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A10966 A treatise vpon sundry matters contained in the Thiry nine Articles of religion, which are professed in the Church of England long since written and published by Thomas Rogers. Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616.; Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616. Faith, doctrine and religion professed in England. 1639 (1639) STC 21233; ESTC S1674 207,708 274

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me●re will and purpose of God some are elected and not others unto salvation 6. They who are elected unto salvation if they come unto yeares of discretion are called both outwardly by the Word and inwardly by the Spirit of God 7. The Predestinate are both justified by faith sanctified by the holy Ghost and shall be glorified in the life to come 8. The consideration of Predestination is to the godly wise most comfortable but to curious and carnall persons very dangerous 9. The generall promises of God set forth in the holy Scriptures are to be embraced of us 10. In our actions the Word of God which is his revealed will must be our direction 1. Proposition There is a predestination of men unto everlasting life The proofe from Gods Word THat of men some be predestinate unto life it is a truth most apparent in the holy Scripture by the testimony both of Christ himselfe who saith To sit at my right hand and at my left hand is not mine to give but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of my Father a Matth. 20 23. Many are called but few chosen b Ibid. 22.14 For the elects sake those dayes shall be shortned c Ibid. 24.2 Feare not little flock for it is your Fathers pleasure to give you a Kingdome d Luke 12.32 I tell you in that night there shall be two in one bed the one shall be received and the other left e Ibid. 17.34 All that the Father giveth me shall come unto me f John 6.37 Witnessed also is this by the Evangelist Luke and Paul the one saith how of the Gentiles at Antioch so many as were ordained unto eternall life beleeved g Acts 13.48 and the other those whom he knew before he did also predestinate h Rom. 8.20 We are unto God the sweet savour of Christ in them that are saved and in them which perish to the one wee are the savour of death unto death and to the other the savour of life unto life a 2 Cor. 2.15 16. Blessed be God even the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ which c. hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world c. who hath predestinate us to bee adopted through Iesus Christ unto himselfe c Eph 1.3 4 5. The example also of the elected creatures man and Angels c Matth. 25.34 41. Jude 6. of the two brethren Abel and Cain Gen 4.4 Isaac and Ismael e Rom. 9.17 c Iacob and Esau Ma● 1 2. ● Rom. ● 13 of the two Eunuches of King Pharaoh g Gen. 40 10. of the two Kingdomes Iuda and Israel the two peoples Iewes and Gentiles the two Apostles Peter and Iudas the two Theeves upon the Crosse h Luke 23.39 40 43. the two men in the fields and the two women at the Mill i Matth. 24.40 41. make to the illustration of this truth All Churches consent with this doctrine The errors and adversaries unto this truth Erre therefore doe they which stand in opinion that Some are appointed to be saved but none to be damned In soule some persons but in soule and body together none shall be saved of this mind were the old heretikes viz. the false apostles k 1 Cor. 15.12 the Carpocratians l Clem. strom lib. 4 the Valentinians m Iren. the Cerdonites n Iren. the Manichies o Aug contra Faust l. 4. c. 16. and the Hieracites p Epiphan and of their opinion be the Family of Love q H N. Instr ar 5. sect 24. Prophecy of the sp r. c. 16. sect 7. 2. Proposition Predestination hath beene from everlasting The proofe from Gods Word PRedestination begun before all times It will be said saith our Saviour Christ Come ye blessed of my Father inherit ye the Kingdome prepared for you from the foundations of the world a Matth 25 3● God hath chosen us in Iesus Christ before the Foundation of the world b Eph 1.4 God hath saved us c. according to his owne purpose and grace which was given to us through Christ Iesus before the world was c 2 Tim. 1.9 The publike confession of the Churches namely in Helvetia d Confess 2. c. 10 11. Basil e ar 1. and France f ar 10. beare witnesse hereunto The adversaries unto this truth Those wrangling Sophisters then are deceived who because God is not included within the compasse of any time but hath all things to come as present continually before his eyes do say that God did not in the time long agoe past only but still in the time present likewise doth predestinate 3. Proposition They which are predestinate unto salvation cannot perish The proofe from Gods Word ALL that the Father giveth me shall come to me and him that commeth to me I cast not away saith Christ a John 6.57 I give unto them eternall life and they shall never perish neither shall any pluck them out of my hand c. none is able to take them out of my Fathers hand b John 10.28 29. The gates of hell shall not overcome the Church c Matth. 