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A04920 An answer to a great nomber of blasphemous cauillations written by an Anabaptist, and aduersarie to Gods eternal predestination. And confuted by Iohn Knox, minister of Gods worde in Scotland. Wherein the author so discouereth the craft and falshode of that sect, that the godly knowing that error, may be confirmed in the trueth by the euident Worde of God Knox, John, ca. 1514-1572. 1560 (1560) STC 15060; ESTC S108122 364,871 458

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affirme that gods election in Christ Iesus is so certen ād his eternall purpose to saue his churche is so cōstant that against the faith of gods elect shall not the Portes and gates of hell preuale in the end that neither can lief nor death thinges present nor to com seperat and disseuer vs from the loue of God which is in Christe Iesus That this foundation is stable the Lord knoweth his own and therefor shall euerie one that incalleth the name of the Lord depart from iniquirie for we are not called to vncleannes but vnto sanctification and holynes by the power of that Spirit who raysed from death Iesus the great Pastor of our soules which holie spirit frely by faith which also is the gift of God doeth so reule and reign in our heartes that albeit the flesh lusteth against the spirit yet are we assured of victorie by the onely power of him who hath ouercom the world This is our doctrine faith and professiō But you affirme as after plainely ye write that none is so elected in Christ to lief euerlasting but that he may fall becom a reprobate and finally be condemned and cōtrary waies y t none is so reprobate in gods eternall purpose but that he may becom elect ād so be saued That in God there is neither election nor reprobation but according to mannes disposition so that when men haue good motiōs and be godly disposed God doeth elect thē and write their names in the book of lief but when they chāge and turne to iniquitie he doeth reprobate them and blotteth out their names out of the book of lief Let now all creatures iudge betwext vs and you whether of the two play fast and loose and surmounte iuglers in cūning Frome the third kind of election which ye call most especiall how you be able to proue that the seuentie disciples did so depart from Christe that there was no difference betwext them and the trudging of Iudas as ye terme his horrible treason be iudges your self In the sixt of Iohn we read that many of his disciples left him and fallīg frō him did go with him no more But whether these were the hole seuentie whom he sent to preach or others who for a time did folow him it is not expressed neither yet doeth the text say that all his disciples fell from him but many departed further it appereth to me verie rashe iudgemēt to pronoūce that none that departed from Christe at any tyme in his lief before his death vpon the crosse did at any tyme after return vnto hī but that all such did remain in damnation with Iudas For I fynd that all his Apostles did flie and leaue him and yet we know they were called againe And so also do we fynd were two of the disciples to whom Christ appering betwext Ierusalem and Emaus did first instruct them and after reueled him self vnto thē This I note to giue you occasion to be more circunspect in so weghtie maters Towardes the end of this parte thus ye write of those whome you say haue subiected them selues altogither to the gouernement of their Lord and capteyn they daily obtein such victorie of their ennemies that their war fare is now becom easie and in the hope they haue to subdue by the aid and counsell of their Lord all their ennemies there ioy and comfort is so greate that they esteme all earthlie pleasure which should draw thē back but vaine These wordes augment in me that suspition which before I noted to witt that ye haue a further fetch in this mater then your rude scholers vnderstand at the first to witt that euerie one of you shall becom Christes so perfect ād cleā that in you euen in this lief shall rest no ennemie to be ouercome except death onely and that this is the opiniō of your greatest Angelles I am able to proue by sufficient testimonie I mean by their own hand writinges But how far S. Paul was from that perfection yea euen when he was redie to be offerred in sacrifice for the testimonie of Christe Iesus he eshamed not to confesse thus writing to the Philippians after that he had affirmed that all iustice which before he looked for in the law was becom to him as domage and doung to the end that he might winne Christ and be found in him not hauing his own iustice which was of the law but that which was by the faith of Christ Iesus he addeth Not as thogh I had already atteined to the mark vnderstanding to that iustice which he hoped for either that I am alredy perfect but I folowe if I may comprehend that for whoe 's sake I am comprehended of Christe Iesus Brethren I think not with my self to haue atteined to the mark but one thing I do forgetting that that is behind I endeuore my self to that which is before here the Apostle who had foghten somwhat lōger thē some who now can bragge of an easie battell confessed he was not yet perfect neither yet that he had atteined to that estate that is to the resurrectiō of the dead to the which he daily did contend The other poyson which in these your former wordes I espie and therefor of conscience must admonish my brethren is That ye be proud contemners of the fre graces of God offered to man in Christe Iesus for with the Pelagians and Papistes ye are become teachers of fre will and defenders of your own iustice for how coldly ye speak of Christ Iesus and his power these your wordes may witnes They are in hope say you to subdue their ennemies by the aid counsell of their Lord are you becom so strong and your warfare so easie that the coūsell of your captein is sufficient for you to conquire your ennemies you sodenly did repent that ye had confessed that the aid of your Lord was necessarie for you and therefor to mitigate and extenuate that immediatly ye adde by the coūsell of their Lord. Is this I pray you vnfeanedly to cōfesse that without Christ ye may do nothing that of your selues ye be not able to think one good thoght That it is he that beginneth and to the end performeth the work of our saluation God of his greate mercie and for Christe Iesus his sonnes saik preserue his Church from your pestilent vēnom What ye mean by the historie of Gedeō in the which say you well and duelly vnderstanded be your thre kindes of Election plainelie set furth because ye your self do not expresse I will not deuyne The copie which came to my handes was in that place imperfecte for after the former wordes it had onely written Confyr to the world And because I will not take vpon me to alter any thing in your wordes I leaue them to be corrected by your selues ād your mynd further to be explaned in that point if so it shall seme good vnto you Ye procede saying THE ADVERSARIE
serue the Lord what profit haue we for keping his commandements ▪ Therefore may we● say that the proude are happie a●d that they which deale with vngodlines are set vp Such a sp●rit haue ye car●les libertins as your doctrine wel declareth did not God threaten Adam that in what daye so euer he shoulde eat of the frute he shoulde dye the death not onely corporall but also eternall They which forsake the commandements of God forsake God him self as the Prophetes saye th they are not the Lords for they haue vnfaithfully forsaken him Wherefore Adam when he forsoke God was not the Lords but the seruant of death and sinne to whom soeuer ye commit your selues as seruants to obeye saieth Paul his seruants ye are to whom ye obey whether it be of sinne vnto death or obedience vnto righteousnes And againe if any man haue not the Spirit of Christ the same is none of his and n●ther Adā nor Dauid were led by the spirit of Christ when they sinned for the spirit of Christ dwelleth not insuch as forsake him obey the deuil except Christ saith the Apostel dwel in you ye are cast away then Adā Dauid were cast àwaies that is reprobates whē they sinned for nether were they in Christ nor Christ in thē in whō the electiō of God was is but to what purpose shoulde I thus contēd with you that Adā did f●lle out of the electiō seing in this ye agre not your selues for your cōgregatiō which is a● Gen●ua in the confession of their faith say that of the lost sonnes of Adā God elected som to life and the rest he refused E●her improue their be●efe or els conf●sse with them that all the children of Adam were lost by trāsgression If they were lost ▪ then were they out of the ele●tion with their father ▪ Adam from th● transgression vnto the prom●s was made Therefore saieth Paul damnatio● came of one sinne vnto condemnatiō in an other place like as by Adam all dye euen so by Christ ▪ shal all be made aliue Here doeth the Apostles witnes pla●nely ▪ that we all by Adam do dye S. Iohn saieth h● that beleueth not is alredie condemnedand the wrath of God abideth on him Then were Adam and Dauid and all such workers of i●●quitie for that tym that they si●●ed alredie condemned being void of faith And coulde they be in the ●●ate of cond●mnation election both together ▪ Harken what followeth and ▪ the wrath of God abideth on 〈◊〉 as Adam from the tra●sgression v●to th● promes felt the force of the wrath of God Thus we 〈◊〉 tha● Adam and Dauid and all other 〈◊〉 they sinned ●hey be out of the lou● and fau●r and election of God vnto they repen● and be b●rn● a n●w for otherwis● can they neuer enter int● the kingdome of heauen Again S Iohn saith ye knowe that no mansl●y● are hath et●rn●l lie● abiding in him Dauid was a man kill●r wherefore he had not eter●al lief abiding in him Bu● during the tim● of his wicked●es he was the childe of death as the Prophet Nathan shew●d him Dauid g●uing iudgement against him self ▪ without faith it can not b● that any man should● please God Adam and Dauid when they sinned they were without faith then pleas●d they not God If they pleased him not they displeased him so that they were fallen from the loue and f●uor of God ANSWER Albeit that I perceaue y t ether ignorāce doeth so impede you orels that malice doeth so blynd you y t nether ye wil nor can vnderstand y t which in y e self is most sensible plaine I wil neuer theles yet once againe repete that w c before I haue said to the ēd that we may giue testimonie asw●ll to those y t now liue as vnto y e posteritie to com what doctrine it is w c ye so furiously impugne If ignorance be the cause why thus ye rage against vs ye may be taught if ye list to bestowe your eares to heare your eyes to read heartes to vnderstand for o ● doctrine is not as som of you do complein darke nor obscure except y t it be to those to whom y e Apostle affirmed y t his Euāgill was hid But if that malice w c ye haue cōceaued agaīst the eternal trueth of God doth so blynd you that ye wil not se y e bright son in y e midday there resteth no more to vs but to desire of God ether to remoue this your deuelish malice I write as knoweth God euen frō y e grief of heart orels so to stay brydle it y ● it trooble not his afflicted Church Ye accuse vs as y t we made no differēce betwext vice vertue sinne and iustice nether yet betwext Adā and Dauid as they were elected in Christ Iesus before y e foūdacions of the worlde were laid and betwext Adam transgressing and Dauid committing adulterie and murthe● Ye further seme to charge vs as we should affirme that God hated not sinne nether yet that he respected vice If our short plaine and vnfeined cōfessiō be able to satisfie you in these thre dowtes I haue good hope y t after this ye shall haue no occasion to suspect vs in such causes first before God before his holie Angelles in heauē before his cōgregatiō in earthe we protest acknowledge y t sinne vice and all kind of iniquiti● is and euer hath bene so odious in y e presence of God y t he neuer suffered y e same vnpunished in any of his elect childrē That for y e same not onelie death but also cōmō calamities hath apprehēded all man kynd euē sithēce the first trasgression That vertue iustice and ciuil honestie besydes the iustice of the regenerat children hath so pleased God ▪ that for loue of the same he hath mainteined and to this day doth maintein cōmon welthes albeit that many grieuous crymes be commited in the same As God we say and affirme loueth equitie iustice chastitie trueth mercie and tēperāce so doth he in som sort hieghly reward the same and hateth vnrighteousnes filthie life deceat excesse crueltie and ria●ous liuing which often he punisheth euen in manne● eyes And this difference we say God maketh euen amongest those that be not regenerate nether were euer called to y e true knowledge of saluation And this much briefly for the first secōd and 3. This difference we make betwext Adam and Dauid elected in Christ Iesus and Adam and Dauid transgressing gods holie commādemēt and wil reueled ▪ Adam and Dau●d elected in Christ Iesus before the foundations of the worlde were laid were so loued in the same Lord Iesus their head that when they had most horribly fallen and offended yet did God seke Adam call vpon him gently reason with him and at length conuicting his conscience of his offence did make vnto him that most ioyfull promes of recōciliation of the same loue we say
it proceded that God did send the Prophete Nathā to Dauid the offender that by the fiction of an other person he letteth him se the horror of his sinne that he did first terrifie and beate downe his conscience and after most tenderly did erect and lift it vp from the pitt of desperation All these graces say we proceded frome gods immutable loue which did remaine cōstant both towardes the one and towardes the other euen in the tyme of their greatest vnthank fulnes And that because they nether were beloued nor elected in them selues but in Christ Iesus their head who nether did transgresse nor offend in any iote against the wil of his heauenlie father But Adam and Dauid transgressing and horribly falling from God were so hated in them selues and for their sinnes that first behoued the innocent Sonne of God by his death to make a satisfaction ▪ for their sinnes ▪ as also for the sinnes of all gods children And secondarely we say preache write and maintein that the sinne was so odious before God that his iustice could do none other but inflict vpon Adam and his posteritie● The penaltie of death corporall the punishemētes and plagues which daily we do se apprehend gods children that vpon Dauid he did execute his iust iudgement which in these wordes he pronounced Now therefor y e sworde shall neuer departe from thyne house because thow hast despysed me and taken the wife of vriah the Hittite to be thy wife Thus saieth the lord behold I wil raise vp euill against the oute of thyne own house and I shall take thy wiues before thyne eyes and giue them vnto thy neighbour and he shall lye with thy wyues in the sight of sunne for y u didest it secretely but I shall do this thing before all Israel and before y ● sunne This sentence I say most iustly pronounced was after most sharply and yet most iustly for sinne commited put in ▪ execution And so do we affirm that none of gods children be they neuer so deare shall escaip punishement if contempteously they transgresse I suppose y t this our confession nothing doth offend you except in this one thing y t we affirme that God still loued Adā and Dauid after their sinne before y t his holie Sprit wroght in their heartes any true repentance And yet I wonder why this should offend you seing y t we assigne the cause not to be them selues nether any vertue with in them selues but Christ Iesus in whom they were elected and chosen The signes of gods loue we haue euidētly proued and y ● end and issue did witnes y t gods loue was not mutable If you require scriptures for the probatiō of y e same Behold they are redie if whē we were enemies we were recōciled vnto God by the death of his sone much more we being recōciled shal be saued by his life And a little before in the same chapter Whē we were sinners Christ died for vs c. And y e Apostle Iohn herein appereth the loue of God towardes vs y ● his onelie begotten sonne hath he sent in to the world that we may liue by hym herein is loue not that we loued God but that he loued vs. And hath sent his Sonne in the mercieseat ▪ for our sinnes These are verey plaine and we think that no reasonable man wil denie to Adam and to Dauid that which the holie Gost maketh common to all gods elect children to witt to be beloued of God ▪ euen when they were ennemies dead in sinne drowned in idolatrie and polluted with all filthines as witnesseth the Apostle in these wordes And you when ye were dead by sinne in the which ye somtymes walked according to this worlde accordīg to y ● prince to whom power is the ayre which is the spirit now working in the rebellious children amongest whom we all had somtymes conuersation in the lust●s of our flesh doing those thinges which pleased the fleshe and the mynd and were of nature the sonnes of wrathe like as others But God who is riche in mercie for his own great loue by the which he loued vs euen when we were dead by sinnes marke and if ye be offended complein vpon the holie Gost hath qwickened vs togither with Christ by grace ye are saued and hath raised vs vp togither with him and to gither with him hath caused vs to sit amongest y ● heauenlie by Christ Iesus to shew in y e ages to com his most rich grace in his liberalitie by Christ Iesus God open your eyes that you may se the light and mollifie your heartes that ye may magnifie with gods children his superaboundant loue and mercie bestowed euen vpon the most vnworthie If ye think y t this loue hath onelie place before that man offend you se the holie Gost plainely repugneth to your sentēce for he speaketh to them that had bene polluted defiled with all sinnes If yet ye replie but that was during the tyme of their ignorāce and not after they were illuminated by grace ye haue said nothīg against our confession for we affirme that God loueth sinners being wrapped in death and damnatiō by sinne and y t we haue plainely proued But yet for your satisfactiō and instructiō for I take to record the Lord Iesus y ● I wold bestow my own life to ioyne you fully to Christ Iesue I will procede a litle further with you ▪ Do ye think that the sinne of Dauid touching the nature and qualitie of y e sinne it self was more horrible and odious be fore God then were all the sinnes committed in Ephesus by those to whom the Apostle writeth yea then the ●innes which were done amongest y e hole Gētiles I trust ye will not think it and we clerely see that God loued y ● elect in Ephesus and amongest the Gentiles when they were drouned in all kynd of iniquitie If still ye replie Dauid was vnthankfull who after so many benefites receaued so traterously declined frome God followīg his own appetites and of purposed coūsell murthering his innocent seruant and y ● with great ignominie of God This nether do nether yet euer did we denie but yet as y ● question is other so is not our cōfe●●ion proued fals Albeit Dauid was vnthankfull yea and after Adā most vnthankfull of any of gods children to his daies for herein standeth the doubt whether y ● the vnthankfulnes of gods childrē after they haue once receaued mercie grace and large benefites from gods hands doth so alienat the mynd of God from them that he beareth to them no maner of loue till they turn to him by repentance The contrarie hereof we hold and affirme not fearing to auowe that repentance as it is ioyned with faith which is the fre gift of God so is it the effect of gods cōstant loue toward them and no cause of the same And for the more ample declaration
