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A06492 A commentarie of M. Doctor Martin Luther vpon the Epistle of S. Paul to the Galathians first collected and gathered vvord by vvord out of his preaching, and novv out of Latine faithfully translated into English for the vnlearned. Wherein is set forth most excellently the glorious riches of Gods grace ...; In epistolam Sancti Pauli ad Galatas commentarius. English Luther, Martin, 1483-1546. 1575 (1575) STC 16965; ESTC S108973 590,302 574

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righteousnes and eternal life Wherfore Paule separateth Moses farre from Christ Let Moses then tary on the earth Let him be the Scholemaster of the letter and exactor of the law Let him torment and crucifie sinners But the beleuers sayth Paule haue an other Scholemaster in their conscience not Moses but Christ which hath abolished the lawe and sinne hath ouercome the wrath of God and destroyed death He biddeth vs that laboure and are oppressed with all kindes of euils to come vnto him Therefore when we flie vnto him Moses with his law vanisheth away so that his sepulcher can no where be seene sinne and death can hurt vs no more For Christ our instructor is Lord ouer the lawe sinne and death so that they which beleue in him are deliuered from the same It is therefore the proper office of Christ to deliuer from sinne and from death And this Paule teacheth and repeteth euery where We are condemned and killed by the law but by Christ we are iustified restored to life The lawe astonisheth vs and driueth vs from God but Christ reconcileth vs to God and maketh for vs an entrāce that we may boldly come vnto him For he is the Lambe of God that hath taken away the sinnes of the world Now if the sinne of the world be taken away then is it taken away from me also which doe beleue in him If sinne be taken away then is the wrath of God death and damnation taken away also And in the place of sinne succedeth righteousnes in the place of wrath reconciliation grace in the place of death life and in the place of damnation saluation Let vs learne to practise this distinction not in wordes onely but in life and liuely experience and with an inward feeling For where Christ is there must nedes be ioy of heart and peace of conscience For Christ is our reconciliation righteousnes peace life and saluation Briefly what so euer the pore afflicted cōscience desireth it findeth in Christ abundantly Now Paule goeth about to amplifie this argument and to perswade as foloweth Verse 18. For if I builde againe the things that I haue destroyed I make my selfe a trespasser As if he should say I haue not preached to this ende that I might build againe those thīgs which I once destroyed For if I should so do I should not onely labour in daine but should make my selfe also a trāsgressor and ouerthrowe altogether as the false Apostles doe that is to say of grace and of Christ I should againe make the law and Moses contrariwise of the law and Moses I should make grace and Christ Now by the ministery of the Gospell I haue abolished sinne heauines of heart wrath and death For thus haue I taught Thy conscience O man is subiect to the law sinne and death from which thou canst not be deliuered either by men or Angels But now cometh the Gospell and preacheth vnto thee remission of sinnes by Iesus Christ who hath abolished the law and hath destroyed sinne and death Beleue in him so shalt thou be deliuered from the curse of the law and from the tyrannie of sinne and death thou shalt become righteous and haue eternall life Behold how I haue destroyed the law by the preaching of the Gospell to the end that it should not reigne in thy conscience any more For when the new Gest Christ Iesus cometh into the new house there to dwell alone Moses the old inhabiter must geue place vnto him and depart some whether els Also where Christ the new Gest is come to dwel there can sinne wrath death haue no place but there now dwelleth meere grace righteousnes ioy life true affiance and trust in the father now pacified and reconciled vnto vs gracious long suffering full of mercy for his sonne Christes sake Should I then driuing out Christ and destroying his kingdome which I haue planted through the preaching of the Gospell now build vp againe the law and sette vp the kingdome of Moses In deede this should I doe if I should teach circumcision and the obseruation of the law to be necessary to saluation as the false Apostles doe and by this meanes in the steede of righteousnes and life I should restore againe sinne and death For the law doth nothing els but vtter sinne procure Gods wrath kill and destroy What are the Papists I pray you yea the best of them all but destroyers of the kingdome of Christ and builders vp of the kingdome of the Deuill and of sinne of wrath and eternall death Yea they destroy the church which is Gods building not by the law of Moses as did the false Apostles but by mens traditions and doctrines of Deuils And euen so the fantasticall heads which are at this day and shall come after vs doe destroy and shall destroy those things which we haue built doe build and shall build vp againe those things which we haue destroyed But we by the grace of Christ holding the article of iustification doe assuredly know that we are iustified and reputed righteous before God by faith onely in Christ Therfore we doe not mingle the law and grace faith and works together but we separate them farre asunder And this distinction or difference betwene the law and grace let euery man that feareth God marke diligently and let him suffer the same to take place not in letters and syllables but in practise inward experience So that when he heareth that good works ought to be done and that the example of Christ is to be followed he may be able to iudge rightly and say well all these things will I gladly doe What then followeth Thou shalt then be saued and obtaine euerlasting life Nay not so I graunt in deede that I ought to do good workes patiently to suffer troubles and aflictiōs and to shee l my bloud also if neede be for Christes cause but yet am I not iustified neither doe I obtaine saluation therby We must not therfore draw good workes in to the article of iustification as the Monkes haue done which say that not only good works but also the punishments and torments which malefactors suffer for their wicked deedes doe deserue euerlasting life For thus they comfort them when they are brought to the gallowes or place of execution Suffer willingly and patiently this shamefull death which if thou do thou shalt deserue remission of thy sinnes and euerlasting life What an horrible thing is this that a wretched theefe a murtherer a robber should be so miserably seduced in that extreame anguish and distresse that euen at the very point of death when he is now ready to be hanged or to haue his head cut of he should refuse the Gospell and sweete promises in Christ which are onely able to bring comforte and saluation and should be commaunded to hope for pardon of his sinnes if he willingly and patiently endure that opprobrious death which he suffereth
apart which driue vs to the consideration of our selues onely to turne our eies wholy to that brasen serpent Christ Iesus crucified assuredly beleue that he is our righteousnes and life not fearing the threatnings and terrours of the law sinne death and the iudgement of god For Christ on whom our eies are fixed in whom we liue who also liueth in vs is Lord and conquerour of the law sinne death and all euils In whom most certaine and sure consolation is set forth vnto vs and victory geuen Verse 20. Thus I liue yet not I novv but Christ liueth in me Wher he saith Thus I liue he speaketh it as it were in his owne person Therfore he by and by correcteth himselfe saying yet not I now That is to say I liue not now in mine owne person but Christ liueth in me In deede the person liueth but not in himselfe nor for his owne cause nor for any thing that is in him But who is that I of whom he sayeth yet not I. This I is he which hath the lawe and is bound to doe the workes therof who also is a certaine person seperate from Christ This person Paule reiecteth For as he is seperate from Christ he belongeth to death and hell Therfore he sayeth Novve not I but Christ liueth in me He is my forme my furniture and perfection adorning and beutifying my faith as the colour the cleare light or the whitnes do garnish and beutifie the wall Thus are we constrained grossely to set forth this matter For we can not spiritually conceaue that Christ is so nerely ioyned vnited vnto vs as the colour or whitenes are vnited vnto the wall Christ therfore sayth he thus ioyned and vnited vnto me and abiding in me liueth this life in me which I now liue yea Christ him selfe is this life which I now liue Wherefore Christ and I in this behalfe are both one Now Christ liuing in me abolisheth the lawe condemneth sinne and destroyeth death for it can not be but at his presence all these must nedes vanish away For Christ is euerlasting peace consolation righteousnes and life and to these the terrour of the law heauines of mind sinne hell and death must nedes geue place So Christ liuing and abiding in me taketh away and swalloweth vp all euils which vexe and afflict me This vnion or coniunction then is the cause that I am deliuered from the terrour of the law and sinne am seperate from my self and translated vnto Christ and his kingdom which is a kingdom of grace righteousnes peace ioy life saluation eternal glory Thus I now abiding and dwelling in him what euill is there that can hurt me In the meane season the old man abideth without and is subiecte to the lawe but as concerning iustification Christ and I must be entierly conioyned and vnited together so that he may liue in me and I in him And this is a wonderful maner of speech Now because Christ liueth in me therefore looke what grace righteousnes life peace and saluation is in me it is his and yet notwithstanding the same is mine also by that vnseparable vnion and coniunction which is throughe Faithe by which Christe and I are made as it were one bodye in spirite For as much then as Christ liueth in me it foloweth that as I must nedes be with him pertaker of grace righteousnes life and eternall saluation so the lawe sinne and death can haue no place in me yea the lawe is crucified and swallowed vp of the lawe sinne of sinne and death of death Thus Paule goeth about to draw vs from the beholding of our selues the law workes and to plant in vs true faith in Christ so that in the matter of iustification we should thinke vpon nothing else but grace separating the same farre from the law and works which in this matter ought to haue no place Paule hath his peculiar phrase or kind of speach which is not after the maner of men but diuine and heauenly nor vsed of the Euangelistes or of the rest of the Apostles sauing only of Iohn who also is wont sometimes so to speake And if Paule had not first vsed this phrase and set forth the same vnto vs in plaine words the very Saincts thēselues durst not haue vsed it For it seemeth a very straunge and a monstrous maner of speaking thus to say I liue I liue not I am dead I am not dead I am a sinner I am not a sinner I haue the law I haue not the law Which phrase is sweete and comfortable to all those that beleue in Christ For in that they behold themselues they haue both the law and sinne but in that they looke vnto Christ they are dead to the law and haue no sinne If then in the matter of iustification thou separate the person of Christ from thy person then art thou in the law thou abidest in the law thou liuest in the law and not in Christ and so thou art condemned of the law and dead before God. For thou hast that faith which as the Sophisters dreame is furnished with charitie Thus I speake for examples sake For there was neuer any one found that was saued by this faith And therfore what things soeuer the Sophisters haue written touching this faith are nothing els but vaine toyes and meere deceites of Sathan But let vs graunt that such there be as haue this faith yet are they not therfore iustified For they haue but an historicall Faith concerning Christ which the Deuill also and all the wicked haue Faith therfore must be purely taught namely that thou art so entirely and nerely ioyned vnto Christ that he and thou are made as it were one person so that thou maiest boldly say I am now one with Christ that is to say Christes righteousnes victory and life are mine And again Christ may say I am that sinner that is his sinnes and his death are mine because he is vnited and ioyned vnto me I vnto him For by faith we are so ioyned together that we are become one flesh one bone Eph. 5. we are the members of the body of Christ flesh of his flesh and bone of his bones So that this faith doth couple Christ and me more neare together then the husband is coupled to his wife This faith therfore is not an idle qualitie but the excellencie therof is such that it vtterly confoundeth these foolish dreames of the Sophisters touching their formed faith and counterfeit charitie their merits workes and worthines These things I would gladly set forth more amply if by any meanes I could Hitherto we haue declared this to be the first argument of Paule that either Christ must needes be the minister of sinne or els the lawe doth not iustifie when he had finished this argument he set forth himselfe for an example saying that he was dead vnto that old law by a certaine new law Now he
therof as the childe of Adam where the law accuseth me death reigneth ouer me and at length will deuoure me But I haue an other righteousnesse and life aboue this life which is Christ the sonne of God who knoweth no sinne nor death but is righteousnesse and life eternall by whome this my body being dead and brought into dust shal be raised vp againe and deliuered from the bondage of the lawe and sinne and shal be sanctified together with the spirite So bothe these continue whilest we heere liue The flesh is accused exercised with temptations oppressed with heauinesse and sorrowe brused by this actiue righteousnesse of the law but the spirit reigneth reioyceth and is saued by this passiue and christian righteousnesse because it knoweth that it hath a Lord in heauen at the right hand of his father who hath abolished the law sinne death and hath troden vnder his feete all euils led them captiue and triumphed ouer them in him selfe Coloss 2.15 S. Paule therfore in this Epistle goeth about diligētly to instruct vs to comfort vs to holde vs in the perfect knowledge of this most excellent and christian righteousnesse For if the article of Iustification be once lost then is all true christian doctrine lost And as many as are in the world that holde not this doctrine are either Iewes Turkes Papists or heretikes For betwene the righteousnesse of the law and the christian righteousnesse there is no meane He then that strayeth from this christian righteousnesse must needes fall into the righteousnesse of the law that is to say when he hath lost Christ he must fall into the confidence of his owne workes Therfore doe we so often repeate and so earnestly set forthe this doctrine of Faith or Christian righteousnesse that by this meanes it may be kept in continuall exercise and may be plainly discerned from the actiue righteousnesse of the law Otherwise we shall neuer be able to holde the true diuinitie for by this onely doctrine that Church is built and in this it consisteth but by by we shall either become Canonists obseruers of Ceremonies obseruers of the law or papists and Christ so darkened that none in the Churche shall be either rightly taught or comforted Wherfore if we will be teachers and leaders of other it behoueth vs to haue a great care of these matters and to marke well this distinction betweene the righteousnesse of the law and the righteousnesse of Christ And this distinction is easie to be vttered in wordes but in vse and experience it is very hard althoughe it be neuer so diligently exercised and practised for that in the houre of death or in other agonies of the conscience these two sortes of righteousnesse do encoūter more nere together then thou wouldest wishe or desire Wherfore I doe admonishe you especially such as shall become instructers and guiders of consciences and also euery one apart that ye exercise your selues continually by studie by reading by meditation of the worde and by prayer that in the time of temptation ye may be able to instruct and comfort bothe your owne consciences and others and to bring them from the law to grace from the actiue and working righteousnesse to the passiue and receiued righteousnesse and to conclude from Moises to Christ For the deuill is wont in affliction and in the cōflict of conscience by the law to make vs afraide and to lay against vs the conscience of sinne our wicked life past the wrathe and iudgement of God hell and eternall death that by this meanes he may driue vs to desperation make vs bondslaues to him selfe plucke vs from Christ Furthermore he is wont to set against vs those places of the gospell wherin Christ him selfe requireth workes of vs with plaine wordes threatneth danmation to those that doe them not Nowe if here we be not able to iudge betwene these two kinds of righteousnes if we take not hould of Christ by fayth sitting at the right hand of God who maketh intercession vnto the father for vs miserable sinners then are we vnder the lawe and not vnder grace and Christ is no more a Sauiour but a lawe geuer so that now there remaineth no more saluation but certaine desperation and euerlasting death except repentance follow Let vs then diligently learne to iudge betwene these two kindes of righteousnes that we may know how farre we ought to obey the law Now we haue sayd before that that law in a Christian ought not to passe his bounds but ought to haue dominion onely vpon the flesh which is in subiection vnto it remaineth vnder the same When it is thus the lawe is kept within his bounds But if it shall presume to creepe into thy conscience there seeke to raigne see thou play the cunning Logician and make true diuision Geue no more to the lawe then is conuenient but say thou O lawe thou wouldest clime vp into the kingdome of my conscience and there reigne and reproue it of sinne and wouldest take from me the ioy of my hart which I haue by faith in Christ and driue me to desperation that I might be without all hope and vtterly perish This thou doest besides thine office keepe thy selfe within thy boundes and exercise thy power vpon the fleshe but touch not my conscience for I am baptised by the gospell am called to the pertaking of righteousnes of euerlasting life to the kingdome of Christ wherin my conscience is at rest where no law is but altogither forgeuenes of sinnes peace quietnes ioy health and euerlasting life Trouble me not in these matters for I will not suffer thee so intollerable a tyrante and cruell tormenter to reigne in my conscience for it is the seate and temple of Christ the sonne of God who is the King of righteousnes peace and my most sweete Sauiour and Mediatour he shall keepe my conscience ioyfull and quiet in the sound and pure doctrine of the gospell and in the knowledge of this Christian heauenly righteousnes When I haue this righteousnes reigning in my hart I descend from heauen as the raine making frutefull the earth that is to say I come forth into an other kingdome and I doe good workes how and whensoeuer occasion is offered If I be a minister of the word I preach I comfort the broken harted I administer the sacraments If I be a housholder I gouerne my house and my family I bringe vp my children in the knowledge feare of god If I be a magistrate the charge that is geuen me from aboue I diligently execute If I be a seruant I doe my masters busines faithfully To conclude whosoeuer he be that is assuredly persuaded that Christ is his righteousnes he doth not only chearefully and gladly worke well in his vocation but also submitteth him selfe through loue to the magistrates and to their lawes yea though they be seuere sharpe and cruell and if necessitie doe so
example the Monke imagineth thus These works which I doe please god God will regard these my vowes and for them will saue me The Turke saith If I keepe the things that are commaunded in the Alcoran God will accept me and geue me euerlasting life The Ievve thinketh thus If I kepe those things which the law commaundeth I shall finde God mercifull to me and so shall I be saued So also a sort of fond heades at this day bragging of the spirite of reuelations of visions and such other monstrous matters I wote not what doe walke in wonders aboue their reaches These new Monkes haue inuented a new crosse and new workes and they dreame that by doing them they please god To be briefe as many as know not the Article of Iustification take away Christ the mercy seat and will needes comprehend God in his maiestie by the iudgemēt of reason and pacifie him with their workes But true Christian diuinitie as I geue you often warning setteth not God forth vnto vs in his maiestie as Moises and other doctrines do It commaundeth vs not to search out the nature of God but to know his will set out to vs in Christ whom he would haue to take our flesh vpon him to be borne and to die for our sinnes and that this should be preached among all nations For seeing the world by wisedom knew not God in the wisedom of God it pleased God by the foolishnes of preaching to saue thē that beleue 1. Cor. 1. Wherfore when thy conscience standeth in the conflict wrastling against the law sinne and death in the presence of God there is nothing more daungerous then to wander with curious speculatiōs in heauen and there to search out God in his incomprehensible power wisedom and maiestie how he created the world and how he gouerneth it If thou seeke thus to comprehend God and wouldest pacifie him without Christ the Mediator making thy workes a meane betweene him and thy selfe it can not be but that thou must fall as Lucifer did and in horrible despaire lose God and altogether For as God is in his owne nature vnmeasurable incomprehensible and infinite so is he to mans nature intolerable Wherfore if thou wouldest be in safetie and out of perill of conscience and saluation bridle this climing and presumptuous spirite and so seke God as Paule teacheth thee 1. Cor. 1. We sayth he preach Christ crucified a stumbling blocke vnto the Ievves and foolishnes vnto the Grecians but vnto thē vvhich are called both of the Ievves and Grecians vve preach Christ the povver of God the vvisedom of God. Therfore begin thou there where Christ began namely in the wombe of the virgin in the maunger at his mothers breasts c. For to this ende he came downe was borne was conuersant among men suffered was crucified and died that by all meanes he might set forth him selfe plainly before our eies and fasten the eies of our hartes vpon him selfe that he therby might keepe vs from climing vp into heauen and from the curious searching of the diuine maiestie Whensoeuer thou hast to doe therefore in the matter of iustification and disputest with thy selfe howe God is to be found that iustifieth and accepteth sinners where and in what sort he is to be sought then knowe thou that there is no other God besides this man Christ Iesus Embrace him and cleaue to him with all thy hart setting aside all curious speculations of the diuine maiestie For he that is a searcher of Gods maiestie shal be ouerwhelmed of his glory I knowe by experience what I say But these vaine spirites which so deale with God that they exclude the Mediatour beleue me not Christ him selfe saith I am the vvay the truth and the life No man commeth to the father but by me Therefore besides this way Christ thou shalt finde no way to the father but wandering no veritie but hypocrisie and lying no life but eternall death Wherefore marke this well in the matter of iustification that when any of vs all shall haue to wrestle with the lawe sinne death and all other euils we must looke vpon no other God but onely this God incarnate and clothed with mans nature But out of the matter of iustification when thou must dispute with Iewes Turkes Papistes Heretikes c. concerning the power wisdome and maiestie of God then employ all thy witte industrie to that ende and be as profound and as subtill a disputer as thou canst for then thou art in an other veine But in the case of conscience of righteousnes and life which I wish here diligently to be marked against the lawe sinne death and the deuill or in the matter of satisfaction of remission of sinnes of reconciliation and of euerlasting life thou must withdrawe thy minde wholy from all cogitations and searching of the maiestie of God and looke onely vpon this man Iesus Christ who setteth himselfe forth vnto vs to be a Mediatour and saith Come vnto me all ye that labour and are heauy loden and I vvill refreshe you Thus doing thou shalt perceaue the loue goodnes and sweetenes of God thou shalt see his wisdome power and maiestie sweetned and tempered to thy capacitie yea and thou shalt finde in this mirrour and pleasant contemplation all things according to that saying of Paule to the Colossians Chap. 2. Verse 3. In Christ are hid all the treasures of vvisedome and knovvledge Also in the second chapiter Verse 9. For in him dvvelleth the fulnes of the Godhead bodily The world is ignoraūt of this and therefore it searcheth out the will of God setting aside the promise in Christ to his great destruction For no man knovveth the father but the sonne and he to vvhom the sonne vvill reueale him And this is the cause why Paule is wont so often to couple Iesus Christ with God the father euen to teach vs what true Christian religion is which beginneth not at the highest as other religions doe but at the lowest It will haue vs to clime vp by Iacobs ladder whervpon God him selfe leaneth whose feete touch the very earth hard by the head of Iacob Wherfore when so euer thou art occupied in the matter of thy saluation setting aside all curious speculatiōs of Gods vnsearchable maiestie all cogitations of workes of traditions of philosophie yea and of Gods law too runne streight to the maunger and embrace this infant and the virgins litle babe in thine armes and behold him as he was borne sucking growing vp conuersant among men teaching dying rising againe ascending vp aboue all the heauens and hauing power aboue all things By this meanes thou maist shake of all terrours and errours like as the sunne driueth away the cloudes And this sight and contemplation wil keepe thee in the right way that thou maiest follow whether Christ is gonne Therefore Paule in wishing Grace and Peace not onely from God the
