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A02923 A Postill, or, Exposition of the Gospels that are usually red in the churches of God, vpon the Sundayes and feast dayes of Saincts written by Nicholas Hemminge a Dane, a Preacher of the Gospell, in the Vniuersitie of Hafnie ; and translated into English by Arthur Golding. ; before which Postill is sette a warning of the same Nicholas Heminge too the Ministers of Gods vvorde, concerning the co[n]tinuall agreement of Chrystes Church in the doctrine and true worshipping of God ... Hemmingsen, Niels, 1513-1600.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606. 1569 (1569) STC 13062; ESTC S5140 503,499 736

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riches too the ouerthrow of the ministerie like as many Tyrantes haue doone in times past and doo at this day Secondly such as plucke away the Churche goodes and kéepe them too themselues Thirdly also such as bestowe no parte of their owne goodes too the mayntenance of the ministerie of the woord And moreouer suche as by sute or other sleights get intoo their hands the Church goods vnder an honest tytle as though they were ministers of the Churche wheras they bée no better than dombe dogges which neither haue doone seruice too the Church or commō weale nor euer can doo seruice but are slouthful bellies and dul beasts whoo neuerthelesse wil bée saluted by the names of Prelats Chanons Uicars Abbots c. The second and true lawfull vse of riches is that wée imploy part of them too the maintenance and garnishing of the common weale wherin wée liue For common weales are the sogeorning places of the Churche and therefore wée owe thankefulnesse vntoo them although wée should receiue none other commoditie by them Ageinst this vse many offend as for example those that pay not the ryghtfull Tributes those that rayse vnryghtfull Tributes those that imploy not the Tributes too the mayntenaunce of the common weales but too ryot and surfetting and oftentymes too making wrongfull warres The third right and lawful vse of riches is that euery mā should mainteine his owne estate honestly without nigardship Ageinst which vse offēd first they that wast away their goodes in drinking feasting and apparell too sumptuous for their degrée as many doo And secondly also couetous men which delite in their own filthynesse mainteine not their estate honestly as becōmeth them but are basely appareled and feede grosly when in the meane while their money lyeth rusting and rotting in their cofers The fourth true and lawfull vse of riches is that wée bestow some part of it vpon the poore and specially vpon suche as in their pouertie are also godly For this is y e cheefe cause why God sendeth poore folkes among vs that he may make a proofe whither we will folowe his mercie according too Chrystes commaundement Bée mercifull as your heauenly father is mercifull Against this vse doo many also offend with this rich glutton whose felowes they shall be one day in punishment for that they haue in this world folowed him as their master in cruelnesse towards the néedie Now foloweth the fourth thing which I sayd was too bée considered in the example of the rich glutton Namely what is the state of their soules that depart out of this life without faith For wheras Christ sayth y t the rich glutton lifting vp his eyes in hel saw Abraham a far of desired that Lazarus might dip the top of his finger in water too coole his tong he peinteth out a table which representeth the state of wicked mens soules after their death wherin these things are noted First the excéeding great torment the cōtinual worme of the conscience 2. The remembrance of his crueltie which he had executed vppon them that were in miserie 3. Their desire too bée reléeued by the help of those too whom they had bin vnmercifull in this life 4. That there shall bée no end of their torments that it is in vaine for them to sue for any easement of their paynes For looke what our Lord for oure capacities sake peynteth out by way of communication betwéene the glutton and Lazarus that did the glutton féele in his own cōscience which the Lord who knoweth al things could not be ignorant of Let this punishmēt of vngodlinesse therfore allure vs too earnest repētance that wée bée not put too torments whither wée will or no. ¶ Of the second ANd there vvas a certeine begger named Lazaraus vvhiche lay at his gate full of sores desiring too bee satisfied of the crummes that fell from the rich mans table and no man gaue vntoo him In this exāple of Lazarus are many things too bée obserued wherby wée may receiue bothe instruction and comfort First héer is confirmed the Sermon of Peter who saythe that iudgement beginneth at the house of the Lord. For God punisheth his own in this life that they may as it were with a brydle bée kept within the boundes of theyr duetie For if all things shold happen to them as they would wish they would be made drunken with the prosperous successe of things and fall from godlynesse too vngodlynesse Whervppon Moyses speaking of the Iewes sayd The people sat downe too eate and drink and rose agein too play that is too say they fel too Idolatrie and other heinous offences Wherfore let vs beare in mynd the saying of Paul 1. Cor. 11. When wée are iudged that is to say afflicted wée are chastysed of the Lord that wee should not bée damned with this worlde Therfore let vs haue an eye to Gods fatherly mynd as often as wée bée hardly delt withall in thys lyfe and taking warning by our crosse let vs feare God leading a godly and blamelesse lyfe Ageine by this example of Lazarus wée are taught that they are not all wretched before God which are cast vnder foote in this world nor on the other side all in Gods fauor that séeme happy and blissed in this life Lazarus was miserable in this lyfe but he was in fauoure with God The Glutton was happye in this world but he was in Gods displeasure What was the cause Lazarus feared GOD through a liuely faith but the Glutton feared not God but was voyde of fayth Thirdly wée sée in Lazarus an exāple of Gods prouidēce He lyeth despised and disdayned But when he lay without all comfort the dogges came licked his sores Wherby is signifyed that God suffereth not the godly to bée so ouerpressed with miseryes but that hée intermedleth comforte wyth their sorowes For there is no doubt but it came too passe by Gods prouidence that the dogges came licked the sores of Lazarus too the greater damnation of the Glutton and his houshold For the meynie folowed the wickednesse of theyr master for the text sayth and no man gaue vntoo him Fourthly let vs marke héere the common lot of the godly and vngodly The Glutton dyeth and Lazarus dyeth Death is cōmon too them both but not the falling out of their death For the Glutton by death passed too miserie but Lazarus atteyned too felicitie Fiftly héer is too bée marked in Lazarus the ministerie of the Angels The Glutton despised Lazarus while he was alyue but the Angels caryed vp his soule when hée was dead He that was despysed in his lyfe was regarded and honored of Gods Angels in his death Neither happeneth this in Lazarus alone but that which wée read of him is common too all the godly For as the soules of the godly are regarded of God so are they caryed by the Angels intoo the hauen of saluation and blissefulnesse Sixthly in the example of Lazarus wée sée what is the state of
say Graunt mée now that I may die in peace and happily Héereof may wée gather bothe instruction and comfort Instruction that the spirituall beholding of Chryst whiche is by Faith maketh a man too depart ioyfullye oute of this life bicause hée that before his death séeth Chryst in this wise hath a light too guyde ●●m vntoo lyfe He that foloweth me sayth the Lorde walketh not in darknesse Contrarywise he that séeth not Chryste passeth from the death of this present lyfe vntoo euerlasting darknesse And wée may gather comforte bycause they that sée Chryst at the instant of death haue wherewith too comforte themselues They know they are at the point too bée dismissed in peace They know they shall not goo too darknesse but too euerlasting ioy Bicause the théefe vppon the Crosse not only saw Chryst with his bodily eyes piteously tormented but also saw him conqueror of death with eyes of his faith he herd the Lord say This day shalt thou bée with me in Paradyse So Steuen at his death saw Chryst and with excéeding pleasure and ioyfulnesse of mynde sayde vntoo him Intoo thy hands O Lorde I commit my spirit After this maner thou also when sickenesse brings thée too the pittes brinke looke too Chryst thy Sauiour by Faith and desire of him that he will let thée departe in peace that is too say that he will giue thée leaue too depart out of this lyfe and too enter intoo the rest that is promised too al the faithfull This thought will make vs manfully despise this world and the miseries of this present lyfe and comfort our minde with hope of saluation the whiche he that can not lye hath promised vs. Now ensueth the other part of this song VVhich thou hast prepared before the face of all people to bee a light to lighten the Gentyles and to bee the glory of thy people Israel Héere are bréefly shewed two things The one what are Chrysts benefites the other to whō these benefits are appoynted The benefits are saluation light and glorie Without Chryst then the world sticketh stil in damnation darkenesse and shame and that is for sin For Christ taketh away damnation and restoreth saluation he driueth away darknesse sheadeth foorth light he remoueth shame and giueth glorie How great things are these I pray you Surely no man is able too value them sufficiently But 〈◊〉 whom are these benefites appoynted Too all people Iewes and Gentiles howbéeit they must bée receyued by faith For they are offered vniuersally too all suche is the vnserchable goodnesse of God Howbéeit with condition he that beléeueth shal bée saued and he that beléeueth not shall bée damned Wherfore if wée couet these good things let vs with Simeon receiue this our Lord and Sauior Iesus intoo the armes of our hart leane vntoo him with stedy faith To this our sauior be honor glory for euer euer So be it Vpon the Annuntiation of our Lady Sainct Mary the Virgin The Gospel Luke j. AND in the sixth moneth the Angell Gabriell vvas sent from God intoo a citie of Galilee named Nazareth too a virgin spoused too a man vvhose name vvas Ioseph of the house of Dauid and the virgins name vvas Mary And the Angell vvent in vntoo hir and sayde Hayle full of grace the Lorde is vvith thee Blissed art thou among vvomen VVhen she savv him she vvas abashed at his saying and cast in hir minde vvhat manner of Salutation that shoulde bee And the Angell saide vntoo hir feare not Mary for thou hast founde grace vvith God Beholde thou shalt conceyue in thy vvombe and beare a sonne and shalt call his name Iesus Hee shall bee greate and shall bee called the sonne of the hyghest And the Lord God shal giue vntoo him the seate of his father Dauid and he shall reigne ouer the house of Iacob for euer and of his kingdome there shall bee none ende Then sayde Mary too the Angell hovv shall this bee seeing I knovv not a man And the Angell aunsvvered and saide vntoo hir the holy Ghost shal come vppon thee and the povver of the highest shall ouershadovv thee Therfore also that holy thing vvhiche shal be borne shal be called the sonne of God And beholde thy cousin Elizabeth shee hathe also conceyued a Sonne in hir age and this is the sixth Moneth vvhiche vvas called barrein for vvith God nothing shall bee vnpossible And Mary sayde Beholde the handmayde of the Lord be it vntoo mee according too thy vvoord And the Angel departed from hir The exposition of the text THis feaste conteyneth the story of the conception of Iesu Chryst which is told vntoo the virgin by the Angel of God For long agoe the thrée thousande nine hundred sixtith yéere before his conception God promised the séede of the woman that shoulde tread downe the Serpents head that is too say which shuld destroy the Deuils woorks sin and death God béeing mindful of this promise sends his Angel too the most chast virgin too whome hée bringeth tidings that shée shoulde conceiue by the holy Ghoste without the séede of man and bring foorth a Sonne that should bée the sauiour of the worlde This is the summe of the story whereof there be fiue principall points and these are they 1 A description of the message 2 The Salutation of the Angel 3 The comforting of the troubled Uirgin 4 An exposition of the Message 5 The maner of the conception ¶ Of the firste IN the description of this Message many circumstances are too bée obserued of whiche wée wil consider euery one seuerally by it selfe too the intente wée may drawe out of it some doctrine too confirme our selues The first is time In the sixth moneth sayeth hée that is too wit after the conception of Iohn Baptist who according too the sayings of the Prophets should bée the forerunner of the Lorde that men myghte prepare the waye ageinste the comming of their King And it was the twentith yéere since the Scepter was taken from Iuda For thus was it Prophecied before by the Patriarke Iacob The scepter shall not bée taken from Iuda ▪ vntill Silo come that is till the séede of the woman come whiche was promised too our firste Parentes Therfore this circumstance of time conuinceth that this son of the virgin is the true Messias For hée was borne the selfe same time that y e holy Ghost had spoken of before by the prophets And as concerning y e day this is woorthy too bée remēbred that the killing of the paschal Lambe the conception of Chryst the passion of him fel all vpō one day of the yéer on which day the holy Fathers supposed that Adā was created These things set oute vntoo vs the truthe of Gods promises God delayed too sende his Sonne a great while after the promise was made but yet hée continued true in his promises The Sonne hath promised that hée wil come too iudgement but he maketh delay yet wil hée come when he
be instructed by the voice of the minister in this entrance of theirs intoo wedlock Thirdly that the Churche may bée a witnesse of the assurance made betwéene them lest they might liue with offence vntoo others as if they were Lemans rather than maryed folkes Fourthly that they may be openly helped with the Prayers of the Churche so as the mariage begoon may turn too Gods glory their owne commoditie and finallye too the edifiyng of the whole Churche by their godly conuersation in holy mariage Now remayneth somewhat too be spoken bréefly concerning the mariage feast wherein it is too bée considered what behooueth too bée there and what too bee away In any wise there must bée vtterly excluded frō Christian mariages first Surfetting secondly Pride thirdly too muche sumptuousnesse fourthly filthie and vnmannerly talke suche as the talke of ribauldlie minstrels is woont too bée and fifthly forslowing of godlinesse namely that they followe not their feasting at suche time as deuine seruice shoulde bée doone in the Church whereby God is displeased the neighbor offended and occasion of falling is giuen too many On the cōtrarie part there must be present first godlinesse secōdly honest mirth thirdly holy talke and fourthly often wishing y e God may prosper this his state with his blissing For as we réede these things were customably vsed too bée doone in the mariages of the saincts and therfore God also hath with his goodnesse furthered such mariages ¶ Of the second NOwe that wée haue noted certein things concerning mariage I wil héereafter adde a few things of mariage finished and confirmed and I wil do but two things First I wil recite the finall causes of mariage And afterward I wil shewe by what vertues the societie of maryed folkes is made swéete and amiable All godly folk know that the finall causes of mariage are foure Whereof the first is mutuall helpe for when Salomon sayeth wo is him that is alone he méeneth that mutuall help and societie is néedful that we may the better and more quietly endure the miseries of this life For this cause may old men marye whose bodies are so withered that they can beget no children The second cause is procreation of children for it is Gods will that mankinde should bée mainteined by this meanes And therfore he sayd to our first parents Encrease and multiply and fulfil the earth The third cause is that euery housholde might bée as a church in which the parents as it were Prophets are adorned with propheticall dignitie too the intent they may instruct their children concerning God and religion and that their children as it were certeine yong impes myght bée watred with continuall doctrine and exhortations so as at length they may grow too bée trées and bring forth the most swéete frute of fayth The .iij. cause is the auoyding of whoredome in this corrupted and depraued nature For thus sayeth Paule for auoiding of fornication let euery mā haue a wife of his own For wedlocke is the remedie ageinst that most filthy sinne of fornication and aduoutrie wherein doo méete togither many and horrible sinnes For first it is a wilfull breaking of Gods law 2. a peruerting of the law of nature 3. a shamefull and foule transgression of ciuill lawes 4. a miry puddle of regeneration 5. a horrible treason for wée are not at our owne libertie but his who hath redéemed vs with his precious blood 6. a dishonoring of the Resurrection For what is more filthy than with most shamefull wickednesse too defile the body which in time too come shall rise ageine to eternall glorie 7. a horrible defiling of the temple of GOD. Corinth 6. Now séeing that so many sinnes méete héere toogither there is no cause why any mā should thinke that God will not punish it with his owne handes But the company of man and wife is made amiable and swéete by these fiue meanes by godlinesse vertue mutuall forbearing mutuall loue and by dutifulnesse performed busily and godlily on bothe sides Godlinesse of right holdeth the chéef place For there is no stable and stedfast frendship vnlesse it haue his beginning from God and therefore must godlinesse néedes shine before the rest For when couples haue determined to obey God al things afterward become more easie Uertue and honest conditions bréede mutuall delight betwéene man and wife For when vertue is exercised it maketh conuersation of liuing more amiable Mutuall forbearing whereby we take in good woorth one anothers conditions and faultes is very néedful For in this weakenesse of nature there happen many scapes which wil bréede strife if they be not couered by mutuall forbearing Mutuall loue hauing his beginning of godlinesse and true vertue maketh vs not too bée too sharpe sighted in looking intoo one anothers faultes But that many things eyther wée marke not or if wée marke them wée couer them with loue For charitie couereth the multitude of sinnes Duetie performed godlily and busily on bothe sides maketh the yoke light and swéet For when man wife marke one another and find like héedfulnesse in their duetie bothe their company is made more pleasant and they are the more stirred vp on both sides too render duetifulnesse that the one may requite the other alike Where these fiue things bée not the company of their life is most bitter or rather more sharpe than death Therefore let the godly couples doo their endeuer y t these vertues may bée séene in their life continually ¶ Of the third HAuing expounded those places that gaue occasion too this miracle now let vs looke vppon the miracle it selfe with the circumstances thereof The circumstances are many as time occasion the request of Chrystes moother and his answer the preparature of the miracle the miracle it selfe the confirmation of the miracle and the vse and frute of the same The time is noted bothe in that it was doone the thirde day after his comming intoo Galilée and in that it was the first of all the miracles that the Lord wrought The time therefore admonisheth vs too way thys miracle with singular héede Foure occasions of this miracle may bée gathered of the text First the mariage it selfe that was kept in Cana. Secondly the bidding of Chrystes moother too the wedding Thirdly the want of wine And fourthly the virgins heart most redy too helpe Therefore vvhen vvine failed the moother of Iesus sayd too hir sonne They haue no vvine Too vvhom Iesus ansvvered vvoman vvhat haue I too doo vvith thee Mine houre is not yet come His mother truely speaketh this either for pitie sake or else too the intēt hir sonne should by some meanes or other help the present necessitie But Chryst answereth his moother somewhat hardly and that for right great causes In this behalfe he voutsaueth hir not the tytle of moother but calles hir simply by the name of woman And moreouer he sayeth vvhat haue I too doo vvith thee mine houre is not yet come The Lord had héer a
the world is signified the triumph of the Iewes kylling Chryst. For when they had put him too death they thought thēselues and their common weale too bée out of all hazard And when he addeth Your sorovv shall be turned intoo ioy Hée signifieth that he will rise ageyne from death wherby his disciples shall conceiue ioy This selfe same thing declareth he by the similitude of the woman trauaylyng with chylde whoo as long as she is in hir labor féeleth gréeuous throwes but as soone as shée séeeth the child borne she taketh so great ioye that she vtterly forgetteth the paine that shée felt a little before After the same maner the disciples of the Lord felt gret sorow of mynde when the Lord was dead and buried but anon after when the Lord was raised ageyne from death for ioy they forgate the sorow past And this is it that he sayth And I will sée you agein and your hart shal reioyce bicause you shal sée mée raised from death and no man shal take your ioye from you that is to saye I shall die no more that yée should be cast into heauinesse for my death but I shall liue for euer so instruct you by my spirit concerning the knowledge of God that you shall haue no more néed too aske mée any moe questions Thus haue wée playnly séene the méenyng of the Text. And nowe are all these things too bée applyed too the church of all times whiche in this world shall bée vnder the crosse whyle the vngodly reioyce Howebéeit at length when Chryst appéereth it shall obteyne full perfect ioy wherof shal be none end For these thréedays wherin our Lord suffered and rose ageyn are an image of y e crosse of the church and of the ioy of the world that is to say of the vngodly persecuting Chryste and killing him in his membres of the glorious deliuerāce of the church which shal at y t time be full whē our Lord shalle ●ome in the cloud● with glorie and great power and shall take vp those that bée his intoo euerlasting ioy and deliuer the vngodly too the diuell too bée tormented with eternall paines For as muche then as this place admonisheth vs of the Crosse of the Churche and of the glorious deliuerance of the same I will first shew what the Crosse is and how diuers next what are the causes of the Crosse Then the difference betwéene the crosse of the Godly and the punishments of the vngodly Also with what minde the Godly may beare the crosse and lastly from whence comfort is too bée sought vnder the Crosse. What is the Crosse It is any affliction whereunto the mēbers of Chrysts Church are subiect in this world wherof there seme to be foure differences For the crosse of a godly person is first either a gréefe of mynd and affliction of body and that for sundry causes as for the receiuing of some losse for the sorowfull mischaunce of some fréend for thirst nakednesse imprisonment or torture as holy Iacob had exceding gréefe of mynde for the losse of his sonne Ioseph Ioseph suffred affliction of body in y e prisō Lazarus felt hunger and the peyne of his byles at the richmans gate and many are exercised at this day with sundry troubles and gréefes both of mind and body 2 Or i● is a most sharpe fight betwene the fleshe and spirite in the Godly For the fleshe lusteth alwayes ageynst the spirit and now and then getteth the vpper hand séeming to giue the spirit an vtter ouerthrowe as wée sée in Dauid who being ouercome with the concupiscences of the fleshe felt intoo the most heynous offences of murther and aduoutrie and had perished for euer had he not bin called back too repentance and the flesh subdued agein vnder obedience of the spirit Heervpon Paule cryeth out whoo shal deliuer mée from the body of this death The grace of God through Iesus Chryst. 3 Or it is a hardnesse and distresse of vocation in household state ciuil state or ecclesiasticall state that is too say of priuate publik ecclesiastical state How great a crosse euen the godly husbands wiues féele in bringing vp their children and in séeking néedefull things whereby too liue they know that haue had the triall of it Such as beare office as kings noble men counsellors and presidents are not frée from the crosse at least wise if they bée godly So also godly bishops parish préests and the other ministers of the Churches doo oftentimes féele a crosse by reason of the difficultie of their office 4 Or else the crosse is a punishment for some certayne fault Like as there bée many causes of the troubles of the Church of which causes I will now intreate What then are the causes of the crosse of the church Certein causes of the crosse are within vs and certein without vs. Within vs are thrée causes of the crosse whereof the first is sinne inhabiting in vs that is too say originall sinne If this sinne were not brydled it woulde bring foorth damnable frutes The seconde is Concupiscence shooting out of the same as a flame out of fire which flame vnlesse it were quenched with the water of the Crosse woulde kindle the fire of hell The thirde cause is that there bée in vs daylye backslydings which originall sinne procureth by his concupiscences Seuen times in a day sayth Salomon dooth the righteous man fall and riseth ageine These dayly fallings dooth the crosse stay that is layd vpō vs by God too the intent wée should not bée damned with the world in our sinnes Besides these there are also causes of the crosse without vs but of an other nature For God of his fatherly goodnesse visiteth vs with his rod. For whomsoeuer hée receyueth him hée chastiseth with none other affection than the good father Agein the diuil lies in wait for the church as wée sée in Iob but God appointeth him bounds beyond which he is not able too raunge Moreouer the limmes of the diuell that is too say tyrants and euill men in this world which trouble the Church in this life Also there bée other causes of the crosse which I will let passe and speake of the difference betwéene the crosse of the godly and the punishment of the vngodly What is the difference then betwéene the Crosse of the godly and the punishment of the vngodly sith wée sée as wel the godly as vngodly striken with gréeuous miseries in this world surely there bée many differences The first difference is taken of the efficient causes For as the affection of the godly procéedeth of the fatherly loue of the heuenly father towards his children so the punishments of the wicked procéede of the wrath and sore displeasure of the iust iudge god who punisheth the wicked as his enemies and aduersaries The second difference is taken of the finall causes for the godly are exercised with the crosse too their good but the vngodly are striken with punishementes too
