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A57383 A communicant instructed, or, Practicall directions for worthy receiving of the Lords Supper by Francis Roberts. Roberts, Francis, 1609-1675. 1656 (1656) Wing R1591; ESTC R28105 135,670 280

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died for us Much more then being now justified by his blood we shall be saved from wrath through him For as by one mans disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous Hence Christ in the Institution of the Supper saith This is my blood of the New Testament which is shed for many for the remission of sins God justifies us efficiently Christ justifies us by his blood and obedience meritoriously by his Resurrection evidentially evidencing the full vertue and victory of his death Faith justifies us instrumentally good works justifie us declaratively in the sight of men declaring our faith to be lively and true that brings forth good works 4. Victorie over our spiritual enemies Naturally by the fall we are in the bond of iniquity and through fear of death all our life-life-time subject to bondage and led captive by Satan at his will Israels bondage and slavery in Egypt or Babylon no way comparable to this spiritual bondage But Christ by his death Hath condemned sin in the flesh Hath overcome death and destroyed him that had the power of death the Devil having spo●led principalities and powers and triumphed over them openly by his Crosse. 5. Finally Entrance into Heaven Though our sin had cast us out of Paradise and from all hope of Heaven yet Christ by his death and blood hath opened to us the gate of the heavenly Paradise We have boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Iesus by a new liv●ng way which he hath consecrated for us through the vail that is to say his flesh The●e are some of the glorious fruits of Christs death Redemption Reconciliation Justification Victory over our spiritual enemies and entrance into the holiest of all Remember the●e at the Lords Supper that sweet Memorial of Christs death Thus remember the Mystery of his death 3. Energetically Remember Christ and his death the History Mystery of his death so as to work this remembrance with energy force and efficacy upon thine heart and spirit Let this remembrance of Christ make some savory practical impressions upon thy soul which may dwell and fix there for thy good How may that be done Answ. Thus 1. Remember Christ and his death so as to lay to heart the deep sinfulness and misery into which the first Adam plunged us by his fall Judge of the extremity of the malady by the eminency of the remedy No lesse then death then such a death and that of such a person as Christ who was God-man could e●er have expiated that sinfulness or ha●e remo●ed that misery If all the men on earth and all the Angels in heaven had died and that eternally they could never have satisfied Gods justice for one sin For Gods justice offended is infinite and all that mere creatures can do or endure are as themselves meer finite but Christs person being of infinite worth in respect of his God-head satisfied to the full Think not Adams sin to be small It murdered himself and all his posterity It cost Christ his dearest hearts blood And Adams first sin was thy sin for thou wast in his loyns when he fell Lay this to heart proportionably 2. Remember Christ and his death so as to admire Gods infinite 1. Wisdom 2. Iustice and 3. Love therein toward sinners 1. Admire his wisdom in contriving this strange way for saving of sinners which men and Angels could not have contrived or imagined That the eternal Son of God should become man personally uniting the humane nature to his divine person That as man he might suffer as God he might satisfie for sinners Here 's Chr●st crucified the wisdom of God indeed God! 2. Admire his justice Christ his dear and only Son must be sacrificed that we his utter enemies might be spared Christ his spotless Son who knew no sin must be condemned that we sinners who knew nothing but sin might be cleared Christ who was th● life it self must die that we who were dead in sins might live Who would not count it an unrighteous Act if any King should put to death his own obedient Son to save the life of a Traytor or condemn the innocent knowingly for the nocent Oh then how infinite is this Justice of God in giving Christ the righteous to die for us unrighteous It is such justice as seems to have a shew of injustice but that God is so righteous that he can do nothing unrighteously 3. Finally Admire his love God so loved us as to give his own Son his only Son his righteous Son the Son of his love to die a painful shameful and cursed death for us worthless loveless sinners dead in sins enemies enmity it self against God O the depth and heighth and length and breadth of this love of God in Christ which passeth knowledge Say be astonished O my soul at this love which passed all love 3. Remember Christ and his death so as to lament and hate those sins for which Christ thus suffered When thou seest the bread broken think how Christs body was broken wounded for thy sins And then fill thine heart with grief and indignation against those sins Shall Christs body be so broken and his heart pierced for thy sins and shall not thy heart be pricked and broken for thine own sins Shall thy sins derive Gods wrath upon Christ and shall not thine hatred and wrathful indignation be kindled against thine own sins Dost thou count those sins small or light which Christ found so heavy and heynous that he sweat great drops of blood falling down to the ground and cryed out My God my God why hast thou forsaken me Dost thou think much to shed a few penitential tears for those sins for which Christ shed all his hearts blood Canst thou love or be reconciled to those corruptions for which Christ was so hated to the very death Say to thy soul O my soul consider thy sins aright For those Christ bled wilt thou not bleed for them for those Christ died and wilt thou live in them ● c. 4. Remember Christ and his death so as to resolve more effectually to conform to Christ and to his death Then we aright remember Christ crucified when we resolve and endeavour to resemble Christ crucified In this Supper so think upon Christ dying as to be willing to die with him But how shall I die with him or be conform to Christ crucified Answ. By dying to sin By being crucified to the world And by suffering for Christ. 1. By dying unto sin Christ died for sin that we who are dead in sin might die unto sin Whilest we are dead in sin we can do nothing else but sin but when we die to sin we habitually live not any longer therein nor thenceforth serve sin How should we that are dead to sin live any longer therein Hence the Apostle urges our death
iniquity of us all For the transgression of my people was he stricken By his knowledge shall my righteous Servant justifie many for he shall bear their iniquities And he was numbered with the transgressors and he bare the sin of many Thus Christ who in himself had no sin was crucified for the sins of his Elect who had nothing but sin The guiltless for the guilty the innocent for the nocent the Pastor for the flock the Master for the servant the Captain for the Souldier the Physician for the Patient the King for the people the workman for the work and he that was God himself for man Christ was betrayed but our sins the Iudas that betrayed him Christ was condemned but our sins the Pilate that condemned him Christ was crucified but our sins the nails that fastned him to the Crosse Christ had Gall and Vineger given him to drink but our sins were the Vineger and the Gall Christ was pierced but our sins were the Thorns and Spear that pierced his head and heart Remember these things when thou receivest the Sacrament of Christs death call to minde thy sins the procuring causes of Christs death Say in thine own heart to Christ as Augustine I am the stroke of thy grief I am the fault of thy killing I am the desert of thy death I am the offence of thy revenge I am the grievousness of thy passion I am the toil of thy torment O wonderfull condition of censure and ineffaeble disposition of the mystery The unjust sins and the just is punished the guilty transgresseth and the guiltless is beaten the impious offends and the pious is condemned What the bad deserves the good suffereth what the servant perpetrates the Lord payeth what man commits ●od undergoeth Whither O Son of God whithe● 〈…〉 humility whither flamed thy charity whither proceeded thy piety whither increased thy benignity whethtr reached thy love whither came thy compassion For I have done unjustly thou art punished I have dealt heinously thou art ●evengefully smitten I have committed the fault thou art tortured I have been proud thou hast been humbled c. Thus remember that thy sins were the procuring causes of Christs sorrows 2. Impulsive or inward moving causes of Christs Death were only the free grace self-propension and love of God Christ to sinners The Souldiers had never fast'ned Christ to the Crosse had not our sins first fast'ned him there our sins had never fixed him to the tree if his Love had not first fixed him Love moved God to give his Son Love moved Christ to give himself Love brought him down from Heaven r●frus Love brought him upon the Crosse fo●ous Love made him pray sweat and bleed and die for us God so lo●ed us as to give his Son for us God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not per●sh but have everlasting life Herein is love not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins But God commendeth his love towards us in that while we were ●et sinners Christ died for us And Christ so love● us as to give himself to death for us I am the good Shepherd The good Shepherd g●veth his life for the sheep No man t●keth it from me but I lay it down of my self Greater love hath no man then this that a ma● lay down h●s life for his friends Ye are my friends if you do whatsoever I command you Hereby perceive we the love of God because he laid down h●s l●fe for us Vnto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in h●s own blood Hence Paul experimentally saith The life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me In Communicating remember this love of God and Christ to thee But for this love God had never died for thee 2. Effects fruits and benefits of Christs Death are manifold and most excellent In this memorial of Christs Death especially remember these fruits of his death viz. 1. Redemption We by the first Adams fall were utterly enslaved and enthralled under sin the curse of the Law Death and all the powers of darkness By the second Adam's Death we are redeemed from them all But Christ by his own blood entered in once