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A27017 The saints everlasting rest, or, A treatise of the blessed state of the saints in their enjoyment of God in glory wherein is shewed its excellency and certainty, the misery of those that lose it, the way to attain it, and assurance of it, and how to live in the continual delightful forecasts of it and now published by Richard Baxter ... Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691.; Herbert, George, 1593-1633. 1650 (1650) Wing B1383; ESTC R17757 797,603 962

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and we play with our clothes and look upon them when we should put them on and wear them we hang upon Ordinances from day to day but we stir not up our selves to seek the Lord I see a great many very constant in hearing and Praying and give us some hopes that their hearts are honest but they do not hear and pr●y as i● it were for their lives O what a frozen stupidity hath benummed us The judgment of Pharaoh is among us we are turned into Stones and Rocks that can neither feel nor stir The plague of Lots wife is upon us as if we were changed into liveless unmoveable Pillars we are dying and we know it and yet we stir not we are at the door of eternal Happiness or Misery and yet we perceive it not Death knocks and we hear not Christ calls and knocks and we hear not God cries to us To day if you will hear my voyce harden not your hearts work while it is day for the night cometh when none shall work Now ply your business now labour for your lives now lay out all your strength and time now do it now or never and yet we stir no more then if we were half asleep What haste doth Death and Judgment make how fast do they come on they are almost at us and yet what little haste make we what haste makes the Sword to devour from one part of the Land to another what haste doth Plague and Famine make and all because we will not make haste The Spur of God is in our sides we bleed we groan and yet we do not mend our pace The Rod is on our backs it speaks to the quick our lashes are heard through the Christian world and yet we stir no faster then before Lord what a sensless sottish earthly hellish thing is a hard heart that we will not go roundly and cheerfully toward heaven without all this ado no nor with it neither where is the man that is serious in his Christianity Methinks men do every where make but a trifle of their eternal state they look after it but a little upon the by they do not make it the taske and business of their lives To be plain with you I think nothing undoes men so much as complementing and jesting in Religion O if I were not sick my self of the same disease with what teares should I mixt this Ink and with what groans should I express these sad complaints and with what hearts-grief should I mourn over this universal deadness Do the Magistrates among us seriously perform their portion of the work Are they zealous for God Do they build up his House and are they tender of his Honor Do they second the Word and encourage the Godly and relieve the Oppressed and compassionate the Distressed and let fly at the face of sin and sinners as being the disturbers of our peace and the onely cause of all our miseries Do they study how to do the utmost that they can for God to improve their power and parts and wealth and honor and all their interests for the greatest advantage to the Kingdom of Christ as men that must shortly give account of their Stewardship or do they build their own houses and seek their advancements and stand upon and contest for their own honors and do no more for Christ then needs they must or then lyes in their way or then is put by others into their hands or then stands with the pleasing of their friends or with their worldy interests which of these two courses do they take and how thin are those Ministers that are serious in their work Nay how mightily do the very best fail in this above all things Do we cry out of mens disobedience to the Gospel in the evidence and power of the Spirit and deal with sin as that which is the fire in our Towns and houses and by force pull men out of this fire Do we perswade our people as those that know the terrors of the Lord should do Do we press Christ and Regeneration and Faith and Holiness as men that believe indeed that without these they shall never have Life Do our bowels yearn over the Ignorant and the Careless and the obstinate Multitude as men that believe their own Doctrine that our dear people must be eternally damned if they be not timely recovered When we look them in the faces do our hearts melt over them lest we should never see their faces in Rest Do we as Paul tell them weeping of their fleshly and earthly disposition and teach them publikely and from house to house night and day with tears And do vve intreate them as if it were indeed for their lives and salvation that vvhen vve speak of the Joys and Miseries of another world our people may see us affected accordingly and perceive that we do indeed mean as we speak Or rather do vve not study vvords and neat Expressions that vve may approve our selves able men in the judgment of critical Hearers and speak so formally and heartlesly of Eternity that our people can scarcely think that vve believe our selves or put our tongues into some affected pace and our language into some forced Oratorical strain as if a Ministers business were of no more weight but to tell them a smooth tale of an hour long and so look no more after them till the next Sermon Seldom do vve fit our Sermons either for Matter or Manner to the great end our peoples salvation but we sacrifice our studies to our own credit or our peoples content or some such base inferiour end Carnal discretion doth controll our fervency It maketh our Sermons like beautiful Pictures which have much pains and cost bestowed upon them to make them comely and desirable to the eye but life or heat or motion there is none Surely as such a conversation is an Hypocritical conversation so such a Sermon is as truly an hypocritical Sermon O the formal frozen lifeless Sermons which we daily hear preached upon the most weighty piercing Subjects in the world How gently do we handle those sins which will handle so cruelly our poor peoples souls And how tenderly do we deal with their careless hearts not speaking to them as to men that must be wakened or damned We tell them of heaven and hell in such a sleepy tone and sleighty way as if we were but acting a part in a Play so that we usually preach our people asleep with those subjects which one would think should rather endanger the driving of some besides themselves if they were faithfully delivered Not that I commend or excuse that reall indiscretion and unseemly language and nauseous repetitions and ridiculous gestures whereby many do disgrace the work of God and bring his ordinances in contempt with the people nor think it fit that he should be an Embassador from God on so weighty a business that is not able to
the goats on the left and so on as you may read in the Text. But why tremblest thou Oh humble gracious Soul Cannot the enemies and slighters of Christ be foretold their doom but Thou must quake Do I make sad the Soul that God would not have sad Doth not thy Lord know his own sheep who have heard his voyce and followed him He that would not lose the family of one Noah in a common deluge when him onely he had found faithful in all the earth He that would not over-look one Lot in Sodom nay that could do nothing till he were forth Will he forget thee at that day Thy Lord knoweth now to deliver the godly out of temptations and to reserve the unjust to the day of Judgment to be punished He knoweth how to make the same day the greatest for terror to his foes and yet the greatest for joy to his people He ever intended it for the great distinguishing and separating day wherein both Love and Fury should be manifested to the highest Oh then let the Heavens rejoyce the Sea the Earth the Floods the Hills for the Lord cometh to judg the Earth With Righteousness shall he judg the World and the People with Equity But especially let Sion hear and be glad and her children rejoyce For when God ariseth to judgment it is to save the meek of the Earth They have judged and condemned themselves many a day in heart-breaking confession and therefore shall not be judged to condemnation by the Lord For there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit And who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect Shall the Law Why whatsoever the Law saith it saith to them that are under the Law but we are not under the Law but under Grace For the Law of the Spirit of life which is in Christ Jesus hath made us free from the Law of sin and death Or shall Conscience Why we were long ago justified by faith and so have peace with God and have our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and the Spirit bearing witness with our spirits that we are the children of God It is God that justifieth who shall condemn If our Judg condemn us not who shall He that said to the Adulterous woman Hath no man condemned thee neither do I condemn thee He will say to us more faithfully then Peter to him Though all men deny thee or condemn thee I will not Thou hast confessed me before men and I will confess thee before my Father and the Angels of Heaven He whose first coming was not to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved I am sure intends not his second coming to condemn his people but that they through him might be saved He hath given us Eternal Life in Charter and Title already yea and partly in possession and will he after that condemn us When he gave us the knowledg of his Father and himself he gave us Eternal Life And he hath verily told us That he that heareth his word and beleeveth on him that sent him hath everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death to life Indeed if our Judg were our enemy as he is to the world then we might well fear If the Devil were our Judg or the Ungodly were our Judg then we should be condemned as Hypocrites as Heretiques as Schisinatiques as proud or covetous or what not But our Judg is Christ who dyed yea rather who is risen again and maketh request for us For all power is given him in Heaven and in Earth and all things delivered into his hands and the Father hath given him authority to execute judgment also because he is the Son of man For though God judg the world yet the Father immediately without his Vicegerent Christ judgeth no man but hath committed all judgment to the Son that all men should honor the Son even as they honor the Father Oh what inexpressible joy may this afford to a Beleever That our Dear Lord who loveth our Souls and whom our Souls love shall be our Judg Will a man fear to be judged by his dearest friend By a Brother By a Father Or a Wife by her own Husband Christian Did he come down and suffer and weep and bleed and dye for thee and will he now condemn thee Was he judged and condemned and executed in thy stead and now will he condemn thee himself Did he make a Bath of his blood for thy sins and a garment of his own Righteousness for thy nakedness and will he now open them to thy shame Is he the undertaker for thy Salvation and will he be against thee Hath it cost him so dear to save thee and will he now himself destroy thee Hath he done the most of the work already in Redeeming Regenerating and Sanctifying Justifying preserving and perfecting thee and will he now undo all again Nay hath he begun and will he not finish Hath he interceded so long for thee to the Father and will he cast thee away himself If all these be likely then fear and then rejoyce not Oh what an unreasonable sin is unbelief that will charge our Lord with such unmercifulness and absurdities Well then fellow Christians let the terror of that day be never so great surely our Lord can mean no ill to us in all Let it make the Devils tremble and the wicked tremble but it shall make us to leap for Joy Let Satan accuse us we have our answer at hand our surety hath discharged the debt If he have not fulfilled the Law then let us be charged as breakers of it If he have not suffered then let us suffer but if he have we are free Nay our Lord will make answer for us himself These are mine and shall be made up with my Jewels for their transgressions was I stricken and cut off from the earth for them was I bruised and put to grief my Soul was made an offering for their sin and I bore their transgressions They are my seed and the travel of my Soul I have healed them by my stripes I have justified them by my knowledg They are my sheep who shall take them out of my hands Yea though the humble Soul be ready to speak against it self Lord when did we see thee hungry and feed thee c. yet will not Christ do so This is the day of the Beleevers full Justification They were before made just and esteemed Just and by Faith justified in Law and this evidenced to their consciences But now they shall both by Apology be maintained Just and by Sentence pronounced Just actually by the lively voyce of the Judg himself which is the most perfect Justification Their Justification by Faith is a giving them Title in Law to that Apology and Absolving
If the Law of the Land did punish every breach of the Sabbath or every omission of family duties or secret duties or every cold and heartless prayer with Death If it were Felony or Treason to be ungodly and negligent in Worship and loose in your lives What manner of persons would you then be and what lives would you lead And is not Eternal death more terrible then temporal 3 Quest. If it were Gods ordinary course to punish every sin with some present Judgment so that every time a man swears or is drunk or speaks a lye or back-biteth his neighbor he should be struck dead or blind or lame in the place If God did punish every cold prayer or neglect of duty with some remarkable plague what manner of persons would you then be If you should suddenly fall down dead like Ananias and Saphira with the sin in your hands or the plague of God should seize upon you as upon the Israelites while their sweet morsels were yet in their mouths If but a Mark should be set in the forehead of every one that neglected a duty or committed a sin What kind of lives would you then lead And is not Eternal Wrath more terrible then all this Give but Reason leave to speak 4 Quest. If one of your old acquaintance and companions in sin should come from the dead and tell you that he suffereth the Torments of Hell for those sins that you are guilty of and for neglecting those duties which you neglect and for living such a careless worldly ungodly life as you now live should therfore advise you to take another course If you should meet such a one in your Chamber when you are going to bed and he should say to you Oh take heed of this carnal unholy life Set your self to seek the Lord with all your might neglect not your Soul Prepare for Eternity that you come not to the place of Torment that I am in How would this take with you and what manner of persons would you afterwards be It is written in the life of Bruno that a Doctor of great note for learning and godliness being dead and being brought to the Church to be buried while they were in their Popish Devotions and came to the words Responde mihi the Corps arose in the Beir and with a terrible voyce cryed out Justo Dei Judicio accusatus sum I am accused at the Just Judgment of God At which voyce the people run all out of Church affrighted On the morrow when they came again to perform the Obsequies at the same words as before the Corps arose again and cryed with a hideous voyce Justo Dei Judicio Judicatus sum I am Judged at the righteous Judgment of God Whereupon the people run away again amazed The third day almost all the City came together and when they came to the same words as before the Corps rose again and cryed with a more doleful voyce then before Justo Dei Judicio Condemnatus sum I am Condemned at the Just Judgment of God The consideration whereof that a man reputed so upright should yet by his own confession be damned caused Bruno and the rest of his companions to enter into that strict order of the Carthusians If the voyce of the dead man could affright them into Superstition should not the warnings of God affright thee into true Devotion 5 Quest. If you knew that this were the last day you had to live in the world how would you spend this day If you were sure when you go to bed that you should never rise again would not your thoughts of another life be more serious that night If you knew when you are praying that you should never pray more would you not be more earnest and importunate in that prayer Or if you knew when you are preaching or hearing or exhorting your sinful acquaintance that this were the last opportunity you should have would you not ply it more closely then usually you do Why you do not know but it may be the last and you are sure your last is near at hand 6 Quest. If you had seen the general dissolution of the world and all the pomp and glory of it consumed to ashes If you saw all on a fire about you sumptuous buildings Cities Kingdoms Land Water Earth Heaven all flaming about your ears If you had seen all that men labored for and sold their Souls for gone friends gone the place of your former abode gone the history ended and all come down what would such a sight as this perswade you to do Why such a sight thou shalt certainly see I put my Question to thee in the words of the Apostle 2 Pet. 3.11 Seeing all these things shall be dissolved what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved and the elements shall melt with fervent heat As if he should say We cannot possibly conceive or express what manner of persons we should be in all holiness and godliness when we do but think of the sudden and certain and terrible dissolution of all things below 7 Quest. What if you had seen the process of the Judgment of the great day If you had seen the Judgment set and the Books opened and the most stand trembling on the left hand of the Judg and Christ himself accusing them of their rebellions and neglects and remembring them of all their former slightings of his grace and at last condemning them to perpetual perdition If you had seen the godly standing on the right hand and Jesus Christ acknowledging their faithful obedience and adjudging them to the possession of the Joy of their Lord What manner of persons would you have been after such a sight as this Why this sight thou shalt one day see as sure as thou livest And why then should not the fore-knowledg of such a day awake thee to thy duty 8 Quest. What if you had once seen Hell open and all the damned there in their easeless Torments and had heard them crying out of their sloathfulness in the day of their visitation and wishing that they had but another life to live and that God would but try them once again One crying out of his neglect of duty and another of his loitering and trifling when he should have been labouring for his life What manner of persons would you have been after such a sight as this What if you had seen Heaven opened as Stephen did and all the Saints there triumphing in Glory and enjoying the End of their labours and sufferings What a life would you lead after such a sight as this Why you will see this with your eyes before it be long 9 Quest. What if you had lien in Hell but one year or one day or hour and there felt all those Torments that now you do but hear of
yet remember the heart is deceitful God is oft pretended vvhen our selves are in●ended But if this be it that sticks vvith thee indeed consider VVilt thou pretend to be vviser then God doth not he knovv hovv ●o provide for his Church Cannot he do his vvork vvithout thee or finde out instruments enough besides thee Think not too highly of thy self because God hath made thee useful Must the Church needs fall when thou art gone Art thou the foundation on which its built Could God take away a Moses an Aaron David Elias c. and finde supply for all their places and cannot he also finde supply for thine This is to derogate from God too much and to arrogate too much unto thy self Neither art thou so merciful as God nor canst love the Church so well as he As his interest is infinitely beyond thine so is his tender care and bounty But of this before Yet mistake me not in all that I have said I deny not but that it is lawful and necessary for a Christian upon both the forementioned grounds to desire God to delay his death both for a further opportunity of gaining assurance and also to be further serviceable to the Church But first This is nothing to their case who are still delaying and never willing whose true discontents are at death it self more then at the unseasonableness of dying Secondly Though such desires are sometimes lawful yet must they be carefully bounded and moderated to which end are the former considerations We must not be too absolute and peremptory in our desires but cheerfully yield to Gods disposal The rightest temper is that of Pauls to be in a streight between two desiring to depart and be with Christ and yet to stay while God will have us to do the Church the utmost service But alas we are seldom in this streight Our desires run out all one way and that for the flesh and not the Church Our streights are onely for fear of dying and not betwixt the earnest desires of dying and of living SECT XXIV OBject But is not death a punishment of God for sin Doth not Scripture call it the King of fears And Nature above all other evils abhor it Answ. I le not meddle with that which is controversal in this Whether Death be properly a punishment or not But grant that in it self considered it may be called Evil as being naturally the dissolution of the Creature Yet being sanctified to us by Christ and being the season and occasion of so great a Good as is the present possession of God in Christ it may be welcomed with a glad submission if not with desire Christ affords us grounds enough to comfort us against this natural Evil And therefore endues us with the principle of Grace to raise us above the reach of nature For all those low and poor Objections as leaving House Goods and Friends leaving our children unprovided c. I pass them over as of lesser moment then to take much with men of Grace SECT XXV LAstly Understand me in this also That I have spoke all this to the faithful soul. I perswade not the ungodly from fearing death It s a wonder rather that they fear it no more and spend not their days in continual horror as is said before Truly but that we know a stone is insensible and a hard heart is dead and stupid or else a man would admire how poor souls can live in ease and quietness that must be turned out of these bodies into everlasting flames Or that be not sure at least if they should die this night whether they shall lodg in Heaven or Hell the next especially when so many are called and so few chosen and the Righteous themselves are scarcely saved One would think such men should eat their bread with trembling and the thoughts of their danger should keep them waking in the night and they should fall presently a searching themselves and enquiring of others and crying to God That if it were possible they might quickly be out of this danger and so their hearts be freed from horror For a man to quake at the thoughts of death that looks by it to be dispossessed of his happiness and knoweth not whether he is next to go this is no wonder But for the Saints to fear their passage by Death to Rest this is an unreasonable hurtful Fear CHAP. III. Motives to a Heavenly Life SECT I. WE have now by the guidance of the Word of the Lord and by the assistance of his Spirit shewed you the nature of the Rest of the Saints and acquainted you with some duties in relation thereto We come now to the close of all to press you to the great duty which I chiefly intended when I begun this subject and have here reserved it to the last place because I know hearers are usually of slippery memories yet apt to retain the last that is spoken though they forget all that went before Dear friends its pity that either you or I should forget any thing of that which doth so neerly concern us as this Eternal Rest of the Saints doth But if you must needs forget something let it be any thing else rather then this let it be rather all that I have hitherto said though I hope of better then this one ensuing Use. Is there a Rest and such a Rest remaining for us Why then are our thoughts no more upon it why are not our hearts continually there why dwell we not there in constant contemplation Sirs Ask your hearts in good earnest what is the cause of this neglect are we reasonable in this or are we not Hath the Eternal God provided us such a Glory and promised to take us up to dwell with himself and is not this worth the thinking on Should not the strongest desires of our hearts be after it and the daily delights of our souls be there Do we beleeve this and can we yet forget and neglect it What 's the matter will not God give us leave to approach this light or will he not suffer our souls to tast and see Why then what means all his earnest invitations why doth he so condemn our earthly-mindedness and command us to set our affections above Ah vile hearts If God were against it we were likelier to be for it When he would have us to keep our station then we are aspiring to be like God and are ready to invade the Divine Prerogatives But when he commands our hearts to Heaven then they will not stir an inch like our Predecessors the sinful Israelites When God would have them march for Canaan then they mutiny and will not stir either they fear the Gyants or the walled Cities or want necessaries or something hinders them but when God bids them not to go then will they needs be presently marching and fight they will though it be to their overthrow If the fore-thoughts of glory were forbidden
the dolors of a greivous wilderness Believe it Reader if thou knewest but what a cordial in thy griefs and care the serious views of glory are thou wouldst less fear these harmles troubles and more use that preserving reviving Remedy I would not have thee as Mountebanks take poyson first and then their Antidote to shew its power so to create thy affliction to try this remedy But if God reach thee forth the bitterest cup drop in but a little of the Tastes of Heaven and I warrant thee it will sufficiently sweeten it to thy spirit If the case thou art in seem never so dangerous take but a little of this Antidote of Rest and never fear the pain or danger I will give thee to confirm this but the Example of David and the Opinion of Paul and desire thee throughly to consider of both In the multitude of my thoughts within me saith David thy comforts delight my soul Psal. 94.19 As if he should say I have multitudes of sadding thoughts that crowd upon me thoughts of my sins and thoughts of my foes thoughts of my dangers and thoughts of my pains yet in the midst of all this crowd one serious thought of the comforts of thy Love and especially of the comfortable life in Glory doth so dispel the throng and scatter my cares and disperse the clouds that my troubles had raised that they do even revive and delight my soul. And Paul when he had cast up his full accounts gives thee the sum in Rom. 8 18. For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us Study these words well for every one of them is full of life If these true sayings of God were truly and deeply fixt in thy heart and if thou couldst in thy sober Mediditation but draw out the comfort of this one Scripture I dare them it would sweeten the bitterest cross and in a sort make thee forget thy trouble as Christ saith A woman forgets her travail for joy that a man is born into the world yea and make thee rejoyce in thy tribulation I will add but one Text more 2 Cor 4.16.17 For which cause we faint not but though our outward man perish yet the inward is renewed day by day For our light affliction which is but for a moment worketh for us a far more exceeding eternal weight of glory While we look not at the things which are seen but the things which are not seen For the things which are seen are temporal but the things which are not seen are eternal SECT VII 3. ANother fit Season for this heavenly duty is When the Messengers of God do summon us to die when either our gray hairs or our languishing bodies or some such like forerunners of death do tell us that our change cannot be far off when should we most frequently sweeten our souls with the believing thoughts of another life then when we finde that this is almost ended and when Flesh is raising fears and terrors Surely no men have greater need of supporting joyes then dying men and those joyes must be fetcht from our eternal joy Men that have earthly pleasures in their hands may think they are well though they taste no more but when a man is dying and parting with all other pleasures he must then fetch his pleasure from Heaven or have none when health is gone and friends lye weeping about our beds when houses and lands and goods and wealth cannot afford us the least relief but we are taking our leave of earth for ever except a hole for our bodies to rot in when we are daily expecting our final day it s now time to look to heaven and to fetch in comfort and support from thence and as heavenly delights are sweetest when they are unmixed and pure and have no earthly delights conjoyned with them so therefore the delights of dying Christians are oft-times the sweetest that ever they had Therefore have the Saints been generally observed to be then most Heavenly when they were neerest dying what a Prophetical blessing hath Jacob for his sons when he lay a dying And so Isaac what a heavenly Song what a Divine Benediction doth Moses conclude his life withal Deut. 32. 33. Nay as our Saviour increased in Wisdome and Knowledg so did he also in their blessed expressions and still the last the sweetest what a heavenly prayer what heavenly advice doth he leave his Disciples when he is about to leave them when he saw he must leave the world and go to the Father how doth he weane them from worldly expectations How doth he minde them of the Mansions in his Fathers House and remember them of his coming again to fetch them thither and open the union they shall have with him and with each other and promise them to be with him to behold his Glory There 's more worth in those four Chapters John then in all the Books in the world beside When Blessed Paul was ready to be offered up what heavenly Exhortation doth he give the Philippians what advice to Timothy what counsel to the Elders of the Ephesian Church Acts 20. How neer was S. John to heaven in his banishment in Patmos a little before his translation to Heaven what heavenly discourse hath Luther in his last sickness How close was Calvin to his Divine studies in his very sickness that when they would have disswaded him from it He answers Vultisne me otiosum a domino apprehendi What would you have God finde me idle I have not lived idly and shall I dye idly The like may be said of our famous Reignolds When excellent Bucholcer was neer his end he wrote his Book De Consol●ti●ne Decumbentium Then it was that Tossianus wrote his Vade mecum Then Doctor Preston was upon the Attribut●s of God And then Mr Bolton was on the Joyes of Heaven It were end less to enumerate the eminent examples of this kinde It is the general temper of the spirits of the Saints to be then most Heavenly when they are neerest to Heaven As we use to say of the old and the weak that they have one foot in the grave already so may we say of the godly when they are neer their Rest they have one foot as it were in Heaven already When should a Traveller look homewards with joy but when he is come within the sight of his home It s true the pains of our bodies and the fainting of our spirits may somewhat abate the liveliness of our joy but the measure we have will be the more pure and spiritual by how much the less it is kindled from the Flesh. O that we who are daily languishing could learn this daily heavenly conversing and could say as the Apostle in the forecited place 2 Cor. 4.16 17 18 O that every gripe that our bodies feel might make us more sensible of future ease and that every
