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A30303 Expository notes with practical observations on the Four Holy Evangelists, viz., St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, St. John wherein the sacred text is at large recited ... and the instructive example of the holy Jesus to our imitation recommended ; designed for the instruction of private families ... / by William Burkitt. Burkitt, William, 1650-1703. 1700 (1700) Wing B5736; ESTC R29600 900,471 338

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all his Elect to himself with the sound of a Trumpet Probably as there was an audible Sound of a Trumpet at the giving of the Law so there shall be the like Sound of a Trumpet when Christ shall summon the World to Judgment for transgressing of that Law A joyful Sound will this be to the Friends of Christ A doleful dreadful Sound in the Ears of his Enemies 32 Now learn a parable of the fig-tree When his branch is yet tender and putteth forth leaves ye know that summer is nigh 33 So likewise ye when ye shall see all these things know that it is near even at the doors 34 Verily I say unto you this generation shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled 35 Heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away 36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man no not the angels of heaven but my Father only Here our Blessed Saviour declares Two Things with reference to his coming 1. The Certainty of the Thing it self 2. The Uncertainty of the Time The Certainty of his coming he sets forth by the Similitude of the Fig-tree whose beginning to bud declares the Summer at Hand Thus when they should see the foremention'd Signs they might conclude the Destruction of their City and Temple to be nigh at Hand and that some then living should see all these Predictions certainly fulfilled Whatever Christ foretells shall certainly be fulfilled his Word being more firm than the Fabrick of Heaven and Earth Obs 2. The Vncertainty as to the precise Time when this Judgment should come No Angel in Heaven nor Creature on Earth could determine the Time only the glorious Persons in the Godhead the Father Son and Holy Ghost Learn 1. That all things are not revealed to the Angels themselves but such things only as it concerns them to know and the Wisdom of God thinks fit to reveal 2. That the precise Time of the Day of Judgment is kept by God as a Secret to himself he will not have us know that Hour to the Intent that we may be upon our watch every Hour 37 But as the days of Noah were so shall also the coming of the Son of man be 38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered into the ark 39 And knew not until the flood came and took them all away so shall also the coming of the Son of man be 40 Then shall two be in the field the one shall be taken and the other left 41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill the one shall be taken and the other left In these Verses our Saviour declares that Jerusalem's Destruction and the World 's final Desolation at the great Day would be much like the Destruction of the old World and that in two Respects 1. In regard of Unexpectedness 2. In regard of Security and Sensuality How sensual and secure was the old World before the Flood They were eating and drinking marrying and giving in Marriage That is wholly given up to Sensuality and Debauchery and did not know of the Floods coming that is did not consider it till it swept them away Thus was it in the Destruction of Jerusalem and so will it be in the end of the World Learn hence 1. That as the old World perished by Infidelity Security and Sensuality so will the same Sins be prevailing before the Destruction of this present World As it was in the Days of Noah so shall it be when the Son of Man cometh 2. That the true Reason why Sinners are drowned in Sensuality and given over to Security is this because they do not believe the Certainty or consider the Proximity and Nearness of an approaching Judgment The old World knew not of the Floods coming Strange when Noah had told them of it an Hundred and Twenty Years together The meaning is They did not consider it and prepare for it To such as are unprepared for and unapprehensive of Death and Judgment those Evils are always sudden altho' Men be never so often warn'd of them But to such as are prepared Death is never sudden let them die never so suddenly 42 Watch therefore for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come 43 But know this that if the good man of the house had known in what watch the thief would come he would have watched and would not have suffered his house to be broken up 44 Therefore be ye also ready for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh Here we have the Application made by our Saviour of the foregoing Doctrine concerning the Certainty and Suddenness of a future Judgment Watch therefore always not without Intermission but without giving over that ye may be not only in an habitual but actual Readiness for my Appearance Learn thence That it is the indispensible Duty and ought to be the indefatigable Endeavour of every Christian to stand upon his Watch in a prepared Readiness for Christ's Appearance both for his coming to us and for our going to him Watch always for ye know not the Hour when your Lord cometh 45 Who then is a faithful and wise servant whom his lord hath made ruler over his houshold to give them meat in due season 46 Blessed is that servant whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing 47 Verily I say unto you that he shall make him ruler over all his goods These Words may be applied two ways 1. To all the faithful Servants of Christ in general Thence Learn That for a Person to spend and end his Days in the Service of Christ and doing his Will gives good Assurance of a blessed Condition Blessed is that Servant 2. To the Ministers of the Gospel in special may these Words be applied And here Obs 1. The Character and Duty of a Gospel-Minister He is the Steward of Christ's Houshold to give them their Meat in due Season Obs 2. The Qualifications requisite in such Stewards Faithfulness and Prudence Who then is that faithful and wise Steward Obs 3. The Reward insured to such Stewards as answer these Qualifications Blessed is that Servant Learn hence 1. That the Ministers of the Gospel are in a special Sense the Stewards of Christ's Houshold 2. That Faithfulness and Prudence are the necessary and indispensible Qualifications of Christ's Stewards 3. That where-ever these Qualifications are found Christ will graciously and abundantly reward them Our Faithfulness must respect God our Selves and our Flock and includes Integrity of Heart Purity of Intention Industry of Endeavour Impartiality in our Administrations Prudence appears in the choice of suitable Subjects in the choice of fit Language in exciting our own Affections in order to the moving of our People Ministerial Prudence will teach us by the Strictness and Gravity of our Deportment to maintain our Esteem in the Consciences of our People It will assist
firmly to settle and establish his Disciples in the Belief of his being the promised Messias And therefore 2. He puts the Question to them Whom do you my Disciples say that I am You that have heard the Holiness of my Doctrine and seen the Divinity of my Miracles What say you to me And what Confession do you make of me Christ expects greater Measures of Grace and Knowledge and higher Degrees of Affiance and Faith from those that have enjoyed the greatest Means of Grace and Knowledge The Disciples were Eye and Ear-Witnesses of his Doctrine and Miracles and accordingly he expects from them a full Confession of his Divinity Obs 2. The Answer return'd 1. By the Apostles in general And they said Some say that thou art John the Baptist some Elias some Jeremias 'T is no new thing it seems to find Diversity of Judgments and Opinions concerning Christ and the Affairs of his Kingdom We find that when our Saviour was amongst Men who daily both saw and heard him yet there was then a Diversity of Opinions concerning him 2. Peter in the Name of the rest and as the Mouth of all the Apostles makes a full and open Confession of his Deity Thou art Christ the Son of the living God Whence Note That the Vail of Christ's Humane Nature did not keep the Eye of his Disciples Faith from seeing him to be One in Substance with the Father Thou art Christ the Son of the living God Observe 3. How highly pleased our Saviour was with this Confession he pronounces Peter and the rest in him Blessed who had by him made this Christian Confession Blessed art thou Simon and tells him 1. What did not enable him to make that Confession Not Flesh and Blood that is not Man nor the Wisdom and Reason of Man 2. But positively God the Father by the Operation of his Spirit and the Dispensation of the Gospel has wrought this Divine Faith in you and drawn forth this Glorious Confession from you that I am indeed the Son of God Thence Learn That no Man can savingly believe that Jesus Christ is the Eternal Son of God and Saviour of the World but he in whom God himself by his Holy Spirit has wrought such a Perswasion by the Ministry of the Gospel 18 And I say also unto thee that thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it Observe here 1. As Peter confess'd Christ so Christ confesses him Peter said Thou art Christ Christ says Thou art Peter alluding to his Name which signifies a Rock He having made good that Title by the Strength Stability and Firmness of his Faith Obs 2. A double Promise made by Christ to Peter 1. For the Building 2. For the Upholding of his Church For the Building of his Church 1. Vpon this Rock will I build my Church Upon what Rock Upon Peter The Rock Confessing say the Papists But if so no more is said of Peter here than of all the Apostles elsewhere Galat. 2.9 James and John are called Pillars as well as Peter So that Peter's Superiority over the rest of the Apostles can with no shew of Reason be from hence inferr'd Upon Christ the Rock Confessed say the Protestants for Christ is the Foundation-Stone upon which his Church is built Ephes 2.20 Ye are built upon the Foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Jesus Christ himself being the chief Corner-Stone So then not upon Peter the Rock Confessing but upon Christ the Rock Confessed and upon the Rock of Peter's Confession that Fundamental Truth that Christ is the Son of the Living God is the Church built Vpon this Rock will I build my Church Super hanc Confessionis tuae Petram aedificabo Ecclesiam meam 2. Here is our Saviour's Promise for the Vpholding as well as the Building of his Church The Gates of Hell shall not prevail against it That is All the Policy and Power of the Devil and his Instruments shall neither destroy my Church nor extinguish the Light of this Divine Truth which thou hast now made Confession of namely That I am the true Messias the Son of the living God Note 1. That Jesus Christ is the Builder and will be the Upholder of his Church 2. That the Church upheld by Christ's Power and Promise shall never be vanquisht by the Devil's Policy or Strength Vpon this Rock will I build c. and the Gates c. 19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven Observe here 1. The Person to whom this Promise is made namely to Peter with the rest of the Apostles the Confession being made by him in the Name of the rest Elsewhere we find the same Authority and Power given to them all which is here committed unto Peter Joh. 20.23 Whose Sins soever ye remit they are remitted Altho' there might be a Priority of Order amongst the Apostles yet no Superiority of Power was founded in any one of them over and above the rest Obs 2. the Power promised I will give thee the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven that is the Key of Doctrine and the Key of Discipline or full Power and Authority to Preach the Gospel to Administer Sacraments and Execute Church-Censures The Speech is Metaphorical and alludes to Stewards and Officers in great Houses to whose Trust the Keys of the Houshold are committed Christ's Ministers are the Stewards of his House into whose Hands the Keys of his Church are committed by Christ The Pope would snatch them out of all Hands and keep them in his own he snatches at Peter's Keys but makes shipwrack of Peter's Faith arrogating Peter's Power but abrogating his Holy Profession Learn 1. That the Authority and Power which the Ministers of the Gospel do exercise and execute is from Christ I will give thee the Keys of the Kingdom 2. That this Power of the Keys Christ dispensed promiscuously to all his Apostles and never designed it as a Peculiar for St. Peter As they all made the same Profession of Faith by Peter so they all received the same Authority and Power with Peter 20 Then charged he his disciples that they should tell no man that he was Jesus the Christ It may seem strange that our Saviour should charge his Disciples to tell no Man that he was Jesus the Christ seeing the Knowledge of it was so necessary The Reason is conceived to be 1. Because the Glory of his Godhead was not to be fully manifested till after his Resurrection and then to be published by himself and confirmed by his own Miracles 2. Lest the Knowledge of it should have hindred his Death For Had the Rulers known they would not have Crucified the Lord of Glory Learn That Christ has his own fit Times and proper Seasons in which he reveals his own
Face from his Children now this was both agreeable to the Dignity of Christ's Nature and also suitable to his Office who was to satisfie the Justice of God for our forsaking of him and to bring us near to him that we might ●e received for ever Observe Lastly What a miraculous Evidence Christ gave of his Divinity instantly before he gave up the Ghost He cried with a loud Voice This shew'd that he did not dye according to the ordinary Course of Nature gradually departing and drawing on as we express it No his Life was whole in him and Nature as strong at last as at first Other Men dye gradually and towards their End their Sense of Pain is much blunted they faulter fumble and dye by degrees but Christ stood under the Pains of Death in his full Strength his Life was whole in him This was evident by the mighty Outcry he made when he gave up the Ghost contrary to the Sense and Experience of all other Persons this argued him to be full of Strength And he that could cry with such a loud Voice in articulo mortis as he did could have kept himself from dying if he would Hence we Learn That when Christ died he rather conquered Death than was conquer'd by Death He must voluntarily and freely lay down Life before Death could come at him 51 And behold the vail of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom and the earth did quake and the rocks rent 52 And the graves were opened and many bodies of saints which slept arose 53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared unto many 54 Now when the centurion and they that were with him watching Jesus saw the earthquake and those things that were done they feared greatly saying Truly this was the Son of God 55 And many women were there beholding afar off which followed Jesus from Galilee ministering unto him 56 Among which was Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Joses and the mother of Zebedee's children Here we have an Account of several extraordinary and wonderful Things which occurr'd and fell out about the time that our Saviour died 1. The Vail of the Temple rent asunder That is the Partition Wall of Stone between the Sanctuary and the outer Court was now broken down Signifying That the ceremonial Law was now abolished by the Death of Christ and that by the Blood of Jesus we have Access unto God and may enter into the Holy of Holies 2. The Earth quak'd As there was an Universal Eclipse so likewise an Universal Earthquake at our Lord's Crucifixion which did awaken many of the Saints that died before our Saviour's Incarnation out of their dead Sleep These arose both as Witnesses of Christ's Resurrection and also as Sharers in it But none of them arose till Christ was risen he being the first Fruits of them that slept And these holy Persons that arose with him possibly attended him to Heaven at his Ascension From hence we Learn That Christ was the Saviour of those that believed in him before his Incarnation as well as those that believed in him since his Incarnation and that the former are Partakers of the Fruit and Benefit of his Death and Resurrection no less than the latter Observe next What Influence and Effect the sight of these prodigious Things had upon the Centurion and the Soldiers It convinced them that verily this was the Son of God Here we see the Heathen Soldiers are sooner convinced of the Divinity of Christ than the unbelieving Jewish Doctors Obstinacy and Unbelief fill'd their Minds with an invincible Prejudice against Christ so that neither the Miracles done by him in his Life nor wrought at his Death could convince the high Priests that Christ was any other than an Impostor and Deceiver Observe Lastly Who of Christ's Friends were Witnesses of his Death They are Women who followed him from Galilee and ministred unto him not one of his dear Disciples except St. John who stood by the Cross with the Virgin Mary What a Shame was this for the Apostles to be absent from a Spectacle upon which the Salvation of the whole World did depend and what an Honour was this to the Female Sex in general and to these Women in particular that they had the Courage to follow Christ to his Cross when all his Disciples forsook him and fled God can make Women Glorious Confessors of his Truth and arm them against the Fears of Sufferings contrary to the natural Timor●●sness of their Tempers These Women wait upon Christ's Cross when Apostles fly and durst not come near it 57 When the even was come there came a rich man of Arimathea named Joseph who also himself was Jesus disciple 58 He went to Pilate and begged the body of Jesus then Pilate commanded the body to be delivered 59 And when Joseph had taken the body he wrapped it in a clean linnen cloth 60 And laid it in his own new tomb which he had hewn out in the rock and he rolled a great stone to the door of the sepulchre and departed 61 And there was Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sitting over against the sepulchre Here we have an Account given of our Lord's Funeral and Interment in the Grave such a Funeral as never was since Graves were first digged Concerning which we have these Particulars Observable 1. The Preparatives that were made for our Lord's Funeral namely the begging and perfuming of his dead Body his Body could not be buried till by begging it was obtain'd of Pilate the dead Bodies of Malefactors being in the Power of the Disposal of the Judge Pilate grants it and to manifest their dear Affection to their dead Lord they wrap the Body in fine Linnen with Spices to perfume it But what need of Odours for that Body which could not see Corruption Tho' his holy Body did not want them yet the Affections of his Friends could not withhold them Obs 2. The Bearers that carried his Body to the Grave or the Persons concern'd in solemnizing his Funeral Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus Two rich Men and Two secret Disciples 1. They were rich Men Senators honourable Counsellors and so that Prophecy was fulfilled Isa 53. last He made his Grave with the wicked and with the rich in his Death 2. They were good Men as well as rich Men Disciples tho' secretly for fear of the Jews Grace doth not always make a publick and open show where it is As there is much secret Riches in the Bowels of the Earth which no Eye ever saw so there may be Grace in the Heart of a Christian which the World takes no notice of We never heard any News of Joseph of Arimathea till now yet was he eminently rich wise and good a Worthy tho' a close Disciple Much Grace may be where little is seen Some Gracious Persons cannot put forward and discover themselves like others and
Jewish Doctors Obstinacy and Unbelief filled their minds with an invincible prejudice against Christ so that neither the Miracles wrought by him in his Life or at his Death could convince them that Christ was any thing better than an Impostor and Deceiver None are so blind as those who through malicious obstinacy and inveterate prejudice will not see Observe 3. Who of Christ's Friends were witness of his Death they are the Women that followed him and ministred unto him not one of his dear Disciples dare come near him except St. John who stood by the Cross with the Virgin Mary Oh! what a shame was this for the Apostles to be absent from a Spectacle upon which the Salvation of the whole World did depend and what an honour was this to the Female Sex in general and to these holy Women in particular that they had the Courage to follow Christ to his Cross when all his Disciples forsook him and fled God can make timerous and fearful Women bold and couragious Confessors of his Truth and fortify them against the fears of his Suffering contrary to the natural timerousness of their Temper these Women wait upon Christ's Cross when Apostles fligh and durst not come nigh it 42 And now when the Even was come because it was the preparation that is the day before the Sabbath 43 Joseph of Arimathea an Honourable Counsellor which also waited for the Kingdom of God came and went in boldly unto Pilate and craved the Body of Jesus 44 And Pilate marvelled if he were already dead and calling unto him the Centurion he asked him whither he had been any while dead 45 And when he knew it of the Centurion he gave the Body to Joseph 46 And he brought fine Linnen and took him down and wrapped him in Linnen and laid him in a Sepulchre which was hewn out of a Rock and rolled a stone unto the door of the Sepulchre 47 And Mary Magdalene and Mary the Mother of Joses beheld where he was laid The Circumstances of our Lord's Funeral and Honourable Interment in the Grave are here Recorded by the Evangelist such a Funeral as never was since Graves were first digged Where Observe 1. Our Lord's Body must be Begg'd before it could be Bury'd the dead Bodies of Malefactors being in the Power and at the Disposal of the Judge Pilate grants it and accordingly the dead Body is taken down wrapped in fine Linnen and prepared for the Sepulchre Observe 2. The Person that bestows this Honourable Buryal upon our Saviour Joseph of Arimathea a Disciple no doubt though he did not make a publick and open Profession a Worthy though a Close Disciple Grace doth not always make a publick and open shew where it is as there is much Secret Riches in the Bowels of the Earth which no Eye ever saw so there is much Grace in the Hearts of some Christians that the Eye of the World takes little Notice of Some gracious Persons cannot put forward and discover themselves in Discourse as others and yet such weak Christians as the World counts them perhaps shall stand their Ground when stronger run away We read of none of the Apostles at Christ's Funeral fear had Chased them away but Joseph of Arimathea appears boldly if God strengthen the Weak and leave the strong to the prevalency of their own Fears The weak shall be as David and the strong as Tow. Observe 3. The Mourners that followed our Saviour's Hearse Namely the Women which came out of Galilee and particularly the two Mary's a very poor train of Mourners the Apostles were all scattered and afraid to own their Lord and Master either Dying or Dead And as our Lord affected no Pomp nor Gallantry in his Life so Funeral Pomp had been no way suitable either to the End or Manner of his Death Humiliation was designed in his death and his Buryal was the lowest Degree of his Humiliation and therefore might not be Pompous Observe 4. The Grave or Sepulchre in which our Lord was Buryed it was in a Sepulchre hewn out of a Rock in a new Sepulchre in a new Sepulchre in a Garden 1. Our Lord was Buryed in a Garden As by the sin of the first Adam we were driven out of the Garden of Pleasure the Earthly Paradise so by the Sufferings of the Second Adam who lay Buryed in a Garden we may hope for Entrance into the Heavenly Paradise 2. It was in a Sepulchre hewn out of a Rock that so his Enemies might have no occasion to cavil and say that his Disciples stole him away by secret holes or un seen passages under Ground 3. It was in a new Sepulchre in which never any Man was laid lest his Adversaries should say it was some other that was Risen who was Buryed there before him or that he Arose from the Dead by touching some other Corpse Observe 5. The Manner of our Lord's Funeral it was hasty open and decent it was performed in haste by reason of the streights of Time the Sabbath was Approaching and they lay all Business aside to prepare for that Learn hence How much it is our Duty to dispatch our Worldly Business as early as we can towards the End of the Week that we may be the better prepared to Sanctify the Lord's day if we live to enjoy it Hence it is that we are called upon to Remember that day before it comes and to Sanctify it when it is come Again our Lord was Buryed openly as well as hastily all Persons had Liberty to be Spectators lest any should object that there was deceit and fraud used in or about our Saviours Buryal yet was he also Interr'd Decently his Holy Body being wrapped in fine Linnen and perfumed with Spices according to the Jewish Custom Observe 6. The Reasons why our Lord was Buryed seeing he was to Rise again in as short a time as other Men lye by the Walls and had his dead Body remained a Thousand Years un-buryed it could have seen no Corruption having never been tainted with sin sin is the Cause of the Bodies Corruption 't is sin that makes our Bodies stink worse than Carrion when they are dead A Funeral then was not necessary for Christ's Body upon the same Accounts that it is necessary for ours But 1. Our Lord was Buryed to declare the certainty of his Death and the Reality of his Resurrection and for this Reason did God's Providence Order it that he should be Embalmed to cut off all Pretensions for in this kind of Embalming his Mouth his Ears and his Nostrils were all filled with Odours and Spices so that there could be no latent principle of Life in him he being thus Buryed then did demonstrate him to be certainly Dead 2. Christ was Buryed to fulfil the Types and Prophecies that went before concerning him Jonas being three days and three nights in the Belly of the Whale was a Type of Christ's being three days and three nights in the Heart of the Earth
up your Heads for your Redemption draweth nigh The sense is this As soon as ye shall see the Roman Army appear before the City of Jerusalem called by St. Matthew and St. Mark The abomination of Desolation that is the Army which is such an abomination to you and the occasion of such Desolation wherever it goes then let every one that values his own Safety fly as far and as fast as he can as Lot fled from the Flames of Sodom and be glad if by flight he can save his Life tho' he loses all besides Learn thence That when Almighty God is pouring forth his Fury upon a sinful People it is both lawful and a necessary Duty by flight to endeavour to shelter our selves from the approaching Calamity and Desolation When ye see Jerusalem compassed with Armies flee to the Mountains Observe farther the dreadful Relation that our Saviour here gives of those Desolating Calamities which were coming upon Jerusalem partly from the Roman Army without and partly from the Seditions and Factions of the Zealots within who committed such outrages and slaughters that there were no less than an Hundred thousand Jews slain and Ninety seven thousand taken Prisoners They that bought our Saviour for Thirty Pence were now themselves sold Thirty for a Penny Now did the Temple it self become a Sacrifice a whole Burnt-offering and was consumed to Ashes Observe Lastly What Encouragement Christ gives to all his Faithful Disciples and Followers he bids them look up and lift up their Heads when these Calamities came upon others look up with Confidence and Joy for your Redemption Salvation and Deliverance then approacheth God had a Remnant which he designed should survive that Destruction to be an Holy Seed these are called upon to look up with chearfulness and joy when the hearts of others were failing them for fear And thus shall it be at the General Day of Judgment of which Jerusalem's Visitation was a Type Lord how will the Glory and Terror of that Day dazzle the Eyes and terrify the Hearts of all the Enemies of Christ but delight the Eyes and rejoyce the Heart of all that love and fear him that serve and obey him then may the friends of Christ look up and lift up their heads for their full Redemption draweth nigh 29 And he spake to them a Parable Behold the Fig-tree and all the Trees 30 When they now shoot forth ye see and know of your selves that Summer is now nigh at hand 31 So likewise ye when ye see these things come to pass know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand 32 Verily I say unto you This generation shall not pass away till all be fulfilled 33 Heaven and Earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away In these words our Saviour declares the certainty of his Coming to visit Jerusalem for all her barbarous and bloody Cruelty towards himself his Prophets and Apostles he is pleased to set forth this by the Similitude of the Fig-Tree whose beginning to bud declares the Summer at hand thus our Saviour tells them that when they should see the Fore-mentioned Signs they might conclude the Destruction of their City and Temple to be nigh at hand and accordingly some of that Generation then Living did see these Predictions Fulfilled Learn that God is no less punctual in the Execution of his Threatnings upon Incorrigible Sinners then he is faithful in the performance of his promises towards his own People The Truth and Veracity of God is as much concerned to execute his Threatnings as it is to fulfil his Promises 34 And take heed to your selves lest at any time your Hearts be over-charged with Surfeiting and Drunkenness and the cares of this Life and so that day come upon you unawares 35 For as a snare it shall come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole Earth 36 Watch ye therefore and pray always that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man Here our Lord cautions his Disciples against such a Distemper and Indisposition of Mind as may render them unfit and unready for his Coming and Appearance and to take heed of two dangerous Sins namely Voluptuousness and Earthly-mindedness which above any other Sins will indispose us for the Duty of Watchfulness There is a three-fold Reason why our Saviour fore-warns us of these Sins with Reference to the Day of Judgment 1. Because they are peccata praecurrentia certain prognosticks of the Day of Judgment approaching as it was in the Days of Noah so shall the coming of the Son of Man be 2. Because they are peccata Accelerantia they do not only fore-tell but hasten the Coming of Christ to see the World drowned in voluptuousness and earthly-mindedness in security and sensuality is not only a Sign to fore-tell but a sin that hastens Judgment and pulls down Vengeance upon a wicked World 3 Christ bids us beware of these Sins with reference to the Day of Judgment because these Sins they are derisioria judicii they beget in Men a prophane Spirit of Scoffing and Deriding at the Notices of Christ's appearing to Judgment 2 Pet. 3.3 In the last days there shall come Scoffers walking after their own Lusts and saying where is the promise of his coming Our Saviour having thus warn'd them of these Sins he next exhorts them to Watchfulness Watch ye therefore for as a snare that day will come upon you that is very suddenly and very unexpectedly a snare has a threefold Property to catch suddenly to hold surely to destroy certainly Our Lord 's coming to Jerusalem was very unexpected and his coming to us by Death and Judgment will steal upon us if we be not watchful Watch we then for our Lord will come at what hour he will come cannot certainly be known there is no time in which we can promise or assure our selves that our Lord will not come the time of our whole Life is little enough to prepare for his Coming Our Preparation for will be no acceleration or hastning of our Lord 's Coming And oh how dreadful will his Coming be if we be found off our Watch and altogether unready for his Appearance Appear we must in Judgment but shall not be able to stand in the Judgment see Christ we shall as a Judge but not behold him as a Redeemer 37 And in the day-time he was Teaching in the Temple and at Night he went out and abode in the Mount called the Mount of Olives 38 And all the people came early in the Morning to him in the Temple for to hear him Our Lord had exhorted his Disciples in the fore-going Verses to Diligence and Prayer here he sets an Example of both before them Busying himself in God's Service all the day and at Night spending much time in Prayer in the Day-time he was in the Temple Preaching in the Evening he was on the Mount of
46 And when Jesus had cryed with a loud Voice he said Father into thy Hands I commend my Spirit And having said thus he gave up the Ghost 47 Now when the Centurion saw what was done he Glorified God saying Certainly this was a Righteous Man 48 And all the People that came together to that sight beholding the things which were done smote their Breasts and Returned 49 And all his Acquaintance and the Women that followed him from Galilee stood afar off beholding these things Observe here 1. What Prodigies in Nature happened and fell out at the Crucifixion of our Saviour The Sun was Darkened at the Setting of the Son of Righteousness And the Veil of the Temple was Rent signifying That God was now about to Forsake his Temple that the Ceremonial Law was now Abolishing and the Partition-Wall betwixt Jew and Gentile being now pulled down all may have Access to God through the Blood of a Mediator Observe 2. The last Prayer of our Saviour before his Death Father into thy Hands I commend my Spirit They are words full of Faith and Comfort fit to be the last Breathings of every Gracious Soul in this World Learn hence That Dying Believers are both Warranted and Encouraged by Christ's Example Believingly to Commend their precious Souls into the Hands of God as a Gracious Father Father into thy Hands Observe 3. What influence our Saviour's Death had upon the Centurion He Glorified God saying Verily this was a Righteous Man Here Note That Christ had a Testimony of his Innocency and Righteousness given unto him from all sorts of Persons whatsoever Pilate and Herod pronounced him Innocent Pilate's Wife proclaimed him a Righteous Person Judas the Traitor declared it was innocent Blood the Thief on the Cross affirmed he had done nothing amiss and the Centurion owned him to be a Righteous Man yea the Son of God Mark 15.39 only the Pharisees and Chief Priests which were Teachers of others not Ignorance but Obstinacy and Malice Blinded and Hardned them to their Ruine and Destruction instead of Owning and Receiving him for their Saviour they Ignominiously put him to Death as the vilest Impostor 50 And behold there was a Man Named Joseph a Counsellor and he was a good Man and a just 51 The same had not consented to the Counsel and Deed of them he was of Arimathea a City of the Jews who also himself waited for rhe Kingdom of God 52 This Man went unto Pilate and begged the Body of Jesus 53 And he took it down and wrapped it in Linnen and laid it in a Sepulchre that was hewn in Stone wherein never Man before was laid 54 And that Day was the Preparation and the Sabbath drew on 55 And the Women also which came with him from Galilee followed after and beheld the Sepulchre and how his Body was laid 56 And they Returned and prepared Spices and Oyntments and rested the Sabbath-day according to the Commandment The Circumstances of our Lord's Funeral and Honourable Interrment are here Recorded by our Evangelist such a Funeral as never was since Graves were first Digg'd Where Observe 1. Our Lord's Body must be Begg'd before it could be Bury'd The Dead Bodies of Malefactors being in the Power and at the Disposal of the Judge that Condemns them Observe 2. The Person that Begg'd this Body and bestowed a Decent and Honourable Buryal upon it Joseph of Arimathea a worthy though a close Disciple Grace doth not always make a publick and open Shew where it is But as there is much secret Riches in the Bowels of the Earth though unseen so is there much Grace in the Hearts of some Saints which the World takes little Notice of Observe 3. The Mourners that followed our Saviour's Hearse to the Grave The Women which came out of Galilee a poor Train of Mourners The Apostles who should have been most officious to bear his Holy Body to the Ground were sometime since all Scattered afraid to own their Master either Dying or Dead Funeral Pomo had been no way suitable either to the End or Manner of our Lord's Death and accordingly here is is nothing like Observe 4. The Grave or Sepulchre in which our Holy Lord lay it was in a Sepulchre Hewn out of a Rock That so his Enemies might have no occasion to say that his Disciples stole him away by secret Holes and unseen Passages under Ground It was in a New Sepulchre Wherein never Man was laid before lest his Adversaries should say it was another that was Risen who was Bury'd there before him And has Buryed in a Garden As by the Sin of the first Adam we were driven out of the Garden of Pleasure the Earthly Paradise so by the Sufferings of the Second Adam who lay Buryed in a Garden we may hope for Entrance into the Heavenly Paradise Observe 5. The manner of our Lord's Funeral it was Hasty Open and Decent Hasty because of the Preparation for the Sabbath Open that all Persons might be Spectators and none might say He was Buryed before he was Dead Decent being wrapt in fine Linnen and Perfumed with Spices Observe 6. The Reasons why our Lord was thus Buryed Seeing he was to Rise again in as short a Time as other Men lye by the Walls doubtless it was to declare the Certainty of his Death to Fulfil the Types and Prophecies which went before of him As Jonas being Three days and three nights in the Whales Belly He was also Bury'd to Compleat his Humiliation This was the lowest step to which he could Descend in his Abased State In a word Christ went into the Grave that he might Conquer Death in its own Territories and Dominions Observe 7. Of what Use our Lord's Buryal is to us his Followers it shews us the amazing Depths of his Humiliation from what and to what his Love brought him even from the Bosom of his Father to the Bosom of the Grave It may Comfort us against the fears of Death and the Terrors of the Grave The Grave could not long keep Christ it shall not always keep Christians It was a Loathsome Prison before it is a Persumed Bed now He whose Head is in Heaven need not fear to put his Feet into the Grave Awake and Sing thou that dwellest in the Dust for the Enmity of the Grave is slain by Christ CHAP. XXIV This Last Chapter of St. Luke's Gospel contains the History of our Saviour's Resurrection and gives us an Account of what he did upon Earth between the Time of his glorious Resurrection and Triumphant Ascension 1 NOW upon the first day of the Week very early in the Morning they came unto the Sepulchre bringing the Spices which they had prepared and certain others with them 2 And they found the Stone Rolled away from Sepulchre 3 And they entered in and found not the Body of our Lord Jesus 4 And it came to pass as they were much perplexed thereabout Behold Two Men stood by them in shining Garments 5 And
as they were afraid and bowed down their Faces to the Earth they said unto them Why seek ye the Living among the Dead 6 He is not here but is Risen Remember how he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee 7 Saying The Son of Man must be delivered into the Hands of Sinful Men and be Crucified and the Third day Rise Again 8 And they Remembred his Words 9 And Returned from the Sepulchre and told all these things unto the Apostles and to all the Rest 10 It was Mary Magdalene and Joanna and Mary the Mother of James and other Women that were with them which told these things unto the Apostles 11 And their words seemed to them as Idle Tales and they believed them not 12 Then arose Peter and ran unto the Sepulchre and stooping down he beheld the Linnen Cloaths laid by themselves and departed wondering in himself at that which was come to pass The Lord of Life who was put to Death upon the Fryday was Buryed in the Evening of the same Day and his Holy Body Rested in the silent Grave all the next Day being the Jewish Sabbath and some part of the Morning Following Thus Rose he again the Third Day according to the Scriptures neither sooner nor later Not sooner lest the Truth of his Death should have been questioned that he did not Dye at all not later lest the Faith of his Disciples should have failed Accordingly when the Sabbath was past Mary Magdalene getting the other Women together she and they set out very early in the Morning to Visit the Holy Sepulchre and about Sun-rising they get to it intending with their Spices and Odours farther to Embalm their Lord's Body Observe here 1. That although the Hearts of these Holy Women did burn with an Ardent Zeal and Affection to their Crucified Lord Yet the Commanded Duties of the Sabbath are not omitted by them they keep close and silently spend that Holy Day in a Mixture of Grief and Hope A good Pattern of Sabbath-Sanctification and worthy of our Christian Imitation Observe 2. These Holy Women go but not empty-handed She that had bestowed a costly Alablaster upon Christ whilst alive prepares no less Precious Odours for him now Dead thereby paying their last Homage to our Saviour's Corpse But what need of Odours to perfume a precious Body which could not see Corruption True his Holy Body did not want them but the Love and Affection of his Friends could not withhold them Observe 3. How great a Tribute of Respect and Honour is due and payable to the Memory of these Holy Women for their great Magnanimity and Courage They followed Christ when his Cowardly Disciples left him they accompanied him to his Cross they attended his Herse to the Grave when his Disciples did not durst not appear And now very early in the Morning they Visit his Sepulchre Fearing neither the Darkness of the Night nor the Presence of the Watchmen though a Band of rude Soldiers Learn hence That Courage and Resolution is the special Gift of God if he gives it to the feebler Sex even to timerous and fearful Women it shall not be in the power of Armed Men to make them afraid But to come to a close Consideration of the several Circumstances relating to the Resurrection of our Holy Lord. Note 1. With what Pomp and Triumph our Holy Lord Arises Two Men that is Two Angels in the Shape of Men V. 4. are sent from Heaven to roll away the Stone But could not Christ have Risen then without the Angels help Yes doubtless he that Raised himself could easily have Rolled away the Stone himself But God thinks fit to send an Officer from Heaven to open the Prison-door of the Grave and by setting our Surety at Liberty proclaims our Debt to the Divine Justice ●●●y Satisfied Besides it was fit that the Angels who had been Witnesses of our Saviour's Passion should also be Witnesses of his Resurrection Note 2. our Lord's Resurrection declared He is Risen he is not here Almighty God never intended that the Darling of his Soul should be left in an obscure Sepulchre He is not here said the Angels where you laid him where you left him Death has lost its Prey and the Grave has lost its Prisoner Note 3. It is is not said He is not here for he is Raised but he is Risen V. 6. The Original Word imports the Active Power of Christ or the Self-quickning Principle by which Christ Raised himself from the Dead Acts 1.3 He shewed himself alive after his Passion Hence Learn That it was the Divine Nature or God-head of Christ which Raised the Human Nature from Death to Life others were Raised from the Grave by Christ's Power but he Raised himself by his own Power Note 4. The Persons to whom our Lord's Resurrection was first declared and made known to Women to the two Mary's But why to Women and why to these Women To Women first because God sometimes makes choice of weak Means for producing great Effects knowing that the weakness of the Instrument Redounds to the greater Honour of the Agent In the whole Dispensation of the Gospel God intermixes Divine Power with Humane Weakness Thus the Conception of Christ was by the Power of the Holy Ghost but his Mother a poor Woman a Carpenter's Spouse So the Crucifixion of Christ was in much Meanness and outward Baseness being Crucified between two Thieves But the Powers of Heaven and Earth Trembling the Rocks Rending the Graves opening shewed a mixture of Divine Power Thus here God Selects Women to declare that he will Honour what Instruments he pleases for the Accomplishment of his own Purposes But why to these Women the two Mary's is the first Discovery made of our Lord's Resurrection Possibly it was a Reward for their Magnanimity and Masculine Courage These Women cleave to Christ when the Apostles forsook him They Assisted at his Cross they Attended at his Funeral they Waited at his Sepulchre These Women had more Courage than the Apostles therefore God makes them Apostles to the Apostles This was a Tacit Rebuke a Secret Check given to the Apostles that they should be thus out-done by Women These Holy Women went before the Apostles in the last Services that were done for Christ and therefore the Apostles here come after them in their Rewards and Comforts Note 5. The quick Message which these Holy Women carry to the Disconsolate Disciples of the Joyful news of our Saviour's Resurrection They Returned from the Sepulchre and told all these things to the Eleven Verse 9. And the other Evangelists say That they were sent and bidden to go to the Apostles with the Notices of the Resurrection Go tell the Disciples says the Angel Matthew 28.7 Go tell my Brethren says Christ Verse 10. A most endearing Expression Christ might have said Go tell my Apostate Apostles my Cowardly Disciples that left me in my Danger that durst not own me in the High Priest's Hall
himself glorified when the Glory of his Son is advanced This Sickness is for the Glory of God that the Son of God may be glorified thereby 5 Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus 6 When he had heard therefore that he was sick he abode two days still in the same place where he was 7. Then after that saith he to his disciples Let us go into Judea again 8 His disciples say unto him Master the Jews of late sought to stone thee and goest thou thither again 9 Jesus answered Are there not twelve hours in the day If any Man walk in the day he stumbleth not because he seeth the light of this world 10 But if a man walk in the night he stumbleth because there is no light in him Observe 1. What an happy because an holy and religious Family was here and much honoured by Christ Jesus loved Martha Mary and Lazarus wherever true Piety dwells it draws the Eye and Heart of Christ towards it Christ had frequently and familiarly lodged under their Roof and he rewards them for their Entertainment with his Love Jesus loved Martha and her Sister Where Note That Martha is here named first though elsewhere Mary had the Precedency to shew no doubt that they were both equally dear to Christ Obs 2. That altho' Christ loved Lazarus yet he seems to neglect him he delays going to him for some days But could Christ absent himself from one so long whom he loved so well we find he did Let us take heed then that we do not mis-interpret Christ's Delays He seldom comes at our time but never stays beyond his own Our Saviour had a double End in staying thus long Namely for greatning of the Miracle and confirming of their Faith Had Christ gone before Lazarus was dead they might have attributed his Recovery rather to the strength of Nature than to Christ's miraculous Power or had Christ raised Lazarus as soon as he was Dead they might peradventure have thought it rather some Trance or Extasie than a Death and Dissolution therefore Christ stays so many days that God might be the more glorified and his own omnipotent Power the more magnified We Learn then That when Christ delays to help them whom he dearly loves it is always for wise ends and holy purposes Observe 3. How the Disciples tho' they were dearly affected to Lazarus for they had Learned to love where their Master loved yet they discourage Christ from going to him into Judea for fear of violence offered to him Master the Jews of late sought to stone Thee and goest thou thither again Here the Disciples pleaded for their Master's safety at the same time aiming at their own they were to go with him into Judea and they well knew that their danger was inwrapped in his Therefore they seek to divert him from his intention Oh how has the fear of Suffering made many of the Friends of Christ decline an opportunity of glorifying God and doing good to others But cannot God give safety in the midst of danger if he pleaseth let us not then chuse our way according to our own Apprehensions either of danger or safety but as we see God going before us if our call be clear let us go on with Courage whatever difficulties lye in our way Observe 4. How our Saviour corrects these fears of his Disciples by acquainting them with his call from God to undertake this Journey into Judea Are there not Twelve hours in the day if a Man walk therein he stumbleth not but in the night he stumbleth As if Christ had said As he that walks in the Day is in no danger of stumbling but in the Night he is in danger So as long as I have a call from God and my working time lasts there is a Divine Providence that will watch over me and secure me from all danger now my day is not fully spent and therefore it is not in the Power of my Enemies to precipitate my Passion or to bring the Night of Sufferings upon me before the appointed time but ere long the Night will come on the working time will be over and then shall both I and you stumble upon Death but while the day lasteth we are safe Learn hence 1. Every Man has his Twelve hours that is his working time assigned him by God in this World 2. While these hours are spent and whilest his working time is unexpired he shall not stumble he shall not die he shall not be disabled for working while God has any work for him to do neither the Malice of Men nor the rage of Devils shall take them off till their work be finished 3. Every Man has his Night as well as his Day in which he must expect and prepare to stumble that is to fall by Death for when God has done his work by us and with us he will withdraw his protection from us but not his care over us we stumble upon Death and fall into the Grave but God receives us to himself and at the end of our working Season rewards us for our work 11 These things said he and after that he saith unto them Our friend Lazarus sleepeth but I go that I may awake him out of sleep Observe here 1. Our Saviour coming near to Bethany Tells his Disciples that Lazarus sleepeth that is plainly he was Dead This shewed his omnisciency and that he was truly God for he had received no Advice of his Death from any person but as God he knew that he was deceased Observe 2. The sweet Title given both to Death and Lazarus Death is called a sleep Lazarus is stiled a friend yet Christ says not my friend but our friend Lazarus sleepeth intimating that gracious Familiarity and Mutual Friendship which was betwixt himself and all his Members Learn hence 1. That all True Believers are Christ's Friends 2. That the Friends of Christ must die as well as others 3. That their Death is but a Sleep Our friend Lazarus Sleepeth It followeth But I go that I may awake him out of sleep Observe Christ says not we will go and awake him but I will go and I will awake him The Disciples who were Companions in the way must not be Partners in the work Witnesses they may be Actors they cannot be none can awake Lazarus but the maker of Lazarus Who can command the Soul to come down and meet the Body and who can command the Body to Rise up and meet the Soul but that God that created both Soul and Body Lord It is our Comfort against the Dread and Terror of Death that our Resurrection depends upon thy Almighty Power I will go that I may awake him out of sleep 12 Then said his disciples Lord if he sleep he shall do well 13 Howbeit Jesus spake of his death but they thought that he had spoken of taking of rest in sleep 14 Then said Jesus unto them plainly Lazarus is dead 15 And I am glad for your sakes
