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A06500 A commentarie vpon the fiftene Psalmes, called Psalmi graduum, that is, Psalmes of degrees faithfully copied out of the lectures of D. Martin Luther ; very frutefull and comfortable for all Christian afflicted consciences to reade ; translated out of Latine into Englishe by Henry Bull. Luther, Martin, 1483-1546.; Bull, Henry, d. 1575? 1577 (1577) STC 16975.5; ESTC S108926 281,089 318

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that he is able likewise to destroy both body and soule if God did so permitte but also to stirre vs vp to faith and prayer that we should call vpon him for ayde and succour agaynst these perilous snares and being deliuered should giue him thankes and prayse for the same Moreouer euery tentation is a snare whether it be of the flesh or of the spirite Persecution torments imprisonment sclaunder diseases and infirmities of the body be snares which as they are permitted of God to exercise and strengthen our fayth so by the malice of Satan they are wrought to afflict and to vexe men that he may bring them to infidelitie and desperation and so into the snares of eternall death From the which snares but by the speciall grace of God there is no way to escape Thus our life lyeth alwayes open to the snares of Satan and we as sely birdes are like at euery moment to be caried away Notwithstanding the Lord maketh a way for vs to escape Yea when Satan seemeth to be most sure of vs by the mighty power of God the snares are broken we are deliuered Experience hereof we haue in those which are inwardly afflicted with heauines of spirit greeuously oppressed that when they seeme to be in vtter despaire ready as you would say now to perish yet euen at the last pinch in the vttermost extremitie commeth the sweete comfort of Gods holy spirite and raiseth them vp againe When we are most ready to perish then is God most ready to helpe Except the Lord had holpen me sayth Dauid my soule had almost dwelt in silence Verse 8. Our helpe is in the name of the Lord who hath made both heauen and earth This is the conclusion of thankesgiuing contayning a worthy sentence of great comfort that against sinne the horrour of death and other daungers there is no other helpe or safetie but onely the name of the lord If that were not sayth he we should fall into all maner of sinne blasphemy errours and into all kind of calamities But our helpe is in the name of the Lord which preserueth our faith and our life against the Deuill and the world And as ye heard in the other verses before so he sheweth in this verse also that God suffereth his Sainctes to be tempted and in their tentation to fall into great distresse as euen nowe readie to be drowned and swallowed vp presently with great floodes of water yet notwithstanding this comfort he sheweth them that he will not vtterly forsake them By the which examples we may learne to know the will of the Lord and to seeke our help and safety at his hands which suffereth his people to be exercised in the fornace of Egypt not to their vtter destruction but onely to kill the olde man with his vaine hope and confidence which he hath in his owne strength This is the cause why God suffereth his people so to be exercised For it is not hearing reading talking or teaching nor speculation onely which maketh a Christian man but practise is that which specially is required in a true Christian that is to say the crosse to plucke downe the fleshe and bring it to nothing that man despairing of his owne strength and seeing no succour in himselfe should resigne him selfe wholly vnto the Lord looking with patience and hope for helpe at his hande for this is the will of god Neither must we imagine to our selues any other God then such a one as will helpe the afflicted and oppressed with desperation and other calamities To knowe this doctrine is one peece of the victory For they that know it not when tentation assayleth them either doe dispayre or seeke other helpes Let vs learne then out of this Psalme that it is the will of God to exercise his Sainctes with troubles and afflictions Who suffereth great floodes of water to runne ouer their heades who also permitteth them to fall into the snares of the wicked and tryeth euery way not to destroy them but to shew them what they are of them selues so to teach them to trust in his sauing health But the flesh looketh to the power and multitude of the aduersaries and her owne infirmitie but to looke vnto God and to hope for his helpe and succour it is not able Wherefore this is a necessary conclusion Our helpe is in the name of the Lord. It is a short sentence but it setteth foorth most worthie doctrine and consolation whereof ▪ specially in these latter daies we haue great neede seeing the Pope togither with the greatest part of the Princes rulers of the world so cruelly doe persecute the doctrine of the Gospel In respect of these huge mountains what are we small molehills Yea though there were no force nor power of man for vs to feare how are we able to stand against not onely so many deuills but euen the very gates of hell also And yet this experience we haue of the great mercy and goodnes of the Lord our God that when we are euen in their handes and neuer so much oppressed yet are we not forsakē but are safe through our confidence and trust in his helpe But to this wisedom it is vnpossible for vs to attayne without continuall afflictions whereby it is necessary that the confidence of all worldly succours should be beaten downe For vexation and trouble bringeth vnderstanding as Esay sayth whereby we are compelled to cry Helpe Lorde for else we perish So in the last houre when death approcheth there is nothing wherein mans heart can repose it selfe or finde comfort but his trust and confidence in the helpe of the Lorde There is rest and quietnes there is perfect peace He that can then say My helpe is in the name of the Lord dyeth happely and is out of all daunger Thus we may learne what it is to haue and enioy God euen to rest in the sure trust of his mercifull helpe and succour in all daungers These are the wordes therefore of a victorious and triumphing fayth Our helpe is in the name of the Lord which made heauen and earth As if he sayd The maker of heauen and earth is my God and my helper Shew me a God O ye my aduersaries like vnto him What are your snares and your traynes then compared vnto this God What are your threatnings your power your pollicies c. Thus he setteth the eternall God the maker of heauen and earth against all terrours and daungers against the floodes and ouerflowings of al tentations and swalloweth vp as it were with one breath all the raging furies of the whole world and of hell it selfe euen as a litle droppe of water is swallowed vp of a mightie flaming fire And what is the world with all his force and power in respect of him which made heauen and earth Let the worlde fret then let it rage so that this succour neuer faile vs And if it be the will of
sure hope of life euerlasting remission of al their sinnes true deliuerance from the deuil hell and eternall death All these thinges haue they and in the things there is no defect but the defect is in me and in thee because we haue not yet fully apprehended these thinges For flesh and bloode and the remnauntes of sinne doe yet liue in vs This forced Paule to cry out and say I see an other lawe in my members fighting against the law of God. And this is the cause why a Christian can not be secure For he seeth that he hath not yet ouercome all perills and daungers which the enemie dayly deuiseth But for so much as pertaineth vnto Christ as is sayd whom by faith he apprehendeth on whom he beleueth true it is that he hath all thinges For in Christ the deuill is ouercome the law fulfilled the wrath of God pacified and death it selfe vanquished In this state we stand if we looke to Christ on whom we beleue But when we looke backe into our selues we are forced to confesse that we are not pure because our fayth is not yet perfect and therefore can not perfectly apprehend perfect thinges as S. Paule sayth Therefore when we come to the combate we giue place to the enemy we suffer our hope to be wrested from vs we are cast into heauines impaciencie c. Thus Christians are warriers Gods true souldiers which stand alwayes in the battaile and can not be secure or voyd of feare Therefore they are feruent in prayer and cry vnto God for succour Contrariwise they that are secure pray not for they thinke that the deuill is farre enough of and so that faith feeling of the good gift of God which they seemed to haue they lose before they be ware and when tentation commeth they are like to a withered leafe Thus we see the great necessitie of prayer and how it ought to be continually vsed among the faithfull if not with the mouth y●● with the hart and harty sighes vnto God according to the wordes of S. Paule Let the word of Christ dwel in you plentifully signifying that they ought to be continually exercised therein not only by teaching the same to other publikely and priuatly but also by earnest meditation and prayer when they sit at home in their houses as Moises teacheth when they walke by the way when they lye downe and when they rise vp For as the Deuill goeth about like a roring lyon strong and mighty seeking whom he may deuoure so are we on euery ●ide infirme and weake pressed downe also with the flesh full of sinne cariyng this treasure in earthen vesselles In the which our fayth is as a tender plant which because it is not yet come to perfect strength may be easily shaken with winds and tempests This know not they which before they haue had some triall of them selues by affliction or wrastling with the enemy thinke them selues to be Christians and sound in faith We must watch therefore and pray as Christ commaundeth that in our daily conflictes we may stand stedfastly against the darts of Satan which would driue vs to the contempt of God and man. So doe I vnderstand this prayer not in the person of the Prophet as though he prayed for the reuelation of the redemption that should come but in the person of the faithful which haue need continually to pray according to this verse say Lord thou hast redemed vs out of captiuitie redeme vs yet more thou hast forgiuen vs our sinnes forgiue vs more thou hast killed the deuill kill him more thou hast taken away the law take it away more For we must pray for that which we haue already vntill we come to the full perfection thereof which shall be after the death of this body in the which sinne here dwelleth The sense and meaning then herof is Lord turne againe our captiuitie that is redeeme vs whiche haue begunne to be the newe creature that as our redemption by Christ is fully and perfectly wrought so we may fully and perfectly apprehend and feele the same For there be many things which in this life fight against this redemption Wherfore it is necessary that we shoulde be well armed against them that we fall not againe into captiuitie On this wise we must alwayes pray that the first fruites of the spirite may continually encrease in vs and that we may be redemed day by day vntill the olde man be wholly put away by death Then shall our captiuitie be perfectly chaunged euen as the riuers or waters in the south which by the mightie worke of God were dryed vppe and vtterly consumed Whether ye vnderstand here the redde sea or else th● riuer of Iordane it forceth little The similitude is this Like as by thy mightie hand thou broughtest to passe miraculously that the waters were dryed vp and consumed so dry vp O Lorde and bring to nothing al our captiuitie Some doe interprete this verse otherwise that is turne our captiuitie O Lorde as the riuers in the South which in the summer are dryed vp in the desert places by the heat of the sunne but in the winter are filled vp againe with plentie of water How necessary the spirit of prayer is they that haue not sought with Satan doe not know Let vs therefore giue our selues wholy to the continuall exercise of prayer and meditation of the holye Scriptures For negligence and securitie encrease by little and litle as rust doth in the iron and the word slippeth as it were out of our handes before we be ware If it so come to passe then hath Satan gotten halfe the victory already who seeketh all opportunitie to see vppon vs and then specially is he wont so to doe when he perceiueth our heartes to be voide of the word of god Here he stirreth vp of a spark as it were a flaming fire in our conscience which before we can quench and apprehend Christ and his worde againe either we are oppressed with anguish and sorrow or vtterly consumed For he is a murtherer and seketh by al meanes how to destroy vs It is necessary then for vs to haue our senses exercised and our mindes occupyed in the meditation of the worde and prayer that the enemy find vs not vnarmed or vnprouided which so busily seeketh to spoyle vs of this redemption I also am a Diuine which by great troubles haue gotten some knowledge and vnderstanding of the holy Scripture and yet am not I so lifted vp through this gift but that I doe dayly exercise my selfe euen ●mongest the children in the Catechisme in secrete meditation I meane of the commaundements the articles of the beliefe and the Lords prayer c. with an earnest and attentiue minde not onely recounting with my selfe the wordes but obseruing and weying also what euery word signifieth And doubtles whē I am not thus exercised but am occupyed with other matters I finde a manifest discommoditie thereby For
