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A00778 A profitable exposition of the Lords prayer, by way of questions and answers for most playnnes together with many fruitfull applications to the life and soule, aswell for the terror of the dull and dead, as for the sweet comfort of the tender harted. By Geruase Babington. With a table of the principall matters conteyned in this booke. Babington, Gervase, 1550-1610. 1588 (1588) STC 1090; ESTC S101499 244,374 582

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a sharpe sword That they are corrupt and become abhominable that there is none that doth good no not one And where ruleth all this euill that wee haue thus purchased to our woe O further griefe our bodies our soules our mindes our willes our harts our hands our feete and our whole man is corrupted sinne hath entered ouer all and by sinne Satan as Lord and King ruleth ouer all till this other kingdome come that here wee pray for For eratis tenebrae sayth the Apostle Ye were darknesse but now are ye light in the Lord. And more plainly before hauing their vnderstāding darkned being strāgers frō the life of God through that ignorāce that is in them c. Therefore you see the minde corrupted Of the hart and will it was sayd before that the imaginations of the thoughts thereof are onely euill continually And out of the hart now sayth our Sauiour proceede euill thoughts murders adulteries fornications theftes false witnesse sclaunders and this is stuffe that defileth the man With a thousand places moe crying out of the waywardnesse of mans hart and will the crookednesse stifnesse and stubbornnesse of it against the Lord all good Of the whole man sayth the Apostle Noui quod in me hoc est in carne mea non est bonum I know that in me that is in my flesh there is no good Our mouth our feete our throte our eyes and all are charged with their faultes in the worde of the Lord. That free will that was in man to doe good it is gone sayth Sainct Austen and homo malè vtens libero arbitrio se perdidit arbitrium Man abusing his free will lost both himselfe and it And now is it true that wee are not able to thinke a good thought as of our selues but both to will and to performe is of the Lord. Now is it true that our Sauiour sayd sine me nihil potestis facere without me you can doe nothing Non dixit sine me difficulter aliquid potestis aut sine me non potestis aliquid magni facere sed nihil potestis c. He did not say sayth S. Austen without me you can hardly doe any thing or you can not doe any great matter but simply and flatly you can doe nothing Meaning in spirituall matters for herein quid habes quod non accepisti what hast thou that thou hast not receiued Gratia dei sum quod sum By the grace of God I am that I am whatsoeuer it be if it be good And to goe no further in this sorte now must man and woman bee they neuer so righteous crie out vppon their vnrighteousnesse and hide their faces from the iudgement of the Lord if he should out of the comfort prouided for them seeke to iudge them Dauid the deere one of the Lord and a man according to his owne hart yet must confesse of himselfe with woe Beholde I was borne in iniquitie and in sinne hath my mother conceiued mee Enter not into iudgement with thy seruaunts O Lord for in thy sight shall no flesh liuing bee iustified The great Prophet Esayas must say Woe is me for I am vndone because I am a man of polluted lippes Mary the virgin blessed amongst women must reioyce in her Sauiour and not in her selfe and so all others whatsoeuer For we are fallen Our lyfe that shoulde haue bene so pleasant beholde how bitter heauy and miserable Great trauell is created for all men an heauy yoke vpon the sonnes of Adam from the day that they go out of their mothers wombe till the day that they returne to the mother of all thinges Namely their thoughts feare of the heart and their imagination of the things they wayte for and the day of death from him that sitteth vppon the glorious throne vnto him that is beneath in the earth and ashes from him that is clothed in blewe silke and weareth a crowne euen to him that is clothed in simple linnen wrath and enuy trouble and vnquietnes and feare of death and rigour and strife in the tyme of rest the sleepe in the night vpon his bed change his knowledge A litle or nothing is his rest and afterwarde in sleeping he is as in a watch tower in the day he is troubled with the visions of his hart as one that runneth out of a battel c. Our daies that should haue ben without end now are few full of wo for life we haue got death for pleasure payne for good euill for heauen hell for endlesse ioye eternall woe O dreadfull fall Thus created then innocent God ruled but thus fallen from that innocencie Satan ruleth and wee are as hath bene sayd by nature the children of wrath walking after the Prince that ruleth in the ayre that is the Deuill But the Lord is gracious and his mercy indureth for euer there remaineth therefore hope by a restitution or regeneration which the Scripture teacheth vs thus much of namely That whereas Satan abuseth that corrupt nature of ours through the great power which hee hath ouer vs for our sinnes and driueth vs from the worde and all religion into all blindnesse ignorance and errors thrusteth vs into diuers miseries and calamities in the end into eternal death there being where he ruleth no true loue of God or any grace but sinning without sting touch or feeling the Lorde our God in a contrary course of loue where it pleaseth him beginneth with that corruption of nature wherby Satan before was strong and taketh it away by litle and litle begetting vs anew to a better life and restoring that Image of his in vs againe whereunto we were first created and which so fearfully we were fallen from Our minde hee illuminateth with some heauenly light whereby it beginneth to know aright God grace our will receiueth a new strength to imbrace the worde to rest in it and to incline it selfe to the testimonies of the Lord. Our heart is purged and loueth the Lorde and all the members of the body before the weapons of vnrighteousnesse vnto sinne becomme by measure the weapons of righteousnesse vnto God So sinne dyeth grace liueth and wee loue him feare him trust in him pray to him often and in all our wants with such like This is nowe the kingdome of grace this is that wee pray for here immediatly The kingdom of glory is that happy and eternall estate which followeth in heauen after this life which we also pray for here but mediatly as wee say that is when the kingdome of grace in this world is ended Thus much being sayd then for plainenes of these three kingdomes the kingdom of power of grace and of glory as also of which of them the petition is meant So now what we pray in plaine words namely thus much O Lord subdue vnto thy maiestie all power of
such as do Gods wil both wittingly willingly Which perfect obedience of ours as oftē as the Scripture speaketh of it vseth to cal vs to that coeleste 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that heauenly regimēt wherin perfectlie and faythfullie the Lorde is obeyed So doth our Sauiour teach vs and therefore addeth heere these wordes Sicut in coelo as it is in heauen You see then the reason of them and why they be added euē to teach vs the measure of obedience that wee are to desire and thirst after and praie for not halt not lame nor maymed but all full whole and perfect such as is in heauen That looke with what spirite measure affection and will with what readinesse and alacritie the heauenly Angels and blessed spirites Sunne Moone and Starres obey God euen with the same we may do it also that as in heauen so in earth there bee no rebellion nor repining agaynst his holie will The obedience of all those heauenlie creatures I need not to describe looke but at the Angelles and you shall see three properties of their obedience such as ought to be in ours They obey God lubentissime citissime and fidelissme most willingly most readilie or speedely and most faithfullie If they be sent to performe anie seruice they neuer murmure but doe it and therefore sée their willingnes If to execute iudgement vpon the enimies in one night one of them dispatcheth an hundred foure score and fiue thousand of them and then see their speede Yea they spare no creature neyther giue ouer euer till the Lorde saie it is sufficient staie thy hand and therefore faithful They are not lyke Saul to saue eyther king or fatlings no there is no meanes to corrupt them in their seruice such willingnes then such readie speede and such faithfull obedience wee are taught to desire and praie for by addition of these words As it is in heauen For these Angels we know are there And this obedience of theirs with the circumstances hath the Prophet Dauid layd downe if you marke it Psalme 103.20 Why but still I saie can we performe such obedience as this in this life No in deede Whilest here we liue both knowledge and obedience are in part And the most regenerate that euer was must praie Forgiue vs our trespasses It is Anabaptisticall to dreame of a perfection heere Yet for all that so perfect wee ought to be and so desirous of Gods greater and greater pleasure in vs and glorie by our seruice as that we should neuer stick down our staffe as hauing obtayned inough tyll this be brought to passe in vs. Therefore then praie wee for it not as accounting to get it in this world but as professing our desire to haue it and our discontent with our obedience whatsoeuer it bee till it bee such And if anie man will conclude anie thing vpon this forme of speech lette him conclude that such perfection wee shoulde performe not that such heere wee euer can performe And if we ought to performe it as dutie due from vs then may we pray for it that it may be such still stil till it be such and our prayer becommeth vs well What more then will you say touching this petition You must remember how we haue said that in euery petition are required of God as well the meanes ordayned of GOD to worke such things as the things thēselues that we aske For Expetito fine expetuntur etiā quae ad finē The end being desired those things are also desired which belong to the end Wherefore vnderstanding now what we aske in this petition euen abilitie to performe that reuealed will of our heauenly Father in his word wholy and fully after the example of his heauēly creatures we must consider the meanes wherby this is had and knowe that in these wordes we beseech his Maiestie likewise for them to be giuen to vs. And what are they They are chiefely two the knowledge of his will and the strength of his grace or direction of his spirit The first hath relation to his word for therehence onely is his will to bee learned and therefore it hath pleased him to giue it the name of his testament or last will and most straitely charged that nothing bee added to it or taken from it The second is that whereby the first is profitable and sanctified to our good For illumination without sanctification auayleth not but is euen in the reprobate And they that knowe their masters will and doe it not shall their knowledge saue them Had not Iudas knowledge there is no questiō but of Christ hee had learned many misteries had not the Scribes and the Pharisées the knowledge of the lawe Yes they were able to teach many trueths out of the same vnto others and whilest they sate in Moses chayre that is whilest they deliuered truely the doctrine of Moses they were to be heard by the commandemēt of our sauiour and to bee followed also in that they sayd But because this Spirit of the Lorde did not sanctifie their knowledge to them and make it powrefull in them to the death of sinne and the life of righteousnesse but that they knew and did not therefore for all their knowledge they perished a man may speake with the tongues of men Angels and not perish a man may haue the gift of Prophecie and knowe all secretes and all knowledge and yet bee no body in Gods eyes 1. Cor. 12.1 2. Spiritus est qui foecundat animos It is the spirit of the Lord that maketh our minds fruitefull Yea that maketh our heartes good earth to receiue the good séede of the worde to our comfort that blesseth our knowledge to vs to crucifie vs to the world and sinne and to renewe vs to the Lorde in dayly obedience more more This Spirit also inspireth our mindes to will and after giueth the effect and execution of that inspired will Deus enim ille est qui in nobis operatur velle perficere pro gratuita sua beneuolentia The Lorde is hee that worketh in vs both the wil and the deede to wit by his holy spirite euen of this good pleasure And it is the God of peace sayth the Apostle that brought againe from the dead our Lorde Iesus the great shephearde of the sheepe through the blood of the euerlasting couenant that maketh mē perfect in all good workes to do his will working in them that which is pleasant in his sight through Iesus Christ Wherunto agreeth that of Cyprian Vt fiat a nobis dei voluntas opus est dei voluntate quia nemo suis viribus potens est That is to doe the will of God we haue neede of the will of God to wit his assistance and strength for by his owne power no man is able Wherefore since knowledge to vnderstand Gods will out of his word and the grace of his spirite to blesse that
