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A13919 A goodly treatise of faith, hope, and charite necessary for all Christe[n] me[n] to know and to exercyse themselues therein tra[n]slated into englyshe; Profitelic en troostelic boexken. English. Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568. 1537 (1537) STC 24219.5; ESTC S107348 56,528 168

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hym a cōmaūdement namely y e he shuld not eat of the tre of knowlege of good euell This cōmaūdemēt was geuē vnto Adā by God to y e entent y e he wolde proue whether he wolde abyde stedfast by his word cōmaūdmēt or not But y e deuel which was minded to bring synne deathe in to the worlde thorow vnbelefe occasioned to it by his enuye to mankynde he hath stered the serpent which was the sotyleste creature of all creatures to saye vnto the woman Yee hath God sayd in dede Ye shall not eate of all maner trees in the garden Then sayd the woman vnto the serpent We eate of the frute of the trees in y ● garden But as for the frute of the tre that is in the myddes of the gardē God hath sayde Eate ye not of it touche it not lest ye dye Whan the Serpent now perceaued that Euastode weakely vpon Gods worde for she sayde lest we dye where God neuerthelesse hadde sayde Loke in what daye so euer thou eatest therof thou shalt dye the death he dyd assault Eua fyrst to make her dout in Gods worde and to brynge her frō it Now whan he had her so farre than brought he her yet farther sayenge Tush ye shall not dye y e death For God knoweth that in what daye so euer ye eate of it youre eyes shalbe opened and ye shalbe as God and knowe both good euell And the woman sawe that the tre was good to eate of and lusty vnto y e eyes and a pleasaunt tre to make wyse and toke of the frute of it and dyd eate gaue vnto hit husbande also therof and he dyd eate Thus haue they both lefte Gods worde and haue done theyr wyl and fulfylled theyr desyre and lust Thus hath man cast hym selfe awaye thorowe mysbelefe transgressyng gods worde and cōmaundement The lust and desyre that Adam conceaued in his fyrst appetite doth yet remayne in hym for we are of the same fleshe and substaunce and also folow thē ature of it We are so sore wrapped in mysbelefe that it is also vnto vs the cause and occasyon of all synne so that we be naturaly chyldren of wrath by inspiracyon of y t prynce of the ayre which is a sprete workynge in the chyldren of mysbelefe fulfyllynge the pleasure of the fleshe for the whiche the wrath of God commeth vpō the chyldren of vnbelefe Whan man now leauynge the worde of God regardeth not God folowynge hys owne wytte and wysedome than is his harte and mynde darkened and drawen awaye trustynge more to his owne wysedome then to his LORDE his God And his harte conceaueth nothynge saue the lust and desyre of the fleshe of the which he is ledde captyue so that he axeth no more counsell at God This doth Dauid complayne sayenge The foolysh bodyes saye in theyr hartes Tush ther is no God They are corrupte and become abhominable in theyr doynges ther is not one that doth good The LORDE loked downe from heauen vpon the chyldren of men to se yf ther were ony that wolde vnderstand and seke after God But they are all gone out of the waye they are altogether become vnprofitable ther is none that doth good no not one All this commeth by mysbelefe and whan man setteth no more by God his worde nor hath no more lust vnto hym For yf man dyd abyde by God beheld alway the wonderous and glorious workes whiche the LORDE hath declared vnto vs by his benefytes and goodnesse it were not possible that he shulde forsake his LORDE his God but shulde alwaye be gyded of God and his worde sekynge at hym onely all his comforte and health But seynge he is deceuered from God and his worde and wyll stande to his owne wysedom which is but playne ●oly therfore is he rest lesse and to his LORDE his God is he vnfaythfull as wytnesseth Esaye sayenge He that is vnfaythfull dealeth vnfaythfully Dauid also sayeth They kepte not the cōuenaūt of God and wolde not walke in hys law They forgat what he had done and the wonderfull workes that he hadde shewed for them In all this haue they synned and dyd not beleue in his wonderfull workes for the soule of the vnfaythfull is not stedfaste nor trewe in hyr selfe By all these euydences and reasons are we taught that all wyckednesse is come in the worlde by mysbelefe for thorowe mysbelefe hath man but slender knowlege of God and accordynge as he hath knowlege of God so muche loueth he God and reioyceth in his goodnesse This mysbelefe