certeine reported vntoo Christ how Pilate had mingled the bloud of the Iewes with their sacrifices and that the Toure of Silo falling down had killed eyghtéen men he sayd except yée repent yée shall all perishe likewise For he auoucheth that this was done not onely for those that perished there but also for others that they taking warning at their mischaunce mighte amende Muche more ought the miserie of the Iewish people too put vs in mind of repentance specially séeing the cause is not vnlike For they were plaged cheefly for contempt of religion And I beséeche you what thing is there héere vnlike Wherfore let vs take warning by the Iewes too amend betimes that wée run not intoo the hands of the liuing God sooner than wée looke for The fifth vse is that by the persecution of the Church whiche at that time was very sore wée must lerne that the Citizens of Chrystes kingdome in this world must not floorishe and enioye the outwarde dominion of the world For as the Church of Chryst is not bound too any certeine place so the glory renown therof consisteth partly in the conscience of the godly partly in loking for y e appéerāce of Iesus Chryst. The sixt vse is that wée shoulde ioyne our selues too the citizens of Chrysts kingdome and not bée frayed away with the hugenesse of persecutions For although al that will liue godlily in Christ must suffer persecution yet notwithstanding Chryst pronounceth them blissed bicause that after the present affliction shall folow glory whervntoo there is no way but by the crosse The second is that by the harmes of the Iewes and by their hurts wée shoulde become the warer Therfore too the intent wée go not astray with the Iewes let vs folow the Lampe of Gods woord for this alone can make vs safe from misgoing Thy woord sayth Dauid is a lantern too my féete and a light vntoo my steps And Paule will haue vs too cary before vs the woord of God as a burning cresset The eyght is that wée are admonished too set the name of God which is a most strong toure ageinst al y e misfortunes that hang ouer vs. For thus sayth Salomon The name of the Lorde is a most strong toure too whiche the iust man shal flée and bée saued Some put their trust in chariots saith Dauid and some in horses but wée will call vpon the name of the Lorde By the name of the Lorde is ment an humble prayer which procéedeth of true faith in Chryst this fayth is it that ouercōmeth the world For thus sayth the Apostle This is the victorie that ouercommeth the world euen your faith Why so Bicause they call vpon Chryst the vanquisher of y e world and haue Chryst present ageinst whom hell gates are able too do nothing Let vs pray therfore that neyther our minde may bée dazeled with brainesicke opinions nor our fayth quayle in so great hurlyburlyes The ninth is that wée should fortifie our selues ageinst stumblingblocks wherof there shal bée very many but whē they come wée must remembre Chrysts saying Beholde I haue tolde you before Neither shal these stūbling blocks bée al of one kind For some stumbling blocks shal bée of persecution some of y e fewnesse of thē that professe Christ some of them that fall from Chryste For many in these miseries that are too come shall vtterly renounce Chrysts name his Gospell and submit themselues agein vnto Sathā Many in this smal cōpany shal bée bringers vp of diuers sects and yet they shal professs Christ. Ageinst this géere will Christ haue vs fensed And bicause that harms foreséene doo hurt the lesse Christ would haue his church warned of them before hand The tenth vse is that we liuing in the fear of God should wayt for the comming of our Lord Lesus Chryst who shall bring vs full redemption which redemption is the full and finall ende of all Chrysts benefites vntoo which al other benefites are appoynted For the order of Chrystes benefites is this that is described in .1 Corin. 1. in these woordes God hath made Chryst our wisedome our rightuousnesse our holynesse our redemption too the intent that he which glorieth should glorie in the Lord. He is our wisdom when he reueleth his fathers will vntoo vs in his Gospell He is our rightuousnesse when we by beléeuing his Gospell haue his rightuousnesse imputed vntoo vs. He becōmeth our holinesse when wée béeing iustified are moued with the holye Ghost through whose operation wée henceforth purpose a new lyfe And at length he shall bée our redemption when full saluation shall happen vntoo vs through him too whom with the father and the holy Ghost bée honoure prayse and glorie world without end So bée it Vpon the Purification of Sainct Mary the Virgine The Gospel Luke ij AND vvhen the time of their Purification after the lavv of Moyses vvas come they brought him too Hierusalem too present him too the Lord as it is vvritten in the lavv of the Lorde euery man childe that firste openeth the matrix shall bee called holie too the Lorde and too offer as it is sayde in the lavve of the Lord a payre of turtle Doues or tvvo young Pigeons And beholde there vvas a man in Hierusalem vvhose name vvas Symeon And the same man vvas iust godly and longed for the consolation of Israell and the holy Ghost vvas in him And an ansvver vvas giuen him of the holy Ghost that hee should not see death before hee had seene the Lordes Chryste And hee came by inspiration intoo the Temple And vvhen the Father and Mother brought in the Childe Iesus too doo for him after the custome of the Lavve then tooke he him vp in his armes and sayde Lorde novv lettest thou thy seruant depart in peace according too thy vvoord For mine eyes haue seene thy Saluation VVhiche thou haste prepared before the face of all people A light too lighten the Gentiles the glorie of thy people Israell The exposition of the text IN this feast is handled a part of Chrystes storie namely how he was offred vp in the temple according too the Law and how Simeon a ryghtuous man acknoweledged Iesus the Son of Mary too bée the very Messias yea and that by instinct of the holy Ghoste by whom hée had receyued an answere that hée shoulde not die before his eyes had séene Chryst the Lord. Whō when hée had séene hée tooke him intoo his armes and blissed him Whiche doone hée vttered his thankfulnesse too Godwarde in a song Héere wée muste call too remembraunce what wée haue hithertoo heard concerning Chryst too the intent wée may knowe the continuall storie of him Wée haue therefore herd first of his glorious birth that hée was borne in Bethléem Secondlye of his Circumcision that he was circumcized the eyght daye Thirdly howe hée was acknoweledged and honoured by the wysemen Nowe followeth the offering vp of hym in the Temple whiche offering vp
afterward whither he would haue bin circumcised and suffred death or no. But he y t was frée becam the seruāt of al to the intent he might make al free or as Austin sayth God became man to y e intent to make men gods Paule saith he was bound vnder the law too the intent he might redéeme those that were vnder the lawe And therefore he béeing the first borne would also bée offered vp in the Temple But how was he the first borne There was neuer any such borne First he was first borne in his Godhead for he was the eternall Sonne of God This day sayth he haue I begotten thée Secondly he was the first born son of Mary in his manhood For she neuer bare any before him nor yet after him Thirdly he was first borne in grace For he was the first man that euer was borne which being offered vp vntoo God was accepted of himselfe Fourthly in power For he was the firste borne of the deade And fifthly that wée might bée borne new men through him Furthermore it is too bée marked that mary offred a paire of yong pigeons wherby is shewed that she was poore For the richer sort did offer a Lamb. Héereby wée may lerne not too bée abashed of our pouertie It was Chrysts will too bée borne poore that he might make vs riche so that wée wyll accept his riches with a thankfull minde ¶ Of the second AND beholde there vvas a man in Hierusalem vvhose name vvas Simeon Héere we haue first a description of Simeon and afterward his blissing First he is commended for his rightuousnesse For he liued so among his people that he was counted of all men for a good and iust man The Euangelist méeneth not by this that he was so rightuous that he had no néede of any other rightuousnesse for in his owne song he confesseth Christ too bée his sauior but that he liued vnblamable among men and honestly so as he did no man harme but good too all men according too his power Suche a one is called of Cicero or rather of al men a iust or rightuous man Secondly he is commended for his godlinesse For he feared God Under the name of fear is comprehended the whole seruice of God For he that feareth God as he eschueth al things wherewith he knowes he shall offend him so also dooth he whatsoeuer he perceiueth too bée acceptable too him This feare hath his beginning of faith There is an other feare of God without faith which is no seruice of God and such a one there is in all the vngodly For they alwayes dread Gods iudgement agaynst them and wold rather that there were no God than too bée punished for their wickednesse The feare that is commended in Symeon was none such For it foloweth that he wayted for the comforte of Israel By which saying is shewed that he longed very ernestly for the comming of Chryst. For he knew that the prophesies of Iacob and Daniel pointed too this time of his Wherfore hée longed for it the more earnestly and wished that his life might bée prolonged vntil hée might sée Chryste present And it is no maruaile that hée wayted so earnestly for Chrystes comming For hée was sayth the Euangelist ful of the holy Ghost Suche was this holy man But what was the reward of this godlinesse Hée receyueth an answer of the holy ghost that he should not sée death before hée had séene the Lordes Chryst and by the motion of the same holy Ghoste hée came intoo the Temple And what did hée there When the Parentes Ioseph and Mary hadde brought in the Childe hée took him intoo his armes and praysed God Nowe hath this holy olde man that whiche hée desired so earnestlye and hée giueth witnesse too Chryste openly protesting this childe too bée the same anoynted Sauiour that was promised too the fathers Wée haue the godlinesse of Simeon what it was now let vs set him before vs. Let old men first and afterward al men learne of him too feare God Let them learne too liue holilye and vprightly among men Let them learne too take Chryste intoo their armes that is too say intoo their hartes Let them set him out praise him and professe him Which thing if thei doo they shall one day with Simeon receiue a plentuous reward in Heauen ¶ Of the third NOw foloweth Simeons song Lord novv lettest thou thy seruant depart in peace according to thy vvord This song hath customably bin soong in the church many hūdred yéeres wée are wont to sing the same when corpses are layde intoo their graues For it cōteyneth a doctrine concerning Chryste it techeth frō whence chéefe cōfort is too bée sought specially at what time we must depart out of this life Now too the intēt we may vnderstād this song the better I will deuide it intoo two parts In y e first wherof the old man Simeon reioyceth in his own behalf and in the latter part comprehendeth very bréefly the benefits of Chryst towards y e whole world The first part is Lorde novv lettest thou thy seruaunt departe in peace according too thy vvoorde For myne eyes haue seene thy saluation Héere the olde man Simeon reioyseth in his owne behalfe that hée had séene Chryste with his bodily eyes according too the answere that hée had receyued of the holy Ghost For albéeit hée had séene him before with the eye of his faith like as our Lorde saith of Abrahā Abraham saw my day was glad yet notwithstāding bicause he had receiued a promise of y e holy ghost y t hée should sée Chryst present w t his bodily eyes before he dyed he was gretly delited with his sight with great strength of faith desired streight too be deliuered frō his body y t he might be gathered to his fathers in peace But sée he receiued a promise that he should sée the Lords anoynted Héer is brought him a poore babe there appéereth héere none other outwarde countenance than of contempte Is hée offended at this outwarde countenaunce No. Whom hée saw too bée lea●● with his bodily eyes him sawe hée too bée greatest with the sight of his faith Whom hée behild base in the shape of a seruant with his bodily eyes him knew he too be King of Kings Lord of Lords And he was not ignoraunt what Zacharie had prophesied of him who sayth Behold thy King cometh poore He knew he came not too take intoo his hād the kingdoms of the world but too giue the kingdom of God too beléeuers Héerby also wée may lern too beléeue the scriptures and too looke vpon Chryste and his church not only with our bodily eyes but much rather with the eyes of oure fayth And séeing hée desireth too bée let go by and by and to change this miserable life for death hée declareth sufficiently that Chrysts kingdom is not of this world but an euerlasting kingdome whiche consisteth in peace of conscience As if he should
vp the bréers whē he sayth bring yée forth fruts worthy of repentance A like example haue wée in the Prophet Nathan First he did cast downe the mountaine that is to say the hipocrisie in Dauid who hauing cōmmmitted aduoutry and murder liued carelesse as though he had done very well And this did he by propounding a parable of twoo men of whome the one was poore and the other rich The rich man had many Oxen and shéepe the poore man had nothing but only one shéepe which he had bought and nourished and which had growen vp in his house among his owne children eating with hym of his bread and drinking of his cuppe and sléeping in his bosome and was to him as his daughter But when a strāger came to the rich mans the riche man tooke this poore mannes shéepe and set it on the table for his guest sparing his owne When Dauid heard this he was sore displeased saying he is the child of death that hath done this déede Nathan aunswered thou art the same man Thou hast slaine Urias the Hethite with the sword and hast taken his wife too bée thy wife Behold sayth the Lord I wil raise vp mischief ageinst thée Sée how Nathan chargeth Dauid with his sin taketh away the matter of boasting least he should think he ought not too bée punished bycause he was a king and he threatneth punishmēt vntoo him Héere is that great mountaine and hipocrisie beaten downe But when Nathan saw Dauid cast downe vnder foote in so much that he sayd with a great outcry I haue sinned ageinst the Lord hée raiseth vp this vallie saying the Lord hath taken away thy sinne thou shalt not dye Afterward also he cutteth vp the Bréers when by prophecying the death of his sonne for a punishment hée kéepeth him in his dutie After the same sort Peter in the Actes of the Apostles first by preaching the law cutteth the combes of the Iewes and maketh low their mountaines He chargeth them with their sinnes he telleth them it bootes them nothing at all too bée of the posteritie of Abraham and he layeth before them the threatnings of punishments vnlesse they amend By and by after when he héereth how they are stricken too the hart and cast downe with consideration of their sinne he rayseth them vp by offering Chryst vntoo them He biddeth them repent and bée baptised in the name of Chryst. And finally he taketh héede that no Bréers grow vp by promising them the holy Ghoste These examples are notable and agree to the conuersion of the first mā Adam by folowing his new schoolemaster the Deuil wexed proud Him dooth God first cast downe too the ground by rebuking him in setting before his eyes the greatnesse of his sinne Anon after he raiseth him vp ageine by giuing him a promis of the séede that should tread downe the Serpents head Likewise the Lorde abaseth the proude Pharisies and raiseth vp the troubled Mary Magdalene whom he encourageth too godly and holy lyfe saying Thy faith hath made thee whole goe in peace But as for those ministers of the woord which after this sort do neither beate downe the mountaines nor raise vp the vallies nor cut vp the brambles they de●e not like the seruants of God but like the bondslaues of the Deuil and of their owne bellye Many make outcries in generall termes ageinst whordome incest vsurie and other vices but there are few that wil chardge a man with his faults too his face as Iohn did Herod the Pharisies and hypocrites as Chryst did to his héerers as Ambrose did to Theodosius And why doo they not so Partly bicause they wey not earnestly whose roome they supply and partly bycause they feare hazarde of their life and goodes But let them ageinst this blindnesse and fearfulnesse set the commaundement of their calling the promis whereby Chryst hath assured his seruaunts that he wil be present with them and that he imputeth doone vntoo himselfe whatsoeuer is doone vnto his ministers Furthermore they must cōfirme themselues by the stedfastnesse and example of Iohn of other holy ministers they must from tyme to time pray vnto god to giue them corage that they may bée bolde too doo those things which may make too the furtherance of his glorie too whom bée honor world without end Amen The feast of Christes birth ¶ The Gospell Luke ij THere vvent out a commaundement from Augustus the Emperour that all the vvorlde should be taxed And this first taxing vvas made vvhen Cyrenius vvas liuetenannt in Syria And euery ▪ man vvent vntoo his ovvne Citie too bee taxed And Ioseph also ascended from Galylie out of a Citie called Nazareth intoo Ievvrye vntoo the Citie of Dauid vvhich is called Bethleem bycause he vvas of the house and linage of Dauid too bee taxed vvith Mary his spoused vvife vvhich vvas vvith child And it fortuned vvhyle they vvere there hir tyme vvas come that she should bee deliuered and shee brought foorth hir first begotten sonne and vvrapped him in svvadling clothes and layd him in a maunger bycause there vvas no roome for them vvithin the Inne And there vvere in the same region shepherds abyding in the feeld and vvatching their flocke by night And loe the Angel of the Lorde stoode hard by them and the brightnesse of the Lord shone round about them they vvere sore afrayd But the Angel sayd vntoo them Bee not afrayd For behold I bring you tydings of great ioy that shall come too all people For vntoo you is borne this day in the Citie of Dauid a sauior vvich is Chryst the Lorde And take this for a signe ye shall find the child svvadled and layd in a maunger And streight vvay there vvas vvith the Angel a multitude of heauenly souldiers lauding God and saying Glorie too God on high and peace on the earth and vntoo men good vvil The exposition of the text THYS Storie is a confirmation of the Article of oure beléefe Whiche was borne of the Uirgin Marie Which Article setteth forth vntoo vs hys newe byrth whiche sanctifieth the olde Adamish and corrupte byrth in all them that take holde vppon this CHRISTE by Fayth And albeit that this Article of Chrystes birth oughte too bée throughly knowne euen vntoo the children of the Chrystians yet notwithstandyng the Church for great causes hath appointed a certeine Feast thereuntoo verely that the Storie thereof with his circumstaunces may bée set foorth and learned not onely that wée might bée delighted with the declaration of this most goodlie storie but rather much more that the vse and profite of this most high Article may bée séen in strengthening and raising vp of mens consciences For the holy stories are not too bée red as the stories of men but too the intent wée should continually thinke vppon them and exercise our selues in them for our teaching instruction and comfort and too the intent that by reading the scriptures wée may haue hope Hereof wée wil make
offended God before Therfore wil I flée vntoo the same Lorde God that hée may take mée intoo fauour also Hée vouchsafed to pardon Péeter after his horrible fall and therfore though I bée falne I wil not dispair for hée is alwayes stable in him self and euermore like him selfe and there is no respect of persons with him The fifth is that euery one of vs should follow the example of the Saincts in our vocation Paule was not quayled with the hugenesse of persecutions but taught the Gospell constantly His example let the ministers of Gods woord folow Iohn feared not the threats of Herod therefore let the godlye preacher learne by his example too set lighte hy the woodnesse of the world Abraham through faith trayned vp his house holylie in the true feare of God and in calling vpon him Therfore let all godly housholders lern at his hād and so let all other examples bée applyed The sixt is that the memoriall of Saincts may bée pleasant vntoo vs and their vertue bée commended for that they vsed well the gifts of GOD for that they are Gods houses and witnesses of him for that they are garnished with great vertues and for that they are vntoo vs liuely examples of conuersion faith repentaunce stedfastnesse pacience and other vertues These sixe causes are the weightiest for whiche bothe the memoriall of the Sainctes according too the example of the auncient Churche is reteyned and their feasts halowed which points béeing rightly obserued all things turn too the glory of God and too the welfare of our selues Now must I speak a litle concerning Stephen in whose storie let vs consider these circumstances his religion his office in the Church the defence of his religion his constancie in confessing it his calling vppon Chryste his comforte and the ende of his life The religion of Stephen Stephen was a christian a man full of faith and the holy ghoste full of grace and manlinesse For where as is true faithe there is the holye Ghoste The greater encreasment that faith taketh so muche the more dooth the holy Ghoste witnesse him self too bée present kindling motions in mens heartes agréeable with the lawe of God Contrarywise where the holy Ghoste is not felt effectuall there also it is manifest that true faith is away Wée haue héere therfore that which we may followe in Stephen that is too wéete an effectuall faith whervntoo the holy ghost beareth witnesse Those men followe not Stephens faith which haue it in their mouth and yet therewithall wallowe in wicked lustes and runne headlong whither soeuer their blinde affections leade them Stephens office in the church was too minister too y e poore and too kéepe the treasure of the church too the vse of the poore sainctes in whiche office no dout but hée was diligent For he had the holy ghoste his gouerner and true faith and charitie as a rule too woorke by Let maisters of Hospitalles and Deacons then set thys man before their faces Firste let them bring faith with them without whiche no charge nor office can be executed as it ought for to bée Secondly in the execution let them shew them selues too bée gouerned by the holy ghoste that they doo not eyther deale too hardly with the poore or laye out the goodes at other mennes pleasure or bée slacke in their dutie or purloyne it away them selues or els bestowe that vppon others whiche of right belongeth vntoo the poore but let them performe all faithfulnesse in their office bearing in minde that God is a looker vppon their dealing assuring them selues that those of whom they haue the chardge are the membres of Christe and beléeuing verily that they ouer whome they are set are the temples of God how muche soeuer they bée brought vnder foote with pouertie diseases and store of biles and botches How Stephen defended the religion that hée professed hée sheweth in the sixt and seuenth chapters of the Acts. He dooth not in daunger forsake his profession hée cloketh it not as many doo But hée is a constant and manfull defender of his religion The multitude of sects whiche at that time swarmed hindred him not at all Hée was not abashed at the authoritie of the Phariseys and great men in Iewry But setting him self manfully against sects he susteyneth the brunt of the people alone and defendeth his religion with a long oration whiche example let vs followe also His constancie in his confession appéereth héereby that he is not feared from his confession neyther by threatnings nor by excommunication nor by stoning but as an inuincible Souldiour holdeth faste his Confession euen in the myddes of peryls This also is set foorth as an example too vs. His calling vpon Christe at suche tyme as hée lay ouerwhelmed with stones bothe sheweth hys fayth and also beareth recorde of the charitie of this man For hée made intercession for them that put him too death and he made not intercession for them in vain For Paule whoo was the kéeper of their garmentes that stoned Stephen was afterward conuerted Comfort is founde in thys inuocation For he sawe the sonne of God for whose sake he suffred these things standing at the right hand of GOD and making intercession for him through which consolation the bitternesse of his punishment was not a little asswaged If wée therfore followe the example of this man in our Crosse or persecution wée shall assuredly féele the present help of GOD comforting vs with his holy spirite The end of his life was moste ioyfull For in this prayer Lorde Iesu receyue my soule he yéelded vp his ghoste and fell a sléepe in the Lorde And so hée bothe finished his race and kept his faith and also as a stout conqueror obteined a garland with glory Let vs therfore at the time of our death also set him for an example before our eyes Now let vs looke vpon the text of the Gospel the summe wherof is this Christ foretelleth the daungers of the ministers of Gods woord and threatneth punishment too their persecuters Wée for instruction sake will entreat of foure places which are these 1 The foretelling of the persecutions of the ministers of Gods woord 2 The aggrauating of the sinne of the persecuters 3 The threatning of punishment 4 The vpbraiding of the vnthankfulnesse of them that refuse Christ when hée allureth them too repentaunce ¶ Of the first BEhold I send vntoo you prophets and vvise men and scribes and of them some yee shall kill and crucifie and some of them you shall vvhip in your synagoges and yee shall persecute them from Citie too Citie Thys speaketh Christ too the Iewes who séemed at that time too bée the very churche of GOD and dooth them too vnderstand with howe greate outrage they shoulde in time too come persecute his Ambassadors the Prophets and Apostles Uerily God sendeth his woord too the intent that such as receiue his woorde and beléeue it might bée saued Nowe that some by meanes therof become worser it
