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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18947 The Popes deadly wound tending to resolue all men, in the chiefe and principall points now in controuersie betweene the papists and vs. Written by T.C. and published by Master Doctor Burges, now preacher to the English troopes in the Pallatinate. Clarke, Thomas, of Sutton Coldfield.; Burges, John, 1561?-1635. 1621 (1621) STC 5364; ESTC S108050 185,964 236

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was to the number of an hundred and fortie which chose rather to suffer all torments than to receiue the Romish religion and so to deny the truth of the most glorious Gospell And a good while before this time there was foure and twentie put to death at Paris there were foure hundred noted to be heretikes foure score beheaded Prince Armericus was hanged and the Lady of the Castle was stoned to death In the daies of King Edward the third about the yeare 1371. beganne Iohn Wickliffe of Oxenford Wickliffe openly to deale against the Pope and Popish doctrine The times were then very grieuous the Popish kingdome of Antichrist being risen vp vnto a very great strength and crueltie King Edward himselfe being very well learned a valiant Prince greatly withstood Popery hee much fauoured and defended Wickliffe and so did diuers Noble-men insomuch that M. Wickliffe and others preached against the Church of Rome the Pope and his Prelates doing what they could were not able to hurt him After the death of King Edward he was greatly supported by the Londoners and so escaped the hands of his aduersaries still proclaiming the holy and heauenly doctrine of the Gospel against the Romish Antichrist It pleased God by his preaching and by his bookes to giue light to many in the Land sundry were put to death The Lord Cobham of whom the Lord Cobham was one and diuers fled out of the Land because they would not deny the truth which they had learned of him That Popish Councell of Constance fortie one yeares after his death condemned his doctrine and caused his bones to be digged vp and burned And as Wickliffes doctrine tooke place heere in England and spread farre so were some of his Workes carried into Bohemia where they did more preuaile Iohn Husse for about the yeare 1410. rose Iohn Husse who taught in Bohemia with diuers others the holy Gospell of Iesus Christ which a multitude zealously imbraced and thereupon renounced the Church of Rome He was cited to appeare before the Pope which he auoyded and about the yeare 1414. hee was charged againe to appeare then he was excommunicated and much molestation followed but he continued a faithfull witnesse of Christ and openly impugned the Romish Church and Synagogue vntill the Councell of Constanoe where he was condemned as an heretike Hierome of ' Prage and burned In the same Councell Hierome of Prage a worthy seruant of Christ for resisting the Romish Harlot was condemned and burned These men were put to death but Antichrist and all his power could not roote out the Gospel in Bohemia God raised them vp a valiant Captaine Iohn Zisca Iohn Zisca and they put to flight great armies of the Papists that came against them About this time there followed great persecutions in England and many were put to death whom they called Lolards Veselus Gronigensis God also raised vp one Veselus Gronigensis he was so worthy a man that hee was called Lux mundi the light of the world He disputed mightily boldly against Popery and proued their doctrine false and wicked and that the Popes Keyes doe not open but shut heauen Gates This man ended his daies in the yeere of Christ 1499. Sauonarola In the yeare 1500. Hieronomus Sauonarola a Monke in Italie with two other Friers Dominicke and Siluester Dominicke and Siluester were condemned to ●eath at Florence they taught and maintained against the Popish doctrine the things which we doe now 4 And thus hauing slaine and put to death all within the Romish iurisdiction that did any way gaine say them The two witnesses are both slaine they haue now gotten all in quiet possession leauing none that would not be conformable to Antichrists lore And this is it which Saint Augustine did find by the Scriptures the great Antichrist should bring to passe as may plainely appeare by these his words For that wee beleeue that Antichrist shall come vnto such an height of vaine-glory it shall be lawfull for him to doe such things both towards all men and also towards the Saints of God that many weake men shall thinke God hath forsaken the care of the world And also wee see that prophesie heere fully verified