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A14710 An hundred, threescore and fiftene homelyes or sermons, vppon the Actes of the Apostles, written by Saint Luke: made by Radulpe Gualthere Tigurine, and translated out of Latine into our tongue, for the commoditie of the Englishe reader. Seene and allowed, according to the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions; In Acta Apostolorum per Divum Lucam descripta, homiliƦ CLXXV. English Gwalther, Rudolf, 1519-1586.; Bridges, John, d. 1618. 1572 (1572) STC 25013; ESTC S118019 1,228,743 968

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and clamor with vniust force wyth stones swordes firebrandes and whatsoeuer other instrumentes of the power of darckenesse With these we reade the Prophetes were in tymes past assaulted With such they disputed agaynst christ And the hystorie following will shewe howe they vsed the same agaynst the Apostles But bicause Christ hath many times giuen vs warning of these thinges we must not be offended at the same Let vs therefore be so prepared that they light not vpon vs vnawares and vnlooked for It is worthy of great obseruation and heede that whyle they rage most in violence and wrong yet they seeme to obserue a kinde of lawe and equitie For bicause they had accused him of blasphemie agaynst God and false doctrine therefore they gyue him the punishment appoynted of God for blasphemers and seducers And the witnesses as is prescribed in the law threwe the first stones at him which to doe with the more ease they put of their apparel and deliuer it vnto Saule to keepe who after he was conuerted vnto Christ was called Paule Therefore here wanteth nothing belonging to the forme of lawe And Steuen myght seeme iustly to haue suffered and according to the lawe But that is not alwayes lawfully done which hath a shewe of lawe and we must deepely wey the causes of punishments or else we shall grieuouslye erre in our iudgement In the meane season marke howe God sometime suffreth the wicked with whose rage he will haue his people exercised to fyll vp the measure of their wickednesse And by example of the witnesses we are taught howe farre impietie proceedeth if it be not stopped at the beginning They sinned in bearing of false wytnesse being neyther ignoraunt of the lawe of God neyther of the punishment appoynted for false wytnesses And they are not afrayde that Salomon sayth the Lorde hateth and vtterly abhorreth a false witnesse They are not yet contented to haue committed so horrible a fault but they go further and embrue their handes with innocent bloude where also they were not ignorant of that that is written in the lawe touching murtherers So true it is that Salomon sayth when the wicked are once ouer their shooes there is no hoe with them Let vs therefore feare the entycing beginnings of sinne least whyle they instill into vs an hatred to the worde of God we sticking fast in the toughe myer thereof be at length wholye swallowed vp of the great gulfe of vngodlynesse The things sayde of Saule who as it is written consented to the death of the holye man and receyued great pleasure therein make a waye and preparation to the hystorie following and for the setting forth of the glory of god But of these things more shall be sayde in their place It remayneth that we declare howe Steuen behaued himselfe when he was put to this cruell death where three thinges are tolde of him First he called vpon the Lorde which thing we beleeue he continually vsed to doe And it is expressed that he prayed in three wordes Lorde Iesu receyue my spirite These wordes haue in them the confession of a true fayth and an argument and token of a great and strong beliefe For being on euery side beset with the terrors of death yet he acknowledgeth and confesseth that Christ is his Sauiour folowing the example of the theefe crucified with Christ. Further he beleeueth that the soules dye not in death but passe to the state of a better life yea he knoweth that euen in death through fayth in Christ men fynde lyfe This is a great prayse of fayth that euen then it is inuincible and comforteth vs when all other helpes fayle Also Steuens example teacheth vs to whome to commende our soules when we be at the poynt of death Not to Saintes as the superstitious vse but vnto Christ our Lorde who as he hath redeemed them with the pryce of his bloude so by his resurrection he hath ouercome death and by his ascention into heauen hath prepared for vs a place in the which we shall be gathered vnto him Secondarily Steuen sheweth a token of charitie which can not be seperated from fayth For folowing the example and commaundement of Christ he prayeth for his enimies that God woulde not punishe them for their sinne as they deserued This reprooueth the wickednesse of his enimies which put him to death as an enimie of the common weale which witnesseth by his last wysh he made that no man was more desirous of all mennes welfare than he But this is the state of the vngodly in this worlde the chiefe cause of whose infelicitie is this that they neyther can knowe their benefactors nor beware of the most daungerous enimies of the publike weale Let vs learne to extende our charitie euen to the ingratefull and with godly prayers commende them to God which moste grieuously offende agaynst vs And let vs not suffer our selues to be feared with the wickednesse of men forasmuch as Gods iudgements be vnknown to vs and God lightly vseth not to reueale vnto euery man who they be that are incurable amongest men as we reade he did sometime vnto Ieremie 7.14.15 cap. Let vs also be stirred vppe with the effect of this prayer which the conuersion of Saule alone prooueth was not fruitelesse Last of all is sayd that Steuen hauing thus spoken fell on sleepe whom yet his enimies hoped now with his doctrine to haue now bene cleane dispatched out of the way The scripture oftentimes vseth this word slepe speaking of the death of the godly For so is the condicion propertie of death set forth Death is the resolution or dissolution of man consisting of soule and body In this death the soule neyther dyeth nor sleepeth but passeth into lyfe euerlasting as Christ sayth Iohn 5. Wherevpon death hath aptly bene called a passing into heauen The body is sayde to sleepe bicause it is layde in the earth as it were to sleepe out of the which in the latter daye it shall be raysed vp by Christ that it may also enioye the blysse of heauenly lyfe There are euerywhere testimonies of Scripture concerning these things and occasion shall serue oftentimes to intreate of the same Wherefore we nowe meane to be briefe Let vs set Steuen before vs to imitate that when we shall depart this lyfe our soules being gone before to the dwellings of the blessed and happy we being at the last gloriously raysed vp also in body may attayne to the inheritance of the kingdome of heauen through Iesus Christ our Lorde to whome be prayse honour power and glory for euer Amen The eyght chapiter vpon the Actes of the Apostles The .lvj. Homelie AT that tyme there was a great persecution agaynst the congregation which was at Hierusalem and they were all scattered abrode throughout the regions of Iurie and Samarie except the Apostles But deuout men dressed Steuen and made great lamentation ouer him As for Saule he made hauocke of the
by hys example pacience and obedience in bearing the Crosse as he admonisheth vs oft tymes in the Gospell And Peter wryteth thus to the same purpose Christ suffered for vs leauing vs an example that we should follow his steppes which did no sinne neyther was there any guyle founde in his mouth which when he was reuyled reuyled not agayne when he suffred he threatened not Howbeit the Prophete ioyneth vnto the death of Christ the victorie which he gate by hys death saying Bicause of hys humblenesse he was not esteemed By the name of humblenesse is vnderstanded the state of the crosse and of death whereby it appeareth that he was outwardly humbled or brought downe This is therefore the meaning of his wordes where he seemed altogyther oppressed and destitute of helpe God of his iust iudgement reuenged hys cause and declared he was the Conquerour of death and of Satan although he seemed conquered Thys agreeth with the first promise where it is sayde the Serpent shoulde sting Christ in the heele but that Christ should treade vpon his heade The same did Dauid prophecie should come to passe where he sayth He shall drinke of the brooke in the way therefore shall he lift vp his head For where by the merite of his death he purged our sinne and tooke it away he also spoyled and disarmed death which by reason of sinne had power vpon vs Shortly after being rysen from death he openly declared that death and the Deuil had no power vpon him wherefore he most gloriously tryumphed ouer all his enimies And thys is that glory which he desyreth hys father so often to gyue hym The consideration hereof is verie necessarie For it serueth for the confirmation of our fayth that we be not offended neyther at Christs crosse nor our owne For as Christ by the Crosse entred into the glorie of his father and dyed and was raysed agayne from death for our sake to declare he was a Lord and sauiour as well of the quick as of the dead so we by death ouercome and whether we lyue or dye we be the Lords And as God reuenged Christes cause although he seemed altogyther oppressed so he vseth to defende and preserue the memorie of them that be hys that their godlynesse who now are punished by shamefull deathes as wicked men malefactours may be knowne to them that come after them Wherevnto are to be referred the examples as well of the Prophets as the Apostles Moreouer after victory followeth a kingdome to the which he attrybuteth an euerlastingnesse and vnspeakeable power saying But who shall declare his generation Thys worde generation according to the vsage of the Hebrues is taken as well for the age of a man as for his posteritie Both these declare the contynuall enduring of his kingdome For the Angell testifyeth that his kingdome is euerlasting where he sayth vnto Mary Of his kingdome shall be none ende Likewise Christes posteritie is euerlasting For they which by him are made the children of God shall neuer fayle And as there shall be alwayes vpon the earth such as he shall acknowledge for the sonnes of God and coheyres with him so they being taken out of this worlde shall liue and reigne for euer with him For this is the effect and summe of his last will which before his death he would haue his father to ratifie Father I will that they which thou hast giuen mee bee with me where I am that they may see my glorie which thou hast giuen mee Touching them both the holy ghost teacheth vs by the Prophete saying The seede of Dauid shall endure for euer and his seate is like as the Sunne before me He shall stand fast for euermore as the Moone and as the faythfull witnesse in heauen And this is that thing wherein Christes kingdome differeth from all the kingdomes of the worlde For they all shall perishe neyther remayneth any of those auncient and riche Monarchies and they which remayne and flourishe this day doe euidently portend their ruine and decay Hereof may two things be gathered the knowledge whereof is very profitable First the perpetuitie or euerlasting continuance of Christes church which being assaulted from the beginning of the worlde endureth yet vntill this present day and shall endure euen vntill the ende of the worlde as he hath promised By which argument we may comfort our selues against al the assaultes of Tyrannes Next the certaintie of eternall life dependeth hereon without the which it is most vaine that is written of fayth and religion as Paule disputing of the resurrection from death hath taught For if Christes posteritie be ineffable and therefore eternall then must there bee an other life after this to say an heauenly and an eternall And so it remayneth both firme and stable that Paule sayth that neyther life nor death can seperate vs from the loue of God. But bicause the things be of most importaunce and weight which he speaketh of Christes victorie and Kingdome he repeateth the cause of them againe which is For his life is taken from the earth What can be more absurde if we consider the iudgement of the fleshe He sayde Christ should be a conquerour and raigne for euer And he alleageth the cause of his victorie and kingdome to be for that his life shoulde be made away vppon the earth But we haue declared before that this thing agreeth with the first promise And Paule is a most faythfull Interpretour of this place where he sayth Iesus Christ when he was in the shape of God thought it no robberie to be equall with god Neuerthelesse he made himselfe of no reputation taking on him the shape of a seruaunt and becamelyke vnto men and was found in his apparell as a man hee humbled himselfe and became obedient vnto the death euen the death of the Crosse. Wherfore God hath also exalted him ▪ and giuen him a name which is aboue all names that in the name of Iesus euery knee should bowe both of things in heauen and things in earth and that all tongues shoulde confesse that Iesus Christ is the Lorde vnto the prayse of God the father These things serue for our consolation that we be not offended at death For as it behooued Christ should be taken from the earth to obteyne the victorie and a kingdome in heauen so is it impossible that we shall lyue and reigne in heauen vnlesse we also chaunge this present life for the eternall For as Paule sayth This corruptible bodie must put on incorruptiblenesse and this mortal● must put on immortalitie And to be short such is the reason of our societie with 〈◊〉 that we can enter into life none other way than by death whereby he entered Wherevpon the Apostle sayth If we dye with him we shall liue with him ▪ If we suffer with hym we shall also raigne with him For God will haue vs like to his
shall be rewarded 300 W ante E. Weakenesse of man acknowledgeth not goddes workes   Wrake must not be yelded to in outwarde thinges   Weakenesse of manne hath neede of Gods tuition   W ante H Whoredome   W ante I Wickednesse hath hir degrees 682 Wicked meete in hell 541 Wicked in subiection to Gods commaundement 834 Wycked stryue in vayne agaynst Christ. 536 Wycked keepe a countenaunce of equitye 351 Wicked though they bee of sundrye opinions among themselues yet they are soone agreede against Christe and the truth 805 Wicked then rage most when theyr ende draweth neerest 315 Wicked laye all disturbaunces and troubles to the godlyes charge Pag. 562 Wickeds enterprises against Christ his kingdome are vaine 285.390 and .812 Wickeds mindes vnquiet 834 Wickeds craftes what they are 809 Wickeds familiaritie must be shunned 441 Wyckeds enterprises turned vpon the aucthors heades by God. 398 Wickeds estate 493 Wickeds agreement lasteth not long Pag. 805 Wickeds propertie 115.253.354 Wicked in the Church must bee confuted 703 Wickeds feare is preposterous 644 Wickeds wordes and sayings 253 Wickeds societye daungerous and hurtfull 311 Wickeds good successe in a preamble of destruction 504 Wickeds companions shall be punished with the wicked 397 Wicked amende not by Gods iudgements 499 Wicked are suffred of God till the pit be dygged vp for them 785 Wicked what power GOD gyueth them ouer his elect 837 Wickeds number is the greater 579 Witnesse how much it comprehendeth in it 693 Witnesse what his dutie is 30.31 Wisdome of christians must be bounded 28 Wisdomes first degree is to acknowledge the corruption of nature and how all ablenesse to doe well commeth of God. 27 W ante O Worlde cannot abyde Christ and his Gospell 208 Worlde rageth against christ in vaine Pag. 126 Worlde how it receyueth the doctrine of the Apostles 190 Worldes ingratitue towards the ministers 825 Worldes troublesome estate forshewed by the Prophets 98 Worldes force a vaine thing agaynst God. 311 Worlde what affection it beareth to Gods worde 842 Workes and doctrine must ioyne and go togyther 9 Woorkes that be good 415 Workes haue none of the faythfull enimies to them 420 Workes of Christ commended 106 Workes of Christ considered what they teache vs. ibid. Workes of Christ to what ende they serue ibid. Workes of God are needefull to bee considered of 〈◊〉 157 Workes of Gods maiestie euidentlye seene in Christ. 86 Workes righteousnesse ouerthrowne Pag. 545 Worde of God is the father enlarged by the assaultes of the enimies 555 Worde of God must bee so preached that the hearers may perceyue it belongeth to them 533 Worde of God preuayleth not wyth men led onelye with humaine reason 547 Worde of God must be preached not mans deuise 899 Worde of God can not be bound 903 Worde of God wherby it is hyndred Pag. 138 Worde of God how it must be harde Pag. 44.6 Worde of God must bee preached in the Church onely 512 Worde of God neuer preached without fruite 561 Worde of God contemned is an heynous sinne 547 Worde of Gods efficatie 233 Worde of God preached is not vaine Pag. 138 Worthynesse of Gods worde 266 Worde of GOD must bee beleeued though preached but by a man. 368 Wordes of the supper vttered by a sacramentall speache 40 Worshippers of Christ being persecuted ●hrist is persecuted 397 Worshippers of Christ are taught of God. 50 Worshippers such as God riquireth Pag. 916 Worship of one God. 667 Worshippers of God truly how much hee regardeth 818 Worshipping of Creatures ouerthrowne 572 Worship is in vaine if it bee not done as God appoynteth 342 Worshippings papisticall are preposterous 339.340 Worshipping of planetes and starres Pag. 34● Worshipping of ●oloch ibid. Worshipping of ymages 343 W ante R Wrath is the worst councellour that is 264 W ante Y Wyll of God conteyned and learned in Christ onely 790.791 Wyshe of Paule 868 Z ante E ZEale preposterous in religion auayleth little vnto saluation as maye be seene in the example of Paule 400 Zeale feruent is needefull in them that should set forth Christes kingdome 549 Zeale of Godlynesse may not excuse thinges done against godlynesse and true religion 391 Zeale is necessarie in the godly 659 FINIS ❧ A TABLE OF THE PLACES OF SVCH Scriptures as are expounded in these Homelies and Annotations GEn. 3. I will put enmitie betweene thee and the woman Pag. 650 3. Thy desyre shall be to thy husband and hee shall haue the rule of thee 236 4. Cain slewe Abell his Brother Pag. 306 4. Who made mee my brothers keeper 235 12. Get thee out of thy Nation and from thy Fathers house 294 15. Thy seede shall bee a straunger Pag. 299 17. Euery man childe among you shal be circumcised 303 22. By my self haue I sworne 123 22. In thy seede shal all the Nations of the earth bee blessed 163 and. 185 26. I will perfourme the oth which I sware to Abraham thy father pag. 123 37. The Patriarches solde Ioseph their Brother 306 45. God sent mee before you to prepare c. 310 46. Iacob goeth downe into Egypt with all his familie ibid. 50. Iacob is buried in Canaan 312 EXodi 1. Pharao commaundeth the men children to bee caste away 315 2. Moses was borne when tyranny raged most 316 2. Who made thee a Ruler ouer vs pag. 322 3 I am the God of thy Father the God of Abraham 327 3 And fortye yeares after the Aungell of the Lorde appeareth too Moses in the desert of Sina in a bushe of fyre 326 19. Yee shal be vnto mee a kingdome of priestes and an holy people 95 22. Yee shall trouble no wydowe nor fatherles childe 329 32. Make vs Goddes to goe before vs. 335 LEuitici 20. Whosoeuer hee bee of the children of Israell or of the straungers that gyueth of his children vnto Moloch 342 35. The murtherer shall bee put to death 350 NUmerorum 1. Howe greatly the people of Israel was increased 596 6. The Nazarites 694 12. If there bee a Prophete of the Lordes among you I will bee knowne of him in a vision 333 DEuterono 7. The grauen Images of their Goddes shalte thou burne with fyre and couet not the golde and siluer that is on them 602 15. There shall be no begger among you 145.225 18. The Lord thy God wil stirre vp vnto thee a Prophet among you euen of thy Brethren lyke vnto mee vnto him shall yee harken pag. 177. c. 32. Uengeance is myne and I will rewarde 304 28. Thou shalt buylde an house and an other shall dwell therein 58 IOsue 10. Be not afrayd of them pag. 681 1. SAmuell 2. Them that woorship mee I will woorship pag. 242.148 15. Hath the Lorde as great pleasure in burnt sacrifices and offringes as when the voyce of the Lorde is obeyed 529 SAmuel 7. When thy dayes be fulfilled thou shalt slepe with thy Fathers and I will set vp thy se●de after thee 122 7. Who am I O Lorde God and what is my
them powers or vertues least he might seeme to haue any affinitie with Iuglers For the things which the Euangelistes write of him he did verilye and in deede and of his owne power as Luke plainely testifieth where he sayeth vertue or power went from him whereby the sicke were healed And himselfe sayth in another place power or vertue went from him when he healed the woman that was sicke of the bloudy fluxe Then he calleth Christes workes woonders bicause they exceeded the common course of nature and drewe the mindes of the beholders into an admiration and amazednesse But bicause the things whose causes we know not are oftentimes taken for woonders when in deede they portende nothing at length he calleth the thinges that Christ did signes For the workes of Christ had a certaine ende which was to beare witnesse of his Godheade and of his office For by them he was knowne to be both the sonne of God and also he that was promised to be the redeemer of the worlde For the which cause he sent the disciples of Iohn to the consideration of his works And oftentimes he inculcateth his workes to the Iewes and vpbraydeth them so that the fault of their incredulitie is the greater The works sayth he that the father hath giuen me to finishe the same workes that I doe beare witnesse of me that the father hath sent me Againe If I doe not the workes of my father beleue me not But if I doe and ye beleeue not mee beleeue the workes that ye may knowe and beleeue that the father is in me and I in him And againe If I had not done among them the woorkes which none other man did they should haue had no sinne Therfore Peter doth very wel to call the workes of Christ signes He sayth these signes were done amongest them and he calleth none other to witnesse the same but themselues to whome he preached which did see them And so he quippeth their greate waywardnesse and ingratitude which coulde not be mollified and ouercome with so many and so great benefites of Christ being so marueylous and woonderfull He also goeth about by the consideration hereof to bring them to the knowledge of Christes diuinitie wherof not long after he discourseth more largely For although he here say that God did these things by Christ yet it derogateth nothing from the power and diuinitie of Christ whereas he confesseth these workes are giuen him of the father and that the father and he be all one In these things we are taught the true knowledge of Iesus Christe He is very God and man in one vnseparable person Uerye God from euerlasting begotten of the father Man made of a woman when in the tyme appoynted he came into the worlde to be the redeemer of mankinde And we must well marke the difference of the natures to saye the diuine and humaine which neyther deuyde the vnitie of person nor by reason of the vnitie are confounded among themselues For the properties of bothe the natures remayne inuiolable whole and sounde according as the Euangelists teach vs in euery place For euen Christ himselfe which touching his diuinitie is all one with the father speaking of his manhoode confesseth his father to be greater than he And Christ in his humanitie or manhoode dyeth who in his diuinitie or godheade is subiect neyther to death ne yet to any other corruption Such an one doth the holy scripture teach vs euery where that Christe is For whome the Prophetes call the ofspring and sonne of Dauid the same they vse also to call the father of eternitie our Lorde and our god And whome they prophecie shoulde be borne in Bethlehem his progresse and outgoing they confesse to haue beene from the beginning and from euerlasting Yea the Lorde himselfe speaking of Christ sayth Aryse O thou sworde vpon my shepehearde and vppon the man which is my fellow or as some interprete it my coequall In the which words the two natures of Christ are more cleerely to be seene than the day For God calleth him Virum that is a very man and also testifieth that he is his coequall Manye other testimonies might be brought to this purpose if neede so were which they that reade the scriptures maye euerye where see On these things rest the first articles of our fayth and beliefe in christ For we protest that we beleeue in the onely begotten sonne of God our Lorde Iesus Christ which was conceyued by the holy ghost borne of the virgin Marie and so foorth To the declaration whereof all those things serue that are written in the Euangelistes concerning the mysterye of his incarnation See Luke 1. 2. Iohn 1. Math. 1. It shall be profitable for vs to holde fast the knowledge of both natures in Christ bicause that vppon these dependeth the office of Christ and the certaintie of our saluation For where it is manifest that he is both God and man we certainly beleeue that he is a mediatour betweene God and man bicause such ought to be the condition of a sequester or mediatour that he may be accepted of both the parties at variance But the infirmity of man was not able to abyde the rigour and maiestie of Gods iustice no more than the iustice of God alloweth mans righteousnesse which is nothing Therefore Iesus Christ was founde out who being the sonne of God of the same eternitie and substance with God was made man and ioyned both the natures so togither in one person that by his meane we haue a peace renued with God and a free entrance prepared to the throne of grace His merite the father can not deny bicause he is both his beloued sonne and also free himselfe from all sinne and wickednesse To him also maye we safelye trust considering he hath experience of our infirmities and knoweth howe to haue compassion on vs Wherevnto Paule had a respect saying We haue not an high Priest which cannot haue compassion on our infirmities but was in all poyntes tempted lyke as we are but yet without sinne Agayne Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of fleshe and bloude he himselfe also lykewise tooke part with them that through death he myght vanquishe him that had Lordship ouer death that is to say the deuill and that he myght deliuer them which through feare of death were all theyr lyfe time subdued vnto bondage For he in no place taketh on him the Angels but the seede of Abraham taketh he on him Wherefore in all things it became him to be made lyke vnto his brethren that he might be mercifull and a faithfull high Priest in things concerning God for to purge the peoples sinnes For in that it came to passe that he himselfe was tempted he is able to succour thē also that are tempted The consideration of these things might teach men how they dote which leaue this only mediatour Iesus Christ and turne
sandales And so he did And he sayth vnto him cast thy garment about thee and follow me And he came out and followed him And wyst not that it was truth which was done by the Aungell but thought he had seene a vision When they were past the first and the seconde watche they came vnto the yron gate that leadeth vnto the Citie which opened to them by the owne accord And they went out and passed through one strete and forthwith the Aungell departed from him And when Peter was come to himselfe he sayde Nowe I knowe of a suretie that the Lorde hath sent his Aungell and hath deliuered me out of the hands of Herode and from all the wayting for of the people of the Iewes THe Euangelist Luke in the description of this present hystorie compriseth three things very worthy to be remembred First he sheweth as it were in a glasse the state and condicion of the Church of Christ which God suffreth to be tryed with diuers troubles afflictions Secondly he teacheth what the dutie of euery Christian is when the tempest of persecution ariseth that is to say that euery one should remember the fellowship which they haue togither in Christ think that their brethrens case is their owne when they can none otherways help them being so afflicted at the least to make their harty continuall praiers to God for them For this he sayth the congregation did when Herode did cast Peter in prison Thirdly he setteth forth vnto vs an example of the kindenesse and fauor of God whereby he teacheth vs that God hath then most care of his people when they seeme moste destitute both of Gods helpe and mannes And in this part maye be perceyued the effect of godly prayers which the beleeuers in those dayes founde in all points agreeable to Gods promises For the holy Ayostle of Christ is myraculously deliuered and all the power and pollicie of Herode is fayne to giue place to the prayers of the Church seeing that neyther watch nor yron chaynes nor fast locked doores nor yron barred gates were able to holde him whome God woulde deliuer at the intercession of his people It shall behooue vs diligently to consider this place bicause Luke is so diligent in describing euery circumstance that he leaueth out nothing be it neuer so little for that euery poynt therof serueth much both for our comfort and instruction He beginneth with the time not so much after the common vsage of Hystoriographers as for that it serueth greatly for the better setting forth of Gods benefyte For he wryteth that Peter was set at libertie that nyght after that Herode had purposed to put him to death Whereby it appeareth that this deliuery was suspended for certaine dayes in the which time Peter abode the annoyance of imprisonment and the congregation continued in feruent prayer and the Iewes burning in hatred against Christ lyke gaping Cormorants greedily wayted for so excellent a mannes death But euen in a moment of time when the space but of one nyght seemed to lette their expectation the Lorde egregiously deluded them and deliuered hys seruant from the sworde hanging ouer his necke Whereby we are taught that God vseth sometime to deferre his helpe but yet not vtterlye to forget and forsake vs but rather meaneth thereby to trye and prooue vs and to make his benefite seeme the more notable when we see it commeth to passe beyonde all hope and helpe of man This was the cause that long agone he then deliuered the people of Israel when they were constrayned to make awaye their infantes and to mannes thinking were past all hope of recouering their libertie againe And he brought them through the middle of the redde sea when the Egyptians were almost on their backes and ready to set vpon them Hereto also is Ezechias to be referred whom God euen then helped when Sannecherib was ready as it seemed to haue taken the Citie The vse of all these things is that we should learne paciently to abide Gods leysure and to prescribe him no meane or time howe to appoynt his affaires For although Christ seeme sometime to be a sleepe in the sterne of the shippe yet he vseth in time conuenient to helpe our afflictions and to calme and cease all stormes and tempestes After this he describeth howe Peter was minded and affected in such a present daunger And verilye if a man consider the common course of the world it would seeme he shoulde haue bene ready to die for feare seeing by reason of Iames late putting to death and his straight watching there was no hope of any better helpe Therefore what should he doe but crye out and lament his owne state and case But this glorious souldiour of Christ is set out to vs to be of a farre other minde For Luke writeth that he lay a sleepe fast bounde with two chaines betweene the two souldiours That this was no token of sloth or sluggishnesse but rather an argument of true faith and sure confidence may be gathered hereby for that we hearde before when the Apostles were scourged with rods they went out reioycing and being glad that they were iudged worthy to suffer for Christes sake Let vs here compare Herode and Peter togither and it shall easily appeare howe great difference is betweene the wicked and the true worshippers of god That Herode was carefull and much troubled howe he might handsomely compasse his intended persecution against Christ may hereby appeare in that he causeth Peter who had neyther will nor power to doe anye hurt to be bound with chaines as it had bene a fierce and sauage beast and to be kept with souldiers lying at eche syde of him and before the prison doores and to haue yron gates to be barred against him What troubles and vexations of minde felt he thinke you in other thinges that was so carefull onely for Peters keeping But in how much better case is Peter which sleepeth soundlye while the tyraunt can take no rest all the night long And that that is in this example declared may be applyed to all such as he is For such is the state of all the wicked that they procure themselues traueyles and cares while they thinke to bring their matters to passe by their owne deuises and strength And bicause they haue to doe with Christ whose inuincible power they feele both in outwarde affaires and also in their consciences euen against their willes therefore they neuer rest deuising how to shake of his yoke and to breake his bridle See the ymage of these men painted out by Dauid And therefore the Lord sayth the wicked haue no peace but rage and boyle in minde like the restlesse sea Esa. 48. .57 But the godly bicause they hope in the equitie of their cause repose themselfe in the prouidence of God wherevpon they know that both themselues and all their doings depende and so expulse all feare and care
taught that the prayers of the godly are so accepted with God that many times his goodnesse farre exceedeth them by graunting more than they dare presume to aske For although these people made continuall intercession to him for Peter yet it appeareth by this place that they had no hope in his deliuery They knewe well ynough that nothing was impossible vnto god But they perceyued not why God woulde saue Peter seeing he suffred Iames to die so vnwoorthy a death Therfore I suppose they desired God in their prayers that Peter by his grace might be strengthned in the confession of the truth and that for Christes sake he might stoutely ouercome the terrors of death And beyonde all hope they see Peter by the helpe of God restored to them againe which was an infallible argument of Gods goodnesse whereby they were taught that God woulde not suffer his Church to be torne in sunder of Tyrantes seeing he so faythfully defended the Ministers thereof There are infynite examples of like kynde which euery one may euerywhere see that readeth eyther the Scriptures or other writers And if we woulde but a little diligentlyer marke the iudgements of God we should see the like fall out in our owne affayres Let vs learne therefore constantly to hope in the Lorde and to commit our matters and our selues vnto his care and prouidence The other thing to be here obserued is that they suppose it was Peters Aungell that appeared For the godly people acknowledged what is sayde in the Scriptures touching the defence and ayde of the Aungels For no man ought to thinke that they ymagined any superstition deuoyde of syncere religion For there are Oracles of Scripture whereby we are taught that God hath appoynted the Aungels to be the Tutors and Ministers of man as may be seene Psal. 54. and 91. And we haue examples whereby it is manifest they haue appeared in visible fourme Therefore they neyther in foolish sort nor wicked vttered these words at Peters sodeyne comming Yet are we not ignorant that hereof sprang the common error that the superstitious had of the two Aungels appointed to euery man which error wee reiect for good considerations bicause the Scripture defyneth not for certaine any thing touching the number of Aungels whether it is one two or three or whole armies of Aungels that defende one man as wee reade of Iacob and Helisaeus Much lesse thinke wee them to bee hearde which saye that the soules of those that bee deade walke vp and downe and appeare For that opinion repugneth against the doctrine of Christ and the veritie of our fayth whereby we are taught that the soules of the godlye passe from death vnto life and that the soules of the wicked are caryed into hell and can not returne from thence agayne See Christ reasoning of these poynts in Iohn 5. and Luc. 16. Let it be sufficient for vs that the Aungels are the Ministers of God which vseth them at his pleasure for the safegarde of his elect and let vs acknowledge the worthynesse and dignitie of man which ought to be no small prouocation for vs vnto godlynesse Nowe is it time to turne agayne vnto Peter He beckoneth with his hande vnto the brethren being partly surprised with ioye and partly wyth amazednesse to keepe silence and rehearseth all thing in order as it was done declaring that God was the onely worker of this benefite And further he warneth them to signify these things to the residue of the brethren but chiefly vnto Iames the sonne of Alphaeus which the olde writers affirme was Bishop of Ierusalem Of which commaundement it seemeth there was two causes For he woulde haue the glory of God hereby the more thankefully spredde abrode and his brethren whome he knew were sadde for his sake to be quitte of their cares Therefore Peter by his example teacheth vs that we must not hide the benefytes of God in vnthankfull and vnkinde harts For then Gods benefytes are best declared when others prouoked by our meanes learne to hope in God and to call vpon him in their distresse as their defender and reuenger Dauid being deliuered out of the handes of the Philistynes makethmention hereof in the beginning of the Psalme xxxiiij Further it is declared that Peter went to another place For he easilye perceyued that he should doe no good to remaine in Herodes kingdome And the present benefyte of his deliuery did sufficiently declare that God would not haue him dye vnder the hande of Herode but to execute his Apostleship otherwheres Therefore he vseth the counsell of Christ saying If they persecure you in one citie flye vnto another Here hast thou therfore what aunswere to make vnto those which woulde haue the Ministers of the worde put into the Woolues handes and say that they truly followe the Apostles when without hope of doing any good they suffer the wicked not onely to condemne their doctrine and the truth of Christ but also themselues But it easily appeareth what causeth these men thus to say They woulde haue all the Ministers of the Gospell gone at once that Antichristes superstition might be brought in agayne Wherefore wee must vse the wisedome of serpents against these men according as Christ hath commaunded vs that through our temerity rashnesse we do not indammage Christs quarrell Nowe remayneth the last part of this place whereby wee are taught how Herode was affected in minde at this worke and myracle of god And first after it was knowne that Peter had escaped his bandes and imprisonment there arose a great feare trouble among the souldiours For where they were well acquainted with the fierce nature of Herode they looked for no goodnesse at his hande And they were not beguiled For where Herode had appoynted to put Peter to death and vnderstoode afterwarde that he was escaped like one beside himselfe he commaundeth the keepers to bee racked insomuch that although he heard they were in no fault yet he commaūdeth them to be had to prison or else which is the liker to their deaths This is a very notable example whereby we are taught that the wicked waxe the woorse and not better by the iudgements of god For where they are so bolde to striue agaynst God through his iust iudgement they are so blinded and hardened that in the open light they are not able to see nor to submit themselfe vnder the mightie hande of god And there is no cause why we should hope for any better of the tyrants of these dayes which haue begun to make warre agaynst God maintaine the same with such deadly hatred Here appeareth also an example of Gods prouidence whereby Herodes craft is deluded while he heareth the worke of God sette forth by them whose helpe he accustomed to vse against god And that example is not vnlike herevnto where the souldiours appointed by the Priests to watch the sepulchre of Christ were the fyrst that published his
