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A09147 The Protestants theologie containing the true solutions, and groundes of religion, this daye mainteyned, and intreated, betwixt the Protestants, and Catholicks. Writen, by the R. F. F. VVilliame Patersoune religious priest, Conuentuall of Antwerpe, preacher of Gods word, and Vicar generall of the holy order of S. Augustin, through the kingdome of Scotland. The 1. Part. Paterson, F. William. 1620 (1620) STC 19461; ESTC S101863 199,694 338

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36. Not withstanding not so Only faith neuer patronizeth defendes internall iustification for the only faith of the father the health of the doughter is giuen although Christ stirred vp the father to belieue yet this fact doth not patronize nor defendes not the building of only faith to internall iustification but Christ speakes to him as a Phisitian vseth to speak to the patient saying only be of good courage and thow shall be wholl whill neuer theles he prescribes him to obserue a dyet and other wholsome medicines euen so is the health of the soule ascrybed to faith by the rest of other vertues because right faith is the fundament and roote of all other vertues neither is any work done absolutlie without faith acceptable to God OBIECTION I. WE know that we ar translated from death to lyf becaus we loue the bretheren 1. Iohan. cap. 3. v. 14. Therefor by speciall faith we ar certaine of ryghteousnes and forgiuenes of synnes for this is the translation from the death of synne to the lyf of grace c. ANSVVER THow art deceaued for lyf is not here supposed for iustification but for lyfe eternall as though he said We know vs to be instituted heires of eternall lyf and of that caelestiall kingdome if we loue the bretheren for this word because is taking for if conditionally OBIECTION II. THe incertitude of remission of synnes and of the present righteousnes doth torment and tortor the consciences of the faithfull takes away quyetnes and induceth diuerse anxieties add doubtes so that our archrabbie Luther in the 4. chapt of Gen. sayes the Papistes now Laitlie haue vsed to teach that we ought to wauer and doubt of the remission of synnes grace and saluation For this cause our confederat frind Chemnitius in his treatise of the certitude of iustifying faith calleth the papist Church a Shoppe of doubtes therefor this speciall faith is to be retained of the reformed Church with the certitude of actuall rychteousnes and by consequence of the remission of our synnes which makes our conscience free of a thowsand launcinge and pearcing scruples of the Papistes ANSVVER GOd forbid that we should wrappe snares of desperation or eyther butcher tortour the consciences of the faithfull for that we cōsent not to your only faith for neither the onely heauenly faith takes away all tortour of conscience neither doth it free men of these scruples neuertheles some morall certitude is gotten by faith or by diuers signes of the state of iustifying grace and of the remission of synnes for iust men may aspyre and rise to this certitude that ofte they fear not howbeit they might fear if they consider and looke to their own infirmitie First in the confiding and trusting them to be in grace so that in them selues be founde no contrary opposition and yet they may doubt and fear least perchance they be deceaued which way of iudginge of their owne richteousnes should be comō to all righteous men The second is muche more perfecter neither comone to all but to these only who are treuly turned to God with great zealle and feruour or haue long serued him with greate deuotion who may reache and attaine to that perfection that morally they ar certaine in some manner that they are in grace so that neither are they anxious ar moued with any doubt neither do they feare as morally a mā is certaine to be a Christian and to be verely baptized howbeit some maner of way he may doubte if he consider his owne fragilitie which is prone to doubt but dothe aspyre to the seconde perfection to wit that after long contrition and doing of pennance is absolued and lykwise is baptized in the intention of the church and liues a holy lyfe and by dayly examining findes nothing in him self guiltie of synne as also in contemning the world and studyinge to please god doth finde this certainety in them selues with these morall signes before iustifying faith to delight them selues in the exercises of vertue and to be penitent for their synnes committed to absteine from synne and to ouercome the perturbations of the mynd as wrath lust vaine-gloire passiones to Loth dispyse the world and to feele an internal motion to good things tranquillitie in mynd and peace in conscience a feruour to loue God and an affection to loue of the neygetbour to remitte trespasse and iniurie which how much the more they aboūde in man he is the perfecter and is more certaine and feare is lesse and confidence doth growe and increase the more in so farr that S. Basil in Reg. Breuior sayes VVhosoeuer takes heede and considers his owne fragilitie and pityeth other menns and is wholly affected towardes God let him belieue him to haue forginenes of synnes and to be in a goode confidence yit not withstanding with feare for Salom. Prouerbior 28. v. 14. tearmes the man blessed who is euer fearfull for securitie is the mother of negligence as writes S. Gregorius libro 6. epist. 286. Therefor God would not that our hope should only leane and depende on the promisses of God but to be strengthned and fortifyed with the merites of good workes as of contrition for our synnes and amendment of lyfe by the which the certitude of morall righteousnes sufficiētly aboundes and expelles the scruples of all anxietie and care and geaues to the iustman clearnesse of conscience and peace of mynde So that the reformed church in which this onely faith is forged and maintained is a merchant shoppe of temeritie presumption and perdition OBIECTION OVr Sauiour sayes to the sick of the palsie Matth. 9. v. 2. Sonne belieue they synnes ar forgiuen thee therefore God to the remission of synnes requires only faith and the euangelicall confidence and no other thing of vs therefor only faith is sufficient and is commended of Christ. ANSVVER I Deny thy absurde sequelle by the obteineinge of remissiō of synnes he is cōmanded of Christ to stirre vp confidence in him self and because of the precedent remission by saith the paralyt here in this place is commanded to belieue and to conceaue confidence of his future health for it is not said to him thy synne shal be remitted to thee as to come in the future where vpon they might build their only faith but Christ saith to him his synnes are forgiuene already and therefor here he exhortes him to tak confidence of his future health for thy synnes which was the cause of thy infirmitie now already are forgiuen remitted So that this only faith is neither sufficient neither is commended of Christ for iustifying faith but rather accursed and reiected as inuented of man QVAESTIO III. Of the article of the Creede I belieue the remission of synnes HOw belieue the Roman Papists the article of the Creed I belieue the remission of synnes if we accept not of only faith Caluin lib. 3. inst cap. 13. Brent in prolog cont a Soto ANSVVER ANd I pray thee good reader obserue