in the 13. chapter of the Reuelation which saith thus of the Romish spirituall gouernour He caused that as many as would not worship the Image of the beast should be killed That is all that would not be conformable to al the old Heathenish ordinances set vp againe by the Pope and preach and professe the same should be killed So that herein also is fulfilled that prophesie in the eleauenth chapter of the same booke concerning the killing the two witnesses whom the tenth verse of the same chapter declareth The 9. and 10. verses sheweth that by the 2. Witnesses are meant all the Preachers that should vex Antichrists vvhol● kingdom which in the sixt verse of the 14. chap. are included in the person of one Angell with all other throghout Christendome should vexe Antichrists whole kingdome for which cause hee should slay them But whereas Bellarmine would haue them to be onely two persons and that they should containe themselues within that one nation of the Iewes the Text is plaine to the contrarie in that it saith And they of the people and kinreds and tongues and Gentiles shall see their corpes three dayes and an halfe and shall not suffer their carkeises to be put in graues and they that dwell on the earth shall reioyce ouer them and be glad and send gifts one to another for these two Prophets vexed them that dwelt on the earth Now in that the text declareth that the two witnesses were slaine among the Gentiles in diuers nations of the earth and that those nations euery where saw their dead corpes lie among them which they counted not worthie to be buried in Christian mens moulde as they call it it is cleare they were not two persons but all those Preachers which euery where bare witnesse to the truth of the two Testaments whereby they vexed Antic●rist and the Antichristians wheresoeuer they did inhabite vpon the face of the whole earth 5 But now in that it is said They lay dead three dayes and an halfe and in the words following After three dayes and an halfe the spirite of life comming from God shall enter into them and they shall stand vpon their feete This is to be vnderstood of the time from the killing the last of the witnesses to the rising againe of the first of them and not of the 1260. dayes the whole time of Antichrists reigne mentioned in the third verse of the 11. chapter of the Reuelation as some doe vnderstand it for it is very absurd to say that the witnesses should lie dead during the whole time of their prophecying and yet prophecie too Now for that we finde that the next that rose after their death to oppose themselues against
as we know not he shall purge his Church and to that purpose shall stirre vp the spirits of his Elect. After which things saith she shall ensue such a reformation of the holy Church and such a renouation of the godly Pastors thereof that the very thoughts thereof maketh my spirit to reioyce in the Lord. And as I haue tolde you heretofore saith she the Spouse which is now altogether deformed ragged and ●orne shall then be adorned and decked as it were with precious iewels and chains And all faithfull people shall be glad when they are thus beautified with so holy Pastors Yea the very Infidells being drawne with the sweete smell of Christ shall repaire vnto the Catholike sheepfold and be conuerted to the chiefe Pastor and Bishop of their soules And this is it also which Gregory the Great Bishop of Rome did foresee as may appeare by these his words written in his nineteenth booke the ninth chap. vpon Iob The Church after the dayes of her afflictions shall afterwards notwithstanding be strengthened with great power of preaching And that it may yet more plainely appeare that our Nation of England shall beare some sway in this worke the aforesaid Dominican Frier in his sixt vision declareth that it was reuealed vnto him That the I le of Britaine should proue the chiefe receptacle of the Church of God and euen an Asile or Sanctuary to the Church of Rome in the time of the Turkish Persecution and as it were her nursing mother after she should come to be thus reformed and that the true Christian religion should be maintained especially by the blessed meanes of the people of the aforesaid Isle For As the title of his Vision saith the Translator is of the future state of the Church so the Vision it selfe doth beare how he did seeme to be together with some other persons in a small number in a certaine great ship not well appointed with Ruthers or Oares in the maine Sea and that the shippe came as it were of it selfe vnto a certaine Island whereunto saith he we being but a few had our recourse for refuge and safety