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A47301 The measures of Christian obedience, or, A discourse shewing what obedience is indispensably necessary to a regenerate state, and what defects are consistent with it, for the promotion of piety, and the peace of troubled consciences by John Kettlewell ... Kettlewell, John, 1653-1695. 1681 (1681) Wing K372; ESTC R18916 498,267 755

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For every Man at the last day will be declared a Child of wrath who is a son of disobedience and he shall most certainly be Damned who dyes without amendment and Repentance in works which are wilfully and deliberately sinful Christs Gospel has already judged this long before-hand and at that day he will confirm it When the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven with his mighty Angels i. e. when he shall come with his Royal attendance to judge the world He will take vengeance says S t Paul on all them that OBEY not his Gospel who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord 2 Thess. 1.7 8 9. When he comes in state with the ten thousands of his Saints it will be to execute Judgment upon all that are ungodly for all the ungodly DEEDS which they have committed Jude 14 15. And when our Lord himself gives a relation of his proceedings at that day he tells us that whosoever they be or whatsoever they may pretend if their works have been disobedient they shall hear no sentence from him but what consigns them to Eternal Punishment I will profess thus unto them says he I never knew you Depart from me ye that WORK iniquity Matt. 7.23 This will be the method of Christs Judgment and these the measures of his Sentence he will pronounce Mercy and Life upon all that are obedient but Death and Hell to all that disobey And indeed it were hight of folly and madness to expect he should do otherwise and to fancy that when he comes to judge us as S t Paul says according to the Laws of his Gospel he should absolve and reward us when in our works and actions we have transgressed them For this were to thwart his own rule and to go cross to his own measures it were to encourage those whom his laws threaten to acquit such as they condemn and in one word not to judge according to them as he has expresly declared he will but against them If we would know then what condition we shall be adjudged to in the next world we must examine what our obedience has been in this We can have no assurance of a favourable Sentence in that Court but only the doing of our duty Our last doom shall turn not upon our knowing or not knowing our willing or not willing but upon our obeying or disobeying It is in vain to cast about for other marks and to seek after other evidences nothing less than this performance of our duty can avail us unto life and by the merits of Christ and the grace of his Gospel it shall And thus we see in the general what those terms and that condition are which to mete out our last doom of Bliss or Misery the Gospel indispensably exacts of us It is nothing less than a working service and obedience the enquiry to be made at that day being only this whether we have done what was commanded us If we have performed what was required of us we shall be pronounced Righteous and sentenced to Eternal Life but if we have wilfully transgressed and wrought wickedness without amendment and repentance we shall then be declared incorrigible Sinners and adjudged to Everlasting Death This indeed is a very great truth but yet such as very few are willing to see and to consider of For obedience is a very laborious service and a painful task and they are not many in number who will be content to undergo it And if a man may have no just hopes upon any thing less than it the case of most dying men is desperate But as men will live and dye in sin so will they live and dye in hopes too And therefore they catch at softer terms and build upon an easier condition And because the Gospel promises Salvation and a happy sentence to faith love repentance our being in Christ our knowing Christ and other things besides obedience they conclude that they shall be acquitted at that Bar upon the account of any or all of these though they do not obey with them They make Faith Love Repentance and the rest to be something separate from obedience something which will save them when that is wanting So that if they be in Christ if they know and believe with the mind and love and repent in their hearts their hope is to be absolved at the last day be their lives and actions never so disobedient But this is a most dangerous and damning errour For it makes men secure from danger till they are past all possibility of recovering out of it and causes them to trust to a false support so long till it lets them drop into Hell and sink down in damnation And although it be sufficiently evident from what has been already said that our obedience is that only thing which will be admitted as a just plea and as a qualification able to save us in that Court yet because I would fully subvert all these false grounds whereupon men support their pernicious hopes and sinful lives together I will go on to prove it still further And this will be most plainly effected by shewing that all those other terms and conditions whereto the Gospel sometimes promises pardon and happiness concenter all in this and save us no otherwise than by being springs and principles of our obedience They are not opposed to our doing of our duty and keeping the Commandments but imply it For when pardon is promised to Faith to Love to Repentance or any thing else it is never promised to them as separate from obedience but as containing it Obedience is that still for which a man is saved and pardoned it is not excluded from them but expressed by them In order to a clearer apprehension of the truth of this I think fit to observe that there is an ordinary figure and form of speech very usual both with God and men which the Rhetoricians call a Metonymie or Transnomination and that is a transferring of a word which is the particular Name of one thing to express an other The use of it is this that in things which have a near relation and dependance upon each other as particularly the cause and its effect have the particular name of either may many times signifie both so that when the name only of one is expressed yet really both are meant and intended And then by that word which in its proper sence stands only for the effect we are to understand not it alone but together with it the cause also that produced it and by that which properly signifies the cause we are to mean not the bare cause alone but besides it the effect which flows from it likewise As for the latter of these the bare naming of the cause when we intend together with it to express its natural consequent and effect too because it is that which chiefly concerns our present business I will set down some instances of it which daily
regard them Neither can it be collected beforehand from any fixt rule or reason seeing it observes none And what neither our greatest wisdom can foretel nor our exactest care prevent it is wholly to no purpose to make a matter of our study and enquiry But as for the Everlasting happiness or misery of our Souls and Bodies in the other Life and at the Resurrection they are not left at random nor fall out by accident but are dispensed by a wise hand and according to a fixt and established rule For it is God who distributes them and this distribution is in Judgment and the procedure in that is by Laws and those laws are unalterably fixt for us and most plainly declared and published to us in the Gospel So that now it is no impossible no nor extream difficult thing for us to understand which shall be our own state in the next world For the laws are well known proclaimed daily to every ear by a whole order of men set apart for that purpose their sence and meaning is obvious to any common understanding and the Judgment according to them at that day will be true and faithful God will Absolve all those whom his Gospel acquits but Condemn every man whom it accuses There will be no perverting of Justice through fear or favour no Sentence passed through partiality or ill will but a Tryal every way unbyassed and uncorrupt where Every one shall receive according to the things done in the body 2 Cor. 5.10 And Judgment shall pass upon all men according to their works Rom. 2.6 And thus as the belief of the two former Articles the immortal state either of Bliss or Misery for our Souls and the Resurrection of our Bodies will inflame us with restless desires so if we seriously believe it will this third Article of the great and general Judgment possess us with sure hopes of being satisfyed in this great enquiry which of the two States will fall to our own share And as this belief of the last Judgment will be the most effectual means to encourage so will it be withal the surest to guide our Enquiries after it It chalks us out a method for our search and directs us to the readiest course for satisfaction For if the happiness and misery of the next world is to be dispensed to every man for a reward or punishment according to the direction of those Laws which promise or threaten them then have we nothing more to do in this enquiry but to examine well what those laws are what obedience they require what allowances and mitigations they will bear and what lot and condition they assign us For in that day we shall be look'd upon to be what they declare us and be doom'd to that state which they pronounce for us What they speak to us all now that the Judge of all the world will pronounce upon us all then their sentence shall be his and what they denounce he will execute He will judge us by no other measure but his own Laws those very Laws which he has taken so much care to proclaim to us and continually to press upon us which he has put into every one of our hands and made to be sounding daily in our ears the laws and sanctions of the Gospel Our blessed Saviour Christ the Judge himself has told us this long ago The word that I have spoken the same shall judge men at the last day Joh. 12.48 And his great Apostle Paul has again confirmed it Rom. 2. God shall judge the world at that day according to my Gospel vers 16. If we perform what those Laws peremptorily require they now already declare us blessed and such at the last day will Christ pronounce us But if by sinning against them we fall short of it they denounce nothing but everlasting woes and miseries and those he will execute For he tells us plainly that when he shall come to judgment in the Glory of his Father with his holy Angels he will reward every man according to his works Mat. 16.27 To them who by patient continuance in well-doing seek for glory and immortality he will give eternal life Rom. 2.7 But to them who obey not the Truth but obey unrighteousness indignation and wrath tribulation and anguish and that upon every man whether he be Jew or Gentile vers 8 9. For all this shall be acted in the greatest integrity without preferring one before an other It is only the difference in mens works which shall difference their conditions but they who have been equal in their sins shall be equal also in their sufferings For at the appearance of Jesus Christ God as S t Peter tells us without any respect of persons judges according to every mans work 1 Pet. 1.7.17 The way then whereby to satisfie our selves in this great matter is this To look well into the Gospel there to learn what we should be and into our own hearts and lives there to see what indeed we are and thence to conclude what in the next world whether in a state of Life or Death we shall be And to shew this to every man and to let him see now beforehand how he stands prepared for the next world and whether if he should be called away presently to the Bar of that Judgment he would be everlastingly acquitted or condemned in it is my present business and design It is to let us see our Eternal Condition before we enter on it and to make it evident to every man who is both capable and willing to be instructed what shall be his endless doom of Life or Death before the Judge pronounce it And since the Rule of that Court whereby we must all be tryed and which must measure out to us either Life or Death is as we have seen none other than the Gospel of our Judge and Saviour Jesus Christ that I may manage this enquiry with the greater light and clearness I will proceed in this method First I will enquire What is that condition of our happiness or misery which the Gospel indispensably exacts Secondly What are its mitigations and allowances those defects which it pardons and bears with And when at any time we fall short of this condition and thereby forfeit all right and title to that happiness and pardon which is promised to us upon it Then Thirdly What are those remedies and means of recovery which it points us out for restoring our selves again unto a state of Grace and Favour and whereupon we shall be reconciled And having by this means discovered what in the great and general judgment shall really and truly determine our last estate what shall be connived at in it and when once 't is lost what shall restore to it I shall in the Fourth and last place Remove those groundless doubts and scruples which perplex the minds of good and safe but yet erring and misguided people concerni●● it And having in this manner cleared up all th●se
my mind which strives against it and prevails over it and makes me practise contrary to what my mind approves So that when being enclined by Gods Law I would do good then being over-ruled by the law of sin I cannot but evil is laid before me and present with me Gods Law I say I serve with the mind For I delight in the Law of God after the inner man of my mind and conscience But all this while I only approve of it but no more For all the effect which it has upon me is only to create a liking of it in my mind But as for my practice and Outward performance it is under anothers power For I see another opposite Law viz. that of Lust and Sin which is seated in my bodily members not only warring against the Law of God in my mind but conquering also and prevailing over it bringing me into captivity that absolute sort of subjection and slavery to practise the Law of Sin which is seated in my members And since I am so far enslaved to the Law of Lust and Sin when the Law of God undertakes me that even that Law it self which God has appointed for my remedy is not able to rescue and deliver me I have too great reason to cry out O! wretched man that I am who shall deliver me since this Law given me by Moses is not able to do it from the slavery and misery of this body of death This indeed was our condition under the Law which shews at once the Laws holiness and goodness and withall its inability and weakness because notwithstanding it offer'd some Grace yet was not that enough but that during our subjection under it we commonly served sin still But now as for that slavish service of sin which a bare Jew who has no other help against it but Moses's Law complains of and longs to be delivered from that as I told you at first we Christians through the surpassing Grace of Christs Gospel are delivered from already So that to such a complaining Jew as I have here personated I Paul an Apostle of Jesus Christ can readily make answer Alter your subjection and you shall alter your service too for in becoming subject unto Christ instead of the Law you shall become servants of God instead of serving sin I thank God there is a way now in Christ for such deliverance or as it is read by some copies the Grace of God which comes through Jesus Christ our Lord shall deliver you although the Law could not which came by Moses But without this Grace I must still tell you that the Law it self will not generally have any such effect upon you seeing as I said it will only awaken your conscience but not reform your practice So then to shut up this discourse this you must still conclude upon that whilst you continue subject to the Law you will serve sin in your practice however you may disapprove it in your minds For I my self or the same I under the Law who with the mind as has been often observed serve in approving the Law of God do yet with the flesh so long as it has nothing else but the Law to restrain it serve in practising the Law of Sin But to return to what I said vers 5 6. of the last Chapter from whence we have hitherto diverted to answer this objection I say having by this passage from subjection to the Law to subjection unto Christ upon the Laws being abolished changed our service together with our subjection and become servants now not unto Sin but unto Christ All we Christians are safe from that Death which the Law of the members brought forth fruit to Chap. 7. vers 5. and have right to that Eternal Life which as I said is the gift of God to all his servants Chap. 6. vers 22 23. So that what reason soever a poor Jew under the Law who serves and obeys Sin may have to cry out of the body of Death yet we Christians who began to serve God upon our becoming subject unto Christ may comfort our selves to see that we are delivered from it And therefore whatever there be to a striving but yet unconquering Jew there is now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus's Religion because they are such who have changed their service together with their subjection and walk not now after the Flesh as they did formerly whilst the Law held them in subjection but after the Spirit This change of service I say is wrought in all true Christians by the Law of Christ although it could not generally be wrought in the Jews by the bare Law of Moses For the Law and power of the Spirit of life which is given to us in Christ Jesus and is expresly promised in his Religion though it were not in the Law of Moses that enabling Spirit I say hath made me Christian free from the so often mentioned Law of sin and from the punishment of it Death For what the Law of Moses could not do towards our deliverance from the service of sin in that it was too weak through the overpowering wickedness of the Law of lust in the Flesh even that hath God done in sending his own Son Jesus Christ in the likeness of sinful Flesh and in making him a Sacrifice for sin that in his death he might found his own Religion whereby he hath condemned and destroyed what the Law of Moses was overcome by viz. the Law of sin seated in the Flesh. So that by the help of Christs Law perfecting what the Law of Moses wanted the righteousness which was shown to us and required of us in the Book of the Law of Moses might be performed and fulfilled in us Christians although it was not ordinarily in the bare Jews because we are such who being Christs Subjects must be his Servants likewise and in our works and practice walk not after the lusts of the Flesh but after the motions of the Spirit Thus have I given a Paraphrase upon this involved and so much mistaken Chapter Wherein I have largely and as I hope truly represented the Apostles meaning his design and manner of arguing in this place In all which we see he intends not at all to give a Character of himself or of any other regenerate man but only of a midling Sinner who sins against his Conscience and transgresses with reluctance Which Transgressor of a middle rank he particularly represents under the person of an awaked but as yet unregenerate Jew who was one on whom the Law of Moses had wrought some change but could not work enough being able only to awaken his Conscience but not to reform his practice So that all that is there said in that seventh Chapter of willing but not performing c. only sets off the weakness and imperfection of the Law of Moses as to the making men compleatly obedient
