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A68942 The seconde tome or volume of the Paraphrase of Erasmus vpon the Newe Testament conteynyng the epistles of S. Paul, and other the Apostles : wherunto is added a paraphrase vpon the reuelacion of S. John.; Paraphrases in Novum Testamentum. Vol. 2. English. 1549 Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536.; Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568.; Old, John, fl. 1545-1555.; Allen, Edmund, 1519?-1559. 1549 (1549) STC 2854.7; ESTC S107068 904,930 765

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god tourned to our weale and aduauntage The texte ¶ And the gyfte is not ouer one synne as death came through one sinne of one that synned For damnation came of one synne vnto condemnation but the gyfte came to iustifie from many synnes For yf by the synne of one death raigned by the meanes of one muche more they whiche receaue aboundaunce of grace of the gyft of righteousnes shall raigne in lyfe by the meanes of one that is to saye Iesus Christe Agayne thoughe throughe Adams onlye offence damnation entred and through innocēt Christe saluation yet is not one equal to another For in suche sorte had damnacion her begynnyng that the synne of one man issued into al his posteritie by meane wherof it might in continuaūce of tyme at the last haue made the whole world thrall to synne but y● benefite of god cōtrarywyse is in suche sorte gyuen y● the sinnes of al the world then gathered together and growen strong are at once by Christes death wyped awaye and not only so but also righteousnes is gyuen And therfore albeit the synne of onlye one man had suche a power that it brought all men vnder the tyranny of death so that all suche as had offended as Adam did could not be but vnder the same yoke that he was yet muche more receaue we through the bountifull and ouer flowyng mercy of god whiche is that all suche as folowyng the example of Christ liue iustlye innocently shall not only be free from the tyranny of synne and death but also through him whiche is the onely authour of our felicitie and welthe raigne themselfes in lyfe euerlastyng The texte ¶ Lykewyse then as by the synne of one there sprang vp euell on all men to cond●̄nation euen so by the righteousnes of one spryngeth good vpon all men to the righteousnes of lyfe For as by one mannes disobedience many became synners so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteouse But the lawe in the meane tyme entred in that synne shoulde encrease Neuerthelater where aboūdaunce of sinne was there was more plenteousnes of grace That as synne had raygned vnto death euē so myght grace raigne through righteousnes vnto eternall life by the helpe of Iesus Christe Herein therfore are bothe lyke that as by the offence of one man syn came into the worlde by meane wherof all became thrall vnto death so through y● ryghteousnes of one whiche is deriued into al suche as beleue and submyt themselfe vnto the kyngdom of lyfe are all men of god made righteouse and partakers of the kyngdom of life For as by Adā through his disobedience to goddes commaundement many became synners whiles they folowed theyr fyrst fathers trāsgression so shal only Christ which euen vnto the death of the crosse obeyed god his father make many righteouse all suche I saye as are folowers of his obedience But to returne agayne vnto our former purpose yf by suche meanes as we before spake of it pleased god both to take awaye synne also to geue righteousnes lyfe to what purpose was it to geue a law vnable to do any good Whervnto to answer it is to be vnderstanden that in this the lawe dyd good y● therby the great mercy of God toward vs became more euident better knowē For the more great outragious the power of synne is the more notable is his benefite whiche deliuereth vs from synne Now is by the lawe the tyranny of synne set foorth whiles the same albeit in vaine resisteth it Strong and mightie was this tyranny but muche more mightie was the mercye of God wherof we haue by so muche more perfite experience the greater daūger of the sayd tyrāny we haue hitherto been in And certainly for this also are we bounden to thanke the lawe because therby we perceiue the greatnes of Gods benefite by meane wherof as the deuil through synne winnyng the dominion destroyed mannes soule whiche is very death in dede so should godly life through Gods gifte obteinyng the kyngdome and vpper hande geue life vnto all men through the help of Iesus Christ vnder whom as our lorde and capitaine we reioyce beyng now deliuered from the bōdage of death vnder whose baner we wer not long ago souldiars The .vi. Chapter The texte ¶ What shal we say then Shal we continue in synne that there may be aboundance of grace God forbid How shall we that are dead as touchyng synne liue any longer therin Knowe ye not that all we whiche are baptised into Iesus Christ are baptised to dye with him We are buried then with him by baptisme for to dye that likewise as Christ was raised vp frō death by the glory of the father euen so we also should walke in a new life For if we be graft in death like vnto him euen so shal we be partakers of the resurreccion knowyng this that our olde man is crucified with him also that the body of synne might vtterly be destroyed that hensfoorth we should not be seruauntes vnto synne For he that is dead is iustified from synne BVt because we before sayd that through the lawe sinne encreased that of sinne this good came that the grace of God more encreased lest by so saying some take occasion to continue in synne and this wyse thynke with him selfe if synne auaunce and encrease Gods grace towardes mā well done wer it to synne more often that his fre gifte may more and more encrease Herevnto I answer that pitie were it that any man should so thinke When I so sayd I ment and spake of the synnes of our former life whiche God of his goodnes turned to our weale and profite But now after that we are ons brought frō the tyrāny of synne into the kyngdome of innocencie God forbid that we should againe departe from our redemer and fall againe headlong into our olde tyrannous subiection Lyfe and death are so quite contrarye one to another that eche one destroyeth the other nor can they after like consideracion stande together Therfore if that as soone as we begynne to liue to Christ warde we be dead towarde the deuil with what reason standeth it that we should still liue to him warde to whom we are already dead If we liue to Christ then liue we not to y● deuil And if we through sinne liue vnto the deuil then are we to Christwarde dead But nowe forasmuche as we liue to Christ it foloweth that we are dead to synne whiche he hath by his death vāquished For mete it is that ye should know since ye haue receiued the baptisme of Christ what the sayd baptisme in vs doth bothe worke and signifie What tyme we are in Christes name baptised we dye with him touchyng y● synnes of our former life which synnes are through his death abolished and not onely so but buried also are we with him that by the same baptisme that as he whiche neuer liued synfully diyng
yet for our synnes was raised vppe again to life euerlastyng not by any worldely power but by the mightie power of his father so should we beyng through him raised out of the death of synne becomen dead to our former life leadyng hereafter a newe life walke in the trade of godly conuersacion continually encreasyng vpwarde from better to better For seyng that we are through baptisme planted into Christes bodye and in maner altered into him mete is it that whatsoeuer we see done in him whiche is oure head the same be of vs whiche are his membres either in life expressed or els loked for in tyme to come Rysen is he againe ascended into heauen and setteth in glorye at the right hande of his father All whiche thynges alreadye done in Christ we maye oure selues finally trust to enioye if for this present tyme as muche as in vs lyeth we folowe the same and diligently put them in vre Therfore if we through baptisme dye vnto our former synnes and fleashely lustes therin as we may resemblyng Christes death euen as mete and conuenient is it that we hensfoorth forsakyng the filthynes of synne and diligently exercisyng our selues in godly workes expresse in our liuyng his holy resurreccion To folowe Christes death is neither to kyl our selfes nor yet to hurt oure bodyes but then as ye well knowe dye we with him if to oure old frowarde appetites we haue suche a dull desyre y● to them we seame as dead For accordyng to our double generacion we must in our selfes cōceiue two menne th one olde grosse and like vnto the yearthly Adam thother newe desyrous of heauenly thynges as whiche hath by Christ sent from heauen his beginnyng Our olde man therfore is as it wer destroyed what tyme it was with Christ fastened vpon the crosse whervpon also were extinguished all oure desyres of transitorye pleasures whose whole rable maye well be called the body of synne This bodye of synne is then in vs effectually and holsomely slaine when hurtefull desyres are in suche sorte destroyed in vs that we no more do seruice vnto synne He that after this sorte as I haue now expressed foloweth Christes death is euen become a righteous man and is no longer subiecte vnto synne from whose tyranny he is already deliuered The texte Wherfore if we be dead with Christ we beleue that we also shall liue with him knowyng that Christ beyng raised from death dyeth nomore Death hath nomore power ouer him For as touchyng that he dyed he dyed concernyng synne once And as touchyng that he lyueth he liueth vnto God Lykewyse cōsider ye also that ye are dead as touchyng synne but are aliue vnto God through Iesus Christ our lorde Let not synne raigne therfore in your mortal bodye that ye should thervnto obeye by the lustes of it Therfore if as we haue now oftentymes sayd we be to Christ dead so deliuered frō our former synnes our trust is hereafter through innocent holy life to liue with him so to liue with him that we shall neuer dye more in this also as farre as possible is resemblyng Christ who submitted not him selfe in suche sorte to death that in him death should haue any power after but rose againe to liue euerlastyngly For as touchyng that he dyed vnto synne he dyed but once but touchyng that he nowe liueth he liueth to God his father by whose might he was from death raised to life euerlastyng And as it was in Christ so thynke your selfes once dead to synne by that your olde v●cious desyres are destroyed and by that ye are nowe becomen newe men as thoughe ye were raised againe from death to liue a heauenly and an immortall life to Godwarde by whose benefite we are nowe made innocent and holy For if ye this do not ye liue not to Godwarde because that to God noman lyueth but suche as liue godly righteously and in other vertues For synce that we are planted into Christes body and becomen one with him mete is it that we as membres be like vnto our head whiche is Christ And synce that he nowe lyueth to Godwarde for euermore reason it is that we likewyse liue vnto him through the same Iesus Christ our Lorde And as he beyng once raised frō death suffereth nomore the tyrāny of death so must ye take hede lest synne beyng nowe once banished out of your soules recouer in you againe the tyranny whiche it hath loste and so renewe his olde title of death As it surely wyll if ye folowe suche beastly desyres with whiche the deuil is wont to allure and bryng vs into our olde bondage The texte Neither geue ye your membres as instrumentes of vnrighteousnes vnto synne but geue ouer your selues vnto God as they that of dead are aliue And geue ouer your membres as instrumentes of righteousnes vnto God For sinne shal not haue power ouer you because ye are not vnder the lawe but vnder grace And see that your membres beyng nowe consecrate vnto Christ do hencefoorth nomore seruice at the deuils mocion whom Christ hath subdued and so to worke vnrighteousnes but rather hereafter so vse your selues that by all your life it may appeare that ye with Christ haue forsaken all deadly synne and workes of death and to be altered into a new life And so shal ye in dede do if hencefoorth all your membres that is to say all the powers of your bodyes and soules be applyed not to vice in the deuils seruice but to righteousnes in the seruice of God For reason requireth that we wholly belong to him to whō we haue once boūde our selues and with him to haue nothyng to do from whom we are now departed and whose yoke we haue once shaken of Nor is it to be feared leste synne wyll we or nil we bryng vs backe againe into our olde bondage because ye are nowe no longer vnder the lawe whiche rather prouoked wylfull desyres then suppressed but vnder Goddes grace whiche as it was able to deliuer vs from the bondage of synne so is it able to kepe and preserue vs that we nomore falle thervnto The texte What then shal we sinne because we are not vnder the law but vnder grace God forbid And yet nowe God forbid that in the meane season any manne should this wyse take my wordes when I sayd ye were free from the lawe either to thynke that forasmuche as the lawe is abolished ye may do as ye liste or that Goddes free goodnes whiche hath pardoned all our olde offences hath also therwith frely geuen vs libertie to do euil But rather so muche the more ought we to abstaine from synne because we are now nomore like slaues cōpelled to do wel as by a law but are as childrē are wont to be with desertes loue prouoked therto So that your bondage is chaunged and not vtterly taken away In suche sorte haue ye geuen ouer the seruice of the lawe that ye nowe
but frealy and playnly and without all deceyte declaryng to al men the bare trouthe without any cloud in this office so vsing our selfes that though no manne prayse vs yet oure lyfe commendeth vs to all menne whiche knowe and are witnesse of oure perfectnes and not onelye to menne whiche maye bee deceyued but also to God whiche seethe all thynges By vs therefore in al places shyneth the trueth of the gospel so that euerye man may see it euedently And yf there be some yet to whome it is not knowen and therefore geueth not them saluacion the faulte is theirs and not ours nor the gospels for as I tolde you of the Israelites so haue they likewyse a vayle caste ouer the eyes of theyr hearte by reason wherof they see not suche thinges as are verye bright but are blynde in the middes of the sonne light For they bryng with them vncleare iyen and suche as are corrupte with worldlye desyres whose vnfaythfull myndes Satan the God of this worlde for theyr God make they hym whiche to hym geue more eare than to the true God hathe blynded couering theyr iyes that to them the bryghtnes of the gospell can geue no light whereby the glory and maiestie is declared not of Moses but of Christe whiche is the image of god the father so that by the sonne which is egall to the father a man maye knowe the father The texte For we preache not oure selues but Christe Iesus to be the Lord and our selues your seruauntes for Iesus sake For it is God that cōmaunded the lyght to shyne out of darknes whiche hath st●yned in our hertes for to geue the lyght of the knowledge of the glory of god in the face of Iesus Chryst But we haue this treasure in erthen vessels that the excellency of the power myght be Gods and not oures We are troubled on euery iyde yet are we not without shyfte We are in pouerty ▪ but not vtterly without somewhat We suffer persecucion but are not forsaken therein We are cast downe neuerthelesse we peryshe not We all wayes beare aboute in the body the dying of the Lorde Iesus that the lyfe of Iesu myght also appeare in our body For we whiche ●●ue are alwayes delyuered vnto death for Iesus sake that the lyfe also of Iesu might appeare in our mortal flesh So then death worketh in vs but lyfe in you Nor auaunce we oure selues by preachyng as some doe teachyng the gospell for our aduauntage or glorie but we preache Iesus Christe oure Lorde his doctrine teache we and not ours for hym labour we as for oure Lorde and mayster what payne soeuer we take so farre from takyng anye thyng arrogātly vpon vs that we graunt our selues to be your seruauntes and to ministre the ghospell vnto you neither for feare of you nor yet for hope of auauntage but for Iesus sake for whose loue whereas we are free we euen as seruauntes submitte our selues to all men After lyke sorte were we once in the same blyndnes wherewith some are now diseased stil Nor yet gotte we this light to our selues but god at whose commaundement lyght was fyrste made from whome all light procedeth after that he had expelled the darknes of oure vnderstandyng commaunded that in it the lighte of trueth shoulde appere or rather as he is lighte euerlastyng lightened oure hearte y● by vs the glory of his maiestie might more be spread abrode among all mē beyng more notified by preachyng of the gospel wherein we preache the Lorde Iesus in whose face moste brightly shineth the image and glorie of the father But yet is this greate matier onlye wrought in our soules secretely for touchyng the bodye we seme but vyle abiectes so that we ●arie aboute with vs this preciouse and highe treasure in earthen vessels that is to saye in our sealye bodies subiecte to vilanye and punishment as it hathe pleased god it should be and good cause is there why it so pleased hym For he prouided y● we should not be proude by great high myracles wroughte by vs whereby we might clayme some parte therof but know our owne infirmitie and so vnderstande the selfe same highe power whiche is geuen to the apostles not to be wrought by our strengthe but by gods power onely for we touchyng our owne infirmitie are dayly greatly troubled and yet by gods helps we suffer al these troubles and continue not ouercomen we are on euery syde ouerlayed with aduersitie yet are we not withoute shifte we are brought to beggery and in oure beggerye we are not forsaken we suffer persecucion and yet in our persecucion we are not dismayed we are beaten downe and tredden vnder feete but yet so that we peryshe not in that behalfe folowyng the lorde Iesus ▪ as nyghe as we maye whome we preache and setfoorth He once dyed for all men we in that we are daylye and continuallye in ieopardie of death beare aboute in oure bodyes an image of his deathe ready to bestowe this lyfe for your sakes that as we dyeng for you folowe the death of Iesus so maye the lyfe of Iesus wherunto he rose from deathe in oure body be declared whyles we are either by hym delyuered from deathe or by despising oure temporal lyfe playnly testifie and affirme that the deade shall ryse agayne For yf we beleued that when our bodye is once dead it woulde neuer lyue more we woulde not so lytle regarde oure temporall lyfe By thys straunge waye therfore ye see howe the euerlasting lyfe of Christ through the affliccions of our corruptible body is to you the better knowen The difference is in that the violent ieoperdy of death falleth vpon oure body but the fruite of lyfe which groweth by our deathe is yours for whose sakes we put our selues in these ieopardyes The texte But seyng that we haue the same spirite of fayth accordyng as it is wryttē I beleued therfore I spoken we also beleue and therfore speake For we know that he which raysed vp the Lorde Iesus shall rayse vp vs also by the meanes of Iesus and shall set vs with you For all thynges do I for your sakes that the plenteous grace by thanckes geuen of many maye redounde to the prayse of God Wherfore we are not weryed But though our vtward man peryshe yet the inwarde man is renewed daye by daye For out ●●●buiacyon which is momentany lyght prepareth an exceadyng and an eternal waight of glorye vnto vs whyle we loke not on the thynges whiche are sene but on the thynges whiche are not sene For the thynges whiche are seue are temporall but thynges whiche are not sene are eternall And yet for all this we repente vs not of preachyng the gospel for since we haue also euen the same gifte of faythe that ye haue whereby ye loke for life immortall by my preachyng powred into your heartes it foloweth that as Dauid in his misticall psalme sayeth that he therfore spoke because he beleued so feare we
c Hath not God made the wisedom of this worlde folishnes For the Iewes require asigne c. We preach Christe crucified c. The folishnes of God is wyser thē m●n God hath chosen the fo●y●●e thinges of the worlde to confounde the wyse W● haue not receyued the spirite of the worlde He that is spirituall discusseth al thynges I haue plāted Apollo watered Let no man deceiue you He compasseth the wise in theyr craftimes Ye are Christes Christe is goddes It is the Lorde that iudgeth me What haste thou that thou haste not receyued Wherefore I desire you to folowe me as I folowe Christe The kindome of God is not in wordes yf any that is called a brother bee a fornicatoure I maie do● all thing But al thinges are not profitable Let not the bodye bee applied vnto fornicacion For ye are dearely boughte Let euery man haue his owne wife Wythdrawe not your selfes one frō another excepte it be with consent for a time Euery man hathe his proper gift of god If they cannot abstayne lette thē marry for it is better to marry than to burne Let not the wyfe be seperated frō the husbād For the vnbeleu●ng husband i● sanctified by the wyfe c. But and yf the vnbeleuing depart let hym departe Ye are derely boughte be not ye the seruauntes of men Lykewyse if a virgine marrye she hathe no● synned I would haue you without care This speake I for your profite not to tangle you in a snare He that ioyneth his virgine in mariage doeth well Knowledge maketh a man swell but loue edifieth We are sure that an image is nothyng Meate maketh vs not acceptable to god Wherfore if meate hurte my brother ▪ c. Haue I not seene Iesus Christ our lorde But woe is it vnto me if I preache not the gospell Let rather him that thinketh he standeth c. For why is my libertie iudged c. The mā is y● womans head c. Neither was the mā created for the womās sake Let a man e●am●● hymselfe so let him eate of the breade and drinke of the cup. He that prophecieth speaketh vnto men for theyr edifying Let hym that speaketh with tōgue pray that he may interprete also Prophecy serueth not for them that beleue not but for them which beleue For God is no causer of strife but of peace For yf the deade ryse not againe thē is Christ not rysen agayne By out reioysing whiche I haue in Christe Iesu out lorde I dye dayly All fleshe is not one maner of flesh The fyrste manne is of the earth earthly Death is swalowed vp in victorie c. For our preachyng to you was not yea and naye c. Not that we be lordes o●e● youre fayth But we haue this trea●ure in earthen vessels We are knowen wel ynough vnto God For if we be to feruente to God are we to feruente Therfore yf any man be in Christe he is a new creature God was in Christe and made agremente betwene the world and hymselfe By the armoure of ryghteousnesse I promise vnto you like rewarde as vnto children We haue hu●t ●o mā we haue defrauded no man God that comforteth the abiecte comforted vs by the cūmyng of Titus Godly sorowe causeth repentaunce vnto saiuacion There was geuen vnto me vnquietnesse thorowe the fleshe For my strengthe is made perfect thorow weakenesse For in nothing was I inferioure vnto the chiefe Apostles For I se●● not yours but you Dyd I pyll you by any of them whō I sent vnto you We can do nothyng againste the trueth but for the trueth But ●y I●sꝰ Christ and by God the father Whiche called you by grace vnto an other gospel Either go I aboute to please men For if I had hitherto studied to please men c. For I neither receiued it nor learned it of man I communed not of y● matur with fleshe and bloude I w●t vp by reuelacion cōmuned ●● them And that because of incūmers c. I withstode hym open●y He dyd eate with the Gētiles And y● other Iewes dissēbled aswelas he If thou beyng a Iew. c A man is not iustifyed by the dedes of the lawe Is Christ thē the minister of synne Not I but Christ liueth in me c. I dispise not the grace of God c. That ye should not beleue y● truth To Abraham and his seede were the promises made For if the inheritaunce cū of the law c. The lawe was adde● because of transgressiō But y● scripture concludeth all thinges vnder sinne That we mighte be ●●de righteous through feyth For ye are y● chyldren of god because ye beleue it For ye are al one in Christ Iesu Tha● we through eleccion myghte receyue thinheritaunce But now after that ye haue knowen God c. How is it that ye turne againe vnto the weake beggerly ordinaūces c. Ye haue not hurt me at al. I would I wer with you now ● co●●● chaunge my voyce Abraham had two sōnes c. For these are two testamētes ▪ c. But Ierusalem whiche is aboue ●s free c. Put away● the bond womanne wt●●● sonne As manye of you as are ●● stified by the lawe c. Who was a lette to you y● ye should not beleue the truthe Why do I th●n suffer persecucion For the lawe is fulfilled in one word c. The fleshe lusteth cōtrary to y● spirit The dedes o● the fleshe c. are th●se adultrie c. Consideryng thy selfe lest y● be tempted Beare ye one anothers burdaine Be not deceiued God i●m not mocked When the time ●o come we sh●l reape without we●●yn ● Wherby the worlde is cru●●●ified vnto me I vnto the world I beare in my bodye the markes of y● lorde Iesu Grace be vnto you ● peace Blessed bee God the father According as he had chosen vs. Through loue Which ordayned vs. To the praise of the glory of his grace In al wisdome and prudence According to his good pleasure That ●e may to his prayse In whome we also Which is y● earnest Vnto the praise of his glorye May geue vnto you y● spirite of ●●sedome He hath wrought in Christe c. And hath made him aboue all thinges the head In the children of unbeliefe And were by nature the childrē of wrathe But God whiche is riche in mercie By grace are ye made safe I● is the gift of god For we are his workemanship Vnto good workes whiche god ordayned Hauing no hope Gene .xxii. But nowe by the meanes of Christ Iesu For be is ou● peace Through his fleshe Making peace To you which were a ferre of By ●●uelation shewed he this mestery vnto me Vnto me the least of al Saintes is this grace geuen c. That he ●●ul● graunt you accordīg to y● riches o● his glory which is father of all Ye beeyng rooted and grounded in loue myght bee hable to cōprehende Unto hym that is hable The houseband is the wiues head
another so frendlye as wyl for his good and wel deseruyng frendes sake suffer death But to graunt that some suche maye some where be founde as for his approued frende wyl paraduenture be contented to dye yet hath god shewed an example passyng all examples of suche earthly loues whom it pleased euen for wycked and vnworthy persons to delyuer his onlye sonne to death Now if god haue for vs beyng wycked people and offenders done thus muche how muche rather wyl he do for vs beyng nowe purged chastised and by the bloud of his sonne reconciled vnto hym that we through sinne fall no more into his displeasure and therby stande in ieopardy of more greuouse dānation not only for our synful lyfe but also because we should then be vnthankefull Christe dyed for vs but for a season but he rose agayn for euer And as he dyed for vs so arose he agayne for our sakes The texte ¶ For yf when we were enemies we were reconciled to god by the deathe of his sonne muche more seyng we are reconciled we shal be preserued by his lyfe Not onlye this but we also ioye in god by the meanes of oure lorde Iesus Christe by whome we haue nowe obtayned the attonement Now and yf by his death he haue this muche done for vs that where as before that tyme god was with vs highly offended and displeased we haue hym nowe gratiouse and merciful muche rather shal we so through his lyfe be preserued that we nomore fall into his displeasure By his death deliuered are we from synne his lyfe shal preserue vs in innocēcie his death hath delyuered vs from the power of the deuill his lyfe shall towarde vs continew the loue of his father These are suche euident sygnes of goddes loue towarde vs that they not only put vs in a quyet assuraunce and in a sure hope to be saued from the vengeaūce of god to come but also gyue vs a lustye courage euen to glorie not of oure deseartes but with thankes geuyng to god the father through whose bountefull mercy we haue receyued this welthy state promysed by hym to be geuen vnto vs neither for the lawes nor for circumcisions sake but through Iesus Christ his sonne by whose meanes we are restored into his fauour agayne to th entent that for all this benefite thankes should be gyuen to noman but to god hymself and to his only sonne Al whiche was done by the meruaylous secrete counsel of god to the ende y● the waye meanes of oure restoryng shoulde agree with the waye of oure damnation The texte Wherfore ▪ as by one man syn entred in the worlde and death by the meanes of syn euen so death also went ouer al men insomuche as all men synned For euen vnto the law was syn in the worlde but synne is not imputed where there is no lawe neuerthelesse death raigned from Adam to Moses euen ouer thē also that had not synned with lyke transgressiō as dyd Adam which beareth the similitude of hym that was to come Wherfore as by Adam whiche fyrste transgressed the commaundemente of god synne entred into the worlde and by the meanes of synne death because syn is as it were the poyson of mannes soule by whose occasion synne whiche had his begynning in the fyrst of our stocke issued furthe into all his posteritie whyles eche man folowed the exāple of their fyrst parente so through Christe alone in whome by fayth al are borne agayne we receyue innocencie and therwyth lyfe whiche blessednes lykewyse hauyng his begynnyng in one fyrst and new authour of generaciō Christe is spread abrode amonge all them whiche are throughe faythe knyt vnto hym and in hurtlesse lyfe folowe his steppes But when synne had once ouergone the world and poysoned all mankynde suche was the strength therof that it coulde by no meanes neyther by the lawe of nature nor yet by Moses lawe be vanquyshed so that by the lawe nothyng was done but that suche as hadde offended knewe that they were gylty and worthy of damnation For as to chyldren in whō the lawe of nature hath no place by reason of theyr tēder age not able as yet to discerne what is good and what is not syn is not yet imputed no more was it layde vnto the Paynyms charge yf they ought dyd agaynst Moyses lawe Therfore before the lawe gyuen whiche shewed men theyr synnes by reason of the law of nature the world in dede was not vtterly without synne but yet bare men at that tyme with themselfes and as it wer without correctiō fell to all licenciousnes as though they had ben vtterly lawles Forasmuche as therfore he was not yet comen whiche should take awaye the synnes of the world and vanquyshe the tyrannye of death death which enteryng through Adams offence raygned without any resistence euen vpon them also whiche had not maliciously offended agaynst the cōmaundement of god as Adam dyd which euen than bare the ymage and fygure of Christ whiche should come lōg after and yet meane I not that he is in euery poynte vnto Christe lyke but that he in some poyntes bare the ymage of Christ In this poynt lyke that both were the begynners of a generation the one of an earthly the other of an heauenly In this lyke also that a certayne thyng is frome both begynners deriued into theyr posterities but the difference is that from the earthly Adam was the begynnyng of vnrighteousnes and synne but by the heauenly Adam is gyuen all grace and goodnes The texte But the gifte is not like as the synne F●● if through the synne of one many be dead muche more plenteous vpon many was the grace of God and gift by grace whiche was gyuen by one man Iesus Christ But now as these two are partely like so wer they not equal For besides that elswyse of it selfe it is a thing more effectual to saue then to destroy muche more strong and mightye is Christ to saue then was Adam to condempne so that muche more effectual is Christes obedience to geue life then was the trāsgression of Adam to worke death so that in all pointes Christes goodnes ouerwaigheth the offence of Adam which thyng I monishe you of and say leste any man might thynke the synne of our fyrst parent to be so outragious that he should dispaire of his restoryng again to saluacion For it one mannes synne was of suche power that it made so great a numbre of people thral vnto death of muche more power plentyfulnes more general shal the benefite of God be and his mercyful gift which he hath gynē vs by one man lykewyse I meane Iesus Christ y● author of godly and innocent lyfe by whome he hath not onely taken awaye the tyranny of death and syn but hath also in steade of syn gyuen righteousnes and in the steade of the tyranny of death the kyngdō of life so that the offēce of Adam through the great mercy of