properly of worth and right merite eternall lyfe without any preiudice of gods diuine Maiesty Which doctrine of fayth is valled with strōg reasons of holy Scriptures which no man will deny that is not preuented with a malicious mynd and carnall passion who hath the smalest taest in the diuine Scriptures shall easily defyne this argument so that Eccl 16 v. 15. sayth all mercy maketh a place to euery one according to the merite of his worke How euident is merite expressed to be a consequent of mercy what in this word is to be hated and abhorred of the Protestantes if they loue the Scripture for if they deteste the one they must detested the other and so the Scripture is as abominable to them as the word merite and goode workes are next to Ecclesiasticus S. Paul auouches the same saying Heb. 13. v. 16. doe good and to distribute forget not for with sacrifice God is promerited And lykewyse of these places in which it is sayd that God giueth to euery mā a rewarde wadges according to the measure condition and dignity of the worke which is nothing other then according to the good merite of the worke or the euill as it is sayd Psal 6. v. 13. That God giues to euery one according to his workes And lykewyse S. Matth. 16. v. 27. sayth That when the sonne of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his Angels then shall he giue to euery one according to his workes And lykewyse S. Paul 1. cor 3. v. 8. sayth That euery one shall receaue his proper wadges according to his labour What is else merit but wadges and a reward and a condigne recompensation of euery mans laboures workes But now if there be no mention of merit which word the Protestantes abhorreth how are wadges and rewards distributed and giuen and lykewyse punishements For doth not God punish man for euill according to the euill and remunerates man with eternall lyfe for good workes accord●ng as they are good workes and therefore seing euill workes of worth ex condigno merites this punishement which is eternall shall not good workes and welldoing merite eternall lyfe as a reward and a remuneration of good things for if we obserue peculiarly the name of wadges and rewarde alleadged of the Apostle it giueth vs to vnderstand that wadges hath no place but where is merite for they are correlatiues one with the other for there is due no wadges where there is no merite neyther followeth merite but where there is workes OBIECTION CAluin lib. 3. inst cap. 15. § 2. sayth that the Kingdome of God improperly is called wadges seing it is the inheritāce of the children ergo ANSVVER VVHerefore is it rather improperly sayd waidges then inheritance seing the same be waidges and inheritance and the same with diuerse titles may be debt to vs as appeareth euidently in Christ to whome the accidētall glory of his body was true waidges as sayth the Apostle Phil. 2. v. 8.9 He hath humbled himself and is made obedient to the death euen to the death of the Crosse for which God hath exalted him and hath giuen him a name which is aboue all name c. For that he promerited the same through his humility and passion for if he had not promerited this accidentall glory to his body as waidges the Apostle had not sayd this word propter quod which waidges was also in heritance due to him by reason of his hypostaticall vnion euen so lyfe eternall is inheritance to the iust and innocent for somuch as they are adopted sonnes of God by habituall grace which only title is dewe to baptised infantes And lykewyse lyfe eternall is waidges to the children of adoption forsomuch as they merit it with good workes done in the state of Grace And therfore it is not called improperly waidges more then inheritance seing both the inheritance and waidge depende on the merite of good vvorkes OBIECTION THe Lutherans argue that lyfe eternall is called waidges not that it is giuen or due for good workes but because it is anexed to the promises of God and therefore it is due to vs by promise and not of no merite ANSVVER I Say a man instructed confirmed with habituall grace of God may exhibet and doe a work condigne and worthy of eternall lyfe because he is moued with the spirit of God whose supernaturall motion intendes to lyfe eternall and therefore for that cause these good workes are so high and excellent as is the selfe life eternall And therfore with diuyne promise ioyned lyfe eternall shal be debtfull to that worke and for that cause that vvork shall merite truely and properly lyfe eternall as a merite and so our merites draw their owne condition which are done and wrought by the grace of God OBIECTION THe Apostle sayth Rom. 6. v. 23. That the grace of God is lyfe eternall but that which is of grace is not debtfull to vs by way of wadges of righteousnes And for this cause it is sayd Psal 102 v. 4 That God hath crowned vs vvith mercy and compassion ergo of grace and not of vvorkes is lyfe eternall ANSVVER WHo is so ignorāt that knoweth not that lyfe eternall is called grace because the cōd●gne merites of lyfe eternall are of the grace of God as sayth S. Aug. Epist 105. For if S. Paul calleth death the stipēd of sinne euē so the stipēd of righteousnes may be called lyfe eternal or the stipend of death stipend of lyfe is merite demerit as correlatiues are for in this the Apostle hath changed a kynd of speach that he might exclud ambition and pryd out of the hart of man and especially such as would that lyfe eternall should be due and properly giuen for their owne righteousnes without the grace of God as witnes S. Aug. in Epist 105. And therefore the Apostle calleth lyfe eternall the grace of God because it is giuen for the revvard of workes done in the state of grace and seing our vvorkes without grace as vnto the lyfe eternall it is attributed to grace as vnto the principall cause that our vvorks merits lyfe eternall And consequently is the exposition of the Psalme that he hath crovvned vs in mercy and compassion not that lyfe eternall is our true waidges of due righteousnes to our vvorkes but because the same vvorkes are done in the mercy of God albeit others expoundes this place so that God vvith his mercy and benefits compasses the iust man about as vvith a crovvne OBIECTION WHen we haue done all which is commanded say we are vnprofitable seruāds what we ought to haue done ●e haue done it Therfore to vnprofitable seruands wadges is not due of righteousnes ANSVVER OVr owne workes of themselues in a part to vs are vnprofitable and of no value without God because they draw all their dignity and worth of his grace notwithstāding good works layde and ioyned vvith diuine grace are very profitable according to that
accept and condiscend to our doctrine of Predestination and Reprobation Seing by them the diuyne mercy and iustice of God doth chiefly shyne claer and is made manifest Caluin lib. 3. cap. 21. 