the Apostles touching Christes kingdom on earth Pag. 24 Question of the priestes in the councell at Ierusalem 198 R ante E. REdemption in Christe belongeth to all men 78 Redemptiō of mā how it was made 455 Regarde muste bee had more of the church thē of priuate matters 611 Reformation how it may truely bee made 3 Reformacion may haue errours and whereof they spring ibid. Refutacion of such obiections as the people of Lystra might haue made against the Apostles 573 Religion without knowledge of god is nothing 665 Religion standeth not in outward ceremonies but in faith wherby we take hold of the grace of god 313 Religiō corrupted must be abolished and true planted 572 Religion may be found in souldiours Pag. 432 Religion is not subiect to councelles Pag. 818 Religion must not be estemed after the multitude auctoritie of men ibi Religion dependeth not on mannes Iudgement 47 Religion belōgeth to god alone 767 Religion is certen and not to bee suspected of obscuritie 838 Religion must not bee iudged by the successe falling out therof 268 Religion can not man rightly walke in except hee be guyded by the spirit of God. 339 Religion muste the Magistrate haue care of 690 Religions shewing vs any other saluatiō then in Christ ar al false 202 Reliques of Christ and of the faythfull what they are 422 Remission of sinnes is the benefyte of gods grace onely 303 Remission of sinnes in the name of Christ. 458 Remission of sinnes is gyuen vs in Christ. 543 Repentance of the wicked 642 Repentance muste bee vrged by feare of the latter day 674 Repentance must be done as god appointed by his woorde and not after our brayne 788 Repentance after transgression openeth the way to saluation 131 Repentaunce what it is ibid. Repētance wherof it consisteth ibid. Repentance and forgyuenes of sinne preached in Christes name seemeth a thing intollerable to the worlde Pag. 270 Repentaunce cause efficient in man what it is 259 Repentance in hir partes 131 Repentaunce howe God gyueth it Pag. 472 Reprehensions without Christs spirit are cold 680 Reprobates can not heare the worde of Christ. 548 Reprobates manners and condicions and how they must bee dealt with Pag. 710 Resurrection of Christe defended Pag. 536 Resurrection of Christ is the foundacion of fayth and of doctrine Apostolike 12 Resurrection of Christ a thing moste approued ibid. Resurrection of Christ why it was so diligently confirmed 11 Resurrectiō of christ the accomplishment of our redemption 65 Resurrection of Christ why it is confirmed with so many and so sounde argumentes 111 Resurrection declareth the glory of the children of God. 540 Resurrection of the dead ought not to bee thought incredible 854 Resurrection of the dead is vniuersall 823 Resurrection proueth the certayntie and maiestie of Christes kingdome Pag. 11 Resurrectiō of al other articles most repeated of the Apostles 223 Resurrection of Christ diligently defended 12 Resurrectiō of the body what ample fruite it hath in it 118 Resurrection scoffers what we maye iudge of them 13 Resurrection scorners take away all fayth and the misteries of mennes saluation 13.14 Resurrections vse and meditacion Pag. 14 Resurrection preached what it comprehendeth in it 65 Resurrection is certayne 117 Resurrection goeth before lyfe euerlasting 118.119 Resurrectiō of Christ ouercommeth sinne and death and restoreth saluacion vnto man. 12 Resurrectiō proueth Iesus to be the Messias 1●3 R ante I Rites of the primitiue Churche in choosing of Priestes 584 Rites and order of the Lordes Supper must not be altered 140 Riches of the wycked are accursed Pag. ibid. Riche mennes dutie 891 R ante O Romayne church iustely forsaken of Christian men 797 Romaine Church woorshippers are vnwoorthy to bee accompted of the Church 188 Romish Prelates may lawfully bee spoken agaynst 293 Romes destruction and misery 60 Romanistes say the church of Rome can not erre 281 Romaine Antichrist must bee reprehended for the merchandize hee vseth in religion 372 Romaine brethren go to meete Paul. Pag. 894 Romaines diligence in administring of Iustice. 870 Romaine Bishoppes presumptuousnes reprehended 335 Romaine Bishops pryde 468 Romaine Bishoppes Supremacie ridiculous 417 S ante A SAbboth keepinge and breakynge Pag. 733.734 Sabbothes must bee reuerentlye kept 521 Sabbothes how they should bee obserued and kept holy 647 Sabboth obseruances and comming to the church 521 Sacramentall speech 304.791 Sacramentes instituted of god must not be contempned 291 Sacramentes are ●eales of Goddes promises and benefites 23 Sacramentall wordes and misteries how they ought to bee considered Pag. 304.305 Sacrament despisers 463 Sacrament despisers are destitute of fayth 385 Sacramentes and the gifts of health are giuen vs by inuocation of gods name 791 Sacramentes haue their efficacie not of the woordes of consecration but bicause of Christes institution 23 Sacramentes truly vsed in the church Pag. 348.366 Sacramentes and doctrine must goe togyther 451 Sacramentes haue not grace tyed o● bound to them 366 Sacrifice of Christe pourgeth oure sinnes 455 Sacrifices of Christians 667 Sacrifices how they are called purging sinnes 304.305 Sadduceyes doctrine and religion what it was 191.803 Saluation the free gift of God must be obteyned by prayer 102 Saluation dependeth vpon the meere grace and fauour of God. 133 Saluation consisteth in inuocation Pag. 102 Saluation in Christ onely 202 Saluation belongeth to the Gentyls aswell as the Iewes 423 Saluation hangeth vpon Gods prouidence 585 Saluation in our selues 578 Saluation and preseruation both of men and common weales dependeth on God. 529 Saluation by what order we maye attaine to it 393 Saluation and redemption of man confirmed with an oth 123 Saluation pardon for sinners 170 To be a disciple of Christ is the first steppe to saluation 419 Saluation by Goddes commaundement caried to the Gentiles 508 Saluation more plainely declared in the new testament than in the olde Pag. 93 Saluation is giuen to men in none other than in Christ. 897 Saluation by what meanes it is hindred and stopped 181 Saluation of others we must reioyce in 475 Samaria conuerted 362 Samaritanes giue eare to Christ and beleeue in him onely 393 Samaritanes embrace the Gospell Pag. 362 Samaritans obedience 365 Saintes and holy men haue neede to be strengthned 895 Saintes trustinesse in defending of Christ. 531 Saintes are ignorant in many things Pag. 446 Saintes how they alleadge their innocencie in priuate causes 799 Saintes how we must iudge of them Pag. 409 Saintes are subiect to mocions and affections 613 Saintes giue all glorie vnto Christ. Pag. 160 Saintes worship whereof it sprong Pag. 157 Saintes of all ages wherin they hoped 823 Saintes singuler workes must bee ascrybed to God as to the authour of them 613 Saintes flightes what they are 307 Saintes zeale and condicion 579 Saintes slippes and falles proue our corruption 25.26 Saintes patience is no dastardlinesse Pag. 481 Saintes labours are not in vaine Pag. 696 Saintes estate in this worlde 796 Saintes vertue is to obeye and beeleue God. 113
Steuen falleth on sleepe 355 Steuen set on by disputations 287 Steuen oppressed and taken by sedition ibid. Steeuen dyeth full of the holy ghost Pag. 334 Steuens enimies and their enterprises against him 286 Steuens description 285 Steuēs enimies rage incurable 354 Steuens example in redinesse to dye must be followed 355 Steuens enimies how they tooke his oration 351 Steuens oration and answere made in the councell of the Priests with the argument narration and partes thereof 292 Steuen being stoned how the faythfull vsed him 358 Steuen being readye to dye comforted of God and how and in what maner 352 Stipendes of the Ministers 676 Stipend must not be withholdē from the Ministers 756 Stipende why Paule exacted not Pag. 756 Strangled and bloud 603 Stubbornenesse a thing peculiar to the wicked 268 Studious we must be of charity 618 Studie to please the people cause of persecution 489 Studies and desires of the enimies of truth 656 Study we must to please God. 580 Starre worship a thing common to the Gentiles 368 Starres superstitiouslye obserued Pag. 342 S ante V Supper of the Lorde howe it must be admynystred 735 Supper of the Lorde called breaking of breade 140 Supper of the Lorde a signe and token of Christes death 23 Supper of the Lorde with the rightes and cerimonies must not be altered 140 Supper of the Lorde taught vs by the Apostles in what order and forme to be vsed 3 Supremacie chalengers in the church confuted 5● Superscription of a letter sent from the Synode   S ante W Swerde to keepe vnder the wicked commended 233 Swerde must be drawne in defence of relygion ibid. S ante Y Synagoge fyt place for the Apostles to beginne to preach in 512 Syn●cdoche a figure very much vsed in the scriptures 761 Synode or conuocation at Miletum Pag. 738 Synodes and conuocations howe commodious they are ibid. Synne of those that forsake true religion how grieuous it is 516 Synners must be remitted vnto god Pag. 373 Synners not punished but first they are warned 642 Synners God disdaineth not 510 Synners must be wonne rather than destroyed 399 Synners which way God vseth to conuert them 787 Synne of ignoraunce howe it maye be excused 170 Synne agaynst the holy Ghost ibid. Synnes of men must not be rashlye iudged of 171 Synnes be they neuer so manye can not exceede Christes merite 130 Synnes cause of all euill 104 Synnes in preaching must be reproued 127 Synnes are remitted of fauour Pag. 543 Synnes although they bee heynous ought not to make vs dispayre Pag. 130 Sinne how heinous it is declared by the worde of God. 790 Synne needefull to bee rebuked in the Church 108.109 Synnes forgyuen in the name of Christ. 458 Synnes committed by thought and cogitation 373 T ante A TAbernacle was a figure of heauenly thynges 345 Tabernacle caried into the land of the gentiles 346 Tabernacle of witnesse what it was Pag. ibid. Tabernacles vse among the Iewes Pag. ibid. Tabernacle had no resting place a long while ibid. Tabernacle had not the honor of god tyed vnto it 347 T ante E Teachers office in the Churche requireth a deliget tryall 14 Teaching in the Church how it must be ordered 741 To teache which is the best waye Pag. 700 Temperaunce is a fruit of faith 829 Temperaunce what effectes ●he hath Pag. 148 Temple or church of God who build it 201 Temple hath not worship tyed vnto it 345 Temples must not bee prophaned or defiled 825 Temples by whome they are defiled and abused ibid. Templary religion is a vaine thyng Pag. 666 Temple or church commers in pompeous and prowde aray what may be thought of them 844 Tertulous oracion 819 Testament of God contayneth oure saluation 186 Testament of circumcision gyuen to Abraham what it is and how to be vnderstanded 303 Testamente the olde and the new are the law of of godly lyfe 54 Testament olde and newe how they consent 95 Testimonie of Dauid touching the resurrection of Christ. 113 Testimonie of the xvj Psalme prooued 121 Testimonies of the kyngdome of Christ. 33 T ante H Thabita raysed againe by Peter 419 Theophilus who is ● Theudas what he was 265 Threates of the worlde must not feare Christians 213 T ante I Timothey circumcised 616 Timothey borne of a Iewe and a Gentile 617 Titles and styles abused 664 Titles wherefore they ought to serue 5●3 T ante O Tongue of the faythfull of all nations is but one 84 Tongue keeping a necessary thing Pag. 85 Tongues sitting vpon the Apostles heades were tokens of the holye Ghost 80 Tongues wherefore they serue 82 Songue or speech of Canaan 85 Tormentes must not be vsed of magistrates without a good and iust cause 815 T ante R Traditions of manne must not bee thrust into the Church 20 Traditions the Apostles thrust none into the Church 580 Traiane persecuting the Churche felt the wrath of God. 300 Tribulations of our owne brethren must be thought to be our owne 491 Tribulations ende is most ioyfull Pag. 587 Tribune delyuereth Paule againe out of the Iewes handes 463 Tribune kept from his purpose by feare of lawe 797 Tribunes readynes to succour Paul. Pag. 812 Troublers of the Church 589 Truth fought against by open force Pag. 166 Truth of god infallible 538 Truth of gods promises ibid. Truth of gods promises inuincible Pag. 886 Truth must be preached openly 520 Truth with what colours it is assaulted 193 Truth with what crimes it is charged 633 Truth is not defended with railing Pag. 823 Truth of what effecte 846 Truth Euangelicall what enemies it hath 191 Truth and gospel defendours compted seditiouse of the wicked 192. and 193 Truthes enemies must not be trusted Pag. 834 Truth in what case in this worlde Pag. 853 Truth haters are paineful and hardy therin 766 Truth hatred how much it is able to doe 809 Truth hatred whereto it bringeth men at the length 550 Truth hatred howe farre it proceedeth 810 Truth haters who are most 208 T ante V Turkes doe not honour God. 823 Turkish Ambassadors saying against the ydolatrye of christendome 340 T ante Y Tyranny of clargie ouer the Church Pag. 797 Tyrauntes can not doe alway what they list 213 Tyrauntes haue miserably perished Pag. 506 Tyrauntes sleyghtes set out in Pharao 317 Tyrants properties set out in Saule Pag. 390 Tyran defenders are flatterers 801 Tyrauntes state and condicion 213 Tyre dwellers bring Paule on hys waye 762 Tyre dwellers praye openlye 763 Tyrus visited by Paule 761 V ante A VAlerius Aurilianus moouing persecution against the church being first feared with a thunder bolte falling at his feete and yet not repenting was not long after kylled of hys owne men lying in waite for hym 301 W ante A WAntonnesse in children must be rebuked 766 Waye to attayne to saluacion Pag. 393 Way of Christ. 694 Waye of lyfe made playne in Christ. Pag. 119 Wayes of men are blinde in matters of relygyon 575 Warfayring for money how it
house ▪ that thou hast brought me to so great dignitie and honour 529 15. Cary the Arke of God againe into the Citie if I shall c. 530 16. Suffer him to cursse ibid. 24. I am in a wonderfull streight Let vs fall now into the hand of the lord Agayne I haue sinned it is I that haue done wickedly But these sheepe c. 530 1. REgum 8. The Heauens of Heauens is not able to conteyne thee and how should then this house doe it that I haue buylded 666 2. PAralipom 14. Lorde it is no hard thing with thee to help with many or thē that haue no power 885 NEhemias 13. Of the Sabboth pag. 736 ESaie 2. In the latter dayes the Hill of the Lordes house shall be prepared 2 6. Heare in deede c. 340 10. If the number of the people of Israell ●cre as the sande of the Sea. c. 901 23. After the ende of seuentie yeares shall the Lorde visite Tyre and shee shall conuerte vnto hir rewarde 761 29. They worship mee in vayne teaching the doctrines of men 342 30. Prophecie not c. 222 33. Wo to thee that destroyest for thou shalt be destroyed 306 40. The worde of our God endureth for euer 335 42. I am the Lord this is my name my glory will I gyue to none other 571 1●0 42. Beholde this is my seruaunt vpon whom I lea●e myne elect in whome my Soule is pacified Pag. 20● 48. The vngodly haue no peace 207 49. It is but a small thing that thou art my seruaunt to sette vp the kindreds of Iacob 32 49. Will a woman forget hir owne infant 48 52. O howe beautifull are the feete of the Ambasador that bringeth the message from the mountaine and proclaymeth peace 447 53. Who hath gyuen credence vnto our preaching 50.89 53. Wee haue all gone a straye lyke sheepe euery one hath turned his owne waye 566 53. And in his mouth hath beene founde no guile 350 53. This shal be his name by which they shall call hym the Lord our righteousnes 459 55. Let the vngodly man forsake his owne wayes and the vnrighteous his owne Imaginations and turne againe vnto the Lorde Pag. 132 55. The worde that commeth out of my mouth shall not turne againe voyde vnto me but shall accomplishe my wyll and prosper in the thing wherto I sende it 138 55. Wherefore doe you laye out anye money for the thing that feedeth not 589 58. Cry now as lowde as thou canst leaue not of lyft vp thy voyce lyke a trumpet 205 58. Wherfore fast we and thou seest it not 235 60. Euery people and kingdome that serueth not thee shall perishe ▪ 622 63. Abraham knoweth vs not ▪ neyther is Israell aquaynted wyth vs. 541 64. God hath prepared such things for them that loue hym as neyther eye hath seene eare hearde nor harte hath vnderstanded c. Pag. 212 65. It shal bee that or euer they call I will aunswere them 685 66. Heauē is my seate and the earth is my footestole 35 347.66● IEremie 1. Beholde I putte my wordes in thy mouth 21 1. Be not abashed at their countenaunces 685 1. Beholde this daye doe I make thee a stronge fensed Towne Pag. 750 2. My people hath committed two euilles They haue forsaken mee the well of the water of lyfe c. Pag. 589 4. O Israell if thou wilt turn thee then turne thee vnto mee 131 10. Yee shall not learne after the maner of the Heathen nor be afrayd for the tokens of heauen 343 12. How happeneth it that the waye of the vngodly is so prosperous Pag. 504 17. Blessed is the man that putteth his trust in the Lord and whose hope is in the Lorde hym selfe Pag. 353 23. Behold the tyme commeth saith the Lorde that I will rayse vp the righteous braunche of Dauid 6 23. I fulfill heauen and earth sayeth the Lord. 35 23. The Lorde our righteousenesse Pag. 350 23. The woorde of GOD is fyre Pag. 660 31. I will plant my Lawe in the inward partes of them and wryte it in their hartes 96 31 Turne vs and wee shall be turned 786 48. Cursed bee hee that dooth the woorke of the Lorde fraudulently 151 EZechielis 3. The bloud of them that perish I will requyre at thy handes 17 3. Thou shalt heare the worde at my mouth and gyue them warning from mee 21 3. When I shall saye vnto the wycked thou shalt surely dye 560 3. Thou sonne of man I haue made thee a watche man c. 683 DAnielis 2. Of the Mountayne Pag. 2 HOsee 4. Idoles robbe men of their hartes 338 13. Death where is thy stynge Pag. 111 IOelis 2. And it shall come to passe toward the latter dayes I will poure out my spirit vpon al flesh Pag. 93. c. 2. Turne you vnto mee with all your hartes 131 AMos 2. Prophecie not 222 3. You onely haue I knowne of all the families of the earth Pag. 99 3. There is no euill in a Citie but the Lord is auctor of it 483 3. The Lord God hath spoken and who will not prophecie 683 5. Haue you offred vnto mee Sacrifices and offrings fourty yeres in the wildernes 341 7. I was neyther Prophet nor prophetes sonne 69 9. The place of Amos. 9. 600 MIchee 4. The hill of the Lords house 2 ABacue 2. If he differ or put of yet wayght still 79 ZAcharie 2. Who so toucheth you toucheth the apple of myne eye Pag. 502 2. The apple of myne eye c. 300 9. His dominion shal bee from the one sea to the other 32 9. Behold thy King shall come vnto thee euen righteous a Sauiour and lowly 199 11. Wo to the Idole sheepeherd that leaueth his flocke 517 3. Aryse O thou swerde vpon my Shepherd and vppon the man that is my fellow 106.107 MAlachie 2. The Priestes lips shall keepe knowledge 63 3. It is but vayne too serue God. 236 IObe 5. He compasseth the wyse in their owne craftynes 204 19. I am sure that my redeemer liueth c. 13 ECclesiastic 3. Many haue bene deceyued through their owne vayne opinion 28 35. The prayer of him that humbleth himself goeth through the clowds Pag. 637 PSalm 1. Blessed is the man that walketh not c. 638 2. Of the kingdome of Christe Pag. 2 2. Aske of me and I will gyue thee the Gentiles for thyne inheritaunce 35.201 2. Thou shalt bruse them with a rodde of yron 126 7. They trauell with mischiefe and bring foorth vngodlynesse 218 14. There is no God. 114 16. The wordes there are prooued ought to bee vnderstanded of Christ and not of Dauid 113 22. My prayse shall be of thee in the great congregation 116 27. Tarrye thou the Lordes leysure be of good courage and hee shall comfort thine heart 79 27. When my father and my mother forsaketh mee the Lorde taketh me vp 308.520 34. Keepe thy tongue from euill 85 34. The aungell of the Lorde campeth round about them that
feare him 548 34. The eyes of the Lorde are ouer the righteous 497 37. I haue seene the vngodly in great prosperitye and flourishing lyke a greene baye tree 505 48. The Citie of the great king 18 50. Call vpon me in the time of thy trouble I will heare thee and thou shalt glorifie me 115.116 50. Thinkest thou that I will eate bulles flesh and drinke the bloud of Goates 545 51. washe me throughly from my●e iniquitie and clense me from my sinne 545 51. Renewe in mee a right spirite 77 56. Thou ha●t numbred my flittinges thou hast put my teares in thy bottell 328.745 58. They are as venemous as the poyson of a Serpent they bee like the deafe ●dder that stoppeth hyr eares 548 65. Blessed is the man whome thou choosest 525 68. Thou wentest vp on high thou hast ledde captiuity captiue 124 69. The zeale of thine house hath euen eaten mee 659 69. I will prayse the name of the Lorde with a songue 461 72. His domynion shall be from the one sea to the other 32 72. He shall delyuer the poore when he cryeth the afflicted c. 321 and .453 76. In Iewrie is God knowne his name is great in Israell 91.95 80. Shewe the light of thy countenaunce and we shall be saued 120 89. I haue sworne once by my holynesse that I will not fayle Dauid 24 89. My couenant will I not breake nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lyppes 298 94. He that made the eye shall he not see 300 94. In the multitude of the sorrowes that I had in my heart thy comfortes did refreshe my soule 115 94. The Lorde seeth it not neyther doth the God of Iacob vnderstande it 253 104. Thou that makest the clowdes thy charyot 36 104. He watereth the hylles from aboue the earth is replenished with the fruite of thy workes Pag. 575. ●05 Touch not mine annoynted 142 106. They turned theyr glorye into the similitude of a Calfe that eateth haye 337.574 107. Let them giue thankes whome the Lorde hath redeemed and deliuered out of the hande of the enimie 496 110. The Lord sayde vnto my Lord sitte thou on my right hand 266 and .119.33 110. Thou art a priest for euer after the order of Melchisedech 37.168.122 110. Rule thou in the myddle among thine enimies 98 113. Hee lifteth the simple out of the dust 330 116. Right deere in the sight of the Lorde is the death of his saintes Pag. 475 116. What rewarde shall I gyue vnto the Lorde for all the benefits that he hath done vnto me 461 118. The Lord is the strength of my lyfe 253 118. The same stone which the builders refused 200 119. It is better to trust in the Lord. Pag. 254 119. It is good for mee that I haue beene in miserye 101 121. I will lyft vp mine eyes vnto the hylles ▪ from whence my helpe shall come 353 123. Beholde euen as the eyes of seruaunts looke vnto the handes of theyr maysters c. 113 132. I will not enter into the tabernacle of my house 346 141. Set a watche O God before my mouth 85 146. Put not your trust in Princes Pag. 317 147. Hee declares hys worde vnto Iacob his statutes and ordinances vnto Israell 95 147. Hee couereth the heauen wyth clowdes and prepareth rayne for the earth 575 1 PRouerb The beginning of knowledge is the feare of the Lorde 416 2. If thou seeke after wisdome as after golde thou shalt finde hyr Pag. 88 6 The Lord hateth a false witnesse that bringeth vp lyes 354 16. Lottes are cast into the lappe but the ordering thereof standeth in Lorde 72 25. He that searcheth the maiestie of of God shall be depriued of the glorie 28 MAtthei 1. Thou shalt call hys name Iesus for he shall c. Pag. 168 3. Repent 130 3. And say not we haue Abraham to our father 350 3. This is my beloued sonne in whome I am well pleased 202 and .449.103 5. Blessed are the poore in heart for they shall see God. 120 5. The Citie of the great King. 18 5. One iote or one title of the lawe shall not scape 335 5. If thou bringest thy gyft to the aulter and there remembrest 48 5. You shall be perfect euer as your father which is in heauen is perfect 512 5. He maketh his sonne to aryse c. Pag. 638 6. Where your treasure is there will be your heart also 632 7. Seeke and you shall finde 88 7. With what measure you meate it shall be c. 301 7. Not euerye one that sayth vnto me Lorde 94 7. Depart fro me yee that worke iniquitie 351 8. Follow me and let the deade burye the deade 511 9. Thy fayth hath made thee safe Pag. 168 10. A mans foes shall be them of his owne housholde 56.563 10. Whosoeuer shall confesse me before men him will I also confesse before my father which is in heauen 86 10. He that receyueth you receyueth me 9.161 It is not you that speake but the spirite of your father that speaketh in you 9 10. Be you wise as Serpents 657 10. Feare ye not them which kill c. Pag. 685 10. If they persecute you in one Citye c. ●01 10. Goe not into the waye of the Gentiles 533 10. Hee that loueth father or mother more than me 591 10. It shal be gyuen you in that same hower what to speake 780 10. Come vnto mee all yee that labour sore and are laden 7 11. No man knoweth the father but the sonne 566 11. I thanke thee O Father bicause thou hast hidde these things from the wise 45.625 12. How can one enter into a strong mans house and spoyle c.   12. Out of the abundance of the hart the mouth speaketh 85 13. The secrets of the kingdome of Heauen 641 15. Euery planting which my heauenly father c. 342 15. It is not meete to throwe the Childrens breade vnto dogges   15. Nothing that goeth in at the mouth c. 608 15. In vaine doe they worship mee teaching doctrines preceptes of men 589 16. The gates of hell shall not preuayle against it 298 17. This is my beloued sonne in whome I am well pleased heare hym 449 18. Where two or three are gathered togither in my name   20. Who so will be cheefe among you Let him be your seruaunt 39.70 and .141 21. The kindome of God shall be taken from you c. 683.552 22. I am the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac 327 22. Giue vnto Cesar those thinges which are Cesars and vnto god those things that are Gods. 211 23. All whatsoeuer they bidde you obserue that obserue and doe 56 23. Hierusalem Hierusalem thou that killest the Prophetes 16 24. Heare is Christ or there 8 24. Ye shall heare of warres and rumoures of warres 99 25. The parable of the talentes 308 25. Enter into the ioye of thy Lord Pag. 119 25. I was harbourlesse and yet toke me in 557 27. If
the lyfe he that beleeueth in mee though he were dead yet shall hee lyue and euery one that lyueth and beleeueth in mee shall not dye for euer What needeth many woordes There is none other cause of our beliefe in Christ but for that God promiseth vs euery where in him the life both of body and soule But who would beleeue to finde life in him which was not able to restore him selfe to lyfe againe Therefore least wee beyng offended at Christes death should doubte in his promises he was reuiued againe the thyrde day after his death and being raysed againe in his true body declared that he had power and authoritie to rayse againe our bodies likewise For he that beyng truely dead and buried touchyng his manhoode coulde rayse himself againe shall he not now much more being aliue and in his kingdome be able to restore our bodies from death to lyfe againe Hereunto belonge other promises of Christ prouyng his resurrection For he sayth Where I am there shall my mynister be And in an other place I will come againe and take you to my selfe that where I am there may you be also Againe Father those that thou hast gyuen to mee I will that where I am they shall be with mee that they may see my glory And what else could these fayre promises declare vnto vs but death vnlesse Christ being risen againe from death liued nowe in Heauen For thus we must of necessitie conclude where Christ is there must also his ministers be which beleeue in him but Christ being dead and buried remayned in death Ergo his ministers also remayne in death Now Christes resurrection doth moste stronglye confute this so desperate an argument and teacheth vs to reason agaynst the threates of death and terrour of Hell on this sorte Where Christ is there must also his mynisters be But Christ is risen from death ascended into Heauen and sitteth on the right hande of God the father Ergo The mynisters of Christ shall ryse from death and shall with Christ theyr king raigne in Heauen for euer Which thinges if the faithfull deepely consider in theyr mindes they shall straight way being boldened with this confidence be able to triumph ouer death and all theyr enimies and say with Paule the Apostle Death where is thy stinge Hell where is thy victory If God be with vs who can be agaynst vs For they are fully perswaded that neyther death nor lyfe can seperate them from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lorde Besides this death which is the reward and punishment of sinne could by no other meanes be conquered but by his resurrection For as longe as death helde them that were departed thys life hir power strength could neuer seeme subdued And it behooued that death should be subdued to set mankinde at libertie and to deliuer him from sinne For who could be certayne of remission of his sinnes and reconciliation with God the father as long as death raigned which God in his wrath appointed for the punishment of sinne It was therefore necessary that Iesus Christ should take away the yoke of sinne and rise againe from death that it might appeare howe death was subdued that sinne the sting of death was taken away and saluation restored to mankinde againe Therefore it was not without a cause that Christ thought it good to haue the truth of his Resurrection with so euident argumentes to be confirmed This is the chiefe cause that the auncient Prophetes mooued with the spirite of Christ prophecied the same aswell otherwheres as in the Psalme xvj and in Esay liij is to be seene Surely wee learne that this was the chiefe hope and greatest article of confession and beliefe wherby the true Catholikes woorshippers of God were alwaies knowne tried as may appeare by thexample of Iob. For when he was accused by his importunate friendes of breach of faith and religion he prooued him selfe this way onely to be faultlesse for that he firmely beleeued the roote and foundation of religion I know saith he that my redeemer lyueth and that I shall ryse out of the earth in the last day and shall be couered agayne with my skinne and shall see God in my fleshe and I my selfe shall beholde him not with other but with the same eyes This hope is layde vp for me in my bosome â–ª This place teacheth vs what wee should iudge of those mockers which Hystories mention to haue bene in all Ages and the Apostles foreshewed should raigne in the later age And now a dayes we may euery where here the prophane and wicked voices of such as thinke themselues iolly companions and pleasantly conceyted when they can with scurrilitie scoffe and deride that which we holde and beleeue of the last commyng of Christ and of the resurrection of the bodye But they can by no argument more euidently prooue themselues voyde of all religion than by this For in this Article all the pointes of our beliefe and religion so agree that who so denieth this taketh away at once all the beliefe and mysteries of mans saluation Wee gather this sense out of Paules woordes which writyng against such among the Corinthians as denied the resurrection amongst other thinges saith If Christ be preached how that he rose from the dead how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead If there be no rysing againe of the dead then is Christ not rysen againe If Christ be not rysen againe then our preachyng is in vayne and your fayth is also in vaine and you remayne in your sinnes Therfore they that are fallen a sleepe in Christ are perished If in this lyfe onely wee beleeue on Christ then are wee of all men most miserable c. Therefore such wicked scoffers must be put away from vs and haue no place permitted to them in well ordered common weales For what will they leaue vnassayde which will go about so boldely to ouerthrowe the foundation of our health and as it were with one blowe cut of the heade of all faith and religion as much as in them lieth Let vs learne to haue a right thought and cogitation of the resurrection that the same may serue both to gouerne our life and to comfort vs For this is a most effectuall preseruatiue against the intisements of flesh the world oftentimes to call to remembrance set before our eyes the shew and counterfaite of the last iudgement set out to vs in the scripture Againe there can happen no greater comfort to man than while he is in this body to thinke of the ioyes of heauen which he shall enioy in the resurrection of the dead Notwithstanding he is now depressed with infinite greefes cares and sorrowes Uerily Paule exhorteth the Christians one to comforte an other with such things as are written in Scripture touching this article It remaineth that we speake of that other thing
all he sheweth whereof hee shoulde beare witnesse namely of his resurrection Which is not so to be vnderstanded as though the Apostles should preach of nothing else but Christs resurrection but he thought hereby to expresse the chiefe article wherin al the other be contayned yea which plainely teacheth whereto all the other are to be referred For verilye the preaching of his death is of necessitie included and ioyned to the resurrection For how shall he teach that Christ is risen from death which first teacheth not that he died But if any man will teach that Christ dyed he must first speake of that nature of Christ in the which he was able to dye He must teache therefore that the sonne of God which is of one euerlastingnesse substance with the father at the tyme appoynted tooke mans nature in the virgins wombe in the which after many and diuers troubles of this life at length he suffred bitter death vpon the aultar of the Crosse. Therefore he that will be a Preacher and witnesse of the resurrection of Iesus Christ must omitte none of the things that went before the same But there is another cause also why Peter would make mention of the resurrection For this is the ende accomplishment of our redemption as Paule sheweth at large in the first Epistle to the Corinthians the .xv. Chapter For sinne is the sting power of death whervnto all men were subiect But that death is ouercome and vanquished the resurrection of Christ doth manifestly declare Wherefore sinne also by meanes whereof death had power ouer vs by the meryte of the same Christ must needes be taken awaye And if the guylt of sinne be taken awaye death spoyled and vnarmed then who seeth not how the Serpents heade is all to crushed and the tyranny of the Deuill vtterly subdued In deede he rageth yet and maketh an horrible adooe but Christian mindes are not afraide of his terrors For how shoulde he be able to hurt vs who hauing the dartes of sinne and death taken from him is all naked and of no force But this Christ hath taken away whyle he purged the sinnes of the worlde vppon the aultare of the Crosse and by his glorious resurrection hath killed the force of death Therefore syth Peter will haue him which must be taken into the number of the Apostles to be a witnesse of Christes resurrection he appoynteth him the same office that the residue had to whome it was sayde Go yee into all the worlde and preache the kingdome of God vnto all creatures Whosoeuer beleeueth and is baptized shall bee saued In the meane season they that in these dayes will be called and taken for successors of the Apostles are admonished of their dutie For although no man can require of them to be such witnesses as sawe Christes resurrection yet their office is truly and boldly to beare witnesse of Christ and of all those things that he aswell did as suffred for vs that all men may vnderstande howe the redemption and saluation of mankinde is contayned in Christ onely For whosoeuer will be taken for Apostolykes being puft vp onely with the bare name thereof and neyther can nor will preache they are not the right successors of the Apostles but foolishe Pastors such as are described in Zachary the .xj. Chapter And on them that sentence of Paule may truly be spoken Woe vnto mee if I preach not It is our partes to acknowledge the goodnesse of God which woulde haue his sonne to dye for our sinnes and to ryse agayne for our iustification and hath also gyuen vs most faythfull witnesses of Christes most profitable resurrection Let vs therefore beleeue their testimonye that being borne agayne of the seede of the immortall worde wee maye be made the heyres of God and coheyres with Iesus Christ to whome be blessing honour glorye and power for euer Amen The ninth Homelie THEN they appoynted two Ioseph which is called Barsabas whose surname was Iustus and Matthias And when they prayed they sayde Thou Lorde which knowest the hearts of all men shewe whether of these two thou hast chosen that he may take the roume of this ministration and Apostleship from which Iudas by transgression fell that he might go to his owne place And they gaue forth their lottes and the lotte fell on Matthias and hee was counted with the eleuen Apostles AS the Church hath great neede of Ministers of the Worde by whose meane it may be instructed and confirmed in the knowledge of God and mysteries of the true fayth so it behooueth that the same be duely truely chosen and ordayned that all men may perceyue they be chosen and appoynted of god Which thing was the cause that in the election of a newe Apostle to be put in the roume of Iudas the primitiue Church proceeded with so great circumspection deliberation And the holy ghost would haue all this hystory diligently described for that a sure rule and president might be left to them that came after whereby to order the election of their Ministers The first thing herein to be obserued is that S. Peter referreth all the matter to the congregation to be discussed by their whole consent and counsell We are taught hereby that nothing ought to be appointed or decreed in the Church by any one mans priuate authoritie For where the Church is as Paule sayth Gods building and Gods husbandry yea the housholde and familye of God. No man must take vpon him so much authoritie as to thinke he hath power giuen him to prescrybe any thing of his owne heade And although the rashnesse of some go so farre yet he shall little profite amongst the true sheepe of Christ which vse to harken and follow the voyce of Christ onely But let vs returne to the narration of the hystory begoon by Luke who hauing recited Peters oration now rehearseth the election of the new Apostle which we must diligently expende in euerye poynt First he sheweth that two be openly named and set in the sight of the whole congregation Then with godly and deuout prayer they commit the election it selfe vnto God whose will and pleasure they seeke to enquire by religious lottes Then they appoynted twoo sayth he Ioseph which was called Barsabas whose surname was Iustus and Matthias Although the order howe this was done is not expressed yet it is likely it was done by common consent of all the congregation For where Peter referred the matter to the whole Church he coulde not pretermit the iudgement of the Church It seemeth therefore euerye mans sentence was asked and that they named all those to the Church whom they thought meetest for the office of an Apostle And here the Church at length agreed that eyther Ioseph or Matthy should be chosen to that roume as men who excelled the others in all kinde of vertues And both of them vndoubtedlye was such that whether had had the place the lot coulde not seeme
them when he sayth that he shall be saued that calleth vpon the name of the Lord. Where we may note a double consolation First it is an vniuersall promise which promiseth saluation to all them that call vpon the name of the lord Ergo here is a doore of saluation opened to all men from entring into which we are not kept backe neyther by pouerty nor infamy of the world ●●yther by diseases nor cruell torments neyther by sexe nor age neyther by difference of nation or kindred Nay we cannot be put by neyther by sinne nor death bicause in Christ we haue expiation of all our sinnes and he hath ouercome death and the gates of hell Furthermore saluation is absolutely promised so that we see they haue all things necessary to saluation that call vpon the name of the Lorde Wherevpon we gather that they which feele no taste nor comfort of saluation by their prayers call not vpon the name of the Lorde that is they are destitute of faith in Christe which fayth will not suffer our prayers to be made in vaine And this is the only way of saluation which the holy scriptures teach vs euerywhere And Peter thought to make mention hereof in this place to thintent the Iewes might vnderstand how they could none other wayes be deliuered from the imminent daungers and the horrible iudgement of God but by casting away all trust in their owne workes and righteousnesse and turning vnto the throne of grace by the fayth that is in Iesus Christe The same must we also in these dayes marke and consider Whatsoeuer troubles or calamities the Lorde or his Apostles foretolde shoulde happen in the later dayes they vrge and assault vs on euerye side The wysest and greatest men consult in euery place how to get a waye and remedye to bee saued And the vnhappy successe of things in these dayes teache vs howe vayne all counsayles be that proceede of mans deuyse Let vs therefore holde this waye which as it is the most simplest and playnest and deliuereth vs from many cares and troubles so is it infallible and certaine bicause it stayeth and resteth vpon the promise of God which no force of the worlde can ouerturne Wherfore let vs acknowledge our sinnes and in them let vs seeke the causes of the euils which we suffer Let vs vse the acknowledging of our sinne to beate downe the affiaunce in our owne righteousnesse And then turning vnto God let vs call vppon his holye name who surely will heare vs and deliuer vs for his names sake in Iesus Christ to whome be blessing honor power and glory for euer Amen The .xiiij. Homelie YE men of Israell heare these wordes Iesus of Nazareth a man approued of God among you with myracles woonders and signes which God did by him in the middest of you as yee your selues knowe him haue you taken by the handes of vnrighteous persons after hee was deliuered by the determinate counsell and foreknowledge of God and haue crucified and slaine him whom God hath raysed vp and loosed the sorowes of death bycause it was impossible that he shoulde be holden of it WE haue hearde the first part of Peters Sermon alreadye wherein he cleareth the Apostles from the crime of drunkennesse and teacheth how they were endued with the holy ghost He vseth in the place of demonstration the testimony of the Prophet Ioël which he so rehearseth that therewith he declareth the horrible punishmentes remayning for the contemners of the Gospell and teacheth the onely way of remedye and escape to be the fayth in Iesus Christe which things bicause they were sufficient to feare them that were not altogither incurable the Apostle passeth to the other parte where he preacheth Christ whome of late we sayde was the chiefe marke that the Apostles shotte at in all their doctrine And least his preaching might be in vayne he so proposeth the matter that he stirreth vp their mindes with the conscience of their sinnes to the ende that being feared therwith they might with the more feruent fayth and greedinesse embrace Iesus Christ in whom they heard saluation was preached And his chiefe studye is to be short and playne least any man might thinke the knowledge of Christ and the way of saluation contayned therein to be lyke the dreames of the Philosophers which neyther can be explicated in infinite volumes nor be discussed by any disputations nor fully be comprehended of anye man For he compriseth the chiefe articles of our fayth in fewe woordes which whosoeuer vnderstandeth he hath both attayned to the knowledge of Christ and to all the waye of saluation For first he descrybeth the person of Christ and teacheth vs what he is and howe we should knowe him Secondly he intreateth of the passion and death of christ Thirdly he declareth his resurrection Of these three we meane to saye so much as his spirite shall giue vs grace In speaking of Christes person he handleth all things prudently and circumspectly least they that were as yet weake might take occasion of offence For when he had gotten them to be attent by a short kinde of exhortation he bringeth them by little and little to the knowledge of Christ saying Iesus of Nazareth a man approoued of God amongest you by myracles signes and woonders which God wrought by him in the middest of you as ye your selues know ▪ c. In the which words he pronounceth of Christ two things First that he was a man for he calleth him one of Nazareth which name he had of Nazareth a Citie of Galiley where he was brought vp as appeareth by the storie of the Gospel But bicause this seemed not sure and strong ynough he calleth him Virum that is to say a man which name agreeth to none but him that is a very man in deede And Christ is truly called a man bicause as Paule saith he taketh on him no Angels nature or other heuenly essence but the sede of Abraham Furthermore least any man might take him for some common person he maketh a difference betweene him and other adding approoued of God amongest you with myracles c. And although he purposed to teache the diuinitie of Christ yet he prudently as yet dissembleth the name of God which would haue seemed very straunge in the eares of the Iewes He woulde haue them by his deedes to learne that he was very God whome hitherto they thought to be onely but a rascall and common person It is as much as if he should saye I preach vnto you Iesus of Nazareth which many of you iudge to be but a man only But you ought to consider that God hath openly shewed in him many declarations of a diuine nature the ende of all which was to commend him vnto you and to teache you that he was that long wayted for sauiour of mankinde which in tyme past he promised you And the workes of Christ whereof God commended him he adorneth with three titles First he calleth