doth so kepe a man boūd in synfulnesse that he can not fele or perceaue ony goodnesse to come vnto hym from the blessed LORDE Thoughe he saye that he beleueth CHRIST to be crucyfyed and that he hath suffred the paynfull death which the deuyls also beleue yet beleueth not he so as one y t can rest in this deth only as one y t is fully per suaded to haue mercy forgeuenes therby of y e LORDE For yf he coulde beleue this he shuld both loue God and reioyce wholye in hym not lokynge aboute for to optayne ony other mercye of what creature soeuer it were It shuld suffise him to know God which will receaue him to hys mercy Wherfore the cause why mē be so coulde in loue towarde God and so straunge from him is that they knowe him so lytle that they haue so smal perceueraūce of y t loue that he hath towarde vs. Lo what vnkindnesse commeth by mysbelefe as whan man is not fully certyfyed in his harte that God will geue vs so much as he hath promysed vs by hys worde yee so litle is mā inwardlye reioyced and comforted as he doth beleue and is assured in his cōscience that God is will be good vnto vs. For yf he knoweth not God in hys goodnesse howe can he reioyce in hys goodnesse Thus is it euydent that man abydeth presoned of hys owne wytte and wysedome thorowe vnbelefe Thys caused Esaye to saye Therfore commeth my people also in captyuyte because they haue no vnderstondynge Dauid also speaketh of thus myserable estate sayenge O LORDE howe glorious are thy workes thy thoughtes are very depe An vnwyse man wyll not knowe thys and a foole wyll not vnderstonde it And agayne in another place They wyl not be learned and vnderstonde but walke on styll in darknesse Who so is not lyghtened thorowe the worde of the LORDE to knowe the LORDES waye and to perceaue hys saluacyon by the faythe in God that man walketh in darknesse altogether fyndynge no restynge place for hys synfull soule hauynge a weake hope to fynde saluacyon by the LORDE Thys is it that Dauid sayde They beleued not in God and put not theyr truste in hys helpe Esaye calleth vs oute of thys darknesse sayenge Who so walketh in darknes and no lyghte shyneth vpon him let hym hope in the LORDE
mystruste his worde and they that loue hym wyll kepe his cōmaundements c. Thus is it euydent that fayth muste nedes be a worke glorious puyssaunt wherby man optayneth so much of the LORDE How coulde ony mā comprehende and perceaue the power of faith and that by fayth we are one with God Ihon sayeth That God hath geuen all mē power to be the chyldrē of God Christ sayd All thynges are possible vnto hym that beleueth And agayn Yf ye beleue ye shall se the glorye of God And agayne Yf ye haue fayth as a grayne of mustarde sede ye maye saye vnto this mountayne Remoue hence to yonder place and he shall remoue nother shall ony thynge be vnpossible vnto you Now seynge God worketh so gloriously in all faythfull hartes then is it conuenient that we humbly beseke hym to teach vs to trust in his worde For we shall reioyce so much in his goodnesse loke for so much aide cōforte at his hāde as we can trust in hym and in his worde We ●ede of Susāna that what tyme she was in hir moost distresse anguish beyng iudged wrongfully to death she syghed and prayed to God trustyng stedfastly in him and y e LORD delyuered her Daniel also whan he was cast in y e Lyōs denne was not hurte of them for he trusted in God The godly worde commeth not for nought it worketh wonderfully whan it is receaued in fayth Therfore doth saynt Iames erhorte vs to receaue with mekenesse the word that is grafted in vs whiche is able to saue our soules A man can not erre so longe as he can testyfye hys lyfe to be led accordynge to Gods worde Yf a man haue his myndefixed vpon mans inuencyons or inuented holynesse he maye surely be dysquyete and confortlesse But so longe as a man hath his eyen fixed vpon God and his worde bearynge Gods commaundementes in his harte so longe doth that man walke in sekernesse beynge assured of all y e is expressed by Gods worde and is sure of his sauegarde and cōforte accordynge as Paul sayeth All men are lyars but God is true The sonne of God is the wysedome of y e father Who so now doth yelde hym selfe vnto the word receauyng therby the wysedome of the father the same is dryuen from death vnto lyfe by the sprete of God Syrak sayeth that wysedome breatheth lyfe in to hyr chyldren receaueth them that seke her It foloweth then that they which haue once assayed god by his worde in the wysedome of God that those I saye maye come to complete lyfe But it is contrarye with the worldly wysedome as wytnesseth Paul