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A02919 The faith of the church militant moste effectualie described in this exposition of the 84. Psalme, by that reuerend pastor, and publike professor of Gods word, in the famous vniuersitie of Hassine in Denmarke, Nicholas Hemmingius. A treatise written as to the instruction of the ignorant in the groundes of religion, so to the confutation of the Iewes, the Turkes, atheists, Papists, heretiks, and al other aduersaries of the trueth whatsoeuer. Translated out of Latine into English, &c. by Thomas Rogers. Hemmingsen, Niels, 1513-1600.; Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616. 1581 (1581) STC 13059; ESTC S118432 286,633 582

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want of good thinges feare of greater miserie I answere we must distinguish betweene the waie vnto happines and the ful fruition of the same While we liue in this worlde we are in the waie either towarde endlesse miserie or eternal blessednesse but our bodies being raised againe we shalbe either euerlastinglie miserable or euerlastinglie blessed And thereof the state of our life is saide to be either happie or wretched in respect of the euent For which cause there is no truer happines of this life than that which beginneth euerlasting happines no truer miserie than y t which leadeth vnto euerlasting miserie Wherfore Christ saieing y t such as mourne are blessed and y t such are blessed as suffer persecutiō for righteousnes sake speaketh of them which are in y e waie to euerlasting blessednes which afterward thei shal perfectlie inioie whē toge with the sonne of God with whome theie haue suffered in the death theie shal reigne in heauen Wherebie it is apparent what those phrazes of speech doe meane in which godlie men are called blessed namelie because theie are in the waie and go-forward vnto that happines which theie begin in this world Therefore saith Dauid Blessed are they which are vpright in the waie And for instruction sake there maie foure steps of this waie be set-downe of which in order we will entreate The first steppe is to haue and to heare the worde of God that is the Lawe and the Gospel of Iesus Christ. By the one namelie the Lawe we learne how miserable we are through sinne which hath separated betweene vs and our God the fountaine of true happinesse by the other to wit the Gospel howe blessed we shal be here-after if we hearken vnto the worde which pointeth vnto Christ the onelie waie to blisse Without this step none be he neuer so wise neuer so mightie so noble so rich so at heartes ease and pleasure can attaine so much as à smal hope of blessednesse Wherefore when the Lorde saieth Blessed are theie which heare the worde of God and keepe it And Dauid Blessed is the man which doth meditate in the Lawe of the Lorde daie and night Againe Blessed are theie which keepe his testimonies and seeke him with their whole heart theie doe point vnto this first steppe vnto blessednesse Philosophie and the wisedome of this world be it highlie commended yet what is it being compared to this worde which directeth vs vnto euerlasting happinesse Philosophie and worldlie wisedome what else can it do than rule this transitorie which wee cal the natural life which is contained within à verie smal compasse of time But heauenlie wisedome sheweth vs the life of grace which is immortal and the beginning of happinesse Hence then we maie see and weie the worthinesse of the doctrine of the Church which sheweth the waie vnto eternal life blessednes to al men But humane reason is much deceaued here For when it seeth manie nations of men at this daie to want the worde of God it forgeth destinies and is carried-awaie with Stoical imaginations so that contrarie vnto Gods worde it thinketh that God is an accepter of persons and wil not the saluation of al men but onelie of à fewe When this was obiected to Paul he made this answere Haue theie not heard No doubt their sound went-out through al the earth and their words into the ends of the world So that the Gospel hath sounded ouer the whole earth wherebie God doeth testifie that he would haue all men to be saued But manie at this daie neither haue neither doe theie heare the Gospel That is verie true But the reason our Lord yeeldeth where he saith The kingdome of God shalbe taken from you and shalbe giuen to à nation which shal bring-forth the fruites thereof The cause hereof in this place is expressed plainlie to be the extreme ingratitude of men toward God For when he offereth them saluation theie doe kil his ministers and abuse Christe with contumelious speeches And therefore iustlie he doth punishe them in taking the meane of saluation from the vngrateful So that the nations of men which haue not the worde of God shold not bring destinies into our mindes but these two thinges rather First that the displeasure of God against the contemners of the Gospel is verie greeuous whereof it is that oftentimes he suffereth his worde vtterlie to be taken from the vngrateful and their seede after them who together with their parentes doe foster vngodlinesse in their heartes Secondlie that being made more warie by the example of others we shewe our selues thankefull to God for his Gospel bringing forth fruites worthie the Gospel which vnlesse we doe we shal as theie are and perchance more greeuouslie be punished which thing we maie learne by the parable of the vine Nowe in what sorte we are to strengthen our mindes against Stoical imaginations touching particulars we haue else-where declared especialie vpon the 9. Chapter vnto the Romans and vpon the first vnto the Ephes. Neither do I meane that the Word simplie is à step vnto blessednes but with an adiunct namelie when it is beleeued For vnlesse we giue credite vnto the worde when we heare in the same the sound of the Gospel is to vs euen the sauour of death that is the verie waie vnto euerlasting miserie not of it owne nature but through our default and cursed ingratitude And that the knowledge of the word faith are to be ioined-together in the first step our Lord sheweth when he saith This is life eternal that theie knowe thee to be the onelie verie God and Iesus to be Christ whom thou hast sent For knowledge comprehendeth both an vnderstanding out of the worde and faith also proceeding from knowledg Therefore when it is saide Blessed are theie which heare the word must be vnderstood with a condition of faith Nowe whie the hearers of the worde and beleeuers are blessed Paul teacheth when out of the 32. Psalme he saith Blessed are theie whose iniquities are forgiuen Howe so Because theie which beleeue the word of God offering free reconciliation haue remission of sinnes theie which haue remission of sins be righteous but the righteous shal liue euen by the sentence of the Lawe an euerlasting life which theie begin in this world theie which liue an euerlasting life are blessed therefore such as beleeue the Gospel are blessed as theie which are now in the right waie and goe on toward happinesse The second step is through obedience toward God to proceede in the waie according to the rule of the worde and spirite of faith This doth Dauid meane when he saith Blessed is the man that feareth the Lorde and delighteth greatlie in his commandementes Againe Blessed are those that are vpright in their waie and our Lord when he said Blessed are the meeke blessed are the peacemakers blessed are the
whereof à wonderful ioie of hearte doth insue that with Dauid we maie saie Mine heart and my fleshe doe reioice in the liuing God The seuenth The commaundement of the Lord is pure This is to be opposed to the Papists who by certaine diuelish subtilties doe entangle the worde of God therebie to terrifie men from the reading of the same They say the letter that is as they falselie expound it the literal or grāmatical sense whereas for al that it is most true doth kil and the spirite that is the allegorical interpretation approued of the Pope doth quicken But the holie Ghost here by Dauid doth affirme the contrarie while it pronoūceth the word of God to be cleere bright and pure which indeede is verie true as touching those things belonging vnto the foundation of Christianitie be altogether necessarie vnto saluation The eight It giueth light vnto the eies This decareth how mās nature without the word of God inlightning is altogether blind as that which carrieth-about with it darkenes to wit doubting of God carnal securitie distrust false praier of the mind doubting and flieng from the Lord with infinite other motiōs swaruing from the law of God But the world perceiueth not this blindnes but rather hath it in admiration and price for the smale shadowe of outward discipline whereas the Church admonished by the voice of God his word doth acknowledg and bewaile her offences and beggeth of God newe light righteousnesse and life In this praier and meditation of the Gospel the eies of the minde be more and more inlightened so that the Sonne of righteousnesse it selfe euen Christe doth gloriouslie arise in their heartes by whose brightnesse we are ledde from endelesse miserie vnto eternal life and blesseenesse Dauid casting an eye vnto this most comfortable fruite of God his worde not without good cause cried-out in this verie Psalme on this wise More to bee desired is the Lawe of God than golde yea than much fine golde Sweeter also than honie and the honie combe And in an other Psalme I haue had as great delight in the waie of thie testimonies as in al riches Here he runneth feeling the burden of his sinnes that he may be vnloaden of them as it is in à certaine Psalme Out of the deepe place haue I called vnto thee ô Lorde c. Herevnto in his troubles he betaketh himselfe according vnto this sentence In mine affliction it is my comfort that this worde doth quicken me In prosperitie also he flieth here vnto I wil runne saith he the waie of thie commandements when thou shalt inlarge mine hearte At his neede it counsaileth him as in these wordes Thie testimonies are my delight and my counsailers In matters of great importance with Kinges and mightie men of the world it ministreth wisedome vnto him so saith Dauid I wil speake of thie testimonies before Kinges and wil not be ashamed Aainst the stumbling blocke of the crosse it strengtheneth him from falling when he considereth the prosperitie of the vngodlie My feete were almost gone my steppes had welneere slipte For I freated at the foolish when I sawe the prosperitie of y e wicked c. Then thought I to know this but it was too paineful for me vntil I wēt into the Sanctuarie of God then vnderstood I their end Surelie thou hast set them in slipperie places and castest them downe into desolation At the point of death he seeketh life from thence as witnesse these wordes I wil neuer forget thie preceptes for by them thou haste quickened me O Lorde thīe worde endureth for euer in heauen Because life and happines promised by the worde shal endure for euer To be briefe out of this worde Dauid learneth the manner both howe to escape euerlasting miserie and also to obteine the eternal felicitie blessednesse wherevnto man at the first was created and afterwarde redeemed by Christ. Seeing nowe the puritie the necessitie the cōmoditie the glorie and the fruite of God his word is so great and so sweete that it can ioine vs to God the soueraigne good thing in whom we shal euerlastinglie be blessed at what time as we haue atteined the ende of our condition doubtlesse theie highlie are to be commended which bestow à portion of their goods and riches to the maintenance and propagation of Gods word in the Church For theie doe wel consider that this ende to al and euerie man according to his condition and state is proposed namelie to aduance the glorie of God Which thing theie before others doe best accomplish who studie to vpholde the ministerie of the worde in schooles and temples Now what diligence you noble Sir haue bestowed on this behalfe manie doe knowe and theie confesse whome at this daie you liberallie bring-vp both in this Vniuersitie and also in other forreigne schooles to the ende that in these Churches of Denmarke there maie be fit ministers frō time to time which maie sounde-foorth the pure doctrine of the Gospel And assuredlie this is trulie to loue our countrie not onelie while we liue to adorne the same but after we are dead also to leaue it the better to our posteritie Wise mē do greatly cōmend the Attike oath in which these words among other were I wil fight both for religious for prophane causes and that alone and with others and wil leaue my countrie not the worser but the better and more ample to the posteritie How much more are we bounde so to doe that are coūted the Citizens of the Church of Christe the most noble countrie of the righteous whose honour is more glorious than was that of Athens which the Turkes now possesse And therefore à farre greater glorie it is to leaue this most worthie coūtrie I meane the Church of God not the worser but the better and amplified to posterities which theie doe who by their wealth doe mainteine and promote the studies of true doctrin of good arts Such an indeuor was in Dauid when in à song he saide howe he loued his countrie because of the Church that was therin Because of the howse of the Lord saith he I wil procure thy welth This howse which is the Church of God he preferred before the most glorious Palaties of earthlie Princes when he saide A daie in thie courtes is better then à thousand other-where I had rather be à doore-keeper in the House of my God than to dwel in the Tabernacles of wickednesse Which Psalme whereout these words are taken because it conteineth à notable commendatiō of God his Church stirreth-vp vnto the loue of the worde laieth before our eies the benifites depainteth the glorie of the Church and sheweth the scope proponed therevnto which is eternal blessednesse I thought good the last yeare publiquelie in our schoole to expounde the same therebie to inuite the youth vnto the loue reading and meditating of the heauenlie worde which is as à burning torch to guide vs in
borne vnto godlines but as through humane ignorance he mingleth some wickednes and follie vnto perfecte wisedome and other artes and virtues so doth he the same to religion whereby oftentimes it degenerateth into superstition And therefore Cicero saith truelie There is no people either so wilde or so sauage if it be ignoraunt what kinde of God it shoulde haue yet it knoweth howe it should haue one What shoulde I speake of the householde witnesse euen the conscience which wee al carrie about with vs Certes such is y e force of y e same that perforce it wil compel thee to acknowledge y t there is a God which with due obedience wil be worshipped It testifieth that God is the reuenger of wickednes yea after this life Plato writeth that manie when they are in health doe thinke al but toies which is spoken of hel but at the point of death when their conscience pricketh them they are troubled vexed out of measure caling their former life into minde Such is the force of the conscience euen in the verie wicked especialie when they must needes die This testimonie of the conscience is doutlesse the iudgemēt of God who hath imprinted in our mindes à certaine affection to religion tending to this end that conioyned to God we maie be perfectlie happie for which end we were both at the first created and afterward redeemed Now the Epicures seeing they cannot denie this power of the conscience the wretches seeke I cannot tel what comforte out of à fable of Lazarus whome our Lorde raised after he had beene deade foure daies They faine how Lazarus was requested of his friends to tel thē the state of the soule when his body lay dead in y e graue He promised as their fable is that after his death he would leaue à book whereinto he woulde writ such thinges as he knewe concerning the state of the soules after this life What should manie wordes They faine that Lazarus beeing deade a booke was found which opened not somuch as one letter could be seene therein Whereof that is of one fable they gather another how that the soules either doe perish with the bodies or be so drowned with deepe sleepe that they doe not so much as feele much lesse knowe anie thing at al. By this restoratiue the Epicures especialie the Pope who they saie is the keeper of this booke and manie of his Cardinals and Bishops who lacke at no time scholers at their wil chieflie amonge them which bewitched either with the pleasures riches or glorie of this world woulde gladly haue the soules perish with the bodies that they might not or dare abide the paines of their wicked life endeuour to extinguish the power of the conscience But the holie scripture doeth verie forceablie confute the vanitie of these men wherein first of al we may consider the creation of the soule of man which is created after the likenesse of God By which likenes vndoubtedlie beside the conformitie with God the immortalitie of y e soule is signified the which is not of the earth as the body is but the breathing of God as the scripture speaketh wherof the Epistle vnto the Hebrewes distinguisheth betweene fleshlie parentes and God the father of the spirits Secondlie Christ adhorteth his disciples not to feare them which kil the bodie but are not able to kil the soule but to feare him who is able to destroy both soule and bodie in hel Doeth not Christ hereby giue vs plainelie to vnderstand that the soules after death doe liue But the state after this life is diuers according to the person either of the beleeuer or vnbeleeuer which thing the Lorde manifestlie doth shew in the example of Lazarus the rich man Whereof the soule of one in the bosome of Abraham the soule of the other in torments doe expect the daie of iudgement In that it is saide howe Lazarus is in the bosome of Abraham we haue to learne first that Lazarus through faith was the sonne of Abrahā For children are wont to be carried in the armes of their parentes Secondlie that Lazarus liueth is cherished and fareth wel euen as à childe in the bosome of his father Thirdlie that he is in the same state and place of happines which father Abraham is Fourthlie howe there is à certaine mutual and soueraigne good-wil betweene the soules that-rest in the bosome of Abraham For al are ioined together with brotherlie affection This verie thing is taught by the saieng of Christ vnto the theife To daie shalt thou be with me in Paradise which is not that the soule shal either perish or sleepe but to be happie to perceaue their blessednes although not so fullie as hereafter Christ giueth vs to learn that the soules of Abraham Isaak and Iaakob doe liue when he saith The God of Abraham the God of Isaak and the God of Iaakob is not the God of the dead but of the liuing What meaneth Peter when he saith Christ went and preached vnto the spirits that are in prison In the dayes of Noah the spirite of Christ preached to men whose soules Peter testifieth were in prison The same Peter affirmeth how the end of faith is the saluation of souls The saluatiō surelie can be neither death nor à sounde sleepe Neither is it à darke thing which Paul saith I desire to be loosed and to be with Christ. Salomon in the last chapter of Ecclesiastes doeth say vntil dust returne to the earth as it was and the spirite returne to God that gaue it In which respect he is caled by y e Apostle The father of spirits Hitherto belongeth y t in y e wisedom of Salomō The soules of the righteous are in the hand of God and no torment shal touch them With this agreeth that saying of the Psalmist Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his sainctes And Steuen ful of the spirite Lord Iesus recieue my spirite Moreouer whereas they obiect how there shal be one iudgement whereas rewardes shal be rendred for the godlie and punishment appointed for the wicked we confesse the same is true yet doth it not folow thereby that the soules both of the sainctes and of sinners doe either perishe with their bodies or doe sleepe vntil the last daie For although the soules of the righteous are in Paradise and the soules of y e vngodlie in torments yet haue neither the soules of the godlie perfect ioye nor the vngodlie al their paines vntil the daie of iudgement doe come Chrysostome speaking of Abel and Noah doeth saie Theie preuented vs in the fight and they shal not preuen● vs in receauing the crowne Because their is one time appointed of crowning al men Augustine in manie places describeth certain secret places wherein the soules of the righteous are contained vntil they receaue the crowne and ful glorie
