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A08620 The fift lampe of virginitie conteining sundrie forms of christian praiers and meditations, to bee vsed onlie of and for all sorts and degrees of women, in their seuerall ages and callings ... A treatise verie needful for this time, and profitable to the Church: now newlie compiled to the glorie of God, & comfort of al godlie women, by the said T.B. Gentleman.; Monument of matrones. Part 5. Bentley, Thomas, student of Gray's Inn.; Abergavenny, Frances Nevill, Lady, d. 1576. 1582 (1582) STC 1893; ESTC S101563 134,473 221

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our owne parents Kindred to enter and sing psalmes of praise and songs of thanks-giuing to thine immortall Maiestie to whom with thy Sonne and holie Ghost be euerlasting laud perpetuall praise and greatest glorie both now and for euer Amen Another praier made vpon the similitude of the ten virgins Matth. 25. O Lord Iesu Christ thou good spouse and heauenlie bridegroome giue me grace like the wise virgins both with a right intention and vpright dealing to doo good works and also to perseuere and continue in the same watchfullie and diligentlie vnto the end And bicause it is not sufficient to haue once giuen my selfe to followe thee vnlesse I continue doo thou teach me wiselie to make prouision in time that hauing plentie of the oile of thy grace and gifts in the lampe of my soule I may neuer contemne thine honor nor faile in the mid-way but being found readie and watchfull I may be thought worthie to enter ioifullie with thee vnto the wedding I beseech thee also O Lord make knowne vnto mee mine end before it come and suffer me not to depart this life before I haue confessed my faults and thou haue forgiuen me my sins that in the hour of my death neither thy wrath may fall vpon me nor the power of darkenes hurt or inuiron me but let me be found such a one at the daie of examination and triall as I did appeare and shew my selfe at the day of my regeneration and baptisme through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Amen A generall Confession of sinnes with a praier for mercie and grace verie necessarie to be vsed at all times O Almightie God my heauenlie father I confesse and acknowledge that I am a miserable and wretched sinner haue manifold waies most greeuoustie transgressed thy most godlie commandements thorough wicked thoughts vngodlie lusts sinfull words and detestable deeds in my whole life In sin am I borne and conceiued and there is no goodnes in me inasmuch as if thou shouldest enter into thy narrowe iudgement with me iudging me according to the same I were neuer able to abide or suffer it but must needs perish and be damned for euer so little helpe comfort or succour is there either in me or in anie other creature Onlie this is my comfort O heauenlie father that thou didst not spare thine onlie deere beloued Sonne but didst giue him vp vnto the most bitter and most vile slanderous death of the crosse for me that he might so paie the ransome for my sins satisfie thy iudgement still and pacifie thy wrath reconcile me againe vnto thee and purchase me thy grace fauour and euerlasting life Wherefore through the merit of his most bitter death and passion and through his innocent bloud-shedding I beseech thee O heauenlie father that thou wilt vouchsafe to be gratious and mercifull vnto me to forgiue and pardon me all my sins to lighten my hart with thy holie spirit to renew confirme and strengthen me with a right and a perfect faith and to inflame me in loue towards thee and my neighbour that I may hencefoorth with a willing and glad hart walke as it becommeth me in thy most holie commandements and so glorifie and praise thee euerlastinglie And also that I may with a free conscience and quiet hart in all manner of temptations afflictions or necessities and euen in the verie pangs of death crie boldlie and faithfullie vnto thee and saie I beleeue in God the father Almightie c. But O Lord God heauenlie father to comfort my selfe in affliction and temptation with these articles of the Christian faith it is not in my power for faith is thy gift and forasmuch as thou wilt be praied vnto and called vpon for it I come vnto thee to praie and beseech thee both for that and for all other things necessarie for me and thy whole Church euen as thy deere beloued Sonne our Sauiour Christ Iesus hath himselfe taught vs and from the verie botome of my hart I crie and saie O our father which art in heauen c. A praier for the Queenes Maiestie and the Realme O God most excellent creator and preseruer of all things we cast our selues downe before the feet of thy maiestie and inwardlie feeling how vnworthie we are to haue our praiers heard of thee we dare not lift vp our eies to heauen Neuertheles whereas we are conceiued in sin and therefore as all Adams children deserued vntimelie death yet thy fatherlie hand hath brought vs foorth and caused vs to be borne yea and granted vs to liue in this blessed time of thy Gospell to the intent that dieng with Christ we should rise againe to eternall life But alas wretches that we are we haue deserued thy iust indignation by returning to our old vomit and yet thy grace surmounteth our sinne continuallie calling vs to thy sheepfold by the voice of thy gospell Blessed be thy holie name for sending vs that light when we were in darknesse that spirituall drinke when we were in deadlie thirst that heauenlie foode when we were hunger-sterued And like honour and praise be ascribed to thee onelie O Lord for giuing vs such so wise so zealous so godlie and carefull gouernours of thy chosen Church of England whom thou hast raised vp by the light of thy gospell to guid vs in the same thy light and to feed vs with the same thy heauenlie food We magnifie thy name daie and night for that inestimable benefit of thine bestowed vpon vs thy people of England in calling thy chosen creature the nurse of this thy church our Queene and Gouernour from worldlie vanities to the care of thy kingdome and into the communion of thy saints by the preaching of the Gospell when we gaue not sufficientlie attentiue and diligent eare to thy blessed word albeit thou didst correct hir and other ingratfull creatures of this our nation with thy rod yet euen in this point also thy clemencie surmounteth our double wickednes For behold when as thy iustice might haue depriued vs of hir thou of thine infinite mercie didst deliuer hir out of prison set hir free from the lions iawes crowned hir with a diadem of gold and put the roiall scepter of this realme in hir hand Moreouer O singular and most pretious treasure of treasures thou through hir meanes and ministerie hast brought againe Christ Iesus once banished out of England These most mercifull Father be the principall iewels of thine inestimable riches bestowed vpon vs which the more excellent they are the lesse are we worthie of them bicause we haue misbehaued our selues towards thy maiestie in dailie sinning more and more against thee in so much that feeling the same in our conscience we be driuen well neere to despaire But when we call to mind thy sure and sweet promises in Christs pretious blood we are thereby refreshed and recouering strength by hope approch to thy throne boldlie not offering anie thing for the satisfaction of our sinnes but onelie