the wisedom and righteousnes of Christ moreouer it darkneth hindreth blasphemeth and persecuteth the same Therfore Paule doth rightly call it the euill or vvicked vvorld for when it is at the best then is it worst In the religious wise and learned men the world is at the best and yet in very dede in them it is double euill I ouerpasse those grosse vices which are against the second table as disobedience to parents to magistrates addulteries whoredomes couetousnes thefts murthers and maliciousnes wherin the world is altogether drowned which notwithstanding are light faultes if ye compare them with the wisedom and righteousnes of the wicked wherwith they fight against the first table This white Deuill which forceth men to commit spirituall sinnes that they may sell them for righteousnes is farre more daungerous then the blacke deuill which onely enforceth them to commit fleshly sinnes which the world acknowledgeth to be sinnes By these wordes then That he might deliuer vs c. Paule sheweth what is the argument of this Epistle to wit that we haue neede of grace and of Christ and that no other creature neither man nor Angell can deliuer man out of this present euill world For these workes are onely belonging to the diuine Maiestie and are not in the power of any either man or Angell that Christ hath put away sinne and hath deliuered vs from the tyrannie and kingdom of the Deuill that is to say from this wicked world which is an obedient seruaunt and a willing follower of the Deuill his god Whatsoeuer that murtherer and father of lies either doth or speaketh that the world as his most loyall and obedient sonne diligently followeth and performeth And therfore it is full of the ignoraunce of God of hatred lying errours blasphemie and of the contempt of God Moreouer of grosse sinnes murthers adulteries fornications theftes robberies and such like because he followeth his father the deuill who is a lier and a murtherer And the more wise righteous and holy men are without Christ so much the more hurt they doe to the gospell So we also that were religious men were double wicked in the Papacie before God did lighten vs with the knowledge of his gospell and yet notwithstanding vnder the colour of true pietie and holines Let these words then of Paule stand as they are in deede true and effectual not coloured or coūterfait namely that this present world is euill Let it nothing at all moue thee that in a great nombre of men there be many excellent vertues and that there is so great a shew of holines in hypocrites But marke thou rather what Paule sayeth out of whose wordes thou maist boldly and freely pronounce this sentence against the world That the world with all his wisedome power and righteousnes is the kingdom of the deuill out of the which God onely is able to deliuer vs by his onely begotten sonne Therfore let vs praise God the father geue him harty thankes for this his vnmeasurable mercy that hath deliuered vs out of the kingdom of the Deuill in which we were holden captiues by his owne sonne when it was impossible to be done by oure own strength And let vs acknowledge together with Paule that all our works righteousnes with all which we could not make the deuil to stoupe one hear bredth are but losse and dung Also let vs cast vnder our feete and vtterly abhorre all the power of free will all Pharasaicall wisedom and righteousnes all religious orders all Masses ceremonies vowes fastings and such like as a most filthie defiled cloth and as the most daungerous poyson of the Deuill Contrariwise let vs extoll and magnifie the glory of Christ who hath deliuered vs by his death not out of a world onely but out of an euill world Paule then by this word Euill sheweth that the kingdom of the world or the Deuils kingdom is a kingdom of iniquitie ignoraunce errour sinne death blasphemie desperation and euerlasting damnation On the other side the kingdom of Christ is a kingdom of equitie light grace remission of sinnes peace consolation sauing health and euerlasting life into the which we are translated by our Lord Iesus Christ to whom be glory world without end So be it Verse 4. According to the vvill of God euen our father Here Paule so placeth and setteth in order euery word that there is not one of them but it fighteth against those false Apostles for the article of iustification Christ sayth he hath deliuered vs out of this most wicked kingdom of the deuill and the world And this hath he done according to the will good pleasure and commaundement of the father wherfore we be not deliuered by our owne will or running nor by our owne wisedom or policie but for that God hath taken mercy vpon vs and hath loued vs like as it is wrytten also in an other place Herein hath appeared the great loue of God tovvardes vs not that vve haue loued God but that he hath loued vs and hath sent his onely begotten sonne to be a reconciliation for our sinnes That we then are deliuered from this present euill world it is of mere grace and no desert of our ours Paule is so plentifull and so vehement in amplifying and extolling the grace of God that he sharpeneth directeth euery word against the false Apostles There is also here another cause why Paule maketh mention of the Fathers wil which also in many places of S. Iohns gospel is declared wher christ cōmēding his office calleth vs back to his fathers wil that in his words works we should not so much loke vpon him as vpō the father For Christ came into this world toke mans nature vpō him that he might be made a sacrifice for the sinnes of the whole world so recōcile vs to God the father that he alone might declare vnto vs how that this was done through the good pleasure of his father that we by fastning our eyes vpō Christ might be drawn caried streight vnto the father For we must not thinke as I haue warned you before that by the curious searching of the Maiestie of God any thing concerning God can be known to our saluation but by taking hold of Christ who according to the wil of the father hath geuē himself to the death for our sinnes Whē thou shalt acknowledge this to be the wil of God through christ then wrath ceaseth feare and trembling vanisheth away neither doth God appeare any other then mercifull who by his determinate coūsell would that his sonne should die for vs that we might liue thorow him This knowledge maketh the hart chearfull so that it stedfastly beleueth that God is not angry but that he so loueth vs wretched sinners that he gaue his onely begotten sonne for vs It is not for nought therfore that Paule doth so oftē repeat and beat into our minds that
may see how farre from the truth these blinde guides and leaders of the blinde haue strayed and how by this wicked and blasphemous doctrine they haue not onely darkned but taken away the Gospell and buried Christ vtterly For if I being in deadly sinne can doe any litle worke which is not onely acceptable in Gods sight according to the substaunce but also is able to deserue grace of congruence and when I haue receaued this grace I may do workes according to grace that is to say according to loue and gette of right and duetie eternall life what neede haue I now of the grace of God forgeuenes of sinnes of the promise and of the death and victorie of Christ Christ is now to me in vaine and of none effect For I haue freewill and power to doe good works wherby I deserue grace of congruence and afterwards of duety and by the worthines of my worke eternall life Such monstrous horrible blasphemies should be set forth rather to the Turkes and Iewes then to the church of Christ And this plainly declareth that the Pope with his Bishops Doctors priests with all his religious rable had no knowledge or regard of holy matters and that they were not careful for the health of the seely and miserably scattered flocke For if they had seene but through a cloud what Paule calleth sinne and what he calleth grace they would neuer haue compelled the people to beleue such abhominations execrable lies as they haue done By deadly sinne they vnderstoode onely the externall worke committed against the law as murther theft and such like They could not see that ignoraunce hatred and contempt of God in the heart ingratitude murmuring against God and resisting the will of God are also deadly sinne and that the flesh can not thinke speake or do any thing but that which is deuelish and altogether against god If they had seene these mischeefes fast rooted in the nature of man they would neuer haue deuised such impudent and execrable dreames touching the desert of congruence and worthines Wherefore we must properly and plainly define what a wicked man or a deadly sinner is He is such a holy and bloudy hypocrite as Paule was whē he went to Damascus to persecute Iesus of Nazareth to abolish the doctrine of the gospel to murther the faithful vtterly to ouerthrow the church of Christ And who will not say but that these were horrible sinnes Yet could not Paule see them For he was so blinded with a peruerse zeale of God that he thought these abhominatiōs to be perfect righteousnes and high seruice vnto God and shall we say that such as defend these horrible sinnes to be perfect righteousnes doe deserue grace Wherfore with Paule we vtterly deny the merite of congruence worthines and affirme that these speculatiōs are nothing else but mere deceites of Satan which were neuer done in dede nor notified by any examples For God neuer gaue to any man grace and euerlasting life for the merite of congruence or worthines These disputatiōs therfore of the Scholemen touching the merite of congruence worthines are nothing else but vaine toyes dreames of idle braines to no other end and purpose but to draw men from the true worship of God. And herevpon is the whole papacie grounded For there is no religious person but he hath this imagination I am able by the obseruation of my holy order to deserue grace of congruence and by the workes which I doe after that I haue receiued this grace I am able to heape vp such treasure of merite as shall not onely be sufficient for me to obtaine eternall life but also to geue or sell vnto others Thus haue all the religious orders taught and thus haue they liued And to defend this horrible blasphemie against Christ the Papists doe at this day attempt against vs what they can And there is not one of them all but the more holy hypocrite and meritemunger he is the more cruell and deadly enemy he is to the Gospell of Christ The true vvay to Christianitie Now the true way to Christianitie is this that a man aboue al things doe acknowledge him selfe to be a sinner by the lawe and that it is impossible for him to doe any good worke For the lawe sayth Thou art an euill tree and therefore all that thou thinkest speakest or doest is against god Thou canst not therefore deserue grace by thy workes Which if thou goe about to doe thou committest yet a more greeuous offence For since thou art an euill tree thou canst not but bring forth euill frutes that is to say sinnes For vvhat so euer is not of Faith is sinne Wherfore he that would deserue grace by workes going before Faith goeth about to please God with sinnes which is nothing else but to heape sinne vpon sinne to mocke God and to prouoke his wrath When a man is thus instructed by the law then is he terrified humbled then he seeth in deede the greatnes of his sinne and can not finde in him selfe one iote of the loue of God therefore he iustifieth God in his word and confesseth that he is giltie of death and eternall damnation The first part then of Christianitie is the preaching of repentance and the knowledge of our selues The second part is If thou wilt be saued thou maist not seeke saluation by works for God hath sent his onely begotten sonne into the world that we might liue through him He was crucified and died for thee and offred vp thy sinnes in his owne body Here is no congruence or worke done before grace but wrath sinne terrour and death Wherfore the lawe doth nothing else but vtter sinne terrifie and humble and by this meanes prepareth vs to iustification and driueth vs to Christ For God hath reueled vnto vs by his word that he will be vnto vs a merciful father without our desertes seing we can deserue nothing wil freely geue vnto vs remission of sinnes righteousnes life euerlasting for Christ his sonnes sake For God geueth his gifts freely vnto all and that is the praise glory of his diuinitie But the Iusticiaries will not receaue grace euerlasting life of him freely but wil deserue the same by their workes For this cause they would vtterly take from him the glory of his Diuinitie To the ende therfore that he may maintaine and defend the same he is cōpelled to send his law before which as a lightning and thundring from heauen may bruse and breake those hard rockes This briefly is our doctrine as touching Christian righteousnes against the abominations and monstrous dreames of the Papists concerning the merite of congruence and worthines or workes before and after grace For a sort of idle monks which neuer had any regard of God or his glory nor of the health of their owne soules which were neuer exercised with any tentations neuer had
other meanes Wherefore euen by this we may plainely see the inestimable pacience of God in that he hath not long agoe destroyed the whole Papacy and consumed it with fire and brimstone as he did Sodome and Gomorre But now these ioly felowes goe about not onely to couer but highly to aduance their impietie and filthines This we may in no case dissemble We must therefore with all diligence set forth the article of iustification that the same as a most cleare Sunne may bring to light the darknes of their hypocrisie and may discouer their filthines and shame For this cause we doe so often repete and so earnestly set forth the righteousnes of faith that the aduersaries may be confounded and this article established cōfirmed in our hearts And this is a most necessary thing for if we once lose this Sunne we fal againe into our former darknes And most horrible it is that the Pope should euer be able to bring this to passe in the church that Christ should be denyed troden vnder foote spitte vpon blasphemed yea and that euen by the Gospell and sacraments which he hath so darkned and turned into such an horrible abuse that he hath made them to serue him against Christ to set vp and stablish his detestable abhominations O deepe darkenes O horrible wrath of God. Verse 16. Euen vve I say haue beleeued in Iesus Christ that vve might be iustified This is the true meane to become a Christian euen to be iustified by faith in Iesus Christ and not by the workes of the lawe Here we may not stand vpon the wicked glose of the Scholemen which say that faith then iustifieth when charitie and good workes are ioyned withal With this pestilent glose the Sophisters haue darkened peruerted this such other like sentences in Paule wherein he manifestly attributeth iustification to faith onely in Christ But when a man heareth that he ought to beleue in Christ and yet faith notwithstanding iustifieth not except it be formed and adorned with charitie by and by faith faileth him and thus he thinketh with him selfe If faith without charitie iustifieth not then is faith in vaine and vnprofitable and charitie only iustifieth For except Faith be adorned and furnished with charitie it is nothing And to approue this their pernicious and pestilēt glose they alledge this place out of the Corinthes Though I speake vvith the tounges of men angels haue no loue I am nothing This place is their brasen wall But these men are without vnderstanding therfore they can see or vnderstand nothing in Paule And moreouer they haue not onely done iniury to the words of Paule but also they haue denied Christ buried al his benefits Wherfore we must auoid this their glose as a most deadly and deuilish poison and conclude with Paule that we are iustified not by faith furnished with charitie but by faith onely and alone We graunt that we must also teach good workes and charitie but it must be done in time and place that is to say when the question is concerning workes and toucheth not this article of iustification But here the matter resteth in this point to know by what meanes we are iustified and attaine eternall life To this we aunswere with Paule that by faith onely in Christ we are pronounced righteous and not by the workes of the law or charitie Not because we reiect good workes but for that we will not suffer our selues to be remoued from this anker hold of our saluation which Sathan most desireth Since then we are now in the matter of iustification we reiect and condemne all good workes for this place will admitte no disputation of good workes Wherefore in this matter we doe generally cut of all lawes and all the workes of the law But the law is good iust and holy True it is But when we are in the matter of iustification there is no time or place to speake of the law but the question is what Christ is and what benefite he hath brought vnto vs Christ is not the law he is not my worke or the worke of the law he is not my charitie my chastitie my obedience my pouerty but he is the Lord of life and death a Mediatour a Sauiour a redemer of those that are vnder the law and sinne In him vve are by faith and he in vs. This bridegrome must be alone with the bride in his secrete chamber all the seruants and family being put apart But afterwards when the dore is open and he cometh forth then may the seruauntes and hādmaides returne to minister vnto them Then may charitie and good workes beginne to doe their office Let vs learne therefore to discerne all lawes yea euen the law of God and all workes from faith and from Christ that we may define Christ rightly and know that he is not the law and therfore he is no exactor of the law and workes but he is the lambe of God that taketh avvay the sinnes of the vvorld This doth faith alone lay hold of and not charitie which notwithstanding as a certaine thankfulnes must follow faith Wherefore victory ouer sinne and death saluation and euerlasting life come not by the law nor by the workes of the law nor yet by the power of free will but by the Lord Iesus Christ only alone Verse 16. That vve might be iustified by faith in Christ and not by the vvorkes of the lavv Paule speaketh not here of the ceremoniall law onely as before we haue sayd but of the whole law For the ceremoniall law was as well the law of God as the morall law was As for example Circumcision the institution of the Priesthoode the seruice and ceremonies of the temple were commaunded of God no lesse then the ten commaundements Moreouer when Abraham was commaunded to offer vp his sonne Isaac in sacrifice it was a law This worke of Abraham pleased God no lesse then other works of the ceremoniall law did and yet was not he iustified by this work but by faith for the scripture saith Abraham beleued God and it vvas counted to him for righteousnes But since the reueiling of Christ say they the ceremoniall lawe killeth and bringeth death Yea so doth the lawe of the ten commaundements also without faith in Christe Moreouer there may no law be suffred to raigne in the conscience but onely the law of the spirite and life wherby we are made free in Christ from the lawe of the letter and of death from the workes therof and from all sinnes Not because the lawe is euill but for that it is not able to iustifie vs for it hath a plaine contrary effect and working It is an high and an excellent matter to be at peace with God and therefore in this case we haue neede of a farre other Mediatour then Moses or the lawe Here we must doe nothing at all but onely receaue the
