ouer the Cerethi and Phelethi and the sonnes of Dauid princes CHAP. IX Miphiboseth a lame sonne of Ionathas is piously releeud by Dauid 9. geuing to his vse the particuar inheritance of Saul AND Dauid sayd Is there any thinke you that is remaining of the house of Saul that I may do mercie with him for Ionathas sake † And there was of the house of Saul a seruant named Siba whom when the king had called vnto him he said to him art thou Siba And he answered I am so thy seruant † And the king said Is there anie remaining of the house of Saul that I may doe with him the mercie of God And Siba said to the king There is yet liuing a sonne of Ionathas lame of his feete † Where is he quoth he And Siba sayd to the king Behold he is in the house of Machir the sonne of Ammiel in Lodabar † King Dauid therefore sent and tooke him out of the house of Machir the sonne of Ammiel of Lodabar † And when Miphiboseth the sonne of Ionathas the sonne of Saul was come to Dauid he fel on his face and adored And Dauid said Miphiboseth Who answered Here I am thy seruant † And Dauid said to him Feare not because doing I wil do mercie on thee for Ionathas thy father I wil restore the landes of Saul thy father and thou shalt eate bread vpon my table alwaies † Who adoring him said Who am I thy seruant that thou hast respect vpon a dead dogge like vnto me † The king therefore called Siba the seruant of Saul and said to him Al thinges whatsoeuer were Sauls and al his house I haue geuen to thy masters sonne † Til for him therefore the land thou and thy sonnes and thy seruants and thou shalt bring in meates for thy masters sonne that he may be maintained and Miphiboseth the sonne of thy lord shal eate alwaies bread vpon my table And Siba had fiftene sonnes and twentie seruants † and Siba said to the king As thou my lord king hast commanded thy seruant so wil thy seruant doe and Miphiboseth shal eate vpon my table as one of the sonnes of the king † And Miphiboseth had a little sonne called Micha and al the kinred of the house of Siba serued Miphiboseth † Moreouer Miphiboseth dwelt in Ierusalem because he did eate alwaies of the kings table and he was lame on both feete CHAP. X. Hanon king of Ammon for euil entreating Dauids men sent vnto him of curtesie 7. is iustly plagued with his confederates 15. Also the second time they are ouerthrowen by Dauid AND it came to passe after these thinges that the king of the children of Ammon died and Hanon his sonne reigned for him † And Dauid said I wil doe mercie with Hanon the sonne of Naas as his father hath done mercie with me Dauid therefore sent conforting him by his seruants vpon his fathers death But when the seruantes of Dauid were come into the land of the children of Ammon † the princes of the children of Ammon said to Hanon their lord Thinkest thou that for the honour of thy father Dauid hath sent comforters vnto thee and not rather that he might search and spy into the citie and ouerthrow it hath Dauid sent his seruants vnto thee † Hanon therefore tooke the seruants of Dauid and shaued the one half of their breard and curte away halfe their garments vnto the burtockes and sent them away † Which when it was told Dauid he sent to meete them for the men were counfounded very fowly and Dauid commanded them Tary in Iericho til your beard be growen and then returne † And the children of Ammon seing that they had done iniurie to Dauid sent and hyred for wages the Syrian of Rohob and the Syrian of Soba twentie thousand footemen and of the king Maacha a thousand men and of Istob twelue thousand men † Which when Dauid had heard he sent Ioab and the whole armie of warryers † The children therefore of Ammon issued forth and sette their men in aray before the verie entrance of the gate but the Syrian of Soba and Rohab and Istob and Maacha were by them selues in the fielde † Ioab therefore seing that there was battel prepared against him both before him and behind him he piked out of al the chosen of Israel and directed his armie agaynst the Syrian † and the rest of the people he deliuered to Abisai his brother who directed his armie against the children of Ammon † And Ioab sayd If the Syrian shal preuayle against me thou shalt ayde me and if the children of Ammon shal preuayle agaynst thee I wil ayde thee † Play the man and let vs fight for our people and the citie of our God and our Lord wil doe that which is good in his sight † Ioab therefore and the people that were with him began to fight against the Syrians Who immediatly fled from his face † And the children of Ammon seing that the Syrians were fled they also fled from the face of Abisai and entred into the citie and Ioab returned from the children of Ammon and came to Ierusalem † Therefore the Syrians seing that they were fallen before Israel they gathered themselues together † And Adar-ezer sent and fetched out the Syrians that were beyond the riuer and brought their armie and Sobach the maister of Adar-ezers warre was their chief captaine † Which when it was told Dauid he gathered together al Israel and passed ouer Iordan and came into Helam the Syrians put them selues in aray against Dauid fought against him † And the Syrians fled from the face of Israel and Dauid slewe of the Syrians seuen hundred chariotes and fourtie thousand horsemen and Sobach the prince of the warre he stroke who forth with died † And al the kinges that were to ayde Adarezer seing them selues ouercome of Israel were afrayd and fled eight fiftie thousand before Israel And they made peace with Israel and serued them and the Syrians were afrayd any more to ayde the children of Ammon CHAP. XI Dauid ouercome with concupiscence committeth adulterie with Bethsabee 6. not finding other meanes to hide the crime causeth her husband Vrias to be slaine 27. Then marieth her she beareth a sonne and God is offended AND it came to
passe the yeare turning about at such time when kinges are wont to procede to battels Dauid sent Ioab and his seruantes with him and al Israel and they spoyled the children of Ammon and besieged Rabba but Dauid remayned in Ierusalem † Whiles these thinges were in doing it chanced that Dauid arose from his bed after noone and walked in the toppe of the kinges house and he saw a woman washing her self ouer against the roofe of his house and the woman was very beautiful † The king therefore sent and inquired what woman it was And it was told him that she was Bethsabee the daughter of Eliam the wife of Vrias the Hetheite † Dauid therefore sending messengers tooke her who when she was entered in to him he slept with her and forth with she was sanctified from her vnclennes † and she returned into her house hauing conceiued a childe And sending she told Dauid and sayd I haue conceiued † And Dauid sent to Ioab saying Send me Vrias the Herheite And Ioab sent Vrias to Dauid † And Vrias came to Dauid And Dauid asked how wel Ioab did the people and how the warre was ordered † And Dauid sayd to Vrias Goe into thy house and wash thy feete And Vrias went forth out of the kinges house and the kinges meate folowed him † But Vrias slept before the gate of the kinges house with the other seruantes of his lord and went not downe to his owne house † And it was told Dauid of them that sayd Vrias went not into his house And Dauid sayd to Vrias didst thou not come from thy iourney Why didst thou not goe downe into thy house † And Vrias sayd to Dauid The Arke of God and Israel and Iuda dwel in pauilions my lord Ioab and the seruantes of my lord abide vpon the face of the earth and shal I enter into my house to eate and to drinke and sleepe with my wife by thy health and by the health of thy soule I wil not do this thing † Dauid therefore sayd to Vrias Tarie here also this day and tomorow I wil dismisse thee Vrias taried in Ierusalem that day and the next † and Dauid called him to eate before him and to drinke and he made him drunke who going out at euen slept on his couche with the seruantes of his lord and went not downe into his house † The morning therefore was come and Dauid wrote a letter to Ioab and sent it by the hand of Vrias † writing in the letter Sette ye Vrias in the front of the battel where the fight is strongest and leaue him that being striken he may die † Therefore when Ioab besieged the citie he put Vrias in the place where he knew the strongest men were † And the men issuing out of the citie fought against Ioab and there fel of the people of the seruantes of Dauid and Vrias also the Hetheite died † Ioab therefore sent and told Dauid al the story of the battel † and he commanded the messanger saying When thou hast told al the story of the battel to the king † if thou see him to be angrie and he say Why approched you to the wal to fight Knew you not that manie weapons are throwen from aboue of the wal † Who stroke Abimelec the sonne of Ierobaal did not a woman cast vpon him a peece of a milstone from the wal and slew him in Thebes Why approched you nere the wal Thou shalt say Also thy seruant Vrias the Hetheite is slayne † The messenger therefore departed and came and told Dauid al thinges that Ioab had commanded him † And the messenger sayd to Dauid The men haue preuailed against vs and they issued forth to vs into the field and we violently pursewed them euen to the gate of the citie † And the archers shot arrowes at thy seruantes from of the wal aboue and there died of the kinges seruantes yea and thy seruant Vrias the Hetheite is dead † And Dauid sayd to the messenger Thus shalt thou say to Ioab Let not this thing discomfort thee for the euent of warre is diuerse now this man and now that man the sword consumeth encourage thy warryers against the citie that thou inayst destroy it and exhort them † Also the wife of Vrias heard that Vrias her husband was dead she mourned for him † And the mourning being past Dauid sent and brought her in into his house and she became his wife and she bare him a sonne and this thing which Dauid had done was displeasant before our Lord. CHAP. XII Nathan the prophet by a parable induceth Dauid to condemne him self of great sinne 7. blameth and threatneth him for the same 13. But vpon his confession denounceth remission of his sinne with reseruation of temporal punishment 15. the death of the childe 24 Bethsabee beareth another sonne who is called Salomon 26. The citie of Rabbath is taken and a rich crowne with other praye OVR Lord therfore sent Nathan to Dauid Who when he was come to him he sayd vnto him There were two men in one citie one riche and the other poore † The rich man had sheepe and oxen axceding manie † But the poore man had nothing at al beside one litle ewe which he had bought and nourished and which had growen in his house together with his children eating of his bread and drinking of his cuppe and sleping in his bosome and it was to him as a daughter † And when a certayne stranger was come to the riche man he sparing to take of his owne sheepe and oxen to make a feast for that stranger which was come to him tooke the poore mans ewe and made meates therof for the man that was come to him † And Dauid being excedingly wrath with indignation against that man sayd to Nathan Our Lord liueth the man that hath done this is the childe of death † He shal render the ewe fourefold because he hath done this thing and hath not spared † And Nathan sayd to Dauid Thou art that man Thus sayth our Lord the God of Isaael I annointed thee to be king ouer Israel and I deliuered thee from the hand of Saul † and gaue thee the house of thy lord and the wiues of thy lord in thy bosome and haue geuen thee the house of Isrtel and Iuda and if these thinges be litle I wil adde farre greater thinges vnto thee † Why therefore hast thou contemned the word of the lord that thou wouldest doe euil in my sight Vrias the Hetheite thou hast smitten with the sword his wife thou hast taken to thy wife and hast slayne him with the sword of the children of Ammon † For which thing the sword shal not depart from thy house for euer because thou hast despised me and hast taken the wife of Vrias the Hetheite to be thy wife † Therfore thus sayth our Lord Behold I wil rayse vpon thee euil out of thine owne house and wil take thy
king Dauid sent to Sadoc and Abiathar the priestes saying Speake to the Ancientes of Iuda saying Why come you last to bring backe the king into his house And the saying of al Israel was come to the king in his house † You are my brethren you my bone and my flesh why do you last bring backe the king † And say ye to Amasa Art not thou my bone and my flesh These thinges do God to me and these adde he if thou be not the chiefe captayne of warfare before me alwayes for Ioab † And he inclined the hart of al the men of Iuda as it were of one man and they sent to the king saying Returne thou and al thy seruantes † And the king returned and came as far as Iordan and al Iuda came as far as Galgal to meete the king and to bring him ouer Iordan † And Semei the sonne of Gera the sonne of Iemini of Bahurim made hast and went downe with the men of Iuda to meete king Dauid † with a thousand men of Benjamin and Siba the seruant of the house of Saul and his fiftene sonnes and twentie seruantes were with him and rushing into Iordan † passed the fordes before the king that they might helpe ouer the kinges houshould and doe according to his commandement And Semei the sonne of Gera prostrate before the king when he had now passed Iordan † sayd to him Impute not to me my lord the iniquirie nor remember the iniuries of thy seruant in the day that thou my lord king wentest out of Ierusalem nor put it in thy hart o king † For I thy seruant acknowledge my sinne and therefore this day I am first come of al the house of Ioseph and am descended to meete my lord the king † But Ab●●a● the sonne of Saruia answering sayd What shal Semei for these wordes not be slayne because he reuiled the annoynted of our Lord † And Dauid sayd What is to me and you ye sonnes of Saruia Why are you made this day as satan to me Shal there a man be killed in Israel to day Doe I not know that this day I am made king ouer Israel † And the king sayd to Semei Thou shalr not die And he sware to him † Miphiboseth also the sonne of Saul came downe to meete the king his feete vnwashed and his beard not pouled and he had not washed his garmentes from the day that the king went forth vntil the day of his returne in peace † And when he had mette the king at Ierusalem the king sayd to him Why camest thou not with me Miphiboseth † And he answering sayd My lord king my seruant contemned me and I thy seruant spake to him that he should fadle me an asse that getting on I might goe with the king for I thy seruant am lame † Moreouer he hath also accused me thy seruant to thee my lord king but thou my lord king art as an Angel of God doe what pleaseth thee † For neither was my fathers house ought els but guiltie of death to my lord king and thou hast put me thy seruant among the guestes of thy table What iust complaynt therfore haue I or what can I further crie out to the king † The king therfore sayd to him What speakest thou any more That is determined which I haue spoken Thou and Siba diuide the possessions † And Miphiboseth answered the the king Yea let him take al for so much as my lord king is returned peaceably into his house † Berzellai also the Galaadite coming downe from Rogelim brought the king ouer Iordan being readie also to attend on him beyond the riuer † And Berzellai the Galaadite was verie old that is to say of foure score yeares and he gaue the king victuals when he abode in the Fild for he was an exceding rich man † The king therfore sayd to Berzellai Come with me that thou mayst rest secure with me in Ierusalem † And Berzellai sayd to the king How manie are the daies of the yeares of my life that I should goe vp with the king into Ierusalem † I am this day foure score yeares old are my senses quicke to discerne sweete or sowre or can meate or drinke delight thy seruant or can I heare more the voyce of singing men and singing wemen Why should thy seruant be a burden to my lord the king † I thy seruant wil goe forward a litle from Iordan with thee I neede not this recompense † but I besech thee that I thy seruant may returne and die in my citie and be buried by the sepulchre of my father and my mother But there is thy seruant Chamaam let him goe with thee my lord king and doe to him whatsoeuer semeth good to thee † The king therfore sayd to him Let Chamaam passe on with me and I wil doe for him whatsoeuer shal please thee and al that thou shalt aske of me thou shalt obtayne † And when al the people and the king had passed Iordan the king kissed Berzellai and blessed him and he returned into his place † The king therfore passed into Galgal and Chamaam with him and al the people of Iuda had brought ouer the king and the halfe part onlie of the people of Israel were present † Therfore al the men of Israel concurring to the king sayd to him Why haue our brethren the men of Iuda stolen thee and brought the king and his houshould ouer Iordan and al the men of Dauid with him † And euerie man of Iuda answered the men of Israel Because the king is neerer to me why art thou angrie for this matter haue we eaten any thing of the kinges or were there giftes geuen vs † And a certayne man of Israel answered the men of Iuda and sayd I am greater by ten partes with the king to me pertayneth Dauid more then to thee Why hast thou done me wrong and it was not told me first that I might bring backe my king And the men of Iuda answered more sharply then the men of Israel CHAP. XX. Seba raiseth rebellion is pursued by Ioab 10. VVho in the way trecherously killeth Amasa 13. Abela is besieged because Seba saueth him self there 20. but his head being cut of and cast ouer the wal to Ioab the armie departeth 23. Chief men in office are mentioned IT chanced also that there was there a man of Belial named Seba the sonne of Bochri a man of Iemini and he sounded the trumpet and sayd We haue no part in Dauid nor inheritance in the sonne of Isai Returne into thy tabernacles Israel † And al Israel was separated from Dauid and folowed Seba the sonne of Bochri but the men of Iuda stucke to their king from Iordan vnto Ierusalem † And when the king was come into his house to Ierusalem he tooke the ten wemen his concubines which he had leift to keepe the house and he deliuered them into custodie allowing them victuals and he went
of Ionathas his sonne and gathering the bones of them that were crucified † they buried them with the bones of Saul and of Ionathas his sonne in the Land of Beniamin in the side in the sepulchre of Cis his father and they did al thinges that the king had commanded and God was made propitious agayne to the land after these thinges † And there was a battel made agayne of the Philistianes against Israel and Dauid went downe and his seruantes with him and fought agaynst the Philisthijms And Dauid faynting † Iesbibenob which was of the kinred of Arapha the yron of whose speare weyed three hundred ounces and he was girded with a new sword assayed to strike Dauid † And Abisai the sonne of Saruia reskewed him and striking the Philistian killed him Then sware Dauids men saying Thou shalt no more goe forth with vs into battel lest thou put out the lampe of Israel † There was also a second battel in Gob against the Philistians then stroke Sobochai of Husathi Saph of the stocke of Arapha of the kindred of the gyantes † There was also a third battel in Gob agaynst the Philistians in the which Adeodatus the sonne of the Forest a broderer the Bethlehemite stroke Goliath the Getheite the shaft of whose speare was as it were a weauers beame † The fourth battel was in Geth in the which was a tal man that had six fingers and six toes on eche hand and foote that is fowre and twentie and he was of the race of Arapha † And he blasphemed Israel and Ionathan the sonne of Samaa the brother of Dauid stroke him † These foure were borne of Arapha in Geth and they fel by the hand of Dauid and of his seruantes CHAP. XXII King Dauids Canticle of thankesg●uing for his deliuerie from al enemies 44. VVith a prophecie of the reiection of the Iewes and vocation of the Gentiles AND Dauid spake to our Lord the wordes of this song in the day that our Lord deliuered him out of the hand of al his enemies and out of the hand of Saul † And he sayd Our Lord is my rocke and my strength and my sauiour † God is my strong one I wil hope in him my shilde and the horne of my saluation my lifter vp and my refuge my sauiour from iniquitie thou wilt deliuer me † Our Lord prayse worthie wil I inuocate and from mine enemies I shal be saued † Because the pangues of death haue compassed me the streames of Belial haue terrified me † The ropes of hel haue compassed me the snares of death haue preuented me † In my tribulation I wil inuocate our Lord and I wil crie my God and he wil heare my voice out of his holie temple and my crie shal come to his eares † The earth quaked and trembled the fundations of the mountaynes were strycken and shaken because he was angrie with them † A smoke arose out of his nosethrels and a fyre from his mouth shal deuoure coles were kindled from him † And he bowed the heauens and descended and miste vnder his feete † And he ascended vpon the Cherubins and flew and slidde ouer the winges of the winde † He put darkenes round about him a couer stilling waters out of the clowdes of heauen † By the shyning in his presence the coles of fire were kindled † Our Lord wil thunder from heauen and the high one wil geue his voice † He shot his arrowes and dispersed them lightning and consumed them † And the ouerflowinges of the sea appeared and the fundations of the world were discouered at the rebuking of our Lord. at the breathing of the spirit of his furie † He sent from hygh heauen and tooke me and drewe me out of manie waters † He deliuered me from my most mightie enemie and from them that hated me because they were stronger then I. † He preuented me in the day of my affliction and our Lord became my stay † And he brought me forth into latitude he deliuered me because I wel pleased him † Our Lord wil reward me according to my iustice and according to the cleannes of my handes wil he render to me † Because I haue kept the wayes of our Lord and haue not done impiously from my God † For al his iudgementes are in my sight and his pre●eptes I haue not remoued from me † And I shal be perfect with him and shal keepe my self from myne iniquitie † And our Lord wil restore vnto me according to my iustice and according to the cleannes of my handes in the sight of his eyes † With the holie one thou shalt be holie and with the strong perfect † W●●● the elect thou shalt be elect and with the peruerse t●ou ●●●lt be peruerted † And the poore people thou wilt saue and the hautie in thyne eies thou wilt humble † Because thou art my lampe o Lord and thou wilt illuminate my darkenes † For in thee I wil runne girded in my God I wil leap● ouer the wal † God his way immaculate the word of our Lord is examined by fyre he is the shield of al that trust in him † Who is God beside our Lord and who is strong beside our God † God who hath girded me with strength and made euen my perfect way † Making my feete equal with the hartes and setting me vpon my high places † Teaching my handes vnto battel and framing myne armes as it were a brasen bow † Thou hast geuen me the shield of thy saluation and thy mildenes hath multiplied me † Thou shalt enlarge my steppes vnder me and myne ankles shal not fayle † I wil pursew myne enemies and bruise them and wil not returne til I consume them † I wil consume and break them that they rise not they shal fal vnder my feete † Thou hast girded me with strength to battel thou hast bowed vnder me them that resist me † Myne enemies thou hast made to turne to me the backe them that hated me and I shal destroy them † They shal crie and there shal not be to saue to our Lord and he wil not heare them † I wil destroy them as the dust of the earth as the myre of the streates wil I bruise and breake them † Thou wilt saue me from the contredictions of my people thou wilt keepe me to be the head of the Gentiles the people which I knowe not wil serue me † The children alienes wil resist me with the hearing of the eare they wil obey me † The children alienes are fallen away and shal be straytened in their distresses † Our lord liueth and my God is blessed and the strong God of my saluation shal be exalted † God which geuest me reuenges and throwest downe peoples vnder me † Which bringest me out from myne enemies and from them that resist me dost lift me vp from the wicked man thou shalt deliuer me † Therfore wil I confesse vnto thee o Lord among the
the number of the description of the people to the king and there were found of Israel eight hundred thousand strong men that could drawe sword and of Iuda fiue hundred thousand fighting men † But Dauids hart strooke him after the people was numbred and Dauid sayd to our Lord I haue sinned very much in this fact but I pray thee Lord to transferre the iniquitie of thy seruant because I haue done exceding folishly † Dauid therfore arose in the morning and the word of our Lord was made to Gad the prophete and Seer of Dauid saying † Goe and speake to Dauid Thus sayth our Lord Choyse is geuen thee of three thinges choose one of them which thou wilt that I may do it to thee † And when Gad was come to Dauid he told him saying Either famine shal come to thee seuen yeares in thy land or three monethes thou shalt flee thy aduersaries and they shal pursew thee or certes three dayes the pestilence shal be in thy land Now therfore deliberate and see what word I shal answer to him that sent me † And Dauid sayd to Gad I am distressed excedingly but it is better that I fal into the handes of our Lord for his mercies be manie then into the handes of men † And our Lord sent the pestilence in Israel from morning vnto the time appoynted and there died of the people from Dan to Bersabee seuentie thousand men † And when the Angel of Our Lord had stretched forth his hand ouer Ierusalem to destroy it our Lord had pitie vpon the affliction and sayd to the Angel that stroke the people It is sufficient now hold thy hand and the Angel of our Lord was beside the floore of Areuna the Iebuseite † And Dauid sayd to our Lord when he saw the Angel striking the people I am he that haue sinned I haue done wickedly these that are the sheepe what haue they done let thy hand I beseche thee be turned agaynst me and agaynst my fathers house † And Gad came to Dauid in that day and sayd to him Goe vp and build an altar to our Lord in the ●●oore of Areuna the Iebuseite † And Dauid went vp according to the word of Gad which our Lord had cōmanded him † And Areuna looking perceiued the king and his seruantes to come towards him † And going forth he adored the king with his face bowing to the earth and sayd What is the cause that my lord the king cometh to his seruant To whom Dauid sayd That I may bye of thee the floore and build an altar to our Lord and the slaughter may cease which rageth among the people † And Areuna sayd to Dauid Let my lord the king take and offer as it pleaseth him thou hast the oxen for holocauste and the wayne and the yokes of the oxen for prouision of wood † Areuna gaue al thinges to the king and Areuna sayd to the king The Lord thy God receiue thy vowe † To whom the king answering sayd Not so as thou wilt but I wil bye it of thee at a price and I wil not offer to our Lord my God holocaustes geuen gratis Dauid therfore bought the floore and the oxen for fiftie sicles of siluer † and Dauid built there an altar to our Lord offered holocaustes and pacifiques and our Lord became merciful to the land and the plague was stayed from Israel THE ARGVMENT OF THE THIRD BOOKE OF KINGES VVITH commemoration of king Dauids old age of his appointing a successour and of his death in the first and part of the second chapters this booke conteyneth two other principal partes the former is of king Salomon of his entrance to the kingdom his deuotion wisdom magnificence richesse great familie building of the Temple and other sumptuous palaces of his fal also into luxurie and idolatrie in the rest of the second chapter to the end of the eleuenth The other part sheweth the diuision of the kingdom onlie two tribes remayning to Roboam Salomons sonne with title of king of Iuda and tenne passing to Ieroboam his seruant called king of Israel So folow the seueral reignes of Abias Asa and Iosaphat kinges of Iuda and of Madab Baasa Ela Zambri Amri Achab with Iezabel and Ochosias kinges of Israel with the preaching miracles and other actes of Abias Elias Eliseus and other prophetes in the other eleuen chapters THE THIRD BOOKE OF KINGES ACCORDING TO THE HEBREWES THE FIRST OF MALACHIM CHAP. I. King Dauid waxing old Abisag a Sunamite is brought to him 5. Adonias pretending to reigne 11. Nathan and Beth●abee obtaine 28. that Salomon is declared and annointed King 41. VVherupon Adonias his folowers parting to their houses 50. fleeth to the altar in the tabernacle but vpon promise of safe●●● doth homage to Salomon AND king Dauid was old and had manie daies of age and when he was couered with clothes he was not warmed † His seruantes therfore sayd to him Let vs seeke for our lord the king a yong woman a virgin and let her stand before the king and cherishe him and sleepe in his bosome and warme our lord the king † They sought therfore a beautiful yong woman in al the costes of Israel and they found Abisag a Sunamite and brought her to the king † And the damsel was exceding beautiful and she slept with the king and serued him but the king did not know her † And Adonias the sonne of Haggith was eleuated saying I wil reigne And he made him self chariotes and horsemen and fiftie men that should runne before him † Neither did his father controwle him at any time saying Why didst thou this And he also was very beautiful the second borne after Absalom † And he had talke with Ioab the sonne of Saruia with Abiathar the priest who furthered Adonias side † But Sadoc the priest and Banaias the sonne of Ioiada and Nathan the prophet and Semei and Rei and the strength of Dauids armie was not with Adonias † Adonias therfore hauing immolated rammes and calues and al satte beastes beside the Stone zoheleth which was nigh to the Fountaine Rogel called al his brethren the sonnes of the king and al the men of Iuda the seruantes of the king † But Nathan the prophet and Banaias and al the strong ones and Salomon his brother he called not † Nathan therfore sayd to Bethsabee the mother of Salomon Hast thou not heard that Adonias the sonne of Haggith hath reigned and our lord Dauid is ignorant therof † Now therfore come take counsel of me and saue thy life and thy sonne Salomons † Goe and enter in to king Dauid and say to him Didst not thou my lord king sweare to me thy handmayd saying Salomon thy sonne shal reigne after me and he shal sitte in my throne Why then reigneth Adonias † And whiles thou art yet speaking there with the king I wil come after thee and make vp thy wordes †
their hart and in al their soul there shal not altogether be taken from thee a man out of the throne of Israel † Thou knowest also what Ioab the sonne of Saruia hath done to me what he did to the two princes of the armie of Israel to Abner the sonne of Ner and Amasa the sonne of Iether whom he slewe ●hed the bloud of warre in peace put the bloud of battel in his belt which was about his loynes and in his shoe which was on his feete † Thou shalt doe therfore according to thy wisdom and shalt not bring his hoare head peaceably vnto hel † But to the sonnes also of Berzellai the Galaadite thou shalt render kindnes and they shal eate on thy table for they mette me when I fled from the face of Absolom thy brother † Thou hast also with thee Semei the sonne of Gera the sonne of Iemini of Bahurim who cursed me with a wicked curse when I went to the Campe but because he came downe to meete me when I passed Iordam and I sware to him by our Lord saying I wil not kil thee with the sword † doe not thou suffer him to be guiltles But thou art a wise man so that thou knowest what thou shalt doe to him and thou shalt bring his hoare heare with bloud vnto hel † Dauid therefore slept with his fathers and was buried in the citie of Dauid † And the daies that Dauid reigned in Israel are fourtie yeares in Hebron he reigned seuen yeares in Ierusalem thirtie three † And Salomon sate vpon the throne of Dauid his father and his kingdome was confirmed excedingly † And Adonias the sonne of Haggith entered in to Bethsabee the mother of Salomon Who said to him Is thy coming peaceable Who answered peaceable † And he added I haue a word to speake with thee To whom she said Speake And he † Thou knowest quoth he that the kingdom was mine and al Israel had purposed to make me ouer them to be their king but the kingdom is transposed is made my brothers for it was appointed him of our Lord † Now therefore I desire one petition of thee Confound not my face Who said to him Speake † And he said I pray speake to Salomon the king for he can not denie thee any thing that he geue me Abisag the Sunamite to wife † And Bethsabee saied wel I wil speake 〈◊〉 thee to the king † Bethsabee therefore came to king Salomon to speake vnto him for Adonias and the king arose to meete her and adored her and sate downe vpon his throne and a throne was sette for the kinges mother who sate on his right hand † And she said to him One litle petition I desire of thee confound not my face And the king said to her My mother aske for it behoueth not that I turne away thy face † Who said Let Abis●g the Sunamite be geuen to Adonias thy brother to wife † And king Salomon answered and said to his mother Why doest thou aske Abis●g the Sunamite for Adonias aske for him also the kingdom for he is my brother elder then I hath Abiathar the priest Ioab the sonne of Saruie † Therfore king Salomon sware by our Lord saying These thinges doe God to me and these adde he because Adonias hath spoken this word against his life † And now our Lord liueth which hath established me and placed me vpon the throne of Dauid my father and which hath made me a house as he spake this day shal Adonias be slaine † And king Salomon sent by the hand of Banaias the sonne of Ioiada who slewe him and he died † To Abiathar also the priest the king said Goe into Anathoth to thy field and thou in deede art a man of death but to day I wil not kil thee because thou didst carie the arke of our Lord God before Dauid my father hast susteyned labour in al thinges wherein my father laboured † Salomon therefore cast out Abiathar that he should not be the priest of our Lord that the word of our lord might be fulfilled which he spake concerning the house of Heli in Silo. † And then a messenger came to Ioab for that Ioab had turned after Adonias and after Salomon had not turned Ioab therfore fled into the tabernacle of our Lord caught the horne of the altar † And it was told king Salomon that Ioab was fled into the tabernacle of our Lord and was beside the altar Salomon sent Banaias the sonne of Ioiada saying Goe kil him † And Banaias came to the tabernacle of our Lord and said to him Thus sayth the king Come forth Who said I wil not come forth but here wil I die Banaias reported his word to the king saying Thus spake Ioab and thus he answered me † And the king said to him Doe as he hath spoken and kil him burie him and thou shalt remoue the innocent bloud which hath beene shed of Ioab from me and from the house of my father † And our Lord shal render his bloud vpon his head because he murdered two iust men better then him self and slew them with his sword my father Dauid not knowing Abner the sonne of Ner general of the warfare of Israel and Amasa the sonne of Iether general of the armie of Iuda † and their bloud shal returne vpon the head of Ioab and vpon the head of his seede for euer But to Dauid and his seede and his house and to his throne be peace for euer from our Lord. † Banaias therfore the sonne of Ioiada went vp and setting vpon him slewe him and he was buried in his house in the desert † And the king appoynted Banaias the sonne of Ioiada for him ouer the armie and Sadoc the priest he placed for Abiathar † The king also sent and called Semei and said to him Build thee a house in Ierusalem and dwel there and thou shalt not goe out thence hither and thither † But what day soeuer thou shalt goe out and shalt passe the Torrent Cedron know that thou art to be slaine thy bloud shal be vpon thy head † And Semei said to the king The saying is good as my lord the king hath spoken so wil thy seruant doe Semei therfore dwelt in Ierusalem manie dayes † And it came to pas●e after three yeares that the seruantes of Semei sled to Achis the sonne of Maacha the king of Geth and it was told Semei that his seruantes were gone into Geth † And Semei arose and sadled his asle and went to Achis into Geth to require his seruantes and he brought them out of Geth † And it was told Salomon that Semei went into Geth out of Ierusalem and was returned † And sending he called him and said to him Did I not testifie to thee by our Lord and told thee before What day soeuer thou going out shalt passe hither thither know that thou shalt die
he destroyed her denne and brake the most filthie idol and burnt it in the torrent cedron † but the excelses he did not take away Otherwise the hart of Asa was parfect with our Lord al his daies † and he caried in those thinges which his father had sanctified and vowed into the house of our Lord siluer and gold and vessels † And there was warre betwen Asa and Baasa the king of Israel al their daies † Baasa also the king of Israel went vp into Iuda and built Rama that no man might go out or come in of Asaes side the king of Iuda † Asa therfore taking al the siluer and gold that remained in the treasures of the house of our Lord and in the treasures of the kinges house gaue it into the handes of his seruantes and he sent to Benadad the sonne of Tabremon the sonne of Hezion the king of Syria which dwelt in Damascus saying † There is a league betwen me and thee betwixt my father and thy father therfore I haue sent thee giftes siluer and gold and I desire thee that thou come and make void the league that thou hast with Baasa the king of Israel and he may retire from me † Benadad agreing to king Asa sent the princes of his armie into the citiees of Israel and they stroke Ahion and Dan and Abeldomum of Maacha and al Cenneroth to witte al the Land of Nephthali † Which when Baasa had heard he intermitted to build Rama and returned into Thersa † But king Asa sent word into al Iuda saying Let no man be excused and they tooke stones from Rama and the timber therof wherwith Baasa had built and Asa of it built Gabaa Beniamin and Maspha † But the rest of al the wordes of Asa and al his forces and al that he did the cities that he built are not these written in the Booke of the words of the dayes of the kinges of Iuda How beit in the time of his old age he was diseased in his feete † And he slept with his fathers was buried with them in the citie of Dauid his father And Iosaphat his sonne reigned for him † But Nadab the sonne of Ieroboam reigned ouer Israel the second yeare of Asa the king of Iuda and he reigned ouer Israel two yeares † And he did that which is euil in the sight of our Lord and walked in the waies of his father and in his sinnes wherwith he made Israel to sinne † And Baasa the sonne of Ahias of the house of Issachar lay in wayte against him and stroke him in Gebbethon which is a citie of the Philistimes for Nadab and al Israel besieged Gebbethon † Baasa therfore slew him in the third yeare of Asa the king of Iuda and reigned for him † And when he reigned he stroke al the house of Ieroboam he leaft not so much as one soule of his seede til he destroied him according to the word of our Lord which he had spoken in the hand of Ahias the Silonite † for the sinnes of Ieroboam which he had sinned and wherwith he had caused Israel to sinne and for the offence wherwith he prouoked our Lord the God of Israel † But the rest of the wordes of Nadab and al that he wrought are not these thinges written in the Booke of the wordes of the daies of the kinges of Israel † And there was warre betwen Asa and Baasa the king of Israel al their daies † In the third yeare of Asa the king of Iuda reigned Baasa the sonne of Ahias ouer al Israel in Thersa foure and twentie yeares † And he did euil before our Lord walked in the waies of Ieroboam and in his sinnes wherwith he made Israel to sinne CHAP. XVI Iehu for prophecying the destruction of Baasa and his house 7. is slaine 8. yet his sonne Ela reigneth tvvo yeares 9. Then Zambri rebelleth killeth Ela and reigneth 16. Part of the people choosing Amri prince of the armie their king 18. Zambri desperatly burneth himselfe and the kings palace 21. an other part folow Thebni as king til his death 23. Amri reigneth tvvelue yeares vvickedly 29. His sonne Achab succedeth marieth Iezabel and serueth Baal 34. In the meane time Hiel repairer● Iericho AND the word of our Lord came to Iehu the sonne of Hanani agaynst Baasa saying † For so much as I haue exalted thee out of the dust sette thee duke ouer my people Israel but thou hast walked in the way of Ieroboam and hast made my people Israel to sinne that thou mightest anger me with their sinnes † behold I wil cut downe the posteritie of Baasa and the posteritie of his house and I wil make thy house as the house of Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat † Whosoeuer of Baasa shal die in the citie him shal the dogges eate and whosoeuer of his shal die in the countrie him shal the fowles of the ayre deuoure † But the rest of the wordes of Baasa and whatsoeuer he did and his battels are not these things written in the Booke of the wordes of the daies of the kinges of Israel † Baasa therfore slept with his fathers and was buried in Thersa and Ela his sonne reigned for him † And when the word of our Lord came in the hand of Iehu the sonne of Hanani the prophete agaynst Baasa and agaynst his house and agaynst al the euil that he had done before our Lord to anger him in the workes of his handes that it should be made as the house of Ieroboam for this cause he slew him that is to say Iehu the sonne of Hanani the prophete † In the sixe and twenteth yeare of Asa the king of Iuda reigned Ela the sonne of Baasa ouer Israel in Thersa two yeares † And his seruant Zambri rebelled agaynst him the captayne of the halfe part of the horsemen and Ela was in Thersa drinking and dronken in the house of Arsa the gouernour of Thersa † Zambri therfore rushing in stroke and slew him in the seuen and twenteth yeare of Asa the king of Iuda he reigned for him † And when he teigned and sate vpon his throne he stroke al the house of Baasa and he leaft not of it one that could pysse agaynst a wal his kinsfolke and frendes † And Zambri destroyed al the house of Baasa according to the word of our Lord that he had spoken to Baasa in the hand of Iehu the prophet † for al the sinnes of Baasa and the sinnes of Ela his sonne who sinned and made Israel to sinne prouoking our Lord the God of Israel in their vanities † But the rest of the wordes of Ela and al that he did are not these writen in the Booke of the wordes of the daies of the kinges of Israel † In the seuen and twenteth yeare of Asa the king of Iuda reigned Zambri seuen daies in Thersa moreouer the armie besieged Gebbethon a citie of the Philisthines † And
24. The Syrians besiege Samaria 26. For extreme famine a mother eateth her child 31. And the king commandeth to kil Eliseus AND the children of the prophetes sayd to Eliseus Behold the place wherin we dwel before thee is streite for vs. † Let vs goe as far as Iotdan and take out of the wood euerie man some timber that we may build there a place to dwel in Who said Goe † And one of them sayd Come therfore thou also with thy seruantes He answered I wil come † And he went with them And when they were come to Iordan they cut wood † And it chanced that when one had cut downe timber the head of the axe fel into the water and he cried out and said Alas alas alas my lord this same also I did borow † And the man of God sayd where ●el it and he shewed him the place he therfore cut of a pece of wood and cast it thither and the yron did swimme † and he said Take it vp Who stretched forth his hand and tooke it † And the king of Syria fought against Israel and tooke counsel with his seruantes saying In that and that place let vs lay embushementes † Therfore the man of God sent to the king of Israel saying Beware thou passe not into such a place because the Syrians are there in embushementes † The king of Israel therfore sent to the place which the man of God had told him and preuented him and looked wel to himself there not once or twise † And the hart of the king of Syria was trubled for this thing And calling together his seruantes he sayd Why doe you not tel me who is the betraier of me to the king of Israel † And one of his seruantes sayd Not so my lord king but Eliseus the prophet which is in Israel telleth the king of Israel al wordes whatsoeuer thou shalt speake in thy priuy chamber † And he sayd to them Goe and see where he is that I may send and take him And they told him saying Behold in Dothan † He therfore sent thither horses and chariotes and the force of his armie who when they were come in the night they besette the citie † And the seruant of the man of God rising early went out and saw an armie round about the citie and horses and chariotes and he told him saying Alas alas alas my lord what shal we doe † But he answered Feare not for there are more with vs then with them † And when Eliseus had prayed he sayd Lord open the eies of this man that he may see And our Lord opened the eies of the seruant and he behold and loe the mountaine ful of horses and of firie chariotes round about Eliseus † But the enemies went downe to him moreouer Eliseus prayed to our Lord saying Strike I besech thee this people with blindenesse And our Lord smote them that they saw not according to the word of Eliseus † And Eliseus sayd to them This is not the way neither is this the citie folow me I wil shew you the man whom you seeke He therfore led them into Samaria † and when they were entered into Samaria Eliseus said Lord open the eies of these men that they may see And our Lord opened their eies and they saw them selues to be in the middes of Samaria † And the king of Israel said to Eliseus when he had sene them Shal I strike them my father † And he said Thou shalt not strike them for thou didst not take them with thy sword and thy bow that thou mayst strike them but set bread and water before them that they may eate and drinke and goe to their maister † And a great preparation of meates was sette before them and they did eate and drinke and he dismissed them and they went away to their maister and the robbers of Syria came no more into the Land of Israel † And it came to passe after these thinges Benadad the king of Syria gathered together al his armie and went vp and besieged Samaria † And there was a great famine in Samaria and so long it was besieged til the head of an asse was sold for foure score siluer peeces the fourth part of a cabe of pigeons dung for fiue siluer peeces † And when the king of Israel passed by the wall a certayne woman cried out to him saying Saue me my lord king † Who sayd No our Lord saue thee how can I saue thee of the floore or of the presse And the king sayd to her What ayleth thee Who answered † This woman sayd to me Geue thy sonne that we may eate him to day my sonne we wil eate to morrow † We therfore boyled my sonne and did eate him And I sayd to her the next day Geue thy sonne that we may eate him Who hath hid her sonne † Which when the king had heard he rent his garmentes and passed by the wal And al the people saw the hearecloth which he ware next vpon his flesh † And the king sayd These thinges doe God to me and these adde he if the head of Eliseus the sonne of Saphat shal stand vpon him this day † But Eliseus sate in his house and the ancientes sate with him He therfore sent a man before and before that messenger came he sayd to the ancientes Doe you know that this murderers sonne hath sent to cut of my head See therfore when the messenger shal come shut the doore and suffer him not to enter in for behold the sound of his maisters feete is behinde him † Whiles he was yet speaking to them the messenger appeared which came to him And he sayd Behold this so great euil is of our Lord what shal I looke for more of our Lord CHAP. VII Eliseus prophecieth plentie of corne the next day and death to a chief man that wil not beleue it 3. Foure Lepers going to yeld themselues to the Syrians 6. who by Gods prouidence are frighted and fled away 9. bring newes therof to Samaria 12. which by trial is found true 16. And so there is plentie of corne and the incredulous nobleman is trod to death with presse of multitude in the gate as the prophet fortold AND Eliseus sayd Heare ye the word of our Lord Thus sayth our Lord At this time to morow a bushel of floure shal be at one stater and two bushels of barley at one stater in the gate of Samaria † One of the Dukes vpon whose hand the king leaned answearing the man of God sayd If our Lord shal make fludgates in heauen can that possibly be which thou speakest Who sayd Thou shalt see it with thine eies and shalt not eate therof † There were therfore foure men lepers beside the entrance of the gate who sayd one to an other What meane we to be here til we die † Whether we enter into the citie we shal die for famine or whether we tarie
garder therof † And Eliseus sayd to him fetch a bow and arrowes And when he had brought him a bow and arrowes † he sayd to the king of Israel Put thy hand vpon the bow And when he had put his hand Eliseus put his handes ouer the kinges handes † and sayd Open the east window And when he had opened it Eliseus sayd Shote an arrow And he shot And Eliseus sayd The arrow of the saluation of our Lord and the arrow of saluation agaynst Syria and thou shalt strike Syria in Aphec til thou consume it † And he sayd Take vp the arrowes Who when he had taken them agayne he sayd to him Strike the earth with a iauelin And when he had striken three times and stood stil † the man of God was angrie with him sayd If thou hadst striken fiue or six or seuen times thou hadst striken Syria euen to destruction but now three times shalt thou strike it † Eliseus therfore died and they buried him And the rouers of Moab came into the land the same yeare † And certayne persons burying a man saw the rouers and threw the bodie in the sepulchre of Eliseus Which when it had touched the bones of Eliseus the man reuiued and stood vpon his feete † Hazael therfore the king of Syria afflicted Israel al the daies of Ioachaz † and our Lord had mercie on them and returned to them for his couenant which he had with Abraham and Isaac and Iacob and he would not destroy them nor vtterly cast them away vntil this present time † And Hazael the king of Syria died and Benadad his sonne reigned for him † Moreouer Ioas the sonne of Ioachaz tooke the cities out of the hand of Benadad the sonne of Hazael which he had taken out of the hand of Ioachaz his father by the right of warre three times did Ioas strike him and he deliuered the cities to Israel CHAP. XIIII Amasias king of Iudakilleth those that had slaine his father 7. and striketh Edom. 8. Prouoking Ioas king of Israel to warre receiueth a contemtible answer 11. prouoking againe is beaten in battle and Ierusalem is ransact 15. Ioas dieth and his sonne Ieroboam foloweth the bad steppes of the first Ieroboam yet recouereth manie places lost before and dying his sonne Zacharias reigneth IN the second yeare of Ioas the sonne of Ioachaz the king of Israel reigned Amasias the sonne of Ioas the king of Iuda † Fiue and twentie yeares old was he when he began to reigne and nine and twentie yeares he reigned in Ierusalem the name of his mother was Ioadan of Ierusalem † And he did right before our Lord but yet not as Dauid his father He did according to al thinges which Ioas his father did † but this onlie that he tooke not away the excelses for yet the people immolated and burnt incense in the excelses † And when he obtayned the kingdom he smote his seruantes which had slaine the king his father † but their children that killed him he did not put to death according to that which is written in the booke of the law of Moyses as our Lord commanded saying The fathers shal not die for the children neither shal the children die for the fathers but euerie one shal die in his owne sinne † He smote Edom in the Vail of Salt pittes ten thousand and tooke the rocke in battel and called the name therof Iectehel vntil this present daye † Then Amasias sent messengers to Ioas the sonne of Ioachaz the sonne of Iehu the king of Israel saying Come let vs see one an other † And Ioas the king of Israel sent agayne to Amasias the king of Iuda saying A thistle of Libanus sent to a cedar tree which is in Libanus saying Geue thy daughter to my sonne to wife And the beastes of the forest that are in Libanus passed and trode the thistle † Thou striking hast preuayled ouer Edom and thy hart hath puffed thee vp be content with the glorie and sit in thy house Why prouokest thou euil that thou mayst fal and Iuda with thee † And Amasias agreed not And Ioas the king of Israel went vp and they saw eche other he and Amasias the king of Iuda in Bethsames a towne of Iuda † And Iuda was strooken before Israel and euerie man fled into their tabernacles † But Ioas the king of Israel did take Amasias the king of Iuda the sonne of Ioas the sonne of Ochozias in Bethsames and brought him into Ierusalem and he brake downe the wal of Ierusalem from the gate of Ephraim vnto the gate of the corner fowre hundred cubites † And he tooke al the gold and siluer and al the vessel that were found in the house of our Lord and in the kinges treasures and hostages and returned into Samaria † But the rest of the wordes of Ioas which he did and his strength wherwith he fought against Amasias the king of Iuda are not these thinges writen in the Booke of the wordes of the daies of the kinges of Israel † And Ioas slept with his fathers and was buried in Samaria with the kinges of Israel Ieroboam his sonne reigned for him † And Amasias the sonne of Ioas the king of Iuda liued after that Ioas the sonne of Ioachaz the king of Israel was dead fifetene yeares † But the rest of the wordes of Amasias are not these thinges writen in the Booke of the wordes of the daies of the kinges of Iuda † And there was a conspiracie made against him in Ierusalem but he fled into Lachis And they sent after him into Lachis and killed him there † And they caried him away vpon horses and he was buried in Ierusalem with his fathers in the Citie of Dauid † And al the people of Iuda tooke Azarias sixtene yeares old and made him king for his father Amasias † He built Aelath and restored it to Iuda after that the king slept with his fathers † In the fiftenth yeare of Amasias the sonne of Ioas the king of Iuda reigned Ieroboam the sonne of Ioas the king of Israel in Samaria one and fourtie yeares † and he did that which is euil before our Lord. He departed not from al the sinnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat who made Israel to sinne † He restored the borders of Israel from the entrance of Emath vnto the Sea of the wildernesse according to the word of our Lord the God of Israel which he spake by his seruāt Ionas the sonne of Amathi the prophete who was of Geth which is in Opher † For our Lord saw the afliction of Israel exceding bitter and that they were consumed vnto the imprisoned meanest persons and that there was none to helpe Israel † Neither did our Lord determine that he would destroy the name of Israel from vnder heauen but he s●ued them in the hand of Ieroboam the sonne of Ioas. † But the rest of the wordes of Ieroboam and al that
into him a spirit and he shal here a message and shal returne into his country and I wil ouerthrow him with the sword in his country † Rabsaces therfore returned and found the king of Assyrians expugning Lobna for he heard that he was departed from Lachis † And when he had heard of Tharaca the king of Aethiopia saying Behold he is come forth to fight agaynst thee and went agaynst him he sent messengers to Ezechias saying † Say this to Ezechias the king of Iuda Let not thy God seduce thee in whom thou hast confidence neither say thou Ierusalem shal not be deliuered into the handes of the king of the Assyrians † For thou thy self hast heard what the kinges of the Assyrians haue done to al the countries how they haue spoyled them canst thou therfore onlie be deliuered † Why haue the goddes of the Nations deliuered al those whom my fathers haue destroyed to witte Gozan Haran and Reseph and the children of Eden which were in Thelassar † Where is the king of Emath and the king of Arphad and the king of the citie of Sepharuaim of Ana and Aua † Therfore when Ezechias had receiued the letters of the hand of messengers had read them he went vp into the house of our Lord layd them open before our Lord † prayd in his sight saying Lord God of Israel which sittest vpon the cherubins thou art the only God of al the kinges of the earth thou madest heauen and earth † Incline thine eare and heare open Lord thine eies and see and heare al the wordes of Sennacherib who hath sent to vpbrayd vnto vs the liuing God † In verie deede Lord the kinges of the Assyrians haue destroyed Nations and the countries of al. † And they haue cast their goddes into fire for they were not goddes but the workes of mens handes of wood and stone and they destroyed them † Now therfore O Lord our God saue vs from his hand that al the kingdomes of the earth may know that thou art the Lord the onlie God † And Isaie the sonne of Amos sent to Ezechias saying Thus saith our Lord the God of Israel That which thou hast besought me concerning Sennacherib the king of the Assyrians I haue heard † This is the word that our Lord hath spoken of him The virgine daughter of Sion hath dispised thee and scorned thee Behinde thy backe hath the daughter of Ierusalem wagged her head † Whom hast thou vpbrayded and whom hast thou blasphemed against whom hast thou exalted thy voice and lifted vp thine eies in high against the holie one of Israel † By the hand of thy seruantes thou hast vpbrayded our Lord and hast sayd In the multitude of my chariotes haue I climed the height of mouutaynes in the toppe of Libanus and haue cut downe high cedars therof and the chosen ●irretrees of it And I haue entered into the borders therof the forrest of the carmel therof † haue I cut downe And I haue drunke strange waters and haue dried vp with the steppes of my feete al the waters in closed † Why hast thou not heard what I haue done from the begining From ancient daies I haue made that thing and now I haue brought it to effect and fensed cities shal be into ruine of litle hilles bickering together † And they that sitte in them weake of hand they haue trembled and are confounded they became as the grasse of the field and the greene herbe of the roofes of houses which withered before it came to ripenesse † Thy habitation and thy going out and thy coming in and thy waye I haue knowen before thy surie against me † Thou hast bene madde against me thy pride hath ascended into myn eares I therfore wil put a ring in thy nostrels and a bitte in thy lippes and wil bring thee back into the way by the which thou camest † And to thee Ezechias this shal be a signe Eate this yeare what thou shalt finde in the second yeare the things that growe of themselues moreouer in the third yeare sawe ye and reape plant ye vineyardes and eate the fruite of them † And whatsoeuer shal be leaft of the house of Iuda shal take roote downeward and beare fruit vpward † For out of Ierusalem there shal remmantes goe forth and that which is to be saued from the mounte of Sion the zeale of the Lord of hostes shal doe this † Wherfore thus sayth our Lord of the king of the Assyrians He shal not enter into this citie nor shoote arrowe into it neither shal shield occupie it nor munition compasse it † By the way that he came he shal returne and into this citie he shal nos enter sayth our Lord † And I wil protect this citie and wil saue it for my self and for Dauid my seruant † It came to passe therfore in that night an Angel of our Lord came and stroke in the campe of the Assyrians an hundred eightie fiue thousand And when he was risen early he sawe al the bodies of the dead † and Sennacherib the king of the Assyrians departing went away and taried in Niniue † And when he adored in the temple of Nesroch his god Adramelech and Sarasar his sonnes stroke him with the sword and they fled into the land of the Armenians and Asarhaddon his sonne reigned for him CHAP. XX. Ezechias being sick is told by Isaias that he shal die but praying to God obtayneth fiftenne yeares longer life 8. and in confirmation therof receiueth a signe in Achaz dial returning back tenne lines 12. To the A●yrians bringing him presents he sheweth al his treasures 16. which Isaias reprouing prophecieth the captiuitie of Iuda 20. Ezechias dieth and his sonne Manasses reigneth IN those dayes Ezechias was sick euen to death and Isaie the sonne of Amos the prophete came and sayd to him Thus sayth our Lord God Take order with thy house for thou shalt die and shalt not liue † Who turned his face to the wal and prayed our Lord saying † I besech thee Lord remember I pray thee how I haue walked before thee in truth and in a perfect hart and haue done that which is liked before thee Ezechias therfore wept with great weeping † And before Isaie was gone out of the middes of the court the word of our Lord came to him saying † Returne and tel Ezechias the prince of my people Thus sayth our Lord the God of Dauid thy father I haue heard thy prayer and seene thy teares and behold I haue healed thee the third day thou shalt goe vp to the temple of the Lord. † And I wil adde to thy daies fiftene yeares yea out of the hand of the king of Assyrians I wil deliuer thee and this citie I wil protect this citie for my sake and for Dauid my seruant † And Isaie said Fetch me a bunch of figges Which when they had brought and had layd it vpon