THE Saints Everlasting Rest OR A TREATISE Of the Blessed State of the SAINTS in their enjoyment of GOD in Glory Wherein is shewed its Excellency and Certainty the Misery of those that lose it the way to Attain it and Assurance of it and how to live in the continual delightful Forecasts of it by the help of Meditation Written by the Author for his own use in the time of his languishing when God took him off from all Publike Imployment and afterwards Preached in his weekly Lecture And now published by Richard Baxter Teacher of the Church of Kederminster in Worcestershire My flesh and my heart faileth but God is the strength of my heart and my portion for ever Psal. 73.26 If in this life onely we have hope in Christ we are of all men most miserable 1 Cor. 15.19 Set your affections on things above and not on things on the Earth For ye are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God When Christ who is our life shall appear then shall ye also appear with him in glory Col. 3.2 3 4. Because I live ye shall live also John 14.19 Jan. 15. 1649. Imprimatur Joseph Caryl London Printed by Rob. White for Thomas Vnderhil and Francis Tyton and are to be sold at the Blue-Anchor and Bible in Pauls Church-yard near the little North-door and at the three Daggers in Fleetstreet near the Inner-Temple-gate 1650. To my dearly beloved Friends the Inhabitants of the Burrough and Forreign OF KEDERMINSTER Both Magistrates and People My dear Friends IF either I or my labors have any thing of publike use or worth it is wholly though not onely yours And I am convinced by Providence That it is the Will of God it should be so This I clearly discerned in my first coming to you in my former abode with you and in the time of my forced absence from you When I was separated by the miseries of the late unhappy war I durst not fix in any other Congregation but lived in a military unpleasing state lest I should forestal my return to you for whom I took my self reserved The offers of greater worldly accommodations with five times the means which I receive with you was no temptation to me once to question whether I should leave you Your free invitation of my return your obedience to my Doctrine the strong affection which I have yet towards you above all people and the general hearty return of Love which I finde from you do all perswade me that I was sent into this world especially for the service of your souls And that even when I am dead I might yet be a help to your salvation the Lord hath forced me quite besides my own resolution to write this Treatise and leave it in your hands It was far from my thoughts ever to have become thus publike and burdened the world with any writings of mine Therefore have I oft resisted the requests of my reverend Brethren and some Superiors who might else have commanded much more at my hands But see how God over ruleth and crosseth our resolutions Being in my quarters far from home cast into extream languishing by the sudden loss of about a Gallon of blood after many yeers foregoing weakness and having no acquaintance about me nor any Books but my Bible and living in continual expectation of death I bent my thoughts on my Everlasting Rest And because my memory through extream weakness was imperfect I took my pen and began to draw up my own funeral Sermon or some helps for my own Meditations of Heaven to sweeten both the Rest of my life and my death In this condition God was pleased to continue me about five moneths from home where being able for nothing else I went on with this work which so lengthened to this which here you see It is no wonder therefore if I be too abrupt in the beginning seeing I then intended but the length of a Sermon or two Much less may you wonder if the whole be very imperfect seeing it was written as it were with one foot in the grave by a man that was betwixt living and dead that wanted strength of nature to quicken Invention or Affection and had no Book but his Bible while the chief part was finished nor had any minde of humane ornaments if he had been furnished But O how sweet is this Providence now to my review which so happily forced me to that work of Meditation which I had formerly found so profitable to my soul and shewed me more mercy in depriving me of other helps then I was aware of and hath caused my thoughts to feed on this Heavenly Subject which hath more benefited me then all the studies of my life And now dear Friends such as it is I here offer it you and upon the bended knees of my soul I offer up my thanks to the merciful God who hath fetched up both me and it as from the grave for your service Who reversed the sentence of present death which by the ablest Physitians was past upon me who interrupted my publike labors for a time that he might force me to do you a more lasting service which else I had never been like to have attempted That God do I heartily bless and magnifie who hath rescued me from the many dangers of four yeers war and after so many tedious nights and days and so many doleful fights and tidings hath returned me and many of your selves and reprived us till now to serve him in peace And though men be ungrateful and my body ruined beyond hope of recovery yet he hath made up all in the comforts I have in you To the God of mercy do I here offer my most hearty thanks and pay the vows of acknowledgment which I oft made in my distress who hath not rejected my prayers which in my dolor I put up but hath by a wonder delivered me in the midst of my duties and hath supported me this fourteen yeers in a languishing state wherein I have scarce had a waking hour free from pain who hath above twenty several times delivered me when I was neer to death And though he hath made me spend my days in groans and tears and in a constant expectation of my change yet hath he not wholly disabled me to his service and hereby hath more effectually subdued my pride and made this world contemptible to me and forced my dull heart to more importunate requests and occasioned more rare discoveries of his Mercy then ever I could have expected in a prosperous state For ever blessed be the Lord that hath not onely honored me to be a Minister of his Gospel but hath also set me over a people so willing to obey and given me that success of my labors which he hath denied to many more able and faithful who hath kept you in the zealous practice of godliness when so many grow negligent or despise the Ordinances of God who hath kept you stable in his
not be like Joseph and his Brethren who lay upon one anothers necks weeping It will break forth into a pure Joy and not such a mixture of joy and sorrow as their weeping argued It will be Loving and rejoycing not loving and sorrowing Yet will it make Pharoahs Satans court to ring with the News that Josephs Brethren are come that the Saints are arrived safe at the bosom of Christ out of the reach of hell for ever Neither is there any such love as Davids and Jonathans shutting up in sorrows and breathing out its last into sad lamentations for a forced separation No Christ is the powerful attractive the effectual Loadstone who draws to it all like it self All that the Father hath given him shall come unto him even the Lover as well as the Love doth he draw and they that come unto him he will in no wise cast out John chap. 6. vers 37 39. For know this Beleever to thy everlasting comfort that if these Arms have once embraced thee neither sin nor hell can get thee thence for ever The Sanctuary is inviolable and the Rock impregnable whither thou art fled and thou art safe lockt up to all Eternity Thou hast not now to deal with an unconstant creature but with him with whom is no varying nor shadow of change even the Immutable God If thy happiness were in thine own hand as Adams there were yet fear But it 's in the keeping of a faithful Creator Christ hath not bought thee so dear to trust thee with thy self any more His Love to thee will not be as thine was on earth to him seldom and cold up and down mixed as Aguish bodies with burning and quaking with a Good day and a bad No Christian he that would not be discouraged by thine enmity by thy loathsom hateful nature by all thy unwillingness unkinde Neglects and churlish resistances he that would neither cease nor abate his Love for all these Can he cease to love thee when he hath made thee truly Lovely He that keepeth thee so constant in thy love to him that thou canst challenge tribulation distress persecution famine nakedness peril or sword to separate thy Love from Christ if they can Rom. 8.35 How much more will himself be constant Indeed he that produced these mutual embracing Affections will also produce such a mutual constancy in both that thou mayst confidently be perswaded as Paul was before thee That neither Death nor Life nor Angels nor Principalities nor Powers nor things present nor things to come nor heighth nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the Love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord Vers. 38 39. And now are we not left in the Apostles admiration What shall we say to these things Infinite Love must needs be a mystery to a finite capacity No wonder if Angels desire to pry into this mystery And if it be the study of the Saints here to know the heighth and bredth and length and depth of this Love though it passeth knowledg This is the Saints Rest in the Fruition of God by Love SECT IX LAstly The Affection of Joy hath not the least share in this Fruition It 's that which all the rest lead to and conclude in even the unconceiveable Complacency which the Blessed feel in their seeing knowing loving and being beloved of God The delight of the Senses Here cannot be known by expressions as they are felt How much less this Joy This is the white stone which none knoweth but he that receiveth And if there be any Joy which the stranger medleth not with then surely this above all is it All Christs ways of mercy tend to and end in the Saints Joys He wept sorrowed suffered that they might rejoyce He sendeth the Spirit to be their Comforter He multiplieth promises he discovers their future happiness that their Joy may be full He aboundeth to them in mercies of all sorts he maketh them lie down in green pastures and leadeth them by the still waters yea openeth to them the fountain of Living Waters That their Joy may be full That they may thirst no more and that it may spring up in them to everlasting life Yea he causeth them to suffer that he may cause them to rejoyce and chasteneth them that he may give them Rest and maketh them as he did himself to drink of the brook in the way that they may lift up the head Psal. 110.7 And lest after all this they should neglect their own comforts he maketh it their duty and presseth it on them commanding them to rejoyce in him alway and again to rejoyce And he never brings them into so low a condition wherein he leaves them not more cause of Joy then of Sorrow And hath the Lord such a care of our comfort Here where the Bridegroom being from us we must mourn Oh what will that Joy be where the Soul being perfectly prepared for Joy and Joy prepared by Christ for the Soul it shall be our work our business eternally to rejoyce And it seems the Saints Joy shall be greater then the Damneds torment for their Torment is the torment of creatures prepared for the Devil and his Angels But our Joy is the Joy of our Lord even our Lords own Joy shall we enter And the same Glory which the Father giveth him doth the Son give to them Joh. 17.22 And to sit with him in his Throne even as he is sit down in his Fathers Throne Revel 3.21 What sayst thou to all this Oh thou sad and drooping Soul Thou that now spendest thy days in sorrow and thy breath in sighings and turnest all thy voyce into groanings who knowest no garments but sackcloth no food but the bread and water of Affliction who minglest thy bread with tears and drinkest the tears which thou weepest what sayest thou to this great change From All Sorrow to more then All Joy Thou poor Soul who prayest for Joy waitest for Joy complainest for want of Joy longest for Joy why then thou shalt have full Joy as much as thou canst hold and more then ever thou thoughtest on or thy heart desired And in the mean time walk carefully watch constantly and then let God measure out thy times and degrees of Joy It may be he keeps them till thou have more need Thou mayst better lose thy comfort then thy safety If thou shouldst dye full of fears and sorrows it will be but a moment and they are all gone and concluded in Joy unconceiveable As the Joy of the Hypocrite so the fears of the upright are but for a moment And as their hopes are but golden dreams which when death awakes them do all perish and their hopes dye with them so the Saints doubts and fears are but terrible dreams which when they dye do all vanish and they awake in Joyful Glory For Gods Anger endureth but a moment but in his favor is Life
Sentence which at that Day they shall Actually receive from the mouth of Christ. By which Sentence their sin which before was pardoned in the sence of the Law is now perfectly pardoned or blotted out by this ultimate Judgment Act. 3.19 Therefore well may it be called the Time of Refreshing as being to the Saints the perfecting of all their former Refreshments He who was vexed with a quarrelling Conscience an Accusing World a Cursing Law is solemnly pronounced Righteous by the Lord the Judg. Though he cannot plead Not Guilty in regard of fact yet being pardoned he shall be acquit by the proclamation of Christ. And that 's not all But he that was accused as deserving Hell is pronounced a member of Christ a Son of God and so adjudged to Eternal Glory The Sentence of pardon past by the spirit and conscience within us was wont to be exceeding sweet But this will fully and finally resolve the question and leave no room for doubting again for ever We shall more rejoyce that our names are found written in the Book of Life then if men or Devils were subjected to us And it must needs affect us deeply with the sense of our mercy and happiness to behold the contrary condition of others To see most of the world tremble with Terror while we triumph with Joy To hear them doomed to everlasting flames and see them thrust into Hell when we are proclaimed heirs of the Kingdom To see our neighbors that lived in the same Towns came to the same Congregation sate in the same seats dwelt in the same houses and were esteemed more honorable in the world then our selves to see them now so differenced from us and by the Searcher of hearts eternally separated This with the great magnificence and dreadfulness of the day doth the Apostle pathetically express in 2 Thess. 1.6 7 8 9 10. It is Righteous with God to recompence tribulation to them that trouble you and to you who are troubled Rest with us when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven with his mighty Angels In flaming fire taking vengeance on then that know not God and obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the Glory of his power c. And now is not here enough to make that day a welcom day and the thoughts of it delightful to us But yet there 's more We shall be so far from the dread of that Judgment that our selves shall become the Judges Christ will take his people as it were into Commission with him and they shall sit and approve his Righteous Judgment Oh fear not now the reproaches scorns and censures of those that must then be judged by us Did you think Oh wretched worldlings that those poor despised men whom you made your dayly derision should be your Judges Did you beleeve this when you made them stand as offenders before the Bar of your Judgment No more then Pilate when he was judging Christ did beleeve that he was condemning his Judg Or the Jews when they were whipping imprisoning killing the Apostles did think to see them sit on twelve Thrones Judging the twelve Tribes of Israel Do you not know saith Paul that the Saints shall judg the world Nay Know you not that we shall judg Angels Surely were it not the Word of Christ that speaks it this advancement would seem incredible and the language arrogant Yet even Henoch the seventh from Adam prophecyed of this saying Behold the Lord cometh with ten thousand of his Saints to execute Judgment upon all and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoke against him Jude 14. Thus shall the Saints be honored and the Righteous have dominion in the morning O that the careless world were but wise to consider this and that they would remember this latter end That they would be now of the same minde as they will be when they shall see the Heavens pass away with a noise and the elements melt with fervent heat the earth also and the works that are therein to be burnt up 2 Pet. 3.10 When all shall be on fire about their ears and all earthly Glory consumed For the Heavens and the Earth which are now are reserved unto fire against the day of Judgment and perdition of ungodly men 2 Pet. 3.7 But alas when all is said the wicked will do wickedly and none of the wicked shall understand But the wise shall understand Rejoyce therefore O ye Saints yet watch and what you have hold fast till your Lord come Revel 2.25 and study that use of this Doctrine which the Apostle propounds 2 Pet. 3.11 12. Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy Conversation and Godliness Looking for and hasting to the coming of the day of God wherein the Heavens being on fire shall be dissolved and the Elements melt with fervent heat But go your way keep close with God and wait till your change come and till this end be for you shall Rest and stand in the Lot at the end of the days Dan. 12.13 SECT IV. THe fourth Antecedent and highest step to the Saints Advancement is Their solemn Coronation Inthronizing and Receiving into the Kingdom For as Christ their head is anointed both King and Priest so under him are his people made unto God both Kings and Priests for Prophecy that ceaseth to Reign and to offer praises for ever Revel 5.10 The Crown of Righteousness which was layd up for them shall by the Lord the Righteous Judg be given them at that day 2 Tim. 4.8 They have been faithful to the death and therefore shall receive the Crown of Life And according to the improvement of their Talents here so shall their rule and dignity be enlarged Mat. 25.21 23. So that they are not dignified with empty Titles but real Dominions For Christ will take them and set them down with himself in his own Throne and will give them power over the Nations even as he received of his Father Revel 2.26 27 28. And will give them the morning Star The Lord himself will give them possession with these applauding expressions Well done good and faithful Servant thou hast been faithful over a few things I will make thee Ruler over many things Enter thou into the Joy of thy Lord Matt. 25.21 23. And with this solemn and blessed Proclamation shall he Inthrone them Come ye Blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world Every word full of Life and Joy Come This is the holding forth of the golden Scepter to warrant our approach unto this Glory Come now as neer as you will fear not the Bethshemites Judgment for the enmity
Now we are stupified with vile and sensless hearts that can hear all the story of this Bloody Love and read all the dolors and sufferings of Love and hear all his sad complaints and all with dulness and unaffected He cries to us Behold and see Is it nothing to you O all ye that pass by Is there any sorrow like unto my sorrow Lamen 1.12 and we will scarce hear or regard the dolorous voyce nor scarce turn aside to view the wounds of him who turned aside and took us up to heal our wounds at this so dear a rate But Oh then our perfected Souls will feel as well as hear and with feeling apprehensions flame again in Love for Love Now we set his picture wounded and dying before our eyes but can get it no neerer our hearts then if we beleeved nothing of what we read But then when the obstructions between the eye and the understanding are taken away and the passage opened between the head and the heart surely our eyes will everlastingly affect our heart and while we view with one eye our slain-revived Lord and with the other eye our lost-recovered Souls and transcendent Glory these views will eternally pierce us and warm our very Souls And those eyes through which folly and lust hath so often stole into our hearts shall now be the Casements to let in the Love of our dearest Lord for ever Now though we should as some do travel to Jerusalem and view the Mount of Olives where he prayed and wept and see the Dolorons way by which he bare his Cross and enter the Temple of the Holy Grave yea if we should with Peter have stooped down and seen the place where he lay and behold his Relicts yet these Bolted doors of sin and flesh would have kept out the feeling of all that Love But Oh! that 's the Joy we shall then leave these hearts of stone and Rock behinde us and the sin that here so close besets us and the sottish unkindness that followed us so long shall not be able to follow us into that Glory But we shall behold as it were the wounds of Love with eyes and hearts of Love for ever Suppose a little to help our apprehensions that a Saint who hath partaked of the Joys of Heaven had been translated from as long an abode in Hell and after the experience of such a change should have stood with Mary and the rest by the Cross of Christ and have seen the Blood and heard the Groans of his Redeemer What think you Would love have stirred in his Brest or no Would the voyce of his dying Lord have melted his heart or no Oh that I were sensible of what I speak With what astonishing apprehensions then will Redeemed Saints everlastingly behold their Blessed Redeemer I will not meddle with their vain audacious Question who must needs know whether the glorified body of Christ do yet retain either the wounds or scars But this is most certain that the memory of it will be as fresh and the impressions of Love as deep and its workings as strong as if his wounds were still in our eyes and his complaints still in our ears and his blood still streaming afresh Now his heart is open to us and ours shut to him But when his heart shall be open and our Hearts open Oh the Blessed Congress that there will then be What a passionate meeting was there between our new-risen Lord and the first sinful silly woman that he appears to How doth Love struggle for expressions and the straitned fire shut up in the brest strive to break forth Mary saith Christ Master saith Mary and presently she clasps about his feet having her heart as neer to his heart as her hands were to his feet What a meeting of Love then will there be between the new glorified Saint and the Glorious Redeemer But I am here at a loss my apprehensions fail me and fall so short Onely this I know it will be the singular praise of our inheritance that it was bought with the price of that blood and the singular Joy of the Saints to behold the purchaser and the price together with the possession Neither will the views of the wounds of Love renew our wounds of sorrow He whose first words after his Resurrection were to a great sinner Woman why weepest thou knows how to raise Love and Joy by all those views without raising any cloud of sorrow or storm of tears at all He that made the Sacramental Commemoration of his Death to be his Churches Feast will sure make the real enjoyment of its blessed purchase to be marrow and fatness And if it afforded Joy to hear from his mouth This is my Body which is given for you and This is my Blood which was shed for you What Joy will it afford to hear This Glory is the fruit of my Body and my Blood and what a merry feast will it be when we shall drink of the fruit of the Vine new with him in the Kingdom of his Father as the fruit of his own Blood David would not drink of the waters which he longed for because they were the blood of those men who jeoparded their lives for them and thought them fitter to offer to God then to please him But we shall value these waters more highly and yet drink them the more sweetly because they are the Blood of Christ not jeoparded onely but shed for them They will be the more sweet and dear to us because they were so bitter and Dear to him If the buyer be judicious we estimate things by the price they cost If any thing we enjoy were purchased with the life of our dearest friend how highly should we value it Nay if a Dying Friend deliver us but a token of his Love how carefully do we preserve it and still remember him when we behold it as if his own name were written on it And will not then the Death and Blood of our Lord everlastingly sweeten our possessed Glory Methinks England should value the plenty of the Gospel with their Peace and Freedom at a higher rate when they remember what it hath cost How much precious blood How many of the Lives of Gods worthies and our most dear friends besides all other cost Methinks when I am with freedom preaching or hearing or living I see my dying friends before mine eyes whose blood was sh●d for this and look the more respectively on them yet living whose frequent dangers did procure it Oh then when we are rejoycing in Glory how shall we think of the blood that revived our Souls and how shall we look upon him whose sufferings did put that Joy into our hearts How carefully preserve we those prizes which with greatest hazard we gained from the enemy Goliahs sword must be kept as a Trophie and layd up behinde the Ephod and in a time of need David says There 's none to that Surely when
we do divide the spoil and partake of the prize which our Lord so dearly won we shall say indeed There 's none to that How dear was Jonathans Love to David which was testified by stripping himself of the Robe that was upon him and giving it David and his garments even to his sword and to his bow and to his girdle and also by saving him from his fathers wrath How dear for ever will the Love of Christ be then to us who stripped himself as it were of his Majesty and Glory and put our man Garment of flesh upon him that he might put the Robes of his own Righteousness and Glory upon us and saved us not from cruel injustice but from his Fathers deserved wrath Well then Christians as you use to do in your Books and on your Goods to write down the price they cost you so do on your Righteousness and on your Glory write down the price The Precious Blood of Christ Yet understand this rightly Not that this highest Glory was in strictest proper sense purchased or that it was the most immediate Effect of Christs death We must take heed that we conceive not of God as a Tyrant who so delighteth in cruelty as to exchange mercies for stripes or to give a Crown on condition he may torment men God was never so pleased with the sufferings of the Innocent much lesse of his Sonne as to sell his mercy properly for their sufferings Fury dwelleth not in him nor doth he willingly correct the sons of men nor take pleasure in the death of him that dieth But the sufferings of Christ were primarily and immediatly to satisfie the justice that required blood and to bear what was due to the sinner and to receive the blow that should have fallen upon him so to restore him to the life he lost and the happiness he fell from But this dignity which surpasseth the first is as it were from the redundancy of his merit or a secondary fruit of his death The work of his Redemption so well pleased the Father that he gave him power to advance his chosen to a higher dignity then they fell from and to give them the glory which was given to himself and all this according to his counsell and the good pleasure of his own will SECT II. 2. THe Second Pearl in the Saints Diadem is that It 's Free This seemeth as Pharoahs second Kine to devour the former and as the Angell to Balaam To meet it with a drawne sword of a full opposition But the seeming discord is but a pleasing diversity composed into that harmony which constitutes the Melody These two Attributes Purchased and Free are the two chaines of Gold which by their pleasant twisting doe make up that wreath for the heads of the Pillars in the Temple of God It was deare to Christ but free to us When Christ was to buy silver and gold was nothing worth Prayers and Tears could not suffice nor any thing below his Blood But when we come to buy the price is fallen to just nothing Our buying is but receiving we have it freely without money and without price Nor doe the Gospell-conditions make it lesse Free or the Covenant tenor before mentioned contradict any of this If the Gospell-conditions had been such as are the Laws or payment of the debt required at our hands the freeness then were more questionable Yea if God had said to us Sinners if you will satisfie my Justice but for one of your sins I will forgive you all the rest it would have been a hard condition on our part and the Grace of the Covenant not so Free as our disability doth necessarily require But if all the Condition be our cordiall acceptation surely we deserve not the name of Purchasers Thankfull accepting of a free acquittance is no paying of the Debt If life be offered to a condemned man upon condition that he shall not refuse the offer I think the favour is never the lesse free Nay though the condition were that he should begge and wait before he have his pardon and take him for his Lord who hath thus redeemed him All this is no satisfying of the justice of the Law Especially when the condition is also given as it is by God to all his chosen surely then here 's all free If the Father freely give the Son and the Son freely pay the debt and if God do freely accept that way of payment when he might have required it of the principall and if both Father and Sonne do freely offer us the purchased life upon those fair conditions and if they also freely send the Spirit to inable us to perform those conditions then what is here that is not free Is not every Stone that builds this Temple Free-Stone Oh the everlasting admiration that must needs surprize the Saints to think of this Freenesse What did the Lord see in me that he should judge me meet for such a State That I who was but a poor disea●ed despised wretch should be clad in the brightnesse of this Glory That I a silly creeping breathing worm should be advanced to this high dignity That I who was but lately groaning weeping dying should now be as full of joy as my heart can hold Yea should be taken from the grave where I was rotting and stinking and from the dust and darkness where I seemed forgotten and here set before his Throne that I should be taken with Mordecai from captivity to be set next unto the King and with Daniel from the Den to be made ruler of Princes and Provinces and with Saul from seeking Asses to be advanced to a Kingdom Oh who can fathom unmeasurable Love Indeed if the proud hearted selfe-ignorant selfe-admiring sinners should be thus advanced who think none so fit for preferment as themselves perhaps instead of admiring free Love they would with those unhappy Angels be discontented yet with their estate But when the selfe-denying selfe-accusing humble soule who thought himselfe unworthy the ground he trod on and the aire he breathed in unworthy to eat drink or live when he shall be taken vp into this Glory He who durst ●carce come among or speak to the imperfect Saints on earth because he was unworthy he who durst scarce hear or scarce read the Scripture or scarce pray and call God Father o● scarce receive the Sacraments of his Covenant and all because he was unworthy For this soul to finde it self rapt up into heaven and closed in the armes of Christ even in a moment Do but think with your selves what the transporting astonishing admiration of such a soule will be He that durst not lift up his eyes to heaven but stood a farre off smiting on his brest and crying Lord be mercifull to me a sinner now to be lift up to heaven himself He who was wont to write his name in Bradfords stile The unthank●full the hard-hearted the unworthy sinner And was wont to