into the holy place having obtained eternal Redemption for us Ye were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold from your vain conversation c. but with the precious blood of Christ as of a Lamb without blemish and without spot Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the Law being made a curse for us and Christ hath by his death triumphed over all our enemies and deli●ered us from them Hence Christ is said to be made of God to us Redemption 2. Reconciliation By the first Adam's Apostasie we are not only enthralled under sin death Satan and all our spiritual enemies But we are become utter Enemies to God and to all true spiritual goodness yea the carnal minde is enmity against God for it is not subject to the Law of God neither indeed can be So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God And being at enmity with God we are consequently at enmity with all his creatures every thing is against us But by the blood and death of Christ the second Adam we are reconciled again to God For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son much more being reconciled we shall be saved by his life It pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell And having made peace through the blood of his Crosse by him to reconcile all things unto himself by him I say whether they be things in earth or things in heaven And you that were sometimes alienated and enemies in your minde by wicked works yet now hath he reconciled in the body of his flesh through death c. Hence God is said to be in Christ reconciling the world unto himself not imputing their trespasses unto them And the Gospel is called The word of Reconciliation 3. Iustification and Pardon of sin By reason of our fall in Adam we have lost all our original righteousness our persons are become sinners our natures principles and actions unrighteous and our selves are become guilty of death before God Now Christ is made of God righteousness unto us He is The Lord our righteousness For God imputing all our unrighteousness to Christ and all Christs righteousnesse active and passive to us through the merit of Christs death and obedience our sins are freely remitted our guilt removed and our persons are accepted as righteous before God Christ was offered to bear the sins of many While we were yet sinners Christ
to sin from Christs death That as Christ died and rose again so we should die to sin and live to God And Peter saith Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh arm your selves likewise with the same minde for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin c. Was Christ wounded for thy transgressions and bruised for thine iniquities and wilt thou wound and bruise him afresh by these iniquities Had not Christ sorrows and sufferings enough for thy sins of old that by renewed offences thou wilt tear open his wounds afresh and crucifie him again If thou knowest not what sin is go to the Garden of Gethsemane the High Priests Palace the Judgement-Hall and to the Mount Calvary and there see what it cost Christ. Oh the Worm-wood and the Gall Kill those sins that have killed thy soul let not them live that would not let thy Saviour live When thou art ready to commit sin then imagine thou didst meet thy crucified Saviour all bathed in his own blood and beseeching thee by all his wounds and blood to forbear thy sin and would not this disswade thee 2. By being crucified to the world Christ dying forsook this world and went up in his soul that day into Paradise And Christ instituted this Supper when he was now the same night readie to be betrayed Let this Supper remember thee to be crucified with Christ to the world As Paul gloried in the Crosse of Christ whereby the world was crucified to him and he unto the world Let thy spirit mount up after Christ into Paradise that thou mayst live above this world having thy conversation in Heaven Let thine heart be wholly in Heaven whilst thou art at this heavenly Feast 3. By suffering with Christ and for Christ or at least being resolved and prepared for suffering w●th him thou becomest conformed to Christ crucified In this Supper in the breaking of the bread for thee thou hast represented the breaking and suffering of Christ for thee Christ most worthie was broken for thee most unworthie Did Christ so willingly bear all his sorrows for thee and dost thou grudge to bear any sufferings for him was he so reproached for thy sins and dost thou think much to be reproached for Christs righteousness Art thou treacherously used by friends Christ was betrayed by his own Apostle Art thou imprisoned Christ was apprehended Art thou in bonds Christ was bound Art thou belied Christ was falsely accused Art thou unjustly censured C●rist was more unjustly condemned Art thou spoiled of thy good Christ was stripped of his very rayment and they cast lots for his vesture Art thou put to death Christ Jesus the Prince of life was put to death before thee Grudge not to pledge Christ in his bitter cup. He hath suffered for thee giving thee an example that thou shouldst follow his steps 5. Remember Christ and his death so as to enflame thine heart with love to Christ dying for thee Christs death for thee is the highest expression possible of his love unto thee as was before evidenced And this Sacrament is Christs Love-token to his Church for perpetuating of the memory of Christs death that high discovery of his love When therefore thou comest to the Lords Supper call to mind Christs infinite love and stir up thy self to love him again Love breeds love as fire breeds fire Shall Christ love thee so as to die for thee so as to wash thee from thy sins in his own blood And wilt not thou love him with all thine heart and soul and mind and might Was Ch●i●● so fastened on the Crosse for thee and shall he not be fastened in thine heart by thee Shall thy sins pierce his heart and shall not his love pierce thine heart 6. Remember Christ and his death so as to comfort thy self in the sufficiency of Christs death and thy propriety in it As in this Supper is tendred a sufficiency of bodily nourishment both against hunger and thirst here being both bread and wine So in Christs Death hereby represented there 's a sufficiency of spiritual nourishment His flesh being meat indeed and his blood drink indeed And he that eats his flesh drinks his blood hath eternal life For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified and so is able to save to the utmost all that come unto God by him And as the sufficiency of Christs death is set forth in the Lords Supper so Christ endeavours by this Ordinance to assure every worthy Communicant of his particular interest and propriety in Christs death as certainly as he eats this bread and drinks this cup. Therefore at the Lords Supper thus think How all sufficient is Christs death for my salvation There 's more righteousness in it then unrighteousness in me There 's more merit and pardon in it then sin and misery in me There 's more Reconcilement Redemption and Justification in it then enmity slavery and condemnation in me His person being an infinite God I being but a finite creature And all this sufficiency is as surely mine as this bread and wine mine Therefore why art thou cast down O my soul and why art thou disquieted within me Trust in Christ and his death herein is more for thy consolation then in thy self or sins for thy disconsolation 7. Remember Christ and his death at the Lords Supper so as to provoke thy self to all true thankfulness for Christ crucified This Sacrament is called the Eucharist as was formerly noted It is the Christians solemn Thank-offering Christ gave thanks in instituting it and we should give thanks in celebrating it For what for Christ for his death for all the fruits and benefits of his death Oh what great and manifold matter of thankfulness Say with David Blesse the Lord O my soul and all that is within me blesse his holy name Blesse the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits who healeth all thy diseases pardoneth all th●ne iniquit●es rede●meth thy soul from death c. What shall I render to the Lord for all his benefits towards me ● I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord. I will pay my vowes unto the Lord c. Thus should we remember ●hrist and his death at the Lords Supper and this will be to communicate indeed VII Finally Carefullie avoid all d●straction throughout the whole Sacramental Administrat●on From the beginning to the end keep thine heart and thoughts closely fixed on the mysteries in hand Let not thine eye wander but intentively behold the pledges and memorials of Christ crucified Let not thy thoughts rove but be glued to these heavenly objects laid before thee Here 's enough in Christ crucified fully to take up thy utmost meditations at this Feast Think upon them from point to point as the Sacrament ministreth occasion In this and all duties we should attend
crucified before our eyes represented sealed and exhibited to the bel●eving soul. Thou therefore O Chr●st●an Search the Scriptures that thou mayst there finde Christ Accept the Covenant that thou mayst therein embrace Christ And duly partake the Sacraments èspec●ally the Lords Supper that thou ma●st more fully and undoubtedly assure thy self of Chr●st to thy salvation To this end ser●ously consider 1. It is not bare partaking but due partaking of Sacraments that will commend us to God and interest us in Christ. It is possible that in a visible Church multitudes may partake Sacraments and yet be deeply displeasing to God The Israelites of old had not only the ordinary and standing Sacraments of Circumcision and the Passeover but also the extraordinary and transient Sacraments of the Cloud and Sea answering to our Baptism Of Manna and water out of the Rock answering to our Lords Supper All our Fathers were under the Cloud and all passed through the Sea And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea and did all eat the same spiritual meat and did all drink the same spiritual drink for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them and that Rock was Christ But with many of them God was not well plea●ed for they were overthrown in the Wilderness Ishmael was circumcis'd as well as Isaac yet Ishmael is branded for a Persecuter Esau circumcised as well as Jacob yet Jacob loved Esau hated of God Simon Magus baptized yet his heart was not right in the sight of God and he still remained in the gall of bitternesse and bond of iniquity Judas did eat the Sacrament of the Passeover with Christ and his Disciples yet after the eating of it Satan more strongly entered into him then ever before and he died an hypocrite a murderer a devil And the Corinthians not onely were baptized but received