23. Piscat cont Scaff c. ANSVVER VVE Catholickes accurse your wicked doctrine who affirme that God not only from eternity hath defined and preordayned all things in perticular both good and euill before the forseen determinatiō of freewill but also that our first parents haue falne by the eternall ordination of God And that that most clement Lord whose nature is goodnes hauing no respect to our good or euill hath decreed from eternity to creat some to lyfe some to death only that in them he may declare his iustice and in other his mercy so that to one of those endes euery one is created this they call predestination and therefore lest I should seeme to forge or counterfeyt any thing contrary to verity it is requisite to produce the words of their own Rabbins to this purpose Cal. lib. 3. inst cap. 23. § 7. No man can be iustifyed sayth he whylst God hath forseen what progresse he is to haue that made him and therefore God hath forseen because by his owne decree he hath disposed what he had forseene c. For it doth appertayn to his wisdome to forsee all things which are to come and lykewyse it appertayneth to his power to rule and moderate all things with his hand Moreouer ibidem he sayth It was decreed of God that Adam should sinne morouer that it should seeme absurd to any that which I say not only God to haue forseen the fall of our first parentes and the ruine of the whole posterity in them but also to haue disposed it so by his decree and will and so we call predestination the eternall decree of God which he hath declared with himselfe what should be done of euery man For all are not created to alyke condition but some are preordinate to lyfe and others to eternall death therefore whether of those endes he hapneth on we say that to that end he is predestinat Calu. lib. 3. inst cap. 21. § 5. To iustifie Caluin Caluins and Piscatores blasphemy burst out Piscator a Caluinist in his Treatise against Scaffmā printed in Lai in Holl. 1610. pag. 26. God so created our first parents sayth he that indeed they should sinne for so much as there was no other way that he myght obtayne his owne first end which is in the declaring and showing his mercy in the saluation of some and in the manifestation of his righteousnes with iust condemnation of others thus he But as concerning this predestination to death Caluin sayth sup whom God giueth ouer to damnation these truely by his equity and righteousnes and in his incomprehensible iudgement we affirme them from the entrance to lyfe to be secuded and stoped And lykewyse euē as God with vocation and iustification doth seal his owne elect that they cannot fall euen so the reprobat by excluding them from knowledge notice of his vocation or from the sanctification of his spirit in his decree and predestination the which he declares and manifest by iustice lib. 3 cap. 21. § 7. Morouer he teaches in another place that God draueth the reprobate by force and constraineth them of necessity to the doing of wickednes and yet notwithstāding by no meanes can they be excused eyther from sinne or from the punishemēt of diuine iustice for he sayes that the reprobate would be thought excusable in sinning because they cannot eshew the necessity of sinne seing this manner of necessity is layd on them by the ordination of God Predestinatiō constreines and forceth a man to sinne after Caluins opinion But for this we deny them to be excused for asmuch as the ordination of God by which they complaine them to be ordayned or destinat to damnation standes with his equity to vs the cause is vnknowne but that equity is most certayne and vpright with him lib. 3. inst cap. 23. § 9. The which doctrine is most impious wicked cruell and blasphemous and is repugnant withstands the holy Scriptures right reason and their owne euangelical consistory of Tuguring Basil who hath reiected this doctrine of Caluin concerning predestination anno Dn̄i 1552. as witnes Bols cap. 13. Therfore what appertayneth to the euill of our fault and the forward actions of a sinner they are not predefinite and preordinate from eternity which the whole Scripture withstandes as Psal 5. where it is sayd That God loueth no iniquity neyther willeth wickednesse And as for punishement and eternall damnation to be decreed of God before the forseen malice and wickednesse of the creature or without respect of futur sinnes that God should haue predestinat and to haue created them to eternall condemnation Let Christian ears abhorre to heare such doctrine to which the Scriptures oppose which testify that God doth not pull out the sword of punishement Punishment and reuenge is a strange work to God and reuenge except he be compelled and forced by prouoking him by long continuance in sinne For this cause the prophet Isai cap. 28. v. 21. sayeth That Vengeange and the Scourge are called an vnusuall and a strange work and cap. 1. v. 24. as it were he complaineth saying by an interiection ah ah I will case me of my ennemyes I will reuenge me on my foes which interiection Heu many interpret it so that it is against his will and that he expresseth it with sorrow that force vrgeth him contrary to his will to vengance and punishment who willeth all men to be saued that his mercy not his iustice might be declared God is forced to punish man against his will for it is more proper to him to haue mercy and to spare then to punish but reuenge is a strange work to him and contrary to his nature to be a punisher Is not this fully expressed in Gen. 6. How he was forced when it is sayd that he was inwardly touched with dolour of hart and sayd I will destroy man whom I haue created Lykewyse Ezech. 18. v. 23. Is my will the death of the wicked sayth the Lord God Lykewyse Sap. 1. God made not death neyther reioyse in the perdition of the liuing But by the equity of his iustice when Sinners conuertes not he shall reioyse exceedingly in the reprobation of sinners for the ostentation of his iustice for his work of predestination is good is without any preuision or forsight of mens demerites or originall sinne who from eternity hath not decreed to determinate constraine force moue or impell the wils of any to wickednes and sinne Moreouer if the Angells and men from eternity are predestinated to reprobation to the only ostētation of Gods diuyne iustice they haue falne into a more miserable condition then all the brute beastes of the world Angels and men are created to a more miserable cōdition
errores That in one artikle of the communion of the one kynd or vnder both he is conuinced of 36. filthy errors as Cochlaeus Reherseth at length In this giddinesse laboures Caluin whill in his booke adu gentil in diuerse his epistles to the Polonians affirmes some tyme Christ the Sone of God to be equal to his father furth with in his 2. of instit cap. 14. § 3. the same aequalitie he retractes Caluin is also variable in his opinion concerning the equalitie of Christ with his father and subiectes it to the Father alswell the diuine nature as the humane for treating how Christ in the day of judgment is to delyuer vp the kingdome to God his father than sayes he the name it self and the croun of glory and what soeuer he receaued of his father he shall again subiect to the father that God may be all in all In conclusion of this their reformed faith is not vndouted nether which they propound to be beleued is of the giddinesse of Heretikes whose variablenes and inconstancy is lyke to the windes of the heauen and therefor no faith nether religion is the profession of the reformed The last reasone is trew faith doth declare and shew the trew God trew saluation Trew faith shewes the trew God saluation and a good life The Protestāts faith is cleane contrary the trew way to liue well as also to escheu all kynd of filthynes and vncleannesse and such is the Catholik Roman faith and not Luthers or Caluins which conteine many things contrary to right reasone against diuine and humane lawes and naturall good maneres As first that infantes belieue in Baptisme Luth Luther sayes that infantes belieue in Baptisme Caluin that yt was decreed of God the sinne of Adam Caluiu sayes that God hath ordened some to life some to death and this is called his predestination Caluin makes God author of sinne contr Cochl Anno 23. Secondly that it was decreted of God that Adam should sinne Calu. lib. instit 3. c. 23. § 7. Thirdly that God hath decreed some to eternal life and other some to eternall condemnation and this is his preordination for all is not created to