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A02872 The image of both Churches after the most wonderfull and heauenly Reuelation of sainct Iohn the Euangelist, contayning a very fruitfull exposition or paraphrase vpon the same. Wherin it is conferred vvith the other scriptures, and most auctorised histories. Compyled by Iohn Bale an exyle also in thys lyfe, for the faithfull testimony of Iesu. Bale, John, 1495-1563. 1570 (1570) STC 1301; ESTC S100582 327,616 903

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longeth for to be deliuered from this bodie of death shée coueteth to be dissolued and to be with Christ yea feruētly she desireth to rest in the armes of hir almightie spouse 2 Tell hir therefore that these sayings hath he which holdeth the vij starres in his right hand walketh in the middest of the vij golden Candelstickes which hath in his power all ministers of his worde to retain thē or to cast thē out remaineth among the congregations to beholde their actes and reward them according to their doings 3 I know thy workes sayth hée I perceue thy labour thy anguish thy affliction thy payne for vnto me nothing can be hid I consider also thy pacient sufferance in aduersitie and thy troublous crosse for my wordes sake thy constant fayth and thy vnbroken spirite 4 And I ponder thy feruent and godly zeale wherin thou canst in no wyse forbeare thē that are wicked and euill but thou hatest blasphéemers abhorrest the enemies of god 5 I much commend thée for that thou diligētly examinest them which call them selues Apostles and are none which boast thē selues to be christian teachers and are nothing lesse 6 And by thy diligent searche hast not only proued them false and deceiptfull Antichristes but also thou hast expelled thē least they shuld do harm 7 And though thou haste bene gréeuously vexed and persecuted of those false Prophets yet hast thou paciently suffred and firmly stand by the truth for my names sake Thou hast taken paynes and not faynted in thy labours so strong hath the spirit of God bene with thée And all these pointes in thée I greatly allow 8 Yet haue I somewhat agaynst thée for so much as thou arte fallen from thy first charitie the fruites of true faith not being so abundant and plentifull in thée as they were in the beginning of the Gospell nor thou so effectuall in working mercy pittie 9 Call therefore to thy remembraūce from what perfectiō thou art fallen and repent thy slipper weakenesse and slothfull negligence which hath not suffered thée to perseuer in thy first calling 10 And return to thy first works agayne walking in that feruēt faith in that godly spirite and in that swéete loue of thy neighbour that thou diddest walke in before diminish not but increase euermore in al goodnes 11 Els wil I come shortly vnto thée as a straight looker vpon thée 12 And except thou repent from the hart with ful purpose of amendmēt I will remoue thy Candelsticke out of hir place I shall take away from thence the sincere doctrine and pure preaching of my word suffer mens fantastical traditions olde womens dreames the spirites of errour the doctrine of diuels the lyes of hypocrites with all blyndnesse darknes abhominatiō and idolatrie there to remayne For where as my word is not sincerely taught beléeued and obserued but vncharitably dispised hated and persecuted there shall not my church remayne but in hir place shal stand vp the Sinagoge of Sathan with blyndnesse and induration For that congregatiō is not myne which hath not my worde No longer is it my church then it hath my veritie Turne back againe therefore to Abraham Isaac Iacob to the Prophetes and Apostles and exercyse the first workes leauing all papistrie 13 This warning hast thou of mée for that thou hatest the vnséemely déeds of the Nicolaytanes so called of one Nicolas a proselitie of Antioche and one of the vij Deacons ordayned by the Apostles Whose corrupte custome was among other to defile holy wedlock in making their wyues common in boasting them selues lawfully so to do by the example of the sayde Nicolas 14 Whose vncomely actes I hate and abhorre also hauing matrimonye in honor and the chamber therof vndefiled This premonishement haue I giuen thée also least thou in processe of tyme shouldest fall to Apostasie vtterly decline frō the truth 15 Let him that hath eares sayeth the Lord which is iudgement and discretion in the spirit diligētly heare and earnestly marke what the holy ghost speketh what premonishmēts he giueth what reward he promiseth to the faithfull congregations 16 To him that by the spirit of Christ and by faith victoriously ouercōmeth the world sin hell death the diuil I wil giue to eate of the trée of lyfe to haue reioyce here in the holy ghost to haue comfort peace and gladnesse in mée 17 And after this life eternall beatitude which is in the midst of the beautiful paradise or the triumphant church of my Lord my God and my celestial father yours also by mée THE TEXT 1 And vnto the Angel of the congregation of Smyrna w●yte 2. These things saith he that is the first the last 3 which was deade and is aliue 4. I knowe thy works and tribulatiō 5. And pouertie but thou arte rich 6. And I knowe the blasphemie of thē which call thēselues Iewes and are not but are the congregation of Sathan 7. Feare none of the things which thou shalt suffer 8. Behold the diuill shal cast some of you into prison to tempt you 9. And ye shal haue tribulation ten dayes 10. Be faithfull vnto the death 11. and I will giue thee a crowne of lyfe 12. Let him that hath eares heare vvhat the spirite saith to the congregations 13 He that ouercommeth shall not be hurt of the secōd death THE PARAPHRASE 1 Apply thée also my friend Iohn with all festination to write vnto the faithfull mynister of the congregacion of Smyrna which trauaylyng in thys vayle of myserie as the odoriferous myrrha giueth forth the swéete smell of all good christian workes and distrybuteth fréelye the precyous treasure of godly examples Shée beleueth in God shée séeketh his onely glorie shée foloweth his word shée rebuketh sinne with paciēce she openeth hir hāds to the poore she giueth meate to the hūgry drinke to the thirstie lodging to the straunger clothes to the naked comfort to the sicke and reliefe to the prisoner Shée is méeke gentle obedyent pacient and mercifull 2 Infourme hir therfore that these things sayeth he which is the fyrst and the laste the maker and redéemer the founder and restorer of all creatures 3 Which was once dead to redeme hir from eternall death and now is alyue to restore hir to lyfe euerlasting Let hir not doubt therefore to suffer héere lyke as hée hath suffred For as he is now immortall hath the ouer hande of death so shall shée be and haue the same 4 I know thy works saith the Lord to spring onely of fayth and to bée fashioned according to the word of God I perceyue thy manyfolde trybulations how thou arte outwardly afflicted by continuall persecution of enimyes and inwardly crucyated in conscience to beholde the damnable errours frowardnesse blindnes and vtter contempt of Gods trueth which raigneth in the wicked 5 I consider thy pouertie in the spirite that
readeth they that hear the vvords of the prophecie keepe those things vvhich are vvritten therein 7. for the tyme is at hande The Paraphrase OF Iesus Christ the sonne of the liuing God this is the wonderfull reuelation concerning the diuers and doubtfull estate of the Christian church from the Apostles tyme to the latter ende of the world 2 Which reuelation with all iudgement and power God the euerlasting father hath wholly giuen vnto hym now takē vp from the earth glorified and set aboue all the workes of hys handes 3 Euidently to declare yea to make manifest and knowne vnto hys true faythfull seruauntes beleuing in hys words and walking in his wayes the tokens signes marueils which must by hys vnchaungeable ordinaunce shortly in this latter tyme folow in effect without premonishment or warning taken of the wicked sort 4 And the sayd Iesus Christ sittyng on the right hande of the maiestie of God and being muche more excellent then the angels hath according to his former promise sent forth his spirit of truth most specially vnto his déerely beloued Apostle and peculyar dyscyple sainct Iohn the Euangelist not only to deduce him into all knowledge and veritie but also to manifest vnto him the secrete misteries of thinges to come 5 Which Iohn hath already as an earnest doer in his masters cause most constantly wytnessed his eternall godhead in the euerlasting worde against the Hebionites which denied him to com in the fleshe and hath faithfully affirmed his naturall manhode in all that he sawe being conuersaunt with him agaynste Carpocras and Cerinthus which blasphemed the same in the vtter confusion of all such Antichristes 6 Blessed is he saith Saint Ihon which after méeke prayer and godly meditacyon hauinge the gyfte of vnderstanding and grace of interpreting the scripturs doth sincerly faithfully without crafte or coloure publyshe declare the mistycall wordes of thys heauenly prophecye Blessed are they also which in a feruent faith hongerīg thristinge for the rightuousnes and with Simeon and Anna desirous of the glorye of God doth louingly heare and earnestly marke the wholsome words of the same sayd godly prophecye and that will deligently applye thē selues to obserue the rules and take the premonishementes of Godly doctrine ther in written 7 For the perelous dayes are come that the disceytfull swarme of Antichrist peruertinge the trueth shal bring the world into pernicious and dampnable errours And the Ieopardous time is at hande that the wrath of god shal be declared from Heauen vpon all vngodlynesse of these seducers that with hold his trueth in vnrightuousensse set hi● cōmaundementes at nought for their owne vile traditions The texte 1 Ihon vnto the seuen congregacions which are in Asia 2. Grace be vvith you 3. And peace from him wich is and which vvas and which is to come 4. from the seuen spirites which are present before his throne 5. and from Iesus Christe vvhich is a faythfull vvytnesse 6. and fyrst begotten of the dead 7. and prince ouer the kinges of the earthe 8. Vnto him that loued vs and vvashed vs from our sinnes in his ovvne bloud 9. and made vs kinges and Priestes vnto God his father 10. euen vnto him be glorye and dominion for euermore Amen The Paraphrase 1 Iohn the electe Apostle of Iesus Christ sendeth these greatinges to the vii churches or christian congregations which are in the land of Asia the lesse 2 Grace which is the mercy fauour and acceptacion of God be with you 3 And also peace which is the trauquilitie of conscience in them that beleue in Christ dwel euer among you from god the father euerlasting which is essencially in and of himselfe and which was before the constitucion of the world and which shall be after the worlde be finished for euer and euer without ende 4 The same grace and peace agayne be vnto you from God the holy Ghost here mencioned vnder the tytle of .vij. spirites for that he is manifolde and plentuous in gyftes 5 The thyrd tyme also the same said grace and peace be vnto you from the Lorde Iesus Christ the onely sonne of God which being the eternall veritie it selfe was in preaching his Gospell a wytnesse therof both faythful true and perfect and in no wyse could lye that ye should the rather beleue him 6 He was the fyrst of all men that euer were in this mortall nature or body of death recouering againe the fauour of God lost in Adam and that with victory ouer sinne hell deathe and the diuell ascended into Heauen and became in that fleshe glorifyed the sonne of God that ye should bée the bolder of him and the rather take him for your onely aduocate 7 He is also a m●ste mighty Lorde ouer the kinges rulers and magistrates of this worlde hauing now all power geuen him in heauen in earth with a wryting vpon his vesture that he is Kinge of Kinges and Lorde of Lords and that of his kingdome ther shall be no ende that the wicked tyrauntes should the rather feare least they féele him a terryble iudge at the latter day 8 For so much as he hath so intyrely loued vs as to be smytten and woūded for our offencest and as to geue his lyfe for our wycked wretchednes yea for so much as he of most natural kyndenesse would be cruelly slayne to washe vs purifie vs and clense vs in his owne most innocent bloud from the moste cankred vylenesse of our sinnes to prouoke vs to loue him agayne 9 For so much also as he hath made vs a liuing kingedome to god through fayth in him and consecrate vs priestes to offer vp our bodies by a newe Christian life as a sacrifyce holy and acceptable vnto God his euerlastinge father 10 Unto him wyth the said father with the holy ghost be perpetual praise glorye power and dominyon for euermore Amen The text 1 Beholde he commeth with cloudes 2. and all eyes shall see him 3. and they also which pearsed him 4. And all kynredes of the earth shall vvayle 5. Euen so Amen 6. I am Alpha and Omega the beginninge and the ending sayth the Lorde almightie 7. vvhich is vvhich vvas and vvhich is to come The Paraphrase 1 Take hede for moste certayne it is though Christe in his fyrste comminge as a merciful sauiour apered here vpon earth poore simple ignominious yet shal he in his latter comminge appere in the cloudes of heauen with maiestie power and glorye accōpanyed with the infinite hoste of angels as a rigorous iudge 2 And vpon him shall all eyes looke both man and angell shal behold him and stande before hys terrible iudgemente seate no creature good nor bad exempt 3 Yea th●se cruell tyrauntes also shal at that houre appeare befere him which did not only flée his moste innocente body but also
figure what should be the estate of that time to assertaine his chosen friendes therof I saw saieth Saincte Iohn vnder the Aulter of God which is Christe vpon whom the whole sacrifice of our redempcion was offered 3 The soules or spirits of those constant beléeuers whiche through the violent handlynge of the afore sayde false prelats and Antichristes were cruelly put to death by diuers maner of tormēts not only for the vndefiled word of god but also for the sincere testimonye of Iesu which they had by the gift of his only spirit Under this Aulter remaine all they which haue bin killed for that witnesse of truth In his faith they slept and still rest now in his hope In him now they liue for whom they once dyed Under his shadow they dwell Under his winges they flocke vnder hys couerte they cloyster He is their comforte kéeper and defender With hym are they now whose presence they euermore coueted 4 In that they cried with a lowde voice is signified that their innocent death fercely asketh and requireth the great indignation vengance and terrible iudgement of GOD vppon those tirauntes lyke as dyd the bloude of Abell vppon that murther Cayne 5 And this is their daylye crye O Lorde God almighty so holy thou art that thou hatest all euill so true and so iust that thou abhorrest al lies and peruerse doctrine so manifest is the filthy lyfe of the spirituall antichristes that thou séest it so euidente is their vnshamefast crueltie vpon thy seruantes that thou knowest it Yet doest thou leaue them vnpunished and suffer them vncorrected Howe long time wil it be ere thou iudge them to dampnation What yeares wilt thou take ere thou reuenge our bloud 6 Sure it is that thy lawes are holy and thy wordes are faithfull and true Why doest thou then permitte these proud homicides and spightfull murtherers to defyle them with their errours and blaspheme them with their lyes Kyllyng vp thy seruants without pittie for holdynge with them and reigning héere as Gods vpon earth in ambiciousnesse vayne glory pompe glotony and le●herye with other abhomynable vices Thus these beastly bellye Gods doth dayly dispise thée They treade downe thy testimonies and shed innocent Christen bloud in despight of thée 7 Looke once vpon them therefore according to thy promisse and sée thou rewarde them according to their wickednesse Thys reuengement doe we not aske for our scath but for the contempt of thy truethe Not for our harme but for the blasphemy of thy name 8 And longe white garmentes sayth Sainct Iohn very large and comely were geuen vnto euery one of them A full innocencye perfectnesse and cléerenesse was powred ouer them and abundantly spred vpon them Indued they were with an inestimable purenesse by Christe for whose veryties sake they dyed With him they are now in peace ioy and swéetnesse But whether they be in full glory afore God or no that wyll we not temerously define Sure we are that they be deliuered from all payne sorrow and care and that they clearely be assertayned so haue that glory complet both in body and soule at the latter day More swéete is their estate for the time yea more delycious and pleasaunt then all the delightes prosperytye and wealth that euer was yet in thys worlde 9 And as they were in this swéete solace much desirous of their bodyes delyueraunce from corruption they were requyr●d by these secrete heauenlye mocyon of Christe as we are in this life by the outwarde word 10 Paciently to pause for a while and quietously to rest for a season 11 Untill such time as the complet nūber of their cōstant fellowes and faithfull brethren 12 Yea and of all those poore creatures that shoulde be kylled by these vnsaciat blud suckers for his truthes sake like as they were afore shuld be fulfilled and wholy accomplished according to the eternall prediffinition of God And so much the rather to content themselues with their peaceable and quietous estate for their brethrens sake that it should not belonge ere their death were reuenged and they restored to a full tranquillitie For nothing in comparison are the sufferinges of this time to that glorye whiche shall be shewed vnto the chosen sort in that day Let no man think where as Christ hath willed those soules to rest that they sléepe in death for they rest in hym which is lyfe Out of hym they are not he is their Aulter he is theyr couert They lyue they decerne and in swéetenesse they abide the latter day and all vnder him Their white garment of innocencie they haue onely by him Worship him then and not them Pray and call vpon him and not vpon them For he is the onely meditour and generall aduocate to God the father so wel for them as for you Nothyng can they doe but by hym Their office is not to heare suters causes nor to goe to and fro but still to rest abyding the glad day of theyr deliuerance It is Christes onely office to receyue all complayntes to pleate them and to iudge them THE TEXT 1 And I beheld when he opened the six● seale 2. lo there was a great earth quake 3. and the sunne was as black as a sack cloth made of heare 4. And the moone vvaxed euen as bloud 5. And the starres of heauen fell vnto the earth 6. euen as a figge tree casteth from hir hir figges vvhen it is shaken of a mightie wynde 7. And heauen vanyshed avvay as a scroull vvhen it is rolled togither 8. And all mountaynes and yles vvere moued out of their places 9. And the kings of the earth and the great men and the riche men 10. and the chiefe captaynes and the mightie men and euery bond man and euerie free man 11. hid themselues in dennes and in rockes of the hilles 12. and sayde to the hilles and rockes 13. Fall on vs 14. and hyde vs from the presence of hym that sitteth on the seate 15. and from the vvrathe of the Lambe 16. for the great day of hys vvrath is come 17. And vvhō can endure it The Paraphrase 1 This know they well whome the lambe hath deliuered from their dark sinagoge to whom he hath in these dayes opened the sixte seale of the booke raysing vp the spirites of many to detect by his holy worde theyr shamefull abhominations Blessed be the name of that Lord which hath now so mercifully vysited hys poore people from aboue sending his word vnder the tipe or figure of this Lambe to open vnto them at this sixt time of darkenesse the vj. seale of the hydden misteries of the booke I looked yet farther sayeth sainct Iohn and as the Lambe Christ disclosed the sixte seale to manifest the cléernesse of his truth to shewe the estate of his church anon I behelde a merueylous earthquake arise Most liuely was this fulfilled such tyme as William Courteney the Archbishoppe
promises 9 And therfore are not their names written of the lamb in the booke of life which lambe was slaine from the beginning of the world Christ hath not alowed them by his word promise With the rightuous are they not regestred as members of one misticall body in hym In the similitude of hys death are they not grafted vnto hym as the braunches vnto the vine to be partners of his resurrection Their porcion is not in the lande of the lyuing with him They are none of those whom the father hath geuen hym to participate with hym in one spirit Predestinate they are not vnto life by hym nor so written vp in the foreknowledge of God Chosen they were not of the lord before the worlds constitution to be his vndefiled children in Christ. 10 He is the méeke lamb that was slaine He alone taketh away the sins of the world In hym only is the life for he is the life it self Yet is he the life of none other but of those that only beleue in him 11 In that he was killed from the worlds beginning is signified that he dyed for all them whiche were create to be saued and that his onely death is all their health raise and remedy by the promise of God For all they haue eaten of one spiritual meat and dronke of one spirituall rocke though it came in the fleshe longe after them He onely trode downe the head of the serpent Since the beginning hath he bene slaine in his membres also as manifest it is in rightuous Abell Hieremy Iohn Baptist such other like They that are not written of the lambe in the booke of life for the children of God are registred in the booke of death for the children of perdiciō reserued to eternal death for their infidelytie with the deuill his Angels 12 He that hath an eare sayeth the text let him take good héede He that hath an vnderstanding let hym be admonished by that which foloweth héere Or he that hath receiued the wisdome of the spirit let hym iudge hereof according vnto it Thus doth the holy ghost aduertise the faithfull to consider that whatsoeuer thinges are writtē they are writtē vnto our learning 13 He that leadeth into captiuity shall go into captiuyty And he that killeth with a sworde must with a sworde be slaine This warning geueth the lord take it if they lyst For he will haue his right iudgments known He that vexeth or aflicteth the iuste beléeuers in body by outward punishments he shall be aflicted in the spirit with an inwarde darknes or blindnes of the soule that he may be the more captiue to sinne and to sathan God wyll deliuer hym vp vnto a lewde mind and wyll geue him stronge delusion to beléeue all maner of lyes that he might be damned 14 He that killeth the poore innocēt for his faith with the yron sword or slaieth hym with any other torment with the sword of the spirit which is the Lords word shall he be both iudged condemned The word that I haue spoken saith Christ shall iudge them at the latter day And this is in manner all one with that was saide in the xi chapter afore If any mā wyl hurt them fyre shall procéede out of their mouthes and consume their enemies 15 Neuerthelesse to the christian is persecution necessary For héere in this lyfe is the pacience of the saints proued and their faith required Here was Abrahā tempted Iob sore vexed and both they were founde Gods true faithfull seruants Here were the apostles contemned reioysinge that they were found worthy for christes sake to suffer rebuke The rightuous the lorde trieth as gold in the furnace He chasteneth euery seruant that he loueth and scourgeth euery son that he receiueth Onely is it faith that al the euils of this worlde by pacience ouercommeth so obtaineth the victory The fruit which riseth to eternal lyfe is peaceable sufferance in faith And that must be heare in this lyfe where as we are vnperfect to make vs perfect THE TEXT 1 And I beheld an other beast 2. comming vp out of the earth 3. and he had two horns lyke a lamb 4. and he spake as dyd the Dragon 5. and he dyd all that the firste beaste could do 6. in his presence 7. And he caused the earth and them which dwell therein 8. To worship the firste beaste vvhose deadly vvounde vvas healed 9. And he dyd great wonders 10. So that he made fyre come downe from heauen 11. In the sight of mē 12. And deceiued them that dwelt on the earth by the meanes of those signes which he had povver to doe in the sighte of the beast 13. Saying to them that dvvelt on the earth that they should make an image 14. Vnto the beast vvhich had the vvounde of a svvord and dyd liue The Paraphrase 1 And I behelde saieth S. Iohn in this secret reuelation of my Lord an other beast arising out of the earth A figure is this of al false prophets and vngoly preachers Beastly are they euermore vaine carnal and corrupt in their studies abhominable in the practisings of their wicked harts not séeking God but their belleyes not Christes glory but their owne pride and vaine glory 2 From the earth they aryse all geuen to erthly wisdome The only affectes of this worlde doth moue them to teach no good zeale of the truth Either are they tickled with ambition pricked with auarice or els stirred with mallice to inuei These are the common affects of the wicked This goinge vp haue they from wickednesse to wickednesse and shall haue still till the Lorde destroy them like as haue the iust beléeuers from vertue to vertue in the spirit till such time as they sée him face vnto face in the euerlasting Syon From the worlds beginning hath this beast risen vp in Cayne the first murtherer in the fleshlye Children of men in Cham the shamelesse childe of Noe in Ismael Esau in Iannes Iambres in Balaham Baals prophets in the Beniamits Bels chaplains in Phasur Semeias in Iudas Annas and Caiphas in Bariehu Di●trephes And now sēs their time most of all in Mahometes doctoures and the popes queristers Yea stil they are aloft in their beastly beggerye will be till their mischif be finished Who séeth not now a daies that hath light in the spirit the malignite hipocrisy fraud craft deceit in certen fals prophets at pauls crosse in London in other places els 3 This beast had ii hornes like the lambe at a blush but all counterfet ● fals in very déede for he spake as did the dragon the hornes of Christ are his high kingdom in the world Only ariseth his Churche by faith in the glad tidinges and promises of god That word is the scepture of Christes power and the rod of right order wheras he reigneth None other strange sceptures are there neither tradicions nor customes Seuen hornes had Christ for