euen the presence mightie protection of the Lord we should patiently endure the beginning of sorrowes that is to say the light short and momentane afflictions of this life beeing sure that euen in death our life is hidden and safely kept with Christ in God and we shall ouercome all the fiery darts and cruel assaults of Satan Verse 7. The Lord shall preserue thee from all euill he shall preserue thy soule That which the verse going before hath expressed by an allegory is here simply set forth and without figure The soule here signifieth the life Albeit therefore thou suffer neuer so greate and greuous afflictions yea euen death it self yet shalt thou not perish because God kepeth thy life In outward appearance and to the iudgement of the flesh thou seemest to dye but in deede it is not so because thy life euen the Lord thy God liueth c. So he saith in an other Psalme The Lorde preserueth the soules of his Sainctes Verse 8. The Lord shall preserue thy going out and thy comming in from hence forth and for euer That is to saye whether so euer thou goest the Lorde will be with thee he will preserue thee he will defende and keepe thee he will neuer forsake thee nor suffer thee to perishe To goe out is to goe to the woorkes of thy vocation To come in againe signifieth to returne from labour and trauell to rest and quietnes What so euer thou shalt goe aboute shall haue good successe and prosper vnder thy hand Thus the Prophet in this Psalme sheweth the nature of faith to be not as it were a deade affection or qualitie of the minde as the Papistes doe dreame but a singular worke and motion of the holy Ghoste whereby we iudge according to the worde contrary to that which we feele whiche we see and by experience doe proue whereby also we ouercome all kindes of tentations Of this faith the Papistes can no better iudge then a blinde man can iudge of colours The 122. Psalme I reioyced when they said vnto me c. This Psalme is a thanks giuing for the excellent gift of the worde of God. Which vertue is therefore the more rare to be found for that the worde is euery where so horribly contemned in the worlde not onely of the rude multitude but also of those that will be counted both learned and wise whose blasphemous tongues are sharpened against this most precious and incomparable benefite not onely in speaking contemptuously and spitefully of the Gospell but also imputing to the holsome worde of life what so euer mischiefe reigneth in the members of Satan as seditious sectes auarice filthy life and such like It is therefore the greate goodnes of the Lord that in this horrible infidelitie there are yet some which reuerence the word which gladly heare the word which delight to talke of the word and workes of the lord This Psalme therefore was not written to those dogges and swine the Papistes heretikes and persecutors of the worde but to the elect soules and holy mindes which exult and reioyce for this heauenly visitation wherby the day spring from on high through the tender mercie of our God hath visited vs lying in the shadowe of death as Zacharie saith For albeit that all men haue the word and all heare the sound of the Gospell yet herein they differ that some haue the word only some acknowledge and feele them selues to haue it and therefore doe reioyce and giue thankes vnto God for the same where as other delite rather in their riches and in the pleasures of this life then in that heauenly word which bringeth euerlasting life and saluation Therefore S. Paule counteth it for a speciall grace of God not onely to haue the giftes of God but also to acknowledge them to delight reioyce in them and to be thankful vnto God for them But amongst all the giftes of God the gift of his holy word is the moste excellent and if we take away the word what doe we else but take away the sunne out of the worlde For what is the world without the word but euen hel and the very kingdome of Satan although there be in it neuer so many wise men learned welthy and mighty For what can all these doe without the word which alone bringeth life and comfort to the soule peace and quietnes to the conscience which alone keepeth vs in the fauour of God without the which there is no religion so no God whereby also the world is preserued For without the word and Christ the world could not stand the twinckling of an eye Albeit therefore there be many and wonderful giftes of God in the world giuen for the vse of man yet the only gift which conteineth and preserueth all the other is the word of God which pronounceth and witnesseth to our consciences that God is our mercifull father which also promiseth vnto vs remission of sinnes and life euerlasting Now if we should lack these comforts what comfort were it I pray you for vs to liue yea this life to vs were no life at all But these thinges are spirituall and the knowledge thereof is so much the more hard for vs to attaine vnto because it springeth not out of our owne hearts but commeth from aboue But now to the Psalme When this Psalme was written the temple was not builded but the tabernacle of Moises yet still remained which allbeit it continued not in one place nor in one tribe for it was also in Silo and Gibion yet had it one certaine promise that where soeuer it were there would the Lord be present heare the prayers of his people accept their sacrifice and shewe him selfe mercifull as the text sheweth VVhere so euer I shall set a memorial of my name c. Therefore so long as it was in Ephraim in the city of Silo the name of God was there called vppon the word of God was there heard and the Lord was there worshipped with faith prayer and sacrifice c vntill at length when impietie and idolatrie began to encrease the arke was caried out of Silo into the host against the Philistines and of them was taken But when the Philistines for this prophanation were diuers wayes plaged the arke was translated to the Gabaonites When it had bene there a while Dauid brought it home into his owne citie as it is written 2. Reg. 6. and there it came into his minde to build a temple vnto the lord For it was not meete thought he that he should dwel in a house made with Cedar trees and that the Lord and King of heauen should dwell in a tabernacle couered with skinnes And this purpose at the first semed good to Nathan the prophet but afterward he was admonished of God by reuelation that Dauid should not build the temple for that was reserued for his sonne Salomon to doe which was a peaceable Prince and not giuen to warre as Dauid was
God that we shall suffer trouble and affliction yet in him we shall ouercome at length The 125. Psalme They that trust in the Lord c. The Psalme going before is a thankesgiuing or a sacrifice of praise because the godly see and by experience feele that the Lord is faithfull and helpeth them in the time of neede This Psalme following conteineth also in a maner the same matter For it perteyneth to the doctrine of faith and exhorteth the faithful likewise to a sure trust and affiance in the helpe of the Lorde in all their necessities Whereunto he stirreth them vp with great and excellent promises It may also be easily vnderstand by that which we haue sayd before For herein consisteth all this heauenly wisedom that we doe vtterly remoue out of our sight what so euer flesh can comprehend and beleue that which the word onely telleth vs euen against all that which either we know feele or see And therefore this wisedome is against all humane wisedom and reason For by reason and all that reason can comprehend we feele see and conceiue all things contrary to that which faith leadeth vs vnto He that lyeth sicke and at the poynt of death can by reason conceiue nothing els but y imagination of death But a christian man leauing that imagination knoweth that in death there is true life But thou wilt say he seeth and feeleth death in deede but life he can not feele I aunswere that because he resteth vpon the word and after it he iudgeth and not after his owne feeling therefore euen in death he seeth nothing but life and in the middes of darkenes most cleare light For like as God maketh all thinges of nothing and of darkenes light so he worketh by his word that in death there is nothing but life They then which sticke to the word and promise of God and follow the same doe finde it true which Dauid sayth He spake the worde and it was done c. But before we can come to this experience we must abide some trouble therefore haue neede of such exhortation as this psalme here setteth forth Verse 1. They that trust in the Lorde shall be as Mount Sion which can not be remoued but remaineth for euer The Prophet vseth here a similitude of Mount Sion because Ierusalem wherin Sion stood when the temple was builded had most ample notable promises of God as appeareth in very many places of the Prophetes that it should stand sure inuincible for euer against all troubles and calamities for that the Lord had his abiding and dwelling there according to that promise where he sayth here is my rest here will I dwel c. And therefore Dauid in an other Psalme glorieth on this wise Loe the Kinges were gathered and went togither when they saw it they marueled They were astonied and suddenly driuen backe As we may see it came to passe vnder Ezechias in that great destruction of the Assyrians and other Kings as the stories witnesse which shewe that Ierusalem remayned safe in all daungers not by the strength and pollicie of the inhabitants but by the miraculous worke of God dwelling in it and thus mightely preseruing and beautifying his owne common wealth Nowe therfore sayth he like as Mount Sion and our holy citie Ierusalem is neuer moued but remaineth sure and safe by the mighty protection of the Lord in all extremities so he that trusteth in the Lord shall be defended against the furious rage of the world and the gates of hell for euer Note howe he commaundeth no worke here to be done as in popery in the time of trouble men were taught to enter into some kind of religion to fast to goe on pilgrimage to doe such other foolish workes of deuotion which they deuised as an high seruice vnto God and thereby thought to make condigne satisfaction for sinne and merite eternal life but simply he leadeth vs the plaine way vnto God pronouncing this to be the chiefest anker of our saluation onely to hope and trust in the Lorde and that this is the greatest seruice that we can doe vnto god For this is the nature of God as I haue sayd to create all thinges of nothing Therefore he createth and bringeth forth in death life in darkenes light And this to beleue is the very nature and most speciall propertie of faith When God then seeth such a one as agreeth with his owne nature that is which beleueth to finde in daunger helpe in pouertie riches in sinne righteousnes and that for Gods owne mercies sake in Christ alone him can God neyther hate nor forsake For he serueth and worshippeth God truely which putteth his whole trust in the mercie of god With this seruice God is highly pleased because he deliteth of no thing to make some thing So he made the world of nothing so he rayseth vp the poore and oppressed so he iustifieth the sinner so he rayseth the dead and so he saueth the damned Who so then consenteth to Gods nature and obeyeth his will there hoping for some thing where nothing is he it is that pleaseth God and shall neuer be moued But thou must beware that thou imagine not to thy selfe a false hope contrarie to the word of God and thy vocation Whereof if thou be certayne and abide in the same if troubles rise trust in the Lord and if he helpe not in his good time take me and Dauid also for lyars Satan will trouble vexe and discomfort thee yea and peraduenture make thee to beleue that thou art vtterly forsaken but if thou trust in the Lord thou shalt feele his helpe with ioyfull victory So in the councell of Auspurge when the Princes were bent against vs with one consent our cause seemed to be vtterly ouerthrowne Notwithstanding yet we liue and enioy such peace and libertie as we would wish maugre the rage and malice of the Pope and all the aduersaries of the worlde With such conflictes we must be exercised lest we be discouraged when we see our cause begin to quale But the greater the daunger is the more stedfastly we must trust So shall it come to passe that when we are ouercome yet we shall ouercome and the conquerer shall yeeld vnto vs triumph and victory This is it that the Psalme here setteth forth They that trust in the Lorde shall be as Mount Sion which can not be remoued but remayneth for euer And here we haue a singular promise whereby we are assured that we shall stande and abyde for euer If then we doe not continue it is our owne fault because we abide not firme and stable in our fayth For this promise must needes remaine sure and infallible Yea as it is impossible that God should deny him selfe and not be God so is it impossible that he should forsake those that put their trust in him But we may not thinke the time longe but patiently abide the Lords leasure For Gods
the rodde of the wicked greeueth you but be of good comfort my people and patiently endure it for I wil not suffer the tentation so farre to preuaile ouer you that your confidence and trust in me shall vtterly faile you Stormes and tempestes shall arise and your daungers shall seeme so great as though the waues should presently swallowe you vp But I will not suffer you to perish I wil bridle their rage and make an ende of the rodde of the wicked If Satan your owne conscience doe accuse you as most wicked and vnrighteous yet will I not leaue you destitute of my righteousnes Thus doe tentations teach vs the true vse and meaning of the first commaundement the which none without afflictions and tentations shall rightly knowe or vnderstand Moreouer we are here admonished of the great daunger that followeth these afflictions tentations which they that through impatiencie forsake the word and faith doe fall into Therefore the Lorde here sheweth him selfe so carefull for his people leste they should fall into this danger For their state which haue once forsaken the word is much more perilous then it was before and into such as our Sauiour Christ pronounceth in the Gospel doe enter seuen spirites much more wicked then the first We must therefore patiently suffer and perseuere in all tentations and rather abide all extremities then once shrinke from the word of life lest we be possessed with seuen spirites more wicked then the first And moreouer we must assuredly trust as we are taught in this verse that so long as we haue a desire and a purpose so to doe the Lord will neuer forsake vs or suffer vs to fall into this impietie For here haue we a manifest promise and a liuely description of the Lordes singular care and prouidence ouer vs namely that he is mindful of the end of our tentations and afflictions ▪ so that we onely continue constant and patient vnto the ende ▪ And if the heathen Poet sayd Endure and reserue yourselues for more happy thinges how much more should Christians diligently stirre vppe them selues with mutuall exhortations to patience and perseuerance whether they outwardly suffer in things perteyning to the body and to this present life or inwardly in conscience For we haue a God which euen in death in hell and in the middes of all our sinnes can saue and deliuer vs. Verse 4. Do wel O Lord vnto them that be good true of hart The Prophet sayth not here doe well Lord to the perfect and such as offend in nothing but to the good true of hart The good and true of heart are they which are of a single sincere and vpright hart For these are they which are most accepted of God although they also through infirmitie doe sometimes offend Now where he prayeth that God will doe wel to the good and godly he meaneth also and secretly complayneth that the godly are in miserie and affliction and that the vngodly do abound with all worldly felicitie As we see at this day the enemies of the Gospel to enioy great riches and dignities whereby they vexe oppresse the godly This is a great offence and stumbling blocke to the godly and therefore the Church hath neede of this prayer that God would doe well vnto the godly which trust in him seeke his glory with their whole hart that they by stumbling at this offence do 〈◊〉 fal away to impietie This prayer conteineth in it a prophecie with a promise that like as he prayeth for the blessing welfare prosperitie of the iust so at the length it shall also come to passe Verse 5. But those that turne aside by their crooked waies the Lord shall leade with the workers of iniquitie but peace shall be vpon Israell He sayth not simply Such as turne aside but such as turne aside by their owne wickednes For to giue place to tentations by infirmitie of the flesh or weakenes of mind or else of faith and so to decline from the right way which commeth to passe sometimes euen in the Sainctes as the example of Peter teacheth is one thing and to fall away through wickednes and peruersenes of heart is another which can not be in the children of God but properly belongeth to the wicked and godles This sort of men hath euer corrupted the Church from the Apostles time and with a shewe of holines hath deceiued the simple which because God punisheth them not but spareth them and suffreth them to prosper in this world become so proud that they will be counted amongest the holiest and of the world are so commonly taken We see that not onely the godly are mixed with the wicked in this world but in the Lords floore also the wheate lyeth hidden vnder the chaffe We must pray therefore that God would bring these hypocrites to light giue vnto them their iust punishment with the workers of iniquitie Then shall peace ensue to the Church of god For whiles the Lord poureth forth his iust vengeance vppon the wicked which vexe and persecute his true members he gathereth togither the good and vpright of heare and openly declareth his fatherly good will and tender loue towards them The .126 Psalme VVhen the Lord brought agayne c. Touching the captiuitie whereof the Prophet speaketh in this Psalme the interpreters doe not agree Some vnderstand it to be means of the captiuities of Babylon some of the captiuitie vnder the Romanes other some doeth take that the Prophete meaneth here all the captiuitie and deliuerances of this people according to that promise Deut. 40. That if they should at any time be ledde into captiuitie for their transgressions and by repentance shoulde returne vnto the Lord he would shew mercy vnto them and bring them home into their land againe But in myne opinion they goe neare to the true sense and meaning of the Psalme which doe referre it to that great general captiuitie of mankind ●nder sinne death and the deuill to the redemption purchased by the death and bloodsheding of Christ and published in the Gospel For this kind of speech which the Prophet vseth here is of greater importance then that it may be applyed onely to these particular captiuities For what great matter was it for this people of the Iewes being as it were but a litle handfull to be deliuered out of temporall captiuitie in comparison of the exceeding and incomparable deliuerance whereby mankinde was s●e at libertie from the power of their enemies not temporall but eternall euen from death Satan and hell it selfe Wherefore we take this Psalme to be a prophecy of the redemption that should come by Iesus Christ the publishing of the Gospell whereby the kingdom of Christ is aduaunced death and the deuill with all the powers of darkenes are vanquished This Psalme being thus generally vnderstand may afterward be applyed to euery particular deliuerance Verse 1. VVhen the Lorde bringeth againe the