sit as their Judge Depart from me all ye that work iniquity Mat. 7.23 As for this fourth faculty therefore our strength or bodily powers in outward works and operations it is one necessary ingredient of an entire obedience The service of our works is indispensably required to our pardon and happiness as well as the service of our minds our wills and our affections so that as ever we hope to live our obedient thoughts and desires must end in an obedient practice And thus at last we see what those powers or faculties are whose concurrence in Gods Service is necessary to make up an entire obedience We must obey all the particular Laws that are recounted in the former Book with our whole man both with our minds and souls and hearts and strength all these several powers must unite in Gods Service before it will be upright and compleat such as at present his Law requires and such as at the last day he will accept of CHAP. V. Of the second sort of integrity an integrity of times and seasons The CONTENTS Of the second sort of Integrity viz. that of Times and Seasons Of the unconstancy of many mens obedience Perseverance necessary unto bliss The desperate case of Apostates both as to the difficulty of their recovery from sin and the greatness of their punishment BUt besides the Integrity of our powers and faculties or the Integrity of the Subject whereof I have discoursed hitherto there is a second sort of Integrity which is plainly necessary to make our obedience available to our salvation at the last day and that is an Integrity of seasons and opportunities or our obeying the forementioned Laws not now and then but at all times We must not think to please God by an obedience that comes and goes by fits or by serving him only at such times as we are in humour or have no temptation to the contrary But our service of him must be constant and uniform we must obey him at all times and wilfully transgress in none For although all other things have their proper season yet sin has not it is alwayes forbidden and alwayes threatned so that whensoever we commit it it puts us under the curse and makes us liable to death and hell Some indeed there are who parcel out their time and divide it betwixt God and their sins They observe a constant course of transgressing and repenting of sin and sorrow For they are alwayes won when they are tempted and they are alwayes sorrowfull when they have done They are all holy purpose and good resolution before they are tryed but when the temptation comes they can make but a poor resistance for all their good thoughts quickly vanish and they are taken They are never constant either in pious purposing or in well-doing Their actions are not all of a piece but a medly of good and bad for they still keep on in an uninterrupted vicissitude and succession of works of obedience and sin Others again there are who act more agreeably to themselves and whilst they are for God are more constant in their obedience who yet fall off at last and sin against him for altogether For either they grow faint and weary by the tediousness and length of their journey or they are turned out of the way by some great difficulties or drawn aside by the importunate allurements of some temptation and when once by any of these wayes they are put beside their duty they turn their backs thenceforward upon God and never more obey him They are seduced by ill company or drawn away by interest or frighted by persecution and from that time their care slackens and their lusts encrease and grow too hard for Grace and the Gospel And thus what from inducements from within and what from occasions from without they are quite cut off from the service of God and Religion and give themselves up to serve their lusts for altogether and to an uninterrupted obedience of sin But now as for such a broken service and obedience as this God will by no means accept of it nor shall any man be ever the better by it For when Christ comes to Judgment he will pass Sentence upon men according to what they are then and not according to what they have been formerly If the righteous man turn away from his righteousness saith Ezekiel and commit iniquity and do according to all that the wicked man doth shall he live No by no means For all his righteousness that he hath done formerly shall not be mentioned but in his trespass that he hath since trespassed and in his sin that he hath sinned in them shall he dye Ezek. 18.24 It is only if you continue in my Word saith our Saviour that you are my Disciples indeed John 8.31 You must persevere in obedience if you expect to have the reward of it For he only who endures to the end shall be saved Matth. 10.22 and none but they who by PATIENT CONTINVANCE in well doing seek for Glory and Immortality shall inherit eternal life Rom. 2.6 7. Perseverance is the indispensable condition of bliss we cannot have it cheaper Be thou faithful unto death and then saith Christ I will give thee a Crown of life Rev. 2.10 But as for all those who fall off from a good course and turn Apostates from obedience their case is desperate and their condition extreamly damnable For they grow wicked to the highest degree and their state is almost irrecoverable They have by their continued rebellion and provocations in spite of all the suggestions of Gods Grace and the checks of their own Conscience not only grieved but even quenched the Spirit of God So that God for the most part leaves them to themselves and seeks no further to reduce them For if men are idle and will not use it and much more if they scornfully cast it from them and reject it Christ hath told us plainly that the Grace which any man hath shall be taken from him Matth. 25. 29. And when once God and his good Spirit have deserted them they are under nothing but an unbridled lust and run on without all restraint into an exorbitant pitch of wickedness And this any man may easily observe in the world For who is usually so evil as the backsliding Sinner Who is ordinarily so irrecoverable as the Apostate Saint They are quite lost to all goodness and sin beyond all bounds and past all retrieve No Creatures in the World were ever so much out of all capacity to be restored to Heaven as those Angels that fell from it and no men on Earth are so hardly reclaimed from a wicked to a holy life as they who once knew what it was and yet utterly renounced it For God for the most part lets them alone to enjoy their own choice and to go on in their own way and the good Spirit which has been almost quenched by them contends no more with them nor acts any more
All those speeches metonymical where Obedience is not express'd and yet pardon is promised p. 8 CHAP. II. Of pardon promised to Faith Knowledge and being in Christ. The Contents Of pardon and happiness promised to Faith and Knowledg Of the nature of Faith in general Of natural Jewish and Christian Faith Of this last as ●ustifying and saving Of the fitness of Christian Faith and Knowledg to produce Obedience Pardon promised to them no further than they are productive of it Of pardon promised to being in Christ. Christ sometimes signifies the Christian Religion sometimes the Christian Church Being in Christ is being of Christ's Religion or a Member of Christ's Church The fitness of these to effect Obedience Pardon promised to them no further than they do 20 CHAP. III. Of pardon promised to Repentance The Contents Of pardon promised to Repentance Regeneration a New Nature a New Creature The nature of Repentance it includes amendment and obedience The nature of Regeneration and a New Creature It s fitness to produce Obedience Some mens repentance ineffectual The folly of it Pardon promised to Repentance and Regeneration no further than they effect Obedience In the case of dying Penitents a change of mind accepted without a change of practice That only where God sees a change of practice woul● ensue upon it This would seldome happen upon death bed resolutions and Repentance The general ineffectiveness of this shown by experien●s Two reasons of it 1. Because it proceeds ordinarily upon an inconstant temporary Principle viz. nearness of Death and present fears of it Though it always begins there yet sometimes it grows up upon a Principle that is more lasting viz. a conviction of the absolute necessity of Heaven and a Holy Life 2. Because it is ordinarily in a weak and incompetent degree All TRVE resolution is not able to reform men Sick bed resolutions generally unable Such ineffective resolutions unavailing to mens pardon 34 CHAP. IV. Of pardon promised to Confession of Sins and to Conversion The Contents Of pardon promised to confession of sins The nature and qualifications of a saving Confession It s fitness to make us forsake sin The ineffectiveness of most mens confessions The folly and impiety of it Pardon promised to confession no further than it produces Obedience Of pardon promised to conversion The nature of conversion It includes Obedience and is but another name for it 55 CHAP. V. Of pardon promised to Prayer The Contents Of pardon promised to Prayer Of the influence which our Prayers have upon our Obedience Of the presumption or idleness of most mens prayers Of the impudence hypocrisie and uselessness of such Petitions Then our prayers are heard when they are according to Gods will when we pray for pardon in Repentance and for strength and assistance in the use of our own endeavours Pardon promised to Prayer no further than it effects this Obedience and penitential endeavour 64 CHAP. VI. Of pardon promised to our fear of God and trust in him The Contents Of pardon promised to our fear of God and trust in him Of the influence which mens fears have upon their endeavours and how they carry on ignorant minds into superstition but well-informed judgments to obedience Of the influence of mens trust in God upon their obedience The ineffectiveness of most mens trust Of the presumption and infidelity of such confidence That pardon is promised to fear and trust so far only as we obey with them 76 CHAP. VII Of pardon promised to the love of God and of our Neighbour The Contents Of pardon promised to the love of God and of our Neighbour Of the fitness of an universal love to produce an universal obedience That pardon is promised to it for this reason The Conclusion 85 BOOK II. Of the Laws of the Gospel which are the Rule of this Obedience in particular CHAP. I. Of the particular Laws comprehended under the Duty of Sobriety The Contents A Division of our Duty into three general Vertues Piety Sobriety Righteousness Of the nature of Sobriety The particular Laws commanding and prohibiting under this first Member A larger explication of the nature of Mortification 94 CHAP. II. Of LOVE the Epitome of Duty towards God and men and of the particular Laws comprehended under Piety towards God The Contents Of the Duties of Piety and Righteousness both comprehended in one general Duty LOVE It the Epitome of our Duty The great happiness of a good nature The kind temper of the Christian Religion Of the effects of LOVE The great Duty to God is Honour The outward expression whereof is Worship The great offence is dishonour Of the several Duties and transgressions contained under both 106 CHAP. III. Of the particular Duties contained under Justice and Charity The Contents Of the particular Duties contained under Justice and Charity Both are only expressions of Love which is the fulfilling of the Law Of the particular sins against both Of scandal Of the combination of Justice and Charity in a state that results from both viz. peace Of the several Duties comprehended under it Of the particular sins reducible to unpeaceableness Of the latitude of the word Neighbour to whom all these dutiful expressions are due It s narrowness in the Jewish sense It s universality in the Christian. 114 CHAP. IV. Of our Duties to men in particular Relations The Contents Of our Duties to other men in particular Relations The Duties enjoined and the sins prohibited towards Kings and Princes Bishops and other Ministers The particular Duties and sins in the relation of Husband and Wife Parents and Children Brethren and Sisters Masters and Servants Of the two Sacraments and Repentance A recital of all particular Duties enjoined and sins prohibited to Christians Of the harmlesness of a defective enumeration the Duties of the Gospel being suggested not only outwardly in Books but inwardly by mens own passions and consciences 134 CHAP. V. Of the Sanction of the foregoing Laws The Contents Of the Sanction of all the forementioned particular Laws That they are bound upon us by our hopes of Heaven and our fears of Hell Of the Sanction of all the particular affirmative or commanding Laws 168 CHAP. VI. Of the Sanction of all the forbidding Laws The Contents Of the Sanction of all the negative or forbidding Laws particularly The perfection of the Christian Law How our Duty exceeds that of the Heathens under the revelations of Nature And that of the Jews under the additional light of Moses's Law 190 BOOK III. What degrees and manner of Obedience is required to all the Laws forementioned CHAP. I. Of Sincerity The Contents THE first qualification of an acceptable obedience that it be sincere Two things implied in sincerity truth or undissembledness and purity or unmixedness of our service Of the first Notion of sincerity as opposite to hyyocrisie or doing what God commands out of a real intention and design to serve him Of a two-fold intention actual and express or habitual and
Of Pardon promised to Repentance Regeneration a New Nature a New Creature The Nature of Repentance it includes amendment and Obedience The Nature of Regeneration and a New Creature It s fitness to produce Obedience Some mens Repentance ineffectual The folly of it Pardon promised to Repentance and Regeneration no further than they effect Obedience In the case of dying Penitents a change of mind accepted without a change of practice That only where God sees a change of Practice would ensue upon it This would seldom happen upon death-bed resolutions and Repentance The general ineffectiveness of this shown by experience Two reasons of it 1. Because it proceeds ordinarily upon an inconstant temporary principle viz. nearness of Death and present fears of it Though it always begins there yet sometimes it grows up upon a principle that is more lasting viz. a conviction of the absolute necessity of Heaven and a Holy Life 2. Because it is ordinarily in a weak and incompetent degree All TRVE resolution is not able to reform Men. Sick-bed resolutions generally unable Such ineffective resolutions unavailing to mens Pardon THirdly That condition which the Gospel exacts of us as the terms whereupon we must hope to find Life and Pardon at the last day is oft-times called Repentance Regeneration a New Creature or a New Nature Christs fore-runner John the Baptist came preaching Repentance for the remission of sins Luk. 3.3 And when Christ himself commissions his Apostles to publish his Gospel over all the world their instructions are to preach Repentance and remission of Sins in his Name to all Nations beginning at Jerusalem Luk. 24.47 And according to this order they practised Repent says S t Peter in his first Sermon and be baptized for the remission of sins Acts 2.38 And again Repent that your sins may be blotted out Acts 3.19 And then as for Regeneration a New Creature and a New Nature they are such qualifications as fit us for Eternal Life and without which we shall never be admitted to it It is says our Saviour to Nicodemus a mans being born again that must capacitate him to enter into the Kingdom of God Joh. 3.3 In Christ Jesus or the Christian Religion saith S t Paul neither Circumcision availeth any thing nor Vncircumcision but a NEW CREATVRE Gal. 6.15 The condition required of all men to Life and Pardon as the truth is in Jesus is this that they put off the OLD MAN and be RENEWED in the spirit of their mind and that they put on the NEW MAN which after the similitude of God is Created in righteousness and true holiness Eph. 4.21 22 23 24. Repentance in the constant and plain notion of the Scriptures is such a vertuous alteration of the mind and purpose as begets a like vertuous change in the life and practice It begins in our thoughts and resolutions and is made perfect in our works and actions It first casts all false principles and foolish judgments of the desireableness of sin and the dreadfulness of vertue all opinions that hinder a good life and encourage wickedness all inveagling thoughts and bewitching imaginations all firm purposes and studied contrivances of evil out of our minds and thereby purges all wickedness and disobedience out of our lives and actions It implies a change of mind as is well noted by the Greek name for Repentance which is very expressive of its nature For it signifies an alteration of the mind a transformation of our thoughts and counsels and is the same that S t Paul calls a being renewed in the spirit of our mind Eph. 4.23 And this God expressly calls for when he summons the wicked to repentance Isa. 55. Let the wicked man forsake his thoughts and turn them from his sin unto the Lord and then he will have mercy upon him vers 7. It includes also an alteration of the life and practice a forbearing to repeat the sin which we repent of And this is a natural effect of the former in as much as our works and actions will still go along with our studies and contrivances our purposes and resolutions Now this part of repentance from sin viz. a leaving or forsaking of it is its prime ingredient and the chief thing which the Scriptures express by it it is the main end whereto the former serves only as the principle and instrument Godly sorrow or the grief and trouble of our minds for having offended God working as S t Paul says that Repentance which will never fail us nor ever need to be repented of 2 Cor. 7.10 And that Repentance includes this alteration of our lives as well as that other of our minds the Scriptures plainly express to us when they stile it a Repentance FROM dead works Heb. 6.1 a TVRNING away from all transgressions and doing that which is lawful and right Ezek. 18.27 30. A CONVERSION FROM darkness unto light Acts 26.18 a putting AWAY the evil of our DOINGS by ceasing to DO evil and learning to DO well Isa. 1.16 17. These two changes a change of mind and a change of practice make up the essence and integrate the nature of a saving Repentance It implies first a change in our minds and tempers and upon that a correspondent change in our lives and actions Now as for the former of these this change of our minds and tempers in new thoughts new counsels new desires and resolutions this vertuous alteration both in our wills and understandings which are those two powers that make up our rational nature is that which the Scriptures call our new nature the begetting of which in us is called our regeneration or our being born again For the tempers and inclinations of our souls are usually in our common discourse called our nature A man of a loving condescensive disposition is called a man of a good nature and one of a sowr revengeful temper is called a man of an ill nature And the change from one to the other is called a change of Nature a making of him a new Creature and a new man And thus we are daily wont to say of any person who from wicked and sinful inclinations is changed to a disposition which is vertuous and holy that he is become a new man And as this is our language so is it the Scriptures too For our putting on the tempers and habitual inclinations of righteousness and true holiness is called our putting on the new man Eph. 4.24 The alteration from an unbelieving and uncharitable to a believing loving temper to a Faith that worketh by love S t Paul calls a New Creature Gal. 5.6 compared with Chap. 6. vers 15. And as for the renovation it self it is called a regeneration or new birth the Author of it a Father and the persons so renewed his Sons or Children All which are expressed to us by S t John when he tells us of all those which have received such vertuous and holy dispositions from God as make them resemble him