dye it is to the gayne or losse of his maister whereby it appeareth what a point of malapertnes it is when one seruaunt entermedleth in his felowes matter namely if in the meane season the maister be pleased Now among men no seruaunt is so muche his maisters as we are Christes seruauntes who bought vs neither with golde nor siluer but euen with his owne bloud Whether we fall then to him we fal or if we stād to him we stand or if we liue to him we liue or if we dye to him we dye Other slaues peraduenture are theyr maisters no lōger after that they are once dead but we whether we liue or dye are the lordes to whō all thynges liue Christ hath not onely power vpon them whiche are aliue but euen vpon them also that are dead as whiche for our saluacion gaue bothe his life and death For he for my cause became man and dyed and after for my sake rose againe from death to then●●nt that he might be lorde bothe of the quicke and dead If we liue to godlynes we are bounde to him if we dye to synne we are bounde to him He is our lorde he is our iudge The texte But why doest thou then iudge thy brother Either why doest thou dispise thy brother We shal all be brought before the iudgement seate of Christ For it is written as truely as I liue sayth the lorde all knees shal bowe to me and all tongues shall geue praise to God So shal euery one of vs geue accoumptes of him selfe to God Let vs not therfore iudge one an other any more And then why doeth the seruaunt take vpon him any authoritie vpō his felowe ouer whom onely God hath power Thou that art somwhat scrupulous with what boldnes I say iudgest thou thy brother whiche is stronger than thou art for that he frely eateth or because he in like sort vseth euery day Or why doest thou whiche art stronger disdaine at and disp●se thy weaker brother as though thou were his maister and not rather his felow Why doeth either of you both vsurpe Goddes authoritie and preuent the daye of iudgement One must not iudge an other The onely iudge of all wyll geue sentence vpō all For al shal once be brought before y● iudgement place of Christ ther by his sentēce to be quited or cōdēned who throughly seeth the most hidden secrete partes of our heart Vntyl that day let not one seruaunt play the lorde vpon an other For this honoure hath he for him selfe onely reserued as him selfe sayeth by the prophet Esai as truely as I liue sayeth the lorde all knees shal bowe vnto me and all tongues shal geue praise to God In the meane season let euery man asmuche as he can with all his power endeuoure howe he may for him selfe before this iudge make his accoumpte and take heede that no man iudge others actes to the worse The texte But iudge this rather that no man put a stumblyng blocke or an occasion to fail in his brothers way For I knowe am ful certified by the lorde Iesus that there is no thyng comen of it selfe but vnto him that iudgeth it to be comen to him it is comen I● thy brother be greued with thy meate now walkest thou not charitably Destroye not him with thy meate ▪ for whom Christ dyed Cause not your treasure to be euil spoken of For the kyngdome of God is not meate and drynke but righteousnes and peace and ioy in the holy goost For he that in these thinges serueth Christ pleaseth God and is commended of men If we may for this tyme iudge of any thyng let vs for the tyme iudge of this and deuise how one of vs may helpe another and that we neither do any man hurte nor geue occasion of hurte asmuche as we may Let vs comforte them that stagger not make them desperate no nor let vs extinguishe the smolderyng flaxe but enkendle it If the persons dignitie worthynes wer cōsidered the weaker should obey him that is better learned but christian charitie would that the learned should sometyme geue place and beare with the weaker but yet not so that he consent and fauor his errour but either to th entent that he may be amended or els at the lest so stayed that he offende not more greuously And in this matter to speake somewhat of my selfe Moses in his lawe many yeres gon geuen vnto the Iewes noted certaine meates for vncleane and the same meates in his language he calleth comen as a man would say cursed of whō men might not lawfully eat certaine meates calleth he cleane whiche euery man might lawfully vse But now know I and am by the spirite of Christ surely persuaded whose pleasure was that the carnal part of the lawe should be abolished that of his owne nature no meate is there vnpure and that there is no choyse of meate at al. But if any be vncleane only to him it is vncleane that so iudgeth of it y● is to wete to the weake and scrupulous it is vncleane but to suche one as is strong and a perfite christiā nothyng is vncleane but to them that are cleane all thynges are likewyse pure And yet perauenture somtyme it were well done to abstaine frō that whiche is of it selfe good and pure not because Moses lawe so commaūdeth but because brotherly charitte whiche specially belongeth to a christian man so requireth For if for thy bodily foode thy brothers conscience be hurte or greued whom thou shouldest as tendrely loue as thou louest thy selfe then liuest thou to thy self and remembrest not what mutual charitie requireth as whiche regardest not but disdainest the fall ruine of the weake whiche thing thou mightest easly remedy Were it I pray you so great a matter so long to abstaine frō lawful meates vntil suche tyme as thy neighbor beyng in ieoperdye be holpen therby And albeit thy brother be weaker though he be ruder then thou art yet coūpt him not for so vile as for thy meates sake to suffre him to be destroyed for whose saluaciō Christ died If suche one as he is the lorde estemed so greatly then should he not of the for a trifle be dispised Nor thynke it sufficient that the thyng thou doest be right wel done but moreouer prouide must y● that in it there be no suspicion of euil and beware lest that whiche to the is good turne vnto other mennes harme as it wyl if menne among you see debate and strife for meate and drinke or for suche other smal trifles For as in the world to come in the kyngdome of God I say there shal neither be meate nor drinke whiche are remedyes for this oure mortall state so the doctrine of Christes gospel and perfite christian life standeth neither in differēce of meates nor drinkes as which are suche thinges as are not to godlines effectual Rather must we study and haue minde vpō
y● life to come measuring all the whole state of blysful life by worldly commodities say let vs eate drinke for to morow we shal dye That we toke in thys lyfe that and nothyng els is our owne for after death we be nothing The philosophers or false Apostles syng suche songes in your eares paraduenture but beware leste with theyr tales they deceyue you and bryng you into a perylouse erroure alwayes remembring what was truly sayd of a certaine poete of yours euyll woordes corrupte good maners Of idlenes and wanton lyuyng groweth this distruste whyles some knowing their owne enormities deny that there shall any resurreccion be in suche blyndenes of synne are they which lyue wyth out regarde of godly lyfe But awake ye through the study of ryghteousnes leauing your pleasures leste ye fal with other into the greate ieopardye of distrust For albeit there be some amonge you whiche swell and are proude of their worldely wysedome yet are they ignoraunt of the hyghest parte of wysedome in that they knowe not God nor beleue that by his might the dead can be restored to life againe not with standing his almyghtie power nor yet remembre that it is an easyer thing to restore that whiche is decayed than of nothing to make somewhat This tell I you not of any displeasure but to the entente ye should for shame hēcefurth nomore geue eare to such as labour to make you beleue such folishe and deuilishe poyntes The texte But some man wyll saye howe aryse the dead with what body shall they come Thou foole that whiche thou sowest is not quyckened excepte it dye And what sowest thou Thou sowest not that body that shal be but bare corne as of whete or of some other but God geueth it a body at his pleasure to euery sede his owne body All fleshe is not one maner of fleshe but there is one maner of fleshe of beastes another of fishes and another of byrdes There is also celestiall bodyes and there are bodyes terrestriall But the glory of the celestiall is one the glory of the terrestriall is another There is one maner glory of the Sunne and another glory of the Moone and another glory of the starres For one starre differeth from an other in glory So is the resurrecciō of the dead It is sowen in corrupcion it ryseth againe in incorrupcion It is sowen in dishonour it ryseth againe in honour It is sowen in weakenes it ryseth again in power It is sowen a naturall body it ryseth again a spiritual body There is a naturall body and there is a spirituall body as it is also wrytten the fyrst man Adam was made a lyuing soule and the last Adam was made a quickenyng spyrite Howbeit that is not fyrste whiche is spirituall but that whiche is naturall and then that whiche is spirituall The fyrste manne is of the earth erthy the seconde manne is the Lorde from heauen heauenly As is the erthy suche are they that are erthy And as is the heauenly suche are they that are heauenly And as we haue borne the image of the erthy so shal we beare the image of the heauenly This say I brethren that fleshe bloud cannot inherite the kyngdome of God Neither doeth corrupcion inherite vncorrupcion Beholde I shew you a misterie We shall not all slepe but we shall all be chaunged and that in a momente in the twinkling of an lye by the last trompe For the trompe shall blowe and the dead shall ryse incorruptible and we shal be chaunged For this corruptible muste put on incorrupcion and this mortall muste put on immortalytie When this corruptible hath put on incorrupcion and this mortall hath put on immortalytie then shal be brought to passe the saying that is wrytten Death is swalowed vp in victory Death where is thy styng Hell where is thy victory The styng of death is synne and the strength of synne is the lawe But thankes be vnto God whiche hath geuen vs victory thorowe our Lorde Iesus Christe Therfore my deare brethren be ye stedfast and vnmouable alwayes ryche in the worke of the Lorde for as muche as ye knowe howe that your labour is not in vayne in the Lorde But now synce it is certaine that a general resurrecciō shal be some curious persō wil aske after what sort shal it be in what kind of bodies shal men rise synce the bodies whiche we now haue are tourned into ashes earth or into some other thing more vile Thou foole which maruailest howe God can once doe in renyuing bodies again that nature dayly worketh in a sede cast into the grounde Thou sowest a drye dead sede into the earth there agayne thesame beyng putrified semeth to dye so finally growyng out of the earth as it were lyueth agayne and groweth nor coulde thesame in any wyse lyue agayne onlesse it be fyrste dead and buried But nowe groweth the sede vppe in another fourme that it had when it was cast into the earth Into the earth is cast a lytle vyle blacke and drye grayne which beeng by continaunce of tyme putrified there in due season groweth vp and becommeth fyrst a tender grasse and then a stalke and so at the laste an eare Of all whiche three there appeared none in that small grayne which thou before dydest cast into the earth Euery sede hath his power which when it is growen vp appeareth so that it may now seme vtterly to be an other where thou in dede knowest it to be the same saue that it is chaunged into a better forme Seest thou not of a lyttle kernell howe greate a tree groweth howe myghtye a stemme there is howe the rootes spreade howe large boughes what a noumbre of braunches howe pleasaunte blosomes and plentefulnes of fruyte there is Of all which there was nothyng when thou dyd cast that sealye small kernell into the grounde And yet at that tyme all these thinges didest thou hope for vpon trust conceiued of y● workes of nature ▪ and darest thou not vpon trust of Gods almyghtye power surely looke for the lyke to be done by God A kernell it was that thou sowedste and not a tree and yet geueth God to that kernell once quickned a body suche as his pleasure is which geueth euery kynde of sede a speciall property that wheras all growe agayne yet haue they not in all poyntes thesame forme they had before And after lyke sorte is it in all kyndes of beastes wherof euery one hath his seueral sede so that of euery seed euery beaste can not be engendred And though this to all beastes be commen to haue a fleshy body yet is there betwixte one flesh and an other no small difference For the flesh of men is of one maner and the flesh of beastes fyshes and byrdes is of another Lykewise also though such creatures as lacke lyfe be called bodies yet is there a diuerse forme in heauenly bodies and in earthly as in stones water
al men that you are the veraye ryghte chyldren of God and no bastardes nor vnlawfull chyldren but perfitelye resemblyng youre heauenlye father in youre heauenlye conuersacyon and so ordre youre lyfe in the myddes of a frewarde cruell corrupte nation that youre syncere vpryghtenesse be not spotted in any condicion but rather let youre innocencie of lyfe so shyne amonge their darkenesse as it were certayne lyghtes of the world set before all mennes eyes For you are they of whome Christe speaketh in the ghospell sayeng you are the lyghte of the worlde whiche holde vp the lyuelye woorde of the ghospell that euery bodye maye see and expresse the doctryne of Christe euen in your conuersacion so as I am in assured trust that at the cōming of Christ I shall also reioyce in you for your constaunt perseuerynge that I haue not laboured in vayne nor runne vnprofitablye in this rase of the ghospel in that I haue wonne suche disciples vnto Christe And I doo not onely not repente my labours whereby I haue offred you as a moste acceptable sacrifice vnto God but also incase I my selfe chaunce to be offred vpon the oblacion and sacrifice of your fayth I shal be gladly contente bothe on youre behalfe and myne owne On youre behalfe in that I haue conuerted you vnto the gospel and offered you as a most acceptable sacrifice vnto Christe and on myne owne behalfe that hauing fynished suche a sacrifice I shall also be offered vp all together my selfe For lyke as I see well that myne afflictions chaunced vnto the furtheraunce of you euen so I knowe that my deathe shall chaunce to the furtheraunce of the ghospell And for this cause sake death shal be euen hartely welcome to me And yf it be conueniente that you shoulde be equall parteners of my ioye you oughte in no wise to be sorye for my death whiche shal bee so pleasauntly welcome to me The texte I trust in the lorde Iesus for to sende Timotheus shortely vnto you that I also maye be of good comforte when I know what case ye stand in For I haue no man that is so lyke minded to me which with so pure affection will care for your matters For al other seke their own and not the thinges which are Iesus Christes Ye know the profe of him how y● as a sonne with the father so hath he with me bestowed his setuice in the gospel ▪ Him therfore I hope to send assone as I know how it wil go with me I trust in y● lorde that I also my selfe shall come shortly Nowe ye perceyue in what behalfe you are bounden to be glad of my state but I trust throughe the grace of the Lorde Jesu to see you shortly by Tymotheus inasmuche as I can not come my selfe as yet Therefore I sende him euen as it were my selfe to the intent lyke as you are glad now you know what state I am in so I maye be as glad whan Timotheus commeth hither agayne to knowe what state you are in For I thought him chieflye the most mete man to sende vpon this message seyng there is neuer a one of all the rest that contenteth my mynde so wel as he in the ghospelles businesse bicause in applyinge youre necessaries he wyll be as willinglye diligent and faithful as I my selfe For you must vnderstande I haue iuste cause to regarde hym as myne owne sonne There be other whose ministerye I might better spar● than his but I woulde sende neuer a one but of throughly tried integritie For all the rest almost seke to be sent on suche messages not to doo so muche good vnto other as to prouide for their owne gayne rather than to wynne vnto Iesus Christe And you knowe that I haue alwayes abhorted suche purposed intentes I thynke it not necessarie that I shoulde prayse hym vnto you bicause you haue all ready seen his demeanour and can remembre afterwhat sorte he behaued him selfe wyth me in the ghospelles affaires and as a ryght sonne did represent me his father in all thynges Hym therefore I truste to sende as soone as I see to what ●nde my matters wyll growe And I truste for all thys by the grace of the Lorde that I my selfe shall also shortely come vnto you The texte But I supposed it necessarie to sende brother Epaphroditus vnto you my companyon in labour and felowe souldier youre Apostle whych also ministreth vnto me at nede For he longed after you all and was full of heuynesse because that ye had hearde saye that he had bene sicke And no doubte he was sicke in somuche that he was nye vnto death But god had mercye on hym and not on hym onelye but on me also leste I shoulde haue sorowe vpon sorowe I sente hym therefore the more dylygently that when ye see hym ye maye reioyce agayne and that I maye be the lesse sorowfull Receynt hym therefore in the Lorde wyth all gladnesse and make muche of suche because that for the worke of Christ he weute so farre that he was nye vnto deathe and regarded not his lyfe to fulfyll that which was lackyng on your part towarde me Furthermore I thoughte thys also veray requisite that Epaphroditus who is bothe my brother and companyon and felowe souldier and youre Apostle shoulde beare Tymotheus companye vnto you to the entente he myghte be commendablye welcome vnto you bothe for my sake and for youre owne who also broughte vnto me youre louyng charitie wherwith you are wonte to releue me at my nedes He was a good while a goe muche desyrous to come see you and was wonderfully afrayed lest it greued you to sore to heare tell that he was so perylouslye sycke It was true that you hearde saye for he was so sooze sycke that he was in ieoperdye of hys lyfe and vearye lyke to haue dyed But God restored hym agayne and had compassyon vpon hys seruaunte and not vpon him onelye but also vpon me that was in ieoperdye whan he was in ieoperdye leste vpon the sorowe that I conceaued by his sickenesse I should haue had double sorowe for the death of so faythfull a felowsouldyour And therfore I was the more diligent to sende hym vnto you specyally that you myghte be glad to see hym well amended agayne and peraduenture not beleue the tale as it was tolde you than that all my sorowe maye be wyped cleane oute of my mynde yf I perceaue you vnfeynedlye ioyous and glad of hys welfare Receyue hym therefore with a louynge Christian affection in all ioyfulnes and haue not hym in price onely but all them also that are lyke him For he whan you sente hym hyther was not onelye nothyng afrayed of Neroes crueltie whome he knewe to be muche greued at me but also for the ghospell of Christe he put him selfe in suche haserde that he was verye lyke to haue died preferrynge the doctrine of the ghospell before his owne healthe for this consideracion that bycause of his beyng awaye he thoughte he
hygh and excellēt and so seynge hym we shall also be transformed vnto hys iykenes not onely in myndes but also in bodyes And we see hym nowe howebeit as it were through a myst with the eyes of fayth But then we shal see hym after such maner as cannot be expressed But that thyng whiche we shal be than perfitely we must forcast nowe i the meane tyme to the vttermost of our possible power To thintēt we may be līke hī thē in glory let vs be pure here frō all fylthynes To thintent we maye see hym than lette vs clense our eies nowe leste when he shall appeare glisterynge bryght he bee vnto vs more dreadfull than amiable For he is not fortunatelye sene but of them that are lyke hym Therefore whosoeuer hath thys confidence in Christe that he shal than be a companion of his glory let hym in the meane time pourge hymselfe with godly studyes cleane from worldlye affeccions lyke as in hym was no maner of fylthynes of thys worlde but is all together pure and heauenlye Therefore it standeth vs in hande with all our possible powers to bend our endeuours to thys ende that nothyng remayne in vs of yearthye dregges And leite no manne flatter hym selfe sayinge It is ynough for me vnto innocency if I trāsgresse in none of those thinges that Moses lawe forbyddeth nor in those thynges that are punyshed by the kynges lawes as felonye sacrilege adultrie murdre but all maner of synne is vtterly to be eschewed For whosoeuer offendeth by any meane although he offende not agaynst the prescriptes of Moses yet he synneth agaynst the lawe of the gospell whiche is a greate deale holyer than Moses law And for thys cause sake Christ came once into the world to shew the waye whereby his comming agayne shoulde become holesome and luckye vnto vs. He came to take awaye once for all not one synne or two but al our synnes where he onely was subiect vnto no maner of synne He once purged vs frely from all synne to make vs lyke manered vnto hymselfe whiche neither any lawe nor any mortall man coulde be hable to do Through baptisme we are engraffed into hys holy sacred body But it is our part for all that to endeuour in the meane tyme that we fall not from our head We are engraffed through his owne free mercy but we shal fall awaye if we slyde backe agayne into oure olde vices He that abydeth in Christ perseuereth in innocencye and is wonderous ware to shunne from all sinne that he may dayly more and more growe in vertues and be made more lyke hys head He that absteyneth not from sinnes although he bee baptised although he be called a christian hath not yet sene fully nor yet knowen hym For who is it yf he sawe with the eies of fayth what greate dignitie it is to be chosen into the numbre of the sonnes of God and what a fylthy shame it is to be geuen to the father deuyll that woulde abyde to be plucked awaye from suche a bodye to departe from suche a father and to go out of kynde vnto so fylthy a tirannye to slyde of his owne accorde awaye from so hygh rewardes vnto so greate miserie The text Babes lette no man deceyue you he that doeth righteousnes is righteous euen as he is righteous He that committeth sinne is of the deuil for the deuyl sinneth sence the beginning For thys purpose appeared the sonne of God to looce the workes of the deuyll Whosoeuer is borne of God synneth not for hys seed remayneth in hym and he can not synne because he is borne of God In this are the children of God knowen and the children of the deuyll Whosoeuer doeth not ryghteousnes is not of God neither he that loueth not hys brother Babes lette no man deceyue you flatteryng you for your professyng the name of christians as though that were ynoughe vnto felicitie He is not iust that speaketh iustice with his mouthe but he that in his lyfe and maners doeth iustice in dede is iuste lyke as Christe also shewed himselfe in his sayinges and doynges an example of all iustice And he that truely and wholy cleaueth fast vnto him absteyneth as much as he possible may from all vncleanes of sinnes and the purenes of maners selfe declareth hym to be the sonne of God whiche is good by nature and knoweth no synne But he that synneth although he haue receyued the sacramentes of Christe yet he is begotten of hys father the deuyl whiche is the prince and autor of all synne Him whosoeuer foloweth is lyke his father in that same thing that he synneth in declareth hymselfe to be his sonne God alloweth no felowshyppe with synnes for he sent his sonne for thys intent into this worlde to vanquis●he the woorkes of the deuyll that is to saye all thynges that are contrarye repugnaunt agaynst the charitie of the gospel Of Adam we are all borne endaungered with sinnes of God we are borne agayne by the sede of y● gospelles doctrine As longe as the strength of this seede abydeth in a man he synneth not neither can synne that is to wete because the loue of god byddeth hym naye whiche loue rauisheth hym to the studye of well doyng and calleth hym awaye from all desire of offendynge in that he is the very true sonne of God resembling playnly the behauiour and disposicion of his father and head It is not the title it is not baptisme it is not the sacramentes that descerne the children of God from the children of the deuyll but the puritie of lyfe and charitie expressyng and she wyng it selfe in wel doinges It is not idle if it be there He that sheweth not that neither sheweth in his dede that he loueth his brother he is not borne of God If he were alyuely membre of Christes body he woulde haue loued the other membres for whom Christe died The texte For thys is the tydinges that ye beard from the beginninge that ye shoude loue one another not as Cayn whiche was of that wicked and slewe hys brother And wherefore slewe he him Because his owne workes were euyll and hys brothers good Meruayle not my brethren though the worlde hate you We knowe that we are translated from death vnto lyfe because we loue the brethren De that loueth not his brother abideth in deathe Whosoeuer hateth hys brother is a man slear And ●e knowe that no man slear hath eternall life abyding in hym Hereby perceyue we loue ▪ because he gaue his lyfe for vs and we ought to gyue oure lyues for the brethren But whoso hath thys worldes good and seeth his brother haue nede and shutteth vp his compassion from hym howe dwelleth the loue of God in hym Thys is the summe of Christen iustice thys is it that Christe gaue first of all vnto vs this is it which we set forth before al thinges vnto you that you shoulde with louynge one an other declare youre selues to be the sōnes of
doctrine And haue made it as it were pale bleaked for very sorow heuynes And this myschiefe hath preuayled in very many landes and in the whole christendom which was at that tyme as great as euer it was And than were dyuerse godly byshops and other Christians persecuted to death in all places for the true faythes sake The trees ¶ And whē he had opened the fyfte seale I sawe vnder the aulter the soules of them that were kylled for the word of god for the testimonye whiche they had they cryed with a loude voyce saying How long tariest thou Lorde holy true to iudge and to auenge our bloude on them y● dwel on the earth And long whyte garmentes were geuē vnto euery one of them And it was sayd vnto them y● they should rest yet for a lytle season vntyl the nomber of their felowes brethren of them y● should be kylled as they were were fulfylled The fyfte seale and the aulter with the soules vnder it maye sygnifye the ryght godly Christen men whiche syghe crye y● they might ones see the true honour of god shyne floryshe al rightuousnes to increase And y● to procede of y● very true fayth true vnderstandynge of the word of god and againe they crye also against the tyrannous gouernour of y● wycked magistrates Vnto them is geuen comforte of conscience stedfast trust cōfidence in y● promyses of god which can not deceyue them yf they crye earnestly feruētly For y● is a token of the redempciō great comforte y● is at hande And in y● meane tyme y● very same doe obteyne saluaciō of their soules immediately after their death in y● ioyes of heauen wheras they doe wyllyngly and paciently wayte after the resurreccion of their bodyes at suche tyme as the nomber of their felowes shal be accomplisshed and fulfylled Whiche tyme and nomber is onely knowen vnto the lorde The texte ¶ And I beheld whē he had opened the syxt seale and lo there was a great earth quake and the sunne was as blacke as sacke clothe made of heare And the mone wexed all euen as bloude the starres of heauē fell vnto the earthe euē as a fygge tree casteth from her her fygges when she is shaken of a myghtye wynde And heauen vanysshed awaye as a scroll when it is rolled together And al mountaynes yles were moued out of their places And the kynges of the earth the great men the ryche men the chefe captaynes the myghty men euery bondman euery free man hyd them selues in dēnes in rockes of the hylles sayd to the hylles rockes fall on vs byde vs frō the presēce of him that sytteh on the seate and from the wrathe of the lambe for the great day of his wrathe is come and who is hable to endure This syxte seale maye be vnderstande of the great mysery and affliccion which shal aryse be procured thorow anty christ which shal be a very enuy of Christ and of all true holynes whiche shal esteme make himselfe a god And he shall set furthe in al thinges his owne glorye honour pompe iust pleasure against the holy word of god And all this shall he doe with all wylfulnes tyrannye false doctrine hypocritical and supersticious holynes with mans ordinaunces and he shal haue wonderful successe ther with And therfore there shall great affliccions aryse in the world and terryble earthquakes shal be sene whiche shal euidently declare the greuous myseries whiche shal ensue ther vpon And all these thinges shal be knowne accordyng vnto the maner of the scripture the prophetes and of Christ himselfe also thorow y●●●lypse darckenyng of the sunne ▪ of the Moone and tokens of bloode thorow the fallynge of the starres Whā as in the holy state vnderstande y● spiritualty standerous persons shal reygne whiche shall blemyshe that ordre state with wyckednes shal do muche hurt bothe vnto the bodyes and soules of them for whose welth and saluacions sake they ought by dutye and office wyllyngly and gladly to gyue and to loose their owne bodyes and lyues For truth it is y● after the tyme of the heretikes the enemye of Christ that hell hounde Mahomet dyd aryse in the East parties of the worlde And the maynteyners of ydols and ymages monkery false religions dānable perpetuall vowes purgatory byeng sellyng of masses for mony the pryde pompe of the spiritualtie specially of y● sea of Rome of her decrees cursyng of Emperors Kynges theft robberies warres murthers in finite without nōber which brought suche misery slāder heuines as no tong can expresse these I say did aryse in y● west partes of y● world And this wyl the holy goost sygnifye expresse in this place with suche wordes as men doe vse whā they wyl expresse the hyghest sorowes perplexites myseries of any tyme. ¶ The .vii. Chapter The texte ¶ And after that I sewe foure Angels stande on the foure corners of the earth holdyng the foure wyndes of y● earth y● the wynde should not blowe on y● earth nether on the see nether on eny tree And I saw another angel ascende from the rysinge of the sunne which had the seale of the lyuynge god and he cryed with a loude voyce to the foure Angels to whome power was geuen to hurte the earth the sea saying hurte not y● earth nether the sea nether the trees tyll we haue sealed the seruauntes of our god in their forheades THis perteyneth also vnto the syxt seale as a syngular comforte vnto y● right faithfull whiche are tossed and persecuted in this worlde for the truthes sake and for godlynes By these iii.angelles are vnderstande noysome ministers whiche goe aboute to hynder bothe the lyfe and doctrine of the gospel and the true faith These are y● messengers of Antichrist scattrid thoroweout the whole worlde they doe great hurte vnto al men of euery degre whiche is sygnified by the earth the sea the trees The holy angel which ascendeth from the rysing of y● sonne hath the token or seale of the lyuyng god is our lord Iesus Christ which hath not onely cōmaunded the gospel to be preached vnto al creatures but also thorowe his godly power he doth hinder such as would stop or let it And this he doth thorow his ordinary ministers as wel of y● spirituall as also of the temporall sorte And for this cause some men haue vnderstanden by this angell the good Emperour Constantyne But it maye also be some other by whome out fauiour Christe dothe further and set for the the doctryne of the gospell and a Christen lyfe againste all tyannes and Antychrystes This angell therfore shall delyuer the electe children of god from the myddes of the wycked worlde and shall marke or seale them with the token or marke of the blessed whiche is fayth loue and innocency
