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A06502 A commentarie or exposition vppon the twoo Epistles generall of Sainct Peter, and that of Sainct Jude. First faithfullie gathered out of the lectures and preachinges of that worthie instrumente in Goddes Churche, Doctour Martine Luther. And now out of Latine, for the singuler benefite and comfort of the godlie, familiarlie translated into Englishe by Thomas Newton; Enarrationes in epistolas Divi Petri duas et Iudae unam. English Luther, Martin, 1483-1546.; Newton, Thomas, 1542?-1607. 1581 (1581) STC 16978; ESTC S108928 231,904 387

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golde neither rideth he pompouslie abroade with any glitteryng traine and gallaunt horses But yet neuerthelesse he is the Kyng of all Kynges and hath all Kynges vnder his power and iurisdiction and to speake all at once all thynges must be subiect vnder his feete Behold euen so greate and suche a Lorde art thou if thou beleeue on hym for what soeuer he hath the same is also thyne Here might some peraduenture obiecte thus vnto me and saie Saincte Peter by this thy assertion called Christians Kynges and yet all the worlde well knoweth that we are not all Kynges and therefore saie thei this place is not to bee vnderstoode as spoken of all sortes of Christians For he that is a Christian is not therevppon straightwaies the Kyng of Fraunce or that Prieste of Rome But here now will I demaunde this question of theim whether the Kyng of Fraunce be a Kyng in the sight of God or no Whiche thyng no man dare vpon warrant affirme For GOD will not Iudge accordyng to the dignitie of a Croune In Earth in deede and before the worlde he is a Kyng but when Death hath once seized vpon hym then shall his Kyngdome ceasse and haue an ende and then shall he vnlesse he beleeue aright be subiecte vnder the feete of them that truely beleeue Wee in this place speake of an eternall Kyngdome and Priesthoode of the whiche sorte is euery one before God whiche beleeueth and is bothe a true Prieste and a true Kyng Now who is so ignoraunte that knoweth not that all the table of the greasie Shauelynges bee nothyng lesse then Priestes And as these aforesaied Polleshorne Shauelynges are not therefore to be reputed Priestes afore GOD because of their crounes so neither before God are Kynges accoumpted as Kynges because thei weare Crounes Crouned Kynges and anointed Priestes are of this worlde and are established and constituted by Men. The Pope may at his holie pleasure make as many suche prollyng Priestes as hym listeth to serue his turne but let him not presume to constitute and make a Priest that boldlie maie bee accoumpted for a Prieste before God for suche doeth God himself make and appoinct Therefore in that Sainct Peter here in this place saieth You bee a royall Priesthood it is as muche as if he should saie You are Christians If thou wouldest knowe what title what power prerogatiue and glorie true Christians haue thou seest that thei bee Kynges Priestes and a chosen people Now what this Priesthood is doeth here straightwaies ensue That you should shewe forth the vertues of hym that hath called you out of darknesse into his merueilous light THis office especially appertaineth vnto the Priest that hee should bee the Ambassadour or messenger of God and according to that Commission which he hath from God sincerely preach and declare his Worde The vertues saieth sainct Peter that is to wit those wonders whiche God hath doen for you in bringyng you out of darkenesse into light your partes and office is to preache and tel forth for therein chiefly consisteth the office of a Priest Thus therefore and to this ende ought your preachyng to tende that one Brother should declare and shewe forthe vnto an other that greate and wonderfull worke of Gods admirable vertue how Christ hath deliuered vs from Sinne Death and Hell and all other miseries and hath called vs vnto eternall life Hereof you ought to admonishe others also that thei in like sort maie attaine and come vnto this Light For vnto this ende ought all your driftes to be directed first to acknowledge and knowe what God hath doen for you and next with all diligent care and studie to notifie preache and openly make knowen this benefite of God towarde you and this wonderfull worke of his in you and also to drawe and call all men indifferentlie into this Light Where you see any men that are as yet ignoraunt hereof those ought you to instruct and to teache these thinges in whiche you your selues haue been enstructed and taught to wit that by the vertue and power of God thei must obteine saluation and attaine this merueilous Light Here thou seest how sainct Peter plainly saieth that there is but one onely Light wherein he maketh it most apparaunt that all our Reason seeme it neuer so sharpely to vnderstande and perceiue is nothyng els then mere darkenesse For albeit that Reason be able and hath the skill to coumpt one two three c. and likewise to see discerne and knowe blacke from white and greate from small and so of other externall and outwarde thinges yet is it not able to see what Faithe is Here is it altogether blinde insomuche that if all the wisedome of al men in the worlde were gathered and incorporated into one yet were it not able to comprehende or reache so muche as vnto one letter of the wisedome of God Wherefore S. Peter here speaketh of an other Light and that a merueilous Light and flatlie also telleth euery one of us that we grope in darknesse and vtter blindnesse if God dooe not call vs into his true Light Experience also teacheth vs the same thing For when we heare it preached that by our workes we can not obteine any thyng at Gods handes and therefore that wee haue neede of a Mediator to make intercession vnto God for vs and to reconcile vs vnto hym heere doubtlesse must reason needes confesse that of it self it was neuer able to vnderstande and know these thinges and therefore had neede of an other Light and an other knowledge to teache it to vnderstande the same Therefore whatsoeuer is not the Worde of God and Faithe the same is nothyng els then blinde darkenesse For without these two the Worde of God I meane and Faithe Reason iumbleth at randon and groapeth after his waie like a blinde man in the darke catchyng holde first of one thyng and then of an other and neuer knoweth what it should dooe But when these thinges are tolde to the greate learned and wise men of this world thei can not abide to heare it thei stamp and stare thei fret fume and merueilously rage at it And therefore S. Peter sheweth himself here an Apostle of a singuler vndaunted boldnesse in that he dared to call that Darknesse whiche the whole worlde in a maner doeth euen generallie almoste adore and reuerence as Light Now therefore wee see that the chiefest and especiallest office of all others appertainyng vnto vs Christians is that wee should shewe forthe and declare the vertues and wonderful workes of our God These Vertues and notable workes by God for vs doen are those which somewhat afore we haue spoken of namely how that Christ by the vertue of God hath swallowed vp Death deuoured Hell consumed Sinne and placed vs into an eternal life These Vertues are so great and wonderfull that no man is able to comprehende the same muche lesse to perfourme them And therefore it is to little purpose that some in this poynt