Christ in so much that without circumcision and keping of the lawe they denied the iustification of faith for except ye be circumcised sayd they after the lawe of Moses ye can not be saued euen so at this day these straite exactors of the lawe besides the righteousnes of Faith doe require the keping of the commaundementes of God according to that saying Doe this and thou shalt liue Also If thou vvilt enter into life kepe the commaundemēts Wherfore there is not one among them be he neuer so wise that vnderstandeth that difference betwene the lawe and grace But we put a difference and say that we do not here dispute whether we ought to doe good workes whether the law be good holy and iust whether it ought to be kept or no for this is an other maner of question But our question is concerning iustification and whether the lawe doe iustifie or no. This the aduersaries will not heare they will not aunswere to this question nor make any distinction as we doe but onely crie out that good workes ought to be done that the lawe ought to be obserued We know that well enough But because these are diuers and distinct matters we will not suffer them to be mingled together That good workes ought to be done we will hereafter declare when time shall serue But since we are nowe in the matter of iustification we set aside here all good workes for the which the aduersaries doe so earnestly striue ascribing vnto them wholy the office of iustifying which is to take from Christ his glory and to ascribe the same vnto workes Wherfore this is a strong argument which I haue oftentimes vsed to my great comfort If then vvhile vve seeke to be made righteous by Christ c. As though Paule should say If we being iustified by Christ are counted yet as not iustified and righteous but as sinners which are yet to be iustified by the lawe then may we not seeke iustification in Christ but in the law But if iustification cometh by the lawe then cometh it not by grace Now if iustification cometh not by grace but by the lawe what hath Christ done and wrought by his death by his preaching by his victorie which he hath obtained ouer the lawe sinne and death and by sending the holy Ghost We must cōclude therfore that either we are iustified by Christ or else that we are made sinners culpable and giltie through him But if the lawe doe iustifie then can it not be auoided but needes it must folowe that we are made sinners through Christ and so Christ is a minister of sinne The case standing thus let vs then set downe this proposition Euery one that beleueth in the Lord Iesus Christ is a sinner and is giltie of eternall death and if he flie not vnto the lawe doing the workes thereof he shall not be saued The holy Scripture especially the new Testament maketh often mention of faith in Christ highly aduaūceth the same which saith that vvhosoeuer beleueth in him is saued perisheth not is not iudged is not confounded hath eternal life c. But contrariwise they say he that beleueth in him is condemned because he hath faith without works which doth condemne Thus doe they peruert all things making of Christ a destroyer and a murtherer and of Moses a Sauiour And is not this an horrible blasphemy so to teach that by doing good works thou shalt be made worthy of eternall life but by beleuing in Christ thou shalt be made culpable and giltie of eternall death that the law being kept accomplished saueth faith in Christ condēneth These selfe same words I graūt the aduersaries doe not vse but in very deede such is their doctrine For faith infused say they which properly they call faith in Christ doth not make vs free frō sinne but that faith which is furnished with charitie Hereof it followeth that faith in Christ without the law saueth vs not This is plainly to affirme that Christ leaueth vs in our sinnes and in the wrath of God and maketh vs giltie of eternall death On the other side if thou keepe the law and doe the works therof then faith iustifieth thee because it hath works without the which faith auaileth nothing Therefore works iustifie and not faith O horrible impietie What pernicious and cursed doctrine is this Paule therfore groundeth his Argument vpon an impossibilitie a sufficient diuision If we being iustified in Christ are yet found sinners and can not be iustified but by any other meane thē by Christ that is to witte by the law then can not Christ iustifie vs but he onely accuseth and condemneth vs and so consequently it followeth that Christ dyed in vaine and that these with other like places are false Behold the lābe of God that taketh avvay the sinnes of the vvorld Also He that beleueth in him hath euerlasting life yea the whole scripture is false which beareth witnesse that Christ is the Iustifier and Sauiour of the world For if we be found sinners after that we be iustified by Christ it followeth of necessitie that they which fulfill the law are iustified without Christ If this be true thē are we either Turks or Ievves or Tartariās professing the name and word of God in outward shew but in deede and veritie vtterly denying Christ and his word It is greate impiety therfore to affirme that faith except it be adorned with charitie iustifieth not But if the aduersaries wil needes defend this doctrine why do they not then reiect faith in Christ altogether especially seing they make nothing els of it but a vaine qualitie in the soule which without Christ auaileth nothing why doe they not say in plaine wordes that workes doe iustifie and not faith Yea why doe they not generally denie not onely Paule but also the whole gospel as in very deede they do which attribute righteousnes to works and not to faith alone For if faith and works together doe iustifie then is the disputation of Paule altogether false which plainly prononceth that a man is not iustified by the deedes of the law but by faith alone in Iesus Christ Verse 17. Is Christ therefore the minister of sinne This is a kinde of speach vsed of the Hebrewes which Paule in the 2. Cor. 3. doth also vse Where he most diuinely and plainly speaketh of these two ministeries to witte of the letter and the spirite of the law and grace or of death and life And he saith that Moses the minister of the law hath the ministery of sinne as he calleth it and of death and condemnation For Paule is wont to geue reprochfull names vnto the law and among all the Apostles he onely vseth this maner of speach the other do not so speake And very necessary it is that such as are studious of the holy scripture should vnderstand this maner of speach vsed of the Apostle Now a
righteousnes in deede Paule setteth against the righteousnes of the law As if he sayd Be it so that the law is an heauenly doctrine and hath also his glory yet notwithstanding it loued not me nor gaue it selfe for me yea it accuseth me terrifieth me and driueth me to desperation But I haue now an other which hath deliuered me from the terrours of the law sinne and death and hath brought me vnto libertie the righteousnes of God and eternall life who is called the sonne of God to whom be praise and glory for euermore Faith therefore as I haue said embraceth and wrappeth in it selfe Christ Iesus the sonne of God deliuered to death for vs as Paule here teacheth who being apprehended by faith geueth vnto vs righteousnes and life And here he setteth out most liuely the Priesthode and offices of Christ which are to pacifie God to make intercession for sinners to offer vppe him selfe a sacrifice for their sinnes to redeme to instruct and to comfort them Let vs learne therefore to geue a true definition of Christ not as the Scholedoctours do and such as seeke righteousnes by their owne workes which make him a new law-geuer who abolishing the olde lawe hath established a newe To these Christ is nothing else but an exactor and a tyranne but let vs define him as Paule here doth namely that he is the sonne of God who not for our desert or any righteousnes of ours but of his owne free mercie offered vppe him selfe a sacrifice for vs sinners that he might sanctifie vs for euer Christ then is no Moses no exactor no geuer of lawes but a geuer of grace a Sauiour and one that is full of mercie briefly he is nothing else but infinite mercie and goodnes freely geuen and bountifully geuing vnto vs And thus shall you paint out Christ in his right coloures If you suffer him to be painted out to you any otherwise then thus when tentation and trouble cometh you shall soone be ouerthrowne Nowe as it is the greatest knowledge and cunning that Christians cā haue thus to define Christ so of all things it is the most hardest For I my selfe euen in this great light of the Gospell wherein I haue bene so long exercised haue much a doe to hold this definition of Christ which Paule here geueth So depely hath this doctrine and pestilent opinion that Christ is a lawgeuer entred in me euen as it were oyle into my boanes Ye yong men therefore are in this case much more happie then we that are olde For ye are not infected with these pernicious errours wherein I haue bene so nusled and so drowned euen from my youth that at the very hearing of the name of Christ my heart hath trēbled and quaked for feare for I was perswaded that he was a seuere iudge Wherefore it is to me a double trauaile trouble to correct and reforme this euill First to forget to condemne and to withstand this olde grounded errour that Christ is a lawgeuer and a Iudge for it often returneth and plucketh me backe Then to plant in my heart a new a true perswasion of Christ that he is a iustifier a Sauiour Ye I say that are yong may learne with much lesse difficultie to know Christ purely and sincerely if ye will. Wherfore if any man feele him selfe oppressed with heauines and anguish of heart he must not impute it vnto Christ although it come vnder the name of Christ but vnto the Deuill who oftentimes cometh vnder the colour of Christ and transformeth himselfe into an Angell of light Let vs learne therefore to put a difference betwene Christ and a lawgeuer not only in word but in practise in deede also that when the Deuil shal come vnder the shadow of Christ shal go about to trouble vs vnder his name we may know him not to be Christ but a very feend in deede For Christ when he cometh is nothing else but ioy and sweetenes to a trembling and broken heart as here Paule witnesseth who setteth him out with this most sweete louing title when he saith vvhich loued me and gaue him selfe for me Christ therefore in very deede is a louer of those which are in bitternes of minde sinne death and such a louer as gaue him selfe for them who is also our high priest that is to say a mediatour betwene God vs wretched sinners What could be sayd I pray you more sweete or comfortable to the poore afflicted conscience Now if these things be true as they are in deede most true or else the Gospell must be nothing else but a fable then are we not iustified by the righteousnes of the lawe and much lesse by our owne righteousnes Read therefore with diligent attention and with great vehemencie these wordes Me and for me and so practise with thy selfe that thou maist well conceaue and print this Me in thy heart and applie it vnto thy selfe with a stedfast faith not doubting but thou art of the number of those to whom this Me belongeth Also that Christ hath not onely loued Peter and Paule and geuen him selfe for them but that the same grace also which is comprehended in this Me doth as well pertaine and extend vnto vs as vnto them For as we can not denie but that we are all sinners and are constrained to say that through the sinne of Adam we were all lost were made the enemies of God subiect to the wrath and iudgement of God and giltie of eternall death for this doe all terrified heartes feele and confesse and more in deede then they should do so can we not denie but that Christ died for our sinnes that he might make vs righteous For he died not to iustifie the righteous but the vnrighteous and to make them the children of God and inheritours of all spirituall heauenly gifts Therfore when I feele confesse my selfe to be a sinner through Adams trāsgression why should I not say that I am made righteous through the righteousnes of Christ especially whē I heare that he loued me gaue himselfe for me This did Paule most stedfastly beleue therfore he speaketh these wordes with so great a vehemencie and full assurance Which he graunt vnto vs in some part at the least who hath loised vs and geuen him selfe for vs. Verse 21. I doe not abrogate or reiect the grace of God Now he prepareth a way to the second argument of this epistle And here ye must diligently consider that to seeke to be iustified by the workes of the law is to reiect the grace of god But I pray you what sinne cā be more execrable or horrible then to reiect the grace of God and to refuse that righteousnes which cometh by Christ It is enough and to much already that we are wicked sinners and transgressours of all the commaundements of God and yet we commit moreouer the most execrable sinne of all sinnes in that
absolueth not such as beleue but such as are contrite make confession to a Priest and reach out their helping hand to the maintenance of his pompe and his traditions Yet notwithstanding in this greate light of the Gospell the blind and obstinate Papistes doe continue still in their damnable doting dreames saying that the qualities of nature doe remaine sound and vncorrupt that men are able to prepare themselues to grace or to deserue grace by their owne works and merits And so farre of is it that they will acknowledge their errour and impietie that they doe yet still obstinatly defend the same euen against their owne conscience But we doe constantly affirme with Paule for we will not reiect the grace of God that either Christ died in vaine or els the law iustifieth not But Christ died not in vaine therfore the law iustifieth not Christ the sonne of God of his owne free grace and mercy hath iustified vs therfore the law could not iustifie vs for if it could then had Christ done vnwisely in that he gaue himselfe for our sinnes that we therby might be iustified We conclude therfore that we are iustified neither by our owne works and merites before grace or after neither yet by the law Now if my saluation was so costly and deare a price vnto Christ that he was constrained to die for my sinnes thē all my works with all the righteousnes of the law are but vile and nothīg worth in comparison of this inestimable price For how can I bie that for a farthing which cost many thousand talents of gold Now the law to speake nothing of other matters which are of much lesse valew with all the works and righteousnes therof is but as a farthing if ye compare it vnto Christ who by his death hath vanquished my death and hath purchased righteousnes and euerlasting life Should I then despise and reiect this incomparable price and by the law or by the works and merites of mē vile drosse and dung for so Paule calleth them if they be cōpared vnto Christ seeke that righteousnes which Christ freely of meere loue hath geuen vnto me already hath cost him so greate a price that he was constrained to geue himselfe and euen his owne hart bloud for me This as I haue said the whole world doth and specially such as will be counted more holy and religious then others Wherby they plainly witnes that Christ died in vaine although with their mouthes they confesse the contrary neuer so much Which is most horribly to blasphemie the sonne of god to spit in his face to tread him vnder foote to count the bloud of the testament as an vnholy thing vtterly to despise the spirite of grace Paule here disputing of righteousnes hath no ciuill matter in hand that is he speaketh not of ciuill righteousnes which God notwithstanding alloweth and requireth and geueth certaine rewards therunto accordingly which also reason is able in some part to performe But he entreateth here of the righteousnes that auaileth before God whereby we are deliuered from the law sinne death and all euils and are made partakers of grace righteousnes and euerlasting life and finally are now become Lords of heauen and earth and all other creatures This righteousnes neither mans law neither the law of God is able to performe The lawe is geuen besides and aboue reason to be a light a helpe to man and to shew him what he ought to doe what to leaue vndone Notwithstanding man with all his strength and reason yea with this great light also and heauenly benefite the law I meane can not be iustified Now if that which is the most excellent thing in the world the law I say which as a bright shining sunne is ioyned to the dimme and obscure light of mans reason to lighten and to direct it is not able to iustifie what can reason doe I pray you without the lawe What Doutles nothing else but that which the Pope with his dreaming Sophisters and his whole Sinagoge hath done who with their owne traditions haue darkned the light euen of the first cōmaundement Wherfore there is not one of them that is able rightly to vnderstand any one syllable of the lawe but euery man walketh in mere darknes of mans reason And this errour is much more pernicious and deadly then that which procedeth of the doctrine of workes and the lawe These words therfore are very effectuall and full of power where he sayth If righteousnes come by the lavv then Christ died in vaine He speaketh here nothing of mans strength reason or wisedom be it neuer so great for the greater it is the sooner it deceaueth a man but he sayth plainly without all condition If by the lavv c. Wherefore reason lightned aided and directed by the lawe yea euen by the law of God is so vnable to attaine righteousnes that it draweth a man from righteousnes reiecteth Christ Set thou therfore the death of Christ simplie against all lawes and with Paule know nothing but Iesus Christ crucified Receaue no light either of reason or of the lawe or of any thing else then of Christ alone Then shalt thou be learned in dede righteous and holy and shalt receaue the holy Ghost which shall preserue thee in the puritie of the word and faith but set Christ aside and all things are but vnprofitable and vaine what so euer they be Here againe we see what a goodly commendation Paule geueth to the righteousnes of the lawe or mans owne righteousnes in that he teacheth it to be a contempt and reiecting of the grace of God and an abolishing of the death of Christ Paule is no great Rhetorician and yet see what matter he ministreth to him that listeth to play the Rhetorician What eloquence is able sufficiently to set out these wordes To reiect grace the grace of God Also that Christ died in vain The horriblenes whereof is such that all the eloquence in the world is not able to comprehend it To say that any man dieth in vaine it is but a small mater but to say that Christ died in vaine it is to take him quite away and make of him nothing at all Who so listeth to play the Rhetorician hath here mater enough to dilate and amplifie at large what an horrible blasphemous doctrine it is to set vp the righteousnes of the law and workes For what can be more blasphemous and horrible then to make the death of Christ vnprofitable and what doe they els which obserue the law to the end they may be iustified therby Now to make the death of Christ vnprofitable is also to make his resurrection his victory his glory his kingdome heauen earth God himselfe the maiesty of God and briefly all things els whatsoeuer but vnprofitable and of none effect This thundring and lightning from heauen against the righteousnes of the law and mans owne
for the name of Christe But nowe all is lost as well doctrine as faith as well doing as suffering as well the spirite as the fruites thereof Hereby it appeareth sufficiently what inconuenience the righteousnes of the lawe and mans owne righteousnes bringeth to witte that they which trust in it doe lose at once vnspeakeable benefites Nowe what a miserable thing is it so sodenly to lose such inestimable glory and assuraunce of conscience towardes God also to endure so many great and greeuous afflictions as losse of goods wife children body and life and yet notwithstanding to sustaine all these things in vaine And out of these two places much matter may be gathered to set forth and amplifie at large the goodly commendation of the lawe and mans owne righteousnes if a man would stand vpon euery parcell by it selfe and declare what spirite it was wherwith they began what how great and how many the afflictions were which they endured for Christes sake But no eloquence can sufficiently set forth these matters For they are inestimable things wherof Paule here entreateth to wit the glory of God victory ouer the world the flesh and the deuill righteousnes and euerlasting life and on the other side sinne desperation eternall death and hell And yet notwithstanding in a moment we lose all these incomparable gifts and procure vnto our selues these horrible and endles miseries and al by false teachers when they leade vs away frō the truth of the gospel vnto false doctrine And this not only they doe easily bring to passe but also vnder the shew of great holines Verse 4. If notvvithstanding it be in vaine This he addeth as a correction wherby he mitigateth the reprehension that goeth before which was somewhat sharpe And this he doth as an Apostle lest he should terrifie the Galathians too much Although he chide them yet notwithstanding he alwayes doth it in such sorte that he poureth in sweete oyle withall lest he should driue them to desperation He saith therfore If notvvithstanding it be in vaine As if he would say yet I doe not take away all hope from you but if ye would so end in the flesh that is to say follow the righteousnes of the lawe and forsake the spirite as ye haue begone then knowe ye that all your glory and affiaunce which ye haue in God is in vaine and all your afflictions are vnprofitable In deede I must needes speake somwhat more roughly vnto you in this matter I must be more feruent in the defence therof and more sharpe in chiding of you especially the matter being so waightie and constraining me thervnto left ye should thinke it to be but a trifle to cast away the doctrine of Paule and receaue an other Notwithstanding I will not vtterly discourage you so that ye repent and amende For sickely and scabbed children may not be cast away but must be holpen and seene to more carefully then they which are in health So that Paule here like a cunning Phisician layeth all the fault in a manner vpon the false Apostles the authors and onely cause of this deadly disease Contrariwise he entreateth the Galathians very gently to the ende that by this his mildnes he might heale them and restore them againe We therfore by the example of Paule ought in like manner to reprehend the weake and so to heale and remoue their disease that in the meane time we leaue not of to cherish and comfort them lest if we handle them too sharply they fall into desperation Verse 5. He therfore that ministreth to you the spirite and vvorketh miracles among you doth he it through the vvorkes of the lavve or by the hearing of faith preached This argument grounded vpon the experience of the Galathians doth so well like the Apostle that after he hath rebuked and terrified them setting before them a double daunger and incommoditie he nowe repeteth the same againe and that with a more large amplification saying He vvhich ministreth c That is to say Ye haue not only receaued the spirite by the hearing of faith but whatsoeuer ye haue either knowne or done ye haue it by the hearing of faith As though he would say It was not enough that God gaue you once the spirite but the same God also hath enriched you with the gifts of the spirite and encreased the same in you to the ende that ye hauing once receaued the spirite it might alwaies growe and be more and more effectuall in you Hereby it is plaine that the Galathians had wrought miracles or at the least had shewed such fruites of faith as the true Disciples of the Gospell are wont to bring forth For the Apostle elswhere saith That the kingdome of God is not in vvord but in povver Now this power is not onely to be able to speake of the kingdom of God but also in very deede to shew that God through his spirite is effectual in vs So before in the second chapter he saith of him selfe He that vvas effectuall in Peter among the Ievves vvas also effectuall in me he that vvas mighty by Peter in the Apostleship ouer the Circumcision vvas also mighty by me tovvards the Gentiles When a preacher then so preacheth that the word is not destitute of his frute but effectuall in the heartes of the hearers that is to say when faith hope loue and pacience do follow then God geueth his spirite and worketh miracles in the hearers In like manner Paule saith here that God hath geuen his spirite to the Galathians hath vvrought miracles among them As though he would say God hath not onely brought to passe through my preaching that ye should beleue but also that ye should liue holily bring forth many frutes of faith and suffer many afflictions Also by the same power of the holy Ghost of adulterers of wrathfull impacient and couetous persons and of very enemies ye are become liberall chast gentle pacient and louers of your neighbours Wherupon afterwardes he geueth testimony of them in the fourth chapter that they receaued him as an Angell of God yea rather as Christ Iesus and that they loued him so vehemently that they were ready to haue plucked out their owne eyes for him Now to loue thy neighbour so heartily that thou art ready to bestow thy money thy goods thine eyes and all that thou hast for his saluation and moreouer to suffer patiently all aduersities and afflictions these no doubt are the effects fruits of the spirite these saith he you receaued and enioyed before these false teachers came among you But ye receaued them not by the lawe but of God who so ministred vnto you and daily encreased in you his holy spirite that the gospell had a most happie course amongste you in teaching beleeuing working and suffring Now seeing ye know these things being conuicted euen by the testimonie of your owne consciences howe cometh it to passe that ye shewe not forth the same