also the Lords Supper yet notwithstanding they were judged of the Lord many were weak and sickly among them and many slept viz. were dead as is thought of the plague of Pestilence Thus we may possibly be baptized yea eat and dri●k the Lords Supper and yet for all that through unworthy communicating incùrre the Lords displeasure 2. They that partake Sacraments in a visible Church may so farre notwithstanding be displeasing unto God As 1. That all the Sacraments and Services they take in hand may be accounted by God as Nullities as no Sacraments no Services at all This is not to eat the Lords Supper 2. That all their Sacraments and religious performances may be accounted their sins and abominations 3. That the Sacraments which were intended for spiritual benefit shall become a spiritual mischief to their souls through their abuse That the Lords Supper instead of nourishing Grace should strengthen sinne instead of sealing of Remission of our sinnes in Christs blood should render us guilty of the body and blood of the Lord even guilty of murdering the Lord of Life and Glory 4. That by unworthy handling them they may incurre many temporal afflictions and chastisements in Gods displeasure 5. Finally they may enjoy Sacraments and yet so farre displease God therein as thereby to hazard their own Judgement and eternal Damnation and lose Heaven it selfe for ever As those Iews of old notwithstanding their enjoyments of Sacraments were overthrown in the wildernesse lost Canaan the Type of Heaven and it 's to be feared Heaven it selfe thereby typified 3. Hence consequently these things are clear I. That our bare enjoyment of Sacraments is no infallible signe either of Gods special love tow or of our good spiritual state towards God II. That it is altogether unsafe for Christians to rest themselves satisfied and contented with the meere having or the meer using of Sacraments It 's the Right having and Due using of Sacraments which will commend us and our actions about them unto Go● III. That it singularly concerns all Gods people to endeavour so to enjoy and use all Sacraments and particularly the Lords Supper Which is often to be received as therein they may be well-pleasing and acceptable to the Lord. Now that we may acceptably and profitably manage the Lords Supper these things are peculiarly necessary 1. A due Preparation for the Lords Supper before we commmunicate 2. A right use of the Lords Supper while we are communicating 3. A Christian conversation suitable to the Lords Supper after we have commmunicated In reference to these three General Heads seriously consider and practically improve these brief Directions following PRACTICAL DIRECTIONS FOR Worthy Receiving Of the LORDS SVPPER I. Directions touching our due Preparation for the Lords Supper before we Communicate OVr due preparation for the Lords Supper before communicating consists chiefly in a judicious impartial and sincere Self-examination Let a man examine himselfe and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that Cup. There 's A publike Ecclesiastical Examination by Church-Governours preparing for fit communicating in respect of the Church And there 's al●o a ●rivate Self-examination preparing for worthy communicating in re●pec● of Christ. By That ●rovision i● made that the Lords Suppe● be not abused by grosse Ignorance and Scandals By This farther care is taken that the Lords Supper be not unworthily received through Carnaln●sse Vnbeliefe Impeniten●y Hyp●cris●● V●●h●nk●ulness Vncha●i●● blenesse c. Both are necessary and helpfull to each other but Self-Examination is more e●pecially needful O we have great cau●e to use all possi●●e Preparations before ●ommunicating For 1. The Lord and Author of this Sacrament with whom we have to do here●n is Iesus Christ who is most Holy Harmlesse Separate from sinners Higher then the Heavens Searching the Heart and Reins Whose eyes are as a flame of fire who 〈…〉 and all power in Heaven 〈…〉 and who will render to every man according to his works 2. The Nature of this Sacrament is sublime mysterious spiritual heavenly A 〈◊〉 of Chri●ts providing whe●●in Chr●●t is both the Master of the 〈◊〉 and ●he M●●er of the 〈◊〉 A 〈◊〉 Christ's engra●ing whose Sup●rscription is Christ lo●ing us who●e Image is Christ dying for us whose 〈◊〉 is Chri●●● N●w Tes●●ment confirmed to his Members c. 3. The benefit of worthy com●unica●ing 〈◊〉 surp●●●sing ●vveet H●reby 〈◊〉 Soul-reviving death of Christ is a fre●● remembered the inward man with all the graces and abi●●ties thereof is nourished Remission of sinnes through Christs blood is assured Communion with Christ crucified and all the benefits of his death is sealed our interest in the New Testament with all the Promises and Priviledges thereof is confirmed and our spiritual fellowship with Christs holy Members is established and increased 4. The danger o● unworthy communicating is exceeding great For hereby the guilt of Christs body and blood is ●ontra●ted hereby the deep displeasure of God is procured and hereby unworthy
in being and well-being He that made the world is still upholding all things by the word of his power 2. Governing and disposing all Creatures and all their actions even the least and smallest of them all The LORD hath prepared his Throne in the Heavens and his Kingdome ruleth over all Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father but the very hairs of your head are all numbred 3. O●dering and directing all creatures and al their actions to his own glory and his peoples good Ioseph said to his brethren God sent me before you to preserve you a posterity on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance So now it was not you that sent me hither but God Ye thought evil against me but God mean't it unto good c. So didst thou lead thy people to make thy self a glorious name For of him and through him and to him are all things As for Gods special Creation of man and Providence over man in his fourefold state viz. of 1. Creation 2. Corruption 3. Restitution and 4. Perfection They will come farther to be considered in the next branch the knowledge of our selves Hitherto of the first branch of knowledge requisite in some competent sort before communicating viz. The Knowledge of God 2. Knowledge of our selves Knowledge of our selves is the next point of Knowledge necessary to a worthy Communicant Christians eyes and apprehensions should be like the windowes of the Temple widest inward narrowest outward far more dispo●ed to look home then abroad better acquainted with themselves then with others And not like Plutarch's Lamiae or Witches that put on their eyes when they went abroad but put up their eyes in boxes when they came home The necessity of this Self-Knowledge hath before been evidenced The particulars of Self-Knowledge follow We are principally to know our selves 1. What we were in Adam before the fall 2. What we are in Adam since the fall 3. What we should and may be in Iesus Christ the second Adam I. What were we in Adam before the fall Answ. Before the fall Adam was the happiest creature under the Sun enjoying many surpassing Priviledges And all mankind being then in his loyns enjoyed in him the same happinesse and Priviledges viz. 1. A reasonable and immortall soul personally joyned with a suitable body both of them fearfully and wonderfully made yea curiously wrought according to divine Consultation of the blessed Trinity Adams soul was so rationall that he knew the nature of all the creatures which God brought before him and named them accordingly And so immortal that it cannot die a natural death as many Scriptures intimate But the souls of all other sublunary creatures besides man are irrationall and die with their bodies 2. A most pleasant Habitation God planted a Garden Eastward in Eden and there he put the man A garden is the glory of the fields A garden of Gods planting the glory of all gardens Herein grew every tree pleasant to the sight and good for food And a Quadripartite or four-streamed river to water the garden Oh what a garden of delights what an earthly Paradise Here man was placed to dresse this Garden Man must not be idle no not in Paradise 3. Liberall Provision Man was allowed freely to eat of every herb and of the fruit of every tree in the Garden except only the tree of Knowledge of good and evil His food therefore was most various and delicious 4. Vniversal dominion over the creatures Let them have dominion over the fish of the Sea and over the fowle of the air and over the cattell and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth This dominion was not supreme but subordinate to Gods dominion Adam was Monarch of the earth God the sole Monarch of all the world Lord what is man that thou art mindfull of him the Son of man that thou visitest him Thou hast made him to have dominion over the works of thy hands thou hast put all things under his feet So that all sublunary creatures were to do homage unto Adam 5 Conjugal society with his wife created out of Adams side while he was asleep She was thus taken out of man that she might be a meet help for man and become affectionately dear to man as bone of h●s bone and flesh of his flesh Man is naturally a sociable creature and loves society And Marriage-society is the sweetest of all natural societies 6. Innocency God made man upright As man came at first out of Gods hands he was spotlesse undefiled and wholly without sin Hence that state is stiled The state of innocency Except Christ never man on earth was perfectly without sin as Adam was in his first Creation The holiest Saints in this life have sinne in them though sin reigne not over them We were without sinne in the earthly Paradise and shall be without sin in the heavenly Paradise How happy is a sin-less state 7. The image of God God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him There was not only an utter absence of all sinfulnesse but also a presence of all due righteousnesse in him in which regard he was perfectly conformable to the will of God This image of God in man seems principally to consist in 1. Knowledge 2. Rig●teousnesse and 3. True holinesse or as the Greek phrase is Holinesse of truth This image of God in Adam made him ful of divine beauty whereby he was all glorious within surpassing all sublunary creatures 8. A Covenant-state with God In all times and states of the Church God hath pleased to deal with his people by way of Covenant Adam before the fall being perfect and without sin had perfect ability given him to keep that Covenant with God in which he was naturally enstated The Covenant into which Adam was admitted with God was the Covenant of Works the substance whereof is the Morall Law or Ten Commandements The Morall Law was perfectly written in Adams heart for the substance of it so that he was fully able to know and keep it for even since the fall the Gentiles which have not the written Law do by nature the things contained in the Law which shew the work of the Law written in their hearts Much more was the Law written in Adams heart before the fall This Covenant of Works the substance whereof is contained in the Morall Law required personal perfect and perpetual obedience under the severest penalties Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the Book of the Law to do them Vnto this Covenant of Works with Adam seem to be annexed two Sacraments viz. The Tree of Life assuring him of life upon his keeping Covenant and eating of that