knowledge to vs are meanes to make vs able to performe this petition and to doe his will therefore wee pray also herein for these meanes and the woordes are with the Lord as if wee shoulde euen in playne tearmes say O Lorde giue vs the knowledge stil dayly more and more of thy will out of thy word and giue vs the grace of thy Spirite to that knowledge that we inabled by these meanes may woorke thy will in this life as we ought What else do we aske in it Againe as we pray for all these things so do we as I told you before and must stil tel you in euery petition pray against their contraries For if the one be confirmed the other must be ouerthrowne Now the contraries of these things may be sayd to be of two sorts to wit either such as doe vtterly and wholly and euer resist his holy will or such as are but certaine impedimentes whereby wee do it not so readyly as either we ought or happely would do if they were not Of the first sort is Satan Sinne and the effects of sinne whatsoeuer the flesh or the old man his concupisence the world and such like For no man can serue two masters especially contrary masters such as God and Satan are the Spirit of God and the flesh the new and the old man Of the second sort are ouermuch care for worldly matters feare of men and a number of things that like weightes or burdens vpon our backes presse vs or like fetters about our feete hinder vs that wee go not on altogether so readyly and so fully in this way of doing the will of God as wee in deede ought and would if these lets were not Whatsoeuer they bee then and of whether sort so euer they be forasmuch as they are against that obedience that we pray for in this petition therefore we desire of the Lorde that they may bee remembred and that no let or least impediment may be to hinder that in vs which both in respect of his goodnesse to vs and our duties to him ought with all perfection both of will and worke be perfourmed And thus might we end this petition sauing that some profitable collections or obseruations may bee made of the words as they are layd downe here by our Sauiour I pray you then adde those also The first may be this Wee may obserue and see here both the beginning of mans misery as also the way to draw nere againe to that olde and former innocency Mans misery sprang by disobedience to the will of God as we all knowe and the waie to returne to that good estate againe wherein we were is obedience to that wil as here we learne when wee are taught to praie Thy will be done For we pray for the restitutiō of those graces in some measure which in our first parents were most perfectly And looke then howe much wee performe to the Lord obedience so much drawe we neere to an happie estate again Wherefore the Lorde sayde it Not euerie one that sayth vnto me Lord Lord shal enter into the kingdome of heauen but he that doth the wil of my father which is in heauen And agayne Whosoeuer shall do my Fathers will which is in heauen the same is my mother sister and brother Obedience then to his holie will is that which will sette vs in good place agayne And therefore trie beloued what measure of this is in you and so lyke or dislyke of your selues Trie with what loue you heare the word with what care you are filled to doe therafter what conscience you make of sinne what name so euer it haue what ioy you haue in the workes of righteousnesse what griefe if frayltie c●use a fall If you find these in some measure so much bee glad if in greate measure much more bee glad for trulie so much haue wee lefte the waie of death into which we are fallen all by our first parents and so farre haue profited in the waie of lyfe which is true obedience But if our consciences accuse vs in this trial that we haue no desire to know Gods will out of his word although it bee with many mercifull circumstances offered vnto vs no care to liue holily no conscience of sin but some little seruile feare for dread of punishment no spirituall ioy in well doing no inward sorrow for euill doing then tremble we and feare we before the Lorde of heauen and earth for as yet we are in the waie of disobedience which is the waie of death whereinto our first parents fell we are buried in our corruption and dead in sin not risen with Christ wee are heapers vp of wrath against our soules in the daie of wrath contemners of the word which in such sorte hath beene preached vnto vs for which cause that same worde shal iudge vs in the last day and we shal perish Trye then I say and so lyke or dislyke Secondly learning by these wordes As it is in heauen that our obedience ought not to be lame or maymed but euen such both for will and worke as that of the heauenly spirites we are notablie taught what colde comfort there is for vs in our selues and how farre it is off that we or anie liuing should be saued by theyr works For dare any of vs saie we obey the Lords will in earth as it is obeyed in heauen and that there is no imperfection in vs more heere than there If wee dare not if wee cannot then you see wee haue not done all that is commaunded and therefore farre from being iustified by that meanes when we haue not done our dutie Cleaue wee therefore fast vnto our true safetie Iesus Christ the righteous and awaie with such dreames Thirdly doe we not see that this prayer wholie called the Lordes prayer and this petition particularly is prescribed by the Lord vnto al Christians men and women of what degree estate and calling so euer they be and none exempted We see it playnly for to all it is sayde in the Disciples that haue bene are and shall be to the worlds end whē you pray pray thus We see it then by consequence agayne that all degrees estates and callings are bound to performe vnto the Lord such perfect obedience as heere is noted and not Monkes Friers Nunnes or some certaine sorte of this order or that onely which yet hath ben taught vs and that others taking some more libertie might find mercie with God for theyr prayers and strict obseruation in truth not of Gods will but of some ceremonies of theyr own deuising But it hath mightely ben shewed to the world and our eyes al that euery plant which the heauenly Father hath not planted shal be plucked vp and therefore let vs beleeue no such follies If we be the Lords we acknowledge our selues bound to performe as full obedience as is performed in heauen and that is
onely shoulde bee a lie and a fained humilitie And as Austen pretilie speaketh Humilitas statuta in parte falsitatis perderet praemium veritatis False humilitie should loose y e blessing that truth should haue Non ergo debemus sic laudare creatorem vt cogamur dicere imo verò conuincamur dicere superfluum saluatorèm We must not so prayse our creator as we be compelled yea conuinced to saie that superfluous is a Sauiour And agayne Quia nos creauit ita simus grati vt non simus quia sanat ingrati Let vs so be thankfull to the Lord for creating vs as wee bée not vnthankfull to him for healing vs. With many such like sentēces noting our too true corruption and their most highe pride that think they haue attained to such holynesse as y t they neede not saie Remitte nobis debita nostra Forgiue vs O Lorde our trespasses Is there anie man now a dayes better than the Disciples Yet the Lord teacheth thē we sée to pray this prayer And surely as our garments though dayly brushed yet dayly and still need brushing agayne because euer when they are brushed newe dust and foulenesse lighteth vppon them euen so our soules and bodies though many times altered by a gracious pardon from God in Christ yet daily and still so gathering dust agayne as that dayly and still they neede to bee cleered And therefore euer must all men praie this praier Furthermore euen here also haue the Nouatian heretiques a playne fall with their most vncomfortable assertion or heresie thinking and auouching that there is no pardon for any that after he is baptized committeth any publique sinne For doth our Sauiour here make any distinction of publique or priuat offences of men baptized or vnbaptized of tymes before or after No no to our great comfort he doth not as hath before bene shewed but al men hee biddeth pray thus at all tymes he biddeth pray thus and for all offences hee biddeth pray thus indefinitly And except wee shall make a mocker of the Lord what hee biddeth aske he is ready to giue and a sure comfort by his commaundement to pray may be drawen to my soule that I shal obtayne And therefore litle children these things I write that yee sinne not But if any man doe sinne wee haue an aduocate with the Father Iesus Christ the righteous and he is the propitiation for our sins not for ours onely but also for the sinnes of the whole world Yea let vs adde to his wordes but not to his meaning for sinnes both before and after baptisme Nowe do you put me in mind of a question which I only also will aske you Namely what comfort there is for a frayle creature that after repentance and purpose neuer to offende so any more yet shall fall againe euen into the same fault of frayltie not of malice Surely you name a very notable testimony of our most vile corruption that solemnely professing our repentance for any bad behauiour and vowing to the Lorde and with our selues that no more wee will do so yet contrary both to promise and purpose we fall againe into the selfesame offence and sinne And if the Lord should neuer receyue vs againe after such a transgression we had but what iustly and greatly wee deserued Yet is this mercy more not to imbolden to so great impietie but to comfort grieued ones with so great frailtie Wherefore with desire to stand and al possible indeuour against such second fals let vs heare yet what the Lorde sayth if in our great weakenes wee doe fall I meane into the same offence againe after repentance For we see the Prophets in euerie place exhort men to repentance not which had once offended but which with an obstinate contempt of God had not stayed to runne into all kind of wickednes which after a shewe of repentaunce yet returned to their sinnefull course agayne the Prophet Ieremy of all other is full of places if you list to read any Agayne the Lorde in his law would haue dayly sacrifices offred sometime in the name of the whole people sometimes in the name of a priuat person aswell for offences committed by ignorance as for voluntary transgressions and falles which assuredly shoulde not haue bene done except there had bene mercy euen for second faults For the Lord would not deceiue his people with vaine figures Thirdly in the Psalme we very playnely sée that God was intreated to forgiue most hypocriticall and obstinate sinnes And nowe in the tyme of his Gospell his goodnes is not streyted or diminished but euen nowe also more playnely it is proclaymed to the worlde that at what tyme soeuer a sinner soroweth from his heart there is pardon with the Lorde without exception against