righteousnes or vnrighteousnes but if thou wilt marke our iniquities if thou in iudgement wilt demaunde whether we be righteous then must we needes perish Wherfore we appeale from thy iudgement vnto the throne of thy mercie If we haue done any thing well it was thy free gift alone Looke vpon vs therefore with the eyes of thy mercie and not with the eyes of the iustice of thy iudgement For if thou doe not pardon our iniquities and close thine eyes that thou behold them not we shall not be saued c. This light of doctrine we see that Dauid followed euen in the darkenes of the lawe But our case is nowe much better for as much as we see these thinges clearely sette before our eyes in the newe Testament For what teach we else at this day but that we are saued by fayth alone in the death and blood of Christ that by the merite of Christ onely our sinnes are couered and taken away according to that saying Blessed are they whose sinnes are forgiuen Forgiuenes of sinnes then is that heauen vnder the which we dwell through our trust and confidence in the merite of christ For he that beleueth shall not be condemned but shall passe from death to eternall life Dauid addeth here no expresse mention of Christ and yet because he hopeth for mercie therefore he loketh straight to this mercie seat that afterwards should more clearely be reueiled in the new Testament For ye see that he signifieth no lesse but if God should marke his iniquities he must needes dispayre For without remission of sinnes or knowledge of grace what haue we to rest vppon What safetie may we finde They therefore that put not their trust herein alone that by the death of Christ their sinnes are taken away and Gods eyes closed that he wil not see their sinnes must needes perish For this onely do the Scriptures set forth that our life resteth wholy and alonely in the remission of sinnes and in that the Lord will not see our sinnes but in mercie couereth them and will not remember them or lay them to our charge So that we must acknowledge confesse that we know nothing but the righteousnes of Christ Not that we should not now worke and bring forth the fruites of a holy life not that there is no sinne in vs or that God doth not hate the same but because God sayth and promiseth that he wil not marke our transgressions because we beleue in Christ and put our trust in him This shield whosoeuer holdeth out for his defence and hideth him selfe vnder it them God accepteth as his children because they haue a Sauiour but they that haue not are driuen to despaire For what can all their workes their merites their righteousnes doe seeing Dauid sayth If thou marke our iniquities O Lorde who shall be able to stand in thy sight In this verse therefore consisteth altogither which hereafter followeth Verse 4. But mercy is with thee that thou mayst be feared This mercie thou shalt not find in Moises in the lawe or in the works of the law not in Monkery not in a strait and painful life not in almes deedes c. Briefly this mercie thou shalt finde no where because it is no where but with the lord Mercie therefore is not our merite or our righteousnes but it is the free pardon of our sinnes by Christ alone Which mercy although thou shouldest afflict and punish thy selfe in a Monastery a thousand yeares or doe neuer so many so perfect or so holy workes thou shalt neuer find as the conscience which euen in a most streit and holy life feelleth desperation doth sufficiently witnesse But herein alone the conscience findeth rest and comfort when altogither naked without any addition of her owne worthynes it committeth it self to the naked and bare mercie of God and saith O Lord I haue thy promise that righteousnes commeth of mercie alone whiche righteousnes is nothing else but thy free pardon that is to saye that thou wilt not marke our iniquities I commend therefore vnto you this definition of righteousnes which Dauid here setteth forth that to marke sinne is to condēne Againe not to marke sinne is to iustifie or pronounce a man righteous And this is true righteousnes in deede when sinnes are not marked but pardoned not imputed Likewise in an other place also he defineth a blessed man and Paule allegeth the same defini-nition very aptly Blessed is the man saith he to whom God imputeth not his sinne He saith not blessed is the man which hath no sinne but vnto whom the Lorde doth not impute that sinne which he hath as here also he saith When sinnes are not marked These testimonies must be diligently collected and noted that we may see how that this doctrine is founded vppon the holy Scriptures and that all the confidence and trust that man can haue in the righteousnes of works or of the law is vtterly cut of in the iudgement of God. For this doctrine maketh all men alike and before God leaueth no difference For if by imputation onely we be righteous it followeth that not onely we be all sinners but that also there is no differenee betwene the learned vnlearned the wise and the simple the married and vnmarried the Prince and the plowman c. For this difference of degrees in the iudgement of God auayleth nothing but this onely auaileth before God that our sinnes bee forgiuen Wherfore if this doctriue had bene heretofore diligently taught all Monkry such other mōstrous kinds of life had not bene brought into the Church which the foolish people hath beleued to be more holy then others For what soeuer kinde of life a man be in this is the condition of vs all that we haue neede of forgiuenes of sinnes as Paule teacheth in the Actes where he sheweth that God suffered the manners of our fathers like as a good husband suffereth and beareth with the manners of his wife the maister of his scholers the Prince of his subiects Now if this eiuill life haue neede of such discretion and moderation that men should not be alwayes extreme and rigorous in dealing one towards an other how much more neede haue we that God should beare with vs in this our great weakenes and corruption If God should deale sharply with vs then should our transgressions dayly and continually moue him to marke straitly and sharply to punish vs But he will not marke our iniquityes This he requireth that we beleue in christ Then will he beare with vs then will he winke at our weakenes and pardon our transgressions yea in respect of our faith in Christ he will accept vs as righteous Thus Dauid turned him selfe from desperation to an assured hope and trust in Gods mercie For when we looke to our sinnes it can not be but we must needes be vexed and fall to desperation ▪ But we must not fasten our eyes vppon our sinnes onely
madnes For if patience suffer any thinge it commeth of a certain desperation as when a man thus thinketh with him selfe All that I suffer is but in vaine This patience is turned into fury and is oppressed with desperation But Christian pacience will not suffer it selfe to be oppressed but continually taketh hold vpon hope whereby at length it preuaileth and getteth the victory It is a harde thing not to be discouraged with such trobles as daily happen in matters perteining to the common course of this life But patiently to endure those afflictions which Dauid by his owne example sheweth that Christians which haue already receiued the forgiuenes of sinnes must suffer to haue a stedfast hope in the bitter vexations of sinne and accusations of conscience and patiently to suffer all other aff●ictiōs wherwith Satan vexeth and tormenteth the beleeuing heart this is in deede a diuine and an heauenly vertue and such a conflicte that God hath promised vnto it an incorruptible crowne of glory Now ensueth an exhortation that we should follow this example of Dauid and embrace this doctrine Verse 7. Let Israel waite on the Lord for with the Lord is mercie and with him is plentifull redemption This is in deede a golden verse worthy to be knowne and well vnderstand wherein Dauid wisheth and exhorteth all men by his example wholy to rest and to continue in a sure hope of the mercie of God. For faith is not so lightly to be esteemed as the Papistes teach which dreame that faith is a qualitie remaining in the hart with the which the hart after it can once number these syllables I beleue in God passeth on as it were in a sleepe For they that haue no experience of those conflictes which faith must endure doe but laugh vs to scorne when we say that faith is a principall vertue wherewith onely and alone we are iustified deliuered from sinne hell death and damnation For it is true that the wise man ●aith A foole vnderstandeth not except ye talke of those things which are in his owne hart These things therefore which we attribute vnto faith they ascribe vnto charitie preferre charitie aboue faith But if faith be set forth rightly in her owne colours it farre excelleth charitie For behold the obiects of faith It fighteth alone before God against Satan who neuer resteth but warreth against faith continually and that euen concerning death and life euerlasting concerning sinne and the accusation of the lawe concerning grace and the remission of sinnes Now if with faith you compare charitie whose office is to be exercised in releuing the miseryes and calamities of men whether they haue neede of comfort or succour in minde or in body who seeth not howe farre faith excelleth charitie For howe great a difference is there betwene God man betwene corporall necessities eternal death These are therfore the exercises of faith euen in the greatest dangers to fight continually against Satan in the presence of God For as I said before our ●ruel enemie will giue vs no breathing no time of rest Wherfore albeit the charitie is not onely a goodly vertue but also extendeth farre in comparison of other moral vertues yet is faith without all comparison a farre more excellent heauenly vertue whether ye consider y obiects therof or other causes For this is the fruite of faith when the hart feeleth that death is ouercome by the death of Christ that sinne also is put away the law abolished by grace and mercie These thinges are of them selues most certaine Yet such is our infirmitie that we can noe certeinly apprehend them and therefore we are terrified with the cogitations of death and sinne But if this hope and trust in the mercie of God were perfect no heauines should euer oppresse the beleuing hart Therefore Dauid vseth this exhortation that Israell after it hath once obteyned this mercie should still perseuere in wayting on the Lord and not suffer this trust and confidence in the mercie of the Lord to be wrested from him And here he hath respect to that great conflict wherein the mind oppressed with calamities beginneth to doubt of the mercie of god In this conflict because the mind doth not so soone feele those comforts which the word promiseth and faith beleueth as it would doe it is ready to despayre Against this tentation Dauid armeth vs and warneth vs to be mindfull that we must waite on the Lorde and neuer depart from the word or beleue any thing against the word and he sheweth the cause why For with the Lord sayth he is mercie The flesh in tentations and afflictions thinketh that with the Lorde there is nothing but wrath The holy Ghost therefore comforteth vs and goeth about to plucke this opinion out of our hartes pronounceth that there is mercie and goodnes with the Lord if we can but onely waite on the Lord and put our trust in him This testimonie of conscience and of the holy Ghost we haue great neede of for if we followe our owne sense we shall be deceaued and finde in our selues the contrary But we may not iudge of these matters according to our owne sense or as we feele in our selues but we must stand to the worde and thus thinke with our selues that these are matters of fayth and not of our owne sense and feeling For to beleue is not to feele Not because these thinges shall neuer be felt which we now beleue but because faith must go before feeling and experience And we must beleue the worde although we feele in our owne hartes and iudgement neuer so much to the contrary As when our hartes oppressed with calamities doe thinke God to be angrie with vs not to care for vs but to hate vs then faith cleane contrary must thus assure it selfe that with God there is neither anger nor hatred that he neither thinketh of punishment nor offence but although he suffer vs to be afflicted yet he doth it not to the ende to destroy vs For with him sayeth the Psalme is mercie Therefore he is mindfull of vs to doe vs good to deliuer vs from daungers to mortifie our sinnes and to increase his other good giftes in vs If these thinges happen not to the wicked what maruell is it For either they beleue not or else if they doe they continue not Wherefore let vs that beleue with faith ioyne hope also so that albeit our owne sense and hart shall worke neuer so much against vs and that God shall seeme neuer so sharpe an enemy in punishing vs yet let vs not yeld so much to our owne sense and feeling as to the written word and to the holy Ghost which pronounceth that with the Lord there is mercie who loueth vs seeketh to doe vs good This is the truth of the holy Ghost that we should thinke yea most assuredly beleue that with the Lord there is no anger but if any calamities
