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A04789 The exposition, and readynges of Iohn Keltridge: Mayster of the Artes: student of late in Trinitie Colledge in Cambridge, minister, preacher, and pastor of the Church of Dedham, that is in Essex: vpon the wordes of our Sauiour Christe, that bée written in the. xi. of Luke Keltridge, John. 1578 (1578) STC 14920; ESTC S107990 202,637 268

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thy kingdome come Therefore Eucherius vppon the kings doth figuratiuely drawe the kingdome of Saul vnto Christ in that they of Israel lost the kingdome and gouernement by his reprobation and it shoulde be recouered againe vnder the Messtas by free gift Lactantius giueth a spiritual heauēly kingdome vnto Christ for that he was obedient and fatthfull to his father and fulfilled all thinges euen to the death of the crosse therefore he hath giuen him a kingdome and honour and rule Also Epiphanius maketh a comparison betwixt the house of Israel and Ierusalem from whome the scepter and kingdome was some times taken away but saith he for euer shall our glorie last which we shal haue in the throne of the Lorde And his kingdome it is not on yearth for so he testified vnder that testimonie hee gaue vnto Pontius Pilate Therefore Cyprian Christ may be called the kingdome of God whome we looke for dayly and in our prayers desire he woulde come spéedily for in so much as he is our resurrection our glorie our crowne therefore shall we rise be made like vnto him and raigne with him most gloriously It is true and certeine as there is a dominion and sceptar on earth so there is and shal bee a kingdome in heauen so that at such time as wee pray and desire to be with Christe we desire to bee with him in his kingdome which in the ende hee will giue vnto vs in heauen Then as the power of Sathan is great and as he hath his pollicie and ingins readie prepared to snare vs so hath the Lord God his ordinarie meanes to bring vs to his kingdome and hee layeth vp in store for those that bee his against the day of his comming First of all the kingdom of God was knowen and opened inlarged verie aboundantly by his worde which he gaue vs so that they which were snared intangled by Sathan had to runne vnto that eternal decree and heauenly Oracle that was deliuered by the Lorde The séede of the woman shall tread down the head of the Serpent with this as with spirituall foode were our fathers fedd and liued in the hope which they had in one Christ for they hoped for an heritage and for a kingdome and for their redemption which they knewe shoulde bee fulfilled in their season Secondly the amplification and increase of the kingdō of God was shewed to man in that when the appointed houre was come he sent his onely begotten sonne into the worlde that beeing made man of the virgin Marie he might take our weakenesse vppon him and beare our infirmities that our nakednesse might be no more open before God his father but we might be clothed and couered in his peace First he washed away our sinnes and nayled them vnto the Crosse and adopted vs into the libertie of the children of God That we might falter no more and slide from him he lefte a defence and shielde for vs which is our faith that albeit we haue sinne and iniquitie ranging in our mortal bodies yet by a liuely hope in his bloud we might stande stedfast against the enimie and haue our sinnes no more imputed to vs but be counted able to stande before his tribunal in the merite and death of his sonne and such an assurance is giuen vnto vs of life in that kingdom that Paule bursteth out into a verie vehement speeche and wondereth at the Lord that hath brought to passe so much for vs For who can lay ought to our charge that be the children of God It is God that iustifieth who shall condemne It is Christe that is dead nay rather which is risen againe that sitteth at the right hande of his father and is an intercessor and mediator for vs Wherefore séeing the sonne of God hath made a satisfaction for our sinnes and hath by his resurrection vanquished hell death the diuell and condemnation it doth followe that he hath made vs a frée passage to his kingdome and hath set in good order the perfection that was wanting to make vs obedient children in this life and to giue vs his rewarde at the length euen a crowne of immortalitie and glorie And here commeth in the thirde thing that establisheth and giueth vs full certeintie of our kingdom in Christe whereby he squareth vs as fit stones hewen out in good time for so excellent a building and it is the earnest of the spirite procéeding from his father to direct sanctifie and gouerne vs against all the assaultes and temptations of Sathan And here it commeth to passe that where as by nature and offence of the first man we are vnreadie and vnméete to do that which is acceptable pleasant in his sight nowe by his spirite woorkinge in our mindes and consciences and daily striuing with the fleshe wee finde aptnes in our selues and a more readinesse to obey the Lorde This comforter as he was moste plentifully in great terrour and astonishement manifested to his Apostles at the firste enlarging of the kingdome of God so hath he not forsaken vs thoughe visibly he appeare not vnto vs but doth purge and wipe away our infirmities and lighteneth vs by a perfect calling and secreate operation through the obedience of his name that we may knowe what the holy and perfect and readie will of God is And as Saul a verie wicked and vngodly man was founde prophesying among the Prophets and Amos from the Mulberie trées and from the plough was taken into the temple and Sinagog of Hierusalem and as some of the Apostles from the net and the fishers hooke were altered and chaunged vnto other maner of men so is it with vs made and fashioned againe that were before filthie and wicked we are purged renued clensed and renouated by a more liuelye quickening wee stande boldly before his throne of grace and heare knowe the glad tidings of peace for the spirite maketh intercession with groninges for those that be the Lordes and worketh mightily in our heartes vnto saluation Fourthly and lastly this kingdome of God is increased and inlarged by the preaching of the Gospel a verie ordinarie way that God hath left vnto vs to bring vs to heauen euen to beléeue the worde and obey the Lord God and to attaine to the ful measure and depth thereof which is the eternall decree purpose and determination of his death the ende wherof is our life the cause thereof his onely loue good wil and fauour that he bare to man openly knowen and apparant by the Gospell It is therefore called the Gospell of Iesus Christe the sonne of god Mar. 1. It is called the word of Christe Collos 3. It is called the worde of the Lorde Act. 6. It is called the doctrine of Christ or the teaching of the Lorde Act. 13. And it is called the teaching of him that saueth Tit. 2. It is called the preaching of the Lorde Rom. 16. all which titles epithites giuen vnto the
to the hope that Paul had receiued by faith in one Christ Or teacheth his younge scholer to be setled grounded in the lor● For without controuersie it is the mistery of Godlynesse which is God is manifested in the flesh iustified in spirite séene of Angels preached vnto the gentiles Beleeued on in the world receiued vp in glorie Al which of the remission of our sinnes of our redemption wrought of our iustification finished of our glorie to be reuealed what assurance can we haue in this life where withall can wee be made certeine bowe can we comprehende the height the depth and breadth here of but only by faith in the same Christ For as Chrisostom in his sermon Of Faith Hope Charitie So determeine I in this place of the same Faith is the beginning of reighteousnes the head of our sanctification the entraunce or path way to our deuotion the foundation also of our religion Haec excludit dubia tenet certa promissa consignat hanc qui tenet foelix est Augustine de vera innocentia Cap. 352. Hath laide a perfecte platforme of our faith in my iudgment It is faith in Christ for so he saith to beléeue in him that iustifieth the wicked to beléeue in the Mediator without whom no man is reconciled to God. To beeleeue in the Sauiour which came to seke to saue that was lost To beleeue in him which sayd without mée yée can doo nothing Theodoret nameth this faith in his first booke De fide an assured agréement a consent or certenty or affiaunce that we haue of inuisible thinges which are yet to come The meaning whereof is expressed by Thalassius that calleth Christ our sauiour nameth him God in whome we are iustified that hee might quicken vs make vs aliue in him therfore also he hath giuen vnto vs faith to attaine life In his Hecatondate 4. Isychius though paraduenture it sauour a little of the law the Prophets calleth Christ a sacrifice For no man saith he can atteyn the sacrifice of our Lorde that is his death but by the spirite of god * In the. 5. vpon Liuiticus And I take this to be more necessarie to be knowen as I doe finde it most expedient for man For as without water there is no plāting or as without the son there is no prospering or as without wisedome there is no cunning No more is there life without doctrin or saluation without teaching or hope without trust or Christe without the worde or the worde without God or they al with out faith Paulinus vppon the death of Celsus hath a proper verse Nam veluti rupto patuere sacraria velo sic reserat nobis legis operta fides But ouerlonge I suppose in this and some what tedious and truely I confesse it for the libertie that I haue in Christ and the fréedome I haue gotten by his death hath swallowed me vp That euen nowe had I not bene admonished the you be already weary I shoulde haue forgotten my selfe in this my tarying It may be the late speach hereof soundeth in your eares that tossing it to and fro in my former reading requireth at this time I would not handle it so roughly And I am content to stay this course onely take of me this watchword he the beléeueth not he is a sinner and he that hath not remission in the death of Christe shat man cannot be saued The next is as we forgiue them that offende against vs Guen all those that trespasse or commit offence or endamage or hurt vs or seeke our life or goods or such like the reason whereof I take to bee this God hath promised to be kindly good to Israel to be a father and a Lorde vnto them to comfort them and helpe them as it is euery where then euen for our owne sake to liue thereafter to feare him We haue example in Christ to for giue others as he forgiueth vs for be you mercifull because I am mercifull And if that the Lorde hath pardoned vs that deserued eternall death and condempnation is it much for vs to forgiue our poore Brother that hath but offended in transitorie things hereon earth The example of Christ may mooue vs that when he was smitten did not smite againe and when hee was reuiled reuiled not And when he hanged on the Crosse and they rayled on him desired his father that hee woulde not lay their sinne vnto their charge Our praying here that hee would forgiue vs as we forgiue others is not therefore put in that wee by forgéuing shall receiue rewarde and that because we remit other their offences Therefore wee also shall haue pardone at the handes of God that were beastly in vs to thinke so For then it were by desert then were it of merite that we shoulde haue eternall life But euen here is our protestation the badge seen of our Christianitie in that we conforme and make our selues like vnto Christ that forgaue all Therefore Cyprian adiunxit legem certa nos lege sponsione cōstringēs sic nobis dimitti debita postulamus secundum quod ipsi Debitoribus nostris dimittimus For true it is that is in Math. With what measure we meat with the same shall wee be measured againe And if we play as that same vnfaithfull seruaunt did that when all was forgiuen him yet went and tooke the lawe of his fellowe seruaunt It is in a hazarde that he binde vs and cast vs not in the gayle and fetter vs till we haue paide our whole debt If thou be at the altar and then remember thou hast any thing against thy brother lay downe thy gift saith one of the Euaungelists by Christ and after recencilation made come and offer at the aultar It is an assured and most certein signe of our faith if we be such as our maister was It beateth and treadeth downe the pride and hautinesse of man that as he is most stately is often times bent to crueltie and as he is puffed vp reuengeth most as he is most guilty and greatest offender so he spareth none For as wee be rauished till we sée the bloode of him we loue not so here we are clipped of from this liberty That natural heate most commonly bubling within vs by our first birth is extinguished by the méekenes and humblenesse of spirite that we haue from the Lorde As I am not here of the opinion of that Stoycke to set fire on the house of him I hate to weare my drawen swoorde to wounde him I meete nexte that I hate most so permit I also a libertie to the christian a reuenge to the godly man that he appeale from priuate iniuries to open maiestracie And this daggar is able to wound the proudest Anabaptist of them all the I knowe this day whose priuate affection could neuer abide the any should sit in Moses seat But these hissing serpens
shoulde worke in him and corrupt Adam by his owne falte For in that the sinne and infirmitie whiche lurketh in an other is bewrayed and brought to light marke the prouidence and gouernement of the Lorde which bringeth that to passe whereby his owne wisedome righteousnesse and mercy may appeare If he did worke and cause an adulterous minde in a man whose minde was pure and innocent before and then moued him to vtter the same in act and déede somewhat what it were that we had to say vnto the Lord But if he worke not that adulterous minde but findeth it corrupt and defiled by Sathan and by the person him selfe and then ordeineth that shal be fall causeth the same wickednesse in that same man to tende to his glorie Let vs try out the vnsearchable riches and wisedome of the Lorde that causeth the same thing which of it selfe is euill to turne be chaunged vnto that which shal be good Then if these men vnderstande by his will that God delighted not in Adames sinne there is no strife I say so and so we fight with the ayre But if there by is ment It was not Gods decrée and ordinaunce that Adam shoulde finne but all onely for his fall and in respect of sinne they my bee Anathamatized and that iustely For they plucke God out of his throne they haue no consideration but measure the Lorde as man To this tendeth both the rest for nowe I must be short and I doubt not but GOD will permitte that I may one day make longer discourse hereof Christ is saide to die and for our redemption for his resurrection is our iustification Nowe it was Gods will this should be why then shall not the Iewes be excused O wretched man that I am that shoulde thus reason against the goodnesse of God and abuse his long sufferaunce that bringeth vs to eternall life I answere that same filthy Papist that scholler of so vile a maister and that sought his death and mine and séeth it not Pyggyus Often times God wicked men I speake according to our weakenesse and in reuerence are said to thinke one thing For Adam woulde sinne and Gods will was he should sinne but Adam would be like and equall to God he woulde bée perfect knowing good and euill Gods will was that Adam through his owne faulte shoulde sinne to turns Adames sinne to good and to bring good out of euill so that out of his perdition he brought saluation out of his fall strength and life Out of his thoughts and cogitation blessednesse and perfection vnto man. The Iewes will was to put Christe to death And Gods will was his sonne should die But to the Iews it was in malice and crueltie But of God in goodnesse and clemēcie For hee raunsomed vs that were prisoners captiues in the slauerie of the deuill Hes gaue vs life that were before in death and offered vs saluation that were before in condempnation wherfore this argument is nought God willeth it and we will it Ergo our willes is one It is a causa non sufficiente He the taught this may go to schoole againe set him downe for ought that I can sée for if he turne not ouer a newe leafe it is not this can euer honest him Take the reason