peruers d●ctryne ●e will infect Christianite with the chief error wherewith the Iewes be delud●d That 〈◊〉 they esteme it a great madnes to say that Christ should suffer death for the offence cōmitted by Adam euen so may I collect of your error-for what nedeth Christ to die for them whom nether Adams transgression ▪ nether their own could make them fall from gods election but now I will more largely dilate this argument Election was afore the world when there was no sinne and the promes of Christ was made sithēse the world was created because of sinne for had not sinne bene we neded no new promes being alredie iust and holie images of God Now if the elect did not fall out of the election by Adās trāsgress●on then nede they no redemer being alredie safe by reason of the electiō in which they were afore sinne ād remaine still in the same Because as you say the elect nether did nor can fall out of the election Then seing the elect be safe and hole they nede no phisition nether came Christ to call the righteous but ●inn●rs wherfor the death of Christ as concerning them is in vain they being safe alredie by election The like argument vseth Paul to the Galathya●s if righteousnes cometh by the Law then Christ died in vaine if the elect ▪ be st●ll in the fauor of God what nede they of Christ to reconcile them to the father in whose fauore they are alredie Now as touching the other sorte whom ye call reprobates you say they cā by no maner of meanes be saued yea that Christ died not for them then was Chistes death altogither in Vaine ▪ for his death you say belongeth not to the reprobate and the elect haue no nede of it Is not this godlie gere ANSWER In dilating your argument by the which ye go about to proue y t Christes preciouse death was surperfluouse and vaine if the elect did not fall from their election this reason ye vse Election was afore the world whē there was no sinne and the promes of Christ was made sithence the world was created becaus of sinne for had not sinne bene we ned●d no newe promes being alredie iust and holie ●mages of God Now if the elect say you did not fall out of the election by Adams transgression then nede they no r●demer being alredie saue by reason of the election in the which they were afore sinne and remaine still in the same c ▪ In this argument ye commit two fowle faultes The first ye take that for a thing true ād cōfessed which is fals and therefore by vs alwaies denied for thus ye reason man was elected before the worlde was created but man sinned aftre the world was created Ergo man fel from his election we still denie the conclusion and do affirme that as we were elected in Christ Iesus before all times so did the elect euer remain● in Christ. and therfore after that they had sinned it behoued that the promes shoulde be declared that by the same the elect might receaue comfort and be assured of their election Your second fault more declareth youre grosse ignorance in the mysterie of our redemption for from election ye streight waies leap to glorificacion and saluation obseruing nether middes nor meanes which gods wisdome hath appointed and determined to go betwext Trew it is God hath elected in Christ to life euerlasting his chosen childrē But how Sainct Paul yea the hole scriptures wheresoeuer mention is made of our election ioyneth therewith the death and blood of Christ. for none otherwies were we elected in him but that he shoulde sustein the punishement for our transgression And that we shoulde receaue life which we had lost in Adam and in our selues by the meanes of his death and resurrection therefore where ye reason if the elect did not fall oute of the Election by Adams transgressiō thē nede they no redemer being alredie saued by reason of their election the cōclusion is fals and the reason vaine for the elect haue nede of a redemer not because that they did fal out of election but by reason that they did fal from iustice to sinne frō obediēce to dissobediēce therefore nede they a redemer a phisicion ād one to giue thē life because y t they being elect in gods eternal counsel are yet fallen into bondage into mortal sicknes death by their own trāsgression If ye can proue y t the elect did not sinne that they are no● sicke then might ye haue concluded that they neded no redemer nor phisition And so ye might haue proceded in your argument vpon the wordes of the Apostle saing that if righteousnes cometh by the law then Christ died in vaine but seing that all gods childrē are fallen in to sinne the bondage and miserie wherof they in this lief cōtinually fele how iustly ye may conclude that becaus they remained in gods election and so consequently in his fauor by Christ that therefor they neded no redemer let the indifferent reader iudge If it seme strāge to you that God loued sinners in Christ besides the places that are afore alledged for probation of that part heare what the veritie it self pronounceth So God loued the world saieth our master that his onelie begotten Sonne hath he giuen whom soeuer ye shall vnderstand vnder the name of the world ye can not s●clude sinners from it where ye most vnreuerently ask what then nede they of Christ to recōcile them I answer with greater feare and reuerence then alas you declare euen such nede they haue of Christ as the bodie hath of the soule or yet the liuing mā of holsome nuriture yea much more for albeit the bodie haue lief by the meanes of meat and drink yet haue the elect nether lief nor reconciliation but by Christ Iesus yea and that by the meanes of his deathe and passion by the which iust payment and satisfaction is made to gods iustice for their sinnes And so are they reconciled who by nature are the enemies to God We do not denie but that Christes death is sufficient for to redeme the sinnes of the hole world but because all do not receaue it with faith which is the fre gift of God giuen to the chosen children therefor abyde th● vnfaithfull in iust condemnation God remitt vnto you if his good pleasure be aswell your vnreuerent conclusion as your most vniust accusation in which ye burden vs that we will infect the Christianitie with the chief error with the which the Iewes are infected who esteme it a great madnes to say that Christ should suffer death for the sinnes and offences committed by Adam Assuredly I do more then wōder that such impietie shal be found in any creature indewed with reason but I remitt iudgemēt to God Thus you procede THE ADVERSARIE The Apostle saieth God hath frome the begining chosē you to saluatiō through sanctifiyng of the the spirit
eternall connsell of God That first he wold create the heauen the earth the masse being rude hauing darknes vpon the great depthe thereafter that he wold make light putting diuision betwene the light the darknes and so forth as Moises hath declared the ordre obserued in the creatiō And as those things were somtime secret but now are manifest reueled and knowen so likewies was the falle of mā and the redemption which commeth by Christ Iesus somtime secrete in the eternall counsell of God but nowe is most manifestly preached and declared by Christ Iesus and by his holie Apostles for nowe we know that God so loued the world that his onelie beloued Sonne hath he giuen that so many as do beleue in him shall haue the life euerlasting Which life was euen before all times in Christ Iesus euen as we were elected in him before the foundations of the world were laid And therefor I doubt not to affirme but that the fall of mā and the remedie for y e same was not onelie forsene but also before determined and the frute which of the same should ensue cōcluded and appointed in gods eternall counsell before that euer Adam was created the reason and probation hereof we haue before declared to be the issue of all things as we are taugh by gods manifest word yea by most euident experience for who nedeth nowe to doubt that it was gods eternall counsell that man should fall from that perfecte image in which he was created and so become subiect to the death to the end that the faithfull might receaue perfection iustice and life in Christ Iesus alone seing that scripture so manifestly affirmeth that we were elected in Christ Iesus before the foundations of the worlde were laid that God hath wrapped all nations in disobediēce that he might haue mercie vpon all vpon all I say which refuse not the remedie frō all begining prepared which is Christe Iesus as y e Apostle witnesseth saying in him by him areal things created he is before al things al things consist or abide by him and he is the head of the bodie of the Churche who is the beginning the first begotten of the dead that in all things he may hold the preeminēce for it hath pleased the father that all fulnes should dwell in him ▪ and to reconcile by him al things to him self This counsell I say was not temporal as taken and deuised after the fall of man but it was eternall as the same Apostle witnesseth in these words God hath called vs by an holie vocation not according to our works but according to his purpose and grace which was giuen to vs by Iesus Christ before eternall times but is nowe made manifest by the appering of our sauiour Iesus Christ. But mark well that the Apostle saieth that grace was giuen to the faithfull by Christ Iesus from the eternitie of times which thus to Titus he doth confirme saying Paule the seruant of God and an Apostl● of Iesus Christ according to the faith of gods electe and the knowledge of the veritie which is according to godlines in the hope of eternall life which he hath promised which is God that cā not lie before the world began and hath opened his worde at y e tyme appointed through preaching c. And the same saieth Peter speaking of our redemption by Christes pretious blood who certeinly was preordinate sayeth he before that y e world was made but was manifested in the last times Hauing these I say most euidēt scriptures to assure our conscience that redemption remission of our sinnes grace and recōciliation were appointed for vs yea and were giuen vnto vs before all times what nede we to doubt what was the counsell of God in mans creation or what was his secret will in giuing to him the commādement of not eating the frute and therefor you do not onely folishly but also iniuriously in thus raling vpon vs what strange and monsterous doctrine is this to say things be secrete and vnsecret knowen and vnknowene reueled and vnreueled as man should say hearing is not hearing and light is not light No such absurditie cā iustly be gathered vpō our doctrine for simply we say y t thīgs somtimes kepte secrete in y e counsell of God and vnknowen to the sonnes of mē were after disclosed and made manifest to the world in so much that light expelled darcknes from the heartes of the sonnes of light and knowledge remoued ignorance from those that were appointed to life If these things do not satisfie you yet my good hope is that y e godlie reader shall perceaue that most vniustly you accuse vs as if in our doctrine were plaine contradiction And yet as touching the secrete will of God we moreouer affirme that our eternal election in Christ Iesus our temporall falling in Adam our restitution to life by the promes made are not secret but manifestly reueled But why that so it pleased his infinite wisdome and goodnes to dispose and before ordeine the mysterie of our saluation that first we should beare the image of the earthlie and carnall Adam before that we should beare the image of the heauenlie and spirituall that first we shuld be all wrapped in sinne and by reason thereof in miserie death before that we should be perfecte iust and come to felicitie and life euerlasting ād finally why y t it pleased his Maiestie to choose some ād of this same masse to reiecte others we say is not reueled neither yet shal be reueled before y t Christ Iesus appere in his glorie whē the bookes shal be opened and all secretes shal be disclosed To speake the mater so simply as I can that ye haue no occasion to complein of obscuritie I say that gods will in these subsequētes and in many others his wōderous workes is secret first why did not God more sodēly creat y e world why gaue he to Adam no greater strenght why did he permitt him to falle why he did not prouide mannes redemption by some other meanes thē by the cruell and ignominious death of his owne sonne why did he choose the sede of Abraham to be his people refusing and reiecting as it were the rest of the world And finally why that God wold that his dear sonne should die in Ierusalem called his owne Citie by reason of the temple and sacrifices appointed why I say that God by the figures of the law and by his Prophetes had before spoken that the Messias should suffer in that citie ād that the builders who then onely in earthe were reputed knowen to be the Church of God should reiect and refuse the chief corner stone Christ Iesus In these and others the wonderous workes of God which so far excede the reach of our vnderstanding that more able they are to quenche and swallow vp all light which remaineth in vs then is y e great depth of the sea to deuoure
earth and that also he hath reueled vnto vs so much as is profitable for vs to knowe ether yet necessarie for our saluacion for the which we praise his eternal goodnes and infinit wisdom do affirme further as before we haue said that such as stād not content with that which is reueled but arrogātly list to moūt vp to search the secretes of gods counsel shal be beatē downe againe by the brightnes of his glorie to eternal confusion in a iust recompence of their presumpteous boldnes And thus much with you we wil willingly cōfesse but where vpon certen questions you make such conclusions as pleaseth you we cannot but accuse in yon that vnreuerent yea deuelish boldenes and pride which in all men we condemne But let vs heare your own wordes Can you proue thereby that God hath two willes or is that which is not reueled contrarie to that which is reueled then shoulde there be cōtrarietie in God which is false if God in respect of his reueled will wold not that Adam should fall but in respect of his secret will he wolde Adam shoulde fall Then did God will two contraries which is impossible These be your wordes and seuerall reasons most blasphemously spoken not against vs but against gods eternall wisdome against vs I say ye cannot speak them for no such doctrine haue we euer taught for we most constantly affirme that the secret wil of God and his will reueled is alwaies one which is the manifestation and declaratiō of his own glorie althogh it seme diuers in y e instrumentes as before I haue most manifestly dec●ared and thus most iustly might I send you to debate your cause with him whose iustice wisdom cannot be subiect to the vanitie of your reason But yet because no small part of this cōtrouersie betwext you vs consisteth in this that you can admit no will in God the reason and cause whereof ye cannot see perceaue nor vnderstand and affirming the contrarie say that of gods secret will can nether man nor Angell perceaue assigne or vnderstand any other reason or cause but his holie will onelie and therefore with all reuerence do they stoupe and couering their eyes crie iust and righteous art thou oh Lord in all thy workes holie holie holie Lord God of armies The vniuersall earth is replenished with the glorie of his Maiestie Because I say a great part of our controuersie standeth in this point I wil go through your questions and seuerally answer to euerie one first you aske if God haue two willes by reason that he hath a secret will and a reueled wil. I answere that as God in his eternal God head is simple and one so is his will in respecte of him selfe from all beginning simple and one which is the declaration of his owne glorie But because the instrumentes in which gods glorie is and must be for euer manifested and knowen be diuers therefor hath gods will w c in him selfe is one diuers considerations effectes endes in respect of the diuers instrumentes for example God will the vessels of his mercies to be extolled to the glorie of the kingdome with Christ Iesus but he will the vesselles of wrath to be adiudged to the fire inquenchable prepared for the deuill all his Angelles Who doth not see but in respecte of these diuers instrumēts the will of God hath diuers respectes and diuers endes and iustly may be called two willes or a dooble will for it is one will to saue and an other will to condemne as touching the instrumentes creatures saued or condemned But in respecte of God the wil is one and simple which is as before is said the manifestation of his glorie which no lesse shyneth in the iust punishmēt of the one sort then in the mercifull deliuerance of the other And this much for the first Secōdly ye ask if y t w c is not reueled be cōtrary to that w c is reueled To the w c I answere as before that in respecte of God there is no cōtrarietie betwext y e will reueled and the will vnreueled But yet may the creatures to whome God doeth notifie his will by commandement rebuke or exhortation apprehend vnderstand one thing and yet it may be that God in his eternall counsell hath determined the expresse contrarie if this to you at the first sight seme strange yet my good hope is that examples in the scriptures proposed shall make the mater sensible ynough to the godlie and sobre reader What do we think that Dauid did apprehend of that most sharp and vehement rebuke giuen vnto him by Nathan thē Prophete in the name of God No dowt that he was the sonne of death that God wold break the league and couenant with him as he had done to Saule his predicessor But was it therfor the eternall purpose of God that so it should be The end and issue declareth the contrarie Ezechias receaued the very sentence of present death from the mouthe of the Prophet Isaiah who no doute came not with message at all aduenture but at the expresse commandement of God for so he affirmeth sayinge Thus saieth the lord put ordre to thy house for thou shalt die and shalt not liue But was not therefor the cōtrarie to witt that he should afterward liue fiftene yeres determined in the immutable coūsell of God The same might I declare by many other exhortations commandementes but with one I wil stād contented which shall adde light to the former Abraham was commanded by God to take his sonne Isaak whome he loued his onelie sonne in whome the promes stode and to go to the mounteine which God wold appoint there to offer him in sacrifice What will of God did Abraham apprehend in this commandement during the iourney of thre dayes God him selfe beareth recorde that Abraham did so vnderstand gods will that his owne hād was stretched out to kill his sonne yea that in his heart he had killed him for so saith the Angell because thou hast donne this and hast not spared thy onelie sonne I shall blesse the. but whether had God in his eternall counsell de●ermined that Abrahā should kill his sonne as Abraham did vnderstand by his will reueled who so euer dare so affirme maketh God subiecte to mutabilitie and denieth him to be God whose wisdome knowledge purpose and coūselles be stable and appointed from all eternitie if with reuerēce the causes hereof be searched inquired y e holie Gost will answer y t good it was to Dauid thus to be humbled that profitable it was not onely to Ezechias but also to the hole Church of God after him to cōme to the knowledge of his infirmitie and of the agonye battel which he susteined fighting as it were agaīst gods iudge mētes That by Abrahams great obediēce be we all instructed to obey God in all things which he cōmādeth and to subiecte not onely our lustes and
you wold affirme y t gods good wil pleasure may change and y t is to deny his Godhead But I will burden you no further then ye shall plainely confesse I onely put you in minde that y e holy Gost vseth no such phrase You procede saing Nether is it his pleasure ād will that ether phara● Semei or any other should sinne and come to destruction Before we haue confessed y t iniquitie and sinne is so odious before God y t in it can his goodnes neuer delyte nether yet can he haue pleasure in the destruction of any creature hauing respect to y e punishment onely But seing y t gods glorie must nedes shyne in all his creatures yea euen in y e perpetuall damnation of sathan torment of the reprobate why shal not he wil and take pleasure y t so it come to passe Albeit your phrenetique braines can not comprehend y e brightnes therof yet wil he one day declare y t al his workes are wroght in iustice wisedom and equitie I thinke you will not deny but that pharao Semei Iudas and others came to destruction like as in the end shall all reprobate do Then do I aske if God at no time for no purpose respect nor end did so will how then came their destruction to passe By sinne say you that we denie not but yet the questiō is not answered For continually we demand if in God there was not power ether to haue impeded their sinne or yet after their sinne to haue called them to repentance if it had so pleased his eternal wisedom and goodnes Consider your foly and giue glorie to God who doth what so euer he will in heauen and in earth But now to that which foloweth For he will the death of no creature but will all men to be saued and to come to the knowledge of the trueth How violētly you wrest the wordes of the Prophet and of the Apostle shall shortly appere after I haue reasoned a litle with you how these your propositions do agree with that which goeth before Ye haue affirmed that God is ready to mercie and slow to wrath in which wordes you ●hew and cofesse that in the God head there is readines to ●hew mercy and also that there is a iustice w c must execute wrath vpō the disobedient And so in the nature of y e God head ye cofesse mercy ad iustice But here you say that God will the death of no creature but that he will all men to be saued which last wordes being vnderstand as ye do vrge them must destroy the former nature of God take awaye his iustice For if he absolutely will the death of no creature then will he no punishment to folowe sinne And if he will no punishmēt then willeth he his iustice to cease and so cōsequently must one of the properties of his godlie nature cease Studie for an answere to make your former wordes and latter wordes better agree orels ye wil be compelled to cōfesse that God for som respect willeth both death and damnation to come vpon some creatures Further if God willeth all men to be saued and to come to the knowledge of the trueth and yet many do per●sh in ignorāce and shal be condemned as Christ Iesus doth pronounce then must it ether folow that gods will is mutable and so he vnconstant and not at all times like to him self or els that he is not omnipotent For if God at the first creation of man wold all men to be saued as ye alledge then wold I know when this will was changed After that man had offended say you Then yet haue I obteined that in gods will there was mutabilitie For after sinne he wold and by his sentence pronounced that Adam and his posteritie should suffer the corporall death yea and that the sede of the serpent should haue the head broken downe by the which is ment the spirituall death which nether of both as you affirme did God will before If you reply gods will towardes the saluation of all mankind did remaine the same after sinne which was before for a generall promes of deliuerance was made by the womans sede that was promised I haue before plainely proued that difference most manifest betwext y ● two sedes was made in that promes But admitting that the promes had bene generall so that the will of God this day remaineth the same which ye alledge it to be to witt that he willeth y e death of no sinner but that he willeth al men to be saued Can you deny but that a separation and diuision of the shepe from the goates of the elect from the reprobate shal be made at the glorious commīg of y e Lord Iesus Shall not these most ioyfull wordes be said vnto thē y t shall stand vpon the right hand Come ye the blessed of my father possesse the kingdome which was prepared for you from the beginning And shall not this most fearefull sentence be pronounced and executed against the other Depart ye cursed go to the fire prepared for the deuill and for his angels Shall the Sonne of God in pronouncing sentēce do any thing that day repugning to the will of his heauenly Father I think you will not so affirme Then if gods will in the day of iudgement shal be that many shal be adiudged to tormēt perpetual and his will in the creation of man was and this day yet remaineth that all men shal be saued then of necessitie it doth folow that gods will shall change If you say that death and damnation cometh not by gods will but by the sinne and vnbelief of man you haue releued your self nothing for if death be one thing and life be an other damnation one thing and saluation an other Thē if God this day will all men to be saued and so to haue life and yet that day he shall will many to be damned to torment perpetuall what causes so euer you alledge I shall obteine one of two to witte that ether gods will is and may be mutable orels that there is a power superior to his maiestie and godly will For if willingly he shall damne those whom before he wold and had determined to saue then is his will and determination changed And if he shall damne those vnwillingly whō willingly he wold haue saued then is he not omnipotent Consider now vpon whom falleth the snowe and who do cast them selues in greatest absurdities Now it resteth to declare how violently ye wrest the wordes of the Prophet of the Apostle The Prophete speaking in the personne of God saith I will not the death of a sinner but rather that he conuert and liue And the Apostle affirmeth that God will all men to be saued and to come to the knowledge of the trueth Hereupon ye conclude God will the death of no creature this is your first violence which you do to the text For the Prophet