sayenge In so muche as the worlde by the wysedome ther of knewe not God in his wysedome it pleased God thorowe folyshe preachynge to saue them that beleue Whan Paul was mynded to conuerte ony man then wolde he laye nothynge before hym saue onely Gods worde sayenge I haue begotten you in CHRIST IESV thorowe the gospell Wherfore I exhort you be ye my folowers as I am IESV CHRISTES So longe as a man redresseth hys lyfe accordyng to Gods worde so longe shall he come walkynge the ryghte waye of saluacyon and reioyce in his conseyence For all that the worde of God doth vtter is concernynge ether mercy or in warde consolacyon Peter sayeth Ye knowe of the preachynge y t God sent vnto the chyldrē of Israel preachyng peace thorow IESVS CHRIST Of hym beare al the prophetes wytnesse that thorow his name all they that beleue in hym shall receaue remission of synnes Luke also wrytyng CRISTES wordes saieth Thus is it wrytten and thus it behoued CHRIST to suffre and the thirde day to tyse agayne from the dead and to let repentaunce and remyssiō of synnes be preached in his name amōgeal nacions This knewe Esay afore hande whan he sayde Lyke as the rayne and snowe commeth downe from heauen and returneth not thy ther againe but watereth the earth maketh it frutefull and grene that it maye geue corne and bread vnto the so wer So the worde also that cōmeth out of my mouth shall not turne vnto me voide agayn but shal accomplyshe my wyll and prosper in the thynge whereunto I sende it Hereby we are taughte that like as the earthe is made frutefull of the rayne that God sendeth so shall we also be renewed and be frutefull yf we knowlege God a ryghte by hys worde and reioice in al that he hath wytesafe to warne vs of by hys worde Yee we shall mortifye the fleshe wyth all hys desyres and he ioyned to God He that cleueth vnto god becommeth one sprete wyth hym and optayneth all goodnesse wyth hym A man reioyceth so muche in God as he is knytte wyth him by fayth and is diligent in all thynges to forther hys glorye The olde father Symeon beholdynge the lytle babe and beynge sure in wardlye that he was hys saueoure for he loked for hym by hys fayth reioyced in hys harte desyrynge to go to hys reste by bodely death for his eyen had sene the saue garde of men Euen so lykewyse we yf we had sene by fayth the loue which God beareth to ward vs how hartelye shulde we then yelde oureselues vnto death For fayth certyfyeth the harte that God is a mercy full father and that mercye shall be shewed vnto vs by y e death of IESV CHRISTE We can optayne no greater rewarde than to beleue that God is wyth vs and we beynge wyth the LORDE are safe Steuen seynge heauen open by fayth sayde incontinentlye LORDE receaue my sprete For thys cause sayde Paule Because therfore that we are iustyfyed by faythe we haue peace wyth God thorow oure LORDE IESVS CHRISTE by whom also we haue an entraunce in faythe vnto thys grace wherein we stonde Here lo is no mencyon of workes or of y ● lawe for by the workes is noman iustyfyed But the workes muste breake oute thorowe loue and declare oure inwarde fayth by workynge of charitable dedes Iob was ashamed of all hys workes and was not so bold as to lyfte vp hys heade before hys LORDE God but submitted hymselfe lowly vnto him ye though ther had ben founde some right wy sucsse in hym Dauid also sayde LORDE entre not in to iudgemente with thy seruaunte for in thy syghte shall noman lyuynge be iustifyed Neuerthelesse God wyllynge to certifye vs what we maye optayne by fayth he shewed vs that by pure and onely loue and mercye he taketh the synner to grace wythoute ony regarde of dedes so that mercye shulde be shewed to vs of promyse and not of dewtye Therfore ought we to geue all glorye vnto God onely Dauid wytnesseth thys same sayenge Blessed are they whose vnryghteousnesse is forgeuen and whose sinnes are couered Blessed is the man vnto whome the LORDE imputeth no syn and in whose sprete ther is no gyle Herin maye you perceaue the maner of tustifienge namely