also is a remedy agaynst the slaunder of the crosse but rather it is to be referred to the order of our redemption and saluation which he purposeth to intreate of But bicause he speaketh of the resurrection in the processe following we will now be the shorter Among other things it is chiefely to be considered that hauing described the person of Christ omitting many other things he maketh mention onely of his death and resurrection The cause was for that in these twoo the whole summe of our saluation is conteyned For by his death he pourged the trespasse of our sinne which otherwyse coulde not haue bene pourged By his resurrection he ouercame death which was the punishment of sinne and subdued the forte thereof according to the saying of the Prophete alleaged by Paule Death is swallowed vp in victorie Death where is thy sting Hell where is thy victory The same thing Peter seemeth to meane in this place where he sayth that the sorowes of death were loosed by Christes resurrection bicause it was impossible that he shoulde be holden of it Neyther of the dolors of the body which followe death can it be expounded syth yet we feele them to be most bytter But the powers of death are loosed and the terrors taken away wherewith in times past it tormented mens mindes For it vsed sinne as a sting the punishment wherof God appoynted this death and therfore it must needes be terrible seeing it was the punishment of sinne And albeit Christ hath taken sinne away yet death remayneth whereby we passe out of thys life and worlde but by the merite of Christ it is made the doore of lyfe and therefore it can no more feare them that beleeue as Christ sayth He that heareth my worde and beleeueth on him that sent mee hath euerlasting lyfe and shall not come into damnation but is scaped from death vnto lyfe Therfore sayth the Apostle in another place that Christ through death subdued him that had Lordship ouer death Which coulde not haue bene sayde vnlesse he had risen againe after death Therefore these twoo must alwayes be ioyned togither which thing Paule doth diligentlye obserue where he sayth Christ was deliuered for our sinnes and raysed agayne for our iustification Agayne This is the worde of faith which we preach If thou knowledge with thy mouth that Iesus is the Lorde and beleeue in thy heart that God raised him vp from death thou shalt be safe Where he maketh mention onely of the resurrection but he therein includeth death also bicause a resurrection without death can not be imagined Let vs therefore learne to know Iesus Christ who being verye God from euerlasting became man for our sake cleansed our sinnes by his death ouercame the sorrowes and strength of death by his glorious resurrection and being ascended into heauen maketh intercession for vs To him be blessing honor power and glory for euer Amen The .xv. Homelie FOR Dauid sayth of him afore hande I sawe God alwayes before mee for he is on my right hande that I shoulde not be mooued Therfore did my heart reioyce and my tongue was glad Moreouer also my flesh shall rest in hope bicause thou wilt not leaue my soule in hell neyther wilt thou suffer thine holy one to see corruption Thou hast shewed mee the wayes of lyfe thou shalt make me full of ioy with thy countenance THe Apostle Peter in our yesterdayes Sermon declared the chiefe articles of our Christian faith shewing vs how Iesus Christe was very God and man how he suffred death for vs and rose againe from the deade The ende and vse of all whiche is to teache vs to acknowledge him to be the redeemer of mankinde that was promised Howbeit the article of resurrection for many causes might seeme very incredible among the Iewes For besides that it seemeth doubtfull to mans reason there was no small number of Saduceys which flatly denied it And the souldiours being bribed of the Priestes with money had bruted a false rumour how the disciples of Christ had stolne his bodye out of the graue Yea and Christ himselfe after his resurrection did not shewe himselfe to all the people as before he vsed but was conuersant onely with his disciples Therefore it was necessarye that this article shoulde be both more plainly declared and with more sounde arguments confirmed especially for that the Apostles fayth was had in suspition of all men Wherfore Peter flyeth to the authoritie of Dauid the most notable king and Prophete among the Iewes by the testimony of whom taken out of the .xvj. psalme he prooueth that the resurrection of Christ ought to seeme neyther straunge nor incredible forasmuch as the same came to passe according to the counsell and ordinance of God and was also long before prophecied by the Oracles of the Prhphets And bicause Peter afterward confirmeth the authoritie of this testimony and sheweth that it appertayneth only vnto Christ it should be superfluous nowe to tarie long in proofe of the same For the authority of so great an Apostle ought to suffice vs which the Iewes their selues to whome these things were spoken were not able to refell Let vs rather marke that Dauid so speaketh this in the person of Christ that he himselfe also taketh comfort thereof which comfort belongeth also to all them that woorship Christ bicause the things spoken of the heade must after a sorte belong also vnto the members We must therfore diligentlye consider this place which most absolutely comprehendeth in it all the reason of true religion with the most wholesome fruites of so holy a studie amongst which the resurrection of the bodies is mentioned which the holy Prophet declareth diligently and at large He expresseth in one verse the whole summe of all godlynesse and holy life where he sayth Afore hande I sawe God alwayes before mee For he is on my right hande that I should not be mooued Here are two things sayd First he telleth what he doth then wherefore he so doth Touching the first he sayth Aforehande I sawe God alwayes before me Or as it is in the Hebrue I set God in my sight or before mine eyes Therfore Christ followed this rule of lyfe to set the Lorde alwayes before his eyes and to thinke he liued alwayes in his sight This to doe as it ought to be twoo things are most worthy to be obserued The one is the study endeuour of obedience For we vse to saye they set God before their eyes which haue regarde to his preceptes and being stirred vp with an holye feare of God study to please him from whom they know nothing is hid Concerning this study of obedience God himselfe speaketh where he commaundeth Abraham to walke before him or in his sight The other is fayth whereby in aduersitie we looke onely to God and seeke for helpe succour and deliuery from him onely Hereof Dauid in an other place speaketh saying Beholde euen as
of the resurrection he more fully setteth forth the same going on speaking still vnder the person of christ For he saith Bicause thou wilt not leaue my soule in hell neyther wilt thou suffer thine holye one to see corruption Thou hast shewed me the wayes of lyfe thou shalt make me full of ioy with thy countenance There be in these words diuers things which are to be vnderstāded of Christ only as Peter teacheth in the things folowing Yet bicause the certaintie of our resurrection dependeth vpon Christes resurrection whome Paule for that cause calleth the first fruites of them that sleepe the fruites and effects of all those things that came to passe in Christs resurrection appertaine also to vs Therefore it shall be profitable for vs diligentlye to consider the things here sayde For as they set forth the resurrection of Christ so they teach vs wherein to hope and paint out the order and maner of our resurrection with that true felicitie which followeth the same First he sayth Thou shalt not leaue my soule in hell The Hebrues take this worde Inferi which we englishe hell sometime for the sepulchre or graue sometime for the deade and buried in which sense the brethren of Ioseph saye Thy seruauntes shall bring the graye heade of our father with sorow ad infernum siue inferos that is to say to the graue The sense therfore of Christes words is that the soule of Christ should not tary long separated from the bodye in the place where the soules of the blessed be but should returne shortly to the body againe Manye haue vnderstoode these wordes of the discention of Christ into hell which we professe among the articles of our faith whose iudgement me thinketh ought not altogither to be reiected Great disputation hereabout hath bene kept among the auncient writers And in our dayes haue certaine phreneticke persons starte forth which haue sayde that the soule of Christ hath suffered in hell the tormentes of the damned But Christe himselfe confuteth them whiche a little before he died sayde vnto the theefe This daye thou shalt be with mee in Paradyse Besides being ready to giue vp the ghost hee sendeth not his soule to hell but commendeth it into the handes of his father Furthermore it is manifest that he offered himselfe vpon the aultar of the Crosse for the sinnes of all the worlde and did there fully accomplish the businesse of our saluation so that he truely sayde It is done or finished Therefore it must not be suffred that any shall say Christes soule suffered any thing after it departed out of his body It was heauy and sadde and felt the terrours of death at mount Oliuete as he himselfe confesseth It seemed also to haue felt the angrye countenaunce and wrath of his father in punishing sinne when he sayde vpon the crosse My God my God why haste thou forsaken me But bicause his death and passion was sufficient to purge our sinnes it is a very absurde and vnchristian point to adde anye thing else thereto Therefore Christes descending into hell may plainely be vnderstanded if we saye eyther that he truely died or that the merite of his death extended vnto them also which died before him from the beginning of the worlde as Peter in another place seemeth to meane saying that Christ preached vnto the deade which were in prison This serued bothe to the greater comfort of those which beleeued the promises made of him and increased the paines and sorrowes of the reprobate which wickedlye contemned them In the meane season the vtilitie and profit of the things here spoken is deriued vnto vs also For as Christes soule was not forsaken so our soules be in the protection and hande of God and shall retourne to our bodies againe in the later day Secondly therefore he addeth Neyther wilt-thou suffer thine holy one to see corruption This after a sort perteyneth to the exposition of the first member In the meane season as he spake of the soule so he sheweth what shall become of the body He sayth it shall not see corruption whiche afterwarde at large he declareth to be vnderstanded of Christes body onlye And surely it is plaine that all our bodies are subiect to corruption for the saying of God must of necessitie be fulfilled Thou art dust and into dust thou shalt returne againe Neyther doth the arte and industrie of man any thing preuayle going about to conserue the bodies of great men with sweete odours spicery and perfumes But Christes bodye bicause it was raysed againe the thirde daye coulde not see corruption much lesse be corrupted but rose againe a glorious body and voyde of all corruption Here is the resurrection of our bodies proued For although our bodies corrupt moulder to dust yet by the power of Christ when the last day commeth they shall be restored againe as we haue heretofore declared For our mortall bodies as Paule sayth must become lyke vnto Christes glorified bodye Neyther shall it be impossible for him to raise our bodies from the dust which made man at the beginning of claye yea all this great frame of the worlde of nothing They maye here also be confuted which saye Christes body in the resurrection was vanished awaye and had not the true properties of a body such as is to be felt and handled to be conteyned in a place to moue from place to place c. For if he sawe no corruption howe coulde he lose those things without the which a verye body cannot consist Thirdly he sayth Thou hast shewed mee the wayes of life that is thou hast brought me into life And he speaketh of the heauenlye and eternall life which only is worthye so to be called Ergo life euerlasting followeth after resurrection which life euen as Christ had so shall we haue the same in him This is well to be obserued where it is sayde the waye of life is shewed to christ Adam by sinne deserued death and the doore of Paradise after he was driuen out God fensed and garded with a sworde of fire least he shoulde returne thither and eate of the tree of life God signified hereby that men of their owne strength and power could not enter into life But in Christ the waye of life was set open againe that euen as by one man sinne entred into the worlde and through sinne death so by Christ only righteousnesse and life shoulde be restored againe Therefore the Apostle speaking of Christ sayth that the life appeared to vs. And Christ euerye where is called the breade of life the light and the waye of lyfe and the resurrection and the lyfe This commoditie therefore which the resurrection of Christ hath gotten vs is verye singular bicause we shall be raysed to an heauenly and an eternall life not to an earthly and mortall such as we nowe liue which may be trulyer called a death than a life The meane hereto
is in Christ alone whome whosoeuer despiseth he cannot attayne vnto life as Christ sayth No man commeth vnto the father but by me Last of al he addeth Thou shalt make me full of ioy with thy countenance By these wordes is expressed the condicion of an heauenlye and eternall life which is of a farre other sort than the life we haue here on earth For this life as was aforesayde is full of traueyle sorrowe care and trouble The eternall life is full of mirth and ioye For there God will wipe all teares from the eyes of hys faithfull And there shall bee no more death neyther sorow neyther crying neyther shall there be any more paine And these being taken awaye there can remaine nothing but ioye Therefore Christ sayth he will say to the faithfull seruant enter into the ioy of thy Lord. This ioye in an other place Christ calleth the glorye which he testifieth he had with his father before the worlde was made Christes humanitie was taken vp to be partaker of that ioye and mirth in that kingdome which in his godhead he possessed from euerlasting For so we read it was promised long agone God saying sit thou on my right hande vntill I make thine enimies thy footestoole In these wordes are conteined an article of our faith where we confesse Christ is ascended into heauen sitteth vpon the right hande of his father omnipotent In the meane while we that by faith are graffed in Christ and made his members must beleeue that these things appertaine to vs likewise For it can not be that the members can be pulled from their head And Christ promiseth Where I am there shall my minister be also And declaring this promise otherwheres in moe wordes he sayth In my fathers house are manye dwellinges If it were not so I woulde haue tolde you I go to prepare a place for you and if I go to prepare a place for you I will come againe and receyue you euen vnto my selfe that where I am there may yee be also Yea being ready to go to his death when he had made and disposed of his will as by waye of a testament he sayth Father I will that they which thou hast giuen me be with me where I am that they may see my glory which thou hast giuen mee Which thinges for that they shoulde not be vnderstanded only of the Apostles he plainly testifieth that he prayeth not for them alone but also for all those which shoulde beleeue in him through their teaching Therefore it is no doubt but we also shall be filled with ioye in that eternall and heauenly life which shall follow the resurrection of our bodies Here must we not omit to marke how he sayth and sheweth the cause efficient of this ioy is the face of god Which we must vnderstande to be the fauourable and mercifull countenance of God wherewith he looketh chearefully vpon vs for Christes sake so that there appeareth no token of the olde anger which we deserued by sinne For as the cherefull countenance of a king is life as Salomon sayth and by hys looking well about him all euill is driuen away So in the looke of God all fulnesse of ioye is to be had for them that beleeue wherevnto me seemeth Christ had a respect saying Blessed be the cleane in heart for they shall see God. And therefore the godly pray Shew vs the light of thy countenaunce and wee shall be safe Hereof maye we gather howe great miserie they shall be in which being secluded from the face of God shall be throwen into vtter darkenesse And thus hitherto hath the Prophete in fewe wordes described all true godlynesse and true felicitie Let vs learne to set God before our eyes to reuerence him obediently and to trust in him onelye Of this endeuour shall spring true ioye and we shall haue euery daye newe occasions to set forth Gods goodnesse and when we depart this life we shall rest in glad hope And after that shall followe a blessed resurrection wherein the soules shall be restored to the body and being taken into that true life we shall be filled with all ioye before the face of God with Iesus Christ our brother and co-heyre to whome be blessing honour power and glory for euer Amen The .xvj. Homelie YE men and brethren let me freely speake vnto you of the Patriarch Dauid for hee is both deade and buried and his sepulchre remayneth with vs vnto this daye Therefore seeing he was a Prophet and knew that God had sworne with an othe to him that Christ as concerning the fleshe shoulde come of the fruite of his loynes and sit vpon his seate he knowing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ that his soule s●oulde not bee left in hell neyther his fleshe shoulde see corruption This Iesus hath God raysed vp whereof we all are witnesses Sythence nowe that he by the right hande of God is exalted he hath receyued of the father the promise of the holye ghost he hath shed foorth this gift which you now see and heare For Dauid is not ascended into heauen but hee sayth The Lorde sayde vnto my Lorde sit thou on my right hande vntill I make thy foes thy footestoole So therefore let all the house of Israell knowe for a suretie that God hath made that same Iesus whome ye haue crucified Lorde and Christ. BIcause the whole order of our saluation is accomplished as it were in the resurrection of our bodies therefore the scripture is greatlye occupied in proouing the same which was the cause that Peter argued so diligently of Christes resurrection wherevpon it is manifest that our resurrection dependeth For he is not contented simply and plainely to preache the same but describeth all the order and maner thereof out of the ▪ xvj Psalme the authoritie whereof he vseth to prooue the same resurrection to the intreaty whereof this present place also serueth For first preuenting the obiection of his aduersaries by a preoccupation he prooueth that this Psalme ought to be expounded of christ Then commeth he backe againe to Christ and teacheth vs that whatsoeuer was prophecied by Dauid is fulfilled in him And at length he concludeth his sermon with a graue obtestation and beseeching of them About the testimonie of the Psalme Peter doth two things First he teacheth them that it cannot be expounded of Dauid by any meanes Then he prooueth that Dauid prophecieth of christ And bicause the authoritie of Dauid was verye great with the Iewes he mollifieth the mindes of his hearers with a proper preface lea●t they might thinke he spake any thing contemptuouslye of Dauid yea he citeth themselues as witnesses of the things that he meaneth to saye Let me sayth he speake of the Patriarch Dauid to you who I knowe are not ignorant in Dauids matters and are earnest studentes of his prophecies And bicause many would thinke that he spake these
vs. And the sonne himselfe bindeth his promise to vs by an othe as often as he repeateth that verilye I saye vnto you so much vsed in the Gospell These things serue much for our comfort and instruction we are taught to make much of Christ and not to despyse the saluation which commeth by his merite and is offered vs by preaching of the Gospell as he commaunded In time passed as Paule sayth they which had transgressed the lawe of Moyses dyed without mercye vnder twoo or three witnesses How much sorer shall he be punished which treadeth vnder foote the sonne of God and counteth the bloude of the newe Testament as an vnholy thing c. And Iohn the Apostle admonisheth vs earnestly hereof saying if wee receyue the witnesse of men the witnesse of God is greater which he testified of his sonne He that beleueth in the sonne of God hath the witnesse in himselfe He that beleeueth not God hath made him a lyer bicause he beleeued not the recorde that God gaue of his sonne c. But what can be more horrible than to accuse God of a lye which is both eternall truth and also may so easily reuenge the contempt of himselfe Furthermore these things comfort vs asmuch in the conflict of temptations Satan many times goeth about to call the certaintie of our saluation into doubt But if we consider howe the same is sealed and confirmed as it were by an othe our fayth can not wauer For God is true and his worde endureth for euer But Peter returneth to Christ and prooueth that in him whatsoeuer things Dauid before times prophecied of the Messias are fulfilled The end of all his sayings is that men shoulde vnderstande howe Iesus of Nazareth was the sauiour of the worlde that was promised And of a manye of things which he might haue alledged he speaketh only of the resurrection and ascention bicause these two sufficed his purpose and serued chiefely for the present cause and controuersie which rose by sending of the holy ghost We shall speake of eche of them in order He reherseth the article of the resurrection to prooue Christ to be the sauior promised which argumēt Paule vseth also Of Peters words we may frame this argument Dauid a great while sithens prophecied of the Messias that neither his soule should long abide with the other soules of them that were departed nor that his bodye should suffer corruption bicause God woulde rayse him from death But this prophecie is fulfilled in Iesus of Nazareth Ergo it is manifest that Iesus of Nazareth is the Messias and sauiour Touching the Maior there is no doubt Therefore Peter laboureth in proouing the Minor the veritie whereof he confirmeth by the common testimonye of the Apostles of this thing sayth he wee bee all witnesses Neyther might these witnesses in whome there were such euident tokens of the holy ghost and of Gods working be easily reiected or contemned of men in their right wittes The Apostles vse oftentimes to prooue Christ to be our sauiour by his resurrection bicause Satan through death which happened by reason of sinne had the rule and Lordship ouer vs Neyther coulde we safely acknowledge Christ to be our sauiour except we were certaine that he had subdued the force of death In the meane season we must diligently consider the loyaltie and trustynesse of Peter and the other Apostles The Lorde chose them to be his witnesses as we sayde in the first Chapter They therefore perfourme the dutie of witnesses faithfully and boldly without all feare of any perill For in the citie of Ierusalem before a great assembly of people they testifie that Iesus is risen againe from the deade by the power of God yet was there a farre other rumor spred abrode in that citie For the souldiers as is declared in the last of Mathew being bribed with money by the Priests bare witnesse that the Disciples by night had stollen the body of Iesus awaye What a daungerous matter it was openly to gainesay these men euerye one may easily iudge seeing they had the authoritie of the Priests and of Pylate the Romaine President to defende them But the Apostles by faith in Christ ouercame all feare of daunger and left all men an example to follow which haue the testimonie of Iesus Christ committed vnto them The other argument whereby he prooueth Iesus to be the Messias promised he taketh of Christes ascention And this argument it seemeth hee vseth chiefely bicause of them which might thinke it a ridiculous matter to preach him to be a sauiour which coulde be seene no where amongst men Which also is the error of thē in these dayes who thinke him not a sauiour vnlesse he will shew himselfe bodily vnto them But Peter speaketh on this maner He being exalted by the right hande of God and hauing receyued of the father the promise of the holy ghost hath shed foorth this gift which you see and heare This saying seemeth the obscurer bicause for the breuitie thereof it cannot be perceyued wherevnto it is to be referred But the obscuritie is easily put awaye if we ioyne therewith the Oracle which Dauid vttered touching Christes ascention For of this Oracle and those thinges that Peter sayth we may frame an whole argument after this sort Dauid prophecied that Christ shoulde not only rise againe from the deade but also taught vs that he shoulde ascende into heauen For so he sayth Thou art gone vp on high thou hast led captiuitie captiue and hast giuen giftes vnto men This thing as also the other before is fulfilled in christ For he after he was risen againe being exalted by the mighty right hande of God ascended vp into heauen we looking on and poured vppon vs the spirite which he obteyned of God the father which spirit hath wrought in vs these giftes of tongues which you doe see and heare Therefore it is manifest that this is the Messias Further no man must be offended for that he saith Christ receyued the spirite of his father as though he were not of lyke power with the father For Peter speaketh this of Christs humanity wherin Christ confesseth that his father is greater than he Although in an other place againe he saith his father and he bee both one that is to say in respect of his diuinitie And Christ himselfe very trimly looseth this knot speaking of the sending of the holy ghost in this wise He shall glorifie me for he shall receyue of mine and shall shewe vnto you All thinges whatsoeuer the father hath are mine Therefore sayde I vnto you that he shall take of mine and shew vnto you c. When the comforter is come whom I will sende vnto you from the father euen the spirite of truth which proceedeth of the father hee shall testifie of me c. But least any man might suppose that the things spoken of Christes ascention were to be vnderstanded of Dauid or would call
them in question he aunswereth them by another testimony saying For Dauid is not ascended into heauen but he sayth The Lorde sayde vnto my Lorde sit thou on my right hande vntill I make thy foes thy footestoole This argument consisteth of two pointes First Dauid ascended not into heauen Ergo these thinges ought not to be vnderstanded of Dauid He denieth that Dauid is ascended into heauen not bicause he thinketh him to be reckoned in the number of the damned but speaketh of his bodye which as was beforesayd was consumed into dust and earth Touching the soule this saying of Christ standeth in force He that beleeueth in mee hath lyfe euerlasting and shall not come into iudgement but is passed from death vnto life The other argument standeth vppon the testimonye of Dauid who sheweth that these things ought not to be vnderstanded of himselfe but of Christ which shoulde be borne of his stocke For in the Psalme Cx. he sayeth The Lorde sayde to my Lorde c. which place is so cleere and so vndenyable that Christ thought good to vse it against the Scribes In the meane season we are taught by Peters example that the Scriptures ought to be expounded by conference of other places least standing rashly vpon some one place we gainesay many other which thing is the cause of many errors in the Church It is to be marked how vnto Christes ascention into heauen he ioyneth the sending of the holy ghost This doth he very prudently and in order For hereby he teacheth vs that though Iesus Christ haue taken his body out of this worlde yet ought he not to be contemned For he hath not for all that cast of the care of the Church but by his spirite is present with the same by the which spirit he woorketh more effectually in the mindes of those that be his than before he did when he was conuersaunt with vs in body wherefore he sayth vnto the Disciples that it is expedient for vs that he leaue the worlde and go vnto the father For so place shoulde be giuen to the holy ghost which we coulde not haue so long as we did sticke to his bodily presence And surely after that Christ had giuen his bodye vpon the aultare of the Crosse for the life of the worlde and had by the raysing vp thereof againe ouercome death there was no more for his body here to doe vpon earth It remayned therefore that by his glorious ascention he should open the gates of heauen which our sinne had shut against vs and should become a pledge for vs in heauen whereby we might be assured of the inheritance possession of heauen Therfore Christ caried his body into heauen and set it on the right hand of his father hath sent vnto vs being here on the earth to vse Tertullians terme his holy ghost to be his vicare or substitute By the operatiō of him he regenerateth vs through the immortall seede of the word of God to be the sonnes of god By him he teacheth vs and comforteth vs The same is the earnest or gage of our saluation Through the encouragement we crie Abba father By him it commeth to passe that Christ dwelleth in vs and we in him All which things sithens Christ worketh in vs most effectuallye by his spirite there is no cause we shoulde complaine of the absence of his body which is resident in heauen for our healthes sake And they that require the presence of his bodye and desire to haue it shewed on earth seeme to me little mindefull of the admonitions which are read in the .xxiiij. of Mathew Also Peter describeth the kingdome of Christ with the wordes of Dauid which it behooueth vs oftentimes diligentlye to consider The first point herein is how he sayth Christ is exalted by the right hande of God and ascended into heauen Therfore his kingdome is heauenly not of this worlde as himselfe confessed before Pylate In deede all power is giuen vnto him in heauen and in earth but not to rule after the maner of Princes in this worlde in whose reignes must needes fall out vncertaine and vnstable entercourse of matters bicause they labour to obtayne kingdomes by the vncertaine and vaine power of the flesh We are also taught that we must not seeke for worldly goodes in the kingdome of Christ suche as are riches honors pleasures friendship of the worlde and others of like sort They are eternall and celestiall goodes which God the father hath giuen vs in christ Therefore we ought altogither to be busied in studying for them Then he teacheth vs that Christ sitteth at the right hande of God by the which phrase of speach both a certaine place is appointed of beatitude and blisse and also an equall power of kingdome or empire with God the father For the father loueth the sonne and hath giuen all thinges into his handes He also commaundeth all men to honour the sonne euen as they honour the father Wherevnto also this worde sitting belongeth whereby is expressed the maiestie of Christ in his reigne and the sure and vnmooueable power of his kingdome Last of all he sayth that all his enimies shall be subdued and become his footestoole Christ is therfore a victorious king and an inuincible vanquisher of his enimies Satan is the capitaine and standerdbearer of them all who was threatened with death long sithens by the first promyse of saluation that was made in Christ when God sayd The seede of the woman shall treade downe the serpentes heade And Christ teacheth vs that he is alreadye iudged and cast out In like maner it is as playne that sinne is ouercome For God sayth Paule sent his sonne and hath condemned sinne by sinne that is to say by the sacrifice of his sonne offred vpon the aultar of the crosse for sinne he hath put awaye the guilt or trespasse of sinne and hath taken awaye the power and force thereof that it shall hereafter not hurt vs But sinne being put away it is euident that death also must be vanquished which fought against vs by none other weapon than the sting of sinne Therefore all the power of hell is truelye subdued by Christ. He also ouercommeth the world and tyraunts with all the ●able of the reprobate For we reade that it hath bene long since decreed by the father that they that will not be gouerned by the wholesome worde of his sonne shall be brused and broken to poulder with his rod of yron Neither want there examples of dayes longe passed and nowe present which teache vs what notable victories and triumphes Christ atchieueth of the enimies of his Church Let vs learne therfore to acknowledge this king and not to feare this worlde which when it rageth most is nearest to destruction and is able to doe nothing against them whome Christ taketh charge of against whome the gates of hell are not able to preuayle
vnto Peter and the other Apostles ye men and brethren what shall we doe He attributeth two things vnto them First they are pricked in heart He vnderstandeth the terrours of conscience which rose in them by the acknowledging of their sinne and by the feeling or feare of the wrath of God in them With these must we beginne if we will take any profite by preaching of the worde For as long as we liue carelesse in sinne and are touched with no feeling of our sinnes nor feare of the iudgements of God we can not earnestly thinke of the waye of saluation as men that iudge the care thereof vnprofitable and superfluous And bicause this faulte cleaueth to vs by corruption of nature but being delighted with the enticementes of sinne acknowledge not our selues for sinners it is necessarye that our sinnes be reprooued and accused by the worde of God which thing Christ declareth to be one of the first workes of the holy ghost By reason wherof the worde of the Gospell is called a sworde and the light For being sharper than any two edged sworde it entreth through euen vnto the deuiding a sunder of the soule and the spirite and of the ioyntes and the marrowe and is a discerner of the thoughts and of the intents of the heart and setteth them not only before our selues but before others to beholde And that this is a thing necessarye we are taught not onely by the expresse worde of God but also by the example of Gods elect to speake nothing in the meane season of the filthye children of the world which cannot repent Surely Dauid although he were a man euen according to Gods owne minde yet did he not acknowledge his grieuous sinnes of adulterie manslaughter and manye such vices as followed them till he was reprooued of the Prophete by the worde of god And then he beginneth to crie out I haue sinned against the Lorde Againe I acknowledge my faults and my sinne is euer before me My bones are vexed and my soule is also sore troubled There is no health in my flesh bicause of thy displeasure neither is there any rest in my bones by reason of my sinne And such like as are read in the Psalme lj vj.xxxviij and in other places And the lyke we may see euen in our own sinnes There were now fiftie dayes and more gone since the death of christ And how many were there at Ierusalem of them that cried the bloude of Christ be on vs on our children which shewed any token of repentance But rather liued carelesse out of doubt had perished if god had not shaken that carelesnesse of fro their mindes For they being prouoked by Peters sermon begin now at length to be pricked in their harts to tremble and to thinke of their saluation We must saye the same euen of our selues if we will confesse the truth They therefore are greatlye deceyued which will not haue sinnes rebuked by the worde of God and crie out that it belongeth not to the dutie of Ministers to be busied in reprehending of sinne Such men finde sometime dumbe dogges which frame their doctrine according to their lustes but then is that saying of the Prophete fulfilled that the sworde of the Lorde commeth vpon the carelesse and the bloude of them that perish shall be required at the handes of the flattering preachers To this pricking of heart and terrour of conscience is added an other thing that is to say they séeke counsell at Peter and the Apostles howe to be deliuered from their sinne and to be restored againe to Gods fauour And this is no lesse necessary than the first whereof we spake euen nowe For it is manifest that the verye wicked are compunct and stricken sadde with the worde of God and the accusing of their sinne But as all thinges worke to the best in the elect so the wicked take occasion on euerye side to offende the more grieuouslye as we see in this place it commeth to passe For where their sinnes are openlye detected eyther through impacient fiercenesse they rise against the worde of God and will not seeme to haue sinned wherof we haue examples in Achab and afterwards in the Priests of the Iewes or else turning them to their owne workes they seeke by them howe to satisfie the iustice of God and to auoyde his wrath And when they can see nothing but the heynousnesse of sinne and the horrible wrath of God then begin they to crie out with Caine My wickednesse is greater than can be forgiuen and so at length with Iudas come to an vnhappy ende We must therefore after the example of these men go farther and not sticke in the bitter terrors of conscience We must take counsell of the thing whereof our terrour riseth that is to say of the word of God which as Pelias did sometime with his Iaueling against Telephus both woundeth our consciences and maketh them whole againe Neyther must wee here be so afrayde with the grieuousnesse of sinne that we must thinke our selues forlorne and past hope For this sentence of God remayneth still in his full strength which sayth I will not the death of a sinner but rather that ●ee conuert and liue And Christ our Lord doth not only promise that they that seeke shall finde but also professeth that he is a Phisition for suche as are sicke in conscience and in euery place biddeth them that traueyle and are heauy laden to come vnto him And we must thinke it was not without the secret instinct and working of God that they whose handes as yet reeked with the bloude of the sonne of God were the first that hearde the Apostle preach For God in this doing woulde haue vs perswaded that the merite of Iesus Christ and the liberalitie of his goodnesse coulde not be counterpeysed or outweyed with any sinnes so that we woulde cleaue vnto him by faith But let vs heare Peters short and sweete counsayle Repent you and be you euery one baptized in the name of Christ for the remission of sinnes and ye shall receyue the gift of the holy ghost For to you was the promise made c. He requireth of them three things but we will entreate onely of two at this present of the thirde we will speake in the sermon following The first thing he dispatcheth in one worde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sayth he which the Latine interpreter translateth poenitentiam agite that is repent ye He beginneth with that which the Scripture euery where exacteth Moyses verily sheweth them which shoulde be punished for their offences and for transgressing of the lawe that their way to be saued stoode only in repentance That this repentance is that thing which the Prophets chief●y vrge is more manifest than needeth to be prooued Iohn the Baptist the first minister of the newe Testament beginneth his preaching with the same And Christ when he begunne to preache cryed Repent ye for the