tormēt ascendeth vp euermore as the flame of a fornace with most horible stinke for a perpetual signe of their punishmēt like as it dyd frō Sodome Gomor when the Lorde ouerthrew them 2 So that they haue no rest neyther day nor night so mani as worship the beast his image receuīg the prīt of his nam 3 Both in this lyfe are they cruciate with a troublous and doubtfull conscience and also after this life with vnspekeable paynes For neither shal their worm dye nor yet their fyre be quēched all flesh abhorring thē 4 Thus shal they be with the beast tormēted which haue the spirite of the beast For like as al the faithful which hath ben from the beginning belongeth to one misticall body in Christe and shal be preserued by him so doeth the wicked perteine to one misticall Antichrist hauing al one spirit with him and so shall with him perish 5 Here is the pacience of the saynts In this life ar their troubles no plesure is for them in this world but hate rebukes slaunders lies persecutions and death of their bodyes Their life vpon earth is continuall affliction but gloryous is the fruite of their labours Manifold are the misfortunes of the rightuous but the Lord cleareth them of all 6 Here are they vexed that kepe the commaundements the fayth of Iesu Here are they had in derision that behaue thēselues as the ministrs of god in much patiēce afflictiōs néede anguish labour stryps imprisonment and such lyke 7 Here are they chastened of the LORDE with many sore storms that they should not be damned with this world Much haue they héere to suffer of enemies that onely cleueth to the word of god in life doctrine THE TEXT 1. And I heard a voyce from heauen saying vnto me 2. Write 3. Blessed are the dead which hereafter dye in the Lord 4 euen so saith the spirit that they may rest frō their labours 5. But their vvorkes shall follovve them The Paraphrase 1 And I heard a voyce from heauē saith S. Iohn saying vnto me 2 Wryte with penne or marke suerly this sentence following for them that here suffer in the truthes quarell 3 Blessed are the dead or they which are already departed and that also shal heereafter depart in the Lorde This voyce from heauen are the infallible scriptures ascertaining the faith of Iohn of the swéete rest of the saintes in the hands of God And that their ende is not without honour as the vain sort supposeth but they are coūted among the dere children of God Let thē therefore that suffer in this age be earnestly sprited not feare the tormēts of the enimies in Christes cause 4 For from hence forth the spirit saith that they rest frō their labours In a wōderfull quietnesse dwel they by the very sentence of the holy Ghost shall neuer more féele of any woo God hath clean wiped away al tears frō their eyes all sorrowes paynes from their bodies the first daungers being ●ast Happy are they therefore and moste godly fortunate that are slaine for Christ bicause they wil not worship the beast his Image nor corrupt their faith with their wicked lawes but in a pure christian beleue departeth frō hence to the Lord. Theyr portion is in the land of the liuing and their lot among the holy ones 5 For certainly their works doth folow them The promised rewarde of God for constantly standing by the veritie for the fruites of their christian patience for other exercise of theyr fayth is euermore to their glory present with thē Not as deserued of thē but of Christe in whose fayth they wrought here for the promise sake that they should be gods heyres togither with Christ. The lyuely word also which they earnestly receyued héere and so rooted in their faith wil neuer suffer them to perishe nor to be hurte of the second death THE TEXT 1 And I looked and beholde 2. a vvhyte cloude 3. and vpon the cloude one sitting lyke vnto the sonne of man 4. hauyng on his head a golden crovvn 5. and in his hand a sharpe sickle The Paraphrase 1 I looked yet further saith S. Iohn and euidently before me appeared a whyte cloude which betokeneth the true ministers of Gods word Whom the holy ghost calleth clouds by Esay Dauid Peter Iudas For from thē falleth vpon the people the swéete droppes of his verities 2 White they are as milk for their faith in the word and for their christian conuersation not blotted with hipocrisie of mēs corrupted customes 3 Upon this cloude was one sittyng lyke vnto the sonne of man whiche is verely Christ in his glorified māhood For euermore is he among hys true preachers gyuyng them suche vtteraunce and wisedome as all theyr enymies are not able to withstande Alwayes walketh he among the vij candelstickes which are his congregations as we had afore 4 He had vpon his heade a golden crowne in token of his eternall and vncorrupte kingdome and in hys hand a sharpe sickle which is the sharp iudgement or rightuousnesse of hys worde for there with shall hée reape his latter haruest According to hys worde and promyse shall hee iudge good and euill 5 This sickle receyued he of hys euerlasting father suche tyme as hée gaue ouer vnto hym hys vniuersall iudgements By the order of this vision should the preachers séeme in the last age of the church much to admonish the people of the latter day with the commyng of Christe agayne to iudge both the quicke and the deade as is in their créede or beléeue THE TEXT 1 And an other Angell came out of the temple 2. crying with a loude voyce to hym that satte on the cloude 3. Thrust in thy sikle and reape 4. for the tyme is come to reape 5. For the corne of the earth is rype 6. And he that satte on the cloude 7. thrust in his sickle on the earth 8. and the earth vvas reaped The Paraphrase 1 And an other Angell sayth sainct Iohn came out of the temple which is the congregation of fayth consecrated as an holy temple vnto God in the bloud of the vndefiled Lambe Iesus This Angell betokeneth those iust men that with Symeon and Anna the doughter of Phanuell in thys latter age are desirous of the glory of God and of the finall redemption of man from bodily corruption 2 These shal cry with a loude voice with a feruent spirite shall they call vnto Christ which sitteth vpon the cloude 3 And thys shall bée theyr saying Thrust in the sickle and reape Send foorth thy lyuing word And lyke as it hath created all things so let it now trye and iudge all things 4 For the tyme is at hand to reape For we are those vpon whō the ends of the world are come 5 And doutlesse the corne of the earth is ripe the worlde is at the best that it wil be As it hath bene euer so is it stil altogether set vpon
They fashioned thē selues to the example that was shewed thē in the mount 3 None other are these horses then their corruptible bodyes prepared to battail They which are of Christ doth mortifie the vices and lustes of theyr flesh they tame their carnall affectiōs Like perfect men they brydle their bodies to the obedience of the spirite So to become the true seruantes of rightuousnesse and no more to do seruice vnto sin White are these horses for the pure word of the Lord which gouerneth thē No meruaile though these myghtie souldyers foloweth the Lord cōsidering he is so oft in the scriptures called the lord of hosts A like similitude dyd the seruant of Helizens the Prophet behold in a vision throug Gods permission in Dotham 4 This army of the Lord here were appareled preciously with pure white silk or fine raynes betokening the pure innocensy which they haue in Christe theyr general captain Not carnal is this armour but euermore spirituall after the doctrine of S. Paule Though we walke in the flesh saith he yet do we not fight after a fleshly maner For the weapons of our warre are not carnal things but things mighty in God Bewtifull fayre is my welbeloued saith the eternall Salomon for hys soule pleaseth his Lord and is loued agayn of him His fauour his mercy is vpon his holy ones he hath a louing respect vnto his chosen number A notable singe of victory in the faithfull are also these white horses vestures for afore they ar called iustificacions of the saintes 5 And out of his Godly mouth sayth the Text proceded forth a two edged swerd which is the fearce iudgement of his mighty word By this effectual swerd are the faithfull beleuers woūded vnto life and the vnbeleuers to the death of dampnacion For vnto some it is the sauour of life and vnto some againe the sauour of death vnto death By this swerd also shal the dead braūches be cut from the vine and the corrupted members from the whole body The gotes shal be deuided from the lambes and the euil from the rightuous Oh how sharp fierce and tirrible wil this sentence of the lords indignaciō be at that day Depart from me ye cursed into euerlasting fyre Yet shall it be vnto the faithful a perpetuall power victory triumphe ouer their enymies 6 Ouer besides all this goeth that swerd frō his eternal mouth to the intēt he should therw t correct their Heathē or reform● thē of their heathinish life So that if they wil not at the wholsome admonishmēts of his word repent and amend their olde conuersacion that than they should be condemned by the same for their wilful contempt If men wil not turne saith Dauid he shall whet his swerde against them He wil sharpen it as the lightening and aquite his enymies their wickedmes 7 This mighty Lord shal rule them with a strong rodde of yron which is the inuincible veritie This is the rod of right order the septure of the kingdome and the wand of power whom the Lord sent frō Sion to haue sway among our enymies So strong is this septure that it wil not bowe No place wil it geue to the contrary parte If they will not therewith be ordred he shall breke them in peces as the potter doth his pot in such maner as they neuer shal recouer agayne 8 The winefat of the great fiercenesse and sore displeasur of almighty God shal he tred downe with power More greuously shal they be opressed at this latter comming by his set sētence thā they wer afore at Hierusalē by Uespasianus and Titus The vineyarde of the Lord of hostes was the house of Israell This brought he out of Egipt by strong hande Thereof looked hée to haue had grapes and it brought hym foorth bryers and thistles Their vines were as the wilde vines of Sodome Bitter were their grapes as the poyson of Dragons and as the cruel gaul of Adders Therfore will he break the hedge and throw downe the wal that it may be troden vnder foote 9 Great anguishe shall bée vpon the earth in his fury and wrath vpō that people in his anger They shall fall on the edge of the swerd and be dispersed Both here shall they haue griefe and also in the world to come 10 This victorious horse man hath vpon his white vesture besprinckeled with bloud which is his innocent māhood crucified 11 And vpō his tender thigh whom some call his churche some his scriptures as flesh of his fleshe or spirite of his spirite this name of magnificence written 12 In both of them is it manifestlye expressed that he is both king of kinges and also Lorde of Lordes the great guide of right gouernours and that monarke of godly magistrates By kings is his generation discribed of Mathew in the posteritie of Dauid and of Luke by faithfull fathers vnto Adam which had the first promise of health Both doth the godly actes of his natural māhood and also the holy spirite whom he left here to the comfort of all true beléeuers declare that he is the eternall attourney of God his Apostles true seruaunts affyrming the same And these are his garmente and thigh By hys death is our nakednesse couered which are his misticall members Of his spirite is our strength which are the generation séeking the Lord of Iacob 13 Both hath he giuen hym of God the high seat of Dauid his father and also the vniuersall power in heauen and in earth as he by whom all things were first created For his power is an euerlasting power and his kingdome such as shall neuer perishe And all this is comprehended in that he is called the sonne of the highest and in that he alone hath immortalitie inhabyting the light that no man can attayne to whom be honour and euerlasting empire Amen In this vesture and thigh are his titles written as to hys onely behou e that no man shuld of presumption vsurpe them neither by supremite nor vycarage his church and posteritie acknowledging the same euermore THE TEXT 1 And I savve an Angell 2. stande in the sunne 3. and he cryed vvith a loude voyce 4. saying to all soules that flye by the middest vnder the heauen 5. Come and gather your selues togither 6. vnto the supper of the great God 7. that ye may eate the fleshe of kynges 8. of high captaine 9. the flesh of mightie men 10. and the flesh of horses 11. and of them that sit on them 12. and the flesh of all free men bondmen 13. both of small and great The Commentary 1 After this reuelation I sawe saith sainct Iohn a beautifull Angell betokening not onely the Apostles but all other faithfull ministers in the word els hauing the Apostles spirite 2 In the sunne stedfastly stoode thys Angell which signifieth Christ that cleare sunne of rightuousnesse the bright morning star in the middest of the cloude the expresse Image of God substance of his
THE IMAGE of both Churches after the most wonderfull and heauenly Reuelation of sainct Iohn the Euangelist contayning a very fruitfull exposition or Paraphrase vpon the same Wherin it is conferred vvith the other scriptures and most auctorised histories Compyled by Iohn Bale an exyle also in thys lyfe for the faithfull testimony of Iesu. Goe ye out of Sodome for the Lord will destroy that Citie Gen. 19. Come away my people least ye be partakers of hir sinnes Apoc. 18. Flee from filthie Babilon and go cleane away from the lande of the Caldees Hier. 50. ¶ Printed at London by Thomas East ¶ A Preface vnto the Christian Reader SO highly necessary good Christian Reader is the knowledge of S. Iohns Apocalips or Reuelation whether thou wilt to him that is a true member of Christes church as of any other booke of the sacred Byble For in none of them all are the faythfull diligent hearers and readers more blessed nor more liuely so declared obseruing the contentes thereof thē in this one booke No wher is it more clerely specified the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost to bee one euerlastyng God and Iesus Christ to be the eternall sonne of that lyuing Father which are the fyrst and chiefe groundes of our Christian faith then here No where is the durable kingdome and priesthoode of the sayde Iesus Christ more plentuously spred more playnly proued and more largely vttered thē in this holy oracle No where is the doctryne of healthe more purely taught fayth more throughly commēded nor yet rightuousnesse more highlye rewarded then heere No where are heresies more earnestly condempned blasphemous vices more vehemētly rebuked nor yet their iuste plagues more fiercelye threatened then in this compendious worke Herein is the true christian church which is the meeke spouse of the Lambe without spot in hir right fashyoned colours discribed So is the proud church of hypocrites the rose coloured whore the paramour of Antichrist and the sinfull sinagoge of Sathan in hir iuste proporcion depaynted to the mercifull forewarning of the Lordes electes And that is the cause why I haue here intituled thys booke the Image of both Churches Neyther heere spareth the holy Ghost theyr hypocrisie nor pryde their Idolatrie nor whoredome theyr couetousnesse nor most cruell tyranny with theyr other outragious myscheues No he toucheth them so nyghly that we should the better know them and be the more ware of them that he sheweth them to be such a spirituall sorte as maketh dayly marchaundise of the bodyes and soules of men Let vs neuer looke to haue a more open marke of that wicked generation take heede of them if we lust He that will lyue godly in Christ and be a pacyent sufferer He that will stande in Gods feare prepare him selfe to temptacyon He that will be stronge when aduersitie shall come auoyde all assaultes of Antichrist and the diuill let him giue him selfe wholly to the study of this prophecy Not one necessary poynt of beleife is in all the other scriptures that is not heere also in one place or other The very complet summe and whole knitting vp is this heauēly booke of the vnyuersall verities of the Bible All that Moyses taught in the lawe Dauid in the Psalmes and the Prophetes in theyr wrytinges concernyng Christes spyrituall kyngdome both here aboue meete for thys present knowledge are heerein briefly comprehended So is hys eternall vyctory for vs ouer sinne death hell and the dyuill with hys perpetuall cleerenesse aucthoritie and empyre world without ende compendiously here expressed Hee that knoweth not thys booke knoweth not what the church is whereof he is a member For herein is the estate thereof from Christes ascention to the ende of the world vnder pleasaunte figures and elegant tropes decyded no where els throughly but heere the tymes alwayes respected He that delighteth not to beholde the condition of his own citie is therevnto no louing citizen And after the true opinion of sainct Austen eyther wee are citizens in the new Hierusalem with Iesus Christ or els in the old supersticious Babylon with Antichrist the vicar of sathā He that with diligēce shall serch that matter specially in this presēt reuelatiō shal throughly perceiue the certaintie thereof Consider the dignytie and worthinesse of this most precious Iewel that the Lord hath left here to our cōsolatiō Fyrst God the eternall father gaue it vnto Christ his welbeloued sonne in our māhood Christ now glorified committed it vnto the holy Ghost which is here called an Angell or messenger The holy Ghost deliuered it vnto Iohn the peculiarly beloued disciple of Iesu. And Iohn last of all lefte it with the vnyuersall church to theyr christian eruditiō Mark now if any other treatise of the sacred Bible had euer so worthy a foreward setting forth This is not that it should be altogither neglected and not looked vpon No man lighteth a candle sayth Christ and conueyeth it vnder a bushell that men should not see therby Neuer was this gracious gift giuen of God to be hidden as it hath bene of longe tyme but to be opened to all the congregations A more necessary doctrine to the christian erudition is not in the whole scriptures all cyrcumstaunces considered For besides all that is afore expressed it containeth the vniuersal troubles persecutions and crosses that the church suffred in the primatyue spring what it suffreth now and what it shall suffer in the latter tymes by the subtile satellytes of Antichrist which are the cruell mēbers of Sathā It manifesteth also what premyes what crownes and what glory the sayd cōgregatiō shall haue after this present conflict with the enimyes that the promysed rewardes myght quicken the hartes of those that the tormēts feareth A prophecye is this Apocalips called and is much more excellent thē all the other prophecies Lyke as the lyght is more precious then the shadowe the veritie then the figure the new testament then the olde and the gospell then the lawe so is this holy oracle more precyous then they That Esay Hieremie Ezechiell Danyell Oseas with all the other Prophets warneth afore hande to follow concerning Christ and hys churche this mystery declareth effectually fulfilled It is a full clerenesse to all the cronicles and most notable histories which hath bene written since Christes ascension opening the true natures of their ages tymes and seasons He that hath store of them and shall diligentlye serch them ouer conferring the one with the other time with tyme and age with age shal perceyue most wonderfull causes For in the text are they onely proponed in effecte and promised to folow in their seasons and so ratified with the other scriptures but in the cronicles they are euidently seene by all ages fulfilled Yet is the text a lyght to the cronycles and not the cronicles to the text Unto
nothing thou estéemest the pryde the ryches the vayne glorie and the wanton desires of this worlde yet arte thou rych for the kingdome of heauē is thyne For with Abraham Iob Moyses and Helyas in thy hart thou séekest the only glorie of God and with all these things most highly am I pleased 6 But this pleaseth me not that thou for my wordes sake arte so blasphemed of vngodly hypocrites which call themselues Iewes and are not which boast thēselues for the peculyar people chosē childrē of God are nothyng lesse but are without fayle the cōgregatiō of Sathan the tyrānous rable of rauenous ruffyans 7 Certayne it is that by such spyrituall tyrauntes thou must sustain opprobrious rebukes with manifold afflictions and paynes But let neyther their subtile sleights nor their cruell snares be troublous vnto thy mynde Neyther doubt thou their false practises nor yet their vengeable lyes whō both thou must suffer with hate slaunder reuylings false witnesse spight shame and vengeaūce Considering this paciently to lyue in Christ is to suffer persecution and that among those belly gods nothing is more to be looked for thē the crosse of contradiction and death 8 And take this for a warning afore hād The diuil doubtlesse which is the common aduersarie and the head capitayne of their empyre shall with vyolence bryng some of you not only vnder the captiuitie of cruel gouernours but also into the thraldome of wicked lawes and damnable constitutions yea and consequētly throw you into prison chaynes sorow hunger thirst colde pouertie care and wretchednesse to tempte your hartes to trie your pacience to prooue your sufferaunce to trouble your faith least ye shuld els stedfastly stand by Christes doctrine to his glorie and profite of your brethren 9 But let this solase you for the time Theyr malice shall not alwayes endure Their mischiefe will haue an ende For though ye haue here trybulation and suffer gréeuous persecution he ye sure it shall no longer continue then .x. dayes The terme of mans lyfe is but shorte And that once finished God shall wype away from him all teares and take away all sorowes and bodily paynes 10 Perseuer therefore stedfastlye and be strong in the spirite vnto the ende Let not faith faile thée vnto the departing from this transitorious life 11 And I shall replenishe thée with the reward of faythful perseuerāce I will giue thée the crowne of eternall lyfe with full tranquilitie ioye and beatitude 12 Let him that hath eares of vnderstāding with diligence attend not what the Hipocrites hath fantasied for lucre but what the holy spirite of God doth here graciously vtter vnto the christian congregations 13 He that so constantly perseuereth in the trueth of God that neyther flattering persuasion worldely promotion nor cruel tormēt can plucke his mynde from it shall neuer take harme of the second death For the death of them which truly beleueth is precious in the sight of the Lord their God Neither shal sinne be imputed to him that hath faith nor yet dampnation to them which are in Christ Iesu. THE TEXT 1 And vnto the Angell of the congregation in Pergamos vvryte 2. This saith he vvhich hath the sharp svverd vvith the tvvo edges 3. I knovv thy vvorkes vvhere thou dvvellest Euen vvhere Sathans seat is 4 And thou keepest my name and haste not denyed my faith 5. And in those dayes Antipas vvas a faithfull vvitnesse of myne vvhich vvas slayn among you vvhere Sathan dvvelleth 6. But I haue a fevve things against thee 7. That thou hast there them that maynteyne the doctrine of Balaam vvhich taught Balaac to put occasiō of sinne before the children of Israell that they shoulde eate of the meate dedycate vnto Idols and to commit fornication 8. Euen so hast thou them that maintein the doctrine of the Nicolaytans vvhich thyng I hate 9. But be conuerted or els I vvill come vnto thee shortlye 10. And vvill fight against them vvith the svverd of my mouth 11. Let him that hath eares heare vvhat the spirite sayeth vnto the congregations 12. To him that ouercommeth vvil I giue to eate Manna that is hid 13. And vvill giue him a vvhyte stone 14. And in the stone a nevv name vvritten 15. Which no man knovveth sauyng hee that receyueth it THE PARAPHRASE 1 Fayle in no wyse good Iohn sayd the sayd Lorde Iesus Christ consequently to make known to the christian Preacher of the congregation of Pergamos which though shée remayne here beneth vpon earth yet is she the very high building of God many times assaulted and striken of the wicked for confessing his truth but neuer yet ouerthrowen nor vtterly distroyed This Church is not only highe through grace fayth the word of God the spirite of God the inuincible veritie and all other graces and gifts of the holy ghost but also for the glorie of the name of god for the strength of his power for the secret misteries of his heauenly iudgements for the most constant assertion of his godly truth 2 Shew hir this heauenly message from him which hath frō his mouth procéeding a fine sweard sharpe edged on both the sides whereby is meant his mightie worde so effectuall quicke and strong in operation that the infallible iudgements therof doeth not only condemne but also distroy vtterly all falsehood filthines lyes lewdnesse and wickednesse 3 By my euerlasting foresight saith the Lord I know thy christē works and for thy faithes sake I allow thē and prayse them I perceyue also where thou doest remayne dwell euen where as is the resting place of Sathan and the verie kingdome of the diuill whereas Gods heauenly word is oppressed contemned and blasphemed of the infidels tyrants and hypocrites 4 But I much commend thée that thou dwellyng among them and sustayning dayly persecution and rebukes hast so strongly perseuered in the truth that thou hast neither denyed my name nor forsaken my fayth 5 And speciallye in those terryble dayes wherein that godly preacher and faythfull witnesse of myne called Antipas among other was most cruelly murdred and slayne yea before your faces to put you the more in feare least ye should still confesse my name word to the hindraunce of Sathans kingdome for there hée dwelleth in déed There is his seate his trone his habitacle 6 Notwithstanding all these faithfull poyntes yet haue I somewhat against thée wherin thou art rebuke worthie 7 For thou arte conuersaunt with them that contrarie to their christen profession support the execrable doctryne of that subtile sothsayer cursed ●harmer Balaā which by pestilent coūsel caused kīg Balaac to prouoke the children of Israell to work wickednesse and so to haue the cursse of God through this occasion He shuld set before their eyes the most fayre damsels of the Madianytes precyously apparelled And they once tangled with their wanton beautie should not only defile
