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A06521 Special and chosen sermons of D. Martin Luther collected out of his writings and preachings for the necessary instruction and edification of such, as hunger and seeke after the perfect knowledge and inestimable glorie which is in Christ Iesu, to the comfort and saluation of their soules. Englished by VV.G.; Sermons. English. Selections Luther, Martin, 1483-1546.; Gace, William. 1578 (1578) STC 16993; ESTC S108932 436,833 500

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which strengthneth the knowledge that God hath taught him to wit that God is nothing els but a Sauiour abounding with grace who will be fauorable and mercifull to all them which call vpon him in this his Sonne Therefore the Lord sayth moreouer Verely verely I say vnto you He that beleeueth in me hath euerlasting life I am that breade of life Your Fathers did eate Manna in the vvildernes and are dead This is that bread vvhich cōmeth dovvne from heauen that he vvhich eateth of it should not die I am that liuing bread vvhich came dovvne from heauen if any man eate of this bread he shall liue for euer and the bread that I vvill giue is my flesh vvhich I vvill giue for the life of the vvorld In these wordes the soule findeth a table daintily furnished whereby it may stake all hunger For it knoweth assuredly that he that speaketh these wordes can not lye Wherefore if it commit it selfe confidently vnto him and cleaue to the word it resteth vpon him and so departeth not from this goodly table This is that supper to the preparing whereof the heauenly Father killed his oxen and fatlings and hath bidden vs all vnto it The liuing breade whereof the Lorde here maketh mention Christ the liuing bread whereon we must feede by faith is Christ him selfe whereby we are so fedde If we lay hold but of a morsell of this bread in our harts and keepe it we shall be satisfied for euer neither can we euer be plucked from God Moreouer such an eating is nothing els but to beleue in the Lord Christ that he is made vnto vs of God as Paule sayth 1. Cor 1. wisedom righteousnes sanctification and redemption He that eateth this meat liueth for euer Wherefore by and by after this text when the Iewes were at contention about these his wordes he sayth Verely verely I say vnto you Except ye eate the flesh of the Sonne of man and drinke his blood ye haue no life in you VVhosoeuer eateth my flesh drinketh my blood hath eternall life I vvill rayse him vp at the last day Manna which the fathers did eate in the desert as Christ here sayth could not saue from death but this bread maketh vs immortall If we beleeue in Christ death shall not hurt vs any thing at all yea there is no more death This the Lord meaneth by these wordes in an other place where he sayth to the Iewes Verely verely I say vnto you Ioh. 8.51 if a man keepe my word he shall neuer see death where it is certaine that he speaketh of the word of faith and of the Gospell But some man may say that holy men die notwithstanding An obiectiō for Abraham the holy Prophets are dead as the Iewes sayd vnto him I aunswere The death of Christians is onely a sleepe The aunswer as the Scripture also commonly calleth it for a Christian tasteth seeth no death that is he hath the feeling of no death For this Sauiour Christ Iesus in whom he beleeueth hath ouercome death that afterwards he shoulde not feele or tast it but death is vnto him onely a passage and gate to life as Christ him selfe witnesseth Ioh. 5 Verely verely I say vnto you he that heareth my vvord beleeueth in him that sent me hath euerlasting life shall not come into condemnation but hath passed from death to life Wherefore the life of a Christian is merie and on euery side replenished with ioy and the yoke of Christ is easie sweete But that it semeth heauy and grieuous vnto vs this is the cause for that the Father hath not yet drawne vs hereupon it commeth to passe that we take no pleasure thereof neither is the Gospell comfortable vnto vs. If so be that we would lay vp the wordes of Christ well in our hart they would be vnto vs an exceeding comfort And thus ye haue heard howe we must feede on this breade which came downe from heauen that is on the Lord Christ to wit by faith which we then do when we beleeue in him that he is our Sauiour The whole chapter out of which this text is taken commendeth vnto vs nothing els but spirituall meat For when the multitude followed Christ that they might againe eate and drinke which the Lord him selfe signifieth he taketh occasion of the corporal meat which they sought almost through the whole chapter speaketh of spirituall meat as he sayd The wordes which I speake are spirit and life Wherby he would signifie that he therfore fed them that they should beleeue in him as they did eate the bodily meat so they ought also to feede of the spirituall Here let vs weie and marke this that the Lord doth so gently and graciously apply him selfe to vs and offer him selfe in such gentle wordes that it ought worthely to moue our hartes to beleeue in him to wit that that bread was therefore giuen for vs inasmuch as it was behouefull that he should tast death and suffer hellish paines Also should beare sinnes which he neuer had committed as though he had committed them and had bene his owne and he did also the same willingly for our sakes and tooke vs as brethren and sisters The will of the heauenly Father This if we beleeue we doe the will of the heauenly Father which is nothing els but to beleeue in his Sonne so be saued As Christ him selfe sayth a litle before This is the will of him that sent me that euery man which seeth the Sonne and beleeueth in him should haue euerlasting life It now therfore appeareth that he that hath faith doth the will of God and eateth of this heauenly bread As Augustine sayth What doost thou prepare thy mouth beleeue and thou hast eaten Of this spirituall supper the whole new Testament speaketh but especially in this place of Iohn The Sacrament of Christes body blood is a certaine testimonie and pledge of this true supper whereby we ought to strengthen our faith and to be assured that this body and this blood whereof we feede in the Sacrament deliuereth vs from synne death Satan and all euell But how may a man perceiue and know How a man maye know whether he be called to this spirituall supper that he also doth pertaine to this heauenly bread and is called to this spirituall supper let him consider the case in his owne heart which if he fynde so affected that it doth as it were feele a sweetenes in the promise of God and is vndoutedly perswaded that he is of the companie of them which pertaine to his supper he is assuredly such a one in deede For as we belteue so commeth it vnto vs. Such a man hath also by and by a regard of his neighbour Charitie towarde our neighbour the frute of true faith and helpeth him as his brother careth for him giueth vnto him lendeth him comforteth him briefly doth no otherwise to him then he
thinke how Christ was taken and bound and led vp downe When pride tempteth thee consider with thy self how thy Lord was mocked and reputed among theeues When lust pleasure pricke thee thinke with how great sharpenes the tender flesh of Christ was torne with whippes and pearsed through When anger enuye desire of reuenge moue thee thinke with how great teares and cryes Christ did praye euen for his enemies toward whom he might more iustly haue shewed him selfe sharpe and rigorous When sadnes or any aduersitie whatsoeuer either corporall or spirituall troubleth thee strengthen thy hart say well why should not I also suffer a litle sorrowfulnes when as my Lorde did sweat blood in the garden for anguish heauines Surely he were a sluggish and an ignominious seruaunt who his maister lying at the poynt of death would be held from him with a soft and easie bed Lo thus a man may find strength remedie in Christ against all crimes and offences This is truely in deede to meditate vpon the passion of Christ these are the frutes of the Lordes passion in which he that doth after this sort exercise him selfe doth surely without comparison better then if he heard all passions or all superstitious Masses Such also are called true Christians which doe so represent the life and name of Christ in their life as S. Paule sayth Gal. 5.24 They that are Christes haue crucified the flesh with the affections and lustes with Christ For the passion of Christ is not to be handled in wordes and outward shewe but in deede and veritie Heb. 12.3 So S. Paule admonisheth vs Consider him that endured such speaking against of sinners least ye should be wearied and fainte in your mindes And S. Peter sayth 1. Pet. 4.1 Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for vs in the flesh arme yourselues likewise with the same minde But such meditation is now growen out of vse and begon to waxe rare wherewith notwithstanding the Epistles of Peter and Paule are most aboundantly replenished A SERMON OF D. MARTIN LVTHER OF THE FRVTE AND VERTVE OF CHRIST HIS RESVRRECTION WE haue heard in the treatise of the Lordes passion It is not enough to know the historie of Christes passion and resurrection but the vse and frute of them must be preached and knowen that it is not sufficient to know onely the bare historie thereof After the same maner it is not enough here to know how and when Christ rose againe but both the vse and the profit as well of his passion as of his resurrection must be preached and knowne to wit what Christ obtained for vs by them For where the onely deede of the historie is preached it is a friuolous preaching and without all frute which both Satan and the wicked doe as well know reade and vnderstand as we doe But when as the vse of them is preached and whereunto they profit that in deede is a frutefull and wholsom Sermon and full of sweete consolation Wherefore Christ him selfe hath declared the vse and profit of his passion and resurrection when he thus talked with the women Matth. 28 Be not afraid Goe and tell my brethren that they goe into Galile and there shal they see me And this is the first word which they heare of Christ after his resurrection from the dead whereby he confirmeth all his sayinges also all his benefits shewed vnto them before to wit that they should come vnto vs also that should beleue in him and pertaine onely to the beleuers for that here he calleth not onely the Apostles his brethren but also all them which beleue in him although they doe not see him visibly as the Apostles did He doth not differre vntill we pray vnto him and call vppon him that we may be made his brethren Let any of vs now come forth and boast of his merit or of the strength whereby he is able to merit any thing The Apostles merited nothing at all that Christ should call them his brethren What had the Apostles merited Peter denied Christ thrise All the rest of the Disciples did flie away from him they did perseuer and stand by him euen as the hare tarieth with her yong ones he might haue called them runawayes and forsakers of their standing in the middest of their conflict yea traitors and wicked men rather then brethren Wherefore of meere grace and mercy this worde was brought vnto them of the Matrones which the Apostles themselues did then well perceiue and we also doe throughly feele when we are set in the middes of sinnes and are ouercome of damnation This word therefore is ful of all consolation and comfort that Christ careth for such wretched men as we are yea and that he doth call vs his brethren If so be that Christ be our brother surely I would fayne know what good thing we shall want As therfore the case standeth among carnall brethren so doth it stand here They that are germane brethren by consanguinitie do vse goods common among them selues hauing the same father the same inheritance otherwise they were not brethren So we also possesse common good thinges with Christ enioying the same father the same inheritance which inheritance is not diminished by parting it as worldly inheritances are but is alwayes made more aboundant for it is a spirituall inheritance A corporall inheritance when it is distributed into diuers parts is made smaller but in this portion of the spirit the case is such that he that hath gotten part thereof hath obtained the whole The inheritance of Christ What is therfore the inheritance of Christ In his power are life and death sinne and grace and whatsoeuer is contained in heauen and in earth his are eternall veritie strength wisedom righteousnes All power is giuen vnto him he hath rule ouer all thinges ouer hunger and thirst prosperitie and aduersitie c. he reigneth ouer all thinges that can be thought whether they be in heauen or in earth spirituall or corporall and that I may speake at once all thinges are in his power as well eternall thinges as temporall Now if I shall cleaue vnto him by faith What they enioy that cleaue to Christ by faith I shall be made partaker of all his good thinges and shall not obtayne a part of the inheritance onely but I shall possesse euen with him euerlasting wisedom eternall strength My belly shall not be grieued with hunger sinnes shall not oppresse me neither shall I be afraid of the face of death neither shall I dread the sight of Satan neither shall I want the plenty of any thing that is good euen as he wanteth it not Hereby now we may easily vnderstand the sayinges vttered commonly in the Prophets especially in the Psalmes as where Dauid sayth Psal 34 The Lions doe lacke and suffer hunger but they that feare the Lorde shall want no maner of thing that is good and where he sayth in an other place The
thy selfe from him all goodnes and loue Secondly thou plainly seest this also how by all maner of outward signes meanes he poureth forth his ioy and vnspeakeable goodnes and also hauing found his sheepe how louing he sheweth himselfe For surely he dealeth not with it by any law as by his right he might deale and driue it before him as he doth the rest or suffer it to go by him Howbeit he doth none of these but layeth it vpon his shoulders and all the iourny carieth it through the desert taking all the labour and trouble vpon himselfe that at the lest wise the sheepe may rest Neither doth he it grudginly but willingly for he is full of ioy for his sheepe recouered Now marke this also how wel it goeth with the shepe with how great quietnes and ease it lyeth on his shepeheards shoulders neither doth it vnwillingly see it selfe resting so sweetly being deliuered from the difficulty of the iourney as also voyd of all feare both of dogs and woulues that is of all errours and lyes yea and of all perils and mischiefes And this surely deserueth to be called a very pleasaunt picture exceeding amiable and comfortable to be looked vpon No otherwise doth our Lord Iesus Christ deale with vs whiles he deliuereth vs which he hath once done corporally by his passion and death but now doth eftsoones the same by his power and spiritually by the preaching of his word Wherefore he layeth vs vpon his shoulders carieth and defendeth vs so that we are safe from all perils of death and the deuell which albeit they terrifie vs and shew themselues so as though they would denour vs yet preuaile they nothing For whereas we are caried it is a safegard vnto vs and the same exempteth vs from all daungers and putteth awaye all feare As the shepe lying vpon the shepeheards shoulders is litle careful though the dogs barke much and the woulfe craftily goeth vp and downe but rather hanging downe the head is quiet and sleepeth soundly If we beleue assuredly in Christ Iesus we need not feare the deuell rage he neuer so sore So we also if we stand and abyde vnmoueably in this article I beleeue in Iesus Christ our Lord who suffred died rose againe for vs c. there is no cause why we should be carefull lest we perish or be deuoured of the deuell though he open his iaws neuer so wide For we are not then in our own waye neither walke we vpon our owne feete but we hange vpon the necke of our shepeheard and lye vpon his shoulders where we are safe enough For sinne death and hell although in deede they be terrible yet dare they not set vpon him otherwise if it were not for this we should be miserable shepe which should forthwith be brought into a lamētable and wretched case For euen as a shepe can not take heede and foresee to it selfe that it stray not out of the way vnles it be led of the shepeheard when it hath strayed and is lost can not by it selfe come againe to the shepeheard but must be sought and enquired for of him vntill he hath found it and so must be layd vpō his shoulders and brought home againe lest that it be againe frayed and chased from him or catcht of the woulfe and rent in pieces So we also our selues can profite our selues neither by helpe nor counsel that we might obtaine peace and quietnes of conscience and escape out of the hands of the deuell death and hell except Christ himselfe repeat his word vnto vs and call vs againe vnto him And although we come vnto him and now stand in faith yet is it not in our powre to keepe our selues therein or to stand by our owne strength vnles he eftsoones by the power of his Word hold lift vp and carie vs for that the deuell alwayes imagineth and purposeth deceit and destruction toward vs and goeth about like a roring lyon seeking whom he may deuour as S. Peter witnesseth Wherefore here is no place to boast of free will or of our owne strength which is none neither in beginning any thing neither in going forward therein much lesse in perseuering or continuing in it but Christ our shepeheard alone doth all things Howbeit we are sure hereof that whiles we lye vpon the shoulders of Christ we shall remayne safe from all terrour and misfortune For he will not suffer vs to be plucked or taken from his necke neither will he himselfe cast vs of being so glad and ioyfull that he hath found his lost shepe and brought it againe to the rest of the flocke And in a summe here is no terrour or trouble or exaction but mere life and grace whereby he handleth his shepe most louingly and gently But on the contrarie Moses not as a shepeheard of miserable and weake sheepe but as a maister of stronger cattell driueth his heards with a staffe and a rod three dayes iourney through the desert vntill they be tyred and wearie with walking of this shepeheard those hardedened and wilde ones are to be tamed and bridled And we also when we shal be vnder Moses to wit according to the flesh and the outward life must goe and do that which the law requireth But in that we are and are called Christians we must by no meanes suffer that any worke be layed vpon vs yea or exacted of vs but must giue our selues onely to Christ to be caried and gentlely lifted vp not vpon horses and charrets but euen vpon his onely shoulders Whē Christ carieth vs vpō his shoulders Which commeth to passe as I haue sayd when he suffreth the word to be preached vnto vs and we also beleeue the same that he died for vs that on the crosse he bare our sinnes in his body that he hath ouerthrowne the deuell death and synnes and put them vnder his feete and hath made and opened vnto vs entraunce to eternall life Wherefore we must not haue respect to our owne life how righteous and strong we are but we must studie vpon his one thing that we may rest lying vpon his shoulders In this circle we must haue no care of synne death life or pensiuenes inasmuch as we haue all things to the full in Christ who beareth and keepeth vs. Now he is not content with all these things both that with such great trauell he seeketh his shepe and also that hauing found it Exceeding ioy because of the sheepe which was lost and is foūd againe he carieth it with incredible ioy but it being brought againe he maketh festiual dayes exceedingly reioyceth calling togither his neighbours and friendes that they may reioyce with him Yea he affirmeth that God also in heauen with the whole heauenly host do reioyce ouer one synner that repenteth In which wordes he sheweth and declareth who he is which deserueth to be called his lost shepe namely such a synner as being led by repentaunce of his former life doth