cōstrained to confesse that we haue many waies offēded against that law it can not be but that certaine desperation must needs follow except Christ as a tender ●ouing mother giue vnto vs that dugge of grace reise vp our oppressed afflicted soules So Iudas was driuen to the halter by the sight of his sinne For there is no remedy wherby the seely conscience tormented with sinne can be healed but this alone to beleue as the former Psalme teacheth that with the Lord there is mercy plentifull redemption This is the voice of the Gospel which must follow the law wherunto also there is a way prepared by the law For like as our sinnes must be reproued accused so the terror which this accusation bringeth hath need of consolation Wherefore the true consolation and the true propitiation which is sette forth in the Gospell perteineth to true sinnes which driue a man downe to hell vnlesse they be cured by the mercie of God set forth vnto vs in christ For mercie pertaineth not to fained sinnes but to true sinnes which kill and condemne the soule This order therefore is to be obserued that when we glorie or presume of our selues and become secure then should the lawe and Moises come with his bright shining face which our weaknes can not abide yet notwithstanding it can not auoyd the same Now after that the lawe and Moises haue done their office in this sort by accusing the conscience and threatening the iudgemence of God for sinne and punishment for the same then is there place and opportunitie for Christ to come with the dugge of grace to comfort and refresh the wayned child crying for sucke and seeking the mothers breast Wherefore this is an excellent similitude which setteth forth vnto vs first our owne weakenes namely that there is in vs no strength at all whereby we may be able to withstande Satan and to heale our wounded conscience then also the mercie of God and power of his word whereby he susteyneth and nourisheth vs as a mother nourisheth her childe with milke stilleth it and kepeth it from crying So the Gospell is both the wombe of God in the which we are caried formed and fashioned by the spirit of Christ and also it is the dugge wherby we are nourished fed Wherfore if we once lose this dugge we are as children wayned from the mothers brest Some thinke them selues highly learned in these matters and that they know them wel enough But take ye heede and beware of this presumption Recken your selues in the number of scholers and learners For Satan is so craftie that he can easily take away this distinction and force vppon vs in steede of the Gospell the law and againe in steede of the lawe the Gospel For how often commeth it to passe that poore and miserable consciences in the agony of death lay hold vpon certain sentences of the Gospel which doe in deede pertaine vnto the lawe and thereby lose the sweete comfort and consolation of the Gospell As for example If thou wilt enter into life keepe the commaundements Again Not euery one that sayth Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heauen With such sentences poore and seely consciences are so brused and broken that they can see nothing but what they haue done and what they ought to haue done Also what God requireth and what he forbiddeth These things whiles troubled afflicted consciences doe beholde they forget what so euer Christ hath done or God by Christ hath promised to do for our comfort Wherfore let no man presume of the fulnes and perfection of his knowledge in these matters In wordes this distinction is easie to be made but in death and daungers we finde how vnable we are to play the good Logicians when we must dispute of the thinges which we haue done or ought to haue done when the lawe obiecteth in this maner against vs This hath God commaunded thee to do and thou hast not done it but hast done the contrary Wherfore thou shalt be damned according to the sentence of the lawmaker Here he that is a good Logician putteth a difference betwene the law and the Gospel and graunteth that in deede he hath not kept the law Notwithstanding saith he vppon this antecedent or former proposition doth not followe this consequence that I should therefore despaire and be damned For the Gospel commaundeth me to beleue in Christ and to trust vnto the workes the merites and the righteousnes of christ He that vnderstandeth this and taketh holde on this brest or dugge of the Gospel is safe and is sure of the victory but he that apprehendeth it not muste needes perish and despaire In this doctrine therefore touching our righteousnes before God there is great daunger We must not presume therefore but walke in feare humilitie For if presumption in politike worldly matters when men are proude of their riches power or wisedom is not without daunger in diuine matters it is much more dangerous yea most daungerous and damnable and yet notwithstanding there it reigneth most of all For Satan commeth to the children of God and laboureth with all might and subtiltie to bring them to presumption and securitie Wherefore they must fight continually against this hidde and lurking poyson and aboue all thinges they muste beware that they flatter not them selues as though they knew well enough the distinction of the lawe and the Gospell In deede thou mayst knowe it but consider wel whether thou hast sure hold thereof so that it cannot be wrested from thee by Satan thine owne conscience Paule plainely confesseth that he hath not yet attained to this knowledge but followeth it as one running in the race and pressing towards the marke So it goeth with vs all We turne our face vnto the marke and this is the race wee runne that we may attaine vnto the marke But that will not be vntill this flesh be put of and layed in the earth Wherefore in the meane season let vs walke in feare and humblenes of harte with hartie prayer that the light which he hath opened vnto vs he will not suffer to be put out but that he will dayly lighten our mindes and make perfecte the worke which he hath begunne in vs Thus who so doe not shall be ouerwhelmed and oppressed with desperation and shall be like vnto children that are wayned and put a parte from their mothers breastes Verse 3. Let Israell wait on the Lord or trust in the Lord from henceforth and for euer This verse sheweth plainly that the Prophet speaketh here of that presumption which is contrary to faith and is called the presumption of mans owne righteousnes Therefore he exhorteth the faithfull to trust in the Lord and withall to abide in humilitie to mortifie that trust and confidence which man hath in the lawe and in his owne righteousnes This shall ye doe saith he if ye trust in the Lord not onely
the same in deede For first these euills which the father of lyes styrreth vppe by wicked doctrine the godly can not beholde without great griefe and sorrowe Besides this they are without all hope of remedie for that the rage of pestilent doctrine is more horrible then the force and violence of fire and water which suddenly consumeth and destroyeth all thinges The heart therefore is on ech side troubled and vexed both with feare of the calamitie that shall followe and also with the sense and feeling of the present euills Nowe if there be ioyned with all these thinges an inward crosse and affliction so that the hearte doe also feele the displeasure of God here it seemeth impossible for a man to pray And doubtlesse a man vnexpert and vnskilfull in these matters and presuming of the worde and his owne knowledge shall gayne nothing thereby but infinite troubles and vexation For to teache to reproue and to conuince is not sufficient but God withall must giue the encrease that not onely we with our brethren may be preserued in sound doctrine but also such as teach the contrary may be rooted out and brought to naught And this by prayer onely is obtayned But howe hard a thing this is we haue alreadie declared To read the word to heare the word and to teach the word are in deede excellent and heauenly works which require the help and aide of the holy Ghost but the inward practise of faith so to conuert vnto the Lord so to pray so to presume of Gods fauour that thy prayer shall please him and that he will heare the same that is a hard matter in deede For fearefull consciences many tymes feele not this certainty and assurance in them selues but are brought to such doubting and mistrust that they can conceaue no hope of helpe or comfort especially such as are touched with the remorse of conscience gilt of sinne and the feeling of their owne vnworthines For in this case it oftentimes commeth to passe that the minde beginneth first to doubt whether prayer will any thing auaile or not They that are brought to this poynt can not pray especially if they measure the same after the sense feeling of their owne vnworthines But here thou must not regard what thou art but rather looke to the promise of God the necessitie of prayer the daunger that followeth the neglecting thereof and the thing it selfe for the which thou oughtest to pray Setting these things before thine eyes albeit thine owne conscience and vnworthines call thee from prayer yet shalt thou be constrayned by prayer to flie to God for help and succour For if a man for examples sake haue committed theft murder or some other notorious crime and in flying away falleth into the water and so into daunger of drowning shall he not pray because his conscience accuseth him that he hath done wickedly Nay how much the more great and grieuous the sinne is and the necessity of praier more vrgent so much the more earnestly ought the mind to be stirred vp and more ready to prayer In like maner must we doe also in this tentation and daunger of wicked doctrine And whatsoeuer we be we must rather consider the great enormities that Satan raiseth vp by lying ministers then whether we be worthie to be heard or no. To this doth the promise also allure vs For we haue a promise in Christ that we shall be heard yea and Christ him selfe also hath prescribed vnto vs the very words syllables letters which we should vse in praier We haue also a commaundemēt to pray so that it is not in our choyse to pray or not to pray but it is a work cōmaunded of God. Now when we remember these thinges and then consider on the one side how necessary a thing it is for vs to pray and on the other side howe great the daunger is if we doe not pray then are our mindes quickned and the tentation or conscience of our owne vnworthines is as it were swallowed vp Like as it hapneth also in sudden daungers as when a man in his iorney falleth into the hands of theeues or is in great perill of drowning here before he can once think of his own vnworthines he bursteth out into these wordes or this cogitation O God be mercifull vnto me And here the saying of the Phisicians is found most true that sharpe sawces prouoke the appetite For there is no better scholemaster to teach vs to pray then necessity But whiles we walke in securitie and are not touched with any feeling of present daungers no maruell is it if our prayer be either no prayer at all or else in dede very faynt and cold For mine owne part I can say by experience that I neuer pray more hartely then in the time of trouble and affliction And this is that sharpe sawce which stirred vp also in Dauid a hunger as it were and an appetite to pray as he sayth I called vnto the Lord in my trouble c. We may learne therefore out of this verse that Dauid vsed this remedy against lying tongues that first by doctrine he stirred vp him selfe and others and then he prayed In like maner ought we to do euē in respect of the cause or necessity which the Lords praier also setteth forth vnto vs For in that the name of the Lord is polluted mens consciences peruerted and the profession of the Gospel hindred we haue in deede great cause to say hallowed be thy name that these abominations and blasphemies may haue an end Thy kingdom come which by the kingdom of Satan is in a manner oppressed He that prayeth after this sort shal fil heauen with his sighes and grones wheras if we liue at ease and feele no trouble our praier is so cold that scarcely our mouthes are filled therwith This cause and necessitie of prayer Dauid expresseth when he sayth I called vnto the Lord in my trouble c. For there must be some great necessitie to constrayne vs to pray as our owne saluation the saluation of our brethren death eternal our sinnes our troubles and afflictions the glory of God the kingdom of God c. all which are set forth in the Lordes prayer and if we consider them as we should doe they will constrayne vs to poure out true and harty prayer vnto God with sighes and grones Let vs consider well these thinges and with our prayer let vs burst through the cloudes which hide from vs the presence of our most gracious God and thinke that prayer is an acceptable sacrifice to God and such a seruice as he him selfe requireth of vs Some seeke a meane helpe and trust to other mens prayers which in deede are not to be neglected for the prayer of many hath a more force and power But thou also must pray as a member of the Church which with one voyce sayth Our Father c. For he will not be the father of
become as it were inuisible and by faith in pouertie to beholde riches in heauines and sorrowe ioy and comfort in desolation and destruction helpe and succour and when we seeme to be cut of and to be cast away from God euen then to beleue and by faith to lay sure handfast on Gods eternall mercie and grace in Christ As Dauid here did who was afflicted and felt no comfort and yet he sayth I lift vp myne eyes to the hilles from whence commeth my helpe Thou must lift vp thine eyes therfore and in no wise fixe them vpon the present troubles calamities or afflictions whatsoeuer the fleshe seeth feeleth or suffereth for that is to obey and consent to the eyes and the eares that is to say to harken to the flesh which is alwaies ready to perswade thee that God is angry with thee that he hath forsaken thee that thy daunger is such and so terrible that thou canst neuer escape it Here therefore thou must lift vp thine eyes to the hills of the Lord and harken to the voice of God who sayth and promiseth that helpe shall surely come from those hills which albeit for the tyme it be inuisible and can neither be seene nor felt yet is it most certayne and infallble They that are in wealth glorie and dignitie lift not vp their eyes to these inuisible thinges and therefore they are puffed vp with pride and caried away with all noysom lustes But such as are in pouerty contempt of the worlde afflicted in body or minde are forced to lift vp their eyes that the helpe which is inuisible may be made to them visible by fayth according to the promise of God made vnto them in his word These are the words therefore of a man that felt the same that we feele that is to say our hearts to be oppressed with sorrow and heauines when we thinking our selues to be desolate and forsaken can see no succour when we see not riches but pouertie not glory but ignominy shame and confusion In these calamities the heart is an heauie burden weying downe to the grounde the eyes and the head that they can see or thinke vpon nothing else but terrene and earthly thinges Therefore he exhorteth vs by his owne example to lift vp our eyes and looke to inuisible thinges which the word promiseth we shall certainly enioy Thus we see the nature of faith liuely set out in this Psalme Nowe followeth as it were an explication what hills he speaketh of Verse 2. My helpe commeth of the Lord which hath made heauen and earth He speaketh here of such hills as the eyes of the flesh could not see For who was so quicke of sight to see or so wise to perceiue and vnderstande that the hill Moria was a holy hill A heape of earth the bodily eyes might see but the holynes the power and the Maiestie of God there present they could not see nor that the word of the Lord was there that the Lord had promised there to dwell and abide that he had put a memoriall of his name in that place and that there he would be sought there he would be found For he that sought not God in