therefore rightly doth y e Church saie He is the verie lambe of God who hath taken awaie the sinnes of the worlde who by his death hath destroied death and repaired life by rising againe And Ambrose So great was our sinne that vnlesse the sonne of God had died for vs the debters of death wee coulde neuer haue beene saued Wherefore when it is said that the sonne of man hath redeemed vs through the merite of his passion à worke of an infinite price and valor is named to wit the worke of the Sonne of man who is verie God too when it is said howe the death of Christ is à satisfaction an infinite price is proposed euen of that man who also is the onelie begotten Sonne of God And although the God-head neither suffered nor died for howe can it bee that either an vnchangeable thing shoulde suffer or an immortall thing suffer death yet the eternal person which is God hath suffered yet not in the diuine but in the humane assumed nature which coulde suffer Therefore Paul doeth saie God hath purchased the Church with his owne blood And Peter affirmeth how Christ hath suffered in the fleshe that is in the humane nature in soule and bodie And the Epistle vnto the Hebrewes doeth saie that Christ tooke part of bloode and flesh that he might destroye through death him that had the power of death that is the diuel signifying plainlie thereby howe the diuinitie coulde not suffer but flesh did and because the diuine nature could not suffer he tooke y t which could suffer And Theodoret doth saie He therfore tooke flesh that through it which coulde suffer that which could not suffer might sustaine punishment Therefore in respect of the vnion of the diuine and humaine nature in one person the price and merite of Christ his suffering is infinite for time valor and efficacie For if you respect the time it extendeth vnto all ages vnto all generations of men If you marke the valor it is able to purge the sinnes of all mankinde if the efficacie the force thereof is euident in al and with-drawen from none which doe heare the gospel and by faith repent For the death of Christ doeth abolishe alike the sinnes of Adam and of Euah and of Peter and of Paul and of such as haue bene since the time of Christ. And this is it which is saide in the Reuelation where hee is called The lambe which was slaine from the beginning of the worlde As sone therefore as our first parentes gaue credite to this promise The seed of the woman shal bruise the serpentes heade by the power of Christ his death which was then appointed to be in the ende of the world they were iustified sanctified and redeemed from eternal death By this faith Iob erected himselfe in the extreeme miseries when hee saide I am sure that my redeemer liueth And of Abram it is written Abram beleeued the Lorde and hee counted that to him for righteousnesse And Dauid was persuaded his adulterie and murder coulde be washed awaie by the merite of Christe his bloode when hee saide Purge me with Hysop and I shall be cleane And therefore in an other place he saith With the Lorde is mercie and with him is great redeemption It is great in deede because it is infinite and can not bee conteined within the bounds of anie time or estimation So that the vertue of Christ his death extendeth vnto all times and to al ages and is of sufficient force to wipe al the sinnes of al mankinde Because it is the death not of à simple man but of that man who also was the onelie begotten Sonne of God and à verie God too deliuered vnto death for our sakes as Paule doth saie Hee spared not his owne sonne but gaue him for vs all to death CHAP. 36. 1. The horrible ingratitude of man toward God for the so infinite price of his redemption 2. The causes of mans ingratitude with remedies for them THus howesoeuer wee see both of what price the death of the sonne of God is and also for whō Christ the Lorde of glorie hath suffered nowe on the otherside let vs consider howe alas vngratefull the maior part of mankinde is for the same For the Iewes Turkes and manie prophane people can not abide so much as to heare the name of Christ. For the Iewes blinded with enuie couetousnes and ambition doe interprete the benefite of Christ to be their hurt The Turkes possessed with Mahomets furie like mad men are carried tyrannicallie to abolishe the name of Christ. Manie barbarous nations with the auncientnes of error as it were with a leprosie polluted will not permit the gospel to bee founded Others vnder the name of Christe and pretence of religion to fight vnder the ensigne of satan and endeuour by the blood of saincts to hinder the course of the gospel as doth the Pope the Cardinals the mitred Bishoppes Abbats and al the rablement of y e Antichristian kingdome Manie are altogether indifferent looking for the euent that they rise-vp to that part which hath the better hand Who although they becounted gospellers and called defenders of the faith yet in trueth they bee meere Atheistes such as measure the felicitie of man by honor auctoritie wealth and pleasure Among these although some do couer the prophanenesse of their minde by à certaine outwarde ciuilitie● yet the most part doe imitate Nero and Heliogabalus more truelie thā Christ of whō they haue their name Of this extreeme ingratitude of the world the Lord by the Prophete Isaiah complaineth on this wise I haue nourished and brought vp children but they haue rebelled against me The oxe knoweth his owner and the asse his masters crib but Israel hath not knowen my people hath not vnderstande This ingratitude also the Lord bewayleth when he saith Howe often woulde I haue gathered thy children together as the henne gathereth her chickins vnder her winges and yee would not Againe where hee saith Manie are called but few are choosen By which saying the Lorde both commendeth the infinite mercie of God inuiting all men vnto the knowledge of his sonne that by him they maie be saued and reprooueth the intollerable blindnes and ingratitude of verie manie men who as if they were mad laie violent hande vppon the Phisition that woulde heale and set vpon him as if hee were an enemie rendring for life and celestial promotion offered death and euil wordes This ingratitude is by so much the greater as the benefite is greater that is contemned So that it is worthie the euerlasting hatred of all the chaste Angels and electe of God If you respect y e heaps of wicked men smal is the nūber of them which esteeme the benefites of Christ as they ought Who I beseech you can sufficientlie bewaile with teares this phrensie of mē But of force it must be some detestable euil thing which can with-draw
that theie knowe the celestial doctrine Which doctrine is for that cause tearmed the waie of the Lord because it is to man as à waie prepared of God to goe therebie from death vnto life and from the troubles of this world vnto blessed immortalitie Walke in my commandementes saith the Lorde by the Prophet Againe Blessed are theie which walke in the Lawe of the Lorde Moreouer the knowledge of this waie that is of heauenlie doctrine somtime is powred in by à secrete blast and inspiration from God without the labor and care of man as maie appeare in the Prophetes and Apostles Sometime it is gotten by the labor and paines of man Which labour hath two partes The first and principal whereof is burning and continual praier vnto God that he would direct vs in his trueth teach vs and lighten the eies of our minde For except the Lord build the house theie labour in vaine that builde it The other part is an earnest studie of God his worde and wil. Nowe that men be rightlie framed vnto that studie sixe thinges be necessarilie required of which breefelie we will speake The first is dailie reading of the scripture Which who so wil reade with profite must haue the knowledge both of those tongues wherin the scripture was at the first written without which neither the kinde of speech nor the phrazes can be vnderstoode and beside not onelie Logique to espie the order methode of the matter but the knowledge beside of other artes and especialie of that part of philosophie caled natural philosophie Paul commendeth this studie of continual reading vnto Timothie when he saith Giue attendance vnto re●ding The second is an obseruation and collection of the principal pointes of heauenlie doctrine without which the paines in reading is to smal purpose For as in al artes this care is necessarie to him that would be substantialie learned so litle shal he profite in the sacred Scripture which obserueth not the chiefe heads of religion neither bringeth al that he readeth vnto some special common place The thirde is à diligent regard vnto common axioms sentences which are as general rules ministring iudgement in doubtful causes as Rhetoriciās of general thesees which therefore theie call consultations do iudge of particulars and causes in controuersie Hitherto maketh obseruation of examples from which the determinations of matters in doubt are fetched oftentimes The fourth is à sure reteining of the premises in minde that when occasion serueth theie maie be drawen out of the treasurehouse of memorie The fift is contemplation wherebie as it were at the first sight of the minde we behold the whole course of the Scripture By this we compare thinges like and vnlike together by this we reconcile contrarie places and by this we seeke definitions diuisions distinctions interpretations of obscure places yea and make à constitution of the bodie of doctrine The sixt is tradition of elders This declareth what the holie fathers haue thought of euerie thing This tradition if it be confirmed by the worde of GOD is of authoritie and weight In which respecte wee faithfullie imbrace at this daie the Creede both of the Nicene councel of Athanasius of Ambrose and that which is caled the Apostles Creede because theie are euident groundes gathered out of God his worde But if the tradition be not proued out of the word of God then is it either contrarie to the worde and therefore we abhorre the same as the voice of the serpent that seduced Euah or it is beside the worde and we receaue it in respect of such as deliuered the same out vntil it be drawen into an euil conclusion by the enimies of true doctrine With this knowledge of the heauenlie doctrine there should be ioyned as in al men so especialie in the ministers of the Gospel á liuelie feeling in the heart without which knowledge doth not profite but hurt rather through the fault of man This liuelie sense proceedeth from faith and other motions agreeing to the Lawe of God which the holie spirite stirreth-vp in the heartes of beleeuers And this sense is called the path-waie of God because as God requireth the same so through it we approch and are ioined vnto God And therefore Paule requireth these two thinges namelie knowledge and feeling together whē he thus writeth This I praie you that your loue maie abound yet more and more in knowledge and in al iudgement that ye maie discerne thinges that differ that ye maie be pure and without offence vntil the daie of Christ filled with the fruites of righteousnesse which are by Iesus Christ vnto the glorie and praise of God So that the end of knowledge is that we should iudge proue and approue those thinges which are the better and most profitable To feeling is subiect synceritie which is à good cōscience before God innocencie of life that we offend no man and plentie of fruits of the righteousnes of faith which proceede from the grace of Iesus Christ and tend vnto the laude praise of God If this liuelie sense with the knowledge of heauenlie doctrine be not in the teachers of the Churche nothing is more cursed in the whole worlde than theie are For when they reproue other mē for sinning theie condemne themselues when theie lift vp others with comfort theie ouer-throwe themselues when theie teach others themselues are confounded to be short whatsoeuer theie doe in the ministerie committed to their charge it is à testimonie to their owne damnation For theie are verie-like the makers of Noahs arke For as theie when the arke was builded wherin Noah and his familie was saued perished in the floud so these men shal perish in the floud of hel fire when such as gaue credite vnto the worde theie preached shal be saued Wherefore let both them which are in the ministerie and them also which purpose to enter into the same consider howe grieuous the punishment is that hangeth-ouer their heades if the feeling in the heart and their life answere not to their doctrine againe what great glorie is laide-vp for them if theie doe builde the Church of Christ with both hands namelie with doctrine and with example Of whiche glorie afterwarde we wil entreate Moreouer the teachers of the Churche ought to shewe the waie of the Lord to men that goe astraie For which cause theie are called the guides of the flocke in the Scriptures that going-before them both in learning and life theie maie both prepare the waie and animate others to followe them And therefore in the prophesie of Isaiah it is written Go-through goe-through the gates prepare you the waie for the people caste-vp caste-vp the waie and gather out the stones and set-vp à standerd for the people Let preachers therefore of the worde vnderstand that as theie ought to goe before other men both by example of
bestowe life and saluation vppon none vnlesse by the sentence of the lawe hee be pronounced righteous and also without respect of persons to adiudge so manie to the cursse and wrath of God and to eternall paines which haue not yeelded pure perfect and cōtinual obedience to the lawe This right of the law is conteined in the promises threats added to the lawe of God And the summe thereof tendeth vnto these two sayinges of Moses Curssed be he that confirmeth not all the wordes of this lawe to doe them And The man which doth them shal liue in them that is as God condemneth the transgressor of the lawe so hee doeth iustifie the fulfiller of the same For as to bee condemned is by God through the accusement of Moses or the law the verie conscience of man bearing witnesse againste him named to be guiltie for transgressing the lawe to bee pronounced vniust and to bee adiudged to eternal death as accursed of God So to be iustified is by God through the quitance of Moses or the Lawe the verie conscience of man excusing him to bee named not guiltie for fulfilling the lawe to bee pronounced righteous to be adiudged to eternall life as blessed of GOD and that in respecte of the couenant betweene GOD and man This being set downe I will propose à demonstration whereby it shall appeare that no mortall man since the fal of our first parentes can legalie be iustified before the tribunal seat of God Iesus Christ onely excepted who is both God and man pure from all sinne absolutelie righteous according to the law And the demonstration is this Whosoeuer doeth perfectlie fulfill the lawe of God is righteous by the lawe and heire of eternall life by the promise of God And contrariwise hee that doeth not fulfill the lawe is accurssed and subiect to the wrath of God and to eternall paines according to the sentence of the lawe But no man since the fall of our first parentes Christ onelie excepted was euer found that coulde fulfill the lawe of God Therefore no man is righteous by the sentence of the lawe and heire of eternal life by the couenant of God but Christ alone who beeing free from contagion of sinne did perfectlie fulfill the lawe but all other besides him are by nature subiect to the cursse to the wrath of GOD and to eternall tormentes The maior is proued from the extreme right of the lawe that is from the promises and threateninges of God his lawe And this no man will denie as apparent by the worde of God but the minor is in controuersie For both the Pelagians and the Papistes doe reiecte the minor as vntrue but theie builde not both vpon the same foundation Pelagius because hee tooke-awaie originall sinne and taught how sin was sent-ouer to the posteritie of Adā not by propagation but by immitation onely ascribed to the power of man y t theie could by their natural strength of them selues fulfil the lawe of God and by the merites of good workes attaine euerlasting life And forsomuch as erroneouslie hee supposed that Christ was à meere man and yet for all that yeelded perfect obedience to the lawe hee concluded that other men likewise if they woulde might obserue the lawe and thereby be iustified and saued But howe weake yea howe false the foundation of Pelagius is the scripture in manie places doeth euidentlie declare For in that hee saith howe sinne is sent-ouer to the posteritie of Adam by imitation onelie it is most vntrue as Paule in his first Chapter vnto the Romanes doth most cleerelie teach where he handleth this verie argument namelie that wee are guiltie not by imitation but by propagation As by one man saith hee sinne entered into the worlde and death by sinne and so death went ouer all men forsomuch as all men haue sinned Againe Death raigned from Adam to Moses euen ouer them also that sinned not after the like maner of the transgression of Adam Are not these wordes quite contrarie to the saying of Pelagius which imagineth that sinne is sent-ouer by imitation onely Againe By the offence of one manie are dead that is all which were borne of Adam according to the common lawe of birth Againe through one which sinned death and condemnation came thorough one offence vnto condemnation Againe By the offence of one death raigned through one And again by the offence of one the fault came on al mē to condemnation by one mans disobedience manie were made sinners What can be spoken more plainelie Dauid also hee saith Behold I was borne in iniquitie and in sinne hath my mother conceaued mee Here Dauid speaketh not of à certaine sin of his parents as though the worke of marriage were à sinne which is wel knowē to be the holie and lawfull ordinance of God but of the contagion whereby we al y e sort of vs are both conceaued and brought into the world polluted because of the offence of our first parentes in whome the whole nature of man is corrupted and guiltie Therefore vnto the Ephesians Paul saith Wee were by nature the children of wrath so wel as others The foundation therefore of Pelagius being taken awaie the building wherevpon he had builded doth of it selfe come vnto the groūd So that when Pelagius doth argue thus We are borne without original sinne and onelie by imitating sinful Adam we are made guiltie therfore by the power of nature we can fulfil the lawe the Antecedent is constantlie to be denied as that which is contrarie both to the course of the whole scripture to the iudgement of al good writers And whereas the saide Pelagius doth affirme that Christ was onelie man not God too and yet notwithstanding yeelded ful obedience to the lawe and therefore others also maie fulfil the same it is à friuolous argument and ouerthrowne by the consent of the whole Scripture For the whole Scripture doth commend Christ God and man to vs saith he is the onelie sauiour testifieth that he is the beholder of heartes and acknowledgeth him to be present in all places Now y e Papists which also denie the minor of our argument builde vpon another foundation to wit vpon à false definition of God his lawe For with the Pharisees theie thinke that the lawe doth onelie restraine the hande as theie saie and requireth onelie outward ciuil workes which when men doe theie saie how theie are iust before God and doe merit by their obedience eternal life original sinne being abolished through the death of Christ. And therefore theie define the iustification of the vngodlie to be à remissiō of sinnes and à perfection of good works But how vane and friuolous this toieng of the Papistes is first the Law it selfe which brideleth concupiscence doth shewe Secondlie Paul compareth the Lawe of nature of men together as things cleane contrarie We know saith he that the law is