this world and for euer shall praise thee might be gathered and chosen And forasmuch O Lord as a prudent a wise and a godlie man commeth from thee and is thy gift who onlie triest the harts and reines and knowest the verie secret cogitations and conditions of all men prouide I beseech thee and giue me vnto a man of vnderstanding of sound and Christian religion of wise gouernement and behauiour of a good life and vertuous disposition euen such an husband I say as may be faithfull constant gentle honest tender and louing vnto mee and godlie zealous sincere and religious in thy sight but from an vnwise irreligious vnfaithfull and wauering minded man from an hastie testie rash heddie furious bitter angrie vnthriftie and couetous husband good Lord for thy holie name sake deliuer me and grant that obteining at thy fatherlie hands a good husband euen according to mine or rather thine owne hart and being holilie coupled togither in Christian loue and puritie we may both liue togither vertuouslie and quietlie in thy feare without sinne or shame and also die in a good age godlie and Christianlie in thy faith without eternall death and condemnation through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Another LOrd thou hast commanded by thine holie Apostle that wee should abstaine from fornication and that euerie one of vs should knowe how to keepe our vessell that is our bodie in holinesse chastitie and honour and not in the lusts of concupiscence and vncleannes as doo the heathen which knowe not God I beseech thee giue me grace to behaue my selfe according to this thy holie commandement that in this my single life and state of virginitie I defile not my bodie with whoredome adulterie fornication or with anie other filthinesse and vncleanenesse but so order my selfe with all honestie sobrietie chastitie and purenesse of life that I may glorifie thee my Lord God both in soule and bodie Amen Or praie thus ALbeit most mercifull Father mariage is honourable among all persons and the bed vndefiled yet forasmuch as partlie for the tendernesse of mine age I am not apt for holie wedlocke and partlie through thine exceeding and aboue naturall gift for none can liue chaste except thou giue hir that gift I liue yet free from the sweet yoke of Matrimonie I hartilie praie thee that as I haue receiued of thee the gift of continencie and virginitie so I may haue grace from thee to bridle my selfe from lusts from all foolish appetits and to frame my life in all godlie vertuous exercises both of the bodie and mind yea so go foorth I praie thee to continue and increase this thy gift of chastitie in me that I may the more freelie and quietlie in all godlie patience and sufferance serue thee and care for those things that please thee and pertaine to thy glorie and also that I passing ouer the time of this my yong age in thy feare in godlie trauels vertuous labours and maidenlie behauiour may eschew all euill lusts riotous resorts and wanton companie that when it shall please thee to call me to the holie and honourable order of blessed wedlocke I may bring with me a cleane chaste and vndefiled bodie and so be apt and fit to liue in that godlie state of Matrimonie auoiding all fornication whoredome and vncleannesse all dissention strife and debate that thou maiest blesse me and my mariage prosper my godlie trauels send me good successe in all my doings and make me a ioifull mother in seeing my childers children according to thy holie promise which liuest and reignest verie God world without end Amen For the grace of Gods holie spirit to resist all sinfull motions and keepe pure the state of single life praie OH Lord the king of glorie and God of all power and might which hast promised to powre thy spirit vpon all flesh vpon virgins maidens and yong women and to giue the holie Ghost to thy children whensoeuer they shall aske the same of thee in thy Sonnes name in their praiers and allowest none to be pure virgins and thy children indeede but such as keepe themselues vnspotted of the world and walke before thee in the rule of thy lawes and obedience of thy commandements Oh Lord thou knowest I would faine walke with thee from my virginitie in righteousnesse and holinesse My desire is to walke before thee in a pure conscience chaste mind and vndefiled bodie But alas deere God I confesse the corruption of my nature polluted in the first woman Eue in Paradise is such and my weakenesse and vnablenesse to stand in temptation is so much and the custome of sinne hath gotten such dominion ouer me that I am not able of my selfe so much as to thinke a good thought much lesse to doo anie thing that is good and acceptable in thy sight Wherefore oh most louing Father take not thy grace and holie spirit from me thine handmaid leaue me not to my selfe neither forsake me for then I am vtterlie ●ast awaie For thou seest O Lord that if thou doo but shadowe thy selfe a little and depart from me into how manie grieuous and horrible sinnes I fall how much more then Lord if thou shouldest vtterlie forsake me leaue me to my selfe and take thy grace and holie spirit vtterlie from me Therfore oh most intreatable God I beseech thee consider my manifold imperfections womanlie weakenesses miserable corruptions which dailie turne me out of the waie and drawe me from thee and powre downe thy grace and holie spirit plentifullie vpon me thine humble handmaid Yea giue vnto me also thy most holie word thy patience loue meekenesse integritie righteousnesse iustice temperaunce sobrietie chastitie peace long-suffering faith goodnesse holinesse and all other thy vertues fruites of the spirit and ordinarie meanes whereby I may be so instructed taught and guided gouerned protected and defended in this my single life and state of virginitie that I neuer offend against thy diuine Maiestie or mine owne soule and b● die