if he had lived to it he shall be rewarded at the last day as if he had For this very day says he shalt thou be with me in Paradise Luk. 23.42 Thus available I say a new nature and an inward change is although it want an outward practice when it is sufficient and effectual to produce it and would certainly effect it if there were but time and opportunity allow'd for it But then here is the dangerous state and deplorable case of all such dying Penitents that 't is twenty to one if they defer repentance to their death-bed that all the change which then appears in them is not so sufficient nor would were there a due time allow'd for it prove so effectual And of this we have a clear argument in that among all the holy vows and pious purposes which are begun by men upon a sick-bed when they are in sight of death and expect a dissolution there are so few that continue with them and prove effectual to make their lives and actions answer them when they recover There is not I believe one unconverted Christian in five hundred but will show some signs of sorrow and put up devout Prayers and make holy vows and purposes when he apprehends himself about to dye and yet of all them who are raised up again 't is a very small and inconsiderable number that make good those vows and effect what they had resolved upon And now if these men had dyed when they thus repented in what a miserable state had they been For this change in their will and purpose is no further available to their Salvation than it would be effectual to a like change in their lives and practice God accepts the holiness of the mind only as it is a holy principle and imputes the reward of obedience to it no farther than he foresees that if he allow'd time obedience would ensue upon it The will is never taken for the deed but when it is able to effect it when the deed would be sure to follow so soon as an opportunity were offer'd for it And this God sees before hand although we do not he is able to judge of the sincerity of mens desires and of the sufficiency of their purposes before their following works declare them And according to what he foresees they would afterwards effect he either accepts or rejects them But when mens after-works come as a clear evidence of the unsincerity or insufficiency of their sick-bed resolutions they may see plainly themselves what God saw long before that all the change of mind which was then wrought was utterly insignificant and unavailing When they trusted to it they relyed upon a broken reed their confidence upon it was ill grounded and if they had dyed with it it would most certainly have deceived them Thus utterly uncertain and uncomfortable a thing is a mere unworking change and a late death-bed Repentance It may sometimes prove sufficient to beget an after-change of practice and when God sees it would he will undoubtedly accept it But it very seldom doth and no man who dyes in it can possibly tell whether it would or no. It is very great odds that it would prove too weak so that although there be some yet is there very small hope that any dying man can place in it And that which renders it ordinarily so insufficient and thereupon so uncertain and uncomfortable is either First Because it generally proceeds from an unconstant temporary principle Or Secondly Because when the principle is genuine and lasting it is still too weak and in an incompetent measure and degree 1. That penitential grief and change of mind which is wrought upon a Death-bed is ordinarily ineffective and insufficient to produce a constant change of life and practice because it generally proceeds from an inconstant and temporary principle It is commonly founded upon a reason that doth not hold in all times a reason that is good in sickness but not in health that concludes for a Pious change whilst we are under our sick-bed sorrows but not when being freed from them we come under the pleasure of temptations For the great and general motive which makes all those who never thought of reforming in all their lives before to resolve upon it when they are on their Death-bed is plainly the nearness of the next world and their apprehension of their sudden death and departure Could they hope to live longer they would sin still But they look upon themselves as going to Judgment and they have so much Conscience left in them as to believe that there is a Hell for the impenitent and their own self-love is extreamly startled at that and makes them run to any shelter So that they make many fearful confessions and fervent Prayers and Holy purposes and say and do any thing whereby they may quiet their present fears and catch at any comfortable hopes of avoiding it The ordinary cause then of all this work is not any love of God or hatred of Sin but only a fear of Punishment And that too not a fear of it at a distance and as at some removes from them but only as near at hand and just hanging over them But now as for this apparant nearness of Death and this confounding fear upon it it is plainly a short and transient an unconstant temporary Principle It is a reason to them no longer than they are sick for when they recover and are well again Death is as far off and they are become again as fearless as ever They are got out of its neighbourhood and it gives them no further trouble So that all their former fears abate and their vertuous resolutions fall as beginning now to want that which first gave life to them and should support them And now when opportunities of Sin are offered and the pleasurable baits of Temptations invite they have nothing left that is able to resist them Whilst they were sick they were not capable to be tempted and then Death being near it enabled them to purpose well and to make a pious resolution But now since they are well Temptations are become as strong as ever and the thoughts of Death being far removed they have no resolutions that can withstand them but are quickly changed again into the same men as sensual and sinful as they were before Indeed it sometimes happens that those souls which were at first awakened by such a transient temporary motive go on to others afterwards that are more fixt and lasting and then they are furnished with Armour in all times and have a motive that may bear them out when Death is far off as well as when 't is near at hand in time of health as well as in time of sickness For they who were at first affrighted into a change of mind and holy purposes by the near approach of Death and Judgment go on sometimes to confirm their resolutions upon more lasting principles They think themselves into a
deep sense of that ingratitude towards God which is in Sin and of its mischievousness to their own selves how it robs them of all that Eternal Good which their hearts desire and brings them under all those insupportable and endless evils which they fear all which it doth for the purchase of some light empty and transient Pleasures which are vastly below the joys of Heaven and for the avoidance of some short pain and uneasiness which are infinitely nothing in comparison of the Pains of Hell And these thoughts give them a firm and lasting conviction of the utter necessity of renouncing all evil courses which are so destructive and of leading a holy and obedient life which are so infinitely becoming them and beneficial to them And this conviction now can beget and preserve a resolution that is sufficient and effectual victorious and prevailing It will be a reason to them to resolve and practise at all times in sickness and in health when they are not tempted and also when they are For Heaven and the Love of God is always a necessary end and Obedience is always a necessary means or instrument So that if Men resolve upon a conviction of this necessity they resolve upon a reason that may well hold always They will constantly have the highest reason to be so convinced and still to repeat and fortifie their resolution upon such conviction and to act and practise that which they have so wisely resolved And when a Sick-mans change is built upon this ground and proceeds upon this motive it may be permanent and fixt effectual and prevailing As it is in all those who are Converted by Sickness and Afflictions that great and usually last means which God makes use of for the reclaiming of sinful Men. But generally Mens sick-bed purposes go no further than the first ground They always begin upon the fears of present Death and the near approach of Judgment and though sometimes they go higher still yet ordinarily they rest there so that they have no change longer than their sickness lasts And this Repentance is certainly insufficient this will can never be accepted for the deed because if they were allow'd to recover again and to live on till an opportunity of Doing came the good will and purpose would be quite lost and able to effect nothing But although a Death-bed change should proceed upon both these grounds and the dying men should resolve to amend both upon the sense of sudden Death which will maintain their resolution so long as it is near and also upon a conviction of the absolute necessity of Heaven and a Holy Life which may make them resolve still when the present danger is over yet may their Repentance after all be insufficient and avail nothing For a Death-bed Repentance when it doth proceed upon a genuine and lasting motive is still oft times ineffectual because the change is 2. In too weak and incompetent a measure and degree It is not every degree even of true and undissembled resolution that will overcome a mans Lusts and strengthen him to such a pitch as to make him prevail over all Temptations A thousand good resolutions go to Hell because although they are sincere and true yet they are weak and ineffectual For how many men are there who resolve against their sins who do not yet get quit of them They purpose to leave them but for all that they live still in them their mind and will is against them but yet they continue to work and practise them When once men have got violent lusts and vicious habits and Sin by a long use is become almost a second nature to them it is not every measure no nor every moderate degree of resolution that can mortifie and overcome them For a weak resolution is quickly overthrown mens Lusts are too hard for it and quite overbear it it may make some resistance create some trouble and cause some delay but that is all that it can do it can only contend and struggle but it is not able to overcome This is plain from every Religious Mans experience and this S t Paul sets down expressly in his character of the unregenerate striver in the seventh Chapter of the Epistle to the Romans For there was a real change in his mind without a change in his practice a resolution without effect and a will without performance the violence of his Lusts was too hard for the convictions of his Conscience and led him Captive even against his will into a course of Sin and disobedience With the MIND says he I serve the Law of God but with the FLESH the Law of Sin v. 25. What I DO I ALLOW not for what I WOVLD that I DO not but what I HATE that I DO v. 15 19. To WILL is present with me but how to PERFORM that which is good I find not v. 18. For the Law of my MEMBERS wars against the Law of my MIND and brings me into CAPTIVITY to the Law of Sin v. 23. Thus weak and unable ineffective and idle are many true and real resolutions They have not strength enough to do their work the opposition is greater than they can overcome so that they are able to make no alteration but for all this change of mind men will continue wicked and disobedient in their practice still And of this sort generally even when they proceed upon a genuine and lasting motive are the Penitential purposes of Dying-men For alas when Men have lived all their Lives in a course of Sin and their minds have been always taken up with it and their hearts wholly inslaved to it it is no easie matter to bring them off and to fill them with such firmness of purpose and strength of pious resolution as would be able effectually to mortifie and subdue it This is a most laborious work and a difficult undertaking It requires much time and the freedom of all our faculties For how hard a thing is it even for men in health when their thoughts are free distracted by no business interrupted by no pain and disturbed by no disease or other hindrance to work themselves up to an effectual and prevailing resolution against any one Sin which they have been habitually inured and for a long time enslaved to And even of them who do at last effectually resolve against it how few are there who came to such a pitch of resolution at the first tryal No their proceeding is gradual they go on from step to step every following resolution is more firm and stronger than that which went before till after several repetitions and advances they arrive at last to a degree and pitch of holy purpose so compleat as can effect that vertuous change of life and action which they aim at So that their spiritual Life is not brought on to perfection in a moment more than their natural but requires much time and much exercise for as their sinful habits were not at first acquired
way to your bliss and happiness said Samuel to the Israelites only fear the Lord and in vertue of that fear serve him 1 Sam. 12.24 25. This fear has given right to pardon in all times and will eternally secure it For Gods mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation Luke 1.50 From everlasting to everlasting Psal. 103.17 So that well might Solomon say The Fear of the Lord is a Fountain of life Prov. 14.27 and that he surely knew it will go well with them that fear the Lord Eccles. 8.12 And then as for our Hope or Trust in God great things are spoken of it Blessed is he saith the Psalmist who maketh the Lord his Trust Psal. 40.4 He is secure from all effects of his wrath and anger for the Lord taketh pleasure in them that hope in his mercy Psal. 147.11 In particular our relying on Christ and confiding in him for our pardon and eternal salvation is said to be that which will never fail or deceive us For he that hopeth or believeth on him says S t Paul shall never be ashamed by a misplaced confidence or expectation Rom. 10.11 Now our fear of God and our hope or trust in his mercy are of all our passions the most active Causes and powerful Springs of our good works and obedience As for our fears no passion puts us upon so much pains and industry as they do They make us act to the utmost of our power and do all that is to be done to get protection from that evil which excites them For fear has the deepest root in our natural self-love and desire of our own preservation being raised in us by the nearness of such things as either utterly destroy or in some degree impair it And therefore in them the activity of our self-love is shown to the utmost as vehemently as we desire and endeavour to preserve ourselves and our own ease so vehemently must we desire and endeavour likewise to remove the matter of our fears which hangs over us to destroy or to torment us The most natural effect of fear then is a most vigorous endeavour by all means to remove that evil which we are afraid of And according as this may be done several ways so doth our passion of fear exert it self after several manners If we think the evil may be conquered it pushes us on to fight and subdue it If it be above our strength but may yet for all that be avoided it puts us upon all means of concealment or escape and makes us seek either to lye hid or to fly from it But if there is neither any prospect of withstanding the power nor of escaping the eye of him who is ready to inflict it as there never can be when God who is both Almighty and Al-seeing is the Person feared then it hurries us on by all means to regain his favour and good will that thereby we may prevent it And in Times of Ignorance when men had great fears and little knowledg when they were grievously afraid of God but knew not what things he loved and delighted in nor wherewith they might please him this fear of God put them upon all the nonsensical services and foolish propitiations of Superstition But where God has plainly and clearly revealed his will and manifested to all that it is their obedience alone that can continue them in his favour or restore them to it after they have lost it here the only effect of fear must needs be that which is known to be the only means of favour viz. our keeping of his Commandments or obedience So that our fear of God is a most sure principle and effectual means of our serving and obeying him And then as for our hope or trust in Gods mercy it is a most natural cause of our doing our Duty likewise For all hope implies both desire and a likelihood of getting that which is desired which two are all that is at any time needful to make us vigorously endeavour after it For if men will be at no pains for a thing it is either because they have little or no desire of it or no probability of succeeding in it But when once they are push'd on by an eager desire it is only despair that can dull their endeavours in pursuit of it So that if we hope for mercy we shall be at some pains for it and by an active service and obedience seek to procure it Indeed when the good thing that is hoped for needs no labour of ours but our naked trust and reliance is all that on our sides is required to it our hope will effect no endeavour after it because none is necessary to obtain it But as for that eternal life and pardon which Christs Gospel proposeth to our hopes they are offered us only upon certain Terms and Conditions and will never be attained by us without our Service and Obedience And seeing obedience here is the necessary means to the acquisition of that which we desire the same desire and hope which carries us on towards mercy and life must spur us on withal to works of duty and obedience also They must be a Spring of industry and good endeavour because they make us resolve to procure that which is not to be got without them And in regard our fear of God and our hope or trust in his mercy are such powerful Principles of our obedience to his Laws therefore are Pardon and Life which are the rewards of Obedience so frequently promised to them God never intends to reward an idle fear or an unactive and careless trust but such only as are industrious and obedient 'T is true indeed the generality of men have taken up a dangerous errour especially in the latter of these and are bold and presumptuous in their hopes at the same time that they are most wicked and disobedient in their lives and practice They find no service of their own works wherein they may be confident and therefore they fly from them to Gods Goodness They know this full well by themselves that they are wicked but they know withal that God is gracious and their hope is that He will be merciful to them notwithstanding their sins They find themselves condemned indeed by his Gospel but their trust is to be relieved by his Nature they are punishable and wretched by his Laws but they expect to be saved by his pity and kindness The Revelations of his Word 't is true breathe out nothing to them but Death but their hope is that he will be better than his Word and that through the infiniteness of his mercy they shall at last be adjudged to pardon and eternal life But such bold hopes and presumptuous confidences as these are the ready way to provoke and offend God but by no means to attone and appease him For thus to hope in his Mercy against the plain Declarations of his Will is to chashier those measures of life
continue to separate between him and his God whatever God CAN do yet certainly he WILL not save him The Lords hand saith the Prophet Isaiah to the afflicted Jews is not shortened that it cannot save nor his ear heavy that it cannot hear but your iniquities have separated between you and your God and your sins have hid his face from you that he will not hear For your hand 's are defiled with blood and your fingers with iniquity your lips have spoken lies your tongue hath muttered perverseness none calls for Justice nor any pleads for Truth and since your disobedience is so heinous your hopes must needs be false you TRVST in vanity Isai. 59.1 2 3 4. Christ himself never dyed to reconcile God to mens sins and to procure hopes of pardon for the finally impenitent and unperswadably disobedient So that no man may ever think himself delivered to act wickedness or wilfully transgress Gods Laws and still dare to trust in him But if any are so bold and frontless Christ will rebuke them at the last Day as God doth the presumptuous Jews by the Prophet Jeremiah Behold says he you trust in lying words which cannot profit you Will you steal murther and commit adultery and swear falsly and notwithstanding all that come and stand before me in this house which is called by my Name as Men that owne my service and dare trust in my love and say as in effect you do by such usage we are delivered to do all these abominations Dare you by thus presuming upon my favour in the midst of all your transgressions make me become a Patron and Protector of your villainies And is this house which is called by my Name become a Den or Receptacle and Sanctuary of Robbers in your eyes Behold I even I have seen it saith the Lord and that surely not to encourage and reward but most severely to punish it for I will utterly cast you out of my sight Jer. 7.8 9 10 11 15. God will by no means endure to have his own most holy Nature become a support to sin nor his Religion to be made a refuge for disobedience nor his Mercy and Goodness a Sanctuary to wicked and unholy men So that no man must dare to hope and trust in him but he only who honestly observes his Laws and uprightly obeys him That fear of God then and trust in his mercy which the Gospel encourages and Christ our Judge will at the last Day accept of is not a fear and trust without obedience but such only as implies it We must serve him in fear and obey him through hope as ever we expect he should acquit and pardon us For no fears or hopes will avail us unto bliss but those that amend our lives and effect in us an honest service and obedience CHAP. VII Of Pardon promised to the love of God and of our Neighbour The CONTENTS Of Pardon promised to the love of God and of our Neighbour Of the fitness of an universal love to produce an universal obedience That pardon is promised to it for this Reason The Conclusion EIghthly That condition which the Gospel indispensably requires of us to our pardon and happiness is sometimes called Love For of this S t Paul says plainly that it is the fulfilling of the Law Rom. 13.10 It is the great condition of Life the standing Terms of mercy and happiness We have the same Apostles word for it of our love of God Those things which neither eye hath seen nor ear heard neither have entred into the heart of man to conceive are prepared for them who LOVE God 1 Cor. 2.9 And again Chap. 8. If any man love God the same is known or accepted of him vers 3. And S t John says as much of the love of our Neighbour Beloved let us LOVE one another for LOVE is of God and every one that loveth is born of God and knoweth God 1 John 4.7 And again God is Love and manifested his Love in giving Christ to dye for us And if we love one another God dwells in us For hereby by this mark and evidence we know that we dwell in him and he in us because he hath given us of this loving temper and Spirit of his ver 8 9 12 13. And to the same purpose he speaks fully in the third Chapter of that first Epistle We know says he that we have passed from death unto life because we LOVE the BRETHREN ver 14. Now our hearty love both of God and men is a most natural and easie Principle of an intire service and obedience For the most genuine and proper effect of Love is to seek the satisfaction and delight of the persons beloved It is careful in nothing to behave it self unseemly but to keep back from every thing that may offend and forward in all such services as may any ways pleasure and content them If they rejoyce it congratulates if they mourn it grieves with them If they are in distress it affords succour if in want supply in doubts it ministers counsel in business dispatch It is always full and teeming with good offices and transforms it self into all shapes whereby it may procure their satisfaction and render their condition comfortable and easie to them So that it exerts it self in pity to the miserable in protection to the oppressed in relief to the indigent in counsel to the ignorant in encouragement to the good in kind reproof to the evil in thanks for kindnesses in patience and forbearance upon sufferings in forgiveness of wrong and injuries In one word it is an universal Source and Spring of all works of Justice Charity Humility and Peace Now the Body of our Religion is made up of these Duties For what doth the Lord thy God require of thee O man saith the Prophet Micah but to do justly to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God Mic. 6.8 Those things which God has adopted into his Service and made the matter of our duty towards one another are nothing else but these natural effects of love and kindness and expressions of good nature towards all men All the Precepts of Religion only forbid our doing evil and require our doing good to all the World And since as the Apostle argues love seeketh all things that are good and worketh no evil to our Neighbour therefore Love must needs be the fulfilling of those Laws which concern them This Commandment for instance as he illustrates it Thou shalt not commit Adultery thou shalt not kill thou shalt not steal thou shalt not bear false witness thou shalt not covet all these and if there be any other Commandment relating to our Brethren it is briefly comprehended in this Saying Thou shalt LOVE they Neighbour as thy self For LOVE worketh none of all these ills to our Neighbour therefore LOVE is the fulfilling of the Law Rom. 13.9 10. Thus doth our Love of our Neighbour fulfil all those particular Laws which contain our Duty