Our Lord increase his people an hundred fold more then they are are they not my lord king al thy seruantes why doth my lord seeke this which may be reputed for a sinne to Israel † But the kinges word preuailed more and Ioab went forth and went about al Israel and returned to Ierusalem † And he gaue Dauid the number of them whom he had surueyed and al the number of Israel was found a thousand thousand and an hundred thousand men that drew sword and of Iuda foure hundred seuentie thousand men of warre † For Leui and Beniamin he numbred not because Ioab vnwillingly executed the kings commandement † And that which was commanded displeased God and he stroke Israel † And Dauid sayd to God I haue sinned excedingly in that I would doe this I besech thee take away the iniquitie of thy seruant because I haue done foolishly † And our Lord spake to Gad the Seer of Dauid saying † Goe and speake to Dauid and tel him Thus sayth our Lord I geue thee the choyse of three thinges choose one which thou wilt and I wil doe it to thee † And when Gad was come to Dauid he sayd to him Thus sayth our Lord Choose which thou wilt † either three yeares famine or three monethes to flee from thine enemies and not to be able to escape their sword or three dayes the sword of our Lord and pestilence to be in the land and the Angel of our Lord to kil in al the costes of Israel now therfore see what I shal answer him that sent me † And Dauid sayd to Gad I am on euerie side in great distresse but it is better that I fal into the handes of our Lord because his mercies be manie then into the handes of men † Our Lord therfore sent the pestilence in Israel and there fel of Israel seuentie thousand men † He sent also an Angel into Ierusalem to strike it and when it was striken our Lord saw and had compassion vpon the greatenesse of the euil and commanded the Angel that smote It is sufficient now let thy hand cease Moreouer the Angel of our Lord stoode beside the floore of Ornan the Iebuseite † And Dauid lifting vp his eies saw the Angel of our Lord standing betwen heauen and earth and a sword drawen in his hand turned agaynst Ierusalem they fel as wel he as the ancientes clothed in heare clothes flatte on the earth † And Dauid sayd to God Am not I he that commanded the people to be mumbred It is I that haue sinned it is I that haue done the euil this flocke what hath it deserued Lord my God let thy hand be turned I besech thee vpon me and vpon my fathers house and let not thy people be striken † And the Angel of our Lord commanded Gad to tel Dauid that he should goe vp and build an altar to our Lord God in the floore of Ornan the Iebuseite † Dauid therfore went vp according to the word of Gad which he had spoken to him in the name of our Lord. † Moreouer Ornan when he had looked vp and sene the Angel and his foure sonnes with him they hid themselues for at that time he threshed wheat in the floore † Therfore when Dauid came to Ornan Ornan beheld him went forth to mete him out of the floore and adored him flatte on the ground † And Dauid sayd to him Geue me the place of thy floore that I may build therein an altar to our Lord so that thou take as much siluer as it is worth and the plague may cease from the people † And Ornan sayd to Dauid Take it and let my lord the king doe whatsoeuer pleaseth him yea the oxen also I geue for holocaust and the dreyes for wood and wheat for sacrifice I wil giue al thinges willingly † And king Dauid sayd to him It shal not be so but I wil geue thee siluer as much as it is worth for I may not take it from thee and so offer to our Lord holocaustes geuen gratis † Dauid therfore gaue Ornan for the place six hundred sicles of gold of most iust weight † And he built there an altar to our Lord and he offered holocaustes and pacifiques and he inuocated our Lord he heard him in fyre from heauen vpon the altar of holocauste † And our Lord commanded the Angel and he turned his sword into the scabbard † Dauid therfore forthwith seing that our Lord had heard him in the floore of Ornan the Iebuseite immolated victimes there † But the tabernacle of our Lord. which Moyses made in the desert and the altar of holocaustes was at that time in the excelse of Gabaon † And Dauid could not goe to the altar to pray God there for he had bene frighted with exceding feare seing the sword of the Angel of our Lord. CHAP. XXII VVorkemen and al necessaries being prepared 6. Dauid commandeth Salomon to build the Temple for so God hath appoynted 13. exhorteth him to serue God 17. and other principal men to assist him AND Dauid sayd This is the house of God and this is an altar for holocauste to Israel † And he commanded that the proselytes of the land of Israel should be gathered to gether and he appoynted of them masons to hewe stones and polish them that the house of God might be built † Dauid prepared also verie much yron for the nayles of the gates and for the ioyninges and ioynctures and of brasse an inmumerable weight † The cedar trees also could not be estemed which the Sidonians and Tyrians brought downe to Dauid † And Dauid sayd Salomon my sonne is yet a litle child and delicate and the house which I would haue to be builded to our Lord must be such as may be renowned in al countries I therfore wil prepare him necessaries And for this cause before his death he prepared al the expenses † And he called Salomon his sonne and commanded him that he should build a house to our Lord the God of Israel † And Dauid sayd to Salomon My sonne it was my wil to haue built a house to the name of our Lord my God † But the word of our Lord was made to me saying Thou hast shed much bloud and fought verie manie battels thou canst not build a house to my name so much bloud being shed before me † the sonne which shal be borne to thee shal be a most quiet man for I wil make him rest from al his enemies round about and for this cause he shal be called Peaceable and I wil geue peace and quietnesse in Israel al his dayes † He shal build a house to my name he shal be to me for a sonne and I wil be to him for a father and I wil establih the throne of his kingdom ouer Israel for euer † Now therfore my sonne Our Lord be with thee and doe thou prosper and build the house to our Lord thy
of Israel should bring it in into the tabernacle of testimonie † For the most impious Athalia and her children haue destroyed the house of God and of al thinges that had bene sanctified in the temple of our Lord they adorned the temple of Baalim † The king therfore commanded and they made a chest and set it by the gate of our Lord on the out side † And it was proclaymed in Iuda and Ierusalem that euery man should bring the price to our Lord which Moyses the seruant of God appoynted ouer al Israel in the desert † And al the princes reioysed and al the people and going in they contributed into the chest of our Lord and cast in so that it was filled † And when it was time that they should bring the chest before the king by the handes of Leuites for they saw much money the kinges Scribe went in and he whom the high priest had appoynted they powred out the money that was in the chest recaried it to his place and so did they from day to day and there was gathered infinite money † Which the king and Ioiada gaue to them that ouersaw the workes of the house of our Lord but they hired with it hewers of stones and artificers of al workes to repayre the house of our Lord smithes also of yron and brasse that that which began to fal might be vpholden † And they that wrought did industriously and the breach of the walles was closed by their handes and they raysed the house of our Lord into the old state and made it stand firmely † And when they had accomplished al the workes they brought the rest of the money before the king and Ioiada of the which were made vessels of the temple to the ministerie and for holocaustes phials also and other vessels of gold and siluer and holocaustes were offered in the house of our Lord continually al the daies of Ioiada † But Ioiada became old being ful of dayes and died when he was an hundred and thirtie yeares old † And they buried him in the citie of Dauid with the kinges because he had done good with Israel and with his house † And after that Ioiada was dead the princes of Iuda went in and adored the king who being altered by their seruiceablenesse agreed to them † And they forsooke the temple of our Lord the God of their fathers and serued groues and sculptilles and there came wrath agaynst Iuda and Ierusalem for this sinne † And he sent them prophetes that they should returne to our Lord whom protesting they would not heare † The spirit of God therfore inuested Zacharias the sonne of Ioiada the Priest he stood in the sight of the people and sayd to them Thus sayth our Lord God Why transgresse you the precept of our Lord which thing shal not profit you haue forsaken our Lord that he should forsake you † Who being gathered agaynst him they threw stones according to the kinges commandement in the court of the house of our Lord. † And Ioas the king did not remember the mercie that Ioiada his father had done with him but he killed his sonne Who when he died sayd Our Lord see and require it † And when a yeare was come about the armie of Syria came vp against him it came into Iuda Ierusalem slewe al the princes of the people and al the pray they sent to the king into Damascus † And wheras there was come a very smal number of the Syrians our Lord deliuered into their handes an infinit multitude for that they had forsaken our Lord the God of their fathers on Ioas also they exercised ignomious iudgementes † And departing they left him in great diseases and his seruantes rose agaynst him for reuenge of the bloud of the sonne of Ioiada the priest they slewe him in his bed he dyed and they buried him in the Citie of Dauid but not in the kinges sepulchres † And there conspired against him Zabad the sonne of Semmaath an Ammonitesse Iozabad the sonne of Semarith a Moabitesse † Moreouer his children and the summe of money which was gathered vnder him the repayring of the house of God are writen more diligently in the Booke of kinges and Amasias his sonne reigned for him CHAP. XXV Amasias killeth those that slew his father 5. Besides his owne people hyreth souldiars of Israel but by aduise of a Prophete dismisseth them 11. and with his owne owerthroweth the Idumeans whose idols taken in battel 13. the dismissed souldiars in the meane time spoyling his countrie he adoreth 15. Contemning admonition 17. and prouoking the king of Israel to warre 22. is taken in battel and spoyled 27. Fearing treason in Ierusalem fleeth and is slaine in Lachis FIVE and twentie yeares old was Amasias when he began to reigne and he reigned nine and twentie yeares in Ierusalem the name of his mother was Ioaden of Ierusalem † And he did good in the sight of our Lord but yet not in a perfect hart † And when he saw his kingdom strengthned he put to death the seruantes that had slayne the king his father † but their children he slew not as it is writen in the Booke of the law of Moyses where our Lord commanded saying The fathers shal not be slayne for the children nor the children for their fathers but euerie one shal die in his owne sinne † Amasias therfore gathered together Iuda and appoynted them by families and tribunes and centurions in al Iuda and Beniamin and he numbred from twentie yeares vpward and found three hundred thousand of yong men that went forth to battel and held speare and shielde † He hyred also for wages of Israel an hundred thousand strong men for an hundred talentes of siluer † But a man of God came to him and sayd O king let not the host of Israel goe forth with thee for our Lord is not with Israel and al the children of Ephraim † and if thou thinke that battels consist in the force of an armie God wil make thee to be ouercome of the enemies for it perteyneth to God both to helpe and to put to flight † And Amasias sayd to the man of God What shal become then of the hundred talentes which I haue geuen the souldiars of Israel And the man of God answered him Our Lord hath wherby he is able to geue thee much more then this † Amasias therfore seperated the host that came to him out of Ephraim that they should returne into their place but they being wrath excedingly agaynst Iuda returned into their countrie † Moreouer Amasias brought forth his people confidently and went into the Vale of salt pittes and stroke the children of Seir ten thousand † And other ten thousand men did the children of Iuda take and bring to the steepe of a certaine rocke and cast them down headlong from the toppe who burst in sunder euerie one † But
first fruites of corne of wine and of oyle of honie also and of al thinges which the ground bringeth forth they offered tithes † Yea and the children of Israel and Iuda that dwelt in the cities of Iuda offered tithes of oxen and sheepe and tithes of sanctified thinges which they had vowed to our Lord their God and carying them al made manie heapes † The third moneth they began to lay the fundations of the heapes and in the seuenth moneth they finished them † And when Ezechias and his princes came in they saw the heapes and blessed our Lord and the people of Israel † And Ezechias asked the Priestes and the Leuites why the heapes lay so † Azarias the high Priest of the stocke of Sadoc answered him saying Since first fruites began to be offered in the house of our Lord we haue eaten and haue bene ful and very much hath remayned because our Lord hath blessed his people and of the remaynes this is the abundance which thou seest † Fzechias therfore commanded that storehouses should be prepared in the house of our Lord. Which when they had done † they brought in as wel the first fruites as the tithes and watsoeuer they had vowed faythfully And the ouerseer of them was Chonenias a Leuite and Semeihis brother the second † after whom Iahiel and Azarias and Nahath and Asael and Ierimoth Iosabad also and Eliel and Iesmachias and Mahath and Banaias ouerseers vnder the hand of Chonenias and Semei his brother by the commandment of Ezechias the king and Azarias the high Priest of the house of God to whom al thinges apperteyned † But Core the sonne of Iemna a Leuite and porter of the east gate was ouerseer of those thinges which were voluntarily offered to our Lord and of the first fruites and the thinges consecrated for Sancta sanctorum † And vnder his charge Eden and Beniamin Iesue and Semeias Amarias also and Sechenias in the cities of the Priestes that they should faithfully distribute to their brethren portions to the lesser and greater † sauing the men children from three yeares and aboue to al that entered into the temple of our Lord and whatsoeuer day by day was profitable in the ministerie and the obseruances according to their diuisions † to the Priestes by families and to the Leuites from the twentith yeare and vpward by the orders and companies † and to al the multitude as wel their wiues as their children of both sex mea●es were geuen faithfully of these thinges that had bene sanctified † Yea and of the children of Aaron by the fildes and the suburbes of euerie citie there were men ordayned that should distribute portions to al the male sexe of the Priestes and the Leuites † Ezechias therfore did al thinges which we haue sayd in al Iuda and wrought good and right and truth before our Lord his God † in al the seruice of the ministerie of the house of our Lord according to the law and the ceremonies willing to seeke his God in al his hart and he did it and prospered CHAP. XXXII Sennacherib king of Assyria inuading Iuda king Ezechias encorageth the people and prouideth to defend the countrie 9. the Assyrians threaten the people and blaspheme God 20. Ezechias and Isaias pray 21. An Angel destroyeth the Assyrians armie so their king retiring home is slayne in his idols temple by his owne sonnes 22. Ezechias reigneth in peace 24. falleth into deadlie sicknes but miraculously recouereth offendeth in pryde and repenteth 27. is exceding rich which he imprudently sheweth to strangers 32. dieth and Manasses succedeth AFTER which thinges and this maner of truth came Sennacherib the king of the Assyrians and entering into Iuda besieged the fensed cities desirous to take them † Which when Ezechias had sene to witte that Sennacherib was come and the whole force of the battel to be turned agaynst Ierusalem † taking counsel with the princes and the most valiant men to stoppe vp the heades of the fountaynes that were without the citie and the sentence of them al decreing this † he gathered a very great multitude they stopped vp al the fountaynes and the riuer that ranne in the middes of the land saying Lest the kinges of the Assyrians come and finde abundance of waters † He built also doing industriously euerie wall that had bene destroyed and built towers vpon them and an other wall without and he repayred Mello in the citie of Dauid and made armour and shildes of al sortes † And he appointed princes of warryers in the armie and he called them al together in the streate of the gate of the citie and spake to their hart saying † Doe manfully and take courage feare not neither dread ye the king of the Assyrians and al the multitude that is with him for there are manie moe with vs then with him † For with him is an arme of flesh with vs the Lord our God which is our helper and fighteth for vs. And the people was encouraged with these maner of wordes of Ezechias the king of Iuda † Which thinges after they were done Sennacherib the king of the Assyrians sent his seruantes to Ierusalem for himself with al his armie beseiged Lachis to Ezechias the king of Iuda to al the people that was in the citie saying † Thus sayth Sennacherib the king of the Assyrians In whom hauing affiance doe you sitte besieged in Ierusalem † Hath Ezechias deceiued you to deliuer you to death in hunger and thirst affirming that the Lord your God can deliuer you from the hand of the king of the Assyrians † Why is not this Ezechias that hath destroyed his excelses and altars and hath commanded Iuda Ierusalem saying Before one altar you shal adore and on it you shal burne incense † Are you ignorant what thinges I haue done and my fathers to al the peoples of the landes haue the goddes of nations and of al landes bene able to deliuer their countrie out of my hand † Who is there of al the goddes of the nations which my fathers wasted that could deliuer his people out of my hand that your God also can deliuer you out of this hand † Let not therfore Ezechias deceiue you nor delude you with vayne persuasion neither beleue ye him For if no god o● al nations and kingdomes could deliuer his people out of my hand and out of the hand of my fathers consequently neither shal your God be able to deliuer you out of my hand † Yea and manie other thinges did his seruantes speake agaynst our Lord God and agaynst Ezechias his seruant † Letters also he wrote ful of blasphemie against our Lord the God of Israel and he spake agaynst him as the goddes of their nations could not deliuer their people out of my hand so the God also of Ezechias can not deliuer his people out of this hand † Moreouer also with a lowd crie in the Iewes tongue he sounded against the people
that sate on the walles of Ierusalem that he might terrifie them and take the citie † And he spake agaynst the God of Ierusalem as agaynst the goddes of the peoples of the earth the workes of mens handes † Ezechias therfore the king and Isaias the prophet the sonne of Amos prayed agaynst this blasphemie and cried out euen to heauen † And our Lord sent an Angel which stroke euerie strong man and warryer and prince of the armie of the king of the Assyrians and he returned with ignominie into his countrie And when he was entered into the house of his God his sonnes that were come forth of his wombe slewe him with the sword † And our Lord saued Ezechias and the inhabitantes of Ierusalem out of the hand of Sennacherib the king of the Assyrians and out of the hand of al gaue them rest round about † Manie also brought hostes and sacrifices to our Lord into Ierusalem and giftes to Ezechias the king of Iuda who was exalted after these thinges before al nations † In those daies Ezechias was sick euen to death and he prayed our Lord and he heard him and gaue him a signe † But not according to the benefites which he receiued did he recompense because his hart was eleuated and wrath came agaynst him and agaynst Iuda and Ierusalem † And he was humbled afterward because his hart had bene exalted both he and the inhabitantes of Ierusalem and therfore the wrath of our Lord came not vpon them in the daies of Ezechias † And Ezechias was rich and glorious excedingly and gathered to himself great treasures of siluer and of gold and of pretious stone of spices and of armour of al kinde and of vessels of great price † Storehouses also of corne of wyne and of oyle and stalles of al beastes and foldes of cattel † and six cities he built to him self for he had flockes of sheepe and of heardes innumerable because our Lord had geuen him substance exceding much † The same is Ezechias that stopped the vpper fountaine of the waters of Gihon and turned them away vnderneth toward the West of the Citie of Dauid in al his workes he did prosperously what he would † But yet in the embassie of the princes of Babylon that were sent to him to aske of the wonder that had chanced vpon the earth God leift him that he might be tempted and al thinges might be made knowen that were in his hart † But the rest of the wordes of Ezechias and of his mercies are writen in the vision of Isaias the sonne of Amos the prophete and in the booke of the kinges of Iuda Israel † And Ezechias slept with his fathers and they buried him in the chiefe sepulchres of the children of Dauid and al Iuda celebrated his funeralles al the inhabitantes of Ierusalem and Manasses his sonne reigned for him CHAP. XXXIII Manasses for his manifold wickednes is led captiue into Babylon 12. repenteth in prison is restored to his kingdom and destroyeth idolatrie 18. dieth 21. Amon succeding 24. is slayne by his seruantes and Iosias reigneth TWELVE yeares old was Manasses when he began to reigne and he reigned fiftie fiue yeares in Ierusalem † And he did euil before our Lord according to al the abominations of the nations which our Lord ouerthrew before the children of Israel † and being turned he reedified the excelses which Ezechias his father had destroyed and he built altars to Baalim and made groues and he adored al the host of heauen and worshipped it † He built also altars in the house of our Lord wherof our Lord had sayd In Ierusalem shal my name be for euer † And he built them to al the host of heauen in the two courtes of the house of our Lord. † And he made his sonnes to passe through fyre to the Valebenennom he obserued dreames folowed southsayings gaue him self to magike artes he had with him magicians inchaunters and he wrought manie euils before our Lord to prouoke him † Also a grauen and a molten signe he put in the house of God wherof our Lord spake to Dauid and to Salomon his sonne saying In this house and in Ierusalem which I haue chosen al the tribes of Israel Wil I put my name for euer † And I wil not make the foote of Israel to moue out of the land which I haue deliuered to their fathers yet so if they shal obserue to doe that I haue commanded them and al the law and the ceremonies and iudgementes by the hand of Moyses † Manasses therfore seduced Iuda and the inhabitantes of Ierusalem that they did euil aboue al the nations which our Lord had ouerthrowen before the face of the children of Israel † And our Lord spake to him and to his people and they would not attend † Therfore he brought vpon them the princes of the host of the king of the Assyrians and they tooke Manasses led him bound with chaynes and fetters into Babylon † Who after that he was in distresse prayed our Lord his God and did penance excedingly before the God of his fathers † And he desired him and besought him earnestly and he heard his prayer and brought him agayne to Ierusalem into his kingdom and Manasses knew that our Lord he was God † After these thinges he built a wal without the citie of Dauid on the west of Gihon in the valley from the entrance of the fish gate round about vnto Ophel and raysed it excedingly and he appoynted princes of the host in al the fensed cities of Iuda † and he tooke away strange goddes and the idol out of the house of our Lord the altars also which he had made in the mount of the house of our Lord and in Ierusalem and he threw al without the citie † Moreouer he reedified the altar of our Lord and immolated vpon it victimes and pacifiques and prayse and he commanded Iuda to serue our Lord the God of Israel † Neuerthelesse as yet the people immolated in the excelses to our Lord their God † But the rest of the actes of Manasses and his obsecration to his God the wordes also of the Seers that spake to him in the name of our Lord the God of Israel are conteyned in the wordes of the kinges of Israel † His prayer also and his obtayning and al his sinnes and contempt the places also wherein he built excelses and made groues and statues before he did penance are writen in the wordes of Hozai † Manasses therfore slept with his fathers and they buried him in his house his sonne Amon reigned for him † Ammon was two and twentie yeares old when he began to reigne and he reigned two yeares in Ierusalem † And he did euil in the fight of our Lord as Manasses his father had done and he immolated to al the idols which Manasses his father had made and serued them † And he did not reuerence
of God calues an hundred rammes two hundred lambes foure hundred buckgoates for the sinne of al Israel twelue according to the number of the tribes of Israel † And they set the Priestes in theyr orders and the Leuites in theyr courses ouer the workes of God in Ierusalem as it is writen in the booke of Moyses † And the children of Israel of the transmigration made the Phase the fourtenth day of the first moneth † For al the Priestes and the Leuites were purified as it were one man al cleane to immolate the Phase for al the children of the transmigration and for theyr brethren the Priestes and them selues † And the children of Israel that were returned from the transmigration did eate and al that had separated them selues from the coinquination of the Gentiles of the earth vnto them to seeke our Lord the God of Israel † And they made the solemnitie of Azymes seuen dayes in ioy because our Lord had made them ioyful and had turned the hart of the king of Assur to them that he should helpe theyr handes in the worke of the house of our Lord the God of Israel CHAP. VII Esdras with manie other Priestes and Leuites ascendeth to ●erusalem to teach and assist the people 11. bringing Artaxerxes Edict declareth it to the people 27. and geueth thankes to God AND after these thinges in the reigne of Artaxerxes king of Persians Esdras the sonne of Saraias the sonne of Azarias the sonne of Helcias † the sonne of Sellum the sonne of Sadoc the sonne of Achitob † the sonne of Amarias the sonne of Azarias the sonne of Maraioth † the sonne of Zarahias the sonne of Ozi the sonne of Bocci † the sonne of Abisue the sonne of Phinees the sonne of Eleazar the sonne of Aaron the Priest from the begynning † The same Esdras came vp from Babylon and he was a quicke scribe in the law of Moyses which our Lord God gaue to Israel and the king gaue him according to the hand of our Lord his God vpon him al his petition † And there came vp of the children of Israel and of the children of the Priestes and of the children of the Leuites and of the singing men and of the porters and of the Nathineites into Ierusalem in the seuenth yeare of Artaxerxes the king † And they came into Ierusalem the fifth moneth that is the seuenth yeare of the king † For in the first day of the first moneth he began to goe vp from Babylon and in the first day of the fifth moneth he came into Ierusalem according to the good hand of his God vpon him † For Esdras prepared his hart to search the law of our Lord and to doe and to teach in Israel preceptes and iudgement † And this is the copie of the epistle of the edict which king Artaxerxes gaue to Esdras the Priest the learned scribe in the wordes and preceptes of our Lord and his ceremonies in Israel † Artaxerxes the king of kings to Esdras the Priest the most learned scribe of the law of God of heauē greeting † It is decreed by me that whōsoeuer it shal please in my kingdom of the people of Israel and of the Priestes and Leuites to goe into Ierusalē let him goe with thee † For thou art sent from the face of the king and of his seuen counselers that thou mayst visite Iewrie and Ierusalem in the law of thy God which is in thy hand † And that thou maist carie the siluer gold which the king his counselers haue voluntarily offered to the God of Israel whose tabernacle is in Ierusalem † And al the siluer and gold whatsoeuer thou shalt finde in al the prouince of Babylon and the people wil offer and of the Priestes that shal voluntarely offer to the house of theyr God which is in Ierusalem † take freely and bye diligently of this money calues rammes lambes and the sacrifices and libamentes of them and offer them vpon the altar of the temple of your God that is in Ierusalem † Yea and if it shal please thee and thy brethren to doe any thing with the rest of the siluer and gold doe ye according to the wil of your God † The v●●●els also which are geuen thee for the ministerie of the house of thy God deliuer thou in the sight of God in Ierusalem † Yea and other thinges wherof neede shal be for the house of thy God how much soeuer is necessarie for thee to spend thou shalt geue it out of the treasure and excheker of the king and from me † I Artaxerxes the king haue appointed and decreed to al the keepers of the common coffer that are beyond the Riuer that whatsoeuer Esdras the Priest the scribe of the law of God of heauen shal aske of you you geue it without delay † vnto an hundred talentes of siluer and vnto an hundred cores of wheat and vnto an hundred bates of wyne and vnto an hundred bates of oyle but salt without measure † Al that pertayneth to the rite of the God of heauen let it be geuen diligently in the house of the God of heauen lest perhaps he be angrie agaynst the kingdom of the king and of his sonnes † We doe you also to vnderstand concerning al the Priestes and Leuites and the singers and the porters the Nathineites and ministers of the house of this God that you haue no authoritie to put tolle and ●ribute and yearlie rentes vpon them † And thou Esdras according to the wisedom of thy God which is in thy hand appoy●t iu●ges and presidentes that they may iudge for al the people that is beyond the Riuer that is for them which know the law of thy God yea and the ignorant teach ye frely † And euerie one that shal not doe the law of thy God and the law of thy king diligently there shal be iudgement of him either vnto death or into banishment or to the confiscation of his substance or at the least into prison † Blessed be our Lord the God of our fathers which hath put this in the kinges hart that he would glorifie the house of our Lord which is in Ierusalem † and hath inclined his mercie toward me before the king and his counselers and al the mightie princes of the king and Itaking courage by the hand of our Lord my God which was on me gathered together out of Israel princes that should goe vp with me CHAP. VIII Esdras reciteth those that came with him from Babylon 21. the fast which ●e appointed 33. and how they brought the holie vessel into the Temple THESE therfore are the princes of the families and the genealogie of them that came vp with me in the reigne of Artaxerxes the king out of Babylon † Of the children of Phinees Gersom Of the children of Ithamar Daniel Of the children of Dauid Hattus † Of the children of Sechenias the children of Pharos Zacharias and with him were
and began to pray with teares † saying Thou art iust ô Lord al thy iudgementes are iust and al thy waies mercie truth and iudgement † And now Lord be mindful of me and take not reuenge of my sinnes neither remember the sinnes of me or of my parentes † Because we haue not obeyed thy commandmentes therfore we are deliuered in spoile and captiuitie and death and into a fable and into reproch to al nations in which thou hast dispersed vs. † And now Lord great are thy iudgementes because we haue not done according to thy preceptes haue not walked sincerely before thee † and now Lord according to thy wil do with me command my spirite to be receiued in peace for it is expedient for me to die rather then to liue † The verie same day therfore it chanced that Sara the daughter of Raguel in Rages a citie of the Medes she also heard reproch of one of her fathers handmaydes † because she had beene deliuered to seuen husbandes the diuel named Asmodeus had killed them forth with as they were entred in vnto her † Therfore when she rebuked the wench for her fault she answered her saying Let vs no more see sonne of thee or daughter vpon the earth thou murderer of thy husbandes † What wilt thou kil me also as thou hast now killed seuen husbandes At this voice she went into an higher chamber of her house and three dayes and three nightes did not eate nor drinke † but continewing in prayer with teares besought God that he would deliuer her from this reproch † And it came to passe the third day whiles she accomplished her prayer blessing our Lord † she sayd Blessed is thy name ô God of our fathers who when thou hast bene angrie wilt doe mercie in the time of tribulation forgeuest them their sinnes that inuocate thee † To thee ô Lord I turne my face to thee I direct myne eyes † I desire Lord that thou loose me from the bond of this reproch or els take me away from the earth † Thou knowest Lord that I neuer coueted a husband and haue kept my soule cleane from al concupiscence † Neuer haue I companied my self with sporters neither haue I made my selfe partaker with them that walke in lightnesse † But a husband I consented to take with thy feare not with my lust † And either I was vnworthie of them or they perhaps were not worthie for me because perhaps thou hast kept me for an other man † For thy counsel is not in mans power † But this hath euerie one for certayne that worshippeth thee that his life if it be in probation shal be crowned and if it be in tribulation it shal be deliuered and if it be in correction it shal be lawful to come to thy mercie † For thou art not delighted in our perditions because after a tempest thou makest a calme and after teares and weeping thou powrest in ioyfulnesse † Be thy name God of Israel blessed foreuer † At that time the prayers of both were heard in the sight of the glorie of the high God † and the holie Angel of our Lord Raphael was sent to cure them both whose prayers at one time were recited in the sight of our Lord. CHAP. IIII. Tobias thincking he shal dye geueth his sonne godlie admonitions 7. especially exhorteth him to geue almes diligently 13. to flee al fornication pride and fraude 21. And telleth him of money lent to a friend THERFORE when Tobias thought his prayer to be heard that he might haue died he called to him Tobias his sonne † and sayd to him Heare my sonne the wordes of my mouth lay them as a foundation in thy hart † When God shal take my soule * burie my bodie and thou shalt doe * honour to thy mother al the dayes of her life † for thou must be mindful what perils and how great she suffered for thee in her wombe † And when she also shal haue accomplished the time of her life burie her beside me † And al the dayes of thy life * haue God in thy mind and beware thou consent not to sinne at anie time and pretermitte the preceptes of our Lord God † * Of thy substance geue almes and turne not away thy face from anie poore person for so it shal come to passe that neither the face of our Lord shal be turned from thee † As thou shalt be able so be merciful † If thou haue much geue aboundantly if thou haue litle studie to impert also a litle willingly † For thou dost treasure vp to thy self a good reward in the day of necessitie † because almes deliuereth from al sinne and from death wil not suffer the soule to goe into darkenesse † Great confidence before God most high shal almes be to al them that doe it † * Take heed to thy self my sonne of al fornication beside thy wife neuer abide to know crime † * Neuer permitte pryde to rule in thy word for in it al perdition tooke his beginning † * Whosoeuer hath wrought anie thing for thee pay him his hyre immediatly and let not the hyre of thy hyred seruant remayne with thee at al. † * That which thou hatest to be done to thee by an other see thou doe it not to an other at anie time † Eate thy bread with the hungrie needie and of thy garmentes couer the naked † * Set thy bread and thy wine vpon the burial of a iust man and doe not eate and drinke therof with sinners † Seeke counsel alwaies of a wiseman † At al time blesse God and desire of him that he direct thy waies and that al thy counsels remayne in him † I tel thee also my sonne that I gaue tenne talentes of siluer whiles thou wast yet a child to Gabelus in Rages a citie of the Medes and I haue a bil of his hand with me † and therfore enquire how thou maist come to him and receiue of him the foresayd weight of siluer and restore him the bil of his hand † Feare not my sonne we leade in dede a poore life but we shal haue many good thinges if we feare God and depart from al sinne and doe wel CHAP. V. Yong Tobias seeking a guide for his iourney Raphael the Angel in shape of a man presenteth himself and vndertaketh this office 23. The mother lamenteth the abscence and danger of her sonne THEN Tobias answered his father and sayd I wil doe al things father whatsoeuer thou hast commanded me † But how I shal require this money I can nor tel he knoweth not me and I know not him what token shal I geue him Yea neither the way which leadeth thither did I euer know † Then his father answered him and sayd I haue the bil of his hand with me which when thou shalt
and cleane stone shal al the streates therof be paued and in the streates therof Alleluia shal be song † Blessed be our Lord which hath exalted it and his kingdom be for euer and euer ouer it Amen CHAP. XIIII Old Tobias dieth at the age of an hundred and two yeares 5. exhorteth his sonne and nephewes to pietie forshewing that Niniue shal be destroyed and Ierusal●m reedified 14. yonger Tobias returneth with his familie to Raguel and dieth happely as he had liued AND the wordes of Tobias were ended And after that Tobias was restored to his sight he liued two and fourtie yeares and saw the children of his nephewes † Therfore an hundred and two yeares being accomplished he was buried honorably in Niniue † For being six and fiftie yeares old he lost the sight of his eies and being threescore he receiued it agayne † And the rest of his life was in ioy and with great increase of the feare of God he went forward in peace † And at the houre of his death he called vnto him Tobias his sonne and his seuen yong sonnes his nephewes and sayd to them † The destruction of Niniue is neere for the word of our Lord fayleth not and our brethren which are dispersed from the land of Israel shal returne to it † And al the desert land therof shal be replenished and the house of God which is burnt in it shal agayne be reedefied and thither shal al returne that feare God † and the Gentiles shal forsake their idols and shal come into Ierusalem and shal inhabite in it † and al the kings of the earth shal reioyce in it adoring the king of Israel † Heare ye therfore my children your father serue our Lord in truth and seeke to doe the thinges that please him † and command your children that they doe iustices and almes deedes that they be mindeful of God and blesse him at al time in truth and in al their power † Now therfore children heare me and doe not tarie here but what day soeuer you shal burie your mother by me in one sepulchre from thenceforth directe your steppes to depart hence † for I see that the iniquitie therof wil giue it an end † And it came to passe after the death of his mother Tobias departed out of Niniue with his wife and children and childrens children and returned to his father and mother in law † And he found them in health in good old age and he tooke care of them and he closed their eies and al the inheritance of Raguels house he receiued he saw the fifth generation his childrens children † And nintie nine yeares being accomplished in the feare of our Lord with ioy they buried him † And al his kinred and al his generation continewed in good life and in holie conuersation so that they were acceptable both to God and to men and to al the inhabitantes in in the land THE ARGVMENT OF THE BOOKE OF IVDITH S. Ierom sometime supposed this booke not to be canonical but after warde finding that the Councel of Nice accounted it in the number of holie Scriptures he so estemed it and therupon not only translated it into Latin out of the Chaldeetongue wherin it was first written but also as occasion required alleaged the same as diuine Scripture and sufficient to conuince matters of faith in controuersie For otherwise his opposing the authoritie of the Nicen Councel should proue nothing at al against the Iewes seing they also acknowledge this booke amongst Agiographa or holie writtes but lesse fitte say they to streingthen those thinges which come into contention wherby is clere that S. Ierom thenceforth held it for diuine Scripture As further appeareth in his commentaries in Isai 14. more expresly Epist ad Principiam he counted it in ranke with other Scriptures wherof none doubteth saying Ruth Esther Iudith were of so great renoume that they gaue the names to sacred volumes And in this Preface doubted not to say that the rewarder of Iudithes chastitie God himself gaue her for imitation not only to wemen but also to men gaue her such vertue that she ouerthrew him whom none could ouercome and conquered the inuincible Also Before the Councel Origen in c. 14. Iudith Tertullian de Monogamia c. vlt. And diuers whom S. Hilarie citeth and dissenteth not from them Prologo in Psalmos held this booke for Canonical Manie more writes likwise about the time of the same Councel and after so account it Prudentius in Phychomachia prudicitiae libidinis Chromatius in c. 6. Mat. Paulinus in Natali 10. S. Chrysostom hom 10. in Math. S. Ambrose li. 3. Offic. c. 13. Epist. 82. et li. de viduis S. Augustin or some other good author written two sermons of Iudith 228. 229. Cassiodorus diuini lect c. 6. Fulgentius Epist 2. de statu viduarum Ferrandus Carthaginensis ad Regiū de re militati Iumi●us Africanus li. 1. de partibus diuine l●gis Sulpitius in hisstori● S. Beda de sex aetatibus Alredus writing the life of S. Edward our king More are not necessarie to reasonabl●men Con●erning the time and author it s●m●th most probable tha● these thinges happened when Manasses king of Iuda was e●t er in prison in Babylon or newly restored to his kingdom who as it semeth permitted the gouerment to the high Priest Eliachim Chap 4 otherwise called ●oachim ch 15 〈◊〉 also writte this booke as ●hilos Chronologie li. 2. reporteth From which time they had no war●es ●ilth reigne of Ioachoz about 80 yeares conformable to the long pea●● mentioned chap. 6. v 30. In summe we haue her not a poetical Comedie as Martin Luther shameth ●ot to cal it in Simpos●ac●s c. 29 and in his German Preface of Iudith but a sacred Historie as al ●for●mentione estemed it and the Iewes confesse of a most valiant Matrons fact deliuering the people of God from persecution of a cruel Tyranne The first three chapters shew the occasion of this danger the next foure describe the dif●●culties distresses therof other seuen with part of the 15. how Iudith deliuered them from it In the rest Iudith is much praysed and she with the whole people praise God THE BOOKE OF IVDITH CHAP. I. Nabuchodonosor king of Assyrians ouercometh Arphaxad king of the Medes 7. summoneth manie other nations to submitte themselues to his Empyre 11. which they refusing he threatneth reuenge ARPHAXAD therfore king of the Medes had subdued manie nations to his empire he built a most mightie citie which he called Ecbatanis † Of stone squared and hewed he made walles therof in height seuentie cubites and in breadth thirtie cubites and the towers therof he made in height an hundred cubites † But each side of them was in foure square twentie foote long and he made the gates therof according to the height of the towers † and he gloried as mightie in the force of his
forth to the people † and sayd One Hebrewe woman hath made confusion in the house of king Nabuchodonosor for behold Holofernes lyeth vpon the ground and his head is not vpon him † Which when the princes of the power of the Assyrians had heard they al rent their garmentes and intollerable feare and dread fel vpon them and theit mindes were trubled excedingly † And there was made an incomparable crie in the middes of their campe CHAP. XV. The Assyrians flee for feare 3. the Hebrewes pursue them 7. and are enriched by the spoyles 9. The high priest with others come from Ierusalem and prayse Iudith 14. The goodes of Holofernes are genen so her AND when al the armie heard that Holofernes was beheaded courage and counsel fel from them and being shaken with trembling onlie and feare they helpe them selues by flight † so that none spake with his neighbour but hanging the head al thinges leaft behind they made hast to escape the Hebrewes whom they heard to come armed vpon them fleing by the waies of the fieldes and the pathes of the hilles † The children of Israel therfore seing them fleing folowed them And they went downe sounding with trumpettes and shouting after them † And because the Assyrians were not vnited together they went headlong into flight but the children of Israel pursewing in one companie discomfited al that they could find † Ozias therfore sent messengers through al the cities and countries of Israel † Euerie countrie therfore and euerie citie sent chosen youth armed after them and they pursewed them in the edge of the sword vntil they came to the extremetie of their borders † And the rest that were in Bethulia entered into the campe of the Assyrians and tooke away the praye which the Assyrians fleing had leaft and were loden excedingly † But they that were returned conquerers to Bethulia tooke away with them al thinges that were theirs so that there was no number in cattel and beastes and al their moueables that from the leaft vnto the greatest al were made rich of their prayes † And Ioachim the high Priest came from Ierusalem into Bethulia with al his ancientes to see Iudith † Who when she was come out to him they al blessed her with one voyce saying Thou art the glorie of Ierusalem thou the ioy of Israel thou the honour of our people † because thou hast done manfully and thy hart was strengthened for that thou hast loued chastirie and after thy husband not knowne any other therfore also the hand of our Lord hath strengthened thee and therfore shalt thou be blessed for euer † And al the people sayd So be it so be it † And for thirtie daies scarse were the spoyles of the Assyrians gathered of the people of Israel † Moreouer al thinges that were proued to be the peculiar goodes of Holofernes they gaue to Iudith in gold and siluer and garmentes and pretious stones and al stuffe and al the thinges were deliuered her of the people † And al the people reioysed with wemen and virgins and yongmen on instrumentes and harpes CHAP. XVI Iudith singeth a canticle of thanks geuing to our Lord. 22. The people goe to Ierusalem and offer sacrifices 25. She in great honour liueth a widow til her death in good old age 30. the people haue long peace and a fea●●●ual day is instituted in perpetual memorie of her fact THEN sang Iudith this song to our Lord saying † Beginne ye to our Lord in timbrels sing ye to our Lord in cymbals tune to him a new psalme reioyse and inuocate his name † Our Lord confoundeth battels Lord is his name † Who hath set his campe in the middes of his people that he might deliuer vs from the hand of al our enemies † Assur came out of the mountaynes from the North in the multitude of his strength whose multitude stopped vp the torrentes and their horses couered the valles † He said that he would set my borders on fyre and kil my yongmen with the sword to geue my infantes into praye and virgins into captiuitie † But our Lord omnipotent hath hurt him and hath deliuered him into the hands of a woman and hath pearsed him † For not by yongmen is their mightie one fallen neither haue the sonnes of Titan strooken him neither did the high giantes set them selues vpon him but Iudith the daughter of Merari in the beautie of her face dissolued him † For she put from her the garmentes of widowhood and put on her the garmentes of ioy in the reioysing of the children of Israel † She anoynted her face with oyntment and tyed together her lockes with a crowne she tooke a new stole to deceiue him † Her sandals rauished his eies her beautie made his soule captiue she with a sword cut of his head † The Persians did quake at her constancie and the Medes at her boldnesse † Then did the campe of the Assyrians howle when my humble ones appeared withering in thirst † The sonnes of yongwemen haue pearsed them and they haue killed them as boyes fleing away they haue perished in battel before the face of the Lord my God † Let vs sing an hymne to our Lord let vs sing a new hymne to our God † Adonai ô Lord great art thou and noble in thy power and whom no man can ouercome † Let euerie creature of thyne serue thee because thou saydst and they were made thou didst send thy spirit and they were created and there is none that can resist thy voyce † The mountaynes with the waters shal be moued with the foundations the rockes shal melt as waxe before thy face † But they that feare thee shal be great with thee in al thinges † Wo be to the nation that ryseth vp vpon my kinred for our Lord omnipotent wil be reuenged on them in the day of iudgement he wil visite them † For he wil geue fyre and wormes into their flesh that they may be burnt and may feele for euer † And it came to passe after these thinges al the people after the victorie came into Ierusalem to adore our Lord and forthwith as they were purified they al offered holocaustes and vowes and their promises † Moreouer Iudith offered for an anathema of obliuion al the instrumentes of warre of Holofernes which the people gaue her and the canopie that her self had taken away out of his chamber † And the people was pleasant according to the face of sainctes and for three monethes the ioy of this victorie was celebrated with Iudith † And after those daies euerie man returned into his house and Iudith was made great in Bethulia and she was more glorious to al the land of Israel † There was also chastitie ioyned to her vertue so that she knew not man al the daies of her life “ after that Manasses her husband was dead † And on festiual daies she came forth with great glorie †
be accomplished one that excelled the rest in wisedom and fidelitie and was second after the king Aman by name † told me that there was a people dispersed through the whole world which vsed new lawes and doing against the customes of al Nations contemned the cōmandmentes of kings and brake the concord of al nations by their dissention † Which when we had learned seing one nation rebellious against al kind of men to vse peruerse lawes and to goe against our commandmentes and to disturbe the peace and concord of the prouinces subiect to vs † we haue commanded that whomsoeuer Aman shal shew who is chiefe ouer al the prouinces and second after the king and whom we honour in steed of a father they with their wiues and children be destroyed of their enemies and that none haue pitie on them the fourtenth day of the twelfth moneth Adar of this present yeare † that the wicked men going downe to hel in one day may restore the peace to our empire which they had disturbed Hitherto the copie of the letter That which foloweth I found written after that place where it is read And Mardocheus going forth did al thinges that Esther had commanded him yet it is neither in the Hebrew nor extant with any of the interpreters † But Mardocheus besought our Lord mindeful of al his workes † and said Lord Lord king omnipotent for in thy dominion are al thinges set and there is none that can resist thy wil if thou determine to saue Israel † Thou madst heauen and earth and whatsoeuer is conteyned in the compasse of heauen † Thou art Lord of al neither is there that can resist thy maiestie † Thou vnderstandest al things and knowest that I haue not done this for pride and contumelie and any desire of glorie that I adored not the proud Aman † for gladly would I be readie for the saluation of Israel to kisse euen the steppes of his feete † but I feared lest I should transferre the honour of my God to a man and lest I should adore any except my God † And now ô Lord king the God of Abraham haue mercie vpon thy poople because our enemies wil destroy vs and extinguish thyne inheritance † Despise not thy portion which thou hast redemed to thyself out of Aegypt † Heare my prayer and be propitious to thy lot and corde and turne our mourning into ioy that liuing we may prayse thy name ô Lord and doe not shut the mouthes of them that sing to thee † Al Israel also with like mind and supplication cried to our Lord because certayne death did hang ouer them CHAP. XIIII Esther prayeth in humilitie of spirite that God wil deliuer the people from the crueltie of Aman. ESTHER also the queene fled to our Lord fearing the peril that was at hand † And when she had laid of her royal garmentes she tooke clothes meete for weeping and mourning and for diuers oyntmentes filled her head with ashes and dung and her bodie she humbled with fastes and al the places in which before she was accustomed to reioyse she filled with tearing of her heares † And she besought our Lord the God of Israel saying My Lord which onlie art our king helpe me solitarie woman and which haue no other helper beside thee † My peril is in my handes † I haue heard of my father that thou Lord didst take Israel out from al Gentiles and our fathers out of al their predecessours before that thou mightst possesse an euerlasting inheritance and thou hast done to them as thou hast spoken † We haue sinned in thy sight and therfore thou hast deliuered vs into the handes of our enemies † for we haue worshiped their goddes Thou art iust ô Lord. † And now it suffiseth them not that they oppresse vs with most hard seruitude but imputing the force of their handes to the might of their idols † they wil change thy promisses and destroy thine inheritance and shut the mouthes of them that prayse thee and extinguish the glorie of thy temple and altar † that they may open the mouthes of Gentiles and prayse the strength of idols and magnifie a carnal king for euer † Deliuer not ô Lord thy scepter to them that are not lest they laugh at our ruine but turne their counsel vpon them and destroy him that hath begune to do cruelly against vs. † Remember ô Lord and shew thy self to vs in the time of our tribulation and geue me confidence Lord king of goddes and of al power † geue me speach wel framed in my mouth in the presence of the lion and turne his hart into the hatred of our enemie that both him self may perish and the rest that consent vnto him † But deliuer vs in thy hand and helpe me hauing no other helpe but thee ô Lord which hast the knowlege of al things † and knowest that I hate the glorie of the wicked and detest the bed of the vncircumcised and of euerie stranger † Thou knowest my necessitie that I abhorre the signe of my pride and glorie which is vpon my head in the daies of my ostentation and detest it as the cloth of a woman in her monthlie floores and weare it not in the daies of my silence † and that I haue not eaten at Amans table neither the kings banket hath pleased me and that I haue not drunke the wine of libamentes † and that thy handmayde did neuer reioyse since I was transported hither vnto this day but in thee ô Lord the God of Abraham † O God strong aboue al heare the voyce of them that haue no other hope and deliuer vs from the hand of the wicked and deliuer me from my feare CHAP. XV. Mardocheus causeth Esther to goe to the king and intreate for the people 10. She is terrified by this countenance but God turneth his hart and he calleth her curteously to him This also I found added in the common edition AND he commanded her no doubt but Mardocheus commanded Esther that she should goe vnto the king and make petition for her people and for her countrie † Remember quoth he the daies of thy humilitie how thou wast brought vp in my hand because Aman the second after the king hath spoken against vs vnto death † and doe thou inuocate our Lord and speake to the king for vs deliuer vs from death Moreouer this also which foloweth I found in the common Greke † And in the third day she layd away the garmentes which she ware was clothed in her glorie † And when she glistered in royal apparel and had inuocated God the ruler and sauiour of al she tooke two wayting maydes † and vpon the one in deede she leaned as it were for dilicatnes and verie much tendernes not able to beare vp her bodie † but the other of the maydes folowed her ladie bearing vp her garmentes trayling on the ground †
and al truthes and so returne vpon him al vanitie and lying wherwith he allureth seduceth Finally to sinne it selfe we owe hate and reuenge because it is the only euil that hurteth vs and due punishment with zele of iustice because it dishonoreth God He that thus offereth sacrifice of iustice may instly as it foloweth in the Psalme hope yet not in him selfe but in our Lord. And lest anie should pretend ignorance saying vvho shevveth or teacheth vs good thinges as though they lacked instruction the Prophete preuenteth this vaine excuse saying The light of thy countenance o Lord the light of reason which is the image of God wherto we are created like is signed vpon vs fixed in our vnderstanding that we may see there is a God that ought to be serued and that he wil revvard his seruants Heb. 11. PSALME V. Iust men in affliction appeale to God the reuenger of iniuries 5. knowing and prosessing that God hateth iniquity 9. therfore remitte their cause to him 11. recite certaine enormious vices of the wicked 13. and expect Gods final iudgement of the good and bad † Vnto the end for her that obtaineth the inheritance The Psalme of Dauid RECEIVE ô Lord my wordes with thine eares vnderstand my crie † Attend to the voice of my prayer my king and my God † Because I wil pray to thee Lord in the morning thou wilt heare my voice † In the morning I wil stand by thee and wil see because thou art “ not a God that wilt iniquitie † Neither shal the malignant dwel neere thee neither shal the vniust abide before thine eies † Thou hatest al that worke iniquitie thou wilt destroy al that speake lie † The bloudie and deceitful man our Lord wil abhorre † But I in the multitude of thy mercy I wil enter into thy house I wil adore toward thy holie temple in thy feare Lord conduct me in thy iustice because of mine enimies direct my way in thy sight † Because there is no truth in their mouth their hart is vayne † Their throte is an open sepulchre they did deceitfully with their tongues iudge them o God † Let them faile of their cogitations according to the multitude of their impieties expel them because they haue prouoked thee ô Lord. † And let al be glad that hope in thee they shal reioyce for euer and thou shalt dwel in them And al that loue thy name shal glorie in thee because thou wilt blesse the iust † Lord as with a shield of thy good wil thou hast crowned vs. ANNOTATIONS PSALME V. 5. Not a God that vvilt iniquitie Seing God vvil not iniquitie as these wordes testifie in plaine termes it foloweth necessarily that he is not author nor cause of anie sinne For God doth nothing contrarie to his owne wil. But he hateth iniquitie and in respect therof hateth al that vvorke iniquities as the authours of iniquity though he loueth them as his creatures and of his part requireth their saluation PSALME VI. Dauids earnest and hartie praier after he had grieuously sinned 5. which being grounded in filial not seruil feare 9. concludeth with assured hope and confidence in Gods mercie † Vnto the end in songs the Psalme of Dauid for the octaue LORD rebuke me not in “ thy furie nor chastise me in “ thy wrath Haue mercie on me Lord because I am weake heale me Lord because al my bones be trubled † And my soule is trubled exceedingly but thou Lord how long † Turne thee o Lord and deliuer my soule saue me for thy mercie † Because there is not in death that is mindful of thee and in hel who shal confesse to thee † I haue labored in my sighing I wil euerie night was he my bed I wil water my couche with my teares † My eye is trubled for furie I haue waxen old among al myne enemies † Depart from me al ye that worke iniquitie because our Lord hath heard the voice of my weeping † Our Lord hath heard my petition our Lord hath receiued my prayer † Let al myne enemies be ashamed very sore trubled let them be conuerted and asha med very quicly ANNOTATIONS PSALME VI. 1. For the octaue Literally it semeth that the Psalmes which haue For the octaue in their titles were to be song on an instrument of eight stringes So the Caldee paraphasis translateth In eitheris octo chordarum in Citherus of eight stringes But prophetically S. Augustin others expound it to perteine to the Resurrection in the end of this world So Dauid and al penitent sinners bewaile their sinnes and do penance in this life for the octaue that is for the world to come 1. In thy fury nor in thy vvrath By furie is signified diuine iustice irreuocably condemning the wicked to eternal damnation by vvrath Gods fatherlie chasticement correcting sinners whom he saueth VVherupon S. Gregorie teacheth that the faithful soule not only feareth furie but also wrath because after the death of the flesh some are deputed to eternal torments some passe to life through the fire of purgation VVhich doctrine the same holy father confirmeth by the iudgement of S Augustin more ancient VVho likewise affirmeth that al those which haue not laide Christ their fundation are rebuked in furie because they are tormented in eternal fire and those which vpon right fundation of true faith in Christ haue built vvood hay stubble are chastised in wrath because they are brought to rest of beatitude but purged by fire Let therfore the faithful soule considering what she hath donne and contemplating what she shal receiue say Lord rebuke me not in thy furie nor chastice me in thy vvrath As if she said more plainly This only with my whole intention of hart I craue this incessantly with al my desires I couete that in the dreadful iudgement thou neither strike me with the reprobate nor afflict me with those that shal be purged in barning flames Thus S. Gregorie in 1. Psalm penitent v. 1. PSALME VII Dauid in confidence of his iust cause and vniust persecution prayeth for Gods helpe 7. and iust reuenge of his enemies 15. describing their malitious intention and ruine The Psalme of Dauid which he song to our Lord for the wordes of Chusi the sonne of Iemini 2. Reg. 16. † O Lord my God I haue hoped in thee saue me from al that persecute me and deliuer me † Lest sometime he as a Lyon violently take my soule whiles there is none to redeme nor to saue O Lord my God if I haue done this if there be iniquitie in my handes If I haue rendred to them that repayd me euils let me worthely fal emptie from myne enemies
† Let the enemie persecute my soule and take it and treade downe my life in the earth and bring downe my glorie into the dust † Arise Lord in thy wrath and be exalted in the coastes of myne enemies And arise ô Lord my God in the precept which thou hast cōmanded † and a sinagogue of peoples shal compasse thee And for it returne on high † our Lord iudgeth peoples Iudge me ô Lord according to my iustice and according to my innocencie vpon me † The wickednesse of sinners shal be consumed and thou shalt direct the iust which searchest the hart and raynes ô God † My iust helpe is from our Lord who saueth those that be right of hart God is a iust iudge strong patient is he angrie euerie day † Vnlesse you wil be conuerted he shal shake his sword he hath bent his bow and prepared it † And in it he hath prepared the vessels of death he hath made his arrowes for them that burne † Behold he hath bredde with iniustice he hath conceiued sorow and brought forth iniquitie † He hath opened a pit and digged it vp and he is fallen into the diche which he made † His sorrow shal be turned vpon his head and his iniquitie shal descend vpon his crowne † I wil confesse to our Lord according to his iustice and wil sing to the name of our Lord most high PSALME VIII God is magnified praised for his meruelous worke of creatures 5. but especially of mankind singularly exalted by the Incarnation of Christ. † Vnto the end for “ presses the Psalme of Dauid O LORD our Lord how meruelous is thy name in the whole earth Because thy magnificence is eleuated aboue the heauens † Out of the mouth of infantes and sucklinges thou hast perfected praise because of thine enemies that thou mayest destroy the enemie and reuenger † Because I shal see thy heauens the workes of thy fingers the moone and the starres which thou hast founded † What is man that thou art mindful of him or the sonne of man that thou visitest him † Thou hast minished him a litle lesse then Angels with glorie and honour thou hast crowned him † and hast appointed him ouer the worke of thy handes † Thou hast subiected al thinges vnder his feete al sheepe and oxen moreouer also the beastes of the field † The birdes of the ayre and fishes of the sea that walke the pathes of the sea † O Lord our Lord how meruelous is thy name in the whole earth ANNOTATIONS PASLME VIII 1. Presses Most Hebrew Doctors say the word Gittith may either signifie the place where this Psalme was made or the musical instrument on which it was song But most Christian Doctors expound it literally of Christs Passion who was stretched on the Crosse and al his sacred bloud pressed and drawne out of his bodie VVhich Metaphor Isaias also vseth demanding of Christ VVhy is thy clothing redde and thy garments as theirs that tread in the vine presse and answereth in Christs person I haue troden the presse alone S. Augustin also applieth it morally to the Church where Christ is the vine the Apostles are the branches spreaders that is preachers of the Ghospel Christians are the grapes Christian vertues are the wine Namely patience and fortitude in afflictions VVherby the good are purified and seuered from amiddes the reprobate as wine is pressed out of the grapes barreled and laid vp in sellers and * the huskes and carnels cast to hogges or other beastes PSALME IX The Church prayseth God for her protection 4. in repelling the enemies force 8. in punishing the wicked and rewarding the iust † Vnto the end for the secrets of the sonne the Psalme of Dauid I WIL confesse to thee ō Lord with al my hart I wil tel al thy meruelous thinges I wil be glad and reioyce in thee I wil sing to thy name ō most High † In turning mine enemie backward they shal be weakened and perish before thy face Because thou hast done my iudgement and my cause thou hast sitte vpon the throne which iudgest iustice Thou hast rebuked the Gentiles and the impious hath perished their name thou hast destroyed for euer and for euer and euer † The swordes of the enemie haue fayled vnto the end and their cities thou hast destroyed † Their memorie hath perished with a sound and our Lord abideth for euer He hath prepared his throne in iudgement † he wil iudge the whole world in equitie he wil iudge the people in iustice † And our Lord is made a refuge for the poore an helper in opportunities in tribulation † And let them hope in thee that know thy name because thou hast not forsaken them that seeke thee ô Lord. † Sing to our Lord which dwelleth in Sion declare his studies among the Gentiles † Because he requiring bloud remembred them he hath not forgotten the crie of the poore † Haue mercie on me ô Lord See my humiliation by my enemies † Which exaltest me from the gates of death that I may declare al thy prayses in the gates of the daughter of Sion † I wil reioyce in thy saluation the Gentiles are fastened in the destruction which they made In this snare which they hid is their foote taken † Our Lord shal be knowen doing iudgements the sinner is taken in the workes of his owne handes † Let sinners be turned into hel al nations that forget God † Because to the end there shal not be obliuion of the poore man the patience of the poore shal not perish in the end † Arise Lord let not man be strengthned let the Gentiles be iudged in thy sight † Appoint Lord a lawgeuer ouer them that the Gentiles may know that they be men The 10. Psalme according to the Hebrevves † Why Lord hast thou departed far of despisest in opportunities in tribulation † Whiles the impious is proude the poore is set on fyre they are caught in the counsels which they deuise † Because the sinner is praysed in the desires of his soule and the vniust man is blessed † The sinner hath exasperated our Lord according to the multitude of his wrath he shal not seeke † There is no God in his sight his waies are defiled at al time Thy iudgementes are taken away from his face he shal rule ouer al his enemies † For he hath sayd in his hart I wil not be moued from genetion vnto generation without euil Whose mouth is ful of cursing and bitternesse and guile vnder his tongue labour and sorrow † He sitteth in waite with the rich in secrete places to kil the innocent † His