Gospell promiseth that Christ is giuen to vs that he may take away our sinnes and be our high Priest Mediatour and Aduocate before God that so we may nothing dout but that our sinnes through Christ onely and his workes are forgiuen vs and that we are reconciled to God and that by this meanes our conscience is deliuered and comforted The beleeuing hart reioyceth in the Lord. When such a faith possesseth the hart and the Gospell is so receiued in deede then God appeareth sweete altogither louing neither feeleth the hart any thing but the fauour grace of God it standeth with a stronge and bold confidence it feareth not lest any euill come vnto it it being quiet from all feare of vengeance and displeasure is merie and glad of so incomparable grace and goodnes of God giuen vnto it freely and most aboundantly in Christ Wherefore there must needes forthwith proceede from such a faith loue ioy peace gladnes giuing of thankes prayse a certaine meruelous delight in God as in a most deare and fauorable father which dealeth so fatherly with vs and poureth forth his giftes so plentifully and in so great a measure vpon them that doe not deserue them Behold of such ioy Paule speaketh here which truely where it is there can be no place for sinne or feare of death or hell yea nothing is there but a ioyfull quiet and omnipotent trust in God and in his fauour Wherefore it is called ioy in the Lord not in gold or siluer gluttonie or drunkennes in delicates or singing health knowledge wisedom power glory friendship fauour no nor in good workes holines or whatsoeuer is without God Of these thou shalt take but a deceitfull and vaine ioy Vaine ioy which can not pearse the hart or enter vnto the bottom thereof whereof thou mayst rightly say that which is wont to be spoken as a prouerbe amonge the Germanes This man reioyceth but he feeleth not any ioy in his hart There is one ful perfect ioy which the beleeuers take of and in the Lord which is nothing els then to commit them selues vnto him and of him alone to reioyce trust and presume as of a most fauourable and louing father Whatsoeuer ioy is not after this sort the Lord doth contemne and reiect it whereof Ieremie speaketh chap. 9 Let not the wise man reioyce in his wisedom nor the stronge man in his strength neither the rich man in his riches but whoso will reioyce let him reioyce in this that he vnderstandeth and knoweth me And Paule 2. Cor. 10. sayth Let him that reioyceth reioyce in the Lord. He addeth that we must reioyce alwayes We must alwayes reioyce in the Lord. where he toucheth them which onely halfe the time doe reioyce in the Lorde and praise him that is when all thinges fall out according to their desire but when aduersitie commeth they chaunge ioy with sadnes and sorow of whom the 48 Psalme speaketh So longe as thou doost well vnto him he will speake good of thee But the Prophet him selfe sayth not so I will alway blesse God his prayse shal euer be in my mouth Psal 34 And he hath a iust cause so to doe for who shall hurt him vnto whom God is mercifull surely sinne shall not hurt him neither death nor hel wherfore the Prophet sayth in an other place Yea though I walke through the valley of the shadow of death I will feare no euill Psal 23. And Paule sayth Rom. 8 VVho shall separate vs from the loue of Christ shal tribulation or anguish or persecution or famine or nakednes or peril or sword I am perswaded that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor thinges present nor things to come nor heigth nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. Againe I say reioyce This repetition of the Apostle confirmeth his exhortation and truely not without a cause forasmuch as we liue in the middes of sinnes and therefore in the middes of tribulations both which do moue vs vnto sadnes heauines Wherefore the Apostle purposing to comfort vs against these exhorteth vs that we should alwayes reioyce in the Lord Though the faithfull sometime fal into sinne yet they must not therefore ceasse to reioyce in the Lord. albeit we sometime fall into sinnes For it is meete the more God with his goodnes exceedeth the euill of sinne so much more alwayes to reioyce in him when we are sorowfull because of our sinnes which albeit by nature they bring sadnes and sorow with them yet forasmuch as they can not bringe so much hurt as Christ if we beleeue in him bringeth profit and safetie ioy in the Lord ought alwayes to haue the first place with vs and farre to ouercome the sorow and sadnes that commeth by reason of our sinnes For we must alwayes thinke on that which Iohn writeth If any man sinne we haue an Aduocate with the Father Iesus Christ the righteous and he is the reconciliation for our sinnes 1. Ioh. 2. Let your patient minde be knowne vnto all men He hath already taught howe men ought to behaue them selues toward God namely that they must serue him with a cheerfull hart and continuall ioy now he declareth in few wordes how the beleeuers ought to behaue them selues toward men saying Let your patient mind be knowne vnto all men Which wordes are thus much in effect Be ioyful toward God alwaies reioycing in of him What it is to let our patient mind be knowne vnto all men but toward men be of a patiēt mind pliant applying your selues to all so behauing your selues that ye be ready to do and suffer all things to yeeld in euery thing as much as may be by any meanes without transgressing the commaundement of God whereby ye may approue your selues to all men and please all in that which is good not onely hurting none but also taking in good worth all things of al men interpreting aright the sayings of al men accepting them in the better part that mē may plainly see you to be them vnto whom all things are alike which take in good part whatsoeuer betideth you which stick in nothing which would not disagree with any man for any cause which be rich with the rich poore with the poore reioycing with them that reioyce weeping with them that weepe to be briefe which be made all things to all men that all men must needes acknowledge that ye are grieuous to none but agreeable of a patient mind pliant and obedient toward all in all thinges The Greeke worde epieices which the Apostle here vseth meaneth the same which signifieth in our tongue a patient and pliant mind whereby one doth so apply and shew him selfe indifferent to others that he is the same to one that he is to an other applying him selfe indifferently to the will of all not
spake before Before the fulnes of time came we weare in bondage vnder the rudimēts of the world All the elect which are predestinate of the Lord that they shall become sonnes are counted in that place of sonnes with God Therefore he saith rightly Because ye are sonnes that is because the state of sonnes is appointed vnto you frō euerlasting God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Sonne to wit that he might finish it in you make you such as he hath long since of his goodnes determined that he should make you Moreouer he calleth him the spirit of that Sonne of God that he might continue in commending vnto vs this benefit of God that he hath chosen vs to be sonnes For Christ is the Sonne of God and that most beloued Now if the father giue vnto vs his spirit he will make vs like to his onely begotten sonne his true sonnes and heires that we may with certaine confidence crie with Christ Abba Father being his brethren and felow heires with him Wherin that Apostle surely hath notable set forth the goodnes of God which maketh vs partakers with Christ and causeth vs to haue all thinges common with him so that we liue and are ledde by the same spirit Moreouer these wordes of the Apostle do shew both that the holy Ghost is an other from Christ and yet doth proceede from him when as he calleth him his spirit The spirit in deede dwelleth in the godly and no man will say that he is their spirit as here Paul maketh him the holy spirit of Christ saying God hath sent forth that spirit of his Sonne that is of Christ For he is the spirit of God cometh from God to vs and is not ours vnles one will say after this sort my holy spirit as we say my God my Lord. Wherefore whereas he is here said to be holy spirit of Christ it proueth him to be God as of whom that spirit is sent is peculiarly counted his spirit Furthermore Christians may perceiue by this place whether they haue in themselues the holy Ghost How we may know whether the holy Ghost dwell in vs or not to wit this spirit of the sonne whether they heare his voice in themselues For Paul saith that he cryeth in the heares which he possesseth Abba Father a according as he sayth also Rom. 8 We haue receiued the Spirit of adoptiō whereby we crie Abba Father Now thou hearest this voyce when thou fyndest so much faith in thy selfe that thou doest assuredly without any doutinge presume not only that thy synnes be forgiuen thee but also that thou art the beloued sonne of God which being certaine of eternal saluatiō darest both call him father and be delighted in him with a ioyfull and most confident heart Thou must be so certaine hereof that thou canst not be more certaine of thy life must sooner suffer death and hellish torments then suffer this trust and confidence to be taken from thee For to dout any thing herein were no small reproch and contumelie to the death of Christ as though that had not obtained all thinges for vs and ought not farre more effectually to prouoke and encourage vs to haue a good trust in God then all our synnes and tentations are able to put vs out of hope and fray vs from it It may be in deede that thou shalt be so tempted that thou shalt feare and doute of thine adoption and thinke plainly that God is not a fauourable father but a wrathfull reuēger of synners as it fell out with Iob and many other saincts but in such a conflict this trust confidence that thou art a sonne ought to preuaile and ouercome or els thou shalt come into a miserable and desperate case When one of Cains broode heareth these thinges he is as it were beside himselfe by reason of admiration and astonishment Fye sayth he awaye with this arrogancie and this most pernitious errour God turne this mynde from me that I do not presume to thinke that I am the sonne of God I am a synner most miserable and wretched and I will neuer esteeme more of my selfe But thou which desirest to belong vnto Christ flie this kynde of men no otherwise then most hurtfull enemies of Christian faith and of thy saluation Though of our selues we be miserable synners yet we may assuredly perswade our selues that through Christ we are the sonnes of God We also know that we are synners and verie miserable and wretched but here we must not weye or consider what we either do or are but what Christ is and what he hath done for our sake It is not spoken here of our nature but of the grace of God which so farre exceedeth our synnes as heauen is higher then the earth and the east is distant from the west as the 103. Psalme sayth Now if it seeme vnto thee a great honour that thou art the sonne of God as in deede it is verie great cōsider that it is no lesse meruelous that the sonne of God for this cause did come was borne of a woman and made vnder the Lawe that thou mightest become the sonne of God These are great benefites of God do cause in the elect a great trust and confidence in the goodnes of God and a spirit which is afraide of nothing but is bold and able to do all thinges Contrariwise the religion of those of Cains broode as it is a thing meruelous strait and carefull so doth it make heartes exceeding fearfull which serue to no vse but are vnapt to all thinges fit neither to suffer or do any thing which tremble and are afraide euen at the shaking of the lease of a tree as it was before spoken of them Leuit. 26. Wherefore thou must lay vp these wordes of the Apostle well in thy minde thou must feele this crie of the spirit which crieth so in the hearts of al the faithful For how shouldest thou not heare the crie of thine owne heart Neither doth the Apostle say that he doth whisper speake yea or syng it is greater then all these which the spirit doth in thy heart he crieth out a maine that is with all the heart Whereupon it is saide Rom. 8 that he maketh request for vs with sighes that can not be expressed and that he beareth witnes with our spirit that we are the children of God how therefore can it be that our heart should not heare this crie sighes Aduersitie stirreth vp the spirit and testimonie of the spirit Howbeit hereunto tentations and aduersitie are very profitable they moue to crie and do exceedingly stirre vp the spirit Notwithstanding we foolish men do greatly feare and flie the crosse wherefore it is no meruell if we do neuer feele the crie of the spirit and do continually remaine like them of Cains broode But if thou doest not feele this crie take heede that thou be not idle and flothfull neither secure pray instantly for thou art
hast grace restored Howbeit he requireth this of thee that thou also forgiue thy neighbour all things which he hath cōmitted against thee otherwise thou shalt not be in this kingdō of grace neither shalt becōe partaker of that which the Gospell preacheth that thy sinnes may be forgiuen thee This briefly is the summe meaning of this text Moreouer we must not here omit to declare who they be that receiue the Gospell and vnto whom it is acceptable For surely that kingdom and gouernment wherin God reigneth and ruleth by the Gospell is most excellent and gentle forasmuch as in it meere forgiuenes of sinnes is preached howebeit it pearseth not into the hart of euery one neither is it considered or esteemed of all For thou mayst finde many light and vnconstant men Abuse of the Gospell who abuse the Gospel and leade their life dissolutely and loosely doing what they list who thinke that they should be rebuked of none seeing that the Gospel teacheth nothing but forgiuenes of sinnes The Gospell is not preached to these who do so vilely esteeme of a precious treasure and deale lightly with it Wherefore neither doe they pertaine to this kingdom but to worldly gouernment that they may be stopped let from doing whatsoeuer they like and list To whom the Gospel is preached To whom then is it preached to them which throughly feele such miserie as this seruaunt did here Wherefore consider what happeneth vnto him The Lord taketh pitie of his miserie forgiueth him more then he durst desire But before this is done the text sayth the Lord first tooke account of his seruaunts and when he began to recken one was brought vnto him which owed him ten thousand talents and because he had nothing to pay his Lord commaunded him to be sold and his wife and children and all that he had and the dette to be payed Which truely were no pleasant wordes but euen exceeding seueritie and most terrible iudgement then is he brought into so great perplexitie and distresse that he falleth downe on the ground and asketh mercie and promiseth more then he hath or is able to pay saying Lord refraine thyne anger toward me and I will pay thee all Here is set forth vnto vs who they be vnto whom the Gospell is acceptable For so commeth it to passe betwene God and vs. When God will take an account of vs he sendeth forth the preaching of his law The preaching of the law whereby we learne to know what we ought to doe as when God sayth to the conscience Thou shalt worship no other God but shalt acknowledge me alone for God shalt loue me with all thine hart and repose thy trust and hope in me onely This is the booke of accounts wherein is written what we owe which he taking into his hands readeth before vs and sayth Lo this thou oughtest to haue done thou oughtest to feare loue and worship me alone thou oughtest to trust in me alone and from me to promise to thy selfe all good thinges Howbeit thou doost otherwise thou art mine aduersarie thou beleeuest not in me but reposest thy trust in other things and in a summe thou feest here that thou doost not obserue so much as the least point of the lawe When the conscience hath