rent in peeces this beast which is called the opinion of righteousnes Therefore sayeth God by Ieremie his Prophet My vvorde is a hammer breaking rockes For as long as the opinion of righteousnes abideth in man so long there abideth also in him incomprehensible pride presumption securitie hatred of God contempt of grace and mercie ignorance of the promises and of Christe The preaching of free remission of sinnes through Christ can not enter in to the heart of such a one neither can he feele any taste or sauour thereof For that mightie rocke and adamant wall to witte the opinion of righteousnes wherwith the heart is enuironed doth resist it As therefore the opinion of righteousnes is a great and an horrible monster a rebellious obstinate and stiffenecked beast so for the destroying and ouerthrowing thereof God hath neede of a mightie hammer that is to say the lawe which then is in his proper vse and office when it accuseth and discouereth sinne after this sort Beholde thou hast transgressed all the commaundementes of god c and so it striketh a terrour into the conscience so that it feeleth God to be offended and angrie in deede and it selfe to be giltie of eternall death Here the pore afflicted sinner feeleth the intolerable burden of the lawe and is beaten downe euen to desperation so that now being oppressed with great anguish and terrour he desireth death or else seeketh to destroy him selfe Wherefore the lawe is that hammer that fier that mightie strong winde and that terrible earthquake renting the mountaines breaking the rocks that is to say the proud and obstinate hypocrites Elias not being able to abide these terrours of the law which by these things are signified couered his head with his mantell Notwithstanding when that tempest ceased of which he was a beholder there came a soft and a gracious wind in the which the Lord was But it behoued that the tempest of fire of winde and the earthquake should passe before the Lord should reueale him selfe in that gracious winde This terrible shewe and maiestie wherin God gaue his lawe in Mount Sina did represent the vse of the lawe There was in the people of Israel which came out of Egypt a singular holines They gloried and said VVe are the people of God vve vvil doe all those things vvhich the Lord our God hath commaunded Moreouer Moises did sanctifie the people and badde them wash their garments refraine frō their wiues and prepare them selues against the third day There was not one of them but he was full of holine●●● The third day Moises bringeth the people out of their tentes to t● t●●●●rtaine into the sight of the Lord that they might heare his voice W●●●●owed then When the children of Israell did see the horrible shew of the Mount smoking and burning the blacke cloudes and the lightnings flashing vppe and downe in this horrible darknes heard the sound of the trūpet blowing long and waxing lowder and lowder and moreouer when they heard the thundrings and lightnings they were afraid and standing a farre of they say vnto Moises VVe vvill doe all things vvillingly so that the Lord speake not vnto vs lest that vve die and this great fier consume vs Teach thou vs and vve vvill hearken vnto thee I pray you what did their purifying their holines their white garmentes and refraining from their wiues profite them Nothing at all There was not one of them that could abide this presence of the Lord in his Maiestie and glory but all being amazed and shaken with terrour fledde backe as if they had bene driuen by the Deuill For God is a cōsuming fier in whose sight no flesh is able to stand The law of God therfore hath properly and peculiarly that office which it had then in Mount Sina when it was first geuen and was first heard of them that were washed righteous purified and chast and yet notwithstanding it brought that holy people into such a knowledge of their owne misery that they were throwne downe euen to death and desperation No puritie nor holines could then helpe them but there was in them such a feeling of their owne vncleanes vnworthines sin and of the iudgement and wrath of God that they fled from the sight of the Lord and could not abide to heare his voice VVhat flesh vvas there euer sayd they that heard the voice of the liuing God speaking out of the middes of the fier and yet liued This day haue vve seene that God talketh vvith man and yet he liueth They speake nowe farre otherwise then they did a litle before when they said We are the holy people of God whom the Lord hath chosen for his owne peculiar people before all the nations vppon that earth We will doe all things which the Lord hath spoken So it hapneth at length to all Iusticiaries who being drunken with the opinion of their owne righteousnes doe thinke when they are out of tentation that they are beloued of God and that God regardeth their vowes their fastings their prayers their wilworks and that for the same he must geue vnto them a singuler crowne in heauen But when that thundring lightning fier and that hammer which breaketh in peeces the rockes that is to say the law of God commeth suddenly vpon them reuealing vnto them their sinne the wrath iudgement of God then the selfe same thing hapneth vnto them which hapned to the Iewes standing at the foote of Mount Sina Here I admonish all such as feare God and specially such as shal become teachers of others hereafter that they diligently learne out of Paule to vnderstand the true and proper vse of the law which I feare after our time wil be troden vnder foote vtterly abolished by the enemies of the truth For euen now whiles we are yet liuing and employ all our diligence to set forth the office and vse both of the lawe and the Gospel notwithstanding there be very few yea euen among those which will be counted Christians and make a profession of the Gospel with vs that vnderstand these things rightly as they should doe What think ye then shall come to passe when we are dead and gone I speake nothing of the Anabaptists of the new Arrians and such other vaine spirites who are no lesse ignorant of these matters then are the Papists although they talke neuer so much to the contrary For they are reuolted from the pure doctrine of the Gospell to lawes and traditions and therfore they teach not Christ They bragge and they sweare that they seeke nothing else but the glory of Christe and the saluation of their brethern and that they teach the word of God purely but in very deede they corrupt it and wrest it to an other sense so that they make it too sound according to their owne imagination Therfore vnder the name of Christe they teach nothing else but their
no man can obtaine life except first he be righteous then in deede righteousnes should come by the law Moreouer if there were any state of life any worke any religion whereby a man might obtaine remission of sinnes righteousnes and life then should these thinges in deede iustifie and geue life but this is impossible for Verse 22. The scripture hath concluded all men vnder sinne Where First in the promises them selues as touching Christ as Genesis 3. The Seede of the vvoman shall breake the head of the serpent And Genesis 22. In thy Seede c. Whersoeuer then is any promise in the scriptures made vnto the fathers concerning Christ there the Blessing is promised that is righteousnes saluation and eternall life Therefore by the contrary it is euident that they which must receaue the Blessing are subiect to the Curse that is to say sinne eternall death for els to what ende was the Blessing promised Secondly the Scripture shutteth men vnder sinne and vnder the Curse especially by the law because it is his peculiar office to reueale sinne engender wrath as we haue declared throughout this Epistle but chiefely by this sentence of Paule VVhosoeuer are of the vvorks of the lavv are vnder the Curse Also by that place which the Apostle alleaged out of the .27 chapt of Deut Cursed is euery one that abideth not in all the vvordes of this lavve to doe them c. For these sentences in plaine wordes doe shut vnder sinne and vnder the Curse not onely those which sinne manifestly against the law or doe not outwardly accōplish the law but also those which are vnder the law and with all endeuour go about to performe the same and such were the Iewes as before I haue sayd Much more then doth the same place of Paule shut vppe vnder sinne and vnder the Curse all Monkes Friers Heremites Carthusians and such like with their professions rules and religions to the which they attributed such holines that when a mā had once made a vowe of his profession if he died by and by they dreamed that he went streight to heauen But here ye heare plainly that the Scripture shutteth all vnder sinne Therefore neither the vowe nor religion of the Carthusian be it neuer so angelicall is righteousnes before God for the Scripture hath shutte all vnder sinne all are accursed and damned Who pronounceth this sentence The Scripture And where First by this promise The Seede of the vvoman shall bruse the Serpentes head In thee shall be blessed c. and such like places Moreouer by the whole lawe whereof the principall office is to make men giltie of sinne Therefore no Monke no Carthusian no Celestine bruseth the head of the Serpent but they abide brused and broken vnder the Serpents head that is vnder the power of the Deuill Who will beleue this Briefly what so euer is without Christ and his promise whether it be the lawe of God or the lawe of man the Ceremoniall or the morall lawe without all exception is shut vnder sinne For the Scripture shutteth all vnder sinne Now he that saith all excepteth nothing Therefore we conclude with Paule that the policies and lawes of all nations be they neuer so good and necessary with all ceremonies and religions without faith in Christ are and abide vnder sinne death and eternall damnation except faith in Iesus Christ goe withall or rather before all as followeth in the texte Of this matter we haue spoken largely before Wherfore this is a true proposition Onely faith iustifieth without works which notwithstanding our aduersaries can by no meanes abide For Paule here strongly concludeth that the lawe geueth not life because it is not geuen to that ende If then the lawe doe not iustifie and geue life much lesse doe workes iustifie For when Paule sayth that the lawe geueth not life his meaning is that workes also doe not geue life For it is more to say that the law quickeneth geueth life then to say that works doe quicken geue life If then the law it selfe being fulfilled although it be impossible that it should be accomplished doe not iustifie much lesse doe workes iustifie I conclude therefore that faith onely iustifieth and bringeth life without workes Paule can not suffer this addition faith ioyned with works iustifieth but he proceedeth simplie by the negatiue Rom. 3. and before in the second chapiter Therefore by the vvorkes of the lavv sayeth he shall no flesh be iustified And againe in this place The lavve is not geuen to bring life Verse 22. That the promise by the faith of Iesus Christ shoulde be geuen to them that beleue He saide before that the Scripture hath shutte all vnder sinne What for euer No but vntill the promise shoulde be geuen Nowe the promise is the inheritaunce it selfe or the Blessing promised to Abraham to witte the deliueraunce from the lawe sinne death and the Deuill and a free geuing of grace righteousnes saluation and eternal life This promise saith he is not obtained by any merite by any law or by any worke but it is geuen To whom To those that beleue In whom In Iesus Christ who is the blessed Seede which hath redeemed all beleeuers from the Curse that they might receaue the Blessing These wordes be not obscure but plaine enough notwithstanding we must marke them diligently and way well the force and weight therof For if all be shutte vnder sinne it followeth that all nations are accursed and are destitute of the grace of God Also that they are vnder the wrath of God and the power of the Deuill and that no man can be deliuered from thē by any other meanes then by faith in Iesus Christ With these words therfore Paule fighteth strongly against the fantasticall opinions of the Papistes and all Iusticiaries touching the lawe and workes when he sayth that the promise by faith in Iesus Christ might be geuen to all beleeuers Nowe how we shoulde aunswere to those sentences which speake of workes and the rewarde thereof I haue sufficiently declared before And the matter requireth not now that we should speake any thinge of workes For we haue not here taken in hande to entreate of works but of Iustification to witte that it is not obtained by the lawe and works since all things are shutte vnder sinne and vnder the Curse but by Faith in Christ When we are out of the matter of Iustification we can not sufficiently praise and magnifie those workes which are commaunded of god For who can sufficiently commend and set forth the profite fruit of one onely worke which a Christian doth through Faith and in Faith In deede it is more precious then heauen or earth The whole world therefore is not able to geue a worthy recompence to such a good worke Yea the world hath not the grace to magnifie the holy works of the faithfull as they are worthy
trust in his death and victorie theyr strait and painfull life auailed them nothing at all These things sufficiently declare who be the true Sainctes in deede and which is to be called a holy life Not the life of those which lurke in caues dennes which make their bodies leane with fasting which weare hear and doe other like things with this perswasion and trust that they shall haue some singular reward in heauen aboue all other Christians but of those which be baptised and beleue in Christ which put of the olde man with his workes but not at once For concupiscence and lust remaineth in them so long as they liue the feeling wherof doth hurt them nothing at all if they suffer it not to raigne in them but subdue it to the spirite This doctrine bringeth great consolation to godly mindes that when they feele these dartes of the flesh wherewith Sathan assaileth the spirite they should not despaire As it hapneth to many in the Papacie which thought that they ought to feele no concupiscence of the flesh where as notwithstanding Hierome Gregorie Benedict Barnard and others whom the Monks set before them as a perfect example of chastitie and of all Christian vertues could neuer come so farre as to feele no concupiscence or lust of the flesh Yea they felt it and that very strongly Which thing they acknowledge and plainly confesse in diuers places of their bookes Therfore we rightly confesse in the articles of our beleefe that we beleue there is a holy Church For it is inuisible dwelling in spirit in a place that none can attaine vnto and therefore her holines can not be seene For God doth so hide and couer her with infirmities with sinnes with errours with diuers formes of the crosse and offences that according to the iudgement of reason it is no where to be seene They that are ignorant of this when they see the infirmities and sinnes of those which are baptised which haue the word and beleue it are by and by offended and iudge them not to pertaine to the Church And in the meane while they dreame that the Heremites the Monks and such other shauelings are the church which honour God with their lippes and worship him in vaine because they folow not the word of God but the doctrines and commaundements of men teach others to doe the same And because they doe certaine superstitious and monstrous works which carnal reason magnifieth and highly estemeth therfore they iudge them only to be Saincts and to be the church And in so doing they chaunge and turne this article of the Faith cleane contrary I beleue that there is a holy church c. and in the steede of this word I beleue they put in I see These kinds of righteousnes holines of mans owne deuising are nothing else but spiritual sorceries wherw t the eyes minds of mē are blinded led frō the knowledge of true holines But thus teach we that the Church hath no spot nor wrinkle but is holy and yet through Faith onely in Christ Iesus Againe that she is holy in life and cōuersation by abstaining from the lusts of the flesh and exercise of spirituall works but yet not in such sort that he is deliuered from all euill desires or purged from all wicked opinions and errours For the church alwayes confesseth her sinnes prayeth that her faults may be pardoned Also she beleueth the forgeuenes of sinnes The Saincts therfore doe sinne fall and also erre but yet through ignorance For they would not willingly deny Christe forsake the Gospell c therefore they haue remission of sinnes And if through ignorance they erre also in doctrine yet is this pardoned for in the ende they acknowledge their errour and rest onely vppon the truth and the grace of God offered in Christe as Hierome Gregorie Bernard and others did Let Christians then endeuour to auoide the workes of the flesh but the desires or lustes of the flesh they can not auoide It is very profitable therfore for them to feele the vncleane lustes of the flesh lest they should be puffed vp with some vaine wicked opinion of the righteousnes of their owne works as though they were accepted before God for the same The Monks being puffed vp with this opinion of their owne righteousnes thought thēselues to be so holy that they solde their righteousnes holines to others although they were cōuinced by the testimony of their owne hearts that they were vncleane So pernitious and pestilent a poyson it is for a mā to trust in his owne righteousnes to thinke himselfe to be cleane But the godly because they feele the vnclennes of their owne harts therfore they cānot trust to their own righteousnes This feeling so maketh thē to stoupe so hūbleth them that they cannot trust to their owne good workes but are constrained to flie vnto Christe their Mercy seat and onely succour who hath not a corrupt and sinfull but a most pure and holy flesh which he hath geuen for the life of the world in him they finde a sound and perfect righteousnes Thus they continue in humilitie not counterfet and Monkish but true and vnfained because of the vncleanes which yet remaineth in their flesh for the which if God would straitly iudge them they should be foūd giltie of eternal death But because they lift not vp thē selues proudly against God but with a broken a cōtrite heart humbly acknowledging their sinnes resting wholy vppon the benefite of the Mediatour Christ they come forth into the presence of God and pray that for his sake their sinnes may be forgeuen them God spreadeth ouer them an infinite heauen of grace and doth not impute vnto them their sinnes for Christes sake This I say to the end that we may take heede of the pernicious errours of the Papists touching the holines of life wherin our minds were so wrapped that without great difficultie we could not winde our selues out of them Wherfore doe your endeuour with diligence that ye may discerne and rightly iudge betwene true righteousnes or holines and that which is hypocriticall then shall ye behold the kingdom of Christ with other eyes then carnall reason doth that is with spirituall eyes and certainly iudge those to be true Sainctes in deede which are baptised and beleue in Christe and afterwardes in the same Faith wherby they are iustified and their sinnes both past and present are forgeuen doe abstaine from the desires of the flesh But from these desires they are not thorowly clensed for the flesh lusteth against the spirite Notwithstanding these vncleane rebellious lustes doe still remaine in them to this ende that they may be humbled and being so humbled they may feele the sweetenes of the grace and benefite of Christe So these remnauntes of vncleane lustes and sinnes doe nothing at all hinder but greatly furder the godly For the more they feele
