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A01704 The blessing of a good king Deliuered in eight sermons vpon the storie of the Queene of the south, her words to Salomon, magnifying the gouernment of his familie and kingdome. By Thomas Gibson, minister. Gibson, Thomas, M.A. 1614 (1614) STC 11841; ESTC S103127 203,984 514

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true wisedome This is the ioye and Felicitie of Gods children in this life This doctrine serueth for many excellent vses And first it serueth to set out the miserable estate of such as are destitute of this gratious meanes For if they be happy that heare this wisdome vnhappy are they and cursed which cannot heare it which are cleane without it haue no taste or knowledge of it Where Proph●cying faileth or where there is no Vision of wisedome there the people perish And in an other place Where no counsell is the people fall But where manie Counsellors are there is health Againe The Lorde complaineth in these words by the Prophet saying My people are destroyed for lacke of knowledge Because thou hast refused Knowledge I will refuse thee that thou shalt bee no Priest to mee And seeing thou hast forgotten the Lawe of thy God I will also forget thy children The Lorde threatneth it as one of his greatest Iudgements to send in his wrath to anie people Blinde Guides dumbe Dogges Idoll Shepheards and scarcitie and famine of his word And as our SAVIOVR CHRIST saith That if the blind leade the blind both shal fall into the ditche Ignorance blindnes is a wretched vnhappy thing both in Minister people Knowledge a part of Gods Image Ignorance defaceth it Knowledge the Eye of the soule Ignorance the very blindnes and darknes of the soule It is the cause of all sinne and error And if it bee Eternall life to knowe God it is eternall death destruction and damnation not to know him And heauy is that sentence of the Apostle against such when he saieth That when the LORD IESVS shall shewe himselfe from heauen with his mighty Angels hee will in flaming fire render vengeance vnto them that do not know GOD which obey not the Gospell of our Lorde Iesus Christ which shall be punished with euerlasting perdition from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power Some are maliciously ignorant misliking and hating the Truth Some are sloathfull idle carelesse They will take no paines for Wisedome Some are proude thinking scorne to learne and that they neede not bee taught but knowe enough alreadie These are none of the sonnes and daughters of Wisedome but rather those Fooles of whom Salomon often speaketh in the Prouerbes And indeed the Diuell may begge them for fooles these haue no part in this happines but are vnhappy here and shall be most vnhappy hereafter This doctrine also serueth for the reproofe of such as seeke to hinder and stoppe the course of wisedome these are vnhappy themselues and seeke to hinder the happines of others they are like to the malicious Philistimes which stopped the welles of Isaack as fast as he digged them and would haue kept his cattle from water so these would hinder men from the sweet water of life He that withdraweth the corne saith the wise man the people curse him but blessing shall be vpon the head of him that selleth corne Couetous and cruell men are most vile and wretched creatures which keepe backe the corne from the poore hoping for a greater dearth much more vnhappy are they which keepe from the people the bread of life the decay of tillage is a hindrance to the common-wealth and the cause of want and dearth and they that doe it doe offend against God and men and they sinne much more which pulleth downe Gods plough and hinder the sowing of the blessed seede of his word which is as needfull for the soule as husbandrie is for the body The righteous man regardeth the life of the beast but the mercies of the wicked are cruell pitty and compassion is to be shewed to the very dumbe creatures that doth vs seruice we must see them fed and it were cruelt●e to pine them how much more are we to be mercifull to men to the bodies of men and most of all to their soules And if it be crueltie to pine and famish the bodies of men yea of any creature how much greater crueltie is it to pine famish and murther the precious soules of men in keeping from them the blessed and spirituall foode of their soules Were it not an vnmercifull cruell thing to take from a poore souldier his sword his buckler his whole armour and to leaue him naked and open to the force and rage of most cruell enemies As vnmercifull are they which take from the poore people the sword of the spirit the word of God being the armour of proofe and so leaue them altogether weake and vnarmed against their spirituall enemies by the power of the word and the right vse and handling of it Sathan Antichrist sin ●rror heresies all corruptions are weakned and ouerthrowne how shall we then doe if we be depriued of such a weapon and most cruell are they that depriue and robbe the poore people of it such are the Papists which keepe from the people the blessed booke of true wisedome wil not haue it read to the people in their own tōgue but in a strange an vnknowne language wheras the Apostle had rather in the Church to speake fiue words with vnderstanding then ten thousand in a strange tōgue he would haue vs not to be children in vnderstanding but of a perfect ●ip●age Christ cōmandeth to preach the Gospel to al nations therfore he gaue thē the gift of all tongues that they might preach to euery nation in their owne tongue Others also ●oyne with the Papists which by any meanes s●eke to hinder st●ppe the free course of the Gospell such were the Pharises whom Christ threatneth saying Woe be to you scribes Pharises hypocrites because you shut vp the kingdom of heauē b●fore men for you your selues go not in neither suffer you thē that would enter to come in And in an other place it is said that they had taken frō the people the key of knowledge such were the wicked malicious Iewes who killed the Lord Iesus their owne Prophets and persecuted the Apostles and forbad them to preach to the gentiles that they might be saued to fulfill their sinnes alwaies for the wrath of God is come on them to the vtmost Such a one was Alexander the copper Smith of whō S. Paul saith That he had done him much euill the Lord reward him according to his workes of whom be thou ware also for he withstood our preaching sore Againe this also serueth to reprooue all those which may heare and will not such are all Recusants Papisticall or Anabaptisticall which refuse to come to our assemblies and will not be partakers with vs either of the word or Sacraments they haue other meetings haue gathered to themselues other kinde of teachers and haue made quite separation from vs and yet without any iust cause or reason and the true messengers of wisedome doe truly deliuer the
well of those good things which they praise in others and it is the gift of God to allowe and approue of his graces and to forbid such kinde of commendations is not to will nor desire that the faithfull should praise and approue those things which are worthie of due praise and approbation Salomon in this place doth not refuse but accept the iust commendation of this woman though it be of himselfe in his owne presence and in the hearing of many other and yet we must beware that wee be not moued to doe well for the desire of praise and that we cease not from doing good though wee be reuiled and hardly spoken of and those praises which are giuen to vs let them not rest nor die in vs but let the glorie of them be referred to God the author and giuer of all good gifts A worthie Father writeth of himselfe that in this respect he had cause to be much grieued because he was oftē praised and hee could hardly auoyde the pride of heart yet hee saith that this was his comfort that it was appointed of God that praise should bee the follower of a good life And howsoeuer Salomon saith Let an other man praise thee and not thine owne mouth a stranger and not thine owne lippes yet sometimes the Saints of God are forced to praise themselues not for vain-glorie but for the glorie of God the confirmation of others and for the stopping of the mouthes of the aduersaries It is a worthy saying of the same Father Beholde saith hee it is found how thou mightest praise thy selfe and not be proud praise God in thee and not thy selfe praise him not because thou art such a one but because hee hath made thee such a one not because thou canst doe anie thing but because he can doe something in thee and by thee Finally this doctrine serueth for the comfort of vertuous and good men who haue small comfort and commendation in the world but rather dispraise and discomfort they are disgraced and despised of the most let them take this as some crosse vpon them and howsoeuer they haue not deserued it of the world yet it may bee God hath something against them and it may bee if they had the praise of all men it would make them proud and high conceited and God depriueth them of earthlie glory that they might more carefully seeke heauenly and Eternall glorie As for the praise of men it is but like a feather tos●ed vp and downe by the wind hither and thither and therefore not to be regarded nor hunted after Let vs content our selues with the testimonie of a good conscience the praise of good men and specially and most of all with the approbation and praise of God For the Lord God is the Sunne and shield vnto vs the Lorde will giue grace and glorie no good thing will he withhold from them that walke vprightly the full accomplishment of these promises and the like shal be in the great and latter day the day of praise and reward and a full recompence to euery man according to his works when God shall bee glorified in his Saints and be made maruellous in all them that beleeue then those which by continuance in