vse whereof is to learne vs to knowe the order of the Apostolike Church and wherein the same is in these dayes decayed to restore and reforme it thereafter againe They continued sayth he in the Apostles doctri ne and fellowship and in breaking of breade and in prayers He rehearseth foure things of euery which we haue something to say In the first place the Apostles doctrine what that was it shall otherwheres appeare It was Christes commaundement that they should teache all Nations those things that they had before learned of him He commaunded them to preach repentance and forgiuenesse of sinnes in his name In the which articles it is plaine the knowledge of the whole law and of Gods will and all the maner of our saluation is contayned A taste of this doctrine we sawe in Peters sermon gone before And their writings abundantly declare that they obserued this forme of doctrine in all places Therefore the faithfull of the primitiue Church abode in that order and trade of doctrine which we see at this daye comprehended in the bookes of the Apostles and in these is no mention made of any mans traditions and inuentions Luke placeth doctrine first bicause by teaching the Church is gathered togither and by the same as Paule declareth commeth fayth and all the beleeuing are borne againe of the immortall and eternal word touching which point see Rom. 10. 1. Pet. 1 c. Here we learne that the chiefe care in the Church ought to be for doctrine For where through it as was sayde euen nowe we be gathered into the vnitie of fayth it cannot be chosen but they must fowly and miserably be scattered that admit diuers and vncertaine doctrines Those be diuers and vncertaine which de pend and consist of the will of man Wherefore it behooueth vs to holde and retaine the Apostolike doctrine which they learned at Christes mouth and which they being illuminated with the holye ghost taught to all Nations vppon the earth This doctrine is both certaine plaine per●i●e and autentike so that it needeth neyther mannes inuention nor authoritie eyther to commende or confirme it Iohn speaking of this doctrine sayth Let that which you hearde from the beginning remayne in you And Paule will not haue himselfe beleeued no nor an aungell comming from heauen if hee dare to preach anye other Gospell or waye of saluation than the Apostles haue taught This reprooueth the vnconstant wethercockes of these dayes who haue a delight to dally with doctrine and religion and dare euery daye alter and chaunge it at their pleasure and for priuate lueres sake as wee reade Ieroboam vsed to doe As though the vse of religion and doctrine were to none other ende but to keepe men in awe as it were with vayne buggebeggers Here are they also reprooued which like children suffer themselues to be ledde with euery blast of doctrine contrary to the precept of Paule For the chiefe marke of those that be faithfull and true Christians is a faithfull and constaunt keeping of the Apostles doctrine Whosoeuer rashly forsaketh this doctrine he must needes confesse that he knoweth not at all what the Church of Christ is Secondly he sayeth that they continued in communicating he vnderstandeth the beneficence and liberalitie they vsed towarde the poore according to that saying of the Apostle To doe good and to distribute forget not He ioyneth this next vnto doctrine bicause that by it as was euen nowe sayde we are vnited vnto Christ our heade as members of one bodye Therefore they that be in this wise vnited togither must count eche others aduersitie and prosperitie as their owne wherevnto it seemeth Christ had a respect where he shewed that loue was the cognisaunce and badge of his Disciples And this is a singuler and worthy prayse of beneficence to haue the next place vnto doctrine among the exercises of the Church Whereby we may easily perceiue what to thinke of them who are touched with no pitie of their needy brethren but snorting in wealth themselues care not though all other want so they may enioye the riches and delights of this world But bicause we meane hereof to speake more hereafter let this little for this time suffice Thirdly he reciteth breaking of breade by the which he vnderstandeth the mysticall supper of our Lorde and sauiour Iesus Christ. He vseth this name for that in the supper the breade is publikely and solemnely broken partly to set forth the memorie of the Lordes death and partly to put vs in minde that we were the causers of the death of Iesus Christ seeing it was necessary he shoulde suffer and die for our sinnes He maketh mention onely of the supper not for that he barreth baptisme out of the Church but bicause he had spoken thereof before where he sayde they were baptised And he speaketh of those which were alredy receiued into the Church not of their children and those that shoulde afterwarde professe Christ wherof we gather that baptisme ought not to be yterated bicause it is sufficient to be once receyued into the Church of Christ. Another reason why he spake of the supper was bicause Christ ordeyned it to be a solemne memoriall and remembrance of his death which for this cause ought to bee the oftner celebrated Marke here in the meane while the simplicitie of the primitiue Church which being contented with the rites and sacraments deliuered by the Lord neither durst deuise any new ne yet set forth the olde with any newe ceremonies for feare of prescribing christ And although Luke expresse not the rytes and order of the mysticall supper as they vsed it yet there is no doubt but they had a respect to Christes institution bicause Paule afterwarde confesseth that he deliuered vnto the faithfull that order which he receyued of the Lorde and reuoketh them which had swarued from the same to the obseruation and keeping thereof These things ought they to haue marked which glorying in the name of the Gospell are so bolde as to chaunge and alter the maner of the Lords supper ordeyned by Christ himselfe For to saye nothing of the lightes the riot in vestiments the pieuishe gesturing and infinite such like which they perhaps of a good zeale thought to commende the authoritie of the supper the more with this me thinketh can not be pardoned that they haue taken from the supper the breaking of bread whyles they make the peeces of the misticall bread rounde before they come to the supper and put them whole into the mouthes of the receyuers If they take away this breaking what will they leaue vs wherby to remember the death of Christ or to admonish vs of our sinnes and of repentance considering the breaking of breade was of such authoritie in the primitiue Church that vnder that name they comprehended the whole supper of the Lorde Therefore we must holde fast the auncient simplicitie which if any man dislyke certes he to boldly
men counsel how they should be saued he must beginne alwayes with these twoo things For vnlesse we acknowledge our sinnes and be sory for them we shall neuer thinke of anye amendement and reconciliation with god But bicause the wicked sometime acknowledge their sinne and be sorie for them as we see Iudas did he addeth an other worde namely that they must conuert The conuersion or turning must be vnto that thing from which by sinne they departed before But that we depart from God by sinne is more manifest than needeth any great proofe of wordes Therefore it is sayde in the Scriptures that sinners doe forsake the wayes of god Therefore we must turne vnto God by repentance And we conuert vnto God partly by amending our life and partly by faith in Iesus Christ. The one maketh vs to ceasse from sinne whereby we prouoked the wrath of God the other indueth vs with the righteousnesse of Christ and maketh vs able to stande in his sight For the doctrine of the Gospell teacheth vs that God the father is reconcyled vnto vs by christ Of faith springeth the inuocation of God and whatsoeuer other fruites vse to growe of repentance Therefore Peter sheweth the same waye of saluation here that he did before which we must thinke belongeth no lesse to vs than to the Iewes We are the shorter in this place bicause the things that might here be spoken are sayd before where he may see more hereof that listeth Unto this precept or counsell he addeth a promise to mooue them the more He promiseth them forgiuenesse of sinnes wherof it is credible they were chiefely carefull But marke the maner of speach which he for great cause and consideration vseth Conuert sayth he that your sinnes maye bee done away He doth not attribute vnto them any glorie of merite or desert as though by workes of penaunce they might put awaye their sinnes or make satisfactiō for them But teacheth them how they must be done away by another that is to saye by God against whome we sinne and by sinne become debters vnto him For it is a Metaphore or translation taken from Creditors or lenders who only haue power and authoritie to wype debtes out of their bookes of reckening when eyther they are satisfyed by their debters or else themselues of fauour and goodnesse will remitte and forgiue all the debt And all they which sinne become debters vnto God according to that saying of Dauid I haue sinned against thee O Lorde And verily whatsoeuer is cōmitted against the will of the Lord is sinne Therfore vnlesse God wype out the ●●btes of our sinnes there can none other deliuer vs from them The wysest both of the Iewes and Gentiles haue herein consented and agreed For albeit the Gentiles attributed muche to their superstitions yet they confessed they were in vaine vnlesse some peculiar fauor of God were ioyned with them Among the Iewes the Phariseyes attributed much to their works yet we read that they themselues confessed openly that God onely had power to forgiue sinnes He forgiueth them or putteth them awaye not bicause it is in our power to purge them and to make satisfaction for them for before him no fleshe is iustified and all our righteousnesses be as an olde worne and ragged clothe which can neyther couer vs nor keepe vs warme but for that Iesus Christ the sonne of God hath pourged them vppon the aultar of the crosse by the merite of his death and by the price of his bloude hath cancelled all that that hath made vs guiltie of death before god The Lord in the same sense vseth this translation of doing awaye or wyping out in Esay the Prophete cap. 43. and .44 And Christ declareth all the maner hereof by a feate Parable in the .xviij. of Mathew Peter therefore admonisheth the Iewes hereof to th ende they might vnderstande that their sinnes were nowe all done awaye so that they would with all their heart embrace Iesus Christ by whose merite they were put away Nowe that which is sayde to them we must thinke spoken also to vs who aboue all thinges must haue this care that in our repentance we haue our eyes fast fixed vppon the onelye forgiuenesse of our sinnes that through to wicked and ouer bolde a confidence we chalenge not to our selues or to the merites of our workes that benefite which commeth of the only grace of God obtayned by the meryte of Christ. Furthermore as there is nothing more wholesome and necessary for man than repentaunce and turning vnto God wherevnto Peter in this place counselleth vs so the fleshe will credit and beleeue anye thing more easily than this For such is the corruption of our nature that we delight in sinne and are so proude that we are ashamed to confesse our fault and to amende it Therefore the Apostle vrgeth them standing wauering and in doubt with most strong argumentes agreeable to this purpose He setteth before their eyes the remembraunce of the later daye and the glorious comming of Christ our Iudge His talke or phrase herein is somewhat defectiue not full but may in this wise be easily supplied It is not in vaine that I require you to repent and to turne vnto god For the same shall be profitable and necessary for you that you maye hereafter be able to stande sure when the time of refreshinge which we shall haue of the Lordes sight commeth and when he shall sende the same Iesus Christ which was before preached whome the heauens must receyue vntill the time that all things be restored againe Out of the which wordes we may gather two argumentes The one is taken of the time the sense whereof is thus This forme of the worlde shall not alway endure neyther that trade of men and other creatures that we now see For there shall come a daye of refreshing and restoring of all things when both the godly shall be deliuered and restitution required of the wicked c. Therfore as your saluation is deare vnto you so applie you busily that that day may bring vnto you refreshing and saluation and not feare and tormentes The other argument he taketh of the Iudges person ▪ God will sende this Iesus Christ of whome we now speake to be a Iudge before whose iudgement seate all men must stande that there they may receyue in their bodies according to all their doings whether they be good or badde Is it not therefore necessarye that you shoulde get the fauour of this Iudge before he come to punishe you for your offences It seemeth that a thirde argument also maye be gathered of these wordes in that he sayth he whome he now preached shall come to be a Iudge For so he taketh from them all pretence of ignorance that they shoulde not thinke theyr former ignorance shoulde excuse them in the daye of iudgement And of such weyght are the thinges here spoken that if the consideration of them can not mooue any man certes
A Prophet shall the Lord your God rayse vp vnto you euen of your brethren like vnto me him shall you heare in all things whatsoeuer he shall saye vnto you For the time will come that euerye soule which will not heare that same Prophete shall bee destroyed from among the people All the Prophets also from Samuell and thenceforth as many as haue spoken haue in likewise tolde of these dayes AFter that the Apostle Peter had grieuouslye accused the heynous wickednesse of the Iewes which they committed against the sonne of God in the thirde part of his sermon he gaue them counsell howe to obteyne saluation as we declared in our last Sermon He bade them repent and conuert vnto God which we partly doe by repentance and partly by faith in Iesus Christ through whose merite we be reconciled vnto god But it was no small blocke that kept the Iewes from embracing of christ For where they were not yet come to the knowledge of him a great many feared that if they shoulde receyue him they shoulde offende against Moyses and the lawe giuen them from god And it seemed a weightie matter to them to forsake the religion which God had giuen vnto them and which they had helde so many yeares after that order and according as they receyued it of their forefathers Therefore the Apostle in the fourth part of his oration correcteth this errour teaching them that both Moyses and the Prophetes direct the true worshippers of God vnto Christ and that therefore they so little offended against the lawe by beleeuing in Christ that rather they disobey Moyses and beleeue not the Prophetes truly except they receyue Christ of whome they beare witnesse Againe least they shoulde distrust the goodnesse of Christ whome they nowe so oftentimes hearde they had offended by their great crueltie he declareth that he that was promised to the fathers belongeth to them also and is their sauiour as well as the fathers so that they woulde embrace him with true fayth But at this present we will speake but of those thinges onely which Peter alledgeth concerning the mysterie of Christ grounded vppon the bookes of the olde Testament He beginneth with Moyses bicause he was of greatest authoritie among the Iewes Out of whome where he might haue brought diuers testimonies he taketh one among a manye whereby he teacheth vs that Christ was long agone appointed to be the teacher and schoolemaister of Gods people Which thing serued much to this present purpose bicause as I saide euen nowe many thought it a grieuous matter to forsake Moyses who they knewe was appointed of God to be their lawmaker and maister He sheweth therefore that it was not Moyses minde that they should alwaye hang vppon him but that he pointed them to another Prophete which shoulde more perfitely teache them all things The place is in Deuteronomie .xviij. Chapter In that place are prohibited all superstitious and soothsaying Artes of the heathen whereby they go about to search out the knowledge of thinges to come and the secretes of God by diuination by the wicked Mathematicalles by the noise of birdes flying by Necromancie and such like kinde of diuinations And Moyses doth aduertise them that they shoulde forsake these things and turne to the only worde of God and wholy depend vpon the same And bicause they should not thinke it an harde matter to finde out the meaning of Gods word he sayth they should neuer want Prophetes whome God would rayse vp from among themselues by whose ministerie they shoulde learne what the will of God was in all things they shoulde take in hande And they are not deceyued which thinke that an vniuersall promise is conteyned in this place whereby the gift of prophecie is established and confirmed in the people and Church of god But Peter wittily applieth this generall promise vnto Christ who it is euident is the chiefe of the Prophetes and by whose spirite as he sayth in another place all the Prophetes were ledde and inspired And that the things here spoken by Moyses belong vnto Christ is more euident than needeth anye long demonstration For he was both borne of the Iewes and was sent of God as appeareth by his doctrine and myracles whiche we see in all pointes conformable to the doctrine of the Apostles Therefore Peters argument seemeth most strong whereby he laboureth to perswade them to beleeue in Christ according to Moyses saying euen as if he shoulde say Moyses so little challengeth to him selfe alone all authoritie of teaching that he commaundeth vs to giue eare and credite to euerye Prophete teaching the worde of God and hath appointed all those that despise the Prophetes sayings to be punished with death Therfore how much more ought you to beleeue Christ who hath taught vs the will of God the father more plainly and perfitely than anye man and in whome most truly are verified whatsoeuer Moyses sayth of that Prophete And so Peter trimlye toucheth the ende and scope of his purpose that is to take out of their mindes that preposterous religion which let and hindred them with the ouermuch reuerence of Moyses and the law and their pieuish opinion and woulde not let them to embrace Iesus Christ. Yet bicause both Peter and Steuen as appeareth hereafter expounde this place of Moyses as ment of Christ we also will here search out such thinges as maye enstruct vs in the knowledge of christ And first of all Moyses doth elegantlye describe vnto vs Christ our sauiour Next he teacheth vs what dutie we owe vnto him and pronounceth sentence of death agaynst them that doe contemne him First in the description of Christ he sheweth of whome he shall spring or be borne The Lorde your God shall rayse him vp of your brethren He must then be borne of the Iewes which is an infallible argument of hys incarnation and of his true manhoode whereby they are conuinced which saye Christ brought his flesh from heauen and tooke it not of the substance of the virgin but came through the virgin into the worlde as water runneth through a conduite Verily Paule testifieth that he tooke not on him the aungels nature or any heauenly creatures but the seede of Abraham And speaking of the prerogatiues of the Iewes wherewith God aboue other nations did vouchsafe to endue them among other things he maketh mention howe Christ touching the fleshe shoulde be borne of them which is God in all things to be praysed for euer Wherevnto the promises of the olde Testament are to be referred where often times he is called one whyle the seede of the woman another whyle the seede of Abraham and of Dauid We must here obserue the singular goodnesse of God who hauing appointed his sonne to be our sauiour and teacher woulde haue the same incarnated and made man least eyther we might be afrayde of his maiestie or thinke he disdained our infirmitie which Paule also considered Heb. 2. 4. Secondlye he
Comptrollers espie any thing in these mennes conuersation Naye such as these sate highest among them Yet are the Apostles who hitherto had hurt no man but profited a great many cyted examined and commaunded to prison So in these dayes where men burne in hatred of the truth all men may freely be naught But to preache Christ and to call mennes mindes through his doctrine from superstition and ydolatrie that is an heynous matter I warrant you This is the olde corruption of the worlde which neuer is afrayde of punishment for sinne but abhorreth and hateth them most which endeuour to bring them to God. After Peter had reprehended their vniust proceeding he answereth their question more apparantly and testifyeth that Iesus Christ is the only author of the myracle Be it knowne sayth he to you all and to all the people of Israel that by the name of Iesus Christ of Nazareth whome you crucified whome God raysed agayne from death euen by him doth this man stande here present before you whole He repeateth the same here againe that he sayde in the Church For he so ascribeth to Christ only the glorye of the myracle that therewith also he casteth in their teeth their wickednesse committed against the sonne of god He maketh mention also of Christes resurrection to shewe them that they stroue against him in vaine seeing he whome they thought to haue made out of the waye had ouercomme death and nowe liued in glory Peters example is to be well marked for thereby we are taught howe to deale with the professed enimies of the truth He giueth them such honor as God doth vouchsafe to giue vnto Iudges as euen nowe was declared Yet he abstaineth from all kinde of vile flatterie yea rather he freely and frankly vttereth those thinges which make for the setting forth of Christes truth and glorie For both he telleth them of their wicked deede and sheweth them that he whome they persecuted liueth and reigneth This waye must we also take least eyther we suffer our tongue to runne at ryot or else for cowardly feare or fauour dissemble the truth For as it is not meete we should followe the children of this worlde in euill speaking so the enimies of the truth are not worthy to haue their tyrannie and wickednesse spared We haue other examples of this kinde both in the Prophetes and in the Apostles But it shall be best to followe the prompting of the holy spirite which neuer fayleth them that are zealous towarde Christ. Howbeit where the Apostles were chiefely appointed to preach Christ vnto the worlde here Peter also forgetteth not his dutie but taking occasion of the premisses teacheth in fewe wordes that all our saluation is conteyned in Christ alone But this seemed a great stumbling blocke bicause Iesus Christ was condemned by them which had power in the Church by Gods appoyntment to teache and administer euery thing Therfore he first remooueth this blocke out of the waye alleaging the wordes of Dauid out of the Cxviij Psalme which wordes Christ also vsed as we reade in the Gospell For Dauid who was a figure of Christ speaking of himselfe sayth The same stone which the builders refused is become the heade stone in the corner Which wordes Peter expressely expounding of Christ and the Priestes of the Iewes sayth This is the stone which was cast away of you builders which is become the chiefe of the corner The sense of the wordes is this I knowe that both you and also other marueyle greatly why we ascribe so great prayse and glory vnto Christ and say that he liueth and raigneth and is risen againe from death whom you by shamefull death would haue made out of the waye But this ought to offende no man Nay rather ye maye learne that he is the same Iesus whome the Prophetes long before sayde shoulde come haue you forgotten that saying of Dauid which teacheth vs that so God had appointed that the Messias shoulde be reiected of them which ought to haue builded vp Gods Church and to bring all men vnto him you your selues are those builders For vnto you was committed the office of teaching and the whole ordring of religion You haue reiected Iesus and would giue him no place in the Church of god Him hath God raised from death and made him the head of the corner that is a Lord and a sauiour and the ruler of his Churche And hath so inclosed in him only all saluation that without him the same is no where else to be founde For among men vnder heauen there is none other name giuen wherein we can be saued Peter therefore so preacheth Iesus to be a sauiour that he therewith denieth all hope of saluation to them which disdaine to embrace him Here are three things to be considered the consideration whereof is no lesse profitable than necessary The first is howe the holy ghost foresheweth that Christ should be refused of those which by Goddes appoyntment were the chiefe among the people This reprooueth the wicked pride of the Bishops of Rome which say they cannot erre For although it were manifest they were appointed of God yet that they cannot erre shoulde neuer be graunted them seeing they which were ordeyned by God haue so often erred But while they saye they cannot erre they bewray their follie whereas now their errors are open not onely to Barbours and bleare eyed as is in the Prouerbe but also to boyes and children Clement the seauenth being Pope confessed this grosse ignorance or rather impudent lust of theirs to lye For where at his table two Monks as their maner is were disputing whether the Pope could erre or no after many words to fro they agreed he might erre as he was a man but as he was Pope Christes vicar on earth he could by no means erre Clement offended with this most impudent more than slauelike flatterie sayd to the Monke with angrie moode nay I confesse that euen as I am Pope I both may and often doe erre For whyle I bestowe benefices and other ecclesiasticall dignities as I suppose vpon good godly persons I find at length they be very knaues worthy of no honor Let them listen to this oracle of their Caiphas which now a dayes haue the Popes in such admiration that they thinke it an heinous matter to swarue one nailes bredth from their decrees Furthermore this place teacheth vs not to be offended when we see Christ reiected of the states of the world of those which some men take for the pillers henges heads of the church This is the auncient guise of the world which vseth to preferre darcknesse before light which thing Esaias complaineth of when in declaring of the mysteries of Christ he saith there were but few that would beleeue him truly acknowledge the power of the Lorde And Christ testifieth that these mysteries are reuealed to little ones hidden from the wise of this world Yea
he preferreth Publicanes and harlots to the kingdome of God before these whome Peter here reasoneth with Let this comfort vs that we knowe Christes honor remayneth safe and sounde howsoeuer the wicked worlde rageth against him For of him hath God sayde from euerlasting I haue set my king vppon my holy hill of Syon I will preache the lawe whereof the Lorde hath sayde vnto me Thou art my sonne this daye haue I begotten thee Aske of me and I shall giue thee the heathen for thine enheritance c. Secondly here is an Allegorie to be considered where the Rulers of the Church are compared vnto builders For this thing both admonisheth them of their dutie and setteth forth their whole office The name of a builder is not a name of honor but of charge and dutie and there is nothing so vnsitting for a deuiser or builder as ydlenesse For he onely amonge other that worke laboureth not but yet the whole charge and care of all the building lyeth on his shoulders And his ende is to haue a faire and sure house builded Which ende that he may attaine vnto he layeth a sure foundation vpon the which he setteth his whole frame and his whole care is to haue it workmanly finished These thinges the Ministers of the Churche must obserue whome the Lord hath called to labours and cares For they are builders of the house of God which is the congregation as Paule saith To the building vp of this house let them bring al that they are able remēbring that they haue receyued power to builde and not to destroye Let them laye no newe foundation but builde vpon that which the Lorde hath layde which Paule calleth the foundation of the Prophetes and Apostles which is Iesus Christ. This is that precious stone layd 〈◊〉 the foundations of Zion This is that rocke wherevpon we liuely stones must be builded and against which the gates of hell shall not be able to preuayle Now as the building must be begunne with this stone so the same stone is the chiefe and headstone of the toppe or corner For in him is our perfection and he ioyneth togither two nations the Gentyles and the Iewes into one body of a congregation as the corner stone ioyneth togither two walles He professeth also he is the doore of this building He is the true housholder which hath committed the charge of the house to the Ministers and will one day require a reckonning how they haue vsed his house Therefore let all Ministers regarde this goodman of the house and take heede that they bring no heye or stubble to this building where mennes traditions haue naught to doe As many as fayle in this poynt they with the Iewes being builders vpon a naughtie fayth reiect Christ on whome they fall and procure destruction to themselues After the which rule if they be well examined which nowe a dayes will be taken for builders of the Church it shall easily appeare what they may be iudged to be Last of all this chiefe principle of Christian beliefe must be deepelye layde vp in our mindes wherein Peter ascribeth to Christ onely the whole glory of our redemption and saluation saying There is saluation in none other That he prooueth by the decree of God adding For among men vnder heauen there is giuen none other name wherein we must be saued For as in the world euery thing must be brought to passe by those meanes which god hath appointed therevnto so is it impossible that saluation can be attayned to by any other meanes than by the merite of Christ whom God which is the only author of mans saluation hath appointed from euerlasting to this purpose and businesse And where it is euident Goddes decree can not be broken Peter thought this one place sufficient ynough to confirme his opinion which otherwise had other infinite places wherby to prooue the same For no man can discharge the dutie of a Sauiour but he that can take awaye sinne ouercome death make intercession for vs before God and giue righteousnesse and lyfe to them that beleeue in him That all these thinges be in the power of Christ onely all the Scripture teacheth vs and himselfe cryeth out in the Prophete I am the Lorde This is my name and my glorye will I not giue to another And of him onely the father bare witnesse from heauen This is my beloued sonne in whome I am well pleased Of him he sometime pronounced by the Prophete This is my seruaunt vppon whome I leane mine elect in whome my soule is pacified In him is giuen vnto vs grace and veritie In him are all the treasures of knowledge wisedome and goodnesse of God opened vnto vs. He is made vnto vs of God wisedome righteousnesse satisfaction redemption and sanctification He is to them that hunger the breade of life and to them that thirst a fountaine of liuelye water He promiseth to them that traueyle and are laden refreshing giueth it them He onely is the waye which whosoeuer taketh not hee cannot come vnto the father He is the lambe of God slayne from the beginning of the world through whose merite both the olde fathers were saued and as many as beleeue in him shall be saued vntill the worldes ende Finally in him Paule testifyeth that we be chosen before the foundations of the worlde were layde Therefore by this place all other religions which shewe vs any newe meanes of saluation beside Christ are confuted With this Rammer the Gentyles Idolatrie the Iewes righteousnesse in their lawe the Phariseyes boasting and hypocrisie the Popedome with all their market of pardons and merites and all that confused Chaos of Monkish orders are beaten downe ouerturned and brought to the grounde For whatsoeuer is beside Iesus can neuer saue vs Therefore they condemne not vs but Peter of heresie which in these dayes excommunicate vs bicause we cleaue to Iesus our onely sauiour contemning those things which the superstition of man hath brought vp But we easily contemne their iudgementes which learne of Peter that it is no marueyle if manye of the builders reiect this precious stone We embrace him with constant fayth without whome there is no saluation and which hath promised to all them that beleeue in him saluation and life euerlasting To him be praise honour power and glory for euer Amen The .xxviij. Homelie WHEN they sawe the boldnesse of Peter and Iohn and vnderstoode that they were vnlearned and laye men they marueyled and they knewe them that they had bene with Iesu And beholding also the manne which was healed standing with them they coulde not saye agaynst it but commaunded them to go aside out of the Counsell and counsayled among themselues saying what shall we do to these men for a manifest signe is done by them and is openly knowne to all them that dwell in Hierusalem and wee cannot denie it But that it bee
is it seene in thys present Booke where in the report of the Apostles actes and description of the primitiue Church Luke alwayes ioyneth these two thinges togyther that is to say the successe of Christes kingdome and the furious rage of the vngodly against the same These thinges serue to the ende that we should neyther be offended at the Crosse and aduersitie whereof Christ so often tymes hath gyuen vs warning neyther hope for anye contynuall peace and tranquillitie of the Church in thys worlde but that we should euen then prepare our selues to the crosse when the Church seemeth to be most in safetie Wherevnto thys present hystorie is chiefely to be referred For Luke a little before setteth forth vnto vs a flowrishing state of the Church shewing vs what a●thoritie it grewe in and how it increased day by day in so much that the Citie of Ierusalem was nowe to little to conteyne the kingdome of Christ bicause it began to be caryed abroad among straunge Nations But among these so many and prosperous proceedings there foloweth a grieuous persecution and great daunger bicause Christ gaue his enimies such power that they layde handes on the Apostles and put them in prison thinking also to put them vnto death Yet these things serue more to comfort vs than to feare vs bicause the Lorde so presently helped the Apostles being in daunger for the glorie of his name But that we maye receaue the more vtilitie and profite hereby first we must consider the enimies of Christ and the Apostles Then howe the Lorde did elude and frustrate their enterprise And last of all we will declare what the Apostles did after they were delyuered from the perill they were in Luke wryteth diligently of the enimies and persecutours of the church and of their enterprises For he sayth the high priest rose vp agaynst the Apostles and not he alone but all his complyces and fellowes and they that were his nearest friendes and familiars and these sayth he were of the Sadduceyes secte that we may perceaue what corruption raigned nowe among the Iewes when they were supreame heades of the Church to whome the resurrection of the dead which is the chiefe article of our fayth and religion seemed but a game and pastime as we haue often tymes declared And surely if they had not bene vtterly voyde of all religion eyther the sinceritie of the Apostles doctrine or the reuerente maiestie of the congregation or the wonderfull worthynesse of myracles and so great concursse of all sortes of people to the kingdome of Christ might haue mooued them lesse to haue raged But Luke declareth also what incensed them For he sayth they were full of zeale that is enuie and indignation For they could not abyde them to be had in prise and estimation by whose doctrine theyr honor and aduauntage was defaced Yet is it no doubt but they made the zeale of God and the publike commoditie of all the people to be the pretence of their priuate affections as we reade Caiaphas and his complyces did before Wherevnto came this zeale so farre that they layde hands on the Apostles and commaunded them to the common gayle as breakers of publike peace and open malefactours These things must be applyed to our times also bicause it is manifest al things are written for our sakes that we may haue enstruction and comfort thereby First this example teacheth vs who are alwayes like to be the greatest persecutors of Christes truth Truely they which glorie in the tytle of Priesthoode and will be taken for the chiefe heades of the Church and ought chiefely to maintaine and preach the truth But as soone as vnder pretence of Religion they beginne to seeke their owne gayne and lucre then can they neyther beleue themselues nor yet suffer the light of the truth whose brightnesse discloseth their naughtinesse and deceit And such for the most parte are these Sadduceis yea the Hogges of Epicures hearde For vnlesse they thought the thinges written in Scripture touching Heauen and Hell the immortalitie of the soules and the resurrection of the deade more vaine than fables they woulde neuer neyther so wickedly corrupte the scriptures with their traditions nor yet so impudently turne relygion into priuate lucre and aduantage Therefore Christ and the Apostles shewe vs how Antichrists place and Sea should be euen in the very church that we might perceyue from whence most daunger were to be looked for and feared And if we well marke these tymes it shall appeare they onely haue bene the enimies of the doctrine of the Gospell and kingdome of Christ which heretofore haue bene thought to be the chiefe heades of the Church For it is euident that the matters attempted by Princes and Kings were done for their sakes and by their procurement and instigation This thing offendeth many in these daies and make them thinke that the doctrine in our Churches is not the truth bycause the Popes and Byshoppes are enimies thereto But great folly it is to be offended with that which hath bene the most vsuall and common thing since the worlde beganne as other wher 's hath bene declared But we must as diligently consider wyth what craft and weapons these men fight Where first is to be noted howe egregiouslye they can counterfaite the zeale of God whose glorie they lament to be troden vnder foote and his Church to be so daungerously deuided But this is but a corrupt zeale as we see in Caiaphas to whome the confession of truth which Christ vttered seemed blasphemous and intollerable So nothing seemeth so impious and intollerable to these our heades as that that tasteth of the truth of the Gospell and is repugnant to their proude tyrannye and aduauntage And it appeareth euen by this place that we ought to haue no better iudgement of the zeale of our enimies bicause that as the Bishops of the Iewes coulde beare with the madde errours of the Saduceyes so they woulde helpe to bring downe Christ so these men can beare with the wicked sale and marte of holye things condemned by the Popes owne Canons with the scorcing of Gods doctrine with horrible periurye whoredome and all kinde of vnbridled lyuing so that those things that pertaine to their vaineglory and aduauntage might be left alone vntouched But to graunt them that in deede they haue a zeale to the glory of God yet can they not be excused but are lyke vnto the Iewes which as Paule sayth had a zeale of God but yet were voyde of all knowledge and truth For GOD will not haue vs followe our owne zeale but his woorde which for this cause he hath witsafed to reueale to all ages to the intent no man should followe the suggestions of the fleshe and wisedome of man But what maner of zeale these men had may be iudged by the successe of the thing For they that were Stewardes of the worde of God and ought with argumentes of Scripture to haue
of Iesus Christ his sonne who in times past hauing suffered all kinde of iniuries at our handes and yet dayly suffreth cannot yet forget his loue and liberalitie but acknowledgeth vs for hys brethren and doth good euen to them that haue deserued a thousand deaths and crosses Let vs imitate this condicion of God the father if we will be called and taken for his children Yet is there no cause why their sinnes shoulde not be reprooued and accused who we see haue done and doe many things out of square Nor we may not so pardon them who haue iniuried vs that through our to much bearing they become the worse but we must thinke this the chiefe poynt of charitie if we can by anye meane call them from sinne and destruction which as yet be voyde of godlynesse But let vs consider the seconde part of this place where Iacob and all his familie and kindred commeth downe into Egypt Here it appeereth none remayned in the countrie of Chanaan that were of the number of Goddes people but they were all outlawes and preserued there without any ceremonies or rytes of the law by the meere grace of god And it is not wythout a cause that Steuen so diligently reckoneth the number of soules For the consideration hereof setteth before our eyes the ineffable and inuincible power of God which was able within two hundred and tenne yeares to make so small a company so innumerable For as Moyses testifieth when they went out of Egypt there were mounstred .vj. hundred thousand three fiue hundred and fiftie fighting men of the Israelites With the which thing if we compare the tragicall attempts of Pharao which euery way went about to destroy and roote out this people it shall easily appeare that the promise of God made sometime to Abraham Genes 15. 17. coulde no wayes be hindered by any power or deuyse of man This ought to be obserued for the instruction and comfort of vs all that we feare not the threates and enterprises of the worlde seeing it appeareth the force thereof agaynst God is altogither vayne Let vs compare this to Christ and his Church God promised him a kingdome which he possesseth and shall for euer possesse despyte of his enimies He promised also that his Church shoulde be enlarged which thing we see is fulfilled although one Pharao alone hath not sought the ouerthrowe thereof Let euery body marke this in their temptations that they suffer not their fayth to be ouerthrowne seeing as Paule sayeth there is nothing that can seperate vs from the loue of God. In the later part of this diuision Steuen sheweth how the father 's died in Egypt and were afterwarde caryed to Sichem And Moyses wryteth plainely of Iacob that his corps was caryed into Chanaan And the Scripture lykewise sheweth that the Israelites brought Iosephes bones out of Egypt as he gaue commaundement Concerning the other Patriarches although Moyses write nothing yet it is credible that their bones were also brought by their posteritie bicause Steuen affirmeth it so boldly before them who he knewe were diligent markers of his wordes Furthermore that the writers haue erred in the name of Abraham it is more plaine than needeth long declaration See at the least what is written touching this field which Iacob bought of the sonnes of Hemor Genes 33. and Iosua 24. He sayth the Patriarches dyed in Egypt for that it may appeere they dyed in that religion which consisted in no ceremonies but in the onely fayth which embraced the promyses of god Wherof may be gathered that they were iustifyed and saued by fayth through the meere grace of God and not by the lawe ceremoniall In the meane season we are taught that the faithfull dye godlily in what place so euer it be and that they are not to be thought miserable which dye in exyle out of their countrie For where this life wheresoeuer it is ledde is but a Pilgrimage and our countrie or Citie is permanent and abyding in heauen he cannot dye in banishment which hauing ended the race of his pilgrimage is taken into the hauen of the heauenly countrie For the Aungell calleth them blessed which die in the Lorde And Christ testifieth that they which beleeue in him passe from death vnto lyfe Furthermore God is present euerywhere with his that are ready to die And in the later daye the earth the sea and all the parts of the world shall render agayne all those that euer they made awaye and consumed Therefore pieuishe and foolishe is the superstition of those which measure beatitude or blisse by holynesse of places and thinke it a great matter in what place a bodye is buried whereas it is playne that all the earth is the Lordes whose power and grace can be included and bounde to no place And let not these men obiect to mee the Patriarches which wylled their bones to be caried out of Egypt into the lande of Chanaan For they did not that to th ende to shewe they had any hope of saluation in the place of buriall but this was a worke of fayth which no feare of death coulde driue from them And for that they woulde testifie to all menne that they firmelye beleeued the promises of God which he had made vnto them touching their posteritie to be possessors and inhabiters of the land and would allure their ofspring to loue the same therfore they would there be buried so that euen at the poynt of death it may be sayde they had an hope and beliefe in the same And that good cause thus to doe appeereth by the condicions and behauiour of their posteritie who being deliuered out of Egypt by the singular myracles and woonders of God had yet an eye still vnto the same and despised the Countrie where their fathers were buried What woulde they therefore haue done if their fathers had appoynted their Sepulture in Egypt Therefore the example of these Patriarches nothing helpe their superstition which thinke so great an hope of mannes saluation and glory in the buriall place Let vs rather marke the poynt of thys diuision of Steuens whole oration and leauing the obseruation of ceremonies let vs keepe fast our hope and fayth that we may fitte with the holye Patriarches in the kingdome of heauen as Iesus Christ hath promised vs to whome be prayse honor power and glory for euer Amen The .xlvij. Homelie BVT when the tyme of the promise drewe nigh which God had sworne to Abraham the people grewe and multiplied in Aegypt till an other king arose which knewe not of Ioseph The same delt subtilly with our kynred and euyll intreated our fathers and made them cast out their yong chyldren that they should not remayne alyue The same tyme was Moyses borne and was acceptable vnto God and nourished vp in his fathers house three Moneths When he was cast out Pharaos daughter tooke him vp and brought him vp for hir owne sonne And Moses was learned in