the lawes of theyr fathers by the eatyng of meats dedicate to vncleane Idols but also fall into the high displeasure of god for committing with them most vile fornication Suche vnholsome teachers are among thy people take héede if thou list 8 Thou arte also verye familiar with such vngodly Apostates false Apostles as mayntayne the vncomely examples teachings of the Nycolaytanes which corruptyng godly maryage not only permit their own wyues to be common but also they abashe not to defyle the wyues of other men Whose damnable doyngs I detest and abhorre 9 I counsell thée therefore to repent in tyme and to bee conuerted frō the errors of those couetous gluttōs rauenous lechours which cōdemyning holy matrimony permit all kyndes of vncleannesse and nothing more gréedily deuour thā that is offred vp to Idolles in their dedycations and feastes Call backe these abuses with swéete teachings exhortations desires and patient rebukes els will I within a while visite thée to thy displeasure 10 Yea and I will valiauntly fight agaynst those Balaamitanes which giue false coūsel for filthie rewards and agaynst those Nicolaytanes that chaunge holy wedlocke for whoredome And with the swerde of my mouth which is the inuincible veritie shall I iudge them condemne them and vtterly distroy them with all those shauen Madyanites that with their whorishe inuentions paynted traditions and ceremonyall supersticions hath takē from me my most deare Israelytes bought with my precious bloud With the breath of my mouth shal I consume thée and bring thée to naught 11 Let him that hath but one eare of iust vnderstandyng take gentle warnyng by such charitable premonishments as the holy spirite of God giueth vnto the christen cōgregations 12 To him that through constante fayth in the name doctrine of God neither feareth the world sin death hel nor the diuil will I giue to tast eate and sauer an hidden manna a secret sweetnesse a wisdome in the spirite that he shall féele the goodnesse thereof and reioyce to knowe how swéete the Lord is and what an heauenly treasure it is to trust in him Which manna is hid from the wyse of this world 13 I will also giue him for a token of perpetuall peace and loue that pure and precious stone Iesus Christ so white as the lillie floure innocent and cleane frō all contagious vices to be his only whole wisdom rightuousnesse light health and redemption 14 And in the said white stone Iesus Christ which is also the booke of lyfe will I gyue him a newe name written I shall register him for the chyld of God and the heyre of lyfe euerlasting For in him alone must ye be accepted saued and glorified 15 Of this no man is certayne but he that is taught of the spirit of God No man can say Iesus is the Lorde but in the holy ghost By the spiryte of adoption ye cry Abba father The onely spirit of the Lord ascertaineth your spirit that ye are the sonnes of God THE TEXT 1. And vnto the Angell of the congregation of Thiatyra vvryte 2. This saith the sonne of God vvhich hath his eyes lyke vnto a flame of fyre 3. vvhose feete are lyke brasse 4. I knovve thy vvorkes and thy loue and thy seruice and thy faith and thy pacience and thy deeds 5. vvhich are mo at the last then at the first 6. Notvvithstanding I haue a fevv things agaynst thee 7. that thou suffrest that vvoman Iesabell vvhich calleth hyr selfe a Prophetisse 8. To teache and to deceyue my seruauntes to make them commytte fornication and to eate meates offered vp vnto Idols 9. And I gaue hir space to repent of hir fornication and shee repented not 10. Beholde I will caste hir into a bed 11. And them that commit fornication with hir 12. Into great aduersitie excepte they turne from their deedes 13. And I wil kil hir children with death 14. And all the congregations shall know that I am he which sercheth the reynes and hartes 15. And I will giue vnto euerie one of you according to your workes THE PARAPHRASE 1 Delay not cōsequently my louing friende Iohn sayeth the Lorde expresly to manifest with penne vnto the pastour of the elect congregation of Thiatyra which is frō these low partes here a sweete smellyng sacrifice vnto God of labour and contrytion in the olde aged man and bodie of death For shee detesteth the vanities of this world shée forsaketh the fruites of the fleshe shée renounceth the cōcupiscēce of the eyes shée mortifieth hir mortall mēbers she slayeth hir sensuall affects and rendreth vp hir selfe vnto hir Lord God as a lylyuing holy and acceptable offering 2 Geue vnto that contrite and feruent congregacion this comfort Tel hir that this saythe the dearely beloued and natural sonne of god which hath his eyes of godly wysdome and knowledge so lyuely effectuall as a flame of fyre that he séeth all thinges and nothing can passe from his righteousnesse in iudgement 3 Whose féete or charitable affections towardes man are lyke vnto Brasse brent in a fornace For his most innocent manhoode by his own agréement suffred here for his sake manyfolde affllictions and paines 4 For so much as all thinges are open to myne eyes and nothing can be hid from me saith that lord I perceue thy fruitefull workes I sée thy neighbourly christen loue I cōsider thy liberall heart and hande to the poore thy faythfull exhortacions thy feruent spirit in the Lorde thy pacient sufferaunce in aduersitie for the truethes sake and thy other godly déedes beside 5 I marke it also that thou shrinkest not in them but rather goest forward with increase For now at the last are they more effectual plēteous then they were at the fyrst which greatly delighteth mée 6 Neuerthelesse yet I haue somewhat to say against thée For though I iudge thée much to be cōmended yet finde I thée not without faulte 7 Thou peaceably permittest without resistance that cruel woman and abhominable strūpet Iesabel which is the malignaunt church and Sinagoge of Sathan which is not ashamed to boast hir selfe a prophetisse a publisher of the truth and maynteiner of Gods seruyce yea the mother of holy church hir selfe 8 Under that pretence to set foorth diuilish doctrine to aduaunce pernicious errours and colour false lyes in hypocrisie To the intent shee might therewith not only deceyue my faithful seruaūts but also bring them into such trade of wyckednes that they should not force to commit whoredome in the spirite by fallyng vnto straunge worshippings and to eate of Idoll offerings in consenting to wicked lawes and blasphéemous tradytions of olde dotyng Hypocrytes 9 I haue giuen to that wicked congregatiō many holsome premonishments and warnings with conuenient respyte to remember hir follie and repent hir detestable wayes of liuing least she should perish but she will in no wyse bee sorie repent
thee as a theefe 13. and thou shalt not knovve vvhat houre I vvill come vpon thee 14. Thou hast a fevv names in Sardis 15. vvhich haue not defyled their garmentes 16. and they shall vvalke vvith me in vvhite for they are vvorthie 17. Hee that ouercommeth shall bee clothed in vvhyte aray 18. and I vvill not put out his name out of the booke of lyfe 19. and I vvill confesse his name before my father and before his Angelles 20. Let him that hath eares heare vvhat the spirit sayeth vnto the cōgregations THE PARAPHRASE 1 ●Hou shalte also so shortly as may conuenyently be sayeth the Lord to his peculyar seruaunt saint Iohn take paynes by an Epistle to admonishe the watche man or Curate of the chosen congregation of Sardis which though it bee of verie slender reputation before the eyes of the wyse riche and strong men of thys world yet is it precious in the sight of God for so muche as it was prysed bought redéemed by the greatest paiment that euer was euē by the precious bloud of the vndefiled lambe and immaculate sonne of God Iesus Christ. Hee it was that laboured hungred thursted faynted accordyng to the weakenesse of the humayne nature finally suffred blasphemies curses scornes lyes persecutions rebukes with the most paynful death of his body at the latter to deliuer hir make hir attonement and restore hir agayne to the fauour of God 2 Fynde the meanes that she may know sayth the Lord Iesus that this is to hir the message of admonishment or warning from him which hath in his power to distribute at his pleasure the seuen spirits of God or the the vnyuersall gyftes of the holye ghost 3 And hath also in his right hande the vii starres which are the byshoppes or preachers of all congregacions with full authoritie power to hold them styll or to throw them forth to glorifie them if they be faythfull ministers of his worde or to damne thē for euer if they be deceiuable hipocrites and for lucre prefer theyr owne croked inuencions 4 Thou workest not so secretlye saith that Lord but I know thy déedes and perceiue wher about thou goest For vnto me all secretes are open cléere manifest When thou thinkest I doe not perceue than sée I thée most of all 5 Thou hast a name of lyfe an outward shew of vertue of goodnesse a shyning pretēce of much holinesse yet art thou before God a dead rotten Idol full of hipocrisie and falsehood Men thinke thée a godly creature yet art thou nothing lesse 6 Awake therefore quickly frō thy more then idle imaginaciōs fickle sophismes and take vnto thée fayth and spirit Watch vpon thy cure and sée to theyr profit 7 Considre that thy wayes in the outwarde letter hath made my people weake faint and féeble left them at the very poynt of death Strengthen thē now a newe with that which is effectual strong sure lyuely true and necessary which is the sincere veritie and faith least thou peryshe with the wicked 8 For though thou hast the godlie gifte of prophesie with the grace of vnderstanding and iudgement yet haue I founde thy workes vngodly and thy doings vyle and abhominable before God my celestiall father For thou haste bene inwardly corrupt with auaryce and ambition like as was Balaam the deceiptful Prophet and wicked soothsayer 9 It becommeth the iudge to know afore what he shal iudge which hath caused me to searche out thy carnall and myserable wayes Call therfore vnto thy remembraunce howe thou by the singular gift of God haste receyued his word and heard his Gospel which is the kingdome of health at the verie mouth of his Apostles 10 And for so muche as thou haste not estemed it according to the worthinesse therof nor yet bene thankfull vnto God for such an heauenly gift but rather swynishly troden it vnder thy féete and currishly persecuted his faithfull seruauntes for it haue remorse in thy conscience and once agayne set sure hands vpon it embrace it holde it fast and faithfully beleue it repēt from the hart thy vngodly vsages past and from hēcefoorth liue according vnto it 11 If thou wilt not doe so taking of me this gentle warning and watch as one vncertayne of the houre of death liuing as thou wouldest dye by and by 12 I shall as doeth the théefe in the nyght come vpon thée vnlooked for with death shall I distroy thée vnbewares so shall hell and damnation swalow thée vp for euer 13 And thou shalt neither know the day nor the houre the tyme nor the mynute that I will thus fiercely come vpon thée iustly suppresse thée accordyng to thy vngodly deseruings 14 And in spight of thy cruell hart yet are there a fewe new brethren and louers of the truth in the citie of Sardis though theyr number bée but small which are so déere vnto god that he hath regestred theyr names in the booke of lyfe 15 These hath for no painted speach glosing promisse suggestiō nor threatning ones soyled theyr garments with thy dyrtie ceremonies nor defyled theyr cōuersacion with thy beggerly tradytions In the myddest of the wicked and froward generacion theyr hartes are towards me my word 16 Wherfore by promisse they shal walk with me in white their faults shal neuer be imputed vnto thē their sinnes shal be wyped cleane away I wil cléere them restore them to parpetual innocencie make them partakers with me in euerlasting felicitie glory For doubtlesse they are worthy for my will forsaking theyr owne will and leauinge the corrupt wayes of men to folow my sincere worde 17 He that after this sort ouercommeth perseuering in the faith therof to the latter ende of his lyfe shall be sure of these thrée benefits He shall be clothed with me in white apparel made innocent and pure incorruptible impassible and immortall 18 I will in no wyse put his name out of the booke of lyfe nor separate him from the predestinate number of them which shall be saued but associate him with the rightuous 19 And besides all this I will earnestly witnesse hym confesse hym and allow him by name before my heauenly father and all his company of Angelles for one of myne to haue the inheritaunce with mée 20 Let him that hath eares in no case be dull or slacke in hearing but diligently attende and marke what the spirite of God doeth héere vtter before the congregations to theyr singular warning and comfort THE TEXT 1. And vvryte vnto the Angell of the congregacion of Philadelphia 2. This sayeth he that is holie and true 3. vvhich hath the keye of Dauid 4. vvhich openeth and no man shutteth and shutteth no man openeth 5. I knovv thy vvorkes 6. Beholde I haue set before thee an open dore and no man can shut it 7. For thou hast ● little strength hast kept my
our offences tooke away the sinnes of the world He was that méek Lambe prefigured in the law whom the faithfull fathers so earnestly desired He was that gentle Lamb that was caried away to be slayne and that opened not his mouth before the shearer This Lambe standeth vp euermore for vs before God as our onely medyator aduocate peace maker Sauiour helper counsellour defender and teacher 13 This Lambe had seuen hornes which betokeneth his stronge and infinit power vertue victory kingdom glory bounteousnesse and maiestie with such lyke and in the whole his vniuersall reigne 14 He had also seauen eyes whiche are all the powers graces fruites of the holy ghost called héere the seuē spirits of God For so much as they are the singuler gifts of him whiche is his essenciall spirit And them he hath sent by his apostles other godly preachers into the seuen climates of the erth or vniuersal world the people with them to be replenished These are wisdome vnderstandinge counsell strength knowledge pittie the fear of god These are also loue ioy peace pacience gentlenesse goodnes fayth méekenesse long suffering cleannes and temperance with diuersitie of tongues interpretacion prophecie cures healings miracles and iudgement of spirits 15 And the sayd Lambe came foorth as one through méekenesse hauyng victorie ouer sinne death hell hée reuerently tooke the sayd booke from the right hand of him that sate vpon the throne Which made me anon to consider that the heauenly father had giuen vp vnto him the whole admynistration of his spirituall kingdom with all aucthoritie power in heauen and earth to open or to speare to choose or to reiect to take or to refuse to saue or to loose to rewarde or to dampne For he it was that first opened the vnderstanding of men that they might perceyue the scriptures He it was that sent the holy spirite of God to deduce them into all veritie and gaue them grace to instructe all people He it is also that shall thorowe them into euerlasting fire with the diuil his Angels that resist the same THE TEXT 1 And when he had taken the booke the liij beastes and the .xxiiij. elders 2. fel dovvn before the Lambe hauing harpes 3. golden vialles full of odours vvhich are the prayers of the Saincts 4. they sung a nevv song saying 5 Thou arte vvorthie to take the booke 6. and to open the seales therof 7. For thou wert killed 8. and hast redemed vs by thy bloud out of all kinreds tongs and people and nacions 9. and hast made vs vnto our God Kings and priestes 10. and vve shall reigne on the earth The Paraphrase 1 And when he had receyued the sayd booke of the hande of God with full authoritie and power the iiij beasts or the present protestours of the veritie here liuing in the world and the xxiiij Elders or auncient witnesses of the same departed cleane from thys worlde as were the olde fathers the Patryarkes Prophetes and Apostles méekly submitted them selues before the Lamb much reioysinge in his triumphant victorye for them 2 They fell downe before him they praysed hym they worshipped hym they gaue thanks and recognised him for their mercifull Lorde and Sauiour hauing in their handes harmonious harpes which there represented the melody of their faithfull soules or the inward reioyce that they had in faith of the eternal verytie of god For that is the agréeable concord and swéet harmony that he most delighteth in And as well had they harpes that were long afore Christe as had they that folowed hym the effecte of hys death being equall to them both So wel reioysed Abraham which saw him a farre of as did Iohn Baptist which shewed him persent 3 Each one of them had also in hys hand a golden viall full of swéete odours whiche is a faithfull harte to God full of swéete desires and wholsome praiers whiles they liued here And these vessels of prayer or harts of the faithfull beléeuers couetinge mercy to themselues and all other were very precious pleasaunt and beautifull in the sighte of the Lorde which onely desireth the harte 4 They sang also with their instruments a new songe of reioyce recording the great benefit of God They vttered the glad tidinges of peace They published the Gospel of Christ. They told of his comming They declared him present past This songe was euer new vnto flesh bloud It séemed very strange yea and folish to the children of this worlde yet is it the power of God vnto saluation for euery one that beléeueth Now it is also for so much as it nothing alloweth in our aged man of sinne but alwayes calleth vpon renouation in the spirite 5 This was the conclusion of that song Thou alone swéete Lord sayde they art founde worthye to take the Booke to receiue power and administration of the kingdome of God 6 Thou only art able to opē the seale● thereof to take from vs all impediments of darknesse hypocrisie lyes ignoraunce wilfulnesse blindnesse and sinne and to deduce vs into all godly knowledge 7 For thou wert not only despised and wounded but most cruelly slaine for our offences whereby thou hast obtained our perpetuall peace and attonement with god 8 Thou hast clerely redéemed vs out all spirituall bondage by the price of thy bloude and by the vertue of thy passion and death thou hast gathered vs together into one kingdom of God from all the nacions of the world and hast chosen vs out of all kinreds languages peoples of the vniuersall earth Thou hast made vs also pertakers with thée in thy peculyer vnction that we are now called Christians 9 Thou hast annoynted vs Kinges by the gift of true faith to haue victory ouer sinne death the deuil and cōsecrate vs priests by the grace of thy holy spirite to offer vp our selues and vndefiled sacrifice vnto our euerlasting God So that we are now the chosen kinred the kingely pristhoode the holy generation the peculyer peple that should manifest the workes of thée which hast called vs out of darknesse into the merueilous light 10 And by the benifit of thy onely grace and goodnesse we shall raigne prosperously on the earth not héere wher as is sorow care penury scarsnesse and death but our porcion shal be in the pleasant land of the lyuing where as is the peace ioy tranquilitie comfort and life euerlasting THE TEXT 1 And I behelde 2. And herde the voyce of many angelles about the throne and about the beastes and the elders 3. And I harde thousand thousandes saying with a loude voyce 4. Worthye is the Lambe that was killed to receaue power and riches and wisdome and strength and honoure and glorye and blessinge 5. And all creatures vvhiche are in Heauen 6. And on the earth 7 And vnder the earth 8 And in the sea and all that are in