wel doing haue sought glorie shall certainely haue honour immortalitie and eternall life In the meane time wee must remember that God hath the disposing of all to ●gues hearts and he can make our Righteousnes and Innocencie to shine as the light euen in this life to the shame of the enemie and to our comfort and credit But to let this passe and to come to the maine point chiefe doctrine of this sentence which was the fift note obserued of a good hearer to repose true felicitie and happines in true wisedome This I meane to vrge fully and largely because it is expressely set downe in the text and comprehendeth all the rest For they which thus esteeme of it will refuse no paines to learne and enioy it will reuerence the teachers will be thankefull to God and them For the cause why few men doe desire this wisedome but are idle careles and vnwilling to learne the cause why fewe reuerence their faithfull pastors few moue and stirre vp any other to goodnes Fewe reioyce in the meanes of saluation and praise God for it but rather loath contemne it the cause I say why most hearers are profane careles churlish froward couetous vnthankfull and vnprofitable the cause of all is they do● not rightly esteeme of this wisedome they thinke basely and contemptablie of it preferring carnall wisdome and all worldly things aboue it But let this worthie woman teach them the true price worth estimation of wisedome Shee accounteth them happie that enioy it she reposeth the greatest felicitie of this life in it she might haue said happie are you which haue so sumptuous and beautifull a temple such a princely pallace which was twentie yeares in building surpassing all that euer was either since or before shee might haue said Happie are you which haue so glorious and famous a King a mirrour wonder to all the world in pompe wealth and dignitie she might haue saide Happy are you which haue such Vineyards Orchyards gardens like Paradice such pleasures and delights of all sorts and kinds she might haue said Happie are you which haue such store of goodly Horses and Horsemen and such abundance of gold and siluer so many Targets of beaten golde and all drinking vessels of golde and siluer being as common as stones in the strectes but shee passing all these things as nothing in comparison she accounteth this as the greatest Happines to heare and enioy the wisdome of Salomon and in this her iudgment she excelleth and surpasseth many learned men both before since her time who haue erred gone farre astray touching the chiefe good and Felicitie of man About that question of the finall good the Philosophers haue kept a wonderfull coyle among themselues seeking in euery cranke and cauerne thereof for the true beatitude for that is the finall good being onely desired for it selfe all their goods hauing in their attainements a reference out of that alone we doe not call that the finall good which endeth goodnes that is which maketh it nothing but that which profiteth it which giueth it fulnes of perfection Thus Augustine defineth the finall good the same father reiecting confuting the varietie multiplicitie of vaine opinions by many Sects of the Philosophers he setteth downe the Christians opinion of the chiefest good If you aske vs now saith he what the Citie of God saith to this position of the perfection of good and euill It will answere you presently eternall life is the perfection of good and eternall death the consummation of euill And that the ayme of all our life must be to auoyd this and attaine to that other therefore it is written The iust shal liue by faith for we see not
our greatest good and therfore are to beleeue and hope for it nor haue power to liue accordingly vnlesse our beleefe and prayer obtaine helpe of him who hath giuen vs that beleefe and hope that he will helpe vs but such as Foūd the perfection of felicitie in this life placing it either in the bodie or in the minde or in both or to speake more apparantly either in pleasure or in vertue or in pleasure and rest together or in vertue or in both or in natures first effects Fondly and vainely are these men perswaded to find true happines here The Prophet scoffeth thē saying The Lord knoweth the thoghts of men Or as S. Paul hath it of the wise that they are vaine Some of the Philosophers haue counted vertue in a perfect life some in the tranquilitie of the minde some prosperitie with vertue some to be without sinne and some haue counted it the best happines to die well Solon being asked of Cressus who excelled all in riches whether euer he sawe a man more happier thē he He named one Tellus an Athenian a priuate man who had left his children and kinsefolke well brought vp and instructed had happily ended his daies and being asked againe whō next to him he did thinke to be happie he named Cleobin and Bitis brethren men of small estate who were both dead and left behinde them a great name and praise of their pietie The King being angrie said vnto him doest thou thē put me in no place of happines Yes saith Solon I doe easily confesse that thou art a King flourishing with wealth and gouernment but yet not to be called happie before thou dost happily end thy life Of all the Philosophers Plato and his disciples came neerest to true Christianitie and in defining true happines he determined that the end of all good was the attaining of a vertuous life which none could doe but he that knewe and followed God neither is any man saith he happier by any other meanes and therefore he affirmeth that to be a Philosopher is to loue God whose nature is incorporiall the Philosopher is then blessed when he enioyeth God he held God to be the creator of the world the light of vnderstanding the good of all actions the beginning of nature the truth of doctrine the happines of life he saith it must be a wise mans continuall meditation to follow God and to be like him that is to be iust holy wise Finally he placeth beatitude true blessednes in the life to come these are diuine and heauenly points and therefore he was called Diuinus Plato and some thinke that he had seene some part of the scripture as Ieremiah or Geneses And a man would thinke that he wrote and spake like a Christian and in the things aboue named he and we doe agree but yet he was vaine in his imaginations and his foolish heart was full of darknes being ignorant of the true wisedome he held diuers grose errors as the worshipping of many Gods the eternitie of the world and denied the resurrection of our bodies but this we hold with him that there is no true felicitie in this life but in another and therfore it is rightly said the true beatitud● is vnattaineable in this life for none liues as he list but he is happie and none is happie but he is iust yet the iust liueth not as he list vntill he attaine that sure eternall hurtlesse vndeceiuing state that he naturally desireth and cannot be perfect till he haue his desire but what man here vpon earth can say hee liues as he list when his life is not in his owne hand he would liue faine and he must die how then liueth he as he list when he liueth not as long as he list but if he list to die how can he liue as he list that will not liue at all and if he desire to die not to forgoe all life but to change it for a better thē liueth he not yet as he list but attaineth that by dying But admit this he liueth as he list and brought himselfe to this to desire nothing but what is in his owne power as T●●rence saith Since you cannot haue what you would desire that which you may haue yet is he not blessed because he is a patient wretch for beatitude is not attained except it be affected and if it be both attained and affected then must this affect needs surmount all other because all other things are affected for this and if this be loued as it ought to be for he that loues not beatitude as it ought to be cannot be happie then cannot it choose but be desired to be eternall Againe earthly riches can neither blesse vs nor our Children with happines we must either lose them in this life or deeme them to be enioyed after our death by one we cannot tell whom perhappes by those wee would not should haue them no it is God the minds true wealth that makes vs happie and this happines is in the life to come there shall the Creator bestowe all the gifts of nature vpon vs and giue them not onely as goods but as eternall goods not onely to the soule by reforming it with wisedome but also to the body by restoring it to the resurrection there the vertues shall not haue any more conflicts with the vices but shall rest with the victorie of eternall peace which none shall euer disturbe for it is the finall beatitude hauing now attained a consummation to all eternitie We are said to be happie heere on earth when we haue that litle peace that goodnes can affoord vs but compare that happines with that other and this shall be held but plaine miserie there is health without infirmitie strength without decay fulnes without loathing freedome without bondage beautie without deformitie abundance without want securitie without feare knowledge without ignorance or error holines without sinne Ioy without any sorrowe Ioy I say full vniuersall sufficient eternal what a glory and Ioy to haue alwaies the presence and sight of God whose beautie the Angels doe wonder at whose light darkeneth the Sunne Oh blessed sight to see God to see him in himselfe to see him in vs and vs in him Oh happie sweetnes and sweete happines whatsoeuer we desire we haue it desiring no more at all and whatsoeuer we shall haue we shall loue with a blessed loue all things to be desired are to be found in him his countenance sweete and amiable he is sufficient for reward we shall alwaies behold him haue and enioy him delight in him This is the whole good and felicitie of man to knowe and loue him that loued him what dost thou loue oh my soule what desirest thou oh my flesh whatsoeuer thou louest or desirest there it is If thou louest and desirest beautie there the righteous shall shine as the Sunne is the kingdome of the Father If thou desire health and life there it is for euer If