that I was not there to the intent ye may believe nevertheless let us go unto him 16 Then said Thomas which is called Didymus unto his fellow-disciples Let us also go that we may die with him Observe here 1. How desirous the Disciples were that Christ should not go to Bethany where Lazarus was Bethany being within two Miles of Jerusalem where the seat of our Saviour's Enemies was But our Lord knowing his Call to be clear Resolves to go Nevertheless says Christ let us go unto him Oh Love stronger than Death the Grave cannot separate betwixt Christ and his Friends other Friends accompany us to the brink of the Grave and there they leave us to Worms and Dust for Death hath both horror and noysomness to attend it But for thee O Saviour the Grave-stone the Earth the Coffin are no Bounders of thy Dear Respects Blessed be God that neither Life nor Death can separate from the Love of Christ but even after Death and Burial he is graciously affected to those he loves Christ has a Gracious Regard to the Dust of his Saints tho' his holy ones see Corruption they shall not always lye under the power of Corruption their dead Bodies are a part of the undoubted Members of Christ's Mystical Body Blessed be God the time is coming when Christ will knock at the door of his Childrens Graves and call them up out of their Bed of Dust and they shall hear the Voice of the Son of God and Live Observe 2. The Wise and Holy design of Christ in delaying to go to Bethany till Lazarus was Dead Namely That he might at once Raise Lazarus his Dead Body and his Disciples Faith confirming them in the Belief that he was the Son of God and the true Messias But could the Faith of the Apostles want confirmation who had seen so many Miracles wrought by our Saviour and had lived under his Ministry all the time of it Yes the Faith of the most Eminent Saints even of Apostles themselves wants Confirmation in this state of Weakness and Imperfection and is capable of Growth I am glad for your sakes that I was not there to the intent ye may Believe Observe 3. The great Passion which Thomas expresses upon the notice given by Christ of Lazarus his Death Plainly Lazarus is Dead says Christ Let us go and die with him says Thomas Oh what passionate and impatient Expressions do sometimes drop from our Mouths on the occasion of the Death of our dear Relations We are ready to be so affected with the Death of our Friends as to wish our selves out of the World that we might be with them But we must remember that it is God that appoints us our several Posts and particular Stations which we must keep till the Wisdom of God sees fit to remove us 17 Then when Jesus came he found that he had lien in the grave four days already 18 Now Bethany was nigh unto Jerusalem about fifteen furlongs off 19 And many of the Jews came to Martha and Mary to comfort them concerning their brother 20 Then Martha assoon as she heard that Jesus was coming went and met him but Mary sat still in the house 21 Then said Martha unto Jesus Lord if thou hadst been here my brother had not died 22 But I know that even now whatsoever thou wilt ask of God God will give it thee Observe here 1. The length of time which Christ designedly delayed before he would come to Lazarus his Grave he was not above six Miles off Bethany being within two Miles of Jerusalem and Jerusalem within four Miles of Bethabara where Christ now was and yet our Saviour comes not of four Days doubtless that the Miracle of Lazarus's Resurrection might be the more Conspicuous and remarkable Christ could as easily have cured Lazarus's being sick as have raised him being dead and as easily have raised him the first day as the fourth day but that had not carried along with it such a full conviction of Christ's Almighty Power Therefore that he might draw the eyes of their Faith more steadfastly to behold and admire his Almighty Power our Saviour defers his coming till Lazarus had been dead four Days Observe 2. The civil usage of mourning with those that mourn for the Dead Anciently they mourned Thirty Days and sometimes forty for a dear Relation Numb 20 29. During which time Neighbours and Friends came to visit and Relieve them in their sadness with such consolatory Arguments as they had Christian Religion doth not condemn natural Affection humane passions are not sinful if not excessive to be above the stroke of passions is a condition equal to Angels to be in a state of sorrow without the Sense of sorrow is a disposition beneath the Beasts but duly to regulate our sorrows and set Boundaries to our grief is the Wisdom the Duty the Interest and the Excellency of a Christian As to be above all passions will be our happiness in Heaven so to regulate and rectifie our passions is a great part of our holiness on Earth Observe 3. Although Martha was a ●rue mourner for the Death of her Brother yet she doth not so far indulge to grief but upon the first notice of Christ's approach she arises and goes forth to meet him with a mournful moan in her mouth Lord if thou hadst been here my Brother had not died Where Observe How Faith and Infirmity were mixt together Faith appeared in that him perswasion which she had of Christ's Power as if Death durst not shew its face in Christ's presence hadst thou been here my Brother had not died But then her Infirmity appeared in limiting Christ both to Time and Place to Place if thou hadst been here As if Christ could not if it had pleased him save his Life absent as well as present then to time Now he stinketh as if she had said you are come but alas too late you have stayed too long he is past Recovery the Grave has swallowed him up as if Death would not deliver up its Prisoner at the command of Christ Oh the Imperfect Composition of the Best of Saints what a mixture of Faith and Infirmity is found in the Holiest and Best of Christians This also farther appears in her next words ver 22. I know that whatsoever thou shalt ask of God he will give it thee She seems not to Believe that Christ was able to raise him by his own immediate Power but must obtain Power of God to do it as the Prophets were wont to do that raised the Dead She thought Christ a person highly in God's favour but scarce believed him able to raise Lazarus by his own Power had her Faith extended to a Belief that Christ was equal with the Father and that the fulness of the Godhead dwelt in him she would not have questioned his Power to raise him from the Grave for tho' Christ as Mediatour did apply himself by Prayer to God at the raising of Dead
Lazarus ver 41 42. Yet as God he had a Power of himself to raise Lazarus an Almighty Power communicated with his Essence from the Father by an Eternal and ineffable Generation 23 Jesus saith unto her Thy brother shall rise again 24 Martha saith unto him I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day 25 Jesus said unto her I am the resurrection and the life he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live 26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die Believest thou this Here Observe 1. Christ's meek Answer to Martha's passionate Discourse he takes no notice of the forementioned failings but comforts her with a promise of her Brother's Resurrection Thy Brother shall rise again Thence learn That the Knowledge and Belief of the General Resurrection is and ought to be a sufficient support under the Loss of our endeared Friends ' who die in the Lord. Observe 2. That the Doctrine of the General Resurrection was no new Doctrine Job believed it ch 19.26 Daniel publish'd it ch 12.1 The Pharisees had a Notion of it but Martha here makes it an Article of her Faith I know he shall rise again in the Resurrection at the last Day Observe 3. How Christ particularly Instructs Martha in the cause of the Resurrection acquainting her that he himself is the Author and efficient cause of it I am the Resurrection and the Life That is I am the Author and principal efficient cause of the Resurrection And this with respect to both Natures 1. His Divine Nature is the efficient cause of the Resurrection he shall Raise our Bodies out of the Dust by the Power of his Godhead 2. His Humane Nature is the exemplary cause or pattern of the Resurrection For which Reason Christ is called the first Born from the Dead For tho' some were raised before him Yet was his Resurrection the cause of their Resurrection Hence St. Paul argues from Christ's Resurrection the certainty of the Resurrection of his Members Christ and Believers are one Mystical Body therefore is not Christ perfectly Risen till all his Members are Risen with him Indeed Christ's personal Resurrection was perfect when he arose and all Believers arose Representatively in him Yet till all Believers arise personally the Resurrection of Christ has not received its utmost perfection but there is somewhat behind of the Resurrection of Christ Most fitly then might our Saviour assert I am the Resurrection and the Life Observe 4. That Christ not only asserts himself to be the Resurrection but also the Life I am the Resurrection and the Life that is I am the cause of Life Natural Spiritual and Eternal and Whosoever Liveth and Believeth in Me shall never Die. That is eternally tho' his Body shall die because of Sin yet his Spirit shall live because of Righteousness 27 She saith unto him Yea Lord I believe that thou art the Christ the Son of God which should come into the world 28 And when she had so said she went her way and called Mary her sister secretly saying The Master is come and calleth for thee 29 Assoon as she heard that she arose quickly and came unto him 30 Now Jesus was not yet come into the town but was in that place where Martha met him 31 The Jews then which were with her in the house and comforted her when they saw Mary that she rose up hastily and went out followed her saying She goeth unto the grave to weep there 32 Then when Mary was come where Jesus was and saw him she fell down at his feet saying unto him Lord if thou hadst been here my brother had not died Observe here 1. The full confession which Martha makes of her Faith in Christ as God Thou art the Christ the Son of God which should come into the World A confession which comes nearest to that of St. Peter Math. 16.16 of any that we meet with in Scripture Nay it seems more full than Peter's Confession for those additional words which should come into the World are not in his Confession the Summ is She believed Christ to be the very Messias who was Typified and prefigured Prophesied of and promised to the Old Testament Saints as the person that in the fulness of time should come into the World for the Redemption and Salvation of it Thou art the Christ the Son of God which should come into the World Thence Learn That Christ is never rightly believed in nor regularly depended upon for Salvation except he be owned and acknowledged to be the Eternal Son of God Martha was now fully perswaded of Christ's Divine Nature of which the best of the Disciples till after our Saviour's Resurrection had but a faint and uncertain perswasion Observe 2. How earnest and intent our Saviour was to dispatch the errand he came upon Namely to raise Lazarus from the Grave and to comfort the Two mournful Sisters he would not so much as enter the House till he had effected his work and therefore he goes strait to the Grave which probably was the place where Mary met him Lord it was thy Meat and Drink to do the Will of thy Father it was thy Meat and Drink by Day thy Rest and Repose by Night How unlike are we to thy self if we suffer either our Pleasures or our Profits to divert us from our Duty Observe 3. What haste and speed Mary makes to attend upon her Saviour she arose quickly and came unto him Mary's Love added Wings to her motion The Jews observing her hasty motion have a loving suspicion that she is gone to the Grave to weep there but their Thoughts were too low for whilst they supposed that she went to a dead Brother she was waiting upon a living Saviour And she that used to sit at Jesus feet now falls at his feet in an awful veneration the very gesture was supplicatory And her humble prostration was seconded with a doleful Lamentation Lord If thou hadst been here my Brother had not died Where Observe A mixture of Faith with humane infirmity Here was strength of Faith in ascribing so much Power to Christ that his presence could preserve from Death but here was Infirmity in supposing the necessity of Christ's presence for this purpose Certainly he that did raise him from Death being present could have preserved him from dying being absent had he pleased This was Mary's moan Lord hadst thou been here our Brother had not died full of Affection but not from frailty and infirmity However Christ takes no notice of her errors and infirmity but all the reply we hear of is a Compassionate Groan which the following Verses acquaint us with 33 When Jesus therefore saw her weeping and the Jews also weeping which came with her he groned in the spirit and was troubled 34 And said Where have ye laid him They say unto him Lord come and see 35 Jesus wept 36 Then said the Jews Behold how he loved him 37
they took counsel together for to put him to death 54 Jesus therefore walked no more openly among the Jews but went thence unto a countrey near to the wilderness into a city called Ephraim and there continued with his disciples 55 ¶ And the Jews passover was nigh at hand and many went out of the countrey up to Jerusalem before the passover to purifie themselves 56 Then sought they for Jesus and spake among themselves as they stood in the Temple What think ye that he will hot come to the feast 57 Now both the chief priests and the Pharisees had given a commandment that if any man knew where he were he should shew it that they might take him Observe here 1. How baneful and destructive Evil Counsel is especially out of the Mouth of leading Men and how soon embraced and followed Caiaphas no sooner propounds the putting of Christ to Death but from that Day forward they lie in wait to take him The High-Priest had satisfied their Consciences and now they make all possible speed to put their malicious Designs and purposes in Execution Obs 2. The prudential Care and Means which our Lord used for his own Preservation to avoid their fury he withdraws himself privately into a Place called Ephraim and there continues with his Disciples Learn As Christ himself fled so is it lawful for his Servants to flee when their Life is conspired against by their bloody Enemies and the Persecution is Personal Observe 3. When the time was come that he was to expose himself when the time of the Passover drew near in which he being the true Pascal Lamb was to be slain to put an end to that Type he withdraws no more but surrenders himself to the Rage and Fury of his Enemies and dyes a shameful Death for shameful Sinners as the next Chapter more at large informs us CHAP. XII THen Jesus six days before the passover came to Bethany where Lazarus was which had been dead whom he raised from the dead The latter end of the foregoing Chapter acquainted us with the prudential Care of Christ in withdrawing from the Fury of his Enemies in and about Jerusalem who were consulting his Destruction his time not being fully come he gets out of the way of his Persecutors But now the Passover being at hand which was the time that this Lamb of God was to die as a Sacrifice for the Sin of the World Our Lord comes forth first to Bethany and then to Jerusalem not fearing the Teeth of his Enemies but with a fixed Resolution to encounter Death and Danger for the Salvation of his People His Example teacheth us That altho' we are bound by all lawful Means and prudential Methods to preserve our selves from the unjust Violence of our Persecutors yet when God's time for our Sufferings is come and we evidently see that it is his Will that we suffer for his sake we ought to set our Faces very chearfully towards it and resign up our selves to the Wisdom and Will of God Thus did Christ here ch 11.54 we find he withdrew from Suffering his Hour not being then come but now when the Passover was nigh at hand which was the time when he was to suffer he sets his Face towards Jerusalem and withdraws no more 2 There they made him a supper and Martha served but Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table with him 3 Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard very costly and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair and the house was filled with the odour of the ointment 4 Then saith one of his disciples Judas Iscariot Simons son which should betray him 5 Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence and given to the poor 6 This he said not that he cared for the poor but because he was a thief and had the bag and bare what was put therein 7 Then said Jesus Let her alone against the day of my burying hath she kept this 8 For the poor always ye have with you but me ye have not always In these Verses an account is given of our Saviour's entertainment at Bethany after he had raised Lazarus A Supper is made for him at which Martha served and Lazarus sate with him but Mary Anoints Christ with precious Ointments Where Note 1. The Action which this Holy Woman performed she pours a Box of precious Ointment upon our Saviour's Head as he sat at Meat according to the custom of the Eastern Countries at their Feasts I do not find that any of the Apostles were at thus much charge and cost to put honour upon our Saviour as this poor Woman was From whence learn 1. That where strong Love prevails in the Heart nothing is adjudg'd too dear for Christ neither will it suffer it self to be out-shined by any Examples The weakest Woman that strongly Loves her Saviour will vye with the greatest Apostle and Piously strive to express the fervour of her Affection towards him Observe 2. How this Action was resented and reflected upon by murmuring Judas who valued this Ointment at Three hundred Pence and grudg'd the bestowing of it upon Christ He accuses this Holy Woman of needless prodigality Lord How doth a Covetous heart think every thing too good for Thee He that sees a Pious Action performed and seeks to lessen or undervalue it shews himself possessed with a Spirit of Envy Judas his invidious Spirit makes him censure an Action which Christ highly approved Hence learn That Men who know not our Hearts may thro' ignorance or prejudice censure and condemn those Actions which God doth commend and will graciously reward Happy was it for this poor Woman that she had a more Righteous Judg to pass Sentence upon her Action than wicked Judas Observe 3. How readily our Holy Lord vindicates this poor Woman she says nothing for her self nor need she having such an Advocate and gives the Reason for her Action She did it for my Burial as Kings and great Persons were wont in those Eastern Countries at their Funerals to be Embalm'd with Odours and sweet Perfumes So saith our Saviour this Woman to declare her Faith in me as her King and Lord doth with this Box of Ointment as it were before-hand Embalm my Body for its Burial True Faith will put honour upon a Crucified as well as Glorified Saviour This Holy Woman accounts Christ worthy of all honour in his Death believing it would be a sweet smelling Sacrifice unto God and the Savour of Life unto his People 9 Much people of the Jews therefore knew that he was there and they came not for Jesus sake onely but that they might see Lazarus also whom he had raised from the dead Observe here It was not zeal but curiosity which brought these persons at this time to Christ they had an itching desire to see Lazarus to enquire after the Truth of his Death and possibly after the state of the Dead and the
death Woman behold thy Son Where Note He calls her Woman and not Mother he doth not say Mother behold thy Son but Woman behold him Not that Christ was ashamed of or unwilling to own her for his Mother But either 1. Fearing that calling her by that name should augment and increase her Grief and Trouble Or else 2. To intimate his change of State and Condition that being ready to die and return to his Father in Heaven he was above all earthly Relations and knew no one after the Flesh no not his very Mother Yet see at the same time when he was above her and about to leave her how his Care manifested it self for her when his Soul and Body were full of Anguish to the very brim Yet all this makes him not in the least unmindful of so dear a Relation Thence learn That Christ's tender Care of his Mother even in the time of his greatest Distress is an excellent Pattern for all Children to imitate and follow to the end of the World St. John here obeyed Christ's Command and imitated his Example he took her to his own Home that is he treated her with all that dutiful Regard which a tender and indulgent Mother challenges from a pious and obedient Son No personal Trial or Trouble upon our selves doth exempt us from the performance of our Duty towards others especially towards our near and dear Relations Christ in the extremity of his Sufferings accounted it his Duty to take care of and provide for his dear Mother Teaching us by his Example That Children ought to evidence that they honour their Parents by taking care of them in their decayed and desolate Condition Again Inasmuch as St. John took care of the holy Mother after her dear Son's death That Disciple took her to his own home We Learn That the Lord never removes one Comfort and taketh away the means of subsistance from his People but he raises up another in the room of it It is very probable that Joseph her Husband was before this time dead and Jesus her Son was now dying but still God provides he raises up St. John to take care of her he takes her to his own Home and looks upon her as one of his Family But how comes St. John above the rest to have this honourable Service put upon him and this high Trust reposed in him Answer The Text tells us he was the Disciple whom Jesus loved that is in a more especial manner treating him with greater Freedom and Familiarity than the rest he also evidenced more Love unto and more Courage and Resolution for Christ than the rest of his Disciples he standing by the Cross when they got afar off Mark 15.49 Thence we learn That such as are beloved of Christ as do keep close unto him and express most Zeal and Resolution for him they shall be peculiarly honoured by him and be employed in the highest Services for him 28 ¶ After this Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished that the Scripture might be fulfilled saith I thirst 29 Now there was set a vessel full of vineger and they filled a spunge with vineger and put it upon hyssop and put it to his mouth Observe here 1. The Affliction or Suffering which our Saviour complained of and that is Thirst there are two sorts of Thirst one Natural and Proper the other Spiritual and Figurative Christ felt both at this time His Body Thirsted by Reason of those Agonies which it laboured under His Soul Thirsted in vehement Desires and fervent longings to accomplish that great and difficult Work he was now about 2. The design and end of our Lord's Complaint That the Scripture might be fulfilled he saith I Thirst Our Saviour finding that all was accomplished which he was to do before his Death but only the fulfilling that one Scripture Ps 69.21 They gave me Vineger to Drink He for the accomplishment thereof Said I Thirst Whence Note That such were the Agonies and Extream Sufferings of our Lord Jesus Christ upon the Cross that they drank up his very Spirits and made him cry I Thirst 2. That when Christ cried out I Thirst it was to shew that what ever was foretold by the Prophets concerning him was exactly accomplished and even to a Circumstance fulfilled in him That the Scripture might be fulfilled Jesus saith I Thirst 30 When Jesus therefore had received the vineger he said It is finished and he bowed his head and gave up the Ghost Observe here 1. Our Lord's last word It is finished 2. His last Act He bowed his Head and gave up the Ghost As to the former his last Word It is finished This might be the probable intendment of it 1. It is finished That is Now is my Father's Eternal Council concerning me accomplished and now is the Promise that he made of my becoming a Sacrifice for Sin fulfilled both my Father's Purpose and my Father's Promise are now receiving their final Accomplishment 2. It is finished that is the Scriptures are now fulfilled all the Types that did prefigure me all the Prophetical Predictions that were made of me all the Jewish Sacrifices that pointed at me have now received their final accomplishment in me and are abolished in my Death 3. It is finished that is my Sufferings are now ended my Race is Run my work is done I am now putting my last Hand to it my Death is before me I have finished the Work the whole Work which I came into the World for doing as well as dying all is upon the matter compleated it is just finishing it will be instantly finished Again 4. It is finished that is the Fury and Malice the Rage and Revenge of my Enemies is now ended they have done their worst the Chief Priests and Soldiers the Judges and Witnesses the Executioners and Tormenters have all tired out themselves with the Exercise of their own Malice but now their Spite and Spleen their Envy and Enmity is ended and the Son of God's at Rest 5. It is finished that is the Glorious work of Man's Redemption and Salvation is perfected and performed consummated and compleated the Price is paid Satisfaction is given Redemption is purchased and Salvation insured to a miserable World Woe unto us if Christ had left but one farthing of our Debt to the Justice of God unpaid we must have lain in Hell to all Eternity as being insolvend But Christ has by one offering for ever perfected them that are sanctified Learn hence That Jesus Christ hath perfected and compleatly finished the great work of Redemption committed to him by God the Father Observe 2. Our Saviour's last Act. He bowed his Head and gave up the Ghost Whence learn The spontaneity and voluntariness of Christ's Sufferings how freely he surrendred to Death his Soul was not rent from him but yeilded up to God by him Christ was a volunteer in dying tho' his Death was a violent Death yet it was a voluntary Sacrifice He bowed his
manner of our Lord's Funeral it was hasty publick and decent it was hasty by reason of the streights of Time the Sabbath was approaching and all Business is laid aside to prepare for that Teaching us how much it is our Duty to dispatch our Worldly business early in the Evening of the Lord's Day that we may be the better prepared to Sanctifie that Day Again our Lord's Funeral was publick and open all Persons that would might be Spectators to cut off occasion from any to object that there was deceit and fraud used in or about our Lord's Burial yet was he also Interr'd decently his Holy Body being wrapt in fine Linen and perfum'd with Spices according to the Jewish Custom Observe 5. The Reasons why our Lord was thus buried seeing he was to Rise again in as short a time as other Men lie by the Walls doubtless it was to declare the certainty of his Death and the reality of his Resurrection to fulfill the Types and Prophesies which went before of him As Jonas being three Days and three Nights in the Whale's Belly he was also buried to compleat his Humiliation this being the lowest step to which he could descend in his abased State Finally he went into the Grave that he might conquer Death in its own Territories Observe Lastly Of what use our Lord's Burial is to us his followers It shews us the amazing depths of his Humiliation from what and to what his Love brought him even from the Bosom of his Father to the Bosom of the Grave It may also comfort us against the fears of Death the Grave could not long keep Christ it shall not always keep us it was a loathsome Prison before it is a perfum'd Bed now he whose Head is in Heaven need not fear to put his Feet into the Grave Awake and Sing thou that dwellest in the Dust for the Enmity of the Grave is slain by Christ CHAP. XX. This and the following Chapter gives us an Account of our Saviour's Exaltation and Victorious Triumph over all his Enemies by his powerful Resurrection All the four Evangelists do confirm the Truth of it by recording the several steps and degrees of the manifestation of it In this Chapter Christ's Resurrection is confirmed first to Mary Magdalene next to Peter and John then to all the Disciples except Thomas 1 THe first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early when it was yet dark unto the sepulchre and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre In this Verse is Recorded how Mary Magdalene came early to the Sepulchre on the first Day of the Week to Anoint the Dead Body of our Lord Jesus Where Note That tho' her Heart did burn with an ardent Zeal and Affection to her Crucified Lord yet the commanded Duties of the Sabbath were not omitted by her she kept close and silently spent that Holy Day in a mixture of Grief and Hope her Example is a good Pattern of Sabbath-Sanctification and worthy of our Christian Imitation Note 2. What magnanimity and courage is found in this weak Woman she followed Christ Couragiously when his Disciples left him Cowardly she accompanied him to his Cross she followed his Hearse to the Grave when his Disciples durst not appear and now very early in the Morning she goes to visit his Sepulchre fearing neither the Darkness of the Night nor the presence of the Watch-men Learn thence That Courage is the special gift of God and if he gives it to the feebler Sex even to timerous and fearful Women it is not in the Power of Man to make them afraid 2 Then she runneth and cometh to Simon Peter and to the other disciple whom Jesus loved and saith unto them They have taken away the Lord out of the sepulchre and we know not where they have laid him It was a great Honour that God put upon this poor Woman Mary Magdalene that she has the first Notice of our Saviour's Resurrection and is the first that discovers it to the Apostles But why had not the Virgin Mary his Disconsolate Mother this Priviledge conferr'd on her rather than Mary Magdalene who had been a grievous Sinner Doubtless this was for the Comfort of all True Pentitents and Administers great Consolation to them As the Angels in Heaven Rejoyce much more doth Christ Joy in the Recovery of one repenting Sinner than in multitudes of Holy and Just Persons such was the blessed Virgin who need no Repentance 3 Peter therefore went forth and that other disciple and came to the sepulchre 4 So they ran both together and the other disciple did outrun Peter and came first to the sepulchre 5 And he stouping down and looking in saw the linen clothes lying yet went he not in 6 Then cometh Simon Peter following him and went into the sepulchre and seeth the linen clothes lie 7 And the napkin that was about his head not lying with the linen clothes but wrapped together in a place by it self 8 Then went in also that other disciple which came first to the sepulchre and he saw and believed 9 For as yet they knew not the scripture that he must rise again from the dead Here observe 1. How Peter and John moved with Mary Magdalens words They have taken away the Lord c. do run to the Sepulchre to satisfie themselves in the Truth of it Such as sincerely Love Christ upon the least intimation that he is missing bestir themselves with great Activity and Diligence that they may see him or hear of him Peter and John run to the Sepulchre to see what was become of their Holy Master Observe 2. That there were such clear Evidences about Christ's Grave as made it apparent that he was indeed Risen from the Dead and not conveighed away either by Friends or Foes It cannot be supposed that any of his Friends could they have come at it would have so handled his Holy Body as to carry it away naked and for his Foes had they Stole away the Body they would never have left the Fine Linnen behind them Observe 3. That when Christ arose from the Grave he left his Grave Cloaths behind him whereas when Lazarus arose he came forth with his Grave Cloaths about him it Teaches us that Christ Rose never to Die more but to Live and Reign for ever therefore he left his Grave Cloaths in the Grave as never to make use of them more But Lazarus was to Die again Death was once more to have Dominion over him he therefore came forth with his Grave Cloaths about him Observe Lastly How ignorant the Apostles were of the Doctrine of Christ's Resurrection and of the Holy Scriptures which declared he was to Rise again from the Dead They knew not the Scriptures That is They did not heed and regard them ponder them in their Hearts and feed upon them by Faith 10 Then the disciples went away again unto their own home 11 ¶ But Mary stood without at the sepulchre weeping and as
That is Thou sparest none but tellest all Men of their Faults XIX In his Vniversal Obedience to his Father's Will and chearful Submission to his Father's Pleasure He obeyed the Will of his Father Universally Voluntarily Sincerely and with a single Eye at his Glory perseveringly and to the End and as he was so must we be faithful to the Death if ever we expect the Crown of Life And in like manner did he submit to the Will of his Providence Father not as I will but as thou wilt not my will but thine be done O let us keep this Example continually before us and every day obey the will of God's Precept universally And submit to the Will of his Providence very chearfully this is Heaven on Earth XX. In his Love and Practice of Universal Holiness both in Heart and Life He was Holy in his Nature Holy in his Principle and Motives Holy in his Aim and Ends he was perfectly Holy precisely Holy uniformly Holy exemplarily Holy he delighted only in holy Persons and holy Things it concerns us to imitate him herein if ever we expect to be where he is Heaven is the habitation of Holiness the company is Holy the imployment Holy the enjoyments Holy no unclean Thing can enter into Heaven or could be Happy in Heaven Heaven is rather a Nature than a place 'T is not the place of Heaven can make us Happy but the Disposition and Temper of our Minds in Heaven without Conformity to the Nature of God there can be no Communion with him nor Delight in him what a discourteous Courtesie would it be to turn a filthy Swine into a Garden of curious Flowers to lodge it in a Bed of sweet Perfumes to bath it in a clear and Crystal Fountain Alas its unclean Temper and sordid Inclinations would rather choose to lie down in a Kennel and to wallow in the Mire its proper Element Thus unsuitable would Heaven be that place of greatest Happiness be the greatest Vneasiness to an unholy Heart Let us then Pray and Endeavour that the Temper of our Minds and the Actions of our Lives may be a lively Transcript of the Mind and Life of the Holy Jesus that we may be like him in Purity and Holiness in Justice and Righteousness in Patience and Meekness in Charity and Universal Goodness That as he was we may be in the World Holy Humble Harmless Heavenly Minded glorifying God on Earth that we may be glorified with him and by him in his Eternal Kingdom Yet before I close this Exhortation to an Imitation of Jesus I must subjoin this cautionary Direction Take heed that you do not so imitate Christ for your Pattern as to disown him for your Priest This is the dangerous Error of those who affirm that the great End of Christ's Death was to give the World an Example of Patience Humility Meekness and the fore-mentioned Christian Graces and that his Sufferings were Exemplary but not properly Satisfactory We acknowledge that Christ's giving us an Example was one End of his coming into the World and Dying for us but not the great End A Subordinate End but not the Vltimate God preserve us from the Contagion of this growing Error other Errors only scratch the Face but this stabs the Heart of the Christian Religion in that it deprives us of the choicest Benefit of Christ's Death namely The Expiation of Sin by a proper Satisfaction to the Justice of God But blessed be God we have not so learned Christ as we are Taught so we Believe that the Holy Jesus by the Sacrifice of his Death has Redeemed us from Death and Hell and Saved us from Wrath to come by a full and adequate payment to Divine Justice and by the Redundancy of his Merit has purchased an Eternal Inheritance for us and as we are Taught and Believe so we Pray Almighty God who hast given thine only Son to be unto us both a Sacrifice for Sin and also an Example of Godly Life Give us Grace that we may always most thankfully receive that his inestimable Benefit and also daily endeavour our selves to follow the blessed Steps of his most Holy Life through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Almighty and everlasting God who of thy tender Love towards Mankind hast sent thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ to take upon him our Flesh and to suffer Death upon the Cross that all Mankind should follow the Example of his great Humility Mercifully grant that we may both follow the Example of his Patience and also be made Partakers of his Resurrection through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen FINIS Advertisements BOOKS published by Mr. WILLIAM BURKITT and printed for Thomas Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside THE Poor Man's Help and Young Man's Guide Containing I. Doctrinal Instructions for the right Informing of his Judgment II. Practical Directions for the General Course of his Life III. Particular Advices for the Well-managing of every Day With reference to his 1. Natural Actions 2. Civil Imployments 3. Necessary Recreations 4. Religious Duties Particularly I. Prayer Publick in the Congregation Private in the Family Secret in the Closet II. Reading the Holy Scriptures III. Hearing of the Word Preached IV. Receiving of the Lord's Supper Unto which is added An Earnest Exhortation unto all Christians to the Love and Practice of Universal Holiness The Fourth Edition An Argumentative and Practical Discourse of Infant-Baptism In which I. The Lawfulness of Infant-Baptism is Demonstrated II. The Objections against Infant-Baptism are Answered III. The Usefulness of the Ordinance is Asserted IV. The Sinfulness of Re-baptizing Manifested V. The Non-necessity of Dipping Evidenced VI. The Practical Use of Infant-Baptism Urged and Inforced The Second Edition A Sermon at the Funeral of the Reverend Mr. William Gurnall THE Works of the late Reverend and Learned William Bates D. D. In one large Volume in Folio Viz. 1. Of the Existence of God the Immortality of the Soul and the Divinity of the Christian Religion 2. The Harmony of the Divine Attributes 3. The Great Duty of Resignation 4. The Danger of Prosperity 5. Sermons of the Forgiveness of Sins 6. The Sure Trial of Uprightness 7. The Four Last Things viz. Death Judgment Heaven and Hell In which his Book called The Final Happiness of Man is included 8. Of Spiritual Perfection 9. Eleven Sermons on several Occasions 10. A Sermon upon the Death of Queen Mary 11. A Funeral Sermon on Dr. Manton 12. A Funeral Sermon on Dr. Jacomb 13. A Funeral Sermon on Mr. Baxter With his Life 14. A Funeral Sermon on Mr. Clarkson 15. A Funeral Sermon on Mr. Benjamin Ashurst To which are added Two Discourses never before publish'd being exactly taken in Short-hand and Approv'd by the Author in his Life-time viz. 16. A Discourse on Divine Meditation 17. A Discourse on the Fear of God c. With an Alphabetical Table to the Whole As likewise The Author's Effigies curiously Engrav'd by Mr. Robert White from an Original of Sir Godfrey Kneller And some Account of his Life and Character in a Funeral Sermon preach'd by the Reverend Mr. Howe Printed for Johnathan Robinson at the Golden-Lyon in St. Paul's Church-Yard There will be speedily publish'd A Catechetical Course of Sermons for the whole Year Being an Explanation of the Church-Catechism in Fifty Two Distinct Discourses on so many several Texts of Scripture Wherein are Briefly contained the most Necessary Points of Christian Doctrine in Two Volumes in Octavo With an Alphabetical Index to each Volume Recommended Especially for the Use of Families By Peter Newcome M. A. and Vicar of Aldenham in Hertford-shire Printed for John Wyat at the Rose in St. Paul's Church-Yard
and Benefits of it to them that are most unworthy and ill-deserving 2. To encourage the greatest Sinners to go unto Christ by Faith and seek to be ingrafted into him For as Christ by the Power of his Godhead did purifie our Nature from all the Pollution of his Ancestors so he can by the Power of his Grace and Spirit Sanctifie our Persons and Natures how foul and impure soever they either are or have been 3. Hereby our Lord gives us to understand That he came to Save the most Notorious Sinners as well as those whose Lives have been less Scandalous 4. This is recorded for the Support of such as are Illegitimate and Base-born how vile soever their Parent 's Sin has rendered them in the Eyes of Men 't is their own Sin only which exposes them to Contempt in the sight of God T is not Illegitimacy but Unregeneracy that makes us Objects of God's Wrath. 18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph before they came together she was found with child of the holy Ghost This Espousal of Mary to Joseph was for the Safety of Christ and for the Credit and Reputation of the Virgin It was for our Saviour's Safety because being to fly into Egypt he has Joseph his reputed Father to take care of him and it was for the Virgin 's Reputation lest she should have been accounted unclean Learn hence What a special Regard Almighty God has to the Fame and Reputation of his Children he would have them free from the least Suspicion of Evil and Dishonesty Mary being espoused to an Husband frees her self from the Suspicion of Naughtiness and her Son from the Imputation of an Illegitimate Birth Observe farther The Miraculous Conception of the Holy Jesus the Holy Ghost overshadowed the Virgin and did miraculously cause her Conception without the help of an Human Father Thus Christ was the Son of God as well in his Human as in his Divine Nature He must needs be a perfectly Holy Person who was conceived purely by the Holy Spirit 's Operation 19 Then Joseph her husband being a just man and not willing to make her a publick example was minded to put her away privily That is being an holy Person he was unwilling to accompany with a defiled Woman and therefore minded to put her away but being kind and gentle he intended to put her away privily lest she should have been exposed and stoned to death Observe here How early our Dear Lord's Sufferings began he and his Mother are designed to be put away even when he was but an Embryo in the Womb. Observe farther From the great Clemency of Joseph toward the suspected Virgin That kind and merciful Men always presume the best and prosecute with gentleness especially where Life is concerned Meek Joseph doth resolve upon the milder course and chooses rather to put her away privily than publickly to expose her 20 But while he thought on these things behold the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream saying Joseph thou son of David fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife for that which is conceived in her is of the holy Ghost Two things are here observable namely the Care that Almighty God takes 1. For Joseph's Satisfaction 2. For Vindicating the Virgin 's Reputation For Joseph's Satisfaction an Angel is dispatcht to give him assurance that the Virgin was not defiled by Man but overshadowed by the Holy Ghost Whence Note That Almighty God will certainly find out Ways and Means for his People's Satisfaction when they are willing and desirous above all things to come to the Knowledge and right Understanding of their Duty Observe 2. How the Angel clears the Virgin 's Innocency as well as satisfies Joseph's Doubtings by assuring that what was conceived in her was by the Holy Ghost Learn hence That God will in his own time clear the Innocency of such as suffer in their Name and Reputation for the sake of Christ tho' for the present they may ly under the Burden of Disgrace and Shame 21 And she shall bring forth a son and thou shalt call his Name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins Observe here 1. A Prediction of our Saviour's Birth the Virgin shall bring forth a Son 2. A Precept for the Imposition of his Name Thou shalt call his Name Jesus that is a Saviour 3. The Reason why that Name was given him because he should save a People not temporally as Joshuah did the Israelites from their Enemies but spiritually and eternally from their Sins not in their Sins but from them that is from the Guilt and Punishment from the Power and Dominion of them Obs 4. The peculiar Subjects of this Priviledge His People He shall save his People from their Sins Learn 1. That Sin is the Evil of Evils or that Sin considered in it self is incomparably the greatest and the worst of Evils 2. That the great End of Christ's coming into the World was to be a Saviour from this Evil. 3. That Christ's own People do want and stand in need of a Saviour as well as others if he does not save them from their Sins they must Die in and for their Sins as well as others 22 Now all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet saying 23 Behold a virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth a son and they shall call his name Emmanuel which being interpreted is God with us Of all the Prophets of the Old Testament the Prophet Esay has the Honour to be first recited in the New Here the Evangelist quotes his Prophecy of Christ's Incarnation Behold a Virgin shall be with Child Learn thence That the great Mystery of our Saviour's wonderful Incarnation was tho' darkly revealed to the Church of God under the Old Testament Observe farther The Name given to our Saviour under the Old Testament Immanuel that is God with us God manifested in our Flesh God appearing in our Nature God reconciling Man to himself Oh Happy and Blessed Union of Two Natures in One Person Christ is God and Man united that God and Men may be reconciled 24 Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him and took unto him his wife Joseph is no sooner assured that Mary is with Child by the Overshadowing Power of the Holy Ghost but he instantly obeys the Lord's Command and takes Mary to him without farther disputing or delaying Learn thence That a Gracious Person when once satisfied in God's Word of Command disputes no farther but instantly complies with the Will of God even in the most hazardous and difficult Duties 25 And knew her not till she had brought forth her first-born son and he called his Name Jesus It is ●●●usly Believed tho' not positively in Scripture Asserted that the Virgin had no other Child but our Saviour it is a
to Worship him Obs 2. Herod calls him the young Child not the young King that Word was too big to come out of Herod's proud Mouth he could neither bear the Thing nor brook the Title Obs 3. How craftily Herod lays his Plot he desires the Wise Men to inquire thoroughly and to inform him privately To be Wise in doing Mischief is the worst Wisdom in the World 'T is not the Wisdom from above but from Hell beneath 9 When they had heard the king they departed and lo the star which they saw in the east went before them till it came and stood over where the young child was 10 When they saw the star they rejoyced with exceeding great joy 11 And when they were come into the house they saw the young child with Mary his mother and fell down and worshipped him and when they had opened their treasures they presented unto him gifts gold and frankincense and myrrh Observe here 1. How the Star which for some time disappeared now appears again to their farther Direction in finding Christ Teaching us That God will not be wanting to such as are on the Way to seek Christ but will renew Directions and Encouragements to them according as they stand in need none ever sincerely sought Christ but they certainly found him at the last Obs 2. That the Joy which arises in such a Soul as has found Christ is unutterable and unspeakable the Wise Men here Rejoyced with Joy with great Joy with exceeding great Joy Obs 3. The Wise Men having found this young King they bring Presents to him according to the manner of the Eastern Countries namely Gold Frankincense and Myrrh which were the principal Commodities of the East But the best Present we can make to Christ is our Selves he seeks not Ours but Us and rather desires what we are than what we have Yet the Providence of God was wonderfully seen in these Presents for hereby Provision was made for the Sustenance of Joseph and Mary and the Child Jesus in their Exile or Flight into Egypt which they were shortly to undergo 12 And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod they departed into their own countrey another way God having warned the Wise Men in a Dream not to go back to Herod they return home another way But did these Wise Men play the Parts of Honest Men in that they returned not again to Herod Answ It appears not that they promised Herod to return tho' he expected it or if they did it was in consideration that Herod should Come and Worship Christ not Murther and Destroy him But if they promised him never so positively God Almighty gave them a Dispensation from that Promise by commanding them to return home another way Herod kept his Design against Christ close from the Wise Men but he could not conceal his Intentions from the infinitely Wise God he knew the Purposes of his Heart and by his Providence kept Christ out of his Hand There is no Wisdom nor Understanding nor Counsel against the Lord. 13 And when they were departed behold the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream saying Arise and take the young child and his mother and flee into Egypt and be thou there until I bring thee word for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him 14 When he arose he took the young child and his mother by night and departed into Egypt 15 And was there until the death of Herod that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet saying Out of Egypt have I called my Son Obs here 1. How our Lord himself in a time of Persecution flies for Safety who was able a thousand ways to have preserv'd himself from Danger Teaching us That in times of Difficulty and Danger 't is neither unwarrantable nor unbecoming to preserve our Lives by flight surely 't is no Shame for us to fly when our Captain doth both practise it and command it also Christ by his own Example has sanctified that State of Life unto us and by his Command has made it lawful for us Obs 2. The Place which Christ flies unto for Safety and that is Egypt an unlikely Place considered in it self Who could expect Liberty in that House of Bondage But any Place is good if God sends us thither and Christ be in our company his Presence can make Egypt it self not only safe but delightful also Obs 3. How readily Joseph complies with the Divine Command instantly He arose and took the young Child and fled Teaching us That when our Direction is clear our Compliance should be speedy We cannot be too forward and expeditious in the Execution of Divine Commands Obs 4. Tho' Joseph at the Command of God flies presently from Herod's Rage yet he flies privately by Night and prudentially begins his Journey when least Notice should be taken of his Motion Teaching us That altho' we have never so many Promises of Safety and Deliverance yet we must not put God up●● Working Miracles for our Preservation when it may be obtained in the Use of Means 16 Then Herod when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men was exceeding wroth and sent forth and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem and in all the coasts thereof from two years old and under according to the time which he had diligently inquired of the wise men Obs How Herod having play'd the Fox before he acts the Lion now his secret Policy not succeeding he breaks out into open and inhumane Cruelty Learn That when Fraud and Subtilty fail the Enemies of the Church they then fall to open Rage and barbarous Inhumanity Thus here these Holy Innocents fall as a Sacrifice to Herod's Rage and Die for Christ who came to Die for them and so were Martyrs in Deed tho' not in Will Some affirm that Herod did not spare his own Child then at Nurse in the Coasts of Bethlehem which made Augustus say He had rather be Herod's Hog than Herod's Child because the Jews did kill and eat no Swine's Flesh 17 Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet saying 18 In Rama was there a voice heard lamentation and weeping and great mourning Rachel weeping for her children and would not be comforted because they are not Observe here The loud and bitter Cry which the Mothers of Bethlehem make for the Death of their innocent Children which were barbarously slain by the Sword of Herod Here was Lamentation Weeping and great Mourning made by Rachel that is by the Women inhabiting in and about Bethlehem where Rachel's Sepulcher was for the Land about Bethlehem was called Rachel from her Sepulcher so famous in those Parts Rachel here is not the Name of a Person but of a Place Obs 2. The Cause and Reason of this Cry and bitter Lamentation the Mothers weep not because their Children are but because they are not they did not with some