heard these thinges and the law hath touched one well he seeth then what he ought to doe and what he hath not done and findeth that he hath not kept so much as a letter of the law and is compelled to confesse that he hath not performed that obedience and dutie which God iustly requireth of him What doth the Lord now When the conscience is thus touched and feeleth it selfe condemned and is distressed with exceeding great miserie he sayth Sell him and whatsoeuer he hath and let him pay the det This is the iudgement which forthwith followeth when the law hath reuealed sinne and sayd This thou must doe that thou oughtest to haue done and thou hast done nothing thereof for to sinne is required punishment that man may be compelled to pay For God hath not so made his lawe that he doth not punish them that transgresse it It is not sweete pleasant but bringeth bitter and horrible paine with it it deliuereth vs to Satan it casteth vs downe to hell and leaueth vs wrapped in tentation vntill we haue payed the vtmost farthing This S. Paule hath notably well declared Rom. 4 where he sayth The law worketh nothing but wrath That is when it reuealeth vnto vs that we haue done vniustly it setteth nothing before vs but wrath indignation For when the conscienee seeth that it hath committed euill it feeleth that it hath deserued eternall death after which followeth punishment whereupon it is compelled to despeire This is that that the Lorde commaundeth this seruaunt togither with all his substance to be solde forasmuch as he is not able to pay But what doth the seruaunt say the foolish fellow thinketh yet that he shall pay the dette he falleth downe and prayeth that he wil haue patience with him This is the wound and crosse of all consciences that when sinne biteth them so that they feele in how euill case they are before God there is no rest in them but they runne hither and thither seeking about that they may be deliuered from sinnes rashly take vpon them as yet to do so great thinges as wherewith they shall pay God Superstitious meanes inuented by men to be deliuered from sinne and to purchase Gods fauour as we hitherto haue bene instructed whereupon came so many pilgrimages collegiate houses Monasteries Masses other trifles We pyned our selues with fasting we scourged our selues with whippes we were made Monkes and Nunnes therefore onely for that we went about to leade such a life and to do such and so many works as whereunto God might haue respect and thereby be pacified thinking so to appease and make quiet our consciences so we committed the same thinges that this foolish fellow did Such a hart as is touched with the lawe throughly feeleth it owne miserie and calamitie is humbled truely and in deede Whereupon it falleth downe before the Lord and craueth mercy Howbeit it is yet defiled with this vice that it striueth to helpe it selfe which thinge can not be taken away from nature When as the conscience feeleth such miserie it dareth presume to promise more then all the Angells in heauen are able to performe Then is it an easie matter to persuade it to apply it selfe to doe whatsoeuer can be required of it For it findeth it selfe alwayes in such a case that it hopeth that it is able by workes to satisfie for sinnes Consider those thinges which haue bene hitherto of longe time done in the world then shalt thou find these thinges to be so For thus was it preached Giue somewhat to the building of a Church Get to be admitted into an holy Monasterie institute Masses and thy sinnes shall be forgiuen thee
vvordes and iudgement I make no small account of but aftervvard entring into deeper consideration of the matter and vveying on the one side the great ignorance of many euen in matters of saluation togither vvith the dayly dishonouring of God by vngodly life and on the other side the diuine doctrine and most vvholsom exhortations vvhich these Sermons conteine I vvas more forcibly stirred vp thereunto and thought that the painefull perusing of them and frutefull follovving of that vvhereof they entreat vvould be a souereigne salue to help to cure such daungerous diseases For by them may they learne to knovv one onely true God and vvhom he hath sent Iesus Christ and the infinit riches vvhich are comprised in him and offered vnto vs through him of God his Father that he humbled him selfe to exalt vs that he became a seruaunt to set vs at libertie that he vvas empouerished to make vs rich that he dyed for our sinnes rose again for our iustification that through his meanes mercie hath svvallovved vp miserie and bounty hath ouercome all euill finally that vvithout him there is no ioy nor consolation no peace nor quietnes no felicitie nor saluation but that he is the onely meanes by vvhich all good thinges are attained so that they vvhich enioy him receiue not one gift alone as vvith Salomon vvisedom vvith Samson strength vvith Iob patience vvith Paule zeale c but for pouertie they receiue riches for vveakenes strength for folly vvisedom for seruitude freedom for griefe ioy for sinne righteousnes for death life yea all good thinges vvhatsoeuer VVherefore if the faithfull man be pressed vvith pouertie he may here learne that by Christ he is adopted to be the Sonne of God and so may be comforted saying to him selfe Hovv can he be poore vvhich hath God to his Father vvho both is able to giue all thinges necessary for his is the earth and all that therein is and also vvill giue the same because he is most louing and gracious to his children Againe if he feele in him selfe vveaknes he may learne here that he is not able of him selfe to attaine vnto strength but that it is the gift of Christ vvho strengtheneth such as beleeue in him so may be stirred vp by harty prayer to aske the same of him that he vvill vouchsafe by his holy spirit to strengthen and confirme him that he may be able to performe that by grace vvhich by nature and of him selfe he shall neuer be able to doe as mightely to subdue the rebellious flesh strongly to resist and at the last valiauntly to ouercome the tentations of Satan patiently to beare the troubles of the vvorld and constantly to contemne the allurements of the same Moreouer if he thirst after diuine and heauenly vvisedom vvhich is to knovv God aright and those thinges that are necessary to be knovvne to the attaining of saluation he may finde here largely and liuely set forth that Christ came his Fathers Embassadour and Messenger to men that by him they might be brought to the right knovvledge of God and into all truth so that by him vve are enlightened vvith the knovvledge of God by him vve are instructed in all truth and consequently by him vve obtaine diuine and heauenly vvisedom Here also shall he learne that Christ vvas made vnder the lavve that he might redeeme them vvhich vvere in bondage vnder the lavve of seruile bondmen make them free sonnes euen the children of God Furthermore if griefe and heauines come vpon him he is here taught vvhere true ioy may be had euen in Christ Iesus alone that in him onely he may fynde sure comfort souereigne medicines present remedie true ioy of heart and quietnes of conscience Finally vvhereas vve are synnefull and haue by our synnes iustly deserued Gods eternall vvrath and most heauie vengeance he shall here learne that Christ hath payed the ransome for our synnes and pacified Gods most grieuous vvrath and displeasure iustly conceiued against vs. And because it is not sufficient that due satisfaction be made for synnes and Gods vvrath appeased but vve must also appeare righteous before God it is here shevved that as by one mans disobedience many vvere made synners so by the obedience of one namely of Iesus Christ as many as beleeue in him shal be made righteous inasmuch as his righteousnes is imputed to them as their ovvne vvhereby they appeare perfectly righteous before God and are accepted of him so that vvhereas they had of themselues deserued eternall death they are through Christ accounted vvorthie of euerlasting life But vvhat doe I goe about to rehearse the infinite treasures vvhich the faithfull enioy through Christ it shall be sufficient to conclude vvith the Apostle Paule and say If God spared not his ovvne Sonne but gaue him for vs all to death hovv shall he not vvith him giue vs all thinges also Novv forasmuch as these thinges and the right meanes to attaine vnto them are in these Sermons of that most learned Diuine Martin Luther most learnedly yea euen diuinely set forth they may vndoutedly be a singular meane not onely to instruct them vvhich be ignorant in matters of saluation but also to increase and confirme the knovvledge of such as haue already vvell profited in Christian religion Hovvbeit there is annexed hereunto sound and absolute doctrine concerning good vvorkes and godly conuersation as being most necessary to be of all Christiās perfectly knovvne and effectually follovved For Christians through Christ being become the Sonnes of God hovv vnmeete yea hovv abhominable a thinge is it that they should resemble Satan in their doinges being novv made the members of Christ hovv detestable a thing is it that they should be instruments of iniquitie being novv the temple of the holy Ghost hovv beastly a thinge vvere it to defyle the same vvith the filthines of synne Finally hauing receiued so many and so great benefites of God through Christ hovv vvicked and shamefull a thinge should it be to be vnthankefull to so gracious a God to be disobedient to so louing a Father in any vvise to displease so mercifull a Sauiour But it shal be needelesse much to stand vpon this point seeing it is not vnknovvne to the faithfull vvith hovv great endeuour they ought to auoyde that vvhich is euill and embrace that vvhich is good and therefore shall syncere perfect doctrine concerning good vvorkes be vnto them no lesse commodious and profitable then needefull and necessarie For the causes aboue specified especially among other I haue right VVorshipfull though not finely yet faithfully translated these Sermons into our vulgar tounge and haue done myne endeuour for the publishing of the same vvhich I doe humbly dedicate to your VVorships protection by your zealous godlines and godly zeale chiefly moued thereunto vvhereby I am induced to thinke that you vvill vvell accept of them For as the godly do vvith Dauid delight in the Arke of the Couenant in the Tabernacle of the Lord in
of Bethlehem were Thou reuoluest in thy mind childish and altogether foolish cogitations Why doost thou not performe the like duties nowe Behold Christ walking before thee in thy neighbour do for him bestowe benefits vpon him whatsoeuer thou shalt bestow vpon thy neighbour which is needy and destitute of helpe that thou shalt bestow vpon Christ him selfe as he shall say in the last day to the elect Matth. 25.40 VVhatsoeuer ye haue done to one of the least of these my brethren ye haue done it to me Wherfore it is a vaine and very foolish thing to admit such childish cogitations Let vs therefore at the last open our eyes let vs not heare examples of so great importance in vaine otherwise the time will come when we shall be grieuously punished But with what wordes did the Angell speake vnto the shepeheards the Euangelist sayth after this sort Then the Angell sayd vnto them Be not afraid for behold I bring you glad tidings of great ioy that shall be to all people that is that vnto you is borne this day in the citie of Dauid a Sauiour vvhich is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a signe to you Ye shall find the babe svvadled and layd in a maunger Learne by these wordes of the Angell how to vse rightly the natiuitie of the Lord Christ neither let it suffice you to heare them onely A great treasure hidden in the earth or some other where is to no vse but if it be opened and occupied then is it profitable and precious Wherefore giue heede hereunto that thou mayst vse this natiuitie otherwise it shal be no commoditie and comfort vnto thee For whereas thou knowest the bare historie onely to witte what came to passe in his natiuitie and that he was borne needy and poore thou shalt take no greater commoditie hereby then if thou heare a historie written of the king of Fraunce or of some other puissant Prince whereby no commoditie or comfort should come vnto thee But how must we vse this natiuitie rightly and with frute What it is to vse the natiuitie of christ aright Our owne natiuitie of what sort it is Euen as I haue sayd if we be thus perswaded that he was borne for vs that his natiuitie is ours Our natiuitie is such that it altogether aboundeth with sinne as Dauid sayth Psal 51 Behold I was shapen in wickednes in sinne hath my mother conceiued me As if he would say here is nothing but sinne as well in the conception as in the birth whatsoeuer I bring with me from my mothers wombe it is wholly damnable it is due to death Satan hell Forasmuch then as our natiuitie skin heare are defiled what good can come therof This is our title which we haue receiued from Adam in this one thing we may glory and in nothing else at all namely that euery infant that is borne into this world is wholy in the power of sinne death Satan hel and eternall damnation our natiuitie is altogether miserable and on euery side to be lamented To deliuer vs from this natiuitie God sent an other natiuitie which it behoued to be pure without all spot that it might make this vncleane sinnefull natiuitie pure This is that natiuitie of the Lorde Christ his onely begotten sonne The natiuity of Christ Wherefore he woulde not haue him borne of flesh blood infected with synne but it behoued that he shoulde be borne of a pure Virgine He suffered no spot at all or sinne in his flesh but replenished it with the holy Ghost permitted nothing to sticke therein but those miseries which proceede of flesh and blood as hunger thirst aduersitie and death sinne excepted as the Epistle to the Heb. chap. 4. witnesseth that he was in all things tempted in like sort yet without sinne This is that most excellent thing which the Lord our God hath done for vs whereof none taketh any frute but he that beleeueth And none will easily beleeue this but he that feeleth of what sorte his owne natiuitie is He that hath no feeling of his owne miserie tasteth not of this natiuitie of Christ But if we feele our miserie it followeth forthwith that we cry with the Prophet Dauid and say Behold I was shapen in wickednes and in sinne hath my mother conceiued me for we feele our sinne and our euill natiuitie When death shall come vpon vs and our heart shal be touched with anguish grief thē at the last it may be that we would cast of this happy pure natiuitie and will excedingly thirst after it to enioy it But now when as we feele not our sinnes neither doe as yet tast of the bitternes of sinne it stideth coldly to the hart we heare it in deede but truely it doth not throughly enter vnto the hart For if a man did beleue that this natiuitie was for his commoditie he would feare neither sinne nor death Wherefore I haue sayd that a Christian must beleeue and dout nothing that the natiuitie of Christ is as well his as it is the Lord Christes And as he hath of the virgin pure blood and flesh so that he him selfe also is pure and that this virgin is his mother spiritually as she was the mother of Christ carnally Let the hart haue sure confidence in this perswasion otherwise it will be in an euil case This the Angell signifieth in these wordes when he sayth Vnto you he is borne Christ is borne vnto vs and is made wholy ours as if he sayd what soeuer he is and hath ye may chalenge it to your selues Also he is your Sauiour not that ye should onely looke vppon him but which is able to deliuer you from the tyrannie of sinne death Satan and all euell yea and how great soeuer he be he is borne vnto you and is yours with all that he hath Nowe forasmuch as he is myne and hath chaunged his natiuitie into myne his flesh blood also is myne he him selfe is myne with all wherewith he is endued so that I dare saye vnto his mother Beholde that child which thou hast brought forth is mine his flesh and blood are my flesh and blood yea and thou art my mother and I will be counted of thee for thy sonne for whatsoeuer Christ bringeth with him it must be myne euen as he himselfe is myne If so be that his natiuitie be myne being of a virgin and without synne replenished with the holy Ghost my natiuitie also must be of a virgin and pure from synne Here now Eue the first mother is no more my mother for it must needes be that that natiuitie doe vtterly die and perish that there may be no sinne remayning Here this mother Marie is to be set against that mother of whome I was borne in sinne And thus the Angel bringeth with him great ioy for it can not be but that the hart should be made glad when it enioyeth this Sauiour as his owne When