chastly that they should be no adulterers no fornicatours no wantons and if they cannot liue chastly he would haue them to marrie Also that they should not be contentious or quarellers that they should not be geuen to drunkennes or surfetting but that they should abstaine from all these things Chastitie or continencie containeth all these Hierome expoundeth it of virginitie onely as though they that be married could not be chast or as though the Apostle did wryte these things onely to virgines In the 1. and .2 Chapt. to Tit. he warneth also Bishops yong women and maried folkes both man and wife to be chast and pure Verse 23. Against such there is no lavve In deede there is a lawe but not against such As he sayth also in an other place The lavve is not geuen to the righteous man. For the righteous liueth in such wise that he hath no neede of any lawe to admonish or to constraine him but without constraint of the lawe he willingly doth those things which the lawe requireth Therefore the law cannot accuse or condemne those that beleue in Christe In deede the law troubleth and terrifieth our consciences but Christ apprehēded by Faith vanquisheth it with all his terrours threatnings To them therefore the lawe is vtterly abolished and hath no power to accuse them for they doe that of their owne accord which the law requireth They haue receaued the holy Ghost by Faith who wil not suffer them to be idle Although the flesh resist yet doe they walke after the spirite So a Christian accomplisheth the law inwardly by Faith for Christ is the perfection of the lawe vnto righteousnes to all that doe beleue outwardly by workes and by remission of sinnes But those which performe the workes or desires of the flesh the law doth accuse and condemne both ciuily and spiritually Verse 24. For they that are Christes haue crucified the flesh vvith the affections and lustes thereof This whole place concerning workes sheweth that the true beleuers are no hypocrites Therfore let no man deceaue him selfe For whosoeuer sayeth he pertaine vnto Christe haue crucified the flesh with all the vices and lustes thereof For the Sainctes in as much as they haue not yet vtterly put of the corrupt and sinnefull flesh are enclined to sinne and doe neither feare not loue God so perfectly as they ought to doe Also they be prouoked to anger to enuie to impatiencie to vncleane lusts and such like motions which notwithstanding they accomplish not for as Paule here sayeth they crucifie the flesh with all the affectiōs and lusts therof Which thing they do not onely when they represse the wantonnes of the flesh with fasting and other exercises but also as Paule sayd before when they walke according to the spirite that is when they being admonished by the threatnings of God wherby he sheweth that he will seuerely punish sinne are afeard to commit sinne Also when they being armed with the word of God with faith and with prayer doe not obey the lustes of the flesh When they resist the flesh after this maner they naile it to the crosse with the lustes and desires thereof so that although the flesh be yet aliue yet can it not performe that which it would doe for as much as it is bound both hand and foote and fast nailed to the crosse The faithfull then so long as they liue here doe crucifie the flesh that is to say they feele the lusts therof but they obey them not For they being furnished with the armour of God that is with Faith hope and the sword of the spirite doe resist the flesh and with these spirituall nailes they fasten the same vnto the crosse so that it is constrained to be subiect to the spirite Afterwardes when they die they put it of wholy and when they shall rise againe from death to life they shall haue a pure and vncorrupt flesh without all affections and lustes The sixth Chapter If vve liue in the spirite let vs also vvalke in the spirite THE Apostle reckened before amongst the workes of the flesh heresie and enuie and pronounced sentence against those which are enuious and which are authors of Sectes that they should not inherite the kingdom of god And now as if he had forgotten that which he sayd a litle before he againe reproueth those which prouoke and enuie one an other Why doth he so was it not sufficient to haue done it once In deede he doth it of purpose for he taketh occasion here to inueigh against that execrable vice of vaineglory which was the cause of the troubles that were in all the churches of Galatia and hath bene alwayes most pernicious and hurtful to the whole Church of Christe Therefore in his Epistle to Titus he would not that a proud mā should be ordained a Bishop For Pride as Augustine truly saith is the mother of all heresies or rather the headspring of all sinne and confusion Which thing all histories as well holy as prophane doe witnesse Now vainglory or arrogancie hath alwayes ben a common poyson in the world which the very Heathen Poetes and Hystorigraphers haue alwayes vehemently reproued There is no village wherin there is not some one or other to be found that would be counted wiser and be more estemed then all then rest But they are chiefly infected with this disease which stand vpon their reputatiō for learning and wisedom In this case no mā wil yeld to an other according to this saying Ye shall not lightly finde a man that vvill yeelde vnto others the praise of vvitte and skill For it is a goodly thing to see men poynt at one and say this is he But it is not so hurtful in priuate persons no nor in any kind of magistrate as it is in them that haue any charge in the church Albeit in ciuile gouernment specially if it be in great personages it is not onely a cause of troubles and ruines of common weales but also of the troubles and alteration of kingdoms and Empires Which thing the hystories both of the Scripture and prophane wryters doe witnesse But when this poyson creepeth into the Church or spirituall kingdom it can not be expressed how hurtfull it is For there is no contention as touching learning witte beautie riches kingdoms Empires and such like but as touching saluation or damnation eternall life or eternall death Therfore Paul earnestly exhorteth the ministers of the word to flie this vice saying If vve liue in the spirit c. As if he should say If it be true that we liue in the spirite let vs also procede and walke in the spirit For where the spirite is it reneweth men and worketh in them new motions that is to say wheras they were before vaineglorious wrathfull and enuious it maketh them now humble gentle and patient Such men seeke not their owne glory but the glory of God they doe not prouoke or enuie one
him reioice in the troubles which he suffereth by these sectes and seditious spirites continually springing vp one after an other For this is our reioicing euen the testimony of our conscience that we be found standing and fighting in the behalfe of the seede of the woman against the seede of the serpent Let him bite vs by the heele and spare not We againe will not cease to crush his heade by the grace and help of Christ the principall bruser therof who is blessed for euer THE ARGVMENT OF the Epistle of S. Paule to the Galathians FIRST of all it behoueth that we speake of the Argument of this Epistle that is to say what matter S. Paule here cheefely treateth of The Argument is this S. Paule goeth aboute to establishe the Doctrine of Faith grace forgeuenesse of sinnes or Christian righteousnesse to the ende that we may haue a perfecte knowledge and difference betweene Christian righteousnesse and all other kindes of righteousnesse For there be diuers sortes of rightuousnesse There is a politicall or ciuile righteousnesse which Emperours Princes of the world Philosophers and Lawyers deale withall There is also a Ceremoniall righteousnesse which the traditions of men doe teach This righteousnesse parentes and schoolemaisters may teache without daunger because they doe not attribute vnto it any vertue to satisfie for sinne to please God or to deserue grace but they teache suche Ceremonies as are onely necessary for the correction of maners and certaine obseruations concerning this life Besides these there is an other righteousnesse which is called the righteousnesse of the lawe or of the ten commaundements which Moises teacheth This doe we also teache after the doctrine of Faith. There is yet an other righteousnesse which is aboue all these to witte the rightuousnesse of Faith or Christian rightuousnesse the which we must diligently discerne from the other afore rehearsed for they are quite contrary to this rightuousnesse both because they flowe out of the lawes of Emperours the traditions of the Pope and the commaundements of God because they consist also in our workes and may be wrought of vs either by our pure naturall strength as the Sophisters terme it or else by the gifte of god For these kindes of rightuousnesse are also the gift of God like as other good things are which we doe enioy But this most excellent rightuousnesse of Faith I meane which God through Christe without workes imputeth vnto vs is neither Politicall nor Ceremoniall nor the rightuousnesse of Gods lawe nor consisteth in workes but is cleane contrary that is to say a meere passiue righteousnesse as the other aboue are actiue For in this we worke nothing we render nothing vnto God but onely we receaue and suffer an other to worke in vs that is to say god There ●e it seemeth good vnto me to call this righteousnes of faith or Christian righteousnesse the passiue righteousnesse This is a righteousnes hidden in a mistery which the world doth not know yea Christians them selues doe not throughly vnderstand it and can hardly take hold of it in their tentations Therefore it must be diligently taught and continually practised And who so doth not vnderstand or apprehend this righteousnesse in afflictions and terrors of conscience must neades be ouerthrowne For there is no comfort of conscience so firme and so sure as this passiue righteousnesse is But mannes weakenes and misery is so great that in the terrors of conscience daunger of death we behold nothing els but our workes our worthines and the lawe which when it sheweth vnto vs our sinne by and by cure euill life past commeth to remembraunce Then the poore sinner with greate anguish of spirite groneth and thus thinketh with him selfe Alas how desperatly haue I liued would to God I might liue longer Then would I amend my life Thus mans reason can not restraine it selfe from the sight and beholding of this actiue or working righteousnes that is to say her owne righteousnes nor lift vp her eyes to the beholding of the passiue or christian righteousnesse but resteth altogether in the actiue righteousnesse So deepely is this euell rooted in vs. On the other side Sathan abusing the infirmitie of oure nature doth encrease and aggrauate these cogitations in vs Then can it not be but that the pore conscience must be more greeuously troubled confounded and terrified For it is vnpossible that the minde of man of it selfe should conceiue any comfort or loke vp vnto grace onely in the feeling and horror of sinne or constantly reiect all disputing and reasoning about works For this is farre aboue mannes strength and capacitie yea and aboue the lawe of God also True it is that of all things in the world the law is most excellent yet is it not able to quiet a troubled conscience but encreaseth terrors and driueth it to desperation For by the lavve sinne is made aboue measure sinfull Romaines the seuenth and thirtene verse Wherefore the afflicted and troubled conscience hath no remedy against desperation and eternall death vnlesse it take holde of the forgeuenesse of sinnes by grace freely offered in Christe Iesus that is to say this passiue righteousnesse of Faith or Christian righteousnesse Which if it can apprehend then may it be at quiet and boldly say I seeke not this actiue or working righteousnesse althoughe I knowe that I ought to haue it and to fulfill it But be it so that I had it and did fulfill it in deede yet notwithstanding I can not trust vnto it neither dare I set it against the iudgment of god Thus I abandone my selfe from al actiue righteousnesse both of mine owne and of Gods law and embrace onely that passiue righteousnesse which is the righteousnes of grace mercy and forgeuenes of sinnes briefly I rest onely vpon that righteousnesse which is the righteousnesse of Christ and of the holy Ghost Like as the earth engendreth not raine nor is able by her owne strength labor and trauell to procure the same but receaueth it of the meere gift of God from aboue so this heauenly righteousnesse is geuen vs of God without our workes or deseruinges Looke then how much the earth of it selfe is able to doe in getting and procuring to it selfe seasonable showers of raine to make it fruteful euen so much no more are we able to do by our owne strength works in winning this heauenly eternall righteousnesse therfore shall neuer be able to attain vnto it vnles God him self by meere imputation by his vnspeakable gift doe bestow it vpon vs The greatest knowledge then and the greatest wisedome of Christians is not to know the lawe to be ignorant of workes and of the whole actiue righteousnesse especially when the conscience wrestleth with the iudgement of god Like as on the contrary amongst those which are not of the number of Gods people the greatest point of wisedome is to knowe and earnestly to vrge the lawe and
were in the middes of the Apostles and all the faithfull where this question was so vehemently debated was not yet constrained to be circumcised This victorie Paule carieth away sayth that in this conference it was decided by the consent of all the Apostles the whole Church also approuing the same that Titus should not be circumcised This is a strong argument and maketh very much against the false apostles And with this argument Neither vvas Titus compelled to be circumcised Paule was able to represse and mightely conuince all his aduersaries As if he should say Why doth these counterfait apostles so falsely report of me saying that I am compelled to keepe circumcision by the commaundement of the Apostles seeing I haue the witnes of all the faithfull in Ierusalem and moreouer of all the Apostles them selues that by my pursute and trauaile the contrary was there determined and that I did not onely there preuaile that Titus should not be circumcised but that the Apostles did also approue and ratifie the same Your counterfet apostles therfore do lie deadly which sclaūder me vnder the name of the Apostles and therby deceaue you for I haue the Apostles and all the faithfull not against me but with me And this I proue by the example of Titus Notwithstanding Paule as I haue often sayd did not condemne circumcision as an vnprofitable thing nor constrained any man therevnto For it is neither sinne nor righteousnes to be circumcised or vncircumcised as it is neither sinne nor righteousnes to eate or drinke For vvhether thou eate or eate not thou art neither better nor vvorse But if any mā should adde therto either sinne or righteousnes and say If thou eate thou sinnest if thou abstaine thou art righteous he should shew him selfe both foolish and wicked Therfore to ioyne ceremonies with sinne or righteousnes is great impietie As the Pope doth who in his forme of excommunication threatneth to all those that doe not obey the law of the Bishop of Rome Gods great curse and indignation and so maketh all his lawes necessary to saluation Wherefore the Deuil him selfe speaketh in the person of the Pope in all the Popes decrees For if saluation cōsisteth in keping of the Popes lawes what neede haue we of Christ to be our iustifier and Sauiour Vers 4.5 For all the false brethern that crept in vvho came in priuely to espie out our liberty vvhich vve haue in Christ Iesus that they might bring vs into bōdage To vvhom vve gaue not place by subiection for an houre that the truth of the Gospell might continue vvith you Here Paule sheweth the cause why he went vp to Ierusalem and there conferred his gospell with the other Apostles and why he would not circumcise Titus Not that he might be the more certaine or confirmed in the gospell by the Apostles for he nothing doubted thereof but that the truth of the gospell might continue in the Churches of the Galathians and in all the Churches of the Gentiles We see then that this busines of Paule was no light matter Nowe where he speaketh of the truth of the Gospell he sheweth that there be two gospels a true and a false gospell Indeede the gospell of it selfe is simple true and sincere but by the malice of Satans ministers it is corrupt and defaced Therfore where he saith The truth of the gospel he would haue vs to vnderstād also the contrary As if he would say The false apostles do also preach a faith a gospel but they are both false Therfore haue I set my selfe so constantly against them and in that I would not geue place vnto them I haue brought to passe that the truth of the gospell continueth with you So the Pope and the Anabaptists doe bragge at this day that they teach the Gospell faith in Christ True it is but with such frute as the false apostles once did whom Paule calleth before in the first chapter troublers of the church and subuerters of the gospell of Christ On the other side he sayth that he teacheth the truth of the gospell As if he should say Those things which the false apostles teach bragge they neuer so much that they teach the truth are nothing else but starke lies So all Heretikes pretend the name of God of Christ and of the Church Also they pretend that they will not teach errours or lies but most certaine truth and the pure Gospell of Christ Now the truth of the gospell is that our righteousnes cometh by Faith only without the workes of the law The corruption or falshode of the Gospell is that we are iustified by Faith but not without the workes of the lawe With the like condition the false apostles also preached the Gospel Euen so doe our Papists and craftie Sophisters at this day For they say that we must beleue in Christ and that Faith is the foundation of our saluation but it iustifieth not except it be furnished with charitie This is not the truth of the Gospell but falshode and dissimulation But the true Gospell in deede is that works or charitie are not the ornament or perfection of faith but that faith of it selfe is Gods gift and Gods worke in our hearts which therefore iustifieth vs because it apprehendeth Christ our redemer Mans reason hath the law for his obiect thus thinking with it selfe This I haue done this I haue not done But faith being in her owne proper office hath no other obiect but Iesus Christ the sonne of god deliuered to death for the sinnes of the whole world It loketh not to charitie It sayeth not what haue I done what haue I offended what haue I deserued but what hath Christ done what hath he deserued Here the truth of the gospel answereth thee he hath redemed thee from thy sinne from the Deuil from eternall death Faith therefore acknowledgeth that in this one person Iesus Christ it hath forgeuenes of sinnes and eternall life He that turneth his eyes away from this obiect hath not true Faith but a fantasie and a vaine opinion and turneth his eyes from the promise to the law which terrifieth and driueth to desperation Wherfore those things which the Sophisters Scholemen haue taught cōcerning the iustifying faith being furnished with charitie are no thing else but mere dreames For that faith which apprehēdeth Christ the sonne of God is furnished with him is the same faith that iustifieth and not that faith which includeth charitie For a true a stedfast faith must lay hold vpon nothing else but Christ alone and in the afflictions and terrours of conscience it hath nothing else to leane vnto but this Diamond Christ Iesus Wherfore he that apprehendeth Christ by faith although he be neuer so much terrified with the law pressed downe with the weight of his sinnes yet may he be bold to glory that he is righteous How or by what meanes Euen by that
diligently teach we sustaine the hatred and cruell persecution of the Deuill and of the world For Sathan feeleth the power and fruite of this Article And that there is in deede no more sinne death or malediction since Christ nowe raigneth we confesse daily in the Creede of the Apostles I beleue that there is an holy Church Which is in deede nothing else but as if we should say I beleue that there is no sinne no malediction no death in the Church of god For they which do beleue in Christ are no sinners are not giltie of death but are holy and righteous lordes ouer sinne and death liuing for euer But Faith onely seeth this for we say I beleeue an holy Church But if thou beleue reason and thine owne eyes thou wilt iudge cleane contrary For thou seest many things in the Godly which offend thee Thou seest them sometime to fall into sinne and to be weake in Faith to be subiect vnto wrath enuie and such other euill affections therefore the Church is not holy I deny the consequēce If I looke vpon mine owne person or the person of my brother it shall neuer be holy But if I behold Christ who hath sanctified and clensed his Church then is it altogether holy for he hath taken away the sinnes of the whole world Therfore where sinnes are seene and felt there are they in deede no sinnes For according to Paules Diuinitie there is no sin no death no maledictiō any more in the world but in Christ who is the Lambe of God that hath taken away the sinnes of the world who is made a Curse that he might deliuer vs from the Curse Contrariwise according to Philosophie and reason sinne death and the Curse are no where else but in the world in the flesh or in sinners For a Sophisticall Diuine can speake no otherwise of sinne then doth the Heathen Philosopher Like as sayeth he the colour sticketh in the wall euen so doth sinne in the world in the flesh or in the conscience therfore it is to be purged by contrary operations to witte by charitie But true Diuinitie teacheth that there is no sinne in the world any more for Christ vpon whom the Father hath cast the sinnes of the whole world hath vanquished and killed the same in his owne body He once dying for sinne and raised vp againe dieth nowe no more Therefore whersoeuer is a true faith in Christ there sinne is abolished dead and buried in deede But where no Faith in Christ is there sinne doth still remaine And albeit the remnaunts of sinne be as yet in the Saintes because they beleue not perfectly yet are they dead in that they are not imputed vnto them because of their Faith in Christe This is therfore a strong and a mighty argument which Paule here prosecuteth against the righteousnes of workes It is not the lawe nor workes that doe deliuer vs from the euerlasting Curse but Christe alone See therefore good Christian reader I beseech thee that thou distinguish Christ from the law and diligently marke how Paule speaketh and what he sayth All sayth he which doe not fulfil the law are necessarily vnder the Curse But no man fulfilleth the law therfore all men are vnder the Curse He addeth moreouer an other proposition Christ hath redemed vs frō the Curse of the law being made a Curse for vs It followeth then that the lawe and workes doe not redeeme vs from the Curse but doe bring vs rather vnder the Curse Charitie therefore which as the Schoolemen say geueth forme and perfection vnto Faith hath not onely not redemed vs from the Curse but rather it wrappeth vs more and more in the Curse This text then is plaine that all men yea the Apostles Prophets and Patriarks had remained vnder the Curse if Christ had not set him selfe against sinne death the Curse of the law the wrath and iudgemēt of God and ouercome them in his owne body for no power of flesh and bloud could ouercome these huge and hideous Monsters But now Christ is not the law or the worke of the law but a diuine and humane person which tooke vpon him sinne the condemnation of the lawe and death not for him selfe but for vs Wherfore all the weight and force hereof consisteth in this word For vs. We must not thē imagine Christ to be innocent as a priuate person as doe the Schoolemen and almost all the Fathers haue done which is holy and righteous for him selfe onely True it is in deede that Christe is a person most pure and vnspotted but thou must not stay there for thou hast not yet Christe although thou knowe him to be God and man but then thou hast him in deede when thou beleeuest that this most pure and innocent person is freely geuen vnto thee of the Father to be thy high Priest and Sauiouer yea rather thy seruaunt that he putting off his innocentie and holines and taking thy sinnefull person vpon him might beare thy sinne thy death and thy Curse and might be made a sacrifice and a Curse for thee that by this meanes he might deliuer thee from the Curse of the lawe Ye see then with what an Apostolike spirite Paule handleth this argument of the Blessing and of the Curse whilest he not onely maketh Christ subiect to the Curse but sayth also that he is made a Curse So in the. 2. Corrin 5. he calleth him Sinne when he sayth He hath made him to be Sinne for vs vvhich knevv no sinne that vve shoulde be made the righteousnes of God in him And although these sentences may be well expounded after this maner Christ is made a Curse that is to say a sacrifice for the Curse and Sinne that is a sacrifice for sinne yet in my iudgement it is better to keepe the proper signification of the words because there is a greater force and vehemencie therin For when a sinner cometh to the knowledge of him selfe in deede he feeleth not onely that he is miserable but misery it selfe not onely that he is a sinner is accursed but euen sinne and malediction it selfe For it is in deede a great matter to beare sinne the wrath of God malediction and death Wherefore that man which hath a true feeling of these things as Christ did truely effectually feele them for all mākinde is made euen sinne death and malediction it selfe Paule therefore handleth this place with a true Apostolicall spirite There is neither Sophister nor Lawyer nor Iew nor Anabaptist nor any other that speaketh as he doeth For who durst alleage this place out of Moises Accursed is euery one that hangeth on tree and applie it vnto Christ Like as Paule then applied this sentence to Christ euen so may we apply vnto Christe not onely that whole 27. chap. of Deuteronomie but also may gather all the Curses of Moises lawe together and expound the same of Christ For as