a lyke condition therefor as each one is made to his own proper end wither to life or to death we say that he is predestinat of God Caluin lib. 3. institut cap. 21. § 5. Morouer he makes God the author of sinne and to work iniquitie For sayes he he moueed Absalon to commit incest in that sayes he that Absalon with an incestuous commixtion defiled his fathers bed and did commit a detestable crime not with standing God pronuncis this work to be his dede and not Absalones Calu. lib. 1. inst cap. 18. § 1. ibid. c. 17 § 8. Morouer in the same book and chapter he sayes that God not only vsed the workes of the wicked but also gouerned their counsell and effects and to be author of all their scelerous deedes Againe he goeth about to glosse and defende the maiestie of God from sinne and accusation whill in the same booke both he purgeth God and makes him author of sinne and now sayes he from whence are the euills of Iob and the disobedience of Helies children which immediatly befor he hath alledged and proued to be of God and in the end plainly declaires and affirmes God to be the author of sinne how soeuer these Censorists-Papists wold of lykelyhood haue these to happen by his ydle permission Calu. lib. 1. cap. 14. § 16 cap. 18. § 4. Caluin sayes man hath no freewill but doth of necessitie A man is justified by only faith and all good workes are sinne Likewise hath he not extinguished and robbed man of freewill but to be ruled by necessitie Calu. lib. 1. cap. 15. § 1. Morouer Caluin teaches a man to be justified by only faith and good workes not only to be vnprofitable but to be abominable and how soeuer they be done of the righteous man they are euer sinne and abominable in the sight of God Calu. lib. 3. instit cap. 11. § 19. in this maner and paradoxes playeth the reformed applying against the law of right reasone and all good manners The end that heresies intendes and for the teaching of the trew faith vnto the knowledge of God and saluation and to liue Godly and well but their new no faith and hereticall reformation makes an open way to all kynd of wickednesse and to damnatiō and by this way the reformed blindes and obscures the knowledge of God which is made known by trew faith in teaching strange doctrin not to saluation but to condemnation and auouching such damnable paradoxes and opinions to the libertie of the fleshe to the following of all sensualite and wikednes and for conclusion this is the prophane bragg of the protestantes to call them selfs which they ar not no more then an ape is a man so no more ar the reformed catholikes albeit they desyre to be so called Whose reformation is inuented by the priuate inuention of particular men Heresie is by tolleration of som particular man now allowed now disproued and manteined by priuat affection of som priuat prince som tymes for fourtie yeares or fyftie as new faithes ar accustomed to be receaued now allowed now disprowed now imbraced now disliked so that this priuat faith is farr from the catholik faith which from the begining hath ben receaued and without interruption hath continued this faith may no wayes be devysed of man or inuented by man or vpon affection allowed and approwed but it must be learned of the church for faith is by hearing Bot treue faith is by hearing of the church and not be reading or reuelation as we see in the vocation of S. Paul to be a chosen vessell of God he was sent to Ananias in Damascus to learne of him what he should do also Cornelius a godlie mā and fearing god although he might haue ben taught of the angell that appeared to him yet was he not but by that same angell was commanded to send to Ioppa for Simon Peter to com to him and he shall shew thee Sayes he what thow ougthest to do So that this treu Catholik faith which the Roman church holdes is of Gods ordinance and learned of our predecessors and not as the reformed fatth is It is ane euil thing not to beleue the church deuysed and fained of new inuentions for as S. Leo sayes to Eutichian What is more wicked than to haue vngodly opinions and no● to beleue the church and the holy fathers of the church whose wisdome and learning is in admiration to the world and therfore in the fight of all the world the reformed is condemned in vsurping their faith and name for Catholick whose entries and progress is nether of God nor for God nor sauor no point of the catholick faith nether of the catholick name for they ar allienat from this church and
nothing they were of no force but only the death of Christ redeemes promerits for vs and that his preaching is lesse a vaylable then other mens who by preaching do cancell the multitude of sinnes Lykewyse his fasting and prayers werelesse worth then the Niniuites who thereby eschewed the wrath of God likewyse lesse worth thē Moyses who purchased to the Israelits gods fauour more ouer his volūtary pouerty his innocent lyfe his circumcision his workes of mercy are of noe value and benefit Wheras in any other all and euery one of these had been a sufficient pryce for Heauen which cānot be denyed to be of infinit pryce in Christ and consequently of sufficiencie all and euery one of them to redeeme a thowsand worlds vnlesse Christ be denyed to be of infinit dignity Wherfore all divynes belieue that Christs death was a demonstration of excesse of loue because he so loued his that of the end and consummation of all loue he left them aboundant proofes and that his merites were sufficient to redeeme a thowsand worldes if Christ would haue ben cōtented with that which was sufficient omitting what was aboundant D. Thom. 3. part de Christs mers is 1.2 quaest 114. rota Wherupon it followeth that neyther his death was sufficient satisfaction of sinne and consequently neyther Christs lyfe nor death are allowed to be meritorious and sufficient to redeeme vs. Morouer a great absurditie followeth because they euacuate Christs death who make Christ vnuoluntary to haue suffered for vs for as euery sinn is voluntary so is euery merit But Calu. in cap. 26. Mat. v. 39 sayes that he refused to discharge the office of a mediator reputed Christ at the tyme of his passion to haue had no sufficiencie aboue other men and that in his prayer did not appeare a temperate moderation et Caluin lib 2. inst cap. 13. § 10 11.12 sayth that he was tormēted with doutfulnes of his conscience and that he was astonished with the horror of Gods malediction and tormented with the fear of the bottōles pit of horrible destruction and he burst out into a voice crye of desperation and being ouerwhelmed in desperatiō he ceased to pray long to God Which doctrine also cōfirmeth Beza in cap. 27. Matth. Marlor in Psal 22. Morouer they euacuate the passion of Christ who affirme him to haue been our deliuerer only and not our redeemer He●lius apud Cle●itium in Victoria part 2. And lykewyse also they who reiect the name of merit and with Caluin affirme lib. 2. inst c. 17. § 1 If any would sayth he oppose Christ to the iudgement of God there would no place remayne to any merit because there is not in man that dignity to deserue any thing of God And so for conclusion of Caluins assertion the merit of Christs death is naught Christ is only affirmed to be but man not God For in expresse tearmes all Hereticks saye Christs blood Death and passiō to haue nothing auayled to the redēption of mankynd and that Christ with all his workes deserued not heauen or at the least to say that his death and passion are profitable only for the predestinat and that no other haue any benefit thereby Calu. cont Heshus pag. 39. Beza in colloq Mompel 1. pag. 522. Bucc sup Ioh. pag. 34. Musc in loc Theol. fol. 363.367 Zanch. in miscellam pag. 3. 