we come to hand strokes that is when we feele our miserie and calamitie there remayneth no comfort or helpe then my hart can not lift it selfe aboue the heauy burden wherewith it is pressed downe but it must needes faint and be discouraged But if I conceiue a trust and doute nothing that Christs natiuitie is mine that my sinnes be taken away by him I become exceding ioyfull am confirmed with comfort whereby all heauines and sorrow is shaken of True comfort and ioy This onely is that comfort and no other which maketh a good conscience which feareth neither death nor hell for it alwayes resteth vpon the word of God which giueth Christ vnto vs. Wherefore it is a thinge altogether miserable and lamentable if such a good conscience be sought in any other thinges then here Thou shalt find no ioy no peace of conscience neither in heauen nor in earth but in this Christ be thou certaine and sure thereof Wherefore let all other thinges passe and cleaue vnto him onely if thou desire to be bold and couragious against sinne death the deuill hell all thinges that are against thee He is the Lorde Sauiour Ye vnderstand I trust this right wel forasmuch as ye haue now heard it so oftē But I doe with so great earnestnes as it were beate it into your mindes that ye may see that there is but one thing taught in the whole Scripture which I would haue to sticke firmely and vndoutedly in you this is that which I haue sayd that the vse of this natiuitie be knowne They which seeke any other thing and vse not this natiuitie are in a desperat case as ye haue heard Which ye haue very wel expressed in this songe the author whereof whosoeuer he was did nothing erre from the purpose to witte that the onely childe Christ is our comfort Which wordes surely are of very great importance and deserue most diligently to be weyed For ye did sing after this sort A child highly to be praysed is borne vnto vs this day of a chast virgin to the comfort of vs wretches If that child had not bin borne we had perished all Is it not sayd here that there is no comfort beside only Christ which in deed is most true Without dout the holy Ghost taught him that made this song to singe after this sort If the case stand thus it followeth that Monkes Nunnes Sacrificing Priestes and all which leaue this child and seeke to come to heauen by other wayes and works be cōdemned For such say that they neede not this child otherwise they woulde confesse that their owne workes be nothing worth These therefore do nothing but deceiue and seduce of whom mens harts are procured to depart from Christ and are led away vnto Satan In the aforesayd song is contayned moreouer He is the saluation of vs all oh sweete Iesu Christ forasmuch as thou art borne man defende vs from hell I greatly desire that ye did well vnderstand this It is soong abroade euery where but there is none that throughly beleueth it Whereupon it commeth that some doe oppugne these things especially they which know sing and babble very much of them that truely I feare that Christ is neuer more blasphemed then at this feast of his natiuitie and at other great feastes that it should be no maruel if when he is so blasphemed he should suffer the whole world to be swallowed vp but the last day is at hand Wherefore endeuour that ye may sound this excellent song in your hart and as ye sing it in mouth so ye may also beleue it If the case stande thus that all thinges without this child are vaine No meanes but by Christ to come vnto heauen what neede is there then of much busines why doost thou runne this way that way and endeuorest to do workes whereby thou mayst prepare thee a seate in heauen which they especially doe that murmure vp many Rosaries and doe continually extoll the mother of God in mouth onely but in hart thinke more euil of her then of all others not onely of her but of Christ him selfe also the Lord and Sauiour Wherefore commit this so to memorie that ye may be certainly perswaded that whatsoeuer dependeth of any other then of that child it is all damnable otherwise the Angell had lyed This must be compted for most certaine without any addition neither are these trifles to be weied to witte that this sufficeth not that thou doost beleeue moe thinges are to be added Forasmuch then as the Angell sayth that this child doth all and that he is the Sauiour and if he be not that all labour is lost tell me how can it follow that some thing is to be done of thee when it is already done before Doost thou goe about to doe any thinge that thou mayst obtaine him That child suffereth not him selfe to be apprehended and obtayned by workes for albeit thou heape together workes notwithstanding thou doost not yet enioy the child Moreouer thy works be vncleane by which such a great treasure can not be gotten no though they were euen holy But he is to be apprehēded in hart so that thou beleeue and say to the Angel I beleeue that it is true which thou sayest and nothing at all douting I count this childe for a Sauiour borne vnto me And this part wherof we haue now spoken pertaineth to faith Now we haue here also an other part pertayning to Christian life namely charitie that workes may not be reiected If thou wilt doe workes doe them not in that respect that thou perswade thy selfe that thou doost obtayne any thing of God by them A most excellent example to be followed of all Christians in doing of good workes But follow this example such a one as Christ hath shewed him selfe to thee be thou also towarde thy neighbour If thou doe more nearely consider the example of Christ thou shalt finde nothing but meere loue Whereas he humbleth him selfe and is borne in so great pouertie that declareth nothing but loue toward thee which moued him to become a seruaunt for thy sake as Paule Philip. 2. sayth who knew that he might remayne in diuine glory Now this he did for thy commoditie he bowed his eies to thy miserie and calamitie which art so miserable a man wholy damnable abounding with sinne thy natiuitie is vncleane thy misery is on euery side most great thou hast deserued nothing but the wrath of God eternall damnation If thou hadst bene a Carthusian Monke a thowsand yeares thou couldest not deliuer thy self from this miserye and damnation But Christ is able to helpe thee he is rich and hath strength sufficient seeing therefore he can doe such thinges he doth them willingly and with pleasure Loue enforceth him so farre that he employeth all thinges for thy sake and bestoweth whatsoeuer he hath for thee Forasmuch then as Christ sheweth so great loue toward thee and giueth vnto
mine ovvne vvill but his vvill vvhich hath sent me Yea he obeyed his father euen vnto death and submitted him selfe wholy to his will We imitating this example which is written for our singular consolation ought to submit our will to God and his Christ and to rest confidently vpon him He knoweth howe to bringe the matter notably well to passe as it is sayd Psal 37. Commit thy vvay vnto God and put thy trust in him and he shall bringe it to passe And a litle after Hold thee still in God and suffer him to vvorke vvith thee Such sentences ought to prouoke vs patiently to suffer the will of God in vs whether sweete thinges or sowre commodities or discommodities come vnto vs for he knoweth with what temperature to lay them vpon vs. Blessed is he that beleueth these thinges from his hart Who being such a one can be troubled with sorow Such a man howsoeuer he be hādled whether he be burned or drowned cast into prison or otherwise grieuously delt with he taketh all in good part For he knoweth that these thinges shall turne to his commoditie After this sort doe we also offer golde with the wise men when we take away rule from our owne will and do suffer Christ to worke in vs accordinge to his will pleasure Wherefore they are hypocrites which knowe not to suffer the will of God but howsoeuer he dealeth with them haue alwayes whereof they doe complayne They forsooth suppose that whatsoeuer they thinke it shall haue successe according to their thinking If it fall out otherwise they are angrie they do not patiently suffer persecution and contempt they murmure they finde fault and vexe when those thinges happen no otherwise then horses being stirred vp with furie or rage So therfore by resisting they staye the kingdome of Christ from them and depriue Christ of gold which notwithstanding they ought to offer and present vnto him that is they them selues will beare rule doe not vouchsafe to acknowledge Christ for their king and Lord. Frankincēse what it signified and when we offer the same vnto Christ By frankincense they resembled diuine honour which we thē offer vnto him when we confesse that whatsoeuer we haue we must acknowledge it to haue come from God and that we haue it freely and without any merit of ours Wherefore all these thinges are to be ascribed vnto him as to the true Lord neither must we glorie one whitte in the good thinges receiued but his glorie is to be sought in them And if he take them from vs againe we ought to suffer him with quiet mindes and to blesse him with the beloued Iob in these wordes Iob. 1.21 Naked came I out of my mothers wombe and naked shal I returne thither again the Lorde gaue and the Lorde hath taken away blessed be the name of the Lord. And so we ought to suffer all misfortunes and aduersities as if God him selfe did cast them vppon our necke so that none shall be able to offende vs vnles he take away Christ from vs. Not so muche as a heare of our heades shal perish as Christ sayth to his Disciples Luke 21. Wherefore whatsoeuer shal molest vs what aduersity soeuer shal come vnto vs we ought neuer to seeke any other God we ought no where to seeke any other helpe and comfort then of Christ alone This is he which is made vnto vs of God the father wisedom righteousnes sanctification and redemption Then onely we offer vnto Christ that right frankincense of Arabia when we flie vnto him alone in our calamities afflictions and anguishes But they that seeke after straunge helpes and comforts as of Sorcerers Witches and such like they doe not offer frankincense vnto Christ but stinking brimstone wherein they shall be burned for euer for that they haue not beleued and trusted in Christ Myrrhe what it signified By myrrhe they signified a mortall man for with myrrhe dead bodies were anointed that for certaine yeares they should not putrifie Now myrrhe is a stronge and bitter iuice which distilleth from the trees of Arabia like vnto gumme or as with vs rosen issueth out of the pine tree the firre tree c. But then we offer myrrhe vnto Christ When we offer myrrhe vnto Christ when we firmely beleeue that he by his death hath ouercome sinne Satan and hell And this is a speciall faith If we doe but a litle dout here it is not well with vs. But if I beleue from my hart that death sinne the deuill and hell are swallowed vp in and by the death of Christ I shall not be afraid of them all I shall easily be preserued from rottennes which death bringeth when I haue myrrhe that is the death of my Lord Christ in my body and soule this will not suffer me to perish So stronge and valiant a thing is faith vnto which euen all thinges are possible as Christ sayth Mar. 9. Here must we learne daily with our Lord Christ to bring vnder our old Adam and to mortifie his concupiscences by the crosse and tentations not that crosse which we doe chose but which Christ layeth on vs let vs beare it patiently and with a willing mind that so our body may be subdued and made subiect to the spirit that being so buried with Christ through baptisme we may be raysed vp againe with him and he alone may reigne and liue in vs. Hereunto vehemēt sighing is required which the holy Ghost doth make in vs for our sake as Paule sayth Rom. 8. that Christ will helpe vs to keepe vnder this vnruly and obstinate flesh that it presume not too licentiously thrust the noble soule into the myre This our baptisme doth signifie to wit no other thing then that that olde and stinking Adam be mortified and buried which we alwayes ought to reuolue in our minde seeing that as long as we liue here sinnes doe remayne in vs. Wherefore alwayes some thing must be repayred in vs without all intermission through the cogitation of baptisme as it were in a house decayed through oldnes euen vntill such time as we depart this life Whereof S. Paule entreateth in very goodly wordes Rom. 6. which are diligently to be marked of vs now he sayth thus Knovv ye not that all vve vvhich haue bene baptized into Iesus Christ haue bene baptized into his death VVe are buried then with him by baptisme into his death that like as Christ vvas raised vp from the dead to the glorie of the Father so vve also shoulde vvalke in nevvnes of life For if vve be planted vvith him to the similitude of his death euen so shall vve be to the similitude of his resurrection knovving this that our old man is crucified vvith him that the bodie of sinne might be destroyed that henceforth vve should not serue sinne For he that is dead is freed from sinne VVherefore if we be dead with Christ we beleue that we shal liue also with him knovving
that Christ being raysed from the dead dieth no more death hath no more dominion ouer him For in that he died he died once to sinne but in that he liueth he liueth to God Likevvise thinke ye also that ye are dead to sinne but are aliue to God in Iesus Christ our Lord. Thus much concerning the first appearance Now we will speake somewhat of the second that is of the baptisme of Christ Three thīgs to be considered in Christes Baptisme In the baptisme of Christ three thinges are to be considered The first that the heauens were opened when he was baptized The seconde that the holy Ghost was seene in the likenes of a doue The third that the voice of the father was heard which sayd This is my beloued sonne in vvhome I am vvell pleased Whereas Christ vouchsaued to be baptised with water he hath hallowed baptisme made the water thereof holy that he which is baptized in his name might become likewise holy and cleane from sinne and might haue the heauens open Now Christ was not baptized for him selfe for he was not infected with the spot of any sinne as S. Peter sayth 1. Pet. 2. He behaued him selfe like vnto a good Phisitian which before the sicke doth first drinke some bitter potion that the sicke may more gladly and boldly doe the same afterward For we in baptisme drinke a bitter potion namely the mortification of the olde Adam which with the bitternes thereof doth greatly trouble vs. For that dipping into the water or sprinkling with it doth signifie nothing els but that that old Adam should perish die This is greatly furthered by the crosse which God according to his diuine will layeth vpon vs which we ought not to cast from vs but beare it willingly with a patient mind But that this might be easier for vs to doe euen Christ hath taken it vpon him selfe he suffered him selfe to be baptized and tooke his crosse and caried it nothing resisting or gaynesaying and so was obedient to his father vnto the death euen the death of the crosse as Paule sayth Philip. 2. that he might deliuer vs from sinnes and might againe appease his heauēly father which surely he did of his mere grace without any desert of ours whereof we haue baptisme a signe pledge as Paule sayth vnto Titus But vvhen that bountifulnes and that loue of God our Sauiour tovvard man appeared not by the vvorks of righteousnes vvhich vve had done but according to his mercy he saued vs by the vvashing of the nevve birth and the renuing of the holy Ghost vvhich he shed on vs aboundantly through Iesus Christ our Sauiour that vve being iustified by his grace should be made heires according to the hope of eternall life Secondly the holy Ghost appeareth here in the likenes of a doue when Christ is baptized The second thing to be considered in the baptisme of Christ whereby is signified that we also doe receiue the holy Ghost in our baptisme which ruleth and guideth vs according to the will of God which is present with vs helpeth vs in bearing the burden of the holy crosse which exhorteth vs is instant vpon vs enforceth vs and when we yeld to the burden of the crosse is present and helpeth vs if we fall rayseth vs vp againe and is with vs as a certeine faithfull companion in our iorney He also maketh the burden of the crosse light which we were very vnable to beare if he did not put to his helpe If so be that thou fall into sinne remember to goe backe vnto thy Baptisme for this is the onely ship wherein we passe ouer Wherefore take heede of them which make two tables wherby we passe ouer the sea of sinnes namely baptisme and repentance Beleeue them not whatsoeuer they handle it is mere delusion baptisme is the beginning of repentance As often therefore as thou fallest into sinne haue recourse vnto thy baptisme there thou shalt againe obtaine the holy Ghost who may be present with thee For repentance is nothing else but a displeasing of him selfe a detesting of his wicked life and a renuing of the man which is represented in baptisme After such a renuing of the life followeth the prayse of God and thankesgiuing vnto him for the grace receiued then such a man bursteth forth behaueth him self friendly toward his neighbour doth good to him in all thinges This is signified by that that the holy Ghost appeared vpon Christ in the likenes of a doue for a doue wanteth the gall Such they also become which receiue the holy Ghost in baptisme to witte they are gentle and without all bitternes toward all Thirdly The third thing to be considered in the baptisme of Christ the voyce of the father is heard in the baptisme of Christ which sayth This is my beloued Sonne in vvhom I am well pleased This is that Sauiour which deliuereth vs from the tyrannie of sinne death Satan and hell And here we must learne how we must come vnto God He that desireth to be the grations deare childe of God the father must attaine vnto this through Christ through him alone the beloued sonne who sitteth in the bosom of his father vnto whom alone the father looketh without whom he alloweth nothing and whatsoeuer pleaseth the father it pleaseth him in respect of this his sonne Wherefore he that desireth to goe to the father must cleaue to this beloued sonne must lay him selfe vpon his backe For by this voice all titles albeit they seeme very goodly and holy are taken away nothing is of value or estimation with the father but onely this his beloued sonne he is in his especiall fauour Now he that desireth to be in fauour with the father and to be beloued of him let him flie into the bosom of the sonne by whom afterward he findeth accesse to the father as Paule sayth Ephe. 1. that through Christ we are adopted without this Christ we are the enemies of God Whosoeuer therefore cleaueth to Christ through faith he abideth in the fauour of God he also shall be made beloued and acceptable as Christ is and shall haue felowship with the father and the sonne But where this is not done there is nothing but wrath there no honestie no vertue no free will neither prayer nor fasting nor other workes shall profit thou shalt but trifle with all these For this is a most mighty and most excellent voice This is my beloued sonne in whom all thinges consist and are comprehended which are extant in the whole Scripture Euen as all things are deliuered into the handes of Christ and gathered into one that they may obey him as S. Paule sayth For when God sayth This is my beloued sonne by shewing Christ only and shewing and naming no other he maketh it plaine enough that none is his beloued sonne beside him If so be that other are not beloued sonnes it is certaine that they are the children of wrath