Notwithstanding Moises is a Mediatour in this sort as I haue sayd which doth nothing else but chaunge the voyce of the lawe and maketh it tolerable so that the people may abide the hearing thereof but geueth no power to accomplish the same To conclude he is a Mediatour but onely of the veile and therfore he geueth no power to performe the law but onely in the veile Therefore his disciples in that he is a Mediatour of the veile must alwayes be hypocrites But what thinke ye should haue come to passe if that the lawe had bene geuen without Moises either else before or after Moises and that there had ben no Mediatour and in the meane season the people should not haue ben suffered either to flie away or else to haue had any Mediatour Here either the people being beaten downe with intolerable feare should haue perished forthwith or if they should haue escaped there must nedes haue come some other Mediatour which should haue set him selfe betwene the law and the people to this end that both the people might be preserued and the lawe remaine in his force and strength and also an attonement might be made betwene the lawe and the people In deede Moises cometh in the meane season and is made a Mediatour he putteth on a veile and couereth his face but he can not deliuer mens consciences from the anguish and terrour which the law bringeth Therefore when a man in the hower of death or in the conflict of conscience feeleth the wrath and iudgement of God for sinne which the law reuealeth and encreaseth here to keepe him from desperation secluding Moises with his veile he must haue a Mediatour which may say vnto him Although thou be a sinner yet shalt thou remaine that is to say thou shalt not die although the lawe with his wrath and malediction doe still remaine This Mediatour is Iesus Christ which chaungeth not the voice of the law nor hideth the same with a veile as Moises did nor leadeth me out of the sight of the law but he setteth him selfe against the wrath of the law and taketh it away and satisfieth the lawe in his owne body by himselfe And by the Gospel he saith vnto me In deede the law threatneth vnto thee the wrath of God and eternall death but be not afraid flie not away but stand still I supply and performe all thinges for thee I satisfie the law for thee This is a Mediatour which farre excelleth Moises who setteth him selfe betwene God being angry and the sinner The intercession of Moses here profiteth nothing he hath done his office he with his veile is now vanished away Here the miserable sinner being vtterly desperate or a man now approching vnto death God being offended angry doe encounter together Therefore there must come a farre other Mediatour then Moises which may satisfie the lawe take away the wrath therof and may reconcile vnto God which is angry that poore sinner miserable and gilty of eternall death Of this Mediatour Paule speaketh briefely when he saith A Mediatour is not a Mediatour of one For this word Mediatour properly signifieth such a one as doth the office of a Mediatour betwene the partie that is offended and the offender We are the offenders God with his law is he which is offended And the offence is such that God can not pardon it neither can we satisfie for the same Therefore betwene God who of him selfe is but one and vs there is wonderfull discord Moreouer God can not reuoke his law but he will haue it obserued and kept And we which haue transgressed the law can not flie from the presence of God. Christ therefore hath seth him selfe a Mediatour betwene two which are quite contrary and vtterly separate asunder with an infinite and euerlastinge separation and hath reconciled them together And how hath he done this He hath put avvay as Paule saith in an other place the hādvvriting vvhich vvas against vs vvhich by ordinaunces that is by the law vvas cōtrary vnto vs and he hath taken it and fastened it to the Crosse and hath spoiled principalities and povvers and hath made a shevve of them openly and hath triumphed ouer them by him selfe Therefore he is not a Mediatour of one but of two vtterly disagreeing betweene them selues This is also a mighty place and of greate efficacie to confute and confounde the righteousnes of the law and to teach vs that in the matter of Iustification it ought to be vtterly remoued out of our sight Also this word Mediatour ministreth sufficient matter to proue that the lawe iustifieth not for els what neede should we haue of a Mediatour Seing then that mans nature can not abide the hearinge of the lawe much lesse is it able to accomplish the lawe or to agree with the lawe This doctrine which I doe so often repete and not without tediousnes doe still beate into your heades is the true doctrine of the lawe which euery Christian ought with all diligence to learne that he may be able truly to define what the law is what is the true vse and office what are the limites what is the power the time and the ende thereof For it hath an effect quite contrary to the iudgement of all men which haue this pestilent and pernicious opinion naturally rooted in them that the law iustifieth Therefore I feare lest this doctrine will be darkened and defaced againe when we are deade For the world must be replenished with horrible darkenes errours before the latter day come He therefore that is able to vnderstand this let him vnderstand it that the law in true Christian Diuinitie and in his true and proper definition doth not iustifie but hath a cleane contrary effect For it sheweth and discouereth vnto vs our selues it setteth God before vs in his anger it reueileth Gods wrath it terrifieth vs and it doth not only reueile sinne but also mightily encreaseth sinne so that where sinne was before but litle now by the law which bringeth the same to light it becometh exceeding sinfull so that a man now beginneth to hate the law and to flie from it with a perfect hatred to abhorre God the maker of the law This is not to be iustified by the law and that euen reason it selfe is compelled to graūt but to commit a double sinne against the law First not onely to haue a wil so disagreeing frō the law that thou canst not heare it but also to do contrary to that which it cōmaundeth And secondly so to hate it that thou wouldest wish it were abolished together with God himselfe who is the author therof and absolutely good Now what greater blasphemy what sinne more horrible can be imagined then to hate God to abhorre his law not to suffer the hearing thereof which notwithstanding is good and holy For the history doth plainely witnes that the people of Israell refused to heare that excellent
an other lawgeuer which requireth good workes but vnto Christ our Iustifier and Sauiour that by Faith in him we might be iustified and not by workes But when a man feeleth the force and strength of the law he doth not vnderstand nor beleue this Therefore he sayth I haue liued wickedly for I haue transgressed all the commaundements of God and therfore I am giltie of eternall death If God would prolong my life certaine yeres or at least certaine moneths I would amend my life and liue holily hereafter Here of the true vse of the lawe he maketh an abuse Reason being ouertaken in these terrours and streites is bolde to promise vnto God the fulfilling of all the workes of the whole law And hereof came so many sectes and swarmes of Monkes and religious hypocrites so many ceremonies and so many workes deuised to deserue grace and remission of sinnes And they which deuised these things thought that the lawe was a Scholemaster to lead thē not vnto Christ but to a new lawe or vnto Christe as a lawgeuer and not as one that hath abolished the lawe But the true vse of the lawe is to teach me that I am brought to the knowledge of my sinne humbled that so I may come vnto Christ and may be iustified by Faith. But Faith is neither lawe nor worke but an assured confidence which apprehendeth Christ vvho is the end of the lavv Rom. 10. And how Not that he hath abolished the olde law and geuen a newe or that he is a iudge which must be pacified by workes as the Papistes haue taught but he is the ende of the lawe to all those that beleue that is to say euery one that beleueth in him is righteous and the lawe shall neuer accuse him The lawe then is good holy and iust so that a man vse it as he should doe Nowe they that abuse the lawe are first the hypocrites which attribute vnto the law a power to iustifie and secondly they which doe despaire not knowing that the lawe is a Scholemaster to lead men vnto Christ that is to say that the lawe humbleth them not to their destruction but to their saluation For God woundeth that he may heale againe he killeth that he may quicken againe Now Paule as before I haue sayd speaketh of those that are to be iustified and not of those which are iustified already Therefore when thou goest about to reason as concerning the lawe thou must take the matter of the lawe or that whervpon the lawe worketh namely the sinner and the wicked person whom the lawe iustifieth not but setteth sinne before his eyes casteth him downe and bringeth him to the knowledge of him selfe it sheweth vnto him hell the wrath and the iudgement of god This is in deede the proper office of the law Then foloweth the vse of this office to witte that the sinner may knowe that the lawe doth not reueale vnto him his sinne and thus humbleth him to the ende he should despaire but that by this accusing and brusing it may driue him vnto Christ the Sauiour and comforter When this is done he is no longer vnder the Scholemaster And this vse is very necessary For seeing the whole world is ouerwhelmed with sinne it hath neede of this ministerie of the lawe that sinne may be reuealed Otherwise no man should euer attaine to righteousnes as before we haue largely declared But what worketh the lawe in them which are already iustified by Christ Paule aunswereth by these wordes which are as it were an addition to that which goeth before Verse 25. But after that Faith is come vve are no longer vnder the Scholemaster That is to say we are free from the lawe from the prison and from our Scholemaster for when Faith is reuealed the lawe terrifieth and tormenteth vs no more Paule here speaketh of Faith as it was preached and published vnto the world by Christ in a certaine time before appoynted For Christ taking vppon him our flesh came once into the world he abolished the lawe with all his effectes and deliuered from eternall death all those which receaue his benefite by Faith. If therefore ye looke vnto Christe and that which he hath done there is now no lawe For he comming in the time appoynted tooke away the lawe Nowe since the law is gone we are not kept vnder the tyrannie therof any more but we liue in ioy and safetie vnder Christ who now sweetely raigneth in vs by his spirit Now where the Lord raigneth there is libertie Wherefore if we could perfectly apprehend Christe which hath abolished the lawe by his death and hath reconciled vs vnto his father that Scholemaster should haue no power ouer vs at all But the lawe of the members rebelling against the lawe of the minde letteth vs that we can not perfectly lay hold vppon Christe The lacke therfore is not in Christ but in vs which haue not yet put of this flesh to the which sinne continually cleaueth as long as we liue Wherfore as touching our selues we are partly free from the law and partly vnder the lawe According to the spirite vve serue vvith Paule the lavve of God but according to the flesh the lavve of sinne Rom. 7. Hereof it foloweth that as touching the conscience we are fully deliuered from the law therfore that Scholemaster must not rule in the cōscience that is he must not afflict the conscience with his terrours threatnings and captiuitie And albeit it goe about to vexe to trouble the conscience neuer so much yet is she not moued therewith. For she hath Christ crucified before her eyes who hath remoued out of the cōscience all the offices of the law putting out the handvvriting of ordinaunces that vvas against vs c. Coloss 2. Therfore euen as a virgin knoweth no man so the conscience must not onely be ignorāt of the law but also it must be vtterly dead vnto the law the law likewise vnto the conscience This is not done by any works or by the righteousnes of the law but by faith which apprehendeth and layeth hold vpon Christ notwithstanding sinne cleaueth still in the flesh as touching the effect thereof which oftentimes accuseth troubleth the conscience So long then as the flesh doth remaine so long this Scholemaster the law doth also remaine which many times terrifieth the conscience maketh it heauie by reuealing of sinne threatning of death Yet is it raised vppe again by the daily cōming of Christ who as he came once into the world at the time before appoynted to redeme vs from the hard and sharpe seruitude of our Scholemaster euen so he commeth daily vnto vs spiritually to the ende that we may encrease in faith and in the knowledge of him that the conscience may apprehend him more fully and perfectly from day to day and that the lawe of the flesh and of sinne with the terrour of death and all euils that
which is in deede a most miserable kind of bondage But as the power of the tutours and the subiection and bondage of the litle heire is not continuall but onely endureth vnto the time appoynted of the Father which being ended he needeth not to be gouerned by his tutours nor remaineth vnder their subiection any more but with libertie enioyeth the inheritaunce euen so the lawe hath dominion ouer vs and we are constrained to be seruaunts and captiues vnder his gouernment but not for euer For this clause which foloweth must be added vntill the appoynted time of the Father For Christ which was promised came and redemed vs which were oppressed with the tyrannie of the lawe Contrariwise the comming of Christ profiteth not the careles hypocrites the wicked contemners of God nor the desperate which thinke that nothing else remaineth but the terrours of the lawe which they the rudiments of the world So the Emperours lawes be rudiments of the world for they intreat of worldly matters that is to say of things concerning this present life as of goodes possessions enheritaunces murders adulteries robberies c. Whereof speaketh also the second table of the commaundements As for the Popes Canon lawes and Decretals which forbid mariage and meates those Paule in an other place calleth the doctrines of Deuils which are also rudiments of the world but that they doe most wickedly bind mens consciences to the obseruation of outward things contrary to the word of God and faith Wherfore the law of Moises geueth nothing but worldly things that is to say it doth but onely shew ciuily and spiritually the euils that be in the world Notwithstanding if it be in his true vse it driueth the conscience by his terrours to seeke and thirst after the promise of God and to looke vnto Christ But that thou maist so doe thou hast neede of the aide and assistance of the holy Ghost which may say in thy heart It is not the will of God that after the law hath done his office in thee thou shouldest onely be terrified killed but that when thou art brought by the lawe to the knowledge of thy misery and damnation thou shouldest not despaire but beleue in Christ vvho is the end of the lavve to righteousnes to euery one that beleueth Here is no worldly thing done but here all worldly matters and all lawes cease and heauenly things begin now to appeare Therefore so long as we be vnder the rudiments of the world that is to say vnder the lawe which geueth not onely righteousnes and peace of conscience but reuealeth and increaseth sinnes and engendreth wrath we be seruaunts thrall and subiect to the lawe although we haue the promise of the Blessing to come In deede the law sayth Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God but that I may be able so to do or to apprehēd Christ this can not the lawe geue I speake not this to the ende that the lawe should be despised neither doth Paule so meane but it ought to be had in great estimation But because Paule is here in the matter of Iustificatiō it was necessary that he should speake of the law as of a thing very contemptible and odious For Iustification is a farre other maner of thing then the lawe is We can not speake basely and contemptuously enough of the lawe when we are in this matter When the conscience therefore is in the conflict then should she thinke vppon nothing know nothing at all but Christe onely and alone Then should she remoue the lawe vtterly out of her sight and embrace nothing but the promise concerning Christ To say this it is an easie matter but in time of tentation when the conscience wrestleth in the presence of God to doe it in deede of all things it is the hardest to witte that when the lawe accuseth thee terrifieth thee reuealeth vnto thee thy sinne threatneth to thee the wrath of God eternall death that then I say thou shouldest haue such strēgth of faith in Christ as if there had neuer ben any law or any sinne but only Christ mere grace and redemption or that thou shouldest then be able to say O law I will not heare thee for thou hast a stāmering a slow tounge moreouer the fulnes of time is now come and therefore I am free and wil not suffer thy tyrannie any longer Here a man may see how hard a matter it is to separate the lawe from grace Againe how diuine and heauenly a thing it is to hope here euē against hope and how true this proposition of Paule is that we are iustified by Faith alone Learne here therfore to speake of the law as contēptuously as thou cāst in the matter of Iustificatiō by the example of the Apostle which calleth the lawe the rudiments of the world pernicious traditions the strength of sinne the ministerie of death c. For if thou suffer the lawe to beare rule in thy conscience when thou standest before God wrestling against sinne and death then is the lawe in deede nothing else but a sinke of all euils heresies and blasphemies for it doth nothing but encrease sinne accuse and terrifie the conscience threaten death and set forth God as an angry iudge which reiecteth and condemneth sinners Here therefore if thou be wise banish this stutting and stammering Moises farre from thee with his lawe and in any wise let not his terrours and threatnings moue thee Here let him be vtterly suspected vnto thee as an heretike as an excommunicate and condemned person worse then the Pope and the Deuill him selfe and therfore not to be heard or obeyed in any case But out of the matter of Iustification we ought with Paule to thinke reuerently of the law to commend it highly to call it holy righteous good spirituall and diuine Out of the case of conscience we should make a God of it but in the case of conscience it is a very deuill For in the least temptation that can be it is not able to raise vppe to comfort the conscience but it doth cleane contrary it terrifieth it oppresseth it with heauines and plucketh it from the assurance of righteousnes of life and of all goodnes Herevppon Paule a litle after calleth it vveake beggerly rudiments Wherfore let vs not suffer the lawe in any case to beare rule in our conscience especially seing it cost Christe so great a price to deliuer the conscience from the tyrannie of the lawe For he was made a Curse for vs that he might deliuer vs from the Curse of the lawe Let the godly learne therfore that the law and Christ are two contrary things whereof the one can not abide the other For whē Christ is present the law may in no case rule but must depart out of the conscience and leaue the bed which is so streit that it can not hold two as Esay sayth and geue
all your power to learne so to know to apprehend Christ as Paule hath sette him forth in this place But if besides this natural corruption there come also corrupt and wicked teachers of whom the world is full they will encrease this corruption of nature and so shall the euill be doubled that is to say euill instruction will increase and confirme the pernicious errour of blind reason which naturally iudgeth Christ to be a lawgeuer and printeth that errour so mightely in our mindes that without great trauaile and difficultie it can neuer be abolished Wherefore it is very profitable for vs to haue alwayes before our eyes this sweete and comfortable sentence and such like which set out Christe truely and liuely that in our whole life in all daungers in the confession of our Faith before tyrannes and in the hower of death we may boldly and with a sure confidence say O law thou hast no power ouer me and therefore thou dost accuse and condemne me in vaine For I beleue in Iesus Christ the sonne of God whom the Father sent into the world to redeme vs miserable sinners oppressed with the tyrannie of the law He gaue his life and shed his bloud for me Therfore feeling thy terrours and threatnings O law I plunge my conscience in the woundes bloud death resurrection and victory of my Sauiour Christe Besides him I will see nothing I will heare nothing This Faith is our victory whereby we ouercome the terrours of the lawe sinne death and all euils and yet not without great conflicts And here do the childrē of God which are daily exercised with greuous temptatiōs wrastle sweat in deede For oftentimes it commeth into their minds that Christ wil accuse them plead against them that he will require an accompt of their former life and that he wil cōdemne them They can not assure them selues that he is sent of his Father to redeme vs from the tyrannie and oppression of the law And wherof cometh this They haue not yet fully put of the flesh which rebelleth against the spirite Therefore the terrours of the lawe the feare of death and such like sorrowfull and heauy sightes doe oftentimes retourne which hinder our Faith that it can not apprehend the benefite of Christe who hath redemed vs from the bondage of the lawe with such assurance as it should doe But how or by what meanes hath Christe redemed vs This was the maner of our redemption He vvas made vnder the lavve Christe when he came found vs all captiues vnder gouernours and tutours that is to say shutte vppe and holden in prison vnder the lawe What doth he then Although he be Lord of the lawe and therefore the lawe hath no authoritie or power ouer him for he is the sonne of God yet of his owne accord he maketh him selfe subiect to the law Here the law executeth vpon him all the iurisdiction which it had ouer vs It accuseth and terrifieth vs also it maketh vs subiect to sinne death the wrath of God and with his sentence condemneth vs And this is doth by good right for vve are all sinners and by nature the children of vvrath Contrariwise Christe did no sinne neither vvas there any guile found in his mouth therefore he was not subiect to the lawe Yet notwithstanding the lawe was no lesse cruel against this innocent righteous and blessed Lambe then it was against vs cursed and damned sinners yea much more rigorous For it accused him as a blasphemer and a seditious person it made him giltie before God of the sinnes of the whole world it so terrified and oppressed him with heauines and anguish of spirit that he swette bloud and briefly it condemned him to death yea euen to the death of the crosse This was in deede a wonderful combate where the law being a creature geueth such an assault to his creatour and against all right equitie practiseth his whole tyrannie vpon the Sonne of God which it exercised vpon vs the children of wrath Now therfore because the lawe did so horribly and so cursedly sinne against his God it is accused arraigned There Christ sayth O law thou mightie Queene and cruell Regent of all mankinde what haue I done that thou hast accused me terrified me and condemned me which am innocent Here the lawe which had before condemned and killed all men when it hath nothing wherwith to defend or purge it self is againe so condemned vanquished that it loseth his whole right not onely ouer Christ whom it so cruelly handled and killed but also ouer all them that beleue in him For to those Christe sayth Come vnto me all ye that labour vnder the yoke of the law I could haue ouercome the lawe by my absolute power without mine owne smart for I am Lord of the law and therfore it hath no right ouer me But I haue made my selfe subiect vnto the law for your cause which were vnder the law taking your flesh vpon me that is to say of mine inestimable loue I humbled and yelded my self to the same prison tyrannie and bondage of the lawe vnder the which ye serued as captiues and bondslaues I suffered the law to haue dominion ouer me which was his Lord to terrifie me to make me thrall captiue vnto sinne death the wrath of God which it ought not to haue done Therfore I haue vanquished the law by double right authoritie First as the sonne of God Lord of the law Secondly in your person which is as much as if ye had ouercome the law your selues for my victory is yours After this maner Paule speaketh euery where of this maruelous cōbate betwene Christ the law And to make the matter more delectable more apparant he is wōt to set forth the law by a figure called prosopopoeia as a certain mighty person which had cōdemned killed Christ whom Christ againe ouercomming death had conquered cōdemned killed Ephes 2. Killing enmitie in himself And again chap. 4. out of the Psalme 68. Thou art gone vp on high thou hastled captiuitie captiue c. He vseth the same figure also in his Epistles to the Romaines Corinthians Colossians By sinne he condemned sinne c. Christ therfore by this his victory banished the law out of our cōscience so that now it can no more confoūd vs in the sight of God driue vs to desperation or cōdemne vs In dede it ceaseth not still to reueale our sinne to accuse to terrifie vs but the conscience taking hold of this word of the Apostle Christ hath redemed vs from the lavve is raised vp by faith conceaueth great comfort Moreouer it triumpheth ouer the law with a certaine holy pride saying I care not for thy terrours and threatnings For thou hast crucified the sonne of God this hast thou done most vniustly therfore the sinne that thou hast committed