his heauenly graces and benefites Wee haue the influence of his Diuine power woorkyng in vs whiche promoteth and furthereth vs vnto all thynges that pertaine vnto life and godlinesse that is when wee beleeue wee receiue so many benefites of hym that God bountifully bestoweth vpon vs euen the giftes of his power whiche power is diffused into all and euery our actions bothe is and also effectually woorketh in vs. What soeuer we speake or what soeuer wee doe it is not wee but GOD in vs that speaketh and doeth He is in vs strong mightie and omnipotence yea euen when wee suffer torment and affliction when wee are killed and dye and when before the worlde wee are altogether seelie and weake In somuche that when wee haue not this power of God there is in vs no strength at all no facultie no habilitie Now whereas Sainct Peter saieth that all thynges are giuen vnto vs of his Diuine power his meanyng is not as though wee should bee able to make Heauen and Earth and to woorke Miracles and doe wonders For what good would that doe vnto vs But wee haue all the giftes of his godly and Diuine power in vs so farre as is necessarie and profitable for vs. And therefore the Apostle addeth further these woordes That pertaine to life and godlinesse That is to saie wee haue all thynges by his godlie and diuine power moste abundantly giuen vnto vs that wee should dooe good and alwaies liue in vertuous estate and blessednesse Through the knowledge of hym that hath called vs. THis mightie power and greate grace of God proceadeth not from elswhere then from this perfecte and sounde knowledge of GOD. For when thou throughlie knowest hym for thy God he dealeth with thee as God After this maner also sainct Paule j. Cor. j. saieth In all thynges ye are made riche in hym in all kinde of speeche and in all knowledge as the testimonie of Iesus Christe hath bin confirmed in you so that ye are not destitute of any gift This is the greatest and the moste necessarie gift of all others that God can giue vnto vs whiche wee ought not to exchange for all other riches that is either in Heauen or in Earth For what would it auaile thee although thou couldst goe through Fire and Water without takyng any harme and woorke all kinde of Miracles and wonders if thou shouldest want this For there bee a greate many condemned that haue been able is woorke suche Miracles But this exceedeth and farre surmounteth all Miracles in that God bestoweth and giueth so greate a power vnto vs wherby al our sinnes are forgiuen vs and abolished quite out of remembraunce Death Sathan and Hell beyng vtterlie vanquished and swallowed vp Whereby we possesse our Consciences without feare and haue our hartes ioyful merie and bold without beyng afraied of any thing All whiche the knowledge of GOD that calleth vs doeth affoord and bryng vnto vs. Vnto glorie and vertue AND after what sorte was that Callyng wherewith God called vs Forsooth this God sent his holie Gospell into the World and caused the same to bee proclaimed and preached abroade for the whiche no man euer made any labour no man euer praied or made any entreatie to him but before any one so much as once thought of it he offred and gaue this grace vnto vs and powred the same moste aboundantly vppon vs all that he alone might haue all the glorie and praise and wee enioying suche a benefite should ascribe this power and vertue al onely to him For it is no worke of our owne but his And therefore seeyng that this Callyng is none of our owne neither cōmeth of our selues it is not m●●te that we should lift vp our selues in pride as though we had brought it to passe of our selues but he is onely to bee glorified of vs and all thankes are to bee giuen vnto hym for so mercifullie bestowyng and giuyng his Gospell vnto vs and withall also for so strengthenyng vs with power and vertue against Sathan Death Hell and all mischieues at once whatsoeuer Whereby moste greate and precious promises are giuen vnto vs SAinct Peter hath added this to shewe forth and declare the nature and force of Faithe For when we knowe God to bee ours wee haue also with hym by Faith eternall life and the power of God wherby wee ouercome and get the victorie both of Death and Deuill And yet for all this we do not see these things neither yet feele wee them although all thinges be promised vnto vs. We haue al things but thei yet appeare not but in the last daie we shall plainly discouer and see all thinges present and apparantly laied open vnto our eyes Wee beginne here in this Worlde but wee come not to any ful fruition or perfection thereof in this life But we haue this promise that we liue here by the mightie power of God and that after this life we shalbe euerlastingly blessed He that faithfully beleeueth these thinges hath the some as it were alreadie in possession he that beleeueth not hath them not but is sure to perishe eternallie How greate and how precious these promises are Sainct Peter further yet declareth saying That by them ye should bee partakers of the godlie nature in that ye flee the corruption whiche is in the worlde through lust THis benefite wee haue by the power of Faithe that wee thereby are made partakers of God and come into a certein participation and communion of his diuine nature This is suche a sentence as the like ye shall not reade againe neither in the olde Testament nor yet in the newe Howbeit among the Painims and Heathen writers it is often read that wee partake with the very diuine nature it self But what is this nature of God Euerlastyng truth righteousnesse iustice wisedome eternall life peace ioye pleasure and al goodnesse that can bee named He now that is partaker of the nature of God is seized and priuiledged in all these to wit that he shall liue for euer enioye perpetuall and endlesse peace pleasure ioye and mirth bee pure holie iust and able to withstand and supplant Sathan Sinne Death Peters wordes therefore sounde as though he should saie thus Looke how vnpossible it is to take from God euerlastyng life and eternall truth so impossible is it also that these thinges should be taken from you If any man hurt you he must needes also hurt God For he must first oppresse God that seeketh to oppresse a right Christian All these properties are comprehended vnder this worde Diuine or Godly Nature whiche worde be therefore vsed because it containeth in it so large a signification These bee greate and singuler benefites if wee faithfully beleeue the veritie of them But all that is here set doune is as afore was declared Doctrines wherevppon the groundwoorke of our Faith is laide for that whiche here is written is rather to declare and shewe what greate and excellent benefites grow vnto vs through
to require Hee appointeth no certen tyme as the Pope hath doen how long wee must faste but leaueth it to euery ones iudgement so to fast that hee bee alwaies sober that hee doe not so surcharge his bodie with ouermuche eatyng and drinking but that he maie haue the perfect vse of reason and knowe how to vse his senses aright and how to liue profitably and beneficially to others in his vocation For it is a very preposterous absurde and vnprofitable thyng to giue a generall precept hereof vnto the whole people or to the Churche for asmuche as wee are vnlike among our selues one hath a strong bodie another a weake so that it is needefull for one to absteine muche for an other to absteine little that the bodie maie neuerthelesse remaine in health and bee fit to doe good workes Againe there bee some that deale cleane contrarily and thinke thei doe very well in fastyng nothyng at all supposyng that thei maie without respecte of tyme eate what thei will But herein thei doe not well for albeit thei haue somewhat tasted of the Gospell yet haue thei profited little or nothyng like vnto the former For thei haue profited no further but onely to contemne the Lawes of the Pope Thei will