admire that patience could bear so long and justice suffer him to live Sure he will admire at this alteration when he shall finde by experience that unworthinesse could not hind●r his salvation which he thought would have bereaved him of every mercy Ah Christian There 's no talk of our worthiness nor unwornesse If worthiness were our condition for admittance we might sit down with S. John and weep because none in heaven or earth is found worthy But the Lion of the tribe of Judah is worthy and hath prevailed by that title must we hold the inheritance We shal offer there the offering that David refused even praise for that which cost us nothing Here our Commission runs Freely ye have received Freely give But Christ hath dearly received yet Freely gives The master heals us of our leprosie freely but Gehazi who had no finger in the cure will surely run after us and take somthing of us and falsly pretend it is his masters pleasure The Pope and his servants will be paid for their Pardons and Indulgencies But Christ will take nothing for his The fees of the Prelats Courts were large and our Cōmutation of Penance must cost our purses dear or else we must be cast out of the Synagogue and soul and body delivered up to the Devil But none are shut out of that Church for want of money nor is poverty any eye-sore to Christ An empty heart may bar them out but an empty purse cannot His Kingdom of Grace hath ever been more consistent with despised poverty then wealth and honour and riches occasion the difficulty of entrance far more then want can do For that which is highly esteemed among men is despised with God And so is it also The poor of the world rich in faith whom God hath chosen to be heires of that Kingdom which he hath prepared for them that love him I know the true labourer is worthy of his hire And they that serve at the Altar should live upon the Altar And it is not fit to muzzle the Ox that treadeth out the corne And I know it is either hellish malice or penurious baseness or ignorance of the weight of their work and burthen that makes their maintenance so generally Incompetent and their very livelihood and subsistance so envied and grudged at and that it 's a meer plot of the Prince of darkness for the diversion of their thoughts that they must be studying how to get bread for their own and childrens mouths when they should be preparing the bread of life for their peoples souls But yet let me desire the right aiming Ministers of Christ to consider what is expedient as well as what is lawfull and that the saving of one soul is better then a thousand pound a year and our gain though due is a cursed gain which is a stumbling block to our peoples souls Let us make the Free-Gospell as little burthensome and chargeable as is possible I had rather never take their Tythes while I live then by them to destroy the souls for whom Christ dyed and though God hath ordained that they which preach the Gospell should live of the Gospell yet I had rather suffer all things then hinder the Gospell and it were better for me to dye then that any man should make this my glorying voyd Though the well-leading Elders be worthy of double honour especially the laborious in the word and doctrine yet if the necessity of Souls and the promoting of the Gospel should require it I had rather preach the Gospell in hunger and ragges then rigidly contend for what 's my due And if I should do so yet have I not whereof to Glory for necessity is laid upon me yea wo be to me if I preach not the Gospell though I never received any thing from men How unbeseeming the messengers of this Free-Grace and Kingdom is it rather to lose the hearts and souls of their people then to lose a groat of their due And rather to exasperate them against the message of God then to forbear somewhat of their right And to contend with them at law for the wages of the Gospell And to make the glad-tidings to their yet carnall hearts seem to be sad tidings because of this burthen This is not the way of Christ and his Apostles nor according to the self denying yeelding suffering Doctrine which they taught Away with all those actions that are against the main end of our studies and calling which is to win souls and fie upon that gain which hinders the gaining of men to Christ. I know flesh will here object necessities and distrust will not want arguments but we who have enough to answer to the diffidence of our people let us take home some of our answers to our selves and teach our selves first before we teach them How many have you known that God suffered to starve in his Vineyard But this is our exceeding consolation That though we may pay for our Bibles and Books and Sermons and it may be pay for our free●dom to enjoy and use them yet as we paid nothing for Gods eternal Love and nothing for the Son of his Love and nothing for his Spirit and our grace and faith and nothing for our pardon so we shal pay nothing for our eternal Rest. We may pay for the bread and wine but we shal not pay for the body and blood nor for the great things of the Covenant which it seals unto us And indeed we have a valuable price to give for those but for these we have none at all Yet this is not all If it were only for nothing and without our merit the wonder were great but it is moreover against our merit and against our long endeavoring of our own ruine Oh the broken heart that hath known the desert of sin doth both understand and feel what I say What an astonishing thought it will be to think of the unmeasurable difference between our deservings and our receivings between the state we should have been in and the state we are in To look down upon Hell and see the vast difference that free-grace hath made betwixt us and them to see the inheritance there which we were born to so different from that which we are adopted to Oh what pangs of love will it cause within us to think yonder was my native right my deserved portion those should have been my hideous cries my doleful groans my easless pains my endless torment Those unquenchable flames I should have layen in that never dying worm should have fed upon me yonder was the place that sin would have brought me to but this is it that Christ hath bought me to Yonder death was the wages of my sin but this Eternal life is the Gift of God through Jesus Christ my Lord. Did not I neglect Grace and make light of the offers of Life and sleight my Redeemers Blood a long time as well as yonder suffering
of Life and the naked to be cloathed from above for the children to come to their Fathers house and the dis-joyned members to be conjoyned with their Head me thinks this should be seldom unseasonable When the Atheistical world began to insult and question the Truth of Scripture promises and ask us Where is now your God where is your long lookt for glory where is the promise of your Lords coming O how seasonable then to convince these unbelievers to silence these scoffers to comfort the dejected waiting believer will the appearing of our Lord be we are oft grudging now that we have not a great share of comforts that our deliverances are not more speedy and eminent that the world prospers more then we that our prayers are not presently answered not considering that our portion is kept to a fitter season that these are not always Winter fruits but when Summer comes we shall have our Harvest We grudg that we do not finde a Canaan in the VVilderness or cities of Rest in Noahs Ark and the songs of Sion in a strange Land that we have not a harbor in the main Ocean or finde not our home in the middle way and are not crowned in the midst of the fight have not our Rest in the heat of the day and have not our inheritance before we are at age and have not Heaven before we leave the Earth and would not all this be very unreasonable I confess in regard of the Churches service the removing of the Saints may sometimes appear to us unseasonable therefore doth God use it as a Judgment and therefore the Church hath ever prayed hard before they would part with them and greatly laid to heart their loss Therefore are the great mournings at the Saint departures and the sad hearts that accompany them to their graves but this is not especially for the departed but for themselves and their children as Christ bid the weeping women Therefore also it is that the Saints in danger of death have oft begged for their lives with that Argument What profit is there in my blood when I go down to the Pit Psal. 30.9 Wilt thou shew wonders to the dead shall the dead arise and praise thee shall thy loving kindness be declared in the grave or thy faithfulness in destruction shall thy wonders be known in the dark and thy righteousness in the land of forgetfulness Psal. 88.10 for in death there is no remembrance of thee in the grave who shall give thee thanks Psal. 6.5 And this was it that brought Paul to a streight because he knew it was better for the church that he should remain here I must confess it is one of my saddest thoughts to reckon up the useful instruments when God hath lately called out of his Vineyard when the Loyterers are many and the Harvest great and very many Congregations desolate and the people as sheep without shepherds and yet the laborers called from their work especially when a door of Liberty and opportunity is open we cannot but lament so sore a judgment and think the removal in regard of the Church unseasonable I know I speak but your own thoughts and you are too ready to over-run me in application I fear you are too sensible of what I speak and therefore am loath to stir in your sore I perceive you in the posture of the Ephesian Elders and had rather abate the violence of your passions our applications are quicker about our sufferings then our sins and we will quicklier say This loss is mine then This fault is mine But O consider my dear friends hath God any need of such a worme as I cannot he a 1000 wayes supply your wants you know when your case was worse and yet he provided Hath he work to do and will he not finde instruments And though you see not for the present where they should be had they are never the further off for that Where was the world before the creation and where was the promised seed when Isaac lay on the Altar Where was the Land of Promise when Israels burden was increased or when all the old stock save only two were consumed in the Wilderness Where was Davids Kingdom when he was hunted in the Wilderness or the Glory of Christs Kingdom when he was in the Grave or when he first sent his 12. Apostles How suddenly did the number of Labourers encrease immediately upon the Reformation by Luther and how soon were the rooms of those filled up whom the rage of the papists had sacrificed in the flames Have you not lately seen so many difficulties overcome and so many improbable works accomplished that might silence unbelief one would think for ever But if all this do not quiet you for sorrow and discontent are unruly passions yet at least remember this suppose the worst you fear should happen yet shall it be well with all the Saints your own turnes will shortly come and we shall all be hous'd with Christ together where you will want your Ministers and friends no more And for the poor world which is left behind whose unregenerate state causeth your grief why consider shall man pretend to be more merciful then God Hath not he more interest then we both in the Church and in the world and more bowels of compassion to commiserate their distress There is a season for Judgment as well as for mercy and if he will have the most of men to perish for their sin and to suffer the eternal tormenting flames must we question his goodness or manifest our dislike of the severity of his judgments I confess we cannot but bleed over our desolate congregations and that it ill beseems us to make light of Gods indignation but yet we should as Aaron when his sons were slain hold our peace and be silent because it is the Lords doing And say as David If I and his people shall finde favor in the eyes of the Lord he will bring me again and shew me them and his Habitation But if he thus say I have no delight in thee behold here am I let him do with me as seemeth good unto him I conclude then that whatsoever it is to those that are left behinde yet the Saints departure to themselves is usually seasonable I say usually because I know that a very Saint may have a death in some respect unseasonable though it do translate him into this Rest. He may dye in Judgment as good Josiah he may die for his sin For the abuse of the Sacrament many were weak and sickly and many fallen asleep even of those who were thus Judged and chastened by God that they might not be condemned with the world He may die by the hand of publike Justice or die in a way of publike scandal He may die in a weak degree of grace and consequently have a less degree of glory He may die in smaller improvements of his talents and so be Ruler but
of few Cities The best Wheat may be cut down before its ripe Therefore it is promised to the Righteous as a blessing that they shall be brought as a shock of Corn into the Barn in season Nay it s possible he may die by his own hands Though some Divines think such Doctrine not fit to be taught least it encourage the tempted to commit the same sin but God hath left preservatives enough against sin without our devising more of our own neither hath he need of our lie in his glory He hath fixed that principle so deep in Nature that all should endeavor their own preservation that I never knew any whose understanding was not crazed or lost much subject to that sin even most of the Melancholly are more fearful to die then other men And this terror is preservative enough of that kinde That such committing of a hainous known Sin is a sad sign where there is the free use of Reason That therefore they make their Salvation more questionable That they die most woful scandals to the Church That however the sin it self should make the godly to abhor it were there no such danger or scandal attending it c. But to exclude from salvation of all those poor creatures who in Feavers Phrensies Madness Melancholly c. shall commit this sin is a way of prevention which Scripture teacheth not and too uncomfortable to the friends of the deceased The common argument which they urge drawn from the necessity of a particular repentance for every particular known sin as it is not universally true so were it granted it would exclude from salvation all men breathing For there was never any man save Christ who died not in some particular sin either of Commission or Omission great or small which he hath no more time to repent of then the sinner in Question But yet this may well be called untimely death But in the ordinary course of Gods dealings you may easily observe that he purposely maketh his peoples last hour in this life to be of all other to the flesh most bitter and in the Spirit most sweet and that they who feared death through the most of their lives yet at last are more willing of it then ever and all to make their Rest more seasonable Bread and drink are alway good but at such a time as Samarias siege to have plenty of food in stead of Doves dung in one nights space or in such a thirst as Ishmaels or Sampsons to have supply of water by miracle in a moment these are seasonable So this Rest is always good to the Saints and usually also is most seasonable Rest. SECT VII SEventhly A further excellency of this Rest is this As it will be a seasonable so a suitable Rest Suited 1. To the Natures 2. To the desires 3. To the necessities of the Saints 1. To their Natures If sutableness concur not with excellency the best things may be bad to us For it is that which makes things good in themselves to be good to us In our choice of friends we oft pass by the more excellent to chuse the more suitable Every good agrees not with every nature To live in a free and open air under the warming Rayes of the Sun is excellent to man because suitable But the flesh which is of another nature doth rather chuse another element and that which is to us so excellent would quickly be to it destructive The choicest dainties which we feed upon our selves would be to our Beast as an unpleasing so an insufficient sustenance The Iron which the Ostrich well digests would be but hard food for man Even among men contrary appetites delight in contrary objects You know the Proverb One mans meat is another mans poyson Now here is suitableness and excellency conjoyned The new nature of the Saints doth suit their Spirits to this Rest And indeed their holiness is nothing else but a sparke taken from this Element and by the Spirit of Christ kindled in their hearts the flame whereof as mindful of its own Divine original doth ever mount the soul aloft and tend to the place from whence it comes It worketh towards its own Center and makes us Restless till there we Rest. Gold and earthly Glory temporal Crowns and Kingdoms could not make a rest for Saints As they were not Redeemed with so low a price so neither are they indued with so low a nature These might be a portion for lower spirits and fit those whose natures they suit with but so they cannot a Saint-like nature As God will have from them a Spiritual VVorship suitable to his own Spiritual Being so will he provide them a spiritual Rest suitable to his peoples spiritual nature As Spirits have not fleshly substances so neither delight they in fleshly pleasures These are too gross and vile for them When carnal persons think of Heaven their conceivings of it are also carnal and their notions answerable to their own natures And were it possible for such to enjoy it it would sure be their trouble and not their Rest because so contrary to their dispositions A Heaven of good-fellowship of wine and wantonness of gluttony and all voluptuousness would far better please them as being more agreeing to their natures But a heaven of the knowledg of God and his Christ a delightful complacency in that mutual love an everlasting rejoycing in the fruition of our God a perpetual singing of his high praises this is a heaven for a Saint a spiritual Rest suitable to a spiritual nature Then dear friends we shall live in our own element We are now as the fish in some small vessel of water that hath only so much as will keep him alive but what is that to the full Ocean we have a little Air let in to us to afford us breathing but what is that to the sweet and fresh gales upon Mount Sion we have a beam of the Sun to lighten our darkness and a warm Ray to keep us from freezing but then we shall live in its light and be revived by its heat for ever O blessed be that hand which fetcht a coal and kindled a fire in our dead hearts from that same Altar where we must offer our Sacrifice everlastingly To be lockt up in Gold and in Pearl would be but a wealthy starving to have our Tables with Plate and ornament richly furnished without meat is but to be richly famished to be lifted up with humane applause is but a very airy felicity to be advanced to the Soveraignty of all the Earth would be but to wear a Crown of Thorns to be filled with the knowledg of Arts and Sciences would be but to further the conviction of our unhappiness But to have a nature like God his very Image holy as he is holy and to have God himself to be our happiness how well do these agree Whether that in 2 Pet. 1.4 be meant as is
And seldom doth a Minister live to see the ripeness of his people but one soweth and planteth another watereth and a third reapeth and receiveth the increase Yet were all this Duty delightful had we but a due proportion of strength But to informe the old ignorant sinner to convince the stubborne and worldly wise to perswade a wilful resolved wretch to prick a stony heart to the quick to make a rock to weep and tremble to set forth Christ according to our necessity and his Excellency to comfort the soul whom God dejecteth to clear up dark and difficult Truths to oppose with convincing Arguments all gainsayers to credit the Gospel with exemplary Conversations when multitudes do but watch for our halting O who is sufficient for these things So that every Relation State Age hath variety of Duty Every conscientious Christian cryes out O the burden or O my weakness that makes it so burdensom But our remaining Rest will ease us of the burden Then will that be sound Doctrine which now is false that the Law hath no more to do with us that it becomes not a Christian to beg for pardon seeing all his sins are perfectly pardoned already that we need not fast nor mourn nor weep nor repent and that a sorrowful Countenance beseems not a Christian Then will all these become Truths SECT XVIII 10. ANd lastly we shall Rest from all those sad affections which necessarily accompany our absence from God The trouble that is mixt in our desires and hopes our longings and waitings shall then cease We shall no more look into our Cabinet and miss our Treasure look into our hearts and miss our Christ nor no more seek him from Ordinance to Ordinance and enquire for our God of those we meet our heart will not lie in our knee nor our souls be breathed out in our requests but all concluded in a most full and blessed Fruition But because this with the former are touched before I will say no more of them now So you have seen what we shall Rest from SECT XIX NInthly The ninth and last Jewel in our Crown and blessed Attribute of this Rest is That it is an Eternal Rest. This is the Crown of our Crown without which all were comparatively little or nothing The very thought of once leaving it would else imbitter all our joys and the more would it peirce us because of the singular excellencies which we must forsake It would be a Hell in Heaven to think of once loosing Heaven As it would be a kinde of Heaven to the damned had they but hopes of once escaping Mortality is the disgrace of all sublunary delights It makes our present life of little value were it not for the reference it hath to God and Eternity to think that we must shortly lay it down How can we take delight in any thing when we remember how short that delight would be That the sweetness of our Cups and Morsels is dead as soon as they are once but pa●● our taste Indeed if man were as the beast that knows not his suffering or death till he feel it and little thinks when the knife is whetting that it is making ready to cut his throat then might we be merry till death forbids us and enjoy our delights till they shall forsake us But alas we know both good and evil and evil foreknown is in part endured And thus our knowledg encreaseth our sorrows Eccles. 1.18 How can it chuse but spoil our pleasure while we see it dying in our hands how can I be as merry as the jovial World had I not mine eye fixed upon eternity when methinks I foresee my dying hour my friends waiting for my last gasp and closing mine eyes while tears forbid to close their own Methinks I hear them say He is dead Methinks I see my Coffin made my Grave in digging and my Friends there leaving me in the dust And where now is that we took delight in O but methinks I see at the same view that Grave opening and my dead revived Body rising Methinks I hear that blessed voyce Arise and live and die no more Surely were it not for eternity I should think man a silly piece and all his life and honor but contemptible I should call him with David A vain shadow and with the Prophet Nothing and less then nothing and altogether lighter then vanity it self It utterly disgraceth the greatest glory in mine eyes if you can but truly call it Mortal I can value nothing that shall have an end except as it leads to that which hath no end or as it comes from that love which neither hath beginning nor end I speak this of my deliberate thoughts And if some ignorant or forgetful soul have no such sad thoughts to disturb his pleasure I confess he may be merrier for the present But where is his mirth when he lieth dying Alas it s a poor happiness that consists onely in the Ignorance or Forgetfulness of approaching misery But O blessed eternity where our lives are perplexed with no such thoughts nor our joys interrupted with any such fears where we shall be pillars in Gods Temple and go out no more O what do I say when I talk of Eternity Can my shallow thoughts at all conceive what that most high expression doth contain To be eternally blessed and so blessed Why surely this if any thing is the resemblance of God Eternity is a piece of Infiniteness Then O death where is thy sting O grave where is thy victory Days and Nights and Yeers Time and End and Death are words which there have no signification nor are used except perhaps to extol eternity as the mention of Hell to extol Heaven No more use of our Calendars or Chronology All the yeers of our Lord and the yeers of our lives are lost and swallowed up in this Eternity While we were servants we held by lease and that but for the term of a transitory life but the Son abideth in the House for ever Our first and earthly Paradise in Eden had a way out but none that ever we could finde in again But this eternal paradise hath a way in a milky way to us but a bloody way to Christ but no way out again For they that would pass from hence to you saith Abraham cannot A strange phrase would any pass from such a place if they might Could they endure to be absent from God again one hour No but upon supposal that they would yet they could not O then my soul let go thy dreams of present pleasures And loose thy hold of Earth and Flesh. Fear not to enter that estate where thou shalt ever after cease thy Fears Sit down and sadly once a day bethink thy self of this Eternity Among all thine Arithmetical numbers study the value of this infinite Cypher which though it stand for nothing in the vulgar account doth yet contain all our Millions
the sinner now enter into a cordial Covenant with Christ. As the preceptive part is called the Covenant ●o he might be under the Covenant before as also under the offers of a Covenant on Gods part But he was never strictly nor comfortably in Covenant with Christ till now He is sure by the free offers that Christ doth consent and now doth he cordially consent himself and so the Agreement is fully made and it was never a match indeed till now 6. With this Covenant concurs a mutual delivery Christ delivereth himself in all comfortable Relations to the sinner and the sinner delivereth up himself to be saved and ruled by Christ. This which I call the delivering of Christ is His act in and by the Gospel without any change in himself The change is onely in the sinner to whom the conditional promises become equivalent to Absolute when they perform the conditions Now doth the soul resolvedly conclude I have been blindly led by flesh and lust and the world and devil too long already almost to my utter destruction I will now be wholly at the dispose of my Lord who hath bought me with his blood and will bring me to his glory 7. And lastly I adde That the believer doth herein persevere to the end Though he may commit sins yet he never disclaimeth his Lord renounceth his Allegiance nor recalleth nor repenteth of his Covenant nor can he properly be said to break that Covenant while that Faith continues which is the condition of it Indeed those that have verbally Covenanted and not cordially may yet tread under foot the blood of the Covenant as an unholy thing wherewith they were sanctified by separation from those without the Church But the elect cannot be so deceived Though this perseverance be certain to true believers yet is it made a condition of their Salvation yea of their continued life and fruitfulness and of the continuance of their Justification though not of their first Justification it self But eternally blessed be that hand of Love which hath drawn the free promise and subscribed and sealed to that which ascertains us both of the Grace which is the condition and the Kingdom on that condition offered SECT VI. ANd thus you have a naked enumeration of the Essentials of this People of God Not a full pourtraiture of them in all their excellencies nor all the notes whereby they may be discerned which were both beyond my present purpose And though it will be part of the following Application to put you upon tryal yet because the Description is now before your eyes and these evidencing works are fresh in your memory it will not be unseasonable nor unprofitable for you to take an account of your own estates and to view your selves exactly in this glass before you pass on any further And I beseech thee Reader as thou hast the hope of a Christian yea or the reason of a man to deal throughly and search carefully and judg thy self as one that must shortly be judged by the righteous God and faithfully answer to these few Questions which I shall here propound I will not enquire whether thou remember the time or the order of these workings of the spirit There may be much uncertainly and mistake in that But I desire thee to look into thy Soul and see whether thou finde such works wrought within thee and then if thou be sure they are there the matter is not so great though thou know not when or how thou camest by them And first hast thou been throughly convinced of an universal depravation through thy whole soul and an universal wickedness through thy whole life and how vile a thing this sin is and that by the tenor of that Covenant which thou hast transgressed the least sin deserves eternal death dost thou consent to this Law that it is true and righteous Hast thou perceived thy self sentenced to this death by it and been convinced of thy natural undone condition Hast thou further seen the utter insufficiency of every Creature either to be it self thy happiness or the means of curing this thy misery and thee happy again in God Hast thou been convinced that thy happiness is only in God as the end And only in Christ as the way to him and the end also as he is one with the Father and perceived that thou must be brought to God by Christ or perish eternally Hast thou seen hereupon an absolute necessity of thy enjoying Christ And the full sufficiency that is in him to do for thee whatsoever thy case requireth by reason of the fulness of his satisfaction the greatness of his power and dignity of his person and the freeness and indefiniteness of his promises Hast thou discovered the excellency of this pearl to be worth thy selling all to buy it Hath all this been joyned with some sensibility As the convictions of a man that thirsteth of the worth of drink and not been only a change in opinion produced by reading or education as a bare notion in the understanding Hath it proceeded to an abhorring that sin I mean in the bent and prevailing inclination of thy will though the flesh do attempt to reconcile thee to it Have both thy sin and misery been a burden to thy soul and if thou couldest not weep yet couldest thou heartily groan under the insupportable weight of both Hast thou renounced all thine own Righteousness Hast thou turned thy Idols out of thy heart So that the Creature hath no more the soveraignty but is now a servant to God and to Christ Dost thou accept of Christ as thy only Saviour and expect thy Justification Recovery and glory from him alone Dost thou take him also for Lord and King and are his Laws the most powerful commanders of thy life and soul Do they ordinarily prevail against the commands of the flesh of Satan of the greatest on earth that shall countermand and against the greatest interest of thy credit profit pleasure or life So that thy conscience is directly subject to Christ alone Hath he the highest room in thy heart and affections So that though thou canst not love him as thou wouldest yet nothing else is loved so much Hast thou made a hearty Covenant to this end with him And delivered up thy self accordingly to him and takest thy self for His and not thine own Is it thy utmost care and watchful endeavor that thou maist be found faithful in this Covenant and though thou fall into sin yet wouldst not renounce thy bargain nor change thy Lord nor give up thy self to any other government for all the world If this be truly thy case thou art one of these People of God which my Text speaks of And as sure as the Promise of God is true this Blessed Rest remaines for thee Only see thou abide in Christ and continue to the end For if any draw back his soul will have no pleasure in them But if all this be