Abraham In the time of Abraham God did somewhat shewe forth his mercy he declared that he would send a Sauiour who should deliuer vs againe from death both of body and soule for albeit the body should dye yet it should not alwayes remayne in death but rise againe with the Lord Christ The wordes which God spake to Abraham Gen. 22. are thus In thy seede shall all the nations of the earth be blessed Here miserable men had a cause to hope and looke for a Sauiour which should deliuer them From that time all the Prophets did diuersly foretell of this aboue measure flowing fountaine of all mercy that is of this seede of the Lord Christ how that he at the last should come that all which beleued in him might obtaine saluation by that promise which can not be reuoked If so be that men would now open their eyes they must needes confesse and say that a straunge and incredible thinge is done with vs that man being in the state of damnation cursed desperate should be restored by the natiuitie of one man Hereupon the Prophets cryed out with ardent prayers and vnspeakeable groning that God would vouchsafe to sende the Sauiour whom he had promised By faith in this Sauiour the Israelites afterward obtained the lawe and this honour before all people that they were called the elect people of God By which ordinances written of Moses the anointed was plainely figured and signified whom this text which we haue now in hand setteth forth what he is from whence he is and by the afore sayd faith all obtayned saluation from Abraham vnto Dauid euen as many as were saued In the time of Dauid God made the comming of the Messias to be more manifestly declared that it might be certainly knowne of what stocke he should come namely of the stocke of Dauid as when God sayd vnto Dauid 2. Sam. 7.12 VVhen thy dayes be fulfilled thou shalt sleepe with thy fathers and I will set vp thy seede after thee which shall proceede out of thy body and wil stablish his kingdom He shall build an house for my name and I vvill stablish the throne of his kingdom for euer I will be his father and he shall be my sonne And yet more plainely in the Psalme The Lord hath made a faithfull othe vnto Dauid Psal 132.11 and he shall not shrinke from it Of the frute of thy bodye shall I set vppon thy seat Here Christ is described that he shall be a king and an eternall king Psal 45.6 as it is mentioned of him in an other Psalme Thy throne O Lord endureth for euer the scepter of righteousnes is the scepter of thy kingdome Who pertaineth to the kingdom of Christ and who to the kingdom of Satan Howebeit he is a spirituall king which ruleth the worlde by his worde and whosoeuer receiueth his word pertaineth to his kingdom But he that is not vnder this scepter neither heareth his worde is not of God neither pertaineth to his kingdom but is subiect to the kingdom of Satan vnder whose tyrannie we all are vntill the Lord doth deliuer vs from it defend vs with his scepter which is then done when we beleeue in him Forasmuch therefore as our saluation doth come meerly by the promise of God let euery one assuredly perswade him selfe that he shal neuer obtaine saluation wtout this promise although he should do the workes of all Sainctes yet they should profit him nothing hereunto Contrariwise if we lay hold on the scepter of this king that is of the promise of God we shal not perish although the sinnes of the whole world should lye vpon vs they shal be all swallowed vp in him albeit no good worke be done of vs. As we see in the theefe which hong by the Lord on the crosse who layd hold on the word of God beleued in Christ and therefore he obtayned the promised Paradise Here is no dout left let vs onely beleue that it is so and it is so in deede all thinges which men teach or which we haue done or can doe being set aside Here all thinges must giue place at the comming of this new king that he alone may rule reigne in vs. Let a man intermedle with those thinges that are written of this king as being his owne matters and as pertaining all vnto him Whatsoeuer is written of Christ it is written for our comfort For whatsoeuer is written any where of Christ it is written for our comfort that we may thereby feede and cherish our faith To the establishing of such faith God hath mercifully left vnto vs his promise written and hath suffered to be published that he will performe that which he hath promised Whosoeuer apprehendeth this in his hart it must needes be that with sighing he thirst for such Scripture and promise of God who of his grace being not prouoked of vs offereth vnto vs and bestoweth vpon vs such goodnes and mercy But let vs now come to our present text which not with words only but also with a certeine force pearseth the hart and poureth into it loue pleasure ioy gladnes c. As if an Angell should now come from heauen and say vnto vs miserable and condemned wretches after this sort Behold O man thou hast sinned wherfore thou hast deserued to be condemned for euer This being heard the hart must needes tremble Now although all this be true yet neuertheles God of his grace hath mercy vppon thee sendeth to thee a Sauiour as he promised to Abraham and his seede Be of a good cheere and giue thankes to God Loe here is the booke of the generation of Iesus Christ who is the sonne of Dauid the sonne of Abraham so that this is not onely done but also written that thou mayst be certaine thereof Neither will he neither can he deceiue beleue onely and thou shalt haue all things Now it is to be noted that Matthew setteth Dauid before Abraham although the promise was first made to Abraham and came afterward to Dauid which promise made to Dauid the Prophets did afterward publish more abroad and did by it comfort the people As in the 11. chapter of Esai where the Prophet sayth thus There shall come a rod forth of the stocke of Iesse and a graffe shall growe out of his roote Ieremie likewise sayth thus chap. 23. Behold the time commeth sayth the Lord that I wil raise vp the righteous braunch of Dauid which king shall beare rule and he shall prosper with wisedom and shall set vp equitie righteousnes againe in the earth And many other such prophecies there are to be found in the writings of the Prophetes which they foretold of Dauid that his kingdom should be raysed vp as that Angell also declared vnto Marie when he sayd Luke 1.32 The Lord God shall giue vnto him the throne of his father Dauid Why Matthew setteth Dauid before Abraham Luke 1.54 he shall
to come Now it is not giuen vnto them in this earth to goe so farre that they may say We are subiect to no vices we are cleane from all sinne if they shall goe so farre it is Satan that deceiueth them Notwithstanding they are sorie for their sinnes and doe lament them yea it grieueth them to the hart that they must beare the miserable burden of this flesh and they crie out together with S. Paule Rom. 7. O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me from the body of this death This shrite crie all the faithfull doe giue for that feeling sinne they doe most earnestly desire to be deliuered from it And in this feeling knowledge of sinne the kingdom of Christ consisteth so that euen in sinne there is no sinne That is albeit I doe both acknowledge and feele sinne Though the godly haue sinne in thē and feele the grieuousnes thereof yet it doth not hurt them yet saluation and the kingdom doe so firmely abide in my conscience that God sayth vnto me I will forgiue thee thy sinne for that thou hast faith and beleeuest in Christ my especially beloued sonne who was deliuered to death for thee neither shall thy sinnes hurt thee Others which feele not their sinnes but trust in their workes and complaine nothing of their faultes and offences thinking them selues cleane such are giuen to Satan not receiued or admitted into the kingdom of Christ for they which are partakers of this kingdom can not be without conflicts and tribulation Death Satan and the world doe somewhat trouble the godly but the godly at the last ouercome them Psal 118.18 And that I may speake more plainly recken I pray thee any of the Sainctes whom death doth not trouble yea I know thou shalt not finde one which is not afraid and trembleth not at the horrible sight of death But the conscience taketh comfort here by the Prophet Dauid who sayth The Lorde hath chastened and corrected me but he hath not giuen me ouer vnto death it fighteth against vs in deede but it preuaileth not Thus a Christian wrapped in sinnes is both vnder sinnes and aboue sinnes at the last notwithstanding obtaineth the victorie After the same sort also must he haue to doe with Satan with whom he must wrastle all his life and at the last ouercome him So in the world also he must suffer many conflicts and troubles and yet at length become victor For although it be a kingdom of saluation which hath neither rest nor quietnes but suffreth the force of hel death the deuill sinne and all maner of aduersitie and tribulation yet they which be in it doe with an inuincible courage endure and at length ouercome all euills But God therefore permitteth these thinges that our faith may be exercised and shew forth it selfe Moreouer that is a pleasure to the conscience and bringeth vnto it comfort and ioye that it hath such a kingdom that it may say Blessed be the Lord God who hath visited and redeemed vs and hath raised vp a kingdom in the house of Dauid That is for that he visiteth vs by his word deliuereth vs from sinnes and maketh vs conquerours ouer death and Satan Thus he haue heard both that a kingdom is raysed vp in the house of Dauid and also that a Christian is both dead and yet aliue is innocent in the middes of sinnes and although he be subiect to Satan yet notwithstanding hath dominion ouer Satan For both are true for that sinne death hell doe assaile the flesh but doe not ouercome forasmuch as this kingdom of saluation triumpheth ouer them all Wherefore as it were with a certaine great boldnes or confidence he calleth it a horne that is a stronge and puissant kingdom Which hath no rest or truce but being assailed of many and stronge enemies is alwayes diligently occupied in defence of it selfe and doth notably repell the force of the enemie So a Christian laying hold on this horne ouerthroweth sinne death and Satan Neither consisteth this horne in our strength neither are we makers thereof for God hath made and raysed it vp by the ministerie of his word whereby we are saued Wherefore Zacharias so singeth that his songe hath respect not to his own sonne but to Christ Yea he celebrateth this kingdom as pertaining to the Iewes onely and declareth that it shall be glorious and maketh no mention of the Gentiles how they also should come vnto it as beside others Simeon in his song the beginning whereof is Lorde nowe lettest thou c. did prophecie that we Gentiles also are chosen into that kingdom But here he foretelleth of a kingdom raysed vp of God to the Iewes euen a kingdom of saluation and blessednes and that in the house of his seruaunt Dauid Wherefore he sayth moreouer Verse 70. As he spake by the mouth of his holy Prophets which haue bene since the world began Therefore he hath raised vp this kingdom that he might confirme his promise whereby he had foretold that he would sometime rayse vp a kingdom c. And now that time is come wherein he will fulfill that his promise So Zacharias reduceth the horne of saluation the kingdom of Christ to the olde Testament that out of it he may bring witnesses of so strong and puissant a kingdom The Prophets foretold of the kingdom that should be raysed vp in the house of Dauid For the Prophets from the time of Dauid did all prophesie that the seede of Dauid should haue a kingdom in the earth yet a spirituall kingdom and aboue the rest Esai and Ieremie foretold that it should be such a kingdom that the gouernment thereof should consist in the spirit worde to these especially Zacharias hath here respect The other as Osee Micheas and the rest doe speake of the same kingdom but not so manifestly Verse 71. That he would deliuer vs from our enemies and from the handes of all that hate vs. The Euangelist hath hitherto generally rehearsed what that kingdom of Christ is whereof the Prophets prophesied Wherein this kingdom of saluation consisteth Nowe he speaketh of it also but particularly declaring wherein it consisteth First in this that he deliuereth vs from the handes of our enemies yea and from all them that hate vs. Ye see here and vnderstand most dearely beloued that this verse doth witnes most plainely declare that we which are his people and kingdom doe liue amongst enemies and that no other is to be looked for of vs but to be hated of them That also the force qualitie and nature of this kingdom consisteth in this that it deliuereth vs out of the handes of all them that hate vs as the Prophet Dauid sayth Psal 110. The Lord shall send the rod of thy power out of Sion be thou ruler in the middes of thine enemies And Psal 45. Thine arrowes are very sharpe euen in the middes of the Kings enemies It is a delight vnto Christ
which goeth of him Where doth there appeare so much as any thing like vnto those thinges which men haue told me of him They were deceiued them selues and deceiued me also He sheweth him selfe an enemie rather then a friende Why doth he not so much as speake a word and friendly denie me helpe if I be vnworthy thereof He holdeth his peace like vnto a blocke vouchsafeth not to speake a word neither offereth his help Here surely Christ gaue a grieuous blow to the minde of the silly woman So it is an incomparable torment to them that beleeue being in distres when God sheweth him selfe such a one at their prayers like vnto one that is angrie and whom they pray vnto in vayne hiding so deepely his grace that they now perceiue nothing els but that he will not performe those thinges which he hath promised and that so he will shew his owne wordes to be false That truely hapned to the Israelites at the red sea and to many other excellent holy men The constācie of this woman of Canaan But what doth this woman to these things She remoueth out of her sight mind that Christ shewed him selfe so vngentle and hard to be intreated she being constant and nothing moued hereat perseuereth in the trust of his goodnes whereof she had heard and which she had conceiued in her minde suffering her selfe in no wise to be turned from it We must not ceasse to trust in God though he seemeth at the first not to heare our prayers nor to fulfill his promise So also must we do we must trust vnto the word alone although God him selfe and all creatures pretende otherwise then the worde preacheth But this is thrise most hard to nature reason to be so vtterly destitute and to depend on the word of God without any feeling of comfort euen when a man feeleth and trieth all things to be contrary God giue vnto vs such a mind and faith that we may so doe especially at the point of death and in extreme necessities Secondly whereas the cry and faith of this woman seemeth to haue suffered repulse the disciples come with their faith douting not but that they shal entreat the Lord but when they thinke that they shall make him more easie to be entreated they find him to be much more harde repelling as it appeared and as they thought the faith and prayers both of the woman also of them selues Neither doth Christ here hold his peace and leaue them in doubte as before but he seemeth plainely to deny that which they aske saying I am not sent but to the lost sheepe of the house of Israel This stroke is much more grieuous then that former where not onely the person of the intreater is repelled but al hope also which is wont to be left is cut of namely the comfort of the intercession of all the other Saintes and elect For it is almost the last refuge to them that suffer distres and feele the indignation of God to get them selues to godly holy men seeking for comfort and helpe whereunto as charitie requireth they find them ready and willing but euen they also some time doe in vaine aske helpe and succour for neither are they heard and so the case of them that be in distres becommeth worse and more lamentable So the afflicted and desolate may truely obiect vnto Christ all those wordes wherein he hath promised that he will heare his Sainctes as Matth. 18.19 If two of you shall agree in earth vpon any thing whatsoeuer they shall desire it shall be giuen them of my Father which is in heauen Againe VVhatsoeuer ye shall aske Marke 11.24 beleeue and ye shall receiue it And many such like But if to him that obiecteth these thinges and asketh him howe he can goe from his wordes and promises he aunswere thus I goe not from my promises I haue not promised that I will heare all prayers but the prayers of them that be myne which are of the house of Israell not of all whatsoeuer What thinkest thou may the hart then thinke hauing taken such a repulse Such an aunswere is as it were a flash of lightning wherewith the hart and all trust is seuered and broken in a thousand peeces For what trust can there be left when he heareth that that doth not pertaine vnto him which because of the word of God he trusted to haue obtayned but vnto others Here not so much as a worde can be left if one doe according as he feeleth But what doth this woman She doth not so fall from hope The great constancie faith of this woman of Canaan she still sticketh to the wordes which she had heard of Christ albeit he went about by this other repulse as with a certaine force to wrest them out of her hart she suffereth not her self to be fraied away neither with that vngentle silence neither with this hard aunswere shee continueth stedfastly in a sure confidence beleeuing that vnder this difficultie which Christ did pretend that grace was as yet hidden and layd vp for her which she had heard reported of him shee can not be brought as yet to iudge Christ not to be bountiful and gracious and that he can deny the helpe which shee desireth This was to perseuer strongly in faith Moreouer she followeth Iesus euen into the house as Marke writeth she is instant vpon him falleth downe before him and sayth Lord helpe me Here the Lorde giueth a deadly the last blow saying vnto her face that she is a dogge and vnworthy to be partaker of the bread of the children What may she aunswere hereunto For he seemed to signifie in these wordes that she is of the number of the damned and desperat which can looke for no part with the elect This word seemeth eternall and that can not be gainesayd For he which doth not pertaine to the companie of the elect by the ordinaunce of God what may he hope to be left for him This woman is not yet discouraged and past hope but yeldeth to this iudgement of the Lord she confesseth of her owne accorde that she is a dogge neither desireth she any thing but that which is wont to be giuen to dogges namely the crummes which fall from their maisters table Seemeth she not to haue vsed maruelous cunning She taketh Christ in his owne wordes He had made her like vnto a dogge she acknowledgeth it and desireth that he will onely suffer her to be a dogge according to his owne saying what should he here do how should he escape he was now as it were euen taken For the crummes vnder the table are graunted to the dogge for vnto dogges they are sayd to be due The frute of constant perseuerance trust in Christ Here therefore Christ being as it were ouercome doth open him selfe wholy and graunteth the desires of the woman and maketh that she is not now a dogge but a true Israelite