haue nothing lesse Hereby we may plainly see that the Pope with his doctrine doth nothing else but trouble and torment mens consciences at length driueth them to desperation For he not onely teacheth but also cōmaundeth men to dout Therfore according to the Psalme There is no truth or certaintie in his mouth And in an other place vnder his tōge is iniquitie mischeefe Here we may see what great infirmitie is yet in the Faith of the Godly For if we could be fully perswaded that we are vnder grace that our sinnes are forgeuen that we haue the spirit of Christ that we are the children of God then doubtles we should be ioyfull and thankfull to God for this inestimable gift But because we feele cōtrary motions that is to say feare doutfulnes anguish and heuines of heart such like therfore we can not assure our selues hereof yea our conscience iudgeth it a great presumption and pride to chalenge this glory Wherfore if we will vnderstand this thing rightly and as we should doe we must put it in practise for without experience and practise it can neuer be learned Wherfore let euery man so practise with him selfe that his conscience may be fully assured that he is vnder grace and that his person and his workes doe please god And if he feele in himselfe any wauering or douting let him exercise his Faith and wrastle against this douting and let him endeuour to attaine more certaintie so that he may be able to say I know that I am accepted and that I haue the holy Ghost not for mine owne worthines my worke my merite but for Christes sake who of his inestimable loue towardes vs made him self thrall and subiect to the lawe tooke away the sinnes of the world In him do I beleue If I be a sinner erre he is righteous and can not erre Moreouer I gladly heare read sing wryte of him and I desire nothing more then that his Gospel may be knowne to the whole world and that many may be conuerted vnto him These things doe plainly witnesse that the holy Ghost is present with vs in vs For such things are not wrought in the heart by mans strength nor gotten by his industrie exercise or trauell but are obtained by Christ alone who first maketh vs righteous by the knowledge of him in his holy Gospel and afterwardes he createth a new heart in vs bringeth forth new motions geueth vnto vs that assurance wherby we are perswaded that we please the father for his sake Also he geueth vs a true iudgement whereby we proue trie those things which before we knew not or else altogether despised It behoueth vs therefore to wrastle against this douting that we may daily ouercome it more and more attaine to a full perswasion certainty of Gods fauour towardes vs rooting out of our heartes this cursed opinion that a man ought to dout of the grace fauour of God which hath infected the whole world For if we dout whether we be vnder grace whether we please God for Christes sake or not we deny that Christe hath redemed vs we deny simply all his benefits Ye that are yong mē may easily apprehēd this pure doctrine of the Gospel and abādon this pernicious opinion because ye are not yet poysoned therwith Verse 6. Crying Abba Father Paule might haue sayd God sent the spirite of his sonne into our hearts calling Abba Father Now he sayth not so but crying Abba Father that he might shew and set forth the temptation of a Christian which yet is but weake and weakly beleueth In the .8 to the Rom. he calleth this crying an vnspeakeable groning Likewise he sayeth The spirite helpeth our infirmities For vve knovv not hovve to pray as vve ought but the spirite maketh intercession for vs vvith vnspeakeable gronings c. And this is a singuler consolation when he sayeth here that the spirite of Christ is sent into our hearts crying Abba Father And againe that he helpeth our infirmities making intercession for vs with vnspeakeable gronings He that could assuredly beleue this should neuer be ouercome with any affliction were it neuer so great But there are many things that hinder this Faith in vs First our heart is borne in sinne Moreouer this euill is naturally grafted in vs that we doubt of the good will of God towardes vs and cannot assure our selues that we please God. c. Besides all this the Deuil our aduersarie raūgeth about with terrible rorings and sayeth Thou art a sinner therefore God is angrie with thee and will destroy thee for euer Against these horrible and intolerable rorings we haue nothing whervpon to hold stay our selues but only the word which setteth Christ before vs as a conquerour ouer sinne and death and ouer all euils But to cleaue fast to the word in this tentation and these terrours of conscience herein standeth all the difficultie For then Christe appeareth to no sense We see him not the heart feeleth not his presence or succour in temptation but rather it seemeth that Christ is angrie with vs and that he forsaketh vs Moreouer when a man is tempted and afflicted he feeleth the strength of sinne and the infirmitie of the flesh he douteth he feeleth the flerie dartes of the Deuill the terrours of death the anger and iudgement of god All these things cry out horribly against vs so that we see nothing else but desperation and eternall death But yet in the middest of these terrours of the lawe thundrings of sinne assaultes of death and rorings of the Deuill the holy Ghost sayth Paule cryeth in our hearts Abba Father And this crie surmounteth those mighty and horrible cries of the lawe sinne death the Deuill c it perceth the cloudes and the heauens and ascendeth vp vnto the eares of God. Paule therfore signifieth by these words that there is yet infirmitie in the godly As he doth also in the .8 chap. to the Rom. when he sayeth The spirite helpeth our infirmities For as much therfore as the sense and feeling of the contrary is strong in vs that is to say for as much as we feele more the displeasure of God then his good will and fauour towardes vs therefore the holy Ghost is sent into our heartes which doth not only sigh and make request for vs but mightely crieth Abba Father and praieth for vs according to the wil of God with teares and vnspeakeable gronings And how is this done When we are in terrours and in the conflict of conscience in deede we take hold of Christ and beleue that he is our Sauiour but then doe the law and sinne terrifie and torment vs most of all Moreouer the Deuill assaileth vs with all his engines and fierie darts and goeth about with all his power to plucke Christ from vs and to take from vs all consolations Here we feele our selues almost ouercome and at
as their owne Bookes doe witnes wherof there is yet an infinite nomber Secondly that we may be fully certified that we haue the pure doctrine of the Gospell of which certaintie the Pope can not glory In whose kingdom though all things else were sound and vncorrupt yet this monstrous doctrine of douting of Gods grace and fauour passeth all other monsters And although it be manifest that the enemies of Christes Gospell teach vncertaine things because they commaund that mens consciences should remaine in dout yet notwithstanding they condemne and kill vs as heretikes because we dissent from them and teach those things which are certaine And this they doe with such deuillish rage and crueltie as if they were most assured of their doctrine Let vs therefore geue thankes vnto God that we are deliuered from this monstrous doctrine of douting and can now assure our selues that the holy Ghost crieth and bringeth forth in our heartes vnspeakeable gronings And this is our ankerhold and our foundation The Gospell commaundeth vs to behold not our owne good workes our owne perfection but God the promiser Christ the Mediatour Contrariwise the Pope commaundeth vs to looke not vnto God the promiser nor vnto Christ our high Bishop but vnto our works merites On the one side must nedes folow douting desperation but on that other side assurance of Gods fauour and ioy of the spirit For we cleaue vnto God who can not lie For he sayth Behold I deliuer my Sonne to death that through his bloud he may redeme thee from thy sinnes and from eternall death In this case I can not dout vnlesse I will vtterly deny god And this is the reason that our doctrine is most sure and certaine because it carieth vs out of our selues and from the consideration of our selues to the end that we should not leane to our owne strength to our owne conscience to our owne feeling our owne person and our owne workes but to that which is without vs that is to say the promise and truth of God which can not deceaue vs This the Pope knoweth not and therefore he wickedly imagineth that no man knoweth be he neuer so iust or so wise whether he be worthy of loue or of hatred But if he be iust and wise he knoweth assuredly that he is beloued of God or else he is neither iust nor wise Moreouer this sentence of Salomon speaketh nothing at all of the hatred or fauour of God towardes men but it is a morall sentēce reprouing the ingratitude of men For such is the peruersnes and ingratitude of the world that the better a man deserueth that lesse thāks he shall haue and oftentimes he that should be his most friend shall be his most enemie Contrariwise such as least deserue shall be most estemed So Dauid a holy man and a good King was cast out of his kingdom The Prophetes Christe and his Apostles were slaine To conclude the hystories of all nations witnes that many men well deseruing of their countrey were cast into banishment by their owne Citizens and there liued in great misery and some also shamefully perished in prison Wherefore Salomon in this place speaketh not of the conscience hauing to doe with God and of the fauour and iudgement of God but of the iudgementes and affections of men among them selues As though he would say There are many iust and wise men by whom God worketh much good and geueth peace and quietnes vnto men But so farre of are they from acknowledging the same that oftentimes they requite them againe very ilfauouredly for their well deseruings Therefore although a man doe all things neuer so well yet he knoweth not whether by this his diligence and faithfulnes he deserue the hatred or fauour of men So we at this day when we thought we should haue found fauour among our countreymen the Germains for that we preach vnto them the Gospell of peace life and eternall saluation in stede of fauour we haue found bitter and cruell hatred In deede at the first many were greatly delited with our doctrine and receaued it gladly We supposed that they would haue ben our friends and brethren and that with one consent together with vs they would haue planted and set forth this doctrine to others But now we finde that they are false brethern and our deadly enemies which sow and spread abrode errours false doctrine and that which we teach well and godly they peruert and ouerthrow stirring vp offences in the Churches Whosoeuer therefore doth his duety godly and faithfully in what kinde of life so euer he be and for his well doing receaueth nothing againe but the vnkindnes and hatred of men let him not vexe and torment him selfe therfore but let him say with Christe They hated me vvithout a cause Also For that they should haue loued me they sclaundered me but I did pray The Pope therefore with this deuillish doctrine whereby he commaunded men to dout of the fauour of God towards them tooke away God and all his promises out of the Church buried all the benefites of Christ abolished the whole Gospel These inconueniences do necessarily folow for men doe not leane to the promises of God but to their owne workes and merites Therefore they can not be assured of the good will of God towardes them but must needes dout therof and so at length despaire No man can vnderstand what Gods will is and what pleaseth him but in his word This word assureth vs that God cast away all anger and displeasure which he had conceaued against vs when he gaue his onely begotten sonne for our sinnes c. Wherefore let vs vtterly abandon this deuillish douting wherwith the whole Papacie was poysoned and let vs be fully assured that God is mercifull vnto vs that we please him that he hath a care ouer vs that we haue the holy Ghost which maketh intercession for vs with such crying and groning as can not be expressed Now this is the true crying and groning in deede when a man in tentation calleth vpon God not as a tyranne not as an angry iudge not as a tormēter but as a father although this groning be so soft so secrete that it can scantly be perceaued For in serious tentations and in the time of trial where the conscience wrastleth with the iudgement of God it is wont to call God not a Father but an vniust an angry and cruell tyranne and iudge And this crying which Satan stirreth vp in the heart farre passeth the cry of the spirite and is strongly felt For then it seemeth that God hath forsaken vs and will cast vs downe into hell So the faithful complaine oftētimes in the Psalmes I am cast from the presence of God. Also I am become as a broken vessel c. This is not in deede the groning that crieth Abba Father but the roring of Gods wrath which crieth strongly O cruell iudge O cruel
obtaining the inheritance he is a mere patient and not an agent that is to say not to beget not to labour not to care but to be borne is that which maketh him an heire So we obtaine eternall gifts namely the forgeuenes of sinnes righteousnes the glory of the resurrection and euerlasting life not as agents but as patiēts that is not by doing but by receiuing Nothing here cometh betwene but faith alone apprehendeth the promise offred Like as therfore a sōne in the politike houshold gouernmēt is made an heire by his onely birth so here faith onely maketh vs sonnes of God borne of the word which is the wombe of God wherin we are conceaued caried borne and nourished vp c. By this birth thē we are made new creatures formed by Faith in the word we are made Christians children and heires of God through Iesus Christ Now being heires we are deliuered from death sinne and the Deuill and we haue righteousnes and eternall life But this farre passeth all mans capacitie that he calleth vs heires not of some rich and mighty Prince not of the Emperour not of the world but of God the almighty creatour of all things This our inheritaunce then as Paule sayth in an other place is inestimable And if a man could comprehend the great excellencie of this matter that he is the sonne and heire of God and with a constant Faith beleue the same this man would esteme all the power and riches of all the kingdoms of the world but as filthie donge in comparison of his eternall inheritāce He would abhorre whatsoeuer is high and glorious in the world yea the greater the pompe glory of the world is the more would he hate it To conclude whatsoeuer the world most highly estemeth and magnifieth that should be in his eyes most vile and abhominable For what is all the world with all his power riches and glory in comparison of God whose sonne and heire he is Furthermore he would heartely desire with Paule to be loosed and to be with Christ and nothing could be more welcome vnto him thē speedy death which he would embrace as a most ioyfull peace knowing that it should be the ende of all his miseries and that through it he should attaine to his enheritance c. Yea a man that could perfectly beleue this should not lōg remaine aliue but should be swalowed vp incontinent with excessiue ioy But the law of the members striuing against the law of the minde hindreth Faith in vs and suffereth it not to be perfect Therefore we haue neede of the helpe comfort of the holy Ghost which in our troubles and afflictions may make intercession for vs with vnspeakeable groning as before I haue sayd Sinne yet remaineth in the flesh which oftentimes oppresseth the conscience and so hindreth faith that we can not with ioy perfectly behold desire those eternall riches which God hath geuen vnto vs through Christ Paule himselfe feeling this battell of the flesh against the spirit crieth out O vvretched mā that I am vvho shall deliuer me from this body of death He accuseth his body which notwithstanding it behoued him to loue calling it by an odious name his death As if he would say My body doth more afflict me more greuously vexe me thē death it self For it hīdred in hī also this ioy of spirit He had not alwayes the sweete and ioyfull cogitations of the heauenly inheritaunce to come but he felt oftentimes also great heauines of spirite anguish and terrours Hereby we may plainly see how hard a matter Faith is which is not easily and quickly apprehended as certaine full and lothing spirites dreame which swallow vppe at once all that is contained in the holy Scriptures The great infirmitie which is in the Sainctes and the striuing of the flesh against the spirite do sufficiently witnesse how feeble Faith is in them For a perfect Faith bringeth by and by a perfect contempt and lothing of this present life If we could fully assure our selues and constantly beleue that God is our Father and we his sonnes and heires then should we vtterly contemne this world with all the glory righteousnes wisedom and power with all the royall scepters and crownes and with all the riches and pleasures therof We should not be so carefull for this life we should not be so addicted to the world and worldly things trusting vnto them when we haue them lamenting and despairing when we lose them but we should doe all things with great loue humilitie and patience But we do the contrary for the flesh is yet strong but Faith is feeble and the spirite weake Therfore Paule sayth very well that we haue here in this life but only the first fruites of the spirite and that in the world to come we shall haue the tenthes also Verse 7. Thorough Christe Paule hath Christ alwayes in his mouth he can not forget him For he did well forsee that nothing should be lesse knowen in the world yea among them which should professe themselues to be Christians then Christe and his Gospell Therefore he talketh of him and setteth him before our eyes cōtinually And as often as he speaketh of grace righteousnes the promise adoption inheritance he is alwayes wōt to adde In Christ or thorough Christ couertly impugning the law As if he would say These things come vnto vs neither by the lawe nor by the workes thereof much lesse by our owne strength or by the workes of mens traditions but onely by Christe Vers 8.9 But euen then vvhen ye knevv not God ye did seruice vnto them vvhich by nature vvere no Gods. But novve seing ye knovv God yea rather are knovvn of God hovv turne you againe vnto impotent and beggerly rudiments vvherevnto ye vvill be in bondage againe This is the conclusion of Paules disputation From this place vnto the end of the Epistle he doth not much dispute but onely geueth precepts as touching maners Notwithstanding he first reproueth the Galathians being sore displeased that this diuine and heauenly doctrine should be so suddenly and so easily remoued out of their heartes As if he would say Ye haue teachers which will bring you backe againe into the bondage of the law This did not I but by my doctrine I called you out of darknes of the ignorance of God into a wōderful light and knowledge of him I brought you out of bōdage and set you in the freedom of the sonnes of God not by preaching vnto you the workes of the lawe or the merites of men but the grace and righteousnes of God and the geuing of heauenly eternal blessings through Christ Now seeing this is true why doe ye so soone forsake the light and returne to darknes Why doe ye suffer your selues so easily to be brought from grace vnto the law from freedom to bondage Here againe we see as before I haue sayd that to fall in