us which is un●evealed in the Word and that to be doubtful which is darkly ●evealed Then the Contentions of the Church about the Myste●ies of the Divine Decrees the nature of Internal Grace and way ●nd maner of the Spirits working c. will be more calmly managed Two things have set fire on the Church and been the plagues of it his thousand yeers and more First Englarging our Creed and making more Fundamentals ●hen God hath done Master Parker and Ludovicus Crocius have fully proved That the Creed for a long time contained no more ●hen Christs words in Matth. 28. do teach To beleeve in the Father Son and Holy Ghost and no more were they baptized ●nto Secondly Delivering our Creeds and Confessions in our own Humane phrase When men have learned more maners and humility then to ac●use the Language of God as too general and obscure and have more dread of God and compassion on themselves then to make those Fundamentals which God never made so And when they reduce their Creed and Confessions first To their due extent or length secondly And to Scripture phrase and take this onely for a Touchstone of the Orthodox then and not tell then shall the Church have peace about Doctrinals If my judgment much fail not It seems to me no hainous Socinian motion which is so cryed out against of Chillingworths making viz. That every man subscribe to the whole Scripture as Gods Word with a promise to do his best for the right understanding of it No doubt many a Heretick would so subscribe and lurk under a false interpretation and so he may do also by their Humane Canons But I forget my self in thus digressing Reader As thou lovest thy Comforts thy Faith thy Hope thy Safety thine Innocency thy Soul thy Christ thine Everlasting Rest Love Read Study Stick close to Scriptures Farewel Jan. 18. 1649. THE SAINTS Everlasting REST. PART II. CHAP. I. SECT I. WE are next to proceed to the confirmation of this Truth which though it may seem needless in regard of its own clearness and certainty yet in regard of our distance and infidelity nothing more necessary But you will say To whom will this endeavour be usefull They who believe the Scriptures are convinced already and for those who believe it not how will you convince them Answ. But sad experience tels us that those tha● believe do believe but in part and therefore have need of further confirmation and doubtless God hath left us Arguments sufficient to convince unbelievers themselves or else how should we preach to Pagans Or what should we say to the greatest part of the world that acknowledg not the Scriptures Doubtless the Gospel should be preacht to them and though we have not the gift of miracles to convince them of the truth as the Apostles had yet we have arguments demonstrative and clear or else our preaching to them would be vain we having nothing left but bare affirmations Though I have all along confirmed sufficiently by testimony of Scripture what I have said yet I will here briefly add thus much more That the Scripture doth clearly assert this Truth in these six wayes 1. It affirms That this Rest is fore-ordained for the Saints and the Saints also fore-ordained to it Heb. 11.16 God is not ashamed to be called their God for he hath prepared for them a City 1 Cor. 2.9 Eye hath not seen nor ear heard nor heart conceived what God hath prepared for them that love him which I conceive must be meant of these preparations in heaven for those on earth are both seen and conceived or else how are they enjoyed Mat. 20.23 To sit on Christs right and left hand in his Kingdom shall be given to them for whom it is prepared And themselves are called Vessels of mercy before prepared unto glory Rom 9.23 And in Christ we have obtained the inheritance being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after to the counsel of his own will Ephes. 1.11 And whom he thus predestinateth them he glorifieth Rom. 8.30 For he hath from the beginning chosen them to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth 2 Thes. 2.13 And though the intentions of the vnwise and weak may be frustrated and without counsel purposes are disappointed Prov. 15.22 yet the thoughts of the Lord shall surely come to passe and as he hath purposed it shall stand The Counsel of the Lord standeth for ever and the thoughts of his heart to all generations Therefore blessed are they whose God is the Lord and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance Psal. 33.11 12. Who can bereave his people of that Rest which is designed them by Gods eternall purpose SECT II. SEcondly the Scripture tels us that this Rest is Purchased as well as Purposed for them or that they are redeemed to this Rest. In what sense this may be said to be purchased by Christ I have shewed before viz. Not as the immediate work of his sufferings which was the payment of our debt by satisfying the Law but as a more remote though most excellent fruit even the effect of that power which by his death he procured to himself He himself for the suffering of death was crowned with glory yet did he not properly die for himself nor was that the direct effect of his death Some of those Teachers who are gone forth of late do tell us as a piece of their new discoveries that Christ never purchased Life and Salvation for us but purchased us to Life and Salvation Not understanding that they affirm and deny the same thing in severall expressions What difference is there betwixt buying liberty to the prisoner and buying the prisoner to liberty betwixt buying life to a condemned malefactor and buying him to life Or betwixt purchasing Reconciliation to an enemy and purchasing an enemy to Reconciliation But in this last they have found a difference and tell us that God never was at enmity with man but man only at enmity with God and therefore need not be reconciled Directly contrary to Scripture which tels us that God hateth all the workers of iniquity and that he is their enemy And though there be no change in God nor any thing properly called Hatred yet it sufficeth that there is a change in the sinners relation and that there is something in God which cannot better be expressed or conceived then by these termes of enmity and hatred And the enmity of the Law against a sinner may well be called the enmity of God However this differenceth betwixt enmity in God and enmity in us but not betwixt the sense of the forementioned expressions So that whether you will call it purchasing life for us or purchasing us to life the sense is the same viz. By satisfying the Law and removing impediments to procure us Title to and Possession of this Life It is
of it for to add or diminish the least title that they thought it deserved eternall damnation And I refer it to any man of reason whether so many thousands of men through the world could possibly venture upon eternal torment as well as upon temporal death and all this to deceive others by depraving the Laws which they look to be judged by or the History of those Miracles which were the grounds of their Faith Is not the contrary somewhat more then probable 15. Furthermore The Histories of the Enemies do frequently mention that these Scriptures have been still maintained to the flames Though they revile the Christians yet they report this their attestation which proves the constant succession thereof and the faithful delivery of Christianity and its Records to us It would be but labour in vain to heap up here the several reports of Pagan Historians of the numbers of Christians their obstinacy in their Religion their Calamities and Torments 16. These Records and their Attestations are yet visible over the world and that in such a form as cannot possibly be counterfeit Is it not enough to put me out of doubt whether Homer ever wrote his Iliads or Demosthenes his Orations or Virgil and Ovi● their several Works or Aristotle his Volums of so many the Sciences when I see and read these Books yet extant and when I finde them such that I think can hardly now be counterfeited no nor imitated but if they could who would have been at that excessive pains as to have spent his life in compiling such Books that he might deceive the world and make men believe they were the Works of Aristotle Ovid c. would not any man rather have taken the honor to himself so here the case is alike Yea these Scriptures though they have less of Arts and Sciences yet are incomparably more difficult to have been counterfeited then the other I mean before the first Copies were drawn I would here stand to shew the utter impossibility of any mans forging these VVritings but that I intend to make up in a peculiar Argument 17. VVhether any Enemy hath with weight of Argument confuted the Christian Cause VVhether when they have undertaken it it hath not been onely an arguing the improbability or assigning the Miracles to other causes or an opposing the Doctrine delivered by the Christians rather then these miraculous actions in question I leave those to judg who have read their VVritings Yea whether their common Arguments have not been Fire and Sword 18. It is an easie matter yet to prove that the enemies of Scripture have been incompetent VVitnesses First Being men that were not present or had not the opportunity to be so well acquainted with the Actions of Christ of the Prophets and Apostles as themselves and others that do attest them Secondly Being men of apparent malice and possessed with much prejudice against the persons and things which they oppose This I might easily and fully prove if I could stand upon it Thirdly They had all worldly advantages attending their Cause which they were all to lose with life it self if they had appeared for Christ. Fourthly They were generally men of no great Conscience nor Moral Honesty and most of them of most sensual and vitious conversation This appears by their own Writings both Doctrinal and Historical What sensual Interpretations of the Law did the very strict Sect of the Pharisees make What fleshly Laws have the followers of Mahomet VVhat Vices did the Laws of the Heathens tolerate Yea what foul errors are in the Ethicks of their most rigid Moralists And you may be sure that their lives were far worse then their Laws And indeed their own Histories do acknowledg as much To save me the labor of mentioning them Read Dr. Hackwels Apology on that Subject Sure such men are incompetent Witnesses in any cause between man and man and would so be judged at any impartial Judicature And indeed how is it possible that they should be much better when they have no Laws that teach them either what true Happiness is or what is the way and means to attain it Fifthly Besides all this their Testimony was onely of the Negative and that in such cases as it could not be valid 19. Consider also that all the Adversaries of these Miracles and Relations could not with all their Arguments or violence hinder thousands from believing them in the very time and Countrey where they were done but that they who did behold them did generally assent at least to the matter of Fact So that we may say with Austin Either they were Miracles or not If they were why do you not believe If they were not behold the greatest Miracle of all that so many thousands even of the beholders should be so blinde as to believe things that never were especially in those very times when it was the easiest matter in the world to have disproved such falshoods If there should go a Report now of a man at London That should raise the Dead cure the Blinde the Deaf the Sick the Possessed feed thousands with five Loaves c. And that a multitude of his Followers should do the like and that a great many times over and over and that in the several parts of the Land in the presence of Crouds and thousands of people I pray you judg whether it were not the easiest matter in the world to disprove this if it were false And whether if were possible that whole Countries and Cities should believe it Nay whether the easiness and certainty of disproving it would not bring them all into extreamest contempt Two things will be here objected First That then the Adversaries not believing will be as strong against it as the Disciples believing is for it Answer Read what is said before of the Adversaries incompetency and it may satisfie to this Secondly And consider also that the generality of the Adversaries did believe the matter of Fact which is all that we are now enquiring after The recitall here of those multitudes of Testimonies that might be produced from Antiquity is a work that my streight time doth prohibit but is done by others far more able Onely that well known passage in Josephus I will here set down In the time of Tiberias there was one Jesus a wife man at least if he was to be called a man who was a worker of great Miracles and a teacher of such who love the truth and had many as well Jews as Gentiles who clave unto him This was Christ. And when Pilate upon his being accused by the chief men of our Nation had sentenced him to be crucified yet did not they who had first loved him forsake him For he appeared to them the third day alive again according to what the Prophets Divinely inspired had foretold concerning him as they had done an innumerable number of very strange things besides And even to this day both the name and sort of persons
be gluttonous no more nor oppress the innocent nor grind the poor nor devour the houses and estates of their brethren nor be revenged on their enemies nor persecute and destroy the members of Christ All these and many more actual sins will then be laid aside But this is not from any renewing of their natures they have the same dispositions still and fain they would commit the same sins if they could they want but opportunity they are now tied up it is part of their torment to be denied these their pleasures No thanks to them that they sin not as much as ever Their hearts are as bad though their actions are restrained Nay it is a great question whether those remainders of good which were left in their natures on earth as their common honesty and morall vertues be not all taken from them in Hell according to that From him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath This is the judgment of Divines generally But because it is questionable and much may be said against it I will let that pass But certainly they shall have none of the Glorious perfection of the Saints either in soul or body There will be a greater difference between these wretches and the glorified Christian then there is betwixt a Toad under a sill and the Sun in the Firmament The rich mans purple robes and delicious fare did not so exalt him above Lazarus at his door in scabs nor make the difference between them so wide as it is now made on the contrary in their vast separation SECT IV. SEcondly But the great loss of the damned will be their loss of God they shall have no comfortable relation to him Nor any of the Saints communion with him As they did not like to retain God in knowledg but did him Depart from us we desire not the knowledg of thy wayes So God will abhor to retain them in his houshold or to give them entertainment in his Fellowship and Glory He will never admit them to the inheritance of his Saints nor endure them to stand amongst them in his presence but bid them Depart from me ye workers of iniquity I know you not Now these men dare belye the Lord if not blaspheme in calling him by the title of Their Father How boldly and con●idently do they daily approach him with their lips and indeed reproach him in their formall prayers with that appellation Our Father As if God would Father the Divels children or as if the slighters of Christ the pleasers of the flesh the friends of the world the haters of godliness or any that trade in sin and delight in iniquity were the Off-spring of Heaven They are ready now in the height of their presumption to lay as confident claim to Christ and heaven as if they were sincere believing Saints The Swearer the Drunkard the Whoremaster the Worldling can scornfully say to the People of God What is not God our Father as well as yours Doth he not love us as well as you Will he save none but a few holy Precisians O but when that time is come when the case must be decided and Christ will separate his followers from his foes and his faithfull friends from his deceived flatterers where then will be their presumptuous claim to Christ Then they shall finde that God is not their Father but their resolved foe because they would not be his people but were resolved in their negligence and wickedness Then though they had preached or wrought miracles in his name he wil not know them And though they were his Brethren or sisters after the flesh yet will he not own them but reject them as his enemies And even those that did eat and drink in his presence on earth shall be cast out of his heavenly presence for ever And those that in his name did cast out Divels shall yet at his command be cast out to those Divels and endure the torments prepared for them And as they would not consent that God should by his Spirit dwell in them so shall not these evil doers dwell with him the Tabernacles of wickedness shall have no fellowship with him nor the wicked inhabit the City of God For without are the Dogs the Sorcerers Whoremongers Murderers Idolaters and whatsoever loveth and maketh a lye For God knoweth the way of the righous but the way of the wicked leads to perishing God is first enjoyed in part on earth before he be fully enjoyed in Heaven It is only they that walked with him here who shall live and be happy with him there O little doth the world now know what a loss that soul hath who loseth God! VVhat were the world but a dungeon if it had lost the Sun What were the body but a loathsome carrion if it had lost the soul Yet all these are nothing to the loss of God even the little taste of the fruition of God which the Saints enjoy in this life is dearer to them then all the world As the world when they feed upon their forbidden pleasures may cry out with the sons of the Prophets There 's death in the pot So when the Saints do but taste of the favor of God they cry out with David In his favour is life Nay though life be naturally most dear to all men yet they that have tasted and tryed do say with David his loving kindness is better then life So that as the enjoyment of God is the heaven of the Saints so the loss of God is the hell of the ungodly And as the enjoying of God is the enjoying of all So the loss of God is the loss of All. SECT V. THirdly Moreover as they lose God so they lose all those spiritual delightful Affections and Actions by which the Blessed do feed on God That transporting knowledg those ravishing views of his Glorious Face The unconceivable pleasure of loving God The apprehensions of his infinite Love to us The constant joys which his Saints are taken up with and the Rivers of consolation wherewith he doth satisfie them Is it nothing to lose all this The employment of a King in ruling a kingdome doth not so far exceed the imployment of the vilest scullion or slave as this Heavenly imployment exceedeth his These wretches had no delight in Praising God on earth their recreations and pleasures were of another nature and now when the Saints are singing his prayses and imployed in magnifying the Lord of Saints then shall the ungodly be denyed this happiness and have an imployment suitable to their natures and deserts Their hearts were full of Hell upon earth in stead of God and his Love and Fear and Graces there was Pride and self-love and lust and unbelief And therefore Hell must now entertain those Hearts which formerly entertained so much of it Their Houses on Earth were the resemblances of Hell in stead of worshipping God and calling upon
possessions that thou art willing to have them tryed and fearfull of being deceived that they stir up they desires of enjoying what thou hopest for and the deferring thereof is the trouble of thy heart Prov. 13.12 If thou be sure that thy hopes be such as these God forbid that I should speak a word against them or discourage thee from proceeding to hope thus to the end No I rather perswade thee to go on in the strength of the Lord and what ever men or devils or thy own unbelieving heart shall say against it go on and hold fast thy hope and be sure it shall never make thee ashamed But if thy hope be not of this spiritual nature and if thou art able to give no better reason why thou hopest then the worst in the world may give That God is mercifull and thou must speed as well as thou canst or the like and hast not one sound evidence of a saving work of grace upon thy soul to shew for thy hopes but only hopest that thou shalt be saved because thou wouldest have it so and because it is a terrible thing to despaire If this be thy case delay not an hour but presently cast away those hopes that thou mayest get into a capacity of having better in their stead But it may be thou wilt think this strange doctrine and say VVhat would you perswade me directly to despaire Answ. Sinner I would be loath to have thy soul destroyed by wilful self-delusion The truth is There is a hope such as I have before shewed thee of which is a singular grace and duty and there is a hope which is a notorious dangerous sin So consequentely there is a despaire which is a grievous sin and there is a despaire which is absolutely necessary to thy salvation I would not have thee despaire of the suffi●ciency of the blood of Christ to save thee if thou believe and heartily obey him Nor of the willingness of God to pardon and save thee if thou be such a one Nor yet absolutely of thy own salvation because while there is life and time there is some hope of thy conversion and so of thy salvation Nor would I draw thee to despaire of finding Christ if thou do but heartily seek him Or of Gods acceptance of any sincere endeavors nor of thy successe against Satan or any corruption which thou shalt heartily oppose nor of any thing whatsoever God hath promised to do either to all men in generall or to such as thou art I would not have thee doubt of any of these in the least measure much less despaire But this is the despaire that I would perswade thee to as thou lovest thy soul That thou despaire of ever being saved except thou be born again or of seeing God without Holiness or of escaping perishing except thou soundly Repent Or of ever having part in Christ or salvation by him or ever being one of his true Disciples except thou love him above Father mother or thy own life Or of ever having a Treasure in Heaven except thy very heart be there Or of ever scaping eternal death if thou walk after the flesh and dost not by the spirit mortify the deeds of the flesh or of ever truly loving God or being his servant while thou lovest the world and servest it These things I would have thee despair of and what ever else God hath told thee shall never come to passe And when thou hast sadly searched into thy own heart and findest thy self in any of these cases I would have thee despair thy self of ever being saved in that state thou art in Never stick at the sadness of the conclusion man but acknowledg plainly If I die before I get out of this estate I am lost for ever It is as good deal truly with thy self as not God will not flatter thee he will deal plainly whether thou do or not The very truth is This kinde of despair is one of the first steps to Heaven Consider if a man be quite out of his way what must be the first means to bring him in again Why a despair of ever coming to his journies end in the way that he is in If his home be Eastward and he be going Westward as long as he hopes he is the right he will go on and as long as he so goes on hoping he goes further amiss Therefore when he meets with some body who assures him that he is clean out of his way and brings him to despair of coming home except he turn back again then he will return and then he may hope and spare not Why sinner Just so it is with thy soul Thou art born out of the way to Heaven and in that way thou hast proceeded many a yeer Yet thou goest on quietly and hopest to be saved because thou art not so bad as many others Why I tell thee except thou be brought to throw away those hopes and see that thou hast all this while been quite out of the way to Heaven and hast been a childe of wrath and a servant of Satan unpardoned unsanctified and if thou hadst dyed in this state hadst been certainly damned I say till thou be brought to this thou wilt never return and be saved Who will turn out of his way while he hopes he is right And let me once again tell thee that if ever God mean good to thy soul and intend to save thee this is one of the first things he will work upon thee Remember what I say till thou feel God convincing thee that the way which thou hast lived in will not serve the turn and so breaking down thy former hopes there is yet no saving work wrought upon thee how well soever thou mayest hope of thy self Yea this much more If any thing keep thy soul out of Heaven which God forbid there is nothing in the world liker to do it then thy false hopes of being saved while thou art out of the way to salvation Why else is it that God cryes down such hopes in his word Why is it that every faithful skilful Minister doth bend all his strength against the false faith and hope of sinners as if he were to fight against neither small nor great but this prince of iniquity Why alas they know that these are the main pillars of Satans Kingdom Bring down but them two and the house will fall They know also the deceit and vanity of such hopes that they are directly contrary to the Truth of God and what a sad case that soul is in who hath no other hope but that Gods word will prove false when the truth of God is the only ground of true hope Alas it is no pleasure to a Minister to speak to people on such an unwelcome subject no more then it is to a pitifull Physitian to tell his patient I do despair of your life except you let blood or there is no hope of the cure except the gangren'd
and drinking marrying and giving in marriage till the day that Noah entered into the Ark and knew not till the Flood came and took them all away So will the coming of Christ be and so will the coming of their particular judgment be For saith the Apostle when they say peace and safety then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travel upon a woman with childe and they shall not escape 1 Thes. 5.3 O cruel Peace which ends in such a War Reader If this be thy own case if thou hast no other peace in thy Conscience then this ungrounded self-created peace I could heartily wish for thy own sake that thou wouldst cast it off As I would not have any humble gratious soul to vex their own consciences needlesly nor to disquiet and discompose their spirits by troubles of their own making nor to unfit themselves for duty nor interrupt their comfortable communion with God nor to weaken their bodies or cast themselves into Melancholy distempers to the scandal of Religion so would I not have a miserable wretch who lives in daily and hourly danger of dropping into Hell to be as merry and as quiet as if all were well with him It is both unseemly and unsafe more unseemly then to see a man go laughing to the Gallows and more unsafe then to favor the Gangren'd member which must be cut off or to be making merry when the enemy is entring our Habitations Mens first peace is usually a false peace it is a second peace which is brought into the soul upon the casting out of the first which will stand good and yet not alway that neither for where the change is by the halves the second or third peace may be unsound as well as the first as many a man that casteth away the peace of his Prophaness doth take up the peace of meer Civility and morality or if he yet discover the unsoundness of that and is cast into trouble then he healeth all with outward Religiousness or with a half Christianity and there he taketh up with peace This is but driving Satan out of one room into another but till he be cast out of possession the peace is unsound Hear what Christ saith Luke 11.21.22 When a strong man armed keepeth his palace his goods are in peace but when a stronger then he shall come upon him and overcome him he taketh from him all his Armour wherein he trusted and devideth his spoils The soul of every man by nature is Satans Garrison all is at peace in such a man till Christ comes when Christ storms this heart he breaks the peace he giveth it most terrible Alarms of Judgment and Hell he battereth it with the Ordnance of his Threatnings and Terrors he sets all in a combustion of Fear and Sorrow till he have forced it to yield to his meer mercy and take him for the Governor and Satan is cast out and then doth he establish a firm and lasting Peace If therefore thou art yet but in that first peace and thy heart was never yet either taken by storm or delivered up freely to Jesus Christ never think that thy peace will indure Can the soul have peace which is at enmity with Christ or stands out against him or thinks his Government too severe and his Conditions hard Can he have peace against whom God proclaimeth war I may say to thee as Jehu to Joram when he asked Is it peace What peace while the whordoms of thy mother Jezabel remain So thou art desirous to hear nothing from the mouth of a Minister but peace but what peace can there be till thou hast cast away thy wickedness and thy first peace and made thy peace with God through Christ Wilt thou believe God himself in this Case Why read then what he saith twice over Isai. 48.22 and 57.21 There is no peace saith my God to the wicked And hath he said it and shall it not stand Sinner Though thou maist now harden and fortifie thy heart against Fear and Grief and Trouble yet as true as God is true they will batter down thy proud and fortified spirit and seize upon it and drive thee to amazement This will be done either here or hereafter My counsel therefore to thee is that thou presently examine the grounds of thy peace and say I am now at ease and quiet in my minde but is it grounded and will it be lasting Is the danger of eternal Judgment over Am I sure my sins are pardoned and my soul shall be saved If not alas what cause of peace I may be in hell before the next day for ought I know Certainly a man that stands upon the Pinacle of a Steeple or that sleeps on the top of the main Mast or that is in the heat of the most bloody fight hath more cause of peace and carelesness then thou Why thou livest under the wrath of God continually thou art already sentenced to eternal death and maist every hour expect the execution till thou have sued out a pardon through Christ. I can shew thee a hundred threatnings in Scripture which are yet in force against thee but canst thou shew me one Promise for thy safety an hour What assurance hast thou when thou goest forth of thy doors that thou shalt ever come in again I should wonder but that I know the desperate hardness of the heart of man how a man that is not sure of his peace with God could eat or drink or sleep or live in peace That thou art not afraid when thou liest down lest thou shouldst awake in hell or when thou risest up lest thou shouldest be in hell before night or when thou sittest in thy house that thou still fearest not the approach of death or some fearful Judgment seizing upon thee and that the threats and sentence are not alwayes sounding in thy ears Well if thou were the nearest friend that I have in the world in this case that thou art in I could wish thee no greater good then that God would break in upon thy careless heart and shake thee out of thy false peace and cast thee into trouble that when thou feelest thy heart at ease thou wouldest remember thy misery that when thou art pleasing thy self with thy estate or business or labours thou wouldest still remember the approaching wo that thou wouldest cry out in the midst of thy pleasant discourse and merry company O how neer is the great and dreadful change that what ever thou art doing God would make thee read thy sentence as if it were still written before thine eyes and which way soever thou goest he would still meet thee full in the face with the sense of his wrath as the Angel did Balaam with a drawn sword till he had made thee cast away thy groundless peace and lye down at the feet of Christ whom thou hast resisted and say Lord what wouldest thou have me to do and so receive from him a surer and better peace