Christ they do prophane Christ his blood and extenuat the merit of the Lordes death of which merit we are then made partakers when we beleeue in Iesus Christ. Therefore Paul doth say through faith in his blood that is when a man knowing the promise of grace doth verilie beleeue that his sinnes are forgiuen him for the blood sake of Christ he is truelie partaker of the merit of the Lord his death through which he is absolued from sinne redeemed from the condemnation of the law and set free from the bondage of sinne and Satan With the remission of sinnes righteousnes is ioyned wherby the beleeuer is iustified that is becommeth in verie deede and is iudged righteous before God And this righteousnes is the second benefit of Christ in our iustification Which righteousnes is nothing else than à perfect fulfilling of the lawe done indeede by Christe but ascribed or imputed to vs that beleeue For so saith Paul Christe is the ende of the lawe for righteousnes vnto euerie one that beleeueth that is so manie as beleeue haue that which the Lawe requireth namelie righteousnes but not done of them but imputed to them For so saith Paul To him that worketh not but beleeueth in him that iustifieth the vngodlie his faith is counted for righteousnes Now that this righteousnes that is imputed to vs is Christ his obedience the comparisō which Paul doth make witnesseth As by one mans disobedience saith he manie were made sinners So by the obedience of one shal manie also be made righteous meaning so manie as beleue And in another place He hath made him to be sinne for vs which knewe no sinne that we should be made the righteousnes of God in him that is Christ was made for vs sinne which is à sinner through the imputation of the guiltinesse of al our sinnes to him y t we might be made righteous with God and that by the righteousnes not sticking within vs but which being in Christ is imputed of God to vs through faith Then we are so the righteousnes of God in him as he is sinne in vs to wit through imputation And this is it which Augustine doth saie Our sinnes he made his owne sins that he might make his righteousnes to be ours Herevnto both Moses the Psalmes Prophets do agree Moses he writeth The seede of the woman shal bruse the Serpents head Again In thy seede which is Christ shal all the nations of the earth be blessed This blessing cannot be without y e remission of sins righteousnes and allowance of God If therefore blessing be through Christ deliuerance also frō the cursse is through him through the remission of sinnes we atteine imputation of righteousnes and God his fauor And in the Psalme it is They shal declare his righteousnes to à people that is the Church shal preach not mans righteousnes by workes or ceremonies but the righteousnes of Christ which shalbe imputed for righteousnes to so manie as beleeue The Prophet Isaiah saith By his knowledge shal my righteous seruant iustifie manie for he shal beare their iniquities This testimonie is verie notable for it teacheth how sinnes be washed awaie through y e sacrifice of Christ it teacheth y t Christ y e righteous by his righteousnes doth make others righteous it teacheth also y t applicatiō is made through y e knowledge of the same Christ y t is through an effectual knowledg of Christ And y t is effectual knowledge whē to the knowledg of y e minde y e beleefe of the heart is ioined Also by y t Prophet Ieremiah it is writtē This is the name wherby theie shal cal him the lord our righteousnes Here y e prophet cōmendeth Christ his diuinitie and also pronounceth howe we are iustified through his righteousnes Touching the application the same Prophet speaketh on this wise Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord and whose hope the Lord is Now he trusteth in the Lord who beleeueth that being iustified by his righteousnesse he pleaseth God For the obedience of Christ God and man is the most absolute perfourmance of the lawe the which sufficeth al because it is the righteousnes of man who is God This the Prophet declareth when he saith The Lord is our righteousnesse So that from our heartes we must beleeue how the righteousnesse wherebie we are iust before God is not anie qualitie or action in our selues but the obedience of Christ imputed to the faithful So doth Paul most expreslie distinguish betweene y e righteousnesse of man and of Christ when he saith I doe iudge al thinges but doung that I might winne Christ and might be founde in him not hauing mine own righteousnes which is of the lawe but that which is through the faith of Christ euē the righteousnes which is of God through faith Nowe if we haue remission of sinnes and righteousnesse through faith to wit perfecte righteousnesse which is of Christe Iesu doubtlesse we are no more vnder the damnable sentence of the lawe which is Cursed is he that confirmeth not al the workes of the lawe to doe them And this meaneth Paul where he saith We are vnder the lawe which condemneth but vnder grace which iustifieth Whie so For that as through the offence of one to wit Adam the fault came on al men to condemnation so by the iustifieng of one namelie Christ Grace abounded towarde al men to the iustification of life That is As the sinne of Adam was the cause of condemnation vnto eternal death So the righteousnes of Christ is the cause of iustification vnto eternal life Now then as Paul saith there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Iesu. For theie are free frō the lawe of sin of death through Christ the deliuerer The third thing which we saide was required for to make a man righteous before God is that being adorned with Christ his righteousnes he be adopted for the sonne of God and accepted vnto eternal life For as by faith hee obteineth remission of sinnes and righteousnes so likewise by the same faith we obteine the right of adoptiō and the dignitie of Gods children according to that of Iohn He gaue power to be the sonnes of God euen to them that beleeue in his name That is he conferred this heauenlie honor vpon the faithful that theie both be and be counted the sonnes of God And Paul ye haue not receiued the spirite of bondage to feare againe but ye haue receiued the spirite of adoption wherbie we crie Abba Father The same spirite beareth witnes with our spirit that we are the children of God If we be children we are also heires euen the heires of God and heires annexed with Christ. Moreouer this our adoption is two māner of waies to be considered to wit as it is in the life begun through faith and as it
consumed y e paschal lambe with speede and that with vnleauened bread and sowre herbes so with most sharpe and sower mindes the Iewes put Christ to death and that with al possible speede 5 As the paschal lambe was offred of the whole multitude of the sonnes of Israel So that which through the counsel and wil of the chiefe Priests and rulers was done to Christ at Ierusalem maie seeme doubtles to be done of al Israel verie fewe excepted 6 As by the commandement of God there was à caution that no bone of the paschal lambe should be broken So albeit the hands and feete of our Sauiour were fastened to the crosse with nailes his side peirced through with à speare yet not à bone of him was broken 7 As none that was either vncleane or vncircumcised did eate of that lambe but the circumcised onlie so he alone that is purged in minde and receiued into the familie of God eateth vnto his saluation the flesh of the pure lambe which is Christ. 8 As that lambe through the commaundement of God was offered the tenth day of the first moneth so Christ the true lambe of God the same day of that moneth his father so appointing it was sacrificed vnto the Lord. 9 As once in à yeare that paschal lambe was killed So once and not often ought the sonne of God to be offered which thing also was prefigured by that entrance of the chiefe prieste into the holie place and that once in à yeere 10 Last of al as the sacrifice of the paschal lambe pleased the Lord and after it the people came out of Aegyt So through the sacrifice of Christ mankinde is reconciled to God and brought out of bondage into libertie The figures or prophecies rather of this great sacrifiāe of this sanctification and attonement were the sacrifices of the fathers as of Abel Noah Abraham and afterward al those Aaronical sacrifices albeit some more cleerelie than others bare the similitude of this great sacrifice of propitiation Being taken from the crosse he was laide in the graue of which mention is made in the 88. Psalme My soule is filled with euiles and my life draweth neere vnto the graue I am counted among them that go downe vnto the pit and am as à man without strength free among the deade like the slaine lying in the gr●ue whome thou remembrest no more and they are cut of from thine handes Thou hast laide me in the lowest pit in darkenes and in the deepe The bodie of Christ aboade in the sepulcher that part of the sixt day wherein nowe the Sabbaoth began at what time the Iewes cessed from their labor and from thence the whole Sabbaoth which finished verie earelie in the morning he arose that he might make it euident howe he had with himselfe buried the Iewish Sabboath and was returned vnto à new life hauing ouercome death and left the old synagogue in the graue and raised-vp à newe Church And therefore the Lord before his death abrogated not the law of Moses forsomuch as yet he had not carried the Sabboath with himselfe vnto death and the graue And that the Lord shoulde not abide long in the graue Dauid prophecied in the 16. Psalme My flesh doth rest in hope for thou wilt not leaue my soule in the graue neither wilt thou suffer thine hol● one to se corruption As sone as the first day of the weeke which we cal the Lordes daie appeared he brought himselfe vnto the light and life which was our light and our resurrection from euerlasting death A figure of this resurrection also of the Lord went before in the Prophet Ionas and an euident prophecie is in Hosea chap. 6. where in the person of Christe it is saide Come and let vs returne vnto the Lorde for he hath spoiled and he wil heale vs he hath wounded vs and he wil binde vs vp After two dayes wil he reuiue vs and in the thirde daie he wil raise vs vp and we shal liue in his sight Then shal we haue knowledge and indeuour our selues to know the Lord. Hauing proued his resurrection after sundrie and manie waies to his disciples he gaue them in charge to baptize to teach al nations repentance and remission of sinnes in his name And so the prophecie of Iaakob concerning the vocation of the Gentils was fulfilled who saith The people shal be gathered vnto him And for this cause the nations are so often inuited to laude and to glorifie GOD both in the psalmes and Prophets as in the 117. Psalme Al nations praise ye the Lord al ye people praise him For his louing kindnesse is great towarde vs and the trueth of the Lord endureth for euer This commaundement being giuen to his disciples the 40. daie after his resurrection he ascended into heauen vnto his father at whose right hande he sitteth for euermore From whence he sent both to his disciples and to the Church following the holie spirite to instruct and teach them Of this ascension singeth the Psalmist in the 68 psalme Thou art gone-vp on high thou hast led captiuitie captiue and receaued giftes for men And of his sitting at the right hand of the Father the same Psalmist saith in the 110. Psalme on this wise The Lord saide vnto my Lord sit thou at my right hande vntil I make thine enimies thy footestoole By the right hand of the Father is meant his principall giftes as happinesse mercie goodnes liberalitie wherein Christ sitteth as à dispensor and bestower and his kingdome and liberalitie of such good things is vpon the holie and blessed soules both angelical and humane whereof it is saide Psalme 16. The Lord is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup thou doest mainteine my lot The lines are fallen vnto me in pleasant places that is I haue gotten à goodlie inheritance For mine inheritance is noble Furthermore as touching the holie Ghost this is to be noted The holie spirite abideth euermore with the Church albeit inuisible But vnto the Apostle the 10. daie after his ascension that is 50. daies after the resurrection of Christ he appeared visiblie in firie tongues that the Lorde of hostes which is Iesus Christ might confirme the infallible trueth of his Gospel to the whole worlde as it were with this seal of his maiestie Which thing was long fore-seen by y e prophet Ioël who in his 2. cha saith on this wise And afterward that is after Israël hath receiued the teacher of righteousnesse that they may both remember and vnderstand those thinges which he shal teach I wil powre-out my spirit vpon al flesh and your sonnes and your daughters shal prophecie your old men shal dreame dreames and your yong men shal see visions The 50. day after the resurrection of the Lord the euent most
example he inuited to the praieng-vnto and worshipping of that God alone euen the onelie and true God which had both giuen à lawe and ceremonies to the people also brought the Iewes out of the land of Egypt But this was it which troubled y e Iewes for that he caled God his Father whom had he denied hee should haue bin like to them that is à liar The third thing which theie obiect is the abrogation of the lawe wherein they make à loude lie For he alone both fulfilled the lawe himselfe and corrected the abuses of the Pharisies yea and alwayes euen to the death of the crosse was subiecte to the lawe The fourth whereby they saie how he spake against y e traditions of y e fathers is most vntrue But what fault is it I pray you to reprehend impietie to condemne superstition and to speake against such thinges as are manifestlie against the worde of God Is it such à crime to blame the peruerse opinion of the Pharisies whereby they place the traditions of men before the commaundementes of GOD especialie when the Lorde himselfe doth saie Walke ye not in the ordinances of your fathers walke in my statutes Saith not the Lorde by the Apostle They worshippe me in vaine teaching for doctrines the commaundements of men But this was one and à principal cause of crucifieng Iesus the Messiah fearing traditions being abolished least they themselues shoulde come into contempt among the people leese not à little of their auctoritie and so by little and little come into decaie The fifth crime is that our Lorde shoulde violate the Sabbaoth the which also is most vntrue For as the true rest of the Sabbaoth is to cease from sinne and to rest in God so the true workes are they which make vnto the abolishing of sinne and promoting of Gods glorie as were the deedes of healing which he wrought vpon the Sabbaoth And in verie deede there can be no more excellent à worke than to helpe man at his extreme necessitie If it be not lawful vppon the Sabbaoth to heale shal it therefore be lawfull to kil à man Is it lawful to drawe out an Asse falen into à pitte and shal it not be lawful on the Sabbaoth by the worde and power of God to heale à man But this people haue neither ende nor measure in slaundering The sixt crime which they laie to his charge is I can destroye this Temple and builde it againe in three daies The occasion of which his wordes was this The Iewes had required à signe of Christ of his zeale and power he therefore according to the manner of the Apostles and of his owne too sheweth them no friuolous temporarie or base signe as they required but à great à wonderful and an euerlasting signe of the resurrection of his bodie whiche should be the third daie after his death which bodie of his was more truelie and aptlie the Temple of GOD than that stonie one of Ierusalem For therein dwelleth à more proper and present God The seuenth crime which theie obiect to our Lorde is that he cast-out diuels in the name of Beelzebub the chiefe of the diuels Which fault by strong argumentes he remoueth from himselfe Matth. 12 and Luke 11. But afore I shew how the faithlesse Iewes do blemish the miracles of Christ I will in fewe wordes declare what is meant by diuine miracles Next I wil briefelie shewe y e markes wherebie the diuine miracles of Christ and of the saintes are distinguished from fained miracles of magicians and diuels For the diuel as one that hateth God and would gladlie turn vs from God by al possible meanes both by him-selfe and his ministers the magicians doth emulate the workes of God and especialie miracles because he seeth howe that thing commeth neerest vnto the diuine power which is aboue nature And therefore as by his owne natural force he is mightier so in the knowledge of the virtues and operation of thinges more skilfull than man he easelie beguileth our senses to deceaue and bring vs from the truth Diuine miracles are such as God worketh which are therefore called miracles because theie bring men into admiration For first theie bring men into the admiration of Gods power wherebie miracles are wrought Secondly through the power of God men gather that the person which doth miracles both is sent of GOD and also bringeth Gods worde for confirmation whereof miracles are shewed as moste euident demonstrations Thirdly through this consideration faith is conceaued in the minde of the doctrine albeit the maiestie of the doctrine doth exceede the reach of reason Fourthlie of credit to the doctrine springeth in the hart à confidence of the promise of y e good things which are brought by the doctrine Fiftlie who so beleeue the doctrine and hope for the promise they do loue and praise God And by miracles as it were by the hand they are led vnto the faith of their condition which is to haue felowship with God and in him to obteine an euerlasting blessednesse for euermore Sixtlie because euerie signe is à signe of somthing signed faith seeketh the analogie comparison betwene the signe and that is signed and so by comparing them together of earthlie gathereth heauēlie spiritual things of visible For the diuine miracles of Christ aboue al haue spiritual significatiōs the which y e aptlie they may be aplied shold be reduced vnto more euident sentences of scripture and notable examples that the spiritual interpretation may be agreeable to faith and consent with the principle groundes of our religion yea and also haue euident examples wherebie the matter is painted out as it were The reason whie Christe and good men would confirme their doctrine to men by miracles is this It was verie meete that faith which is of matters that exceede mans vnderstanding should be confirmed by such things as are aboue nature and contrarie vnto the vsual course of the same that men with their outwarde eies beholding such thinges to be brought to passe as exceeded the power of nature might be stirred-vp to the beholding with the internal eies of the minde that is to the beleeuing of those thinges which are beyonde reason As therefore the thinges which are subiect to reason neede no demonstration that an vndoubted faith may be giuen to them so diuine and celestial by miracles as by certaine heauenlie proofes do deserue credite Nowe the cause why at this daie miracles are not wrought in y e eies of men as they haue bin Augustine sheweth when he saith Neither be these miracles permitted to indure vnto our daies that the minde maie not alwaies seeke after visible thinges and so by the longe vse of them mankinde would waxe colde which through their noueltie was inflamed Neither ought we in these daies to doubte that theie are to be credited who when theie preached those things which