God hath a Consideration in his will and purpose more then man hath for an vnthriftie childe willeth the death of his father God also will haue him die But it is in another maner The vnthriftie sonne doth it to enioy his fathers goodes God doth it to make an exchaunge to conueigh him out of miserie to life if he bee his for hee ordeined it before all beginninge Or to translate him from vs vnto death if hee hath not chosen him in Christe for it is his lot and hee decréede it before the worlde And heere I staye For if Paul can not Satisfte thée in his discourse to the Romanes neither do I looke to perswade thée herein That if thou like not me and my wordes as the Orator did of Plato and Isocrates when he spake of Theusidides so say I of Caluin of Zwinglius let me go astray with the m. Nowe to conclude all Leade vs not into temptation The verie meaning and true exposition is this Let O Lorde thy spirite bée with vs directe vs in our dooinges gouerne vs in that wée goe about suffer vs not to bée tempted beyonde that wée are able to beare For the Diuell and Sathanas seketh to molest inueigle away the Children of god And it is our duety to pray vnto the Lorde that wee be not ouercome in our temptation For they of God they study not to do well and to win Heauen by their merrits but they praye to stand stedfastly that they may bée saued and haue redemption in his death They study not by good workes to obtaine Saluation but because they are already saued for they be assured therof they will bee thankefull and obediente to the Lord because in his free election he hath saued them The like may bée sayd of the last words Deliuer vs from Euill For to this ende is our life our dealings our conuersation our vprightnes beefore the Lorde That wée haue an assured testimony of his good will that hée will kepe vs from death The rest of this Prayer For thine is the kingdome thy powre and thy glory for euer and euer Because our Luke hath pretermitted it therfore will not I at this time touch it In this my short Treatise if I haue done any good I am glad therof The poore substance that I haue and that litle God hath giuen mée that I haue offered to you all when God shall enritch mée with greater store and my Barnes better filled then now they bée So good corne as our Barren soyle bringeth forth of that I willingly will giue you choyse Onely at this time take my presente farewell as a grayne or two left behinde to fill vp your measure for I would haue no man to suspecte mee for my waight And let not my doctrine bee an offence to any this was only the the true meaninge that I had to teach one Lorde and Iesus Christe whom bee sente the redéemer of the world that I worship in the Spirite And this I commit vnto the whole Churche of God whose building and workemanship if it bée any other then this let it bée accursed 1. The foundation or corner Stone Christ 2. The builders his Ministers 3. The Morter to temper it is Veritie 4. The Lyme to season it is Skilfulnesse 5. The Sande to strengthen it is Wisdome and scattered thorough euery parte parcell of this buildinge 6. The Instruments to worke withall be the guiftes of the holy Ghoste 7. The Pillers Confidence and Trust 8. The Walles the two Sacramentes 9. The ground or Pauement our Profession 10. The Roofe or couering Perseuerance 11. The Windowes and light the working and lightning wee
Christ And so Paul prayed that the Tēpter which was giuen him that he shoulde not waxe proude after such time be was wrapte vp into the thirde heauens might be taken from him And Christ gaue vs an example hereof in Math. Father take away this Cuppe from me if it be thy will. In another place Therefore came I into the world that by my death I might saue some Or that I might drinke of this Cuppe And this he did for our example for of him selfe he was stroung enough and he knew what should happen but being man he tooke vpon him our in firmities and bare our greife and as for our aduersitie the first kind of temptation it can not be but profitable séeing that God will not suffer those that bee his to bee tempted aboue that they bee able to beare And Iames. 11. Thinke it a greate ioy my brethren so often as you fall into temptation seeing you know that the tryall of your faith bringeth patience and pacience maketh a full end or consummation of all And Dauid Happie is he that suffereth temptation for because when hee is tryed hee shall receiue a crowne of life which God hath promised to them that loue him There is also a temptation whiche is of Sathan Maister Gualter in Luke Pag. 286. Calleth the deuill a tempter he fetcheth it from out of the scriptures which in déede you shall finde in many places His reason is good Assidue varieque molitur vt nos a Deo abducat per incredulitatem aut peccandi licentiam male perdat 1 Continually doth the deuill goe about to seduce vs from the Lorde that by incredulitie and by licentious life he may destroy vs Therefore in this place it is well noted where hee is saide 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a tempter And here it is that wee call him Sathan which is the Hebrew and signifieth an enimie And so he is called in Zacharie 3. He shewed mee Iehosua the high preist standing before the Angell of the Lord to resist me And the Lord said to Sathan the Lord reprooued thée thou Sathan that is thou enemy to man And in Iob the children of God came stoode before God and Sathan was among them that is their enimie And so when the sonns of Seruia came vnto Dauid and would haue had execution done Dauid aunswered what haue I to doe with you you children of Seruia you are this day vnto me as Sathan an enimie For they thought to slea Semei to make it a bloudy day to Dauid And so is he called Diavolous a deuil that is an accusar and so it is in the Reuela 12. The old Serpent which is called the Deuil and Sathanas that is your accuser and enimie is cast forth Then wee pray here against temptations That is he woulde not let vs be snared or swallowed vp by the subtiltie and wilinesse of the deuil This is the end hereof That as Caluin Propiae infirmitatis nobis conscii dei presidio defendi nos sciamus That being guiltie of our owne weakenesse wee might be fostered or stayed by the helpe of the Lorde that we may stande assured against all engynes of of Sathan For therfore it is spoken that we may knowe all things happen by the prouidence of God that we were in extréeme miserie and ouercame by the wilinesse and subtiltie of this enimie of ours if hée reared vs not and lifted vs not vp in his Christe Aug. in his booke De Natura gratia Ca. 58. thinketh thus Vt resistamus diabolo precamur vt aufugiat Diabolus cum dicimus Ne nos inducas in temptacionem The Aucthor agaynst the two Epistles of Pelagius Lib. 4. Cap. 9. doth bring out of Cyprian this Exposition when it is sayde Lead vs not into temptation Wée are admonished of our imbecility weakenesse For it is sayd watch and pray that you enter not into temptation A reason is adioyned the Spirit is willing the flesh is weake and this is least wée shoulde be puffed vp insolently Cyprian vppon the Lordes Prayer gathereth a verygood lesson The author of vntrueth and our aduersarie the diuell can doo nothinge without Gods permission And therfore all our feare and our trembling is to be layde vpon the Lorde for that in all temptations the wicked man can do nought vnlesse hee haue powre from god Where I desire you to cōsither with mée two things First the disposition of the wicked for their reason is hée leadeth vs into Temptation hée is therfore the Aucthor of sinne The godly man hée sayth hée leadeth vs into temptation Sée first what a louing Father wée haue how good a God hée trieth vs and prooueth vs hee suffereth vs not to bée tempted aboue our strength For in his goodnes by his Scourges hée reclaymeth vs That which I giue to vnderstand is this The godly take all things to the best for their Saluation The wicked wrest and wreath all manner of Gods works all his dealings to their reprobation For this Heresye grounded out of this place God tempteth vs hee is therfore the Aucthor of sinne I will confute it bréefely Thrée kindes of men I finde here that peruerte and turne the meaninge of the Spirite of God. The first is detestable and derogating from the Maiesty of the Lord. And it is of the Libertines touched also before That hurle and thrust vpō the Lord all their offences al their wicked malitious deedes and make him the Author of sinne The second opinion is of learned and wise Fathers whom I reuerence for their skill and honor for their guiftes Yet holde I not with them in that they are faulty they thinke that God hardneth and stifneth the hartes of men And that hée is the cause of sinne yet so that the same which is malice in man raysed vp by God is perfectnes in him That hée punisheth sinne by sinne yet are they affrayd to graunt that hee worketh in all The third kinde is of them that interprete thorow the whole Volume and Booke of God thus Hée suffereth him to fall he permitteth him to offēd Hée letteth them goe astray and going so nicely to worke thinke they shall escape all hinderaunces thereby to detracte any thinge from the Maiesty of the Lorde Of these some one of them must they cannot all bée true It is an excellente Argumente that I finde in Augustine in his questions Deus non est aucthor vllius rei qua homo fit deterior c. God is not the Aucthor of any one thing in man for which hée is worse But by sin men are the worse then God is not the aucthor of sin Hée that is the punisher of offenders and a distroyer of those he malefactors and consumer of sutch as run in sinne hée cannot bée sinfull or the Aucthor of sin God punisheth offenders and destroyeth malefactors and is a flame of fier to the wicked then God is
euill before as vvith vs. Custome of thē in India to pray in Aegipt in Barbarie Errours of diuerse that like not our temples Argument taken from traditions Zenon of Gaza A temple built at Edessa to saint Thomas Question ●oued The Surplesse vvhich keepeth men f●●● church Great abuse littlevse vvhē men so vvillingly abuse the Lord. Disorders i● our church Reason to keepe the Church though the Surplesse bee vvorne No excuse for ceremonies that bee indifferent Our puplike prayer is to be referred in espetiall to the Sabboth Three causes of the celebration of the Sabboth by Gods appoyntment The straight nes that God vsed for sutch as brooke the Sabboth Controuersy that is about the day of the Sabboth The true vse of the Sacraments and hovv to bee esteemed Though vve neuer reccaue the Sacraments vvee may be saued yet for al th●g custome appoynted by God is to be● kepte The manner of priuate prayer In publique prayer agreement is to be made of necessitie Their eu●ome and maner in the time of Ba●ll Athan●s●u● record Praecise maners they be vn manerly novv Concilium Nicenum Much striuing small Christianitie in a number of these Hovve to prepare our selues to praye the last parte of this booke The 〈◊〉 thing in our preparacion to prayer it to be humble and lovvly in heart The manner of vvorling● and of hypocrites Humilitie in all at comming to prayer Psal. 25. Dan. 9. Gen. 8. The state of such as dissemble The perfection of the man of God. Rom. 10. Luke 7. Mark. 9. For that the Infidest and the Panim the vngodly do thinke they haue fayth I haue therfore put in this diuisiō or disterence which is in fayth ▪ The Heru●● the work● of his handes doo declare there is a God. Brutishnes in the ●●nt●●ies and s●ch as know not God. Esay 6. Diocletiam vvorshipped as a God The blindenes and hardnes of harte for their incredulite vpon the Gentilles The end of the election in man at his calling to be godly c. The Gospell bringeth in all trueth vvipeth avvay all idolatrie and all supe●stition all blindnesse errour and teacheth vs to knovve God. Gen. 4 Gen. 21. Gen. 37. Wicked men infidels stroken vvith feeling of Gods iudgemēts though else they knovv him not therein shevv that they deserue death and condemnation A dead faith 1 King. 12. Theodoret of Cyrus Blindnes i● the heretike● The order in double dealers Io●h 7. 1. Sam. 2. 1. King. 16. 1. King. 13. This euill life maketh all the pomp and boasting of our common striuers to vanish avvay The very vvicked are preserued kepte for the good mans lake This kinde taketh avvay the hope that is in Anabap. in papistes in the inchauntresse in the vngodly Crisostom 〈◊〉 Theophilact vpon thi● Prophesing and miracles and signes a tryall oftentimes of his people Miracles the● be● 〈◊〉 signes they be no cert●ya tokens of ly●e Simon magus estemed as God with the Samaritans A bufiue ●●gument 〈◊〉 frō Ciprian The villany of the pope Hildebrand The peeuish nes of their reason appeareth Error is shevved by example Dregges of Popery in ●apistes Trifling bookes of sluggish idle priestes Saluatiō only in a liuely faith Faith vv ● is for a ti● The vn tovvard and vnfearned reason of a popish prelat The true fight of the faithful man To be faithful for a time to reuolt is a signe of reprobation how euer xvc cloak it Time trieth and persecution iudgeth of the good golde and then shall the drosse be knovven poperie th●● vvas once i● England 1. King. 2 〈◊〉 2. King. 10. 2. King. 23. Iudg. 11. There is falshed and vvickednes euen in those that professe the Gospell Eph. 6. These vveapons shevve not thy man lynes but go●lynes Readines in praying steadines in perseuering and vvatchfulnes in thy dealings bee trevv tokens of iustefiyng fayth Th●e things to bee required in a iulcesting fayth A man hopeth that beleeu●th not but hee that hath fayth hath assured hope A sight and vevv efhope before vvee come to faith A true and infallable signe of sayth Starters from the truth Examples o● the true iustesiyng fayth by this from Christe The Spirit that is guide and leader of all such as feare the Lorde The spirite is only retayned by prayer Gen. 4. A reason tha● vve are not iustified by good vvork● The profite and commo ditie that vve haue by faith Without grace vvithout the operation and vvorking of the Lorde vvee fall to the ground Our faith hath adioyned to the knovvlege therof three things A good token of a true Israelite to be a hearer of the vvorde and is also verie often a couering for the vvicked to cloak him vvithall Papistes runners abroade and greate seekers after Bulles and pardons no follovvers seekers of the vvorde of God Papi●es that looke for a day An exhortation to those yong schollars to vvhō this same vvas vvriten As God hath made vs so vvill hee bee honored for vs Comlynes 〈◊〉 commended by Paull el● eucry man vvill haue his custome thē shall there be no order This dealing and dalying precisenes yet vvickednes in greater matters is abhorninable These and such like bee common with vs. More amendment and les iudgement of others is good All order contempned vvith vs. Obedience is superstition vvhere vvisdō is vvantinge Signes are to kens no necessary assuraunces of our saluatiō Hee that forsaketh not the vvorks is the Seruaunt of the Diuell and hee hath no portion in Christe Wee are of the Church euery man is not the Church In speaking dissembling in brotherhood falsehood in thy actions nought else but factions they be tokens of impietie no Christiamtie The con●ēpt of Magistracy is the only token of one that is carclesse F●llinge so grosely and cauilling so dispightfully is a small token of Christiany tie If errors bee not taken in time they will neuer be Seared or weeded out will death Al iudgment is to bee deferred to the Lorde but no authority is giuen to m●● A general repeticion of things contayned in this Booke All our tra●aile in this life all our paine it is made ioy pleasure vnto vs in Christ The differēce in the prayīng of our forfathers the contrarie aic in ours They prayed as for one they looked for vve pray as thankfull vnto him in that vve haue receiued him God is our father in that he is the father to his sonne Christ and God to vs in that vve are his brethren God spake vnto our fathers but roughly to vs familiarly by the man Christe The heauens may passe avvay but the loue of God vvill neuer faile his children The death of Christe sealed our redemption fully and made accōplishment for our sinus The letters patents vvee can shevve or our ●nheitance The loue of God is seene in the vse of all his creatures the heauens the earth c. No excus● can be admitted for thy negligence in the seruice of the Lord.