youre selues humblye to the blessed LORDE desyrynge hym to make youre hartes wyllinge to receaue his worde ioyfully and to knowlege that loue in the spirite by fayth the whiche the LORDE shewed vs so frendlye thorow his worde Hys loue is not knowen but onely thorowe hys worde the which onely geueth vs true wytnesse that God loueth vs. So farre stretcheth oure knowlege of hys loue as we haue gotten it oute of hys wordes by fayth The LORDE sheweth vs suffycyentlye in hys wordes that he loueth vs. As God is trewe and faythful in hys promises so maye we lyghtelye gette perceueraunce of hys loue by hys own wordes Yee euen that god hath promysed that he loueth vs were ynoughe to reioyce in yf we coulde beleue dewly and not to seke about for ony other louers It shuld be ynough for vs that God loueth vs and we shuld reioice in his loue For hys loue is onely trewe bounteous holye and good That the worlde and al men do loue me that doth not auayll me nother doth it comfort nor saue me but that God doth loue me y t is a cōfort vnto my sinful soul For god geueth saluaciō holynesse righteousnesse redēptiō thorow his loue The world with al hyr louelynesse geueth nought saue dānacion hell synne death Therfore can y e soule finde nother rest nor peace therin For the soule maye be comforted in hyr owne nature and strengthe with God onely and with his loue Nowe whan man heareth this and perceaueth it than muste his harte leap vp for ioye towarde God whiche loueth him Thus becommeth be equall and lyke vnto God so y ● he is so mynded in loue to Godwarde as God agayne is mynded to him sayenge with chearefulnesse Is it not a greate thinge that such a LORD loueth me that draweth all men to him and that because I shulde be partaker of all the good that of hys loue he hath promysed to geue vnto all them that knowlege hym by hys loue He that is sure of thys loue sayeth boldelye Who can now daunger me Who cā condemne me For God so loueth me y ● he will saue me Now do I feare no ther death nor hell For God that loueth me hath ouercome death hell and synne for me Let aryse nowe agaynste me castels stronge holdes yee the gates of hell and though I were i y ● middes of death yet shal not they hurte me For God that hath al powers in his hande doth loue me Them that God hath electe chosen them hath he called and whome he hath called thē hath he also made righteous and whom he hath made righteous them hath he glorified also What shall we say than vnto these thinges yf God be on oure syde who can we be agaynst vs whiche spared not his owne sonne but hath geuen hym for vs all howe shal not he geue vs all thynges also wyth hym Who wyll laye ony thynge to the charge of Gods chosen It is God that maketh ryghteous who wyll then condemne For as muche than as the chylderen haue fleshe bloude he also hymselfe lykewise toke parte with them that he thorowe death myghte take awaye the power of hym which had lordshyppe ouer death that is to say the deuyll and that he myghte delyuer them whiche thorowe feare of death were al theyr lyfe tyme in daūger of bondage For he in no place taketh on hym the angels but y ● sede of Abrahā taketh he on hym Wherfore in all thynges it became hym to he made lyke to his brethren that he myght be mercyfull and an Hyghe Preste in thynges concerninge god to make agrement for the synnes of the people For us that he hymselfe suffered and was tempted he is able to succurre them that are tempted Who coulde now be comfortlesse yf he were perswaded in hys mynd hereof Who could not reioice in spret hauynge founde suche a redemer Who sawe euer such a loue Herein is loue not that we loued god but y e he loued vs sente his son to make agrement for oure sinnes The loue of God is shed a brode in our hartes by the holy goost which is geuen vn to vs. For whan we were yet weake according to the tyme CHRIST dyed for vs vngodly Whan we were yet enmyes CHRIST recōcyled vs vnto the father which was geuē for oure synnes and raysed vp for oure ryghteousnesse sake Oboūteful LORD how dyd loue driue you to vs ward what tyme ye dyd loke so louingly vpō vs w t your fatherly pitie For because ye might shew your moost excellent loue y t ye beare toward vs therfor dyd ye yeld your selues vnto y e bitter death y t we might knowlege al our saluacion redēptiō in you only reioycei you Oh who cā fele y e bottō of your loue what tym as we se perceaue what inestimable price ye gaue for our redēciō w t your faithful trew worde haue ye assured vs of youre loue w t your precious bloude haue ye scaled it w t your death haue ye cōfirmed it bequiethed left vs the testament of loue to the forgeuenesse of synnes O howe glorious are we estymed in roure syghte father euen as electe and chosen chylderen had in greate reputacyon of you thorowe loue Lo what loue the father hath shewed vs that we shulde be called the chylderen of God and also be the same We are nowe the childeren of God and yet hath it not appeared what we shall be But we know that whan he shall appeare we shall be lyke him for we shal se hu● as he is O wonderful loue Who coulde comprehende and vnderstande that the naturall man which was so pytyfully destroyed thorowe Adams