nor friend but his enemie he that hath not contented himselfe with many Lordships and countries he that hath ioyned house to house land to land then a little peece of ground will serue his turne By such reasons doth Salomon proue the miserie of riches and he concludeth that the whole life of the rich man is miserable saying All his dayes he eateth in darkenes with much griefe sorrow anger Finally riches are deceitfull and dangerous they hinder vs from Gods kingdome they drawe our heart to them and make it as a captiue and slaue they ouerloade presse vs with cares they make vs faint-harted and fearefull cowards to endure any thing for the Gospell of Christ they often hinder vs and keepe vs backe frō wisedomes Schoole and though wee come thither yet they doe choake the seede of the Word in vs. Therefore there is no true Happinesse in them Those bee true Riches which when wee haue them wee cannot loose them Earthly substance compared to Eternall felicity is no helpe but a burden This life compared with Eternall life is rather to be called death then life The sonnes of Adam saith Bernard are a couetous generation What haue you to doe with earthly Riches which are neither true riches nor yet yours Gold and Siluer is red and white Earth which the error of man doth make and account more precious And if they be yours take them with you when you die It is a true saying of these Earthly riches Hic gig●untur Hic amittuntur Hic dimi●tuntur Heere they are gotten here they are lost and heere they are left Those then which repose Felicitie in Riches haue neither true Wisedome nor true Happinesse nor true Riches They are as much deceiued which put anie happinesse in Earthly pleasures Some of these are Carnall and wicked and haue their beginning from Hell Of this speaketh Salomon when he saith It is a pastime for a Foole to doe wickedly And of this speaketh Esaiah when hee saith The Lorde calleth to weeping and mourning and beholde ioy and gladnes slaying Oxen and killing sheepe eating flesh drinking wine Eating and drinking for tomorrow we shall die Of this speaketh our Sauiour CHRIST when hee saith Woe bee to you that now laugh for you shall waile and weepe In such pleasures the rich man liued in the gospell all his life time vpon earth but after death his soule was tormented in Hell The Apostle saith of the wanton widdowe that shee liuing in pleasure was dead while shee liued and indeed those which were most liuely and lusty in these pleasures are but dead men in grace and goodnes But to let these sinfull pleasures passe wherein yet manie too wholie spend their time and count it their chiefe Felicitie And to come to honest lawfull and ciuill pleasures yet there is no true Felicitie in them Let the best the greatest ioye and delight bee named yet it is but transiorie It is not true and perfect ioy It doth not satisfie and content vs. After wee haue it we loath it It is common both to good euill It doth leade to corruption it doth oftētimes cause grief and sorrow The other pleasures indeed they come from hel and these are but from the earth They are but pettie ioyes bitter sweetings seeming Ioyes earthly and bastardly ioyes in comparison of true and perfect ioy we are not borne to spend our time in mirth ioy but rather to mourne and lament in respect of our sinnes and miseries Blessed are they which mourne saith Christ for they shall be comforted and they that sowe in teares for they shall reape in ioy and there is a godly sorrow that leadeth vs to repentance and so to saluation the true way to godly ioy is to feele godly sorrow Oh that we would remember the greatnes and the multitude of our sinnes the certaintie of death the vncertaintie of the houre of it the account that we are to make in that great day the manifold duties that we owe and are to performe to God to the Church to the common-wealth to our countrie to our families and others and the remembrance of these things no doubt would abate restraine and moderate our lawfull pleasures Let them that reioyce be as though they reioyced not and they that vse this world as though they vsed it not for the fashion of this world passeth away Loue not this world saith S. Iohn neither the things that are in the worlde If any man loue the world the loue of the Father is not in him For all that is in the worlde as the lust of the Flesh the lust of the Eyes and the Pride of life is not of the Father but is of the worlde and the world passeth away and the lusts thereof but he that fulfilleth the will of God abideth for euer The glorie of this worlde saieth one is deceitfull and is worthily refused It is but like the flower of Grasse and a vapour appearing for a time In what state so euer of this life there is more griefe then pleasure whilest thou doest reuenge defend enuie suspect whilest thou doest alwayes loue that which thou hast not and hauing gotten something thy desire is not diminished What rest is there in thy glorie If there bee anie the ioye passeth away not returning againe and thy griefe remaineth which will neuer leaue thee Oh wicked worlde who doest wont so to blesse thy onely Friendes that thou doest make them the enemies of God There is small ioy to a man when hee seeth his Neighbours house on Fier Hee is vaine which spendeth the dayes of his Repentance in pleasure when he seeth daylie before his eyes both his Friendes and others to die and so seeth that Death is certaine Is hee not vaine then that forgetting the feare of God doeth giue himselfe to vaine delights Parents do more grieue then ioye when they see their Childe borne and die in one day The ioy of this worlde is short It is a foolish thing to delight in our owne Foolishnes It is a vaine thing to fill our hearts with delights which are ended before they beginne It is a vaine ioye of the Byrdes in the middest of Nettes Trappes and Snares set for them And it is a foolish thing in the Fishes to delight in the bayte of the hooke which bringeth present sorrow and death And they are as vaine as those vnreasonable creatures which glorie in the vaine delights of this world Seeing that Death is so neere them The very Heathen haue proued and mocked this follie of men Some saying That we come into the world weeping we goe out of the worlde wailing And yet we liue heere laughing others saying that the desire of pleasures are griefe that the fulnes of pleasure is full of repentings that the end of pleasures is heauy and grieuous that if any may be counted blessed for them then the beasts also may
and bodies he did not thunder or threaten h●a●ie iudgements but freely promise remission of sinnes and freely offereth the inheritance of eternall life and yet they say he hath a diuell and they pursue and hate him to death so farre are they from being drawne to repentance by his heauenly doctrine Therefore most iustly doth our Sauiour both alledge the example of this woman and the example of the Niniuites to their shame and condemnation This may seeme very hard and heauie to some but it is most true and confirmed by common sense and reason that those shall be most seuerely punished which are not moued by such meanes as haue moued many other those I say are in most heauie case which haue moe and greater meanes of repentance and yet haue not repented this will lye heauie vpon all contemners of the word vpon all false Christians vpon all vnprofitable and vnthankefull hearers though they come of Christian parents though they professe heare and be partakers of the Sacraments yet this will not serue the turne if they be inferiour to them in grace and goodnes and so condemned by their example that had either no knowledge of religion or lesse meanes then they such men sometimes to their shame the Lord sendeth them not onely to the heathen but also to the very bruite beasts to learne of them Heare ô heauens and hearken ô earth for the Lord hath sayd I haue nourished and brought vp children but they haue rebelled against me The Oxe knoweth his owner and the Asse his masters cribbe but Israel hath not knowne my people hath not vnderstood His meaning is that the very bruite and and dull beasts are more kind and more dutifull to their Maisters and feeders then many people are to God their Creator preseruer and redeemer And in an other place he complaineth saying I hearkned heard but none spake right no man repented him of his wickednes saying What haue I done euery one turneth to the rase as the horse rusheth into the battel euen the storke in the aire knoweth her appointed times and the Crane the Turtle and the Swallow obserue the time of the comming but my people knoweth not the iudgement of the Lord. The meaning is that these birds doe better knowe and obserue the seasons of Summer Winter cold and heate then his people did the times of mercy and iudgements The greater means the longer time and the more plentifull we haue it the heauier shal be our iudgement if we profit not by it And therefore our Sauiour Christ did most of all vpbraide and threaten those cities where he preached most and wrought most miracles because they repented not Woe be to thee Chorazin sayth he woe be to thee Bethsaida for if the great workes which were done in you had beene done in Tyrus and Sydon they had repented long agoe in sack cloth and ashes but I say to you it shall be easier for Tyrus and Sydon at the day of iudgment then for you And thou Capernaum which art lifted vp to heauen shalt be brought downe to hell for if the great workes which haue beene done in thee had beene done among them of Sodom they had remained to this day but I say to you It shall be easier for them of the land of Sodom in the day of iudgement then for thee In these places he did many of his greatest