16.18 Moreover whom he predestinated them he also glorified d Rom. 8.30 For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance e Rom 11.29 They went out from us but they were not of us for if they had beene of us they would have continued with us 1 John 2.19 So the Church of God as afore in this article The errors and adversaries unto this truth Wander then doe they from the truth which think That the very elect totally and finally may fall from grace and be damned That the regenerate may fall from the grace of God may destroy the Temple of God and be broken off from the vine Christ Iesus which was one of Glovers errors a Bredwels de●ect p. 89. That the number of those which be predestinate may both encrease and be diminished so thought the Pelagians 4. Proposition Not all men but certaine be predestiante to be saved The proofe from Gods Word VVE denie all and affirme that a certaine chosen and company of men be predestinate and so doth Gods Word Rejoyce that your names are written in heaven a Luke 10.20 I know mine and am knowne of mine is the saying of Christ Iesus b John 10.14 I suffer all things for the elects sake saith St. Paul c 2 Tim. 2.10 The very same with us doe the Churches affirme d Confes Helv. 2 cap. 10 Basil ar 1. Gal ar 12 Belg. ar 16. The adversaries unto this truth We are therefore against them which teach how not certaine but all even the most ungodly and damnable yea the very devils shall be saved of which opinion were the Origenists a Wolf Musculus in epist ad Philip praef and are the Catabaptists b Bullin
which affirme that Christ in body soule went some think as it were into Hell when upon the Crosse and elsewhere hee suffered the terrors and torments prophesied of Esay 53. v. 6.10 Psal 116. v. 2. and mentioned Matth. 26. v. 38. or 27. v. 46 Luk. 22. v. 42. some say even into hell the very place destined for the Reprobate which he entred into the very moment of his Resurrection at which time hee shewed and declared himselfe a most glorious Conquerour both of death and Hell the most powerfull enemies Errors and adversaries unto this truth But till wee know the native and undoubted sense of this article and mysterie of religion persist wee adversaries unto them which say That Christ descended not into hell at all calling this article an error and a fable as Carlile doth a Carlile against D Smith p. 18.77 That Christ being dead descended into the place of everlasting torments where in soule he endured for a time the very paines which the damned spirits without intermission doe abide Bannisters error b Treat of Bannisters error That Christ alive upon the crosse humbled himselfe usque ad inferni tremenda tormenta even unto the dreadfull torments of hell c Pagets Catech Latin endured for a time those torments quales reprobi in aeternum sensuri sunt which the reprobates shall everlastingly suffer in hell d Pisc in Luc. 12.10 even despaired of Gods mercy finding God at this time Non patrem sed Tyrannum not a Father but a Tyrant and overcame despaire by despaire death by death hell by hell and Satan by Satan e Ferus in Math. 27. suffered actually all the torments of hell for our redemption and descended into the heauiest torments that Hell could yeeld f Humes Rejoind p. 38. 138. 152. suffered the torments of hell The second death Abiection from God g Houshold Catech. and was made a curse that is had the bitter anguish of Gods wrath in his soule and body which is the fire that shall never bee quenched h Giffords Catech That Christ personally in soule went downe into Lake Lymbo to fetch from thence as Canisius i Canis Catech to lose from thence as Vaux he saith k Vaux Catech. the soules of our forefathers which afore his death as the Papists dreame were shut up in the close prison of Hell l Test Rhem. an Luc. 16.26 That Christ by his descension hath quite turned Hell into Paradise Costerus the Iesuites error m Coster instit l. 5. 