the 〈◊〉 Which gift Paule numbreth amongst the chiefe Therefore they are 〈◊〉 pieuish which looke for reuelations from heauen and lyke Doltes wickedly despyse the ministerie of the Church Let vs followe the godlynesse of this Eunuch his modestie humilitie and feruent desire of saluation For so it shall come to passe that we also shall attayne to true saluation in Iesus Christ to whom be prayse honor power and glory for euer Amen The .lxj. Homelie THE tenour of the Scripture which he read was this Hee was ledde as a sheepe to be slayne and lyke a Lambe dumbe before his shearer so opened he not his mouth Bicause of his humblenesse he was not esteemed But who shall declare his generation for his lyfe is taken from the earth The Chamberlane aunswered Philip and sayde I praye thee of whome speaketh the Prophete this of himselfe or of some other man Philip opened his mouth and beganne at the same scripture and preached vnto him Iesus THe Euangelist Luke diligently descrybeth the hystorie of the Aethiopian conuerted vnto Christ aswell for many other causes as for that it conteyneth an ensample of true conuersion whereby we are taught howe God dealeth with vs when he mindeth to receyue vs into the societie of saluation First Luke sheweth how God is the cause efficient of this conuersion who of his meere fauour sent Philip throughe whose ministerie the Eunuch of Aethiopia shoulde be conuerted The same God as he chose vs all before the foundations of the worlde were layde wythout any respecte had to our good workes so by his grace he ministreth vnto vs and giueth vs when we thinke nothing thereof all thinges belonging to our saluation Next Philip is an instrument of this conuersion whose helpe God here vseth according to his custome For where our infirmitie is not able to abyde the maiestie of God he ordeyneth that we shall be taught and ledde by the ministerie of men which is a speciall argument of Gods goodnesse towarde vs and therefore is euerywhere first accounted among the benefites of god The instrument that Philip vseth is the worde of God not such an ineffable and ymaginary worde as certayne Seraphicall and fanaticall smatterers in Diuinitie suppose but the verye same worde that is conteyned in the Scriptures For out of these must all sermons and the whole doctrine of saluation be taken neyther must wee looke for any newe kynde of doctrine vnhearde of vntill this day Amongst all these thinges the mynde of the Eunuch so well disposed to receyue the truth and doctrine of saluation is notable That he was studious of religion the long iourney that he tooke both full of traueyle and daunger doth abundantly declare His desire to learne his diligent reading of the Scripture and that he woulde ●ake vnto him a man vnknowne of whome hee hoped for a more full 〈…〉 prooueth All which things it is manifest he had through the 〈◊〉 of God bicause these thinges vse to appeere in no man vnlesse he 〈◊〉 with some singuler illumination of the spirite But let vs see what 〈◊〉 they doe whyle they are togither which Luke in this place describeth repeating worde by worde the place of Esaye which gaue occasion to Philip to reason with the Aethiop touching Christ and hys saluation This place is in the .liij. Chapter neyther is there any other place that more euidently comprehendeth the misteries of Iesus Christ so that Ierome not without a cause iudgeth the Prophete Esay worthie to be numbred rather among the Euangelistes than the Prophets In the meane while Gods prouidence is to bee considered which gouerneth mennes affayres and suffereth nothing by hazarde to come to passe whereof wee haue an euident argument bicause euen at the very same tyme that Philip beginneth to talke with the Aethiope Luke sayth he was reading of that verie place An Ethnick or Infidell would impute this thing vnto fortune or chaunce But we acknowledge the prouidence of God which doth not onely giue all things their successe but also ruleth all other thinges appertayning to the same For how should he neglect mens matters be they neuer so small which numbreth the heares of our heades feedeth the byrdes of the ayre and singulerly decketh the flowers of the fielde Furthermore touching the place of Esaye it comprehendeth in it the whole summe of our redemption For it declareth the mysterie of Christes death and the victorie whereby he is entered in●o the glorie of his father and hath gotten an immortall and euerlasting kingdome It shall be good to consider euery thing in the order as it is declared First he setteth forth the death of Christ in these wordes He was ledde as a sheepe to be slaine and like a lambe dumbe before his shearer so he opened not his mouth By these wordes he doth not onely set forth the pacience of Christ which as at many other tymes so in his passion and death appeared most perfite but also he teacheth that he tooke his death of his owne accord and willingly so that the counsaile or force of his enimies wrought not the same In deede the Scribes and Phariseys tooke counsaile agaynst him Iudas sought all meanes busily to betraye him The high Priestes in theyr counsaile pronounced him guiltie of death Pilate caused him after he was whipped to be nayled on the Crosse. But what could all these haue done if he would haue vttered or shewed the strength of his diuine power and maiestie Yea who pulled him downe from his fathers bosome to the earth By whose counsayle tooke he fleshe and manhoode in the Uirgines wombe Who gaue them strength to rise againe which were sent out agaynst him and fell to the grounde at one worde spoken of hym These thinges therefore teache vs that he dyed bicause it was his pleasure to die forasmuch as he came into the worlde for none other cause but for that he would giue his life for the life of the worlde Therefore where he was able most valiantly to haue resisted the enterprises of his enimies he would yet be led to his death like a sheepe and a lambe so that he would not seeme no not in worde to vtter any token of an vnpacient minde and vnwilling to die Herevnto appertayneth that that is sayde in the Gospell Therefore doth my father loue me bicause I put my life from me that I might take it againe No man taketh it fro me but I put it away of my selfe I haue power to put it from me and I haue power to take it againe And Paule expounding these sayings sayth He became obedient to his father euen to the death of the Crosse and tooke vpon him the shape of a man being in the shape of God. Now these thinges serue partly for our redemption and saluation and partlye for our instruction For thus it behooued that our sinne of disobedience should be done away which made vs subiect to eternall damnation Moreouer Christ taught vs
in extreeme necessitie so we by and by faint and giue ouer if God doe not graunt our peticions at the first being verie little mindefull of our state who being seruauntes ought paciently to abyde our Lordes leysure and not imperiously to appoynt him But let vs consider Ananias which being ouercome with feare of daunger putteth of the expresse and euident commaundement of the Lorde For he sayth Lorde I haue hearde of this man by many howe great euill he hath done to thy saintes at Hierusalem and here hee hath power from the highe priestes to binde all that call vpon thy name He alleageth the testimonie of others least he might seeme to feare in vaine But it is a ridiculous matter to stande more vpon the testimonie of man than vpon the worde of god It is also ridiculous to rehearse Saules doings of others mouthes before the Lorde as though he had hitherto beene ignoraunt of them But herevnto feare a naughtie and foolish Counsaylor vseth to bring vs if we once take him to consult with in discussing of Gods commaundements Yet it appeareth by this example that it taketh hold many times euen of holy men and faythfull worshippers of God. With this feare we reade Abraham was so ouercome that he denyed Sara to be his wife Moses striken with lyke feare can scarcely be induced to take vpon him the conduct and leading of the people of Israel Elias the Prophete tasted of this feare when after the slaughter of Baals Priestes he wi●t not whither to flie for feare of Iesabell the Queenes manaces and threats Ionas also deceyued through feare promised himself more safetie among the flouds of the sea and barbarous shipmen than in the ayde and vocation of the lord Here might also be brought forth the examples of others both Prophetes and Apostles But this is mans infirmitie for the which no man is rashely to be condemned bicause we see many tokens hereof appeared in Christ also when the howre of his death drewe nigh We must take heede that we be not so ouercome herewith that we leaue the charge inioyned vs of the lord But rather hauing a respect to the prouidence of God committe our selues wholy to the will of God as Christ teacheth his Apostles Wherevnto also are to be referred the general promises of Gods helpe which promise them that walke in his vocation sure and certaine ayde and succour And herewith I beleeue Ananias also was confirmed who although at the first seemed somewhat timerous yet he yeeldeth to God being instant vpon him and the seconde tyme of commaunding he faythfully obeyeth him It is a singuler consolation wherewith the Lorde comforteth Ananias wauering and fearefull minde Go sayth he for he is a chosen vessell vnto mee to beare my name before the Gentiles and kinges and children of Israell For I will shewe him howe great thinges he must suffer for my names sake It seemeth there are two reasons alleaged wherefore Ananias ought not to feare and both of them are taken of Paules person First he sayth he is not a Tyranne and persecutor as he was heretofore but of the number of the elect hereafter should be a most valiant and faithfull defender of Christes name Then that there is so little feare to be had of any persecution to be made by Paul that rather he had to suffer many things for the name of Christ. These wordes contayne a singuler and worthie prayse of Paule which we ought diligently to consider both for that the excellencie of Gods goodnesse may the better be knowne and also that we may vnderstande howe great authoritie Paules doctrine is of First he is called after an Hebrue phrase the vessell of election that is to say a chosen picked or culled instrument For the Hebrues by this name vessell vnderstande all kinde of instruments vtensiles or implements And they vse the Genitiue case of the Substantiue for the Adiectiue Men are called the vesselles or instrumentes of God bicause God executeth hys iudgementes by them So Paule otherwheres calleth the elect the vessels of glorie and mercie and againe the reprobates the vessels of wrath And Senacherib by the same reason is called the rodde of Gods furie Christ calleth Paule a chosen vessell bicause he executed many thinges by him yea most wholesome workes in setting forth the Gospell and the fayth In the meane season this word vessell or instrument teacheth vs to remember our state and condition that if we haue any thing in vs that is excellent wee should not thinke it to be ours but learne to giue all the prayse and glorie vnto God who hath vouchsafed to vse their helpe The reprobates and such as want the knowledge of God vnderstande not this therefore they attribute to their owne power and witte whatsoeuer is of any excellencie in them But howe much such doing displeaseth the Lorde Senacherib the Assirian and Nabuchodonosor the Babilonian aboundauntly testifie Paule much better weighed these thinges which plainely confesseth that he is by the grace of God whatsoeuer he is The same teacheth all Ministers that they must arrogate nothing to themselues or to others but that they remember all effect and successe of Ministerie commeth of the Lorde which giueth the increase The consideration hereof serueth very much to make men humble in heart and minde For it maketh them to take heede that they exceede not in pride or securitie and so become the vessels and instruments of wrath Secondlye Christ declareth the ende and vse of this instrument and sheweth that Paule is appoynted to beare his name that is to aduaunce and extoll his name before the Gentyles and Kings and people of Israel He vnderstandeth the preaching of the Gospell whereby Christes name vseth to be extolled and celebrated when repentaunce and remission of sinnes is preached in him Here all Ministers are admonyshed of their duetie To them it belongeth to beare the name of Christ that is to preache him to be a Sauiour King and Priest and to declare that all thinges that appertayne to our saluation are in him So Paule sayth he knoweth nothing but Iesus Christ and him crucified The same sayth he reioyceth onely in the crosse of christ The same name did Peter cary where he sayde there was none other name vnder heauen giuen vnto manne in which he coulde be saued Wherby we gather that they be not the ministers of Christ but ledde with the spirite of Antichrist that declare any other name wherein repentance and forgiuenesse of sinnes is preached See concerning these men 1. Iohn 4. Let Ministers remember also that they must not cary this name into corners but before Nations Kings and Iewes For although we be not all Apostles yet it appertayneth to all Ministers not to be ashamed of Christ but to speake of the testimonies of the Lorde as Dauid sayth before Kings and Princes being readye to giue an account of our fayth
bicause he had hearde what testimonie Christ gaue of Paule he disdayneth not to call him brother Therefore in Ministers a strong and bolde courage of minde must be ioyned with a gentle and milde facility of speach least either they suffer themselues to be beaten from the confession of Christ and hys due obedience or else through their hawtie port and ouermuch seueritie driue them awaye whome they ought to embrace as brethren and by all meanes to winne vnto Christ. Unto these premisses Luke ioyneth a marueylous successe For hee wryteth that there fell from the eyes of Paule a thing as it had bene scales and that then by by he had his sight againe He maketh mention of scales to th ende we myght vnderstande that his eyes were not lightly blasted as vseth to be in lightning but that he was striken into a great and marueylous blindenesse And it is not without a great marueyle that wythin so fewe dayes scales coulde gather on his eyes so to take his sight from him And it is no lesse marueylous to see that he is so soone agayne restored to the sight which he had lost In the meane season it appeareth that Christ would after a sort admonishe Paule of the state he lyued in being in his Iudaisme or Phariseyisme For when he was Gamaliel his scholer he profited so incredibly amonge his fellowes that he seemed to be wyser and to see more than all they But that wisedome which so highly pleased him was meere blyndenesse For the vayle was yet drawne before his eyes whereby the Iewes were hindered that they coulde not see Moses face bicause they wanted the knowledge of Christ in whome God the father hath giuen vs that heauenly light which is able to put awaye all darkenesse of ignorance and carnall zeale Bicause this lyght began to shyne on Paule scales fell from his eyes and he seeth that hitherto he had bene fowly and miserably beguyled with the blinde zeale of ignorance Therefore whosoeuer will continue in fayth and saluation without falling let him followe that lyght which is Christ and walke in him See Iohn 1.8 and .12 Chapters But what doth Paule after he had receyued hys sight He aryseth is baptised eateth and is made whole First he sayth he was baptised bicause he was hereof admonished by Ananias as himselfe witnesseth in the .xxij. of the Actes Howbeit some will saye baptisme was superfluous in him who Christ knewe was a c●osen vessell ▪ who had felt the marueylous power of Christ who was nowe endued wyth the holy ghost and whose eyes aswell of the mynde as of the body the Lorde had lyghtened But the Saintes iudge nothing superfluous and vnprofitable which they know is ordeyned of god And bicause they reade that the obseruing of the thinges that were ordeyned in the olde Testament till the tyme of correction was commaunded with such seueritie that it was death to transgresse them they woulde neuer take vpon them to neglect any of the thinges which Christ deliuered to be obserued till the ende of the worlde Therefore the impudencie and rashnesse of those which now a dayes contemne the vse of baptisme and the Lordes supper is execrable and herein they declare what perfection of fayth they are of in that they dare wickedlye despyse the ordinaunces of the Lorde Moreouer Paule taketh meate and refresheth and cheereth his decayed strength of body The Saintes therefore vse the things which serue for preseruation of their health and which God hath giuen vs for that vse such as are meate and drinke clothing and all kyndes of such lyke So Paule admonisheth Timothy to vse Wine nowe and then bicause of the cruditie and rawnesse of his stomack By these examples is the pieuish superstition of them confuted whych bicause they abstayne from things necessarye attribute to themselues the tytle of singuler holynesse For although we condemne not fasting whereby the pryde of our wanton fleshe is subdued and tamed the rather to obey Christ so we allowe not those which set merite in that that by Gods worde is no where commaunded For to such men agreeth that saying of the Lorde when ye eate and drinke doe yee not eate and drinke for your owne selues By the which reason may be sayde to these also when ye fast ye fast for your selues Yea Paule teacheth vs to beware of those which bidde vs after a superstitious sort to abstaine from certayne things and sayth they bring the doctrine of Deuils which commaunde vs to abstayne from meates created of God for mans vse But let vs go on in the treatise of this present place and consider the first thing that Paule doth in the ministery of the Gospell of whome two things are reported First it is sayde he was conuersant with the Disciples that is to saye the Christians that were at Damascus Then he ioyned not himselfe to the Iewes or Gentyles which were the publike enimies of Christ but vnto the faythfull and such as professed the name of christ We are hereby taught that they that will be taken for Christians ought to vse the company of the godly and to abstaine from them whome they knowe to be the professed enimies of christ For although the godly are permitted to keepe company with infidels as farre forth as necessitie requyreth yet the faythfull finde that the company they keepe with them without necessitie for worldly friendshippe and pleasures sake is to their hurt and hinderance We reade that Iesus Christ was diuers times at the Phariseyes tables and at publyke feastes But it is euident it was not for the satisfying of his owne pleasure but to winne them to saluation For he neuer was so forgetfull of his dutie to wynke at their errours but he woulde powder their table talke with wholesome precepts and the mysteries of the kingdome of god And if any seeke the companye of the vngodly for thys ende we allowe their purpose and endeuour But they that winke at the blasphemies of the wicked their abhominable ydolatrie their foolish superstition most corrupt maners and filthy desires of a dastardly and sluggish minde to seeme trimme companions and enioy their friendship and fauor we alleage to them that saying of Dauid which accounteth them among the citizens of heauen that d●spyse the wicked and make much of them that feare the Lorde The same sayth all his delyght is in the Saintes that are in the earth For why shoulde we see Christes souldiour in Antichristes tentes sitting ydle why should he suffer their doings and sayings which he knoweth to deface the honor and glory of Christ Secondly he speaketh of Paules doctrine which worthily is placed first in this dooing he sayth he preached openly in the Synagoges And what did this newe Apostle preache Uerily Iesus to be the sonne of God and christ These things he taught not after a slender and colde sort but so confirmed them with Scriptures and arguments that he
Lord both of lyfe and death And the elect acknowledged the same which streight waye when they had seene the myracle beleeued in the Lorde Unto this narration Luke addeth a few other thinges which serue for a preparation to that that foloweth For he sayth that Peter remained at Ioppe certaine dayes in the house of one Simon a Tanner in whose house he was admonished by a vision from heauen to call the Gentiles into the Communion of the church and was sent for by Cornelius the Centurion as shall be shewed in the Chapter folowing Here let vs obserue of what maner of people the Primitiue Church was collected seeing Peter had none other hoste but such an one as got his liuing by an handycraft and that not one of the fynest Hereof Paule teacheth vs that we shoulde reioyce in the Lord alone Furthermore the modestie of Peter is declared who disdayned not such an harbour where as nowe adayes kinges palaces are scarce able to receyue his counterfeyt successor Let vs follow the modestie of the Apostle and therin beleeue and serue Iesus Christ to whome be prayse honor power and glory for euer Amen The tenth chapiter vpon the Actes of the Apostles The .lxx. Homelie THERE was a certaine man in Caesarea called Cornelius a Captaine of the souldiers of Italy a deuout man and one that feared God wyth all his houshold which gaue much almes to the people and was alwayes in prayers vnto god The same sawe by a vision euidently about the .ix. houre of the day an Angell of God comming in to him and saying to him Cornelius When he looked on him hee was afrayde and sayde what is it Lorde He sayde vnto him Thy prayers and thy almesses are come vp into remembrance before god And nowe sende men to Ioppa and call for one Simon whose surname is Peter Hee lodgeth with one Simon a Tanner whose house is by the sea side He shall tell thee what thou oughtest to doe HItherto the first part of this storie hath bene declared wherein hath bene shewed howe the Apostles according to the commaundement of Christ preached the wholesome worde of the Gospell euerywhere to the Iewes And a great many beleeued and Luke declareth a marueylous increase of Christian faith in the Church Yet the greater part and specially those that were of most authoritie withstoode the truth For both they layde handes on the Apostles and stoned Steuen and made hauocke of the whole Church at Ierusalem by horrible persecution and sent Saule with publike commaundements as farre as Damascus to oppresse the growth of Christes Church being euen in the blade as we commonly vse to saye And it is not vnlyke but manye others did as it is here written Saule did Therefore the vncurable and stubborne contempt of so wholesome a doctrine deserued that at length the kingdome of God shoulde be taken from the Iewes and brought to the Gentiles as Christ prophecied should come to passe How this thing beganne to be put in effect Luke rehearseth in this Chapter and declareth the storie of Cornelius which we maye aptly name the first fruites of the Gentiles that were called seeing he was chosen of God to be the beginning of so weightie a matter Aboue all thinges the principall vse of this hystorie must be obserued which consisteth herein howe God vseth to cast of the vnthankfull and wicked enimies of the Gospell by his iust iudgement and is not so bounde to any Nation that he is compelled to beare with it if it be vnwoorthy Herevnto is to be added an other thing that is to saye howe the saluation contayned in Christ belongeth not to the Iewes onely but also to the Gentyles Which as it is no small comfort to vs which come of the Gentyles so it behooueth that wee stande alwaye in feare bicause the Iewes were cast of and forsaken least we by like vnthankfulnesse and disobedience deserue also to be refused For Paules saying shall alwayes stande in his full strength and force If God spared not the naturall braunches take heede least it come to passe that he spare not thee also And this is the sentence of Christ long agone pronounced that euery braunch that bringeth not forth fruit shall be hewen downe and cast into the fire But bicause the vocation adoption of the vncircumcised Gentiles seemed to the Iewes a foolysh and an absurde thing for that they onely so many yeares togither were thought worthye of that name and tytle and therefore abhorred all other Nations as we doe the Turkes and them at this day First God would haue the vocation of the Gentyles to be preached by the Prophetes whereof we may see singuler testimonies in them Psal. 2. and .27 Esay 2. and .19 Agayne 42. and .49 Zach. 9. c. Then declareth he a notable beginning hereof in Cornelius whome he so called that any man might see therein the counsell and deuyse of Gods prouidence For he doth vouchsafe to sende his Aungell from heauen to Cornelius and instructeth Peter by an heauenly vision whereby he declareth that he will haue the Gentyles called into his Church as we shall see when we come to the place At this tyme we haue to consider what God did vouchsafe to doe by Cornelius For Luke beginneth with the description of Cornelius which he knitteth vp in marueylous breuitie and playnenesse First declaring his state and kynde of lyfe hee sayth he was a Captayne of the Italian Souldiers For the Romaynes vsed to entertayne diuers bandes of men of diuers Nati●ons according to the which they gaue them their names And bicause among all nations they esteemed none more than the Italians the Italian garrisons were preferred aboue others And there is no doubt but that Cornelius was an Italian forasmuch as he was one of the chiefe of that bande But bicause he dwelt at Ca●sarea which the auncient wryters call Turris Stratonis the tower or castell of Straton the maner or state of the souldiers in those dayes must be considered that we maye the easilyer vnderstande the state of Cornelius Thus wryte the Romaine Hystoriographers After the victories that Pompey called the great had gotten who was the first that subdued Syria and Iurie vnto the Romaine Empire the people of Rome had no more grieuous enimies than the Parthians who were greatly encouraged with the death of Crassus with the ouerthrowe of the Romayne Legions and number of ensignes and standerdes which they had taken wherein were the pictures of splayed Eagles paynted Wyth whose incursions and roades bicause they were continually molested they thought good to place in the Cities bordering vpon them certayne garrisons of souldiers which within a short warning being mustred myght make a complete armie if neede so required whereby to repulse and beate backe the enimie And those souldiers also were a defence and safegarde for the Cities of Iurie to tame and keepe vnder the courage of the Iewes which were very prone
detest the vnworthy vnprosperous state of the people of Rome For he declared his corrupt nature many wayes First he wan the good will of the souldiers with mony wherby he came to be Emperour during which time he so vsed himselfe that he had much more care of his belly and that vnder his belly than he had of the Empyre as who would neuer rise from banquetting as long as his paunche woulde holde and till he had well whittled himselfe alwayes burning in insatiable desire and lust after women And it is not lyke that such a Prince coulde delight in other Nobles and Counsaylers than such as were like to himselfe what publike corruption of maners was in all degrees at that time maye easilye be coniectured by the writers of those dayes and by the continuall sermons of Iohn of Christ and his Apostles concerning repentaunce whereof there had bene no such neede if all had not bene naught And for an accomplishment of all vice there was the contempt and hatred of God and his worde For where God had sent his sonne into the worlde and by him had appoynted to reconcyle mankind againe vnto himselfe and had euerywhere published the healthfull worde of grace a great many were bolde not onely to contemne and hate it but also moste cruellye to persecute it insomuch that euen among the Iewes which gloryed in the name of God aboue all other Nations the worde of God coulde not be brooked Is it then any marueyle if God denyed the fruits of the earth to this drunken and corrupt world despising the wholesome foode of the heauenly worde and woulde tame and bring vnder with famine those that woulde so rage agaynst his Christ verily the Hystoriographers testifye that by reason of continuall drowthes and scarcitie of victuals reygning aswell euerywhere as at Rome Claudius Caesar was once in daunger of his lyfe hardly escaping but that the people being wearye of that dearth had lyke to haue stoned him Such examples as these teach vs what the cause of publike calamities is verily publike vyces and contempt of Gods worde And this cause God alleageth both in the lawe and in the Prophetes And they are here confuted which say these things growe of the doctrine of the Gospell For although the godly also feele and taste of these afflictions yet are they in farre other case than the vntowarde worlde is For they acknowledge the chastysement and discipline of God the father they ouercome aduersitie by fayth and pacience and bicause they can rightly vse aduersitie to the amendement of their lyfe it commeth to passe for the more part that they are most prosperously deliuered frō all aduersity by the mercifull hande of god For God is faythfull and will not suffer his people to be tempted aboue their strength And the thinges following will teach vs howe faithfullye the Lorde prouided for his Church in those dayes And that that we reade came to passe in the yeares after following is not much vnlyke herevnto For Eusebius writeth that in the reygne of Maximinus who did cruellye persecute the Christians God sent forth such dearth of victuals that the rich men welthy died openly in the streetes and that they which not long before had caused the Christians to be deuoured of wylde beastes to satiate their cruell eyes with their miserable death were openly eaten vp and deuoured of Dogges And while they miserably perished the Christians had not onely sufficient to liue by but also charitably relieued a great many readye to sterue for hunger These thinges woulde be considered of vs nowe a dayes where one Claudius alone reigneth not but drunkennesse beareth swinge in euery place and so little preuayleth godly admonition that men rather ioyne vnto their dissolutenesse of lyfe most wicked contempt and deadly hatred of Gods worde And surely there want not also in these dayes examples of Gods iudgements but we want both eyes and eares to perceyue that which might serue to our saluation See Esay ▪ 5. Eccles. 10. Amos. 6. Math. 24. But let vs see howe God prouided for his Church in this daungerous time of calamitie He raysed vp Prophetes and some of them he sent from Ierusalem to Antioche to lighten the late sproong Church of the Gentyles with the gift of prophecie Among these one Agabus stirred vp by the instinct of the holy ghost gaue the Christians warning of this famine to ensue and was the cause that they made prouision aswell for themselues as other Here we haue to consider the fatherly goodnesse of God who being prouoked through our sinnes to sende punishment yet vseth first to admonishe vs of the same both for that all men might see that nothing commeth to passe in this lyfe by chaunce and that also when wee are admonished we might conuert and be saued The which thing he hath so constantly obserued euer since the beginning of the worlde that the Prophete Amos durst saye the Lorde God doth no maner of thing but he telleth his secretes before vnto his seruants the Prophetes This appeareth in the men of the first age to whom God sent Noah the preacher of righteousnesse and graunted them an hundred yeares space to repent in before he woulde sende the floude to destroy them He sent Lot also to the Sodomytes by whose doctrine and example of lyfe they might be prouoked to amendement By Ioseph he warned the Egyptians of the dearth to come whereby he succoured the lyfe of a great manye He afterwarde prouoked them by Moyses not onely by wordes but also by horrible woonders to doe their dutie What needeth it to speake of the captiuitie of Babilon which it is manifest was foreshewed by the Prophetes many yeares or euer it came And Christ did not only foretell the last destruction of the Iewes but also Iosephus declareth that they were warned therof by many woonders And though God should neuer call sinners backe by any aduertisements yet are there generall warnings confirmed with innumerable examples of Gods iudgements which are sufficient to teach vs what all they maye trust too that rashlye transgresse the lawes of God and dare without repentance liue dissolutely See Leuit. 26. Deut. 28. Ierem. 5. Let vs I beseech you acknowledge this goodnesse of the Lorde in these dayes least whyle we despyse his faythfull admonitions he punishe vs the more grieuously But before wee passe from this place this also is to bee considered that Agabus is sayde by the spirite to signifye this dearth to come For here is declared the maner and order howe the Prophetes in those dayes vsed to prophecie least any might thinke they coniectured by the Planets or else were giuen to the study of other vnlawfull sciences For the holy ghost was the author of their prophecying as the Lorde before had promised by Ioel. And Paule reckoneth prophecying among the gifts of the holy ghost Therfore the example of Agabus nothing defendeth the deceyuers of our dayes
with any maiesty of Godheade So when Peter sawe Christ glorifyed in the mount with Moses and Helias he vttered certaine vnfyt sayings being ignorant what he sayd Yet are they more daungerously deceiued which marke not the manifest iudgements of God whereby they are prouoked to repentance which is a thing to common in these dayes In the meane whyle Peters obedience deserueth no small prayse which though he were ignorant what this thing ment yet obeyed the Aungels admonition teaching vs by his example howe wee shoulde vse our selues to obey fayth as hath bene oftentimes declared But when he was come to himselfe and perceyued he was at libertie then he greatly magnifyed God the author of so great a benefyte Nowe sayth he I knowe for a suretie that the Lorde hath sent his Aungell and deliuered mee from the hande of Herode ▪ c. By which example we are taught that we must giue God only all the thanks for any our deliueries For although he vse the ministery of angels or men he must yet haue the whole praise which vseth his creatures onely according to his pleasure This thing himselfe teacheth by the Prophet saying Call vpon me in the time of trouble so will I heare thee and thou shalt prayse me Wherevnto appertayneth this saying of Dauid Let them giue thankes whome the Lorde hath redeemed and deliuered from the hande of the enimie Therfore Peter truly acknowledgeth God onely to be his reuenger which thing Paule also doth where he confesseth himselfe to be deliuered from the mouth of the Lion by Gods power Wherefore their error is intollerable which being deliuered out of prison from sickenesse or other like kinde of daungers ascribe the prayse of their deliuerye vnto Saintes Howe much more ought the redeeming of mankinde from the tyrannie of h●ll to be ascribed to God as the onely author Let vs acknowledge these things O brethren and with thankfull mindes prayse God which hath deliuered vs from the power of darkenesse and hath brought vs vnto the fellowship of his kingdome by his sonne Iesus Christ to whome be prayse honor power and glory for euer Amen The .lxxxiiij. Homelie AND as hee considered the thing he came to the house of Marye the mother of one Iohn whose surname was Marke where many were gathered togither in prayer As Peter knocked at the entry doore a Damsell came forth to harken named Rhoda And when she knewe Peters voyce she opened not the entry for gladnesse but ranne in and tolde how Peter stoode before the entrie And they sayd vnto hir thou art madde But she affirmed that it was euen so Then sayde they it is hys Angell But Peter continued knocking and when they had opened the doore and saw him they were astonied And when he had beckened to them with the hande that they might holde their peace he tolde them by what meanes the Lorde had brought him out of prison And he sayde go shewe these things vnto Iames and to the brethren And he departed and went into another place Assoone as it was daye there was no little adoe among the Souldiours what was become of Peter When Herode had sought for him and founde him not he examined the keepers and commaunded them to be caried awaye And he descended from Iurie to Caesarea and there abode AS the Euangelist Luke by suggestion of the holy spirit hath described in this Chapter a most grieuous persecution of the Church of Christ by the example whereof wee are taught what state the Church is in here vpon earth so lykewise he setteth forth a notable example of the goodnesse and prouidence of God which defendeth the faythfull in their distresse and most faithfully perfourmeth the helpe which long agone he promised For as we sawe erewhyle then the Lorde was at hande with Peter the Apostle when he seemed destitute aswell of Gods helpe as mannes And he did not onely shew a semblant and token of good will but vsed his inuincible power to deliuer him For he sent his Aungell to vnloose the yron chaynes he openeth the doores in woonderfull wise he defeateth the watche of the souldiours and bringeth Peter out of all daunger and setteth him at libertie when sentence of death was already giuen agaynst him And albeit all they that are imprisoned and in bands for Christes sake are not deliuered in such woonderfull wyse yet there are generall promises that all they that giue themselues to Gods seruice are vnder his protection For Dauid affirmeth that the eyes of the Lorde are ouer the righteous and his eares are open vnto their prayers And the sonne of God testifyeth that the heares of our head be numbred But to let these things passe as is already sufficientlye entreated of let vs consider this present place where we are taught what Peter did after he was deliuered out of his bandes and prison what the exercise of the Church was in the meane season and howe Herode the tyraunt tooke this iudgement of God. Peter after he perceyued the Aungell gone and himselfe at libertie weyghing and expending diligently with himselfe all thinges that recoursed in his minde getteth him to the house of Mary which by all likelyhoode was not farre of and where he supposed some of the faythfull were assembled as the custome was This Mary was the mother of Iohn Marke which of diuers both of the olde and later writers is thought to be Marke the Euangelist Which opinion as it is not altogither certaine so it appeareth that this Marie was a woman of a rare fayth and godlynesse euen by thys one argument that while Agrippa did so cruellye persecute the Disciples of Christ yet would she let them resort to hir house as to a publike Temple where they did meete togither and exercise themselfe in the worde of God and in prayers which she coulde not doe without apparaunt and manifest perill Here the Lord thought good to teach vs by the example of this weake vessell howe boldly Christians ought to stande by their tackle and defende their cause euen in the middle of daungers and troubles But when Peter came thither the doores opened not myraculously as before the yron gate did bicause now there was no neede of any straunge myracle but he knocketh to haue some body to come open the doore Peters example is to be well considered of vs which hauing escaped the daunger of death is desirous aboue all things to be ioyned to the congregation agayne agaynst whome yet he knewe the tyraunt still raged Hereby we be taught what care wee ought to haue of Ecclesiasticall vnitie or fellowship and howe the spirite of Christ scattereth not the faythfull in sunder but ioyneth them togither as well inwardly as outwardly And they cannot fynde in their hart easilye to contemne this coniunction For as they knowe that all saluation is contayned in Christ alone so they vnderstand the same is deriued from Christ their head vpon them which are members of