eyes looke vpon the poore he lyeth in wayte in secret as a lyon in his denne † He lyeth in wayte to take the poore man violently violently to take the poore man whiles he draweth him In his snare he wil humble him selfe and shal fal when he shal haue dominion ouer the poore † For he hath sayed in his hart God hath forgotten he hath turned away his face not to see for euer † Arise Lord God let thy hand be axalted forget not the poore † Wherfore hath the impious prouoked God for he hath said in his hart He wil not enquire † Thou seest that thou considerest labour and sorrow that thou mayest deliuer them into thy handes To thee is the poore left to the orphane thou wilt be an helper † Breake the arme of the sinner and malignant his sinne shal be sought and shal not be found † Our Lord shal reigne for euer and for euer and euer ye Gentiles shal perish from his land † Our Lord hath heard the desire of the poore thy eare hath heard the preperation of their hart To iudge for the pupil and the humble that man adde no more to magnifie him selfe vpon the earth ANNOTATIONS PSALME IX 21. After the 21. verse the late Hebrew Doctors diuide this Psalme beginning there the tenth without anie new title but only this word Sela VVhich the Septuagint Theodotion and Symmachus translate Diapsalma that is change of meeter or musike also pause or rest in singing Aquila whom S. Iorom rather approueth translateth semper euer Some English Bibles omitte it others leaue it in the text not translating it into English It semeth to most Interpreters to be added as a note to sturre vp attention And it occureth often not only in the end of Psalmes but also in other places For it is thrise in the third Psalme And therefore maketh no argument that this Psalme should be diuided And those which diuide this into two ioyne two in the 147. Psalme So that al agree in the number of 150. Psalmes in the whole Psalter PSALME X. Dauids freindes aduising him to flee from the persecution of Saul he answereth that his trust is in Gods protection 2. Though the persecutor be very malitious 4. yet God wil ouerthrow him 5. and deliuer the iust Vnto the end the psalme of Dauid I TRVST in our Lord how say ye to my soule Passe ouer vnto the mountayne as a sparrow † For behold sinners haue bent the bow they haue prepared their arrowes in the quiuer that they may shoote in the darke at them that be right of hart † For they haue destroyed the thinges which thou didst perfite but the iust what hath he done † Our Lord is in his holie temple our Lord his seate is in heauen † His eies haue respect vnto the poore his eieliddes examine the sonnes of men † Our Lord examineth the iust and the impious but he that loueth iniquity hateth his owne soule † He shal rayne snares vpon sinners fyre and brimstone and blast of stormes the portion of their cuppe † Because our Lord is iust and hath loued iustice his countenance hath seene equitie PSALME XI The Prophet describeth the paucity of iust men and abundanc of wicked both at Christs first coming in flesh 6. and second in maiestie in the end of the world † Vnto the end for the octaue the Psalme of Dauid SAVE me Lord because the holy hath fayled because verities are diminished from among the children of men † They haue spoken vaine thinges euerie one to his neighbour deiceitful lippes they haue spoken in hart and hart † Our Lord destroy al deceitful lippes the tongue that speaketh great thinges † Which haue said We wil magnifie our tongue our lippes are of vs who is our Lord † For the miserie of the needie and mourning of the poore now wil I arise saith our Lord I wil put in a saluation I wil do confidently in him † Wordes of our Lord be chaist wordes siluer examined by fire tryed from the earth purged seuen fold † Thou Lord wilt preserue vs and keepe vs from this generation for euer † The “ impious walke round about according to thy highnes thou hast multiplied the children of men ANNOTATIONS PSALME XI 9. The impious vval●e round about J S Augustin expoundeth this of worldlie men desiring temporal thinges signified by the seuen dayes wherin this whole life is turned about as in a whele not prouiding for the eight day which is eternitie after the day of Iudgement In an other place he sheweth also that this sentence agreeth aptly to the Platonistes who taught that this world neuer endeth but passeth and returneth round about in a reuolution of manie yeares so that al thinges should happen againe euen as they did before contrarie to this and manie other Scriptures affirming that God vvil preserue the iust and kepe them from this generation for euer VVhereas the reprobate who sette their whole mind on temporal thinges or expect a reuolution of al shal eternally walke without the kingdome of heauen neuer enter in though some may cal with the foolish virgins saith S. Ierom or some other learned author vpon this place Lord Lord open the dore to vs but he vvil ansvver that I knovv you not Mat. 25. PSALME XII A general prayer of the Church in tribulation either temporal or spiritual † Vnto the end the Psalme of Dauid HOw long ● Lord wilt thou forget me vnto the end How long doest thou turne away thy face from me † How long shal I put counsels in my soule sorrow in my hart by day † How long shal mine enemies be exalted ouer me † Regard and heare me ô Lord my God Illuminate mine eies that I sleepe not in death at any time † lest sometime mine enemie say I haue preuailed against him They that truble me wil reioyce if I be moued † but I haue hoped in thy mercie My hart shal reioyce in thy saluation I wil sing to our Lord which geueth me good thinges and I wil sing to the name of our Lord most high PSALME XIII After general grosse ignorance and impiety in the World 7. Christ shal be incarnate the Redemer of mankind † Vnto the end the Psalme of Dauid THE foole hath said in his hart There is no God They are corrupt and are become abominable in their studies there is not that doth good “ no not one † Our Lord hath looked forth from heauen vpon the children of men to see if there be that vnderstandeth and seeketh after God Al haue declined they are become vnprofitable together there is not that doth good no not one Their throte is an open sepulchre with their tongues they did deceitfully the poyson of
children and multitude called him king of Israel Ioan 12. At which time as also before he exercised temporal Iurisdiction in correcting abuses in the Temple Mat. 21. Ioan. 2. And when Pilate demanded of him if he were a king Ioan. 18. v. 37. he answered Thou saist that I am a king For this I was borne and for this came I into the world that I should geue testimonie to the truth And though he answered withal that his kingdom to witte the possession and vse therof was not of this world yet Pilate by Gods prouidence writte the title and would not alter it IESVS of Nazareth King of the Iewes But Christs chief inheritance and reward of his merites is God himself as here he professeth by his prophet Dauid which is also the only true perfect inheritance of al Christs seruates vvherfore Clergy men more particularly professe the same when they first enter into their spiritual state addicting and dedicating them selues to serue God in Ecclefiastical sunct on not for temporal inheritance but for a better lotte God himself who is al Good and most perfect goodnes true riches and eternal inheritance In which election of state to liue and serue God in euerie Clergie man sayth Our Lord is the portion of myn inheritance and of my cuppe Thou art he that vvil restore myn inheritance vnto me Man calleth it his inheritance because he was created to serue God and for his feruice to inherite God which reward though he lost by sinne yet euerie one returning to Gods seruice and perseuering therin recouereth by Christ new right and title to the same inheritance performing their duties in their seueral vocations Some traueling in the world but not louing it others sequestered from secular affayres duly administring sacred offices more peculiarly called Diuine seruice ● Net leaue my 〈◊〉 in hel How Caluin and Beza sometimes corrupt this text alwayes pernert the sense and most absurdly oppose them selues against al ancient holie Farhets concerning the Article of Christs descending in soule denving that into that part of hel called Limbus patr● is largely noted Gen. 37. Act. 2. 1. pet 3 Only here we may not omitte to aduertise the reader that some Protestants Bibles permitting the word hel to remaine in the text a latter Edition for hel putteth graue with this only note in the former place that thus is chiesly meant of Christ by whose Resurrection al his members haue immortality And Act. 2. they repete their new text by this paraphrasis Thou shlat not leaue me in the graue VV resting that which perteineth to the bodie rising from the graue to the soule which was not at al in the graue al the time the bodie lay there PSALME XVI Aiust mans prayer in tribulation 10. describing his enemies cruelty 13. by way of imprecation foresheweth their destruction 15. and declareth that the iust shal be satisfied in glorie † The “ prayer of Dauid HEARE ô Lord my iustice attend my petition With thine eares heare my prayer not in deceitful lippes † From thy countenanee let my iudgement procede let thine eies see equities † Thou hast proued my hart and visited it by night by fire thou hast examined me and there is no iniquitie found in me † That my mouth speake not the workes of men for the wordes of thy lippes I haue kept the hard wayes † Perfite my pases in thy pathes that my steppes be not moued I haue cried because thou hast heard me ● God incline thyne eare to me and heare my wordes † Make thy mercies meruelous which sauest them that hope in thee † From them that resist thy right hand keepe me as the apple of the eie † Vnder the shadowe of thy winges protect me † from the face of the impious that haue afflicted me Mine enemies haue compassed my soule † they haue shut vp their fatte their mouth hath spoken pride † Casting me forth now haue they compassed me they haue sette their eies to bend them vnto the earth † They haue taken me as a lion readie to the pray and as a lions whelpe dwelling in hid places † Arise Lord preuent him and supplant him deliuer my soule from the impious thy sword † from the enemies of thy hand Lord from a few out of the land diuide them in their life their bellie is filled of thy secretes They are filled with children and they haue leaft their remnantes to their litle ones † But I in iustice shal appeare to thy sight I shal be filled when thy glorie shal appeare ANNOTATIONS PSALME XVI 1. The prayer of Dauid This Psalme of the matter conteyned is called a prayer VVhich holie Dauid so composed as was both conuenient for himselfe being molested with vniust afflictions by the wicked and for anie other iust person or the whole Church in persecution seruing as a spiritual sword to strike the enimies and as a shield to beare of with patience and fortitude al their forces PSALME XVII King Dauids thankes to God for his often deliuerie from great dangers first in general 9. then more particularly describeth Gods terrible maner of fighting for him 18. against his cruel and otherwise potent enimie● 22. attributing the same to Gods good pleasure and iustice of his cause 31. praiseth God 33. his only protector 41. and depresser of his enemies † Vnto the end to the seruant of our Lord Dauid who spake to our Lord the wordes of this canticle in the day that our Lord deliuered him out of the hand of al his enemies and out of the hand of Saul and he said 2. Reg. 22. I wil loue thee ô Lord my strength † Our Lord is my firmament and my refuge and my deliuere My God is my helper and I wil hope in him My protectour and the horne of my saluation and my receiuer † Praysing I wil inuocate our Lord and I shal be saued from mine enemies † The sorrowes of death haue compassed me and torrentes of iniquitie haue trubled me The sorrowes of hel haue compassed me the snares of death haue preuented me † In my tribulation I haue inuocated our Lord and haue cried to my God And he hath heard my voice from his holie temple and my crie in his sight hath entered into his eares † The earth was shaken trembled the fundations of mountaines were trubled and were moued because he was wrath with them † Smoke arose in his wrath and fire flamed vp from his face coles were kindled from him † He bowed the heauens and descended and darkenesse vnder his feete † And he ascended vpon the cherubs and flew he flew vpon the wings of windes † And he put darkenesse his couert his tabernacle is round about
Caluin and his complices gether poyson of these holie wordes denying that sinnes are truly taken away but only couered and stil remayne say they in the iustest VVhich sense would make this Scripture contrarie to other places Isaie 6. thyn iniquitie shal be taken away and thy sinne shal be cleansed Ioan. 1. The lambe of God which taketh away the sinne of the world Act. 3. Be penitent and conuert that your sinnes may be put out 1. Cor. 6 you are washed you are sanctified you are iustified the like which shew the true real taking away of sinnes true sanctification and iustification As S. Ierom or some other ancient authentical autor explicateth this place saying Sinnes are so couered by baptisme penance that they are not to be reueled in the day of iudgement not imputed in him that diligently purgeth him selfe in this world or by martyrdom S. Augustin teacheth the same saying Sinnes are couered are wholly couered are abolished Neither must you vnderstand saith he that sinnes are couered as though stil they were and liued VVhy then did the prophet say sinnes are couered they are not to be punished More clerly li. 1. c 13. cont duas Epist Pelag. The Pelagians calumniating Catholiques as if they taught that sinnes are not taken away but shauen as heares are cut with a rasor the rootes remaining in he flesh vvhich he answereth none affirmeth but an infidel Likewise S. Gregorie teacheth that a sinner couereth his sinnes wel when with contrarie vertues he ouerwhelmeth former vices and with good deedes blotteth out former euil deedes He couereth them euil when either for shame or feare or obstinacie or desperation he concealeth his sinnes omitting to confesse them God couereth sinnes as a phisition couereth woundes by applying medicinal plaster which in deede cureth them Thus ancient lerned holie Fathers expound this text Further explicating that albeit thinges couered and only therby hidde from men do remaine as they were before they were hid yet whatsoeuer is hid to God is in dede vtterly taken away for nothing that is can be hid from God And the contrarie doctrin of Protestants is iniurious either to Gods powre if they say he can not quite take away sinnes or to his mercie if he wil not or to his iustice if he neuer punish sinnes euer remayning and to his truth if he repute otherwise then in deede the thing is It is also iniurious to Christ to say his bloud and death is not effectual to take away sinnes iniurious to innumerable places of holie Scripture which affirme plainly that sinnes by Gods grace are vtterly taken away Finally it is iniurious to Sainctes in heauen arguing them as stil infected with sinnes if in dede sinnes yet remaine in them which is most absurde and blasphemie to speake And yet foloweth by necessarie consequence For if the iustest liued died in sinne they should remaine eternally in sinne 2. Neither is there guile in his spirite In remission of sinnes the penitent necessarily must so cooperate that he haue no guile in his spirite or hart for if he haue then he faileth of the forsaide blessednes and his iniquities are not forgeuen nor his sinnes couered to God but to be imputed and punished Yet the repentance of a sinner be it neuer so sincere hartie and without guile doth not merite remission of sinne but only disposeth therto But after remission it is satisfactorie for the paine due for sinnes and meritorious of glorie According as S. Augustin here teacheth saying Good or meritorious workes goe not before faith and remission but folow the same PSALME XXXII The prophet exhorteth to praise God 4. describing his powre prouidence mercie and wisdom 16. no saluation but by him 20. and therfore prayeth for his helpe The Psalme of Dauid REIOYCE ye iust in our Lord praysing becometh the righteous † Confesse ye to our Lord on the harpe on a psalter of ten strings sing to him † Sing ye to him a new song sing wel to him in iubilation † Because the word of our Lord is right and al his workes are in faith † He loueth mercie and iudgement the earth is ful of the mercie of our Lord. † By the word of our Lord the heauens are established and by the spirit of his mouth al the power of them † Gathering together the waters of the sea as it were in a bottel putting the depthes in treasures † Let al the earth feare our Lord and let al the inhabitantes of the world be moued at him † Because he said and they were made he commanded and they were created † Our Lord l dissipateth the counsels of nations and he reproueth the cogitations of people and he reproueth the counsels of princes † But the counsel of our Lord abydeth for euer the cogitations of his hart in generation and generation † Blessed is the nation whose God is our Lord the people whom he hath chosen for his inheritance † Our Lord hath looked from heauen he hath sene al the children of men † From his prepared habitation he hath looked vpon al that inhabite the earth † Who made their hartes seuerally who vnderstandeth al their workes † The king is not saued by much powre and the gyant shal not be saued in the multitude of his strength † The horse fayleth to safetie and in the abundance of his force he shal not be saued † Behold the eies of our Lord be vpon them that feare him and on them that hope vpon his mercie † That he may deliuer their soules from death and nourish them in famine † Our soule expecteth our Lord because he is our helper and protector Because in him our hart shal reioyce and we haue trusted in his holie name Let thy mercie ô Lord be made vpon vs as we haue hoped in thee PSALME XXXIII King Dauid by his owne example being deliuered from danger exhorteth al men to render thankes for Gods benefites 12. shewing wherin iustice consisteth 16. and Gods special prouidence towards the iust To Dauid when “ he changed his countenance before Abimelech and he dismist him and he went away 1. Reg. 21. I WIL bles●e our Lord at al time his prayse alwayes in my mouth † In our Lord my soule shal be praised let the milde heare and reioyce † Magnifie ye our Lord with me and let vs exalt his name for euer † I haue sought out our Lord and he hath heard me and from al my tribulations he hath deliuered me † Come ye to him and be illuminated and your faces shal not be confounded † This poore man hath cried and our Lord hath heard him and from al his tribulations he hath saued him † The Angel of our Lord shal put in him selfe about them that feare him and shal deliuer them † Tast
ye and see that our Lord is sweete blessed is the man that hopeth in him † Feare ye our Lord al ye his sainctes because there is no lacke to them that feare him † The rich haue wanted and haue bene hungrie but they that seeke after our Lord shal not be diminished of any good † Come children heare me I wil teach you the feare of our Lord. † Who is the man that wil haue life loueth to see good daies † “ Stay thy tongue from euil and thy lippes that they speake not guile † Turne away from euil and do good seeke after peace and pursewe it † The eies of our Lord vpon the iust and his eares vnto their prayers † But the countenance of our Lord is vpon them that doe euil things to destroy their memorie out of the earth † The iust haue cried and our Lord hath heard them and out of al their tribulations he hath deliuered them † Our Lord is nigh to them that are of a contrite hart and the humble of spirit he wil saue † Manie are the tribulations of the iust and out of al these our Lord wil deliuer them Our Lord keepeth al their bones there shal not one of them be broken The death of sinners is verie il and they that hate the iust shal offend Our Lord wil redeme the soules of his seruantes and al that hope in him shal not offend ANNOTATIONS PSALME XXXIII 1. He changed his countenance S. Augustin by holie Dauids changing of his countenance and by changing the king of Geth his name who in the booke of kinges where the historie is recorded is called Achis and here Abimelech gethereth that here is an hidden and great Mysterie VVhich he explicateth partly by interpretation of the Hebrew names but more especially by Dauids changing of his countenance which prefigured Christ eternal God becoming also man and so making great changes in the world For as Dauid killed Goliath and for his good act gotte enuie so Christ killing the diuel and humilitie in Christs mēbers killing pride are persecuted by the wicked For Christ was both to the ruine and Resurrection of manie He changed Sacrifice and Priesthood The Iewes had sacrifice according to the order of Aaron in victims of cattle and this was in mysterie For there was not then the Sacrifice of the bodie and bloud of our Lord which the faithful and those that haue read the Gospel do know which Sacrifice is now spread in al the round earth A●litle after the Sacrifice of Aaron is taken away and the Sacrifice according to the order of Melchisedech begane to be He therfore I knovv not vvho changed his countenance Let it not be I knovv not vvho for our Lord Iesus Christ is knowen He would haue our health to be in his bodie and bloud From whence did he commend his bodie and bloud from his humilitie For vnles he were humble he would neither be eaten nor druncke Behold his highnes In the beginning was the vvord and the vvord was with God and God the vvord Loe the euerlasting meate and Angels eate it supernal powres eate it celestial spirites eate it and they eate and are fatted and the thing remaineth whole which satiateth and reioyceth them How then hath the vvisdome of God fedde vs vvith the same bread the word was made flesh and dwelt in vs It were too long to recite this great Doctors vvhole discourse He further sheweth that Christ dismissed the Ievves and vvent from them to the Gentiles Thou seekest novv Christ saith he among the Ievves and findest him not because he hath changed his countenance For they sticking to the sacrifice according to the order of Aaron held not the Sacrifice according to the order of Melchisedech and haue lost Christ and the Gentiles haue begunne to haue him Againe this holie father vvilleth vs to remember the Gospel VVhen our Lord Iesus Christ spake of his bodie he said Vnles you eate the flesh of the Sonne of man and drinke his bloud you shal not haue life in you because he had changed his countenance this semed as furie and madnes vnto them to geue his flesh to be eaten of men his bloud to be drunke therfore Dauid vvas reputed madde before Achis vvhen he said you haue brought this madde man vnto me Doth it not seme madnes Eate ye my flesh and drinke my bloud He semed to be madde thus S. Augustin Neuer imagining the figuratiue interpretation of our nevv Sacramentaries vvho say Christ gaue no more but a figure of his bodie bloud for then it had bene easily vnderstood by the Capharnaites and no such contradiction nor murmuring had happened Yet S. Augustin saith more plainly if more plaine may be Christ caried himselfe in his ovvne handes And hovv this can be done bretheren in man vvho can vnderstand For vvho is caried in his ovvne handes A man may be caried in the handes of others no man is caried in his ovvne handes VVe find not hovv it can be vnderstood in Dauid according to the letter but in Christ vve find it For Christ vvas caried in his ovvne handes vvhen geuing his verie bodie he said This is my bodie for he caried his bodie in his ovvne handes 14 15. ●tay thy tongue c. Both these verses and frequent other places in the Psalmes shevv plainly that iustice consisteth not only in faith but in abstayning from euil and doing good yet requiring and presupposing true faith vvithout which no workes are aualable to iustice nor to euerlasting life PSALME XXXIIII Dauid in figure of Christ prophetically by way of inuocating Gods helpe forsheweth his persecution and the iust reuenge vpon his persecutors 9. with praise to God 13. his charitie towards his cruel aduersaries 17. whom neuertheles God punisheth 20. for pretending peace in wordes and in fact persecuting 23. rendering to al as they deserue To Dauid himself IVDGE ô Lord them that hurt me ouerthrow them that impugne me † Take armour and shield and rise vp to helpe me † Bring forth the sword and shut vp against them that perfecute me say to my soule I am thy saluation † Let them be counfounded ashamed that seeke my soule Let them be turned backward and be confounded that thinke euil against me † Be they made as dust before the face of winde and the angel of our Lord straictning them † Let their way be made darkenesse and slippernes and the angel of our Lord pursewing them † Because they haue hid the destruction of their snare for me without cause in vaine haue they vpbrayded my soule † Let the snare which he knoweth not come on him and the net which he hath hid catch him and let him fal into the verie same snare † But my soule shal reioyce in our Lord and shal be delighted vpon his saluation † Al
and at the tribulation of the sinner Because they haue wrested iniquities vpon me in anger they were trublesome to me † My hart is trubled in me and the feare of death is falne vpon me † Feare and trembling are come vpon me and darkenes hath couered me † And I said Who wil geue me wings as of a doue and I wil fly and rest † Loe I haue gone far flying away and I abode in the wildernes † I expected him that saued me from pusillanimitie of spirit and tempest † Precipitate ô Lord and diuide their tongues because I haue sene iniquitie and contradiction in the citie † Day and night shal iniquitie compasse it vpon the walles therof and labour in the middest therof and iniustice † And there hath not ceased out of the streetes therof vsurie and guile † For if myne enimie had spoken euil to me I would verely haue borne it And if he that hated me had spoken great thinges vpon me I would perhaps haue hid myselfe from him † But thou a man of the same minde my guide and my familiar † Which diddest take swete meats together with me in the house of God we walked with consent † Let death come vpon them and let them goe downe quicke into hel Because there is wickednes in their habitations in the middes of them † But I haue cried to God and our Lord wil saue me † In the euening and morning at midday I wil speake and declare and he wil heare my voice † He wil redeme my soule in peace from them that approch to me because among manie they were with me † God wil heare and he which is before the worldes wil humble them † For there is no change with them they feared not God he hath streached forth his hand in repaying † They haue contaminated his testament they are diuided by the wrath of his countenance and his hart hath approched His wordes are made softer then oile and the same are dartes † Cast thy care vpon our Lord and he wil nourish thee he wil not geue fluctuation to the iust for euer † But thou ô God wilt bring them downe into the pitte of destruction Bloudy and deceitful men shal not liue halfe their daies but I wil hope in thee ô Lord. PSALME LV. Dauid being in danger before Achis king of Geth confidently implereth Gods helpe against the great malice and powre of his enimies 8. foretheweth their ruine his owne exaltation 12. and offereth praises and thankes Vnto the end for a people that is made far from the Sainctes Dauid in the inscription of the title when the foreners held him in Geth 1. Reg. 12. v. 12. HAVE mercie on me ô God because man hath troden vpon me al the day impugning he hath afflicted me Myne enimies haue troden vpon me al the day because they are manie that warre against me † From the height of the day I shal feare but I wil trust in thee In God I wil praise my wordes in God haue I hoped I wil not feare what flesh may do to me † Al the day did they detest my wordes against me al their cogitations are vnto euil † They wil inhabite and keepe secret they wil obserue my heele As they haue expected my soule † for nothing shalt thou saue them in wrath thou wilt breake peoples O God † I haue shewed my life to thee thou hast set my teares in thy sight As also in thy promise † then shal mine enemies be turned backeward In what day soeuer I shal inuocate thee loe I haue knowne that thou art my God † In God I wil praise the word in our Lord wil I praise thee saying I haue hoped in God I wil not feare what man can do to me † In me ô God are thy vowes which I wil render praises to thee † Because thou hast deliuered my soule from death and my feete from falling that I may please before God in the light of the liuing PSALME LVI The Prophet prayeth in tribulation 4. testifieth Gods helpe 6. praiseth his greatnes 8. promising and inuiting al nations to praise him Vnto the end destroy not to Dauid in the inscription of the title when he fled from the face of Saul into the caue HAVE mercie on me ô God haue mercie on me because my soule hath trusted in thee And I wil hope in the shadow of thy winges vntil iniquitie passe † I wil crie to God the highest God that hath done me good † He sent from heauen and deliuered me he hath geuen into reproche them that trode vpon me God hath sent his mercie and his truth † and hath deliuered my soule out of the middes of Lions whelpes I slept trubled The sonnes of men their teeth are weapons and arrowes and their tongue a sharpe sword † Be exalted aboue the heauens ô God and thy glorie vpon al the earth † They prepared a snare for my feete and bowed downe my soule They digged a pit before my face and they are falne into it † My hart is readie ô God my hart is readie I wil sing and say a Psalme † Arise my glorie arise psalter and harpe I wil arise early † I wil confesse to thee among peoples ô Lord and I wil say a Psalme to thee among the Gentiles † Because thy mercie is magnified euen to the heauens and thy truth euen to the cloudes † Be axalted aboue the heauens ô God and thy glorie vpon al the earth PSALME LVII Holie Dauid inueigheth against dissembling wicked men 7. describeth their manifold punishment 11. wherin the iust shal be comforted † Vnto the end destroy not to Dauid in the inscription of the title IF in very dede you speake iustice iudge right thinges ye sonnes of men For in the hart you worke iniquities in the earth your handes forge iniustice † Sinners are alienated from the matrice they haue erred from the wombe they haue spoken false thinges † They haue furie according to the similitude of a serpent as of the aspe that is deafe and stoppeth his eares † Which wil not heare the voice of the inchanters and of the sorcerer inchanting wisely † God shal breake their teeth in their mouth the checke tooth of the lions our Lord wil breake in peeces † They shal come to nothing as water running downe he hath bent his bow til they be weakened † As waxe that melteth shal they be taken away fyre hath falne on them and they haue not seene
Ammon and Amalec the for eners with the inhabitantes of Tyre † Yea and Assur also is come with them they are made an aide to the children of Lot † Doe to them as to Madian and Sisara as to Iabin in the torrent Cisson † They perished in Endor they were made as the dung of the earth † Put their princes as Oreb and Zeb and Zebee and Salmana Al their princes † which haue saide Let vs possesse the Sanctuarie of God for an inheritance † My God put them as a wheele and as stubble before the face of the winde † Euen as fire that burneth a wood as a flame that burneth the mountaines † So shalt thou pursew them in thy tempest and in thy wrath thou shalt truble them † Fil their faces with ignominie and they wil seeke thy name ô Lord. † Let them be ashamed and trubled for euer and euer and let them be confounded and perish † And let them know that Lord is thy name thou onlie the Highest in al the earth PSALME LXXXIII Deuout persons feruently desire eternal glorie 6. accounting it in the meane time a happie state to be in the militant Church 12. where God first geuing grace wil geue glorie in the triumphant † Vnto the end for wine presses t the children of Core a Psalme HOW beloued are thy tabernacles ô Lord of hoastes † my soule coueteth and fainteth vnto the courtes of our Lord. My hart and my flesh haue reioyced toward the liuing God † For the sparow also hath found her an house and the turtledoue a nest for her selfe where she may lay her young ones Thine altars ô Lord of hoastes my King and my God † Blessed are they that dwel in thy house ô Lord for euer and euer they shal praise thee † Blessed is the man whose helpe is from thee he hath disposed ascension in his hart † in the vaile of teares in the place which he hath appointed † For the lawgeuer shal geue blessing they shal goe from vertue into vertue the God of goddes shal be seene in Sion † Lord God of hoastes heare my prayer receiue with thine eare ô God of Iacob † Behold ô God our protectour and looke vpon the face of thy Christ † Because better is one day in thy courtes aboue thousands I haue chosen to be an abiect in the house of my God rather then to dwel t in the tabernacles of sinners † Because God loueth mercie and truth our Lord wil geue grace and glorie † He wil not depriue them of good thinges that walke in innocencie ô Lord of hoastes blessed is the man that hopeth in thee PSALME LXXXIIII With commemoration of Gods former benefites 5. Christs Incarnation is prophecied 9. bringing peace and saluation 11. mercie and iustice concurring together Vnto the end to the children of Core a Psalme O Lord thou hast blessed thy land thou hast turned away the captiuitie of Iacob † Thou hast forgeuen the iniquitie of thy people thou hast couered al their sinnes † Thou hast mitigated al thy wrath thou hast turned away from the wrath of thine indignation † Conuert vs ô God our sauiour and auert thy wrath from vs. † Wil t thou be wrath with vs for euer or wilt thou extend thy wrath from generation vnto generation † O God thou being turned shalt quicken vs and thy people shal reioyce in thee † Shew vs ô Lord thy mercie and giue vs thy saluation † I wil heare what our Lord God wil speake in me because he wil speake peace vpon his people And vpon his saincts and vpon them that are conuerted to the hart † But yet his saluation is nigh to them that feare him that glorie may inhabite in our land † Mercie and truth haue met each other iustice and peace haue kissed † Truth is risen out of the earth and iustice hath looked downe from heauen † For our Lord certes wil geue benignitie and our land shal giue her fruite † Iustice shal walke before him and shal set his steppes in the way PSALME LXXXV In consideration of his owne imperfections the royal prophet or other faithful person prayeth God 5. according to his mercie and goodnes 9. shewed in conuerting Gentiles 13. and in deliuering the supplicant him self from the state of damnation 16. that he wil stil direct and defend him against al enimies † A praier to Dauid him selfe Incline thine eare ô Lord and heare me because I am needie and poore † Keepe my soule because I am holie saue thy seruant my God that hopeth in thee † Haue mercie on me ô Lord because I haue cried to thee al the day † make ioyful the soule of thy seruant because to thee ô Lord haue I lifted vp my soule † Because thou ô Lord art swete and milde and of much mercie to al that inuocate thee † Receiue ô Lord my praier with thine ears and attend to the voice of my petition † In the day of my tribulation I haue called to thee because thou hast heard me † There is not the like to thee amongst goddes ò Lord and there is not according to thy workes † Al nations what soeuer thou hast made shal come and shal adore before thee ô Lord and they shal glorifie thy name † Because thou art great and doing meruelous thinges thou onlie art God † Conduct me ô Lord in thy way and I wil walke in thy truth let my hart reioyce that it may feare thy name † I wil confesse to thee ô Lord my God with al my hart and wil glorifie thy name for euer † Because thy mercie is great vpon me and thou hast deliuered my soule out of the lower hel † O God the wicked are risen vp vpon me and the synagogue of the mightie haue sought my soule and they haue not set thee in their sight † And thou ô Lord the God of compassion and merciful patient and of much mercie and true † Haue respect to me and haue mercie on me giue thine empire to thy seruant and saue the sonne of thy handmaide † Make with me a signe vnto God that they may see which hate me and may be confounded because thou ô Lord hast holpen me PSALME LXXXVI The Church of Christ beginning in Ierusalem 3. is extended to al Nations 5. glorious 6. and permanent 7. in holie ioy To the children of Core a Psalme of Canticle THE fundations thereof in the holie mountaynes † our Lord loueth the gates of Sion aboue al the tabernacles of Iacob † Glorious thinges
sanctuarie on the earth † Thou hast destroyed al the hedges therof thou hast made the firmament therof feare † Al that passe by the way haue spoiled him he is become a reproch to his neighbours † Thou hast exalted the righthand of them that oppresse him thou hast made al his enimies ioyful † Thou hast turned away the helpe of his sword and hast not holpen him in battel † Thou hast destroied him from emundation and his seat thou hast broken downe to the ground † Thou hast lessened the daies of his time thou hast ouerwhelmed him with consusion † How long ô Lord doest thou turne away for euer shal thy wrath burne as a fire † Remember what my substance is for hast thou made al the children of men in vaine † who is the man that shalliue and shal not see death shal deliuer his soule from the hand of hel † Where are thyne old mercies ô Lord as thou swarest to Dauid in thy truth † Be mindeful ô Lord of the acproch of thy seruantes which I haue held in my bosome of manie nations † Which thine enimies haue reproched ô Lord which they haue reproched the commutation of thy Christ † Blessed be our Lord for euer Be it be it ANNOTIONS PSALME LXXXVIII 34 My mercie I vvil not take avvay from him Although Christians signified by the childrē or successors of Dauid sinne most grieuously yea suppose they wil sinne with desperation saith S. Augustin and obstinatly persist in sinne that they offend the eyes of their Father deserue to be disenherited c. Yet for these Christ shal not remaine without inheritance the corne shal not also perish for the chafe some fishes shal be geathered out of the nette into vessels notwithstanding the euil fishes are cast away And a litle after the same Doctor discoursing of eternal glorie both in bodie and soule of those that dye in Gods fauour sayth These thinges are promised concerning Christ very certaine very firme very plaine and vndoubted For albeit some thinges are couered in mysteries yet some thinges are so manifest that by them the obscure thinges may most easily be cleared 39. But thou hast repelled c. Againe S. Augustin addeth vpon the next verses folowing God performed not these promises in Dauid that when thou seest they were not fulfilled in Dauid which necessarily must be fulfilled thou maist seke an other in whom it may be shewed that they were fulfilled God promised some thing a kingdom for euer of Dauids seede and Salomon was borne and became of so great wisdom and so great prudence that Gods promise concerning Dauids ●eede seemed to be fulfilled in him But Salomon fell and gaue place of expecting Christ that because God neither can be deceiued nor deceive he put not his promise in him whom he knew would fall but thou shouldest relie vpon God and exact his promise A litle after Thou seekest the kingdom of the lewes it is not thou seekest the altar of the Iewes it is not thou seekest the sacrifice of the Iewes it is not thou seckest the priesthood of the ●evves it is not VVherupon he concludeth Al these defectes came to the ●evves yet vvas not Christ taken from them but differred Some ●evves beleued in him and manie Gentiles As the Psalmist prophecieth from the 47. verse to the end of this Psalme PSALME LXXXIX Under the forme of prayer the psalmist describeth the shortnes of mans life and other calamites 7. Gods strict iudgement 13. but first his comfortable mercie 16. and perpetual regard of his owne worke † A prayer of Moyses the man of God Lord thou art made a refuge for vs from generation vnto generation † Before the mountaines were made or the earth and the world formed from euerlasting euen vnto euerlasting thou art God † Turne not away man into humiliation thou saidst Be conuerted ye children of men † Because a thousand years before thine eies are as yesterday that is past And as a watch in the night † thinges that are counted nothing shal their years be † In the morning as an herbe he shal passe in the morning he shal florish and passe in the euening he shal fal be hardened and withered † Because we haue faynted in thy wrath and in thy furie we are trubled † Thou hast put our iniquities in thy sight our age in the light of thy countinance † Because al our daies haue failed and in thy wrath we haue failed Our yeares shal be considered as a spyder † the daies of our yeares in them are seuentie yeares And if in strong ones eightie years and the more of them labour and sorrow Because mildnes is come vpon vs and we shal be chastised † Who knoweth the powre of thy wrath and for feare † to number thy wrath So make thy righthand knowne and men learned in hart in wisedome † Turne ô Lord how long and be intreated for thy seruants † We are replenished in the morning with thy mercie and we haue reioyced and are delighted al our daies † We haue reioyced for the daies wherin thou hast humbled vs the yeares wherin we haue seene euils † Looke vpon thy seruants and vpon thy workes and direct their children † And let the brightnes of our Lord God be vpon vs and direct thou the workes of our handes ouer vs and the worke of our handes doe thou direct PSALME XC Whosoeuer faithfully and firmly trusteth in Gods prouidence is secure from al dangers of secrete sutle and open enimies 7. his aduersaries shal come to ruine 11. Angels shal defend him 13. no kind of serpent nor beast shal hurt him 14. God himself assureth him of his protection and of eternal saluation Prayse of a Canticle to Dauid HE that dwelleth in the helpe of the Highest shal abide in the protection of the God of heauen † He shal say to our Lord Thou art my protectour and my refuge my God I wil hope in him † Because he hath deliuered me from the snare of the hunters and from the sharpe word † With his shoulders shal he ouershadowe thee and vnder his winges thou shalt hope † With shilde shal his truth compasse thee “ thou shalt not be afrayed of the feare in the night † Of the arrow flying in the day of busines walking in darkenes of inuasion and the midday diuel † A thousand shal fal on thy syde ten thousand on thy righthand but to thee it shal not approch † But thou shalt consider with thine eies and shalt see the retribution of sinners † Because thou ô Lord art my hope thou hast made the Highest thy refuge † There shal no euil come to thee and scourge shal not approch to thy tabernacle † Because he hath
geuen his Angels charge of thee that they keepe thee in al thy waies † In their handes they shal beare thee lest perhaps thou knocke thy foote against a stone † Vpon the aspe and the basiliscus thou shalt walke thou shalt tread vpon the lion and the dragon † Because he hath hoped in me I wil deliuer him I wil protect him because he hath knowne my name † He shal crie to me and I wil heare him with him I am in tribulation I wil deliuer him and wil glorifie him † With length of daies I wil replenish him and I wil shew him my saluation ANNOTATIONS PSALME XC 5. Thou shalt not be afraid S. Augustin here obserueth foure maners of tempting the faithful to fal from true Religion Sometimes with tentation that is but light and obscure which the Prophet here calleth feare in the night when ignorant men are tempted by suggestion or apprehension of temporal afflictions not knowing that they fal into eternal damnation by fleing from worldlie or bodilie calamities Sometimes the tentation threatneth present death to them that are wel instructed in the truth and knovv that they must confesse it euen to death which the Prophet calleth an arrovv flying in the day vvhen the faithful clerly seeth vvhat danger hangeth ouer him tovvit present death if he stand constant and damnation if he denie his faith Sometimes the tentation is n ore vchement but yet obscure which he calleth busines vvalking in darknes vvhen by sutle endeuoures framing arguments in excuse of sinne men are persvvaded that they may lavvfully take some oath or do some other thing vvhich in dede is not lavvful and so by earnest and sutle persvvasions they ignorantly decline from Catholique Religion or committe other greuous sinnes But the greatest and manifest tentation is called inuasion midday diuel when persecuters seing neither more easie persvvasions can deceiue Gods seruants nor present death force them to denie the truth they then assault them more vehemently and more dangerously vvith long and continual afflictions not remitting their crueltie til the afflicted either yeld to their vvil or dye in long torments And by these tvvo latter kindes of persecution manie are ouerthrovvne vvhich vvere constant in the former For vvhiles tyrants proposed dangers to simple people and deceiued some yet threatning present death to others that were better instructed and confirmed in Religion innumerable perseuered gloriously died in confession of Christian Catholique faith But by sutle arguing of hard pointes of christian doctrin or practise and by long torments manie haue bene seduced blindly falling into errors and manie wittingly haue denied the truth which they clerly beleued in their hartes to auoide this midday diuel the extremitie of long manifest and greuous afflictions Neuertheles in al these tentations God protecteth them that firmly trust in him Those saith this holie Father haue failed which presumed of themselues which dwelt not in the helpe of the Highest and in protection of the God of heauen which said not to our Lord Thou art my Protector and my refuge which trusted not vnder the shadow of his winges but relied or attributed much to their owne streingth PSALME XCI God is by al maner of voices and instruments to be praised his admirable workes 7. which the foolish not doing are punished 11. and the wise are rewarded † A Psalme of Canticle in the sabbath day IT is good to confesse to our Lord and to sing to thy name ô Highest † To shewforth thy mercie in the morning and thy truth in the night † In the instrument of tenstrings in Psalter with Canticle on the Harpe † Because thou hast delighted me ô Lord in thy workemanship and in the workes of thy handes I wil reioyce † How are thy workes magnified ô Lord thy cogitations are made very profounde † The vnwise man wil not know and the foule wil not vnderstand these thinges † When sinners shal spring vp as grasse and al that worke iniquitie shal appeare That they may perish for euer † but thou the Highest foreuer ô Lord. † Because loe thine enimies ô Lord because loe thine enimies shal perish and al that worke iniquitie shal be dispersed † And my horne shal be exalted as the vnicorns and my old age in plentiful mercie † And mine eie hath looked vpon mine enimies and the malignant rysing vp against me mine ears shal heare † The iust shal florish as a palme tree as the ceder of Libanus shal he be multiplied † They that are planted in the house of our Lord shal florish in the courtes of the house of our God † As yet shal they be multiplied in plentiful old age and they shal be wel affected † that they may shewforth That the Lord our God is righteous and there is no iniquitie in him PSALME XCII Christ reigneth for euer in his Church 3. notwith standing manie and great persecution against the faithful Prayse of Canticle to Dauid himselfe in the day before the sabbath when the earth was founded OVR Lord e hath reigned he hath put on beutie our Lord hath put on strength and hath girded him selfe For he hath established the round world which shal not be moued † Thy seat is prepared from that time thou art from euerlasting † The riuers ô Lord haue lifted vp the riuers haue lifted vp their voice The riuers haue lifted vp their waues † aboue the voices of manie waters The surges of the sea are meruelous meruelous is our Lord on high † Thy testimonies are made credible exceedingly holines becometh thy house ô Lord for length of daies PSALME XCIII The faithful seruant of God assuredly professeth that al the pride 5. crueltie 7. foolish imaginations and secret thoughts of the wicked are manifest to God 12. acknowlegeth himself happie that he is better instructed of God wheras he had otherwise bene damned 20. sharply reprehendeth those that consider not of Gods iudgements concluding that the iust shal be glorified and the wicked damned To Dauid himselfe in the fourth of the sabbath OVR Lord God of reuenges the God of reuenges hath done freely † Be exalted thou that iudgest the earth render retribution to the ptoude † How long shal sinners ô Lord how long shal sinners glorie † Shal they vtter and speake iniquitie shal al they speake that worke iniustice † Thy people ô Lord they haue humbled and thine inheritance they haue vexed † The widow and the stranger they haue slaine and the pupilles they haue killed † And they haue saide The Lord shal not see neither shal the God of Iacob vnderstand † Vnderstand ye foolish in the people and ye fooles be wise at sometime † He that
to our Lord a new song because he hath done meruelous thinges His righthand hath wrought saluation to himselfe and his arme is holie † Our Lord hath made knowne his saluation in the sight of the Gentiles he hath reueled his iustice † He hath remembred his mercie and his truth to the house of Israel Al the ends of the earth haue seene the saluation of our God † Make ye iubilation to God al the earth chaunt and reioyce and sing † Sing to our Lord on harpe on harpe and voice of psalme † on long drawen trumpets and voice of cornet of horne Make iubilation in the sight of the king our Lord † let the sea be moued and the fulnes therof the round world and they that dwel therin † The riuers shal clappe with hand the mountaynes together shal reioyce † at the sight of our Lord because he cometh to iudge the earth He wil iudge the round earth in iustice and the peoples in equitie PSALME XCVIII Christ reigneth notwithstanding his enimies repine is adored 5. also his footestoole 6. whom ancient Prophetes did inuocate A Psalme to Dauid himselfe OVR Lord hath reigned let peoples be angrie he that sitteth vpon the Cherubs let the earth be moued † Our Lord great in Sion and high aboue al peoples † Let them confesse to thy great name because it is terrible and holie † And the honour of the king loueth iudgement Thou hast prepared directions thou hast done iudgement and iustice in Iacob † Exalt ye the Lord our God and “ adore his footstoole because it is holie † Moyses and Aaron in his priestes and Samuel among them that inuocate his name They inuocated our Lord and he heard them † in a piller of a cloud he spake to them They kept his testimonies the precept which he gaue them † O Lord our God thou heardest them God thou wast propitious to them and taking vengeance vpon al their inuentions Exalt ye the Lord our God and adore ye in his holie mount because the Lord our God is holie ANNOTATIONS PSALME XCIX 5. Adore his footestoole For so much as al Expositors also the Hebrevv Rabbins affirme that the Psalmist here prophecieth of Christ the promised Messias that should redeme mankind and seing the Arke of couenant perteyneth not to the seruice of Christ but vvas only a figure of him the footestoole of Messias here mentioned must nedes be something perteyning to him and therfore most ancient Fathers expound it of Christs humanitie And because the Prophet speaketh of perpetual adoration not only of the shorte time he conuersed vvith men in this life vvhen very fevv adored him the same fathers vnderstand here the adoration of Christ in the blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist Which S Ambrose teacheth lib. 3. de Spiritu Sancto c. 12. in these plaine vvordes By the footstoole must be vnderstood the earth by the earth the flesh of Christ VVhich vve also at this day adore in the Mysteries and vvhich the Apostles adored in our Lord Iesus S. Augustin more largely vpon this Psalme I am made doubtful saith he I feare to adore the earth lest he condeme me that made heauen and earth Againe I feare not to adore the footstoole of my Lord because the Psalme saith to me Adore his footstoole I seeke vvhat is his footstoole and the Scripture Isaiae 66. telleth me the earth is his footstoole Doubtful I turne myself vnto Christ because I seeke him here and I finde hovv vvithout impietie the earth may be adored vvithout impietie his footstoole may be adored For he tooke earth of earth because flesh is of earth and he tooke flesh of the flesh of the B. virgin Marie And because he vvalked here in the same flesh and gaue the very flesh to vs to eate vnto saluation and no man eateth that flesh onles he first adore it it is found hovv such a footstoole of our Lord may be adored and not only vve doe not sinne in adoring but vve should sinne in not adoring Thus farre S. Augustin Further instructing not to cōce●ue of Christs flesh as ●he Capharnaites did that he would cute it in peeces from his bodie and geue them portions therof His very flesh is geuen and eaten not in fleshlie maner but in sacramental See Annotations Ioan. 6. PSALME XCIX Al are inuited to reioyce in God Creator of al. A Psalme in confession MAKE ye iubilation to God al the earth serue ye our Lord in gladnesse Enter ye in before his sight in exultation † Know ye that our Lord he is God he made vs and not we ourselues His people and the sheepe of his pasture † enter ye into his gates in confession his courtes in hymnes confesse ye to him Praise ye his name † because our Lord is sweete his mercie for euer and his truth euen vnto generation and generation PSALME C. King Dauid gratfully celebrateth the two general diuine vertues Mercie and Iustice 2. by his owne example exhorteth al especially Superiors to direct their wayes in sinceritie 4. and to seperate the wicked from conuersation of the good A Psalme to Dauid himselfe MERCIE and iudgement I wil sing to thee ● Lord I wil sing † and I shal vnderstand in the immaculate way when thou shalt come to me I walked through in the inocencie of my hart in the middes of my house † I did not propose before mine eies any vniust thing I hated them that do preuarication † A peruerse hart hath not cleaued to me the malignant declining from me I knew not † One secretly detracting from his neighbour him did I persecute One of a proud eye and vnsatiable hart with him I did not eate † Mine eies are towards the faithful of the earth that they may sit with me A man that walketh in the immaculate way he did minister to me † He that doth proudly shal not dwel in the middes of my house he that speaketh vniust thinges hath not directed in the sight of mine eies † In the morning did I kil al the sinners of the earth that I might destroy out of the citie of our Lord al those that worke iniquitie PSALMES CI. A sinner in affliction of mind prayeth God to deliuer him 10. desolate of al other helpe 13. conceiueth comforth in Gods eternal goodnes and singular mercie in redeming mankind and propagating the Church 24. Prayeth to be made mature in vertue before he dye that he may liue with God 26. who only and wholly being immutable establisheth his seruantes for euer The prayer of the poore when he shal be anxious and shal make his petition before our Lord. LORD heare my prayer and let my crie come to thee † Turne not away thy face from me in what
† And he gaue them into mercies in the sight of al that had taken them † Saue vs ô Lord our God and geather vs out of the Nations That we may confesse to thy holie name may glorie in thy prayse † Blessed be our Lord the God of Israel from euerlasting vnto euerlasting and al the people shal say Be it be it ANNOTATIONS PSALME CV 10. He redeemed them VVhat price or ransom saith S. Augustin was geuen in this redemption Or is it a prophecie that this was done in figure of Baptisme where we are redemed from the hand of the diuel by a great price which is the bloud of Christ VVherupon it was more conueniently figured not by what sea soeuer but by the read sea For bloud hath redde coulor And touching the effect of Baptisme destroying al former sinnes he teacheth in the exposition of the next Psalme and either the same holie father or some other good author Ser. 42. de temp that as the Israelites passed safely through the read sea and al the Aegyptians going in with them were drowned so the baptised are saued in the water of Baptisme and al their sinnes are destroyed PSALME CVI. Againe the Psalmist inuiteth al men to render thankes to God for their deliuerie from dangers or euils in general 4. particularly from dangers in iorney 10. in prison or captiuitie 17. in sicknes spiritual and corporal 23. in nauigation 33. describing the changeable course of thinges in this world 38. especially of mens states 42. for al which the iust wil praise God Allelu ia CONFESSE ye to our Lord because he is good because his mercie is for euer † Let them say that are redemed of our Lord whom he redemed out of the hand of the enemie and out of the countries he gathered them † From the rising of the sunne and the going downe from the north and the sea † They wandered in the wildernes in a place without water the way of citie for habitation they found not † Hungrie and thirstie their soule fainted in them † And they cried to our Lord when they were in tribulation and he deliuered them out of their necessities † And he conducted them in to the right way to goe into a citie of habitation † Let the mercies of our Lord confesse to him and his meruelous workes to the children of men † Because he hath filled the emptie soule and the hungrie soule he hath filled with good thinges † Them that sate in darkenes and in the shadow of death bound in needines and yron † Because they exasperated the wordes of God and they prouoked the counsel of the Highest † And their hart was humbled in labours they were weakened neither was there anie to helpe † And they cried to our Lord when they were in tribulation and he deliuered them out of their necessities † And he brought them out of darkenes and the shadow of death and brake their bondes asunder † Let the mercies of our Lord confesse to him and his meruelous workes to the children of men † Because he hath destroyed the gates of brasse and the barres of yron he hath broken † He hath receiued them out of the way of their iniquitie for they were humbled for their iniustices † Their soule did abhorre al mea●e they approched euen to the gates of death † And they cried to our Lord when they were in tribulation and he deliuered them out of their necessities † He sent his word and healed them and deliuered them out of their destructions † Let the mercies of our Lord confesse to him and his meruelous workes to the children of men † And let them sacrifice the sacrifice of praise and shew forth his workes in exulation † They that goe downe into the sea in shippes making trafike in the great waters † They haue sene the workes of our Lord and his meruelous thinges in the depth † He sayd and the blast of the storme stood and the waues therof were exalted † They ascend euen to the heauens and they descend euen to the depthes their soule pyned away in euils † They were trubled and were moued as a drunken man and al their wisedom was deuoured † And they cried to our Lord when they were in tribulation and he brought them out of their necessities † And he turned his storme into calme and the waues therof were quiet And they reioyced because they were quiet and he conducted them into the hauen of their wil. † Let the mercies of our Lord confesse to him and his meruelous workes to the children of men † And let them exalt him in the church of the people and the chayre of the ancientes let them praise him † He turned the riuers into a desert and the issues of waters into drinesse † The fruiteful land into a salt ground for the malice of them that inhabite it † He turned the desert into pooles of waters and the land without water into issues of waters † And he placed the hungrie there and they built a citie of habitation † And they sowed fildes and planted vineyardes and they made fruicte of natiuitie † And he blessed them and they were multiplied excedingly and their beastes he lessened not † And they were made fewe and were vexed by the tribulation of euiles and with sorow † Contempt was powred out vpon princes and he made them wander where was no way and not in the way † And he did helpe the poore out of pouertie and made families as sheepe † The iust shal see and shal reioyce al iniquitie shal stoppe her mouth † Who is wise and wil keepe these thinges and wil vnderstand the mercies of our Lord PSALME CVII The royal prophet promiseth 5. and rendereth praises to God 7. for his deliuerie from trubles and aduancement in the kingdom 13. praying God stil to helpe mans infirmitie A Canticle of Psalme to Dauid himselfe MY HART is readie ô God my hart is readie I wil chaunte and wil sing in my glorie † Arise my glorie arise psalter and harpe I wil arise early † I wil confesse to thee in peoples ô Lord and I wil sing to thee in the Nations † Because thy mercie is great aboue the heauens and thy truth euen to the cloudes † Be exalted aboue the heauens ô God and thy glorie ouer al the earth † that thy beloued may be deliuered Saue with thy righthand and heare me † God spake in his holie I wil reioyce and wil diuide Sichem and I wil mesure the vale of tabernacles † Galaad is mine and Manasses is mine and Ephraim the protection of my head Iuda is my king † Moab the potte of my hope Vpon Idumea I wil extend my shoe the strangers are made my freindes † Who wil conduct me into a fensed citie who wil conduct me into