workes and that a long time yea so many so great workes as might haue moued the very Infidels to repentance his works doe comprehend his doctrine for the more confirmation of his doctrine these people they heard Christ teaching they receiued and entertained him they saw his miracles they accepted his benefits both corporall and spirituall the benefits and priuiledges were very great which he vouchsafed them he did not deale so with euery Nation Citie or Towne It is a great mercie to haue a Prophet though it be to our cost paines but Christ came to them freely vndesired vnsought for It is a mercie to haue the word without miracles but they had both his word and miracles It is a fauour to see Christ and to heare him though it were but once but they heard and saw him many times and yet they are vnthankefull and disobedient But let vs more neerely consider what Christ speaketh of the citie of Capernaum it was a famous citie of Galilie and had some speciall prerogatiue aboue the rest for the Sonne of God beginning his kingdome and priesthood he did choose that citie as his Pallace and Sanctuarie there he liued and dwelt amongst them This is the chiefe glorie of Cities to entertaine Christ and his Gospel This doth as it were lift them vp to heauen but if they repent not but still continue their sinnes and abuse the mercies of God their iudgement shall be the heauier The grace of God is tyed to no place nor person he will spare none if they abuse his mercies and this maketh much to the shame and condemnation of the Pope of Rome who glorieth that he is Christs Vicar Peters successor and that Rome is the Metropolitane and Mother-Church of all the world Though this be most false yet if it were true he must know that the more promises and priuiledges they haue they must looke for the greater iudgements Idolatrie pride vncleanesse vnthankfulnesse incredulitie and other like sinnes haue bin the ruine and destruction of many famous Cities which haue had greater promises greater priuiledges then euer Rome had Memorable and fearefull is the example of Ierusalem which was called the citie of God the holie citie a figure of the spirituall and heauenly Church of the which the Psalmist speaketh excellent things God is knowne in Iuda his name is great in Israel that there are thrones for iudgement euen the thrones of the house of Dauid Pray for peace of Ierusalem let them prosper that loue thee The Prophet Esai saith The law shall goe forth of Syon the word of the Lord from Ierusalem What Citie had euer greater priuiledges and yet according to Christ prophecying it is long since come to miserable ruine and desolation the Iewes that were once the people of God haue beene long since reiected the naturall branches are cast off and they are become a lamentable spectacle to all the world for the contempt of Gods word and abusing of his mercies The like fearefull examples we haue in the seuen Churches of Asia of the which S. Iohn speaketh in his Reuelation they were planted by the Apostles themselues they professed the Gospell of Christ they had the word and Sacraments they had all the prerogatiues priuiledges and markes of true Churches yet are they long since quite ouerthrowne for their vnthankfulnes and disobedience to the Gospell What then shall become of Papists Athists Recusants despi●ers mockers Pagannes and Infidells when as such as haue receiued the Gospell and entertained it shall be in harder and heauier estate in the day of iudgement then
word they are strongly illuded by Sathan and made his Agents as much as may be to 〈◊〉 the right wayes of the Lord. Finally this Doctrine that happinesse consisteth in the right hearing of wisdome it maketh directly against all contemners mockers ye● against all vnprofitable and vnfruitfull hearers There hee some in the Church which doe heare sometimes yet are no friends to wisdome but either open●y or closely despise it scoffe at it These men are in most fearfull and cursed state for their contēpt is not against man but against himselfe He that despi●eth these things despiseth not man but God who hath giuē vs his holy spirit These men they will not beleeue they haue no part in the promises of grace and saluation they liue in Gods displeasure they expose thēselues to his curse both temporall and ●ternall and therefore our Lord saith That whereas hee had sent to his people Messengers rising early and sending and they mocked the Messengers of God despise his words and misvsed his Prophets that his wrath should rise against them and there was no remedie he could for ●eare no longer hee must needes punish them And to such contemners our Sauiour Christ threatens That the kingdom of God sh●lbe taken away from them and giuen to a Nation which shall bring forth the frutes therof And the Apostles Paul Barnabas spake boldly to such contemners said It was necessary that the word of God should first haue bin spoken to you that is to the Iews but seeing you put it frō you iudge your selues vnworthy of euerlasting life loe we turne to the Gentiles and let vs heare the voyce of wisdome who crieth without vttereth her voyce in the streets she calleth in the high streets in the prease in the entring of the gates vttereth her wordes in the Citie saying O ye foolish how long will ye loue foolishnes the scornfull take their pleasure in scorning the fooles hate knowledge turne you at my correction Loe I will powre out my minde vnto you and make you vnderstand my wordes because I haue called and yee refused I haue stretched forth mine hand and none would regard but ye haue despised all my counsell and would none of my correction I will also laugh at your destruction and mocke when your feare commeth when your feare commeth like sudden desolation and your destruction come like a whirlewinde when affliction and anguish shall come vpon you then shall they call vpon me but I will not answere they shall seeke me early but they shall not finde me because they hated knowledge and did not choose the feare of the Lord they would none of my counsell but despised all my correction therefore shal they eate the fruite of their owne way and be filled with their owne deuises In the which place we may plainely obserue a proofe and testimonie of the mercie and iustice of God his mercie in calling and inuiting to wisedomes feast such as be vnworthie ●uch as be contemners enemies and scoffers yet he doth intreat them and earnestly desire them to leaue their follie and to be partakers of true wisedome but then followeth his seueritie and iustice against such as despise and contemne his louing and kinde offer The wisedome of all wisedome protesteth and voweth that he will hau● no pittie of such but rather will take delight to destroy them Nay he protesteth that though they cry and call vpon him in their greatest extremitie yet he will not heare them the reason is because they haue so long contemned his great mercies that their hearts are hardned they cannot repent therefore God cannot heare for he heareth not the prayers of impenitent sinners Againe these men haue no faith and therefore cannot be heard for faith is grounded vpon Gods word which they despise contemne and mocke A like heauie sentēce hath Salomon in another place saying He that turneth away his eare from hearing the law euen his prayer shal be abominable not onely the sinnes and wicked deeds of cōtemners and wicked men but those which seeme most good and haue greatest shew of holinesse are odious in Gods sight the sacrifice of the wicked are abomination to the Lord the prayers that they make though neuer so earnestly in their most neede though it be in the houre of death the Lord will not heare them but reiect and abhorre them And is it not great reason and equitie he doth but serue them as they serue him they wil not heare him when he calleth and cryeth to them by the mouth of his Ministers and why should he heare them when they call and cry in their greatest necessities and heauie are the threatnings of the Apostle If the words spoken by Angels were stedfast and euery transgression and disobedience receiued a iust recōpence of reward how should wee escape if wee neglect so great a saluation which at the first began to be preached of the Lord and afterward was confirmed vnto vs by them that heard him God bearing witnes therto both with signes wonders with diuers miracles gifts of the holy Ghost according to his own wil. And in another place he saith He that despiseth Moses lawe dyeth without mercy vnder two or 3. witnesses of how much sorer punishment suppose ye shall he be worthie which treadeth vnder foot the Son of God Againe See that you despise not him that speaketh for if they escaped not which refuse him that spake on earth meaning Moses who spake rudely in cōparison of Christ much more shall we not escape if we turne away from him that speaketh frō heauen But not only contemners are here reproued but also idle vnprofitable hearers many are in the schoole of wisedome no enemies no contemners but frier●ds well-willers they thinke well they speake well like well of the meanes of saluation they commend it they heare dayly seeme greatly to ioy in it yet they profit litle either in knowledge or sanctification But it is not simplie a blessing to heare wisedome except we be better by it nay it is rather a woe then a blisse to be vnder the meanes and to profit litle or nothing by it There be sayeth a Father three degrees of woe He that hath not that he loueth cannot be sayd to be blessed neither he that hath that he loueth if his loue be hurtfull to him neither he that hath that which is good and profitable if he loueth not that which he hath so●e desire the Ministrie and haue no meanes to come by it this is a woe some loue superstition Idolatrie ignorance and they doe enioy it they haue such blinde guides as they like of this is a greater wo some are vnder good Ministers yet they profit little by it these are not happie but in a fearefull state It is a grieuous sinne not to profit according to the time and meanes it is an vnkindnes