often committing of the same offence When the Lord inioyneth vs to forgiue our brethren seuentie times seuen times doth he meane newe offences only such as they neuer committed agaynst vs before or hee meaneth all whatsoeuer or how often soeuer fallen into by their frailtie And if so doth he require more mercy of man than he the God of mercy wil shew or shall the creature excell the creator in any goodnes God forbid Sée it therefore and be with comfort most assured of it that if wee sinne not seuen times but seuentie times seuen times against his maiesty and euen in the same thing and so often with weeping eyes and sobbing soule fall at his feete for mercy to so great frailtie there is mercy with him and pardon to true repentance But take heede wee turne not the grace of God into wantonnes presumption For if I sucke the libertie out of this doctrine be sure I sauoure it to death and not to life and what knew I whether euer I shall haue grace truely to repent what so bouldly and presumptuously I haue dared to commit When the Apostle sayth If any man sinne wee haue an aduocate with the Father Iesus Christ the righteous and he is the propitiation for our sinnes Doe you thinke wee may tye this to onely such sinnes as were neuer committed before without a very playne and great iniury to that place of scripture No no we cannot therefore a true ground of comfort euen for sins often fallen into so y t frailtie and not loosenes bee the cause and read the 9. of Daniel and see if hee confesse not sinne often committed and as it were in a continued course and yet dispaireth not of mercy What meaneth that article of our fayth I beleeue the forgiuenesse of sinnes shall we glose vpon it thus that is of such sins as I neuer cōmitted but once Surely if wee doe it must bee sayd cursed be the glose that corrupteth the text For that article compriseth al sinne before baptisme after baptisme before repentance after repentance euer through the course of my life in this worlde whatsoeuer it is howe often so euer I haue slyded
and if you seeke him hee will bee found of you but if you forsake him he will forsake you The like hath dying Dauid to his deere sonne to be left behinde him And thou Salomon my sonne know the God of thy father and serue him with a perfit hart and a willing minde For the Lord searcheth all harts and vnderstandeth all the imaginations of thoughts Jf thou seeke him he will be found of thee but if thou forsake him he wil cast thee away for euer But what spēd J speech where many giuen graces say spare thy speech J know it wel Then stay J so to you both Right H. J adde but this that as duetie bindeth and many great and honorable fauours both to me and mine require and charge me I rest before my God in praier that goeth out of vnfained lips that it may bee thus with your H. both thus stil I say and thus more thus more agayne and thus still and thus both still more continually during life That those wordes of endlesse comfort may reach vnto you in iudging day Come ye blessed of my father and possesse eternall ioy If this poore trauell of mine may auayle any thing to this effect it is your Honors own proceeded from your owne most deeply bound for euer to be your owne and therefore bold to present it in this sort because he is your owne It was begun in your Honors hearing being that part of the Catechisme that then fell to my course both the lawe and faith hauing bene expounded before the one by my selfe the other by my fellowe that followed because it could not at that time be gone forwarde withall J haue since as J could layd it downe in this sort if it please the Lord for the good of mo VVho all shall welcome it by thus much more as they did the other by how much it bringeth countenance from your Honors both vnto them and is a gift deriued euen from your selues vnto them The Christian Reader els whosoeuer I should wrong too much if I should not comfortably hope he will accept it well since alreadie he hath shewed his loue in the like respect Therefore most humbly beseeching you both Right Honorable to accept my dutie to weigh my hart and to pardon my boldnesse J beseech the Lord againe and againe to multiplie his mercies towardes you both giuing honor here and honor euer in his happie kingdome of eternal comfort VVilton the 11. of May. 1588. Your Honors most humble bounden to death Geruase Babington A PROFITABLE EXPOSITION of the Lords Prayer by way of Questions and Answers ¶ Of Prayer in generalitie MAny things are spoken by many men of Prayer in generalitie and gladly would I heare what you think conuenient of the same Yet would I not prescribe by any questions for feare my want of iudgement in asking might procure in you any needlesse answering Your care is very good yet spare not to speake if I omit any thing whereof you would willingly heare Trueth it is that much is spoken and much may bee spoken of this matter at large but a fewe things may suffice vs at this time hauing fuller discourses to goe to when we will First then let vs consider that Prayer hath a foundation euen in our nature as we are men and is so taught vs by the very instinct and testimonie of reason and conscience that looke what or whomsoeuer we acknowledge and thinke to bee God that and the same wee also willingly confesse ought to be prayed vnto For a perswasion of Godhead standeth not without a confession of Prayer done to the same So wee see in the 14. Psalme where with the deniall of God which the foole maketh in his hart is ioyned an vtter want of prayer and inuocation Contrariwise in the 139. Psal with the confession of God an earnest hartie and often calling vpon his name So that a necessarie consequence the Spirit of GOD maketh it vppon the confession of a God euen by the instinct of nature to vse prayer to the same And contrariwise if we should neuer pray then necessarily must we be euen in the number of those fooles which say in their harts there is no God Which if it were duely and effectually considered of vs it would rowze vs assuredly out of our dead and damnable negligence in this behalfe if there were any spirite of life and feeling in vs and cause vs to acquaint our soules more often and earnestly with this heauenly exercise Fearing euen with a great feare the vengeance of ingratitude towards God for innumerable benefites the plagues in hell due to Atheists and such as denie GOD and the same amongst men that of force must fall vppon vs when being men yet we abhorre from the very nature of man All which three greeuous conditions the want of Prayer forcibly prooueth vpon vs as now wee see Againe the Apostle Saint Paule in his Epistle to the Romanes teaching how the Gentils doing by nature the thinges contayned in the lawe shewe the effect of the lawe written in their harts is a witnesse in steade of many moe sufficient and strong that to pray to God being a thing comprised in the lawe was then is now and euer shall bee whilst man hath mans nature a thing ingrafted and planted of God in the same nature And many other reasons might be brought but these suffice Secondly let vs consider the necessitie of this Christian exercise of Prayer which wee shall euidently see if either we respect the Lord our selues or our brethren For vnto the Lord wee knowe is due euer and eternally here and in the worlde to come praise and thanksgiuing that is Prayer Praise the Lorde all ye people for it is a good thing to sing praises vnto our God O giue thankes vnto the Lord for he is gracious O thanke the Lord of all Lordes c. Yea let euery thing that hath breath praise the Lorde And as long as I haue any being I wil sing praises vnto my God In the world to come see the Scriptures Holy holy Lord God almightie which was and which is and which is to come Thou art worthie O Lord to receiue glory and honor power for thou hast created al things and for thy will sake they are and haue bene created Beside many other places Vnto the Lorde is due worship and seruice of all them that looke for a place in his kingdom of which worship and seruice Prayer is a notable part and therefore necessary Vnto the Lorde is due obedience to his Commaundements if we bee the Lordes for they are holy and iust But this is one that we should pray vnto him and therfore in respect of God Prayer is necessary Call vpon me in the day of trouble and I wil heare thee thou shalt glorifie me saith the Lorde And in an other place
the sting of death from the victorie of the graue and from the mainest might of al the kingdome of hell that can be raysed agaynst vs. For we are iustified yea fully iustified and who or what can nowe condemne vs wee are sonnes and who can make vs agayne seruants we are friends and who can agayne make vs foes it is nowe my Father and your Father my God and your God and what strength of hels ten thousande canne chaunge this course O worde of comfort then commaunded me by Christ to pray in the name of Father Deere God and swéet God let our soules feele it It is finished and why are wee feared Were our sinnes as Crimsin as Skarlet as bloud they are washed they are wiped they are gone Were my wants the wantes of the whole world they are pardoned they are forgiuē God is pleased and is now my Father O Sauiour sweete make my thankes many Let my tongue my voyce my heart my soule my whole man inward and outward resound thy lasting praise See see theyr sinne that deuise a dayly sacrifice for sinne eyther adding vnto this most perfecte redemption as if it wanted or else vainly doing by a worke of will what alreadie is fully done by prescript of God Be it that we payed a debt and yet are troubled for it diuerse times and wayes againe must we so often paie the debt agayne as we are troubled No we know it sufficeth well to recurre euer to the payment once made and making proofe thereof we still escape such vexing wrongfull action So it is in this The vertue power and efficacie of this sacrifice is perpetuall being once made and néedeth but by faith to be taken hold of and applied whensoeuer we are troubled The debt is paide make but the proofe and end this action For once hath he entered by his owne bloud vnto the holy place obtained eternall redemption for vs. And with one offering hath hee consecrated for euer them that are sanctified Why doe we say our Father and not my Father This worde againe hath his great reason and profite to vs in this preface For first it teacheth vs Charitie towardes our brethren in generall wheresoeuer whosoeuer they be and a care aswell of their good as of our own Which in this great corruption of our nature is hard to be had vnlesse we should by such admonitions as this be drawē vnto it We rather as borne for our selues liue and care for our selues in such a selfe loue as God and man abhorreth Wherefore the Lord Iesus heere commaundeth in this word of community that we should neuer thinke of our selues neuer pray for our selues but also together with our selues for all others euen the whole Church of God in Earth For it is the fulnesse of the body of Christ and therfore by that meanes déere vnto vs if he be déere It is that one body whereof we are all members And the bonde of members so strict that we should feele one an others griefes beare one an others burdens remember one an others bondes euen as though we were bounde with them and them that are in affliction as if wee were also afflicted in the bodie yea we are taught in this loue euery man as he hath receiued y e gift to minister the same one to another as good disposers of the manifolde graces of God and by name to praie one for another For loue neuer seeketh her owne things onely This wee forget too often and therefore wee fearefully pray without profite Our hearts are narrow straight onely looking at our selues our own our children and friends and the deere Saints of GOD members also with vs are not thought vpon Alas we iudge it folly to be tolde vs that we should thinke vpon them And sinke or swim as we say the Church of God we care not so we be well This is farre from Our Father that is this is far frō that affection that in this word we are taught to