and their Faith confirmed by it in giving up our selves to Martyrdome and laying down our own lives for their advantage Hereby says this same Apostle perceive we the love of God because he laid down his life for us And if we would be reputed to have that love which as we are told at the fourteenth Verse wafts us over from Death unto Life we ought upon a fit occasion not to flinch from the most costly service but even to lay down our very lives for the Brethren 1 John 3.16 It is only this obedient and operative love of men which will be owned by Christ our Judg and confer a just claim to Life and Pardon at the last Day Our Love will not be rewarded as a thing that is absolute in it self but only as an Instrument in as much as it makes us as S t Paul says to fulfil the whole Law which makes any thing an instance of Duty towards them Rom. 13.8 But if we only profess love to them in kind words and tender expressions but shew none in our works and actions this idle useless love will be of no account to us nor benefit us more than it profits them For if a Brother or a Sister says S t James be naked and destitute of daily food and one of you gives them only some good words and says unto them Depart in peace be ye warm'd with Cloths and filled with Food but notwithstanding all this affectionate language ye give them not in the mean while those things which are needful for the Body what doth it profit Nothing at all surely nor will it ever advantage your selves as an instance of that mercy which rejoyceth against judgment Verse 13. more than it profits them James 2.15 16. So that when Christ comes to Judgment at the last Day we see plainly that no love either of God or men will avail us but only that which has kept the Commandments we shall never be acquitted at that Bar upon a pretence of love without obedience for all that can possibly stand us in any stead there is a loving service a love which has made us careful and diligent to obey And thus at last we have fully seen that as for all those other things besides obedience whereunto the Gospel promises pardon and happiness they are by no means available to our bliss when they are separate from obedience but then only when they effect and imply it They all aim at it and end in it and are of no account in Gods Judgment further than they produce it It is not either our knowing Christ or our believing Christ or our being in Christ or our trusting in Christ or our loving Christ or our fears of God or our confessions of sins or our pouring out many prayers or any thing else that will save us whilst we disobey No at the last Day we shall certainly be damned notwithstanding them if the obedience of our works is wanting It is only a working service that will please our Judge and which can possibly secure us if we are able in that Court to produce that it will clear us but without it nothing else will Christs Gospel whereby all of us must stand or fall at that Day has fully declared this already and Christ himself will then confirm it So that 't is in vain to cast about for other marks and to seek after other Evidences for our title to bliss and happiness nothing less than our Repentance and Obedience will avail us unto life and through the merits of Christ and the Grace of his Gospel it shall And now at last we see clearly what that Condition is which the Gospel indispensably requires of us and which is to mete out to us our last doom of bliss or misery that in the general it is nothing else neither more nor less than our obedience BOOK II. Of the Laws of the Gospel which are the Rule of this Obedience in particular CHAP. I. Of the particular Laws comprehended under the Duty of Sobriety The CONTENTS A Division of our Duty into three general Vertues Piety Sobriety Righteousness Of the nature of Sobriety The particular Laws commanding and prohibiting under this first Member A larger explication of the nature of Mortification BUT in regard our working and obeying is that whereupon all our hopes and happiness our security and comfort hangs it is very necessary that after all which has been hitherto discoursed of it in the general we go on still further and enquire of it more particularly For if it be our Obedience or Disobedience that must dispense Life or Death to us and eternally save or destroy us at the last Day then whosoever would know before-hand what shall be his final Sentence must enquire what is his present state and what have been his past actions whether in them he have obeyed or no. And the way to understand that is first to know what those Laws are whereto his obedience is due and in what manner and degrees he is to obey them and when once he has informed himself in these he may quickly learn from the Testimony of his own heart and Conscience whether he has performed that Obedience which is indispensably required to his happiness or has fallen short of it And to give the best assistance that I can in so weighty a Case I will here proceed to enquire further in this Obedience and shew concerning it these two things I. What those Laws are which under the Sanctions of Life or Death the Gospel binds us to obey And II. What degrees and manner of obedience is indispensably required to them I. Then I will enquire what those Laws are whereby at the last Day we must all be judged and which under the Sanction of Life or Death the Gospel binds us to obey And that I may render this enquiry as useful as I can I will set down as I go along the meaning and explication of those several Vertues and Vices which are either required or forbidden in the particular Laws that so we may more truly and readily understand whether the Vertues have been performed or the Vices incurred and whether thereby the Laws have been broken or kept by us As for the Laws and Commands of God they are all reduced by S t Paul to three Heads For either they require something from us towards God himself and so are contained in works of piety or towards our Neighbours all which are comprehended in works of righteousness or towards our own selves as all those Precepts do which are taken up in works of sobriety In these three general Vertues is comprized the Sum of our Christian Duty even all that is required by the Gospel as the Condition of Salvation For the Gospel saith he or that Grace of God which brings us the welcome offers of Salvation hath appeared now to all men teaching us as ever we expect that salvation which it tenders to us that denying ungodliness and
three more is comprized the Body of our whole Duty If we adde two or three more I say for besides the several Laws already mentioned there are three particular Duties yet remaining of a more positive and arbitrary nature which Christ has bound all Christians to observe and they are the Law of Baptism of the Lords Supper and of Repentance Baptism is our incorporation into the Church of Christ or our entrance into the Gospel Covenant or into all the duties and priviledges of Christians by means of the outward Ceremony of washing or sprinkling in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost The Eucharist or Lords Supper is our Federal Vow or repetition of that engagement which we made at Baptism of performing faith repentance and obedience unto God in expectation of remission of sins eternal happiness and those other promises which by Christ's death are procured for us upon these terms which engagement we solemnly make to God at our eating Bread and drinking Wine in remembrance and commemoration of Christs dying for us Repentance is a forsaking of sin or an amendment of any evil way upon a sorrowful sense and just apprehension of its making us offend God and subjecting us to the danger of death and damnation And if to all the forementioned instances of those three grand Vertues which by the Apostle Tit. 2.12 13 are made the summ of our Christian Duty we join these three positive and additional Laws we have all that whereby God will judge us at the last Day even all those particular Laws whereto our obedience is required as necessary to salvation And thus we have seen what those particulars Laws are which the Gospel indispensably requires us to obey They are no other than those very instances which I have been all this while recounting and describing But because the Catalogue of them hitherto has been broken and interrupted and therefore cannot be run over so easily as might be desired in a matter of that importance I will here repeat them all again for the greater ease of all such pious souls as desire to try themselves by them and place them all in one view and all together The commanding Laws then whereby at the last Day we must all be judged are these that follow The Law of sobriety towards our selves with all its Train which are the Law of humility of heavenly-mindedness of temperance of sobriety of chastity of continence of contempt of the world and contentment of courage and taking up the Cross of diligence and watchfulness of patience of mortification and self-denial The Law of piety towards God with all its Branches which are the Law of honour of worship of faith and knowledge of love of zeal of trust and dependance of prayer of thankfulness of fear of submission and resignedness of obedience The Law of Justice towards men in all its parts which will be seen by the contrary prohibitions of injustice The Law of Charity in all its instances which are the Law of goodness or kindness of honour for our Brethrens Vertues of pity and succour of restraining our Christian Liberty for our weak Brothers edification of friendly reproof of brotherly kindness of congratulation of compassion of almes and distribution of covering and concealing their defects of vindicating their reputation of affability or graciousness of courtesy and officiousness of condescension of hospitality of gentleness of candor of unity of thankfulness of meekness or lenity of placableness of forgiving injuries of doing good to enemies and when nothing more is in our power praying for them and blessing or speaking what is good of them when we take occasion to mention them of long-suffering of mercifulness The Law of Peace and Concord with all its Train as are the Law of peaceableness of condescension and compliance of doing our own business of satisfying for injuries of peace-making The Law of love to Kings and Princes in all its Particulars which are the Law of honour of reverence of paying Tribute and Customes of fidelity of praying for them of obedience of subjection The Law of love to our Bishops and Ministers with all its expressions which are the Law of honour or having them highly in esteem for their works sake of reverence of maintenance of praying for them of obedience The Law of Love in the particular relation of Husband and Wife with all its Branches which are on both sides the Law of mutual concern and communicating in each others bliss or misery of bearing each others infirmities of prayer of fidelity On the Husbands towards his Wife the Law of providing for her of protecting her of flexible and winning Government of compliance and condescension On the Wives towards her Husband the Law of honour of reverence of observance and obedience of subjection The Law of Love in the particular relation of Parents and Children with its several effects which are from the Parents towards their Children the Law of natural affection of maintenance and provision of honest education of loving Government of bringing them up in the institution and fear of God of prayer for them From the Children towards their Parents besides the Duty of natural affection common to both the Law of honour of reverence of obedience of subjection of requiting upon occasion their care and kindness of prayer for them The Law of Love in the particular relation of Brethren and Sisters with all its instances which are the Law of natural affection of providing for our Brethren of praying for them The Law of Love in the particular relation of Master and Servant with its several expressions which are on the Masters side the Law of maintenance of religious instruction of a just and equal Government of them of kindness and equity in commanding of forbearance and moderation in threatning of punctual payment of the wages of the Hireling of praying for them On the Servants the Law of honour of reverence of observance of concealing and excusing their Masters defects of vindicating their injured reputation of fidelity of obedience of diligence of willing and hearty service of patient submission and subjection of praying for them To all which we may add the two arbitrary institutions and positive Laws of the Gospel Baptism and the Eucharist or Lords Supper and when we transgress in any of the instances forementioned that great and only remedy of Christs Religion the Law of repentance This so far as I can call to mind at present is a just enumeration of those particular Injunctions and Commands of God whereto our obedience is indispensably required and whereby at the last Day we must all be judged either to live or dye eternally But supposing that some particular instances of Love and Duty are omitted in this Catalogue yet need this be prejudicial to no mans happiness since that defect will be otherwise supplied For as for such omitted instances where there is an occasion for them and an opportunity offered to exercise
and proposed it to us because the necessity of our faith to our obedience shews plainly that it cannot be denied us and because the best men that ever were have not been able to obey without it and yet their obedience has been most graciously accepted First Some respect to our own good and intention to advantage our selves by our obedience is of that nature that it cannot be forbidden us It cannot fall under a Law or be a matter of a Commandment because it can never be performed As for any one particular advantage and self-interest indeed we may deny our selves in it and therefore any Law may very well require it For we have many particular self-interests to serve and they clash and interfere among themselves and so long as we are in pursuit of any one by virtue of it we are able to restrain and deny our selves in any other And thus all men daily deny their Ease for their Interests and their Gain for their Liberty and their Liberty for their Lives And all good men daily over-rule that Love which they have for their Bodies by that higher and stronger love which they have for their Souls and deny themselves in any Temporal Interests to secure their Eternal And because all men have this power of denying their own Self-love in small instances to serve it in greater and of parting with any goods and advantages of this world to purchase to themselves incomparably better in the next God has enacted the denial of our selves in all such particular Interests as hinder our Obedience into a Religious Duty and made it universally obliging to all the world But as for the casting off this love of our selves and respect to our own advantage not only as to some particular interests whilst our eye is upon others but as to all self-interests whatsoever this in the matter of Duty and Obedience no man can perform and therefore no Law can command it For in that Constitution of Nature which God has given us self-love is the first and over-ruling Principle It has a share almost in all our actions and influences all our faculties so that in all that variety of operations which flow from us there are very few wherein we have no eye at our own advantage In some actions 't is true we are influenced chiefly and almost wholly by our love of others which is a noble and a generous Principle For there are several good Offices which we daily do to others in doing whereof we no way prejudice our selves and these our love of others makes us perform and our own self-love doth not withstand it which is seen in all the Offices of humanity and common courtesie And other things again there are wherein we advantage them though it be considerably to our own trouble and our own hindrance and here although our own self-love oppose it self yet our love of them prevails and over-rules it as is daily shown in the Offices of Christian Charity and particular friendship In these Cases our love of others and of our selves are separate our kindness for them shews it self in such things wherein our own self-love is either not concerned at all or wherein it is opposed and over-powered so that here we are not influenced and governed by it And if this were the Case in all our obedient actions there might be more pretence for performing them purely out of love to God without mixing therewith any love of our own selves But in them quite contrary our love of God and of our selves are neither repugnant nor so much as separate but most closely conjoined For God hath made the same things the matter both of our Duty and of our interest so that in serving him we do in the highest measure serve our own selves too And in this Case where our own self-love is so much concerned and has not the love of God to oppose and over-rule it but to jump in and conspire with it it is not possible but that we shall be influenced and acted by it For it naturally issues out upon our own good and here it has an object in the highest advancement and there is nothing to hinder or restrain it So that whatsoever we may do through a bare abstracted love of others without any regard to our own selves in those Cases where our own self-love and it are separate or repugnant yet in the matter of obedience where they are so close conjoined and Gods service is so infinitely our own interest 't is plain that we cannot be wholly free from it For since in obeying we do that which we know is most highly advantageous to us we are not able perfectly to abstract our thoughts but we shall intend whether we will or no to be advantaged by it And since no man can wholly abstain from intending his own advantage in Gods service no Law can require it It is no fit matter of a prohibition nor capable of being retrenched by a Commandment being it is at no mans choice whether or no he shall observe it So that God must work a Change in his own Creation and form us into something different from what we are before he can in reason demand it of us 2. Some respect to our own advantage in performing what God commands is lawful and allowable in us because Gods Laws themselves do authorize and propose it to us God has not required us to serve him for nothing but has offered us an abundant recompence for all our labour and added such allurements to his Laws as infinitely surpass all the difficulties of our Duty He has proposed every thing to us that may any way work upon our self-love and care for our own advantage whether it be the promises of good to intice or the threats of evil to affright us into obedience For thus saith our Law Verily verily I double the Asseveration that you may give the greater credit to it I say unto you He that keepeth my Sayings or Commands shall never see death John 8.51 To my Sheep that follow me and hear or obey my voice I will give eternal life John 10.27 28. Blessed are they that do his Commandments for they shall have right to the Tree of Life and enter in through the Gate into the City Rev. 22.14 But on the other side The wrath of God cometh upon the Children of disobedience Col. 3.6 For at the Day of Judgment when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven with the Guards and Attendance of his mighty Angels then will he in flaming fire take vengeance on them that obey not the Gospel who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord 2 Thess. 1.7 8 9. Thus have we in Christs Laws to omit other things a promise made to us of Heaven and endless joys to induce us to obedience and a threatning of Hell and eternal miserie denounced to us to make us afraid to disobey And these make our obedience to
