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A13415 All the vvorkes of Iohn Taylor the water-poet Beeing sixty and three in number. Collected into one volume by the author: vvith sundry new additions corrected, reuised, and newly imprinted, 1630.; Works Taylor, John, 1580-1653.; Cockson, Thomas, engraver. 1630 (1630) STC 23725; ESTC S117734 859,976 638

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their Immortall Maker and Redeemer without any feeling or touch of conscience insomuch that they would be ashamed to vse their enemies or their vassals or slaue in such contemptible manner as they doe their God and Sauiour and they would be highly offended to haue halfe the like abuse offered to themselues and which is more they would and should be all hangd or worse if they spake but one quarter of such treason against their naturall King as they doe against the Immortall King of Kings A Seruant is the better to be beloued or hated for so much as in respect the Master whom he serueth bee good or bad and can any villaines deserue more to bee hated abhorred and spewed out of the company of Christians then common swearers the Deuils best seruants who are the Archtraitonrs against the Maiesty of Heauen who like the foole doe say in their heart that there is no God and so doe hold the third Commandement to bee a fable where God forbids swearing saying That hee will not hold him guiltlesse that taketh his name in vaine Oh what a miserable case shall those wretched soules be in who at the dreadfull Barre of Gods Iudgement shall be by the Lord condemned and iudged guilty of swearing forswearing blasphemy and taking of the name of the Lord in vaine Suppose a man were tranailing alone vpon some Plaine Heath or Desart where many crosse wayes lead towards diuers places and hee being a stranger and amazed goes on not knowing whether he goe right or wrong at last by chance hee espieth a man and asketh him it hee be in the way to such a place or no The party answers him that hee is quite out of his way a mile or halfe a mile more or lesse but faith he I will shew you how you may with lesse trauaile come into your way againe then hee directeth him to take his course crosse to such a Tree or House or Gate or other marke and so consequently sheweth him the easiest meanes to find his way againe for which courresie what thanke the I rauailer will giue him and say that if euer it lyeth in his power that he will require his kindnes in a larger measure On the contrary let a man heare a wretch curse blaspheme and sweare and say to him My friend you are quite out of the way to Heauen and if you doe hold that course you will neuer come thither for you are now going downe hill the high broad way to the Deuill If a man should tell a prophane swearer this all the thankes hee should haue would be contempt derision scorne and hard words or perhaps a right roaring Rascall would be so liberall as to sweare ten or twelue oathes more and bestow a knocke or a stab vpon him that mildely reproued him If the penalty of twelue pence for euery oath had bene duely payd as the Statute hath in that case prouided I doe verily beleeue that all the coyned money in England would haue beene forfeited that way for little children that can scarce goe or speake plaine can make a shift to sweare lispingly Meate drinke cloathing or any neceflaries that we vse or any bargaine buying or selling doe very seldome passe betwixt party and party without oathes swearing and oftentimes falsly so that commonly it is no match except the name of God be abused in it At Dice Cards Bowles or at any other game or recreation it is lamentable to heare how vngodly villaines will outdare the Deuils in Hell in abusing he glorious Name of God And I verily thinke that Venison is too oftentimes more vnseasonably seasond with oathes in the taking then it is with cornes of Pepper salt in the baking so that if the Law were executed which St. Leuis King of France made that euery Swearer Blasphemer should haue their tongues cut out I am doubtfull that more then three quarters of the people in Christendome would be tonguelesse for in these dayes men are seldome wearied with swearing as I haue read of an Italian that at his game was tyred in that kind who commanded his man to helpe him to sweare till he himselfe had gathered his breath againe And it is to be feared that there are some who doe make a liuing or trade of swearing as a fellow being asked once of what occupa●ion he was made answer that he was a vitnesse which was one that for hire would sweare in any mans cause be it right or wrong The veriest villaine that euer abused the name of God may learne from a Dog to be a better Christian for if he doe take a Whelpe bring him vp giuing him but meate fit for a Dog he may see how the Curre will attend him follow him watch his house and to the best of his ability guard and defend his Masters person from wrong or violence and at no time he will euer forsake him although he might haue a farre better Master But if at any time hee should wax stubborne and fly in his Masters face otherwise bite him then surely such a Master would either hang such a Dog or knocke out his braines Thus as Salomon bids the sluggard goe to the Pismire to learne labour and disigence so I counsaile the blasphemous Swearer to make his Dog his patterne for his better behauiour for much worse then the worst of Dogs is he that knowes God to be his Maker Redeemer preseruer conseruer and keeper and yet for all this a contrary to his knowledge against his conscience will audaciously impiously and ingratefully reuile raile blaspheme the glorious name of this his most bountifull and mercifull God Hee that reuiles or scandals his Soueraigne Prince is rightly accounted worthy to dye the death of a Traitor and whosoeuer doe abuse slander or impeach the reputation of Iudges Rulers and Magistrates there is a Pillory a whipping with sometimes losse of eares and goods for an exemplary punishment Theeues are hangd for stealing and incontinent persons are sometimes punished for adultry and fornication but swearing and abusing the name of God is esteemed lesse then a veniall sinne being by regardlesse conniuence rather approued then reproued and as it were by intolerable toleration defended rather then punished All which the Lord did in his foreknowledge knowe namely that men should be remisse and negligent in the punishing of all those that bee dishonourers of his Name and therefore hee tooke the cause iudgement and punishment into his owne hands with this irreuocable sentence that he will not hold him guiltlesse that taketh his name in vaine so that the Swearer Blasphemer may see that although through Greatnesse of Riches Office Fauour or Flattery men doe passe ouer this great offence slightly yet God doth most assuredly promise and pay them their hire in this world Ecclesiasticus 23. For though thou thinkest God heares thee not but is as deafe a●●●● said Baal was yet thou shalt one day k●●●●● that he that made the eye
the Land Lord knowes when the Tenant shall depart yet we are ignorant and know neither when where nor how therefore though there bee no flying from death when God hath appointed it so we not knowning the time when wee shall dye must seeke to preserue life by shunning perils and dangers of death let vs make much of life whilst we haue it for wee doe not know how long we shall keepe it and let vs haue a care to liue well and then I am sure wee are out of feare to dye ill Being it is both naturall lawfull and commendable to auoid all these dangers aforesaid I hold it much reason to shunne the place or person infected with the Plague or Pestilence But here may arise an obiection for Master Mulligrubs Mistris Fump Goodman Beetle the Constable Gaffer Lagg the Hedgborough and Block the Tythingman will say that they did but seeke their owne safeties and preseruations in not entertaining the Londoners for they were ignorant and did not know who were in health or cleare and who were infectious in which regard they thought it the surest course to relieue or harbour none at all this is partly answered before for no man doth or can taxe them for being wary and carefull but for their vnchariblenesse and vnchristianlike dealing both to the quicke and dead for the Towne of Henden in Middlesex seuen miles from London was a good Country president if the rest had the grace to haue followed it for they relieued the sicke they buried the dead in Christian buriall and they being but a small Village did charitably collect eight pounds at the lest which they sent to relieue the poore of Saint Andrewes in Holborne besides they allowed good weekely wages to two men to attend and bury such as dyed and though they are no Pharises to ploclaime their owne charity yet I could not ouerslip their deserued commendations In many other places there hath been much goodnesse and Christian loue exprest for the which no doubt but there is more then an earthly reward in store For I taxe not all Townes and Villages though I thinke most of them doe harbour some in the shapes of men with the mindes of Monsters A man sicke of an Ague lying on the ground at Maydenhead in Barkeshire with his Fit violently on him had stones cast at him by two men of the Towne whom I could name and when they could not cause him to rise one of them tooke a Hitcher or long Boate-hooke and hitch'd in the sicke mans Breeches drawing him backward with his face groueling on the ground drawing him so vnder the Bridge in a dry place where hee lay till his Fit was gone and hauing lost a new Hat went his way One was cast dead into the Thames at Stanes and drawne with a Boat and a rope downe some part of the Riuer and dragged to shore and indiched One at Richmond was drawne naked in the night by his owne Wife and Boy and cast into the Thames where the next day the corp● was found One at Stanes carried his dead Wife on his backe in a Coffin and faine to be Bearer Priest Clarke Sexton and Graue-maker himselfe thete and many more I could speake vpon knowledge and should I write all that I am truely informed of my Booke would out-swell the limits of a Pamphlet let it suffice that God hath not forgotten to be gracious and mercifull our sicknesse he hath turned to health our mourning into ioy and our desolations into full and wholesome habitations and though the Country in many places doth beginne to share in this Contagion let them not doubt but they shall finde the City more charitable and hospitable then they deserue or can expect And so God in mercy turne his fierce wrath both from them and vs. FINIS TO ALL THOSE THAT HAVE BEENE ARE VVILL OR WOVLD BE MASTERS OF A SHILLING OR TWELVE-PENCE SIR Iohn Mandeuill an English Knight a famous Trauailer and discouerer of forraine Maners Regions and Rarieties Christopher Collumbus Magellane Hernando Cortez Don Diego de Almagro Drake Hawkins Frosbushir Baskeruile Cauendish and many more worthy Trauailers of our owne other Nations whose honourable dangerous laudable atchieuements haue made their meritorius names to be Recorded to the admiration of the time past present and to future postcrity yet if it be well considered it will plainely appeare that all their laborious endeauours had an end with their liues But the Trauailer that Itreate of the Thrice-treble-triumphant Troynouantine Twelue-pence is like a perpetuall motion in a continuall trauell to whose Iourney there can be no end vntill the world come to a finall dissolution and period For the progresse of Coriat was but a walke in regard of my Shillings per ambulation and if the inke and Paper-murthering fictions should be true of Amadis de Gaule Huon Sir Egre Beuis Guy the Mirrour of Knighthood the seuen Champions Chinon Sir Dagonet Triamore Monsieur Mallegrindo Knight of the frozen Ile If it were possible that all their lyes should be true of the great Trauels of those imaginarse and neuer seene worthies yet must they all come short of the praise that is due to my trauelling Twelue-pence I could haue bussied my braines about many other subiects as quicke Epigrams biting Satyres Sharpe Iambicks soothing Elegies pleasant Pastorals Odes Madrigals or Roundelayes alluring Sonnets flattering Epithalamiums or lying Epitaphs Panegericks or name-seruing Acrosticks and Annagrams losty Tragedie lowly Comedie riddling Morall or stately Heroicks either of all these I could haue poorely handled but that any Muse stumbled by chance vpon this Twelue-peny subiect wherein I would haue the Reader to consider what in some places I speake onely of a Shilling or Twelue-pence and in some places generally of Money ●● haue set downe the manner of my Shillings shifting of Masters more often then the Serieants doe for they vse the old Sherifs like Almanacks out of date and yeerely serue the new but Twelue-pence hath sometimes twelue sixteene or twenty Masters in a day In a word Reader I doe not beg your fauour ●raue your acceptance entreat your kindnesse implore your loue or request your friendship for it is not any of these in particular that seeke or care for but generally at all I ayme and for all I hope and being in that hope I leaue you to Reade and Iudge of my insuing Labours and my Twelue-pences Trauels Yours as you please to be mine IOHN TAYLOR THE TRAVELS OF TVVELVE-PENCE Imagine Reader to his griefe and glory Twelue-pence him selfe declares his wandring story Relating how he first was borne and bred And how about the world he Trauailed IF any one as I dare boldly done a No man dares confesse his whole life and actions as my Twelue-pence doth His Bitth his breeding and his Life declare Let him appeare and I dare lay my necke He wil be hang'd or else deserue a checke From vast America's rude barbarous bounds b Where
learned lang●ages adorn'd admir'd Saint Peter preaching tels the people plaine How they the liuing Lord of life had slaine Some slout and mocke remaining stubborne hearted And many Soules peruerted are conuerted The Church increases daily numbers comes And to the Gospels furth'ring giue great Summes Acts. False Ananias and his faithlesse wife In dreadfull manner lost their wretched life The enuious people stone the Martye Steuen He praying for his foes leaues earth for Heauen The Churches Arch foe persecuting Saul Is made a conuert and a preaching Paul He 's clapt in Prison manacled nad fetter'd And through his troubles still his zeale is better'd Th Apostle Iames by Herod's put to death And Herod eat with Lice loft hatefull breath Th' increasing Church amongst the Gentiles spreds By N●re Paul and Peter lost their heads Romanes Th' Apostle Paul from Corinth writes to Rome To strength their faith and tell them Christ is come He shewes how high and low both Iew and Greeke Are one with God who faithfully him seeke He tels how sinne in mortall bodies lu●kes How we are sau'd by faith and not by workes In louing tearmes the people he doth moue To Faith to Hope to Charity and Loue. 1. Corinth● Paul to Corinthus from Philippy sends Their Zeale and Faith he louingly commends He tels them if Gods Seruice they regard Th' eternall Crowne of life is their reward 2. Corinths In this Saint Paul sends the Corinthians word Afflictions are the blessings of the Lord. He doth desire their Faith may still increase He wishes their prosperity and peace Galathians He tels them that their whole Saluations cause Is all in Christ and not in Moses Lawes The Law 's a glasse where men their sinnes doe sec And that by Christ we onely saued be Ephesians Paul bids cast off the old man with his vice And put on Christ our blest redempcions price Philippians He bids them of false teachers to beware He tels them that Humilitie is rare And though they liue here in a vaile of strife Yet for them layd vp is the Crowne of life Colossians Th' Apostle doth reioyce and praiseth God That these Colossians in true Faith abode He praiseth them he bids them watch and pray That sin an Sathan worke not their decay 1. Thessalonians He thanketh God his labour 's not in vaine So stedfast in the faith these men remaine That they to others are ablelled light By their example how to liue vpright 2. Thessalonians Againe to them he louingly doth write He bids them pray the Gospell prosper might He wishes them prosperitie and wealth And in the end Soules euerlasting health 1. and 2. to Timothy Paul shewes to Timothy a By shop must In life and doctrine be sinc●re and iust And how the Scriptures power haue to perswade Whereby the man of God is perfect made Titus To Titus 'mongst the Creetans Paul doth send And warnes him what ●allow or reprehend Philemon Paul earnestly the Master doth request To pardon his poore man that had transgrest Hebrewes Although this booke doth beare no Authors name It shewes the Iews how they thier liues should frame And that the Ceremoniall Law is ended In Christ in whom all grace is comprenended S. Iames. Heare speake and doe well the Apostle faith For by thy workes a man may see thy faith I. and 2. to Peter He counsels vs be sober watch and pray And still be ready for the Iudgement day 1 2 and 3. of Iohn He shewes Christ di'de and from the graue arose To saue his friends and to confound his foes S. Iude. Iude bids them in all Godlinesse proceed And of deceiuing teachers on take heed Reuelation Diuine S. Iohn to Pathmos I le exilde This heauenly wor● t' instruct vs he compild He tels the godly God shall be their gaines He threats she godlesse with eternall paines He shewes how Antichrist should reigne and rage And how our Sauiour should his pride asswage How Christ in glory shall to Iudgement come And how all people must abide his doome A Prayer GOod God Almighty in compassion tender Preserue and keepe King Charles thy Faiths defender Thy Glory make his Honor still increase In Peace in Warres and in Eternall peace Amen THE BOOKE OF MARTYRS DEDICATED TO THE RIGHT HONOVRABLE WILLIAM EARLE OF PEMBROOKE c. MY Lord my weake Collection out hath tooke The summe and pith of the great Martyrs Booke For pardon and protection I intreat The Volume's little my presumption great IOHN TAYLOR I Sing their deaths who dying made death yeeld By Scriptures sword and faiths vnbattered shield Whom Sathan men or monsters could not tame Nor sorde them to deny their Sauiours name Euangelists that did the Gospell write Apostles and braue Martyrs that did fight Gainst death and hell and all the power of sin And boldly d●de eternall life to win Iohn Baptist by King Herod lost his head Who to the world repentance published Our blest Redeemer in his loue did follow And conquered death mans sinfull soule to hallow He was the death of death and he did quell The sting and power of Sathan sin and hell And vnder his great standard valiantly A number numberlesse haue darde to die Through bondage famine slauery sword and fire Through all deuised torments they aspire Victoriously to gaine th' immortall Crowne Of neuer-ending honour and renowne Saint Steuen was the third that lost his breath And for his Masters sake was ston'd to death And after him in Scripture may we reade The Apostle Iames was brain'd and butchered Saint Marke th Euangelist in fire did burne And Bartholmen was flead yet would not turne Saint Andrew like a valliant champion dide And willing on a croste was crucifide Matthias Philip Peter and Saint Paul Ston'd crucified beheaded Martyrs all Th' Apostles of their liues no reckoning make And thinke them well spent for their Sauiours sale The tyrant Emperours in number ten Most cruell barb'rous and inhumaine men More Christians by their bloudy meanes did s●●y Then for a yeere fiue thousand to each day And many Romane Bishops in those dayes Were Martyrd to their high Creators praise And though each day so many thousands bleed Yet doubtly more and more they daily breed As Camomile growes better b●ing trod So death and tortures draw more vnto God Or as the vine that 's cut and prun'd beares more In one yeere then it did in three before This bloudy persecution did out-weare After Christs death the first three hundred yeere Thus did the primitiue first Church endure Being Catholike Apostolike and pure Then ouer all the world t was truely knowne That Romish Bishops claimed but their owne In their owne Diocesse to be chiefe Pastor And not to be the worlds great Lord and master And now our Britaine glory will I sing From Lucius reign the worlds first Christian King Vnto these dayes of happy peacefull state A Catalogue of Martyrs I le relate First Vrsula and eleuen thousand with her All Virgins for