all men and therefore certainelie these prayers thus made of vs most vsually without remembraunce care and desire of good to all Gods Church as to our selues is no sweete meat before the Lord but euen a filthie smoake rather that he flyeth from Therefore let vs remember this vse of this word if we wish to praie aright and thinking of others in Christian loue as of our selues intreate the Lord for them as for our selues Beatus qui amat te et amicum in te et inimicum propter te Blessed is he that loueth thée his friend in thee his enimie for thee saith the Father That is blessed euer he or she y t reach out affection as they ought past thēselues to others For Dilectionis flammas Satan ferre non potest The flames of Christian loue charitie Satan the enimie of our blessednesse cannot abide But Dilectio donum Dei This loue is the gift of God that Lorde then graunt it to vs for euer Secondly this worde teacheth vs vnitie with our brethren consent agreement of minde in faith and doctrine and euerie good thing For how else can wee call him Our Father wee beeing diuided from the Church and members thereof by heresie or schisme The worde shall importe a communion with them in one father common to all and our wicked wayward separation of our selues from them shall denie y e same Therfore be reconciled euer first to thy brother saith the scripture before thou pray or els thy praier doth witnes against thy selfe And let not the Sunne go downe vpō thy wrath if thou mean to please god Thirdly humilitie is learned by it not to exalt our selues aboue our brethren past that which is meete forasmuch as we haue all one father and such an one as is no respecter of persons But tenderly minded to all his children He careth not for the puffes of this worlde birth beautie welth or wit nor for all the glorie wherewith commonly proud flesh swelleth but he careth for those that feare him and work righteousnes how meane soeuer they be And when the fading fashion of a transitorie condition is cut off by death the determiner of such pride then they as we with God accepted as honorable as wealthy as beautifull in heauen where this trash is trodden vnder foote yea euen more peraduenture honored as they that haue more honoured him in this life where wee with our pleasures played the wantons and vaynely boasted of a paynted sheath There is neither Iewe nor Grecian there is neither bond nor free there is neither male nor female but we are al one in Christ Iesus It is Our Father to the comfort of all hearts that feare his maiestie Omnes Christiani fideles diuersas in terris habent patres alij nobiles alij ignobiles vnum vero patrem inuocant qui est in caelis Sub
his compassion towardes vs then is he sayd to be farre of Thus is it meant in the Prophet Call vppon him while hee is neere that is I haue nowe shewed whilest his arme is stretched out to you and his mercie offered in such sorte as it is This also considered teacheth vs how God may bee sayd to bee more in one man than another and more in one place than in another namely still not in respect of essence which is equally in all places and wholy in all places but in respecte of more or lesse after the gifte of his grace to one person than another or to one place than another Of which it may bee true that Gregorie sayd Deus qui omnia tangit non aequaliter omnia tangit God that toucheth all things yet toucheth not all things alike By this may the third thing partly be vnderstood to wit how GOD is sayde in Scripture to come and goe awaie and yet no breach made of his vbiquitie namely because such speeches are neuer to bee meant of his essence or mutation of place for so departeth hee from none but of inward or outward effects of his holie spirit according to which giuen or taken awaie the Lord is said to come or to go from men and places as hee departed from Dauid when hee lefte him iustly for his grieuous sinnes destitute of the peace of his conscience of the chéerefulnesse of his minde the cleannesse of his heart the quietnesse of his affections and other giftes of his holy spirite which before Dauid had in great measure Wherevpon he was forced to crie O Lord create a cleane heart within mee and renue a right spirit O Lord giue me the comfort of thy spirite againe let the bones which thou hast broken reioyce On the other side hee is sayde to come when againe he beginneth to worke by his holy spirit and to stirre vp faith repentance loue hatred of sinne such like Thus meant our Sauiour when he sayde I and my Father will come vnto him dwell with him And this of inward graces Outwardly also the Lord is sayde to come ergo when either by outward crosses he so humbleth vs as though he had forsaken vs and departed in anger from vs so that we are constrained with Dauid to say My God why hast thou forsaken me or when hee so defendeth vs comforteth vs and blesseth vs that the world that seeth it is driuen to saie and see as Saul did of Dauid that the Lord is with vs. So his absence is the absence of his effects in vs and for vs and his presence or comming is the presence and gift of them either inward or outward Wherefore to goe no further I hope it is playne inough now that though we saie our Father is in heauen yet wee are farre from denying therein or therby his diuine vbiquitie and presence euerie wher But euen as the soule of man which is wholie in the whole and in euerie parte yet is sayde to be in the head or heart more than else where because there more than elswhere it exerciseth his power effects So God though by essence euery where in all places wholy yet by action operation communication of grace gifts not equally in all partes but in heauen more than in earth in the godly more than the wicked and in one of his childrē more than an other in the Saincts in heauen more than in the Saints in earth and in the humane nature of Christe more than in anie creature eyther in heauen or earth as in whome the fulnesse of grace spirite without measure was Howbeit yet in a more excellent maner God dwelt in Christ than by fulnesse of grace and giftes or by manifestation of his vertue and power as might be shewed if the place required it But thus much of this matter Now if you thinke good to the petitions themselues WIth a good will And herein for more plainnes of spéech let vs generally obserue the diuision or number of these petitiōs the order of them and the matter and meaning of them Touching the diuision of thē I will not curiously stand vpon it S. Austen and many after him by his example make 7. diuiding the last into two but their reasons are very insufficient as may bee seene And Austen himself contrary to him selfe confesseth that those words But deliuer vs from euill are an explication of the former Leade vs not into temptation And therfore by consequence vnfitly made a petition of it selfe for in so short a summe of so fewe petitions one to be confounded with an other to be all one is not probable Others make sixe and they rather are to be followed For the order of them this is to be obserued that 3. of them respecting immediatly and chiefly Gods glorie other 3. our necessities wants those that cōcerne the Lord are placed before the other euen as in the lawe of God those 4. commandements that containe mans dutie to God are set before the other 6. that containe his duetie to his neighbour Which being done of purpose in the depth of his vnsearchable wisedome that layd this forme downe for vs Christ Iesus contayneth in it a lesson of great regard to a minde possessed with the feare of God and care of bounden duetie Namely that the honor of God ought to be more deere vnto vs than either bodie or goods or any benefite of ours whatsoeuer in this world yea which is farre more then the very soules within vs the saluation of them in the world to come For so both the Lord God himself the composer of this Prayer and the giuer of bodie goods and soule and all teacheth in the sixt of Mathew And the power of his holy spirite in the practise of his seruants confirmeth and sheweth euidently For principally and aboue all sayth the Lord Iesus seeke the kingdome of God and the righteousnesse thereof and all these other things shalbe cast vpon you Which wordes if a man would demaunde a reason of the order of these 3. petitions before the other of our Sauiour contayned as you see euen a full aunswer to wit Gods glorie is more chiefe therfore ought to be first but these 3. petitions immediatly respect that and therfore ought to be first The power then of Gods spirite in the practise of the godly wee see also in Moses the great seruant of almightie God and in Paule his elect vessell to beare his name vnto the Gentiles who both of them in the flaming heate of a burning zeale to the glorie of the name of God wished the same w t the rasing of them selues out of the booke of life curse of his wrath to y e wo eternal of their owne soules for euer in y e place of perditiō death as is laid doune vnto vs. A fruit in thē of a mightie working
spoken as that wee shoulde continue and delight in filthynes or vnrighteousnesse But it is a declaration of the course that the wicked will take and withall a secret confirmation of the godly notwithstanding the same As if he shoulde haue sayd be not you troubled or hindred in your most godly course of obedience to me either by the continuance and euer increasing of the wicked in their wickednes or by my toleraunce and long forbearing to smite them But folowe you me and my commandements stagger not looke not backe giue not ouer and as for the wicked he that is vniust let him be vniust still and he that is filthy let him be filthy still their punishment they shall bee sure of in their time and for you goe ye on without stop let them bee as they are to their woe The prayer O Mightie GOD looke vppon vs woormes and wretches here at thy feete lying and begging mercy Let vs obtaine of thy fatherly goodnes what thou hast so louingly taught vs to aske that thy name may bee halowed Let our eyes and the eyes of all men lightned by thy grace behold that maiestie and holynes that is in thy selfe more and more that Iustice mercy and power which thou shewest in thy works and that truth wisedome and goodnes which is in thy worde more and more with all thy vertues generally whatsoeuer comprehended in thy nature and fit for the knowledge and vse of man let them be more and more dayly knowne vnto vs. And when in mercy thou hast bestowed as it may seeme good to thine owne wisedome this knowledge vpon vs. O heauenly father let it not be in vs a bare knowledge but ioyne to our knowledge that dread and honour that regard and reuerence in our obedience that is fit for such a name both in word and worke thought and deede and euery way Make vs O Lorde euer more and more to auoyde and shunne what polluteth thy name causeth thy truth to heare euill of the wicked Remoue and ouerturne also good Lorde all those thinges in thy good tyme which prophane blemish and blot this glory of thine shining either in thy selfe in thy word or in thy works Such as are these irreligious Atheists of our sinfull dayes which with their mockes and scoffes tants and iests deride all goodnes out-face all conscience and care to please thee and dayly woorke disdayne where they may haue hearing of obedience to thy blessed will O thou mightie God remoue their seats out of kingdomes countryes Out of Cities and townes and out of priuate houses and families Awake Lorde in thy power and thinke of thy holy name let not these inchaunters and charmers preuaile against thee and glorye that they haue banished out of so many places the feare of thy name They are vnholy and they woulde haue all such they are vncleane and they infect where they come they are grieuous rockes of no small offence and good Lorde remoue them from thy chosen Lessen also for thy holy name sake the cōplayners of thy prouidence the murmurers at thy iudgements carpers and cauillers at thy word allurers to loosenes of life and behauiour and al that polluting thy holy name yet hate to be reformed Finally deere father let not the shames of vngodlines