God onelie made the difference betwext Iacob and Esau. An answer The place of Hoseas by the Anabaptistes wrested is restored to the natural meanyng Qui● contrariorum eadem e●● ratio The twētie one section Rom. 9. The p●●ce of ●●●ren●● To proue this may be adduced the 31. Chap. of Ieremie Isaiah 45 God doeth̄ Wrong to none of his creatures how soeuer he maketh them Answer Another place of Ieremy explained What S. Paul meaneth by vessels of honor and dishonor The 22 section Rom. 11. God continew you i● this confession To the. 2. To the. 3 ▪ Ezec. 11. 4 To the 5. The 23 ▪ section Answer Libr. de aeterna Dei praede stinatione The purpose of god in mannes fall Enchi ad Lauren. cap. 1 Thre maner wayes doeth God work in his creatures An exāple takē by Iob. A similitude of the son 20 Cor. 3 ▪ Philip. 2 Except we be regenerat by supernaturall grace we cā neither thīk will nor do any thing that good is The libertines An earnest request that the magistrate wol de trie the accusation of the aduersarie The secōde accusation Answer 〈◊〉 the 2. acc●sation What h●rrible bl●sphemies were also vomited against S. Paules doctrine How impudēt bla●ph●mers the adue●saries be ▪ The reply of the Aduersarie Answer to the replie of the aduersarie Aboue that which we are cōmanded by God we oght not to enquyre Whē the question is of our duetie no man may be inquisitiue of gods secrete prouidence The affirmation of Anabaptistes Answer Theodore Eeza is propositiōs against Castalio Answer to the. 7. 8. Psalm 135 The twētie foure Section The seuēth argument Exod. 11. None of these phrasis be lyke if they bewayed Osee. 8 Ierem. 13 Ierem. 15. 9 Answer 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 Painfull passions fall not in God The place of Paul explaned Thre causes why God suffereth the wicked reprobate Exod. 14 Isaiah 37 Daniel 5. Answere Answer to the 2. 3. Answer to the furious question of the aduersarie Answer to the. 4. Answer to the 5. 6 Ezod 11 Leuit. 18 20 The anabaptistes do plainly corrupt y e scriptures of God Ierem. 15 Answert● the. 6 Answer to the 8. To the 9. The first chap. of Isaiah declareth the place of Ieremie wrested by the aduersaries Ierem. 15. The 25. section The eight argument The place of S. Luke in the actes 13. chap. Iohn 10. To the 2. To the 3 To the 4 The 26 section Reade the answer to the 27. Section The 27 section answer to the first The doctrine of th●se that defend Gods ete●nall Predesti●ation The god lie life death of a great nomber in our daies proueth the aduersaeries to be most impudent liers To the ● The aduersaries make no consci+̄ce to be presen● at the masse Anabaptist●s wold haue all things comone What maketh the citie of Geneua odious to the world Anabap●istes w●ld han● 〈◊〉 punished ▪ To the ● Geneua was sore vexed because they wold not suffer sin unpunished The aduersaries are malicious sclāderers of the tru●th answer to the ● accusation answer to the 3. 4. 5. 6 Luke 23 To the 6 To the 7 This impr●ueth the opinion of that sect that say that they for their pure lyfe are heard w●●n soeuer they praye The aduersarie iustifieth the cruell murthering of Thom. Crāmer Nicolas Ridley c ▪ Pro. 17 Num. 16 1. King 23. An argument that proueth th● aduersaries to be like blasphemers as was Seruetus Leu. 24. 〈…〉 1. 〈…〉 The blasphem●us ●rrors of Serue 〈◊〉 These be the detestable errors o● Ioha● of Ken● The adu●rs●ri●● looke also ●o be Christes at l●̄gth The pr●s●n● err●r of the Anabaptistes To tha● which resteth in the 7 To the 6 question answered by a question Le● 32 How anabaptist ●●sabuse the name of cōscience Shifting of anabaptistes A●swe● to th● shifting 2. King 2● D●● 13. To t●e 6 Consci●●ce must ●estayed vpō god● word● The 28. section Malac. 2. Ose ● Answer to the ● 2. 3. Our confession touhing sinne T●●ching v●rtue and iustice ●●uil 〈◊〉 and i● whom God loueth sin●ers euē when ●hey haue off●n●ed How ●dious is sin in g●ds pr●sence ● Sam. 12 Rom. 5 ▪ Ephe. ● The vnspea●kable lo●● of God towardes his elect ●epli● 〈◊〉 Faith repentāce are the eff●ct●s of gods lo●e which he beare●h to his elect in Chri●● lesus Dauids offence cōpared with Peters d●niall of Christ Luk ●2 God can not hate such as Christ praieth for Mala. 2. To the 3 To the 4 Th● sunne is not blamed becaus the carion stinketh Rom. 6 To the 5 ▪ ● I●a ● What it is to committ sinne The meaning of the place alleged 1. Iohn 3 To the. 5. To the. 6. Os● 6. How ●his worde Adā in 6. cha of ●seas ogh● to be vnderstand To the● Iob 21 Mal●● 3 To the 8 9. ●0 How Adā and Dauid wer● neuer repr●bates 2. Cor ▪ 1● The pl●ce of th● 13. chap. 2. Corin. declared To the 11 It beh●ued all men to dye in Adam To the 12. Iohn To the 13 ▪ 14. 15 16. The lacke of faith in all persōs d●●th not so displease God that he vtterly reie●teth thē The 29. section To the 1. 2 Why the elect haue nede of a redemer To the 3 To the 4 The 30. section Hebr. 1● He●r 6 2. Cor. 6 2. Per. 2 Iacob 5 ● Tim. ● Iesa 5 lere ● Isa. 14 The anabaptistes holde that the elect may fall from their election Iohn 6 Iohn 10 To the 1 2 3 2. The 2 He●r 10. It is impossible that christe should lese any of the mēbr●● of his bodie To the 4 5 6 The aduersarie plai●th the fol●sh ●●●hister Rom. ● To the 7 8. 9. 10. Gods t●lentes in the very repr●bate do profit g●●s Church 2. Cor. 6 The pla●● of the 2. chap. of Peter ● 1. I●●n 2. To the 11. 12. 13 Isaiah 5 Ierem. 2 To the 14 Hoseas 11 Isai. 44 Isaiab 48. Isaiab 51. Isai. 54. Isaia 60 Isa. 62 Isaia 61 How God di● choose Israel again The 31 secti● Apocal. 2 2. Pet. 3. Apo. 3 Apoc. 7 2. Pet. 3 To the 1. quid v● let locus ex parte negans Apoc. 7. Apocal. 13 Apocal. 14 Apocal. 17 To the 2. 3. 4. 5 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. how exhortatiō threatnings cōsolations and the doctrine of r●pentance oght to be vsed Act. 15 An obiection of the Anabaptiste A●bread is necessary to the bodie so is gods worde to the soule 1 Cor. 2. 2 Cor. 7. The elect haue great profit by the preaching of gods worde How the aduersaries abuse Gods word in making fals conclusions vpon many places thereof To the 11. 12. 13 14. 15. The 32 section 1 ●or 10 2. King 23 Ierem. 2 Ezec. 18 To the 1 To the 2 3. Answere Election is in one of two sortes taken in the scriptures Rom. 9. Rom. 9. 11 faith is altog●ther ●he work of God and no part of mans worke 1. Petr.
that of nature we were all the sonnes of wraeth If ye alledge that the apostle speaketh in that place of man as he is corrupted in Adame and so iustly depriued from gods fauor then I demand of you if man doth yet stād in Adame which if ye confesse the holie spirit shall conuict you of alie For by the mouth of the Apostle he affirmed that by one mā sinne entred in to the world ād by the meanes of sinne death came vpon all men so that in the first man Adame who fell frome his puritie haue we neither loue iustice nor life but y e cōtraries to wit hatred sinne ād dea●h But God as he had chosen his elect before all beginning in Christe Iesus his Sonne so hath he placed these giftes in the second Adam alone ▪ that of his fulnes we may all receaue euen grace for grace And thus ye may easely perceaue how vane be your arguments which you iudged most strong Your first drawen from nature and naturall inclination proueth nothing becaus that God who is alwaies fre can not be subiect to the lawes of nature Albeit that for our weaknes he some tymes vseth similitudes taken from nature Your second is like vaine seing that neither Adam him self did stand in his perfection neither is any of his corrupted sede as he is the sō of Adam borne in that cōdition ād dignitie But cōtrarie wise we must refuse fleshe and blood nature and our first Adā if euer we shall be partakers of life This onely were sufficient to confute bothe your vnreasonable reasons But that here after ye shall haue no accasion to complain of obscurite neither yet that we relent in any parte I will first simply propose what we teach and beleue and there after by gods grace euidently proue the same You make the loue of God common to all men and that do we constantly deny and say that before all beginning God hath loued his elect in Christ Iesus his Sonne and that frome the same eternitie he hath reprobate others whom for most iust causes in the tyme appointed to his iudgement he shall adiuge to tormentes and fier inextinguible Here you stomak and storme here ye crie blasphemie and here you say that we affirme that which can not be proued by gods scriptures How sure is the probation of the former part let the indifferent reader iudge by that which is all ready spoken Let vs now come to the second And that ye shall not think that I shall more depend vpon argumentes and reason then vpon scripture I will begin with scripture and let argumentes and reason serue onely in stede of hande maides which shall not command but obey scripture pronounced by the voyce of God After that by rebellion man was spoiled of all graces and that the contrarie vices had taken place and possession in the heartes of bothe these miserable creatures of Adam I mean and of the woman God pronoūced this sentēce agaīst the serpēt Because thow hast done this cursed art thow amōgst all the beastes of the earth I shall establish enemitie betwext the ād that womā betwext thy sede and her sede That sede shall break downe thy head and thow shalt break doune his hele As I suppose no man wil be so impudent as to deny that this is the voice of God pronouncing and promising that he will stablish and put a battel where none was appering to be for sathan before had obteined such victorie and so had vanquished bothe the woman and Adam that they could neuer haue resisted that seruitude by them selues And therefor doth he disclose the bowelles of his mercie and doth communicat with them that counsell which was secrete with him selfe before all begining And if ye demande How can it be proued that this was his eternall counsell I answer because that he in whom there is no changeing nor variablenes hath now pronounced it and whether this reason be sufficient or not in answering to your obiection we shall after consider Now resteth it onely to be obserued whether it was the will of God or not to make a difference betwext man and man Plaine it is that before his face as touching the first birth there standeth but one lompe or masse as saint Paul termeth it and yet from the same are two sedes appointed to spring which are the two churches The elect conteined vnder the sede of the woman and the reprobate or malignant church comprehended vnder the name of the serpentes sede To the one is promised victorie to the other is denounced by the irreuocable sentence of God the ▪ broosing of the head which is destruction and confusion I think ye will not say that he was constreined ther to by any force exterior as we speake seing he is the eternall which changeth not euer abiding Lord ouer all creatures who may and doth performe what so euer he will in heauen and in earth Then of necessitie it must folowe that this battell is appointed by his will And that do the wordes plainely beare For he saieth not I know that there shall be a battell or I will suffer and permitt as you vse to interprete such places a battel to be but he plainely saieth I will put and stablish the battel and enemitie declaring thereby that as he was the force strengthe and the conductor to the sede of the woman so wolde he most assuredly giue victorie to the same Which thing S. Augustine diligently did note and godly admonished Affirming that our condition in Christe Iesus is now better and more sure then before was the condition of Adam in his own fre will For that that he had non other strength but that which might be and was ouercome But we haue the strength that is inuincible because it is the power of the eternall This one place I say doeth most euidently proue that God willingly maketh a difference betwext man and man appointing to the one sorte victorie and lief to the other subiection and death But yet ye reply this can not be proued to be the eternall coūsell of God for it is pronoūced in respect of the faith workes and obedience of the one and in respect of the infidelitie vicious liuing and inobedience of the other Your obiection which here I now intreat that after I be the les troubled hath two membres the former will I now touche abiding better oportunitie for the other Where ye alledge that this can not be proued to haue bene the eternall counsell of God becaus it was pronounced in tyme your reason appereth and is more then foolish For what is he that agaīst he plain scripture of God will affirme this reason The kingdome of heauen s●albe giuen in the end of the world to the elect of God therefor it was not prepared to them before the beginning Doth not I say the plaine voice of Christ condemne this vaine reason Or if I should
Now what greater crueltie tyrannie and oppressiō can be then to creat the most parte of the world to euerlasting damnation so that by no maner of mean they can escaip and auoid the cruell decre and sentence against thē Seing the Philosopher Plato iudged them vnworthie to liue and to be suffered in any commō welth which spake euill of God what oght our iudgements to be of such men which haue so wicked and opinion of God what so euer our iudgement be of them and what so euer their deseruing be let vs labore rather to win them then to lose them But forasmuch as he which toucheth pitche is in danger to be defiled there with Therefor oght we to walk warely with such men that we be not defyled and infected of them Specially seing that now a daies this horrible doctrine doeth freate euen as the disease of a cankar which infecte from one membre to an other vntill it hath occupied the hole bodie without it be cut away euen so this error hath alredie infected from one to an other a greate nombre The lord grante them the true meaning and vnderstanding of his worde whereby they may be healed and the sicknes cut of the membre being saued ANSWER Becaus that in all this your long discourse ye more shew your malice which vniustly against vs ye haue conceaued then y t either ye oppugne our beleif either yet promote your fals opinion I will not spend the tyme to recompence your dispite Onely this I will offer in the name of all may brethren that if you be able in presence of a lawfull iudge and magistrate euidently to cōuict vs y t either we speak euill of God either yet y t by our writinges preaching or reasoning it iustly can be proued that our opinion is euill of his eternall maiestie power wisdom and goodnes that then we refuse not to suffer the same punishment which you by the auctoritie of Plato iudge vs worthy of Yea we further offer our selues willingly to vnderlie the verey death which God by his law hath appointed to all blasphemers prouided that you refuse not to vnderlie the same penaltie if falsly ye accuse vs. What is your studies to win vs and whether our doctrine be horrible error or not I do not now dispute Thus you reason THE ADVERSARIE God created man a verey good thing and dare you say that God ordeined a verey good thing to destruction Then God deliteth in the destruction of that which is verie good Man at his creation was a iust and innocent creature ▪ for afore the transgre●sion there was no euill neither in Adam nor in vs and think you that God ordeined his iust and innocent creatures to condemnation what greater tyrannie and vnrighteousnes can the most wicked man in the world yea the deuil him self do then to condemne the innocent and iust person Hereby may we se that these careles man by more abominable then the Athei which beleue there is no God But these affirme God to be as bad as the deuil yea and worse for asmuch as the deuil can onely tempt a man to death but he can compell none to fall vnto cōdemnation but God may not onely tempt but also compell ●y his eternall decre the most part of the world to damnation And hath so done as they say ▪ so that of necessitie and onely because it was his pleasure and will then must God be worse then the deuil For the deuil onely tempted men to fall but God compelleth them to fall by his immutable decre Oh horrible blasphemie ANSVVER Becaus that before plainely and simply I haue declared our iudgement of gods eternall election and most iust reprobation in all these your dispitefull arguments I will onely shew your malice ignorance and proude vanitie This is your argument God created man a verie good thing therefor he did not ordein him to destructiō your reason is for that is contrarie to his iustice to ordein a good thing to destructiō I answere if ye be able to proue that man stoode in the same goodnes perfectiō and innocētie he ād his posteritie whome so hieghly ye praise in the which he was first created then will I confesse your argument to be good But if man albeit he was created good did yet willingly make him self euill how can it be contrarie to the iustice of God to appoint punishmēt for transgression which he did not onely fore se by an idle speculation or yet suffre and permitt against his omnipotent will but in his eternall counsell for the manifestatiō of his own glory had decreed the same Against which albeit ye cry horrible blasphemie till your braines drop out yet haue we Moises Exod. 9. Isaiah 6. Salomon and Paul to absolue vs from your cruell sentēce For they do affirme that God hath created all thinges for his own glorie and the wicked to the day of destruction that he raised vp Pharao that his power might be shewen furth in him that he blindeth the eis and hardeneth the heartes of some so that they can neither heare nor se that they may conuert That God hath prepared bothe vessels of mercie and vessels of wraith which places albit som of them seme not to appertein to the creation yet if they be iustly weyed it shall euidently appere that the hardnes of mennes heartes their blindnes and stubborn malice are not onely punishments of sinne but also are the effects of reprobation like as faith obedience and other vertues be the fre giftes of God geuen in Christ Iesus to those whom he hath elected in him But yet to your argument which thus ye amplifie do ye think that God ordeined his iust and innocent creatures to damnation what greater tyrannie and vnrighteousnes can the most wicked man in the earth yea the deuil him self do then to cōdemne a iust ād an innocent person I answer as before that your argument is nought worthe For you conclude more then ye be able to proue of your two former propositiōs which be those God created man a verie good thing Trew it is and God reprobated mā and shall also condēne him whō he created good I grant also Therefor he damned the good thing which he created or that thing which is verie good I deny the conclusion For before demnation there cometh a change in man so that he of verie good became extreme euill and so gods iust iudgements found nothing but that which is euill to condemne You forme your reason as that God had so created mā good that he by no meanes after could be made euill which last part is fals and so you are deceaued If ye cānot se iust causes why God should make that thing verie good which after should becom exttreme euill accuse your own blindnes and desire of God to repres in you that presumption and pryde which against the eternall Sonne of God you haue conceaued and so your eyes