200. 206. Aret. apud Schlus lib. 1. art 6.25.26 lib. 2. fol. 42. Theol. Calu. Wherby it followeth that Christ is not redeemer of all or mediator for all offences and offenders neyther intending their saluation Against the 6. Article How the protestants deny Christ to haue descended into Hell Moreouer as concerning that Article He descended into Hell the third day he rose againe frō the dead It is mightely impugned of the Protestantes for Carlil in his book that Christ descended into Hell sayes it is a pernicious Heresie to say that Christ descended into Hell and Beza in Apol. 2. ad Zantes pag. 385. These wordes sayes he entred into the creed by inaduertisement Or otherwayes by glossing these wordes that his descending was only the suffering of the panges of death on the crosse wher not only his humanity but also his diuinity indured paynes yea and death Luth. conc pag. 276. sayes that he would not acknowledge Christ to be his Sauiour if only his humanity had suffered Yea Caluin backes Luther in Cataeches cap. de fide This is Christ descention to hell that he suffered that death which God in his angre inflicteth on the wicked And againe lib. 2. inst cap. 16. § 10 cap. 26.27 Matth. That he suffered all the paynes in his soule which by God in reuendgmēt are exacted of the damned thus he In which doctrine is contayned besyde the death of Christs body the death of his soule Calu. blasphemies against the holy Ghost and of his diuinity that after he had endured such deaths to haue suffered all punishments of the damned Morouer they impugne this article by making his descentiō nothing els Christ descention to Hel how it is vnderstood of the Hereticks but Christs buriall in the sepulchre as Zuing Oecol Buc. Calu. inst Trem Marel Beza doe affirme And because the common name for Hell in Hebrue doth signifie somtyme a graue or ditch And yetnotwithstanding Caluin confesseth that the sayd name more vsually properly doth signifie Hell the place and state of the damned also many of the Protestāt professors oppose Beza shewing by manifold passages of Scripture that the Hebrue word Scheol the Greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and in Latin Infernus doe signifie an Infernall proper place of the damned And yet neuerthelesse some are not ashamed to deny Christs descention to heel thereby to maintayn their former blasphemies They intend to deny limbo and purgatory by denying Christs descētion of his suffering the paynes of the damned on the Crosse and to euacuate the delyuerance of the Fathers out of the Limbo and purgatorie And therfore to remoue these blockes out of way Beza in cap. 2. Act. He trāslates by his owne confession and contrary to the opinion of his fellow compagnions contrary to the Greeke Latin interpretors and Fathers Wherupon D. Humfrey lib. 2. derat interpret pag 219 220. saies that the forsayd Hebru word should not be trāslated graue but hell if the authority of the holy Ghost be obserued For this hath been Bezas intētion to trāslate graue for hell and Christ soule for body to deny hell Hell is taken metaphorically of the Protestantes and all infernall torments and that mention is made of hell metaphorically Albeit forgetting himself proueth by Scripture and Fathers the cōtrary saying in cap. 16. Luc. That Christ descended into the earth into the receptacle of those who were there long retained Moreouer Bullinger in 1. Pet. cap. 4. impugnes this article that Christ descended no otherwayes into hell then as he dayly
descended to vs to wit only by spirit and vertue in such sorte as none surmise his body or soule to haue discended To which agreeth Brentius that there is no other but a figuratiue imaginatiue and spirituall hell without other tormentes then metaphoricall This practise of Heresie S. Ang. lib. 3 de doct Christ cap. 10. fortould saying when the myndes of any are preoccupated by errour all that Scripture hath to the contrary they affirme it to be spoken but figuratiuely As for example they begunne at the Sacramentes to make them but figures and followed next to affirm all promisses by Christ Al Christs suffering actions shal be but figuratiues nothing in effect made for good workes to be but hyperbolicall diuerse mysteries of his lyfe to be ineffectuall all his passiō suffered to be but figuratiue and histrionicall and Heauen and hell to be but only tropical fantasticall so hath sayd of thē Iosias Simler in vita Bulling fol. 3. Alan cop dial 5. cap. 18. Morouer this article is impugned for the other part of Ghrist resurrection saying with Calu. in sua harm in cap. 24. Luc. v. 38. Beza 1. Cor. cap. 15. v. 23. That Christ wanted some perfection of a glorious resurrectiō and as yet neuer to haue rysen but yet to remaine dead wherupon great exceptiō hath been made against the feast of Easter in remembrance of Christes resurrection amongst the new professores who desyred to abolish it or obserue it according to the Iewes ceremonies Luth. de conc Bal. lib. 3. cap. 25. de scrip Morouer this article is impugned by Zuing. tom 2. resp ad Luth. librum de Sacr. fol. 465. VVho denyes Christ to haue rysen by his owne power but ridiculously mocking Luther sayes that the grosse pretor Luther apparelled in his red hose in lyke māner as Christ went out of his Sepulchre might also haue issued For Christ after his death issued out of the Sepulchre of his own force and power without remouing the stone place or monument as all the Fathers and Doctours affirme As concerning that Article Against the 7 Article He ascended into Heauen sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty This article is contradicted of the Lutherās affirming Heauē to be belowe in the bowels of the earth and hell in the highest partes of the world Vid admonit Caluinist ad libr. concord Danen cont Osiand Next by Caluin saying lib. 2. inst cap. 14 § 8. That Christ sitting at the right hand of God will continue no longer then till the day of iudgment Lykewyse Beza impugnes this article in cap. 3. Act. v. 21. saying his being at the right hand of God his Father doth hinder his true being in the Sacrament And lykewyse Caluin lib. 2. inst cap. 14. § 3. Denyes that he surpasseth the qualities of a naturall body and consequently could neuer ascend to Heauen lykewyse some other affirme his being at the right hand to argue an inferiority or inequalitie with God the Father or that God the Father had a spirituall kind of body hauing hands c. Vid. inter mangerie pag. 157. Niuerium in Bello 5. Euang. pag. 72. Lykewyse Caluin denyeth and sayes that it is not to be imagined ther is any place in Heauen wherunto Christ is ascended or the humanity of Christ accepted Lykewyse many Protestants hould opiniō that Christ ascention is nothing but a disappearing without any motion vpward where he was before ita Ios. Simler in vita Bulling fol. 35.55 Luth. tom 7. VVittemb fol. 408.409 And concerning that Article Against the 8. article From thence shall he come to iudge the quick and the dead This article is impugned by those who graunt a Generall iudgement at the day of doome but denye him to iudge with any particular iudgment at the houre of death Lykewyse some hold that only infidelity is to be subiect to iudgement Luther sup Lykwyse this article is impugned of those who say that God will iudge iniustly as Luth. tom 2 fol. 461. de seruo Arb. saying That like as God in this lyfe hath poured mercy grace vpon the vnworthy euen so in his iudgment he shall