this place coulde not finde him in heauen Like as since God hath reueiled him self in that man Christ we truly say and also beleue that whosoeuer doe not imbrace and by faith lay hold on this man which was borne of the virgin they can neuer beleue in God but although they say they beleue in the maker of heauen and earth yet doe they in deede beleue in the Idoll of their owne heart for without Christ there is no true god Therefore Dauid beholdeth these hills in Ierusalem not with bodily eyes as the oxe doth his stall but with the eyes of the spirite he seeth that God dwelleth there by his word Therfore these hils are nowe no more earth and molde but they are the hilles of the Lorde and the fulnes of his godhead so that with out these hills concerning God there can nothing be found Therefore it is truly sayd of the Prophet that from these hilles commeth help and succour that is to say from God dwelling and abiding there by his word Like as we beleue that Christ is the throne of grace in the which is the treasure of all good thinges and heauenly blessinges to be found and without the which there is nothing Now in that he doth not onely say My helpe commeth from the Lord but addeth moreouer which made heauen earth he reproueth condēneth all other helps which men seeke procure vnto them selues besides God with false trust affiāce in the same as Idols of their owne imagination So is Mammon a god also that is to say is worshipped of men as a god helpeth them also sometimes But in penury of food vittells what succour can he bring no man can satisfie his hungrie belly with gold and siluer Likewise in drowth and barennes of the earth what can he help What good can he do in diseases infirmities of the body If then in these corporall maladies he can not help what can he doe when the conscience is troubled with sinne the horrour of death It is therefore but a false pleasure and delite that Mammon bringeth which is but only to satisfie please the eyes as a picture or painted table Against these helps therfore such like which the world seeketh after the prophet setteth the Lord him self who made not only gold siluer not only foode sustenance heauen and earth that is to say angels men and the whole world but besides these giueth remissiō of sinnes faith righteousnes ioy peace of hart with euerlasting life He is sayth the Prophet my almighty and sure help of whom I can not doubt that he will euer fayle me the twinckling of an eye To this Lord I flye for aide succour who not onely in this life can and doth giue health welfare for a fewe yeres with securitie of cōscience cōtempt of death all the furies of the world but also after this life eternal felicity life euerlasting Thus the Prophet inflameth him selfe stirreth vp his faith for our example that we likewise should magnifie the blessings good gifts of God in vs also our hope trust in him For if the riche men of the world doe glory in their money if they vaunt of their wealth and riches why should not we also glory in the trust confidence we haue in God which hath made heauen and earth which hath also in his hand all thinges necessary both for this life for the life to come But because these things are inuisible can not be seene but with spirituall eyes therefore we commonly neglect thē And albeit the Lord do somtimes hide these helps from vs let vs feele the lacke therof for a time as he doth in deede to make vs the more desirous of thē
the more to esteeme them when we haue them and to be the more thankfull to God for the same yet must we learne surely to trust and vndoubtedly beleue that they will come Verse 3. He will not suffer thy foote to slippe For he that keepeth Israel will not slumber This verse dependeth vpon those that go before For the Prophet because he began with an exhortation to faith now goeth about as it were with promises to moue and exhort the faithfull to hold fast this confidence trust in the help succour of the lord And very necessarie it is for vs to exhort and stirre vp not onely other but our selues also because of the present daungers and afflictions For seeing the things which discomfort vs are present and they which comfort vs are absent therfore so long as the present things which vexe vs do endure it is needefull that we should be stirred vppe with the worde and exhortation to perseuerance and pacience For this exper●●●ce of trouble and affliction must be ioyned with doctrine exh●●●●tion For our sight is so dimme that we can not see these inui●●●●● thinges and the ende of afflictions Therefore the flesh euer s●●keth meanes how it may be deliuered and when it can see non●●as the carnall eyes can neuer see Gods maruelous helpe deli●●●ance then is it miserably vexed and tormented and can finde no●est nor quietnes We haue neede therefore of exhortations out 〈◊〉 the word of God that this streatnes of our heart may be dilated and enlarged which he alone can doe that seeth the end of our tentations We must heare what his word sayth and not what our owne heart sayth which onely seeth and feleth the beginning of tentations and afflictions but the end thereof it can not see Therefore the holy Ghost here amplifieth and enlargeth the matter that the exhortation may be the more effectuall And here is first to be noted that if the contrary were not that is to say no tentation felt or perill to be feared then were this exhortation but in vayne For if tentation shoulde haue an ende as soone as it beginneth or if as soone as we feele any lacke God should giue vs that we desire wherefore then shoulde God promise any thing Therefore neither is doctrine necessarie in those thinges that we know before neither exhortation when we are out of daunger and feele no tentation Therefore where the Prophet sayth He will not suffer thy foote to slippe he plainly sheweth what is the state of the afflicted For when they feele them selues to be in daunger through the grieuousnes of tentation their hearts are heauy and careful least they should perish and be forsaken of the Lord for euer Here haue they neede therfore of exhortation that their faith faile not or be not vtterly quēched For reason can iudge no other wise but that a man being in this case is cleane reiected forsaken of God and after his owne sense feeleth that to be true which a certaine souldier was wont to say that there are none which suffer more misery or are in greater daunger then such as serue God and their Prince faithfully Here is now no succour but to flie to the word of faith And first this word pronounceth that all they which will liue a godly life in Christ Iesu shall suffer trouble and affliction It setteth forth Christ for an ensample who by the crosse entred into glory It telleth vs that we must be made like vnto his image that is we must suffer with him if we looke to be glorified with him Then we see that troubles and crosses are prepared for vs It sheweth moreouer what is to be done and what remedie is to be fought in such afflictions euen to resort to the word to harken to the word to rest in the word and the promise It promiseth that tentation shall not continue with vs for euer as our hearts doe iudge but rather it telleth vs that it is but momentane and short And Christ compareth the afflictions of the faithfull to the trauell of a woman where death and life are ioyned togither as neare as may be For she that euen nowe sawe nothing but death and despayred of the life both of her selfe and of her childe as soone as the childe is borne forgetteth all her sorrowes past Sainct Paule sayth the afflictions of this life are not to be compared to the glory which shall be reueiled vpon vs. This iudgement of the word thou must followe and not thine owne sense which so iudgeth of the crosse and afflictions that of a molehill or rather of a mote it maketh a great mountaine So blind is reason and so vnable to iudge in matters of fayth For that which God counteth but as a moment a droppe a sparcle reason iudgeth to be euerlasting a huge sea and a terrible fire But thou wilt say I finde and feele it so to be What then Doest thou feele or doeth God see and knowe more perfectly thinkest thou We must not iudge therefore according to our owne feeling but according to that which the word of God pronounceth and iudgeth or rather God him self in his word The stories doe record that when Iulianus persecuted Athanasius and threatned his destruction Athanasius so litle regarded the daunger thereof that he likened the same to a clowde which the Sunne by litle and litle consumeth to nothing What could be spoken more contemptuously of that outragious cruelty attempted by such a mightie Monarke and head of the Romane Empire which rather might haue bene compared to a huge sea or a terrible fire But as Athanasius sayd and beleued euen so it came to passe for Iulianus was slayne shortly after and so Athanasius escaped the daunger By whose example let vs learne how to iudge of our owne troubles and perills and looke to the word of the promiser that we depend not vpon our selues and our owne sense but vpn the promise of the lord Death pestilence famine hatred of the world and sclaunder with such like may well be resembled to an horrible tempest And here if we follow reason we are gone But we must lift vppe our eyes to the hilles and harken to this voyce I am the Lorde thy God therefore magnifie my word my helpe and my succour Thus if we doe then begin we to contemne that which to vs before seemed so huge and terrible then the word promise beginneth to kindle in our harts and bringeth such strength and courage that we are able to say Nowe be it neuer so huge a tempest neuer so terrible a storme let it come Here is God here is his worde I will not feare Thus is all the rage and furie of the Deuill yea euen sinne and death it selfe brought to nothing and nowe is it become as it were a mote which before seemed to vs a mighty and huge mountayne Thus must we learne the distinctions of the holy Ghost God taketh away
protection of this good keper and watchman whom Dauid here speaketh of Thus doth our diuinitie teach and thus doe the godly beleue For by their owne experience they proue and by experience of the whole Church that Satan wil neuer rest vntill he destroy if he may either soule or body The destruction of the soule he seeketh by lying by corrupt doctrine by wicked false worshipping and seruing The destruction of the body he attempteth by infinite sleights practises wherof we haue experience daily in our selues and other For as much then as these things doe not come to passe either in such sort or so often as Satan would it is the benefite not of Satan but of this our vigilant keeper and watchman Thus we are taught euen by our owne experience taking this for a principle that the kingdom of the deuill is the kingdome of sinne and of death that we are continually and euery moment preserued from death and other daungers both corporally and spiritually by the singular goodnes and grace of Christe into whose kingdom through baptisme and faith we are translated And hereof come these heauenly sayings of the Prophets The earth is full of the mercy of the Lord his mercy endureth for euer c. In deede sometimes Satan so preuaileth and hath such successe in that he goeth aboute that by sudden plagues he bringeth men to horrible destruction Such examples ought to warne vs of those mischeuous practises which he continually goeth about and faine would bring to passe as he might easily doe if he were not letted by the vigilancy of our good watchman in heauen For as for the power of this our aduersary I doe beleeue that he is able in one hower to destroy all the people that are liuing vpon the earth Now if both he be able and also leaueth no practise vnattempted so to doe why then is it not done Because our good keeper watcheth ouer vs But these be matters of faith they muste be beleued and therefore he addeth this word beholde Whereby it may appeare that his purpose is earnestly to commend and set forth the great vigilancie and tender care of God towards vs whereby he keepeth and defendeth vs that we perish not And here note that this care and vigilancie for the safety and preseruation of our life countrey cities familyes peace and tranquillitie amongst vs c. is of the Prophet wholy attributed vnto God when as notwithstanding God vseth to worke the same by other meanes as first by the ministery of Angels and then also of men as of Princes and other inferiour magistrates c. Wherby we are admonished that these inferiour meanes which God vseth as his instrumentes for our preseruation are not able to doe vs any good at all except God him self take vpon him to be our chiefe watchman and defender God therfore vseth the ministery of these for our succour and reliefe euen as he doth bread drinke and other sustenaunce For as bread and drinke doe not preserue our life for then no man should dye and yet because of the ordinance of God and the fraile condition of our nature they are necessary for the sustentation of our life so doe these meane helpes nothing auayle vs except God the keeper of Israel doe watch for our succour and defence This watching this defence the ●orde of God doth reueile but the fleshe can not see it and therefore by a contrary sense thus it expoundeth these wordes The keeper of Israell that is to say the forsaker of Israell doth not sleepe that is he is not onely in a moste deade sleepe but also is without all sense and is in deede nothing For reason iudgeth according to euery pinch and pange that the flesh feeleth and according to the beginning of afflictions or first assaults and not according to the word and the end or deliuerance which God promiseth in the word Verse 5. The Lord is thy keper and he is thy shadowe or protection at thy right hand In this verse he setteth foorth more at large the certainty of Gods ready helpe and protection Wherin speaking to euery one priuatly he sayth The Lord is thy keeper that no man should doubt to apply that vnto him selfe for his owne comforte which pertaineth to al Israel He is called the shadow at thy right hand to teach thee that he is at hand and standeth euen by thy side ready to defend thee Or else the Lord is thy shadow at thy right hand That is he prospereth all thy affaires he giueth successe to all thou takest in hand If thou be a preacher a teacher in the Church of God if thou trauell in thy vocation vprightly and with a good conscience to prouide for thy selfe and thy family thou shalt not lack thy crosses But be of good comfort for the Lord hath promised to be on thy right hand he will ayde thee and succour thee in all things that thou shalt either doe or suffer But here againe we must remember as I said before that these things are spoken and taught in vaine except we first thinke our selues to be as it were vtterly forsaken and destitute of al help and succour Therefore when he speaketh of this tender care that the Lord hath ouer his in keping in shadowing in defēding them that they perish not he meaneth therewithall that they are such as seeme to them selues so to be forsaken and neglected of God as if he had no care of them at all This is therefore a sweete doctrine and full of consolation that the Lord sheweth him selfe to knowe and to pittie our miseries and calamities and commaundeth vs to beleeue that he is our shadowe to couer defend vs against all perils daungers In him therefore let vs assuredly trust with comfortable expectation of most ioyfull deliuerance who hath promised to be with vs with a fatherly care to prouide for vs to defend vs to strengthen to succour and to comfort vs in all our troubles afflictions and calamities Verse 6. The sunne shall not hurt thee by day nor the moone by night The heate of the Sunne maketh mens bodyes weake feeble So doth the Moone also hurt not onely with colde but also with moysture By these speeches he meaneth all maner of tentations and perils and that God will be with vs in the middest of them to succour vs and to deliuer vs albeit we seeme for a litle while to beare all the heate and burden of the day alone that is to be vtterly forsaken and destitute of all helpe and succour But if we were alone then should the tentation haue no ende yea it should presently swallow vs vp for we are not able of our selues to endure the space of one moment Now the Lord suffreth Satan to vomet out his poyson and to practise against vs the beginning of his malice but he will not suffer him to hurt so much as he would doe Therefore because we haue the shadowe to couer vs