the deuill which did manifestly ganesay gods reueled will And therefor do we affirme that neither was the purpose nor counsell of God any cause of sinne but we say with the Apostle that by one man did sinne enter into the world The cause whereof was the malice of the deuill and that fre consent of man to rebelliō whose will was neither inforced neither yet by any violence of gods purpose compelled to consent but he of fre will and redie mynd left God ād ioyned with the deuil Conuict vs now if ye can that we make gods absolute ordinance which maner of speaking I say we abhorre to be the principall cause of sinne Albeit that ye wold be sene subtill in adding your ▪ Logicall termes Causa causae ād Causa causata yet doeth your similitude which ye bring furth for demonstration of your purpose declare that either ye haue not learned orels that ye haue forgottē the chief and principall point of right reasoning which all reasonable men confesse to be rightly to diuide For if ye can not diuide betwext the will of God working all thinges for his own glorie ād the operation of creatures be they Son Moone sterres rayn or dew who can work nothing but as God hath appointed I will not folow you as a God We say not that gods ordinance is the cause of reprobation but we affirme that the iust causes of reprobation are hid in the eternall counsell of God and knowen to his godlie wisdō alone but the causes of sinne of death and damnation are euident and manifestly declared to vs in the scriptures to witt mānes fre will consenting to the deceiuable persuasiō of the deuill wilfull sinne and volūtarie rebellion by which entred death into this world the cōtempt of graces and gods mercies offered with the heaping vp of sinne vpon sinne till damnation iustly came These causes I say of sinne death and damnation are plainely noted vnto vs in gods holie scriptures But why it pleased God to shew merice to som and deny the same to others becaus the iudgementes of God are a deuoring depthe we enter not in reasoning with him but with all humilitie render thankes to his Maiestie for the grace and mercie which we doubt not but of his fre grace we haue receaued in Christ Iesus our onely head When you shall further charge vs that we make God autor of euill we haue good hope plainely to conuict your vennemous tongues of a most malicious lie Now to your wordes THE ADVERSARIE The Lord reasoneth with the inobedient Israelites which did forsake him saing O my people what haue I done vnto the or wherein haue I hurt the giue me answer If the Israelites had ben so well learned as you they might haue answered Lord thow hast preordinate us by thy immutable decre to fall away frome the so that of necessitie we must perish in this hast thow hurt vs with an vncurable wounde ANSWER How so euer we be learned if ye betimes repent not your vnreuerēt skoffing ād iesting at gods eternal predestination ye shall learn in experience that the immutable decre of God is most iust by the which y e fyre which neuer shall be quenched is prepared for the deuill and his angels and for all such as with trembling do not fear his godlie Maiestie and with sobrietie do not contemplat his iudgementes incomprehensible And thus I leaue your blasphemous boldnes to be repressed by the power of him whose iudgementes you mocke THE ADVERSARIE Now I intend with the helpe of God to answer to the arguments which they that be intangled with this error vse to alledge for the proof thereof leauing such as be ▪ but vaine and ingender rather contention then edefying answering to such as some most weghtie collected of certen places of the scriptures wherby it may be thoght that they may be deceaued beseching the gentill reader to wey the mater with an indifferent balance and first heare before thow refuse and God willing thow shalt not repent the of thy labor but forasmuch as the autor ād maīteners of this error do often make mention of election whereby they wold cloke their absurditeis I will first declare how election is taken in the scriptures thre maner of waies that is generally specially and most specially of all first we be all chosen and created in Christe Iesu as Paule witnesseth to the Ephesians in the first and second chapter and conforme to this election he lightned all them that cam into the world and calleth all men to repentance bothe greate and small riche and poore Iew and gētil male and female of all estates without respect of any person And all that be thirstie he calleth to come to the water of lief Secondly he commandeth them which com at the first calling to renounce father ād mother wief and childe with all other earthlie thinges yea and them selues also This is the secounde election where there departed an innumerable multitude which will not forsaik such thinges but for their own lustes Here departed Cayn with the monstrouse Giātes cruell tyrants and bloodie hypocrites and all persecuters which shed innocent bloode here departed Epicurus with all his bellie gods among which was the riche glotton which dispised Lazarus there departed Sardanapalus accompanied with venus and all that be drowned in the lustes of the fleshe Among which was Herodias There departed Cresus with many rich welthie persons among which was the rich yong man of whom we read in the Gospell that with a sorie countenance he departed frō Christe There departed Tarquinius the proude with such as be puft vp with the Pompe glorie of this world Among which was Herode● of whom we read in the Actes of the Apostles that for his pryde he was striken of God and eaten of lyse There departed Demetrius the siluer smithe with such as will not forsak● their filthie lucre Amongest which were the maister and mastres of the damsell possessed with a spirit that prophecied There departed a hole band of Stoikes with their destinie plaing fastor loose and that of necessitie which passeth all iuglers coming Among them are all such as defend that of mere necessitie a few nōber must be saued and of mere necessitie all the rest of the world must be condemned Who so abideth this seconde election and calling Christ commandeth them to take vp their crosse and folow him And thus to continue to the end this is the third and last election of which saieth the Lord I haue chosen the in the fire of tribulation here the seuentie disciples departed for they can not abyde this hard saing here doeth Iudas trudge they which remayn suffer greate assaultes in so much that som tyme they turn there backes to their enemies as the Apostles did when Christ was taken and there do worthie soldiours stagger stumble and fall as Peter when he denied his master and swore he knew him not And Thomas
compell it by any violence but did vse it as an ordinarie mean by the which his eternall counsell and purpose should take effect but for the better vnderstanding hereof we must aduerte and note that which before we haue towched and promised after more largely to entreat the same to witt that gods prescience and foreknowledge is not to be seperated from his will and decre For none otherwies doeth God foresee things to com to passe but according as he him self hath in his eternall counsell decreed the● same● for as it apperteineth to his wisdome to foreknow and foresee all things that are to come so doeth it appertein to his power to moderate and reule all things according to his own will neither yet herefor doeth it folow that his fore knowledge prescie●ce will or power doeth take away the fre will of his creatures but in all wisdom and iustice how euer the contrarie appere to our corrupted iudgements he vseth them as best it pleaseth his wisdom to bring to passe in time that which before all tyme he had decreed To the which purpose and end they I mean the creatures and their willes what so euer they purpose to the contrarie or how ignorantly that euer they worke it neuertheles do volontarely and as it were of a naturall motion incline and bow to that end to the which they are created To make the mater more plaine let vs take the creation and fall of Adam with the creatures that serued in the same for example For what cheif end did God create all thinges of Salomon and Paule we haue before declared to witt for his own glorie to be shewed the glorie I say of the riches of his mercie towardes the vessels of mercie and the glorie of his iustice and most iust iudgements towardes the vessels of wraith And that this eternall counsell of God should take effect as he had purposed mā was created righteous wise iust and good hauing fre will nother subiect to the thraldom of sinne nor of sathan at the first creatiō but sodanly cometh sathan ennemie to God and to mā his good creature and first powred in vennom into the heart of the woman which afterward she powreth into the heart of Adame to the which bothe the one and the other without all violēce vsed of gods part doeth willingly consent and so conspiring with the serpent do accuse God of a lie do fully consent to vendicat or challenge to them selues the power of the God head of minde a●nd purpose so far as in them lay to thrust downe and depose him from his eternall throne Here we se how the creatures and their willes without compulsion do serue gods purpose and counsell for sathan was neither sent nor commanded of God to tempt man but of malice and hatred did most willingly and gredely runne to the same the will of man being fre before was not by God violently compelled to obey sathan but man of fre will did consent to sathan and conspire against God And yet was the fall of man not onely foresene and fore knowen of God but also before decreed for the manifestation of his glorie Let vs yet take an other exemple that the mater may be more euident The death of Christe Iesus for mans redemption was decreed in the eternall counsell of God before the foundations of the world were laid as we were elected in him and as he was the lambe killed from the beginning which death also was decreed in the same counsell of God to be in a certein time appointed And that so certenly that neither could the malice of any creature preuent the houre appointed of God thereto neither yet could any policie or chance impede or transferre the same to any other tyme. For how oft Christ was afore assaulted the Euangelistes do witnes But alwaies his answere was my houre is not yet come And what impedimentes did occure immediatly before his death is also euidēt The feast of Easter was instant the fame of Christ was great the fauor of the people with publick voices was declared and the counsels of the hie priestes and seniors had decreed that to auoid sedition his death should be delayed till after that feast But all these were shortly ouerthrowen and Christ did suffer in the verey tyme appointed as he before had forespoken But now to the instrumentes which serue in this mater and whether they were compelled by God or not Iudas we know was not one of the least and what moued him the holie Gost doeth witnes to witt his auariciousnes The scribes Phariseis Priestes and Seniors and people led som of malice and enuie some to gratifie their ruelers and altogether of set purpose to crucifie Christ do consent with Iudas Pilate albeit he long refused and by diuers meanes studied to delyuer Christ yet in the end for fear of displeasure as ●well of the priestes and people as of the Emperor he willingly without all compulsion of gods part pronounced an vniust sentence of deathe against Christ Iesus which his soldiours also most willīgly did execute This I say we se that the creatures and their willes without all compulsion do serue gods counsell and purpose Here I know that ye thīk that either I write against my self orels that I conclude a great absurditie for if I say that God did nothing but foresee these thinges and so permitted them as after you speak to folow their own train that he worketh no more but as a simple beholder of a tragedie then do I aggre with you and if I do say as in verey dede I do vnderstand and affirme that the eternall counsell and purpose of God did so reule in all these thinges that rather they did serue to gods purpose and most iust will then fulfill their most wicked willes then will you cry blasphemie and say that I deliuer the deuill Adam and all the wicked frome sinne of the which I make God to be author To the first I haue answered before that as I seperate not gods foreknowledge from his counsell so do I affirme that he worketh all in all thinges according to the purpose of the same his good will and yet that he vseth no violence neither in compelling his creatures neither constreining their willes by any externall force neither yet taking their willes from them but in all wisdom and iustice vsing them as he knoweth most expedient for the manifestation of his glorie without any violence I say done to their willes For violence is done to the will of a creature when it willeth one thing and yet by force by tyranny or by a greater power it is compelled to do the thinges which it wold not as if a pudique ād honest matron or chaste virgine should be deprehended alone by a wicked and filthie man who with violence and force thoghe the will of the woman did plainely repine did deflowre and corrupte her This is violence done to will and she
of necessitie was compelled to suffer that ignominie and shame which neuertheles she most abhorred Do we say that God did or doeth any such violence to his creatures Did he compell sathan to tempt the woman when his will was contrarie thereto Did the will of Adame resist the temptation of the woman and did he so hate and abhorre to eate of that fruite that it behoued God to compell his will repugni●g thereto to eat of it and so to break his commandements or did he not rather willingly hear and obey the voice of his wyfe Cōsider I besech you how plainely we put difference betwext violence which you call mere necessitie and gods secrete coūsell and eternall purpose But yet ye crie wherein thē did mā offend who can resist the will of God why doeth he complein seing that his counsell and purpose by such meanes is broght to passe Do ye not vnderstand that these were the furious cries of those to whom saint Paul imposeth silence with this sentence O man what art thow that darest reason agaīst God c. But lest that ye complein as your commō custom is of our obscur●tie and dark speaking I will euē in one or two wordes declare why the creatures offend euen when they serue most effectually to gods purpose To witt becaus that they neither haue the glorie of God in their actions before their eies neither yet mynd they to serue nor obey gods purpose and wil. Sathan in tempting man studied nothing to promote gods glorie Man in obeyīg the tēptatiō looked not to y e coūsell of God Iudas Ananias Pilate the soldiours and the rest had nothing les in mind then mannes redemption to be perfourmed by their coūsells and wicked workes And therefor of gods iustice were they euerie one reputed sinners yea and som of them reprobated for euer if these reasons do not satisfie you yet shall they be a test●monie what is our doctrin and as I trust shall also be a reasonable contentation to the godlie and simple reader More wold I haue spoke● in the same mater and so to haue put end vnto it at once but becaus that after by the reason of your most vniust accusations I wil be compelled to haue to do with you againe I abyde opportunitie Now to your reasons Mannes will I say in the self remained fre notwithstanding that God in his eternall counsell had decreed his fall and that becaus no violēce as before is declared was done vnto it The will of our master and Sauiour Christ Iesus notwithstanding the immutable decre of his death appointed to be at a certein time was so fre that albeit the power of nature might haue giuen vnto him mo yeares of lief and also that the humaine nature did abhorre the cruell and ignominious death yet did he subiect bothe his will and the power of nature vnto the will of his heauenlie Father as he doeth witnes saing Not that I will father but let that be done which thow willest Wonder it is that ye can not se how gods will can remaine in libertie except that he abyde in suspence or dowte and so daily and hourely change his purpose and counsell as occasion is offered vnto him by men and by their actions If this be to make God bounde and to take frome him libertie to affirme that as he is infinit in wisdom infinit in goodnes infinit in iustice and infinit in power so doeth he most constantly most frely most iustlie and most wisly bring that to passe which in his eternall coūsell he hath determined If this I say be to take from God fredom wisdome and libertie as ye do rayle I must confes my self a transgressor But if your cogitatiōs and foolishe conclusions of his eternal God head be as alas to manifestly ye declare your selues so prophane so carnal and so wicked that long you abiding in the same can not escaip gods iust vengeance Repent before that in his anger he arrest ād declare that your iustice ●wher of so much ye bragge is manifest blasphemie against his dear Sonne Christ Iesus God the father of our Lord Iesus Christ preserue his small flock from your pestilēt vennom ād most dangerous heresies and stoppe your blasphemous mowthes that thus dare ieaste vpon God as if he were one of your companiōs sayeng Then is he a goodly wyse God Then is God bounde him self c. THE ADVERSARIE The thirde argument gather they vpon that which is written to the Romanes the ninthe chapter afore the children were borne that the purpose of God by election nught 〈◊〉 it was said the elder shall serue the yonger● as it is written Iacob haue I loued but Esau haue I hated for the true vnderstanding of this scripture we must know first that these wordes The elder shall s●rue the yonger are not spoken of Iacob and Esau for as concerning the flesh Esau did neuer serue Iacob but they are spoken of two nations which were to com of them as the Lord said to R●becca Not two men but two nations are in thy bellie and these words afore the children were born are not to be referred to the sentence which foloweth Iacob haue I loued but Esau haue I ●ated for there was no such thing spoken afore their birthe as thow may plainely se in Genesis but that was spoken many yeres after by the Prophete Malachie Not of Iacob and Esau but of two nations of the Israelites ād Edomites as the Prophete Malachie expou●deth which we may well vnderstand of the true Church and of the maligna●t churche if that had bene spoken afore their birthe then had the Lord not said Iacob I haue loued and Esau I haue hated in the preterit tence but Iacob shall I loue and Esau shall I hate in the future tence As in the other sentence he saieth the elder shall serue the yonger and not the elder hath serued the yonger Now the Lord loued Iacob of his own bountefull goodnes and fregrace Esau he hated because of his wickednes for the Lord abhorred al wicked doers As Moses saieth it is not for thy righteousnes sake or for thy right heart that thow goest to possesse their land but for the wickednes of these nations the Lord thy God doet● cast them owt before the euen to perfourm the word which the Lord thy God swore vnto thy fathers Abraham Isaak and Iacob Here we se how that the Isra●lites receaue the la●d of p●omes not for their own righteousnes saik but onely by the bountesull goodnes of God Againe the Cananites are cast owt of the same lād not becaus it was gods pleasure or that he delyted in their fall but for their abominatiōs which they co●mitted agaīst God so that y t Iacob is belo●ed it cometh of the fre grace and goodnes of Go● and that Esau is hated it cometh of his own euill deseruing conforme to the saing of the Lord Thy destruction O Israell is of
what difference there is betwext the cause and the effect Election in which I include the fre grace and fauor of God is the fountaine frome which springeth faith and faith is the mother of all good workes But what foolishnes were it therefor to reason My workes are the cause of my faith and my faith is the cause of my election Thus gently I put you in mynd with greater reuerēce and circūspection to interpret ād applie the sacred word of God Thus ye procede THE ADVERSARIE Their fourth argument Hath not the potter power ouer the clay euen of the same lompe to make one vessel vnto honor ād an other vnto di●honor of this they inferre that God hath ordeined and made som to saluation and som to destruction and damnation But for the more perfect vnderstanding of this place afore thow go any further reade the xviii chapter of leremie and thows●alt perceaue this to be the meanīg As the Potter hath the clay in his hand so hath God all men in his power and as the potter breaketh the vessell wherin is found an incurable faulte so God destroieth the man in whom there is found obstinate wickednes which can not be amended It is not the meaning of this place that God without any iust cause doeth make any man to destruction for as the Potter maketh no vessel to breake yet not withstanding he may but he will not lose both his clay and his labor but onely breaketh such as will not frame to be good notwithstāding he made them to be good As euerie good artificer wold his work were good so God created no man to lose him but onely loseth them which will not be good whom he created to be good as the Lord saieth I planted the a noble vyne ā● a good roote whose sede is all faithfull how art thow then turned into bitter vnfrutefull and strange grapes God wold all men were good and that all men should be saued forasmuch as he is good himself and all that he maketh is good But as the Potter maketh of the same clay som vessels to serue at the table som in the kitchen or in the priuey so God hath som men to be in the bodie of Christ as eies eares and hands as Princes Prophetes Apostles som to be as fete and other secrete partes as laborers and other of the inferior sorte for whom he hath not bes●towed so many and so excellent gyftes yet mus●t thow vnderstand that it is not all one thing to be made to be broken and to be made to vnhonestvses Euerie vessel which is e●ill is broken whether it be made to honest or dishonest vses yea thogh it were made of gold And as it appereth plainely in Ieremie where the Lord saieth so thogh Conias the son of Ioacim King of I●da were the signet of my right hand yet will I pluk him of ād therafter this mā Conias ●halbe lyke an image robbed and torne in peces hath a mā any thi●g appointed for a more honest vse the● his signet yet seest thow that if it becom noght it shall be broken distroied Againe euerie good vessell whether it be made to honest or di●honest vses it is kept and not broken As●e the Potter and he shall answer the ihat he will be lothe to break any vessell but if any chance to be naught he sheweth his power in breaking of it Ask the husbond man and he shall answere the that he planted no frute tre to be barren but if it chance to be barren he cutteth it doune and plāteth an other in stede of it Ask the Magistrate ād be shall answer the that it is not his will to kill any of his subiectes for he wold that they were all good but if any becom a theif and murtherer he sheweth his power euē ouer him in killing him Euen so saieth God I will not the death of the sinner but rather that he conuerte and liue I will not that any man be euill and therefor I forbyd all euil but if any man contrarie to my commandement and will of his own fre chose and mynd refufe the good which he might haue accepted and doeth the euill which he might haue left vndone then do I shewe my power ouer him in that I ca●t him away like the shardes of a naughtie Pott which serue●h to no good vse ANSWER Why for the more perfect vnderstanding of Paules mynd any man should rather read the wordes of Ieremie writrē in the xviii chapter of his prophecie then the wordes written in xlviii chapter of the Prophete Isaiah I se no iust cause for plaine it is that the Prophete Ieremi● in that place hath no respect to gods eternall Election he disputeth not why God hath appointed in his eternall coūsell ●om to lief and some to death but reteineth him self within the limites and boundes of the mater which the● he intreated Which was to assure the Iewes that God wold eie●● them from that same land which to Abraham he had promised and had giuen to his posteritie and yet wold he preserue the● to be a people such as he thoght good This doctrin was strange and to many incredible for it appereth to repugne to gods promes who had pronoūced that to Abraha● ād his sede he wold giue y t lād for euer Much trooble ad cōtradiction as may be sene did y e Prophet suffer for the teaching and affirming this former doctrine And therefor it pleased the mercie and wisdom of God by dyuers meanes to strengthen and confirme him in the same Amōgest w c this was one V t cōmanding hī to go downe to a potters house he promised to speak w t him there That is to giue vnto hī further knowledge and reuelatiō of his will who when he cam found the potter as is writē making a clay pott vpon his rote● and turning whele which Pot in his presence did break but the Potter immediatly gathering vp the Pot sherdes did fashion and for me it a new and made it a nother vessell euen as best pleased him And thē came the worde of y e Lord vpō y e Prophete saing may I not do vnto you ô house of Israel euen as this Potter doeth Behold ye are in my hand ô house of Israel● euen ●as the clay ●is in the hand of the Potter By which fact sene and wordes after heard was the Prophet more confirmed in that which before he had taught To witt that God for iust causes wold destroy ad break downe the estate and policie of that common welthe and yet neuertheles wold repair and build it vp againe to such an estate as best pleased his wisdome as the sequele did declare for that great multitude corrupt with sin he hrak downe dispersing and scattering them amongest diuerse nations and yet after he did collect gather them togither and so made them a people of whome the head of all iustice Christ Iesus did spring But what hath