them either quicke or deade This champion of the Lord for sooth first à theefe afterward à seditious souldier then a runne-agate after that à capitane of à rebellious hoste perswadeth light heads enimies to the true religion howe he is the messenger of God wherebie we maie gather howe greate the power of Satan is in them whiche imbrace not the trueth Whereof it is that at this daie that aduersarie of God defendeth his blasphemies against God by Turkishe and Mahometical force according to the prophecie of Daniel It foloweth that we speake of the lawes of Mahomet which are partlie political partlie ceremonial or of seruice but of these I wil touche verie fewe wherebie it wil be easie to iudge of the rest First of al to his Arabians that is to poore men accustomed to liue vpon the spoile he aloweth theft and setteth à lawe of reuengement Hurt him saith he which hurt you He saith also He that either killeth his enemie or is killed by his enemie entreth into Paradise He permitteth men to haue manie wiues He aloweth diuorcement for a trifeling cause and receauing againe vpon smal occasion Nowe I praie you what is more against nature than such lawes if theie maie be caled lawes which peruert the lawe of nature that is common to all men On the otherside he hath giuen some lawes which make to the increase of loue and goodwil among men He commandeth almes to be giuen and promiseth paradise to such as giue liberalie if so be theie haue couragiouslie foughten against the enemies He willeth punishment to be giuen to the poore for their offences But to the good law he annexeth impietie namelie how therebie theie doe merite remission of sinnes He hath ceremonies washings circumcisiō fiue times in à daie he compelleth his to praie in the temple But that hypocrisie helpeth no whit seeing theie are voide of the propiciatorie without which there is none accesse vnto GOD. He willeth to absteine from swines fleshe Hetherto of the lawes The fables which he intermixeth as diuine mysteries be verie ridiculous and foolish of which I wil recite foure y t by them the rest as the Lion by his talantes maie be iudged This stout souldior of the Lord Mahomet by name telleth how by the conduction of Gabriel the Angel he ascended into heauen to talke with God Where first of al meeteth with him an Angel ten thousand times huger than the whole worlde for whome he got à pardon of God whom he had offended beeing requested to make intercession vnto God for him Which done God put his hand vppon Mahomet whereby he was stroken with so extreme à colde that it pearced vnto the verie marrowe of his backe He saide that God was carried in à chaire by eight Angels whose head he vainelie reporteth is of such à bignes that the swiftest birde that is in a thousand yeeres can-not flie from one part thereof vnto an other The second fable like the same where-vppon the prohibition of wine is builded is this There was saith he two Angels of God namelie Horroth and Marroth sent from God on à time from heauen into the world appointed to gouerne and to instruct mankinde with these commandementes that theie should neither kil nor iudge vniustlie nor drinke wine So à long time theie were so taken and knowen to be iudges ouer the whole worlde Vpon à certaine daie à woman of al other the fairest came vnto them hauing à matter against her husband who to make the iudges like her cause inuited them vpon à certaine daie vnto dinner And beeing at their good cheere she herselfe bringeth fine meates furnisheth the table with boules of wine yea she serueth and seeth that theie lack nothing biddeth thē to eate to drinke spare naught What needs many words her faire words ouercame them and drunke with wine theie burned after their faire hostesse see the chastitie of Mahomets Angels being ouercome theie desired her companie she promiseth vpon à condition if one of them would tel her howe theie vse to ascend into heauen and the other howe she might descend The condition they like When she had learned the same suddenlie she was lifted-aloft and ascended into heauen Which when GOD sawe and had sifted the cause he made her the daie star as beautiful among the Starres as euer she was among women To the Angels called before his iudgement seate he appointed that theie should choose either the paines of this life or of the world to come who chose the paines of this life Wherefore theie are hanged vpon iron chaines with their heades downewarde in the pit Behil vntil the daie of iudgement For which cause the vse of wine is forbidden to the folowers of Mahomet least theie fal into the like peril Such like stuffe is the fable touching the prohibition of swines fleshe When al liuing creatures saith he were in the Arch of Noah the Elephant caste-backewarde whereof sprang an hogge who with his snoute turned vp dongue whereof sprang à mouse the which gnawed the hempe wherewithal the boordes of the ship were ioined Hence Noah was stroken with à maruelous terror and constrained to aske counsel of the Lorde who for remedie at that pinch willed Noah to strike à lion vpon the fore-head from the nostrels of which Lion being moued lepped-out à cat which hunted the mouse and deliuered mankinde from so greate daunger This was the greeuous cause forsooth whie the fleshe of swine is forbidden to bee eaten of the Saracens Here-vnto let vs adde the fable concerning y e last iudgement Of this he saith God shal giue the Angel of death in charge that he kil euerie creature which doth breath aswel al the Angels as al the diuels and all men sheepe fishes beastes and cattel that al maie be dead except God himselfe This done he wil cal the Angel of death saieng O Adriel is anie thing yet remaining of al my creatures And he shal aunswere Nothing Lorde but I thie weake and feeble seruant Then shal the Lorde saie vnto him seeing thou hast killed al my creatures goe thou thie waies betweene Paradise and hel and afterwarde kil thie selfe and die So the vnhappie wretch departed and in that prescribed middle-place lieng on the ground wrapped in his winges he choaked him-selfe with such an horrible roaring as had the celestial spirites and earthlie creatures bin aliue theie could not choose but haue died thereat After which time the world shal stande voide 40. yeeres together Which expired the Lorde holding heauen and earth in his fiste shal saie as foloweth Where be nowe the Kinges Princes Potentates of this worlde Whose is the Kingdome the Dominion and the power Speake if ye haue anie truth in your words And these wordes thrice repeated he wil raise-vp Seraphuel and saie to him Take this trumpet and descend into Ierusalem and sounde there Then Seraphuel hauing receaued the trumpet which is as long as à
whereas the wicked in the meane while are in paine expecting the euerlasting torments of the righteous iudgement These thinges therefore are not contrarie the soules of the godlie are with Christ in heauen and the vngodlie in paine and that an vniuersal iudgement shal be where the righteous shal receiue perfect glorie and the reprobate eternal torments after the soules come againe into their bodies Notwithstanding although by these such like arguments the Epicures are conuinced of y e state of the souls after death yet are they not quiet but they proceed in asking and they vrge as they thinke verie grauelie The Iewes saie they affirme how their lawes be Gods lawes the Saracens euen the maior part of mankinde preferre theirs the Muscouites defende their religion to the death the Papistes they glorie of primacie and succession and therefore they cal themselues Catholikes blush not to tearme al other heretikes yee Lutherans also stand to your religion neither doe ye agree verie wel together In this confusion of iudgements what is to be done who are to be credited We haue sufficientlie alreadie shewed the vanitie of the Iewes Saracens Muscouites as touching the Papistes and vs heare vs both conferre waigh with iudgement the reasons of vs both marke which of vs doe drawe our argumentes out of the fountaines of our Sauiour and whiche out of the filthie puddle of mans inuentions so shal you easilie find out the trueth and the waie to iudge aright But if this shal seeme tedious vnto thee stinke thou as thou wilt in thine owne filthines what thou gettest therby thou shalt one daie find If it plese you behold your end in the 37. and 73. Psalmes Nowe concerning the dissension betwene ourselues it ouerthroweth not the trueth of the foundation which al of vs in à manner with one consent defend And thus much against the Epicures For I thinke it not good to spend anie moe wordes to swine And therefore once againe I turne my selfe vnto men CHAP. 12. 1. Of the true Church what it is 2. Whence it is 3. Howe gouerned and defended c. WHat is the true Church The Tabernacles of the Lorde of Hostes as our Psalme defineth That is the true Church is that which of the Lorde is both gathered gouerned and protected which harkeneth vnto cleaueth and is obedient to the Lord of hosts which hath y e Lord of Hostes dwelling in it which is in a strange countrie in banishment tending towardes her countrie by folowing her captaine Christ. These thinges are so linked-together and folowe of the first that no waie theie can be separated First therefore the true Church is gathered by the Lord of Hostes. For he by his worde gathereth to him selfe out of mankinde à Church according to that Go ye into al the world and preach the Gospel to euerie creature He that shal beleeue and be baptised shalbe saued but he that wil not beleeue shalbe damned For seeing without the Church there is no saluation by the worde of the Gospel men are caled with-out respect of nations and persons out-of the kingdome of darkenesse vnto the kingdome of light that is vnto the Church receaued by faith whervnto y e outward signe Baptisme is added as it were a watchworde of warre whereby theie are admonished of the purging which is made by the holie spirit after à certaine secrete manner as our Lorde doth teach in the 3. Chapter of Iohn of thinking vpon holines continualie of the crosse and glorie of the Church of death and resurrection from death of the true God which is the Father the Sonne and the holie Ghost which true and onelie God theie are bounde being receaued into the Church to worship with true holinesse both here in this world after the resurrection for euermore This true Church in the first Epistle of Iohn and also in the Apostolical Creede is caled The communion of Saintes that is the felowship of al men that are sanctified in Iesus Christ through the holie Ghoste This sanctification is then wrought when we beleeue the worde of the Gospel and by à liuelie faith rest our selues vpon the Lorde of Hostes which is Iesus Christe And that the true Church is as we saie it maie be proued by that notable example of our Father Abraham For he at such time as he was in Chaldea heard the voice of the Lorde and obeied him being caled out of Hur of the Chaldeans from the companie of idolaters he seuered separated himselfe from the wicked world both in heart in wil in faith in obedience toward God and in confession Where-vnto the name of the Church doth fitlie agree For as the Grecians caled that companie which by à common crier was called from the other people to heare the minde of the Senate à Churche so the Apostles take the Churche of Christ for that companie of men which by the preachers of the worde are called from the kingdome of Satan to the hearing and folowing of Christ and to the seuering and separating them-selues from the wicked world and swarmes of the reprobate both in heart wil faith obedience towardes God and in confession So that whosoeuer disioineth himselfe from the prophanitie of the worlde and by faith ioineth himselfe to Christ with à purpose truelie to serue him he is à member of the Church and à partaker of al the good thing● of Christ. And although greate is the weakenesse of al men and manifolde flames of wicked affections do often arise yea in the verie godlie against which in spirite theie doe contend yet he abideth in the Church is holie whosoeuer keepeth faith à good conscience or à good purpose For as the conscience beeing wast●d shipwracke is made of faith so where there is à good conscience there is faith by which we enioie the most excellent of al treasures euen the righteousnes of Christ wherebie we please God Neither must we thinke vpon anie difference here either of nations persons or sexe For faith maketh al alike as touching the right of the kingdome And although diuers and sundrie be the giftes yet serue theie al for the vnitie of the Church This vnitie of the true Church gathered out of manie and sundrie nations as it were into one house or familie is excelentlie shadowed by à Pome-granate tied to à bel For as in the Pome-granate vnder one outward barke manie granes are inwardlie vnited-together so infinite people of the Church are couered vnder the vnitie of the Church the which agree together through true charitie albeit in giftes and caling theie are distinguished The bel annexed signifieth the voice of such as preach the Gospel wherebie the members of the Church are gathered as it were into one bodie This true Church seeing it is the tabernacle of the Lorde of Hostes is gouerned and protected by him so that the gates of hel that
is the counsels snares and batteringes whether it be of the worlde or of the diuel cannot preuaile against the same The Church in deede compared to that huge companie of the reprobate and damned diuels is but à verie litle flocke yet continueth it vnmoueable against the force and power of all aduersaries whatsoeuer For notwithstanding manie citizens of the Church be murthered and put to sundrie tormentes yet is not the Church abolished therbie but in death it selfe theie get the victorie while theie keepe their faith and confession For precious in the sight of the Lorde is the death of his Saintes as that which is the gate vnto euerlasting blessednesse Therefore was it wel saide of Augustine The men of this worlde are vnhappilie happie but the Martyrs were happilie vnhappie For theie were for a time vnhappie but happie for euer The Prophet Isaiah compareth the Church to an Iland in his 2. Chapter For as an Iland placed in the sea although it be beaten with many a cruel storme and tempest that arise yet abideth inuincible because the Lord hath set à bound to the Sea which it cannot ouerpasse so the Church abideth safe notwithstanding manifold storms do beate vpon the same For the Lorde of Hostes defendeth and protecteth it who wil not suffer tyrants to vse more crueltie against y e same than it can wel indure or shalbe good for it As often therefore as we heare how the tyrantes of the world doe spoile the Church and murther the members of the same let vs comforte our selues with this cogitation the Lord of Hostes can not forsake his tabernacle which he hath made but wil by his diuine power and presence defende the same and withal praie we vnto this Lorde that he wil not suffer vs to be tempted aboue that we be able to beare Moreouer this Church as it is gathered by the word of God so wil it faithfulie reteine y e same without al corruption It knoweth how Christ alone is to be harkened vnto in the ministers of the Gospel And that is it which the Lorde him-selfe doth saie My sheepe heare my voice for theie knowe not the voice of strangers This is à special note wherebie the Church of Christ is distinguished from other assemblies By whiche we are admonished to shunne false-christes and false-prophetes euen as we would the verie diuel him-selfe For this alwaie is the scope of Satan namelie that despising the voice of the Lorde we should hearken vnto him For as he enuironed our first parents by sophistrie and deprauing the worde of God so alwaies he laboureth to entrap the Church after the same sorte and maner And therfore it standeth vs vpō aboue al to listen-vnto the voice of our sheepheard despising the voice of strangers by whom the diuel speaketh So then when the Papistes doe bid vs to heare them let vs answer that Christ our shepheard hath commanded to heare his voice onelie and to content vs there-withal This voice of our shepheard is comprehended in the writinges both of the Prophetes and Apostles and that not obscurelie but plainelie as touching the ground of our saluation When the Pope doth bid thee to cal vpon saintes