expressed by Saint Paul Romans 9. 3. Where he saith For I would wish myselfe to be separated from Christ for my brethren that are my kinsmen according to the flesh Thus these two blessed Lamps or Beacons which God appointed to illuminate his Church did desire the dreadfull Curse of Gods heauy and eternall wrath to fall vpon them for euer rather then Gods honour should be violated or their brethren befor euer reprobates These two last Curses of Moses and Paul against themselues were so great and good examples of true zeale to God and loue to our neighbours that though it be long since they liued yet I haue not read or heard of any that euer imitated them Moses as a Type of Christ before his Incarnation and Paul as a follower of Christs example after his bitter death and passion did both wish themselues to be accursed to the end that thereby so many of their miserabeb rethren might be blessed so our Sauiour Christ though hee were and is the fountaine of all blessing yet hee was contented to be made a Curse for as many as would lay hold on the promises of God by faith in him Galatians 3 23 14. And thus I conclude my third part of this Treatise of Man Cursing himselfe Fourthly When Man Curseth or Blasphemeth God THis sinne is as it may rightly be called a degree beyond sinne for this is the sword which the Deuill doth put into mad-mens hands wherewith they doe wound themselues mortally for there were neuer yet any that durst to lift vp this Cursed weapon of Blasphemy against God but that the point thereof did alwayes turne into their owne bosomes to their destructions or most grieuous calamities as Pharaoh when hee said Who is the Lord I know not the Lord neither will I le●● Israel goe Exodus 5. 2. and Sennacherib King of Assyria by the mouth of his seruant Rabshakeh blasphemed the Name of the Lord of Hoasts 2. Kings 18. Where he doth impiously extoll the Heathen Idols aboue the God of Israel saying verse 34. and 35. Whence is the God of Hamath and of Arpad Where is the God of Sepharuatm Heua and Iuab How haue they deliuered Samaria out of mine hand The like did Holophernes Iudith 6. 3. when he threatned the Israelites in Bethuliah saying That their God should not deliuer them When he had set vp his golden Image threatning all that would not fall down and worship it with most cruell torments to death he proudly said Who is that God that can deliuer you out of mine hands Nicanor Lieutenant Generall or Captaine of the Host of King Demetrius 2. Machabeus 15. Against Iudas Machabeus and the Host of Israel whom he purposed to inuade vpon the Sabbath day said verse 3. Is there a Lord in Heauen that commandeth the Sabbath day to be kept and verse 4. when they said There is a liui●● Lord which ruleth in the Heauen who commanded the seuenth day to be kept then he said And I am mighty vpon Earth to command them for to arms themselues and to performe the Kings busines But this Blasphemons miscreant had his hire for he lost 35000. of his men in the battell and himselfe was slaine and his head hand and shoulder brought in triumph to the City of Ierusalem and his accursed tongue cut out and cut in small pieces and giuen to the fowles of the Ayre as the same chapte● doth declare The Scribes and Pharises Marke 3. 22. did Blaspheme our Sauiour and said hee had Deuill and that through the power of Beelzebub he did cast out Deuils out of the possessed But as the liues of these and all other Blasphemers were odious and execrable so were their deaths and punishments miserable and remarkable for Pharaoh after the enduring of many most grieuous plagues lost his Kingdome and his life he and all his Army being drowned in the red Sea Exod. 14. 27 28. Sennacherib for his Blasphemy lost in one night 185000. men all of them being slaine by the Angell of the Lord himselfe being forced to flee to saue his life where at his returne to his Kingdome he was slaine by his owne sonnes in the Temple at Nineueh as he was at the vngodly worship of his god Nisroch 2. Kings 19. 37. Holophernes that blasphemous Champion was by Gods iust Iudgement being asleepe in his Tent and drunken although he were in his Camp amidst a great Army of his owne rusty Souldiers yet was his head smote from his shoulders by a woman and carried ●nto the City of Bethulia and there vpon the highest place of the walles set vp in memoriall of Gods vengeance and his peoples victory ●deth 14. 1. Nebuchàdnezzar was for his blasphemy depriued of his manly reason and Kingdome ●nd for seuen yeeres space liued as a beast among the beasts of the field Daniel 4. 30. The Scribes and Pharises who were the on●y men in reuerend estimation amongst the ●ewes as being the writers and expounders of the Lawes for their blasphemy were deliuered vp into most miserable captiuity and ●●erpetuall slauery as is before expressed God is iealous of the honour of his Name that he commanded the blasphemer ●o be stoned to death Leuiticus 24. 14. Which was forthwith executed vpon him in the ●3 verse For which cause when that blessed man Iob was in his greatest afflictions sitting in ●●shes full of Byles and sores then his wife perswaded him to Curse or blaspheme God and dye Iob 2. 9. She well knowing that the Law was so strict that for euery such ●ffence there was a speedy execution of death and so by that meanes shee would haue perswaded him to haue been quickly dispatched out of his paine and misery Briefly then to conclude this short Treatise Cursing I beseech you brethren by the ●percies of God that you all haue an especiall ●●are not to blaspheme the holy and glorious Name of our good and gracious Creator Redeemer and Sanctifier that we by our Cursing doe not turne his blessings into a Curse vpon vs and our posterity here and eternally thereafter that wee bee not so much out of ●oue charity and obedience as to Curse our Superiours neighbours or any other persons or lastly that wee bee not so wilfully ●●ad to Curse ourselues all which Cursed ●●eanes are the causes to plucke downe vpon our heads the dreadfull Curses of the Almighty as it hath done in all times and ages vpon Blasphemers and Cursers Against Swearing WHen man hath so farre offended God by his disobedience that hee had thereby purchased to himselfe and all his posterity perpetuall damnation not knowing which way to turne himselfe from the Almighties wrath and much lesse knowing how to bee repossest in his fauour when vndeserued vnknowne vnhoped for mans infinite misery was to bee cured by his Creators infinite mercy then at that time if God had giuen man leaue to aske some great gift which he might be redeemed by had he had licence to desire or request what
selfe-loue all our crimes excusing ●●● Consciences true euidence accusing ●●● fights and teares the Messengers we send ●● God that all our sorrowes may haue end ●d then through faith and hope we doe beleeue Againe a pardon better than repreeue ●●● lastly death doth free the soule from thrall ●●● makes a laile delinery vnto all ●●● is our flesh the wals our bones the grates ●●● eyes the windowes and our mouthes the gates ●●● Nose the Chimney Kitchen is the brest ●●● a ●r S●●cke tongue the taster of the worst and best ●●● hands the Caruers teeth the Cookes to mince ●●● diet of a Pea sane or a Prince ●●● hunger is best sawce as I doe thinke ●● beli●es cellers where we lay our drinke ●●● in these corps of ours deciphered thus ●●● are prisoners vnto all of vs. ●●●race guides vs sowe by grace guide them ●●● way vnto the new Ierusalem ●●●ne rugged winter with frosts stormes and gusts ●●●●● prisoners yeerely in the b The earth a Prison earth it thrusts ●●● roots flowers fruits worms til sun raine ●●●h Summers heat doth baile them forth againe ●●●of all men aliue I find c A strait suit is a●● Prison a Tailor ●●● appeared artificiall Iailor ●●● doe commit themselues vnto his charge ●●●may but will by no meanes goe at large ●●● stene many in the Taylors Iaies ●●● labour'd till they sweat with tooth and nailes ●●● whilst a man might ride fiue miles at least ●●●their clothes together on the brest ●●●being then in prison button'd vp ●●ose that scarcely they could bite or sup I have heard their pride how loud it lide ●●esting that their clothes were made too wide a ●●● men loue bondage more then liberty ●●● 't is a gailant kinde of foolery ●●● thus amongst themselues they haue a Law ●●●ke and dawbe the backe and pinch the Maw ●●● thankes their soules should be in mighty trouble ●●● they are imprison'd double ●●orps and Clothes and which is true and plaine ●●● seeme to take great pleasure in their paine ●●● hoomaker's a kind of Iailor too ●●● very strange exploits he dares to doe ●●● many times he hath the power and might ●●● into his Sto●ks a Lord or Knight d A Shoomakers Prison The Madam and the Maid he cares not whether He laies them all fast by the heeles in lether Plaine f Truth and honesly prisoners Honesty and Truth both Prisoners are Although they seldome come vnto the barre Yet are they kept so closely day and night That in an age they scarsely come in sight And but for many of our Countries pillers True Tailers Weauers and cleane finger'd Millers Good Sericants and kind Brokers did releeue them g A hard case I know not who would any comfort giue them No doubt but many a Lasse that faine would wed Is her owne h A maindenhead often times is a Prisoner Iailor to her maindenhead With much vnwillingnesse she keepes it close And with her heart she 'l gladly let it lose But looke to 't wenches if you giue it scope 'T is gone past all recouery past all hope Much like old Time which ceaselesse doth run on But neuer doth returne once being gone The i The Gowt a prisoner of State Gowt's a sawcy Prisoner and will haue His keepers to maintaine him fine and braue His Iailors shall no needy beggers be But men of honour and of high degree And ouer them he beares such great command That many times they can nor gor nor stand And if he would breake Iaile and flie 't is thought He by his keepers neuer should be sought And k Money a close Prisoner money is close Prisoner I thinke sure Where no man can its liberty procure The Diuels Stewards and his Bailifes vow That monies freedome they will not allow Vnlesse vnto a Miser or a Whore But by all meane fa●● hold it from the poore I wish l Amen Coine were as painfull as the Gout To those that hoard it and I make no doubt But miserable Iailers would agree To ope their Prisons and let money flee And were it not a lamentable thing That some great Emperour or some mighty King Should be imprison'd by a vastall slaue And lodg'd aliue as t were within his Graue Such is the case of Siluer and of Gold The chiefest of all mettals fast in hold And darknesse lies held in the Misers stocks m Gold and Siluer kept in bondage by Iron In steele and ironbars and bolts and locks Though gold and siluer royall mettals be Yet are they flanes to yron at we see But leauing Gold and Gowt I le turne my pen To what I haue digrest from Iayles and men Let man examine well himselfe and he Shall find himselfe his n Most men are their owne enemies greatest enemie And that his losse of liberty and pelfe He can accuse non for it but himselfe How passions actions and affections cluster And how to ruinate his state they muster His frailty armes his members and his senses To vndertake most dangerous pretences The backe oft tempts him vnto borrowed brauery And all his body suffers for 't in slauery His Belly tempts him to superfluous fare For which his cops lyes in a Iaylors snare His Eyes from beauty to his heart drawes lust For which he 's often into prison thrust His Eares giue credit to a knaue or theese And 's body suffers for his eares beleefe His Tongue much like a Hackney goes all panes In City Country Court and Campe all places It gallops and false gallops trots and ambles One pace or other still it runnes and rambles Of Kings and Princes states it often prattles Of Church and Common-wealth it idly cattles Of passing of it's word and ●uetiships For which at last the Ioyle the carkassenips Mans Hands haue very oft against him warr'd And made him of his liberty debarr'd A stab a blow a dashing of a pen Hath clap'd him closely in the Iaylors de● The Feet which on the ground men daily tread The way to their captiuity doe lead Now for the inward faculties I find Some lye in Prison for their haughty mind Some for their folly sone because too wise Are mew'd vp in the Iaylors on bodies Some for much gaming or for recreation Doe make a Iayle their homely habitation And thus it plainly may be proued well Mans greatest foes with in himselfe doe dwell And now two contraries I will compare To shew how like and how vnlike they are A Iayle our birth and death and getting free These foure doe all agree and disagree For all degrees our birth and life we know Is naturall * Wee are all borne in one forme and come into the world of one fashion but wee dye and leaue the world infinite wayes one way for high and low But death hath many thousand wayes and scares To take our liues away all vo 〈…〉 es And therefore of our liues
eldest daughter to Henry the 7. from whom our graci●●● soueraigne is ●ineally descended Henry the eight An. Dom. 1509. FRom both the Lines and both the Ioynes did spring Of York Lancaster this mighty King Katherine that was his brothers wife of late He tooke to wife and crown'd her Queene in state Empson and Dudley lost their heads at Tower For racking the poore Commons by their power Warres dreadfull wars arose 'twixt vs and French Lord Edward Howard drowned by mis-chance At Brest he was high Admirall in fight Cast ouerboord dy'd like a valiant Knight In England Suffolks Duke did lose his head The King to Turwin did an army lead Turney he wonne with his victorious blade King Iames of Scotland England did inuade But Surries Earle● the Scotsh King ouercame Who lost life there but wonne immortall fame Now Cardinall Wolsey in the Kings high Grace Was rais'd to honours from great place to place Lordship on Lordship laid vpon his backe Vntill the burthen was the bearers wracke The Duke of Buckingham his head did lose And La●ber stoutly did the Pope oppose ●●finde ignorance that long had look'd awry Began to see Truth with a clearer eye And then the King inspir'd with seruent Zeale Reformed both the Church and Common weale ●●●●● with his power Omnipotent Did make this King his gracious Instrument ●●T'vnmaske his Truth from Antichristian fables And purge this wofull Land from Babels bables This king at Boloigne was victorious ●● peace and warre Magnifique Glorious ●● his rage bounty he did oft expresse His Liberality to bee excesse ●●● Reuels Iusts and Turnies he spent more Then fiue of his Fore-fathers did before His Auarice was all for Noble fame Amongst the Worthies to inrole his Name A valiant Champion for the Faiths defence Was the great Title of this mightie Prince ●●●● wiues he had 3 Kates 2. Aunes one Iane Two were diuorc'd two at the blocke were slaine One sonne and two faire daughters he did leaue Who each from other did the Crowne receiue The first was Edward Mary next whose death Left State and Realme to Queene Elizabeth He thirty eight yeeres kept this Royall Roome At windsor hee 's enter'd without a Tombe L●●th Edenbourgh and diuers other parts of Scotland were spoyled by Sir Iohn Dudley Lord Viscount ●sle Lord high Admirall of England with a Navy of 200 tall Ships Anno 1544. King Henry went to Boloigne hee ●●●● France the 13. of Iuly and into Boloigne the 25. of September in which yeere were taken 300. French ●hips for prices Edward the sixt An. Dom. 1546. HAd this Kings reigne bin long as it was good Religion in a peaceable state had stood What might haue his age bin when his blest youth ●o valiantly aduanc'd Gods sacred truth At nine yeeres age the Crowne on him hee tooke And ere sixteene he Crowne and life for sooke Too good for earth th' Almighty tooke his spirit And Westminster his Carkas doth inherit In his 5. yeere a strange Earth-quake did much harm● in diuers places of Surry and a sweating sicknesse generally ouer England that dispatched those that were in good health in 12. houres or 24. at the most In one weeke there dyed of it in London 806. the most of them being men of best strength Queene Mary An. Dom. 1553. AFter a while this Queene had worne the Crown Idolatry was rais'd and Truth put downe The Masse the Images the Beades and Altars By tyrannie by fire and sword and Halters Th'vngodly bloudy Antichristian sway Men were force perforce forced to obey Now burning Bonner London Bishop he Was from the Ma●s●al-sea againe ●● free Iohn Dudley great Duke of Northumberland And Sir Iohn Gates dyed by the Headsmans hand With them Sir Thomas Palmer likewise dy'd Hoping for heau'n through ●●●●● Crucified In Latine Seruice must be sung and said Because men should not know for what they pra●'d The Emp'rors sonne great Philip King of Spaine A marriage with Queene Mary did obtaine Against which match Sir Thomas Wyat rose With powers of Kent the Spaniards to oppose But Wyat was or'throwne his armie fled And on the Tower hill after lost his head Lord Gray the Duke of Suffolke also dy'd An Axe his Corps did from his head diuide A little after the Lord Thomas Gray The Dukes owne brother went that headlesse way A Millers sonne assum'd King Edward● name And falsely in that name the Crowne did claime But he was tane and iustly whip'd and tortur'd And claiming it once more was hang'd quarterd King Philip won Saint Quintins with great cost But after to our shame was Callice lost Callice was lost which threescore yeeres and ten Had beene a Garrison for Englishmen Thus by Gods mercy Englands Queene did dye And England gain'd much ease and rest thereby Fiue yeeres and 4. months was her bloudy reigne And all her glory doth one graue containe Though of her selfe this Queene was well inclin'd Bad-minded counsell altred much her minde She married Philip King of Spaine on Saint Iames his day 1554. at Winchester Callice was won by Edward the 3. in the 21. of his reigne 1347. and it was lost the I. of Ianuary 1557. after the English-men had possest it 210. yeeres August 7. 1558. a tempest neere Nottingham beat downe 2. Townes and Churches and cast the Bels to the further side of the Church-yard threw whole sheetes of Lead 400. foot into the fields where they were crumpled together like burns parchment the streame and mud of the Riuer of Trent was blowne a-land a quarter of a mile a childe blowne out of a mans hand 100. foot and kild there fell hayle 15. Inches about Queene Elizabeth An. Dom. 1558. A Debora a Iudith a Susanna A Virgin a Virago a Diana Couragious Zealous Learned Wise and Chasle With heauenly earthly gifts adorn'd and grac'd Victorious glorious bountious gracious good And one whose vertues dignifi'd her bloud That Muses Graces Armes and liberall Arts Amongst all Queens proclaim'd her Queen of hearts She did repurifie this Land once more From the infection of the Romish whore Now Abbies Abbots Fri'rs Monks Nuns Stews Masses and Masse-priests that mens soules abuse Were all cast downe Lamps Tapers Relikes Beads And Superstitions that mans soule misse-leads All Popish pardons Buls Consessions With Crossings Cristening bels Saints Intercessions The Altars Idols Images downe cast All Pilgrimage and Superstitious Fast Th'acknowledging the Pope for supreme head The holy water and the god of bread The mumbling Mattins and the pickpurse Masse These bables this good Queene did turne to grasse She caus'd Gods seruice to be said and sung In our owne vnderstanding English tongue In Scotland and in France fierce warres she held The Irish she subdu'd when they rebeld The Netherlands her name doe still admire And Spaine her like againe doth not desire When forty foure yeers reigne was past and gone She chang'd her earthly for a heauenly Throne At Greenwich she was borne at Richmond dy'd At
yeares till you are gone And being gone you 'l wealth and honour win Whilst ryot here at home addes sin to sin You God assisting may doe mighty things Make Kings of Captiues and of Captiues Kings Riches and loue those that suruiue shall gaine And Fame and Heauen the Portion of the slaine The wounds and scars more beautifull will make Those that doe weare them for true honours sake Since God then in his loue did preordaine That you should be his Champions to maintaine His quarrell and his cause● a fig for foes God being with you how can man oppose Some may obiect Your enemies are store If so your fame and victori'es the more Men doe win honour when they cope with men The Eagle will not tryumph o're a Wren The Lyon with the Mouse will not contend Nor men 'Gainst boyes and women wars will bend But clouds of dust and smoake and bloud and sweat Are the maine meanes that will true honour get Thus to Fames altitude must men aspire By noble actions won through sword and fire By trumpets Clangor drums guns flute of fife For as there is an end to euery life And man well knowes that one day he must end it Let him keep 't well defend and brauely spend it O griefe to see how many stout men lye Halfe rotten in their beds before they dye Some by soule surfets some by odious whoring In misery lye stinking and deploring And e're a lingring death their sad life ends They are most tedious loathsome to their friends Wasting in Physicke which addes woe to griefe That which should yeeld their families reliefe At last when wished death their cares doe cure Their names like to their bodies lye obscure Whereas the Souldier with a Christian brest Wars for his Soueraigues peace and Countries rest He to his Makers will his will inclines And ne're gainst Heauen impatiently repines He to his Sauiour sayes that thou art mine And being thou redeem'st me I am thine That if I liue or dye or dye or liue Blest be thy name whether thou take or giue This resolution pierces heauens high roofe And armes a Souldier more then Cannon proofe Suppose his life ends by some noble wounds His Soule to Heauen from whence it came reb●unds Suppose blowne vp with powder vp he flyes Fire his impurity repurifies Suppose a shot pierce through his breast or head He nobly liu'd and nobly he is dead He lyes not bedred stinking nor doth raue Blaspheming against him that should him saue Nor he in Physicke doth consume and spend That which himselfe and others should defend He doth not languish drawing loathsome breath But dyes before his friends doe wish his death And though his earthly part to earth doth passe His fame outweares a Monument of brasse Most worthy Country-men couragious hearts Now is the time now act braue manly parts Remember you are Sonnes vnto such Sires Whose sacred memories the world admires Make your names fearefull to your foes againe Like Talbot to the French or Drake to Spaine Thinke on braue valiant Essex and Mounti●y And Sidney that did Englands foes destroy With noble Norris Williams and the Veeres The Grayes the Willing ●bi●s all peerelesse Peeres And when you thinke what glory they haue won Some worthy actions by you will be done 34. Battels fought in France by Englishmen since the Conquest Henry the sixth Remember Poi●tiers Cressy Agincourt With Bullein Turwin Turnyes warlike sport And more our honours higher to aduance Our King of England was crown'd King of France In Paris thus all France we did prouoake T' obey and serue vnder the English yoake In Ireland 18. bloudy fields we fought And that fierce Nation to subiection brought Besides Tyroues rebellion which foule strife Cost England many a pound lost many a life And before we were Scotlands or it ours How often haue we with opposed powers In most vnneighboutly vnfriendly manners With hostile armes displaying bloudy banners With various victories on eyther side Now vp now downe our fortunes haue beene tride What one fight wins the other loosing yeelds In more then sixescore bloudie foughten fields But since that we and they and they and we More neere then brethren now conioyned be Those scattering powers we each gainst other lead Being one knit body to one royall head Then let this Iland East West South and North Ioyntly in these braue warres emblaze out worth And as there was a strife that once befell Twixt men of Iuda and of Israel Contending which should loue King Dauid best And who in him had greatest interest Long may contention onely then be thus Twixt vsand Scotland and twixt them and vs Stil friendly striuing which of vs can be Most true and loyall to his Maiesty This is a strife will please the God of peace And this contending will our loues encrease You hardy Scots remember royall Bruce And what stout Wallace valour did produce The glorious name of Stewards Hamiltons The Er●●kine M●rayes nd● he Leuingstons The noble Ramseyes and th' illustrious Hayes The valiant Dowglasses the Grimes and Grayes Great Sir Iames Dowglas a most valiant Knight Lead seauenty battels with victorious fight Not by Lieutenants or by deputation But he in person wan his reputation The Turkes and Sarazens he ouercame Where ending life he purchast end lesse fame And his true noble worth is well deriu'd To worthies of that name that since suruiu'd The praise of Sir Iames Dowglas in the Raigne of King Robert Bruce 1330. In 13. maine battel she ouercame Gods enemies and as last was slaine Then since both Nations did and doe abound With men approu'd and through all lands renown'd Through Europs and through Asia further farre Then is our blest Redeemers Sepulchre Through all the Coasts of tawny Affrica And through the bounds of rich America And as the world our worths acknowledge must Let not our valour sleeping lye and rust ●● to immortalize our Britaines name Let it from imbers burst into a flame We haue that Land and shape our Elders had Their courages were good can ours be bad Their deeds did manifest their worthy mindes Then how can we degenerate from kindes ●● former times we were so giuen to warre Witnesse the broyles 'twixt Yorke and Lancaster Hauing no place to sorreigne Foes to goe Amongst our selues we made our selues a Foe Fall threescore yeares with fierce vnkind alarmes Were practis'd fierce vnciuill ciuill armes Whilst fourescore Peeres of the bloud royall dyde With hundred thousands Com●oners beside Thus Englishmen to wars did beare good will They would be doing although doing ill And Scotlands Hystorie auoucheth cleare Of many ciuill warres and turmoyles there Rebellion discord rapine and foule spoyle Hath pierc'd the bowels of their Natiue soyle Themselues against themselues Peeres against Peers And kin with kin together by the cares The friend gainst friend each other hath withstood Vnfriendly friends weltering in their bloud Thus we with them and they with vs contending And we our selues