wicked Parents repine because they had Children but because they had lost them Mothers have the sharpest Throws both in their Childrens Births and Burials As Children in their Births are their Mothers Benjamins so in their Burial they are their Mothers Benoni's Sons of Sorrow 19 But when Herod was dead behold an angel of the Lord appeareth in a dream to Joseph in Egypt saying 20 Arise and take the young child and his mother and go into the land of Israel for they are dead which sought the young child's life Obs 1. Herod's Death like a Bloody Persecutor he is sent unlamented to his Grave Historians say that out of his Body issued forth such impure Streams of Blood that the Loathsomness and Pain made him attempt the killing of himself God seldom suffers Persecutors to pass in quiet to their Graves they rarely die the common Death of all Men having no other Balm at their Funeral than their own Blood Obs 2. The happy Consequent of Herod's Death Christ is now call'd Home without Danger Herod being sent to his Grave the Coast is clear for the Return of the Holy Family The Death of Persecutors is the Delivery of the Persecuted 21 And he arose and took the young child and his mother and came into the land of Israel 22 But when he heard that Archelaus did reign in Judea in the room of his father Herod he was afraid to go thither notwithstanding being warned of God in a dream he turned aside into the parts of Galilee Observe here 1. The just Fear that Joseph has upon his Mind that Herod's Son would be as Bloody a Tyrant as his Flagitious Father No wonder that the Children of Cruel Persecutors are suspected to tread in their Bloody Parents Steps Obs 2. How God's Warrant and Direction doth quiet Joseph's Mind resolve his Doubts and remove his Fears and makes him readily comply with the Command of God Being warned of God he removes out of Egypt into Galilee Oh how safe and satisfactory is it in all our Ways to follow the Call and Command of God! Joseph and Mary durst not move their Feet no not out of Egypt it self till God gives them a Warrant for their departure and bids them go 23 And he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet He shall be called a Nazarene A threefold Interpretation is given of these Words He shall be called a Nazarene Some read the Words 1. He shall be called a Nazarite the Nazarites were a Religious and Separate Rank of Persons among the Jews who abstained from Wine and came not near the Dead for fear of Pollution Christ was a Holy Person but no Nazarite in a strict sence for he drank Wine and touched the Dead 2. Others read the Words He shall be called Netzer a Branch in Allusion to Isa 11.1 where he is called a Branch of the Root of Jesse Christ was that True Branch of which the Prophets had so often spoken 3. Others will have the Word Nazarene referr to the City Nazareth where Christ was conceived and lived most of his time He shall be called a Nazarene because he dwelt at Nazareth hence his Disciples were called the Sect of the Nazarenes that is the Followers of him that dwelt at Nazareth and Christ himself is pleased to own the Title Act. 22.8 I am Jesus of Nazareth whom thou persecutest Learn from hence The great Humility of Mind that was found in our Saviour He was Born at Bethlehem a little City he Lives at Nazareth a poor contemptible Place He aspires not after the Grandeur of the World but is meek and lowly in Spirit may the same humble Mind be in us which was also in Christ Jesus CHAP. III. This Evangelist having declared our Saviour's Miraculous Conception in the First Chapter and recorded several remarkable Circumstances relating to his Birth in the Second Chapter in this Chapter before us he passes over in silence the whole Course of our Saviour's Life in private taking no notice how he spent his Minority whilst he dwelt at Nazareth which was till he was Thirty Years old at which time he entred upon his Publick Ministry having John the Baptist for his Harbinger and Forerunner at this Chapter fully informs us 1 IN those days came John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness of Judea 2 And saying Repent ye for the kingdom of heaven is at hand Observe here 1. The Preacher sent by God John the Baptist a Pattern of Mortification and a Preacher of Repentance Obs 2. The Place he is sent to Preach in The Wilderness of Judea not in Populous Jerusalem but in a Barren Wilderness where Inhabitants were sew and probably very ignorant and rude Learn hence That it is God's Prerogative to send forth the Preachers of the Gospel when and whither and to what People he pleases and none must Assume the Office before they be Sent. Obs 3. The Doctrine that he preaches namely the Doctrine of Repentance Repent ye This was to prepare the People for the Messias and the Grace of the Gospel Learn thence That the Preaching of the Doctrine of Repentance is absolutely necessary in order to the preparing of the Hearts of Sinners for the receiving of Christ Jesus Obs 4. The Motive which St. John uses to inforce the Exhortation to Repentance The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand that is now is the so much expected Time of the Appearing of the Messiah come the Old Testament Dispensation is now to be Abolished and the Mercy and Grace of the Gospel is now to be Revealed therefore Repent and Amend your Lives Note thence That the free and full Tenders of Grace and Mercy in the Gospel are the most alluring Arguments to move a Sinner to Repent and to Convert to God 3 For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Esaias saying The voice of one crying in the wilderness Prepare ye the way of the Lord make his paths straight The Papists from John Baptist's living in the Wilderness would make him the first Founder of the Order of the Hermits but very groundlesly For 1. What he did was by God's Command what they do is by the Dictates of their their own Fancy 2. He busied himself in Preaching in the Wilderness they bury themselves alive and do nothing 3. He lived in the Wilderness but for a time afterwards we find him at Court Preaching a Sermon to Herod but they bind themselves with a Vow to live and die Hermits 4 And the same John had his raiment of camels hair and a leathern girdle about his loins and his meat was locusts and wild honey The plainess of John's Habit and Diet is here declared he was habited in a plain Suit of Camels Hair much as Elijah was before him and as his Habit was plain so his Diet was ordinary feeding upon Herbs and such Things as the Wilderness affords hence it was that Nazianzen said he was all
had alledged Scripture before to Satan here Satan retorts Scripture back again to Christ It is written says Christ It is written says Satan Learn thence That it is no wonder to hear Hereticks and Hypocrites quote Scripture when Satan himself durst recite them He that had prophanely toucht the Sacred Body of Christ with his Hand sticks not presumptuously to handle the Holy Scriptures of God with his Tongue Yet Observe How wretchedly the Devil wrests perverts and misapplies the Scriptures When God promises his Angels shall keep us it is in Viis non in Praecipitiis 't is in all God's Ways not in any of our own crooked Paths Note here That altho' the Children of God have the Promise of the Guardianship of Holy Angels yet then only may they expect their Protection when they are walking in the Way of their Duty 7 Jesus said unto him It is written again Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God Observe here Tho' the Devil had wrested and abused Scripture yet still Christ alledges Scripture The Abuse of the Holy Scriptures by Hereticks and Seducers is no Argument against the Use of them As Christ here compares Scripture with Scripture so should we in order to the finding out the true Sence and Meaning of it 8 Again the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them 9 And saith unto him All these things will I give thee if thou wilt fall down and worship me The next Sin which Satan tempts our Saviour to is the Sin of Idolatry even to Worship the Devil himself Oh thou Impudent and Foul Spirit To desire thy Creator to Adore thee an Apostate-Creature Surely there can be no Sin so black and foul so gross and monstrous but that the Christian may be tempted to it when Christ himself was tempted to Worship the Tempter St. Matthew reads the Words If thou wilt fall down and Worship me St. Luke If thou wilt Worship before me Whence we may gather That if to Worship before the Devil be to Worship the Devil then to Worship before an Image is to Worship the Image Obs 2. The Bait which Satan makes use of to allure our Saviour to the Sin of Idolatry and that was in representing to his Eye and View all the Glories of the World in the most inviting manner and that in a Moment of Time to the intent it might affect him the more and prevail the sooner Learn thence That the Pomp and Greatness the Glory and Grandeur of this World is made use of by Satan as a dangerous Snare to draw Men to a Compliance with him in his Temptations unto Sin 10 Then saith Jesus unto him Get thee hence Satan for it is written Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve Observe here 1. With what Zeal and Indignation of Spirit our Blessed Saviour repells and beats back this Temptation of Satan Get thee hence Note thence That the greater the Sins are which the Devil tempts us to the greater our Zeal and Indignation ought to be in opposing and resisting of the Temptation to them A great Temptation must be withstood with great Resolution Observe 2. The Weapon with which he repells and beats back the Fiery Dart of Satan's Temptation and that is with the Shield of Scripture It is written Thou shalt Worship the Lord thy God Learn thence That GOD is the Sole Object of all Religious Worship it is so peculiarly the Creator's Due that to give it to any Creature is gross Idolatry and repugnant to the Scriptures 11 Then the devil leaveth him and behold angels came and ministred unto him Observe here 1. The Issue of this Combat Satan is conquered and quits the Field Then the Devil leaveth him Teaching us That nothing like a vigorous Resistance of Temptation causes the Tempter to flee from us Resist the Devil and be will flee from you Observe 2. Our Lord's Triumph over his Enemy Behold Angels came and ministred unto him Food to his hungry Body and Comfort to his tempted Soul Learn thence That those who in the Hour of Temptation do hold out in resisting Satan shall find the Power and Faithfulness of God will not be wanting to them to send in Succour and Relief in the End 12 Now when Jesus had heard that John was cast into prison he departed into Galilee 13 And leaving Nazareth he came and dwelt in Capernaum which is upon the sea-coast in the borders of Zebulon and Nephthalim 14 That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet saying 15 The land of Zabulon and the land of Nephthalim by the way of the sea beyond Jordan Galilee of the Gentiles 16 The people which sat in darkness saw great light and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up Observe here 1. Our Saviour hearing of John's Imprisonment provides for his own Safety by departing into Galilee As our Holy Lord avoided Persecution so may we Observe 2. The Place in Galilee he comes to Capernaum Christ had three Cities which he called his own Nazareth where he was Bred Bethlehem where he was Born and Capernaum where he dwelt this was a Sea-coast Town in the Borders of Zebulon and Nephthali Observe 3. The Special Providence of God in this Change of our Saviour's Habitation for by that means the Prophecy Isa 9.1 was fulfilled which declares that in that dark part of the Country the Messiah the True Light should shine forth Learn hence 1. That a People destitute of the Saving Knowledge of the Gospel are in great Darkness how great soever the Light of their Outward Comforts may be This People had Natural Light enough and Civil Light enough they had an Abundance of Wealth and Riches Peace and Plenty but they wanted the Light of Christ and his Gospel and therefore are said to sit in Darkness 2. That where-ever the Gospel is Preached amongst a People it is as a Light springing up and shining forth amongst them quickning and enlivening reviving and chearing the Souls of those that entertain it how great soever their outward Darkness and Distress may be The People that sate in Darkness saw great Light and to them which sate in the Region and Shadow of Death Light is sprung up c. 17 From that time Jesus began to preach and to say Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand Here our Saviour begins to enter upon his Prophetick Office and by Preaching to make known the Will of God to Mankind and Observe The Doctrine which he Preached is the same that John the Baptist did Preach namely the Doctrine of Repentance Repent ye and the Argument is the same also For the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand that is now is the so much expected Time of the Appearing of the promised Messiah Learn hence That the Doctrine of Christ and his Ambassadors is alike and the same
and the Hand of his own Faith The Hand of Christ's Power laid hold on Peter and the Hand of Peter's Faith laid hold on the Power of Christ If we let go our hold on Christ we Sink if he le ts go his hold on us we drown Now Peter Answered his Name Cephas and Sunk like a Stone 31 And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand and caught him and said unto him O thou of little faith wherefore didst thou doubt 32 And when they were come into the ship the wind ceased 33 Then they that were in the ship came and worshipped him saying Of a truth thou art the Son of God Obs here 1. The Mercy of Christ is no sooner sought but found Immediately Jesus put forth his Hand and caught him Oh with what speed and with what Assurance should we flee to that Soveraign Bounty from whence never any Suitor was sent away empty Obs 2. Though Christ gave Peter his Hand yet with his Hand he gave him a Check O thou of little Faith why didst thou doubt Though Christ likes Believing yet he dislikes Doubting A Person may be truly Believing who nevertheless is sometimes Doubting but his Doubting eclipses the Beauty of his Believing 34 And when they were gone over they came into the land of Genesaret 35 And when the men of that place had knowledge of him they sent out into all that country round about and brought unto him all that were diseased 36 And besought him that they might only touch the hem of his garment and as many as touched were made perfectly whole Obs 1. Our Saviour's unwearied Diligence in going about to do good He no sooner landeth but goeth to Genesaret and healeth their Sick 2. The Peoples Charity to their Sick Neighbours in sending abroad to let all the Country know that Christ the great Physician was come amongst them 3. Obs Where lay the Healing Vertue Not in their Finger but in their Faith or rather in Christ whom their Faith apprehended CHAP. XV. 1 THen came to Jesus Scribes and Pharisees which were of Jerusalem saying 2 Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders for they wash not their hands when they eat bread The former part of this Chapter acquaints us with a great Contest between our Saviour and the Pharisees about their Traditions and old Customs which they valued more than the Commandments of God They accused the Disciples for Eating Bread with unwasht Hands which though it were in it self but a Decent Custom the Pharisees made it a Religious Rite for which reason our Saviour and his Disciples would not observe it Whence we learn That what is in it self and may without offence be done as a Civil Custom ought to be discountenanced and opposed when Men require it of us as a Religious Act. 3 But he answered and said unto them Why do you also transgress the Commandment of God by your tradition 4 For God commanded saying Honour thy father and mother and he that curseth father or mother let him die the death 5 But ye say Whosoever shall say to his father or his mother It is a gift by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me 6 And honour not his father or his mother he shall be free Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition Observe here 1. The heavy Charge which our Saviour brings in against the Pharisees namely For violating an Express Command of God and preferring their own Traditions before it You make void the Comandments of God by your Traditions Obs 2. The Command which our Saviour instances in as violated by them it is the Fifth Commandment which requires Children to Relieve their Parents in their Necessity Now though the Pharisees did not deny this in plain Terms yet they made an Exception from it which if Children had a mind rendered it void and useless For the Pharisees taught that in case any would give a Gift to the Temple which Gift they called Corban and of which they themselves had a great share that then Children were discharged from making any fu●●er Provision for their Poor Aged or Impotent Parents And might say unto them after this manner That which thou askest for thy Supply is given to God and therefore I cannot Relieve thee So that Covetous and Graceless Children lookt upon it as the most frugal way once for all to Fine to the Temple rather than pay the constant Rent of daily Relief to their poor Parents Learn That no Duty Gift or Offering to God is accepted where the Duty of Charity is neglected It is more acceptable to God to refresh the Bowels of his Saints who are the Living Temples of the Holy Ghost than to adorn material Temples with Gold and Silver 7 Ye hypocrites well did Esaias prophesie of you saying 8 This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth and honoureth me me with their lips but their heart is far from me 9 But in vain they do worship me teaching for doctrine the commandments of Men. Our Saviour reproves the Hypocritical Pharisees for these things 1. That they preferred Humane Traditions before the Divine Precepts 2. That by their Humane Traditions they made void the Worship of God It is God's undoubted Prerogative to prescribe all the parts of his own Worship and whoever presumes to add thereunto they worship him in vain Our Saviour farther shews that all this proceeded from the Insincerity of their Hearts This People honoureth me with their Lips but their Heart is far from me Whence Learn 1. That the removing of the Heart far from God in Worship is a great Sin and an high Degree of Hypocrisie 2. That whatever Outward Shew and Profession of Religion Men make if their Hearts be not right with God and what they do proceeds not from an Inward Principle of Love and Obedience to God they are under the Reign and Power of Hypocrisie Ye Hypocrites in vain do ye worship me 10 And he called the multitude and said unto them hear and understand 11 Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man but that which cometh out of the mouth this defileth a man Our Blessed Saviour leaving the Pharisees with some dislike applies himself to the Multitude and shews them the true Spring and Original Fountain of all Spiritual Pollution and Vncleaness Namely the Filthiness and Impurity of Man's Heart and Nature which boiling in the Heart the Scum runs out at the Mouth Thereby informing the Multitude That not that which is Eaten but that which is Spoken defiles a Man Not the Meat eaten with the Mouth but the Wickedness of the Heart vented by the Mouth Pollutes a Person in God's Account 12 Then came his disciples and said unto him Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended after they heard this saying 13 But he answered and said Every plant which my heavenly Father hath not planted shall be rooted up 14 Let them alone they be blind leaders of the
unto this last even as unto thee 15 Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own is thine eye evil because I am good 16 So the last shall be first and the first last for many be called but few chosen Here observe 1. That the time of God's full rewarding of his Labourers is the Evening of their Days that is when their Work is done When the Evening was come the Lord of the Vineyard called his Labourers and gave them their Hire not but that they have part of their Reward in Hand but it is chiefly laid up in Hope Obs 2. That tho' God makes no difference in his Servants Wages for the time of their Work yet he will make a difference for the degrees of their Service Undoubtedly they that have done most Work shall receive most Wages He that soweth bountifully shall reap bountifully God will reward every Man according to his Works that is not only according to the Nature and Quality but the Measure and Degree of his Works All shall have Equity but all shall not have equal Bounty Obs 3. That all Inequality in the Distribution of Rewards doth not make God an unjust Accepter of Persons he may dispence both Grace and Glory in what Measure and Degree he pleases without the least Shadow of Unrighteousness Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own Obs 4. That when we have done much Service for God by labouring longer than others in his Vineyard it is our Duty to have a low Esteem both of our Services and our selves for the first shall be last and the last first That is they that are first and highest in their own Esteem shall be last and least in God's Account 17 And Jesus going up to Jerusalem took the twelve disciples apart in the way and said unto them 18 Behold we go up to Jerusalem and the Son of man shall be betrayed unto the chief priests and unto the scribes and they shall condemn him to death 19 And shall deliver him to the Gentiles to mock and to scourge and to crucifie him and the third day he shall rise again This is now the third time that Christ had acquainted his Disciples very lately with his approaching Sufferings and bloody Passion He did it twice before Chap. 16 and Chap. 17. yet now he mentions it again that they might not be dismayed and their Faith might not be shaken to see him dye who called himself the true Messias and the Son of God The first time he told his Disciples of his Death in general the second time he declares the means by Treason now he tells them the manner by crucifying that he should be Scourged Mocked Spit upon and Crucified All this he did to prevent his Disciples Dejection at his Sufferings Learn thence That it is highly necessary that the Doctrine of the Cross be often preach'd to us that so being armed with Expectation of Sufferings before they come we may be the less dismayed and disheartned when they come Our Lord 's frequent forewarning his Disciples of his Death and Sufferings was to forearm them with Expectation of his Sufferings and with Preparation for their own 20 Then came to him the mother of Zebedee's children with her sons worshipping him and desiring a certain thing of him 21 And he said unto her What wilt thou she saith unto him Grant that these my two sons may sit the one on thy right hand and the other on the left in thy kingdom Observe here 1. The Persons making this Request to Christ Zebedee's Children that is James and John by the Mouth of their Mother They spake by her Lips and made use of her Tongue to usher in a Request which they were asham'd to make themselves Obs 2. The Request it self Grant that these Two may sit the one on thy Right the other on thy Left Hand Where Note How these Disciples did still dream of Christ's Temporal Kingdom altho' he had so often told them that his Kingdom was not of this World and ambitiously seek to have the Preference and Preheminence in that Kingdom See here how these poor Fishermen had already learnt craftily to fish for Preferment Who can wonder to see some Sparks of Ambition and Worldly Desires in the holiest Ministers of Christ when the Apostles themselves were not free from aspiring Thoughts even when they lay in the Bosom of their Saviour Ambition has all along infected Churchmen and troubled the Church even from the very first Original and Foundation of it Obs 3. Both the Unseasonableness and Unreasonableness of this Request made by the Disciples Christ speaks of his Sufferings to them and they sue for Dignity and great Places from him in optimis non nihil est pessimi The holiest the wisest and best of Men in this their imperfect State are not wholly free from passionate Infirmities Who would have expected that when our Saviour had been preaching the Doctrine of the Cross to his Disciples telling them that he must be Mocked Scourged Spit upon and Crucified for them that they should be seeking and suing to him for Secular Dignity and Honour Preheminence and Power But we plainly see the best of Men are but Men at the best none are in a State of Perfection on this side Heaven 22 But Jesus answered and said Ye know not what ye ask Are ye able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of and to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with they say unto him We are able Our Saviour in his Answer tells these Disciples 1. That they were greatly ignorant of the Nature and Quality of his Kingdom which was not Secular but Heavenly but the Carnal Notion of a Glorious Earthly Kingdom upon Earth in which they should be delivered from the Roman Power was so deeply imprinted in their Minds that they frequently declared their Expectation of it notwithstanding all the Assurances which Christ had given them of the contrary Obs 2. The Course which our Saviour takes to cool the Ambition of his Disciples he tells them they must expect here not Crowns on their Heads but a Cross on their Backs they must first taste of his Sufferings before they talk of his Glory and patiently suffer for him before they expect to reign with him plainly intimating that the Cross is the way to the Crown Suffering the way to Reigning and that those that suffer most for Christ shall partake of highest Dignity and Glory from him Obs 3. The presumptuous Confidence which the Disciples had of their own Strength and Ability for Sufferings Are ye able says Christ to drink of my Cup They reply We are able Alas poor Disciples when it came to the Tryal they all cowardly forsook him and fled A bold Presumption makes us vaunt of our own Ability holy Jealousie makes us distrustful of our own Strength Those that are least acquainted with the Cross are usually the most confident Undertakers
not long hold burning without a Stock of Oil to feed it so a Profession of Religion tho' never so glorious will not be lasting nor persevering without a Principle of Faith and Love in the Heart to support and maintain it Learn hence That the true Wisdom of a Christian consists in this to take care that not only the Lamp of his Life may shine by outward Profession but that the Vessel of his Heart may be furnished with the Graces of the Holy Spirit as a prevailing and abiding Principle 5 While the bridegroom tarried they all slumbered and slept That is while Christ delays his coming to Persons by Death and Judgment they are not so diligent as they ought to prepare themselves for Death and Judgment Instead of being upon their Watch and Guard they slumbered and slept Note That not only visible Professors but the holiest and best of Christians are very prone to Spiritual Slumber Whilst the Bridegroom tarried they all slumbered and slept Spiritual Slumber consists in this When Graces are not lively and kept in exercise particularly Faith Hope and Love when there is an Abatement of our Love and Zeal an Intermission of our Care and Watchfulness this is a degree of Spiritual Slumber yet the Saints Slumber is not a prevailing Slumber 't is nor an Universal Slumber 't is not in all the Faculties of the Soul if there be Deadness in the Affections yet is there not Searedness in the Conscience I sleep says the Church but my Heart awaketh Cant. 5.2 Still there is a Principle in the Soul which takes God's part and the Christian groans under the Burthen of his dull and drowsie State But the greatest Wisdom is to maintain a constant Watch that we may at no time be surprized by the Bridegroom 's coming or be in a Confusion when Death and Judgment shall overtake us Blessed are those Virgins whose Lamps always burn bright 6 And at midnight there was a cry made Behold the bridegroom cometh go ye out to meet him At Midnight that is at the most dismal and unseasonable time when all the Virgins were fast asleep and when awaked in great Affrightment could not on a sudden consider what to do Such is the Case of those who put off their Repentance and Preparation for another World till they are surprized by Death and Judgment Lord how will the Midnight Cry of the Bridegroom 's coming terrifie and amaze the unprepared Soul What a surprizing Word will this be Behold the Bridegroom cometh Learn hence That the Bridegroom will certainly come tho' at his own time and then all shall be called upon both prepared and unprepared to go forth to meet him Reason says he may come because there is a just God that will render to every one according to his Deeds and reward both Body and Soul for all the Services they have done for God The Body shall not always remain like a solitary Widow in the Dust but shall meet its old Companion the Soul again And as Reason says he may come Faith says he will come and argues from the Promise of Christ John 14.3 and from the Purchase of Christ from Christ's Affection to us and from our Affection to him Faith has seen him upon the Cross and determines she shall see him in the Clouds The Bridegroom will certainly come at his own time happy they that are ready to go forth to meet him 7 Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps 8 And the foolish said unto the wise Give us of your oil for our lamps are gone out The Virgins arising and trimming their Lamps doth denote their actual Preparation for Christ's Coming and Appearance and their putting themselves into a Posture of Readiness to receive him Thence Learn That a believing Apprehension of the Certainty and Suddenness of our Lord 's Coming and Approach will rouze us out of our Spiritual Slumber and prepare us to meet him with Joy and Assurance Then they arose and trimmed their Lamps And the foolish said to the wise give us of your Oil for our Lamps are gone out Observe here 1. A Request made Give us of your Oil. There is a time when the Neglecters of Grace will be made sensible of the Worth of Grace by the want of it Such as now undervalue yea villifie the Grace of God will be heard to say Oh give us of your Oil. Obs 2. The Reason of the Request For our Lamps are gone out Thence Learn That the Lamp of Profession will certainly go out which has not a Stock of Grace to feed and maintain it 9 But the wise answered saying Not so lest there be not enough for us and you but go ye rather to them that sell and buy for your selves Observe here 1. The wise Virgins Denial Not so They will part with no Oil. Learn thence That it must be the Care of every one to get Grace of his own otherwise the Grace of others will do him no Good 'T is not what others have done nay not what Christ himself has done that will save us without our own Endeavours Obs 2. The Reason of their Denial Lest there be not enough for us and you Thence Note That such Christians as have most Grace or the largest Stock of Grace have none to spare none to spare in regard of their Occasions for Grace on Earth and in regard of their Expectations of Glory in Heaven Obs 3. The Advice and Counsel given Go to them that sell and buy for your selves Some take this for an Exhortation others for a mocking Derision Go to them that sell That is say some to the Shops of the Ordinances where it may be had Thence Note That such as would have Grace must have timely Recourse to the Ordinances and Means of Grace Go to them that sell Others understand the Words ironically and as spoken by way of Derision Go to them that sell If you know where to find them and either buy or borrow for your selves Learn thence That it is the greatest Folly in the World to have Oil to buy when we should have Oil to burn To have our Grace to seek when we should have it to exert and exercise It is no time to get Grace when the Bridegroom is come and the Day of Grace is past and over 10 And while they went to buy the bridegroom came and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage and the door was shut Observe here 1. Christ will come at the great Day to his People as a Bridegroom and to the wicked as a Judge The Relation now begun betwixt Christ and his Church shall then be publickly solemniz'd Obs 2. The Qualification of the Persons who shall enter with the Bridegroom into Heaven Such as are ready went in with him This Readiness is twofold Habitual and Actual Habitual Readiness consists in the State of the Person justified and pardoned in the Frame of the Heart sanctified and renewed and in the Course
and Man was ratified and confirmed Whence we Learn That every Communicant has an undoubted Right to the Cup as to the Bread in the Lord's Supper Drink ye all of it says Christ therefore to deny the Cup to the Laity is contrary to the Institution of Christ After the Celebration was over our Saviour and his Disciples sang an Hymn as the Jews were wont to do at the Passover the Six Eucharistical Psalms from 113th to the 119th Psalm Learn hence How fit it is that God be glorified in his Church by singing of Psalms and in particular when the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper is celebrated When they had sung an Hymn they went unto the Mount of Olives 31 Then saith Jesus unto them All ye shall be offended because of me this night for it is written I will smite the shepherd and the sheep of the flock shall be scattered abroad Here our Saviour acquaints his Disciples that by reason of his approaching Sufferings they should all of them be so exceedingly offended with him that they would certainly forsake and leave him which accordingly came to pass Learn thence That Christ's dearest Freinds forsook him and left him alone in the midst of his greatest Distress and Danger Obs 2. What was the Cause of this their Flight it was the Prevalency of their Fear Thence Note How sad it is for the holiest and best of Men to be left under the Power of their own Fears in a Day of Temptation 32 But after I am risen again I will go before you into Galilee Observe here The wonderful Lenity of Christ towards his timerous and fearful Disciples notwithstanding their cowardly Flight from him he tells them he would not forsake them but love them still and as an Evidence of it would meet them in Galilee I will go before you into Galilee there shall you see me And when they did see him he never upbraided them with their Timerousness but was Friends with them notwithstanding their late Cowardice Christ's Love to his Disciples is like himself unchangeable and everlasting Having loved his own he loved them unto the end 33 Peter answered and said unto him Though all men shall be offended because of thee yet will I never be offended 34 Jesus said unto him Verily I say unto thee That this night before the cock crow thou shalt deny me thrice 35 Peter said unto him Though I should die with thee yet will I not deny thee Likewise also said all the disciples See here what strong Purposes and settled Resolutions both Peter and all the Apostles had to keep close to Christ but how did their Self-confidence fail them Learn thence That Self-confidence is a Sin too too incident to the holiest and best of Men. Tho' all Men forsake thee yet will not I. Good Man he resolved honestly but too too much in his own Strength Little little did he think what a Feather he should be in the Wind of Temptation if once God left him to the Power and Prevalency of his own Fears Observe farther That the Rest of the Apostles had the like Confident Opinion of their own Strength with St. Peter Likewise also said they all Note thence That the holiest of Men know not their own Strength till it comes to the Trial. Little did these good Men imagine what a cowardly Spirit they had in them till Temptation put it to the Proof 36 Then cometh Jesus with them unto a place called Gethsemane and saith unto the disciples Sit ye here while I go and pray yonder 37 And he took with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee and began to be sorrowful and very heavy 38 Then saith he unto them My soul is exceeding sorrowful even unto death tarry ye here and watch with me 39 And he went a little further and fell on his face and prayed saying O my Father if it be possible let this cup pass from me nevertheless not as I will but as thou wilt 40 And he cometh unto the disciples and findeth them asleep and saith unto Peter What could ye not watch with me one hour 41 Watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak 42 He went away again the second time and prayed saying O my Father if this cup may not pass away from me except I drink it thy will be done 43 And he came and found them asleep again for their eyes were heavy 44 And he left them and went away again and prayed the third time saying the same words Our Blessed Saviour being now come with his Disciples into the Garden he falls there into a bitter and bloody Agony in which he prayed with wonderful Fervency and Importunity to his Heavenly Father His Sufferings were now coming on a great pace and he meets them upon his Knees and would be found in a praying Posture Learn thence That Prayer is the best Preparative for as well as the most powerful Support under the heaviest Sufferings that can befal us As to this Prayer of our Saviour's in the Garden many things are very Observable As 1. The Place where he prayed In the Garden but why went Christ thither Was it to hide or shelter himself from his Enemies Nothing less for if so it had been the most improper Place because he was wont to retire thither to pray John 18.2 Judas knew the Place for Jesus oft-times resorted thither so that Christ went thither not to shun but to prepare himself by Prayer to meet his Enemies Obs 2. The time when he enter'd the Garden for Prayer it was in the Evening here he spent some Hours in pouring out his Soul to God for about Midnight Judas and the Soldiers came and apprehended him in a praying Posture Teaching us by his Example that when eminent Dangers are before us especially when Death is apprehended by us to be very much in Prayer to God and very fervent in our Wrestlings with him Obs 3. The Matter of our Lord's Prayer that if possible the Cup might pass from him That is those bitter Sufferings which were then before him particularly the insupportable Burthen of his Father 's Wrath. He prays if possible that his Father would excuse him from this dreadful Wrath his Soul being amaz'd at it But what Did Christ then begin to repent of his Undertaking for Sinners Did he shrink and give back when it came to the Pinch No no as Christ had Two Natures being God and Man so he had Two distinct Wills as Man he feared and shunned Death as God-man he willingly submitted to it the Divine Spirit and the Humane Nature of Christ did now assault each other with disagreeing Interests till at last Victory was got on the Spirit 's side Again This Prayer was not absolute but conditional If it be possible Father it may be if thou art willing if it please thee let it pass if not I will drink it Learn hence 1. That the Cup of Sufferings
Bloodshed Accordingly they industriously suborn false-witnesses to take away his Life not sticking at the grossest Perjury so they might destroy him The Chief Priests and Elders and all the Council sought false Witness against Jesus to put him to Death Abominable Wickedness Innocency it self cannot protect from Slander and false Accusation No Man is so innocent or good whom false Witness may not condemn Yet Observe farther Our Lord's Meekness and Patience his submissive Silence under all these wicked Suggestions and false Accusations Jesus held his Peace v. 63. Guilt is clamorous and impatient Innocency is silent and careless of mis-reports Learn hence That to bear the Revilings Contradictions and false Accusations of Men with a silent and submissive Spirit is an excellent and Christ-like Temper Our Lord stood before his unjust Judges and false Accusers as a Sheep before the Shearer dumb and not opening his Mouth Altho' a Trial for his Life was managed most maliciously and illegally against him when he was reviled he reviled not again when he suffered he threatned not but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously Oh let the same humble Mind be in us which was also in Christ Jesus 63 And the high priest answered and said unto him I adjure thee by the living God that thou tell us whether thou be the Christ the Son of God 64 Jesus saith unto him Thou hast said nevertheless I say unto you Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power and coming in the clouds of heaven 65 Then the high priest rent his cloaths saying He hath spoken blasphemy what further need have we of witnesses behold now ye have heard his blasphemy 66 What think ye They answered and said He is guilty of death 67 Then did they spit in his face and buffetted him and others smote him with the palms of their hands 68 Saying Prophesie unto us thou Christ who is he that smote thee We observed even now that our Saviour was silent and did make no Reply to the false Witnesses that evidenced against him at his Trial because being so manifestly contradicting they did fall to the Ground of themselves But now when the Question was solemnly put by the High Priest Art thou the Christ He said I am Thence Learn That altho' we are not obliged to answer every cavilling or ensnaring Question yet we are bound faithfully to own and freely to confess the Truth when we are solemnly called thereunto Christ who in the former Verses was silent and as a deaf Man that heard not now witnesses a good Confession Teaching us both by his Example and Command to confess and own both him and his Truth when lawfully required when our Silence will be a denying of the Truth a Dishonour to God and a Scandal to our Brethren Christ knew that his Answer would cost him his Life and yet he durst not but give it Art thou the Son of the Blessed Jesus said I am Yea farther Observe That as Christ answer'd directly and plainly at his Trial so he did not refuse to answer upon Oath I adjure thee by the living God says the Judge of the Court that thou tell us whether thou art the Christ That is I require thee to answer this Question upon Oath for adjuring a Person or requiring them to answer upon Oath was the manner of swearing among the Jews Now to this Adjuration our Saviour answer'd plainly and directly I am Mark 14.61 Hence Learn That swearing before a Magistrate upon a just and great Occasion is lawful If Christ in the Fifth of St. Matthew forbids all Oaths then here his Practice was contrary to his own Doctrine but it is evident that Christ answered the Magistrate upon Oath and so may we Observe Lastly The Sentence of Condemnation which the Council passed upon him for owning himself to be the Son of God He hath spoken Blasphemy and is worthy to die Hereupon the unruly Rabble affront him with the vilest Abuses and most horrid Indignities They Spit in his Face they Blind-fold him they Smote him with their Fists and Palms of their Hands and in a way of Contempt and Mockery they bid him Divine or Prophesie who it was that smote him Learn hence That there is no Degree of Contempt no Mark of Shame no Kind of Suffering which we ought to decline or stick at for Christ's sake who hid not his Face from Shame and Spitting upon our Account 69 Now Peter sat without in the palace and a damsel came unto him saying Thou also wast with Jesus of Galilee 70 But he denied before them all saying I know not what thou sayest 71 And when he was gone out into the porch another maid saw him and said unto them that were there This fellow was also with Jesus of Nazareth 72 And again he denied with an oath I do not know the man 73 And after a while came unto him they that stood by and said unto Peter surely thou also art one of them for thy speech bewrayeth thee 74 Then he began to curse and to swear saying I know not the man And immediately the cock crew 75 And Peter remembred the words of Jesus which said unto him Before the cock crow thou shalt deny me thrice And he went out and wept bitterly This last Paragraph of the Chapter gives us an Account of the Fall and Rising of Peter of his Sin in denying Christ and of his Recovery by a speedy and severe Repentance Both must be consider'd distinctly First As touching his Sin and Fall there are Four Particulars Observable namely the Sin it self the Occasion of that Sin the Reiteration and Repetition of it and the aggravating Circumstances attending it Obs 1. The Sin it self the Denial of Christ I know not the Man a manifest Untruth Next he adds an Oath to confirm that Untruth he swore that he knew not the Man And last of all he wish'd an horrid Curse and Imprecation upon himself That is he wish'd himself excommunicated and cast out of the Church Say some he wish'd himself eternally separated from the Presence of God Say others he wish'd in effect that the Devil might take him if he were acquainted with Jesus The inordinate Love of Life and slavish Fear of Sufferings and Death may draw the best Men to commit the worst of Sins Obs 2. The Occasions of this Sin and they were Three his following Christ afar off his being in bad Company amongst Christ's Enemies and his presumptuous Confidence of his own Strength and Standing 1. His following of Christ afar off To follow Christ is the Work of Faith and Fruit of Love but to follow him afar off was the Effect of Fear and Frailty Wo unto us when a Temptation comes if we be far off from Christ's Presence and Assistance 2. His being in wicked Company amongst Christ's Enemies Oh Peter thou hadst better have been a cold by thy self alone than sitting by a Fire compassed in with the Blasphemies
taken up about our selves even then did Christ find Leisure to think upon Peter remember to turn about and give him a pittiful but piercing Look a Look that melted his Heart and dissolved it into Tears We never begin to lament for Sin till we are first lamented by our Saviour Jesus looked upon Peter That is the first more principal Means of Peter's Repentance the second is Peter 's remembring the Words of Christ before the Cock crow twice thou shalt deny me thrice This Remembrance of Christ's Words was an applicative and feeling Remembrance of them He remembred the Prediction of Christ and applies it sensibly to himself Teaching us That the Efficacy of Christs Word in order to the bringing of a Soul unto Repentance depends not upon the Historical Remembrance of it but upon the close Application of it to every Man's Conscience A sanctified Remembrance of Christ's Words and our own Sins is an excellent Preparative to Repentance Observe Lastly The Manner of St. Peter's Repentance It was secret he went out it was sincere he wept bitterly it was lasting and abiding all the Days of his Life and attended with an extraordinary Zeal and Forwardness for the Service of Christ to the end of his Life 1. It was secret he went out Vere dolet qui sine Teste dolet He sought a Place of Retirement where he might mourn in secret he cannot well be thought to dissemble his Grief who chuses no other Witness but the Omnipresent God Solitariness is most agreeable to an afflicted Spirit and as St. Peter's Sorrow caused him to go forth so might also Shame Christ looked upon Peter but how ashamed must Peter be to look upon Christ considering that he so lately denied to have ever seen him 2. His Repentance was sincere he wept bitterly his Grief was extraordinary and his Tears abundant There is ever a weeping that follows Sin Sin must cost the Soul Sorrow either here or in Hell we must mourn awhile or lament for ever Doubtless with Peter's Tears there was join'd hearty Confession of Sin to God and smart Reflexions upon himself after this manner Lord what have I done I that did once acknowledge my Master to be Christ the Son of the living God have since denied him with Oaths Curses and Imprecations I that promised to lay down my Life for his sake have yet disown'd and denied him at the Voice of a Damsel Oh what Unfaithfulness what Weakness what Wickedness Oh that my Head were Waters and mine Eyes a Fountain of Tears that I might weep all my Days for the Fault of this one Night Blessed indeed are the Tears of a converted Revolter and happy is the very Misery of a mourning Offender 3. This holy Man's Repentance was lasting and abiding he had a lively Sense and Remembrance of this Sin upon his Soul all his Life Ecclesiastical History reports that ever after when St. Peter heard the crowing of a Cock he fell upon his Knees and mourn'd others say that he was wont to rise at Midnight and spend the time in penitent Devotion between Cock-crowing and Day-light and the Papists who love to turn every thing into Superstition began that Practice of setting a Cock upon the top of Towers and Steeples and Chimneys to put People in mind of this Sin of Peter and h●s Repentance by that Signal Lastly St. Peter's Repentance was attended with an extraordinary Zeal and Forwardness for the Service of Christ to the end of his Life He had a burning Love towards Christ Thou that knowest all things knowest that I love thee And as an Evidence of it he fed Christ's Sheep for in the Acts of the Apostles we read of his extraordinary Diligence to spread the Gospel and his Travels in order thereunto are computed to be Nine Hundred and Fifty Miles And the Wisdom of God thought fit that this Apostle should preach the Gospel to the Jews as St. Paul did to the Gentiles that as he had joined with the Jews in denying and disowning Christ so he should endeavour to perswade them to join with him in Repentance as he had joined with them in their Sin His Sin was in some Respect like theirs therefore is he sent to preach the Gospel to them and his Diligence therein is an undoubted Proof and Evidence of his Repentance Have any of us fallen with Peter tho' not with a formal abjuring yet by a practical denying of him let us go forth and weep with him let us be more vigilant and watchful over our selves for time to come let us express more extraordinary Love unto and Zeal for Christ more Diligence in his Service and more Concernedness for his Honour and Glory This would be an happy Improvement of this Example The Lord grant it may have that blessed Effect Amen CHAP. XXVII 1 WHen the morning was come all the chief priests and elders of the people took counsel against Jesus to put him to death 2 And when they had bound him they led him away and delivered him to Pontius Pilate the governour The foregoing Chapter gave us an Account of Judas his Treason in delivering our Saviour into the Hands of the chief Priests In this Chapter we find our holy Lord brought by the chief Priests unto Pontius Pilate the Roman Governour in order to his Arraignment and Condemnation Whence Observe that it has been the old Policy of corrupt Church-Governors to abuse the Power of the civil Magistrate in executing their cruel and unjust Censures upon holy and innocent Persons The chief Priests and Elders do not kill our Saviour themselves but they deliver him over to the secular Power and desire Pilate the civil Magistrate to sentence and condemn him which soon after we shall find he did 3 Then Judas which had betrayed him when he saw that he was condemned repented himself and brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders 4 Saying I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood And they said What is that to us see thou to that 5 And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple and departed and went and hanged himself Here we have a sad Relation of Judas his desperate Death after an Hypocritial Li●e as also of the Horror of his Mind and Conscience before his Death Observe here 1. The time when Judas repented after it was too late When he saw that he was condemned he repented Learn thence That they that will not see their Sins timely to their Conversion shall see them sooner or later to their Confusion Obs 2. The Repentance it self in the several Parts and Branches of it He was sorrowful for the Fact he made Confession of his Sin and made Restitution for the Wrong done He repented saying I have sinned and cast down the Thirty Pieces of Silver Learn thence That a wicked Man when Conscience is thoroughly awaked may make Confession of his Sin express some Sorrow for it and endeavour also the making