reioyced in the blasphemous wordes of flatterers whome it had behooued him to haue detested and abhorred Let them therefore learne by this example what to looke for at Gods hande which with lyke impietie set vp themselues against him It behooueth vs chiefly to note how mightily God reuengeth pride seeing he doth not onely punishe the prowde grieuously but also shamefully the more to tame and pull downe their haultie heartes and courages So it pleased him that Pharao shoulde not dye valiauntly in the fyelde but be drowned in the waues of the redde sea which is a shamefull kynde of death So he slewe Sanherib miserably in the Church of his owne God by his owne sonnes And with the same disease which is here described before that was Antiochus Herode the great Sylla and at length Maximinian the persecutor vglily consumed Peter therefore sayd most truly that God resisteth the prowde Let all degrees and states of men hereby learne to keepe themselues within the bounds of their vocation and if they perceiue any thing in themselues singuler or excellent to acknowledge that it commeth altogither of the goodnesse of god So shall it come to passe that humbling themselues vnder the mightye hande of God they shall vse his giftes as they ought to doe Furthermore this place teacheth vs what hurt flatterers procure vnto Princes For of nature we be selfelouers and like best our owne doings and sayinges Then if we admit flatterers we become starke blinde so that we see not manifest vices grow to be such as cannot abide to heare the truth or to be admonished Which thing hath bene the cause that great Realmes haue bene ouerthrowne by the tongues of flatterers as hystories declare And surely Herode had bene most prosperous if he had giuen eare rather to the Apostles reprehending his vice than to the voyces of flatterers and clawbacks For they caused him being swollen in a wicked and prowde contempt of God to be destroyed with horrible death Ouer all this hauing shewed the ende of the tyraunt Luke returneth to the story of the Church which he begonne howe the Gospell did spreade to declare that by Herode it was nothing hindered For the worde of God sayth he encreased and was multiplied spreading it selfe euery daye farther abrode This he will declare in the thinges following wherevnto he maketh a digression touching Paule and Barnabas returne from Ierusalem For we hearde about the ende of the eleauenth Chapter howe they were sent thither to cary that mony that was here and there gathered to the poore and needy brethren in Iurie pinched with dearth and famine Which businesse after they had faithfully discharged they return vnto Antioch from whence shortly after they departed with Marke whom they brought with them and published the Gospell both farre and neare This is very comfortable that we see the Church stande fast and suruiue all hir enimies and all tyrantes For she is borne and conserued by the worde of God which endureth for euer This thing the hystories of all times and nations teach vs. For miserably and fylthily died Pha●ao the Chanaanites Sanherib the Babylonians Antiochus the three Herodes Nero Domitian Traiane Antonye Seuerus the Maximini Decius Valerianus Aurelianus Dioclesianus the two Maximinianes Liciuius Maxentius Iulian and as many as euer after all these durst to set vpon Christes Church For she flourisheth and liueth and shall for euer liue vnder hir trusty and most victorious defender and reuenger Iesus Christ to whome be prayse honour power and glorye for euer Amen The .xiij. chapiter vpon the Actes of the Apostles The .lxxxvj. Homelie THERE were in the congregation that is at Antioch certayne Prophets and Teachers as Barnabas and Simon that was called Niger and Lucius of Cyrene and Manahen Herode the Tetrarches nursefellowe and Saule As they ministred to the Lorde and fasted the holy ghost sayde Seperate me Barnabas and Saule for the worke wherevnto I haue called them And when they had fasted and prayed and layde their handes on them they let them goe And they after they were sent forth of the holy ghost departed vnto Seleutia ▪ and from thence they sayled to Cyprus And when they were at Salamine they shewed the worde of God in the Sinagoge of the Iewes and they had Iohn to their Minister THe Euaungelist Luke nowe in the two Chapters following describeth howe the doctrine of the Gospell by the ministerie of Paule and Barnabas began with full course to be preached indifferentlye to all Nations For where the Iewes onely vntill this time as hath oftentimes bene declared challenged to them the name of the Church and people of God and the benefyte of redemption purchased by Christ seemed to appertaine but vnto them alone and that that hath bene sayde of Cornelius the Centurion and of the Antiochians might seeme came to passe of some speciall priuiledge or fauour Therefore that no doubt might remayne the doctrine of saluation is nowe caryed indifferentlye vnto diuers Nations and those thinges are openly accomplished which the Prophetes long before prophecied of the calling of the Gentyles But least any one shoulde thinke that Paule and Barnabas did in this businesse ought of their owne heade and presumption Luke beginneth this hystorie with their calling and sending the chiefe scope wherof is that the kingdome of God and the whole matter of saluation was transferred brought to the gentiles not by mans deuise but by the appointment commaundement of God and that the Gentyles appertayned no lesse vnto the church of God than the beleeuing Iewes And that it was needefull to haue this matter so diligently declared shall appeere by that contention which hereafter is described in the .xv. Chapter Yea we maye see in the Epistles of Paule that the Iewes oftentimes withstoode the saluation of the Gentyles stoode in doubt of it And the Iewes were for no cause so much offended with Paule as for that he made the vncircumcised Gentiles all one with the Iewes in Christ which they thought was not without the notorious iniurie and prophane contempt both of the lawe of Moses and also of the people of the Iewes which thing also was cause that euerywhere he vsed such earnestnesse in defending his vocation who could well ynough haue borne the contempt of his owne name but that he sawe the glory of God and saluation of the Gentyles indaungered thereby But to come to the treatie of this present place fyrst Luke describeth the Church at Antioch from whence Paule and Barnabas were sent to preach the Gospell to the Gentyles Then declareth he their vocation and sending with the circumstances thereof Last of all he sheweth howe they vsed themselfe in the office committed vnto them He fyrst describeth the Church of Antioch not without a cause For herof it may be gathered that they coulde rashlye ordayne or appoynt nothing hauing the spirite so abundantly among them Neyther can Paule and Barnabas be accused as to
and accustomed lecture of the lawe and Prophetes was ended the Rulers of the Sinagoge supposing them to be no common persons gaue them leaue to speake vnto the people For they send a message to them saying ye men and brethren if you haue any Sermon to exhort the people saye on And so Paule begonne a singular sermon of Iesus Christ and the whole mysterie of our saluation the beginning whereof God willing we shall heare to morowe At this time we haue certaine other thinges to consider of which we will speake in order First and foremost the Apostles spredde not the doctrine of saluation abrode in Tauernes among drunken blowbolles nor yet in corners and woodes among the rude and ignorant people but they come into a publike place and openly teach the Gospell This it appeareth they did after the example of Christ who vsed himselfe to go into the Sinagoges and to teach openly And when he was examined by Caiphas of his doctrine and Disciples as though he had bene an heretike he defendeth himselfe by this argument only that he taught openly in the Sinagoge and in the Church and was not afrayde to abide the iudgement of the whole people touching his doctrine Which examples serue to repoorue them which sowe newe opinions secretly among the people and flie and abhorre nothing so much as the light and iudgement of the congregation This one thing abundantlye prooueth that they are deceyuers seeing that truth desireth nothing so much as the light Where yet we do not condemne them which being compassed about with persecutions exercise the duties of godly religion in secret which thing we reade was done at Ierusalem by the faythfull in the house of Mary and otherwheres so that they be ready to giue an account of their fayth to as many as require the same and not like the Anabaptistes by stubborne silence and craftie dissimulation delude them that go about to trie their fayth and doctrine Then againe it is no superfluous notation of time where it is sayde they went into the sinagoge on the Sabboth dayes For hereby he teacheth vs that they diligently kept the religion of the Sabboth which day it is euident was dedicated vnto God at the beginning of the world was diligently commended by Moses vnto the Israelites For where we be busied with diuers occupations it was necessary that there should be one time appointed free from all cares and businesse wherein we shoulde giue our selues wholy both in body and soule to the honouring of god Therefore God appointed the seauenth daye to this exercise which he for this cause called his daye that when that daye commeth we should abstaine from all other businesses and exercises And he ordeyned it to be kept so holilye that he appointed death for the breakers thereof And in the Prophets this is reckoned for one of the most grieuous offences and causes of the captiuitie of Babilon that they did vnhallowe the Sabbothes of the Lorde For the which cause the sonne of God although he many times reprehended the superstitious keeping of them yet he diligently obserued those thinges wherein the worship of God consisted For on those days he entred into the Sinagoges and was present at their publike assemblies and prayers Moreouer hee taught and hearde others teach and also vsed diligently the deedes of liberalitie Which thing the Apostles remembring they thought good also to followe the example of their maister But now a dayes the matter is come to that passe that among Christians they may go for the best menne that breake the Sabbothes but with handy works toward the getting of their liuing whereas a great many prophane them with heynous wickednesse nor at any time doe men more sinne in pryde and arrogancie in drunkennesse concupiscence and ryot than on that day which ought to be bestowed wholy in the study of godly workes and eternall rest and quiet And notwithstanding these thinges are openly committed yet wee still seeke what should bee the causes of the miseries and wretchednesse of our dayes Howbeit where the religion of the Sabboth as touching the outward obseruation consisteth chiefly in the holy assemblyes which Moses calleth holye conuocations Luke declareth diligently what was done in this assembly First the Apostles sate downe no doubt among the residue that were there gathered togither This is the dutie of modestie and honestie wherof regard must alwaies be had euerywhere but chiefly in the Church that nothing be done out of order and dishonestly Then he maketh mention howe the lawe and the Prophetes were reade which was obserued among the Iewes of a common custome as we shall vnderstand a little after by Paules sermon and by the wordes of Iames in the .xv. Chapter For so Moses ordeyned by the commaundement of God which custome after their returne from Babylon Esdras restored againe as appeareth in Nehemias cap. 8. And Christ vsed none other custome when out of the place of Esay he taught the mysteries of our saluation in the Sinagoge at Nazareth These thinges teach vs that in the congregation the worde of God comprehended in the Scriptures ought to be intreated For this cause Paule commendeth vnto the Ministers of Churches the studie of holy scripture bicause none other voyce than such as speaketh in the scripture must be hearde in Gods house Therfore their errour is enormious and absurde in that Church which declare vnto the simple people most foolish trifles out of the Legendes of Saints or else vrge and exact mans traditions wherwith Christ himselfe out of the Prophete teacheth that all Gods religion is corrupted Which thing as it is in these dayes to much frequented ●o if at any time any place be left for the word of God it is vsed to be sayde or song commonlye in a straunge tongue so that no profyte can come to the people thereby But touching this matter see Paules iudgement 1. Cor. 14. Thirdlye this also is to be commended that none of them taketh vppon him to speake before he be lawfully requested For although of auncient custome the interpreters and Prophetes sate next to the Teachers yet none impudently intruded himselfe so that vndesired or without necessitie he woulde speake vnto the people Wherefore Paule and Barnabas also although they were sent by the holy ghost yet they thinke it not good to breake so profytable and auncient a custome of the Church Therefore the Anabaptistes disorder is not to be suffered which abuse the place of Paule 1. Cor. 14 ▪ saying that all men ought to haue leaue to speake in the Church For Paule in that place speaketh of those that had the gift of interpretation and prophecie and sate with the teachers as was euen nowe sayde But such as were no interpreters he commaundeth to keepe silence And he commaundeth all things to be done decently and in order Neyther lette any man obiect here vnto me what I thinke the Apostles woulde haue done if no
Apostle nowe maketh mention of them after he had begunne to speake of the resurrection But here are certaine thinges diligently to be obserued before we go from this place First we preach sayth he the promise made vnto the fathers Ergo the Apostles are Authors of no newe and straunge doctrine but teache that waye of saluation which was once promysed by God vnto the fathers For this cause Christ alleageth the testimonies of Moses and of the Prophets And Peter heretofore sayde that all the Prophets bare wytnesse of christ By these is prooued the worthinesse of our fayth the certaintie of our saluation gotten by Christ. Moreouer here appeareth the difference betweene vs and the fathers of the olde Testament That saluation was promised vnto them which is perfourmed to vs in christ They also looked for the fulfylling of that which we beleeue is fulfylled Furthermore they had certaine figures and tokens of their redemption to come whereby to exercise and feede their faith But God hath prepared for vs sacramentes and seales of our redemption and saluation which are accomplished and finished To conclude our eyes see and our eares heare that which the holye fathers in times past greatly desyred to see and heare As these things confirme our fayth so they ought to stirre vp our mindes to be thankfull that we seeme not ingratefull to despise the saluation giuen vs the hope and expectation whereof kept the fathers in times passed in all kinde of dutifulnesse in the middle of all their aduersities Furthermore the truth and infallible trust of Gods promises may herein be seene For he so perfourmeth the promises made to the fathers vnto their children that he rather would haue his sonne lyue poorely and not regarded in this world and at length to suffer shameful death than to breake his promise Where also other circumstaunces are to be considered of vs all which it appeareth to agree with the promises of God the Oracles of the Prophets For at the tyme promysed the sonne of God came to take fleshe vpon him when nowe the fourth Monarchie flourished and when the Scepter was taken from Iuda He was also borne of a woman hys mother yet remayning a Uirgin The place where he was borne was Bethleem foreshewed by the oracle of the Prophet The myracles wrought by him were such as Esay sayde should be done in his kingdome cap. 53. As touching his death and passion resurrection ascention what needeth to speake seeing that in them is fulfilled according to the letter all the things which are red Psal. 22.41.68 Is. 53.63 Of the effect of these thinges which God sometime promised by his Prophetes we spake before It is truely therefore sayde of Paule that God hath perfourmed whatsoeuer thinges were in times past promised to the fathers Here ought we to fet argumentes of consolation in our temptations that we doubt not of Gods promise in perfourming of his helpe and fauour who we heare hath so faythfully perfourmed those things which coulde not be perfourmed but by hys sonne sent into the worlde and into the darkenesse of death But let vs returne vnto Paule which confirmeth by the Oracles of the Prophets that which he spake of Christ with so great authoritie Amongst which the chiefe place is attributed to Dauid who in the fyrst Psalme which nowe a dayes is counted the seconde he sayth prophecied of christ And he bringeth one verse of the Psalme onely yet so as he calleth to their remembrance the whole Psalme which though some go about to expounde of Dauid yet in deede it contayneth a manifest prophecie of the kingdome of Christ forasmuch as diuers things therein can by no meanes be applied vnto Dauid For the Prophete by suggestion of the spirite sheweth that Christ shall haue many and cruel enimies desirous to ouerthrow his kingdome and to pull downe all his authoritie but their enterprises shall be in vaine bicause Christ shall ouercome them all The cause of all which he alleageth to be Gods decree saying Thou art my sonne this day haue I begotten thee Aske of me and I will giue thee the Gentyles for thine enheritance Paule expoundeth this place of Christes resurrection bicause that hereby God openly declared him to be his sonne euen when his wicked enimies chiefly conspired against him For not long before he hearde those blasphemous wordes If thou be the sonne of God come downe from the crosse If he be the king of Israel let him now come downe from the Crosse and we will beleeue him c. Yea being compassed about with the cruell terrors of death he cryed out My God my God why hast thou forsaken me And shortly after he was so closed in his graue that Pylate the Romane President in the Emperours name and authoritie sealed the graue stone with his ring set souldiours to watch it that he shoulde not ryse agayne who would then haue thought he had bene the sonne of God vpon whome the wicked had such authority But euen the same daye God begate him that is to say declared him to be his sonne whome yet otherwise he begate from euerlasting and yet nowe seemeth he to forsake him cast him of For when his wicked enimies sayd If thou be the sonne of God come downe from the crosse he would not haue him come downe but did that that was more in raysing him vppe againe from death so that by their owne wordes he condemned them for wicked and shewed in deede that Iesus Christ is his sonne We haue furthermore to consider that the holy ghost prooueth the kingdome of Christ and his diuine maiestie chiefly by his resurrection For Paule in another place speaking of Christ sayth who was declared to be the sonne of God with power according to the spirit that sanctifieth in that that he rose againe from death For when death was ouercome it appeared vnto all men that the Deuill also which was the Lorde of death was ouercome which victorie was not a worke of mannes power but of Gods maiestie This thing must also be extended vnto Christes members For where both he that sanctifyeth and he that is sanctifyed are all one our glory also which is due to the children of God shall appeare at length in our resurrection We crie now also Abba father and carye the pledge of saluation in our heartes which is the holye ghost and be euen now the children of God but yet it appeareth not what we shall be But we knowe that when Christ appeareth at the later daye wee shall be like vnto him This is the cause that Christ calleth that day the regeneration Math. 19. not bicause we are then fyrst made the children of God but for that they that seeme in this worlde to be forsaken of God enuyed shall at that day be declared to be the children of God See Wisedome 5 Let vs herewith comfort our selfe in aduersitie against the vniust iudgement that
is not without a cause suspected For a Bishop must be blamelesse and Paule forbiddeth yong schollers chiefely to be kept out of the Ministery bicause such are in daunger of backbiting and slaundering Nowe adayes bicause we be to soone intreated in admitting of euerye one it is no marueyle though the authoritie of the Ministerie growe so much in contempt Moreouer it maye seeme to anye man marueylous that God woulde suffer such most chosen vessels of his grace to be intangled in such implacable hatred and that the holye ghost woulde haue their errours recorded in wryting for their sake that shoulde come after But to him that shall deepely ponder these things there shall appeare to be diuers iust and weightye causes of this doing For fyrst these things teache vs that euen the holyest men also are subiect to perturbations of minde and therefore haue neede of the grace of god This Paule acknowledgeth where he writeth that he felte the pricke of the fleshe and had the messenger of Satan sent him agaynst the which he had none other wayes to resist but by the grace of God. The same Paule writing of the lawe of sinne which in all men fyghteth against the spirite of God cryeth out O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me from this body subdued vnto death I thanke God through Iesus Christ our Lorde The vse of all these things is to teach vs that whatsoeuer things holy men doe commendably we should ascribe them vnto God as to the author and only magnifye him therefore Againe these slydinges of holye men stirre vs vp vnto a feruent and continuall desire of godlinesse that according to Paules saying we may worke our saluation with feare and trembling For who will not be afrayde who will not be stirred vp to watch and praye when he seeth such notable seruaunts of God so grieuously fall Who will not stande in dreade to fall yea euen then when he seemeth to stand sure There is also another vse and commoditie of this contention that we now adayes be not offended with the discentions of the Ministers of the worde nor for discentions sake suspect the doctrine of Gods worde For the authoritie thereof dependeth not on man but as Esaias sayeth endureth for euer when all fleshe with the glory thereof wythereth and falleth away like a flower The fourth and last poynt of this Chapter is the peregrination of Paule and Barnabas in which they execute and perfourme their deuise concerning the visiting and confyrming the Churches in the word of god For although they disagreed among themselues yet is neyther of them vnmindefull of his dutie But Barnabas goeth into Cyprus and Paule into Syria and Cilicia and from thence into Lycaonia And this constancie is worthy of all men to be followed that we suffer not our selues by contention and importunitie of men to be ouercomme and so forgetting our duties become vnfaythfull vnto god In the meane season it behooueth vs to consider the goodnesse and wisedome of God which knoweth best howe to vse the offences of his people For of this lamentable discorde of the Apostles springeth this profyte that diuers Churches are at one very time visited and confyrmed Yea God many tymes vseth the sinnes of the wicked to the setting forth of his glory and the saluation of manne Examples whereof are extant both in the sale of Ioseph and manye other hystories Yet let no man for all this thinke vs voyde of fault For men sinne and by sinne deserue to be made the vesselles of wrath And if any good followe of their offending all that is to be ascribed to the goodnesse and wisedome of god God graunt that by vs his name may be glorifyed and that our most mercifull father woulde vse all our doinges to that ende to serue for the commoditie and saluation of many that we may lyue in heauen with Iesus Christ to whome be all prayse honour power and glorye for euer Amen The .xvj. chapiter vpon the Actes of the Apostles The Cvj. Homelie THEN came he to Derba and to Lystra and beholde a certaine Disciple was there named Timotheus a womans sonne which was a Iewesse and beleeued but his father was a Greeke Of whome reported well the brethren that were at Lystra and Iconium Him would Paule that he should go forth with him and toke and circumcised him bicause of the Iewes that were in those quarters For they knew al that his father was a Greke As they went through the Cities they deliuered them the decrees for to keepe that were ordeyned of the Apostles and Elders which were at Ierusalem And so were the congregations stablished in the fayth and increased in number daily THe Apostle Paule appoynted to visite the Churches which he had gathered togither by preaching of the Gospell and to confyrme them in the fayth they had once receyued least being eyther drowned in securitie or circumuented with the subtiltie of Satan or ouercome wyth persecutions they shoulde fall awaye This he so doth that whersoeuer occasion also is offred he laboureth to winne moe congregations vnto christ This hystorie Luke in this place describeth who was Paules continuall companion in this iourney and therfore as a witnesse that sawe all things knewe all things well And fyrst we hearde how they went ouer Syria and Cilicia Then it followeth what they did in Lycaonia the Churches wherof by reason of the Iewes the bitterest enimies that Christ had had more neede to be strengthned than others and hereof Paule stoode in feare bicause he had diuers times tryed the hostyle attemptes and implacable mindes of the Iewes Moreouer the Euangelist taketh his beginning of the calling of Timothie whome Paule tooke vnto him as a companion in his voyage and partener in all his labors For he knewe that without fytte Ministers of the worde the kingdome of Christ and fayth in him could not be enlarged Wherefore as the Princes of this world which labour to dilate and stretch out their borders a farre are altogither occupied about getting of long tryed Captaynes and bolde souldiours from all places so was this the chiefe care of Paule to searche and get many faythfull and fytte Ministers for the Church of Christ by whome the kingdome of Christ might be stretched farre and wyde whosoeuer desire the safetie of the Church whether they be teaching Bishops or ruling Magistrates they must followe this example For as without the preaching of the worde newe Churches cannot be planted so those that are already planted and gathered togither cannot be kept in doing their dutie without the same Hereof proceeded that care and industrye which the Prophetes of the olde Testament had about schooles which our Predecessors being most prudent and godly men did imitate as the foundations of most auncient Colledges doe testifye In the vocation of Timothie there are two things to be considered wherof we shall speake in order Fyrst it is described who and what maner
at Lyddias house and them they exhort to be stedfast in the fayth and comfort them very effectually Moreouer Paule wryteth an Epistle vnto them wherin we are taught how prosperously this cōgregation afterward came forward whose beginning seemed altogither vnprosperouse vntowarde Whereby it appeereth the course of the Gospell can be hyndered by no attemptes of the wicked Sometime the Ministers thereof are bounde but the worde of God can not be bounde Againe they that preach the same are thrust out and banished but the spirite of Christ cannot be banished but breatheth wheresoeuer it pleaseth yea when men holde their peace the stones will preach Christ. Let these thinges make vs constaunt in the fayth that hauing at length ouercome the worlde and Prince thereof we may liue and raigne in heauen wyth Iesus Christ our sauiour to whome be all praise honor power and glory for euer Amen The .xvij. chapiter vpon the Actes of the Apostles The Cxiij Homelie NOWE as they passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia they came to Thessalonica where was a great Synagoge of the Iewes and Paule as his maner was went in vnto them and three Sabboth dayes disputed wyth them by the scriptures opening and alleaging that Christ must haue suffred and rysen agayne from the death and this is Iesus Christ whome sayde he I preach vnto you And some of them beleeued and ioyned in companye with Paule and Silas also of the Grecians that feared God a great multitude and of the chiefe women not a fewe OUr Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christ in the Gospell of Luke sayth No manne which putteth hys hande to the plough and looketh backward is meete for the kingdome of heauen Which wordes doe admonishe vs that of all christians especially of the Ministers of the word is required an inuincible constancie of the minde whereby they maye go forwarde without feare against al traueyle and daunger and not be withdrawne by anye temptations to forsake the office committed to their credit Of which constancie is set out vnto vs a most worthy example in the Apostle Paule who from the fyrst daye he tooke in hande the seruice of Christ and the Gospell was in continuall labour and daunger and yet held on seeking daylie new occasion with great courage of minde to set forth the kingdome of christ And as he had done heretofore in other places the selfe same did he wyth incredible industrie among the Macedonians as this present hystorie declareth For being verie euill intreated at Philippi to the which place he was called by a vision yet he murmureth not against God nor doubteth not of his calling nor leaueth not of his duetie through feare but taketh his iourney directly thorowe Amphipolis and Apollonia and commeth to Thessalonica the chiefe Citie of all Macedonia where after he had spreade the lyght of the Gospell he getteth him to Berrhoea and from thence to Athens where he preacheth Christ among the most learned Phylosophers of the Gentiles and as it were vpon the open stage of all the worlde But to let passe all other thinges let vs see what was done at this tyme at Thessalonica First it is sayde he went through Amphipolis and Apollonia and there is no mention made that Paule preached in those Cities therfore it is lyke the holy Ghost offered him no occasion there to preache But when he came to Thessalonica he went into the Iewes Synagoge which was very notable and full of people and there by the space of three Sabboth dayes he taught them the gospell of Iesus christ And yet it might seeme a straunge thing that Paule woulde offer the doctrine of saluation agayne vnto the Iewes whose incurable malice he had so often tryed and whome he perceyued God had cast of by many euident arguments But he was mooued partly with the feruent desyre he had to set forth the kingdome of God and partly with the constant loue that he bare to his nation for whose sake otherwhyle he wished to be accursed And yet we must not thinke this to be any blinde affection for as much as the Lorde had long before prophecied that though the Iewes were cast off certaine remnauntes shoulde be saued And perhappes he might be mooued by the example of Elias who when he thought all the people had forsaken the God of Israell was tolde that there were yet seauen thousande which had neuer bowed their knees vnto Baal We are taught by this example of Paule that we must not ouer hastily cease from doing our duetie bicause of many mens ingratitude but rather as the Apostle otherwhere teacheth vs tollerate the euill wyth meekenesse instruct those that make resistaunce if at anye time God will giue them repentance to knowe the truth and that they may come to themselues againe out of the snare of the Deuill For where we be the seruauntes of God it becommeth vs to imitate his condition and propertie and not to be offended with the ingratitude of the worlde for as much as we knowe that we haue a rewarde layde vp with the Lorde which shall neuer fayle vs Therefore inexcusable is their waywardenesse which assoone as they perceyue they nothing profyte cease of from doing their duetie are not ledde with the example of God and of Christ which vsed such great lenitie and long sufferaunce towards the incurable malice of the Iewes euen from the fyrst beginning of that nation It is also worthy the obseruation to see howe Paule keepeth the religion of the Sabbothes and goeth into the Synagoges to preach there following the example of Christ who dyd nothing in secret but taught abroade openly In the meane season we see this was an olde vsage amonge the people of God for the godly to come vnto the Church for whose sake we reade holy dayes and holy places were in times past ordeyned of god It is necessarie that we obserue the same both for doctrine sake which can no waye more commodiously be taught and also bicause of externe religion which ought to be openly exercised that the profession of true fayth fayle not For the which cause Christ adourned the congregation and Church comming with hys example and commended it with a notable promise and this is the cause that Paule in his fyrst Epistle to the Corinthians is so diligently occupied in gyuing preceptes for the well ordering of them Wherfore their frowardnesse must needes be detested which deryde and scoffe at the publike assemblies of christians plainely testifying that they are ledde with no care of wholesome doctrine or sincere religion But what doth Paule in the Synagoge of the Iewes euen the same that we heare he vsed to doe in many places For he taught out of the scriptures declaring howe it was necessarie that Christ shoulde die and rise againe from the dead and that this was the same Christ whom he preached Here must we diligently marke all these pointes bicause they fullye conteyne the whole trade of the
Apostles doctrine For fyrst they shewe whence Paule fet his doctrine verily out of the wrytings of Moses and the Prophets which otherwheres he sayth were inspyred of God and in the which Christ witnesseth that the mysteries of eternall lyfe are conteyned Therefore out of the same also in these dayes must the doctrine taught in the congregation be taken Neyther must their impudencie be borne with which will not haue the controuersies of our dayes deuided by the Scriptures but alleage vnto vs the traditions and Canons as they call them of the Apostles and the fathers and the counsels as though they had left vs thinges of more imperfection and certaintie than the Apostles Further we are taught howe Paule handled the scriptures He opened them that is to saye by dyligent interpretation he picked out the true sense and meaning of them applyed the things therin conteyned to his present purpose Which he coulde no wayes more commodiouslye doe then by conference of places By this example of Paule is theyr errour confuted which saye it is sufficient to haue the scripture read ouer in the Church and wyll not suffer the same by exposition to be opened Therefore in these mennes iudgement Paule offended verie much yea Christ himselfe who as we may reade vsed the same order of teaching in the schoole at Nazareth But whosoeuer followeth the example of Christ can not offend And Paule doth much better which requireth such a teacher of the Church as can distribute and deale as it were the worde of truth iustly and duely and can apply it to the instruction and comfort of euery body Thirdely is declared the argument of Paules doctrine which conteyneth in it chiefely two poyntes setting them as it should seeme agaynst so many errours of the Iewes For fyrst they were offended at the crosse of Christ bicause they vnderstoode the oracles of the Prophetes according to the letter and ymagined that the kingdome of Christ should be temporall and looked for a Messias wythout a crosse Which errour may now a dayes also be perceyued in them which would haue the Gospell preached without the crosse and where they desyre to be saued by Christ will not suffer and be afflicted with him The other errour of the Iewes was that they denyed Iesus the sonne of Mary to be their Messias or Christ. Paule laboureth to put both these errours away going about to prooue by testimony of scriptures that God had from before the begynning of the world ordeyned this way for man to be saued by that is to say by the incarnation death and resurrection of his sonne Againe applying those things vnto Iesus the sonne of Marie which the Prophets in tymes past spake before of the Messias he euidently declareth that he ought to be acknowledged for the Messias and that none other ought to be looked for Nowe as Paule declared these things at large by testimonies of scriptures gathered out of all places so might they be by vs in ample wise prosecuted But bycause it appeareth easily by the sermons both of Paule and the other Apostles going before what places they for the most part vsed and they that vse to reade the scriptures fynde euerywhere such things as conteyne in them the knowledge of Christ we wyll of purpose be the shorter In the meane while we haue here two things to obserue Fyrst what ought to be preached in the Church Uerily euen Iesus Christ only whome Paule otherwheres confesseth onely that he knoweth and none other For where he alone is sufficient for vs in all things bicause he is giuen to vs of the father to be our Brydegrome Shephearde King and Priest head righteousnesse wisedome satisfaction sanctifycation and redemption he himselfe would haue men brought vnto him it is vnmeete to teach any thing not agreeable with him The seconde thinge is howe Christ should be preached To be euen such an one as the Scriptures declare him to be who dying for vs on the Aultar of the crosse purged our sinnes and by his glorious resurrection ouercame death who reigneth not in this worlde lyke vnto the kings here on earth but being taken vp into heauen comforteth vs by his spirite and through our afflictions and infyrmitie of the flesh triumpheth ouer all our aduersaries They that haue conceyued in their mindes Christ to be such an one can be offended at no worldly attempts but being voyde of care and merie laugh at all that the worlde goeth about against the Church Learne therefore hereby to iudge of the doctrine of these dayes and harken not vnto them which in the businesse of our saluation teach any more then Christ seing that Paule knewe him onely notwithstanding he was rapt vp into the thirde heauen Moreouer the successe declareth that Paules preaching was not in vaine For certaine of the Iewes beleeued yet but a fewe bicause nowe beganne the blindnesse of that nation Yet God keepeth and fulfylleth hys truth while he saueth certaine remnauntes out of the innumerable multitude And that they were vnfayned beleeuers appeareth by this that they openly ioyne themselues vnto Paule and Silas both for learning sake and also to protest openly their beliefe Yet a greater company of the Greekes beleeued whome he calleth religious bicause before this they had tasted a little of true religion which it is lyke they learned by being conuersaunt with the Iewes For although the incredulitie of that nation was past hope yet God would vse them being dispersed abroade in the worlde to bring the Gentyles from ydolatry vnto the worshipping of the true God and euerywhere to sowe certaine principles and grounds of pure religion touching the honouring and inuocating of one god With this company of the faithfull are numbred certaine noble and chiefe women that a manne maye see howe God hath a regarde of his elect in all states and degrees of persons This place teacheth vs that the Gospell is neuer preached in vaine as hath bene already oftentymes declared Here are also touched the dueties of them that truely beleeue ardent desyre of true doctrine and religion thankefulnesse towarde the teachers of saluation and playne and open profession of the true fayth For God will haue none of them to worship him that can dissemble and play on both handes God graunt that we also being illuminated with the light of true fayth may declare our fayth both in worde and deede and by the same maye come vnto the inheritaunce of the kingdome of heauen with the onely begotten sonne of God Iesus Christ to whome be prayse honour power and glorye for euer Amen The Cxiiij Homelie BVT the Iewes which beleeued not had indignation and tooke vnto them euill men which were vagabondes and gathered a company and set all the Citie on an roare and made assault vpon the house of Iason and sought to bring them out to the people And when they founde them not they drewe Iason and certayne brethren vnto the heades of