poure angre and seueritie vpon the vndeseruing Which iniustice demonstrates That God is the author of euill not only by prouocation but by impulsion and inforcement For being the forcer to euill how can he punish them iustly who obey him Lykewyse they deny and impugne this article who affirme that Christ who should come to iudge is dead according both to his humanity Diuinity and this Musculus doubted not to mantayn publickly to professe spread abroad that Christ remayned dead and is not rysen neyther ascēded or yet shall come from heauen to iudge any quick or dead Siluest CZecanonicus de c●rup Morib viriusque part art 3. And as concerning that Article Against the 9. article I beliue in the holy Ghost the holy Catholicke Church Many Protestants belieue not in the holy Ghost because they affirme it blasphemous and idolatrous to confesse Christ to be God or to haue had any point of deity before his birth of the Blessed V. M. and thereby denyeth the holy Ghost proceeding from the Sonne no lesse then from the Father Bez. cont Heshus fol. 284. colloq mompel fol. 77. Lykewyse who impugneth the holy Trinity doth to that end that more easily he may reiect the holy Ghost Zanch lib. 3. Elohim Simler in praf de aterno det filio Vnto which barbarisme Calu. epist ad Polon pag. 946. accords What is it we belieue one God as much as to say the Trinity belieue you in God as much as to say in Trinity I hat they should know thee one God as much to say the Trinity This is not only vnsauery but also prophane and I do dispyse it This blasphemous derision other Protestants dissembled not but rebuke in highest manner Vid. Schlus in Theol. Calu. lib 2. fol. 2 8 14. 20 26. VVherupon his disciples followed his example to mocke the holy Ghost as Prateol in Haer lib. 10 cap 10. saying nothing in holy Scripture of the old or new testaments to be had of his Diuinity Hereupon a Protestant exclames Stanch in ●pistol contra Calu. num 45. Beware Christian Reader saies he and especially yow Ministers of the word of God beware of the bookes of Caluin especially in the article of the Trinity Lykewyse another Iohn Schutz in lib. 50. caus causa 48. sayes Arianisme Mahumatisme Caluinisme are three bretheren and three sisters thre breeches of one cloth he that will not fal in Arianisme let him beware of Caluinisme who as a Iewe Iudaizes 53 Moreouer they impugne this article who make their phantasticall imaginations the very inspirations of the holy Ghost and all their wicked inclinations his motions So Zuinglian affirmed him to haue this spirit saying Tom. 2. in Act. Tiguri fo 609. I know for certaine my doctrine to be no other then
contrary is with the Protestants no constancy no stability in their doctrin as witnes Zuingl Tom. 2. comm de vera falsa relig cap. de euch fol. 202. We recant here what we sayd there with this condition that that which we delyuer the 42 yeare of our age take place of what was taught in the 40. yeare In this same mynd is Beza in colloq mompel pag. 1●0 268 388 I confesse me to haue written many things which I wish had not been written I would to God the memory of them all were abolished Moreouer they impugne this article and fall in misbeliefe who appeall to an inuisible Church remoued from all senses lyk a Platonicall Idea separated from all knowledge neyther extant in any country neyther read of in any history in which there is no Euangelicall Annunciation no Sacraments minystred no persones knowne and this is done because their conscience informed them that the true visible auncient and vniuersall Church in which Christs name Scriptures and Sacraments were preserued stood with vs agaynst them in auouching the same It is a desperat opinion proceeding from profound infidelitie As concerning that article The communion of Saints the forgiuenes of sinnes Against the 10 Article By this article it is euident that there should be a communion betwixt the liuing and the dead who liue and die in one faith hope and charity But this article is misbel●eued of the Protestants who deny all corespondence betwixt the Saincts in Heauen and men in earth As also they misblieue impugne Scriptures which iustify this controuersie of the inuocation of Saincts conformable to this article Moreouer this article disalloweth the discordes amongst the Protestants themselues For Sturn di rati● contradict ineundae pag. 24. sayes that the Lutherans in their published bookes do condemne the Churches of England Fraunce Flanders Scotland c. And call their martyres Martyres of the Diuel And Iester Zuingl Caluinist lib. de diuturm belli eucha pag. 25.80 There is no end of chiding wryting accusing disputing condemning excōmunicating betwixt the Lutherans and the Caluinistes and this is the communion of the Saincts in the reformed Church Morouer they fall in misbeliefe and impugne this Article who affirme it blasphemie to giue tytles to Saincts in Heauen which they themselues vsurpe and giue to sinners on earth in this madde humor is Caluin who not induring any honour towards Saincts or images yet could permit his owne picture to be borne about the necks of them in Geneua and when some thought it insolent arrogancy and reprehensible admonished that the people might sinne thereby because they esteemed it as a remedy against mischances answered them grieue at it till yow burst and after hange your selues Bols in vita Calu. cap. 12. Morouer as concerning the forgiuenes of synnes all protestants remayne in this misbeliefe and are repugnant to this article partly affirming only fayth to iustifye and consequently being once in this Protestants fayth which once had can neuer be lost they can neuer after synne what should they belieue which they already haue as we haue declared in the second question at length Partly by making God the author of euil and themselues but bare instruments and consequently not themselues but that God hath need of the remission of sinnes Partly in saying a man hath no frewill and consequently cannot synne Partly by saying that synnes cānot be forgiuē in the Church contrary to Christs doctrin Iob 20 For if the Protestant will not deny but there is remission of sinnes in baptisme whey not in pennance to the remission of sinnes for if the one be a washing of the spotted the other is also a lowsing of the bound and the one as necessary as the other Against the 2● article Moreouer as concerning the resurrection of the dead this article is misbelieued and impugned amongst themselues For Luther sayth of the Caluinists that they intend to a manifest Apostasie cōcerning this article Tom. 7. VVitt. defend Verb. Caen. fol. 390. The same Villagaignon epist ad Geneu in praef lib. 1 de euch affirmes that with his eares he hard it preached of the Caluinistes that the hope of lyf did not belōg to the bodyes but to the soules Lykwyse Almaricus on of Foxes Martyres as Caesar lib dial dial 5 affirmes sayd that there was no resurrection of the bodyes Caluin is of this same opinion in his epist ad Farell fol. 194. saying In that the resurrection of the flesh seemeth incredible to thee it is no thing admirable Moreouer they misbelieue this Article who deny mens soules to be immortall vnto which opinion Luther is inclyned Tom. 4 in Eccles cap. 9● 5 10. It appears sayth he out of this place that the dead feel nothing Lykewyse Calu in praef Psi●hrinachiae in praef Gallasij sayes that he knew certayne good men to whome this opinion of the souls sleeping seemed sound It followes that he himself is one of these good mē who in the ps 130. sayes that the soules of the wicked are