people Christe whome without any mencion makyng of his godhed he calleth a man The thyrde cause of difficultie maketh I weene the often and soden chaunge of persones whyles he one whyle hath regard of the Iewes speakyng in their persons another while of the Gentiles sūtyme of bothe parties nowe the ryght beleuers and then the faythles takyng vpon him sumtyme the weake sumtyme the strong persones parte sumtyme of the godly and sumtyme of the vngodly By meane wherof it cōmeth to passe that the reader wandering vppe and downe as it wer in wrenches or as some call it in a mismase diuersly tournyng and wyndyng neither seeth where he came in nor yet wel knoweth which waye to go out Insomuche that Origen both truly and properly me seameth lykeneth Paule to a man which bryngeth his frende into a very riche princes palace by tournyng of wayes secrete chambers very doubtfull and cumberouse and sheweth hym the great treasures and heapes of goodes sumwhat a farre of and some thinges setteth before his iyen and would haue sum thinges not sene at all oftetymes when he went in by one doore he goeth out at another so that the straunger his frende maruayleth whence he came where he is and whiche waye to get out This knew also sainct Peter in his seconde epistle saying that there wer in Paules epistles certayne pointes harde to be vnderstanden which the vnlearned and vnstable peruerted to theyr owne destruccion Herein haue we asmuche as in vs laye labored to exclude suche difficulties sauyng that sumthynges so peculiarly belong to Paules toūgue that in some places they could not be chaūged of whiche sorte these be fayth grace the body the fleshe the members the spirite the mynde the sence to edifie with suche other lyke whiche as they should not vtterly be chaūged so haue we labored to molifie the hardnes of them asmuche as myght be But now let vs heare Paule hymself speakyng to the Romaynes or rather in them more grossely and playnlye to vs all The paraprase vpon the Epistle of the Apostle sainct Paule to the Romaines by Des Erasmus of Roterodame The first Chapiter The texte ¶ Paule the seruaunt of Iesus Christ called to the office of an Apostle put aparte for the gospel of God whiche he had promised afore by his prophetes in the holy scriptures of his sonne whiche was borne vnto him of the seede of Dauid after the fleashe and hath bene declared to be the sonne of god with power after the spirit that sanctifieth synce the tyme that Iesus Christ our lorde rose againe from death by whom we haue receiued grace Apostleship that obedience might be geuen vnto the fayth in his name among all heathen of whose numbre you be the electe of Iesus Christ PAule euen I the very same so becomen of Saule that is to say of an vnquiet person a peacemaker of late subiect to Moses lawe now made fre therof and becomen the seruaunt of Iesus Christ not like a false souldiar that falleth from his capitain or one that like a truant forgoeth his olde profession but called foorth to do this message muche more to my cōtentacion deuided now than at that tyme whā I was a mainteiner of the deuided Pharisaical secte vpō an vngodly zeale and light persuasion wanderyng out of the right way now and neuer before meete to be called by the surname of vnfained diuision as one deuided and chosen out by Christ him self to labour and trauaile in a muche more weyghtie mat●er to preache I say the ioyfull tidynges of God whiche is no new found phātasie but promised many yeres synce in his owne prophecies whiche remayne still in bookes of no smal credence but in suche as are of an holy and moste vndoubted trueth of his sonne whiche was touchyng his frayle manhed borne in tyme of the seede of Dauid and was neuerthelesse declared to be the euerlastyng sonne of God euerlastyng by the holy gooste as well appeared bothe by diuerse other profes as moost● specially by that he ouercame death and rose againe from the dead now becomen to al suche as in him are borne againe the prince and chiefe authour of resurreccion I meane Iesus Christ our Lord by whom we haue obtayned not onely suche fauer as the kepyng of the lawe could not help vs to but also in suche sorte to be his messagier that as by other Apostles Christes gospel hath bene spread abroad among the Iewes so may it by me likewyse be set foorth among all heathens whatsoeuer they be not to trouble them with the burdaine of the lawe but to make them yelde and submit them selfes obediently to the doctrine of Christes fayth stedfastly cleauyng therto not to the vaine wysedome of Philosophers of whiche noumbre of heathens ye Romaines are also touchyng your nacion but by adopcion fatheryng called all to the right title of inheritaunce surname of Iesus Christ whiche point I incidently geue you warnyng of leste either sectes or names of countreys put you now at square whiche through a fauorable and gentle fatheryng are now made one mans children The texte ¶ To all you that be at Rome beloued of God and called sainctes grace be with you and peace from God our father and from the Lord Iesus Christ To al you therfore as many as be at Rome the dearely beloued children of God and to suche as from your former synful life are called to godlynes grace and peace wyshe I vnto you not suche as the worlde cōmonly wysheth but a substancial and a new grace that is to wete the fre gift of fayth taught by the gospel perfectly iustifiyng and by it through the vtter abolishement of al the offēces of your former life a quiet peace of conscience and a stedfast peace and frendship with God whiche twoo are neither gotten by any helpe of worldly wysdome nor yet by keapyng of Moses lawe but are obteined of al menne by the free gifte of God the father and his sonne Iesus Christ our Lord. The texte First verely I thanke my God through Iesus Christ for you all that your fayth is spoken of in all the worlde For God is my wytnes whom I serue with my spirite in the gospel of his sonne that without ceasyng I make mencion of you praiyng alwayes in my prayers besechyng that by some meane at laste one tyme or other a prosperouse iourney by the wyl of god might fortune me to cum vnto you For I long to see you ● I might bestowe among you some spiritual gifte to strength you withal that is that I might haue consolacion together with you through the common fayth whiche bothe ye and I haue And fyrst of all verely in all your names I rendre thankes to God the father whiche through Christ his sonne hath geuen you this that ye whiche heretofore wer faythles are now through your fayth in great renoume in all the worlde and muche spoken of Whiche reporte certaynly for
this matier chalengyng nothyng to hymselfe as his own gaue ouer the whole prayse and glorie to god only whome he by his sure and constant fayth both testified to be true of promise as whiche woulde deceyue no man lykewyse to be almightye as whō he thoughte able to perfourme his promise were the same neuer somuche passyng all worldly strength This is the glorie wherwith god is chieflye delighted whiche nedeth no seruice of ours and therfore as the scripture sayeth it was reckened vnto hym for ryghteousnes The texte ¶ Neuerthelesse it is not wrytten for hym onelye that it was reckened to hym for ryghteousnes but also for vs to whom it shal be coumpted for ryghteousnes so that we beleue in hym that raised vp Iesus our Lorde from the dead whiche was deliuered for our synnes and was raised agyue for our iustification Nor is it to be supposed that this was wryten onely for Abrahams sake when it is sayd y● his faith was reckened vnto hym for righteousnes for y● scripture laboreth not so muche for the auaūcemēt of Abrahās glory only but rather to gyue vs which are of Abrahās posteritie an example wherby al the world might vnderstande that as Abraham for his faythe 's sake without healpe or ayde of the lawe obteyned before god to be coumpted for righteouse so should none of vs by kepyng of the law only thynke to haue the same Abrahā thē was called righteouse because he beleued god And surely entry haue we none to ryghteousnes vnles we lykewise beleue in the same god whiche to vs hath brought to passe in Iesus Christ oure lorde whome he raysed from death to lyfe euen that he promised to Abraham in the fygure of Isaac therby declaryng that the fayth of Abraham was no vayne fayth whiche beleued y● god was suche one as coulde geue lyfe euen to the deade call agayne suche thinges as are not as thoughe they were Let vs not therfore for our righteousnes and cleannes of lyfe thanke Moses but Christ whiche gaue hymselfe to death to the entent he would freely through fayth forgyue our synnes whiche also rose agayne from death to the entent we shoulde abstayne from deadly synne nor displease hym by committyng agayne suche thynges for which his pleasure was to dye He dyed I saye to kyll synne in vs and rose agayne from death to th entent that by hym fyrst dying to oure olde synnes so furthe with hym and by hym beyng brought and restored into a newe kynde of lyfe we may hereafter lyue vnto y● ryghteousnes which we haue through his goodnes receyued The .v. Chapiter The texte Because therfore y● we are iustified by fayth we are at peace with god through our lord Iesus Christe by whome also it chaunced vnto vs to be brought in through fayth vnto this grace wherin we stande reioyse in hope of the glorye of the chyldren of god Not that only but also we reioyse in tribulatiō knowyng y● tribulatiō bryngeth paciēce pacience bringeth experience experience bringeth hope and hope maketh not ashamed for the loue of god is shed abrode in our heartes by the holy ghost whiche is geuen vnto vs. COnsyderyng that only syn causeth variaunce betwixt god and man now are we certeynly at peace with god because that of wicked synful people we are made ryghteous that neither by Moses law whiche rather encreased oure offēces nor for our workes but as our father Abrahā was for oure faythe 's sake reconciled vnto god y● father whose frende also through fayth Abraham became that neither through Moses but through the only sonne of god our lorde Iesus Christ which with his bloud washed away our offences by his death reconcilyng vs vnto god beyng before y● tyme displeased with vs so opened for vs an entrye y● we through lyke fayth without either the lawe or circumcision mighte be brought into this grace of god promysed by the ghospell In whiche fayth we stande stedfaste and not only stande with good wyll couragiouslye but also reioyce not only because we are at peace with god but also for that we are pute in sure hope that through oure stedfastnes of fayth we shal in tyme to come enioye the glorie of heauen Nor enuye we the Iewes through the glory of their circumcision and as we enuye them not so mislike we not our fayth the brynger furthe of suche plentifull fruicte nor yet repent we our glory with hope wherof we for this present tyme are aduaunced vnderpyght Whiche glorie albeit it be suche as cannot yet be seene and thoughe without sufferyng of aduersities and troubles we attayne not therunto yet euē the same troubles in the meane season recken we a thyng to reioyce and glorye of as whiche we suffer both to our hyghe prayse are also suche as open vnto vs the gate to life euerlasting For this new example hath Christ both geuē vs by him also taught are we this excellent doctrine that by sufferyng of tribulatiōs the vertue of pacience is strengthened and as the fyer tryeth golde so throughe pacience become we better tryed and proued both of god man Agayne the more tribulatiōs we suffer the surer hope of rewarde stande we in Nor is it to be feared leste this hope mysse disapoynt vs of our belief make vs ashamed before y● wicked people because we haue euē now therof in hande a moste sure pledge and earnest penye whiche is the meruaylous and vnspeakeable loue of god towarde vs not onlye externally shewed vnto vs but most plētifully printed in our heartes in manier cōpellyng vs to loue hym agayne wrought by the holy ghost in steade of the watryshe letter of the lawe gyuen vnto vs as a gage assuryng vs of his promise herafter surely to be perfourmed The texte For when we were yet weake accordyng to the tyme Christ dyed for vs which wer vngodlye Yet scarce wyl any man dye for a ryghteouse man Peraduenture for a good man durste a man dye But god setteth but his loue towarde vs seyng that whyle we were yet synners according to the tyme Christ dyed for vs Muche more then nowe we that are iustified by his bloude shal be saued from wrathe through hym For had not god of his great mercy singulerly loued and pitied vs. Iesus Christ his only sonne had neuer by the wyl of his father descended into earth nor haue taken oure mortall fleshe vpon hym and so haue dyed namely what tyme we were weake thrall and subiecte to beastlye desyres whiche were by the lawe more lyke to be prouoked than to be brydel●d and suppressed Bad yet as we then were he loued vs in hope of saluacion yea he loued vs beyng wycked people and deuilyshe ydolaters and so loued vs that for our sakes he wyllyngly suffered death whiche was the greatest euident and moste singuler poynt of loue that euer could be shewed Among men scarcely shal any man fynde
are become Christes seruauntes whose seruice is all weale and blisse The texte Knowe ye not howe that to whom soeuer ye commit your selues as seruauntes to obey his seruauntes ye are to whom ye obey whether it be of synne vnto death or of obedience vnto righteousnes Ye knowe both kyndes of seruice Now is it partly in your powers to chose whiche ye wyll for both together ye can not The tyme was when thou stodest in a fredome to kepe thy selfe out of bondage but synce thou hast freely made thy selfe another mannes and hast begunne to be obedient vnto him the same must thou onely obey whose seruaunt thou art become They therfore whiche geue them selues vnto synne and to synne become bondeslaues the fruite of that theyr bondage is death On the othersyde suche as to Christ haue dedicated and geuen them selues him must they obeye whiche they shal do to their owne great cōmoditie For by that theyr obedience nothyng shall Christ wynne but therby get they them slues righteousnes that is to wete the wel agreyng and pleasant company of all vertues knitte together The texte God be thanked that though ye wer the seruauntes of synne ye haue yet obeyed with heart vnto the rule of the doctrine that ye be brought vnto Ye are then made free from synne and are becomen the seruauntes of righteousnes I speake grosly because of the infirmitie of your fleshe Glad am I for your sakes and for this geue thankes vnto God that wheras heretofore ye were in this moste miserable bondage wholly geuen to idolatrie and filthy lustes ye are nowe departed from the tyranny of the deuil frely and gladly submittyng your selues to Christes kyngdome and gouernaunce purposyng hencefoorth to liue not as ye are either by wylful desyres or by the law moued but after the new rule of the gospel whervnto ye are brought from your olde errours so brought that ye are become vnder another lawe enfraunchised out of the dominion of synne and thence conueied to serue righteousnes and to do her behestes Nor thynke it harde and paynefull because ye are commaunded to serue righteousnes For as synne and godly life farre differ one from another so are theyr fruites quite cōtrary and the fruites of godly life infinitely more excellente so that if we weighe and consider but euen the thyng selfe muche more cause is there why men shuld more diligently serue God then the deuil For whoso serueth synne serueth the deuil but he that serueth innocencie serueth God But yet wyll not I for a whyle so muche require of you as I might lawfully do but rather temper and measure my writyng to y● weakenes of them in whom the spirite of God is not yet fully ripe but are rather suche in whō yet the olde naughtie desyres labour to growe vp againe This onely require I that righteousnes be now with you in like condicion as synne before was The texte As ye haue geuen your membres seruauntes to vnclennes and to iniquitie from one iniquitie to another euen so now geue ouer your mēbres seruaūtes vnto righteousnes that ye may be sanctified For when ye were seruauntes of sinne ye were voyde of righteousnes And that as before this tyme you gaue your membres to serue vnclennes and iniquitie so that as blynd desyres led you ye fel frō one iniquitie to another euery day more filthy than other euen so now see that ye likewyse geue your membres to obey righteousnes whose seruauntes ye haue frely made your selfes therin styl encreasyng frō vertue to vertue euery day more pure and holy then other For it is to muche against al reason but that Christ should at lestwyse haue somuche seruice of you as the deuil had before this and as vnreasonable is it but that ye should now begynne to do as good seruice vnder your lady and maistres righteousnes as ye before in another sorte did vnto the tyranny of synne As touchyng your former synful life for your excuse after a sorte some thing may be sayd whiche is that as long as ye were heathens because ye wer bonde seruauntes to synne ye might seme with righteousnes to haue no thing to do nor to be any thyng bounde vnto her as to whom ye had not yet bounde and yelded your selues But now haue ye nothyng to lay for your defence But yet and if the excellent nature of righteousnes selfe moue you not consider and weigh yet the diuerse fruites and profite of bothe seruices you I speake vnto whiche haue of bothe seruices had experience The texte What fruite had ye then in those thinges wherof ye are now ashamed For the end of those thinges is death But now are ye deliuered from sinne and made the seruaūtes of God and haue your fruit to be sanctified and the ende euerlastyng life For the rewarde of synne is death but eternall life is the gifte of God through Iesus Christ our Lorde Cal to your remembraunce what tyme ye were seruauntes vnto sinne and as vile bonde slaues folowed wanton desyres what rewarde I pray you had ye at the laste Euen the synnes selfe haue theyr punishement ioyned vnto them because the same foorthwith all to defile and corrupt the whole man so vilanously and reprochefully defacyng him that since the tyme ye are amēded and as men awaked out of the dronkenes of syn ye are ashamed of your selfes so that your mindes abhorre to thinke vpō your olde noughtie pleasures And though this wages as ye see be not to be desyred yet besyde the last stipend hyre whiche the deuil payeth to suche as do him seruice is death euerlastyng Howbeit in very dede the life whiche in the meane leason is after this sorte ledde is a most shameful death in dede and not a life Nowe consider what a happye chaunge ye haue made whiche beyng deliuered from the tyranny of the deuil are now becomen the seruaūtes of God By this ye see I am sure how vnlike the maisters are But yf this content you not but that ye loke for a rewarde also fyrste of all wheras ye lyued before fylthy and wycked ye now lyue innocent pure and holy whiche only is the verye lyfe and besyde this after that this shorte tyme of your seruice is finished ye shall receyue your laste wages I saye lyfe euerlastyng Cōpare me nowe god with the deuil with vncleannes holynes with euerlastyng death lyfe euerlastyng Euen as I nowe tolde you so it is the rewarde of the deuyll is death whiche he geueth vnto menne for his fylthy and miserable seruice But contrarie for suche as accordyng to theyr abilities serue god is layde vp lyfe immortall not as hyre wages due for the same but as a free gyfte to be gyuen of God the moste mercifull father not for Moses but for Iesus Christes sake oure Lorde whome the father would haue thanked for all his gyftes geuen vnto vs rather then any lawe or circumcision The .vii. Chapiter The texte
one maye be called an outwarde manne the other an inwarde The one beyng subiecte to vnlawful desyres is wholly gyuen to synne the other hauyng yet some sparkes of goodnes remaynyng as it maye laboureth to honestiewarde and in the myddes of oure synfull lyfe asmuche as it maye relisteth and withstandeth Nowe in estemyng what we be rather are we that which we be according vnto the better part in vs. As often therfore as our mynde agreyng vnto the lawe endeuoureth towarde honestie and doth yet in dede the contrary me thynketh I do not that whiche I do for who doth that whiche he would not But in my grosser parte there is a forwardnes to synne and a certayne aptnes therunto by meanes wherof it cummeth to passe that thoughe we would well and godly yet do we the contrary And yf by this parte that is to wit my sensuall parte men esteme and measure me I graunt that in me ther is no goodnes The texte For to wyll is pre●ent with me but I fynde no meanes to perfourme that which is good For the good that I woulde do I not but the euyll whiche I would not that do I. Yf I do that I would not ●hen is it not ● that do it but synne that dwelleth in me I fynde then by the lawe that when I would do good ▪ euyll is present with me For I delyte in the lawe of god after the inwarde manne ●ut I se an other law in my members rebellyng agaynst the lawe of my mynde and subduyng me vnto the lawe of syn whiche is in my members O wretch d man that I am who shall delyuer me frō this bodys subdued vnto death I thanke god through Iesus Christe our Lorde So then with the mynde I serue the lawe of god but with the fleshe the lawe of synne For albeit by the inclination of reason I desyre that which is honeste yet haue I not power to bryng to passe this my good desyer For whyles fleashly luste pluckyng to euyll and fylthy lyfe hath a greater stroke preuayleth more thā doth reason prouokyng to goodnes it happeneth that I do not the good whiche I desyre but rather that I disalowe and condemne that is to saye euyll Nowe and yf a man be not thought to do that thyng whiche he dothe agaynst his wyll synce I do y● thing which after the better parte of a man I would not then seme not I the authour of that which I do but rather the readines to synne which is in my grocer parte This towardnes or readynes to synne is not taken from me by the lawe but yf at anye tyme I purpose to folowe and obeye her motion the lawe causeth me to vnderstande that my gryef is throughly rooted and fastened in my soule In dede delyghted am I with honestie and goodnes whiche I see and know by the lawe but of the other syde I fynde in the members of myne outwarde man another law whiche is to the lawe of reasō quite contrary and continuallye rebelleth agaynst it So that thoughe reason call me one waye and wylful desyres another waye yet in me that beareth rule whiche is worse and that is ouercommen which is better For so depelye rooted in my fleshe is this towardenes and inclination to synne and of suche power is the custome therof beyng as it were now altered into nature y● whyther I wyl or not I am drawen to synne O wretched man that I am which am vnder suche a miserable painfull bondage Who shall delyuer me from this fleashe endaungered to so many synnes and contencions whereby I am continuallye drawen to death Maye not a manne whiche is vnder suche a violent and harde necessitie well and lawfully make suche exclamation Certaynely the greater this vnlucky bondage is the more are we bounde to the goodnes of god whiche hath from suche miseries deliuered vs neyther by the lawe nor yet by circumcision but through Iesus Christ our Lord. And had not god thus muche done for vs euen I which am one man shoulde continually haue bene lykewyse pluckte in sunder and deuided that with mynde I should haue serued the lawe of God desyrous of good thynges and with my fleshe the lawe of synne beyng ouer commen with wanton desyres and with the temptacions therof The .viii. Chapiter The texte There is then no damnacion to them whiche are in Christ Iesu whiche walke not after the fleshe but after the spirite For the lawe of the spirite of life through Iesus Christ hath made me free from the lawe of synne and death For what the lawe could not do forasmuche as it was weake because of the fleshe that perfourmed God and sent his sonne in the similitude of sinneful fleshe and by sinne damned sinne in the fleshe that the righteousnes of the lawe might be fulfylled in vs whiche walke not after the fleshe but after the spirite WHerfore though now yet some leauynges and dregges of the former bondage stil remaine in some christian men yet shal they through godly endeuour wel suppresse them nor against theyr wylles be drawen into any suche haynous offence by reason wherof suche might deserue to be dampned as are through fayth and baptisme once graffed into Christes body and haue now intended and purposed to liue no longer as wanton and carnal desyres moued ruled them syth that Christes lawe which is spiritual and an authour of life more effectual subduer of death hath deliuered vs frō synne also death ioyned thervnto All whiche when Moses lawe could not do inasmuche as it was carnal and therfore not effectual God meruailously prouided for our saluaciō And therfore as I before tolde you that in one mā there were as it were two men a carnal and a spiritual man so are there in Moses lawe as it wer two lawes the one grosse and carnal the other heauenly spiritual Of the fyrst part of the law was Moses maker whiche as it endured but for a season so was it not of strength and power sufficient to worke out saluacion The other parte of the lawe is spiritual effectual mightie suche as wyl neuer dye whom Christ beyng as it were a seconde Moses made in all pointes perfite And truely very mete was it that this wyse fleshe shuld abolishe fleshe synne should through synne be ouercomen that also death should subdue death For whiche entent God mercyfully beyng of mans saluacion desyrous sent his sonne though in dede farre from all corrupcion of synne endued yet with suche fleshe as other synners haue for he toke the comen nature of menne vpon him and as though he had bene a synner was among synners conuersaunt yea and was euen fastened vpon a crosse among heynous transgressours as though him selfe had been suche one also Insomuche that he in maner toke vpon him the person of synne to this end that he in the likenes of synne might fyrst ouercome synne foorthwith abolishe it beyng
transfourme thē lykewyse into the lykenes shape of hym whiche ouercōmyng the fleshe and death triumphantly went to immortalitie both to teache that al the members of his bodye should themself loke to haue the same which they see alreadie done in the head that by this waye and meanes through his onely sonne he myght to hymselfe geat manye chyldren amonge whome Iesus Christe should be head capitayne as the fyrste begotten departyng yet his inheritaunce with other and to put vs in assuraunce lykewyse that god wyll fully perfourme y● thyng which he once purposed moreouer whom before al tyme he knew had chosē out being suche of whome he had already in his prophetes darke sayinges shewed his minde them called he also by the gospel that not in vaine but of his goodnes and fauer made them that wer so called of vngodly godly and of hurtful hurtlesse So that now only there remayneth glorifying wherof a great deale we haue already except we thinke it no glorious preeminence to be without syn to floryshe in the renoume of innocent lyfe to be without corrupt desyers to be so planted in Christ that thou arte become one with hym to haue his holy spirite as an earnest peny therof to be the enheritour of god and ioynte enheritour with Christ so that of the reste we can in no wyse doubt but that it shall in dewe tyme be fulfylled The texte What shal we than saye to these thynges Yf god be on our syde who can be against vs which spared not his owne sonne but gaue hym for vs all how can it be that with hym he should not gyue vs all thinges also Who shall laye any thyng to the charge of goddes chosen It is god that iustifieth who is he y● can cōdemne it is Christ that dyed yea rather whiche is rysen agayne whiche is also on the right hand of god and maketh intercession for vs. Now syth all this is so wherfore shoulde any man mistrust it namelye synce god hath by so many and euident wayes shewed vnto vs his special loue and great fauer Who standing on oure syde what is anye aduersarie able to do What can mennes malice preuayle yf god be our defender Or what maye we not boldly looke for at his handes beyng now reconcyled vnto hym whiche what tyme we were out of his fauer for oure sakes spared not his only sonne but sent hym downe into this world for vs all Yea I saye brought hym in maner to nought and deposed hym al to exalte vs makyng hym wel nyghe syn to deliuer vs from syn deliuered hym to death to th entent we myght lyue And therfore syth he hath for vs delyuered his sonne in whom al goodnes is foloweth it not that with the same gyfte he hath gyuen vs all rightes that belong to the sonne vs I saye whome he hath put in lyke state of enheritaunce Or what is it that he wyll not gyue vs synce that he hath once gyuen hym whiche infinitely passeth all creatures And ieopardye ther is none least god thorough the crafty sleyghtes and temptacions of the deuill chaunge and withdrawe this his especiall fauer from vs. For who durst commense anye action agaynste them whome god of purpose and sure determinacion of mynde hath chosen out and taketh for his owne Wyl he heare thynke you anye accusers capciouse complayntes agaynst them all whose synnes he hath freely forgeuen God hymselfe whiche is iudge of all hath forgeuen vs the offences of oure olde lyfe and taketh vs nowe for ryghteous and who is he that can condemne vs beyng by him quited So that we take hede y● we nomore fall to oure olde lyfe agayne Christe is he which loued vs so tenderly that for our welthe it pleased hym to dye yea he it is which lykewyse rose agayne for our sakes because he would healp and succoure vs his people This great procter iudge syttyng also at the right hand of god his father to whome he is in all poyntes egall entreateth our matier before his maiestie The texte Who shal seperate vs from the loue of god Shall tribulacion or anguishe or persecucion or hunger either nakednes either perill either swearde As it is written for thy sake are we kylled all daye long and are coumpted as sheepe appoynted to be slayne Neuerthelesse in all these thynges we ouercome through hym that loued vs. For I am sure that neither death neyther lyfe neither angels nor rule neither power neither thinges present neither thinges to come neither height neither loweth neither any other creature shal be able to depart vs from the loue of god which is in Christ Iesu our Lorde Synce therfore the father hath thorough the death of his sonne forgiuen vs al oure gyltes and offences sythe his sonne so tenderly loueth vs why shoulde men hencefurthe feare the deuyll or any man the diuels minister either accusyng vs or condemnyng Considering also with howe many benefites and speciall gages of loue we are bounde both to god Christ who is he that shal plucke withdraw vs awaye from louyng thē agayne whiche so tenderly loue vs Shall any storme of worldly aduersitie do it Shall any affliccion or distresse Shal hunger or nakeones Shal ieopardy of drownyng or any lyke peryl chaūcyng after lyke sort Shal persecucion of the wycked or the bloudy swearde of death For that suche thynges should in this worlde happē to innocentes the holy psalme wryter Dauid lightened with the spirite of god long before sawe what tyme he sayde that for thy sake o Lorde are we kylled al daye long and coumpted as sheepe appoynted to be slayne Al these troubles thoughe they seme greuouse cause yet is there none why they ought to make vs a frayd Chaunce maye they to vs in dede but yet oppresse vs they can not Yea I saye the more vehemētly they trouble vs the more shal they bothe strengthen oure burnyng charitie to Christward and Christes also to vs because we at al tymes departe hauyng the vpper hand not through any strength and power of oure owne but through his defence whome we are bounde to thanke for altogether Nor wil he whiche in suche sorte loueth vs suffer vs to be ouerthrowen nor we vpon remembraunce of his goodnes towarde vs through any assaultes of aduersities shrinke from louyng hym agayne But yet haue I rehearsed vnto you but lyghte and common mattiers but harken a bolder saying and suche wherof my selfe am moste certaine and am moste certaynly persuaded in More cause were there to feare suche ieopardies as hang ouer oure heade by reason of creatures whiche can not be seene as euil spirites whiche yet neuerthelesse assault mennes soules and not only their bodies whom yf we but once regarde not despise the ieopardies of the other can not make vs a fearde Nor in this haue we any cause to feare seyng that neither meane power of aungels of muche more myght yet