dayly before our faces cary vs away Neither these deepe waterfloods drowne our soules the lewde and loose examples wee beholde with griefe let them neuer preuayle against vs to peruert vs but if thy iust wrath haue sealed their confusion they being vniust let thē bee vniust still they being filthy let them be filthy still to their owne wo not to our stoppe or hinderance to do our dueties in seeking to knowe thy glorious name more and more and to sanctifie and hallow it according to that true knowledge more and more And deerest God begin not only obedience in vs but confirme thy fauour to vs euermore strengthen and establish vs in all goodnes make strong our inward man against all assaults and these seely soules pend vp in sinfull prison during life by welcome change receyue when tyme shall bee with thee to liue till thy day of doome and then receyuing their mates againe but immortal and incorruptible with them to liue conioyned againe for euermore in ioye and comfort But not this for our sakes O mightie Lorde but for Iesus Christ our onely life and Sauiour Amen The second Petition Thy kingdome come HAuing besought the Lord in the former petition that his name might be hallowed that is as then was sayde that that maiestie and holinesse which is in himselfe that iustice mercie and power which hee sheweth in his workes and that truth wisdome and goodnesse which is in his worde with all other vertues generallie whatsoeuer comprehended in his nature and fit for the knowledge and vse of man might be more and more dayly knowen of men and receiue amongst vs that dreade honour and reuerence that is fit for such a name both in word and worke thought and deede and euerie waie it fitly followeth in the second place to beseech the same Lorde to graunt waie and meanes whereby that same shall be effected and brought to passe namelie that his kingdome may come For if the Lord rule and raigne in vs and ouer vs it shal be so And if he do not it shal not be so No we shal be so far from sanctifying his name that for wāt of his kingdome in vs Satan shall erect his kingdome in vs the effects wherof shall be great and grieuous pollutions of his name Wherfore the order is most conuenient and good The wordes of the petition are few and easily vnderstoode if we marke them For the kingdome of GOD is the ruling and raigning of GOD in the heartes of men and the comming of this kingdome is the beginning increasing and continuing of it in vs. So thy kingdome come is in effect thus much as if we should saie O Lorde erect and begin O Lord increase and propagate O Lord establish and euer continue in our hearts thy rule and gouernment to the death of sinne and life of righteousnes the true effects of thy ruling euer Which yet is not so plaine as it will be when wee haue considered of the seuerall members implied in these wordes For we must vnderstand that when we are taught to praie for this kingdome of God all the meanes whereby it is effected in vs are included to be prayed for as also all stops and lets enimies hinderaunces whatsoeuer withstanding this kingdome prayed agaynst that they may bee remooued and taken awaie To bee then as plaine as I can the kingdome of God is sayde to bee of three sortes to witte of power of grace and of glorie The kingdome of power is that soueraigntie which the Lord hath ouer al the things in this worlde directing guiding ruling and disposing of euery one of them as his good pleasure is and causing all the
he speake from the Lord he must be heard And if he be the appointed meanes betwixt the Lorde and thee I meane thine owne Pastor and teacher thinke whilest it is to day of the strength in deede of thy exceptions to heare him and feare the iudgments shrinke at the wrath tremble at the vengeaunce most assured to thee without repentance if they bee to weake They haue not cast thee away but they haue cast me away said the Lord to his Prophet then and weigh it well whether the Lord truly may not say it of thee now to thy death refusing the meanes appoynted by him for thy life vpō such grounds as Satan hath suggested corruption nourisheth and the triumphant trueth of the Lorde will consume in iudging day to eternall wo. It was well sayde of that worthy instrument in Gods Church vpon like occasion Agnoscant Anabaptistae vbicunque minister ritè constitutus est ac fideliter munere suo fungitur vnumquemque qui pro Christiano haberi vult debere ei adhaerere cum reliquo grege ipsius ministerio frui c. Let the Anabaptistes confesse and acknowledge that wheresoeuer there is a minister duely placed and doth his duetie faithfully and carefully there euery one that will bee accompted a Christian must cleaue vnto him and with the rest of the flocke and congregation vse his ministerie But what do they as many of vs as will not follow their errors although wee neuer so purely preach the word of God yet do they take vs for rauening wolues and they so abhorre vs as that they thinke they should commit an offence worthy death if they should bee present but at one sermon of ours Then do they make suddenly ministers of their owne and they being so made in a moment then doe they drawe the people and make contrary congregations of their owne to the renting of the Church asunder that the name of God cannot be called vpon with that one consent and concord that it ought to bee Meditate many times ere the Lord strike thee what Saint Iames sayth My brethren haue not the faith of our glorious Lord Iesus Christ in respect of persons Faith in that place includeth the preached word which if thou thus regard remember the stripes that they shall haue that know their master his will and refuse to doe it remember whose head the blood is vpon when the watchmā hath warned If thy Pastors gifts bee not so great whom reprochest thou but the giuer of them May not he do with his owne as pleaseth him for thee Refusest thou to heare him for his litle to whome the Lord will say Euge serue bone and crowne him for his faithfulnesse ouer litle Beware I wish thee as a friend in Christ thy feete are sliding fearefully if thou stay not Stande not vpon his vniuersitie vpon his degrees vpon his age vpon his method least of all except O strange suggestion of a guileful serpent in these euill dayes against his writing for his memory as though because his note helpeth his memory therefore his lips keepe not knowledge thou wilt not heare him But stande vppon the message that is done remember whose it is stande vpon the messengers calling vnto them aboue all others in this world if hee bee thy Pastor what measure of grace soeuer the Lord hath vouchsafed him stand vpō the ordinance of the Lorde by preaching to erect his kingdome in the heartes of men and to saue them that beleeue stand vpon the abilitie of thy God to giue thee good by the ministerie of him that is thine owne how meane soeuer he seeme in the world to the curious almost I had sayd cursed creatures stand vppon the iudgement done to the despisers of Iesus Christ and remember it often Qui vos audit me audit c. he that heareth you heareth mee and hee that despiseth you despiseth mee For these with a number moe such are true groundes of that commaundement the breach whereof will be hellish woe for euer Obey them which haue the ouersight of you and submit your selues for they watch for your soules as they that must giue accompts that they may doe it with ioy and not with greef for y t is not profitable for you And if my speech may not finde a blessing vnto some because the Lord hath determined to destroy them yet say I to my brethren that am the meanest of them all let vs worke the worke of our calling faithfully throwe the seede of the Lord into his field according to the hande that hee hath giuen carefully giue attendance to reading paynfully though we neuer take degree in Vniuersitie passe with a worthie Apostle through good report and euill report and if any man wee thus doing refuse the Lords letters because wee bring them the Lords message because we deliuer it the Lordes golde because wee deale it let vs comfort our selues with the same Apostle that we are vnto God a swéet sauour of Christ in them that perish But my brethren if wee doe it not but giue our selues to ease and to the waies of this worlde fashioning our selues daylie more and more in an vnlawfull sort according to the same then remember that preaching being meanes yea y e chiefest meanes to erect this kingdome of the Lord in this world we neglecting it we neglect also the effect of it namely the kingdome of God ouer and in his people and so suffring as much as lyeth in vs the Lorde to lose his people and the people to lose their God wee fearefully purchase to our selues that dreadfull woe that is pronounced to all them that preach not the Gospell Aaron sounded wee know when he ministred by his golden belles in those daies and therefore he shall not dye sayth the Lord if wee sound not when we minister by the golden gifts giuen of the Lord shal not we dye And is then all that we aske concerning this matter namely that GOD would bestowe his worde vpon vs that we may reade it and heare it and haue it preached vnto vs to the building vp of this his kingdome in vs No in deede But forasmuch as neither our reading nor hearing is able to profite vs anie thing vnto saluation excepte the Lorde by his holie spirite make it fruitfull to vs and giue it a blessing therefore wee praie also mightilie these wordes for that heauenly power of his grace that what we reade or heare read or preached vnto vs out of his heauenly booke by the ministery of men may by him bee made a sauour of lyfe vnto lyfe vnto vs. For though Paule preach and Appollo water yet neyther Paule nor Apollo but onely the Lorde giueth increase Except the Lorde open Balams eyes hee seeth not the Angell of the Lorde in the way with his swoord drawen in his hand that is neyther anger nor loue perceiue we euer except the Lord work it in
soules but that thankfull to thy maiestie for the thing they may hate the persons in singular loue for their work sake obeying them and submitting themselues to them as their appointed ouerseers of them that they may giue their accountes with ioy and not with griefe If it fall out otherwise thy iust purpose being to slay those disobedient scorners O Lord O Lorde make strong thy seruants to indure this griefe and not fearing the face of anie whose harts feare nothing nor weighing the godlesse loue of them that loue not the cheerfulnesse to go on through all pikes of worldly vnthankfulnesse through good report and ill report and all snubbes knowing in a sweet feeling that they are vnto thee a sweete sauour of Christ in them that perish as well as in them that are saued And let it neuer be said of vs O heauenly Father as once it was of others that these things beeing done for vs and we professors of thy great mercyes yet thou hast not giuen vs an heart to perceiue and eyes to see and eares to heare vnto this daie but giue vs heart eyes eares for thy mercie sake Circumcise our hearts and the harts of our seed that we may loue thee much our Lord and God and liue with thee for euer Reuiue the spirites of the humble and giue lyfe to them that are of a contrite hart Take awaie our stony harts out of our bodies giue vs harts of flesh Open our vnderstāding as thou didst thy disciples that wee may vnderstand both by reading and preaching to our cōfort Giue vs merciful father that heauēly spirit that leadeth into al truth that happy annointing that teacheth al things that spirit of wisdōe reuelatiō that the eies of our minds may be lightned that wee may know what y e hope of our calling is the riches of that glorious inheritāce prepared for thy Saints That wee may bee strengthened by thy Spirite in the inner man that Christ thy sonne may dwell in our hearts by fayth we able in some measure to comprehend thy louing kindnesse to all penitent weeping and wayling sinners For O Father we haue sinned and darknesse hath entred to rule both bodie and soule if thou helpe not Lord in that mercie that hath no measure looke vppon vs let not his malice