shunne him as the serpent which by his lie cast our first parentes vnto the death For it is contrarie to the wordes of our sheepeheard who saith Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him onelie shalt thou serue Againe Cal vpon me in the daie of trouble and so of the rest For a godlie minde is neuer at quiet vnlesse it heare this voice and be truelie persuaded that thus saith the Lorde of hostes Againe this Church forsomuch as it harkeneth onelie vnto the voice of the Lorde of Host●s it cleaueth to him and obeieth him none beside Others folow other masters some cleaue to worldlie riches and pleasures manie are carried-awaie with the tempestes of their owne affections that theie make smal account of the Church of Christ but the true Church possesseth all the treasures of riches in Christ alone for which cause it cleaueth-to and obeieth him it knoweth howe it was saide of their master Be not ye caled Rabbi for one is your doctor to wit Christ. To him alone therfore it seeketh according to the wordes of the Church in the 73. psalme As for me it is good for me to draw neare to God I haue put my trust in the Lord God that I maie declare al thy workes But seeing others that are not in the Church of God to their certaine condemnation doe folowe other masters theie do more and more estrange them-selues from God as in the same Psalme it is saide Loe theie that with-drawe themselues from thee shal perish thou destroiest al them that go a whoring from thee But what is it to cleaue vnto the Lorde of Hostes It is by faith to be espoused and by hope confession and obedience according to his worde to be ioined to him For as by faith we receaue him as our beloued spouse and are ioined to him So by hope confession we continue in him as it were depending to a trustie anchor Whereof we are carried-into his commendation esteeming of al thinges of no price in respect of the obedience we owe vnto him Therefore when the godlie for confession of the Gospel are compelled to change their aboade and see their substance to be seased-vpon let them take consolation from hence looke not so much vpon the present worlde as for the euent the ioieful euent to come which theie shal find if so be theie abide constantlie in the faith and confession let them thinke howe there shalbe à righteous iudgemēt wherin as theie that cleaue to y e Lord by faith confession shal finde the words of the Psalmist true saying As for me it is good for me to drawe neere to God so such as turne themselues from God by incredulitie and renouncing of confession shal crie-out howe theie are most miserable let them thinke howe confession is necessarie according to this saieng With the heart man beleeueth vnto righteousnes and with the mouth man confesseth vnto saluation Finalie let them thinke this is an earnest cōmandement of God Flie frō idolatrie Besides for so much as this true Church is the tabernacle of the Lord of Hostes it hath doubtles the Lorde of hostes dwelling in her And therefore not without good cause is she tearmed the temple of God in the Scriptures Hitherto belongeth that of Paule Know ye not that ye are the temple of God and that the spirite of God dwelleth in you If anie man destroie the temple of God him shal God destroie For the temple of God is holie which ye are Hence therefore maie be gathered how greate the glorie of the Church is what puritie is required to be in the same how religiously it should serue God and what punishments be prepared for them who shal prophane
sacrificing did please But Caine sacrificed without faith presuming vpon the dignitie of his worke And therefore no maruel though God had no regard vnto his offering The summe of al is this that sacrifice spiced with faith pleased as fat and grateful but that voide of faith it displeased as drie vngrateful But Dauid moste plainlie of al sheweth in his 51. Psal. when the sacrifices of burnt offeringes do please for thus he saith The sacrifices of God are à contrite spirit à broken heart O God thou wilt not despise Ioining there-vnto by and by Then shalt thou accept the sacrifices of righteousnes euen the burnt offering and oblation then shal theie offer calues vpon thine altar Therfore let y e beginning of each good worke proceede from an heart purified through saith without which euerie worke seeme it to the eie neuer so holie is abominatiō before God This I haue spoken the more at large because of some among the fathers who not wel vnderstanding the wordes of Dauid and of Isaiah do agre with Porphirie who most wickedlie did slander the sacrifices of the Iewes which were in vse so long as the common-weale of Moses did stand But the fathers somwhat to excuse these Iewish sacrifices saide howe God did not command but onlie suffer them to the ende theie might keepe the Iewes from idolatrie wherunto theie were inclined Now let vs see the causes of Iewish sacrifices in order as we did propose in y e second place First therfore the cause commanding offereth it selfe who is God himselfe Who for that he is moste wise not without great wisdome did command and appoint this ceremonie Against whome albeit dust and ashes wil set himselfe and obiect manifolde absurdities yet content we our-selues with the moste wise counsel of God the which let vs oppose not onelie against that Atheist Porphirie but also against the diuel and his members who dare to oppose the dotinges of their foolish braine against the wisedome of God Let vs knowe that the saieng of Paul is true who saith The wisdome of the flesh is enimitie against God Thorough this cause commanding the godlie among the Iewes did knowe both how their sacrifices pleased God when through faith theie were done vnto Gods glorie with true meditation of the spiritual signification and also that theie were bound vnto obedience vntil Christ came of whome those sacrifices were figures and who by his owne and perfect sacrifice should set an ende to all figuratiue sacrifices But seeing the Iewes at this daie do obiect to vs howe their sacrifices should not be abolished because God is vnchaungeable I doe answere so long as the cause and condition of the decree is in force so long doth God himselfe abide constant and vnchangeable The material cause of Iewishe sacrifices was either the fruite of earth or cleane beastes which by certain tokens are distinguished in Leuiticus from the vncleane It was furthermore enacted that theie should not vse either leauen or honie in their sacrifices but that theie shold season euerie sacrifice with salt For God the law-giuer would haue them to acknowledge him to be auctor of al aswel of such things as doe spring from the earth as of al liuing creatures beside that are breade and also craue his blessing refer the vse of al thinges vnto his owne glorie The formal cause was the verie manner of sacrifising which for that it was diuers it were much to prosecute the same in this place and therefore I remit the reader vnto the book of Moses caled Leuiticus The endes of the sacrifices instituted were foure whereof the first was that the people prone vnto idolatrie might be reclamed therfrom by these exercises The second y t Gods people might bee kept in the seruice of one God and haue à dailie occasion to exercise godlines The thirde that the people might haue à type of Christe the sacrifice to come The fourth that by thinking of Christ the sacrifice to come the Iewes might be warned of the grieuousnes of sinne the which forsomuch as it could not be cleansed by the bloud neither of buls nor of goates theie might know howe to be cleansed throughlie from their sinne theie had neede of the bloud of the immaculate lambe that is of the promised seede or Messiah who alone could tel howe both to abolish the workes of the diuel sin and death and also pacifie the offended father Secondlie that in this minde theie should flie vnto the mercie of God proposed in the forenamed seede and by faith depend vpon that seede glorifieng y e Lord both in al their mind heart wil conuersation who of his infinite goodnes and wise counsel would after such à sorte redeeme mankind With such motions did the fathers Habel Noah Abraham Isahac Iaacob Moses Dauid Salomon Elias and manie other which feared God sacrifice For these knew right wel how by the outwarde worke onelie God was not pleased but that he respected besid the faith and the mind of the offerers Notwithstanding some as hypocrites wicked liuers among this people did thinke that God regarded the outwarde worke and thereby was pacified as by an expiatorie sacrifice And therefore the Lorde doeth testifie that their sacrifices were both abhominable to him and neuer exacted of him In the third place the kindes of the olde sacrifices doe folow the principal and cheefe diuision whereof is this That one kinde was expiatory caled Olah burnt sacrifice which was offered for sinne by à certaine showe of purging For in verie deede it purged not sinne but onelie bare à figure of the purging to come through the onlie sacrifice of Christ al this being lifted vp vpon the altar was consumed with fire Whereby was signified that Christ the Priest and the sacrifice shoulde be lifted-vp vpon the altar of the crosse with the fire of loue be burned for our sinnes Another was of testification called Hodah For it was done either for supplication or thankesgiuing sake or else for exercise of godlinesse the which of the principal ende thereof was tearmed eucharistical as that other ilstical that is propiciatorie For as Paul interpretes y e same it signified purging to come through the blood of Christ. For so he saith Whom God hath set-forth to be à reconciliation through faith in his bloode Whatsoeuer other sortes be mentioned they are contained vnder these Touching the figuratiue signification of olde sacrifices the Epistle vnto the Hebrewes teacheth generalie howe al were figures of that onelie sacrifice Iesus Christ which being offered al other thinges as figuratiue ought to cease But more particularlie we wil in this place set-downe some things especialie those which maie leade vs as it were by the hande vnto à spiritual instructing of our life and maners First therefore commeth-forth the consecration of Priestes whose dutie was to offer the sacrifice they had foure
wickednes of the minister or though some one Iudas or other be present For it is à spiritual communion of al the godlie vnder one head yea though theie lurke secretlie among Papistes as doubtlesse manie doe Notwithstanding once againe I admonish that al denieng of the true faith though but fained be taken heede-of But what if one do so abhor Poperie y t by no meanes he dare cōmunicate in y e kingdome of y e Pope shal not à godly housholder who hath a virtuous wife à wel gouerned familie in this case priuatelie in his owne house prepare y e Lords supper for himselfe his Some perchāce wil saie he maie not so do because y e administration of the sacraments doth pertaine vnto the publike ministerie Of this I demande againe whether manie did not communicate in the primitiue Church before anie ordinarie publike ministerie was instituted and before anie temples were erected to meete-together For my part I am persuaded that the houses of manie good citizens were temples wherein godlie housekeepers with their families did receaue the Lordes Supper together and did strengthen one another both with doctrine comfort I therfore distinguish between y e Church wel ordeined betwene captiuitie banishment where the godlie be persecuted There I wil haue nothing detracted from the ministerie but al things to be done according to the ordinance of y e church wel ordained but here that is in the captiuitie or banishment of the Church either vnder the Turke or Pope I do thinke the godlie are blamelesse if theie imitate the examples of the saintes in the primitiue Church Thus we haue written in few wordes our iudgement cōcerning y e vse of the Lords supper in the papacie wherein if anie man be not satisfied I desire friendlie to be admonished For I submit not onelie this our sentence but also whatsoeuer at anie time I haue written or shal write to the censure of al the godlie who do cleaue not so much vnto doutful opinions as to y e manifest truth And therfore I do frēdlie request y t no man would rashlie iudge but first compare my reasons of the aduersaries together Which if any do I trust mine opiniō shal not be improued And I besech God euen the father of our Lord Iesus Christ y t he wold lighten our mindes with his light represse the futie of satan his limes y t persecute y e sound doctrine and keepe vs in true godlines thorough and for Christ his sake that so we maie glorifie him for euermore Amen CHAP. 26. Of the sacrifices of Christians CHristians also which syncerelie professe Christ haue their sacrifices To wit à propitiatorie à sacrifice eucharistical both named of their effects or ends Christians haue à propitiatorie sacrifice not to be offred of thēselues but alreadie offered by Iesus Christ the most high priest Mediator For Christ the prieste hath giuen him-selfe à propitiatorie sacrifice for al men that the father beeing appeased the faithful might for euermore be sanctified through him Eucharistical sacrifice is euerie obedience giuen of Christians to God wherebie as theie acknowledge God to be the fountaine and auctor of euerie good thing so theie testifie their thankfulnes toward him But that this doctrine concerning the sacrifices of Christians knowen to the Church of God alone maie the better be vnderstoode seeme the more comfortable to vs I wil more distinctlie entreate of both kindes For that which particularlie is distinguished is both read with the more pleasure and kept with more profite as Bernard saith In the propitiatorie or expiatorie sacrifice manie thinges are to be considered which do make vnto the plainer exposition of the same Wherfore first of al I wil entreate of the Priest who doth offer this sacrifice Then of the priest-hood and partes thereof Afterward of the couenant For euerie Priest is à suretie of some couenant After that of the application of this sacrifice Last of al of the continual vse of this sacrifice in the cōscience in life and in death CHAP. 27. 1. Of the Priest which doth offer the propitiatorie sacrifice for Christians 2. Of his nature 3. and qualities IN the explication of this first member concerning the chiefe priest of Christians let vs consider what need there was to haue him of what condition he was for person and who he was The necessitie of the priest maie be deemed from hence That al of vs are sinners and subiect to eternal death both through the defection of our first parentes from God and also through our own sinne and guiltines it is wel knowen which thing both the punishment laide vpon vs by the most righteous God and the word of God and euerie mans conscience doth witnes Nowe one of these two must needs come to passe For either we were to perish euerlasting lie or must be reconciled vnto God But because the reconciliation should be righteous that the iustice of God might be satisfied it could not be done without ma● à sufficient amendes to God for the iniurie he sustained Which amendes was necessarilie to be made by some mediator That as one Adam did caste vs al by his owne sinne vnto death and damnation so there might be some one who by his own merite should reconcile vs to God offended hauing made à recōpence for the trespasse Which Mediator betweene God offended and men offenders is caled à priest For so it is in the 5. Chapter of the Epistle vnto the Hebrues Euerie hie priest is taken from among men is ordeined for men in thinges pertaining to God that he maie offer both gifts and sacrifices for sinnes By this it plainlie appeareth howe necessatie à priest was to reconcile vs vnto God who was displeased But who could giue such à priest whē al mankind was guiltie no man liuing could satisfie no not for him-selfe much lesse for others The most wise God brought-forth à coūsel which man could not giue For he was as he was merciful to take pitie vpon his creature as he was wise to help man least he lost the end wherevnto he was created as he was almightie not to suffer the diuel to exercise euerlasting tyrannie vpon his owne image and as he was righteous not to let sinne go vnpunished Therefore God vttered his most wise counsel wherebie he declared both his soueraigne wisedome and his vncomprehensible mercie and his infinite power and his most absolute iustice Wherefore because the wrath of God against sinners as we are al by nature for we were by nature the children of wrath was greater than à meere man could beare and because the iustice of God did require that some one among men should be the auctor of life as one was of death God of his goodnes gaue such a priest who both could because he was God ought because he was a man born of flesh blood as al other men notwithstāding