holde no water An other for that thou darest say I am without sinne and giltles tush his wrath can not come vpon me behold I will reason with thee because thou darest say I haue not offended First he sayth that his spouse is turned into an harlot and hath estraunged her selfe from God the fountaine of life from whom life saluation euery good thing floweth him they haue forsaken Secondly they set vp their owne traditions and digge vnto them selues a fountaine of their owne which can holde no water So our Papistes trust to their owne inuentions to their founding of Masses to their fastinges prayers and such like things Which appeare to be as a fountaine out of which they would draw life and blessednes or saluation when as notwithstanding it is able to hold no water they forsake God the fountaine of life Afterward he sayth they dare rise against me that I should not be angrie with them alleging that their workes be iust and they will goe to law with me Beholde this is an other sinne that they goe about to defende their workes Whereupon God also sayth I wil cōtend with thee in iudgment wil shew how thou gaddest hither and thither to change thy wayes So faith pertaineth to God alone Faith obtaineth all good thinges of God whereunto it belongeth to obtaine all whatsoeuer thinges are necessary as well temporall thinges as eternall and so to obtaine them that it thinke not that it hath merited in any thing Also it must againe apply it self downward toward our neighbour with out looking for any recompense not that blessednes consisteth in that deriuing of faith to wit charity for neither doth God require that who will haue the conscience to rest onely in him euen as the spouse must cleaue onely to her husbande and to no other so also God requireth of vs that we trust in him alone These things Christ declareth when he saith Be ye mercifull as your father is mercifull Wherefore I must so order my conscience toward God that I vndoutedly beleeue that I haue him a bountifull and mercifull father as I will afterward declare and that I also do shew mercy toward my neighbour Which faith must be inward and caried vpward vnto God but workes must be without and deriued downward to our neighbour After this sort Abraham did when at the mountaine in the countrie of Moria he ascended to God he left his seruaunts and asses below at the bottome of the mountaine taking onely Isaac with him The same must be done of vs if we will ascend vnto God that we may come to him with Isaac onely that is with faith seruaunts and asses that is workes are to be left below Thus much for the entraunce of this text concerning faith and workes to wit that faith must pearce inward and vpward but workes must go without and downeward whereby at the length it commeth to passe that we are righteous before God and men for that we giue due honour vnto God and beleeue according to his word and satisfie our neighbour in the dutie of loue Nowe let vs see the very wordes of the text in order Be ye mercifull as your Father is mercifull How our heauenly Father is mercifull toward vs. How therefore is our heauenly father mercifull after that sort that he giueth vs all good thinges corporall and spiritual transitorie and eternall freely and of his mercy For if he should giue vnto vs according to our desert he should giue vnto vs nothing but hell fire and eternall damnation What soeuer therefore good thinges he bestoweth vpon vs he bestoweth them of his meere mercy He seeth vs sticke fast in death therefore he hath mercy vpon vs and giueth vs life he seeth vs to be the children of hell therefore he taking pitie vpon vs giueth vnto vs heauen He seeth vs to be miserable and naked hungerie and thirsty it pitying him hereof he clotheth vs and refresheth vs with meat drinke maketh vs full of all good things So what soeuer we haue either in body or in spirit he giueth it vs of his meere mercy without any merit or desert of ours Whereupon Christ here saith Imitate your father be ye mercifull like vnto him This is not simple mercy What kinde of mercy reason teacheth vs to vse such as reason teacheth for that is greedy of her owne commoditie which giueth onely to great and learned men and to them that deserue it it loueth them that be fayre and beautifull it giueth vnto them of whom it looketh for profit and commoditie againe which is a mercy diuided begging and as it were torne and broken in peeces For if I shall giue to him that hath deserued or if I shall regard fayrenes or friendship it is a bargaine or det and not mercy Hereof Christ speaketh in the same chapter before this text in this wise Luke 6. If ye loue them which loue you what thanke shall ye haue and if ye do good for them which do good for you what thanke shall ye haue for euen the synners do the same and if ye lend to them of whom ye hope to receiue what thanke shall ye haue for euen the synners lend to synners to receiue the like But the mercy of Christians must not seeke her owne but so behaue it selfe that it be indifferent that it regard all alike with open eyes both freinds and foes euen as our heauenly father doth Where true mercy is not neither is there any true faith And where soeuer this mercy is not neither is there faith also For thy heart being setled in faith so that thou knowest God to haue shewed himselfe thy God so gentle and bountifull without thy desert and of mere grace when thou wast as yet his enemie and the childe of euerlasting malediction thy heart I say being setled in this faith thou canst not containe thy selfe but that thou shew thy selfe againe so to thy neighbour that wholy for the loue of God and for thy neighbours commodities sake Take heede therefore what difference thou make betweene a friend and an enemie betweene the worthy and vnworthy for ye see all which are in this text rehearsed to haue otherwise deserued of vs then that we should loue them or do well vnto them And the same thing the Lord meaneth when he sayeth Luke 6 But loue your enemies do well vnto them lend looking for nothing againe and your reward shal be great and ye shal be the children of the most High for he is kinde vnto the vnkinde and to the euell An obiectiō But how commeth it to passe that a certain contrarie thing to that which we haue taught seemeth to appeare in this text where he saith Be ye merciful as your heauēly Father is merciful againe Iudge not and ye shal not be iudged condemne not ye shall not be condemned forgiue and it shal be forgiuen you All which authorities sound so that
said he vnto them Giue therefore to Cesar the thinges which are Cesars and giue vnto God those thinges which are Gods 22. And when they heard it they merueiled and left him and went their waye Mans wisedom reason is not able to preuaile against the wisedome of God IN this text is set forth vnto vs how subtil reason and mans wisedome agree with the wisedome of God and how fouly reason stumbleth when it striueth to be euen most subtil and wise as it here falleth out with the Pharisees who notwithstanding were the best and most wise of the Iewes which euen by this their subtiltie they declare neuertheles their wisedome is here proued to be foolishnes They could blame Christ neither for his preaching nor for his workes and yet would they willingly haue had occasion to put him to death wherefore they thought to set vpon him most craftely and wilely propounding a subtil question vnto him the subtiltie whereof was such that mans reason was not able to comprehend it then which also a subtiller could not be inuented and thus they speake vnto him The subtill question of the Pharisees propounded vnto Christ Maister we know that thou art true and teachest the waye of God truly neither carest for any man for thou considerest not the persone of men Tell vs therefore how thinkest thou Is it lawfull to giue tribute vnto Cesar or not Here thinke they we shal entrappe him For he shal be compelled to aunswere that tribute is either to be giuen or not to be giuen If he affirme that it is to be giuen we haue ouercome him but if he denie that it is to be giuen then is he giltie of death Whereas they say Maister they will thereby moue him and as it were constraine him to aunswere the truth But whereas they say We know that thou art true they do thereby put him in minde of his duty Whither therefore should Christ turne himselfe for there seemeth to be no way for him to escape yet he would not for all that fall into their net Was not this a subtil questiō Do they not shew themselues to haue bin sufficient craftie and wily ones for which way soeuer the Lord had aunswered he had bin taken Was not this done also full warely and circumspectly for they associate to themselues the ministers of Herode thinking no other but to entrappe him with deceit that he should not by any means escape thus casting in their mindes Now we will meete with him well enough if he denie that tribute is to be giuen the Herodians are present which shall forth with put him to death as a seditious felow and one that resisteth the Romane Empire But if he affirme that tribute is to be giuen he speaketh against the libertie of the Iewes then will we stirre vp the people against him For the Iewish people would be free and haue their king of their owne stocke euen as it was promised them both of Moses and God that their kingdome should continue vntill the time of the true king that is of Christ Euen as the Patriarch did prophecie thereof Gen. 49 10. The scepter shal not depart from Iuda and a law giuer from betweene his feete vntil Silo come And therefore God did choose this people specially to himselfe and made a kingdom of them onely for Christes cause Moreouer there were many sentences in the Scripture which declared that they should serue none For they should be the chiefest and not the lowest c. Deut. 28.13 This and such like sayings the Scribes had beaten into the peoples heads wherewith they were greatly disturbed euen as at this day it is put into the peoples minde that the Church cannot erre Hereupon the Pharisees thought thus If he affirme that tribute must be giuen he blasphemeth G●d he shal be giltie of death as one iniurious to God and then shal be stoned of the people For God hath graunted and promised libertie vnto this people and they were all euen in the middest of captiuitie the people of God Howbeit at that time they wanted a king as they do at this day Wherefore diuers tumults seditions vprores were stirred vp among them For they were taught by the lawe that they should haue a king of their own flesh and stocke as it is said before wherefore they did vncessantly striue against straunge kings and gouernments vntill not a few of them at times were beaten slaine Neither did this happen seldom times for they were a stiffenecked obstinate and vnruly nation therefore the Romaines which at that time did beare rule ouer them did verie circumspectly gouerne them and diuided the land into foure charges of gouernment that being on euerie side kept in awe by the gouerners and presidents they might not so soone flocke together and moue sedition and that they might also be more easily resisted if at any time they should rise against the Romane Empire Wherefore Pilate was appointed of the Romains lieftenant of Iudea Herode Tetrarch of Galile his brother Philip Tetrarch of Iturea and of the countrie of Trachonitis and Lysanias the Tetrarch of Abilene as Luke rehearseth them And all this was done that they might keepe the Iewes vnder whereupon the Iewes were inflamed with anger and in a rage and furie but specially in the time of Christ they would willingly haue had a king The subtill imaginations of the Pharisees against Christ Wherefore the Pharisees hauing foūd out this deuise thought thus with themselues Well we haue the matter now at a good stay The Romanes chalenge to themselues the gouernmēt now if he aunswere vnto the question that tribute is not to be giuen the lieftenant is at hand and ready to put him to death if he aunswere that it must be giuen he shall stirre vp the people against himselfe and so we shall assuredly by this meanes entrappe him thus they supposed that either they should fynde cause of death in the Lord or at the least make his doctrine to be nothing set by of the people As the Iewes here do so also do we the chiefe and necessarie thinges being left we are occupied about other matters not necessarie The Pharisees here moue a question whether they be free or otherwise forasmuch as they had the Lawe and the word of God they supposed that they ought to be subiect to none but to their owne Kinge yet they were now compelled to obey Cesar Emperour of Rome They had Scripture concerning the loue of God and their neighbour but that being left they are occupied about other matters It was promised vnto them if they obeyed the precepts and commaundements of God that they should then be a free people they disobey and neglect Gods commaundements and yet notwithstanding they wil be free and haue their owne king In like maner falleth it out with vs we earnestly chalenge to our selues Christian liberty and yet we thinke that if we doe those thinges that
therefore beleeued and we do also beleeue to wit the Fathers and we with a like and common faith in the same Christ although not after the same maner as it is saide And as by reason of this communion of faith which we haue a like in the same Christ we say we haue beleeued or we did beleeue when as not we but the Fathers haue beleeued or did beleeue so they againe did say that they should heare see and beleeue in Christ when as not they but we do liue in that time We read not in a few places of the Scriptures that they which were before the incarnation of Christ tooke vpon them the person of them which are after it and they which are after it of them which were before it because of the communion of faith and the same Christ which they haue in common and so there is as it were one companie of beleeuers Now whereas the Apostle saith How saluatiō is neerer vnto vs then it was to the beleuers before Christes incarnation that saluation is now neerer vnto vs then when we beleeued that is when our Fathers those auncient beleeuers did looke for it to come we must not vnderstād it of the neerenes of possession as though we now had it neerer and more certainly then they for the Fathers had altogither the same faith as it is said and the same Christ wherefore saluation was as neere vnto them as vnto vs. For Christ yesterday and to day the same also is for euer Heb. 13. Christ continueth the same from the beginning of the world euen vnto the end by whom all are saued alike But Paul speaketh of the neerenes of reuealing that what soeuer thinges were saide before concerning Christ they were now fulfilles death being ouercome the Lord did sitte at the right hand of the Father the Gospell was preached abroad in the world by which Christ did come vnto all in the whole world for this cause Paul sayth that our saluation is neerer then when it was hidden and knowne vnto few men because that Christ being not yet glorified it was not meete that the preaching of saluation should be made publike or common Whereas therefore the Apostle sayth here Our saluation is now neerer vs he sayth the same thing in the Epistle to Titus in other wordes The grace of God which bringeth saluation hath appeared that is hath sprong forth and is euerie where commonly preached although it was not hid before in any of the Saincts notwithstāding it was not yet commonly knowne vnto the world After the same sort the Scripture speaketh in many places when it sometime saith that Christ is to come sometime that he is come although he alwayes hath bin and is in all the elect Howbeit because he had not before his resurrection come to all by publike preaching the Scripture speaketh diuersly of his comming For because of this publike preaching he came in the flesh being made man for his incarnation had not bin profitable to any The cōming of Christ by the preaching of the Gospell if the Gospell had not thereupon bin preached by which he came into the whole world and whereby it is commonly knowne why he was made man whereby that blessing promised to Abraham is now published and made common to all which by the Gospell beleeue in Christ Hereupon Paul sayth verie well Rom. 1. that the Gospel was promised of God c. as though he