be indeed the Justice of God The everlasting flames of Hell will not be thought too hot for the Rebellious and when they have there burned through millions of Ages he will not repent him of the evil which is befaln them O wo to the soul that is thus set up for a Butt for the wrath of the Almighty to shoot at and for a Bush that must burn in the flames of his Jealousie and never be consumed SECT III. 3. THe torments of the damned must needs be extream because they are the effect of Divine Revenge Wrath is terrible but Revenge is implacable When the great God shall say I will now be righted for all the wrongs that I have born from rebellious creatures I will let out my wrath and it shall be staied no more you shall now pay for all the abuse of my Patience Remember now how I waited your leasure in vain how I stooped to perswade you how I as it were kneeled to intreate you did you think I would alwayes be slighted by such miscreants as you O who can look up when God shall thus plead with them in the heat of Revenge Then will he be revenged for ever mercy abused for his creatures consumed in luxury and excess for every hours time mispent for the neglect of his word for the vilifying of his messengers for the hating of his people for the prophanation of his ordinances and neglect of his worship for the breaking of his Sabbaths and the grieving of his Spirit for the taking of his Name in vain for unmerciful neglect of his servants in distress O the numberless bils that will be brought in And the charge that will overcharge the soul of the sinner And how hotly Revenge will pursue them all to the highest How God will stand over them with the rod in his hand not the rod of fatherly chastisement but that Iron rod wherewith he bruiseth the rebellious and lay it on for all their neglects of Christ and grace O that men would foresee this And not put themselves under the hammer of revenging fury when they may have the treasure of happiness at so easie rates And please God better in preventing their woe SECT IIII. SECT IIII. 4. COnsider also how this Justice and Revenge will be the delight of the Almighty Though he had rather men would stoop to Christ and accept of his mercy yet when they persist in rebellion he will take pleasure in their execution Though he desire not the death of him that dyeth but rather that he repent and live yet when he will not repent and live God doth desire and delight in the execution of Justice conditionally so that men will repent he desires not their death but their life Ezek 33.11 yet if they repent not in the same place he uttereth his resolution for their death vers 8.13 He tels us Isai. 27.4 That fury is not in him yet he addeth in the next words Who would set the bryers and thorns against me in battel I would go through them I would burn them together What a doleful case is the wretched creature in when he shall thus set the heart of his Creator against him and he that made him will not save him and he that formed him will not have mercy upon him Isai. 27.11 How heavy a threatning is that in Deut. 28.63 As the Lord Rejoyced over you to do you good so the Lord will Rejoyce over you to destroy you and to bring you to nought Wo to the soul which God Rejoyceth to punish Yea he tels the simple ones that love simplicity and the scorners that delight in scorning and the fools that hate knowledg That because he called and they refused he stretched out his hand and no man regarded but set at nought all his counsel and would none of his reproof therefore he will also laugh at their calamity and mock when their fear cometh when their fear cometh as desolation and their destruction as a whirlwind when distress and anguish cometh upon them Then shall they call upon him but he will not answer they shall seek him early but shall not finde him for that they hated knowledg and did not choose the fear of the Lord Prov. 1.22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29. I would intreat thee who readest this if thou be one of that sort of men that thou wilt but view over seriously that part of the Chapter Prov. 1. from the 20. verse to the end and believe them to be the true words of Christ by his Spirit in Solomon Is it not a terrible thing to a wretched soul when it shall lie roaring perpetually in the flames of Hell and the God of mercy himself shall laugh at them When they shall cry out for mercy yea for one drop of water and God shall mock them in stead of relieving them When none in Heaven or earth can help them but God he shall rejoyce over them in their calamity why you see these are the very words of God himself in Scripture And most just is it that they who laughed at the Sermon and mocked at the Preacher and derided the people that obeyed the Gospel should be laughed at and derided by God Ah poor ignorant Fools for so this Text cals them they will then have mocking enough till their heart ake with it I dare warrant them them for ever making a jeast of Godliness more or making themselves merry with their own slanderous reports It is themselves then that must be the woful objects of derision and that of God himself who would have crowned them with glory I know when the Scripture speaks of Gods laughing and mocking it is not to be understood literally but after the maner of men but this may suffice us that it will be such an act of God to the tormenting of the sinner which vve cannot more fitly conceive or express under any other notion or name then these SECT V. 5. COnsider who shall be Gods Executioners of their Torment and that is First Satan Secondly Themselves First He that was here so successful in drawing them from Christ will then be the Instrument of their punishment for yielding to his temptations It was a pittiful sight to see the man possessed that was bound with chains and lived among the Tombs and that other that would be cast into the fire and into the water but alas that was nothing to the torment that Satan puts them to in Hel That is the reward he wil give them for all their service for their rejecting the commands of God and forsaking Christ and neglecting their souls at his perswasion Ah if they had served Christ as faithfully as they did Satan and had forsaken all for the love of him he would have given them a better reward Secondly and it is most just also that they should there be their own tormentors that they may see that their whole destruction is of themselves and they
tittle SECT VIII 8. BUt the great aggravation of this misery will be its Eternity That when a thousand millions of ages are past their Torments are as fresh to begin as the first day If there were any hope of an end it would ease them to foresee it but when it must be for ever that thought is intollerable much more will the misery it self be so They were never weary of sinning nor ever would have been if they had lived eternally upon earth And now God will not be weary of plaguing them They never heartily repented of their sin and God will never repent him of their sufferings They broke the Lawes of the eternal God and therefore shall suffer eternal punishment They knew it was an Everlasting Kingdom which they refused when it was offered them and therefore what wonder if they be everlastingly shut out of it It was their immortall souls that were guilty of the trespass and therefore must immortally suffer the pains O now what happy men would they think themselves if they might have layen still in their graves or continued dust or suffered no worse then the gnawing of those worms O that they might but there lye down again What a mercy now would it be to dye And how will they call and cry out for it O death whither art thou now gone Now come and cut off th●s doleful life O that these pains would break my heart and end my being O that I might once at last dye O that I had never had a beeing These groanes will the thoughts of Eternity wring from their hearts They were wont to think the Sermon long and prayer long how long then will they think these Endless torments What difference is there betwixt the length of their pleasures and of their paines The one continued but a moment but the other endureth through all eternity O that sinners would lay this thought to heart Remember how Time is almost gone Thou art standing all this while at the door of Eternity and death is waiting to open the door and put thee in Go sleep out yet but a few more nights and stir up and down on earth a few more dayes and then thy nights and dayes shall end thy thoughts and cares and pleasure sand all shall be devoured by eternity thou must enter upon that state which shall never be changed As the Joyes of Heaven are beyond our conceiving so also are the pains of Hell Everlasting Torment is unconceivable Torment SECT IX BUt I know if it be a sensuall unbeliever that readeth all this he will cast it by with disdain and say I will never believe that God will thus Torment his Creatures What to delight in their torture And that for everlasting And all for the faults of a short time It is incredible How can this stand with the infiniteness of his mercy I would not thus Torment the worst enemy that I have in the world and yet my mercifulness is nothing to Gods These are but threats to awe men I will not believe them Answ. Wilt thou not believe I do not wonder if thou be loath to believe so terrible tidings to thy soul as these are which if they were believed and apprehended indeed according to their weight would set thee a trembling and roaring in the anguish of horror day and night And I do as little wonder that the Devil who ruleth thee should be loath if he can hinder it to suffer thee to believe it For if thou didst believe it thou wouldest spare no cost or pains to escape it But go to If thou wilt read on either thou shalt believe it before thou stirrest or prove thy self an Infidel or Pagan Tell me then Dost thou believe Scripture to be the word of God If thou do not thou art no more a Christian then thy horse is or then a Turk is For what ground have we besides Scripture to believe that Jesus Christ did come into the world or dye for man If thou believe not these I have nothing here to do with thee but refer thee to the second part of this book where I have proved Scripture to be the word of God But if thou do believe this to be so and yet dost not believe that the same Scripture is true thou art far worse then either Infidel or Pagan For the vilest Pagans durst hardly charge their Idol Gods to be lyars And darest thou give the lye to the God of Heaven And accuse him of speaking that which shall not come to pass and that in such absolute threats and plain expressions But if thou darest not stand to this but dost believe Scripture both to be the word of God and to be true then I shall presently convince thee of the truth of these eternall Torments Wilt thou believe if a Prophet should tell it thee Why read it then in the greatest Prophets Moses David and Isaiah Deut. 32.22 Psal. 11.6 9 17. Isai. 30.33 Or wilt thou believe one that was more then a Prophet Why hear then what John Baptist saith Mat. 3.10 Luk. 3.17 Or wilt thou believe if an Apostle should tell thee Why hear what one saith Jud. 7.13 where he cals it the vengeance of eternall fire and the blackness of darness for ever Or what if thou have it from an Apostle that had been rapt up in Revelations into the third Heaven and seen things unutterable Wilt thou believe then Why take it then from Paul 2 Thess. 1.7 8 9. The Lord Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven with his mighty Angels in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power And 2 Thess. 2.12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness So Rom. 2.5 6 7 8 9 10. Or wilt thou believe it from the beloved Apostle who was so taken up in Revelations and saw it as it were in his visions Why see then Rev. 20.10 15. They are said there to be cast into the lake of fire and tormented day and night for ever So Rev. 21.8 So 2 Pet. 2.17 Or wilt thou believe it from the mouth of Christ himself the judg Why reade it then Mat. 7.19 13.40 41 42 49 50. As therefore the Tares are gathered and burnt in the fire so shall it be in the end of this world the Son of man shall send forth his Angels and they shall gather out of his Kingdom all things that offend and them which do iniquity and shall cast them into a furnace of fire there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth c. So Mat. 18.8 9. So Mark 9.43 44 46 48. Where he repeateth it three times over Where their worm never dyeth and their fire is not quenched And Mat. 25.41 46. Then shall he say to
them on the left hand Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels For I was c. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment and the righteous into life eternal What sayest thou now to all this Wilt thou not yet believe If thou wilt not believe Christ I know not whom thou wilt believe and therefore it is in vain to perswade thee any further Only let me tell thee the time is at hand when thou wilt easily believe and that without any preaching or arguing when thou seest the great and terrible day and hearest the condemning sentence past and art thy self thrust down to Hell as Luk. 10.15 then thou shalt believe and never doubt again And do not say but thou wast told so much Surely he that so much disswades thee from believing doth yet believe and tremble himself Jam. 2.19 And whereas thou thinkest that God is more merciful why sure he knowes best his own mercifulness His mercy will not cross his Truth Cannot God be infinite in mercy except he save the wilful and rebellious Is a judg unmerciful for condemning malefactors Mercy and Justice have their several objects Thousands of humble believing obedient souls shall know to their eternall comfort that God is merciful though the refusers of his grace shall lye under Justice God will then force thy conscience to confess in Hell that God who condemned thee was yet merciful to thee Was it no mercy to be made a reasonable creature And to have Patience endure thy many yeers provocations and wait upon thee from Sermon to Sermon desiring and intreating thy repentance and return Was it no mercy to have the Son of God with all his blood and merits freely offered thee if thou wouldest but have accepted him to govern and to save thee Nay when thou hadst neglected and refused Christ once twice yea a hundred times that God should yet follow thee with invitations from day to day And shalt thou wilfully refuse mercy to the last hour and then cry out that God will not be so unmercifull as to condemn thee Thy conscience will smite thee for this madness and tell thee that God was merciful in all this though such as thou do perish for your wilfulness Yea the sense of the greatness of his mercy will then be a great part of thy torment And whereas thou thinkest the pain to be greater then the offence that is because thou art not a competent Judg Thou knowest what pain is but thou knowest not the thousand part of the evil of sin shall not the righteous Judg of the world do justly Nay it is no more then thou didst chuse thy self Did not God set before thee Life and Death and tell thee If thou wouldest accept of the Government of Christ and renounce thy Lusts that then thou shouldest have eternal Life And if thou wouldest not have Christ but the World or Flesh to rule over thee thou shouldest then endure eternal torments Did not he offer thee thy choice and bid thee take which of these thou wouldest yea and intreat thee to chuse aright And dost thou now cry out of Severity when thou hast but the consequents of thy wilful choice But it is not thy accusing God of cruelty that shall serve thy turn in stead of procuring thy escape or the mitigation of thy torments it will but make thy burthen the more heavy And whereas thou saist that thou wouldest not so torment thy own enemy I Answ. There is no Reason that thou shouldest For is it all one to offend a crawling Worm of the earth and to offend the eternal glorious God Thou hast no absolute dominion over thine enemy and there may be some fault in thy self as well as in him but with God and us the case is contrary Yet thou makest nothing of killing a Flea if it do but bite thee yea a hundred of them though they did not touch thee and yet never accusest thy self of cruelty Yea thou wilt torment thy Ox all his life time with toilsome labor and kill him at the last though he never deserved ill of thee nor disobeyed thee though thou hast over him but the borrowed authority of a superiour fellow creature and not the soveraign power of the absolute Creator Yea How commonly dost thou take away the lives of Birds and Beasts and Fishes Many times a great many of lives must be taken away to make for thee but one meal How many deaths then have been suffered in obedience to thy will from thy first Age to thy last hour and all this without any desert of the creature And must it yet seem cruelty that the Soveraign Creator who is ten thousand times more above thee then thou art above a Flea or a Toad should execute his Justice upon such a contemner of his Authority But I have given you some Reasons of this before SECT X. BUt methinks I perceive the obstinate sinner desperately resolving If I must be damned there is no remedy rather then I will live so precisely as the Scripture requireth I will put it to the venture I shall scape as well as the rest of my neighbours and as the most of the world and we will even bear it as well as we can Answ. Alas poor creature would thou didst but know what it is that thou dost so boldly venture on I dare say thou wouldest sleep this night but very unquietly Wilt thou leave thy self no room for Hope Art thou such a malicious implacable enemy to Christ and thy own soul And dost thou think indeed that thou canst bear the wrath of God and go away so easily with these eternal Torments Yet let me beg this of thee that before thou dost so flatly resolve thou wouldest lend me thine attention to these few Questions which I shall put to thee and weigh them with the reason of a man and if then thou think thou canst bear these pains I shall give thee over and say no more 1. Who art thou that thou shouldest bear the wrath of God Art thou a God or art thou a man what is thy strength to undergo so much Is it not as the strength of Wax or Stubble to resist the Fire or as Chaffe to the Winde or as the Dust before the fierce Whirlwinde Was he not as stout a man as thy self who cryed to God Job 13.25 Wilt thou break a leaf driven to and fro and wilt thou pursue the dry stubble and he that confesseth I am a worm and no man Psal 22.6 If thy strength were as iron and thy bones as brass thou couldest not bear If thy foundation were as the Earth and thy power as the Heavens yet shouldest thou perish at the breath of his Indignation How much more when thou art but a little piece of warm creeping breathing Clay kept a few days from stinking and from being eaten with Worms by the meer support and favor of him whom thou thus resistest
received it with Joy Mat. 13.20 and have heard the Preacher gladly and done many things after him shall yet perish Mark 6.20 It is time for us to look about us and take heed of loytering When they that seek God dayly and delight to know his ways and ask of him the Ordinances of Justice and take Delight in approaching to God and that in fasting and afflicting their Souls Isai. 58.2 3. are yet shut out with Hypocrites and Unbeleevers When they that have been enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift and of the good Word of God and of the Powers of the World to come and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost may yet fall away beyond recovery and crucifie to themselves the Son of God afresh Heb. 6.4 5 6. When they that have received the knowledg of the Truth and were sanctified by the blood of the Covenant may yet sin wilfully and tread under-foot the Son of God and do despite to the Spirit of Grace till there is nothing left him but the fearful expectation of Judgment and fire that shall devour the adversaries Heb. 10.26 27 28 29. Should not this rouze us out of our laziness and security How far hath many a man followed Christ and yet forsaken him when it comes to selling of all to bearing the Cross to burning at a stake or to the renouncing of all his worldly Interests and Hopes What a deal of pains hath many a man taken for Heaven that never did obtain it How many Prayers Sermons Fasts Alms good desires confessions sorrow and tears for sin c. have all been lost and faln short of the Kingdom Methinks this should affright us out of our sluggishness and make us strive to out-strip the highest Formalists SECT XXI 20. COnsider God hath resolved That Heaven shall not be had on easier terms He hath not onely commanded it as a duty but hath tyed our Salvation to the performance of it Rest must always follow Labor He that hath ordained in his Church on Earth That he that will not Labor shall not Eat hath also decreed concerning the Everlasting Inheritance That he that Strives not shall not Enter They must now lay up a Treasure in Heaven if they will finde it there Mat. 6.19 20. They must seek First the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness Matth. 6.33 They must not Labor for the food which perisheth but for that food which endureth to Everlasting Life Joh. 6.27 Some think that it is good to be Holy but yet not of such absolute necessity but that a man may be saved without it But God hath determined on the contrary That without it no man shall see his face Heb. 12.14 Seriousness is the very thing wherein consisteth our Sincerity If thou art not Serious thou art not a Christian. It is not onely a high degree in Christianity but of the very life and essence of it As Fencers upon a Stage who have all the skill at their weapons and do eminently and industriously act their parts but do not seriously intend the death of each other do differ from Souldiers or Combatants who fight in good sadness for their lives Just so do Hypocrites differ from serious Christians If men could be saved without this Serious Diligence they would never regard it All the excellencies of Gods ways would never entice them But when God hath resolved That if you will have your ease here you shall have none hereafter is it not wisdom then to bestir our selves to the utmost SECT XXII ANd thus Reader I dare confidently say I have shewed thee sufficient Reason against thy sloathfulness and negligence if thou be not a man resolved to shut thine eyes and to destroy thy self wilfully in despite of Reason Yet lest all this should not prevail I will add somewhat more if it be possible to perswade thee to be Serious in thy Endeavors for Heaven 1. Consider God is in Good earnest with you and why then should not you be so with him In his Commands he means as he speaks and will verily require your real Obedience In his Threatenings he is Serious and will make them all good against the Rebellious In his Promises he is Serious and will fulfil them to the Obedient even to the least tittle In his Judgments he is Serious as he will make his Enemies know to their terror Was not God in good earnest when he drowned the World When he consumed Sodom and Gomorrah When he scattered the Jews Hath he not been in good sadness with us lately in England and Ireland and Germany And very shortly will he lay hold on his Enemies particularly man by man and make them know that he is in good earnest Especially when it comes to the great reckoning day And is it time then for us to dally with God 2. Jesus Christ was Serious in Purchasing our Redemption He was Serious in Teaching when he neglected his meat and drink Joh. 4.32 He was Serious in Praying when he continued all night at it Luk. 6.12 He was Serious in Doing good when his kindred came and layd hands on him thinking he had been beside himself Mark 3.20 21. He was Serious in Suffering when he fasted fourty days was tempted betrayed spit on buffeted crowned with thorns sweat water and blood was crucified pierced dyed There was no Jesting in all this And should not we be Serious in seeking our own Salvation 3. The Holy Ghost is Serious in soliciting us for our Happiness His Motions are frequent and pressing and importunate He striveth with our hearts Gen. 6.3 He is grieved when we resist him Ephes. 4.30 And should not we then be Serious in obeying his Motions and yeelding to his Suite 4. God is Serious in hearing our Prayers and delivering us from our dangers and removing our troubles and bestowing his Mercies When we are afflicted he is afflicted with us Isai. 63.9 He regardeth every groan and sigh He putteth every tear into his bottle He condoleth their misery when he is forced to chastise them How shall I give thee up O Ephraim saith the Lord How shall I make thee as Admah and as Zeboim my heart is turned within me my repentings are kindled together Hos. 11.8 He heareth even the rebellious oft-times when they call upon him in their misery when they cry to him in their trouble he delivereth them out of their distress Psa. 78.37 38. Psa. 107.10 11 12 13 19 28. Yea the next time thou art in trouble thou wilt beg for a serious regard of thy prayers and grant of thy desires And shall we be so sleight in the work of God when we expect he should be so regardful of us Shall we have real Mercies down●weight and shall we return such superficial and frothy service 5. Consider The Ministers of Christ are Serious in Instructing and Exhorting you and why should not you be as Serious in obeying their Instructions They are Serious in Study Serious in Prayer
Serious in perswading your Souls to the Obedience of Christ They beg of God they beg of you they hope they wait and long more for the Conversion and Salvation of your Souls then they do for any worldly good You are their boasting their Crown and Joy 1 Thess. 2.19 20. Your stedfastness in Christ they value as their lives 1 Thess. 3.8 They are content to be offered up in the service of your Faith Phil. 2.17 If they kill themselves with Study and Preaching or if they suffer Martyrdom for preaching the Gospel they think their lives are well bestowed so that their preaching do but prevail for the saving of your Souls And shall other men be so painful and careful for your Salvation and should you be so careless and negligent of your own Is it not a Serious Charge that is given to Ministers in 2 Tim. 4.1 And a Serious Pattern that is given them in Act. 20.20 31. Surely no man can be bound to be more Serious and Painful for the welfare of another then he is bound to be for himself 6. How Serious and Diligent are all the Creatures in their Service to thee What haste makes the Sun to compass the World and how truly doth it return at its appointed hour So do the Moon and other Planets The Springs are always flowing for thy use The Rivers still running The Spring and Harvest keep their times How hard doth thy Ox labor for thee from day to day How painfully and speedily doth thy Horse bear thee in travel And shall all these be laborious and thou onely negligent Shall they all be so Serious in serving thee and yet thou be so sleightly in thy Service to God 7. Consider The Servants of the World and the Devil are Serious and Diligent They ply their work continually with unweariedness and delight as if they could never do enough They make haste and march furiously as if they were afraid of coming to Hell too late They bear down Ministers and Sermons and Counsel and all before them And shal they do more for the Devil then thou wilt do for God Or be more diligent for Damnation then thou wilt be for Salvation Hast not thou a better Master and sweeter Employment and greater Encouragements and a better Reward 8. The time was when thou wast Serious thy self in thy Service to Satan and the Flesh if it be not so yet Dost thou not remember how eagerly thou didst follow thy Sports or how violently thou wast addicted to customs or evil company or sinful delights or how earnestly thou wast bent after thy profits or rising in the world And wilt thou not now be more earnest and violent for God What profit hadst thou then in those things whereof thou art now ashamed for the end of those things is Death But now being made free from sin and become the servants of God ye have your fruit unto holiness and the End everlasting Life Rom. 6.21 22. 9. You are yet to this day in good earnest about the matters of this life If you are sick what Serious Groans and Complaints do you utter All the Town shall quickly know it if your pain be great If you are poor how hard do you labor for your living lest your Wife and Children should starve or famish If one fall down in a swoun in the house or street or in the Congregation how seriously will you run to relieve and recover them And is not the business of your Salvation of far greater moment Are you not poor and should you not then be laborers Are you not in fight for your lives and is it time to sleep Are you not in a race and is not the prize the Crown of Glory and should you then sit still or take your ease 10. There is no Jesting in Heaven nor in Hell The Saints have a Real Happiness and the Damned a Real Misery The Saints are Serious and high in their Joy and Praise and the Damned are Serious and deep in their Sorrow and Complaints There are no remiss or sleepy Praises in Heaven nor any remiss or sleepy Lamentations in Hell All men there are in good sadness And should we not then be Serious now Reader I dare promise thee the thoughts of these things will shortly be Serious thoughts with thy self When thou comest to Death or Judgment Oh what deep heart-piercing thoughts wilt thou have of Eternity Methinks I fore-see thee already astonished to think how thou couldst possibly make so light of these things Methinks I even hear thee crying out of thy stupidity and madness SECT XXIII ANd now Reader having laid thee down these undeniable Arguments I do here in the name of God demand thy Resolution What sayst thou Wilt thou yeeld obedience or not I am confident thy Conscience is convinced of thy Duty Darest thou now go on in thy common careless course against the plain Evidence of Reason and Commands of God and against the light of thy own Conscience Darest thou live as loosely and sin as boldly and pray as seldom and as coldly as before Darest thou now as carnally spend the Sabbath and slubber over the Service of God as sleightily and think of thine Everlasting state as carelesly as before Or dost thou not rather resolve to gird up the loins of thy minde and to set thy self wholy about the work of thy Salvation and to do it with all thy strength and might and to break over all the oppositions of the world and to sleight all their scorns and persecutions to cast off the weight that hangeth on thee and the sin that doth so easily beset thee and to run with patience and speed the race that is before thee I hope these are thy full Resolutions if thou be well in thy wits I am sure they are Yet because I know the strange obstinacy and Rockiness of the heart of man and because I would fain drive this nail to the head and leave these perswasions fastened in thy heart that so if it be possible thou mightest be awakened to thy Duty and thy Soul might live I shall therefore proceed with thee yet a little further And I once more intreat thee to stir up thy attention and go along with me in the free and sober use of thy Reason while I propound to thee these following Questions And I command thee from God that thou stifle not thy Conscience and resist not conviction but Answer them faithfully and obey accordingly SECT XXIV 1 Quest. IF you could grow Rich by Religion or get Lands and Lordships by being diligent in godliness or if you could get honor or preferment by it in the world or could be recovered from sickness by it or could live for ever in prosperity on Earth What kind of lives would you then lead and what pains would you take in the Service of God And is not the Rest of the Saints a more excellent Happiness then all this 2 Quest.