of good men and the reprobate In many places they doe seeme to vary And beare a sence from Scripture quite contrary In Tobis and Dame Indith disagrees From Text and Ra●es in the Machab●es For which the Church hath euer held it fit To place them by themselues from holy writ FINIS SALVATOR MVNDI DEDICATED TO THE HIGH MAIESTIE OF QVEENE MARY GReat Queene I haue with paines and labour tooke From out the greatest Booke this little Booke And with great Reuerence I haue cull'd from thence All things that are of greatest consequence And though the Volumne and the Worke bee small Yet it containes the summe of all in ALL. To you I giue it with a heart most feruent And rest your humble Subiect and your Seruant IOHN TAYLOR To the Reader HEere Reader then maist read for little cost How thou wast ranso●●'d when thou quite wast lost Mans gracelesuesse and Gods exceeding grace Thou here maist reade and see in little space IOHN TAYLOR Mathew LOe here the blessed Sonne of God and Man New borne who was before all worlds began Of heau'nly seed th' eternall liuing Rocke Of humane race of Kingly Dauids stocke Our blest Redeemer whom the Prophets old In their true preachings had so oft foretold In figures ceremonies types and tropes He here sulfils their words confirmes their hopes The worlds saluations sole and totall summe Poore Mankinds Sauiour IESVS CHRIST is come From married Mary wife and Virgin springs This heauenly earthly supreame King of Kings He 's naked borne and in a manger layd Where he and 's Mother blessed wife and maid Are by the wite men sought and seeking found And hauing found their ioyes doe all abound Where they their loue their zeale their faith vnfold And offer incense myrthe and purest gold False-hearted Herod seeketh to destroy This new borne Infant our eternall ioy But Ioseph by a dreame is warn'd by night T'ward AEgypt with the Babe to take his flight Amongst th' AEgyptians be not longsoiournes But backe to Naz'reth he againe returnes To end the Law the Babe was circumcis'd And then by Iohn in Iordane was baptiz'd When loe the Father from his glorious Throne Sends downe the Holy Ghost vpon his Sonne In likenesse of a pure vnspotted Doue Which did his Birth and Baptis me both approue Now subtill Sathan he attempts and tempts him And fasting to the wildernesse exempts him But Iesus power the soule siends power destroyd Commanding Sathan hence Auoyd Auoyd The fearefull Diuell doth slee Christ goes and preaches And in the Mountaine multitudes he reaches He said Repentance wipes away transgressings And to the godly he pronounced blessings Hee makes the lame to goe the blind to see Deafe heare dumbe speake the leapers cleansed be The diuels from the possessed out he draue The dead are rais'd the poore the Gospell haue Such things he doth as none but God can doe And all 's to bring his flock his fold vnto All that are laden come to me quoth he And I will ease you therefore come to me You of your heauy sinnes I doe acquite My yoake is easie and my burden's light Vpon Mount Taber there our blest Messias Doth shew himselfe with Moses and Elias Yet all these mightie wonders that he wrought Nor all the heauenly teachings that he taught The stiffe neckd stubborne Iewes could not conuert But they ramaine obdurate hard of heart The man quoth some by whom these things are done It is the Carpenters poore Iosephs Sonne Some said how be these things to a passe did bring By power of Belzebub th●insernall King Thus with the poyson of their enuious tongues They guerdon good with ill and right with wrongs His owne not knowes him Iudas doth betray him To Annas and to Caiphas they conuey him From Caiphas backe to Annas and from thence Is sent this euerlasting happy Prince Thus is this death this sir●● this Sathan-killer Mongst sinnefull wretches tost from post to Piller He 's slouted spitted on derided stript ● He 's most vnmercifully scourg'd and whipt By Impious people he 's blasphem'd and rail'd And of the Iewes in scorne as King is hail'd He like a Lambe vnto his death it led Nail'd on the Crosse for man his heart bloud shed He after three dayes glorious doth arise He leaues the sinnefull earth and mounts the skyes But first to his Disciples he appeures Where he their drooping halfe dead Spirits cheares Marke Saint Marke declares how blest baptizing Iohn Fore-runner was of Gods eternall Son Which Iohn in Wildernesse baptizes teaches And of contrition and remishon preaches Our Sauiour calls no Pharisees or Scribes Or princely people out of Iudahs Tribes But Simon Andrew Iames and Iohn are those Poore toy ling Fishermen which Iesus chose To shew that with the humblest smallest things God greatest matters to perfection brings By sundry wondrous workes our Sauiour Iesus From sinne and Sathan lab'reth to release vs. And in requitall the Ingratefull Iewes Deuise their blest Redeemer to abuse Some inwardly doe hate him some belye him His Seruants all for sake him or deny him But Peter thou wast bless in ●hy dyniall Orthy presuming thou hast ●●● the tryall Repentance was● away thy ●●nities crimes And thou a parterp● to after times The Sonne and Heire of neuer sading Heau'n Into the hands of sinfull me●s giuen He dyes he 's buried and in glory rises Triumphing ouer all his foes deuises S. Luke Heere Mary and old Zacharias sings In ioyfull manner to the King of Kings And aged Simeon in his armed did take The Lord of life and doth reioycings make Christ teaches preaches mercy vnto all That by amendment will for mercy call He 's tane and by false witnesses accus'd He 's beaten scoffed scorned and abus'd He 's hang'd vpon the Crosse betwixt two theeues The one doth rails on him and one beleeues He dies he 's buried tising he doth quell And conquer all his soes sin death and hell B. Iohn In the beginning was th' eternall Word The Word with God was and that Word the Lord In the beginning the same Word with God Was and for euer hath with him abead With it were all things made and made was nought Without this Word the which was made or wrought Here Christs Diuinity is told by Iohn The blessed Trinitie one three three one How God had now perform'd the oath he swore To Abram and to Israel long before How Christ should come to ransome Aaa●es losse And satisfie Gods Iustice on the crosse Though times and places farre a sunderb Yet Prophets and Euangelists agree In Iesus birth his Doctrine life and death Whereby our dying Soules ga● ne liuing breath If all things should be writ which ●rst was done By Iesus Christ Gods euerlasting Sonne From Cratch to Crosse from Cradle to his tombe To hold the Bookes the world would not be roome Acts. Th' Apostles praising God and singing Songs The holy Ghost in fierie clouen tongues Descends vpon them who are all inspir'd With
VRANIA sits at Helme and Pilot is For Thames thou hast the lactea via found Be thou with baies as that with stars is crownd THOMAS DEKKAR A Catalogue of all the seuerall Bookes contained in this VOLVME TAylors Vrania The first part of the troubles and destructions of Ierusalem The second part and finall destruction of Ierusalem by Titus and Vespasian The life and death of the most blessed amongst women The Virgin Mary the mother of our Lord Iesus Christ. Superbiae flagellum or the Whip of Pride Against cursing and swearing The fearefull Summer The Trauels of tweluepence The Armado or Nauy of Ships that saile as well by land as by sea The Begger or the praise of beggers beggery and begging Taylors Goose. Iacke a Lent Taylors pennilesse Pilgrimage or Iourney without money from London to Edenborough in Scotland and backe to London The Acts and exployts of Wood the great Eater in Kent Sir Gregory Nonsence A very merry Wherry voyage from London to Yorke with a paire of Oares A new Discouery by sea with a wherry from London to Salisbury A Kicksie winsie or a Lerry cum Twang Taylors Motto An Epicedium or mournfull death-song for Coriats supposed drowning The eight Wonder of the world or Coriats reuiuing Laugh and be fat Coriats Newes and letter with the Authours paraphrasing verses A Bawd very modest A Whore very honest A Thiefe very ●●ue A Hangman very necessary The vnnaturall Father Taylors Reuenge against Fenner Fenners Defence A Cast ouer the water to Fenner The Water-mans suite concerning pl●●ers Wit and mirth A Dogge of Warre The World runs on wheeles The Nipping or snipping of abuses A briefe of the Chronicle from Brute to this present in Verse A Briefe of the Chronicle from the Norman Conquest to this present A Farewell to the Towre bottles The Marriage of the Princesse Elizabeth A funerall Elegie for King Iames. A funerall Elegy for the Earle of Nottingham A funerall Elegy for the Earle of Holdernesse A funerall Elegy for the Bishop of Winchester A funerall Elegy for the Duke of Richmond and Linox A funerall Elegy for Iohn Moray Esquire The Summe of the Bible in verse The Summe of the Booke of Martyrs in verse Archie his making peace with France The Praise of Hempseed Taylors Pastorall Three weekes and three dayes trauells from London into Germany Taylors Trauell to Bohemia An English mans loue to Bohemia The Dolphins danger and deliuerance The Cormorant Abraue Sea-fight by Captaine Iohn Weddell in the gulfe of Persia. The Sculler Christian admonitions The great O Toole The Churches deliuerances Prince G●ales his welcome from Spaine The praise of cleane linnin These Bookes in number sixty three are heere Bound in one Volume scattred here and there They stand not thus in order in the booke But any man may finde them that will looke TO THE MOST HIGH MOST MIGHTY AND MOST ANCIENT PRODVCER SEDVCER AND ABVSER OF MANKIND THE WORLD MOst Potent and Powerfull Imposture take it not amisse that I a poore worme of your own breeding doe in waie of retribution giue you here the encrease of my Tallent which I haue beene almost 60 yeeres a gathering It was told me that when I first came to visit you that I cri'd and Waw'ld and that when I leaue you I shall sigh and grone and euer since I knew you I haue loued you so well for the good parts I haue seen in you that I could verie willingly be glad to change you for a better I know not what Title to put vpon you you haue as many stiles alreadie as the great Turke with the soldier you are a hard World with the Diuine you are a wicked world with the Lawyer you are a contentious world with the Courtier you are a slipperie world with most men a mad world and with all men a bad world The Diuell your brother and your sister the Flesh hath quite spoiled you of all your good qualities and conditions and worse then that they haue made you blinde that you cannot or will not see your owne faults and you haue blinded all your inhabitants that they can neither feele or perceiue their miseries for which cause I haue made bold to dedicate this Volume to your greatnesse wherein as in a glasse you may view your imperfections Here shall you see all your foure ages now combind in one first This is the Golden age for Gold can doe any thing it can both cleare and bleare the eies of Iustice it can turne Religion into Policie Pietie into periurie and what not Siluer indeed lookes white and white is the colour of Age Ergo the Siluer age which though it run in an inferiour straine to Gold yet it works wonders and without it there is no market kept in Church or Commonwealth for whosoeuer is King Pecunia is Queene The Brazen age is apparant in euerie mans impudencie most men and womens foreheads or our-sides which are their actions doe manifest that they liue in an age of Brasse Lastly the Iron age is palpably present for many soldiers who mainetaine their liues with daily seeking their deaths haue stomacks like Estriches and through want of meanes they eat vp their swords and pistols Amongst all these I haue long time noted your great bountie you haue beene so fauorable to giue some men as much ambition as serued them iustly for the breaking of their necks To some you haue giuen Abundance and you haue made that Abundance beget Auarice and that Auarice to beget destruction some you haue furnished with beautie and that beautie hath confounded chastitie on some you haue suddenly thrown honors and promotions and those you haue loaden with enuie slander continuall perplexities In a word your gifts are so mischieuously mixed as wit with beggerie follie with wealth and the like that I protest I am wearie of you which makes me thus bold to tell you of your iadish tricks You neuer fauored me and therefore I haue no reason to flatter you nor will I flatter you or any man that shall or will doe me fauour I neuer will make my tong like a plaisterers Trowell to dawbe and smooth ouer the vices or villanies of any with Sicophantizing Parasiticall flatterie World all that I craue of thee liuing is a graue when I am dead and although I flatter thee not yet I loue thee not nor haue I any reason for it for to mee thy fawnings haue been frownings thy beneuolence maleuolence the courtesies cares and crosses and thy riches innumerable restlesle perturbations besides when our blessed Sauior was vpon the earth thy estate was so vile and damnable that though he praied for his tormentors and crucifiers yet he onely excluded the World by name out of his praier saying I pray not for the world and can there be any hopes that thou art any better now then thou wert then nay it is to be doubted that thou art rather worse So that if any man will say that he hath occasion to
loue thee hee is either a foole or a mad man indeed our first father was too diffident towards God and too credulous toward Thee our first mother was a lyar and our first brother was a murtherer this is the sweet kindred wee came of yet thou Obewitching world doest puffe vs vp with pomp making vs forget our originall and esteeme our selues Demie-gods when we are farre lesse then men there is a more resemblance of immortalitie in a suite in Law then in the life of a man and we are so credulous that when the whoremaster is called honest man the Knaue will belieue himselfe to be so Truth is and euer hath beene dangrous to be spoken It cost Iohn Baptist his head and Clytus his life World I haue two requests to thee which if thou grant mee I will neuer thanke thee the first is good cloathes for those beare a monstrous sway because I haue occasion to speake with great men and without good cloathes like a golden sheath to a leaden blade there is no admittance Secondly that thou wilt keepe close from my Readers all preiudicate opinions or let them be perswaded that this following Booke is not of my writing for oppinion doth worke much in such cases There were Verses once much esteemed for their goodnesse because it was thought that a learned Italian Poet named Sanazarus made them but afterward being found to bee of a poore mans writing they lost their estimation An Anthem was once sung before the Dutchesse of Vrbin and but slightly regarded but after beeing knowne that Iaquin de pris made it it was extolled So for my poore inuentions of my poorer selfe were it namelesse I am perswaded that it would passe more blamelesse howsoeuer world to thee I send it I know thou hast many humours and qualities and I hope to finde some of the best of them resoluing to take my lot as it fals with patience fortitude and as many vertues as I haue and more too knowing my selfe for two conditions to haue no fellow first in beeing a Sculler secondly a VVater-Poet of the last of which there is and shall bee no more I hope And knowing further that the way to immortalitie is euer to remember mortalitie and that death hath more manners then an Ague for death will bee a mans guest but once which when hee comes I wish all men readie to bid him welcome So world in plaine termes I tell you there is no trust in you yet I like a foole put you in trùst with my Booke the reason is I am wearie of you and it and take leaue to leaue you IOHN TAYLOR Errata or Faults to the Reader FAults but not faults escap'd I would they were If they were faults escap'd they were not here But heere they are in many a page and line Men may perceiue the Printers faults or mine And since my faults are heere in prison fast And on record in print are like to last Since the Correcters let them passe the Presse And my occasions mix'd with sicknesses And that foure Printers dwelling farre asunder Did print this booke pray make the faults no wonder I will confesse my faults are ●cap'd indeed If they escape mens Censure when they read No Garden is so cleare but weedes are in 't All is not Gold that 's coined in the Mint The Rose hath prickles and the spots of sinne Oft takes the fairest features for their Inne Below the Moone no full perfection is And alwaies some of vs are all amisse Then in your reading mend each mis-plac'd letter And by your iudgement make bad words ●ound better Where you may hurt heale where you can affect There helpe and cure or else be not too strict Looke through your fingers wink conniue at mee And as you meet with faults see and not see Thus must my faults escape or escape neuer For which good Readers I am yours for euer IOHN TAYLOR In laudem Authoris THou hast no learning yet with learned skill Thou dost write well although thy meanes be ill And if I could I would thy merits raise And crowne thy temples with immortall Bayes Thine in the best of friendship ABRAHAM VIELL TAYLORS VRANIA To the Vnderstander SEe here the Pride and Knowledge of a Sayler His Sprit-saile Fore-saile Main-saile his Mizz●● A poore fraile man God wot I know none frailer I know for Sinners Christ is dead and rizen I know no greater ●inner then Iohn Taylor Of all his Death did Ransome out of Prizzen And therefore here 's my Pride if it be Pride To know Christ and to know him Crucifide 1 ETernall God which in thine armes do'st Graspe All past all present and all future things And in ineuitable doome dost claspe The liues and deaths of all that dyes and springs And at the doomefull day will once vnhaspe Th' accusing booke of Subiects and of Kings In whom though ending nor beginning be Let me O Lord beginne and end in thee 2 All cogitations vaine from me remooue And cleanse my earthly and polluted heart Inspire me with thy blessings from aboue That to thy honour I with Artlesse Art May sing thy Iustice Mercy and thy Loue Possesse me with thy Grace in euery part That no prophane word issue from my pen But to the Glory of thy name Amen 3 I doe beseech thee gracious louing Father Reiect me not in thy sharpe iudging Ire But in thy multitude of Mercies Rather Recall me to thee Recollect me Nigher My wandring Soule into thy bosome Gather And with thy Grace my gracelesse heart Inspire Dictate vnto my mind what it may thinke Write with thy Spirit what I may write with ink 4 Thou all things wast cu'n then when nothing was And then thou all things did'st of nothing make Of nothing All thou still hast brought to passe And all againe to nothing must betake When sea shall burne and l●●d shall melt like brasse When hills shall tremble and the mountaines quak● And when the World to Chaos turne● againe Then thou Almighty All shalt All remaine 5 And since this vniuersall massie ball This earth this aire this water and this fire Must to a ruine and a period fall And all againe to nothing must retire Be thou to me my onely All in All Whose loue and mercy neuer shall expire In thee I place my treasure and my trust Where Fellon cannot steale or canker rust 6 All things but only God at first began The vncreated God did all Create In him Alone is equall will and can Who hath no ending or commencing date To whose Eternitie all time 's a span Who was is shal be euer in one state All else to nothing hourely doth decline And onely stands vpon support Diuine 7 Our high Creator our first Parents form'd And did inspire them with his heau'nly spirit Our Soules-seducer Satan them deform'd And from Gods fauour did them disinherit Our blest Redeemer them againe reform'd And ransom'd them by his vnbounded merit Thus were