of righteousnes and of life from which we are fallen by sin it was needful y t he should both take vpon himselfe the curse of the law with the cause that is our sinnes being made accursed and subiect to death for our sake For so saith Paul Christe hath redeemed vs from the curse of the lawe when hee was made à curse for vs and also restore the blessing of the lawe to vs which he hath deserued for vs by his perfect obedience towarde the lawe vnder which he was made not for his owne sake but for ours And this doeth Paul meane where he saith Christ is the ende of the lawe for righteousnes vnto euerie one that beleeueth And because the resurrection of Christ is à most euident testimonie of this fulfilling the lawe Paul affirmeth howe he is risen againe for our iustification By the merite of his praiers and intercession he hath made an entrance for vs vnto the father as Paul saith vnto the Romans Who shal laie anie thing vnto the charge of Gods chosen c. It is Christ that maketh intercession for vs. Therefore when Christ is said to offer his merites to the father the general sacrifice of Christ containing thistriple merit namelie of his obedience to the law of his passion and of his praiers must be vnderstoode Otherwhile y e sacrifice of Christ is morespecialie taken for his death passion which death passiō is the only propitiatorie sacrifice The figures wherof were y e sacrifices of the Iewes by à singular forme of speech was caled propitiatorie because it was à shadow of this eternal propitiatorie sacrifice euē Iesus Christ. But because aboue where we shewed the vanitie of the Iewes who as yet do looke for the messiah we haue spoken of shadowes in this place we wil speake onlie of the sacrifice of Christe which the scripture calleth expiatorie or propitiatorie from the effect thereof which sacrifice may rightly be defined on this wise The passion of our Lord Iesus Christ the eternal Priest is the propitiatorie sacrifice wherein the eternal sonne of God made man and of the father appointed an eternal Priest by obeieng the father in suffering euen vnto the death of the crosse offered himselfe through the eternal spirite to the eternal father vppon the altar of the crosse sustaining the curse of the law truelie to the end that by this one and most perfect oblation he might satisfie the iustice of God for the offence and punishment of mākinde pacifie the iust displeasure of God and by this onelie sacrifice merit for al which from the creation of the world either haue beleeued or til the ende of the same shal beleeue euen eternal sanctification that is deliuerance from the cursse of the lawe grace benediction life and euerlasting saluation that so being cōformable to Christ theie maie praise and glorifie God for euer and euer This large definition Christe in verie fewe wordes doth comprehend Iohn 17 where he saith For their sakes sanctifie I my selfe that theie also maie be sanctified through the truth But the holie spirit in the Epistle vnto the Hebrewes doth verie copiouslie entreate of this matter and that which scatteringlie is spoken to this purpose in that Epistle I haue gathered together as it were into one bodie that at one sight as it were we maie behold this wonderful worke and after a sort esteeme the greatnes of the benefite and be thankeful to God for this infinite mercie shewed to vs in Christe Augustine saith howe in euerie sacrifice there be foure thinges to be considered namelie who is y e offere● to whō it is offered what is offered and for whō it is offered which foure things are both expreslie distinctlie contained in this our definition For y e sonne of God made man of God the father himselfe ordained an eternal priest is y e offerer For this priest as he alone is holy righteous and hier than the heauens so could he alone offer à perfect sacrifice for euermore Because in that he was à iust man hee might lawfulie take vppon him the cause of vs al especialie seeing one man had brought the rest of the posteritie into the state of damnation with himselfe and in that hee was hier than the heauens to wit verie God hee was of power to offer such a sacrifice as was perfect and effectual for euermore againe in that he was one person al the deedes of his manhood are most pure and of an infinite price To whome doeth this priest offer Euen to God himselfe For to him alone the sacrifice was due that his iustice might be satisfied whome our first parentes and we in them offended that the sentence of condemnation for our transgressing the lawe being vtterlie abolished we might be made partakers of eternal blessednes through his merit What doeth this priest offer to God The sonne of God the eternal priest hath offered himselfe to the father vppon the altar of the crosse taking our cause that is our sinne and punishment vpon himselfe For the Epistle vnto the Hebrewes doeth witnesse that the sonne of God was made partaker of our flesh and bloode that he might haue that which he might offer And Augustine doeth saie What was more meete to bee taken of men for their oblation than the fleshe of man And what so apt for this sacrifice as mortal fleshe And what so cleane for the sinnes of the worlde as without al contagion flesh borne in the wombe out of the wombe of à virgin And what so gratefulie could be either offered or receaued as the flesh of our sacrifice the made bodie of our Prieste Furthermore seeing euerie sacrifice in the olde lawe ought first to be separated from other things of the same kinde secondlie to be applied to the altar the hande of the Priest laide there-vpon thirdlie to be offered vpon the altar fourthlie being done rightlie according to the lawe it was à sacrifice accepted of God let vs see howe these foure thinges do aggree to our sacrifice First therefore Christe this our sacrifice was segregated from other men not by nature whereby he was to be ioined to them but by puritie innocencie and excellencie wherin he surpassed al other men Secondlie he was applied to the altar being consecrated to God through his wonderful obedience For he was offered euen because he woulde Thirdlie hee was offered vppon the altar hanged on the woode of the crosse bearing vppon his owne heade our cause that is both sinne and the punishment of sinne namelie the wrath and curse of God Which thing was in olde time figured in the goate vpon whose heade Aaron hauing confessed first his owne sinnes and the sinnes of the people of Israel laide his owne sinnes and al the sinnes of the sonnes of Israel and sent him awaie by the hande of a man appointed into the wildernes The truth of
conioined with sathan that lier and murtherer and be vnder his lawes which are of death and damnation Through both which degrees the temple of GOD which by creation was dedicated to God is prophaned and the image of GOD after which man was fashioned is defaced Hence insueth the third degree of the wretchednes of mankinde to wit that man who before was the temple of God is nowe fallen into such miserie that he is become the temple of sathan wherin y e diuel is worshipped by his owne workes namelie with lieng and murther whereof infinite heapes and swarmes of sinnes doe burst-out The fourth degree of mans miserie is the huge heape of calamities both spiritual and corporal wherewith mankinde is pressed-downe as are manifolde tentations infinite diseases and the tragical chaunces wherevnto mankinde is subiect For there is no calamitie but man maie fal thereunto Whereof the prouerbe commeth A man knoweth not in the morning what maie betide him ere night Againe either wee are or we haue beene or we maie be as this man is Of manie examples I wil alleadge à few King Adonibezek in his great pride had the thumbes both of his handes and of his feete cutte off and so liued in extreme tormentes The destruction of Iezebel is knowen to all men Alcibiades was for his nobilitie high for his substance riche for his personage comelie for the fauour of his people famous for his supreme auctoritie honorable for his manifold victories much commended But continued he so Naie hee was afterwarde condemned banished out of his countrie put out of house and home hated extremelie and so at the length died desperatelie Cepio Seruilius who in respecte both of the highnesse of his pretorshippe of the gloriousnes of his triumph of the honour of his consulshippe of the dignitie of an hie Priest was most rerenowmed yea and had in such price estimation that he was called the patron of the Romane Senate liued not vntill his death in such glorie but had à verie miserable ende For he was throwen into prison and deliuered to an hangmā to be tormented who with his cruel handes tare in peeces the heart of Cepio plucked from out his bodie and hung it vpon à ladder to the horror of al the Romane people Belisarius the chiefe capitane vnder Iustinian the Emperor after manie famous victories which he had atchieued was through enuie ouerthrowen spoiled of his goodes bereft of his eies and constrained dailie to beg his bread in the temple Sophie vsing this speech to such as passed-by Apeece of bread giue to Belisarius whome vertue aduanced enuie hath ouerthrowen What should I speake of that proude Herod who glitered in his gold iewels and kinglie robes was he not filled afterward with vermine insteed of iewels which he feede with his owne flesh vntil what through his owne stinch and tormentes he desperatlie dispatched him selfe I saie nothing of great Alexander of Caesar of Marius Pompeius Cato Cicero and of manie moe whose wretched endes doe shew howe wretched the condition of mankinde is from which none is sure to escape while hee liueth in this worlde And therefore wiselie did Seneca counsel when he saide Let no man trust too much to prosperitie The fifth degree of mans miserie is the giltines of conscience which more doth vexe the soule than anie hangman is able to torment the bodie This although it seeme for à time to sleepe yet as Plato saith before death it wil be wakened The sixt degree of the miserie of mankindeis euen death it selfe ioined with desperation the which is most miserable to such as knowe not Christ and à certaine entrance vnto euerlasting damnation But what is the ende of those men which confesse not Christ The ende as I maie saie is infinite permanent subiect to no change or alteration For after death and after the last iudgement there ensueth the woful knitting vp of this miserie to wit endlesse shame perpetual griefe of conscience both in soule and bodie fellowship with vncleane spirites in obscure flames of fire in vtter darkenes without al light of God Of the shame Daniel speaketh when he saith Some to wit the wicked shal awake to shame and perpetual contempt Of the euerlasting torment and griefe with vncleane spirites the Lorde in the 25. chapter of Matthewe proponing the iudiciarie sentence doeth saie Depart from me yee curssed into euerlasting fire which is prepared for the Diuel and his Angels Touching the griefe of conscience Isaiah speaketh in these wordes And their worme shal not die And although by reason of sinne all mankinde is throwne into this so great miserie yet the Church alone escapeth them all For as her sinne which is the cause of these miseries is purged through the death of Christ So the holie spirite the comforter is present in the crosse and the death of the bodie is the entrance vnto euerlasting felicitie Wherefore the death of sainctes is called pretious in the sight of the Lord. CHAP. 31. 1. The great displeasure of God against man for sinning OF the greatnesse and manifoldenesse of the miserie of mankinde maie bee gathered after à sort the greatenes of Gods displeasure againste impenitent persons For seeing GOD is righteous and his iudgee ment is according to trueth as Paule saith it followeth of necessitie that the wrath and reuengment in God do answere to his iustice that is that the punishment be not greater thā was the sinne But nowe the punishment is most grieuous and without ende And therefore it must of necessitie followe that the offence is infinite as that whereby the infinite God is displeased Wherefore the quantitie of sinne must not be wayed in false balance but must be leuied by true scales For in sinne manie things doe concur for the which God is iustlie offended As the contempt of Gods maiestie proude contempt against the lawe of God à shamefull defiling of Gods image according to which man was made imitation of sathan the enimie of God treason against his maiestie apostasie from the armie of God and as it were à conspiracie with the diuel intolerable ingratitude foule forgetfulnes of God his benefites towardes mankinde For there was neuer à sinne alone but alwaies it draweth à whole chaine of sinnes therewithall As wee maie see in the fall of our firste parentes and of others which witting and willinglie doe rushe against the commaundements of God Of this due waieng of sin many things do follow First that God doth iustlie in punishing sinne with euerlasting miserie in them which turne not vnto GOD through faith in Iesus Christ. Secondly that they deride the iustice of God and his iust displeasure who teach men that by contrition confession and satisfaction the forgiuenesse of sinnes is merited before the iudgement seate of God I say nothing of them who thinke some sins are of so
vnto Christ that as they should finde the lawe fulfilled in him so they should be made partakers of the promised mercie And therefore this promise of mercie hath one conditiō fro the law without Christ to wit touching y e fulfilling of y e law another in Christ name lie of faith wherbie the end of the law which is righteousnes is obteined So that as manie as beleue haue righteousnes which is as much as y e law requireth Wherof the promise of mercie is ratified and confirmed to them and this is that couenant whereof the 25. Psalme doth speake Al the pathes of the Lorde are mercie and truth vnto such as kepe his couenant and his testimonies that is as another Psalme doth expound it Mercie shal compasse him that trusteth in the Lord. The mercie then of GOD is moderated according vnto the rule of iustice when it is exhibited to such as repent For this iustice of God is à perpetual rule that as he wil condemne such as be rebellious without al pitie and mercie so he wil of his infinite mercie saue as manie as turne vnto the Lord. This rule of God his iustice is to be thought vpon when we reade in the Psalmes that Dauid praied God that he would heare him for his righteousnes ● For three thinges together came into his minde namelie the promise of mercie the free pardon of his sinnes and the price wherebie the iustice of God is satisfied namelie by the sacrifice of his Sonne for he is vniust that hauing receiued à raunsome wil not set free the captiue and by the merite of Christ wherebie we are iustified before God being conuerted vnto him through faith Whence it is that if he should not heare them which repent and forgiue their offences he should be vniust as one that dealeth against the rule of his own iustice that denieth his promise that would accept no ransome nor regarde the righteousnes of his sonne wherebie he did merite fauour for vs. So that Dauid after his adulterie murder and betraieng the hoste of God did craue mercie and remission of his sinnes through faith and among other reasons brought this in for one That thou maiest be iust when thou speakest that is that men maie confesse thee iust for keeping thy wordes whereby thou promisedst pardon to as many as repent CHAP. 33. 1. Of Christe his wonderful obedience to his Father for our saluation 2. The fruite thereof NExt vnto the mercie of God we are to consider the wonderfull obedience of Christ which would vouchsafe to take our cause vpon himselfe and feele the wrath of God to deliuer vs from eternall death Of this obedience Paule vnto the Philippians on this wise Who being in the forme of God thought it no roberie to be equal with God but he made himselfe of no reputation and tooke on him-selfe the form of à seruant was made like vnto men was found in shape as à man He humbled him selfe became obedient vnto the death euen the death of the crosse Here Paul entreateth of the vnspeakeable obedience of the sonne of God and because equals cannot properly be said to obey one another but inferiors their betters Paule sheweth howe the sonne beeing of one essence and power with the Father did humble him selfe taking to himselfe the nature of man wherein he became obedient to the Father euen vnto the death of the crosse And in the 10. Chapter of the Epistle vnto the Hebrues out of the 40. Psalme Because it is vnpossible that the bloud of Buls and Goates should take away sinnes Wherefore when he commeth into the world he saith Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not but à bodie thou hast ordeined me In burnt offeringes and sinne offeringes thou hast had no pleasure Then I saide Loe I come In the beginning of the Booke it is written of me that I should do thy will O God Isaiah 53. He was offered euen because he would But with this obedience how agreeth that prayer thrice repeated in the garden O my Father if it be possible let this cup passe fro me neuerthelesse not as I wil but as thou wilt This praier seemeth to import that the wil of the sonne differed yea and was contrarie also to the Fathers wil. For the Fathers wil was that he should drinke of the cup which he had prepared And the sonne desireth that the same cup if it were possible might passeawaie This obiection is aunswered by the wordes of our Lord afterward in the same Chapter vttered The spirit in deed is willing but the flesh is weake So that what he would not through y e weaknesse of the flesh the which naturalie without offence dreadeth death the same he wold through the willingnesse of the spirite wherbie he was obedient to the Father And thus doth Cyril also distinguish the same when he saith That the passion of the Crosse was not voluntarie to Christ and againe was voluntarie for the fathers wil and for our saluation you maie easilie perceiue by this praier O my Father if it be possible let this cup passe from me For as the word of God is God and naturalie the verie life no man wil saie that anie waie he feared death but beeing made flesh he permitteth fleshe to suffer that which belongeth to flesh and therefore as verie man he dreadeth death standing at the dores Here an other question doth arise what obtained Christ by his praieng The Epistle vnto the Hebrewes maketh answere He was hearde in that which he feared for the paines of death being remoued awaie he ouercame those conflictes The fruite of this wonderful obedience of the sonne of God is our iustificatton and saluation As by one mans disobedience saith Paul manie were made sinners so by the obedience of one shal manie be made righteous The Apostle highlie extolling this obedience doth saie Christ when we were yet of no strength at his time died for the vngodlie Doubtlesse one wil scarse die for a righteous man but yet for a good man it maie be that one dare die But no tongue can vtter nor minde conceaue howe greate the obedience of the sonne of God was who deriued the wrath of God vpon himselfe and put himselfe into our place to suffer the paines due vnto vs for our saluation Christ hath redeemed vs from the cursse of the lawe when he was made a cursse for vs. Againe He hath made him to be sinne for vs which knew no sinne that we should be made the righteousnes of God in him CHAP. 34. 1. The greeuousnes of the paines which Christ endured for our sakes 2. What theie signified WIth this obedience would be considered both the greeuousnes of the pain which the sonne of God endured for our sakes both in minde and in bodie and also the reproche against his person The griefe of minde Christe doth testifie when he