hereof 1576. Octob. 13. Enthusiastists The beginning of this heresy Nouatus of Phrigia Practise of prescitians A cōparison of our time vvith them that ar found in Sleydon Barnard Kotman a secreat Anabaptist Iohn L●iden a Coblar and heretike for commonly heresie follovveth the ignorant Herman Stapred Knipperdoling alaye man and preacher The miserable state that commeth by confusion Priua●e examples are not to be gathered vnto a general doctrine Their arguments are ansvvered The successe of that vvhich happened to the vvriter hereof about Southamptō Aunsvvering to the reasons of the lay men Déut. 17.2.3 God giueth in charge in the lavve and often inspireth men secretely to execute his iudgementes in the Gospell he hath not as of late yeres vsed it for all things are referred to the vvorde and to Magistrates Num 25 1● Psal. 106. Eccle. 45. The purpose of God and of the vvicked is contrarie 1. Sam. 15. All iudgement giuen to God no reuengement vnto man. Godlesse is louelesse and the ende of them bothe is death The badge of a true Christiā that is sovved to the coate hee vveareth vvhich is his profession Hovve the man of God must and ought to bee apparelled The readines that ought to be in vs at the calling of our God. Seeingin this life vvee are stil in darkenesse vveakenesse blindnesse and ignorance vval king in the shadowe of death as these be greate stayes hinderances of our glorie so of trueth if God deliuer vs not from these the like assaultes of Sathan vve pegish all Traheron his iudgemē● Temptation and vvhat the meaning thereof is God is tempted vvhen he is prouoked The godly are tempted vvhen they are tryed This triall is a token of election if it vvalk there after else of reprobation The seconde kinde of temptation The order for vs that p●ay against temptation God trieth those that be his by adu●●sitie Psal. 26. The diuell tempteth to seduce vs the Lord to vvin vs and the one is vnto life the other is vnto death Great ioye is there among the vvicked spirits if they get the righteous from the Lord and the Angels they reioyce at the conuersion of a finner M. Caluin● Augustine If God touched not his chosen by the prickes and tediousnes of euill life they vvould be ●● vntamed Coalts in their dealing Cyprian A difference betvvixt the godly and vngodly man Liberties cōdemned All thinges are not to be vttered at all reasons Augustine his reason The seconde reason The thirde reason A confider●tion of the vvorking povver of God. Maniches Marcionistes haue vvouuderfully erred Gen. 1. ●ohn 1. Collos 1. A confutatiof the second heresi vvhich toucheth god to be the author of vngod linesse 2 Pigghius ta● quam fict●● us A false sorites a causa ad non causam Ierom vvent avvry in that his iudgemē● of God. Zvvinglius Oecolam●dius Martine Luther Martine Bucet M. Caluin The euill racking of the purpose and drifte of God is the cause of our blindnesse ignorance for fleshe and bloud is not able to attain the depth of his vvisedom Accursed is he that vvresteth the doings of the Lorde to his ovvne muentions To the secōd and thirde arguments Consider the secrete decte● and eternal purpose of God. I might reason of Ioseph and his brethren of Dauid and of Saule that persecuted him the whiche both came not vvithout his appointmēt but the malice in the brethren and hatred in Saule that sought Dauids blood proceded of the diuell This argument quayleth for ther is recourse had vnto man there is no consideration of the Lorde The trevv interpretation of this last peticion lead vs not into temptation This I haue handled in an other treatise which vvhen God sendeth oportunitie shal be finished The vvorkemanship of the true Churche of god buylt reared vp in Christ
24.12 So Isaack went out to pray in the eueninge verse 63. After this began the word of God to bée more fully knowne vnto our fathers Hee was not onely more openly worshipped but more reuerently and duely honored For Moyses prayed forty dayes and forty nightes Deut. 9.25 Also for his Sister Mary stroken with a leoprosie for that shée rebelled agaynst her Brother Numb 12 13. Therfore also God commaunded Iosuah to meditate in the booke of his Law day and night Iosuah 1.8 After which time they of Israell gaue them selues to more earnest obedyence and more pure and sinceare reuerence of his Maiesty Great men aunciant Matrons Kings and Princes loued him faythfully called on his name constantly signified their homage and obedyence openly Hanna wife vnto Helcana in the sight of the Preest 2. Sam. 1 Debora and Barack Iud. 5.1 Iudith in the misery and calamytie of her Citezens 13.2 And Dauid sanctified the name of him that was Almighty and asked councell of the Lord God 2. Sam. 5. by Abiathar the highe Préeste After that hee daunced before the Arke of god 2. Sam. 6. Then at the blessinge receyued of Nathan with the certeinty of his kingedome with an aunsweare of the house hée would haue builte hée went in and sate before the Lorde and worshipped 2. Sam. 7.18 so did Salomon euen in the royaltye and statelynesse of his Princes Offering vp burnt offrings and trespas offerings and consecrating the Temple newly dedicated 2. Kings 8.22 stoode before the Alter in the sight of the congregatiō and stretched out his hands towardes Heauen In the same manner Christe prayed for vs Ioh. 16.26 and 17.9 and 20. Hée prayeth also for Peter Luk. 22.32 Paull prayeth without ceasinge 1. Thes 1.2 Hée prayeth in the Temple Act. 22.17 Hée fasteth and prayeth Act. 14.23 So that Ideines banished slothe abolished our mindes strengthned In desiring readynes in praying steadines in beléeuing perfectnes can not but they must thorowly cupple vs and chayne vs to the Lorde make vs readye by the examples of our Predecessors and of God himselfe to obaye and prayse him ¶ The thirde cause is The necessity of man that néedeth all thinges for what haue wée that wée haue not from the Lorde Meate to nourish vs apparrel to clothe vs the Sun to comfort vs the Moone to pleasure vs the Starres in their brightnes the Sommer in his gallantnes the Springtyde in his pleasantnesse all commeth from the Lorde ¶ The fourth cause is The daunger and perrill wherin wée bée so often times fallinge so often slyppinge so continually transgressing the will of the highest At our birthe very vnwillinge to enter into these miseries yet tasting of the vanities and delights of the flesh wée choke vp the good giftes of God and are daily wayed doune with greater encomberaunces If wee looke vp to Heauen the glory and furniture therof condempneth vs for they ronne out their race and kéepe their appoynted circuit as men of war prepared vnto battayle they neuer retire backe vncrowned Man only among them that haue reason very vnreasonable alwayes rebelleth and reasoneth with god If wée turne our eyes to see the earth the creatures therin they curse the state of man and grone to bée at liberty acknowledginge our fall and séeinge the dishonour wherunto wee be come that standinge so surely wauer now so brickelly and liuing happely are now faine to misery decayinge not stayinge till hée that sit aboue in the Heauens renue agayn our former state and bringe vs holme to lyfe Therfore pray without intercession that the god of glory may recompence those that bée his at his appearing ¶ The fifth cause is The deliuerance by the Lord that other wise weare helplesse For as they whose bones were wearied in Aegipt whose sinewes and ioyncts were benommed with making bricke that could get no stubble and strawe to burne their Clay that had litle rest and small quiet vntill God appoynted his messenger sent his seruants in signes and wonders to reskew them So wée if blessednes come not from the strength of Israell and quietnes from him that loued Iacob and a pleasant looke from him that erecteth the Hill of Sion and deliuerance from Christ and strength from God neyther can wée neyther may wée neyther ought wée to hope for any safety whatsoeuer The Lord our God hee is a man of warre his name is Iehouah hée scattereth the Charyots in his wrath hée sendeth out lightning in his fury hee chastneth his enemies as a valiaunt champion and battereth in péeces the bulworkes of the wicked so excelent is hée and so kinde a Lord vnto such as feare him that trouble persecution death it selfe is conquered where hée helpeth vs anguish of minde and penury bée cōmon messengers where hée assaulteth vs. ¶ The sixth cause is and the last The Diuil and Sathanas that assayeth continually and worketh craftely to bereaue vs of the honor wée looke for from the Lorde That subtilly prenenteth vs watchfuly intangleth vs so deceiptfully snareth vs to driue vs from our god Hée hath a number at his becke as Pages to wayte on vs Seruaunts hée hath great store at his commaundement to withdrawe vs espyes hee appoynteth to ransacke our dooinges the more easely to betray vs For hée is the prince of this world hee ruleth chéeflye Eph. 2.2 Ioh. 12.31 Many wayes hée may ouerreatch vs for diuerse hée his pretences pleasant hée his fetches to intrap vs when reason is exiled and shée hath lost her seate when Wisdome is banished content to séeke out an other corners to harbor in when the pleasauntnes of the brayne and finenes of thy wit is fled awaye When thy younge dayes are gon and the gréenenesse of thy youth wythered vp When wantonnes hath rushed out and thou thy selfe warest dimme when strength faileth thée and thy stout and courragious men are fayne to bough and the Elements can féed thee no longer and thou layd in thy Pauilion thy Tente pitched in the ground thy body layed vnto the earth and thy spirite in his powre that gaue it thée shall hee not giue a shrewde assault and lay vnto thy charge and vpbrayde thée with thy misdeeds that hath so long a time accused our bretheren day and night before the Lorde Reu. 12.10 If hée spared not Iehosuah the heighe Préeste standinge before the Aungell of the lord But suffered rebuke at the hands of the Mediator and as yet ceaseth not to vere his sainctes The onely way that wée haue to auoyde him is by our intercession and prayer to the Lord offered vp in golden vessels before our God to make an Attonment for our sinnes and heare is sumwhat to bee consithered also For there is two kindes of prayer one of good men of euil mē another Full deare in the sight of the Lord is the prayers of his saincts and his eares are open vnto their cryinge who is there that hath failed that put his trust in the Lorde or hath hée
earth to heare vs And if wée cease not in praying how can he be flow in hearing His scholler Lactantius as Ierom recordeth trayned vp at Rome was not of so sounde a iudgement in this as was his maister That supposeth vs if wée aske any thyng of God to be tempted of God to know thereby if wée be thereof worthy Chromatius Bishop of Aquileia may well abide the toutchstone herein that bindeth Prayer to haue his only successe by fayth As for Epiphanius of Eleutherapolis in Palaestine his doynges they bee very pleasaunt and his writynges exquisite he hath also bin a witnes how wée should walke in prayer before the Lorde his iudgment is to call on God only one true and perfecte Lorde and on Christe the Sonne of God with the spirit procéeding from them both And that rare man of God then whom Stridon in the borders of Dalmatia and Pannonia saw neuer as yet a perfecter Ierom I meane so much alowed determineth of this very wisely whose admonition I would it were ingrafted in vs to the full or els I would that graue father liued now whose looke and countenance might withdrawe vs from our vanityes his milde and sugred speech is not vnlike to this Cease not to pray continually and giue not place vnto the Lord in season and out of season and bée importunate vpon him euen as that widow is to that same vniust steward that hard the stony iudge who oftentimes withdrew him selfe This Ierom is hee that so often if chaunce afordeth and I haue to deale with him rauisheth mee so sodenly that I hardly leaue him For this cause his neate and pleasaunt stile requireth mee to taste of one or two more of his sayings It foloweth in the same place not farre of If hee giueth to him that asketh if hee findeth that séeketh if hee openeth when one knocketh it appeareth hee will not bee slowe to him requireth And therfore hee promiseth a reward already for such as demaund and sayth Ierom This Gate wherin the iuste man doth enter is sutch a one wherin are hidden a number of pleasant and delicate things to him that seeketh them Diuers there be that of late and now also haue writte hereof how to ●●me vnto Christe but in this place I take the fathers for they are sound and very strong in this and very good whose cumly age I must reuerence in that the younger forte and wee also euen in these last yeares are beighly bounden to them so that small cause there is for any to repent him of readinge them whose diligence hath brought to passe that we with lesse payne may teache ours Iulius Firmicus Maternus vnder the Emperour Constantine and his Sonnes an Astrologian at the first and so it séemeth still for hee clymeth vp very hie and mounteth to the Heauens neither looketh hee for any mans helpe in his prayers hée is raysed vpwarde to God hee suffereth no man to bée called on but the name only of Christ The manner also and condition of prayer is séene plentifully in that same borne at Africa a very worthy man of God Caius Marius Victorinus reckoned of Ierom among them of his number and Catalouge worthy and famous wrighters For beside that euer hée did on the Articles of fayth or els in the payne hée tooke agaynst Heretickes no where doth hee séeme to haue delte precisely and more warely then in his opinion of prayer acknowledging Christe to bée sufficient and the only true bread from Heauen to feede vs. There commeth now vnto my hand a man of truth scase worthy the naming among the Fathers for his so vile and euill dealinge and as you may know him a Cinnick fitter for the staffe and the shacky heare then to iudge of Religion borne at Alexandria at what time Gregorie Nazianzen taught at Constantinople hee was brought to Cristianitee by preachinge This Maximus Aegiptius by his wilye sleights hauing gotten many frō Byantius corrupted one Peter Bishop of Alexandria created this Aegiptius Bishop Yet this man otherwise a faythfull steward in the house of God whrot many good bookes I therfore take his well meaning minde of prayer euen especially agaynst the wicked the they may know that a wicked man hath taught them to praye often his readynes was séene in this for that hée instructed all flesh to pray continually hée adioyneth his reason in an other place The sedulyte and forwardnes of a man calling on the Lorde if it hée donne rightly is that which commendeth the soule of man spoken as I thinke to stir vp the sloth in vs to pighte vs a place in Heauen where the soule of man resteth The liuely exposition thereof is well noted in that hée debarreth vs from all manner contemplations in the earth hee leaueth no roome for the thoughtes of man in time of prayer no not so mutch as to thinke of him that hurt thee or of thy enemy but freely to lay aside all grudginges debates strifes enimyties to repose one only hope in god And I like his reason wel and it is alowed in the Booke of God for that our praying it is a quieting of our mindes so that it appeareth by all those that wente before that terror shoulde strike vs for we speake to God that the world must forsake vs for wee seeke heauen the body leaue vs for wee speake in spirit our wealth must not trouble vs our treasure is aboue nor our enemyes greue vs for wee are freends with Christ On this our prayer there is depending two things the first is calling vpon him The second is geuinge of thankes vnto him If thou aske to wholme it is it is to god If thorow wholme it is through Christ if the meane to him it is faith if wherin in is his bloodsheading and death Therfore Paull continue in pr●ier and watch in the saine with thankes geuing prayinge for vs that God may open vnto vs the Doore of vtterance to speake the mistery of Christ For euen now doo wee see our full redemption if calling on the Lord wee repose our trust in the only mediator Iesus Christe the Sonne of God beeing nothing careful but that in al things wée let our requests be shewed vnto God in prayer and supplication with giuing thankes For hee is the God of peace which doth kepe our mindes and hartes in Christe Iesus That wee must pray you haue harde what prayer is I haue set downe suffer mee though breefely but to know how wee must vse it and so wee shall discharge our d●tye more fully Ephraem a Sirian for so is hee called by Theoderet in an homely of prayer reckoned amonge thē of Caesarius hath giuen a very good light to this our question Let sayth hee thy calling on the Lord bee as that which was of Hanna Mother vnto Samuell that sat wéeping in spirit and groneing and that was meeke and milde in hart not seene of men not gased vpon of