tire Prouision in a moment spoyld and wasted Which kept might well for many yeeres haue lasted Then Famine like a Tyrant roames and rages Makes faint yet furious hauock of all ages The rich the poore the old the young all dyes All staru'd and fleshlesse bare Anatomies This was a plague of plagues a woe of woes On euery side their death did them inclose But yet the manner how to lose their breaths Did more torment them then an host of deaths To sally forth the Romanes shed their blood To stay within they starue for want of food And if they would goe forth the gates were shut And if they staid within their throats were cut That if they stay or goe or goe or stay Th' are sure to meet destruction euery way But of all torments hunger is the worst For through the stony walls they say 't will burst These people with warre woe and want beset Did striue how they might to the Romanes get They hopde to finde more mercy in their swords Then their still-dying famisht state affords Mans wit is sharpest when he is opprest And wisedome amongst euils likes the least They knew Vespasian for a Noble foe And one that did not glory in their woe They thought it best his ●lemency to try And not immurde with hungry famine dye Resolued thus dispairing in their hopes A number slyding downe the walls with ropes Fled vnto Tytus who bemoand their case Relieuing them and tooke them to his Grace Thus forty thousand neere with famine strau'd Were all vnhop'd for by their f●●s preseru'd The Cittie Soldiers search'd each house to see Where any victuals might conuayed be And if they any found they thought it fit To beat the owners for concealing it But if they saw a man looke plumpe and fat His throat they presently would cut for that They thought him too much pampered too well fed And to saue meat and drinke they strike him dead Some men and women Rich and Nobly borne Graue all they had for one poore strike of corne And hid themselues and it below the ground In some close vault they ●at the same vn-ground If any could get flesh they eat it raw The stronger still the weakest ouer-awe For hunger banisht naturall respect It made the husband his owne wife reiect The wife doth snatch the meat from out his hand Which would and should hir loue and life cōmand All pitty from the Mother was exilde She teares and takes the victuals from her Childe The Childe doth with the Parents play the thiefe Steales all their food and lets them pine in griefe Nor Free or Bond-man Fathers nor yet Mothers Wiues Husbands seruants masters sisters brothers Propinquitie or strong Affinitie Nor all the rights of Consanguinitie No Law or Rule or Reason could beare sway Where strength cōmands there weaknes must obey The pining seruant will no master know The son his father will no duty show The Commons did no Magistrate regard Each one for one and but for one he carde Disordred like the cart before the horse All reu'rence and respect did yeeld to force These Miscreants with vigilance all watch'd Where they could see a doore or lock'd or latch'd There they supposd the people were at meat And in their outrage ope the doores they beat Where entring if they found them feeding fast From out their throats they teare the meat in haste Halfe eaten halfe vneaten they constraine The wretched people cast it vp againe They halde them by the eares the house about To force them bring supposed victuals out Some by the thumbs hang'd vp some by the toes Some prick'd with bodkins some with many blows Tormented were to force them to reueale Meat when they had not any to conceale Now all was fish that fell into the net And all was food that fraud or force could get Grasse hay barke leaues of trees and Dogs and Cats Toads frogs wormes snailes flies maggots mice and rats All filthy stinking and contagious rootes The couer of their Coaches shooes and bootes All vermine and the dung of fowles and beasts Were these poore wretches miserable feasts Things loathsome to be nam'd in time of plenty Amongst the f●am'd distressed Iewes were dainty This famine ran beyond all Natures bounds All motherly affection it confounds No blood or birth with it compassion won It forc'd a Woman kill her onely Son She rip'd him and dis-ioynted lim from lim She drest she boyld she broyld and rosted him She eat him she inter'd him in her wombe She made his births place his vntimely tombe From her by Nature did his life proceed On him vnnaturall she her selfe did seed He was her flesh her sinews bones and blood She eating him herselfe herselfe made food No wee her miserie can equallize No griefe can match her sad calamities The Soldiers smelt the meat and straight assemble Which whē they saw with horror made thē trēble Each one with staring haire and ghastly looke Affrighted and amaz'd the house forsooke This horride action quickly ouercame These men whom force of man could neuer tame Thou that dost liue like to a fatted Brawne And cramst thy guts as long as thou canst yawne Thou that dost eat and drinke away thy time Accounting Gluttony a God no Crime Thou must haue Fowle as high as heau'n that pearc'd And hast the bowels of the Ocean search'd And from all places neere so farre re●ote Hast dainties for thy all-deuouring throat Whose pamperd paunch ne'r leaues to feed quaff Till it be made a Hogs trogh fill'd with draff Thinke on Ierusalem amidst thy Riot Perhaps 't will moue thee to a temp'rate diet And you braue Dames adorn'd with Iems Iewels That must haue Cawdles Cullisses and Grewels Conser●'s and Marchpanes made in sundry shapes As Castles Towres Horses Beares and Apes You whom no Cherries like your lick rish tooth But they must be a Pound a pound forsooth Thinke on Ierusalem amidst you glory And then you 'le be lesse dainty and more sorry What there auaild their beauty strength or riches Three things which all the spacious world bewitches Authoritie and Honor help'd them not Wrong trod downe Right and Iustice was forgot Their greatest chiefest only earthly good Was 't was no matter how they g●t it Food One little piece of bread they reckond more Then erst they did of bags of Gold before One scrap which full fed corps away doe ●ling With them had bin a ransom for a Kin. The lothsome garbadge which our Dogs refuse Had bin a dish of state amongst the Iewes Whilst Famine playd the Tyrant thus within The Romane Army striu'd the walls to win Their Enginers their Pioners and all Did mine and ●atter and assault the wall Ierusalem had three strong walls of stone And long 't was ere the Romans could get one The dearth and death of sword and famine spred The streets that liuing trod vpon the dead And many great mens houses full were fill'd With carkases which
therefore vp with them The Schismaticall Separaust I haue many times discourst with him and though hee be but a Botcher or a Button-maker and at the most a lumpe of opinionated ignorance yet he will seeme to wring the Scriptures to his opinions and presume to know more of the mysteries of Religion then any of our reuerend learned Bishops and Doctors I know this worke will be vnrelished in the pestiferous pallats of the dogmaticall Amsterdammarists but I doe must and will acknowledge a most reuerend honour and regard vnto the sacred memory of this blessed Virgin Lady Mother of our Lord and Redeemer IESVS and in my thoughts she shall euer haue superlatiue respect aboue all Angels Principalities Patriarkes Prophets Apostles Euangelists or Saints whatsoeuer vnder the blessed Trinity yet mistake me not as there is a difference betwixt the immortali Creator and a mortall creature so whilst I haue warrant sufficient from God himselfe to inuocate his name onely I will not giue Man Saint or Angell any honour that may bee derogatory to his Eternall Maiestie As amongst women she was blest aboue all being aboue all full of Grace so amongst Saints I beleeue she is supreme in Glory and it is an infallible truth that as the Romanists doe dishonour her much by their superstitious honourable seeming attributes so on the other part it is hellish and odious to God and good men either to forget her or which is wor●e to remember her with impure thoughts or vnbeseeming speech for the excellency of so Diuine a Creature I confesse my selfe the meanest of men and most vnworthy of all to write of her that was the best of Women but my hope is that Charity will couer my faults and accept of my good meaning especially hauing endeuoured and striuen to doe my best So wishing all hearts to giue this holy Virgin such honour as may be pleasing to God which is that all should patterne their liues to her liues example in lowlinesse and humility and then they shall be exalted where she is in Glory with eternity IOHN TAYLOR THE LIFE AND DEATH OF THE MOST BLESSED AMONGST ALL VVOMEN THE VIRGIN MARY The Mother of our Lord IESVS CHRIST BEfore the fire ayre water earth were fram'd Sunne Moone or any thing vnnam'd or naun'd God was who ne'r shal end nor ne'r began To whom all ages and all time 's a span By whose appointment each thing fades or growes And whose eternall knowledge all things knowes When Adams sinne pluck'd downe supernall lre And Iustice iudg'd him to infernall fire The Mercy did the execution stay And the great price of mans great debt did pay And as a Woman tempted Man to vice For which they both were thrust from Paradise So from a woman was a Sauiours birth That purchas'd Man a Heauen for losse of earth Our blest Redeemers Mother that blest Shee Before the World by God ordain'd to be A chosen vessell fittest of all other To be the Sonne of Gods most gracious Mother She is the Theame that doth my Muse inuite Vnworthy of such worthinesse to write I will no prayers nor inuocations frame For intercession to this heau'nly Dame Nor to her name one fruitlesse word shall runne To be my Mediatresse to her Sonne But to th' eternall Trinity alone I le sing He sigh He inuocate and mone I prize no creatures glory at that rate The great Creators praise t'extenuate But to th' Almighty ancunt of all dayes Be all dominion honour laud and praise I write the blest conception birth and life Of this beloued Mother Virgin Wife The ioyes the griefes the death and buriall place Of her most glorious gracious full of grace Her Father IOACHIM a vertuous man Had long liu'd childlesse with his wife S. ANNE And both of them did zealously intend If God did euer Sonne or Daughter send That they to him would dedicate it solely To be his seruant and to liue most holy God heard and granted freely their request And gaue them MARY of that sex the best At three yeeres age she to the Temple went And there eleu'n yeeres in deuotion spent At th' end of fourteene yeeres it came to passe This Virgin vnto IOSEPH spoused was Then after foure months time was past and gone Th' Almighty sent from his tribunall throne His great Ambassador which did vnfold The great'st ambassage euer yet was told Haile MARY full of heau'nly grace quoth he The high omnipotent Lord is with thee Blest amongst women o● Gods gracious doome And blessed be the fru●● of thy blest wombe The Angels presence and the words he said This sacred vndefiled Maid dismaid Amazed musing what this message meant And wherefore God this messenger had sent Feare not said GAERIEL MARY most renown'd Thou with thy gracious God hast sauour fo●●●● For lo thou shalt conceiue and beare a Sunne By whom redemption and saluation's wonne And thou bis sauing Name shalt IESVS call Because hee'l● come to saue his people all She humbly mildly heau'ns high Nuncius heares But yet to be resolu'd of doubts and feares How can these things quoth she accomplisht be When no man hath knowledge had with me The Holy Ghost the Angell then replide Shall come vpon thee and thy God and guide The power of the most High shall shadow thee That Holy thing that of thee borne shall be Shall truely called be the Sonne of God Be whom Sinne Death and Hell shall downe be trod Then MARY to these speeches did accord And said Behold the hand-Maid of the Lord Be it to me ' according to ' thy well I am thine owne obedient seruant still This being said she turn'd her Angel tongne My soule doth magnist the Lord the song My spirit and all my faculties and doyce In God my Sauiour solely doth reioyce For though mans sinnes prouoke his grieuous wrath His humble hand-maid he remembred hath For now behold from this time hence I forth shall All generations me right blessed call He that is mighty me hath magnifide And bo'y is his name his mercies hide On them that feare him to prouoke his rage Throughout the spacious world from age to age With his strong arme he hath shew'd strength and batterd The proud and their imaginations scatterd He hath put downe the mighty from their seat The mecke and humble he exalted great To fill the hungry he is prouident When as the rich away are empty sent His mercies promis'd Abr'am and his seed He hath remembred and holpe Israels need This Song she sung with heart and holy spright To land her Makers mercy and his might And the like Song sung with so sweet a straine Was neuer nor shall e'r be sung againe When MARY by the Angels speech perceiu'd How old ELIZABETH a child conceiu'd To see her straight her pious minde was bent And to Ierusalem in three dayes she went And as the Virgin come from Nazareth Talk't with her kinfwoman ELIZABETH IOHN Baptist then vnnam'd an vnborne boy
griefe surpassing griefe To see her Sauiour captiu'd as a thiefe Her Loue beyond all loues her Lord her all Into the hands of sinfull slaues to fall If but a mother haue a wicked sonne That hath to all disordred orders runne As treasons rapes blasphomings murther theft And by the Law must be of life berest Yet though he suffer iustly by desert His suff'ring surely wounds his mothers heart Suppose a woman haue a vertuous childe Religious honest and by nature milde And he must be to execution brought For some great fault he neuer did nor thought And she behold him when to death hee 's put Then sure tormenting griefe her heart must cut These griefes are all as nothing vnto this Of this blest Mother of eternall blisse Her gracious Sonne that neuer did a●nisse His gracelesse seruant with a Iudas kisse Betraid him vnto misbeleening slaues Where he was led away with bils and staues To Anna● Caiphae Pilate and to those That to th' Immortall God were mortall foes Ah Iudas couldst thou make so base account Of Him whose worth doth heauen and earth surmount Didst thou esteeme of 30. paltry pence More then the life of the eternall Prince O monstrous blindnesse that for so small gaine Sold endlesse blisse to buy perpetuall paine Is' t possible damn'd auarice could compell Thee sell heau'ns Kingdome for the sinke of hell Our Father Adam vnto all our woes Did for an Apple blessed Eden lose And Esau borne a Lord yet like a slaue His birth-right for a messe of pottage gaue And poore Gehizi telling of a lye His couetousnesse gain'd his leprosie And though the text their deeds doe disallow Yet they made better matches farre then thou I doe not heere impute this deed of shame On Iudas because Iudas was his name For of that name there haue beene men of might Who the great battels of the Lord did fight And others more But sure this impure blot Stickes to him as hee 's nam'd Iskarriott For in an Anagram Iskarriott is By letters transposition traytor kis ISKARRIOTT Anagramms TRAITOR KIS. KIsse Traytor kisse with an intent to kill And cry all haile when thou dost meane all ill And for thy fault no more shall Iudas be A name of treason and foule infamie But all that fault I 'le on Iskarriott throw Because the Anagram explaines it so Iskarriott for a bribe and with a kisse Betraid his Master the blest King of Blisse And after but too late with conscience wounded Amaz'd and in his senses quite confounded With crying Woe woe woe oh woe on me I haue betraid my Master for a fee Oh I haue sinned sinned past compare And want of grace and faith pluckes on despaire Oh too-too late it is to call for grace What shall I doe where is some secret place That I might shield me from the wrath of God I haue deseru'd his euerlasting rod. Then farewell grace and faith and hope and loue You are the gifts of the great God aboue You onely on th'Elect attendants be Despaire hell horror terror is for me My hainous sinne is of such force and might 'T will empt th' Exchequer of Gods mercy quite And therefore for his mercy I le not call But to my iust deseru'd perdition fall I still most gracelesse haue all grace withstood And now I haue betraid the guiltlesse blood My Lord and Master I haue sold for pelfe This hauing said despayring hang'd himselfe There we leaue him and now must be exprest Something of her from vvhom I haue digrest The Virgins heart vvith thousand griefs vvas nip● To see her Sauiour flouted hated vvhipt Despightfulnesse beyond despight vvas vs'd And vvith abuse past all abuse abus'd His apprehension grieu'd her heart full sore His cruell scourges grieu'd her ten times more And whē his blessed head with thorns was crown'd Then floods of griefe on griefe her soule did woūd But then redoubled was her griefe and feare When to his death his Crosse she saw him beare And lastly but alas not least nor last When he vpon the tree was nailed fast With bitter teares deep heart-wounding groues With sobs and sighs this Maiden-Mother moanes What tongue or pen can her great griefe vnfold When Christ said Woman now thy Sonne behold That voyce like Ice in Iune more cold and chill Did dangerously wound and almost kill Then as old Simeon prophesi'd before The sword of sorrow through her heart did gore And if 't were possible all womens woes One woman could within her brest inclose They were but puffes sparkes mole-hills drops of raine To whirl-winds meteors Kingdomes or the maine Vnto the woes griefes sorrowes sighs and teares Sobs gronings terrors and a world of feares Which did beset this Virgin on each side When as her Sonne her Lord and Sauiour dide Thus he to whom compar'd all things are drosse Humbled himselfe to death euen to the Crosse He that said Let there be and there was light He that made all things with his mighty might He by whom all things haue their life and breath He humbled himselfe vnto the death Vnto the death of the curst Crosse this he This he this He of hee 's did stoope for me For me this Wel-spring of my soules releefe Did suffer death on either hand a theefe The one of them had runne a theeuing race Rob'd God of Glory and himselfe of Grace He wanted liuely faith to apprehend To end his life for life that ne'r shall end With faithlesse doubts his minde is armed stiffe And doth reuile our Sauiour with an If. If that thou be the Sonne of God quoth he Come from the Crosse and saue thy selfe and me The other Theefe arm'd with a sauing faith Vnto his fellow turn'd and thus he saith Thou guilty wretch this man is free and cleare From any crime for which he suffers here We haue offended we haue iniur'd many But this man yet did neuer wrong to any We iustly are condemn'd he false accus'd He hath all wrong all right to vs is vs'd Hee 's innocent so are not thou and I We by the Law are iustly iudg'd to dye Thus the good Theefe euen at his latest cast Contrary to a Theefe spake truth at last And looking on our Sauiour faithfully Whilst Christ beheld him with a gracious eye These blest words were his prayers totall ●●● O Lord when thou shalt to thy Kingdome come Remember me Our Sauiour answer'd then A doctrine to confute despairing men Thou who by liuely faith laist hold on me This day in Paradise with me shalt be Thus as this theefes life was by theft supplide So now he stole heau'ns Kingdome when he dyde And I doe wish all Christians to agree Not t'liue as ill but dye as well as he Presumptuous sinnes are no way here excus'd For here but one was sau'd and one refus'd Despaire for sinnes hath here no rule or ground For as here 's one was lost so one was found To teach vs not to sinne with wilfull
to you Next to the Court in generall I am bound To you for many friendships I haue found There when my purse hath often wanted bait To fill or feed it I haue had receite So much for that I 'le now no more rehearse They shew their loues in prose my thankes in verse When death Mecanas did of life depriue Few of his Noble Tribe were left aliue This makes inuention to be meane and hard When Pride and Auarice doth kill reward And yet me thinkes it plainely doth appeare Mens writings are as good as e're they were Good lines are like a Banquet ill imployd Where too much feeding hath the stomack cloyd Good verses fall sometimes by course of fate Into their hands that are preiudicate And though the Writer n'er so well hath pend Yet they 'le find fault with what they cannot mend Thus many a learned well composed line Hath bin a Pearle that 's cast before a swine Or more familiarly to make compare Like Aqua vitae giuen vnto a Mare These fellowes glutted with variety Hold good lines in a loath'd saciety Whilst paltry Riming Libels Tigges and Iests Are to their appetites continuall feasts With which their fancies they doe feed and fill And take the Ill for good the Good for ill Whilst like to Mōkeyes scorning wholsome meate They greedily doe poysnous spiders eate So let them feed vntill their humours burst And thus much bold to tell them heere I durst That Poetry is now as good as euer If to bounty relieue her would endeuer Mens mindes are worse then they haue bin of yore Inuention's good now as it was before Let liberality awake and then Fach Poet in his hand will take a pen. And with rare lines inrich a world of paper Shall make Apollo and the Muses caper SVPERBIAE FLAGELLVM OR THE VVHIP OF PRIDE VVHen all things were as wrap'd in sable night And a If any man fetch his Story higher let him take my booke for nought Ebon darknes muffled vp the light When neither Sun or Moone nor Stars had shinde And when no fire no Water Earth or Wind No Haruest Autumne Winter when no Spring No Bird Beast Fish nor any creeping thing When there was neither Time nor place nor space And silence did the Chaos round imbrace Then did the Archwork master of this All Create this Massie Vniuersall Ball And with his mighty Word brought all to passe Saying but Let there be and done it was Let there be Day Night Water Earth Hearbs Trees Let there be Sunne Moone Stars Fish Fowle that flees Beasts of the Field he said but Let there be And all things were created as we see Thus euery sensible and senselesse thing The High-Creators Word to passe did bring And as in viewing all his workes he stood He saw that all things were exceeding good Thus hauing furnisht Seas and Earth and Skies Abundantly with all varieties Like a Magnificent and sumptuous Feast For th' entertainment of some welcome Guest When Beasts and Birds and euery liuing Creature And the Earths fruits did multiply by Nature Then did th' Eternall Trinity betake It selfe to Councell and said Let vs make Not Let there be as vnto all things else But LET VS MAKE MAN that the rest excels According TO OVR IMAGE LET VS MAKE MAN and then did th' Almightie Red Earth take With which he formed Adam euery limme And hauing made him breathed life in him Loe thus the first Man neuer was a Child No way with sinne originall defil'd But with high Supernat'rall Vnderstanding He ouer all the World had sole commanding Yet though to him the Regency was giuen As Earths Lieutenant to the God of Heauen Though he commanded all created things As Deputy vnder the King of Kings Though he I so highly here was dignifide To humble him not to be puff'd with Pride He could not brag or boast of high borne birth For he was formed out of slime and earth No beast fish worme fowle herbe weed stone or tree But are of a more ancient house then he For they were made before him which proues this That their Antiquity is more then his Thus both himselfe and his beloued Spouse Are by Creation of the younger house And whilst they liu'd in perfect Holinesse b Imperfect Holinesse and Righteousnesse Their richest Garments were bare Nakednesse True Innocency were their chiefest weeds For Righteousnesse no Masque or Visor needs The royal'st robes that our first Parents had Was a free Conscience with Vprightnesse clad They needed ne'r to shift the cloathes they wore Was Nakednesse and they desir'd no more Vntill at last that Hell-polluting sin With Disobedience soil'd their Soules within And hauing lost their holines Perfection They held their Nakednes an Imperfection Then being both asham'd they both did frame Garments as weedes of their deserued shame Thus when as sinne had brought Gods curse on man Then shame to make Apparell first began E're man had sin'd most plaine it doth appeare He neither did or needed Garments weare For his Apparell did at first beginne To be the Robes of penance for his sinne Thus all the brood of Adam and of Eue The true vse of Apparell may perceiue That they are Liueries Badges vnto all Of our sinnes and our Parents wofull fall Then more then mad these mad-brain'd people be Or else they see and will not seeme to see That these same Robes with Pride that makes them swell Are tokens that our best desert is hell a Comparison Much like vnto a Traytor to his King That would his Countrey to destruction bring Whose Treasons being prou'd apparantly He by the Law is iustly mg'd to dye And when he lookes for his deserued death A Pardon comes and giues him longer breath I thinke this man most madly would appeare That would a halter in a glory weare Because he with a halter merited Of life to be quite desinherited But if he should vainegloriously persist To make a Rope of silke or golden twist And weare 't as a more honourable show Of his Rebellion then course hempe or towe Might not men iustly say he were an Asse Triumphing that he once a Villaine was And that he wore a halter for the nonce In pride that he deserued hanging once Such with our heau'nly Father is the Case Of our first Parents and their sinfull Race Apparell is the miserable signe That we are Traytors to our Lord diuine And we like Rebels still most pride doe take In that which still most humble should vs make Apparell is the prison for our sinne Which most should shame yet most we Glory in Apparell is the sheete of shame as 't were Which for our penance on our backs we beare For man Apparell neuer did receiue Till he eternall Death deseru'd to haue And thus Apparell to our sense doth tell Our sinnes 'gainst Heau'n and our desert of Hell How vaine is it for man a clod of Earth To boast of his high progeny