bee vvritten euery one I suppose the vvorlde could nor conteine the bookes that should bee vvritten The exposition of the text THe summe of the Gospell After that Christe had asked Peter thrice whether hée looued him hée commaunded him too followe him meaning thereby that he should glorifie him by his death Furthermore by correcting Peters errour the Euangelist correcteth the opinion of the other disciples who misvnderstanding the Lordes woordes were in a wrong opinion that Iohn should not die Last of al he auoucheth that the Gospel whiche Iohn wrate concerning Christe is true And of this Gospel let vs make foure places whiche are these 1 The talke betwéene Christ and Peter Christs commaundement that he should folow him 2 As euery mans vocation is commended too him so is curiousnesse condemned 3 The correcting of the errour of Christes disciples risen of the mistaking of the Lordes woordes 4 A commendation of the Gospel written by Iohn ¶ Of the first ANd vvhen he had sayd so he said vntoo Peter folovve mee Bicause Peter had denied Christ thrice it was the Lordes wil to restore him too his former estate and Apostleship by his thrice confessing him For it was méete that hée whiche had so often denied his Lord and maister should by this meane and as it were by this discipline bée chastised and tried and that his conuersion should bée made knowen There are thrée things whiche Christ dooth héer with Peter First hée asketh him thrée times whither hée looueth him Too whom Péeter answereth thrice also that by this thrée times confessing hée might washe away his thrice denying of him and so bée restored into his place againe Secondlye hée commendeth vntoo him the office of Apostleship thrice saying Féed my shéepe that is too say bée my Apostle too gather my shéepe vntoo me by the doctrine of the Gospell by my sacramentes and by holy life Here it is giuen vs too vnderstand that the duetie of the Apostleship yea and of all ministers of Gods woord is too féede Christes shéepe Besides this by the metaphor of Shéepe is signified what maner a companie of men that shall bée whiche is figured vnder the name of shéepe First therefore somewhat must bée sayde héere of the manner of féeding and secondlye of the Shéepe Christ féedeth and the apostles and other ministers of the woorde féede but the manner of them all is not alike For Christ féedeth as owner and shepherde of the shéep the apostles féede as his seruantes Christe inwardly by his spirite the Apostles by their outwarde ministerie For suche as in crueltie of cōditiōs were Beares or Lions they make tame through the Lordes woorking inwardly by his holy spirite And so they bring them intoo the shéepfolde of Christ that is too say Christes kingdome and this they doo by putting too the keys of Christes churche giuen them of Chryst the true shepeheard Nothing else are these keys than the woord and Faith The minister applyeth the woorde outwardely and the spirite of Chryste inwardly ioyneth fayth too the preaching For the preaching of Gods woorde concerning the forgiuenesse of sinnes too bée obteyned through Christ is the onely key too open the kingdome of heauen Now if he that heareth ioyneth also thervnto true faith and do verily agrée vnto the Gospell then commeth also the other key With these two keis is the kingdom of heuen opened and forgiuenesse of sinnes obteined That is too say the Ambassage of Chryst sheweth wherein that which is spoken figuratiuely vnder the name of keyes is expressed in cléere and plaine meanyng woordes When hée sayth Go and preach the gospell too all creatures Behold héere haue you the firste key And when hée addeth hee that beleeueth shall bee saued Hée sheweth the other key The woord and fayth therfore are the twoo keys wherewith the kingdome of heauen is opened The woorde is applyed outwardly by the Minister which béeing receyued by the vertue of the spirite engendreth Faythe wherethrough men enter intoo the shéepefolde of Chryst. And when the shepherds haue let in the shéepe into Christes shéepfolde they must féede them with the woord and with his Sacraments When any stray from the shéepfold they must fetch them backe againe wyth theyr shéepehookes that is too say with rebuking them If any bée weake and sickely they must refresh them with chéerfull comforte And they must alwayes kéep watche about their flock least wolues come and breake vp the folde and scatter the shéepe All these things the Lorde committed too Peter and the other Apostles or rather too all the ministers of the Gospell when hée sayd too Peter féede my shéepe But why calleth he them shéep whom the apostles bring vntoo Chryst I finde specially thrée causes Wherof the first is for that it behoueth them too bée méeke which professe Chryste or will bée named Christians For it becommeth not them that will bée registred intoo Chrystes houshold too bée cruel like Lions rauening like Wolues wylie like foxes lecherous like Goats filthy like swine or too shewe them selues in affections like too other wilde beastes The second cause is for that like as shéepe doo know the voyce of their owne shepeherde and flée from a straunger so the godly acknowledge Chryste onely for their teacher and will héere those onely that vtter his woord and not any other how greatly renoumed so euer they bée no thoughe they were Angels from heauen The thirde cause is for that like as shéepe followe their owne shepherde whither so euer he goeth so must the godly folowe Christ in life in persecution and in glorie beholding hys lyfe as a rule too leade their life by bearing his Crosse through pacience as often as néede shall require and afterwarde becomming partakers of his glorie whose companions they had bene in persecution according as Paule sayth If wée suffer with him wée shall also bée glorified with him Hereby therfore may the godly ministers of y e woord learne too féede Christes flock And let the shéepe bée méeke let them héere the voyce of their shepherd only and let them folowe him in life in crosse and in glorie The thirde thing that Christ dooth héere is that he doothe Peter too vnderstand with what kinde of death hée shoulde glorifie God when he sayth VVhen thou vvert yong thou diddest girde thy selfe and vventest vvhither thou vvoldest but vvhen thou art olde thou shalte stretche out thy hande and an other shall girde thee and leade thee vvhither thou vvoldest not It is ment by these woordes that Peter for confessing Christ should one day be crucified which thing Irenaeus and diuers of the auncient writers testifie too haue béene done at Rome in the reigne of Nero. Herevntoo Christ addeth his commaundement vntoo Peter and bids him folow him not deny him any more as he had heretofore done but too shew him self stoutly an inuincible souldier of Christ euen vntoo death And let euery one of vs think the same too bée spoken too him selfe ¶
world euen your fayth Fifthly that béeing deliuered from the tirannie of Sathā by Christs presence we may both acknowledge y e Christ dwelleth in vs according too that whiche is written in the 2. Reg. 17. that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel that is too say in the Churche and also that wée may magnifie God which deliuereth vs. Of the Diuell wée haue heard who he is what he dooth why he laboureth the destruction of the Church and wherefore God permitteth him so too doo Nowe let vs héere of our king Chryste of whom I will speake who he is what he dooth and why he dooth Who is Chryst God and man borne of the father before all worldes euerlasting God with the euerlasting Father and the holy ghost according as we confesse in our Créede who came downe from heauen for our saluation and tooke mans nature vpon him too the intent he might by his death delyuer vs from endlesse death and punishment What dooth hée That dooth this present Gospell teache vs. First he openeth this deaf mans eares Secondly hée casteth the diuell out of him Besides that he loozeth his toong that he may speake And also he openeth his eares The self same thing dooth he dayly in his church First he openeth our eares that wée may héere Goods word Therfore who soeuer heareth Gods woord willingly let him know that his eares are opened and contrarywise he that héereth not the woord willingly let him knowe that his eares are stopped still by Sathan Wherefore who so hath not yet eares to héere let him flée to Chryst who only can open them Secondly he deliuereth the harte from the diuel that wée may beléeue For in the sixth of Iohn Chryst teacheth that fayth is the woorke of God for thus he sayth This is the woorke of God that we beléeue in him whom he hath sent Then if thou beléeue not the diuell stil possesseth thy hart Wherfore thou must go too Chryst who only can ouercome him Thirdly he loozeth thy toong that now from henceforth thou mayst with thy mouth confesse him magnifie him and call vpon him And wherfore dooth Chryst so First bicause he is a louer of men whose nature he tooke vpon him at suche time as he was conceyued man and borne of the virgin Mary Secondly bicause he is the enemie of the Diuell Thirdly bicause it is his office or charge too inuade the kingdome of his enemie the diuel too put his sayd enemie to the spoyle too rewarde all that beléeue in him with euerlasting life Now by these things it appéereth howe great difference there is betwéene the kingdom of the diuel and the kingdom of Chryst. In the diuels kingdome is sinne and death In Chrysts kingdome is righteousnesse and lyfe In Sathans kingdome is damnation in Chrysts kingdome is saluation and acquitall from damnation In Sathans kingdome is darknesse In Chrysts kingdom is perpetuall light In Sathans kingdome is torment In Chrysts kingdome is ioy In Sathans kingdom is too bée séene the diuell with al damned soules In Chrysts kingdome the sainctes enioy the syght of God and the glorie of immortalitie through Iesus Chryst. Héerby therfore we may be admonished both with how great héede the kingdome of Sathan is too bée shunned and with how great diligence we must indeuer too bée made citizens of the blissed kingdome of Chryst. ¶ Of the second THe Iewes séeing this déede of Christ as the ministers of Sathan do set themselues with might and main against Christ and say he casteth out diuels by Beelzebub prince of the diuels Sée how great the malice of the world is Too the intent it may die in his owne sinnes it ascribeth the woorke of God too the diuell What liuing creature woulde ryse vp with so great madnesse agaynst Chryste if hée were not styrred theretoo by the spirite of Sathan Howebeit Chryste in no wise beareth that reproche of GOD at their hande but with moste strong argumentes confuteth this diuelishe blasphemie The first Argument is No man can by one diuell driue out an other Ergo you doo lewdely too affirme that I caste out diuels in the name of Beelzebub For if one Diuell should woork agaynst an other and cast out one another the Diuels kingdome should not bée stedfast But now wée sée the kingdome of Sathan too bée moste stable and strong For euery kingdome deuided within it selfe shall bée made desolate For whersoeuer is discorde there is assured destruction too bée looked for The second argument is If I cast out diuels in the name of Belzebub your sonnes doo also cast out diuels in the same name But this by your owne iudgement is false For you affirme them too cast out Diuels by the power of God wherfore you doo wickedly too say that I cast out Diuelles in the name of Belzebub The thirde argument is I cast out Diuels by the finger of God that is too say by the power of God Ergo you doo falsly ascribe my worke too the Deuil The fourth argument is A strong person is not ouercome but of his stronger The Deuil is ouercome by mée for I cast him out spoil him Ergo I am strōger than hée VVhen a strong persō armed kepeth his house the things that he possesseth are in peace Who is that same strong armed person the olde serpent Hée kéepeth his house as long as he dwelleth in the vnbéeleuers and while hée blindeth mennes senses that they acknoweledge not Chryste And then are all things in peace whiche hée possesseth when the woord of God is put to silence and mens traditions sounde abrode But as soone as the swoord is drawne whiche is the woord of God by and by the Deuil is compelled too giue place For Chryst who is in the woord is stronger than Sathan The fifth argument is He that is not vvith mee is against me and he that gathereth not vvith mee scattereth That is too say The Deuil scattereth the church I gather the churche toogither Ergo there is no agreement betwéene mée and the Deuil And that the Deuil scattereth the churche he proueth by a moste goodly similitude ¶ Of the third WHen an vncleane spirite is gone oute of a man that is when the Deuil who of him self is vnclean woont by many meanes too defile the mindes of men is gone out of a man like as hée is now by my power cast out of this wretched man that was possessed What dooth hée then He vvalketh by drie places seeking rest and finding none hee sayeth I vvill returne intoo my house from vvhence I came Hée walketh by drie places that is too say by hartes that are not watered with the riuer of the holy Ghoste What is ment by his séeking rest and finding none By this phrase of speaking is signified his endeuer for it is not inough for him too haue doone harme vnlesse hée may doo more harme So great a desire hath hée too destroy men He is not
kéepeth Chrystes sayings shall not sée death for euer Howebéeit too the intent wée may the better vnderstand these thinges I will shew forth in order what they conteyn For the first thing too be obserued héere is Chrysts othe The second what maner a ones wee bée without Christ. The third what wée obteyn by him The fourth how we may be able too béecome partakers of Chrystes benefits His othe is to this end too assure vs of Gods truth ageinst all the doctrines of men and deuils against the reason of the flesh yea against the whole kingdome of the Deuil which consisteth of Sophistrie Hipocrisie and Tyrannie For it is not possible that the sonne of God should deceyue whoo hath warranted his doctrine by so great an othe What maner a folke bée wée without Christ By Christ it cōmeth too passe that wée sée not euerlasting death Wherfore without Chryst wée are giltie of euerlasting Death Now as there are foure kindes of Lyfe so are there foure kindes of death also The first is the lyfe of nature wherby wée naturally liue in this world This life simply in respect of it self is good bycause it is the gift of God which hée promiseth in the fourth commaundemente but it varieth according too the state of men Untoo Abraham it was good bicause hée vsed it too Gods glorie But vntoo Nero it was euil bicause hée abused it both too the reproch of God that gaue it also to his owne damnation Ageinst this natural life is set naturall death which of it self is euil bicause it is the punishment of sinne Notw tstanding it varieth according to the states of men For lyke as vntoo Abraham this death was a passage vntoo a better life and therefore was good vntoo him so vntoo Nero it was the gate of Hel and therfore too him it was euil The second life is of sinne namely wherby sinne liueth in man and reigneth through his lusts as it dooth in all the vngodly This is alwayes euil bicause it tendeth too dānation Ageinst this is set the death of sinne wherby sinne is mortified in vs which thing cōmeth then too passe whē wée liue in true repentance the feare of God This death of sinne is euermore good bicause it is the passage too eternal life The thirde life is of grace whereby Christe lyueth in vs through grace This is euermore good bicause it is Gods gift and the way too glorie Ageinst this is set the death of grace that is too say the priuation of grace whiche thing commeth too passe when wée slide backe ageyne intoo sinne and cast away fayth This is alwayes euill bicause it is the way intoo hell The fourth life is the euerlasting lyfe by which the godly shall liue with God and his Angels in endlesse blisse This life is most excellent good Ageinst this is set euerlasting death which is endlesse damnation Unto this endlesse death are all men subiect without Christ. For vnlesse wée bée deliuered from this death by the benefite of Chryste it shall bée our perpetual reward for sinne as Paule sayth too the Romanes the .6 chapter Such are wée without Chryst that is wretched damned and giltie of eternall death But what doo wée become through Chryst That doothe Chryst assure vs of by his othe namely that being deliuered from euerlasting death wée are rewarded with eternal life in which shal be ioy without end Howe are wée made partakers of Chrystes benefites This Gospell aunswereth Verely verely I say vntoo if any man kepe my saying he shal not see death for euer Then is this great treasure in Chrystes woordes which who so kéepeth hath Chryst whoo only is the way too life What is too kéepe the woord of Chryste It is too héer it too lerne it and to beléeue it according to this saying He that beléeueth in the sonne hath life euerlasting Why so bicause hée that beléeueth is iustified by his owne faithe that is to say is set frée from sinne endued with the rightuousnesse of Chryste and accepted too eternall life for Chrystes sake He therfore that coueteth eternall life let him marke well the things aforesayd let him liue in continual repentance let him héer Christes word let him beléeue it and let him cōtinue in the faith euen vnto death So shal it fall out that this naturall death shall be vnto him a passage vntoo eternall life But what say the Iewes too this healthfull Doctrine of Christes Chryst saith He that kepeth my vvord shall not se death The Iewes answere now wée know wel thou hast a Deuil Abraham and the Prophets are dead and thou sayest if a man kéepe my woord he shall not tast of death for euer Art thou greater than our father Abraham who is dead c. Whom makest thou thy self As if they had said If thy woord bée of such power that they which héer thée shall not taste of euerlasting death surely thou art greater than the prophets and our patriark Abraham which are dead but this is false for thou art not greater than Abraham Ergo it is false that thou sayest he that kéepeth my saying shall not tast of death for euer Therfore thou art a blasphemer of God and hast a Deuil Christ answereth and sayeth If I glorifie my selfe my glory is nothing that is too vvit by your iudgement It is the father that glorifyeth mee The méening of these words is this The only begotten sonne of God is greater than the seruāts of God or than the adopted sonne of God I am the only begotten sonne of God according as the father himself witnesseth by his own voyce and woorks But the Prophets and Abraham are Gods seruants and Gods children by adoption wherfore I am greater than Abraham and the Prophets Ergo it is no maruel though my woord bée of greater power than theirs Then vsed they a poynt of Sophistrie For that which Chryst spake of the euerlasting death they construed of the naturall death howbeit maliciously Wherfore Chryste procéedeth too reproue them saying If I say I knovve him not I shall be a lyar as you are For you say you know him whom you know not But what is it to knowe god First it is to know whoo he is that is to wit the father the sonne the holy Ghost Secondly to beléeue in him And thirdly too order a mans life according to his wil. Howbeit bicause the Iewes gloried of their father Abraham Chryst procéedeth too shew how vaine this boasting is and sayth Your father Abraham vvas glad to see my day and reioyced In these woords Chryst teacheth thrée things The one that he was before he tooke mās nature vpon him that is to say from euerlasting God euerlasting The other that Abrahā beléeued in him For too beléeue in Chryst is spiritually too sée him And Chryst is séene thrée ways in body only as the Iewes saw him that talked héer with him in spirite only as Abrahā wée y t beléeue in him
secondly for that we be made partakers of his flesh and of his Godhead and thirdely for that by it we communicate and are vnited togither one with another Moreouer by this supper is ment that wée are spiritually nourished and susteined or fed with the body and blud of Christ. For like as bread and wine doo nourish encrese preserue and comfort mens bodyes So doth Chrystes body blud nourish encrease preserue and comfort our soules vnto euerlasting life if so be that true fath bée found in vs. What is the signification of this Supper in respect of the time to come This holy supper signifieth that by the power of Chrysts body raised from the dead our bodies also shal one day rise ageyn that they may be made like vnto the glorious body of Chryst. Wherevpon Paule sayth If Chryst bée risen agein wée also shal rise ageine that we may enioy the cōtinual presence of Chrysts body for euermore Whervppon certein of the holy fathers haue termed this Supper conduct money bicause it putteth them that receiue it before their death in mynde that Chryst is vntoo them the passage from these troubles to eternal blisse What is the signification of the Lords Supper in respect of the euerlastingnesie It is a perpetuall warrant of Gods fauour towards men at no time subiect vntoo chaunge and therfore the Lord himselfe calleth this his supper the newe Testament as which shall neuer become olde at any tyme. How be it too the intent this thing may be vnderstood more cléerly I will as bréefly as may be declare what things are most méete in euery Testament and how all those things which ought to méete in euery last wil or testamēt doo méete héere and moreouer what the new testament is In euery testament or last wil there be fiue things First the Testator that maketh the wil. Secondly the goods which the Testator bequeatheth Thirdly the heirs that are made Fourthly the death of the testatour And fifthly the conditions that are to bée kept of them that are made heires by the wil. In this new Testament the testator is Chryst. The heritage is the possession of eternall life The heires are the children of God that is to say al that beléeue in Chryst. The death of Chryst the testator folowed presently after For he died was buried and rose ageine the third day The conditions too bée obserued of the heyres that are named are that they should beléeue in Chryst and obey him and continue in innocencie of life vnto the end And if they fall intoo sinne that they earnestly repent them before their death Héerevppon wée may now in this wise conclude what the new Testament is The new Testament is is an euerlasting couenant stablished by the death of the Testator Iesus Chryste concerning the grace of God the forgiuenesse of sinnes and the frée gift of eternall life promised too all nations people that beléeue in Chryst crucified ¶ Of the second WHen Paule sayth Let a man examine himselfe and so eate of that breade and drinke of that cuppe for hee that eateth vnvvorthely and drinketh vnvvorthely eateth and drinketh his ovvne damnation These woords of Paule confirme foure things First that the vse of the Supper ought too bée in the church Secondly that it is necessary for men to trie themselues before they vse this Supper Thirdly that hée which receiueth thys Supper vnworthely dooth sinne most gréeuously And fourthly that this supper is too bée ministred onely vnto those that are able too examine themselues I will speake of the second only that is to say how euery man ought to examin himselfe that mindeth too vse this Supper too his behoofe How then must he proue himselfe that will vse this supper That doth Paule teach the seconde Epistle too the Corinthians and y e .xiij. Chapter in these woords Examin your selues whither you bée in faythe examine your selues Know yée not your selues that Chryst is in you By which woordes is vnderstoode that rightful triall consisteth in this that true Fayth and the presence of Chryste bée felte in vs that is to say too vse plainer woordes He is tried and cōmeth woorthely too Chrystes holy Supper that commeth too it reuerently in the feare of God in true repentance in true faith and with a Godly purpose And on the contrary parte he that preaseth to it vnreuerently without the feare of god without true repentance without true faith and with purpose to sinne commeth vnworthely not making difference of the body and blud of the Lorde and hée eateth his owne damnation Therfore whosoeuer approcheth too this supper and hath a purpose to continue in his sinnes he is a blasphemer and receiueth the sacrament with Iudas But too the intēt rude people shold not rashly presume to come to this supper the discipline of confession absolution is instituted in our churches too very good purpose For this discipline auaileth greatly to this that a man may orderly examine himselfe Howbeit too y e intent we may iudge aright cōcerning cōfession and absolution first it is too bée known that as there bée two sorts of cōfession so there be two sorts of absolution also One kind of confession is to God only that is too wit when a man confesseth his sin before God acknowledgeth himself to bée a sinner and desireth forgiuenesse for Christes sake without such confession none of ful yéeres is saued In this wise did Dauid confesse himself when he sayd Haue mercie on mée O God for I haue sinned against thée Enter not into iudgement with thy seruant for no man liuing shal bée iustified in thy sight So confesseth Daniel himself when he saith Wée haue sinned and done amisse with our fathers So did y e publican whē he durst not lift vp his face vnto heauen but strake his brest saying O God be mercifull too mée ● sinner Unto this cōfession aunswereth the absolution that is giuen by only God And this is done when a mā beléeueth his frée promise For whosoeuer beléeueth is iustified from sinne that is to say set frée from sinne For sith that sinne is a falling away from the lawe will of God with a binding vntoo euerlasting death damnation vndoutedly absolution must be the releasing of the beléeuing man from that bonde wherby he is bound to euerlasting death and damnation So was Manasses assoyled so was Dauid so was the théefe vppon the crosse so was Mary Magdalene So are we assoyled dayly when we say with a true heart I beléeue the remission of sinnes and when we pray with faith forgiue vs oure trespasses Let this suffize concerning the first kynd of confession and the absolution of the same An other Confession is of Discipline when a man for counsell instruction and confirmation of his Faith commeth to the minister of the Churche acknowledgeth himselfe a sinner craueth comfort and desireth too bée instructed with Gods woord too the intent his conscience may be made quiet In