Also to the like effect there is this prognosticall verse aledged by Ioannes Wolfius in the second tome of his memorable things in Latine thus Europa genit us terra vir iust us aequus Pastor erit Caeli claues non regna gubernans Pax erit toto surget concordia Mundo Vna Fides vnus regnabit in omnia Princeps In English thus A certaine wight equitable and vpright borne in Europe shall be the chiefe Pastor or Bishop of Christendome such a one as shall mannage and gouerne the Keyes of the kingdome of Heauen and not the Scepters of the kingdomes of the earth There shall be peace and concord in the world one Faith and Religion and once Prince imperially raigning ouer all Also their Paracelsus the German Hermite in his 26. Prediction maketh mention of an English Prince and his issue that shall more fully effect this worke of reformation And in an old Prophesie had out of the Pallace of wisdome in Rome and in another Prophesie of Sauanarola a Dominican Frier mention is made of a Prince of the name of Charles that shall strike a great stroke in this worke and shall bring to passe that in the end according to a Prophesie also of Nostrodamus Rome shall be ruled by her old Britannish head Cant. 5. quadrin 99. Quand Rome aurale chef vieux Britantique And saith Maister Iames Maxwell the Translater As the Italian Iesuite Heronymus Platus in the second booke of Religious life chap. 30. confesseth England to haue beene more fertill of conuerters of Nations and Countries to the Christian faith then any other Land else so is it not vnlikely but that God will haue the same Country to be more fertill of reformers of other corrupt Churches especially of that of Rome then any other Land whatsoeuer And that as there is in no one Country or Nation of the world to be found so many learned and eloquent Preachers nor so many compleat Diuines for Iudiciousnesse Ingenuousnesse and moderation and for fitnesse to deserue well for the peace of the Church as there is in England so it is like that God will honour this Island with the reformation of the Church of Rome and her daughters by sending forth from thence such godly iudicious zealous and moderate men as shall reclaime them from their abuses and restore vnto them their Primitiue puritie and integritie such as it was in the happie daies of Constantine the Great borne in great Britannie For saith hee To the same effect soundeth this prognosticall verse which was found in an old manuscript Iesse Rosa sanguis Bruti Portat Crucem Iesu Christi The Rose of England beareth and bringeth the Crosse of Christ to forraigne Lands Also as their Ioachim the Abbot writing vpon the and 30. Chapter of Ieremy sheweth that there shall be certaine new Preachers of the Gospel in the Catholique or Vniuersall Church strong in faith and true in Doctrine whose Doctrine shall be open and free and that they shall preach Repentance both to the Greekes and Latines and conuert many of them to the truth so is there a certain Prophecie vttered in the yeare of Christ 1119. as writeth Matthew Paris in his 475. Page of this History which saith They that walke in darkenesse shall turne to the light and those things that were diuided and scattered shall be gathered together and vnited Also the same Abbot sheweth how that the Pope and his Prelates will rage against those whom God shall send to conuert them where hee writing vpon the first Chapter of Ieremy saith thus Such Doctors and Prophets are to be sent which shall not onely rebuke the people but also thunder out against the Priests and strike earthly and carnall hearts with all maner of plagues and put to silence the loftie and swelling Maisters who shall fight against the aforesaid Preachers which shall be reuealed as once did Iuda against Israel and the Iewes against Christ and his Apostles By meanes whereof the death of Philip the second King of Spaine in his Sericum mundi filum doth deliuer that The Lyon hauing the Rose and the Lillies in his armes shall vtterly destroy the Pope so as that afterwards there shall neuer be any more Popes And then all Christian Princes being at peace and vnitie it seemeth by a Prediction found in an olde Booke that they shall consent and agree to chuse out of all one excellent Man for learning and good life to be as a chiefe Moderator for the bringing all sorts of people in the whole world to one kinde of Religion and all Churches into one vniforme order For thus it is written in that Prophesie The afflictions of the Church and Clergie being passed and after so many great tribulations by the will of God a most holy man shall be chosen perfect in all manner of perfection