and other Reprobates may have such faith and yet be rejected of Christ at last as Workers of Iniquity 3. It is not an imaginary faith whereby a man may imagine that Christ is his his state good c. without any due Scripture-ground for it himself mean-while continuing in his meer carnal state bringing forth no fruits of faith This Iames calls a d●ad faith which cannot save a man And indeed this is plain down right Presumption 4. Finally it is not a temporary faith which goes beyond all the rest whereby a formal Hypocrite Believes for a time For this faith at last vanisheth like a Comet and he that hath it falls away when temptation trouble and persecution ariseth because of the Gospel Therefore unless a man have a faith beyond all these he cannot be fit for worthy communicating Affirmatively It is onely the true saving faith in Christ the true justifying faith that will sufficiently fit and prepare a man for the Lords Supper which may be thus described what it is True saving faith is a grace of the regenerating Spirit whereby a man knowing and assenting to the truth of Gods Record touching Christ accepts him upon his own termes for salvation In this description of faith consider the generall nature and the special difference of it The Generall Nature of it wherein it agrees with all true saving grace is expressed in the●e words True saving faith is a grace of the regenerating Spirit See this proved Faith is Gods gift By grace are ye saved through faith and that not of your selves it is the gift of God A grace of the Spirit The fruit of the spirit is love goodness faith And also a grace of the Regenerating Spirit Them that believe on his Name which were born not of blood nor of the w●ll of the flesh nor of the will of man but of God So that believers are regenerate persons and believing originally flowes from Regeneration and Regeneration is the work of the Spirit The special difference whereby Faith is distinguished from all other saving graces is in these words whereby a man knowing and assenting to the truth of Gods record touching Christ accepts him upon his own terms for salvation Herein are expressed the three graduall acts of faith viz. Knowledge Assent and Application 1. Knowledge which is the first and fundamental act of faith We must know Gods Record before we can assent to it we must assent before we can apply Faith is sometimes therefore expressed by knowledge By his knowledge shall my righteous servant justifie many that is by faith in Christ whereby we know him it is by faith that we are justified This is life eternal to know thee the only true God and Iesus Christ whom thou hast sent 2. Assent to the truth of Gods Record touching Christ. This Act is the same with Historicall faith He that believeth not God hath made him a liar because he believeth not the Record that God gave of his Son And this is the Record that God hath given to us eternal life and this life is in his Son The whole Scripture is Gods book of Record touching Christ that he will save sinners by him that will believe in him 3. Application of Christ when after knowledge and Assent a man accepts Christ upon his own terms for salvation The applying Act is accepting or receiving of Christ. To receive Christ is to believe To as many as received him gave he power to become the Sons of God to them that believe on his name The manner of this applying and accepting Christ is upon his own termes viz. Self-deniall bearing the Crosse and following Christ If any man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his Crosse daily and follow me The end of this accepting Christ is for salvation by him That believe to the saving of the soul Believe on the Lord Iesus Christ and thou shalt be saved This now is that true saving faith fitting them that have it for worthy receiving of the Lords Supper 2. How needful this true faith is to worthy communicating This saving faith is necessary before communicating 1. For due qualifying of our persons and actions 2. For discerning Christs body and other Sacramental mysteries 3. For applying Sacramental mysteries discerned 4. For enabling duely to walk afterwards And doubtless no one grace is more absolutely necessary in all these respects for the Lords Supper then this Faith is which is as a Queen among the graces 1. For due qualifying of our Persons and Actions Without faith it is impossible to please God Without faith we cannot please him in our persons nor in our actions Faith is the soul and life of our souls and duties the salt that seasons all our spiritual sacrifices 2. For discerning Christs body and other Sacramental mysteries in the Lords Supper Not to discern judge distinguish and apprehend aright of Christs body dashes upon that fearful Rock of eating and drinking damnation to our selves And a Christians principall discerning faculty in this business is his faith This faith is the Eagles eye whereby a man pierces through the Clouds and shadows of the outward Elements to those heavenly Mysteries in and beyond them Christs body and blood Faith is that acute spiritual sense whereby a Communicant can taste and relish Christ crucified in the Lords Supper Faith is tha spiritual Prospective by which the soul can behold Christ sweating drops of clotted blood in the Garden suffering many cruel things in the High-Priests Palace and dying a painful shameful and cursed death betwixt two theeves upon Mount Calvary And further faith can read and discern many strange Mysteries in Christ crucified of high concernment to Christians both in the Lords Supper and in his whole life viz. The efficacy sweetness victories triumphs satisfactions expiations purchases priviledges c. of his Crosse for our sakes Our liberty in his imprisonment Our acquital in his accusation Our peace in his perplexity Our healing in his stripes and wounds Our honour in his Reproach Our Exaltation in his Humiliation Our Comfort in his Crosse Our blessing in his Curse Our Mannah and Honey in his Vinegar and Gall Our strength in his weakness Our purity pardon and peace in his blood Our justification in his condemnation Our life in his death and in his Crown of thorns our Crown of glory Faith can discover these mysteries when all carnall reason wit and policy cannot discern them 3. For applying sacramental mysteries discerned As faith is the spiritual eye whereby we discern Christ crucified and the mysteries of his death in the Lords Supper so faith is the spirituall hand whereby we take Christ tendered in the Elements The spirituall mouth and stomack whereby we eat and digest Christ received Take ye and eat take ye and drink What must we take eat and drink in this Ordinance Answ. Not
to Faith That is as Faith grows more and more capacious and quick-sighted so Gods righteousness is more and more discovered to it The Apostle commends his Thessalonians and thanks God for this That their Faith groweth exceedingly And faith so growes as that it perseveres It 's fails not It draws not back to perdition but believes to the saving of the soul. It makes faithfull to the death and so the believer receives the crown of life If thy faith grow and persevere that 's true Faith indeed False Faith is like the picture of a man on a wall that growes not and like a blazing-star it continues but for a time III. REPENTANCE is another Grace that fits us for worthy communicating Examine thy self therefore whether thou hast true Repentance or no before thou communicatest To this end consider 1. The Necessity of it 2. The Nature of it 3. The Notes of it 1. The Necessity of Repentance to fit for worthy communicating appears divers wayes For 1. No duty can be performed acceptably to God by impenitent sinners Vnto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure but even their mind and conscience is defiled Hence the Lord so abhorred all the Jewes Religious performances because their hands were full of blood But withal added Wash ye make ye clean put away the evill of your doings cease to do evill learn to do well here 's Repentance Come and let us reason together though your sins be as scarlet they shall be white as snow c. here 's Acceptance Vpon this consideration David saith I will wash mine hands in innocency so will I compasse thine Altar O LORD 2. Purging of leaven out of their Houses and cleansing themselves from all Ceremonial defilements was a necessary Preparative of the Jewes under the Law before they did eat the Passeover So proportionably the purging of the old leaven of sin out of our hearts by Repentance is as necessary a Preparative of Christians under the Gospel before they eat the Lords Supper Christ our Passeover is sacrificed for us Therefore let us keep the Feast not with old leaven neither with the leaven of malice and wickednesse but with the unleavened bread of Sincerity and Truth All this time of the Gospel is as a continued Feast and Christian Passeover and this whole time is to be managed holily and sincerely much more the duties of Religion And some observe that the sowr herbs wherewith the Passeover was to be eaten under the Law did not onely point out the bitternesse of Christs suffering our true Passeover but also the bitternesse of our sorrow mortification and repentance for our sins the cause of Christs sufferings 3. When we come to the Lords Supper which is the token of the New Covenant or New Testament we come to renew Covenant with God in Jesus Christ and to set to our Seal Therefore it 's convenient and necessary we renew our Repentance for all our unfaithfulnesses and failings against our Covenant with God from time to time Thus of the necessity of Repentance before Communicating 2. The nature of Repentance may be set forth in this brief Description of it Repentance is a grace of God whereby a sinner after true sense of sin and godly sorrow for sin is changed and converted in heart and life from sin to God In this description note I. The general nature of Repentance wherein it agrees with all saving graces It is a Grace of God So the Scripture intimates Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life