but that I may haue power and strength from thee continuallie to stand against all the secret assaults and open temptations of mine enimies both bodilie and ghostlie yea grant O deere Father that I may through thy mightie power working in my weake vessell haue continuall victorie ouer all hellish hagges and also triumph ouer them in all their assaults and temptations as manie holie virgins and women haue done in all ages so that togither with them I may walke before thee in the purenesse of my virginitie with a good conscience in perfect righteousnesse and true holinesse acceptable in thy sight all the daies of my life according to thy will through Iesus Christ our Lord and onlie Sauiour and redeemer So be it Another praier in the behalfe of all Virgins or single women for the keeping of obedience modestie chastitie puritie and cleannesse of liuing O Diuine spirit God the holie Ghost which abhorrest despisest and fliest from all vncleannesse filthinesse and dishonestie and which dooest
thy louing bridegroome to followe the filthie fleshlie pleasures of the world O sinfull soule how wretched is thy state O wicked wretch how sinfull is thy fall Oh my God whence proceede these irkesome stings of sinne Or who can make satisfaction for such heapes of iniquities O thou miserable wretch my sinfull soule why dooest thou not cast thy selfe headlong into the dungeon of griefe which of thine owne accord didst throwe thy selfe into the filthie sinks of sinne O thou polluted creature why dooest thou not burie thy selfe in the bowels of sorowe which so willinglie wallowedst in the kennell of shame O thou sinfull helhound why dooest thou not drowne thy selfe with the waues of weeping which hast so often swoome in the seas of fornication O sting of sinne O rod of sorrowe O daughter of heauines torment me scourge me plague mee crucifie mee and trample and tread me as a filthie rag vnder your feet I haue deserued it yea I haue sought it for I haue most impudentlie contemned yea and most arrogantlie prouoked you nay rather God not you and therefore now shew your authoritie in executing the giltie to death that ye may be reuenged for your God Let the sinfull fornicatrix feele the punishments she hath deserued and drinke deepe of the cup of shame she hath desired O thou my sinfull soule it is now high time for thee to shew the fruits of repentance which hast so long straid from the fold of the godlie virgins and erred from the paths of the righteous women Bath thy selfe I saie in the sweet streames of repentance which so often hast wallowed in the filthie puddles of vnrighteousnes O God of all consolation and securitie I durst not sue for anie fauour at thine hands vnlesse I had brought in my bosome a pardon for my sinnes procured by repentance in the death of Christ which heere with teares I present vnto thee desiring thee good God of consolation if again with the dog I returne to my vomit and wallowe in my sinnes as the sow in the mire then to driue me from the countrie of the godlie and to banish me like a vagabond from the court of my sauiour and spouse yea I desire of God it may be so and I hope in Christ it shall be so And although I am not woorthie to lift vp mine eies to heauen to call to my God for grace by reason of the multitude of my misdeeds which alwaies are as red as scarlet in my sight yet am I not vnworthie with continuall weeping and crieng for grace to loose them For seeing my soule is constrained through greef of conscience to powre forth praiers to my God for his mercie and grace it is meete it should be done with great contrition of heart and continuall mourning Consider therefore O my soule what thou hast done and what plagues thou hast deserued for losing thy virginitie Ponder I say lament and remember O my soule before thou end the short pilgrimage of this life how thine aduersarie the Diuell like a roring lion lies lurking in euerie corner to deuoure thee and sends out his messengers into all places to entrap thee O my God what doo I see on earth but engins to entrap me What I say can I behold but baites to entise mee Alas and out alas what doo I heare A cōfession of mourners a crashing of teeth and a great multitude of howlers Wo is me alas For me thinks I see great flames of fire huge balles of wild fire and fornaces full of boiling leade and all approching neere vnto me Alas what meanes these strange cries of monstrous woormes What diuelish spite doth thus inflame them and what firie flame doth so torment them O yee hellish hagges frieng with heate and frowning with furie why are yee so cruell to those that lie howling amongst you Is there no meane no remedie nor no end of this your punishments and are these O my God the torments which are prepared for filthie fornicators and contemners of thy commandements of which I am one yea the cheef of all sinners And must I needs abide these infernall plagues Then O my soule why art thou not afraid And thou my hart why dooest thou not rent in sunder Alas alas how suddenlie yea and how greeuouslie the serieants of sinne now seeme to arrest me Alas I saie what wicked actions mine aduersarie sinne hath found against mee But oh cruell sinne whether wilt thou carrie me And thou my God whither wilt thou leade me If I haue committed this horrible crime which deserueth death O yet remember I praie thee that thou art my Sauiour If I haue broken the bands of chastitie O yet call to mind that thou art my redeemer O my God if I haue done any thing that deserueth death and damnation yet forget not how that thou sheddest thy pretious bloud to saue me And therefore O my mercifull God be not so seuere in marking what is done amisse of me but let thy mercie preuaile and couer all my secret and open faults Remember thou saiedst by the mouth of the Prophet I will not the death of a sinner but that he should conuert and liue My God which canst not lie what meanest thou to say that thou wouldest not the death of a sinner if thou throwe him into the bottomlesse pit of hell Dooest thou meane that thou carest not for the death of a sinner when thou committest him to the slauerie of the diuell Is this thy meaning I say when thou saiedst I had rather he should turne and liue I am a sinner O my God if therefore thou haue no delight in the death of a sinner then who shall let thee to take compassion vpon mee sillie woman If thou hadst rather he should turne and liue then who shall withhold thy countenance from me sinfull wretch If the hugenesse of my sinnes deserues a wound the care of so gratious a father prepares a salue God forbid that the wickednesse of a sinner repenting hir of hir sinne from the bottome of hir heart should surmount the mercies of so bounteous a Sauiour O therefore remember me most louing father I beseech thee because thou art my redeemer and take compassion vpon thine vnwoorthie handmaid because thou art my sauiour Respect not O my God the iustice due to so greeuous a sinner but remember thy louing kindnesse towards thy creature Remember not O Lord the offences of a sore transgressor but call to mind the mercies of a louing sauiour I confesse O Lord that my sinnes both old and new deserues eternall condemnation and that no repentance is able to make satisfaction for the least of my faults and yet by faith I am assured of my saluation bicause thy mercies surpasse thy iudgements Spare me therefore O Lord for my soule appealeth from the seate of thy iustice to the throne of thy mercie O deliuer me because thou art almightie Oh saue me sinfull woman because thou art mercifull and take compassion vpon