that not in Iudea only but in all the world sacrifise and burnt offerings shal be offered vp vnto the Lorde And that of Christe to the Woman of Samaria accordeth with this Arte thou greater then our Father Iacob that gaue vs this Well and hee himself dranke therof and his Cattell and agayne our Fathers worshipped in this Mountayne but they saye Ierusalem is the place where men doo worshippe But shee was answered by Christ Beléeue mée Woman the howre commeth and now is when you shal neither in this Mountain nor at Ierusalem worship the Father a reason is also surrendered That the howre shalbée and now is when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirite and truth and albeit in the Psalmes wee finde the affection of the Prophet to haue bin powred out in greater zeale for the Lorde of Hostes sake as Psalm 67. Prayse you the Lord all you nations and that in the .117 I will spread abroad and knowledge thy name among the Gentils Yet is there time and place and occasion too to vtter forth our cogitacions that wee bee not iudged of men I acknowledge and not vnwillingly that Dauid was in the Caue sometimes praying and in the feelde and in the Dennes and in the night and in his bed Ionas could praye in the belly of the Whale Daniell in the Lions Denne and his companions lifted vp their voyces in the flaming Furnace and Noe comming out of the Arke in the open ayre And Elyas on the topp of the Hill groneling with head betwixt his legges and Christ himselfe at the shoare side among the Shippes And Paull with the Elders in the sight of the people Yet this is my watchworde let no man goe beyond his skill nor draw priuate examples to generall obseruations But if death and persecution incroche vpon thée pray euery where for thou it is that shal glorify the lord But if quietnes and rest bee giuen vnto thee vse discretion and modesty in ordering thy forme of prayer For the second thing in this poynt which I noted in Paull without ceasing This is my iudgement that thou bée like minded in all thinges and remember it is the Lorde that searcheth the harte and the reynes that hee will bée worshipped in Spirite and truth But now wée haue harder matters that befall vnto vs and if so it pleased God I would like lots might happē to vs al. For I know there is none whom God hath touched by his spirite inwardly but wisheth him selfe accursed to bringe saluation vnto all I speake it for that it is so hard a thing for the sonnes of Adam to bee agréeable to this in all poynctes namely one to praye for an other Ieam 5.16 and for thy enemyes and persecutors Math. 5.44 Lu. Actes 7.6 And for all men 1. Tim. 2.8 I enter now on sutch a stage as that sufficient reason might bée showed to draw the ful length and whole discourse of this tragedy But it is not my minde to vnlase and ripp vp the woundes of any man For euen the vew and sight of this story may bée pitiful enough to any Christian To bringe in place the speakers hereof It were that of Atreus in Seneca and of Astiages in Iustin to bid the Father to the cating of his owne Sonne But I take an other way and not so lothesome as is that for such as bee of this Seane shall not speake I only content to vse a dōme shew for it is straunge that mindes of men are so distracted as the life of any should onely consist in lyfe of thear 's and their iudgment vpon others to stand as sound iudgement to pray for none to condempne all to like of few to vpbrayd the best such iugling there is in worldlinges I know some that haue stumbled so vnluckely on sutch that their hurt hath beene more in one howre then heapes of Golde can recouer in many yéeres These I doo admonish and I charge them too in the Lord for to stay at home and pray less is better for such then to range abroade and liue worse and this is my exhortation to pray for them that curse thee to hate none to iudge the best to loue all for it sauoreth of Anabaptisme to beate downe to suppresse to throwe downe to the ground any man whom thou neuer knewest worthy the smyting to exempte any as extrauegaunts to the Lorde that couldest neuer iudge what the electe are Did Dauid neuer pray for Saull or was hee neuer in his hands that hée might haue slayn him if he would Eut hee not of the lappe of his Coate or touched hee the life of his Maister I knowe that if the soule of some were as fast clasped in the hands of them as the lay of Saulles Coate was in the hande of Dauid it had béene mangled and hewed in péeces before this This is it I giue in charge let them of this world thinke well of all and hope euen of those that bée without For though Samuell would not sée Saull vntill the day of his death yet mourned hee for him Moses will not sticke to pray for such as haue cursed him The iniuries that hee sustained in Sur and the outcryes in that Wildernes of that vnthankefull people turned not away their remembrance in his prayers to the lord Nor Ieremy so often layd in Prison and clogged with Chaynes could yet forget the anguishe of Sion and the tribulation that befell to Ierusalem but hee praied for them Now pittyfull is then the state of vs who rayseth vp him that is afflicted who windeth vp his sores and powreth in Oyle ● and remooueth the st●ip● from the hart of a truth the sinne of Iudah is written with a pen of Iron the poynt of a Diamond hath ingrauē in this people so sore a hatred that life to death and flesh to earth and Golde to drosse is chaunged as soone as their lips from leasing or their mindes from strife If you had bin at the death of Steauen when the stones rushed so about him and the states of Ierusalem clapped their hands to drye vp his blood I am affrayd the question might haue béene asked to what end hee suffered so many blowes and these fellowes can not abide so few wordes I aunswere litle herein That which foloweth shall sufficiently approoue it For beside the breach of brotherhoode in the worlde which is common there is many thinges to bée consithered in prayer Onely vnderstande that I wright not as a teacher to reforme that I sée amisse that pertayneth to the aged and the hoary heades I speake now to younglinges and to Babes sutch as bée of greater grothe whose manners I haue glaunsed at whose life and welth I neuer touched to them I leaue the whip and the heauier iudgement my lesson it is to young Schollers whom I teach after this manner Thy peticion made to God hauing clensed thy vessels from dregges and thy hart
beare it No more if wée agrée not will he like it Basill in his sixtie and thrée Epistle witnesseth that in ioyning together in common prayer the Bishop or Elder that taught them when he went vp into his appointed place he read vnto them out of the Scriptures and the firste thing that hée spake was to ioyne together in prayer vnto Christe for to direct and lighten their mindes in his peace The same Basill is author that they turned their bodies to the East and prayed I note not their manner then as their custome nor their custom as their agréement nor their agréement as their end in that all were ioyned and knit as by a thréed in one Athanasius is witnesse hereof in his fourtéenth question Out of whome I finde a commendation left vnto the churches of Africa that so easily consented together making no religion or putting no superstition in this so indifferent a thing Also in his booke de Spiritu sancto Basill hath left this as worthie memorie that on the Sonday they were accustomed to pray standing because as that day Christe rose from death And they noted this in them selues to be such as should be erected in soule vnto the lord And as they did stande on the earth so they were admonished to looke vpwarde to heauen for grace The twentieth Canon of the counsell of Nece as it is reckoned by Gratian reporteth this same thing to bée done of them all on the Sabboth And at Pentecost where as I take it partly from Basill and Athanasius and from the custome of the Primatiue Church All our churches at this day our chappels and temples stande Eastwarde But let it passe Our time it néede not to take so heauily these the rytes and ordinances which wee haue for as they be not many so if wée were pestered as the Primatiue church was which God forbid yet howe vntowardly woulde it be taken And nowe to cut of this third parte also for our manner of prayer thus I think that the best and the farthest from superstition and the néerest to Christe and the moste excellent to set out our reuerence and duetie is at our comming together to pray knéeling Thus at the length wée are arriued at our laste holde and compelled for want of winde and weather in so perilous sailing to cast Anchor But howe soeuer it be we hoysted out because it is with some daunger contented we are to beare the burthen to require others to take some pitie of vs to for I knowe that this is not taken in hande without the looking on of many Sea men that would right gladly set saile to their greater vessels that harder passage might be permitted to our small barke For this cause also I take the Sunne and the Skye as I finde it and content to enioy the small libertie that is lefte And greater speede is made to bring vs home for that if so we chaunce to perishe by the way suffer shipwracke other men may take héede by the onerthrowe of this our Boate more warely in their iourney to looke to theirs For outleaping all the inconueniences hetherto that be comon in the world we are like to be grounded on two as perilous rocks as the hearte and imagination of man can wishe vs to Before we had to do with them that for their vnskilfulnesse in the vse of prayer were happely to be pardoned And nowe commeth in howe it is wée should prepare our selues to prayer The fourth last thing that I noted in the question that was asked This it may seeme to be verie common and appertaining onely to men of greate discretion For nowe we haue to deale with proude and hawtie stomaches that can debase others to raise and lifte vp them selues We must encounter with the Hypecrite with whome there will be harde wrestling he will dissemble so gloriously There must also a view and sight be taken of the faithlesse man that commeth halting before the Lord and is not so mutche as the guide and maister of his owne minde The double dealer hath his portion in this place for his prayers and his manners agréeing not hee neuer getteth any thing of the Lorde Also for that euery man commeth at appointed season to aske of God his peticion it must not be vnseemely for his maicstie Last of all there must be perseuerance continuance in our prayer for the running the giddie hedded man he is an extrauigant vnto the lord So that all things duely wayed we haue yet small cause to bragge that may easily be cast off in so perilous a gulfe Howeuer that it be if God permit we will go forward and because the iudgements of men be frée and the way so open I doubt not but to finde some one or other in the way to succour vs The order that I tooke in hande I was loth to break it therefore in the question who it is that prayeth it is aunswered the holie and humble spirited man that commeth drenched all in teares and that would touche the hemme of Christes garment rather than be will departe vnhealed This humblenes of mind it is of two sortes for there is one that is among men Math 18.4 and 23.12 Luke 14.11 Rom. 12.16 Ephe. 4.2 Phil. 2.3 collos 3.12 2. Pet. 5.5 And this fellowe he may dallie with the worlde and deale disguisedly on both sides but yet God that is aboue doth iudge him Nimrod that greate hunter before the Lorde fought not so valiantly and liued not so wickedly but he had as ignominious an end died miserably And these men that can créepe on the earthe for aduantage and kisse thy féete to ingrosse commodities and can hoorde vp substance in their cofers that looke so stily and minse it so cunningly as though the full measure of righteousnes were in them that will haue the vpper hand in Religion be inferiour vnto none in profession yet can scrape vp as gréedely and oppresse vnchristianly and deale vnneighbourly and liue vncharitably and giue reproche for reproche as slaunderously and hate as deadly and iniurie as spitefully backbite as malitiously as he that séeketh to get the greatest game and striuest moste such a one is not méete to come before the Lorde and his annointed nor to aske at the hands of god If he do I say vnto him he hath his reward There is another kinde of humilitie and it is onely in debasing our selues whereby we become as litle children without pride and hawtinesse of minde fit to be receiued vnto the Lorde Of this humilitie wee read Math. 18 10. Luke 18.14 Iames. 4.10 For all shewe of righteousnesse all manner of vprightnesse in thy selfe must be secluded the grace of the Lorde is that which is sufficient for vs If any should presume by way of sute to arrogate any thing vnto himself that is due vnto the Prince the state of that man is verie daungerous But if thou
fayth that it wauer not This sure and stedfast hope I put it in the forefront of this battayle because it leadeth vs by hand as it were vnto the Lord and maketh vs certeyne that hee can and will fight for vs. And this hope it was in the blinde man that cryed out Iesus thou Sunne of Dauid haue mercy on mee I cut not in péeces these too fayth and hope if they bée in the godly yet I seauer the one from the other after a forte for I know that hee which hopeth is in a good entraunce vnto fayth For the certenty of the seconde it is the establishinge of the first and thoughe they bee called as beeinge one fayth Luk. 18.24 yet it is in a diuers respecte For the hope that is in man it is the Page and Seruetar and the very wayter vpon fayth giuinge attendaunce theron Fayth it is Lady and gouernesse to the other it spinneth vp the Thrid and so much as it wanteth it addeth vnto it It becommeth all of vs to say Lord wee beleeue helpe our vnbeleefe For I can determine no otherwise of that in Naman the Syrian when hee went away angry from the Prophet Is there no waters in Damascus Abanar and Parpar as good as those that bee about Samaria Yet with what manner of hope hee washed him in Iordayne I leaue to others To discourse at large hereof it is fitter for him that will guide a great Nauy in the wide Ocean Sea then for a man that is contente to rule a small Galley in the Riuar such therfore as looke for larger discourses I refer them to sutch as take in hand greater volumes I giue but shorte lessons and haue consideration of the memoryes of them I spake vnto but it foloweth To the fayth which iustefieth there goeth hope to this hope I haue annexed assuraunce and the spirite of God knitteth them togeather what is it if a man cry Lorde Lorde and then he doth heare him when hée hath that hee looked for and enioyeth that hée wished for hee shall then reuolte and repente him of the truth hee stoode in These Weathercocks they are good for nothinge but to stand in the ayre for if a tempest do come and a showre fall it tottereth againe and houereth as at the first whose picture I remēber I once saw in the discription of Bifrons Ianus which stoode in the Temple of Rome and had two faces for both eares and these men they haue two tongues for bothe times God weede out sutch vnprofitable Nettels if so it please him for they can tingle nowe and then and peraduenture blistar the hands of a few refreshe as yet the simple soule they will not Well these haue the rewarde and because they are luke warme neyther whot nor colde God hath promised to spue them forth This man that I seeke for that hath learned to know the Lorde Christe and seasoned his spéech with salte and wayted for the Bridegroms comming Hée is of another manner of harte and of an an other Spirite and vexations and troubles and anguishe of minde and care and the worlde and the assaultes of Sathan they can neuer remooue him Dauid stayeth not Ionathas sléepeth not Daniell trifeleth not Esdras is not dismayde Iudith discomforted Mardochaeus altered but they stand in the Lorde corragiously The Martirdome of Antonius mooued him not the death of Sabinas turned him not the slaughter of Germanus withdrewe him not Wée must bee whipped and drowned with Theodotia content to suffer and dig in minde pittes with Siluanus to be burned with Domininus to haue our sides launched with sharpe Rasars as Pamphylus For our life it is as the life of Latimar our faith as the faith of Ridley our ende as the end of Cranmar our wayes as the wayes of Death for the Lordes sake for blessed is that man continueth to the ende and hée it is that shal bee saued The thirde and last helpe wherto wée trust that holdeth vs that raiseth vs that renueth vs the strength neth vs it is the spirite This is he that finisheth and endeth all hast thou wisdome hast thou knowledge hast thou