anihillated and not in hell lib. 3. iust cap. 25. § 12. and the residue to be but shadowes imaginations fantasies idoles dead And consequently no immortality Whereupon it was concluded in a solemne disputation at Geneua when they had long consulted how to auoyd purgatory to say Let vs affirme the soule to be extinguished togeather with the body Purgatorie is abolished by denying the article of the ●●eed and so purgatory wil be spedely abolished For this doctrine is so vrgent that they are persuaded that it cannot well be denyed vntill the resurrection of the dead and the immortality of the soule also be denyed But why is purgatorie so annexed to this article that the Protestants are driuen to his extremity because they obserued that God oft forgiueth the offenses and yet reserueth a chastisment for satisfaction as in Adam in Moyses in Dauid whose offenses being forgiuen yet Adam remayned subiect to death This place serueth for the proofe of Purgatory and indured all other myseries Moyses neuer entred into the land of promise Dauids ch ld begotten in sinne dyed So lykewyse because God is euer one and lyk himself such as repent late or slakly might be forgiuen at their death and yet for satisfaction remayne in purgatory therefore it is the rediest way to deny purgatory by the denyall of the resurrection of the dead and mortality of the soule Against the 12 article And as for that Article the lyfe euerlasting So many are in misbeliefe and impugne this as deny God Heauen the resurrection of the dead the immortality of the soule and our redemption by Christ c. And this is the great aboundāt light of truth that hath sprung with the reformed who in the blindnes and night of darkenes wherein they are wrapped do vant and glorifie as in the clearnes of the light Greg. lib. 1. Mor cap. 26. who wil be more curious to know how
then beasts are the which God hath not created to misery farelesse to eternall condemnation Whereupon it followeth that God shall first be a reuenger before man be a sinner the which S. Austen euery where reclames that it doth repugne the infinit goodnes of God and in so doing God should be more cruell then the wyld bere and lyons for there is no beast so souadge who do intend to procread their birth and whelps to a extreame misery other is none that do not nourish and promote what in them lyeth to perfection And to the contrary God shal be more vnnaturall then the brut beasts after the doctrine of Caluins theology I cannot see by what reason men can promise assure ther soules whether to presume of their saluation or to dispayer in this doctrine of predestination How shall it be in our liberty and will to perseuer in good things and hope to be saued if predestination without frewill good workes and perseuerance make a consummation what hath Christ sayd in vayne Matth. 19. If thou wil● enter into lyfe kept the commandements Againe he that perseuereth to the end shal be saued But this Protestant predestination annihillate the wordes of Christ for it freeth vs of the commandements and of the vertu of perseuerance and sayth all good works are vnprofitable Moreouer there followeth another absurdity that if God of his own wil without forseen sinne What absurdiues follow the Protestāts doctrine of predestinatiō doth reprobate men there shal be fewer reprobat then elected which is false as Matth. 7. 22. by the consequent of the Scripture is probable for God is more propense and ready to haue mercy then to condemne therefore if predestination cōsist in his owne will it is to be supposed to be fare fewer reprobat to death then to haue been predestinat to lyfe wherein consisteth electiō and reprobation and of his distinctiō For it is an idle argument that you Gather of predestination to make the vindictiue iustice of God to shyne seing by reason it is rather obscured who will God first to be a reuenger before man or Angell be and to forsee and predestinat them sinners before they be creatures for by all reason it ought to be first produced what is to be punished before the punishmēt be decreed and secondly the decree of the punishmēt is to be measured according to the fact So that the difference in election and reprobation consisteth in this distinction to wit that immediat election in perfect yeares subsist in his prescience with preuision of following merites presupposing cooperating grace and mediat knowledge And in children by preuised application of the Sacraments against sinne originall Reprobation is by apositiue act of his diuyne will by which God hath decreed to condemne some to eternall punishements The cause is giuen meritorious of the part of the reprobate to wit perseuerance in mortall sinne or in originall For where there is a reason giuen wherefore the Kingdome of God is prepared for the elect before the beginning of the world is there good workes and merits for it is sayd Matth. 25. that Christ in the day of iudgemēt shall say Forseen merits and demerits are causes of election reprobation come ye blessed of my Father by predestination from eternity and by grace in the present possesse yow the Kingdome prepared for yow from the beginning of the world that is to say from eternity Adiecting the reason wherefore not only it is giuen to them to possesse but also was prepared frō the beginning because sayth he I was hungre thristie naked c. and you succoured me contrariwise to the reprobat Goe from me accursed into hell fyre which is prepared for the Diuell and his Angels for I was hungre thursty naked c. and you secoured me not so that the predestinat is elected to glory for their forseen merits and the reprobate are ordayned to Hell fyre for their forseen demerits Wherupon is the common maxime that the vulgares and idiots holde and is mantayned of all sectaries that a mā predestinat to eternall lyfe howbeit he doth euill cannot be a member of the Diueil The vulgars opinion of predestinatiō reprobatiō and contrariwyse the reprobat whatsoeuer good he doth or how well he liue cannot be a member of God By this doctrine righteous and good men are turned away from doing good workes and makes away for sinne and all vyces for hereby a man shall neyther merit nor demerite seing this Paradox teaches an infalibility that the predestinat cā do no euill and the reprobat can do good Which is false for it is not sayd to reprobat Cain disparing of the diuyne mercy of G●d for which he was damned and to preuent him of reprobation he sayes Genes 4. v. 6. VVherefore art thow angry and why is thy countenance cast downe if thow doest well thow shalt be rewarded In which wordes it is euident that God promisseth to a reprobate man the reward of good things if he will worke them But the Protestants cheife designe is to extinguish all power and will to work any good thing The Protestāts will is to extinguish all power to merit or demerit through predestinatiō so that the predestinat cannot sinne nor the reprobate cannot merit withstanding the holy Scripture which sayes that Peter was predestinat to eternall glory and yet committed a most haynous sinne by swearing denying our Lord Matth. 26. whome before he confessed the sonne of God and King of Israell Matth. 16 Lykewyse is not S. Paul predestinat yet he himselfe confesses that he had been a blasphemer a persecuter and a wicked liuer which is the workes of reprobatiō except you would say that a blasphemer is worthy of an eternall reward then was he a blasphemer of necessity or then was he a member of the diuel for all wickednes must be of the Diuell for as S. Gregor Hom. in domin 1 Quadrag The head of all the wicked is the Diuell and the members of this head are all the wicked Thus he Who would thinke S. Paul to be predestinate and S. Peter whose deeds are opposed or how did their concurre with predestination ensuing seing as they say the predestinate cannot sinne How then haue they others sinned lyke fooles assuring your selues of predestination and eternall lyfe who cannot faill no more then Christ himself with Caluin you are not ware of presumption lib. 4. inst cap. 17. § 2. Whilst you trust in your own suppositions concerning predestination and reprobation for many haue perished who haue thought to haue ben predestinat and many hath been saued vvhose lyfe appeared to others reprobate OBIECTION THe Scripture sayth Rom. 9. v. 11. when as yet they were not borne nor had done eyther good or euill that according to election the purpose of God should remayn sure not of works but by him that calleth it is sayd that the elder shall serue the younger as it is writen