4. Article Of the Resurrection of Christ Christ did truly arise againe from death and tooke againe his body with flesh bones and all things appertaining to the perfection of mans nature 2 wherewith he ascended into heaven 3 and there sitteth untill he returne to iudge all men at the last day The Propositions 1. Christ is risen from the dead 2. Christ is ascended into heaven 3. Christ shall come againe at the last day to iudge all men even the quicke and the dead 1. Proposition Christ is risen from the dead The proofe from Gods Word THE Resurrection of Christ may easily be prooved from the holy Scriptures in which it is euident first that Christ should a Thou wilt not suffer thine holy One to see corruption Psal 16.10 After he is killed he shall rise againe the third day Marc 9.31 and 10.34 Luke 9.32 and next that he did rise from death vnto life both by his appearing to Mary Magdalene b Iohn 20.14 to diuers women c Math. 28.9 to two d Luke 24.13.15 30 31. to tenne e Iohn 20.19 to all the Disciples to moe then fiue hundred brethren at once g 1 Cor. 15.6 to sundry persons by the space of forty dayes together h Acts 1.3 and by the testimony also of the Apostles Peter i Acts 1.22 and 2.32 1 Pet. 1.3 and Paul k Acts 17.2 3. Rom. 10.9 1 Cor. 15.4 5 c A truth both beleeved and acknowledged by Gods people from age to age l Symbol Apost Athan. Nicen. Confess Helvet 1. ar 11 and 2. c 11. Basil ar 4. Bohem. c. 6. Gal. 15.16 Belg. ar 20. August ar 3. Su●vi● ar 2. Ha●mon confess praef Errors and adversaries unto this truth Vtterly false then and vnchristian is the opinion of those men Which vtterly deny the resurrection of any flesh as did the Sadduces a The Sadduces say there is no resurrection Matth. 22.23 they deny there is any resurrection Luk. 20.27 they say there is no resurrection neither angel nor spirit Act. 23.8 the false apostles b How say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead 1 Cor. 15 12● Simon Magus c Epiphan and the Manichies d August contra Faust l. 4. c. 16. Which would acknowledge no resurrection of Christ as would not nor will the Iewes e Mat. 28.13 15. Iud. Cater l divinor visor nor heretike Hamant f Holinsh chron fol. 1299. nor Dauid George one of which errors was that the flesh of Christ was dissolued into ashes and so rose no more g Hist Dauidis Georg. Which affirme as did Corinthus that Christ shall rise againe but yet is not risen h Philaster Which say how our Sauiour after his resurrection was so deified as he retained no more the parts and properties of his body and soule nor the vnion of both natures but is meerely God So thought the Schwenkfeldians Which take the Resurrection of Christ to be but an allegory and no true certaine history as doe the Family of Love i Display in allens confesse 2. Proposition Christ is ascended into heaven The proofe from Gods Word IN saying how Christ with his body is ascended into heaven and there sitteth and abideth we doe agree with the Prophets a Psal 47 5 68 18.110 1. Euangelists b Maty 23.44.25 65. Act. 1.9 Luk 24.51 and Apostles c Rom. 8 34. Eph. c. 8. with the ancient Fathers d Symb. Apo. Athan. Nicen. and Gods people our brethren throughout all Christendome e Confess Helv 1 ar 1 2. c 1. Basi ar 4. Bohe c 6. Gal. ar 15 Bel. ar 20. Aug ar 3. Saxon ar 3 Suevie ar 2. The Errors and adversaries unto this truth But we alltogether dissent From Hamant the English hereticke which denyed the ascension of Christ a Holinsh chro fol. 1299. Also from Ket the heretike and Apostata which likewise denyed our Sauiours ascension affirming that his humane nature is not in heauen but in Iudea gathering a Church and people Also from the Germane Vbiquitaries and Papists they saying that Christ as man is not onely in heaven but in earth too at this instant wheresoeuer the deity is b Ia. Smidelinus Vbiquitatis Apostolus Beza epist 61. these affirming the humane nature of Christ is wheresoever the Sacrament of the Altar is administred c Ergo
29. which sheweth vvhereunto onely the Primitive Church necessarily was tyed By the Apostles doctrine b Rom. 13.1 1 Pet. 2.13 14 which enjoyneth the Christians to yeeld obedience unto the ordinances of their lawfull Governers and Commanders whatsoever By the Apostles example and namely of the blessed Saint Paul c Acts. 16.37 Act. 22.25 c. Act. 25.11.12 who tooke benefit and made good use of the Romane and Emperiall Lawes Errors and adversaries unto this truth This truth neither is nor ever was oppugned by any Church Onely among our selves some thinke us necessarily eyed unto all the Iudicials of Moses as the Brownists For they say The Iawes Iudiciall of Moses belong as well unto Christians as