destroy the workes that thy mercie hath made His kingdom is death thy kingdom is life ioy for euermore O heauenly God thē let thy kingdome come that wee ruled here by that sauing hand of thine may tast and feele inioy and haue for euer the reward that foloweth such subiectiō in thy glorious kingdome not for our sakes but for Iesus Christ his sake with thee and the holy spirite one maiestie mightie and glorious euer blessed and praised from generation to generation eternally Amen The third Petition Thy will be done c. why followeth this next THE order if we marke it is most fit and good for in the former we prayed that the Lord might rule in vs but that cannot he do if we euer remaine vnwilling stirring and wresting against him and his will inter inuitos enim reluctantes nemo commodè regnare potest therefore very rightly doe wee pray now in the next place that his will may be done And truely very duetie bindeth al children to frame their life according to the will of their fathers and not contrariwise the parents to conforme themselues to the will of their children In the volume of thy booke sayth Dauid it is written of me that I should doe thy will So is it of vs all for this is a matter that concerneth not Dauid only but euery man that hopeth and looketh for the place that Dauid now hath and therefore with Dauid we must all and euery one say most hartely O my God I am content to doe it yea thy law is within my hart that is not ordinarily or superficially thought vpon by me but it is euen my earnest and vehement meditation and desire continually I seeke not mine owne will sayth our Sauiour Christ but the will of the father who hath sent me And let vs thinke that if he did thus that was subiect to no sinne but had receiued all power of God and himselfe was Lord of all what excuse may we haue before his gloriouse face in that high Court of his at the latter day if called into the Kingdom of God and receiued into the adoption of the Sonnes of God we doe not as good children the will of our father but as rebellious wretches euery one his owne will Agayne I came downe from heauen not to doe mine owne will but his will which hath sent me Thus did he as a sonne to his father and thus must we doe if we be sonnes with him And therfore pray we euer and pray we hartely to our heauenly father as here wee are taught Thy will be done For not euery one that saith vnto me Lord Lord shall enter into the Kingdome of heauen but he that doth the will of my father which is in heauen Why pray wee that Gods will may bee done and not ours may be done Because our wickednesse is still great in the earth and all the imaginations of the thoughts of our harts by nature are onely euill continually And because the natural man as saith the Apostle perceiueth not the things of the spirit of God For they are foolishnesse vnto him neither can hee knowe them because they are spiritually discerned That is because in truth we are so fallen by our first sinne and our will so corrupted thereby that of our selues wee cannot will the thing that is good no not thinke it but both the will and deede if it be good yea and all our sufficiencie is of him But on the other side the Lords will is all holie and euer holie yea holinesse it selfe and the rule of right for euer Wherfore by good reason we pray as we do Thy will bee done And this being the true ground in deede of our doing let vs by the way consider whether euen this petition assureth not our consciences of their error that say it and of our truth that deny it that in vs or any is left by nature a free will to doe good For are wee not there taught to pray that his will may bee done and not ours We see it And may we contrary to this order pray that our will may bee done that is our owne proper and naturall will Who will say it But I will say it that if I were by nature and of my selfe able to will the thing that is good then might I lawfully and rightly pray that my will might be done Wherefore we see and the world may see how euen this prayer if there were no further proofe yet satisfieth the consciences of men as touching this losse in vs namely of freewill to do or wish good of our selues till the Lord
and not euill So the deliuering of the Gentiles into a reprobate mind and all such examples in the woorde Tertullian against Marcian and Augustine against Iulian handle this matter and may further bee read of it This sufficeth to shewe that although wee say that God willeth often that thing that in it selfe considered is euil yet as it proceedeth from him that it should be so and consequētly he the author of euil it followeth not For many times euill is the punishment of euill that is iust with the Lord euer Concerning the second distinction how God may bee the author of the action and yet not of the euill any way in the action sée by these similitudes The Sunne lighting with his hote beames vppon a dead carcasse causeth a strong and loathsome sauour yet is not the Sunne either vnswéete it self or the cause of that vnswéetenes but the carion it selfe For if the Sunne were the cause then euer the like cause the like effect but wee see it is not so but contrary when it lighteth vppon sweete hearbes and odoriferous flowers it draweth out of them great sweetenes and pleasaunt smels Againe the earth wee all knowe with her sap and moysture feedeth and nourisheth al the trees plantes and rootes that are yet is not that earth cause why this tree bringeth a bitter fruite and that hearbe or roote a bad tast but the nature seuerall of y e things themselues is the cause of that Thirdly the pure worde of the Lorde is preached or read and one sauoureth and gathereth to life an other to death and destruction is now y e word cause of those seuerall effects or the creatures themselues blessed or not blessed with Gods holy Spirit Thus may the Lorde then bee author of an action and yet not of the euill in the action and so hee séemeth to will euill when yet in trueth he doeth not What is now his reueiled will All that which in the holy booke of his worde hee hath layd downe and declared to be the duetie which he will haue performed of vs towards him And is this that will which here we pray may be done Yea this is it and therefore if wee will vnderstand this petition let vs looke what is required of vs in this worde and all that we begge of the Lord strength and abilitie to doe We beseech him that whereas the mindes of earthly men burning with lustes are commonly caried to desire and to doe those things that most displease God hee of his mercie will with the mouing of his holy Spirit so chaunge and fashion all the willes of vs all to that will of his maiestie that we may will and wish nothing that his diuine will misliketh Praecamur optamus vt non tantum faciat Deus quod vult sed nos fac●re possimus quod vult We pray that not onely God would doe his will but that wee may doe what is his will sayth Cyprian To runne ouer all the dueties of a Christian required in the word were too long let vs therefore not so doe but for example sake of all the rest consider these three First we knowe it is the Lords will that wee should beleeue in Iesus Christ whome he hath sent and that by faith in his name wee and all the worlde should obtayne remission of our sinnes and eternall life So God loued the worlde that he gaue his onely begotten sonne that whosoeuer beleueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life And againe This is the worke of God that is the worke that God requireth of you that ye beleeue in him whome he hath sent Wherefore in this petition wee beseech him that that will of his may be done in vs that is that we may receiue grace so to doe and neuer to looke for saluation in any other Secondly we knowe it is the Lordes will that wee should in a true faith leade a holy and cleane life for so sayth the Apostle haec est voluntas dei sanctificatio vestra This is the wil of God euen your sanctification and that ye should absteyne from fornication that euery one of you should know how to possesse his vessell in holinesse and honour and not in the lust of concupiscence as the Gentils which know not God What do we then in this petition but beseech the Lord that that will may be daylie done of vs and we daylie chaunged by the renewing grace of his blessed spirite into such men and women as he desireth delighteth in namely into holy creatures walking not after the flesh but after the spirit and so consequently sauouring not the things of the flesh but of the spirit That we may be holy as he is holy That our light may so shine before men as they may see our good workes and glorifie our father which is in heauen that wee may keepe iudgement and doe iustice in our callings that being buried with Christ by baptisme into his death as he is risen frō the dead to the glory of the father so we also might walke in newnes of life That sinne may not rule in our mortall bodies that we should obey it in the lusts thereof or giue our members as weapons of vnrightiousnes vnto sin That fornication and al vncleannes or couetousnes may not once be named amongst vs as becommeth Saynts That we may putte on as the elect of GOD holy and beloued the bowells of mercy kindnes humblenes of mind mekenes long suffring forbearing one another if any man haue a quarrell to an other and forgiuing euen as Christ hath forgiuen vs and what should I saie We beseche the Lord euen that very GOD of peace to sanctifie vs throughout that our whole Spirit and soule and body may be kept blamelesse vnto the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ And with Dauid we saie in effect Looke if there bee any way of wickednesse in mee and leade mee in the way euerlasting Thus saith Cyprian Voluntas Dei quam stabiliri fieri precamur est quam Christus fecit docuit humilitas in conuersatione stabilitas in fide verecundia in verbis infactis iustitia in operibus misericordia in moribus disciplina The will of God which wee pray to bee established and done is that which Christ both did and taught humilitie in life stabilitie in faith shamefastnes in words iustice in deedes mercie in workes discipline in manners And doe we thus pray then to be holy O my beloued what shall we answer the Lorde then I say not for our vnholinesse but euen for our securitie dulnesse deadnesse and conceiued hartie pleasure in vnholinesse Was it euer counted better than a mockerie to seeme to aske a thing and yet to doe against it To desire a Phisition to helpe vnto health in the meane while our selues with al our might to féede vpon the foes of that wished good Consider then our cases and the cases of