be which deserueth praise Mā therefor falleth gods prouidence so ordeining but yet he falleth by his own fault for God of short time before had pronoūced that all which he had made were verey good frome whēce thē came such wickednes to mā y t he so traterously declyned frō his God Lest that it might haue bene through that that it proceded frome the creation God approued by his own commendation wha● so euer he had made Therefor did man corrupt by his own malice that pure and clean nature which from God he had receaued ād by his fall he drew his hole posteritie to perditiō Therefor let vs rather behold the euident cause of damnatiō in the corrupt nature of mankind then that we shall pretend to searche it being his and vtterly incomprehēsible in the predestination of God neither yet let vs be ashamed so far to subiect the capacitie of our vnderstanding to the incomprehensible wisdom of God that in manie of his mysteries we acknowledge and confesse our selues to be ignorant for learned and blessed is the ignorante of those thinges which to vnderstād and know is neither lawfull neither yet possible in this life The apperance of knowledge in such thīges is a kynd of madnes These be the wordes of this most godlie writer frome whose iudgement none of vs doeth dissent in this mater For frō him we must confesse except that we wold in concealing the trueth declare our selues to be vnthankfull that we all haue receaued comfort light and erudition as from gods good instrument who yet thus further procedeth There be thre thinges saeth he in this mater to be considered first that the eternall predestination of God by the which he had decreed what should becom of all mākynd yea and of euerie man euen befor that Adam fell was sure and appointed Secondly that Adame for his defection was iustly adiudged to death and last that in the personne of him that then was lost was damned his hole posteritie ād yet neuertheles God did frely choose of the same such as vpon whom it pleased him to bestow the ●onor of adoption and yet after in the same place he saieth when we speak of predestination I haue constantly taught and this day do teach that frome thence we oght to begin that iustly are all reprobat left in death who were dead and damned in Adame that iustly they perishe who by nature are the sonnes of wrath And therefor that none hath cause to complein of gods rigorous seueritie seing that all do bear the cause of damnation within them selues for if we shall com to the first man we shall find that willingly he fell and so by his one faule he broght perdition to all his posteritie And albeit that Adam fell not but that God both knew and ordeined thesame yet serueth that nothing nether to extenuat and excuse his crime nether yet to wrap God in societie of the same for alwaes must we looke to this that he spoiled him self of the righteousnes which he receaued from God that willingly he made him selfe seruant to sinne and to sathan that without compulsion he cast him self headlong in to destruction and death yet resteth one excuse to witt that he could not auoid nor flie that which was decreed by God but his voluntarie transgression is sufficient to his condemnation nether yet is the secrete counselle of God the proper and naturall cause of sinne but the fre and plaine will of man And there for seing that man findeth in him self the cause of his miserie what shall it profitt him to seke it in the heauen And after albeit that men by long compassing about purpose to delude them selues yet can they neuer make them selues so brutishe and dull but they shall fele the sense of sinne grauen in their heartes Therefor in vaine is it that vngodlines goeth about to absolue man whom his own conscience damneth In so far as God willing and knowing permitted man to fall the ▪ cause may be secrete and hid but vniust it can not be And yet he further writeth this saieth he is to be holden without all controuersie that sinne was euer hatefull to God for most rightely doth this commendation wherewith of Dauid he is commended aggre to him that he is a God that wold not iniquitie but rather in ordeining the fall of mā his ēd and purpose was good and most right frome the which the name of sinne abhorreth howbeit I say that so he hath ordeined the fall of man that I vtterly denie him to be the author of sinne Let the indifferent reader iudge with equitie if iustly we be accused of that blasphemie which so openlie we abhorre but yet in the same book he bringeh furth a testimonie of Augustine who thus writeth These be the great workes of God saieth Augustine broght to passe in all his willes and so wisely broght to passe that whill the nature of Angell and man had sinned that is had done not that which he that is God wold but that which the self meaning the creature wold yet not the les by the same will of the creature by the which that was done which the creator wold not did he fulfill that which he wold he being infinitely good vsing well those thīges that were euil to the damnation of them whom he iustly had appointed to paine and to the saluation of those whom mercifully he had predestinate to grace In so far as to them perteined they did the thing which God wo●d not but as apperteining to gods omnipotencie they might by no meanes haue done that for euen in that that they did against the will of God the will of God was done in them and therefor great are the workes of the Lord broght to passe in all his willes that by a wōderous and vnspeakable maner that thing should not be done without his will that yet is don agaīst his will fo● it should not be done if he did not suffer it And of a trueth he suffered it not vnwilingly but willingly And a litil before saint Augustin saieth it is not to be doubted but that God doeth well permitting those thinges to be done which are euil for he suffered not this but in his iust iudgement Albeit therefor that these thinges which be euill in so far as they ar euill are not good yet neuertheles it is good that not onely good thinges but also that euill thinges be for if that this were not good that euil thinges should be by no meanes should they be permited to be by the omnipotēt good to whom no doubt it is a like easie not to suffer the thing which he will not to be as to do that thing which he will except we beleue this the beginning of our faith is indangered by the which we professe our selues to beleue in God the father almighti● c. And in the end to answer to these calumnies which ye haue taken furth of Pighius that papist
thē that God worketh by creatures this impedeth not but that the wicked work also vpō theire part which thing the scripture most euidently declareth for as it pronounceth that God will whissill ād blow as it were the trūpet to call ād bring furth to battell the vnfaithfull so ceaseth it not to make mētiō of theire own coūsell ād ascribeth to thē both a will ād a work which they did execute vnder the decre of God The other exception of the which these vnhappie libertines take no head is that there is a greate differēce betwext thework of God ād thework of the wicked whē that God vseth him in stede of ā instrumēt The wicked mā is prouoked to iniquitie ether by auarice ābitiō enuie or crueltie nether yet looketh he to any other end or purpose and therefor the worke taketh the qualitie from the roote from the which it springeth that is frome the wicked affectiō of the mynd and the mischeuous end which he looketh vnto and therefor iustly is it iudged euill but God altogither hath a contrarie respect to witt that he may exercise his iustice to the conseruation of the good to vse his fauor and gentilnes towardes the faithfull and that he may punish such as haue deserued Consider how we must make difference betwext God and man that vpon the one parte we shall behold his iustice his goodnes and his iudgements and vpon the other part we shall consider in the self same work the malice and enuie of the deuill and of the wicked Let vs take a bright and clear glasse in the which we may behold these thīges When the message of the losse of all his goodes came to Iob the sodan death of his sonnes and so manie calamities which all at once fell vpō him He doeth acknowledge that he was visited by God saing The Lord gaue all these thinges and it is he that hath taken them away and no doubt so it was But in the mean time do we not know that the deuil procured all these thinges and did not he vnderstād by narration of his seruants that escaped that the chaldeis had driuen away his bestiall and flockes Did he commēd those brigandes and spoilers or oght we to excuse the deuill becaus that all these calamities proceded from God Not so for bothe we and he do and did vnderstand that there was a great difference betwext their purposes And therefor he yet damning the euill said the Name of the Lord be blessed The same may we say of Dauid but at this tyme it sufficeth that God so worketh by his creatures and so doeth vse them to his prouidēce that the instrument by the which he worketh ceaseth not to be euill And albeit that he conuert the malice of the deuill and of wicked men to good yet they therefor are neither excusable neither yet clean from sinne and their workes are wicked and to be damned for all workes take their qualitie of the purpose and the will of the author Who so euer maketh no distinction betwext these thinges maketh an horrible confusion And such be the libertines who as before is said do not onely ioyn the deuill in societie with God but also do transforme him in to God iudgeing his workes worthie of praise vnder this coulor that he doeth nothing but that which is appointed by God But contrarie wies we oght to obserue that the creatures do wo●k their own workes in this earthe which workes according as they were directed to this or that end so are they to be iudged either good or euill and yet God gouerneth and doeth moderat all things and guideth them also to a right end He turneth the euill into good or at least God working by the goodnes of his nature draweth as it were by violence som good furth of that which in the self is euill So doeth he vse the deuil that he doeth not mixe him self with him neither to be in felowshipe with him neither yet with his wicked fact neither that his iustice shal put away the nature of the deuil for as the son sending furth his beames and heat to the carion and so ingendreth in it som corruption draweth to it self neither corruptiō neither yet any filthines neither yet doeth the son by his puretie ād birghtnes so purge the cariō but that it remaineth stincking and corrupt so doeth God so work by the wicked that the iustice which is in hī doeth not iustifie thē neither yet is he defyled by their wickednes and corruptiō The third kinde of gods operation cōsisteth in the gouernāce of the faithful in whom he liueth ād reigneth by his spirit In so far as we are corrupt by original sinne we be lyke to the drie and barren grounde which produceth no good frute for our iudgement is corrupt our will rebellious euer redie to euill and finally our hole nature is nothing elles but a lompe of sinne And therefor not onely can we not applie our selues to any good action but we are not able nor sufficien● to conceaue one good thoght as Paul doeth witnes but if we be able to an● thing of necessitie that must procede frō God It is he therefor that worketh in vs both to wil and to performe he doeth illuminate vs and lead vs to the knowledge of him self he draweth vs to him self and by softening our heartes he formeth new heartes in vs. further it is he who moueth in vs a desire of prayīg he giueth power and strength to resist all the tentations of sathan and maketh that we do walk in his commandements But yet we must consider that of nature we haue both will and election but because they are both depraued by sinne the Lord reformeth thē ād of euill maketh them good That we therefor be apt to discerne that we haue a will that we do this or that this is a naturall gift but that we can chouse desyre or do nothing but that which is euil that cometh of the corruption of sinne that we thirst to do good that we haue som power to execute the same this procedeth from the supernaturall grace by the which we are regenerat and newly born to a better and more godlie life Behold then what God worketh in his children first putting away their peruerse nature he cōducteth ād guy deth thē by his holie spirit in obedience of his wil. But these dronken or rather furious libertines crying that al things are wroght by God do make him author of euil And further euen as the nature of the euill were changed when it is cloked vnder the couerture of gods name they affirme it to be good in the which they do greater iniurie and cōtume lie vnto God then that they should transfer his power and iustice to an other For seīg there is nothing more proper vnto God thē is his goodnes it behoueth first y ● he should vtterly denie him self before that he can work euill which thing these
same the godlie may be ware For this present I say first that Seruetus whom you iustifie did maintein and by worde and writing dispersed abrode wicked and most deuilishe opinions of God which might not onely make his Godhead to be dispised but also called in doubt and question He iudged those things nothing necessarie to saluation w c Christ hathe commanded and ordeined And last that impugning the true religiō he did most obstinatly maintein his diabolical erros did resist the plaine trueth to y e death His erroneous opiniōs of God of his eternal Godhead were these Whosoeuer beleueth any triniti● in the essence of God hath not y e perfect God but goddes imagined and elusion of deuils That Christ is the Sonne of God onely in so far as he is be gotten of God in the wombe of the virgin and that not onely by the power of the holy Spirit but because that God begat him of his owne substance That y e worde of God descending from the heauen is now the flesh of Christ so y t the flesh of Christ is from the heauen ▪ further that y ● bodie of Christ is the bodie of the Godhead the flesh of God godlie and heauenlie as it that is begotten of the substance of God That the soule of Christ is God and that the flesh of Christ is God and that aswel the flesh as the soule were in the verie substance of the Godhead from all eternitie That God is the father of the holie Gost. That Christ hauing the participation of the Godhead or of God and participacion of man may not be called a creature but one that doth participat with creatures As the worde descended into the flesh of Christ so did the holie Gost descend in to the soules of the Apostles That Christ so long as he was conuersant in the flesh receaued not the new spirit which he was to receaue after his resurrection That in all men from the beginning is ingrafted the spirit of the Godhead euen by the breath of God yet may the spirit by the which we be illuminated That the substanciall Godhead is in all creatures That the soule of man althogh it be not God it is made God by the spirit which is God him self That the soule is made mortall by sinne euen as the flesh is mortal not that the soule returneth to nothīg as nether doth the flesh but that it dyeth whē that it is depriued of liuelie actions And that it is holden in hel languishing as that it should neuer after liue but these that be regenerated haue another soule then that they had before because of the substance which is renewed for the godhead which is ioyned That a like it is to baptise an infant as to baptise a● asse or a stone That there is no mortale sinne committed before the age of twentie yeares These I haue thoght sufficient to produce at this present to let the reader vnderstand that it is not without cause that I say that Seruetus whom ye iustifie is a blasphemer I haue omitted things more horrible grieuous to auoid the offence of godlie readers which sodāly I am not minded to manifest except y t I shal vnderstād that your vennemous tongues be not stayed by these I appeale to the cōsciēce of Castalio him self if in euerie one of these former propositions which concerne y e Godhead there be not conteined horrible blasphemie For what is more blasphemous then to affirme that such as beleue in the Godhead three distinct persons haue no true God but the illusion of the deuilles That Christ Iesus is not the eternal son of the eternal father that there is no distinction betwext the father and the Sonne but in imagination onely That Christ hath no participation of mans nature but that his flesh is from heauen yea that it is the flesh of the Godhead That in Stockes stones and all creatures is the substantiall Godhead If these I sa●e be not blasphemies worthie of ten thousand deathes especially being obstinatly mainteined against all holsom admonition let all those that feare God iudge yea euen you your selues how furious that euer ye be iudge in the mater euē as ye wil answer before the throne of y e Lord Iesus That cōtempteously he spake of baptising of the childrē of y e publyke preaching of the Euangill and of the administration of the Lordes supper that haue you common w t him for this is your glorie and persuasion to all your scolers that these things be nothing necessarie to saluation yea most streitly ye inhibit all of your sect to frequent any cōgregatiō but your own And whether this be blasphemie of your parte or not to affirme those thīgs nothīg necessarie which Christ Iesus hath established and commanded to be vsed in remembrance of him to his againe comming I am content that iudgement be referred euen to those that be most indifferent betwext vs and you To supersede the rest of your blasphemies I return to your booke because that after I purpose to speake of your holie conuersation and of the great perfection y t is founde in you Ye accuse vs that we haue written bookes in a perpetuall memorie of our crueltie affirming it to be lawful to put to death such as dissent from vs in religion Notwith standing that some of vs were of an other mynd before they came to auctoritie ▪ and further that we haue giuen the sworde in to the hādes of bloodie tyrannes Trew it is that bookes are written bothe by you by vs. for your master Bellius affirmeth that lawfull it is not to the ciuil magistrat to vse the sworde against heretikes To whome that godlie learned mā Theodorus Beza hath answered In which if you or your master thinke not your selues fully answered ye may put pen to the paper when you list looking to receaue answer with conuenient expidicion Iohn Caluin hath besides committed to writing the examination of Seruetus and the cause of his miserable death which bookes albeit to you they be a perpetual memorie of crueltie yet I haue good hope that to our posteritie they shal be profitable as now to vs be the godlie labors of those that before vs haue foghten the same battel against the obstinate heretikes And further seing bothe you and we must abyde the sentence of one iudge we can not greatlye feare the preiudice of your faction Where ye aske if these be y e shepe which Christ sent furth in the middes of wolues And if the shepe can per secute the wolues and I demand for answer whether Moses was a shepe or a wolf wether that fearefull slaughter executed vpon idolaters without respect of persons was not as great a persecution as the burning of Seruetus and Ioan of kent To me it appereth greater for to them was granted no place of repentance no admonition was giuen vnto them but with out further delay or