this case the minister of the woorde must instructe hym that so confesseth hym selfe And if he knowe him hée muste lay before him the sinnes that hée hath perceyued by hym He muste shewe him the greatenesse of Gods wrath towarde vnrepentant persons And on the other side if in confessing himselfe he bée sorie for his sinne and promise amendement he must comfort him with the promises of the Gospell And if he say hée beléeueth the promises the minister must in Chrystes name assure him that GOD is at one with him and denounce vntoo him the forgiuenesse of hys sinnes in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost warnyng hym earnestly too shun sin héerafter that the end of him become not worse than the begynnyng And thus much concerning the seconde kinde of confession and the absolution that answereth the same As concerning the publike confession and absolutiō I must entreat therof at another time also of the Confession y t is made to the brethren whom we haue offended ¶ Of the thirde NOw remaineth that we tell whiche is the right vse and lawfull meditation of this holy Supper Then sith this holy Supper of Chryst is the Sacrament of our redemption by the sacrifice of Chryst these things are orderly too bée consydered and earnestly weyed in the receyuing of this holy Supper Fyrst the Communicants must call too minde the cause of Christes death namely the synne of mankynd Rom. 4. He died for our sinnes Esay 43. He smote him for oure iniquities The seconde thing that is too be thought vpon is the ende of Chrystes sacrifice whiche is the redéemyng of vs from the bondage of sin and death 2. Corinth 5. For he hath made him too be sinne which knew no sinne that we by his meanes should bée that rightuousnesse whiche is allowed before God 1. Iohn 1. The blud of Iesus Chryste clenzeth vs from all iniquitie Iohn the first Chryst is the Lamb of God that taketh away the sinnes of the world Thirdly by the excellencie of this sacrifice we must consider how greate the wrath of GOD must néedes haue bin ageynst Synne which could not bée appeased by any other sacrifices than the one sacrifice of the only begotten sonne of God Fourthly the excéeding greate mercie of GOD is too bée thought vpon who would receiue vs wretched sinners intoo fauour for the satisfaction of his sonne Fifthly the great loue of the sonne of GOD is too bée thought vpon who taking mans nature vpon hym was cōtent to become a sacrifice for vs and too remoue gods wrath vntoo himselfe and satisfie Gods iustice with the punishmēt of the crosse All these things will the sonne of God haue vs too thinke vpon when he biddeth this supper too bée made in remembrance of hym When wée thus muse vpon these things beholdying Gods wrath there riseth vp a sorowfulnesse and by thinking vpvon Gods mercie and the propiciatorie sacrifice there springeth vp faith out of both which there issueth thankfulnesse confession pacience and other vertues of which this supper putteth vs in minde Too bée short as the Sonne of God maketh a couenaunt with vs too receiue vs mercifully so let vs on the other side make a couenaunt with him too beléeue him and to receiue his benefits thankfully Whiche thing that wée may vnfaynedly doo Iesus Chryst the maker of this supper graunt vntoo vs. And vntoo him with the father and the holy ghost bée honour and glorie for euer Amen The Passion of our Lord Iesus Christ according too the order of the storie compiled by laying the foure Euangelists toogither ANd vvhen they had sung an hymn Iesus going out vvēt as he vvas vvōt ouer the broke Cedron intoo mount Oliuet and his Disciples folovved him Then sayde hee vntoo them All you shall suffer offence by mee this night For it is vvritten I vvil strike the shepperd and the sheepe of the flock shall bee scattered But vvhen I am risen ageyn I vvil go before you Intoo Galilee And Peter ansvvering sayd vntoo him Though al be offended by thee yet vvill I neuer bee offended Iesus sayd vntoo him verely I say vntoo thee that this night before the Cocke crovve tvvice thou shalt denye mee thryce But he sayd more earnestly No though I should dye vvith thee yet vvill I not denie thee In likevvise also sayde all his other Disciples Then came Iesus vvith them intoo a tovvne that is called Gethsemany vvhere vvas a garden intoo vvhich he entred and his disciples with him And Iudas the traytor knew the place bycause Iesus had oftentimes resorted thyther with his Disciples Then Iesus sayde vnto them Syt yee here while I goe and pray yonder And taking with him Peter Iames and Iohn the two sonnes of Zebedee hee began too be abashed and too bee heauy and too bee greeuously vexed And hee sayde too them my soule is heauie euen vntoo deathe Tarry yee heere and watche with me and pray that yee fall not into temptation And he went from them as it were a stones cast and kneeling downe fell flat too the ground vppon his face and prayed that if it were possible that houre might passe from him saying Abba father All things are possible too thee Let this cup passe from mee Neuerthelesse not as I will but as thou wilt And he came to his Disciples and findyng them a sleepe sayd vnto Peter Simon art thou a slepe Couldest thou not do so much as watch one houre with mee Awake yee and praye that yee enter not intoo temptation Verely the spirit is ready but the fleshe is weake Ageine hee went away the second time and prayed saying Father if this cup can not passe from mee but that I must needes drinke of it thy will bee doone And returning hee found them ageine asleepe For their eyes were heauie and they wist not what to answere Then leauing them hee went his way ageine and prayed the thirde tyme the same woords saying If thou wilt thou canst remoue this cup from me Neuerthelesse thy will bee doone and not myne And there appeered to him an Angell from heauen that comforted hym And being striken wyth sorowe hee prayed very long and his swet was as droppes of blud tricklyng downe vppon the grounde And when hee was risen vp from his prayers and was come ageyne too his Disciples he found them a sleepe for very pensiuenesse And hee said vntoo the Sleepe yee from henceforth and take your rest VVhy sleepe yee it is ynough Beholde the houre is at hande and the Sonne of man is deliuered intoo the handes of sinners Vp let vs go he is at hand that betrayeth mee But pray yee least yee enter intoo temptation And by and by while he was yet speaking Beholde Iudas one of the twelue hauyng taken a band of men and officers of the high Preests and the Phariseys and the elders and the Scribes with a greate company folowing him came thither with lanternes and torches
his disciples forsooke him What suffered he in the house of Cayphas He was mocked with false witnesses he was rayled vpon beyond measure and he catched a blowe of the preests seruaunt What suffered he in the consistorie of the Préests He was charged with false witnesses he was scoffed at he was spit in the face he was buffetted he was striken blindféeld and bidden gesse who strake him What suffred he in Herods house He was scorned by the tyrant and all his whole court and in token of vtter contempt Herod clothed Iesus in a faire garment and sent him backe agein vntoo Pylate What suffered hée in the common hall There is he accused false witnesses are brought in ageinst him he is demaunded too bée crucified for more despite Pylates men of warre put a purple garment vpon him A crown of thorne is set vpon his head a réede is giuen him in his right hand and in crouching knéeling vntoo him he is scoffed at with this taunt Hayle king of Iewes they spit in his face they buffetted him his most holy head was strikē with cudgels and in y e end at the request of the préest the whole people he was condemned too the crosse a most vile kind of death What suffered he after his condemnation There is laide vpon his shoulders the tymber of the crosse wherevpon he should bée nayled hée is crucified betwéene two théeues too the intent he should bée déenied the wickeddest of them al as he hangeth on the crosse there is giuen him vineger and gall too drink and at length in these most gréeuous torments he dieth Héereby it appereth how bitter punishment the sonne of God our Lorde Iesus Chryst endured But of what things shall the gréeuousnesse of his punishment put vs in minde Sure of many things and specially of foure For first is séene the greatnesse of Gods wrath ageynst sinne For our sinne had so prouoked the wrath of God that it would not bée pacified but by the sonne of god who taking mans nature vppon him supplyeth our roome and satisfieth Gods iustice Secondly héere is séene the filthinesse of sinne For according too the qualitie of the misdéede doo the punishments also varie A traytour is punished vpon the whéele a théef on the galowes a murtherer with the swoorde and a childe offending with a rod. But the sonne of God suffered a moste shamefull death and a death that was accursed in Gods law By which thing is signified howe abhominable sinne is in the sight of God Thirdly is séene the humbling of Gods sonne who was abased beneath all creatures by whiche humbling of himselfe he testifieth his loue towards mankinde for the redéeming of whom he abode so great things Fourthly is séene the horrible and vnappeasable hatred of the Iewes ageinst the Sauior that was sent vntoo them And although nothing is héere doone more than God had determined should bée doone For Chrysts Passion was long time before prefigured and foretold by the holy Prophets of God as Peter sayth in y e first Chapter of the first Epistle yet notwithstanding the Iewes did not this thing too the intent too obey or accomplyshe the purpose of God but too satisfie their owne hatred For the nature of the woorld is such that if any man rebuke the wickednesse thereof any thing sharply it séekes too rid them out of the way too the intent it may sinne the more licentiously Let this bréefe saying suffize for the first part ¶ Of the second WE haue séene of what sort Chrysts passion was now concerning that which I haue promised in the seconde place I will shew what estimation Chrysts passion is of before God and what frute groweth therof What estimation then is it of before God The passion of our Lord Iesus Christ is the sacrifice propiciatorie wherin the euerlasting sonne of God becomming man and being appoynted by God too bée the euerlasting préest offered himselfe by the euerlasting spirite too the euerlasting father that by this his oblation he might pacifie Gods wrath and make amends for the fault and punishment of mankind too the intent that all which beléeue or shall beléeue in him might by him bée sanctified vntoo eternal life according too that saying of Iohn in his .xvij. chapter for these doo I sanctifie my self Héerby is manifested how great is the estimatiō of our Lordes passion and what frute redoundeth thereof too vs men vpon condition that we rest vpon Chryst by lyuely Fayth Chryst béeing ordeined mediator betwéene vs and God doth by his sacrifice that is too say by his death and passion pacifie Gods wrath he himself being the préest offreth himself vp too God and that is too the intent too deliuer vs from deserued damnation ▪ Wée sée therfore that ther be fiue things in this sacrifice First the préest is Chryste himselfe 2. The sacrifice or thing that is offered vp is the Prest himselfe 3. God is he to whom this sacrifice is offred vp 4. The world is it for which this oblation is made 5. The bargain couenant is that this oblatiō turneth too the welfare of the faithfull only But howe can it come too passe that the death of Chryste alone shoulde make sufficient and full amends for the sinnes of the whole worlde Beholde the Lambe of God sayth Iohn which taketh away the sinnes of the world For of the vndiuidable and vnspeakable vnion of the Godhead and māhood in one person groweth the woorthinesse estimation and endlesse merite of all the woorkes and passions of Chryste Therfore when it is sayd The sonne of man hath redéemed vs by the desert of his passion a woork of inestimable price and incomparable value is named bycause the same sonne of man that hath suffered is also God Also the death of the Sonne of man is a satisfaction bicause it is the death of such a man as is God The obedience of the Sonne of man is our rightuousnesse bicause it is the obedience of a man that is GOD. So the sonne of man forgiueth sinnes bicause hée is God The fleshe of Chryst is the foode of life bicause it is the flesh of a man that is God And although the Godhead in Chryst suffred not but his manhood only as sayth Peter Chryst suffred in the fleshe yet his passion extendeth too his whole person In so muche that what so euer reproche is doone too Chrystes manhod the same redoundeth too the reproche of his whole person according too this sentence they haue crucifyed the Lord of glorie In consideration wherof the Churche confesseth the sonne of God too haue suffred bicause hée suffred in the manhod which he had taken vpon him Of what estimation our Lordes passion is before God it is already sayd and also what is the frute therof in general Howbéeit now to the intent the frute of oure Lordes passion may bée séene the better I wil deuide it intoo partes These therfore are the frutes The first is y t obedience
is performed Phi. 2. He humbled himself and became obediēt euen vntoo the death of y e crosse The seconde is that the Deuil is ouercome For this purpose sayth Iohn appéered Chryst that he might destroy the works of the Deuil according too the first promise The womans séede shall tread down the Serpents head The thirde is that man is saued from sinne and iustified Behold sayth Iohn the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world Also Rom. 4. He dyed for our sins 2. Cor. 5. Him that knew no sin he made sin that wée might bée made the rightuousnesse of GOD in him that is too say he made Chryste a sacrifice for sinne that through his rightuousnesse we might be made rightuous before God The fourth is that the Iewes and Gentiles are made equall according too that saying Ephes. 2. For hée is our peace whiche made bothe one and hath broken down the wall that was a stop betwéene vs and hath also put away through his flesh the cause of hatred that is too say the law of commaundementes conteyned in the law written too make of twaine one new man in himselfe so making peace that he might reconcile both vntoo God in one body through his crosse The fifth is that death is abolished Osée 13. O Death I wil be thy death Too be bréefe Chrystes sacrifice is oure redemption For it is the price payd for vs wherewith God is pacified man redéemed the Deuil ouercome yea all thinges in heauen earth put vnder one head which is Chryste Ephes. 1. ¶ Of the third THe godly helthfull minding of our Lordes passion may bée brought intoo sixe partes whiche Christen folk ought too think vpon not only at this time but all the time of their whole life For the godly minding weying of these partes dooth not onely confute those whiche in the Papacie thinke them selues too haue discharged their dutie if they say ouer so many Pater nosters and Aue maries knéeling before Idols set vp for a supersticious seruice of God but also woonderfully strengthneth and comforteth the godly I wil therefore set out the sixe partes of this minding The first is that therby wil come too our mind how great the wrath of GOD must néedes haue bin for the sinnes of men which could not bée appeased by the woork of any creature but that of necessitie the onely begotten Sonne of God must die too pacifie Gods wrath by making this rightful satisfaction for sinne The second is that therby wil come too our remembrance how vnmeasurable and vnsercheable hath bin the mercie of God the Father who rather would that his onely begotten Sonne should suffer moste bitter death than that mankinde whome hée had created shoulde perishe Peraduenture thou 〈◊〉 ●urmise that God coulde haue deliuered mankinde by some other meanes What art thou that wilt teache God what he might haue done Think thou vpon Gods Iustice and mercy togither For as his mercy moued him too saue so his iustice moued him too looke for rightfull amends of the wrong Man sinned and for so doing he must either perish or make amends Nowe man béeing no more but man could not satisfie Gods Iustice and other than man none ought too doo it Gods wisdome therfore found through mercie a remedie in this case which was that the eternal sonne of God should become man by meanes wherof he both was able too satisfie Gods iustice bicause he was God and ought too doo it bicause he had taken mans nature vpon him Thus in Chrysts Passion appéereth mercie too bée mixte with iustice and wisedome hath tempered them both The thirde is that thereby will come too mynde the moste excellent and vnspeakable loue of the Sonne of God towards mankinde who vouchsaued too turne the wrathe of his Father too him selfe and too abyde so slaunderous a Death and that for his enimies as Paule beareth witnesse Rom. 5. The fourth is that thereby will come too minde the true meane whereby the frute of our Lordes Passion may bée applyed too thee so as it may bée for thy soule health This applying of it is brought too passe thrée wayes by the woord by fayth and by the Sacrament By the woorde as it were by the hande of GOD is the benefite of the Lordes passion offered vntoo thée where and as often as the Gospell of Iesus Chryst is preached and the ministers of the woorde do in Gods stéede shewe the frute of our Lordes Passion too all that héere the Gospell Ageyne when the benefite of the Lordes Passion is thus offered as it were by the hande of God it must bée receyued by Faith as it were a certeyn hande of man the which Fayth the holy Ghost woorketh in men that héere the Gospell and obey it Furthermore it is sealed vp with either Sacramente of Baptim and of the Lordes supper and the strength and vse therof is painted out as it were in tables like as wée heard yesterday Therfore when thou rehersest the Article of thy beléefe concerning the Passion of the Lorde persuade thy selfe firmely and beléeue most assuredly that the sonne of GOD suffered death for thée Which thing if thou doo thou art partaker of the Lords death in so muche that all the whole obedience of Chryst is thy acquitall from sinne and thy righteousnesse But there is a double obedience too bée marked in Christ his obedience of the Crosse and his obedience of the lawe which was his perfect fulfilling of the same Like as his obedience too the crosse is our clensing from sinne so his obedience of the law is imputed to vs for our righteousnesse Rom. 5. The fifth is that when wée bée thus made partakers of the Lords passion through faith it wil come too our remembrance what is the lotte of the godly in this lyfe For like as Christ hath suffered so will he haue the rest of the godly too suffer that they may bée comformable too the image of the sonne of God Whervpon Paule in the sixt too the Romans sayth For therefore doo wée suffer with him that wée may bée glorified togither with him The sixt is that we shal call too minde what thing Chryste who hath redéemed vs with his own blud requireth at our hands For now sith we are redéemed by him wée must obey him What willeth he First that wee should renounce his enimie the diuil Secōdly y t we should flée sin that we offend not God ageine wittingly and willingly with our sinnes Thirdly that we giue our selues too holinesse and godlinesse and that wée serue him in true feare all the dayes of our life Which thing if wée doo wée shall obteyne the ende of our fayth that is the euerlasting saluation of our soules Whiche God the Father graunt vntoo vs through Iesus Chryst our Lorde Amen Easter day The Storie of the Resurrection of our Lorde Iesus Chryst compiled by laying toogither with the foure Eaangelists AS soone as the Sabboth daye