not girde vp their mynde and senses as Peter here biddeth neither do thei bridle the desires of their bodie that the sluggishnesse and lasciuiousnesse thereof maie bee repressed It is good to faste howbeit the right Faste in deede is to giue the bodie no more nourishmente then is needefull to preserue it in healthe also to exercise it with labours and watchynges least this old Asse of ours become more wanton and lasciuious then is meete Let hym bee restrained and bridled and obedient to the Spirite whiche Saincte Peter calleth here to bee sober Not as some are wont to faste who so excessiuely engorge and pamper them selues with fishe and the beste sortes of wine at one diner that thei make their beallies like a Taber or Drumme with stuffyng and crammyng them so full Truste perfectly on the grace that is brought vnto you SVche is Christian Faithe that with all affiaunce it wholie trusteth to the woorde of God quietly committeth it self vnto it and confidently attempteth whatsoeuer it teacheth Whereupon S. Peter saith then are the loynes of the mynde girded vp then is your faith sincere and sounde when ye doe quietly and confidently commit your selues to the Worde of God and be bolde vpon trust therein hauyng no regarde whatsoeuer thyng of yours commeth into perill whether it bee riches or good name bodie or euen the life it self Excellently therefore hath he in these wordes described a sincere and vnfeined Faithe For Faithe must not be sluggishe and sleepie whiche is rather a dreame then a Faithe but it must bee liuely and effectuall so that one would with all confidence offer him self to all afflictions and troubles whatsoeuer and depende wholy on the Woorde esteemyng indifferently whatsoeuer state God sendeth that wee maie patiently susteine aduersitie as well as enioye prosperitie As for examples sake when I must dye I must confidently commit my self to Christe I muste quietly offer my life for his sake and trustyng to the Woorde whiche can not deceiue I muste boldly and couragiously triumpht ouer myne aduersaries It is needfull moreouer that Faith should passe through without declinyng any waie and that it suffer it self to be hindered and terrified by no meanes that it remoue frō the eyes whatsoeuer it seeth heareth or feeleth Suche a faithe doeth Sainct Peter require whiche consisteth not in thinkyng and woordes but in mightie power and effectuall vertue Further saieth sainct Peter Trust perfectlie on the grace that is brought vnto you that is to saie You haue not deserued this exceadyng greate grace but it is euen freelie offered and brought vnto you For the Gospell whiche declareth and publisheth this grace vnto vs wée our selues haue neither deuised nor found out but the holie Ghost hath sent it frō heauen into the worlde And what thyng is it that is brought vnto vs Forsooth euen the thinges whiche wee haue afore mentioned Namelie that whosoeuer beleeueth in Christe and cleaueth faste vnto his woorde hath together with hym all the benefites and blessynges whiche bee his in so muche that he is thereby euen a Lorde ouer Synne Death Deuill and Helle and is moste certainly assured of euerlastyng life This so greate a treasure is brought home to vs as it were to our owne doores and laied vp in our bosomes without any our owne helpe merite or deseruyng yea euen vnhoped and vnlooked for when we neither knewe of it nor so muche as once thought of any suche matter And therefore the Apostle exhorteth vs that wee should boldlie and vndoubtedlie looke for this Grace because that God whiche offereth and bestoweth the same vpon vs can not in any wise lye By the reuelation of Iesu Christe GOD offereth his Grace to none but by Christ and therefore without this Mediatour lette no mā presume to come into his sight as we haue afore admonished For he will heare no manne but hym that bryngeth with hym Christe his moste deare Sonne to bee his Aduocate and Spokesman as one whom he onely hath respecte vnto and for his sake to all those that by Faithe cleaue faste vnto hym And therefore he requireth at our handes that we acknowledge his Sonne as the persone by whose blood wée are at one with hym and now dare to present our selues before hym For to this ende came our Lord Christ who taking flesh and blood vnto him ioyned hymself with vs that hee might obtaine pardon and purchase Grace for vs at y t hādes of his Father By this faith in Christ were all the Prophetes and Patriarches saued For it behooued all menne generally to beleeue this promise made vnto Abraham In thy seede shall all Nations bee blessed And therefore the Iewes Turkes and all thei that repose any truste in their owne workes hopyng thereby to winne heauen haue no Faithe at all in them And therefore dooeth Peter saie Grace is brought to you but yet by the reuelation of Iesu Christe or to speake it more plainly by this that Iesus Christe is reuealed vnto you In the Gospell it is shewed vnto vs what Christe is that we maie throughly knowe hym namely that he is our Sauiour that he taketh awaie our Sinnes that he deliuereth vs out of all miseries that he reconcileth vs vnto his Father and that without any our workes he doeth iustifie and saue vs. Who soeuer doeth not thus acknowledge Christ is altogether deceiued For albeit thou knowe hym to bee the Sonne of GOD who died rose againe and sitteth now at the right hande of his Father yet hast thou not thereby throughly knowne Christ neither shall this knowyng of hym any whitt auaile thee vnlesse thou proceede a steppe further and bothe knowe and also beleeue that he did all these thynges for thee to helpe relieue and comfort
stabished in the present truth For I think it meete as long as I am in this tabernacle to stirre you vp by puttyng you in remembraunce Seyng I knowe that the tyme is at hande that I must laie doune this my tabernacle euen as our Lord Iesus Christ hath shewed me I will endeuour therefore alwaies that ye also maye be able to haue remembraunce of these thinges after my departyng For wee followed not deceiuable fables when wee opened vnto you the power and commyng of our Lorde Iesus Christ but with our eyes wee sawe his maiestie For he receiued of God the Father honor and glorie when there came suche a voyce to hym from the excellent glorie This is my beloued Sonne in whō I am well pleased And this voyce we heard when it came from heauen beyng with hym in the holy mount Wee haue also a moste sure worde of the Prophetes to the whiche ye doe well that ye take heede as vnto a light that shineth in a darke place vntill the daie dawne and the daie starre arise in your hartes So that ye first knowe this that no prophesie in the Scripture is of any priuate interpretation For the prophesie came not in olde tyme by the will of man but holiemen of God spake as they were moued by the holy Ghost Simon Peter a Seruaunt and an Apostle of Iesus Christ to you whiche haue obteined like precious Faithe with vs by the righteousnesse of our GOD and Sauiour Iesus Christ AS in the former Epistle so in this wee haue bothe a Subscription and an Inscription That wee maie knowe bothe who writeth it and to whom it is written namelie to them that zealously heare the Woorde of GOD and constantly stande by Faithe in the sincere profession of the same But what Faithe meaneth he Euē that saith he whiche is by the righteousnesse of God In whiche woordes he ascribeth Iustification to Faithe onely euen as S. Paule Roma j. saieth In the Gospell the righteousnesse of GOD is reueiled from Faithe to Faithe as it is written The iuste shall liue by Faithe Sainct Peter therefore warneth them to stand readie not to be beguiled nor to