If God per adventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth II. The special difference of repentance from all other saving graces whereby a sinner after true sense of sin and godly sorrow for sin is changed and converted in heart and life from sin to God Wherein consider the Preparatives to Repentance and the Substance of Repentance 1. The Preparatives to Repentance that as Harbingers and Inlets to it make way for it into the soul are two viz. 1 Conviction or true sense of sin To open their eyes and turn them from darknesse to light There can be no repentance and conversion from sin till first there be a true sense of sin and thorough conviction Partly of the sinfulnesse of sin how grie●ous and odious it is Then shall ye remember your own evil wayes and your doings that were not good and shall loath your selves in your own sight for your iniquities and for your abominations Partly of the mi●chievousness and dangerou●nesse of sin how harmeful it is unto the sinner Thus God foretels his people falling to Idols that they should be convinced of the mischief of those wayes which should move them to return again to God Then shall she say I will go and return to my first Husband for then it was better with me then now Thus the Prodigal had a true sense of his misery whereunto his sin had brought him that he was perishing with hunger and then resolves penitentially to return to his Father And convincing the world of sin is one of the first works of the Spirit 2 Contrition or godly sorrow for sin follows upon conviction and is another Harbinger to Repentance as Iohn Baptist was the Harbinger of Christ For Godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of but the sorrow of the world worketh death Godly sorrow then in propriety of speaking is not repentance but works repentance makes way for it as the needle for the thread This is called Renting the heart Both this conviction and contrition may be observed in Peters hearers the Jewes They were convinced of the sinfulnesse of their sin in betraying and murthering of Christ and they were contrite pricked in their hearts stabbed as it were to the very soul with grief for it These the Preparatories to Repentance 2. The Substance of Repentance hath in it three things viz. The Act the subject and the Terms 1 The formal Act of repentance it 's a changing and converting Hence so often set forth by turning in Scripture Turn thou me and I shall be turned After that I was turned I repented Except ye be converted and become as little children To turn them from darknesse to light This is the Act of Repentance wherein it consists 2 The Subject changed and converted is both the sinners Heart and Life First his heart then his life First his person then his practice and Conversation W●●h ye make you clean There 's th● change of their persons Put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes cease to do evil There 's the change of their practices So Cast away from you all your transgressions whereby ye have transgressed There 's the change of the life And make you a new heart and a new spirit There 's the change of the heart
life from sin to God This is the truth and life of Repentance when it brings us to a converting change Vnchanged men are impenitent men In repentance there 's a double conversion and change wrought viz. 1. Of a mans Heart and Person 2. Of his life and Conversation His person and heart is brought to a new state Make you a new heart and a n●w spirit His life and conversation is brought to a new course That we should walk in newnesse of life A mans pe●son and heart is changed when he is brought from a state of sin to a state of grace Now a man is brought from his carnal to a spiritual state 1. When he is converted from the darknesse of sin ignorance and spiritual misery to the light of holinesse knowledge and spiritual happinesse To turn them from darknesse to light Ye were sometimes darknesse but now are ye light in the Lord. 2 When he is con●erted and raised from death in sin to life in Christ. You hath he quickned who were dead in trespasses sins wherein in time past ye walked The father said of the repenting Prodigal This thy brother was dead and is alive again was lost and is found 3. When he is converted from the reign of sin and power of Satan to God and Christ and brought under his dominion To turn them from the power of Satan unto God Ye were the servants of sin but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you Being then made free from sin ye became the servants of righteousnesse Now we are free from the reign of sin 1 When we obey it not in its lusts 2 When we yield not our members as weapons or instruments of unrighteousness unto sin And we are delivered from the power of Satan 1 When The Prince of the air works not in us as in the children of disobedience 2 When we are not led captive by Satan at his will but resist him and fight against him and yield up our selves wholly as spiritual sacrifices to God Try whether thine heart and person be thus changed from the state of sin to a state of grace A Mans life and Conversation is changed when he is brought from a sinfull to a gracious course Now a man is then truly and effectually brought from a sinful to a gracious course of life 1. When he converts from sin to Sanctity sincerely forsaking sin because it is sin and contrary to God and his holy Law ● following holinesse for holinesse sake because it is most agreeable to God and his Will As Ioseph How shall I do this gre●t wickednesse and so sin against God 2. When he converts from sinfulnesse to holinesse of life compleatly He that hates sin because sin hates all sin and he that follows holinesse because holinesse follows all holinesse Repent and turn from all your transgressions Cast away from you all your transgressions As obedient children● not fashioning your selves according to the former lusts in your ignorance But as he that hath called you is holy so be ye holy in all manner of conversation Yea he that truly turnes from all sin turns from every special sin whereunto he is inclined by Nature Calling or Temptation more peculiarly I was also upright before him and I kept my self from mine iniquity 3. When he turnes from sinfulnesse to holinesse of life continually Hypocrites though they seem to repent yet they are again intangled and overcome of their corruptions turning from the holy Commandment as the Dog turneth to his own vomit again and the Sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire But the true Convert returns not to his vomit but becomes dead to sin and alive to God through Christ. Whereupon the Apostle thus argues How shall we that are dead to sin live any longer herein And where there 's no living in sin any longer there 's a continual converting from sin to sanctity of life Both heart and life are converted truly unto God 1. When we accept God as our God in Covenant and we become his people according to the tenou● of the New Covenant as was formerly shewed 2. When heart and life are acted ruled and guided by God inwardly and outward●y by his Spirit and Word Then we yeeld our selves unto God as servants of God And being led by the Spirit of God we are the Sons of God Gods Testimonies also being our delight and Counsellers 3. When heart and life tend to God as their ultimate End When our desires love delight c. are towards God more then to any thing in Heaven or Earth Whom have I in Heaven but thee and in Earth there is none that I desire besides thee And when our hearts and affections desire love or delight in other things in order and subordination unto God And when both heart and life Persons and Conversations are devoted unto God and to his Glory Ye are bought with a price therefore glorifie God in your body and in your spirit which are Gods None of us liveth to himself and no man d●eth to himself For whether we live we live unto the Lord and whether we die we die unto the Lord whether we live therefore or die we are the Lords This is to be truly converted in heart and life from sinne to God IV. NEW OBEDIENCE which is an immediate fruit effect of Repentance is another qualification requisite in a worthy Communicant And therefore in the next p●ace consider 1. The Necessity of it 2. The Tryall of it 1. The Necessitie of New O●edience to Qualifie a Christian for worthy communicating appears divers wayes For 1. Without true Obedience All outward Professions of Religion seeming love to Gods Ordinances and outward performances of service are dis-regarded of God as vain hypocritical and abomina●●e They profess that they know God but in works they deny him being abominable and d●sobedient and unto every good work reprobate Con●equently Receiving of the Lords Supper will be in vain without new obedience 2. The Lords Supper being a Token and Seal of the New Covenant The New Testament in Christs blood is also a Bond and Obligation to New Obedience whereby we solemnly engage our selves to fear and obey God for ever as his Covenant-people And so oft as we renew the Lords Supper so oft we renew this Bond of Obedience without true Obedience communicating is but dissembling 3. In the Lords Supper we have a solemn Record and Memorial of the rarest and highest obedience in the world viz. The Obedience of Jesus Christ the only begotten Son of God and that to the Death for our sakes Such obedience of such a person to such a death even the death upon the Crosse and all for such sinners as we are How admirable and incomparable is that obedience Christ herein