some Satisfaction and Restitution for the Wrong and Injury done by it They that mourn for Sin as Sin They that mourn more for the intrinsical Evil that is in Sin than for the Penal and Consequential Evils that follow Sin They that confess Sin voluntarily and freely particularly penitently believingly with an Eye of Sorrow upon their Sin and an Eye of Faith fixt upon their Saviour They that make Restitution as an Act of Obedience to the Command of God and as an Act of Justice and Righteousness to their Neighbour such Persons Repentance shall find Acceptance with God Obs 3. The Answer and Reply which the wicked high Priests and Elders make to despairing Judas 1. They excuse themselves What is that to us 'T is natural to all Sinners to shift Sin from themselves and to lay it at any Door rather than their own Those that have had a Share in the Pleasure and Profit of Sin are yet very desirous to throw the Odium and Guilt of it upon others What is that to us say these Monsters in Sin 2. As they excuse and acquit themselves so they load and burthen him Look thou to that Lord what miserable Comforters are Companions in Sin to one another when Distress and Sorrow comes upon them When Sin comes to be question'd in order to its being punish'd every Sinner is for shifting for himself and leaves his Fellow in the Suds Let us then remember the Words of the Holy Ghost He that walketh with wise Men shall be wiser but a Companion of Fools shall be destroyed Obs 4. The sad and fatal End of Judas he went forth and hang'd himself Horror and Despair took hold upon him and seized his Consc●ence which was so intolerable that he ran to the Halter for a Remedy Learn hence 1. That Conscience is a powerful tho' invisible Executioner the Wrath of Man may be endured but the Wrath of God is insupportable and the Eruptions of Conscience are irresistible Oh how intolerable are those Scourges that lash us in this tender and vital Part Judas awakened with the Horror of his Fact Conscience begins to rouze and the Man is unable to bear up under the furious Revenges of his own Mind Learn 2. That there is an active Principle in Mens Breasts and Bosoms which seldom suffers daring Sinners to pass in quiet to their Graves Guilt is naturally troublesome and uneasie it disturbs the Peace and Serenity of the Mind and fills the Soul with Storms and Thunder both in Life and Death How vainly did Judas hope to take Sanctuary in a Grave and to meet with that Ease in another World which he could not find in this Thus ended this miserable Man Judas Lord how earnest ought we to be for thy persevering Grace when neither the Presence the Miracles the Sermons the Sacraments of Christ could preserve and secure a Professor a Disciple an Apostle from the fatal Mischief of a ruinous Apostacy 6 And the chief priests took the silver pieces and said It is not lawful for to put them into the treasury because it is the price of blood 7 And they took counsel and bought with them the potters field to bury strangers in 8 Wherefore that field was called The field of blood unto this day 9 Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet saying And they took the thirty pieces of silver the price of him that was valued whom they of the children of Israel did value 10 And gave them for the potter's field as the Lord appointed me Observe here 1. The Niceness and Scrupulosity of these Hypocrites they made no Scruple to give Money to shed Blood but they scruple the putting that Money into the Treasury which was the Price of Blood They are afraid to defile their ●reasury but are not afraid to polute their Souls Thus Hypocrites strain at a Gnat and swallow a Camel scruple a Ceremony but make no Conscience of Murther and Perjury Observe 2. The use which they put this Money to which Judas brought them they bought with it a Field to bury Strangers in Thus Christ who was himself a Stranger in a borrow'd Grave by the Price of his Blood being Thirty Pieces of Silver conferred Graves on many Strangers Observe Lastly How the Wisdom of God order'd it that hereby a Scripture-Prophecy was fulfilled Zach. 11.13 They weighed for my Price Thirty Pieces of Silver and I took and cast them unto the Potter Whence Learn That all the Indignities and debasing Sufferings which the Lord Jesus underwent were not only fore-ordain'd by God but also foretold by the holy Prophets His being Scourged Buffetted Spit upon and here his being sold for Thirty Pieces of Silver 11 And Jesus stood before the governour and the governour asked him saying Art thou the king of the Jews And Jesus said unto him Thou sayest 12 And when he was accused of the chief priests and elders he answered nothing 13 Then saith Pilate unto him Hearest thou not how many things they witness against thee 14 And he answered him to never a word insomuch that the governour marvelled greatly Observe here 1. That our Saviour readily answers Pilate but refuses to answer the chief Priests before Pilate Pilate asks him Art thou the King of the Jews Jesus readily answers Thou sayest or it is as thou sayest But to all the Accusations of the chief Priests and to all that they laid to his Charge before Pilate our Saviour answers never a Word probably for these Reasons Because his Innocency was such as needed no Apology because their Calumnies and Accusations were so notoriously false that they needed no Confutation To shew his Contempt of Death and to teach us by his own Example Patience and Silence when for his sake we are slandered and traduced Learn hence That altho' we are not obliged to answer every captious and ensnaring Question nor to refute every Slander and false Accusation yet are we bound faithfully to own and confess the Truth when we are solemnly called thereunto Our Saviour as a deaf Man hears not answers not the Calumnies of the chief Priests but when Pilate asks him Art thou the King of the Jews Or as St. Mark has it Art thou the Son of the Blessed Jesus said I am tho' he knew that Answer would cost him his Life Hence the Apostle 1 Tim. 6.13 says That Christ before Pontius Pilate witnessed a good Confession Teaching us Sometimes to hold our Peace when our own Reputation is concerned but never to be silent when the Honour of God the Glory of his Truth the Edification and Confirmation of others may effectually be promoted by our open Confession Then must we with Christ give a direct plain and sincere Answer For whoever denies him or any Truth of his knowingly and wilfully him will Christ deny in the Presence of his Father and before all his Holy Angels 15 Now at that feast the governour was wont to release unto the people a prisoner whom they would 16
yet such weak Christians perhaps when a Trial comes shall stand their Ground when stronger run away We read of none of the Apostles at Christ's Funeral Fear had chased them away tho' they profess'd a Readiness to die with Christ But Joseph and Nicodemus appear boldly for him Let it be a Caution to strong Christians neither to glory in themselves nor to glory over the weak If God desert the strong and assist the weak the feeble shall be as David and the strong as Tow. Obs 3. The Mourners that followed the Hearse namely the Women that follow'd him out of Galilee and particularly the Two Maries a very poor Train of Mourners a few sorrowful Women Others are attended to their Graves by their Relations and Friends but Christ's Disciples were all scattered and afraid to own him either dying or dead Our Blessed Lord affected no Pomp or Gallantry in his Life and it was no ways suitable either to the End or Manner of his Death Humiliation was designed in his Death and his Burial was the lowest degree of his Humiliation Obs 4. The Grave or Sepulchre in which they buried him it was in a Garden As by the Sin of the first Adam we were driven out of the Garden of Pleasure the Earthly Paradice so by the Sufferings of the second Adam who lay buried in a Garden we may hope for an Entrance into the Heavenly Paradice It was in a Sepulchre hew'd out of a Rock that so his Enemies might have no Occasion to cavil and say that his Disciples stole him away by secret Holes or unseen Passages under Ground And it was in a new Sepulchre in which never any Man was laid lest his Adversaries should say it was some other that was risen or that he rose from the Dead by touching some other Corps Obs 5. The Manner of our Lord's Funeral hastily openly decently It was done in haste by reason of the Streights of Time the Preparation for the Passover caused them to be very expeditious the Sabbath was approaching and they lay all Business aside to prepare for that Learn thence How much it is our Duty to dispatch our Worldly Business as early as we can towards the end of the Week that we may be the better prepared to sanctifie the Lord's Day if we live to enjoy it We ought to remember that Day before it come and to sanctifie it when it is come Again our Lord was buried openly as well as hastily all Persons had Liberty to be Spectators that none might object there was any Fraud or Deceit used in or about his Burial He was also interr'd decently his Body wrapt in fine Linnen and perfum'd with Odours according to the Jewish Custom which used not to unbowel but embalm their Dead Obs 6. The Reason why our Lord was buried seeing he was to rise again in as short a time as other Men lye by the Walls and had his dead Body remain'd a Thousand Years unburied it could have seen no Corruption having never been tainted with Sin Sin is the Cause of the Body's Corruption 't is Sin that makes our Body stink worse than Carrion when they are dead A Funeral then was not necessary for Christ's Body upon the same Accounts that it is necessary for ours But 1. He was buried to declare the Certainty of his Death and the Reality of his Resurrection and for this Reason did God's Providence order it that he should be embalm'd to cut off all Pretensions For in this kind of embalming his Mouth his Ears and his Nostrils were all fill'd with Spices and Odours so that there could be no Latent Principle of Life in him being thus buried then declares him to be certainly dead 2. He was buried to fulfill the Types and Prophecies that went before concerning him Jonas being Three Days and Three Nights in the Belly of the Whale was a Type of Christ's being Three Days and Three Nights in the Heart of the Earth and the Prophet Esay 53.9 had declar'd the manner of his Funeral long before he was born He made his Grave with the Wicked and with the Rich in his Death Pointing by that Expression at this Tomb of Joseph's who was a rich Man and the Scriptures cannot be broken 3. He was buried to compleat his Humiliation They have brought me to the Dust of Death says David a Type of Christ This was the lowest Step he could possibly descend in his abased state lower he could not be laid and so low his blessed Head must be laid else he had not been humbled to the lowest 4. He went into the Grave that he might conquer Death in its own Territories and Dominions Christ's Victory over the Grave causes his Saints to triumph and sing Oh Grave where is thy Destruction Our blessed Lord has perfum'd the Bed of the Grave by his own lying in it so that a Pillow of Down is not so soft to a Believer's Head as a Pillow of Dust Observe Lastly what Use the Doctrine of our Lord's Burial may be unto us 1. For Instruction here we see the amazing Depths of our Lord's Humiliation From what to what his Love brought him even from the Bosom of his Father to the Bosom of the Grave Now the Depth of his Humiliation shews us the Fulness and Sufficiency of his Satisfaction as well as the Heinousness of our Transgression 2. For Consolation against the Fears of Death and the Grave The Grave received Christ but could not retain him Death swallow'd him up as the Fish did Jonas but quickly vomitted him up again so shall it fare with Christ mystical as it did with Christ Personal the Grave could not long keep him it shall not for ever keep us as his Body rested in Hope so shall ours also and tho' they see Corruption which he did not yet shall they not always lye under the Power of Corruption In a Word Christ's lying in the Grave has chang'd and alter'd the Nature of the Grave it was a Prison before a Bed of Rest now a loathsome Grave before a perfumed Bed now He whose Head is in Heaven need not fear to put his Foot into the Grave Awake and sing thou that dwellest in the Dust for the Enmity of the Grave is slain by Christ 3. For Imitation let us study and endeavour to be buried with Christ in respect of our Sins I mean Rom. 6.4 Buried with him into Death Our Sins should be as a dead Body in several Respects Are dead Bodies removed out of the Society of Men so should our Sins be removed far from us Do dead Bodies in the Grave spend and consume away by little and little So should our Sins daily Will dead Bodies grow every Day more and more loathsome to others So should our Sins be to our selves Do dead Bodies wax out of Memory and are quite forgotten So should our Sins in respect of any Delight that we take in remembring of them We should always remember our Sins to our Humiliation
Christ or the self-quickning Principle by which Christ raised himself from the Dead Acts 1.3 He shewed himself active after his Passion Learn That it was the Divine Nature or Godhead of Christ which raised his Humane Nature from Death to Life Others were raised from the Grave by Christ's Power he raised himself by his own Power Observe 3. The Testimony or Witness given to our Lord's Resurrection that of an Angel The Angel said he is not here but risen But why is an Angel the first Publisher of our Lord's Resurrection Surely the Dignity of our Lord's Person and the Excellency of his Resurrection required that it should be first published by an Angel and accordingly it is worthy our Observation how very serviceable and officious the holy Angels were in attending upon our Saviour in the Days of his Flesh an Angel foretells his Conception to the Blessed Virgin an Angel proclaims his Birth to the Shepherds an Angel succours him in his Temptations in the Wilderness an Angel comforts him in his Agony in the Garden and at his Resurrection the Angel rolls away the Stone from the Sepulchre and brings the first Tydings of it to the Women In his Ascension the Angels bore him Company to Heaven and when he comes again to Judgment he shall be revealed from Heaven with his mighty Angels Observe 4. The Persons to whom our Lord's Resurrection was first made known to Women to the Two Maries But why to the Women God will make Choice of weak Means for producing great Effects knowing that the Weakness of the Instrument redounds to the greater Honour of the Agent In the whole Dispensation of the Gospel Almighty God intermixes Divine Power with Humane Weakness Thus the Conception of Christ was by the Power of the Holy Ghost but his Mother a poor Woman a Carpenter's Spouse So the Crucifixion of Christ was in much Meanness and outward Baseness being crucified between Two Thieves But the Powers of Heaven and Earth trembling the Rocks rending and the Graves opening shew'd a mixture of Divine Power God will honour what Instruments he pleases for the Accomplishment of his own Purposes But why to these Women the Two Maries is this Discovery of Christ's Resurrection first made Possibly it was a Reward for their Magnanimity and Masculine Courage These Women clave to Christ when the Apostles fled from him and forsook him they assisted at his Cross they attended at his Funeral they watched his Sepulchre These Women had more Courage than the Apostles therefore God makes the Women Apostles to the Apostles he sends them to tell the Apostles of the Resurrection and they must have the News at the second Hand Oh what a tacit Rebuke was hereby given to the Apostles A secret Check that they should be thus outdone by poor Women These holy Women went before the Apostles in the last Services that were done for Christ and therefore the Apostles here come after them in their Rewards and Comforts Observe 5. The Evidence which the Angel offers to the Women to evince and prove the Verity and Certainty of our Saviour's Resurrection namely by an Appeal to their Senses Come see the Place where the Lord lay The Senses when rightly disposed are the proper Judges of all sensible Objects therefore Christ himself did appeal to his Disciples Senses concerning the Truth of his own Resurrection Behold my Hands and my Feet that it is I my self and indeed if we must not believe our Senses we shall want the best External Evidence for the Proof of the Truth of the Christian Religion namely the Miracles wrought by Christ and his Apostles For what Assurance can we have of the Reality of those Miracles but from our Senses Therefore says our Saviour If ye believe not me yet believe the Works that I do That is the Miracles which I have wrought before your Eyes Now as my Senses tell me that Christ's Miracles were true so they assure me that the Doctrine of Transubstantiation is false From the whole Note That the Lord Jesus Christ by the Omnipotent Power of his Godhead revived and rose again from the Dead to the Terror and Consternation of his Enemies and the unspeakable Joy and Consolation of Believers 8 And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy and did run to bring his disciples word 9 And as they went to tell his disciples behold Jesus met them saying All hail And they came and held him by the feet and worshipped him 10 Then said Jesus unto them Be not afraid go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee and there shall they see me Observe here 1. What Haste and Speed these holy Women make to carry the News of Christ's Resurrection to the Apostles such as find and feel their Hearts grieved for the Absence and Want of Christ will be very ready to comfort such as are in the same Condition Oh how glad are these holy Women to carry the good News of their Lord's Resurrection to the Heart-broken Disciples Observe 2. How these holy Women hasting in Obedience to the Angel's Command to tell the Disciples do meet with Christ in the way Such as obey the Directions of God's Ministers seeking Christ in his own Way and Means shall find him to their Comfort sooner than they expected These holy Women find Christ before they look'd for him as they went to tell his Disciples Jesus met them Observe 3. The affectionate and loving Title which Christ puts upon his Disciples Tell my Brethren He might have said Go tell those Apostate Apostles that cowardly left me in my Danger that durst not own me in the High Priest's Hall that durst not come within the Shadow of my Cross nor within the Sight of my Sepulchre Not a word of this by way of upbraiding them for their late shameful Cowardice but all Words of Kindness Go tell my Brethren Where Note That Christ calls his Disciples Brethren after his Resurrection and Exaltation as he had done before in his State of Humiliation to shew the Continuance of his former Affection to them and that the Change of his Condition had wrought no Change in his Affection towards his despised Members But those that were his Brethren before in the time of his Abasement are so still after his Exaltation and Advancement Observe Lastly The Place where Christ chuses to meet with and speak to his Disciples not in Jerusalem but in Galilee I go before them into Galilee there shall they see me Jerusalem was now a forsaken Place a People abandoned to Destruction Christ would not shew himself openly to them but Galilee was a Place where Christ's Ministry was more acceptable Such Places wherein Christ is most welcome to preach shall be most honoured with his Presence In Galilee shall they see me 11 Now when they were going behold some of the watch came into the city and shewed unto the chief Priests all the things that were done 12 And when they were assembled
give Entertainment to them and their Doctrine They were to denounce the Judgments of God against such Contemners by shaking off the Dust of their Feet for a Testimony against them Thence Learn That the Contempt of God's Ministers and especially of their Ministry and Doctrine is an odious and execrable Sin detested by God and which ought to be abhorred by Man Shake off the Dust of your Feet This Action was Emblematical signifying that Almighty God would in like manner shake them off as the vilest Dust Learn 2dly That where-ever the Word is preached it is for a Testimony either a Testimony for or against a People For if the Dust of a Minister's Feet bear Witness against the Despisers of the Gospel their Sermons much more Observe Lastly The dreadful Judgment denounced by our Saviour against the Contemners of the Apostle's Doctrine Verily it shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the Day of Judgment than for that City Where Note 1. That there shall be a Day of Judgment 2. That in the Day of Judgment some Sinners shall fare worse than others 3. That of all Sinners the Condition of such will be saddest at the Day of Judgment who having lived under the Gospel have died after all in Impenitency and Infidelity Verily I say unto you it will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah than c. 14 And king Herod heard of him for his name was spread abroad and he said That John the Baptist was risen from the dead and therefore mighty works do shew forth themselves in him 15 Others said That it is Elias And others said That it is a prophet or as one of the prophets 16 But when Herod heard thereof he said It is John whom I beheaded he is risen from the dead 17 For Herod himself had sent forth and laid hold upon John and bound him in prison for Herodias sake his brother Philip's wife for he had married her 18 For John had said unto Herod It is not lawful for thee to have thy brothers wife 19 Therefore Herodias had a quarrel against him and would have killed him but she could not 20 For Herod feared John knowing that he was a just man and an holy and observed him and when he heard him he did many things and heard him gladly 21 And when a convenient day was come that Herod on his birth day made a supper to his lords high captains and chief estates of Galilee 22 And when the daughter of the said Herodias came in and danced and pleased Herod and them that sat with him the king said unto the damsel Ask of me whatsoever thou wilt and I will give it thee 23 And he sware unto her Whatsoever thou shalt ask of me I will give it thee unto the half of my kingdom 24 And she went forth and said unto her mother What shall I ask And she said The head of John the Baptist 25 And she came in straightway with haste unto the king and asked saying I will that thou give me by and by in a charger the head of John the Baptist 26 And the king was exceeding sorry yet for his oaths sake and for their sakes which sat with him he would not reject her 27 And immediately the king sent an executioner and commanded his head to be brought and he went and beheaded him in the prison 28 And brought his head in a charger and gave it to the damsel and the damsel gave it to her mother 29 And when his disciples heard of it they came and took up his corps and laid it in a tomb The History of John the Baptist's Death is here recorded by this Evangelist as St. Matthew had done before Ch. 14.1 2. here we have these Particulars farther observable 1. The Character and Description of a zealous and faithful Minister He is one that deals plainly and durst tell the greatest Persons of their Faults Herod tho' a King is reproved by the Baptist for his Incest in taking his Brother's Wife The Crown and Scepter of Herod could not daunt the faithful Messenger of God There ought to meet in the Ministers of God both Courage and Impartiality Courage in fearing no Faces Impartiality in sparing no Sins Obs 2. Who it was that commanded the Baptist to be beheaded It was Herod the King whom he had reproved How sad is it when Kings who should be Nursing-fathers to the Church do prove the bloody Butchers of the Prophets of God The severest Persecutions which the Prophets of God have fallen under are usually occasioned by their telling great Men of their Crimes Men in Power are impatient of Reproof and imagine that their Authority gives them a License to transgress Obs 3. The time of the Baptist's Death It was upon Herod 's Birth-Day It was an ancient Custom among the Eastern Kings to celebrate their Birth Days Pharaoh did so Gen. 40. and Herod here but both with Blood yet these personal Stains do not make the Practice unlawful when we solemnize our Birth-Days with Thankfulness to our Creator and Preserver and recommend our selves by Prayer to his Gracious Providence and Protection for the Remainder of our Days This is an Act of Piety and Religion But Herod's Birth-Day was kept with Revelling with Feasting with Musick and Dancing All which were made sinful to him by the Circumstances which did attend it Great Men's Feasts and Frolicks are too often the Season and Occasion of much Sin Obs 4. The Instigators and Promoters of the Holy Baptist's Death Herodias and her Daughter Lord How deadly is the Malice of Soul● debauched with Lust Imprisonment would not satisfie them they must have his Blood Resolute Sinners who are mad upon their Lusts run furiously upon their Opposers and resolve to bear down all Opposition they meet with in the Gratification of their unlawful Desires Obs 5. With what great Reluctancy Herod consented to this Villany The King was exceeding sorry Wicked Men oft-times sin with a troubled and disturbe● Conscience there is a mighty Struggle betwixt their Reason and their Lusts but at last they master their Consciences and choose rather to gratifie their Lusts than to obey their Reason So did Herod here for notwithstanding his Sorrow he commands the Fact he sent and beheaded John in the Prison Obs 6. The Motives and Inducements which prevail'd with Herod to behead this Holy Man 1. The Conscience of his Oath Nevertheless for his Oath sake See his Hypocrisie he made Scruple of a rash Oath who made no Scruple of real Murther See here not only the Folly but great Impiety of rash Vows especially in ignorant Persons who think themselves obliged by them Whereas it is their Duty first to repent of them and then to break them as fast as they can St. Chrysostom says Herod might have spared the Baptist's Head and yet have kept his Oath to Herodias for he sware to give her only half of his Kingdom and his Head was worth more than his
acquaints us with another Miracle which our Saviour wrought in walking upon the Sea to his Disciples and herein we have Observable 1. His sending his Disciples to Sea he constrained them to go into a Ship not compelling them against their Wills but commanding them to take Ship and go before him No doubt the Disciples were loth to this unwilling to leave him and to go without him for they that have once tasted the Sweetness of Christ's Company and Acquaintance are hardly and difficultly drawn away from him Obs 2. Christ having dismist his Disciples and the Company retires into a Mountain to pray to teach us that when we address our selves to God in Duty to take all Helps Furtherances and Advantages for the doing of our Duty We must dismiss the Multitude before we address to God in Prayer we must send away the Multitude of worldly Cares worldly Thoughts worldly Concerns and Business when we would wait upon God in Duty Obs 3. The great Danger the Disciples were in and the Difficulties they were to encounter with They were in the midst of the Sea tossed with the Waves and the Winds were contrary and which was saddest of all Christ was absent The Wisdom of God sometimes suffers his Children and People not only to be distressed but greatly distressed with a variety of Distresses Obs 4. The seasonable Succour and Relief which Christ afforded his Disciples In the fourth Watch he came unto them walking upon the Waters It was not a stormy and tempestuous Sea that could separate betwixt him and them he that waded thro' a Sea of Blood and a Sea of Wrath to save his People will walk upon a Sea of Waters to succour and relieve them And the time was the fourth Watch about Four in the Morning when they had been many Hours conflicting with the Waves and in great Danger of their Lives To Teach us that Christ sometimes lengthens out the Trials of his Children before he delivers them but when they come to an Extremity that is the Season of his Succour Obs 5. How the Disciples took their Deliverer for their Destroyer When they saw Christ they cried out Their Fears were highest when their Deliverer and Deliverance was nearest God may be coming with Salvation and Deliverance to his People when they for the present cannot discern it Obs 6. When the Disciples were in the suddest Condition one word from Christ revives them it is a sufficient support in all our Afflictions to hear Christ's Voice speaking to us and to enjoy his favourable Presence with us Say but Oh Saviour it is I and then let Evils do their worst That one word it is I is sufficient to allay all Storms and to calm a Thousand Tempests Obs Lastly What Influence and Effect this Miracle had upon the Disciples They were sore amazed and beyond measure astonished they wonder at the ceasing of the Winds and calming of the Seas but they had forgotten the Miracles of the Loaves which was a great Stupidity and Dulness in them and argued Hardness of Heart and want of Consideration in them Learn thence That there is much Stupidity of Mind and Hardness of Heart remaining unmortified in the best of Saints whilst here in an imperfect State the work of Grace and Sanctification is but imperfect here 53 And when they had passed over they came into the land of Genesareth and drew to the shore 54 And when they were come out of the ship straightway they knew him 55 And ran thorow that whole region round about and began to carry about in beds those that were sick where they heard he was 56 And whithersoever he entered into villages or cities or country they laid the sick in the streets and besought him that they might touch if it were but the border of his garment and as many as touched him were made whole Here Observe 1. The unwearied Diligence and Industry of our Saviour in going about to do good He no sooner landeth but goeth to Genesareth and healeth their Sick It was the Great Business and Constant Employment of our Saviour's Life to Travel from Place to Place that he might he Useful and Beneficial to Mankind He went to those that could not and to those that would not come to him Obs 2. The People of Genesareth's Charity to their Sick Neighbours they send abroad to let all the Country know that Christ the great Physician was come amongst them There is a Duty of Love and Mercy which we owe unto those that are in Affliction and Misery namely To afford them the best Help Relief and Succour we are able both in their inward and outward Afflictions Obs 3. The Suddeness and Certainty of the Cure they touched him and were made whole The Healing Vercue lay not in their Fingers but in their Faith or rather in Christ whom their Faith Apprehended CHAP. VII 1 THen came together unto him the Pharisees and certain of the Scribes which came from Jerusalem 2 And when they saw some of his disciples eat bread with defiled that is to say with unwashen hands they found fault 3 For the Pharisees and all the Jews except they wash their hands oft eat not holding the tradition of the Elders 4 And when they come from the market except they wash they eat not And many other things there be which they have received to hold as the washing of cups and pots brazen vessels and of tables Then the Pharisees and Scribes asked him Why walk not thy disciples according to the tradition of the elders but eat bread with unwashen hands 6 He answered and said unto them Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites as it is written This people honoureth me with their lips but their heart is far from me 7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me teaching for doctrines the commandments of men 8 For laying aside the commandment of God ye hold the tradition of men as the washing of pots and cups and many other such like things ye do 9 And he said unto them Full well ye reject the Commandment of God that ye may keep your own tradition 10 For Moses said honour thy father and thy mother and whoso curseth father or mother let him die the death 11. But ye say If a man shall say to his father or mother It is Corban that is to say a gift by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me shall be free 12 And ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother 13 Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition which ye have delivered and many such like things ye do The former part of this Chapter acquaints us with a Conference or Disputation which our Saviour had with the Pharisees about their Superstitious Observation of the Jewish Traditions These Traditions were such Rites and Customs as were delivered to them by the Elders and Rulers of the Jewish Church in former times which Traditions they Valued and Regarded
the whole world and lose his own soul 37 Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul Our Saviour had shewn in the former Verses the great Danger of seeking to save our Temporal Life by exposing to hazard our Eternal Life This he confirms in the Words before us by a double Argument the first drawn from the Excellency of Eternal Life or the Life of the Soul The second drawn from the Irrecoverableness of this Loss or the Impossibility of Redeeming the Loss of the Soul by any way or means whatsoever What shall a Man give in exchange for his Soul Learn 1. That Almighty God has intrusted every one of us with a Soul of inestimable Worth and Preciousness capable of being saved or lost and that to all Eternity 2. That the Gain of the whole World is not comparable with the Loss of one precious Soul The Soul's Loss is an inconceivable incompensable and irrecoverable Loss 38 Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation of him also shall the son of man be ashamed when he cometh in the glory of his father with his holy angels That is whosoever shall deny or disown me either in my Person my Gospel or my Members for any Fear or Favour of Man he shall with shame be disowned and eternally rejected by me at the great Day There are Two Passions that make Persons disown Christ and Religion in the Day of Temptation Namely Fear and Shame Many good Men have been overcome by the former as St. Peter and others but we find not any good Man in Scripture guilty of the latter Namely that denied Christ out of Shame This argues a rotten unsound and corrupt Heart If any Man thinks it beneath his Honour and Quality to own the opposed Truths and despised Members of Jesus Christ he will think it much more beneath him his Honour and Dignity to own them at the great Day Learn hence That it is not sufficient that we own Christ by believing in him but we must honour him by an outward professing of him also Secondly That such as are ashamed of Christ's Doctrine or Members are ashamed of Christ himself Thirdly That such as either for Fear dare not or for Shame will not own the Doctrine of Christ or the Members of Christ now shall find Christ ashamed to own and confess them at the Great Day Whosoever is ashamed of me and of my Words in this adulterous and wicked Generation of him also shall the Son of Man be ashamed when he cometh in the Glory of his Father with his Holy Angels CHAP. IX 1 AND he said unto them verily I say unto you That there be some of them that stand here which shall not taste of death till they have seen the kingdom of God come with Power There is a three-fold Sense and interpretation given of these Words by Expositors 1. Some refer the Words to the Times of the Gospel after Christ's Resurrection and Ascension when the Gospel was spread and propagated far and near and the Kingdom of God came with Power Learn thence That where the Gospel is powerfully preached and chearfully obeyed there Christ cometh most gloriously in his Kingdom 2. Others understand these Words of Christ's coming and exercising his Kingly Power in the Destruction of Jerusalem which some of the Apostles then standing by lived to see 3. Others as most agreeable to the Context understand the Words as relating to our Saviour's Transfiguration as if he had said Some of you meaning Peter James and John shall shortly see me upon Mount Tabor in such Splendor and Glory as shall be a Praeludium a Shadow and Representation of that Glory which I shall appear in when I come to Judge the World at the Great Day And whereas our Saviour says not there be some standing here which shall not die but which shall not taste of Death This implies Two Things 1. That after they had seen this Transfiguration they must taste of Death as well as others 2. That they should but taste of it and no more From whence Learn 1. That the faithful Servants and Disciples of Christ must at length in God's appointed Time taste and have experience of Death as well as others 2. That although they must taste yet they shall but taste of Death they shall not drink off the Dregs of that bitter Cup though they fall by the hand of Death yet shall they not be overcome by it but in the very Fall get Victory over it 2 And after six days Jesus taketh with him Peter James and John and leadeth them up into a high mountain apart by themselves and he was transfigured before them Here we have the History of our Saviour's Transfiguration when he laid as it were the Garments of our frail Humanity aside for a little time assuming to himself the Robes of Majesty and Glory to demonstrate and testify the Truth of his Divinity for this Divine Glory was an Evidence of his Divine Nature and also an Emblem of that Glory which he and his Disciples all his faithful Servants and Followers shall enjoy together in Heaven 3 And his Raiment became shining exceeding white as snow so as no Fuller on Earth can white them 4 And there appeared unto them Elias with Moses and they were talking with Jesus 5 And Peter answered and said unto Jesus Master it is good for us to be here let us make three tabernacles one for thee one for Moses and one for Elias 6 For he wist not what to say for they were fore afraid 7 And there was a cloud that overshadowed them and a voice came out of the cloud saying This is my Beloved Son hear ye him 8 And suddenly when they had looked round about they saw no man any more save Jesus only with themselves Observe here First That to confirm the Disciples Faith in the Truth of Christ's Divine Nature he was pleased to suffer the Rays of his Divinity to dart forth before their Eyes so far as they were able to bear it His Face shined with a pleasing Brightness and his Raiment with such a glorious Lustre as did at once both delight and dazzle the Eyes of the Disciples Obs 2. The Choice which our Saviour makes of the Witnesses of this his glorious Transfiguration his Three Disciples Peter James and John But why Disciples Why Three Disciples Why these Three 1. Why Disciples Because this Transfiguration was a Type and Shadow of the Glory of Heaven Christ vouchsafes therefore the Earnest and First-Fruits of that Glory only to Saints upon whom he intended to bestow the full Harvest in due time 2. Why Three Disciples Because Three were sufficient to witness the Truth and Reality of this Miracle Judas was unworthy of this Favour yet lest he should murmur or be discontented others are left out as well as he But 3. Why these Three rather than others Probably 1. Because these Three were more eminent
that the Doctrine of the Cross be often preached to us that so being armed with Expectation of Sufferings before they come we may be the less dismayed and disheartned when they come Our Lord 's forewarning his Disciples so frequently of his Death and Sufferings was to fore-arm them with Expectation of his Sufferings and with Preparation for their own Observe farther Who were the Persons that were the instrumental Causes of our Saviour's Death they were both Jews and Gentiles The Son of Man shall be delivered to the chief Priests and they shall deliver him to the Gentiles Learn hence That as both Jews and Gentiles had a hand in the Death and Sufferings of our Lord Jesus Christ so are they by Faith capable of an Interest in the Merit of his Death and in the Virtue and Efficacy of his Sufferings Christ offered up his Blood to God on the Behalf of them that shed it 35 And James and John the sons of Zebedee came unto him saying Master we would that thou shouldst do for us whatsoever we shall desire 36 And he said unto them What would ye that I should do for you 37 They said unto him Grant unto us that we may sit one on thy right hand and the other on thy left hand in thy glory 38 But Jesus said unto them Ye know not what ye ask can ye drink of the cup that I drink of and be baptized with the baptism that I am paptized with 39 And they said unto him We can And Jesus said unto them Ye shall indeed drink of the cup that I drink of and with the baptism that I am baptized withal shall ye be baptized 40 But to sit on my right hand and on my left hand is not mine to give but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared 41 And when the ten heard it they began to be much displeased with James and John Observe here 1. The ambitious Suit and Request of the Two Apostles James and John for Dignity and Superiority Grant that we may sit one on thy right hand and the other on thy left hand in thy Glory or in thy Kingdom Where Observe That by Christ's Kingdom and Glory they understood an Earthly Temporal Kingdom for of that sort the Jews did expect the Kingdom of the Messiah should be and the Disciples themselves were tainted with the common Errors Learn hence That Ambition and inordinate Desire of worldly Honour and Dignity is a Sin very natural and incident to the best of Men Who can wonder to see some Sparks of Ambition in the holiest of God's Ministers when Christ's own Apostles were not free from aspiring Thoughts even when they lay in the Bosom of our Saviour Obs 2. Both the Unseasonabless and Unreasonableness of this Request made by James and John Christ speaks of his Sufferings to them and they sue for Dignity and great Places from him In optimis nonnihil est pessimè The Holiest the Wisest and the Best of Men are not wholly free from passionate Infirmities Who could have thought that when our Saviour had been preaching the Doctrine of the Cross to his Disciples that they should at the same time be seeking and suing to him for Secular Dignity and Honour Preheminence and Power But the best of Men are but Men at the best none are in a State of Perfection on this side Heaven Obs 3. Our Saviour's Answer to the Disciple's ambitious Request and the course which he takes to cool their Ambition he tells them they must expect here not Crowns on their Heads but a Cross on their Backs they must first taste of his Sufferings before they partake of his Glory and those that suffer most for Christ shall partake of the highest Dignity and Glory from him Obs 4. The presumptuous Confidence which the Apostles had of their own Strength and Ability for Sufferings Are ye able says Christ to drink of my Cup We are able say the Disciples Alas poor Men when it came to the Trial they all cowardly forsook him and fled Those that are least acquainted with Sufferings are usually the most confident Undertakers See on Matth. 20.22 23. 42 But Jesus calleth them unto him and saith unto them Ye know that they which are accounted to rule over the Gentiles exercise lordship over them and their great ones exercise authority upon them 43 But so shall it not be amongst you but whosoever will be great among you shall be your minister 44 And whosoever of you will be the chiefest shall be servant of all 45 For even the son of man came not to be ministered unto but to minister and to give his life a ransom for many To the end that our Blessed Saviour might effectually quench those unhappy Sparks of Ambition which were kindled in his Apostles Minds He tells them That Supremacy and Dominion belong to secular Princes not to Gospel Ministers who ought to carry themselves with Humility and Condescention one towards another Not that Christ directs to a Parity and Equality amongst his Ministers But only condemns the Affectation of Superiority and the Love of Preheminency Learn hence 1. That the Ministers of Christ ought to be so far from affecting a Domination and Superiority over their Brethren that in Imitation of their Lord and Master they ought to account themselves Fellow-Servants The Son of Man came not to be ministred unto but to minister Obs 2. That such Ministers as do love and affect Preheminence and Superiority are most unfit for it and they deserve it best who seek it least 3. That the Dignity and Honour which the Ministers of Christ should chiefly yea only affect is in another World and the way to be greatest and highest there is to be low and humble mean in our own Eyes and little in our own Esteem See Note on Matth. 20.28 46 And they came to Jericho and as he went out of Jericho with his disciples and a great number of people blind Bartimeus the Son of Timeus sat by the high way side begging 47 And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth he began to cry out and say Jesus thou son of David have Mercy on me 48 And many charged him that he should hold his peace but he cried the more a great deal Thou Son of David have mercy on me 49 And Jesus stood still and commanded him to be called and they call the blind man saying unto him Be of good comfort rise he calleth thee 50 And he cast away his garment rose and came to Jesus 51 And Jesus answered and said unto him what wilt thou that I should do unto thee The blind Man said unto him Lord that I might receive my sight 52 And Jesus said unto him Go thy way thy faith hath made thee whole And immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus in the way This Chapter concludes with the recital of a famous Miracle wrought by our Blessed Saviour upon Blind Bartimeus in the sight of
be offended because of me this Night for it is written I will smite the Shepheard and the Sheep shall be scattered 28 But after that I am Risen I will go before you into Galilee 29 But Peter said unto him Although all shall be offended yet will not I. 30 And Jesus saith unto him Verily I say unto thee That this day even in this Night before the Cock Crow Twice thou shalt deny me Thrice 31 But he spake more vehemently if I should dye with thee I will not deny thee in any wise Likewise also said they all Observe here 1. The Warning that our Saviour gives his Disciples of their Forsaking of him in the time of his Sufferings All ye shall be offended because of me this night Learn that Christ's dearest Friends forsook and left him alone in the midst of his greatest distress and danger Observe 2. What was the Cause of their Flight it was their Fear the weakness of their Faith and the prevalency of their Fear Oh how sad and dangerous is it for the best of Men to be left under the power of their own Fears in the day of Temptation Observe 3. Notwithstanding our Saviour's Prediction St. Peter's Presumption of his own Strength and Standing Though all Men forsake thee yet-will not I. Learn thence That Self-confidence and a Presumptuous Opinion of their own Strength is a sin very incident to the holiest and best of Men. This good Man resolved honestly no doubt but too too much in his own strength Little little did he think what a Feather he should be in the Wind of Temptation if once left to the Power and Prevalency of his own Fears None are so near falling as those who are most confident of their own Standing if ever we stand in the day of Tryal 't is the fear of falling that must enable us to stand 32 And they came to a place which was named Gethsemane and he saith unto his Disciples sit ye here while I shall pray 33 And he taketh with him Peter and James and John and began to be sore amazed and to be very heavy 34 And saith unto them My Soul is exceeding sorrowful unto Death Tarry ye here and watch 35 And he went forward a little and fell on the Ground and Prayed That if it were possible the Hour might pass from him 36 And he said Abba Father all things are possible unto thee Take away this Cup from me nevertheless not as I will but what thou wilt 37 And he cometh and findeth them sleeping and saith unto Peter Simon sleepest thou couldst not thou watch one Hour 38 Watch ye and pray lest ye enter into Temptation the Spirit truly is ready but the Flesh is weak 39 And again he went away and prayed and spake the same words 40 And when he returned he found them asleep again for their Eyes were heavy neither wist they what to answer him 41 And he cometh the third time and saith unto them Sleep on now and take your rest it is enough the Hour is come behold the Son of Man is Betrayed into the Hands of Sinners Rise up let us go lo he that Betrayeth me is at hand Our Blessed Saviour being now come with his Disciples into the Garden he falls there into a bitter and bloody Agony in which he prayed with wonderful Fervency and Importunity to his Heavenly Father his Sufferings were now coming on a great pace and he meets them upon his Knees and would be found in a Praying Posture Learn thence That Prayer is the best Preparative for as well as the most powerful Support under the heaviest Sufferings that can befal us As to this Prayer of our Saviour in the Garden many things are very Observable as 1. The place where he Prayed the Garden But why went Christ thither not with our first Parents to hide himself there amongst the Trees of the Garden from the Notice and Observation of his Enemies But as a Garden was the place where our Misery began as the first scene of humane sin and misery was Acted in a Garden so does our Lord choose a Garden as the fittest place for his Agony and Satisfactory pains to begin in Again this Garden was a place of privacy and Retirement where our Lord might best attend the Offices of Devotion preparatory to his Passion John 18.2 tells us That Jesus oft-times resorted to this Garden with his Disciples and that Judas well knew the place It is evident then that Christ went not into the Garden to shun his Sufferings but to prepare himself by Prayer to meet his Enemies 2. Observe the Time when he entered into the Garden for Prayer it was in the Evening before he Suffered here he spent some hours in pouring forth his Soul to God For about Mid-night Judas with his Black Guard came and Apprehended him in a Praying Posture Our Lord Teaching us by his Example that when eminent Dangers are before us especially when Death is Apprehended by us to be very much in Prayer to God and very fervent in our Wrestlings with him Observe 3. The Matter of our Lord's Prayer That if possible the Cup might pass from him and he might be kept from the Hour of Suffering that his Soul might escape that Dreadful Wrath at which he was so sore Amazed But what Did Christ then begin to Repent of his Undertaking for Sinners Did he shrink and give back when it came to the pinch No nothing less but as he had two Natures being GOD and Man so he had two distinct Wills as Man he feared and shunned Death as GOD man he willingly submitted to it The Divine Nature and the Humane Spirit of Christ did now Assault each other with disagreeing Interests Again this Prayer was not Absolute but Conditional If it be possible Father if it may be if thou art willing if it please thee let this Cup pass if not I will drink it The Cup of Sufferings we see is a very bitter and distastful Cup a Cup which Humane Nature abhors and cannot desire but pray against yet doth God put this Bitter Cup of Affliction into the Hands oft-times of those whom he doth sincerely Love and when he doth do so it is their Duty to drink it with Silence and Submission as here their Lord did before them Father let the Cup pass yet not my Will but thine be done Observe 4. The Manner of our Lord's Prayer in the Garden and here we may Remark 1. it was a Solitary Prayer he went by himself alone out of the Hearing of his Disciples The Company of our best and dearest Friends is not always Seasonable there is a time to be Solitary as well as to be Sociable there are Times and Cases when a Christian would not be willing that the most intimate Friend he has in the World should be with him to hear what passes in secret betwixt him and his God 2. It was an humble Prayer that 's Evident by the Postures into which