writing bookes in diuine instructions and meditations should in his latter dayes fall so grossely into such monstrous wickednesse Who would belieue this or thinke it possible but that it is written and recorded by the holy Ghost the spirit of truth The remembrāce the reading hearing or thinking of such a fowle fall in such a man it may trouble vs and make our hearts to quake and tremble O Sathan subtile serpent cruell dragon mighty and roaring Lyon the aduersary of mans saluation great is they power thy subtilty and boldnesse that couldest preuaile so far with such a man But what wilt not thou or what canst thou not doe if the Lord let thee loose who didst seduce Adam in Paradise and wast not afraide to tempt our SAVIGVR CHRIST in the wildernesse though thou couldst not preuaile against him but all thy desire endeuour labour is to destroy the soules and bodies of sinfull mortall men But the Lord reproue thee ô Sathan and stay thy infatiable rage and furie O the corruption and sinfulnes of mans nature what are wee the best of vs all if the Lord leaue vs to our selues Into what monstrous and beastly sinnes doe wee fall O Salomon how art thou degenerated how hast thou forgotten thy selfe who hath bewitched thee In thy young time all admired thee sought to thee commended and magnified thee for thy wisedome now all may admire and scoffe thy follie and madnes The enemies of God the Heathen may say Is this the great wise man whome all the world admired Thou hast bene a ioy to all good men they reioyced at thy prosperitie wisedome and pietie Now they figh they are greeued wounded at their heart for thy follie wickednes Hast thou forgotten thine education or the good counsell of thy parents who taught thee and said vnto thee Let thy heart hold fast my words keepe my commaundements and thou shalt liue Thy louing Father gaue thee this counsell vpon his death bed saying I goe the way of all the earth bee strong therefore and shew thy selfe a man and take heede to the charge of the Lord thy God to walke in his wayes and keepe his statutes and his commaundements and his iudgements and his testimonies as it is written in the law of Moses that thou mayst prosper in all that thou doest and in euery thing whereunto thou turnest thee And hast thou forgotten those sweete words of thy father Thou Salomon my sonne know thou the God of thy father and serue him with a perfect heart with a willing minde For the Lord searcheth all hearts and vnderstandeth all the imaginations of thoughts If thou seeke him he will be found of thee But if thou forsake him he will cast thee off for euer And hast thou forgotten the sweet and louing counsell of thy mother the prophecie which she taught thee spoken to thee with a tender motherly affection What my sonne what the sonne of my wombe and what O son of my desires giue not thy strength to women nor thy wayes which is to destroy Kings And there shee describeth a wife forthee Not many wiues but one not a stranger or Idolater but a woman fearing God O Salomon hast thou forgotten the first institution of mariage wherein God made for one Adam one 〈◊〉 for one man one woman and they two saith he shall be one flesh And hast thou forgotten the expresse law of God forbidding the King to take him many wiues least his heart turne away from God And againe forbidding all compacts and mariages with Idolaters least they cause his people to turne away from him and serue other gods and so the wrath of the Lord waxe hotte against them and destroy them suddenly Of the truth of these words thou hast wofull experience in thy selfe And hast thou forgotten the words of God spoken to thy selfe promising to blesse thee if thou keep his statues and iudgements otherwise if thou and thy children turne away from me and will not keepe my commaundements and my statutes which I haue set before you but goe and serue other gods and worshippe them then will I cut off Israel from the land which I haue giuen them and the house which I haue hallowed for my Name will I cast out of my sight and Israel shall bee a prouerbe and a common talke among all people euen this high house shall be so Euery one that passeth by it shal be astonyed and shall hisse and they shall say Why hath the Lord done this vnto this land and to this house and they shall answere Because they forsooke the Lord their God which brought their Fathers out of the land of Ae●●pt and haue taken holde vppon other Gods and haue worshipped them and serued them Therefore hath the Lorde brought vppon them all this euill And Oh Salomon hast thou forgotten thine owne counsell and doctrine inspired by the holy Ghost and deliuered to the instruction of others And may it not be said to thee Behold thou art called a lewe and restest in the law and gloriest in God and knowest his will and allowest the things that are excellent in that thou art instructed by the Law and perswadest thy selfe that thou art a guide of the blinde a light of them that are in darknes an instructer of them which lacke discretion a teacher of the vnlearned which hast the forme of knowledge and Truth in the lawe Thou therefore which teachest another teachest not thou thy selfe Thou that preachest a man should not steale Doest thou steale Thou that sayest a man should not commit adulterie Doest thou commit adultrie Thou that abhorrest Idolls cōmittest thou Sacriledge Thou that gloriest in the Law through the breaking of the Law dishonorest thou God For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you as it is written Consider then how this thy bad example and filthy fall disagreeth with thy former doctrine and counsell Are not these thine owne words That the lips of a strange woman drop as an honie combe and her mouth is more softe then oyle but the ende of her is more bitter then worme-wood and sharpe as a two-edged sworde Her feete go downe to death and her steps take holde on Hell Keepe thy way farre from her and come not neere the doore of her house least thou giue they honors to others and thy yeares to the cruell And is not this thine owne sweete counsell that the commandement is a Lanthorne and Instruction and Light and Corrections for instructions and the way of life to keepe thee from the wicked woman and from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman desire not her beautie in thy heart neither let her not take thee with her Eye-liddes For because of the whorish woman a man is brought to a morsell of bread and a woman will hunt for the precious life of a man And doe●● thou not describe and cunningly lay out the folly of
those young men that suffer themselues to bee abused and seduced by the baites temptations and allurements of harlots saying that such are as Oxen going to the slaughter and as a foole to the stockes of correction till a dart strike thorow their liuer As a bird hasteth to the snare not knowing that hee is in danger saying that the harlot hath caused many to fall downe wounded and the strong men are slayne by her Her house is the way to the graue which goeth down to the chambers of death And are not these thy sayings The mouth of a strange woman is a deepe pit hee with whom the Lord is angry shall fall therein And againe A who●e is a deepe ditch and a strange woman is an narrow pit Also she lyeth in waite as for a prey and she encreaseth the transgressers amongst men O Salomon hast thou forgotten the law of nature the written law of God the sweete counsell of thy father and mother and the good counsell which thou hast long since giuen to others Hath sensuallity prosperity pleasures and lusts wholy possessed thee blinded thee and taken away they heart O pittifull lamentable wofull and fearefull fall The greatnesse and hainousnesse of this sinfull fall haue made some learned Fathers to doubt of the saluation of Salomon And some to put him in the number of the reprobate and damned their reasons are these First because his father Dauid being a Prophet saith of him in the place before alledged That if he forsooke the Lord hee would cast him off for euer T is true if Salomon did finally forsake him without repentance Againe they say that the Scripture maketh mention of his grieuous fall as we haue heard before out of the next Chapter following but there is no mention of his repentance though his death bee there named Neither is it found that hee tooke away the Idols which hee had erected But it may be his repentance was late and hee could not take them away suddenly Againe he is not numbred by the Apostle in the Catalogue of the faithfull Though Samuel and Dauid his father and diuers others bee there named yet all the faithfull of the Old Testament are not there numbred nor all holy Kings for there is no mention there of Iehosephat and Hesechias Againe some doe alleage that sentence of God out of the Prophet saying I will speake suddēly against a nation or against a kingdome to plucke it vp and to roote it out and to destroy it but if this nation against whom I haue pronounced turne from their wickednes I will repent of the plague which I thought to bring vpon them and thus they gather from this place that because God plagued Salomon by sundrie aduersaries to his death and neuer tooke away this plague that therefore Salomon repented not but died in his sinnes But that sentence of Ieremie is not rightly applied because God doth oftentimes correct penitent sinners with temporall punishments and thus he did to Dauid after his repentance He forgaue him his sinnes but yet he did correct him diuers wa●es by temporall corrections It is true indeed that all penitent sinners are sure to be freed from eternall and euerlasting punishmēts And it may rather be thought that God doth threaten and afflict Salomon to drawe him thereby to repentance and no doubt