which we intend for our selves are only those spiritual and eternal advantages which his own Law has promised to the obedient or other temporal ones so far as they minister to obedience and are subordinate under it For the spiritual and eternal advantages which we are to reap by our obedience they are the forgiveness of our sins the peace of Conscience the assistance of the Spirit and the joys of Heaven together with deliverance from all the contrary evils of guilt and Hell And these God himself has expresly promised to us upon our obedience to perswade us into a performance of it He uses them as Arguments to us to gain our choice which they must do by actuating our intention He proposeth them to our aims that they may enliven our endeavours and annexes them to our obedience for this end that we may be won to perform it for their sakes when we should not barely for its own So that it must needs be lawful for every man to intend these in Gods service because God himself has proposed them expresly in his Laws to every mans intention And as for the temporal advantages which accrue to us from Gods service they are length of days and health of Body and riches and honour or good reputation with a freedom from all the opposite evils of sickness and death and shame and poverty And these also are promised to the obedient Let thine heart keep my Commandments saith Wisdom for length of days and long life and peace shall they add unto thee Prov. 3.1 2. And as length of days is in her right hand so in her left are riches and honour ver 16. The memory of the just shall be blessed when the name of the wicked shall rot Prov. 10.7 There neither is nor shall be any want to them that fear the Lord. For though the Lions that seem best able to get it and are most careless how they come by it do lack and suffer hunger yet they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing Psal. 34.9 10. But if there were no express promises of these temporal advantages proposed to us upon our obedience in God's Word yet were it enough to warrant our intention of them that God has annexed them to it in the very order of things and course of Nature For according to the ordinary course and constitution of the World Sobriety Justice Peaceableness Diligence and other instances of Vertue and Obedience are naturally fitted to bring down all these temporal advantages upon us And this Course of Nature and Order of things is of Gods establishment It is as much his appointment as are the promises and revelations of his Gospel For he is the Authour of the World as well as of the Bible He made the Frame and Order of it to be what now it is and after he had formed it he saw that all was very good Gen. 1.31 His Word and Works are both his own and the advantages of Vertue and Obedience in the one are as much of his appointment as in the other So that as for our temporal advantages also which are much improved and ministred to by our obedience they are such as God has given us for motives and encouragements in his service He has set before us things present as well as future to quicken us in our performances of his Commandments and has appointed us to intend both because otherwise it is not possible that we should be quick●ned and excited by them But the only thing which we are to take care of in this matter is that as these temporal advantages are established by God whether in the course of Nature or in the express revelations of his Word as motives and inducements to Obedience So we use them accordingly as helps and instruments to enable us to obey We must make them assistant and subservient to those Laws which they are annexed to they are to minister to them but by no means to exalt themselves above them or to make against them For they are offered and authorized by God no further than they make for him Obedience to his Laws is the chief thing which he intends and these good fruits and advantageous effects of it are laid only as baits and allurements to excite us on to it But if once they lose this serviceableness and subordination to the doing of Gods will they lose all that can warrant them and all the place which he has assigned for them and make our performance of Gods Commands to be no Obedience to him nor to give right to any recompence or reward from him For as I said then Secondly our intention of our own advantage in Gods service is forbidden and renders our obedient performances corrupt and unsincere when together with our intention of serving God we joyn another intention of serving sin or when we design some temporal ends as much or more than we design Gods service which makes our self-interest instead of being subservient to obedience to become fit to oppose and undermine it Sometimes I say together with their intention of serving God men joyn another intention of serving sin And this is done in these and the like cases viz. If a man prosecutes a malefactor which is an action agreeable to the command of Justice out of the sinfull end of spite and revenge as well as out of a purpose of Obedience If a Priest shall take Confessions from women with a design of Lust as well as of Religion If a man shall be temperate and sober chaste and industrious out of a principle of covetousness as much as out of Duty If he do as our Saviour tells us the Pharisees did make long Prayers and other professions of Religion to enable him the better and without suspicion to devour widows houses as well as to serve God In these instances and in all others that are like unto them there is a mixture of light and darkness of good and evil design Men joyn God with Belial and Obedience with something of a quite contrary nature intending at once to serve both the Lord and their Sins too But as for their performances which flow from such a mixture of design as this they will in no wise be owned as an obedient but punished as a sinfull service For that evil motive which is mixed with the good is such as God has expresly threatned He has plainly declared that he will damn men eternally for Revenge for Lust for Covetousness and Rapine and for all those actions that proceed from them So that as for such performances as arise from such sinfull principles they are judged already and the dreadfull sentence is long agoe gone out against them And then as for their mixing this damnable design of sin with a design of obedience to God in the same action so far is that from lessening that it is rather an aggravation of their crime For it adds to all that evil which it contains within it self a
in worldly things which affects us is present with us and therefore our passions for or against them are raised in us by our sense and feeling But as for spiritual things and those bodily joys and sorrows that are annexed to them for the sake whereof we are sensibly affected with them they are not present with us but future and at a distance and therefore our passion for them cannot be raised by our sense whose object are only present things but meerly by our fancy and imagination But now as for the sensible warmth and violence of a passion it is nothing near so quick when it is excited by fancy as when it is produced by sense For no man is so feelingly affected with hearing a sad story as he would be by seeing of it A man will be moved abundantly less by imagining a battle a murder or any other dreadfull thing than by beholding it And the reason is because the impressions upon our sense are quick and violent and their warmth is communicated to our affections which are raised by them whereas our imaginations are calm and faint in comparison and the passions which flow from them partake of their temper and are more cold and less perceptible So that our passions for worldly things being passions upon sense and our passions for things spiritual with their bodily pain or pleasure annexed being only upon fancy and imagination we must needs be more warmly and sensibly although not more powerfully affected with the things of this world than of the other But that which is to distinguish our passion for God and Virtue above all things else from our passion for worldly things is not the warmth and sensibleness but the power and continuance of it For it must be a prevalent affection which doth more service although it make less noise It must be such a setled and overpowering Love answerable to the prevailing strength and surpassing greatness of its motive as gets the upper hand in competition and makes us when we must despise one to disregard all things else and to adhere to Gods service what other things soever be lost by it What it wants in warmth it has in permanency and power it sticks faster to us and can do more with us than our love of any thing besides For in our affections we must needs prefer God and his service before every other thing when they stand in competition or we have none of that Love with the whole soul which the Commandment requires of us as will be shewn more fully afterwards And because our thoughts and affections have in them a great latitude and in a matter of so high concern every good soul will be inquisitive after some determinate accounts of that compass and degree of them which is necessary to our acceptance before I conclude this Point I will set down what measures of obedience in these two faculties what thoughts and imaginations of our minds and what degrees of love and delight in our affections shall be judged sufficient at the last Day to save or to destroy us As for our thoughts there is one more elaborate and perfect sort of them viz. our counsels and contrivances And when they are employed about the compassing of forbidden things they are our sin and without repentance will certainly prove our condemnation For he that deviseth to do evil saith Solomon he shall be called and dealt with as a mischievous person Prov. 24.8 The machinations of murther are joined in guilt and punishment with murtherous actions themselves Matth. 15.19 And as for that particular sort of Contrivers the inventers of evil things they are pronounced by S t Paul to be worthy of death Rom. 1.30 32. And as for other of our thoughts which are not come up to the height of a contrivance or consultation but are only simple apprehensions some of them also are properly and directly good or evil and an Article of our life or death God has imposed several Laws which he has backed both with threats and promises upon our very thoughts themselves Of which sort there are some to be met with under all the three general Parts of Duty viz. to God our Neighbour and our selves For our thoughts of God are bound up by the Law of honour which forbids us to lessen or prophane him by dishonourable Notions and Opinions our thoughts of our Neighbour by the Laws of Charity and Candour which suffer us not either to reproach or injure him by under-valuing Ideas or groundless suspicions and our thoughts of our own selves by the Law of humility which prohibits us to be exal●ed in our own conceits through false and over-high apprehensions of our own excellence Pious and charitable opinions both of God and men and humble and lowly conceits of our own selves are Duties incumbent upon our very minds themselves And all the opposite vices of impious and reproachful Ideas of God of censorious suspicious and lessening thoughts of other men and of proud and arrogant conceits of our own worth are transgressions within the sphere and compass even of our understandings For the exercise of the first is not only a Cause and Principle but a part and instance also of obedience and an Article of life as the exercise of the other is an instance of disobedience and an Article also of damnation As for these Instances then of bare thought and naked apprehension they are essential parts and necessary instances of an acceptable obedience and the wilful transgression of any one of them without repentance is dangerous and damning So that as for all our perfected and studied thoughts of evil viz. our counsels and contrivances and as for all such simple thoughts and ●ore apprehensions as have particular Laws imposed upon them they are not only principles but parts and instances of disobedience and if we are guilty of them unless we retract them by repentance we shall be condemned for them But then there are several other bare imaginations and simple apprehensions which are not under any of these particular Laws that are imposed upon our thoughts themselves but are employed upon things commanded or forbidden by any of the other Laws forementioned And as for all these apprehensions in themselves they are neither sin nor Duty nor a matter either of reward or punishment but so far only as they are causes and principles either of a sinful or obedient choice and practice of those good or evil things which they are employed upon In themselves I say these mere apprehensions are neither sin nor Duty We may perceive sin in our minds and have it in a thought or notion without ever being guilty of it or liable to answer for it For the Sun shines upon a Dunghil without being defiled by it and God sees all the wickedness in Hell but is not tainted with it And so long as we sojourn in a World of iniquity every good man must needs know and behold all the vices
or have all the force of a law in his members vers 23. That he sins against his own conscience For what he doth that he allows not but what in his own mind he hates and disapproves that he doth vers 15.19 That to do good although he might wish or approve it he found not v. 18. That he stands in need to cry out O wretched man that I am who will deliver me from this body of death being as yet not rescued from it but labouring under it vers 25. Of the regenerate elsewhere That as for their members they yield them not to be instruments unto sin but unto righteousness because now since their regeneration into true Christians Sin is not to reign in their mortal bodies that they should obey it in the lusts thereof Rom. 6.12 13. In becoming Christians they are dead and crucified with Christ that the body of sin might not be maintained to live and rule in them but destroyed that thenceforward they should not serve sin For he that is dead is freed from sin vers 6 7. The Gospel of Christ or the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath not enslaved but freed them from the law of sin and death Rom. 8.2 So that sin now shall not have dominion over them because they are not under the law through the weakness whereof it tyrannized but under Grace Rom. 6.14 That their body is dead because of sin Rom. 8.10 And that they make no provision for the flesh to fulfill and accomplish the lusts or concupiscence thereof Rom. 13.14 Because if they should they would cease to be sons of God and heirs of happiness and be rendred obnoxious to misery and death For the plain declaration of Christs Gospel concerning the heirs of life and death is this If you live after the flesh in accomplishing its lusts you shall die and 't is only if you through the spirit instead of acting and compleating do kill and mortifie the deeds of the body that you shall live Rom. 8.13 That against them there is no condemning force of any law Galat. 5.23 For the law of the spirit of life hath not left them still enslaved but made them free from the law of sin and death too Rom. 8.2 And being become the servants of God they have their fruit not to sin and death but to holiness at present and the end thereof at length everlasting life Rom. 6.22 That their bodies or fleshly members are temples of the Holy Ghost and sacred places wherein it inhabits and that they glorifie God in their bodies as well as in their spirits seeing both are Gods 1 Cor. 6.19 20. That they hold faith and a good conscience without which of faith in dangerous times they would soon make shipwrack 1 Tim. 1.19 And that they are saved by the answer of a good conscience which comforts and applauds but cannot accuse them 1 Pet. 3.21 That he only who doth good is of God 3 Joh. 11. and that there is no condemnation to them who do and walk after the spirit Rom. 8.1 And that without these new fruits it is in vain to lay any claim to a new nature because as our Saviour sayes if men were the children of Abraham they would do the works of Abraham Joh. 8.39 That the body of sin is already destroyed in them that henceforth they should not serve sin which the other complains so much of Rom. 6.6 For they are delivered from the law upon occasion of the weakness whereof sin brought forth in them fruits unto death to serve now in newness of Spirit Rom. 7.5 So that what the weak ineffective law could not do for them that the Grace of God through Jesus Christ our Lord hath done in an effectual deliverance of them v. 25. So that if we will take the word of S t Paul and of the rest of the Apostles in this matter we must needs believe that regenerate men and heirs of heaven are not in any wise such persons as are described in that seventh Chapter to the Romans there being no agreement or resemblance at all between them Their tempers and behaviour are utterly inconsistent and as far distant as Heaven and Hell For one serves and fulfills the lusts of his flesh the other crucifies and subdues them one yields his members servants unto sin the other unto righteousness one is made a perfect captive and sold under sin the other is made free from it one is forced to act against his conscience the other alwayes acts according to it one complains of being oppressed by the body of death the other rejoyceth in being deliver'd from it one can perform and do no good the other doth all good one brings forth fruit unto death the other to eternal life These with others that might be mention'd are the lines of difference and the contrary characters of the person represented in the seventh Chapter to the Romans and the regenerate man described by S t Paul himself in all his other Epistles and in the following and foregoing Chapters of this By all which it appears that they are descriptions contradictory and incompatible which cannot at the same time be affirmed of the same man And that to give such an account of a regenerate man as is there set down would not in all appearance be the way to describe but rather slanderously to libel and revile him If any therefore enquire now how I know that S t Paul doth not speak of himself in that Chapter nor of any other regenerate person but of an unregenerate man who is yet in the state of death and sin he has his Answer full and undeniable already I know he doth not mean so because he cannot mean so the things which he sayes not bearing to be so understood For that meaning would make his speech to be no Apostolical Truth but an open falsehood it would make S t Paul inconsistent with himself and to unsay at one time what he had said most peremptorily at another It would make him flatly to gainsay all that he has taught elsewhere yea even what he had affirm'd almost in the same breath in the foregoing and the following Chapters So that he cannot be understood of himself or of any other regenerate person but must be allow'd according to his usual custome in such odious topicks as this was to speak all in a borrowed disguise and in the person of a sinfull and a lost man For indeed to be yet more particular all that discourse in that seventh Chapter is not meant either of S t Paul or of any other regenerate Christian but of a struggling and contending although yet unconquering and unregenerate Jew For the Apostle is there describing the state not of a perfect debauch nor of a perfect Saint but of a middle man He is one whose Conscience is awaken'd for he delights in the Law of God after the inner man of his mind and reason vers 22. and when he