whō he knew to be predestinate so that they coulde not fall In the congregation of Pergamus were two most detestable sectes that is Balaamites and Nicholattains whom the Lord did hate then were they not beloued and so consequently were they not elect after your opinion yet willeth he them to be conuerted and to receaue a new name written in whi●e stone In the cōgregation of Thiatyra was the fals prophetesse Iesabell to whom he gaue space to repent ▪ and as Peter saieth the long suffering of the Lord is saluation then might she haue repented not withstanding she did not repent then was she reprobate likwise vnto them which committed fornication with her that is idola●rie is repentance granted The congregation of Sardis thogh in name she did liue yet in dede she was dead And that of her which was yet a liue was in danger of death wherefore he willeth her to call to remembrance what she had heard and what grace she had receaued and to repent her of her imperfect workes and watch lest the Lord shoulde like a thief come vpon her Vnwares If the congregation of Sardis was elect then in vaine doth the Lord threaten her after your opinion and if she was reprobate what auaileth it to watche and repente The congregation of Philadelphia he commandeth to holde fast that which she hath that no man take away her crowne as Peter saith Beware lest ye with ▪ other men be also plucked away through the err●r of the wicked fall from your owne 〈◊〉 what shoulde they feare the losse of that which as you say they can not lose The congregation of Laodicia which was n●●her hote nor colde but wretch●ed miserable and poore and blynd and naked if ye say it was elect yet the Lord threatned it that he wolde spew it out of his mouth if you say that they were reprobate yet might they bene saued gr●we ●eruent and repent And where they were poore they might haue boght of Christ tried gold in the fier to make them rich and where they were naked they might be clothed with whyte raym●nt ●f right●●●snes to couer their filthie nakednes Moreouer they might haue gotten the salue of true kn●wledge by the spirit of God to an●●t their blynd eyes b●re we se how that there is none of these cōgregatiōs so elect but they might fall therefore haue nede of exhortations to be consiant vnto the 〈◊〉 Le●t perchance as Paul the elect vessel of God feareth him self they shoulde become cast aways reprobates againe there be none so reprobate but they be here cōforted space of repētance granted thē to turne frō their wickednes liue So wolde I exhort you to repent and turne from your errors and to seke for this salue of true knowledge to anoint your blind ignorant eyes ▪ that ye might porc●●ue how ye be partakers of all the f●ltes which were found among the seuen congregations by that ye are infected with this poysoned error of mere necessi●●e and stoicall destinie more then they God grant that ye may be also partakers of the mercie and grace offred to the said congregations first ye participate with the congregation of Ephesus in that there is of you which call them selues Apostles are liers with the cōgregation of Smirna in that there be among you which call them selues Iewes 〈◊〉 spirituall Israelites and are of the congregation of Sathan with the congregation of Pergamus in that Sathan dwelleth among you and ye are become persecuters of Antipas that is of the faithfull and in that ye mainteine the doctryn of Balaam giuing the people occasion of sinne with the congregation of Thiatira in that ye haue the spirit of the prophetesse Iesabell teaching a careles and liberti● life with the congregation of Sardis in that ye haue a name that ye liue and yet are dead and in that your workes are not perfect for ye teache that by no meanes can they be perfect in this world● with the cōgregation of Philadelphia in that as is afore said ye are become the cōgregatiō of sathā where as ye wold be estemed faithfull lewes of Christes cōgregatiō with the cōgregatiō of Laodici● in that ye are wretched miserable blynd naked and nether hote nor colde for ye thogh ye exhort your disciples to do wel yet to pull all earnest feruentnes from them ye say they can neuer at●eine to any perfectiō during this world Take hede therefore that Christ spew you not out of his mouth Behold I stād saieth the Lord at the doore knocke if any mā heare my voice opē the doore I wil come in to him wil suppe with him he with me Open the doore in time refuse him not which calieth by his voice And so you shal be certein of your election but if you shut your doore and refuse him which calleth and if you do not obey his voice then are ye cast awayes without ye repent in time Thus it becometh vs all to talke reueren●●y of gods election so far onely as we fele by experi●nce the spirit of God worke in vs So that when we fele the spirit of God increase in vs. we may be assured that we are in his fauor but when we be led away frō one vice to an other as Dauid was in abusing Bear seba killing Vrias letvs not presume then to be beloued of him which hated all workes of iniquitie ANSWER When I did first read this your blasphemous rayling I did wonder to what purpose ye wolde rehearse the aduertisementes admonitions and exhortations giuen to the seuen Churches in Asia vnto all other churches in their names and conditions seing that nothing in the same can serue your purpose yea altogether the holie Gost through y t hole worke doth manifestly fight against your pestilent errors and therefore I say at the first sight I did wonder to what purpose ye wolde trauail where ye were assured tolose your labor But when I came to your cōclusion which ye make in maner of exhortation to vs I did perceaue that easie it is to fynd a staf as the prouerbe saith to beat the dogge which mā wolde haue killed But to the matter Ye boldely affirme how so euer ye be able to proue that the Apostle vseth no such maner of doctrine as we teach c. If ye vnderstand that because he teacheth not in those seuen epistles or letters in expresse and plaine wordes that from the beginning som be elected to life euerlasting others be reprobate that therefore he teacheth it in no place ye are not ignorāt of y e answer and therefore I omitt it But I aske if you do not think that the Apostle doth dedicat this his hole worke to those seuen congregations so doeth him self witnes as in the first chapter is euident then what so euer is conteined in this hole vision apperteineth to the instruction exhortation admonition comfort and before
most feareful end and I suppose that none wil be so peruerse of iudgement as to denie that none other was appointed to be the salt of y e earth and the light of the worlde except those twelue I verilie beleue that Paule is nothing inferior to any of the chiefest Apostles in that case And so yet I affirme that nether were those wordes spokē of all the twelue nether yet of thē onely If this can not satisfie your curiositie labor you to proue that Iudas was elected to life euerlasting in Christ Iesus before the fundacions of the world were laid I haue before proued that the elect can not finally refuse nor deny Christ Iesus their head and therefor I will not trouble the reader with the repetition The place of Ezechiell serueth nothing your purpose for there doth he onely intreat of such righteous men as in the beginning of the same chapter vsed this prouerbe The fathers haue eaten soure grapes and the childrens teeth are set on edge signifying thereby as before we haue declared that they were iust and innocēt and that yet they did suffer punishement for the offenses of their fathers Against whom y e Prophet speaketh most sharpely affirming that the soule which did sinne shoulde die in this praising gods iustice that he wolde suffer sinne vnpunished in none of his creatures supposing that some for a time had a shew of righteousnes The prophet doeth further accuse and conuict their consciences for they knew them selues criminall in all crimes which the prophet there recited And therefore to prouoke them to repentāce w t this exhortacion Cast away from you saieth he all your transgressiōs whereby ye haue transgressed and make you a new heart and a new spirit for why wil you die ô house of Israel for I desire not the death of him y t dieth saith the Lord God Cause therefore one another to returne and liue ye Of this co●clusiō I say it easely may appere of what sort of righteous men y e Prophet speaketh not of such as being ingrafted in Christes bodie by the true sanctification of his spirit do daylie studie to mortifie their affections but of such as hauing an outward appearance or shew of holines did notwithstāding lowse y e bridle to all impietie In very dede God can not remēbre y e iustice of any such w c is not but their sinnes must craue iust vengeance y t the rather because by thē y e name of God is blasphemed Now to y e rest of y t w c foloweth in yo r book THE ADVERSARIE This say you with many other manifest testimonies of the Scriptures ye ●osse and turne vpside doun● seking shiftes to maintein your errors where by you declare your self to be of the nombre of them of whom it is written in the same place which do say tush the way of the Lord is not indifferent ye will not that the Lord iudge according to this way set furth in his word but of necessitie by an immutable 〈◊〉 saue a certē of necess●tie to cōdēne all the rest ye must not so read gods word studying rather to teache the holy Gost then to learne your duetie of him seking meanes rather to cōfirme your preconceaued error then to auoid it what true●● can he learne at the word of God which worshippeth the idoll of his own phantasie and hath alredie forsaken the mynd of the trueth Remēbre that the first less●̄ of wisdom is to be willing to learne wisdom ▪ Cast away therefor the ●doles of your heartes which made you st●mble in your wayes submit your selues to the word as humble and meke lābes for the lambe onelie was found worthie to open the seales of the book Trust not your error to be the-better because it hath many fauorers specially of thē which haue the name of learning for such haue bene alwaies in all ages ennemies to the trueth inuenters of sectes errors such like as Iannes and ●ambres resisted Moises so do they the trueth as the learned scribes Pharise●s blasphem●d the word of God and persecuted Christ the trueth it selfe so do they yet in hu membres And euen as the pharesies said do any of the reulers or of the phareseis beleue in him this comō people which know not the law is cursed so say they nowdo any of our learned doctors teach so these vnlearned felowes are cursed for they cā not vnderstād gods word they vnderstād onely the english tōgue yet wil they medle with 〈◊〉 as thogh the gifte 〈◊〉 the giftes of prophecying were so boūd together that God coulde not minister the one without the other but this is no new● thing for this was laid to Christ his Apostles charge ▪ that they were vnlearned ▪ But the holie Gost wille● vs not to iudge so marke saith Paul your calling how that not many wyse mē after the fleshe not many migthie not many of hieght degre are called but God ha●h chosen the weake things of the worlde the vile things of the worlde thinges which are despised of 〈◊〉 reputaciō to confound the mightie to bring to naught things of reputaciō how cā such great mē beleue seing they seke tobe praised one of an other and to be preferred for their knowledge in the tongues for the multitude of their bookes which they writ such learned mē are more mete to be in Herodes hall thē in Christes stable the dore is to lowe ●hey 〈◊〉 stout they may not stowpe so lowe for the disgracing of their graui●ie onely poore shepherds which are accustomed to stables are foūd mete to haue Christ reueled to them not that I disp●se learning or learned men for I knowe that learning is the good gift of God ye● as S Paul saith knowledge maketh a man to swel and many in our tyme as in all ages paste do abuse this good gift of God yet not all God forbid for som I know I prayse God to whom it hath pleased God to reuele the trueth of this mater which in perfect knowledge of the sōg●es are to be compared with any of your Rabbes Be not deceaued therefore with vaine 〈◊〉 of learning or of worldlie wisdome ifye seke Christ seke him where he is in the poore stable and not in Annas and Caiphas pallasses wi●hout ye will se and heare Christ accused to such a banket peraduenture Christ may be called of the learned If you wil haue Christ ye must not go to seke him in ●he vniuersities where you may be praised for your sharp wittes and eloquent tongues but you must go forth vnto him out of the tentes and suffer rebuke with him ▪ knowe ye not that the learned phareseis and lawers coueted to talke somtime with Christ not to learne but to dispute and trap him in his sayinges and so did the learned Philosophers of Grecia with Paul Awake therefore in time be no longer deceaued with he●r auctoritie examyn your selues examyn
affections to his will reueled but also our reason appeare it neuer so probable With the which if we stand not satisfied but quarreling with God will or dare in a blynd fury ask to what purpose commandeth and speaketh he one thing meaneth the contrary That deuelishe presumption shall fall down from the clouds and break downe for euer the frantick heads of such vile slaues of proud lucifer And therefor be ye warned for vengeance is prepared for all such vnreuerent reasoners in gods perfect but yet profound iudgementes as ye declare your selues to be in this which foleweth If God say you in respect of his reueled will wold not that Adam should falle but in respecte of his secrete will he wold Adam should fall● then did God will two contraries which is impossible Answere Impossible we confesse it to be that contrarietie should be in that will which in it self is simple and one But how shall you be able to proue that God in reueling his will to Adam had none other purpose nor will but onely that Adam should not falle because say you he said thou shalt not eate I answer so said he to Abrahā thou shalt take ād offer thy sonne in sacrifice And yet we knowe that the contrarie had he determined O crye you God abhorreth a double heart which speaketh one thing and thinketh an other and yet ye abhorre nes to charge God with that which he can not abide in his creatures that is that he should speak one thing as that Adā should not offēd will the cotrarie as that Adā should offend Answer God if his good pleasure be towch your heartes with such vnfeined repētance that you may vnderstand howe horrible be these blasphemies which thus in your furious blindnes you spew forth against gods supreme Maiestie for before I haue said they are not spoken against vs. for no such doctrine do we teach nor affirme as that of which you gather these blasphemies ād albeit we did yet it were as easie for vs to dissolue ād vnlouse such deuelish knottes as by instructiō of your father you knit to trippe y e soules of the simple as it is for y e fote of the valiant strong mā to burst a sondre the spiders webbes which y e venemous spider maketh to catch the impotēt flies and feble gnattes And now left y ● you should glorie as thogh yo r reasons yet stoode sure Let vs trie ād examine euery membre aparte God abhorreth say you a dooble heart which speaketh one thing and thinketh an other I answer That as God is a spirit and hath neither heart nor bodie like as man hath so must not his words cogitations and thoghtes be compared to ours for as we be corrupte liers and vaine so where we do speak one thing and think an other we do meane deceate fraud and destruction to our brother to whome we promise trueth fidelitie conseruation to our power But God according to the puritie and perfection of his godlie nature in speaking to his creatures and in creating of them must not absolutely haue respect to thē but also to his owne glory for what reason is it that God of nothīg shall make that c●eature by whome his glory shall not be manyfested and therefor in speaking to Adam and in giuing a lawe to him God had respecte to his eternall counsell purpose as before we haue spoken and hereafter shall rehears But still crye you that yet we burden God w t that which he cānot abyde in his creatures that is that he should speak one thīg as that Adam should not haue fallen and that he ment the contrarie for answer I ask of you if ye will binde God to that lawe which he hath imposed to his creatures And if ye will leaue none other libertie to God his soueraigne maiestie then his lawe hath permitted to men subiecte to the same and if ye dare promise to your selues that authoritie ouer God girde your loines and play the strōg champions prepare your seates appoint your iudges cite and adiourne him to appeare at a fixed day to rendre a reason a make an accōpte before you of his vniuersall regiment in which no doubt ye shall finde many things more repugnant to your reason then this You think I mock you in that I wil you to cite and call God to an accōpt in very dede I do for as your blasphemie pride is vtterlie to be abhorred so is your vanitie more worthie to be mocked then your simplicitie in that case to be instructed for what was he euer yet amongest the most ignorant ethnicks so foolishe or so presumpteous but that he did confesse that the workes and wonders of the supreme God were exempted from all lawe and censure of mans iudgement But in your presence God shall haue no libertie to command or forbid any thing to any of his creatures but that he must nedes absolutely will the same and for no cause or respecte may he will the contrarie but that he shall haue a dooble heart he shal be a dissēbler cursed be your blasphemie that causeth me thus to write and in him there shal be cōtrarietie this is the reuerence which ye beare to gods infinite wisdome in all his workes to the ground whereof ye can not atteine by your corrupt reason that you burst forth in scoffing mocking and blasphemie But yet to come more nye to the mater I denie that iustly you can conclude any contrarietie to be in God albeit that to Adam he said thou shall not eate and yet in his eternall counsell he had determined that Adam shoulde eate neither yet I say cā you be able to proue that he spoke one thing willed the contrarie because he pronounced this sentence in what so euer day thow shalt eate of this tree thou shalt dye the death but rather we maye most assuredly conclude that both the precept the penaltie threatned to ensue the violation of it was a plaine and manifest declaration what before was concluded in gods eternall counsell as also that they were the meanes by the which the secret will and good purpose of God toke effecte amongest men was notified vnto the world for if God had not before appointed the falle and the remedie for the same he had not imposed vpon him a lawe the transgression whereof should bring death but should haue suffered him to liue without such feare and bondage as we shall do when victorie shal be giuen ouer death which is the sting of sinne ouer sinne also which had his power by the lawe And therefor I say that gods commandement forbidding Adam to eate and the punishment of death denounced if he did eate were nothing contrary to his secret will but were the very wayes appointed by his infinite wisdome by the which he had determined that his secrete will concerning the mysterie of mās redemption should be notified put in execution
shall deceaue or persuade him And the lord said wherunto he said I shall passe out be alieng Prophet in the mouthes of all his Prophetes he said therfor thou shal deceaue him thou shalt br●g it to passe goo forth therfor do euē so And lo God hath giuē a liēg spirit in the mouthes of al these Prophetes the lord hath spoken euill vpō the. If to make a publique proclamation to call for one to deceaue to send him forth to giue him power to do the same be onely a simple permission a thing which God suffereth against his will lett the indifferent man iudge I think that no mā will deny the incest of Absalome openly committed not onely to be sinne but also to be so execrable detestable a facte that nature it self be it neuer so corrupt must nedes abhorre it and yet I pray you what saith God that he wil do in that be half let the Prophet witnes Thus sayeth the Lord God saieth Nathā behold I shall rayse euill against the forthe of thine own howse and I shall take thy wyues and giue thē to thy neighbour who shal slepe with them in the sunne Thou did est y t facte secretely but I shall do this thīg opēly before all Israel let y e vehemēcie of y e words w c here be spoken be noted be iudges your selues whether your interpretation be tollerable he saieth not I shal suffer euil to come vpon the but plainly he saieth I shal raise vp euil against the. And therwith not content he saieth I shall take thy wyues and to put the mater out of all controuersie he addeth ād I shal giue thē to thy neighbour yea and that will I do openly If to raise vp to giue to do be to permitt onely the thing which he will not we must confesse our selues ignorant of the phrases of the holie Gost. this same might I proue by Iob by Nabuchadnezer by Salmanasar by Syrus ād diuers others which for breuities saik I passe ouer one I will recite w c I trust shal be so plaine that the deuill him self by no subtilitie shal be able to obscure the light of y e trueth Was there euer any facte since the begining more wicked if the instrumētes shal be cōsidered as was the cruell and ignominiouse death of the Sonne of God And yet what doeth the holie Gost attribut to God in that case him saieth Peter beīg crucified did you kill after that you had taken him by the hādes of y e wicked men being giuen by the appointed coūsell fore knowledge of God And after they haue verely cōuened agaīst thy holie Sōne Iesus whō thou hast anointed Herode together Pōtius Pilate w t y e Gentiles together y e people of Israell to do what so euer thy hand thy cousell haue decreed to be dōne Aduise well what ye wil answer y e wordes are plaine so plaine y t you cā not auoide the. for he that sayeth the wicked mē did what so euer God did foresee before dotermined yea what his hand ▪ y t is his power and coūsell y t he had before decreed to be donne meaneth a thing of more greater importāce thē he y t saieth they did what God permitted and suffered to be donne Consider forther y t you haue not to do w t men as w t Augustine Caluine and vs whome you call careles libertines but w t the holie Gost speaking in Peter in the hole Church of Ierusalem yea speaking in the hole scripptures for if not to spare his Sonne but to giue him to y e deathe for vs to cause our sinnes to make warre agaīst him to punishe hī for y e same in suche sorte y t of al men he was most contemptible for a season if I say to giue to death to strike to wound punish be actions then did not God onely suffer his Sonne to die to be woūded to be smytten to be punished without any will that any such thing should come to passe but he in his eternall counsell appointed the time the place the persons whē where and by whome he should suffer y e same for of loue he gaue him to suffer the trewe death that we by him might receaue life the time could not be changed the cuppe which the father had giuen him he must nedes drinck as in the figures was foreshad owed and by his own people and gētiles as the Prophetes and Dauid had before spokē If in gods counsell gods gift gods hand and eternall purpose before decreinge all things to come to passe in the deathe of his Sonne ye can se nothing but a bare simple permission I can not cease to affirme that as by falsifying such plaine scriptures you labor to take from the Churche of God their most singuler cōfort left to vs in Christes death so do you walk in darknes in y ● same ye shall perishe except spedely you repēt Howe one the same work in so far as it procedeth from God is most iust most profitable most mercifull and yet as it procedeth from y e instruments most profane most wicked damnable to thē selues most cruell I haue aboūdantly declared and after as occasion shal be offered shall touch by gods grace so much as may instructe the sobre mynd if it be ignorant and also to put silēce to your venemous mouthes be they neuer so impudēt Because the scriptures which you heape together be either plainely repugning to your error orels make nothing for probation of the same I will so shortly as I cā go through them onely noting wherin you abuse the wordes and mynd of the holie Gost. The wordes of our master spokē in the 24 chapter of Mathewes Gospell serue nothing for your purpose for in that place our Sauiour Christ Iesus speaketh as he that is the messinger of his heauēlie father ād declareth that the Iewes obstinatly euen from their original had resisted God speakīg by his patriarks prophets of old now last by his Sonne he neither speaketh nor meaneth what wil God had to saue his elect neither yet y t will w c he had to gather seperate thē frō v ● world but onely as Moises and Elias had before spoke declareth what fidelitie diligence God had vsed in the generall election vocation of that people from time to time and yet what had bene their obstinate rebellion vnthankfull defection from him by the which they killed the Prophetes ād should kill his Sonne sent of God to call them from iniquitie What hath this to do I say with that will by the which God in his eternall counsel hath made diuisiō betwext the electe the reprobate If ye dare say that Christe in that place meaneth in that he wold haue gathered those murtherers and sonnes of murtherers as he doth witnes he doth gather his chosen flock him self