famine that the ouerthrowing of common weales kingdoms and countreis that sectes offences and such other infinite euils doe procede altogether of the doctrine of the Gospell Against this great offence we must comfort arme our selues with this sweete cōsolation that the faithfull must beare this name and this title in the world that they are seditious and schismatikes and the authors of innumerable euils And hereof it commeth that our aduersaries thinke they haue a iust cause yea that they doe God high seruice when they hate persecute and kill vs It can not be then but that Ismael must persecute Isaac But Isaac againe persecuteth not Ismael Who so wil not suffer the persecution of Ismael let him not professe himselfe to be a Christian But let our aduersaries which so vehemently amplifie exaggerate these euils at this day tel vs what good thīgs ensued the preaching of the Gospel of Christ and his Apostles Did not the destruction of the kingdom of the Iewes follow was not the Romaine Empire ouerthrowne was not the whole world in an vprore And yet the Gospell was not the cause hereof which Christe and his Apostles preached for the profite and saluation of men and not for their destruction But these things folowed through the fault of the people the nations the Kings Princes who being possessed of the Deuill would not hearkē to the word of grace life and eternall saluation but detested and condemned it as a doctrine most pernicious and hurtfull to religion common weales And that this should so come to passe the holy Ghost foretold by Dauid when he sayeth Psal. 2. VVhy doe the heathen rage and the people murmure in vaine c. Such tumultes and hurly burlies we heare and see at this day The aduersaries lay the fault in our doctrine But the doctrine of grace and peace stirreth not vp these troubles but the people nations kings and Princes of the earth as the Psalme sayeth rage murmure conspire and take counsell not against vs as they thinke nor against our doctrine which they blaspheme as false and seditious but against the Lord and his annoynted Therfore all their counsels and practises are and shall be disappoynted and brought to naught He that dvvelleth in the heauen shall laugh the Lord shall haue them in derision Let thē cry out therfore as long as they list that we raise vp these tumults and seditions notwithstanding this Psalme comforteth vs and saith that they themselues are the authors of these troubles They can not beleue this much lesse can they beleue that it is they which murmure rise vp take coūsell against the Lord his anoynted nay rather they thinke that they maintaine the Lords cause that they defend his glory do him acceptable seruice in persecuting vs but the Psalme lieth not and that shall the ende declare Here we doe nothing but onely suffer as our conscience beareth vs witnesse in the holy Ghost Moreouer the doctrine for the which they raise vp such tumultes and offences is not ours but it is the doctrine of Christe This doctrine we can not deny nor forsake the defence thereof seeing Christ sayth VVhosoeuer shall be ashamed of me and of my vvordes in this adulterous and sinnefull nation of him shal the sonne of man be ashamed vvhen he shall come in his glory and in the glory of the father and of the holy angels He therfore that will preach Christ truely and confesse him to be our righteousnes must be content to heare that he is a pernicious fellow and that he troubleth all things They which haue troubled the world sayd the Iewes of Paul and Silas Acts. 17. are also come vnto vs and haue done contrary to the decrees of Caesar And in the. 24. of the Actes We haue found this pestilent fellow stirring vp sedition among all the Iewes thorow out the whole world and the authour of the Sect of the Nazarites c. In like maner also the Gentiles complaine in the. 16. of the Actes These men trouble our Citie So at this day they accuse Luther to be a troubler of the Papacie and of the Romaine Empire If I would kepe silence then all things should be in peace which the strong man possesseth and the Pope would not persecute me any more But by this meanes the Gospell of Iesus Christe should be blemished defaced If I speake the Pope is troubled and cruelly rageth Either we must lose the Pope an earthly and mortall man or else the immortall God Christ Iesus life and eternall saluation Let the Pope perish then let God be exalted let Christ raigne and triumph for euer Christe himselfe when he foresaw in spirite the great troubles which should folow his preaching cōforted himselfe after this maner I came sayth he to send fire vpon the earth and vvhat vvil I but that it be kindled In like maner we see at this day that great troubles folowe the preaching of the Gospell through the persecution blasphemie of our aduersaries and the ingratitude of the world This matter so greueth vs that oftentimes after the flesh and after the iudgement of reason we thinke it had bene better that the doctrine of the Gospell had not bene published then that after the preaching therof the publike peace should be so troubled But according to the spirite we say boldly with Christe I came to send fire vpon the earth and what will I but that it should now be kindled Now after that this fire is kindled ther folow forthwith great commotions For it is not a King or an Emperour that is thus prouoked but the God of this world which is a most mighty spirite and the Lord of the whole world This weake worde preaching Christ crucified setteth vpon this mightie and terrible aduersarie Behemoth feeling the diuine power of this word stirreth vp all his members shaketh his taile and maketh the depth of the sea to boile like a potte Iob. 41. Hereof come all these tumultes all these furious and cruell rages of the world Wherefore let it not trouble vs that our aduersaries are offended and cry out that there cometh no good by the preaching of the Gospel They are infidels they are blinde and obstinate and therfore it is impossible that they should see any frute of the Gospell But contrariwise we which beleue doe see the inestimable profites and frutes therof although outwardly for a time we be oppressed with infinite euils despised spoiled accused cōdemned as the outcasts and filthy dunge of the whole world and put to death and inwardly afflicted with the feeling of our sinne and vexed with Deuils For we liue in Christe in whom and by whom we are made Kings and Lordes ouer sinne death the flesh the world hel and all euils In whom and by whom also we tread vnder our feete that Dragon and Basiliske which is the King
second is that he which will performe any peece of the lawe is bound to kepe the whole lawe To conclude that Christe profiteth them nothing at all that will be iustified by the lawe Hereby it appeareth that Paule meaneth nothing else but that the lawe is a plaine deniall of Christe Now it is a wonderfull thing that Paule dare affirme that the lawe of Moises which was geuen by God to the people of Israell is a deniall of Christe Why then did God geue it Before the comming of Christe and before his manifestation in the flesh the lawe was necessary For the lawe is our Schoolemaster to bring vs vnto Christe But now that Christe is reuealed in that we beleue in him we are no longer vnder the Scholemaster Hereof we haue spoken largely enough before in the ende of the third Chapter Who so teacheth then that the lawe is necessary to righteousnes teacheth a plaine deniall of Christe and of all his benefites he maketh God a lier yea he maketh the lawe also a lier For the lawe it selfe beareth witnesse of Christe and of the promises made as concerning Christe and hath foretold that he should be a King of grace and not of the lawe Verse 4. Ye are abolished or seperated from Christ vvhosoeuer are iustified by the lavve ye are falne from grace Here Paule expoundeth himselfe and sheweth that he speaketh not simplie of the lawe nor of the worke of circumcision but of the confidence and opinion that men haue to be iustified thereby As if he would say I doe not vtterly condemne the lawe or circumcision for it is lawfull for me to drinke to eate and to kepe companie with the Iewes according to the lawe it is lawfull for me to circumcise Timothie but to seeke to be iustified by the law as if Christe were not yet come or being now present he alone were not able to iustifie this is it which I condemne for this is to be seperated from Christ Therfore sayeth he ye are abolished that is ye are vtterly voide of Christe Christe is not in you he worketh not in you any more Ye are not partakers of the knowledge the spirit the felowship the fauour the libertie the life or the doings of Christe but ye are vtterly seperate from him so that he hath no more to doe with you nor ye with him These wordes of Paule are diligently to be noted that to seeke righteousnes by the lawe is nothing else but to be seperated from Christe and to make him vtterly vnprofitable What can be spoken more mightely against the lawe what can be sette against this thunderbolte Wherfore it is impossible that Christe and the lawe should dwell together in one heart for either the lawe or Christe must geue place But if thou thinke that Christe and the lawe can dwell together then be thou sure that Christe dwelleth not in thy heart but the Deuill in the likenes of Christe accusing and terrifying thee and straitly exacting of thee the law the workes thereof For the true Christe as I sayd before neither calleth thee to a reckening for thy sinnes nor biddeth thee trust to thine owne good workes And the true knowledge of Christe or Faith disputeth not whether thou hast done good workes to righteousnes or euill works to condemnation but simplie concludeth after this sort if thou haue done good workes thou art not therefore iustified or if thou haue done euill workes thou art not therefore condemned I neither take from good workes their praise nor commend euill works But in the matter of iustification I say we must looke how we may hold Christ lest if we seeke to be iustified by the lawe we make him vnprofitable vnto vs For it is Christe alone that iustifieth me both against my euill deedes and without my good deedes If I haue this perswasion of Christe I lay hold of the true Christe But if I thinke that he exacteth the lawe and workes of me to saluation then he becometh vnprofitable vnto me and I am vtterly serated from him These are dreadfull sentences and threatnings against the righteousnes of the law and mans owne righteousnes Moreouer they are also most certaine principles which confirme the article of iustification This is thē a finall conclusion Either thou must forgoe Christ or the righteousnes of the lawe If thou retaine Christ thou art righteous before God but if thou sticke to the lawe Christe auaileth thee nothing thou art bound to kepe the whole law and thou hast now sentence already pronounced against thee Cursed is euery one that fulfilleth not all the things that are vvrytten in this lavv As we haue said of the law so we say also of mens traditions Either the Pope with his religious rout must reiect all those things wherein hetherto he hath put his trust or else Christe shall be vnprofitable to them And hereby we may plainly see how pernicious and pestilent the Popish doctrine hath ben For it hath led men cleane away from Christ and made him altogether vnprofitable God complaineth in the .23 of Ieremie that the Prophets prophesied lies and the dreames of their owne heart to the ende that his people should forget his name Therefore like as the false Prophets leauing the right interpretation of the lawe the true doctrine concerning the Seede of Abraham in whom all the nations of the earth should be blessed preached their owne dreames to the end that the people should forget their God euen so the Papistes hauing darkned and defaced the doctrine of Christ so that they made it of none effect taught and sette forth nothing else but the doctrine of workes whereby they drew the whole world away from Christe Who so earnestly considereth this matter it will make his heart to tremble Verse 4. Ye are fallen from grace That is to say Ye are no longer in the kingdom of grace For like as he that is in a shippe on which side so euer he falleth into the sea is drowned euen so he which is falne from grace must needes perish He therefore that will be iustified by the law is falne into the sea and hath cast himselfe into daunger of eternall death Now if they fall from grace which will be iustified by the morall lawe whether shall they fall I pray you which will be iustified by their owne traditions and vowes Euen to the bottom of hell No forsoth they flie vp into heauen for so they themselues haue taught vs Who so euer liue say they according to the Rule of S. Fraunces Dominicke Benedict or such other the peace and mercy of God is vpon them Againe All they that obserue and keepe chastity obedience c. shal haue euerlasting life But let these toyes goe to the Deuill from whom they came and hearken what Paule teacheth thee here and what Christe teacheth saying He that beleueth in the sonne of God hath euerlasting life but he that beleueth
Also they know that they haue an euerlastīg righteousnes which they wait for through hope as a certaine and sure possession laid vp for them in heauen euen when they feele the horrible terrours of sinne and death Moreouer that they are then Lordes of all things when they are most destitute of all things according to that saying hauing nothing and yet possessing all things This sayeth the Scripture is to conceaue comfort through hope But this cunning is not learned without great and often tentations Verse 6. For in Iesus Christe neither circumcision auaileth any thing neither vncircumcision but Faith vvhich vvorketh by loue That is to say Faith which is not fained nor hypocritical but true and liuely This is that faith which exerciseth requireth good works through loue It is as much to say as He that will be a true Christian in deede or one of Christes kingdom must be a true beleuer Now he beleueth not truely if workes of charitie folow not his Faith. So on both hands as well on the right hand as on the left he shutteth hypocrites out of Christes kingdom On the left hand he shutteth out the Iewes and all such as will worke their owne saluation saying In Christ neither circumcision that is to say no works no seruice no worshipping no kinde of life in the world but faith without any trust in works or merites auaileth before god On the right hand he shutteth out all slouthfull and idle persons which say if faith iustifie without works then let vs worke nothing but let vs onely beleue and doe what we list Not so ye enemies of grace Paule sayeth otherwise And although it be true that onely faith iustifieth yet he speaketh here of Faith in an other respect that is to say that after it hath iustified it is not idle but occupied and exercised in working through loue Paule therfore in this place setteth forth the whole life of a Christian man namely that inwardly it consisteth in faith towards God and outwardly in charitie and good works towardes our neighbour So that a man is a perfect Christ an inwardly through faith before God who hath no neede of our workes and outwardly before men to whom our Faith profiteth nothing but our charitie or our works Therfore when we haue heard or vnderstād of this forme of Christian life to witte that it is faith and charitie as I haue sayd it is not yet declared what Faith or what charitie is for this is an other question For as touching faith or the inward nature force and vse of Faith he hath spoken before Where he shewed that it is our righteousnes or rather our iustification before god Here he ioyneth it with charitie and workes that is to say he speaketh of the externall office thereof which is to stirre vs vp to doe good workes and to bring forth in vs the frutes of charitie to the profite of our neighbour Verse 7. Ye did runne vvell vvho did let you that ye did not obey the truth These are plaine wordes Paule affirmeth that he teacheth them the truth and the selfe same thing that he taught them before and that they ranne well so long as they obeyed the truth that is they beleued and liued rightly but now they did not so since they were misled by the false apostles Moreouer he vseth here a new kinde of speech in calling the Christian life a course or a race For among the Hebrues to runne or to walke signifieth as much as to liue or to be conuersant The teachers doe runne when they teach purely and the hearers or learners doe runne when they receaue the word with ioy and when the frutes of the spirite doe folow Which thing was done as long as Paule was present as he witnessed before in the third and fourth chap. And here he sayeth Ye did runne vvell that is to say all things went forward well and happely among you ye liued very well ye went on the right way to euerlasting life which the word of God promised you c. These wordes Ye did runne vvell containe in them a singuler comfort This tentation oftentimes exerciseth the godly that their life seemeth vnto them to be rather a certaine slow creeping then a running But if they abide in sound doctrine and walke in the spirite lette this nothing trouble them thoughe their doings seeme to goe slowly forward or rather to creepe God iudgeth farre otherwise For that which seemeth vnto vs to be very slow scarsely to creepe runneth swiftly in Gods sight Againe that which is to vs nothing els but sorrow mourning and death is before God ioy mirth true happines Therfore Christ sayth Blessed are ye that mourne vveepe for ye shal receaue cōfort ye shall laugh c. All things shall turne to the best to them which beleue in the sonne of God be it sorrow or be it death it selfe Therefore they be true runners in deede and whatsoeuer they doe it runneth well goeth happely forward by the furtherance of Gods spirite which can not skill of slow procedings Verse 7. VVho did let you that you did not obey the truth They are hindred in this course which fall away from Faith and grace to the lawe and workes as it hapned to the Galathians being misled and seduced by the false apostles whom he couertly reprehendeth with these wordes vvho did let you that ye did not obey the truth In like maner he sayd before in the third Chap. vvho hath bevvitched you that ye should not obey the truth And here Paule sheweth by the way that men are so strongly bewitched with false doctrine that they embrace lies heresies in the sted of the truth and spirituall doctrine And on the other side they say and sweare that the sound doctrine which before they loued is erroneous that their errour is sound doctrine maintaining and defending the same with all their power Euen so the false apostles brought the Galathians which ranne well at the beginning into this opinion to beleue that they erred and went very slowly forward when Paule was their teacher But afterwardes they being seduced by the false apostles and falling cleane away from the truth were so strongly bewitched with their false perswasion that they thought them selues to be in an happie state and that they ranne very well The same hapneth at this day to such as are seduced by the Sectaries and fantasticall spirits Therfore I am wont to say that falling in doctrine cometh not of man but of the Deuil and is most perillous to witte euen from the high heauen to the bottom of hell For they that continue in errour are so farre of from acknowledging their sinne that they maintaine the same to be high righteousnes Wherfore it is vnpossible for them to obtaine pardon Verse 8. It is not the persvvasion of him that calleth you This is a great consolation and a singulare doctrine whereby
imagination the Monkes and Scholemen hadde of their Sainctes as though they hadde bene very senselesse blockes and without all affections The virgine Marie felt great griefe and sorowe of spirite when she missed her sonne Luke 2. Dauid in the Psalmes complaineth that he is almost swalowed vppe with excessiue sorrowe for the greatnes of his temptations and sinnes Paule also complaineth that he hath battelles without and terrours within and that in his flesh he serueth the lawe of sinne He sayeth that he is carefull for all the Churches and that God shewed great mercie towardes him in that he deliuered Epaphroditus being at the poynt of death to life againe lest he should haue had sorrow vppon sorrow Therefore the Sainctes of the Papists are like to the Stoickes who imagined such wise men as in all the world were neuer yet to be found And by this foolish and Deuelish perswasion which proceeded of the ignoraunce of this doctrine of Paule the Scholemen brought both them selues and others without number into horrible desperation When I was a Monke I did oftentimes most hartely wish that I might once be so happy as to see the conuersation and life of some Sainct or holy man But in the meane time I imagined such a Sainct as liued in the wildernes abstaining from meat and drinke and liuing onely with rootes of herbes and colde water and this opinion of those monstrous sainctes I had learned not onely out of the bookes of the Sophisters and Scholemen but also out of the bookes of the fathers For thus wryteth Hierome in a certaine place As touching meates and drinkes I say nothing for as much as it is excesse that euē such as are weake and feeble should vse cold water or eate any sodden thing c. But now in the light of the Gospel we plainly see who they are whom Christ and his Apostles call Saincts Not they which liue a sole a single life or straitly obserue dayes meates apparel such other things or in outward appearance do other great monstrous works as we read of many in the liues of the fathers but they which being called by the sound of the Gospell and baptised doe beleue that they be iustified and clensed by the death of Christ So Paule euery where wryting to Christians calleth them holy the children and heires of God c. Who so euer then doe beleue in Christe whether they be men or women bond or free are all Sainctes not by their owne workes but by the workes of God which they receiue by Faith as his word his Sacraments the passion of Christ his death resurrection victorie and the sending of the holy Ghost To conclude they are Sainctes through such a holines as they freely receaue not through such a holines as they them selues haue gotten by their owne industrie good workes and merites So the ministers of the worde the Magistrates of common weales parents children maisters seruauntes c. are true Saincts if first and before all things they assure themselues that Christ is their wisedom righteousnes sanctification and redemption Secondly if euery one doe his duetie in his vocation according to the rule of Gods word and obey not the flesh but represse the lustes and desires thereof by the spirite Now where as all be not of like strength to resist temptatiōs but many infirmities and offences are seene in the most part of men this nothing hindereth their holines so that their sinnes procede not of an obstinate wilfulnes but onely of frailtie and infirmitie For as I haue sayd before the godly doe feele the desires and lusts of the flesh but they resist them to the ende that they accomplish them not Also if they at any time vnaduisedly fall into sinne yet notwithstāding they obtaine forgeuenes thereof if by Faith in Christe they be raised vppe againe who would not that we should driue away but seeke out and bring whom the straying and lost sheepe c. Therfore God forbid that I should straighte way iudge those which are weake in Faith and maners to be prophane or vnholy if I see that they loue reuerence the word of God to come to the supper of the Lord c. For these God hath receaued counteth them righteous thorough the remissiō of sinnes to him they stand or fall c. Wherefore with great reioysing I geue thankes to God for that he hath abundantly and aboue measure graunted that vnto me which I so earnestly desired of him when I was a Monke For he hath geuen vnto me the grace to see not one but many Sainctes yea an infinite nomber of true sainctes not such as the Sophisters haue deuised but such as Christe himselfe his Apostles doe describe Of the which nomber I assure my selfe to be one For I am baptised and I doe beleue that Christ my Lord by his death hath redemed and deliuered me from all my sinnes and hath geuen to me eternall righteousnes and holines And let him be holden accursed who so euer shall not geue this honour vnto Christe to beleue that by his death his word c. he is iustified and sanctified Wherfore reiecting this foolish and wicked opinion concerning the name of Saincts which in the time of Poperie and ignorance we thought to pertaine onely to the Sainctes which are in heauen and in earth to the Heremites and Monkes which did certaine great and straunge workes let vs now learne by the holy Scripture that all they which faithfully beleue in Christ are Saincts The world hath in great admiration the holines of Benedict Gregorie Bernard Fraunces and such like because it heareth that they haue done in outward appearance and in the iudgement of the world certaine great and excellent workes Doutles Hyllarie Cyrill Athanasius Ambrose Augustine and others were Saincts also which liued not so strait and seuere a life as they did but were conuersant amongs men and did eate common meates drunke wine and vsed clenly and comely apparell so that in a maner there was no difference betwene them other honest men as touching the common custome and the vse of things necessary for this life and yet were they to be preferred farre aboue the other These men taught the doctrine and faith of Christe sincerely purely without any superstition they resisted heretikes they purged the church from innumerable errours their company and familiaritie was comfortable to many and specially to those which were afflicted and heauie harted whom they raised vppe and comforted by the word of god For they did not withdraw them selues from the company of men but they executed their offices euen where most resort of people was Contrariwise the other not onely taught many things contrary to the Faith but also were themselues the authors first inuentours of many superstitions errours abhominable ceremonies and wicked worshippings Therefore except at the houre of death they laid hold of Christe and reposed their whole