greeuouslie tormented for my sins Consider O Lord how I am troubled how my wombe is disquieted and my hart wambleth within me for anguish Wilt thou haue no compassion on a wretch Wilt thou cause me thus to trauell still in paines intollerable and greefe vnspeakeable Wilt thou not bring foorth that which thou hast formed that I may be deliuered of that which I haue conceiued Alas O Lord alas my God yea my deare and onelie God wilt thou not heare the lamentable cries and regard the inward teares of a wretch that trauelleth laboureth so sore with child euen the wofull voice ● mournfull lamentation of thy hand-maid and daughter I saie though vnworthie that thus all the daie long sigheth crieth and stretcheth out hir feeble han●● vnto thee in heauen calling for thy heauenlie helpe and succour Oh Lord spare me oh deare God haue mercie vpon me and my babe Shall I be the graue of my child Shall I giue death the fruit of my bodie for the sins of my soule and my first second or third 〈◊〉 for the transgressions of my youth Alas shall that perish in the wombe which is conceiued by thee or shall it die in the birth and not be borne which thou hast so mightilie fashioned Hast thou shut vp the doores of my wombe in thy displeasure and couered me with the shadowe of death that the birth may not come out Wilt thou cause that to die in the birth I saie which is the woonderfull worke of thy almightie hand God forbid oh God forbid Oh saue me and my babe I beseech thee and let it not be as a thing borne out of time either as an infant which neuer sawe the light neither let it perish or be slaine so soone as it commeth out of the wombe but open thou the wombe and bring it foorth safelie that I may set it on my knees and giue it sucke with my brests Oh finish the thing mercifullie which thou hast begun so gratiouslie in me and let me reioice rather that a man-child is borne into the world els why am I in this plight Wo is me now that euer I sinned for how shall I be able to endure all the sorowes and pangs of a trauelling woman which are now or hereafter shall be iustlie laid vpon me O Lord thou seest my hart fainteth my face looketh pale yea sounding with a sighing and gasping soule I crie out and saie Alas that euer I sinned Wo is me that euer I offended so louing a God so mercifull a Sauiour so deare a redeemer so holie and blessed a sanctifier Alas for this daie which is so dreadfull that none may be likened vnto it And out alas for the time of this perplexiti● of this sorowe and griefe which I now sensiblie feele and endure both in bodie and mind for it is like the daie and time of Rachel My sorowe and trouble may be compared to Phinees wiues trouble my state and condition seemeth to me and others to be not much vnlike vnto theirs I saie from the which neuerthelesse for thy great mercie sake good Lord I beseech thee deliuer me and saue me and my ●abe from the graue as my trust is in thee Amen Another O GOD make speede to saue me O Lord make hast to helpe me Make no long tarieng O my God least I be like to those that go downe into the pit How long Lord wilt thou forget me How long shall I bee plucked a sunder with these griping greefes and pinching pangs of deadlie throwes How long shall I a wretch expect thy gratious comfort and readie helpe How long wilt thou forget thy creatures O Lord for euer How long wilt thou hide thy face from thy hand-maid thus being in miserie Shall my greefe euer continue my paines neuer cease What is my power O Lord that I should endure such pangs Or what is my strength that I may abide such throwes Surelie O God thou knowest my strength is not the strength of stones neither is my flesh or bones made of brasse or iron For in troth there is in me no helpe nor in anie mortall creature anie reliefe or succour yea all strength is vtterlie taken from me and there is none that I can find to helpe me therefore without thy helpe strength and patience it is impossible for me to continue in this perplexitie Oh spare me therefore a litle that I may recouer my strength before I go hence and be no more seene O Lord cast not awaie thy seruant in thy displeasure but let it be thy good pleasure to deliuer me Make hast O Lord to helpe me Wilt thou absent thy selfe for euer or hast thou shut vp thy louing kindnes in displeasure Is thy mercie cleane gone and thy promises come vtterlie to an end for euermore Chasten me O Lord and correct me but giue me not ouer vnto death neither shut vp my soule with the wicked in the graue Let not mine enimie saie So so I haue deuoured hir For I come vnto thee with those good women in the Gospell and falling downe at thy feet in trembling and feare I humblie beseech thee saieng O sweet Iesu O sonne of Dauid O Lambe of God that ta●e ●t awaie the sinnes of the world haue mercie vpon me O Lord haue mercie vpon me that am grieuouslie vexed with nipping throwes Lord helpe me Lord heare me and vouchsafe to grant me the thing that I long for and destre that is that thou my maker and preseruer wilt speedilie come and comfort me mitigate these griefs now after the time that thou hast plagued and tormented me with all thy stormes and in great compassion haue mercie vpon me and my seelie infant that it be not like the vntimelie fruit or like the birth that dieth and is borne togither After this night and houre of calamitie ouerpassed let the pleasant morning of comfort luckilie shine vpon me that by time I may heare and feele thy goodnes and mercie in obteining at thy hand a comfortable issue and deliuerance for in thee onelie is all my trust Quicken me O Lord for thy name sake and for thy mercie and righteousnes bring my soule and bodie out of this distres and ease me of these paines for I am thy seruant O come and comfort me thy weake creature in these mine afflictions with the presence of thy holie spirit that euen in death I may find life For vn●er thy protection and defence mercie and fauour doo I wholie repose my selfe Lord into thy hands I commend my spirit preserue and keep me relieue ease and speed me O Lord thou God of truth for thou hast redeemed me Thou hast beene my succour leaue me not now nor forsake me O God of my saluation What profit is there in my bloud when I go downe to the pit Shall the dust giue thanks vnto thee or shall the graue declare thy truth O therefore haue mercie on me good Father for thy holie name sake euen for thy