and in fayth growe stronger whervnto ye shal muche rather bryng him by fauourable meanes than by cōtencious reasonyng and disputacions Considre in suche matters how vnmete a thing it is that suche actes as may without offence be done should streight be taken in the worse parte But to th entent that peace and cōcorde may among you be maintained and stedfastly abyde certaine thinges must be wynked at some thinges must be suffered and some thinges must gently be takē Suche gentle fauorable takyng of thinges vpholdeth and preserueth the felowship of this our comen lite And synce mennes mindes among them selues are sondry and diuers surely in a multitude neuer wyl there be stedfast peace vnlesse in diuers pointes one geue place to an other For he that is without all serupulositie thynketh it lawfull without any difference to eate what meate him lust in that acte nothyng els regardyng but what nature requireth Againe he that is yet weake and somewhat supersticious lest he might chaunce either vpō fishe or other meates forbidden either by the Iewes lawe or offered vp to idols liueth with herbes Suche thinges among you ought not so to be regarded that for them brotherly peace be broken Let him that is strong eateth al meates so vse his strength that yet he dispise not the weaker whiche feareth to eate Let him againe whiche folowyng the weakenes of his mynde abstaineth from certayne kyndes of meate neither judge nor condemne him whiche without difference taketh whatsoeuer is sette before him But rather lette him that is strong beare with the weake in this sence takyng it this errour conceiued and gathered by long custome of his former life cannot sodainly be plucked out of his minde it wyll by litle and lytle weare away as in him godlynes groweth supersticion wyll vanishe and auoyde Lykewyse he that is scrupulous when he seeth an other eate all kyndes of meate let him this wyse thynke with him selfe what matter maketh it to me what this man doeth ▪ and likely it is that he doeth it of a good mynde synce God hath receiued and taken him vnto him and made him his owne at whose pleasure heliueth against whom onely he offendeth if there be in suche thinges any offence as of them selfe are not cuil Now if it be an arrogant point to dispise the weakenes of him that is supersticious and deceiued through rudenes how muche more intollerable pride wyl this be thinke ye if suche one as in y● fayth is but weake take vpō him to iudge and condemne him that is stronger euen as the rule and custome of vnlearned people is whiche thinke nothing rightful but that them selfe do and thinke all that good that they allowe Maye not a man wel say to suche one what art thou that iudgest and condemnest an other mannes seruaunt There is but one lord and maister of al Iesus Christ To him stādeth he ▪ if he be strong in fayth to him falleth he if he offende as thou thinkest he doeth For he in dede for this shall not fall but rather be stablished to continue in his strong fayth His maister is sufficiently able and mete to strengthen his seruaunt that he stagger not at all The texte This man putteth difference betwene day day an other mā coumpteth all dayes alike Let euery manues mynde satisfie him selfe He that obserueth the day doeth it vnto the lorde And he that doeth not obserue the day doeth it for the lorde also He that eateth doeth it to please the lorde for he geueth God thankes And he that eateth not eateth not to please the lorde withal and geueth God thankes For noue of vs lyueth for him selfe and no man dyeth for him selfe For if we liue we liue vnto the lorde And if we dye we dye vnto the lorde Whether we liue thefore or dye we are the lordes For Christ therfore dyed and rose againe reuiued that he might be lorde of dead and quicke And that I haue now tolde you of the choyse of meates the same in kepyng the sabboth day and feastes of the newe moone is like wyse to be vnderstande For he that is weake and of vnperfite fayth maketh a difference betwixte day and day as though one were holye and the other were not and thinketh it vnlawful in this day to eate certaine meates or to labor whiche man other day might well and lawfully be done On the other lyde he that is perfite and strong in his fayth conceiueth in dayes no suche difference but rather thinketh al the space of his life consectate and halowed to godly conuersacion Breake not for suche pointes christian concorde among you but without condemnyng of other mennes cōsciences let euery one herein do as he iudgeth best specially synce bothe wayes are without synne and with both standeth the chiefe point of our religion Whoso estemeth and iudgeth in his conscience that euery day is like pure and holy doth so to his lorde and to the little belongeth it how well he doeth Lykewyse he that iudgeth that there is betwixte day and day some difference if he be deceiued he doeth it vnto his lorde thou hast therwith nothyng to do Lykewyse he that without difference eateth all kyndes of meate he eateth to his lorde forasmuche as he geueth thankes to God through whose benefite he eateth whose free goodnes made all thynges for mannes vse Againe whoso through the weakenes of his conscience abstaineth from certaine meates he abstaineth to his lorde and nothyng haste thou to do therwith synce he eatyug hearbes and rootes geueth thankes to God as wel as thou doest If God allowe and accepte his thankes geuyng why art thou so bolde vpō him to geue sentence The cause of both is diuers the matter one both one mynde and one lorde is there of both The one geueth thankes for the libertie he hath to eat what he lust knowing that the gospel putteth a difference betwixte mindes and not betwixt meates ▪ the other whiles he shonneth the occasion of surfettyng by the reason of his abstinence he is kept within the bondes of temperaunce In all suche thinges we are equal so that it besemeth no mā in defēce of his doyng to striue with his brother sufficient it is if God approue it to whō the iudgement of such thinges belōgeth as are either vncertain or els suche as must for the tyme be borne with No christian man hath power further vpon other but y● eche one do good to another Nor liueth any man for him selfe because we are all his whiche from synne brought vs to goodnes and from death restored vs to life No mā therfore either liueth to him selfe or dyeth to him selfe nomore than any mans seruaunt doeth vpō whose life and death his maister hath ful power authoritie Now if the seruaunt liue he liueth not for his owne nor none other mans auauntage but for the auauntage or disauauntage of his maister If he
whereas ye are from darkenesse and ignoraunce brought to the lyght of the ghospel beeyng a thyng so vnlyke and hard to bee perswaded in no manne should thinke thesame to bee doen by worldely wysedome or eloquence whiche we take not vpon vs but by the power of God by whom our preachyng was more effectuall and strong than euer was any disputacion of the Philosophers were it neuer so subtile were it neuer so wittye and well set in ordre At my beeyng among you whiche were proude of your worldely wysedome and ignoraunte of the wysedome of God I taught you but playne matters but yet suche were they as were to saluacion necessarie The texte We speake of wysedom among them that are perfecte not the wysedom of this worlde neyther of the rulers of this worlde which goe to naught but we speake the wysedom of God whiche is in secrete and lyeth hyd whiche God hath or deyned before the worlde vnto our glory whiche wysedome none of the rulers of this worlde knewe For had they hadde knowledge they would not haue crucified the Lorde of glory But as it is wrytten The iye hath not seen and the eare hath not heard neyther haue entred into the hert of man the thinges whiche God hath prepared for them that loue hym We haue of Christe deaper poyntes of wysedome but of them talke we among suche as are perfite Be diligente therfore and laboure to bee perfite that ye maye bee partakers of the secrete and hydden misteries of God Besyde this we that preache the crosse of Christe seme to the faythlesse to preache verye folyshnesse but to suche as stedfastly beleue seme we to preache an excellente wysedome muche differyng from that wysedome whiche laboureth in vayne to serche out by naturall reason the causes of this worlde and farre also from worldely policie wherof the greate estates of this worlde make greate crakes whose authoritie with all theyr wysedome is by Christe abolished and vanquyshed by vtteryng theyr folyshnesse but we preache of a heuenly wysedome whiche hath not an outwarde apparence of that which is not within it but is inwardly myghtie and effectuall There is in this wysedome no curiositie nor pompe and yet symple as it is all menne perceyue it not But as it is secrete so is it knowen by secrete inspiracion and that of none but of suche only as God vouchesaueth to make partakers thereof We lay not furth the priuities of this wysedome before the cōmen sort of people but vtter them secretly to suche as are able and mete to receyue them And albeit this wysedome be nowe at laste in oure tymes publyshed yet god before all tyme by his hygh counsel ordained for his that as the proude persons haue hitherto folyshly craked of theyr carnall wysedome so should henceforth the meke and lowlye haue a more excellente wysedome to reioyse and glorie of This wisdome delyteth to dwell in simple and cleane heartes and for this cause none of the great rulers of this worlde had it nor Magiciens nor Philosophers nor Pilate nor Annas nor Cayphas nor the phariseis nor the deuils themselues neither For had thei knowen that the lowe and folyshe preachyng of Christes crosse woulde with his glisteryng haue darkened the glory of the world and for all the weakenes and feblenes therof haue put to flight and vanquished the tyrannye of death and synne neuer woulde they haue fastened on a crosse the Lorde and capitayne of renoume and glorie For all the learnyng they had in visible thynges for all theyr pryde in knowleage of the lawe ignoraunt were they of this wonderfull misterie mete to bee vttered onely to suche as by humble and sobre myndes are made at one with God That it should so be Esai long before prophecied declaryng that this wysedome whereof we talke should into mens soules be secretely inspired saying suche thynges as neuer were seene with mannes iyes or by mannes eares hearde of or conceyued in any mannes thought hath god prepared for them that hartely loue hym and grounde all theyr disputacions vpon faythe and not vpon mannes reason The texte But God hath opened them vnto vs by his spirite For the spirite searcheth al thinges ye the botome of goddes secretes For what man knoweth the thynges of a man saue the spirite of man which is within him Euen so the thynges of god knoweth no man but the spirite of god And we haue not receyued the spirite of the worlde but the spirite whiche commeth of god for to knowe the thynges that are geuen to vs of God whiche thynges also we speake not with wordes that mannes wisedome teacheth but with wordes which the holy ghost doeth teache makyng spirituall comparisons of spirituall thinges The naturall man perceyueth not the thynges that belong to the spirite of god For they are but folyshnes vnto hym Neyther can he perceyue them because they are spiritually examined But he that is spirituall discusseth all thynges yet he hymselfe is iudged of no man For who hath knowen the mynde of the Lorde either who shall informe hym But we vnderstande the mynde of Christe Hygh minded rulers and proude phylosophers were not worthie to receyue this hydden mistery whiche yet god hathe opened to vs his frendes not by any worldly doctrine but by the secrete inspiracion of his holye spyrite Whiche spirite because it is of goddes nature and proceadyng from god searcheth foorth euen the deapest and mooste secrete priuities of God wherunto mannes busye brayne attayneth not Euery man may easily loke on an other mans face but what lieth hidden in the bottome of the hert that is no man able to see for that onely knoweth the spirite of god and a mans owne conscience After like sorte diuers men beholde and search out the properties of goddes creatures but such thinges as lye hidden in goddes counsel and prouidence no body knoweth sauing his euerlastyng spirite whiche beyng of one nature with hym knoweth all suche thynges as he doeth One mā sheweth another his secrete thoughtes by secrete whispering in his eare but god to the good openeth his counsell not by the spirite of man whiche teacheth nothyng but worldly phantasies but by the spirite of god so that of what sorte the spirite is suche doctryne it teacheth This worlde also hath his spirite with whome whosoeuer is rauished bothe sauereth of worldlynes and loueth worldly thynges but the inspiracion of the heauenly spirite of god bryngeth vs in mynde of heauenly treasures and maketh vs to vnderstande what god hath through Christes crosse doen for vs. And this is the phylosophie whiche as we receyued by the spirite of Christe so teache we it agayne to the godly and simple people not with floures and coloures of thetorike as the Philosophers are wonte to teache them that they take in hāde but with rude wordes and set out of ordre beyng yet suche as teache a spiritual doctrine For reason requyreth ▪ that forasmuche as this kynde of wysedome is far vnlyke the
other that it should haue another kynde of teachyng Worldly wysedome is taught after a worldly fashion but heauenly and spirituall thinges must be taught after a newe sorte and yet not to euery man indifferētly but to suche onely as haue receiued the spirite of Christ and are by reason that they are spirituall themselues able to receyue spirituall learnyng It besemeth surely that spirituall learnyng should haue a spirituall hearer which hath bothe his vnderstandyng cleansed by faythe and wylfull desyres corrected by charitie For the grosse and naturall man whiche is proude and arrogant vpon the knowledge of thinges that maye be seene and is ruled by beastly lustes regardeth not suche thynges as apperteyne to the spirite of god but coumpteth for folyshnes and laugheth to skorne whatsoeuer soundeth contrary to that he thynketh Nor beleueth any thyng but that he hath eyther proued by experyence or concluded by natural reason and is without regarde of this learnyng and Phylosophie whiche teacheth that Christe was borne of a virgyn and that he was bothe very god and very man that by dying he ouercame death and after rose agayne to lyfe and wyll perfourme in his membres suche thynges as are already doen in hymselfe that tribulacions are the waye to true blysse and that by death a man shall come to euerlastyng lyfe Suche articles cannot by mannes reason be perceyued but by the inspiracion of the holy ghost To learne this thou nedeste no wylye and craftie wytte but rather haste nede of a simple and a pure fayth Suche an instrument is mete for the holye gooste to worke with as wholy geueth vp it selfe to be framed and wrought vpon by hym But the spirituall manne discusseth and iudgeth all thinge not passing vpon temporall matiers but studiouse of heauenly thinges and yet is he not iudged of any carnall man which hath no skyll vpon this heauenly and secrete wisdome Euen as a man iudgeth not goddes matiers so the carnal man iudgeth not the spirituall As for such poyntes as are by our preachyng taught are no mens inuencions nor phantasies but came furth out of the secrete counsell of god For as the prophete Esai sayde what man is there on liue which of hymself knoweth the mynde of god immortall that he can to him be as it wer one of his priuie counsel It pleased goddes prouidence to deliuer his out of thraldome after such straunge meanes to deceiue therby all mannes vayne curiositie But we knowe goddes wyl and mynde because we haue receaued his spirite The .iii. Chapiter The texte ▪ And I coulde not speake vnto you brethren as vnto spiritual but as vnto carnal euen as vnto babes in Christ I gaue you milke to drinke not meate For ye then wer not strōg nether are ye as yet For ye are yet carnal As long verely as there is amōg you enuying stryfe and sectes are ye not carnall and walke after the maner of men For whyle one sayeth I hold of Paule and another I am of Apollo are ye not carnal What is paul What thinge is Apollo Onely ministers are they by whome ye beleued euen as the Lorde gaue euery man grace I haue planted Apollo watred but God gaue the encreace So then nether is he that planteth eny thynge nether he that watreth but God that geueth the encreace He that planteth and he that watreth are one Euery man yet shall receaue hys rewarde accordynge to hys laboure Fore we are Goddes labourers ye are Goddes husbandrye ye are Goddes buylding Accordyng to the grace of God geuen vnto me as a wyse buylder haue I layde the foundacion And another buylt theron But let euery man take hede howe he buyldeth vpon For another foundacyon can no man laye then it that is layde which is Iesus Chryst THere are in this learning certayne poyntes mete for begynners certayne mete for them that are wel entred and goyng forwarde and certayne mete for suche as are verie perfite of whiche euerye sorte must be taught accordyng to their capacities Therfore whē I fyrst came vnto you I coulde not teache you the deapest poyntes of our religiō as suche should be taught as are perfitely spiritual but submitted my preachyng to your weakenes amōg y● rude vsyng rudnes among y● grosse speaking grossely lisping stameryng with you as wemen doe with theyr chyldren For fayth also hath her encreasinges When I sawe you therfore in Christes learnyng but euen younglynges I fed you as it were with the mylke of grosse learnyng and not with the substancial foode of perfite doctrine not because I was not able to teach you greater poyntes but because ye by reason of carnall affections blyndnes of your former lyfe ●er not able to vnderstand higher learnynge as diuerse among you are not able yet For sum there be among you which albeit through baptisme are become Christes seruauntes haue not yet shaken of al fleshly affeccions Such as are in this case are surely carnal not spiritual What nede I many wordes or why should I feare to speake that of you y● the dede selfe speaketh The matier is knowen by your dedes For synce the spirite of Christ bredeth vnitie concorde on the contrarie syde enuy contentions debates ryse of nothing elles but of worldly desyers synce suche thynges are sene among you maye not a man saye to your reproche that ye are entangled with mannes grosse affections Yf ye denye it whence come these wordes that are talked among you sounding to debate and strife but of a corrupte mynde for wheras there is but one chiefe doer and ruler ouer all the world yet among you one sayeth I am of Paules secte another sayeth I am of Apollos secte after which sorte or lyke sorte of titles y● studentes in philosophie striue one with another whyles one sayeth I am Aristotles scholer another sayeth I am a Platoniste I am a Stoike I am an Epicure Whiche thinge yet I saye not because any suche strife and sectes are either in my name or in Apollos rysen but because I thought it good to put example in our persons to make you more plainly perceyue the haynousnes of this your offence For yf it be an vnseamly thing to giue vs which are the true apostles of god and suche as haue taught you nothing but that we receyued by the spirite of Christe suche glory and prayse as is onelye due to hym who can beare with you when ye chalenge to be of mennes sectes not moche passing what they bee parauenture false apostles and gyue ouer the gloriouse and myghtye woorke of youre saluacion and profession to vile persons whiche shoulde only be gyuen vnto Christ As yf one named Frangilius or Benotius or Angulius or Carmilius or sum other of any other name for these put I but for an example haue deuised sum worldlye order or rule of lyfe wyll ye straight vpon pride of theyr names be at shamfull variaunce among your selues and by extinguyshing Christes name
haste a mynde desirouse to reuenge But nowe truely so farre are ye from being lyke to mylde christian men without reuenging to suffre losse or iniurye that euen wilfully ye dooe wrong to other maliciouslye deceaue and oppresse other not onely vnbeleiuers but also such as are by religion your brothers Sauer not suche doinges of the leauen of your olde life Square not suche pointes far both from your learnyng and your profession Whosoeuer professeth Christe professeth Innocencie and to such a lyfe is promised the kyngdome of heauen For neyther is it sufficient to bee dipped in water nor yet to bee graffed into Christe onlesse all youre life bee agreable to Christes doctryne And for none other purpose are ye taken out of this world and planted into the body of Christ but to the ende ye should hencefurthe in godlye lyfe bee lyke vnto Christe youre heade Knowe ye not this that vnrighteousse liuers bee they baptised neuer so muche shall bee excluded from the inheritaunce of the kyngdome of heauen And leste anye manne deceaue hymselfe I tell you agayne and agayne and geue you warnyng that neyther fornicatours nor idolators nor aduouterers nor weakelinges whiche growyng out of mannes kynde lyue after an horrible kynde of bodily luste nor suche as in steade of women abuse men nor theues nor couetous men nor dronkardes neither cursed speakers nor violente pillers of other mennes goodes shal be partakers of the kyngdome of God Nothyng shall your newe name or title auayle you if your life be with your olde vices defiled yea to such is Christe rather an occasion of more grieuous and painfull damnacion The texte And suche were some of you but ye are washed but ye are sanctified but ye are iustified by the name of the Lorde Iesus and by the spirite of our God I maye do all thynges but all thynges are not profitable I maye doe al thynges but I wyll be brought vnder no mannes power Meates are ordeined for the bellye and the belly for meates but God shall destroye both it and them Let not the bodye be applyed vnto fornicacion but vnto the Lord and the Lorde vnto the bodye God hathe raysed vp the Lorde and shall rayse vs vp by hys power Suche as I haue nowe rehersed were some of you before that ye were throughe Christ borne agayne I laye not to your charge that which ye were beefore so that ye fall nomore thereto Washed are ye and deliuered from youre olde synnes and that by Goddes free gyfte beeware that ye bee nomore defiled wyth thē By this washyng hath God not only by his bloud restored you to innocente and hurtlesse lyfe but geuen you also holinesse and righteousnes and that not by the power of the law nor for youre desertes but by Iesus Christe in whose name ye were baptised and by the spirite of oure god by whose secrete inspiraciō the sacramētes of Christes churche been effectual So much more then should euery of you endeuour lest ye through youre owne folye lose this benefite frelye geuen vnto you in so doyng neyther thankfull to the geuer nor yet frendelye nor louyng to your selfe In suche thynges as appertayne to naturall necessities I maye dooe all thynges For no man forbyddeth me to vse lyke authoritie as other apostles vse But it is not paraduenture for you alwayes profitable for me to vse my ryght Suche as are fedde and liue wyth youre meate suche as pyll and polle you beeyng euen as they were bondslaues bought wyth your moneye dare not freely warne you of youre faultes leste ye vpon dyspleasure conceaued there wyth bestowe your liberalitie otherwyse I myght also for my labours take rewarde namely since I tooke more paynes than anye other I wanted not authoritie this to dooe but I woulde not dooe that thyng whereby I myghte bee brought vnder any mānes power and subieccion and seame bounde to any of you to thyntente it myghte more clearely appeare bothe that yf I teache anye thyng that I therein seeke your weale and profite and not myne owne and that also yf I dydde with woordes anye thynge chastice you that ye shoulde pacientely heare me For it is a thyng commenlye seene that suche a mannes free speache offendeth not whiche is nothyng bounde to hym whome he reproueth Elles litell mattier maketh it whose meate a manne eate synce menne muste needes haue meate And synce meates are ordayned for the bealye and likewyse bealyes for meates lette euery manne for this tyme satisfye the presente necessitye and neede For wythin a shorte tyme wyll God destroye bothe bealye and meate whiche is that neyther oure bealyes shall wyth houngre trouble vs nor of meates shall there bee anye vse But as we whiche haue professed Christe muste obeye and serue naturall lackes euen as the heathen and vnchristened dooe so shoulde there yet betwene vs in vyce bee none agremente Of meates I forbydde none lette euerye manne eare what he wyll but filthye bodily luste I forbydde Nor is it lyke that as the bealye is appoynted for meate soe the bodye is prepared for carnall pleasure but rather oure bodye is consecrate vnto the Lorde Iesu and he agayne coupled vnto vs. For so hath it pleased hym that by vs as members and hym as heade hys spirituall and misticall bodye shoulde bee made and kyntte together This knotte holdeth not for a litell season Deathe in deede taketh awaye all necessitie of meates but it breaketh not the knotte wherewyth we are ioyned to Christe For as Godde the father raysed the Lorde Iesus oure heade from deathe so wyll he likewyse rayse vppe agayne vs his membres wyth hym with him rewarde vs with life euerlasting For hable is he of power this to dooe albeit some of you thynke the same vnlykelye As therefore oure soule shall not of that immortall lyfe bee partaker onlesse the same for this presente tyme throughe godlye and continuall meditacions haue hadde thesame lyfe in delygente remembraunce so the bodye raysed agayne shall of that glorye haue no parte onlesse thesame for this presente tyme haue beene free from the contagion of synne What a foule syght is it yf the members seame vnlyke the heade whiche is in euery pointe pure and cleane The texte Eyther konwe ye not that your bodyes are the membres of Christe shall I nowe take the members of Christe and make them the members of an harlot God forbid Do ye not know that he whiche coupleth hymselfe with an harlot is become one body For two saieth he shal bee one flesh But he that is ioyned vnto the Lord is one spirite Remembre ye not how that as I before tolde you your bodyes are the members of Christe What then Sal I nowe become so mad notwithstandyng I know this much with the great reproche of the head to take away the membre of Christe and make thereof the membre of an harlote God forbidde And yet what elles dooth he whiche is conuersaunte with an harlote Knowe ye
knowledge that I haue of your condicions I partelye beleue the reporte It coulde not be auoyded but that there would suche sectes ryse among you Of whiche euill thyng yet this good groweth that by thesame it more playnly appeareth whiche are throughly perfite which whyles other are in a confusion and fyll theyr paunches myldly and so berlye accordyng vnto the Apostles ordinaunces and the olde custome of the churche kepe this holy feaste wherein we represent the laste souper of Christ with his disciples remembryng the league whiche he made with vs and for an exaumple of mutuall concorde of eche one of vs towarde another The texte When ye come together therfore into one place the Lordes supper cannot be eaten For euery man begynneth afore to eate his owne supper And one is hongry and an other is dronken Haue ye not houses to ea●e and drynke in Despyse ye the congregacion of God and shame them that haue not What shall I saye vnto you shall I prayse you In this prayse I you not That which I deliuered vnto you I receiued of the Lord. For the Lord Iesus thesame nyght in whiche he was betrayed toke breade and whan he had geuen thankes he brake it and sayed Take ye and eate this is my body which is broken for you This doe ye in the remembraunce of me But now is there creapt in amōg you a very vnsemely vsage that as oft as ye come together the Lordes souper semeth not to bee the great matter that is in hand suche as he made with his disciples but rather some troublous clamorous feast without equalitie because eche mā riotously and gloutonously not lokyng for other begynneth afore to eate his owne souper Wherupon it foloweth that the poore man is hongry either because he hath nothing to eate or because he cummeth not in season and the ryche man that hath begunne his souper is full and drounken by meanes whereof that spirituall feast is two maner of wayes dishonoured both because through pryde of the ryche men the poore are disdayned whom Christ disdaineth not also because the Lordes souper is with surfetting and excesse defiled At this souper is represented the misterie of christian concorde no bealy nor gut matter for whom prouision should haue been made priuately in mennes owne housen and not in the open assembly Yf ye delyted to fyll your paunches haue ye not housen wherin ye maye so doe out of syght Despise ye so farfurth the open congregacion of christians that in presence therof ye be not ashamed lyke glotons to vse your selfes euen of purpose in the meane seasō goyng about to make the poore ones ashamed whiche haue nothing to set at table whyles ye openly setfurth your riottouse and costly fare What shall I herein saye vnto you ye Corinthians Shall I prayse you Certenly I would wyshe I had good cause so to doe for other thinges I much prayse you but in this I cānot prayse you These maners far square frō that souper of the lord after whose example ye should among you kepe this holy feast I maruayle who they be that haue brought this euill custome amōg you for I as an Apostle receyued of the Lord that which I also haue taught you which is y● our Lord Iesus thesame nyght in which he was betrayed by his disciple and taken toke bread when he had geuē thankes to God he brake the bread and sayed take eate this is my body whiche is broken for you to be deuided among all The thyng whiche ye see me to doe thesame doe ye herafter in the remembraunce of me Note and marke here all the disciples syt together at table with theyr maister marke howe the table and meate was comon to all not somuche as the traytour Iudas excluded from thesame and one bread equally deuided among all This dyd the Lorde with his disciples and despise ye your brethren and suche as are your felowes in religion The texte After thesame maner also he toke the cup when supper was doen saying This cup is the newe testamente in my bloud This doe as oft as ye drinke it in remembraunce of me For as often as ye shall eate this bread and drinke this cup ye shall shew the Lordes death tyll he come Wherfore whosoeuer shall eate of this breade or drinke of the cup of the Lorde vnworthely shal be gyltie of the body and bloud of the Lord. But let a man examen himselfe and so let him eate of the bread and drink of the cup. For he that eateth or drinketh vnworthely eateth and drinketh his owne damnacion because he maketh no difference of the Lordes body For this cause many are weake and sycke among you and many slepe After thesame maner when he had distribute the bread he toke the cup also into his handes when the supper was already done saying this cup is the newe testamente through my bloud as often as ye drinke hereof doe it in remembraunce of me In this supper then all dranke of one cup and among you the ryche menne are dronke and the poore are athruste Christ would haue this feast to be kept among you in remēbraunce of his death and as a token of his euerlasting testamente yet is it nowe kepte among you with ryot and dissencion It is a misticall bread wherof al men should in lyke sorte be partakers As the cup also is holy indifferently apertayning to all not prepared to apease mennes bodyly thruste but to represente a secrete matter leste ye myght forgette with what pryce ye were from the synnes of your former lyfe redemed As often therfore as ye resorte together to eate of this breade and to drinke of this cup ye goe about no bealy matter but mistically represent the death of the Lord Iesu whose continuall remembraunce shall cause you to doe your dueties vntyll the tyme he returne to iudge all the worlde Therfore whosoeuer eateth of this bread or drinketh of the Lordes cup otherwise than is worthy of Christ haynously offendeth as which hath otherwise vsed the body bloud of the Lorde than he commaunded it should be vsed for as muche as a thing whiche is moste full of misteries ought with all purenesse and reuerence to be vsed for auoydyng of whiche inconuenience let euery man first trye and examen his consciēce before And vpon a through examinacion had let hym then eate of that breade and drinke of the cup. And let hym that vpon examinacion of hymselfe fyndeth an vnmetenesse abstayne rather and make sacrifice to his bealy at home For albeit the body and bloud of the Lord be a healthfull thing yet whosoeuer therof doeth eate or drinke vnworthily thesame turneth to his poyson and destruccion because he without reuerence and with an vnclensed conscience presumed to come vnto so great a misterie without due consideracion had with howe great reuerence the body of the Lorde ought to be receyued When Christe shall come then shall suche be
are inspired with the holy gost are not theyr owne men no more then we see rauished men to be But thinke it muche otherwyse in madde men than in suche as haue receyued the spirite of Christe whiche in suche sorte rauysheth the minde that a man is nethlesse his owne man whether the matter require a man to speake or to holde his peace Sober is this inspiracion and nothing els but an enforcemente of a mannes godly mynde to suche thinges as make to Gods glory This spirite should so muche the more serue vnto the common quietnes and so muche be further from contencion because thesame commeth of God whiche is the author of peace and not of confusion and sedicion And synce this is in all congregacions of christian men obserued and kept mete is it also that it be kept in your metynges yf ye wyll haue men to thinke them good leste ye be thought to swarue from other in customes from whom ye dissente not in religion And for this cause lette your wemen in solemne assemblyes holde theyr peace leste yf as that kynde is to muche geuen to babling there aryse an vncomly confusion For wemen are not authorized to preache abrode as chiefe doers of matters but commaunded to be obedient vnto theyr husbandes For in Genesis this speaketh God vnto the woman thou shalt attend vpon thy husbandes will and he shall beare rule ouer the. Let wemen knowledge this lawe not only by coueryng theyr heades but also with silence wherwith womanhead is moste commended Some wyll saye doest thou so farfurth forbid women to speake that thou wylt not suffer them for theyr learnyng to aske a question Vtterly I forbid them in open places to speake but yf there be any thing which they vnderstand not sufficiently and are desyrouse to knowe it let them aske of theyr hushusbandes at home So shall they neyther be defrauded of teaching nor doe any thing vnsemely For surely an vnsemely syght is it to see a woman speake in the chrstian congregacion namely synce so to doe is coumpted a foule thing euen among the paynims What meaneth this ye Corinthiās that ye should be greued to kepe that custome whiche is of al other kept The texte Sprong the woorde of God from you Either came it vnto you only If any man thinke himselfe to be a Prophete either spirituall let him knowe what thynges I wryte vnto you For they are the commaundementes of the Lorde But and if any man be ignoraunt let him be ignoraunt Wherfore brethren couete to prophecye and forbydde not to speake with tonges Let all thynges be doen honestly and in order among you Came the gospell fyrste from you that other muste be compelled to kepe your customes or is the gospell come only to you Yf ye neither be the fyrste that receaued the gospel nor the onely menne that professe it why disdayne ye to frame your selfes after the customes of other And yf anye among you be a prophete or seme otherwyse indued with spiritual gyftes let hym be assured that suche thynges as I wryte vnto you are no commaundementes of myne but the Lordes But yf any manne through contencion so vse hym selfe as though he were ignoraunte despising these thinges as though they were but mannes rules let suche one at his owne peryll be ignoraunt surely god wyll lykewyse be ignoraunt of hym and refuse hym I wyll not striue with you in this matier but thinke this sufficient for my parte that I haue giuē you warnyng To finishe therfore this matier labour brethren to haue the gyfte of prophecie being a gyfte of muche more excellency but so that in the meane season such be not restrayned to speake with tounges which haue no gyfte els so that all thynges bee done comly and in an order as I haue tolde you leste by the contrary any dishonesty or trouble chaunce The .xv. Chapter The texte Brethren as pertaynyng to the Gospell which I preached vnto you which ye haue also accepted and in the which ye contynue by the which also ye are saued I do ●ou to wyt after what maner I preached vnto you yf ye kepe it except ye haue beleued in vayne BVt now because I heare say brethren that some of you doubte of the rysynge agayne of the deade of suche I meane as through a pride in worldly knowledge styll remaynyng in them cannot yet herein bee persuaded touchyng this article I neede to teache you no newe thynge but onely call to your remembraunce the gospell whiche I fyrste taught you and which ye once receaued wherein hetherto ye continewe and by meane wherof ye obtayne saluacion insomuche that it is bothe for me superfluous to teache you thesame agayne whiche I once wel taught you for you also lytle honestie inconstantly to fal backe from that whiche ye once fauoured speaciallye synce ye haue experience that my preaching of the gospel is a doctrine effectuall to saluacion Now is this poynte to beleue the resurrection of the dead the chiefeste parte of the doctrine of the gospell Wherein ye ought so to be assured that ye therof doubte not onles ye haue gyuen credence thereto in vayne as god forbid ye shoulde For what auayled it to fauer and embrace the gospell yf ye denie the principall parte of thesame that is to wete that the deade shall lyue agayne The texte For fyrst of al I delyuered vnto you that which I receaued how that Christ died for our synnes agreing to the scriptures And that he was buried that he arose againe the thyrd day according to the scriptures that he was sene of Cephas thē of the twelue Aft●r that was he sene of mo then fyue hundred brethren at once of which many remayne vnto this day many are fallen aslepe After that appeared he to Iames then to al the Apostles Me thinketh ye should chiefly remember that thing which I fyrst taught you by mouth and nowe reherse vnto you the same by wrytinge being such also as ye once receaued which is that the Lorde Iesus Christe dyed and by hys deathe deliuered vs from synne makyng a mendes for our offences as the scriptures many hundred yeares before sayed shoulde bee that he should lyke a lambe bee led to the slaughter that through hys strypes he might heale our synnes and by his death vpō the crosse raigne and suppresse the tyranny of the deuill Besyde thys ye muste also beleue that he not only verely dyed for you but was also buried and the thyrd daye rose agayne which also was long before prophecied in the darke sayinges of prophetes to th entent ye should the better beleue when that is done in dede whiche god by holy men promised should be For this speaketh O see after two dayes and the thyrd day will we ryse againe and lyue in the syght of hym Againe Dauid thys wyse speaketh thou shalt not leaue my soule in hell And because ye should more stedfastly beleue besyde thys I