if he had any sparke of grace or diuine wisedome left in him such afflictions and corrections one after an other would drawe him to true humiliation and repentance The Fathers some of them speake very hardly and heauily of this fall of Salomon Dauid the sonne of the celestiall Ierusalem saith one raigned in the earth and was much commended in the scripture His pietie and true humilitie so conquered his affections that he was one of them of whom we might say with him Blessed are those whose iniquitie is forgiuen and whose sinnes are couered After him his sonne Salomon raigned in all his kingdome beginning to raigne in his fathers time he began well but ended badly prosperitie the mouth of wisedom did him more hurt then his famous and memorable wisedome profited him An other saith that Salomon receiued a deadly wound that his father fell but after he rose againe that he warred and thence receiued a crowne but so did not his sonne Salomon And an other Who was wiser then Salomon but departing from the commandements of God and ioyning himselfe to heathenish women he built Temples to their Gods yea to diuels being so much the more deiected and deceiued in follie as before he was lifted vp in wisedome An other compareth Salomon with Christ saying that he did much excell him because Christ had wisedome by nature but Salomon did aske it by prayer and in the end possessed it not These things are heauie to speake and thinke of and they are some blot and blemish to Salomon but yet it is hard and vncertaine to determine of the damnation of any and as the former reasons may be answered so as I take it there be stronger arguments to proue the repentance and saluation of Salomon And first call to minde those great promises which God maketh to Dauid touching this his sonne Salomon saying of him I will be his father and he shall be my sonne and if he sinne I will chasten him with the rodde of men and with the plagues of the children of men but my mercy shall not depart away from him as I tooke it from Saul whom I haue put away before thee A plaine testimonie of Gods loue to Salomon and of his election to saluation And howsoeuer some doe apply that mercy of God to the mercy of succession in the kingdome and that God would not vtterly cut off his seed from thence as he did to Saul yet that mercy may be further extended to the pardoning of the sinne of Salomon and sauing of his soule And if God be his father and he his sonne how can he finally fall and perish Are any of the sonnes and children of God damned Is God a father to the reprobate and are the reprobates his children doth he correct them gently in loue as fathers vse to chasten their children or doth he not rather punish them in his furie and rage in his iustice and seueritie In an other place when Salomon was borne Dauid called his name Salomon and it is said that the Lord loued him For the Lord had sent by Nathan the Prophet therefore Dauid called his name Iedidisah that is beloued of God For that is the reason of the name because the Lord loued him That is one of his titles Beloued of God And it is said twise in that place the Lord loued him and in this our text this Queene saith as much that God loued him Now those whom God loueth he loueth to the end And those whom God loueth how can they finally and totally fall away Though they fall they cannot fall away though they
owne Macedonians Constantine the great vnhappily ended his empire He pursued the good Bishop Athanasius He brought home the Heritike Arrius and became an Apostata Mauritius of a long time gouerned happily but afterwards he became so cruell so couetous so violent that he was hated of his owne subiects and slaine by Phocas There be many such examples but there is one before our eies the wisest Prince that euer was a long time gouerning religiously and vertuously but in his old daies falling in most grosse and beastly manner Of whom it may be said as it was said of Origen Vbi bene nemo melius vbi male nemo peius where he did well none did better where he did euill none did worse I meane in respect of his vnbrideled and filthy lust seeing therefore that the best and the wisest Princes are subiect to the temptations of Sathan to the allurements of the world flesh and sinne and may decline and fall away from good beginnings and proceedings let all good Christians and good subiects pray hartily and continually to God not onely to make their Princes good but also to hold keepe continue and encrease them in goodnes And seeing that all of vs are subiect to the like temptations let vs all be carefull not onely to begin well but also to holde on and continue to the end remembring that fearefull sentence of God saying If the righteous turne away from his righteousnes and committeth iniquitie and doe according to all the abhominations that the wicked man doth shall hee liue all his righteousnes which hee hath done shall not be mentioned but in his transgression which hee hath committed and in the sinne that hee hath sinned in them shall he die And let vs neuer forget that excellent counsell of Salomons The way of the righteous shineth as the light that shineth more and more vntill the perfect day His meaning is that as the light in the morning when it once appeareth encreaseth more and more till it be perfect day so good men they growe daily in knowledge grace and goodnes Againe he saith age is a crowne of glory if it be found in the way of righteousnes Happie is that young man that hath liued well but more happie is that old man that hat liued well It is not sufficient that we haue bene good except we continue so still the righteous saith Dauid shall flourish like a palme tree and shall growe like a Cedar in Libanon Such as be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the Courts of our God they shall bring forth fruit in their age Young men must remember their Creator in their youth the powers of their body and minde is then fittest for the seruice of God They are subiect to death as well as others they must giue their best time and first fruites of their age to God They cannot tell how soone they may die and they must come to iudgement as well as others and the pietie of their young age will be a comfort and a credit to them in their old age and therefore let them be carefull of religion and holy conuersation in their tender yeares and let old men and women take heed of vices and doe nothing that is vnseemely to their age And in very deed the beautie and ornament of the elder sort is the true knowledge of God and heauenly wisedome and an vnblamable life they may set that no age is free from danger If the diuell cannot deceiue vs in our youth he will not leaue vs but will deceiue vs in our age if he can some in this age are guiltie of Salomons sinnes both of vncleannes and Idolatrie Some are ignorant some prophane some vniust some ouercome with lying some with drunkennes and the most in their olde age are subiect to impatience and couetousnes and are vnwilling to die and leaue this sinfull world but let them of all other be examples of wisedome vertue let them flie from the lusts of youth follow after righteousnes faith loue peace with thē that call on the Lord with a pure heart Let the elder men be sober honest discreet sound in the faith in loue and in patience the elder women likewise that they bee of snch behauiour as becommeth holines not false accusers not giuen to much wine but teachers of honest things Oh how pleasant a thing is it when gray-headed men minister iudgement and when the elders can giue good counsell Oh how comely a thing is wisedome to aged men and vnderstanding and prudence to men of honour The crowne of olde men is to haue much experience and the feare of God is their glory They are to giue themselues to continuall prayer and deuotion to reading and hearing of the word to the meditation of the shortnes of their life and of the happinesse and eternity of the life to come Worthy is the example of Barzillai the Giliadite who went to conduct King Dauid ouer Iorden and King Dauid sayd vnto him Come ouer with me and I will feede thee with me in Ierusalem I am this day foure score yeere olde sayth hee and can I discerne betweene good or euill hath thy seruant any taste in that I eate or that I drink can I heare any more the singing voyce of men or women wherefore then should thy seruant be any more a burthen thy seruant will goe a little way ouer with thee I pray thee let thy seruant turne backe againe that I may die in my owne City and bee buried in the graue of my father and of my mother His meaning is that the pleasures of the Courte was not fit for him though he was a man of great account substance yet being old his minde was of death of his graue and buriall Happy is he that hath so liued both in young and olde age that hee can say with good Ambrose seeing his friendes weeping about him at his death I haue not so liued that I am ashamed to liue still amongst you neither am I afrayde to die because we haue a gracious good Lord. Now let young old and all sorts of men and women especially Princes and great persons let all I say take heede of these two vices where with Solomon is touched namely vnbridled lust Idolatrie God is a holy and pure spirit hee hath ordeyned mariage as a bridle and remedie against vnclearle and vnlawfull lust and wee are to liue chastelie in virginitie and single life which is the first degree of chastitie or else to liue in mariage the ordinance of GOD which is the second degree of chastitie But the Deuill he is a foule filthie and vncleane spirit an enemie to mariage to chastitie and honestie and therefore from the beginning hee hath sought to defile and pollute that holy institution of GOD by multitude of wiues by fornication whoredome adulterie and other wandering wanton and vagabonde lustes These are against the law of nature