obtayning of blessednes which only fayth failles to that end The Doctor neuer dreamed that it should suffice without good workes and farre lesse that fayth can saue any mā without workes QVAESTIO XXIX Of the incertitude of Righteousnes VVHerefore denyeth the Papists that a man of his owne propre righteousnes is vncertaine seing the spirit himself giveth testimony to our spirit that we are the sonnes of God as it is written Rom. 8. v. 16. Luth. art 10.11 Kem. in exam sess 6. Calu. in Antid sess 6. lib. 3. iust cap. 2. § 16 17.39 40. ANSVVER YF yow affirme with your Rabbines that all the faythfull assuredly and infallibly ought to belieue with themselues sinnes no wayes to be imputed Who are assured of the remission of sinnes should not say the Lords prayer because of the righteousnes of Christ to what effect rehearse yow the Lordes prayer and why aske yow remission of sinnes saying forgiue vs our sinnes c. Why is not this prayer reiected aswell as the Puritās in Scotland hath reiected the beliefe For if you hold this opinion infallible and true of the certitude of righteousnes the Lordes prayer is no wayes profitable or necessary as is mentioned already in the second quaestion in discouering only fayth c. Therefore no man howsoeuer iust and holy cannot attribute vnto his owne righteousnes without peculiar reuelation of God that infallibiliter confidence in his owne righteousnes which is proped No man is certaine of grace farelesse of remission of sinnes and grounded vpō common reuelation made in holy Scripture that thereby any shall know himself to be in the grace of God it is vncertaine which proposition if it were true Iob would haue been more bold nor any Protestāt who as it were doubting sayd howbeit I were simple yetnotwithstanding my soule is ignorant of that cap. 9 v. 21. where distinctly by the name of simplicitly he names his owne righteousnes absolutly to be vnknown as thought he would say albeit I am iust notwithstanding I cannot confidt to it assuredly Moreouer this assertion is opposed to reason for whosoeuer is certaine of the remission of sinnes estate of grace it falloweth of necessity to haue the same certitude of their conuersion to God with true pennance and others motiues of fayth as charity patience and perseuerance c. requisite to iustification inteire receauing of the sacramentes but none is that can promise to themselues such certitude for no man is assured of his disposition to be supernaturall or in the receauing of the Sacramentes to haue a perfect intention Therfore no man without speciall reuelation of God is certaine to be in the state of grace And consequently the Rabbies of the reformed Synagogue are lyke vnto the serpent in paradise who whyle he promised to our first parents knowledge spoyled him of knowledge broght him in grosse ignorance euen so whyle they would teach the confidence of rightousnes to iustification send vs away empty of righteousnes but wrapped in grosse ignorance with presumption as at lenght is discussed in the third quaestion vt sup OBIECTION It is sayd by the Apostle Rom. 4. v. 16. That it is by fayth according to grace that the promise may be firme which is to say that we are iustifyed by only fayth and that we may be certaine to be confirmed in grace ergo c. ANSVVER THe Apostle meane an other thing for he teacheth men to be iustifyed by liuely fayth in Christ without the obseruation of the old Law and by that fayth we are made certaine and the promisses of grace is fulfilled and this assumptiō is proued in Abraham who belieued him to be a Father of many nations so that this promise of grace is made to Abraham and his fellowers of fayth whether in the tyme of the Law or after without the workes of the Law OBIECTION Lykewyse the Apostle sayth Rom. 8 v. 38.39 I am certaine that neyther death nor lyfe neyther Angells c. Neyther any creature may separate vs from the loue of God Therefore in this lyfe we haue certitude of grace through the certitude of Gods loue which argument Caluin vehemently vrgeth lib. 3. inst cap 2. § 40. That this certitude is not only for S. Paul but also it is a certitude apperteyning to all the faithfull and a perseuerance of the grace of God ANSVVER THis word I am certaine or as Caluin willeth I am persuaded speaketh not of the certitude of only fayth neyther infallibly of the fayth it self but only of morall confidence trust hope as is probable of the frequent common phrase as Rom. cap. 15 v. 14. where the Apostle speaketh confidently of the Romanes saying and I my self also am persuaded of you What is else this persuation but to confidt well Lykewyse 2. Tom. c. 1. v. 5. The Apostle repeates the same saying When I call to remembrance the vnfayned fayth that is in thee which duelt first in thy grād-mother Lois and in thy mother Ewnice I am certaine it dwelleth in thee also Here is no mention made of the certainty of fayth but only a good confidence and trust of them to haue pietie to saluation not to boost of fayth but to hope to haue it OBIECTION IT is sayd by the Apostle Rom. 8. v. 16. That the spirit himself beires witnes to our spirit that we are the sonnes of God And lykewyse S. Iohn 1. Epist cap. 5. v. 10. sayth who belieue in the sonne of God hath the testimony of God himself But the testimony of the holy spirit bringeth certitude therefore all are certaine in themselues to be the sonnes of God ANSVVER THe Scripture is falsly alledge because the meaning of the Apostle to the Romās is that ye H. Ghost with diuerse miracles distributions of giftes did worke wonderfull things in tyme of the primitiue Church for the confirmation of the fayth and to beare witnes of the same fayth vnto all those who worshiped and imbraced the fayth of Christ and keep it in lyfe to be the sonnes of God In this manner also is vnderstood that saying of the Apostle to the Gal. 4. v. 6. Because yee are sonnes God hath send forth the spirit of his sonne in your hartes which cryeth abba Father this witnessing of the spirit is to the wholl Church to no priuate persone as the Apostle sayes Gal. 3. v. 26. saying for yee are all the sonnes of God by fayth which is in Christ Iesu And lykewyse these places verify the same testimony of the spirit to be promised and giuen to his Chrurch as expoundes all the ancient Fathers 1. cor 2. v. 12. 1. Iohn 3. v. 14 4. v. 13 5. v. 19. and not particularly is to be attributed to only one For albeit in the righteous man this affirmatiue might be attributed notwithstanding not so really but by a certaine moral certitude of his own righteousnes good lyfe with hatred to