they did unto the Iewes a Barrowes disco p. 127. Others that we are bound though not unto all yet unto some of the Iudicials as holdeth T. C. b 1. Reply sect 1 3. and Philip Stubs c Anatom of abuses 2. part D●b 5. Proposition No Christian man whatsover is freed from the obedience of the law Morall The proofes from Gods Word THink not that I am come to destroy the Law or the Prophets I am not come to destroy them but to fulfil them For truly I say unto you saith our Saviour Christ til heaven and earth perish one jot or one tittle of the law shall not scape till all things be fulfilled whosoever therefore shall break one of these least Commandements and teach men so shall be called the least in the Kingdome of Heaven c a Matth. 5.17 18 19. If thou wilt enter into life keep the Commandements c. Thou shalt not kill Thou shalt not commit adultery Thou shalt not steale Thou shalt not beare false witnesse Honour thy father and thy mother b Mat. 19.17 18 19. Doe we make the Law of none effect through faith God forbid yea we establish the Law c Rom. 3.31 Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing but the keeping of the Commandements of God d 1 Cor. 7.19 The publike confessions of the Churches of God in France e Art 23. and Belgia f Art 25. agree with this Doctrine Errors and adversaries unto this truth Whereby are condemned as most wicked and unsound the Opinions Of the Manichies who found fault with the whole Law of God as wicked and proceding not from the true God but from the prince of darkenesse a Aug. con● Faust epist 11. and 74. Of Brownist Glover whose opinion was that Love now is come in the place of the ten Commandements b Bredweb detect p. 119. Of Iohannes Istebius and his followers the Antinomies who will not have Gods Law to be preached nor the conscience of sinners to be terrified and troubled with the Iudgements of God c Sim. Paulimeth par 2. de lege De● p. 54. Of Banister among our selves who held how it is utterly evill for the elect so much as to thinke much lesse to speake or heare of the feare of God which the Law preacheth d Bani error 8. Article Of the three Creedes 1 The three Creeds Nicene Creede Athanasius Creede and that which is commonly called the Apostles Creede ought throughly to be received and beleeved For 2 they may be prooved by most certaine warrants of holy Scripture The Propositions 1. The Nicene Athanasian and Apostolicall Creeds ought to be received and beleeved 2. The three Creeds viz. The Nicene Athanasian and of the Apostles may be prooved by the holy Scripture 1. Proposition The Nicene Athanasian and Apostolicall Creeds ought to be received and beleeved THis proposition the Churches of God both anciently and in these last dayes a Confess Helv. 2 c. 11. Gal. ar 5. Belg ar 9. Saxo ar 1. doe acknowledge for true The errors and adversaries unto this truth Therefore much out of the way of godlinesse are they which tearme the Apostles Creede A forged patchery as Barrowe doth a Bar. dis p. 76. and Athanasius Sathanasius Creede so did Gregorius Paulus in Polonia b Genebr l. 4. p. 1158. and the new Arrians and Nestorians in Lituania c Surius chro p. 320. My selfe some 28. yeares agoe heard a great learned man whose name upon another occasion afore is expressed to whose acquaintance I was artificially brought which in private conference betweene him and my selfe tearmed worthy Zanchius a Foole and an Asse for his booke de tribus Elohim which refuteth the new Arrians against whose founders the Creeds of Athanasius and Nicene were devised Him attentively I heard but could never since abide for those words and indeed I never saw him since 2. Proposition The three Creeds viz. the Nicene Athanasian and of the Apostles may be prooved by the holy Scripture The proofe from Gods Word THan this assertion nothing is more true For the Creedes I meane these three Creedes speake first Of one and the same God whom we are to beleeve is for essence but one a Deut. 6.4 Mal. 2.10 1 Cor. 8.4 Eph 4.5 6. in persons three b Matth. 3.17 Gal. 4.6 1 John 5.7 viz. The Father the Creator c Psal 134.3 the Son the Redeemer d Esa 53.4 Rom. 5.18 Gal 3.13 Eph. 2.16 1 Iohn 2.2 the holy Ghost the Sanctifier e 1 Cor. 1.21 22. 1 Pet. 1.2 Next of the people of God which we must thinke and beleeve is The holy f Eph. 1.3 4. and 2.21 Col 2.22 and Catholike Church g Esa 54. 