for newe promotions Euermore they compassed to augment their dignyties Continuall was their study to get preheminēce to win honour and to obtayne superiorytie not withoute the destruction of kingdomes the vtter decay of communalties and vnspeakeable murther of peoples Iohn the Archebyshoppe of Constantinople contended to be the vniue●sal Patriarke Boniface the thirde of that name Byshoppe of Rome tooke vpon hym to be the head Byshoppe of all the worlde and Gods onely Uicar in earth Mahomet boasted hym selfe to be the great Prophete and messenger of GOD. Thus was Christes coate withoute seame among them deuided and his church most rufully dispersed Thus out of the corrupted depraued scriptures tooke the Iewes their Talmud the Saracens their Alchorane and the Byshops their popish lawes and decrées Then folowed innumerable sectes of perdicion vnder the romishe pope in Europa vnder Mahomet the false Prophet in Afryca and vnder prester Iohn in Asia whiche with their execrable tradicions and rules banished Christ and his pure doctrin for euer Than set they vp songe in the church with Latine seruice bell ringing and Organ playinge Than builded they monasteries auaunced Images inuented purgatorye not without many strange reuelacions Than came in that ceremony that as sensing of Images Procession and holy water with candles ashes and palmes Than were shauen crownes commaunded holy ornaments deuised mariage and meates inhibited and hallowing of churches practised At the last crepte in the worshipping of reliques and shrines with holy oyle and creame with the paschall and paxe with feastes and dedications with latines masses dirges for the dead and many great miracles followed Thā were kings deposed and made Moonkes Emperours put downe and parrish priests set vp No gospell might then be taught but to maintaine this ware for aduantage Uniuersities were then builded and generall studies founded the worlde ouer with all kindes of crafty learning to vpholde this new Christen relygyon or prestish supersticion The Antichristes thus spred and theyr kyngdome well set forwarde the light was cléerely extincted and darknesse ouer wente the whole worlde 1 Much meruayled alwayes the poore chosen flock of christ and were greatlye troubled in their mindes to beholde this great confusion tyll the Lorde opened vnto them the fourth seale of his booke in the which all was written from the begining In that Seale openinge the Lorde shewed what the head rulers of his Church were euen very hypocrites rightly compared vnto a pale Horse For after their dissembling manner they shewed sad countinaunces outwardlye to appeare fastinge and babled very much to séeme deuonte men 2 And as the Lambe had opened the fowrth Seale sayeth Saincte Iohn I hard the voyce of the fowrth beast which séemed vnto me an Egle representing those godly beléeuers that are most highly desirous of the glorye of GOD. 3 Come hyther sayde that voice Note what thou shalt sée here enprent it well in thy minde 4 And sa I looked foorth I behelde a pale Horse whome I tooke for the vniuersall Synagoge of hypocrites or dissembling church of Antichriste pale as men without health bleyk as men without that freshe lyfe which is in Christ Iesu. 5 The name of hym which sate vpon this pale Horse was death for their doctrine is death and dampnation What bringeth hypocrisye with hym but destruction of health What carrieth dissimulation but the vtter decay of lyfe Are their last fruites any other then confusion and dyspayre 6 For why hell commeth after them to swallowe in those that are taught by them Eternall dampnation doth folow them to eate them vp for euer whome they shall deceiue Such is the finall rewarde of those cursed hypocrits that treadeth down Gods truth and destroyeth his word vnder a fayned pretence of the contrarye God graunt them therefore once to open their eyes and to consider it that they are the Horses of death least Hell héere after deuoure them 7 Unto these gaudish hypocrites and beastly Antichristes whith are the horse of death and carieth all to darknesse and dampnation power is geuen whiche is the sufferaunce of God vpon the fourth parte of the earth A great part of the world shall they destroy much people by thē shal perish and be lost 8 After diuers sortes shall they depriue them of the lyfe euerlastyng Some shal they slay with the sword of their false doctrine hauing a glorious shine of wisdome in supersticion and deuilishnesse Some shall they famishe for wante of GODS true worde whiche is the bread of Chyldren and the lyuinge foode of the soule 9 Some will they also poyson with the contagious leauen of their pestilent lawes and tradicions which are dayly ministred taught by the vile vermine of the earth their suffraganes Archedecons officials doctors ministers false preachers curates persons parrish priests and religions verye beastly both of lyfe and studye Lorde ones delyuer from these deceiptfull and rauenous wolues whiche are neuer satisfied thy poore seruants that confesse thy holy name Amen THE TEXT 1 And when he opened the fift seale 2 I saw vnder the aulter 3. The soules of them that were killed for the word of God and for the testimony which they had 4. And they cried with a loude voyce saying 5. How long taryest thou 6 Lord holy and true to iudge 7. And to auenge our bloude on them that dwell on the earth 8. And lōg white garments were geuen vnto euery one of thē 9. And it vvas saide vnto thē 10. That they shoulde rest for a litle season 11. vntill the number of their felowes and brethren 12. And of them that shoulde be killed as they were were fulfilled The Paraphrase 1 Euident it is by that hath ben séene and sayde afore in these fowre horses what the estate of the christen church was is now in these latter dayes Such horrible confusion hath the Antichristes made with their wicked lawes and decrées and with their deceiptfull doctrine of errours and lies to vpholde their filthy kingdome of pryde slouth hypocrisie and beastlynes that scarcely is any thing cleane pure and godly Now do they nothing but slea None other studye haue they in these dayes but to persecut emprison and famish to burn head and hang. Now haue they obtayned to enter the iudgement hall and to syt vpon lyfe death without defiling of thēselues Now may they both a accuse and iudge both indite and condempne yet not soyle their consecrate handes If any controle their customes or say against their witchcraftes they are ready to run ouer hym with death whom they carye to slea both soule and bodye 1 This hath the Lord shewed in mistery vnto Iohn in the fift seale openinge by whom are ment the true Christen beléeuers at this time so well as at al other times sence Christes assension 2 And when the Lambe opened the fift seale or declared in
great tribulacion 7. and made theyr garments large 8. and made them whyte in the bloud of the Lambe 9. Therfore are they in the presence of the seate of God 10. and serue him day and night in his Temple 11. And he that sitteth in the seate will dvvell among them 12. They shall hūger no more neyther thurst 13. Neyther shall the sunne light on them 14. neither any heate 15. For the Lambe vvhich is in the mids of the seate shall feede them 16. and shall lead them vnto fountaynes of liuing water 17. And God shall vvype avvay all teares from their eyes The Paraphrase 1 And one of the auncyent elders sayth sainct Iohan made aunswere vnto that whiche I was inwardlye most desirous to knowe concernyng this innumerable multytude saying vnto me by maner of question 2 What are these comely persons which are thus beutifully apparelled in long whyte garmentes large and fayre And from whence came they as thou supposest 3 And I as one ignoraunt of the misteries of God of myne owne nature without the speciall gifte of hym answeared after this sorte 4 Syr thou wottest what they are and from whence they come by such knowledge as the Lorde hath giuen thée 5 And hée sayde agayne vnto mée thus 6 These are they which come vnto Christ by fayth out of the great trybulacion of worldly wickednes fleshly cares and disquieted consciences 7 Abhorring the doctrine of mens inuencions they set sure holde vpō the liuing word of the Lord. There fette they out forgiuenesse of their sinnes and made their garmentes large to couer theyr olde deformities 8 They washed their lyues in the sorowes of repentaunce and fashyoned theyr déedes to his swéete lawes and commaundementes They made their garments white in the precious bloud of the Lambe beléeuing to bée purified by the meryte of his death 9 And therfore are they at this time in the presence of his maiestie accepted takē and alowed for the citizens of heauen 10 They serue him day nyght in the Temple of their soules and they prayse his glorious name in spirite for euer more 11 The Lord that sitteth on the throne will alwayes dwell among them as their most mightie defendor theyr solace and their comforte 12 The spirit shall so refresh them they shall no more hunger nor thirst Though concupiscence dwel in them they shall desire none euill 13 Neither shall the sunne so lyght on them which is this worldes prosperitie that they shall forget theyr Lord God at any season 14 No heat shall hurt them nor aduersitie of this worlde ouercome thē but in that they suffer or doe all thyngs shall worke to the best 15 For the innocent Lambe Christ which is in the middest of the seat or the cōgregacion of God by his word shall norish féede releue thē with hys promise shal preserue comfort lead them by his spirit Yea he shall so order them they shall haue néede of nothyng And if he bée their light health and strength of whom should they be afrayed 16 He shall bring them vnto the foūtaynes of the lyuing waters make them such well springs as shall flow vp into the lyfe euerlasting His doctrine must doe it and none other for none commeth to the father but by him 17 And God shall wype away all teares frō their eyes Aduersitie shall be vnto them a very consolacion No sorows shal they care for no tormēts shall they regard no troubles nor yet death shall they feare but thinke in their hartes alwayes that the suffrings of this lyfe are nothing to the glorie to come The aforesayde elder myght séeme to be Iacob whose prophecie might tell Iohn that Christ should washe his garment in wine and hys mantel in the blud of grapes So might it be Dauid or Esay which also confirmeth the same In this as in a glasse may be séene what they are afore god that at this present age or vnder this sixe seale opening vnfaynedly cleueth to his word foloweth it in effect and liueth accordyng vnto it Fyrst they are cléere afore God and no sinne shall be imputed vnto them for their faithes sake Consequently they are deliuered of a troublous cōscience The Lambe hath restored them to innocency God accepteth them for his children These séeke no doctryne but the scrypture They serue God in spirite and in no deade thinges They hunger not for mens tradycions they thirst not for hipocrites good works they are well and fully contented with the Lambe They séeke no prosperitie neyther care they for aduersitie The word of God is their gyde and therein they minde to depart None other but such are sealed vnto god nor none els walk before him in whyte garmentes The viij Chapter THE TEXT 1 And when he had opened the seuenth seale 2. there was silence in heauen about the space of halfe an houre 3 And I savv seuen Angels 4. standing before God 5. And to them vvere giuen seuen Trompettes 6. And an other Angell came 7. and stood before the aulter 8. hauing a golden censer 9. And much of odours vvas giuen vnto hym 10. that he should offer of the prayers of all saynctes vpon the golden aulter 11. vvhich vvas before the seate 12. And the smoke of the odours vvhich came of the prayers of the Sainctes ascended vp before God out of the Angelles hande 13. And the Aungell tooke the censer and filled it vvith fyre of the aulter 14. and cast it into the earthe 15. And voices were made and thunderings lightnings 16. and great earthquake 17 And the seuen Angels vvhich had the seuē trumpets 18 prepared them selues to blovv The Paraphrase 1 2 This silence shall endure but half an houre space whiche may bée the thousande yeares that are spoken of héere afore consideryng that all the age after Christ is but the last houre and a thousand yeares before God is but as the day that is paste In the time of this swéete silence shall Israell be reuyued the Iewes shall bée conuerted the Heathen shall come in agayne Christ will séeke vp his lost shéepe and bryng hym agayne to hys folde that they maye appeare one flock lyke as they haue one shepeherde 3 And I sawe sayeth sainct Iohn seuen Angels standing before the maiestie of God which signifieth the preachers of his worde for the seuen seuerall times of the vij seales opening to euerie seale corresponding an Angell For all that the preachers hath done from the beginning of the Gospell to the tyme of this last seale opening shall then appeare at once In that day sayeth Esay the Trumpet shall be blowen they that were lost shall come from the Ascirians the scattered flocke shall come from Egypt worship the Lord in Ierusalem 4 These Angels stoode before the presence of God as mynisters of acceptacion readie to execute his heauenly will and commaundement 5 And to them was giuen
the fleshe els but death What are theyr practises but fighting weapons against lyfe They had licence to deceyue and leysure to doe mischief in outward things as had Sathan vpon the body of Iob. But no doubt the goodnesse of God yet preserued the inwarde soules of many simple Iobbes for tyme of that daungerous world 5 And whē they had opened the bottomlesse pit with the key of their false doctrine there wēt vp a black filthie ayre as it had bene the smoke of a great fornace There arose all errours lyes heresies supersticions idolatrie couetousnesse pryde incontinencie falsehood hypocrisie with all other filthinesse which are the fruits of hell and they wēt abroad the world ouer Thus hath these cursed Apostates the pope his Chaplaynes the keyes in deed not of heauen but of hell They may open but they can not spear againe vnlesse they spear from heauē as they doe alwayes They may hurt but they can not heale they may distroy but they can not help they may well dampne but they can not saue For the nature of their keye is onely to make blinde obstinate foolyshe harde harted and euer more worse and worse He onely giueth light grace faith health He taketh away all darkenesse and sinne which hath the keye of Dauid For he alone hath trodē down the wyne presse hauyng the whole victorie ouer death sinne hell and the diuill He hath power onely to speare vp both death and hell The fyre of Gods wrath they be not able to quench The smoke of the dyuils malyce and continuall wickednesse they be not able to kéepe downe Eua could not wtstād one simple suggestiō of Sathan A smal taste of this smoke lost Adam with his whole posteritie And now these Antichristes hath filled the world with it For what is it els but wicked perswasions a learning of diuilles and a doctryne contrarie to y● doctryne of God poysoning all destroying all leading vnto hell 6 The sun by this smoke was darkened so was the holesome ayre The Gospell they defiled with their false interpretacions Gods word they corrupted with their gloses cōmentaries and postilles They myngled the scriptures with the dirtie dregges of their own lawes tradicions and olde rotten customes of their popishe fathers So that in the church no good ayre could be had no swéete smell of the truth could be found There was much ydoll worshipping strange crying and lippe labouring sensing fooling charming crossing mowyng and iugling gasing knéeling knockyng but no true Gospell preaching 7 Out of this pestilent smoke came innumerable locustes a verie monstruous vermyne and horrible to behold créeping ouer all the earth These were the disguised swarme of Cardynalles mytred Bishoppes doctours shauen priestes Abbottes Moonkes Chanons Fryers Nunnes sisters and heremites in read white russet graie blacke blewe and all other colours Of these were the Benedictines the Bernardines Gerondines Gilbertines Celestines Scopetines Grādimontensers Camaldulensers Cruniacensers Premonstratensers Carthusianes Carmelitanes Ambrosianes Rhodianes Gregorianes Purgatoryanes Guilhelmytes Iesuites Iohannites Hieronimites Niniuits Cellites Thaborits Templars Hospitelers Crucigers Augustinianes Dominicianes Franciscanes Brygydanes Basilianes of Iosaphats valley and of the dark alley and suche other with innumerable swarmes of them euerie where Peter prophecyed afore of thys smokie multitude when hée gaue warnyng that there should come into the Christen church false teachers which priuily should bring in damnable sectes denying the Lord that bought them and many should follow their damnable wayes thorough whom the truth should haue ill reporte But fewe hath marked that warning 8 And vnto these noysome locustes was poure giuen but yet none other poure then haue the scorpyons of the earth whose craftie nature is fyrst to créepe softely then gréeuouslye to sting last of all to venim Thys pestilent vermine God hath suffred for the wickednes of his people first flatteringly to créepe to dissemble glose glose and speak fayre promising prosperitie victorie long lyfe and heauen after this departing And by such meanes gote they vnder them Emperours Kings gouernours and all the world besides 9 Then did they sting their consciences with terrible dreames and visions and with fearefull reuelacions of purgatorie and of hell to buylde them vp faire houses and to lyue in wealth and pleasure Fynally they venimed their fayth with their poisoned counsayles and promyses and so tooke they from them the true hope in Christ making marchandise of them through couetousnesse faire words Thus cloistering togither like locusts they haue left nothing gréene but all they haue withered and distroyed No workes might then be vsed of Gods prescription but such as were fantasied by them for aduantage as masse founding chaunteries building priest singing Image gilding kissing of relyques prayinge to death men and such lyke And when they were once frank and fatte they stood vp togither proudly agaynst the Lord and his word THE TEXT 1 And it vvas sayde vnto them that they should not hurte the grasse of the earth neither any greene thing neyther any tree 2. but only those men vvhich haue not the seal in their foreheades 3. And to them vvas it cōmaunded that they shuld not kil them 4. but that they shuld be vexed fyue monethes 5. And their payne vvas as the payne that commeth of a Scorpion vvhen he hath stung a man 6. And in those dayes shall men séeke death and shall not finde it 7. and shall desire to dye and death shall flie from them The Paraphrase 1 Yet were they commaunded that they should in no case hurt the grasse of the earth neyther any gréen thing nor trée Though they were permytted by the sufferaunce of God to doe much mischiefe yet could they harme none but such as wanted fayth He ordayned from the beginning alwayes to saue his Neuer could Sathan hynder the soule of Iob onely did he vexe the outward carkasse and goods Where as fayth is growing true hope in Christ springing and workes of charitie fructifying they shall doe no hurte by the promyse of God Where the gift of the spirite aboundeth they can in no wyse preuayle If any hinderaunce doeth fall it is where fayth is wanting 2 For onely had they power vpon those men which had not the seale of God in their foreheades They onely are in perill that haue not the sure fayth And the more want they haue therof the more is their seathe when it commeth 3 Yet had those locusts in commaundement that in no wise they shoulde kill them whom they had noyed For the wil of God is that no wicked person should perishe vnlesse he resisted the holy ghost but rather to turne frō sinne and to liue 4 Onely was it permytted that they should be vexed v. moneths Only for their lyfe tyme were they suffered to ouer loade their poore consciences with their beggerly tradicions to trouble them with their trumperie to
voyce I doubt it not but the other thrée will shortly doe the same 7 The fowre yll Angels were prepared saith saint Iohn for an houre for a dae for a month and for a yéere At no time are the Antichristes vnready to doe mischiefe the hypocrits to deceiue the tiraunts to persecute and kyll Since Christes time to this day neuer ceased they but styll euermore they haue ben doyng Yet hath their fiercenesse bene more and longer at one time then at an other more vehement in some places then in some And at this time their continuance is some where longe some where short Some where is their crueltie more some wher lesse Their dayes are not alwayes alike nor their liues of one length 8 Notwithstandinge for their time they shrinke not but styll 〈◊〉 goe forward to slay the third part of men None other can the tyraunt be but a Tyraunt nor the Antichriste but an Antichriste None other parte can the hypocrite play but hys owne nor yet the spightfull murtherer Euer séeke they to kill the innocent people Euermore practise they to bringe out of the way the rightuous seruants of God taken héere for the third part of men or in the smaller number for so much as héere is neither bloud nor fyre wormwoode nor smoke 9 And the number of their horsmen lyke vnto the horsemen of armes in warre was twenty times tenne thousand or ten score thousand An innumerable multitude haue they sent forth the world ouer to deceiue and blinde to destroy and kyll Horsed they are with their beastly lawes and decrées and armed with their fierce authoritie and cruell power And who is not now an horseman of theirs and a cruell Saul making hauock of Christes poore congregation Euery where they by them and sell them betray them and accuse them persecute and emprison them indite them and burne them 10 And I heard the number of them saith sainct Iohn or knew certainly asorehand that the truth in those daies should haue many such enimies I vnderstood it in spirit I beléeued it and surely marked it vp for a warninge to them that shoulde come after 11 Consequently I saw the setting forth of them I behelde in a vision the horses frank fat and fearce which were none other then the aforsayd locustes that crept out of the smoke from the bottomlesse pytt● In the fift opening or blast of the Trumpet which was the rank time of their goynge forth they were but locustes leane bare and néedy In their beginning the Antichristes and hypocrites as Byshoppes Priestes Monkes Chanons and Fryers were poore abiecte and vntydy But vnder the sixt they grew vnto great horses They were so pampered with possessions fatted with pleasures and boldened with aucthorytie And when they were once comē into the estimacion of the worlde then waxed they high heady fierce proud and cruell Then were they horses of pleasure for Princes and worldly magistrates to carye them at theyr owne lustes for they were vnbrideded No lawes had they for them The scepture Crowne sworde and power might then passe none otherwise in Emperours and kings then they had fantasied A faut then done against them could be no lesse then both heresy and treason If they sayde but burne then must they be both drawne hanged and burned no remedye For that that toucheth thē toucheth the princes honour also to make the matter more greuouse They shoulde not els be both partners in the vengeance of God for innocent bloud shedding Yet hurt they not the rightuousnes in all their mischiefe though ●t so appeareth vnto thē for so much as their death is precious in the sight of the Lord and their dwelling place the alter of god Christ ful of rest peace 12 And the men that sate on these horses had fyerye Habbergions of a yalow and brimstone coulour The Princes and Rulers prouoked by the craftes of these false Prophetes and deceiuable teachers to ryse against Christ and his worde are armed with crueltie in vnrightuousnesse with a false charitie and with a counterfeit wisdome In the examination of causes they wyll oft tymes séeme fauourable louinge and wyse when in effect they are nothing lesse For moue them once with the truth or the quick learning of the spirit and then wyll they do as doth the Brimstone that is touched with fier They flame out their malice they spit forth their wickednesse and their filthye iudgementes stinketh the worlde ouer Many such swéet sauers of their politique wisdome or rather fleshly foolishnesie haue they left behind them in the chronicles and histories that vnwholsōly sauoreth yet to this day And this haue they of their vnbrideled horses their ghostly fathers confessours coūsellers ouer whō their selues haue neither power nor aucthoritie but as they list THE TEXT 1 And the heades of the horses were as the heades of Lyons 2. And out of theyr mouthes went foorth fyre and smoke and brymstone 3. And of these three was the thyrd parte of men killed 4. That is to saye of fyre smoke and brimstone which proceded out of the mouthes of them 5. For their power was in theyr mouthes 6. and in theyr tayles 7. For their tayles were lyke vnto Serpentes 8. and had heades and vvith them they did hurt 9. And the remnaunt of men vvhich vvere not killed by these plages 10. repented not of the deedes of theyr handes 11. that they shoulde not vvorship diuilles 12. and Images of golde and siluer brasse and stone and of vvoode 13. vvhich neyther can see neyther heare neyther goe 14. Also they repented not of theyr murther and of their vvitchcrafte 15. neyther theyr vvhoredome neyther of their thefte The Paraphrase 1 The heades of these horses were in similitude as the heades of Lyons which betokeneth their proude bold and mightie malice against gods veritie In the other age when they were but locustes they had the faces of men for some reason yet appeared in their lawes and dooings though they stoode not all with Gods word But since they grew vp in courage and becam furious horses they haue layde away those faces and nowe takē to them fierce Lions heads Now is there nothyng in them but open malice crueltie and spight Now are they termagauntes all togither and very diuilles incarnate where their dyrtie tradicions be not kepte So eger they are theyr horse men can not restraine them their princes can not rule them in suche a matter vnlesse they will be torne in péeces as many of their predecessours haue béene afore tyme both Emperours Kings and other gouernors 2 For out of theyr mouthes goeth fyre smoke brimstone Gods worde they preach not for they are become horses Their office is now to carrie whither it shall please them and to leade the princes at their lust Nowe roare they lyke Lyons with theyr great grandsyr Sathā