was paste Mary Maudelin and the other Mary whiche is called Iacobie and Salome and Ioanne and the other women that were with them whiche came with Iesus out of Galilee broughte and made readye sweete odours that they mighte come and anoynt Iesus For they had rested the Sabboth daye according too the commaundement At euentide of the Saboth whiche dawneth toward one of the Sabbothes that is too say very early in the morning before the breake of the day while it was yet darke the firste daye of the weeke they wente foorth and came too the Tumbe by the Sunne rising bringing with them the odours whiche they had prepared And beholde there was a greate earthquake For an Angell of the Lorde came downe from Heauen and comming too the Tumbe rolled the stone from the mouth of it and satte downe vppon it And his countenaunce was lyke lyghtening and his raymente as white as Snowe And the watchemen for feare of him were astonnied and became as deade men And the women sayde among them selues VVho shall rolle vs the stone from the mouth of the graue For it was an exceeding greate one And when they had looked backe they sawe the stone was rolled from the graue And entring intoo the graue they founde not the bodye of the Lorde Iesus Mary Magdalene therfore ran too cary tidyngs of these things And it came too passe that while the women were amazed in their minde at the matter bycause they hadde not founde the body of Iesus Beholde two men stood by them in bright rayment and when the women were afrayde and cast down their countenaunce too the ground they sayde vntoo them VVhy seek yee the lyuing among the deade Hee is not heere but is rysen Remember what he tolde you while he was yet in Galilee saying That it behoued the Sonne of man too bee betrayed intoo the handes of sinners and too bee crucifyed and too rise ageyne the thirde day And they remembred his woordes and departing backe from the Tumbe they afterwarde reported all these things too the eleuen and too all the reste And when they tolde these things too the Apostles their woords seemed too them too bee doting fooles and they beleeued them not VVhen Mary Magdalen ran away as it is sayde shee came too Simon Peter and too that other Disciple whom Iesus loued and sayde vntoo them They haue taken away our Lord out of his graue and wee knowe not where they haue bestowed him Peter therefore rose vp and that other Disciple and went too the graue And they ran bothe toogither and that other Disciple outran Peter and came firste too the graue and when hee had bowed him selfe downe hee saw the linnen clothes lapped vp yet wente hee not in Then came Simon Peter following him and entred intoo the graue and sawe the lynnen clothes lie and the napkin that was aboute his heade not lying with the lynnen clothes but wrapped toogither in a place by it selfe Then wente in also that other Disciple whiche came firste too the Sepulchre and hee sawe and beleeued For as yet they knewe not the Scripture that hee shoulde ryse ageyne from the deade The Disciples therefore went ageyne too their owne home And Peter maruayled at that which had happened Mary stoode without the Sepulchre weeping And as shee wept shee bowed hir selfe intoo the Sepulchre and sawe twoo Angelles in white sitting the one at the heade and the other at the feete where they had layde the body of Iesus And they sayde vntoo hir woman why weepest thou Shee sayde vntoo them For they haue taken awaye my Lorde and I wotte not where they haue layde him VVhen shee had thus sayde shee turned hir selfe backe and sawe Iesus standing and knew not that it was Iesus Iesus sayde vntoo hir VVoman why weepest thou whom seekest thou She supposing he had bin the Gardener sayde vntoo him Sir if thou haue borne him hence tel mee where thou hast layed him that I may fet him Iesus sayde vntoo hir Mary Shee turned hir selfe and sayde vntoo him Rabboni which is too say maister Iesus sayd vntoo hir touch mee not for I am not yet ascended too my Father But go too my brethren and say vnto them I ascend too my Father and your Father too my GOD and your God This is that Mary Magdalene out of whom Iesus had cast seauen Deuils to whō when hee was rysen hee shewed him selfe first in the morning the first day of the weeke Shee going hir way tolde the Disciples that had bin with him mourning and weeping that shee had seene the Lorde and that he had spoken suche things vntoo hir And when they heard that he was aliue was seen of hir they beleeued it not And the women entring into the Sepulcre sawe a yong man at their right hande clothed in a long white garment and they were afrayde For it was an Angel of the Lorde And hee sayde vntoo them Bee not afrayed for I knowe that yee seeke Iesus that was crucified hee is not here hee is risen as hee said come and see the place where the Lord was put and go quickely and tell his Disciples that hee is risen from death And beholde hee wil go before you intoo Galilee there yee shall see him Loe I haue tolde you And they departing quicklye from the Tumbe wente their wayes with feare and great ioy and ran to bring his Disciples woord And they trembled and were amazed and tolde no body anye whit of it for they were afrayed And as they wente too beare woorde of it too his Disciples beholde Iesus met them saying All haile And they came and hilde him by the feete and woorshipped him Then sayde Iesus vntoo them bee not afrayde Go and tell my brethren that they go intoo Galilee and ther they shall see mee VVhen they were gone beholde some of the keepers came intoo the Citie and shewed vntoo the highe Preestes all the things that were happened And they gathered them toogither with the Elders and tooke counsel and gaue large money too the Souldyours saying say yee that his Disciples came by night and stole him away while yee slept And if this come vntoo the Presidents eares wee will appease him and saue you harmelesse And they tooke the money and didde as they were taughte And this saying is noysed among the Iewes vntoo this day The exposition of the text THis feast is the highest of al feasts wherin is set foorth vntoo vs the Article of our Lords resurrection from the dead that the third day according too the Scriptures whoo by his glorious resurrection as hée was conquerour of death sinne and the Deuil so became hée the redéemer of al them that shall not refuse too beléeue in him It is a custome in this feast too entreat out of the storie of the resurrection concerning the benefit or frute of the same of the vse therof all whiche things this present Gospell conteyneth It is tolde by the
Angel that Chryste is risen This is the summe of the storie The women are willed not too bée afrayd This is the frute of this benefite and the women séek Chryst raysed from death By the example of whom is commended vntoo vs the helthful vse of our Lords resurrection Wherefore not without cause Paule wryting too Timothie sayth Remember that Iesus Chryste is risen from death For as the same Apostle saith in the .10 too the Romains If thou beléeue in thy harte that God hath raysed him from death thou shalt bée saued How bée it too the intent this Article of oure fayth may be the better confirmed vntoo vs I wil handle thrée places in this sermon whiche are 1 How many wayes there are too proue the Lorde resurrection 2 Why hée arose the third day 3 What is the frute of Chrystes resurrection ¶ Of the firste BY thrée kindes of Testimonies is the Lordes Resurrection confirmed For there are Testimonies that go before and that go with it and that come after it Of which I will speake in order Christ admonisheth vs in the .xxiiij. of Luke that we should aduisedly wey the testimonies that went before the Lordes Resurrection where he sayth So is it written and so ought Christ too haue suffered and risen agein the third day and repentance and remission of sinnes to be preached in his name vntoo all nations But where is this written He himself answereth and saith In Moises and the prophets the Psalmes it is written of mée Therfore in Moyses in the Prophets and in the Psalmes must wée séeke for the Testimonies that go before our Lords resurrection In Moyses there is a double kinde of Testimonie concerning the Lords Resurrection For it is both foretolde in expresse woords shadowed with many figures The expresse woordes are these The womans séede shall breake the Serpents head that is too say Chryst shall ouercome the Deuil which thing could not bée doone but by Chrysts rising ageyn from death ▪ For if Chryst had taried stil in his graue the deuil had had the vpper hand of Chryst. For as long as Chryst lay in his graue Christ had no victorie that is he had no triumph But assoone as our Lorde opened his graue and came out of it aliue he shewed him selfe conqueror and triumpher ouer Sathan Héerevnto also perteyneth this saying In thy séede shall all the nations of the earth bée blissed Now as in death is the curse so is blissing too bée séen in y e life of Christ. Also it is shadowed with figures in Moses Adam dying and afterward being raysed ageyne was a figure of Chryste dying and rysing ageine For thus sayth Augustine Chrystes resurrection was prefigurate in our first father Adam because like as Adam rising after sléepe knew Eue shaped out of his séede So Christ rising agein from the dead builded the church out of the wound of his syde Isaac also being laid vpon the altar too bée sacrificed and yet beyng deliuered by the Angell was a figure of Chryste offered vp vpon the Crosse and afterward raysed from death by the power of God Ioseph being cast into prison afterward brought foorth vntoo high honor did betoken the death resurrection of the Lord. In the Prophets also are both sayings and figures of this Resurrection Esai 53. chapter If he giue his soule for sinne he shall sée long lasting seede and the will of the Lord shall prosper in his hand Daniell telleth openly that Chryst shall bée put too death and that he shall reigne for euer Oseas also sayth the thirde day he shall quicken vs. Among many other figures are these Sampson is shut within the Citie and the gates fast locked And our Lord is closed in the graue fast sealed Sampson breaking the lockes and bearing away the gates escapeth without harme And Chryste breaking the powers of hell goeth out frée Like as the shippe should haue perished if Ionas had not bin cast out so should the woorld perish if Chryst had not suffered And like as Ionas was in the belly of the Fishe thrée dayes and afterwarde was cast out on lande So Chryste was thrée dayes in the earth and afterward came foorth aliue out of his graue In the Psalmes also are Testimonies and Figures of Chrystes resurrection The second Psalme entreateth altoogither of the kingdome and préesthood of Chryst. The fiftene Psalme Thou shalt not suffer thy holy one too sée corruption The .xxij. Psalme preacheth the Lordes Passion and resurrection The Cx. Psalme He shall drinke of the brooke by the wayes side therfore shal he lift vp his head The same Dauid doth shadow the death resurrection of the Lord. Dauid fléeing so oftentimes at length being aduaunced too the kingdom was a figure of Chrysts abacemēt by death of his glorificatiō by rising agein Such maner of proofes of y e lords death resurrection there are many in Moises in the Prophets and in the Psalmes but I haue recited but fewe for shortnesse of time To the furtherance héerof cōmeth it also y e Chryste oftentimes forewarned his Disciples of his deathe and resurrection Of testimonies that go with it there be twoo sorts namely expresse woords signes In this Gospel the Angel sayth He is risen he is not heer The signe was séen the graue was emptie there was an Earthquake the Lorde shewed him selfe first too Mary Magdalene afterward too the more part of the Apostles and then too fiue hundred bréethren hée is conuersant with his Disciples fortie dayes and at the ende in the sight of a great number he ascēded visibly intoo heauen from whence the .x. day after his ascencion hée sendeth the holy Ghost according too his promise whiche holy Ghost conuinceth Chryst too haue ascended intoo heauen in déed as triumpher ouer death and hel The testimonies that folowe are of twoo sortes also The preaching of the Apostles whiche is confirmed wyth sundry miracles afterward the recorde of the whole Churche confessing Chryst their Lord and mediator ▪ Besides these there bée other signes also The inward signe is Chrysts spirit in the harte of the beléeuers whiche testifieth vntoo them that Chryste liueth The outwarde signes are Baptime and the Lords supper For by Baptim is figured Chrysts death buriall and resurrection as Paule teacheth the .vij. too the Romaines The Lordes Supper dooth also represente vntoo vs Chrystes resurrection Hee that beléeueth not these testimonies going before it with it and comming after it shall one day sée him comming in the Clouds too be his iudge whome hée acknowledged not too be his Sauiour héer on earth ¶ Of the second WHy arose he ageine the third day Why did he not put it of till the last day that wée mighte haue risen toogyther with him He rose ageine the third day first too fulfil the Prophecies For it was tolde before by the Prophet Oseas and prefigured in Ionas that he should rise ageine the third day Secondly too make
Hierusalem and haste not knovvne vvhat hath bin done in these dayes Cleophas maruelleth that he alone knew not that which was knowen too the whole citie and to all the straungers that were resorted thither to the feast of Passeouer To whom he sayd vvhat things as concerning Iesus of Nazareth c. The answere of Cleophas hath .iiij. things in it First it is an acknowledging of Christ a witnessebearing of his innocencie vvho sayth he vvas a Prophet myghty in deede and in vvoord before God and all the people This discription conteines thrée things touching Chryst. First and formoste that Chryst is a Prophete that is too say a teacher of Gods will sente from God Secondely that he is not a Prophet of the baser sorte but mighty in woork woord that is to say excellent in holynesse of life and ablenesse of teaching Thirdly is added before GOD and men wherby is ment that Chryste in suche wise executed the office of a Prophete that hée behaued himselfe holyly in all things as in the eyesight of God This acknowledgyng of Chryst was great although it were not ful and perfect The Phariseys the high Préestes Pilate and Herode did put Chryst to death as a blasphemer These disciples beare witnesse that he was sent of God Wherevpon we may deriue thys doctrine that in religion not the iudgemēt of the great men but the rule of Gods word is to be folowed They wer offended at the outward appéerance of Chryst and these following the truth of God did as much as they could set thēselues against these blasphemers The second thing that is the in answer of Cleophas is the publishing of the Lords passion wherin he declareth both by whom he was condemned and of what kynd of death hée suffred Our high Preestes and Elders sayeth he condemned him and deliuered him to death He openly auoucheth that the high préests and elders are the enimies of Christ. Wherby wée also are admonished to accuse them openly that persecute the Gospell as the Pope doth and many tyrantes in the world Also he sheweth what kind of death he was put vntoo when he sayth And they crucifyed him Thā the which kind of death although there was none more reprochefull in the world yet was not Cleophas therfore afrayd to count him a holy man The third thing that is in the aunswer of Cleophas is the confession of his beléefe in Chryst VVe hoped sayth he that he should haue redeemed Israel Cleophas confesseth openly that he beléeueth vppon Chryst whom the hygh Préests had put to death And this is the nature of true Fayth ▪ For hée that beléeueth vntoo rightuousnesse cōfesseth with his mouth too saluation The fourth thing that is in the aunswere of Cleophas is the strengthning of his weak fayth by the promise of Christ and the witnesse of the women by the vision of the Angels and the recorde bearing of certein of the Apostles For when Cleophas nameth the third day he dooth it for that the Lorde had promised too rise ageyn the thirde day This promise beléeueth hée too bée fulfilled notwithstanding that hée bée tossed betwéene hope and feare But against feare hée taketh vntoo him the nourishment of Faith lest it should bée vtterly quenched And where as he telleth that the body was not founde by the women and that there appéered vntoo them a vision of Angels and that the report which the women had made of the emptie Tumbe was auouched by the witnesse of men these things tende all too this ende too persuade hym selfe fully that Chryst was risen againe So the godly man being doutfull betwéene faith and feare vnderproppeth his faith and to the vttermost of his power wrestleth ageynst feare But what sayth the Lord too thys geare O fooles sayth hée and slovve of harte too beleeue the things that are spoken by the Prophetes Héere first hath our Faith somewhat too learne at Chrystes hande Chryste verely findeth faulte wyth those disciples for their slownesse as well in lerning as in beléeuing yet doth he not cast them off for theyr weakenesse But rather according too his owne custome hée chastiseth them after a fatherly sort and helpeth their weaknesse least being ouercome wyth feare they should quench y e litle fyre of theyr fayth For hée came too bée a physitian of the weake and not to fordoo the weake with feare Héerby wee may lerne that Chryste will not cast off any man that hath a small and weake fayth so he suffer it too bée strengthned and encreased by the woord of God But what thing findeth he fault with in these twoo Disciples with twoo things Ignoraunce or dulnesse in lerning and slownesse in beléeuyng the Prophetes Dulnesse hyndered their vnerstanding and slownesse hyndred their Faith For although they had a very little Fayth yet ought they too haue made greater furtherance in it for that they had not onely herd from their childhod the foresayings of the Prophetes concernyng Chryste but also Chryste hymselfe foretellyng them what kinde of death hée should bée put too and that he shoulde the thirde day after come out of his graue ageyne alyue Héere is our dulnesse also reproued who haue herd the Gospell so many yéeres togither and yet many are too bée found amongest vs that haue not yet learned the Apostles Créede of whom I am sore afrayd vnlesse they amend betimes After that Chryste hath founde faulte with them hée béeginneth to teach Whyche is the poynt of a good schoolemaster And therfore he sayth Ought not Chryst too haue suffered these thyngs and so too enter intoo his glorie Thys is the ground that the Lord teacheth vpon the méenyng wherof is this Chryst according too the foresaying of the prophetes ought too suffer death vpon the Crosse and afterwarde too rise from death and to enter intoo his glorie He oughte to suffer veryly for our sinnes and to rise ageyne for oure iustification Rom. 4. Then séeing yée confesse mée too bée Chryst yée must also know out of the Prophets that it béehooued mée too dye and ryse ageyne from the dead This thing sheweth he also out of Moyses and the Prophetes but the Euangelist telleth not by what places of Scripture he did it Notwithstanding it is not too be douted but that he first of all expounded the promis concerning Chryst set foorth vntoo Adam which is this The séede of the womā shal tread down the serpents head and many such other as you haue herd yesterday Moyses by the commandement of God did set vp a brazen serpent in y e wildernesse as many as looked theron were healed of theyr woundes Whiche figure Chryste expounding in the third of Iohn sayeth Like as Moyses lifted vp the serpent in the wildernesse so it behoueth the sonne of man to be lift vp to the intent that all that beléeue in hym should not perish but haue life euerlasting Howbeit as hée was recityng these things out of Moyses and the prophets they drew néere
the towne that they were going too and hée made as though he would haue gone further but they constrained and intreated him too tary with them Héereby wée may lerne what account wée ought to make of them that rebuke vs when wée doo amisse and call vs backe intoo the way of sound doctrine They doo not héere giue Chryst taunt for taunt call him foole ageyn but they acknowledge their owne foly and yéeld themselues too him easy too bée taughte too the intent they may be deliuered from their erroure and foly Thus do all the godly On the contrary part the vngodly freat and wex mad ageynst those that goe about to call thē back intoo the way by shewing them their error as we haue herd euen now that the Iewes did ¶ Of the third parte NOw foloweth what was done within the house And it came to passe sayeth the Euangelist that as he sate at meate vvith them hee tooke bread and blissed brake it and reached it too them theyr eyes vvere opened and they knevv him Héere the Euangelist declareth that the disciples knew the Lorde by breaking of bread For as often as the Lorde tooke meate he had bothe a peculiar maner of praying and a singular gesture in reaching forth the bread Which things bicause they had oftē marked in Christ they knew him therby for that being now raised from the dead he kept the same maner that he had done before Therefore lyke as the disciples knew Chryst by his gesture so let vs as often as wée eate bread learne by his example to offer thanks to him the author of life which marke wil make vs knowne from heathenish men Moreouer as soone as Chryst was knowne hée vanished out of their syght and they hencefoorth talked of him with more swéetnesse than before Did not our hart sayde they burn vvithin vs by the vvay vvhyle he spake vnto vs and opened the scriptures vnto vs Héere wée may marke the frutes of Gods woord in men And albeit that Chryste nowe a days appéere not vnto vs bodyly and speake vnto vs mouth to mouth yet notwithstanding he speaketh vntoo vs by the ministers of his woord according as he sayth He that héereth you héereth mée What is that frute Whosoeuer héereth Gods woord with his eares and with his hart in hym there is kindled a certeyne fyre and his harte beginneth to glowe Then lyke as hée that féeleth not this glowing in his hart when he héereth Gods woord hathe eares but not too héere and a harte but not too vnderstand and that through his owne default bycause he vnderstandeth the holy ghost So hée that féeleth this glowing in his hart hath a witnesse of Chrystes spirit speaking in him and that he hath a liuely true faith Wherfore we are warned too héere Gods woord in the feare of GOD with greate reuerence and earnestnesse ¶ Of the fourth parte ANd they rising vp the same houre returned to Hierusalem and found the eleuen gathered togither c. These things teach that that heate which is kindled in vs by the preaching of the woord is not ydle but sheweth it selfe abroade out of hande For he that knoweth Chryste aright coueteth also that others shoulde knowe him likewise too the entent that many may glorifie him toogither That such a heate may bée kindled in vs our Sauiour Iesus Chryst graunt to whome with the father and the holy ghoste bée honor for euermore So bée it The third Holyday in Easter Weeke ¶ The Gospell Luke .xxiiij. AND as they thus spake Iesus himselfe came as they vvere set dovvne and stode in the middes of them and sayde Peace be vntoo you and hee vpbraided them vvith their vnbeleefe and hardnesse of hart bycause they beleeued not those that had tolde them hovv they had seene him risen from death And they being amazed and afrayd thought they savv a ghost And he sayde vnto them VVhy are yee afrayd and vvhy doo thoughts arise in your hartes See my hands and feete that it is I. Feele mee and see for a spirite hath no flesh and bones as ye see mee haue And vvhen he had sayde thus he shevved them his hands and his feete his side Then vvere the disciples glad vvhen they savv it vvas the Lorde And vvhyle they yet beleeued not for ioy and vvoondered he sayde to them Haue you any meat heer And they offred him a peece of broyled fish and a peece of a hony cōbe And he tooke it and ate it in the sight of of them and sayd vnto them These are the vvoords that I spake vnto you vvhile I vvas yet vvith you that all things muste bee fulfilled vvhiche are vvritten of mee in the lavv of Moyses and in the prophets and in the Psalmes The opened he their minde that they might vnderstand the scripturs and sayde vnto them Thus is it vvritten and thus it behoued Chryst to suffer and to rise agein from death the third day and that repentance and forgiuenesse of sinnes should be preached to all people in his name beginning at Hierusalem And you are vvitnesses of these things And he sayd vntoo them ageyne Peace be to you As my father sēt me so send I you also VVhē he had sayd so he breathed vppon them and sayd vntoo them Take ye the holy ghoste VVhose sinnes soeuer ye release they are released vnto them and vvhose sinnes soeuer ye vvithhold they are vvithholden The exposition of the text THis is the fifth appéering of the Lord vppon the very day of Easter in which he appéered too the Disciples that were talking of hym For firste he appéered too Mary Magdalene out of whom he cast seuen diuels Secondly hée appéered to the women as they were returning from his graue Thirdly hée appéered vntoo Peter Fourthly vntoo Cleophas and his companion And fiftly as this texte sheweth vntoo the .xj. Disciples as they were talking toogither of him The places are twoo 1 Christes gréeting and the testimonies wherby hys Resurrection is proued 2 The necessitie of Chrysts death and Resurrection and y e vse of the same namely that repentance forgiuenes of sins must be preched to al natiōs in his name ¶ Of the firste IEsus stoode in the middes of them and sayd vnto them Peace bee to you The disciples being sorowful talked of Chryst who is present with them according to his promis whersoeuer two or thrée are gathered toogither in my name I will bée in the myddes of them For although this bée not doone always in his bodyly presence yet is it doone in very déede For he will neuer doo ageinst his promis Nowe what he bringeth with his presence his gréeting sheweth wherewith he héere comforteth his sorowfull Disciples For in as much as Chryst is giuen too bée a comfort too the sorowfull héere he offreth peace saying Peace bée vnto you Thys peace which the Lord wisheth to his disciples is not cōmon but heauenly not of the world but of the kingdome of Heauen not