for when he tilled the ground it should not yeeld the strength of her fertility vnto him Gen. 4. In the 26. of Leuiticus God doth denounce most fearefull Curses against all wilfull obstinate transgressors of his Law as first that he will afflict their bodies with diseases verse 16. And that he will set his face against them that they shall fall before their enemies and bee subiect vnto them That hee will make their Heauen as Iron and their Earth as Brasse That their labour and strength shall be spent in vaine and that their Trees shall bee frui● lesse That the Sword Pestilence and Famine shall make them desolate Furthermore in the 28. of Deutoren●mie from the 16. verse to the end of the Chapter there is nothing but the dreadfull Curses of Almightie God against the contemners and prophane breakers of his Testimonies Likewise in the 27. of Deut. are 12. Curses denounced against rebellious and carelesse offenders In Genesis 9. 3. God doth promise Abrsham to Curse those that Curse him God in the 29. of Ieremie and 17. verse doth by the mouth of the Prophet threaten the destruction of Ierusalem with their King and people with the Curses of Famine Sword and Pestilence and that they should be a reproch and an hissing or a contempt scorne and terrour to all Nations and Kingdomes of the Earth Also the same Prophet in the 48. Chapter verse 10. doth Curse all those that are negligent in doing the worke of the Lord from which Curse none are excluded be they high or low rich or poore Ecclesiasticall or Ciuill The Lord doth also declare all men accursed that trust in the helpe or power of Man making weake flesh their arme or defence and distrusting the mighty power of the Almighty Ierem. 17. 5. In the second of Samuel chap. 3. verse 29. the Kingly Prophet Dauid doth denounce a bitter Curse vpon Ioab and his posterity because Ioab had treacherously slaine Abner the son of Ner the laid Abner hauing King Dauid's leaue to goe in peace the which Curse fell vpon Ioab afterward for when Dauid was in his death-bed he gaue a charge to his sonne King Salomon 1 King chap. 2. and 5. ●verse that because Ioab had slaine Abner and Amasa 2 S●m 20.10 against the Law of Armes or the Kings permission or knowledge that Salomon should not suffer his gray head to goe to the Graue in peace which Curse was accomplished for Salomon sent Benaiah with a command to kill him which was accordingly performed in the Tabernac'e at Ierusalem close by the Alter whither Ioab was fled in hope the holinesse and dignity o● he place would haue beene his refuge and sanctuary from the indignation of the King ● Kings 2. 34. Our Sauiour Christ in the 23. of Saint Mathew doth denounce 8. seuerall Curses or woes against the Hypocriticall Seribes and Pharesies and in the 23. chapter the miserable damned are described by the name of Goates who standing on the left hand are inforced to heare that vnrecouerable sentence of Depart ye Cursed into euerlasting fire prepared for the Deuill and his anels The holy Patriacrk Noah did propehtically Curse all the posterity of his sonne Cham which Curse stands in force against all those that are disobedient to their Princes Parents Magistrates and Gouernours Genesis 9.25 The vniuersall flood wherein all mankind perished except eight persons was Gods dreadfull and consuming Curse for the manifold and insupportable sinnes of the whole world Genesis 7. The Patriarke ●saack by the spirit of prophecie by Gods appointment did pronounce all those to be Cursed that Cursed Iaob Genesis 27. 29. The Prophets generally in sundry places doe by the direction of the holy Ghost proclaime many Curses against the enemies of God and contemners of his Commandements These are the first sort of Curses namely from Gods iust Iudgements either by himselfe his Patriarckes Prophets or by his Sonne our Sauiour Christ Iesus These manner of Cursings are Man●owne deseruings and therefore they are for Gods glory in the punishment of sinners The second Curses from Man to Man THis kind of Cursing is altogether against the rules of Christianity and Charity for all Christians being members of one head which is Christ Iesus who is the fountaine of all blessing and blessednesse it followeth by consequence that all those who are addicted to Cursing or Cursed speeches are not members of that Head of blessednesse Balaam the Prophet desireth and wisheth to dye the death of the righteous and yet in the 22. of Numbers Balak King of the Moabites did so corrupt the Prophets conscience with the hope of reward or a bribe that hee was willing to Curse the people of Israel and though God in the 12. verse of the same chapter doth forbid Balaam to Curse them saying vnto him They are blessed yet did couetousnesse so blind him that hee dared to aske or expect Gods leaue the second time to Curse them verse 19. which leaue or permission hee thought hee had got but that his Asse before himselfe saw the resisting power of the Almightie verse 27. When Alsal●● rebelled against his father Dauid and that Dauid in great extremity was forced to flee whilst his sonne pursued him 2 Sumuel 16. Shimei the sonne of ●●ra ran towards King Dauid reuiling and Cursing him saying that all the blood that was shed of the house and family of Saul was by Gods Iustice fallen vpon his head and that the Lord had depriued him of his Kingdome and giuen it to his sonne Absalen Here you see that although God hath commanded vs to pray for all men and not to curse one another yet this wicked wretch Shimei did Curse his King his Soueraigne the Lords anoynted a Prophet a type of Christ and a man after Gods owne heart This is one infallible marke or token whereby the good and bad may be distinguished and knowne one from another that the wicked doth Curse the Godly and wish them hurt and the godly doth pray for the good conuersion of the wicked and wish them all earthly and heauenly happines The Wise-man giueth good counsell to all people in the 10. of Ecclesiastes verse 20. Curse not the King no not in thy thought neither Curse the rich man in thy bed chamber for the sowle of the Heauen shall carry the voyce and that which hath wings shall declare the matter The Apostle doth exhort that prayers intercessions and giuing of thanks be made for all men and namely and especially for Kings and all that be in authority 1 Timethy 2. 1 2. and in the 1 Peter 2. Wee are commanded to feare God and honour the King Whereby it is plaine that whosoeuer doth Curse the Prince or Ruler doth Curse Gods Deputy and Ordinance for the which sinne they must neuer expect any other wayes but the wayes of the Accursed besides in many places of the Scripture we are commanded to pray one for another and not in any place we are bid to
he would that might be sacrificed to God to satisfie his Iustice for sinne and to recouer that eternall happinesse which was most miserably lost If man had had this liberty to aske and chuse a Redeemer surely I am verily perswaded that he would neuer haue beene so bold as to haue requested God to giue his well-beloued onely begotten Sonne to be crucified for him as in these dayes a condemned malefactor would be vndiscreet and vnkind if he should intreat his innocent friend to dye for him but if hee should request the Iudge on the Bench or the King on his Throane that either of them would doe him the fauour as to suffer his sonne to be executed for him if an offender should make such an vnreasonable request I imagine he would either be accounted mad or impudently foolish Seeing the case was such that man was altogether in misery remedilesse then did the God of mercy and Father of all consolation shew himselfe to bee in mercy boundlesse then did he promise to send his Sonne to be a Sauiour and Redeemer for as many as before and after his comming should lay hold on the merits of his death and passion which hee suffered for the Redemption of all true beleeuers At last in the fulnesse of time the eternall God-head was pleased to be so far abased as to leaue the blessed heauens to visit personally the cursed earth to forsake the glorious Throne and Crowne of vnspeakeable glory and Maiestie and by taking our fraile nature vpon him in the wombe of the Virgin to vndergoe all shame and calamitie and after many trauels and suffering innumerable reproaches to take the sinnes and transgressions of the whole World vpon his shoulders and being free from sinne was made sinne for vs and to redeeme vs from the Curse of the Law and the eternall wrath of God his Father was pleased to offer himselfe for a sacrifice of propitiation and reconciliation and to purchase vs eternall glory by his ignominious cruell and shamefull death of the Crosse. This was a Loue transcending all Loue so farre that no heart of Man or Angell could euer conceiue the last part of it that the King of Kings Lords of Lords should willingly and freely dye for his mortall enemies Seeing that Gods loue was so infinite to vs so many wayes as in creating vs not Beasts or Vermine but Men in redeeming vs when we wer in captiuity to the Deuill for euer with no lesse price then the precious heart blood of his owne Sonne for these and the rest of the multitude of his mercies let vs all in generall and euery Swearer and Blasphemer in particular examine our consciences how we doe with thankefulnesse requite this our good and gracious God for his vnmeasurable loue and mercy towards vs. How many of vs with very little search may finde our bosomes cram'd full of rebellious treacheries ingratitude that in stead of giuing God glory praise and thankes for all his benefits doe most accursedly or maliciously sweare him ouer and ouer from the head to the foot not leauing any part or attribute of him vnabused or not sworne by his body his soule his sides his heart his wounds his blood his entrailes his bones his feet nay they will not forbeare him ●● much as his nailes so that the Iewes were more kind and lesse cruell in crucifying of him for they meddled neither with his soule or his bones but these wicked miscreants who are falsly called Christians doe their best endauours with all deuillis● greedinesse to cruci●●● againe the Lord of life and to teare him in pieces with oathes betwixt their cursed teeth I haue read in the Turkish History that is the a battell betwixt Amurath third Emperour of the Turkes and Lazarus Despot of Ser●●●● that the Archers were so many in the Turkish Army that in the fight they did as it were raine in showres vpon the Christians and with the multitude of the Arrowes like a clou●● they darkned the earth And it is to be feared that euery houre in the day more oathes and shot at the Maiesty of God by wicked C●tiffes then the Turks did shoot Arrowers ●●● the Christians in that battell so that if our Sauiour had come into the World with a purpose to worke our perpetuall destruction and that the Deuill had beene the best friend we had in our redemption if it had or could haue beene so could men striue either to require the loue of the one with more seruice or the malice of the other with more abuse for Swearing is now in such high request that some man doth hold it a disparagement to his reputation not to sweare but to goe to Church he thinkes it too ciuill a course or to giue God thankes either before or after meales he is altogether ashamed and like a Micher muffles his face in his hat saying sometimes either nothing or nothing that any man can hears or vnderstand but to sweare and abuse the Name of God he is neuer ashamed but with open mouth he roares out his oathes stamping with his feete and beating his brest with more feruency then he said his prayers I haue heard a swearer most earnestly pray now and then to God but it hath beene ●●● beseech God to damne him or forsake him and on the other side I haue heard the same Rescall to beg and entreat the Deuill to take his soule and body making such great account of Hell that rather then hee would goe without it hee will request his bread meat or drinke to be his damnation but to desire God to forgiue his sins or to be thankefull for all his benefits to entreat saluation by true repentance ● through the merits of Christ Iesus these are things which he esteemes not worth the asking for altogether against the garbe of his Gentleman-like humour Now iudge with thy selfe whosoeuer thou beest that reads this dost thou thinke thou dealest well with God and that hee deserues no better vsage at thy hands A good name as Salomon faith is as a precious Oyntment and men are so chary and wary that they will by all meanes auoyd any scandall or dishonour of their names and it is Capitall Treason for any subiect to abuse or vilifie his King or Princes name Yet is God who is Almighty AEternall Incomprehensible the God of all glory Empires Kingdomes Principalities and Powers whose name is Wonderfull ●●y and Iust at whose Name euery knee should bow with feare and reuerence before whose Throne the blessed Armies of Cherubins Seraphins Archangel Angels Patriarkes Prophets Apostles Saints and Martyrs doe continually sing Hallelutsh This great God whom the very Deuils in Hell doe beleeue and feare and tremble at his dreadfull wrath Iames 1.19 yet doth the earth breed monsters worse then Deuils and retaines and seedes more accursed fiends then Hell doth who with their vngodly breath doe as often as they can belch their odious oathes and blasphemie against the maiestie of
them with his eye Ah wofull London I thy griefe bewayle And if my sighes and prayers may but preuaile ●●mbly beg of God that hee 'le be pleas'd ●● Iesus Christ his wrath may be appear'd With-holding his dread Iudgements from aboue And once more graspe thee in his armes of loue In mcrcy all our wickednes remit ●●r who can giue thee thankes within the pi● Strange was the change in lesse then 3-months space ●ioy in woe in grace and in disgrace ●healthfull Aprill a diseased Iune ●nd dangerous Iuly brings all out of tune ●hat City whose rare obiects pleas'd the eyes With much content and more varieties ●●● that was late delightful● to the eares With melody Harmonious like the Spheares She that had all things that might please the scent And all she felt did giue her touch content Her Cinque Port scences richly fed and cloyd With blessins bountifull which she enioy'd Now 3-monthes change hath fill'd it full of feare As if no Solace euer had beene there What doe the Eyes see there but grieued sights Of sicke oppressed and distressed wights Houses shut vp some dying and some dead Some all amazed flying and some fled Streets thinly man d with wretches euery day Which haue no power to flee or meanes to stay In some whole streete perhaps a Shop or twayne Stands open for small takings and lesse gaine And euery closed window dore and stall Makes each day seeme a solemnt Festiuall Dead Co●●es carried and recarried still Whilst ●●ty Corp●es scarce one graue doth fill With LORD HAVE MERCIE VPON VS on the dore Which though the words be good doth grieue men sore And o're the doore-posts fix'd a crosse ●●ed Betol-●ning that there Death some blood hath shed Some with Gods markes or T●kens doe espte These Marks or Takens shew them they must die Some with their Carbuncles and sores new burst Are fed with hope they haue escap'd the worst Thus passeth all the weeke till Thuedayes Bill Shew●vs what thousands death that weeke did kil That fatal Rel doth like a razor cut The dead tl ●●uing in a maze doth put And he that hath a Christian heart I know Is grieud and wounded with the deadly blow These are the obie●s of the Eye now heare And marke the mournefull musicke of the Eare There doe the brazen Iron tongu'd loud bells Deaths clamorous musicke ring continuall knells Some losty in their notes some sadly towling Whilst fatali dogs made a most dismall how ling a Thus it was in Iune Iuly August and September Some frantick● ra●ing some with anguish crying Some singing praying groaning and some dying The healthfull grieuing and the sickly groaning All in mournefull diap●ten m●aning Here Parents for their Childrens lo●●e lament There Childrens griefe for Parents life that 's spent Husbands deplore their louing Wines decease Wines for their Husbands weepe remedilesse The Brother for his Brother friend for friend Doe each for other mutuall sorrowes spend Here Sister mournes for Sister Kin for Kin As one grife ends another doth begin There one lies languishing with slender fare Small comfort lesse attendance and least care With none but Death and he to tugge together Vntill his corps and soule part each from either In one house one or two or three doth fall And in another Death playes sweepe-stake all Thus vniuersall sorrowfull complaining Is all the musicke now in London raigning Thus is her comfort sad Calamitie And all her Melodie is Maladie These are the obiects of the eyes and eares Most wofull sights and sounds of griefes and feares The curious rast that while me did delight With cost and care to please the Appetite What she was went to hate she doth adore And what 's high priz'd she held despis'd before The drugs the drenches and vntoothsome drinks Feare giues a sweetnes to all seuerall stinks And for supposed Anudotes each Palate Of most contagious weedes will make a Sallate And any of the simplest Mountebankes May cheat them as they will of Coine thankes With scraped pouder of a shooing-home Which they 'le beleeue is of an Vmcorne Angelicacs distastfull roote is gnaw'd And hearbe of Grace most Ruefully is chaw'd Garlick offendeth neither tast nor smell Feare and opinon makes it rellish well Whilst Beazer stone and mighty Mitbridate To all degrees are great in estimate And Triacles power is wonderously exprest And Dragon Water in most high request These 'gainst the Plague are good preseruatiue But the best cordiall is t' amend our liues Sinne 's the maine cause and we must first begin To cease our griefes by ceasing of our sinne I doe beleeue that God hath giuen in store Good medcines to cure or case each fore But first remoue the cause of the disease And then no doubt but the effect will cease Our sinn's the Cause remoue our sinnes from hence And God will soone remoue the Pestileace Then euery medicine to our consolation Shall haue his power his force his operation And till that time experiments are not But Paper walls against a Cannon shot On many a post I see Quacke-sainers Bills Like Fencers Challenges to shew their skills As if they were such Masters of defente That they date combat with the Pestilence Meete with the plague in any deadly fray And bragge to beare the victory away But if then patients pariently beleeue them They 'le cure them without faile of what they giue them What though ten thousands by their drēches perish They made them parposely themselues to cherish Their Art is a meere Artlesse kind of lying To picke their liuing out of others dying This sharpe inucctiue no way seemes to touch The learn'd Physician whom I honour much The Paracelsians and the Galennists The Philosophicall graue Herbahsts These I admire and reuerence for in those God doth dame Natures secrets fast inclose Which they distribute as occasion serue Health to reserue and health decai'd conserue 'T is 'gainst such Rat-catchers I bend my pen Which doe mechanically murther men Whose promises of cure like lying knaues Doth begger men or send them to their graues a Feeling Now London for the sence of feeling next Thou in thy feeling chiefely art perplext Thy heart feeles sorrow and thy body anguish Thou in thy feeling feel'st thy force to languish Thou feelst much woe and much calamity And many millions feele thy misery Thou feel st the fearefull Plague the Flix and Feur Which many a soule doth from the body suter And I beteech God for our Sauiours merit To let thee feele the Comfort of his Spirit Last for the solace of the b Smeling smell or ●●●● Some in contagious roomes are closely pen● Whereas corrupted Aire they take and giue Till time ends or lends liberty to liue One with a piece of tasseld well tarr'd Rope Doth with that nose-gay keepe himselfe in hope Another deth a wispe of worme-wood pull And with great Iudgement crams his nostrils full A third takes off his socks from 's sweating