an Enemy and that in a time of his greatest Sufferings and Reproaches Pilate without his own Knowledge did our Saviour an Eminent piece of service he did that for Christ which none of his own Disciples durst do not that he did it designedly but from the special over-ruling providence of God no thanks to Pilate for all this because the highest services performed to Christ undesignedly shall neither be accepted nor rewarded by God Observe farther the several Aggravations of our Lord's Sufferings upon the Cross 1. From the company he suffered with two Thieves it had been a sufficient Disparagement to our Blessed Saviour to have been sorted with the best of Men but to be numbered with the scum of Mankind is such an indignity as confounds our thoughts This was designed by the Jews to dishonour and disgrace our Saviour the more and to perswade the world that he was the greatest of Offenders but God over ruled this also for fulfilling an ancient Prophecy concerning the Messiah Isa 53. last v. and he was numbred with the Transgressors 2. Another Aggravation of our Lord's sufferings upon the Cross was the scorn and mocking derision which he met with in his dying moments both from the common People from the chief Priests and from the Thieves that suffered with him The common People reviled him wagging their heads the chief Priests though men of Age and Gravity yet barbarously mock him in his misery and not only so but they Atheistically scoff and jear at his Faith and Affiance in God saying He trusted in God that he would deliver him let him deliver him if he would have him Where Note That persecutors are generally Atheistical Scoffers the chief Priests and Elders though knowing Men yet they Blaspheme God They mock at his Power and deride his Providence which is as bad as to deny his being so that from hence we may gather that those who administer to God in holy things by way of Office if they be not the best they are the worst of Men. No such bitter Enemies to the power of Godliness as the Ministers of Religion who were never acquainted with the Efficacy and Power of it upon their own hearts and lives A third Aggravation of our Lord's sufferings upon the Cross was this that the Thieves that suffered with him reviled him with the rest that is one of them as St. Luke has it or perhaps both of them might do it at first which if so encreases the wonder of the penitent Thiefs Conversion From the impenitent Thiefs Reviling Christ we learn That neither shame nor pain will change the mind of a resolute Sinner but even then when he is in the suburbs of Hell will he Blaspheme They that were crucified with him reviled him but the most aggravating circumstance of all the Rest in our Lord's Sufferings was this that he was forsaken of his Father my God my God why hast thou forsaken me Thence Learn That the Lord Jesus Christ when suffering for our sins was really deserted and forsaken by his Father and left destitute of all sensible Consolation why hast thou forsaken me Learn farther that under this desertion Christ despaired not but still retained a firm persuasion of God's Love unto him and experienced necessary supports from him My God my God these are words of Affiance and Faith Christ was thus forsaken for us that we might never be forsaken by God yet by God's forsaking of Christ we are not to understand any abatement of Divine Love but only a withdrawing from the humane Nature the sense of his Love and a letting out upon his Soul a deep afflicting sense of his Displeasure against Sin There is a Two-fold desertion the one total final and eternal by which God utterly forsakes a person both as to Grace and Glory being for sin wholly cast out of God's presence and adjudged to eternal Torments This Christ was not capable of nor could the Dignity of his person admit it The other is a partial Temporary desertion when God for a little moment hides his face from his Children Now this was both agreeable to Christ's Nature and also suitable to his Office who was to satisfie the justice of God for our forsaking of him and to bring us back again to God that we might be received for ever Observe lastly what a miraculous Evidence Christ gave of his God-head instantly before he gave up the Ghost he cryed with a loud Voice This shews that he did not die according to the ordinary course of Nature gradually drawing on as we express it but his Life was whole in him to the last and Nature as strong as it was at first Other men die by degrees and towards their end their sense of pain is much blunted but Christ stood under the pains of death in his full strength and his Life was whole and entire in him to the very last moment This was evident by the mighty out-cry he made when he gave up the Ghost contrary to the sense and experience of all persons now he that could cry with such a loud voice as he did in Articulo mortis could have kept himself from dying if he would Hence we learn That when Christ died he rather conquered Death then was conquered by it he must voluntarily and freely lay down his life before Death could come at him 38 And the vail of the Temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom 39 And when the Centurion which stood over against him saw that he so cryed out and gave up the Ghost he said truly this man was the Son of God 40 There were also women looking on afar off among whom was Mary Magdalen and Mary the mother of James the less and Joses and Salome 41. Who also when he was in Galilee followed him and ministred unto him and many other women which came up with him unto Jerusalem Three circumstances are here Observable 1. A stupendious prodigy hapning upon the death of our Saviour the vail of the Temple was rent in twain from top to bottom there was a two-fold vail of the Temple one inward the other outward the inward vail was an hanging which parted the most holy place from the other part of the Temple the outward vail was the partition wall of Stone between the Sanctuary and the outer Court By the rending of one of these vails God testified his Wrath against the Jews and that he was now about to forsake his Temple that the Ceremonial Law was now abolished by the Death of Christ and that by the Blood of Jesus we have access unto God and may enter into the Holy of Holies the Partition-wall 'twixt Jew and Gentile being pulled down Observe 2. What influence the Manner and Circumstances of our Saviour's Death had upon the Centurion and the Soldiers with him they cry out Verily this was the Son of God Where Observe That the Heathen Soldiers are sooner convinced of the Divinity of our Saviour then the unbelieving
could not Christ have Risen without the Angels Help yes doubtless he that Raised himself could surely have Rolled away the Stone but God thinks fit to send an Officer from Heaven to open the Prison-door of the Grave and by setting our Surety at Liberty proclaims our Debt to the Divine Justice fully satisfied Besides it was fit that the Angels who had been Witnesses of our Saviour's Passion should also be Witnesses of his Resurrection Observe 2. Our Lord's Resurrection declared He is Risen he is not here Almighty God never intended that the darling of his Soul should be left in an obscure Sepulchre He is not here said the Angel where you laid him where you left him Death has lost its Prey and the Grave has lost its Prisoner Observe 3. It is not said He is not here for he is Raised but he is Risen the word imports the Active Power of Christ or the self-quickning Principle by which Christ Raised himself from the Dead Acts 1.3 He shewed himself alive after his Passion Hence Learn That it was the Divine Nature or Godhead of Christ which Raised the Humane Nature from Death to Life others were Raised from the Grave by Christ's Power but he Raised himself by his own Power Observe 4. The Testimony or Witness given of our Lord's Resurrection that of an Angel in Humane Shape A young man cloathed in a long white Garment But why is an Angel the first Publisher of our Saviour's Resurrection Surely the Dignity of our Lord's Person and the Excellency of his Resurrection required that it should be thus Published How very serviceable and officious the Holy Angels were in Attending upon our Saviour in the days of his Flesh see in the Note on Mat. 28.6 7. Observe 5. The Persons to whom our Lord's Resurrection was first declared and made known to Women to the two Mary's But why to Women and why to these Women why to Women because God will make choice of weak Means for producing great Effects knowing that the weakness of the Instrument redounds to the greater honour of the Agent In the whole dispensation of the Gospel God intermixes Divine Power with Humane Weakness Thus the conception of Christ was by the power of the Holy Ghost but his Mother a poor Woman a Carpenters Spouse so the crucifixion of Christ was in much meanness and outward baseness being crucified between two Thieves But the powers of Heaven and Earth trembling the Rocks rending the Graves opening shewed a mixture of Divine Power Thus here God will honour what instruments he pleases for the accomplishment of his own purposes but why to these Women the two Marys is the first discovery made of our Saviours Resurrection possibly it was a reward for their magnanimity and masculine Courage these Women clave to Christ when the Apostles forsook him they assisted at his Cross they attended at his Funeral they waited at his Sepulchre these Women had more Courage than the Apostles therefore God makes them Apostles to the Apostles This was a tacite Rebuke a secret check given to the Apostles that they should be thus out done by Women these holy Women went before the Apostles in the last Services that were done for Christ and therefore the Apostles here come after them in their Rewards and Comforts Obs 6. The Evidence which the Angels offers to the Women to evince and prove the verity and certainty of our Saviour's Resurrection namely by an appeal to their senses behold the place where they laid him the senses when rightly disposed are the proper judges of all sensible Objects and accordingly Christ himself did appeal to his Disciples senses concerning the Truth of his own Resurrection Behold my Hands and my Feet that it is I my self and indeed if we must not believe our Senses we shall want the best external Evidence for the proof of the certainty and truth of the Christian Religion namely the Miracles wrought by Christ and his Apostles For what Assurance can we have of the reallity of those Miracles but from our Senses therefore says our Saviour if ye believe not me yet believe the works that I do that is the Miracles which I have wrought before your Eyes Now as my Senses tell me that Christ's Miracles were true so they assure me that the Doctrine of Transubstantiation is false From the whole Note That the the Lord Jesus Christ by the Omnipotent Power of his Godhead revived and rose again from the dead the third day to the Terror and Consternation of his Enemies and the unspeakable joy and consolation of Believers Observe lastly the quick dispatch made of the joyful news of our Lord's Resurrection to the sorrowful Disciples go tell the Disciples says the Angel go tell my Brethren says Christ Matth. 28.10 Christ might have said go tell those Apostate Apostles that cowardly left me in my danger that durst not own me in the High-priests Hall that durst not come within the shadow of my Cross nor within sight of my Sepulchre not a word of this by way of upbraiding them for their late shameful Cowardize but all words of Kindness Go tell my Brethren where Note That Christ calls them Brethren after his Resurrection and Exaltation thereby shewing that the change of his condition had wrought no change in his Affection towards his poor Disciples but those that were his Brethren before in the time of his Abasement are so still after his Exaltation and Advancement Go tell my Brethren says Christ Go tell my Disciples and Peter says the Angel Where Note That St. Peter is here particularly named not because of his primacy and superiority over the rest of the Apostles as the Church of Rome would have it but because he had denied Christ and for that denial was swallowed up with sorrow and stood most in need of comfort therefore says Christ by the Angel speak particularly to Peter be sure that his sad heart be comforted with this joyful news that he may know that I am friends with him notwithstanding his late Cowardize Tell the Disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee but why into Galilee because Jerusalem was now a forsaken place a people abandoned to destruction but Galilee was a place where Christ's Ministry was more acceptable Such places shall be most Honoured with Christ's presence where his Gospel is most accepted 9 Now when Jesus was risen from the dead early the first day of the week he appeared first to Mary Magdalen out of whom he had cast seven Devils 10 And she went and told them that had been with him as they mourned and wept 11 And they when they had heard that he was alive and had been seen of her believed not 12 After that he appeared in another form unto two of them as they walked and went into the Country 13 And they went and told it unto the residue neither believed they them 14 Afterward he appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat and
sit down by him as his Members The only way to this namely to ascend unto and sit down with Christ in Heaven is to live like him and to live unto him here on Earth If any Man love me he will follow me and where I am there shall als● my servant be St. Joh. 12.26 20 And they went forth and preached every where the Lord working with them and confirming the word with Signs following Observe here first the general publication of the Gospel by the Apostles They went forth and preached every where Secondly the reason of the Efficacy and Success of it namely that Divine and miraculous power which accompanied the Preaching of it the Lord wrought with them and c●nfirmed the word with Signs following 1. Obs The general publication of the Gospel by the Apostles they went forth and Preached every where The industry of the Holy Apostles was incredibly great yet was their success greater then their industry even beyond all humane Expectation which will evidently appear if we consider 1. The vast spreading of the Gospel so far in so short a space of time for in thirty Years time after Christ's death it was spread through the greatest part of the Roman Empire and reached as far as Parthia and India 2. The wonderful power and efficacy which the Gospel had upon the lives and manners of men the generality of those that entertained the Gospel were obedient to it both in word and deed because Christianity being an hated and persecuted profession no man could have any inducement to embrace it that did not resolve to practise it and live up unto it 3. The weakness and meanness of the Instruments that were imployed in propagating the Gospel shews the success of it to be very great and strange a company of plain and illiterate Men most of them destitute of the advantages of Education and unassisted by the countenance of any Authority whatsoever yet did they in a short space draw the World after them 4. The powerful opposition which was raised against the Gospel namely the prejudices of Education the power of indwelling Lusts and also the powers of the World then in being did strongly combine against it yet did Christianity bear up against all this opposition and made its way thorough all the resistance that the Lusts and prejudices of Men armed with the power and authority of the whole world could make against it 5. The great discouragements that Men were then under to embrace the Gospel and the Christian profession all the evils of this World threatned them Mockings and Scourgings Banishment and Imprisonment Reproach and Ruin death in all its fearful shapes was presented to them to deter them from embracing this Religion Observe therefore 2. The reason of this wonderful Success the Lord wrought with them and confirmed the word with Signs following the Lord wrought with them this points at the inward operation of the Holy Spirit upon the minds of Men and confirmed the word with Signs that is confirmed their Doctrine with Miracles such as healing Diseases raising the Dead casting out Devils inflicting corporal Diseases on scandalous persons and sometimes Death it self from the whole we gather the Truth and Divinity of the Christian Religion that it was and is certainly of God and therefore never could never can be overthrown The End of St. Mark EXPOSITORY NOTES WITH PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS UPON The Holy Gospel ACCORDING TO S T. LUKE St. LUKE xxiii 45 46 47. Then opened he their Vnderstandings that they might understand the Scriptures And he said unto them Thus it is written and thus it behoved Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the Third day and that Repentance and Remission of sins should be Preach'd in his name among all Nations beginning at Jerusalem EXPOSITORY NOTES WITH PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS UPON The Holy Gospel ACCORDING TO S T. LUKE CHAP. I. 1 FOrasmuch as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed amongst us 2 Even as they delivered them unto us which from the beginning were eye-witnesses and ministers of the word 3 It seemed good to me also having had perfect understanding of all things from the very first to write unto thee in order most excellent Theophilus 4. That thou mayest know the certainty of those things wherein thou hast been instructed This Gospel together with the Acts of the Apostles were written by St. Luke the beloved Physician and Companion of St. Paul who wrote as did the rest of the Evangelists by the special Direction and Inspiration of the Holy Ghost where we may profitably Remark the wonderful wisdom of God who in Order to the Confirming of our Faith in the Truth of the Gospel raised up a sufficient number of Witnesses to testify the verity and infallible certainty of all that the Gospel delivers to us Now this Evangelist St. Luke Dedicates this Gospel together with the Acts of the Apostles to Theophilus who was as some think an Honourable Senator or a Renowned and eminent Person in the Church as Others suppose But many take the word Theophilus not for a proper Name but common Name signifying every one that Loveth God to whom St. Luke addresses his Discourse The first four Verses of this Chapter are a Preface to the following History and acquaint us with the Reasons which induced St. Luke to write namely because divers Persons in that Age had imprudently and inconsiderately set upon writing Gospels without direction from the Spirit of God whose Errors and Mistakes were to be corrected by a true Narrative This St. Luke declare he was able to make having had perfect Understanding and Knowledge of the Truth of those things he was about to Relate partly by his familiarity with St. Paul and partly by his Conversation with the other Apostles who constantly attending our Saviour were Eye and Ear-witnesses of those things that are the Subject matter of the ●●●hing-History Hence learn 1. That there were some Apocryphal Writings or Writings which were not of Divine Authority Re●●ting to the New Testament as well as to the Old as the Books of Asher Gad and Idd● are recited in the Old Testament but were never received into the Canon of the Scripture So were there some Gospels or Historical Relations of our Saviour's Life and Actions wrote by Persons which the Church never received as not having the impress of God's Ordination Note Secondly that the Gospels which St. Luke and the other Evangelists wrote have nothing of fallibility or uncertainty in them they wrote nothing but what they either heard or saw themselves or else received from those that were Eye and Ear-witnesses of matter of Fact It seemed good to me to write having had perfect knowledge of all things from the very first 5 There was in the days of Herod the king of Judea a certain Priest named Zacharias of the course of Abia and his wife was of the daughters of
Act of Obedience doth the holy Virgin here perform to two Ceremonial Laws The one concerning the purification of Women after Child-birth the other concerning the presenting of the Male Child before the Lord. The Law concerning the purification of Women we have Recorded Levit. 12. where the time mentioned for the Womans Purification is set down namely after a Male Child forty days after a Female Fourscore days after which time she was to bring a Lamb of a year old for a Burnt-offering in case she was a person of ability or a pair of Turtle-Doves or two young Pidgeons in case of extreme poverty Now as to the Virgins Purification Observe 1. That no sooner was she able and allowed to walk but she Travels to the Temple Where Note That she visited God's House at Jerusalem before her own house at Nazareth Learn thence that such Women whom God has blest with safety of Deliverance if they make not their first visit to the Temple of God to offer up their Praises of Thanksgivings there they are Strangers to the Virgins Piety and Devotion Obs 2. Another Act of Mary's Obedience to the Ceremonial Law she presented her Child at Jerusalem to the Lord. But how durst the Blessed Virgin carry her holy Babe to Jerusalem into Herod's mouth It was but a little before that Herod sought the young Child's Life to destroy it yet the Virgin sticks not in Obedience to the command of God to carry him to Jerusalem Learn hence That the apprehension of no dangers either imminent or approaching either at hand or afar off ought to hinder us from performing our Duty to Almighty God we ought not to neglect a certain Duty to escape an uncertain Danger Observe further as the Obedience so the Humility of the Holy Virgin in submitting to the Law for purifying of Uncleanness For thus she might have pleaded What need have I of purging who did not conceive in Sin Other Births are from men but mine is from the Holy Ghost who is purity it self Other Womens Children are under the Law mine is above the Law but like the Mother of him whom it behoved to fulfil all Righteousness she dutifully fulfils the Law of God without quarrelling or disputing Observe Lastly as the exemplary Humility so the great poverty of the Holy Virgin she has not a Lamb but comes with her two Doves to God Her Offering declares her Penury The Best are sometimes the poorest seldom the wealthiest yet none are so poor but God expects an Offering from them he looks for somewhat from every one not from every one alike The Providence of God it is that makes difference in persons abilities but his pleasure will make no difference in the Acceptation Where there is a willing mind it shall be accepted according to what a person hath 2 Cor. 8.12 25 And behold there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon and the same was just and devout waiting for the consolation of Israel and the holy Ghost was upon him 26 And it was revealed unto him by the holy Ghost that he should not see Death before he had seen the Lord's Christ 27 And he came by the Spirit into the Temple and when the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him after the custom of the law 28 Then took he him up in his arms and Blessed God and said No sooner was our Saviour brought into the Temple and presented to the Lord by his holy Parents but in springs old Simeon a pious and devout Man who had a Revelation from God that he should not dye until he had with his bodily Eye seen the promised Messiah Accordingly he takes up the Child Jesus in his arms but hugs him faster by his Faith then by his feeble Arms and with Ravishment of heart praises God for the Sight of his Saviour whom he calls the Consolation of Israel that is the Messiah whom the Israel of God had long look'd and waited for and now took Comfort and Consolation in Note here 1. How God always performs his Promises to his Children with wonderful advantage Simeon had a Revelation that he should not Dye until he had seen Christ now he not only sees him but feels him too he not only has him in his Eye but holds him in his hands Tho' God stays long before he fulfils his Promises he certainly comes at last with a double Reward for our expectation Note 2. That the Coming of the Messiah in the fulness of Time and his appearing in our Flesh and Nature was and is matter of unspeakable Consolation to the Israel of God And now that he is come let us live by Faith upon him as the Foundation of all Comfort and Consolation both in Life and Death Alas what are all other Consolations besides this and without this They are impotent and insufficient Consolations they are dying and perishing Consolations nay they are sometimes afflictive and distressing Consolations The Bitterness accompanying them is sometimes more than the Sweetness that is tasted in them but in Christ who is the Consolation of Israel there is light without darkness joy without sorrow all Consolation without any mixture of discomfort 29 And he said Lord now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace according to thy word 30 For mine eyes have seen thy Salvation 31 Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people 32 A light to lighten the Gentiles and the glory of thy people Israel 33 And Joseph and his mother marvelled at those things which were spoken of him These words are a sweet Canticle or Swan-like Song of old Simeon a little before his Dissolution He had seen the Messias before by Faith now by sight and wishes to have his Eyes closed that he might see nothing after this desirable sight It is said of some Turks that after they have seen Mahomet's Tomb they put out their Eyes that they may never defile them after they have seen so glorious an Object Thus old Simeon desires to see no more of this World after he had seen Christ the Saviour of the World but sues for his Dismission Lord let thy servant depart Note here 1. That a good Man having served his Generation and God in his Generation faithfully is weary of the World and willing to be dismist from it 2. That the Death of a good man is nothing else but a quiet and peaceable departure 't is a departure in peace to the God of peace 3. That it is only a spiritual sight of Christ by Faith that can welcome the approach of Death and render it an object desirable to the Christian's choice he only that can say My eyes have seen thy Salvation will be able to say Lord let thy Servant d●part Observe farther Holy Simeon having declared the Faithfulness of God to himself in the Gift of Christ Next he celebrates the Mercy of God in bestowing this invaluable Gift of a Saviour upon the whole World The world consists of Jews and
of him that is not commonly to Publish and openly to declare him to be the Son of God because being in his State of Humiliation the Glory of his Divinity was to be concealed till his Resurrection He was then declared to be the Son of God with power Rom. 1.4 Observe Lastly The great Wisdom of our Saviour in acquainting his Disciples with the near approach of his Death and Sufferings The Son of Man must suffer many things c. This our Saviour did 1. To prevent that Scandal and Offence which otherwise they might have taken at his Sufferings 2. The better to fit and prepare them to bear that great Tryal when it did come 3. To correct the Error which they had entertained concerning the Temporal Kingdom of the Messias and that he was to be a great and mighty Prince here upon Earth for these Reasons did Christ frequently acquaint his Disciples with his Sufferings 23 And he said to them all if any man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me 24 For whosoever will save his Life shall lose it and whosoever will lose his Life for my sake the same shall find it Observe here 1. How our Saviour recommends his Religion to every Persons Election and Choice not compelling any one by force and Violence to embrace or entertain it If any man will be my Disciple that is if any Man chooses and resolves to be a Christian Observe 2. Our Saviour's Terms propounded namely Self-denial Gospel-suffering and Gospel-service 1. Self-denial Let him deny himself by which we are not to understand either the denying of our Senses in matters of Faith or the Renouncing of our Reason in matters of Religion but a willingness to part with all our Earthly Comforts and Temporal Enjoyments for the sake of Christ when called thereunto 2. Gospel-suffering He must take up his Cross daily an allusion to a Roman Custom when a Malefactor was to be Crucified he took his Cross up upon his Shoulder and carried it to the place of Execution Here Note That not the making of the Cross but patient bearing of it when God has made it and laid it upon our Shoulder is the Duty injoin'd Let him take up his Cross 3. Gospel-service Let him follow me says Christ that is obey my Commands and imitate my Example he must set my Life and Doctrine continually before him and be daily Correcting and Reforming of his Life by that Rule and Pattern Observe 3. The Arguments urged by our Saviour to induce Men to a willingness to lay down their Lives for the sake of Christ and his Holy Religion He that will save his Life shall lose it and he that is willing to lose his Life for the sake of the Gospel he shall find it intimating to us 1. That the Love of this Temporal Life is a great Temptation to men to deny Christ and to renounce his Holy Religion 2. That the surest way to attain Eternal Life is cheerfully to lay down our Temporal Life when the Glory of Christ and the Honour of Religion requires it at our hands 25 For what is a man advantaged if he gain the whole world and lose himself Here our Saviour goes on to shew the Folly of those that for saving their Temporal Lives will expose their Eternal Life or the Life of their Souls to hazard and danger yea sometimes by refusing to lay down our Temporal Life for Christ we lose that also which renders it the greatest folly in the World to refuse to part with any enjoyment even Life it self at the Call and Command of Christ 26 For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words of him shall the Son of man be ashamed when he shall come in his own Glory and in his Fathers and of the Holy Angels That is whosoever shall deny and disown me either in my Person in my Doctrine or my Members for any fear or favour of Man he shall with shame be disowned by me and rejected of me at the Great Day There are two Passions which cause Men to disown Christ in the day of Temptation namely fear and shame Many good Men have been over-come by the former as St. Peter and others but we find not any good Man in Scripture guilty of the latter namely that denied Christ out of shame this argues a rotten unsound and corrupt Heart If any Man thinks it beneath his Honour and Quality to own the opposed Truths and despised Members of Christ Christ will think it beneath him to own such Persons at the Great Day Learn hence 1. That such as are ashamed of Christ's Doctrine or Members are in God's Account ashamed of Christ himself 2. That such as either for fear dare not or for shame will not own the Doctrine and Members of Christ now shall certainly find Christ ashamed to own and confess them at the Great Day 27 But I tell you of a truth there be some standing here which shall not taste of Death till they see the Kingdom of God There is a Threefold sense and interpretation of these Words given by Expositors 1. Some refer the Words to the Times of the Gospel after Christ's Resurrection and Ascension when the Gospel was Propagated far and near and the Kingdom of God came with Power Learn thence That where the Gospel is powerfully preached and chearfully obey'd there Christ cometh most gloriously in his Kingdom 2. Others understand these Words of Christ's Coming and Exercising his Kingly Power in the Destruction of Jerusalem which some of the Apostles then standing by Lived to see 3. Others as most agreeable to the Context understand the words with Reference to our Saviour's Transfiguration as if he had said Some of you meaning Peter James and John shall shortly see me upon Mount Tabor and that in such splendour and Glory as shall be a Preludium a shadow and Representation of that Glory which I shall appear in when I shall come with Power to judge the World at the great Day And whereas our Saviour saith not there are some standing here which shall not dye but which shall not taste of Death till they had seen this glorious sight This implies two things 1. That after they had seen this Transfiguration they must taste of Death as well as others 2. That they should but taste of it and no more From whence Learn 1. That the most Renowned Servants of Christ for Faith Holiness and Service must at length in God's appointed time taste and have experience of Death as well as others 2. That altho' they must taste yet they shall but taste of Death they shall not drink off the Dregs of that bitter cup tho' they fall by the hand of Death yet shall they not be hurt by it but in the very fall be victorious over it 28 And it came to pass about eight days after these sayings he took Peter and John and James and went up into a mountain to
for and on behalf of his Members yet did it not in the least dishearten him in or discourage him from that Great and Glorious Undertaking Observe 2. That tho' Christ was first to Suffer before he did Ascend and to be lifted up upon the Cross before received up into Heaven yet is there no mention of his Death here but of his Ascension only as if all thoughts of Death were swallowed up in his Victory over Death teaching us by his Example to over-look our Suffering and Death as not worthy to be named or mentioned with that Glory which we are received into after Death The Evangelist doth not say the time was come when he should Suffer but when he should be Received up 52 And sent Messengers before his Face and they went and entered into a Village of the Samaritans to make ready for him 53 And they did not receive him because his Face was as tho he would go to Jerusalem Our Saviour was now going from Galilee to Jerusalem and being to pass thro' a Village of Samaria he sent Messengers before him to prepare Entertainment for him The Son of God who was Heir of all things sends to and sues for a Lodging in a Samaritan Cottage Oh Blessed Saviour how can we be abased enough for thee who thus neglected thy self for us It was thy pleasure to appear not in the Figure of a Prince but in the Form of a Servant yet the people in the Samaritan Village would not receive him Strange to hear the Son of God Sue for a Lodging and be deny'd but the Reason was the difference of Religion which was between the Jews and the Samaritans the Jews Worshipped at the Temple in Jerusalem the Samaritans at a Temple of their own built upon Mount Gerizim Upon the Building of this new Temple there arose so great a Fewd between the Jews and the Samaritans and in process of time such an implacable Hatred that they would not shew common Civility to one another A Samaritan's Bread to a Jew was no better then Swines Flesh they would rather thirst then drink a Draught of Samaritan-Water Hence we Learn That no Enmity is so desperate as that which arises from matters of Religion 54 And when his Disciples James and John saw this they said Lord Wilt thou that we command Fire to come down from Heaven and consume them as Elias did Here Observe 1. The Crime which these Men were guilty of no affront must be accounted little no indignity light that is offered to the Son of God But these Samaritans did not Revile Christ nor any of his Retinue that we read of they did not violently assault him they did not follow him with Stones in their Hands or Blasphemies in their Mouths but the wrong and injury was only Negative They received him not They denied him a Night's Lodging and this not out of any dislike of his Person but from an antipathy against his Nation Observe 2. The Carriage of the Disciples upon this occasion it was thus far commendable that from the endeared Love which they bare to their Master they did highly resent the churlish Denial of an act of Kindness towards him A gracious Heart is Holily impatient at the sight of any indignity offered to Christ But their fault was That they were too far Transported with Passion and Revenge even to desire the Death and Destruction of the uncivil Samaritans Wilt thou that we command Fire to come down from Heaven and consume them They do not say Master will it please thee who art Lord of the Creatures to command Fire to come down Nor did they say if it be thy pleasure command us to call down Fire but wilt thou that we command Fire this savours too much of Pride Cruelty and Revenge so dangerous is a misguided Zeal 55 But he turned and rebuked them saying ye know not what manner of Spirit ye are of 56 For the Son of man is not come to destroy mens Lives but to save them Here we have our Saviour's Censure of the rash and hot Motion of his Disciples which proceeded 1. from ignorance of themselves Ye know not what Spirits ye are of ye are not now under the rough and sower Dispensation of the Law but under the calm and gentle Institution of the Gospel which designs universal Love Peace and good Will to all Mankind Hence Learn first That a cruel and revengeful Spirit is directly contrary to the Design and Temper of Christianity Secondly That no difference in Religion no pretence of Zeal for God can warrant and justify such a Spirit and Temper Again This rashness in the Disciples proceeded from their ignorance of Christ their Lord and Master as well as of themselves The Son of man did not come to destroy mens lives but to save them that is the proper intent and design of my Coming was to save and not destroy tho' the accidental event of it may be otherwise thro' the malice and perverseness of men Learn That it was the Design of Christ and his Holy Religion to discountenance all fierceness rage and cruelty in Men one towards another and to inspire them universally with a Spirit of Love and Unity Christ is so far from allowing us to persecute them that hate us that he forbids us to hate them that persecute us 57 And it came to pass that as they went in the way a certain man said to him Lord I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest 58 And Jesus said unto him Foxes have holes and Birds of the air have nests but the son of man hath not where to lay his head Observe here 1. A Person resolving to follow Christ a good Resolution if made deliberately and wisely not for sinister Ends or secular Advantages which it is to be feared was the Case here by our Saviour's Answer For says he Foxes have holes and the Birds of the Air Nests but the Son of Man has not where to lay his head as if Christ had said My Condition in the World is very poor I have no house of Residence that I call my own the Birds of the Air have their fixed Nests and the Beasts of the Earth have their Dens and Holes but I have no fixed Habitation therefore if you think to follow me for the sake of Wordly Advantage you will find your self greatly disappointed Learn hence That such Men will find themselves miserably mistaken and greatly disappointed who expect to gain any thing by following of Christ but their Souls Salvation 59 And he said to another follow me but he said Lord suffer me first to go and bury my father 60 Jesus said unto him Let the dead bury their dead but go thou and preach the Kingdom of God We are not to suppose by this Prohibition that Christ disallows or disapproves of any civil office from one Person to another much less of a Child to a Parent either Living or Dying but he lets us know 1. That no Office of
God the Grace of Sanctification is sometimes bestowed most eminently where the Gifts of Providence have been dispensed more sparingly 22 And it came to pass that the Beggar dyed and was carried by the Angels into Abrahams Bosom the rich man also dyed and was buried 23 And in Hell lift up his eyes being in torments and seeth Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom Obs here 1. That our Saviour represents all Men both Good and bad passing immediately out of this Life into a State of Happiness or Misery Lazarus dyed and was carried by Angels into Abraham's bosom Thence Note That all Holy Souls and amongst the rest the Godly Poor are instantly after Death conveyed by Angels to their place of Rest and Blessedness The Rich Man also dyed this is added to let us know that Riches for all Mens Confidence in them will not deliver from Death the rich Man might be Surfeited by faring deliciously every day whilst Lazarus was Famished And was Buried Here is no mention of Lazarus's Buryal probably he had none but flung out of the way into some Hole or Pit or if he had a Buryal a very mean one which is past over in silence All the advantage which a rich Man has by a great Estate after he is Dead is only to have a pompous Funeral which yet signifies nothing to him because he is not sensible of it And in Hell lifts up his Eyes c. he feels at once his own Misery and sensibly perceives Lazarus his Happiness Thence Note That the Souls of wicked Men whilst their Bodies lye in the Grave are in a State of greatest Misery which is aggravated by the sense they have at the same time of the Saints Happiness 24 And he cryed and said Father Abraham have mercy on me and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his Finger in Water and cool my Tongue for I am tormented in this flame Observe here 1. The place where the rich Man Suffers it is in Hell the Souls of wicked Men when they leave their Bodies do certainly go into a place of Torment which is not only beyond Expression but our Apprehension also Eye hath not seen nor ear heard nor has it entered into the Heart of Man to conceive those dreadful things which God has prepared for them that hate him Observe 2. The sin for which he Suffers it is the Sin of unmercifulness Thence Learn That uncharitableness and unmercifulness to the Poor is a very great sin and such a sin as alone and without any other Guilt is sufficient to Ruine a Man for ever there is found in this sin great Impiety towards God and great Inhumanity towards our own Nature Obs 3. The Nature and Quality of his Sufferings they are exquisitely painful and void of the least degrees of Comfort not a drop of Water is granted to cool an inflamed Tongue Learn thence That the least Refreshments are impatiently desired by damned Souls in Hell but righteously denied and withheld from them a drop of Water was desired but not granted 25 But Abraham said Son Remember that thou in thy Life time receivedst thy good things and likewise Lazarus evil things but now he is comforted and thou art tormented Observe 1. The Title given to the rich Man by Father Abraham Son He doth not revile him tho' a very bad Man if we revile the Good we are unjust they deserve it not if we revile the Bad we are unwise we shall get nothing by it a wise Man knows not what it is to give bad Language Observe 2. The Admonition given Remember that thou in thy Life-time receivedst thy good things thy good things in which thou placedst all thy Happiness thy good things which thou lookedst upon thy self as the Proprietor and not as the Dispenser of Now remember what thou hadst and what thou abusedst Learn hence That the outward Blessings which are afforded to wicked Men on Earth will be sadly remembred in Hell Son remember that thou in thy life-time receivedst thy good things 2. That no Man ought to measure his Happiness hereafter by his Temporal Felicity here we may receive our good things here and yet be tormented hereafter 3. That no Man ought to be excessively troubled if he meets with Hardship here because those for whom God designs good things hereafter may have their evil things here Son Thou hadst thy good things and also Lazarus evil things 26 And besides all this between us and you there is a great gulph fixed so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot neither can they pass to us that would come from thence The meaning is That there neither is nor can be any Commerce or intercourse betwixt glorified Saints and damned Sinners but the State of Souls at Death is unalterably fixt and stated Learn that the miserable Condition of damn'd Souls in the next World and the blessed Condition of glorified Souls is unchangeably and unalterably such the power of God is irresistible and the will of God is invariable the Oath of God is immutable I have sworn that they shall never enter into my rest 27 Then said he I pray thee therefore Father that thou wouldest send him to my Fathers house 28 For I have five Brethren that he may testify unto them lest they also come to this place of torment Here the rich Man is represented as retaining even in Hell some tenderness for his Relations on Earth yet others think that the kindness intended was rather to himself than to his Relations fearing that their sinning by his Example should be an aggravation of his own Torments Note thence That the presence of sinful Relations and companions in Hell may be supposed to make a considerable Addition to the miseries of the Damned the sight of those whom they have sinned with is a fresh revival of their own Guilt all the Circumstances of their past and profligate Lives are upon this occasion continually in their remembrance 29 Abraham saith unto him They have Moses and the Prophets let them hear them That is they have the inspired Writings of Moses and the Prophets which sufficiently declare the Mind and Will of God to Mankind and therefore it is unreasonable to expect any farther Revelation Learn thence That a standing Revelation of God is Evidence sufficient for Divine things it is a more certain way of Conveyance and more secure from Imposture Secondly That there is sufficient Evidence that Moses and the Prophets or the Writings of the Holy Scriptures are of Divine Authority and therefore to be read and heard to be believed and assented to They have Moses c. 30 And he said nay father Abraham but if one went unto them from the dead they would repent As if he had said they have always had Moses and the Prophets in their hands but yet their Hearts remain impenitent but if a special Messenger be sent to them from the Dead this will not fail to awaken them
gave Thanks and brake it and gave unto them saying This is my Body which is given for you this do in remembrance of me 20 Likewise also the Cup after Supper Saying This Cup is the New Testament in my Blood which is shed for you 21 For behold the hand of him that betrayeth me is with me on the Table 22 And truly the Son of man goeth as it was determined but wo unto that Man by whom he is Betrayed 23 And they began to enquire among themselves which of them it was that should do this thing Observe here 1. What ardency of Desire and vehemency of Affection our holy Lord expresses to Celebrate the Passover with his Disciples and to Administer the Sacramental Supper to them before he left them with desire have I desired to eat with you before I suffer Thence Learn That it is very necessary when Sufferings do appear especially when Death does approach to have immediate Recourse to the Table of the Lord which affords both an Antidote against Fear and is Restaurative to our Faith Christ the Night before he Suffered Communicated with his Disciples Observe 2. The unexampled Boldness of the impudent Traitor Judas tho' he had sold his Master he presumes to sit down at the Table with him and with the other Disciples had the presence of Judas polluted this Ordinance to any but himself doubtless our Saviour would not have suffered him to approach unto it It Teaches us That altho' nothing be more ordinary then for unholy Persons to press in to the Holy Ordinances of God which they have no Right whilst such to approach unto yet their Presence pollutes the Ordinances only to themselves Holy Persons are not polluted by their Sins therefore ought not to be discouraged from coming by their presence Observe 3. Christ did not Name Judas and say Oh thou perfidious Traitor but behold the hand of him that betrayeth me is with me on the Table Doubtless Christ did not name him because he would not provoke him he did not name him because he would not drive him to despair but draw him to Repentance But Lord thou knowest us when thou namest us not Oh how sad is it for any of thy Family who pretend Friendship with thee to conspire against thee and after they have eat of thy Bread to lift up the heel against thee Observe 4. That tho' Judas was not named yet he saw himself pointed at by our Saviour Behold the hand that Betrayeth me is on the Table and Judas his Heart told him whose hand that was yea tho' Judas heard that dreadful Sentence denounced against him Wo to the Man by whom the Son of Man is Betrayed yet is he no more Blank'd then Innocency it self This Shameless Man had the Impudence to say to our Blessed Saviour Master is it I tho' St. Luke says it not the other Evangelists tell us that Christ answered him Thou sayest it Did not Judas think we blush extremely hang down his Guilty Head at so galling an Intimation nothing less we read not of any thing like it Lord How does obstinacy in Sinning Steel the Brow and render it uncapable of all relenting Impressions Immediately after the Celebration of the Passover followed the Institution of the Lord's Supper where we have Observable The Author the Time the Elements and the Ministerial Actions 1. Observe the Author of this new Sacrament Jesus took Bread Learn thence That to institute a Sacrament is the sole Prerogative of Jesus Christ the Church has no power to make new Sacraments it is only her Duty to Celebrate those which our Saviour has made 2. The Time of the Institution the Night before the Passion the Night in which he was Betrayed he took Bread 3. The Sacramental Elements Bread and Wine Bread representing the Body and Wine the Blood of our Redeemer Bread being an absolutely necessary Food a common and obvious Food a strengthning and refreshing Food and Wine being the most excellent drink the most pleasant and delightful the most Cordial and Restaurative for these Reasons amongst others did Christ Consecrate and set these Creatures apart for those Holy Purposes for which he designed them 4. The Ministerial Actions Breaking of the Bread and Blessing of the Cup Jesus took Bread that is separated it and set it apart from common Use for holy Purposes He blessed it that is he prayed for a Blessing upon it and brake it thereby shadowing forth his Body broken upon the Cross and he gave it to his Disciples saying This broken Bread signifies my Body which is suddenly to be broken upon the Cross for the Redemption and Salvation of a Lost World Do you likewise this in remembrance of my Death as to the Cup Christ having set it apart by Prayer and Thanksgiving he commands his Disciples to Drink all of it For says he this Cup is the new Testament in my Blood that is The Wine in this Cup doth represent the shedding of my Blood by which the New Covenant betwixt GOD and Man is ratified and confirmed Drink ye all of this says our Saviour whence we gather That every Communicant has as undoubtedly a Right to the Cup as he has to the Bread in the Lord's Supper therefore for the Church of Rome to deny the Cup to the Common People is Sacriledge and directly contrary to Christ's Institution 24 And there was also a strife amongst them which of them should be accounted the Greatest 25 And he said unto them the Kings of the Gentiles exercise Lordship over them and they that exercise Authority upon them are called Benefactors 26 But ye shall not be so For he that is greatest among you let him be as the younger and he that is chief as he that doth serve 27 For whether is greater He that sitteth at meat or he that serveth Is not he that sitteth at Meat But I am among you as he that serveth If these Words be not placed out of Order by St. Luke here it may seem very strange that the Apostles immediately after their Receiving the Sacrament should entertain their Minds with thoughts of Precedency and Superiority and much stranger yet that they should Discourse openly of such a Subject as this especially considering what our Saviour had just before told them that he was betrayed into the hands of Sinners but whether at this time or not it is most certain at some time or other a strife was found amongst them which should be the Greatest now that our Saviour might effectually quench these unhappy Sparks of Ambition which were kindled in his Apostles Minds he tells them that Supremacy and Dominion belongs to Secular Princes not to Evangelical Pastors who ought to carry themselves with Humility and Condescention one towards another Not that Christ directs to a parity and equality amongst his Ministers or forbids the Preheminency of some over others but the affecting of Superiority and the love of Preheminency is that which our Saviour disalloweth Learn 1.