this present life shall in the end enioy ful glory with Christ so shée continue stedfast in his faith vntoo the end The places are thrée 1 Chrysts forewarning concerning his owne death and Resurrection 2 The weaknesse of the apostles and so consequently of all mortall men 3 The Crosse of the Church in this world and the glorious and ioyfull deliuerance of the same ¶ Of the firste COncerning the death and resurrection of Chryst I will speake somwhat bréefly bicause wée haue herd all thinges alate more plenteously After a vvhyle yee shall not see mee and ageine after a vvhile yee shall see mee for I goe too the father Héere doth Chryst somwhat darkly foreshew them his death and resurrection But his méening is this After a vvhile sayth he yee shall not see mee that is too say I shall lye dead a thrée days in my graue so that you shall not sée mée And againe after a vvhile yee shall see mee that is too say I shall be raised ageine from death and you shall sée mée fortie days before I ascende visibly into heauen and be taken away out of your sight by a cloude And this is it that he sayeth bicause I go to the Father that is too say after my death I shall passe from persecution to the glorie of heauen What is he not present with his churche after his ascension Yes he is present according too his promise euen vntoo the end of the worlde Howbéeit not after a bodyly maner but after a diuine and spiritual maner For Gods woord and the holy Ghost are the glasse ▪ wherin Chryst will be holden and this beholding is sufficient wherwith wée must be contented vntill he himselfe come to iudgement for afterward wée shall enioy the sight of him for euermore But why did hée put his Disciples in minde of his death and resurrection Surely there be many causes of which the chéefe is this which he alleageth in these woords I haue told you of these things before hand that vvhen they bee come to passe you may beleeue For mens minds are gretly strengthned when they sée things fall out ▪ according too that whiche was tolde them before Neither dyd any thing more raise the Apostles than that they saw all things aunswerable too Chrystes foresayings wherby they might bothe vnderstand his Godhead and throughly perceiue his office Moreouer the Lordes will was by the often forewarnings too prouide for the infirmitie of his disciples For this is the poynt of a faythfull maister to haue a consideration of their capacitie whome he taketh vppon him to teache and too remedie theyr rawnesse by often beating the selfe same things intoo their heads Besides this also he therfore foretold his death and resurrection too the intent his disciples shoulde knowe that he knew before of his owne death and resurrection and that he willingly obeyed the father euen vntoo death too the intent he might deliuer vs frō death This sermon of Chrystes is too bée applyed vnto vs also for not muche vnlike happeneth vntoo vs. Hée sêemeth too bée a whyle from vs when he leaueth vs comfortlesse wrestling vnder the crosse And afterwarde ageyne hée is séene of vs when hée comforteth vs by the Gospell and manifesteth the presence of his spirite in our prayers ¶ Of the second THe rawnesse of Christes disciples in matters of saluation is described in these woords VVhat is it say they that he sayth After a vvhile yee shall not see mee and ageyne after a vvhile yee shall see mee and that I go to the father vve knovv not vvhat he speaketh It is a greater wonder that they being so often warned of the Lordes death and Resurrection not only by types figures and riddles but also by expresse woordes coulde neuer the more vnderstande him What is the cause héerof Surely there are twoo causes One is for that an opinion once conceiued in the mynde is not easly pulled out specially if it haue taken déepe roote The Iewes yea and the Lords Disciples themselues dreamed that Chrysts gouernement should haue bin ciuill so as Chryste himselfe béeing made chéefe Emperor should subdue the whole world and reign ouer it and that his disciples should haue bin next about him whiche thing the moother of Zebedies children declared sufficiently when she made request that the one of hir sonnes might sit at Chrystes right hande and the other at his left An other cause is the dimnesse that is in all mankynd wherby it commeth to passe that no man is able too perceiue the things that pertein too God vnlesse he haue the holy Ghost too bée his teacher Héerby we may leene first too bewaile this our blindnesse Secondly too héere Gods woord more often wherby we may bée deliuered f●rom this dimnesse of ignorance and thirdly to craue of God that he him selfe will teache vs according too that place of the .xxv. Psalme Leade me foorth in thy truth and teach mée bycause thou art the God of my saluation Good and rightfull is the Lord therfore shall he teach sinners in the way But wée must take héede that when the Lorde teacheth we shut not the eares of our hert against his voyce lyke as all they doo that héere Gods woorde without frute As for those that so stop their eares against Gods voyce they may at length deserue too be left vp in their blindnesse and ignoraunce for euer God preserue vs that we incurre not this penaltie of vnthankefulnesse wherewith wée sée many to be horribly punished For there are many too bée found that if a man aske them after the héering of a Sermon what they haue brought away haue not a woord to aunswer But if yée question with them of talke had at a feast or in game they can reherse you euery thing so as they will not misse ye a woord What is the reason In some folke the cause of it is mannes naturall dulnesse in matters of Saluation In other some the cause of it is the punishment of sinne also that héering they héere not and vnderstanding they vnderstande not Wherfore right déere beloued let vs fall too amendement of lyfe let vs call vpon God for help and when wée féele in our selues a wéerinesse of héering and learning the woord of God Let vs by and by think that the diuel layeth a snare for vs and let vs forthwith flée vntoo Praier beséeching GOD that he will both teach vs and also by his spirit make roome for his woord in vs. ¶ Of the third VErely verely I say vntoo you that you shall moorne and vveepe but the vvorld shall reioyce And you shall be sadde but your sadnesse shall bee turned intoo ioy He repeteth the same thing that he had spoken a litle before concerning his death and Resurrection For by thrée signes which were set foorth he gaue an inklyng what should come after although somwhat darkly By the moorning of his Disciples is signified the death and buriall of Chryste By the gladnesse of
onely Carnally only Chryste was séene of the greatest parte of the Iewish nation which neuerthelesse was damned Therfore the séeing of Chryst in the flesh onely dooth not of it selfe profit too saluation but rather furthereth too greater damnation Herode saw Chryste so did Pilate likewise so did Iudas Cayphas and many other vngodly persons whose damnation teacheth vs that too sée Chryst outwardly in the flesh auayleth not too saluation if there go not true faith in Christ with it Chryst was séen in the flesh and in the spirit at once toogither of the wise men of Marie of Simeon Zacharie Zacheus the Apostles and many others whose séeing turned too their soule helth bicause they not only beheld Chryste with their outwarde eyes but also with the eyes of their harte Whiche thing is manifestly séen in that woman whiche for washing Chrystes féete with hir teares wiping them with the hear of hir head heard Chryst say vntoo hir that hir sinnes were forgiuen hir for the faiths sake whiche shée had in him Of this séeing chéefly speaketh our Lord in this place when he sayth Many Prophets and Kinges haue longed too see that you see and haue not seene In spirite onely doo all they sée Chryste whiche beléeue in him for so dooth Chryst him self interprete it when he saith As Moyses lift vp the Serpent in the wildernesse So must the sonne of man bée exalted that all whiche beléeue in him may not perishe but haue life euer●asting After this sort did Abel sée Chryste in his sacrifice so did Abraham of whome Chryst beareth recorde saying Abraham sawe my day and was glad So sée we Chryst at this day as many of vs as beléeue in him Now that they whiche sée Chryst in this wise are blissed this saying of our Lord vntoo Thomas testifieth Blissed are they that beléeue and sée not For we sée him in the Gospel where he appéereth face too face vntoo vs that we should be transformed intoo the likenesse of him Hithertoo concerning the first maner of séeing Chryst and the partes of the same after which maner hée is séene in this world Now foloweth the other maner of séeing which is in the glory too come where we shall sée him moste perfectlie bée delighted with euerlasting gladnesse enioying the moste pleasant and comfortable beholding of him But wherfore dooth hée auouch those too bée happy that sée Chryst First for that Chryste is the woorde of life without which there is no saluation too bée looked for For this woord of life deliuereth the beléeuers from eternall death For like as he that séeth not Chryste and specially with the eyes of faith abideth in prison and vnder the power of the Diuell euen so he that séeth Chryst ouercommeth the world and all euils according too this of Iohn This is the victorie that ouercommeth the world euen your faith But doo we not sée many godly men too be in yl case in this life and too be put too moste gréeuous punishement I answere Yet are they blissed for the sequele of the matter For there shall be a moste ioyfull deliueraunce from all euils wherewith the godly are oppressed in this life And therefore Christe saythe in Mathew Blissed are those that mourne for they shal receiue comfort ¶ Of the second A Certeine Lavvyer stood vp tempting him and saying Master vvhat shall I doo too haue euerlasting life Iesus ansvvered Thou shalt loue the Lord thy GOD. And as it is written in Mathew if thou wilte enter intoo life kéepe the commaundements Too the intent we may vnderstande this answere of Chryste aright it is too bée noted that there are two kindes of men with whom Chryst hath too doo For some are Hipocrites and some repent in good earnest The Hipocrites béeing proude and swelling throughe opinion of their owne rightuousnesse think them selues too haue no néed of Chryst and therfore they persecute him one while by tempting him another while by slaundering his doctrine and sometime by open violence When suche as these bée doo séeke the way of saluation he poynteth them too the lawe and saythe If thou wilt enter intoo life kéepe the commaundementes But those that fall vntoo repentaunce and séeke the way of saluation at Chrystes hand are not sent by Chryste vntoo the law and too Moyses but he taketh them too him self and biddeth them beléeue on him Which thing whē they do he graūteth ouer his owne rightuousnesse vntoo them that they should not be subiect too the curse of the law Wée wil make this more apparant by examples The Pharisie of whom wée heard a late séemed rightuous vntoo him self but he was pronounced vnrightuous by Chryste bicause he had not the rightuousnesse of the law whiche he made his bragges of Contrariwise the Publicane that broughte his sinnes intoo the Temple with him whiche hée there bewayled fléeing too the mercy of God went his way home iustified And in as much as he was iustified and made rightuous he was also made an heir of eternal life In Mathew the lawyer asketh Christe the question saying what shall I doo too get eternall life and Chryste answereth If thou wilt enter intoo life kéepe the commaundements Contrariwise the wretched théefe being a sinner repenteth vpon the Crosse and calleth vpon Chryste by faith too whom Chryst sayth This day shalt thou bée with mée in Paradise that is too wit in euerlasting lyfe In this Gospel cōmeth also a Doctor of the law too tempt the Lord sayth what shall I doo too possesse eternal life Too whom our Lord answereth Thou shalt loue the Lorde thy God thy neighbor as thy self which is all one as if hée sayd if thou wilt enter intoo life kéep the commaundements But too the sinfull womā Luk. 7. he saith Thy faith hath made thée whole And so Chryst dealeth with twoo kindes of men according too the diuersitie of whom hée sheweth the right way vntoo heauen Why sheweth he the way by y e law sith no man was euer able too come too heauen by y e way Bicause it is the straightest way too heauen according too this The man that doth these things shall liue by them This way therfore doth Chryst shew too them that hold scorn of him For whosoeuer despiseth Chryst eyther hée shall die for euer or else fulfill the lawe which is impossible for him too doo Agein there is another way to heauen which is open too those only that beléeue in Chryst who is the way intoo heauen ¶ Of the thirde THou shalt loue the Lord thy God vvith all thy vvhole hart vvith all thy vvhole soule vvith all thy vvhole povver and vvith all thy vvhole thoughte and thy neighboure as thy selfe This is a summe of Gods lawe and an abridgement of the ten commaundements In both of these commaundementes there are foure things too bée considered First the affection that is required too bée in man towardes God and his neighbour 2. The obiect namely God and
Apostles testifie These are the things in generall that are too bée considered in this Gospell Howbéeit too the intente wée may receiue the greater frute thereby I wil propound thrée places whiche I will intreate of in this Sermon 1 What maner of affection Chryste beareth towardes vs. 2 The declaration of this present miracle with the circumstances of the same 3 An Image of all Mankinde ¶ Of the first THe Euāgelist telleth a storie of a certeine yong man that was dead and caryed out too be buryed at the sight wherof our Lord was moued with compassion For when hée behilde the sorowfull moother hée conceyued a déeper thoughte There came too his remembrance the fall of mankinde the tirannie of the Deuil the greatnesse of the miseries wherwith mankind is distressed by reason of sinne He considered it was his office too ouerthrow these fortificatiōs of Sathan For he saw in this womā a paterne of mans wretchednesse whiche did put him in minde of mannes fall and of his owne office Wée may therefore gather twoo things of this place One what wée be and another what Chryst is toward vs. Wée in very déede are miserable in distresse and damned and we cannot of our owne power wrest our selues out of so greate mischéeues Chryste is God and man and came too saue that whiche was loste who in this case vttereth his affection towardes mankinde For hée is none otherwyse mynded towards vs than he was towards this widow Hée is gréeued for hir calamities and he is gréeued for ours He helpeth hir and he wil help vs also This is the very thing that the Apostle sayth writing to the Hebrues we haue a high préest that can bée sory with vs in our infirmities Yea surely hée hathe greater affection and loue towards vs than this widow hath toward hir only sonne whom shée foloweth héer wéeping too the place of his buryall For thus sayeth the Prophete Can a woman forget the Babe of hir owne wombe though shée doo forget yet wil not I forget thée But what are the causes of this vnspeakable louingnesse of Chrystes towards vs that are all too bée dawbed with the filthinesse of many wicked crimes Surely there is no desert of ours ne woorthinesse in vs. Howbéeit there bée foure causes whereby the sonne of God is moued too embrace vs with so great louingnesse The first is his fatherly kindnesse For hée created vs and therefore wée are his by righte of creation And although hée know vs too bée ful of filth and wickednesse yet notwithstāding he findeth somewhat in vs that is his namely that wée bée his creatures Thou hast mercy on all things sayeth the wise man and thou hatest none of the things that thou haste made The seconde is the woorthinesse of our creation Namely for that wée are created too the likenesse of God according too this Let vs make man after our own image and likenesse And bicause this image was for the chéefe part thereof defaced through sinne the Lord himself came too repair it ageine Which thing cometh then too passe when wée beholding him stedfastly by true faith are transformed intoo the likenesse or image of God The third is the ende too whiche wée are created For wée are created too be the temple of God glorifying God And albéeit that this Temple was then vnhalowed through sinne yet the stuffe of it was stil remayning wherof Chryst might buyld vp a new Temple The fourth is the destruction of Sathans kingdome too ouerthrow the which Chryst came intoo this world A certein hansel of this destruction was giuen in this miracle Chryste encountered oftentimes with Sathan and oftentimes didde put him too flight and at length ouercame him when hée rose ageine from death This victorie of Chrystes shall bée séene perfect in the last day whē the last of al enimies death shall bée abolished These foure causes moued oure Lorde too take flesh vpon him and to become man and in the flesh that is in the nature of mā too suffer both in soule body for mankind And although this affection of Chrystes bée oftentimes cōmended vntoo vs in the woorde of God and warranted with many miracles yea and with the obedience of the Sonne of God himself who was obediente too the father euen vnto th● death of the crosse yet notwithstanding there be thrée things that laboure too persuade vs otherwise That is the law cōscience and the heap of miseries wherwith ▪ we be ouerwhelmed in this life For these things crye vntoo vs that wée are abiects from Chryst. The law sayeth Cursed is euery one that continueth not in all the things that are written in the book of the law And there is no man but hée séeth hée hathe innumerable wayes transgressed y e law Wée look vpon Eue who became subiect to the sentence of cursing for breaking of one cōmaundemēt and what shall become of vs that haue offēded God so often The sentence of this law is confirmed by the fearfulnesse of the conscience whiche is as good as a thousand witnesses as it is sayed in the Prouerbe The conscience is a thousand witnesses Héeruntoo perteyneth this saying of the Poet As eche mannes conscience findeth him so feeles he in his hart a ioyfull hope or dreadful feare according too desert And S. Bernarde sayth The euil conscience of our sinnes is our witnesse our iudge our tormentor and our prison for it accuseth vs it iudgeth vs and it condemneth vs. What can bée more gréeuous I pray you than day night too cary suche a witnesse about vs in our brest Many béeing conuicted by the recorde of this conscience haue abridged their owne liues while they could not endure too heare hir accusing them and bearing witnesse ageinst them Too the furtherance héerof cometh the huge heape of calamities which confirme y e sentēce of the law the conscience Ageinst these .iij. moste gréeuous temptations let vs in true repentance set Christ alone He came intoo the world to take away y e curse of the law too wipe out sin too turn intoo glory al the miseries of those that beléeue in him howbéeit in such wise as al things ar doon orderly This world is a wast wildernesse frō whence wée must passe intoo our countrey The people of Israel came not by by intoo the resting place that was promised them Ioseph came not too so great dignitie in Egipt without imprisonment before Christ entred not into his glory till he had bin first crucified dead buried Wherfore it behoueth vs also to enter into glory by the crosse For thus sayth Paule If we suffer with him we shall reigne w t him also He y t shunneth the encounter looketh for y e garland in vain No mā shal be crouned saith the Apostle but he that contendeth lawfully The same sayth we are made safe by hope Therfore ageinst the cursse of the law let vs set Christ who became accursed for vs. Ageinst our conscience
not only ageinst the sorow that wée conceiue for the deade but also ageinst all afflictions as well of minde as bodie But some man obiecteth I haue forgon the comfort of my life Thē thou bewaylest not him that is dead but thou bewaylest thine owne self and thy losse that thou hast by forgoing him It is a naturall thing too wéepe Thou sayest truthe but let grace ouercome nature Th●s muche is added bréeflye in the seconde circumstance concerning comfort at the death of our déere fréends The third Our Lord toucheth the coffin wherin the dead● men lay By which touching he declareth that his body was the instrument too get vs life and saluation The fourth He speaketh too the yoong man and sayeth I say to thee yong man arise So also raysed he the yong ma●d as is in Marke So raysed he Lazarus that had bin buried foure dayes as is in Iohn Héere wée are taught bothe that Chryst is stronger than death and that his word is the word of life and saluation The fifth The dead man ryseth at Chrysts call and this is the miracle he riseth y t was dead he began streight wayes too speake and our Lord deliuered him too his moother The sixth Feare fel vpon them al ▪ and they glorified God saying A great prophet is risen vp among vs and God hath visited his people and this saying vvas spred abrode of him through all Ievvrie Héere is described a double frute of this miracle The one befalleth too the present héerers and the other extendeth vntoo others too whom the report of this miracle came The present beholders conceyued faith héereby and so feared God glorifying him with true woorship and acknowledged the Messias too bée come whom also they confessed Besides that the report héereof came vntoo others that were in Iewrie and the countrey bordering thervpon who in likewyse conceyued Fayth in the Messias And in these dayes the report héereof commeth vntoo vs wherby we may acknowledge Christ too bée the very Messias and too bée strōger than death ▪ and may conceiue faith in him magnifying God with hart voyce confession and manners and so it will come too passe that one day wée shall haue by him a ioyfull resurrection too euerlasting life ¶ Of the second SAinct Ambrose sayeth that the image of the Churche is set foorthe héere and bicause it representeth our estates it is woorth the opening The widow saith he signifieth y e church the dead yong man euery sinner y t liueth without repentāce and the 〈…〉 the body of sinne The widow bewaileth hir dead 〈◊〉 ▪ That is to say the church l●●●nenteth for the vnrepentantnesse of the wicked entreateth Chryst too moue them and draw them too him with his woord his spirit Chryst therefore biddeth them that caried the corse too stand still Fo● the sinner is borne to hell byfoure porters which are the●e First 〈◊〉 of longer life Secondly looking vppon other mennes faultes Thirdly presumption vppon Gods mercy And fourthly ●●atterie of lend company Now if th●u wilt ryse from the death of sinne thou must néedes héere Chryst who biddeth the porters stay First therefore then must exclude hope of long lyfe bicause life is ●ncerteyn according as the experience of many teacheth and perill is at hand as it is too bée séene in the riche glutton Ageine thou muste not set another mannes euill l●●e before thée as a paterne too follow ▪ but thou must submit thy selfe too God as Abraham did thou must trust in him and thou must ●mend thy cōditions knowing th●t the 〈…〉 in iudgement ▪ It 〈…〉 The 〈◊〉 that thou gauest mee hath giuen mée of the Apple Thirdly l●y away presumption of Gods mercy for this presumption is a great contempt of God Rom. 2. Fourthly put away flatterers that entice thee too euill And when thou hast done so leane vppon Chryst with liuely faith the will quicken thée too eternall lyfe the which Chryst graunt vnto vs 〈◊〉 whom bée 〈◊〉 for euermore Amen Vpon the .xvij. Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Gospell Luke xiiij IT chaunced that Iesus vvent intoo the house of one of the cheefe Pharisies to eate bread on the Saboth day and they vvatched him And behold there vvas a certeine man before him vvhich had the dropsie And Iesus ansvvered and spake vntoo the Lavvyers and Pharisies saying Is it lavvfull too heale on the Sabboth day And they hild their peace And he tooke him and healed him and let him go and ansvvered them saying vvhich of you shall haue an Asse or an Oxe fallen intoo a pitte and vvyll not straight vvay pull him out on the Sabboth day And they coulde not ansvvere him ageine too these things He put foorth also a similitude too the guestes vvhen he marked hovve they preaced too bee in the highest roumes and sayde vntoo them VVhen thou art bidden too a vvedding of any man sit not dovvne in the hyest roume lest a more honourable man than thou bee bidden of him and he that bad him and thee come and saye too thee giue this man roume and thou beginne vvith shame too take the lovvest roume But rather vvhen thou art bidden goe and sit in the lovvest roume that vvhen he that bad thee commeth he may say vntoo thee frende sit vp hyer Then shalt thou haue vvoorship in the presence of them that fit at meate vvith thee For vvhosoeuer exalteth him selfe shall bee brought lovve and he that humbleth himselfe shall bee exalted The exposition of the Text. THe occasion of this Gospell was this Chryst beyng bidden too dinner of a certeyne Pharisie was watched by those that sate at meate with him that either in his woordes or in his déedes they might haue found somwhat too charge him withall For the world is so wicked that like as men cloke vices vnder the visors of vertue So they are not ashamed too rayse slaunder vppon honest déedes and true vertue So great is the malice of men Notwithstanding Chryst is not feared away with their leudnesse but kéepeth his old woont and executeth his office euen in the thickest of his enimies leauing vs an example that wée should not cease too procéede in well dooing though wée should sée all the whole world hent ageinst vs. Chryst therefore healeth this wretche declaring therein the might of his Godhead his most forward will too helpe them that bée in miserie and his Office for which he came intoo the worlde Moreouer he sheweth the right maner of halowing the Saboth day and by his déede dooth as it were define the true kéeping of the Saboth By which thing like as he reproueth the pryde of the Pharisies and their ignorance in the scriptures So he exhorteth them vntoo true humilitie And thus much concerning the summe of this present Gospell The places are thrée 1 Of the Saboth and the true woorks therof 2 Of the miracle by which the true vse of the Saboth is confirmed 3 Of true Humilitie ¶ Of the firste WHen the