you pretēd ye cā not but vnderstand this answere to be sufficiet to dissolue what so euer ye haue vnreuerently collected But yet to make it more sēsible to the simple I say y t in this proposition God can not wil two contraries and in the conclusion which you make vpon the same you oght to haue made a distinction betwene those thinges w c God simply or as ye spake before absolutely will and betwene those thinges which he will for a certein end and purpose which doeth not appere in the external actiōs For certen thinges there be as in an other place I haue entreated which God will euen for them selues such as be mercie iustice temperance chastitie and all other vertues which he wil haue to shyne in his elect and please him in Christ Iesus his Sonne And yet neuertheles he also will crueltie iniustice excesse filthie life blindnes induration to be in others as iust punishmētes of their sinnes and causes of their condēnation The last I say will God to be in the reprobate not for the wicked actes sake which do euer displease his Maiestie but for such endes as his wisedom hath appointed Let this be explained by examples some natural and some takē frō gods scriptures There is no mā except he be of a most cruel nature that considering the incōmodities of warre and of battell doeth will it for the selfe And yet a godly prince persewed by externall ennemies doeth not onely will his soldiours to fight and to mainteine the warre but also he prouoketh he encourageth and exhorteth his subiectes to the same And why is it because y t warre or battell pleaseth him in the self or for the self No but because with out such trauaill such danger and hasard his subiectes can not lyue in quietnes and the estate of his commō wealth can not be preserued The same may I say of godlie magistrates punishing murtherers adulterers and blasphemers w t death and yet nether willing the death of any mā neither yet deliting in the sheding of their blood In these similitudes I grāt somwhat to be vnlike for gods power is not subiect to such incōmodities vnwillingly as be the powers of men But yet these similitudes suffice to explaine the chief purpose w c is y t man may will two contraries for diuers respectes without any contrarietie in him self For peace and warre are cōtraries to kill to saue the life are likewise cōtraries and yet one man euen at one time may will both the one and the other for diuers respectes and diuers endes He may will peace for the cōfortable quietnes and felicitie y t ther of springeth and at the same instāt without all cōtrarietie in him self he may wil warre to withstād the furie of the ennemie y t wold oppresse his subiectes And may not these thinges w c we perceaue to be in creatures be in God in greater perfectiō althogh we perceaue not the causes Let vs trie the answere both by the examples of gods seruātes and last by the exāple of God him self Lot no doubte did agree with gods wil in that he loued chastitie sobrietie and temperāce and hated filthie life riotous chere and excesse For the holy Gost boareth him this record that he was pure and cleane both in eares and eyes But what will had he when he did offer his two daughters to be defloured and abused by those vilanous persons was it cōtrarie to his formar will Did he now beginne to delyte in that execrable filthines assured I am he did not But being oppressed with the present necessitie reteining the same loue wil and minde to chastitie and honest conuersation soght y e next remedie that to him appered able to haue staied the rage of that furious multitude vpon God I grāt falleth no such necessitie But let the chief scope be obserued and we shall vnderstand that for diuers respectes to will two thinges wherof the one is contrarie to the other is not to will contrarietie But let vs come to God him self God willeth mercy iustice all other vertues as before we haue said and these he will at all times and before all times But is it not possible therfor that he can will crueltie oppression blood sheding murther and death Who then sent Nabuchadnezer to destroy not onely the Iewes but also the Moabites and other nations Who pronounced this sentence Cursed be he that doeth the Lordes worke negligently and he that withdraweth his swerd from blood Who did create the smithes with their hammers to break downe the hornes which had dispersed Israel And finally who gaue his owne sonne to the cruell death Who hath subiected the deare spouse of Christe Iesus to afflictions and temporall calamities Dare you denie but that it was and is the eternall God by whose good will all these thinges were appointed and decreed or were any of them done agaīst his almightie will I think you wil not so affirme For the scripture witnesseth that God gaue his Sonne to the world euē of determined purpose that he should dye orels who could haue compelled his Maiestie therunto if his will had bene repugnant Peter affirmeth that blessed are we that suffre for y e name of Christe adding this comfortable sentēce By them y t is by the persecuters is y e name of God blasphemed but by you it is glorified And therfor let such saith he as be afflicted by y e will of God lay doune their soules in well doīg as in the handes of a faithfull keper Paul witnesseth y t those whom God hath elected in Christe Iesu he hath also predestinate and before appointed to be like fashioned to the image of his owne Sonne Of which testimonies it is plaine that the greuous destruction the aboundance of the bloodshed amōg diuers natiōs the cruell death of Christ Iesus and the most fearefull afflictions of his dearely beloued Church did procede from gods will in so much as he did not onely suffer them but also for most iust causes respectes and endes which often before I haue recited he did will and appoint them and yet in God was there no contrarietie For in the destruction of Ierusalem ād of others he had not respect simply to the ruine and vastatiō of those places but to his iust iudgementes which were prouoked to take vengeance vpon the multitude of their sinnes which lōg he had suffered When our Master Christe Iesus did suffre he had no delite in the crueltie of those enraged dogges who did crucifie him which as he hated so after he did most seuerely punish but his pleasure ād delite was in the redēption of man which by none other sacrifice could haue bene perfited And this day and from the beginning he hath had no pleasure in the blood which is shed neither in the tyrānie which is vsed against his simple and smal flock but because he wil haue the members like y e head he doeth a
him all feare indewing him with an heroicall and bold spirite as God him selfe saith I girded the thogh thou hast not knowen me and giuing to him so fortunate succes that all was subiecte to his empire And therefor albeit tenne thousand times ye will aske What nedeth God to mou● the wicked to do wickedly which being giuen ouer of God imagineth nothing but wickednes his master the deuill sl●peth neuer Yet will I answere that as to destroye Babylon in so farre as it was gods worke it was no wicked dede but his most iust iudgement So albeit Cyrus had neuer bene so much enraged against Chaldea ether by his owne pride ether yet by sathan that nether of both could haue broght any thing to passe except that the Lord had decreed to perfourme his worke in Babylon as he him selfe did threaten saying Behold I come vnto the o ● thou destroying mountaine saith the Lord which destroyest all the earth I will stretche oute myn hand vpon thee and rolle the downe from the rockes and will make the a burnt mountaine They shall not take of the a stone for a corner nor a stone for fundations but thou shalt be destroyed for euer saith the Lord c. If you see nothing in these and other such threateninges of God but a permission onely I can not cease to say that you are more then blinde But now to that which folo weth in these wordes THE ADVERSARIE To that which ye alledge of the Prophet Isai harden the heartes of this people c. for the better vnderstanding of tha● place we must note that which is written in the chapter going afore howe the Lord had chosen this people and planted them as a vineyarde and called all Israel to be iudge betwext him and his v●neyard what more could haue bene donne for it then he had donne and yet when he looked for frute of equitie and right●ousnes to there was wrong and mys●rie where vpon followed their indura●s● for they were hardened of the lord that is as afo● is sade God gaue them ouer to their own heartes lust●s Further where he saieth to the Prophet hard● their heartes we must alwaies consider that their heartes were alredye hardened which their wickednes did plainely declare yet hath he cōmanded the Prophet to do his office not to make their heartes hard for that belongeth ●nelie to God● who giuing them ●uer to their heartes lustes hath alredy ha●dnede them but the office of a Prophe●e was to● shew them the hardnes of their har●es so when he saiethe harden their heartes it i● as muche as shew and declare vnto them the hardnes of their heartes The like phrase of spea●che haue we in Le●it 13. If the priest see that the scab is growne abr●de in the ski●me the priest shall make him vncleane how should the priest make him vncleane who is alredye vncleane and whose fleshe he durst not touche but by declaring him to be vncleane So how should the Prophet harden their heartes whose heartes were hardened alredy and whose heartes he could not touche but by declaring ●hem to be hard hear●ed So saieth the Lord to Ieremie driue this people away that they may go oute of my sight s●m to death som to the swerd some to hunger some to captiu●t●e this was not the office of the Prophet which the Caldes executed but the Prophet was here commanded to shew that for their wickednes they should be driuen away some to death some to the swerd some to hunger and some to captiuitie So Ieremie tooke the cuppe out of the lordes hand and made all people drinke thereof ●nto whom the Lord sent him where there be m● nations rec●ned then euer Ieremi● did see with his corp●rall eyes this place therefore must be vnderstand as the others conforme to the office of the Prophe● which was to shewe them that for their wickednes they should drink of the cupp● of the ●ordes wrathe which appereth more plainely by that which followeth where he sayeth if they will not receaus the cuppe of thy hand and dr●nck it that is if they will not take warning by the c. This interpretation is conforme to the phrase of the scripture nether is it contrary to any part of the word but if any man hath a better vnderstanding lett him vse is t● the glory of God Of these thinges alredy spoken ●t is sufficiently proued that God hath reprobat and cast away no man before the foundation of the world but as he hath crea●ed man like vnto his own image so he will the deathe of none but that all should be saued nether is he ●he author or mouer to any euill which with long pacience suffereth wickednes to drawe men to repentance nether willeth he any thing contrary to that which is expressed in his word for at God is constant and immutable of this his holy will he ha●he vttered and declared vnto man to knowe the rest reserued he vnto him se●f for as much as no man is able to c●prehēd the pr●funditie and depth thereof therefor oght no man to go about to proue or improue any thing by that which is vnknowen to him wherefor they which affirme and teache that ●od ha●h orde●ned men a fore the fundation of the world to be damned so that by no meanes they can be saued for suche is his secr●te will not with standing be declareth the cōtrary in h●s word they must nedes haue an euill opinion of God and therefore oght all men of duetie to abho●re their deuilishe doctrine And because I haue said that they haue an euill opinion of God I haue added here a discription of ●hose careles libertines ●●d conforme to their doctrine in all pointes and a discription of the true God wherby it may appere euen vnto the simple howe abhominable their doctrine and opinion in this mater is ANSWER What soeuer shal be redde in the hole scriptures you shall neuer be able to proue that in these wordes of Isaie Go and harden the heartes of this people is nothing els meant but that the Prophete was onely commanded to declare vnto them their blindnes and hardnes of heart for wher soeuer mention is made of the difference betwext the elect and the reprobate this vertue is attributed to the word that it doth illuminate the eyes and mollifie the heartes of the one by the power of the holy Gost and by the contrarie that it doth excecate and more harden the other by reason of their corrupt nature to the which they are iustly left The Euangelist saint Iohn making mention that the Iewes did not beleue in Christ Iesus albeit that they had sene his wonderous workes addeth this cause therefore saith● he they could not beleue because Isaiah had said He hath blinded their eyes hardened their heartes that they should not see with their eyes nor vnderstand in their heartes and be conuerted that I may heale them Here
saith not I will the death of no creature but saith ▪ I will not the death of a sinner Ye are not ignorant● suppose what difference there is betwext an vniuer sa●● negatiue an indefinite or particulare Where ye saye God willeth the death of no creature ye speake generally and vniuersally excepting none But so doth not the Prophet for he saith not I will the death of no creature nether yet I will the death of no sinner but simply saith I will not the death of a sinner I wonder that ye consider not that as there is difference betwext creatures and creature so that also there is difference betwe●● sinners and sinner Some creatures are appointed 〈◊〉 death for the vse and sustentation of mā And dare yo● say that this is done against gods will we be taught the contrarie by his owne mouth If you correcting your generalitie shall say that you meane onely that God will the death of no man And I feare not yet to ioyne with you and against you to affirme that God hath willed doth will and shall will the death of some men The holy Gost speaking of the sonnes of Heli the high Priest saith But they did not heare the voice of their Father because the Lord wold kil them And Moises saith Sihon king of Hesbon wold not suffer vs to passe through his cuntrie for the Lord thy God did harden his minde and strengthen his heart y t he shoule giue him into thy handes How often doth Moses Iosua declare vnto the people that God wolde kill roote oute and destroye those wicked nations from besore the face of his people And were all those kinges whom Iosua did kill killed against gods will The holy Gost affirmeth the contrarie For it is written the Lord did trouble them before Israel and he did strike them with a great slaughter And while that they did flee before the Israelites and were in the descense of Bethoron the Lord cast downe vpon them from heauen greate stones and many more perished by the haile stones thē were slaine with the swerd of the children of Israel If the destruction slaughter death of these wicked men and of the greate host of Senacherib was not the will of God I can not tell how man shal be assured of his will For the plaine word did before promise that the Lord should destroye them and the fact doth witnes the constācie and perfourmance of his will and the same thing doth God this day shall do to the ende of the world when he shall adiudge the reprobate as before is said to the death perpetuall and that not against his will but willingly for the manifestation of his iust iudgementes and declaration of his owne glorie And therefore I say that your prosition saying God willeth the death of no creature is manifestly fals as it that repugneth to gods iustice and to his euidēt scriptures The minde of the Prophetes was to stirre such as had declined from God to returne vnto him by true repentance And because their iniquities were so many offenses so greate that iustly they might haue despaired of remission mercie and grace therefor doth the Prophet for the better assurance of those that should repent affirme that God deliteth not nether willeth the death of the wicked But of which wicked of him no doub●e that truely shoulde repent in his death did not nor neuer shal God delyte But he deliteth to be knowē a God that sheweth mercye grace and fauor to such as vnfeinedly call for the same how greuous so euer their former offenses haue bene But such as continue obstinate in their impietie haue no portion of these promises For them will God kill them will he destroye and them will he thrust by y e power of his word in to the firewhich neuer shal be quenched The Apostle in these wordes God willeth all mē to be saued to come to the knowledge of the trueth speaketh not of euery man and of euery particulare persone But of all men in generall that is to say of men of all estates all conditions all realmes and all ages For as in Christe Iesus there is nether Iew nor Gentile nether man nor woman free man● nor seruant but all are one in him so can no estate no condition of man no realme nor no age be proued so wicked and so corrupt but out of the like hath God called some to the participation of his light and to saluation and life by Christe Iesus and that this is the very naturall meaning of the holy Gost the tex●e it selfe doth witnes For the Apostle immediatly before willeth praiers and supplications to be made for all men for Kinges and for all that were placed in authoritie And because that the Church was chiefely oppressed by such this doubte might haue risen Are we then bound to pray for those that are expresse and coniured ennemies against God You are saith the Apostle for that is good and acceptable before God our Sauior who will all men to be saued That is God willeth you to pray for your persecuters that their eyes may be opened and they conuerted to the liuing God who no doubt will saue some of all estates of all conditiōs and vocatiōs of men For the natiōs are giuen to Christe Iesus by inheritance Kinges shal be the feders of the Church Quenes shal be nurses And in his holy temple shall all sing praise If this interpretation which we doubt not to be the verie meaning of the holy Gost cā not satisfie you Then will I aske of you If God will men otherwise to be saued then by Christe Iesus or as the Apostle speaketh by comming to the knowledge of the veritie Plaine it is that by the wordes of the Apostle ye cā conclude none otherwise For as he saith God will all men to be saued so doth he adde and willeth all men to come to the knowledge of the veritie Which word willeth albeit it be not expressedly repeted in the second mēbre yet of necessitie it must be vnderstand as those that be but meanly sene in the greke or latine tongue do euidently see Then if I shall sufficiently proue that God willeth not all men to come to the knowledge of the veritie in such sort as the Apostle meaneth shall it not infallablye folow that God will not all men to be saued in such sense as you vnderstand That God willeth not all men to come to the knowledge of that veritie by the which man is verely made free from the bōdage of sathan is euidēt not onely by those whom we do see walke in darknes and ignorance but also by the manifest srriptures of God who called Abraham making to him and to his sede the promes of saluation saying I will be thy God and the God of thy sede after thee which promes he kept secrete many ages from the rest of the world Whē he did notifie his law vnto Israel
all traitours they are all I say traitours euery brother deceaueth another All men contemne me all men hold me in execration If these and other lyke places shal be vnderstand so vniuersaly as they appere to be spoken then must we be compelled to say that no true fearer of God remayned in Ierusalem when the Prophetes did preach but that all were blood thirstie all auaricious all idolaters and all dumme dogges the contrarie wherof is euidently declared For Isai had the children whom the Lord had giuen vnto him who albeit they were holden as monsters amonge men yet did they patientlye abide the Lord. Ieremie had Baruch his faithfull scribe not withstāding his weakenes and infirmitie Abedmelech feared the Lord was fauourable to the Prophete and therefore saued he his soule for a praye and was deliuered from that day of vengeance And therefore these vniuersall sentences must also be restreyned and kept within their own boundes like as these All haue left me all seke the thinges that apperteine vnto them selues and not those thinges that be of God Which sentēces except they be restreined we shall condemne the dearest children of God who in Paules daies did valiātly fight against the prince of this world These examples of the one sorte of the other I haue adduced to lette the simple vnderstand that such generall sentences of necessitie must be so restreined that difference may be kept betwext the elect and the reprobate For els we shall do nothing in explaning scriptures but confound light with darcknes For if the wordes of our Master Christe Iesus saying All shal be taught of God shal be so generally vnderstād that no exception be admitted then of necessitie it is that all men and euery persone shall come to the true knowledge of Christe Iesus ▪ for of that knowledge doth he speake in that place But the contrarie thereof is moste euident euen by Christe Iesus his owne wordes who putteth a plaine difference betwext them that be giuen to him by his father and betwext them that be not giuen But now let vs briefly consider what sinners they are whose death God will not but rather hat they conuert lyue Sainct Ihon in his Epistle saith If we say we haue no sinne we deceaue our selues the veritie is not in vs. If we cōfesse our sinnes he is faithfull iust to remitte to vs our sinnes and to clense vs from all vnrighteousnes c. And after Who soeuer commiteth sinne transgresseth also y ● law for sinne is the transgression of the law And ye know y t he is reueled to take away our sinnes and in him is no sinne As many as byde in him y t is in Chriiste Iesus sin not who soeuer sinneth hath not sene him nether hath knowē him c. He y t cōmitteth sinne is of the deuill for the deuil sinneth frō y e beginning c. who soeuer is borne of God committeh not sinne for his sede abideth in him nether can he sinne because he is borne of God Of w c wordes it is euidēt y t there be two sortes of sinners the one be they who mourne lamēt and bewaile their owne wretchednes and miserie vnfainedly before God cōfessing not onely that their hole nature is sinfull and corrupt but also y t dailie they so offend y e Maiestie of their God y t most iustly they deserue the tormentes of hell if Christes iustice Christes mediation w c by faith they embrase should not deliuer them from the wrath to come To these is not sinne imputed for y e blood of Christe purgeth them from all sinne his aduocation and intercession maketh to thē an enterance to the throne of their fathers grace To thē is giuen the spirit of sanctification w c from time to time as it reueleth their sinnes so doth it mortifie purge the same Not that euer in this life gods elect hath bene are or shal be so cleane purged from sinne y t the flesh lusteth not against the spirit as some times affirmed the Pellagians those that then were called Cathari that is cleane purged and now also do the Anabaptistes renew the same most pestilent error by the which Christ Iesus his iustice his office and perpetuall mediation is vtterly destroyed in such sort I saye are not gods childrē purged in this life that nether they fele sinne nether yet the motiōs entisemētes of the same But they are so purged y ● sinne raigneth not in their mortall bodies for the sede of God which is the vertue power efficacie and operation of his holie spirite suffereth them not to delyte in sinne but as they are first called from darcknes to light frō the bondage of sathan to the libertie of gods children so when they sinne as there is none that sinneth not they are called againe by true repentance to their former societie and felowship with Christe Iesus The death of such sinners did God neuer will nether yet can he will for from all eternitie they were his elect childrē whom he gaue to his deare Sonne to be his enheritāce whom the Sonne receaued into his protection and sauegard to whome he hath manifested and to the ende shall manifest him selfe and the louing kindes of his heauenlie father In whose heartes he writeth the law of God and maketh them to walke in his commandementes ●uer thirsting to a further and more perfect iustice then they find within them selues by reason of their corruption The death I say of those sinners God will not but he will that they repent and liue The Apostle saint Peter saith The Lord that hath promised is not slow but he is long suffering toward vs while that he will none to perish but will receaue all to repentāce The Apostle here meaneth not y t al without exception shal be receaued to life by true repentance but y t the cause why God so long deferreth as it were y e extreme iudgement is y ● the electnomber of gods children may be complete as answere was giuen to those y ● cried vnder the aulter to be reuenged vpon the tyrannes that dwell on the earth of these his elect children God will none to perish as before is said But there is an nother sort of sinners farre different from these For nether are they displeased w t thē selues nether yet hate they iniquitie but against gods expresse cōmandementes furiously they runne w t Cain to murther the innocent with Pharao to oppresse the people of God with Iudas to betray the knowen and professed veritie and finally so delyte they in all filthines impietie that they can not repent The eyes of such be blinded their heartes are hardened they are giuen ouer in to a reprobate minde And for thē doth not Christe Iesus pray and therefore they can do nothing but headlonges runne from euill to worse as the deuill to whose tyranny they are committed doth driue them till finally they come