would say although God hath promised euerie where in the writinges of the Prophets his sonne in the flesh yet forasmuch as all that should be done that the Gospell might be preached abroad in the world whereby he commeth spiritually to the myndes of the beleeuers which comming onely bringeth saluation and is farre to be preferred before that comming in the flesh inasmuch as it was done because of this I say rather that God promised by the Prophets in the Scriptures the Gospell concerning his sonne For God considered the Gospell and our faith in all these thinges for which he would also haue him to be made man that the Gospel might be preached of him that being made man he hath saued vs by his death and that the saluation which he hath wrought might go into the whole world and be made neere vnto all Some haue taught fower comminges of Christ according to the fower sundayes in Aduent as they call it but this comming of Christ by the Gospell which is most necessarie of all and of which all do depend of which Paul here speaketh this cōming I say they could not see inasmuch as they are ignoraunt both what the Gospell is and to what end it was giuen They babbie many things of the comming of Christ and neuertheles they driue him further from themselues thē heauen is distaunt from the earth For what can Christ profit any man which doth not possesse him by faith or how can any man possesse him by faith where the Gospell is not preached The night is passed and the day is at hand By the daye what is signified His meaning in effect is that saluation is at hand For by the day Paule vnderstandeth the Gospell namely that it is that daye whereby our hearts and mindes are enlightned therefore such a day being sprong our saluation is certainly at hand that is Christ and his grace promised in time past to Abraham hath shined forth by preaching in the whole world giueth light vnto all men raiseth all out of sleepe sheweth true and eternall good things wherein we may be hereafter occupied What is here ment by the night and may walke honestly in this day Contrariwise by the night all doctrine is to be vnderstood which is not the Gospell beside which none can bring saluation But if thou do a litle more exactly wey the wordes thou shalt see that Paule describeth that part of the daye which is most delectable of all and most full of all pleasauntnes namely the ioyfull and amiable morning and the rising of the sunne For it is the morning when the night is gone and ended and the daye is nowe come whereupon all thinges are meruelously cheered and recreated the birdes sing other lyuing creatures doe stirre vp with alacritie and ioyfulnes men being as it were made aliue againe doe goe forth to their labours all thinges the daye springing and the morning shining are so affected as though the world were renued and all thinges restored to life againe Wherefore in many places of the Scripture the ioyfull The preaching of the Gospell likened to the morning prosperous and quickning preaching of the Gospell is likened to the morning and the rising of the sunne as it is here of Paule who calleth the Gospell the day sprinking or arising Also Psal 110 In the daye of thy power shall the people offer thee free will offeringes of the wombe of the morning shall the dewe of thy children spring Here also the Gospell is plainly called the wombe of the
art the sonne of God therefore righteous by his grace let all feare care be here awaye Howbeit thou must feare tremble that thou maist perseuer such a one vnto the end Thou must not being in this case be careful that thou maist become righteous saued but that thou maist perseuer and cōtinue Neither must thou do this as though it cōsisted in thine own strēgth for all thy righteousnes saluation is of only grace whereunto only thou must trust But whē thou knowest that it is of grace alone that they faith also is the gift of God thou shalt for good cause liue in feare care lest that any tētatiō do violētly moue thee frō this faith Hereunto pertaineth that which is written in the 9. chap. of Ecclesiastes The righteous wise yea and their seruaunts also are in the hād of God there is no man that knoweth either loue or hate but all things are before thē It happeneth vnto one as vnto an other c. For the present time euery one by faith is certaine of his saluation but constantly to stand and perseuer as it is the gift of the Lord and not in our owne strength so ought we alwayes to haue a care and feare thereof Whē they of Cains broode heare faith to be entreated of after this sort they can not sufficiently maruell at our madnes as it seemes vnto them God turne this away from me say they that I should affirme my selfe holy and godly farre be this arrogancie and rashnes from me I am many wayes a miserable sinner I should be mad if I should arrogate holines vnto my selfe And thus they mocke at true faith and count such doctrine as this for execrable errour and goe about with might and mayne to extinguish the Gospell These are they that deny the faith of Christ Denyers of the faith of Christ persecute it in the whole world of whom Paule speaketh 1. Tim. 4 In the latter times many shall depart from the faith c. For we see it brought to passe by the meanes of these that true faith lyeth euery where oppressed is not onely not preached but also commonly disallowed and condemned with all them that either teach or profes it The Pope Bishops Colleges Monasteries and Vniuersities haue now aboue fiue hundred yeares persecuted it with one mind and consent yea and that maruelous stiffely and obstinately and haue done no other thing vnto the world but euery where as much as they were able driuen many vnto hell Which truely both hath bene and is that last and most hurtfull persecution of Antichrist The Lord at the last bring it to an end If any obiect against the admiration or rather mad senslesnes of these men that we doe nothing but that that is meete if we count our selues euen holy trusting to the goodnes of God iustifying vs seeing that Dauid prayed thus Preserue thou me Psal 86.2 Rom. 8.16 O Lord for I am holy And for that Paule sayth ▪ The Spirit of God beareth witnes vvith our Spirit that we are the children of God They aunswer that the Prophet and Apostle would not teach vs in these wordes or giue vs an example which we should follow but that they being peculiarly and speciall enlightened receiued such reuelatiō of them selues that they were holy And after this sort they misinterpret and wrest whatsoeuer place of the Scriptures affirmeth that we are holy saying that such doctrines are not written for vs but that they are rather peculiar miracles and prerogatiues as they call them which doe not belonge to all Which forged imagination we account of as hauing come from their sick braine who when as they be them selues void of faith and sauour nothing of the spirit thinke and contend that there be none which haue sounde faith and the spirit whereby surely they beleeue them selues to be thornes and thistles not Christians but rather enemies and destroyers of Christians and persecutours of the Christian faith Againe they are of this beleefe that they shall be righteous holy by their owne workes and that because of them God will giue vnto them saluation and eternal blessednes The Papistes attribute more to their owne workes then to God his grace But here see the madnes of men in their opinion and iudgement it is a Christian thinge to thinke that we shall be righteous and saued because of our workes and to beleeue that these thinges are giuen by the grace of God they condemne as hereticall They attribute that to their owne workes which they attribute not to the grace of God they affirme that they doe saue vs and not this they trust to works they can not trust to Gods grace which blindnes worthely commeth vnto them inasmuch as they will not build vpon the rocke let them build vpon the sand so be drowned by their owne meanes that by their owne workes and satisfactions they may torment them selues euen vnto death gratifying Satan herein for that they will not rest vpon the grace of God serue the Lord with a gentle and sweete seruice They that are endued with a true faith are both ioyfull in God and dutifull toward their neighbours For they that are endued with true faith and doe rest vpon the grace of the Lord it is meruelous how they are in God by his goodnes of most quiet mindes and greatly reioycing with holy ioy whereupon they doe also with pleasure apply them selues to good workes not to such as these of Cains broode doe as to fayned prayers fasting base filthy apparell such like trifles but to true right good workes whereby their neighbour is profited and from whence no small commoditie redoundeth vnto men Moreouer they are of most ready mindes to suffer whatsoeuer thinges inasmuch as they are certaine that God doth fauour them and hath a care of them These are right honest and profitable men of whom both God is glorified men much profited When as those of Cains broode serue to no vse either before God or before men no they doe not so much as profit them selues but are onely an vnprofitable lumpe of earth yea not onely vnprofitable but exceeding pernicious and hurtfull also both to them selues and to others For inasmuch as they are destitute of true faith they can not giue vnto God his due glory Where true faith is wanting there neither God can be duly glorified not true good workes done nor doe those good workes which may truly profit their neighbour For those workes that they apply them selues vnto are their owne inuentions consisting in gestures apparell places times meates and such like trifles whereby their neighbour can be holpen neither in body nor minde nor in any thinge els For what can it profit me that thy crowne is shauen very broad that thou wearest a gray coule what profit bringeth it that thou fastest to day and keepest holy day to morrow that thou abstainest from
come to passe Christ is in the ship therefore the sea so rageth the windes trouble vs the waues fall vpon vs as though they would drowne vs. But let them rage and be furious as much as they may it is certaine the sea and the windes doe obey Christ which is the other principall thinge which this text offereth Persecution shall extend no farther nor rage any lenger then he will and albeit the waues doe euen ouerwhelme vs yet must they be obedient at his becke He is Lorde ouer all wherefore nothing shall hurt vs he onely endue vs with his grace that we be not ouercome by vnbeliefe and so despeire Amen Whereas the men merueiled and praysed the Lorde as vnto whom the sea and windes doe obey The Gospel is more spread abroad and faith increased by persecution it signifieth that the Gospell and word of God is so farre from being extinguished by persecution that thereby it is spread farther abroad and faith also is increased and becommeth stronger Wherein it appeareth howe diuers the nature of this diuine good thinge is from the good thinges of the world which decay by calamitie and misfortune and are increased by prosperitie and fortunate affayres But the kingdom of Christ is increased and strengthened by tribulation and aduersitie but is diminished and weakned by peace and tranquillitie Whereupon Paule sayth 2. Cor. 12 The Lordes power is made perfect through weakenes which God performe in vs also Amen A SERMON OF D. MARTIN LVTHER WHEREIN IS ENTREATED OF THE LIFE OF A CHRISTIAN 2. Cor. 6. Verse 1. SO we therefore as workes togither beseech you that ye receiue not the grace of God in vaine 2. For he sayth I haue heard thee in a time accepted and in the day of saluation haue I succoured thee beholde nowe the accepted time behold now the day of saluation 3. Let vs giue no occasion of offēce in any thing that our ministerie be not reprehended 4. But in all things let vs behaue our felues as the Ministers of God in much patience in afflictions in necessities in distresses 5. In stripes in prisons in tumults in labours 6. In watchings in fastings in puritie in knowledge in long suffering in kindnes in the holy spirit in loue vnfeyned 7. In the word of truth in the power of God by the armour of righteousnes on the right hand and on the left 8. By honour and dishonour by euill report and good report as deceiuers and yet true 9. As vnknowne and yet knowne as dying and behold we liue as chastened yet not killed 10. As sorrowing yet alway reioicing as poore and yet make many rich as hauing nothing yet possessing all things THis is an admonition and exhortation to the Corinthians to apply them selues to those thinges which they did already knowe The wordes surely are easie to be vnderstood but hard to be done and in vse most rare For in such merueilous order and colours he painteth out Christian life as it can not be pleasaunt to the flesh to behold First he sayth The Ministers of the word workers togither with God As workers togither we beseech you He calleth the Ministers of the word togither workers as 1. Cor. 3. he also sayth VVe togither are Gods labourers ye are Gods husbandrie and Gods building Which is thus much in effect We preach and labour in the worde among you by teaching exhorting but God inwardly with his spirit doth blesse and giue the encrease lest that the outward labour in the word be in vaine And so God is the inward and true Maister which bringeth to passe all thinges whom we serue in the office of outward preaching Now he calleth him selfe his fellowes such togither workers lest they should contemne the outward word as though they either had not neede of it or had already sufficiētly attayned to the knowledge therof For although God can alone by his spirit without the outward word worke all things in the mindes of the elect yet he will not doe it but rather will vse togither working preachers worke by their word when where it pleaseth him Forasmuch therfore as it seemeth good vnto God to giue to Preachers this office name dignitie that they be counted workers togither with him it is not lawfull for any man to chalenge either that learning or holines vnto him self that he neglect euen neuer so simple a sermon wherein the word of God is preached much lesse that he contemne it for we know not when that time will come when God by his Preacher will vouchsafe to accomplish his worke in vs. The preaching of the Gospel doth not long cōtinue in one place sincere vncorrupt Secondly the Apostle admonisheth of the daunger of losing the light of the Gospel when he sayth that ye receiue not the grace of God in vaine Wherby he giueth vs to vnderstand that the preaching of the Gospel is not a perpetual continuing permanent doctrine but rather that it is like raine that sodainly commeth soone passeth away when as the Sunne and heat come by and by and take away al the moisture that is left thereof and afterward scorch and hurt thinges neuertheles This very experience proueth for no man shall be able to bringe forth euen one place in the world where the Gospell hath remained pure and sincere aboue the age of one man but continued and increased while those liued by whose ministerie it began they departing hence that also almost wholy departed and by and by after followed heretikes and false teachers with their delusions and false doctrine peruerting and corrupting all thinges So Moses foretold his Israelites that by and by after his death it should come to passe that they should depart from the way of the Lorde and corrupt their owne wayes which the booke of Iudges witnesseth to haue come to passe Moreouer the same booke sayth that as often as any iudge which had called againe the word of the Lord did die they fell againe forthwith to their vngodlines made all things worse and worse So Ioas the king continued in his dutie so long as Iehoiada the Priest liued who being dead he began by and by to be a King vnlike him selfe Act. 20 29. left the office of a good and godly King Neither fell it out otherwise after Christ had receiued his Apostles to him selfe almost the whole world was filled with heresies and false doctrine Which Paul pronounced before I know this saythes that after my departing shall grieuous wolues enter in among you ▪ not sparing the flocke c. So standeth the case at this day also the pure and sincere Gospel hath shined vnto vs the day of grace and saluation and the acceptable time are present but they shall shortly be ended if the world stand Moreouer to receiue grace in vaine can be nothing els What it is to receiue the grace of God in vaine then to heare the