we would not plead with sinners with our tongues God locketh up the clouds because we have shut up our mouthes The earth is grown hard as Iron to us because we have hardened our hearts against our miserable neighbors The cryes of the poor for bread are lowd because our cryes against sin have been so low Sicknesses run apace from house to house and sweep away the poor unprepared inhabitants because we swept not out the sin that breedeth them When you look over the woful desolations in England how ready are you to cry out on them that were the causers of it But did you consider how deeply your selves are guilty And as Christ said in another case Luk. 19 40. If these should hold their peace the stones would speak So because we held our peace at the Ignorance ungodliness and wickedness of our places therefore do these plagues and Judgments speak 7. Consider What a thing it will be to look upon your poor friends eternally in those flames and to think that your neglect was a great cause of it and that there was a time when you might have done much to prevent it If you should there perish with them it would be no small aggravation of your torment If you be in Heaven it would sure be a sad thought were it possible that any sorrow could dwell there To hear a multitude of poor souls there cry out for ever O if you would but have told me plainly of my sin and danger and dealt roundly with me and set it home I might have scaped all this torment and been now in Rest O what a sad voice will this be 8. Consider What a Joy is it like to be in Heaven to you to meet those there whom you have been means to bring thither To see their faces and joyn with them for ever in the praises of God whom you were instruments to bring to the knowledge and obedence of Christ. What it will be then we know not But sure according to our present temper it would be no small Joy 9. Consider how many souls have we drawn into the way of damnation or at least hardened or setled in it And should we not now be more diligent to draw men to life There is not one of us but have had our companions in sin especially in the dayes of our Ignorance and unregeneracy We have enticed them or encouraged them to Sabbath-breaking drinking or revellings or dancings and stageplayes or wantonness and vanities if not to scorn and oppose the godly We cannot so easily bring them from sin again as we did draw them to it Many are dead already without any change discovered who were our companions in sin we know not how many are and will be in hell that we drew thither and there may curse us in their torments for ever And doth it not beseem us then to do as much to save men as we have done to destroy them and be merciful to some as we have been cruel to others 10. Consider how diligent are all the enemies of these poor souls to draw them to Hell And if no body be diligent in helping them to Heaven what is like to become of them The Divel is tempting them day and night Their inward lusts are still working and withdrawing them The flesh is still pleading for its delights and profits Their old companions are ready to entice them to sin and to disgrace Gods wayes and people to them and to contradict the doctrine of Christ that should save them and to encrease their prejudice and dislike of holiness Seducing Teachers are exceeding diligent in sowing tares and in drawing off the unstable from the doctrine and way of life so that when we have done all we can and hope we have won men what a multitude of late have after all been taken in this snare And shall a seducer be so unwearied in Proselyting poor ungrounded souls to his Fancies And shall not a sound Christian be much more unwearied in laboring to win men to Christ and Life 11. Consider The neglect of this doth very deeply wound when conscience is awaked When a man comes to dye conscience will ask him VVhat good hast thou done in thy life time The saving of souls is the greatest good work what hast thou done towards this How many hast thou dealt faithfully with I have oft observed that the consciences of dying men do very much wound them for this omission For my own part to tell you my experience when ever I have been neer death my conscience hath accused me more for this then for any sin It would bring every ignorant prophane neighbor to my remembrance to whom I never made known their danger It would tell me Thou shouldst have gone to them in private and told them plainly of their desperate danger without bashfulness or dawbing though it had been when thou shouldest have eaten or slept if thou hadst no other time Conscience would then remember me how at such a time or such a time I was in company with the ignorant or was riding by the way with a wilful sinner and had a fit opportunity to have dealt with them but did not or at least did it by the halves and to little purpose The Lord grant I may better obey conscience hereafter while I live and have time that it may have less to accuse me of at death 12. Consider further It is now a very seasonable time which you have for this work Take it therefore while you have it There are times wherein it is not safe to speak it may cost you your liberties or your lives It is not so now with us Besides your neighbours will be here with you but a very little while They will shortly dye and so must you Speak to them therefore while you may set upon them and give them no rest till you have prevailed Do it speedily for it must be now or never A Roman Emperor when he heard of a neighbor dead he asked And what did I do for him before he dyed and it grieved him that a man should dye neer him and it could not be said that he had first done him any good Me thinks you should think of this when you hear that any of your neighbors are dead But I had far rather while they are alive you would ask the question There is such and such a neighbor alas how many that are ignorant and ungodly what have I done or said that might have in it any likely-hood of recovering them They will shortly be dead and then it is too late 13. Consider this is a work of greatest charity and yet such as every one of you may perform If it were to give them moneys the poor have it not to give if to fight for them the weak cannot if it were to suffer the fearful will say they cannot But every one hath a tongue to speak to a sinner The poorest may be thus charitable as well as the
guilty of all the sin that he committeth in his drunkenness VVill you resolve therefore to set upon this duty and neglect it no longer Remember Eli your children are like Moses in the basket in the water ready to perish if they have not help As ever you would not be charged before God for murderers of their souls and as ever you would not have them cry out against you in everlasting fire see that you teach them how to escape it and bring them up in holiness and the fear of God You have heard that the God of heaven doth flatly command it you I charge every one of you therefore upon your allegiance to him and as you will very shortly answer the contrary at your peril that you neither refuse nor neglect this most necessary work If you are not willing now you know it to be so plain and so great a duty you are flat Rebels and no true subjects of Christ. If you are willing to do it but know not how I will adde a few words of direction to help you 1. Teach them by your own example as well as by your words Be your selves such as you would have them be practice is the most effectual teaching of children who are addicted to imitation especially of their parents Lead them the way to prayer and reading and other duties Be not like base Commanders that will put on their Soldiers but not go on themselves Can you expect your children should be wiser or better then you Let them not hear those words out of your mouths nor see those practices in your lives which you reprove in them No man shall be saved because his children are godly if he be ungodly himself Who should lead the way in holiness but the father and master of the family It is a sad time when he must be accounted a good master or father that will not hinder his family from serving God but will give them leave to go to heaven without him I will but name the rest for your direct dutie for your Family 1. You must help to inform their understandings 2. To store their memories 3. To rectifie their wills 4. To quicken their affections 5. To keep tender their consciences 6. To restrain their tongues and help them to skill in gracious Speech 7. And to reform and watch over their outward conversation To these ends First Be sure to keep them at least so long at School till they can read English It is a thousand pities that a reasonable Creature should look upon a Bible as upon a Stone or a piece of Wood. Secondly Get them Bibles and good Books and see that they read them Thirdly Examine them often what they learn Fourthly Especially bestow the Lords day in this work and see that they spend it not in sports or idleness Fiftly Shew them the meaning of what they read and learn Josh. 4 6 21 22. Psal. 78.4 5 6 34.11 Sixthly Acquaint them with the godly and keep them in good company where they may learn good and keep them out of that company that would teach them evil Seventhly Be sure to cause them to learn some Catechism containing the chief Heads of Divinity as those made by the Assembly of Divines or Master Balls SECT XVII THe Heads of Divinity which you must teach them first are these 1. That there is one onely God who is a Spirit invisible infinite eternal Almighty good merciful true just holy c. 2. That this God is one in three Father Son and holy Ghost 3. That he is the Maker Maintainer and Lord of all 4. That mans happiness consisteth in the enjoying of this God and not in fleshly pleasure profits or honors 5. That God made the first man upright and happy and gave him a Law to keep with Conditions that if he kept it perfectly he should live happy for ever but if he broke it he should die 6. That man broke this Law and so forfeited his welfare and became guilty of death as to himself and all his Posterity 7 That Christ the Son of God did here interpose and prevent the full execution undertaking to die in stead of man and so to Redeem him whereupon all things were delivered into his hands as the Redeemer and he is under that relation the Lord of all 8. That Christ hereupon did make with man a better Covenant or Law which proclaimed pardon of sin to all that did but repent and believe obey sincerely 9. That he revealed this Covenant and Mercy to the world by degrees first in darker Promises Prophecies and Sacrifices then in many Ceremonious Types and then by more plain foretellings by the Prophet● 10. That in the fulness of time Christ came and took our Nature into Union with his Godhead being conceived by the holy Ghost and born of the Virgin Mary 11. That while he was on earth he lived a life of sorrows was crowned with Thorns and bore the pains that our sins deserved at last being Crucified to death and buried and so satisfied the Justice of God 12. That he also Preached himself to the Jews and by constant Miracles did prove the truth of his Doctrine and Mediatorship before thousands of Witnesses That he revealed more fully his New Law or Covenant That whosoever will believe in him and accept him for Saviour and Lord shall be pardoned and saved and have a far greater glory then they lost and they that will not shall lye under the curse and guilt and be condemned to the everlasting fire of hell 13. That he rose again from the dead having conquered death and took fuller possession of his Dominion over all and so ascended up into heaven and there reigneth in glory 14. That before his Ascention he gave charge to his Apostles to go Preach the foresaid Gospel to all Nations and persons and to offer Christ and Mercy and Life to every one without exception and to intreat and perswade them to receive him and that he gave them authority to send forth others on the same Message and to Baptise and to gather Churches and confirm and order them and to settle a course for a succe●●●on of Ministers and Ordinances to the end of the world 15. That he also gave them power to work frequent and evident Miracles for the confirmation of their Doctrine and the convincing of the world and to annex their writings to the rest of the Scriptures and so to finish and seal them up and deliver them to the world as his infallible Word and Laws which none must dare to alter and which all must observe 16. That for all this free Grace is offered to the world yet the heart is by Nature so desperately wicked that no man will believe and entertain Christ sincerely except by an Almighty power he be changed and born again and therefore doth Christ send forth his Spir●t with his Word which secretly and effectually worketh holiness in the hearts of the Elect drawing
hath made this reconciliation Surely not the great Reconciler He hath told us in the world we shall have trouble and in him onely we shall have peace VVe may reconcile our selves to the world at our peril but it will never reconcile it self to us O foolish unworthy soul who hadst rather dwell in this land of darkness and rather wander in this barren wilderness then be at rest with Jesus Christ who hadst rather stay among the VVolves and daily suffer the Scorpions stings then to praise the Lord with the Hosts of Heaven If thou didst well know what Heaven is and what Earth is it would not be so SECT VI. 5. THis unwillingness to dye doth actually impeach us of high Treason against the Lord Is it not a chusing of Earth before him and taking these present things for our happiness and consequently making them our very God If we did indeed make God our God that is our End our Rest our Portion our Treasure how is it possible but we should desire to enjoy him It behoves us the rather to be fearful of this it being utterly inconsistent with saving Grace to value any thing before God or to make the Creature our highest End Many other sins foul and great may possibly yet consist with sincerity but so I am certain cannot that But concerning this I have spoke before SECT VII 6. ANd all these defects being thus discovered what a deal of dissembling doth it more over shew We take on us to believe undoubtedly the exceeding eternal weight of Glory We call God our chiefest Good and say we love Him above all and for all this we fly from Him as if it were from Hell it self would you have any man believe you when you call the Lord your onely Hope and speak of Christ as All in All and talk of the Joy that is in Presence and yet would endure the hardest life rather then dye and come unto him What self-contradiction is this to talk so hardly of the world and flesh to groan and complain of sin and suffering and yet fear no day more then that which we expect should bring our finall freedom what shameless gross dissembling is this to spend so many hours and dayes in hearing Sermons reading Books conferring with others and all to learn the way to a place which we are loth to come to To take on us all our life-time to walk towards Heaven to run to strive to fight for Heaven which we are loth to come to What apparent palpable hypocrysie is this to lye upon our knees in publike and private and spend one hour after another in prayer for that which we would not have If one should over-hear thee in thy daily devotions crying out Lord deliver me from this body of death from this sin this sickness this poverty these cares and feares how long Lord shall I suffer these and withall should hear thee praying against death can he believe thy tongue agrees with thy heart except thou have so far lost thy reason as to expect all this here or except the Papists Doctrine were true that we are able to fulfil the Law of God or our late Perfectionists are truly enlightned who think they can live and not sin but if thou know these to be undoubtedly false how canst thou deny thy gross dissembling SECT VIII 7. COnsider how do we wrong the Lord and his Promises and disgrace his ways in the eyes of the world As if we would actually perswade them to question whether God be true of his Word or no whether there be any such glory as Scripture mentions when they see those who have professed to live by Faith and have boasted of their hopes in another world and perswaded others to let go all for these hopes and spoken disgracefully of all things below in comparison of these unexpressable things above I say when they see these very men so loth to leave their hold of present things and to go to that glory which they talked and boasted of how doth it make the weak to stagger and confirm the world in their unbelief and sensuality and make them conclude sure if these Professors did expect so much glory and make so light of the world as they seem they would not themselves be so loth of a change O how are we ever able to repai● the wrong which we do to God and poor souls by this scandal And what an honor to God what a strengthning to Believers what a conviction to Unbelievers would it be if Christians in this did answer their professions and chearfully welcome the news of Rest SECT IX 8. IT evidently discovers that we have been careless loyterers that we have spent much time to little purpose and that we have neglected and lost a great many of warnings Have we not had all our life time to prepare to die So many years to make ready for one hour and are we so unready and unwilling yet VVhat have we done why have we lived that the business of our lives is so much undone Had we any greater matters to minde Have we not foolishly wronged our souls in this would we have wished more frequent warnings How oft hath death entered the habitations of our neighbors how oft hath it knockt at our own doors we have first heard that such a one is dead and then such a one and such a one till our Towns have changed most of their Inhabitants And was not all this a sufficient warning to tell us that we were also Mortals and our own turn would shortly come Nay we have seen death raging in Towns and Fields so many hundred a day dead of the Pestilence so many thousands slam of the Sword and did we not know it would reach to us at last How many distempers have vexed our bodies frequent Languishings consuming Weaknesses wasting Feavers here pain and there trouble that we have been forced to receive the sentence of death and what were all these but so many Messengers sent from God to tell us we must shortly dye as if we had heard a lively voyce bidding us Delay no more but make you ready And are we unready and unwilling after all this O careless dead hearted Sinners unworthy neglecters of Gods Warnings faithless betrayers of our own souls All these hainous aggravations do lye upon this sin of unwillingness to dye which I have laid down to make it hateful to my own soul which is too much guilty of it as well as yours And for a further help to our prevailing against it I shall adjoyn these following Considerations SECT X. 1. COnsider not to dye were never to be happy To escape death were to miss of blessedness Except God should translate us as Henoch and Elias which he never did before or since If our hopeth in Christ were in this life onely we were then of all men most miserable The Epicure hath more pleasure to his Flesh then
the Christian the Drunkard the Whoremaster and the jovial Lads do swagger it out with gallantry and mirth when a poor Saint is mourning in a corner yea the very beasts of the field do eat and drink and skip play and care for nothing when many a Christian dwels with sorrows So that if you would not dye and go to heaven what would you have more then an Epicure or a beast What doth it availe us to fight with beasts as men if it were not for our hopes of a life to come Why do we pray and fast and mourn why do we suffer the contempt of the world why are we the scorn and hatred of all if it were not for our hopes after we are dead why are we Christians and not Pagans and Infidels if we do not desire a life to come why Christian wouldst thou lose thy faith and lose thy labor in all thy duties and all thy sufferings wouldst thou lose thy hope and lose all the end of thy life and lose all the blood of Christ and be contented with the portion of a worldling or a brute If thou say No to this how canst thou then be loth to dye As good old Milius said when he lay a dying and was asked whether he were willing to dye or no Illius est nolle mori qui nolit ire ad Christum A saying of Austins which he oft repeated Let him be loth to dye who is loth to be with Christ. SECT XI 2. COnsider Is God willing by death to Glorifie us and are we unwilling to dye that we may be glorified would God freely give us heaven and are we unwilling to receive it As the Prince who would have taken the lame begger into his Coach and he refused said to him Opitimè mereris qui in luto haereas Thou well deservest to stick in the dirt So may God to the refusers of Rest You well deserve to live in trouble Me thinks if a Prince were willing to make you his heir you should scarce be unwilling to accept it Sure the refusing of such a kindness must needs discover ingratitude and unworthiness As God hath resolved against them who make excuses when they should come to Christ Verily none of these that were bidden shall tast of my supper So is it just with him to resolve against us who frame excuses when we should come to Glory SECT XII 3. THe Lord Jesus was willing to come from heaven to earth for us and shall be unwilling to remove from earth to heaven for our selves and him Sure if we had been once possessed of Heaven and God should have sent ●s to earth again as he did his Son for our sakes we should then have been loth to remove indeed It was another kinde of change then ours is which Christ did freely submit unto to cloath himself with the garments of flesh and to take upon him the form of a servant to come from the bosome of the Fathers Love to bear his wrath which we should have borne Shall he come down to our hell from the height of glory to the depth of misery to bring us up to his Eternal Rest and shall we be after this unwilling Sure Christ had more cause to be unwilling he might have said What is it to me if these sinners suffer If they value their flesh above their spirits and their lusts above my Fathers Love if they needs will sell their souls for nought who is it fit should be the loser and who should bear the blame and curse Should I whom they have wronged must they wilfully transgress my Law and I undergo their deserved pain Is it not enough that I bear the trespasse from them but I must also bear my Fathers wrath and satisfie the Justice which they have wronged Must I come down from Heaven to Earth and cloth my self with humane flesh be spit upon and scorned by man and fast and weep and sweat and suffer and bleed and dye a cursed death and all this for wretched wormes who would rather hazard all they had and venture their souls and Gods favor then they would forbear but one forbiden morsel Do they cast away themselves so slightly and must I redeem them again so dearly Thus we see that Christ had much to have pleaded against his coming down for man and yet he pleaded none of this He had reason enough to have made him unwilling and yet did he voluntarily condescend But we have no reason against our coming to him except we will reason against our hopes and plead for a perpetuity of our own calamities Christ came down to fetch us up and would we have him loose his blood and labor and go away again without us Hath he bought our Rest at so dear a rate Is our inheritance purchased with the blood of God And are we after all this loth to enter Ah Sirs it was Christ and not we that had cause to be loth The Lord forgive and heal this foolish ingratitude SECT XIII 4. COnsider do we not combine with our most cruel mortal foes and jump with them in their most malitious designe while we are loth to dye and go to heaven where is the height of all their malice and what 's the scope of all temptations and what 's the divels daily business Is it not to keep our souls from God And shall we be well content with this and joyn with Satan in our desires what though it be not those eternal torments yet it s the one half of Hell which we wish to our selves while we desire to be absent from Heaven and God If thou shouldest take counsel of all thine enemies If thou shouldest beat thy brains both night and day in studying to do thy self a mischief What greater then 〈◊〉 could it possibly be To continue here on earth from God Excepting only hell it self O what sport is this to Sathan that his desires and thine should so concur That when he sees he cannot get thee to Hell he can so long keep thee out of Heaven and make thee the earnest petitioner for it thy self O gratifie not the Divel so much to thy own displeasure SECT XIV 5. DO not our daily fears of death make our lives a continual torment The fears of death as Erasmus saith being a sorer evil then death it self And thus as Paul did dye daily in regard of preparation and in regard of the necessary sufferings of his life so do we in regard of the torments and the useless sufferings which we make our selves Those lives which might be full of Joyes in the daily contemplation of the life to come and the sweet delightful thoughts of bliss how do we fill them up with terrors through all these causeless thoughts and fears Thus do we consume our own comforts and prey upon our tru●st pleasures When we might lye down and rise up and walk abroad with our hearts full of
the Sun the Fountain the Father of light as certain herbs and meats we feed on do tend to make our sight more clear so the soul that 's fed with Angels food must needs have an● understanding much more clear then they that dwel and feed on earth And therefore you may easily see that such a man is in far less danger of temptations and Satan will hardlier beguile his soul even as a wise man is hardlier deceived then fools and children Alas the men of the world that dwell below and know no other conversation but earthly no wonder if their understandings be darkned and they be easily drawn to every wickedness no wonder if Satan take them captive at his will and leade them about as we see a Dog leade a blinde man with a string The foggy Air and Mists of earth do thicken their sight the smoak of worldly cares and business blindes them and the dungeon which they live in is a land of darkness How can Worms Moles see whose dwelling is alwayes in the earth while this dust is in mens eyes no wonder if they mistake gain for godliness sin for grace the world for God their own wils for the Law of Christ and in the issue hell for heaven if the people of God will but take notice of their own hearts they shall finde their experiences confirming this that I have said Christians do you not sensibly perceive that when your hearts are seriously fixt on heaven you presently become wiser then before Are not your understandings more solid and your thoughts more sober have you not truer apprehensions of things then you had For my own part if ever I be wise it is when I have been much above and seriously studied the life to come Me thinks I finde my understanding after such contemplations as much to differ from what it was before as I before differed from a Fool or Idiot when my understanding is weakned and befool'd with common imployment and with conversing long with the vanities below me thinks a few sober thoughts of my Fathers house and the blessed provision of his Family in Heaven doth make me with the Prodigal to come to my self again Surely when a Christian withdraws himself from his earthly thoughts and begins to converse with God in heaven he is as Nebuchadnezzar taken from the beasts of the field to the Throne and his understanding returneth to him again O when a Christian hath had but a glimpse of Eternity and then looks down on the world again how doth he befool himself for his sin for neglects of Christ for his fleshly pleasures for his earthly cares How doth he say to his Laughter Thou art mad and to his vain Mirth What dost thou How could he even tear his very flesh and take revenge on himself for his folly how verily doth he think that there is no man in Bedlam so truly mad as wiful sinners and lazy betrayers of their own souls and unworthy sleighters of Christ and glory This is it that makes a dying man to be usually wiser then other men are because he looks on Eternity as neer and knowing he must very shortly be there he hath more deep and heart-piercing thoughts of it then ever he could have in health and prosperity Therefore it is that the most deluded sinners that were cheated with the world and bewitched with sin do then most ordinarily come to themselves so far as to have a righter judgment then they had and that many of the most bitter enemies of the Saints would give a world to be such themselves and would fain dye in the condition of those whom they hated even as wicked Balaam when his eyes are opened to see the perpetual blessedness of the Saints will cry out O that I might dye the death of the righteous and that my last end might be like his As Witches when they are taken and in prison or at the Gallows have no power left them to bewitch any more so we see commonly the most ungodly men when they see they must dye and go to another world their judgments are so changed and their speech so changed as if they were not the same men as if they were come to their wits again and Sin and Satan had power to bewitch them no more Yet let the same men recover and lose their apprehension of the life to come and how quickly do they lose their understandings with it In a word those that were befool'd with the world and the flesh are far wiser when they come to die and those that were wise before are now wise indeed If you would take a mans judgment about Sin or Grace or Christ or Heaven go to a dying man and ask him which you were best to chuse ask him whether you were best be drunk or no or be lustful or proud or revengeful or no ask him whether you were best pray and instruct your Families or no or to sanctifie the Lords Day or no though some to the death may be desperately hardned yet for the most part I had rather take a mans judgment then about these things then at any other time For my own part if my judgment be ever solid it is when I have the seriousest apprehensions of the life to come nay the sober mention of death sometimes will a little compose the most distracted understanding Sirs do you not think except men are stark devils but that it would be a harder matter to intice a man to sin when he lyes a dying then it was before If the devil or his Instruments should then tell him of a cup of Sack of merry company of a Stage-play or Morrice-Dance do you think he would then be so taken with the motion If he should then tell him of Riches or Honors or shew him a pair of Cards or Dice or a Whore would the temptation think you be as strong as before would he not answer Alas what 's all this to me who must presently appear before God and give account of all my life and straitways be in another world Why Christian if the apprehension of the neerness of Eternity will work such strange effects upon the ungodly and make them wiser then to be deceived so easily as they were wont to be in time of health O then what rare effects would it work vvith thee and make thee scorn the baits of sin if thou couldst always dwell in the views of God and in lively thoughts of thine everlasting state Surely a believer if he improve his faith may ordinarily have truer and more quickning apprehensions of the life to come in the time of his health then an unbeliever hath at the hour of his death Thirdly Furthermore A Heavenly minde is exceedingly fortified against temptations because the affections are so throughly prepossessed with the high delights of another world Whether Satan do not usually by the sensitive Appetite prevail with the Will without any further prevailing with the
great deal of fervor in Affections and Duties and all prove but common and unsound when it is raised upon common Grounds and motives your zeal will partake of the nature of those things by which it is acted The zeal therefore which is kindled by your meditations on Heaven is most like to prove a heavenly zeal and the liveliness of the Spirit which you fetch from the face of God must needs be the Divinest and sincerest life Some mens fervency is drawn onely from their Books and some from the pricks of some stinging affliction and some from the mouth of a moving Minister and some from the encouragement of an attentive Auditory but he that knows this way to heaven and it derives it daily from the pure Fountain shall have his soul revived with the water of Life and enjoy that quickning which is the Saints peculiar By this Faith thou maist offer Abels Sacrifice more excellent then that of common men and by it obtain winess that thou art righteous God testifying of thy gifts that they are sincere Heb. 11.4 when others are ready as Baals Priests to beat themselves and cut their flesh because their sacrifice will not burn then if thou canst get but the spirit of Elias and in the chariot of Contemplation canst soar aloft till thou approachest neer to the quickning Spirit thy soul and sacrifice will gloriously flame though the flesh and the world should cast upon them the water of all their opposing enmity Say not now How shall we get so high or how can mortals ascend to heaven For Faith hath wings and Meditation is its chariot Its office is to make absent things as present Do you not see how a little piece of Glass if it do but rightly face the Sun will so contract its beames and heat as to set on fire that which is behinde it which without it would have received but little warmth Why thy Faith is as the Burning-glass to thy Sacrifice and Meditation sets it to face the Sun onely take it not away too soon but hold it there awhile and thy soul will feel the happy effect The slanderous Jews did raise a foolish tale of Christ that he got into the Holy of Holies and thence stole the true name of God and lest he should lose it cut a hole in his thigh and sewed it therein and by the vertue of this he raised the dead gave sight to the blinde cast out divels and performed all his Miracles Surely if we can get into the Holy of Holies and bring thence the Name and Image of God and get it closed up in our hearts this would enable us to work wonders every duty we performed would be a wonder and they that heard would be ready to say Never man spake as this man speaketh The Spirit would possess us as those flaming tongues and make us every one to speak not in the variety of the confounded Languagues but in the primitive pure Language of Canaan the wonderful Works of God We should then be in every duty whether Prayer Exhortation or brotherly reproof as Paul was at Athens his Spirit 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 was stirred within him and should be ready to say as Jeremy did Jer. 20.9 His word was in my heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones and I was weary with forbearing and I could not stay Christian Reader Art thou not thinking when thou seest a lively beleever and hearest his soul-melting Prayers and soul-ravishing discourse O how happy a man is this O that my soul were in this blessed plight Why I here direct and advise thee from God Try this forementioned course and set thy soul conscionably to this work and thou shalt be in as good a case Wash thee frequently in this Jordan and thy Leprous dead soul will revive and thou shalt know that there is a God in Israel and that thou mayst live a vigorous and joyous life if thou wilfully cast not by this duty and so neglect thine own mercies If thou be not a lazy reserved hypocrite but dost truly value this strong and active frame of Spirit shew it then by thy present attempting this heavenly exercise Say not now but thou hast heard the way to obtain this life into thy soul and into thy duties If thou wilt yet neglect it blame thy self But alas the multitude of Professors come to a Minister just as Naaman came to Elias they ask us How shall I know I am a childe of God How shall I overcome a hard heart and get such strength and life of Grace But they expect that some easie means should do it and think we should cure them with the very Answer to their Question and teach them a way to be quickly well but when they hear of a daily trading in Heaven and the constant Meditation on the joyes above This is a greater task then they expected and they turn their backs as Naaman on Elias or the young man on Christ and few of the most conscionable will set upon the duty Will not Preaching and Praying and Conference serve say they without this dweling still in Heaven Just as Countrey people come to Physitians when they have opened their case and made their moan they look he should cure them in a day or two or with the use of some cheap and easie Simple but when they hear of a tedious Method of Physick and of costly Compositions and bitter Potions they will hazard their lives with some sotish Empirick who tells them an easier and cheaper way yea or venture on death it self before they will obey such difficult counsel Too many that we hope well of I fear will take this course here If we could give them life as God did with a word or could heal their souls as Charmers do their bodies with easie stroaking and a few good words then they would readily hear and obey I entreat thee Reader beware of this folly fall to the work the comfort of Spiritual Health will countervail all the trouble of the Duty It is but the flesh that repines and gain-sayes which thou knowest was never a friend to thy soul If God had set thee on some grievous work shouldst thou not have done it for the life of thy soul How much more when he doth but invite thee Heaven-ward to himself SECT VIII 6. COnsider The frequent believing views of Glory are the most precious cordial in all Afflictions First To sustain our spirits and make our sufferings far more easie Secondly To stay us from repining and make us bear with patience and joy And thirdly to strengthen our resolutions that we forsake not Christ for fear of trouble Our very Beast will carry us more chearfully in travel when he is coming homeward where he expecteth Rest. A man will more quietly endure the lancing of his sores the cutting out the Stone when he thinks on the ease that will afterwards follow What then will not a beleever endure when