suffer the doctrine of Faithe whiche thei had receiued and learned to slippe awaie from thē And whereas he here peculierly speaketh of the Righteousnesse of God he thereby excludeth and putteth backe all humaine Iustice For it is Faithe onely that iustifieth vs before GOD and therefore Faithe is called the Righteousnesse of God For before the worlde it is nothyng accoumpted of nay it is rather persecuted and flatly condemned Grace and peace bee multiplied to you by the knowledge of God and of Iesus our Lorde THis is an vsuall Salutation wont to bee prefixed at the beginnyng of Letters and Epistles The meanyng whereof is thus I wishe vnto you the encrease of Grace and peace and that ye maie bee therewith enriched euery daie more and more Whiche grace issueth and floweth from the knowledge of GOD and of our Lorde Iesu Christ as if he should saie This Grace no manne can haue vnlesse he haue withall the knowledge of God and of our Lorde Iesus Christ Of this knowledge of GOD aswell the Apostles as the Prophetes dooe verie often and almoste continually make mention in the holie Scriptures as Esaie the xj In all my holie hill thei shall not hurte nor destroye for the Earth shalbe full of the knowledge of the Lorde as the waters that couer the Sea That is The knowledge of God shall bee as plentifull and abundaunt as the waters of the swellyng Sea when it breaketh out and surroundeth some whole Countrey And here hence shall suche peace and tranquillitie presently ensue that no man shal seeke to molest or damnifie an other But this is not to knowe God if thou dooe but onely beleeue that God is Almightie and that he hath created and made all thynges and that Christ was borne of the virgine Marie suffred death and rose againe for thus muche doe the Turkes Iewes and Deuilles beleeue But the true knowledge of GOD is this That thou haue a feelyng of hym in thyne harte conscience and that thou be certainly perswaded that God and his Christ is thy God and thy Christ whiche belief the Deuilles and false counterfaite Christians haue not neither can haue Therefore the knowledge of God is nothing els then a sounde and entire Faithe in Christ For when thou thus fullie knowest GOD and Christe thou wilte moste gladlie resigne and committe thy self vnto hym and firmely beleeue and trust in hym aswell in aduersitie as in prosperitie in death aswell as in life This settled confidence and sure trust can not bee in theim that haue euill consciences that is in theim that want true and sincere Faithe For thei knowe GOD none otherwise but that he is the God of S. Peter and of all the Sainctes in Heauen But for their God thei dooe not knowe hym neitheir haue any feelyng of hym but haue hym and take hym rather as their heauie tormentour and angrie Iudge To haue GOD is to haue all Grace all Mercie and all goodnesse that can bee named To haue Christe is to haue a Sauiour and a Mediatour who hath brought vs vnto God and made hym now all ours and at whose handes he hath obtained for vs all Grace and Blessyng All these thynges thou muste drawe and applie to thy self and not doubte but that Christ is thyne and thou Christes And this is the true knowledge of Christ An vmnaried woman seyng a man maie saie this is a Manne but she can not saie this is my Manne or my Housebande In like sort all of vs can saie This is God But all of vs can not saie that he is our God because wee dooe not all of vs beleeue and trust in hym and comfort our selues onely in hym and by hym This true knowledge of GOD the Scripture tearmeth the face and Countenaunce of the Lorde whereof the Prophetes speake verie copiouslie For thei that see not his face and knowe hym not doe see but onely his hinder partes that is doe see hym as their angrie and displeased God whereas if thei sawe his face that is if thei had the true knowledge of hym by Faith thei should behold and see nothing but Grace and Mercie Wee see here how sainct Peter in this his seconde Epistle purposely entreateth not of Faithe for he largelie discoursed therevppon in his former Epistle but his purpose is in this to write an Exhortation to them whiche beleeue that thei should shewe forthe their Faithe by Good workes For he would not haue Faithe to bee without Good woorkes nor Good woorkes without Faithe But firste he requireth in vs Faithe and Faithe beeyng once surely grounded to shewe foorthe Good woorkes And therefore he addeth According as his godlie power hath giuen vnto vs all thynges that pertaine vnto life and godlinesse WHen wee throughlie knowe God by Faithe wee are possessed of the franke gift of all
Will not here define whether in this place S. Peter speake of an outwarde Incontinencie or no or whether he doe as Sainct Paules order is call all those thynges Fleshly whiche a man yet liuyng in this bodie and carnall life committeth and dooeth without Faithe But I am of opinion that S. Peter in this place vseth an other maner of reason Neither doe I thinke that he taketh this worde Soule in suche a sense as Sainct Paule doeth who taketh it for Spirite But that he somewhat more déepely as I suppose considered the proprietie of the Greeke Howebeit it is not greatly materiall whether a man vnderstande this place as meant of all carnall affections or els onely of an externall and outwarde intemperaunce This profitable lesson notwithstanding is hereby taught vs that no man in this life can be perfectly holie and throughly pure from sinnes This place the Schoole men haue grossely mistaken rouyng farre wide from the true meanyng thereof For thei thinke it to bee onely spoken and meant of theim that bee Sinners As though the holie ones were cleare without all euill lustes and carnall affections But he that will profitablie searche and read the Scriptures must with iudgement and discretion waigh and throughly sifte the nature sense and signification of euery woorde for the Prophetes vse sometymes so to speake of them that be holie as that thei seme to pronounce theim pure and altogether cleare from all maner of Sinnes Againe sometymes thei so speake of theim as that thei confesse theim yet to haue euill affections corrupt motions and to fight against Synne This diuersitie and varietie that in apparaunce seemeth to bee in theim marueilouslie grauelleth and offendeth these greate Rabbines and wonderfullie blindeth their Senses from rightlie vnderstandyng the true meanyng of the Scriptures Thus therefore staye thou thy self and for thy sure conceiuyng of this and suche like places bee at this resolution Thou oughtest to consider Christians after twoo sortes namely accordyng to their inwarde and hidden life to witte Faithe and also accordyng to their outwarde and open life that is to saie the Fleshe Now if thou consider and respecte a Christian accordyng to Faithe he is all pure and without all filthe and vncleannesse but after the flesh he is not so For the woorde of GOD can abide no vncleane thyng to reste in that harte where it is throughlie and faithfullie receiued so that the harte whiche faste cleaueth vnto the Woorde can not but thereby bee throughlie purged and entirely cleansed Therefore in faithe all thynges are perfecte accordyng to that saiyng afore wherein wee are sayed to hee Kynges Priestes and the peculier People of GOD. But for so muche as wee hauyng Faithe are as yet cladde in this fleshe and dwell on this Earth it can not bee but that now and then wee feele within our selues sundrie corrupt and Earthly affections as Impacience feare of Deathe c. And these bee the diseases remainyng yet of the old Manne For Faithe hath not yet here raught to hir perfection nor gotten a full power ouer the