in the wedding garment ¶ Of the third MAny are called and fevv chosen This saying of Chryste conteyneth twoo things that is too witte a setting foorth of the mercy and goodnesse of GOD who calleth all men too his sonnes mariage Neither is it too bée thought that hée calleth any whō hée would not haue too bée at his sonnes wedding and a complaint ageinste the vnthankfulnesse of the greatest part of t●● world Many sayth hée are called For the Bridegroom commaunded his Apostles too go foorth intoo all the whole world and too call men too this mariage as hée sayd afore Cal too the mariage whosoeuer yée finde But fevv are chosen That is few haue the wedding garmēt For such are chosen as are sorted out from others and are excellente aboue others Therfore Peter saith that Christians are chosen too sanctification of spirit that is too wit that they should bée holy in spirit Uerely GOD will haue all men saued as Paule teacheth and this parable sheweth yea and Chrystes owne woords witnesse Math. xj Come vntoo mée all yée that labour and are loden and I wil refreshe you Let vs set this saying ageinst all the enimies of Gods grace Therefore if thou looke too Godwarde Gods will is that all men shoulde bée saued and come too the knoweledge of the truthe and hée calleth all men without exception too the mariage of hys Sonne But if thou looke vntoo menwarde fewe are chosen that is too saye fewe when they heare the Gospell doo receiue it by fayth and become holy in spirite Wherefore the cause of damnation is not in GOD but it is too bée sought for in our selues How often sayth Chryste would I haue gathered thy Children toogither and thou wouldest not Beholde thou hast héere twoo things Chryste would and Ierusalem would not Therfore by this saying wée are warned that it is not inough too hear the Gospel but wée must also obey the Gospell For as Peter sayeth it is therefore preached that wée should bée mortified as towarde the fleshe and too liue after the spirite Thus muche concerning this dayes Gospel wherby wée may lerne that God hathe not created vs too damnation but too blisfulnesse and that hée hathe fréely prepared all things that perteine vntoo true blissednesse And ageine that those which are damned are damned through their owne fault as which would not obey the Gospel Wherfore if we haue regarde of our soulehelth let vs put on the wedding garment and let vs minde true holinesse through Iesus Chryste oure Lord Too whom with the Father and the holie Ghoste bée honour for euermore Amen Vpon the .xxj. Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Gospell Iohn iiij THere vvas a certein ruler vvhose sonne vvas sicke at Capernaum Assoone as the same hearde that Iesus vvas come out of Ievvrie intoo Galilee hee vvent vntoo him and besought him that hee vvoulde come dovvne and heale his Sonne For hee vvas euen at the point of death Then sayde Iesus vntoo him except yee see signes and vvonders yee vvill not beleeue The ruler sayde vntoo him Sir come dovvne or euer that my Sonne die Iesus sayeth vntoo him Go thy vvay thy Sonne lyueth The man beleeued the vvoorde that Iesus hadde spoken vntoo him And hee vvente his vvaye And as hee vvas goyng dovvne the seruauntes mette him and tolde him saying Thy Sonne liueth Then enquyred hee of them the houre vvhen hee beganne too amende And they sayde vntoo him Yesterdaye at the seuenth houre the Feuer lefte him So the Father knevve that it vvas the same houre in the vvhich Iesus sayd vntoo him Thy Sonne liueth and hee beleeued all his housholde This is ageine the second miracle that Iesus did vvhen he vvas come out of Ievvry intoo Galilee The exposition of the Text. THis Gospell teacheth vs whither wée ought too flée for succour in all the troubles of this lyfe that is too wit too the fountayne of all welfare and felicitie Iesus Chryst. Which thing Esay also putteth vs in minde of when he say●h Yée shall drawe water out of the welles of the Sauioure Too this well wée must come not with féete but with minde not with reason but with Fayth Furthermore this Gospell sheweth howe forwarde Chryste is too helpe who sendeth away none that commeth too him without comforte For he is not otherwise affectioned towards any man than towarde this noble man this Courtyer of Herodes court whom hée not only comforted by worde but also helped by miracle The summe of this Gospell therefore is included in this saying of Ioel Euery one that calleth vpon the name of the Lord shalbée saued The places are thrée 2 Of mens miseries and of the cause and remedie of the same 2 Of the rebuke wherewith Chryst rebuketh this seruant of the kings 3 The true nature and inclination of Faith ¶ Of the firste THere vvas a certeine Ruler vvhose sonne vvas sicke This sad father and his sicke sonne doo set before our eyes the miseries of this worlde which as they are the punishments of sinne so are they also as it were certein sermons of Gods iudgement whereby wée are allured too repentance like as this Courtier béeing sad for the sicknesse of his sonne féeleth his owne sinne bewayleth it Héervntoo maketh also that saying of Esay Their distresse shall bée a lerning vntoo thée Howbéeit too the intent wée may the better consider Gods goodnesse towards vs I will declare by what meanes God is woont too call vs chéefly too repentance These wayes are chéefly sixe The first He setteth foorth the doctrine of the law wherin he paynteth out our sins as in a table sheweth the blindnesse of our minde be wrayeth our douting of Gods prouidence promises and threats vttereth the vnclennesse of our affections and sheweth the stinche of the stomacke the turning away our will from God and the horrible atteinting of all our powers Agein in the second table of the law he paynteth our vnfaythfulnesse towards men and the vncleanenesse of our thoughtes so that yf there appéere any vprightnesse in our whole life before wée bée conuerted vntoo Chryste the same is no better than a cloth stayned with matter and most vnpure blud which thing Esay complayneth of in these woordes All our rightuous dooing are as a moste filthie cloute The cause why the lawe setteth this our filthinesse before vs is that wée béeing warned of their stinche should repent and departe from our moste wicked wayes The second The excesse of inward miseries which no mā is able too describe and bewayle sufficiently was neuer yet so great neither was any mannes calamitie yet so extreme but that any of vs might fall intoo the same as Ambrose godlyly admonisheth vs saying Wee eyther are now presently or heeretofore haue bin or may be in the selfe same ease that this same man was in In how great miserie was Adam who not only sawe the one of his sonnes murther his brother but also behilde the moste sorowfull fallings of
his posteritie from GOD by the space of nyne hundred yeres Howe great was the gréefe of Dauids mynde when he sawe the rauishmente of his daughters and the slaughter of his sonnes What should I speake of a few All men féele the byting of the Serpent which byting serueth too none other purpose than that wée should thereby acknowledge Gods moste iust iudgement and flée vntoo him for pardone by true repentance Manasses like a mad man rose vp ageinst the Churche of GOD by the space of .xxv. yéeres toogither and defiled himselfe in horrible wyse neyther hadde it come intoo his thought too repent him if hée had not bin led awaye prisoner intoo Babilon where the streightnesse of imprisonmēt gaue him vnderstanding For béeing nurtured there in the schoolehouse of miserie he bowed the knées of his hart and in humble wise desired pardon of his sinnes whiche thing hée also obteyned The thirde God setteth before vs the examples of other men tragicall factes and horrible punishementes of others that taking warning by them wée may fall too amendment For all the falles of men that are set out in stories eyther of the Scripture or of worldly wryters tende too this ende too make vs héedefull Caine by falling intoo sinne was ouerwhelmed with euerlasting paines Saule fel from God and returned not by repentaunce but was ouerwhelmed with Gods wrath Many in these dayes falling from the Gospell light intoo the Deuilles snares out of whiche they are neuer able too wynde themselues ageine Wherefore taking warning at these mens horrible falles and most dreadful punishment let vs fall too amendment betimes least God cast vs of in his anger and then wée too late remember the saying of the Poet For happy folke we may them take whō others harmes the warer make The fourth Somtime God preacheth by tempests earthquakes and dreadfull sights in Heauen suche as were séene before the destruction of Ierusalem as blasing starres in the likenesse of swoords of which sorte our age hath séene many wherat if wée take not warning too repent and amende wée shall fall intoo moste sore punishmentes The yéere .1561 since Chrysts birth there was séene in the Skie a man nayled vpon a Crosse hauing a Crowne of Thorne vpon his head Of this sight I haue many witnesses whereof diuers are noble men and godly persons right woorthye of credite The same day it rayned bloud and many other things are séene dayly As often then as suche maner of sightes are shewed vs from Heauen let vs knowe that God allureth vs too repentaunce by these tokens of his wrath And wheras the Lorde sayeth Bée not afrayd of the signes of Heauen hée meaneth that we should fall too repentaunce least the euilles which the signe● threaten should light vppon vs. For all things woorke toogither too the welfare of them that repent The fifth The death of the Sonne of God is set foorth too vs wherin God sheweth that hée is excéeding sore displeased with sin and therwithal prouoketh vs too repētance For hée vpon the crosse stretcheth out his armes bathed in his owne blud and allureth all the whole worlde too repentance and offreth grace too all that repent Therfore whosoeuer maketh delayes too repent hée despiseth Gods sonne and shall suffer dreadful punishement when his time commeth The sixth The end of this life is vncerteine For our life is like a bubble or a floure in the field whiche flourisheth too day and too morow is cast intoo the fire Saint Iames also openeth vntoo vs the frayltie of this life Wée haue séene many that liued without repentance taken away with sodeine death so as they coulde haue no leasure too repente The Axe sayth Iohn is set too the root of the trée And Salomon saith Whither the trée fall too the South or too the North looke in what place the trée falleth there shall it lie That is too saye looke in what case the rightuous Iudge shall finde thée at the houre of thy death suche shalt thou bée iudged too bée Sée howe many wayes the Lorde prouoketh vs too repentance Himself sayth I wil not the death of a sinner but that hée should turne and liue This good-will of his hée declareth vntoo vs in y t he prouoketh vs so fatherly by so many means too repentance which prouocation too repentance doubtlesse perteyneth too all men But Paule sayeth that God hath not chosen many wise men after the flesh nor many mē of power nor many noble men borne and yet the same man sayth God will haue all men saued How then dooth he not choose God is sayde not too haue chosen them not bycause he would not haue them saued but for the sequele of it That is too say bicaus● the wisdome of this world and power and nobilitie of birth doo like baytes entice and withdrawe many from obedience of the Gospell Dauid was rich and puisant and Nero also was rich and puissant Of which two the first was not enticed by his riches and power too fall from the Gospell but the other by making more account of his present prosperitie than of the glorie of the lyfe too come made his riches an occasion of his owne damnation Isaac was borne of a noble stocke and Ismaell was a noble man borne too But yet both of them were not of like inclination For Ismaell holding himselfe content with the noblenesse of his birth despised the promises wheras contrarywise Isaac by beléeuing the promise was iustified saued By these examples it appéereth euidently that the Lord reiecteth no mā for the gifts that himself hath heaped vpō thē For power riches noble birth are Gods good gifts And happy is he y t vseth them wel But he y t vseth them amisse he by his owne default turneth Gods gifts into instruments of his owne damnation Let vs therfore imbrace Paules counsel if we haue any care of our saluation For thus saith he 1. Cor. 7. Let thē y t vse this world bée as though they vsed it not He would not haue a christen mans mind abused about erthly things so as they shold lead vs away frō the right way of this life He will haue vs so to liue as if we should passe out of this life at euery minute of an hour Therfore in al y e affaires of this present lyfe let vs haue our hartes lifted vp too the consideration and mynding of the heauenly lyfe Héerevnto perteyneth this saying of Paule Séeke the things that are aboue where Chryste sitteth at the right hand of the father ¶ Of the second IEsus sayd vntoo him Vnlesse yee see signes and vvonders yee vvill not beleue Héer Christ findeth fault with the courtier who was in great fauour and one of the chéef about Herod which thing Chryst seldome didde specially for as muche as men came too him in heauinesse too séeke his help Héerby wée must lerne not too bée clawbacks of the Court too speake things that may please but too
fell out according too the Law when hée was ful sixe wéekes olde The places are thrée 1 The offering vp of Chryst in the Temple 2 Simeons description and blissing 3 Simeons song ¶ Of the firste GOd had ordeyned sundry customes of offering in the olde Testament not too the intent men should bée iustified before God by the woorke of sacrifising for if the blud of Oxen and Gotes could haue put away sinne Chryste had not come in the fleshe too purge sinne by the sacrifice of his bodie but there were other causes of which number are these The first is that by this exercise the Idolatrie of the Gentiles mighte bée hindered For in as muche as all men euen the moste barbarous are touched with a certeine reuerence of Religion they will set vp fashions of woorshipping God after their own deuice Howbéeit bicause no seruice pleaseth God saue that whiche is of his owne appointment God him selfe ordeyned by Moyses sundry seruices too the intent that by the multitude of Ceremonies whiche God had ordeyned the Iewishe people might bée withhilde from Idolatrie and serue the one God that had brought them out of the lande of Egipte and bestowed vppon them innumerable other benefites bothe ghostly and bodily The second cause is that inward godlynesse might bée exercised by these outward helps For these outward sacrifices were not of themselues Gods seruice but onely stirrings vp of the true seruice and woorshipping which thing appéereth by Esay where God abhorreth outwarde sacrifices without inward godlinesse of minde The third is that they should be open witnesses of thanksgiuing whereby this people should bothe bée stirred vp and also confirmed and testifie openly that they serued this God which had brought them intoo the land of Canaan and fedde them by miracle in the wildernesse The fourth is that by this meanes the ministerie of Gods woord might bée stablished that the ministers of Gods seruice and the Préests might haue wheron to liue He that serueth at the altar saith Paule let him liue of the altar And Chryst The labourer is woorthy of his hyre This custome did they hold in olde time in the churche when they came toogither too héere the woord and receiue the Sacraments The godly according too their abilities bestowed somewhat too the maintenance of the ministers and the reléefe of the poore whiche gathering was called a contribution From hence also issued the maner of tything The fifth is that these olde oblations bée a shadowe of the sacrifice of Chryst that was too come and as it were a place wherein they were put in remembrance of Chryst too come This did the godly wel vnderstand as Abel Noe Abraham For they did not thinke that they put away sinne and death by their sacrifices but they trusted to the sacrifice of Chryst byrthe vertue wherof their sinnes also were purged When Abel slewe his sacrifices he thought thus First when hée sawe the blud of the sacrifice he thought vppon the sinne of mankinde which had deserued eternal paynes Secondly he looked forward too the thing y t was signified for he thought that his sacrifice was a figure of the promised séede that is too wit of Chryste who shoulde purge sinne by offering himselfe in sacrifice Thirdly by thinking so Abelles fayth was confirmed and encreased wherethrough he was bothe iustified before God and accepted of God Furthly vppon this faith ensued thanksgiuing newnesse of life Suche as offred after this maner pleased God Thus much bée spoken concerning the sacrifices of the olde Testament in generall Now wil I speake of that maner of sacrifices which is mencioned in this gospell There was a double commaundement appoynted too bée obserued when any childe was borne The one was of the moother howe many wéekes shée ought too abyde out of the company of men And the other was of the childe that was borne Concerning the mother this was the order that if she were deliuered of a manchild she should kéepe hir selfe close xxxvij dayes and if it were a womanchilde she should continue close twyse as long For then shée ought too bée out of the congregation .lxxiiij. days And this thing was not doone for any vnworthynesse that was in the woman but for two other causes that is too wit néedfulnesse and further méening The néedfulnesse was that by this meanes consideration might bée had of the helth of the woman who after the throwes of hir childbed hath néede of rest that she may gather strength agein and godly husbands ought at such times too haue speciall regard of the weaknesse of their wiues and it behooued women also too kéepe this law of nature both for their own sakes and also for other womens sakes The méening of it was that this barring them out of companye should doo men too vnderstand that al which are descended of Adam are barred from God for the sinne wherin they are borne and that therfore they haue néede of Chryst● sacrifice too purge them The other commaundement concerned the child that was borne And that also was of two sorts The one general and the other concerning the first borne The generall commaundement was that when the woman had fulfilled the time that shée was excluded from the congregation of the church there should bée sacrifices offred whither it were for a sonne or for a daughter in what order so euer they were borne This sacrifice did put them in mind first that their children were borne sinners and therefore had néede of clenzing and of forgiuenesse of sinnes Secondly that by this meanes they shold be consecrated to god Thirdly that the parents should know that they begate children to God not too themselues or too Sathan And fourthly that there was a further méening in the matter namely that their children should be a figure of Chryst that was too bée offered The speciall commaundement was concerning the first borne as well in men as in beasts that they should bée offered vntoo God First in remembrance of that great benefit that the Lord sparing the people of Israel did strike the first borne of Egipt as wel in men as beasts Secondly for y e signification therof that is too wit that the only begotten sonne of God and first begotten son of Mary should be offred vp in tyme too come for our deliuerance from the Egipt of sin Let this suffise concerning the law and the signification thereof and now let vs come too the offering vp of Chryst. The law commaundeth that euery firste borne whiche openeth the moother béeing conceyued of mans séede should bée offred vp in this wise But Chryst was not so conceyued after the manner of man but he was conceyued by the holy ghost borne of a most chast virgin Ergo he was not boūd by the law too bée offered vp in the temple after the maner of others that were first begottē I answer Chryst was also at his frée choise whither he wold haue bin conceiued born and
our senses by outward signs which are the seales of his woord So in these dayes he had disclosed his wil vntoo vs by his Gospel the which he sealeth vp with the outward signes of Baptim and the Lordes supper Howbéeit in this cōmunication of the Angel with the virgin this spéech is too be noted wher he saith ●or vvith God no vvord shal be impossible This woord this saying of the Angel conteineth two things First it sealeth vp the truth and certentie of Gods promises And secondly it admonisheth vs to set gods power ageinst al sense iudgement of the flesh to assure our selues y t God is true although the whole frame of things shuld go about to persuade vs otherwise and to say with the virgin do according to thy woord thou reuelest thy wil by thy woord fulfil thy wil by thy power that thou alone may be glorified Thou art a sinner bewailest thy misery But herken what Gods woord saith of his wil. I wil not the death of a sinner Also all that cal vpon the name of the Lord shal be saued Include thou within this woord both Gods wil his power ageinst which nothing is able too stād When y u art sorowful bicause thou art at deaths doore flée vnto Christ héer his woord Blissed are they that die in the Lord. In this word ioyne togither Gods wil his power then assure thy self y t death shal be vntoo thée the way to blisfulnesse through Chryst Iesus our Lord too whom with the father the holy Ghost be honor praise glory world without end Amen Vpon the Natiuitie of Iohn Baptist. The Gospel Luke j. ELizabeths time came that she should be deliuered and she brought forth a son And hir neibors and hir cousins herde hovv the lord had shevved gret mercy vpon hir reioiced And it fortuned that in the eight day they came too Circumcise the childe and called his name Zacharie after the name of his father And his mother ansvvered and said not so but his name shal be called Iohn And they said vnto hir There is none in thy kinred that is named vvith this name And they made signes to his father hovv he vvould haue him called And he asked for vvriting tables and vvrote saying his name is Iohn And they marueiled al. And his mouth vvas opened immediatly and his toung also and he spake and praysed God And feare came on all them that dvvelt nie vntoo him And all these sayings vver noised abrode throughout al the hie countrie of Ievvrie and they that herd them laid them vp in their harts saying ▪ vvhat maner of childe shal this bee And the hand of the Lorde vvas vvith him And his father Zacharias vvas filled vvith the holy Ghost and prophecied saying Praysed be the Lord God of Israel for he hath visited and redeemed his people And hath raysed vp an horne of saluation vntoo vs in the house of his seruant Dauid Euen as he promised by the mouth of his holy Prophets vvhich vvere since the vvorld began That vve should bee saued from our enimies and from the hand of all that hate vs. That he vvould deale mercifully vvith our fathers and remember his holy couenaunt And he vvould performe the othe vvhich he svvare too our father Abraham for too forgiue vs. That vvee being deliuered out of the handes of our enimies might serue him vvithout feare all the dayes of our life in such holynesse and rightuousnesse as are acceptable for him And thou childe shalt bee called the Prophet of the hyest for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord too prepare his vvays Too giue knovvledge of saluation vnto his people for the remission of sinnes Through the tender mercy of our God vvherby the day spring from an hye hath visited vs. To giue light too them that sate in darknesse and in the shadovv of death and to guide our feete into the vvay of peace And the child grevv vvexed strong in spirit and vvay in vvildernesse til the day came vvhen he should shevv himselfe vntoo the Israelites The exposition of the Text. ALthough it bée a heathenish Idolatrie too call vppon Sainctes which thing is doone by the Papistes in the feastes of Sainctes yet it is very behoofefull and that for many causes too kéepe still the feasts of some Saincts The first cause is for that it is very profitable that the storie of the Church should bée known For from thence wée may fetche instruction confirmation and comfort The second is for that it is a swéete thing too thinke vppon Gods benefites towards his Church whereby commeth singuler frute too the godly hartes The third is that thanks may bée giuen to God for his benefites towards the members of his Churche The fourth is that by weying throughly the variable chaunces of the Sainctes wée may arme and strengthen our minds ageinst chaunces present and too come which we must needes taste of The fifth is that the Sainctes maye bée as it were samplers vntoo vs of repentance conuersatiō woorshipping confession constancie patience and other vertues according to which wée may frame our liues The sixth is that wée with godly gronings should desire too come too the felowship of the Saincts These and other weightie causes there bée why wée reteine feastes of Sainctes in the Church Would God that many men abused not the feasts of Saincts and other things too their owne pleasures and madde deuises like as many in the papacie abused chéefly this feast when they halowed it with daūcing and reueling with méetings of louers with bibbing and tippling al night long and with other more shamfull things which I will not speake of wherin they pleased not God nor the Angels and Saincts but they serued Sathan too the reproch of God and of the Angels and Saincts Thus much bréefly concerning the feasts of Saincts and the right vse of them In this feast I wil entreat of one point only that is too wit the story of Iohn out of which I will build certeine admonishments ¶ Of the Storie of Iohn Baptist. IN the Storie of Iohn Baptist let these circumstances bée weyed His parents his conception his birth his bringing vp his calling his office Chrysts recorde concerning Iohn his death and the things that hapned about his death and after his death Iohn Baptists parents wer Zacharie a préest a holy mā and of blamelesse life and his moother was Elizabeth a woman far striken in yéeres and of singuler godlinesse Of both these Luke the Euangelist beareth this witnesse in his first chapter They were both perfect before God and walked in al the lawes and ordinances of the Lord that no man could find fault with thē And they had no child bicause Elizabeth was barren both were well striken in age This description sheweth of what yéeres the parents of Iohn were with what innocentnesse they liued that being now growne in yéeres they were destitute of