is establish others in the Faith from which thou art shamefully fallen thy self Now the Lessons of Instructions from the whole are these 1. That Temptations are like siftings God sifts to purge away our dust and dross Satan sifts not to get out the Chaff but to boult out the Flower his Temptations are Levelled against our Faith 2. That Satan has a continual Desire to be Sifting and Winnowing God's Flower Satan's own Children are all Bran all Chaff these he sifts not God's Children have Flower mix'd with Bran good Wheat mix'd with Chaff these he desires to sift winnow and f●n not to separate the Bran and Dross but to destroy the Flower Learn 3. That the intercession of Christ gives Security Satisfaction and Encouragement to all Believers that tho' their Faith may by Temptations be shaken and assaulted yet that it shall never be finally vanquish'd and overcome I have prayed that thy Faith fail not 4. That lapsed Christians when Recovered and Restored ought to endeavour to Restore and Recover to strengthen and establish others When thou art Converted strengthen thy Brethren 33 And he said unto him Lord I am ready to go with thee both into prison and to death 34 And he said I tell thee Peter the Cock shall not Crow this day before that thou shalt thrice deny that thou knowest me St Peter's Resolution to accompany Christ both to Prison and to Death was Holy and Good but his too confident Opinion of his own Strength and Ability so to do without a Divine Aid and Assistance was his failing and infirmity Self-confidence is a sin too too incident to the holiest and best of Men. Little did Peter think What a Feather he should be in the Wind of Temptation if once God left him to himself and to Satan's Assaults Learn farther How hard a matter it is for a Christian to excel in Gifts and not to be over-confident and conceited To see a Man eminent in Gifts and yet exemplary in Humility is a rare sight if we stand in the Evil Day 't is an humble fear of Falling that must enable us to stand 35 And he said unto them When I sent you without Purse and Scrip and Shoes Lacked ye any thing and they said nothing 36 Then said he unto them But now he that hath a purse let him take it and likewise his Scrip and he that hath no Sword let him sell his Garment and buy one 37 For I say unto you That this that is written must yet be accomplished in me And he was reckoned among the Transgressors For the things concerning me have an end 38 And they said Lord behold here are two Swords and he said unto them It is enough As if our Lord had said Hitherto I have been with you and you have had my special Protection and careful Provision tho' you went without Purse Scrip or Sword But the Time is now at hand when I must leave you when your Friends will be few and your Enemies many therefore make such Preparation for your selves as Prudence shall direct Indeed my Sufferings will be first I must be numbred with the Transgressors and all things that are written of me must be accomplished and will suddenly be fulfilled and after me you will next come upon the Stage therefore prepare and provide for it Learn That Christ having fore-warned his Members but especially his Ministers of the Dangers Distresses and Difficulties that they are to conflict and encounter with it is their Duty by Faith and Patience with Courage and Christian Resolution to be well armed and prepared against them 39 And he came out and went as he was wont to the Mount of Olives and his Disciples also followed him 40 And when he was at the place he said unto them Pray that ye enter not into Temptation 41 And he was withdrawn from them about a stones cast and kneeled down and prayed saying 42 Father if thou be willing remove this Cup from me nevertheless not my Will but thine be done 43 And there appeared an Angel unto him from Heaven strengthning him 44 And being in an Agony he prayed more earnestly and his Sweat was as it were great drops of Blood falling down to the Ground 45 And when he rose up from Prayer and was come to his Disciples he found them sleeping for Sorrow 46 And he said unto them Why sleep ye rise and pray lest ye enter into Temptation Our Blessed Saviour being now come to the Mount of Olives and having entered with his Disciples into the Garden near it whither he used to retire and pray In this place he falls into a bitter and bloody Agony in which he prayed with wonderful Fervour and Importunity his Sufferings were now coming on a great pace and he meets them upon his Knees and would be found in a Praying posture Learn thence That Prayer is the best Preparative for as well as the most powerful Support under the heaviest Sufferings that can befal us As to this Prayer of our Saviour in his Agony many particulars are very Observable As 1. The Time when he Prayed thus extraordinarily it was the Evening before he Suffered just before Judas with his Black Guard came to Apprehend him and when he did come he found him in a praying Posture our Lord Teaching us by his Example That when Eminent Dangers are before us especially when Death is apprehended by us it is our Duty to be very much in Prayer to God and very fervent in our Wrestlings with him Observe 2. The Subject Matter of our Lord's Prayer That if possible the Cup might pass from him That is he might escape that Dreadful Wrath at which he was so sore amazed But what Did Christ now begin to repent of his Undertaking for Sinners Did he shrink and give back when it came to the pinch No nothing like this but as he had Two Natures being GOD and Man so he had two distinct Wills as Man he feared and shunned Death as God-man he willingly submitted to it The Divine Nature and the Humane Spirit of Christ did now assault each other with disagreeing Interests Again This Prayer was not absolute but Conditional Father if it may be if thou wilt if it please thee let the Cup pass if not I will drink it The Cup of Sufferings we see is a very bitter and distastful Cup a Cup which Humane Nature abhors yet doth God oft-times put this Bitter Cup of Affliction into the hands of those whom yet he does sincerely Love and when he doth do so it is their Duty to drink it with Silence and Submission as here their Lord did before them Observe 3. The manner of our Lord's Prayer in this his Agony and here we may Remark 1. It was a Solitary Prayer he went by himself alone out of the Hearing of his Disciples The Company of our best and dearest Friends is not always Seasonable there are Times and Seasons when a Christian would not be willing that the most
Religion Learn hence That Hypocrites within the Church may be guilty of such Tremendous Acts of Wickedness as the Consciences of Infidels and Pagans without the Church may Boggle at and Protest against Pilate a Pagan Absolves Christ whilst the Hypocritical Jews that heard his Doctrine and saw his Miracles do condemn him Observe 2. How Pilate at last suffers himself to be over-come with the Importunity of the Jews and delivers the Holy and Innocent Jesus contrary to his Judgment and Conscience to the Will of his Murtherers It is a vain Apology for Sin when Persons pretend that they are not committed with their own Consent but at the Instigation and Importunity of others For such is the Frame and Constitution of Man's Soul that none can make a Person wicked without his own Consent It was no Extenuation of Pilate's Sin no Alleviation of his Punishment that to please the People he delivered up our Saviour contrary to the Direction of his own Conscience to be Crucified Observe 3. The Person whose Life the wicked Jews preferred before the Life of the Holy Jesus Barabbas We will that thou Release Barabbas and destroy Jesus Mark these Hypocritical High Priests who pretended such Zeal for God and Religion they prefer the Life of a Person Guilty of the highest Immoralities and Debaucheries even Murder and Sedition before the best Man that ever lived in the World But whence sprang the Malice and Hatred of the High Priests and People of the Jews against our Saviour Why plainly from hence Christ Interpreted the Law of God more strictly than their Lusts could bear and he lived a more Holy Useful and Excellent Life than they could endure Now nothing enrages the Men of the World more against the Professors but especially the Preachers of the Gospel then Holiness of Doctrine and Strictness of Life and Conversation Such as Preach and Live well let them expect such Enmity and Opposition such Malice and Persecution such Sufferings and Tryals as will shock an ordinary Patience and Constancy of Mind Our Master met with it let his Zealous Ministers prepare for it 26 And as they led him away they laid hold upon one Simon a Cyrenian coming out of the Country and on him they laid the Cross that he might bear it after Jesus The Sentence of Death being past by Pilate who can with dry Eyes behold the sad Pomp of our Saviour's Execution Forth comes the Blessed Jesus out of Pilate's Gates bearing that Cross which soon after was to bear him with his Cross on his Shoulder he Marches towards Golgotha and when they see he can go no faster they Compel Symon of Cyrenea not out of Compassion but Indignation to bear his Cross This Cyrenian being a Gentile who bare Christ's Cross some think thereby was signified that the Gentiles should have a part in Christ as well as the Jews and be Sharers with them in the Benefits of the Cross 27 And there followed him a great Company of People and of Women who also Bewailed and Lamented him 28 But Jesus turning unto them said Daughters of Jerusalem weep not for me but weep for your selves and your Children 29 For Behold the Days are coming in which they shall say Blessed are the Barren and the Wombs that never Bare and the Paps which never gave Suck 30 Then shall they begin to say to the Mountains fall on us and to the Hills cover us 31 For if they do these things in the green Tree what shall be done in the dry There were Four sorts of Persons which Attended our Saviour at his Crucifixion The Executioners that Tormented him the Jews that mock'd him the Spectators and Lookers on that Mark'd him and Sympathizing Friends which Lamented him These last Christ thus bespoke Weep not for me but for your selves That is Weep rather upon your own Account then mine Reserve your Sorrows for the Calamities coming upon your Selves and your Children It is very probable That the Tears and Lamentations of many of these Mourners were but the fruits of tender Nature not the Effects of Faith and flowing from a Principle of Grace Learn thence That melting Affections and Sorrows even from the Sense of Christ's Sufferings are no infallible Marks of Grace The History of Christ's Sufferings is very Tragical and Pathetical and may melt ingenuous Nature where there is no Renewed Principle of Grace 32 And there were also two other Malefactors led with him to be put to Death 33 And when they were come to the place which is called Calvary there they Crucifyed him and the Malefactors with him one on the Right Hand and the other on the Left Here we see the Infamous Company that our holy Lord Suffered with Two Thieves It had been a sufficient Disparagement to our Blessed Saviour to be Sorted with the best of Men But to be numbered with the Scum of Mankind is such an Indignity as Confounds our Thoughts This was designed by the Jews to dishonour and disgrace our Saviour the more and to perswade the World that he was the greatest of Offenders But God over ruled this for Fulfilling an Ancient Prophecy concerning the Messiah Isa 53. last and he was Numbered with the Transgressors 34 Then said Jesus Father Forgive them for they know not what they do Christ had often Preach'd the Doctrine of Forgiving Enemies and Praying for them he Practises it here himself in a most Exemplary manner Where Note 1. The Mercy desired and Prayed for and that is Forgiveness 2. The Person desiring that Mercy Christ the Dying Jesus 3. The Persons for whom it is Desired his Bloody Murtherers Father Forgive them 4. The Argument used or Motive urged to procure the Mercy Forgive them For they know not what they do Learn hence 1. That Ignorance is the usual Cause of Enmity against Christ 2. That there is Forgiveness with God for such as oppose yea Persecute Christ out of Ignorance 3. That to Forgive Enemies and to beg Forgiveness for them is an Evidence of a Christ-like Frame of Spirit Father Forgive them 35 And the People stood beholding and the Rulers also with them derided him saying He saved others let him save himself if he be Christ the chosen of God 36 And the Soldiers also mocked him coming to him and offering him Vinegar 37 And saying If thou be the King of the Jews save thy self 38 And a Superscription was written over him in Hebrew in Greek and Latin This is the King of the Jews Observe here 1. A mighty Aggravation of our Lord's Sufferings upon the Cross Namely The mocking Derision which he met with in his Dying Moments As he endured the Pain so he despised the Shame Cruel Mockings was our Lord Tryed with both from the Common People and from the Chief Priests yet the Common People's Reviling him and wagging their Heads at him was not so much to be taken Notice of as the Chief Priests who were Men of Age and Gravity and the Ministers of Religion For
them Barbarously to Mock him in his Misery and which was worse Atheistically to Jear and Scoff at his Faith and Affiance in God Saying He trusted in God that he would deliver him let him deliver him if he will have him This was such an Indignity as Confounds our Thoughts But from hence we Learn 1. That Persecutors are generally Atheistical Scoffers the Chief Priests and Elders who Persecuted Christ do Blaspheme God they mock at his Power and deride his Providence which was as wicked as to deny his Being 2. We Learn from this Example That such as Minister to God in Holy things by way of Office if they be not the Best they are generally the worst of Men no such bitter Enemies to the Power of Godliness as such Preachers who were never Experimentally Acquainted with the Efficacy and Power of it upon their own Hearts and Lives Observe 2. The Inscription wrote by Pilate over our suffering Saviour This is Jesus the King of the Jews It was the Custom of the Romans when they Crucified a Malefactor to publish the Cause of his Death in Capital Letters placed over the Head of the Person Now it is Observable how wonderfully the Wisdom of God over-ruled the Heart and Pen of Pilate to draw this Title which was truly Honourable and fix it to his Cross Pilate is Christ's Herald and proclaims him King of the Jews Learn hence That the Kingship and Regal Dignity of Christ was proclaimed by an Enemy and that in a time of his greatest Sufferings and Reproaches Pilate without his Knowledge did our Saviour an eminent piece of Service Verily he did that for Christ which none of his own Disciples durst do not that he did it designedly and with any intent to put Honour upon Christ but from the special over-ruling Providence of God No thanks to Pilate for all this Because the Highest Services performed to Christ undesignedly shall never be Accepted nor Rewarded by him 39 And one of the Malefactors which were hanged Railed on him saying If Thou be Christ Save thy self and us 40 But the other Answering Rebuked him saying Dost thou not fear God seeing thou art in the same Condemnation 41 And we indeed justly For we receive the due Reward of our Deeds But this Man hath done nothing amiss 42 And he said unto Jesus Lord Remember me when thou comest into thy Kingdom Here we have a farther Aggravation of our Lord's Sufferings upon the Cross from the Company he Suffered with the Two Thieves who Reviled him with the rest Saint Matthew and Saint Mark say They both Reviled him Saint Luke says One of them Reviled possibly both of them might do it at first and one of them Repent which if so encreases the wonder of the Penitent Thiefs Conversion From the Impenitent Thiefs Reviling of Christ when he was at the very point of Death and even in the Suburbs of Hell we Learn That neither Shame nor Pain will change the Mind of a Resolute Sinner but even then when he is in the Suburbs of Hell will he Blaspheme From the Penitent Thief 's Confessing of Christ and Praying to him Lord Remember me when thou comest into thy Kingdom We Learn Both the Efficacy and Freeness of Divine Grace 1. The efficacious Power of it Oh how Powerful must tha● Grace be which wrought such a Change in an instant which supplied that Heart in a Moment which had been hardning in Sin for so many Years 2. The Freeness of it which takes hold of his Heart when he was at the height of Sin and was not only void of Grace but seemed past Grace Oh the powerful Efficacy and adorable Freeness of the Heart-changing Grace of God in this vile Person it disposed him to own his Sin to confess the justness of his Punishment to justify Christ's Innocency to Reprove his Fellow-Companion to pray to a Crucified Christ and to intercede with him not for present Deliverance from Death but for a place in Christ's Kingdom Where we Learn 1. That true Conversion is never too late for obtaining Mercy and Salvation 2. That True Conversion how late soever will have its Fruits The Fore-mentioned Fruits of Faith and Repentance were found with this penitent Thief yet must not this extraordinary Case be drawn into Example This Extraordinary and Miraculous Grace of God is not to be expected ordinarily We have no warrant to expect an over-powering degree of God's Grace to turn our Hearts in an instant at the Hour of Death when we have Lived in Forgetfulness of God and in a Supine neglect of our Soul 's Concerns all the days of our Life For it is evident as to this Case of the Penitent Thief 's Conversion at the last Hour 1. It is an Example without a Promise 2. It is but a single Example 3. It is an Example Recorded but by one Evangelist the Spirit of God fore-seeing what an ill use some would make of this Instance leaves one Example upon Record that none might despair and but one that none might Presume 4. This Thief probably never had any Knowledge of Christ before 5. This was a Miracle with the Glory whereof Christ would Honour the Ignominy of his Cross So that we have no more ground to expect such another Conversion then we have to expect a Second Crucifixion This Converted Person was the first Fruits of the Blood of the Cross From whence we Learn That God can and sometimes doth though very seldom prepare Men for Glory immediately before their Dissolution by Death 43 And Jesus said unto him verily I say unto thee To Day shalt thou be with me in Paradise These Words are our Saviour's Gracious Answer to the Penitent Thief 's Humble Prayer Lord Remember me in thy Kingdom says the Thief To day shalt thou be with me in my Kingdom says our Saviour Where Note 1. The Immortality of the Souls of Men is without all doubt Our desires after and hopes for Immortality do prove our Souls Immortal and capable of that State 2. That there is a Future and Eternal State into which Souls pass at Death Death is our passage out of the swift River of Time into the Boundless and Bottomless Ocean of Eternity 3. That the Souls of all the Righteous at Death are immediately Received into a State of Happiness and Glory This day shalt thou be with me not after thy Resurrection but immediately after thy Dissolution That Man's Soul is asleep or worse that Dreams of the Soul 's sleeping till the Resurrection For why should the Believers Happiness be deferred when they are immediately capable of Enjoying it Why should their Salvation slumber when the Wicked's Damnation slumbereth not How do such delays consist with Christ's ardent Desires and his Peoples vehement Longings to be together 44 And it was about the sixth Hour and there was a Darkness over all the Earth until the Ninth Hour 45 And the Sun was Darkned and the Veil of the Temple was Rent in the midst
that durst not come within the Shadow of my Cross nor within sight of my Sepulchre But not one Word of all this by way of upbraiding them for their late shameful Cowardice but all words of Divine Indulgence and of endearing Kindness Go tell my Brethren Where Mark that Christ calls them Brethren after his Resurrection and Exaltation thereby shewing that the Change of his Condition had wrought no Change in his Affection towards his poor Disciples But those that were his Brethren before in the Time of his Humiliation and Abasement are so still after his Exaltation and Advancement Go tell my Brethren One thing more must be Noted with Reference to our Lord's Resurrection and that is Why he did not first choose to appear to the Virgin Mary his Disconsolate Mother whose Soul was pierced with a quick and lively sight and Sense of her Son's Sufferings But to Mary Magdalene who had been a grievous Sinner Doubtless this was for the Comfort of all true Penitents and Administers great Consolation to them As the Angels in Heaven Rejoyce much more doth Christ Joy in the Recovery of one Repenting Sinner then in Multitudes of Holy and Just Persons such was the Blessed Virgin who need no Repentance For the same Reason did our Saviour particularly Name Peter Go tell my Disciples and Peter He being for his Denyal of Christ swallowed up with Sorrow and standing most in need of Consolation therefore speak particularly to Peter As if Christ had said Be sure that his sad Heart be Comforted with this joyful News that I am Risen and let him know that I am Friends with him notwithstanding his late Cowardice 13 And behold two of them went the same day to a Village called Emmaus which was from Jerusalem about Threescore Furlongs 14 And they talked together of all those things which had happened 15 And it came to pass that while they Communed together and reasoned Jesus himself drew near and went with them 16 But their Eyes were holden that they should not know him 17 And he said unto them What manner of Communications are these that ye have one to another as ye walk and are sad 18 And one of them whose Name was Cleopas answering said unto him Art thou only a Stranger in Israel and hast not known the things which are come to pass there in these Days 19 And he said unto them What things And they said unto him Concerning Jesus of Nazareth which was a Prophet mighty in Deed and Word before God and all the People 20 And how the Chief Priests and our Rulers delivered him to be Condemned to Death and have Crucified him 21 But we trusted that it had been he which should have Redeemed Israel and besides all this To Day is the Third Day since these things were done 22 Yea and certain Women of our Company made us Astonished which were early at the Sepulchre 23 And when they found not his Body they came saying That they had also seen a Vision of Angels which said that he was Alive 24 And certain of them which were with us went to the Sepulchre and found it even so as the Women had said but him they saw not Here we have Observable 1. The Journey which Two of the Disciples took to Emmaus a Village not far from Jerusalem The Occasion of their Journey is not told us but the Scripture Acquaints us with their Discourse in their Journey and as they were walking by the way It was Holy and Useful Pious and Profitable Discourse that they entertained one another with as they walk'd They Discours'd of Christ's Death and Resurrection a good Pattern for our Imitation when Providentially cast into such Company as will bear it That our Lips drop as the Honey-comb and our Tongue be as choice Silver Observe 2. How our Holy Lord presently made one in the Company when they were Discoursing Seriously about the Matters of Religion he over-took them and joined himself to them The way to have Christ's Presence and Company with us is to be discoursing of Christ and the things of Christ Observe 3. Tho' Christ came to them it was Incognito he was not known to them for their Eyes were holden by the Power of God their Sight was restrained that they could not Discern who he was but took him for another Person though his Body had the same Dimensions that it had before Whence we Learn The Influence which God has upon all our Powers and Faculties upon all our Members and Senses and how much we depend upon God for the Use and Exercise of our Faculties and Members Their Eyes were holden that they could not see him Observe 4. That the Notion of the Messias being a Temporal Saviour was so deeply Rooted in the minds of the Disciples that it remained here with them even after he was Risen from the Dead They here Own and Acknowledge him To be a Prophet mighty in Deed and in Word but they Question whether he were the Messias the Redeemer of Israel They could not Reconcile the Ignominy of his Death with the Grandeur of his Office nor Conceive how the Infamy of a Cross was Consistent with the Glory of a King We trusted that it had been he which should have Redeemed Israel As if they had said we were full of Hopes that this had been the Messias so long Expected by us but this being the Third Day since he Dyed we fear we shall find our selves mistaken 25 Then said he unto them O Fools and slow of Heart to believe all that the Prophets have spoken 26 Ought not Christ to have Suffered these things and to enter into his Glory 27 And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets he Expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself 28 And they drew nigh unto the Village whither they went and he made as though he would have gone farther 29 But they constrained him saying Abide with us for it is towards Evening and the day is far spent And he went in to tarry with them 30 And it came to pass as he sate at Meat with them he took Bread and Blessed it and Brake and gave to them 31 And their Eyes were opened and they knew him and he Vanished out of their Sight 32 And they said one to another Did not our Hearts burn within us while he talked with us by the way and while he opened to us the Scriptures Observe 1. our Saviour Reproves and then Instructs them he Reproves them for being Ignorant of the Sense of Scripture They thought the Death of the Messias a sufficient Ground to question the Truth of his Office when it was an Argument to confirm and establish it Oh Fools o●●●t not Christ to Suffer As if he had said Do you not find that the Person described by the Prophets in the Old Testament to be the Messias was to wade to his Glory through a Sea of Blood Why then do you think your selves deceived in the
with these poor Officers Observe 2. That the Pharisees being more enraged at the Reason which the Officers gave for neglecting their Office than for the neglect it self upbraid them that they should suffer themselves to be so deceived whereas none of the Grandees or Learned Rabbies had owned him only an accursed crew of Ignorant People followed him and doated on him Here Note That when Christ came into the World the great ones of the World not only refused to Believe on him but boasted of their unbelief as an Argument of their Wisdom Have any of the Rulers believed on him Oh no They were too Wise to Believe Faith is left to Fools and accounted Folly by those Wise Men. Nay farther They count the Common People cursed who did Believe on Christ O prodigious stupidity to account them accursed who receive Jesus Christ the cheifest Blessing Great Men have not always the Wisdom of a Man but more seldom have they the Wisdom of a real Christian Great in Honour and Wise in Understanding are a sweet couple but seldom seen together 50 Nicodemus saith unto them he that came to Jesus by night being one of them 51 Doth our law judge any man before it hear him and know what he doth 52 They answered and said unto him Art thou also of Galilee Search and look for out of Galilee ariseth no prophet 53 And every man went unto his own house Here Observe 1. How God stirs up Nicodemus tho' he durst not openly own Christ yet to plead for him that he might not be condemned before heard this was a common Rule of Justice and nothing but what might have been said on behalf of the greatest Malefactor he could not well have said less but God so ordered it that it was enough to divert the Storm from falling upon Christ at this time One word shall be sufficient to blow over a Persecution when God will have it so Obs 2. They answer Nicodemus with a Taunt a Mock and a Scorn that no Prophet ever did rise out of Galilee nor ever should Therefore Christ arising out of Galilee as they thought could be no Prophet Observe Lastly That though they were more and more enraged yet they scatter without concluding any thing against Christ for that time every one went to his own home There is no Wisdom nor Understanding nor Counsel against the Lord. CHAP. VIII 1 JEsus went unto the mount of Olives 2 And early in the morning he came again into the temple and all the people came unto him and he sat down and taught them The foregoing Chapter gave us an Account of a most excellent Sermon which our Saviour Preach'd in the Temple at the Feast of Tabernacles Now the Feast being ended Jesus did not tarry in the City all Night but went out of it two Miles as he frequently used to do to the Mount of Olives And altho' it was so dangerous for him to be seen any more in Jerusalem yet early the next Morning he returns again to the City enters the Temple and falls upon his work of preaching without fear and with indefatigable diligence Oh what a busie useful Life was this of our Saviour's he spent the Day in preaching in the Temple the Night in privacy and Prayer on the Mount of Olives and the next Morning returns to his work of preaching again Thus was he always holily and painfully imployed to glorifie his Father and to be useful and beneficial to Mankind was his food by Day and his rest by Night Lord How little do we resemble thee if when thy Life was all Pains and Labour ours all be Pastime Pleasure and Recreation 3 And the Scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery and when they had set her in the midst 4 They say unto him Master this woman was taken in adultery in the very act 5 Now Moses in the law commanded us that such should be stoned but what sayest thou 6 This they said tempting him that they might have to accuse him But Jesus stooped down and with his finger wrote on the ground as though he heard them not 7 So when they continued asking him he lift up himself and said unto them He that is without sin among you let him first cast a stone at her 8 And again he stooped down and wrote on the ground 9 And they which heard it being convicted by their own conscience went out one by one beginning at the eldest even unto the last and Jesus was left alone and the woman standing in the midst 10 When Jesus had lift up himself and saw none but the woman he said unto her Woman where are those thine accusers hath no man condemned thee 11 She said No man Lord. And Jesus said unto her Neither do I condemn thee go and sin no more Our Saviour early in the Morning entring upon the work of Preaching Observe 1. What a mixt Auditory he had of Scribes and Pharisees and Common People All sorts of persons came to hear him but not all with the same intentions the Common People came to Learn but the Scribes and Pharisees came to Cavil and Carp the latter came to Tempt and insnare him the former to be Taught and Instructed by him it is not our bare attendance upon Ordinances but the purity of our Aim and the sincerity of our Intentions in waiting upon God in them that is an Evidence of our Sincerity Observe 2. How the Hypocrisie of these Pharisees was gilded over with an appearance of Sanctity as if they were great lovers of Chastity and haters of Uncleanness they bring to Christ a Woman taken in a Adultery to be censured by him one that had not known these Pharisees would have concluded them very Holy and Honest very Conscionable and Conscientious Persons but Christ that saw into their Bosoms soon found that all this was done only to Tempt him Thus a smooth Tongue and a false Heart often accompany one another when we see too glittering appearances we have reason to suspect the inside Observe 3. The punishment which the Pharisees seek to have inflicted on this Adulteress it is Death let her be stoned Sometimes the punishment of Adultery was burning sometimes stoning always Death Lord How ought Christians to Blush who have slight thoughts of the Sin of Adultery which both Jews and Pagans held ever deadly Observe 4. Their ensnaring Question Moses commanded such to be stoned but what sayest thou The Pharisees desire no better Advantage against Christ than a Contradiction to Moses their Received Lawgiver It has been an old Stratagem to set Moses and Christ at variance but they are fast Friends they are Subordinate one to another not opposite one against another Moses brings us to Christ and Christ to Glory Fain would these colloguing Adversaries draw Christ to contradict Moses that they might take Advantage of that Contradiction to condemn Christ Observe 5. The Wisdom and Caution of our Lord's Answer he doth not excuse her
not seeth the wolf coming and leaveth the sheep and fleeth and the wolf catcheth them and scattereth the sheep 13 The hireling fleeth because he is an hireling and careth not for the sheep 14 I am the good shepherd and know my sheep and am known of mine 15 As the Father knoweth me even so know I the Father and I lay down my life for the sheep In these Verses our Saviour Evidently proves himself to be the true Shepherd of his Church by the Marks and Signs by the Properties and Characters of a good Shepherd which were eminently found with him Namely To know all his Flock to take care of them and to lay down his Life for them 1. Jesus Christ the great Shepherd of his Church hath an exact and distinct Knowledg of all his Flock I know my Sheep with a threefold Knowledge with a Knowledge of Intelligence and Observation he knows them so as to observe and take notice of them with a Knowledge of Approbation and Acceptation he knows them so as to approve and own them and with a knowledge of Care and Protection he knows them so as to defend and keep them Thus Christ knows his Sheep and is also known of them That is he is believed on beloved and obeyed by them 2. He lays down his Life for his Flock And for this doth he eminently deserve the Title of the good Shepherd As for his Power he is stiled the great Shepherd A good Shepherd indeed who not only gives Life to his Sheep but gives his own Life by way of Ransom for his Sheep This Example of Christ the Great and Good Shepherd in laying down his Life for his Sheep teacheth all Subordinate and Inferiour Shepherds to prefer the Good of their Flock even before their own Lives 16 And other sheep I have which are not of this fold them also I must bring and they shall hear my voice and there shall be one fold and one shepherd Here Christ proves himself to be the True Shepherd of his Church from another property of a good Shepherd which is to take care for increasing and inlarging of his Fold by bringing in the Gentiles to it and by breaking down the Partition wall to make one Church both of Jews and Gentiles Christ calls the Gentiles his other Sheep by way of Anticipation because shortly they were to be so and united together with the believing Jews into one Sheep-fold and whereas he says He Must bring these Sheep in we are to understand it not of a Necessity of Coaction but of a Necessity of Compact It being a federal Agreement betwixt the Father and himself that both Jew and Gentile should be one Flock inclosed in one Fold and presented to his Father as a Glorious Church Learn hence How endearing our Obligations are to the Dearest Jesus that he should account us Gentiles who were afar off his Sheep we being so in respect of his Eternal purpose and make it his Care and esteem it his Charge to call us home and bring us in to his Fold the Church that we might be saved amongst the Remnant of the True Israelites Other Sheep I have which are not of this Fold them also I must bring 17 Therefore doth my Father love me because I lay down my life that I might take it again 18 No man taketh it from me but I lay it down of my self I have power to lay it down and I have power to take it again This commandment have I received of my Father Here Note 1. That Jesus Christ certainly foreknew his own Death and Resurrection 2. That Christ was a Voluntier in Dying he layed down his Life none could have taken it from him 'T is true his death was a violent death but a voluntary Sacrifice he died violently but yet voluntarily The hand of his Enemies could never have hurt him without his own consent 3. That as Christ died voluntarily with respect to himself so in a way of Subjection to his Father's command This Commandment have I Received from my Father 4. That this voluntary Submission of Christ to die for us was the ground of the Father's Love to him Therefore doth my Father Love me because I lay down my Life Altho' the Father had many Reasons to love the Son yet none was stronger than this Obedience of his to Death even the cursed death of the Cross for the Redemption and Salvation of lost Sinners therefore did the Father love him with a more exceeding love because he laid down his Life for his Sheep ¶ 19 There was a division therefore again among the Jews for these sayings 20 And many of them said He hath a devil and is mad why hear ye him 21 Others said these are not the words of him that hath a devil Can a devil open the eyes of the blind Here the Evangelist shews what different effects this Sermon of our Saviour had upon the Jews many of them do calumniate and slander him as one possessed and mad and therefore not to be heard and minded others of calmer thoughts said That the Doctrine he taught and the late Miracle which he had wrought in curing the blind Man were abundantly sufficient to confute such a groundless slander Learn hence That the Doctrine of Christ meeting with diversity of dispositions it is no wonder that it occasions different effects to the softning of some and hardning of others even as the same Sun that melteth the Wax hardneth the Clay yet is not this to be imputed to the Doctrine of our Saviour but to Mens corruptions which oppose the Truth and the maintainers of it There was a Division again amongst them ¶ 22 And it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication and it was winter This Feast was not of Divine but Humane Institution it was appointed by Judas Maccabeus and continued Eight Days as an Anniversary Commemoration for the Reparing of the Temple Now our Saviour was so far from Reproving the Jews for observing this Feast which is of Humane Institution that he graced the Solemnity with his own presence Hence Observe That our Saviour held communion with the Jewish Church and did without scruple conform himself to the observation of their Rites and Customs altho' they were not orignally of Divine Institution Learn 2. That such a Christian as doth peaceably comply with the practice of the Church in whose Communion he Lives in the observation of those indifferent Rites and Customs which are used by Her acts most agreeably to our Saviour's Practice and Example Who can with any shew of Reason censure Christians for observing the Feast of the Nativity who see Christ himself observing the Feast of Dedication certainly no person of sober Principles ever questioned but that Ecclesiastical Rulers and Civil Magistrates have a Power to appoint publick Days of Thanksgiving Yearly for the Commemo●ation of Mercies which ought never to be forgotten 23 And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomons porch 24 Then came the
Power of God through Faith unto Salvation for who can be too strong for omnipotent Power 30 I and my Father are one That is one in Essence and Nature one in Authority and Power and not barely one in Will and Affection or one in Concord and Consent That this is the Genuine Signification of the Words appears by a threefold Argument 1. From the Original Words it is not said I and my Father are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 one Person in the Masculine Gender but in the Neuter 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I and my Father are one thing Now if that Thing be not the Divine Being they cannot be one for since the Father is confessed to be God the Son cannot be one thing with the Father if he be not God too 2. It appears from the Context our Saviour in the preceding Verses ascribed the Preservation of his Sheep to the Power of his Father None can pluck them out of my Father's Hand and he ascribes it also to his own Power None shall pluck them out of my Hand plainly intimating that his Sheep were equally safe in his own Hand as well as in his Father's for says he I and my Father are one that is one in Power and if they be one in Power they must be one in Nature unless we make an Almighty Creature which is a Contradiction 3. It appears evidently by what Follows in the next Verse that the Jews understood our Saviour in this Sense why else did they take up Stones to stone him We stone thee say they for Blasphemy because thou being a Man makest thy self God The Jews took up our Saviour's meaning aright and were satisfied that when he said I and my Father are one he asserted himself to be God and deserved to dye and well he had deserved it if he had not been God The Adversaries of our Saviour's Divinity to elude the Force of these Words which make so much against them interpret the Words thus I and my Father are one that is say they we are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 one in Will and Affection one in Concord and Consent This is a Truth but not the great Truth contained in these Words for thus Believers are one with God and one with another Namely by an Harmony of Wills and Desires so far as they are regenerated God's Will and theirs are Unisons they will and desire the same thing and are of one Heart and of one Mind But God and Christ are one in a much higher Sense than Christ and Believers are one namely one in Essence and Nature one in Authority and Power being Consubstantial with God Learn hence That the Lord Jesus Christ is for Nature Coessential for Dignity Coequal and for Duration Coeternal with the Father 2. That although Christ be one in Essence with the Father yet are they distinct Persons one from Another I and my Father we are one 3. Learn hence That the Son being one in Essence one in Power one in Consent and Will with the Father they are both equally concerned for the Perseverance of the Saints for preserving them in Grace and for bringing them to Glory None shall pluck them out of mine or my Father's Hand for I and my Father are One. 31 Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him 32 Jesus answered them Many good works have I shewed you from my Father for which of those works do ye stone me 33 The Jews answered him saying For a good Work we stone thee not but for blasphemy and because that thou being a man makest thy self God Observe here 1. How the Jews understood our Saviour affirming that he and his Father were one that is one in Essence and Nature and himself a Person equal with God This they lookt upon as Blasphemy in him to arrogate to himself what is proper to God only Observe 2. That the Jews lookt upon it as a Piece of Justice in them to stone Christ for this apprehended Blasphemy Then the Jews took up Stones to stone him According to the Law of God the Blasphemer was to be stoned to death but then he was first to be judicially tryed and judged But such was the furious and fiery Zeal of these Jews that in a tumultuous Manner they attempt to stone him to death Lord how far doth the fury of Men in opposing Truth out-strip the True Zeal of thy faithful Servants in defending Truth Obs 3. With what Meekness our Lord receives this horrid Indignity of stoning for it is probable that some Stones were cast at him he saying For which of these Works do you stone me He clears his own Innocency and expostulates with them for rewarding him Evil for Good Many good Works have I shewed you from my Father that is by my Father's Authority and Commission I have been sight to the Blind Feet to the Lame a Tongue to the Dumb and Hearing to the Deaf Do any of these Works deserve such Usage as stoning at your Hands Learn hence That such was the perfect and spotless Innocency of Christ in all his Actions that he durst and did appeal to the Consciences of his most inveterate Adversaries For which of these Works do you stone me 34 Jesus answered them Is it not written in your law I said Ye are gods 35 If he called them gods unto whom the word of God came and the scripture cannot be broken 36 Say ye of him whom the Father hath sanctified and sent into the world Thou blasphemest because I said I am the Son of God Here our Saviour by a twofold Argument vindicates himself from the Imputation of Blasphemy in asserting himself to be God 1. Because the Old Testament gave to Magistrates and Judges the Title of Gods as Psa 82.6 I have said Ye are Gods Now Christ argues strongly from the less to the greater thus If Judges and Magistrates may be called Gods because they are commissioned by him and derive their Authority from him how much more is that Title due to me who was sanctified separated and ordained for a Mediatour and appointed to the Work of Redemption before I came into the World and consequently was God from all Eternity This Place the Socinians those professed Adversaries of our Saviour's Godhead produce to prove That Christ was not God by Nature but only in respect of his Sanctification and Mission It is a certain Truth That he that was sanctified and sent was the Son of God but he was not therefore the Son of God because sanctified and sent His Sanctification was not the Ground of his Sonship but his Sonship was the Cause of his Sanctification Christ was not therefore God's Son because he was sanctified and sent but he was therefore sanctified and sent because he was his Son He was a Son before he was sent even from Eternity otherwise it must have been said That God sent him to be his Son and not that God sent his Son This supposes him before he was sent to have