synne and comme in the deuils power shulde so be lykened vnto God and to haue optayned suche fellowshyppe and communiō with hys inestimable goodnesse By nature we were chylderen of the wrath of God and coulde not ryse agayne by oureselues But God not wyllynge to be wroth foreuer vpō his handy worke hath called to remembraūce his naturall loue and pytie and thought how that he hadde created vs after his lykenesse after he had once poured hym selfe in vs thorowe his tender loue Thus was he myndefull of vs thorow hymselfe dyd shewe mercy his loue steared hym to it our fraylnesse hath he taken to his mercy For he sawe we were fleshe faydynge heye not beynge able to stande without y e assystaunce of his goodnesse He was also myndful of that which he promysed vnto man hearynge the depe desyres and the humble syghinge of the ryghteous which longynge for his cōmynge did cal for him y t he shuld she we his loue to the strayeng and lost nature Wherfore the father hath opened his fatherly harte sendynge vs his worde his only sōne that he myght be for vs y ● onely mediatour speche man and swager of Gods wrath which shulde ouercome death hell synne and the
all mercye and for geuenesse is happened vnto vs. This wytnesseth Paull saieng But after that the kindnesse and loue of God oure saueoure towarde man appeared not for the dedes of ryghteousnesse which we wroughte but after hys mercye he saued vs by the fountayne of the newe byrth and renewynge of the holy goost which he shed on vs abundauntly thorow IESVS CHRIST oure saueoure that we beynge made ryghteous by hys grace shulde be heyres of eternall lyfe accordynge to hope Therfore hath god declared his loue vnto vs that he onely shulde haue the glorie of our saluaciō by fayth wherby we are assured y t of oure selues we haue nought but y e al is geuen vs frely of his fatherly loue and goodnesse By sayth only are we assured of gods loue y e we may walke confidently in this loue Therfore sayde CHRIST God so loued y e worlde that he gaue his only sonne that whosoeuer beleueth in hym shulde not peryshe but haue euerlastynge lyfe The ioy cōforte of our cōscience shal endure so longe as his loue is had in price worthynesse of vs but yf it begyn once to fayde and waxe coulde so y t we can nother fele reste nor ioye in his loue thā do we drede god as a tyraūt or a strayght iudge not trustyng to optayn mercy of his loue goodnesse nor y e we be made worthy of hys loue goodnesse by his bitter passion death This is y e moost blashhemie wrong y e can be done vnto God Where such knowlege of god is there do men beginne to seke health cōforte in creatures in mās inuēciōs in straūg holynesse in y e workmāship of y e craftisman Thus waxeth mā could straūg frō god hauing nother faith of god nor sauoure of godlynesse the which not withstōding did loue vs for his own sake Euē as our opiniō is of him so shal he please vs as CHRIST sayeth This is y e lyfe euerlasting that they know y e y e thou art only y e true God whō thou hast sent IESVS CHRIST This loue doth y e boke of wysdō cōmende vnto vs estyminge it to be a precious treasure y e we be come to y e knowlege of y e same saiēg But thou o our god art swete long suffering and true and in mercy ordreste thou all thinges Though we syn yet are we thyne for we know thy strength Yf we synne not shan are we sure that thou regardest vs. For to know the is perfecte ryghteousnesse Yee to knowe thy ryghteousnesse and power is the rote of immortalyte By thys knowlege is God hyhglye praised and thanked of his loue Yee he hath caused to geue testimony of his loue thorow out all scriptures y ● we shulde be certifyed of it and to runne confidentlye to hym thorowe the same By Ieremye the prophete he sayeth I loue the with an euerlastynge loue therfore do I sprede my mercy before the. I wyll repayre the agayn that thou mayest be fast and sure Now whan mā doth perceaue by reason of many places of scrypture y e God doth loue vs thā ought he to lyft vp hys eyen towarde heauen vnto hym that onely can lyghten oure eyen and that can geue vnderstandynge of all that whiche he teacheth by hys worde Wolde God we dyd receaue hys worde by faythe in the spirite that we myghte fele and beleue his loue therin and how we maye optayne mercy grace and saluacyon by the same than shulde oure synfull soule be comforted in al the goodnesse the which the LORDE hath promised and declared vnto vs so louyngly by hys worde O LORD I can perceaue nother the nor thy goodnesse saue onely by thy worde wherebye thou saydest that thou louest me Poure therfore a clean hart wythin me and I