chosen sake Thus after S. Paul also before the Lordes cōming There must be a departing The quier or chauncell must be cast out that the man of sin the sun of perdition the aduersary exaltinge hymself aboue God may be known in his colours It may not be motē or alowed by gods word but reiected as that plant which the heauenly father hath not planted that the mistery of iniqutye may be vttered and perceiued of thē which shal be saued It must be geuen to the gentiles or addict to their supersticions with al lying power signes and wonders in all deceiuable doctrine by the subtile working of sathan They must also be permitted to do al mischif in vnrightuousnes vpō the citizens of God til he vtterly consūe thē with the mighty breath of his mouth THE TEXT 1 And I wyll geue power 2. Vnto my two witnesses 3. And they shall prophecie a thousand two hundred and threescore dayes 4. Clothed in sack clothe 5. These are two oliue Trees 6. And two Candlestickes 7. Standing before the God of the earth The Paraphrase 1 And I will geue powre saith the Lorde vnto my faithfull witnesses and they shall prophesye a thousande two hundred and lx dayes against those enimies to the comforte of my people So that though my citie be troden downe by their cruel lawes of persecution to death yet shall it not be forsaken And though my people be ouer loaded with their heathen supersticions and blasphemous worshippinges yet shall they not be lost nor left all wtout succour 2 They shal haue my two witnesses with thē to solace thē in their troubles to comfort them in their cares Both Moyses and Christ both the law and the Gospell both the Prophets and the Apostles shal stande vppon theyr side and be vpon their parte yea for so much time as their enimies shall vexe them and for so much space as their aduersaries sholl trouble them Euen a thousand two hundred and thréeskore dayes which maketh thrée yeares and an halfe and is more thē the two and fourty monthes by iiii skore dayes and fowre Which signifieth that the enimies shal not euermore kepe down his word but their daies shall be shortned for his electe sake The schoole Doctours with their sophestry hath fantasied the sayd two witnesses to be Enoch and Helyas and that they should come then frō Paradice terrestre for the same purpose because that Enoch was taken away of God and Helias was carried hence in a fyery Charet neither vnderstanding what Paradice is nor yet knowing what it is to be taken from hence Paradice is the swéete rest of God appoynted vnto them that departe hence in faith The peculier translations of Enoch and Helias were not only for a confirmation or strenthning of the faith of the fathers for their times but also that they shuld be figuers of Christes assention And what godly wise man can geue more to the figuer than to the verytie More were not they priuiledged frō death then was Christe though God wold not then haue it so openly knowen to declare his wonderfull power Unlike is it that god should cal witnesses frō the dead not promising it by his word hauing power also frō stones to raise vp Abrahās children and to geue the spirit of Helias to whō he pleaseth like as he dyd to Iohn Baptist as he doth now to many other more in our age as al the world may sée and heare These witnesses are two for so much as the truth of the Lorde in the mouth of two or thrée godly persons ought to stand 3 These two witnesses or faithfuli protestours of the aforsayde two testaments hath continued with the people of god since the death of Stéeuē for the more part secretly vnknowne to the world But now they are come abroade by the appointment of God to the vtter confusion of the great aduersary and man of sin as Paule doth call hym And vnto them in this sixt age of the church the Lord hath geuen the great power of his liuinge worde or the spirit of his inuincible verytie in much more ample wise then aforetime for the abatement of the sayd enimies or synagoge of perdition 4 Clothed they shall be in sackcloth sayth the Lord No pomp shal appeare in their apparrell no glorye of the world in their behauiour Neither shall they be accompanied with a garde of ruffelynge rutters Neyther shall they with Annas and Caiphas sit vpon life and death Neither shal they blesse in the streate with miter crosse and cope Neither claim the higher seates in side gownes shauen crownes and tippetes Neyther shall their be sack Fryers nor Franciscans monks Chanons nor Hypocrits They shall not disfigure themselues to séeme religious nor say long prayers to appere holy but in a sober conuersacion auoyding superfluitie they shall constantly witnesse the trueth of god to the vniuersall world to his glory and their edification For sackcloth in the scriptures is a signe of sobrietie sadnesse and temperaunce as in Helias and Iohn Baptist. 5 These witnesses are two swéete oliue trées shedding forth the fatnes of the scriptures and dulset sanour of the spirit God hath so blessed them that their lyps are full of grace He hath annoynted them with the oyle of gladnesse aboue their felowes of Myrre Bawme and Aloes they delectably smell None other thinges vtter thei but his infallible verities 6 They are also two shininge Candlesticks setting forth the light or clearly opening of the hidden misteries of the scriptures to the comfort of the gētiles glory of the Israelits They are not the light it self but only instrumēts ordeined to beare witnes of the light For there is but one light for al. Only are they the vessels of electiō as was Paule to carrie that lyght the world ouer 7 They stand in the presence of the God of the earth or the Lorde of all as men of moste high acceptacion before him readie to doe his will and to fulfill his commaundement and pleasure hauyng the oyle of hys spirite and the light of his eternall veritie THE TEXT 1 And if any man vvill hurt them 2. Fyre shall proceed out of their mouthes 3. cōsume their enimies 4. And if any man vvill hurte them this vvise must he bee killed 5. These haue povver to shut heauen 6 that it rayne not in the dayes of their prophesying 7. and haue povver ouer vvaters to turn them to bloud 8. and to smyte the earth 9. vvith all maner plagues as often as they vvill The Paraphrase 1 If any man will attempte to doe them scathe or presumptuouslie séeketh by craftie colours subtile reasōs and deceiptful arguments vpō daungers doubtes doctours old customes and aucthoritie of fathers to hynder their office blemishe their message and darken their light such fyre shall procéede out of their mouthes as shal consume their enimies 2 The eternall word of the Lorde that they shall declare which is the consuming fyre
shall vtterly distroye them So that nothing shall be séene of that they were afore Neyther cut shooe nor corde coule nor gray cote boote nor blacke hood rochet nor scapler myter nor crosier sandale nor frocke shauen crown nor anointing For all these are their enimies 3 Consumed are they to their saluation that with Mathewe become of Publicans true Apostles and with Paule of fierce persecutors charitable teachers Contrariwise are they consumed to their dampnatiō which being ouercome by the manifest veritie wilfully persist in their diuilish errours with Antiochus Pharao with the Scribes and Pharisies 4 For it foloweth And if any man will hurte them this wyse must hée be killed Eyther must he be mortifyed from the olde Adam and changed into a new man in Christ or els by the sayd worde must he both be iudged and condempned for the vtter aduersarie of God with Sathan hys auncient captayn So must he be killed And no death will be founde lyke vnto that death come they once to the féeling of it though they accompt it now verie light 5 For these witnesses haue power as had Helias to shut vp heauen that it rayne not in the dayes of their prophecying but yet none other wyse then by the aforesayd word For the word of God is the verie key of Dauid which openeth the kingdome of god to them that faithfully beléeueth and that speareth it vp also from thē which dwellith in vnfaithfulnes For it is said in the dayes of their prophecying This power therefore is of the word and not of the men The word speareth and openeth losoneth bindeth saueth and dampneth He that beléeueth sayth Christ shal be saued he that beleueth not is iudged alreadie No moysture of grace nor godly wisedō can light where sturdie frowardnesse is rooted The dayes of their prophesying in figure is non other thē the aforesaid tyme times and halfe tyme or the thrée yéeres and vj. monethes of Helias 6 In those dayes shall it not rayne vpon the wicked they shall haue no grace to receyue the veritie In parables and figures shal that be hidden from them that shall bée euydent inough vnto the faithful With eares shall they heare and not vnderstand with eyes shall they sée and not deserne So blynde will their harts be For such speake the Prophets in fygures Christ in parables and the Apostles in mysteries The open truth of this reuelation shall not the wicked perceyue till they tast the plages thereof Such is the nature of Gods wisedom that though it be not in glorious wordes fyne paynted termes nor in perswasible reasons of mans witte but in playne simple speaking yet can it not be knowē of the worldly wise The swéete dewe therof wil not be receiued of them in the aforesayde dayes of prophecie but hée that is blynde shall be blynde still 7 These witnesses haue also power ouer waters to turne thē into bloud When they interprete and sincerely declare the pure verities of God which are those holesome waters that restraineth the dampnable drynesse of the soule that refresheth the conscyence and clenseth the harte of the sinner they can not choose but earnestly condempne the peruerse iudgemēts the couetous lawes and hipocrityshe workes of the vngodly And then is all vncleane vnto them then is all bloudie The Gospell which was a stumbling stone to the Iewes made foolishnesse vnto the Gentiles is also now vnto them naughtie newe learning seditious doctrine and abhomynable heresie Yea they iudge them worthie to be burned that doth teach it Thus is it abhorred of them that shall perishe neuerthelesse to them that beléeue it is the power of God vnto saluation 8 Fynallie they haue power to smite the earthe with all maner of plagues as ofte as they will Uery earth are they that regard not Gods trueth as the Lord saide vnto Adam after his offence Earth thou art and vnto earth shalte thou returne Nothing they estéeme but that which is earthly Nothing they desire but that is carnal The froward creature will in no case knowe that is of the spirit The light is hatefull vnto sore eyes Uery painfull is bread to the mouth that is not whole A great mote was Christ to the Iewes as his true preachers are vnto the blynd world yet to this day For they smite the earth 9 They touch their liuing they rebuke their falshoode they condempne their wickednesse They reprooue thē of sinne of rightuousnesse of iudgement They force not to tell to him of theyr vnfaithfulnesse fraud and hipocrisiie of their Philosophers prelats religious No greater plague is it vnto the vngodly thē to hear of their euill dooings No greater paine nor yet greater punishment then to haue theyr faultes opened and theyr clonyng colours condempned That fretteth them at the verie heart Death must be sought out for such preachers No wōder is it though this be here written for this age of the churche For neuer were more earnest witnesses then are now more are lyke héereafter to follow till the man of sinne be fully knowne and his kingdome clearely ouerthrowen THE TEXT 1 And whan they haue fynished theyr testimonie 2. the beast that came out of the bottomlesse pitte 3. shal make war against them 4. and shall ouer come them 5. And theyr bodyes shall lye in the streetes of the great citie 6. which spiritually is called Sodome and Egypte 7. where our Lorde is crucified The Paraphrase 1 And when they haue once finished their testimonie sayeth the Lord the beast that came out of the bottomlesse pit shall make warre against them No sooner shall the witnesses of gods veritie in all ages be taken from the worlde then he hath prefixed After none other sorte shall they bée sent hence then he hath appoynted by hys eternall decrée Iohn Baptist was not imprisoned nor beheaded tyll hée had done his office Christ was not taken condempned and crucified tyll his houre was come Paule was not put vnto death til he had fulfilled his course 2 The beast of the bottomlesse pitte is the cruel craftie and curssed generation of Antichriste the Pope wyth his Bishoppes prelates priestes and religious in Europa Mahomite with his dotyng doucipers in Affrica and so foorth in Asia Iudia all beastly carnall and wicked in their dooings 3 These maketh war against Gods witnesses when they hate them cursse them blaspheme them persecute them When they withstande them with theyr craftes impugne them with their lyes and vexe them with their diuilishnesse as necessary it is they should doe For if they haue troubled the head they must vexe also the members If the housholder be called Belzebub the hosholde muste suffer the same No better is the seruaunt then his Lord nor the messenger then he that sent him 4 They shall also ouercome them not with the scriptures but with their beggerly customs cōstitutiōs lawes decrées and traditions They shall shall scourge them or disgarde them in their
Sinagoges They shall delyuer them vp to Iustices debites and rulars making them their bochers and slaues so washing theyr owne holy handes from the sheading of innocentes bloud 5 They shall kill them also by their counsell to fulfil the measure of their fathers that all rightuous bloude may light vpon them which hath ben shed vpon earth Yet shall they not hurte their soules but thorowe fayth they shall haue victorie both ouer thē and the diuill 6 And their bodyes shall lye in the stréetes of the great citie In this world shall their carkasses remayne where as they haue rule and dominion Here shall they be iudged and condemned At their pleasure shall it be to hange them head them or burne them And though they lay no handes vpō them for soyling their consecrate fingers yet muste it be done by their ghostly counsell and ordred also after theyr spirituall appointment None other is it to lye in the stréets of their great citie then after suche lawes as they haue practysed to bée brought vnto death 7 For spiritually is theyr citie called A glorious name vsurpe they as though they were none of the world They will be called the holy church good ghostly fathers godly dyuines and spirituall men not consideryng of what spirite they are spirituall They are those into whome the vncleane spirit hath entred with vij other spirites worse than hym selfe With the spirite of falshood the spirit of witchcraft the spirite of crueltie And of these onely with such lyke are they spirituall of no godly spirit as their fruites declareth And therfore the spirit of God doth iudge here this great citie not to bée called Hierusalem but stinking Sodome and most myserable Egypt the prophecies and other scriptures agréeing to the same For looke what filthinesse and abhomination was in Sodom what Idolatrie and diuilishnesse was in Egipt the same is now reigning in this painted spiritualtie is accompted theyr great holinesse 8 Among this consecrate multitude or smered sort is Christ yet crucified as he was among the Iewes which knewe hym not and yet boasted them selues outwardly for the peculiar chosen people of God Not only is Christ amonge them persecuted scourged punyshed put vnto death in his members but also he is proued of thē an vnsuffitient Sauiour without their dayly doings Their masses must be satisfactorie sacrifices profyting both the quicke and the deade And that muste men beléeue vnder payne of death and dampnatiō Thus crucifie they Christ again and make a mocke of hym as witnessed Paule and yet doe they call him their Lord not vnlyke to the tormentours which crowned him with thorne and saluted him with Aue rex Iudeorum THE TEXT 1 And some of the people and kinreds and tongues and of the nations 2. shall see their bodies iij. dayes and an half 3. shall not suffer theyr bodyes to be put in graues 4. And they that dwel vpon the earth 5. shal reioyce ouer them and be glad 6. and shall send giftes one to an other 7. for these two Ptophetes vexed them that dwelte on the earth The Paraphrase 1 And as they lye thus dead in the stréetes or are contempned as heretikes and dispised as wicked dooers some of the people peruerted by these enimies some of the kinreds or sects of diuision some of the tonges or blasphemous bablers and some of the nacions of all wicked workers shall be hold their bodyes thrée dayes and an halfe 2 They shall from all ages abhorre them hate them reuyle them and spightfully report them In their cronicles shal they wryte them for seducers of the people and in their stories regester them for damnable heretikes For the iij. dayes and an half diuided into vij values betokeneth the vij ages of the churche wherein they haue and shal still both persecute and blaspheme 3 And these wicked sortes of people kinreds tonges and nacions or of false Iustices priestes Lawyers religious shall not suffer their bodies to be put in graues But be these witnesses once iudged heretikes by the clargie and so condempned by the laitie eyther shall their bodies be resolued into ashes by fyre or els cōsumed by the foules of the ayre Seldome shall ye sée a knowne heretike buried amōg them but most cōmonly burned Examples of this hath ben lately séene here in England by Thomas Hitton Thomas Bilney Iohn Frith George Bainham William Tindale Iohn Lambert Roberte Barnes William Hierome Thomas Garade Richard Spenser and in Partrick Hamilton of Scotlande with many other more And long afore our tyme in sir Iohn old Castle the Lorde Cobham syr Roger Acton knighte syr Reynold Pecoke Bishop of Chichester mayster Iohn Ashton syr William Thorpe syr Willyam Sawtre syr Richard With sir Iohn Bale sir William Taylour and syr Williā white priests with diuers other The body of Form●sus was first takē vp by Steuē the vj. bishop of Rome and disgraded After was it beheade● mangled throwne into the floud of Tyber by Sergius the third Sainct Herman after .xx. years from his buriall was taken vp burned at Ferraria in Italy by Boniface the eight The bones of mayster Iohn 〈◊〉 were taken vp and burned also the .xl. year after his death as Walden witnesseth in his booke de Sacramentalibus Li. ix Capi. lxxxix So was of late yeares in Worcester dyoces the body of maister Williā Trace esquier in Londō the body of Richard Honne merchaūt tailour Moreouer Iohn Colet deane of Poules in Londō also was not far from the same for reading of Pauls Epistls by his life had not other waightie matters been in the way Such heretikes shall not rest in their citie they shal not be buried among them They shall not bée shrined cannonised nor allowed for Saincts for they builded no monasteries they set vp no chaunteries they subdued no Princes nor yet dyed for the liberties of holy churche They stood not in defence that priestes dooing Idolatrie theft murther witchcrafte whoredome buggerie with other abhominations should remaine vnpunyshed But rather to the contrarie and that they should worship but one God liue by their labours take wyues of their owne and teach nothing but Gods lawes 4 And they that dwell vpon the earth sayeth the Lord or haue their felicitie here with the riche glutton shal reioyce ouer them and be glad 5 They shall clappe theyr handes when they sée godlye witnesses bée brought out of the way They shall common ryote and bancket hauyng among them selues ioy without measure that the heretikes bée gone so hatefull is the light to their eyes and the veritie to theyr wicked hartes 6 And they shall sende giftes or presentes one to an other for gladnesse as for example My Lord byshop hath had a sum of monye of the priestes for doing his part so wel My Abbot and maister doctour haue had phesan●es plouers and par● riches pigges geese and capons for disputing their matters so valyauntly Master parson hath ben commended for
faithful beléeuers knowne The vnfaithful reprobats beholdeth the smoke but neither perceiue thei in it the glory of god nor the maiestie of his presēce They neither con●eiue his wonderfull workes nor yet his Godly iudgements Their folish harts are so darkned that though they know God yet glorifye they him not They sée the smoke perceyue the world troubled as it is alwaies when the verity appeareth but neuer the more faith nor godly knowlege haue they But the whiche is vnto the faithfull a rayse is vnto thē a ruine That is vnto the other the power of God vnto health is vnto them slander and folishnesse And that is vnto the other a sauoure of life vnto life is vnto them a sauour of death vnto death They remember not that the Lord came down in fyre vnto Moises vpon Mount Synay when it smoked altogyther like a burnyng furnace therfore beare they away no glorified faces or conciences depured by a true perfecte fayth 14 And no man was able saith the text to enter into the temple til the vii deadly plages of the .vii. Angels were wholy fulfilled For though the true beléeuers perceiue in the misteries of the scriptures the present maiestie mightie power of GOD yet enter they not into full knowledge of him being as yet subiect vnto vanitie For héere is there knowledge vnperfect and their prophecying also And therfore acknowledging their imbesilitie and also wayting for the reuelation of the children of God they say with Saincte Paule O the wonderfull déepenesse of the wisdome and knowledge of God How incomprehēsible are his iudgements and how vnsearcheable his wayes 15 And at this point shal they stil be tyl the last iudgement day finish all For the ful entring into the temple is none other then a whole perfect or consummate knowledge of God and hys mysteries Which can not fully be had till that which is vnperfect be done away the creature deliuered from bondage of corruption And til death be swalowed vp the vessell of corruption becommyng incorruptible the mortall body becōming spiritual The rightuous shal thā shine as doeth the sunne in the kingdom of their father glister as doth the bright stars world without end What the vij plagues are what is their fulfilling wil in this Chapter folowing appeare The xvj Chapter THE TEXT 1 And I harde a great voice out of the temple 2. saying to the seauen Angels 3. Go your wayes 4. povvre out your vials of vvrath vpon the earth 5. And the first vvent and povvred out his viall vpon the earth 6. and there fell a noysome and a sore botch vpō the mē vvhich had the marke of the beast 7. and vpon them that vvorshipped his Image The Paraphrase AN other great voyce hard Iohn out of the temple A perfect strōg and earnest assurance had hée of the Lord by a spirituall premonishment that the vnuariable decrees of his set iudgements should be fulfilled at their tymes of him appoynted Yea ascertained he was infallibly that they should in their due seasons come to passe For vnto his friendes openeth he his secret counsailes alwayes as he did in olde tyme vnto his well beloued Israell vnto Moyses Zachary Ezechiell and Daniel with such other 2 And the voice was vnto the seauen Angels vnder the vij seals opening and the vij trumpettes blowyng after this sorte Goe your wayes foorth fulfilling the purpose ye be ordeyned vnto Powre out your vyalles of wrath vpon the earth 3 Declare them first of all to the world to be the reprobate vesselles of dishonour which of wilfulnesse cōtemneth my eternal veritie Consequently send them into most déepe errour that they may waxe worse and worse and not onely to erre in them selues but also to bring other into errour that they may receyue the double reward therof abyding my most fearfull iudgemēt 4 And in such tyme as the Lord appointed the first Angel went foorth vnder the first seale opening and poured out his viall vpon the earth For in the first age of the church to trye hyr as golde in the furnace permitted the Lord by his eternall decrée the malicious Sinagoge of the Iewes to rage and to doe their vngodly feats In the which their furious madnesse not onely dyd they persecute the Apostles and fyrst preachers of Christ from cittie to citie but also peruerted the earthly mynded multitude by many and diuers vngodly kindes of false doctrine in hipocrisie Of this sorte was Himineus Philetus becommyng of Saduces false Christians and denying the latter resurrection whom Paul did excommunicate So were also Phigellus Hermogenes bringing in agayne circumcision with certaine ceremoniall obseruacions to bleamishe the Gospell of Christ. These with suche lyke subuerted whole houses sayeth Paule teaching things that they ought not to haue taught for filthie lukers sake 6 And whan they were thus by the dec●●ed purpose of God shead vpon the earth or ●e●te vnto their owne earthly ●●astlin●sse all destitute of hys grace for cōtempning his word so graciously 〈◊〉 there lighted a noysome and 〈◊〉 botch vpon those men whych 〈◊〉 marke of the beast or an 〈…〉 through their perswasiōs 7 〈◊〉 vpon them also that worshipped his Image or accepted them for godly that made lawes repugnaunt to his lawes For the great headed Rabines of the Iewes did not onely spot the consciēces of the Israelites their own natiue cōtrie men but also of the Grekes and Latines the Asians Romaines compelling them for their own tradytions to make Gods commaundemēts of none effect These hauing a pretence of godly liuing denied the power therof Of this sort were they which entered into houses brought into bōdage supersticious women loaden with sin For a more déepe vnderstāding hereof cōfer this with the first seale opening and the first trumpet blowing and lykewise the other vj. folowing THE TEXT 1 And the second Angell shead out his vyall 2. vpon the sea 3. and it turned as it vvere into the bloud 4. of a dead man 5. And euery liuing thing dyed in the sea The Pharaphrase 1 After this went foorth the seconde Angel of the second seale opening effunding hys vyall vpon the sea According to the decrée of God almightie for the second age of the Christian church reigned among the Christians deceytfull brethren peruerse teachers betraying the tru ministers deliuerīg thē vnto deth for Iesus Christs sake that his life might be sene in their mortal flesh For in this life he proueth his electes with Abraham and Iob to saue them to make thē iust folowers of Christ whom it behoo●ed to suffer ere he entred into h●s glory 2 Upon the sea or wauering multitude was this ●●al●shed Only are the false Prophets receiued taken of the folishe fantastic●ll ●●ipper witted sort as a réed shakē of euery wind Non regardeth them which hath set sure footing vpon the harde rocke Christ. Such a vial or vessel of Gods Ire was Mair the Idon●●t which