2. Psal 87.4 Acts 1.8 c. Eph. 2 14. Reu. 5.9 The Communion of Saints h Eph. 4.15 1 Cor. 10.16 Heb. ●0 25 1 Iohn 1.7 Pardoned of all their sinnes i Esa 44.22 Math. 18.23 c. Col. 2.13 And appointed to arise from death k Ioh. 5.28 1 Cor. 15. Phil 3.21 1 Iohn 6.39 and to enioy eternall life both in body and soule l Pet. 1.4 Reuel 21.4 The aduersaries vnto this truth Therfore we are enemies to all aduersaries of this doctrine or any whit of the same in them comprised whether they be Atheists Iewes Sadduces Ebionites Tretheites Antitrinitarians Apollinarians Arrians Manichies Nestorians Origenians Turkes Papists Familists Anabaptists or whosoeuer 9. Article Of Originall or Birth sinne 1 Originall sin standeth not in the following of Adam as the Pelagians doe mainely talk but 2 it is the fault and corruption of the nature of euery man that naturally is engendred of the off-spring of Adam whereby man is very farre gone from originall righteousnesse is inclined to euill so that the flesh lusteth against the Spirit and therefore in euery person borne into the world it deserueth Gods wrath and damnation 3 And this infection of nature doth remaine yea in them that are regenerated whereby the lust of the Flesh called in Greeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Which some doe expound the wisedome some the Sensuality some the affection some the desire of the flesh is not subiect to the Law of God
the truth c 1 Tim. 2.4 2. The doctrine of the Gospell for the free remission of sinnes is to be preached not vnto a few but vniuersally and generally vnto all men Goe therefore and teach all nations baptizing them c. d Mate 28.19 Goe into all the world and preach the Gospell to euery creature He that shall beleeue and be baptized shall be saued but he that will not beleeue shall be damned e Math. 16.15 16. 3. The seales of the couenant be appointed to be giuen to all men which are members of the visible Church or desirous to be incorporated thereinto For All are to be baptized f Math. 28.19 and all are to participate of the bread and cup at the Lords Supper g Mat. 26.26 27. 1 Cor. 11.34.35 4. As the disobedience of Adam brought condemnation vpon all men so the blood and obedience of Christ is able and all-sufficient to wash away all sinnes that of all men 5. No man euer truly repented but he was receiued againe into fauour so was Dauid after his adultery h 2 Sam. 12.13 Manasses after his Idolatry i 2 Chro. 33.12 13. Peter after his Apostacie k Ioh. 21.15 c. the Thiefe vpon the Crosse l Luke 23.42 43. the Nineuites m Ionas 3.10 The adversaries unto this truth They are not to be heard then which say that The number of the Elect is but small and seeing we are vncertaine whether we be of that company or no we will proceede in our course as we haue begun God is an accepter of persons and so vniust in chusing some and refusing others God hath predestinate all those persons to eternall death which are not in the state of true repentance which was one of Glovers errors a Bredwels dete ct p. 06. It is the part therefore of all and euery man Not to refuse the mercies of God both generally and graciously offered vnto all men by his Word and Sacraments Not to despaire in respect either of the greatnes or multitude of his sinnes Nor yet to prouoke the Lord to execute his vengeance vpon them through prophanenesse of life or securitie 10. Proposition In our actions the Word of God which is his reuealed will must be our direction The proofe from Gods Word In our doings but chiefly in the matter of Predestination we are to follow not our owne iudgement and what seemeth good in our owne opinions but the will of God and that will too not which is concealed from vs viz. of God his omnipotency whereby he gouerneth at his pleasur the things by himselfe created whereof mention is made both in the Psalmes a Psal 115.3 in the Prophet Isay b Esa 46.10 and other places of his Word c Rom. 9.15 but of his fauour and good pleasure towards man reuealed in the holy Scriptures by Iesus Christ whom we are to heare d Math. 3.17 Subscribed hereunto haue and doe Gods Church euery where The aduersaries vnto this truth This truth is gaine-said by the Phrygians Montanists and Messalians a Theodoret. l. 3. de haeret fab also by the Enthusiasts b Beza ep 81. Anabaptists c Sle●dan com lib. 6. and Family of Loue d H.N. euang c. 13. sect 6. which leave the written Word of God and relye vpon their owne dreames visions and lying reuelations Hence proceedeth the contempt of Gods written Word and of the Preachers and all religious exercises thereof For saith the Family of Loue e In a letter of theirs vnto the B. of Roch. in Wilk confut No differunce is there betweene a ceremoniall either Letter-Doctor Christian and an vncircumcised Heathen 18. Article Of