Idumea † Wil t not thou ô God which hast repelled vs and wilt not thou goeforth ô God in our hoastes † Geue vs helpe out of tribulation because mans saluation is vayne † In God we shal doe strength and he wil bring our enemies to nothing PSALME CVIII Christ by the mouth of Dauid requesteth of God to be iustly declared innocent and his enimies punished 6. particularly describing Iudas the traitors malice 21. and his owne temporal afflictions 26. prayeth 30. and praiseth God for his deliuerie † Vnto the end a Psalme of Dauid O God conceale not my prayse because the mouth of the sinner and the mouth of the deceitful man is open vpon me † They haue spoken against me with deceitful tongue and with wordes of hatred they haue compassed me and they haue impugned me without cause † For that they should loue me they backbited me but I prayed † And they set against me euil thinges for good and hatred for my loue Appoint a sinner ouer him and let the diuel stand on his righthand † When he is iudged let him comeforth condemned and let his prayer be turned into sinne † Let his dayes be made fewe and let an other take his bishopricke † Let his children be made orphans and his wife a widow † Let his children be transported wandering and let them begge and let them be cast out of their habitations † Let the vsurer search al his substance and let strangers spoile his labours † Let there be none to helpe him neither let there be anie to haue pittie on his pupilles † Let his children come to destruction in one generation let his name be cleane put out † Let the iniquitie of his fathers returne to memorie in the sight of our Lord and let not the sinne of his mother be blotted out † Let them be before our Lord alwayes and let the memorie of them perish out of the earth † For that he remembred not to doe mercie † And he persecuted the poore and needie man and the compunct in hart to kil him † And he loued cursing and it shal come to him and he would not blessing and it shal be far from him And he put on cursing as a garment and it entred as water into his inner partes and as oile in his bones † Be it to him as a garment wherwith he is couered and as a girdle wherwith he is alwayes girded † This is the worke of them that detract from me before our Lord and that speake euils against my soule † And thou Lord Lord doe with me for thy names sake because thy mercie is swete Deliuer me † because I am needie and poore and my hart is trubled within me † As a shadow when it declineth am I taken away and I am shaken as locustes † My knees are weakened with fasting and my flesh is changed by reason of oile † And I am made a reproch to them they saw me and wagged their heades † Helpe me ô Lord my God saue me according to thy mercie † And let them know that this is thy hand and thou ô Lord hast done it † They wil curse and thou shalt blesse let them that rise vp against me be confounded but thy seruant shal reioyce † Let them that detract from me be clothed with shame and let them be couered with their confusion as with a duble patched cloke † I wil confesse to our Lord excedingly with my mouth and in the middes of manie I wil prayse him † Because he hath stood on the righthand of the poore that he might saue my soule from the persecutors PSALME CIX Christ rising and ascending into heauen sitteth on the right hand of God 2. beginning in Ierusalem reigneth in the Church of the whole earth 4. vseth the Priesthood of Melchisedechs order to the end of the world 6. and shal iudge the world † A psalme of Dauid OVR Lord sayd to my Lord Sitte on my right hand til I make thine enemies thy footestoole of thy feete † Our Lord wil sendforth the rod of thy strength from Sion rule thou in the middes of thine enemies † With thee the beginning in the day of thy strength in the brightnes of holie thinges from the wombe before the day starre I begat thee † Our Lord sware and it shal not repent him Thou art “ a Priest for euer “ according to the order of Melchisedech † Our Lord on thy righthand hath broken kinges in the day of his wrath † He shal iudge in nations he shal fil ruines he shal crush the heads in the land of manie † Of the torrent in the way he shal drinke therfore shal he exalt the head ANNOTATIONS CIX 4. A Priest for euer In two respectes Christ is a Priest for euer in that from the first instant of his incarnation he was and remaneth a Priest now also in heauen and al other Priestes are his ministerial vicares not successors So that al priestlie functions which they doe he by them doth the same as the principal Priest VVherupon saith S. Paul 1. Cor 4. So let a man thincke of vs as of the ministers of Christ and dispensers of the mysteries of God Secondly Christ dayly offering Sacrifice by the handes of his Priestes doth continually pacifie Gods wrath in behalf of those sinners for whom it is duly applied euen to the end of the world VVheras the Priesthood of Aaron and of al others in the old Testament ceassed by their deathes both in the office and in the effect 4 According to the order of Melchisedech As Melchisedech king of peace and iustice without father mother or genealogie expressed in holie Scriptures or otherwise knowen to the world was Priest or the Hieghest offered bread and wine an vnbloudie sacrifice communicating with both Chananeites and Hebrewes blessed Abraham and tooke tithes of him and his subiectes so Christ the true King of peace iustice without father of his humanity without mother of his Diuinitie the Sonne of God of ineffable genealogie borne of a virgin in his humanitie the Priest of God offereth Sacrifice not only bloudie on the Crosse but also vnbloudie in the formes of bread and wine continueth the same by the ministerie of other Priestes maketh al nations partakers therof blesseth them and receiueth of them al dutiful and rellgious seruice as of his subiectes PSALME CX Praise of God for benefites 4. especially for the B. Sacrament of the Eucharist 6 with other graces imperted to the Catholique Church Alleluia I Wil confesse to thee ô Lord with al my hart in the counsel of the iust and b the congregation † The workes of our Lord are great exquisite according to al his willes † Confession and magnificence his worke
inciteth ●e her contrarie banquet of stollen water and hidde bread † VVISEDOME “ hath built herself an house she hath cut out seuen pillers † She hath immolated her victimes mingled her wine and set forth her table † She hath sent her handmaides to cal to the towre and to the walles of the citie † If any be a litle one let him come to me And to the vnwise she spake † Come eate ye my bread drinke the wine which I haue mingled for you † Leaue infancie and liue and walke by the wayes of prudence † He that teacheth a scorner doth iniurie to himself and he that rebuketh the impious purchaseth a blotte to himself † Rebuke not the scorner lest hee hate thee Rebuke a wise man and he wil loue thee † Geue occasion to a wise man and wisdom shal be added to him Teach the iust and he shal make haste to take it † The beginning of wisdom the feare of our Lord and the knowlege of the holie prudence † For by me shal thy dayes be multiplied and yeres of life shal be added to thee † If thou be wise to thyself thou shalt be and if a scorner thou alone shalt beare the euil † A foolish woman and clamorous and ful of alurementes and knowing nothing at al † sate in the doores of her house vpon a seate in a high place of the citie † to cal them that passe by the way and goe on their iourney † He that is a litle one let him turne to me And to the foole she spake † Stolen waters are sweeter and hidden bread more pleasant † and he was ignorant that giantes are there and her guestes in the depthes of hel ANNOTATIONS CHAP. IX ● VVisdom hath built herself a house According to the literal sense wherin the mystical is grounded both intended by the Holie Ghost VVisdom which is God himself Creator Conseruer of al thinges whose special good pleasure and delight is to be with men built his house the Church first in the Patriarches Priestes Prophetes and his other faithful seruantes in the old Testament partly before but more conspicously in the people of Israel establishing the same with seuen that is according to the frequent phrase of holie Scripture with manie pillers Pastors and chief gouerners by whom the whole people were directed in al spiritual causes as the Psalmist likevvise induceth God saying I haue confirmed the pillers therof And as S. Paul aftervvard calleth S. Peter S. Iames and S. Iohn pillers In this house vvisdom also prepared a banquette appointed victimes of diuers sortes as gratful Sacrifices to God therto inuited al men in much better order and to their more profite then the adultresse vvoman follie and vvicked concupiscence in citeth to her carnal and vvordlie pleasures vvhich bring to eternal ruine And for this purpose God neuer ceased to send Priestes and Prophetes to inuite the people of Israel to this strong tovvre fensed vvith vvalles In the Allegorical sense the same diuine increated VVisdom the second Person in the B. Trinitie the Diuine VVORD coeternal to the Father built himself a house his humane bodie in the virgins vvombe and therunto as to the head adioyned the members his mystical bodie the Church immolated victimes of Martyrs prepared the Table in breade and vvine vvhere also appeareth his Priesthood according to the Order of Melchisedec and called therto such as before vvere vnvvise and of smal vnderstanding because as the Apostle saith God chose the vveake of this vvorld to confound the strong As S. Augustin expoundeth this passage li. 17. c. 20. de ciuit q. 51. veter noui Test to 4. THE PARABLES OF SALOMON This repetition of the title signifieth that the sentences which folow are more properly called Parables then the former From vvhich they also differ in maner of vtterance by the figure Antithesis for most part opposing and comparing contrarie vertues and vices shevving their contrarie effectes vvith great elegancie especially in the original tongue vvhich could not be so fully expressed in Greke nor Latin much lesse in vulgar language But are the same in sense though often obscure by reason of the Hebrevv phrase shortnes of sentences and so vvithout anie certaine connexion that we can not with perspicuitie comprehend the summe therof in briefe contentes after the ordinarie maner before the chapters And therfore haue thought it better for the vulgar reader to set downe in the margent of the twentie chapters next folowing in briefe termes the vertues or other good thinges rather then the bad not hauing place for both commended in euerie sentence For though the same be not alwayes expressed in the text yet they may be vnderstood by their opposite vices VVhosoeuer desireth further explication may finde manie of these diuine sentences excellently expounded by S. Ierom S. Augustin S. Gregorie and other Fathers in seueral places Or read S. Bedas Commentaries vpon this whole booke To. 4. vel apud S. Ierom. To. 7. Or amongst late writers our lerned countriman D. Radulphus Bainus Bishop Iansenius and F. Peltanus CHAP. X. A wise sonne maketh the father glad but a foolish sonne is the sorow of his mother † The treasures of impietie shal profit nothing but iustice shal deliuer from death † Our Lord wil not afflict with famine the soule of the iust and the deceitful practises of the impious he wil ouerthrow † The slothful hand hath wrought pouertie the hand of the strong getteth riches Who so trusteth to lyes feedeth the windes and the selfe same man foloweth the flying birdes He that gathereth in the haruest is a wise sonne but he that snorteth in summer is the sonne of confusion † The blessing of our Lord is vpon the head of the iust but iniquitie couereth the mouth of the impious † The memorie of the iust is with prayses and the name of the impious shal rotte † The wise of hart shal receiue preceptes a foole is beaten with lippes † He that walketh playnly walketh confidently but he that depraueth his wayes shal be manifest † He that wincketh with the eye shal geue sorow and the foole in lippes shal be beaten † A vayne of life the mouth of the iust and the mouth of the impious couereth iniquitie † Hatred rayseth brawles and charitie couereth al sinnes † In the lippes of the wise wisdom is found and a rod on his backe that lacketh witte † Wise men hide knowledge but the mouth of the foole is next to confusion † The substance of a rich man is a citie of his strength the feare of the poore their pouertie † The worke of the iust vnto life but the fruite of the impious vnto sinne † The way of life to him that keepeth discipline but he that fo rs keth reprehensions erreth † Lying lippes hide hatred he
that vttereth contumelie is vnwise † In much talke there shal not want sinne but he that moderateth his lippes is most wise † The tongue of the iust is chosen siluer but the hart of the impious is nothing worth † The lippes of the iust teach verie many but they that are vntaught shal die in the penurie of witte † The blessing of our Lord maketh men rich neither shal affliction be ioyned to them † A foole worketh mischeefe as it were by laughter but wisdom is prudence to a man † That which the impious feareth shal come vpon him to the iust their desire shal be geuen † As a tempest passing the impious shal not be but the iust as an euerlasting fundation † As vinegre to the teeth and smoke to the eies so a sluggard to them that sent him † The feare of our Lord shal adde dayes and the yeares of the impious shal be shortened † The expectation of the iust is ioy but the hope of the impious shal perish † The strength of the simple the way of our Lord and feare is to them that worke euil † The iust for euer shal not be moued but the impious shal not dwel on the earth † The mouth of the iust shal bring forth wisdom the tongue of the froward shal perish † The lippes of the iust consider grateful thinges and the mouth of the impious peruerse thinges CHAP. XI A deceitful balance is abomination before God and an equal weight is his wil. † Where pride shal be there shal be contumelie also but where humilitie there also wisdom † The simplicitie of the iust shal direct them and the supplanting of the peruers shal waste them † Riches shal not profit in the day of reuenge but iustice shal deliuer from death † The iustice of the simple shal direct his way and the impious shal fal in his impietie † The iustice of the righteous shal deliuer them and the vniust shal be caught in their deceitful practises † The impious man being dead there shal be no hope any more and the expectation of the careful shal perish † The iust is deliuered from distresse and the impious shal be geuen for him † The dissembler with his mouth deceiueth his freind but the iust shal be deliuered by knowlege † In the good thinges of the iust the citie shal reioyce and in the destruction of the impious there shal be prayse † With the benediction of the iust the citie shal be exalted and by the mouth of the impious it shal be subuerted † He that despiseth his freind lacketh hart but the wise man wil hold his peace † He that walketh fraudulently reueleth secretes but he that is faithful concealeth the thing comitted of his freind † Where there is no gouernour the people shal fal but there is health where is much counsel † He shal be afflicted with euil that is suretie for a stranger but he that is ware of the snares shal be secure † A gracious woman shal finde glorie and the strong shal haue riches † A merciful man doth good to his kinred also † The impious maketh an vnstable worke but to him that soweth iustice is a faythful reward † Clemencie prepareth life the pursewing of euil thinges death † A peruers hart is abominable to our Lord and his wil is in them that walke simply † Hand in hand the euil man shal not be innocent but the seede of the iust shal be saued † A ring of gold in a swines snoute a fayre woman a foole † The desire of the iust is al good the expectation of the impious furie † Some diuide their owne goodes and are made richer others take violently not their owne and are alwayes in pouertie † The soule which blesseth shal be made fatte and he that inebriateth himself shal also be inebriated † He that hydeth corne shal be cursed among the peoples but blessing vpon the head of them that sel † Wel riseth he early who seeketh good thinges but he that is a searcher after euil thinges shal be oppressed of them † He that trusteth in his riches shal fal but the iust shal spring as a greene leafe † He that trubleth his house shal possesse the windes and he that is a foole shal serue the wise † The fruite of the iust man a tree of life and he that gaineth soules is wise † If the iust man receiue in the earth how much more the impious and sinner CHAP. XII HE that loueth discipline loueth knowlege but he that hateth reprehensions is vnwise † He that is good shal draw grace from our Lord but he that trusteth in his owne cogitation doth impiously † Man shal not be strengthened by impietie and the roote of the iust shal not be moued † A diligent woman is a crowne to her husband and putrefaction in his bones she that doth thinges worthie of confusion † The cogitations of the iust are iudgements the counsels of the impious are fraudulent † The wordes of the impious lie in wayte for bloud the mouth of the iust shal deliuer them † Turne the impious and they shal not be but the house of the iust shal be permanent † A man shal be knowen by his doctrine but he that is vaine and foolish shallye open to contempt † Better is the poore and sufficient to himself then he that is glorious and wanteth bread † The iust knoweth the liues of his beastes but the bowels of the impious are cruel † He that tilleth his land shal be filled with breads but he that purseweth idlenes is a verie foole He that is delighted in much quaffing of wine leaueth contumelie in his munitions † The desire of the impious is the muniment of the most wicked but the roote of the iust shal prosper † For the sinnes of the lippes ruine approcheth to the euil man but the iust escapeth out of distresse † Of the fruite of his owne mouth shal euerie man be replenisded with good thinges and according to the workes of his handes it shal be repayed him † The way of a foole is right in his eies but he that is wise heareth counsels † A foole by by she weth his anger but he that dissembleth iniuries is wise † He that speaketh that which he knoweth is an v●rerer of iustice but he that lyeth is a fraudulent witnesse † There is that promiseth and is pricked as it were with the sword of conscience but the tongue of the wise is health † The lippe of truth shal be stable for euer but he that is an hastie witnesse frameth a tongue of lying † Guile is
or Ecclesiastae c. but stil Lectio libri Sapientiae The solution therfore is very probable that this booke of wisdom was written by Philo Iudeus not he that liued after Christ but an other of the same name nere two hundred yeares before And Ecclesiasticus by Iesus the sonne of Sirach Who not only imitated Salomon but also compiled their bookes for most part of Salomons sentences conserued til their times by tradition or in separated scrolles of papers yea they so vtter some sentences in his person as if himself had written them As touching the auctoritie of these two bookes and some others it is euident that the Iewes refuse them And therfore manie ancient Fathers writing against them spared sometimes to vrge such bookes as they knew would be reiected Especially hauing abundant testimonies of other holie Scriptures for deciding matters of faith against them Euen as our Sauiour himself proued the Resurrection of the dead against the Sadduces out of the bookes of Moyses which they confessed for Canonical Scripture denying other partes where the same point might otherwise haue bene more euidently shewed And so S. Ierom in respect of the Iewes saide these bookes were not Canonical Neuertheles he did often alleage testimonies of them as of other diuine Scriptures sometimes with this parenthesis si cui tamen placet librum recipere in cap. 8. 12. Zachariae other times especially in his last writinges absolutly without such restriction as in cap. 1. 56. Isaiae in 18. Ieremiae Where he professeth to alleage none but Canonical Scripture As for al the other ancient fathers here aboue mentioned ascribing this booke to Salomon and manie others cited by Doctor Iodocus Coccius To. 1. Thesauri li. 6. art 9. they make no doubt at al but that it is Canonical Scripture as appeareth by their expresse termes Diuine Scripture Diuine word Sacred letters Prophetical saying the Holie Ghost saith the like Finally aswel ancient General counsels namely that of Charthage an D. 419. With others as the later of Florence and Trent haue declared this booke to be Canonical And that conformably to the most ancient and lerned Fathers as S. Augustin not only iudgeth himself but also plainly testifieth li. de Pradestinat Sanct. c. 14. saying The sentence of the booke of wisdom ought not to be reiected by certaine inclining to Pelagianisme Which hath bene so long publiquely read in the Church of Christ and receiued of al Christians Byshops and others euen to the last of the Laitie Penitents and Catecumes cum veneratione diuinae auctoritatis With veneration of diuine auctoritie Which also the excellent writers next to the Apostles times alleaging for witnes nihil se ad●ibere nisi diuinum testimonium crediderunt thought they alleaged nothing but diuine testimonie The summe and contents of this booke is an Instruction and Exhortation to Kinges and al Magistrates to minister iustice in the comonwealth teaching al sortes of vertues vnder the general names of iustice Wisdom With frequent Prophecies of Christs Coming Passion Resurrection other Christian Mysteries Al may be commodiously diuided into three partes In the six first chapters the auctor admonisheth al Superiors to loue and exercise iustice and wisdom In the next three he teacheth that Wisdom procedeth only from God is procured by prayer good life In the other tenne chapters he sheweth the excellent effects and vtilitie of wisdom and Iustice THE BOOKE OF WISDOM CHAP. I. Superiors are admonished to do iustice sincerely seking God 7. Who being euery where seeth al thinges 11. Murmuration detraction and lying bring to perdition 13. God created men to liue but they brought death vpon themselues LOVE iustice you that iudge the earth Thincke of our Lord in goodnes and in simplicitie of hart seeke him † because he is found of them that tempt him not and he appeareth to them that haue saith in him † For peruerse cogitations seperate from God and proued powre chasteneth the vnwise † because wisdom wil not enter into a malicious soule nor dwel in a bodie subiect to sinnes † For the Holie Ghost of discipline wil flie from him that feyneth and wil withdraw himselfe from the cogitations that are without vnderstanding and he shal be chastened of iniquitie ●ni● wing † For the spirite of wisdom is gentle and wil no 〈…〉 the ●● for from his lippes because God is witnes of 〈…〉 is a true searcher of his hart and an h●ar●r 〈…〉 cause the Spirite of our Lord ●ath 〈…〉 who le world and that which contayneth al 〈…〉 ●udge of voice † For this cause he that speaketh ●●●●st thinges can not be hid neither shal the chastising iudgment passe him † For in the cogitations of the imp●ou● there shal be examination and the hearing of his workes shal come to God to the chastising of his iniquities † Because the eare of ielousie heareth al thinges and the tumult of murmurings shal not be hid † Kepe your selues therfore from murmuring which profiteth nothing and refraine your tongue from detraction because an obscure speache shal not passe in vaine and the mouth that lyeth killeth the soule † Zeale not death in the errour of your life neither procure ye perdition by the workes of your handes † Because God made not death neither doth he reioyce in the perdition of the liuing † For he created al thinges to be and he made the nations of the earth to health and there is no medicine of destruction in them nor kingdome of hel in the earth † For iustice is p●rpetual and immortal † But the impious with handes wordes haue prouoked it and esteming it a freind haue fallen to decay and haue made couenances with it because they are worthie to be of the part therof CHAP. II. Such as hope not of life to come 6. addict themselues to 〈…〉 ●● and persecute the iust especially our Sauio●● 〈…〉 their wickednes 23. Death came vpon man by the 〈…〉 FOR they haue said thinking with the 〈…〉 Little and with tediousnes is the time of 〈…〉 the end of a man there is no recou●●●● and 〈…〉 knowne that hath returned from hel † because oe of 〈…〉 were we borne and after this we shal be as if 〈…〉 bene because the breath is a smoke in our nosthrels ●●●●ch a sparke to moue our hart † Which being extinguished our bodie shal be ashes and the spirit shal be powred abrode as soft ayre and our life shal passe as the trace of a cloude and shal be dissolued as a mist which is driuen away by the beames of the sunne and oppressed with the heate therof † and our name in time shal be forgotten and no man shal haue remembrance of our workes † For our time is the passing of a shadow and there is no returne of our end because it is sealed and no man returneth † Come therfore
appeareth in his creatures 10. and is geuen in competent measure to al that feare God 16. it bringeth al vertues 27. excludeth al vices 33. and is to be sought in simplicitie of hart AL wisdom is of our Lord God hath bene alwayes with him is before al time † The sand of the sea the droppes of rayne the dayes of the world who hath numbred The height of heauen and breadth of the earth profunditie of the depth who hath measured † The wisdom of God that goeth before al thinges who hath searched out † Wisdom was created before al thinges the vnderstanding of prudence from euerlasting † A fountayne of wisdom the word of God on high and the entrance therof euerlasting commandments † The roote of wisdom to whom hath it bene reueled the subtilties therof who hath knowen † The discipline of wisdom to whom hath it bene reueled and made manifest and the multiplication of her entrance who hath vnderstood † There is one most high Creatour omnipotent and mightie King and to be feared excedingly sitting vpon his throne and the God of dominion † He created her in the Holie Ghost and hath sene and nummbred and measured her † And he hath powred her out vpon al his workes and vpon al flesh according to his gift and hath geuen her to them that feare him † The feare of our Lord is glorie and gloriation and ioy and a crowne of exultation † The feare of our Lord shal delight the hart and shal geue ioy gladnes in length of dayes † With him that feareth our Lord it shal be wel in the later end and in the day of his death he shal be blessed † The loue of God is honorable wisdom † But they to whom she shal appeare in vision they loue her in the vision and in the agnising of her great workes † The feare of our Lord is the begynning of wisdom and was created with the faythful in the wombe and goeth with the elect wemen and is knowen with the iust and faythful † The feare of our Lord is religiositie of knowlege † Religiositie shal keepe and iustifie the hart shal geue ioy and gladnes † With him that feareth our Lord it shal be wel and in the dayes of his consummation he shal be blessed † The fulnesse of wisdom is to feare God and fulnesse is of the fruites therof † Al her house she shal fil with her generations and the storehouses with her treasures † A crowne of wisdom the feare of our Lord replenishing place and the fruite of saluation † and he hath sene and numbred her but both are the giftes of God † Wisdom shal distribute knowlege and vnderstanding of prudence and exalteth the glorie of them that hold it † The roote of wisdom is to feare our Lord for the boughes therof are of long time † In the treasures of wisdom is vnderstanding religiositie of knowlege but to sinners wisdom is abomination † The feare of our Lord expelleth sinne † for he that is without feare can not be iustified for the anger of his animositie is his subuersion † Vntil a time the patient shal susteyne and after shal be rewarded of ioyfulnes † A good vnderstanding wil hide his wordes vntil a time and the lippes of manie shal shew forth his vnderstanding † In the treasures of wisdom is signification of discipline † but the worshipe of God is abomination to a sinner † Sonne coueting wisdom keepe iustice and God wil geue her to thee † For the feare of our Lord is wisdom and discipline and that which wel pleaseth him † is fayth and meeknes and he wil fil his treasures † Be not incredulous to the feare of our Lord and come not to him with a duble hart † Be not an hypocrite in the sight of men and be not scandalized in thy lippes † Attend to them lest perhaps thou fal and bring dishonour to thy soule † and God reuele thy secretes and in the middes of the synagogue cast thee downe † because thou camest to our Lord wickedly thy hart is ful of guile and deceite CHAP. II. Whosoeuer wil serue God must haue iustice feare of God and patien●● 6. with confidence in God 14. Dissemblers incredulous and impatient shal be miserable 18. but the godlie shal receiue more grace SONNE coming to the seruice of God stand in iustice and in feare prepare thy soule to tentation † Represse thy hart susteyne incline thine eare receiue the wordes of vnderstanding and make no hast in the time of obduction † Susteyne the sustentations of God be ioyned to God and susteyne that thy life may increase in the later end † Al that shal be applied to thee receiue and in sorow susteyne and in thy humiliation haue patience † for gold and siluer are tryed in the fyre but acceptable men in the fornace of humiliation † Beleue God and he wil recouer thee and direct thy way and hope in him Keepe his feare and grow old therin † Ye that feare our Lord expect his mercie decline not from him lest ye fal † Ye that feare our Lord beleue him and your reward shal not be voyde † Ye that feare our Lord hope in him and mercie shal come to you for your delectation † Ye that feare our Lord loue him your hartes shal be illuminated † Children behold the nations of men and know ye that none hath hoped in our Lord and hath bene confounded † For who hath continewed in his commandment and hath bene forsaken or who hath inuocated him and he despised him † Because God is pitiful and merciful and wil forgeue sinnes in the day of tribulation and he is protector to al that seeke him in truth † Woe to them of a duble hart and to wicked lippes and to the handes that doe euil and to the sinner that goeth on the earth two wayes † Woe to them that be dissolute of hart which beleue not God and therefore they shal not be protected of him † Woe be to them that haue lost patience and that haue forfaken the right wayes and haue declined into peruerse wayes † And what wil they doe when our Lord shal begynne to looke on them † They that feare our Lord wil not be incredulous to his word and they that loue him wil kepe his waye † They that feare our Lord wil seeke after the thinges that are wel pleasing to him and they that loue him shal be filled with his law † They that feare our Lord wil prepare their hartes and in his sight wil sanctifie their soules † They that feare our Lord kepe his commandements and wil haue patience euen vntil his visitation † saying If we doe not penance we shal fal into the handes of our Lord and not into the handes of men † For according to his greatnes so also his mercie is with him CHAP. III.
thy soule a lie † Reuerence not thy neighbour in his offence † nor kepe in a word in time of saluation Hide not thy wisdom in the beautie thereof † For by the tongue wisdom is discerned and vnderstanding and knowlege and doctrine by the word of the wise and steedfastnes in the workes of iustice † Doe not gaynesay the word of truth by any meanes and be ashamed of the lie of thyne vnskilfulnes † Be not ashamed to confesse thy sinnes and submite not thy self to euerie man for sinne † Resist not against the face of the mightie neither labour against the streame of the riuer † For iustice contend for thy soule and vnto death striue for iustice and God wil ouerthrow thyne enemies for thee † Be not hastie in thy tongue and vnprofitable and remisse in thy workes † Be not as a lion in thy house ouerthrowing them of thy houshold and oppressing them that are subiect to thee † Let not thine hand be stretched out to receiue and closed to geue CHAP. V. Let not riches youth nor streingth hold thee in sinne 5. but do penance for sinnes remitted and adde not sinne vpon sinne 6. Neither presume to sinne because God is merciful 10. Be not couetous nor vnconstant 13. Be meeke in lerning and careful in teaching 16. not a bat●maker nor duble tongued ATTEND not to vniust possessions and say not I haue sufficient liuelihood for it shal nothing profite in the time of vengeance affliction † Folow not in thy strength the concupiscence of thy hart † and say not How mightie am I and who shal bring me vnder for my factes for God reuenging wil reuenge † Say not I haue sinned and what sorowful thing hath chanced to me For the Highest is a patient rewarder † Of sinne forgeuen be not without feare neither adde thou sinne vpon sinne † And say not The mercie of our Lord is great he wil haue mercie on the multitude of my sinnes † For mercie and wrath quickly approch from God and his wrath looketh vpon sinners † Slacke not to be conuerted to our Lord and differre not from day to day † For his wrath shal come sodainly and in the time of vengeance he wil destroy thee † Be not careful in vniust riches for they shal not profite thee in the day of obduction and vengeance † Tosse not thy self into euerie winde and goe not into euerie way for so euerie sinner is proued by a duble tongue † Be stedfast in the way of our Lord in the truth of thy vndestanding and in knowlege and let the word of peace and iustice accompanie thee † Be milde to heare the word thou maist vnderstand and with wisdom vtter thou a true answer † If thou haue vnderstanding answer thy neighbour but if not let thine hand be vpon thy mouth lest thou be taken in an vnskilful word and be confounded † Honour and glorie in the word of the wise but the tongue of the vnwise is his subuersion † Be not called a whisperer and be not taken in thy tongue confounded † For vpon a theefe is confusion repentance and a verie euil condemnation vpon the duble tongued but to the whisperer hatred and emnitie and contum●lie † Iustifi● thou the litle one and the great alike CHAP. VI. Reproch enuie and ferocitie hinder from louing our neighbour 5. swetenes norisheth it 6. A trustie freind is much worth ●8 Seeke and kepe wisdom with al diligence 35. Frequent the companie of the wise and meditate in Gods law BE not for a frend made an enemie to thy neighbour for the euil man shal inherite reproch and contumelie and euerie sinner enuious and duble tongued † Extol not thyself in the cogitation of thy soule as it were a bul lest perhaps thy strength be quashed † and it eate thy leaues and destroy thy fruites and thou be leaft as a drie tree in the wildernes † For a wicked soule shal destroy him that hath it and it geueth him to be a ioy to his enemies and shal lead him into the lot of the impious † A sweete word multiplieth frends appeaseth enemies and a gratious tongue in a good man aboundeth † Let there be manie at peace with thee and let one of a thousand be thy counseler † If thou possesse a frend in tentation possesse him and not easely credite him † For he is a frend according to his owne time and wil not abide in the day of tribulation † And there is a frend that is turned to emnitie and there is a frend that wil disclose hatred and reproches † And there is a frend companion at the table and he wil not abide in the day of necessitie † A frend if he continew stedfast shal be to ●hee as an equal and in them of thy houshold shal deale confidently † if he humble himself against thee and hide himself from thy face thou shalt haue frendshippe of one accord for good † Be seperated from thine enemies take heede of thy frends † A faithful frend is a strong protection and he that hath found him hath found a treasure † To a faythful frend there is no comparison and there is no poyse of gold and siluer able to counteruaile the goodnes of his fidelitie † A faythful frend is the medecine of life immortalitie they that feare our Lord shal finde him † He that feareth God shal likewise haue good frendshipe because according to him shal his frend be † Sonne from thy youth receiue doctrine and euen to thy hoare heares thou shalt finde wisdom † As he that ploweth and that soweth goe to her and expect her good fruites † For in her worke thou shalt labour a litle and shalt quickly eate of her generation † How exceding sharpe is wisdom to the vnlerned men and the vnwise wil not continew in her † As the vertue of a stone she shal be a probation in them and they wil not stay to cast her forth † For the wisdom of doctrine is according to her name and she is not manifest to manie but to whom she is knowen she contineweth euen to the sight of God † Heare my sonne and take counsel of vnderstanding and cast not away my counsel † Thrust thy foote into her fetters and thy necke into her cheynes † put vnder thy shoulder and carie her and be not wearie of her bands † With al thy minde goe to her and with al thy strength keepe her wayes † Search her out and she shal be made manifest to thee and hauing obteyned her forsake her not † for in the later end thou shalt finde rest in her and she shal be turned vnto delectation † And her fetters shal be to thee for a protection of strength and foundation of powre her cheynes for a stole of glorie † For the beautie of life is in her and her bands are a healthful
worketh it shal be honoured therin † Blessed is the man that shal continew in wisdom and that shal meditate in his iustice and in vnderstanding shal consider the prouidence of God † He that considereth her wayes in his hart and hath vnderstanding in her secrets going after her as a searcher and consisting in her wayes † He that looketh through her windowes and heareth in her gates † He that resteth by her house in her walles fastening a stake wil set vp his corage beside her handes and good thinges shal rest in his cottage for euer † He shal set his children vnder her couering and shal abide vnder her boughes † he shal be protected vnder her couering from the heate and shal rest in her glorie CHAP. XV. The fruictes of fearing God 7. Which fooles and liers reape not but the wise only 11. God is no way auctor of sinne 14. but sinners themselues are the auctors abusing their freewil HE that feareth God shal doe good thinges and he that hath iustice shal apprehend her † and she wil meete him as an honourable mother and as a wife from virginitie she wil receiue him † She shal fede him with the bread of life and vnderstanding and geue him the water of wholsome wisdom to drinke and she shal be made sure in him and he shal not be bowed † and she shal hold him fast and he shal not be confounded and she shal exalt him before his neighbours † and in the middest of the Church she shal open his mouth and shal fil him with the spirite of wisdom and vnderstanding and shal clothe him with a stole of glorie † Ioy exultation she shal heape vpon him shal make him inherite an euerlasting name † Foolish men shal not apprehend her wise men shal meete her foolish men shal not see her for she is far from pride and deceite † Lying men shal not be myndful of her and true men shal be found in her and shal haue successe euen to the beholding of God † Prayse is not comelie in the mouth of a sinner † Because wisdom proceded from God For prayse shal be with the wisdom of God shal abound in a faithful mouth the dominator wil giue praise to yt † Say not It is by God that she is absent for doe not thou the thinges that he hateth † Say not He hath made me erre for impious men are not necessarie for him † Our Lord hateth al abomination of errour and it shal not be amiable to them that feare him † God from the beginning made man and left him in the hand of his owne counsel † He added his commandmentes and precepts † If thou wilt keepe the commandment and keepe acceptable fidelitie for euer they shal preserue thee † He hath set before thee water and fire to which thou wilt stretch forth thine hande † Before man there is life and death good and euil what pleaseth him shal be geuen him † Because the wisdom of God is much and he is strong in mighte seing al men without intermission † The eies of our Lord are towards them that feare him and he knoweth al the worke of man † He hath commanded no man to do impiously and he hath geuen no man space to sinne † for he desireth not a multitude of faithlesse and vnprofitable children CHAP. XVI A few good children yea none at al are better then manie wicked 9. Gods wrath falleth vpon the euil and his mercie on the good 14. workes of mercie merite great reward 15. Nothing is hid from God 20. but manie thinges from men REIOICE not in impious children if they be multiplied neither be delighted vpon them if the feare of God be not in them † Credite not their life and respect not their labours † For better is one fearing God then a thousand impious children † And it is more profitable to die without children rather then to leaue impious children † By one wise a countrie shal be inhabited and the tribe of the impious shal be made desolate † Manie such thinges hath mine eie sene and myne eare hath heard thinges of more force then these † In the synagogue of sinners a fire shal flame and in an incredulous nation wrath shal waxe hotte † The old giantes did not obteine for their sinnes who were destroied trusting to their owne strength † and he spared not the peregrination of Lot and he detested them for the pride of their word † He had not pitie on them destroying the whole nation and extolling themselues in their sinnes † And as the six hundred thousand foote men which were gathered together in the hardnes of their hart and if one had bene stiffe necked it is meruel if he had bene vnpunished † For there is mercie and wrath with him Mightie exoration powring out wrath † according to his mercie so his chastisement iudgeth a man according to his workes † The sinner shal not escape in robberie and the sufferance of him that doth mercie shal not slacke † Al mercie shal make a place to euerie man according to the merite of his workes according to the vnderstanding of his peregrination † Say not I shal be hid from God and from on high who shal remember me † In a great people I shal not be knowen for what is my soule among so innumerable creatures † Behold heauen and the heauens of heauens the depth and al the earth the thinges that are in them in his sight shal be moued † the mountaines together and the litle hilles the fundations of the earth when God shal behold them they shal be shaken with trembling † And in al these thinges the hart is senseles and euerie hart is vnderstood of him † and his wayes who doth vnderstand and the storme which neither the eie of man shal see † For manie of his workes are in secretes but the workes of his iustice who shal declare or who shal susteine For the testament is far from some and the examination of al is in consummation † He that is lesse of hart thinketh vaine thinges and the vnwise and erring man thinketh folish thinges † Heare me my sonne and lerne the discipline of vnderstanding and attend to my wordes in thy hart † and I wil speake discipline in equitie and wil search to declare wisedom and to my wordes attend in thy hart and I speake in equitie of spirit the vertues that God hath put vpon his workes from the beginning and in truth I shew forth his knowlege † In the iudgement of God are his workes from the beginning and from the institution of them he distinguished their partes and their beginninges in their nations † He adorned their workes for euer neither haue they hungred nor laboured and they haue not ceased from their workes † Euerie one shal not vexe his neighbour for euer † Be not
incredulous to his word † After this God looked vpon the earth filled it with his good thinges † And the soule of euerie liuing thing shal shew before the face thereof and into it againe is their returne CHAP. XVII God creating man to his owne image gaue him gifies 9. and precepts 14. chose the Israelites for his peculiar people 18. Workes of mercie are commended to al men 20. Repentance to sinners 28. mercie is offered to al. GOD created man of the earth and after his owne image he made him † And againe he turned him into it and conformable to himselfe clothed him with strength † He gaue him a number of daies and time and gaue him power of those thinges that are vpon the earth † He put his feare ouer al flesh and he had dominion of beastes and fowles † He created of him an helper like to himself he gaue them counsel and tongue and eies eares and hart to deuise and he filled them with the discipline of vnderstanding † He created in them the knowlege of the spirit he filled their hart with vnderstanding and euil and good he shewed them † He set his eie vpon their hartes to shew them the great thinges of his workes † that they might praise the name of sanctification and glorie in his meruelous workes that thy might declare the glorious thinges of his workes † He added discipline vnto them and made them inherite the lawe of life † He made an euerlasting testament with them he shewed them iustice and his iudgementes † And their eie saw the glorious thinges of his honour and their eares heard the honour of his voice and he said to them Beware of euerie vniust thing † And he gaue them commandment euerie one concerning his neighbour † Their wayes are before him alwaies they are not hid from his eies † Ouer eucrie nation he appointed a ruler † And Israel was made the manifest portion of God † And al their workes as the sunne in the sight of God and his eies without intermission looking on their wayes † The testamentes were not hid by their iniquitie and al their iniquities are in the sight of God † The almes of a man is as a seale with him and shal preserue the grace of a man as the apple of the e●e † And afterward he shal arise and shal render them reward to euerie one vpon their head and shal turne into the inner partes of the earth † But to the penitent he hath geuen the way of iustice and he hath confirmed them that faile to susteine and hath appointed to them the lot of truth † Turne to our Lord and forsake thy sinnes † pray before the face of our Lord and diminish offences † Returne to our Lord and turne away from thine iniustice and hate excedingly abomination † and know the iniustices and iudgementes of God and stand in the lot of thy purpose and of praier of the most high God † Goe into the partes of the holie world with the liuing and them that geue praise to God † Tarie not in the errour of the impious before death confesse From the dead as nothing confession perisheth † Thou shalt confesse liuing aliue and in health thou shalt confesse and shalt praise God and shalt glorie in his mercies † How great is the mercie of our Lord and his propitiation to them that turne to him † For al thinges can not be in men because the sonne of man is not immortal and they haue delighted in the vanitie of malice † What is brighter then the sunne it shal faile Or what more wicked then that which flesh and bloud hath inuented and this shal be reproued † He beholdeth the powre of the height of heauen and al men be earth and ashes CHAP. XVIII Gods wonderful workes excede mans capacitie 7. Our weaknes is streingthened by grace 15. wherto man must cooperate 19. by purging his conscience 22. by prayer 24. by meditating Gods iudgements 30. and by mortifying his owne concupiscence HE that liueth for euer created al thinges together God onlie shal be iustified and remaineth an inuincible king for euer † Who is sufficient to declare his workes † For who shal search out his glorious thinges † and who shal shew forth the powre of his greatnesse or who shal adde to declare his mercie † It is not possible to diminish nor adde neither is it possible to finde the glorious workes of God † When a man shal haue done then shal he beginne and when he shal rest he shal worke † What is man and what is his grace and what is his good or what his euil † The number of the daies of men at the most an hundred yeares as droppes of the water of the sea they are reputed and as the grauel stone of the sand so a few yeares in the day of eternitie † For this cause God is patient toward them and powreth out his mercie vpon them † He hath senne the presumption of their hart that it is naught and hath knowen their subuersion that it is euil † Therefore hath he fulfilled his propitiation toward them and hath shewed them the way of equitie † Mans compassion is touching his neigbour but the mercie of God is vpon al flesh † He that hath mercie teacheth and instructeth as a pastour his flocke † He hath mercie on him that receiueth the doctrine of compassion and he that hasteneth in his iudgementes † Sonne in good deedes geue no blame and in euerie gift geue not the sadnes of an euil word † Shal not the dew colle heate so also a word better then a gift † Is not a word aboue a good gift but both are with a iustified man † A foole wil vpbraide bitterly and the gift of one vntaught maketh the eies to drie away † Before iudgement prepare thee iustice and before thou speake lerne † Before sickenes take medicine and before iudgement examine thyself and in the sight of God thou shalt finde propitiation † Before sickenes humble thy self and in time of infirmitie shew thy conuersation † Be not hindered to pray alwayes feare not to be iustified euen to death because the reward of God abideth for euer † Before praier prepare thy soule and be not as a man that tempteth God † Remember the wrath in the day of consummation and the time of reward in conuersation of the face † Remember pouertie in the time of abundance and the necessities of pouertie in the day of riches † From morning vnto euening time shal be changed al these are sowne in the eies of God † A wise man in al thinges wil feare in the daies of offences wil be ware of sloth † Euerie subtile man knoweth wisdom and to him that findeth her he wil geue prayse † The wise in wordes and they also haue done wisely and haue vnderstood truth and iustice
rootes sound vpon the toppe of a rocke † Ouer al water grennes and at the brincke of the riuer it shal be plucked vp before al grasse † Grace is as paradise in blessinges and mercie remayneth for euer † The life of a workeman that is sufficient for himself shal be sweete and in it thou shalt finde a treasure † Children and building of a citie shal confirme the name and an vnspotted woman shal be counted aboue this † Wine and musicke make a ioyful hart and the loue of wisedom is aboue both † Shalmes and Psalterie make sweete melodie and a sweete tongue is aboue both † Thine eye wil desire grace and beautie and greene sowen fieldes are aboue this † A freind and companion meeting together in time and aboue them both is a woman with her husband † Bretheren are an helpe in the time of tribulation and mercie shal deliuer more then they † Gold and siluer are the establishing of the feete and counsel is wel accepted aboue them both † Riches and strength exalt the hart and aboue these is the feare of our Lord. † There is no diminution in the feare of our Lord and in it there is no neede to seeke for helpe † The feare of our Lord is as a paradise of blessing and they haue couered it aboue al glorie † Sonne in thy life time want not for it is better to die then to want † A man that looketh toward an other mans table his life is as no life thinking how to liue for he feedeth his soule with an other mans meates † But a man nurtered and taught wil looke to him selfe † Pouertie wil be sweete in the mouth of the vnwise and in his bellie a fire wil burne CHAP. XLI An other matter of meditation is death 8. wherof sinne is the cause 1● Care of a good fame is necessarie 19. Let shamfastnes be a bridle to auoide fornication 22. iniquitie 24. theft and other sinnes O DEATH how bitter is thy memorie to a man that hath peace in his riches † to a man that is at rest and whose wayes are prosperous in al thinges and that is yet able to take meate † O death thy iudgement is good to a needy man and him that is diminished in strength † and fayleth in age and that is careful of al thinges and to the incredulous that loseth patience † Feare not the iudgement of death Remember what thinges haue bene before thee and what come after thee this is the iudgement from our Lord to al flesh † and what shal come vpon thee by the good pleasure of the Highest whether it be ten or an hundred or a thousand yeares † For in hel there is no accusing of life † The children of sinners be come children of abominations and they that conuerse neere the houses of the impious † The inheritance of the children of sinners shal perish and with their seede shal be continuance of reproch † The children complaine of an impious father because for him they are in reproch † Woe to you ye impious men which haue forsaken the law of our Lord the Highest † And if ye be borne ye shal be borne in malediction and if ye die in malediction shal be your portion † Al thinges that are of the earth shal returne into the earth so the impious from malediction to perdition † The moorning of men is in their bodie but the name of the impious shal be cleane wyped out † Haue care of a good name for this shal be more permanent to thee then a thousand treasures precious and great † There is a number of the daies of a good life but a good name shal continew for euer † Children keepe ye discipline in peace For wisdom hid and treasure not seene what profite is there in them both † Better is the man that hideth his follie then the man that hideth his wisdom † But yet haue reuerence to these thinges which proceede from my mouth † For it is not good to obserue al shamfastnes al thinges do not please al men in opinion † Be ashamed before father before mother of fornication and before the president and before the mightie of lying † before the prince and before the iudge of offence before the sinagogue and the people of iniquitie before companion and freind of iniustice and before the place where thou dwellest † of theft of the truth of God and his testament of leaning on the bread and of reproofe for the thing geuen and taken † before them that salute thee of silence of beholding a woman that is an harlot and of turning away thy countenance from thy kinsman † Turne not away thy face from thy neighbour of taking away part and not restoring † Behold not an other mans wife and search not his handmayde neither stand by her bed † Before freindes of opprobrious wordes and when thou hast geuen vpbrayde not CHAP. XLII Further admonition to auoide sinnes in wordes and deedes 6. with care that others offend not by our negligence 15. An other matter of meditation is Gods excellencie appearing in his workes REPEATE notthe word which thou hast heard neither reueale thou of a secret word thou shalt in deede be without confusion and shalt finde grace in the sight of al men be not ashamed for al these thinges and accept not person therby to sinne † Of the law of the Highest and his testament and of iudgement to iustifie the impious † of the word of companions and wayfaring men and of the geuing of the inheritance of freindes † of the equalitie of balance and weightes of the getting of manie thinges and few † of the corruption of bying and of marchantes and of much discipline of thy children and to make bloudie the side of a wicked seruant † Ouer a naughtie woman a seale is good † Where there are manie handes shutvp and what soeuer thou shalt deliuer number and weight it and write euerie thing geuen and receiued † Of the discipline of the vnwise and foolish and of ancientes that are iudged of young men and thou shalt be wel instructed in al thinges and approued in the sight of al the liuing † A daughter is the secret watch of the father and the care of her taketh away sleepe lest perhaps in her youth she become past age abiding with an husband she become odious † lest at anie time she be corrupted in her virginitie and in her fathers house she be found with childe lest perhaps abyding with her husband she transgresse or at the least become barren † Ouer a dissolute daughter keepe sure watch lest at anie time she make thee come into reprooche with thine enemies because of detraction in the citie and the obiection of the people and she confound thee in the multitude of the people † Looke not on euerie bodie for beautie sake among wemen tarie not † For
sonne of Iephone did stand against the enemie and stayed the nation from sinnes and appeased the murmuring of malice † And they two being appointed were deliuered out of danger from among the number of six hundred thousand footemen to bring them into their inheritance into the land that yeldeth milke and honie † And our Lord gaue strength to Caleb himself and his strength continued euen vntil old age so that he went vp into the high place of the land his seede obteyned inheritance † That al the children of Israel might see that it is good to obey the holie God † And al the iudges by their name whose hart was not corrupted which were not turned away from our Lord † that their memorie might be blessed and their bones spring out of their place † and their name continew for euer the glorie of the holie men remayning vnto their children † The beloued of our Lord his God Samuel the prophet of our Lord renewed the empire and anoynted princes in his nation † By the law of our Lord he iudged the congregation and the God of Iacob saw and in his fidelitie was proued a prophet † And he was knowen faithful in his wordes because he saw the God of light † and inuocated our Lord omnipotent in assaulting the enemies besetting him on euerie side in the oblation of an immaculate lambe † And our Lord thundered from heauen and in great sound he made his voice heard † and he descomfited the princes of the Tyrians and al the dukes of the Philisthiims † and before the time of the end of his life and the world he gaue testimonie before our Lord and his Christ money and what soeuer besides vnto the verie shoes he tooke not of al flesh and no man accused him † And after this he slept and he notified to the king and shewed him the end of his life and he exalted his voice out of the earth in prophecie to take cleane away the impietie of the nation CHAP. XLVII Praises of Nathan 2. Dauid 14. and Salomon in whose progenie 21. notwithstanding his fal 27. the royal scepter remained for Dauids sake though for his and the peoples sinnes tenne tribes were cut of and fel into schisme AFTER these thinges arose Nathan the Prophet in the daies of Dauid † And as the fatte separated from the flesh so was Dauid from the children of Israel † He plaied with lyons as it were with lambes and with beares he did in like maner as with lambes of sheepe in his youth † Did not he kil the giant and tooke away reproch from his nation † In lifting vp his hand with a stone of the sling he ouerthrew the boasting of Goliah for he inuocated our Lord the omnipotent and he gaue in his right hand to take away the man strong in battel and to exalt the horne of his nation † So in ten thousand did he glorifie him and praised him in the blessinges of our Lord in offering to him a crowne of glorie † for he destroyed the enemies on euerie side and rooted out the Philisthijms the aduersaries euen vntil this present day he brake their horne for euer † In euerie worke he gaue confession to the Holie one and to the Highest in the word of glorie † From al his hart he praised our Lord loued God that made him and gaue him might against his enemies † and he made singers to stand before the altar and by their sound he made sweete tunes † And in the solennities he gaue honour and adorned the times euen to the end of his life that they should praise the holie name of our Lord and magnifie the holines of God in the morning † Our Lord purged his sinnes and exalted his horne for euer and he gaue him a testament of the kingdom and the seate of glorie in Israel † After him arose a wise sonne and for him did he ouerthrowe al the might of the enemies † Salomon reigned in dayes of peace to whom God subdewed al his enemies that he might build an house in his name and prepare holines for euer as thou art instructed in thy youth † And thou art replenished as a riuer with wisdom and thy soule discouered the earth † And thou didst multiplie darke sayinges in comparisons thy name was bruited to the ilandes far of and thou wast beloued in thy peace † The landes merueled at the songes and prouerbes and comparisons and interprerations † and at the name of our Lord God whose name is God of Israel † Thou didst gather gold as copper and filledst siluer as lead † and bowdest thy thighes to wemen thou hast had power on thy bodie † thou hast made a blotte in thy glorie and profaned thy seede to bring wrath to thy children and thy follie to be kindled † to make the kingdom diuided and a stubburne kingdom to reigne of Ephraim † But God wil not leaue his mercie and he wil not corrupt no● abolish his owne workes neither wil he destroy from the stocke the nephewes of his elect and he wil not corrupt the seede of him that loueth our Lord. † But he gaue a remnant to Iacob and to Dauid of the same stocke † And Salomon had an end with his fathers † And he leaft after him of his seede the follie of the nation † and Roboam hauing litle wisedom who turned away the nation by his counsel † and Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat who made Israel to sinne and made a way of sinning to Ephraim and their sinnes did abound very manie † They remoued them away from their land very far † And he sought al iniquities til there came defense vnto them and he ●id them from al sinnes CHAP. XLVIII Praises of Elias 13. Eliseus 19. Ezechias 23. and Isaias AND there arose Elias the prophet as it were fire and his word burnt as a litle torche † Who brought famine vpon them and they prouoking him in their enuie were made fewe for they could not abide the preceptes of our Lord. † By the word of our Lord he stayed heauen and he brought downe fire from heauen thrise † So was Elias magnified in his meruelous workes And who can so glorie like vnto thee † Who didst rayse vp the dead from hel from the lotte of death in the word of our Lord God † Who didst cast downe kinges to destruction and didst easily breake their might and the glorious from their bed † Who hearest iudgement in Sina and in Horeb iudgementes of defence † Who anoyntest kinges to repentance and makest prophetes successoures after thee † Who wast receiued in a whirlewind of fire in a chariot of fierie horses † “ Who art written in the iudgements of times to appeale the wrath of our Lord to reconcile the hart of the father to the sonne and to restore
time crowned whose merchants were princes her chapmen the nobles of the earth † The Lord of hostes hath thought it that he might plucke downe the pride of al glorie and bring al the glorious of the earth to ignominie † Passe thy land as a riuer ô daughter of the sea thou hast a girdle no more † He hath stretched forth his hand vpon the sea he hath trubled kingdomes Our Lord hath geuen commandment against Chanaan to destroy the strong therof † and he said Thou shalt adde no more to glorie ô Virgin daughter of Sidon susteyning calumnie rising vp saile ouer to Cethim there also thou shalt haue no rest † Behold the land of the Chaldees was not such a people Assur founded it they led away the strong therof into captiuitie they vndermined the houses therof they brought it to ruine † Howle ye shippes of the sea because your strength is destroyed † And it shal be in that day thou shalt be in obliuion ô Tyre seuentie yeares as the daies of one king but after seuentie yeares there shal be to Tyre as it were the song of an harlot † Take an harpe goe about the citie thou harlot forgotten sing wel multiplie song that there may be remembrance of thee † And it shal be after seuentie yeares our Lord wil visite Tyre and wil bring her backe againe to her merchandise and she shal fornicate againe with al the kingdoms of the earth vpon the face of the earth † And the martes and rewards shal be sanctified to our Lord they shal not be kept in store nor layd vp because her merchandise shal be for them that shal dwel before our Lord that they may eate vnto fatietie and be clothed vnto continuance CHAP. XXIIII Al this world shal be destroyed 7. wherof manie signes shal come before 18. and general iudgement shal folow BEHOLD our Lord shal dissipate the earth and make it naked and afflict the face therof and disperse the inhabitants therof † And as the people so shal the priest be as the seruant so his master as the handmayde so her mistresse as the byer so he that selleth as the lender so he that boroweth as he that asketh his dewe so he that oweth † With dissipation shal the earth be dissipated and with spoile it shal be spoiled for our Lord hath spoken this worde † The earth hath mourned and fallen away and is weakened the world is fallen away the height of the people of the earth is weakened † And the earth is infected by the inhabitants therof because they haue transgressed the lawes changed right dissipated the euerlasting couenant † For this cause shal malediction deuoure the earth the inhabitants therof shal sinne and therfore the dwellers therein shal be madde few men shal be leaft † The vintage hath mourned the vine is weakened al haue sighed that reioyced in hart † The ioy of tymbrels hath ceased the sound of them that reioyce is least of the sweetnes of the harpe is silent † They shal not drinke wine with song the drinke shal be bitter to them that drinke it † The citie of vanitie is broken downe euerie house is shut no man goeth in † There shal be crying for the wine in the streetes al mirth is left the ioy of the earth is caried away † Desolation is left in the citie and calamitie shal oppresse the gates † Because these thinges shal be in the middes of the earth in the middes of peoples in like maner as if a few oliues which are remayning should be shaken out of the oliue tree and grapes when the vintage is ended † These shal lift vp their voice and prayse when our Lord shal be glorified they shal make a ioyful noise from the sea † For this cause in doctrines glorifie our Lord in the iles of the sea the name of our Lord the God of Israel † From the endes of the earth we haue heard praises the glorie of the iust one And I sayd My secrete to me my secrete to me woe is me the preuaricatours haue preuaricated and by the preuarication of trangressors they haue preuaricated † Feare and pitte and snare vpon thee that art inhabiter of the earth † And it shal be He that shal flee from the voice of feare shal fal into the pitte and he that shal rid him selfe out of the pitte shal be held in the snare because the fludgates from on high are opened and the fundations of the earth shal be shaken † With breaking shal the earth the broken with bruising shal the earth be bruised with mouing shal the earth be moued † With shaking shal the earth be shaken as a drunken man and shal be taken away as the tabernacle of one night and the iniquitie therof shal be heauie vpon it and it shal fal and not adde to rise againe † And it thal be In that day our Lord wil visite vpon the hoste of heauen on high and vpon the kinges of the earth that are vpon the earth † And they shal be gathered together as the gathering of a bundel into the lake and shal be shut there in prison and after manie daies they shal be visited † And the moone shal be confounded when the Lord of hostes shal reigne in mount Sion and in Ierusalem shal be glorified in the sight of his ancients CHAP. XXV The Prophet geueth thankes to God for his meruelous workes 7. and great benefites in lightning manie with faith washing away sinnes and geuing grace and eternal glorie OLORD thou art my God I wil exalt thee and confesse to thy name because thou hast done meruelous thinges the old cogitations faithful Amen † Because thou hast brought the citie into a heape the strong citie into ruine the house of strangers that it be no citie that it be not built for euer † For this shal strong people prayse thee the citie of strong nations shal feare thee † Because thou art become a strength to the poore a strength to the needie in his tribulation an hope against the whirlwinde a shadow against the heate For the spirit of the strong is as a whirlwinde beating against a wal † As heate in thirst shalt thou humble the tumult of strangers and as with heate vnder a burning cloude thou shalt make the branch of the strong to wither † And the Lord of hostes shal make to al peoples in this mount a feast of fat thinges a feast of vintage of fat thinges ful of marrow of vintage purified from the dregges † And he shal in this mount throw downe headlong the face of the bond tied together vpon al peoples and the webbe that he hath begune vpon al nations † He shal cast death downe headlong for euer and our Lord God shal take away teare from al face and the reproch of his people he shal take away out of the whole earth because our Lord hath