shall be conforted in all thynges whereby thou declareste thy loue My soule is restlesse vntyll I can rest in the. Encrease my fayth for it is thy gyfte and I shall haue perceueraunce of the. My soul shall be cōforted in thy loue for thou arte my saueoure my glorye my reioycynge and ioye Whan the LORDE doth heare the hongrie soule syghing after this maner lōging and hoping for hym than doth he turne hymselfe spedely and meteth man comforting him w t himself sayenge Come to y ● waters all ye that be thyrstye and ye y t haue no monye come bye y t ye may haue to eate Come bye wyne and mylke wythout ony mony or mony worth Come to me all ye that laboure and are laden and I wil ease you learn of me For I am meke and lowlye of hart ye shal find rest vnto your soules It is al touching mercy forgenesse wher w t god doth cal his shepe Hereby is it euident vnto man y e gods loue is vnto hym a sure fundament a strong hold a rock an hard ground wherevpon he may buylderightwel Wherfore he bringeth his ship to his hauen he casteth out hys anker vpō this sure groūd tyeng al his diseases and grifes at this stony rocke he escapeth thorow god onely all the wawes and peryls of the see euen as God dyd promyse by Esaye the prophete sayenge Whan thou wentest in the water I was with the that the stronge floudes shulde not plucke the awaye Whan thou walkest in the fyre it shal not burne the and the flamme shal not kyndle vpō the for I am the LORD thy God y ● holyone of Israell thy saueour And Salomon also sayeth The name of the LORDE is a stronge castell the righteous flyeth vnto it and shal be saued He that loketh stedfastly vpō the LORD shall not be broughte to cōfusyon for the loue that he knowlegeth in God shal cause him to walke confidently and assuredly And w t such a faythfully harte is God well apayed y e hongereth alway to come vnto farther knowlege of his wyll Such hartes shal y t LORD cal vnto hym shewynge them his loue sayeng Sonne be of good cheare and comforte all that is in my is for the. Yf thou haue sinned yf thou haue offended me remēbre y e I loue y e truste vnto my loue I haue payed thy det I haue geuē myself ouer vnto death for thy sake y e thou shuldest knowlege thy saluacion to be of my loue Whan man doth begyn to perceaue this thā fideth he cōfort rest doth vnderstood how strong y e loue was the which dyd subdue death Thys loue hath God to oure behofe that in oure nede we maye runne to hys loue and admonysh hym of y ● same And seynge God is loue therfore cāhe not forsake hymself but wyl geue after the power of hys loue and all that of his loue he hath promised by hys godlye worde This teacheth vs to know CHRISTES death in hys power glorye and victory in whose loue we maye se so clearly our redempcion and reioyce therin O
thys agayne is oure comforte namelye that the father hathe geuen vs CHRISTE the whiche hath geuen hymselfe ouer vnto the bitter death to declare hys excellent loue vnto vs that we myghte knowlege our saluaciō in his loue by faith accomplyshynge hys wyll and pleasure Unto hym that of his loue hath called vs so gentelye by hys worde vnto all mercye vnto hym I say be thankes prayse honoure and glorye both by vs and by all other creatures nowe and for euer Amen ¶ Hereafter shall we treate howe hurtefull the loue of the worlde is and howe we maye despyse it SEynge that we haue spoken so largely of the loue y e God hath towarde vs and howe stronglye the same loue worketh in vs we shall therfore now treate how daungerous worldlye loue is that is that ether the worlde loueth vs or that we loue it Whan man doth consydre the worlde and all that is therin than findeth he nought for hys soule to cōforte to rest or to satisfye herselfe in He that doth beholde the world duely maye se that it is hurtefull faydyng with all that belongeth thereto Yee al such as wil ether seke folowe loue serue or please y e world must stayne ioyne thē selues w t the same It is al vanyte vexacion of mynde that is vnder the skye What ioye or glorye shulde man fele inwardlye whan he consydereth that he serueth such a lord as bryngeth nought saue damnacion hel and sinne with him As the soule is noble and heauenly euen so can she fynde nothynge amonge these earthlye creatures wherein she myghte vse true glorye and ioye And seynge the soule cā refresh herselfe in nothynge that is transytory therfore must she forsake al creatures and knowledge God to be glotious in all that he hath declared and wroughte in hys creatures for he is wonderfull in hys power wysedome and goodnesse wherebye al creatures haue receaued theyr bewty growynge