should haue a Nation purg'd and pure And as Elizabeth when she went hence Was wayted on as did be seeme a Prince Of all degrees to tend her Maiestie Neere forty thousand in that yeere did dye That as she was belou'd of high and lowe So at her death their deaths their loues did showe Whereby the world did note Elizabeth Was louingly attended after death So mighty Iames the worlds admired mireur True faiths defending friend sterne Foe to Errour When he Great Britains glorious Crown did leaue A Crowne of endlesse glory to receaue Then presently in lesse then eight months space Full eighty thousand follow him a pace And now that Royall Iames intombed lyes And that onr gracious Charles his roome supplies As Heau'n did for his Father formerly A sinfull Nation cleanse and purifie So God for him these things to passe doth bring And mends the Subiects for so good a King Vpon whose Throne may peace and plenty rest And he and his Eternally be blest NOw for a Conclusion in Prose I must haue one touch more at the vncharitablenesse and ingratitude of those beastly barbarous cruell Country Canibals whom neither the entreaty of the healthy or misery of the sicke could moue to any sparke of humanity or Christian compassion their ingratitude being such that although the Citty of London hath continually extended her bounty towards the Countries in generall and particular necessities for repairing their Churches Bridges and high wayes for their wrackes by sea for their losses by fire for their ●inundations by water for many Free-scholes Alme-houses other workes of piety and charity most largely and aboundantly expressed and most apparantly knowne vnto them yet notwithstanding all these and much more then I can recollect these Grunting Girigashites these Hog-rubbing Gadarens suffers the distressed sonnes and daughters of this famous fostering City to languish pine starue and dye in their streetes fields ditches and high-wayes giuing or allowing them no reliefe whilest they liued or burials being dead whose liues in many places might haue beene saued with the harbours and entertainment which the currish Nabals did afford their swine They haue their excuses and by the fault of their hard-heartednesse vpon the strict command from the Iustices and Magistrates alas a staffe is quickely found to beate a dogg for let it be granted that the Iustices and men of Authoritie did command and counsell then to be wary and carefull yet I am sure that neither God or any Christian or good Magistrate did euer command or exhort them to be cruell vnmercifull vnthankefull barbarous inhumane or vncharitable for it there were ●● are any either Iustice or other of that hellis and hoggish disposition let him or them expect to howle with Diues for being so vncompassionate What haue you beene but murtherers of your Christian brethren and sisters for the rule of charity saith that whosoeuer heeor they be that may relieue or helpe the necessities of others and doth reiect or neglect it by which meanes those that are in want doe perish that they are murtherers and as many of our Country Innes and Ale-houses haue vnchang'd their signes because they will giue no harbour vpon any condition to neither whole or sicke so without Repentance and Gods great mercy some of them must expect to hang in hell for their inhospitable want or pittie What madnesse did possesse you did you thinke that none but Citizens were marked for death that onely a blacke or ciuill fu● of apparell with a Ruffe-band was onely the Plagues liuery No you shall find it otherwayes for a Russet Coat or a sheepe-skin couer is no Armour of proofe against Gods Arrowes though you shut vp barracado your dores and windowes as hard as your hearts and heads were Ramd against your distressed brethren yet death will find you and leaue you to iudgement The Booke of God doth yeeld vs many presidents and examples that we are to be carefull to preserue life it is madnesse to stand wilfully vnder a falling house or to sleep whilst the water ouer-flow vs to runne desperatly into the fire or not auoid a shot or a stroke of a sword It is lawfull to auoid famine to shun the Leper the great or small Pox and many other diseases for if Physicke be good to restore health it is wisdome to preserue health to preuent Physicke The skilfull Mariner in a dangerous storme or tempest will make the hest haste he can into a safe hauen or a good harbour I am commanded to loue my neighbour and to bee carefull to helpe him in the preseruation of his life and therefore I must be respectfull of mine owne Our Sauiour Christ although he was God omnipotent whose becke or the least of his commands could haue consumed Herod and crushed him and his Tyra●ny to nothing yet did he please not to vse the power and strength of his Godhead but for our instruction and example shewing the weaknesse and imbecillity of his humanity hee fled from Herod into Egypt By this which hath beene written it is apparent that it is lawfull for any man to absent himselfe if his calling will permit the same from manifest and approaching danger o● his life Beasts Fowles and Fishes will shunne their destruction Wormes and contemptible vermine as lice and sl●as will crawle creepe and skip to saue themselues from death therefore man that hath being Life Sence Reason and Hope of immortalitie may lawfully seeke his owne preseruation But if there be any that haue out of a slauish or vnchristian-like feare fled or runne-away from this famous City in this lamentable visitation I meane such as left neither prayer or purse to relieue those that vnderwent the grieuous burthens of sickenesse and calamity such as trusted more in the Country aide then in heauenly prouidence such as imagined that their safety was by their owne care and industry not remembring that their sinnes and transgressions haue helped to pull downe Gods wrath vpon their afflicted brethren and Sisters I say if any such there be that attribute their preseruation to their owne discreet carriage giuing the praise to the meanes not much minding the All-sufficient cause and Giuer of the meanes If any such haue fallen into the vncourteous pawes of the sordid Rusticles or Clownish Coridons let them know that Gods blessings are worth thankes and that they were iuslly plagued for their vnthankefulnesse And some haue beene too swift and fearefull in flying so many haue beene too slow and aduenturous in staying depending too much vpon a common and desperate opinion that their times are fixed that their dayes are numbred that their liues are limited so that till God hath appointed they shall not dye and that it lyes not in them or any power of man to lengthen life All these Assertions are true and I must needs grant vnto them But for as much as God is the Land Lord of life and puts it as his Tenants in our frailc Tenements although
not to stay ●nd gui's but what she meanes to take away ●or by discretion is truly knowne ●●er liberall gifts she holds still as her owne And vnto me her bounty hath bin such ●hat if she cak't againe I care not much I haue loue which I to God doe owe With which I haue a feare doth in me grow ●loue him for his goodnesse and I feare ●●o angee him that hath lou'd me so deare ●feare in lout as he 's a gracious God Not loue for feare of his reuenging Rod. And thus a louing feare in me I haue Like an adopted sonne not like a slaue ●● haue a King whom I am bound vnto ●o doe him all the seruice I can doe To whom when I shall in Alegeance faile Let all the Diuels in hell my soule assaile If any in his gouernment abide In whom foule Treacherous malice doth recide ●Gainst him his Royall off-spring or his friends ● wish that Halters may be all their ends And those that cannot most vnfainedly ●●y this and sweare as consident as I Of what degree soe'r I wish one houre They were in some kind skilfull Hangmans power I haue a life was lent me 'fore my birth By the great Landlord both of Heau'n and Earth But though but one way vnto life is common For All that euer yet was borne of woman Yet are there many thousand wayes for death To dispossesse vs of our liues and breath For why the Lord of life that life doth make Will as the pleaseth life both giue and take And let me blamelesse suffer punishment Or losse of goods or causelesse banishment Let me be hang'd or burn'd or stab'd or drownd A●'s one to me so still my Faith keepe sound Then let my life be ended as God will This is my minde and hope shall be so still To get to Heau'n come thousand deaths together Th' are welcome pleasures if they bring me thither I know for certaine all Mortality When it begins to liue begins to dye And when our liues that backe againe we giue We euer endlesse then doe dye or liue When good men wish long life 't is vnderstood That they would longer liue to doe more good But when a bad man wisheth to liue long It is because he faine would doe more wrong And this one reason giues me much content Though I shall haue no Marble Monument Where my corrupted Carkasse may inherit With Epitaphs to blaze my want of merit To waste as much to pollish and be-guild As would a charitable Almes-house build All which a gouty Vsurer or worse May haue and haue poore peoples heauy curse That many times the sencelesse Marble weeps Because the execrated corps it keepes When the meane space perhaps the wretched soule In flames vnquenchable doth yell and howle I haue a hope that doth my heart refresh How-e'r my soule be sundred from my flesh Although I haue no friends to mourne in sacke With merry insides and with outsides blacke Though ne'r so poorely they my corps interre Without bell booke or painted Sepulcher Although I misse these trisles Transitory I haue a hope my soule shall mount to glory I haue a vaine in Poetry and can Set forth a knaue to be an honest man I can my Verses in such habit clad T' abuse the good and magnisie the bad I can write if I lift nor Rime or Reason And talke of fellony and whistle Treason And Libell against goodnesse if I would And against misery could raile and scould Foule Treachery I could mince out in parts Like Vintners pots halfe pints and pints quarts Euen so could I with Libels base abound From a graine waight or scruple to a pound With a low note I could both say or sing As much as would me vnto Newgate bring And straining of my voyce a little higher I could obtaine the Fleet at my desire A little more aduancing of my note I from the Fleet might to the Gatehouse flote Last aboue Ela raising but my power I might in state be mounted to the Tower Thus could my Muse if I would be so base Run carelesse by degrees into disgrace But that for loue of goodnesse I forbeare And not for any seruile flauish feare Time seruing vassalls shall not me applaud For making of my Verse a great mans Bawd To set a lustre and a flatt'ring glosse On a dishonourable lump of drosse To slabber o'r a Ladies homely feature And set her forth for a most beauteous creature Nor shall my free inuention stoope t' adore A fowle diseased pocky painted whore Rewards or bribes my Muse shall ne'r entice To wrong faire Vertue or to honor Vice But as my Conscience doth informe me still So will I praise the good condemne the ill That man is most to be abhord of men Who in his cursed hand dares take a pen Or be a meanes to publish at the presse Prophaned lines or obsceane beastlinesse Scurrility or knowne apparant lyes To animate or couer villanies A halter for such Poets stead of Bayes Who make the Muses whores much worse then Thais Such Rascals make the Heliconian well In estimation and respect like hell And of all good men iustly are rewarded Contemn'd and scorn'd like hell hounds vnregarded For Poetry if it be vs'd aright Sets forth our Makers mercy and his might For though through ignorance it hath some foes God may be prais'd in Verse as well as prose Poets in Comedies are fit for Kings To shew them Metaphoricall such things As is conuenient they should know and heare Which none but Poets dare to speake for feare A Poet 's borne a Poet and his trade Is still to make but Orators are made All Arts are taught and learn'd we daily see But taught a Poet neuer yet could be And as the Tree is by the fruit well knowne So by his writing is a Poet showne If he be well dispos'd hee 'l well indite If ill inclinde he vicsously will write And be he good or bad in his condition His Lines will shew his inward disposition And to conclude this point and make an end The best amongst them hath much need to mend I haue a tongue and could both sweare and lye If to such customes I would it apply But often swearing now and then for sweares And lying a mans credit quite out weares I 'l trust an arrant Thiefe to keepe my purse As soone as one that loues to sweare and curse For can it be that he that takes a vse And custome God in swearing to abuse Can it be thought he will make Conscience then To play the false dissembling Knaue with men Nor can my supposition euer dreame That he who dares his Makers name blasphome But that if Time would but occasions bring He would betray his Countrey and his King For 't is a Maxim no man can conuince The man that feares not God loues not his Prince And he that cares not for his soule I thinke Respects not if his Country swim or sinke
A Tale to cast me to ten thousand Hels The Iury are my Thoughts vpright in this They sentence me to death for doing amisse Examinations more there need not then Than what 's confest here both to God and Men. The Cryer of she Court is my blacke Shame Which when it calls my Iury doth proclaime Vnlesse as they are summon'd they appeare To giue true Verdict of the Prisoner They shall haue heauy Fines vpon them set Such as may make them dye deepe in Heauens debt About me round sit Innocence and Truth As Clerkes to this high Court and little Ruth From Peoples eyes is cast vpon my face Because my facts are barbarous damn'd and base The Officers that 'bout me thicke are plac'd To guard me to my death when I am cast Are the blacke stings my speckled soule now feeles Which like to Furies dogge me close at heeles The Hangman that attends me is Despaire And g●owing wormes my fellow-Prisoners are His Inditement for murder of his Children THe first who at this Sessions ●●● doth call me Is Murder whose grim visage doth appall me His eyes are fires his voice rough winds out-rores And on my bead the Diuine vengeance scares So fast and fearefully I sinke to ground And with ● were in twenty Oceans drownd He sayes I haue a bloudy Villaine bin And to proue this ripe Euidence steps in Brew'd like my selfe Iustice so brings about That blacke sinnes still hunt one another out 'T is like a rotten frame ready to fall For one maine Post being shaken puls downe all To this Inditement holding vp my hand Fattered with Terrors more then Irons stand And being ask'd what to the Bill I say Guilty I cry O dreadfull Sessions day● His Iudgement FOr these thick Stigian streams in which th' ast ●●● Thy guilt hath on thee la●d this bitter doome Thy loath'd life on a Tree of shame must take A leaue compeld by Law e'r old age make Her signed Passe port ready Thy offence No longer can for dayes on earth dispense Time blot thy name out of this bloudy roule And so the Lord haue mercy on my Soule His speech what hee could say for himselfe O Wretched Caitiffe what perswasiue breath Can cal back this iust Sentence of quick death I begge no beene but mercy at Gods hands The King of Kings the Soueraigne that cōma●● Both Soule and Body O let him forgiue My Treason to his Throne and whilst I liue Iebbits and Racks shall torture limme by limme Through worlds of Deaths I 'l breake to fly to him My Birth-day gaue not to my Mothers wombe More ease then this shall ioyes when e'r it come My body mould to earth sinnes sink to Hell My penitent Soule win Heauen vain world farewell FINIS TAYLORS REVENGE OR The Rimer VVILLIAM FENNOR firkt ferrited and finely fetcht ouer the Coales To any that can read BE thou either Friend or Foe or indifferent all 's one Read Laugh like or dislike all the care is taken The chiefest cause why I wrote this was on set purpose to please myselfe Yet to shew thee the meaning of this little building imagine the Epistle to be the doore and if thou please come in and see what stuffe the wh●●● Frame is made off Bee it therefore knownne vnto all men that I Iohn Taylor Waterman● ●●●agree with William Fennor who arrogantly and falsely entitles himselfe the Kings Mas● ●●●Riming Poet to answer me at a triall of Wit on the seuenth of October last 1614 ●●● the Hope stage on the Bank-side and the said Fennor receiued of mee ten shillings in ●●● of his comming to meet me whereupon I caused 1000 bills to be Printed and diuulg'd ●●●1000 wayes and more giuing my Friends and diuers of my acquaintance notice of ●●● Bear-garden banquet of dainty Conceits and when the day came that the Play should ●●●haue beene performed the house being fill'd with a great Audience who had all spent their mo●●● extraordinarily then this Companion for an Asse ran away and left mee for a Foole amongst thousands of criticall Censurers where I was ill thought of by my friends scorned by ●●● and in conclusion in a greater puzzell then the blinde Beare in the midst of all her ●●●broth Besides the summe of twenty pounds in money I lost my Reputation amongst ●●● and gaind disgrace in stead of my better expectations In Reuenge of which wrongs done ●●● me by the said Riming Rascall I haue written this Inuectiue against him chiefly because ill-looking Hound doth not confesse he hath intur'd mee nor hath not so much honestly ●●● bring or send me my money that he tooke for earnest of me but on the contrary parts ●●● and abuses mee with his calumnious tongue and scandalizeth me in all Companies ●●● beares me nominated But in a word Reader when thou hast read this that followes I thinke thou wilt iudge me cleare of the many false Imputations that are laid vpon mee So I ●●●thee to thy Considerations and I proceed to my Exclamations Thine as thou art mine IOHN TAYLOR WILLIAM FENNOR Anagramma NV VILLANY For me OR Forme NV VILLANY NV VILLANY Forme Nue fresh and New Or Forme NV VILLANY Come Turk come Iew ●●● who dares come for I haue found a Theame That ouerflowes with matter like a streame And now stand cleere my masters ' ware your shins For now to kick and fling my Muse begins How fit his name is Anagrammatiz'd And how his Name is Anatomiz'd 'T would make a horse with laughing breake his bridle But to the purpose long delayes are idle TO WILLIAM FENNOR COME Sirrha Rascall off your clothes S r strip For my Satyrrick whip shall make you skip Th'adst better to haue dealt with all the Deuils They could not plague thee with so many euils Nay come man neuer whine or crooch or kneele My heart cannot one lot of pitty feele I haue squeez'd the Gall from out the Lernean snake With which Reuengefull Inke I meane to make Which I with Aqua-fortis will commix Yblended with the lothsome Lake of Stix And with that Marrow-eating hatefull Inke I 'll make thee more then any Aiax stinke A Scritch-owles quill shall be my fatall pen That shall emblaze thee basest slaue of men So that when as the pur-blind world shall see How vildly thou hast plaid the Rogue with mee They shall perceiue I wrong them not for pelse And thou shalt like a Rascall hang thy selfe What damned Villaine would forsweare sweare At thou didst 'gainst my challenge to appeare To answer me at Hope vpon the stage And thereupon my word I did ingage And to the world did publish printed Bills With promise that we both would shew our skills And then your Rogue-ship durst not shew your face But ran away and left me in disgrace To thee ten shillings I for earnest gane To bind thee that thou shouldst not play the Knaue Curre hadst thou no mans Credit to betray But mine or couldst thou find no other way
will make men rotten ●re they die Old Adam liu'd nine hundred thirty yeere Yet ne'r dranke none as I could read or heare And some men now liue ninety yeeres and past Who neuer dranke Tobacco first nor last Then since at first it came from faithlesse Moores And since t is now more common far then whores ● I see no reason any Christian Nation Should follow then in diuellish im●●ation So farewell pipe and pudding stuffe and smoake My Muse thinks fit to leaue before the choake Certaine verses written in the Barbarian tongue dropt out of a Negroes pocket which I thought good to insert because they tend to ●● honour of Tobacco VAprosh fogh stinkguash slauorumques fie fominoshte Spitterspaw●smon loather so hem halk●sh spewrsb●shte Mistrum fo● smoakrash choakerumques olifa ●rish trash Dam durt●cun belehum contagio●●te vem●●troshe Whifferum puffe gulpum allisnuff huff fleaminon odish Rewmito contaminosh disbo●●●● dungish odorish To the Right Honourable Lord William Earle of Pembroke WILLIAM HERBERT Anagramma My heart will beare RIght Noble Lord whose brest doth beare a heart Which is a Patron vnto Armes and Art Inspight of Enuy still thy fame shines cleere For none but honor'd thoughts thy heart wil beare WHen I but think the daies we wander in How most part of the world do liue by sin How finely Satan shewes his cunning s●ill That one man gets his goods from others ill Doe not the Lawyers liue like mighty Lords On brawles on iar●res contentions and discords When if men as they should would but agree A Tearme would scarcely yeeld a Lawyers fee Let vsurers bragge of conscience what they can They liue like deuils vpon the bane of man The racking Land-lord gets his ill got store By raysing rents which make his tenants poore Clap-shoulder Serieants get the deuill and all By begg'ring and by bringing men in thrall Like Gentlemen the Iaylors spend their liues By keeping men in fetters bonds and gyues The vintner and the vict'lar get most gaines From dayly drunkards and distemperd braines From whence do Iustice Clerks get most they haue But from the whore the thiefe the bawd the knaue In what consists the hangmans greatest hope But hope of great imployment for the rope The very blue-coate Beadles get their trash By whips and rods and the fine firking lash But leauing these note but how Corporations From others vices get their reputations The vpstart veluet silken satten gull His owne purse empts to fill the Mercers full When for his birth or wit more fit agrees A breech of leather and a coate of freese The Taylor is a Gentleman transform'd For his inuenting fashions new deform'd And those that make the Verdingales and bodies Get most they haue from idle witlesse nodies The Tires the Periwigs and the Rebatoes Are made t'adome ilshap'd Inamoratoes Yea all the world is falue to such a madnesse That each man gets his goods from others badnesse The Chirurgian and Phisicion get their stockes From Gowts from Feauers Botches Piles Pocks With others paine they most of all are pleas'd And best are eas'd when others are diseasd As Sextons liue by dead and not by quicke So they liue with the sound but by the sicke Thus each man liues by other mens amisse And one mans meat anothers poyson is To the Right honourable Iohn Lord Viscount Haddington Earle of Holdernes Iohn Ramsey Angaramma I ayme Honors THrice worthy Lord whose vertues do proclaime How Honors noble marke is still thy Ayme T' attaine the which thou holdst thy hand so steady That thy deserts haue wo●ne the prize already To the Honourable Knight Sir Thomas Bludder Anagramma Arm'd Thus bold GOd is my Captaine my defence and hold Through faith in him I am thus arm'd thus bold● Vpon the Powder Treason the fifth of Nouember 1605. THis day old D●mon and the damned Crue Our King and Kingdome in the ayre had tost But that our God their diuellish practice crost And on their treacherous heads the mischiefe threw No Pagan Tartar Turke or faithlesse Iew Or hels blacke Monarch with his hatefull host Since first amongst them Treason was ingrost No plot like that from their inuention flew But when they thought a powder blast a breath Should all this Iland into totters teare Th' Almighties mercy freed vs from that feare And paid the Traitors with infamous death For which let King and all true Subiects sing Continuall praise vnto Heau'ns gracious King To the Right Honourable Iob● Moray Lord Viscount Annan Earle of Annandale Gentleman of his Maiesties Honourable Bed-chamber Anagramma I ayme Honour INdustrious Loyalty doth dayly tell You Ayme at honour and you leuell well And with your trusty seruice shoot so right That in the end you sure will hit the white Twelue Sonnets vpon the Sonnes entring into the twelue Caelestiall Signes The 10. of March the Sunne enters into Aries or the signe of the Raw. March 10. Aries DIurnall Titans all reuiuing Carre Through all the heauens his progresse now he ●●●●● And now his glistering Raies he doth vnbarre And what his absence mard his presence makes Now he begins dame Tellus face to parch With blustring Boreas with Eurus breth Thicke clouds of dust in March through ayre doth march And Plants dead seeming Re-reuines from death Now at the heauy-headed horned Ram AEo●●● AErbon Phlogon and Pyrois ●● sweet Ambrosya sweetly feede and cram And drinking Nector's gods carowsing iuice Thus yeerely one and thirty daies at least In Aries Titan daines to be a guest To the Right Honourable Christopher Villers Earle of Anglesey Anagramma Christ is our helper TO me and mine our onely comfort 's this In all good Actions Christ our helper is The 11. of Aprill he comes into Taurus or the Signe of the Bull. Taurus HIpericon now 's remou'd vnto the Bull And seemes all hid in Mists and watry bowres Till wollsacke seeming cloudes are bursting full And then he glides the Aire with golden showres He shines he hides he smiles and then he lowres Now glorious glowing and straight darkned dim He 's now obscur'd and now his beames out powres Asskies are cleare or thicke twixt vs and him Thus all the Aprill at bo-peepe he plaies ●●circling daily the Rotundious spheare And at the Bull he hides his glistring raies Til● ayre is purgde of cloudes and skies are cleare Then he the head-strong Taurus soone forsakes And to his Summer progresse haste he makes To the Right Honorable the Earle of Manchester Lord priuy Seale to the Kings Matestie HENRY MONTAGVE Anagramma Gouerneth many AMongst a Million there is hardly Any That like your selfe so well doth gouerne Many The 12. of May the Sunne enters into Gemini or the Twinnes Gemini May. NOw bright fac'd Sminthus with faire Flora meet Adorning her with Natures best attire Trees plants hearbs flowres odoriferous sweet With Birds all chaunting in their feathered quire Now countrie Tom and Tyb haue their desire And rowle and tumble freely on the