fleshe This maiest thou plainlie and euidentlie vnderstande by the Parable Luke x. of a certaine man Who goyng doune from Hierusalem to Hiericho fell among Theeues who robbed hym of his raimente and wounded hym verie sore and departyng lefte hym halfe dead on whom in the ende a certaine Samaritane tooke compassion boūd vp his woundes powred in Oile and Wine sett hym on his owne beaste and brought hym to an Inne and made prouision for hym Here thou seest that this man was cared for his cure prouided for anone after he was wounded and now beeyng out of daunger of Death was lefte sicke in deede but not vnto Death howbeeit he was not as yet fullie healed and cured His life is preserued and he left aliue but yet is he not come to his perfecte healthe he is lefte in the charge of the Phisitious to bee cured and dressed afterward Euen so wee that beleeue haue Christ all and entire and are assured of eternall life but our perfecte and consummate healthe wee haue not yet obteined for some reliques of the old Adam remaineth yet still within vs. To the same purpose serueth that other Parable mentioned by Christe Matth. xiij The Kyngdome of heauen is like vnto Leauen whiche a woman taketh and hideth in three Peckes of Meale till all bee leauened For when the Meale is begonne to bee kneaded the Leauen is all there but it hath not yet sowred and pearced the whole lumpe of Dowe the mixture is not yet fullie perfected yet the Meale is therein still till it bee fullie Leauened and more Leauen maie not bee put vnto it So also whatsoeuer thou oughtest to haue thou haste it alreadie by Faithe whereby thou haste taken holde of the Worde and embraced it but it hath not yet throughlie soaked and pearced into thee and therefore it needes must bee so long in woorkyng vntill thou be whollie renewed And in this sort oughtest thou to discerne and interprete the Scripture And not so to Iumble and mangle the textes thereof as dooe the Papistes Therefore when in the Scriptures thou readest of holie meime that are saied to bee perfecte thou must thus vnderstande it that accordyng to Faithe thei were altogether pure and without synne But all the reste was fleshe and therfore could not bee entierly cleane Wherevpon Christians in their praiers desire to bee dissolued and ridde of this bodie or fleshe that thei maie whollie attaine to an entire puritie Thei that other wise teache neither haue any feelyng nor yet any sounde taste of the same And therevpon it commeth to passe that thei speake euen as thei thinke within themselues and as thei can comprehende by their owne reason and therefore thei can not choose but bee deceiued This hath been a stumblyng blocke to many yea of them that haue been accoumpted worthie and famous for their holinesse and sanctimonie and who haue taught and written verie muche Origene speaketh not one worde hereof in his Bookes Hierome neuer vnderstoode thē Augustine also would haue had small knowledge thereof if he had not so much buckled with the Pelagians Some whē thei speake of holie men thei so muche extol and dignifie them as though either thei had been of some higher degree and excellencie then other Christians or els as though thei had had no feelyng of this Flesh or as though thei had not complained thereof aswel and as muche as wee Therefore saieth Sainct Peter You are all cleane and haue your full righteousnesse there now remaineth nothyng for you but y t you stoutly fight againste these wicked and naughtie affections And so also speaketh Christe Iohn xiij He that is washed needeth not sauyng onely to washe his feete For it is not enough that the heade and handes bee cleane and therefore albeeit he saie that thei are all cleane yet neuerthelesse he requireth theim to washe their feete But what meanyng hath Saincte Peter
of Christe but shall tremble and quake for feare and be loathe ●odye wishyng rather still in this life to lye be dred sicke and diseased then once to dye or exchaunge this life for any other Wherefore I will not bee negligent to put you alwaies in remembraunce of these thynges though that ye haue knowledge and bee stablished in the present truth OF this we haue oftentymes spoken afore Albeit GOD hath caused a great light to shine vnto vs in this so mercifull a manifestation of the Gospell so that we both now know what a Christian life is and also what Christian Doctrine meaneth and dooe also see the skope of the whole Scripture to tend to none other ende but this yet neuerthelesse it is expedient and necessarie still to perseuere and go forwarde in preachyng and teachyng without ceassyng and to ●terate in●●lke the self same doctrine from daie to daie if not to learne yet to bee admonished and put in remembraunce of doctrine before learned and receiued For there are twoo Offices in the Church as S. Paule teacheth Rom. xij the one consisteth in Teaching the other in Exhorting He that teacheth let hym take heede to his teaching and doctrine and he that exhorteth to his exhortation Rom. xij Teachyng is where wee laie the foundation of Faithe and preache the Gospell to them that haue not yet heard any thyng thereof Exhortyng or admonishyng is as here sainct Peter saieth to preache to them that haue bothe heard and learned the same afore to encourage them manfully to proceede and continue in their well begonne enterprise and to awake and stirre vp their dull and drowsie natures to goe on forwarde from steppe to steppe and from degree to degree euery daie more and more We are all cladde and laden with this olde rotten Sacke our Fleshe and Bloud which stil pulleth vs doune and draweth vs the wrong waie whereby the Soule is easily ●ulled asleepe and brought into securitie And therefore it is very beh●m●●ful and necessarie for vs to bee continually exercised euen as a good householder keepeth his Seruauntes and Familie still occupied and calleth vppon them to looke to their businesse leaste they should growe into ydlenesse Now if the dulnesse of our nature bee suche that it must bee called vppon and put in mynde to dooe thinges expedient and behoouefull for externall foode and maintenaunce of the Bodie how muche more conuenient and meete is it that the same bee vsed and putte in practise in matters appertainyng to the Spirite and Soule For I thinke it meete as long as I am in this Tabernacle to stirre you vp by puttyng you in remembraunce SAinct Peter here calleth his Body a Tabernacle wherin the Soule for a time saiourneth and it is a muche like phraze to that whiche is vsed in the former Epistle wher he called the Body of the Woman a Vessell or Droun And after the like sorte speaketh S. Paule ij Cor. v. Wee knowe that if our earthly house of this Tabernacle be destroyed we haue a building giuen of God that is an house not made with hāds but eternall in the Heauens for the whiche we sigh desiryng to be clothed with our house whiche is from Heauen For so long as wee are in this Tabernacle wee sigh and are hurdened c. And againe But wee are comforted and are bold in this that wee knowe that whiles wee are in the bodie wee are absent from the Lorde But wee had leifer to remoue out of the Bodie and to dwell with the Lorde Here wee see S. Paule calleth this Bodie of ours an House makyng two maner of Dwellynges and twoo maner of Pereg●inatiōs or absences from home By which phraze of speeche Sainct Peter also here in this place calleth this Bodie a Tabernacle for the Soule to soiourne in by whiche name he doeth muche extenuate the reputation that is commonly made of it and also seth it lower then moste parte of men accoumpt of it for he doeth not call it an House but a Tabernacle 〈◊〉 poore Cotage such