fyrste fruites of all suche as dye with hope to ryse agayne He began resurreccion other straighte folowed as companyōs of the lordes resurreccion and we in time to come shal folowe them For it is not to be doubted but that he wyll lykewise doe in all his members as he hath done not onely in hym selfe alreadye but also in many holy menne For we muste by imaginacion conceaue two bodyes one subiecte to deathe whiche beganne in Adam another apoynted to lyfe immortall whiche had his beginnyng in Christe Therfore as at the begynnyng through one mannes synne deathe entred whiche being as it were from the heade deriued into the members rageth and infecteth all menne so by one manne whiche was vtterly free from all synne came in resurreccion of the dead For throughe only Adames offence all we that descended of hym are subiecte to deathe and throughe Chrystes only innocencie all suche shal be restored to lyfe immortall as haue desearued to bee ioyned into hys bodye All shall ryse agayne but yet euery manne in his order the fyrste of all is Christe then suche as cleaue vnto Chryste as the partes of the bodye cleaue vnto the heade of whome a certayne goynge out of theyr graues rose with Christe and the reste shall all ryse at hys laste commyng And when the resurreccion of the whole body is done and paste then shall nothynge remayne but an ende of thys worldly alteracions whiche shal not bee before the vtter abolyshment of y● tyrannye of death what tyme Christe as a victoriouse conquerour shall delyuer vp a quiet and a peasyble kyngdome to god his father to whome by subduyug his enemies he restoreth his dominion and after that he hathe dryuen awaye vtterly from hys whole bodye and brought to nought all the power rule and authoritie of his aduersaries The texte For he muste raigne tyll he haue put all this enemyes vnder hys feete The last enemy that shal be destroyed is death For he hath put all thynges vnder hys feete But when he sayth all thynges are put vnder hym it is manyfeste that he is excepted whiche dyd put all thynges vnder hym When all thynges are subdued vnto hym then shall the sonne also hymselfe be subiecte vnto hym that put all thynges vnder him that God maye be all in al. Elles what do they which are baptised ouer the dead yf the dead ryse not at all Why are they then baptised ouer them yea and why stande we allwaye then in ieoperdye By oure reioysyng whiche I haue in Christe Iesu oure Lorde I dye dayly That I haue fought with beastes at Ephesus after the maner of men what auauntageth it me yf the dead ryse not agayne Let vs eate and drynke for to morowe we shall dye Be not ye deceaued euell woordes corrupte good manners Awake truely out of slepe and synne not For some haue not the knowledge of God I speake this to your shame For so long necessary is it that the sonne shoulde labor and trauayle about the recouery of the kyngdome to god his father vntyl that he haue vtterly subdued all hys enemies and so treade them downe vnderneyth hys feete that there bee no rebellion at all nor feare of euyll Through synne deathe raigneth and through death y● deuyll When synne is extinguished then shall deathe raigne no longer And albeit in thys lyfe we to our power labour about it yet shal we not fully haue it vntyll that by the laste resurreccion al the power of death shal be quite abolyshed when our laste enemye of all whiche moste stubbernly rebelled shall bee vanquished for euer For by thys waye hathe the father decreed that all thynges shall become subiecte vnto hys sonne as it is wrytten in the psalmes thou haste put all thinges vnder hys feete But when scripture sayeth that all thynges shal be vnder the fete of the sonne it is not to be vnderstanden that the sonne shall only possesse that kyngdom the father being excluded for the kingdom of the father and the sonne is all one kyngdom This new and peculiar kyngdom wherin there shal be no rebellion of synfull desyres against the will pleasure of God the father recouereth vnto himselfe by his sonne which he in such sorte vseth with his sonne in cōmon that nethlesse in the father the authoritie remayneth as in him of whom the sonne receiued the same kingdom which is in suche sorte fully and wholy the sonnes that yet the father loseth nothyng synce of both there is but one will And then when all thinges shal be subiecte to the sonne then shall the sonne selfe wholy that is to saye with his bodye misticall yelde and submitte hymselfe to the father by whom as chiefe doer al thinges became subiecte to the sonne that thencefurth no not in the members shall there any thing be lefte whiche shall to Christe be contrarie but that the whole sonne shall consente with the father of whom as of the first begynner al thinges shall depende to whom as chiefe doer all men shall geue thankes for all that euer in any tyme and place hath been well done Nowe wheras I long synce taught you this and ye lykewyse learned the same what meaneth this that some no we doubt a freshe whether the dead shall liue againe Wherof if there be no hope vayne is their labour which albeit more supersticiously thā godly in steade of the dead receyue baptisme fearyng leste suche one as dyed without christenyng shall not ryse among ryghteouse people And to auoyde thys they prepare one which in steade of the dead maye aunswere that he beleueth and desyreth baptisme These mennes fayth I allowe but their doynges I allowe not For as it is folyshnes to thynke that another mans baptisme helpeth the dead so beleue they truely and well there shall a resurreccion be For yf they thought that the dead mā should nomore ryse againe neuer would they for his sake be so careful Yea we our selfes do folishly which for Christes doctrin dayly put our life in ieopardie if after such greuous tormētes no reward folow Nor are we only in ieopardie but also in maner dye dayly by that we oftetymes stād in some new ieopardie nor are dispached with one kinde of death And as in this my saying I lye not so may I alwaies glory in this reioysing which I haue through Iesus Christ our lorde to whose glory turne al the miseries which we suffer Wheras amōg the Ephesiās for Christes gospel I suffered so much trouble that I could not chose but fyght with be astes as one most surely apointed to dye what profite was there in or what gayned I therby if the dead ryse not again What madnes is it without compulsion to sustaine so many troubles if assone as a mā is once dead it nothing force howe he hath lyued Yf we after our death be paste all hope what remaineth there but y● we as the wicked persons spake in Esai distrusting the promises of
seke vpon the succour of the lawe specially synce we well knowe that through the benefite of the lawe no man before God is made righteous If menne were what nede were it to resorte to the fayth of the gospel The texte If while we seeke to be made righteous by Christ we our selues are found sinners is Christ then the minister of sinne God forbid And if after our once receiuyng the fayth of the gospel we be neuertheles found subiecte to synne so that we nede yet an other remedy as muche as we had nede of beyng vnder Moses lawe and beyng disapointed of the hope we stoode in so that we now againe are compelled to seke vpon the lawe that of vs was forsaken what shal we say shal we say that Christ whom we beleued to be the author of perfite iustice is the minister of vnrighteousnes who not onely deliuereth vs not from our olde vnrighteousnes but is also an occasion of encrease therof and not onely geueth vnto vs not the welthy state whiche we loked for but also causeth our cōdemnacion to be more grieuous forasmuche as vpō hope of him we forsoke the lawe whervnto if we againe be compelled to returne we might seme not without fault vnaduisedly to haue forgone it of whiche fault Christ semeth the very occasion But God forbid that any man so iudge of Christ or thinke that the grace of his gospel doeth lacke any perfeccion so that towarde the attainement of saluacion we should nede to seeke somewhat out of Moses law The texte For if I haue builte againe the thinges whiche I destroyed then make I my selfe a trespacer For I through the lawe haue been dead to the lawe that I might liue vnto Christ For to returne againe to Moses after we once haue receiued the lawe of the gospel it is a certain fallyng away from Christ and reproche to the gospel yea what Iewe or straunger soeuer so doeth therin declareth he him selfe also to be a transgressour of Moses lawe For if the lawe any thyng made to saluacion why forsoke he it if it nothyng made why falleth he to it agayne If the buildyng throwen doune with myne owne handes I begynne euen from the foundacion to buylde the same againe whiche I erste destroyed shewe not I therin my foly whiche sette that vp againe whiche I vnaduisedly destroyed No cause is there then why after we haue once embraced the fayth of the gospel by whom the goodnes of Christ would we should receiue perfite righteousnes and saluacion to regarde the succour of the grosse lawe whervnto we are now no lenger bonde For as the death of either of the two maried deliuereth the partie that is left on liue frō the bonde of matrimony so had I whiche am a Iewe with the lawe somewhat to do as long as that mutual right endured that is to say as long as the lawe liued vnto me and I liued to the lawe The texte I am crucified with Christ Neuerthelesse I liue yet now not I but Christ liueth in me The life whiche I now liue in the fleshe I liue by the fayth of the sonne of God whiche loued me and gaue him selfe for me I dispise not the grace of God For if righteousnes come of the lawe then Christ died in vaine But assone as through the death of Christ and the sacrament of baptisme I became prentice to the spiritual lawe of fayth I was in maner to the grosse and carnal lawe dead yet not so dead that I liued not but so dead that I begunne to liue after a better way and condicion Hitherto liued I to Moses but now liue I to God For God is a spirite As Christ liued before a mortal man hauyng a body subiecte to miseries as ours is so he beyng now dead to the fleshe and also to the world liueth to God the father free from all corrupcion and miseries of death But I whiche through baptisme am crucifyed with Christ and also dead with him am so farre from beyng bonde to these grosse and carnal rather than spiritual and godly obseruaunces that to them I am dead For I liue not grosse and carnal as I once was subiect also to worldly desires Dead is Saule the stoute de●ender of the law persecutor of the gospel and yet through the spirite of Christ haue I receiued life now muche better Or rather I liue not my selfe whiche of my selfe am nothyng but carnal but in me liueth Christ who●e holy spirite at his wyll and pleasure gouerneth all myne actes But wheras I am not yet free from all contagion of death but haue stil a body somewhat subiecte to mannes weakenes the discōmodities of this mortall life yet in maner liue I a life immortal conceiued in my soule through sure hope assuryng my selfe vpō the promise of the sonne of God through whose bounteous mercy I haue receiued y● gift of fayth through fayth righteousnes through righteousnes life euerlastyng not by keapyng of the grosse lawe but through the singular goodnes of Christ who of his owne good wyll loued me deseruyng no suche thyng so greatly that for my synnes he suffered the punishement of the crosse and for my welth gaue him selfe to death Free is all that he geueth His pleasure was that for our saluacion we should to him be beholdyng and not to the kepyng of the lawe He it is whiche frely geueth this benefite to all men He it is whiche taketh a way synne and geueth pure and innocent life Were not I most vnkynde yea were I not spitefull against Christ if I refused his offre And refuseth he not it who after baptisme receiued loketh backe againe for helpe of the lawe as though to abolishe al the synnes of the worlde and to geue euery manne euerlastyng saluacion Christes death were not sufficient If through innocent and hurtleslife we become immortal whence I pray you rather loke we to receiue both by confidence in the law or by the fre mercy of Christ If by his free mercy why hang we styl on the lawe If by keapyng of Moses then is Christ dead in vayne forasmuche as that for whiche his pleasure was to dye by his death we geate not The third Chapiter The texte O ye folishe Galathians who hath bewitched you that ye should not beleue the truth To whō Iesus Christ was described before the eyes now among you crucified COmenly among men for your folishenes and childishnes are ye euil spoken of but this may I truely say O ye folishe Galathians whiche would be brought in to an opinion so farre from all reason that where the Iewes through the fayth of the gospel preached vnto them are deliuered frō the burden of the law ye beyng free menne borne wyl wilfully cast your selfe into bondage ▪ The harme whiche is herein done I lay not wholy to your charge but blame your lightenes to beleue easynes to be persuaded but much more blame I the malice
of all healthe that you may behold hym in the meane while as it were with iyes not with bodily eiyes but with the iyes of the harte and mynde that see through the light of faithe wherewith the thynges are also seen that are to come whiche cannot be seene with the grosse bodily iyes whereby you maye knowe that which no humayne philosophie teacheth how blissed the enheritaunce is whiche he hath called vs to truste vpon and how excellent y● dignitie of this most plēteous enheritaūce is which the saynctes shal receyue howe great the largenesse and how excedyng the greatnesse of his power is which he declareth euē now in vs the which also as it were with a certain secrete enforcement y● cannot be expressed with tongue hath transformed al●red vs frō our olde trade after such sorte that we contēne al other thiges trust onely to him cōtēning those thinges which wese we hope after such thinges of him as we se not such as he hath openly declared before in our head Christ whō of his mightie power hauing raised from death to life immortal he hath exalted vnto so high honor that he hath set him on his owne right hand in y● kingdō of heauen geuen him autoritie ouer al other rule potestate power lordship and euery other name of dignitie or power how excellent so euer it be aboue these afore rehearsed eyther in this worlde or in the worlde to come that he may be lorde not onely ouer bodely and earthly thinges but also ouer spirituall and heauenly thynges So ferre hath he subdued al thinges without excepcion vnder his feete And to make our hope more stedfast and certayn that we shall also come to the felowship of the same glorye for asmuche as he hath made Christe lorde ouer all thinges his pleasure was also that he shoulde be the head vnto al the whole flocke of the beleuing that cleaue so fast to Christe as the whole body is coupled to the head that the one can not be disceuered frō the other Finally the glory of the head is common to the rest of the members wherunto the head is so set about that it powreth his good nourishment into euery one of them The bodye is not perfit onlēs the head be at it and the head wanteth sum what if the body be not set to perfitly consummate in all his mēbres wherunto Christ doeth seuerally powre his excellent giftes in such wise that by himselfe he fulfilleth all thīges and liueth and reigneth now whole and entierely perfit hauing his members vnited vnto himselfe ¶ The .ii. Chapter The texte And you hath he quyckened wher as ye were dead in trespasses and synnes in the whiche in tyme passed ye walked according to the course of this worlde euen after the gouerner that ruleth in the ayre the spiryte that nowe worketh in the chyldren of vnbelefe emong whō we all had out conuersacion also in tyme past in the lustes of oure fleshe and fuli●lled y● wyll of the fleshe and of the minde and were by nature the chyldren of wrath euen as well as other But God whiche is ryche in mercye for his greate loue wherwith he loued vs euen when we were deade by sinnes quickened vs together in Christ by grace ar● ye saued and raysed vs vp together with hym made vs sytte together with hym emong them of heauen in Chryst Iesu That in tymes to come he myght shewe the exceding riches of his grate in kindnes to vs ward thorow Christ Iesu For by grate are ye made safe thorowe faythe and that not of your selues It is the gyite of God and cōmeth not of workes lest any man should ●●ast hym selfe For we are his worckemāshyppe created in Christe Iesu vnto good workes whiche God ordeined that we should walke in them NOwe marke me this how the father hath begon in a maner to accomplish euen now in you that that is accomplished already in Christ shal be after ward accōplished in you Christ dyed and rose agayn shall neuer after dye any more Certes he was not subiecte to sinne albeit forasmuche as he tooke vpon him an humaine bodie he was subiecte to mortalitie To be briefe like as sin is a certain death of the soule and the forewarning of eternall death euen so is innocencie a certayne life of the soule and the beginning of eternal life But of this maner of lyfe God that geueth vs his spirite is the prince And the deuil is y● autor of death hauing also a spirite of his owne wherwith those that ve enspired are rapt vnto the pleasures of this world and plainely distrust the promisses of eternal lyfe Christ dyed for our offences and rose agayn to make vs sure of the immortalitie to come In the meane tyme after hys exaumple you also being engraffed to Christ through baptisme are dead to your sinnes and wickednes wherein as long as you liued vngodly you were dead in dede for asmuche as you had affyaunce in nothing but noysome shadowes of good thinges wherwith this worlde for a tyme disceaueth suche as wantyng the spirite of God are lead by the spirite of Satan whose tirannye in the meane while is permitted ouer this lower element His spirit I say and he himselfe setteth out as it were his own power in them that hauing no trust in the promisses of the Gospell set theyr whole felicitie in visible and transitory thinges and geue no eare to God the father that allureth them to true felicitie but had leauer serue that wieked cruell maister whome in tymes past you serued and not you alone but all we also For albeit the law restrayned vs from the wurshipping of Images yet our lyfe was altogether defyled with noysome lustes of corporall thynges by the enforcemente whereof we passed of the tyme not doyng those thynges whiche the holy ghoste commaunded but those that our owne mynde geuen to filthie affectes bad vs doe By reason wherof it came to passe that like as they which are encorporated to Christe through fayth appertayne to the enheritaunce that is promised to obedient children euen so we as disobedient children should haue belonged to a ferre contrary enheritaunce that is to say we should haue becomen the companions of hym to whome we had ioyned our selues That death is eternal that is appoynted to the wicked Wherunto we also were subiect asmuche as other touchyng our owne state and condicion We had addicted ourselues vnto it of our owne free choice but it was not in our power to wynde vs agayne out of that most miserable seruitude Nowe you haue heard of our death now you haue harde of our destruccion but whereof commeth lyfe whereof commeth saluacyon Truely not of our desertes nor yet by the benefite of Moses lawe Whence than Surely of the free largesse of God the father whose bounteousnesse and louyng affection is so plenteous and so exceadingly great to mankyndewarde that
suche a foundacion mete and conuenient And take hede that ye wauer not this waye or that waye as euery blaste of newe doctrine moueth you but stāde stedfast and stable in that ye haue once learned and endeuour not only to stande stedfastly but also to encrease euery daye from better to better that your fayth and fruites of godly lyfe beyng dayly more and more augmented ye maye alwayes haue some newe thing to gyue god thankes for whō ye must in dede thanke for all that is by you well done The texte Beware lest any man sporle you through Philosophy and disceitfull vanitie after the tradicion of men and after the ordinaunces of the worlde and not after Christe Suche as would bring you frō your simplicitie watche busely watche muste ye on the other syde lykewyse least beyng as it were enchaunted with the royall and glyttering appacences of theyr Phylosophie ye be ●rō your sound fayth altred and brought to the vayne deuties of men and so become as it were a spoyle or praye for your aduersaries as ye shall vn doubtedly be if ye turne from the truth of the gospell and beled with the rules of mennes onlye makyng whiche stande in suche thinges as maye with our carnal eyes be sene and in the grosse pointes of this world wher as Christes doctrine is heauenly and spirituall and teacheth the righte and trewe religion whiche standeth in myndes and not in meates and drinkes nor in bodily apparell no nor in keping of dayes nor yet in wasshyng of handes whiche thynges to trewe religion make nothing Suche pointes withdraw vs rather frō Christe and deuide vs frō the welspring from whence it were mete we sought for all grace and goodnes The texte For in hym dwelleth all the fulnes of the Godhead bodely and ye are complete in him whiche is the head of all rule and power ▪ by whome also ye are circumcised with circumcision whiche is done with out handes for asmuche as ye haue put of the synfull bodye of the fleshe through the circumcision that is in Christ in that ye are buried with hym through baptisme in whome ye are also tysen agayne through fayth y● is wrought by the operacion of God whiche raysed hym from death For into hym are not some certayne giftes deriued as oute of the ryuer a litle water runneth into the dyche but in hym resteth and dwelleth corporally the hole fulnes of the godhead so that yf ye haue hym ye nede not to seke either for the shadowes of Moses lawe or the subtile conueyaunce of worldly wisdome The trouth is playnly delyuered vs as al ou● sences beare recorde no nede haue we to seke for figures or doubtfull promises Synce ye are once graffed in Christe and framed into one bodye with hym why shoulde you elswher loke to haue any thyng For since he lacketh nothyng would haue all his treasure cōmen to al men through hym in hym needes must ye be made complet whither ye lacke wysdome or power For as he is the welspring of wysedome which can neuer be dryed vp so is he the heade of all power rule Nor is ther any power no not of the hyghest order of Aungels I say but that the same to hym boweth his knees Iewes paraduēture endeuoure to bring you in minde that it is a weightye matier to haue you circumcised as they be ▪ as though the state of mannes body and suche externe thinges brought vs into goddes fauour But rather be in this persuaded that whosoeuer haue Christ enioye with hym all the glorie and commendacion of circumcision And who so haue not Christe to them is all theyr circumcision vayne and vnprofitable They haue but the shadow of circumcision ye therof in your soules haue the verye truthe For sythe the Iewes circumcision meaneth that groce and carnall desyers should be cut out of al theyr soules which now loke for nothyng but heauenly thinges vncircumcised needes must they be whiche with couetous myndes styll labour to haue more which please their bealyes whiche with enuy malice pyne a way which vayngloriously seke for worldly prayse despayre of heauenly rewardes But ye contrarie are through Christ veryly circumcised not with that circumcisiō which is done with mannes handes but after a spirituall kynde of circumcision Nor haue ye a litle piece onlye of the carnall man pared awaye but from you is cut the whole bodye defyled with syn and all corrupted with carnal lustes that through the spirituall circumcision of Christ Iesus For as he dying forsoke his bodye that was subiect to death rysyng againe receyued a body whiche coulde not dye so are ye in baptisme throughe the spirite of god with hym spiritually dead castyng of all the synnes of your olde lyfe and not only deade with hym but also buried with hym For whē synfull desyers are kylled perfite quyetnes of mynde foloweth And after suche forgoyng of your bodyes which were thral to sinne whiche sinne is the very death of the soule ye are through Christe with hym risen agayne free from synne nor for your desertes but only because ye stedfastly beleue in god who by his mightie power restored Christe agayne from death to lyfe and that he also in you by his power worketh that vpon free remissiō of all your sinnes through the death of his sōne ye shoulde hencefurthe liue with him subiect to no sin but through innocent vprighte life make haste forwarde to the life that shall neuer haue ende Thākes then should god the father haue for all suche thinges whiche he through his sōne gyueth you Nothing auauntaged it the Iewes because they were circumcised and vncircumcision to you which are Gentiles was no hinderaūce But to be vncircumcised was therfore a deadly lacke because ye wer wholy gyuen to groce and wycked desyres and therby subiecte to death or rather because ye were without the grace of god who is the lyfe of mannes soule ye were spiritually deade The texte And ye when ye were dead through synne and through the vncircumcision of youre fleshe hathe he q●ickened with hym and hath forgyuen vs all oure trespaces and hath put out the hande wrytyng that was agaynst vs contayned in the lawe wryten that hathe he taken oute of the waye and hath fastened it to his crosse and hath spoyled rule and power and hath made a shewe of them openly and hath triumphed ouer them in his owne persone This kynde of vncircumcision I saye was to both sortes of vs comen whiche god hath with his holy spirite cutte of and taken away forgeuing vs all oure synnes and in suche sorte forgyuyng them that we are oute ●● the ieopardie of hauyng the same offences any more hereafter to be layed vnto oure charge because we haue aduisedly sworne to be obediēt to Moses lawe for breache wherof oure aduersary the deuyll myght haue an action agaynste vs as agaynst men bounden by theyr owne hande wryting yea
to gyue god thankes for whō ye must in dede thanke for all that is by you well done The texte Beware lest any man spoyle you through Philosophy and disceitfull vanitie after the tradicion of men and after the ordinaunces of the worlde and not after Christe Suche as would bring you frō your simplicitie watche busely watche muste ye on the other syde lykewyse least beyng as it were enchaunted with the royall and glyttering apparences of theyr Phylosophie ye be frō your sound fayth altred and brought to the vayne deuises o● men and so become as it were a spoyle or praye for your aduersaries as ye shall vn doubtedly be if ye turne from the truth of the gospell and be led with the rules of mennes onlye makyng whiche stande in suche thinges as maye with our carnal eyes be sene and in the grosse pointes of this world wher as Christes doctrine is heauenly and spirituall and teacheth the righte and trewe religion whiche standeth in myndes and not in meates and drinkes nor in bodily apparell no nor in keping of dayes nor yet in wasshyng of handes whiche thynges to trewe religion make nothing Suche pointes withdraw vs rather frō Christe and deuide vs frō the welspring from whence it were mete we sought for all grace and goodnes The texte For in hym dwelleth all the fulnes of the Godhead bodely and ye are complete in him whiche is the head of all rule and power ▪ by whome also ye are circumcised with circumcision whiche is done with out handes forasmuche as ye haue put of the synfull bodye of the fleshe through the circumcision that is in Christ in that ye are buried with hym through baptisme in whome ye are also rysen agayne through fayth y● is wrought by the operacion of God whiche raysed hym from death For into hym are not some certayne giftes deriued as oute of the ryuer a litle water runneth into the dyche but in hym resteth and dwelleth corporally the hole fulnes of the godhead so that yf ye haue hym ye nede not to seke either for the shadowes of Moses lawe or the subtile conueyaunce of worldly wisdome The trouth is playnly delyuered vs as al our sences beare recorde no nede haue we to seke for figures or doubtfull promises Synce ye are once graffed in Christe and framed into one bodye with hym why shoulde you elswher loke to haue any thyng For since he lacketh nothyng would haue all his treasure cōmen to al men through hym in hym needes must ye be made complet whither ye lacke wysdome or power For as he is the welspring of wysedome which can neuer be dryed vp so is he the heade of all power rule Nor is ther any power no not of the hyghest order of Aungels I say but that the same to hym boweth his knees Iewes paraduēture endeuoure to bring you in minde that it is a weightye matier to haue you circumcised as they be as though the state of mannes body and suche externe thinges brought vs into goddes fauour But rather be in this persuaded that whosoeuer haue Christ enioye with hym all the glorie and commendacion of circumcision And who so haue not Christe to them is all theyr circumcision vayne and vnprofitable They haue but the shadow of circumcision ye therof in your soules haue the verye truthe For sythe the Iewes circumcision meaneth that groce and carnall desyers should be cut out of al theyr soules which now loke for nothyng but heauenly thinges vncircumcised needes must they be whiche with couetous myndes styll labour to haue more which please their bealyes whiche with enuy malice pyne away which vayngloriously seke for worldly prayse despayre of heauenly rewardes But ye contrarie are through Christ veryly circumcised not with that circumcisiō which is done with mannes handes but after a spirituall kynde of circumcision Nor haue ye a litle piece onlye of the carnall man pared awaye but from you is cut the whole bodye defyled with syn and all corrupted with carnal lustes that through the spirituall circumcision of Christ Iesus For as he dying forsoke his bodye that was subiect to death rysyng againe receyued a body whiche coulde not dye so are ye in baptisme throughe the spirite of god with hym spiritually dead castyng of all the synnes of your olde lyfe and not only deade with hym but also buried with hym For whē synfull desyers are kylled perfite quyetnes of mynde foloweth And after suche forgoyng of your bodyes which were thral to sinne whiche sinne is the very death of the soule ye are through Christe with hym risen agayne free from synne nor for your desertes but only because ye stedfastly beleue in god who by his mightie power restored Christe agayne from death to lyfe and that he also in you by his power worketh that vpon free remissiō of all your sinnes through the death of his sōne ye shoulde hencefurthe liue with him subiect to no sin but through innocent vprighte life make haste forwarde to the life that shall neuer haue ende Thākes then should god the father haue for all suche thinges whiche he through his sōne gyueth you Nothing auauntaged it the Iewes because they were circumcised and vncircumcision to you which are Gentiles was no hinderaūce But to be vncircumcised was therfore a deadly lacke because ye wer wholy gyuen to groce and wycked desyres and therby subiecte to death or rather because ye were without the grace of god who is the lyfe of mannes soule ye were spiritually deade The texte And ye when ye were dead through synne and through the vncircumcision of youre fleshe hathe he quickened with hym and hath forgyuen vs all oure trespaces and hath put out the hande wrytyng that was agaynst vs contayned in the lawe wryten that hathe he taken oute of the waye and hath fastened it to his crosse and hath spoyled rule and power and hath made a shewe of them openly and hath triumphed ouer them in his owne persone This kynde of vncircumcision I saye was to both sortes of vs comen whiche god hath with his holy spirite cutte of and taken away forgeuing vs all oure synnes and in suche sorte forgyuyng them that we are oute of the ieopardie of hauyng the same offences any more hereafter to be layed vnto oure charge because we haue aduisedly sworne to be obediēt to Moses lawe for breache wherof oure aduersary the deuyll myght haue an action agaynste vs as agaynst men bounden by theyr owne hande wryting Yea the olde obligacion by ryght wherof the deuyll sued vs hath Christe rased oute assone as we professed the fayth of his gospell through whome the offences of our olde lyfe are forgyuen so that the ●ame are layed to no mannes charge For whatsoeuer myght of vs by ryghte of this wrytyng be requyred that same hath Christe for our sakes payed vpon the crosse where the wrytyng was rente torne and vtterly cancelled Nor haue we