the king But because he did it so often and neuer ended the king being offended went his way Then hastily he went into the throne and behaued him selfe like a king But the king cōming in the meane while thrust him out and caused him to be kept in prisōne three dayes During the siege they set out a boke naming it y e restitutiō in which boke besides other things they say The kingdome of Christe to be suche afore the iudgement daye that the elect and godly shal reigne but the wicked that they should be destroyed euerie where Also that it is lawful for the people to put downe the ciuile powers and that althogh the Apostles had no commandement to take iurisdiction vpō them yet notwith standing the ministers of the church now oght to take the sworde into their handes and by violence to set vp a new common wealth Also that none oght to be suffered in the common wealth that is not a true Christian that none can be saued vnlesse he put all his goods in common without possessing any thing proper vnto him selfe that Luther and the Pope be false prophetes and of the two Luther to be the worse ād that the mariage of those which are not illuminated by the true fayth is polluted and impure ād oght to be takē for adulterie and for nicatiō rather thē mariage Amōg other mē Melanctō Iustus Ionas Vrbanus Rhegius withstode their doctrine as it appered by their plētiful and excellēt writings Within feaw wekes after the new prophet of whome w● spake before blew a trompet in all the stretes and commanded y t all the people should come in to the church yarde of the great tēple all harnesed for the wicked were to be driue forthe of the citie When they were come thither they fon●d a supper prepared and by commandement they sate downe at the table to the nomber of 4000. After they had supped those y t kept the watch aboute 1000. supped also The king and the Quene with their household serued the supper being almost ●nded the king gaue bread to euerie one saying Take ād eate shew forthe the death of the Lord. And the Quene giuing them the cuppe said Drinke and shew forth the death of the Lord. This being done the new prophet of whome we spake before went vp into the pulpet and asked of them all whether they wold obey the word of God or no. Whereunto when they had all said yea he said The commandement of the father is that there be sent forth 28. preachers which shal go into the foure quarters of the world and preach the doctrine that is published in this citie And then by order he named thē and the places to which they should euerie one go Syxe were sent to Osembirge as many to warendorfe eyght to Sufat as many to Cos●eld The king and the Quene supped afterwarde with the seruitours that had serued at the table and with them that were ordeined to go forthe When supper was in doing the king rose saying that he had a busines to do commannded him of the father and by chance there was a souldioure taken whome the king accused to be a traitoure as Iudas was and with his owhe hand he stroke of his head This done he retur●ed to supper and tolde merely of his goodly acte that he had done After supper those 28. preachers were sent forthe alitle before night And besides for the finding of them there was giuen to each of them a piece of golde with a charge that wheresoeuer their doctrine was not receaued they should leaue those pieces in a witnes against thē of their destruction and euerlasting damnatiō because they had refused peace and a doctrine so wholesome When they came to the places appointed vnto them they cried in the townes that men should repent orels they should perish out of hand They spred their garmētes vpon the ground before the Rulers and cast vpon them their pieces of golde which they had receaued affirming that they were sent of the father to bring them peace which if they wold receaue then they willed them to put all their goods in common and if they refused then by this signe and as it were a marke they wold witnes their euil dede and vnthankfulnes For behold the time said they spoken of before by the prophetes in the which God will that righteousnes shall reigne vpon the whole earth is come And when the king shall haue fulfilled his office that iustice doeth rule in euerie place then shal it come to passe that Christe shall giue vp the kingdome to the father They speaking after this maner were takē and in y e beginning by gentlnes and afterwith tormentes they being asked of their doctrine life of y e strength of y e citie answered that they onely had the true doctrine which they wold mainteine with the perill of their liues For said they from the time of the Apostles the trueth hathe not bene truely preached nor any iustice vsed also that there were 4. prophetes two iust Dauid and Iohn Leiden and two vniust the Bishop of Rome and Luther who was the worst of bothe They being asked why cōtrarie to their promise they had driuē y e innocentes out of their Citie occupying their goodes wiues and children by what place of the scripture they wolde proue that their fact to be well and iustly done they answered that the time was come which Christe spake of that the meke should posses the earth and that in lyke case God did giue the goods of the Aegyptians to the Israelites Afterward they tolde of the munition and victualles that were in the citie and the multitude and also that many in it had aboue fiue wiues a pece adding this that they loked for armies of mē out of Friseland and Holand which when they were once come the king wold set forth with all his host to bring the whole worlde vnder his power and subiection after that he had killed all the kings therof for not ministring iustice When they had bene reasoned withall after this maner and they continued in their purpose and wolde acknowledge none other magistrate then their king they were all put to death sauing one that escaped The Citie was so hardly and so straitly beseged that none could ether go in or out Wherefore the citizens fearing famishment and seing the danger that they were in they thoght to haue taken the king and to deliuer him to the Bishop bound but he getting knowledge therof chose 12. out of all the multitude suche as he thoght to be most faithful vnto him and called them captaines and to eche of them he appointed certeine quarters of the Citie to defend and garisons of men to kepe the people from rising More ouer he promised to all the multitude that by Ester the siege should be remoued and that they should be deliuered from the necessitie that they were in But vnto
stabilitie of faith Rom. 5. 1. Iohn 14. 6 1. Cor. 1. 30 Ro 1. 26 The vnmouable ground of faith Rom. 8. 29 Ephes. 1. 14 2. Thes. 2. 13 2. Pet. 1. 2. 20 Rom. 11. 29 Rome 8 Ham. Ishmael Esau Abshalom Achitophel Iudas The Niniuites Manasses Paul Magdelene The thiefe What humilitie is Ephes. 2. 8 1. Cor. 1. 30 1. Iohn 4. 10 Ephes. 1. 22 The first section Cap. 14. Sectiō 40 Libr. ad bonifa 2. Cap. 6. 40. Retract lib. 1. cap. 2. Stoi●●● necessitie Cap. 1. 2 ▪ 3. 4. 5. 〈…〉 Why the Anabap. mystlyketh the doctryn of predestination Presciēce Prouidence Ioan. 10. Prouerb 20. Prou●r 16. Matth. 10 ▪ 29. Predestinatiō The second sectiō Liers are the deuilles sonnes Institut Cap. 14. Sect. 5. De aeterna Dei praedestinatiō In●titu Cap. 14. Sect. 14. Caluin vpon Isaiah The schoeles of Papistes full of blasphemies Inst. cap. 14. sect 17. The third section Two chiefe propositiōs Ephes. 1. Is●i 44. Isaiah 55. Isaiah 54 The constancie of Gods prom●s Isaia 46. Psal. 2● Isal. 138. Iob. 10. Isaia 46. Iohn 6. Ioan. 17. Rom. 6. 1. Ioan. 4. The fourth section Zach. 3. Act. 17. Isaiah 45 The sayeng of a blaspphemous mouthe Iob. 39. What the aduersary will saye Isaia 66. The workes of God can not be subiect to our reason The reasō of Anabaptistes Answer The aduersarie falsly and vnreuerētly alledgeth this word birth Answer Malac. 2. What we haue in Adam Error of Anabaptistes The affirmations of the trew Christiās Gen. 3. Question Answer The churche of Christe and the serpente●i sede De bono perseuerāt Reply of the aduersary Question Gods purpose was from the beginning to make a difference in mankinde The se●●●●de diff●●ēce This is the cause why all the prophetes almost do de clare gods wrath against Esan and Edome Psea 137 Esaie 34. Ier. 49. Obad. 1. Rom. 9. How S. Paul applieth the wordes of Moises Gene. 25. Promes inade to Isaak Vessels of mercie prepared vnto glorie Gods election dependeth not vpon man Iohn 8. Why the Iewes beleued not in Christe Christe maketh a diff●rērence of one sort from an other Iohn 17. What Christ did for his Christe praied not for the world An answere to the papistical and pestilent obiection of Pighius ād others his like Deut. 7. Deut. 9. Iosue 24. Ezec. 16 God did not for our workes predestinate vs. 2. Ti. 1. Question 1. Cor. 4. Apoca. 4. 5. A brief rehearsal what is before sufficiently proued The fyft section Isaia 45. Isaia 30. Matt. 7. Psal. 144 Esaia 54 Psal. 29. Isaiah 49 Isaiah 30 Is●ia 49 Matt. 7. Luc. 11. The blasphemy of Anabaptistes 〈◊〉 3. Psal. 145 Note the plain difference Exod. 20. Howgods mercy is greater then his wrath The six te sectiō To the 1. To the 2. 3. 4. 5. Deut. 19. To the 6. The seuenth section To the 1. ● 3. Blindnes and hardnes of hart are effectes reprobation Why God treated mā good whō he ordeyned neuertheles to fall The eight section Ephes. 1. Psal. 49. Iob. 34. 4. Esdr. 8 Sapient 2 Sapien. 9 Matth. 12 The ground of the Anabaptistes error An argument 〈◊〉 prou●th that in Adam we could not stand Answer to the scriptures shamefully abused by the aduersaries Matt. 11. The aduersarie wrasteth the scripture in Iob. Iob. 34. Act. 10. An argument directly against the aduersaries argument Influence of the sterres Educatiō The cause is not in nature of our faethfull obediēce What is the cause that some beleue and some remayn vnfaithfull How God respecteth not persōs 1. Sa. 16. That God hath not respect of persons most euidently cōfuteth the error of the aduersaries of gods predestination The cause and effect are diuerse D●ut 7. Rm. 9. Neither was nor is in vs any thing whereby we should deserue to be elected The bookes called Apocryphes Reu●rēce vnto gods holie worde Reade the prologue of Ecclesiasticus and the end of the last chap. of the second booke of Machab. Sap. 2. Deut. 2. Lyke as there be degrees betwext election and glorification euen so there be degrees betwext reprobatiō and cōdemnation The nynte section Galat. 2. Ephes. 1. Ephes. 1. To the. 2. All be not Saintes nor blessed with spiritual benediction Oure regeneration to good workes is by the grace of God The tēth section To 〈…〉 Iob. 36. Castalio is translation The eleuēth section To the 1. To the 2. The iust causes of reprobatiō are hid in gods eternall counsel but the causes of death and damnatiō are euidēt in the scriptures The iudgementes of God are a deuoring depth The twelth section The thirtēth section Esaia 50 Esaia 48 To the 1. Ephe. 1. To the 2. Iohn 1. To the 3. Rom. 1. To the 4. Isaiah 55. Iohn 6. To the 5. An argument against the aduersaries forged diuision of gods election To the 6. Matth. 16 Rom. 8. To the 7. Iohn 6. The fre wil mē iudge rashly To the 8. The perfecdtiō that the aduersaries pretend in this lyfe Philip. 3. How strōg the aduersaries wolde seme to be To the 9. The fourtēth section Isaia 48 Esdr. 9. I●rem 2. Esaia 42. 43. The scriptures affirme that there be many fals Christes fals Prophetes But Iesus Christe is our onely Sauior without whome there is no saluation To the 1. Institu 2. Cap. ●ec 78. De eterna Dei proedestinatione To the. 2. Rom. 〈◊〉 To the 3. To the 4. Luk. 16 To the 5. The fiftenth section The 2. argument Rom. 8. Reade the scriptures better be ashamed of your argument Rom. 9. The difference of gode fore knowledge Matth. 7. The six tenthe section Ezech. 18 Reade the first sectiō The 17. Section O prowde lucifer that darest compare thy knowledledge to the presciēce of God To the 1. Galat. 1. 1 Tim. 1 God worketh both in his elect and in the reprobate but in diu●rse maner To the ● Read the praier of the Apostles Act. 4. What power Ananias had of his land Act. 5. The eightene section 1. Re. 23. Whence haue ye your assurance To the 1. 2. 3. Matt. 26. Iohn 13. The nyntēth section To the 1. Difference betwext the libertie of Chri●tes will and the fredō of Adams will Gods prescience is not to be seperated from his will Rom. 9. Prouer. 16. When violence is dō to the will of a creature The grud geing of the reprobat Rom. 9. Why creatures offēd whe● they most serue gods coūs●l Luk. 22. Gods will is fre althogh it chāge not as occasion is offered by mens doings The 20 Section Rom. 9. Malach. ● To the 1. Themynd of the Apostle in the 9. c●apit to the Romains concerning Iacob and Esaw To the ● Esaw som maner of way serued Iacob in the fleshe Gen. 27. 2. Reg. 8. Gen. 28. The place of the Prophete Malachie Why the Apostle maketh neither me●tion of Abraham nor of Isaak but of Iacob and of Iacob being in his mothers wombe The grace of
could in no wies beleue that Christe was risen and had obteined victorie yet they which at the voice of their capteyn ryse vp and turne againe and fight laufully euen vnto the end they are chiefly aboue all others called elect and chosen because they continuing vnto the end obtein that whereūto they are chosen and they folow the lambe whether so euer he goeth it is a hard thing that any such be deceaued and fall away forasmuch as they first are illuminated from ab●ue and haue forsaken all yea them selues and haue altogither submitted them selues to the gou●rnance of their Lord and capitē Christe They daily obtein such victorie of their ennemies that their warfare is now becom easie And in hope they haue to subdue by the aid and counsell of their Lord all their ennemies their ioy and comfort is so great that they esteme all earthlie pleasure which should draw them back but vane foolishe displeasante and beast●lyke happie is he which vnderstandeth this to be true not onely by sp●culation but also by experience These thre kindes of election are plainelie set surth in the historie of Gedeon which being w●ll and duely vnderstanded confyr to the world ANSWER Before ye enter to confute our argumentes as ye boldly promes ye affirme that electiō is takē in the scriptures thre maner of waies That is as you say Generally specially and most especially of all which diuision with the probation of the same is so foolishe so fals ād so far from the purpose that onles ye should haue occasion to calūniat that so much of your book I passed ouer with out answer I wold not spend the moment of an hour in answering the same For how litle do the wordes of Paule serue for your generall election in the confirmation of your eight reason ▪ and after also I haue declared And I leaue to be proued of your parte by the euident testimonie of any scripture that God so oft electeth to lief euerlastīg as he commandeth man to refuse him self orels as he giueth his further grace to such as he hath called to the knowledge of him self and of his onely beloued Sonne Christ Iesus That there is a generall vocatiō by the which the world by som maner of meanes is called to the knowledge of God and a vocation of purpose which apperte●neth to gods children onely I fynd in scriptures But that there is any election to lief euerlasting except that which is and was in Christ Iesus in the eternall counsell of God before the foundation of the world I am assured that neither scripture affirmeth neither iustly can it be gathered vpon any sentence of the same That the true light which is Christ Iesus illuminated all men commyng in to this world we confes but what will ye thereof conclude Ergò say ye all are elected in him to lief euerlasting I deny your consequence And say that albeit man be indewed w t the light of reason and vnderstāding which no doubt procedeth from Christe and is not of nature onely yet doeth it not therefore consequently folow that euerie man that hath reason is elected in Christ to the lief euerlasting if ye ask for what purpose then doeth their lightning and illumination serue thē the Apostle doeth answer you that they may be inexcusable w c reason if it satisfie not your curiositie quarell with the holie Gost. If you be able to proue that all that be called do earnestly repent and that all be thirstie to whom the waters of lief are offered ye haue said somewhat to proue a generall election But and if it be euident that a great nombre do rather repyne against the trueth nor repent their iniquitie which it reproueth and that mo do either seme to haue no thirst to righteousnes orels do drink of the stinking pudles of mannes doctryne then that they will receaue those holsome waters of lief w c Christe Iesus giueth to his Churche then haue you proued no part of your purpose And wōder it is y t in y e wordes of y e Prophet ād in y e wordes of our master Christ Iesus also ye se not a plaine differēce made for y e Prophete calleth not al indifferently to drink of these waters but such as do thirst And Christ restreineth his generalitie to such as did trauale and were burdened w t sinne such I say he confesseth him self to call to repentance But to such as were iust and hole he affirmeth that he was not sent And so yet once agane I affirme that the scriptures of God make but mention of one Election to lief euerlasting I am not ignorant that Saule was elected to be king ouer Israel and Iudas also to the office of an Apostle but whether thereof you be able to conuince that they were both elected to the lief euerlasting in Christe Iesus before that they did offēd for so you affirme I remitt you to your proofe I feare not to proue that by the veritie him self Iudas is called the deuill long before that the holie Gost maketh any mētion that it entred in to his heart to betray his master It may appere to some that in heaping of your exemples and histories which ye adduce for your especiall election as ye terme it ye rather delyte to renew your memoire then substancially to proue your purpose For if a mā should thus reason against you The shepe of Christe which by the eternall purpose of God be especially elected to lief heare his voice and with reuerence do know and obey the same But these whom ye rehearse did heare the voice as ye alledge but neither did they know nor obey it Ergo they were not the shepe elected and especially chosen if thus I say any man should reason prepare for your answer And farther how ye be able to proue that Sardanapalus Croesus and Tarquinius the proude can be placed in this rank of your especially elected I can se no good reason for except that calamitie and gods iust vengeance did folow their insolencie filthie lief and pryde I fynd in histories no speciall message sent vnto them from God But this ye may vnderstand by som secrete reuelation which ye haue receaued of late in your perfection That ye place vs with the hole band of the Stoikes who with their destinie play fast or loose and that of necessitie which as you say passeth the conning of all iuglers Althogh we do not greatlie feare the force of your sentence yet must we appeale to a more righteous and indifferente iudge that is to the Lord Iesus to whom all iudgemēt is giuē ād in y e meā tyme we further must require such as be indifferent in this mater to iudge betwext you ād vs whether y t we or ye be those y t play fast or loose in that which ye skoffingly call destinie and stoicall necessitie and we call gods eternall election and purpose immutable We