And elsewhere If any man come to me and hate not his Father and Mother and Wife and Children and Brethren and Sisters yea and his own life also he cannot be my Disciple And whosoever doth not bear his Crosse and come af●●● me cannot be my Disciple Not that we must properly hate our allies and li●● but comparatively we must hate them That is we must love them lesse then Christ. Christ must sit in the throne of our hearts and affections and all these must sit below at his foot-stool Thus those Martyrs are commended that for the love of Jesus They loved not their lives unto the Death Excellently Ignatius Now begin I to be a Disciple I ●eal●●sly affect nothing of visibles or invisibles that I may obtain Iesus Christ. Let fire and the Crosse and the joynt-rising up of wild● beasts the dissections separations dissipa●ions of my bones cuttings in pieces of my members dissolution of my whole body and the punishment of the Devil come upon me only that I may win Iesus Christ. Notably Paul 〈◊〉 ready not to be bound only bu●●lso to die at Ierusalem for the name of the Lord Iesus Dost thou bear such fervent transcendent warm affection to Christ that thou wouldst be content to part wi●h all rather then part with him 3. True love to Christ breaths after more assurance and evidence of Christs love to the Soul They who dearly love Christ long to have Christs love more confirmed sealed and manifested to them A true taste thereof is so sweet and pleasant they desire a full draught A glimps of it is so delectable they desire still a fuller view and manifestation The more they love Christ the more they desire to be loved of Christ. And they have a kinde of holy jealousie le●t Christ should not love them so as they desire Love is a greedy affection still covering after more love thus the Church saith to Christ Set me as a Seal upon thine heart as a Seal upon thine arme for love is strong as death jealousie is cruel as the grave The coals thereof are coals of fire which hath a most vehement flame Here 's her request and the reason of it Her request To be set as a Seal upon his heart and arme Sealing is for ratification confirmation or sure making of any thing Setting the Church as a Seal upon Christs Heart and Arm seems to imply a confirming and stablishing of her in Christs inward affection and his outward expression or manifestation thereof to her This probably alludes to the High Priest of old who did bear the names of Israel engraven on Stones upon his heart and shoulder for a m●morial before the Lord. She desires that she may be deeply engraven in Christs heart in Christs love and may be assured hereof also by the expression of his lo●e to her Here 's her request The reason of her request is drawn from the vehemency of her love to Christ ready to overcome her as death to swallow her up as the grave and to consume her as a burning flame if Christ do not support and comfort her with his love bring her closer to his heart and manifest his affection to her She should even die and perish through love if she might not be beloved Dost thou thus long to be set as a Seal upon Christs heart and arm through thy love unto him 4. True love to Christ accepts of his Rebukes Peter had thrice denyed Christ a little before his death Christ appearing to his Disciples after his Resurrection thrice asks Peter Lovest thou me By this threefold question secretly as it were reproving Peter his triple denial and giving Peter occasion to testifie his repentance by his thrice professing his love to Christ whom he had thrice professedly denied As Augustine saith A threefold Confession is added to his threefold denial that his tongue might not lesse serve his love then his fear He was puffed up by presuming cast down by denying purged by weeping proved by confessing and crowned by suffering Now Peter thus proved and tacitely reproved yet hates not Christ reproving but loves him and thrice professes his love to him twice appealing to Christ who knew his heart in these professions Thus he accepts his rebukes but they that cannot bear Christs rebukes thereby they testifie their hatred to Christ. Christ said to his unbelieving Brethren The world cannot hate you but me it hateth because I testifie of it that the works thereof are evill 5. Sincere True love to Christ is upright without guil dissimulation or hypocrisie The Virgins love thee They love Christ with chaste undefiled undivided Virgin-affections And again The upright love thee Hebr. uprightness love thee Vprightnesses being put for upright ones the abstract for the concrete Or they love thee in uprightnesses that is most uprightly As the Hebrew may bear and the margin in our English Bibles intimateth Thus Peter evidenced the integrity of his love to Christ when he even appealed to Christ himself that he loved him Thou knowest all things thou knowest that I love thee The Elect love Christ for himself for his odoriferous oyntments for his fragrant name therefore they love him sincerely The love that carnall men bear to Christ is for carnall respects for his loaves c. or they love him only in word and tongue in form and complement as Iudas when he kissed him but they love him not really and cordially in deed and in truth 6. Finally Constant. True love to Christ is a long-lasting ever-living and continuing love Not like Ionas his gourd that comes up in a night and vanishes in a night but like heart of Oak or Cedar not subject to putrefaction Gra●e be with all the● that love the Lord Iesus Christ in incorruption For so the Greek word may as Beza observes be more exactly translated then In s●●●●rity Whereby the Apostle intimates that true love to Christ is not liable to corruption putrefaction or decay but still continues constant Yea the flames of true love to Christ are so hot that no waters of affliction can quench it no floods of persecution can drown it The coals thereof are coals of fire which hath a most vehement flame Many waters cannot quench love neither can the floods drown it Persecutors have taken away the M●rtyrs lives for Christ but could never destroy the M●rtyrs loves to Christ. Therefore that love to Christ that fadeth and ●ieth especially when trouble and persecution ariseth because of the Gospel like the withering affection of the s●ony ground he●rers is but a counterfeit love a meer empty shadow that vanisheth ●way By thes● properties thou mayst discover ●hy love to Christ. II. Love to Christians is another branch of that love which is requisite as a previous qualification fitting persons for worthy ●eceiving of the Lords Supper and t● that end to be examined before we come Touching this
exclusively so as to shut out our Brethrens good and welfare Look not every man on his own things but every man also on the things of others When men pretend o●e to the brethren and intend only their own ends and to serve their own turns of them ne●er truly minding their brethrens good they exercise not brotherly love but self-love The world is full of this counterfeit love 6. True brotherly love is kindly affectioned Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love The word here rendred kindly affectioned is very emphatical and originally signifies that dear natural affection that is betwixt Parents and Children as also the loving of that affection It is as much as Be loving-kinde Now this Loving-kindness or kinde affectionateness discovers it self divers wayes viz. 1. In courteousness the Apostle urging divers Acts and expressions of brotherly love saith be courteous The Greek word here used seems to intimate such a sweet disposition as studies and endeavours things grateful acceptable to Gods people and to render it self well-pleasing to them Contrary unto which is churlishness crabbidness and crookedness of disposition 2. In compassionateness Be pittiful Or as the Greek may more exactly be rendred Easily compassionating Or Easily moved to bowels of compassion This implies both a compassionate disposition and a quickness easiness to that compassion When the heart beholding the distresses of brethren is tender over them quickly moved and melted towards them presently bleeds over them 3. In bearing one anothers burdens Bear ye one anothers burdens The Apostle having exhorted spiritual ones to restore a man overtaken in a fault with the spirit of meekness presently adds this of bearing one anothers burdens He seems to intend the slips and frailties even among the spiritual which are a burden to them They must help one another to bear these burdens not by encouraging them countenancing or conniving at them this were to burden them more but by helping them to get rid of their burdensom corruptions by wise kind meek loving reproofs admonitions instructions exhortations having tender compassion over them 7. True brotherly love is best contented in the godly society of the brethren David was a c●mpanion of all them that feared God and kept his Commandments He counted the Saints the excellent on earth in them was all his delight Such as truly love the godly above all people desire to live with the godly above all people Contenting Society is hardly dissembled But such as are weary of the company of the gracious and delight more in the Society of the carnal they are strangers to true brotherly love 8. True brotherly love is or ought to be servent See that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently And Iohn intimates so fervently as if need require not only to part with our goods to the brethren but when we have a just call to part with our lives for the brethren Hereby perceive we the love of God because he laid down his life for us and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren This is the highest expression of love this is fervent love indeed fervent love may have many inferiour degrees Generally there is such coldness and frozen-heartedness towards Gods dear children that it 's evident there 's little true love to them in the world 9. Finally True brotherly love is constant and continuing so ought to be Let brotherly love continue charity never faileth but whether there be Prophecies they shall fail whether there be tongues they shall cease c. True love is not like Ionas his Gourd suddenly springing and as suddenly dying but like Cedar or heart of Oak long-lasting yea ever-living Love of the brethren will continue till death yea beyond death in heaven Then the Saints shall love one another perfectly without all disaffection or corruption and they shall joyntly be swallowed up in the love of God to all eternity Thus try the truth of thy brotherly love And having found it in thy self abound and persevere therein This it that which the Apostle so pathetically urgeth upon his Philippians and in them upon us This that excellent Grace which he so commends above all gifts to the Corinthians And this is that which Christ himself so earnestly commends to his Apostles as the very badge and character of his Disciples A new Commandment I give unto you that ye love one another as I have loved you that ye also love one another By this shall all men know that ye are my Disciples if ye have love to one another VI. THANKFVLNES is a farther qualification necessarily required to fit and prepare us for worthy receiving of the Lords Supper And touching which consequently we are to examine our selves Here understand that thankfulness which peculiarly respects C●rist his Death his new covenant and his Supper Now consider 1. The Necessity 2. The Discovery of this thankfulness 1. The necessity of true thankfulness for Christ his death his new Covenant and Sacrament peculiarly to fit us for worthy rece●ving of the Lords Supper is evident upon these grounds 1. Thankfulness was used and expressed by Christ at his institution of the Lords Supper And he took the bread and gave thanks and brake it and gave unto them saying This is my body which is given for you This do in remembrance of me Likewise also the C●p after supper saying This cup is the new Testament in my blood which is shed for you That he gave thanks is clear What was the matter or form of his thanksgiving is not evident Yet it 's most likely that Christ who did all things properly gave thanks with reference to the Action in hand viz. not onely for the outward Elements but especially for the inward mysteries to be represented by them that now his death approached wherein his body was to be broken his blood shed for the life of the world for the nourishment of his Elect which he delighted to accomplish And the Lords Supper from Christs giving thanks at the institution is denominated by the Greek Fathers 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Eucharist That is The Thanksgiving It being the Christians eminent Thank-offering Now if Christ gave thanks at the first institution proportionably we are still to give thanks in all after-Administrations of the Lords Supper especially because Christ saith Do this in reference to the whole Action 2. The matter of the Lords Supper eminently calls for thankfulness viz. 1. The Inward matter signified and sealed Christ body and blood That is Christ crucified together with all the vertues benefits victories Purchases and Priviledges of his Death This the inward matter and mystery of the Lords Supper Oh wh●● matter of thankfulness is this Think how ●●●ellent Christ is Gods onely Son The Son of his love yea God himself therefore farre beyond ten thousand worlds Think what his death