thousands that happely thinke not of it as they ought we open our lippes vnto the Lorde of heauen and pray that we may bee holie we would bee thought by him the whole world to meane good faith and yet what is holy we euen hate to be drawne to misliking none more neither wishing any cōpanie lesse thā theirs y t either perswade vs to it or seeme to expect it at our hands and what is vnholy we wallowe in we tumble in we ioy in and wee euen wish to liue and grow olde in Wee pamper the flesh both with foode and rayment aboue all Christian licence so cherishing so coying so lulling and lapping yea so bathing in pleasure and ease in softnesse and tendernesse in mildnes and wantonnesse that matter of earth and wormes meate as if wee neither thought there were corruption to rot it heauen to receiue it or hell to burne it The minde wee robbe of all meditation that is holy and feede it with matter of all hellish impuritie The Lords booke is layd in a corner and the deuils banners are displayd in euery windowe Our tongues cannot tast the testimonies of God sweeter than honey or the honey combe but they can discourse the delights of sinfull flesh that shall sende to hell Our chéekes are red to talke of Christ as wee goe to Emaus and wee blush apace to seeme so holy but the Morian blusheth as fast as we when fearfully and foully we sinne against the Lord. We loue the wicked wee lothe the godly we freeze in loue wee boyle in malice wee sell vertue we buy sinne wee refuse Christ and choose Barrabas we lay away life and play with death but O pleasureles play in the ende Let the Prophet Ose speake for me to you and hee will tell vs surely that there is no trueth nor mercie nor knowledge of God in the land That by swearing and lying and killing and stealing and whoring we breake out and bloud toucheth bloud And is this holinesse is this to pray Thy will be done For Gods sake thinke of it and knowe with me now in time what I would be loath you should know past time that you may euen aswell spit vppon Christ Iesus buffet him and beate him with a Reede kneele before him and say Hayle King of the Iewes with those cursed mockers as kneele in this Church or any where say Thy will be done and yet neuer care how you doe it in a holy life For it is horrible mockerie this horrible hypocrisie and the ende will bee euill You must with prayer to bee holie ioyne care to be so to bee faithfull and feruent you must indeuour it and you must performe it in some measure as truely as begge it or els as truely you perish for euer The Lord wil not be mocked alwaies the Lord will not haue such seeming prayers made and such sinning liues retayned still Of our owne mouthes shall he iudge vs therefore once againe as you loue the Lord thinke of it and to day harden not your hearts against that you heare You heare the will of God is that we should bée holy and wee pray that this will may bee done Prayer accepted of God may not bée without earnest care that it may bee done care to bee holie casteth away the loue of loosenes cast away then what shall cast away you if you doe not and care for that which shall cause a comfort for euer and euer Let not that Father speake it of vs Ad Deum omnes ire volunt post deū pauci to God would all goe but after God will fewe goe To liue in heauen together is better than to liue in Wilton together and parting will bee payne if wee part in that day Be moued then now that you be not ouermuch moued then euen to crye to the mountaynes to fall vppon you and to the hilles to couer you Alas why should I bee a minister of death vnto you that so truely wish your life or a sweete smelling sauour to my God in your destruction because I haue done my duetie when I crye to the Lord y t I may be crowned with you and neuer loose you As then hereafter you care to bee what in this petition you pray to be so loue you GOD so loue you your selues so loue you me so loue you heauen so feare you hell and the GOD of mercie giue my speech a blessing to vs all Amen I beseech him now in time before the doore bee shut and the bridegroome come For in vain did the foolish virgins knocke when the time was past But what duties else wil you name that God requireth and we praie for in this petition One moe and that is this It is the Lordes will that in this world we shoulde take vp our crosse and followe him as many as will be his Disciples that through many tribulations we should enter into the kingdome of heauen and that all that will liue godlie in Christ Iesus shoulde suffer persecution that if we be sonnes we should not be without correction but now and thē chastned of our God that wee may not bee condemned with the world This will we beseech the Lord may be done in vs and we inabled by his holy spirite still more and more whatsoeuer we perceiue to betide in this life by his good pleasure to receiue it and suffer it not onely with contented but also with gladsome hearts And this is a chiefe vse of this prayer for truely it is a small thing in comparison beloued during the time of prosperitie and comfort to saie Thy will be done O Lord but if in aduersitie when the world lowreth the storme ariseth Princes persecute and our owne houses are diuided our Fathers betraying vs our children forsaking vs our friends defying vs for the cause of God if wee can then saie both with content and ioy Thy wil be done this is a strength and a grace of God aboue all treasure to be honoured If it bee not so high a matter but losse of goods by some occasion losse of friendes want of health and weary times by bittrr paine in bodie or soking sorrowe in minde yet if we can herein say it with true content comfort truely it is a measure that noteth a childe of heauen and happie we But O hard hard yet not so hard but God is able For behold examples before our eyes Old Eli in the booke of Samuel when hee had receiued from the Lord of heauen an heauy message by his young waiter little Samuel to wit that the Lorde woulde iudge his house that the wickednesse therof should not be purged with sacrifice nor offering but vtterly destroied for euer what said he but euen what here we pray for our parts we may be able to saie in our aduersitie It is the Lord let him doe what seemeth him good That is it is my God and my Lord wherefore with
we not sée the guilty quitte and the halter put ouer the innocents head Shall we not see the wicked aduanced and the godly depressed wreaked and wronged and troad vppon Surely we shall see fooles bid speak and wise men bid peace Yea we shall see euery mans mouth ouer foule with loosenesse and fewe mens liues gouerned with vertue Alasse then againe what a place is this Shall the sinnes of himselfe make the Apostle crie Cupio dissolui I desire to bee loosed and to be with Christ And shall not all the sinnes of so sinfull a world together with our own make vs desire it What pleasure had the good prophet who for the very sinne that he sawe hee desired death Did not our Sauiour say it when time was Non rog● pro mundo I pray not for the world And shall wee ioy in the place so fearefully excepted in the prayer of Christ If wee thinke heauen to bee our home are we not so long from home as we are heere If to depart here hence be to go to lyfe is not to tarrie heere to abide in death If that life be freedome is not this bondage Finally if to bee with God bee our true felicitie to be absent from GOD is it not our sure miserie But whilest we are at home in the bodie we are absent from God sayth the Apostle and therfore think of it What may you now think you beloued to staie you from a true and Christian lothing of this wretched life in so vil● a world Truely I knowe not excepte you should vnwisely saie there be few that doe it and many that doe it not Which if you should saie then must I answere you as he did that said it Neque minor erit gloria tua si foelix eris cum paucis neque poena leuior si miser eris cum stultis Neither shal thy glory be lesse if thou be happie with fewe neyther thy punishment lighter if thou be miserable with many But I hope you are far from being holden in euill with so bad arguments and therfore I pray you let vs all remember what is sayde vnto vs Loue not this world neither any thing that is in the world For if wee loue the world the loue of the father is not in vs. And the Lord strengthen vs. Seuenthly we see heere by this petition and forme of praier the verie true nature of a childe of God namely to desire pray heartely that both in himselfe and others Gods wil may be knowen and done Yea so heartely and earnestly doth he wish this that to see the contrarie is a vexation to his soule very vehement and great And he deliuered iust lot sayth Sainct Peter vexed with the vncleanly conuersation of the wicked And I saw the transgressours sayth Dauid and was grieued because they kept not thy word yea mine eyes gush out with teares for this cause But of this some thing was sayde before The Lorde enter not into iudgement with vs euer for the want of this sorrow to see other men doe euill saying nothing of our selues our owne euill For how may we answer not our sorrowing but our laughing euen as wee were tickled to see dronkards to heare rimers and railers and idle counterfaiters tearing their tongues against theyr teeth to the dishonour of God the gauling or slaunder of others and the death of their owne soules for euer without repētance which in many of them God may worke but it is smally to bee hoped of as yet God that shall iudge vs knoweth it and telleth vs now whilst we haue time to leaue it that wee cannot answer it The Lord therefore chaunge vs and wee shall be chaunged and make the breach of his will to touch vs deepely both in our selues and others Lastly wee may note here if there were no other Scriptures to shewe vs what an acceptable thing to the Lord the readie and carefull doing of his wil is by this that our Sauiour placeth this petition amongst the first and chiefe desires of his children wee may see our dulnes that must be taught to pray for this obedience and wee may see Gods rich great goodnesse that wil giue vs strength to obey him and then crowne vs for so doing with an immortall crowne as if wee had done all of our selues The Lord giue vs feeling And let thus much suffice of this petition A Prayer O Sweete and gracious Father how deere both is ought to be to a good child the goodwill of his earthly Father And if so how much more deere to thy child the iust and euer holy will of thee his heauenly father In deede hee should pray with hart soule that it may be done And therefore feeling our onely sweete comfort this that wee are thy children wee againe and againe beseech thy maiestie that it may so be Concerning thy secret will reserued to thy selfe O Lord let vs neuer curiously bee searchers and seekers to knowe aboue that which is meete for vs to knowe Much lesse let vs giue our selues by spirites and deuilles and vile meanes to wring out as it were by force from thee the knowledge of tymes and seasons and matters reserued in thy power but let vs euer concerning this bee thus disposed by thy grace in our selues that whatsoeuer this hidden will of thine shal be concerning vs whether to liue or dye to bee poore or rich to be high or low in this world with the same and in the same wee rest and be contented saying in our harts as obedient children let my God and Father do with mee and dispose of mee at his pleasure And when it shall appeare and be reueiled to vs then euen more if more may bee to be contented giuing true and hartie thankes to thy maiestie as well for wo as well for little as much for lowe degree as high degree if so thy pleasure be taking well in worth as thy seruant Iob at thy hands euill things as good things sower as well as sweet and lowring nightes as well as Sunneshine mornings Deere GOD make vs euer blesse thy name with a single hart when we knowe thy will and till thou shewest it leaue it to thy selfe Concerning next thy reueiled will that is all that which in thy worde thou hast layd downe and declared to bee the duetie which thou wilt haue performed of vs toward thee O Lord of mercie wee beseech thee that whereas our mindes burning with lusts are commonly caried to desire and to doe those things that most displease thee thou of thy gracious goodnesse wouldest vouchsafe so to chaunge vs by the power of thy blessed Spirite that we may wil and wish nothing but what thy holy will alloweth Giue vs faith firme and stedfast in thy Sonne our Sauiour Iesus Christ And to this faith ioyne in mercie a pure and cleane life graunting vs grace to possesse these vessels in holinesse and honour and not in the lust