as seelie Sheepeheardes vse to dwell in The house is slender and contemptible but the treasure that is laied vp and kept in it is riche and precious Seeyng I knowe that the tyme is at hande that I must laie downe this my Tabernacle euen as our Lord Iesus Christ hath shewed me I will endeuour therefore alwaies that ye also may be able to haue remembraunce of these thinges after my departyng SAinct Peter here testifieth of himself that he is assured of eternall life and that by speciall reuelation from the Lorde he knewe when he should dye all which was doen for our sakes and to confirme and strengthen our Faith For it was very expedient and necessarie that there should bee some suche men that had in themselues a certain perswasion and sure knowledge of their electiō who might establishe laie the foundation of Faith in others whereby it might bee out of all doubt knowen that they preached not the dreames and fantasies of men but the true and sincere Worde of God Whiche men before thei came to that assuraunce and certaintie God throughly tryed and prooued Therefore saieth sainct Peter I will not onely with my liuely voyce admonishe and put you in remembraunce but I will also committ these my admonitions to writyng and leaue my exhortations written for your directions and instructions that after my death aswell as in my life tyme ye maie bee thereof put in minde by others and bee called vpon to obserue and put the same in vre practise Beholde here what a vigilant care this Apostle had for the safegarde and saluation of Soules and yet neuerthelesse wee see through the malice of Sathan what shamelesse shiftes and cogging marchaundize hath been and still is made of them For wee followed not deceiuable fables when we opened vnto you the power and commyng of our Lorde Iesus Christe but with our eyes wee sawe his Maiestie For he receiued of God the Father honor and glorie when there came such a ●oyce to hym from the excellent glorie This is my beloued Sonne in whom I am well pleased And this voyce we heard when it came from heauen beyng with hym in the holy mount HEre S. Peter bringeth in the hystorie of the transfiguration of Christe vppon the Mount written by the Euangelist Mathewe Chapt. xvij Wherein is declared how the Lorde Iesus tooke three of his Disciples viz. Peter Iames and Iohn into an high Mountaine and was there transfigured before them his face shinyng as the Sunne and his clothes beyng white as the Light where also there appeared vnto them Moses and Elias talkyng with hym till at length a bright Cloude shadowed them and a voyce comming out of the Cloude saied This is my beloued Sonne in whom I am well pleased heare hym Whiche when the Disciples heard thei fell on their faces and were sore afraide Then Iesus came and touched them and saied Arise be not afraide
And when thei lifted vp their eyes thei sawe no man saue Iesus onely And as they came downe from the Mountaine Iesus charged them saiyng Shewe the Vision to no man vntill the Sonne of man rise againe from the dead This therefore whiche here Sainct Peter writeth hath this meanyng That Gospell which I haue preached and shewed vnto you of Christ and of his commyng I haue not sucked out of myne owne fingers endes nor feigned out of myne owne braine neither yet receiued I the same from vaine and Sophisticall Pratlers and Ianglers that can roundely and readily talke and tattle of matters such as the Greekes were Whereas in truthe all that which thei with finenesse of Eloquēce and galantnesse of phrazes painted out thinkyng them selues therein greate Wisemen was nothyng els but mere toyes trifles and vanities These and suche like persones wee neither haue giuen eare vnto neither followed and sought after that is wee dooe not preache vnto you the doatyng dreames and foolishe fantasies of Men But we are moste sure of our doctrine and of the certaintie thereof that it is of GOD because we haue bothe heard it with our eares and seen it with our eyes To witte when wee were present with Christe in the Mounte and there bothe sawe and heard his glorie from heauen proclaimed Whose glorie was suche that his face shined as the Sunne and his clothes were white as Snowe and wee also heard a voice from the high Maiestie of the Father saiyng This is my beloued Sonne heare hym Therefore euery Preacher ought to be so sure and so farre from any doubtyng of the certaintie of his doctrine and of the Woorde whiche he preacheth that he should not feare to scale and confirme the same with his death seyng it is the Woorde of Life whiche he hath in hande The Apostles therefore were certainly assured of the truthe of the Gospell whiche thei preached and were out of all doubt that it was the true and infallible Worde of GOD and withall that the Gospell is none other thyng then the preachyng of Christe And therefore none other preachyng is to bee heard because the Father will not haue any other This is my beloued Sonne s●●th he heale hym Let hym be your Schoole maister and your Teacher as if he should saie when ye heare hym ye heare me And therefore saieth S. Peter wee haue preached and made knowen vnto you that Christe ●s ●e Lorde and Ruler of all thynges and that all power is deliuered ouer vnto hym whiche power he also hath whiche faithfullie beleeueth in hym These thynges haue not wee deuised and forged by our owne imaginations but wee haue bothe seen and heard them by the Reuolation of God who hath commaunded vs to heare this Christ alone But what is the cause that S. Peter here seuereth the Power of Christ from his Commyng His Power is in that he is Almightie and able to dooe all thynges And againe in that he hath all thinges in subiection vnder his feete This his Power shall perpetually continue and stande in force so long as the worlde hath continuaunce and so long as Fleshe and Bloud hath any beeyng vpon earth This entire power of the Kyngdome of Christe shall haue continuaunce and force till the laste daie and then shall an other worlde begiane when as Christe shall deliuer vp his Kyngdome vnto God his Father whereof is spoken by S. Paule j. Cor. xv Christe is the firste fruictes then thei that are of Christe whiche shall bee at his commyng and then shalbee the ende when he hath deliuered vp his Kyngdome to GOD euen the Father c. And againe When all thynges shall bee subdued into hym then shall the Sonne also hymself bee subiecte vnto hym that did subdue all thynges vnder hym And whereto tendeth all this Is not the Kyngdome of God the Father now at this presence and are not all thynges now also subdued vnto hym I aunswere S. Paule in the self same place expoundeth hymself yeldeth a reason of his wordes saiyng That God maie be all in all that is what soeuer a man longeth after what soeuer he desireth to haue that shall God bee vnto hym that as S. Peter saied afore we maie bee partakers of the Diuine Nature And therefore what GOD hath the same shall we haue and what soeuer is needefull and necessarie for vs shalbee ministred vnto vs what soeuer any manne requireth as Wisedome Righteousnesse Fortitude and Life it shalbe giuen to vs which wee now beleeue by hearyng with our eares and truely possesse in the Worde of God But then shall the Woorde ceasse and our Soules shall open and displaie themselues and shall see and feele all thynges present And this is it that bothe S. Peter and S. Paule meane that now in this while the power of Christes Kyngdome beareth all the aucthoritie now dooeth the Woorde raigne and exercise his Empire by whiche Woorde he now raigneth in his humanitie ouer Deuilles Synne Death and Helle. And all these thynges shall not till the laste daie