it good to doe that by my moste faythfull companion that I coulde not doe by my selfe and to put him in stede of my selfe Therfore we taried still alone at Athenes and from thence sente Tymothe our brother a tryed minister of God and an helpefelowe of our office which we haue to doe in the gospell of Christ because we had leauer wante the comforte of that so deare a singular and so necessarie a companion for the tyme than to geue occasion that you should thinke we had vtterly geuen ouer lokyng to your state of thinges And verily we haue sente hym not for any cause of our owne but chiefly for your sakes that he myght establishe and comforte your consciences and to shewe you that for all these paynfull affliccions wherewith I am tossed hereawaye and therawaye myne harte is nothing discouraged but the glorye of the gospell is a great deale better auaunced leste any of you shoulde be dismayed by reason of myne affliccions whiche you heare tell of For you must not thinke it any neweltie though these thinges happen to the preachers of the gospell in asmuche as you knewe a good while a goe that I was chosen of god to this same ende that through suffring of affliccions of my body I myght auaunce the name of Christ and so in this behalfe to be like my Lord and maister For euen than whan we were present with you we tolde you the same before that we should suffre affliccion for the gospelles sake And as I tolde you before it should be so you see it now happened like as also you haue knowen it happen before As for me there was nothing hapened vnto me vnloked for nor any thig that I tolde not you of afore so as you haue the lesse cause to be discouraged Wherfore considering that for the great care I take for you euen whan all thing is at the surest I coulde not be quiet but long after you still I sent Tymothe as I sayed afore for this purpose that by hym as well in a maner as I were present there my selfe I might knowe the stedfastnesse of your fayth and might trye yf he that kepeth continuall watche to subuerte them that be good had tempted any of the weaker sorte of you and so in them my labour had been loste The texte But nowe lately when Timothe came from you vnto vs and declared to vs your fayth and loue and how that ye haue good remembraunce of vs alwaye desi●yng to see vs as we also desyre to see you Therfore brethren we receiued consolacid by you in al our aduersitie and necessitie through your fayth For nowe are we alyue yf ye stande sted fast in the Lord. For what thankes can we recompence to God againe for you ouer al that ioy that we ioy for your sakes before our God praying nyght and daye exceadyngly that we might see you presently and might fulfyll the thynges which are lackyng vnto your fayth God hymselfe our father and our Lord Iesus Christ shall gyde oure iourney vnto you the Lord also shall increace you and make you flowe ouer in loue one towarde another and towarde all men euen as we do toward you that he may make your heartes stable and vnblameable in holynes before God oure father at the commyng of our Lord Iesus Chryst with al sayn●tes But whan Tymothe of late returned from you to vs againe and brought vs mery tydinges shewing that you persiste aswell constauntly in your fayth without shrinking as also that your vnfeyned charitie is the same that it was and that our beeyng a sondre hathe not brought vs out of remembraunce with you but that you haue vs in mynde alwayes cōtinually and that you are euer desirous to see vs as we are to see you there is no necessitie nor any sorowe that I am pressed withall but I ●an heare it paciently sence I knewe that you abode constantely in your fayth whiche whan I was afrayed of I was nothing afrayed of my selfe For I thinke that I am altogether safe if your fayth continue safe Nowe we liue and thinke our selfes deliuered from al maner of daūgter in case you through the helpe of Christ Iesu persiste constantly in y● you haue begun It yrketh not me to suffre these euils so that the frutes be answerable in you for whose sakes I abyde them Whiche thyng for asmuche as I perceyue to be in dede so as the gospel groweth in acquayntaunce among the Gentiles dayly more and more what thankes worthy so great a benefite are we able to rēdre vnto God by whose goodnes so excellent ioy wherwith we reioyce withal our hartes for your foreward proceding chaunceth vnto vs euen among these sorowes our God bearyng recorde of the same vnto whose goodnesse you are bounde for that you continue stedfaste of whome oure duetie is in our prayers daye and nighte to desyre this thing in more ample wise that by his mercy we may at one tyme or other see you agayne For with personall presence some thing is doen that nother letters nor messenger how trustie so euer he be can be hable to accomplishe For this cause sake therfore I am desirous to see you to the entent if any gospellyke discipline be wanting I might supplie it and amende it Furthermore my prayer is that where I cānot so doe by meanes of wicked persones God himselfe our father and his sonne Iesus Christe our Lorde would vouchesafe to take awaye those lettes open me a free passage vnto you and also in the meane season so to encreace you with his gyftes that I may see you to my great comforte Which thyng shal be in case he make you aboundaunte and plenteouse in mutuall charitie among your selues and not among your selues only but also towardes all men like as we also haue a certayne excellencie of loue towardes all you beyng ready euen to suffre death for your saluacion and that he would so confirme your consciences that your vprightenesse cannot be blamed on any behalfe not only with menne but muche rather with God the father whom nothing escapeth in the cumming of our Lorde Iesus Christe at which time it shall openly appeare in the sight of all Sainctes not only what euery one hath doen but also with what conscience euery one hath done it ¶ The .iiii. Chapter The texte Furthermore we beseche you brethren and exhorte you by the Lord Iesus ▪ that ye increace more and more euen as ye haue receyued of vs how ye ought to walke and to please God For ye knowe what commaundementes we gaue you by our Lord Iesus Christ For this is the will of God euen your holynes that ye should abstaine from fornicacyon and that euery one of you should know how to kepe his vessel in holynes honour not in the luste of concupiscence as doe the hethen which know not God that no man opresse and defraude his brother ●●● bargayning because that the Lord is the auenger
the angels of hys power with flaminge fyre whiche shall rendre vengeaunce vnto them that knowe not God and that obey not the Gospell of our Lord Iesus Chryst whiche shal be punyshed with euerlastinge damnacyon from the presence of the Lorde and from the glorye of his power when he shall come to be glorifyed in hys saynctes and to become maruelous in al them that beleue because our testimonye that we had to you was beleued euen thesame daye Wherfore also we praye alwayes for you that our God wyll make you worthy of thys callyng and fulfyll all delectacyon of goodnes and the woorke of fayth with power that the name of our Lorde Iesus Christ maye be glorifyed by you and ye by hym accordynge to the grace of our God and of the Lord Iesus Christ PAul and Siluanus and Tymothe vnto the company of the faithfull that are assembled in spirite at Thessalonica and be of one mynde towardes god our father and the Lord Iesus Chryst We are bounden to render aboundaunt thankes alwayes to god for his aboundaunt liberalytie to you warde in that you dooe not onelye through his helpe continue stedfaste in those thinges that you haue begon but also for that you daylye encreace excedinglye more and more in faythe and loue among your selues one to an other so muche that I thynke it not necessarie now to kyndle you vnto the applyeng of godlynes by the examples of other seyng we rather make boaste of you to the other cōgregacions of god and enflame other vnto vertue by your example in rehearsing your pacience stedfastenes of faythe in all your persecucions and affliccions which you suffer that the iuste iudgemēt of god may be declared in you hereafter at suche tyme as whan you haue suffred vexaciō in this world for y● glory of his name he shal admit you into the felowshipe of hys kingdome And contrary wyse shall commit them vnto eternal punnyshement that haue persecuted you for malice of him For certaynly thys shall be the dealing of goddes righteousnes to pay vnto either parte rewarde worthie their dedes to them that punnyshe the innocent affliccion and to bestowe vnto you that are troubled with vs refreshing and comforte with vs in that daye whan the promisses of the gospel shall appeare and whan the Lorde Iesus shal shew himselfe out of heauen openly vnto the world not than after a lowe base degre as he did at his first commyng but waited vpon with the companyes of angelles as it is comelye for a myghtie prince nor than gentill and tractable to heale the wicked but armed with an horrible fierie flame to rendre vengeaunce vnto them that would not knowe god in this world nor obeye the gospel of our Lorde Iesus Chryste so as they shall fele by experience that he is righteous and mightie whom being mercifull and gentill they set naught by and so as at leaste they maye learne by their owne punyshmentes perforce to confesse the thinges to be true that the gospel spake of For they inasmuch as they neuer made end of their wicked doing shal suffer paines y● neuer shal haue ending whan they haue loked vpon the diuine face of the lorde and the maiestie of his power whō thei cōtemned in this world as a rascal or a vile persone For at his first commyng he came to saue al men but than he shal come to shewe him selfe gloryous not in himselfe onely but in al his membres also that are godly people to the intent he may appeare wonderful in al them that beleue his gospel For in that daye the thinges shal be openly seen of al men in you which trusted in Christ at our recorde bearing where y● vngodly contemned them and would not beleue which daye that it maye be prosperous and ioyfull vnto you we ceasse not to praye to the lord continually for you that forasmuche as it hath pleased him to call you vnto the hope of thys glorye the same maye vouchesafe also to bee presentlye ready to helpe you in your trauaile thitherwarde that your conuexsacion be agreable to your profession and to consūmate and fynishe perfitely that which of his goodnesse he hath begonne in you and to geue strength vnto your soules that in manfullye bearing the vexations of the vngodly you maye declare howe myghtye the assured hope of eternal felycitie is in you for whose sake you passe not euen vpon the life of your bodies to the intent y● like as Christ glorified the father by his death was glorified of hym agayne by his resurreccion so the name of the lord Iesu Christ maye be glorified now by your sufferaunce and you glorified agayn by him in the daye of his commyng not accordyng to your owne desertes but according to the mercy of our god and of the Lorde Iesu Christe without whose helpe all that you go about were of none effect The. ii Chapiter The text We beseche you brethren by the commyng of oure Lord Iesu Chryste and in that we shal assemble vnto him that ye be not sodenly moued from your mynde nor be troubled neth●r by spirite neyther by wordes nor yet by letter which shulde some to come from vs as though th● daye of Chryst were at hande Let no man deceaue you by any meanes for the Lorde shal not come except ther come a departyng fyrst and that the synful man be opened the soone of perdicyon which is an aduersary and is eralted aboue al that is called God or that is worshipped so that he doth syt in the temple of God boastynge hymselfe to bee God Remember ye not that when I was yet with you I tolde you these thynges And nowe ye know what with holdeth euen that he myght be vttered at his tyme. For the mistery of the unquite doeth all ready worcke tyll he which now onelye letteth be taken out of the wa●e And th●n shall that wycked bevttred whom the Lorde shal consume with the spirite of hys mouth and shall destroye with the appeareaunce of his commynge FVrthermore brethren we besech you by this cōmyng of our Lorde Iesu Christ wherof we spake a littell afore and by the felowship of the glory wherby we being the membres shal be fastened vnto our head that you be not sodaynlye moued from the mynde you are in though his commyng be prolonged and be not astonyed in your myndes nether by feyned prophecie ne by probable asserciō nor by Epistle sēt in our name as though the commyng of the Lorde were all ready at hand Let no mā deceaue you by any meanes For the lorde shal not come onles a departing come first not afore the wicked man appeare the childe of perdicion who like as he is much vnlike vnto Christe so muche is he his enemy is exalted aboue the sōne of God aboue al that is called God or power that is deuoutly wurshipped so muche that he shall sitte in the temple of God shewing himselfe as God Doe you not
But than they myght hurte vs in dede if they could make vs couetous yf they coulde make vs afrayed of deathe yf they coulde make vs desyrous of life if they could make vs ambicious if they could make vs desyrous of reuengement yf they coulde make vs to distrust Christ Therefore Prynces are neyther vnhonestly to be slattered nor sediciously repugned And in case it be godlye requisite at anye tyme in the ghospelles behalfe ●o contemne theyr commaundementes yet it muste be done with suche a temperaūce that they may perceaue vs to doe it not for the displeasure of them but for a good wyll vnto godlynes Notwithstandynge ▪ I geue not monicion hereof for this purpose that where wee are farre vnhable to matche them in worldlye powers we shoulde prouoke their puyssaunce vpon vs to our owne harme but that in this kinde of lenitie we shoulde resemble Christe oure prince who whan he coulde alone haue done more than all the Prynces and rulers of this worlde yet had leauer wynne the worlde to himselfe in sufferyng of euill than in repellyng or requityng of euyll he had leauer wynne the conquest with gentle dealynge than with reuengyng he had leauer heale than destroye ▪ he had leauer entice than oppresse By this waye wonne he the victorie of this fashion it was the fathers pleasure that the sonne shoulde beare the bell awaye ▪ His example it behoueth vs to folowe in case we wyll haue oure prayers in case we wyll haue our sacrifices welcome and acceptable vnto him He woulde rather be a sauioure vnto vs than a vengeaunce taker with grea●e gentilnes he suffred our impietie tyll we came to repentaunce And the thynge that is come to passe in vs the same lyke as he is of a passyng greate goodnes he woulde also haue come to passe in all men yf it were possible He is the sauiour of all he excludeth none from saluation he bryngeth the lyghte of the ghospell vnto all And he that refuseth it he that wythdraweth hymselfe leat hym blame hymselfe for his owne blyndnes and he that perisheth perisheth throughe his owne faulte For what can the Phisician doo yf the sicke doo refuse holsome medicines Verilye it is not long of him that men atteyne not saluation and suppressyng the blyndnesse of the lyfe paste come to the lyght of the euangelycall trueth Christe is the trueth and he that confesseth him ▪ shal be safe from what kynde of lyfe soeuer he come to hym Saluation is all one thynge and commeth all of one and by one alone it is offred vnto all Ther is no thyng in this behalfe that the Iewe maye chalenge to himselfe as his owne There is but one God not peculya● to thys or that sorte of people but the commen God indifferently of all There is but one that reconsyleth mankinde vnto God God and man Christ Jesus For it was conuenient that he whiche shoulde make the arbitreu●ente of concorde bytwene God and menne shoulde haue some thynge commen wyth bothe the parties so as beyng God he myghte make intercessyon to God and beynge man myghte reduce men agayne into fauour Why than doeth any man chalenge him properly to hym selfe If the commune father of all sent him to saue al and if he gaue him selfe for the redemption of all it is mete for vs to endeuour by all meanes that hys death maye be indifferently auayleable vnto all In case he died euen for the Ethnikes why shoulde it yrke vs to offre sacrifices of prayers to God for theyr saluation And if it haue bene doubted of at any tyme that Christe came for the vniuersall saluation of the Gentiles nowe it is certaynly manifest and proued matier in dede that Christes death belongeth aswell to the gentiles as to the Jewes In tymes paste the Iewes parti●●cie was somwhat borne withal bycause they should not fynd fault that they were contemned or caste of but anone gods will was to haue it most playnely protested that there is no difference at al of nation of supersticion or condicion of them that flee to the doctrine of the gospel Of this matier goddes pleasure was to haue me chiefely a preacher In this behalf he would haue me be a messagier where as the rest of the Apostles before slowlye wyth leasure and wyth muche a doe admytted the gentyles vnto the grace of the ghospell And at this daye there be not all wantynge that saye there is no entraunce vnto the ghospell but by the lawe of Moses Notwithstandyng Christe hathe appointed the office bothe of a preacher and of an Apostle vnto me that I shoulde preache vnto all men eternall saluation without ayde of the lawe and that we are all bounden to thanke hym for the same and none but him I doe not take this autoritie falslye to my selfe for Christe commaunded me to it And it is no vayne geare that I preache but the thinges that I speake are true and I preache lyke the doctor of the gentiles I vse not arrogauntly to set oute myselfe with vanyties of greate hyghe titles as the false Apostles are wont to do for I haue tryed my selfe vnfeynedly the apostle of y● Gentiles which haue not trust in Moses constitucions among them as they doo but the faithe of the ghospell nor castynge before their eies mystes of vayne questions but plaine symple pure veritie teaching those thynges onely that make auayleably vnto true godlynes rather than vnto priuate lucre or vayne ostentacion The texte I wil therfore that the men pray euery where liftyng vp pure handes without wrathe ▪ or doubtyng Likwyse also y● women that they araye themselfes in cumly apparel wyth shamefas●nesse and discrea●e behauiour not with broyded heare ether golde or pearles or rostlye araye but as becommeth women that professe godlynesse throughe good workes Let the wemen learne in silence with al subiection I suffre not a woman to teache neyther to vsurpe aurthoryte ouer the man but to be in sylence For Adam was fyrste fourmed and then Eue ▪ Adam also was not deaceaued but the woman was deceaued ▪ ● was subdued to the transgressyon ▪ Notwithstandynge thorow bearyng of chyldren she shal be saued yf they contynue in fayth and loue and holynes with discrecyon Nowe to thintent we maye return● to the purpose that we communed of afore I woulde haue men to pray not onely in the congregaciō but also wheresoeuer occasion requyreth The Ie●es praye to god in no place but at Hierusalem The Samaritanes pray on mountaines and in groaues But vnto the Christians al places are pure and holy to offer vp sacrifices of prayers They esteme euery place to be an holy tēple to God and whan they offre as it were a sacrifice they lift vp pure hādes euery where to heauen They haue no nede to wishe for y● mercy seate or most holy place called sanctū sanctorū of y● temple for God wyll graciouslye heare them in euery place wheresoeuer they be that pray vnto him They nede not to
as mooste plentuous witnesses of thyne affection and mutuall loue towardes me By reason wherof I am fylled all together full of ioye whan it commeth to my mynde howe paynlye thou resemblest me in the sinceritie of faythe as a naturall sonne his father And lyke as the integritie of religiō was in me as it were by enheritaūce euen so this sinceritie of fayth semeth to be geuen to the by the handes of thyne elders For it dwelt stedfastly fyrst in thy Grādemother Lois thā after by by in thy mother Eunica I doubt not but thou wilt become accordigly like a neuew to so right a religious grādmother a sonne to so right a good mother seing thou hast ben more desyrous to be like to thē thā to thy kyndred of thy fathers syde The texte Wherfore I warne the that thou stiere vp the gyfte of god which is in the by the puttyng on of my handes For god hath not geuen to vs the spirite of feare but of power of loue of sobrenes Be not thou therfore ashamed of the testimony of our lorde nether be ashamed of me which am his prysoner but suffer thou aduersitie with the ghospell accordyng to the power of god which saued vs and called vs with an holy calling not accordyng to our dedes but accordyng to his owne purpose and grace which was geuē vs thorow Christ Iesu before the worlde began but i● now declared openly by y● appearyng of our sauiour Iesus Christ which hath put awaye death hath broughte lyft and immortalitie vnto lyght thorowe the gospel wherunto I am appoynted a preacher and Apostle and a teacher of the Gentiles for the which cause I also suffre these thinges Neuerthelesse I am not ashamed ▪ For I knowe and am sure that he in whom I haue put my trust is able to kepe that which I haue committed to his kepyng agaynst y● day These thinges I remēbre the of so as thou mayest be of y● better courage both by the example of vs and of thyne elders to stiere vp by thyne industrye diligence the gifte of God which thou receyuedst by the laying on of mine handes whan thou waste ordayned a Byshop and boldely and without shrynkynge to accomplyshe the office commytted vnto thee feare not any mens barkinges nor the rageing crueltie of persecutours It is the propertie of Iewes to be afrayed of those thinges that this present life occasioneth but vnto vs whiche through beleuing of the gospell are made the children of God he hathe geuen a ferre other maner spirite not to make vs afrayed discouraged for feare distrust but through an assured trust of innocēcie hope of y● promised immortalitie to be bolde lusty through loue to be free ful of courage euē as loue both trusteth altogether vpō gods succour shrinketh not for his neyghbours sake to abyde daungier Finally a spirite y● suffreth not vs to be disturbed ●● our mynd but causeth vs alwaies to perseuer to th ende with a whole a pre●●● ready herte Forasmuch thā as y● hast receyued this spirit set forth his power declare stoutely the thyng the thou hast Be not ashamed of thy profession wherby thou preachest the crosse death of our lord Iesu Christ nor be ashamed to be a disciple of his Apostle though I am ladē with these bondes There is nothing more glorious thā the crosse of Christ y● gaue saluatiō to y● world y● brake the deuiles tirannye y● hath obteined vs immortalitie Christes crosse is our glory These cheanes the I willingly suffre for the ghospelles busines sake are not to my slaunder but to my glorie rather Therefore refuse not to suffre those thynges that Christ suffred and that I suffre for hys sake But be thou ready also to come into the felowshyppe of afflyctions that are layed vpon vs for the ghospell of Christe What so euer chaunceth there is no cause why we shoulde be afrayed for the matier is not done by oure strengthes but by the succour of God We are feble in dede but he is mightye whiche whan we were lost saued vs by the death of hys sonne hauynge done awaye the trespasses of oure former conuersation and hathe called vs vnto holynes not for any merites of ours but beyng enforced by hys own wil and free goodnes that he bestowed vpon vs not vpon anye late aduisemente but from euerlastynge and before all tyme afore the makynge of thys worlde it was decreed of him to geue these thinges vnto vs by his sonne Iesus Christ The matter is no newes to him but that thing that was alwayes in the secret of his mynde he hath lately declared to the worlde by the commyng of our sauiour Iesu Christe who hauyng receyued a bodye subiecte to death hath dispatched awaye death by the crosse and by hys resurreccion hath opened lyfe and immortalitie throughe the preachynge of the ghospell whiche promyseth lyke rewardes vnto them that folowe the exaumple of Christes crosse Thys ghospell preachynge is committed vnto me as the Apostle and teacher of the Gentiles to the intent they maye learne by me that not onely the Iewes are called to this gyfte of God but also all mankynde vniuersallye Forasmuche than as I am tyed in cheynes for the ghospelles sake I am not onely nothyng ashamed of thys affliccion but also I esteme it for a pure greate glorye vnto me To suffre for naughtye dedes doyng it is a reproche but to be afflicted for the glorye of Christe it is excellent This stormye tyme doeth feare me nothyng at all For althoughe I am weake yet I knowe and am assured that he whom I haue put my faythfull trust in is hable ynoughe to kepe vnto the vttermost daye the thing that I haue committed to his fidelitie Throughe his ayde bothe the gospelles busines and my saluation and also the prosperitie of the christian flocke is in sauegarde And albeit anye thynge here in thys worlde seme to perishe for a tyme yet whan that daye shall come in the whyche he shall expresse his myghtie power vnto the worlde he shall restore it wyth greate gayne I haue layed my life and my healthe in his handes and he hathe put me in truste to dispence the doctrine of the gospell In case I shall be a trustye fayth keper he wyll not fayle my trust The texte ▪ Se that thou haue the ensample of the holsome wordes which thou hast heard of me with fayth loue that is in Christ Iesu That good thing which was committed to thy keping ●old fast through the holy gost which dwelleth in vs. This thou knowest how that all they which are in Asia be turned frō me Of which sort are Phigelus and Hermogenes The Lord geue mercy vnto the housholde of Onesiphorus for he ofte refreshed me and was not ashamed of my chaine but when he was at Rome he sought me out very diligently and founde me The lorde graunte vnto hym that he maye fynde
the gayne of saluation whiche is preached by the ghospel encreaceth also For so is it Goddes pleasure to declare his myghtye power We haue sene in the heade what we maye trust vpon in our selues The texte Remember that Iesus Christ of the sede of Dauid tose a gayne from death according to my gospell wherin I suffte trouble as an euyll doa● euen vnto bandes But the word of god was not bounde Therefore I suffre all thynges for the electes sakes that they myght also obtayne that saluacion which is in Christ Iesu with eternal glory It is a true sayinge for yf we be dead with hym we shall also lyue with hym If we be pacient we shall also reigne with him If we d eny hym be al so shal denye vs. If we beleue not yet abyderh he faythful He cannot denye himself Of these thinges put them in remembraunce and testifye before the Lorde that they folowe no contencious wordes whiche are to no profite but to the peruerting of the hearers It is requisite to haue in remembraunce as thou knowest that Christe Iesus beyng made mortall man of the sede of Dauid hath enhaunced the glorye of the ghospell throughe suffrynge of rebukes and after the punishemente of the crosse was exalted to the rewarde of immortalitie This is the ghospell that I preache yet hitherto without shrynkynge beyng neyther afrayed of the Iewes malice nor of the Gentyles feare And for the ghospelles sake I am afflicted with many displeasures of them both yea euen vnto pryson and bondes as thoughe I were an euyll dooer And for all that I doo not so geue ouer the preachyng of the ghospell My bodye is bounden yetto but ●● toungue that preacheth Christ could not be bounden And beyng a prysoner as muche as doeth possyblie lye in me I allure as many as I can vnto Christ of what sorte so euer they be It maketh no matier to me what I suffre so that I maye encrease some gaynes to the ghospell of Christ For this cause sake I suffre all thynges wyllynglye beyng assured of mine owne saluacion and that they also throughe preachynge of the ghospell shall atteyne saluation whō God hathe appoynted to this felicitie whiche saluation is offered to all men not throughe Moses lawe but throughe Iesus Christe who lyke as he hathe suffred for vs so lykewise it becometh vs to suffre for his gospelles sake and for the saluacion of our brethren and lyke as he throughe sondry afflictions and spyghtefull entreatyng was exalted to the glorye of heauen euen so muste we preace to the same ende by the same waye This matier vnto manye semeth hard vncredible but vnto vs it ought to be vndoubted For yf we bethrough baptisme dead together with Christ vnto the lustes of this world or also yf we perseuer in the professyon of baptisme so it chaunce vs to be turmoyled with the sorowes of this world it shal come to passe that we shal also liue with Christ y● is to wete we shall be cōpanions of immortalitie with him whiche were cōpanyons of death with him And yf we suffer wyth hym and for his glorie we shall vndoubtedly reigne with him also For god is of most perfite equitie wil not suffre those to be shut out from the felowshippe of reygnyng whom he would haue to be felowes of sorowes suffryng Yf we professe him boldely in this worlde before men he shall acknowlege vs also in his Maiestie But and if we shall denye him for he denyeth him that refuseth his crosse it shall come to passe that in the laste daye we shall heare that terrible voice I knowe you not It we put our trust in him we do for our owne wealthe but if we distrust him he shall haue no losse For concernyng our opinion of him there commeth neyther wynnyng nor losyng to him therof He of his owne nature is true and can not chose but be lyke hymselfe Whether we beleue or beleue not that shall come to passe that he hath promysed to the godly lyfe that neuer shal dye and to the vngodlye deathe that shall neuer haue ende Thys is the foundacion of the ghospelles doetrine Of this see thou warne all men wythoute disputyng and wrangglyng with humayne argumentes but charge them by the Lord Iesus the autor of this doctrine and the witnesse of thy monicion yea and the reuēget of vngodlynes excepte they will repent beyng warned By this manner of sadde earnest charge geuyng thou shalt doo more good than with disputing Mynde not in any wise to stryue with wordes after the maner of Sophisters nor couet with humayne reasones to affirme the thinge that oughte to be perceaued by faythe For that matter doeth not onely auayle nothyng to the furtheraunce of godlynes but also it weakeneth the strength of faythe and at length subuerteth the myndes of the hearers that euerye thinge is called in to question and with philosophicall reasones the thyng now set vp now throwen ●●●ne whereof it is not lawfull to doubte and so ariseth question vpon question that there is nether ende nor measure of questionyng The texte ▪ Study to shew thy selfe laudable vnto god a workeman that neadeth not to be ashamed destributyng the word of truth iustly As for vngostly vanites of voyces passe thou ouer them for they wylencreace vnto greater vngodlynes and their wordes shall frete euen is both the disease of a Cancre of whose nomber is Dimeneus and Philetus which as ●●●●nyng the truth haue erred saying that the resurteccion is past already and doe ●●●roy the fayth of some But the sure ground of god standeth styl and hath this sca●e the Lord knoweth them that are hys And let euery man that calleth on the name of christ depart from iniquitie Notwithstandyng in a great house are not onely vesselles of gold and of s●●uer but also of wood and of yerth some for honoure and some for dishonour If a man therfore purge hym selfe from suche men he shal be a vessel sanctified vnto honouer mete for the vses of the Lorde and prepared vnto all good workes See that thou rather let suche maner of wranglynges passe and studye to shewe thy selfe a ghospellyke workeman not a disputour but a woorkeman laudable not vnto men but vnto God and behaue thy selfe so in the ghopels affayres as he that hath chosen thee nede not to be ashamed of thee And that shalte thou doe in case thou wylte thwyte of vayne fonde disputacions and teache faith to be the summe total of the ghospels doctrine and yf thou brushe awaye the brambles of doubtefull questions and deuyde and dystribute the worde of God wyth vprighte iudgemente propoundyng onely those thynges that properlye belong to the matier of saluation and of Godlynes Moreouer reiecte boldely vayue brablyng of wordes whiche yf they be once receyued venome appeareth by lytle and lytle and they shall growe alwayes to wickednes more and more and at length the mater shall come to that ende that mans