Sonnet 5. Three blinde Commanders BLinde fortune sightlesse loue and eyelesse death Like Great Triumue'rs swayes this earthly roome ●●● actions affections and very breathe Are in subiection to their fatall doome Ther 's nothing past or present or to come That in their purblinde power is not comprizde ●rom Crowne to cart from cradle to the toome ●ll are by them defamde or eternizde Why should we then esteeme this doating life ● That 's in the guideance of such blind-fold rule Whose chiefest peace is a continuall strife Whose gawdy pompes the pack and man the Mule Which liues long day he beares as he is able Til deaths blacke night doth make the graue his stable Sonnet 6. In the praise of musicke ●TWas Musick fetch'd Euridice from hell And rap'd grim Pluto with harmonious straines Renowned Orphens did with Musick quell The fiends and ease the tortur'd of their paines The Dolphin did account it wondrous gaines To heare Arion play as hee did ride Gods fiends fish fowles shepheards on the plains Melodious Musicke still hath magnifide And ancient records plainely doe decide How braue Orlands Palatine of France When he was raging mad for Meadors bride Sweet Musicke cur'd his crazed wits mischance For Musick 's only fit for heau'ns high quire Which though men cannot praise enough adutire Sonnet 7. The Map of misery LIke to the stone that 's cast in deepest wane That rests not till the bottome it hath found So I a wretch inthrald in sorrowes caue With woe and desperations fetters bound The captiue slaue imprison'd vnder ground Doom'd there by fates t' expire his wofull daies With care o'rwhelmd with grief sorrow drownd Makes mournfull moanings and lamenting layes Accusing and accursing fortunes playes Whose wither'd Autumne leauelesse leaues his tree And banning death for his too long delayes ● Remaines the onely poore despised hee If such a one as this the world confine His mischiefes are his his sport compar'd with mine Sonnet 8. Another in prayse of musicke NO Poet crownd with euerliuing bayes Tho art like floods should frō his knowledge flow He could not write enough in Musicks prayse To which both man and Angels loue doe owe If my bare knowledge ten times more did know And had ingrost all arte from Pernas hill If all the Muses should their skils bestow On me to amplifie my barren skill I might attempt in shew of my good will In Musicks praise some idle lines to write But wanting iudgement and my accent ill I still should be vnworthy to indite And run my wit on ground like ship on shelfe For musicks praise consisteth in it selfe A Cataplasmicall Satyre composed and compacted of sundry simples as salt vineger wormewood and a little gall very profitable to cure the impostumes of vice A Sauage rough-hair'd Satyre needs no guide Wher 's no way from the way he cannot ●lide Then haue amōgst you through the brakes briers From those who to the Cedars top aspires Vnto the lowest shrub or branch of broome That hath his breeding from earths teeming womb And now I talke of broome of shrubs and Cedars Me thinks a world of trees are now my leaders To prosecute this trauell of my penne And make comparison twixt trees and men The Cedars and the high cloud kissing Pynes Fecundious Oliues and the crooked Vines The Elme the Ash the Oake the Masty Beeche The Peare the Apple and the rug-gowned Peache And many more for it would tedious be To name each fruitfull and vnfruitfull tree But to proceed to show how men and trees In birth in breed in life and death agrees In their beginnings they haue all one birth Both haue their nat'rall being from the earth And heauens high hand where he doth please to blesse Makes trees or men or fruitful or fruitlesse In sundry vses trees do serue mans turne To build t' adorne to feed or else to burne Thus is mans state in all degrees like theirs Some are got vp to th' top of honours stayres Securely sleeping on opinions pillow Yet as vnfruitfull as the fruitlesse willow And fill vp roomes like worthlesse trees in woods Whose goodnesse all consists in ill got goods He like the Cedar makes a goodly show But no good fruite will from his greatnesse grow Vntill he die and from his goods depart And then giues all away despight his heart Then must his friends with mourning cloth be clad With insides merry and with outsides sad What though by daily grinding of the poore By bribry and extortion got his store Yet at his death he gownes some foure-score men And t is no doubt he was a good man then Though in his life he thousands hath vndone To make wealth to his cursed coffers run● If at his buriall groats a piece bee giuen I le warrant you his soule 's in hell or heauen And for this doale perhaps the beggers striues That in the throng seuenteene doe lose their liues Let no man tax me here with writing lies For what is writ I saw with mine owne eyes Thus men like barren trees are feld and lopt And in the fire to burne are quickly popt Some man perhaps whilst he on earth doth liue Part of his vaine superfluous wealth will giue To build of Almshouses some twelue or ten Or more or lesse to harbour aged men Yet this may nothing be to that proportion Of wealth which he hath gotten by extortion What i st for man his greedy minde to serue To be the cause that thousands die and sterue And in the end like a vaine-glorious theefe Will giue some ten or twelue a poore reliefe Like robbers on the way that take a purse And giue the poore a mite to scape Gods curse But know this thou whose goods are badly gotten When thou art in thy graue consum'd and rotten Thine heire perhaps wil feast with his sweet punk And Dice and Drabb and eu'ry day be drunk Carowsing Indian Trinidado smoake Whilst thou with Sulph'rous flames are like to choake See see yond gallant in the Cloke-bag breech Hee 's nothing but a Trunke cram'd full of speech He 'l sweare as if 'gainst heau'n he wars would wage And meant to plucke downe Phoebus in his rage When let a man but try him hee 's all oathes And odious lies wrapt in vnpaid for cloathes And this Lad is a Roaring boy forsooth An exlent morsell for the hangmans tooth He carelesly consumes his golden pelfe In getting which his Father damn'd himselfe Whose soule perhaps in quēchlesse fire doth broile Whilst on the earth his sonne keepes leuell coile T is strange to Church what numbers daily flock To drinke the Spring of the eternall Rocke The great ●ou●●-sauing Satan slaying Word Gainst sin death hell th' alco● quering sacred sword Where high lehonahs Trump●ters sound forth From East to West from Sou●● vnto the North For through all lands their Embasseyes are borne And neuer doe againe in vaine returne Which either is of life to life the sauor Or death
1009. VVHen forty yeers this King had rul'd this Ile As Stories say he died a death most vile The wide-mouth'd Wolfe and keene-tusk'd brutish Bore Did eate his Kingly flesh drinke his gore Madan was a vicious and wicked Prince the Sonne of Locrine and Guendoline Hee was a great Tyrant He built the Towne of Doncaster Hee had two Sonnes Mempricius and Manlius Mempricius raigned 20. yeeres 991. MEmpricius base his brother Manlius slew And got the Crowne by murder not as due Maids wiues and widdowes he by force destowr'd He liu'd a Beast and dy'd by a Beast deuour'd Hee killed his elder brother trecherously as hee was parlying with him Hee was eaten of Wolues at hee was hunting Hee was so beastly that he was taxed in histories to be a Sodomite with Beasts in his time Yeeres before Christ. Ebranke 989. King D●●uid ●●●●●● At Edinburgh the Castle he did found Alcluid Tork he built new from the ground He builded Bambrough and reigned sixty yeeres Belou'd as it in Chronicles appeares Ebranke had 21. wiues by whom he had 20. Sonnes and 30. Daughters hee inuaded Gallia now Fr●●● He was the Sonne of Mempricius In his Reigne●●●● King Salomon Alcluid is Dumbreton in Scotland Brute the second 929. IF any noble act Brute Greeneeshield did Hee 's wrong'd because from Histories th' are hi●●● Twelue yeeres he rul'd that 's all I of him read And how at Yorke hee lyeth buried This Brute was the Sonne of Ebranke and some histories write doubtfully that he conquer'd France and th● after he receiued a great soyle in field by Brinchild Brinchillus Prince of Henoway or Henault Leil 917. LEil Carleile built and raign'd yeeres twenty fiue And as Fame still keepes dead mens acts aliue So Leil though dead shall euer liue by Fame He lyes at Carleile which himselfe did frame Leil was the Sonne of Brute Greeneshield It is ●●● written that he built the Citie of Chester Lud or Rud hudibras was the Sonne of Leil a religious Prince ●●● way of Paganis●● for in those 3. Townes ●● built hee erected 3. Temples and placed 3. ● Pagan Bishops in them Yeeres before Christ. Rudbudibrasse 892. His King built Canterbury Winchester And Shastbury he from the ground did reare ●● after twenty nine yeeres reigne was past ●● bester sore sicke he breath'd his last Bladud reign'd 20. 863. BLathe was by Bladud to perfection brought By Necromanticke Arts to flye hee sought ● from a Towre he thought to scale the Sky ● brake his necke because he soar'd too high This Bladud had beene a Student in Athens from ●● hee brought many learned men bee built Stam●● a Colledge I thinke the first in England striuing to ●●● the foule or the foole he brake his necke on the Tem●●● of Apollo in Troynouant Leire 844. LEire as the Story saies three daughters had The youngest good the other two too bad ●et the old King lou'd thē that wrong'd him most ●e that lou'd him he banisht from his Coast. ●●●●● and Ragan he betweene ●●● the Kingdome making each a Queene But young Cordeilla wedded was by chance To Aganippus King of fertile France The eldest Daughters did reiect their Sire For succour to the young'st hee did retire By whose iust aide the Crowne againe he gain'd And dyed when he full forty yeeres had reign'd Leire built Leicester and was a good Prince At Leycester he built a Temple to Iames Bifrons or Iames with two faces Yeeres before Christ. Qu. Cordeilla 805. MAd Morgan an vnmanner'd Cunedagus Their Aūt Cordeilla with fierce war did plagues They vanquish'd her and her in Prison threw And hauing reign'd fiue yeeres her selfe she flew She reigned with her Husband Aganippus till he dyed and then in her widowhead her cruell kinsmen opprest her Shee stabb'd her selfe in prison being tyrannously vsed in despaire of her liberty Morgan Cunedagus 800. THen Morgan did 'gainst Cunedagus contend And at Glamorgan Morgan had his end Then Cunedagus sole King did abide Full three and thirty yeeres and then he dyed Morgan was the Sonne of Gonorel Leires eldest Daughter and Cunedagus his kinsman was the Sonne of Ragan The Prophet Esay prophefied about this time Yeeres before Christ. Riuallo before Christ 766. THree daies it rain'd blood when Riuallo reign'd And great mortalitie the Land sustain'd Hee forty six yeeres rul'd in Kingly State And then surrendred to all humane Fate This Land in this Kings reigne was almost vnpeopled with dearth death and desolation In his time Rome was builded 356. yeeres after Brute Innumerable multitudes of Horse-flyes or Hornets spring out of the blood thus raind which flyes strong many people to death Riuallo was buried as Yorke Gurgustus 721. Scicillius 684. A Common Drunkard was this wicked King Which vice did many other vices bring Yeeres thirty eight the Diadem he wore Scicillius next raignd nine and forty more Gurgustus and Scicillius were bretbr●n I finde little mentioned of any good they did though they rsigned long They were both the Sonnes of Riuallo Iago 636. Kimma●m 612. OF these two Kings small mention I doe finde They left bare Names for memorie behinde One twentie fiue yeares th' other fifty foure Had in this Land Commanding Regall power Iugo was a kinsman to Gurgustus and by his vicious life he got asleepy disease called the Lethargy ●●●● dyed These two Kings were both buried at Yorke Yeeres before Christ. Gorbodug 559. GOrbodug next did in the Throne succeed Was sixty three yeeres King and last dec●●●●● 'Twixt his two Sonnes this Kingdome to diuide ● At Yorke hee 's buried where in peace hee dy'd Some write that he reigned but 42. years and ●●●● he was buried at Troynouant Ferex and Porex 496. POrex in Fight his brother Ferex kil'd For which their mother Porex heart bl●d s●● These murthers mercilesse did quite de●ace These Princes last of Royall Brutus Race Ferex and Porex were the sonnes of Cor●od●● Their mother and her maides chopped Porex in ●●●●● reuenge of her sonne Ferex they reigned fiue yeeres ●●● whose death the Land was a long time diuided ●●● Kingdomes Mulmutius Donwallo 441. THe Land vnguided Kinglesse did remaine Till great Mulmutius did the Wreathe ●●●●● Yeeres before Christ. He builded Temples made Lawes Ploughs high-waies And 40. yeeres he liu'd infame and praise Mulmutius ●lew Pinnar Slater and Rudack three Kings of seuerall parts of this I le and at last brought the ●● Kingdome to his sole obedience He was the Sonne of ●●●●ten Duke of Cornewall He was the first of all the Kings of this Land that wore a crowne of Gold Bellinus and Brennus reigned 26. yeeres 401. THese brethren did diuide the Realme in twaine But Kings can brooke no partnership in reigne They fell at oddes and Brenn●s fled subdude With slaughter of his warlike multitude To France he scap'd and was receiu'd in State In London Belline builded Bellinsgate ●●●ane Brennus conquer'd Italy and Rome Bellinus lies heere in an honour'd Tombe Brennus slew himselfe
yeeres after the cities of York Rochester and Bathe were burnt Hee reigned 18. yeeres 10 moneths and was buried at Feuersham Henry the second An Dom. 1154. THis King vnto the Empresse Maud was Heyre And lawfully obtain'd the Regall Chayre He was couragious and yet most vnchaste Which Vice his other Vertues all defac'd He lou'd faire Rosamond the worlds faire Ros● For which his wife and children turn'd his foes He made his sonne Copartner in his Crowne Who rais'd strong warres to put his Father downe Faire Rosamond at Woodstock by the Queene Was poyson'd in reuengefull iealous spleene In toyle and trouble with his Sonnes and Peere● The King raign'd almost fiue and thirty yeeres Hee neere his death did curse his day of birth Hee curst his Sonnes and sadly le●t the earth Hee at Founteuerard in his Tombe was laid And his Son Richard next the Scepter swa●d Henry the 2. In the 12. yeer of this King an earthqu●●● in Norfolk Suffolk and Eiye that made ●●●●●● shaking the sleeples and ouerthrew men that stood on this feete Nicholas Breakespeare an English man was ●●ope of Rome and was named Adrian the fourth hee gaue ●●● Lord-shippe of Ireland to King Henry Richard Cordelion An. Dom. 1189. THis braue victorious Lyon-hearted Prince The foes of Christ in ●●●y did conuince Whilst at Ierusalem he wan Renowne His Brother Iohn at home vsurp'd his Crowne And as he home return'd his owne to gaine By Austria's Duke the King was Prisoner ●ane His ransome was an hundred thousand pound Which paid in England he againe was crown'd Yet after nine full yeeres and 9. months raigne Hee with a Shot was kild in Aquit●ne His buriall at Founteuerard was thought meet At his dead Fathers second Henries feet Richard the 1. he conquered the kingdome of Cypresse and he tooke from the Infidels the Cities of Acon Ioppa and deliuered them to Christians In his 2. yeere the ●●s of the renowned King Arthur were found at Glastenbury King Richards bowels were buried at Chalne Castle in Aquitane his heart at Roane and his body at Founteuerard King Iohn An. Dom. 1199. IOhn Earle of Morton tooke the regall Seate His state his toyle his pompe his cares all great The French the Welsh the Scotsh all prou'd his foes The Pope King Iohn did from his Crowne depose His Lords rebel'd from France the Dolphin came And Wasted England much with sword and flame And after seuenteene yeeres were full expir'd King Iohn being poysoned to his graue retir'd King Iohn In the 8. yeere many men Women and cattell ● slain● with thunder and many houses burnt and the ●●●● was beaten downe with haile as bigge as goose egges Some say the King was poyson'd by a monke and others ●rite that he died of a surfeit at Newark but his life was full of troubles and after his death he was by base villaines ●●●d and l●●t naked without any thing to couer the corpes hee was buried at Worcester Henry the third An. Dom. 1216. Wars bloody wars the French in England made Strong holds Towns Towres Castles they inuade ●●t afterwards it was K. Henries chance By force perforce to force them backe to France Great discord 'twixt the King and Barons were ●nd factions did the Realme in pieces teare A world of mischiefes did this Land abide And fifty sixe yeeres raign'd the King and dy'd Henry the 3. This King was born at Winchester crowned at Glocester buried at Westminster In the 17. of his reigne on the 8. of Aprill 1233. there were 5 Sonnes in the firmament and the naturall Sun was as red as blood Edward Long-●hanks An. Dom. 1271. THis was a hardy wise Victorious King The Welshmen he did to subiection bring He Scotland wan and brought from thence by fate Their Crowne their Scepter Chaire and Cloth of state That Kingdome with oppression sore he brusde Much tyranny and bloodshed there he vsde When thirty fiue yeeres he the Crowne had kept At Westminster he with his Father slept Edward the 1. In the 13. yeere his sonne Edward was borne at Carnaruan who was the first sonne of any King of England that was Prince of Wales Edward of Carnaruan An. Dom. 1307. THe hard mis-haps that did this King attend The wretched life and lamentable end Which he endur'd the like hath ne'r bin seene Depos'd and poyson'd by his cruell Queene Which when the poyson had no force to kill Another way she wrought her wicked will Into his Fundament a red hot Spit Was thrust which made his Royall heart to split In his 8. yeere such a death that dogges and horses were good food many ate their owne children and old prisoners tore such as were newly committed in pieces and deuoured them halfe liuing The King reigned 19. yeeres 6. moneths Edward the third An. Dom. 1326. IN Peace and warre this King was right good He did reuenge his murdred Fathers blood Hee and the blacke Prince his most valiant Sonne The Field at Cressle and at Poytiers wonne At first and last in his victorious raigne Of French and Scots were six score thousand slaine And more his glory further to aduance He tooke the Kings of Scotland and of France The noble order of the Garter he At Windsor instituted caus'd to be When fifty yeeres this Land had him obaid At Westminster he in his tombe was laid In his 12. yeere he quartered the Armes of England and France as they are at this day Henry Pichard Vintuer in his Moral●y feasted at once Edward King of England Dauid King of Scotland Iohn King of France the King of Cypres the Prince of Wales the Dolphin of France with many other great Personages of Honour and Worship Richard the second An. Dom. 1377. YOng King rash co●sell lawes right neglected The good put downe the bad in State erected The Court with knaues flat'rers here did swarm The Kingdome like a Farme was let to Farme The Commons tost in Armies Routes and throngs And by soule treason would redresse soule wrongs In this Kings raigne began the Ciuill warre Vnnaturally 'twixt Yorke and Lancaster Oppression on oppression breedes Confusion Bad Prologue bad Proceeding bad Conclusion King Richard twenty two yeeres raign'd misse-led Deposed and at Po●●r●s knock'd ith'head This King was Grandchild to Edward the 3. and sonne to the black Prince he was borne at Burdeux in France and was but 11. yeeres old when he was crowned so that all his miserable Calamity may be imputed to him not hauing or not regarding good counsell Henry the fourth An. Dom. 1399. THe Crown wrong got frō the wrong'doing king More griefe then ioy did to King Henry bring France England Scotland Wales arose in Armes And menac'd Henry with most fierce Alarmes Hot Percy Dowglas Mortimer Glendowre At Shrewsbury the King orethrew their power He fourteene yeeres did raigne and then did dye At Canterbury buried he doth lye Henry the 4. Hee began his reigne the 29. of September 1399. and the 14.