bee plainly manifested For although God doeth raigne for euer alwaies yet is not the same manifestly to vs apparaunced He seeth vs but we see not hym And therefore it behooueth that Christ should resigne his Kyngdome ouer vnto hym that wee also maie see and then shall wee truely bee the Brothers of Christe and the Soonnes of God In this sorte Receiued he of God the Father honour and glorie as here S. Peter saieth when as the Father subiected all thynges vnto hym and made hym Lorde of all glorifiyng and dignifiyng him with these woordes This is my beloued Soone in whom I am well pleased And in these woordes S. Peters meanyng is to confirme his Doctrine and preachyng that it might bee knowen from it whēce it was Besides this seyng of the Maiestie of Christ and hearyng of the voice of the Father concernyng Christe it was needefull also that the holie Ghoste must woorke withall and confirme him in that he had bothe seen and heard the more to make hym to beleeue it and that he might bothe boldelie preache and zelouslie confesse the same to others Wee haue also a moste sure worde of the Prophetes to the whiche ye doe well that ye take heede as vnto a light that shineth in a darke place vntill the daie dawne and the daie starre arise ●n your hartes HEre commeth S. Peter nerer to the matter and of that whiche he here saieth this is the verie meanyng All that I preache vnto you is to this ende that your Consciences maie bee surely settled strengthened in the truthe and that your hartes maie be firmely fixed vpon the same not suffryng your selues to bee caried a ware from it by any meanes because wee are out of all doubte that wee haue the verie pure and sincere Worde of GOD. For the Gospell is a matter of greate waight and importaunce and therefore we ought to be most diligent carefull and precise that wee keepe
the Sacrament of the blessed bodie and bloud of Christe what other thyng practized they but a shamelesse marchandyzing for they vsed the same in a maner to none other purpose but as a baite to catche men and to wryng money from them Iudge and consider now good Reader whether sainct Peter many hundreth yeeres agoe hath not notably and liuely set forthe and described our holie Romishe Clergie with their vsuall properties Whose iudgement long agone is not farre of and their damnation sleepeth not THeir iugglyng paltrie for that is S. Peters meaning shal not alwayes cōtinue in such iolitie neither shal thei choppe and chaunge and vse marchandize of you euer when thei are come to their highest ruffe and statelinesse then shall they haue a sodaine downefall and a heauie iudgement and destruction shall quicklie light vpon them It is euen now at hande they shall not escape As S. Paule also saieth ij Tim. iij. Their madnesse shalbee euident to all men that thei maie be confounded God open their eyes and graunt thē grace to turne vnto hym by true and earnest repentaunce and to forsake and detest these their wicked and fruictlesse Sectes sith they here maie learne that they are nothyng els then Sectes of perdition and condemnation For albeit there bee some not altogether peruerted and desperatelie seduced in these Sectes yet are the Sectes themselues nothyng els then vndoubted and certein Sects of damnable perdition After this sorte therefore hath S. Peter here described the filthie and wicked life of these Popish Monsters which he sawe would come to passe after the syncere Doctrine of the Gospel preached by y t Apostles Now laieth he before our eyes three straunge and terrible examples of them whom God hath condemned and in his iustice punished to wit the Aungelles the whole Worlde and the Cities of Sodome and Gomorrhe For if God spared not the Angels that had sinned but cast them downe into hell and deliuered them into chaines of darknes to be kept vnto dānation IN these words S. Peter terrifieth thē that liue in securitie and wilfully wallowe in their wickednesse as we see in thē whiche bee the Popes sworne Suppliantes and are deepely drowned in the dregges of his filthy Traditions for thei looke so bigge and vaunt thēselues so impudentlie as though thei would treade whom thei liste vnder their feete S. Peter therefore in this place speaketh to this purpose as if hee should say Is it not a meruailous malapert saucinesse and presumptuous boldnesse in them thus impudently to seeke to establishe and maintaine by force and violence their Heilishe impietie as though thei thought that GOD were in awe to theim and that he would spare and winke at theim who spared not the Aungelles As if he should saie The verie Sainctes and holie ones are wonderfullie afraied to see so seuere a Iudgemente namely in that GOD spared not his excellent Spirites and moste noble Creatures which were farre perfecter and wiser then wee but bindyng theim in Chaines of darkenesse caste them into Hell This is that seuere Iudgement and dreadfull damnation wherein the prisoners appoincted to the same are kept in Chaines and can not by any meanes escape out of the handes of God but are kept in holde to bee throwne into vtter darkenesse whereof Christ speaketh in the Gospell Math. viij xxij and xxv Here also doeth S. Peter shewe that the deuilles haue not yet that punishement laied vpon them wherevnto thei are condemned but remaine and continue in obstinacie and desperation lookyng euery minute and momente for their Iudgement euen as a Felon or other malefactour that is condemned to die and despairyng of any releasse hardeneth hymself in obstinacie and groweth still worse and worse The punishement wherevnto thei are iudged is not yet laied vpon them but thei are kept for it in chaines of darkenesse that is in their malicious obstinacie of mischief and desperation Neither hath spared the olde Worlde but saued Noah the eight person a Preacher of righteousnes and brought in the floud vpon the worlde of the vngodlie THis example also is so terrible and so full of horror as none in the whole Scripture more beeyng able to appall and shake the conscience euen of him that is right strong in Faithe For when this and suche like places of Scripture and suche sharpe Iudgemētes of God come into a mannes minde that is diyng who in his harte deepely considereth theim how can hee but tremble and shake and be brought to the verie brinke of desperation vnlesse his Faithe be moste strong and constant For what man is he in all the worlde that would not be merueilously daunted and dismaied to consider how that emong so many thousandes of men as were then in the worlde no mo should be saued aliue but eight persones And what had thei committed thinke ye why God should so in his seuere iudgemente at once destroye the whole worlde in the floud drounyng bothe Men and Women Maisters and Seruauntes Yong and Old Beastes of the field and Birdes of the Aire Forsoothe the cause of so generall a destruction was their wicked and abhominable life Noah was a iuste manne and a preacher of righteousnesse he liued fiue hundreth yeres before the floud what tyme GOD commaunded hym to builde the Arke whiche he made within the space of an hundred yeres after and liued alwaies an holie and godlie life Wherein wee are to note and consider what a Crosse this good man bare in what perilles daūgers and extremities he was lapped when as he must in worde and deede openly professe hymself a Christian that it one that truely and vnfeinedly trusted in God For it is not possible that Faithe should be Idle or lye hidde without shewyng it self openly to the Worlde before menne aswell in preachyng as in sinceritie and integritie of life It is therefore verie like that long before he was commaunded to builde the Arke hee executed the office of Preachyng and francklie vttered the Worde of God and that not in one place and Region onely but doubtlesse in many other and sundrie Countries And therefore it could not be chosen but that he suffred many and the same verie greuous persecutions In so muche that S. Peter here saieth it had neede to be a speciall priuiledged protection and a peculiar and Spirituall assistaunce from aboue that should in suche a desperate and forlorne tyme relieue and helpe hym els had he been quickly dispatched and no waie could hee haue escaped death For he that sincerely and zelously preacheth the Worde of GOD can not escape the enuious onsettes and bitter battries of many and that of them whiche cary the countenaunce of wisedome modest life and sanctimonie But when this holy manne had so long tyme in vaine continued his preachyng to the men of that Age and thei neuer a whit repentyng their lewde life but still contemnyng the Word of God and growyng worse and worse GOD saied at length after that hee