deade so manye in multitude as are starres of the skie and as the sand the which is bi the sea shore innumerable Moreouer his wyfe Sara when she had bothe an olde man to her husband and her selfe was so stricken with age that her matrice lacked natural strength to drawe mannes sede vnto it and retayne the same dyd neuerthelesse cōceyue and was deliuered of Isaac mistrusting the strength of nature but yet giuing credence vnto God who by an aungell promysed her a man chylde the nexte yeare She gaue no eare to nature reclaming and barking to the contrarie but onely had a sure belefe that God coulde not lye God promysed Abraham a posteritie equall in nombre to the starres and the sande of the sea shore and yet by the course of nature was there no hope of yssue at all That notwithstandyng he had no mystrust And therfore of this one olde man beyng barayne by reason of age there yssued a posteritie so many in numbre as are the starres of the s●ye and the sande in the sea shore For he loked for sonnes and nephewes not after the kynred of bloud but after the imitacion of faith wherby al we are the ofspring and posteritie of Abraham whiche do beleue the promises of the gospel Therfore not onely Abraham but also all his true posteritie were of suche constaunt fayth that very death bereaued not them therof The texte These all died according to faith when they had not receyued the promises but saw thē a far of and beleued them and saluted them and confessed that they were straungers and pilgremes on the yearth For they that say such thinges declare that they seke a coūtrey Also if they had bene myndeful of the countrey from whēce they came out they had leasure to haue returned agayne but now they desire a better that is to saye an heauenly Wherefore God hymselfe is not a shamed to be called their God for he hath prepared for them a cytie For all these dyed when they as yet had not the promysses perfourmed but lawe them a farre of by fayth and beleued them and for greate desyre saluted them puttyng so lytle trust in this lande wherein no man maye lyue anye long space that they confessed them selfes straungers and pylgrymes not onely in Palestyne but in the whole worlde For oftetymes they call this lyfe a pilgrimage and straunge dwellyng And Dauid in the mystical Psalme confesseth himselfe to be a pylgryme on the lande as all his forefathers and elders were and yet reigned he in Palestine and builded there a citie And verely this countre y was compassed about with very narrowe lymites and a great parte thereof came not to the possession of the Hebrues the ofspryng successours of Abraham bycause they coulde not driue out the olde possessioners neyther dyd Moyses entre into the same but behelde and saluted if a farre of from a mountayne when he was aboute to passe out of the world and yet had he no mistrust of the promyses Therefore sence they confesse themselues to be pylgrymes they sufficiently declare that they desyre and long for a countrey What countrey seke they after vnto whom all this worlde is an exile and banishement They forsoke their countrey of Chaldey the whiche if they had so sore longed for it was not so farre of but that they myghte haue had conueniente recourse thider at pleasure Therfore they longed not for that but for an other coūtrey better then it wherin they myght liue for euer quite exempte and deliured from all greuous sorowes and paynes of this wretched worlde This was that heauenly countrey into the whiche God called them out from theyr owne for the loue wherof he wylled them so to lyue in this worlde as thoughe they were not therin And for this cause almyghtie God where he is the maker soueraigne Lorde of all men calleth himselfe speciallye the God of Abraham Isaac and Iacob For he is properly the God of those that haue put their whole trust and all aydes of felicitie in him And vnto suche hath he prepared not an earthly but a celestiall citie in the whiche they reygne alwayes in blysse with him for whose sake they contemned all thynges The texte By faith Abraham offered by Isaac when he was proued and offered hym being his only begotten sonne in whom he had receiued the promisses And to hym it was sayd ●● Isaac shall thy sede be called for he considered that God was hable to rayse hym up agayn from death Therefore receiued he hym also for an ensample of the resurreccy on By faith dyd Isaac blesse Iacob and Esau concernynge thynges to come Was not this also a notable exaumple of fayth in Abraham that when God tryeng howe vnfaynedly he trusted hym commaunded hym to offre vp in sacrifice his sonne Isaac where as he was hys onely sonne and he in whose name the posteritie was promysed for these were the wordes of the promyser Thy sede shall be called in Isaac yet he without further delaye dyd as he was cōmaūded to do not reasonyng here with himselfe on this wise Of whom shal I haue posteritie if I sley hym in whom onely resteth all the hope of my posteritie But he consydered this in his mynde that God who made the promyse coulde not lye and that he was able yf it pleased hym to reyse his deade sonne the multiplier of his stocke euen from death And because he beleued the resurrection of the dead it was therfore gyuen him to bryng home his sonne againe with him beyng as it were restored to lyfe notwithstādyng he was as much as in the father laye dead who euen then represented by a certayne figure the resurrection of Iesu Christe to come This was also a manyfest example of a mynde hauyng a great confidence in God that when Isaac saye on hys death bedde and had not as yet receyued the felicitie promysed of God yet was he bolde to promyse the same to Iacob and Esau his sonnes when he blessed thē both foreseyng both theyr lyues and the contrarie rewarde that eche of them shoulde haue So quycke of syght is faith that she seeth euen those thinges as present whiche are farre distant from the bodely senses The texte By faith Iacob when he was in dying blessed bothe the sōnes of Ioseph and bo●●● hymselfe toward the toppe of his scepter By faith Ioseph when he dyed remembred the departynge of the children of Israel and gaue commaundement of his bones It came of lyke faithe that Iacob at the hower of his death blessed all the sonnes of Ioseph not ignoraunt what was to come who crossynge hys armes layed his right hande vpon Ephraim beyng on his left syde and his lefte hāde vpon Manasse standynge on hys ryghte syde nothynge doubtynge but that woulde come to passe which the holy ghost tolde him before shoulde happen But this faithfull olde man saw a greate deale farther what time he kyssinge the toppe of the sceptre
Barache and of Samson and of Iephthae of Dauyd also Samuell of the ●●● phetes whych through fayth subdued kyngdomes wrought tyghteousues obtayned the promyses stopped the mouthes of lions quenched the violence of fire escaped the edge of y● swearde out of y● wekenes wer made strong wared valyant in fight turned to flyghte the armyes of the alyentes the women receyued their dead raysed to lyfe agayne But seyng that among so many wonderfull actes of oure forefathers and elders there was none at all notably achiued with out the aide of faithe for what purpose shoulde I stande in the particuler rehersall of them all I shoulde soner lacke tyme then examples if I would go forth with the stories of the Captayne Gedeon who trustynge vpon the aydes of God feared not with three hundred men to set vpon the hooste of the Madianites excedyngly wel fournished with men armoure and all other habilimentes of warre And in conclusion dyscomfited and put to flyght a great multitude of them with the sownd of trompettes noyse of pytchers and merueylous and sodayne appearynge of candels in suche wyse that the Hebrues neuer drawyng their swerdes one of them slewe an other Of Barache who trusting vpon the propheceie of the woman Debora set vpō the excedyngly well appoynted hooste of the Captayne Selara and slewe the same not leauing one man aliue and finally put kyng Iabin to flight who anon after was slayne of a woman Of Sampson who beyng ayded with the helpe of God achiued manye wonderful enterprises against the Philistians for the defence of his countrey the whiche coulde not be done of a greate manye together nor yet by any puissaunce and strength of mannes bodye Of Iephthae who albeit he was a vile basterd and of base fortune in his countrey yet trustyng vpon Goddes helpe had a merueylous goodly victorie ouer the Immonites enymyes to his people Of Dauid who besydes so many victories by Gods helpe gotten besydes so many ieoperdies as he escaped by the preseruation of almighty God feared not beyng but a younge striplyng and wythout armoure to encountre wyth Goliath well weaponed and armed at all peces whom he ouerthre we with the ●●oke of a slyng bycause God should haue the whole glory and prayse of this victorie and not man Of Samuell who withoute anye garde of men to defende his personage gouerned many yeares the people of Israell freely executynge the office of a Iudge and chief ruler among them beyng well assured that God woulde rewarde yf any man dyd any thyng aryght in his ministracion Tyme I saye would fayle me yf I would procede in recityng of al such exāples I wyll here ouerhyp so many noble Prophetes as puttynge theyr trust in God set naught by the threatnynges of tyrantes so many men of renowmed holines as not by worldly goodes riches but by the ayde of god in whō they put their whole affyaūce dyd wōderful dedes by theyr worthy actes left behynde thē a memorial of thē selues vnto posteritie For to make a brief sūmarie rehersal of stories omittyng the names of thauctours it is to be ascribed vnto theyr fayth that they beyng as touchyng all other thynges vnable dyd by the helpe of God subdue most wealthye and riche kyngdomes and coulde not by any maner of feare be brought from the kepyng of the lawe that was geuen them lokyng for theyr reward of almyghtie God And because no delayeng of the promises minished their fayth at length they attayned those thynges whiche God promysed vnto their elders They obteyned of him by faithfull prayers that whiche coulde in no wyse be done by the course of nature They were by his preseruation delyuered from excedyng greate daungers The lyons whiche agaynste other are of fiercenesse inuincible they either vanquished or proued harmles as though their mouthes beyng stopped or els their clawes faste bownden they had had no power to hurt those whom God would haue preserued without any anoyaunce When they were cast into the myddes of the fyre they so endured withoute hurte as though they had quenched the naturall violence and heate therof with their bodyes Agayne by the protection of God they escaped awaye safe from their enemyes swerdes that were drawen agaynste them Furthermore God recomfortyng them they receyued after viter desperation exceding greate strength and courage of mynde insomuche that beyng not longe before taken for dead mē they sodaynly acquited them selues manfully in battayll valiauntly put to flyght their enemies of whom they were inuaded Moreouer the faithe also of the wemen deserued that the mothers sawe their deade children reysed from death to lyfe agayne The texte Other were tacked and woulde not be deliuered that they myght inherite a better resurreccion Agayne other were tried with mockinges and scourgynges moreouer with bondes and prysonemente were stoned were hewen asunder were tempted were slayne with sweard walked vp and downe in shepe skynnes goates skynnes being destitute troubled audvered whiche men the world was not worthy of They wandred in wildernesses and in mountaynes and in dennes caues of the yearth Other beyng racked and sore handled with diuerse kyndes of tourmentes were better wyllyng to dye in suche paynes then to be delyuered with condition to obeye the wycked commaundementes of Prynces yeldynge with greate fayth theyr lyues to almyghtye God whiche they knew ryght wel they should receyue agayne with vauntage in the resuttection of the deade supposynge i● muche better to bye immortalitie with the losse of this shorte and transitorie lyfe then for a lytle gayne of small tyme to loose the lyfe eternall Agayne by reason of a constaunt desyre they had to mayntayne the trueth and rightuousnes they were iestynge stockes to all the worlde laughed to skorne of euerye bodye and slaundered for madde menne and workers of myschief and not onlye put to shame for theyr faith towardes God but also had their vertue and goodnesse tryed with scourgynges and moreouer with bondes and emprisonment Furthermore they were stoned hewen a sonder and torne in peces wyth horrible punishemente of bodye To make an ende with what kynde of euyls were they nat tryed with al They dyed with dynt of swerde beynge fully perswaded that good men coulde not by very death be seuered from God Agayne suche of them as chaunced not to make an ende of their tourmentes by death wanne nothyng els by prolongyng of their lyues but that they were tourmented with long martyrdome They were banished from their houses and beyng dryuen oute of townes wandred vp and downe in wyldernesse lyke wilde beastes couered as well as it woulde be with shepe skynnes and Goate skynnes hauyng scarcitie of all necessaries vexed with the cruelnesse of persecutours ready to assayle them on euery syde troubled with the sondrye discomodites and miseries of this lyfe beyng so vnworthy to suffre suche euels and aduersities that the worlde was rather not worthye to haue in it so vertuous and holy men in
to destribute forget not for with suche sacrifices God is pleased Obeye them that haue the ouersyght of you and submit your selfes vnto them for they watch for your soules euen as they that must geue accōptes that they maye do it with ioye not with griefe For that is an vnprofytable thinge for you We offre not vp our sacrifyce within the walles but goe in lyke manoure out of the citie with oure hye priest Christe and contynuallye offre a certayne sacrifice pleasaunt and acceptable vnto God thorowe hym not any beast not corne of the fildes but the fruite of lyppes of lyppes I saye not alonelye of the bodye but also of the sowle by the whiche we acknowlage the benefytes of God towardes vs and hauynge Christes crosse in remembraunce tendre thankes for the remyssion of oure synnes and so manye gyftes as we are endued with all Of this aulter the Iewes are not partakers who abyde styll with in the walles and loue nothyng but that whiche is carnall Nowe learne you also an other kynde of sacrifice worthye to by a sacrifice of the ghospell whiche we muste continally make to please almyghtie God with all Oure neyghboure is to be holpen with our benefites and yf the same be in necessitie then ought we to succour him with ●haide of our goodes and substaūce For by suche sacrifices goddes fauour is sooner obteyned then by the triflyng obseruaunces and constitucions of the Iewes without regarde of our christian brother Obey you those whiche haue the ouersyghte of you submyttynge youre selfes vnto them althoughe they be euell persons so long as they go not aboute to enforce you to vngodlynesse For when they doe accordynge to their office and vocation they watche for youre soules inasmuche as they prouide for your soule health and saluacion and that with their owne peryll bycause they shall gyue an accomptes of their ministration vnto almyghtie God from whome all power commeth You shall greatlye ease them of their burthen yf you shewe your selfes obsequious and obedyent vnto them to thentente that what so euer they do they maye doe it with righte good will and gladly rather then with euell wyll and grudgyng For that is bothe greuous vnto them and also vnto you vnprofitable It greueth them that they haue taken so muche payne without any profite On thother syde it is not expedient for you to prouoke goddes wrath agaynst you thorowe your dysobedience The texte Praye for vs. For we ●eust we haue a good conscience among all men desire to lyue honestly But I desyre you the more that ye so do that I maye be restored to you the f●●er The God of peace that brought agayn from death our Lorde Iesus the greate shepherd of the shepe through the bloude of the euerlasting testament make you perfecte in al good workes to do his will bryng to passe that the thing whych ye do maye be pleas●● in his syght through Iesus Christ To whom be prayse for euer while y● world endureth Amen Praye ye vnto God for my brethren and me For as it semeth I ought to be nombred among your good pastours and byshoppes Whether I be alowed of all men or no I cannot tell yet I trust I haue demeaned my selfe as honestye and good conscience woulde amonge all those whiche are desyrous to lyue after the rule of the gospell And this do I the more earnestly desyre you to do to th entent I maye the soner be restored vnto you agayne In the meane season I lykewyse praye for you that it maye please God thauctour of peace whiche hath raysed agayne from death that chiefe shepeherd and pastour of his shepe our Lorde Iesus Christe who when he was relyued entred into heauen thorowe his bloude there to make intercession for vs vnto the father with the whiche bloude he hath hallowed the newe and euerlastyng testament I praye for you I say that it maye please him to make you perfite in all good workes to thentente you maye satisfie and accomplyshe hys will and that it maye further please him to bryng to passe that the thinge whiche ye do may be pleasaunt and acceptable in his sight and that thorow his sonne Iesus Christ who is alwayes present and setteth forth oure sacrifices vnto whom all glorie is due not onely in this present lyfe but also for euermore Amen There is nothyng that we can chalēge and ascribe vnto our selfes for our well doinges It is his gyfte and commeth of him what so euer we doe wherewith God is pleased The texte I beseche you brethren suffre the worde of exortacion for we haue written vnto you in fewe wordes Ye knowe our brother Timothe that he is at lybertie with whom yf become shortly I wyll se you Salute them that haue the ouersyght of you all the saintes They of Italy salute you Grace be with you all Amen These thinges haue I written for your exhortacion desyryng you to take in good parte that I haue done of a good mynde and purpose I haue written vnto you in fewe wordes as he who purposeth shortly to see you You shal vnderstande that Timothe is not with me at this present For I haue sent him to an other place If he retourne shortly I wyll come with him and se you Haue me commended to all suche as haue the ouersyght● of you and furthermore to the whole companye of saynctes or good christians The Italians salute you The grace and fauour of god be with you all Amen ¶ Thus endeth the Paraphrase vpon the Epistle to the Hebrues To the right Excellent and most vertuous Lady Anne Duchesse of Somerset her graces moste humble Orator Iohn olde wisheth true felicitie and continuaunce of health in Christ Iesu oure only saueour COnsyderyng moste vertuous and excellēt Ladye that the holy goste playnlie commendynge by the mouthes of the moste worthy kinges of famous memorie Dauyd and Salomon the myghtye effectuous working vertue and necessary holsomnes of the feare of God which is the right foundacion and groundworke of godly wysedome sayeth amonge other specyal●yes of sondry mencioned states of persones in a vehement admi●acy on of praise that the woman whiche feareth the Lorde shal be so muche commendacion worthie and be estemed for so excellent a treasour and Iewell that her price is farre beyonde the vttermoste coastes because that hauynge that sure grounde worke of wisedome she like a dyligent skilfull house wife employeth the stocke and whole substaunce of her qualities and trauaile in those necessatie ▪ dooinges from tyme to tyme which make to the furniture of true religion and the glory of God suppressing of vice aduauncement of christian vertue and to the reliefe of the nedy especially those of the householde of faithe so that in her labours and ordrely forcaste of well dooinges procedinge from vertue to vertue as thoccasion and necessitie of matter perswadeth the pillers and tur●ettes of heauenly wisedome shynynge and glistringe in the eies of the beholders
worlde thynketh is losse and it is blessednes whatsoeuer they thynke is sorowfulnesse Therefore it is in you to bryng to passe that no violence of sorowes can do you harme by any waye Whatsoeuer the naughtynesse of men shall take awaye from you the free larges of God shall restore it agayne with excedyng great vauntage So that yf you haue the fruicion of God you haue no cause to be afrayed of mens threatnynges or to be disquieted with the violence of sorowes neyther be you troubled in your mynde in the myddes of the stormes of affliccions as though you were destitute of Goddes helpe Neither speake you cursedly vnto men that punyshe you throughe ignoraunce but rather glorifie you the lorde God in your heartes whiche to his seruauntes turneth all thynges in to the best whethersoeuer chaunseth ioye or aduersitie Therefore he is euer worthye to be praysed albeit a man can not alwaies with worde of mouthe yet with affeccion of the heart he maye euery where and at all tymes Hys enemyes are not to be prouoked with scoldynges but wheresoeuer anye hope shall offre it selfe that they maye be drawen vnto Christe be you prompte and ready to answere whosoeuer desireth to knowe with what confidence and throughe what hope you set naught by the commodities of this life and suffre the incommodities so paciently And that do you not disdeignefully nor tauntynglye as thoughe you were offended at them but with al mildenes and reuerence that is to say vsing a good conscience of your owne althoughe you can not be hable to perswade them For it is not ynoughe for Christians to speake thinges that are true and worthy of Christ but also to speake after suche sorte that the verye reason of your talke maye declare that you are not in hande with your own busines but that you respecte the glorie of Christe and the saluation of them whiche you speake vnto This shal be the surest argument to make them ashamed which slaundre your conuersation that you leade accordyng to Christes doctrine as thoughe it were a countrefaict and a naughty conuersacion For countrefaicte vertue althoughe it otherwise begile men with his iuggling yet whan it commeth once to suffring of punishementes it breaketh out and bewrayeth it self There is nothing but a good conscience and a conscience that dependeth wholy of God that is hable chearefully to beare all thinges and to be so farre frō intendyng reuengement that he goeth about also to do good to them of whom he is punished The texte For it is better yf the wyll of God be so that ye suffre for well doing then for euil doing For asmuche as Chryst hath once suffred for sinnes the iust for the vniust to bring vs vnto God and was killed as pertaining to the fleshe but was quickned in the spirit In which spirit he also went and preached vnto the spirites that were in prison whych somtyme had ben disobedient when the long suffering of God was once loked for in the daies of Noe while the Arke was a preparing wherin a few y● is to say viii solles were saued by the water lyke as baptisme also now saueth vs not the puttynge away of the fylth of the fleshe but in that a good conscience consenteth to God by the resurreccion of Iesus Christ whyche is on the righte hande of God and is gone into heauen Aungelles powers and myght subdued vnto hym Let it not moue you that you harmeles folkes suffre sorowes at their handes whiche be harmedoers but rather it is in that behalf the more easely to be borne whatsoeuer is done vnto you For it is better for you if it be the wyll of God that you suffre these thinges that you suffre for wel doyng than for euil doyng For he that is punysshed for his euil dedes suffreth that he hath deserued but the punyshementes that you suffre turne to the glory of Christe and to the heaped encreace of your felicitie It is a gloriouse thynge for you to folowe thexample of your prince Thus he aduaunced the glory of God the father he beyng all together without synne was taken bounden beaten spytte vpon crucified and dyed for our synnes where as he had no synne at all The ryghtuous for the vnryghtuous the faultes for the faultye suffred paynes gladly obeyng the fathers will that he myghte presente vs that were synners cleane and without spotte vnto the father that we also folowyng his example shoulde lyue harmeles amonge harmedoers and that we beynge made good shoulde suffre for the wealth of them that naught are He dyed onely once for all and for temporall affliccion was endowed with lyfe euerlastynge that we beyng once redemed from synnes shoulde not slyde backe agayne to the same It is Christ than that hath made vs cleane being delyuered to death for the weakenes of the humaine body which he had receiued but he was raised to life agayne by the power of the spirite whyche coulde not be ouercome wyth any affliccions For the same tyme that his dead body was closed in the graue he being alyue in spirite pearced vnto the helles lyke as vnto men endued with mortall bodye he preached the doctryne of the gospell in his bodylye presence which those that beleued attayned saluacion and those that refused to beleue purchaced to them selues the heape of eternal damnacion euen so his body beyng laied aparte his spirite went vnto them which being deliuered of their bodies lyued in the helles and preached vnto them that nowe is the time present wherein they should receyue the rewarde of their godlines for y● in tymes past they ●earing the iustice of god nether reuenged them selues of euilles liued faultles among the faultye and declared that they suffred condyng punyshementes which in the daies of Noe when the Arke was furnisshed the floude was loked for that God being prouoked by mortall mennes wickednes would send vpon them beleued not but abused the gentilnes of God when they sawe the thing that he threatned put of for a certayn of yeares Therfore when the floude came it destroyed all except a very fewe that is to saye no moe but onely eight persons which according to Noes counsel went into the arke were not drowned in the floud And therefore euen in those tymes faythe wanted not h●● rewarde For God suffred not those to perishe that trusted in him with al their whole her● Neither can the vnbeleuers escape y● vengeaūce of God although you be no reuengers For it is ynough for you that you obeye God but as for the punyshement of the rest refe●re that to hym Now● that whiche N●es A●ke was vnto them is baptisme vnto you that same thyng that the floud was vnto them is the eternal punishement vnto the wicked and preached vnto them that obey not the gospel It was ynough for Noe to haue tolde them of the floud that was to come It was ynough to haue shewed by what meanes they myght escape the daungier
yf throughe repentaunce they would haue aswaged y● wrath of god which they had prouoked vpon thēselues by theyr own wickednes And so let your vpryghtenes be ynoughe vnto you let it be ynough for you to haue declared vnto other what rewarde i● prepared for them that beleue the gospel what peyne abideth the vnbeleuers If there be but a fewe saued by fayth it shall not be layed to your charge If a great part of men perishe throughe vnbelefe they perishe through their owne faulte After this sorte it was the wyll of God to vtter the difference betwene the good and the badde Baptisme receiued as it ought to be preserueth agaynst destruccion and wassheth awaye the fylthynes not of bodyes but of soules But baptisme beyng broken promisse withall destroyeth for euer and wyndeth into so muche the more haynous rageing streames of wickedness● Therfore the thing that is saluacion to some hauing faythe doth bringe destruccion to the vnbeleuers and suche as are rebellions agaynst fayth Notwithstandynge it is not ynough for you that through the floude of baptisme your sinnes are perished and that wicked lustes of the former conuersacion are lost onles ther be present a good conscience also in all the lyfe after correspondent to the benefit of God Christ died howbeit but only once he is risen again neuer to dye and vnto vs the synfulnesses of oure former olde lyfe are in ly●● sort slayne by the death of Christ that we shoulde afterwarde lyue agayne to innocencie and neuer slyde backe agayne in to synnes as muche as lyeth in vs. That shall come to passe if we shall as it were settyng inortalytie apart desi●ou sly aspire vnto y● countrey of heauen with al our whole hertes the enheritaūce wh●rof abydeth them that obey the gospel For so Iesus Christe rose agayne tha● he would not make long taringe after that vpon earth but cōueyed him selfe out of mortall mennes companye vp into heauen and there hauynge the fruicion of the glory of immortalitie sitteth on the fathers right hande not wtout a body but suche a body as death hath now no title to it at all And whyle death goeth about the swalowe vp the innocente it is vtterly swalowed vp it selfe and while death surely reconeth to haue gotten a great praye it became a praye it selfe Finally Christes victorie is our victorye and the glory that went before in him is shewed vnto vs in case we continue styll in the thyng that we haue begon and sticke harde in his fotesteppes Againste him the tormentes of the wicked preuailed nothing at all but in his pacient suffryng of them he gate the victorie he trihumpheth and raigneth alofte sittyng in heauen aboue all aungelles or whatsoeuer vertue and power there is besydes Vnto you he hathe opened the waye into heauen that by the same way that he entred in you maye also thrust in thycke and treefolde into the same place The enheritaunce is ready and certaine the possession wherof he hath also entred for your sakes so that you expresse your selues worthy of it that is to saye if you set your studies vpon the innocencie which he hath frely geuen to do good vnto all men yea euen to the euyll and those that punyshe you as much as vnto you perteyneth ¶ The .iiii. Chapter The texte For as much then as Christ hath suffred for vs in the fleshe arme ye your selues lykewyse with the same mynde for he which suffereth in the fleshe ceaseth from sinne that he hence forwarde shoulde lyue as muche tyme as he remayneth in the fleshe not after the lustes of men but after the wyl of God For it is suffycient for vs that we haue spent the tyme that is past of the life after the will of the Gentils walkyng in wantones lustes in excesse of wines in excesse of eating in excesse of drinking in dronkennes and in abhominable idolatry And it semeth to them an inconuenient thing that ye runne not also with them vnto the same excesse of riot and therfore speake they euil of you which shall geue accomces to him that is ready to iudge quicke dead For vnto this purpose verelie was the Gospel preached also vnto the dead that they shoulde be iudged lyke other men in y●●●she but should liue before God in the spirit The end of al thinges is at hand ▪ FOr as muche than as Christe your Prynce and head folowed not the pleasures of thys lyfe but throughe suffrynge of afflyceions for a tyme came vnto the glorye of heauen and seing that he hath conquered the aduersaries with the weapons of paciente sufferaunce it is reason that you which professe your selues to be his disciples shoulde arme your selues with the lyke purpose of mynde Innocencie of lyfe is the most surest armour and christian pacience is the fortresse that can not be beaten downe He that is gyrded with pacience is sure that no man can be hable to hurt him Whosoeuer is deade together with Christ after the fleshe hath so geuen ouer the synfulnes of his former conuersacion that he is playnly deade to humayne desyres so that nowe he is not tickled with gredynes of renowme he is not prouoked with desyre of reuengemente but all the reste of hys tyme that is geuen hym in thys sely carkas lyueth all together whole to the wyll of God whom onelye his ●esyre is to please of whom also he lokethe for the rewarde of a good conscience and vnto him he referreth the vengeaunce takyng of the wycked Whosoe●er is readily prepared to suffre martyrdome is not touched with the pleasure ● of this worlde For thys he thynketh with him selfe God forbydde that I beyng once done vpon the crosse with my Christ shoulde goe downe to the vices that I haue forsaken and that I beyng once appointed vnto euerlastyng felicitie shoulde be tombled backe agayne to this worldes delices whiche are not only shorte but also folyshe It is euen large ynough that I being a straunger frō Christe haue spent the tyme past in folyshe lustes whiche the prophane Heathens do filthiely serue beyng addicte and geuē to wantones to fleshly lustes to dronkenes to excessyue bankettynges and to abomynable image worshyppynges These prankes we are glad we haue left behynde vs by the goodnes of Christe and as often as we loke backe at them we shrugge for feare to remembre suche fylthynes of lyfe and so great blynde darkenes of ignoraunce Nowe in stedde of outragious luste chastitie is pleasaunte for ●iote temperate fare for wynnebybbyng sobrietie for supersticious worshypping of images true godlynes and deuoute worshyppyng of the lyuyng God vnto whō the mooste acceptable sacrifice that maye be is a mynde pure and vnspotted from all vncleanes of synne Those that haue theyr blynde darkenes yet styll haue maruaile at this so great a chaungeing of myndes and lyfe in you and thynke scorne that their riotousnes is condemned by your temperate fa●e and that their lyfe whiche floweth ouer with all kyndes of