that there you will be judged to pay your service where you pay your obedience whether that be in the performance of sin unto the purchase of death or of obedience unto the obtaining of righteousness But whatever some licentious Renegado Christians may think of obeying and so serving sin after they have put themselves under subjection to Christ who proffers to pardon it for the time past only that he may thereby encourage them to leave it for the future yet God be thanked that you for your parts have quite other apprehensions For although indeed you were formerly in your time of Judaism and subjection to the Law of Moses the servants of sin yet now since your coming into subjection under Christ ye have together with your subjection changed your service also and have obeyed from the heart that New Gospel Form of Doctrin whereunto or into the hands whereof ye were delivered when you were exempted from all subjection to the Law Being then by this change of subjection from the Law under which sin had power to Christ's Gospel which enables you to destroy it made free from the service of sin ye became as the Subjects of Christ so likewise the servants of righteousness And for this change of your service together with the change of your subjection there is all the reason in the World Whereof I will speak after the most moderate expectations and equitable manner of men because of the infirmities of your Flesh whereby I know you are disabled from making such high returns as the reason of the thing calls for For this is the least that the mildest man would require in this Case and yet it is all that God exacts of you as ye have formerly when you were subject to the Law under which sin took so great advantage yielded your members servants to uncleanness and to iniquity unto the bringing forth still of more iniquity even so in the same manner now since you are become subject unto Christ give the same fruits there of your subjection and yield your members servants to righteousness unto the encrease of greater holiness This as I say is no more than you did upon your subjection to the other For when ye were the servants of sin and under subjection to his Law ye were free from all that service of righteousness which God expects of you now upon your subjection to a better Law And as this change of your service together with the change of your subjection is most highly reasonable so let me tell you withal it is most beneficial For when ye were subject to the Law and thereby servants unto sin what fruit had you then either in enjoyment or expectation besides death and disgrace in those things and services whereof you are most justly now ashamed And not only so for besides that one effect of shame there is moreover another end of those things and that is death too But now on the other side being by means of your subjection unto Christ made free from the Law and Authority of sin and become as it is meet for Subjects servants unto God you have your fruit at present unto holiness and the end thereof at last everlasting life This difference there is I say again between the fruits of your former subjection and service and those at present For the wages of sin to its Subjects and Servants is death but the gift of God to his is eternal life And this service of God which gets you right to eternal life I must still tell you is owing to your being freed from subjection to the Law under which you served sin and to your becoming subject unto Christ. For in the first place as for your being freed from subjection to the Law and being now no longer under it that is very plain For know you not my Brethren for I speak to them that know the Law or the nature and quality of those Laws which give one person interest and power over another how that the Law when considered as a person that hath such power hath dominion over a man who is under it as long as he liveth indeed or as it liveth in force to bind him but no longer A mans subjection to a Law is just like that of a Woman to her Husband where as we all know the subjection ceaseth and all the Laws pertaining to it when her Husband dyes whom she was subject to For the woman which hath an Husband is bound indeed by the Law of that subjection to her Husband as long as he liveth but if the Husband be dead she is then no longer subject but loosed from the Law of wedlock made in favour of her Husband as she is from that subjection wherein it was founded So then if while her Husband liveth during whose life all the Laws of Wedlock belonging to that subjection are in force she be married to another man she shall be truly called an Adulteress but on the other side if her Husband be dead that subjection and all the Laws which could oblige her in it are dead with him and she is free from the obligation of that Law which forbid her to marry another upon pain of being accounted an Adulteress so that she is no Adulteress now that Law being dead which made her so though she be married to another man And this is just your Case the Law of Moses which held you in subjection formerly being dead and abolished now by the Death and Doctrine of Christ or you being dead to it which comes to the same thing Wherefore my Brethren ye also as the woman is to the dead man the Duties of this relation living or expiring at the same time on both sides equally are become dead to the Law which was your former Husband unto which therefore now you are no longer subject by the body and sufferings of Christ crucified who has abrogated and abolished Moses's Law under which sin reigned which abolition of the Law he wrought for this end that ye by this death of it being freed from all subjection to it might now be married and thereby become subject to another even to himself who is raised from the dead to a state of absolute Authority and Dominion over us to whom I must tell you we are espoused for this purpose ●●at upon becoming his Subjects we should be freed ●●om our former sinful service and agreeable to our p●●sent subjection perform service or bring forth fruit unto God And this alteration of our subjection from the Law to himself was necessary as I said for this altering of our service from sin to righteousness Which is manifest from comparing what we were formerly with what we are at present For when formerly we were in subjection to the Flesh or Law of Moses under which the Flesh had so great advantage we generally felt as they do now who are still under it
that the motions of sin which were occasioned and strengthened by the weakness and inability of the Law which could not restrain them did work such service and obedience to them in our members or bodily powers as to bring forth fruit unto death But now upon our becoming subject unto Christ we are delivered from the subjection of the Law whose weakness gave sin so great advantage over us that Law I say being now dead and abolished wherein whilst we so served sin we were held in subjection which deliverance is vouchsafed us as I said for this end that being made not the Laws but Christs Subjects now we should answerably to that serve in newness of Spirit or in such sort as the new Spirit and Grace of his Religion enables us and not as we served formerly under our subjection to the Law in the oldness of the letter or in those weak and ineffective degrees whereto the helpless letter of the old Law could assist us But upon what I say of this change of service from sin to God which we have all felt upon our becoming Christians being an effect of this change of subjection from the Law to Christ some of you 't is like may think that the Law which I affirm we sinned under is aspersed and reproached by me and thus object What say we then Is the Law under which you say we sinned so much and from which being now delivered we have ceased to serve sin the cause of sin to them who live under it Now to this I must answer God forbid that any man should either say or think so No we served sin under the Law but yet the Law was no cause of sin And both these all they who live under it feel in themselves and must acknowledge To avoid offence suppose that I my self were this Subject of the Law now as I was formerly 't is very true as I have said that I do serve sin under it but is the Law the cause of it By no means Nay so far is the Law from causing or encouraging sin in me that on the contrary it points it out to me and forbids it I had not known what things are sin but by the help of the Law which shews it for I had not known lust or concupiscence for instance which is only in the heart and not in the outward action to be a sin except the Law of the tenth Commandment had said expresly thou shalt not covet But for all the Law both shews and prohibits sin and so can contribute nothing to produce but rather to destroy it yet I must truly tell you still that whereas Sin has other causes more than enow that are sufficient to produce it the Law is so weak and imperfect as not to be able to hinder it For in this instance of Concupiscence especially whereto in the Law there is no express punishment threatned the sinfull inclinations of our flesh which are cause enough of all sin grow bold and hearing of no express threatning from it will not be restrained by it And by this means the Sin of Concupiscence taking occasion from the impunity of the Commandment instead of being restrained by it took liberty and presumed upon it and so without all fear wrought and accomplished or brought on to compleat action and practice in me all manner of concupiscence And seeing the Law only forbid but could not restrain it it helped on in the end rather to make and let me see my self to be a sinner than to deliver me from sin for without the promulgated Law Sin was almost dead being both little in it self and less upon the Conscience For the less knowledge there is of the Law the less is there of sin in transgressing it and also the less sense of it And therefore as I say as for this instance of Concupiscence which I had not known to be a Sin unless the Law had told me so without the Law I had neither offended so highly in it nor had so great a sense of my offence And this was found by experience in the men of our Nation For any one of them who was alive at the promulgation of the Law upon Mount Sinai might say I was alive to my thinking and as to great degrees of that guilt which I contracted afterwards without the Law once or before such time as it was there proclaimed to us for till then I knew not lust to be a sin and so by reason of my ignorance neither sinn'd so much in it nor was so sensible of it as now I am but when the Commandment came and was plainly made known to me by Moses then Sin I say which was only shewn and forbid but could not be restrained by it revived and begun to have the fulness of guilt and terrour in it and I thenceforward being warn'd against it and not being able to keep back from it became liable to that death which is the wages of it and died by it And thus the Law or Commandment which was not only holy and innocent in it self but moreover intended by God for my good and ordained to life which it promised could I have obeyed it I notwithstanding found to be unto death to me because that became my due when I sinn'd against it Not as if the Law can be said to be the Author of death to me more than it is of sin in me For it was aim'd to destroy sin which it shews and forbids and to procure life which it offers and promises But the true cause of this effect so contrary to its intention viz. its producing Sin and Death whenas it was ordained to Holiness and Life is its being as I said before weak and unable by all its aids to conquer fully and restrain that Sin which brings Death upon us for it cannot subdue but only shew and forbid it And therefore our habitual Lusts finding themselves too strong for it burst through it and in spite of all its restraint make us commit the one and so become liable to the other For in very deed it is not the Law which is the cause of Death to me but Sin it self which taking occasion or advantage by the literal and fancied impunity of the tenth Commandment deceived me through a false hope into the commission of it and by it made me in reality liable to that Death which is truly the wages of it or in a word slew me Wherefore notwithstanding we sinn'd yea and died also during our subjection under the Law yet for all that neither can our Sin nor our Death be charged upon the Law it self because instead of contributing to them it tends to destroy them by expresly forbidding the one and offering to deliver us from the other And therefore as for this difficulty that was made at the seventh verse against my saying that we served Sin under the Law viz. its following thence that the
Law was the cause of our Sin and Death this we see is quite taken off and doth not follow at all For although we sinn'd yea and died too under the Law yet was not the Law the cause of these but the strength of our own Lusts. But the Law is holy still and so no cause of sin and the Commandment forbidding sin and promising Life to the obedient is not only holy and just but over and above that good too and so no cause of death and suffering But upon this you will say how was it then that that which is so good in it self as you say the Law is should be made the cause of the greatest evil even of Death unto me Could it prove so to me if it were not so in it self And to this I answer with abhorrence God forbid that I should say the Law is Death No this Death as I have told you is not the effect of the Law for it was ordained to procure Life for me But it was Sin I say again that was too strong for the Law which could only forbid but was not able by all its aids to restrain it this Sin it was that it might appear Sin indeed that went on working transgression unto Death in me by advantage taken over that Law which is good although not strong enough to overpower the setled habits of evil And by this conquest of Sin over the good Law which was set up as a bar against it and should have destroy'd it it appears to be most mischievous For this comes of it that Sin by proving too hard for the Commandment might by such prevailing over all that is set against it be extremely heightned and aggravated and become exceeding sinfull And that the Law should thus be worsted by Sin is no wonder For we know that although the Law which commands is spiritual to shew and suggest better things yet I who am to obey in that state of sensuality and sin wherein the Law finds me and out of which it is too weak to rescue me am carnal so as to serve sin notwithstanding it Which I am to such a degree as if I were sold under sin and my actions were as much at its command as the actions of a slave bought with money are at the command of his master So that although the Law shews me that which is good and commands me to perform it yet cannot I obey it in regard I am under anothers power under the beck of sin And in very deed to speak yet more particularly to this business the good Law can and doth produce good effects in the mind and conscience which is the throne wherein it is seated but still the law of sin which is seated in the members or executive powers prevails over it and engrosseth all our actions So that the utmost that it can ordinarily do with us is to make us in our mind to disapprove sin but when it hath done that it cannot hinder us in our lives from practising it And of this the complaints of those who are subject to it are a sufficient proof For who is there among them for the most part that is not ready to confess and cry out thus that which through the prevailing power of my lusts I do in my practice that through the power of the Law I allow not in my mind and conscience for what being excited by the Law I would do that being hindred by sin do I not but what from the Laws prohibiting in my mind I hate and disapprove that from my own lusts forcing and overpowering me in my actions still do I. And this by the way as it is an evident argument of the weakness and inability of the Law to restrain sin is also a clear testimony to the holiness and goodness of the Law it self which shews plainly that it is no favourer or author of Sin as was objected vers 7. Because if even then when I do sin I do not approve of it but in doing so I do what I would not I thereby consent in my own conscience unto the Law and acknowledge by my approving what it commands that it is good Yea I shew moreover that all that which it produces and effects in me is good also For even when I do sin sinning thus against my conscience the sin cannot in any wise be charged upon my conscience where the Law reigns so as that the Law in my mind may be stiled the cause of sin as it is vers 7. but only upon the power of my habitual sin and fleshly lusts that reign in my members which are so strong as that the law of my mind cannot restrain them And now then in this state of sinning thus with regret and against my conscience even when I do sin it is no more I or my mind and conscience that is governed by the Law and which may be called my self that do it seeing it disapproves it but it is sin that dwells in me and reigns in my members It must not be charged upon the Law in my mind I say but upon this inhabiting Sin which rules in my members For I know and confess freely that in that other part of me that is to say in my flesh and members which for all the Law rules in my mind doth yet keep possession of my practice dwells no good thing Nay on the contrary there dwells so much evil as proves too strong for the good Law restraining all its effect to the approbation of my mind but not suffering it to influence my practice Which we as I said who are subject to the Law find by sad experience For almost every one of us feels and must confess this that to will upon the account of the Law is present with me but then how to perform that which is good after I have will'd it that I find not For after the Law has done all that it can upon me this is still true that the good that being instructed by the Law I would do that being hindred by the prevalence of my lusts I do not but as for the evil which because of the prohibition of the Law I would not do that being over-master'd by my lusts I do But now all this while as I said if what my lusts make me practise through the Law in my mind I do not approve but in doing it I do that which I would not then 't is clear that my sinning cannot be charged upon the Law as it is vers 7. because it hinders it as far as it can It cannot I say be attributed to that for it is no longer I or my mind and conscience that do it but to the power of habitual Sin which the good Law cannot conquer to that sin which dwells and rules in me i. e. in my bodily members And therefore to summ up all I find another Law in my members opposite to the Law of God in