giftes of Prophesie of tongues of discerning of béeléeuing of fayth It is not thyne the spirite of God is hée that gaue it This is a harde thinge for man to disgest who when hée inioyeth and possesseth all whē hée is the ruler and Maister vpon earth when hée biddeth hee commaundeth hée buildeth hée altereth hee gathereth hee inritcheth yet all that hee hath it is layed in the dust and caryed with him to the Graue hee himselfe also at the will of the Lorde This I speake to suppresse the insolency of man that beeinge heare in life doth liue in death and can not come to dwell with Christe vnleast the spirite of God directe him Then in that fayth wherby we be fully iustefied our hope it is made perfect our perfection remaineth to the ende our ende is directed by the spirite so that this is the some of all that I haue spoken that we staye and bee reared vp and dye and liue and in the Lorde The way and the meane I haue set downe the order to come vnto it the rules and ordinaunces wee should keepe in it It remayneth lastly to praye vnto our Lorde Iesus Christ the Sunne of God to inflame and guide vs by his spirite that wee fall not For I acknowledge my selfe a professed enemye agaynst that of the Papistes and the exclamation they make of good workes Other wise Moses could haue come to the Lorde and haue knowne the God of Iacob by him selfe God needed not to haue called but as one mightely preserued by the daughter of Pharoath that founde him wrapped in swaddling cloures in a basket of flagges sheweth vnto mee that God had some greate message for him to doe that kepte him so mightily in the time of death It is said I think that God had respect vnto Abell and that he cared not for the offering of Cain good woorkes are left out here we must rifle somewhat farther from them Abraham beléeued and it was counted vnto him for rightuousnes to whome appertaineth the gifte of beléefe but vnto God to whome are wee comptable who is it that layeth not sinne vnto our charge who accepteth of our life conuersation but God who onely is righteous who onely iust who onely pure who onely faithfull but onely one Lorde Then who giueth the same grace the same life the same giftes but the same Christ Nowe finde out the merites and woorkes in man I might be long in this discourse of the Patriarkes of the prophets of all the elect of the Lorde in due time called and brought home to serue him But there is no wrestling and strife nowe then when wee ioyne hande to hande and cupple our selues to the barre to trye it then shal be séene who it is that hath this priuiledge Onely remaineth that whereas I haue set
and cullor hir guile adioyneth vnto hir inchauntment the Lordes Prayer And the Diuinar or hee that telleth and calleth vp by Spirites hee snatcheth something from Christ and hée will haue a leg or an arme of him and so inflamously abuseth the godhead of the Lorde But to take away this olde wiues Tale I thinke it expedient to say somewhat and at the first rather then to interrupte my speech hereafter As therfore Nadab and Abihu the Sonnes of Aaron that offered vp incense in the same Censor that their Father did Yet because they did it not aright they dyed for it So heare though wee praye all with one prayer and powre out our supplications at one time because wée praye not all alike with minde in spirite vnto the Lorde they bee to none effecte neyther auayle they And as there was in the Wildernesse one Manhu wheron Israell fed yet some wicked and disobedient had not the like nourishment and effect therof as had others So the prayer of the Lorde though hée gaue it to all that all might vse it yet it is not profitable to him abuseth it And as Saull vsed Samuell after his death the Pythonest called the Diuell by the name of him hee was not and the Diuell deceyued Samuell and did not profit him So it is with vs The prayer of the Lorde vnto the wicked beeing wrested to their death as Samuell was by the Diuell to blinde Saull shall neuer helpe them But abandon these wicked men wee must and permit them not so much as to haue speech with vs God hath heaped vp iudgement against the day of iudgement to consume them For the prayer of it selfe I say not well the bare wordes not rightly vnderstoode they bee no better then any other The Oyle and the Waxe and the Hony and the Tarre bee common things but to ioyne them to mixte them to compound them togeather to giue them to the pacient at conuenient time there is the cunninge The Nettle byteth yet it healeth the Flaxe it cureth yet it burneth the Spider poysoneth yet shée profiteth Then all thinges are good euen the vngodly man to him can vse him So is the prayer of the Lorde Otherwise as God hath his electe in the Courtes of the Ethnicke and as hee saueth some in the Turks Pallaces and among the Iewes kéepeth those he will haue kept so what saluation can they or others looke for if faith and life of man were tyde to this prayer seeing there bee a number that neuer as yet did knowe the same Also where is Abraham Isaak and Iacob which neuer prayed thus There is then many things to be wayed before wee presume to ground any Religion and health vppon man for repeating this prayer Then this order and manner of praying we must haue it of some other not of our selues therefore hee whiche hath taught it vs and instructed vs in his Spirite graunt vnto vs the true vse hereof in his bloud Trueth it is in Crisostome his Homily that Maximus speaketh Euery one when he prayeth let him pray vnto the Lorde Wherefore my procéeding into this so great a matter maketh mée in doubt but that the Lorde is where he alwayes was to take in hande so great a mysterie But I am content as hetherto I haue to vse my countrie speeche and I knowe that all alike vnto the Lorde is that man accepted that goeth cottered and torne in his ragges as he that is stuffed and pampered vp in veluets and it is a common fashion in the worlde in those our dayes for euery one to vse his libertie of spéeche and lasciniousnesse of tongue in this point Hee that is poore why shoulde I praye saith he for I haue nothing The ritche man he standeth in little néede he hath enough The strong man hee knoweth his portion hée séeketh for no more so valiant and puissant is he in this life The proude man he is in his ruffe hee noddeth with his head and beckeneth with the hande hee setteth saile to all things The incestious person what can he aske he liueth in pleasure The merchaunt what hath he to do with God the winde and weather serueth him And in commeth the student and he maketh his reckoning he casteth and he tumbleth ouer his bookes he looketh and hopeth for nothing for his witt helpeth him So that the whole worlde it is deuided euery one thinketh he hath little to do with god Then my firste note is that this prayer in generall appertaineth to all For from the tabernacle to the tente from him that sitteth in the gate to the poore man in the fielde from Tirus euen from those that go to Tharsis to the thresher the corne flower from him that giueth wages to him that receiueth hire from him that putteth on silke and softe clothing euen vnto Lazarus that lyeth at the doores seuerally from the toppe of Sion to the poore cottage From the Cedar trées of Libanon vnto the man remaining among the fennes and flagges it is his duetie he is bounde he ought to remember that he should praye For hée that sendeth his Cammels for spieerie and aduentureth to Corinthum for Iewels that prouideth into Arabia to get the purest golde and so gréedely searcheth for the riches of Damascus nay though he tarrie at home and abideth the Sunne all the dayes of his life and suffereth the bitter frostes in Winter though hee be created to tende cattell and to kéepe the wilde Coalte and the Asse in the Wildernesse though his handes be wearied with the plough and his arme withered vp with holding of the rake though he sit at the threshholde and haue not wherewithall to féede him yet hath he his soule to looke vnto that in my iudgement it is time to séeke narrowly abroade to recken with our selues to giue attendaunce to waite on God for euery one that liueth hath néede of prayer But to ransake euery thing more narrowly let vs knowe what it is is contained herein for wée dispute not for ritches or for wealth or for honour that vanisheth away but for the Lorde for Christ the firste thing that is mentioned is this that wee call on God and we saye O our father In the scriptures God is called the Lorde of Hostes the iudge of the whole earth the King of Kinges a consuminge fire the founteine of life that sitteth vppon the Cherubynnes that ruleth the worlde And here we call him by the name of father I am not purposed to runne paraphrastically on this if it please you to staye on my simple iudgement this I thinke If in our prayers we make vnto God we should call him Lorde wee spake vnto one that wee thinke shoulde haue dominion ouer vs If as to a Iudge we ought to stande at the barre and holde vp our handes and pleade for our selues then shoulde he sit with his twentie foure elders and giue sentence vppon vs If as to
a King his Scepter and royal seate it would dismay vs if happely we forgate our homage went awrye the messenger of death is readie for vs If as to consuming fire what eye coulde abide him for if the beast that touched the burning mountaine was shott thorough what hope hath man to skape when a flaming fire must go before him and thousandes thousandes minister vnto him and ten thousande times ten thousande stande before him when the seates shal be set the bookes oponed and iudgement giuen what mercie then can wee looke for at Gods hande But if wee called on God as on him that is the fountaine of life howe coulde we call vpon him when we be in death And if you prayd vnto him as the ruler of the worlde then is man beaten downe that coulde neuer as yet among all the beastes thereof be tamed But sée howe louing a Lord God we haue that in our transgressions woundeth vs not in our sinnes striketh vs not in our disobedience remēbreth vs not in our euil wayes punisheth vs not that neuer thinketh on our iniquities but calleth vs as children to aske at his hands the more willingly to trayne vs vp in his feare hath for all our manifolde transgressions made himselfe a father to vs But from whence cometh this our father is Adam and he is dead and we be his children and howe can we liue To him he gaue a charge to sweat it out and to labour on earth what then can happen to vs but miserie Then which way so euer wee looke on our selues wee are in death and whence haue wée this therefore that wee call on God as on our father Pardone mée if being a man as you bée I am inquisitiue to search out what man is And say what you will yet will not I be satisfied til I knows more For as Crisostome is plentifull in the description of man So I thinke that as the shippe is in the Sea that tottereth or as the fether in the ayre that houereth or as the trée on earthe that shaketh euen like portion indge I to be allotted to man when he offendeth For wishe any thing that is good that can not man do without God wil neither willeth he that God wisheth without God please And that I will and that I may I do not if he permitteth not So wish I yet misse I if he directeth not Trewe it is that Isychius saide in man there is two natures or rather properties one is that wee carrie about with vs it is dust the other it is giuen vnto vs it is the spirite both these making but one man yet do wée not know on Christ Salonius writing vpō Ecclesiastes giueth wisedom vnderstanding vnto man aboue al others that haue life and in the same hée giueth vs free passage to know God but it is in Christe And Agustine in his Apognosticon agaynst the Palagian guieth vs liberty to Ploughe to Till to labor to Sowe to Spinne to Carde to drinke to eate to féede our cattell and our Beastes if so you will to vse the Arrowe and the Bowe and the Hearbes but to come vnto God and to haue any portion from him without Christe that hee permitteth not Sedulius vpon the Corrinthians giueth no liberty vnto vs but only to sinne and Primatius in his Treatise on the Romans is of the same iudgement so that in the ende when our deedes bee ransackt our thoughts sought out what is it that wee can clayme of the Lorde Then hereon wée stand Christ which alwayes hath bin with his Father the liuely and expresse Image of his godhead came into the world and was debased for vs and we béeing of his flesh and the same mould that hee was of beeinge perfecte man in all poynctes sinne onely accepted hée hath made vs one with him and taken vs into the same felowship of his kingdome and of his Sainctes and wee are made Sonnes with him vnto one Father Vnto this it was alluded by Dauid As the Father hath pitty on his Children so hath the Lorde on all such as call vpon him faithfully Esay touched this in his comparison that hee maketh with the Woman and hir Infant whom though shée could forget sucking at hir Brestes yet would not the Lorde forsake vs If I were not drawne into a narrow straight by the importunitée allotted to mee at this present I would see what that were which man so mutch braggeth of and if it were possible that frō top to toe hee had no one blemish to bee found within him Yet if a man might enter into his hart and search his Sinewes and his cogitations within how corrupte and vnfauorye should wee finde him well this is our comforte and it is the noate of Maister Gualter that hee is not onely a Father in gouerning the world and the whole trayne that waiteth theron but hee is our Father And as in Iob hee is called the Father of the Aungelles and of the Sainctes and holy men which loued him so that it is litle vnto vs and small prositte haue wee therby beeinge neyther Aungels or so holy as they if of his bounty mercy it were not sayd vnto vs here that hee is our Father toe but I consider yet an other thinge and why saye wee not O my Father as well as O our Father Ciprïan on the prayer of the Lord giueth this reason This prayer it is cōmon to vs all sayth hee for when we pray wee pray not for one but for all because all they we are one And he is sayd to be our Father euen of vs as many as be sanctified as be renewed as bee strengthned in his Spirit as for other they stande aloofe and wish they may to come vnto vs come at any time they shall not Thus you know hee is a Father and hee is our Father it is adioyned he is our God hée is aboue and it is in Heauen These three I ioyne togeather neyther will I seuer them For as hée is far aboue the reatch and capacitie of man so hath he no terrestriall Throne to sit in but a more bright and gloryous Seate is that of the Lorde our god And as was the Arke and mercy Seate within wherunto no mā durst presume to come and looke into it but sutch as God had chosen from the rest so to his kingdome and his Empire shall no man approtche but sutch as hee hath elected in his Christ It may seeme a vayne thing to aske this question why wee praye to God Yet sutch is the vanity and ignoraunce of man that hee knoweth not and such is his dulnes the he answereth not but the weakenes it is alike in vs all that searcheth not To say the truth this question is aboue that I can well attayne vnto and the reasons that may bee giuen they bee so innumerable I bare not enter now into them If God do