groanes incident therevnto for hir sins and be thou present with hir O blessed God to helpe both hir and hir babe in this hir sore labour O comfort and ease hir in the midst of this hir anguish and greefe for without thine assistance vndoubtedlie she must needs perish for vaine is the helpe of man we nor all the world can not helpe hir O come quicklie therefore we beseech thee good Lord and helpe thou hir in this hir great need and extremitie worke thou all our works for vs to thy glorie and hir comfort Defend hir from this imminent danger of deliuerance Keepe hir in perpetuall peace hope patience and safetie Strengthen hir faith and womanlie weakenes and visit hir O Lord according to the time of life as thou didst Sara Rebecca Thamar Hanna and Elizabeth thy holie hand-maids Blesse hir and preserue hir we beseech thee O Lord that no waie being terrified frighted or troubled extreamelie she neither murmur against thy works and saie with Rebecca Seeing my greefs are so great why am I thus with child Neither faint through sorrowe nor be vntimelie or vnluckilie deliuered but grant that in true faith and continuall inuocation of thy holie name she may be saued and now suffer thee quietlie to worke thy good will and pleasure according to thy diuine decree and secret iudgements vpon hir either for hir sins or for thy glorie and our example vntill according to thy promise in thy good time she do receiue comfort for hir sorrowe mirth for hir mourning gladnes for hir sadnes ioie for hir woe euen by mitigation of these hir miseries ease of hir anguishes release of hir labours dispatch of hir pangs deliuerance of hir burthen and speedie birth of hir babe borne into the world through the might of thy mercie and power of thy compassion to the glorie and high exaltation of thy name as both she and we most hartilie wish long for e●pect and desire yea and with teares and sighs doo vnfeignedlie cra●e of thee and that through the onlie mysterie of Christ his holie incarnation blessed birth and painfull passion So be it For a woman that trauelleth before hir time and is in great perill praie as followeth ALmightie God which in thy secret iudgements diddest once strike the wife of Phinees being great with child with such a sudden fright and feare when she heard that thy arke was taken by the enimie and both hir husband and hir father slaine by thee with sudden death that thou causedst hir presentlie through grieuous pangs and bitter paines that came vpon hir in that instant to bow hir selfe and trauell before hir time wherein with great sorrowe she died We beseech thee in the name of thy deere sonne our sauiour Iesus Christ be mercifull vnto this wofull woman thy hand-maid and humble seruant whom now in thine vnsearchable iudgments thou hast visited also as it seemeth with the wofull chance of vntimelie trauell to the triall of hir faith hope and patience in thee And let not this time of hir sorrowe we praie thee be vnto hir as the time and houre of Rachel and Phinees wiues trouble was vnto them but by thy mightie power and mercie deliuer hir there-from if it be thy will as hir onelie trust is in thee And to this purpose staie we beseech thee the furiousnes of the wicked spirits that they shew not at this time their tyrannie and malice either vpon hir or hir seelie babe and so blesse preserue and keepe both hir and it that she may be no waie terrified frighted vexed or troubled either in bodie to faint or in mind to murmur and despaire through the extremitie of intollerable paines nor at this time for anie anguish be compelled to be deliuered before hir time to hir discomfort But grant that she may yet tarrie quietlie and patientlie vntill the time be fulfilled which thou in the course of nature full wiselie hast set at which time of life and not before we beseech thee O Lord then certinlie to come againe vnto hir that she maie dulie and safelie be deliuered and hir child come to life to hir comfort and thy glorie Neuerthelesse if it shall seeme good vnto thee for all this now in thy secret iudgements either for hir sins or for thy glorie and our terrour by example to hasten through laborous pangs pinching throwes an vntimelie birth vpon hir or if it shall please thee to cause without offence be it spoken an vnluckie or vnnaturall deliuerance to happen as now vnto hir at this time as iustlie we confesse thou maist if thou respect hir and our sinnes committed against thy maiestie and not rather thy mercie promised to all that faithfullie call vpon thee as we here now doo then not our wils but thy will which is euer in all things best be now euer fulfilled done both in hir hir babe and in vs to the glorie of thy holie name Onelie we craue of thee and that in the bowels and for the tender mercie of our Sauiour Iesus Christ that thou wilt yet grant hir abundance of thy grace both patientlie to abide thy fatherlie correction faithfullie to beleeue thine infallible promises so that for no paine or extremitie of torment or anguish either in bodie or mind she may not be discouraged discomforted shrinke faint or fall from hir faith or hope in thee but thanking thee for all things that may happen vnto hir let hir feele yet in hir bodie such ease and mitigation of hir paines and in hir soule and conscience such comfort and consolation from thee that she may assure hir selfe of thy fauour and mercie in Christ to haue forgiuenes of all hir sins togither with the release of all hir miseries and so after triall this thy troubled hand-maid may take comfort hoping to be crowned and after trouble this thy afflicted seruant may find deliuerance grace health and euerlasting saluation through Iesus Christ our Lord and onelie Sauiour Amen If the woman trauelling be at the point of death praie as followeth O Most mercifull God which according to the multitude of thy mercies doest so put away the sinnes of those which truelie repent that thou remembrest them no more open thine eies of mercie vpon this thy hand-maid now in great danger of death who most earnestlie calleth vpon thee desiring pardon and forgiuenesse of all hir sinnes and offences committed against thee and thy people Renew in hir therefore O most tender harted father whatsoeuer hath beene decaied by the fraud and malice of satan or neglected by hir owne carnall will and frailenes Preserue and continue this weake and distressed member in the vnitie bosome of thy Church consider hir broken and contrite hart accept hir lamentable teares mitigate hir intollerable throwes and pangs asswage hir paines greefes and release hir vtterlie of all hir miserie and wo as shall be seene to thy heauenlie wisedome most expedient for hir and conuenient for thy Church And forasmuch as