fashyon and lyfe The creatures call to vs sayēg We geue nothinge that may satisfye you saue onelye the eye syghte By vs may ye perceaue God to be wonderfull and glorious in all hys workes Yf ye re mayne and abyde w t vs and go not vnto God by vs For he wyll be knowen in his loue by vs than shal ye be restlesse surely seynge we geue nought wheron youre soules maye rest Yf man coulde consyder this dewly then shulde he se euidently y t he was neuer aryght conforted that sought to fulfyll his lust and pleasure in ony creature The worlde smyleth and promyseth a mā much but seynge ther is nothynge stable in it therfor can not it also geue ony thynge to rest vpon Thoughe all the worlde dyd loue vs yet shulde it not be profytable and auaylynge to our saluacyon but rather a stoppe or lette of the same makynge man vnworthy of the loue of God For God doth not poure his loue in that harte wherin the worlde with his loue is abydynge This wytnesseth saint Ihon warnyng vs lest we suffre vs to be begyled of the worlde sayeng Se that ye loue not y ● world nother the thynges that are in the worlde Yf ony man loue the worlde the loue of the father is not in hym for all that is in y e worlde namely y e lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes the pryde of lyfe is not of the father but of the worlde And the world passeth awaye and the lust therof but he that fulfylleth the wyll of God abydeth for euer Iames confirmeth thys sayenge Who so euer wyll be a frende of the world is made the enemye of God This is the profyte that we haue by y e loue of the world namely that for the loue of the same we do become enemyes to God For this cause sayd Paule Yf I shulde yet please men I were not the seruaunt of CHRISTE The apostles also what tyme they were chosen and sundered they were hated of the worlde For it coulde not agre to be atone wyth God and to haue frendshippe wyth the world Yf ther shal be an atonement wyth y e world then muste ther be also a consente to his synfulnes And bycause that nother CHRIST nor his disciples were of the worlde nor consented to the lust of the same therfore doth he admonishe and conforte his disciples at his departynge sayenge Yf the world hate you thē knowe y e it hath hated me before you Yf ye were of the worlde the world wolde loue his owne Howbeit because ye are not of the worlde but I haue chosen you from the worlde therfore the worlde hateth you And the prophetes all though they were hated of y e worlde yet were not they sory for it For yf they wolde haue procured the loue of the worlde then shulde not they haue rebuked the synnes of y e world but lyued in synfulnesse with them and forsakē God nother shulde they haue reioyced in his spret The loue of God no doute ouercame the loue of the worlde This is euident in many patriarches prophetes and holy men and wemen y e which were al slayne for rebukyng of the world and because they folowed not the lustes of it as namely Abell Esay Ieremy Helyas Micheas Susanna Daniel with diuers other that haue bene slayne and persecuted of the worlde The world therfore is a wycked thynge for it geueth nought wherin mā myght reioyce by ony meanes but his rewardes be synne hell and damnacyon and itselfe is altogether set on wyckednes The nature of man is cōmunely such that it is chaunged in to it where his loue is moost set on But what ioye can a man vse in that thynge that is wycked of itself The worldly wysedom coulde not brouke CHRIST nother coulde the worldly holynesse rendre all glorye vnto CHRIST only Yee because CHRIST dyd rebuke wyckednesse and fayned holynesse therfore rose y ● worldly men agaynst CHRIST and haue determined to slaye hym This one thynge myght of ryght open the eyen of many men Seynge the loue of y e world was neuer good nor profytable how myght we then get ony goodnesse by fulfyllyng his lustes as Paul sayeth What frute had ye at that tyme in those thinges wherof ye are now ashamed for the ende of suche thynges is death O death how bytter is the remēbraūce of the to a man that seketh rest and comforte in his substaunce and ryches for death is the rewarde of syn Whan lust hath conceaued she bringeth forth synne and synne whan it is fynyshed bryngeth forth death Whan a man now hath well cōsydered the worlde and begynneth to perceaue that it is nothynge but vanite and hartes grefe then beginneth he to withdrawe his hart from it Wherfore yf he can then praye to God entierly and hartely he shall se how glorious and nobell he is esty med in the syghte of God namely that he is a vessel of synne where as God notwithstandynge hath created