a pastour or preacher in the Church These the elect I meane the Lorde hath here and there sparsed emong the wicked as precious stones in the middes of the earth Therfore thou must not think to preach to these only which were to be wished but that can not be because they are mixed with the vngodly multitude Likewise when thou art called to be a ciuill magistrate or a gouernour of a houshold thou shalt not finde all to be precious stones gold or siluer but let it suffice thee if in a whole multitude as it chaunceth in mynes thou find but one veine of siluer or emongst a great deale of earth but one precious stone For the greatest part in the Church is hereticall godles the least part in the ciuill state obedient louing of vertue Hereof it commeth then that al things are ful of trouble to the godly pastour the Magistrate the housholder because the wicked with such successe contemne and disobey all godly orders Notwithstanding thou man of God stand in thy calling do thy duetie pray for peace exhorte counsel reproue those whom thou hast charge ouer For since that now by the word of God the church is somewhat purged of false religion superstition and idolatrie the Magistrates better instructed of their duety and office Satan rageth as a strong armed man keping his house when a stronger commeth Be strong therefore in these tentations and think that as these things are not begun by the power of Satan so though he rage against the same neuer so much thou must not be discouraged or slacke the Lords busines but first serue the Lord and then thy brethren and neighbours For their sakes the Churches must be instructed the common wealth gouerned not for the worldes sake and the vngodly multitude for it is not worthie that a theefe should be hanged an adulterer or murderer put to death but the Lord in heauen and our brethren neighbours in earth are worthy of this seruice as he addeth in the verse following Thus I expounde this verse to be a consolation for pastours ciuill Magistrates and gouernours of families against the multitude of the wicked and the trobles which by them the godly doe sustayne Verse 9. Because of the house of the Lorde our God I will procure thy wealth This is an other cause why he prayeth for the peace and prosperitie of Ierusalem for that the Sanctuary of the Lord and the feate of true religion being stablished in that citie if it prospered not the worship and seruice of God could not there continue As if he sayd The Lord our God hath stablished his seate in thee O Ierusalem and in the middes of thee hath he set vp his worship For the which cause I loue thee and thinke thee worthy of all prosperitie But why doth hee adde hereunto Our God Because God had chosen this nation to be as his own peculiar people And this also was the cause why Dauid so loued them and was not discomforted with these troubles which he for their sakes susteyned both in the Church and in the ciuill gouernment but being chosen to be a King and a Prophet to this people he constantly endured all troubles and herewithall comforted him selfe that first he serued the Lord his God then his brethren and was not an vnprofitable seruaunt but fruitefull vnto God that he might be glorified and to his neighbour and brother that he might be saued Let vs likewise pray for the welfare of our brethren and for the house of the Lord with Dauid who as this Psalme sheweth did wel vnderstand the power and glory of the word and therefore he neither giueth thankes nor yet reioyceth for the abundance of gold and siluer which notwithstanding he lacked not but for the word and true worship of the lord Where these two are not lacking all other incommodities may easily be borne For if we haue the Lord abiding with vs if we maintaine his word and his true seruice and seeke the saluation of our brethren what can we desire more But where the word true worship of God is not regarded there is no God no mercy no saluation neither doth there any thing else remaine but the cursed multitude which shal be damned in hell Therefore Dauid exhorteth vs in this Psalme aboue all things to reuerence the word and by faithfull prayer to seeke the aduauncement thereof Also to giue thankes vnto God for peace and true preachers which gouerne the Church according to his word for where these things are not there must needes be trouble and vexation vnquietnes of conscience murder adultery such other horrible sinnes which the Lord turne away from our Churches preserue that poore remnant emonges the damnable multitude which serue and worship him according to his word By these two latter verses we are admonished first how euery Christian ought to regard him which is his fellow in faith and religion that is to say as his brother and neighbour Then also why he ought to haue a harty loue and zeale to the Church and congregation of the faithful For my brethren saith Dauid and for my neighbours And againe for the house of the Lord our god These two thinges ought to be considered in the Churche of christ In it are our brethren and neighbours in it is the house of God yea rather it is the house of God it selfe in the which are the children of God and true brethren O happy is he and a right Christian in deede which beeing indued with the true knowledge and faith of Christ and also with that brotherly loue which is according to the spirit of the children of God can vnfainedly and hartely say For my brethren and neighbours and for the house of the Lord our God I both seeke and I wish the prosperitie and welfare of the Church of God. The 123. Psalme I lift vp mine eyes vnto thee c. This Psalme as ye see is but short and therefore a very fitte example to shew the force of prayer not to consist in many words but in feruency of spirit For great and weighty matters may be comprised in few words if they proceede from the spirit the vnspeakeable gronings of the heart especially when our necessity is such as will not suffer any long prayer Euery prayer is long enough if it be feruent proceede from a heart that vnderstandeth the necessitie of the Sainets not in such small matters as y world counteth great and weightie as pouerty losse of goods and such other worldly incommodities but when the Church is oppressed with violence and tyranny when the name of God is prophaned with wicked doctrine or if there be any thing else that either hindreth the glory of God or the saluation of soules These perils can not well be vttered in prayer and therfore the prayer of the faithfull is then most effectuous when with griefe of heart and affliction of spirite they see
captiuitie or captiues of Syon we shall be like them that dreame By Syon is signified that people which had the promise of the comming of christ For redemption and saluation was first promised to the people of Syon and to the children of Abraham after the flesh This people was in bondage vnder the lawe and by the lawe vnder the captiuitie of death and sinne Now if this people complaine of their captiuitie and sigh for their deliuerance what ●●all we thinke of the Gentiles which liued in idolatry in their owne lustes without any law without god He could not therefore haue signified a more generall and more greeuous captiuitie then when he saith that his owne people of Syon did long for this deliuerance which in outward appearance was moste holy vnder Dauid and Saul did mightely flourish But beholde how liuely ●e setteth foorth that ioy which should followe this deliuerance We shall be saith he like them that dreame By this kinde of speech he expresseth the greatnes of their ioy meaning that this ioy and gladnes should be so great that the hart of man should not be able to conceiue it As if he should say when we shall heare of yea when we shall in deede feele and enioy this deliuerance from sinne death so farre passing all that we could hope or looke for the ioy therof shall be so great that it shall seeme to vs but vs a ●reame For so we see it come to passe also euen in particular deliuerances when God suddenly deliuereth his seruaunts out of an● great trouble or affliction So it hapned to Peter when he was deliuered by the Angell out of prison Likewise when it was said to Iacob Ioseph thy sonne liueth and ruleth ouer all the land of Egypt he was as one reysed out of a dreame and could not beleue it vntill it was shewed vnto him by certaine tokens to be true in deede Here then is set foorth vnto vs the inestimable grace whereby we are redemed through the blood of the sonne of God who did not spare him selfe and his owne life that he might set vs free from the power of the deuill the wrath of God death and eternall damnation But mans hart is not able as is said to comprehende these thinges The more feeling and ●ast he hath therof the greater alacritie courage hath he to goe through all daungers The lesse feeling he hath the more he is shaken with terrours and at the length looking backe to Egypt with the Israelites seeketh other helpes ▪ Our heart therfore must wholly rest in this redemption we must labour to haue some part of this tast and feling which the Prophet rightly compareth to a most ioyful pleasant dreame They that further list to inlarge this inestimable benefite of Christ or this deliuerāce haue here occasion to amplyfie the same first by the person of the redemer then by the person of the redemed by their former state and misery of the power of the deuill of the hugenes and horrour of death of the force of sinne c. For these things had wholly deuoured all mankind could not be ouercome but by the sonne of god This is that vnspeakeable most glorious redemption which rauisheth astonisheth the mind with ioy They therefore that feele not this ioy haue not truely receiued nor felte this benefit but the word is as a ●ome or a froth in their mouthes Verse 2. Then shall our mouth be filled with laughter and our tongue with ioy Then will they say emong the heathen The Lord hath done great things for them This Psalme hath in it a singular maiesty therfore the Prophet vseth here many figuratiue or borrowed speeches By laughter he signifieth the voice of the Gospell For y Gospel should be to vs nothing else but ioy gladnes especially if we compare it with the law For the law terrifieth killeth whose vse ● office is to br●●● to mollifie the hard stony harts of the impenitent as Ezechiel saith For they must be broken with this yron scepter as it were and beaten downe to hell as the Psalme prayeth Let the wicked be turned into hell and all nations that forget God. For seeing they haue a heart of yron and as the Prophet sayth a brasen forehead they must be terrified with the thundrings of the lawe that is they must be brought to the feare of Gods iudgement and filled with the terrour of death as it hapned to the people of Israell at the mount Sina when the law was published by the voyce of the lord But they that haue a fleshy heart that is to say a soft and a tender heart may not be killed with the law but reuiued and raysed vp with an other kinde of doctrine which the holy Ghost here calleth laughter and ioy that is to say the Gospell This is the right diuiding of the word which S. Paule speaketh of to preach set forth to the impenitent and hard harted the threatnings of the law the wrath of God against sinne the terrours of Gods iudgement but to the weake and broken harted the sweete comforts of the Gospell that they which are secure without feare may nowe learne to feare the Lord and they that are to much oppressed with feare may be of good comfort and now begin to trust in the lord This difference betwene the law and the Gospel is wel knowne but by experience and practise it is not so well knowne For our infirmitie is such that we are rather touched with the sense of sinne and death then with the laughter and ioy that is the sweete comfortes and ioyfull promises of the Gospell For to speake of my selfe and of mine owne feeling the redemption and life giuen by Christ doth not so much pearce my hart as it is terrified with one word or one cogitation of sinne and of the iudgement of god The cause whereof is for that we can not sufficiently learne this difference betwene the lawe and the Gospell For although it be both written and taught yet is it not so effectually felt in the heart Els should it follow that terrified heartes should cast away all heauines for to them as is sayd perteyneth the voyce of laughter and ioy and not the voyce of terrour and heauines And here also we find Satan to be our deadly aduersary which most subtilly disputeth with vs touching the lawe and vseth such arguments as we can not deny For when he layeth vnto vs our sinnes we are constreyned to confesse and to acknowledge them which albeit we couer them some times before men our conscience as a thousand witnesses pronounceth against vs and wil not suffer vs to forget them or hide them Whereof sometimes ariseth also a doubting or mistrust euen of holy workes I speake nothing of those which are manifestly wicked With these dartes Satan pearceth and greeuously woundeth the soft and tender hart onely because