this prayer he shewed his faith which faith being perceiued the Lorde could not but graunt his desire wherefore rising forthwith he went with him in this going this historie of the woman came to passe which had bene diseased of an issue of blood twelue yeares as we haue now hearde When therefore the Lorde was entred into the Rulers house he sawe the minstrells and the multitude making noyse which were there according to the lawe of Moses and did sounde the trumpet and pipes as in our cuntrie they ringe the bells to gather the people togither But he commaunded the multitude to go forth saying The child is not dead but sleepeth And they laught him to scorne and mocked him Which giueth vs to vnderstand The preaching of the Gospell is contemned and counted foolishnes of the world that when it is preached that Christ is he which saueth that our works preuaile nothing then the world can not conteine it selfe but that it scorneth mocketh for it can not be persuaded that Christ doth helpe and succour euen as this people without all dout sayd after this sort Beholde what an excellent Maister and a goodly Phisitian he is what could he haue holpen which knoweth not yet what it is to sleepe and what to be dead This title must needes remayne to the Gospell in the world that the preaching thereof is counted foolish and contemptible For Satan can not abide that honour should be giuen to this Gospel before the world for it bringeth but smal commoditie to his kingdom which forasmuch as he perceiueth full well he practizeth all craftes and wiles that he may either altogither hinder it or at the least make it to preuaile litle with them that be his whose hartes he hath wholy blinded and possessed that the light of the glorious Gospell of Christ shoulde not shine vnto them as S. Paule sayth 2. Cor. 4. Neither yet can it be that this preaching of Christ should not be frutefull forasmuch as it is not vttered in vaine for albeit it be receiued but of a few that doth not greatly skill When therefore Satan perceiueth any thing to be taken from him and that that preaching is ordained plainly against his kingdom Satan a most grieuous enemie to the preaching of the Gospell he doth without delay pursue it contemne it and assaile it on euery side that euen now he is fierce and rageth in the whole world For the Gospell of Christ ouerthroweth whatsoeuer the world and Satan delight in and whatsoeuer to the worlde seemeth most holy goodly For the worlde imagineth to it selfe such a God as hath regard to our good workes and will be pleased with the erecting of Masses and vigiles for them that are departed with Rosaries as they call them habit shauing and whatsoeuer other trifles are vsed in the Papacie Now if there come any which bringeth the Gospell and inueyeth against these vaine toyes of the Pope and sayth that they are nothing worth but are meere delusions inasmuch as they are repugnant to Christ and the Scripture he is counted a most wicked felow and therefore must be punished he is reproued as an heretike and a seducer of the people so that they burst forth into great wordes and say wilt thou gouerne all the whole world doost thou thinke thy selfe the wisest man that is and were our forefathers foolish and without all vnderstanding many holy men haue done these workes and haue preached of them and wilt thou come and turne them all to nothing thou shalt not doe it Then rage and furie beginneth yea persecution slaying and murdering and the Deuill will seeme to haue a iust cause howsoeuer the matter goeth Thus much shall suffize at this time concerning this text Now ye must take especial heede that out of the Gospells ye learne throughly how all things consist in the onely person whose name is Christ and lay vp this in the depth of your hart that a Christian hath his name of Christ For I know how much it auaileth both in tentation and in aduersitie to hold that fast Let vs now by prayer call for the grace of God that at the last we may with most earnest zeale and harty affection embrace true Christianitie Amen **** A SERMON OF D. MARTIN LVTHER VPON THE GOSPELL ON SAINCT THOMAS DAY CONCERNING THE VVORKS VVHICH Christ hath wrough for vs wherin is contained a most sweete consolation against the Law Sinne Death and Satan Ioh. 20. Verse 24. THomas one of the twelue called Didimus was not with them whē Iesus came 25. The other Disciples therfore sayd vnto him we haue seene the Lord but he said vnto them Except I see in his hands the print of the nayles and put my finger into the print of the nayles and put mine hand into his side I will not beleeue it 26. And eyght dayes after agayne his Disciples were within Thomas with them Thē came Iesus when the dores were shut and stoode in the middes and sayd Peace be vnto you 27. After sayd he to Thomas Put thy finger here and see myne handes put forth thyne hand and put it into my side and be not faithles but faithfull 28. Then Thomas aunswered and sayd vnto him Thou art my Lord and my God 29. Iesus sayd vnto him Thomas because thou hast seene me thou beleeuest blessed are they that haue not seene and haue beleeued The summe of this Gospell 1 THomas doth not beleeue that Christ is risen from the dead but when he seeth and feeleth him 2 The Disciples beleue not without manifest signes But blessed are they that haue not seene but doe beleeue the word onely 3 It is a great matter to know Christ God and man He which attaineth to this knowledg of Christ feareth neither sinne nor death neither the deuill nor hell briefly he is quiet from all anguish tentation For he hath a greater and mightier then he which is in the world as Iohn sayth in his first Epistle chap. 4. The exposition of this Gospell I Know nothing more certaine concerning S. Thomas then that which this Gospell mentioneth of him Other things which are written of him in the booke of Legends are most impudent lyes And albeit they were partly true yet haue they no authoritie neither make vs any thing the better Wherfore we will leaue them vntouched speake something of this Gospel which shal be more profitable necessary for vs then all those Legends The former part of this Gospell fell out about the euentyde of the Passeouer when two had returned from Emmaus shewed vnto the other Disciples that the Lorde was risen againe The latter part fell out the eight day after the Passeouer It is meruelous how comfortable this Gospell is shewing vnto you the frutes of faith namely peace and ioye as Paule sayth Rom. 5 being iustified therefore by faith we haue peace toward God through our Lord Iesus Christ But now we will entreat in few wordes
death the deuill and may chalenge to my selfe all his workes euen as if they were myne owne and I my selfe had done them so that I beleeue in Christ Otherwise his workes shall profitte me nothinge at all if they were not giuen vnto me These are the workes of an other which doe commende vs before God and saue vs. Our owne workes shall doe nothing we are weaker then that we can resist euen the least sinne so farre is it of that we are able to encounter with death How a Christian may notably comfort him self against the law sinne death Satan Satan and hell Wherefore when the Lawe shall come and accuse thee that thou doost not obserue it sende it vnto Christ and say There is that man which hath fulfilled the lawe to him I cleaue he hath fulfilled it for me and hath giuen his fullfilling vnto me when it heareth these thinges it will be quiet If sinne come and woulde haue thee by the throte sende it vnto Christ and saye As much as thou mayst doe agaynst him so much right shalt thou haue agaynst me for I am in him and he is in me If death creepe vppon thee and attempt to deuoure thee saye vnto it Good Maistres death doost thou knowe this man come and byte out his tooth hast thou forgotten howe litle thy byting preuayled with him once goe too if it be a pleasure vnto thee encounter with him agayne Thou hadst persuaded thy selfe that thou shouldest haue preuayled somewhat agaynst him when he did hange betwene two theeues dyed an ignominious death which was counted cursed both before God and the worlde But what didst thou gayne thereby Thou didst byte in deede but it turned worst to thy selfe I pertaine to this man I am his and he is myne and where he abydeth there also will I abyde Thou couldest hurte him nothinge wherefore also let me alone After the same sorte if the Deuill if hell come violently vppon thee and trouble thee sende them vnto Christ and thou shalt easily make them to cease And thus ye see what Christ is vnto vs The inestimable commoditie which the faithfull enioy through Christ namely such a man as is giuen vnto vs of God that he might extinguish sinnes vanquish death destroy hell ouercome the Deuill and all these for our commoditie If he had not done this nor giuen vnto vs these thinges we had bene for euer vnder the curse of the law vnder sinne vnder death vnder the deuill and vnder hell God hath deliuered vs from these by that Christ Wherefore S. Paul saith out of the Prophet Osee 1. Cor. 15 Death is swalowed vp into victorie O death where is thy stinge O hell where is thy victorie The stinge of death is sinne and the strength of sinne is the law But thankes be vnto God which hath giuen vs victorie through our Lorde Iesus Christ We are iustified before God by no workes or merits of our owne but onely by the workes of Christ Hereof we may easily vnderstand what kinde of workes those be which doe make vs entire and righteous before God Surely they are the workes of an other and not our owne workes chosen of our selues Wherefore the whole Papacie falleth here with all the most precious and holy workes thereof which hath this drift onely that miserable wretched and blinded men may be persuaded that they obtayne heauen by their merits and their owne workes Hereuppon haue spronge so many orders that they can not almost be numbred of which one striued to be holier then an other according as they exercised harder greater and weightier workes But this their miserable labour anguish prayers fastinges chastising of the body and such like were vaine workes and of no value at all neither had they so much power that they were able to take away so much as euen the least sinne which they call veniall They were altogither vnmindfull of this saying Esay 29 which the Lord repeteth Matth. 15 This people dravveth nere vnto me vvith their mouth honoureth me vvith their lippes but their heart is farre of from me But in vaine they vvorshippe me teaching such doctrines as are nothing els but the precepts of men Hereupon now thou maist gather with thy selfe that all holy men although they be exceeding holy yet do obtaine saluation not by their owne holines merites or workes And not so much as Mary her selfe the mother of God was made righteous holy in respect of her virginitie or in that she was the mother of God but saluation hath come vnto all by Iesus Christ as by the workes of an other Wherfore this is diligently to be noted that our felicitie doth not consist in our owne workes but in the workes of an other namely of Christ Iesus our Sauiour which we obtaine through only faith in him This also the historie of this Gospell seemeth to signifie when as the Lorde sheweth to his disciples but specially to Thomas his handes feete By which deede he declareth that it was necessary that those handes and feete should do these things that no other works that is their owne not the workes of an other do pertaine vnto saluation Handes and feete what they commonly signifie in the Scripture For in the Scriptures by handes and feete workes conuersation are signified These hands and feete Christ doth as yet eftsoones shew to vs say Behold I am that onely man whose workes conuersation are of force with God thou shalt labour in vaine with thine owne workes thine owne righteousnes maketh nothing hereunto it hath an other end If thou be righteous it is profitable to thee among mē here in eart thou hast the glory praise thereof as Paul sayth Rom. 4. But before God this thy righteousnes is of no estimation thou must set in place thereof an other namely mine this God my father doth allow For I haue deliuered thee from sinnes death the deuell hell from all euell thou shouldest neuer haue escaped out of these by thine owne power but hadst lyen as yet most deepely drowned in them I haue appeased the wrath of God and of an angrie iudge haue made him a gentle mercifull and gracious father beleeue this and it goeth well with thee thou art then safe entire and righteous Beware that thou presume not to deale before God with thine owne works but if thou wilt do any thing with him creepe into me put on me and thou shalt obtaine of my Father whatsoeuer thou desirest and askest as he him selfe sayth vnto his Disciples Ioh. 16 Verely verely I say vnto you whatsoeuer ye shall aske the Father in my name he will giue it you Wherefore as from the beginning sinne which was an others hath bene deriued vnto vs from Adam for neither I nor thou haue eate of the apple so also by the righteousnes of an other we must be restored vnto righteousnes and integrity This other is Christ Iesus by whose righteousnes
me That is ye beleeue that God loueth you and will glorifie you beleeue that he will do it after that sort that ye see me glorified and beleeue that this my death is life to the glorifying both of me and of my whole body that is of all Christians and that this death satisfieth for the synnes of the world as the Apostles afterward witnessed of him in their writinges 1. Iohn 2.2 Thus Iohn sayth Christ is the reconciliation for our synnes and not for ours onely but also for the synnes of the whole worlde Wherefore thou seest that Christ here will haue heartes confirmed by faith and by no other outward thinge He sayth moreouer In my Fathers house are many dwelling places These dwelling places haue bin prepared from euerlasting neither is there any neede that they should be prepared of him Why therefore doth he say I go to prepare a place for you This is nothinge els but that he goeth and is made Lord of all whereby he may prepare vs vnto such dwelling places For as long as we are not prepared neither are the dwelling places prepared for vs although they be ready by themselues Wherefore Christ meaneth thus much There are dwelling places but not yet prepared rightly and as they must be Howbeit then shal they be rightly prepared and appointed whē as I haue taken away the kingdome of death by my death and am now gone to reigne and that by the holy Ghost which by fayth shall prepare and wholy make ready you also vnto such dwelling places So that this is the simple and plaine meaning of these wordes There are dwelling places to wit where the Father glorifieth but those dwelling places are not yet prepared for that the kingdome of death is not yet taken away This Christ signifieth when he sayth If it were not so I would haue told you I go to prepare a place for you And if I go to prepare a place for you I will come againe and receiue you vnto my selfe that where I am there may ye be also In these wordes the Lord declareth how these dwelling places be prepared namely by the death of Christ as it is sayde by which he came vnto glorie and ruleth ouer all thinges which are in heauen and earth By which death he hath obtayned the holy Ghost for vs which as is before sayde may prepare vs vnto these dwelling places For through his operation and working in vs he maketh vs beleeue the Gospell by which beleeuing or faith we are prepared Which could not be done if Christ should not depart and dye and so possesse a kingdome ouer all This therefore is the summe of this text They are foreseene whome the Father will glorifie but they can not be glorified but by Christ who vnles he take away death and sinne all shall be in vaine Here thou seest that all tend vnto this that Christ is he which prepareth the dwelling places and that we can not be glorified but by Christ so that the whole drift of this text is that we are not iustified by mans strength nor by our owne merits but by Christ which the whole Epistle to the Romanes effectually declareth as also that which is written to the Galathians almost all that Paule doth in his Epistles tendeth to the same ende It followeth moreouer And whither I goe ye knowe and the way ye knowe For ye beleeue in me and haue shewed signes in my name whereby ye ought nowe to be certaine who I am and what I doe and wherefore I am come Ye haue also seene and heard the testimonie of the Father of me Wherefore ye may nowe knowe that the Father will glorifie me and beleeue that I and the Father are one it shoulde be therefore superfluous to speake more of these thinges But the Disciples albeit they were well instructed of the Lorde him selfe and had seene his miracles yea and they them selues also had preached the Gospell and wrought miracles were notwithstanding as yet somewhat grosse in vnderstanding neither did they perceiue whereof he here spake and what was that way and whither the Lorde did prepare to depart Wherefore Thomas bursteth forth into open wordes and confesseth freely that he is ignorant hereof and sayth thus vnto the Lord Lord we knowe not whither thou goest hovve can we then knovve the vvay Here ye heare and see that albeit there was faith in the Disciples notwithstanding they were not as yet persuaded that Christ shoulde be crucified and by his death shoulde enter into his kingdome and that the same kingdom should be spirituall which they did not vnderstand euen after the resurrection of the Lord Act. 1.6 Lorde say they wilt thou at this time restore the kingdom to Israell Those good men were as yet persuaded that it should be a carnall worldly kingdom Such grosse things may here and there be found in the Gospels by meanes whereof the Disciples did sometime notably stumble and erre Comfort for them that be weake in faith and sometime through infirmitie fall All which were committed to writing for our comfort confirmation that we should not be by and by discouraged when we haue sometime stumbled in faith and can not at the first apply our selues to the workes and word of the Lorde If this happened to these great mē which afterward shoulde become pillers of Christianitie there is no cause truely that any should meruell if we also sometime faint in faith yea and let no man be afrayd although it falleth out that sometime through infirmitie he so doe It is the worke and matter of the Lorde he will amend these thinges when it seemeth good vnto him Now of the wordes we mind to entreate somewhat at large Not much before when Christ would confirme his Disciples in faith he promised them that they should be glorified Here he addeth and declareth how and by what meanes they must be glorified affirming that that must be by his departure that is by his death that by that meane he must obtaine his kingdome This he had often repeated vnto them so that now it did become them to know and vnderstand it Therefore he sayth VVhither I goe ye know and the way ye knowe but they did not yet throughly vnderstand it as the wordes of Thomas doe declare Now it is certaine that there was faith in the Disciples which the wordes of Peter proue who aunswered Christ in steede of the rest when he asked them whether they also would goe away Peter sayd Maister to whom shall we goe Ioh. 6.68 Thou hast the wordes of eternall life and we beleeue and knowe that thou art Christ the Sonne of the liuing God This appeareth also by the wordes of the Lord which he had sayd to them a litle before at his supper Ye are cleane which he would not haue sayd if they had not beleued they knewe Christ therefore that he is the way to the Father So they knew the Father