he thinks of the Rest to which it tendeth What if the way be never so rough can it be tedious if it lead to Heaven O sweet sickness Sweet Reproaches Imprisonments or Death Which is accompanied with these tastes of our future Rest This doth keep the suffering from the soul so that it can work upon no more but our fleshly outside even as Alexipharmical Medicines preserve the heart that the contagion reach not the vital spirits Surely our sufferings trouble not the minde according to the degrees of bodily pain but as the soul is more or less fortified with this preserving Antidote Beleeve it Reader thou wilt have a doleful sickness thou wilt suffer heavily thou wilt die most sadly if thou have not at hand the foretasts of Rest. For my own part if thou regard the experience of one that hath often tryed had it not been for that little alas too little taste which I had of Rest my sufferings would have been grievous and death more terrible I may say as David Psal. 27.13 I had fainted unless I had beleeved to see the goodness of the Lord in the Land of the living And as the same David Psal. 142.4 5. I looked on my right hand and beheld but there was no man that would know me refuge failed me no man cared for my soul. I cryed unto thee O Lord I said Thou art my refuge and my portion in the Land of the living I may say of the promise of this Rest as David of Gods Law Vnless this had been my delight I had perished in mine affliction Psal. 119.92 One thing saith he I have desired of the Lord that will I seek after that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to behold the beauty of the Lord and to enquire in his Temple For in time of trouble he shall hide me in his Pavilion in the secret of his Tabernacle he shall hide me he shall set me up upon a rock And then shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me therefore shall I offer in that his Tabernacle sacrifices of joy and sing yea sing praises unto the Lord Psal. 27.4 5 6. Therefore as thou wilt then be ready with David to pray Be not far from me for trouble is neer Psal. 22.11 So let it be thy own chiefest care not to be far from God and Heaven when trouble is neer and thou wilt then finde him to be unto thee a very present help in trouble Psal. 46.1 Then though the figtree should not blossom neither should fruit be in the Vines the labor of the Olive should fail and the fields should yield no meat the stock should be cut off from the fold and there were no heard in the stalls Yet thou mightest rejoyce in the Lord and joy in the God of thy Salvation Hab 3.17 18. All sufferings are nothing to us so far as we have the foresight of this salvation No bolts nor bars nor distance of place can shut out these supporting joyes because they cannot confine our faith and thoughts although they may confine our flesh Christ and Faith are both Spiritual and therefore prisons and banishments cannot hinder their entercourse Even when persecution and fear hath shut the doors Christ can come in and stand in the midst and say to his Disciples Peace be unto you And Paul and Silas can be in Heaven even when they are locked up in the inner prison and their bodies scourged and their feet in the stocks No wonder if there be more mirth in their stocks then on Herods throne for there was more of Christ and Heaven The Martyrs finde more Rest in the flames then their persecutors can in their pomp and tyranny because they foresee the flames they scape and the Rest which that fiery Chariot is conveying them too It is not the place that gives the Rest but the presence and beholding of Christ in it If the Son of God will walk with us in it we may walk safely in the midst of those flames which shall devour those that cast us in Why then Christian keep thy soul above with Christ be as little as may be out of his company and then all conditions will be alike to thee For that is the best estate to thee in which thou possessest most of him The morall arguments of a Heathen Philosopher may make the burden somewhat lighter but nothing can make us soundly joy in tribulation except we can fetch our joy from Heaven How came Abraham to leave his Country and follow God he knew not whither Why because he looked for a City that hath foundations whose builder and maker is God Heb. 11.8 9 10. What made Moses chuse affliction with the people of God rather then to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season and to esteem the reproach of Christ greater riches then the treasures of Aegypt Why because he had respect to the recompence of Reward Heb. 11.24 25 26. What made him to forsake Aegypt and not to fear the wrath of the King Why he endured as seeing him who is invisible ver 27. How did they quench the violence of fire And out of weakness were made strong c. Why would they not accept deliverance when they were tortured Why they had their eye on a better Resurrection which they might obtain Yea it is most evident that our Lord himself did fetch his encouragement to sufferings from the fore-sight of his glory For to this end he both dyed and rose and revived that he might be Lord both of the dead and living Rom. 14.9 Even Jesus the author and finisher of our faith for the joy that was set before him endured the Cross despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the Throne of God Heb. 12.2 Who can wonder that pain and sorrow poverty and sickness should be exceeding grievous to that man who cannot reach to see the end Or that Death should be the King of terrors to him who cannot see the life beyond it He that looks not on the end of his sufferings as well as on the suffering it self he needs must lose the whole consolation And if he see not the quiet fruit of righteousness which it afterward yieldeth it cannot to him be joyous but grievous Heb. 12.11 This is the noble advantage of faith it can look on the means and end together This also is the reason why we oft pitty our selves more then God doth pitty us though we love not our selves so much as he doth and why we would have the Cup to pass from us when he will make us drink it up We pitty our selves with an ignorant pitty and would be saved from the Cross which is the way to save us God sees our glory as soon as our suffering and sees our suffering as it conduceth to our glory he sees our Cross and our Crown at once and therefore pittyeth us the less and
thou walk without thy strength how long dost thou think thou art like to endure SECT IX 7. COnsider It is he that hath his conversation in heauen who is the profitable Christian to all about him with him you may take sweet counsel and go up to the celestial House of God When a man is in a strange Countrey far from home how glad is he of the company of one of his own Nation how delightful is it to them to talk of their Countrey of their acquaintance and the ●●●airs of their home why with a heavenly Christian thou maist have such discourse for he hath been there in the Spirit and can tell thee of the Glory and Rest above VVhat pleasant discourse was it to Joseph to talk with his Brethren in a strange Land and to enquire of his Father and his brother Benjamin Is it not so to a Christian to talk with his Brethren that have been above and enquire after his Father and Christ his Lord when a worldling will talk of nothing but the world and a Politician of nothing but the affairs of the State and a meer Scholar of Humane learning and a common Professor of Duties and of Christians the Heavenly man will be speaking of Heaven and the strange Glory which his Faith hath seen and our speedy and blessed meeting there I confess to discourse with able men of clear Understandings and piercing Wits about the controverted difficulties in Religion yea about some Criticisms in Languages and Sciences is both pleasant and profitable but nothing to this Heavenly discourse of a Beleever O how refreshing and savory are his expressions how his words do peirce and melt the heart how they transform the hearers into other men that they think they are in Heaven all the while How doth his Doctrine drop as the Rain and his Speech distil as the gentle Dew as the small Rain upon the tender Herb and as the showers upon the Grass while his tongue is expressing the Name of the Lord and ascribing greatness to his God Deut. 32.2 3. Is not his feeling sweet discourse of Heaven even like that box of precious oyntment which being opened to pour on the head of Christ doth fill the house with the pleasure of its perfume All that are neer may be refreshed by it His words are like the precious oyntment on Aarons head that ran down upon his beard and the skirts of his Garments Even like the dew of Hermon and as the dew that descendeth from the Celestial Mount Zion where the Lord hath commanded the blessing even life for evermore Psal. 133.3 This is the man who is as Job When the Candle of God did shine upon his head and when by his light he walked through darkness When the secret of God was upon his Tabernacle and when the Almighty was yet with him Then the ear that heard him did bless him and the eye that saw him gave witness to him Job 29.3 4 5 11. Happy the people that have a Heavenly Minister Happy the children and servants that have a Heavenly Father or Master Happy the man that hath Heavenly Associates if they have but hearts to know their happiness This is the Companion who will watch over thy ways who will strengthen thee when thou art weak who will chear thee when thou art drooping and comfort thee with the same comforts wherewith he hath been so often comforted himself 2 Cor. 1.4 This is he that will be blowing at the spark of thy Spiritual Life and always drawing thy soul to God and will be saying to thee as the Samaritan woman Come and see one that hath told me all that ever I did one that hath ravished my heart with his beauty one that hath loved our souls to the death Is not this the Christ Is not the knowledg of God and Him Eternal life Is not it the glory of the Saints to see his Glory If thou come to this mans house and sit at his Table he will feast thy soul with the dainties of Heaven thou shalt meet with a better then Plato's Philosophical feast even a taste of that feast of fat things Of wines on the lees of fat things full of marrow of wine on the lees well refined Isai. 25.6 That thy soul may be satisfied as with marrow and fatness and thou maist praise the Lord with joyful lips Psal 63.5 If thou travel with this man on the way he will be directing and quickning thee in thy Journey to Heaven If thou be buying or selling or trading with him in the world he will be counselling thee to lay out for the inestimable Treasure If thou wrong him he can pardon thee remembring that Christ hath not onely pardoned greater offences to him but will also give him this unvaluable portion If thou be angry he is meek considering the meekness of his heavenly Pattern or if he fall out with thee he is soon reconciled when he remembreth that in heaven you must be everlasting friends This is the Christian of the right stamp this is the servant that is like his Lord these be the innocent that save the Iland and all about them are the better where they dwell O Sirs I fear the men I have described are very rare even among the Religious but were it not for our own shameful negligence such men we might all be What Families what Towns what Commonwealths what Churches should we have if they were but composed of such men but that is more desirable then hopeful till we come to that Land which hath no other inhabitants save what are incomparably beyond this Alas how empty are the speeches and how unprofitable the society of all other sorts of Christians in comparison of these A man might perceive by his Divine Song and high Expressions Deut. 32. and 33. that Moses had been oft with God and that God had shewed him part of his Glory Who could have composed such spiritual Psalms and poured out praises as David did but a man after Gods own heart and a man that was neer the heart of God and no doubt had God also neer his heart Who could have preached such spiritual Doctrine and dived into the precious mysteries of Salvation as Paul did but one who had been called with a light from heaven and had been rapt up into the third heavens in the Spirit and there had seen the unutterable things If a man should come down from heaven amongst us who had lived in the possession of that blessed State how would men be desirous to see or hear him and all the Countrey far and neer would leave their business and crowd about him happy would he think himself that could get a sight of him how would men long to hear what reports he would make of the other world and what he had seen and what the blessed there enjoy would they not think this man the best companion and his discourse to be of all most profitable Why sirs Every true
but make it stay to hear its sentence If once or twice or thrice will not do it nor a few days of hearing bring it to issue follow it on with unwearied diligence and give not over till the work be done and till thou canst 〈◊〉 knowingly off or on either thou art or art not a member of Christ either that thou hast or that thou hast not yet title to this Rest. Be sure thou rest not in wilful uncertainties If thou canst no● dispatch the work well thy self get the help of those that are skilful go to thy Minister if he be a man of experience or go to some able experienced friend open thy case faithfully and wish them to deal plainly And thus continue till thou hast got assurance Not but that some doubtings may still remaine but yet thou maist have so much assurance as to master them that they may not much interrupt thy peace If men did know Heaven to be their own inheritance we should less need to perswade their thoughts unto it or to press them to set their delight in it O if men did truly know that God is their own Father and Christ their own Redeemer and Head and that those are their own Everlasting habitations and that there it is that they must abide and be happy for ever how could they chuse but be ravished with the forethoughts thereof If a Christian could but look upon Sun and Moon and Stars and reckon all his own in Christ and say These are the portion that my Husband doth bestow These are the blessings that my Lord hath procured me and things incomparably greater then these what holy raptures would his spirit feel The more do they sin against their own comforts as well as against the Grace of the Gospel who are wilful maintainers of their own doubtings and plead for their unbelief and cherish distrustful thoughts of God and scandalous injurious thoughts of their Redeemer who represent the Covenant as if it were of works and not of grace and represent Christ as an enemy rather then as a Savior as if he were glad of advantages against them and were willing that they should keep off from him and dye in their unbelief when he hath called them so oft and invited them so kindly and born the hell that they should bear Ah wretches that we are that be keeping up Jealousies of the Love of our Lord when we should be rejoycing and bathing our souls in his love That can question that love which hath been so fully evidenced and doubt still whether he that hath stooped so low and suffered so much and taken up a nature and office of purpose be yet willing to be theirs who are willing to be his As if any man could chose Christ before Christ hath chosen him or any man could desire to have Christ more then Christ desires to have him or any man were more willing to be happy then Christ is to make him happy Fie upon these injurious if not blasphemous thoughts If ever thou have harboured such thoughts in thy brest or if ever thou have uttered such words with thy tongue spit out that venome vomit out that rancor cast them from thee and take heed how thou ever entertainest them more God hath written the names of his people in heaven as you use to write your names in your own books or upon your own Goods or set your Marks on your own sheep And shall we be attempting to rase them out and to write our names on the doors of hell But blessed be our God whose foundation is sure and who keepeth us by his mighty power through Faith unto salvation 1 Pet. 1.5 Well then this is my second advice to thee that thou follow on the work of self-examination till thou hast got assurance that this rest is thy own and this will draw thy heart unto it and feed thy spirits with fresh delights which else will be but tormented so much the more to think that there is such Rest for others but none for thee SECT III. 3. ANother help to sweeten thy soul with the foretasts of Rest is this Labor to apprehend how neer it is Think seriously of its speedy approach That which we think is neer at hand we are more sensible of then that which we behold at a distance When we hear of war or famin in another country it troubleth not so much or if we hear it prophesied of a long time hence so if we hear of plenty a great way off or of a golden age that shall fall out who knows when this never rejoyceth us But if Judgments or Mercies begin to draw neer then they affect us If we were sure we should see the golden Age then it would take with us When the plague is in a Town but twenty miles off we do not fear it nor much prehaps if it be but in another street but if once it come to the next door or if it seaze on one in our own family then we begin to think on it more feelingly It is so with mercies as well as Judgments VVhen they are far off we talk of them as marvells but when they draw close to us we rejoyce in them as Truths This makes men think on Heaven so insensibly because they conceit it at too great a distance They look on it as twenty or thirty or fourty yeers off and this is it that duls their sense As wicked men are fearless and senseless of judgment because the sentence is not speedily executed Eccles. 8.11 So are the godly deceived of their comforts by supposing them further off then they are This is the danger of putting the day of death far from us VVhen men will promise themselves longer time in the world then God hath promised them and judg of the length of their lives by the probabilities they gather from their Age their health their constitution and temperature this makes them look at heaven as a great way off If 〈◊〉 the rich fool in the Gospel had not expected to have lived many yeers he would sure have thought more of providing for Eternity and less of his present store and possessions And if we did not think of staying many yeers from Heaven we should think on it with far more piercing thoughts This expectation of long life doth both the wicked and the godly a great deal of wrong How much better were it to receive the sentence of death in our selves and to look on Eternity as neer at hand Surely Reader thou standest at the door and hundreds of diseases are ready waiting to open the door and let thee in Is not the thirty or fourty years of thy life that is past quickly gone Is it not a very little time when thou lookest back on it And will not all the rest be shortly so too Do not dayes and nights come very thick Dost thou not feel that building of flesh to shake and perceive thy house of
delight thereof and taking up in the tune and melody and suffering the heart to be all the while idle which must perform the chiefest part of the work and which should make use of the melody for its reviving and exhilerating SECT VIII 8. IF thou wouldest have thy heart in Heaven keep thy soul still possessed with true believing thoughts of the exceeding infinite love of God Love is the attractive of love No mans heart will be set upon him that hates him were he never so excellent nor much upon him that doth not much love him There is few so vile but will love those that love them be they never so mean No doubt it is the death of our heavenly life to have hard and doubtful thoughts of God to conceive of him as a hater of the Creature except onely of obstinate Rebels and as one that had rather damn us then save us and that is glad of an opportunity to do us a mischief or at least hath no great good will to us This is to put the Blessed God into the similitude of Satan And who then can set his heart and love upon him When in our vile unbelief and ignorance we have drawn the most ugly picture of God in our imaginations then we complain that we cannot love him and delight in him This is the case of many thousand Christians Alas that we should thus belie and blaspheme God and blast our own joyes and depress our spirits Love is the very essence of God The Scripture tells us That God is Love it telleth us That Fury dwelleth not in him that he delighteth not in the death of him that dieth but rather that he repent and live Much more hath he testified his love to his chosen and his full resolution effectually to save them O if we could always think of God but as we do of a friend as of one that doth unfeignedly love us even more then we do our selves whose very heart is set upon us to do us good and hath therefore provided us an everlasting dwelling with himself it would not then be so hard to have our hearts still with him Where we love most heartily we shall think most sweetly and most freely And nothing will quicken our love more then the belief of his love to us Get therefore a truer conceit of the loving Nature of God and lay up all the experiences and discoveries of his love to thee and then see if it will not further thy heavenly-mindedness SECT IX 9. ANother thing I would advise you to is this Be a careful observer of the drawings of the Spirit and fearful of quenching its motions or resisting its workings If ever thy soul get above this earth and get acquainted with this living in heaven the Spirit of God must be to thee as the Chariot to Elijah yea the very living principle by which thou must move and ascend O then grieve not thy Guide quench not thy Life knock not off thy Chariot-wheels if thou do no wonder if thy soul be at a loss and all stand still or fall to the earth you little think how much the life all your Graces and the happiness of your souls doth depend upon your ready and cordial Obedience to the Spirit When the Spirit urgeth thee to secret prayer and thou refusest obedience when he forbids thee thy known transgressions and yet thou wilt go on when he telleth thee which is the way and which not and thou wilt not regard no wonder if heaven and thy soul be strange if thou wilt not follow the Spirit while it would draw thee to Christ and to thy duty how should it lead thee to heaven and bring thy heart into the presence of God O what supernatural help what bold access shall that soul finde in its approaches to the Almighty that is accustomed to a constant obeying of the Spirit And how backward how dull and strange and ashamed will he be to these addresses who hath long used to break away from the Spirit that would have guided him Even as stiffe and unfit will they be for this Spiritual motion as a dead man to natural I beseech thee Christian Reader learn well this lesson and try this course let not the motions of thy body onely but also the very thoughts of thy heart be at the Spirits be●k Dost thou not feel sometimes a strong impulsion to retire from the world and draw neer to God O do not now disobey but take the offer and ho●se up sail while thou mayst have this blessed gale When this wind blows strongest thou goest fastest either forward or backward The more of this Spirit we resist the deeper will it wound and the more we obey the speedier is our pace As he goes heaviest that hath the wind in his face and he easiest that hath it in his back SECT X. 10. LAstly I advise as a further help to this heavenly work That thou neglect not the due care for the health of thy body and for the maintaining a vigorous cheerfulness in thy spirits nor yet over-pamper and please thy flesh Learn how to carry thy self with prudence to thy body It is a useful servant if thou give it its due and but its due It is a most devouring tyrant if thou give it the mastery or suffer it to have what it unreasonably desireth And 〈◊〉 as a blunted Knife as a Horse that is lame as thy Ox that is famished if thou injuriously deny it what is necessary to its support When we consider how frequently men offend on both extreams and how few use their bodies aright we cannot wonder if they be much hindered in their heavenly conversing Most men are very slaves to their sensitive appetite and can scarce deny any thing to the flesh which they can give it on easie rates without much shame or loss or grief The flesh thus used is as unfit to serve you as a wilde colt to ride on When such men should converse in Heaven the flesh will carry them to an Alehouse or to their sports to their profits or credit or vain company to wanton practices or sights or speeches or thoughts It will thrust a whore or a pair of Cards or a good bargain into their mindes in stead of God Look to this specially you that are young and healthful and lusty As you love your souls remember that in Rom. 13.14 which converted Austin Make not provision for the flesh to fulfil its desires and that Rom. 8.4 5 6 7 8 12 13 14. Some few others do much hinder their heavenly joy by over rigorous denying the body its necessaries and so making it unable to serve them But the most by forfeiting and excess do overthrow and disable it You love to have your knife keen and every instrument you use in order when your horse goes lustily how cheerfully do you travel As much need hath the soul of a sound and cheerful body If they who
the drawn sword of his displeasure or at least overtake me to my grief at last But is he against the obeying of his own commands is perfect good against any thing but evil doth he bid me seek and will he not assist me in it doth he set me awork and urge me to it and will he after all be against me in it It cannot be And if he be for me who can be against me In the work of sin all things almost are ready to help us and God onely and his Servants are against us and how ill doth that work prosper in our hands But in my course to Heaven almost all things are against me but God is for me and how happily still doth the work succeed Do I set upon this work in my own strength or rather in the strength of Christ my Lord And cannot I do all things through him that strengthneth me was he ever foiled or subdued by an enemy He hath been assaulted indeed but was he ever conquered Can they take the sheep till they have overcome the Shepherd why then doth my flesh lay open to me the difficulties and urge me so much with the greatness and troubles of the work It is Christ that must answer all these Objections and what are the difficulties that can stay his power Is any thing too hard for the Omnipotent God May not Peter boldly walk on the Sea if Christ do but give the word of command and if he begin to sink is it from the weakness of Christ or the smalness of his Faith The water indeed is but a sinking ground to tread on but if Christ be by and countenance us in it if he be ready to reach us his hand who would draw back for fear of danger Is not Sea and Land alike to him shall I be driven from my God and from my Everlasting Rest as the silly Birds are feared from their food with a man of clouts or a loud noise when I know before there is no danger in it How do I see men daily in these wars adventure upon Armies and Forts and Cannons and cast themselves upon the instruments of death and have not I as fair a prize before me and as much encouragement to adventure as they What do I venture my life is the most and in these prosperous times there is not one of many that ventures that VVhat do I venture on are they not unarmed foes A great hazzard indeed to venture on the hard thoughts of the world or on the scorns and slanders of a wicked tongue Sure these Serpents teeth are out these Vipers are easily shaken into the fire these Adders have no stings these Thorns have lost their prickles As all things below are silly comforters so are they silly toothless enemies Bugbears to frighten fools and children rather then powerful dreadful foes Do I not well deserve to be turned into Hell if the scorns and threats of blinded men if the fear of silly rotten Earth can drive me thither do I not well deserve to be shut out of Heaven if I will be frighted from it with the tongues of sinners Surely my own voice must needs condemn me and my own hand subscribe the sentence and common Reason would say that my damnation were just VVhat if it were Father or Mother or Husband or VVife or the neerest Friend that I have in the world if they may be called Friends that would draw me to damnation should I not run over all that would keep me from Christ VVill their friendship countervail the enmity of God or be any comfort to my condemned soul shall I be yielding and pliable to the desires of men and onely harden my self against the Lord Let men let Angels beseech me upon their knees I will slight their tears I will scorn to stop my course to behold them I will shut mine ears against their cryes Let them flatter or let them frown let them draw forth tongues and swords against me I am resolved to break through in the might of Christ and to look upon them all as naked dust If they would entice me with preferment with the Kingdoms of the world I will no more regard them then the dung of the Earth O Blessed Rest O most unvaluable Glorious State who would sell thee for dreams and shadows who would be enticed or affrighted from thee who would not strive and fight and watch and run and that with violence even to the last breath so he might but have hope at last to obtain thee Surely none but those that know thee not and beleeve not thy glory Thus you see with what kinde of Meditations you may excite your Courage and raise your Resolutions SECT IX 5. THe last Affection to be acted is Joy This is the end of all the Rest Love Desire Hope and Courage do all tend to the raising of our Joy This is so desirable to every man by nature and is so essentially necessary to the constituting of his happiness that I hope I need not say much to perswade you to any thing that would make your life delightful Supposing you therefore already convinced That the pleasures of the flesh are brutish and perishing and that your solid and lasting joy must be from Heaven in stead of perswading I shall proceed in directing Well then by this time if thou hast managed well the former work thou art got within the ken of thy Rest thou believest the Truth of it thou art convinced of the excellency of it thou art faln in Love with it thou longest after it thou hopest for it and thou art resolved couragiously to venture for the obtaining it But is here any work for joy in this we delight in the good which we do possess It s present good that is the object of joy but thou wilt say alas I am yet without it Well but yet think a little further with thy self Though the Real presence do afford the choicest joy yet the presence of its imperfect Idea or image in my understanding may afford me a great deal of true delight Is it nothing to have a deed of gift from God Are his infallible promises no ground of joy Is it nothing to live in daily expectation of entring into the Kingdom Is not my assurance of being glorified one of these dayes a sufficient ground for unexpressible joy Is it no delight to the Heir of a Kingdom to think of what he must hereafter possess though at present he little differ from a servant Am I not commanded to rejoyce in hope of the glory of God Rom. 5.2 12.12 Here then Reader take thy heart once again as it were by the hand Bring it to the top of the highest Mount if it be possible to some Atlas above the clouds shew it the Kingdom of Christ and the glory of it say to it All this will thy Lord bestow upon thee who hast believed in him and been a worshipper of him It