violence of manie waters ouerflowing sent forth vpon a large ground † The crowne of pride of the drunkards of Ephraim shal be troden vnder feete † And the flowre of the glorie of his exultation which is vpon the toppe of the valley of fatte ones shal be falling as a timely fruite before the ripenesse of autumme which when he that seeth it shal behold as soone as he taketh it in his hand he wil deuoure it † In that day the Lord of hostes shal be a crowne of glorie and a garland of exultation to the residue of his people † and a spirit of iudgement to him that sitteth in iudgement and strength to them that returne out of battel to the gate † But these also haue bene ignorant because of wine and by drunkennes haue erred the priest and the prophete haue bene ignorant because of drunkennes they are swalowed vp with wine they haue erred in drunkennes they haue not knowne him that seeth they haue bene ignorant of iudgement † For al tables were filled with vomiting and filth so that there was no more place † Whom shal he teach knowledge and whom shal he make to vnderstand the thing heard them that are weyned from the milke that are plucked away from the breasts † For command recommand command recommand expect reexpect expect reexpect a litle there a litle there † For in the speach of lippe and in an other tougue he wil speake to his people † To whom he sayd This is my rest refresh the wearie and this is my refreshing they would not heare † And the word of our Lord shal be to them command recommand command recommand expect reexpect expect reexpect a litle there a litle there that they may goe and fal backward and be destroyed and snared and taken † For this cause heare the word of our Lord ye scorneful men which rule ouer my people that is in Ierusalem † For you haue sayd We haue stroken a league with death and with hel we haue made a couenant The scourge ouerflowing when it shal passe shal not come vpon vs because we haue made lying our hope and with lying we are protected † Therfore thus sayth our Lord God Behold I wil send in the foundations of Sion a stone an approued stone a corner stone pretious founded in the foundation He that beleueth let him not make hast † And I wil put iudgement in weight and iustice in measure and haile shal ouerthrow the hope of lying and waters shal ouerflow the protection † And your league with death shal be abolished and your couenant with hel shal not stand when the scourge ouerflowing shal passe you shal be troden downe of it † Whensoeuer it shal passe through it shal take you away because in the morning early it shal passe through in the day and in the night and vexation alone shal geue vnderstanding in the hearing † For the bed is streitened so that one must fal out and a short mantel can not couer both † For our Lord shal stand as in the mount of diuisions as in the valley which is in Gabaon shal he be angrie that he may doe his worke his strange worke that he may worke his worke is strange from him † And now mocke not lest perhaps your bonds be tied strayte For I haue heard of our Lord the God of hostes consummation and abridgement vpon al the earth † Harken with your eares and heare my voice attend and heare my speach † Wil the ploughman plowe al the day to sow wil he cut and harrow his ground † Wil he not when he hath made euen the face therof sprinkle cummine and place the wheate by order and the barley and millet and vetche in their bondes † And his God wil instruct him in iudgement he wil teach him † For gith shal not be threshed with instruments that haue teeth neither shal the wayne wheele turne about vpon cummine but gith shal be beaten out with a rodde and cummine with a staffe † But bread corne shal be broken smal but the thresher shal not thresh it for euer neither shal the wayne wheele vexe it nor breake it with the teeth therof † And this is come forth from our Lord the God of hostes that he might make his counsel meruelous and magnifie iustice CHAP. XXIX The Prophet bewaleth the Iewes destruction 9. for their blinde obstinacie 17. prophecying the Gentiles conuersion VVOE to Ariel Ariel the citie which Dauid ouercame yeare is added to yeare the solemnities are at an end † And I wil make a trench about Ariel and it shal be sorowful moorning and it shal be to me as Ariel † And I wil compasse as a sphere round about thee and wil cast a rampier against thee and place munitions to besiege thee † Thou shalt be humbled thou shalt speake out of the earth and out of the gronnd thy speach shal be heard and thy voice shal be out of the earth as the Pythons and out of the ground thy speach shal mutter † And the multitude of them that fanne thee shal be as smal dust and as issles passing away the multitude of them that haue preuailed agaynst thee † And it shal be sodenly forthwith It shal be visited of the Lord of hostes in thunder and earth quake and with great voice of whirlewind and tempest and with flame of deuouring fyre † And the multitude of al nations that haue fought agaynst Ariel shal be as the dreame of a vision in the night and al that haue waried and beseged preuailed agaynst it † And as he that is hungrie dreameth eateth but when he is awake his soule is emptie as he that is thirstie dreameth and drinketh and after he is awake faint as yet thirsteth and his soule is emptie so shal the multitude be of al the Gentiles that haue fought agaynst mount Sion † Be astonied and meruel wauer and stagger be ye drunke and not of wine be moued not of drunkenes † Because our Lord hath mingled vnto you the spirit of drowsines he wil shut your eyes he wil couer your prophetes and princes that see visions † And the vision of al shal be vnto you as the wordes of a booke sealed which when they shal geue to him that knoweth letters they shal say Read this and he shal answer I can not for it is sealed † And the booke shal be geuen to one that knoweth not letters and it shal be sayd to him Reade and he shal answer I know not letters † And our Lord sayd Because this people approcheth with their mouth and with their lippes glorifieth me but their hart is far from me and they haue feared me by the commandement and doctrines of men † therfore behold I wil adde to make admiration to this people by a great and wonderful miracle for wisdom
Sion the zele of the Lord of hostes shal doe this † Therfore thus sayth our Lord concerning the king of the Assyrians He shal not enter this citie and he shal not shoote arrow there and shilde shal not occupie it and he shal not cast rampier about it † In the way that he came by the same he shal returne and into this citie he shal not enter sayth our Lord. † And I wil protect this citie that I may saue it for myne owne sake and “ for Dauids sake my seruant † And the Angel of our Lord came forth and stroke in the campe of the Assyrians an hundred eightie fiue thousand And they arose in the morning and behold al were carcasses of dead men † And he went out and departed and Sennacherib the king of the Assyrians returned and dwelt in Niniue † And it came to passe when he adored in the temple of Nesroch his god Adramelech and Sarasar his sonnes stroke him with the sword and they fled into the land of Ararat Asarhaddon his sonne reigned for him ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXXVII ●5 For Dauids sake VVe haue here a manifest example that the merites of Sainctes departed forth of this world do profite the liuing God protecting Ierusalem not only for his owne but also for his seruant Dauids sake Against which plaine sense Protestantes denying merites and prayers of Sainctes seme to haue no better quasion then this sillie shift ●e●ned without vvarrant of holie Scripture or ancient Father to interprete these vvordes for Dauids sake to signifie for Gods promise sake made to Dauid But if they be demanded vvhere and when God promised to Dauid that he vvould protect and saue the citie of Ierusalem from sacking by enimies or from ruine they can neuer shevv it God made Dauid conquerour of Ierusalem extirpating there the Iebusites who vntil his time kept the tovvre of Sion 2. Reg. 5. v. 7. protected the same citie al his time and long after And in certaine particular dangers promised to Achaz a vvicked king Isaie 7. and to this good king Ezechias here ● 4. Reg. 19. ● that he vvould saue and deliuer Ierusalem from oher particular distresses vvherin it vvas at those times but he promised not this to king Dauid Neither did God make a general promise to protect that citie perpetually For if he had so promised it should not haue bene subdued brought into captiuitie defaced as it was by the Babylonians And therfore this glosse of Protestants is built vpon false ground And the vvordes are as manifest as if the kings Maiestie should say I vvil protect the ●●●● of London that I may saue it for myn ovvne sake and such my former subiectes sake that haue faithfully heretofore serued their kinges Or if he should say I vvil protect such a noblemans chiefe Manour place for myn owne sake for such his progenitors sake who serued me loyally VVherby is plainely signified that the king do●● this ●ouour not only forth is ovvne sake but also for the merites of some that liued there and deserued vvel before Neither do vve produce this similitude to proue that is in controuersie but to explaine the Catholique doctrine apparent by this text and approued by the ancient Fathers and the vvhole Church of God CHAP. XXXVIII Ezechias being sick and advertised by the prophete that he shal then dye by prayer 〈…〉 prolongation of life 6. with promise of victorie confirmed by a signe 9. For which he rendereth thankes to God with a Canticle of praise IN those dayes Ezechias was sick euen to death and Isaie the sonne of Amos the prophet went in vnto him and said to him Thus sayth our Lord. Take order with thy house for thou shalt die and shalt not liue † And Ezechias turned his face to the wal and prayed to our Lord † and said I besech thee Lord remember I pray thee how I haue walked before thee in truth and in a perfect hart and haue done that which is good in thine eies And Ezechias wepte with great weeping † And the word of our Lord was made to Isaie saying † Goe tel Ezechias Thus saith our Lord the God of Dauid thy father I haue heard thy prayer and seene thy teares Loe I wil adde vpon thy dayes fiftene yeares † and out of the hand of the king of the Assirians wil I deliuer thee and this citie and wil protect it † And this shal be a signe to thee from our Lord that our Lord wil doe this word which he hath spoken † Behold I wil make the shadow of the lines returne by the which it is now gone downe in the dyal of Achaz in the sunne backward ten lines And the sunne returned ten lines by the degrees whereby it was gone downe † The scripture of Ezechias the king of Iuda when he had bene sicke and was recouered of his infirmitie I haue said In the middes of my daies shal I goe to the gates of hel I haue sought the residue of my yeares † I haue said I shal not see our Lord God in the land of the liuing I shal behold man no more and the inhabiter of rest † My generation is taken away and is wrapped together from me as the tent of shepehards My life is cut of as by a weauer whiles I yet began he cut me of from morning vntil night thou wilt make an end of me † I hoped vntil morning as a lion so hath he broken al my bones From morning vntil euening thou wilt make an end of me † As a yong swallow so wil I crie I wil meditate as a doue Mine eies are weakened looking on high Lord I suffer violence answer for me † What shal I say or what shal he answer me wheras him self hath done it I wil recount to thee al my yeares in the bitternes of my soule † Lord if mans life be such and the life of my spirit in such thinges thou shalt chasten me and shalt quicken me † Behold in peace is my bitternes most bitter But thou hast deliuered my soule that it should not perish thou hast cast al my sinnes behind thy backe † Because hel shal not confesse to thee neither shal death prayse thee they that goe downe into the lake shal not expect thy truth † The liuing the liuing he shal confesse to thee as I also this day the father shal make thy truth knowen to the children † O Lord saue me and we shal sing our psalmes al the dayes of our life in the house of our Lord. † And Isaie commanded that they should take a lumpe of figges plaster it vpon the wound and he should be healed † And Ezechias sayd What shal be the signe that I shal goe vp into the house of our Lord CHAP. XXXIX The king of Babylon sent legates to visite king Ezechias and congratulate his recouerie
drunke euen to the dregges † There is none that can vphold her of al the children that she hath borne and there is none that taketh her by the hand of al the children that she hath brought vp † There are two thinges which haue happened to thee who shal be sorie for thee Spoile and destruction and famine and the sword who shal comfort thee † Thy children are throwen forth they haue slept in the head of alwayes as the orix that is snared ful of the indignation of our Lord of the rebuke of thy God † Therefore heare this poore little one and drunken not of wine † Thus sayth thy dominatour our Lord and thy God who hath fought for his people Behold I haue taken out of thy hand the cuppe of drousines the botome of the cuppe of mine indignation thou shalt not adde to drinke it any more † And I wil put it in their hand that haue humbled thee and haue sayd to thy soule Bow downe that we may passe ouer and thou hast layd thy bodie as the ground and as a way to them that passe ouer CHAP. LII The prophet alluding to the deliuerie of Sion and Ierusalem from Babylonical captiuitie sturreth vp the Church of Christ to reioyce for the deliuerie from sinne 7. which Christs Apostles preached 10. with great fruite in al nations ARISE arise put on thy strength ô Sion put on the garments of thy glorie ô Ierusalem the citie of the holie one because the vncircumcised and vncleane shal adde no more to passe by thee † Be shaken out of the dust arise sit vp Ierusalem loose the bonds of thy necke ô captiue daughter of Sion † Because thus sayth our Lord You were sold for nought and without siluer you shal be redemed † Because thus sayth our Lord God My people went downe into Aegypt at the beginning to be a seiourner there and Assur without any cause did oppresse them † And now what haue I here sayth our Lord because my people is taken away for nought Their rulers doe vniustly sayth our Lord and continually al the day my name is blasphemed † For this cause shal my people know my name in that day because I myself that spake loe am present † How beautiful vpon the mountaines are the feete of him that euangelizeth preacheth peace of him that telleth good preaching health that sayeth to Sion Thy God shal reigne † The voice of thy watchemen they haue lifted vp their voice they shal prayse together because eie to eie they shal see when our Lord shal conuert Sion † Reioyce prayse together ye deserts of Ierusalem because our Lord hath comforted his people he hath redemed Ierusalem † Our Lord hath prepared his holie arme in the sight of al the Gentiles and al the endes of the earth shal see the saluation of our God † Depart depart goe ye out from thence touch not a polluted thing goe out of the middes of her be cleansed ye that carie the vesseles of our Lord. † Because you shal not goe out in tumult neither with flight shal you make hast for our Lord wil goe before you and the God of Israel wil gather you together † Behold my seruant shal vnderstand he shal be exalted and shal be lifted vp and shal be exceding high † As manie haue bene astoined vpon thee so shal his looke among men be inglorious and his forme among the sonnes of men † He shal sprinkle manie nations kinges shal shut their mouthe vpon him because they to whom it was not told of him haue sene and they that heard not haue beheld CHAP. LIII Al wil not beleue Christs Gospel to whom it shal be preached 2. as the mysterie of his ignominious death for al mens sinnes 7. which he wil suffer most mekely 10. for which his name shal be glorified in al places VVHO hath beleued our hearing and the arme of our Lord to whom is it reueled † And he shal come vp as a yong spring before him and as a roote from a thirstie ground there is no beautie in him nor comelinesse and we haue sene him and there was no sightlines and we were desirous of him † Despised and most abiect of men a man of sorowes and knowing infirmitie and his looke as it were hid and despised whereupon neither haue we estemed him † He surely hath borne our infirmities and our sorowes he hath caried and we haue thought him as it were a leper and striken of God and humbled † But he was wounded for our iniquities he was broken for our sinnes the discipline of our peace vpon him and with the waile of his stripe we are healed † Al we haue strayed as sheepe euerie one hath declined into his owne way and our Lord hath put vpon him the iniquitie of al vs. † He was offered because him self would and opened not his mouth as a sheepe to slaughter shal he be led and as a lambe before his shearer he shal be dumme and shal not open his mouth † from distresse and from iudgement he was taken vp who shal declare his generation because he is cut out of the land of the liuing for the wickednes of my people haue I striken him † And he shal geue the impious for his burial and the riche for his death because he hath not done iniquitie neither was there guile in his mouth † And our Lord would breake him in infirmitie if he shal put away his soule for sinne he shal see seede of long age and the wil of our Lord shal be directed in his hand † For that his soule hath laboured he shal see and be filled in his knowlege the same my iust seruant shal iustifie manie and he shal beare their iniquities † Therefore wil I distribute vnto him verie manie and he shal diuide the spoiles of the strong for that he hath deliuered his soule vnto death and was reputed with the wicked and he hath borne the sinnes of manie and hath prayed for the transgressours CHAP. LIIII Gentiles who were barren shal multiplie in the Church of Christ 10. from which Gods mercie shal neuer be separated PRAISE ô barren woman which bearest not sing prayse and make ioyful noyse which didst not beare because manie are the children of the desolate more then of her that hath a husband saith our Lord. † Enlarge the place of thy tent and stretch out the skinnes of thy tabernacles spare not make long thy coardes and fasten thy nailes † For thou shalt penetrate to the right hand and to the left and thy seede shal inherite the Gentiles and shal inhabite the desolate cities † Feare not because thou shalt not be confounded nor blush for thou shalt not be ashamed because thou shalt forget the confusion of thy youth and the reproch of thy widowhood thou shalt remenber no more † Because he shal rule ouer thee that made thee the
and al thinges whatsoeuer I shal command thee thou shalt speake † Be not afraide of their face because I am with thee to deliuer thee saith our Lord. † And our Lord put forth his hand and touched my mouth and our Lord saied to me Beholde I haue geuen my wordes in thy mouth † Behold I haue appointed thee this day ouer the Gentiles and ouer kingdomes that thou maist pluck vp and destroy and waste and dissipate and build and plant † And the word of our Lord was made to me saying What seest thou Ieremie And I said I see a rodde watching † And our Lord sayed to me wel hast thou seene because I wil watch vpon my word to doe it † And the word of our Lord was made to me the second time saying What seest thou And I said I see a pot boyling hote and the face thereof from the face of the North. † And our Lord saied vnto me From the North shal euil be opened vpon al the inhabitantes of the land † Because loe I wil cal together al the kinredes of the kingdomes of the North saith our Lord and they shal come and shal sette euerie one his throne in the entring of the gates of Ierusalem and vpon al the walles therof round about and vpon al the cities of Iuda † And I wil speake my iudgements with them touching al the wickednes of them that haue forsaken me and haue offered to strange goddes and haue adored the worke of their owne handes † Thou therefore girde thy loynes and rise and speake to them al thinges that I command thee Be not afraied of their face for I wil make thee not to feare their countenance † For I haue geuen thee this day to be as a fenced citie and as an yron pillar and as a brasen walle ouer al the land of the kinges of Iuda to the princes thereof to the priestes and to the people of the land † And they shal fight against thee and shal not preuaile because I am with thee saith our Lord to deliuer thee CHAP. II. God expostulateth with the Iewes 6. that they regard not his great benefites 8. Some priestes and pretended prophetes seruing false goddes 23. and denying their fault 25. are obstinate in idolatrie 36. for which they shal be confounded AND the word of our Lord was made to me saying † Goe and crie in the eares of Ierusalem saying Thus saith our Lord I haue remembred thee pitying thy youth and the charitie of thy despousing when thou didest folow me in the desert in a land that is not sowen † Israel is holie to our Lord the first fruites of his fruites al they that doe deuoure it doe sinne euil shal come vpon them saith our Lord. † Heare ye the word of our Lord ô house of Iacob and al ye kinredes of the house of Israel † thus saith our Lord What iniquitie haue your fathers found in me that they haue made themselues far from me and haue walked after vanitie and are become vaine † And they haue not said Where is our Lord that made vs come vp out of the land of Aegypt that led vs through the defert through a land inhabitable and without way through a land of thirst the image of death through a land wherein no man walked nor anie man dwelt † And I brought you into the land of Carmel that you might eate the fruite thereof and the best thinges therof and being entered in you haue contaminated my land and made mine inheritance an abomination † The priestes haue not said Where is our Lord and they that held the law knew me not and the pastours haue transgressed against me and the prophets haue prophecied in Baal and haue folowed idoles † Therefore wil I yet contend in iudgement with you saith our Lord and I wil plead with your children † Passe ye to the iles of Cethim and see and send into Cedar and consider earnestly and see if there hath the like thing bene done † If a nation hath changed their goddes and surely they are not goddes but my people hath changed their glorie into an idol † Be astoined ô heauens vpon this and ô gates thereof be ye desolate exceedingly saith our Lord. † For two euils hath my people done Me they haue forsaken the fountaine of liuing water haue digged to them selues cesternes broken cesternes that are not able to holde waters † Why is Israel a bondman or a seruant borne in the house why then is he become a praye † The lions haue roared vpon him and haue geuen their voice they haue made his land a wildernes his cities are burnt vp there is none to dwel in them † The children also of Memphis and Taphnes haue defloured thee euen to the crowne of the head † Is not this done to thee because thou didest forsake the Lord thy God at that time when he led thee by the way † And now what wilt thou in the way of Aegypt to drinke the trubled water And what hast thou to doe with the way of the Assyrians to drinke the waters of the riuer † Thy malice shal reproue thee and thine apostacie shal rebuke thee Know thou see that it is an euil and a bitter thing for thee to haue left the Lord thy God and that my feare is not with thee saith our Lord the God of hostes † From the beginning thou hast broken my yoke thou hast burst my bonds and thou saidst I wil not serue For on euerie litle high hil and vnder euerie greene thicke tree thou wast laied downe as an harlot † But I planted thee an elect vineyard al true seede how then art thou turned vnto me into that which is depraued ô strange vineyard † If thou shalt wash thyself with nitre and multiplie to thy self the herbe borith thou art spotted in thine iniquitie before me saith our Lord God † How sayst thou I am not polluted I haue not walked after Baalim see thy wayes in the valley know what thou hast done a swift courser that rideth his wayes † The wild Asse accustomed to the wildernes in the desire of his soule hath drawen the winde of his loue none shal turne her away al that seeke her shal not faile in her monethlie flowres they shal finde her † Stay thy foote from nakednes and thy throate from thirst And thou saidest I haue despayred no I wil not doe it for I haue loued strangers and I wil walke after them † As the theefe is confounded when he is taken so is the house of Israel confounded they and their kinges the princes and priestes and their prophetes † saying to wood Thou art my father and to stone Thou hast begotten me they haue turned the backe to me not the face and in the time of their affliction they wil say Arise and deliuer vs. † Where are the goddes whom thou
send the sword after them til they be consumed † Thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Israel Consider and cal ye lamenting wemen and let them come send to them that are wise and let them make haste † let them hasten take vp a lamentation vpon vs let our eies shede teares our eieliddes rune downe with waters † Because a voice of lamentation is heard from Sion How are we wasted and confounded exceedingly because we haue left the land because our tabernacles are cast downe † Heare therefore ye wemen the word of our Lord and let your eares take the word of his mouth and teach your daughters lamentation and euerie one her neighbour mourning † because death is come vp through our windowes it is entred into our houses to destroy the children from without the young men our of the streetes † Speake Thus saith our Lord and the carcasse of man shal fal as dung vpon the face of the countrie and as a grasse behind the backe of the mower and there is none to gather it † Thus saith our Lord Let not the wiseman glorie in his wisedom and let not the strong man glorie in his strength let not the rich man glorie in his riches † but he that glorieth let him glorie in this to vnderstand know me because I am the Lord that do mercie and iudgement and iustice in the earth for these thinges please me saith our Lord. † Behold the daies come saith our Lord and I wil visite vpon euerie one that hath the prepuce circumcised † vpon Aegypt and vpon Iuda and vpon Edom and vpon the children of Ammon and vpon Moab and vpon al that haue their heare powled dwelling in the desert because al nations haue the prepuce but al the house of Israel are vncircumcised in the hart CHAP. X. Influence of starres nor imagined powre of idols is not to be feared but God only 6. whose Maiestie is infinite and idols haue no powre at al. 19. Ierusalem lamenteth 24. and prayeth God to pardon and protect his owne people HEARE ye the word which our Lord hath spoken concerning you ô house of Israel † Thus saith our Lord According to the waies of the Gentils learne not and of the fignes of heauen which the heathen feare be not afraid † Because the lawes of the people are vaine because the worke of the hand of the artificer hath cut a tree out of the forest with an axe † with siluer and gold he hath decked it with nailes and hammers he hath compacted it that it fal not asunder † They are framed after the simulitude of a palme tree and shal not speake being caried they shal be remoued because they are not able to go Therefore feare them not because they can neither doe il nor wel † There is not the like vnto thee ô Lord thou art great and great is thy name in strength † Who shal not feare thee ô king of Nations For thine is the glorie among al the wise of the Gentiles in al their kingdoms there is none like vnto thee † They shal be proued altogether vnwise and foolish the doctrine of their vanitie is wood † Siluer wrapped vp is brought from Tharsis and gold from Ophaz the worke of the artificer and the handes of the coppersmith hyacinth and purple are their clothing al these thinges are the worke of artificers † But our Lord is the true God he is the liuing God and the King euerlasting at his indignation the earth shal be moued the Gentils shal not sustaine his threatning † Thus then you shal say to them The goddes that made not heauen and earth let them perish from of the earth and from these places that are vnder heauen † He that maketh the earth in his strength prepareth the world in his wisedom and with his prudence stretcheth out the heauens † At his voice he geueth a multitude of waters in the heauen lifteth vp the cloudes from the endes of the earth he maketh lightninges into rayne and bringeth forth the winde out of his treasures † Euerie man is become a foole for knowlege euery craftes man is confounded in the sculptil because it is false that he hath melted and there is no spirite in them † They are vaine thinges and a worke worthie to be laughed at in the time of their visitation they shal perish † The portion of Iacob is not like to these for it is he that formed al thinges and Israel is the rodde of his inheritance the Lord of hosts is his name † Gather thy confusion out of the land thou that dwellest in beseige † Because thus saith our Lord Behold I wil cast forth farre of the inhabitans of the land at this time I wil afflict them so that they may not be found † Woe is me for my destruction my plague is very sore But I said Truly this is myne infirmitie and I wil beare it † My tabernacle is wasted al my cordes are broken in sunder my children are gone out from me and are not there is none to stretch out my tent anie more to set vp my courtaines † Because the pastours haue done foolishly and haue not sought our Lord therefore haue they not vnderstood and al their flocke is dispersed † Loe the voice of a bruit cometh a great commotion from the land of the North to make the cities of Iuda a desert an habitation of dragons † I know Lord that mans way is not his owne neither is it in a man to walke and to direct his steppes † Correct me ô Lord but yet in iudgement and not in thy furie lest perhappes thou bring me to nothing † Power out thine indignation vpon the Gentiles that haue not knowen thee and vpon the prouinces that haue not inuocated thy name because they haue eaten Iacob and deuoured him and consumed him and haue dissipated his glorie CHAP. XI The Prophet being commanded to preach the obseruation of Gods couenant is not heard 9. The people folovv their fathers example adoring idols 11. and shal therefore be seuerely punished neither shal their idols nor prayers of the iust profite them 15. their malice against Christ is described 20. and the reuenge therof THE word that was made from our Lord to Ieremie saying † Heare ye the wordes of this couenant and speake to the men of Iuda and to the inhabitants of Ierusalem † and thou shalt say to them Thus saith our Lord the God of Israel Cursed is the man that shal not heare the wordes of this couenant † which I commanded your fathers in the day that I brought them out of the Land of Aegypt out of the yron fornace saying Heare ye my voice and doe al thinges that I command you and you shal be my people and I wil be your God † That I may raise vp the othe which I sware to your
prefigured the reiection of the Iewes 12. til Gods mercie recalleth them 17. The Prophet lamenting their obstinacie 22. sheweth that their sinne is the cause of their miserie THVS saith our Lord to me Goe and get thee a girdle of linnen and thou shalt put it about thy loynes shalt not put it into water † And I got a girdle according to the word of our Lord and put it about my loynes † And the word of our Lord was made to me the second time saying † Take the girdle which thou hast gotten which is about thy loynes and rising goe to Euphrates and hide it there in an hole of the rocke † And I went and hidde it in Euphrates as our Lord had commanded me † And it came to passe after manie daies our Lord said to me Arise goe to Euphrates and take from thence the girdle which I commanded thee that thou shouldst hide it there † And I went to Euphrates and digged and tooke the girdle out of the place where I had hid it and behold the girdle was rotten so that it was fitte for noe vse † And the word of our Lord was made to me saying † Thus saith our Lord so wil I make the pride of Iuda the great pride of Ierusalem † This most wicked people which wil not heare my wordes and walke in the peruersitie of their hart and haue gone after strange goddes to serue them and to adore them they shal be as this girdle which is fitte for no vse † For as the girdle cleaueth to the loynes of a man so haue I fast ioyned to me al the house of Israel and al the house of Iuda saith our Lord that they might be my people and name and prayse and glorie and they heard not † Thou shalt say therefore vnto them this word Thus saith our Lord the God of Israel Euerie bottle shal be filled with wine And they shal say to thee Why are we ignorant that euerie bottle shal be filled with wine † And thou shalt say to them Thus saith our Lord Behold I wil fil al the inhabitants of this land the kinges that of the stocke of Dauid sitte vpon his throne and the priests and the prophets and al the inhabitants of Ierusalem with drunkennes † And I wil disperse them euerie man from his brother and the fathers and sonnes together saith our Lord I wil not spare and I wil not yelde neither wil I haue mercie not to destroy them † Heare ye and geue eare Be not eleuated because our Lord hath spoken † Geue ye glorie to our Lord your God before it waxe darke and before your feete stumble at the darke mountaines you shal looke for light and he wil turne it into the shadow of death and into darkenes † But if you wil not heare this in secret my soule shal weepe because of the pride weeping it shal weepe and mine eie shal droppe teares because the flocke of our Lord is taken † Say to the king and to her that ruleth Be humbled sitte downe because the crowne of your glorie is come downe from your head † The cities of the South are shut and there is none that may open them al Iuda is transported with a perfect transmigration † Lift vp your eies and see you that come from the North where is the flocke that is geuen thee thy noble cattel † what wilt thou say when he shal visite thee for thou hast taught them against thee and instructed them against thyne owne head shal not sorowes apprehend thee as a woman in trauel † And if thou shalt say in thy hart Why are these thinges come vnto me For the multitude of thine iniquitie thy more shamelie partes are discouered the soles of thy feete are polluted † If the Aethiopian can change his skinne or the leopard his spottes you also can doe wel when you haue learned euil † And I wil scatter them as stubble which is violently taken with the winde in the desert † This is thy lot and portion of thy measure from me saith our Lord because thou hast forgotten me and hast trusted in lying † Wherefore I haue also made bare thy thighes against thy face and thine ignominie hath appeared † thine adulteries and thy neying the wickednesse of thy fornication vpon the litle hilles in the field I haue seene thine abominations Woe to thee Ierusalem thou wilt not be made cleane after me how long yet CHAP. XIIII Iurie shal be afflicted with drought and famine 11. Neither shal the prophets prayer nor their fastes nor sacrifices auaile them 14. Falseprophetes shal perish with the seduced people 17. Ieremie lamenting exhorteth them to repentance THE word of our Lord that was made to Ieremie concerning the wordes of the drought † Iurie hath mourned and the gates thereof are fallen downe are obscured on the earth and the crie of Ierusalem is come vp † The greater men haue sent their inferiours to the water they came to drawe they found no water they caried backe their vessels emptie they were confounded and afflicted and couered their heades † For the waste of the land because there came no rayne vpon the earth the husbandmen were confounded they couered their heades † For the hinde also brought forth in the field and left it because there was no grasse † And the wild asses stood vpon the rockes they drew winde as dragons their eies failed because there was no grasse † If our iniquities haue answered vs Lord do for thy names sake because our reuoltinges are manie to thee we haue sinned † O expectation of Israel the sauiour thereof in the time of tribulation why wilt thou be as a seiourner in the land and as a wayfaring man turning in to lodge † Why wilt thou be as a wandring man as the strong that can not saue but thou ô Lord art in vs and thy name is inuocated vpon vs forsake vs not † Thus saith our Lord to his people which hath loued to moue their feete and haue not rested and hath not pleased our Lord Now wil he remember their iniquities and visite their sinnes † And our Lord said to me Pray not for this people to good † When they shal fast I wil not heare their prayers and if they shal offer holocaustes and victimes I wil not receiue them because with sword and famine and pestilence I wil consume them † And I said A a a ô Lord God the Prophetes say to them You shal not see the sword and there shal be no famine among you but he wil geue you true peace in this place † And our Lord said to me The prophetes prophecie falsely in my name I sent them not and I commanded them not neither haue I spoken vnto them lying vision and deceitful diuination guilfulnes and the seduction of their owne hart they prophecie vnto you † Therefore thus saith our Lord of the prophets that
prophecie in my name whom I sent not that say There shal not be sword and famine in this land In sword and famine shal those prophetes be consumed † And the peoples to whom they prophecie shal be cast forth in the waies of Ierusalem through famine and sword and there shal be none to burie them they and their wiues their sonnes and their daughters and I wil power out their euil vpon them † And thou shalt say this word vnto them Let mine eies shede teares night and day and not cease because the virgine daughter of my people is afflicted with great affliction with a verie sore plague exceedingly † If I shal goe out to the fieldes loe the slaine with the sword and if I enter into the citie loe the pyned away with famine For the prophet and the priest are gone into a land which they knew not † Why casting of hast thou cast away Iuda or hath thy soule abhorred Sion why then hast thou striken vs so that there is no health we haue expected peace and there is no good and a time of curing and behold truble † We haue knowen ô Lord our impieties the iniquities of our fathers because we haue sinned to thee † Geue vs not into reproche for thy names sake neither make vs to haue the contumelie of the throne of thy glorie remember make not thy couenant with vs voide † Why are there among the sculptils of the Gentiles that can raine or can the heauens geue showers art not thou the Lord our God whom we haue expected for thou hast made al these thinges CHAP. XV. Though Moyses and Samuel should pray for this people yet God hath determined to punish them with plague warre famine and captiuitie 6. for their impenitencie 10. The prophet lamenteth that for his preaching the people is become worse 15. and persecuteth him 19. but God promiseth to deliuer and to reward him AND our Lord said to me “ If Moyses and Samuel shal stand before me my soule is not toward this people cast them out from my face and let them goe forth † And if they shal say vnto thee Whither shal we goe forth thou shalt say to them Thus saith our Lord They that to death to death and they that to sword to sword and they that to famine to famine and they that to captiuitie to captiuitie † And I wil visite vpon them foure kindes saith our Lord The sword to kil and dogges to teare the foules of the ayre and beasts of the earth to deuoure and to destroy † And I wil geue them into rage to al the kingdomes of the earth because of Manasses the sonne of Ezechias the king of Iuda for al thinges that he did in Ierusalem † For who shal haue pitie on thee Ierusalem or who shal be sorie for thee or who shal goe to pray for thy peace † Thou hast forsaken me saith our Lord thou hast gone backward and I wil stretch forth my hand vpon thee and wil kil thee I am wearie in praying thee † And I wil scatter them with a fanne in the gates of the land I haue slayne and destroyed my people yet they are not returned from their waies † Their widowes are multiplied vnto me aboue the sand of the sea I haue brought into them vpon the mother of the youngman a waster at noone day I haue cast terrour sudenly vpon the cities † She is weakned that bare seuen her soule hath fainted the sunne went downe to her when it was yet day she is confounded and ashamed and the residue of them I wil geue vnto the sword in the sight of their enemies saith our Lord. † Woe is me my mother why hast thou borne me a man of brawling a man of discord in al the earth I haue not lent to vsurie neither hath anie man lent vnto me to vsurie al curse me † Our Lord saith If thy remnant shal not be to good if I haue not holpen thee in the time of affliction and in the time of tribulation against the enemie † Why shal yron be confederate with the yron from the North and also brasse † Thy riches and thy treasures I wil geue into spoile for naught for al thy sinnes and in al thy borders † And I wil bring thine enemies out of a land which thou knowest not because a fire is kindled in my furie it shal burne vpon you † Thou knowest ô Lord be mindful of me and visite me and defend me from them that persecute me doe not receiue me in thy patience know that I haue sustayned reproch for thee † Thy wordes were found and I did eate them and thy word was made to me a ioy gladnes of my hart because thy name is inuocated vpon me ô Lord God of hostes † I sate not in the councel of iesters and I haue gloried at the face of thy hand I sate alone because thou hast filled me with threaning † Why is my sorow made perpetual and my desperate plague refuseth to be cured it is become vnto me as a lie of vnfaythful waters † For this cause thus saith our Lord If thou wilt be conuerted I wil conuert thee and thou shalt stand before my face and if thou wilt seperate the pretious thing from the vile thou shalt be as my mouth they shal be turned to thee thou shalt not be turned to them † And I wil geue thee vnto this people as a brasen wal strong and they shal fight against thee and shal not preuaile because I am with thee to saue thee and to deliuer thee saith our Lord. † And I wil deliuer thee out of the hand of the most wicked and I wil redeeme thee out of the hand of strong ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XV. 1. If Moyses and Samuel shal stand before me As before God reueled to this prophet Ieremie that the people should assuredly be punished and therfore prohibited him ch 7. v. 16. ch 11. v. 14 ch 14. v. 11. that he should not pray for them so here he confirmeth the same determinate sentence of their punishment saying If Moyses and Samuel shal stand before me my soule is not tovvards this people That is though not only Ieremie a zelous holie prophet now liuing but also Moyses and Samuel departed from this world long before shal pray for this people yet they shal not escape the designed punishment for their great sinnes By necessarie consequence of which confirmation is also proued that Moyses and Samuel after their death both could and did sometimes pray for the same people For otherwise the particular mention of these prophetes were not to the purpose if they neuer did nor could pray for them And wheras the English glosse in the Geneua Bible supposeth Gods meaning to be that if there vvere anie man liuing moued vvith so great zele tovvards the people as vvere these tvvo yet
he hath gathered riches and not in iudgement in the middes of his dayes he shal leaue them and in his latter end he shal be a foole † A throne of glorie of height from the beginning the place of our sanctification † O Lord the expectation of Israel al that forsake thee shal be confounded they that depart from thee shal be written in the earth because they haue forsaken the vaine of liuing waters our Lord. † Heale me ô Lord and I shal be healed saue me and I shal be saued because thou art my praise † Behold they say to me Where is the word of our Lord let it come † And I am not trubled folowing thee the pastour and the day of man I haue not desired thou knowest That which hath proceeded out of my lippes hath bene right in thy sight † Be not thou a terrour vnto me thou art mine hope in the day of affliction † Let them be confounded that persecute me and let not me be confounded let them be afrayd and let not me be afrayd bring vpon them the day of affliction and with duble destruction destroy them † Thus saith our Lord to me Goe and stand in the gate of the children of the people by which the kinges of Iuda come in and goe out and in al the gates of Ierusalem † and thou shalt say to them Heare the word of our Lord ye kinges of Iuda and al Iuda and al the inhabitants of Ierusalem that enter in by these gates † Thus saith our Lord Take heede to your soules and carie not burdens on the Sabbath day neither bring them in by the gates of Ierusalem † And cast not forth burdens out of your houses on the Sabbath day and al worke you shal not doe sanctifie the Sabbath day as I commanded your fathers † And they heard not nor inclined their eare but hardned their necke that they would not heare me and that they would not take discipline † And it shal be if you wil heare me saith our Lord that you bring not burdens in by the gates of this citie on the Sabbath day and if you wil sanctifie the Sabbath day that you doe not al workes therein † there shal enter in by the gates of this citie kinges and princes sitting vpon the throne of Dauid and mounting on chariotes and horses they and their princes the men of Iuda and the inhabiters of Ierusalem and this citie shal be inhabited for euer † And they shal come from the cities of Iuda and from round about Ierusalem and from the land of Beniamin and from the champaine countries from the mountaines and from the South carying holocaust and victime and sacrifice and frankincense and they shal bring in oblation into the house of our Lord. † But if you wil not heare me to sanctifie the Sabbath day not to carie burden and not to bring in by the gates of Ierusalem on the Sabbath day I wil kindle a fire in the gates thereof and it shal deuoure the houses of Ierusalem and it shal not be quenched CHAP. XVIII As clay in the hand of a potter so is Israel in Gods hand 8. He pardoneth penitents 10. and punisheth the obstinate 18. They conspire against Ieremie for which he denounceth miseries hanging ouer them THE word that was made to Ieremie from our Lord saying † Arise and goe downe into the potters house and there thou shalt heare my wordes † And I went downe into the potters house and behold he made a worke vpon the wheele † And the vessel was broken which he made of clay with his handes and turning he made it an other vessel as it pleased in his eies to make it † And the word of our Lord was made to me saying † Why shal I not be able to doe vnto you as this potter ô house of Israel Behold saith our Lord as clay in the hand of the potter so are you in my hand ô house of Israel † I wil sodenly speake against nation and against kingdom to roote out and destroy and wast it † If that nation shal repent them of their euil against whom I haue spoken I also wil repent me of the euil that I haue thought to doe to it † And I wil sodenly speake of nation and of kingdom to build and plant it † If it shal do euil in mine eies that it heare not my voice I wil repent me of the good that I haue spoken to do vnto it † Now therefore tel the man of Iuda and the inhabitantes of Ierusalem saying Thus saith our Lord Behold I forge euil against you and deuise a deuice against you let euerie man returne from his euil way and direct ye your waies and your studies † Who said We are desperate for we wil goe after our cogitations and we wil do euerie one the peruersitie of his euil hart † Therefore thus saith our Lord Aske the Nations Who hath heard such horrible thinges as the virgine of Israel hath done exceedingly † Why shal the snow of Libanus faile from the rocke of the field or can the cold waters gushing forth and runing downe be drawen out † Because my people hath forgotten me sacrificing in vaine and stumbling in their waies in the pathes of the world that they might walke by them in a way not trodden † that their land might be made into desolation and into an euerlasting hisse euerie one that shal passe by it shal be astonied and wagge his head † As the burning winde wil I disperse them before the enemie the backe and not the face wil I shew them in the day of their perdition † And they said Come and let vs finde deuises against Ieremie for the law shal not perish from the priest nor counsel from the wise nor the word from the prophet come and let vs strike him with the tongue and let vs not attend to al his wordes † Attend ô Lord vnto me and heare the voice of mine aduersaries † Why is euil rendred for good because they haue digged a pitte for my soule Remember that I haue stood in the sight to speake good for them and to returne away their indignation from them † Therefore geue their children into famine and lead them into the handes of the sword let their wiues be made without children widowes and let the husbands be killed by death let their youngmen be pearced through with the sword in battel † Let a crie be heard out of their houses for thou shalt bring the robber vpon them sodenly because they haue digged a pitte to take me and haue hid snares for my feete † But thou ô Lord knowest al their counsel against me vnto death be not propicious to their iniquitie let not their sinne be cleane put out from thy face let them be made falling in thy sight in the time of thy furie deale with them CHAP. XIX The prophet holding an earthen bottel in his
furie at my hand thou shalt drinke thereof to al nations vnto the which I shal send thee † And they shal drinke and be trubled and be madde at the face of the sword which I shal send among them † And I tooke the cuppe at the hand of our Lord and I dranke to al the nations to which our Lord sent me † to Ierusalem and the cities of ●uda and to the kinges thereof princes thereof that I would geue them into desolation and into astonishment and into hissing and into malediction as is this day † To Pharao the king of Aegypt and to his seruants and his princes al his people † and to al generally to al the kinges of the land of Ausitis and to al the kinges of the land of the Philisthijms and of Ascalon and of Gaza and of Accaron and to the remnant of Azotus † and of Idumea and of Moab and to the children of Ammon † And to al the kinges of Tyre and to al the kinges of Sidon and to the kinges of the land of the iles who are beyond the Sea † And to Dedan and Thema and Buz and to al that haue their heare powled † And to al the kinges of Arabia and to al the kinges of the West that dwel in the desert † And to al the kinges of Zambri and to al the kinges of Elam and to al the kinges of the Medes † also to al the kinges of the North from neere and from a farre of to euerie one against his brother and to al the kingdomes of the earth which are vpon the face thereof and the king of Sesac shal drinke after them † And thou shalt say to them Thus saith the Lord of hostes the God of Israel Drinke ye and be drunken vomite and fal and rise not at the face of the sword which I shal send among you † And when they shal not take the cuppe of thy hand to drinke thou shalt say to them Thus saith the Lord of hostes Drinking you shal drinke † because loe in the citie wherein my name is inuocated wil I beginne to afflict and shal you be as innocent and scape free you shal not scape free for I cal the sword vpon al the inhabitants of the earth saith the Lord of hostes † And thou shalt prophecie vnto them al these wordes and shalt say to them Our Lord from on high shal roare and from his holie habitation shal geue his voice roaring he shal roare vpon his beautie the crie as it were of them that tread grapes shal be sung against al the inhabitants of the earth † The sound is come euen to the endes of the earth because there is iudgement to our Lord with the Nations he entreth iudgement with al flesh the impious I haue deliuered to the sword saith our Lord. † Thus saith the Lord of hostes Behold affliction shal go forth from nation to nation a great whirlewind shal goe forth from the endes of the earth † And the slaine of our Lord shal be in that day from the one end of the earth euen to the other end thereof they shal not be mourned and they shal not be gathered vp nor buried as a dunghil shal they lie vpon the face of the earth † Howle ye pastoures and crie and sprinkle your selues with ashes ye leaders of the flocke because your daies are accomplished to be slaine and your dissipations and you shal fal as precious vessels † And flight shal faile from the pastours and saluation from the principals of the flocke † A voice of the crie of the pastoures and an bowling of the principals of the flocke because our Lord hath wasted their pastures † And the fieldes of peace haue bene silent at the presence of the wrath of the furie of our Lord. † He hath as a lyon forsaken his couert because their land is made into desolation at the presence of the wrath of the doue and at the presence of the wrath of the furie of our Lord. CHAP. XXVI The prophet for preaching Gods commination 7. is apprehended by the priestes and false prophetes 10. but deliuered from death by the ancientes of the people 18. alleaging the examples of Michaeas 20. and Vrias prophecying the same before IN THE beginning of the kingdom of Ioakim the sonne of Iosias king of Iuda came this word from our Lord saying † Thus saith our Lord Stand in the court of the house of our Lord and thou shalt speake to al the cities of Iuda out of the which they come to adore in the house of our Lord al the wordes which I haue commanded thee to speake vnto them withdraw not a word † if perhaps they wil heare and be conuerted euerie one from his euil way and it may repent me of the euil that I thinke to doe to them for the malice of their studies † And thou shalt say to them Thus saith our Lord If you wil not heare me to walke in my law which I haue geuen you † that you heare the wordes of my seruants the prophetes which I sent to you in the night rising and directing and you heard not † I wil geue this house as Silo and this citie I wil geue into malediction to al the nations of the earth † And the priestes and prophetes and al the people heard Ieremie speaking these wordes in the house of our Lord. † And when Ieremie had ended speaking al thinges that our Lord had commanded him to speake vnto al the people the priestes and prophetes and al the people apprehended him saying Let him dye the death † Why hath he prophecied in the name of our Lord saying This house shal be as Silo and this citie shal be made desolate for that there is no inhabitant And al the people was gathered together against Ieremie in the house of our Lord. † And the princes of Iuda heard these wordes and they went vp from the kings house into the house of our Lord and sa●e in the entrie of the new gate of the house of our Lord. † And the priestes and the prophetes spake to the princes and to al the people saying The iudgement of death is to this man because he hath prophecied against this citie as you haue heard with your eares † And Ieremie spake to al the princes and to al the people saying Our Lord sent me that I should prophecie to this house to this citie al the wordes that you haue heard † Now therfore make your waies good and your studies heare the voice of our Lord your God and our Lord wil repent him of the euil that he hath spoken against you † But I loe am in your handes doe vnto me that which is good and right in your eyes † Howbeit know ye and vnderstand that if you kil me you shal betray innocent bloud against your selues and against this citie and the
inhabitantes therof For in truth our Lord sent me to you that I should speake al these wordes in your eares † And the princes and al the people said to the priestes and to the prophetes There is no iudgement of death to this man because he hath spoken to vs in the name of the Lord our God † Men therefore of the ancients of the land rose vp and they spake to al the assemblie of the people saying † Michaeas the Morasthi was a prophet in the daies of Ezechias the king of Iuda and he spake to al the people Iuda saying Thus saith the Lord of hostes Sion shal be plowed as a field and Ierusalem shal be as an heape of stones and the mount of the house as the high places of woodes † Did Ezechias the king of Iuda and al Iuda condemne him to death Did they not feare our Lord and beseech the face of our Lord and it repented our Lord of the euil that he had spoken against them Therefore we doe great euil against our selues † There was also a man prophecying in the name of our Lord Vrias the sonne of Semei of Cariathiarim and he prophecied against this citie and against this land according to al the wordes of Ieremie † And king Ioakim and al his mighties and his princes heard these wordes the king sought to kil him And Vrias heard and was afraied and fled and went into Aegypt † And king Ioakim sent men into Aegypt Elnathan the sonne of Achobor and men with him into Aegypt † And they brought Vrias out of Aegypt and brought him to king Ioakim and he stroke him with the sword and he cast forth his carcasse in the sepulchers of the base vulgar people † Therefore the hand of Ahicam the sonne of Saphan was with Ieremie that he should not be deliuered into the handes of the people and they kil him CHAP. XXVII Ieremie putteth chaines about his owne necke and then sendeth them to sundrie kinges admonishing them that they must either be subiect to the king of Babylon 8. or perish by sword famine and pestilence 14. Inueigheth against false prophetes preaching the contrarie 16. and falsly affirming that the vessels already taken away shal quickly be restored 18. wheras in dede the rest shal also be caried away but al at last restored IN THE beginning of the kingdom of Ioakim the sonne of Iosias king of Iuda was this word made to Ieremie from our Lord saying † Thus saith our Lord to me Make thee bandes and chaynes and thou shalt put them on thy necke † And thou shalt send them to the king of Edom and to the king of Moab and to the king of the children of Ammon and to the king of Tyre and to the king of Sidon by the hand of the messengers that are come to Ierusalem to Sedecias the king of Iuda † And thou shalt command them that they speake to their lordes Thus saith the Lord of hostes the God of Israel Thus shal you say to your lordes † I made the earth and men and the beastes that are vpon the face of the earth in my great strength and in my stretched out arme and I haue geuen it to him that pleased in mine eies † And now therefore I haue geuen al these landes into the hand of Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon my seruant more ouer also the beastes of the field I haue geuen him to serue him † And al nations shal serue him and his sonne and his sonnes sonne til the time come of his land and of himself and manie nations and great kinges shal serue him † But the nation and kingdome that shal not serue Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon and who soeuer shal not bowe his necke vnder the yoke of the king of Babylon I wil visite vpon that nation with sword and with famine and with pestilence saith our Lord til I consume them in his hand † You therefore heare not your prophetes and deuiners and dreamers and southsayers and sorcerers that say to you You shal not serue the king of Babylon † Because they prophecie lies vnto you that they may make you far from your countrie and cast you out and you perish † But the nation that shal submit their necke vnder the yoke of the king of Babylon and shal serue him the same wil I let alone in their owne land saith our Lord and they shal husband it and dwel in it † And to Sedecias the king of Iuda I haue spoken according to al these wordes saying Submitte your neckes vnder the yoke of the king of Babylon serue him and his people you shal liue † Why wil you dye thou and thy people with the sword and famine the pestilence as the Lord hath spoken to the nation that wil not serue the king of Babylon † Heare not the wordes of the prophetes that say to you You shal not serue the king of Babylon because they speake a lie to you † Because I sent them not saith our Lord they prophecie in my name falsely that they may cast you out you perish as wel you as the prophetes that prophecie vnto you † And to the priestes and to this people I haue spoken saying Thus saith our Lord Heare not the wordes of your prophetes that prophecie to you saying Behold the vessels of our Lord shal returne out of Babylon euen now quickly for they prophecie a lie vnto you † Therefore heare them not but serue the king of Babylon that you may liue Why is this citie geuen into desolation † And if they be prophetes and the word of our Lord be in them let them interpose themselues before the Lord of hostes that the vessels which were leaft in the house of our Lord and in the house of the king of Iuda and in Ierusalem come not into Babylon † Because thus saith the Lord of hostes to the pillars and to the sea and to the feete and to the rest of the vessels that are remayning in this citie † Which Nabuchodonosor the king of Babylon tooke not when he transported Ieconias the sonne of Ioakim the king of Iuda from Ierusalem into Babylon and al the great men of Iuda and Ierusalem † Because thus saith the Lord of hostes the God of Israel to the vessels that are left in the house of our Lord and in the house of the king of Iuda and Ierusalem † They shal be transported into Babylon and there they shal be vntil the day of their visitation saith our Lord and I wil cause them to be brought and to be restored in this place CHAP. XXVIII Hananias a false prophet auoucheth that within two yeares the holie vessel and king I echonias with other captiues shal be restored 5. I eremie prayeth that it may be so 7. but prophecieth that it wil not so be 10. The false prophet in confirmation of that he saith breaketh I eremies chaine 12.