saith My soule is heauie euen vnto the death that is the greefe of minde which I suffer is more grieuous vnto me than death it selfe Of this great sorrowe of minde that Psalme is to be vnderstood where in the person of Christ it is said The sorrowes of the graue haue compassed me about the snares of death haue ouer-tooke me By the sorrowes of the graue he meaneth deadlie sorrowes such as euen kil à man wel-nigh and thrust him downe to the graue Of this anguish of mind in Christ I wil cite some testimonies out of the Gospell Marke saith He began to be afraid and in great heauines And Luke sheweth by an euident signe how he was perplexed in minde when for verie sorrowe he sweat bloud againe for thus he saith Being in an agonie he prayed most earnestlie and his sweat was like drops of bloud trickling downe the ground For it was meete that as his death was more bitter then any death according to bodilie sense so the feare in his mind was most bitter of al other paine And as the infinite loue made the sense of death nothing the milder so did it mitigate nothing of the bitternes of the feare which was so great that it stoode in neede of comfort euen of the verie Angels For as Luke doth say there appeared an Angel vnto him from heauen comforting him For y e diuinitie shewed not it selfe that Christ trulie might feele the waight of the burden laide vpon him and be in anguish through the sense of Gods displeasure against our not his sinne which notwithstanding he made his by taking our cause vpon himselfe And Irenaeus doth saie As he was man to be tempted so was he the worde to be glori●ied And the worde in deede rested while he was tempted crucified and put to death but was assistant to the flesh when he ouercame susteined rose againe and ascended into the heauens But for asmuch as it seemeth vnworthie the diuine maiestie of Christ that our Sauiour should be stroken with such feare and sorow many interpreters here doe seeke refuges and faigne tropes and figures wherebie theie labor to soften the narrations of the Euangelists and the fore-saiengs of Dauid Isaiah whereof the one saith He was compassed about with the sorrowes of the graue and the other that he truely bare our infirmities But let the worde of God be our light For if wee be ashamed of Christ his feare and sorrow our redemption shal vade and come to naught But Ambose writing vpon this place of Luke Father if thou wilt take-awaie this cup fro me sheweth the vanitie of those interpreters which doe seeke tropes For thus he saith Here manie doe sticke which doe turne the sadnes of our Sauiour rather vnto an argument of an olde infirmitie from the beginning than to à weakenes taken vpon him for à time and they desire to wrest the sense of the natural sentence But for my part I doe not onely thinke him not to be excused but also no-where doe more wonder at his goodnes and maiestie For vnlesse he had taken vpon him mine affection his benefite towardes me had not ben so great Therfore for my sake he sorrowed who had no cause to sorrowe for his owne sake and the comfort of the eternal Godhead being sequestred he is vexed with the greefe of mine infirmitie For he tooke my sorrowe vpon himselfe that he might bestowe his owne ioie vpon me and by our steps hee descended euen vnto the pangues of death to cal vs backe by his footing vnto life Then I do boldly name sadnes because I commend the crosse Neither tooke he à shewe of incarnation but the verie trueth Therefore he was to take the griefe that he might ouercome not exclude sadnes Neither haue thei● the praise of fortitude who haue suffred the senselessenes rather thā the sorrowe of woūds Hitherto Ambrose So that the cause of the anguish and great sorrowe in Christe his minde was the sense of the sinnes of all men in his minde whereof he had made himselfe guiltie beeing forth-with to be betraied into the handes of his enimies Beside this anguish of minde both his bodie was moste greeuouslie afflicted and his person most shamefullie reproched His bodie was with spitle defiled with cuffes buffeted with whipping rented with beatinges punished with thornes crowned and with à most ignominious death executed In his person he suffered reproches scoffinges floutinges And albeit his diuinitie could not suffer yet the reproch redounded against it for so much as it was personalie vnited to the manhoode These most greeuous paines namely anguish of minde tormentes of bodie and reproches against the person of Christe are tokens first of the iustice the which by this punishment for the sinns of the whole world is satisfied secondarilie of Gods mercie who of heartie loue gaue his owne sonne into these paines for our sake that al mankinde which he had created after his owne image might not perish thirdlie both of the obedience of Christe towarde the Father and also of his loue toward vs to whō he chose to be linked in the likenesse of mans nature that he might susteine these paines for man the which we shall finde to be most comfortable to vs and profitable when we depend vpon him by à liuelie faith CHAP. 35. 1. Of howe inestimable à price the death of Christ is 2. How he could suffer 3. In what respects the price is infinite OF what an inestimable à price the death of Christ is ought diligentlie to be waied For from hence remedies againste al the woundes which sinne doth doth afflict vs with al are to be fetcht And therefore saith Augustine Beholde the woundes of him that hangeth the bloud of him that dieth the price of him that redeemeth His head hangeth-downe to kisse his armes be stretched to imbrace his bodie lieth open to redeeme The greatnes hereof consider with your selues these thinges looke you doe weigh in the balance of your heart that he maie wholie be fixed in your heart who for your sakes was wholie fastened to the crosse Paule vnto the Romanes compareth Adam and Christ together By Adam he saith sinne came on all men to condemnation but by Christ grace came vpon all men to the iustification of life If by the offence of one saith he death reigned through one much more shal theie which receiue the aboundance of grace and of the gifte of righteousnes raigne in life through one euen Iesus Christ. The cause then why the obedience death of Christ is of so inestimable à price is because the man that suffered was the only begotten sonne of God and verie God too For of that singular vnspeakable and reuerend vnion of the diuine and humane nature together whereby God and man is one Christ or one person is the dignitie price estimation and infinite merite of all the actions and passions of Christ. And
we stand Fourthlie it is to be noted that the praiers of Saintes are therfore acceptable in the sight of God because they depend vpon the intercession of Christ the highe Priest For when we make intercession for others we praie not trusting in our owne merites or price which we haue paide for redemption but in the merite of Christ his righteousnes and in the ransome which he hath Therefore saith Christe Whatsoeuer ye shal aske the Father in my Name that is depending vpon my merite and intercession he will giue it you Hitherto pertaineth that compellation in the Lordes praier O our Father For as the name of a Father putteth vs in minde of Christ in whom through faith we are the sonnes of God and he is our father So the pronoune Our doth admonish vs of faith that through confidence in the sonne wee should cal vpon the father not trusting in anie worthines or merites of our owne For which cause the Apostle saith Let vs approch vnto God through him For he euer liueth to make intercession for vs. As often therefore as wee would praie let vs consider the cause whie we saie Our Father that we maie both thoroughlie be persuaded that for his sonnes sake we please God and without al doubting also beleeue that for the intercession of the sonne whose members we be through faith we are heard Wherefore theie which bring not this faith do but waste winde when they praie For theie haue none accesse vnto y e father Let such then looke what they do who contrarie to the word of God do depend vpon other patrons Fiftlie forsomuch as the sonne of God is the perpetual priest which maketh intercession for the Church whensoeuer it doth amisse we maie not flie vnto other patrons but vnto Christ alone as the onelie patron and most trustie anchor of safetie Therfore the Apostle Iohn doth saie If anie man sinne we haue an aduocate with the father Iesus Christ the iust And he is the reconciliation for our sinnes But then do we rightlie approch vnto this Aduocate for the attainment of the remission of sinnes whē we are sorie for our wickednes cōmitted when we rest our selues with à faith vnfained vpon Iesus Christ the propitiator and intercessor when we purpose afterward through God his grace to leade à pure life and finalie when we cast from our heartes à purpose to sinne Vnlesse these be ioined-together in vaine doest thou boast y t Christ is thie patron Some there be who think theie be pure if once theie haue poured their sinnes into the bosome of some pastor some pastors too do thinke that by their magical absolutions theie can vnburden sinners but both sortes doe most filthilie erre out of y e waie For both Christ alone is y e purger of sins in whō if thou repose not a liuelie faith which hath those foure cōditions which we haue recited in vaine dost thou vnburden thie self in the bosome of y e priest Christ alone it is y t absolueth from sins vnto whom if y u aproch not through faith y u sahlt die in thy sins But the absolution of à priest is then profitable when the confession is tempered with true repentance turning from sin And this absolution of the priest is nothing else than à testimonie of the absolution which is giuen in heauē by our hie priest Iesus Christ. And therfore saith y e Lord Whatsoeuer you loose on earth shalbe loosed in heauen So that the absolution which is pronounced by the minister of the Gospel dependeth vpon his faith which requireth absolution not of the merite either of confession or of pronouncing any wordes whatsoeuer This place would craue a confutation of them who chose other aduocates beside Christ but because this madnes is alreadie mentioned aboue where we dealt with Popish sacrifices I wil not with moe wordes refute them in this place And thus much of y e three parts of Christ his priest-hoode to wit of doctrine of sacrifice and of intercession The other pointe contained in the definition of the priesthoode touching the preseruation of the church the remission of sins the gift of the holie Ghoste and euerlasting life be rather most pleasant fruites than partes of Christ his Priesthoode CHAP. 38. 1. Of the couenant which Christ our hie Priest hath entred into 2. The special pointes to bee considered therein 3. Of the olde and newe couenant or Testament wherein theie doe differ 4. The difference betweene the newe Testament and the Gospel 5. Whether with the olde Testament the tenne commandements be abrogated or no. FOrsomuch as euerie priest as y e Epistle to y e Hebrues doth testifie is a suretie of some couenant for it is behoueful that some certaine couenant be set according to which the mediator betweene the parties at controuersie maie determine that sure peace and friendship maie be established betweene God and men Christ our Priest hath à certaine couenant For as the Leuitical priest had his priesthood and à certaine couenant annexed to the priesthood So Christ our Priest to whome the Leuitical priestes with their sacrifice and couenant gaue place hath his priesthood and certaine couenants annexed to the priesthod For the priesthood being changed as the Epistle vnto the Hebrues doth saie of necessitie there must be a change of the law Againe for this cause is he the mediator of the newe Testament that through death which was for the redemption of the transgressions that were in the former Testament they which were called might receaue the promise of eternal inheritance For where a Testament is there must be the death of him that made the Testament For the Testament is confirmed when men are dead for it is yet of no force as long as he that made it is aliue Wherefore neither was the first ordained without bloud For when Moses had spoken euerie precept to the people according to the lawe he tooke the bloud of calues and of goats with water and purple wool and hyssope and sprinkled both the booke and al the people Saieng This is the bloud of the Testament which God hath appointed vnto you And although by these words of the Apostle it is euident that as the former that is the olde Testament is a couenant annexed to the priesthood of Aaron confirmed by the bloud of brutish creatures whereby GOD did binde himselfe to the Iewes for to giue them the lande of Canaan to their possession if so be for their partes theie obserued the condition which was the fulfilling of the lawe so the newe Testament should be a couenant annexed to the Priesthood of Christe confirmed with the bloud of Christ whereby God doth binde himselfe to forgiue sinnes and to giue a celestial and euerlasting inheritance in heauen but with a condition of faith whose true and right fruite is perfect obedience toward GOD.
with his sacrifice taketh awaie all feare of death and maketh à mā no more to dread death than a sweet sleep Whereof it is that a godlie man desireth death euen as à passage out of these miseries vnto euerlasting life Then shal he find the saying of Christ to be true If à man keepe my worde hee shal neuer tast death Hence proceedeth y t willingnes in manie of the Martyrs who had in minde Christ not onelie that died but also y t did rise againe by whose power we shal be raised vnto immortalitie and our soules in the meane space euen vntil the daie of the laste iudgement shal possesse the ioies of heauen with the chast spirits and then ioined to their bodies shal enioie the sight of God immortal glorie for euer and euer And therefore it is not without iust cause said both in the Reuelatiō Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord and also by Dauid Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saincts Thus hitherto we haue spokē concerning the propitiatorie sacrifice of Christians of such things as do seeme to make for the plane declaration of the same nowe wee are brieflie to speake of the other sacrifice of Christians which they cal Euchatistical CHAP. 41. 1. Of the Priestes of the newe Testament howe they be consecrated 2. the couenant betweene God and them 3. The excellencie of the Priesthood 4. What is Eucharistical sacrifice 5. Whie so called 6. The kindes thereof 7. Ministers of the Gospel whie and howe Priestes THE Apostle Peter applied to such as doe conuert both from the Iewes and the Gentiles the promise of the Lorde which is in the 19. of Exodus to this purpose If yee wil heare my voice in deede and keepe my couenant then yee shal bee my chiefe treasure aboue al people though al the earth bee mine Yee shalbe also vnto mee à kingdome of Priestes and an holie nation à peculiar people that yee maie shew-forth the vertues of him that hath caled you out of darknes into his maruelous light Out of these words to omit other places it is manifest that all Christians bee Priestes to offer sacrifices of thankesgiuing and praise vnto God Firste therefore it is to bee noted that as by nature wee bee sinners and the children of wrath So by our owne strength worthinesse and merites wee can chalenge nothing at Gods hande And therefore as by that onelie sacrifice of Christ wee bee reconciled so of his goodnes wee enter into the order of priestes and are consecrated to him for to dedicate our selues and al ours vnto the glorie of God This our inauguration into y e priesthood because it is merlie spiritual internal is wroght by a secrete maner how it maie be declared after à sort by cōparing the truth vnto y e shadow As then they which were to be made priestes out of the tribe of Leui did first of al washe their bodies with water secondlie put vppon them the garmentes appointed of God thirdlie did annoint their heades and fourthlie filled their hands so they which shal be priestes in the newe Testament be spiritual ordained For first the high priest euē Christ doth wash them both with water and bloode Hee cleanseth vs saith Paul by the washing of water throgh the word to wit of God instituting ordaining baptisme Ioh. in the Reuelatiō saith He hath loued vs and washed vs from our sinnes in his bloode and made vs kinges and Priestes vnto God euen his father Secondlie the same Christ adorneth vs with spiritual garmentes much whiter and cleaner than those Leuitical garmentes For so Paul saith Alyee that are baptized into Christe haue put-on Christe And hauing him vpon vs wee seeme white that is righteous and holy in the sight of God Of this apparel the Psalme meaneth where it is said Let thie priests be clothed with righteousnes and let thie saintes reioice Thirdlie theie are annointed not with material fleeting oyle as Leuitical priests but with inward spiritual and immortal Whereof Paul speaketh saieng It is God who establisheth vs with you in Christ hath annointed vs. Who hath also sealed vs and hath giuen the earnest of the spirite in our heartes Of this ointment wherewith Christe annointeth vs we be called Christians and Priests Kinges and Prophets Marueilous is the force of this spiritual vnction For as the nature of the oile wherewithal the Priestes of the olde Lawe were annointed is to shine and to burne so the holie Spirite wherebie we are annointed for Priestes both lighteneth our mindes and setteth our heartes on fire that both the minde maie vnderstand what is good and behooueful and the heart zealouslie couet after the same And this commeth to passe when through faith conceaued by the preaching of the worde we bee rauished wholie with admiration of the great mercie of God who hath called vs out of darkenes into his marueilous light Last of al theie fil their handes that is theie shewe them-selues readie to offer vnto the Lorde For nowe they are no more their owne men but consecrated to God theie surcesse to liue and theie dedicate all the actions of their life vnto the seruice of God And being thus ordained we haue a certaine couenant also concluded betweene God and vs what that is I wil shew out of the words of Malachie The words of the Prophet are these My couenant was with him of life and peace and I gaue him feare and he feared me and was afraid before my name The lawe of truth was in his mouth and there was none iniquitie founde in his lips he walked with me in peace and equitie and did turne manie awaie from iniquitie For the Priestes lips should preserue knowledge and theie should seeke the lawe at his mouth for he is the messenger of the Lorde of hostes And although the Prophete here speaketh of the Leuitical priestes yet it is fitlie applied also to al Christians who are in the sight of God much more excellent priestes being roial than were the Leuitical Out of which wordes of the Prophet the forme of the couenant maie thus be made As the Lorde promiseth life and peace so doth he require also feare through faith For as in al couenantes there is à mutual obligation so here too God promiseth peace and life which two thinges are opposed against the wrath of God and euerlasting death But the partes of the couenant in respect of our selues are manie in this place which naturalie do hang together The first whereof is à syncere feare of God springing of Faith which the Prophete meaneth when he saith The beginning of wisedome is the feare of the Lorde Againe The holie feare of the Lorde endureth for euer The second the lawe of truth in his mouth that is true holie sounde doctrine And although eùerie Christian màie not teach