punishe them his iudgmentes to tame them his wraith and his furie to consume them And his mercie to incourage them his righteousnesse to helpe them his clemencie to hold them and his goodnesse for to ransome them be the greatest and the mightiest woorkes of the Lorde wherein hee is glorified Yet in none so much as in this that they which went before vs and we whiche followe nowe that be aliue are in his mercie and goodnesse saued in one Iesus Christ that being deade are made aliue being fal●en from grace are raised vp in a gratiou● Lord and swalowed vp with iniquitie are made new treatures and a perfect workemanshippe vnto God our father Thelassius hereon in his Hecatondate the seconde properly toucheth this Thou art frée saith he and called vnto libertie in Christ by grace giue not thy selfe then vnto the pleasure of the flest for euen in this benefite is wrought the worke of our saluation which is that we be true vprighte and perfect that by vs in our works the name of God may be glorified For euen in this is the worde euil spoken of in that we be followers of the flesh for this the name of God is dishonoured among the Gentiles Then to the end this parte for I see that I am ouer reached by the houre nothing on earth both set out his glorie that made it somuch as this That he confoundeth his enimies wherby the Godly are comforted and his worde hath free passage and in his mercie forbeareth his saincts and at once consumeth not or in his wrath destroyeth not but patient lōg sufferinge of great goodnes vseth all kind of clemencie to bring those his vnto him To conclude it is the onely ende and vse of this petition Halowed be thy name That if we shall see the whole world to be deuided and cut in sunder For the word of God then in our peticion the sects may be abolished falfe opinions defaced the truth established the Gospell confirmed to pray to our Lorde god Hallowed be thy name if we be snared with the intisemēts of the flesh if glorie puffe vs if brauerie gallantnesse in the world do moue vs If concupisence sturre vs or impietie and vngodlynesse wrestle with vs No easier way can befounde to ouercome them then this Halowed be thy name The ritch man he forgetteth the Lord and is choked with the cares of this life hée scrapeth greadely he oppresseth vnbrotherly begileth vncharitablie dealeth with all men vniustly and liueth vnchristianly The aduouterer vnchastly the thaefe vntruely the extortioner by robbery the vserrer by pilferie or els if al the world should ioyn together in tyrranie it can no better way remedied bee more easely redressed or the word of God obeyed or thy life and wicked demeanour purged then by this prayer Halowed be thy name but let vs leaue this come to the next and it folweth Let thy Kingdome come OVR Lorde and sauiour Christ as tendering the health and safetie of man hath set downe a definitie certeine order of prayer to be vled Not to take away all other or the no man may or can pray but onely praying thus but to shew vs in espetiall that the glorie of God is first to be looked for his name promoted his aucthoritie established his Godhead magnified his kingdome inlarged that in all our petitions this aboue other things ought to be regarded to desire earnestly that the retrennesse of the flesh and beastlines thereof might be launched and the glorie of God his gospell his worde his kingdome ratified This is the seconde peticion or request that we make vnto God in our prayers For we desired at the first to be helped of him as of our father it is expedient that we shoulde not séeke our owne commoditie but the Lordes and it is knowen in that we aske newe Let thy kingdome come This kingdome it is net giuen to one onely but to all fleshe it is not of man or the power of man but of the Lorde for that wee bee weake it is giuen to strengthen vs because we be sorowfull it is giuen to comforte vs and knowing wée be ignorant he hath giuen it to instruct vs and for our better consolation this is that he teacheth vs Let thy kingdome come M. Gualter is of this opinion that for so much as sinne and iniquitie reigneth in vs therefore we pray that vngodlynesse may be expelled and wickednesse banished and the only kingdome of God knowen among vs Cyprian vpon the Lords prayer We pray saith he that the kingdome of glorie may come promised by Christ and bought by the bloud and death of Christ that we which reigned in the world may now againe be chaunged and reigne with Christe For so it is prepared of the Lord that such as be his shoulde be seauered from the Gods of this worlde and made a newe people to him his father so receiue as it is in Matthew the kingdome that was prepared for them from the beginning There is in this life two manner of regiments two kingdomes that be among vs one it is of God and of the Lorde and of his sonne Christ The other is of the prince of this world the ruler of the ayre that gouerneth the hearts of the wicked as in Peter And this cōquest this victorie that he claymeth and the rule which he hath it came in by that vntimely fight which he had with our first father Adam who in the cumbat and battell whiche he had was seduced by the wilinesse of a poore woman you may easely knowe what force we be of that are ouercome by so weake creatures And from that time Sathan hath so preuailed with the sonnes of men that they haue haene slaues and Galeboyes to doe his worke and toyle in his carte euer since yet not so that he hath cleane swallowed vs taken the whole gouernement into his handes but in this respect said to reigne in that commonly he infecteth the kings of the earth and the most of the nations with the cup of his fornication That in iust iudgement and in ful desert for their manifould sinnes are permitted to be scourged and for their malice and ingratitude duely punished In whome the kingdome of Sathan is said to haue poure for that he gouerneth their déedes and their whole life neither suffered hee them to sée the light and puritie of the Gospel And this gouernemēt it hath stollen away and so bewitched the mindes of men that for the space of one thousande sire hundred fiftie sixe yeres the Lorde God saue onely in a poore family or nowe and then in some Seth or one Enoch was scarce knowen vppon the face of the earth for which cause the windowes of the heauen opened they powred downe rayne and consumed those of the earth And to so many thousandes as were there what was the Arke that it might be rompared therevnto
once named among you as becommeth sainctes If in the reuelation The Lord had some thing to say vnto the church of Pargamos although that in the heat and percecution and slaughter of the Martyrs of God they continued steadily Yet had some among them where as sathan dwelt that mainteined the doctrine of Balaam that taught Balaac to put a stumbling block before the children of Israel to sacrifice vnto Idols and commit fornication If hee had something to say vnto them for that they mainteined the doctrine of the Nicolitans which thing he hateth It is most certeine and true that the family of loue hath erred If God taught vs a right commit not adulterie If Moses said that very truely ioyne not your selues to the maner or custome of the nations If Samuel checked them for that they wēt a whoring after straunge wiues If Esaias for that Israel rose vp early and went astray And as the vntamed and vnbridled Colt went a neighing after other mens wiues if Ieremie that confusion shall come on them and baldnesse on their pates for defiling their owne coutche It is vndoubted it is most true that the famelie of loue hath erred If the fathe●● haue iudged rightly if Nazianzen in his funerall laste talke vnto his sister To ioyne vs together in one flesh cannot seperate vs from the spirite If Ambrose in his speach he hath of virgens was wont to commende Sara and Rebecca and Rachell as Matrons of chastitie Their husbande 's as Lordes to direct them in integritie If Epiphanius in his second booke agréeth with the church as vnspotted cleane hauing honest comly mariages therin If Ierome vpon Timothie the 4. condempneth suche as thinke not reuerenly of Matrimonie If Basill in his Examero calleth it the chaine and bonde of nature If Athanasius accuseth Miluius of this heresie and in iudging not honourably of mariage setteth forth Adam and Eue ioyned together in Paradice If all the fathers haue agreed and set themselues against the adulterer If Christ committed them to death And Paul that incestuous man to Sathanas If they in the prematiue Church haue consented all in one and our lawes agree in the same at this day What néede we to striue any more for this The case is open the thing is knowen It is vndoubted it is most true that the famelie of loue hath erred To confute them perticulerly as it were by treatise that I leaue to them whose priuate charge requireth it To you I speake this to giue a warning that all such detestable vnto the Lorde are reserued against the great day the day of wrath he will iudge them Partely to awake you out of that slumber wherein you be that this beginning and enteraunce which I nowe perceiue to be grounded a little in smaller trifles burst not out into greater heresies But I returne to the next and that is of frée will men And yet a little I am inforsed to serch out this which is verie comon and it smelleth of the Donatist that thinke the Church is no where but where suche as they be are Your prayer that the will of God may be done in earthe willeth not thée to iudge so rashly of thy brother And that byworde so common in the woride Do all thinges to the glorie of God tasteth of those runninge heades in the Primatiue church in Affrica The Circumcelions that thought all thinges which were not done and liked by them they coulde neuer be done to Gods glorie Againe for I will neuer spare the wicked It is not the will of God that any as a man franticke and without wit shoulde scourge and whip them selues as the Iewes and Italian fashion was and renued amonge them in Italy of late that remaine as the Iewes do in the olde ceremonies I touche them vppon good occasion for I haue knowen of these Iewish rites renued of late And it is a wicked and moste heynous ●fence against the rule prescript commaundement of god To kéepe trueth in thy heart and to lye vnto thy neighbour for aduauntage or for the Gospell to sweare to an vntrueth to honest him that professeth religion And it tooke the beginning from the Maniches and from the Gnostiches and renued in Priscillian which thinge I thinke it is but of a blinde affection and ignoraunt zeale and not knowen vnto some Let warninge therefore bee taken in time I finde that vnder Gratian and Valentinian the assembly of the Priscilianistes were verie greate suche as were defiled with filthines with whoredom with euill dealing with any vice whatsoeuer If they came vnto their secte they kepte it close If they ioyned with them they concealed it All others they estéemed as castawayes There was a verse among them Iura periura secretum prodere noli Sweare and forsweare kéepe secrete thy secret déedes bewray them not I accuse no man I wish amendment for I sée that which is amisse God which knoweth the hearte and the secretes and searcheth the raines will search out and examine and iudge it to Let this be a remembraunce in prayer His will be done in earth and it will take away thy wil from this wilfulnesse And nowe I come to the frée will men I am longer then hitherto I was wont but the matter and the weightinesse of the cause compelleth mée Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen This order in prayer taketh away the will of man it taketh away workes it taketh away all power the is in vs it referreth vs only to the will of god Fleshe and bloud hath in this place a great combate with the Spirite that seeing he is lorde in earth and maister of the fishes in the Sea and guyde and ruler ouer the creatures in the earth yet shoulde be so debarred of his libertie and so tyed vnto thraldome that hee hath not so muche as power ouer his owne soule nor discretion to iudge of that should bring him life The fishe that swimmeth in the riuer The birde that flickereth in the ayre the worme that créepeth on the earth may séeme to be happier then man is For euery one hath an ende and appointed time giuen him to iudge of that whiche bringeth life and avoide that which is euill As for man he is so tyed that the sworde the Ieobet the Axe the water the fire cannot bee auoided if it bee determined by the Lorde But vnhappie is man that cannot sée the goodnes of our god For séeing all things happen by the Lorde what is it shall trouble mée God hath appointed the heauens the earth the clowdes and all shall be obedient to them that feareth him For it is our comfortes we are weake and we be not able to helpe our selues But one there is that sitteth aboue and it is hee that shall prouide for vs. Ierome vnto Tesiphon complayneth of Pelagius by sirname Bryto according as Prosperus
to spende his young dayes in Whese lippes could neuer vtter this Giue vs this day our dayly bread And as the Manna whiche they gethered if they tooke aboue a Gomer euery man for his eating according to his housholde scralled ful of wormes and stanke the day after So let them be assured that this their tempting of the Lord though it sauour in their throte and be pleasant for a season will in the end be rottennesse and putrefaction vnto them when he calleth to accompt The seconde hinde of men that I note here I would I might but looke vppon them Come neare them I dare not they bee so glorious Their Marble and Iuorie bedds their Iewels and out ragious brauerie astonish me when I see them That so muche the more maketh me to wonder as I sée their ende to approch and their glorie to be transitorie For when he hath sailed in many a perilous storme and put his life into the handes of Pyrates and is nowe become gray headed and withered vp by long labour Yet the value of his substance is not verie many thousandes And then committeth be his goods paraduenture to the fire It may be he leaueth them in the depth of the Sea but if he liue and inioy them for a time in the thirde generation hee is forgotten and so many thousands as he had so many thousande men enioyeth them This is a straunge thing and yet it is common among you of the Citie For either the sea and the waues thereof consumeth them or the easdroppers and the lurkers in corners scatter them or secretely the Lord himselfe by one or other meanes bestoweth them For as lightning passeth vanisheth out of sight so withereth away the riches of the wicked man And as the snowe melteth at the fire or as the frost at the heate of the sun so doth the substance of the vngodly at the becke of the Lorde The wages of the euill are crooked and they are lewde in their pathes Glorie remaineth with him in his youth and beggerie dwelleth with him in his age For the soule of the poore man panteth for sorowe and he ruffeleth in the streetes and passeth by the miserable he stoppeth his eare and regardeth not the crie Wherfore the wicked shal be cut off from the earth and the trangressours shal be rooted out of it For the way to his house is death the path of the sinner carieth to the graue and hell fyre consumeth him quicke because he trusteth in his riches maketh the world his God and saith to his substance we shall dwell for euer hee neuer remembreth to pray vnto the Lord Giue vs this day our dayly bread And for that I am entred into the true discription of such a Citizen as feareth god I will drawe out the picture and proportion of so comely a man as for stature height for trewe and perfect workemanship can not be matched in any one citie here in England that by chaunce not nowe so long since I had a vewe and sight of and described by the prophet Dauid in one of his Psalmes For the whole bodie of a man I finde to consist of these ten partes Of the Head That as the heuēs guideth the earth so is thought to turne and weaue about the bodie of man. Of the Heart that as a Costerne conteineth the litle Chanels Of the Breath Otherwise as blockes stones wée stand emptie Of the Liuer so which as their captaine the Lungs the Lightes do their obeysance the drawer of bloud and iudge of life Of the Eyes as windowes to péepe out at the Mistresses of the bodies and Ladyes of pleasure Of the Sinnewes and Ioyntes To couple the bodie and chaine him in that he be dissolute and wretchlesse in bodie Of the Armes Of the Handes a couple of instruments huen out of nature to tune the residue of the partes of man that be out of square Of the Legges Of the Feete That we séeme not mangled ormaimed in ioynts like idel and sluggish scarrecrowes good for nothing but to stand in the ayre to feare Bussards The philosopher as I remember thought him an vnable person and vnméete for any thing that consisted not wholy of theses partes And Moses debarred him the tabernacle of the Lord neither could he serue in the house of God if he missed any one of these And I thinke as in the life of man to liue heare So in the heauens the eternal life to dwell there be these seueral partes of man to be required Euen the head the Heart the Breath the Liuer the Eyes the Synewes the Armes the Hands the Legs the Féete without the which no man can come to heauen and vnto God and painted forth by the Prophet Dauid In the. 15. Psalme An vpright life the head of man. Righteousnesse the Heart of man. Truth the Breath of man. Goodnesse the Liuer of man. Modestie and comelinesse the Synewes and ioyntes of man. Humilitie and lowlinesse the Armes of man. Swearing not disapointing thy neighbour the Handes of man. No reward and bribe to slay the innocent the Legs of man. No giuing of money vpon vsurie nor purloyning from the poore the Feete of man. As for him whome the Poet hath deciphered out Qui mihi possit quod honestum ac iustum videatur Whome wantonnesse and vnbrideled lust hath puffed vp to all sinne whose amendement of late I wished whose end I feared whose life is laid with his welth whose ioy remaineth on the earth whose pleasure perisheth whose riches faileth that neuer thinketh on God remembreth not the Lorde prayeth not to him that sitteth aboue thinketh hee hath all things from himselfe Looke I pray you vpon him vewe and marke him wel and sée whether he be dect as a prophet or apparilled as Aaron or in fashion as Leuite or in maners as an Israelite or like such a man as shoulde dwell with god That hereafter if you chaunce to sée him you maye by my markes fully knowe him Whose head is sinne whose brainpan is wretchednesse whose ende miserie Whose Liuer is vnrighteousnes Whose heart is darted with vntrueth That dissembleth in his tounge lyeth to the simple beguileth all Whose breath is blasphemie That belcheth and ratteleth out othes against the highest regardeth not the Lorde that sitteth aboue Whose eyes be compact of loftinesse and of pride Whose ioyntes and sinnewes are encombrance and hurte disappointing and disceit Whose armes are swearing and beguiling his neighbour By trecherie gaining by dissembling enritching by vndooing murthering armes Iwisse able and of force to wrestle with the mightiest Whose hands are redines speedines to gayne by false sleightes Two hands able to ingros whole common wealthes into priuate commodities Whose legges bee vsury and extortion Able in time by this villany to outronne him that is swiftiest in his race and ouertake him that dwelleth in most stately Pallaces Whose feete are briberie rewarde to spoyle the