and the perfection as to this particular of the Law of Christ. The Law of Moses was unable to work a general reformation by reason of several defects two whereof I shall particularly mention which in the Religion of Christ are fully supplied and they are the great motive to all obedience eternal life and the great encouragement of all endeavour the promise of the Spirit Eternal life are words that are never heard of in all Moses's Law Indeed the good people under it had all some rude thoughts and confused expectations of it but the Law it self did no where clearly and expresly propose it Whereof this may serve for a probable proof because a whole Sect among them the Sadducees I mean did flatly deny it and this for an undeniable Argument because those very places of the Law which are brought to confirm it by those Jewish Doctors that are most for it are in all appearance so remote from it Nay even our Saviour himself when he goes to prove it against the Sadducees out of the Books of Moses can find no other Testimonies for it than such as are fetched about to speak it by art and brought to it by consequence Luke 20.37 38. So that well might S t Paul say in triumph over all other Religions in the World That life and immortality were brought to light by the Gospel 2 Tim. 1.10 And in the comparison of that Covenant which came by Moses with that other which came by Christ to affirm that the Covenant which came by Christ was the bringing in of a better hope Heb. 7.19 and a better Covenant for this reason because it was established upon better promises Heb. 8.6 And then as for the promise of the Spirit to enable men to do what was required of them of that Moses made no mention By this Law as S t Paul says was the knowledge of sin Rom. 3.20 It shewed men what they should do and denounced a Curse upon them if they failed to do it but it stopt there and went not on to promise any inward Grace and help that might enable them to be as good as it required them No the promise of that was reserved to another dispensation and to be the hope of a better Covenant it was not to come by Moses but by Christ nor to be an express Article of the Law but of the Gospel Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the Law saith the Apostle that now being under the Gospel we might receive the promise of the Spirit which comes not by the Law of Moses but through the Faith of Christ Gal. 3.13 14. The Law by its prohibition made several actions to be sinful it shewed us what was sin and it threatned the curse to it but that was all that it did towards the extirpation of it for as for any inward strength and ability to overcome it it offered none but left us there to our own selves And because sin was too strong for us and had got possession of our Bodies and executive Powers insomuch that we were quite enslaved to it and as it were sold under it therefore the Law by making more things sinful through its prohibition and not strengthening us against sin through spiritual assistance instead of lessening the Empire of sin proved in the end to encrease it For our lusts not being restrained by it and more of them becoming sinful by being prohibited when the Law entred as S t Paul says the offence did more abound Rom. 5.20 and the Law became not the bane and overthrow of sin but by making its services more numerous it was rather as the same Apostle says the strength of it 1 Cor. 15.56 And forasmuch as the Law did only thus outwardly shew and reveal sin to our eyes but brought along with it nothing of inward Grace and assistance to help us against it therefore is it called a Letter without us opposite to the Grace of the Gospel which is an enlivening Spirit within And since it did nothing more but outwardly shew and threaten sin but did not inwardly assist and rescue us from it it served only to condemn us for what we did from the doing whereof it brought no inward Grace to hinder us and so proved the ministration of death and condemnation not of life and pardon All which is plainly affirmed of it in the third Chapter of the second Epistle to the Corinthians God says S t Paul hath made us Apostles ministers of the New Testament or Covenant not of the external Letter only as Moses and the Ministers of the Law were but of the internal Spirit also For the Letter or old Law shews sin and curses men upon the breach of that which they cannot keep and thereby kills them but the Spirit or new Law enables them to do what it commands and thereby giveth right to life which is the mercy that it promises That was the ministration of condemnation for it shewed men the curse which it did not enable them to shun this is the ministration of justification and righteousness which it both promises and enables them to attain to ver 6 7 8 9. 'T is very true indeed that several of the Jews themselves under the Law of Moses had really such assistances of Gods Spirit as enabled them to do as well as to know what was required of them For David in all his life and behaviour was a man after Gods own heart 1 Sam. 13.14 Zacharias and Elizabeth as to their walking in all the Commandments of the Lord were blameless Luke 1.6 And the Case was the same with a number of other honest and godly Jews But then this assistance which they enjoyed was no Article of their Law although God afforded it yet had their Law no where promised it nor was he bound to it by the Mosaical Covenant For in very truth all this inward Spirit which was vouchsafed to them was reached out not by virtue of the Covenant of the Law but of the Covenant of Grace For the Covenant of Grace was not first made with the World when Christ came into it but was established long before with Adam Gen. 3.15 and after that confirmed again with Abraham and all his Seed after him Gen. 12.3 Gal. 3.8 17. So that under it as well as under Moses all the Jews lived and by the gracious terms and assisting Spirit of it all the righteous people that have been since the beginning of the World were justified It being as S t Paul says by faith which is the righteousness of the second Covenant that the Elders who lived before the Law obtained a good report Heb. 11.2 and that the Jews who lived under it were delivered and justified from all things from which they could not be justified by any virtue of the Law of Moses Acts 13.39 And therefore that which the Apostle affirms of the defectiveness of the Mosaick Law viz. it s having no promise of the Spirit to
enable men to do what it commanded is true still For the Law did not promise it although several both before and under the Law enjoyed it but they who had the benefit of it received it not from the Covenant of the Law but from the Covenant of Grace and the Gospel which has been more or less on foot through all times ever since the World began And in this Covenant since Christ has given us the last Edition and perfection of it both these great defects of the Mosaick Law which rendered it so unable to work this intire reformation and obedience are fully supplied For in every Page of Christ's Gospel what is so legible as the promise of eternal life The joys of Heaven are as much insisted on by Christ as the delights of Canaan were by Moses And then as for the other promise viz. that of the Spirit it is now as plainly revealed as words can make it For we need not to guess at it by signs or to presume it from probabilities or to believe it upon Syllogism and consequence but Christ has spoke out so as to be understood by every capacity God will give the holy Spirit to them that ask him Luke 11.13 Now because the Law of Moses laboured under these two great defects which are happily supplied by the Gospel of Christ by reason whereof it was very unable to effect that reformation of the World which was necessary therefore doth the Apostle in several places speak very meanly of it as of a weak and ineffective Instrument He affirms plainly and proves also That it neither could nor did make men throughly good and that therefore God was forced in the fulness of time to make known and in Christ's death to establish a better If there had been a Law given by Moses which could have given life then saith he verily righteousness should not have needed to be sought by another Covenant but have been by the Law But this we see it could not for the Scripture hath concluded all those who lived under it to be still under the dominion of sin that so since the Law of Moses could not do it the promise of eternal life of the Spirit and of other things which we have by the faith of Jesus Christ might be given to work and effect it to those that believe Gal. 3.21 22. Something indeed the Law did towards it for it armed their consciences against sin so that they could not take their full swing and transgress without all fear and remorse And this was some restraint and kept them from being so ill by far as otherwise they would have been although it was not able to make them so good as they should And to lay this hank upon sin and to check it in some measure till such time as the Gospel should be more clearly revealed to subdue it perfectly was that very end for which the Law was at first given and whereto so long as it was in force it served Wherefore saith he serveth the Law of Moses It was added to the rude draught of the Gospel-Covenant made with Abraham because of the transgressions of men which grew very high that it might in some degree restrain them till Jesus Christ the seed of Abraham should come to whom as to the head and in behalf of his Church the promise of such Grace as would restrain it fully was made And to fit it the more for imprinting an awe upon peoples Consciences whereby it might lay this restraint upon sin it was ordained at the first giving of it by terrible fire and thundrings made by the Angels which were so dreadful that the people desired of God that those formidable Angels might be no more employed in delivering it to them but that it might be put into the hands of another Mediator viz. Moses who was a man like unto themselves Gal. 3.19 But although this restraint upon Sin were something yet was it far from sufficient so that still it is true of the Law of Moses that notwithstanding it could begin yet it could finish and make nothing perfect but that it was the bringing in of a better hope than was warranted by the Law which should do that Heb. 7.19 And as for this imperfection and faultiness which the Apostle imputes to the first Covenant or Law of Moses in these and other places it is nothing more as he observes than God himself has charged upon it when he speaks of establishing a better instead of it For if the first Covenant by Moses had been faultless and void of imperfection then should no place have been sought for the introduction of the second which it is plain there was For finding fault with them for their breach of the first Covenant he saith in Jer. 31.31 the dayes come when I will make a New Covenant with the house of Israel such as shall make me to be for ever unto them a God and enable them to be unto me an obedient People Heb. 8.7 8 9 10. Now this Inability of the Law of Moses to work a compleat conquest over sin and a thorow reformation which the Apostle affirms so clearly in these other places he sets out more largely and particularly in that seventh Chapter to the Romans For from the beginning of this Discourse which I have taken at the 14 th Verse of the 6 th Chapter to the end of it at the 5 th vers of the 8 th this weakness and inability of the Law is that still which is every where endeavour'd to be made out and which returns upon us as the conclusion and inference from every argument Sin must not have dominion over you saith he because you are not under the Law where is the place of its reigning but under the Grace of Christ at the 14. verse of the 6 th Chapter And in the 7 th it is taken notice of at every turn When you were in the flesh or under the Law which from its consisting so much of Carnal Ordinances and giving the flesh so much advantage is called flesh Galat. 3.3 the motions of sin which were encouraged by the weakness of the Law brought forth fruit unto death but now being delivered from the weak Law you serve in newness of spirit not as you did then in the oldness of the letter vers 5 6. Sin taking occasion or advantage over the weak Commandment wrought in me all manner of concupiscence vers 8. When the weak Commandment came sin revived and I died vers 9. Sin taking occasion or advantage by the Commandment slew me vers 11. by which prevailing over the Commandment it appears to be exceeding sinfull vers 13. And at the end of the discourse at the 8 th Chapter we are told again of the Law of Moses being weak through the conquering power of the flesh which made it necessary for God to send his own Son with a better Law which was strong enough to rescue us not of the dominion of
it vers 3 4. So that upon the whole matter it plainly appears that all that is said in that seventh Chapter of willing but not doing of sinning against conscience and transgressing with regret doth not at all set forth the savable state of a true Christian under the Gospel of Christ but only the state of a midling sinner of a lost Jew who only struggles but cannot conquer being yet under the weakness and imperfections of the Mosaick Law Nay I add further So far is any man who continues to work and act his sin from having any real grounds of hope and encouragement from this place in so doing that in very deed if he rightly consider it it will possess him with the quite contrary It holds out to him a sentence of death and shews him plainly the absolute necessity not only of a willing but also of a working obedience For the man who disobeys thus unwillingly and sins with regret is so far from being in a state of Life and Salvation notwithstanding his sins that he is here expresly said to be undone and slain by them The motions of sin under the law bring forth fruit unto death vers 5. when sin revived by the coming of the Commandment I died vers 9. The Commandment which was ordained unto life I on the contrary found to be unto death vers 10. Sin taking occasion and advantage by the Commandment slew me vers 11. Sin wrought death in me by that Law which is good vers 13. O! wretched man that I am by reason of this subjection unto sin who shall deliver me from this body of Sin and Death vers 24. But on the other side if we would belong to Christ and appear such Servants as he will own and reward at last we are taught in this very place that we must not be worsted by sin but overcome it that we must not work evil but righteousness that we must not walk after those sinfull lusts which are seated in the flesh but after the Law of God which is enthroned in the Spirit Sin shall not have dominion over you if you are under Grace Chapter 6.14 Now yield your members servants unto righteousness vers 19. you are become subject and as it were married to Christ that you should bring forth fruit to God Chap. 7. vers 4. Now being delivered from the Law we must serve not sin as we did under it but God in newness of spirit vers 6. The Grace of God through Jesus Christ hath delivered me from this body of death vers 24 25. The Law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus when I became truly and acceptably Christian hath made me free from the law of Sin and Death Chap. 8. vers 2. So that the righteousness of the Law which it was not able to work in me is now by means of the Gospel wrought and fulfilled in me for since I came under it I am one who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit vers 4. So that all the while we see this is a Truth most sure and stedfast which S t Paul is so far from opposing in this seventh Chapter to the Romans that in reality he avers and confirms it viz. that if we do commit sin and work iniquity it will not excuse us to say that we did it unwillingly The regret in sinning may be allowed as was shewn in the last Chapter to lessen our crime and thereby to abate our punishment but that is all which it can do for it cannot quite exempt us from it And thus at last we see that this fourth ground of shifting off the necessity of this service with our actions viz. our hope of being saved at the last day although we have not obeyed in our works but have wrought disobedience because when we did so it was with reluctance and unwillingness is no less delusive than are all the former It will certainly fail any man who trusts to it and if he will not see it before make him know the falseness of it when it is too late to rectifie and amend it As for all those foundations therefore whereupon men build their hopes of a happy sentence without ever obeying with their strength or bodily powers viz. the conceit of being saved for Orthodox Opinions for ineffective desires for never transgressing but through a strong temptation or with an unwilling mind they are all false grounds snares of death and inlets to damnation But as ever we expect that our obedience should avail us unto Pardon and Life we must obey with our strength or bodily powers as well as with our wills our passions and our understandings If we would have God at the last day to approve our service and to reward and justifie our obedience this and nothing less than this must be done towards it We must not only desire but do it is not enough to will and approve but we must work and practise what is commanded us We must not barely think right in our minds or desire with our affections or choose with our wills but as the Perfection and Crown of all we must put to our strength and executive powers and work the will of God in our lives and actions Without this if we have life and opportunity all other things will signifie nothing For it is he who doth good saith S t John who will be looked upon to be of God 3 Joh. 11. Little children saith the same Apostle let no man deceive you for it is only he who doth righteousness who in Gods judgement is righteous 1 Joh. 3.7 It is this service of our strength or bodily powers in our outward works and operations which makes up our duty and secures our reward Blessed are they that do his Commandments for they only have right to the great reward the Tree of Life Revel 22.14 But on the other side if we do evil and work iniquity no service of our other faculties can stand us in any stead but in Gods account we shall be esteemed wicked wretches children of wrath and heirs of destruction For the words of our Saviour Christ himself who is to judge of it are vehement and plain Verily verily I say unto you whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin Joh. 8.34 He who commits sin is of the devil for whosoever doth not righteousness is not of God but a child of the devil 1 Joh. 3.8 10. And as this working wickedness howsoever we are against it in our thoughts and desires makes us in Gods account sons of sin and disobedience so will it be sure to render us withall children of wrath and destruction If you live after the flesh saith S t Paul you shall die Rom. 8.13 And whatever men think in their minds or desire in their hearts or profess in their words to the contrary if for all that they have sinned impenitently in their actions Christ has told them plainly that he will pronounce when he comes to
Christians For it is a known Story and usage which Tertullian complains of that the very Heathens themselves could not but cry out Such or such a one is a very good man bating only this That he is a Christian. And when the World of Christians were thus intirely obedient and compleatly vertuous it was no wonder that they could so bravely despise Death and not only suffer but even seek and provoke martyrdom They durst dye for the Gospel because they were sure to live by it For they performed all that it required and were thereby secure of all the happiness which it promised and when by this means Death was become to them only a passage to a most glorious and eternal life it had nothing in it that could fright them All Sorts Sexes and Ages had lived their Religion so well that they feared not to dye for it but with the most undaunted courage and assured hope they every where in great numbers sealed their profession with their blood and gave testimony to the truth of their Faith with their own lives And now if we fall short of that obedience that God requires and which was performed by former Ages whose fault is that or who must in reason suffer for it For Christ's Gospel is the very same that it was sixteen hundred years ago the Precepts are still unchanged and the penalty altogether unaltered It always was and always will be the same Rule of Faith and the same measure of mercy or damnation And therefore if we lose what it promises we may thank our selves for neglecting what it enjoyns For the same terms of life have stood fixt hitherto and shall stand through all Ages the primitive Christians kept and were saved by them and if we break them we shall certainly be condemned for them How small soever therefore that be which in these loose times men perform yet an intire obedience is that which God indispensably enjoins It is the peremptory Demand of his Gospel and will at the last Day be the inviolable Rule of his Judgment It saved the antient Christians and less than it nothing in the World will save us But this some will be ready to say instead of a gracious and merciful is a very rigorous and severe Condition It binds us to more than is in our power and threatens us for what we cannot help and is a task too heavy for any mere man and proportioned only to the strength of an Angel For to obey all God's Laws and that at all times who is sufficient God's Laws themselves are not Rules so general as to admit of no exception For we are commanded for instance to live in peace but yet sometimes we may and must be engaged in striving and contention And as it is in this so it is in other parts of Duty the Commandment holds not in every Case but some are excepted And who now is of an understanding so discerning and sagacious as to see in all things where he is fast and where he is loose and never to mistake that for his liberty which is indeed his Duty To be infallible in judgment and to think right in all things is the property of a God not of a man And if through this weakness of understanding whereto all mankind are subject we are ignorant at any time and do not see or erroneous and mistake our Duty how is it possible that we should in all instances and at all times perform and fulfil it But even where we do know God's Law yet neither there can we always observe it For since we have many other thing to do besides our Duty and opportunities for action call frequently upon the sudden we are oft-times drawn to act before we have time to think and so although we know what we should do in the general yet in this particular Case we have not leisure to attend to it We are surprized into action e're we are aware and perform before we can consider and therefore as the chance happens many times do ill because we have not time to look about us and to see what is well doing But if an opportunity for some sin happen when we are at leisure to consider of it and to avoid it yet many times although for the present it doth not afterwards it shall win upon us For all temptations do not come upon us suddenly and pass away as suddenly again but some stay long with us and persist to obtrude themselves upon us And although we can consider for a while and watch well and resist long yet such is the imperfection of our very faculties that they cannot be held long at stretch but they will at last grow weary They will be tired out by continuing so strict a Guard and begin at last to remit of their care and to slacken their diligence and when they unbend the temptation encreases and our lusts take advantage so that albeit we were not surprized at first yet we shall at last and be tired and wearied into a transgression And since all these with others are infirmities not only incident to but inseparable from our Natures and such as we cannot throw off till we shake off our Bodies and all converse with the tempting world how can it be thus exacted of us who cannot always stand upright that we should never fall but obey God intirely in all things and at all times But to give a clear Answer to these difficulties which are here with great truth objected having shown that Obedience is the Condition which is indispensably required of us and what those particular Laws are which we are to obey and what degrees and measures of obedience is required to them I shall now proceed to enquire into that which I promised in the next place viz. What are the mitigations and allowances of this Condition of happiness and what those defects are which it bears and dispenses with of which in the next Book BOOK IV. Shewing what defects are consistent with a regenerate state and dispensed with in the Gospel CHAP. I. Shewing in general that some sins are consistent with a state of Grace The CONTENTS Some failings consistent with a state of Grace This shewn in the general First From the necessity of humane Nature which cannot live without them Secondly From sundry examples of pious men who had right to life whilst they lived in them THAT measure of life or death which Christ has indispensably fixed for all his Servants is not a perfectly intire and absolutely unerring obedience No it makes allowances for the unconquerable frailties and unavoidable infirmities of our Natures It considers that we are but men and exacts no more of us than a humane service That integrity which as we have seen it requires of us is an intire obedience only of our free works and deliberate chosen actions For then we are perfect and intire in God's account when we have done all that was in our power