been actually his Son as certainly he was from before the Foundations of the World Prov. 8.23 I was set up from everlasting from the Beginning or ever the Earth was 37 If I do not the works of my Father believe me not 38 But if I do though ye believe not me believe the works that ye may know and believe that the Father is in me and I in him Here we have a second Argument by which our Saviour proves That it was no Blasphemy to call himself God But that he was God in very deed Namely an Argument taken from his Works If I do not the Works of my Father believe me not And the Argument runs thus If says Christ I do those miraculous Works which no Power less than a Divine Power can effect then you ought by these Works to be led to believe and acknowledge that I am truly and really God But the Works which I do are the Effect and Product of an omnipotent Power therefore ye ought to believe That I am one in Essence with the Father there being a mutual Inexistence of one Person in the other so that the Father is in me and I in him and thus I and the Father are one Learn hence That Christ never required of his Disciples and Followers an Implicite Faith or a blind Obedience but as he submitted his Doctrine to the Tryal of Reason so he submitted his Miracles to the Examination and Judgment of Sense therefore he says If I do not the Works of my Father that is Divine Works believe me not to be a Divine Person 39 Therefore they sought again to take him but he escaped out of their hand 40 And went away again beyond Jordan into the place where John at first baptized and there he abode 41 And many resorted unto him and said John did no miracle but all things that John spake of this man were true 42 And many believed on him there Observe here 1. The Violence and Fury of these unbelieving Jews against the Holy and Innocent Jesus They sought again to take him Observe 2. The prudential Care of Christ for his own Preservation his time being not yet come he withdraws from Jerusalem the Nest of his Enemies and goes beyond Jordan when Christ was persecuted in one City he fled to another he has sanctified a State of Persecution to his Ministers and Members by his own being in it 'T is no Disgrace for any of them to fly when their Captain did it and bids them do it saying When they persecute you in one City flee unto another Obs 3. The Success of Christ's Ministry beyond Jordan Many resorted to him and believed on him This Place about Jordan was the Place where John had exercised a great Part of his Ministry and now many Years after John's Death the Fruit of his Ministry appears for many believed on him there that is about Jordan where John had preached and baptized Learn thence That the Labours of faithful Ministers may seem to be lost and lye long like Seed under the Ground and yet at last by some new Watering may spring up and the Fruit appear in abundance Here John's Ministry about Jordan hath fresh Fruit upon Christ's coming long after John was dead Observe 4. The Dignity of Christ above John John did no Miracle but Christ did all The Wisdom of God so ordered it that though the Old Testament Prophets Elijah and Elisha wrought many Miracles for the Confirmation of their Divine Mission yet John the Baptist coming immediately before Christ as his Messenger and Forerunner wrought none for these three Reasons probably 1. That so the Glory of Christ in working Miracles when he came upon the Stage of his Ministry might be the more clear and evident 2. That the Evidence of Christ's being the Messias might be made the more clear by the Miracles which he wrought 3. That the Minds of the People might not be divided and distracted between John and Christ and that there might be no Pretence of Competition between them Therefore John did no Miracle but all things that John spake of Christ were true CHAP. XI 1 NOw a certain man was sick named Lazarus of Bethany the town of Mary and her sister Martha 2 It was that Mary which anointed the Lord with ointment and wiped his feet with her hair whose brother Lazarus was sick 3 Therefore his sisters sent unto him saying Lord behold he whom thou lovest is sick 4 When Jesus heard that he said This sickness is not unto death but for the glory of God that the Son of God might be glorified thereby This Chapter relates unto us the Miraculous Power of Christ in raising of dead Lazarus which as it was one of his last so was it one of the greatest Miracles which he wrought and yet we find none of the Evangelists making mention of it but only St. John the Reason supposed to be this because when the other Evangelists wrote their History Lazarus was then alive for Epiphanius says he lived thirty Years after he was raised by Christ and probably the mention of this Relation might have brought Lazarus into Danger and Trouble but St. John wrote his Gospel after Lazarus his Death This Miracle was a sufficient Demonstration of Christ's Godhead None but an Almighty Power could recal a Man four Days dead from a settled Corruption to a State of Life None but he that created Lazarus could thus make him new Here Observe 1. The Tender Sympathy of these Two endeared Sisters with their afflicted Brother they feel his Sorrows and Acquaint their Saviour with his Sufferings Lord Behold he whom thou lovest is sick They do not say our Brother that Loves thee is sick but he whom thou lovest is sick Thereby pleading not the Merit of Lazarus but the Mercy of Christ For how can the Love of Christ which is infinite and eternal have any Cause but it self Note the Person whom Christ loved is sick and dyes Learn thence That Strength of Grace and Dearness of Respect even from Christ himself cannot prevail either against Death or against Diseases Lazarus whom Christ loved is sick Obs 2. The gracious Answer which Christ sent to the Sisters Message This Sickness is not unto Death but for the Glory of God that is this Sickness shall not bring upon him such a Death as he shall remain under the Power of to the General Resurrection but is only designed to give me an Opportunity of glorifying God by exerting my miraculous Power in restoring him to Life Learn hence 1. That as God's own Glory is his supream Aim and End in all his Actions so in particular it is designed by him in sending Afflictions upon his People to glorifie his Power and Wisdom Mercy and Love in and upon them The Saints Sicknesses are all for the Glory of God 2. That God is glorified when his Son is glorified as none do honour the Father who do not honour the Son so the Father accounts
condition that separated Souls are in after Death Thus the Miracles of Christ drew many followers after his Person who were never converted by his Doctrine It was the Sin of many when Christ was here upon Earth that they flock'd after him rather out of Curiosity than out of Conscience and chose rather to gaze upon his Works than to fall in Love with the Worker The Multitude here came to Bethany Not for Jesus's sake onely but that they might see Lazarus also 10 ¶ But the chief priests consulted that they might put Lazarus also to death 11 Because that by reason of him many of the Jews went away and believed on Jesus Observe here 1. The unreasonableness of that Rage and Madness which was found in the chief Priests against Lazarus They consulted together how they might put Lazarus to Death But supposing that Christ had spoken Blasphemy in making himself equal with God or supposing that he had broken the Sabbath by curing the Man that was Born Blind on that Day yet what had Lazarus done that he must be put to Death But from hence we learn That such as have received special Mercy and Favours from Christ or are made the Instruments of his Glory must expect to be made the Mark and Butt of malicious Enemies Christ had highly honoured Lazarus by raising him from the Grave and here there is a Resolution against his Life whom Christ had thus highly Honoured The chief Priests consulted that they might put Lazarus to Death also Observe 2. The cause why the Chief Priests consulted that they might put Lazarus to Death Namely Because that by Reason of him many of the Jews went away and believed on Jesus That is many of the Jews seeing the Miracle of Christ's raising Lazarus from the Grave were drawn thereby to Believe in Jesus Christ and this so inraged the Chief Priests against Lazarus that they sought to put him to Death Learn hence That nothing so much enrages the Enemies of Christ as the enlargement of his Kingdom and the sight of the number of Believers daily encreasing This provokes the Devil's wrath and his Servants rage 12 ¶ On the next day much people that were come to the Feast when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem 13 Took branches of palm-trees and went forth to meet him and cried Hosanna blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord. 14 And Jesus when he had found a young ass sat thereon as it is written 15 Fear not daughter of Sion behold thy King cometh fitting on an asses colt 16 These things understood not his disciples at the first but when Jesus was glorified then remembred they that these things were written of him and that they had done these things unto him Here we have Recorded the carriage of the Multitude towards our Saviour when he came near the City of Jerusalem They take Palms in their Hands and go forth to meet him and cast their Garments on the Ground before him to Ride upon yea they do not only Disrobe their Backs but expend their Breath in joyful Acclamations and loud Hosannahs wishing all manner of Prosperity to their meek but mighty King In this Prince-like yet Poor and Despicable Pomp doth our Saviour enter the Famous City of Jerusalem Lord How far wert thou from affecting Worldly Greatness and Grandeur Thou despisest that Glory which our Hearts fondly Admire Yet because Christ was a King he would be proclaimed such and have his Kingdom confest and applauded and blest Yet that it might appear that his Kingdom was not of this World he abandons all Worldly magnificence Oh Glorious yet homely Pomp Oh meek but mighty Prince 17 The people therefore that was with him when he called Lazarus out of his grave and raised him from the dead bare record 18 For this cause the people also met him for that they heard that he had done this miracle 19 The Pharisees therefore said among themselves Perceive ye how ye prevail nothing behold the world is gone after him 20 ¶ And there were certain Greeks among them that came up to worship at the feast 21 The same came therefore to Philip which was of Bethsaida of Galilee and desired him saying Sir we would see Jesus 22 Philip cometh and telleth Andrew and again Andrew and Philip told Jesus Observe here 1. How the Multitude at Jerusalem came forth to meet Christ when he was making his publick entry into the City hearing the fame of his Miracles For this cause the People also met him for that they had heard that he had done this Miracle Observe 2. How amongst others who came forth to meet our Saviour certain Greeks or Gentile Proselytes who came up to worship in the outward Court of the Temple apply themselves to Philip that he would help them to a sight of Jesus Sir we would see Jesus It is probable that this desire to see Christ in these persons proceeded from Curiosity only But if it did produce true Faith in them we may thence infer That a spiritual sight of Christ by the discerning Eye of a Believer's Faith it is the most glorious and consequently the most desirable sight in all the World and so must needs be for it is a Soul-Ravishing a Soul-Satisfying a Soul-Transforming and a Soul-Saving sight This sight of Christ by Faith will constrain a Soul highly to admire and greatly to commend him It will incline a Soul to chuse him and cleave unto him and will set the Soul a longing for the full fruition and final injoyment of him Luke 2.29 Mine eyes have seen thy Salvation now let thy Servant depart Observe lastly How the Envious Pharisees were galled and cut to the Heart to see such a Multitude both of Jews and Greeks crouding out of the City to meet Jesus in his Triumphant entrance into the City The Pharisees said Behold the World is gone after him Learn hence That in the day of Christ's greatest Solemnity and Triumph there will not be wanting some persons of such a canker'd disposition that they will neither rejoyce themselves nor can they endure that others should This was the case of the wicked Pharisees here 23 ¶ And Jesus answered them saying The hour is come that the Son of man should be glorified 24 Verily verily I say unto you Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die it abideth alone but if it die it bringeth forth much fruit 25 He that loveth his life shall lose it and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal Observe here 1. How our blessed Saviour entertains his followers with a Discourse concerning his approaching Death and Sufferings The hour is coming that the Son of Man shall be glorified Observe 2. How he Arms his Disciples against the scandal of the Cross by shewing them the great Benefit that would redound by his Death unto all Mankind and this by a Similitude taken from Grain Except
a Corn of Wheat fall into the Ground and die it abideth alone That is as Corn unsown lodg'd in the Barn or laid up in the Chamber never multiplies nor encreases but sow it in the Field and bury it in the Earth and it multiplies and encreases and brings forth a plentiful crop So if Christ had not died he had remained what he was the Eternal Son of God but he had had no Church in the World Whereas his Death and Sufferings made him fructifie That brought a plentiful Encrease of exaltation to himself and Salvation to his People Observe 3. How plainly our Saviour dealt with his Followers he did not deceive them with a vain hope and expectation of Temporal Happiness but tells them plainly that all that will be his Disciples must prepare for Sufferings and not think their Temporal Life too dear to lay down for him when he calls them to it this being the surest way to secure unto themselves Life Everlasting He that loveth his life shall lose it but he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal Learn hence That the surest way to attain Eternal Life is chearfully to lay down our Temporal Life when the Glory of Christ and the Honour of Religion requires it at our hand 26 If any man serve me let him follow me and where I am there shall also my servant be if any man serve me him will my Father honour That is if any Man assumes the Title and enters into the sacred engagement of being Christ's Servant let his Conversation correspond with his Profession and let him be willing to follow him in the Thorny path of Affliction and Sufferings from this Assurance that all his grievous Sufferings shall end in Eternal Joys Where I am there shall my Servant be and him will my Father honour Learn hence 1. That all that will be Christ's Servants must be his Followers they must obey his Doctrine and imitate his Example 2. That Christ's Servants must not expect better usage at the hand of an unkind World than he their Master met with before them 3. That such as serve Christ by following of him shall at Death see him as he is and be with him where he is Where I am there shall also my Servant be 4. That God will crown the fideli●y and constancy of Christ's Servants with the highest Dignity and Honour If any Man serve me him will my Father honour 27 Now is my soul troubled and what shall I say Father save me from this hour but for this cause came I unto this hour 28 Father glorifie thy name Then came there a voice from heaven saying I have both glorified it and will glorifie it again Whilst our Saviour was thus preaching of his own Death and Sufferings a Natural horror of his approaching Passion tho such as was without Sin seizes upon him his Father giving him a Taste of that wrath which he was to undergo upon the Cross for our Sins Hereupon he betakes himself to Prayer Father save me from this hour this was the harmless inclination of his sinless nature which abhorred lying under wrath and therefore prays against it yet as it were recalling himself he submits to what his office as our surety required of him and prays again unto his Father to dispose of him as may most and best conduce to the purposes of his Glory Father glorifie thy name Learn hence 1. That meer Trouble is no Sin Christ's Soul was troubled Christianity doth not make Men Senseless Grace introduceth no stoical Stupidity 2. That fear of death especially when accompanied with apprehensions of the wrath of God is most perplexing and Soul-amazing My Soul is troubled and what shall I say 3. No extremity of Sufferings ought to discourage us from laying claim to that Relation which God stands in to us as a Father Our Saviour in the midst of his distress calls God Father Father save me from this hour 4. In the extremity of our Sufferings we may be importunate but must not be peremptory in our Prayers as Christ in his Agony prayed more earnestly so may we in ours but always submissively Father Save me from this hour but for this cause came I unto this hour 5. That our exemption from Suffering may sometimes be inconsistent with the Glory of God Father save me from this hour Father Glorifie thy name Observe lastly The Father's Answer to the Son's Prayer There came a voice from Heaven saying I have glorified it and will glorifie it again That is as God the Father had been already glorified in his Son's Life Doctrine and Miracles so he would farther glorifie Himself in his Death Resurrection and Ascension as also by the Mission of the Holy Ghost and the Preaching of the Gospel for the Conversion of the Gentiles to the ends of the Earth Learn hence That the whole work of Christ from the lowest degree of his Humiliation to the highest degree of his Exaltation was a glorifying of his Father he glorified his Father by the Doctrine which he Taught he glorified his Father by the Miracles which he wrought by the unspotted Innocency of his Life and by his unparallel'd Sufferings at his Death by his Victorious Resurrection from the Grave and by his Triumphant Ascension into Heaven 29 The people therefore that stood by and heard it said that it thundred others said An angel spake to him 30 Jesus answered and said This voice came not because of me but for your sakes 31 Now is the judgment of this world now shall the prince of this world be cast out 32 And I if I be lifted up from the earth will draw all men unto me 33 This he said signifying what death he should die Observe here 1. The way of God in speaking to his People by a Voice in Thunder for the greater declaration of his Glory and Majesty Thunderings and Lightnings usually attended the voice of God even in Consolations and when he spake comfortably to his own Servants Oh how dreadful and terrible then must the Voice of God be to his Enemies when he shall come in flaming Fire to render vengeance to them If there was such Dread and Terrors such Thunderings and Lightnings at the giving of the Law Lord What will there be another Day when thou comest to punish the violation of that Law Observe 2. The end why God the Father now spake with an Audible Voice to Christ his Son it was for his Consolation and the Peoples Confirmation His Soul being troubled he stood in need as Mediatour of comfort from his Father and the People had here a farther and fuller Confirmation of his being the promised and true Messias that so they might Believe in him This voice came not because of me That is not only or chiefly because of me but to confirm your Faith in the Belief of this great Truth that I am the Son of God by whom the Father hath glorified and will farther
glorifie his Name Observe 3. Our Saviour declares a double effect and fruit of his Death and Passion 1. The judgment of this World Now is the judgment of this World now shall the Prince of this World be cast out That is my Death will be the Devil's overthrow will bring down Sin and deliver the World from the Tyranny and Dominion of Sin and Satan Learn hence 1. That Satan is the Prince and Ruler of all those who live in Sin not a Prince by Legal Right but by Tyrannical Usurpation 2. That this Usurper Satan will not quit his Possession unless he be cast out 3. That Christ by his Death has cast out Satan dethroned him and deprived him of his Tyrannical Usurpation Now is the Prince of this World cast out That is I will shortly by my Death deliver the World from the slavery of Sin and Dominion of Satan and particularly from that Idolatry which the greatest part of the World were then in slavery under The second effect and fruit of Christ's Death which is here declared is his drawing all Men unto him When I am lifted up from the Earth I will draw all Men unto me There is a twofold lifting up of Christ the first Ignominious when he was hung upon the Cross the second Glorious in the Preaching of the Gospel by this he draws all Men unto him that is by the Preaching of the Gospel he calls and invites all persons to himself he offers the Benefits of his Death to all and gathered a Church to himself out of the Gentile as well as the Jewish World Learn 1. That all persons are naturally unwilling to come to Christ they must be drawn 2. That Christ meritoriously by his Death and instrumentally by the Preaching of the Gospel draws Sinners unto himself 3. That it is not a few or small number but a very great number consisting both of Jews and Gentiles Bond and Free persons of all Nations Sexes Ages and Conditions whom Christ draweth Not that all are effectually drawn to Christ so as savingly to Believe in him but by the Preaching of the Gospel they are called and invited to him and the Benefits of his Death are offered to them Thus Christ being lifted up upon his Cross and on the Pole of his Gospel draws all Men unto him 34 The people answered him We have heard out of the law that Christ abideth for ever and how sayest thou The Son of Man must be lift up who is this Son of Man 35 Then Jesus said unto them Yet a little while is the light with you walk while ye have the light lest darkness come upon you for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth 36 While ye have light believe in the light that ye may be the children of light These things spake Jesus and departed and did hide himself from them Observe here 1. T●● Objection which the Jews make against our Saviour's being the True Messias Their Argument runs thus It was foretold under the Law that Christ or the Messias abideth for ever but thou sayest the Son of Man must be lift up and die How then canst thou be the promised Messias The Answer is in his state of Humiliation unto Death he was lifted up but in his state of Exaltation he abideth for ever Learn hence That Christ's lifting up by Death and his abiding for ever do very well consist together for both are true of him The one in his state of Humiliation the other in his state of Exaltation Observe 2. Our Saviour returns no Answer to their cavilling Objection nor doth he undertake to demonstrate how his Sufferings and his abiding for ever are consistent but gives them intimations that he was the Light of the World and advises them whilst they had the Light with them to prize it highly and improve it faithfully Yet a little while is the Light with you walk whilst ye have the Light lest Darkness come upon you Note here 1. A choice and singular Priviledge injoyed the Light is with you a personal Light Christ a Doctrinal Light the Gospel Both these brought with them a Light of Knowledge answering our Darkness of Ignorance a Light of Grace and Holiness answering our Darkness of Sin which we had brought upon our selves and a Light of Joy and Comfort answering the Darkness of Misery and Horror which we lay under by reason of our guilt Note 2. The time of injoying this priviledge limited yet a little while is the Light with you The time of a Peoples injoying the Light and Liberty of the Gospel it is a limited time it is a short time Note 3. A Duty injoined by Christ answerable to the priviledge injoyed by us Walk whilst ye have the Light An uniform and constant course of Holy walking according to the Rule of the Gospel is the indispensable Duty and Obligation of all those that injoy the Light and Liberty of the Gospel Namely To walk according to the precepts and commands of the Gospel answerable to the Priviledges and Prerogatives of the Gospel answerable to the helps and supplies of Grace which the Gospel affords and answerable to the glorious hope and expectation which the Gospel raises us unto Note 4. A danger threatned to the neglecters of this Duty lest Darkness come upon you Namely A Darkness of Ignorance and judicial Blindness a Darkness of Error and Seduction a Darkness of Horror and Despair and the fatal and final Darkness of Death and Hell for all contemners of Gospel Light there is reserved the Blackness of Darkness for ever where Sin and Torment run parallel their Torment makes them Sin and their Sin feeds their Torment 37 ¶ But though he had done so many miracles before them yet they believed not on him 38 That the saying of Esaias the prophet might be fulfilled which he spake Lord who hath believed our report and to whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed 39 Therefore they could not believe because that Esaias said again 40 He hath blinded their eyes and hardned their heart that they should not see with their eyes nor understand with their heart and be converted and I should heal them 41 These things said Esaias when he saw his glory and spake of him Observe here 1. The astonishing Infidelity and unbelief of the Jews who heard our Saviour's Doctrine and were Eye-witnesses of his Miracles Tho' he had done so many miracles before them yet they believed not on him Let not the faithful Ministers of Christ be discouraged and over much dejected at their want of success in dispensing of the Gospel when they observe and consider the small success of our Saviour's own Ministry in the Hearts and Lives of his hearers Yea tho' his Ministry was accompanied with Miracles and tho' his Miracles were many in number mighty in nature clear and obvious to Sense being wrought before their Eyes yet his Ministry succeeded not and his Miracles prevailed not Lord what little success
sufficient both for their Conviction and Condemnation The word that I have spoken the same shall judge him in the last day Observe 4. The Argument and Reason which our Saviour produces to prove that the Word of God and the Doctrine of the Gospel slighted and rejected should condemn Sinners at the great Day Namely From the Divine Authority of his Doctrine for albeit his Doctrine was his own as he was true God yet as Man and as Mediatour it was not his own but the Father's which sent him so that his Word and Doctrine being Divine and the Father 's as well as his for he did not speak of himself that is of himself alone and without the Father it is sufficient to Judge and Condemn all the rejecters and despisers of it Learn hence 1. That tho' the Doctrine of the Gospel be Christ's own as he is truly and really God yet it was not his own as meer Man exclusive of the Father who is one God with him and who gave him a Commission and Instructions as Mediatour to Preach and Publish the glad tidings of the Gospel for says he I have not spoken of my self but the Father which sent me gave me a Commandment 2. That the Doctrine which Christ delivered by command from the Father doth point out the way to Eternal Life and will bring lost Sinners thereunto if they sincerely believe it and obey it I know that his Commandment is Life everlasting 3. That therefore Sinners who reject the Doctrine of Christ contained in the Gospel do highly Dishonour Offend and Affront both the Father and Son and bring upon themselves a just and righteous judgment and expose themselves to unutterable and inevitable condemnation The word that I have spoken the same shall judge him in the last Day CHAP. XIII 1 NOW before the feast of the passover when Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father having loved his own which were in the world he loved them unto the end 2 And supper being ended the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot Simons son to betray him 3 Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands and that he was come from God and went to God In this Chapter is Recorded the History of our Saviour's washing his Disciples Feet an Action full of Humility and Condescension and propounded to his followers Imitation The Circumstance of Time is here noted when this Act was done Namely At the Feast of the Passover when the time of our Saviour's departure was at hand and having constantly and immutably loved his own he expresses the permanency of his Love towards them to the end by this Action of his in washing their Feet Here Note How Christ chose the Time of the Jewish Passover to suffer in that he might prove himself to be the substance of that Type that he was the true Pascal Lamb who by the Sacrifice of his Death did attone Divine displeasure and taketh away the Sins of the World Observe 2. The means which the Wisdom of God permitted to bring the Lord of Life to his Ignominious Death And that was the Treason and perfidiousness of one of his own Disciples Judas Iscariot Where Observe 1. The person betraying Judas Judas a Professor Judas a Preacher Judas an Apostle being one of the Twelve whom Christ had chosen out of all the World to be his dearest Friend Can we wonder to find Friends unfriendly or unfaithful towards us when our Saviour had a Traytor in his own House Observe 2. The heinousness of Judas Sin in betraying Christ he betrayed Christ Jesus a Man Christ Jesus his Master Christ Jesus his Maker the first was Murther the second Treason Lord It is no strange or uncommon thing for the vilest of Sins and most horrid impieties to be acted by persons making the most eminent profession of thy holy Religion Observe 3. What hand the Devil had in the Sufferings of our Saviour He put it into Judas's heart to betray Christ that is he did suggest and inject such thoughts into his mind which Judas instantly closed with The Devil being a Spirit has a quick access to our Spirits and can instill his suggestions into them as Christ did breath upon his Disciples and they received the Holy Ghost and were filled with the Spirit so Satan breaths filthy suggestions into the Spirits of Men and fills them with all manner of wickedness even with the Spirit of Hell it self The Devil put it into Judas heart to betray him 4 He riseth from supper and laid aside his garments and took a towel and girded himself 5 After that he poureth water into a bason and began to wash the disciples feet and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded Observe here The admirable humility and great self-denial of our Lord and Master he arises from Supper whilst his Disciples sate still and he that came in the form of a Servant performs all the offices of the meanest Servant to his Disciples he lays aside his upper Garments he girds himself with a Towel pours Water into a Bason and begins to wash and wipe their Feet which lay out behind them as they leaned at the Table all which was a most servile imployment Learn hence That the wonderful humility of Jesus Christ inclined him to do the meanest offices of Service unto his People even to become a Servant to them in the Day of his Humiliation and tho' now glorified in Heaven he retains the same Compassionate Heart towards them as when here on Earth 6 Then cometh he to Simon Peter and Peter saith unto him Lord dost thou wash my feet 7 Jesus answered and said unto him What I do thou knowest not now but thou shalt know hereafter 8 Peter saith unto him Thou shalt never wash my feet Jesus answered him If I wash thee not thou hast no part with me 9 Simon Peter saith unto him Lord not my feet onely but also my hands and my head 10 Jesus saith to him He that is washed needeth not save to wash his feet but is clean every whit and ye are clean but not all 11 For he knew who should betray him therefore said he ye are not all clean Observe here 1. How Simon Peter refuses to admit of such a condescending act from Christ his Lord and Master as the washing of his Feet Lord Thou shalt never wash my Feet it is a sinful humility to refuse the offered favours of Christ because we are unworthy to receive them Tho' we are not worthy of Christ and of his Love yet Christ is worthy of us and of our Faith Observe 2. Our Saviour's Reply to Peter's refusal 1. He tells him that there was more in it than the bare act of washing did at first sight import and that he should know hereafter what he did not understand now What I do thou knowest not now but thou shalt know hereafter
that time when he had with an unbelieving Heart and an unthankful Spirit been eating the Passover which was a Type of Christ Now Satan enters into him that is takes fuller possession of him and he gives up himself more freely and fully to the Devil's conduct and suggestions Satan gets possession of wicked Men gradually and by degrees not all at once the only way to be safe is to resist the beginnings of Sin for when Satan once gets footing it is hard to prevent a more full possession Observe 4. The place where Judas now was Namely at Bethany some Miles from Jerusalem and it was now Night yet so intent he was upon the Devil's work that away he trudges to Jerusalem and at that time of the Night repairs to the high Priests and sells his Saviour into their hands Oh what a warmth and zeal was here in the Devil's cause Men given over by God possest by Satan are so restless and unwearied in Sin that neither by day nor by Night can they cease from the contrivance and execution of it 31 ¶ Therefore when he was gone out Jesus said Now is the son of man glorified and God is glorified in him 32 If God be glorified in him God shall also glorifie him in himself and shall straightway glorifie him Observe here 1. Our blessed Lord calls his Death his glory Now is the Son of Man glorified That is now is the time at hand when I am to die and shall by my Death finish the work of Man's Redemption and thereby eminently glorifie God God the Father was eminently glorified in the Obedience and Sufferings of his dear and only Son It is true that the Sufferings of Christ were Ignominious in themselves yet were they the way to his own Glory and his Father 's also for by them he redeemed a lost World trampled upon Satan triumphed over Sin And the Father was exceedingly glorified by the Son 's giving Obedience to his Will and so chearfully Suffering Now is the Son of Man glorified and God is glorified in him 33 Little children yet a little while I am with you Ye shall seek me and as I said unto the Jews Whither I go ye cannot come so now I say unto you Observe here An indearing compellation a sweet Title given by Christ to his Disciples Little Children intimating that tender Affection which he bare unto them tho' now upon the point of departing from them Learn thence That whatever Christ's dealings are or may be with his People in respect of his removing and withdrawing from them yet he still retains the relation of a Father to them and will in his absence from them exercise such a care over them as Parents have of their young and tender Children so much doth the Title of Little Children imply and import Observe farther The plain intimation which our Saviour gives to his Disciples of his death being very nigh for it was the very next day he tells them he was going to Heaven and whither he went they could not come that is not presently they should follow him their forerunner afterwards but at present he had a great deal of work for them to do tho' his own work was done and till they had finished their work Whither He went they could not come Learn hence That tho' it be Rest which the Saints may lawfully desire an everlasting rest with Christ in glory yet must they not refuse to labour whilest their Lord will have it so Till their work be done whither Christ is gone they cannot come Ye shall seek me but whither I go at present ye cannot come 34 A new commandment I give unto you That ye love one another as I have loved you that ye also love one another Our Saviour having mentioned his departure from his Disciples in the former Verse I go away and whither I go ye cannot come In this and the following Verses he gives them a strict charge that in his absence they should love one another This he calls a new Commandment not that it was new in regard of Institution but of Restitution not new in regard of the Substance of it for it was a Branch of the Law of Nature and a known precept of the Jewish Religion But he calls it a new Commandment 1. Because purged from the old corrupt glosses of the Pharisees who had limited this duty of Love and confined it to their own Country-men whereas Christ enlarges the object and obliges his Disciples to love all mankind even their very Enemies 2. Because this Duty of Love was so greatly advanced and heightned by our Saviour as to the measures and degrees of it even to the laying down of our Lives one for another 3. It is called a new Commandment because urged from a new Motive and enforced by a new Example As I have loved you that ye also love one another never was this Duty so effectually taught so mightily encouraged so much urged and insisted upon by any Teacher as our Saviour and never was there such an Example given of it as his own 4. 'T is a new Commandment because with the rest it was never to wax old but to be always fresh in the memory and practice of Christ's Disciples to the end of the World 35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples if ye have love one to another To recommend the foregoing Duty of loving one another with the greater advantage our Saviour tells us here that it will be the best Evidence of our Relation to him as sincere Disciples By this shall all Men know that ye are my Disciples Where Observe 1. Our Saviour doth not say by this Men shall conjecture and guess that you belong to me as being my Disciples but they shall certainly know it 2. He doth not say by this shall you know your selves to be my Disciples and one another to be so but by this shall all others know it as well as your selves 3. He doth not say by this shall all Men know that you look like my Disciples but that you are indeed what you pretend to be Namely By your loving one another 4. Christ doth not say by this shall the World know that you are my Disciples Namely By your assembling often together in my House of Prayer by your frequent fastings by your reading the Scriptures Daily by your hearing Sermons Weekly by your Receiving Sacraments Monthly all these put together will be no sufficient evidence of your Disciple-ship if you keep up a secret grudg in your Hearts one against another But by this shall all Men know that ye are my Disciples if ye love one another Learn hence That one of the best Proofs and Evidences we can have of our relation to Christ as his sincere Disciples is an hearty love and good will one towards another 36 ¶ Simon Peter said unto him Lord whither goest thou Jesus answered him Whither I go thou canst not follow me now but thou shalt
by the World the World may wish Peace yet never intend it or they may wish it yet not be able to give it but Christ's Peace is real and effectual solid and substantial the World's Peace is only a freedom from outward trouble but Christ's Peace is a deliverance from inward guilt and tho' it doth not give us an exemption from outward Troubles yet it gives us a sanctified use and improvement of them and assures us of a Joyful Issue and deliverance out of them 28 Ye have heard how I said unto you I go away and come again unto you If ye loved me ye would rejoyce because I said I go unto the Father for my Father is greater then I. That the Disciples of Christ might neither be overset with fears nor overwhelm'd with grief he tells them that they ought to entertain the news of his departure rather with joy and exaltation than with sorrow and dejection If ye loved me ye would rejoyce because I go to the Father True Love to Christ will make us rejoyce in his Advancement and Exaltation altho' it be to our own disadvantage Those words my Father is greater then I must be understood with reference to his Humane Nature as Mediatour for so he was the Father's Servant and the Father as God was greater than he as Man again the Father may be said to be greater than Christ in regard of his Paternity as being the fountain of the Deity the Father is of himself but the Son is begotten of the Father but being of the same Substance with the Father he is consequently God as the Father is God for the inequality arises not from the Essence but from the order and manner of Subsistence Thus the Father was greater than He. 29 And now I have told you before it come to pass that when it is come to pass ye might believe 30 Hereafter I will not talk much with you for the prince of this world cometh and hath nothing in me 31 But that the world may know that I love the Father and as the Father gave me commandment even so I do Arise let us go hence The time of our Saviour's Death now nearer and nearer Approaching he prepares the expectation of his Disciples for it because evils that surprize us suddenly do sink our Spirits sadly whereas what we fear for that we prepare Accordingly our Lord arms his dear Disciples against all disquietude and over-whelming sorrow for his Departure from them I have told you before that when it comes to pass ye might believe that is be assured that I am not meer Man but truly and really God and depend upon me for Life and Salvation Observe 2. How our Saviour points out the cause of his Sufferings Namely Satan and his Instruments The Prince of this World cometh that is by Judas the Soldiers and the High Priests but he has nothing in me that is he will find no Sin or Corruption in me to side with his Temptations or no guilt upon me to give him any Advantage against me for I shall Die as a perfectly Innocent person Christ in Suffering for our Sins did not only conflict with the wrath of God but with the rage of Men and Devils yet all the power and policy all the malice and cruelty of Satan cannot prevail against Christ any further than he voluntarily yields and submits himself unto it The Prince of this World cometh but hath nothing in me Observe 3. That it was Christ's Love and Obedience to his Father that carried him forth so chearfully to the work of Sufferings supported him under it and carried him thorough it That the World may know that I love the Father and as the Father gave me Commandment even so I do True Love to God will draw Men to Obedience in the hardest Services and Sufferings the grand motive of Christ's Sufferings was Love to his Father Obedience to his Commands and a regard to his Glory Lord Let thy Love and Obedience to thy Father in all thy Sufferings be the subject of our Admiration and the matter of our Imitation also As the Father gives us Commandment so let us always do CHAP. XV. 1 I Am the true vine and my Father is the husbandman 2. Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away and every branch that beareth fruit he purgeth it that it may bring forth more fruit Observe here How our blessed Saviour under the Metaphor of a Vine elegantly sets forth himself in his relation to his visible Church shewing under that similitude what his Father meant to do with Judas and with all unfruitful Branches like unto him even take them away cut them off and throw them into the Fire but such as are fruitful he purges by his Word and Spirit by Ordinances and Providences by Mercies and Afflictions that they may be more aboundingly and abidingly fruitful Learn hence 1. That Jesus Christ in his offices for and relation to his People doth most fitly resemble a Vine As the Vine is weak mean and small in outward appearance not like the Cedar for heighth or like the Oak for strength so was Christ in his state of humiliation there was no beauty in him Isa 53. As the Vine is a fruitful Plant tho' it has little pomp yet has it much plenty and is only useful for fruit-bearing and brings forth both plenty and variety of sweet fruit to make glad the Heart of Man thus the fruits of Christ's Death Resurrection Ascension and Intercession are many and great delightful and sweet In a word as the fruit of the Vine is pressed that it may be Drink unto Men so Christ submitted to be Trod in the Wine-press of God's Wrath that thereby the sweetest fruit and benefit might redound to his People Finally as the Vine is the Root from which all the Branches derive their nourishment and fruitfulness in like manner is Christ the Stock into which all his Members are ingrafted the Root in which they all subsist and the fountain from whence their spiritual Life and Fruitfulness doth proceed and flow Learn 2. That as Christ is the Vine so his Father is the Husbandman he ingrafts and implants all the Branches into this Vine the Plants of Righteousness are of his own planting he takes notice what store of Fruit every Branch doth bring forth and it is his daily care to dress and dung to purge and prune to support and shelter his Vineyard that it may bring forth Fruit abundantly Learn 3. That there are two sorts of Branches in this Vnie some fruitful others unfruitful some have the visibility but not the reality of Branches some are branches only by external profession others are so by real implantation Learn 4. That the true Touchstone whereby to discern one sort of Branches from another is not by the fair Leaves of Profession but by the substantial Fruits of an Holy and Righteous Conversation Learn 5. That in the most fruitful Branches in the best
Our Saviour's Prayer to his Father for his Apostles before he left the World Holy Father keep them that is preserve them by thy Divine Power and Goodness for the Glory of thy Holy Name Here Note 1. The Title and Appellation given to God Holy Father Thence Learn That when we go to God in Prayer especially for Grace and Sanctification we must look upon him as an Holy Father as essentially and originally Holy as infinitely and independently Holy Note 2. The Supplication requested of God Keep through thy name those whom thou hast given me Thence Learn That the Perseverance of the Saints in a state of Grace is the sweet Effect and Fruit of Christ's Prayer Christ has begged it and it cannot be denied there being such an Harmony and sweet Consent betwixt the Will of the Father and the Will of the Son Three things concur to the Believer's Perseverance On the Father's Part there is everlasting Love and all-sufficient Power On the Son's Part there is everlasting Merit and constant Intercession On the Spirit 's Part there is a perpetual Inhabitation and continued Influence Observe 3. The End of Christ's Supplication on behalf of his People that they may be one as we are one Here Note 1. That the Heart of Christ is exceedingly set upon the Unity and Oneness of his Members 2. That the Believers Union with Christ their Head and one with another has some resemblance to that Unity that is betwixt the Father and the Son For 't is an holy and spiritual Union a close and intimate Union an indissoluble and inseparable Union 12 While I was with them in the world I kept them in thy name those that thou gavest me I have kept and none of them is lost but the son of perdition that the scripture might be fulfilled Observe here 1. That those which shall be saved are given unto Christ and committed to his Care and Trust 2. That none of those that are given unto Christ as his Charge and committed to his Care and Trust shall be finally lost Those that thou gavest me I have kept and none of them is lost It follows but the Son of Perdition A Person may be said to be a Son of Perdition two ways Actively and Passively Actively he is so who makes it his Work and Business to destroy others Passively he is a Son of Perdition who for his Wickedness in destroying others is destroyed himself Judas was a Son of Perdition in both these Senses his Heart was maliciously set upon destroying Christ and wilfully set upon his own destruction His Covetousness and Hypocrisie prompted him to betray our Saviour his Despair provoked him to destroy himself 13 And now come I to thee and these things I speak in the world that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves In these Words our Saviour declares the great Reason why he did at this time so publickly and solemnly pray for his Disciples it was to fill them with Joy and Comfort that their Joy might not be diminished by Christ's departure but rather encreased by the coming of the Comforter That they may have my Joy fulfilled in them that is the Joy which they take in me and the Joy which they have from me There is a double Care which Christ takes of his People namely a Care of their Graces and a Care of their Joy and Comfort How solicitous was he to leave his Disciples joyful before he departed from them He delights to see his People chearful and he knows of what great Use spiritual Joy is in the Christian's Course both to enable us for Doing and to fit us for Suffering Learn hence 1. That Christ is the Author and Original of the Joy of his People My Joy 2. That it is Christ's Will and Desire that his People should be full of holy Joy That my Joy may be fulfilled in them 3. That the great End of Christ's Prayer and Intercession was and is that his Peoples Hearts might be full of Joy These things I speak in the World that they might have my Joy fulfilled in themselves 14 I have given them thy word and the world hath hated them because they are not of the world even as I am not of the world I have given them thy Word partly by external Revelation and partly by internal Illumination and for thy Word sake the World hates them as also because they are not of the World Learn 1. That Christians especially Ministers to whom Christ has given his Word must expect the World's hatred Few of the Prophets or Apostles died a natural death As their Calling is Eminent so must their Sufferings be Exemplary The best Ministers and the best Men are usually most hated There is an Antipathy against the Power of Godliness or a cruel causeless implacable and irreconcilable hatred against the Saints because of their strictness in Religion and contrariety to the World 2. That it is the Honour of Believers that they are like unto Christ in being the Objects of the World's hatred The World hates them because they are not of the World as I am not of the World This Christ adds both for Information and Consolation for Information that they should look for such Hatred Misery and Trouble as they saw him grapple with and for Consolation to think that the World can never hate us so bad as it hated Christ 15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil 16 They are not of the world even as I am not of the world Here Observe 1. That the Wisdom of Christ sees it fit to continue his Children and People in the World notwithstanding all the Perils and Dangers of the World He has Work for them and they are of Use to him for a time in the World and till their Work be done Christ's Love will not and the World's Malice cannot remove them hence Yet Christ prays that his Father would keep them from the Evil that is from the Sins Temptations and Snares of this wicked World Thence Note That a spiritual Victory over Evil is to be preferred before a total exemption from Evil it is a far greater Mercy to be kept from sin in our Afflictions than from the Afflictions themselves 17 Sanctifie them through thy truth thy word is truth Sanctifie them not initially for so they were sanctified already but progressively let them increase more and more in Grace and Holiness Learn hence 1. That such as are already sanctified must labour and ought to endeavour after further Measures and higher Degrees of Sanctification The most Holy may yet be more Holy 2. That the Word of God is the great Instrument in God's Hand for his Peoples Sanctification 3. That the Word of God is the Truth of God Sanctifie them through thy truth thy word is truth The Word of God is a Divine Truth an Eternal Truth an Infallible Truth an Holy Truth 18 As thou hast