the duty When thou hast perhaps but an hours time for thy Meditation the time will be spent before thy heart will be serious This doing of duty as if we did it not doth undo as many as the flat omission of it To rub out the hour in a bare lazie thinking of Heaven is but to lose that hour and delude thy self Well what is to be done in this case why do here also as you do by a loitering servant keep thine eye always upon thy heart look not so much to the time it spendeth in the duty as to the quantity and quality of the work that is done You can tell by his work whether your servant hath been painful ask what affections have yet been acted how much am I yet got neerer Heaven Verily many a mans heart must be followed as close in this duty of Meditation as a Horse in a Mill or an Ox at the Plow that will go no longer then you are calling or scourging If you cease driving but a moment the heart will stand still and perhaps the best hearts have much of this temper I would not have thee of the judgment of those who think that while they are so backward it is better let it alone and that if meer love will not bring them to the duty but there must be all this violence used to compel it that then the service is worse then the omission These men understand not first That this Argument would certainly cashiere all Spiritual obedience because the hearts of the best being but partly sanctified will still be resisting so far as they are carnal Secondly Nor do they understand well the corruptness of their own natures Thirdly Nor that their sinful undisposedness will not baffle or suspend the commands of God Fourthly Nor one sin excuse another Fifthly Especially they little know the way of God to excite their Affections and that the love which should compel them must it self be first compelled in the same sense as it is said to compel Love I know is a most precious grace and should have the chief interest in all our duties But there be means appointed by God to procure this love and shall I not use those means till I can use them from love that were to neglect the means till I have the end Must I not seek to procure love till I have it already There are means also for the increasing of love where it is begun and means for the exciting of it where it lieth dull And must I not use these means till it is increased and excited Why this reasoning considering-duty that we are in hand with is the most singular means both to stir up thy love and to increase it and therefore stay not from the duty till thou feel thy love constrain thee that were to stay from the fire till thou feel thy self warm but fall upon the work till thou art constrained to love and then love will constrain thee to further duty My jealously least thou shouldst miscarry by these sotish opinions hath made me more tedious in the opening of its error Let nothing therefore hinder thee while thou art upon the work from plying thy heart with constant watchfulness and constraint seeing thou hast such experience of its dulness and backwardness let the spur be never out of its side and when ever it slacks pace be sure to give it a remembrance SECT III. 3. AS thy heart will be loitering so will it be diverting It will be turning aside like a carless servant to talk with every one that passeth by When there should be nothing in thy minde but the work in hand it will be thinking of thy calling or thinking of thy afflictions or of every bird or tree or place thou seest or of any impertinency rather then of Heaven Thy heart in this also will be like the Husbandmans Ox or Horse if he drive not he will not go and if he guide not he will not keep the furrow and it is as good stand still as go out of the way Experience will tell thee thou wilt have much ado with thy heart in this point to keep it one hour to the work without many extravagancies and idle cogitations The cure here is the same with that before to use watchfulness and violence with your own imaginations and as soon as they step out to chide them in Say to thy heart What did I come hither to think of my business in the world to think of places and persons of news or vanity yea or of any thing but Heaven be it never so good what canst thou not watch one hour wouldst thou leave this world and dwell in Heaven with Christ for ever and canst thou not leave it one hour out of thy thoughts nor dwell with Christ in one hours close Meditation Ask thy heart as Absalom did Hushai Is this thy love to thy friend Dost thou love Christ and the place of thy Eternal Blessed abode no more then so When Pharaohs Butler dreamed That he pressed the ripe Grapes into Pharaohs Cup and delivered the Cup into the Kings hand it was a happy dream and signified his speedy access to the Kings presence But the dream of the Baker That the Birds did eat out of the Basket on his head the baked meats prepared for Pharaoh had an ill omen and signified his hanging and their eating of his flesh So when the ripened Grapes of Heavenly Meditation are pressed by thee into the Cup of Affection and this put into the hands of Christ by delightful praises if thou take me for skilful this is the interpretation That thou shalt shortly be taken from this prison where thou liest and be set before Christ in the Court of Heaven and there serve up to him that Cup of praise but much fuller and much sweeter for ever and for ever But if the ravenous fowls of wandring thoughts do devour the Meditations intended for Heaven I will not say flatly it signifieth thy death but this I will say That so far as these intrude they will be the death of that service and if thou ordinarily admit them That they devour the life and the joy of thy thoughts and if thou continue in such a way of duty to the end It signifies the death of thy soul as well as of thy service Drive away these birds of prey then from thy sacrifice and strictly keep thy heart to the work thou art upon SECT IV. 4. LAstly Be sure also to look to thy heart in this That it cut not off the work before the time and run not away through weariness before it have leave Thou shalt finde it will be exceeding prone to this like the Ox that would unyoke or the Horse that would be unburdened and perhaps cast off his burden and run away Thou maist easily perceive this in other duties If in secret thou set thy self to pray is not thy heart urging thee still to cut it short dost thou not
pride and peevishness and other sins that we could scarce oft-times discern their graces But now how glorious a thing is a Saint where is now their body of sin which wearyed themselves and those about them Where are now our different Judgments our reproachful titles our divided spirits our exasperated passions our strange looks our uncharitable censures Now we are all of one judgment of one name of one heart of one house and of one glory O sweet reconcilement O happy Union which makes us first to be one with Christ and then to be one among our selves Now our differences shall be dashed in our teeth no more nor the Gospel reproached through our folly or scandall O my soul thou shalt never more lament the sufferings of the Saints never more condole the Churches ruines never bewail thy suffering freinds nor lye wailing over their death-beds or their graves Thou shalt never suffer thy old temptations from Satan the vvorld or thy ovvn flesh Thy body vvill no more be such a burden to thee thy pains and sicknesses are all novv cured thou shalt be troubled vvith vveakness and vveariness no more Thy head is not novv an aking head nor thy heart novv an aking heart Thy hunger and thirst and cold and sleep thy labor and study are all gone O vvhat a mighty change is this From the dunghill to the throne from persecuting sinners to praising Saints from a body as vile as the carrion in the ditch to a body as bright as the Sun in the firmament from complainings under the displeasure of God to the perfect enjoyment of him in Love from all my doubts and fears of my condition to this possession vvhich hath put me out of doubt from all my fearful thoughts of death to this most blessed Joyful life O vvhat a blessed change is this Farevvell sin and suffering for ever Farevvell my hard and rocky heart farevvell my proud and unbelieving heart farewell atheistical idolatrous vvorldly heart farewell my sensual carnal heart And novv welcome most holy heavenly nature vvhich as it must be imployed in beholding the face of God so is it full of God alone and delighted in nothing else but him O vvho can question the love vvhich he doth so sweetly taste or doubt of that which with such joy he seeleth Farewell repentance confession and supplication farewel the most of hope and faith and welcome love and joy and praise I shall now have my harvest without plowing or sowing my wine without the labor of the vintage my joy without a Preacher or a promise even all from the face of God himself That 's the sight that 's worth the seeing that 's the book that 's worth the reading What ever mixture is in the streams there is nothing but pure joy in the fountain Here shall I be incircled with Eternity and come forth no more here shall I live and ever live and praise my Lord and ever ever ever praise him My face will not wrinkle nor my haire be gray but this mortal shall have put on immortality and this corruptible incorruption and death shall be swallowed up in victory O death where is now thy sting O grave where is thy victory The date of my lease will no more expire nor shall I trouble my self with thoughts of death nor loose my joyes through fear of losing them When millions of ages are past my glory is but beginning and when millions more are past it is no neerer ending Every day is all noontide and every moneth is May or harvest and every yeer is there a jubilee and every age is full manhood and all this is one Eternity O blessed Eternity the glory of my glory the perfection of my perfection Ah drowsie earthy blockish heart How coldly dost thou think of this reviving day Dost thou sleep when thou thinkest of eternal Rest Art thou hanging earthward when heaven is before thee Hadst thou rather sit thee down in dirt and dung then walk in the court of the Palace of God Dost thou now remember thy worldly business Art thou looking back to the Sodom of thy lusts Art thou thinking of thy delights and merry company wretched heart Is it better to be there then above with God is the company better are the pleasures greater Come away make no excuse make no delay God commands and I command thee come away gird up thy loines ascend the mount and look about thee with seriousness and with faith Look thou not back upon the way of the wilderness except it be when thine eyes are dazled with the glory or when thou wouldst compare the Kingdom with that howling desert that thou mayest more sensibly perceive the mighty difference Fix thine eye upon the Sun it self and look not down to Earth as long as thou art able to behold it except it be to discern more easily the brightness of the one by the darkness of the other Yonder far above yonder is thy Fathers glory yonder must thou dwell when thou leavest this Earth yonder must thou remove O my soul when thou departest from this body And when the power of thy Lord hath raised it again and joyned thee to it yonder must thou live with God for ever There is the glorious New Jerusalem the Gates of Pearl the foundations of Pearl the Streets and Pavements of transparent Gold Seest thou that Sun which lighteth all this world why it must be taken down as useless there or the glory of Heaven will darken it and put it out even thy self shall be as bright as yonder shining Sun God will be the Sun and Christ the Light and in his Light shalt thou have light What thinkest thou O my soul of this most blessed state What! Dost thou stagger at the Promise of God through unbelief Though thou say nothing or profess belief yet thou speakest so coldly and so customarily that I much suspect thee I know thy infidelity is thy natural vice Didst thou beleeve indeed thou wouldst be more affected with it Why hast thou not it under the hand and seal and oath of God Can God lie or he that is the Truth it self be false Foolish wretch What need hath God to flatter thee or deceive thee why should he promise thee more then he will perform Art thou not his Creature a little crum of dust a scrawling worm ten thousand times more below him then this flie or worm is below thee wouldst thou flatter a flea or a worm what need hast thou of them If they do not please thee thou wilt crush them dead and never accuse thy self of cruelty Why yet they are thy Fellow Creatures made of as good mettal as thy self and thou hast no Authority over them but what thou hast received How much less need hath God of thee or why should he care if thou perish in thy folly Cannot he govern thee without either flattery or falshood cannot he easily make thee obey his will and as easily make thee suffer
dare to contend in love with thee or set my borrowed languid spark against the Element and Sun of Love Can I love as high as deep as broad as long as Love it self as much as he that made me and that made me love that gave me all that little which I have both the heart the hearth where it is kindled the bellows the fire the fuel and all were his As I cannot match thee in the works of thy Power nor make nor preserve nor guide the worlds so why should I think any moreof matching thee in Love No Lord I yield I am unable I am overcome O blessed conquest Go on victoriously and still prevail and triumph in thy love The Captive of Love shall proclaim thy victory when thou leadest me in triumph from Earth to Heaven from Death to Life from the Tribunal to the Throne my self and all that see it shall acknowledg that thou hast prevailed and all shall say Behold how he loved him Yet let me love thee in subjection to thy Love as thy redeemed Captive though not thy Peer shall I not love at all because I cannot reach thy measure or at least let me heartily wish to love thee O that I were able O that I could feelingly say I love thee even as I feel I love my friend and my self Lord that I could do it but alas I cannot fain I would but alas I cannot Would I not love thee if I were but able Though I cannot say as thy Apostle Thou knowest that I Love thee yet can I say Lord thou knowest that I would love thee but I speak not this to excuse my fault it is a crime that admits of no excuse and it is my own it dwelleth as neer me as my very heart if my heart be my own this sin is my own yea and more my own then my heart is Lord what shall this sinner do the fault is my own and yet I cannot help it I am angry with my heart that it doth not love thee and yet I feel it love thee never the more I frown up on it and yet it cares not I threaten it but it doth not feel I chide it and yet it doth not mend I reason with it and would fain perswade it and yet I do not perceive it stir I rear it up as a carkass upon its legs but it neither goes nor stands I rub and chafe it in the use of thine Ordinances and yet I feel it not warm within me O miserable man that I am unworthy soul is not thine eye now upon the onely lovely object and art thou not beholding the ravishing glory of the Saints and yet dost thou not love and yet dost thou not feel the fire break forth why art thou not a soul a living spirit and is not thy love the choicest piece of thy life Art thou not a rational soul and shouldst not thou love according to Reasons conduct and doth it not tell thee that all is dirt and dung to Christ that earth is a dungeon to the celestial glory Art thou not a spirit thy self and shoulst thou not love spiritually even God who is a Spirit and the Father of Spirits Doth not every creature love their like why my soul art thou like to flesh● or gold or stately buildings art thou like to meat and drink or cloathes wilt thou love no higher then thy horse or swine hast thou nothing better to love then they what is the beauty that thou hast so admired canst thou not even wink or think it all into darkness or deformity when the night comes it is nothing to thee while thou hast gazed on it it hath withered away a Botch or Scab the wrinkles of consuming sickness or of age do make it as loathsom as it was before delightful suppose but that thou sawest that beautiful carcass lying on the Bier or rotting in the grave the skull dig'd up and the bones scattered where is now thy lovely object couldst thou sweetly embrace it when the soul is gone or take any pleasure in it when there is nothing left thats like thy self Ah why then dost thou love a skinful of dirt and canst love no more the heavenly Glory What thinkest thou shalt thou love when thou comest there when thou seest when thou dost enjoy when the Lord shall take thy carcass from the grave and make thee shine as the Sun in glory and when thou shalt everlastingly dwell in the blessed presence shalt thou then love or shalt thou not is not the place a meeting of lovers is not the life a state of love is it not the great marriage day of the Lamb when he will embrace and entertain his Spouse with love is not the imployment there the work of love where the souls with Christ do take their fill O then my soul begin it here be sick of love now that thou maist be well with love there keep thy self now in the love of God Jude 21. and let neither life nor death nor any thing separate thee from it and thou shalt be kept in the fulness of love for ever and nothing shalt imbitter or abate thy pleasure for the Lord hath prepared a city of love a place for the communicating of love to his chosen and those that love his Name shall dwell there Psal. 69.36 Awake then O my drowsie soul who but an Owl or Mole would love this worlds uncomfortable darkness when they are called forth to live in light to sleep under the light of Grace is unreasonable much more in the approach of the light of Glory The night of thy ignorance and misery is past the day of glorious Light is at hand this is the day-break betwixt them both Though thou see not yet the Sun it self appear methinks the twilight of a promise should revive thee Come forth then O my dull congealed spirits and leave these earthly Cels of dumpish sadness and hear thy Lord that bids thee Rejoyce and again Rejoyce thou hast lain here long enough in thy prison of flesh where Satan hath been thy Jaylor and the things of this world have been the Stocks for the feet of thy Affections where cares have been thy Trons and fears thy Scourge and the bread and water of Affliction thy food where sorrows have been thy lodging and thy sins and foes have made the bed and a carnal hard unbelieving heart have been the iron gates bars that have kept thee in that thou couldst scarce have leave to look through the Lattices and see one glimpse of the immortal light The Angel of the Covenant now calls thee and strikes thee and bids thee Arise and follow him up O my soul and cheerfully obey and thy bolts and bars shall all fly open do thou obey and all will obey follow the Lamb which way ever he leads thee Art thou afraid because thou knowst not whither Can the place be worse then where thou art Shouldst thou fear to follow
and height of my spirit discover my title to this promised land shall I be the adopted Son of God and coheir with Christ of that blessed inheritance and daily look when I am put into possession and shall not this be seen in my joyful countenance What if God had made me commander of the earth What if the mountains would remove at my command What if I could heal all diseases with a word or a touch What if the infernal spirits were all at my command Should I not rejoyce in such priviledges and honors as these yet is it my Saviours command not to rejoyce that the divels are subject to us but in this to rejoyce that our names are written in heaven I cannot here enjoy my parents or my neer and beloved friends without some delight especially when I did too freely let out my affections to my friend how sweet was that very exercise of my love O what will it then be to live in the perpetual love of God! For brethren here to live together in Unity how good and pleasant a thing is it To see a family live in love husband wife parents children servants doing all in love to one another To see a Town live together in love without any envyings brawlings heart-burnings or contentions scornes law-suits factions or divisions but every man loving his neighbor as himself and thinking they can never do too much for one another but striving to go beyond each other in love O how happy and delectable a sight is this O sweetest bands saith Seneca which binde so happily that those that are so bound do love their binders and desire still to be bound more closely and even reduced into one O then what a blessed society will be the Family of Heaven and those peaceable Inhabitants of the New Jerusalem where is no division nor dissimilitude nor differing Judgments nor disaffection nor strangeness nor deceitful friendship never an angry thought or look never a cutting unkinde expression but all are one in Christ who is one with the Father and live in the love of Love himself Cato could say That the soul of a Lover dwelleth in the person whom he loveth and therefore we say The soul is not more where it liveth and enlighteneth then where it loveth How neer then will my soul be closed to God and how sweet must that conjunction be when I shall so heartily strongly and uncessantly love him As the Bee lies sucking and satiating her self with the sweetness of the Flower or rather as the childe lies sucking the Mothers brest inclosed in her arms and sitting in her lap even so shall my loving soul be still feeding on the sweetness of the God of Love Ah wretched fleshly unbelieving heart that can think of such a day and work and life as this with so low and dull and feeble joyes But my enjoying Joyes will be more lively How delectable is it to me to behold and study these inferior works of God to read those Anatomical Lectures of Du Bartas upon this great dissected body what a beautiful fabrick is this great house which here we dwell in The floor so drest with various Herbs and Flowrs and Trees and watered with Springs and Rivers and Seas the roof so wide expanded so admirably adorned Such astonishing workmanship in every part The studies of an hundred Ages more if the world should last so long would not discover the mysteries of divine skill which are to be found in the narrow compass of our bodies What Anatomist is not amazed in his Search and Observations What wonders then do Sun and Moon and Stars and Orbs and Seas and VVindes and Fire and Aire and Earth c. afford us And hath God prepared such a house for our silly sinful corruptible flesh and for a soul imprisoned and doth he bestow so many millions of wonderful rarities even upon his enemies O then what a dwelling must that needs be which he prepareth for pure refined spiritual glorified ones and which he will bestow onely upon his dearly beloved children whom he hath chosen out to make his mercy on them glorified and admired As far as our perfected glorified bodies will excel this frail and corruptible flesh so far wil the glory of the New Jerusalem exceed all the present glory of the creatures The change upon our Mansion will be proportionable to the change upon our selves Arise then O my soul by these steps in thy Contemplation and let thy thoughts of that glory were it possible as far in sweetness exceed thy thoughts of the excellencies below Fear not to go out of this body and this world when thou must make so happy a change as this but say as Zuingerus when he was dying I am glad and even leap for joy that at last the time is come wherein that even that mighty Jehovah whose Majesty in my search of Nature I have admired whose Goodness I have adored whom in faith I have desired whom I have sighed for will now shew himself to me face to face And let that be the unfained sense of thy heart which Camerarius left in his VVill should be written on his Monument Vita mihi mors est mors mihi vita nova est Life is to me a Death Death is to me a new Life Moreover how wonderful and excellent are the works of Providence even in this life to see the great God to engage himself and set a work his Attributes for the safety and advancement of a few humble despicable praying persons O what a joyful time will it then be when so much Love and Mercy and VVisdom and Power and Truth shall be manifested and glorified in the Saints glorification How delightful is it to my soul to review the workings of Providence for my self and to read over the Records and Catalogues of those special mercies wherewith my life hath been adorned and sweetned How oft have my prayers been heard and my tears regarded and my groaning troubled soul relieved and my Lord hath bid me Be of good cheer He hath healed me when in respect of means I was uncurable He hath helped me when I was helpless In the midst of my supplications hath he eased and revived me He hath taken me up from my knees and from the dust where I have lain in sorrow and despair even the cries which have been occasioned by distrust hath he regarded what a support are these experiences to my fearful unbelieving heart These clear Testimonies of my Fathers Love do put life into my afflicted drooping spirit O then what a blessed day will that be when I shall have all mercy perfection of mercy nothing but mercy and fully injoy the Lord of Mercy himself When I shall stand on the shore and look back upon the raging Seas which I have safely passed when I shall in safe and full possession of glory look back upon all my pains and troubles and feares and tears and upon all the
task of outward Duties Let men see in you what a Life they must aim at If ever a Christian be like himself and answerable to his Principles and Profession it is when he is most serious and lively in this Duty when as Moses before he died went up into Mount Nebo to take a survey of the Land of Canaan so the Christian doth ascend this Mount of Contemplation and take a survey by Faith of his Rest. He looks upon the glorious delectable Mansions and saith Glorious things are deservedly spoken of thee O thou City of God He heareth as it were the melody of the Heavenly Chore and beholdeth the excellent employment of those Spirits and saith Blessed are the people that are in such a case yea blessed are they that have the Lord for their God He next looketh to the glorified Inhabitants of that Region and saith Happy art thou O the Israel of God a people saved by the Lord the Shield of thy Strength the Sword of thine Excellency When he looketh upon the Lord himself who is their Glory he is ready with the rest to fall down and worship him that liveth for ever and say Holy holy holy Lord God Almighty which was and is and is to come Thou art worthy O Lord to receive Glory and Honor and Power When he looks on the Glorified Saviour of the Saints he is ready to say Amen to that new Song Blessing honor glory and power be to him that sitteth on the Throne and to the Lamb for ever and ever for he hath redeemed us out of every Nation by his blood and made us Kings and Priests to God When he looketh back on the Wilderness of this VVorld he blesseth the believing patient despised Saints he pitieth the ignorant obstinate miserable World and for himself he saith as Peter It is good to be here or as David It is good for me to draw neer to God for all those that are far from him shall perish Thus as Daniel in his captivity did three times a day open his window toward Jerusalem though far out of sight when he went to God in his Devotions so may the believing Soul in this captivity to the flesh look towards Jerusalem which is above And as Paul was to the Colossians so may he be with the Glorified Spirits Absent in the flesh but present in Spirit joying in beholding their Heavenly Order And as Divine Bucholcer in his last Sermon before his death did so sweetly descant upon those comfortable words John 3.16 Whosoever beleeveth in him shall not perish but have Everlasting Life That he raised and ravished the hearts of his otherwise sad hearers So may the Meditating Beleever do through the Spirits assistance by his own heart And as the pretty Lark doth sing most sweetly and never cease her pleasant ditty while she hovereth aloft as if she were there gazing into the glory of the Sun but is suddenly silenced when she falleth to the Earth So is the frame of the Soul most Delectable and Divine while it keepeth in the views of God by Contemplation But alas we make there too short a stay but down again we fall and lay by our musick But O thou the Merciful Father of Spirits the Attractive of Love and Ocean of Delights draw up these drossie hearts unto thy self and keep them there till they are spiritualized and refined and second these thy Servants weak Endevors and perswade those that read these lines to the practice of this Delightful Heavenly Work And O suffer not the Soul of thy most unworthy Servant to be a stranger to those Joyes which he unfoldeth to thy people or to be seldom in that way which he hath here lined out to others But O keep me while I tarry on this Earth in daily serious Breathings after thee and in a Believing Affectionate Walking with thee And when thou comest O let me be found so doing not hiding my Talent nor serving my Flesh nor yet asleep with my Lamp unfurnished but waiting and longing for my Lords return That those who shall read these Heavenly Directions may not read onely the fruit of my Studies and the product of my fancy but the hearty breathings of my active Hope and Love That if my heart were open to their view they might there read the same most deeply engraven with a Beam from the Face of the Son of God and not finde Vanity or Lust or Pride within where the words of Life appear without That so these lines may not witness against me but proceeding from the heart of the Writer may be effectual through thy Grace upon the heart of the Reader and so be the savor of Life to both Amen Glory be to God in the highest On Earth Peace Good-wil towards Men. FINIS BROVGHTON In the Conclusion of His Concent of Scripture Concerning the New-Jerusalem and the Everlasting Sabbatism meant in my Text as begun here and perfected in Heaven THe Company of faithful Souls called to the blessed Marriage of the Lamb are a Jerusalem from Heaven Apoc. 3. and 21. Heb. 12. Though such glorious things are spoken concerning this City of God the perfection whereof cannot be seen in this Vale of Tears yet here God wipeth all tears from our eyes and each blessing is here begun The name of this City much helpeth Jew and Gentile to see the state of peace for this is called Jerusalem and that in Canaan hath Christ destroyed This Name should clearly have taught both the Hebrews not to look and pray daily for to return to Canaan and Pseudo-Catholikes not to fight for special holiness there We live in this by Faith and not by Eye-sight and by Hope we behold the perfection Of this City Salvation is a Wall goodly as Jasper clear as Crystal the foundations are in number twelve of twelve pretious stones such as Aaron ware on his brest all the Work of the Lambs twelve Apostles the Gates are twelve each of Pearl upon which are the names of the twelve Tribes of Israel of whose Faith all must be which enter in Twelve Angels are conductors from East West North and South even the Stars of the Churches The City is square of Burgesses setled for all turns Here God sitteth on a Throne like Jasper and Ruby Comfortable and Just The Lamb is the Temple that a third Temple should not be looked for to be built Thrones twice twelve are for all the Christians born of Israels twelve or taught by the Apostles who for dignity are Seniors for infinity are termed but four and twenty in regard of so many Tribes and Apostles Here the Majesty is Honorable as at the delivery of the Law from whose Throne Thunder Voyces and Lightnings do proceed Here oyl of Grace is never wanting but burning with seven Lamps the spirits of Messias of Wit and Wisdom of Counsel and Courage of Knowledg and Understanding and of the Fear due to the Eternal Here the Valiant Patient Witty and Speedy
with sharp Sight are winged as those Saraphims that waited on Christ when ten Calamities and utter destruction was told for the low Jerusalem They of this City are not as Israel after the flesh which would not see for all the Wonders that our Lord did but these Redeemed with his pretious blood are full of Eyes lightned by Lamps the glory of Jehovah and behold Christ through all the Prophets a performer of our Faith sealed of God Sealer of all Vision opener of Seals for the Stories of the Church Here is the true Light where the saved walk hither Kingdoms bring their glory hither the blessed Nations carry their Jewels This is a Kingdom uncorrupted which shall not be given to a strange and unclean people they must be written in the Book of the Lamb and chosen of eternity sanctified of God which here are Citizens Through this there gusheth a stream better then the four in Eden a stream of lively waters by belief in Christ as those waters flowing from Lebanon Here is that Tree of Life in the midst of the Paradise of God with leaves to heal the Nations that will be cured while it is said to day with twelve fruits to give food continually to such as feed also upon the hidden Manna who after death receive the Crown of Justice and Life the morning star white Cloathing and the white Stone wherein a name is written equal to all the Law Deut. 27 2. The first seat of the first Adam in the first Paradise was glorious this is better and as Moses began with the Terrestrial so the holy Word endeth in the Celestial that to Wheels full of eyes may the Writ of Truth be compared The full concent and melody of Prophets and Apostles how their Harps are tuned on Mount Sion it will sully appear in the full sight of Peace when our bodies are made conformable to Christ his glorious body in the world to come and our eyes shall see the Lord in that Sic● For that Coming O thou whom my soul loveth be like to the Roe upon the mountains Amen Even so come Lord Jesus Then we shall in perfect holiness worship thee to whom the Angels alway give holy Worship saying Praise and Glory and Wisdom and Thanks and Honor and Power and Might be unto our God for evermore Amen A Poem of Master I. Herberts in his Temple HOME COme Lord my head doth burn my heart is sick While thou dost ever ever stay Thy long deferrings wound me to the quick My spirit gaspeth night and day O shew thy self to me Or take me up to thee How canst thou stay considering the pace The blood did make which thou didst waste When I behold it trickling down thy face I never saw thing make such hast O shew thy self to me Or take me up to thee When man was lost thy pity look't about To see what help in th' earth or skie But there was none at least no help without The help did in thy bosome lye O shew thy self to me Or take me up to thee There lay thy Son and must he leave that nest That hive of sweetness to remove Thraldome from those who would not at a feast Leave one poor apple for thy love O shew thy self to me Or take me up to thee He did he came O my Redeemer dear After all this canst thou be strange So many yeers baptiz'd and not appear As if thy Love could fail or change O shew thy self to me Or take me up to thee Yet if thou stayest still why must I stay My God what is this world to me This world of wo Hence all ye clouds away Away I must get up and see O shew thy self to me Or take me up to thee What is this weary world This meat and drink That chain 's us by the teeth so fast What is this woman-kinde which I can wink Into a blackness and distaste O shew thy self to me Or take me up to thee With one small sigh thou gav'st me th' other day I blasted all the joyes about me And scouling on them as they pin'd away Now come again said I and flout me O shew thy self to me Or take me up to thee Nothing but drought and dearth but bush and brake Which way so ere I look I see Some may dream merrily but when they wake They dress themselves and come to thee O shew thy self to me Or take me up to thee We talk of Harvests there are no such things But when we leave our Corn and Hay There is no fruitful yeer but that which bring 's The last and lov'd though dreadful day O shew thy self to me Or take me up to thee O loose this frame this knot of man unty That my free soul may use her wing Which now is pinion'd with mortality As an entangled hamper'd thing O shew thy self to me Or take me up to thee What have I left that I should stay and grone The most of me to Heav'n is fled My thoughts and joyes are all pack't up and gone And for their old acquaintance plead O shew thy self to me Or take me up to thee Come dearest Lord pass not this holy season My flesh and bones and joints do pray And even my verse when by the rhyme and reason The word is Stay say's ever Come O shew thy self to me Or take me up to thee FINIS If you will reade nothing but What Was intended by the Author amend these misprintings The rest are but small PAge 8. line 14. blot out Sect 7. p. 9. for your reade their p. 81. l. 3. for prop r. proper p. 85. l. 15. r. Colluvione p. 87. l. 21. after be add so p. 95. l. 5. for when r. whom p. 96. l. 37. for in r. to p. 97. l. 8. blot out to p. 99. l. ult after Rest add is p. 145. l. 10. blot out with p. 161. l. 22. before thee put making p. 200. l. 21. for former r. formall and in the Margin l. 19. for sed r. suae p. 240. l. 37. for which r. what p. 242. l. 26. for Monensis r. Aponensis and in the Margin for Grainerius r. Guainerius p. 269. l. 14. for mortall r. morall p. 389. l. 23. for Promises r. Premises p. 394. l. 21 for distinguished r. extinguished p. 517. l. 23. for Pebugius ● P●stugius p. 530. l. 7. before think write that p. 543. l. 18. for your r. our p. 648. l. 15. for Heavenly blessing r. Heavenly believer p. 669. l. 20. for things r. this p. 674. l. 18. for waiting r. writing p. 720. l. 9. for they r. the p. 763. l. 15. for which r. with p. 776. l. 16. for whose r. whole p. 728. l. 2. for promise r. premise §. 1. §. 2. * Heb. 10.30 Micah 2.8 2 Pet. 2.20 Joh 2.23 Heb 6.4 5 6. Heb. 10.29 30 Joh. 15.2 6. Mat 13.41 Joh. 17.12 §. 3. §. 4. 1 Theirs by Purpose before