Christ that is to say him of whom we must nedes aske al the succoures of our salnacion and beleueth that in his hearte he is borne of god and is called alredy into the nūmbre of the sonnes of God In dede he can not chose but loue the is a sonne Thā whosoeuer loueth him heartely that is y● father loueth him also the was borne of him that is to wete his brother with whome he hath all one commune father By this tokē we proue that we doe truly loue y● children of God yf we first loue God him selfe heartely For there is nothing truely loued except it be loued for his sake Than that we loue God it shall euidently so appeare yf we kepe his commaundementes and kepe them chearfully and gladly for his commaundementes are none otherwyse greuous For what is greuous to the louer what is greuous to him that goeth post haste to suche maner rewardes The worlde obiecteth terrible appearaunces of euilies pouertie vanyshement slaunder enprisonmentes whippinges deathes It is a great fraye but the victorie is made readye For what soeuer is borne of God ouercommeth the worlde But with what furnitures doeth he ouercome y● worlde with riches with garisons of men with engines of warre with worldly learning no no they ouercome the worlde as cruelly rageing as it is throughe a stedfast onely faithe wherwith they committe them selues wholy vnto God their protectour Thy riches are snatched awaye yea but what sayeth faithe to that Thou haste a treasure in heauen Thou art throwen out to be a vanished man yea but the countrey of heauen loketh for his countreyman Thy body is turmoyled with tormentes yea but with them are bought euerlasting ioyes Death is deuised for the yea but after it shall folowe lyfe that neuer shall dye Who is it than that ouercometh the worlde not a lorde not the riche man not a philosopher not a kyng but he who soeuer he be that beleueth verely that Iesus is the sonne of God Beleue that which he hath promised and it shal nothing moue thee whatsouer the worlde purposeth against thee He ouercame the world first atteyned immortalitie he came into this world hauīg takē our mortal body to get the victorye for vs to shew the meane of victorye getting to cause y● rewardes to be certaynely reckoned vpon But with what furnitures came he armed withall He came by water and bloude euen Iesus Christe by water that he myght washe vs cleane from our synnes by bloude that he myght geue vs immortall lyfe Hys owne wyll was to be baptised beinge cleane voyde from all synne that he myght frelye geue vnto vs innocencye hys owne wyll was to dye on the crosse that he myght open vnto vs the waye vnto immortalitie He dyd not onelye testifie by these two tokens that he was Christ and the sauiour of the worlde in that he receyued baptisme as a synfull man in that he dyed as a malefactour where he one onely none among all but he was Innocent from all synne but the spirite also appearynge in the likenes of a doue bare recorde of him that it was he whō the father had geuen to be the sauyour of the worlde For the spirite is also the trueth as the father and the sonne is there is one trueth of all like as there is one nature of all For there are three in heauen that beare recorde vnto Christ the father the worde and the spirite the father whiche sending once and eftsones a voice downe from heauen testified openly that he is his dearly beloued sonne in whom nothing coulde doe amisse the worde whiche hauing done so many miracles whiche in his death and resurreccion declared him selfe to be the true Christ bothe God and man the peacemaker betwene God and men the holy gooste whiche descended vpon his head whan he was baptised and that after his resurreccion fell vpon his disciples And of these three there is all one most perfite agrement the father is the autor the sonne the messanger the holy goost the remembrauncer There are three thinges also on earthe that beare recorde vnto Christ his humayne spirite whiche he put from him one the crosse the water and the bloode that ranne out of his syde whan he was deade And these three witnesses doe agree The other declared him to be God these recorde that he was man Iohn also bare witnesse And yf we receyue witnesse of men it is reason that the witnesse of God be of more importaunce with vs. For the testimonie of God the father is manifest Thys is my VVelbeloued Sonne in VVhom I am pleased heare him What thing can be spoken more plainly or more fully he that beleueth truly in goddes sonne Iesus Christ and hath reposed al the succours of his lyfe in him so that trusting in his promisses he contemneth all thinges that this worlde can make a shewe of whether they be amiable or dreadfull hathe a witnesse in him selfe and beareth witnesse vnto the sonne of God For whan throughe thinspiracion of the spirite of Christe he defieth euen deathes for his loue he beareth no trifling witnesse vnto mē that they are no vaine thīges that Christ hath taught and promised He that trusteth not in god but putteth his trust in the worlde he as muche as in him is maketh god a lyer whiche hath promised felicitie vnto them that woulde herkē vnto his sonne Iesu Christ where as he in his conuersaciō teacheth that felicitie is to be asked of the worlde cleaueth so vnto the cōmodities of this lyfe as thoughe nothing of a man remayned after the deathe of the bodye The father cryeth Heare him And his lyfe that beleueth not sayeth Heare the worlde For whan the sonne prayed the father that those whiche beleued or shoulde beleue in him might haue eternall lyfe the fathers voyce was heard testifiyng as by the sound of a trompet that his prayers should be allowed The father therfore hath geuen vs euerlastyng lyfe shewinge of whome it should be asked euen of his sonne Iesus Christe His doctrine who soeuer embraceth his example whosoeuer foloweth hys promises whosoeuer trusteth vnto he bothe possedeth the sonne and hath life the pledge wherof he kepeth in the meane time euen the spirite of god throughe the vndoubted confidence whereof he is bolde to call God father He that is a straunger from the sonne is estraunged also from lyfe The texte These thinges haue I written vnto you that beleue on the name of the sonne of god that ye maye knowe howe that ye haue eternall lyfe and that ye maye beleue on the name of the sonne of god And thys is the trust that we haue in hym that yf we aske any thyng accordinge to hys wyll he heareth vs. And yf we knowe that he heare vs whatsoeuer wee aske we knowe that we haue the peticions that we desire of hym If any man see his brother sinne a synne not vnto death let hym aske and he shall geue hym
lyfe for them that sinne not vnto death There is a synne vnto death for whiche saye I not that a man shoulde praye All vnrighteousnes is sin and ther is a synne not vnto death We knowe that whosoeuer is borne of god synneth not but he that is begotten of god kepeth himselfe and that wicked toucheth hym not We know that we are of god and the worlde is all together set on wickednes We knowe that the sonne of god is come and hath geuen vs a mynde to knowe hym whiche is true and wee are in him that is true through his sonne Iesus Christ This same is very god and eternal lyfe Babes kepe your selues from images Amen These thinges therfore doe I repete and beate vnto you with so many wordes lest any man shoulde persuade vnto you the contrarye But take it for a sure and an vndoubted certayntie that it is true whiche you haue beleued that euerlastynge lyfe is ordayned for you throughe Iesus Christe whose ioyned felowe heires you are You haue already the ryght clayme and gage and shall haue possession of the thyng selfe in hys tyme. Therefore you that beleue in the sonne of God beleue stedfastlye and put youre sure trust in hym daylye more and more He wyll not fayle you in the promyses of euerlastyng lyfe that fayleth you not nowe euen in thys lyfe For in dede the spirite of Christe geuethe this confidence vnto you that whatsoeuer you shal aske in y● name of the sonne you should obtaine it if ye aske according to hys wyll that is yf you be suche when you come to praye as he woulde haue you to come that is to saye pure from all maner hate of your brother For he obteyneth nothyng at goddes hande of whom his neyghbour obteyneth not forgeuenes of his fault And if you aske those thinges that are auaileable to the lyfe of heauen and make to the glorye of Christ Or elles we for the moste parte knowe not what we shoulde aske of God and many tymes for holsome thynges we desire hurtfull thynges yf the spirite of Christe put vs not in mynde what were expedient for vs to aske but as ofte as we aske after thys sorte we are sure that god heareth oure prayers we are sure that he wyll frely geue vs whatsoeuer we shall aske So hath he promised vs and is hable to performe whatsoeuer he promiseth and wyll performe whatsoeuer is holsome for vs. Neither shall he onely encrease his giftes in vs being prouoked therunto by oure prayers but also he wyll pardon vs oure daylye offences without whome the feblenes of mans nature can scarcely be hable to endure longe and he shall not onely pardon euery one hys offences yf he desire pardon but he shall also heare the brother praying for the brothers offences so that the sinne bee of suche sorte that it doeth not quenche out brotherly loue althoughe it doe somewhat obscure it For there is a synne that cannot bee imputed vn to weakenes nor be healed with lyght and easye remedies as whan a manne vpon a sette malyce persecuteth the christen felowshyppe where he hymselfe hath professed Christe and in pretence of religion goeth aboute to subuert religiō The desperate frowardnes of suche a one deserueth not the prayer of godly menne and yet perfite charitie prayeth also for suche wyshynge for those thynges that cannot possiblye be done There is no manne that prayeth for the deuyll because he doeth wittynglye throughe malyce oppugne them whome God woulde well vnto Perhappes no prayer should also be made for them that are translated into hys affeccion and are rather to be shunned that they doe no harme than to bee releued with prayers excepte they shewe an hope of their repentaunce Suche a disease nedeth more strong remedies and is greater than can bee taken away by dayly praiers wherby lighter offences are taken away which are done of feble weakenes not of purposed frowardenes Whatsoeuer is committed besyde perfite righteousnes is sin but there be many differences of synnes There is some synne whiche althoughe it demynyshe and blotte innocencye yet it vtterlye quencheth not out christian charytye as whan by occasion we ouershote a worde agaynste oure frende whiche we are sory for by and by that it ouer shot vs whan a sodayne angre hath russhed out at a worde that wee woulde wyshe by and by myghte bee called backe agayne whan throughe the swetenes of meate or drynke receyuyng wee take somewhat more then the necessitie of nature doeth require And to pardon these offences God is easie yf he bee called vpon with mutual prayers Suche maner of faultes of children those that be gentyll parentes doe for the moste parte wynke at whiche woulde not suffre greater offences Albeit there is none so lyght a faulte that ought to be neclected Whatsoeuer is done amysse is euyll and to bee eschewed of godlye folkes and yf it bee neclected it drawethe by lytell and lytell vnto deathe But lyke as spedye remidy oughte to be had for these lighter offences whiche men are scarce hable to auoyde euen so god forbydde that he whiche hath once renounced the worlde and dedicated hymselfe vnto god shoulde be tombled backe agayne into anye greate notable cryme By professing of the gospel we are made the childrē of God and membres of Christ And it is not conuenient that the children should diffre so greatly from the father and the membres from the head Therfore he that throughlye vnderstandeth that he is borne of god taketh more hede that he doe no euyl than of deathe it selfe and kepeth hymselfe that he haue nothynge a doe with that naughtie lorde deuill whom he serued before together with the worlde Lyke as Christe beynge once dead rose agayne to lyfe and rose agayne to lyfe neuer to dye any more euen so he that throughe baptisme is once dead vnto the worlde and risen againe to newnes of lyfe with Christ it is not mete for hym to doe that thynge agayne for the whyche Christe must dye agayne Let them be affrayed of the worlde whiche are not truely borne againe of god which haue not with al the pith of their whole heartes receyued the seede of the gospelles doctrine We knowe that wee are truely of god whome neyther the euyll thynges nor the good thynges of thys world can seperate from Christe The whole world is set all together on naughtines Whiche waye soeuer a man turneth hym there is occasion offred of thynges to turne vs awaye quite from the innocent vpryghtnes of lyfe But from the worldes enchauntmentes the sonne of god hathe once delyuered vs whiche came into the worlde for thys cause to exempte vs out of the contagious infeccion of the worlde He hathe dryuen awaye the darkenes of oure former ignoraunce and hathe geuen vs an vnderstandyng that is lyghtened with the lyght of the gospell to thintent we should knowe the true god the free geuer of al righteousnes who onely had nothyng a doe
and of all thinges that he sawe Happye is he that readeth and they that heare the wordes of the prophesye kepe those thinges which are wrytten therin For the tyme is at hande VNto our sauiour Iesus Christe after his manhode was geuen of god his father not onely all sufficiencie and fulnes of grace but also the knowledge and reuelacion of all suche secret mysteries as shoulde happen from tyme to tyme in Christendome vntyll suche tyme as he shoulde come againe vnto the lattre iudgement whiche secretes our sauiour Christ dyd reuele and open throughe his angels vnto his electe seruauntes and specially vnto holy S. Iohn I meane vnto that Iohn whiche bare wytnes of the worde of god and of Iesus Christ and dyd recorde all suche matters and doctrine as he himselfe had sene and lerned Whiche doctrine shall be very profytable vnto euery one that shall reade vnderstande this prophecye so far as he shal endeuer himselfe to lyue therafter preparinge appointynge himselfe thorowe a true faith and a christen conuersacion to please the lorde in this lyfe whiche is shorte and transitorye and the ende therof vncerten ▪ The texte ¶ Iohn to the seuen congregacions in Asia Grace be vnto you peace from him whiche is and whiche was and whiche is to come and from the seuen spirites whiche are before his trone and from Iesus Christ whiche is a faythful witnes and first begotten of the dead and Lorde ouer the Kynges of the earth Vnto him that loued vs wasshed vs from our synnes in his awne bloude and made vs kynges and prestes vnto god his father be glorye and dominion for euermore Amen In lytle Asia were notable churches and congregacions set vp institute of the holy apostles speciallye of S. Paule vnto whiche also S. Peter wryteth confirmeth them in the faythe and vnto the same dothe S. Iohn wryte specially in consyderacion that this doctrine shoulde concerne all churches generally whiche were at that tyme standynge or shoulde afterwarde be institute thorowe out the whole world And he wysheth vnto them all as muche good as he can thincke or dyuyfe from god whiche is onely the gyuer of all good thinges is and remayneth for euer vnmutable ruleth gouerneth all thinges wherunto he vseth the ministraciō seruice of his angels which are infynyte in nombre whiche thing the nombre of seuen dothe sygnifye accordynge vnto the vse of holy scripture And with this eternall father holy spirite one god reygneth our lord Iesus Christ which is appointed to be the ruler of al thīges in heauen earth of al sensyble creatures both gostly as the spirites are bodily He in his mans nature for very loue toward mankinde was sēt for the comforte and wealth of y● who le world testifyed most faithfully vnto al the world the wil of his father in the gospel accordyng as it was before promysed in all the prophetes that he shoulde be the founder and performer of the newe testament and should be offered vp and dye for the synnes of the whole world and in the resurrectiō or vprisynge againe of the bodye and soule he shoulde goe before all the resydue of the faythfull and be their guyde vnto euerlastynge lyfe whiche lyfe he onely hath meryted and purchaced thorowe his perfyte obedyence vpon the erosse vnto death And therefore is he exalted as concernynge his manhode aboue all creatures and hath receyued the moost worthiest and hyghest name and tytle that can be named eyther in this world or in the worlde to come And he hath purchaced and deserued for all the holy elect children of god the honour and glorye of the euerlastynge kyngdome and also grace to rule and gouerne our selues vertuouslye and to offre vp dayly and continually a pleasant sacryfyce of thanckes geuynge in true faith in god thorow Iesus Christ Vnto hym therfore alone parteyneth all honour and glorye The texte ¶ Beholde he commeth with cloudes and al eyes shal see him and they also which pearsed him And all kynreds of the earth shall wayle ouer him Euen so Amen Euen in despyte and against the wyll and mynde of all them that crucifyed Christ and woulde not take nor knowledge him for a kyng yet he commeth in the hyghest maiestye whiche excelleth all glorye and power of all otherkynges that euer were and nowe sheweth hym selfe and appeareth thorowe fayth vnto all his electe as the very messias and sauiour of the worlde whiche was so long desyered and loked for And whan he shal come at the latter daye to iudge the quycke and the deade than shall all the Iewes and vnfaythful whiche despysed him at his first commynge whan he came with suche humblenes crucyfyeng and putting him to death and woulde not receyue nor knowledge hym for a sauioure and a messias they shall than see him with feare and tremblyng and he shall appeare dreadfull vnto them The texte ¶ I am Alpha and Omega the begynnynge and the endynge sayeth the Lorde almighty whiche is and whiche was and whiche is to come I Iohn your brother and companion in tribulacion and in the kyngdome and pacience in Iesu Christe was in the yle that is called Pathmos for the word of god and for the witnessynge of Iesus Christ This doth Christ speake to declare his godly maiestye and his eternall substaunce his almyghtye power without ende or begynnynge And he speaketh after the maner of the grecians amonge the whiche Alpha is the first letter Omega the last And after this speaketh S. Iohn the Euangelist again of his owne parson without any worldly boasting reioysyng as it becommeth a Christē man not in any honour or ryches of the world nor yet in any holynes the is in himselfe but onely in the affliccions persecuciōs pacience mysery partycypacion of the rightuousnes in Christ wherof he is a witnes a partener in sufferyng for Christes sake which thing hapned vnto him for the gospel by the procurement commaundemēt of Domicianus the Emperour which would haue bene honoured for a God where as Iohn taught that the onely lyuynge god and none els ought to be honoured and called vpon For y● whiche cause Iohn was banyshed sent into Pathmos where god dyd shewe this reuelacion vnto him bad him wryte it so by that meanes thorow his wryting to set furth to further the glorye of Christ in his banyshemēt more thā euer he had bene able to haue done with his wordes or preachinge onely yf he had styll remayned amonge his frendes in his countrey The texte I was in the spirite on a sondaye and hearde be hynde me a great voyce as it had bene a trempe saying I am Alpha and Omega the first and the sast That thou seest wryt in a booke and sende it vnto the seuen congregacions whiche are in Asia vnto Ephesus and vnto Smyrna and vnto Pergamos and vnto Thiatira and vnto Sardis and vnto Philadelphia
of Christ that the proud seate of Rome her adherentes Thus may y● be the eight beast as y● papacie or see of Rome is the seuenth but it shal sone be iudged vnto damnacion The .x. kynges receyue not y● kyngdome of God vntil they receyue the gospel of Christ not of Antichrist but of the spirite of Christe But in the meane tyme they shall receyue power and aucthorite of the beast whiche power they shall exercyse and practyse to ouercome y● lambe to oppresse the gospell for the pleasure of the. ii horned beast But y● lambe the worde of God y● reuelacion of y● holy and godly doctrine and truth the grace of God the lorde Christ shall ouercome them For they shall vnderstāde and beleue that there is a lorde of al lordes and a kyng of al kynges To whose kyngdome the electe which are called of God from euerlastinge doe apperteine And thus shal the. x. kynges shortly hate the whore with her court and shal turne her naked out of y● florishyng and bewtifull rayment wherwith they and their auncientries haue garnished annowrned this whore her harlottes by y● meanes haue geuē occasiō vnto suche pryde vnchristen pompe I might wel say vnto suche Luciferyshe pryde for as muche as he wyl be like and equall vnto Christ and the brydegrome of the holy churche where as he hath geuen a great offence and slander vnto the holy churche in maner hathe shamed her and oppressed her thorowe his tyrannye In as muche as they the kynges and princes them selues must cfōesse y● the grauntes whiche this whore receyued of the Emperours Constantine Charles and Lewes beyng deceyued by her was the poyson and confusion of the christen churche This hatred and enuye against suche an whore shall the spirite of Helias styre vp in the hartes of kynges to doe with one accorde as y● trueth beyng knowen shall require as they dyd before indewe her with suche power And thus shall the worde of God be fulfylled The woman in the great citye is he which hath exalted himselfe for a byshop ouer all byshops and a regent and Lorde ouer all Emperours and kynges sittinge also in the place and seate of Christ whiche onely alone hath receyued power of the father ouer heauen and earth whiche he neuer gaue vnto any other as it is written Et gloriam mea● Alterinon dabo I wyll geue my gloto no nother Esaye xlii ¶ The .xviii. Chapter The texte ¶ And after that I sawe another angell come from heauen hauynge greate power and the earth was lyghtened with his britnesse And he cried mightely with a stronge voyce sayinge Great Babilon is fallen is fallen and is become the inhabitacion of deuils and the holde of all foule spirites and a cage of all vncleane and hateful byrdes for al naciōs haue droncken of the wyne of the wrathe of her fornicacion And the kynges of the earthe haue committed fornicacion with her and the marchauntes of the earthe are wexed riche of the aboundaunce of her pleasures THis chapter maye be taken for a songe of triumphe of al faithfull against all tyrannous kyngdoms which haue contemned the faithe trueth religion and all godlynes and woulde not abyde any of them And speciallye against the kyngdome and power of Rome by reason of the tyrannes whiche from the beginninge haue martired tormented murthered the holy professours of the onely one God And mo●t principally against the seconde regyment of Rome whiche vnder the pretence of the name of Christe hath dealte so cruellye against all faithful Christianes and against the euangelical kingdom of god And y● former chapter nexte goyng before being wel vnderstāde there is no great difficultnes nor hardnes in this For this chapter is as it were an exposicion and declaracion of the former Christ the angell of y● great councel lyke as at his first cōmynge he came in the moost highest humilitie and lowlynes became man suffered and dyed euen so at his last commynge he shal come in most bright glorye not into a virgins bodye but into the whole worlde with mooste hyghe brightnesse and proclamynge his gospell vnto the whole worlde to riche and poore wyse and symple in euyll A ioyfull gospell is it Babylon y● great and worishe citie she is fallen she is fallen She hathe no suche honour more that she wyll take vpon her as she hath done Nowe is it knowen that she hath bene an habitacion for the wicked vnfaithful desceightfull and of Sodomites whiche haue made all the worlde druncken and mad with her poyson and infectuous drincke And hath committed Simony withal spirituall thinges whiche euen as the cursed Simon magus dyd she hath solde for muche monye and for great riches And as for the hyghe humilitie and lowlynes of Christ whose meryte she hath pretended to be her owne she hath chopped and changed it yea she hath solde it for princely and lordly honour to be exhibite done vnto her feete and with moost deuely she pryde receyued The texte ¶ And I hearde another voyce from heauen saye come a waye from her my people that ye be not partakers of her synnes and that ye receaue not of her plages For her synnes are gone vp to heauen and God hath remembred her wickednes Rewarde her euen as she rewarded you and geue her double accordynge to her workes And poure in double to her in the same cuppe whiche she fylled vnto you And asmuche as she glorified her selfe and lyued wantonly somuche poure ye in for her of punysshment and sorowe for she sayde in her selfe I syt beynge a quene and am no wyddowe and shal see no sorowe Therfore shal her plages come in one day● death and sorow and honger and she shal be brente with fyre for stronge is the Lorde God whiche shall iudge her These wordes speaketh Christ thorowe his spirite from heauen vnto his people that they shoulde forsake the companye and felowshyp of Antichriste that they make not them selues partakers of y● horrible synne of the double indignacion and also of the plages whiche shall lighten vpon him For the synne is greater than that goddes rightuousnes coulde suffer it any longer vnpunisshed And therfore he wyll recompence her with punishment as she hath deserued and that by heapes one in a nothers necke For there woulde no long sufferyng of God nor no warninge of the word of God helpe Thus hapneth it vnto all vyolent and tyrannous kyngdoms euen from the Assirians vnto the last of the Romaynes Great pryde and pompe must be subdued and vanquysshed with great shame and bondage This prophecye is lyke vnto the holy prophetes Esay and Daniel although it perteineth vnto a nother kingdom but lyke vnto that bothe in wickednes and in punishment The texte ¶ And the kynges of the earthe shal bewope her and wayle ouer her which haue committed fornicacion with her and haue lyued want onlye with her when they shall se y● smoke of her burnynge
taught you also howe after that he was rysen agayne he shewed hym selfe playnly and euedentlye to many fyrst to Cephas then to the twelue after that was he sene of more than fyue hundred brethren gathered al together And lest any might doubt of the trewth of this history of all thys noumber many are alyue euen vntyll thys daye and some are dede After this was be sene of Iames whiche was called brother of the Lord and was fyrste byshope of Hierusalem Then was he sene of all the disciples not only of the twelue whiche were fyrste called apostles whiche name was after deriued into many The texte And laste of all he was seue of me as of one that was borne out of due tyme. For I am the leaste of the Apostles which am not worthy to be called an Apostle because I persecuted the congregacion of God But by the grace of God I am that I am And hys grace whiche is in me was not in vayne but I laboured more abundauntly then they all yet not I but the grace of God which is with me Therfore whither it were I or they so we preache and so haue ye beleued And last of al was he sene of me as of an vnseasonable borne apostle which after the full tyme was at the laste lyke an vnperfite chyld rather caste than wel borne I complaine not because I laste sawe the Lord but coumpte it a greate matter that I deserued to se hym For I am the leaste of the apostles and vnworthie to be called an apostle because I persecuted the churche of god whome the apostles stablysh Vnworthy therfore was I euen asmuche as at laste to be chosen into the felowshype of thapostles but the fre goodnes of god vouchsaued to gyue me this honoure notwithstandyng I deserued it not so that whatsoeuer I am al is of hys goodnes and not of my deseruynge And I suffered not hys grace in me to be either idle or baraine For albeit in order of time I be laste yet in preaching of the gospel am I not behynde thē but haue laboured more than any other of the apostles which I saye leste for thys any myght lesse esteme myne authoritie because I was laste chosen to bee an apostle Howebeit this labor of myne I vouche not as myne but gyue al to goddes goodnes by whose helpe all was wrought To retourne therfore to the matier whether in preachyng the gospell theyr authoritie bee more or myne it lytle forceth sure is it that we with one assent preache one thinge and that whiche we with one assente preached that beleued ye as a sure and an vndoubted doctrine We alwaye teache one thinge this remayneth that ye lykewyse continewe in one beliefe not nowe doubting agayne of that wherupon ye were once agreed The texte If Christ be preached how that he rose from the dead how saye some among you that there is no resurreccion of the dead If there be no rysing agayne of the dead thē is Christ not rysen agayne If Christ be not ryse agayne then is our preachyng in vaine and your fayth is also in vayne ye and we are founde false witnesses of God For we haue testifyed of God howe that he raysed vp Christ whom he raysed not vp yf it bee so that the deade ryse not agayne For yf the deade ryse not a gayne then is Christ not rysen agayne If it be so that Christe rose not agayne then is your fayth in vayne and ye are yet in your synnes Therfore they which are fallen aslepe in Christ are perysshed It in this lyfe onely we beleue on Chryste then are we of all men most miserable But nowe is Christe rysen from the dead and become the fyrst frutes of them that slept For by a mā came death and by a man came the resurreccion of the dead For as by Adam all dye euen so by Chryst shall all bee made alyue but euery manne in his owne order The firste is Christe then they that are Christes at hys commynge Then cometh the ende when he hath delyuered vp the kyngdome to God the father when he hath put downe all rule and all auctoryte and power Yf by all the apostles wytnesses it hath been and is styll preached that Christe the prince and author of resurreccion is rysen agayne from deathe what malapertnes is it that among you some saye that there is no resurreccion of the deade For yf there be none then foloweth it that not so muche as Christ hym selfe is rysen agayne For to what purpose is it that oure heade and capitayne shoulde ryse but to go before and prepare the resurrection of vs his members openyng the way to vs all And yf Christ be not rysen certaynly vayne is our preaching vayne is also your belefe and truste And yf we be certaynly perswaded that Christe is rysen agayne aswell perswaded and beleue must we that we shall ryse agayne for whose restoring to lyfe he rose Yf we ryse not this foloweth that bothe you and I haue not only loste our labors I in preachyng ye in beleuyng but are also founde wrongful agaynst god of whome we falsly reported that he raysed Christe from death whome he raysed not as he in dede raysed him not yf other dead menne ryse not againe For either muste ye beleue bothe or deny bothe because that of the heade and members there is but one resurreccion Yf the deade ryse not for whose sake Christe rose then Christe hymselfe rose not And yf Christe rose not vayne was your belefe that he is rysen and in vayne beleued ye that through a truste and confidence in him ye were made free from synne Wherupon it also foloweth that ye are styll subiecte to your former synnes nor hath baptisme wherby we in the meane season through Christ spiritually ryse agayne from syn wrought anythyng in vs. They also whiche haue dyed with this truste and with this hope haue paciently suffered cruel martyrdome and death are vtterly goen for euer yf there be no hope of resurreccion And yf all oure hope conceaued of Christe reache no further than for the terme of this present lyfe we be not onely wretched people but also more miserable than they whiche to Christ are straungers For they yet haue after a sorte the pleasures of this present lyfe wheras we are both here in trouble for Christes name and shall after this lyfe haue no rewarde yf we ryse not body and soule agayne But god forbyd that any manne to his owne destruccion haue any suche fonde belefe But rather yf ye beleue that Christ is rysen agayne as euery godly manne dothe therof foloweth necessaryly that we shall also ryse againe For in hym began resurreccion whiche shall in vs bee made perfyte and as he takyng agayne his bodye vpon hym rose from deathe so shal we bothe bodye and soule ryse agayne leste otherwyse the heade myght bee deuyded from his members He as prince and capitayne fyrste rose agayne as the