and the citie shal be built to our Lord from the tower of Hananeel euen to the gate of the corner † And the rule of the measure shal goe out farder in his sight vpon the litle hil Gareb and it shal compasse Goatha † and al the valley of carcasses and of ashes and al the countrie of death euen to the torrent of Cedron and to the corner of the East gate of horses the Holie of our Lord shal not be plucked vp and it shal no more be destroyed for euer CHAP. XXXII Nabuchodonosor besieging Ierusalem Ieremie in prison 7. byeth by Gods commandment a field of his cosin 17. Prayeth for the whole nation reciting Gods former benefites 26. Prophecieth their captiuitie in Babylon 30. for their idolatrie 36. and deliuerie from thence 40. With a new couenant to serue God sincerely THE word that was made to Ieremie from our Lord in the tenth yeare of Sedecias the king of Iuda the same is the eightenth yeare of Nabuchodonosor † Then the armie of the king of Babylon besieged Ierusalem and Ieremie the prophet was shut vp in the court of the prison that was in the house of the king of Iuda † For Sedecias the king of Iuda had shut him vp saying Why doest thou prophecie saying Thus saith our Lord Behold I wil geue this citie into the hand of the king of Babylon and he shal take it † And Sedecias the king of Iuda shal not escape out of the hand of the Chaldees but he shal be deliuered into the handes of the king of Babylon and he shal speake with him mouth to mouth and his eies shal see his eies † And he shal leade Sedecias into Babylon and he shal be there til I visite him saith our Lord. But if you wil fight against the Chaldees you shal haue nothing prosperous † And Ieremie said The word of our Lord was made to me saying † Behold Hanameel the sonne of Sellum thy cosin shal come to thee saying Bye vnto the my field which is in Anathoth for it apperteyneth to thee by kinred to bye it † And Hanameel myne vncles sonne came vnto me according to the word of our Lord to the enterie of the prison and said to me Possesse my field which is in Anathoth in the land of Beniamin because the inheritance perteineth to thee and thou art nere of kinne to possesse it And I vnderstood that it was the word of our Lord. † And I bought the field of Hanameel myne vncles sonne which is in Anathoth and I weyed him the siluer seuen staters and ten peeces of siluer † And I wrote it in a booke and signed it and tooke witnesses I weighed the siluer in balance † And I tooke the booke of the possession signed and the stipulations and the thinges ratified and the signes on the out side † And I gaue the booke of the possession to Baruch the sonne of Neri the sonne of Maasias in the sight of Hanameel my cosin and in the sight of the witnesses that were written in the booke of the purchase in the sight of al the Iewes that sate in the court of the prison † And I commanded Baruch before them saying † Thus saith the Lord of hostes the God of Israel Take these bookes this booke of the purchase signed and this booke that is open and put them in an earthen vessel that they may continew manie daies † For thus saith the Lord of hostes the God of Israel Yet shal houses and fieldes and vineyardes be possessed in this land † And I prayed to our Lord after that I deliuered the booke of the possession to Buruch the sonne of Neri saying † Alas alas alas ô Lord God behold thou hast made heauen and earth in thy great strength and in thy stretched out arme no word shal be hard to thee † Which doest mercie on thousandes and rendrest the iniquitie of the fathers into the bosome of their children after them ô Most strong great mightie the Lord of hostes is thy name † Great in counsel and incomprehensible in cogitation whose eies are open vpon al the waies of the children of Adam to render vnto euerie one according to his waies and according to the fruite of his inuentions † Which hast put signes and wonders in the land of Aegypt euen vntil this day and in Israel and in men and hast made thee a name as is this day † And thou didest bring forth thy people Israel out of the Land of Aegypt in signes and in wonders and in a strong hand and in a stretched out arme and in great terrour † And thou gauest them this land which thou swarest to their fathers that thou wouldst geue them a land flowing with milke and honie † And they entered in and possessed it and they obeyed not thy voice and in thy law they walked not al that thou didst command them to doe they did not and al these euils are befallen them † Behold munitions are built against the citie that it may be taken and the citie is geuen into the handes of the Chaldees which fight against it at the presence of the sword and of famine and of pestilence and what thinges soeuer thou hast spoken are come to passe as thy self seest † And sayst thou to me ô Lord God Bye the field for siluer and take witnesses whereas the citie is geuen into the handes of the Chaldees † And the word of our Lord was made to Ieremie saying † Behold I am the Lord the God of al flesh shal anie word be hard for me † Therefore thus saith our Lord Behold I wil deliuer this citie into the handes of the Chaldees and into the handes of the king of Babylon and they shal take it † And the Chaldees shal come fighting against this citie and shal set in on fire and burne it and the houses in whose toppes they did sacrifice to Baal and offered libaments to strange goddes to prouoke me vnto wrath † For the children of Israel and the children of Iuda were continually doeing euil in myne eies from their youth the children of Israel which euen vntil this present exasperate me in the worke of their handes saith our Lord. † Because in furie and in myne indignation this citie is made to me from the day that they builded it vntil this day wherein it shal be taken out of my sight † For the malice of the children of Israel and of the children of Iuda which they haue done prouoking me to wrath they and their kinges their princes and their priestes and their prophets the men of Iuda and the inhabitants of Ierusalem † And they haue turned the backes to me and not the faces when I taught them early and instructed them and they would not heare that they might take discipline † And they haue set their idols in the house wherein my name is inuocated that they might pollute it † And they haue built the
they had taken the king they brought him to the king of Babylon into Reblatha which is in the land of Emath and to him iudgements † And the king of Babylon killed the sonnes of Sedecias before his eies yea and al the princes of Iuda he slew in Reblatha † And he plucked out the eies of Sedecias and bound him with fetters and the king of Babylon brought him into Babylon and he put him in the prison house euen to the day of his death † And in the fifth moneth the tenth of the moneth the same is the ninetenth yeare of Nabuchodonosor the king of Babylon came Nabuzardan the prince of the warfare who stood before the king of Babylon in Ierusalem † And he burnt the house of our Lord and the kings house and al the houses of Ierusalem and euerie great house he burnt with fire † And al the host of the Chaldees that was with the prince of the warfare destroyed al the wall of Ierusalem round about † But of the poore of the people and of the rest of the vulgar sorte which remayned in the citie and of the fugitiues that were fled to the king of Babylon and the rest of the multitude Nabuzardan the prince of the warfare transported † But of the poore of the land Nabuzardan the prince of the warfare left some to be dressers of vineyards and husbandmen † The brasen pillers also that were in the house of our Lord and the feete and the sea of brasse that was in the house of our Lord the Chaldees brake and they tooke al the brasse of them into Babylon † And the kettles and the fleshhookes and the psalteries and the phials and the litle mortars and al the brasen vessels that had bene in the ministrie they tooke † and the water pottes and the censars and the pitchers and the basins and the candlestickes and the mortars the gobblets as manie as of gold of gold and as manie as of siluer of siluer did the prince of the warfare take † and two pillars and one sea twelue oxen of brasse that were vnder the feete which king Salomon had made in the house of our Lord there was no weight of the brasse of al these vessels † And concerning the pillars there were eightene cubits of height in one pillar and a corde of twelue cubits did compasse it about moreouer the thicknes thereof of foure fingers and within it was holow † And the litle heads of brasse vpon both the height of one litle head of fiue cubits and the litle nettes and the pomegranates vpon the crowne round about al of brasse Likewise of the second piller and the pomegranates † And there were nintie six pomegranates hanging downe and al the pomegranates an hundred were compassed with litle nettes † And the master of the warefare tooke Saraias the chiefe priest and Sophonias the second priest and the three kepers of the entrie † And of the citie he tooke one eunuch that was chiefe ouer the men of warre and seuen men of them that saw the kings face that were found in the citie and a scribe the captayne of the souldiars who tryed the yong souldiars and three score of the people of the land that were found in the middes of the citie † And Nabuzardan the prince of the warfare tooke them and he brought them to the king of Babylon into Reblatha † And the king of Babylon stroke them and he killed them in Reblatha in the land of Emath and Iuda was transported from his land † This is the people which Nabuchodonosor transported In the seuenth yeare Iewes three thousand and twentie three † In the eightenth yeare of Nabuchodonosor from Ierusalem soules eight hundred thirtie two † In the three and twentith yeare of Nabuchodonosor Nabuzardan the prince of the warefare transported of the Iewes seuen hundred fourtie fiue soules al the soules therfore were foure thousand six hundred † And it came to passe in the seuen and thirtith yeare of the transmigration of Ioachin the king of Iuda the twelfth moneth the fiue and twentith of the moneth Euilmerodach the king of Babylon lifted vp in the very yeare of his reigne the head of Ioachin the king of Iuda and he brought him out of the prison house † And he spake with him good thinges and he sette his throne aboue the thrones of the kinges that were after himself in Babylon † And he changed his prison garments and he did eate bread before him alwaies al the daies of his life † And his allowance of meate a continual prouision of meate was geuen him by the king of Babylon euerie day a certaine euen vnto the day of his death al the daies of his life THE ARGVMENT OF IEREMIES LAMENTATIONS THESE Lamentations in Greeke called Threni and by the Hebrew Rabhins intituled Cinoth were written by Ieremie before the greatest part of his o●her prophecies as semeth most probable to S. Ierom and were first songue at the death of Iosias king of Iuda Againe when king Sedecias with manie others were taken captiues manie also slaine and the Temple and citie of Ierusalem destroyed But most especially he prophecieth the Iewes miserable estate and iust cause of Lamentation after Christs coming and their reiecting him And therfore his Church singeth the same in the Aniuersarie or Commemoration of his Passion and Death and most piously inuiteth al sinners both Iewes and Gentiles to returne vnto Christ our Redemer saying Ierusalem IERVSALEM conuertere ad Dominum Deum tuum In this litle booke the diligent reader wil easely obserue manie doleful patheticalspeaches powred out from a pensiue hart as in great calamities it commonly happeneth with litle connexion of sentences but otherwise foure whole chapters are very artificially compiled in verse not by number of times with measure of long and short syllables as the Grekes and Latines vse but after the Hebrew maner obseruing number of syllables and beginning euerie verse with a distinct letter from the first to the last in order with some smal varietie of the Hebrew Alphabet Doubtles with great mysteries as S. Ierom iudgeth and therfore explicateth the significations and certains connexions of the two and twentie Hebrew letters as we haue noted vpon the 118. Psalme but aboue the capacitie of our vnderstanding In the last chapter the Prophet omitting the obseruation of Initial letters in twentie two verses prayeth lamentably as the whole people shal pray in captiuitie THE THRENES that is to say THE LAMENTATIONS OF IEREMIE THE PROPHET And it came to passe after that Israel was brought into captiuitie and Ierusalem was desolate Ieremie the prophete sate weeping and he mourned with this lamentation vpon Ierusalem and with a pensiue mind sighing and wayling he sayd CHAP. I. HOW doeth the citie ful of people sitte solitarie how is the ladie of the Gentiles become as a widow the princesse of prouinces is made tributarie Weeping she
couenant that he had with him in the middes of Babylon shal he dye † And not in a great armie nor in much people shal Pharao make battel agaynst him in the casting vp of a ramper and in the building of bulworkes to kil manie soules † For he had despised the oath that he might breake the couenant and behold he gaue his hand and when he hath done al these thinges he shal not escape † Therfore thus saith our Lord God Liue I that the oath which he hath despised the couenant that he transgressed I wil lay on his head † And I wil spread my nette ouer him and he shal be taken in my nette and I wil bring him into Babylon and wil iudge him there in the preuerication wherby he hath despised me † And al his fugitiues with al their troupe shal fal by the sword and the residue shal be dispersed into euerie wind and you shal know that I the Lord haue spoken † Thus saith our Lord God And I wil take of the marow of the high ceder wil set it of the toppe of the boughes therof the tender one I wil strippe of and wil plant it vpon a mountaine high and eminent † On the high mountaines of Israel wil I plant it and it shal shoote forth into a budde and shal yelde fruite and it shal be into a great ceder and al birdes and euerie foule shal dwel vnder the shadow of the boughes therof and shal there make their nest † And al the trees of the countrie shal know that I the Lord haue humbled the high tree exalted the low tree and haue dried the greene tree and haue caused the drie tree to spring I the Lord haue spoken and haue done it CHAP. XVIII One shal not beare the sinnes of an other but euerie one their owne 21. If the wieked truly repent he shal be saued and if the iust leaue his iustice he shal be damned AND the word of our Lord was made to me saying † What is that among you you turne a parable into this prouer be in the land of Israel saying The fathers did eate a sowre grape and the teeth of the children are set on edge † Liue I saith our Lord God if this parable shal be vnto you any more for a prouerbe in Israel † Behold al soules are mine as the soule of the father so also the soule of the sonne is mine the soule that shal sinne the same shal dye † And a man if he shal be iust and hath done iudgement and iustice † hath not eaten on the mountaynes and not lifted vp his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel and hath not violated his neighbours wife and approched not to a menstruous woman † and made no man sorowful hath restored the pledge to the debter taken nothing away by violence hath geuen his bread to the hungrie and coueted the naked with a garment † hath not lent to vsurie and not taken more hath turned away his hand from iniquitie and done true iudgement betwen man and man † hath walked in my precepts and kept my iudgements to doe truth this man is iust liuing he shal liue saith our Lord God † And if he hath begotten a sonne that is a robber shedding bloud he doe one of these thinges † and that doth not in dede al these thinges but eateth on the mountaynes and defileth his neighbours wife † that maketh the needie and poore sorowful violently committeth robberies restoreth not the pledge lifteth his eyes to idols doth abomination † that geueth to vsurie and taketh more what shal he liue he shal not liue Wheras he hath done al these detestable thinges dying he shal dye his bloud shal be vpon him † But and if he hath begotten a sonne that seing al his fathers sinnes which he hath done is afrayd and shal not doe the like to them † hath not eaten vpon the mountaines and not lifted vp his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel and hath not violated his neighbours wife † and hath made no man sorowful hath not withheld the pledge and hath not violently committed robberie hath geuen his bread to the hungrie and couered the naked with clothing † hath turned away his hand from iniurie of the poore hath not taken vsurie and ouerplus hath done my iudgements hath walked in my preceptes this man shal not dye in the iniquitie of his father but liuing he shal liue † His father because he did calumniate and did violence to his brother and wrought euil in the middes of his people behold he is dead in his owne iniquitie † And you say Why hath not the sonne borne the iniquitie of his father Verely because the sonne hath wrought iudgement and iustice he hath kept al my precepts and done them liuing he shal liue † The soule that shal sinne the same shal dye the sonne shal not beare the iniquitie of the father and the father shal not beare the iniquitie of the sonne the iustice of the iust shal be vpon him and the impietie of he impious shal be vpon him † But if the impious shal doe penance from al his sinnes which he hath wrought and shal keepe al my precepts and doe iudgement and iustice liuing he shal liue and shal not dye † Al his iniquities which he hath wrought I wil not remember them in his iustice which he hath wrought he shal liue † Why “ is the death of a sinner my wil saith our Lord God and not that he conuert from his wayes and liue † But if the iust man shal turne away himselfe from his iustice and doe iniquitie according to al the abominations which the impious vseth to worke shal he liue al his iustices which he had done shal not be remembred in the preuarication which he hath preuaricated and in his sinne which he hath sinned in them he shal dye † And you haue said The way of our Lord is not right Heare ye therfore ô house of Israel What is not my way right and are not rather your wayes peruerse † For when the iust shal turne away himselfe from his iustice doth iniquitie he shal dye in them in the iniustice that he hath wrought he shal dye † And when the impious shal turne away himselfe from his impietie which he hath wrought shal doe iudgement and iustice he shal vi●●si●ate his soule † For considering turning away himself from al his iniquities which he hath wrought liuing he shal liue and not dye † And the children of Israel say The way of our Lord is not right What are not my wayes right ô house of Israel and not rather your wayes peruerse † Therfore wil I iudge euerie mā according to his wayes ô house of Israel saith our Lord God Conuert and doe penance from al your iniquities and iniquitie shal not be a ruine to you † Cast away from you
al your preuarications wherin you haue preuaricated and make to yourselues a new hart and a new spirit and why wil you dye ô house of Israel † Because I wil not the death of him that dieth saith our Lord God returne ye and liue ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XVIII ●● Is the death of a sinner my vvil In manie places of holie Scripture it is cl●●● that Gods vvil is most assuredly fulfilled in al thinges vvhatsoeuer he vvould and none can resist his vvil c. Neuertheles here and in other places it is also expresly affirmed that God would haue al sinners to repent and none to dye in their sinnes vvhich semeth to repugne vvith the former doctrin For solution of vvhich difficultie S. Damascen li. 2. c. 29 de Orthodoxa side and other Doctors distinguish Gods vvil vvhich is either called Antecedent and conditional and so God vvould haue al men to be saued as appeareth by creating al to that end by his frequen admonitions preceptes threates temporal punishments and revvardes and especially by our Sauiours death and redemption of al mankind vvherby he merited most sufficient meanes and offereth his sufficient grace to euerie one that they may be saued if they vvil Othervvise Gods wil is called Consequent and absolute and so for iustice sake his diuine vvil is that impenitent sinners shal be damned and eternally punished for their sinnes As a iust Iudge condionally and antecedently vvould haue al men to obserue good lavves and to liue so long as they can by nature but absolutely consequently finding some to be murderers or othervvise pernicicious to the commonvvelth he panisheth them with death CHAP. XIX The Israelites calaminitie is described by two parables of lions 10. and of a vine planted and plucked vp AND thou take vp lamentation vpon the princes of Israel † and thou shalt say Why lay thy mother a lionesse among the lions in the middes of young lions brought vp her whelpes † And she brought out one of her young lions he became a lion and he lerned to catch prayes and to eate man † And the Gentils heard of him and not without their woundes they tooke him and they brought him in cheynes into the Land of Aegypt † Who when she saw that she was weakened and her expectation was lost she tooke one of her young lions she made him a lion † Who went among the lions and became a lion and he lerned to take praye and to deuoure men † He lerned to make widowes and to bring their cities into a desert and the land was made desolate and the fulnes therof by the voice of his roaring † And the Gentils came together against him on euerie side out of the prouinces they spred their nette vpon him in their wounds he was taken † And they put him into a caue in cheynes they brought him to the king of Babylon and they cast him into prison that his voice might no more be heard vpon the mountaines of Israel † Thy mother as it were a vine in thy bloud is planted vpon the water her fruit and her branches haue growen out of manie waters † And there were made to her strong roddes for the scepters of them that rule and her stature was exalted among the branches and she saw her height in the multitude of her branches † And she was plucked vp in wrath and cast on the ground and the burning winde hath dried vp her fruite the roddes of her strength are withered and dried vp fire hath eaten her † And now she is transplanted into the desert in a land not passable and drie † And there came forth fire from the rod of her boughes which hath eaten her fruite and there was not in her a strong rod the scepter of rulers Lamentation it is and it shal be into lamentation CHAP. XX. God wil not answer the elders of Israel asking by the prophet 4. but by him setteth his benefites before their eyes and their owne heynous sinnes 30. threatning yet greater punishments 40. but stil mixt with mercie AND it came to passe in the seuenth yeare in the fifth the tenth of the moneth there came men of the ancients of Israel to aske our Lord they sare before me † And the word of our Lord was made to me saying † Sonne of man speake to the ancients of Israel thou shalt say to them Thus saith our Lord God Why are you come to aske me Liue I that I wil not answer you saith our Lord God † Doest thou iudge them doest thou iudge ô sonne of man shew to them the abominations of their fathers † And thou shalt say to them Thus saith our Lord God In the day that I chose Israel lifted vp my hand for the stocke of the house of Iacob and appeared to them in the Land of Aegypt and lifted vp my hand for them saying I the Lord your God † in that day I lifted vp my hand for them that I might bring them out of the Land of Aegypt into a Land which I had prouided for them flowing with milke and honie which is excellent among al landes † And I said to them Let euerie man cast away the scandals of his eyes and in the idols of Aegypt be ye not polluted I the Lord your God † And they prouoked me and would not heare me euerie one did not cast away the abominations of his eyes neither did they leaue the idols of Aegypt and I said I would powre out mine indignation vpon them and fil my wrath in them in the middes of the Land of Aegypt † And I did for my name sake that it might not be violated before the Gentils in the middes of whom they were and among whom I appeared to them to bring them out of the Land of Aegypt † I cast them out therfore of the Land of Aegypt and brought them forth into the desert † And I gaue them my precepts and I shewed to them my iudgements which a man doing shal liue in them † Moreouer also my sabbathes I gaue to them to be a signe betwen me and them and that they might know that I am the Lord sanctifying them † And the houses of Israel prouoked me in the desert they walked not in my precepts and my iudgements they reiected which a man doing shal liue in them and my sabbathes they violated excedingly I said therfore I would powre out my furie vpon them in the desert and would consume them † And I did for my name sake lest it should be violated before the Gentils from which I cast them out in their sight † I therfore lifted vp my hand vpon them in the desert not to bring them into the Land which I gaue them flowing with milke and honie the chiefe of al landes † Because they reiected my iudgements and walked not in my precepts and violated my sabbathes
saith our Lord God Behold I wil deliuer thee into the handes of them whom thou hatest into their handes of whom thy soule is filled † And they shal deale with thee in hatred and they shal take away al thy labours and shal let thee goe naked and ful of ignominie and the ignominie of thy fornications shal be reueled thy wicked dede and thy fornications † They haue done these thinges to thee because thou hast fornicated after the Nations among which thou wast polluted in their idols † Thou hast walked in the way of thy sister and I wil geue her cuppe in thy hand † Thus saith our Lord God The cuppe of thy sister thou shalt drinke deepe and wide thou shalt be into derision and into scorne which is most capable † With drunckennes and sorow thou shalt be replenished with the cuppe of pensifenes and sadnes with the cuppe of thy sister Samaria † And thou shalt drinke it and shalt drinke it vp euen to the dregges and the fragments therof thou shalt deuoure thou shalt rent thy breastes because I haue spoken saith our Lord God Therfore thus saith our Lord God Because thou hast forgotten me and hast cast me of behind thy bodie thou also beare thy wickednes and thy fornications † And our Lord spake to me saying Sonne of man doest thou iudge Oolla and Ooliba and shewest thou them their wicked deedes † because they haue committed aduoutrie and bloud is in their handes and with their idols they haue fornicated moreouer also their children whom they begate for me they haue offered vnto them to be deuoured † Yea and they haue done this to me They polluted my sanctuarie in that day and profaned my sabbathes † And when they immolated their children to their idols and went into my sanctuarie in that day to pollute it these thinges also they did in the middes of my house † They sent to men comming from far to whom they had sent a messenger therfore loe they came to whom thou didst wash thyself and didst annoint thine eyes about with stibikestone and wast adorned with wemens ornaments † Thou satest in a very faire bed and a table was decked before thee mine incense and mine oyntment thou didst set vpon it † And the voice of a multitude reioycing was on it and on the men that were brought of the maltitude of men and came from the desert they did put bracelets on their handes and beautiful crownes on their heades † And I said to her that was worne in aduoutries Now wil this woman also fornicate in her fornication † And they went to her as to an harlot woman so went they vnto Oolla and Ooliba wicked wemen † They therfore are iust men these shal iudge them with the iudgement of adulteresses and with the iudgement of bloudshedders because they are adultresses and bloud is in their handes † For thus saith our Lord God Bring a multitude to them and deliuer them into tumult and into spoile † and let them be stoned with the stones of peoples and let them be thrust through with their swordes they shal kil their sonnes and daughters and their houses they shal burne with fire † And I wil take away the wickednes out of the land al wemen shal learne not to doe according to the wickednes of them † And they shal geue your wickednes vpon you and the sinnes of your idols you shal carie and you shal know that I am the Lord God CHAP. XXIIII Ierusalem manie wayes chasticed of God and not amended 11. shal at last be melted like a brasse potte 15. and shal not dare to mourne for the death of her dearest AND the word of our Lord was made to me in the ninth yeare in the tenth moneth the tenth day of the moneth saying † Sonne of man write thee the name of this day wherin the king of Babylon is confirmed against Ierusalem to day † And thou shalt speake by a prouerbe to the exasperating house a parable and shalt say to them Thus saith our Lord God Set thou a potte st it I say and put water into it † Heape together the peeces therof into it euerie good part the thigh and the shoulder the chosen thinges and ful of bones † Take the fattest beast and lay together pyles of bones also vnder it the seething therof is boyling hotte and the bones therof are throughly sodden in the middes therof † Therfore thus saith our Lord God Wo to the citie of bloud to the potte whose rustines is in it and the rustines therof is not gone out of it by her partes and by her partes cast her out there hath no lotte fallen vpon her † For her bloud is in the middes of her she hath shed it vpon the most cleare rocke she shed it not vpon the ground that it might be couered with dust † That I might bring mine indignation in vpon her and might reuenge with vengeance I gaue her bloud vpon the most clere rocke that it might not be couered † Therfore thus saith our Lord God Wo to the citie of bloud whose bonefire I wil make great † Heape together the bones which I wil burne with fire the flesh shal be consumed and al the composition shal be sod and the bones shal drie away † Set it also vpon hote burning coles emptie that the brasse therof may waxe hote and be melted and let the filth of it be melted in the middes therof let the rust therof be consumed † There hath bene sweating with much labour and the exceding rust therof is not gone out no not by fire † Thine vncleannes is exectable because I would clense thee and thou art not clensed from thy filthines yea neither shalt thou be clensed before I make myne indignation to cease in thee † I the Lord haue spoken It shal come and I wil doe it I wil not passe nor spare nor be pacified according to thy wayes and according to thine inuentions wil I iudge thee saith our Lord. † And the word of our Lord was made to me saying † Sonne of man behold I take from thee the thing that thine eyes desire in a plague and thou shalt not lament nor weepe neither shal thy teares runne † Sigh holding thy peace thou shalt not make the mourning of the dead let thy crowne be tyed round about thee and thy shoes shal be on thy feete neither shalt thou couer thy face with a cloth neither shalt thou eare the meates of mourners † I spake therfore to the people in the morning and my wife died at euen and I did in the morning as he had commanded me † And the people sayd to me Why doest thou not tel vs what these thinges signifie that thou doest † And I sayd to them The word of our Lord was made to me saying † Speake to the house of Israel Thus sayth our Lord God Behold I wil pollute my sanctuarie
insolent pride Tyre shal be vtterly destroyed 20. Sidon likewise ouerthrowne 24. And the people of Israel at last restored AND the word of our Lord was made to me saying † Sonne of man say to the prince of Tyre Thus saith our Lord God For that thy hart is eleuated thou hast sayd I am God and I haue sitten in the chaire of God in the hart of the sea wheras thou art a man and not God and hast geuen thy hart as the hart of God † Loe thou art wiser then Daniel euerie secret is not hid from thee † In thy wisedom and thy prudence thou hast made thee strength and hast gotten gold and siluer in thy treasures † In the multitude of thy wisedome in thy merchandise thou hast multiplied strength to thee and thy hart is eleuated in thy strength † Therfore thus saith our Lord God For that thy hart is eleuated as the hart of God † therfore behold I wil bring vpon thee strangers the strongest of the Gentils and they shal draw their swordes vpon the beautie of thy wisedome and shal pollute thy comelines † They shal kil and plucke thee downe and thou shalt dye in the death of the slaine in the hart of the sea † Why shalt thou speake saying I am God before them that kil thee wheras thou art a man and not God in the hand of them that slay thee † By the death of the vncircumcised shalt thou dye in the hand of strangers because I haue spoken saith our Lord God † And the word of our Lord was made to me saying Sonne of man lift vp a lamentation vpon the king of Tyre † and thou shalt say to him Thus saith our Lord God Thou the signet of similitude ful of wisedom and perfect of beautie † thou wast in the delicacies of the paradise of God euerie precious stone thy couering sardius topatius and the iasper chrysolithus and onyx and berillus the sapphire and the carbuncle and the emerald gold the worke of thy beautie and thy pipes were prepared in the day that thou wast created † Thou Cherub streched out and protecting and I sette thee in the holie mount of God in the middes of fyrie stones thou hast walked † Perfect in thy wayes from the day of thy creation vntil iniquitie was found in thee † In the multitude of thy merchandise thyne inner partes were filled with iniquitie and thou didst sinne and I cast thee out from the mount of God and destroyed thee ô Cherub protecting out of the middes of the fyrie stones † And thy hart was eleuated in thy beautie thou hast lost thy wisedome in thy beautie I haue cast thee to the earth before the face of kinges I haue geuen thee that they might behold thee † In the multitude of thine iniquities in the iniquitie of thy merchandise thou hast polluted thy sanctification I wil therfore bring forth a fyre out of the middes of thee to eate thee and I wil make thee as ashes vpon the earth in the sight of al that see thee † Al that shal see thee in the Gentils shal be astonied vpon thee thou art become a thing of naught and thou shalt not be for euer † And the word of our Lord was made to me saying † Sonne of man set thy face against Sidon and thou shalt prophecie of it † and shalt say Thus saith our Lord God Behold I to thee Sidon and I wil be glorified in the middes of thee and they shal know that I am the Lord when I shal doe iudgements in it and shal be sanctified in it † And I wil send into it pestilence and bloud in the streetes therof the slaine shal fal in the middes therof by the sword round about and they shal know that I am the Lord. † And there shal be no more scandal of bitternes to the house of Israel and thorne causing payne on euerie side round about them that are against them and they shal know that I am the Lord God † Thus saith our Lord God When I shal haue gathered together the house of Israel out of the peoples in which they are dispersed I wil be sanctified in them before the Gentils and they shal dwel in their land which I gaue to my seruant Iacob † And they shal dwel therin secure and they shal build houses and shal plant vineyards and shal dwel confidently when I shal haue done iudgements in al that are their enemies round about they shal know that I am the Lord their God CHAP. XXIX The king of Aegypt shal be ouerthrowne 9. and the kingdom wasted fourtie yeares 13. It shal be repared to a meane state 17. And shal be geuen to the king of Babylon for his seruice in destroying Tyre IN the tenth yeare the tenth moneth the eleuenth day of the moneth the word of our Lord was made to me saying † Sonne of man set thy face against Pharao the king of Aegypt and thou shalt prophecie of him and of al Aegypt † Speake and thou shalt say Thus saith our Lord God Behold I to thee Pharao king of Aegypt thou great dragon which lyest in the middes of thy riuers and sayest The riuer is mine and I made it my selfe † And I wil put a bridle in thy iawes and I wil fasten the fishes of thy riuers to thy scales and I wil draw thee out of the middes of thy riuers and al thy fishes shal sticke to thy scales † And I wil cast thee forth into the desert and al the fishes of thy riuer thou shalt fal vpon the face of the earth thou shalt not be collected nor gathered together to the beasts of the earth and to the foules of the heauen haue I geuen thee to be deuoured † And al the inhabitants of Aegypt shal know that I am the Lord for that thou hast bene a staffe of reede to the house of Israel † When they tooke thee with the hand and thou wast broken and didst rent al their shoulder and they leaning vpon thee thou wast broken and didst dissolue al their reines † Therfore thus saith our Lord God Behold I wil bring vpon thee the sword and wil kil out of thee man and beast † And the Land of Aegypt shal be into a desert and into a wildernes and they shal know that I am the Lord for that thou hast sayd The riuer is mine and I made it † Therfore behold I to thee and to thy riuers and I wil geue the Land of Aegypt into desolations destroyed with the sword from the tower of Syene euen to the borders of Aethiopia † The foote of man shal not passe through it neither shal the foote of beast goe in it and it shal not be inhabited fourtie yeares † And I wil make the Land of Aegypt desert in the middes of desert lands the cities therof in the middes of cities ouerthrowen and they shal be desolate fourtie
and the toppe therof is eleuated among the thicke boughes † The waters haue nourished him the depth hath exalted him the riuers therof ranne out round about the rootes therof and he sent forth her riuers to al the trees of the countrie † Therfore was his height eleuated aboue al the trees of the countrie and his groues were multiplied and his boughes were eleuated because of manie waters † And when he had spred forth his shadow in his boughes al the foules of the heauen made nests and vnder his leaues al beasts of the forrests engendred and vnder his shadow dwelt the assemblie of verie manie nations † And he was most faire in his greatnes and in the enlarging of his groues for his roote was nere manie waters † The ceders were not higher then he in the paradise of God the firretrees matched not his toppe and the plane-trees were not equal to his boughes no tree of the paradise of God was likened to him and to his beautie † Because I made him beautiful and with manie thicke boughes and al the trees of pleasure that were in the paradise of God did emulate him † Therfore thus saith our Lord God For that he is extolled in height and hath geuen his toppe greene and thicke and his hart is eleuated in his height † I haue deliuered him into the handes of the strongest of the nations doing he shal doe to him according to his impietie I haue cast him out † And aliens and the most cruel of the nations shal cut him downe and shal throw him forth vpon the mountaines and in al valleis his boughes shal fal and his groues shal be broken on al rockes of the land and al the peoples of the earth shal depart from his shadow and shal leaue him † In his ruine dwelt al the foules of heauen and in his boughes were al the beasts of the fielde † For which cause there shal not be eleuated in their height al the trees of the waters neitheir shal they put their highnes among the wooddie and thicke ones neither shal they stand in their height al that are watered with waters because they are al deliuered into death to the lowest earth in the middes of the children of men to them that goe downe into the lake † Thus saith our Lord God In the day that he went downe to hel I brought in mourning I couered him with the depth and I stayed his riuers and kept in manie waters Libanus was made sad vpon him and al the trees of the filde were shaken † At the sound of his ruine I moued the Gentils when I brought him downe to hel with them that descended into the lake and al the trees of pleasure goodlie and glorious in Libanus al that were watered with waters were comfourted in the lowest earth † For they also shal goe downe with him to hel to the slaine by the sword and the arme of euerie one shal sitte vnder his shadow in the middes of the nations † To whom art thou likened ô thou noble and loftie among the trees of pleasure Behold thou a●t brought downe with the trees of pleasure to the lowest earth in the middes of the vncircumcised shalt thou sleepe with them that are slaine by the sword the same is Pharao and al his multitude saith our Lord God CHAP. XXXII The Prophet lamenteth the destruction of Aegypt 11. prosecuting his prophecie of the most lamentable destruction therof 17. foreshewing that the more it is exalted in strength and glorie so much more miserable shal be the fal therof AND it came to passe the twelth yeare in the twelth moneth in the first of the moneth the word of our Lord was made to me saying † Sonne of man take vp a lamentation vpon Pharao the king of Aegypt thou shalt say to him Thou art likened to the Lion of the Gentils and the dragon that is in the sea and thou didst strike with the horne in thy riuers and didst truble the waters with thy fete and didst conculcare their streames † Therfore thus saith our Lord God I wil spred my nette vpon thee in the multitude of manie peoples and I wil draw thee out in my nette † And I wil throw thee forth on the ground vpon the face of the filde wil I cast thee away and I wil make al the foules of heauen to dwel vpon thee and I wil fil of thee the beastes of al the earth † And I wil geue thy flesh vpon the moutaines and wil fil the litle hilles with thy corruption † And I wil water the earth with the stinche of thy bloud vpon the mountaines and the valleis shal be filled of thee † And I wil couer the heauens when thou shalt be extinguished and I wil make the starres therof to waxe blacke the sunne I wil couer with a cloude and the moone shal not geue her light † I wil make al the lightes of heauen to mourne vpon thee I wil geue darkenes vpon thy land saith our Lord God when thy wounded shal fal in the middes of the land saith our Lord God † And I shal prouoke to anger the hart of manie peoples when I shal haue brought in thy destruction in the Gentils vpon the landes which thou knowest no● † And I wil make manie peoples to be astonied vpon thee and their kinges with exceding horrour shal be afraid vpon thee when my sword shal beginne to flie vpon their faces and they shal be astonied sodenly euerie one for his life in the day of thy ruine † Because thus saith our Lord God † The sword of the king of Babylon shal come to thee in the swordes of the valients wil I ouerthrow thy multitude inuincible are al these Gentils and they shal waste the pride of Aegypt and the multitude therof shal be dissipated † And I wil destroy al the beasts therof that were vpon verie manie waters and the foote of man shal truble them no more neither shal the hoofe of beasts truble them † Then wil I make their waters most pure and their riuers I wil bring as oile saith our Lord God † When I shal haue made the Land of Aegypt desolate and the land shal be made desert of her fulnes when I shal haue strooken al the inhabitāts therof they shal know that I am the Lord. † It is lamentation and they shal lament it the daughters of the Gentils shal lament it vpon Aegypt and vpon the multitude therof they shal lament it saith our Lord God † And it came to passe in the twelfth yeare in the fiftenth of the moneth the word of our Lord was made to me saying † Sonne of man sing a mourning song vpon the multitude of Aegypt and plucke her downe herself and the daughters of the strong nations to the lowest earth with them that goe downe into the lake † Fayrer then whom art thou Descend and sleepe with the vncircumcised † In
Blesse our Lord ye fountaines prayse and superexalt him for euer † Seas and riuers blesse ye our Lord prayse and superexalt him for euer † Whales and al things that moue in the waters blesse ye our Lord prayse and superexalt him for euer † Blesse our Lord al ye foules of heauen prayse and superexalt him for euer † Al beasts and cattel blesse ye our Lord prayse and superexalt him for euer † Sonnes of men blesse ye our Lord prayse and superexalt him for euer † Let Israel blesse our Lord prayse and superexalte him for euer † Priests of our Lord blesse ye our Lord prayse and superexalt him for euer † Seruants of our Lord blesse ye our Lord prayse and superexalt him for euer † Spirits and soules of the iust blesse ye our Lord prayse and superexalt him for euer † Holie and humble of hart blesse ye our Lord prayse and superexalt him for euer † Ananias Azarias and Misael blesse ye our Lord prayse and superexalt him for euer Because he hath deliuered vs from hel and saued vs out of the hand of death and deliuered vs out of the middes of the burning flame and out of the middes of the fire hath he rid vs. † Confesse ye to our Lord because he is good because his mercie is for euer † Al religious blesse ye our Lord the God of goddes prayse and confesse ye to him because his mercie is vnto al worldes Hitherto it is not in the Hebrevv and that vvhich vve haue put is translated out of the Edition of Theodotion † Then Nabuchodonosor the king was astonied and he arose hastely said to his nobles Did we not cast three men fettered into the middes of the fire Who answering the king said It is true ô king † He answered and said Behold I see foure men loose and walking in the middes of the fire and there is no corruption in them the forme of the fourth is like to the sonne of God † Then came Nabuchodonosor to the doore of the fornace of burning fire and said Sidrach Misach Abdenago seruants of the high God goe ye forth and come And forthwith Sidrach Misach and Abdenago went out of the middes of the fire † And the nobles and the magistrates and iudges and the potentates of the king being gathered together beheld those men that the fire had no powre on their bodies not a heare of their head was singed yea their breeches were not altered the sent of the fire had not passed by them † And Nabuchodonosor breaking forth said Blessed be the God of them to witte of Sidrach Misach and Abdenago who hath sent his Angel and hath deliuered his seruants that beleued in him and they changed the kings word deliuered their bodies that they might not serue and might not adore anie god except their owne God † By me therfore this decree is made that euerie people tribe and tongue whatsoeuer shal speake blasphemie against the God of Sidrach Misach and Abdenago he perish and his house be wasted for there is none other God that can so saue † Then did the king promote Sidrach Misach and Abdenago in the prouince of Babylon † Nabuchodonosor the king to al peoples nations and tongues that dwel in the whole earth peace be multiplied vnto you † The high God hath wrought signes and meruelous thinges with me It hath pleased me therfore to publish † his signes because they are great and his meruels because they are strong and his kingdom an euerlasting kingdom his powre in generation and to genaration CHAP. IIII. King Nabuchodonosor hauing an other dreame telleth it to Daniel demanding of him the interpretation 16. who encoreged and warrented to speake freely sheweth that the king shal become like a beast in forme seuen yeares 28. the same is confirmed by a voice from heauen 30. and being fulfilled he is at last restored to his owne forme and state I Nabuchodonosor was quiet in my house and florishing in my palace † I saw a dreame that made me sore afrayd and my cogitations in my bed and the visions of my head disturbed me † And by me there was a decree setforth that al the wisemen of Babylon should be brought into my sight and that they should shew me the solution of the dreame † Then came in the southsayers magicians Chaldees and diuiners and I told the dreame in their sight the solution therof they shewed me not † til their collegue Daniel came into my fight whose name is Baltassar according to the name of my God who hath the spirit of the holie goddes in himself and I told the dreame before him † Baltassar prince of the southsayers because I know that thou hast the spirit of the holie goddes in thee and no secrete is impossible to thee tel thou the visions of my dreames which I haue sene and the solution of them † The vision of my head in my bed I saw and behold a tree in the middes of the earth and the height therof exceding † A great tree and strong and the height therof touching the heauen the sight therof was euen to the endes of al the earth † The leaues therof most fayre and the fruit therof exceding much and the foode of al thinges in it vnder it dwelt cattel and beasts and in the boughes therof conuersed the foules of heauen and of it al flesh did eate † I saw in the vision of my head vpon my bed behold a watchman and an holie one descended from heauen † He cried mightely and thus he sayd Cut ye downe the tree choppe of the boughes therof shake of the leaues therof and scatter the fruits therof let the beasts flie that are vnder it and the foules from the boughes therof † But yet leaue the spring of the rootes therof in the earth and let it be tyed with yron and brasen band among the grasse that is without and let it be dipped with the dew of heauen and with wild beasts his portion in the grasse of the earth † “ Let his hart be changed from humane let the hart of a wild beast be geuen him and let seuen times be changed ouer him † In the sentence of the watchman is the decree and the word of saintes and the petition til the liuing know that the hiegh one ruleth in the kingdom of men and to whom soeuer it shal please him he wil geue it the basest man he wil appoint ouer it † This dreame saw I Nabuchodonosor the king thou therfore ô Baltassar tel the interpretation quickly because al the wisemen of my kingdom can not declare the solution vnto me but thou canst because the spirit of holie goddes is in thee † Then Daniel whose name was Baltassar began secretely to thinke within himself as it were for one houre his cogitations trubled him But the king answering said Baltassar let not the dreame
her hart had confidence in our Lord. † And the ancients sayd When we walked alone in the orchard this woman came in with two maydes shut the doores of the orchard and she sent away the maydes from her † And a yongman that was hid came to her and lay with her † But we being in a corner of the orchard seeing the iniquitie ranne to them and saw them lie together † And him in deed we could not take because he was stronger then we and opening the doores he lept out † but her when we apprehended we asked what yongman it was and she would not tel vs of this thing we are witnesses † The multitude beleued them as the ancients and the iudges of the people and they condemned her to death But Susanna cried out with a lowd voice and sayd Eternal God which art the knower of hidden things before they come to passe † thou knowest that they haue borne false witnes against me and loe I dye wheras I haue done none of these thinges which these men haue maliciousely forged against me † And our Lord heard her voice † and when she was led to death our Lord raysed vp the holie spirit of a yong boy whose name was Daniel † and he cried out with alowd voice I am cleane from the bloud of this woman † And al the people turning to him sayd What is this word that thou hast spoken † Who when he stood in the middes of them sayd So folish ye children of Israel not iudgeing nor discerning that which is the truth haue you condemned the daughter of Israel † Returne ye to iudgement because they haue spoken false testimonie against her † The people therfore returned with speede and the ancients sayd to him Come and sitte in the middes of vs and tel vs because God hath geuen thee the honour of old age † And Daniel sayd to the people Separate them far one from an other and I wil discouer them † When they were therfore diuided one from the other he called one of them and said to him O thou inueterated of euil dayes now are thy sinnes come which thou didst committe before iudging vniust iudgements oppressing innocents and dismissing offenders our Lord saying The innocent and the iust thou shalt not kil † Now then if thou sawest her tel vnder what tree thou sawest them talking together Who sayd Vnder a schine tree † And Daniel sayd Wel hast thou lyed agaynst thine owne head for behold the Angel of God taking the sentence of him shal cut thee in the middes † And remouing him away he commanded that the other should come and he sayd to him Seede of Chanaan and not of Iuda beautie hath deceiued thee and concupiscence hath subuerted thy hart † so did you to the daughters of Israel and they fearing spake to you but the daughter of Iuda did not abide your iniquitie † Now therfore tel me vnder what tree thou tookest them speaking one to an other Who said Vnder a prine tree † And Daniel said to him Wel hast thou also lyed against thine owne head for the Angel of our Lord tarieth hauing a sword that he may cut thee in the middes and kil you † Therfore al the assemblie cried out with a lowd voice and they blessed God which saueth them that hope in him † And they rose vp against the two elders for Daniel had conuinced them by their owne mouth to haue geuen false testimonie and they did to them as they had dealt naughtely against their neighbour † to doe according to the law of Moyses they killed them and innocent bloud was saued in that day † But Helcias and his wyfe praysed God for their daughter Susanna with Ioakim her husband and al her kinne because there was no vnhonest thing found in her † And Daniel became great in the sight of the people from that day thence forward † And king Astyages was layd to his fathers Cyrus the Persian receiued his kingdom CHAP. XIIII Daniel detecteth the fraud of Bels priestes who pretend that Bel eateth much meate 21. for which they are slaine and the idol destroyed 22. Likewise he destroyeth a dragon which the Babylonians held for a god 27. He is cast into the lake of seuen lions 32. whithet Habacuc miraculously bringeth him meate 39. the lions hurt him not his accusers are deuoured AND Daniel was the kings ghest and honoured aboue al his freindes † There was also an idol among the Babylonians named Bel and there were bestowed on him euerie day of floure twelue a●ctabaes and fourtie sheepe and of wine six great pottes † The king also did worshipe him and went euery day to adore him But Daniel adored his God the king sayd to him Why dost thou not adore Bel. † Who answering sayd to him Because I worshipe not idols made with hand but the liuing God that created heauen and earth and hath powre ouer al flesh † And the king sayd to him Doeth not Bel some vnto thee to be a liuing God Seest thou not how much he eateth and drinketh euerie day † And Daniel smiling sayd Be not deceiued ô king For this same is within of clay and without of brasse neither hath he eaten at any time † And the king being wrath called his priests sayd to them Vnlesse you tel me who it is that eateth these expenses you shal dye † But if you shew that Bel eateth these things Daniel shal dye because he hath blasphemed against Bel. And Daniel sayd to the king Be it done according to thy woord † And the priests of Bel were seuentie beside their wiues and litle ones children And the king came with Daniel into the temple of Bel. † And the priestes of Bel sayd Behold we goe forth thou ô king set the meates mingle the wine shut the doore seale it with thy ring † and when thou shalt come in the morning vnles thou finde al eaten of Bel dying we wil dye or Daniel that hath lyed against vs. † And they contemned because they had made vnder the table a secrete entrance by it they came in alwayes and deuoured those thinges † It came to passe therfore after they were gone out the king set the meates before Bel Daniel commanded his seruants and they brought ashes and he sifted them ouer al the temple before the king and going forth they shut the doore and sealing it with the kings ring they departed † But the priestes went in by night according to their custome and their wiues and their children and they did eate and drinke al. † And the king arose in the first breake of day and Daniel with him † And the king sayd Are the seales safe Daniel Who answered Safe ô king † And forth with when he had opened the doore the king looking on the table cried out with a lowd