common weales These and infynite such like thyngs it is to be thought recourced to Paules minde bycause he was a man which by long experience had learned what was meete in euery thing to be done But leauing all these reasons he setteth boldlye on the matter teaching them that are occupyed in Gods vocation by his example to admit no reasons of the flesh that might procure them from doyng their dutie For if the Prophetes and Apostles had bene ruled by such reasons neuer shoulde anye of them haue done his dutie but rather lyke Ionas they shoulde haue prouided for themselues to haue escaped by the sea For we see Moses straue agaynst Gods commaundement and refused the charge as long as he followed his owne reason and compared his impediment of speach and lacke of skill with Gods commaundements Let vs consider therefore that all thinges depende vppon Gods will and pleasure and not ours who can easily make the way plaine for them that walke in his calling For he is a sharpe double edged sworde piercing euen into the marrowe he is a deuouring fyre and deuiding the very stones Being therefore encouraged herewith let vs boldly enterprise whatsoeuer god commaundeth vs leauing to him the successe of the matter which cannot be other than ioyful vnto such as folow his conduct leading Furthermore Luke declareth the order that Paule followed in setting forth the kingdome of Christ among the Athenians First he reasoned with the Iewes touching that matter bicause he knewe they woulde the more easily giue eare vnto him if he brought Moses and the Prophetes This done he taketh those to instruct which had tasted of syncere fayth and religion by keeping company with the Iewes but yet were not fully enformed And hauing nowe layde this foundation he talketh with euery one he met withall in the market and went so farre that the Philosophers wherof the Citie had abundance beganne to dispute agaynst him And among diuers sectes of them the Epicures and Stoikes chieflye encountred with him who being of contrary opinions one to another coulde yet agree togither to set vpon the Minister of truth For the Epicures being the enimies of all wisedome and good learning did set perfyte felicitie in pleasure yet honest pleasure as they sayde as which conteyned in it quietnesse of mynde and health of body but climbing no higher than this they were authors of most absurde opinions which sprang hereof For where the feare of God and consideration of the lyfe to come stryketh mennes consciences in dread and maketh all worldly things vnpleasant they denyed the prouidence of God and also the life to come For they fabled that God walked vppe and downe from one side of heauen to another and had no regarde of mortall mennes affayres and that the soules died aswell as the bodies Insomuch that they vsed this Sardanapalus like saying Eate drinke make mery without any measure for after death there is no pleasure The Stoikes vtterly differing from them taught all felicitie and blysse to stande in vertue whych opinion though it seeme plausible and godly yet it pulled men from God as much as the Epicures did bicause it taught men to seeke felicitie in the merites of their owne workes Agayne bicause they perceyued the studye of vertue was disturbed and troubled by affections they woulde haue the followers of felicitie to be voyde thereof so that neyther they shoulde reioyce in prosperitie nor shewe any signifycation of sadnesse in aduersitie making of men stones and stockes deuoyde of those naturall motions and affections whereby parents and children are ledde one to loue another Furthermore by a certayne concatenation and connexion of causes they imagined a fatall necessity or destiny whervnto they made god also subiect These things teach vs with whom Paule had to doe and also admonish vs who are at this day euer haue bene the enimies of the gospell and of true doctrine For although in times passed the names of Epicures and Stoikes were in vse among the gentiles only yet were there among the people of God that were of their opinion be also in these daies Surely Nabal somtime among the Iewes sayd There is no God and Dauid testifyeth there were innumerable other of the same opinion Psal. 14. 53. Such were they also that sayd The Lord shall not see neyther shall the God of Iacob regard it Touching the later times in the which we are there are prophecies extant both of Christ the Apostles which euidently teach vs that Epicures trade and sect shal reigne among vs For Christ saith As it came to passe in the dayes of Noah so shall it be in the daies of the sonne of man they did eate and drink they maried and were maryed euen vnto that same day that Noah went into the Arke c. And Peter prophecieth that there shall come mockers in the later days which shall walk after their owne concupiscence saye where is the promise of his comming for since the fathers died all things continue in the same estate c. And such we see euerywhere now a dayes which although they directly professe not Epicures opinion yet liue they so that euery man may easily perceiue they beleeue there is neyther God nor life to come And they cannot abide the light of the Gospell bicause by it as Christ sayth their euill workes are reprooued In like wise may the Stoikes opinion be founde in all ages For this opinion helde the Phariseyes sometime among the Iewes who as they trusted in the ryghteousnesse of their owne works so were they the greatest enimies of christ This sect as we sawe in the .xv. Chapter bredde great disquietters in the Primitiue Church mingling the lawe and the Gospell togither and the merites of works with fayth In the dayes of the fathers and Doctors sprang the Pelagians the maynteyners of the same doctrine And if a man woulde search for the lyke in our age he should fynde the Monkes whome we may truly call the sworne Disciples of Zeno. For beside that they ascrybe felicitie vnto their owne vertues they teach also and earnestly exact such indolencie and want of griefe as the Stoikes did and go about to pull vppe by the rootes those affections which Nature hath sowen in the minde of man For what else doe they whyle they commaunde parentes to cast of their owne children and to penne them vp in monasteries while they also teach the children to put away all the loue and care of their parentes and to addict themselues wholye to Moonkishe rules It is knowen both to Barbers and bleare eyed as they say what hard and vnworthy things eyther to be spoken or beleeued they beate into tender mindes Such as these are must needes be enimies of the Gospell which accuseth and condemneth these madde and furious errors But we must not therefore gyue place vnto them but rather according to Paules ensample stryue earnestly agaynst them And what
women with their heades couered bicause the man is free but the woman vnder the mans power whome she ought to take for hir heade For the which cause when the time of the vowe was out the Nazareans were shauen in solemne wise to th end they might know they were restored to their former libertie againe It may seeme that Paule tooke this vowe vpon him bicause of the Iewes which thought him to be a prophane and wicked contemner of the lawe and therefore thought by this meane the sooner to winne them to hearken to the Gospell For he seemeth to confesse a like thing where he writeth he became a Iewe vnto the Iewes and to those that were vnder the lawe as one himselfe vnder the lawe Otherwise he was not ignorant of Christian libertie which he euerywhere writeth ought not to be broken for anye ceremonies sake See Colos. 2. Galat. 4. Therfore they doe most foolishly which abuse the example of Paule to the maintenance of Monkishe vowes For this vowe was instituted in the lawe of God which although in the death of Christ it is abolished with the ceremonies thereof yet for the auncient dignitie thereof and for the weakes sake it was not sodeinely to be made awaye and buried but by little and little But it is euident that Monkes vowes are founded vppon the traditions of men which ought to be of no authoritie in religion Againe the Nazareans vowed vnto God where the moste part of Monkishe vowes are made vnto Creatures Agayne the vowes of the Nazareans altered not the trade of lyfe neyther was the vnitie of the Church therby deuided But Monkish vowes as they take away all former trades of life so they bring into the Church many diuers sectes The Nazareans vowed such things as man was able to performe Monkes vowe chastity which the whole Scripture sayth is not giuen to euery man The Nazareans were grieuous or chargeable to none by reason of their vowe But Monkes whyle they vowe wilfull pouertie will be fedde like ydle paunchbellies of other mennes labors The Nazareans vowe forbade them not obedience to Magistrates Parentes and all other estates to whome we be bounde by nature Monkes vowes breake all obedience and bind them onely to their Abbots who owe obedience both to Parentes and Rulers Furthermore the Nazareans had no affiance in their owne merites For they both confessed themselues to be sinners when their vowe was ended and that God was the author of all goodnesse But Monkishe vowes moste of all other maintayne an affiance in mans righteousnesse and deseruings Wherfore if there were no other cause this one were sufficient to condemne them and put them away But to let passe this pumpe and sinke of superstition returne we vnto Paule which traueyling out of Achaia into Asia the lesser came to Ephesus where we haue to consider foure thinges in order First he goeth into the Synagoge and disputeth with the Iewes Agayne here appeareth the loue he bare to his countriemen whome for manye causes as we haue otherwheres declared he coulde not hate although he had once or twyse before shaken the dust of agaynst them This example of Paule teacheth vs that the wrath and iudgement of God shoulde so be set out vnto the wicked that if they conuert they may yet knowe there is hope left that God will be fauourable vnto them and pardon them For it is God that sayth I will not the death of a sinner but rather that he conuert and lyue Wherefore we must vse all the diligence that we can to bring and winne people vnto the lord Secondlye the example of the Ephesians teacheth vs that the labor of the Saintes is not in vayne For where they are desirous to haue Paule remayne longer among them it appeareth euidently they had much profyted by him For it cannot be that they can delyght in the Ministers companye that haue not as yet tasted the fruite of the doctrine of the gospell Neyther can they be iudged for louers of the Gospell that vse to hate the Ministers thereof and little to regarde their labors and disdainefully to auoyde their companies Let vs agayne consider howe Paule refuseth to accomplishe a godly request For he sayth I must needs at this feast that commeth be at Ierusalem I pray you what neede vrged Paule so to be Shall we say it was for deuotion sake of the feast No. For he knewe well that holye dayes were abrogated among other ceremonies and there was no cause vrged him for the weake brethrens sake to go vp to Ierusalem bicause there were many Iewes in euery Citie drowned in Iewishe superstitions which notwithstanding went not thither Wherefore as in other places we haue reade howe Paule was guided by the holy ghost in all his doinges so it is lyke he was secretly mooued by the same spirite to take this voyage nowe in hande although the cause be not expressed nor yet declared what he did there more than saluted the congregation and brethren Surely Paules traueyle coulde not be in vayne in such a Citie wherevnto agaynst the feast repayred such a great multitude both of Iewes and Gentyles from among all nations For so euen at one time togither might the doctrine of the Gospell be scattred among many Nations It is to be marueyled why Paule is pulled so soone from them which seemed to be so ready to receyue profyte by the gospell and it may seeme an vncourteous and an vnloouing part to leaue them if we should herin leane vnto reason But Gods doings are to him knowne and certaine And the chiefe vse of such examples is for vs to learne to submit our willes and desires seeme they neuer so holy and good vnto the pleasure of god Fourthly let vs see howe Paule departed from Ephesus He biddeth them farewell which is a token of thankefulnesse and friendly good will. For their discourtesie is very vnhonest that depart from their hoste where they haue receyued benefytes without taking of leaue Moreouer he leaueth Aquilas with them that they should not seeme altogither destitute Furthermore he promiseth to returne to them againe by the leaue of god Whereby it manifestly appeareth that he bare them no euill will but was compelled and strayned for weighty considerations to leaue them Here we haue to imitate Paules religiousnesse which in a most godly cause presumeth nothing of his owne heade but vnderstanding that all endeuors and deuises depend vpon Gods prouidence referreth all things vnto his pleasure This sentence of Salomon is common manne purposeth but God disposeth What rashnesse then is this of men to attribute so much to themselues in prophane matters so to appoynt their doinges as though they woulde prescribe lawes vnto god See Iacob 4. Luc. 12. Paule being nowe departed from Ephesus commeth to Caesarea in Iury and from thence to Ierusalem when he had there greeted the congregation and dispatched the matters about the which he went he came to
Ghost also his open and expresse oracles They muste be like bāds wherby our wayward striuing flesh must be brought to the obedience of faith that willingly least we fele the mightie hand of god to our great losse calamitie who bringeth thē which had lefer to folow the sēsuality of flesh than to obey his calling euen perforce to that he willeth Thus we read he was angry with Moses refusing the office that he offered him Exod. 4. And vnto Ieremie doing the lyke and alleaging his youthe he sayde in wrathfull wyse Saye not I am to yong For thou shalte go to all that I shall send thee vnto ▪ and whatsoeuer I commaunde thee that shalt thou speake c. Iere. 1. What happened vnto Ionas for refusing the vocation of God is more euident than nedeth rehearsal of wordes So from this matter he commeth by litle litle to his purpose saying I knowe not what shall become of me there nor what the cause is that the spirite so vrgeth me to take this iourney but the same spirite telleth me that euery where afflictions and bands are prepared for me which thing the holie Prophets in euery Church with one consent testifie Yet must I goe thorough all these pykes and daungers yea and through death also considering it so semeth good vnto God who only hath power both vpon my selfe and death This place is very worthye to be consydered bicause it may serue much both for our instruction and consolation For first it declareth the faythfull care of God which vseth to defende and prouide for those that be his For where he loueth entirely he can not chose but consider them and giue them warning in time of all thinges that shall befall them For howe can he neglecte his seruauntes that honoure him seing he foresheweth the paines of the wicked bringeth no calamitie vpon them but he first warneth them thereof by his Prophetes Nexte we see howe God also warneth those that be his Paule vnderstoode that bands afflictions were prepared for him at Hierusalem But what the ende hereof should be the holy Ghoste as yet had not reueled vnto him God therefore after a generall sorte for the most parte admonisheth those that bee his although he declare not the perticulers of euery thing For he reuealeth asmuch vnto them as is needefull for them to know so that they may prepare themselues to beare the Crosse but to leaue all the successe thereof vnto him So we haue generall predictions whereby we are admonished that we shall suffer tribulations and aduersities in the worlde The chiefe vse whereof is that we shoulde prepare our selues to beare them least if they fel on vs vnarmed they would be occasion of greater offence Thirdely it behoueth vs to obserue the counsell of God which he is wont meruellously to shewe towarde his faythfull seruaunts Paule being many times before warned of the brethren eyther by flying saued him selfe or else prudently defeated his ennimies awaytes Nowe is he also admonished of bandes and afflictions but he is so vrged and prycked forwarde by the spirit of God that he vnderstandeth he must wade through the middle of them notwithstanding the brethren greatly dissuade him to the contrarie We reade also that Iesus Chryst sometime auoyded the attemptes and laying wayte of his enimies yet at length he commeth forth to meete them when he perceiued his houre was come and that the eternall decree of his heauenly father so required These thinges teach vs that daungers are not alwayes sufficient occasions for a man to flye For when we are vrged with the sure vocation of God we must not suffer our selues to be reuoked neyther through fire nor sworde nor floudes of the maine Sea as once happened at the redde Sea from doing our duetie wherevnto we perceyue we are called of God. But bycause he woulde not put his friendes and brethren to much in feare he vseth an Apostolyke and Christian consolation saying Howe of None of these things moue me As who should say I woulde not haue you to be greeued for my sake For why should you take any sorrowe for these things that I make no accounte off Why Paule doest thou then contemne the Oracles of the holy Ghost and the louing admonitions of thy brethren No but I therfore little esteeme the present daungers that be at hande bicause I passe little of my life that is to say I esteeme not this temporall lyfe more than my vocation which the Lorde hathe appoynted me vnto Yea I desire to finishe my course ioyfully and to satisfie my office and duetie by publishing the Gospell of the grace of God in all places Therefore where I haue long sithence dedicated my lyfe vnto Chryste imprisonmentes and afflictions can not make me afrayde This example of Paule declareth howe the godly should vse themselues in aduersitie Firste they shoulde not so care for tribulations that for the auoyding of them they shoulde committe any vncomely and vnworthy parte Otherwise God will not haue vs ledde with that Stoikes indolencie but that wee shoulde not haue more consideration of our selfe than of his vocation There can bee no greater comforte in this case than if men oftentimes meditate vppon Gods prouidence which Christ setteth before his Disciples and Dauid maketh this to bee his onely defence and safest Sanctuarie that he beleeueth His fleetings are numbred with God and hys teares putte in his bottell Math. 10. Psalm 56. Nexte let them take heede that they preferre not this temporall lyfe before the eternall Let them rather consider howe God hath lente vs this lyfe to liue vnto him and if neede also so require to dye vnto him And bicause we must once dye we can neuer dye happelier than in Gods vocation For so shall that saying of Dauid be verified on vs Precious in the sighte of the Lorde is the death of his Saincts And if it be vnlawfull to preferre this lyfe before the life euerlasting howe muche lesse oughte we to preferre riches honours pleasures and suche other worldely commodities as these before the same For what aduantageth it a man to get all the worlde and to lose his soule Or what thing is so precious that it can redeeme but one soule Finally the godly muste labour all that in them is to passe all aduersities ioyfully and to accomplishe their course that is the office wherewith they are put in charge prosperously For it su●fiseth not to beginne well but to continue still on as wee haue often tymes declared Let all men therefore remember that this lyfe is lyke vnto a race the ende whereof is death which they moste ioyfully take holde of which do their duetie euen vnto the ende But before we go any further let vs see how Paule speaketh of the Gospell and the Ministerie thereof He calleth it the Gospell of the grace of God of the effecte thereof bycause it offereth to vs the grace
Magistrate or officer is necessarie to brydle and keepe vnder suche vnruly fellowes Let vs therefore lyue within the feare of God and directe al our dooings after his holy will who is able not onely to delyuer vs out of the hands of the wicked but also from the iawes of Hell and death through hys sonne Iesus Chryst our Lorde to whom be blessings honour power and glory nowe and euer Amen The Cxlj. Homelie THen the Captayne came neere and tooke him and commaunded him to be bounde with two chaynes and demaunded what he was and what he had doone And some cryed one thing some another among the people And when he coulde not knowe the certayntie for the rage he commaunded him to be carried into the Castle And when he came vnto a Stayre it fortuned that he was borne of the Souldiours for the violence of the people For the multitude of the people followed after â–ª crying away with him And when Paule beganne to be carryed into the Castle he sayde vnto the high Captayne May I speake vnto thee Which sayde Canst thou speake Greeke Arte not thou that Aegyptian which before these dayes madest an vproare and leddest out into the wildernesse foure thousande men that were murtherers But Paule sayde I am a man which am a Iewe of Tharsus a Citie in Cicill a Citizen of no vile Citie I beseeche thee suffer mee to speake vnto the people And when he had giuen him lycence Paule stoode on the steppes and beckened with his hande vnto the people and when there was made a great sylence he spake vnto them in the Hebrue tongue saying WHere Dauid a man after Gods owne mynde sayth Many are the tribulations of the iuste and the Lorde deliuereth them out of all The same appeareth in this Hystorie to be moste truely sayde For we haue here howe Paule was taken by the furious multitude of the Iewes howe he was buffeted and beaten howe he was lyke to be killed among them which burning in cankred hatred agaynst him thyrsted for nothing so muche as his bloud But lo on the sodayne God rayseth vp for hym a defender and deliuereth his Apostle by those which were strangers from the fayth and religion of god But where we haue in the laste Sermon entreated of the vse and ende heereof wee will nowe examine the hystorie of hys delyuerie which Luke moste exactly describeth with all the circumstances thereof First he declareth what the Captaine of the souldiers did He first of all taketh Paule out of their raging hands and commaundeth to bynde hym with two chaynes this doth he not of any head or ouercome with hastinesse of anger bicause al his dooing declareth manyfest tokens of a moderate meaning But he doth it partely for that he thought he was some euill man seeing euery body so earnestly set agaynst him and partly for that he perceiued he could pacify the furious people no way more commodiously than by making them beleeue that he should shortly be punished according to his deserts In the meane season beeing mindfull of his duetie he diligently enquireth what he is and what he had done For this is the duetie of a Magistrate to do nothing rashly or vpon heade For if he haue once iniuried him whom he ought to haue defended then is there no excuse lefte for him Therfore Moyses commaundeth the Iudges to heare both the small and the great yea and to searche out the circumstances of all matters that they offende not either through ignoraunce or blinde affection of the fleshe In the meane whyle we haue heere diligently to consider the maner of this deliuerie Paule is deliuered out of the present perill of his lyfe which the Iewes put him in yet is he bounde with two chayns as though he were some greeuous malefactor Howbeit God had ben able at once to haue set him cleane at libertie which thing bycause he doth not it is certayne that these chaynes were for Paules commoditie and that his captiuitie serued the more to set oute Chrystes kingdome And this is alwayes Gods continuall custome vsing in this sorte to moderate his benefites specially when he perceiueth wee haue neede to bee kepte vnder and brydeled This we finde true many times in sicknesse and in other tribulations wherein it becommeth vs paciently to suffer whatsoeuer God sendeth forasmuche as bothe his will is good and wee can not be exempte or secluded from the care and protection of his diuine prouidence by any aduersitie But what do the people in the meane season First they fill the eares of all men with vncertayne and confused noyse so that nothing coulde bee certaynely knowen or perceyued which is a thing commonly vsed in seditions as hath bene sayde in the .xix. Chapter Next when the Captayne had commaunded him to be bounde and to bee brought into the Castle meaning there to heare the matter they all follow most impudently after and preace vpon him with suche violence that the souldiours are fayne to carry him on their armes and neckes for feare the Rebels might doo him some harme At length they agree all in this that they woulde haue him put to death and made out of the way In which things as Luke setteth out to vs a liuely image of sedition so he teacheth vs that none are more greeuous enimies of the truthe and of the godly than suche as colour their enterprises with a zeale of godlynesse For here a man may see both more equitie humanitie in the barbarous souldiers than in the Iewes which would seme to fight for the Temple and for their religion For they would haue killed him without hearing his cause whome the Captayne made diligent inquirie of They trouble disturbe all thing with shouting and crying where the Captayne dothe all thing peaceably and in quiet These men impudently treade on him whom the souldiours vouchsafe to carry on their shoulders What needeth many words they would neither haue the truth enquired nor the cause tryed but would haue him foorthwith made out of the way to feede their wicked eyes with the sight of an Innocentes bloud We reade how the lyke fell out in Chrystes passion For there was more equitie in Pylate and Herode than in the Priestes and Scribes And the Priestes scorned him hanging on the crosse whom the barbarous Souldiours testified to bee an Innocent bycause of the wonders that they sawe There wante not examples in these dayes considering it appeareth that many bycause of their confession of the truthe are more iustly and gently entreated of Turkes than of the Byshoppes and Monkes which will seeme to bee enflamed with the zeale of godlynesse But this is the liuely portraiture of the diuell cruelly raging vnder the cloke of godlynesse Wee are taught by these examples that they are not to bee excused which wrong the faythfull of Chryst vnder a pretence of suche a zeale For this Chryste prophesied long agoe should come to passe And it is euident
insolent and proude stiles which other men vsed to flatter them with For this kinde of men are easily moued to wrath specially when they suppose their estimation is lightly regarded which they farre preferre both before the glory of God and the publike saluation of man Heere let vs marke what manner of Counsels wicked Bishops vse commonly to haue Paule was burthened before with slaunders whereby they thought to bring him in hatred of all his nation And when he was about to answer thereto in a great concourse of people they disturbed him with furious clamoure and shouting Now againe as he is about to make his excuse they resist him with open violence and that in place of iustice whereof they would seeme to be great fauourers Such a Counsell for all the world was it wherein Christ was condemned when Caiphas was president And that was not much vnlike wherein Steuen was oppressed Suche also haue beene the Counsels of the Popes this many hundreth yeares as may be proued by that one Counsell of Constance where we reade the holy Martires of Ch●ist Iohn Husse and Hierome of Prage were condempned with like armoure and weapons What we may hope for at the Counsels of oure dayes appeareth aboundantly by their indictions or Bulles The crafte and impudencie whereof who so perceiueth not doubtlesse they are to be iudged voide of common sense and reason But let vs returne vnto Paule and see howe he tooke this iniurie God saith he shall smite thee O thou painted wall c. In the which words it seemeth to some that he offended against the commaundement of Christ which biddeth vs to tourne the other cheeke to him that smiteth vs on the one But he shall easily be cleared of this fault if we will weigh bothe his wordes and his person For he cursseth him not of any naughtie minde or affection but reproueth his sinne according to the office of an Apostle and sheweth that God hath a punishment prepared for him And first he calleth him painted wall euer following the example of Christ which sayth al the whole packe of them were like vnto painted sepulchers or graues And by and by he rendreth a reason why he so sayth adding Thou sittest to giue iudgement according to the Lawe That is to say Thou claymest vnto thee power to giue Iudgement vpon mee vnder a proud pretence of Lawe and commaundest me to bee smitten contrary to Lawe therefore thou aunswerest not vnto the person and name of a Iudge but vnder the cloke therof hydest an heart that cannot abide the truth and that thirsteth for bloud Therfore God wil strike thee although there be no man to take vengeance on thee These things I say Paule speaketh according to the office of a Minister and not of any reprochful or slaunderous intente or meaning And it is no doubt but he had a respect vnto the example of Christ who when the Byshops seruant smote him tourned not his other cheeke but earenestly rebuked his stoute and contumelious doing And here in this place we are taught that the pacience which holy Scripture commaundeth is not such a kinde of cowardlinesse as giueth the wicked leaue to do what they lust For although we be commaunded paciently to suffer whatsoeuer God sendeth yet must we not flatter the wicked nor dissemble Gods iudgementes Also here may all they which are in office learne a generall doctrine and rule For that which Paule threatned vnto Ananias chaunced not long after For about the beginning of the Iewes warres he was cruelly slaine by Manaim Captaine of a sort of rebellious Iewes being well worthie of suche a death who feared not himselfe to rebell against God and they shall neuer escape the handes of Gods vengeance which follow him in striuing against God and violently oppressing them that be innocentes or else suffering them to bee oppressed by other The Lorde shall smite them whome the Scriptures euery where teach to be the only and true president and reuenger of al iudgements And although they be able to fray men yet shall they neuer escape the handes of god We haue examples in Pharao Saule Achab and many others of whome prophane hystories make mention But as Paule was declaring these things by and by there starte foorth certaine that rebuke him but there was none that would reprehende the vniust force of Ananias For as tyrants take vpon them to do what they lust so they easily find flatterers to defend their authority against al men Whereby it commeth to passe that where they do al men open iniurie yet no man dare complaine on them A like tyrannie hath the Cleargie vsed many yeares in the Church For where the Monkes and Priests molested al men at their plesure yet were they counted very holie and to haue nicked them but in worde onely was a very dangerous and heinous matter But Paule by a feate Ironie and kinde of scorne reproueth this tyrannous hypocrisie saying I wist not brethren that he was the high priest As though he should say Who would take him for the high Priest in whom he sawe nothing worthie such name and title For if he be the high Priest why heareth he not mens causes quietly and with indifferencie Otherwise I am not ignorant that by Gods lawe no man oughte to cursse the lawful Magistrate Reade Deuter. 22. Exod. 22. Magistrats are taught by this Ironie of Paule that then their authoritie is inuiolable and safe when they do their office and shew themselues to be such as al wise men may iudge worthy of that honour For vnies they promote ▪ the glorie of God refrayne from violence defende good lawes and be an example of honest lyfe the same may be sayde vnto them that Paule in this place obiecteth to Ananias For who will take blasphemers bloudsuckers lawe-breakers drunkardes adulterers gamsters ruffians and such lyke companions for senatours and rulers we knowe verily that God of his iust iudgement sometime ordeyneth such whose misgouernance the godlie in temporall matters most paciently suffer But if the same be not honored as they woulde let them not maruell but acknowlede their fault and amend For in so doyng they shall haue Iesus Christ the king of kinges and Lord of Lordes the defender of their aucthoritie To whom be praise honour power and glorye for euer Amen The Cxlviij Homelie WHen Paul perceiued the one part were Saduceis and the other Phariseis he cryed out in the counsel Men and brethren I am a Pharisey the sone of a Pharisey of the hope and resurrection from death I am iudged And when he had so sayde there arose a debate betwene the Phariseis and the Saduceis and the multitude was deuided For the Saduceis sayde there is no resurrection neyther Angell nor spirite But the Phariseis graunt both And there arose a great crye and when the Scribes which were of the Phariseis part arose they stroue saying We fynde no euill in this man though a spirite or
Paules sisters sonne hearde of their laying awayte he wente and entered into the Castle and tolde Paule PAule the Apostle in his seconde Epistle to the Corinthians the firste Chapter sayth As the afflictions of Chryst are plentyfull in vs euen so is our consolation plenteous by Chryst. This is a worthy and comfortable saying confirmed with many examples euen from the very beginning vnto the which this example here present tolde of Paule may very well be adioyned For we haue heard how he was hitherto vexed and molested with greeuous perilles and daungers And many thinges happened vnto him whiche mighte haue driuen him to desperation beeing laide in prison by the Romane Souldiours and with one whole consente of the Iewes required to be put to death and sawe none other helpe or succou●e but suche as he founde in the Souldiours men farthest off from true Religion But the Lorde fayleth not hys Apostle beeing in this daunger and distresse but most friendly comforteth him beeing tossed vp and downe wyth dyuerse cares and by and by performeth in deede that which he promiseth in words whiles in miraculous sort he deliuereth him out of the handes of most cruel cutthrotes Now bicause these things are writtē for the instruction and comforte of all people let vs marke euery poynt thereof in order The first thing herein is a consolation wherwith Paules minde is confir●ed strengthned For the Lord standeth by him in the night that is to say by his angel to teach him how true it is that he sayd he wold be with vs vntill the end of the world And he biddeth Paule to be of good cheere or to take a good harte vnto him bicause perhaps he began to doubt of Gods care and good will towards him And the cause he sayth to be for that he muste beare witnesse of him at Rome also Here it moste euiden●ly appeareth that God neglecteth not mens matters and affayres although he seeme sometymes to forget them For howe can he neglecte men who forgetteth not the Sparrowes as Chryst testifieth Luke 12. In deede it might seeme that God had no regarde of Paule considering howe all the worlde conspired agaynst him But seeyng God standeth by hym in pryson it easily appeareth that nothyng hathe happened vnto hym hythervnto eyther wythout the knowedge of God or without his will. But bycause wee haue examples heereof in euery place lette vs nowe consyder the manner of Consolation the bare wordes whereof beeyng wayed after the capacitie of m●nnes rea●on seeme to declare that GOD rather threateneth hym than comforteth hym For hee saythe Bee of good cheere Paule for as thou haste testified of mee in Hierusalem so muste thou also beare wytnesse at Rome Therefore the Lorde giueth him warning of newe trauelles and newe contentions lyke as if a Phisitian shoulde say to a sicke body be of good cheere O sonne for thou haste newe sicknesses comming and within these fewe dayes thou shalte haue freshe doloures and greefes Or as if one should encourage a Souldiour weeryed in a late skyrmish vnto a more greeuous fyghte Who woulde say this were a consolatyon or comforte Howe bee it suche a lyke thyng it is that is here sayde vnto Paule For by making mention of Rome he putteth him in remembrance of tediousnesse in iourneys of perils in nauigation and of a number of most cruell kinds of punishment forasmuch as Claudius was now Emperour a very foolish and cruell man and most ready to punishe g●●tlesse persons But if wee waigh the matter deepely it shall appeare there were two things which might not a little encourage Paule the one was that he perceiued God had a care of him The other that he heard he shoulde be a vessell and instrument of glory to declare the name of Chryst among the Romanes also who were Lordes of the whole worlde Here therfore we are taught whence to fetche comforte in aduersitie Not in the fortunate successe of worldly affayres or of hope to lyue idelly and easily but of the prouidence of God and of that he doth vouchsafe to make vs vessels and instruments of his glory And this thing Chryst teacheth vs where he promiseth to his disciples not prosperous successe of their attempts but sayth nothing shal happen vnto them without the councell of Gods prouidence We are taught also that whyle God deliuereth comforteth vs he calleth vs not to idlenesse but prepareth vs to greater businesses And he therefore recreateth vs with the taste of his truthe and promises to make vs to returne to our businesse agayne the more cherfully as we may see all godly men vse to doo Therefore it is a shamelesse errour of them which after they haue tryed the ayde and helpe of God clayme vnto them selfe a certayne immunitie and freedome from all perilles and labours or else giue them selues altogither to the desire of the flesh and follow an vnvnbridled licentiousnesse both in saying and dooing Furthermore bycause the Apostle was like to be molested with many perilles before he came at Rome God confirmeth hys late courrage and manlynesse with a freshe benefite deliuered him out of a great and vnlooked for hazarde For there had fourtie persons conspired his death and had made a vowe that they would neyther eate nor drynke tyl they had killed him In whose wicked enterprise a man cannot tell whether he may more wonder at their auda●itie or bloudie myndes For beside that they intend and meane the deathe of a guyltlesse bodie whiche is contrarie to the Lawe of God they bynde themselues with an othe and vowe beeing not ignorant how many things myght happen or chaunce that might hinder and dashe all their attempt But by their example wee learne to iudge of the boldenesse and audacitie of the wicked and of all them which meane to defend the Religion they professe ▪ by force rather than by Scripture But lette vs returne to these votaries agayne who declare their bloudie intent vnto the Priestes and Counsell thinking to haue greate thankes at their handes and desiring to haue them partners of their enterprise Giue you say they knowledge to the Captaine and to the Counsell to bring him foorth vnto vs to morrowe as though wee woulde knowe something more perfectly of him and wee will be readie to kyll him or euer he come neare Heere appeare the craftes and traynes of the wicked and howe farre the hatred of trueth proceedeth These men professe a zeale and auncient Religion and can wonderfully counterfet Iustice yet in the meane season they can conceyue a deuice in their mynde voyde both of all reason and iustice Howbeit Sathan hath lefte this pollycie also in remembraunce for posteritie where it hath been seene howe the Ministers of Chryst being oftentymes called foorth vnto Disputations haue fallen into the handes of Murtherers And there want not examples of our age which teache vs to be afrayde of such sleightes in these dayes also Agayne consider what great corruption there
and wyckedlye abused their gifte of libertie they are nowe depriued thereof and constrayned to suffer suche presidentes as had neyther commendation of Nobilitie nor fame of vertue but were defamed and euill reported by reason of filthye luste and beastlye crueltie And where yet they woulde not amende for all these plagues at length they were vtterlye forsaken and shut out of the kingdome of god These thynges suche menne oughte diligentlye to consyder as nowe a dayes also abuse the prerogatiue of libertie and make of it an vnbrydeled licenciousnesse bothe of saying and doyng But returne we to Lysias the Captaynes letter whiche after he had superscribed it begynneth the narration with Paules greate commendation For he declareth that he was apprehended for no demerite or faulte that hee hadde done through the vnreasonablenesse and iniustice of the Iewes Next he sayth he is a Citizen or freeman of Rome At length hee testifieth he is an Innocent where he sayth he had done nothing worthy of death or imprisonment and that the Iewes had made this sturre and adoo agaynst him for no cause but for their lawe and religion sake This is a singuler commendation but we muste remember that these are the wordes of a Souldier and that he speaketh after the maner of the Romanes For where they desyred the vtter abolishment of the Iewes religion they cared not whether the presidents defended the same or not Therfore we see euery where that they litle regarded controuersies in religion But God commaundeth a farre other thyng whiche appointeth Magistrates to haue a speciall care of religion for it is not meete that they whom God of his goodnesse hath placed in such degree of dignitie should suffer the honour of God to be eyther neglected or defaced Yet the craft of the children of this worlde appeareth in the Captayne which so trimly dissembleth his errour committed in bynding and whipping a Citizen of Rome wryting now nothing but that that made for the getting of him praise and fauour Here is cheefly to be marked what a care God hath of his true seruauntes consydering he defendeth their innocencie by testimonie of their enimies Example hereof we nowe see euery day wheras they highly extoll and praise the Prophetes and Apostles which persecute their faith and doctrine with deadly hatred Why therfore feare we the slaunders of enimies or infamie of the worlde Nowe remaineth the latter part of the Epistle which consisteth of a certayne preoccupation or aunswere to an obiection that myght be made For lest Felix myght be offended for that an innocent person was not rather set at libertie than sent to hym with suche coste and charges He sheweth also the cause hereof he saith he did thus bycause of the waites that the Iewes laide for him which Paule shoulde neuer haue escaped if he had ben set at libertie Therfore it behoued in this wyse sayth he to prouide for the safetie of an innocent to see publique peace obserued Where againe the example of this Captayne putteth Magistrates in remembraunce of their duetie namely to take heede that no man suffer violence or iniurie because it is euident they are cheefly ordeyned to the ende that good men should not be oppressed through the insolencie and pleasure of other that are wicked Reade Psalm 72. Rom. 13. It foloweth what successe this matter had verilye a moste happye as God ordered it For the Souldiers faithfully fulfill the charge committed vnto them and bring Paule safely vnto Felix the President and he as though he had chaunged his nature becommeth curteous and easy to be spoken to and asketh him what cuntrey man he is Which when he knew he deferreth the hearing of his matter vntil the comming of his accusers For the lawe of nature teacheth vs that both partes ought to be hearde before sentence be giuen Let vs remember that all these thinges so happened according to Gods prouidence For it was his working that the Souldiers without grutching serued Paules turne that they were ready to defende him with perill of their lyfe that Felix accepteth him more curteously and frendly than his custome was and causeth hym to be kept in Herodes Iudgement Hall being an honest kynde of pryson The vse of these thinges is to teache vs that we must not passe much vpon the enterprises of men but studie onelye to please God which can mollifie barbarous mens heartes tame sauage and wylde maners and turne our enimies heartes to loue vs Let these thinges embolden vs with inuincible constancie of fayth to ouercome the tyrannie of the worlde and so to lyue hereafter eternally in heauen with Iesus Christ our Sauiour to whom be prayse honour power and glorye for euer Amen The .xxiiij. Chapiter vpon the Actes of the Apostles The Clij Homelie AFter fiue dayes Ananias the Highe priest descended with the Elders and with a certaine Oratour named Tertullus which enfourmed the Deputie against Paule And when Paule was called foorth Tertullus began to accuse him saying Seeing that wee liue in greate quietnesse by the meanes of thee and that many good things are done vntoo this Nation through thy prouidence that allowe we euer and in all places most noble Felix with all thankes Notwithstanding that I be not tedious vnto thee I pray thee that thou wouldest heare vs of thy curtesie a fewe wordes For we haue found this man a pestilent fellowe and a moouer of debate vnto all the Iewes in the worlde and a maintainer of the secte of the Nazarites which hath also enforced to pollute the Temple whome wee tooke and would haue iudged according to our lawe but the highe Captaine Lysias came vpon vs and with great violence tooke him away out of our handes commaunding his accusers to come vnto thee of whom thou mayest if thou wilte enquire knowe the certaintie of all these thinges whereof we accuse him The Iewes likewise affirmed saying that these thynges were euen so THe Euangelist Luke declareth in this Chapiter how Paule was handled before Felix the Presidente beinge sente to hym from the Captayne that was appoynted for the safegarde of Ierusalem as we haue heard before In the whiche Narration firste it is declared howe the hyghe Priest and Elders layde matter of death vnto Paules charge And albeit that Paule so declared and opened his cause that the Lord Presidente coulde fynde no matter of death agaynst hym yet he keepeth him in pryson two whole yeares together and bicause he woulde shewe the Iewes a pleasure leaueth him bounde in pryson still till Pontius Festus succeeded him in the office These thynges are declared to this ende that we may learne thereby what state the godly are lyke to be in alwayes in this worlde and howe the worlde continually hateth them forasmuch as we see the Iewes spare for no laboure or costes to bryng Paule beyng a most faithful preacher of gods word to his cōfusion But as Christ prophecied these things shold happē to his disciples euē so he