confession if thou aske it not in humblenesse and méekenesse of spirite but art swelled and puffed vp with Pride as though thy owne righteousnesse and the strength of thine owne armes bad brought it to passe For which cause we pray that our debts may bee forgiuen vs and our transgressions pardoned vs and we acknowledg that we owe much vnto the Lord god For séeing that our sinnes are as the stayned clothe of a woman for the we hatch Cocatrice eggs and weaue the spiders webbe Is not his hande vpon vs and his consuming wrath hath it not alreadie snared vs and are wee not intangled vnto death And is it not time to begin to pray w humilitie confesse our sinnes for here glittereth forth the first hope we haue in Christ in that he was a propitiacion for vs to his father that cannot any otherwise be satisfied then in acknowledging our sinnes Chiefly here and before all els we haue to vnderstande what is ment by this for giue vs our debtes For as touching our duetie wee owe much vnto the Lorde feare obedience loue reuerence with sutche like Beeing so mutche bounde the more vnto our God as his mercie is greate and his loue surpassing our loue or his kindenesse without ende whiche is set forth to be seene of man in these two thinges The first is in the eternal couenant which he hath made with man whereby his frée mercy is séene by not imputing vnto vs our sinne The other is the weakenesse and imbecillitie of all flesh so that being debters we are alienated from the Lord hauing no hope of peace left vnto vs but by his onely grace to fulfil that Rom. 3. That all haue sinned and are destitute of the glorie of God and that euery mouthe might be stopped and the whole world culpable in his sight For though there appéere a certeine notice and glimmering ●f perfectiō as it were in the saincts of god Yet till they bee moued by the spirite they runne at randals and then whē they are best they fall often Wherefore here is condempned those vpstart and newfangled vanities nowe of late fleeringe to and fro in the mindes of men that by counterfait and glosing speech insinuate I knowe not what kinde of holinesse in themselues And there is a byworde of late crept into our Church taken as I suppose from the contrarietie of their manners And we must be puritans in the name of God and seuer our selues from other congregations and truely paraduenture more aptely then they are a ware of For Puri tanquam spuri agréeth right God he mercifull vnto vs I knowe some that goe a tippe Tooes and mince it as neately in talke as any courtier of them all can doe at meate and yet by your leaues be not angry w them neither they be as vily spleafooted and treade their shooes as much a wry as the homelest carter of them all that keepeth the Plough thorough out the yeare And when I haue consithered all they bee but men But blessed be our Lorde the man Iesus Christe that hath ginen vs an other meane and opened vnto vs a better way and permitteth vs to haue falts and some blemish and suffereth vs to fall oftentimes and then giueth vs leaue to lay the burthen of our sinnes vpon his shoulders For euen thus it is prepared the vnlesse Moses haue one to holde vp his arme the victorie wil be lost and yet if it be so that he hath helpe for a season such is our nature our fragilitie such the he is wearied fo if ye haue not a stone to vnderprop him to stay his elbow on It is in hazard the he falleth not they al. And if Dauid coulde not promise him any assuraunce in his life but that he fell so sodeinly at the sight of a silye woman that washed her bragge they asmuche as they will and liue they as well as they can yet at length by trusting so much to this tower they may paraduēture some one or other time be ouertakē but this two headed serpēt I let it alone God wil one day as be hath of late mangled the one of them so I doubt not but he wil sharpē an other sword shal cut off both This péece of this prayer calleth vs to the tribunall seate of God and our names written in his booke our plea can be no other then for mercie so that what we haue not of our selues that haue we from the lord and condempned by sinne in the flesh wee are raised by him in the spirite For all fleshe sinneth the iust man liueth by fayth Dauid I doubt not did see this When be acknowleged his imbicilitie and gaue way vnto weakenesse and sawe his conception how it was in sinne and knewe his thoughts howe they were euil from his youth I labour more in this for that I haue had of late to deal with some that prestime to seuer them from those be wicked and accompt althings as righteousnesse that procedeth from them These I desire in the Lorde to reade ouer the Prophets And if from Adam till the floude all had their infirmities If Adam fell if our first mother gaue vs so vnluckie a drinke that we al haue béen blistered therwith from our cradelles If Abell offered vp the first fruites of his shéepe as a sacrifice to the Lorde yet commended to bee a iust man If Noah him selfe commended of the Lorde fel so grossely in incest and ouercome in drinke we be no better then our fathers we may fal I speake not here to vphold sin no the lord God is my witnesse whom I serue in his Christ that since the first fast the I supped of the Cupe of the Lord from the time I set my foot vpō the doore of his threshold to sée what was don ther I haue abhorred to the death the ways of death And let this bée my witnes at the day of the Lorde and let mee looke at that day for the Crowne of glorye as I haue sought with all endeuor to builde vp his Churche and detested iniquitye Let no man suspecte mee here for I know I haue to deale with curious heads that take euery light ocrasion for their purpose I shiner them in péeces for this cause onely if I can and I cut them of For this is my Faith and this I know That by the first man came in death by the second man Christ came in life The first is of the fleshe to condempnation The second of the Spirite to Saluation And that which commeth of it selfe ryseth vp in man to cast downe man being only sinue scrawling in our mortall bodies and is made righteousnes in the man Christ in whome we haue an earnest by the spirite Our spirite witnessing with the spirite of God that we be inheritours of life so that I leaue to vs no good thing as of our selues but I referre my selfe to the
downe the truth That wise men may know them and the simple flye them That only God may bee glorified in the ordinary meanes hée hath appoynted The beginninge wherof I can fetch it from none other then from that villanous secte of Enthusiastistes that was the beginning and Orriginall of beastly and filthy deuinacions and liued by inspiration as I finde in ▪ Theodoret of Cyrus whose beginner therof and Kingleader was sometimes Salbas ruler among very wicked and graceles men And Adelphius and Daodes and Simeones and Hermes with others And as Iudas for betraying Christe so were these for abusinge the Church very infamous and noted amonge the Fathers These fellow seruaunts and Copemates as it were with Nouatus that infected them of Phrigia and Paphlagonia with his precisenes exactnes of life permitted none that had sacrifised to Idols to come neare the church refused the maner of Baptisme the was vsed permitted none to come to the holy misteries Neyther yet referred him to the mercy of god Which how much it differeth frō them in our English Church wherof the Lorde bée merciful vnto vs there is a great nomber euery where sprong vp of late denying our order manner in baptisme thrusting such frō the Supper of the Lord as they like not take them selues onely for the pure perfect church refusing others with such like opinions a number as the like hath béen seldome séen in any age in any church since Christes comming in so short a space as is now I can compare them to no one state of any cōmon wealth so neare and so narrowly as I can vnto that wherof there is some mention made in Sleidons Commentaries in his tenth booke For vnto the same great and famous Cittie of Mounster the Metropolis of Westphalia there resorted certaine Anabaptistes whose beginning and Orriginal was taken from one Tho. Muncer that raised a tumult of the cōmunalty And these pretended certeine holynesse and puritie of life in so much that counted as Godly and zealous christians they were neuer espied they delt so closely and holilye in life vntill they began to spreade thorowe out Germanie and Luther almost al other learned men inueighed against them But after when this their childhoode began to reatch vnto it fresher bloude and gathered strength to creepe withall not farre from Mounster at a Church of S. Morris the yeare of our Lorde 1332. One Barnearde Rotman a preacher of the Gospell gathered together a great audience in that Citie and suppressed at the first by the Catholikes being sent away emptie without hope of that he came for he went aside to another countrey for a space Yet after that retourned backe being very popular he rauished the minds of the people he preached very sincerely hee liued vprightly and faught zealously But knowe all and iudge with me dissembling a long time what he was Commeth at length a certein Cobler to Mounster out of Holland to name Ihon Leidan A ranke Anabaptist hauing got acquaintance with the preachers assotiated kept company with them after familiaritie among thē being well knowne to the cōmons he inueighed openly against the state At which time one Herman Stapred as preuie to the drift of his fellowe Rotman linked him self at length with the rest it was that Stapred the was scholler to Henrick Rolly which a little before was executed at Vtreight for the opinion of Anabaptisme but it grew to so great inconueniēce here with them of the city that the senate banished al the pack of thē yet the subtiltie of these men preuented the intent of the wise Senate neither departed they but kept secretly in holes corners went priuely to the followers of their sect lurked there for a space taught in the night preached in priuat places vsed conuēticles gathered cōpanies the the nūber of thē in the end increased aboūdātly And then hauing gotten the vpper hande came in the diuilish deuice of running vp downe in the stréetes as though they had been inspired with a kinde of prophesie Then began one Kniperdoling with other lay mē to vse expoundings interpretations and diuinations Woemen were prophets and spake openly in congregations Good preachers were exiled and in their steede came vp the ofscowring of the Citie and then began ciuil warre and murther discention and confusion of the state For my owne part I iudge Christianly and the Lord God looke vpon me in the same yet this I think that the Lorde being angry hath somewhat care long to say vnto vs And for the thing it selfe he that hath but one eye may séewhat marke it is they shoote at for the state the lawes the common wealth if their request bee graunted cannot stande And as in the reigne of Emperour Charles the firste began moste bloodie broyles by auarice and herisie that sprange vp So in espetiall it was seene in that vnlucky Westphalia when heapes of deade men lay scattered in the stréetes and the bodies of their Emperours were vnburied when the Senate was expelled euery one that ought priuat grudge ware a dagger in his sleeue to cut his neighbours throte And all things were in common when this heresie was spreade in many places thorow out Germanie that if was lawful for euery one to kill his enimie That is flatte against that I haue in hand Forgiue vs our trespaces as wee forgiue them that trespasse against vs. For that same Iellowzie in Elyas That called to heauen and was heard of the Lorde and fire came downe and consumed those he cursed Is no sufficient argument to confirme that errour For when thou art a Prophet and canst tell what is to come when thou hast suche commaundement from the Lord and art assuredly mooued by the Spirite when thy life is sought and God wil bee reuenged on them that mocke thée when the prophets be despised and any seeke there death and thou also hast an assured warraunt from the LORD I will agrée with thée But if Christ when he was dispised of them in Samaria and could haue cast of the dust of his feete against thē reuenged not againe If he checked Iames Iohn that asked if fyre should come downe from heauen to distroy them when he went from Galilee to Ierusalem you may know e well it was an extraordinarie thing God would haue done he vsed not the naturall wayes on earth to fulfill his minde What if Peter destroyed Ananias and Saphira his wife and cursed them to death Are you Apostles as they were Did you euer sée Christe haue you commaundement to do signes and wounders and to heale and foretell or if you drinke poyson will it not hurt you if this commaundement was neuer giuen you your reason quayleth But if God will haue his indignation and furie to be shewen vppon the vesselles of wrath If he will not spare the hipocrite but vnlace his
nakednesse to the worlde If the reprobate shall haue iudgement in this life and in the world to come to astonish thée if that Ananias and Saphira were guiltie of theft and Sacraledge then when thy commission is good and thy warraunt sufficient and thou hast to deale also with such men I will allowe it Notwithstandinge amonge other reasons that I now remēber laid vnto mée by poore lay men though I perceiue they had good instructers that taught them so counningly yet one among them all in a redde Cappe and a black coate did vere me perlously For my owne part I was amazed and it was straunge to sée a poore fellowe brought vp at plough and cart withered and weather beaten and be shacked in his aray yet to reason so profoundely dost not knowe saith the same poore man that Thelias thwackt the prists of Ball and sklewe them at a Ponde and they were the foes of God and why shall not wee kill those that be hiks enimies Mary masse I trowe the one Skamuel sklewe Ahag hee would haue saide Agag and with that was verie angrye and Spineas he ment Pineas or plainly Phinees did skil a whore as knaue and he iks praysed by god I was afrayd then and rid away as well as I coulde I thought it time yet by his leaue for I am out of his pawes and I haue leasure enough I will aunswere it nowe For it tendeth heather that Elias did kill the pristes of Baal at the brooke of Kison at such time as they had cryed out Baal Baal héere vs c. The ignoraunce of men may appeare therin and true it is an euil scholemaster may easely mar a fine scholer for though these men spake roughly and had grimme talke yet by their trauelling it appeared to me they had a willing minde to atteine sumething And as I haue hearde for that in those quarters there be many Papists I did in verie déede suspect much But I let them alone and God almightie turne them and if these my few lynes may euer happen to come to their fingers I knowe I shall smarte for it Howe euer it be and wheresoeuer nowe they bée I will speake this to them briefly God was then dishonoured the space of many yeares by Ahab his parmission in suffering these Chemerimes those bloudie sacrificers in his common welth And Iesabel that infamous strompette had nourished the Priests of Baal in her house Nowe God beeing sore displeased would haue the Idolaters punished according to his lawe If there be founde in any Cities man or woman whiche the Lorde thy God giueth thée that hath wrought wickednesse in his sight and hath gone and serued other Gods worshipped them The Sunne the Moone c. Carrye him to the gates of the Citie and stone him with stones till hee dye Then that which Elyas did he was commaunded by the Lorde As touching Phineas the sonne of Eleazar the sonne of Aaron the Priest that slewe Zambry Cosby it is sayd that hée turned away