bewitched with the flattery of thē that cried the voyce of God and not of a man reueyled what hee was in his most fearefull and soden fall The Lorde smote him and he was eaten of lice Charge therfore them that are rich in this worlde sayth the holy Apostle that they bee not high minded and that they trust not in vncertain riches but in the liuing God c. as if he should say they haue need not of gentle and soft admonition but euen of deepe and dreadfull charges to take heede So daungerous a thing is prosperitie to a frayle man When thou shalt come into the good land that I shal giue thee that floweth with milke and hony that is with all blessings wherein are riuers of waters and fountaines and depths that spring out of valeyes and mountaines a land of wheat barley of vineyardes figgetrees and pomegranats a lande of oyle oliue and honey a lande wherein thou shalt eat bread without scarcitie neither shalt thou lacke any thing therin a land whose stones are iron and out of whose mountaines thou shalt digge brasse and when thou hast eaten art filled comming to houses that thou buildedst not and vineyards or gardēs that thou plantedst not then then beware thou forget not thy God and him that gaue thee al neither bee lifted vp sayth the Lord. As if he should say then is the daunger if euer that thou wilt waxe wanton bathe thy selfe in pleasures melt away in daintie curiositie or curious dayntines and lift vp thy heele against a kinde God bid him adieu and take thy leaue of true and due obedience for all these mercies And therefore then then take heede beware Which assuredly that wise Agur remembring and considering well prayed that hee might not haue too litle least I steale saith he and take the name of my God in vayne neither yet too much least I be ful and deny thee and say who is the Lord. Others in their tymes knewe it and therefore wrote diuers thinges this way Faelicitas moderatio diuiduum contubernium habent Prosperitie and moderation dwell in two houses His meaning is hardly they are founde dwelling together Raro bona fortuna bonaque mēs homini datur Seldome is good fortune that is prosperitie and a good heart giuen to a mā together Magnae faelicitatis est a felicitate non vinci It is a great felicitie not to be ouercome of felicitie With a number such like sayings Wherefore to go no further we see how the Lord tempteth vs trieth vs by prosperitie to the discouering opening of our hidden secrets either good or euil and for the Lords sake thinking seriously of it let euery man and woman particularly view what breaketh out of them for al the mercies that are vpon them And I say no more You sayd an other of the Lords temptations or tryalles of man was aduersitie therefore I pray you also touch that True it is sometimes y e Lord trieth one way sometime an other many often times by this déepe gager of mēs harts aduersity the crosse For so saith y e scripture Thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee this fourtie yeeres in the wildernes for to humble thee and to prooue thee to know what was in thy hart whether thou wouldest keepe his commandements or no. And Feare none of these things which thou shalt suffer beholde it shall come to passe that the deuill shall cast some of you into prison that ye may bee tried and ye shall haue tribulation ten daies bee thou faithfull vnto the death and I will giue thee a crowne of life Againe Because thou hast kept the word of my patience therefore I will deliuer thee from the houre of tentation which will come vppon all the world to trie them that are on the earth Which places with many mo that might be alleaged teach vs euidently that thus the Lorde trieth his children when it pleaseth him euen in the furnace of aduersitie causing them therby not vnto him who knoweth all things before but vnto themselues and the world to discouer and open what before was not so knowne namely either patience or grudging against the Lords visitation as in examples plainly wee may see Abraham wayted a long time for his wished childe and that delay of the Lords was his great triall What opened it in Abraham but a most singular faith before not so well knowen to men that euen aboue hope hee beleeued vnder hope that hee should haue what was promised not weake in faith considered neither his own bodie which was now dead being almost an hundred yeres old neither the deadnes of Saraes wōbe but without doubting rested fully assured that what the Lord had sayd he was able to do Iacob wōderfully tossed with the waues of much bitter aduersitie by his wiues by his children by his friends and euery day almost by one thing or other yet euer shewed forth a patient hart a beleeuing hart and many great vertues of all Gods children to bee many times thought of And so was affliction a discouerer of his good graces to the praise of God the giuer the true commendation of himselfe the receiuer and all our examples that consider them How did aduersitie manifest in Ioseph againe y e gifts of God What a faith did affliction in her daughter bewray and lay open to all men in the woman of Canaan when the Lord Iesus gaue this testimonie of her O woman great is thy faith be it vnto thee as thou wilt So that you see where the Lord had wrought any good there this trier and gager of the Lords aduersitie opened it and reueiled it to his glorie Now looke at other some and you shal see an other course or other effects of this temptation The childrē of Israels case in Aegipt is knowne vnto vs how greeuous and euen marueilous their bondage was as also how the Lorde sent Moses and Aaron to deliuer them Who at their first comming were welcommed and reuerenced of all the Elders greatly they then expecting by them a release from those woes But after a while when the King increased their affliction and charged the taskmaisters to deliuer them no more straw and yet to require the whole number of bricke vpon sharpe punishment if they performed it not what then bewrayed this tryall in them O see and consider They flye vpon the Lords Ministers and messengers with an open mouth with raging passions the Lord looke vpon you and iudge you say they For you haue made our sauour stincke before Pharoh and before his seruants in that ye haue put a sword in his hande to slay vs. When they were in feare of Pharaohs host pursuing them after they were deliuered they did the like when they wanted water they did the like when they wanted victuals they did the like and their murmurings grudgings and
thing against our true sanctification Yea this is the true perfection of of them that are borne anewe to confesse with the Apostle that they are imperfect And to our great comfort let vs note it that this Apostle sanctified thus imperfectly groning vnder the griefe of sundry wants and weakenesses yet so assured himselfe of his election by so much as hee had that in the next chapter he is not afrayd to breake out thus I am perswaded that neither death nor life Angels nor principalities nor powers nor thinges present nor thinges to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall bee able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. See then and neuer forget it that sanctification though but in part and with much want yet is accepted with God man and ought yeld that man and woman that hath it such a comfortable perswasion as this namely that nothing shall be able to separate them from their God So that they be not negligent in harty hungring still after more Which euer is to be searched for carefully in our selues For euen so did this Apostle if you marke it I delight sayth he in the lawe of God concerning the inner man And as long as he found some measure of grace and an heart that still wished more and sighed for more and delighted in good so long was hee cheerefull touching his estate with God albeit till his dying day he sawe another lawe in his members rebelling against the lawe of his minde and leading him captiue to the law of sinne which was in his members This example then is notable to this end and let vs not forget it Would God also the contrarie were more earnestly considered than it is namely that if some measure of holy conuersation together with a mind most feruently wishing more and euen grieued for want of more yeld mēs soules comfort that neyther lyfe nor death nor anie thing shall separate thē from the Lord what will neither any measure at all neyther any desire of any nor anie griefe for want of any or for huge flouds of vngodlynesse that ouerflowe vs both bodie and soule our words our works our thoughts or lookes and all things wee doe I saie what will this yeelde to the conscience one daie but euen a dreadfull blow that as the other neuer so we euer are appoynted and red to be separate from Christ Iesus O then take heede betimes and cutting off euery day by the swoorde of Gods giuen grace iniquitie and sinne lette vs hunger and thirst to serue GOD in holynesse and righteousnesse before him all the dayes of our lyfe and by fruites of a true new birth to make as Saint Peter hath tolde vs our election sure Another proofe to your question that imperfections in our newe birth and sanctificatiō may not discourage vs is the same Apostle againe troubled in another place so grieuously with his owne concupiscence that pricked in the fleshe the messenger of Satan that he besought the Lorde thrice that it might departe from him The Lordes aunswere as we know was this that his grace was sufficient for him For through weaknesse his power was made perfect Playnly teaching vs graciously chéering vs that for our imperfections he will not reiect vs. It is one thing to haue sinne raigning in vs and an other thing to haue it dwelling in vs. The one we are forbidden the other we shall be subiect to whilest wee liue For I knowe that in mee that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing confessing with griefe that sinne dwelleth in him though to his comfort through grace it raigned not in him Full is the Scripture of strength agaynst this feare of imperfections but I trust this sufficeth O but the children of God are subiect many times to such a dulnesse and deadnesse in comparison of sweete rauishing motions that they haue felt that Satan catching and watching his opportunities is readie to perswade that surely nowe they are fallen away and GOD hath giuen them ouer Most true it is and yet all for the best For surely if we had not such alterations and chaunges we should thinke that grace were nature in vs wee should not estéeme of that sweete power of the spirite as wee doe when after a dulnesse it returneth agayne neyther any way bee thankfull as now we are But to be too much cast down with such tumblings to enter into such desperate feares truly the Lord woulde it not For what change thinke you felt Dauid when hee cryed O let mee feele the comfort of thy spirite agayne and when so often he cryeth O quicken me as thou wast wont quicken mee quicken me Yet was not Dauid cast awaie though for his sinne or tryall or Gods glorie or others example hee was thus many times troubled by a grieuous dulnesse many tempting feares Alasse it is the course we must euer account of for our better wakening and which Gods chosen haue euer tasted yet without reiection The mother after she hath felte her childe moue hopeth the best though euer it moue not and when weakly it stirreth shee cheerefully hopeth of greater strength in time so must wee This sweete spirite is not alwayes alike that difference may teach vs it is greate mercie to haue much and make vs thankfull The Sunne shining so fayre is often couered with mistie cloudes from vs yea and euerie daie setteth and as it were taketh his leaue But wee sée those cloudes vanish awaie in time and the cheerefull rising followeth after his heauie setting It is not euer Winter nor euer Summer but after a fayre daie commeth a foule and backe agayne The tree is not alwayes greene and flourishing with his cheerefull leaues Yet liueth it in the root when outward shew is gone And truly so doe wee let vs in comfort knowe it in our Christ rooted remayne aliue safe and sure when blustering stormes of shrewd temptations haue shaken off our leaues that is our cheerefull thoughtes wordes and countenaunces and for our better schooling the Lord a litle hath left vs to our selues The foundation of our hope standeth fast whō he loueth to the end he loueth them And I am perswaded that hee that hath begun this good worke in you will perfourme it vntil the daie of Iesus Christ For the giftes and calling of GOD are without repentaunce with a number of such So that though the sadnesse of soule come vpon vs and great disquietnesse bee within our breast yet must we lyke faythfull children as the Lorde shall inable saie Still trust in God my soule for I will yet giue him thankes c. O tarrie thou the Lordes leasure bee strong and hee shall comfort thy heart and put thou thy trust in the Lord. Many times reade that 77. Psalme see the downe falls of Gods children and how agayne they catch hold and scramble vp