obtained eternall saluation onely by the name of Christ They also are to had accursed that presume to say that euery man shall be saued by the Law or sect which he professeth so that he be diligent to frame his life according to that Law and the light of nature For holy Scripture doth set out vnto vs 2 onely in the name of Iesus Christ whereby men must be saued The Propositions 1. The profession of euery religion cannot saue a man liue he neuer so vertuously 2. No man euer was or shall be saued but onely by the Name or faith of Iesus Christ 1. Proposition The profession of euery religion cannot saue a man liue he neuer so vertuously The proofe from Gods Word THis we cannot but acknowledge to be a truth if we beleeue the Scriptures for they testifie that Iewes and Gentiles are vnder sin culpable before God and depriued of the glory of God a Rom. 3.6 19 23. All men that would be saued must be borne againe of the holy Ghost b Ioh. 3.3 No man is iustified by the words of the Law c Gal. 3.16 either ceremoniall d Act. 15.24 2. Col. 1 16 20. Gal. 5.18 or morall e Rom. 3 10 20 28. Eph. 2.8 9. God hateth the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes f Reu 2.15 and of Balaam g Ibid. 14. The Reprobate whose names are not written in the booke of the Lambe they doe worship the Beast h Reu. 13.8 Punishments eternall and intolerable are threatned both to the Beast and the false prophet i Reu. 2.10 and likewise to all such as will not goe out of Babylon k Reu. 18.4 and to all Idolaters l Reu. 21.8 The confessions of Gods-people are to this end and purpose m Confes Hel. 1. ar 12. 2. c 1. ● Bohe. c d. Gal ar 22.23 Belg. ar 2● 13 Aug. ar 45.21 Wittem ar 5 6 Suev c. 3. Errors and adversaries unto this truth Then to be held accursed are they which affirme that The obseruation of the iudiciall ceremonies is necessary vnto saluation as did the false apostles a Act. 15.11 the Ebionites b Ire l. 1. c 27. and the Corinthians c Philastrius Such throughout the world as lead an vpright life and be morally righteous whatsoeuer their religion is shall be saued as many of the Philosophers were in the opinion of the Valentinian and Basilidian heretikes d Clem. Alex. q 2.4 of Galeatus Martius e Paul Iovius log doct vir p. 67. Erasmus Roterodam f Praef. sua Tuscu quest That men externally may professe any religion and notwithstanding be saued if their affections and heart be with the Family of loue g H. N. praef 19 his 3. Reform sect 2.6 That all those that liue vprightly and doe good deeds shall be of equall happinesse in the Kingdom of heauen be they Turkes Christians Iewes or Moores A Turkish error h Pol. of the Turk emp c. 23. Lon. cer Turk hist tom 1. 2. par 2 cap. 12. That men may embrace and follow the sect and religion which they haue most minde vnto and so doing please God and be saued the Lampatians doctrine i Damascene That
Sacraments ordained of Christ he badges or tokens of our profession which be Christians The proofe from Gods Word THe Sacraments are badges or tokens both of Christians and of Christianity Of Christians For by them are visibly discerned the faithfull from Pagans and Christians from the Iewes Turks and all prophane Atheists Of Christianity For as Circumcision in the old Law was a token how the corrupt and carnall affections of the minde should be subdued and that the Lord required not so much an outward of the body as an inward circumcision of the heart a Deut. 18.16 39 6. Jer. 4.4 Acts 7.51 ●●●m 12.28 Phil. 3.3 Col. ● 11 so Baptisme telleth us that being once dead unto sinne wee are to live unto righteousnesse that all we that have been baptized unto Iesus Christ have been baptized unto his death c. and must walke in newnesse of life c b Rom 5.3 c. for wee have put on Christ c Gal. 3.26 by Baptisme And as the Paschall Lambe was to the Iewes a token that the flight of sinne should alwayes bee fresh in memory and that it should be celebrated not with the old Leaven neither in the Leaven of maliciousnesse but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth d 1 Cor 5.8 so the participation of one Loafe and of one Cup in the Lord his Supper doth commend unto our consideration a sweet concord a brotherly unanimity and a constant continuance in the true worship of God without favouring of Idolatry in any respect e 1 Cor 107. This doe the godly in any their Churches and throughout the world both teach and testifie f Confes Hel. 1 c. 29. 