made the Talmud of the Iwes a booke more thā .x. Bibles after Nauelerus other Historians ful of blasphemies lyes condemning the doctrine of Christ. So was Rabby Moyses the Egiptian Rabina Rabasses with such other cōfirming the same 3 All bloudy was this sea the viall once shed therevpon Al fleshely were the people in their iudgmentes theyr harts fulfilled with cruelty murther against christs true witnesses through their peruerse prechings Yea in the furious rage they thought they did God great good seruice when they put his seruantes vnto deth 4 This blood was also in a maner as the bloud of a dead mā For dead was the doctrine that they taughte euen the sleaing letter it selfe Dead were also their ceremonies their rites and their idle obseruations So that euery liuing thing died in that bloudy sea All they which séemed thorough glittering hipocrisie to liue wāted the very lyfe which is hid in Christ and that ryseth of fayth in hys lyuing word So did they also which depended all vpon the vayne pleasures of thys lyfe exercising héere tyrannie both in wordes doings Neyther were they out of the same daunger that fel from the veritie once knowne nor yet they which durst not receyue it for feare of persecution but both perished in this sea THE TEXT 1 And the third Angell shead out his vial 2 vpon the ryuers and fountaynes of vvaters 3. and they turned to bloud 4. And I heard an Angell say 5. Lorde which arte and vvaste 6. thou arte rightuous and holy 7. bicause thou hast geuen such iudgements 8. For they shed the bloud of saintes and prophets 9. therfore hast thou geuen them blud to drink for they are vvorthy 10. and I hard an other Angel out of the aulter 11. say 12. Euen so Lord God almighty 13. true rightuous are thy iudgements The Paraphrase 1 Next in his course went out the third Angel vnder the third seale opening he powred out his vyal vpon the watery floudes fountaines al they became very blud By his set decrée for the third age of the church suffered the Lord false heretyques to rage in al kyndes of errour strongly to delude the vnbeleuers 2 These lighted vpon the swéet waters by whom ar ment the sacred scriptures refreshing the drie soules Who soeuer drinketh saith Christ of the waters that I geue he shal neuer be more a thirst 3 Of these waters haue they defiled both the riuers and welspringes with bloud Both the law and gospel the figure verity the commaūdement promise the doctrine of prophets and Apostles haue they corrupted with their false interpretacions gloses with frowarde driftes and opinions with vaine tradicions and worshippings with carnal wisdom and murtherings Of this sort wer Eutices Arrius with such other like as in the .vii. chapter afore 4 And I hard saith saint Iohn an Angel betokning those sincere witnesses to whom God had opened for that age his secret iudgementes And this Angel sayd 5 Omnipotent creator Lord which art not only of thy selfe at this present instāt but wart also essencially in thy selfe without beginning 6 Thou heauenly Lord arte faithfull in thy wordes holy in thy workes 7 For as it appereth before our eyes the decrées foreiudgemēts that thou madest afore are now fulfilled in effect 8 For the religious murtherers that of cruelnesse caused the bloud of thy holy saintes Prophets Apostles preachers to be shed haue now by thy iust appointment very bloude to drinke as they are most worthy 9 For sleying of them whose message they contempned they had theyr iust plague Not only became they vain in their thoughts their folish hartes darkened not vnlike to thē that hath eares heare not eyes sée not but also there remained vnto them after this life a perpetual vengeaunce without mercy for their cruel oppressiōs as a due rewarde of their errour 10 Yet an other angel hard I saith S. Ihō euē out of the alter which is christ This angel signifieth those witnesses that sometime confessed the trueth here and now resteth frō their labours in the Lord. These though they be departed affirm that the other hath sayd afore in token that now beyng departed they forget not that truth which they afore cōfessed liuyng stil yet in the same he that holdeth my worde saith Christ shall neuer tast of death 11 And this is their saying in mistery or wordes comprehēding their secret confession 12 Euen so Lord God almighty As the liuing beleuers saith of thée by mouth so say we now in the spirit 13 That thy decréed iudgemēts are euer more true thy merueilous workings rightuous The first is called in some translatiōs the Angell of waters the other here reported to come from the aulter to signify both sortes THE TEXT 1 And the fourth Angell poured out hys vyall 2. on the sunne 3. And povver vvas giuē vnto him to vexe men vvith heate of fyre 4. And the men raged in great heate and spake euil of the name of God 5. vvhich had povver ouer those plagues 6. and they repented not to giue him glory The Paraphrase 1 Consequently by the appointment of God the fourth Angel in the fourth seale opening powred out his vyall of Gods wrath on the sunne As the Lord had eternally prefixed in the fourth age of the Christian church For the whole worldes punishment was Christ sore bleamished which is the cleare sonne of rightuousnesse Sore did the dissembling Antichrists in those dayes darkē the true glory of God with their manifold sects of hypocrisie The Pope had for hys part an innumerable swarm of shorne smered Sodomites and Mahomete a foule flock of frantike fabillers which with their newlye painted religions and prodigious obseruations made first all the world to wonder thā to worship Belial for Christ taking darkenesse for light sin for rightuousnesse 2 These being very aduersaryes vnto Christ tooke vpō them his authority and seat the one boasting him self for his general vicar in earth the other for the great prophet of the Lord so were receiued of the execrate world Néedes would they seme to be the sunne being the very shadowes of death 3 Permitted was this hearsackye sunne to vex mē with heat of fyre Sitting in the temple of God which is with in man with such wicked lawes as they made vnder the name of God of Christ they tirribly vexed tormented and cruciated the weake consciences of men leauing them commonly in most painful desperation 4 So that the men raged in great heat speaking euil of the name of God which had power ouer those plages At their abhominable perswasiōs was Christe of thē not taken for a merciful sauiour and gentil redemer but for a froward chourle vntractable tyraunt vnlesse he were molified by the merites and callings vpon of other and that could not be had without money 5 Power hath the Lord ouer plages to hold
hath their hartes in his hand and iudgeth their thoughts Both may he giue them his spirite and also take it from them and of his enimyes hée shall make his footestoole He is the same ●●one after Daniell that without any handes was cutte out of the mounte which breaketh the Iron the copper the earth the siluer and the Golde in péeces By whom are ment the vniuersall kingdomes of this world 12 Of this his victory are all they parteners with him which are vpon hys syde by fayth Most specially those true seruaunts of his which after they are called by grace and chosen by fayth perseuer still constant feruent faythfull and sure in hys veritie to the latter ende of theyr liues 13 Not only the Lambe therfore shal ●uercome the beast but they also after the doctrine of Paule that are called and chosen in him not falling from his truth for any temptation or grief but standing fast by it vnto the very death For those that the Lorde hath prefixed afore he hath called iustified and allowed These auanceth not them selues with the proude but méekly they submit theyr crownes referring all victory to the Lambe as men that could haue done nothing in y● behalf without him THE TEXT 1 And he said vnto me 2. The vvaters vvhich thou savvest vvhere the vvhore sitteth 3. are people and folke and nations and tongues 4. And the ten hornes vvhich thou savvest vpon the beast 5. are they vvhich shall hate the vvhore 6. and shall make hir desolate naked 7. and shall eate hyr flesh 8. and burn hyr vvith fyre 9. For God hath put in their harts to fulfill his vvill 10. and to doe vvith one cōsent 11. for to giue hir kingdome vnto the beast 12. vntil the words of God be fulfilled 13. And the vvomā vvhich thou savvest is the great citie 14. vvhich reigneth ouer the king● of the earth The Paraphrase 1 And after thys long communicatiō sayth Sainct Iohn the afore sayd Angell sayde thus vnto me to make vp his tale with 2 The wauering waters which thou sawest héere now of late in misterye where as the Babilonish whore sitteth vpon the rose coloured beast are in signification all maner of peoples of the carnall nations and the supersticious folke of many sundry tongues 3 Not onely in one place of the worlde ruleth this wanton religion of Antychrist but in euery lande in euery dominion in euery company among all occupacions languages The foolysh multitude euery where being blynded by their subtile sorceryes and neyther hauing fayth nor yet the feare of God before theyr eyes as a raging flood the banckes broken downe runneth headlings into all blasphemy and diuillishnesse 4 Moreouer the a fore named ten hornes sayeth the Angell which thou by the wil of God beholdest here in spirite vpon the sayd beast of distructiō are those very persōs which also shal hate the whore Hir abhominations once knowne by the Gospel preaching they shall abhorre hir lawes dispise hyr authoritie cōtempne hir customs They shal defeat hir of those lands possessions which now shée vniustly holdeth 5 They that afore were hir friends shal than be hir mortall enymies denying hir both tribute obedience seruice so leauing hir without all comfort Not only are these the temporal gouernours as the King of England the Kyng of Denmarke the Duke of Saxon the Lādgraue of Hesse and other Princes of Germany with such other as wil here after followe the same principles but also the Metropolitanes and bishops the Doctors and Prelates As are already Thomas Cranmere the Archebishop of Caunterbury Hermanus de Weda the Archbishop of Coleyn Godrick the Bishop of Hely Barlow the bishop of Sainct Dauids Byrde the Bishop of Chester Thurleby bishop of Westminster Hugh Latimer Nicolas Shaxton of late yeares Bishop of Worcester and Salisbury with such other lyke as will here after followe theyr trade Though they were afore the horns of the beast for defence of the whore yet are they now fallen from him more shall euery day to make hir desolate of honour and naked of rentes and possessyons 6 So shal they chase that Babilonish harlot Rome with their prechers that neyther shal they leaue hir couler nor yet bewty Consider what Iohn Reuclin Martin Luther Erasmus Ocolampadious Zwinglius Pomeran Bucer Capito Melanthon Grineus Caluinous Brencius Frances Lamberte Bullinger and such other hath don against hir alredy Likewise here in Einglād Bilnee Tindale Frith Barnes Cromwel Couerdale Turner Gorge Ioy Rose Ridley Ward Becon and other els leauing her neither Reliques nor Robes sectes nor Shrynes Abbeyes nor Priores many more comming after them of the same sort These shal make her so desolat that no man shall in proses of tyme regard hir They shall leue hir so naked that all the worlde shall abhorre hyr that shal loke vpon hir Yea in the conclusion they shal eat hyr fleshe 7 Besides the taking away of hir carnall prophites and plesuers they shal confound hir fleshly vnderstanding of the scriptuers utterly consume the superfluous obseruacions of hir whorishe cerimonies 8 Finally with fyre shal they burne hir in bringing vnto nought al hir abhomynable rules customes and kindes of idolatry All these once plucked away by the euident worde of God no lenger shall this harlot appere For no lenger continueth the whore then the whoredom is in price Take away the rites and cerimonies the Iewels and ornaments the Images and lightes the Lordeshippes and fatherhodes the aulters and masses with the Bishops and Priestes and what is their holye whorishe church any more Not onely is this flesh eating and bur̄ing declared now a daies in outwarde experimentes as in the rebellious Monkes and Priestes of Englande and in thē that arose there in the North specially in fryer Forest and Margarete Cheny which were for their church cōsumed like as were Baales chaplayns at the broke of Cison by Helyas but also mistically in that is spoken of hir afore 9 For God hath saith the Angel al blindenesse secluded put it into the hartes of those and such other godlye mē by the infusiō of his spirit to fulfil his decréed wil pleasure in this behalf as vtterly to distroy the popish religiō or filthy abhominations of Antichrist 10 He hath giuē it thē moreouer to doe these thīgs to his glory throgh the agréement of faith that they haue in the vnitie of his godly truth to the abolishment of all sects false prophets cōiurers of egipt 11 Finally by his grace he hath moued them through knowledge of his word to rēder vp hir blasphemous kingdom whom sometime of ignorance they vsurped vnto the malignaunt beast again as the horns of his pestilent heads After this sorte did good Latimer Shaxton giue ouer their bishoppricks so haue diuers other godly men their promocions liuings as many more yet here after will doe 12 For as they haue begonne so shall they cōtinue in diminishyng the
therefore I passe it ouer here Onely haue I rehearsed their names as I could doe yet many more to put ●ée in remembraunce that God hath alwayes had some in the world which hath not in all poynts cōsented to their blasphemies though they haue not had the lyght of this trueth so open as wée haue it now Many godly Emperours and Coūseil● general haue attemted this reformacion in the church but euermore haue they foūd vngodly princes against thē to houlde the Antichristes stil in their wickednes Yet doubt I not but Pharao with his hoast shall perishe in the sea and the proud Iewishe priestes in the cittie for theyr manyfolde blasphemyes at the tyme now appointed of the Lord. 5 For the sinnes of this whore or abhominacions without number of the false religion hyr stinkeing Idolatry and slaughter of Innocēts are gone vp vnto heauen against hyr requiring the great vengeāce of God The filthines of thē hath moued him to wrath and kinled his displesure towards hir putting hym in rememberaunce of his eternal decrée cōcerning hir destructyon The greatnes of hir mischiefs hath touched heauen and hath axed with Sodome and Gomor the fearfull plages threatned hyr 6 And the merciful Lorde beholding the affliction of his people pittying their miserable thraldō in the spiritual Egipt hath cōsidered hir vngodly behauiour wayed hir wilfull wretchednesse and measured hir vnmerciful murther cōmaunding his appointed ministers to execute vpō hir his iudgmentes without mercy 7 Rewarde hir nowe saith he in euery cōdiciō as she hath rewarded you afore Measure agayne vnto hir lyke as she hath measured to you nowe that ye haue the iudgement seates Crye out vpon hir as she hath cried out vpon you Snare hir as she hath snared you Destroy hir as she hath destroyed you As she hath taken vengeaunce of you so take you vengeaunce again● of hir Lyke as she hath afflicted you Iudge● you and condemned you by the lawes of mē so scurge you hir againe iudge hir an harlot and condemne hir to hell by the mightie worde of God 8 Sée that you giue hir two folde in punishment according to hir wicked deseruings Where as she hath taken from you no more but the life of the bodie take you away from hir againe the lyfe both of bodie and soule 9 Into the same bitter cuppe of sorow● that she hath filled vnto you in hir mallice powre you in double again to hir Where as she hath geuen you a temporal death giue hir the death euerlasting doubling vnto hir both the griefes and continuance of them 10 Yea consider how greatly she hath glorified hir selfe against God in blasphemous errours in pride in pleasures and in wanton liuing 11 And so muche let hir tast of moste terrible punishmentes sorowfull plages waylinges gnashinges of téeth An holy priesthod hath she pretended a regal dignitie hath she vsurped and both those powers moste shamefully hath she so abused therefore let hir haue the penalties dew vnto such presumption Take from hir hir plesaūt Euphrates with the spoyles and profites wherein she hath inordinatlye delighted and throwe hir into most● depe wretchednesse here besides that shal follow in an other worlde THE TEXTE 1 For she sayth in hir hart 2. I sitte beyng a queene 3. am no widovv 4. and shal see no sorovv 5. Therefor shal hir plages co● at on day 6. death and sorovv and honger 7. And she shal be brent with fyre 8. For stron● is the Lord God 9. vvhich shall iudge hyr The commentary 1 For hyghlye shée standeth in hyr owne conseit as yet boasting hyr selfe to be the great goodnesse of the earth 2 I sit here in wealth and pleasure saith she being a glorious quéene yea the holy church hir self hauing authoryty in heauen in earth and in hel with power to lose and bynd saue damne With me is it not as with them that are not of this world or haue no dwelling place here for all is at my wyll and pleasure 3 I am no desolate widow The powers of this world standeth by me The mighty princes and potentates defendeth me with the death of innocente peple Neuer was Nero Domicianus Traianus nor Marencius with other cruel tirrauntes more sure vpon my side in defence of supersticions than they are yet still to this houre 4 Therefore I can take no seathe nor yet féele of any sorrowe I shal be lady for euer Neuer shall my seate be remoued Neuer shall I fall nor any m●shappe light vpon me Such are the bold bragges of the papistes that Peters lytle shippe may well be moued with the tempest of heretiques but neuer shall it be ouerthrowen thynking therby the whorish church shal euermore continue and neuer come to naught 5 They cōsider not how strōg the Lamb is against whō they dayly fight And therfore shall the terrible plages which God hath appointed hir to suffer heauily light vpon hir and all in one day 6 At once shall he powre vpon that wicked congregation death sorowe hunger lyke as he did fyre and brimstone vpon the sinfull cyties Perpetually shall they be depriued of the lyfe which is in Christ Iesu. Continuall wéeping and téeth gnashing shall they haue their worme neuer dying Still shal they inwardly famish and neuer with felicitie be satisfied 7 With vnquencheable fire shall this whore be brent with hyr whole generation of hypocrites prepared for the diuil and his Angels 8 Effectual and trwe is the sentence for mightye is the Lorde that shall iudge hir condemne hir by his word 9 Iust is he in his promise true in his sayings gloryous in his works holye terrible and fearefull in his iudgements against the wicked None shall be founde able at that day to restrayne the least part of his purposed vengeance neyther Mary throwyng in hir beades into saint Michaels balaunce Iohn Baptist with his Lamb Peter with his key nor yet Paule with his long sword Though Moyses and Samuell the chosen Prophetes of the Lorde yea with Noe Daniell and pacient Iob should stand before hym at that day yet should they not be ha●d THE TEXT 1 And the kings of the earth shall be vvepe hyr 2. and vvayle ouer hyr 3. vvhich haue cōmitted fornication 4. and lyued vvantonlye vvith hir 5. vvhan they shall see the smoke of hir burning 6. and shall stand a farre of 7. for feare of hir punishment saying 8. Alas alas that great citie 9. Babilon 10. that mightie citie 11. For at one houre commeth thy iudgement The Commentary 1 Moreouer the carnally mynded kings of the earth sayth the aforesayde Angell which hath for hyr pleasure abused their aucthoritie and power shall take hyr sodayne distruction in thys lyfe very heauily 2 Yea they shall moste sorrowfully bewayle them selues ouer hir as men very ill contented with that ordinance of God They shall be sorie in their heartes that his worde is become so stronge agaynst hyr that they can resist it with