and sauiour which being the Sonne of the liuing God yea God himselfe from euerlasting didst not disdaine at the will of thy heauenlie Father to make thy selfe of no reputation to become man to take vpon thee the shape of a seruant and to obeie thy fathers commandement to the death of the crosse for our saluation refusing no seruice no trauell no labour no paine that might make vnto the comfort of man-kind I most humblie beseech thee to giue me and all seruants grace to practise thy humilitie and obedience that as thou most willinglie didst serue and obeie thy heauenlie fathers good pleasure so I and they in like manner may with most hartie affection serue and obeie our bodilie maisters and dames in all things that fight not with thy blessed word not with eie-seruice as men-pleasers but in singlenes of heart fearing thee O God that whatsoeuer we doo we may doo it hartilie euen as vnto the Lord and not vnto men forasmuch as we are sure that we shall receiue the reward of the heauenlie inheritance of thee O Lord Christ whome also wee serue while trulie and faithfullie we serue our bodilie maisters and dames Grant that I thine humble hand-maid and so manie as are vnder the yoke of seruitude may count our maisters and mistresses worthie of all honour that the name of God be not euill spoken of nor his doctrine standered and that we may obeie them with all feare not onlie if they be good and curteous but also though they be froward and testie and please them in all things not answering them againe nor picking ought from them but she wing all good faithfulnes and trustines towards them that in all things we may doo worship vnto the doctrine of thee our God and Sauiour to whom with the father and the holie Ghost be all honor praise and glorie for euer Amen Or praie thus O Lord we seruants are commanded by thy blessed Apostles that wee should honor and obeie our bodilie maisters and dames with feare and trembling not onlie if they be good and courteous but also though they be hastie and froward and serue them not with the eie as men-pleasers but with singlenes of hart not churlishlie answering them againe nor piking stealing or conueieng awaie anie part of their goods vniustlie but she wing all good faithfulnes vnto our maisters and dames as though wee serued God and not men and women Grant me grace I most humblie beseech thee so to serue and obeie my maister and mistres and all other my superiours that there may be found no fault in me but that I behauing my selfe vprightlie iustlie faithfullie and trulie in my vocation may doo worship to the doctrine of thee my God sauiour in all things Amen Another praier to be said of an hand-maid waiting-woman or maid-seruant GRatious God and Lord almightie which by the pretious bloud of thy Sonne Iesus Christ hast redeemed me a miserable wretch from perpetuall slauerie and pulled me out of the power both of sin death darkenes hell and damnation I beseech thee grant that I be neuer ashamed of this my seruile state and condition wherein according to thy good pleasure and will I am placed Neither let me vnpatientlie murmur at anie time against my mistres and betters nor enuiouslie detract from the estimation of them or others but giue me grace to doo thy will continuallie in singlenes of hart as vnto Christ with all possible good-will seruing the Lord and not men Suffer me not malapertlie to vpbraid my maister or mistres with their faults or infirmities when they rebuke me for mine neither yet let me murmur contemne or despise them as Hagar the handmaid of Sara did hir dame Sara that reproued hir but rather make me I praie thee as louing curteous gentle attendant and dutifull vnto mine as Abrahams and the hand-maids of Iudith and Susanna were vnto them O most mercifull God assist me I saie with thy holie spirit that I may obeie these my carnall rulers and gouernours not onelie if they be good and meeke but also if they be euill and froward and that with all feare so long as they command me nothing contrarie to thy commandement Bicause thou wilt haue me to doo so neither let me be forced for anie euill speeches or rough-handling of my dame to flie or runne awaie from hir as Hagar did from Sara to hir no litle sorrowe and miserie but giue me grace rather to humble my selfe as a corrigible seruant vnder hir hands to confesse my faults and amend my maners and crooked conditions especiallie knowing hir power ouer me to be of thee and therefore that the seueritie of my dame should not make me to neglect my duetie and seruice but patientlie and constantlie for thy sake to endure my labours and to tarrie and abide out all my terme of seruice to the end euermore calling vpon thee by hartie praier for hir and that thou wilt not suffer me to be hurt by anie hir euill dealing towards me but preserue and keepe me alwaies safe by thy power from all euill Furthermore I praie thee let not satan suggest or entise me to doo anie euill or wicked deed vnknowne to my dame to my dishonestie or hir damage thereby to cause strife or bralles to arise either within or without to my selfe or others but let it be a greefe vnto me to heare them by anie misreported or standered or to see them by anie meanes abused and hindred or hurt in goods or name Giue me grace alwaies to obeie my good and curteous gouernours not with eie seruice as a man-pleaser but in singlenes of hart as she that more feareth thee than flesh and bloud And make thou me so faithfull and trustie in all my busines that nothing be at anie time either marred or lost of those things committed to my charge either through my negligence or vnthriftines O keepe my hand I praie thee from picking filching purloining and stealing and my tongue from curssing taunting answering againe and euill speaking neither let me with an euill eie wicked affection careles mind and vngodlie intent behold anie of those things put into my custodie and keeping nor vndiscreetlie diminish impaire or lessen them Make me to be content with my wages when I shall depart to go awaie quietlie carrieng nothing of my masters or dames goods to the value of a mite with me but onelie that which is mine owne And in the meane while increase thou my health and grant strength to all my lims and members of my bodie I beseech thee that I may by that meanes be the better able to earne my wages and doo my dutie to the benefite of my master and dame whom I serue as I hartilie desire Giue me also vnderstanding wiselie to go about their affaires and busines and prosper thou the works of mine hands to the blessing and enriching of them and their families Let the eies of thy seruant wait vpon thee O Lord my