or of God by meanes that is too wit by men that haue aucthoritie too call too any seruice in the common weale or in the Church Ageinst this example of modestie doo curious folkes offend who without calling climb vp into offices by the windowes or the roofe of the house rather than by the dore Such are they which by fréends or by large giftes hunt for spirituall promotions and that not too serue God and edifie his Church but too féede their bellies which thing commeth commonly too an ill end The sixth circumstance is of his office wherof Luke speaketh in this manner And he came intoo all the coasts about Iordan preaching the Baptim of repentance for the remission of sinnes as it is written in the booke of Esay The voice of a cryer in wildernesse prepare the way of the Lord make streight his pathes c. Wée haue Iohns office namely that he baptizeth and preacheth repentance that he may prepare the way of the Lord and poynt out Christ our Lord. And bicause he was the first minister of God that baptized by Gods commaundement he was called Baptist. And bicause he preached repentance he was called a Prophet And bicause he poynted out Chryst he was called Elias that he might come in the spirit of Elias and prepare the way of the Lord. In this mannes office doo shine many vertues as constancy stoutnesse confession tribulation defence of the truthe earnestnesse and endeuoure too enlarge Chrysts kingdome He feared not Herode he regarded not the Pharisies But he mainteined his office stoutly euen too the death The seuenth circumstance is of Chrystes record concerning Iohn Of this circumstance wryteth Mathewe in his eleuenth chapter where Iohn being cast into prison sendes two of his Disciples too Iesus too know of him whither he were the same that was too come or whither some other were too bée looked for And after Chrysts answere is immediatly put Chrysts recorde concerning Iohn What went yée out sayth he intoo the wildernesse too sée A réede How bée it for as much as this commendation of Chrysts giuen vntoo Iohn is declared in the thirde Sunday in Aduent I will say no more of it héere The eight circumstāce is of Iohns death of those things that happened about his death after his death In his death are these things the occasion of it the cause of it the kind of the death Iohns example The occasion was this Herod tooke away his brothers wife and vsed hir as his owne Bicause Iohn saw this thing too bée ageinst the law of God and the honestie of nature he sayd too Herod It is not lawful for thée too haue thy brothers wife Wherwith Herod taking displeasure did cast Iohn in prison Before Iohn had doon so Herod loued him hée estéemed him as a Prophet and now and then vsed him as a counseller But assoon as Iohn began too reproue him for his incest and vncleane life Herod of his fréend became his enimie cast Iohn intoo prison as an euill dooer This example of Herodes is folowed of many nowe a dayes They make muche of Gods seruants as long as they displease them not and as long as they blame not their vyces But assoone as they bewray their disease by and by like mad men they lay hands vpon their Phisicians The cause of his death was Herods othe For when Herod at a feaste had behild the daughter of Herodias daunsing shée lyked him so well with hir daunsing that hée sware hée would giue hir whatsoeuer shée would aske euen too the one halfe of his kingdome As soone as the Damsel her● this shée runnes too hir moother and asketh counsell of hir what shée shoulde requeste Hir moother who hated Iohn for finding fault with hir whoredom bad hir aske Iohn Baptists head whiche thing shée obteyned For out of hand a hangman was sente for too cut of Iohns head and so it was deliuered too the Damsell Thus haue wée the cause of Iohns death and the kinde of his death Behold héere at the request of a yong wenche was put too death that noble personage than the which there was not a greater among them that are borne of women according vntoo Chrystes testimonie This verely is the lot of the churche Héere wée see that Chrystes churche is gotten with blud and kept with blud This example of Iohns is too be folowed of all sincere ministers of Chryst Namely rather too choose death than too winke at mennes sinnes assuring them selues y t he which accepted Iohns blud as a moste acceptable sacrifise will also haue regard of them in the mids of the fire Too him therefore bée honor praise thanksgiuing and glory for euer and euer So bée it The Visitation of Mary ¶ The Gospel Luke j. ANd Mary arose in those dayes and vvent intoo the Mountaynes vvith haste into a Citie of Ievvrie and entred intoo the house of Zachary and saluted Elizabeth And it fortuned as Elizabeth heard the Salutation of Mary the babe sprong in hir belly And Elizabeth vvas filled vvith the holy Ghost and cryed vvith a loud voyce and sayd Blissed art thou among vvomen and blissed is the frute of thy vvombe And vvhence happeneth this vntoo mee that the Mother of my Lorde shoulde come too mee For loe assoone as the voyce of thy salutation sounded in mine eares the babe sprang in my belly for ioy And blissed arte thou that beleeuest for those things shall bee perfourmed vvhiche vvere tolde thee from the Lorde And Mary sayde My soule magnifieth the Lord and my spirite reioyseth in God my sauioure For hee hath looked on the poore degree of his handmayden For beholde from hencefoorth shall all generations call mee blissed Bicause he that is mightie hath done too mee great things and holye is his name And his mercie is on them that feare him throughout all generations Hee shevveth strength vvith his arme hee scattereth them that are proud in the imagination of their harts He putteth dovvne the mightie from their seats and exalteth them of lovve degree Hee filleth the hungry vvith good things and sendeth avvay the riche emptie Hee remembreth mercie and helpeth his seruaunt Israell Euen as hee promised vntoo our Fathers Abraham and his séede for euer And Mary abode vvith hir aboute three Moneths and returned ageine too hir ovvne house The exposition of the Text. WHerfore feasts of Sainctes were appoynted in the Church is already shewed bothe at other tymes and also vppon the very daye of Iohn Baptist. The effect of the matter commeth vntoo this ende that wée may haue examples of repentaunce and of Gods mercy or too speake more at large firste that when wée are falne with them wee shoulde not dispaire of forgiuenesse but looke vp for grace repenting vs earnestly of oure sinnes after the example of the Sainctes Secondly that wée shoulde folowe their fayth according as Paule warneth commending Abrahams fayth vntoo vs. Rom. 4. And thirdly that we should endeuer
of GOD. Blissed are they vvhyche suffer persecution for ryghtuousnesse sake for theirs is the kingdome of Heauen Blissed are ye vvhen men reuile you and persecute you and shall falsly say all maner of euyll sayings ageynst you for my sake reioyce bee glad for great is your revvard in Heauen For so persecuted they the Prophets vvhiche vvere before you The exposition of the Text. FEastes of Sainctes were appoynted in the Churche not without right weighty causes which I wil reherse in order that we may vse the feastes of Sainctes too our owne behoofe The first cause is that the Storie of the Church may bée knowen for that is excéeding profitable For thereby wée vnderstand both the state of the Church and also what defenders what enimies the church hath had The second is that Gods benefits towards the membres of his Church may bée thought vppon Paule of a persecuter became an Apostle Peter for all that he had denied his master was receyued intoo fauor ageyne Mary Magdalen the sinner was accepted for a daughter whyle she stayed vppon Chryst by fayth At the very poynt of death Chryst offered himself too be séene of Steuen And so in euery of the Saincts are seuerall benefits of God to bée séene The third is that hauing considered these benefits of God towards the Saincts wée should giue God thanks for that he was so merciful to wretched sinners turning themselues too the Lord by true repentance as to receiue them intoo fauor and too garnish them with so many benefits and to hold them vp with his spirit in this wildernesse The fourth is that the sundry casualties of the Sainctes should be weyed and compared with the perils of our times As the godly were oppressed by the vngodly in old time So are they at this day In times past the Sainctes reioyced vnder godly gouernours and now and then ageine were faine too féele the hard yoke of Tyrantes and so doo they in these dayes also In these variable chaunces wée must harten our selues with the examples of the Sainctes The fifth is that wée should folowe the Sainctes in pacience in lyfe in seruing God in profession in stedfastnesse and in other vertues The Sainctes therefore must bée as it were examples and rules too lead our life by Gods woord requireth repentance woorshipping of God confession and pacience And the Sainctes minister vntoo vs examples of the same The sixth is that wée with godly gronings should desire too come too the company of the Sainctes too the intent that being at length deliuered from these distresses wée may liue blissedly for euermore with Chryst. In consideration wherof Chryst auoucheth his disciples to be blissed although they bée afflicted with sundry miseryes in this lyfe And to this purpose perteyneth this dayes Gospell concerning sundry blissednesses according as wée shal héere anon Therfore let vs declare euery blissednesse seuerally by it selfe There is but one poynt ¶ Of the blissednesse of Christs Disciples BLissed are the poore in spirite for theirs is the kingdome of heauen 〈…〉 of this place is that there is no cause why they should thinke them selues vnhappie that from the bottome of their harte féel themselues in very déed too be voyd of all rightuousnesse sith this selfe same féeling of a mannes own poorenesse is the first step wherby hée mounteth vp too the chéef riches that is too saye too the kingdome of Heauen not by it selfe and of it owne nature but bicause it compelleth vs too séeke him who is the onely way intoo Heauen What manner a thing spirituall or ghostly pouertie is it may bée the easlier vnderstood by a comparison For like as the poorenesse of beggerie is not onely extréeme néedinesse but also the open profession of the same so the poorenesse of spirite is not onely the vttermoste want of heauenly riches that is too wit of rightuousnesse holinesse and innocencie but also the profession of the same want before God of whō wée desire reléefe of oure néedinesse for Chrystes sake This poorenesse then consisteth in true repentance and in crauing the riches of Heauen The Moonkes abused this place For out of it they taught that by pouertie that is too say by beggerie men merited the kingdome of heauen whereas Paule in the sixth too the Romaines sayeth plainely Eternall life is Gods gift through Iesus Chryste our Lorde If it bée a frée gifte surely it is not purchased with pouertie whiche doutlesse deserueth nothing of it owne nature but is a punishement the cause whereof is partly wastefulnesse partly slouth partly the penaltie of some sinne and partly tryalles sake as was the beggerie of Lazarus Blissed are those that mourne for they shall receyue comfort This is a woonderful Sermon He auoucheth the mourners too bée blissed whereas nothing is more ageinst blissednesse than mourning But Chrystes saying is too bée vnderstoode of the successe of the mourning and not of the time of mourning For thus sayth he bicause they shall receiue comforte that is when their mourning is at ende in this world This mourning procéedeth partly of the poornesse of spirit partly of the miseries of this present life which doo as it wer with a certeine fire boile vs trie vs as it were w t spurres quicken vs vp too craue the endlesse ioy whiche shall wipe away all teares Then is not mourning of it selfe the cause of blisfulnesse but bicause it driueth vs vnto Christ who is the author of all comfort Héervntoo therfore maketh that saying of Paule wée reioyce in tribulations bicause they woork pacience pacience trial trial hope and hope is not confounded bicause god loueth vs. Héerby it may bée easly perceiued that Chryste speaketh not of euery kinde of mourning but of the mourning y t is according to God not according to y e world Blissed are the meke for they shall receyue the inheritance of the earth The méeke are peaceable milde gentle curteous such as bridle their affections such as are easie too be entreated to forgiue wrong when they are misused and such as had leuer lose a thing than to stand in contention for it This vertue of méeknesse springeth of the true feare of God of true lowlinesse the which Chryst commendeth to those y t are his saying lerne of mée bicause I am méeke lowly of hart It is a rule y t Chrysts Disciples must be méeke The exāple of the rule is Chryst. For hée wil that we looke vpon him when we mind this vertue The Lord sayth not lerne of mée too rayse the dead to chase away diuels to walk drishod vpon the sea to fast .xl. dayes .xl. nights without sustenance but he sayth lerne of mée for I am méeke and lowly of hart This lowlynesse hathe with it brotherly louingnesse whereof the Lorde sayth By this shall all men knowe yée too be my Disciples if yée loue one another But what is promised too the méeke Blissednesse and that is for the
Of the second PEter turning about savve the disciple vvhom Iesus loued folovving vvho also leaned vpon his breast at the Supper and vvhen hee savv him Peter sayde vntoo Iesus Lorde and vvhat shall he doo too vvhom Iesus ansvvered If I vvil haue him tarie till I come vvhat is that too thee folovv thou mee Peter hearing of the Lorde that hée shoulde one day suffer sharpe punishement for Christes sake considereth not so muche what was too bée doone on his owne parte as hée is carefull what shall become of others Hée is ready too beare the crosse for Christes sake but by the way throughe weaknesse of the flesh there cōmeth vpon him a certeine curiousnesse whiche maketh him inquisitiue of those things that belong not vnto him self For so great is the frailtie of man y t always in our own aduersities wée haue an eye too the happines of others wherby wée make our crosse more bitter and harder too our selues Wée would with a good wil that none should be happier than ourselues For according too the common prouerb It dooth a man good too haue company in shipwreck But whē as the Lord rebuketh this curiousnesse in Peter wée ought too knowe that this reproofe perteyneth too vs also And too the intent too correcte this faulte in the Apostle he sayth VVhat is that too thee follovve thou mee As if hée had sayde Looke not thou vpon the happinesse of other men but rather sée too this that thou doo thine owne duetie and that thou beare what so euer the Lorde shall lay vppon thée too beare So is it the Lordes will that wée shoulde take héede too our owne vocation in the feare of GOD. Hée will not that wée shoulde thinke oure selues the more vnhappie though other séeme too bée in better case For euery vocation hath his crosse annexed thervntoo whiche is to be born with a quiet minde All sayeth Paule that will liue godlily in Christ shall suffer persecution No man therefore so hée bée godly shal be exempted from the Crosse. Wherefore casting away heathenishe curiositie let euery man abide in the vocation that hée is called vntoo Let him bée quiet and meddle with his owne matters according too Paules counsell Hée willeth vs too bée quiet that wée bée not busied in other mēs matters as wicked men bée and as many bée now a dayes Hée wil haue vs too meddle with our owne matters that is too say hée wil haue euery one of vs too looke too the thinges that pertaine too his owne calling And too the intent that may bée doone there are fiue things too bée regarded in euery vocation First the calling or vocation muste bée lawful Secondly faith and charitie must bée the rulers too direct our dooings by in our vocation Thirdly if any thing chaunce amisse in our vocation a man must comforte him self in that his conscience assureth him that his vocation is lawful Fourthly a man must employ his vocation too the glorie of God and the profite of Christes churche Lastly forasmuche as nothing hath luckie successe in a mans vocation without Gods blissing hée must pray too God too put too his helping hande If a man doo this in the true feare of God verelye hée shall finde that his vocation shall not bée vnprofitable vntoo the Churche of God ¶ Of the third THere vvent a saying among the brethern that that Disciple should not die Sée how easely men slip intoo errour Christe sayth if I wil haue him tary what is that too thée and his disciples tooke it as thoughe he sayde I will that hée shall tarie and not die til I come Héere therfore wée are admonished too take good héed in the reading of holy scripture that wée builde not therevppon any other things than are spoken Then let vs embrace those things that are cléer and euident Such things as are spoken with condition or darkly let vs confer with playner places let vs call vpon God too giue vs the key of true knoweledge that wée may vnderstand without error such things as perteine too our saluation From vnprofitable questions such as make nothing too edification let vs absteine knowing that God liketh wel this simplicitie according too this saying Séek not for things that are aboue thy reache ¶ Of the fourth THe Euangelist him selfe closeth vp his Gospel saying This is the same disciple vvhich beareth vvitnesse of these things and vvrate them And vvee knovve that his vvitnesse is true This is as it were a sealing vp of the Gospel y t Iohn wrate When hée saith vve knovve he meaneth that the Gospell is certeine true and infallible This Gospell hée calleth a witnesse bicause it beareth witnesse of Christe and his benefits Too what end Iohn wrate his Gospel hée him self declareth in the end of the xx chapter where hée saith And these things are vvritten that yee may beleue that Iesus is Christ the sonne of God and that by beleeuing yee may haue life throughe his name There are therfore twoo ends of the Gospel namely the knowledge of Iesus Christ and saluation through trust in him too whom bée glory for euermore Amen The Sunday within Crristmas weeke ¶ The Gospell Luke ij ANd his Father and Mother marueyled at those things that vvere spoken of him And Simeon blissed them and sayde vntoo Mary his Moother Beholde he is set for many too fall vpon and too raise vp many in Israell for a signe that is spoken agaynst Moreouer the svvoord shall passe through thy soule that the thoughtes may bee discouered out of many hartes And there vvas Anne a Prophe●isse the daughter of Phanuell of the tribe of Aser Shee vvas grovven very olde and had lyued vvith a husband seauen yeeres from hir virginitie And this vvidovve being almoste foure score yeeres of age departed not out of the Temple but serued in fasting and prayer day and nighte And shee comming in the same houre in likevvise confessed vntoo the Lorde and spake of him vntoo all that looked for redemption at Hierusalem And after that they had made an ende of all things according too the lavve of the Lord they returned intoo Galilee intoo their ovvne Cittie Nazareth And the Child grevv vp and vvexed strong in spirit and hee vvas filled vvith vvisdome and the grace of GOD vvas vpon him The exposition of the text THis Gospel is a part of the things that were doone in the temple vpon the day of the purifying of the blissed virgin after that the Parents of Iesus according too the law of Moyses had offred vp set the Childe before the Lord. The summe of this part is that Simeon and Anne giue witnesse vntoo Christe and acknowledge him too bée their king Messias that was promised against whome the wicked worlde shall set it selfe too his owne destruction but the godly shall embrace him too them selues too their resurrection and saluation Let vs make héereof thrée places whiche are these 1 The maruelling of Christes parents 2 The witnesse
bicause Sathan and his seruantes hate the truth Chryst confirmed his doctrine by innocencie of life the recorde of the Prophets and sundry miracles so as the Iewes might haue knowne hym too bée the true Messias and also haue beléeued in hym too theyr saluation Therfore when as they through the instinct of Sathan for hatred to Chryst ward and of loue too their own false doctrine whiche they had receiued of their forefather did with all their power set themselues agaynst Chryste Chryste on the other syde thirsting mannes saluation defended his owne innocentnesse doctrine and office too the intent he might at least wise yet win some of his foes vnto God and call them backe from falling headlong intoo damnation First therfore he asketh if any man can finde faulte with his conuersation VVhich of you sayth he can reproue mee of sinne As if he had sayd I haue liued openly amōg you without faulte from my cradle so as none of you is able too reproue mée of any sinne Nowe séeyng that so to do is the propertie of the Messias why do you not acknowledge mée too bée the Messias that was promised long agoe For none is cléere withoute Synne but the Messias onely In as muche then as none of you is able too conuicte me of sinne yée doo foolishely not onely for that yée acknowledge mée not too bée the Messias but also for that you condemne mée of sinne Héerevntoo he addeth concernyng his doctrine If I speake the truthe vntoo you vvhy beleeue you mee not As if he had sayd In asmuch as I do by innocencie of lyfe by record of the Prophets and by many miracles cōfirme my doctrine too be so true that whither you will or nil yée confesse it to be true why beléeue you mée not Hée is woorse than mad that persecuteth that thyng as false whiche he knowes to be true But this is the nature of men He that is noozeled in naughtynesse of a childe is hardly reclaimed from his errour So great a mater it is too bée enured too a thing from the shell But what may wée lerne héer of Chryst and the Iewes Of Chryst all ministers of the woorde may lerne so too frame their life and doctrine that no man may haue aught too reproue eyther in theyr lyfe or in their doctrine For albeit that only Christ was pure from all sinne yet notwithstanding those that will teach his gospel with frute must be cléer from opē crimes For the Poet sayeth aright It turneth too the teachers shame When hee hymselfe is found too blame For how I pray you can a tippling Préest fynde fault with tiplers How dare a whoorehunter chasten whooremongers and aduoutrers Howe shall a couetous person condemne couetousnesse or an vsurer vsurie or a quareller quarels or a proud man pride In fine he that will rebuke others must be fautlesse himselfe As for those that say doo as I teach but doo not as I doo they are not the ministers of Chryste but of sathan For no man is too be accounted too teache vnlesse hée expresse the same thyng in hys life that hée teacheth in his woordes For so doothe Paule teache Timothye Bée thou sayeth hée a paterne too the flocke That is to say expresse the thing in life that thou teachest in woord that the héerers may behold in thée a liuely example of thy doctrine Wherevpon Paule sayeth of himself Be yée folowers of mée lyke as I am of Chryst. Moreouer they that héere the Gospell must learne somewhat of these Iewes Not too set them selues ageynste Chryst and their teachers as they did but to take warning at their damnation and so too repent that they may be saued by the benefit of Chryst. On the other part of the first lesson the text speaketh in this wise He that is of God heereth the vvooord of God and the cause vvhy you heere not is for that yee are not of God He assigneth the cause why the Iewes so maliciously despised Chrystes doctrine that is to wit for that they were not of God but of Sathan He speaketh not héer of mans nature which in very déede is of God but of mens maliciousnesse which is of the diuell For this maliciousnesse maketh men vnwilling to héere Gods woord Héer let euery man examin himselfe and déeme of himselfe whither hée bée of God or of the Diuell For he that with a good will héereth Gods woord hath Chrystes recorde that hée is of God Contrarywise he that despiseth the woord and persecuteth it is vndoutedly of the Diuell though the vngodly are not willing too héere of this But in lyke maner as the Iewes doo héere persecute and slaunder Chryst that told them this so in lykewise are the ministers of the Gospell persecuted at this day by those whome in their sermons they declare to be of the Diuell What then say the Iewes héere They aunswered and sayd vnto him Say vvee not vvell that thou art a Samaritane and hast a Diuell This is the craft of Sathan when he can not deny the truth he falleth to flat rayling So also standeth the case at this day when men are not able too denie but that it is Gods woord wherby their wickednesse is reproued by and by they fall too rayling and séeke for somewhat too carye at in the ministers of the Gospell But what dooth Chryst héer He answered I haue no diuell but I honor my father and you dishonor mee And I seeke not myne ovvne glorie but there is one that seeketh and iudgeth In this aunswer Chryst first denyeth himselfe to haue a diuell whiche thing the Lord confirmeth héereby that he séeketh Gods glorie which they doo not that haue made a couenant with the diuell Afterward hée turneth the slaunder vpon the Iewes when he sayth And you haue dishonored mee that honour God For those that rayle vpon them that honor God must of necessitie bée led by the Diuell Further more when he addeth I seeke not myne ovvn glorie but there is one that seketh and iudgeth Hée remoueth from himselfe the desire of vainglorie and in his dutifulnesse commendeth himself to his father By this aunswere of Chrystes the ministers of the woord may lerne thrée things First as much as may be too defend themselues from the slaunders wherwith they are charged least their ministery should be abased when they themselues are brought in contempt Secondly to cast those railers in the téeth with their owne sinnes bycause they make warre not so much against men as against God him selfe And thirdely not to séeke their owne glorie but the glorie of God and to persuade thēselues assuredly that God defendeth their innocencie ¶ Of the second OF the seconde lesson the Lordes woordes speake in thys wise Verely I say vntoo you if any man keepe my sayings he shall not see death for euer These woords are too hée throughly well weyd as which conteine the highest benefite of Chryst towards men that is to wit that he which