not want enimies whome notwithstanding they shall ouercome through the power of GOD wherewith they are strengthened Moreouer the enimies with whome the souldiers of the Church that is the preachers of the worde do encounter they are the diuel and his garde tyrantes sophisters hypocrits and Epicures Against these enimies the ministers of the Gospell enter into the feelde being armed with spirituall armor of which armor wee haue alreadie spoken The Diuel he laieth snares both for the doctrine and for the life of the ministers of the worde that by either or by both he maie ouerthrowe vs. Against this enimie we are to fight by synceritie of doctrine by innocencie of life and by ardent calling-vppon the Lorde of hoastes Submit your selues to God saith Iames resist the diuel and he wil flie from you And as he is obedient to GOD which giueth credite to his worde and liueth according vnto the same So hee resisteth the Diuel inuading the worde and the life who retaineth synceritie of doctrine liueth innocentlie and calleth earnestlie vppon GOD. But when this thadgeth not well with him that is when hee is not able either to corrupte the doctrine or to marre the life hee flieth and confesseth himselfe to bee ouercome And because hee is much more mightier than man is this promise is deepelie to be engrauen in the heart And he will flie from you that is nothing will hurt you he shall not ouerthrowe you by his subtilties so longe as yee abide grounded vpon faith For faith is the victorie of the world that is of the diuel and of al his warriers But for somuch as there is perpetual warre betweene Satan and the Church of Christ we ought then especialie to be in armes when he seemeth to flie awaie For he flieth not as one without al hope of anie buckling againe but that after an other waie he maie returne out of his ambushes with greater force For as he is vnconstant and craftie and of greate experience so hee setteth vppon the ministers of the Gospell nowe this waie and then an other waie and therebie sometime hee he maketh great slaughter as maie appeare in heretikes of al ages among whome there haue ben manie verie learned godlie men but being snarled and vtterlie blinded with the nets of Satan and arguments of blind reason theie haue yeelded And therefore the souldiers of God and guiders of the Church of Christ wil stand in the fore-fronte against the diuel vnder the banner of Christ keeping faith and à good conscience by all maner praiers and supplications praieng alwaies in the spirite and in watching therin with al earnestnesse that vtterance maie be giuen to them in the opening of their mouth with boldenesse that theie maie make the mysterie of God to be knowen for which theie are sent in embassage Tyrants also theie most furiouslie doe persecute the ministers of the Gospel theie kill and dispatch manie out of the world Notwithstanding they do not so much ouercome as theie are ouercome For as their better part to wit the minde is à slaue to filthie affections So the soules of the godlie in the middes of their troubles doe triumph in ioie For theie both comfort themthemselues with à constant hope of the glorie prepared for them and also with the eie of faith theie do behold the miserable destruction of such as persecute them Of which destruction Dauid speaketh after this wise God shall destroie thee for euer hee shal take thee and plucke thee out of thy tabernacle and roote the out of the lande of the liuing The righteous also shal see it and feare and shall laugh at him saying Beholde the man that tooke not God for his strength but trusted vnto the multitude his riches and put his strength in his malice But I shall be like à greene oliue tree in the house of God For I trusted in the mercie of God for euer and euer And therefore Nero in killing Paul was ouercome of Sathan through whose instigation hee persecuted and slewe the Apostle But Paul was crowned and went from victorie vnto victorie For not onelie hee himself receaued à crowne of righteousnes frō the righteous iudge but his blood beside was à certaine watering of the Lords feelde wherby the yong plants of the Church doth more more encrease But here springeth à question concerning flight Whether in the time of persecution godlie pastors maie shifte for themselues by flight to auoide the handes of tyrants especiallie seeing at the first showe there be contrarie sayings and exāples to in the scripture These places should see●e to be contrarie When they persecute you in this citie flee vnto another And An hireling seeth the woulfe comming and he leaueth the sheepe and flieth The examples Christ fledde into Egypt Paul was let-downe in a basket and so escaped from his persecutors On the otherside both Christ and Paul yea and infinite Martyrs and doctors of the Church haue voluntarilie yeelded themselues into the handes of tyrants The contrarietie of these sayinges and examples maie easilie be reconciled if we marke the causes wel He that by fleeing seeketh his owne and not the things which are Christes is much to blame Contrariewise he that by flieng seeketh the glorie of God and not his owne cōmoditie offendeth not And therfore saith Augustine The seruant of God sinneth not though seeing the rage of tyrantes greedelie bent to destroie his soule he changeth his aboade if so be that he commend his flocke to the hie shepherde sitting in heauen and saueth himselfe for their aduantage by flight But this commandement seemeth to bee contrarie therevnto Feare yee not them which kil the bodie but are not able to kil the soule Now what is flight I praie you but a feare If therfore feare be forbiddē flight also is forbidden I answerere when thou art in the hands of à Tyran thou must contemne death according to the cōmandement of the Lord Feare not them which kill the bodie but if thou art out of his clawes thou oughtest to flie from the persecutor not so much to saue thy selfe as for thy sheepe sake prouided alwaies that thy flight be not à betraing of the sheepe For he maketh à tyrant that prouoketh and he that shunneth correcteth him And therefore this distinction of Augustine is to be had in mind When persecution is hoat the ministers of Christe are to flie if so be that either there is no congregation where they are or if there bee when there be ministers enough to fulfil the ministerie which haue not such cause to flie But when the people shal abide and all the ministers flie awaie what else doe they showe themselues but euen cursed hirelings without all care of the sheepe But if Tyrantes doe persecute without all respect all the ministers of the gospel spare the common people what is then to be done Hereunto
and for euer Amen The vse of this Psalme If thou wouldst scape aie woful death And endelesse blisse in heauen obtaine Cleaue fast to Christ while thou hast breath In God his feare se thou remaine A general forme of praier O ALMIGHTIE eternal and most true God Father of our Lord and sauiour Christ maker of heauen and earth together with thy Sonne Iesus Christ and the holie Ghost From the bottom of our heartes wee doe yeelde thee thankes for that of thine infinite mercie thou both hast reueiled thy selfe vnto vs by sending thie Sonne Iesus Christ and by making the hidden and wonderful decree cōcerning the redemption of mankinde kowne vnto y e world also by the ministerie of the Gospel and the holie Ghost thou dost gather to thie selfe an eternal Church and being gathered giuest both rest to the same and al necessarie thinges for the sustentation of life These and other benifites we confesse vndoutedlie are thie giftes and to be giuen and kept to vs of thee for thie sonnes sake Againe we acknowledge that diuerslie we are polluted with manifolde sinnes and with true and burning sorow we do bewaile that euer we haue sinned against the rule of thie iustice and therefore we humblie beseech thee turne vs vnto thee and forgiue vs al our sins euen for thie beloued sonne Iesus Christe his sake kindle within vs by thine holie Spirit true faith and true obedience yea gouerne vs that as earnestlie we purpose so trulie we maie by thine helpe amend our life and obeie thee Moreouer our request is euen in the name of thie beloued sonne Christ our Sauiour that it would please thee among vs in this coūtrie to gather from time to time à Church therein maintaine the puritie of true doctrine that we maie with true praier serue thee obeie thee praise thee and loue thee for euer euer And for the better accomplishing hereof giue vnto thie Church faithful teachers pastors who both by true doctrine by example of good liuing maie illustrate thie glorie and benefite the Church Furthermore for thie beloued sonne our Sauiour Christ his sake we beseech thee giue to this Realme godlie profitable quiet magistrates defend our Queene Elizabeth with her Counsellers al the Gouernours of this land guide them with thine holie Spirit that their whole gouernment maie tend both vnto the aduancement of thie glorie and the quietnes and welfare of this Common-weale Confirme also al godlie Kings Princes and Noble men in their purposes to maintaine thie glorie true doctrine and honest discipline Besides we praie thee chearish and blesse whatsoeuer springeth-out of the ground the which thou impartest vpon vs that mankind maie haue both wherewithal to be relieued and to serue thee and of thie goodnes giue vs dailie bread And forsomuch as our great frailtie is knowen to thee thou hast promised with mercie to mitigate the greatnes of thie wrath against sinne and that in respect of the intercession of thie beloued sonne we humblie beseech thee mercifullie to mitigate the punishment which deseruedlie we sustaine and with thie holie Spirit comfort al the godlie in their troubles that theie maie both abide constant in true faith and praier and also commende thie mercie for euermore Amen A praier vnto Christ. O Most louing Lord Iesu Christ Sonne of God without thie grace our minde is ouershadowed with most grosse darkenesse al our affections caried into the flames of concupiscence the wil of y e minde is borne-awaie with raging affections and finallie al our actions not onelie inward but outward doe goe farre astraie from the rule of thie wil. Wherefore we humblie beseech thee ô most sweete Christ our sauiour expel-awaie the darkenes of our vnderstanding by the light of thie worde quench of thie goodnes the flames of concupiscence with the fountaines of thie grace replenish the wil being purged by thine hande with thine holie spirite that both the wil maie cheerefullie commaund and al the powers both of the minde and of bodie obeieng the gouernance of the wil carefullie bring to passe whatsoeuer both the illuminated mind rightly doth shew and the newe affections of the heart godlie doe counsaile For thou alone art our propitiator our King our strength and vertue our onelie hope onelie saluation onelie waie and the eternal life O most sweete Iesu I beseech thee assiste vs least that being either seduced by false Prophets or enticed by our owne flesh or perswaded by Sathan or caried-awaie by the wicked behauiour and examples of men or else offended by stumbling-blocks we fal-againe into former darkenes and wander awaie from thee the waie of eternal life Leade vs ô Sonne of God we praie thee in the light of thie countenance vpholde thou vs which art the right hand of God the father that we fal not downe direct vs that at the length thou being our guide we maie ●●taine vnto the immortal glorie which thou hast promised to such as trust in thee sweete Christ. To thee be praise thankes and glorie for euer and euer Amen A forme of praier to be saide of anie man by and for himselfe O Most sweete Christ Iesus Christ vnto thee doe I cal For thou art my light thou art my life thou art my saluation thou art my liuing God mine holie Father my merciful God my liuing master my good shepheard my best helper Thee doe I praie vnto thee doe I sue vnto thee do I beseech y t through thee I maie walk vnto thee I maie come in thee I maie rest Grant that by thine helpe I maie leade an holie godlie and righteous life Expel-awaie the darkenes of mine vnderstanding restraine the wicked cogitations of mine heart quench the flames of euil affections represse my froward wil by thie power illustrat mine vnderstāding with thie light minister godlie cogitations kindle virtuous affections and conuert my wil vnto thee that those thinges which thou wouldest I maie wil also Furthermore seeing my bodie is the house of my soule grant I beseech thee that by thine helpe I maie keepe the same chast and cleane that à pure mind maie dwel in à cleane bodie and that I maie be sound both in soule spirite and bodie and so both in bodie and soule I glorifie thee without ceassing To thee my shepheard and onelie God together with the father and the holie spirit be blessing and glorie and wisedome and thanks honor and power and strength for euer and euer Amen Amen So be it So be it A forme of praier for à familie FOrsomuch as none can stande without thou ô Lord Iesu Christ dost vpholde the same I humblie beseech thee vouchsafe with thie protection to preserue mine houshould my wife children and familie Grant I beseech thee that both I my selfe and my wife children and al mine houshold maie doe our dueties each of vs according to thie wil. For when thou doste feede vs wee want naught when thou rulest vs we are safe
deuoured and brake in peeces and stamped the residue vnder his feete and it was vnlike to the beastes that were before it for it had tenne hornes Hetherto spake Daniel of the fourth that is the Romaine Empire and of the crueltie of the same and of the tenne kinges in subiection thervnto Now foloweth the prophecie of y e Turkish kingdom in these wordes As I considered the hornes beholde there came vp among them another litle horne before whom there were three of the first hornes pluckt-awaie and behold in this horne were eies like the eies of man and à mouth speaking presumptuous thinges And afterwarde The fourth beast shalbe the fourth kingdome in the earth which shalbe vnlike to al the kingdomes and shal deuoure the whole earth and shal treade it downe and break it in peeces And the ten hornes out of this kingdom are ten kings that shal rise another shal rise after thē he shalbe vnlik to the first he shal subdue three kings And shal speak words against the most high and shal consume the saints of the most high think that he may chang times and lawes Hitherto Daniel whose prophecie the euent hath proued to be true For in the yeare of Christ 623. Heraclius being Emperour Mahomet moued sedition and foorth-with the Saracens or Arabians ioined together these three dominions Egypt Syria and Africa which are the three hornes plucked from those tenne hornes of the fourth beast And Daniel ascribeth to this litle horne that is to the Turkish Empire three notes whereby it may be knowne The first whereof is à newe lawe contrarie to the law of God For the eies doe signifie à law subtillie inuented The seconde marke is Blasphemie against the most high which is Christ. For the mouth speaking words against the true God signifieth blasphemies against the sonne of God The thirde note is crueltie towards the Church And he shal consume saith he the sainctes of the most high The fourth is an endeuor to abolish y e Gospel the Church He shal think saith he that he may change times and lawes God would haue this prophecie to be extant for à strengthening of y e godlie against the crueltie of the Turks y t when they should see the euent to answere to y e prophecie they might not offend at the stumbling-blocke of so great persecution and of such reuolting frō the true Church And therefore being thus fore-warned by the Prophet let vs take heart to our selues against this Turkish tyrannie wickednes especiallie seeing howe the euent hath answered to the prophecie For there haue foure Monarchies bin one after another Now raigneth à people which are enemies to God that openlie doeth abolish the Prophetical and Apostolical scriptures But how sprang-vp this newe kingdome who was the autor who toke his part Mahomet in his youth by reason of his pouertie liued by theft and robberie afterward hauing heaped much riches together he was à souldier among his contrie-men the Arabiansvnder Heraclius In y t war he found occasion of principalitie and power For when the Arabians being offēded with Heraclius for denieng thē their paie for his religion had seuered thēselues frō him Mahomet ioined himself to the angred soldiers stirred-vp their mindes aaginst y e Emperor encouraged thē in their defection wher-vpon by à certain companie of soldiers he was chosen to be their captaine as they cōmonlie are extoled in euerie commotion which fauour the wicked enterprise of the rebellious people and set vppon the mightie gouernours In this new capitane manie could not abide y e basenes of his birth nor the odiousnes of his former life especialie they loathed him for a disease he had which was the falling sicknes He therfore to redeeme himselfe from this contempt which is an easie matter amonge the foolish common people pretended à diuinitie in his doinges faining himselfe to enter communication with God and so when he talked to be rauished out of himselfe and seemed like vnto one afflicted with the falling sicknes And therfore he said plainlie but vntrulie howe he was no more à capitane and prince elected through the fauor of souldiors but à prophet and a messenger of the almightie God that vnder the shew of diuinitie he might haue al men the more obedient to his wordes But forsomuch as he was rude altogether and vnlearned he adioyned to him selfe two masters and counselers that were Christians the one wherof was Sergius an Arian and y e other Iohn Nestorius to whom there came à third who was à Iewe à Thalmudiste Euerie of which defended his seueral sect Whervppon Mahomet supposing that he should not onelie gratifie his companions but also the more easilie allure al nations vnto himselfe receiued al that is the pertinacie of Arius the error of Nestorius and the vaine inuentions of the Thalmudiste And therefore he receaued from the Iewe circumcision from the Christians sundrie washinges as it were Baptismes and with Sergius he denied the diuinitie of Christ. Nowe some worshipped idols others were baptized and some-what instructed in Christianitie who as soone as theie had left the Romane Emperour for the hatred they bare against him renounced foorth-with the religion which he defended Euen after the example of those tenne tribes of Israel which reuolting from the house of Dauid vnto Roboam despised the lawes of their fathers and went from the seruice of the onelie true God vnto the inuocation of Diuels Mahomets manner to enlarge and establish his kingdome was this which also his maisters taught him He saide howe God at the first to mankinde sent Moses after him Iesus Christ who were indued with the power to worke miracles But men gaue smal heede to them Therefore he determined to send Mahomet à warriour with-out miracles that whome miracles had not moued weapons might compel He saide howe he was the last messenger and that after him none should come howe Christe in the Gospel had prophecied of him and howe tidinges was of him through a wonderful light which passed from Eua by succession of kinde thorough al women euen to his verie mother See the subtiltie of this knaue Mahomet who knowing that he was destitute altogether of the heauenlie gift to worke miracles which thing was at hand he fained he was sent with the sworde But this armed man at the length was vanquished and receaued à sore wounde in his mouth wherebie he lost some of his cheeke teeth and was throwen into à ditch and put to à shameful foile and that the verie daie before he had from the oracle of GOD promised victorie to him and his Yea and while he was yet à common theefe he was oftentimes beaten sore of the Drianites whose camels he set-vpon returning from Mecha And that citie which hath him nowe in honour sometime adiudged him vnto death as à verie hurtful theefe and appointed à reward if anie coulde bring him vnto