in peace bicause mine eies haue seene thy saluation which thou hast prepared before the face of all people a light to be reuealed vnto the gentiles and the glorie of thy people Israell through our Lord Iesus Christ Amen Another praier to be vsed of old women OH my sweet Lord Iesus Christ my creator and reformer which wilt that no man perish neither delightest in the destruction of soules heare me wretched woman and inueterated sinner which walowe in wicked life The whole time of my pilgrimage is threescore yeres few and euill haue the daies of my life beene and I am now placed in the darke euening of my life neither looke I to attaine vnto the yeres of the life of my forefathers or mothers in the daies of their pilgrimage I am full of yeres and daies I saie O Lord but in deed more full of vices and sinnes Mine offences are not a few but an huge heape of an innumerable sort of sinnes neither are they small or veniall sinnes but great mortall and deadlie My sinfull conscience accuseth me and the large abundance of mine iniquitie beateth my hart in peeces This deceitfull world in which I dreame and loiter faileth me my forworne and withered bodie threateneth my decaie This house of claie waxeth verie ruinous in euerie part thereof The graie heares a token of my manifold afflictions for sinnes are plentifullie growen vpon me and my strength is quite gone to teach me to knowe the vanitie and brittle state of this life To conclude my life is short mine end doubtfull my destruction horrible Death now beginneth to search me out euerie where the diuell doth laie snares for me on euerie side time passeth awaie the houreglas is almost run my candle is almost burned out and thine euerlasting iudgement draweth on Alas what shall I sinfull woman doo for I haue prouoked thee my God and all other thy creatures against me bicause thou knowing my forepassed sinfull life dooest see nothing in me without spot and offence I haue shut my selfe out of thy presence when thou didst call me to euerlasting life and I haue receiued that old enimie of my grandmother Eue into my soule which persecuteth me vnto death my conscience I saie doth vexe me the damnation to come which I haue so deepelie and often deserued doth feare me which through mine owne merits or deserts I can not possiblie put awaie or auoid When I consider it with my selfe oh how intollerable is that horror vnto me When I doo well ponder and regard it in my selfe oh how ineuitable is death to be differred or put awaie from me that now am euen a figure of death it selfe and carrie him euidentlie about me in my pale face and leane lims yea so far am I from flieng awaie from death that as it seemeth I rather now post speedilie after him Moreouer to acquit my selfe before thee I cannot possiblie doo it for that I haue as manie accusers as sins as many witnesses as hoarie heares Yea thou thy selfe my sweet God who best knowest me art my iust accuser thou art the true witnes of my deeds thou art my righteous iudge and if thine euerlasting iustice refuse me then both thine enimies and also mine with whom I haue plight the troth of my friendship are my heauie accusers No holie man or woman yong or old doth speak for me or in the life euerlasting may speake for me and those that might in their dailie praiers in this life helpe me towards thee I alas with all scornefull reproch and contempt haue cast them awaie and vtterlie refused their good companie but my verie mortall aduersaries I haue too willinglie receiued euen into my bosome Now therefore being alone in secret I lie flat vpon the ground destitute of all helpe confounded and had in derision of all Now in the last age of my withered life when my glorie should be my graie head that is my wisedome and feare of God ioined with much experience my reproch alas is increased by my follie and bicause I haue not behaued my selfe iustlie and wiselie before other my iuniors old age that should be a crown of glorie when it is found in the waie of righteousnes and ioined with vertue is now turned into infamie in me and to be abhorred by reason of my manifold sins and vices For though I haue liued long yet bicause I am waxed old in wickednes I shall be nothing regarded and my last age shall be without honor through my doting defiled life To conclude there draweth on apase the daie of thy fearefull iudgements in which all my deeds shall be tried and sifted to the vttermost and innermost secret thoughts of my hart My reproofes shall be reuealed and my opprobrious and shamefull works shall be brought to light and openlie seene for that I haue beene a barren and vnfruitfull tree and being throwne into euerlasting fire I shall there burne foreuer and of those whom I haue lewdlie accompanied my selfe with shall I be vexed who also after the sentence of eternall damnation giuen vpon me shall teare me and without anie intermission or end most cruellie shall minister torments vnto me whom they shall not cease crucifieng for euermore neither will there euer at anie time anie waie of mitigation ease or mercie appeare or be found at their hands Wherefore O louing Lord and souereigne Sauiour there remaineth now no more vnto me sinfull woman worne out with miserie but thy branching mercie to reioice my hart to quicken mine appaled spirits and to renew mine age as doth the eagle for that in the same thy mercie and through the same thy compassion and fauour I almost spent wasted and consumed to dust doo yet breath and liue to call vpon thee who art gentle mild and verie mercifull both to old and yoong man woman and child and wilt not the death no not of an old and ancient sinner as I am O be mindfull therefore of me my sweet God bicause thou art my creator and I thine vnworthie creature and hand-maid Do not loose the works of thine own hands through my greeuous sins and lewd deserts Thou art my redeemer and sauiour therefore saue me sinfull woman through thy grace mercie and fauour whome through thine owne iustice thou maist worthilie cast awaie into damnation O God be mercifull vnto me a sinner and grant pardon to hir that repenteth from the bottome of hir heart O giue not foorth I beseech thee the voice of thy sentence according to my demerits but like as thy mercie before hath come in the beginning of my life when thou tookest me out of my mothers wombe so let it conclude the end thereof when thou shalt turne me againe into the mother of all things to remaine with thee for euer world without end Amen Another praier to be said of an old Woman OH God which continuest still the same and dooest remaine for euer subiect to no tearme of yeares and time whose yeares shall neuer faile