2. ar 20. Aug. ar 13. S●x ar 12. The adversaries unto this truth Vngodly therefore and in a cursed state are they which equall other things with the Sacraments to discerne Christians from Pagans So the Iacobites imprint the signe of the Crosse on their armes foreheads c. to be knowne for Christians a Magdeburg ec hist Con. 12 c. 3. which contemne the Sacraments as of none account So doe the Anabaptists b Dulling con Anab l 2. c. 4. Althamar concil Lo. pag. lo. 191. There be saith D. Saravia which hold how the Sacraments were to bee administred onely at the first planting of the Church by the Apostles and Evangelists but doe not appertaine unto us in these dayes c D. Saravia def tra de divers min grad cap. 14. It was also one of Matthew Hamants heresies that the Sacraments are not necessary in the Church of God d Holinsh chr fol. 1299. Which think the Sacraments are but onely civill and ceremoniall badges of an outward Church such generally be all Atheists and hypocrites particularly the Messalians e Theodor. lib. c. 9. c. 11. and Family of Love who thinke that for obedience sake to Magistrates the Sacraments are to be received f Patterne of the pref Tem. but are to none effect to the perfect ones in the Family g R●msels confess 2. Proposition The Sacraments be certaine sure witnesses and effectuall signes of Grace and God his good will towards us The proofe from Gods Word INfinitely doth God declare his unspeakeable and incomprehensible good will to man-ward yet in these dayes by none outward things more notably and effectually than by the Sacraments For Of Baptisme saith Christ He that beleeveth and is baptized shall be saved a Mark 16.16 and Peter Amend your lives and be baptized every one c. for the remission of sins b Acts 2.38 and Paul Husbands love your wives even as Christ loved the Church and gave himselfe for it that he might sanctifie it and cleanse it by the washing of water through the Word c c Eph. 5.25 And of the Lords Supper saith our Saviour Christ touching the Bread This is my body which is given d Luke 22.19 and broken for you e 1 Cor. 11.24 and of the Cup This is my blood of the New Testament that is shed for many for the remission of sinnes f Mark 26.28 Luke 22.20 This truth doe the purer Churches of these dayes every where acknowledge g Confes Helv. 1. ar 20. 22. 2 c. 19 20 21. Bohe. c 11. 12 13. Gal ar 34 38. Belgr ● 33. 35. August ar 9. 13. Witt. ar 10 19. Suev ar 16. 18. The adversaries unto this truth Contrary hereunto the Papists erroneously doe hold that The Sacraments of the new Law do conferre grace ex opere operato a Concil Trid sess 7 can 8. The Sacraments of the Old and New Testament in this do differ for that the Sacraments of the Old Testament did onely shadow forth salvation but the Sacraments of the new did conferre and work salvation b Concil Flo● and doe justifie not onely signifie God his good will toward us by reason of the worke done which is the outward Sacraments c Bonavent lib. 4. 〈◊〉 1 〈◊〉 5. Gab. Biel. l. 4. di●t 1 p. 3. 3. Proposition By the Sacraments God doth quicken strengthen and confirme our faith in him The proofe from Gods Word BE baptized every one of you in the Name of Iesus Christ for the remission of your sinnes and yee shall receive the gift of the holy Ghost saith S. Peter a Acts 2.38 Christ gave himselfe for the Church that hee might sanctifie it and cleanse it by the washing of water through the Word b Eph. 5.25 26. The cup of blessing which we blesse is it not the communion of the bloud of Christ The bread which we breake is it not the communion of the body of Christ saith Saint Paul c 1 Cor. 10.19 The same is affirmed by the reformed Churches d Conf. Helv 1. ar 21. 2. c. 10. 20 21. ar 6. Bohem. c. 17. 12. Gal. ar 34. Belg. ar 33 34. Aug. ar 13. Saxon. ar 13. Suc. c. 17. Howbeit this faith is not necessarily tyed unto the visible signes and Sacraments For Without the Sacraments many have lived and dyed who pleased God and are no doubt saved either in respect of their owne faith as we are to thinke of all the godly both men who were borne and dyed afore the institution of Circumcision in the wildernesse and in the time of grace c. yet by some extremitie could not receive the Seale of the covenant and women who afore and under the Law for many yeares were partakers for no Sacrament and never of one Sacrament or that they be heires of the promise Some have faith for they receive any of the Sacraments So had Abraham e Rom. 49. ●0 the Iewes unto whom Peter preached f Acts 2 41. the Samaritanes g Acts 8.12 the Church h Acts 8.37 Cornelius the Centurion and have the godly of discretion wheresoever not yet baptized i Acts 10.42 Some neither afore nor at the instant nor yet