and whilest in that wretched state Whilest yet without strength when sinners whilest enemies whilest enmity it self against God when they were dead in trespasses and sins in the gall of bitterness and bond of iniquity Even then when there was nothing but unworthiness and abominableness in them was Christ given for them And this whilst Christ was not given for the Reprobates of the world for whom Christ would not so much as Pray much lesse die yet these in no worse condition by nature then those for whom Christ died How doth this heighten the mercy 4. The motive or impulsive why Christ was bestowed was not any thing at all in the creature but meerly the free Grace and Love of God Vpon these and like considerations what estimation hast thou of Christ 2. Dost thou esteem Christs Death The Mystery of the Lords Supper Christ is the matter but how Christ as crucified as Broken as slain for us in that respect Christ is the matter his Death therefore is the Mystery of it How dost value Christs Death Dost thou estimate it according to the true valuableness of it viz. 1. Esteemest thou Christs death according to the love evidenced in it Greater love then this hath no man then that a man lay down his life for his friends But greater then this Christ shewed in laying down his life for enemies Hereby perceive we the love of God because he laid down his life for us Was ever love like this love The Apostle prayes for the Ephesians and his expressions are admirable That they may be able to comprehend with all Saints what is the breadth and length and depth and heighth and to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge He measures Christs love by 4 Dimensions Philosophy knows but three Length Breadth and Depth Divinity adds a fourth Heighth intimating that Christs love is far beyond all ordinary measures and dimensions There 's Depth in it without bottom Heighth in it without top Breadth in it without side and Length in it without end Yea it utterly passeth knowledge Christs warmest love to sinners flowed with his blood out of all his wounds Esteemest thou his Death according to Christs love in dying 2. Esteemest thou Christs death according to the sufficiency of it Christs death was an Odour of a sweet smell most acceptable to God He by once offering up of himself hath for ever perfected them that are sanctified So that there needs now no more Sacrifice for sins The infinite dignity of his person so infinitely dignified his passion Hence Christ by his short suffering prevailed more for our salvation then all men on earth or Angels in Heaven could have done if they should have suffered to eternity 3. Esteemest thou Christs death according to the many inestimable benefits of it Hereby Sinners are justified sins purged away Hereby Enemies to God are reconciled Hereby death he that had the power of death the Devil with all Principalities and powers are subdued Hereby eternal Redemption from spiritual thraldom is obtained In a word hereby we have accesse with boldnesse and entrance into the Holiest of all Heaven it self Christs blood is Heavens Key Oh what soul can truly taste these saving purchases of Christs death and not admire it 3. Finally doest thou aright esteem the Lords Supper it self It deserves high estimation 1. For the mysteries in it Christs death and all the benefits of it The New Covenant and all the promises of it Communion with Christ and all the comforts of it 2. For the familiarity of it Herein Christ deals familiarly with his members He stoops to their senses below that their senses may lift up their faith to him above He represents highest mysteries under meanest elements and actions Thus he condescends to our earthliness that we may aseend to his heavenlinesse 3. For the Firmnesse of it In right use the Lords Supper doth as surely signifie seale and exhibit Christ crucified and all his benefits to us as we partake the outward elements there being such a Sacramental union betwixt signes and things signified Do these and like considerations raise up thy thoughts to an high estimation of this Ordinance 3. Retribution or rendring again according to the benefit received acknowledged and esteemed is the third and highest act or degree of thankfulnesse When David was most enlarged unto thankfulnesse he saith What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits towards me And because King Hezekiah recovered of his ●●knesse at his prayer rendered not again according to the benefit done unto him therefore there was wrath upon him and upon Judah and Jerusalem If non-rendring be ●o dangerous then how dangerous is it to render to God evil for good But what can we or ought we to render again for Christ for his Death for his Supper which are the eminent benefits that immediately call for thankful returns or rendrings when we communicate Answ. What should we not render again for these benefits All we can render is farre too little We should r●nder 1 Triumphant praises Thus David resolved to render I will take up the cup of salvations and call on the name of the Lord. That is I will take up the Cup of Thanksgivings for Gods salvations and deliverances and will pray and praise God or preach abroad Gods mercies For Israel offered for mercies receied Thank-offerings eating thereof with joy before the Lord and in their eating were wont to take up the Cup of wine and blesse God to this custome David alludes In like sort we should be much in Praises and Thanksgivings for Christ his death c. As Paul notably thanks Christ not only for calling him to the Apostolical Ministery but also and especially for coming into the world to save sinners and himselfe chief of sinners making him a pattern of his grace to all that after should believe 2 Indeared affections Christ pardons the womans many sinnes this was one fruit of his Death Hereupon She loved him much and testified the same by washing his feet with her teares wiping them with the hairs of her head kissing them and anointing them with oyntment She hath nothing too good nothing good enough for Christ. Hath Christ loved thee and given himself for thee leaving this Sacrament as a legacy of his love Oh how should'st thou love him again that thus loved thee first 3 True hearted repentance and reformation Christ came into Zacheus's house to dine with him yea rather into Zacheus his heart there spiritually to feast his soul presently Zacheus the Arch-publican penitentially reformes Behold Lord the halfe of my goods I give to the poor and if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation I restore him fourefold And Christ testifies This day is salvation come to this house forasmuch as he also is the sonne of Abraham S●ul
was a most cruel Persecuter of Christ and his Members as even himselfe testifies but Christ no sooner appears to him in his circuit of persecution and converts him but he wonderfully reformes He straightway preached Christ in the Synagogues that he is the Sonne of God Of a Persecutor he becomes a Preacher of Christ and his Gospel This was a thankful return indeed Thy true thankfulnesse for Christ and his death will make thee render to him the like repentance and reformation 4. The life of faith and new obedience is another thankful returne for Christ and his death Paul apprehending that Christ loved him and gave himself for him lived by fa●th yea not so much he as Christ lived in him Yea Christ being revealed in him how immediately obedient was he in that extraordinary ser●ice of preaching Christ among the Gentiles not consulting with flesh and blood and this new obedience is the return that Christ expects from us for giving himself for us That we should neither live nor die to our selves but to the Lord who therefore died rose again and revived for us that he might be Lord both of quick and dead 5. Performance of vows and promises is another thankful returne When David had questioned with himself What shall I ren●er to the Lord c He answers himself presently I will pay my vows unto the Lord. We all of us have the vows of God upon us according to the tenour of the New Covenant confirmed by Baptisme and the Lords Supper Therein we promised to become Gods People and to walk as Children of our heavenly F●ther as members of Christ as Temples of the Holy Ghost being baptized into their name 6. Finally a willing chearful readiness if we be called thereto to suffer for Christ who so willingly suffered for us Christ spared not his blood for us nor should we spare our blood for him Vpon this account Paul counted not his life dear unto him Yea he was ready not only to be bound but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Iesus These are suitable returnes for the great benefits of Christ and his death Try now whether thou canst and dost render such Praises Affections Reformation Life of Faith and New Obedience Performance of Vows and i● need be Sufferings for Christ and for Righteousnesse sake Thus examine thy Thankfulnesse VII A SPIRITVAL APPETITE to this heavenly banquet and to Jesus Christ therein is the next and last Communion qualification touching which we are to examine our selves before communicating By spiritual appetite I understand that spiritual hunger and thirst those holy desires vehement pantings breathings longings of soul after these