wise so that hee preferred the loue and good will of a woman before the word of his God So Aaron knewe well enough that there was no Godhead nor diuine power in the golden Calfe yet fearing least the people should stone him he yeelded to their furie he made an Idoll and promulgated the feast of it In like manner Salomon knowing Idols to be nothing yet being ouercome with the flattring inticements of wicked women he graunted to them diuers kindes of Idolatrie It is dangerous for any Prince to suffer and tollerate any Idolatrous worship for the loue or fauour of any be they neuer so neere or deare vnto them Nay we must all learne generally not to harken to the voyce of our dearest friend though it be our owne lawfull wiues if they goe about to drawe vs to any kind of sinne whatsoeuer This was the cause of Adams fall as we heard euen now This was the cause of that ruine of Ahab and his house because he harkned to the voyce of his wife Iesabell and being perswaded by her most vniustly tooke away Naboths vineyard and also most cruelly tooke his life away from him No naturall affections should cause vs to sinne against God or offend his diuine Maiestie our loue to him should bee greater then to any mortall creature whatsoeuer The Heathen could say Amicus Plato amicus Socrates sed maior amica veritas Plato is my friend Socrates my friend but truth is a greater friend So may wee say Our fathers our mothers our brothers and sisters our wiues children are neere and deare friends vnto vs but yet Christ is our greatest and best friend he hath done and can do most for vs And therefore nothing should draw vs from his loue And touching Idolatrie it is most odious and abhominable in the eyes of God It is a spirituall whoring from God A denying and forsaking of his Maiestie it hath beene the ruine of many Nations and Kingdomes And therefore in no case to bee suffered nor tollerated for the loue of any Therefore the Lord saith to his people The grauen Images of their gods yee shall burne with fire and couet not the siluer and gold that is on them nor take it vnto thee least thou be snared therewith For it is an abhomination before the Lord thy God Bring not abhomination into thy house least thou bee accursed like it But vtterly abhorre it and count it most abhominable And in another place we are forbidden to hearken to the Prophet that doth perswade vs to goe after other gods and that such a one being conuicted and condemned by the Iudge is to die the death Nay though it bee our sonne or daughter or wife or brother wee must not consent to him nor pittie him nor shew him mercy but thou shalt kill him sayeth the Lord thy hand shall bee first vpon him to put him to death and then the hands of all the people And this is the direct law of God Hee that offereth to any gods saue the Lord onely shall bee slayne There must bee then no sufferance at all of any kinde of Idolatrie This was Salomons sinne and therefore it is sayde that his heart was not perfect with God as the heart of his father Dauid was For howsoeuer hee sinned in adulterie and murther and in numbering the people yet he repented presently and neuer did the like againe and he had alwaies this sinceritie and perfection of heart that he neuer defiled himselfe with Idolatrie neither did hee suffer the true worshippe of GOD to bee corrupted in his Kingdome but kept it sincere pure and sound Hee alwayes hated and detested all false worshippe his soule hated Idols as lame and blind guides therefore hee taketh them away at the beginning of his raigne And hee caused the gods of the Philistims to bee burnt with fire The sorrowes saith he of them that offer to another god shall be multiplied their offerings of blood will I not offer neither make mention of their names with my lips It hath beene a blot and blemish vpon many good Kings because they suffered the high places to remayne and it is the chiefe commendation of good Iosiah that he tooke away all the abhominations out of all the countries that perteyned to the children of Israel and compelled all that were found in Israel and compelled all that were found in Israel to serue the Lord their God This blessed King a worthie president of full and perfect reformation he tooke away not onely grosse Idolatrie but all Reliques and remnants all occasions prouocations appearances shewes of Idolatrie One thing more very necessarie and pertinent wee are to learne by Salomons fall namely Not to be offended though we doe see Christian Princes learned Preachers and great professors men of gifts aboue others to be seduced and drawne into great and grosse sinnes wee are indeede to be grieued and much to lament when wee see or heare such things but yet wee must not bee discouraged in our profession and in the trueth of religion Men of greatest gifts haue beene subiect to great sinnes As Adam Noah Lot Abraham Moses Aaron Dauid Sampson and Salomon Sathan doth most enuie such hee standeth at the right hand of Iehosua Hee will winnow and sifte to the very branne the Apostles of CHRIST as hee himselfe warneth them Indeede the bad liues of Preachers and professors are scandalous and offensiue and hinder many in the way of saluation and maketh the worde and profession ill spoken of by many yea loathed and reiected as the sonnes of Elie by their wickednesse made the offering of the Lord to be abhorred In seeking and receiuing counsell saith one the honestie of life and the prerogatiue of vertue doth much preuaile Who will seeke for a fountaine in a dunghill who will drinke of filthie water for where there is luxurie intemperance and other vices whoe will thinke any good to bee drawne from thence how can I take him to bee my superior in counsell whom I see inferior in manners And can I thinke him fitte to giue mee counsell that cannot giue it to himselfe he that giueth counsell to others he must shew himselfe an example of good workes in integritie and grauitie that his speech bee sound and vnrebukeable his counsell profitable and his life honest He that liueth wickedly in the sight of the people as much as in him lyeth he killeth him that looketh vpon him hee that followeth him perhaps dyeth he that followeth him not liueth but as much as in him lyeth he killeth both Examples are stronger then words and it is a more full teaching by workes then by word The house and conuersation of a Preacher is set on a hill all see it and looke vpon it it is as it were a guide and teacher to others whatsoeuer hee doth others thinke that they may doe the like that word is willingly receiued of the hearer which is vttered from the
are made better by weedes the plantes and seedes are hidden choakt but the good husbandman is carefull to plucke them vp so by good lawes men are made better and the wicked which hinder hurt others are restrained suppressed and as husbandmen haue many things to hinder their planting and sowing as wild beasts tempests haile floods drought so haue gouernours hinderances and enemies to their gouernment which they will carefully auoyde as well as they can This comparison of husbandrie as it setteth out the necessitie and excellencie of gouernment so it sheweth the great care and labour that is ioyned with it for who is more carefull and painefull then the husband man let therefore magistrates be humbled in consideration of the vertues and duties of their great calling and yet for their further humiliation let them remember their owne infirmities and wants to performe their dutie as they ought Let them remember that they are subiect to the temptations of the diuell of the flesh and the world and let them knowe that they are subiect to the common miseries of this life and to other miseries and crosses incident and peculiar to their calling and let them in no case forget that they must giue account to the great Iudge and gouernour of all the world how they haue behaued themselues in their places and callings It shall be said to them to euery one of them Come giue account of thy stewardship thou mayest be no longer steward And for their further humiliatiō they must knowe that they cannot tell how long they shall enioy those places of honour and dignitie being subiect to death as well as others and they cannot tell how soone they may be taken away Agathon had wont to say that a magistrate must alway remember these three things First that he ruleth men secondly that he must rule according to lawes and thirdly that he shall not alwaies rule The consideration of this latter poynt of the shortnes and vncertaintie of this life that we must certainely die and we knowe not how soone is able to humble the mightiest potentate in the earth The highest of them all may say I my selfe am also mortall and a man like all other and am come of him that was first made of the earth and in my mothers wombe was I fashioned as others are and when I was borne I receiued the common ayre crying and weeping at the first as all others doe I was nourished in swadling cloathes and with cares For there is no king that hath any other beginning of birth all men haue one entrance to life and a like going out Dauid calleth death the hie way of all the earth and he himselfe putteth gouernours in minde of their mortall state for howsoeuer he saith that God standeth in the assemblie of gods he iudgeth among gods And againe I haue said yee are gods and yee all are children of the most high this he speaketh of magistrates magnifying and extolling their office and giuing them three times in that Psalme the glorious and sacred titles of Gods yet least they should be puffed vp with the excellencie of their callings presently he telleth them ye shall die as a man and you Princes shall fall like others He would haue them remēber that though they be gods yet they are but mortall gods of this mortall state of Princes we to our great discomfort haue had wofull experience not long since in this our Land A worthie young Prince of great hope the flower and Iewell