vindicates himself and defends himself both with Law and Reason If I have spoken evil bear witness of the evil But if well why smitest thou me Note 2. That when the Soldier had struck Christ upon one Cheek he did not turn to him the other also according to Matth. 5.39 Which evidently shews that That Precept if they smite thee on one Cheek turn the other also commands only this That rather than take Revenge we should take a second Injury Christians ought rather to suffer a double Wrong than to seek a private Revenge Christianity obliges us to bear many Injuries patiently rather than to avenge one privately But tho' it binds up our Hands from private Revenge yet it doth not shut our Mouths from complaining to publick Authority Christ's own Practice here expounds the Precept elsewhere Matth. 5.39 for he complains here of the Officers Injustice in smiting him before the Judicatory and challenges the Man to bear witness of the Evil. Observe Lastly How our Lord was not only buffetted but bound and sent bound from Annas to Caiaphas from Caiaphas to Pilate from Pilate to Herod and from Herod to Pilate again And all this on foot through the Streets of Jerusalem from one end of the City to the other partly to render his Passion more publick being made a Gazing-stock to the World and a Spectacle both to Angels and Men. And his condescending to go bound from one High Priest to another and from one Tribunal to another teaches his People what Delinquents they were before the Tribunal of God and what they deserved by reason of Sin even a Sentence of eternal Condemnation at the Tribunal of the Just and Holy God 28 ¶ Then ●ed they Jesus from Caiaphas unto the hall of judgment and it was early and they themselves went not into the judgment-hall lest they should be defiled but that they might eat the passover There were two Courts of Judicature which our blessed Saviour was brought before and condemned by 1. The Ecclesiastical Court or Sanhedrim in which the High Priest sate as Judge Here he was condemned to Death for Blasphemy 2. The Civil Court or Judgment-Hall where Pontius Pilate the Roman Governor sate Judge who because he was a Gentile they would not go into his House lest they should be defiled for they accounted it a Legal Pollution to come into the House of a Gentile Where Observe The notorious Hypocrisie of these Jews they scruple the defiling of themselves by coming near the Judgment-Hall where Pilate sate but make no scruple at all to defile themselves with the guilt of that innocent Blood which Pilate shed When Persons are over-zealous for Cerem●nial Observations they are oft-times too remiss with reference to Moral Duties They brought him to the Judgment-Hall but they themselves went not in lest they should be defiled 29 Pilate then went out unto them and said What accusation bring you against this man 30 They answered and said unto him If he were not a malefactour we would not have delivered him up unto thee Observe here 1. How Pilate humours these Jews in their Superstition They scruple to go into the Judgment-Hall to him he therefore goes out to them and demands what Accusation they had against Christ They charge him here only for being a Malefactor or an evil Doer in the general but elsewhere Luke 23. they particularly accuse him 1. For perverting the Nation 2. For forbidding to pay Tribute to Caesar 3. For saying that he himself was Christ a King All of which was filthy Calumny yet Christ underwent the Reproach of it without opening his Mouth Teaching us when we lie under Calumny and unjust Imputation to imitate him who opened not his Mouth but committed his Case to him that judgeth uprightly 31 Then said Pilate unto them Take ye him and judge him according to your law The Jews therefore said unto him It is not lawful for us to put any man to death 32 That the saying of Jesus might be fulfilled which he spake signifying what death he should die The Jews being now under the Power of the Romans tho' they had a Power of Judging and Censuring Criminals in smaller Matters yet not in capital Cases they could not pronounce a Sentence of Death upon any Person say some they might and did say others punish Blasphemers by stoning them to death but then their Sentence was to be ratified by the Roman Power Accordingly here they had in their Ecclesiastical Court condemned Christ for Blasphemy now they bring him to Pilate the Roman Governor to confirm the Sentence of Death From hence it appears that Christ was the true Messias being sent into the World when the Sceptre was departed from Judah according to that ancient Prophecy of Jacob Gen. 49.10 The Sceptre shall not depart from Judah until Shiloh come The Jews now had no Power absolutely to condemn any Man or to put him death but this Power the Roman Emperor reserved to his own Deputy This contributed towards the fulfilling of our Saviour's Words Matth. 20.19 That he should be delivered to the Gentiles and should be crucified Which was not a Jewish but a Roman Punishment Had the Jews put him to death they had stoned him But Christ was to be made a Curse for us by hanging upon a Tree and accordingly the Jews execute the Counsel of God tho' they knew ●● not by refusing to put him to death themselves Learn hence How willing Christ was to undergo a shameful painful and accursed Death that he might testifie his Love unto and procure a Blessing for his People Thus the Saying of Jesus was fulfilled which he spake signifying what Death he should die 33 Then Pilate entred into the judgement-hall again and called Jesus and said unto him Art thou thou the king of the Jews 34 Jesus answered him Sayest thou this thing of thy self or did others tell it thee of me 35 Pilate answered Am I a Jew Thine own nation and the chief priests have delivered thee unto me What hast thou done 36 Jesus answered My kingdom is not of this world if my kingdom were of this world then would my servants fight that I should not be delivered to the Jews but now is my kingdom not from hence Observe here 1. Pilate's insnaring Question Art thou King of the Jews How jealous are great Men of Jesus Christ and how afraid are they of his Kingdom Power and Authority as if it would be prejudicial to their Authority and Power in the World which was far enough from Christ's Thoughts Observe 2. The Wisdom and Caution of our Saviour's Answer he neither affirms nor denies though whenever we speak we are bound to speak the truth yet we are not bound at all times to speak the whole truth Christ tells him therefore That upon the supposition that he was King yet his Kingdom was no Earthly but a Spiritual Kingdom he was no Temporal King to Rule over his Subjects with Temporal Power and Worldly
Visible Church may be guilty of such tremendous Acts of wickedness as the Conscience of an Infidel and Pagan may boggle at and protest against Pilate a Pagan Absolves Christ and seeks to release him whilst the Hypocritical Jews who heard his Doctrine and saw his Miracles condemn him Observe 3. How wretchedly Pilate suffers himself to be overcome with the Jews importunity and contrary to the light of his own Reason and Conscience delivers the Holy and Innocent Jesus first to be Scourged and then Crucified Learn thence That it is a vain Apology for Sin when Persons pretend that it was not committed with their own consent but at the instigation and importunity of others for such is the frame and Constitution of Man's Soul that none can make him either wicked or miserable without his own Consent Then Pilate took Jesus and Scourged him 2 And the souldiers platted a crown of thorns and put it on his head and they put on him a purple robe 3 And said Hail King of the Jews and they smote him with their hands The next part of our Saviour's Sufferings consisted of cruel mockings Christ had owned himself to be the King of the Jews that is a Spiritual King in and over his Church But the Jews expecting that the Messiah should have appeared in the Pomp of an Earthly Prince and finding it to be quite otherwise in our Saviour they look upon him as a Deceiver and Impostour and accordingly Treat him as a Mock-King with all the marks of Derision and Scorn for first they put a Crown upon his Head but a very Ignominious and Painful one a Crown of Thorns They put a Scepter in his Hand but that of a Reed a Robe of Scarlet or Purple upon his Body and then bowed their Knees unto him as they were wont to do before their Princes crying Hail King Thus were all the marks of Scorn imaginable put upon our dear Redeemer yet what they did in Jest God permitted to be done in Earnest for all these things were ensigns and marks of Sovereignty and Almighty God caused the Royal Dignity of his Son to shine forth even in the midst of his greatest Abasement Whence was all this Jearing and Sport but to flout Majesty and why did the Son of God undergo all this Ignominy Disgrace and Shame but to shew what was due unto us for our Sins as also to give us an Example to bear all the Scorn Reproach and Shame imaginable for the sake of him who for the Joy that was set before him despised the Shame as well as indured the Cross 4 Pilate therefore went forth again and saith unto them Behold I bring him forth to you that ye may know that I find no fault in him 5 Then came Jesus forth wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe And Pilate saith unto them Behold the man 6 When the chief priests therefore and officers saw him they cried out saying Crucifie him crucifie him Pilate saith unto them Take ye him and crucifie him for I find no fault in him Observe here 1. The great variety of our Saviour's Sufferings he is made the Foot-ball of Cruelty and Scorn his Sacred Body is stripped of his Garments and his Back disguised with Purple-Robes his tender Temples wounded with a Thorny Crown his Face spit upon his Cheeks buffetted his Head smitten his Hand Sceptred with a Reed By his wearing a Crown of Thorns he took away the bitterness of that Curse which our Sins brought upon the Earth Gen. 3.18 Thorns and Briars shall it bring forth Christ by his Bitter and Bloody Sufferings has turned all the Curses of his People into Crowns and Blessings Observe 2. The noble Testimony given of Christ's Innocency by the mouth of Pilate I find in him no fault at all he doth not say I find him not Guilty of what is laid to his Charge but gives an universal Testimony of our Lord's Innocency I find no fault at all in him In spight of all Malice Innocency shall find some Friends and Abettors Rather than Christ shall want witnesses Pilate's mouth shall be opened for his Justification how fain would he have freed Jesus whom he found faultless Our Lord found more Compassion from Pilate an Heathen than he did from them of his own Nation Pilate would have saved him but they cry out for his Blood Hypocrites within the visible Church may be guilty of such monstrous Acts of wickedness as the Consciences of Heathens without the Church may boggle at and protest against Pilate a Pagan pronounces Christ Innocent whilst the Hypocritical Jews who had heard his Doctrine and seen his Miracles do Condemn him Observe 3. Who influenced the main Body of the Jews to desire Pilate to put Jesus to Death it was the Chief Priests and Elders they perswaded the Multitude Wo be to the Common People when their Guides and Leaders are corrupt and wo unto them much more if they follow their wicked and pernicious Counsels the Jews here followed their Guides the Chief Priests but it was to their own destruction as well as their Leaders when the Blind lead the Blind both fall into the Ditch 7 The Jews answered him we have a law and by our law he ought to die because he made himself the Son of God 8 ¶ When Pilate therefore heard that saying he was the more afraid 9 And went again into the judgment-hall and saith unto Jesus Whence art thou But Jesus gave him no answer Observe here 1. How Ambitious the Chief Priests were that Christ should Die under a colour of Law We have a Law and by that Law he ought to Die The Law which they allude to is the Law for putting false Prophets and Blasphemers to Death of which number they conclude Christ to be because he made himself the Son of God whereas he did not make himself so or only pretend to be so but really and indeed was so to wit the eternal Son of God Such as are indeed Blasphemers and do Arrogate to themselves what is proper to God only by the Law of God they ought to be put to Death but Christ was not Guilty of the Violation of that Law for he was indeed the Son of God and did not make himself so Observe 2. How full of fear the Conscience of Pilate was when the Jews told him that Jesus made himself the Son of God he was afraid to Condemn him not knowing but that he might be some Divine and extraordinary Person and consequently might draw down Divine Vengeance on his own head Learn hence That serious thoughts of a Deity will strike terror even into a natural Conscience especially when the Sinner is following a course which his own judgment cannot approve when Pilate heard of Christ's being the Son of God he was afraid knowing that what he had done to him was against his own Conscience Observe 3. The Question Pilate puts to Christ upon this occasion Whence art thou that is what is thy
she wept she stouped down and looked into the sepulchre 12 And seeth two angels in white sitting the one at the head and the other at the feet where the body of Jesus had layen Here we have a Description of the great Love of Mary Magdalene which she expressed towards Christ after his Resurrection she went to his Sepulchre early when it was yet dark she hastily calls the Disciples Peter and John to the Sepulchre And she stays behind weeping at the Sepulchre when they were gone away to their own home And as Mary first sought him and longest sought him so she first finds him Here Note 1. Mary's carriage and behaviour towards her Saviour this is discovered by her patient attendance She stood without at the Sepulchre by her passionate mourning she stood at the Sepulchre weeping by her unwearied diligence she stooped down and looked into the Sepulchre here was great Love indeed in this poor Woman a Love stronger than Death a Love which did out-strip and go beyond the greatest Apostles Learn thence 1. That true Love to Christ suffers not it self to be stinted or limited no not by the greatest Examples the weakest Woman that truly Loves Christ may piously strive with the greatest Apostle in this point though he be Learneder Wiser more Useful and more Eminent than any of us yet it is Holy and Wise not to suffer our selves to be exceeded by any in our Love to Christ every Christian may strive to exceed any one in Grace and to attain the highest place in the Kingdom of Heaven Learn 2. That strong Love is valiant and undaunted it will grapple and encounter with the strongest opposition Mary fears nothing in seeking of her Lord neither the darkness of the Night nor the terror of the Soldiers nor the malice of the Jews Love is strong as Death and the Flames thereof are vehement Note farther The success of Mary Magdalen's Love to Christ and unwearied Attendance on his Sepulchre she found not the Dead Body of Christ and it was well she did not for if Death could have held him it would not have let us go But though she found not her Lord in the Grave she found two of his Servants there two Angels of all things in the World one would least have expected to find an Angel in a Grave Spirits in the place of Dead Bodies and Immortality in the place of Corruption But from hence we Learn That such as sincerely seek the Lord shall certainly find if not the very thing which they seek yet that which is much fitter and better for them Mary did not find Christ's Dead Body but she finds that which was more comfortable for her to find Namely Two Angels to testifie that he was Risen Where Note The posture of these Angels described the one sitting at the Head the other at the Feet It is matter of Comfort to the Members of Christ that Angels do not wait upon the Head only but upon the Feet also And it ought to be matter of imitation also Let us imitate our blessed Saviour in having an Angel not at our Head only but at our Feet also many have an Ambition to have an Angel at their Head a great measure of Light and Knowledge there but they care not for an Angel at their Feet they delight not to walk answerably to their Light and Knowledge they have an Angelical Understanding and a Diabolical Conversation it is sad for a Man to have all his Religion in his Brain and Tongue and nothing in his Heart and Life 13 And they say unto her Woman why weepest thou She saith unto them because they have taken away my Lord and I know not where they have laid him 14 And when she had thus said she turned her self back and saw Jesus standing and knew not that it was Jesus 15 Jesus saith unto her Woman Why weepest thou Whom seekest thou she supposing him to be the gardner saith unto him Sir if thou have born him hence tell me where thou hast laid him and I will take him away Observe here 1. That the best company in the World will not satisfie or content such as are seeking for Jesus Christ when they find not him whom their Souls seek Mary now enjoyed the Presence and Company of two Angels but this did not satisfie her in the Absence of Christ himself Observe 2. How Passionately did Mary mourn for the Loss and want of Christ's Bodily Presence thereby giving Testimony of her great Affection towards him but truly our Love to Christ is best shewn not by our Passionate desires for his Bodily Presence but by our Holy longings after his Spiritual Presence in his Word and Ordinances here on Earth and his blessed and immediate Presence in Heaven Observe 3. How Christ may be present with and very near unto his People and yet not be presently discerned by them Jesus stood by Mary but she knew not that it was Jesus her not expecting a living Christ was one cause why she did not discern him Observe 4. How exceedingly Mary's thoughts were taken up with Christ she saith to the Gardiner If thou hast born him hence What Him She doth not say whom but her Heart was so taken up with Christ and her Mind so full of him that she concluded every body would understand whom she meant though she did not say whom she meant Hence Note That the Soul of a sincere Believer is full of earnest and longing desires after Jesus Christ 2. That such a Soul is yet sometimes at a loss for Christ and cannot tell where to find him 3. That whilst the Soul is at a loss for Christ its desires are often quicker and more stirring after Christ This was the case of Mary here with the Spouse by Night on her Bed and early in the Morning she sought him whom her Soul loved 16 Jesus saith unto her Mary She turned her self and saith unto him Raboni which is to say Master 17 Jesus saith unto her Touch me not for I am not yet ascended to my Father but go to my brethren and say unto them I ascend unto my Father and your Father and to my God and your God In the former of these Verses Christ makes himself known to Mary and calleth her by her Name In the latter he gives her a Prohibition and an Injunction Observe 1. The Prohibition Touch me not together with the Reason of it for I am not yet ascended to my Father It is concluded by Interpreters that Mary Magdalene was now fallen at Christ's Feet and embraced them that having found him whom her Soul loveth she hugs him now and hangs about him but Christ forbids any farther embracing and rejects such Testimonies of her Love as if he had said Although I will allow you as much familiarity as shall satisfactorily Convince you of the verity of my Resurrection yet you must not expect to converse with me in that carnal manner which you did before my Death for I
but when thou shalt be old thou shalt stretch forth thy hands and another shall gird thee and carry thee whither thou wouldest not 19 This spake he signifying by what death he should glorifie God And when he had spoken this he saith unto him Follow me In these words our Saviour forewarns Peter of his future Sufferings intimating that he should prove more stout than in his former Trial when he was young and unexperienced he enjoyed his Liberty but when he was grown older in Years and stronger in Grace he should willingly stretch forth his Hands and quietly suffer himself to be bound to the Cross for Peter say some was not nailed but tied and bound to the Cross only and so as a Martyr or Witness for the Truth of Christ glorified God by his Death Learn hence 1. The Ministers of Jesus Christ when they undertake the charge of his Flock must prepare for suffering work and lot upon it Therefore is this Prediction of Peter's sufferings joined with the former injunction feed my Sheep 2. That Humane Nature in Christ's Ministers as well as in other Men reluctates Sufferings has an antipathy against a violent Death They shall carry thee whither thou wouldest not 3. From the time of Peter's sufferings when he is old Learn That the timing of the Saints Sufferings is in Christ's Hands he can and when he pleaseth doth screen them from suffering till old Age when their work is almost done for God they close their Days with suffering for him When thou art old thou shalt stretch forth thine Hands and another shall gird thee Learn lastly That the sufferings of the Saints in general and of the Ministers of Christ in particular do redound much to the Glory of God which is a consideration that ought to reconcile them to the Cross of Christ and support them under it This spake he signifying by what Death he should glorifie God 20 Then Peter turning about seeth the disciple whom Jesus loved following which also leaned on his breast at supper and said Lord which is he that betrayeth thee 21 Peter seeing him saith to Jesus Lord and what shall this man do 22 Jesus saith unto him If I will that he tarry till I come what is that to thee Follow thou me Our Saviour having foretold the manner of Peter's Death in the foregoing Verses here in these Peter is inquisitive after and very solicitous for the Knowledge of what kind of Death St. John should die Christ cheeks him for his Curiosity as meddling with that which did not concern him yet intimates to him That John should live till he came to take Vengeance on the Jews and destroy Jerusalem If I will that he tarry till I come that is till I come to execute Judgment upon Jerusalem Here we may Note There are two great Vanities in Men with reference to Knowledge the one a Neglect to know what is our Duty to know the other a Curiosity to know what doth not belong to us to know Christ tells Peter it was none of his Business to inquire what John should do But he ought rather to be preparing for what he himself should suffer If I will that he tarry what is that to thee 23 Then went this saying abroad among the brethren that that disciple should not die yet Jesus said not unto him He shall not die but If I will that he tarry till I come what is that to thee Here Observe How strangely our Saviour's Words were mistaken and misunderstood by his own Disciples They apprehend presently that John should not die And so it passed current among them From hence we may Note How much the Wisdom of God is and ought to be admired in giving us a written Word and tying us to it when we see erroneous Traditions so soon on foot in the World and our Saviour's own Speeches so much mistaken and that by wise and holy Men themselves in the purest Times Much more may the Words of others be misreported and wrested contrary to their sense and meaning How great then is the Vanity and Uncertainty of Oral Tradition Men are naturally prone to mistake to mistake themselves and to mistake one another The more to be admired is their over-daring Ignorance who think they cannot err Such an haughty Opinion of a Man's self concludes him to be neither good nor wise 24 This is the disciple which testifieth of these things and wrote these things and we know that his testimony is true The great Modesty of the holy Evangelist St. John is all along throughout his Gospel very observable he mentioneth himself hitherto under a third Person he calleth himself a Disciple a Learner who excelled the most accomplish'd Doctors of the Ages ever since Here he speaks more plainly and expresly concerning himself declaring that he was an Eye-witness and an Ear-witness of what he wrote for the greater certainty thereof And this Protestation here made by the Evangelist of the Truth of what he wrote was highly necessary lest any should think that Christ's extraordinary Love and Affection to him he being the beloved Disciple should move him to exceed as we are prone to do in writing the History of their Lives who are dear to us and we to them Learn hence That this Gospel was written by John the beloved Disciple and the Narration is of Divine Truth worthy to be embraced and received by us as a perfect Rule of Faith and Life We know that his Testimony is true 25 And there are also many other things which Jesus did the which if they should be written every one I suppose that even the world it self could not contain the books that should be written Amen John being about to conclude the History of our Saviour's Life asserts that there were many other Miracles and special Deeds done by Christ both before and after his Passions which he had not recorded or set down because should all that Christ did and said be committed to Writing it would even fill the World the Volumes would be so many From hence we gather 1. The wonderful Activity Industry and Diligence of the Lord Jesus Christ that he was never Idle but that his whole Life was spent in doing Good because should all the particular Instances have been recorded it would amount to an incredible Bulk Learn 2. That it is impossible to get all said which might be said of Christ and in his Commendation such is the transcendent Excellency of his Person and the Weakness of our Apprehensions and Judgments that if all were written which might be written concerning him the World it self could not contain the Books which should be written Learn lastly That although many of Christ's Sermons Conferences Miracles and Actions be not Recorded yet it doth not follow nor can it be inferr'd from thence That any necessary Doctrine is omitted or not sufficiently confirmed There being so much written as it pleased God we should know and was necessary for us to know in
Crime but bids her Accusers look at home and examine their own Consciences whether they were not Guilty of the like or as great a Sin He doth not say Let her be stoned this had been against the course of his Mercy he doth not say Let her not be stoned this had been against the Law of Moses but he so Answers that both his Justice and his Mercy are intire she dismissed and they ashamed It is a false Zeal that is Eagle-eyed abroad and blind at home Such as are most wicked themselves are oftimes most ready and skilful to spie out the faults and failings of others We stand too near our selves to discern our own miscarriages The Eye that sees every thing sees not it self Observe 6. Tho' Christ abhorred the Sin yet he does not condemn the Sinner Hath no Man condemned thee Neither do I condemn thee says Christ This Christ said not to excuse the Woman or to connive at her offence but to shew that he declined the Office of a Civil Judge which was to pass Sentence on Criminals He therefore doth not say No Man ought to condemn thee but hath no Man condemned thee Christ doth not execute the Office of a Magistrate in judging her to Death but of a Minister in calling her to Repentance and Reformation How ought every one of us to keep within the bounds of our calling when our Saviour himself will not intrench upon the Office and Functions of others Observe Lastly Our Saviour's cautionary Direction to this Adulteress Go and sin no more Where Note Christ doth not say Go and commit Adultery no more but Go and sin no more It is not a partial Repentance or a turning away from this or that particular Sin that will denominate us true Penitents or intitle us to the pardoning Mercy of God but a leaving off all Sin of what kind soever Therefore says Christ Go and sin no more 12 ¶ Then spake Jesus again unto them saying I am the light of the world he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life 13 The Pharisees therefore said unto him Thou bearest record of thy self thy record is not true 14 Jesus answered and said unto them Though I bear record of my self yet my record is true for I know whence I came and whither I go but ye cannot tell whence I come and whither I go 15 Ye judge after the flesh I judge no man 16 And yet if I judge my judgment is true for I am not alone but I and the Father that sent me 17 It is also written in your law that the testimony of two men is true 18 I am one that bear witness of my self and the Father that sent me beareth witness of me 19 Then said they unto him Where is thy Father Jesus answered Ye neither know me nor my Father if ye had known me ye should have known my Father also 20 These words spake Jesus in the treasury as he taught in the temple and no man laid hands on him for his hour was not yet come Our Blessed Saviour having baffled the design which the Pharisees had upon him and shewed a Spirit of Divine Wisdom in delivering himself from that snare which they had laid for him He returns to instruct the People in the Treasury And here Note 1. He instructs them in the nature of his Office which was to inlighten all Men with the Knowledge of Divine Truth so that they should not walk in Darkness either of Sin or Error but be led to Eternal Life Learn hence That the great End and Errand of Christ's coming into the World it was to give Light unto poor Souls that sat in Darkness Observe 2. The Exception which the Pharisees made against our Saviour's Testimony of himself Thou bearest Record of thy self thy Record is not True Indeed such is the Corrupt Nature of Man which is prone to seek it self and hunt after vain Glory that it may render a person's Testimony of himself suspected but Christ being true God that cannot Lye and coming out of the Bosom of his Father as his Ambassador his Testimony of himself is above all Exception and ought to be credited without farther proof Observe 3. How Christ challenges his Enemies the Pharisees for judging carnally of him and according to the meanness of his outward appearance whereas he judged no Man That is First No Man as they judged according to outward shew or 2dly I judge no Man that is at present My proper work is not to Condemn any but to Teach all and my present Office is that of a Prophet not of a Judge My coming now is to Instruct and Save the World my next coming will be to Judge and Condemn it Observe 4. Christ declares that he is not alone in the Testimony given of himself but that the Father did also Testifie and bear Witness of him and that according to their own Law the Testimony of Two was always accounted and esteemed valid Now says Christ If so much weight be to be laid upon the Testimony of Two Men how much more forcibly should the Testimony of the Father and of him whom the Father hath sent satisfie you that what I say of my self is True Learn hence That the Father and the Son tho' one in Essence and Operation yet are distinct persons Secondly That these distinct persons did bear joint witness concerning Christ God the Father testified of him by a Voice from Heaven and Christ as God bare witness of himself as Man and as Mediatour Surely out of the mouth of Two such Witnesses the Truth of Christ's Divine Mission is sufficiently established 21 Then said Jesus again unto them I go my way and ye shall seek me and shall die in your sins whither I go ye cannot come 22 Then said the Jews Will he kill himself because he saith Whither I go ye cannot come 23 And he said unto them Ye are from beneath I am from above ye are of this world I am not of this world 24 I said therefore unto you that ye shall die in your sins for if ye believe not that I am he ye shall die in your sins Observe here A dreadful Threatning denounced by Christ against the Obstinate and Unbelieving Jews ye shall die in your sins that is in the Guilt of your Sins under the Power and undergoing the punishment of your Sins Lord what a sad word is this ye shall die in your Sins Oh better it is a Thousand times to die in a Ditch for they that die in their Sins shall rise in their Sins and stand before Christ in their Sins such as lie down in Sin in the Grave shall have Sin lie down with them in Hell to all Eternity The Sins of Believers go to the Grave before them Sin dieth while they Live But the Sins of Unbelievers go to the Grave with them While they live they are dead in Sin and by Sin they fall into
Death from which there is no Recovery unto Life Observe Secondly The grand Sin for which this great Punishment is threatned and that is the Sin of Unbelief If ye Believe not that I am he ye shall Die in your Sins Plainly intimating that of all Sins Infidelity or Unbelief is the grand damning Sin under the Gospel The Devil hath as great an advantage upon Men by making them strong in Unbelief as God hath by making his People strong in Faith Unbelief renders a Sinner's case desperate and incurable it doth not only procure Damnation but no Damnation like it 25 Then said they unto him Who art thou And Jesus saith unto them Even the same that I said unto you from the beginning 26 I have many things to say and to judge of you but he that sent me is true and I speak to the world those things which I have heard of him 27 They understood not that he spake to them of the Father 28 Then said Jesus unto them When ye have lift up the the Son of man then shall ye know that I am he and that I do nothing of my self but as my Father hath taught me I speak these things The Jews hearing our Saviour denouncing such a terrible Threatning against them because they Believed not on him in the foregoing Verses Here they perversely ask him who he was Our Saviour replies That he was the same he was from the Beginning even the very Christ and that they were the very same they were also the mortal Enemies and opposers of the Truth But that the time was hastning when they should be fully convinced who he was Namely When they had lifted him upon his Cross when he was Risen again and ascended into Heaven and brought that destruction upon them which he had so often threatned Learn hence That the Sufferings of Christ were clear and convincing Demonstrations both who he was and what he was the darkning of the Sun the quaking of the Earth the rending of the Rocks the opening of the Graves were such convincing Proofs of his Deity that they could not but say Verily this was the Son of God 29 And he that sent me is with me the Father hath not left me alone for I do always those things that please him That is he that sent and Commissioned me for the great work of Redemption he is continually with me both to assist and to accept me I doing every thing that is agreeable to his Holy Will and Pleasure Hence learn 1. That the work of Redemption in the hands of Jesus Christ was a work well pleasing to God the Father the work it self was highly pleasing to him and Christ's way of managing it was well pleasing also 2. That the Reason why it was thus pleasing to God was because he acted in a constant conformity to his Father's Will kept to his Father's Commission and executed his Father's Commands Doing always those things that pleased him Learn 3. That as the Father and Christ were inseparable in respect of the Unity of the Divine Essence So the Father was always with Christ as Mediatour both to support and to uphold him to accept and to reward him The Father hath not left me alone either in the doing of his Will or in the suffering of his Pleasure Learn 4. That those who desire the gracious and special presence of God with them in all Conditions particularly in times of Suffering and Trouble they must make it their care and study to please God and to observe his Will in all things Then God will be with them in his guiding presence in his strengthning presence in his comforting in his quickning in his sanctifying sympathising and accepting presence 30 As he spake these words many believed on him 31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him If ye continue in my word then are ye my disciples indeed 32 And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free Observe here 1. The Blessed Fruit and Success of our Saviour's foregoing Discourse concerning his Person and Office As he spake these words many Believed on him Not by their own natural Power and Ability but by Christ's omnipotent and efficacious Grace he that spake to the Ear caused his word to reach the Heart Christ himself that planted and watred gave also the Encrease Observe 2. The Love and Care of Christ mentioned to these new Converts he watreth immediately these Plants with wholesome Advice and Counsel If ye continue in my word then are ye my Disciples indeed Where Note It must be Christ's word the true Doctrine of the Gospel and this abided and continued in which will evidence our Discipleship Observe 3. A special priviledge which shall follow upon abiding in the Doctrine of Christ they shall increase in the Knowledge of it and be made free by it Ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free Where Note That Man is naturally in Bondage and Captivity by blindness of Mind by hardness of Heart by rebellion of Will 2. That the means appointed by God for setting him at Liberty from this Captivity and Bondage is the word of Christ and the Doctrine of the Gospel The Truth shall make you free 33 ¶ They answered him We be Abrahams seed and were never in bondage to any man how sayest thou Ye shall be made free 34 Jesus answered them Verily verily I say unto you Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin 35 And the servant abideth not in the house for ever but the Son abideth ever 36 If the Son therefore shall make you free ye shall be free indeed Observe here How these Carnal Jews understand all that our Saviour said to be spoken in and after a Carnal manner when he spake to them before of eating his Flesh and drinking his Blood they understood it grosly of his natural Body When he speaks to them here of a Spiritual freedom from Sin they understand it of a Civil freedom from servile Bondage and Subjection Alledging They were Abraham's Seed and never in Bondage to any Which was a manifest untruth having been in Bondage to their Ancestors to the Egyptians and Babylonians and in their own persons to the Romans But this was not the Bondage that Christ meant but a Spiritual Slavery and Thraldom under the Dominion of Sin and Power of Satan For he that committeth Sin is the Servant of Sin That is whosoever doth habitually wilfully deliberately and constantly allow and tollerate himself in a sinful course he is under the Servitude and Thraldom of Sin Every Sinner is a Bondslave and to live in Sin is to live in Slavery And this every Man doth till the Son makes him free Then and not till then is he free indeed Learn hence That interest in Christ and continuance in his Doctrine sets the Soul at liberty from all that Bondage whereunto it was subject in its natural and sinful State Oh happy exchange from being the
ye dead and come to Judgment Observe lastly How readily obedient Lazarus was to the Call and Command of Christ He that was dead came forth and if Lazarus did thus instantly start up at the Voice of Christ in the Day of his Humiliation how shall the dead be rouzed up out of their Graves by that Voice which will shake the powers of Heaven and move the Foundations of the Earth in the Day of his Glorification Question But where was Lazarus his Soul all this while that he was dead if in Heaven was it not a wrong to him to come from thence If not doth it not prove that the Soul sleeps as well as the Body Ans Souls go not to Heaven by Necessitation as the Fire naturally and necessarily ascends upward But are disposed of by God as the supream Governour those that have served him go to Heaven and those that have served the Devil to Hell and those that are not yet judged to either place but are to live presently again upon Earth as Lazarus was are reserved by God accordingly whether shut up in the Body as in a Swound or whether kept in the Custody and Hands of an Angel not far from the Body waiting his pleasure either to restore it to the Body or to return it to its proper place of Bliss or Misery The Scripture has not told us whether and it would be too great Curiosity to inquire and greater presumption to determine 45 Then many of the Jews which came to Mary and had seen the things which Jesus did believed on him 46 But some of them went their ways to the Pharisees and told them what things Jesus had done 47 ¶ Then gathered the chief priests and the Pharisees a council and said What do we for this man doeth many miracles 48 If we let him thus alone all men will believe on him and the Romans shall come and take away both our place and nation Observe here 1. The different Effects which this Miracle had upon those Jews who were present at the raising of Lazarus Some of them believed on Christ but others persisting in their Unbelief went to the Pharisees and informed against him Notwithstanding all the Evidence which our Saviour gave of his being the Messias by the Miracles which he wrought yet many rejected him and refused to believe in him to their unutterable and inevitable Condemnation Obs 2. How greatly disturbed the Pharisees were upon the Account of our Saviour's Miracles Knowing how proper an Argument they were to convince Men they concluded that if Christ were suffered to go on and work Miracles he would draw all Men after him Learn thence That Jesus proved himself to be the true Messias by the Miracles which he wrought his Enemies themselves being Judges For we find here the worst of our Saviour's Enemies were afraid of his Miracles that by them he would draw all Men after him If we let him alone all Men will believe on him Obs 3. What was the Ground of the Pharisees fear if they let Christ go on to work Miracles that he would have so many Followers as would Alarm the Romans and awaken their Jealousie and cause them to come upon them with an Army to deprive them of the little Liberty they indulged them and take away their Place and Nation Their Place that is their Place of Worship the Temple And their Nation that is bring the whole Body of the Jewish Nation to utter Destruction Learn hence How all the Enemies and Opposers of Christ and his Kingdom do endeavour to colour their Quarrel with some specious Pretences that they may hide the odiousness of their Practices from the Eye of the World and may not be openly seen to fight against God Thus the Pharisees here persecute our Saviour not as the Messias though the Miracles he wrought were a sufficient Evidence that he was such but as one who would bring Ruine upon their Nation If we let him alone the Romans will come and take away both our Place and Nation 49 And one of them named Caiaphas being the high-priest that same year said unto them Ye know nothing at all 50 Nor consider that it is expedient for us that one man should die for the people and that the whole nation perish not 51 And this spake he not of himself but being high-priest that year he prophesied that Jesus should die for that nation 52 And not for that nation only but that also he should gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad The foregoing Verses acquainted us with the Apprehension which the chief Priests had of the Necessity of taking away the Life of our blessed Saviour Lest the Romans should take away both their Place and Nation Now here in these Verses Caiaphas the High-Priest delivers his Opinion for the preventing of this danger he tells the rest that they ought not to boggle at the Matter but come to a positive and peremptory Resolution to provide for the Publick Safety Right or Wrong and that it is great Folly to prefer one Man's Life though never so innocent before a Nations Welfare a most wicked and devilish Speech as a Judge he regarded not what was lawful but as a wicked Politician he consulted what was expedient he declares that one Man though never so good and holy though never so just and innocent had better dye than a whole Nation suffer Whereas it is in any case unlawful to do Evil that Good may come Learn hence That although it be the Duty of all Persons to pray for and endeavour after the publick Welfare of a Church and Nation whereof they are Members yet it is altogether unlawful to promote the greatest National Good by wicked and unlawful Means Observe further How God over-ruled the Tongue of Caiaphas beyond his own intention prophetically to foretel that great good which by our Saviour's death should redound to the World And that the Fruit and Benefit of his death should not only extend to the Jews but to the Gentiles also and that he should gather into one Body or Church all that truly believe in him though far and wide dispersed upon the Face of the Earth Hence learn 1. That the Spirit of Prophecy did sometimes fall upon very bad Men and God has been pleased to reveal some part of his Mind to the worst of Men. Thus Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezar had in their Dreams a Revelation from God what things he intended to do Learn 2. That it is consistent with the Holiness of God sometimes to make use of the Tongues of the worst of Men to publish and declare his Will Caiaphas here though a vile and wicked Man was influenced by God to prophesie and speak an Oracle Almighty God may when he please employ wicked Men this way without any prejudice to his Holiness This Caiaphas spake not of himself but being High-Priest he prophesied that Jesus should dye for that Nation 53 Then from that day forth