foule sinke and filthy pudle But nowe by the great mercie of God the captiuitie beginneth to be turned the temple is repaired and the true seruice of God restored This Psalme after my iudgement speaketh generally of all such troubles and afflictions of the Church as haue bene at all times in all ages As first that the kingdom of the Iewes when they were yet vnder good Kinges was mightely assailed but yet not vtterly ouercome And that the people afterwards were spoyled of the Assyrians and Babylonians and carried away captiue but not cleane forsaken For they were againe deliuered out of captiuitie and in their owne land enioyed the promise concerning christ Thus speaketh the Psalme first of the Iewish Church Afterwards it comprehendeth as a prophecy the state and condition of the Church of the Gentiles to witte that God would preserue and defend it against all heretikes against all the rage and fury of the world against the kingdom of the Romish Antichrist moreouer against al the tentations of sinne which vexe and oppresse the conscience Thus must we apply this Psalme to all times and ages of the Church to all chaunges and alterations all daungers of the world the flesh sinne the lawe death and the gates of hell For the world assaileth it with power wisedome the deuil with desperation and dubitation heretikes with errors in faith and religion and the conscience with sinnes In all these perills we say Blessed be the Lord God who suffereth vs not to be tēpted aboue that we are able to beare In deede we must be tempted and tried but in the tentation he will giue an outscape besides this that he giueth vs strength also to beare the tentation vntill the time of deliuerance come This benefite Dauid here setteth forth and sheweth vnto vs the state of his people to the ende we may thereby learne this comfort that like as he preserued that people euen so wil he also preserue vs For we haue one and the same God the same spirit the same word the same promises briefly all things else whatsoeuer Wherefore we may say and sing with Dauid Verse 1. They haue often tymes afflicted me from my youth may Israel now say Verse 2. They haue often tymes afflicted me from my youth but they could not preuayle against me He nameth no certein enemie to the ende he may comprehend all Where he sayth From my youth he vnderstandeth all the time from their primitiue Church as we call it vntill Israel beganne first to be the people of god For albeit we euer praise those thinges which are most auncient and of greatest antiquitie as the primitiue Church is in deede worthy to be praysed yet God regardeth not this difference For in all times and euen in the last ages of the Church he gaue notable Prophets to the people of Israell as before the captiuitie Esay of all other the most excellent after the captiuitie Aggaeus Zachary and others In the meane time betwene Moises and these were Helias Heliseus c. So we see that the primitiue Church was more pure from heretikes and wicked opinions But yet notwithstanding there were some notable Prophets and other excellent men euen in the later times And when the roote of Iesse seemed now to be withered yet God reised vp Anna Symeon Zachary Elisabeth For God preserueth his Church though it be neuer so much assailed and oppressed according to his promise Onely let vs open our eyes that we may see from whence this commeth And here we may not looke to those things which the world especially estemeth and magnifieth but we must behold the Church as it is afflicted oppressed full of calamitie For this is the true face of the Church of God that it is weake enuironed with all deadly engines and compassed with all the furies of the deuill the world the flesh ▪ sinne and death These thinges he that will not behold but flieth and abhorreth them shall neuer finde out the true Church in deede For that is not the true picture and image of the Church which the painters see forth which paynt her as a goodly virgin as a citie well armed adorned and bewtified In deede that is a true picture but not according to the eies of the flesh But spirituall eyes doe see this great bewty that Christ is her husband begot her vnto him self by the holy Ghost bewtified her made her glorious with his owne blood with his merites and with his righteousnes Of all these thinges the flesh can see nothing can iudge nothing but seeth rather the contrary how she is subiect to most bitter hatred malice vexations torments Wherefore if it would paint her out in such sort as he seeth and beholdeth her then must it paint and set her forth as a deformed and a poore maiden sitting in a daungerous wood or desart in the middest of cruell and hungry lyo●s beares wolues swine venimous serpents also in the middes of outragious furyous men attempting with sword fire and water to destroy her and to roote her out from the face of the earth As there is in the Apocalyps set forth a goodly picture then the which there is nothing more excellent in that booke that the church as a desolate woman flyeth from the old serpent or dragon persecuting her her child Wherfore these words which Dauid here vseth may very wel be applied to her Many times haue mine enemies afflicted me many times haue they vexed me But this affliction seemeth rather to be an vtter destruction if we follow the iudgement of the flesh As if the enemies did so preuaile and ouercome that the Church were vtterly oppressed and vanquished for euer As we all find by our owne experience in our conflicts which priuately we suffer in our harts when Satan terrifieth confoundeth our consciences For then are reysed vp such terrors that no man can otherwise iudge but that the victory is Satans oppressing vs with heauy bitter cogitations with tentations vexations and anguish of spirit spoyling vs as to the flesh it seemeth of all the sweete consolations which by the merite of Christ and the word are offred vnto vs According to this sence we may well say Often times haue they afflicted mee For this seemeth to be not onely an affliction but an vtter desolation destruction As we priuatly feele this euery one in our owne hartes and consciences so the whole body of the church in all times doth confesse that it is vehemently assailed with strong and mighty armies of most deadly enemies of all nations and oppugned with the engines of all tentations tribulations euen from her youth that is from the time that when the people were deliuered out of Egypt they began to be knowne from other nations and to be the people of God. But here the church and the children of God comfort and reyse vp them selues agayne hauing good experience that in all
call grace heauen it selfe by the which we haue an open passage vnto heauen and the which we can neuer atteyne vnto by the law by workes or by our owne endeuour but rather as a most large heauen it receaueth vs beleuing that by adoption we are made righteous before God through Christ. Hereby we may see what the entent and purpose of the Pr●phet is in this Psalme namely to teach vs the true way to righteousnes life and saluation Againe to shew vs the way how to escape death sinne and the wrath of God that out of this life we may passe to life euerlasting And in teaching of these things he sheweth his owne experience and layeth open vnto vs his owne hart which the holy Ghost had exercised and scholed with many tentations that so he might atteyne to this doctrine wherein he goeth about here to enstruct vs also The summe whereof is that he resteth wholy in the hope of Gods mercie and in the sure trust of the forgiuenes of his sinnes But these thinges shall more clearely appeare hereafter in expounding of the Psalme Verse 1. Out of the depth haue I called vnto thee O Lorde It may seeme that the Prophet vseth here moe wordes then needeth But he that considereth well the cause which forceth him to burst out into these wordes shall see that no plentie of wordes could expresse the sorrow and anguish of his wofull hart nor sufficiently declare his daunger For it was no light or common tentation that vexed him He complained not of the perills that he was in by the rage of Saul by his sonne Absolon by the false Prophets and others nor of any other tentations which proceede of malice and hatred wherewith the world persecuteth the godly but he setteth forth here the griefe of a vexed and wounded conscience the very sorrowes of death when a man feeling his hart as it were oppressed with desperation thinketh him selfe forsaken of God when he seeth his owne vnworthines and desertes accused before God as a terrible iudge yea when it seemeth vnto him that God hath not onely forsaken him but cast him away for euer hateth abhorreth him for his sinnes These tētations are much more terrible then those which men commonly fall into for they are not without daunger of soule eternall saluation Therefore he vseth here this maner of speech saying Out of the depth I call vnto thee c. As if he should say great are the troubles wherewith I am oppressed For I feele mine owne sinnes and the iust wrath of God vpon me for the same neither can I find reliefe or comfort to my restles afflicted soule Against the malice of men wherewith they molest and vexe vs there are remedyes to be found but this wound is vncurable except the Lord send helpe and succour from aboue And in dede such troubles as the godly are commonly exercised withall as the losse of goods wife children such other may yet be ouercome or borne with patience Moreouer in those which are counted inferior sinnes as the offences of youth the deiect broken herted may more easily be raised vp againe But these afflictions seeme to them and are in deed vntollerable when they feele them selues oppressed with such horrible and hellish cogitations that they can see nothing else but that they are caste away from God for euer They therfore that feele such bitter tentations haue here an example that Dauid in him selfe felt and had experience of the like For it maketh the tentation much more greuous when they which are thus afflicted feele that as to them it seemeth which none else doe feele but they alone We must learne therefore that euen the godly haue euer suffered the same afflictions and haue bene beaten downe euen to death with the terrors of the law and sinne as we may see here by the example of Dauid crying euen as it were out of hell and saying Out of the depth doe I cry vnto thee O Lord c. But it is not inough for vs to knowe that we sustaine not these troubles and tentations alone but we muste also learne the way whereby such as haue suffered the like tentations haue beene raysed vp againe And here ye se Dauid what he doth Ye see whither he flyeth in his great distresse He despaireth not but cryeth vnto the Lord as one yet hoping assuredly to find reliefe and comforte Rest thou also in this hope and do as he did Dauid was not tempted to the end he should despaire Thinke not thou therefore that thy tentations are sent vnto thee that thou shouldest be swallowed vp with sorrowe and desperation If thou be brought downe euen to the gates of hell beleue that the Lord will surely raise thee vp againe If thou be brused and broken knowe that it is the Lorde which will heale thee againe If thy hart be ful of sorrow and heauines looke for comfort from him who hath saide that a troubled spirite is a sacrifice vnto him It is expedient also to haue some faithfull brother at hande which may comfort vs in these bitter conflictes For God would that in his Church one should help to comfort an other as mēbers knitte togither in one body and he hath promised that when two are gathered togither in his name he will be the thirde amongest them And doubtles nothing comforteth an afflicted conscience so much as to heare some godly brother declaring out of the word of God that such terrours and afflictions are sent of God not to destroy vs but to humble vs therby to make vs to acknowledge the great mercy of God offred vnto vs and to receiue the same with thankful harts But if in this distresse we be destitute of the helpe of such faithfull brethren we must then doe as Dauid ●id in this place that is we must cry vnto the Lord pray as this Psalme teacheth vs Wherein ye see such sorrowfull and bitter sighes as liuely expresse in Dauid the great anguish of spirite from whence floweth such plentifull matter and yet nothing superfluous as compelleth him not onely to say that out of the deepe depth he cryeth and calleth vnto the Lord but he putteth the Lorde also in minde of his promise thereby to moue him the rather to giue eare vnto his prayer Verse 2. Lorde heare my voice let thine eares attende to the voyce of my prayers He speaketh as I haue saide before to the same God whose seate was in Ierusalem like as we now speake vnto that God and call him father whom we knowe and worship in Christ alone On this God with deepe sighes he calleth that he would with the eye of mercie looke vpon him and gratiously harken vnto his prayer But if we thinke that we can not pray with such a minde or with such feruencie of spirit as these words doe expresse we must consider that Dauid him selfe did not thus pray in his anguish and in the
pray Let the faithfull rest therefore in this comfort that their oppression and affliction shall neuer be so great but their deliuerance shal be greater And if they thinke otherwise they thinke not well For this is the summe effect of the first precept which Dauid here expresseth with the Lord there is plenteous redemption For this is to be a god in deede euen to redeme and to deliuer yea that with greater maiestie and glory then of any mortall man it can be conceaued Verse 8. And he shall redeme Israel from all his iniquities This promise is a conclusion of the Psalme Wherein againe he sheweth what cause he had to pray what we also in like daunger should hope for And in deede it is a sweete and a ioyfull thing to behold the goodnes of the Lord not onely in that he giueth gouerneth and preserueth this life but much rather in that he sheweth him selfe an enemie to sinne and death and this he doth to saue and to deliuer vs from the daunger thereof For this is it that maketh all other gifts of God more sweete pleasant For although we know that we are the creatures of God yet notwithstanding because we are oppressed with heauines feare death the gilt of conscience and such other calamities we can not enioy the giftes of God with a free and a chereful hart This is then to paynt out God in his owne colours so that this life Gods creatures may be sweete vnto vs when he is sette forth according to this verse namely that he will deliuer his people from their sinnes slay death destroy hel and treade downe Satan vnder his feete Such a God is the God of those that beleue that beleue I say For they that beleue although they be weake and feeble harted and vexed of the deuill and death yet they knowe that God is their deliuerer from all their iniquities Therefore they are reysed vppe with comfort and begin to hope wayting for deliuerance promised in the word Ye shall therefore apply this verse to this ende that it may be as a definition what is the office of God and what his will is properly to doe namely that he will haue to doe with sinners that he will abolish sinne create life righteousnes all good thinges Now the meane whereby God worketh these thinges you know is Christ whom he sent into this world and layed vppon him the punishment of death that they which beleue on him might obteine remission of their sinnes and be made the children of god Thus teacheth and treateth the whole Psalme not of this externall life or good workes but onely of faith and hope towards God through Christ and of the finall victorie ouer sinne and death For these things are not gotten by the workes and power of man but by the worke and power of God alone and they are communicated vnto vs because there is mercie with the Lorde and with him is plentifull redemption This is the onely meanes and the way whereby this victorie is gotten The doctrine of works hath an other end and is so to be taught that the glory of God and the merite of Christ be nothing thereby diminished like as we by the grace of Christ haue sincerely and faithfully euery where handled this doctrine God graunt that the same light may shine also to our posteritie Amen The .131 Psalme Lorde myne hart is not hautie c. This Psalme treateth in a maner of the same matter that the Psalme going before speaketh of sauing that the former Psalme expresseth the contrary more plainely and largely Whereby he most liuely paynteth out an afflicted conscience oppressed with the feeling and burthen of sinne This Psalme hath bene heretofore vsed of the diuines against all maner of pride and presumption a common vice of all mankind and from the which there is not one of vs free neither can it be cured by any other remedy then either by the grace of God or by the wrath of God that is when either the godly by afflictions are corrected with fatherly chastisement or the wicked are plaged with seuere punishment By these meanes presumption the naturall vice of all men is cured Otherwise it is not possible but that man should presume either of his owne wisedom or of his owne power or of his owne righteousnes This pride afterwardes bringeth foorth contention As for example we see how many and sundry wayes men are exercised with such matters as perteyne to the ostentation or to the praise and commendation of the witte wisedome of man For here one man thinketh better of him selfe then of an other one man will be counted wiser and better learned then an other What will such wittes doe thinke you when they shall afterwardes come to the handling of Gods matters Likewise power bewitcheth mens hartes that they can make no ende of proud deuises and counsells The same hapned to the Phariseis hypocrites for that is proper vnto them when they conceiued an opinion of their owne holines and righteousnes To be briefe proud and presumptuous men are troublers not only of them selues but also of the cōmon wealth of the Church of housholds and families of al things else They that are skilful in histories doe see what great euills proud ambitious witts haue alwaies raised vp So in the Church heretiks stirred vp with a perswasion of their owne wisedom are troublers of peace and concord The same commeth to passe also in families houshold matters whereof riseth this prouerbe among the Germanes They which attempt that they can not bring to passe are worthely plagued But who are they I pray you Forsoth euen the whole world For what is he that is contēted with his own gift attempteth not somewhiles to do better more exactly then he is able to accomplish Wherfore the third euill necessarily followeth y like as presumption breaketh quietnes concord alwayes as a fruitful mother breedeth strife dissention so at the last followeth vanitie of vanities the attempts of the wicked are all in vaine This vice reacheth reigneth farre can not be cured by any other remedie as I haue sayd then either by grace or by wrath By grace I meane when by affliction our harts are humbled and we brought to this point that we can thinke modestly of our owne gift By wrath when God oppreseth the wicked with punishments and plagues taketh them away as he take away Pharao whose stubbernes and obstinacie could not be cured but by destruction in the redde sea So the Beniamites did not cease from their furie vntill they were almost consumed In like maner Absolon could neuer be quiet vntill he was hanged vpon a tree Arius also Cerinthus with many authors of newe sectes and errors in these our daies could neuer rest vntil they came to such an end as their acts enterprises did