thy God out of the Land of Aegypt I wil yet make thee sitte in tabernacles as in the dayes of festiuitie † And I haue spoken vpon the prophets and I haue multiplied vision and in the hand of the prophets I haue bene resembled † If an idol in Galaad then in vaine were they in Galgal immolating with oxen for their altars also as heapes vpon the furrowes of the filde † Iacob fled into the countrie of Syria and Israel serued for a wife and for a wife he kept her † But by a prophete our Lord brought Israel out of Aegypt and by a prophete he was preserued † Ephraim hath prouoked me to wrath in his bitternes and his bloud shal come vpon him and his reproch his Lord wil restore to him CHAP. XIII For their obstinacie in idolatrie 7. greatest plagues are threatned 10. from which none shal be able to deliuer them 14. But at last Christ coming wil redeme al by his death EPHRAIM speaking horrour inuaded Israel and he sinned in Baal and died † And now they haue added to sinne and they haue made to themselues a molten of their siluer as it were the similitude of idols the whole is the worke of craftesmen the these they say Immolate men adoring calues † Therfore they shal be as a morning cloude and as a morning dew passing away as dust caught with a whirlewind out of the floore and as smoke out of the chimnie † But I the Lord thy God out of the Land of Aegypt and God beside me thou shalt not know and there is no Sauiour beside me † I knew thee in the desert in the land of wildernes † According to their pustures they were filled and were made ful they haue lifted vp their harr and haue forgotten me † And I wil be vnto them as a lionesse as a leopard in the way of the Assyrians † I wil meete them as a beare her yong being violently taken away and I wil breake in sunder the inner partes of their liuer and wil consume them there as a lion the beast of the filde shal teare them † Perdition is thine ô Israel onlie in me thy helpe † Where is thy king Now especially let him saue thee in al thy cities thy iudges of whom thou saydst Geue me kinges and princes † I wil geue thee a king in my furie and wil take him away in mine indignation † The iniquitie of Ephraim is bound together his sinne is hidden † The sorowes of a woman in trauel shal come to him he a sonne not wise for now he shal not stand the confraction of the children † Out of the hand of death I wil deliuer them from death I wil redeme them I wil be thy death ô death thy bitte wil I be ô hel consolation is hidden from mine eyes † Because he shal diuide betwen bretheren our Lord wil bring a burning winde rising from the desert and it shal drie vp his vaines and shal make his fountaine desolate and he shal spoyle the treasure of euerie vessel that is to be desired CHAP. XIIII The prophet forewarning the people of their future afflictions 2. exhorteth them to repentance and confession of their sinnes 5. foreshewing that God wil geue much grace to the penitent 10. Al which mysteries only the godlie wise shal vnderstand LET Samaria perish because she hath stirred vp her God to bitternes let them perish by the sword let their litle ones be dashed and let the wemen with child be cut in sunder † Conuert ô Israel to our Lord thy God because thou art fallen in thine iniquitie † Take wordes with you and conuert to our Lord and say to him Take away al iniquitie and receiue good and we wil render the calues of our lippes † Assur shal not saue vs we wil not mount vpon horse neither wil we say any more Our goddes the worke of our handes because thou wilt haue mercie on that pupil which is in thee † I wil heale their confractions I wil loue them voluntarily because my furie is auerted from them † I wil be as dew Israel shal spring as the lillie and his roote shal breake forth as that of Libanus † His boughes shal goe and his glorie shal be as the oliuetree and his smel as of Libanus † They shal be conuerted that sitte vnder his shadow they shal liue with wheate and they shal spring as a vine his memorial as the wine of Libanus † Ephraim what haue I to doe any more with idols I wil heare and I wil direct him as a verdant firretree out of me thy fruit is found † Who is wise and shal vnderstand these thinges of vnderstanding and shal know these thinges because the wayes of our Lord be right and the iust shal walke in them but preuaricatours shal fal in them THE PROPHECIE OF IOEL IOEL the sonne of Phatuel borne in Bethoron of the tribe of Issachar prophecied the same time or part therof with Osee according to S. Ieromes rule approued by most expositers that when anie of these twelue Prophetes expresseth not what time he writte the same time is vnderstood which the precedent prophet noteth He prophecied to the kingdom of Iuda as appeareth by expresse mention of Sacrifice Priestes house of God Ierusalem and Sion but describeth also the whole land of twelue tribes consumed by the Eruke Locust Bruke and Blast And after the euersion of the former people the coming of the Holie Ghost vpon the seruants of God men and wemen the 120. faithful gathered in the chamber in Sion Finally foreshewing the general Iudgement and future eternal world CHAP. I. The Chaldees shal miserably waste the kingdom of Iuda 9. take away sacrifice by destroying the temple 10. and so make the land barren spiritually and temporally THE word of our Lord that was made to Ioel the sonne of Phatuel † Heare this ye ancients and harken with your eares al ye inhabitants of the land if this hath bene done in your dayes or in the dayes of your fathers † Vpon this tel you to your children and your children to their children and their childred to an other generation † “ The residue of the eruke hath the locust eaten the residue of the locust hath the bruke eaten and the residue of the bruke hath the blast eaten † Awake you that be drunke and weepe and how le al ye that drinke wine in sweetnes because it is perished from your mouth † For a nation is ascended vpon my land strong innumerable his teeth as the teeth of a lion and his checkteeth as of a lions whelpe † He hath layd my vineyard into a desert and hath pilled of the barke of my figtree stripping he hath spoiled it and cast it forth the boughes therof are made white † Mourne as a virgin girded with sackcloth vpon the husband of her
and the image of your idols the starre of your God which you made to your selues † And I wil make you remoue beyond Damascus saith our Lord the God of hostes is his name CHAP. VI. For the auarice and luxurie of both kingdomes 7. they shal be caried into captiuitie VVO TO you that are rich in Sion and haue confidence in the mountaine of Samaria ye great men heads of the peoples going stately into the house of Israel † Passe ye into Chalane and see goe ye thence into Emath the great and descend into Geth of the Palestines and to al the best kingdoms of these if their border be larger then your border † You that are seperated vnto the euil day and approch to the throne of iniquitie † You that sleepe in beds of iuorie and play the wantons in your couches that eate the lambe out of the flocke and calues out of the middes of the heard † You that sing to the voice of the psalter as Dauid they haue thought themselues to haue the instruments of song † That drinke wine in phials and are annoynted with the best oyntment and they suffered nothing vpon the contrition of Ioseph † Wherfore now they shal goe in the head of them that goe in transmigration and the faction of the wantons shal be taken away † The Lord God hath sworne by his soule saith our Lord the God of hostes I detest the pride of Iacob and I hate his houses and I wil deliuer vp the citie with the inhabitants therof † And if there shal be left tenne men in one house they also shal dye † And his kinsman shal take him vp and shal burne him that he may carie the bones out of the house and he shal say to him that is in the inner parts of the house Is there yet with thee † And he shal answer There is an end And he shal say to him Hold thy peace remember not the name of our Lord. † Because loe our Lord hath commanded and he wil strike the greater house with ruins and the lesser house with clefts † Why can horses runne vpon rockes or can there be ploughing with buffles because you haue turned iudgement into bitternes and the fruite of iustice into worme wood † Which reioyce in thinges of naught which say Why haue not we taken vnto vs hornes in our owne strength † For behold I wil rayse vp from you ô house of Israel saith our Lord the God of hostes a nation and they shal destroy you from the entrance of Emath euen to the torrent of the desert CHAP. VII In three visions manie miseries are reueled which shal come vpon both the kingdomes 10. A false priest of Bethel accusing the prophet of sedition and endeuouring to chase him away 14. is by him forewarned of miseries to his familie and death to himself THESE thinges hath our Lord God shewed to me and loe the former of the locust in the beginning of thinges that spring of the later rayne and behold the later rayne after the kings mowing † And it came to passe after it had finished to eate the grasse of the land I sayd O Lord God be propicious I beseech thee who shal rayse vp Iacob because he is a litle one † Our Lord hath had pitie vpon this It shal not be sayth our Lord. † These thinges hath our Lord God called iudgement vnto c fyre and it deuoured the great depth and it did eate a part together † And I sayd Lord God be quiet I besech thee who shal rayse vp Iacob because he is a litle one † Our Lord had pitie vpon this Yea this also shal not be sayth our Lord God † These thinges hath our Lord shewed to me and loe our Lord standing vpon a wal plastered and in his hand a masons truel † And our Lord sayd to me What seest thou Amos And I sayd A masons truel And our Lord sayd Behold I wil lay downe the truel in the middes of my people Israel I wil adde no more to plaster it ouer † And the excelses of the idol shal be throwen dowen and the sancrifications of Israel shal be made desolate and I wil rise vpon the house of Ieroboam with the sword † And Amasias the priest of Bethel sent to Ieroboam the king of Israel saying Amos hath rebelled against thee in the middes of the house of Israel the land wil not be able to susteyne al his wordes † For thus saith Amos Ieroboam shal dye by the sword and Israel shal depart captiue out of their land † And Amasias sayd to Amos Thou that seest goe flee into the land of Iuda eate bread there and thou shalt prophecie there † And in Bethel thou shalt adde no more to prophecie because it is the sanctification of the king and it is the house of the kingdom † And Amos answered and sayd to Amasias I am not a prophete and I am not the sonne of a prophet but an heardsman am I plucking sycomores † And our Lord tooke me when I folowed the flocke and our Lord sayd to me Goe prophecie to my people Israel † And now heare the word of our Lord Thou sayest Thou shalt not prophecie vpon Israel and thou shalt not distil vpon the house of the idol † Therfore thus saith our Lord Thy wife shal fornicate in the citie and thy sonnes and thy daughters shal fal by the sword thy ground shal be measured with a corde and thou shalt dye in a polluted land and Israel shal depart captiue out of their land CHAP. VIII In a vision of an apple hooke the captiuitie of the tenne tribes is againe foreshewed 4. with reprehension of their auarice and oppression of the poore 7. for which they shal fal into great miseries THESE thinges hath our Lord shewed to me and behold an apple hooke † And he sayd What seest thou Amos And I sayd An apple hooke And our Lord sayd to me The end cometh vpon my people Israel I wil adde no more to passe them † And the henges of the temple shal creake in that day saith our Lord God manie shal dye in euerie place shal silence be cast † Heare this you that tread downe the poore make the needie of the land to fayle † saying When wil the moneth passe and we shal sel wares and the Sabbath and we open the corne that we may diminish the measure and increase the sicle and conuey in deceitful balances † that we may for siluer possesse the needie and the poore for shoes and may sel the refuse of the corne † Our Lord hath sworne agaynst the pride of Iacob If I shal forget euen to the end al their workes † Why shal not the land be moued vpon this and euerie inhabitant therof mourne and rise vp as a riuer altogether and be cast out and runne downe to the riuer of Aegypt † And
† And they diswaded him saying We are not able but let vs saue our liues now and returne to our brethren and then we wil fight against them and we are few † And Iudas sayd God forbid we should doe this thing to flee from them and if our time be neere let vs dye manfully for our bretheren and let vs not stayne our glorie † And the armie moued out of the campe and they stood to meete them and the horsemen were diuided into two parts and the slingers and the archers went before the armie and of the foreward al mightie † And Bacchides was in the right wing and the legion approched on two sides and they sounded with trumpets † and they also cried out that were on Iudas side euen they also and the earth was moued at the voice of the armies and the battel was fought from morning euen vntil the euening † And Iudas saw that the stronger part of the armie was on the right hand al the stout of hart came together with him † and the right side was discomfited of them and he pursewed them euen to the mount of Azotus † And they that were in the left wing saw that the right wing was discomfited and they folowed after Iudas and them that were with him at the backe † and the battel grew sore and there fel manie wounded of these and of them † And Iudas was slaine and the rest fled † And Ionathas and Simon tooke Iudas their brother and buried him in the sepulcher of their fathers in the citie Modin † And al the people of Israel lamented him with great lamentation and they mourned manie dayes † and sayd How is the mightie fallen that saued the people of Israel † And the rest of the wordes of Iudas battels and of the valient acts that he did and of his greatnes are not described for they were exceding manie † And it came to passe after the death of Iudas there came forth the wicked men in al the costs of Israel and there arose al that wrought iniquitie † In those dayes was made an exceding great famine and al their countrie with themselues yelded to Bacchides † And Bacchides chose the impious men and appointed them lords of the countrie † and they sought out and searched for the freindes of Iudas and brought them to Bacchides and he tooke reuenge on them scorned them † And there was made great tribulation in Israel such as was no● since the day that there was no prophete seene in Israel † And al the freinds of Iudas gathered and sayd to Ionathas † Since thy brother Iudas died there is not a man like vnto him to goe forth against the enemies Bacchides them that are the enemies of our nation † Now therfore thee haue we chosen this day to be for him our prince and captayne to wage our battel † And Ionathas tooke vpon him at that time the princedom and arose in the place of Iudas his brother † And Bacchides vnderstood it and sought to kil him † And Ionathas vnderstood it Simon his brother and al that were with them and they fled into the desert of Thecua and they pitched by the water of the lake Asphar † And Bacchides vnderstood it and in the day of the Sabbaths came him self and al his armie ouer Iordan † And Ionathas sent his brother captayne of the people to desire the Nabutheians his freindes that they would lend him their prouision which was copious † And the children of Iambri issued forth of Madaba and tooke Iohn and al thinges that he had and went away hauing them † After these wordes it was told Ionathas and Simon his brother that the children of Iambri make a great mariage and bring the bride out of Madaba the daughter of one of the great princes of Chanaan with great pompe † And they remembred the bloud of Iohn their brother and they went vp and hid them selues vnder the couert of the mountayne † And they lifted vp their eyes and saw and loe a tumult and great preparation and the bridegrome came forth and his freindes and his bretheren to meete them with timbrils and musical instruments and manie weapons † And they rose vpon them out of the embushement and slew them and there fel manie wounded the rest fled into the mountaines and they tooke al the spoiles of them † the mariage was turned into mourning and the voice of their musical instruments into lamentation † And they tooke reuenge of the bloud of their brother they returned to the banke of Iordan † And Bacchides heard it and he came on the day of the Sabbaths euen to the brinke of Iordan with a great powre † And Ionathas sayd to his companie Let vs arise and fight against our enemies for it is not to day as yesterday and the day before † For loe battel directly against vs and the water of Iordan on this side and on that side bankes and marrises and forests and there is no place to turne aside † Now therfore crie ye vnto heauen that you may be deliuered out of the hand of your enemies And battel was ioyned † And Ionathas stretched forth his hand to strike Bacchides and he turned aside from him backwards † And Ionathas lept aside and they that were with him into Iordan and they swame ouer Iordan to them † and there fel of Bacchides part that day a thousand men and they returned into Ierusalem † and built fensed cities in Iurie the fortresse that was in Iericho and in Ammaum in Bethoron and in Bethel and Thamnata and Phara and Thopo with high walles and gates and lockes † And he placed a garrison in them that they might exercise emnities against Israel † and he fensed the citie Bethsura and Gazara and the castel and set garisons in them and prouision of victuals † and he tooke the sonnes of the princes of the countrie for hostages put them in the castel in Ierusalem into ward † And in the yeare an hundred fiftie three the second moneth Alcimus commanded the walles of the inner holie house to be destroyed and the workes of the prophets to be destroyed and he began to destroy † In that time was Alcimus strooken and his workes were stayed and his mouth was stopped and he was dissolued with the palsey neither could he speake a word any more and geue commandement touching his house † And Alcimus died at that time with great torment † And Bacchides saw that Alcimus was dead and he returned to the king and the land was quiet for two yeares † And al the wicked thought saying Behold Ionathas and they that are with him dwel in silence securely now therfore let vs bring Bacchides and he shal take them al in one night † And they went and gaue him counsel † And he arose to come with a great armie and he sent secretly
geue you spirit and soule and life and the members of euerie one I my selfe framed not † But in deede the Creator of the world that hath formed the natiuitie of man and that inuented the origine of al he wil restore againe with mercie vnto you spirit and life as now you despise your selues for his lawes † But Antiochus thinking himselfe contemned and withal despising the voice of the vpbrayder when the yonger was yet aliue he did not only exhort with wordes but also with oth he affirmed that he would make him rich happie and being turned from the lawes of his fathers he would account him a freind and geue him thinges necessarie † But when the yong man was not inclined to these thinges the king called the mother and counselled her to deale with the yong man to saue his life † And when he had exhorted her in manie wordes she promised that she would counsel her sonne † Therfore bending towards him mocking the cruel tyrant she sayd in her countrie language My sonne haue pitie on me which haue borne thee in my wombe nine moneths and gaue thee milke for three yeares and nourished thee and brought thee vnto this age † I beseech thee my sonne that thou looke to heauen and earth and to al thinges that are in them and vnderstand that God of nothing made them and mankinde † so shal it come to passe that thou wilt not feare this tormenter but being made a worthie partaker with thy bretheren take thou death that in that mercie I may receiue thee againe with thy bretheren † When she as yet was saying these thinges the yong man sayd For whom stay you I obey not the commandement of the king but the commandement of the law which was geuen vs by Moyses † But thou that art become the inuenter of al malice against the Hebrewes shal not escape the hand of God † For we for our sinnes doe suffer these thinges † And if the Lord our God hath bene angrie with vs a litle for rebuke correction yet he wil be reconciled againe to his seruants † But thou ô wicked and of al men most flagicious be not in vaine extolled with vaine hopes inflamed against his seruantes † For thou hast not yet escaped the iudgement of the almightie God and him that beholdeth al thinges † For my bretheren hauing now susteyned short payne are become vnder the testament of eternal life but thou by the iudgement of God shalt receiue iust punishment for thy pride † And I as also my brethren doe yeld my life and my bodie for the lawes of our fathets inuocating God to be propicious to our nation quickly and that thou with torments and stripes maist confesse that he onlie is God † But in me and in my brethren shal the wrath of the Almightie cease which hath iustly bene brought vpon al our stocke † Then the king incensed with anger raged against him more cruelly aboue al the rest taking it grieuously that he was mocked † And this same therfore died vnspotted wholy trusting in our Lord. † And last of al after the sonnes the mother also was consumed † Therfore of the sacrifices and of the exceeding cruelties there is ynough sayd CHAP. VIII Iudas Machabeus with six thousand men commendîng their cause to God 6. prospereth in battel 8. Philippe soliciting for more helpe Nicanor and Gorgias are sent with twentie thousand men against Iudas 12. whose men beginning to feare and some flying he encoregeth the rest 19. reciting manie examples of Gods assistance 22. disposeth his armie and pr●uayleth 30. killing manie of Timothees and Bacchide● men 34. The principal hardly escaping by flight acknowlege that God protecteth the lewes BVT Iudas Machabeus and they that were with him went in secretely into the townes and calling together their kinsemen and taking vnto them those that continewed in Iudaisme they brought out to them six thousand men † And they inuocated our Lord that he would haue respect vnto his people that was troden of al and would haue mercie on the temple that was cotaminated of the impious † he would haue pitie also vpon the destruction of the citie which was forth with to be made flat with the ground and would heare the voice of the bloud crying to him † he would remember also the most vniust deathes of innocent children and the blasphemies done to his name and would take indignation for them † But Machabeus hauing gathered a multitude became intolerable to the heathen for the wrath of our Lord was turned into mercie † And coming vpon the castels and cities vnlooked for he burnt them taking commodious places he made not few slaughters of the enemies † and especially in the nightes he was caried to such excursions and the fame of his manlines was spred abrode euerie where † But Philip seing the man to come forward by litle and litle and that thinges for the more part succeeded with him prosperously wrote to Ptolomee the gouernour of Coelesyria and Phoenicia to geue ayde to the kinges affaires † And he with spede sent Nicanor the sonne of Patroclus of the principals of his freindes geuing him of the nations mingled together no lesse then twentie thousand armed men to destroy vtterly al the stocke of the Iewes adioyning also vnto him Gorgias a man of warre and in martial affayres of very great experience † And Nicanor appointed that he would supplie vnto the king the tribute that was to be geuen to the Romanes two thousand talents out of the captiuitie of the Iewes † and forthwith he sent to the cities by the sea side calling men together to the buying of the Iewish slaues promising that he would sel ninetie slaues for a talent not looking to the vengeance which was to folow him from the Almightie † But Iudas when he vnderstood it shewed to those Iewes that were with him the coming of Nicanor † Of whom certaine fearing and not crediting the iustice of God fled away † and others if they had any thing left sold it withal be sought our Lord that he would deliuer them from the impious Nicanor who had sold them before he came neere them † and if not for them yet for the testament that was with their fathers and for the inuocation of his holie magnifical name vpon them † But Machabeus calling together seuen thousand that were with him desired that they would not be reconciled to the enemies nor feare the multitude of the enemies coming against them vniustly but would fight manfully † hauing before their eyes the contume lie that was vniustly done by them to the holie place and moreouer the iniurie also of the citie being made a laughing stocke besides also the ordinances of the ancesters broken † For they in dede trust to their weapons sayd he and to their boldnes also but we trust in the Almightie Lord who can vtterly destroy
went against Gorgias the gouernour of Idumea † And he went forth with footemen three thousand and horsemen foure hundred † Who buckling together it chanced few of the Iewes to be slayne † But Dositheus one of the Bacenors an horseman a valiant man held Gorgias and wheras he would haue taken him aliue a certayne horseman of the Thracians came vpon him and cut of his shoulder and so Gorgias escaped into Maresa † But they that were with Esdrin fighting long and being wearied Iudas inuocated our Lord to be their helper and captayne of the battel † beginning in his countrey language and with hymmes raising a crie draue Gorgias souldiars into flight † And Iudas hauing gathered an armie came into the citie Odollam when the seuenth day came on being purifyed according to the custome they kept the Sabbath in the same place † And the day folowing Iudas came with his companie to take away the bodies of them that were ouerthrowen and with their kinsmen to lay them in the sepulchers of their fathers † And they found vnder the coates of the slayne some of the donaryes of the idols that were in Iamnia from which the lawe forbiddeth the Iewes therfore it was made playne to al that for that cause they were slayne † Al therfore blessed the iust iudgement of our Lord who had made manifest the hidden thinges † And so turning to prayers they besought him that the same offence which was committed might be forgotten But the most valient Iudas exhorted the people to keepe themselues without sinne seing before their eyes what was done because of the sinnes of them that were ouerthrowen † And making a gathering he sent twelue thousand drachmes of siluer to Ierusalem for sacrifice to be offered for sinne wel and religiously thinking of the resurrection † for vnles he hoped that they that were slaine should rise againe it should seeme superfluous and vaine to pray for the dead † And because he considered that they which had taken their sleepe with godlines had very good grace layd vp for them † “ It is therfore a holie and healthful cogitation to pray for the dead that they may be loosed from sinnes ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XII 46 It is a holie and healthful cogitation to pray for the dead The Catholique beleefe doctrine and practise of praying for the dead is so euidently confirmed by this place that our aduersaries haue no better shift to auoide the same then by denying these bookes to be Canonical Scripture VVhich being authentically proued it may here suffice to adde that albeit the Greke text as in other innumerable places differeth from the Latin yet it is no lesse clere for this doctrin VVhich in English is thus v 45. Regarding or considering that grace is layde vp for them that sleepe or dye in pietie tovvitte in true faith and repentance in the next verse 46. inferreth thus VVherupon he Iudas Machabeus made reconciliation or expiation for the dead that they might be deliuered or loosed from their sinne that is from punishment for sinne Omitting therfore multitude of other proofes vve vvil here only cite tvvo great Doctors who with others teach that the denial of this particular point of religion is a condemned heresie S. Augustin li. de Haeresib haer 53. noteth this for a special heresie saying Aerians are named of one Aerius vvho being a priest and taking it greuously that he could not be ordained a Bishop falling into the heresie of the Arrians added some proper doctrines of his ovvne saying that vve ought not to pray nor offer sacrifice for the dead Likevvise S. Bernard Ser. 66 in Cantica in plaine termes saith they are heretikes vvhich beleue not that there is purgatorie fire after death but that the soule departing from the bodie goeth forthvvith either to rest or to damnation Let them then saith he aske of him vvho saide There is some sinne that shal not be forgeuen neither in this vvorld nor in the future why he sayd this if there remaine no remission and purgation of sinne in the future vvorld He therfore aduiseth al to bevvare of such seducers saying See the detracters see the dogges They deride vs because vve baptize infantes for that vve pray for the dead It is also most vvorthie of consideration that Iudas Machabeus vvho did this charitable act for his souldiars slaine in the holie vvarres vvas the High priest or chief Bishop of the Church at that time and defender of true faith and Religion Finally vve may also obserue that he did not anie nevv thing but practised the vsual custome of the vvhole Church For so it appeareth by their sette forme of Office for the dead called HASCHABAH that is Rest or prayer for rest in their booke MAHZOR translated and set forth by Bishop Genebrard in the yeare of our Lord. 1569. VVhere are these expresse supplications Requiescat anima ipsius in cubili suo iaceat in pace dormiat in pace His or her soule rest in his bed lye and slepe in peace Againe Ye Angels of peace come forth to mete him c. And that the Ievves this day vse to pray for the dead is a clere thing and confessed by Protestantes namely Munsterus and Fagius in their Annotations vpon the 14. of Deut. and M. VVhitaker in his first booke against F. Dureus fol 81. CHAP. XIII Menelaus a fugitiue Iewe is put to death 9. Antiochus with his great armie is defeated twise with losse of manie men 23. Philippe rebelling peace is renewed 24. And Iudas is made Lord of Ptolemais IN the yeare an hundred fourtie nine Iudas vnderstood that Antiochus Eupator came with a multitude agaynst Iurie † and with him Lysias the procuratour and cheefe ouer the affayres hauing with him of footemen an hundred tenne thousand of horsemen fiue thousand elephants twentie two chariots with hookes three hundred † And Menelaus also ioyned him selfe with them and with much deceite besought Antiochus not for the weale of his contrie but hoping that he should be appoynted to the principalitie † But the king of kinges stirred vp Antiochus mind against the sinner Lysias suggesting that he was the cause of al the euils he commanded as the custome is with them that being apprehended he should be killed in the same place † And there was in the same place a tower of fiftie cubites hauing an heape of ashes on euerie side this had a prospect steepe downe † From thence he commanded the sacrilegious person to be throwne downe into the ashes al thrusting him forward to death † And by such law it chanced the transgressour of the law to dye Menelaus not to be put into the earth † And in deede very iustly because he committed manie offences toward the altar of God the fyre and ashes wherof was holie himself was condemned into the death of ashes † But the king furiouse in mind came to shew
wombe Ch. 33. v. 14. Behold the dayes wil come sayth our Lord and I wil rayse vp the good word v. 15. I wil make the spring of iustice to bud forth vnto Dauid he shal do iudgement and iustice in the earth Ieremies Lamentations are in greatest part of Christ and his Church And some part can hardly be applied to anie other ch 3. v. 30. He shal geue the cheke to him that striketh him he shal be filled with reproches ch 4. v. 20. Christ our Lord is taken in our sinnes Baruch 2. v. 35. God promising to reduce the people from Babylon addeth And I wil establish vnto them an other testament euerlasting by Christ whose kingdom is for euer that I be their God and they shal be my people Ch. 3. v. 36. This is our God and there shal none other be esteemed against him v. 38. After these thinges he was sene vpon the earth and was conue●sant with men Ezechiel peculiarly called by an Angel the sonne of man was therin a special figure of our Sauiour who so calleth him self And the same prophet hath in plaine termes foreshewed the office of Christ the true Pastor of al pastors eh 34. v. 25. I wil sayth God by this prophet rayse vp ouer them one Pastor who shal feede them my seruant Dauid that is Christ prefigured by Dauid His admirable visions in the three first chapters and nine last perteyne properly and principally to the new Testament of Christ and his Church shewing the abundance of grace and glorie geuen by him to the elect Daniel 7. v. 13. With the cloudes of heauen there came in as it were the Sonne of man and he came euen to the ancient of dayes and in his sight they offered him He came euen to the ancient of dayes because in his Diuinitie he is equal to the Father and in his humanitie he is offered to God in Sacrifice v. 14 His powre is eternal and his kingdom shal not be corrupted ch 9. v. 24. Seuentie wekes of yeares are abridged that sinnes may be forgeuen grace be infused prophecies be fulfilled and the Holie one of holies be annointed Al which belong only to Christ. v. 26. After sixtie two wekes Christ shal be slaine Aggeus 2. v. 8. The desired of al nations shal come Zach. 3. v. 8. I wil bring my seruant the Orient ch 13. v. 7. Strike the Pastour and the shepe shal be dispersed fulfilled in Christs Passion Mat. 26. v. 21. Mala●h 3. v. 2. Forthwith shal come to his temple the Dominator whom you seke the Angel of the testament whom ye desire The booke of wisdom ch 2. v. 12. describeth the malice of the wicked against Christ Let vs say they circumuent the iust because he is vnprofitable to vs and he is contrarie to our workes and reprochfully obiecteth to vs the sinnes of the law v. 13. He boasteth that he hath the knowlege of God and nameth him self the Sonne of God Ecclesiasticus 24. v. 34. God appointed to Dauid his seruant to raise vp a king of him most strong and sitting in the throne of honour for euer Which eternal king proceeding from Dauid can be none but Christ our Sauiour And al the praises of Pa●riarches and Prophetes in the last eight chapters consist in their fayth and expectation of Christ Likewise the Priestes and people 1. Mach. 14. v. 28. 35. and 49. shewed their fayth of Christ to come when they established Simon and his progenie in the gouernment and highpriesthood for euer til there rise the faithful Prophet to witte the Prophet of whom al the prophetes did speake Luc. 24 v. 27. Amongst the rest Ieremie ch 31. v. 23. and Ezechiel ch 44. v. 2. make also especial mention of some singular priuileges of the most excellent virgin Mother of God Of whom also Iudith and Esther were apparent figures who receiued special graces for the benefite of their nation and so did this singular Virgin receiue of God most eminent giftes aboue al other mere creatures for the benefite of the whole Church Of Angels the celestial spirites is frequent mention in the holie Scriptures of this age Their multitude is innumerable and therfore are insinuated to men by general termes Daniel 7. v. 10. Thousandes of thousandes ministered to him and tenne thousand hundred thousandes assisted him And their powre is most great and to men most profitable An Angel defended the three children in the fornace walking with them in the fire Daniel 3. v. 49 95. Another defended Daniel from the lions ch 6. v. 22. The same or an other caried Habacuc from Iurie into Babylon Dan. 14. v. 35. and restored him in his place againe v. 38. The Archangel Gabriel instructed Daniel ch 8. v. 16. 17. ch 9. v. 21. And ch 10. v. 13. 20. Other Angels the Patrones or Guardians of the Persians and Grecians prayed for those countries and S. Michael v. 21. for the Iewes An Angle spake in Zacharie ch 1. v. 9. An other Angel went to mete him ch 2. v. 3. And in respect of Angelical offices both S. Iohn Baptist and our Sauiour himself are figuratiuely called Angeles Malach. 3. v. 1 No meruel therfore that Iudas Machabeus and his armie 2. Machab. 11. v 6. prayed for the assistance of a good Angel which was granted them v. 8. And so they went promptly hauing an helper from heauen v. 10. Their like prayer had the same effect in an other battel 2. Machab. 15 v. 27. Contrarie to these glorious Angeles are other spirites at first created in grace which falling into pride and most obstinate malice are perpetual enimies to God their Creator and to al mankind continually calumniating the workes of God and of al his seruantes wherof they are called Diuels or calumniators They neuer cease tempting al they can to euil so to bring men to eternal death For by the enuie of the diuel Sap. 2. v. 7. death both of soule bodie came into this world The iust stipend of sinne Al sinnes offend God and please the diuels But more particularly they desire to be honored as God with Sacrifice Which therfore they require to themselues and their idols And for this sinne of Idolatrie aboue al others God is most prouoked to wrath for the same most especially punished his people as the Prophet Baruch chap. 4. v. 6. signifieth to the people saying You are sold to the Gentils c. You are deliuered to their aduersaries and geuing the reason why he addeth v. 7. For you haue exasperated him that made you the eternal God immolating to diuels And not to God The same al the Prophetes teach and withal that Sacrifice is the souereigne seruice due to God only and not to any creature how excellent soeuer But of Sacrifice there is so much written that it were ouer long and nedeles to recite the places It importeth more
† for the euiles which thou hast sene to haue chanced now worse then these wil they doe againe † for looke how much the world shal become weake by age so much shal euiles be multiplied vpon the inhabitants † For truth hath remoued it self farther of and lying hath approched for now the vision which thou sawest hasteneth to come † And I answered and sayd before thee ô Lord † For behold I wil goe as thou hast commanded me wil rebuke the people that now is But them that shal yet be borne who shal admonish † The world therfore is set in darknes and they that dwel in it without light † Because thy law is burnt therefore no man knoweth the workes that haue bene done by thee or that shal begin † For if I haue found grace with thee send the Holie Ghost to me I wil write al that hath bene done in the world from the beginning the thinges that were written in thy law that men may finde the pathe and they that wil liue in the later times may liue † And he answered me and sayd Goe gather together the people and thou shalt say to them that they seeke thee not for fourtie dayes † And doe thou prepare thee manie tables of boxe take with thee Sarea Dabria Salemia Echanus and Asiel these fiue which are readie to write swee●tly † And come hither I wil light in thy hart a candle of vnderstanding which shal not be put out til the things be finished which thou shalt begine to write † And then some thinges thou shalt open to the perfect some thou shalt deliuer secretly to the wyse For to morrow this houre thou shalt begine to write † And I went as he commanded me gathered togetheral the people and sayd † Heare Israel these wordes † Our fathers were pilgrimes from the beginning in Aegypt and were deliuered from thence † And they receiued the law of life which they kept not which you also after them haue transgressed † and the land was geuen you by lotte and the land of Sion and your fathers and you haue done iniquitie and haue not kept the wayes which the Highest commanded you † And wheras he is a iust iudge he hath taken from you in time that which he had geuen † And now you are here and your brethren are among you † If then you wil rule ouer your sense instruct your hart you shal be preserued aliue and after death shal obtaine mercie † For the iudgement shal come after death when we shal returne to lyfe againe and then the names of the iust shal appeare and the dedes of the impious shal be shewed † Let no man therfore come to me now nor aske for me vntil fourtie d●yes † And I tooke the siue men as he commanded me and we went forth into the field and taried there † And I was come to the morrow behold a voice called me saying Esdras open thy mouth and drinke that which I wil geue thee to drinke † And I opened my mouth behold a ful cuppe was brought me this was ful as it were with water but the colour therof like as fire † And I tooke it and dranke and when I had drunken of it my hart was tormented with vnderstanding and wisdome grewe into my brest For my spirit was kept by memorie † And my mouth was opened and was shut no more † The Highest gaue vnderstanding vnto the fiue men and they wrote excesses of the night which were spoken which they knewe not † And at night they did eate breade but I spake by day by night held not my peace † And there were written in the fourtie dayes two hundred foure bookes † And it came to passe when they had ended the fourtie daies the Highest spake saying † The former thinges which thou hast written set abrode and let the worthie and vnworthie reade but the last seuentie bookes thou shalt keepe that thou mayest deliuer them to the wyse of thy people † For in these is the vaine of vnderstanding and the fountaine of wisdome and the streame of knowledge and I did soe CHAP. XV. Esdras is bid to denounce that assuredly manie euiles wil come to the world 9. God wil protect his people the wicked shal be punished and lament their final miseries God reuenging for the good BEHOLD speake into the eares of my people the wordes of prophecie which I shal put into thy mouth sayth our Lord † and see that they be written in paper because they be faithful and true † Be not afrayd of the cogitations against thee neither let the incredulities truble thee of them that speake † Because euerie incredulous person shal dye in his incredulitie † Behold I bring in sayth our Lord vpon the whole earth euils sword and famine and death and destruction † Because iniquitie hath fully polluted ouer al the earth and their hurtful workes are accomplished † Therefore sayth our Lord † I wil not now kepe silence of their impieties which they doe irreligiously neither wil I beare with those thinges which they practise vniustly Behold the innocent iust bloud crieth to me the soules of the iust crie continually † Reuenging I wil reuenge them sayth our Lord and I wil take al innocent bloud out of them vnto me † Behold my people is led to staughter as a flocke I wil no more suffer it to dwel in the land of Aegypt † But I wil bring them forth in a mightie hand and valiant arme and wil strike with plague as before and wil corrupt al the land thereof † Aegypt shal mourne and the fundations thereof beaten with plague and with the chastisement which God wil bring vpon it † The husband men that til the ground shal mourne because their seedes shal perish by blasting and haile and by a terible starre † Woe to the world and them that dwel therein † Because the sword is at hand and the destruction of them and nation shal rise vp against nation to fight sword in their handes † For there shal be instabilitie to men growing one against an other they shal not care for their king the princes of the way of their doinges in their might † For a man shal desire to go into the citie can not † Because of their prides the cities shal be trubled the houses raised the men shal feare † Man shal not pitie his neighbour to make their houses nothingworth in the sword to spoyle their goodes for famine of bread much tribulation † Behold I cal together sayth God al the kinges of the earth to feare me that are from the Orient from the South from the East from Libanus to be turned vpon themselues and to render the thinges that they haue geuen them † As they doe vntil this day to myne elect so wil I doe and render in their bosome Thus sayth our Lord God
† My righthand shal not spare sinners neither shal the sword cease vpon them that shede innocent bloud vpon the earth † Fire came forth from his wrath and hath deuoured the fundations of the earth and sinners as it were straw set on fire † Woe to them that sinne and obserue not my comandmentes sayth our Lord. † I wil not spare them depart ô children from the powre Defile not my sanctification † because the Lord knoweth al that sinne against him therefore hath he deliuered them into death and into slaughter † For now are euils come vpon the world and you shal tarrie in them For God wil not deliuer you because you haue sinned against him † Behold an horrible vision and the face of it from the east † And the nations of dragons of Arabians shal come forth in manie chariots as a winde the number of them is caried vpon the earth so that now al doe feare and tremble that shal heare them † the Carmonians madde for anger and they shal goe forth as wild boares out of the wood they shal come with great power and shal stand in fight with them they shal waste the portion of the land of the Assirians † And after these thinges the dragons shal preuaile mindful of their natiuitie and conspiring shal turne themselues in great force to pursue them † These shal be trubled and hold their peace at their force and shal turne their fete into flight † And from the territorie of the Assirians the besiegers shal beseige them and shal consume one of them and there shal be feare and trembling in their armie and contention against their kinges † Behold cloudes from the east and from the north vnto the south and their face very horrible ful of wrath and storme † And they shal beate one against an other and they shal beate downe manie starres and their starre vpon the earth and bloud shal be from the sword vnto the bellie † And mans dung vnto the camels litter and there shal be much feare and trembling vpon the earth † And they shal shake that shal see that wrath and tremble shal take them and after these thinges there shal manie showers be moued † from the south and the north and an other portion from the weast † And the windes from the east shal preuaile vpon it and shal shut it vp and the cloudes which he raised in wrath and the starre to make terrour to the east winde and the west shal be destroyed † And there shal be exalted great and mightie cloudes ful of wrath and a starre to terrifie al the earth and the inhabitantes therof and they shal powre in vpon euerie high and eminent place a terrible starre † fire and haile and flying swordes and manie waters so that al fildes also shal be filled and al riuers with the fulnes of manie waters † And they shal throw downe cities and walles and mountaines and hilles and the trees of the woodes and the grasse of the medowes and their corne † And they shal passe constant vnto Babylon and shal raise her † They shal come together against her and shal compasse her and shal power out the starre and al wrath vpon her and the dust and smoke shal goe vp euen into heauen and round about shal lament her † And they that shal remaine vnder her shal serue them that terified her † And thou Asia agreeing into the hope of Babylon and the glorie of her person † woe be to thee thou wretch because thou art like to her and hast adorned thy daughters in fornication to please glorie in thy louers which haue desired alwayes to fornicate with thee † Thou hast imitated the odious in al her workes and in her inuentions therefore sayth God † I wil send in euils vpon thee widow hood pouertie and famine and sword and pestilence to destroy thy houses by violation and death and glorie of thy vertue † As a flower shal be withered when the heate shal rise that is sent forth vpon thee † thou shalt be weakned as a litle poore soule plaged and chastised of wemen that the mightie and the louers may not receiue thee † Wil I be zealous against thee sayth our Lord † vnles thou hadst slayne myne elect at al times exalting the slaughter of the handes and saying vpon their death when thou wast drunken † Adorne the beautie of thy countenance † The reward of thy fornication is in thy bosome therefore thou shalt receiue recompence † As thou shalt doe to my elect sayth our Lord so shal God do to thee and shal deliuer thee vnto euil † And thy children shal dye for famine and thou shalt fal by the sword and thy cities shal be destroyed al thyne shal fal in the filde by the sword † And they that are in the mountaines shal perish with famine and shal eate their owne flesh drinke kloud for the famine of bread and thirst of waters † Vnhappie by the seas shalt thou come and againe thou shalt receuie euils † And in the passage they shal beate against the idle citie and shal destroy some portion of thy land and shal deface part of thy glorie againe returning to Babylon ouerthrowen † And being throwen downe thou shalt be to them for stubble and they shal be to thee fire † and deuoure thee and thy cities thy land and thy mountaynes al thy woodes and fruitful trees they wil burne with fire † Thy children they shal lead captiue shal haue thy goodes for a praye and the glorie of thy face they shal destroy CHAP. XVI Al are admonished that extreme calamities shal fal vpon this world 36. the penitent returning to iustice shal escape 55. as al thinges were made by Gods omnipotent powre at his wil so al thinges shal serue to the reward of the blessed and punishment of the wicked VVOE to thee Babylon Asia woe to thee Aegypt and Syria † Gird yourselues with sackclothes and shirtes of heare mourne for your children be sorie because your destruction is at hand † The sword is sent in vpon you and who is he that can turne it away † Fire is sent in vpon you and who is he that can quench it † Euiles are sent in vpon you and who is he that can repel them † Shal anie man repel the lion being hungrie in the woode or quench the fire in stubble forthwith when it beginneth to burne † Shal anie man repel the arrow shot of a strong archer † Our strong Lord sendeth in euiles and who is he that can repel them † Fire came forth from his wrath and who is he that can quench it † He wil lighten who shal not feare he wil thunder and who shal not be afrayde † Our Lord wil threaten and who shal not vtterly be destroyed before his face † The earth hath trembled and the fundations thereof the sea tosseth vp waues from the
answer :: Euil wordes for curteous vsage heret o sore and for late gentil intreating by messengers :: Things tye● in bundels are stronger and more secure then single and loose :: Dauid is resolute and often repeteth that it is not lawful for priuate subiectes to kil their prince no although him selfe was annointed to succede :: Gods prouidence sent this extraordinary sleepe and inspired Dauid to doe this fact for more iustification of his innocencie :: These countries were neither subiect to the Philistijms not to the Israelites and were also of those nations whom God had cōmanded to dest●roy dwelling within the land of Chanaan Deut 25. The fourth part Of the ruine of Saul and exaltation of Dauid :: Not manie but one excellent person an old man come lie in apparel Saul adored not Samuel with diuine honour but with dulia reuerencedue to a blessed soule * ●iadag● cognouit Luevv :: In state of the dead in an other world not in the same particular state S. Augustin opinion whether Samuele soule appeared or no. More probable that his verie soule appeared not compelled by the euil spirite but obeying Gods secrete ordinance First proose 2 3 4 ● to ● pag. 210. Soules sometimes appeare after death loco 〈◊〉 tat● :: He speaketh by amplification to make his fact seme more reasonable whereas the time of Dauids abode with him was but foute monethes ch 27. v. 7. :: Consuit out Lord for me so Dauid by the priests mediation was instructed what to do :: It is not against Gods cōmandment Deut. 4. 12. to make new lawes so they be conformable not contrarie to Gods former lawes Saul killing himself after that he was wounded 〈◊〉 his enimies signifieth those that being ouercome by tentations desperatly persist wilfully die in their sinne S. Greg. ●●o 10 :: These men are cōmendable for gratitude towards Saul who had deliuered them ch 11. for a vvorke of mercie in burying the dead for pietie towards their king and princes and for fortitude in atchiuing so heroical an act This booke is wholly of Dauid His succession to the kingdom His vertues Faultes Thankes and Prophecie :: He fained al this thincking to get fauoure for Saul killed himself li. 1. ch 31. but Dauid punished him as such a crime desetued v. 15. :: Exequies of Saul obserued with mourning weeping and fasting :: The Philisthijms were strong cunning archers therefore Dauid commanded that his subiectes should lerne and exercise the same maner of fight :: This second annointing as also the third ch ● was in confirmation and to put him in possession of the first m●●● long before 1. Reg. 16. :: He reigned two yeares before he beganne much to decline but in al seuen yeares and a half for so long Dauid reigned only in Iuda v. 11. :: Hence perhaps cometh the phraise that one armie playeth vpon an other vvith smal and great ar●●lane that is strike and kil their enimies with al sortes of gunnes Iosephus li. 7. c. 1. Antiq. :: Am I co●temptible in thy sight and yet head of them that oppose against Dauid I that haue donne so much for thee wil not indure to be reprehended for a smal fault So God suffereth the maintainers of an eui● quarel to fal out among them selues wherby the right cause is aduanced :: weake being newly receiued king and not able to punish strong offenders But Ioab others were afterwardes punished 3. Reg. 2. :: They annoint him againe in confirmation of their consent as Iuda had donne chap. 2 acknowledging Gods ordinance 1. Reg. 16. :: King Dauid now atcheued that the tribe of Iuda could not in the time of Iosue Iosue 15. :: Idoles that haue eyes and can not see feete and can not goe shal not enter into the Church of Christ * ●c●lp ●●lia :: 〈…〉 there 〈…〉 〈…〉 that 〈…〉 as he 〈…〉 to 〈…〉 S. 〈…〉 S. 〈…〉 :: To dance before the arke is to dance before our Lord. :: The tabernacle made by Moyses was a goodlie thing but being couered with skinnes and in manie respectes insufficient for Gods seruice Dauid desired to build a glorious Temple But was not permitted to do it for mysterie sake to signifie that Christ the true Salomon should build his Church that farre excelleth the Synagogue of the Iewes and old Testament S. Augustin li. 17. c. 8. deciuit a He that supposeth this great promise to be fulfilled in Salomon erreth much sayeth S. Augustin ibidem b S. Paul expoundeth this of Christ Heb. 1. v 5. c This can not be saied of Christ but of Salomon and of anie christian so this place hath manie literal senses d The Sea Apostolique priestly powre in the church of christ is this perpetual kingdom S. Epiphanius Heresi 29. e Here and in manie other places the Hebrew word is of the plural number Elohim Goddes signifying more diuine Persons f The worke of mans Redemption is appropriated to God the Sonne :: For 〈◊〉 ●●p●●●● Dauid comp●ssing then with cordes as 〈…〉 are e●●i●●●●d cast them on the around and by lotte killed some and spared some aliue :: Sette 〈◊〉 an Arch in memorie of triumph * ●rcha●●●l●r :: These were archers and sling throwers of the guard Phara●●rasis ●h●ll :: Or priestes o● chief rulers See the annotation Gen 47. v. 22. 1. Pa●●l 18. v. 17. :: The parti●●lar inhere●●●● that per●●ined to Sauls familie :: Not si●●e 〈◊〉 table with the king but haue his diet of the kinges prouision besides the forsaide inheritance :: This Naas king of Ammon curtously intertained Dauids freindes which escaped from the king of Moab killing most of them that were cōmended to him because Dauid had leift his countrie and was returned into Iuda 1. Reg. 22. Histor Eccles :: Then do sius the E●●rerour preten●ing to be excused from punishment for his sinnes because king Dauid also was an adulter ● and a manslaver S. Ambrose replied saying Thou that hast solovveding Dauid evving folovv him ●epenting After which admon●tion the Emperour most humbly did publique penance inioyned him by the Bishop in v●●a Theod●sij :: Now then some of thy seede shal be violently slaine so were slaine three of his owne sonnes Ammon chap. 13. Absalom chap. 18. Adonias 3. Reg. 2. six sonnes of Iosaphat and al Iorams sonnes saue one ● paralip 21. also Ochozias Amasias Iosias 2. Par. 24 25. 35. and the sonnes of Sedechias himselfe hauing his eyes put out and so brought into Babylon 4. Reg. 25. :: Praised and thanked the king :: These children died before him as appeareth cha 18. :: Concubines were lawfully maried but had not al priuilegies as other wiues See 〈◊〉 25. Iudi● 19. :: He couered his head that he might not be seene to weepe lest he should discorege the people neuertheles the people also wept and likewise couered their heades :: King Dauid was here abused by false information to which he ought not so easely to
powre amongst the dead h Myn enimies haue endeuored not only to beleue me of temporal life wherby I should goe into limbus but also to kil my soule spiritually wherby I should descend into the lower hel of the damned i Thy iust wrath also ô God hath excedingly afflicted me k O God deliuer me whiles I am yet liuing for I may not looke for extraordinarie and miraculous helpe as to be raised againe after death l When I shal be dead buried I can not denounce thy praises as now I can to mortal men m Much lesse shal the damned praise thee in eternal perdition n As wel young o as waxing elder I haue bene stil afflicted p My miserable estate hath alienated al freindes neighboures acquantances from me The Church of Christ neuer faileth the 6. key a Otherwise called Idithun 1. Paral. 25. or rather Ethan who was very wise mentioned with others to whom Salomon is preferred for wisdom 3. Reg. 4. v. 31 and signifieth strong applied here to those that are strong in assured hope of Christs promises notwithstanding it semeth sometimes to the weake that his promises are not performed b In al generations c The heauens shal rather fal then Gods truth fa●le Mystically in the Apostles and by their preaching the Church of Christ is built for euer d Dauids seede conserued til Christ was borne of his virgin mother and in his spiritual seede his kingdom the Church is for euer conserued Otherwise not verified of Dauids temporal kingdom which decayed in the captiuitie of Babylon and is now wholly destroyed e The Angels f The prophet aludeth to the plagues and miracles in Aegypt and in other enimies g Conuersion of Gentiles h VVhether God punish as with the left hand i or bestow benefites as with the right hand al is to his glorie and according to mercie and truth k They are spiritually happie that do thus consider of Gods meruelous procedings praise the same and reioyce therin l powre and kingdom :: Thus God promised to establish the kingdom of the Iewes in Dauid and his familie 1 Reg. 16. 2. Reg. 5. and other places which was performed a● in a figure but more fully in Christ Act. 13. v. 22. * I vvil not lie m Christian iust soules as the sunne n and as the perfect or full moone See the first Tome page 716. S. Augustin also expoundeth this verse in the Anagogical sense of the iust after the Resurrection in glorie where the soule shal be like the sunne and the bodie which now is mutable shal be like the moone not as now alwayes changing but as the ful moone alwayes perfect :: God hauing promised al the aforsaide the prophet in the person of the weake lamenteth that the contrarie shal happen as wel in the temporal kingdom oppressed by the Assirians Babylonians Persians Grecians and Romanes as in the Church impugned by innumerable sortes of Heretikes and other Infidels o Amongst manie pensiue thinges this one word doth comforte vs thy promise remaineth thou hast not denied to send Christ but differred him p From the use of Sacrifice and Sacraments wherby sinners were wount to be cleansed :: The Psalmist prayeth and prophecieth that God wil respect the weaknes of man maintaine his Church in mante natiōs saue manie soules q As though Christivere changed and turned from vs. r So we wish and pray that al may blesse and praise thee Amen Though Christians do sinne yet Christ loseth not his Church Hard places explicated by the cleare Gods Promises to Dauid were not fulfilled in Salomon but in Christ Defectes in the lewes supplied in the Gentiles Man rightly created fel by sinne into miseries the 2. key a Some Expositors thincke Moyses was the author of this Psalme and of the tenne next folowing But others hold that Dauid vvas author of al and that Moyses his name is here put in the title by Esdras because this Psalme is like to the prayer of Moyses vvhen the people prouoked Gods vvrath by their sinnes in the desert And because mans creation fal punishmēt and Gods mercie to vvards him are here described which Moyles first vvritte as going before the vvritten lavv And that Moyses made not this Pialme is probably gethered by the 10. verse where the ordinarie age of men is described to be in streingth and vigore senentie yeares or of some fourscore and the greater part of the one or the other is in labour and sorovv And it is euident Deut. 34. that Moyses liued in al an hundred and tvventie yeares and his eye was not dimme neither vvere his reeth moued So Aaron Iosue and others commonly liued longer then is here mentioned But Dauid vvas old and impotent at seuentie yeares 3. Reg. 1. S. H●larion liuing neere seuentie yeares in his heremitage S Remigius gouerning the Church of Rhemes seuentie yeares and the like are accounted to haue bene ful of dayes and such as liued longer are reputed extraord narie Agane it is more euidenly proued that Moyses vvas not author of the 94. and 95. Psalmes b Alwayes from the beginning of the world to the end c The Prophet sheweth that the world was created in and with time not eternal d And that only God is eternal e God hath often saide that he vvould not the death of sinners but rather that they be connerted and liue for euer f Though some liued long none for al that did reach to a thousand yeares yet it is nothing before God and in respect of eternitie g The youth of man quickly passeth h old age can not last long vvherof cometh our English prouerb A young man may dye sovvne an old man can not liue long i Sinne the cause of shortnes of mans life * Seculum k Mans life as brickle as a spiders vveb or mans life vvasteth continually as a spider vvasteth her self by spinning and consuming her ovvne substance l These numbers literarly shew the shortnes of the longer sorte of mens liues Mystically seuen signifie the rest after laboures of this vvorld and perteyn to the old testament eight signifie the revvard in the resurrection perteyning to the nevv testament VVhich multiplied by tenne a perfect number make seuentie and eightie VVhich ioyned together make an hundred and fiftie The number of al these Psalmes m These numbers literarly shew the shortnes of the longer sorte of mens liues Mystically seuen signifie the rest after laboures of this vvorld and perteyn to the old testament eight signifie the revvard in the resurrection perteyning to the nevv testament VVhich multiplied by tenne a perfect number make seuentie and eightie VVhich ioyned together make an hundred and fiftie The number of al these Psalmes n It is of Gods milde prouidence that mans life is short for that manie if they vvere sure or had probabilitie to liue long vvould presume to sinne more o Seing God of his iustice punished al mankind for one sinne of our first