Gospell of our Lorde Iesus Christ Againe j. Cor. iij Euery mannes woorke shalbee made manifest for the daie shall declare it because it shalbee reueiled by the Fire Therefore when that laste daie shall like a sodaine flashe of Lightnyng come vppon vs all thynges in this Heauen and this Earth shall in the twincklyng of an eye be consumed to Cinders and sodainly chaunged with Fire euen as in the tyme of Noah all thynges were chaunged with the water and that GOD will not faile in this his threatening commination wherof we ought to take his former dealyng for an infallible token the whiche he hath left vnto vs for a signe Dearely beloued bee not ignoraunte of this one thing that one day is with the Lord as a thousand yeres and a thousande yeres as one daie The Lorde is not slacke concernyng his promise as some men counte slacknesse but is pacient toward vs and would haue no man to perishe but would all men to come to repentaunce But the daie of the Lorde will come as a Thiefe in the night in the whiche the Heauens shall passe awaie with noyse and the Elemētes shall melt with heate and the Earth with the woorkes that are therein shalbe burnt vp IN these woordes S. Peter meeteth with those cauillers of whom he spake afore whiche saie that the Apostles haue foretold many vaine and foolish tales of the latter Daie and that al thinges stande still in the same course and order as thei did before notwithstandyng so long a space of tyme since thei foretold and Prophecied thereof And this place borowed he out of the praier of Moses in the lxxxx Psalme A thousand yeres saieth he in thy sight are as yesterdaie when it is paste This is after twoo sortes to bee vnderstoode and taken One as it hath respecte and relation to God the other as it respecteth Men and the Worlde Againe this life is to be considered after one sort the life to come after an other This life can not bee the life to come because into that none can passe but by Death that is till he ceasse from the functions of this mortall life This present Life consisteth and is preserued by eatyng drinkyng sleapyng digestyng c. all whiche consiste and are doen within the limitation of Houres Daies and Yeres But when thou wilt throughly consider the life to come thou must quight forget and put out of thy cogitation and remembrance all the course of this present life and neuer thinke to make any conference or comparison betweene this Life and it For all thynges in it are as one Daie one Houre one Minute one Moment Seyng therefore that there is no Dinumeration of tyme with God it followeth that a thousande yeres with hym are as one daie and therefore the first manne Adam is as neere to God as he that shalbe laste borne the daie next afore the Generall daie of Iudgement For God respecteth not tyme according as the same is in length but rather as it were aslope as if a man should behold and looke vpō a verie long Tree liyng ouerthwarte or aslope afore hym For so should he with one glaunce of his eye beholde bothe the endes thereof at once whiche he could not doe if he should stande at the one ende and beholde it long wise Now we mortall Creatures can not by our owne reason beholde and consider the Tyme but accordyng to the length by numbryng and addyng yere to yere from Adam till the laste daie But with God all thynges are lapped vp as it were in one bundle and seen with one blushe What we thinke to de long the same with hym is shorte and contrariwise A man when he dieth lieth buried in the Earth and his bodie is consumed into duste neither knoweth he any thyng but when he shall arise againe in the laste daie he shall thinke he hath slept as it were scarcely as houre then shall he see and beholde a greate multitude that liued after hym of whom hee knewe nothyng at all Saincte Peters meanyng therefore is this The Lorde is not slacke to performe his promise as these Mockers and Skorners doe thinke that he is but is pacient and long suffryng therefore be ye ready against the laste daie whiche will come sooner then ye looke for and will sodainly ouertake the wicked Worldlynges as Saincte Paule saieth j. Theis v. When thei shall saie peace and safetie then shall come vppon them sodaine destruction as the trauaile vpon a woman with child and ther shall not escape That daie shall come with suche a noise and shall so sodainly as it were a terrible tempest fall vpon the world that al thinges shalbe consumed in a moment Seyng therefore that all these thinges must be dissolued what maner persons ought ye to be in holy conuersation and godlinesse Lookyng for and hastyng vnto the commyng of that daie of God SEyng that ye know that all these thinges shall passe awaie bothe Heauen Earth and all thinges therein consider and waigh with your selues with what holinesse of life and godlinesse of conuersation ye ought to stande readie against that daie For S. Peter so describeth this daie as that it is euen now at hande against the whiche wee should not onely be in a readinesse but also moste ioyfully and gladly expect and looke for the commyng thereof Yea he would haue vs with moste willing myndes to goe to meete the Lorde in that daie as in whiche wee hope at length to bee clearely ridde and deliuered from the tyrannie of Sinne Death and Hell By the whiche the heauens beyng on fier shalbee dissolued the Elementes shall melt with heate But we looke for newe Heauens and a new Earth accordyng to his promise wherein dwelleth righteousnesse THE Lord by his Prophetes in sundry places hath promised that he will create newe Heauens and a newe Earth as Esay Lxv. Loe I will create newe Heauens and a newe Earth and the former shall not be remembred not come into your mynde Againe Esay xxx The light of the Moone shalbee as the light of the Sunne the light of the Sunne shalbe seuenfold and like the light of seuen daies And Christ saith Matth. xiij that the iust shall shine as the Sunne in the kingdome of their father But how after what fashion al this shall come to passe we cā not tell sauing that it is faithfully promised by him who can not deceiue that there shalbee newe Heauens and a newe Earth in which shall dwell no sinne vncleannesse but righteousnesse and they that bee the children of God as Paule also Rom. viij witnesseth There shalbe nothyng but ioye and perpetuall solace to wit the kyngdome of God and all felicitie Here he that would bee inquisitiue to knowe whether the elect and blessed shal at that tyme bee in the Heauens or on the Earth Truely this place soundeth that thei shal remaine and dwell on the Earth so that al both Heauens and Earth shalbe as one Paradise