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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02617 The Iesuites banner Displaying their original and successe: their vow and othe: their hypocrisie and superstition: their doctrine and positions: with a confutation of a late pamphlet secretly imprinted and entituled: A briefe censure vpon two bookes written in answeare to M. Campions offer of disputation. &c. Compiled by Meredith Hanmer M. of Arte, and student in diuinity. Hanmer, Meredith, 1543-1604. 1581 (1581) STC 12746; ESTC S103736 58,079 96

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disswadeth For he allureth and calleth none but onely sheweth it Yet Paule sayth I giue counsell neither doeth hee allure any but rather disswade and withdrawe while hee sayth euery man hath a proper gift of GOD neyther doeth hee counsell neyther disswade but leaueth it beetweene both Fyrst I note your malice in that you alleadge Christe and Paule as ioyntly alleadged by Luther whiche hee hath not doone Secondly in that yee deliuer not simplye his meaning expressed in these fearmes Playnely and Rather Lastly in that yee conceale his conclusion whiche resolueth the whole and layeth downe the right vnderstanding of the holye Ghoste according vntoo the exposttion 〈…〉 Luther writing It is as necessary for euery man that cannot containe to haue a wife as i● i●●● care drinke or sleepe What fault finde yée with this doctrine there is none that wro●te more reuerently of blessed wedlock and holie virginitie then Luther hath done In that place by you alleadged and in sundry other his learned discourses he intreateth of the soule and the faculties thereof he displayeth the bodie with the senses passions and affections of the minde the disposition inward and outward not forgetting diet rayment with other necessaries thervnto appertaining and amongst al with great modestie he layeth downe the necessitie of matrimonie for those that cannot keepe their vessels sta●●ch and 〈…〉 Nienthly yee bring in Luther saying All christians are as holy and as iust as the mother of GOD and as the Apostles were You haue practized so long to flaunder his person and falsifie his wordes that yée cannot leaue it he hath written not as you say but as followeth Because we are borne againe and in this newe birth become the sonnes and heyres of GOD wee are equall in dignitie and honour with Saint Paule Saint Peter and the blessed virgine and all the Sayntes We haue the same treasure of GOD and all good thinges as largely as they For it behoued that they shoulde bee borne agayne as well as we wherfore they haue no more than any of the other Christians These woords doe not establish your imagination neither can yée grounde here that comparison For without derrogation to any of the Saintes bée it spoken all y ● beléeue rightlie in Christ Jesu are borne againe are become the sonnes and heyres of God are the blessed of the father they shal follow the Lambe whither soeuer hée goeth shal receiue their pennie in the life to come as well as y ● blessed Uirgin the holie Apostles or any of y e saints of God alredy departed to rest But as for their special graces namely y ● Mary should beare Christ that Paule should be a chosē vessel so extraordinarily be called by a voyce frō heauen y ● Peter with the rest of y ● Apostles should haue the holie Ghost in the forme of slrrie tongues rest vpon them w t other rare gifts we learn to humble our selues not to stand too high in our own conceites to imbrace y ● measure of faith which y ● Lord hath geuē vnto vs. For euery one hath a proper gift one thus another thus One hath fiue talents an other two another one The summe is this Mary the Apostles all the Saintes and faithful people of God eyther alreadie praising God in the triumphant church or presently in the flesh and congregation militant waiting for the bridegroom to enter into the celestial Ierusalem are partakers of that one only sacrifice offred vpon the crossr for the saluation of mankind haue no righteousnes neither merits of their owne but are al equallie saued by the righteousnes merits passion of Christ Iefus This is the doctrine of y ● catholike church this hath Luther taught this teach we and none other This is christian humilitie w tout comparing of graces But to let passe your slanders seeking to discredit al by the doctrine of one if yee could haue found him to haue erred I will not speake of that erroneous doctrine where some of your side holde simple fornication to be no mortall sinne some maynteine the the stewes and curtezans of Rome some haue dispensed with incest and murther some holde of Thomas some of Scotus some of Occam some of Lombard and other some with the saying Hic non tenetur Magister your recōciling of writers your patching of canons your iumbling of decrees your iarring of glosses with infinit enormities concerning priuate persons sole opinions We néed not ouer busie our selues to worke your discredit by disgracing som perticuler writer of your side seing y ● there is no lewd opinion amōg you but hath infinit fauourers nay we may truely say of you with the Prophet From the sole of the foote to the crow●● of the heade there is no health Your profession is but a 〈…〉 or l●●pe of all abhomination Or wee may saye with Petrarcha Rome is a temple of errour and a schoole of heresie One thing heere I may not let passe which you lastly and in the tenth place haue annexed vnto your collections out of Luther I meane your storie of the Diuell You dealt fauourably with him you made vp the diuels messe with the cōpanie of Lindan Godens Claudius de Sanctes you bring in Hosius with salt and spoones and bearing the candls when Luther as yet say went drunke to bed The summe is this all you together with Satan haue conspired against Luther dis●r●diting his life his doctrine his death As for his life ●nce hee sincerely embraced the Gospell none of you no not one shalbe able in truth to stain him his doctrine is knowne vnto the world his great tomes and godly labour is to be seene as for his ende he died in his bedde being thréescore and thrée yeere olde or there about in the yeere 1546. the. 18. of Februarie His sicknes whereof hee chiefly complayned was the oppression of humours in the Orifice or opening of the stomacke which of a long time had troubled him There were then present in the chamber at his departure his thrée sonnes Iohn Martin Paule with Ambrose their schoolemaister There was Doctor Ionas there was also Albert earle of Mansfield with his wife and diuerse others that loued him well These as they haue done heretofore so will they be witnesses vnto the posteritie and geue euidence also at the day of iudgement against all those that discredite his person deface his doctrine After sundry godly meditations he gaue vp the Ghost with this prayer My heauenly father eternall and merciful God thou hast made manifest vnto me thy deare sonne cut Lord Iesus Christ I haue taught him I haue knowne him I loue him as my life my health and my redemption whome the wicked haue persecuted maligned and with iniutie afflicted Draw my soule to thee I commend my spirite into thy handes thou hast redeemed me O GOD of trueth God so loued the world that he gaue his onely sonne