against an other but there was one temple one Arke one altar and no more Like as we haue one Christ in whom God dwelleth and in whom he is found Therefore by an excellent name and title he calleth it the Arke of strength that is to say of the kingdom Likewise he sayth Psal. 110. The Lord shal send the scepter or rodde of thy power out of Sion Also Psal. 8. Out of the mouthes of babes and sucklings hast thou ordeyned strength So is that called the Arke of strength where God mightely reigneth where he helpeth and defendeth his people where he exerciseth his power for their succour and safety in hearing them in forgiuing their sinnes in comforting them against Satan death and hell it selfe This diuine power sayth he is bound to this Arke and therefore it is truely called the Arke of strength This strength and this power was also bound to the Altars of the fathers but now it is bound to the man borne of the virgine Marie To this man who so euer commeth shall feele a diuine power If he dye he shall find life If his conscience be oppressed with sinne he shall finde remission of sinnes If he be tormented of Satan he shall find peace If he be vexed of the world he shall find securitie and victorie For Christ whose kingdom it is doth not therefore reigne that he may enrich vs with worldly goods landes and possessions for these are promised vnto vs in the first of Genesis but that he may set forth his diuine power and rich mercie and set vs free from those calamities out of the which we are not able to redeme our selues Like as he deliuered the faithfull in those dayes from all daungers For the Arke was vnto them as an heauen where they found deliuerance from all miseries as the people was the kingdom and the faithfull were the ●tarres of heauen Therefore Daniel sayth of Antiochus that he should cast downe starres to the ground For whereso euer the word of God is there is the kingdom of God of heauen of life of victorie ouer death sinne and all miseries Thus ought the word which of the world is contemned and despised to be exalted and magnified Verse 9. Let thy Priestes be clothed with righteousnes and lee thy Sainctes reioyce This petition is the same which we vse in our preachings when we desire that the Lorde would giue vnto vs godly faythfull ministers of the worde and suffer no euill teachers to haue place among vs For God in his kingdome is like vnto an Emperour Wherefore as the noble men and chiefe Magistrates are Ministers vnto the Emperour and are the principall part of his kingdom so in the kingdom of Christ are the Angells of peace or the ministers of the Gospel They therefore which pray for the kingdom of God must needes pray that the Lord would giue faithfull Pastours and Ministers as he him selfe commaundeth saying The haruest is great Pray the Lord of the haruest that he would send forth laborers into his haruest The labour and trauell of these workmen is to communicate doctrine consolation threatnings c. and to minister the Sacramentes That these thinges may be rightly done the labourers must needes be clothed with righteousnes and not onely with that righteousnes which belongeth to euery man and is not without corruption but specially with that righteousnes which belongeth to the ministery and to the word which is pure and without all corruption This is that righteousnes whereby the kingdome of Christ is gouerned that is to say the word and the Sacraments Moreouer the Pastors and Ministers of the word are then clothed with righteousnes when they execute a righteous office that is when they teach the word sincerely as Peter sayth If any man speake let him speake as the wordes of God. Also when they minister the Sacraments purely and without corruption so that whatsoeuer they doe or speake be either the word or the work of god So he that baptiseth doth no worke of his owne but he baptiseth in the power of god Likewise he that comforteth the afflicted conscience doth it not of him selfe but by the direction of the worde and will of god Wherefore he also that heareth this worde must not take it as the worde of a man but as a voy●s sounding from heauen So the ministery is righteous which is truely executed in the power of God and this is true righteousnes Contrariwise they which teach men to trust to their owne merites works and worthines and prescribe a certaine forme of apparell of eating of fasting and such like wherein all the righteousnes of the Papistes and the Turkes doth consist such Priests I say are clothed with iniquitie For they haue lost the chiefe ornament and the true apparell of their ministery because they doe not teach rightly nor gouerne truely but seduce men rather with a false shew of their gouernment ministery and that by the malice motion of Satan which hateth this heauenly ministery and peruerteth the ministers The summe and effect therefore of this prayer is that they which attend vpon the Arke of strength may gouern righteously that religion may continue and flourish that the word may be effectuall and bring forth frute that terrified and afflicted consciences may be raysed vp and comforted that secure profane and presumptuous persons may be beaten downe with threatnings and the terrour of Gods wrath that the weake may be strengthened that the simple and ignorant may be instructed Which thinges by the grace of Christe are diligently and faithfully done in our Church And let thy Sainctes reioyce Here we see that God is not delited with the heauines vnquietnes and vexation of conscience which sinne and the feare which naturally followeth sinne is wont to bring but with a chereful hart Seeing therefore that there be two kingdoms namely the kingdome of death and the kingdome of life or the kingdom of hell and of heauen he desireth here that the faithfull may be kept in the kingdom of life enioy the peace and comfort of conscience which the righteous ministery of the Pastors and Preachers of the word bringeth With this prayer agreeth that prayer of the Apostles wherewith they begin their Epistles Grace be with you and peace from God the father c. Grace is the remission of sinnes After this grace followeth peace or a good conscience which here he calleth a reioycing Let thy Sainctes reioyce saith he that is let thy people togither with the Pastors and Ministers hearing the word of the righteous ministery be ioyfull triumph in that word He calleth them Sainctes or holy because of the vse of the word and the ministery which are holy So the Iewes are called holy because as before I haue said there were emonges that people which had the arke and the word of God which were holy thinges in deede and did sanctifie
Paule sayth that he is able through Christ to doe or to beare all thinges to abound and to lacke to be full and to be hungry to be praysed and to be dispraysed c. and that because we haue a kingdom in heauen and we looke for a Sauiour who hath begunne to giue vnto vs these thinges by the word and Sacraments And if he leaue vnto vs no more but the ministery of the word sincere and sound we care not much for all other thinges This is therefore a singular promise and consolation that the Church and the word shall endure to the ende of the world not by the counsell or wisedom of man but by God him selfe clothing his ministers with saluation Albeit therefore that vnder Achas and other vngodly Kings all thinges were full of idolatrie yet were there certeine Prophets by whom the word was preserued And in the time of Christ the blindnes of that nation was incredible and such as I thinke neuer was before Notwithstanding there was Anna and Simeon which then acknowledged and preached christ This is in deede the great worke of God thus clothing with saluation that is with his mightie and victorious word with his true and holy worshippe his ministers that out of the mouthes of men our saluation and our glory may be heard This is a farre more excellent clothing then were those Aaronicall garmentes of Moises that the Pastours and Preachers of the Gospell are furnished and adorned with the wordes of saluation and the doctrine of truth whereby they may be able not onely to instruct the people committed to their charge but also to confu●e and confound the aduersaries For to this ende serueth the garment and the clothing of saluation that is to say of victorie which is obteyned by the pure word and holy ministerie The second part of this promise is that he will giue successe and fruite vnto the word to witte that so many as heare these Priestes these Pastors and Preachers and beleeue the word are sanctified and their harts are replenished with peace and ioy they faithfully trust in God whom they know to be well pleased with them and of whom they beleue that they are beloued This peace of the hart is our kingdom of heauen which we haue in this life For it is an incomparable treasure in comparison whereof all the kingdoms and riches in the world are but dyrt and dunge So the Psalme ioyneth these two thinges togither that by the Preachers and Ministers he wil giue his mightie and victorious word and faith vnto those that heare them that so all may be saued and with ioyfull hart may prayse and magnifie such a gracious and a mercifull God. He that beholdeth the outward shewe and face of the Church will iudge these thinges to be false and farre otherwise For these wordes are spirituall and must not be vnderstand according to the flesh For if a man follow the outward appearance he will rather iudge the Pope and the ministers of Satan to be clothed with saluation For they triumph in great securitie euen when they think and speake those thinges which are most contrary to Christ and the true Church On the other side the Christians or the true Church are afflicted vexed tormented within and without of Satan and cruell persecutors No man will thinke these thinges to be saluation or ioy but miseries and perpetuall calamities But turne thou thyne eyes away from the outwarde shewe and appearance and beholde that Maiestie which speaketh to thee in the word and promiseth to be mercifull vnto thee If therefore thou be in the fauour of God if he hate thee not but loue thee if he cherish and defend thee I pray thee what are all the calamities in the world Are they not all be they neuer so terrible and intolerable swallowed vppe in that bottomles sea of the infinite and vnmeasurable mercies of God Verse 17. There will I make the horne of Dauid to budde I haue ordeyned a light for myne anoynted He continueth in the promise of the kingdom the priesthood that not onely the saluation and ioy of the Priestes and the faithfull people should be defended against fantasticall spirites which that nation was neuer without but also that this kingdom should be defended against outward enemies and other nations abroad and at home against seditious persons For like as amonges the Leuites there were many fantasticall and hereticall spirites so in the other estates there were also many seditious heades as the histories doe shewe Howe many had Saul which woulde not acknowledge him for their King After that Saul was killed and Dauid was saluted and taken of the trybe of Iuda for their King all the rest of the tribes forsooke him and followed Ishbosheth the sonne of Saul This dissension endured seuen yeares and six monethes as it is declared 2. Samuel 2. Now who knoweth not what stormes of seditions and battayles Dauid afterwardes suffered in the kingdom Agayne after the death of Salomon this kingdome was vexed with infinite seditions by wicked Ieroboam Agaynst these enormities the Psalme armeth and confirmeth the people and promiseth that the horne of Dauid shall endure being exalted and stablished by the Lorde him selfe Such was the condition of this kingdom that the pure and holy Priesthoode Satan corrupted by sectes and schismes to ouerthrowe the sound and true doctrine of the worde and in the ciuill gouernment he stirred vppe rebellious and disobedient persons Thus Satan rageth with lying and falshood agaynst the spirituall kingdom and with murthers against the politike gouernment that offences of lying and murther might no where be lacking Wherefore as this kingdome must not be esteemed and iudged according to the outward face thereof for then it shall appeare to be a weake a seditious and a miserable kingdome so the Church hath also certeyne promises of peace but yet so that for the most parte it is vexed with offences with persecutions and other afflictions Wherefore we must rest in the greatnes and the excellencie of the promise in the Maiestie of the worde and in the aucthoritie of the promiser who hath promised saluation but yet so notwithstanding that in the common wealth there shall remayne seditious and rebellious persons and in the Church heretiks and sectaries Here haue we neede to be of good courage and comfort assuring our selues that if we were of the world the world would loue vs If we would flatter the Pope and teach the thinges that please him he would loue vs he would not persecute vs he would not throw out the thunderboltes of cursing excommunication against vs as he doth They therefore which will be of the true Church must prepare them selues with a valiant mind to beare and ouercome these offences resting vppon the promises of God which doe wholy consist in this that he is and will be louing and gaatious vnto vs that he will neuer leaue vs comfortles and that the