able to proue none of those things they lay to his charge The lyke case were the other Apostles in as we haue oftentimes seene So the Euangelistes declare that Pylate and Herode beare witnesse of Christes innocencie Thys maketh for the commendation dignitie of the christian faith doctrine Which who so now a dayes slaundreth openly bewray them selues to be worse than the Gentiles It appereth also by this place what a miserable state the Iewes were in at this time seeing a despiser of all religion had the greatest authoritie among them and they constrayned to pleade their matters of religion before him And this they may thanke the wicked priests their own wicked ingratitude of which denied Christ to be their king and sauiour before Pylate The like state are a great many in nowe a days vnder the tyrannie of the Turkes by whose exāple except we repent in time it is to be feared that all they that now a dayes disdayne to heare the worde of God and refuse the iudgement of the holy ghost touching fayth and religion w●ll one day suffer the like Finally he declareth why he kept him beeing innocent in prison Namely bicause he had appealed vnto Caesar. But here he craftily dissembleth his own wickednesse which yet he can not otherwise do but by bewraying himself while he confesseth playnly that he draue the innocent to such an exigent that he must needes appeale vnto Caesar. For he had not purposed to gratifie the Iewes to Paules hinderaunce and preiudice ▪ he would neuer haue appealed vnto Caesar. But this is a common trick among great men magistrates craftily to cloke their own faults then to make men beleeue they greatly fauour iustice when they most transgresse the bounds limits of the same Furthermore by this occasion it came to passe that Agrippa was desirous to heare to see Paule which thing was the occasion of a notable sermon which Luke setteth forth in the chapter folowing Thus we may see that through the prouidence of God those things aduaunce his kingdome which we least thought of Why therfore do we trouble vexe our selues about our owne deuises Why do we not rather euery one cast all our care vpon God do our duety For so should it come to passe that we should euery where haue occasion to serue God and in al our dangers and distresses should haue Iesus Christ to be our protectour and defender to whom be prayse honour power and glorie for euer Amen The Clix Homelie ANd on the morrow when Agrippa was come and Bernice with great pompe and were entered into the Councell house with the Captaynes and chiefe men of the Citie at Festus commaundement was Paule brought foorth And Festus sayde king Agrippa and all yee men which are here present with vs ye see this man about whom all the multitude of the Iewes haue intreated me both at Hierusalem and also heere crying that he ought not to lyue any longer Yet founde I nothing worthy of death that he had committed Neuerthelesse seeing that he hath appealed to Caesar I haue determined to sende him Of whome I haue no certayne thing to write vnto my Lorde Wherfore I haue brought him vnto you and specially vnto thee O king Agrippa that after examination hadde I might haue somewhat to wryte For mee thinketh it vnreasonable for to sende a prysoner and not to shewe the causes which are layd agaynst him ALthough God haue giuen vnto man nothing more excellente and commodious than the worde of the Gospell wherein he offereth vs the incomparable treasures of hys grace and the right way vnto saluation yet such is the vntowardnesse of this miserable worlde that it hateth enuieth nothing so muche as the same word Which thing is the cause that the ministers therof are many times so greeuously molested and afflicted and become as it were certayne gasing stockes vnto all the world But bicause we vpon whō the endes of the world are come should not be offended at these things forasmuch as it is euident that the world should exercise great crueltie vnder Antichrist their captayne God therfore would haue vs instructed partly by prophesies and partly by examples wherby we might learne that no new or strange thing hapneth vnto vs but that the Ministers of his word haue in al ages bene so vsed in this world And yet that his worde could neuer be extinguished through any attempts of his enimies for it endureth for euer and at al times bringeth foorth condigne fruites as the Scriptures euery where declare Many examples we haue hereof and among them this one is notable that Luke setteth foorth in Paule the Apostle For although he liued in bondes and was constrayned to appeale vnto Caesar both by reason of the iniquitie of his enimies and the vnrighteousnesse of the President yet before king Agrippa before the Captaynes before the chiefe men of Caesarea and the whole nobilitie of that coūtrey he so handleth Christes cause that he both proueth his innocencie in the hearing of them al and leaueth in their minds certaine euident pricks stings of the worde of god But it shall be good to consider euery thing in order as it is declared The Euangelist beginneth his narration with Paules hearers among whom are first numbred Agrippa Bernice his sister who sayth he came into the auditorie with all kinde of princely pompe and ostentation After them come the captaines of the souldiours other lo●ds of the court and as many as were of authoritie in the citie whō Festus thoght good to haue there present to this ende that howsoeuer the matter fel out he might the easilier auoyde the enuy of the Iewes Aboue al things we haue to consider Agrippa who as we sayd before was desirous to heare Paul. For this desire proceeded more of a certayne vayne curiositie of minde than of any loue vnto the truthe or saluation In so muche that he resembleth Herodes Antipas brother to his graundfather which also was desirous to see Chryst but for none other cause saue for that he heard his miracles praysed of so many a profe wherof he giueth vs in that he cōmeth to Paules sermō not like a disciple or lerner nor laieth aside none of his princely pompe but bringeth all his courtlinesse with him for a shew into y preching place By this exāple we learne what affection this world beareth to the word of god Surely either it hateth it or at least contemneth it euen of nature as which would not haue his workes reproued by the light therof and vseth to preferre earthly things before heauenly Yet in the meane season it cōmeth to passe many times that some come to heare it thoughe not led with the desire of saluation yet with the affections of the fleshe that is to say with curiositie or with hope of some gaine or of hatred to Popishe doctrine or bicause they would not be thought to be vngodly or
intercession those promisses are ratified whereof wee should haue no vtilitie at all vnlesse he were the maintainer and defender of the couenaunt But bicause as well the diuine power of Christ as also the office whereunto his father appoynted him appeareth most euidently in the resurrection of the deade as Paule other wheres declareth he omitteth nowe the other Articles and taketh him to entreate only thereof as a thing cheefely appertaining to this present controuersie For by this it appeared both that Iesus Christ which rose againe from the deade was the aucthor of life and saluation and also the error of the Saduces which vtterly denied the resurrection was confuted For it is very like that this secte at that time did muche preuaile with many men and that diuers of Paules hearers were infected with the same For onlesse we graunte this Paule may seeme too importunate which asketh in angrye wise why it should seeme incredible to them that he saide God should raise the deade againe And vndoubtedly Paule intreated of all these things more at large and confirmed them with testimonies of scriptures But Luke doth but touch certaine breefe notes of euery thing to giue vs an occasion the more to meditate thereof And surely this place which the breuitie thereof maketh obscure will be moste plaine if a man woulde draw out therof the propositions or arguments which Paule as it is euident more at large handled Wherof this shal be the first Our controuersie is touching the hope of the promisse made by God vnto the fathers and of the whole meane of our saluation The seconde I teache that this hope consisteth in Iesus Christe onely which they constantly denie The third I proue by the resurrectiō of him which declared that he was both the sonne of God and the aucthor of life that all the meane of our life and saluation consisteth in Christe The fourth neither ought the resurrection of Christ to seeme incredible to any man for as much as it is a moste easie thing vnto God in the end of the world to raise all the dead againe as all the scriptures declare he shall doe This seemeth to me to be the order of Paules oration and the summe of al those things which hitherto haue ben spoken which if we consider it shall be very easie to explicate euery thing more at large Also by the enumeration of certaine principall poyntes he thought he wold make his hearers attent bicause they should not thinke that he contended with the Iewes about a trifle as Festus before had said In the meane season we haue to consider certaine common places falling out in this matter And first of all we be taught what the faith hope of all the Sainctes and of the whole church of God hath bene in al ages Uerily euen such as hath depended vpon Christ the sonne of God which became man for our sake and which beleeueth that all faithe and saluation consisteth in him only For this dothe Paule in this place call the hope of the promisse made sometime vnto the fathers But the Catholike faithe saithe that all the promisses are confirmed in Christ as Paule himselfe euery where confesseth specially in the first Chapter of the second to the Corinthians and in the tenth Chapter of the first to the same Corinthians where he wryteth that the condition of the fathers of the olde Testament was allone with oures so that he attributeth to them oursacraments also which are baptisme and the supper euē as other wheres he attributeth to vs the passeouer and spirituall circumcision Howbeit these things shall more euidētly appeare if we consider the promisses of God which he made sometimes vnto the fathers Among these fathers Adam is the first who when hee was thrust out of Paradise into this vale of misery had none other hope of saluation giuen him than that which is in Christ only For the seede of the woman was promised vnto him whose heele the serpent should lie in wait to s●ing although in vaine for as much as that seede shuld crush and tread down the serpents head But Christ alone may be called the seede of the woman which without any commixtion of mannes seede toke fleshe of the virgin Marie The Deuill that olde Serpent lay craftely in waite against his heele that is to say against his humane nature and by his instruments brought to passe that he was slaine vpon the Crosse but to his owne vtter hinderance and destruction For heereby it came to passe that Christ when he died trade downe the head of the Diuell that is vanquished his rule and tirannie by the merite of his deathe and vtterly disarmed him of his force and draue him out of his kingdome But seeing there is no doute but that Adam beleeued this promisse for as muche as he chaunged his wiues name and called hir Heu● as which should bring foorth them that should lyue it is euident that he dyd put his whole hope and trust in Iesus Chryst alone which was that promised seede of the woman Therefore Adam was a christian man and beleeued that he and his posteritie should be deliuered and saued from the tyrannie of the Diuell through the merite of Chryst onely Paule in the .11 chapter to the Hebrues proueth most euidētly that Abel Enoch Noe and the other fathers as many as before the floud plesed god were of the same fayth After the floud we haue chiefly to consider Abraham with whom it pleased God to renue his couenant whom the scriptures cal the father of all those that beleeue Moyses and Paule beare witnesse that he beleeued God and howe that beleefe and fayth was imputed vnto him for righteousnesse What he beleeued all men knowe verily that the promise of God which sayde that in his seede all nations should be blessed and saued should be confirmed And that this seede was Chryst bothe Paule in the third to the Galathians and Chryst him selfe witnesseth For Chryst sayth Abraham reioyced to see my day and he sawe it and was glad This is to be vnderstanded of the contemplation and sight of fayth onely Whervppon we gather that Abraham also was stayed vp by fayth onely in Chryst and at length saued Touching his ofspring and issue Isahac and Iacob what needeth it to speake seeing it is manyfest that the promises made vnto the father are so oftentimes repeated vnto them yea Iacob when he lay a dying preached to his children touching the sauiour that was promised and playnely expresseth his comming And if we consider Moses it shal appeare that he also had his respecte vnto Chryst onely He sendeth the people of Israell vnto him whereas he promiseth them a great Prophet which al men were bound to heare as we vnderstode before by the words of Stephen and Peter Moreouer that one Epistle to the Hebrues is sufficient to teach vs that all the Ceremonies of the lawe and the Leuiticall seruice were
Scriptures let them boldely bring foorth that no man be able to accuse them of falshood or forgery Howbeit it might haue seemed to Paule a greeuous thing to be appoynted to such an office as he knew euen by those things onely which a little ●e●ore he went about was subiect to infinite dangers Therfore the Lord mixeth therewith a consolation very commodious and in season wherein he promiseth to deliuer him out of the hands of the Iewes and Gentiles Thus by the way as though he had bene dooing of an other thing he declareth that he was sent also vnto the Gentiles to bring them lykewise into the societie and felowship of the Churche In the meane season this place teacheth vs that the Ministers must looke for hatred persecutions and all kindes of aduersitie in this world For except this were their state and condition it should not neede so often to confirme them neither with the consolations nor promises of Chryst. These promises must diligently be considered for by them we are taught howe Chryste neuer forsaketh his people in their tribulations And yet muste they not so be vnderstanded as though he would deliuer them from all kinds of aduersitie and set them in safetie or so preserue them that they shall not perishe in body For we reade that Paule at the last was beheaded by Nero and the other Apostles also were cruelly put to death But it is sayde that the Lorde deliuereth vs when in this present worlde he assisteth vs with his spirite giuing vs constancie of mynde commoditie of dooing and finally a mouthe and wisedome agaynst the which our enimies are not able to resiste with any probabilitie of reason Agayne when he shoreth vs vppe with consolations in the middle of our afflictions and translateth vs out of the prison of thys body into the possession of hys kingdome and preserueth our memorie and good name to remayne to posteritie After this sorte we knowe he delyuered the holy Martyres whose remembraunce florisheth at this day euen among the enimies of the fayth Which promises seeing they are both generall and alwayes true there is no cause why we should suffer our selues to bee feared or ouercome with any attemptes of this worlde For who shall separate vs from the loue of god c. Reade the place Rom. 8. To conclude he addeth the ende of all these thinges which is that through the ministerie of Paule the eyes of the blinde should bee opened that they beeing illuminated might conuert from darkenesse vnto lyght and beeing deliuered from the power of Sathan might be reconciled vnto God in whom they may receiue remission of their sinnes and inheritance of the king dome of heauen through fayth with all those whom God hath chosen vnto him selfe These things conteyne in them the duetie of Ministers of the worde and the true vse of the Gospell For this cause that thing is attributed vnto the Ministers which is properly the worke of God only as is declared at large Therfore through the Gospel mens eies are opened that they may see God and the way of saluation By the Gospell men are conuerted from darknesse vnto light so that hencefoorth they which were occupied in the works of darknesse might do the dedes of the light For the christian Philosophie consisteth not in vayne speculations but in practise which extendeth it selfe through all partes of a mans lyfe Agayne by the gospel men are brought out of the power of Sathan vnto God to obey him to serue him Finally the gospel offreth vnto vs the forgiuenesse of sins the inheritāce of the kingdome of heuen And we may not thinke that these things stand in vayne sound of words but forasmuch as christ which is the only author of these things is preched through the gospel they are truely attributed to the preaching of the gospel bicause the same gospel is not in vaine but effectuous Therfore the preching of the gospel containeth in it the cheefest and only treasure of our saluation And the ministers therof ought to haue this only end before their eyes to bring men to be partakers of these things and not to leade them about as it were in a vaine maze and stagelike pompe of preaching Furthermore we haue heerein comprehended the whole order and manner of our saluation For where these things are giuen vnto vs of God it is euident that we want them of nature Therefore of nature we be blinde to perceiue any godlynesse and by our naturall corruption we deserue to waile and mourne vnder the tirannie of Sathan But by the goodnesse of God it commeth to passe that we be illuminated by Christ and be translated from the power of death and darknesse into his kingdome For we being sanctified and iustified by his merite enter into the kingdome of eternall life And all these things as we said ere while God offreth vnto vs to be receiued by faith through the gospell by the which faith the scripture teach that we be purified and made righteous bicause by it only power is giuen to vs to imbrace Christ and to receiue this goodnesse These things might be declared more at large with their dueties whome Christ hathe taken into the kingdome of his father But bicause we haue oftentimes spoken therof it shall be sufficient to shewe as it were with the finger the cheefe poyntes of euery thing In the meane season we haue heere to bewaile the vnkinde and vnhappy blindnesse of the worlde which contemning so plaine a way of saluation turne them to the most intricate Laberinthes and pitfals of eternall damnation It is our partes to shewe our selues thankfull vnto God and with constant faith to holde fast the only author of these goodnesses which is our Lord and sauioure Iesus Christ to whom be praise honor power and glory for euer Amen The Clxiiij Homelie WHerfore O king Agrippa I was not disobedient to the heauenly vision but shewed first vnto them of Damascus and at Ierusalem and throughout all the costes of Iewrie then to the Gentiles that they shuld repent and turne to God and do such works as become them that repent For this cause the Iewes caught me in the Temple and went about to kill me Seing therfore that I haue obtained helpe of God I continue vnto this day witnessing bothe to small and to great saying none other things than those which the Prophetes and Moses did say shoulde come that Christe should suffer and that he should be the first that should rise from death and should shew light vnto the people and to the Gentiles PAVLE diligently reporteth the Historie of his conuersion before Agrippa bicause thereby hee was able manifestly to proue that he became a Christian man of no light heade ne yet preached the gospell vnto the Gentiles of any rashe enterprise but that God was the aucthoure of all the things which he had hitherto done who conuerted him when he was of a farre other minde
Of the maner and order of his deliuery Exod. 2. Moses stirred vp by God taketh vpon him the office of a deliuerer Hebru 11. Except we be drawne of God we doe no good 2. Cor 3. Iohn 6. Cant. 1. Wee must obey God calling drawing vs Iohn 10. The deliuery of the fathers out of Aegypt was of grace The dutie of a Magistrate Psalm 72. Roma 13. Let no man be grieued at the ingratitude of the people A figure of Christ and our redemption Phil. 2. Iohn 13.15 The punishment of the ingratefull Iewes Num. 14. Rom. 10. How the godly may sometime flie Math. 10. 1 The time of Moyses calling Luc. 24. Marc. 8. 2 An Aungell of the Lord calleth Moyses 1. Cor. 10. Ephes. 1. 1. Pet. 1. Iohn 8. Dan. 7. 1. Pet. 1. The fierye bushe Iohn 14. Math. 28. Psal. 116. 3 Moses calling The God of the fathers c. Rom. 8. Iohn 11. Math. 22. The shooes must be put off Iohn 4. Iohn 13. God seeth the affliction of his people Psalm 56. Exodus 22. 1 Moses the ruler and delyuerer of Israel God aduaūceth the abiect and despysed Luke 1. Prouer. 16. After what sort Moses is sayde to be the delyuerer of the people 2 Moses fulfilleth the office of a delyuerer Moses myracles in Egypt The myracle of the red sea The myracles in the desert 1. Pet. 1. 1 The lawe gyuen by Moyses Exo. 20.24 Num. 12. 1. Cor. 15. 2. Cor. 3. Leuit. 18. Galat. 3. Rom. 7.8 Moses deliuereth the precepts he receyued of God. Leuit. 24. Nume 15.9 Hierem. 1. Ezech. 3. Math. 28. The law giuen also for them that came after Iohn 4. Esay 40. Math. 5. 2 The he ynousnesse of Idolatry Exodus 32. The beginning and going forwarde of ydolatrie i. Contempt of the worde ij. Contempt of the Minister iij. Newe Goddes Psal. 106. Rom. 1. iiij. Worshipping of Idolles Habacuc 2 v. Reioycing of Idolaters Hos. 4. The Idolatrye of the Israelytes is of cōtinuance 1. Reg. 11. 1 Reg 12 13 1. Reg. 16. 2. Para. 25. 2. Para. 28. 2. Reg. 21. Esay 6. Roma 1. 1. Cor. 2. Iohn 6. Deut. 4.12 A place in Amoz the .v. ch Ierem. 4. Heb. 11. Esay 29. Math. 15. The worshipping of Moloch The God Rempham Iere. 10. Worshipping of Images Deut. 4. Rom. 1. See Paulus Iouius in the historie of his ●yme the .40 booke 1 The worshipping of God was not tyed vnto the Tabernacle The Tabernacle was a type of heauenly things Iohn 4. The Tabernacle translated into the lande of the Gentiles Iohn 4. The place of the Tabernacle vncertaine Psalm 132. Iosua 18. 1. Sam. 1. c. 1. Sam. 11.20 1. Paral. 21. 1. Reg. 12. 2 The worshipping of God is not tyed to the Temple 1. Reg. 6. 1 He beateth downe confidence in Circumcision 2 He ouerthroweth the confidence in their forefathers Math. 3. Iohn 8. Esay 53. 1. Cor. 1. Ierem. 23. Luke 24 ▪ 1. Pet. 1. iij. He beateth them from their affiance in the lawe Psal. 147 Luke 11. Math. 7. Math. 10. Hebr. 10. How Steuens enemies like of his Oration or sermon 2. Tim. 4. Ezech. 3. God comforteth Steuen being ready to be put to death Psal. 121. Iere. 17. The maner and order how God comforteth Iohn 14. 1. Iohn 4. Ioh. 10. Psa. 3.35.44 Psal. 110. 2. The fury of Steuens enemes is incurable Psal. 58. The wicked obserue a shew of equitie Leuit. 24. Deut. 13.17 Prouerb 6. Num. 35. Prou. 18. 3 What Steuen doth being at the point of death Iohn 14. Math. 5. Steuen falleth on slep● 1 An vniuersall persecution of the Church The Apostles remaine at Ierusalem Iohn 10. Se the Tripartite hystory the .ix. booke and xx Chap. See a lyke storye of godlye courage in Ambrose agayn●t Theodosius the Emperor whom Ambrose had excommunicated for a great slaughter committed at Thessalonica and would haue comen into the Church at Milane but was withstanded of Ambrose in the same booke the xxx Chap. * What the faythfull dyd towarde Steuen Iohn 9. 1. Thes. 4. Ioh. 11. 3 Saule is a singular example of tyranny Gen. 49. 1. Tim. 1. Math. 24. 1 Philip the Apostle of Samaria 1. Tim. 3. Actes 5. 1. Iohn 4. Galat. 1. 1. Cor. 2. Galat. 6. Myracles wer wrought by Philip. 2. Cor. 3. Phil. 4. Iohn 15. Iohn 8. 1. Peter 5. Math. 12. 2 The Samaritanes embrace the Gospell The order of astayning to saluation Psal. 107. 1. Cor. 3. Luke 8. Math. 13 The fruite of the Gospell and of fayth Luc. 2. Ierem. 4.4 3 Simon Magus hindreth the course of the Gospell Philip an example of christian valiantnesse 1. Iohn 4. Simon Magus an example of a seducer Eusebius in his 2. booke and .13 chap. Irenaeus in his first boke and 20. Chap. 1. Sam. 28. Deut. 13. A marke of a seducer or deceyuer Actes 14. The inconstancie of the worlde 1 The appointing of the Church at Samaria Ephes. 4. Luc. 10. Iohn 13. 1. Thess. 2. Baptisme is an outwarde bande of the Church Iohn 15. Against the Anabaptists Gene. 17. Math. 18.19 1. Cor. 7. 2 Simon beleueth and is baptized Marc. 5. 1. Cor. 1. 3 The going forwarde in fayth and increase of the holy ghost Rom. 10. Galat. 3. Coloss 3. The Apostles giue the holy ghost to the Samaritanes Actes 1● 19 Iohn 14. The industry and modes●ye of the Apostles A latere from their side meaning their ●●tyer friends and counsaylors Prayers are ioyned vnto the laying on of handes 1 Simons s●nne Math. 10. Eccle. 10. Num. 16. Mat. 18.20 Luke 22. 2 Peter expostulateth with Simon 2. Reg. 5. Iohn 2. Math. 21. Mar. 11. Zach. 14. The riches of the wicked are accursed 2. Pet. 2. Habac. 2. The ende of reprehensions in the Church Deut. 29. Math. 22.15 Sinners must be sent vnto God. 3 Howe Simon tooke Peters expostulation Rom. 15. Ephes. 6. 1 What the Apostles did beside at Samaria Iohn 15. Actes 1 Math. 28. Ezech. 3. Ierem. 23. 1. Cor. 9. 2 The historie of the conuerted Eunuche The speciall calling of Philip. The obedience of Philip Gene. 12 ▪ The discription of the Aethiopian Eunuch A Prince Rom. 13. Actes 10. Actes 13. His maners and vsage or studie Psal. 76. 1. Reg. 8. 1. Reg. 12. Esay 49. Psal. 82. Deut. 17. Philip is appoynted to teach this Eunuch Esay 66. 1. Cor. 12.14 Ephe. 4. The place of Esay 53. In his Preface vpon Esay to Paula Eustachium In his first preface to his Commentaries vpon Esay In his Epistle to Paulinus the priest vppon all the bookes of the Byble i. Christ died of his owne will. Math. 20. Iohn 10. Phil. 2. 1. Pet. 2. ii. Christ by death got the victorie Genes 1. Psal. 110. 1. Cor. 15. Colos. 3. Iohn 12.13 and .17 Rom. 14. Psal. 34. iii. Christes kingdome is eternall and inuincible Luke 1. Iohn 17.14 Psal. 89. Math. 28. 1. Cor. 15. Rom. 8. iiij. Death is the entry into Chrystes kingdome Phil. 2. 1. Cor. 15. 2.
great and eternall deuyse and counsell of God concerning the redemption of mankind For Paule teacheth that we were chosen in him before the foundations of the worlde were layde And Peter sayth he was predestinate or foreordeyned from euerlasting that we shoulde be redeemed through his merit We must thinke it is not without a cause that he is sayd to haue appeared to Moyses For hereby it is euident that Christ tooke not his beginning when he was borne of the virgin Marie but that he was frō euerlasting yea and talked with the fathers in tymes past of such thinges as belonged to their saluation For although he yet was not incarnate and made man yet in his diuine power and goodnesse he coulde not choose but helpe and deliuer them of whom in the time appointed he ment to take his manhoode Therefore he sayth he was before Abraham and that Abraham sawe him And Daniel sawe in the Clowdes of heauen a Iudge lyke vnto the sonne of a man which came vnto the olde aged Furthermore Peter plainly confesseth that the Prophetes in tymes past were inspired with the spirite of Christ and so prophecied of things to come Therefore great is the temeritie of those which vtterly refuse all the olde Prophetes and say their bookes belong not at all vnto vs whereas both they were illuminated with Christes spirite and diuers and sundrye wayes bare witnesse of him See Iohn 5. Luc. 24. Lette vs rather acknowledge the goodnesse of God which in times past did vouchsafe to declare himself to the old fathers and by this meane woulde set forth vnto vs how to knowe the antiquitie and certaintie of our beliefe Furthermore Steuen diligently teacheth vs in what fourme and fashion Christ appeared vnto Moyses For he sayth the Aungell of the Lorde which was Christ appeared to Moyses in a flame of fire in a bushe This is the auncient guise vsage of God to talke with men in times past in some visible liknesse which men were not able to abide his godly nature and maiestie We haue examples euerywhere in the hystories of the Patriarches and Prophetes This causeth men to be attent and heedefull and to be in admiration of God which otherwise woulde carelesly contemne all godlynesse yet God for the most part tooke on him such formes and shapes as were most agreeable with the present affayres times and persons Which thing we also see done in this place For he woulde by a fiery bushe set before Moyses eyes the condicion and state of his people which were afflicted in Egypt They burned being incensed with the cruell tyrannie of Pharao but they were not consumed bicause the sonne of God was in the middle of them which at the time appoynted shoulde take his manhoode of the posteritie of them And this is the state of the Church in all ages in the consideration wherof it shal be profitable for vs often to be occupied It is like a bramble bushe a weake feeble flock but such as cannot easily be scattred abrode bicause thorowe faith it is most straightly knit and ioyned in Christ the heade thereof Therefore as husbandmen put fire vnto brambles and thornes cleauing one to another to burne them altogither so this worlde putteth the fire of persecution to the Church and with one fire goeth about to destroye it all at once And Christ suffereth this fire to be kindled bicause it is needefull this way to haue the fayth of his people to be tryed and the fleshe to be kept vnder and bridled yet he suffreth not his Church vtterly to be consumed but is himselfe in the middle thereof For he sayeth I will not leaue you comfortlesse I am with you vnto the ende of the worlde Hitherto belong whatsoeuer things God hath done for the defence of his Church since the beginning of the world Caine first set fire to it who though he killed his brother Abel yet he could not destroy his fayth and much lesse hinder God from raysing vp a freshe spring of his Church in Seth. Neyther after that could the mightie men which went before the floud any thing let but when they perished as they deserued God could marueylously preserue certaine remnaunts of his Church through the benefite of the Arke This bushe burned often also in the time of the Iudges but it was alwaye preserued by Gods aide and assistance It burned in Babylon from whence yet the Lorde brought it agayne and deliuered it It burned more than once after their returne from Babylon and at length when Antiochus reygned it seemed almost past recouerie when God raysed vp the Machabees who restored Gods religion and brought the people to their libertie agayne It burned after Christ was borne whole three hundred yeares almost vntill the time of Constantine the great Yet God neuer fayled it who is able to defende his people in the middle of the fire as he sometime did Daniels felowes It burneth euen at this day and there be euerywhere such as put firebrandes vnder it and inflame the mightyest Monarches of the worlde with hatred agaynst hir Yet shall they neuer preuayle so much as they woulde but shall feele the wrath of Gods vengeaunce in whose sight the death of those that be his is precious and will not suffer the bloude of hys belooued to be vnreuenged Yea whyle the persecuting tyraunts put fire vnder the Church they lyke drie woode are consumed with the fire of Gods iudgement the Church in the meane whyle abyding in the middle of the fire of persecution lyke a Leade or Cauldron where mettall tryers melt and get out golde and siluer See what is sayde of these similitudes Zacharie 12. and .13 But let vs come to his calling whereby he is restored to the office which he beganne to execute fortie yeares before This calling hath in it certaine pointes the consideration wherof is verie profitable First God declareth who hee is least Moses might doubt any thing of the certainetie of his vocation For he sayth to him as he was amazed with the sight of the bushe burning I am the God of thy fathers the God of Abraham the God of Isaac the God of Iacob It pleased God among many of his styles to vse this tytle chiefely to call to Moses remembraunce the couenaunt made with Abraham and the promises made long before vnto the fathers declaring thereby that he was not forgetfull of his couenaunt and promyses although he hytherto suffered the people to be afflicted By which example we are taught that in aduersitie we should chiefely haue respect to Gods promises which God can neyther forget nor fayle to perfou●me Yea we see the truth of Gods promises so infallible that God forsaketh not the deade whome he hath once taken to his tuition For hee is the Lorde both of lyfe and death Wherefore neyther lyfe nor death can seperate vs from the loue of god For whether we liue or die we be
the Lords And to this ende it is that he sayth he is the God of Abraham Isaac Iacob which yet were deade long before he thus spake And Christ by the same reason calleth Lazarus his friend being both dead and buryed Whervnto chiefely it appertayneth that Christ out of this place tooke a generall doctrine to confirme the resurrection of the deade and certaintie of eternall lyfe against the Sadduceyes cauillations Let vs therefore be occupyed in the meditation of this tytle as oft as feare of death ariseth in vs and we shall perceyue by and by that we shall be delyuered from all care and pensiuenesse But whereas Moses feared aswell with the sight of the burning bushe as with the voyce of God durst not come neere by and by he is tolde what he must doe For God sayth moreouer Put of thy shooes from thy feete for the place whereon thou standest is holy grounde So he sayth bicause of hys owne being there and for that he had appointed that place to set forth hys lawe in It is not without a cause that Steuen maketh mention of this precept for hereby he meaneth to admonishe the Iewes what God in tyme past requyred of Moses and what he also requyreth of vs nowe a dayes that is to saye neyther temple neyther leuiticall worshipping no colde ceremonies whether it be the bloud of Oxen or Goates but that we should purge our minds from beastly affections which are signifyed by the shooes and should be wholy ioyned to him by sinceritie of fayth and puritie of mindes For this is that true worshipping of God which Christ otherwheres sayth consisteth in spirite and in truth And herevnto belongeth his precept of washing the feete whereof we ought to haue greater respect than of any outwarde things We must also marke euery where howe all the scriptures testifie vnto vs that God is present in euery place and how daylie examples aboundantly prooue the same Last of all God openeth his intent and pleasure vnto Moses I haue sayth he perfitely seene the affliction of my people in Aegypt and haue heard their groning and am come downe to delyuer them Which words serue most aptly to Ste ens purpose For they declare that there was no desert in the Israelites for the which they ought to be delyuered and that God regarded nothing in them but their afflictions wherewith they were miserably troubled wherevpon it followeth that all the benefite of their deliuerie appertayneth to the meere grace of god Wee are also taught that God doth not neglect his people although he sometime seemeth so to doe He seeth their teares which Dauid sayth are put in a Bottle in his sight He heareth not onely their crie but also their groning bicause he searcheth the heart and the reynes And they that reade hystories finde examples euerywhere whereby it may easily be prooued Let this serue therefore to comfort vs when we are forsaken of false and vnkinde persons Let it also serue to instruct vs that we vnaduisedly afflict not those whome God hath so speciall a care of Hereto appertayneth that that is written concerning Wydowes fatherlesse and straungers crying vnto him And that that is written in Zacharie the second chap. He that toucheth you toucheth the apple of mine eye And chiefely let vs haue regarde that we giue our se●●es wholy to that God which considering the miserie of all mankinde hath giuen vs his sonne Iesus Christ ▪ to be our deliuerer and reuenger to whome ●e prayse honor glorye and power for euer Amen The L. Homelie THIS Moses whome they forsooke saying who made thee a Ruler and a Iudge the same did God sende to bee a Ruler and a delyuerer by the handes of the Aungell which appeared to him in the bushe And the same brought them out shewing woonders and signes in Aegypt and in the redde Sea and in the wildernesse fortie yeares This is that Moses which sayde vnto the children of Israel A Prophet shall the Lorde your God rayse vp vnto you of your brethren like vnto mee him shall you heare ALthoughe Steuen taught none other waye of fayth and saluation than that that is founded vpon the merite of Iesus Christ the promised Sauiour to whome Moses and the Prophets beare witnesse yet he is accused that he teacheth a newe fayth and an erronious yea that he is a blasphemer of Moses and the fathers and goeth about to abolishe the fayth which they obserued and deliuered vs The same state was the worlde in then that in these daies it is where they that follow the fayth deliuered by the Apostles and sealed with the bloud of the Martyrs are accused as subuerters of auncient religion and condemners of the olde fathers But what we haue to doe in thys case Steuens example teacheth vs He reasoneth diligently and at large touching the beliefe of the fathers chiefely he cyteth the hystorie of Moses that by rehearsall therof he might shew partly how reuerently he iudged of Moses and partly prooue that he was no enimie to the auncient religion of the fathers although he taught them that those ceremonies were nowe to be put awaye without the which they well ynough serued God yea without the which Moses also pleased God and was aduaunced to so high dignitie and honor So the vnlearneder sort nowe a dayes must be taught what the beliefe and doctrine of the Martyrs was in time past and howe they were saued without those things whereabout now a daies is such bytter contention But after Steuen had brought his oration to the solempne vocation of Moses then prosecuteth he the same at length and entreth into the prayses of Moses and first testifyeth that he acknowledgeth all things in Moses that God bestowed vpon hym Then prooueth he hys doctrine of Iesus Christ by the testimonie of Moses whose meaning he sayth was not that the Israelites should stick in the lawe and ceremonies gyuen by him but that they should haue an eye to that especiall Prophet which God afterwarde should sende of whome he was but a signe and figure onely This is a notable place whereby we are taught that we must thinke and speake so reuerently of the ministerie vertues of the Saints that yet we leaue Iesus Christes honor whole to hymselfe who onely hath the preheminence in all those thinges that concerne the true worshypping of God and meane of our saluation First he begynneth with the office of Moses which was the most excellent thing that he could deuise For he sayth that God sent him to be a ruler and delyuerer of the people of Israell Thys thing he so proponeth that he hytteth them agayne in the teeth with the ingratitude of their fathers which vnworthily refused Moses laying to their charge how they contemned him in whome they so greatly bragged For he sayth Thys Moses whome they denyed saying who made thee a Ruler and a Iudge the same did God sende to be a