of our land the comfort of his parents and of all good Christians and subiects the heire apparent of sundrie kingdomes how soone hath the Lord taken him away in the prime of his tender young and flourishing age happie no doubt is he that is so soone taken away from a miserable world but vnhappie are we whose sinnes hath caused the Lord to take such a Iewell from vs it cannot but prognosticate some heauie iudgement to this our nation and countrie and great cause haue all christian hearts amongst vs to mourne and lament for such a great losse This Church may say as Naomi said vpon the death of her husband when they called her Naomi she answered them call me not Naomi that is beautifull but call me Marah that is bitter for the almightie hath giuen me much bitternesse Why call you me Naomi seeing the Lord hath humbled me and the almightie hath brought me to aduersitie Wee may mourne and say with Dauid mourning for the death of Ionathon Tell it not in Gath nor publish it in the streetes of Ashkelon least the daughters of Philistimes reioyce least the daughters of vncircumcised triumph And as he saith in an other place after the death of Abner there is a Prince and a great man fallen this day in Israel But blessed be God who is still more mercifull to vs then we deserue and in iudgements remembreth mercy who though for our sinnes hath cut off so precious a branch yet the blessed tree is yet aliue and standeth and flourisheth and also some sweet branches to our great comfort and hope Now the Lord of mercy blesse them all and multiplie and encrease them and continue them and theirs if his will be to the end of the world to their owne comfort the shame of their enemies and to the common good of this Church and common-wealth yet let vs not forget that heauie iudgement but so remember it that it may drawe vs to true repentance for that is the true vse of all iudgements and let vs learne to depend wholy and onely on God and not vpon any mortall man Remembring that counsell of Dauid put not your trust in Princes nor in the sonne of man for there is no helpe in him his breath departeth and he returneth to his earth then his thoughts perish blessed is he that hath the God of Iacob for his helpe whose hope is in the Lord his God which made heauen and earth the sea ' and all that therein is which keepeth his fidelitie for euer And let this and the like examples of the death of great persons put all in minde though they be neuer so high of the mortall state of all the children of men of what state or conditions soeuer they be And thus though gouernours and magistrates take occasion by the dignitie of their places yet both this and many other causes may moue drawe and induce them to true humilitie And now let vs drawe neerer to the description of the seuerall duties required of Christian gouernours both in this and in many other places of scripture the Lord doth not onely in his word set downe generally the rules of all christianitie but also the seuerall duties of all states degrees and callings as of fathers children maisters and seruants husbands wiues kings subiects wherein we may see the fulnes equitie of scripture applying it selfe and speaking to all sorts of men Againe we learne this
walles in a Citty which are for beauty and defence but a Citty may stand without wals it cannot stand without Lawes such good Lawes of equity and righteousnesse they are the very Life and Soule of a Citty or Kingdome To Lawes there must bee ioyned of necesssity Iudges and Officers which giue vigour and life to Lawes the Office of these is to doe Iudgement and Iustice that is to know Causes and then to pronounce sentence accordingly that so euery man may haue right this is properly Gods Office they are in his place therefore to deale vprightly Worthy is that counsell of Moses to the Iudges in his time saying Heare the controuersies betweene you brethren and iudge righteously betweene euery man and his brother and the stranger that is with him yee shall haue no respect of persons in iudgement but shall heare the small as well as the great yee shall not feare the face of Man for the Iudgement is GODS The like counsell giueth good King Iehosaphat to his Iudges saying Take heed what yee doe for yee execute not the iudgements of man but of the Lord and hee will bee with you in the cause and iudgement Wherefore now let the feare of the Lord be vpon you take heed and do it for there is no iniquity with the Lord our God neither respect of persones nor receiuing rewards And remember that counsells Consider the matter consult and giue sentence Iudgement must proceed from the light of reason and not from Passion both parties must be heard euery one must haue freedome to speake that there may bee true and vpright iudgement the corruptions of Iustice are these negligence and want of skill vnnecessarie and vniust delaies desire of gaine respect of friends and kindred foolish pitty and sometimes slauish feare but all these and such like hinderances of Iustice good Magistrates must auoide and cast off To Lawes and Iudgement there must be added Execution for what are Lawes without of Execution but euen like bels without clappers Lawes are like vnto young children and Infants which are left desolate without parents and yet haue portion and patrimony but would soone consume it or others would deceiue them of it except they haue faithfull Tutors and Guardians to guide and protect them so haue Lawes need of faithfull Patrones and Keepers or else they will bee brought into contempt by the forgetfulnesse negligence and corruption of some and the malice of others For what better is it to haue Law-makers and faithfull Intepreters of the same except they bee carefully kept and defended Therefore due punishments to offenders are to bee iustly and rightly executed To this purpose saith Salomon A King that sitteth on the throne of Iudgement chaseth away all euill with his eyes Againe A wise King scattereth the wicked and causeth the wheele to turne ouer them And in another place Take the drosse from the siluer and there shall proceed a vessell for the finer take away the wicked from the King and his Throne shall bee stablished in righteousnesse The Apostle saith If thou do euill fear for hee beareth not the sword for nought for hee is the Minister of God to take vengeance of him that doth euill This is one speciall end of the Magistrates calling to punish to restraine and represse the wicked The Magistrate is a minister of Iustice and Law the iudgements is the Lords and not his the impunity of the wicked is hurtfull to themselues by this meanes they runne into further sinne and they do encourage others to do the like it were better to turne loose wilde Boares Beares and Woulues amongst the people then such pestilent men by the punishment of such the Common-wealth and the Church is freed from the note of infamy and it is no small honour to God And by this many others are terrified from sinne and are brought to repentance and so to saluation yea the danger of infection is remoued and taken away a little leuen sowreth the whole lumpe and a few wicked men do much hurt in drawing seducing and infecting others yea by such execution of Iustice the wrath of God his heauy iudgements vpon a Land are stayed remoued When Achan was put to death for taking the excommunicate thing which was commanded to bee destroyed when hee I say was stoned to death then the Lord turned frō his fierce wrath which before was kindled against his people The Prophet Dauid saith thus of the people of Israel That they ioyned themselues vnto Baal Peor and did eate the offrings of the dead thus they prouoked him to anger with their owne inuentions and the plague brake in vpon them but Phinies stood vp and executed iudgement and the plague was staied and it was imputed to him for righteousnesse from generation to generation for euer When disobedient Ionas is cast out of the Ship stormes and tempests cease the sea is quiet the Ship and those that are in it are safe Magistrates do punish because God by these examples will bee knowne to bee a God who descernes betwixt things vniust and iust and is iustly angry with sinne and because hee would haue these momentary punishments vpon few to forewarne all of iudgements to come and of eternall punishments and by this meanes also hee prouideth for the commodity of others for the wicked are taken away so that they can hurt no more And this part of Iustice is for the credite and honour of the Magistrate Therefore saith Salomon Hee that saith to the wicked thou art righteous him shall the people curse and the multitude shall abhorre him but to them that rebuke him shall be pleasure and vpon them shall come the blessing of goodnesse Againe They that forsake the Law raise the wicked but they that keepe the Law set themselues against them Wicked men vnderstand not iudgement but they that seeke the Lord vnderstand all things Againe This Iustice is a sweete sacrifice pleasing to God it is the Magistrates sacrifice it is more acceptable then other sacrifices Therefore saith the wise man To do iudgement and iustice is more acceptable to the Lord then sacrifice And the Lord saith thus to hypocrites that abounded in sacrifices but neglecting Iustice I hate and abhorre your feast daies and I will not smell in your solemne assemblies though you offer mee burnt offerings and meate offrings I will not accept them neither will I regard the peace offrings of your fat beasts take thou away from me the multitude of thy songs for I will not heare the melody of thy Viols and let iudgements runne downe as waters And in another place to such hypocrites as abounded with plenty of sacrifices it is said He hath shewed thee ô man what is good and what the Lord hath required of thee surely to do iustly to loue mercy to humble thy selfe and to walke with thy God By this Iustice the states of Citties and Kingdomes