heavenly dainties and especially after Jesus Christ therein 1. The Necessity of this spiritual Appetite before we come to the Lords Supper is evident For 1. This Sacrament is a blessed feast and spiritual banquet It is called A Supper yea The Lords Supper Christ is the Master of the Feast and Christ is the Matter of the Feast His precious body is here tendered as bread of life and his blood as water of life to satisfie strengthen and enliven for ever every believing soul. Now a Feast and an Appetite are Relatives and so a spiritual Feast and a sp●ritual Appetite What good doth the best Feast to him that hath no appetite or what advantage is the keenest appetite to him that can come at no food to satisfie it it torments him but so much the more So here And if ever dainties will stirre up dul appetites these rarest provisions will excite spiritual hungrings and thirstings after them What feed upon Christs body blood merits righteousnesse pardons purchases victories and all other benefits of his death who would not long for this Supper 2. No small advantage will redound to us by the sharpnesse and livelinesse of our appetites to this Ordinance Hereby we shall feed upon Christ more heartily Discerne and relish him more sweetly Be satisfied with him more contentedly Be affected with him more joyfully and thankfully and be mightily cheared up and strengthened for all sacred employments Whereas if we come without appetites or with dull weak crazy appetites we shall have small or no delight in this banquet The full soul loatheth an honey-combo but to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet 2. The trial of a right spiritual Appetite to the Lords Supper follows Examine it by these insuing properties 1. A good sharp lively Communion-Appetite would be often eating Hunger bites and gnaws the sound stomack if but one meal be miss'd The misse of this ordinance paines and grieves the soul of an hunger-bitten Christian. The Primitive Christians had lively Appetites after this Supper they desired it often yea they had it often Paul once and again intimates a frequency of their communicating And Luke seemes to insinuate that it was their accustomed manner to communicate every Lords day which is the first day of the week And upon the first day of the week when the disciples came together to break bread Paul preached unto them Had we such hunger and thirst after Christ as they had we should desire the Lords Supper as often as conveniently it might be had What weak and bad appetites have they that can content themselves with once communicating in the year at Easter yea perhaps with once in five or six yeares 2. Such as have good appetites will be at paines and cost to obtaine food Hunger we say breakes the stone walls will make a man labour early and late with sweat of his brows to get his bread and not grudge to lay out his money for necessary sustenance Hunger made Iacob send his sons into Egypt to buy bread and at last made him willing to lend Benjamin his darling with them Isaiah in his prophecy of Christ saith Ha every one that thirsteth there 's appetite come ye to the waters there 's paines-taking Come ye buy and eat yea come buy wine and milk that is all variety of spiritual Provisions in Christ for to him is this invitation There 's cost Consider now what pains wilt thou be at for this Sacramental Feast wilt thou search and examine thy self aforehand diligently as hath been directed what cost and charge wilt thou be at● wilt thou sell all that thou hast to purchase that pearle wilt thou penitentially part with all even thy dearest corruptions thy pride covetousnesse c. that thou mayest ●e a welcome guest at this Table 3. He that hath a good spiritual appetite to this Feast will be glad when Christ by his Ministers invites him thereunto Meal-time is a gladning time to such as have good appetites because then their hunger and thirst shall be satisfied It holds both in the corporal and spiritual appetite David had many a sweet meal in Gods house by Prayer Hearing and other Ordinances therefore how was he affected when opportunities of such refreshing
of it which thou takest in hand Rouse up therefore thy judgement and spiritual senses to eye and discern these things truly that so all thine other Graces may be helped and quickened Knowlede being the inlet guide and enlivener of them all 2. Act Faith In discerning and tasting spiritually Christs body and blood how sweet and precious nourishment they are In assenting to the truth of the New Covenant and all the promises thereof to the truth of Christs death and all the benefits thereof to the certainty of this Sacramental comfort and that to the worthy Communicant The bread and wine are Christs body and blood indeed Sacramentally especially in Applying the Covenant and Promi●es Christ his love death and all the fruits of his death particularly to thine own soul as certainly undoubtedly as the outward elements are applied to thy body Say with Thomas ●●●ling Christs wounds My Lord and my God With Paul Christ loved me and gave h●mself for me Say as certainly as this Bread and this wine are mine so the New Testament and all the Promises thereof are mine pardon of sin mine Christ and his death with all the advantages thereof are mine c. Thus to act faith is to eat and drink indeed to communicate indeed 3. Act Repentance and godly Sorrow When thou seest the bread broken and the wine separated from the bread think how Christs body was wounded and his blod shed and separated from his body and this for thy sins Then look upon Christ by faith whom thou hast pierced and be in bitternesse for him by godly sorrow as one is in bitternesse for his first borne c. Fill thine heart with shame and confusion for those sins and with hatred iudignation and holy revenge against those sins of thine that cost Christ so dear and would have cost thee damnation And resolve for future to abominate thy corruptions as the thorns scourges nails and spear that did murder the Lord of glory 4. Act New Obedience Say to thy self O my soul was Christ thus obedient to the death for thee even to the death of the Crosse Did he count it meat and drink to do the will of him that sent him and to finish his work Did he delight to do yea and to suffer the Will of God in being sacrificed for thee How obedient then shouldst thou be to Christ live not to the world or to sinne or to thy selfe but to Christ willingly do any thing he commands forbear any thing he forbids and bear any thing he inflicts that Christ in all may be glorified 5. Act Love sincerely to Christ and his Members This Sacrament is Christs Love-token to his Church A Memorial of his death for us which was his greatest expression of love to us Behold how his love streamed forth to sinners out of every stripe and wound of head back hands feet and heart Behold how he loved thee wilt not thou love him again warme thy frozen affections at this fire of Christs love and melt them into reciprocal love to Christ. Love him in his Person Offices Ordinances and in his Image in whomsoever it appeares 6. Act Thankfulnesse Christ crucified represented here is highest matter of Thankfulnesse Acknowledge this mercy of mercies esteem it according to its worth and resolve to render again to Christ thy praises service affections sufferings and thy self both soul and body in way of Thankfulnesse Say with David Blesse the Lord O my soul And What shall I render to the Lord for all his benefits towards me c. 7. Act Finally a true spiritual Appetite Eagerly hunger and thirst after this bread and drink indeed the flesh and blood of Christ. These will so fully satisfie the soul that it shall never totally hunger or thirst more but shall live for evermore And as the hungry stomach delightfully closeth with corporal food extracting the nutritive juyce out of it so let thine hungring soul contentingly close with Christ drawing all hearty juyce and nourishment from him V. Improve thy corporal Senses discerning the outside of the Lords Supper to help thy spiritual Senses and Graces to discerne the inside of the Lords Supper As windows casements let in the light heat and influence of the Sun into an house so these windows and casements of the outward senses let in the light heat and spiritual influence of Jesus Christ the Sun of righteousnesse into the heart and soul. As in the Word preached Christ enters into the heart by the Sense of Hearing the Organ of Discipline so in the Lords Supper Christ comes into the heart by the senses of Seeing Touching and Tasting Doth Christ make use of thy Senses to condescend to thee do thou improve thy Senses to ascend up unto him Thomas would not believe that Christ was alive till he put his fingers into his wounds after he revived and then he cries out My Lord and my God so thou that doubtest of Christs love to thee and dying for thee cast hither thine eye to the bread broken and wine severed from it To the elements and actions and see the Lords dying for thee reach hither thine hand take and apply this bread broken to thine own self and as it were feel his wounded hands and feet and heart use here thy taste and discern what nourishment Christ is And be no longer faithlesse but believing O fix thy senses stedfastly upon the Supper of the Lord till thou hast fixed thine heart firmly upon the Lord of the Supper Let thy senses be acted towards the bread and wine till thy soul be affected with the bread and water of life VI Remember Iesus Chr●st and him crucified throughout the whole action This is Christs command in the Institution that we both eat the Bread and drink the Cup in remembrance of him And Paul explaining this remembrance of Christ interprets it especially in reference to his Death and the shewing of it forth The Lords Supper then was intended for a solemne Memorial of Christ crucified and as it were a Marble-Monument or piller upon Christs Sepulchre that Christ and his death might never be forgotten but that Christ dying might be everliving in his peoples hearts Therefore at the Lords Supper remember Christ remember his love to thee remember his death for thee think often and meditate much upon these things Quest. But how shall I remember Christ crucified at the Lords Supper for greatest advantage and benefit to my soul Answ. Remember Christ crucified three wayes v●z 1. Historically remembring the History of Christ and his death 2. Mysteriously remembring the spiritual mystery of Chr●st and his death 3. Energetically so remembring both as to imprint them with energy effect and eff●cacy upon the soul. This will be remembring Christ crucified indeed 1. Historically Remember the History of Christ and of his death as it is recorded in holy Scriptures especially as it is delineated by the four