himself Hebr. 10.28 29. His punishment indeed shall be most dreadfull being nothing less than all those woes which are denounced in the Gospel For the Law with all its threats and penalties is particularly made and designed as S t Paul sayes for the lawless which is that very word whereby S t John describes sin and the wilfully disobedient who when they see the Law will not be subject to it 1 Tim. 1.9 As for our voluntary and chosen sins then whether they are chosen directly or only by interpretation we see plainly that they are not consistent with a state of Grace and Salvation For they subject us to all that death which the Law threatens and deprive us of all that life and happiness which it proposes to us which beside all the evidence which the Scripture gives us of it is plainly demonstrable from the very reason of the thing it self For certainly if Christs Laws will condemn us for any actions whatsoever it must be for those which being voluntary may justly be charged upon us and looked upon to be our own It must be our willing what sin enjoyns which can make us Servants of it and subject us to that death which God has appointed for its wages So that both from Reason and Scripture it evidently appears that every wilfull sin is certainly a deadly one and puts the sinner out of a state of Gods favour and salvation 'T is true indeed that every wilfull sin doth not rob us of Gods favour in such measure as to incapacitate us for regaining of it ever after But its effect is this before such time as we have repented of it and amended it we are under all the threatnings of the Law and subject if we die in that instant to that death which is ordained for the wages of it We are out of Gods favour for the present and the state of friendship betwixt him and us is interruped and till we repent we shall not be again restored to it As for the state of acceptance and salvation it is broken and destroyed for the present for we are put under the punishing part of Gods Government and are made subject to his vengeance by being sinners against his Law But as for the foundation of that acceptance viz. that habit of virtue and obedience which in the wilfull action we sinn'd against it is not quite destroyed but only wounded and impaired in us For habits are neither won nor lost by one action but by many It is frequency and repetition that must either produce or destroy them If therefore a good man is careless in some instance and loses his innocence and is vanquished into a wilfull sin yet is not the habitual inclination of his soul towards that instance of obedience against which he offended quite extinguished in him but only somewhat weakned and abated Thus for instance a sober man if he consent once to be drunk doth not thereby wholly lose his sober inclination But when the temptation is past his habitual temper which was foil'd and over-born revives again and he abhors his sin and confirms his resolution and so is ready at the next return of the temptation to wash off the stain of his former offence by an opposite instance of new obedience And the case is the same in the wilfull commissions of any other sin For although any one wilfull act be a damnable transgression and put the sinner into a damnable condition for the present yet doth it not destroy but only wound and weaken that habitual temper of virtue which if God spare him life may enable him with ease to act otherwise for the time to come Although indeed some wilfull sins have such a complication of evil in them and are carried on against so many suggestions of the spirit and checks of conscience and are brought to effect through so many thoughts and so long contrivance that they destroy not only that innocence which is the condition of our state of Grace but also that habitual temper and inclination which is the principle and foundation of it too They unravel all and set us to begin again the work of reformation anew Of which sort are Idolatry Witchcraft Perjury Sacriledge Murder Adultery Robbery Oppression entring into the fields of the fatherless and widow and such like For these sins do not only destroy a mans acceptance with God for the present but moreover they lay waste his conscience and spoil all his virtuous temper and inclination whereby he should recover himself afterwards whence they are call'd wounding and wasting sins And this effect they have because in the very acting of them there is usually so much time and deliberation and a succession of so many desires and aversations hopes and fears chusings and refusals that the sin has had a great many imperfect consents before it come to have that which is last and prevailing Our wills by a number of imperfect wouldings are in great part accustomed and have almost wholly learned to unwill all that good which they willed before so that there is an imperfect habit contained in the very action Besides what is most of all considerable these being such sins as are made up of several combined together before we can bring our selves to act them our conscience of their guiltiness must be in great part extinguished and the good spirit of God exceedingly grieved if not wholly quenched For Adultery implies fornication and injustice Sacriledge contains theft and impiety Perjury includes lying and prophaneness and so for all the rest Now these being complicated sins and crimes of an accumulated wickedness mens Consciences are more than ordinarily afraid of them and the good spirit of God extraordinarily concerned to keep them from them They suggest and represent the greatness of the sin and the greatness of the danger Which they do with such constancy and importunity that before men have silenced the one and extreamly grieved if not wholly quenched the other they cannot overcome their own fears and venture upon the commission of them And here now is the danger lest their own Conscience be laid asleep and Gods holy spirit leave them For he will not alwayes strive with man Gen. 6 3● and from him that hath not that is hath not used that talent of Grace which was granted to him as the wicked Servant had not done who had hid it vers 25 shall be taken even that sayes our Saviour which he hath Mat. 25.29 And when men resist the motions of the Holy Ghost to such a degree as this and after all the repeated suggestions and obedient inclinations which he threw into their souls during all that time wherein the sin was under deliberation resolve still to venture on it no wonder if being thus grieved and rejected he withdraw himself for some time at least if not for altogether And of all this we have a clear instance in holy David upon that wasting sin of his in murdering
For Christ need never have come into the World for that end since the Law had rendred us accursed and miserable enough already But he came on a quite contrary Errand to be the Minister of Life and Pardon and not to seal us up to eternal Death upon the first wilful transgression but to procure for us remission of all our deadly and damning sins and to restore us out of a state of Enmity and Death to a state of Mercy and Reconciliation He came to find out a remedy for all our evils and to prescribe us a way of recovering our selves when we had fallen by any sin so that although none of us all have lived free from it yet in the event sin shall not be our ruine And that remedy which God has provided us for this purpose is Repentance He doth not abandon us upon the commission of every sin but he is heartily desirous that we should repent of it and when we do so he has obliged himself by his Truth and Faithfulness to forgive it He is heartily desirous I say that whensoever we commit any sin we should repent of it If we dare take his own word he tells us as he lives that he doth not delight in the death of any sinner but that the wicked turn from his way and live turn you turn you as he goes on from your evil ways for why will you dye O house of Israel Ezek. 33.11 And this all the World experience by him in his long-suffering and forbearance with them For he doth not exact the punishment so soon as we have incurred it but expects long to see if we will return and repent that then he may with honour pardon and remit it this being as S t Paul assures us the end of his forbearance and long-suffering to lead us to repentance Rom. 2.4 And what S t Paul says that we all experience For during all that time wherein he bears with us how restless and unwearied earnest and affectionate are his endeavours for this purpose He admonishes us of our faults by his Word and by his Ministers he invites us to return by his Love and by his Promises he moves us to bethink our selves by his Spirit and by his Providences and if we are stubborn and not to be thus gently won by these methods of mildness he seeks to reclaim us by a blessed and a most affectionate force and violence For he corrects us with his Rod and visits us in chastisement and never ceases to try all means of reducing us to a sense of our sin and repentance till we are become plainly incorrigible and utterly rebellious and so fit for nothing but to be swallowed up of ruine And yet even then his desire of reclaiming us is so strong and his love so affectionate that he scarce knows how to give us over How shall I give thee up saith he O Ephraim how shall I deliver thee O Israel Hos. 11.8 And when we do repent I say he has obliged himself by his Truth and Faithfulness most graciously to forgive us This was the Doctrine of the Prophets Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts and let him return unto the Lord says Isaiah for he will have mercy upon him and to our God for he will abundantly pardon Isa. 55.7 If the wicked man says God by Ezekiel will turn from all his sins that he hath committed and keep all my statutes and do that which is lawful and right he shall surely live he shall not dye All his transgressions which he hath formerly committed shall not be mentioned unto him but in his righteousness that he hath done since he shall live For have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should dye saith the Lord God and not that he should turn from his ways and live Ezek. 18 21 22 23. This i● the great Doctrine of the Gospel which is a Covenant of remission of sins upon Repentance Repentance is its great Article and fundamental Truth and is therefore called by S t Paul the Foundation of Repentance Heb. 6.1 For that which was taught to all the World in all the degrees of Publication of the Gospel was that now God called all men to repent and that he would forgive them all their sins upon their true repentance S t John the Baptist who was Christs Herald and Fore-runner at his entrance upon that work begins with it John says S t Luke in all the Country about Jordan came preaching the Baptism of repentance for the remission of sins Luk. 3.3 Our Lord and Saviour Christ himself when he comes after to proclaim his own Gospel goes on with it Jesus began to preach says S t Matthew and to say Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand Mat. 4.17 And when he left the World the Commission which he gives to his Apostles is to proceed on still in the Promulgation of it to all the World as he had done to the people of the Jews For at the last time of his being with them just before his Ascension into Heaven when as S t Matthew tells us he commissioned them to preach to all mankind those instructions which he gave to them S t Luke informs us were that repentance and remission of sins should be preached to all Nations in his Name beginning at Jerusalem Luk. 24.47 This was the chief thing which they had in Commission and the summ and substance of their Embassy For that Ministry which was committed to them was a Ministry of reconciling God and men by this means as St. Paul says or a Ministry of Reconciliation so that they were Ambassadours for Christ as though God did beseech men by them and they as Christs Deputies who is the prime Mediator did pray them in his stead to be reconciled to God 2 Cor. 5.19.20 And when the Apostles came to execute their Orders the publishing of this was all their care and practice For they all of them went about preaching in all places and to all persons repentance for the remission of sins St. Peter in his first Sermon thus exhorts the people Repent and be baptized every one of you for the remission of sins Act. 2.38 and so again Act. 3. Repent and be converted that your sins may be blotted out v. 19. And the same he proclaims more generally in his second Epistle assuring all Christians that the Lord is not willing that any man should perish but that all should come to repentance which is sure to prevent it 2 Pet. 3.9 St. Paul preaches to the Athenians that now God had commanded all men every where to repent Act. 17.30 And St. John assures us that by virtue of that Gospel-Covenant which was confirmed with us in Christs Blood if with repenting hearts we confess our sins he is faithful to his word and just to his promise to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from the guilt and stain of all unrighteousness of
noble and excellent reward we are in a safe state and have no need to disquiet our Souls with fears and jealousies lest they should eternally miscarry If any person then has used Gods Grace and improved his Talents to this measure he has not been unprofitable and useless but has profited so far as is necessary to his happiness He is bound indeed still to advance higher and in every instance of Vertue to improve further but this he is not under the loss of Heaven but only under the danger of falling back into such a state of sin as would destroy the hopes of it again and the forfeiture of greater glory and rewards there when an intire obedience in all chosen instances and a particular reformation and repentance of all wilful sins is once secured there is so much growth in grace as is absolotely necessary an exalted pitch and compleat measures of this obedience with more ease and pleasure constancy and evenness with less mixture of voluntary sins which need particular repentance and with a greater freedom from innocent and unwilled infirmities is necessary to more absolute degrees and greater hights of glory but till that can be had this is sufficient to a mans salvation Several other scruples there are which are wont to disquiet and perplex the minds of good and honest people who are safe in Gods account although their Case seems never so hazardous in their own And of this sort are their fears that their obedience is unsincere because they have an eye at their own good and a respect to their own safety since they serve God in hopes to be better by him and out of a fear should they disobey of suffering evil from him They are afraid also that it is defective in a main Point for they cannot love and serve him in that comprehensive latitude which the Commandment requires viz. With all their heart and with all their soul and with all their mind They doubt they are past Grace and Pardon because they have sinned after that they have been enlightned and that wilfully and the Apostles affirms that for such there remains no more Sacrifice for sins Heb. 10.26 These doubts are still apt to disturb their peace and make sad their hearts and some others of like nature But of these and several others I have given sufficient Accounts above such as I hope may satisfie any reasonable man who is capable to read and to consider of them and thither I refer the Reader not thinking fit here to repeat them And thus at last we have seen when an honest and entire obedience is taken care for in the first place how plainly groundless those fears are which are wont to perplex the thoughts of good and safe yet ignorant and misguided people about their state of happiness and salvation And now I have done with all those points which I thought necessary to be enquired into to the end that I might shew every man now before-hand how he stands prepared for the next world and which at the beginning of this whole Discourse I proposed to treat of I have shown what that condition is of bliss or misery which the Gospel indispensably exacts of us and that as I take it so particularly that no man who will be at the pains to read and consider of it can overlook or mistake it what those defects are which it bears and dispenseth with what those remedies and means of reconciliation are which it has provided for us and when all these are taken care for how groundless all those other scruples are which are wont to disquiet honest minds about the goodness of their present state and their title to eternal salvation And upon the whole matter the sum of all amounts to this that when Christ shall come to sit in judgment at the last day and to pass sentence of life or death upon every man according to the direction of his Gospel he will pronounce upon every man according to his works If he has honestly and entirely obey'd the whole will of God in all the particular Laws before-mention'd never willfully and deliberately offending in any one instance nor indulging himself in the practice of any thing which he knows to be a sin he is safe in the Accounts of the last Judgment and shall never come into Condemnation Nay if he has been a damnable offender and has willfully transgressed either in one instance or in many in frequent repetitions of his sin or in few yet if he repent of it before death seize him and amend it ere he is haled away to Judgment he is safe still For he shall be judged according as his works then are when God comes to enquire of them so that if ever he be found in an honest obedience observing everything which he sees to be his duty and willfully venturing upon nothing which his Conscience tells him is sinful he is found in the state of Grace and Pardon and if he die in it he shall be saved All his unwill'd ignorances and innocent unadvisednesses upon his Prayers for pardon and his mercifulness and forgiveness of other men shall be abated all his other causes of fear and scruple shall be overlooked they shall not be brought against him to his Condemnation but in the honest and entire obedience which he hath performed in that shall he live If then we have an honest heart and walk so as our own Conscience has nothing whereof to accuse us we may meet Death with a good Courage and go out of the World with comfortable Expectations For if we have an honest and a tender heart whensoever we sin willfully and against our Consciences our own Souls will be our Remembrancers They will be a witness against us both whilst we are in this World and after we are taken out of it and brought to Judgment Mens Consciences says the Apostle shall accuse or excuse them in the day when God shall judge the secrets of men according to my Gospel Rom. 2.15 Indeed if men have harden'd their hearts in wickedness and sin'd themselves out of the belief of their duty having come to call evil good and good evil then their Consciences having no further sense of sin will have no accusations upon it But if they really believe the Gospel and study to know their duty and desire to observe it and are afraid to offend in any thing which they see is sinful whilst thus their heart is soft and their Conscience tender they cannot venture upon any sin with open Eyes but that their own hearts will both check them before and smite them afterwards They will have a witness against them in their own bosoms which will scourge and awake them so that they cannot approach death without a sense of their sin nor go out of the World without discerning themselves to be guilty If our own Conscience then cannot accuse us of the wilful and presumptuous breach of any of Gods Commandments and we know