according to hys deades 18. And death 19 and hell vvere cast 20. into the lake of fyre 21. This is the second death 22. And vvhosoeuer vvas not found vvrittē in the booke of lyfe 23. vvas caste into the lake of fyre The commentary 1 A none after this I behelde saith Saynt Iohan in secrete mysterye an imperiall throne or seat of estate faire splendaunte and bewtyfull None other is this than the iudgement seate of the Lorde 2 Great it is for the Maiestie and power of hym that shall syt therevpō is of inestimable magnificence greatnesse Fayre and whyte both for the celestyall cléerenesse that shall at that houre apere with hym and also for the purenesse equitie and ryght of his vniuersal iudgementes 3 From the aspect of whose fearefull countenaunce shall both the earth beneath and the other elemētes aboue flée awaye All the creatures of his creacion shall wyth reuerence tremble quake at his mighty aperaunce The Sūne shall thā be darkened the Mone shall not giue hir lyght The Starres shall fall downe from aboue the powers of heauen shal be moued The elementes shall melte wyth heate and the whole earth shall teare in péeces lyke a ragge 4 A terryble fyre shall go before the iudge to burne vp hys enimyes on euery syde The places of them that lyued here supersticiously and voluptuously shall no more after that be founde Neuer shall they resort agayne hither to theyr olde wantō pleasurs Of their bewtyfull Cyties shall not one stone be lefte vpon an other Their proude paynted Synagoges as duste in the wynde shal be scattred away from the earth Neither shall the skye nor yet the ground beneth be as it was but both they shal be renewed chaunged They shal be deliuered from corruption and so appere both a newe heauen and a newe earth according to the expectation of the creatures 5 Immediatly after that sayth saint Iohn the iudge thus sitting vpō the sca●e of his eternall Maiestie I sawe styll in mysterye after the blast of the trūpet that all they which were deade arose out of the earth And that both hygh and lowe great and small good and badde King and begger prelate and plough man tirant and perscecuted innocent Yea the sucking babe the died in the cradell so well as the aged mā 6 All they séemed vnto me to stande before their generall iudge Iesus Christ to whome the euerlasting father had giuen ouer his whole iudgementes which there appeared as hée was in dede a verie omnipotent god All we shall appere sayth Paule before the iudgement seat of Christ that euery one of vs maye receyue according to that he hath done be it good or ill 7 And the bookes of reckennings which are the seuerall consciences of men were open before the iudge That afore was hidde will thā be manyfest and that was secret wyll than come to light be disclosed Euident it wil be vnto him who hath fulfilled the commaunded works of mercy who hath left them vndone their owne constences bearing witnesse to the same For what can be hid from him which seeth both the inwarde reynes and the secret thoughtes of the harte In this generall rekening yet shall prayse with the eternall rewarde redowne vnto them from the mercyfull Lorde whose walking here hath bene accordinge vnto fayth There shall they be reproued to haue bene pitiful to the poore hongry thursty nedy naked sicke in prison 8 After this was an other booke opēed of a farre diuerse nature frō the other bokes for it was the swéet boke of lyfe wherin be regestred al that were predestinate to be saued frō the worlds beginning And this boke is the eternal predestinatiō of God 9 Before the worlds foūdatiō saith s. Paule the lord predestinate vs into the addoptiō of his childrē through Iesus Christe Of this booke made Moyses mencion whan he said Eyther pardon thys people or els race me out of thy booke which thou haste written And Christ also to his seuentie disciples Be glad sayth he that your names are written in heauen Moreouer Iosue called this the booke of the ryghtuous and Iohn here the boke with seuen claspes This sheweh the holy ghost here vnto vs much after the custome dayly vsed among vs. For of the most notable men and women our maner is bothe longe to remember the names and also to speake of them as occasion giueth So equall is thys eternall iudge that no personage respecteth he in iudgment neither of Emperours nor Pope Kinge nor Byshope Lorde nor prieste But as he is ryghtuous of himselfe so iudgeth he rightuously 10 For they that were dead sayeth saynt Iohan or that had ledde their lyues here without fayth and the spirite of Christ were iudged of hym there according to the thinges which were regestred in the bokes of their cōsciēces 11 That is to say according to the fylthy workes wherof their desperat cōciences accused them Onely are the wicked to be takē here for the dead For the rightuous shall thā haue nothinge wherof their cōsciēce may accuse them Neyther shall the euill doers as witnesseth Dauid be of coūsell with thē at the day They hauing the lyfe euerlasting shall not than be iudged though they than appere but shall sit with Christ in iudgement and reioyce in the condempnation of the vngodly blasphemers The rewarde of their vnfaythfulnesse shall thā be powred vpon thē to their perpetuall care At that daye shall none bée absent but all shal be séene eyther to honour or els to reprofe 12 Neyther shall the depth of the sea nor the darkenesse of death nor yet hell that is bottomelesse bée able to hide any frō the face of this iudge For the sea sayth saynt Iohn that is myghty and greate shall at that daye delyuer vp cleane hir deade or those whome the Lorde suffered hyr to swallowe in for their outragious sinnes 13 Lyke as were the giauntes in the floude of Noe the great host of Pharao in the red sea and such other more 14 So shall gréedy death doe also which after many strange sortes hath consumed the enimies of God As for an example Cain by a chaunce vnsought Nadah and Abyn by fyre Achan by standing Holofernes Saull by the swerde Naball by excesse of wyne Iesabell by treading of horses Daniels accusers by the lyons Menelaus by breaking his necke Iudas by hanging himselfe Herod by wormes the children of Israell by swerd fyre serpentes and soden death and such other lyke 15 Hell whych is insaciable shall in lyke case render vp the innumerable swarme of the dead whom he wyth open mouth hath swallowed in quicke for their abhominations 16 Of whose number were Chore Dathan and Abiron with their affinitye the Cytyes of Sodome and Gomorre the vncircumcised gyauntes the ryche rourer and the ryche glotton in Luke Symon Magus wyth dyuerse other Hell hath gaped meruelouslye wyde sayeth Esaye and hath rauenouslye deuoured the hygh mynded
sturdye and dysobedyent nacion The vncircumcised giauntes sayth Ezechiell wyth theyr weapons are gone downe to hell whose swerdes are layed vnder theyr heades theyr wyckednesse vpon theyr bones Of the wycked onely is all thys spoken héere if ye marke well the text and in no wyse of the Godly what though many of them hath bene drowned in the sea burned béeheadded and hanged vpon the lande and buryed quicke in the earth 17 For it foloweth also that they were iudged of the iudge and receiued euery one accordynge to theyr deseruinges Accordynge to the fleshely fruites of theyr owne inuentions shall they bée rewarded theyr vnfaythfulnesse iustly measured vnto them Theyr bodyes shall than take parte wyth theyr wretched soules in the euerlastynge cursse of dampdamnacion the elect numbre rewarded wyth perpetuall felicytye 18 And as concerninge death it self which is the vniuersall enimye of man it shal be destroyed for euer 19 Hell also whych is here taken for sinne shall neuer more be séene amonge the creatures of God 20 For both shal be throwne into the great lake of boylinge fyre and brymstone The victorie of death shal be swallowed vp and hys stinge done cleane away which is sinne That is nowe corruptyble shall put on vncorruptiō that is nowe mortall immortalitie Thus that the Lord at the houre make of all hys enimies hys fotestole according to his promyse by Oseas the Prophet O death I wil be thy death O hell I will bée thy destruction 21 This tirrible appoyntmēt of the iudge sayth saynt Iohn is the second death or perpetuall depriuation of the sight of God yea the vtter fall from his fauour grace and mercy This death is the whole vengeaunce of all innocent bloud which hath bene shed vpon earth from iuste Abell to the last faythfull witnesse Yea thys sentence is the stone that shall grinde the enimies to pouder the very eternall dampnation both of body and soule 22 Now for a conclusion of the whole matter whatsoeuer he be king or Emperour Priest or prelate laye or religious that shall not be founde writtē in the booke of lyfe which is the eternall predestination of god for that he hath worshipped the beast and his Image he shal be cast by the irreuocable sentence of the iudge into the stynking lake of fyre perpetully there to burne with the Diuell and hys Angels So that he which hath had no parte in the fyrst resurrection shal be sure to taste of this seconde death which is dampnation 23 He that beléeueth not the gospell whan it is faythfully taught hym repenting hys former lyfe but refuseth the grace thereof fréely offered shall for euer be damned Neuer shall his sin be remitted neither in this worlde nor in the worlde to come that reststeth the holy ghost withstanding the open verytie Onely remaineth a fearfull expectatiō of iudgement vnto thē that here treadeth Christ vnder fote not regarding his bloud shedding but doeing iniury to the spirite of grace for their owne inuention The .xxj. Chapter In thys laste vision of Iohan is both discribed the prosperous estate of the true church or kingdōe of Christ here and also the perpetuall Sabboth of the chyldren of God All the other visions were mixte with labours afflictions and paynes This is full of peace tranquilitie and ioye incorruption glorie and felycitie THE TEXT 1 And I savve a nevve heauen 2. a nevve earth 3. for the first heauen 4. and the firste earth vvere vanished avvaye 5. and there vvas no more sea 6. And I Iohan savve that 7. holy Cytie 8. nevve 9. Hierusalem 10. come downe from God out of heauen 11. prepared as a bryde 12. garnished for hir husdande 13. And I hearde a great voyce from the seate saying 14 Beholde the tabernacle of God 15. is wyth men 16. and he vvyll dvvell vvith them 17. And they shall be hys people 18. and God hym selfe shall be vvith them 19. and shall be theyr God 20 And God shall vvype avvaye 21. all teares from theyr eyes 22. And there shal be no more death 23. neither sorovve 24. neyther shall there be any more payne 25. for the olde thinges are gone The Commentary 1 Besides the afore rehersed reuelations I behelde now last of all saith saynt Iohan that heauen was cleane altered from that it was afore and became all newe and so was the earth also and became the same Not onely become they nowe spirituall by a true beléeue in the Gospell that afore were carnall but also in the ende of the world shall the whole bodyes of heauen and of earthe as golde in the fornace be purged from fylthynesse by fyre goyng before the yudge which both are nowe defiled wyth the wickednesse of the creatures 2 After both sortes shall they be delyuered from the corruption here of sinne and thereof death and dampnatyon and so be restored vnto the glorious lybertie of Gods children 3 The first heauen defiled through y● pryde of Angell and the first earth also corrupted by the sinnefull vsage of manne shall vanyshe cleane away and no more be séene Not that the substaunce of them shall vtterly perysh but that theyr nature shape and figure shal chaunge into a much more pure and perfect similytude A custome it was amonge the prophetes whan thy aduertysed the afflycted Israelytes of prosperite peace or renouation of the glory of God cōming towards thē to promis al things new 4 Beholde sayth the Lorde in Esay I make you new heauens and a new earth and as for the olde shall neuer more be though vpon Newe is the true church of Christ so are the people pertayning to the same In no poynt are they lyke to the Popes holy orders nor yet vnto Mahometes religion Clere are their hartes which haue rereceiued the verytie from all supersticions and theyr outwarde lyues from idell obseruations perfect are theyr consciences and theyr conuersacions godly And thys in the regeneration shal be fully accomplished Not onely shall that which is now mortall becō immortal the is now corruptible than incorrupted as the very Angels of the Lorde but also the vniuersall heauen shal be than renewed so shall the whole face of the earth and appere more beutyfull than now 5 And from that tyme fourth shall there be no more sea whych signifieth people vnstedfast vaine and fickle Whereas the peace of Christ is surely grounded no more is there anye troubled conscience No more is there any diffydence wan hope or dispayre Al bitternesse sorow anguish is turned into swéetnes ioy in the holy ghost We knowe sayth saynt Paule the all thinges are taken to the best in them that loue God Frō the Apostles whō Christ fyrst also called from the Sea vanished this waueringe Sea away whan they went from the mallicious counsell of the Bishoppes reioysinge that they were founde worthy to suffer rebuke for hys names sake In lyke case all impediments and néedes all daungers and doubtes all fearefull mouings and outragings
that we nowe haue of the sea shall cease in that day of the Lorde whan we shall beholde hym face to face No longer shall it be subdued vnto vanitie no more than the other creatures but clerely depured from fylthy corruption No more shall it be the same to sée to being frō thens forth so claer● as cristall though it styll be the same in substaunce 6 Heauen earth the sea wyth all other creatures in mistery thus renewed I Iohan the sonne of Zebede the same dysciple whom Christ loued being here in exyle for hys worde testimony perceyued in the saue mystery by the singular gyfte of the spirite the the selfe holy cytie or congregation of the Lorde whych is worthely called the new Hierusalem of peace descended downe out of heauen from hir omnipotēt creator God eternall 7 Holy is this cyty For both is she here the vndefiled spouse of the lambe and shal be hereafter more perfectly in the regeneracion Here admytteth she nothing in faithe that is prohpane and carnal but cleaneth to his only worde There shal she folowe his steppes in a much more pure estate clearly delyuered from all that is ill 8 Here is she newe in that she hath here by his godly spririte done of the olde man wyth hys fylthy workes And ther shal she also be new through hys gifte by throwinge awaye the bodye of sinne wyth death and corrupcion 9 Hierusalem is she called both here and there or peceable city of the Lord in that all hir cytizens are here of one faith and ther shal be of one glorious vnity and concorde Here are hir dwellers citizens with the saintes the househould seruants of god Ther shall they be both hys chyldren and heires togyther wyth Christ. 10 From God came she downe and out of heauen fyrste of all Neyther out of flesh nor bloud hath spronge hir Christen beléeue but frō the gracyous openinge of the father which is in heauē That Hierusalem saith Paul which is frée our mother is from aboue She is that Cytie whose builder and maker is God With none other lawes is she gouerned but with hys eternall testament and Gospell of peace With the constitutions of men hath she nothing to doe be they neuer so holy and precious For alone she dependeth on God and hys spirite 11 Of hym is she prepared through the gyft of fayth She is clensed with the fountayne of water in the worde of lyfe to séeme a glorious congregation without blemysh or wrincle From hir sinnes is she purely washed in his bloud 12 And so garnyshed as a beutifull bryde to hir husbande with loue ioye peace paciēce méekenesse long suffering other glorious fruites of the spirit Upon thy right hand Lorde sayth Dauid standeth a quene in a garmēt of most fyne golde compassed with diuersitie But euery man shall not se this hir apparell for it wil be rather a rayment of the harte than of the outwarde body Figured was this decking of hir at large in the wonderfull adourning of the temple and tabernacle of God in the dayes of Moyses and Salomon whose mysticall meting also he describeth in his cantycles How maruelous this newe Hierusalē wyll be in the regeneration whan shée meteth hir spouse in the ayre and how glorious hir countinaunce wyth him it lyeth not in vs to declare in all poyntes considering that neyther eye hath séene nor eare harde neyther can the hearte coniecture what God hath there prepared for them that loue hym but of this are we sure that wyth the glorye of him she shal be replenished Here is hir estate vnperfect and there perfect here mortall there immortal here sower ther sweet here harde there pleasaunt here paynfull there dilectable here Godly there inestimable glorious 13 And as Iohn had séene these wonderfull thinges and mused much vpō them a great voyce came vnto hym from the seate of God declaring the mistery thereof I hard sayth he in the middest of this last reuelation as I was in doubt what it ment a mightie voyce from the throne of my euerlasting Lorde saying thus vnto mée 14 Beholde Ihon beholde marke it both for thyne owne erudicion and also for the instruction of others The holy tabernacle or restyng place of the euerlastinge God of heauen is wyth men in the worlde beneth Not onely in that the eternall sonne of the Lorde toke vpon him the shape of a man callyng it the temple of hys body but also in that the soule of euery faythfull man is become the habitacle of the holy ghost He that loueth me sayth Christ obserueth my word In hym will both I and my father prouide vs a resting place He that is in loue abideth in god and God dwelleth in hym 15 This voice might Iohn well heare from the mouth of God in Esechiell I will make sayth he ther a perpetuall couenaunt wyth man to dwell with hym euermore My tabernacle shal be amonge them So that I wyll be their God and they shal be my people 16 For why it foloweth here in this voyce that he hath determined of fauourable loue mercy to dwell with them assisting them here in thys lyfe by hys spirite and in the lyfe to come shall he satysfye them by his eternall presence For here doe we sée hym in a similytude farre of there shall wee beholde hym lyke as he is in dede and shall eternally reioyce therein 17 Here are they his people through fayth for Israell is his heritage There shall they be his familiar housholde through loue and he their Lord for euer Here shall they be his chyldren and he theyr eternall father Ther shall they be his heyers Christ being the right heyer for them all 18 Thus God his owne selfe of hys inestimable goodnesse being presētly with them shall here by his grace and therby inestymable benefites shewe him selfe in all poyntes to be theyr moste mercyfull and louing God Here doth he strongly assist thē agaynst all temptations of enimyes There shall be endue them wyth full perfection and clerenesse 19 So shall he be theyr god that neither here nor yet ther shal they knowledge any other but hym alone Hée shall so comfort them here by his spirite and ther by his glorious presēce that neyther shall they here forsake hym nor there be deuyded from hym 20 And thys euerlasting god shall so wype away all teares from their eyes here that no vexacion shall make thē sorowfull nor yet aduersitie pensyue But all maner of slaunders and persecutions shall they take for most suffren consolations for his names sake For if he be wyth them who can preuaile against them 21 And after that day can no wepings be whereas shal be full ioye with immortalitie both of soule and body Beholde sayth the Lorde in Esayes prophecye I shall make a ioyfull Hierusalem yea and my selfe will reioyce there with them From thence forth shall neyther waylyng nor weping be harde in hir
any more 22 In hir moreouer shall be no more death for it shall be destroyed for euer No more shal mennes consciences dispayre here But haue ioye in the holy ghost No more shal they die through sinne but lyue vnto God by fayth And there shall no more the rose coloured whore be dronken in the bloud of martyrs Hir tyrauntes shal be closed vp in the stinking lake of fyre from the slaughter of them they than becomming immortall and impossible Moreouer thā this he that beléeueth in christ shal neuer die nor yet come into iudgement but passe cleane frō death vnto lyfe 23 Neyther shall there be any sorow nor crying any more For all maner of displeasure of the bodye as pouertye sicknesse losses emnytie vexacions and yll reportes are here paciently borne of the faythfull And ther shal be founde nothynge to minister any suche occasions Here is neyther age doubted nor yet persecution feared in them that reckeneth death aduantage hauinge in desire wyth Paule to be hence and wyth Christ. Nor yet shal be there where all is in ioye and peace durable for euer 24 Neyther shall there be felt any more payne Such hath bene the constauncye of the martirs here that litle haue the tormentes greued them Eleazarus paciently suffered all punyshmente Steuen reyosed to sée heauen open Andrewe woulde in no case be delyuered from deathe Laurentius offred his brent fleshe to be eaten The burnynge coles were so sweete vnto Tiburcius as the fragraunt roses So desyrous were the terryble tormēts vnto Uincent as a moste pleasaunt banket Angelus desired the people in Sicilia to esteme the tyraunt hys frynde What the exceding constauncy was of Iohn Husse and Hieronime of Prage dyuers Chronycles mencyoneth And in our tyme George Baynham in the fyre dyd neuer complayne Ihon Frith neuer shewed him self once greued in countenaunce Barnes neuer moued as hys enymyes doth report Peter Franke in Colchester sang ioyfully to the Lorde The thrée young men of Southfolk reioysed at the death with such other many And how farre they shal be from paines after this the great daye of the Lorde shall declare 25 For the olde thynges are paste sayth the text All that afore was tedious heauy and fearefull to the flesh is nowe become easie light and pleasaunt through that they haue learned of Christ. His word refresheth them in spirit and is a swéet rest vnto their soules And in the regeneration shall hunger thirst werinesse labour heat colde rayne winde thunder earthquakes with all other discommodities be taken cleane from them Neyther shal they haue ther néede of meat nor drinke foode nor rayment beddes nor buildings féeldes nor medowes welspringes nor riuers gardens nor vineyardes The Text. 1 And he that sate vppon the seate sayde 2. Behold I make all thinges nevve 3. And he sayde vnto me 4 Wryte 5. for these vvordes are faythfull and true 6. And he sayde vnto me 7. it is done 8. I am Alpha and Omega 9. the beginning and the ende 10. I will giue to him that is a thirst 11. of the vvel of the vvater of lyfe free 12. He that ouercōmeth shall inherite all thynges 13. I vvill be his God and he shall be my sonne 14 but the fearefull 15. vnbeleuing 16. the abhominable 17. murtherers 18. and vvhoremongers 19. and sorcerets 20. and Idolatrs 21. all lyars 22. shall haue their part in the lake 23. that burneth With fire and brimston 24. vvhich ys the seconde beath The commentary 1 And the omnypotent Lorde whych sate vpon the eternall throne concluded thus with me Hys holy spirite of promise assertayned my spyryte by hys heauenly word that all these thynges should be true 2 Behoulde sayth he I wyll make all thynges freshe and newe Heauen earthe the Sea and the vnyuersall Cytye of peace I wyll delyuer from all corrupcyon I make all pure cleane holy immortall vncorrupt impassible clere heauenly spirituall and glorious Neuer more shall they bee as they were afore whan they were yet olde Neuer shall be more eating nor drinking wyuing nor ●anketing traueling nor sléeping ●or other such doeinges pertayninge to the corruptible lyfe The rightuous shall than shyne as the red fyre sparkes So bright as the sunne shall they be in the kingdome of theyr father 3 Thus hath the Lorde here midsts meruielously described vnto Iohn and by hym vnto vs the misticall Sabboth of his people here the eternal Saboth after this lyfe ōmāding him to 〈◊〉 it as foloweth Much to fro hath bene amōg the 〈◊〉 doctours is 〈◊〉 to th●● day whether the saued multi●●●● shall reygne here vpon earth 〈◊〉 Christ or aboue in heauen afte● the iudgement day● Which is easy to be percei●ed if the scriptures hée tru●● conferred Therefore ser●h d●lygently the scriptures for they hear● witnesse of all truth Christ hath in Math. the they shal be thā as the Angels are now● in heauen whose office is hath to be h●re ● there And so muche 〈…〉 the they shal be as thā all one 〈◊〉 w●ll shall the earth be new as the heauens And nedes it must be to some purpose Neuer woulde Esay Pete● haue said the rightuous●sse should dwelt in thē if they shuld not occupy thē both It is said here also the the new Hierusalem shall come downe frō heauē But not so that it shall not vp againe For Christes electes shal be whereas he is Whan they shal be vpō the earth no let nor impedimēt shal they haue to be also in heauē both they being one 〈…〉 agyltie perfectiō shall be thā in their bodies as is now in the glorified body of Christ or in the spirituall nature of the angels Which are nowhere now the● And whether they be here or ther alwaies they sée God ● are 〈…〉 absent from him Manye scriptures myght be brought in to declare th●● mat●er more at large but it wold 〈◊〉 much tyme. What mutuall feloship heauenly amyte glorious pastyme will be betwixt them the angels at that day it fare passeth al capacities to diffine I coūsail 〈◊〉 to be curious in the serch of high misteris ●s this here is one without the feare of God least he ouercōmē of their exceding 〈◊〉 whoredom with many kinges by many false worshippinges This for hir méekenesse is commended of God the other proudely boasteth hir 〈◊〉 through holy tradicions merites and deseruinges to b●● a riche qu●ene With many such other 4 And the Lorde sayth saint Iohn which worketh all thinges by his onely word and commaundement 〈◊〉 thus vnto me Emprente first in thy hart that I haue here shewe● the● than leaue it in writing to the 〈◊〉 of those that than folow the● 5 And if thou wyll k●owe a reason why thou shalt thus doe take this 〈◊〉 sentence with thee I assure the so 〈◊〉 as I am God y● the wordes which I haue shewed in this present Reuelatiō are effectually most faithfull and ruste In no manner of