the anger of God from the children of Israel in the hee was zealous for the Lord of Hoastes sake the is he did it not but by the singuler spirit of God that stirred him And for his obeisance rewarded him For his commendation remayneth in Dauid Then if hée would not bée pettish I would say some thing to this poore Cuntry man the would learn when Idolatry is come to the ful brimme and Magistracie and authority is contempted as Moses was and when thou art commaunded to hang their heades vp in the Sunne that offend the Lorde when God saith vnto thée do this he raiseth thée vp once again I say it is an offence if thou obay not But al these extraordinary examples the wicked men doo peruerte to their condempnation For they take it as done of themselues in the flesh that was commaunded them in spirit frō the lord And wher they accomplished the commaundement of their God to abolish and roote out sin They doo it in reuengement to their owne condempnation As for Samuell that slew Hagag that Heathnish and Idolatrous Prince that Amalechite whom God hated and abhorred and now commaunded to bée slaine For that hée layd wait for them as in the way vp frō Aegypt It was lawfully done For Samuell was a Magistrate and ruler in Israell and hée iudged Israell fortye yeares And ruled them in vprightnes integritée all his life against whom at his death Israel was not able to say ought or to charge him with any thing Then being the Magistrate hée had Aucthority to vse the sword and execute iudgment Which if I thought you wold deny as the Anabaptistes doo I then would take it an other way in hand But wearied my selfe and hauing euen now tryed you I let them alone for this time when occasion serueth and leasure permitteth and God graunteth vnto mée fitte oportunity I will more largely handle it For this time I cease And this it is my doctrine that I teach if thou or any man else shall take vppon thee the seat of the Lorde enter into iudgement condemne thy brother laye in waite for him take vp the swoorde presume to smyte or else any other way indammage him Thou arte guiltie of his blood and the Lorde will require it at thy handes The laste thing which I note herein Forgiue vs our debtes as wee forgiue our debters Is the agreement and vnitie that the Lorde requireth in vs all that offereth vs as it were our saluation in his Christe and inrolleth vs againe to bee duetifull and obedient to others This I woulde it were if so it séemed good vnto his Maiestie more common then it is lesse debate more loue woulde growe among vs For this cause as beinge one that meaneth wel vnto the famili● of the Lorde and woulde right gladly hazarde that little whiche I haue to ioyne you all in one Christe Take this from mee as a poore testimonie of the loue I beare you Euen a golden chaine precious Emerode that I willingly do giue to linke you and couple you togeether in one Lorde And I giue it in the name of Christe of his church that euen nowe in Englande suffereth shipwracke goeth to decaye and more and more yet like to perish if we stay not on this Anchor and take not holde in his Christe The Perle or Emerolde it is Loue. The Chayne or Iewell is Trueth For if you do remember I protractured out a man not so long since that to my thinking though he was comely ynough in height stature and proportion and able to serue in the house of God yet I lefte him verie naked and to couer his shame I haue giuen him apparell in this place And vppon his rayment hee may hang the two former Iewels Loue Trueth only Let his Robes and his ornaments be Discretion His Pompe and his brauerie Hospitalitie His glorying and beautifying
parte of Naboth that fatte Chuffe Who hideth them that are in perrill from the face of Iesabell Who is not ready to sacrifise to Peor Who renueth the decayed Sanctuary Who ronneth not with Vzias to the Arke Who hath not forsaken the Lord and forgotten his holy Hill Who reareth not vp Alters vnto Iupiter and giueth not ritch burnt offeringes to the Planets as yet then I ●●ow not or finde not that man that is blamele●● 〈◊〉 there any filled with wisdome as is the flood of Phison with his Buckettes or like Tigris when the new fruictes are growinge that bringeth in plenteous vnderstanding as Euphrates and filleth it vp as Iordayne in the Haruest that casteth out wisdome as floods or as the Waterbrooke of the Riuer or as Dorix when it is at the full or as the water Conduicte out of the Garden of pleasure That deceyueth not in his tongue that beguileth not his Neighbour that speaketh truth to all thensure I haue not or find not that man which is blamelesse Hath not wisdome cryed out doth not vnderstanding put forth hir voice standeth shée not in the heigh places in the stréetes and wayes doth shée not crie in the whole Cittie in the Gates and no man heareth hir Who regardeth the yellinge of the poore afflicted soule Who causeth the Hedge and Vineyard of the Lordo to bee repaired who hath brought Golde Incence Frankensence Mirrhe to him deserued it who layeth not his hands with the Souldiers to kepe Christe still in the Graue the hée rise not what cause haue I then to question any more with Paull I may not I ought not I dare not I should not for it is vndoubted and without question I know not I finde not that man which is blamelesse Then let vs seeke a litle farther happelye wee may finde some man by the way or some one thinge that may bée doone by man and that hée may clime vnto therfore wée come to the seconde parte of this seconde diuition of trueth not so harde as the other yet not so easelye as it is taken for and it is this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Husbande of one Wife This it was put in because of the vnbeléeuing Bretheren that had diuers wiues in the law it was permitted and before the law Sobolis procreandae causa that the worlde might bee increased to haue many wiues Abraham had diuers wiues Iacob diuers Dauid married Abigail yet had hee two beside naye and more too Elcana was indifferent well wiued but hee had brawles enough with them and it went hard with Iacob whē hée was bought and solde in the féelds with his Sonnes Mandragoras So vnlouingly these louelesse toyes causeth broyles in braineles loue I finde not in the conrse of all the Prophets that anye one of them broake the rule of the Lorde in this and if Monuments were searched which haue you of all Dianaes Préestes of Apollos shauelinges of those Romishe Flamines that haue not run vpon the sword vpon death vpon fier then they would once violate breake their chastety Of those that bée this day at the Altar of the Lord that poore out his Incence and offer at his Table how many is there whom the Gospell cryeth out vpon and these dayes hath spewed forth from of the face of the earth as vnworthy to abide in the tentes of Iacob for this villany A forte there be euen in the house of God fitter to sporte it with the Timbrell and the Pipe then to take in their handes the Booke of the Lorde Helyas looked vp to the Heauens and saw a blacke Clowde wherby hee iudged that rayne was comming to helpe Israel with all Is there none here of all the Prophets that will looke vp to the Heauēs to bring tidings to this people Surely it may bée doone and safely For if euer vengaunce approched nere vs and tempests and stormes fell on vs these are the dayes wherin the ayre is blacke and glowmy and full of thicke clowdes readye to powre forth rayne and throwe downe Hailestones to consume vs for the aduowtery and incestiousnes of vs the Cleargie what a number haue béene depriued of late what a number are suspected now I it was a a sore lesson I it was a good lesson I but it was a harde lesson 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gratianus that vile and filthy wretch with others that rabble forbad Mariage The Gretian Church and the Latine suffered it a long time Silitius setled established it in Spayne Gregory in Silitia and it was assayed in Germany But Augustanus Maguntius and Hildebrand disanulde it These dayes are so miserable that Concubines bée but common ware and men of conscience yet in these Marchaundrise will strayne their conscience Polygamos Digamos Trigamos Centigamos if so you will they spare them not at all so it be doon in the Closet I am perswaded before the Lorde and that among vs who be of the housholde of faith that Solomon his so greate a number of Concubines the royaltie and statelinesse of his princes are scarce able to serue the gréedinesse of some our English wan tons that bee amonge vs the Lorde cut them off and giue Micheas a bolde spirite to tel them of it Let vs come to the third part and sée what it is that followeth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Watching A great charge it is that is giuen to the minister of the worde of God who as one to tender the care of his launched patient ought to be readie at all assayes to winde and folde vp the rawenesse thereof And this was it Christ said to the twelue get you and preache you And the fiftie hee sent foorth healing and teaching in his name also Christe in Iohn you shall beare witnesse of me In that last prayer the charge hee gaue vnto them he lifted vp his voice and saide sanctefie them O father in the trueth thy worde is the trueth as thou didest sende me into the worlde so do I sende them into the worlde and againe to Peter féede my shéepe and againe a good shéepeherd giueth his life for the shéepe and they here his voice and they are led by him Esay the Prophet threatneth out vengeance against them that liue securely and carelesly in their charge Woe be vnto Syon Wo be vnto Ierusalem Wo be vnto Ephraim and Woe vnto Manasses Her Priestes bee blinde ignoraunt euery one of them the are domme dogges that cannot barke looking after vaine and wanton things And this vice it is two common the Lorde knoweth among vs that are become continuall sléepers and lye downe in our lassiuiousnesse and belshe out in our talke most infamous blasphemy against the Lorde I here the voyces of good and wise men tinkling in my eares of the dissolute ministers in the country and that be abrode But let good men blushe let them that shoulde sée be blinded the Lorde wil one day take away this Vayle and vncouer their faces to sée better I sée it and
abyvvord that those that be not as they are they be vvithout therfore they may svveare though falsly if it be for the safetie of their companion others are thought to be but Aegyptians that are not as they be Arbitrarii A subtile and craftie reason taken from the impotencie that is in man the more by his ●railtie and vveikenesse to stirre vp man. Ieromagainst Bryto Marke the state of vvickednes for as euery thing is most phantasticall so commonly i● is beleeued Sooner is the trueth abolished then filshod rooted out and for this reade the state of the kings of israel Osorius I thinke as odiosus to the church of God. Martyn Luther Many things to be vvayed in the handeling of free vvill In God are vve made redie to doe good in our selues vvee Iose all euen our ovvne selues The calling of the finner and the alteration in this life of the vngodly man is the onely vvorke of God. With our conception commeth in sin vviped avvay in the blood of Christ The manner and order of our saluatiō If man had life of him selfe then no man vvoulde die but this is salse then no doubt eternall life commeth from God. Sorites or rather gradatio So longe as there is life so long raigneth sin in our mortall bodies yet by our imputation in Christ it is vviped avvay Foure seueral things required in the regenerate man This meane is much contempned preachinge despised if the man bee misliked therfore is there open to kens of infidelitie Enthusiastike very heretikes Heare the vvorde refuse it not rebell not against the spirite God is saide to do it the sonne to bring it the holy ghost to finish it if it be good that is man and this vvorke is but one Proofe that all our good actions come of God. god electeth Christe saueth the spirite vvorketh and all this is but one vvork in one God. Nazianzne Ierom. The verie chosen and elect vessels of God haue their faultes some more and some lesse Augustine The labor of man is in vaine if God helpe not then much lesse is our saluation in our povvre being sinfull Iudgemente● and vvorks in God are secret Cyprian The Pathers are very daungerous to vvade in vvithout great aduisement and ernest prayer for euery one hath his fall the young vvits are casely choked vvith them The consideration of the creatures conuersant vvith vs doth amaz and dim our sight then much more God. If vvee could but immagine the state of the blessed vvee shoulde be rauished O Lord hovv straungly Contentious Scismatickes become if God stay not grosse Heretickes Cypri●● The vvill of God is of tvvo sortes God as hee is can not bee comprehended but as hee shevveth him selfe vnto vs and hath reuealed him selfe in the vvork● of his hands so not els can vvee knovv him The minde of God is said to be knovven for that he gaue vs his Worde and his Gospell vvherin vvee savve the vvil of his father In Christ are vve partakers of the heauenly nature The prophets and the fathers receiued the same spirite vvhich vve do novve yet it is more apparant speketh more familiarly vnto vs then in olde time Three things considered in the vvill of God. All good things commeth from aboue the father of light then papistes haue no place manthinke●h gift of God. The earthly manthinketh vpon those things that are earthly he that is heauenly layeth his cogitations vpō those things that are a● Our redemptiō vvrought and bought in Christ Iesus freely The Church of God is knovven in that they Ioue one another All bee not alike but as is the measure of grace so do vve liue in this vvorld To keepe vs from fin it is the token of the man of God. Loue bindeth vp all sores healeth all vvoundes Mortefiynge of our fleshly members is rising vp vnto God. Persecution cōmon trials of the faythfull As sheepe are vve slayne for the Lord sake All creatures obedient to the vvill of God. Euery houre are vvee put in minde of our seruice to the Lorde by his creatures This blessednes shal bee seene in the nevve Ierusalem vvhen the Sainctes and the Aungels and the heauens and earth vvill make one consente and one voyce in seruing God no not the Diuelles shall rebel any more against him but stande to his ●udgemente As God by his vvill did that he could so by that ought vve be vvilling to that hee vvilleth vs least vvee striue against the vvill of God. The vnhappy and pittifull fall of man is seene in that all things stand serue and obay God vve only left that first state and fell from that happines vvherin vvee vvere The earth be cōmeth Iron and the beauens be as brasse the trees denie their seruice vnto man if God be angrie vvith him Firste seeke the kingdom of God then all things shal be ministred vn to thee The good gifts of the Lorde are common to all for the Sun shineth and the raine droppeth vppon the vnrighteous as on the righteous man. He that needeth prayeth to haue it he that hath it prayeth to keepe it but happie is that man vvhich doth his duitie and prayeth as commaunded of God that hee falleth not The singular operation vvorking gouernemēt of the Lorde against nature The singuler operation vvorking and gouernment of the Lorde against nature Our English Athists neuer haue enough till their mouthes bee stopped vvith clay their bodies couered vvith the earth All things are giuē for mā man onely is created to glorifie the Lorde Anthropophag● Of so homly a mould as vvee came of how bevvtifull a Tabernacle did God erect Al cret●rs do knovv their bringing vp and the verye ●outch is more vvelcō●chim that is acquainted thervvith thē sumptuous furniture Giue vs our daily bread this day In the Scriptures bread is taken for the foode of the soule often times ther fore Christ is called the true breade came dovvne s●om Heauen to feede vs. Carelesnes i● impiety but greedmes with couetousnes is irreligiousnes Wee fell by man vvee are all redeemed againe in the man Christ 1. Cor. 10. One God in the lavve and the same Christ in the lavve vvith one oblation saned vs both before after the lavve● for he vvas slaine from al beginning A temporall comparison vvith heauen ly thinges Better is hee that knevv not the vvord and heard not of it thē hee that hath it folovveth it not the first is of ignorance to reprobation this is of foly to greater cōdemp●ation that by Diuelishnes this of pee●ishnes haue one revvarde eternall death What is vnderstoode by bread God often times tryeth his Sainctes and vvhen all hope is past as appeareth to man then commeth his sauing health soudenly The doctors and the fathers are as good instruments vvhet and prepared for the vse of Gods church Our bread is asked for that it is not common vnto one but to vs all and because God vvould haue vs remember