declaring how Christ adorneth the nuptiall feast with his bodilie presence 50. A praier to be vsed of a virgin newlie married togither with hir husband 53. A sentence out of Tobie worthie to be called to memorie of all new married folks ibidem Another verie necessarie and fruitfull praier to be often vsed of all married couples 55. Another praier to be vsed of married folks to liue chastlie and purelie in holie matrimonie 62. Another praier to be vsed of such married couples as where the woman is not past child-bearing 63. Another praier for all wedded folks generallie 65. A praier to be said of a yong married woman or wife 68. Another of the same ibidem A praier to be vsed of anie Noble woman c. when she is married or afterward 70. Another praier to be said of anie Noble woman Ladie Gentlewoman or modest matrone married 72. A praier to be vsed of the wife that hath a froward and bitter husband 73. A praier to be vsed of the wife for hir husband before or in his trauelling by land 76. Another 77. A praier to be vsed of the wife for hir husband being a Captaine or Souldiour and gone a war-fare 79. Another of the same 80. A fruitfull praier to be said with teares of all godlie women in the time of bloudie battell c. 82. A praier to be said of anie wife or daughter for hir husband or father being a merchant-venterer 85. When your husband or father is come safe home from his iournie 89. A praier and thanks-giuing to be said when your husband or father with his ship is safelie come home from his voiage by sea 90. When your husband or friend is in prison and endurance or otherwise persecuted or in trouble and affliction 91. When your husband or other friend is deliuered out of anie trouble 93. A praier to be vsed of a woman with child 95. Another of the same 99. Another 100. Another 101. The same praier in meeter 105. Another godlie earnest praier to be said of euerie faithfull woman in the time of hir child-bed vsed of the vertuous Ladie Francis Aburgauennie 106. Another praier of a woman being in trauell 107. A praier in meeter to bee said of a woman with child made by W.H. 108. A praier to be said in long and dangerous trauell 112. Another 117. Praiers and thanks-giuings to be vsed of women in child-bed after their trauell and deliuerance 119. Another vsed of the vertuous Ladie Francis Aburgauennie 121. Another 122. A praier to be vsed of a woman at hir purification or Churching 123. Praiers to be said for women with child before or in trauell by the mid-wife husband or anie other man or woman page 125. Another 127. Another 128. Another praier for a Queene being with child ibidem Another praier for a Queene Noble woman or Ladie with child 129. A generall forme of praier for all women with child and in child-bed 130. The same praier more breefe for women with child generallie 132. A praier to be said of euerie Christian mid-wife for hir selfe before she execute hir office 134. Another praier to be said of the midwife when she goeth about to doo hir office 136. Another 137. A praier to be said of the midwife and all the women about hir if the partie be in long and sore trauell and in danger of death 138. For a woman that trauelleth before hir time 141. If the woman trauelling be at the point of death 143. Another 144. A praier of instruction to be vsed of the women in health attendant about the sicke and languishing woman in sore trauell 145. Another godlie and effectuall praier to be hartilie said of the women assistant if the woman in sore trauell or child-bed lie in the pangs of death be passing this life 146. When she is departing and yeeldeth vp the ghost 148. Another of the same 149. A praier to be said after hir departure 150. A praier and thanks-giuing to be vsed of the mother or women about hir after the child is baptised 151. If the yoong infant be verie sicke and lie sore pained with anie greefe or whensoeuer else it be visited with anie dreadfull disease ibidem A thanks-giuing and praier to be said of the father so soone as he heareth that a child is borne vnto him and his wife safelie deliuered 153. Another thanks-giuing to be vsed of the midwife or women assistant after the safe deliuerie of a woman in child-bed 154. Another thanks-giuing to be said for the safe deliuerance of anie woman in child-bed or at hir churching 155. The mothers praier for hir childrens good education 156. Another praier to be vsed of euerie godlie mother for the godlie proofe of hir child made for the Ladie Lettice page 157. 158. 159. A praier to be vsed of anie mother in lawe 160. The mistres or dames praier c. 163. 164. 165. The maid-seruants or hand-maids praier 168. 169. 169. Another praier to be said of an hand-maid waiting woman or maid-seruant 170. The poore widowes mite conteining seuen meditations or praiers in meeter for the obteining of Gods mercie and the forgiuenes of sin to be said or soong gathered by William Hunnis 173. A praier to be said of a widowe immediatlie after the death of hir husband 177. 179. A praier to be said of widowes for widowes ibidem The same more at large to be vsed generallie for all widows and orphans 181. The orphane or fatherles childs praier 183. The old womans praier 184. 185. 191. 194. A praier to be said generallie for all women that they may haue in remembrance the fall of their grandmother Eue. page 197. A praier to be said of all deuout women c. 199. A praier made vpon the similitude of the ten virgins 202. A generall confession of sinnes c. 203. A praier for the Queenes Maiestie and the Realme 204. A praier to be said in the morning 208. 209. A praier to be said in the euening 210. 211. FINIS Reade more in the fourth Lampe page 615.