dignitie vvisdome or other like qualitie but their iust merites :: A prayer of iust zele e Shal most wicked men stil be suffered to speake so insolently :: A description of heathnish and heretical crueltie :: Scarse anie Atheistes are so blind as thus to thinke but manie sinners so behaue them selues as if God saw not knew not or at least cared not vvhat they do f So vnpossible is it that God should be ignorant or careles vvhat men do that he also knovveth and obserueth most secret thoughtes g Mitigate and temper his afflictions that by patience and fortitude the iust may perseuere and not be ouerwhelmed h The whole Church shal neuer be reiected nor forsaken i Iustice is conuerted into iudgement vvhen iust meaning is put in vvorke and practise that it may appeare in iudgement Also God vvho doth suffereth al iustly vvil conserue his inheritance the Church euen vnto the day of iudgement k The sense is easie by transposing the vvordes al that are right of hart are nere it that is shal like and approue Gods iustice vvhen the vvicked shal repine and blaspheme it l when I felt and complained that I was in danger thou didst assist me m Onlie faith sufficeth not but careful laboure in keping Gods commandmnts is required n The iust do hope for eternal saluation to which God wil bring them o And God the reuenger of wronges wil at last cast the wicked into eternal torments Christ our Lord and king the 5. key a Praise songue with voices b inspired to Dauid written by him This Inuitation is most fitly ordayned by the Church for the proeme or beginning of Mattins c VVith great and solemne exultation d God our Creator is also our Protector Sauiour e Let vs be more diligent and preuent our accustomed time For no man can preuent Gods grace with anie good worke who first preuenteth vs els we can neither doe nor thincke anie good thing f not only in singing his praise with voice but also with musical instruments g So also Isaias c. 45. v. 23. and S. Paul Philip. 2. teach that kneeling or bowing the knees as an external religious ceremonie is acceptable to God h It is most iust and necessarie that we adore God because he made vs and al this world for vs hath also redemed vs and made vs his people as shepe of his pasture and as a Pastor feedeth and gouerneth vs. i of his making k Though some haue often repelled and resisted Gods grace yet if they receiue it being offered againe it wil auaile them to remission of sinnes l The Israelites in the desert tempted God by desiring water and flesh of voluptuous concupiscence without necessitie For Manna did both extinguish their thirst and tasted vnto them whatsoeuer they desired Exo. 16. That also which was left vngathered when the sunne waxed hotte melted v. 21. and serued their cattel for drincke So this tentation was a figure of those which require to communicate vnder both kindes as if one did not conteine as much as both m By this mention of the offence of fourtie yeares as long before passed is conuinced that Moyses writte not this Psalme who died in the very fourtith yeare of their abode in the desert And S Paul citing the wordes of this Psalme Heb. 4. manifestly acknowlegeth Dauid the writter therof and that it was written long after Moyses time in these wordes v 7 Againe he limiteth a certaine day To day in Dauid saying after so long time as is aboue saide To day if you shal heare his voice do not obdurate your hartes For if Iesus that is Iosue had geuen them rest he would neuer speake of an other day afterward n Being greatly offended I approched nere vnto them in punishing the offenders o Those that murmured died in the desert and entered not into the promised land euen so those that finally offend Christ shal not enter into euerlasting rest Heb. 3. 4. It is in mans freewil to resist good motions Concil Triden Sess 6. c. 5 Christs diuine powre the 5. key a Inspired to Dauid and written by him b prophecying the restauration of the temple after the future captiuitie And that in figure of the vniuersal redemption of mankind by Christ from the captiuitie of the diuel ● 1. Par. 16. v. 23. c For a new benefite farre greater then the deliuerie of Israel from Aegypt d The same wordes Sing to our Lord thrise repeted signifie the Blessed Trinitie as some Fathers note Likewise v. 7. and 8. Bring ye to our Lord c. in both places concluding in the singular number blesse his name bring to his name importing one God e VVhat creatures soeuer spiritual or corporal visible or inuisible the paganes serue for goddes stil they ●e diuels that deceiue them and diuers wayes vsurpe diuine honour making such idolaters to thinke that there is diuine powre where none is f He only is true God who is Creator of heauen and of al creatures For no creature can create anie thing at al that is make anie thing of nothing but only God g Diuers ancient Doctors read more in this place Our Lord hath reigned from the wood to witte Christ by his death on the crosse conquered the diuel sinne and death and thence begane to reigne S. Iustinus Martyr dialogo aduers Triphonem Tertullian li. aduers Iudaeos c. 9. 13 aduers Marcionem li. 3 c. 19. 21. S Augustin in this place according to the old Roman Psalter Before him Arnobius and after him Cassiadorus and others wherby it is probable that it was sometimes in the Hebrew text and blotted out by the Iewes h The Psalmist in abundance of spirite inuiteth al creatures to praise God as Daniel in his Canticle c. 3. i Christ iudgeth now in the world by his ministers discerning and deciding causes rewarding and punishing but especially he wil iudge al in the last day The last iudgement the 9. key a In figure of Christ b whose bodie rose the third day after his death to whom manie returned beleuing in him after his resurrection which fel from him in his passion and to whom al thinges shal be subdued as to their true Lord in the day of iudgement c Holie Dauid and other Prophetes hauing great ioy to see long before in spirite only Christs kingdom extended in the whole earth yea to the Ilandes we Ilanders haue great cause to be gladde that God hath not only so blessed vs long since but as yet conserueth seede wherby we trust the whole Iland shal be againe restored vnto him d As in a cloud with terror God gaue his law to the Iewes so in a cloud with greater terror and maiestie he wil iudge the world e not as manie corrupted seates of iudgement in this world but as a corrected tribunal where iustice and right iudgement shal be practised :: These thinges are denounced as if they were alredy donne
are immaculate that walke in the law of God VVhere the holie Psalmist presupposeth that some can and do kepe the law of God and so are immaculate and blessed in the vvay of this life d Those that are immaculate are againe blessed by searching Gods testimonies that is his lavv testifying that the good shal be revvarded and the vvicked punished but searching these testimonies vvhiles one is contaminate vvith sinnes against Gods lavv maketh not blessed e neither doth euerie superficial careles search bring this blessing but searching vvith true affection of the hart f Contrarivvise they that vvorke iniquitie are not blessed g because they haue not vvalked in the vvayes of God to witte not kept his conmamdments and lavv vvhich are the vvay to happines h For mans ovvne good that he may come to true happines God hath most seriously commanded vs to kepe his commandments that is to obserue his Lavv commanded by most sufferaine diuine authoritie i Therfore the faithful seruant of God knovving his ovvne insufficiencie desireth that God by his grace vvil direct and streing then him k to kepe his lavv called Iustifications because therby man is made iust l They shal be safe from eternal confusion when they shal kepe not only part but al thy commandments because breach of ●n●e bringeth confusion m So shal I praise thee and render thankes n with sincere not fayned affection o for this great benefite that I haue lerned that thy law is according to most iust iudgement p I haue therfore a firme purpose do faithfully promise to kepe thy law which maketh the keper therof iust q Albeit thou suffer me sometimes to be in tribulation or in tentation yet forsake me not wholy The Psalmist knew wel saith S. Gregorie that he might be profitably leift a while who prayed that he should not be wholy forsaken li. 20. c. 21. Mer. a In this second Octonarie as also in al the rest the Holie Ghost by the prophets penne teacheth the meanes how to come to perfection happines Here by way of interrogation as it were demanding how a youngman that is euerie man prone to worldlie pleasure slow in Gods seruice shal beginne to correct his course b VVherto the same Holie Ghost answereth that he must kepe Gods law called here his wordes For al the wordes which God vttereth are lawes to his seruants * sermones c The Psalmist now speaketh in the person of perfect iust men or of the whole Church in general VVhose common spirite seeketh God intyrely d And considering that this perfect good wil is the gift of God prayeth that he wil conserue the same and not suffer it to be altered or to erre from his commandments e An other sincere profession of a resolute good purpose not to sinne * eloquia f A gratful aspiration praising God g Againe the iust prayeth to be more and more instructed in iustifications that which S. Iohn exhorteth vnto He that is iust let him yet be iustified Apoc. 22. h Gods law is also called his Iudgements because sitting in iudgement he geueth sentence according to his Law i As the iust professeth by mouth so he delighteth in hart k practiseth in worke l and diligently meditateth Gods law * sermones a O Lord liberally geue me that which I here craue b quicken me with spiritual life thy grace c so I shal kepe thy law which otherwise I can not * sermones d Illuminate myn vnderstanding by thy grace e that I may be able to see the meruelous great and iust reasons of thy law instructing al threatning the peruerse encoreging the wel disposed punishing the wicked rewarding the good doing right to al. f I that haue but a smal time in this world g desire to be instructed in thy law what is therein commanded h I consider that thou ô God dost sharply reproue the prowd contemners of thy commandments i laying curses vpon them for declining from thyn obedience k Though persecutors were very potent l yet the faithful seruant of God perseuered in his seruice m In time of persecution and tentation we must thincke and meditate that Gods law testifieth eternal revvard or punishment n and in our deliberation or consultation we must consider that keping Gods law maketh iust and consequently meriteth reward a This also is vttered in the person of the just who is often brought to great distresse as it were euen nere to death b in which case he confidently prayeth to be reliued according to Gods word law and promise c Being in so great anxietie that my minde is almost distracted or ouercome d I cal to thee ô God that thou wilt conserue me that I stil kepe thy law vttered by thy vvordes e Protect me that I fal not to iniquitie f And of thy'mercie conserue me in state of grace g Suffer me not to be confounded h Man is able and doth runne in the right vvay of Gods commandments i yet not of himselfe but vvhen God replenisheth his hart vvith grace a Impresse ô God thy lavv in myn affection make me to loue it and to desire to be iustified b so shal I hartely and alvvayes seeke it c After thou hast geuen me a desire to kepe thy lavv geue me also vnderstanding d then shal I fruictfully search it For this is the right order as before in the first and second verses first to loue Gods lavve to be iustified and to become immaculate and then to search to knovv the lavve and so it is more e●sily lerned e Gods grace first dravveth and leadeth f then freevvil inflamed vvith desire effectually concurreth g Stil the Prophet inculcateth the necessitie of Gods grace as vvel to make vs desire that is good h as to flee from euil i It is necessarie also to pray that God vvil take avvay occasions vvhich might moue to sinne k and stil to grant his helping grace in progresse of vertue l Againe the iust prayeth for confirmation in grace to be established in the feare of God * eloquiū m To be deliuered also from al the effectes of former sinnes n for sinne is therfore reprochful and odious because it is contrarie to Gods lavv and true iudgements vvhich are most pleasant o Being thus affected vvith desire to kepe the commandments the soule prayeth to be stil quickned more and more vvith good spirite and so to perseuere to the end a Againe considering that vvithout Gods grace preuenting man can not do anie good thing the prophet renevveth his prayer requesting Gods mercie b and his helpe freely promised to al that aske it * eloquiū c VVhervvith being assisted and streingthned he that before vvas vveake vvil boldly ansvver al calumniators that reprochfully say God wil not helpe him d that in dede he hath not in vaine trusted in Gods promised helpe * sermo●ibus e He also prayeth though he be sometimes fearful that God vvil not
is the Sonne of God also the name of IESVS is magnified aboue al names or temporal thinges g Sovvner or later Kinges and Princes of al kingdomes and nations haue bene or shal be conuerted to Christ h God knovveth proud men not as his freindes or seruants but farre of as strangers and enimies Gods special prouidence of his seruantes the 3 key a By this part of the title to the end is signified as is noted Psal 4. that the matter cont●ined in the Psalme perteyneth to the nevv Testament b God vvho knovveth al thinges most absolutly and perfectly vvithout discourse or searching yet as it vvere maketh experimental trial of his seruants to make them in some sorte to know him and to knovv themselues And so here holie Dauid or other faithful man acknovvlegeth Gods Omniscience that is perfect knovvlege of al thinges vvithout exception past present to come al vvorkes vvordes thoughtes and vvhat soeuer can be though it neuer vvas nor shal be in general and in particular c The vttermost measure and reach of myne intention d The word holden in by the tongue and not vttered by mouth is not hidden from God e By experiēce we see that Gods knovvlege excedeth our reach f As Gods knovvlege comprehendeth al thinges so his presence extendeth it selfe to al places neither is conteined in place but excedeth al place in his diuine immensirie g The Prophe also in the person of anie curious imaginatiue man examineth and findeth that no darknes nor couer can hide anie ching from God h Nothing semeth more hidde then a m●ns entrals i o● a child in the mothers vvombe k Or bones in the flesh l Or mans bodilie imperfection before his birth * Gol●● Embryo●em * Of knovvlege m dayly formed by God not by man Iob. 10. v. 8. 2. Mae 7. v. 22 23. n Aboue al considerations it most excedeth that God so high and infinite honoreth his humble poore seruants so excedingly that it semeth to themselues farre more then can be due For he revvardeth euen ouer aboue merites which merites also are founded in Gods mercie geuen vvithout merite :: Nevv translaters peruert this place translating thoughts for frendes contrarie to the Hebrevv Greke and Latin and al ancient Fathers only pretending that the same vvord in the Chaldee tongue also signifieth thoughts o The number also of Saintes vvhom God hath chosen called iustified and vvil glorifie excede mans conceipt Apoc. 7. p Incensed vvith this excellent glorie and desiring to be of this innumerable multitude by thy grace I haue risen from sinne and in confidence of thy perpetual helpe I stand and hope to perseuere in thy seruice q And if it be so yea seing it is so that as thou ô God doest exalt thy Saincts to exceding and vnspeakable honour so thou hast also decreed to punish obstinate sinners vvith eternal death and damnation r I renounce al vvicked association gette ye avvay from me al cruel bloudie men that vvould dravv me into euerlasting torments ſ Avvay from me you that thinke t the glorious mansions in heauen prepared and promised to the iust are vaine hopes and in vaine expected v This hate of such sinners the iust shal confidently plead and happie are they that shal be able truly to alleage for themselues in the day of iudgement that they hated al vvhom God hateth vv yea hated them vvith feruent zele that are Gods enimies x Stil the Prophet inculcateth this necessarie perfect hatred y and emnitie tovvards Gods enimies z For that none in this life without special and extraordinarie reuelation knoweth certainly their owne state whether they be worthie of Gods loue or hatred Eccle 9. the iust submitte themselues to Gods examination of their hart and actions a humbly praing God that if they be in the way of iniquitie b he wil voutsafe to reduce and guid them into the right way of euerlasting life Eternal paine of the wicked and ioy of the blessed the 10. key a Vnquiet euil disposed men stil deuise wicked plottes b and neuer cease to make discord and debates * Scandalum c In time of tentation prayer is most necessarie d Man is not able to resist tentations e vnlesse God by his grace as by a helmet defend him from yelding consent f Suffer me not to fal from that which I now desire which is to be constant in vertue not to consent to sinners perswasions g VVho then would triumph ouer me h The summe of their mischeuous deuises i consisting in their suttle persuasions with swete wordes k shal ouerwhelme and bring themselues to perd●tion l Hel fire shal be their lote m ●nto which they shal fal n ●uer be in intolerable torments o I haue lerned by good instructions and by experience that in the end thou ô God w●lt comfort the iust who are now afflicted and punish the vniust that liue in temporal delightes as it happened to Lazarus and the glat●on p Eternal glorie consisteth in seeing God The Church prayeth and preuaileth the 6. key :: In these wordes the Church prayeth offering incense in her solemne Offices a As the fume of incense is swete and ascendeth vpwards so the Church prayeth that her petitions may be gratful and ascend to God b In the old testament morning acrifice was rather more solemne and more frequeut but the Prophet semeth to allude vnto Christs Sacrifice which he was to offer towards euening on the Crosse and the same also in vnbloudie maner the euening befofe his Passion in the Eucharist c A iust care and consideration what to speake before the mouth be opened d lippes must not be alwayes stopt for it is a sinne sometimes not to speake but as a dore that is to be opened and shut at due seasons for example opened to confesse our sinnes and Gods truth e shutte from wordes of malice and from excusing sinnes committed f Admonition of the iust is a profitable reprehension g but the fawning of flatteters is pernicious h The Church ceaseth not to pray for sinners i though as yet they take pleasure in their sinnes k but the very chiefest of them which seme most potent if they remaine obstinate to their death shal then perish as men throwne against rockes l They shal then heare and vnderstand that the prayers of the Church m are effectual obtaining grace of constancie to her children not to feare anie persecution nor anie kind of death obtayning also iustificatiō of their cause vvhen the persecuters shal see that the wordes and doctrin of the Church are true and preuaile in true iudgement as true modest peaceable not sedicious turbulent nor against the commonwealth n As much earth sticking together is made fructful by breaking it into smal mould so the children of the Church by persecution bring forth more fruict then before S. Aug. o Some persecuters are so cruel as to rage against the bones and
and serue him with a perfect and verie true hart and take away the goddes which your fathers serued in Mesopotamia and in Aegypt and serue our Lord. † But if it like you not to serue our Lord choise is geuen you choose this day that which pleaseth you whom you ought especially to serue whether the goddes which your fathers serued in Mesopotamia or the goddes of the Amorrheites in whose Land you dwel but I and my house wil serue our Lord. † And the people answered and said God forbid we should leaue our Lord and serue strange goddes † Our Lord God he brought vs and our fathers out of the Land of Aegypt out of the house of seruitude and did in our sight great signes and kept vs in al the way by the which we walked and among al the peoples through which we passed † And he hath cast out al the nations the Amorrheite inhabiter of the Land which we haue entred We therfore wil serue our Lord because he is our God † And Iosue said to the people You can not serue our Lord for God is holie and a mightie aemulator neither wil he pardon your wickednes and sinnes † If you leaue our Lord and serue strange goddes he wil turne him self and wil afflict you and ouerthrow you after he hath geuen you good thinges † And the people said to Iosue No it shal not be so as thou speakest but we wil serue our Lord. † And Iosue said to the people You are witnesses that your selues haue chosen to you our Lord for to serue him And they answered Witnesses † Now therfore quoth he take away strange goddes our of the middes of you and incline your hartes to our Lord the God of Israel † And the people said to Iosue We wil serue our Lord God and wil be obedient to his preceptes † Iosue therfore in that day made a couenant and proposed to the people preceptes and iudgementes in Sichem † He wrote also al these wordes in the volume of the law of our Lord and he tooke a very great stone and put it vnder the oke that was in the Sanctuarie of our Lord † and said to al the people Behold this stone shal be a testimonie for you that it hath heard al the wordes of our Lord which he hath spoken to you lest perhaps hereafter you wil denie and lye to our Lord your God † And he dismist the people euerie one into their possession † And after these thinges Iosue the sonne of Nun the seruant of our Lord died being a hundred and ten yeares old † and “ they buried him in the coastes of his possession in Thamnathsare which is situated in the mountaine of Ephraim on the North part of mount Gaas † And Israel serued our Lord al the daies of Iosue and of the ancientes that liued a long time after Iosue and that had knowen al the workes of our Lord which he had done in Israel † The bones also of Ioseph which the children of Israel had taken out of Aegypt they buried in Sichem in part of the field which Iacob had bought of the sonnes of Hemor the father of Sichem for a hundred yong ewes and it was in the possession of the sonnes of Ioseph † Eleazar also the sonne of Aaron died and they buried him in Gabaath of Phinees his sonne which was geuen him in mount Ephraim ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXIIII 2. They serued false goddes It is euident by this place that Thare and some other progenitors of Israel sometimes serued false goddes from which they were reduced but Abraham was euer preserued in true religion and the whole familie of Thare was therfore persecuted in Chaldea as S. Augustin sheweth li. 16. c. 13. de ciuit Likwise Theodoret q. 18. in Iosue and other both ancient and late writers teach the same as is already noted pag. 203. 30. They buried In that no mention is made of mourning for Iosue S. Hierom noteth a mysterie and a special point of Chistian doctrin It semeth to me saieth he Epist de 42. Maus mans 33. that in Marie prophecie is dead in Moyses and Aaron an end is put to the law and priesthood of the Iewes For so much as they could neither passe into the land of promise nor bring the beleuing people out of the wildernes of this world And Mans 34. Aaron sayeth he was mourned and so was Moyses Iesus is not mourned that is in the law was descentinto hel called limbus in the Gospel is passage to paradise THE ARGVMENT OF THE BOOKE OF IVDGES SAINCT Hierom geuing this general rule Epist ad Eustoch virg that in reading historical bookes of holie Scripture the historie as fundation of veritie is to be loued but the spiritual vnderstanding rather to be folowed agreably therto teacheth Epist ad Paulin. that in this booke of Iudges there be as manie figures as princes of the people Neither doth he meane that there were no more but for example sake affirmeth that these Iudges raised vp after Iosue and sent of God to deliuer the people fallen for their sinnes into afflictions were types and figures of the Apostles and Apostolical men sent by Christ to propagate and defend his Church of the new Testament For albeit diuers of these Iudges were sometimes great offenders yet they were reclamed by Gods special grace and so amending their errors did great thinges to the singular honour of God and are renowmed among the holie Patriarces and Prophetes particularly praysed in bolie Scipture saying And the Iudges euerie one by his name whose hart was not corrupt Who were not auerted from our Lord that their memorie may be blessed and their bones spring out from their place and their name remaine for euer the glorie of holie men remaining to their children After Iosue therfore who it semeth guided and ruled the people 32. yeares this booke written as is most probable by Samuel shewing the famouse Actes of these Iudges of Israel prosecuteth the historie of the Church the space of 288. yeares more And may be diuided into three partes First is described in general the state of the people sometimes wel and sincerly seruing God other times falling to great sinnes in the two first chapters Secondly their offences afflictions repentance and deliuerie from their enemies are more particularly reported from the third chap. to the 17. Thirdly other special accidents which happened within the same time are recorded in the last fiue chapters THE BOOKE OF IVDGES IN HEBREW SOPHETIM CHAP. I. Vnder a general captaine of the tribe of Iuda assisted by the tribe of Simeon Israel subdueth diuers cities of the gentiles 12. Othoniel taking Cariath sepher possesseth it and marieth Calebs daughter obtainig also addition of her dowrie 21. Iebuseites yet dwel in Hierusalem with Beniamin 27. and the Chananeites with diuers of the tribes AFTER the death of Iosue the children of Israel consulted
that armie which Amasias had sent backe from going with him to battel was spred in the cities of Iuda from Samaria vnto Bethhoron killing three thousand tooke away a great praye † But Amasias after the slaughter of the Idumeans sette vp the goddes of the children of Seir which he had brought thence for his goddes and adored them and burnt incense to them † For which thing our Lord being angrie against Amasias sent a prophete vnto him which should say to him Why hast thou adored goddes that haue not deliuered their owne people out of thy hand † And when he spake these thinges he answered him Art thou the kinges counseler be quiet lest I kil thee And the prophet departing sayd I know that God is minded to kil thee because thou hast done this euil and besides hast not agreed to my counsel † Therfore Amasias the king of Iuda taking verie il counsel sent to Ioas the sonne of Ioachaz the sonne of Iehu the king of Israel saying Come let vs see one an other † But he sent backe the messengers saying A thistle that is in Libanus sent to a cedar of Libanus saying Geue thy daughter to my sonne to wife behold the beastes that were in the wood of Libanus passed and trode downe the thistle † Thou hast sayd I haue stroken Edom and therfore thy hart is extolled into pryde sitte in thy house why dost thou prouoke euil against thee that both thou mayest fal and Iuda with thee † Amasias would not heare because it was our Lordes wil that he should be deliuered into the handes of the enemies for the goddes of Edom. † Ioas therfore the king of Israel went vp and they gaue themselues one the sight of the other and Amasias the king of Iuda was in Bethsames of Iuda † and Iuda fel before Israel and fled into their tabernacles † Moreouer Amasias the king of Iuda the sonne of Ioas the sonne of Ioachaz did take Ioas the king of Israel in Bethsames brought him into Ierusalem and destroyed the wal therof from the gate of Ephraim to the gate of the corner foure hundred cubites † Al the gold also and siluer and al the vessels that he found in the house of God and with Obededom in the treasures also of the kinges house moreouer he brought backe the sonnes of the hostages into Samaria † And Amasias the sonne of Ioas the king of Iuda liued after that Ioas died the sonne of Ioachaz the king of Israel fiftene yeares † But the rest of the wordes of Amasias the first and the last are Writen in the Booke of the kinges of Iuda and Israel † Who after he reuolted from our Lord they lay in waite agaynst him in Ierusalem And when he had fled into Lachis they sent and slew him there † And carying him backe vpon horses buried him with his fathers in the Citie of Dauid CHAP. XXVI Ozias seruing God 6. preuaileth in battel against the Philistians Arabians and Ammonites 9. prospereth in honour and wealth 16. Then w●ixing proud offereth incense on the altar is striken with leprosie expelled out of the Temple and citie 20. and his sonne Ioathan ruleth the kingdom AND al the people of Iuda made his sonne Ozias sixtene yeares old king for Amasias his father † He built Ailath and restored it to the dominion of Iuda after that the king slept with his fathers † Sixtene yeares old was Ozias when he began to reigne and he reigned two and fiftie yeares in Ierusalem the name of his mother was Iechelia of Ierusalem † And he did that which was right in the eies of our Lord according to al thinges which Amasias his father had done † And he sought our Lord in the daies of Zacharias that vnderstood and saw God and when he sought our Lord he directed him in al thinges † Moreouer he went forth and fought against the Philisthijms and destroyed the wal of Geth and the wal of Iabinia and the wal of Azotus he built also townes in Azotus and among the Philisthijms † And God did helpe him against the Philisthijms and against the Arabians that dwelt in Garbaal and against the Ammonites † And the Ammonites gaue giftes to Ozias and his name was renowmed vnto the entrance of Aegypt for his often victories † And Ozias built towers in Ierusalem ouer the gate of the corner and ouer the gate of the valley and the rest in the same side of the wal and strengthened them † He built towers also in the wildernesse and digged manie cesternes because he had much cattel as wel in the champaine as in the vastitie of the desert he had also vineyardes dressers of vines in the mountaynes and in Carmel for he was a man geuen to husbandrie † And the host of his warriers which went forth to battels was vnder the band of Iehiel the scribe Maasias the doctor and vnder the hand of Hananias who was of the kinges dukes † And al the number of the princes by families of valiant men was two thousand six hundred † And vnder them al the host of three hundred seuen thousand fiue hundred which were apt to battels and fought for the king against the aduersaries † Ozias also prepared for them that is to say for al the armie shildes and speares and helmettes and coates of mayle and bowes and slinges to cast stones † And he made in Ierusalem engines of diuerse kind which he placed in the towers and in the corners of the walles to shoote arrowes and great stones and his name went forth farre for that our Lord did ayde him and had strengthned him † But when he was strengthned his hart was eleuated to his destruction and he neglected our Lord his God and entering into the temple of our Lord he would burne incense vpon the altar of incense † And incontinent Azarias the Priest going in after him with him the Priestes of our Lord eightie most valiant men † they resisted the king and sayd It is not thy office Ozias to burne incense to our Lord but of the Priestes that is of the children of Aaron which are consecrated to this kind of ministerie goe out of the Sanctuarie contemne not because this thing shal not be reputed to thee for glorie of our Lord God † And Ozias being angrie and holding in his hand the censar to burne incense threatned the Priestes And forthwith there rose a leprosie in his forehead before the Priestes in the house of our Lord vpon the altar of incense † And when Azarias the high Priest had beheld him and al the rest of the Priestes they saw the leprosie in his forehead and in hast they thrust him out Yea and him self being sore afrayd made hast to goe out because he felt by and by the plague of our Lord. † Ozias therfore the king was a leper vntil the day of his death and he dwelt in a house apart ful of the
leprosie for the which he had bene cast out of the house of our Lord. Moreouer Ioathan his sonne gouerned the kinges house and iudged the people of the land † But the rest of the wordes of Ozias the first and the last wrote Isaias the sonne of Amos the prophet † And Ozias slept with his fathers and they buried him in the kings sepulchres field because he was a leper and Ioathan his sonne reigned for him CHAP. XXVII Ioathan a godlie king 5. preuaileth in battel against the Ammonites 7. dieth and his sonne Achaz succedeth FIVE and twentie yeares old was Ioathan when he began ●o reigne and he reigned sixtene yeares in Ierusalem the name of his mother was Ierusa the daugter of Sadoc † And he did that which was right before our Lord according to al thinges which Ozias his father had done sauing that he entered not into the temple of our Lord and as yet the people did sinne † He built the high gate of the house of our Lord and in the wal of Ophel he built manie thinges † Cities also he built in the mountaynes of Iuda and castelles and towres in the forrestes † He fought agaynst the king of the children of Ammon and ouercame them and the children of Ammon gaue him at that time an hundred talentes of siluer and tenne thousand cores of wheate and as manie cores of barley the children of Ammon gaue him these thinges in the second and third yeare † And Ioathan was strengthened because he had directed his waies before our Lord his God † But the rest of the wordes of Ioathan and al his battels and workes are writen in the Booke of the kinges of Israel and Iuda † He was fiue and twentie yeares old when he began to reigne and he reigned sixtene yeares in Ierusalem † And Ioathan slept with his fathers and they buried him in the Citie of Dauid and Achaz his sonne reigned for him CHAP. XXVIII For his great wickednes Achaz is taken in battel his countrie spoyled and manie ●●●yne by the kinges of Syria and Israel 9. yet God suffereth not the kingdom to be subdued 16. Then requiring helpe of the Assyrians 17 is spoyled by the Idumeans Philisthians and Assyrians 22. After al which pl●●nes he committeth more idolatrie 26. dieth and his sonne Ezechias reigneth TWENTIE yeares old was Achaz when he began to reigne he reigned sixtene yeares in Ierusalem he did not right in the sight of our Lord as Dauid his father † but walked in the wayes of the kinges of Israel moreouer also he did cast statues to Baalim † He it is that burnt incense to the Valebenennom and he consecrated his sonnes in fire according to the rite of the nations which our Lord slewe in the coming of the children of Israel † He sacrified also burnt incense in the excelses on hilles and vnder euerie tree ful of grene leaues † And our Lord his God deliuered him into the handes of the king of Syria who stroke him and tooke a great praye out of his kingdom brought into Damascus to the handes also of the king of Israel was he deliuered and striken with a great plague † And Phacee the sonne of Romelia slewe of Iuda an hundred twentie thousand in one day al men of warre for that they had forsaken our Lord the God of their fathers † At that time Zechri a mightie man of Ephraim slewe Maasias the kinges sonne and Ezricam the gouernour of his house Elcana also second from the king † And the children of Israel tooke of their brethren two hundred thousand of wemen of boyes and of wenches and an infinite praye and they brought it into Samaria † At that time there was a Prophete of our Lord named Oded who going forth to meete the armie coming into Samaria sayd to them Behold our Lord the God of your fathers being angrie against Iuda hath deliuered them into your handes and you haue slayne them cruelly so that your crueltie did reach to heauen † Moreouer the children of Iuda and Ierusalem you wil subdue vnto you for bondmen and bondwemen which nedeth not to be done for you haue sinned hereupon to our Lord your God † But heare ye my counsel and carie backe the captiues that you haue brought of your brethren because the great furie of our Lord hangeth ouer you † There stood therfore princes of the children of Ephraim Azarias the sonne of Iohanan Barachias the sonne of Mosollomoth Ezechias the sonne of Sellum and Amasa the sonne of Hadali against them that came out of the battel † and they sayd to them You shal not bring in the captiues hither lest we sinne to our Lord. Why wil you adde vpon our sinnes and heape vp old offences for it is a great sinne and the anger of the furie of our Lord hangeth ouer Israel † And the men of warre dismist the pray al the thinges that they had taken before the princes and al the multitude † And the men whom we mentioned aboue stood and taking the captiues and al that were naked they clothed and shod them with the spoyles and when they had clothed and refreshed them with meate and drinke and annoynted them because of their labour and had looked carefully to them as manie as could not walke and were of a weake bodie they set on beastes and brought them to Iericho the Citie of palme trees to their brethren and themselues returned into Samaria † At that time king Achaz sent to the king of the Assyrians asking helpe And the Idumeans came and stroke manie of Iuda and tooke a great praye † The Philisthijms also were spred abroad by the cities of the champayne and toward the South of Iuda and they tooke Bethsames Aialon and Gaderoth Socho also Thamnan and Gamzo with their villages and dwelt in them † For our Lord had humbled Iuda because of Achaz the king of Iuda for that he had made it naked of helpe and had contemned our Lord. † And he brought agaynst him Theglathphalnasar the king of the Assyrians who also afflicted him and spoyled him no man resisting † Therfore Achaz spoyling the house of our Lord and the house of the kinges and of the princes gaue giftes to the king of the Assyrians and yet it did nothing profite him † Moreouer also in the time of his distresse he increased contempte agaynst our Lord king Achaz himself by himself † immolated victimes to the goddes of Damascus that stroke him and sayd The goddes of the kinges of Syria doe helpe them whom I wil pacifie with hostes and they wil ayde me wheras on the contrarie part they were his ruine and al Israels † Achaz therfore hauing spoyled al the vessels of the house of God and broken them shut the gates of the temple of God and made him altars in al the corners of Ierusalem † In al the cities also of Iuda he built altars to burne frankincense and
ye the transmigration which I haue sent out from Ierusalem into Babylon † Thus saith the Lord of hostes the God of Israel to Achab the sonne of Colias and to Sedecias the sonne of Maasias which prophecie vnto you in my name falsely Behold I wil deliuer them into the handes of Nabuchodonosor the king of Babylon and he shal strike them in your eies † And of them a malediction shal be taken vp by al the transmigration of Iuda that is in Babylon saying Our Lord make thee as Sedecias and as Achab whom the king of Babylon fryed in the fire † for that they haue done follie in Israel and committed adulterie with their freindes wiues and haue spoken the word in my name falsely which I commanded them not I am the iudge and the witnes saith our Lord. † And to Semeias the Nehelamite thou shalt say † Thus saith the Lord of hostes the God of Israel For that thou hast sent in thy name bookes to al the people that is in Ierusalem and to Sophonias the sonne of Maasias the priest to al the priestes saying † Our Lord hath made thee priest for Ioiada the priest that thou shouldest be ruler in the house of our Lord vpon euerie man rauing and prophecying to put him into the stockes and into prison † And now why hast thou nor rebuked Ieremie the Anathothite which prophecieth vnto you † Because vpon this he hath sent into Babylon to vs saying It is long build ye houses and inhabite them and plant gardens and eate the fruities of them † Sophonias therefore the priest reade this booke in the eares of Ieremie the propher † And the word of our Lord was made to Ieremie saying † Send to al the transmigration saying Thus saith the Lord to Semeias the Nehelamite Because Semeias hath prophecied to you and I sent him not and hath made you to trust in a lie † Therefore thus saith our Lord Behold I wil visite vpon Semeias the Nehelamite and vpon his seede there shal not be vnto him a man sitting in the middes of this people and he shal not see the good that I wil doe to my people saith our Lord because he hath spoken preuarication against our Lord. CHAP. XXX The prophet is commanded to write the same which he preacheth 4. first pensiue thinges 8. Then ioyful 9. Especially in the new Testament when God wil raise Dauid towitte Christ 16. Who shal destroy al enemies 19 And whose Church shal be great glorious and perpetual THIS is the word that was made to Ieremie from our Lord saying † Thus saith our Lord the God of Israel saying Write vnto thee al the wordes that I haue spoken to thee in a booke † For behold the daies come saith our Lord and I wil conuert the conuersion of my people Israel and Iuda saith our Lord and I wil make them returne to the land which I gaue their fathers and they shal possesse it † And these are the wordes that our Lord hath spoken to Israel and to Iuda † Because thus saith our Lord We haue heard a voice of terrour there is feare and no peace † Demand and see if a man beare childe wherefore then haue I seene euerie mans hand vpon his loyne as a woman that is in trauel and al faces are turned into the iaundice † Alas because that is a great day neither is there the like to it and it is the time of tribulation to Iacob and he shal be saued out of it † And it shal be in that day saith the Lord of hostes I wil breake his yoke from of thy necke and wil breake his bandes and strangers shal no more rule ouer him † but they shal serue our Lord their God and Dauid their king whom I wil raise vp to them † Thou therefore my seruant Iacob feare not saith our Lord neither be thou afrayd Israel because loe I wil saue thee out of a farre countrie and thy seede out of the land of their captiuitie and Iacob shal returne and be at rest flow with al good thinges and there shal be none whom he may feare † because I am with thee saith our Lord to saue thee for I wil make a consumation in al the Nations in which I haue dispersed thee but thee I wil not make into consummation but I wil chastice thee in iudgement that thou maist not seme to thy selfe innocent † Because thus saith our Lord Thy wound is vncurable thy stripe is very sore † There is none to iudge thy iudgement to binde it vp there is no prosite of medicines for thee † Al thy louers haue forgoten thee and wil not seeke thee for with the stroke of an enemie I haue striken thee with cruel chastisment for the multitude of thine iniquitie thy sinnes are hardened † What criest thou vpon thine affliction thy sorow is vncurable for the multitude of thine iniquitie and for thine hardned sinnes I haue done these thinges to thee † Therefore al that eate thee shal be deuoured and al thine enemies shal be led into captiuitie and they that waste thee shal be wasted and al thy spoilers wil I geue to the spoile † For I wil close vp thy wound and wil heale thee of thy woundes saith our Lord. Because they haue called thee ô Sion an out cast This is she that had none to seeke after her † Thus saith our Lord Behold I wil conuert the conuersion of the tabernacles of Iacob and wil haue pitie on his houses and the citie shal be built in her high place and the temple shal be founded according to the order thereof † And out of them shal come forth praise and the voice of them that play and I wil multiplie them and they shal not be diminished and I wil glorifie them they shal not be lessened † And his children shal be as from the beginning and his assemblie shal be permanent before me and I wil visite against al that afflict him † And his duke shal be of himself and the prince shal be brought forth from the middes of him and I wil bring him nere and he shal come to me For who is this that applieth his hart to approch vnto me saith our Lord † And you shal be my people and I wil be your God † Behold the whirle wind of our Lord the furie going forth the storme violently falling it shal light vpon the head of the impious † Our Lord wil not turne away the wrath of indignation til he haue done and accomplished the cogitation of his hart in the latter daies you shal vnderstand these thinges CHAP. XXXI God wil reduce Israel from captiuitie 4. and geue them abundance of al thinges 9. after their tribulation 15. Rachel The afflicted Church shal cease from mourning 18. confessing that she is iustly chastised 20. Christ a perfect man shal be conteyned in his mothers wombe 26. He rising from slepe death wil build
his Church 31. with a new couenant 36. that it shal be large and perpetual AT THAT time saith our Lord I wil be the God of al the kindredes of Israel and they shal be my people † Thus saith our Lord The people that remayned from the sword found grace in the desert Israel shal goe to his rest † Our Lord hath appeared to me of long time And in euerlasting charitie haue I loued thee therefore haue I drawen thee taking compassion † And I wil build thee againe and thou shalt be builded ô virgin Israel thou shalt yet be adorned with thy timbrels shal goe forth in the quyre of them that play † Thou shalt yet plant vinyards in the mountaines of Samaria the planters shal plant and til the time come they shal not make vintage † because there shal be a day wherein the watchmen on mount Ephraim shal crie Arise and let vs goe vp vnto Sion to the Lord our God † Because thus saith our Lord Reioyce in gladnes ô Iacob and neye against the head of the Gentiles sound ye and sing and say Saue ô Lord thy people the remnant of Israel † Behold I wil bring them out of the land of the North and wil gather them from the endes of the earth among whom shal be the blinde and the lame the woman with childe and she that beareth childe together a great companie of them that returne hither † They shal come in weepeing and in mercie I wil reduce them and I wil bring them through the torrents of waters in a right way and they shal not stumble in it because I am become a father to Israel and Ephraim is my firstbegotten † Heare the word of our Lord ye Nations shew forth in the ilands that are farre of and say He that dispersed Israel wil gather him and he wil keepe him as the pastour his flocke † For our Lord hath redeemed Iacob and he wil deliuer him out of the hand of the mightier † And they shal come and shal praise in mount Sion and they shal runne together to the good thinges of our Lord for the corne and wine and oile and the increase of cattel and heardes and their soule shal be as a watered garden they shal be hungrie no more † Then shal the virgin reioyce in the quyre the youngmen and old men together and I wil turne their mourning into ioy and wil comfort them and make them ioyful from their sorow † And I wil replenish the soule of the priestes with fatnes and my people shal be filled with my good thinges saith our Lord. † Thus saith our Lord A voice of lamentation is heard on high of the mourning and weeping of Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted for them because they are not † Thus saith our Lord Let thy voice cease from weeping and thine eies from teares because there is a reward for thy worke saith our Lord and they shal returne out of the land of the enemie † And there is hope to thy last endes saith our Lord and the children shal returne to their borders † Hearing I heard Ephraim going into trāsmigration Thou hast chastised me and I am taught as a young bullocke not tamed Conuert me and I shal be conuerted because thou art the Lord my God † For after thou didst conuert me I did penance and after thou didst shew vnto me I stroke my thigh I am confounded and ashamed because I haue sustayned the reproch of my youth † Certes Ephraim is an honorable sonne to me certes a delicate childe because since I spake of him as yet wil I remember him Therefore are my bowels trubled vpon him pitying I wil pitie him saith our Lord. † Sette thee a watch tower make vnto thee bitternes direct thy hart into the right way wherein thou hast walked returne ô virgin Israel returne to these thy cities † How long wilt thou be dissolute in deliciousnes ô wandring daughter because our Lord hath created a new thing vpon the earth A WOMAN SHAL COMPASSE A MAN † Thus saith the Lord of hostes the God of Israel As yet shal they say this word in the land of Iuda and in the cities thereof when I shal conuert their captiuitie Our Lord blesse thee the beauty of iustice the holie mountaine † and Iudas and al his cities shal dwel in it together the husbandmen and they that driue the flockes † Because I haue inebriated the wearie soule and euerie hungrie soule I haue filled † Therefore I was raised vp as out of a sleepe and I saw and my sleepe was sweete to me † Behold the daies come saith our Lord and I wil sow the house of Israel and the house of Iuda with the seede of men and with the seede of beastes † And as I haue watched vpon them to plucke vp and deface and dissipate destroy and afflict so wil I watch ouer them to build and to plant them saith our Lord. † In those daies they shal say no more The fathers did eate the bitter grape and the teeth of the children are set on edge † But euerie one shal dye in his owne iniquitie euerie man that shal eate the sowre grape his teeth shal be on edge † Behold the daies shal come saith our Lord and I wil make a new couenant with the house of Israel and the house of Iuda † not according to the couenant which I made with their fathers in the day that I tooke their hand to bring them out of the Land of Aegypt the couenāt which they made voide and I had the dominion of them saith our Lord. † But this shal be the couenant that I wil make with the house of Israel after those daies saith our Lord I wil geue my law in their bowels and in their hart I wil write it and I wil be their God and they shal be my people † And a man shal no more teach his neighbour and a man his brother saying Know our Lord for al shal know me from the least of them euen to the greatest saith our Lord because I wil be propicious to their iniquitie and their sinne I wil remember no more † Thus saith our Lord that geueth the sunne for the light of the day the order of the moone and of the starres for the light of the night that trubleth the sea and the waues thereof doe sound the Lord of hostes is his name † If these lawes shal faile before me saith our Lord thee also the seede of Israel shal faile that it be not a nation before me for euer † Thus saith our Lord If the heauens aboue shal be able to be measured and the foundations of the earth beneth to be searched out I also wil cast away al the seede of Israel for al thinges that they haue done saith our Lord. † Behold the daies come saith our Lord
himself worse to the Iewes then his father † Which thinges when Iudas vnderstood he cōmanded the people that day and night they should inuocate our Lord that as alwayes now also he would helpe them † as who were afrayed to be depriued of the law their countrie the holie temple and that he would not suffer the people that had of late taken breath a litle while to be againe subdued to the blasphemous nations † Al therfore doing it together and crauing mercie of our Lord with weeping fastinges being prostrate for three dayes continually Iudas exhorted them to prepare them selues † But he with the ancients consulted before the king should bring his armie to Iurie and winne the citie to goe out and to committe the euent of the thing to the iudgement of our Lord. † Committing therfore the power and charge of al to God the creatour of the world and hauing exhorted his companie to fight manfully and to stand euen to death for the lawes the temple the citie their countrie and citizens he placed his armie about Modin † And hauing geuen a signe to his companie of the victorie of God with most valient yong men piked out by night setting vpon the kings court in the campe he slew foure thousand men and the greatest of the elephants with them that had bene placed thereupon † and he filled the campe of the enemies with exceeding feare and perturbation and the thinges being prosperously atcheiued they departed † And this was done when the day appeared the protection of our Lord helping him † But the king hauing taken a taste of the hardines of the Iewes attempted the difficultie of the places by policie † and he moued his campe to Bethsura which was a strong hold of the Iewes but he was put to flight he fel he was diminished † And to them that were within Iudas sent necessaries † But one Rhodocus of the Iewes armie vttered the secretes to the enemies who being sought for was apprehended and shut vp † Againe the king had talke with them that were in Bethsura he gaue the right hand he tooke it he went away † He ioyned battel with Iudas he was ouercome And as he vnderstood that Phillippe rebelled at Antioch who was left ouer the affayres dismayed in mynde intreating the Iewes and yelding vnto them he sweareth concerning al thinges that seemed reason being reconciled he offered sacrifice honoured the temple and gaue hosts † He embraced Machabeus made him gouernor prince from Ptolemais euen to the Gerrenians † But after as he came to Ptolemais the Ptolemaians tooke greuously the couenant of amitie being offended lest perhaps they would breake their league † Then Lysias went vp to the iudgement seate and declared the reason and appeased the people and returned to Antioch and in this maner the kinges iorney and returne proceded CHAP. XIIII Demetrius hauing taken certaine holdes from Antiochus 3. Alcimus lately deposed from the office of high priest 6. accuseth good men of disloyaltie 11. others also incense Demetrius 12. Wherupon Nicanor being sent into Iurie maketh Alcimus againe highpriest 18. hath peace with Iudas conuersing with him most familiarly 26. But by Alcimus suggestion seeketh to deliuer him into the king ●andes 30. otherwise threatneth to prophane the temple 34. The priestes pray God to protect them 37. Razias being accused and pursued 41. in extreme distresse killeth himself with meruelous corege of spirite BVT after the space of three yeares Iudas vnderstood and they that were with him that Demetrius the sonne of Seleucus with a strong multitude and with shippes was come vp by the port of Tripolis to commodious places † and held the countries against Antiochus and his gouernor Lysias † And one Alcimus that had bene highpriest but voluntarily was contaminated in the time of the confusion considering that there was saftie for him by no means nor accesse to the altar † came to king Demetrius in the yeare an hundred fiftie offering him a crowne of gold a palme besides these Talloes which seemed to be of the temple And that same day in deede he held his peace † But hauing gotten a commodious time for his madnes being called of Demetrius to counsel and asked on what thing and counsels the Iewes rested he answered † They of the Iewes that are called Assidians of whom Iudas Machabeus is captaine nourish battels and moue seditions neither doe they suffer the realme to be quiet † For I also being defrawded of my ancestours glorie I meane of the high priesthood am come hither † principally in deede keping fidelitie to the kings commodities but secondly also prouiding for my citizens forby their naughtines al our stocke is not a little vexed † But al these thinges being knowen ô king prouide I pray thee both for the countrie for our stocke according to thy humanitie published to al men † For as long as Iudas is aliue it is vnpossible that there be peace to the affayres † And such thinges being sayed of him the other freinds also behauing themselues as enemies against Iudas incensed Demetrius † Who forthwith sent Nicanor chiefe ouer the elephants captaine into Iurie † geuing him commission that he should take Iudas himselfe but them that were with him he should disperse make Alcimus the high priest of the greatest temple † Then the nations which had fled from Iudas out of Iurie ioyned them selues by troupes with Nicanor esteming the miseries and calamities of the Iewes the prosperities of their owne affayres † The Iewes therfore hauing heard of Nicanors coming the assemblie of the nations being sprinkled with earth besought him that ordayned his people to kepe them for euer and that protecteth his portion by euident signes † And the captaine commanding forthwith they remoued from thence and they came together to the castel of Dessau † And Simon the brother of Iudas had ioyned battel with Nicanor but he was made afrayd with the sodaine coming of the aduersaries † Neuertheles Nicanor hearing the manlines of Iudas companions and greatnes of courege that they had for the conflicts of their countrie was afrayde to make tryall by bloud † Wherfore he sent Posidonius and Theodotius Mathias before to geue and take the right handes † And when there was long consultation of these thinges and the captaine himself had moued it to the multitude there was one sentence of them al to accord vnto amitie † Therfore they appointed a day wherin they might secretly deale among them selues and seates were brought forth and sette for euery one † But Iudas commanded armed men to be in places conuenient lest perhaps some mischefe might sodainly arise from the enemies they made agreable communication † Nicanor abode at Ierusalem and did nothing vniustly and the flockes of the multitudes that had bene gathered together he diminished † And he esteemed Iudas alwayes deare from the