offered them Such were Annas ● Caiphas with our execrated bishoppes suffragāes channons 〈◊〉 ●●cars with all the priestes of the same wicked zeale 17 The vnpytefull murtherers are also the same bloude thursty prelates those Caines these boysterous Nemrothes that neuer will b●e satisfyed wyth the slaughter of innoc●ntes No cruell Antichrist after Ihon Wy●leues tyme dyd so spyghtfully persecute the veryte of Christe in Englande as dyd Philyp Repyngedone made than of a false brother or p●riuired christan byshoppe of Lincolne The graunde captaine of thys madde muster is the proude byshop of Rome the preposterous vycar of the Lambe the vnworthy successour of Peter in that he hath not yet put vp his sword Of the same sorte also are all those cruell Princes and vnmercyfull magistrates that applyeth their auctorities powers and offyces vnto the same mescheife Such deceytfull rauenours and abhomynable bloude sheders the mercifull Lorde abhorreth euermore Of this number was Pharao herod wyth innumerable tiranntes since which to reherse in order were to long 18 The filt●● whoremōgers are those holy spirituall Ammorites which hath consecrate themselues vnto Moloch in the fyre of fleshly concupi●●ence For euer haue they for sworne godly marryage to make daily sacryfyce to the diuell in buggary and other carnall beastlynesse The most highly estemed vertue of that generation is to haue no wyues Neuer cōmaunded I such filthy vowes sayth the Lorde neither came it euer in my thought to make Iuda sinne with such abhominacion For the ofte breaking of their othe profession vowe it is no matter so long as they make the rekening amonge thēselues Innumerable is the swarme of these lecherous locustes of Egipte euery where are their fruites séene all after Christes resurrection to saye that his desciples had stolen hym awaye by night 22 All these with such other execrable ●●●tes sayth the Lord vnto Iohn shall haue their iust porcion in the foule stinking lake y● horrybly fometh vpward with fylthy fyre and brymstone With the diuell and his angels shall they dwell for euer 23 Thus shal the wicked saith Dauid for neglectinge their Lord God be turned into hell with perpetuall confusion The fiery floud that shall go before the Iudge wyll swallow them vp cleane 24 And this is wythout fayle the second death or damnacion both of soule and body The perpetuall shame and reprofe as Daniel calleth it that shall neuer be recouered Not onely the abhominable homicides Idolatours and whoremongers shall haue this stinking reward but also the faynt harted hipocrits the vnfaythfull sorcerers and the execrable lyers with all theyr affinitie THE TEXT 1. And there came vnto mee 2. one of the seuen Angells 3. Which hath the seuen vyalles full of the seuen last plagues 4. And talked with me saying 5. Come hither I vvill shew thee the bryde the Lambes wyfe 6. And he caryed me away in the spirit to a great an high moūtayne 7. And he shewed me the great citie 8. holy Hierusalem 9. defending out of heauen frō GOD 10. hauing the brightnesse of GOD. 11. And 〈…〉 was lyke vnto a 〈◊〉 most 〈…〉 〈…〉 had vvalles 〈◊〉 high 〈…〉 had .xii. gates 15 and at the gates xii Angells 16. and names vvrytten 17. vvhich are the .xii. trybes of Israell 18. On the East part three gates On the North syde three gates 19. And tovvard● the 〈…〉 And on the West syde three gates 20. And the vvalle of the citie had .xii. foundacions 21. and in them the names of the Lambes .xii. Apostles The Commentarye 1 And as I was yet stil ioyously marueiling saith saint Iohn at this most friendlye communicatiō wonderfull mistery of the Lorde 2 There resorted vnto me very louingly one of the seauen angels mencioned héere afore which angels hath committed vnto them at the Lordes pleasure the seuen vials of his wrath contayning the seauen plagues of the world 3 None other are these Angels but the decréed purposes of God vttering his iudgements against cursed Babylon at their times appointed as we haue sufficiently declared in the xv xvi chapters afore One of thē sent the lord vnto Iohn to describe vnto him at large the glory of the new Hierusalē lyke as he did afore the confusion of Babilon For onely was this in spirite as here after foloweth 4 This angell saith he familiarlye communed with me This inspired purpose of God moued my harte my minde my witte reason vnderstanding and remembraunce with the other powers of soule to make mee pryuy of this secret mistery necessary to be knowne of the faithful 5 Come hither saith it spiritually vnto me leauinge at this time behinde thée all suche considerations as thou hast of nature Certēly wil I manifest vnto thee to the singuler comfort of many other what the beutifull Bryde is which is the vndefiled spouse of the Lambe Iesus Christ. Thou shalt wel perceiue hir by the gifte of faith to be far different from the Rose coloured whore that thou séest afore Thou shalt know here hir estate beuty behauer and aparell For that maketh God open to his louers which he hideth vnto other in parables 6 Than toke he me vp in the spirite saith Iohn and so carried me cleane away into a mightye great and excéeding high mountaine The contemplation of this heauenly misterye so occupyed my minde that clearely was I taken from the remembraunce of all worldly fantasies thought my selfe rapt vp with Paule vnto the thirde heauen Sittinge solytarye alone as did Hieremie I was lift vp aboue my selfe With Enoch Helias I thought my selfe taken from the worlde so great was the mistery 7 Anone this spirituall messenger shewed me a great godly Citie I was in remembraunce of the true congregation of God compact together in the vnitie of one perfecte Christian faith And this was not the olde Hieru●alem builded longe ago of Melchisadech as testifieth Iosephus For that was full of sinne ignoraunce and blindnesse She slewe the Prophets and stoned them vnto death that were sent vnto hir She disdayned also to receiue hir owne Lorde whā he came to hir of good loue 8 But this is al of an other sort perfit godly faithfull Yea this is aboue all estimatiō holy Not for the outwarde sacrifices which were but shadowes of thīgs to come but for the eternal redētiō y● came through him which offerd him selfe vnto God the father without spot 9 Not made by mans hande was this holy Hierusalē nor yet after this maner building For it issued out of heauē and so came downe from God the Father of light of whom only is all that is good and perfect Great is this citie not onely in that it is the possession of the great kinge of all but also in that it is highest in dignitie before him spred the world ouer 10 Glorious is it also blessed spirituall and heauenly hauing the inestimable brightnesse or wisdome of the omnipotent God hir light is the lambe Iesus Christe and
is in dede Than shall we perfectly know lyke as we are nowe knowen of hym Thā shal our measure be in al points as is the Angels measure Equal shall we be vnto them in full perfectyon vnderstanding and knowledge For as the Angels of heauen shall wée than be impassible immortall and glorious of equall number with thē The Text. 1 And the buyldynge of the wall of it was of Iasper 2. and the cytie vvas of pure golde 3. lyke vnto clere glasse 4. And the foundacions of the vvalles and of the citie 5. were garnyshed wyth all maner of precious stones 6 The first foundatyon vvas a Iasper 7. the seconde a Saphyre 8. the thyrde a Calcedonye 9. the fourth a Smaragde 10. the fifte a Sardonix 11. the sixte a Sardeos 12. the seuenth a Chrysolyte 13. the eyghte a Gerall 14. the nynth a Topas 15. the tenth a Chrisoprasos 16. the eleuenth a Iacynte 17. the tvvelfte an Amatist The Commentarye 1 The whole buyldyng of the wall of thys citye was of Iaspar stone Whych betokneth that in Christe it shal be most precyous pleasaunt delectable and sure For euer shall they be newe and gréene fresh and lyuely durable and beutyfull that perfectly beleue in hym and shall become sure stayes or pyllers in hys holy temple He that truely obserueth my worde sayth Christe shall neuer taste of death Upon a lyuynge foundacyon shall they be couched and so growe vp into an holy temple in the Lord and so together into the habytacle of God in the holy Ghost 2 And thys fayre cytie it selfe was of most pure golde so fine beutifull and clere as most pure glas possible With out spot or deformite is the true church of god hauing neither blemish nor yet wrincle and tryed it is throughly as gold in the fornace The clere lyght of thys cytie is Christ which neuer dyd sinne in worde nor in dede More precious haue his death bloudshedinge made it than is the most pure fine gold that euer was yet sene 3 A gloryous congregatiō haue he prouyded it to be and that will appere in the day of his visitatiō So far shall this excell the Hierusalem that Salomon builded as heauē exceleth the earth For that was but golde within thys is all golde throughly both within with out That was buylded by the handes of men thys is of a much hygher workemanshyppe An vndefiled heritage is this shal be chaunged frō clerenesse to clerenesse into the glorie of the Lord. 4 The strong foundations of the wall of this worthy citie which is the firme faith of the Patriarkes Prophetes the Appostles and other true teachers surelye grounded vpon Christ were beutifully adorned with all maner of precious stones or giftes of the holy Ghost 5 Diuerse were the graces which they had receiued and the fruites out springing from thē were also diuers glorious As loue ioy peace paciēce long suffering gentelnesse goodnesse faithfulnesse méekenesse tēperaunce and such other Nothinge fayre appeared these stones vnto this worlde whan they were hewen squared and made fyt foundatiōs by the manyfolde persecutions of tyrauntes no more than was the greate costly stone in the bottom of Syon vpon whome they were builded whyche séemed so deformed as a lypper Neuertheles yet was their death precious in the lords syght These are they shall theyr aduersaryes say at the day whom we sometyme thought fooles had in much derision But now they are counted among the children of god and haue their porciō among the saincts Here might much be spoken of fayth which diuersly wrought in Abel Seth and Enoch for the fyrst age In Noe Abraham Moyses Dauid Helias and other in their ages In Peter Iohn Iames with all the other Apostles syncere preachers since Christes time But let that suffise in this behalf that S. Paul hath written in the .xi. Chap. to the Hebrues which is also here after comprehended vnder the mystery of the .xii. precious stones whereof the foundacions are 6 In that the first foundacion is said here to be of a Iaspar or Dyamond Whose colour is grene is signified that the faythe of the fyrste fathers is not yet withered awaye Styll vnto this present daye is the example of Enos oryent fresh lyuely which firste called vpon the name of God and of many such other more Still perseuer they grene in the liuely Scriptures and fadeth not I haue earnestly prayed for thée Peter saith Christ that thy fayth should not fayle 7 The seconde foundacion was of a Saphire whose colour is as the Aire clere but not very precious in sight This betokeneth those simple soules which though they were as Iob and Ioseph the carpentour not precious to the worlde yet had they their dayly conuersations in heauen 8 The third was of a Calcedony which is yet more course to looke vppon than the Saphyre but in nature precious mighty and strong Of this nature were Helias and Iohn Baptiste whose conuersacion was in the wyldernesse rough harde and vnpleasaunt Yet apeared they precious at theyr tymes appointed mightely rebuking sinne drawinge vnto them the chaffe as the propertie is of the Calcedony which are the common people but vtterly throwing forth againe or condemning the Idolatours and hipocrites The word of Helias brent lyke a cresset and Iohn was a shining lanterne before the Lorde 9 The fourth was of a Smaragde or an Emerald which is not onely gren● of his owne nature but he maketh all the ayre about him to seme greene also Of thys condicion was Hieremy and Paule whych hauing the doctrine of lyfe spared not to minister it vnto other for their eternall refreshing These with suche other throwen into the foundation of the church were very comfortable vnto other With the holy saith Dauid thou shalt be holy and with the pure innocent thou shalt be both innocent and pure 10 The fyfte was of a Sardonix which is compouned of a Sardeos an Onice and is beneth blacke in the middest white and aboue reade Such were those méeke spirited that confesseth themselues sinners wyth Dauid and Magdalene being through fayth both pure and orient afore god Though I be blacke sayth the true congregatiō yet am I fair wel fauoured We faint not sayth Paule for though our outwarde man be corrupte yet is he that is inwarde daily renewed 11 The syxt is a Sardeos which in simultitude is very lyke vnto redde earth And such are they as notwithstanding the great benefites of God thinking themselues the vnworthye children of Adam whose interpretaciō after Philo is red earth in déede Mary Christes mother was of thys sort confessing hir selfe after most high benefightes to be but an hand maide and hir spirite onely to reioyce in god hir sauiour So was Abraham calling himself but dust and ashes before the Lorde 12 The seuēth foundatiō is of a Crisolite or Turcas which shineth as gold and séemeth as it should sende forth sparkes Under thys are
they comprehended whych hauynge the wisdom of the spirite inflameth other wyth it prouokinge them thereby to the loue of god their neyghbour Thus did Moyses and Esay Barnabas and Paule in whome the glorye of the Lorde apeared plentiously 13 The eight was of a Berall which is of a pale grene coloure betokening those faithfull persones whych of christiā compassion hath dolorously lamented the fall of theyr brethren Of this godly natur was Steuen which prayed for them that stoned him to death So was afore hys tyme Samuell whych mourned for Saul whan hée sée hym cast out of the Lordes fauour 14 The nynth was of a Topaze whych hath in hym the colours of all other stones And thys signifyeth thē whych are with all vertues adourned Lyke as was Daniell the man of desires and Iohn the Euangelist which wrote thys present prophecy whom Christ much loued The clere workes of these and such other wolde hée to shyne vnto men that by them the father might be glorifyed 15 The tenth was of a Chrisoprasos whose condicion is to shyne lyke gold and yet he is gréene in sight Suche are they whych hauing godly wysdōe vttereth it accordinge to the tallent geuen them of the Lorde thereby renewing the dull spirites of other vnto heauenly things Among this sort may Ezechiell be numbred which saw many wonderful visions so may Simeō and Anna in the Gospell 16 The eleuēth was of a Iacinct which is in coloure lyke vnto water spred ouer with bright sonne beames And this betokeneth those that are baren from the ●cience and learninge of this worlde and yet haue knowledge from aboue Uery Idiots appeare they in the sight of men and yet are they taughte of God to disclose most wonderfull secrets Of this sort were Oseas Iohel and Amos wihch was but a poore shepard with the other inferiour prophets And so were Andrew Philip Thomas with the other Apostles and Disciples 17 The twelft was an Amatist purple violet rose coloured And this betokneth them that are feruent méeke and constaunt in the Lords truth and that hath bene alwaies ready to shed their bloud for it Such were the vnbrethren in the Machabées with their most faithfull mother So was also Iames the more and Antipas the faithfull witnesse with other disciples martirs None can shewe a more token of loue than he which giueth vp his lyfe for his friends This sort dyd Christe proclaime altogether blessed sayde that the kingdom of heauen was their own Thus signifieth these xii foundatiōs that the godly ministers of Christes congregation haue builded vpon him according to the diuers graces which god hath geuen thē some gold some siluer some precious stones But they that haue brought vnto this building tīber hay or stubble which are customes tradicions dum ceremonies or els worldly honors riches voluptuous plesures are not in this heauenly number admitted Figured are these foundatiōs in the precious stones which were in the brest flap of Aron that hye priest in the preious decking of the king of Tirus necessary shal it be for him that will more largely know the natural properties of thē to resort vnto Plinius in the xxxvii Booke of his naturall historye or vnto Bartilmew de proprietatibus rerū for the vnderstanding of misteries vnto S. Hierom vpon the liiii chap. of Esay or vnto Beda Haymo Costasy Bacō●horpe Elyne Tilney such other as hath written great works vpon the apocalips Ynough is it for vs to shew you after the minde of S. Augustin these stones to signifie the diuers graces of the holy ghost For all these thinges doth one spirit of the Lord work deuiding seueral gifts vnto euery mā at his pleasure which ar not wtout their preciousnes beuty excellēt glory as will appere in the glorius day of the childrē of god The Text. 1 And the tvvelue gates vvere xii pearles 2. And euery gate vvas of one pearle 3. And the streat of the citie vvas pure golde 4. As a thorough shining glasse 5. And I savv no temple therein 6 For the Lorde God almightie and the Lamb is the temple of it 7. And the citie hath no neede of the sunne neither of the moone to lighten it 8. For the brightnesse of God doth lighten it 9 And the Lamb is the light of it 10. And the people vvhich are laued shall vvalk in the light of it 11. And the kings of the earth shall bring their glory vnto it 12. And the gates of it shall not be shut by day 13 For there shall be no night there 14. And ther shal enter into it none vnclean thing 15. Neither vvhatsoeuer vvorketh abhominatiō or maketh lies 16 but thei which are vvritten in the Lambes Booke of life The Commentary 1 Consequently saith the Angel vnto Iohn the xii gates or openinges into this citie were twelue fayre pearls For dilectable and precious is the doctrine of the gospell whereby men doe enter into the kingdome of God on euery side or in euery quarter age of the world 2 And euery gate by him selfe was of one pearle like as were the foundations of one precious stone euermore in their kindes In token that the verytie of Christ is whole perfect vnbroken in it selfe lyke as is his cote without seame A speciall commodyty is it in cities to haue their gates strōg and bewtifull And so is it in the kingdome of God that they which open vnto rightuousnesse be more feruent in the truth and of a more sincere life thā the residue For they shoulde be both the salte of the earth and lighte of the world Though these gates be many yet haue they but one entraunce for eche one of them is but of one pearle But one mediatour is there betwene God and man which is Iesus Christ None maye come vnto the father but by hym onely Alone is he the dore the waye the verytie lyghte life 3 And as concerning the cytie within the great strete thereof was as of pure golde so fyne fayre and cleare all the bryght shining glasse that maye be séene through without any maner of impediment or dymnesse Thys strete is the large commynalty or the sayntes whom the father of heauen by his power made of froward stones the perfect children of Abrahā whan he couched them here togyther in the verity of one christian fayth shall here after ioyne in such perfectiō of loue as possible can not be dissolued 4 Precious are they here through fayth in Christes bloud and there shal they be pure both in loue and lyfe incorruptible Oure reioyse sayth saint Paule is not in carnall wisdome but in the greate grace of God in singlenesse of hart in a sincere fayth Your glorye are we euen as you are ours also in the day of our Lord Iesus Christ. 5 In this glorious citye sawe I no temple builded saith Iohn for the Lord God almighty which is the eternall father and
for hys shousholde seruauntes enioying the swéet cōmodyties mencioned in thys booke as pertayning to hys peculyar people 8 Lyke as are the bewtyfull trée of lyfe wyth his manyfolde fruites and leaues of wholsomnesse the swéet running ryuer of the lyuing waters and the holy citye sufficiently discribed afore with such other els None that contendeth for a mastry saith Paule shal be crowned vnlesse hée contende lawfully Arrius toke away from the tenth of Iohn this setence I the father are one Photinus added this clause to the gospell as a voyce frō the father I giue vnto Iesu his original of Mary And both their intētes were to destroy our faith concerning christs godhede lyke as the papystes doth also our iustificacyon in hys bloude vnlesse we haue theyr lowsie masses merites A lyke adiuratiō to this hath Hireneus in the ende of his octonarie requiring al them that shal coppy out that booke to doo it truly as they will aunswers it béefore god their rightuous iudge In like case doth saint Hierome before the abreuiaciōs of Eusebius chronicle cōmaūd that in anye wyse the veritie therof be dilygently reserued So doth also Cyrillus the Gréeke in the preface of his prophecy vnto Ioachim Abbas desiring the writings therof in no case to be corrupted of il writers which diuers other 9 In confirmatiō of the I haue sayd afore saith S. Iohn the eternall son of god which hath ratified these former things with his mighty word saith here also as one subscribing to it 10 Yea it is so or els thus Like as thou hast said Iohn shal these blasphemers here after finde it the presumeth eyther to adde or to deminish frō these scriptures for any carnall purpose 11 And to perform the promyse of thyne I wyll not long tarry I come by by to reward the wicked which swift dampnatiō for not beleuing the truth For nowe are the last dayes the endes of the worlde yea the very laste houre Ready is the Lord sayth saint Peter to iudge the quicke and dead and the ende of all things is at hande 12 Sainct Iohn hearing this of hys mercifull Lorde and sauiour lifte vp his heade and handes towardes heauen as one desirous of the perfourmaunce of Gods appoynted will and of the full deliuerance of the faythfull he sayde Amen Or be it fulfilled in effect For that is the thing which my soule dayly desireth and inwardly coueteth to the full manifestation of thy glorious kingdome 13 Consequently in the voyce of the whole congregation cryeth Iohn as did Symeon the iust Yea euen so might it be as thou hast here promised that thou mightest come out of hande 14 Oh come most merciful redemer gracious Lord Iesu Christ to iudge the vniuersall worlde Come come or hie thée hether apace to seperate the wheate from the chaffe and the lambes from the Goates so bringing them into thy eternall tabernacle Wo is mée that my banishmēt endureth so long I dwelling in the tabernacles of the sorowfull My soule hath a thurstie desire for God the fountaine of lyfe Oh whan shall I come and beholde hys face Lyke are we to those faythfull seruaunts which wayte for the return of their Lorde from the wedding very ready to open at his knocking 15 The grace of our mercifull Lorde Iesus Christ sayth saynct Iohn wherby commeth saluation to them that truly beléeueth bée with you all so many as are of that godlye expectation and desire 16 Or the fauour mercy and acceptation of God the father through his blessed death euermore preserue you in the vnitie of his godly spirite that yée may hereafter in this holye citie bée partakers of his gloryous heritage in the worlde to come 17 Let all them say Amen vnto this which myndeth the glory of the Lorde vnfaynedly So be it A conclusion of the vvhole vvorke HEre hast thou good christian reader to thy soules consolation from the eternall Trinitie the Father the Sonne the holy Ghost three distincte persons in one euerlasting godhead the vniuersall estate of the church from Christes ascencion to the ende of the world in wonderfull mysteries discrybed directed vnto thee of him by the most holy Apostle and Euangelist Saint Iohn Wherein it is fully by all due circumstances manifested of the sayde holy Ghost what the innocent Christian church is with all hir iustifications blessings to the singular comforte of the Lords true electes and what the proude Synagoge of Antichrist is with hyr filthy superstitions and plagues to their fore warning also This is specially done here of the sayde holy ghost that no true beleuer should professe him selfe a citizen of this wretched world with Cain Nemroth other reprobate vessels at the execrable doctrine of men but at the pure voyce of God with Abell and Abraham to seeke for that heauēly heritage which is purchased for them in Christes bloud Marke heere the condition of Iohn being in most paynefull exile for he in misterie through all this booke representeth euery godly beleuer By this shall ye well knowe in this reuelation the one church from the other for the one is mayntayned by the onely preaching of Gods pure worde the other by all kyndes of Iewishe ceremonyes and heathenish superstitions And by this they also differ that Christ wold haue all of loue Antichrist of tyrannous constraint as euidently appeareth in Mahomete and the Pope For that only cause are many necessary thynges here written in mysterie that they should bee hid from the worldly wyse Hypocrites and that the iust or Gods meeke spirited seruaūts should aske them of their Lorde in fayth and prayer In the which dayly prayer is that most worthy minister of God Kyng Henry the eight afore all other to thée remembred which hath so sore wounded the beast that he may before his departure or Prynce Edwarde after him throw all his supersticions into the bottomlesse lake agayne frō whence they haue commen to the comforte of his people The grace and peace dyrected from God the Father his Son Iesus Christ with the holy Ghost in the beginning of this reuelatyon be vnto all them which vnfaynedly loue hys veritie Amen ¶ Printed at London by Thomas East Apoc. 22. 1. Cor. 6. Rom. 12 Apoc. 1. Apoc. 22. Apoc. 4. 1. Iohn 5. Mat. 16. Apoc. 14. Hebr. 7. Apoc. 1. Iohn 7. Apoc. 21. Apoc. 18. Apoc. 15. Ephe. 5. Apoc. 21. Apoc. 17. Apoc. 2. VVhy this booke is called the Image of both churches Apoc. 11. Apoc. 18. 2. Pet. 3. 2. Timo. 3. Eccle. 2. 1. Pet 5. Ephe. 6. A brief sum is this boke of the whol scriptures Luc. 24. Esay 9. Apoc. 21. Ephe. 4. Iohn 16. Hebr. 2. Apoc. 18. Col. 1. Apoc. 4. Apoc 12. Apoc. 21. Ephe. 3. August Apoc. 21. Hier. 50. Iohn 5. Mat. 7. Mat. 13. Rom. 15. Luce. 10. Iohn 21. Apoc. 1. Iohn 12. Apoc. 22. Gilbertus porre●a Mat. 25. Lucc 11 Mat. 5. Mark 4. Iacobus faber super Dionisium VVhat