of February following king Richard the 2. being in prison at Po●●fret-Castle ●●● murdered The raigne of King Henry was acc●●●●● warre and trouble Henry the fift An. Dom. 1412. THis was a King Renowned neere and farre A Mars of men a Thunderbolt of warre At Agencourt the French were ouerthrowne And Henry heyre proclaim'd vnto that Crowne In nine yeeres raigne this valiant Prince wan more Then all the Kings did after or before Intomb'd at Westminster his Carkas lyes His soule did like his Acts ascend the skies Henry the 5. In his 3. yeere hee past the sea with 1000. saile of Ships and Ve●●els into France His tombe or ●●●● was couered with siluer but this yr●n age ●●th ●●●●●● Henry the sixt An. Dom. 1422. THis Infant Prince scarce being nine moneths old The Realmes of France and England he did hold But he vncapable through want of yeeres Was ouer-gouern'd by mis-gouern'd Peeres Now Yorke and Lancaster with bloudy wars Both wound this kingdome with deep deadly scars Whilst this good King by Yorks oppos'd depos'd Expos'd to dangers is captiu'd inclos'd His Queene exilde his sonne and many friends Fled murdred slaughtred lastly Fate contends To crowne him once againe who then at last Was murdred thirty nine yeeres being past King Edward the sixt being 10. yeers old was crowned King of France in Paris but with the strife betwixt the Nobility and the Commons in England the most part of France was lost againe which was neuer recouered ●●●●● Edward the fourth An. Dom. 1460. EDward the 4. the house of Yorks great heire By bloudy wars attain'd the Regall Chaire The poore King Henry into Scotland fled And foure yeeres there was royally cloath'd and fed Still good successe with him was in the wane ●●e by King Edward●● power at last was tane Yet yet before the tenth yeere of his reigne Hence Edward fled and Henry crown'd againe By Warwicks meanes sixe moneths he held the same Till Ed●ward backe in armes to England came And fighting stoutly made this kingdome yeeld And slew great Warwicks Earle at Barnot field Thus Ciuill wars on wars and broyles on broyles And England against England spils and spoyles Now Yorke then Lancaster then Yorke againe ●uels Lancaster thus ioy griefe pleasure paine ●●oth like inconstant waters ●bbe and flow Ones rising is the others ouerthrow King Edward twenty two yeeres rul'd this Land And lies at Windsor where his Tombe doth stand Edward the 4. In the first yeere on Palme-sunday 1460. there was a battell fought betwixt King Edward and King Henry neere Todcaster wherein were s●aine of English-men on both sides 53000 700 and 11. persons The bloudy victory fell to King Edward In the 10. yeere of his reigne he was forced to forsake this Land whereby King Henry was restored againe to the Crowne But shortly after Edward returned and Henry was murthered Edward the fifth An. Dom. 1483. HIgh birth blood state and innocent in yeeres Eclips'd and murdred by insulting Peeres This King was neuer crown'd short was his raigne For to be short hee in short space was slaine Edward the 5. Within 3. moneths after the death of his father hee and his brother Richard Duke of Yorke were depriued both of their liues and he of the Crowne by their tyrannous Unkle Richard Duke of Gloster Richard the third An. Dom. 1483. BY Treason mischiefe murder and debate Vsurping Richard wonne the royall state Vnnaturally the children of his brother The King and Duke of Yorke he caus'd to smother For Sir Iames Tirrell Dighton and Blacke ●ill Did in the Tower these harmlesse Princes kill Buckinghams Duke did raise King Richard high And for reward he lost his head thereby A fellow to this King I scarce can finde His shape deform'd and crooked like his minde Most cruell tyrannous inconstant stout Couragious hardy t' abide all dangers out Yet when his sinnes were mellow ripe and full Th' Almighties iustice then his plumes did pull By bloudy meanes he did the kingdome gaine And lost it so at Bosworth being slaine This Richard was neuer a good subiect but when he had got the Crowne be striued by all meanes to be a good King for in his Short reigne of two yeeres two moneths he made very profitable Lawes which are yet in force by which it may be perceiued how willing he was to redeeme his mis-spent time Henry the seuenth An. Dom. 1485. VVHen Ciuill wars full fourescore yeers more Had made this kingdome welter in her Gore When eightie of the royall blood were kild That Yorke and Lancasters crosse faction held Then God in mercy looking on this Land Brought in this Prince with a triumphant band The onely Heire of the Lancastrian line Who graciously consented to combine To ease poore England of a world of mone And make the red Rose and the white but one By Marriage with Elizabeth the faire Fourth Edwards daughter and Yorks onely heire But Margret Burgunds dutches storm'd frown'd That th' heire of Lancaster in state was crown'd A counterfeit one Lambert she suborn'd Being with Princely ornaments adorn'd To claime the State in name of Clarence sonne Who in the Tower before to death was done Wars'gainst the French King Henry did maintaine And Edward braue Lord Wooduile there was slaine Northumberlands great Earle for the Kings right Was slaine by Northerne rebels in sharpe fight The King besiedged Boloigne but a Peace The French king fought and so the siedge did cease Still Burgunds Dutchesse with inueterate hate Did seeke to ruine Henries Royall state She caus'd one Perkin Warbacke to put on The name of Richard Edwards murdred sonne Which Richard was the youngest of the twaine Of Edwards sonnes that in the Tower was slaine The King at last these traitors did confound And Perkin for a counterfeit was found Sir William Stanley once the Kings best friend At Tower hill on a Scaffold had his end On Blacke Heath Cornish rebels were o'rthrowne A Shoomaker did claime King Henries Crowne The Earle of Warwicke lost his haplesse head And Lady Katherine did Prince Arthur wed But ere sixe moneths were fully gone and past In Ludlow Castle Arthur breath'd his last King Henry built his Chappell from the ground At Westminster whose like can scarce be found Faire Margret eldest daughter to our King King Iames the fourth of Scotland home did bring Where those two Princes with great pompe and cheare In State at Edenborough married were But as all Mortall things are transitory So to an end came Henries earthly glory Twenty three yeeres and 8. months here he swaid And then at Westminster in 's Tombe was laid He all his Life had variable share Of Peace Warre Ioy Griefe Royaltie and Care In his I. yeere in 7. weekes space there dyed in London 2. Maiors and 6. Aldermen besides many hundred others of a strange sweating sicknesse 1485. Anno Reg. 12. at Saint Need● in Beafordshire there fell hail-stones 18. inches about King Iames the 4. of Scotland married Margret
and ●●● to King Edward the sixt Shee was crowned at Westminster the first of October 1553 by the hands of Stephen Gardner Bishop of Winchester King Edward being dead his death was concealed two daies by reason of the feare of Queene Maries alteration of the religion which King Edward had established for which cause the Lady Iane was by many of the Lords and the Londoners proclaimed Queene This Lady Iane was eldest daughter to Henry Duke of Suffolke shee was then married to the Lord Guiford Dudlty fourth sonne to Iohn Duke of Northumberland her mother was the Lady Francis the daughter of Mary the French Queene and the younger sister of King Henry the 8. Queene Mary bearing that Iane was proclaim'd Queen begain to rowse raised an Army and was first proclaimed in the City of Norwich her powers still increasing she made towards London where all supplies forsocke the Lady Iane so that she with her husband and father and the Lord Thomas Gray with others were beheaded The Queene ceases all the protestant Bishops and Clergie to bee degraded suspended or imprisoned She raised againe the Mase and with it masse of misery to this kingdome King Philip of Spaine was contracted to Queene Mary but Sir Thomas Wiat with an Armie opposed it and after much bickering was taken and executed on the Towre●●● The Lady Elizabeth the Queenes sister was wrong●●ly imprisoned and in danger to be put to death Philip King of Spaine was married to Queene Mary with●● Royall solemnity at Winchester the 25 of Iuly Anno 1454. This wofull Land was in those daies a very Achetdima or field of blood the Popes M●reban●s ●●● Church and Commonwealth with holy Water Pax Censors Oyle Spittle Creame Altars Pictures Images ● Crosses Crucifixes Beades Lights Tapers Cand●●● the Breaden god these Romish warres did cost the li●es neere 6000 people that refused them some hanged ●●● burne and diuers others suffering other deaths and ●●ties K. Philip Queen Mary send defiance into France Philip went thither in person besieged the strong ●●● of S t. Quintins and man it but shortly after the English men lost Callice which had beene the King of English Towne 21 yeeres Wherefore Queene Mary tooke ●●● griefe that she● neuer enioyed her life-long after ●●● Callice was lost the 17 of Ianuary and the Queene ●●● at Saint Iames house the 7 of Nouember following ●●● 1558 when she had reigned 5 yeeres 4 moneth●●●● daies she lieth buried as Westminster ELIZABETH QVEENE OF ENGLAND FRANCE and IRELAND Defender of the Faith c. THe griefes the feares the terrors and the toiles The sleights tricks snares that for my life were laid ●pes prisons poysons pistois bloody broyles ●● these incompast me poore harmelesse Mayd ●● I still trusting in my Makers ayde Was still defended by his power diuine ●y glory and my greatnesse was displai'd ●● farre as Sunne and Moone did euer shine Gods mingled Seruice I did re-refine From Romish rubbish and from humane drosse ● yearely made the pride of Spaine decline ●●● and all Belgia I sau'd from losse I was Arts patterne t' Armes I was a Patron I liu'd and dyed a Queene a Maid a Matron Anno Dom. 1558 Nouember 17 Thursday Lady Elizabeth borne at Greenwich second daughter to King Henry the eight sister and heire to the late Queene Mary after shee had by Gods gracious prouience past through many afflictions as scandals calumnations sundry imprisonns ●●● and hazard of her life shee was at the age of 25 yeeres and od dayes crowned Queen of England France and Ireland at Westminster by the hand of Owen Oglethorpe Bishop of Carlielc the 13 of Ianuary The first good worke of hers after her coronation was to reforme and restore and Seruice of God to the Primitiue sincerity and prayer and preaching to be vsed in the English tongue she caused all the bables of Babek and all the Romish rubbish to bee cast out of the Church shee dismissed those Bishops and others of the Clergie as would not be reformed She caused all base momes and coyneste to be supprest and to be no vallue and in their stead she ordained that no coyne but Gold and Siluer shou● passe for current in her Dominions The French King Henry at a ●l●ng was vnfortunately slaine by a Lord named Mountgomery ●●inter of the l●●●nce running into his eye An. 1559. Sorne after the French molest Scotland but by Queene Elizabeths ●yde they were expulsed The Noble Earle of Arraw in Scotland and Ericus King of Sweaden were suuer●● to marry ●●● the Queene which her Maiesty with all princely modesty refused She was after sued to by Henry Duke of Aniou brother to the French King Charles the 9. Anno 1514. The bloody massaker was in France where in the City of Paris only 10000 Protestarts were m●n thered by the Pepists The Irish fell to rebellian vnder the Earle of Tirone which rebellion put England to much cost and trouble Henry Lord Darneley King of Scots most inhumanely murdred Anno 1568 and his Queen Mary assaulted by the oppression of her rebellicus Subiects came into England and was royally welcomed One Thomas Appletree discharging his ●●ce the Queene was in her Barge vpon the Thames the bullet ranne thorow both the Armes of one of her Watermen but the Queene vnderstanding that the shot was by casualtie pardoned the offender Her mercie iustice temperance fortitude magnanimity prudence learning and incomparable wisedome would each of them fill a volume So that neither ●●● vnablenesse of me the writer nor the briefnesse which I am ●●● to in thus abstract can no waies touch the ●em of her vertues wherefore I refer the reader to the great volumes of Hollinsheds story the Reuerend learned Cambden Master speed and others who haue writen more largely of her though all of them are much short of her vnimmitable merits shee ayed the 24 of March 1602 aged 69 y●eeres 6 moneths and 7 dayes she reigned 44 yeeres ●4 months and 7 daies On the 28 of Aprill after shee was buried at Westminster IAMES Of that Name THE FIRST And I. Monarch of the whole Iland of GREAT BRITAINE c. WEre all the flatt'ry of the world in me Great King of hearts Arts great Britaines King Yet all that flattery could not flatter thee Or adde to thy renowne the smallest thing My Muse with truth and freedome dares to sing Thou wert a Monarch lou'd of God and Men. Two famous Kingdomes thou to one didst bring And gau'st lost Britaines name her name agen Thou cansedst Doctors with their learned pen The sacred Bible newly to translate Thy wisdome found the damned powder'd Den That hell had hatcht to ouerthrow thy state And all the world thv Motto must allow The peace makers are blast and so art thou Anno Dom. 1602 March 24 Thursday Iames the first of that name King of England Scotland France Ireland the first King that was ●●● in England since the Norman conquest
were grau'd in Brasse His Fury like a wandring Starre soon gone His Clemency was like a fixed one So that as many lou'd him whilst he liu'd More then so many by his Death are grieu'd The hand of Heauen was onely his support And blest him in the Nobles of his Court To whom his Bounty was exprest so Royall That he these twenty yeeres found none disloyall But as bright Iewels of his Diadem They faithfully soru'd him he honour'd them And as in life they were on him relying So many of them vshered him in dying Richmonds and Linox Duke fiirst led the way Next Dorsets spirit forsooke her house of Clay Then Linox Duke againe Duke Lodwicks brother Was third and good Southampton fourth and her Lord wriothsly next Southamptons Noble sonne The race of his mortality did runne Next dy'd old Charles true honor'd Nottingham The Brooch and honor of his house and name Braue Belsast next his vitall threed was spun And last the Noble Marquesse Hambleto● These in the compasse of one yeere went hence And led the way to their beloued Prince And our deceased Soueraigne quickely went To change earths Pompe for glory permanent Like Phoebus in his Course h'arose and ran His reigne in March both ended and began And as if he had bin a Starre that 's fixt His Rise and Set were but two daies betwixt And once in two and twenty yeeres t is prou'd That the most fixed Stars are something mou'd But in his end his Constancy we finde He had no mutable or wauering minde For that Religion which his tongue and pen Did still defend with God maintaine with men That faith which in his Life he did expresse He in his Death did constantly prosesse His Treasure and his Iewels they were such As I thinke Englands Kings had ne'r so much And still to men of honour and desert His Coffers were as open as his heart Peace Patience Iustice Mercie Pittie These were his Iewels in variety His Treasure alwaies was his Subiects Loue Which they still gaue him as th' effects did pro●●● Which like to Earths contributary streames Paid homage to their Soueraigne Ocean l●●●● He knew that Princes Treasure to be best That 's layd vp in the loyall Subiects brest And onely 't was the riches of the minde To which he couerously was inclinde Thus was he blest in Person blest in State Blest in his first and his in latter date Blest in his education blest in 's learning Blest in his wisdome good and ill discerning Blest in his marriage and in his royall Race But blessed most of all in Gods high grace He did his God deuoutly serue and feare He lou'd him and he held his loue most deare He honour'd and obeyde him faithfully He is his fauour liu'd and so did dye His duty vnto God hee knew the way And meanes to make his Subiects him obey He knew that if he seru'd his God that then He should be seru'd and fear'd and lou'd of men And that if he Gods Statutes did respect That men would feare his Statutes to neglect That his Obedience vpward did bring downe Obedience to his Person and his Crowne He did aduance the good supprest the bad Relieu'd the poore and comforted the sad The Widdow and the orphant fatherlesse He often hath suppll'd in their distresse ●or why to rich and poore to great and small He was a common Father vnto all His affability and Princely parts Made him a mighty Conquerour of Hearts Offenders whom the law of life depriues His mercy pardon'd and preseru'd their liues To prisoners and poore captiues miserie Hee was a Magazine of charity For losses that by sea or fire did come He hath bestowed many a liberall summe Besides for Churches it most plaine appeares That more hath bin repair'd in twenty yeeres Is honour of our God and Sauiours name Then in an hundred yeeres before he came Our ancient famous Vniuersities Diuine and Humane learnings Nurseries Such dewes of orace as the Almighties will Was pleased through those Limbecks to distiil Which spight of Romish rage or Satans hate H●● caul'd the glorious Gospell propogate Our light of learning Iames did still protect them And as a nursirg Father did affect them Thus was Hee for our soutes and bodies health Defender of both Church and Common-wealth For Ireland he hath much reduc'd that nation Churches with land endow'd caus'd much plantation Whereby Ciuility is planted there The Kings obedience and th' Almighties feare These deeds this worthy godly Prince hath done For which he hath perpetuall praises wonne Ah! what a gracious Man of God was this Mercy and Iustice did each other kisse His Affabilitie whilst he did liue Did make all men themselues to him to giue Thus liu'd Great Iames and thus great Iames did dye And dying thus doth li●e Eternally With Honour he did liue and Life forsooke With Patience like a Lambe his death he tooke And leauing Kingly cares and Princely paine He now inherits an Immortall Reigne For royall grieu'd perplexed Maiesty He hath a Crowne of perpetuity For miserable Pompe that 's transitory Hee is aduanc'd to euerlasting glory And as he lou'd and liu'd and dy ' din Peace So he in Peace did quietly decease So let him rest in that most blest condition That 's subiect to no change or intermission Whilst we his seruants of him thus berest With grieued and perplexed hearts are lest But God in mercy looking on our grife Before he gaue the wound ordain'd reliefe Though duteous Sorrow bids vs not forget This cloud of death I wherein our Sunne did set His Sonnes resplendent Maiestie did rise Load stone and Load starre to our hearts and eyes He cleares our drooping spirits he frees our scares And like the Sunne dries vp our dewey teares All those his seruants that lamenting grieue King Charles his Grace and fauour doth releeue But as they seru'd his Father so he will Be their most louing Lord and Soueraigne still As they were first to their Master liuing being dead They are releeued and re-comforted Thus Charity doth in succession runne A Pious Father leaues a godly Sonne Which Sonne his Kingly Gouernment shall passe His Kingdomes Father as his Father was For though great Iames inter'd in earth doth lye Great Charles his brest intombes his memorie And heer 's our comforts midst our discontents Hee 's season'd with his Fathers Documents And as th' Almighty was his shield and speare Protecting him from danger euery where From most vnnaturall foule Conspiracie From Powder-plots and hellish Treachery Whilst he both liu'd and dy'd belou'd renound And Treason did it selfe it selfe confound So I inuoke th' Eternall Prouidence To be to Charles a buckler and defence Supported onely by the Power Diuine As long as Sunne or Moone or Starres shall shine To all that haue Read this Poeme I Boast not but his Maiesty that 's dead Was many times well pleas'd my lines to read And euery line word Syllable and letter
bent Seuere in throats and milde in punishment His iustice would condemne and in a breath His mercy sau'd whom iustice doom'd to death His aduersaries he did ofe relieue And his reuenge was onely to forgiue He knew that well got honour nere shall die But make men liue vnto eternitie It as his greatest riches he esteem'd And Infamy he basest begg'ry deem'd He knew through worthy spirits may be croft Yet if they lose no honour nothing's lost And those that haue afraid of enuy bin True honour or good fame did neuer win If he an auaritio●s mind had bore Of wealth no subiect then had had such store So many yeeres Englands high Admirall Fees offices and prizes that did fall With gifts and fauors from the queene and State And other things amounting to a rate That had he beene a mixer close of hand No subiect had beene richer in this Land In deeds of pitty and ture charity Good house-keeping and hospitality Bounty and courteous affability He was the Brooch of true Nobility And for these vertues men shall scarcely find That he a fellow here hath left behind He knew that Auarice and Honour be Two contraries that neuer will agree And that the Spender shall haue true renowne When infamy the Mizers fame shall drowne He euery way most nobly was inclin'd And lou'd no wealth but riches of the mind His Pleasure was that those that did retaine To him and serue should by him thriue and gain● And he thought t' was enough for him to haue When as his seruants did both get and saue So amongst Nobles I think few are such That keepes so little giues away so much His latest VVill did make it plaine appeare The loue which to his seruants he did beare To great and small amongst them more or lesse His bounty did expresse his worthynesse To all degrees that seru'd him euery one His liberality excepted none And though base Enuy often at him strooke His fortitude was like a Rocke vnshooke He knew that Fortunes changing was not strange Times variation could not make him change The frothy pompe of Earths Prosperity Nor enuious clouds of sad aduersity Within his minde could no mutation strike His courage and his carriage were alike For when base Peasants shrinke at fortunes blowes Then magnimity most richly showes His grauity was in his life exprest His good example made it manifest His age did no way make his vertue liue But vertue to his age did honour giue So that the loue he wan t is vnderstood T was not for being old but being good Thus like a pollish'd Iewell ' mongst his Peers His vertue shin'd more brighter then his yeers For Wisdome euer this account doth make To loue age onely but for vertues sake Neere ninety yeeres an honoured life he led And honour 's his reward aliue and dead For who so nobly heer his life doth frame Shall for his wages haue perpetuall fame His meditations hee did oft apply How he might learne to liue to learne to dye And dy to liue and reigne in glorious state Which changing time can ne'r exterminate And therefore long his wisdome did forecast How he might best reforme offences past Order things present things to come foresee Thus would his latter yeeres still busied be He saw his Sand was neer runne out his Glasse And wisely pondred in what state he was His waning yeeres his body full of anguish Sense failing spirits drooping force to languish The ruin'd cottage of weake flesh and blood Could not long stand his wisdome vnderstood He saw his tyde of life gan ebbe so low Past all expectance it againe should flow He knew his pilgrimage would soone expire And that from whence he came he must retire Old age and weake infirmities contend Mans dissolution warnes him of his end He knew all these to be deaths messengers His Calends Pursiuants and Harbingers And with a Christian conscience still he mark'd He in his finall voyage was imbark'd Which made him skilfully his course to steere The whilst his iudgment was both sound cleare To that blest Hauen of eternall rest Where he for euer liues among the blest He did esteeme the world a barren field The nought but snares tares and cares did yeeld And therefore he did sow his hopes in heauen Where plentious encrease to him is giuen Thus was the period of his lifes expence The Noble Nottingham departed hence Who many yeeres did in his Countries right In peace and warre successefull speake and fight Our oldest Garter Knight and Counsellor And sometimes Britaines great Ambassador Now vnto you suruiuers you that be The Branches of this honourable Tree Though Verses to the dead no life can giue They may be comforters of those that liue We know that God to man hath life but lent And plac'd it in his bodies tenement And when for it againe the Landlord cals The Tenant must depart the Cottage fals God is most iust and he will haue it knowne That he in taking life takes but his owne Life is a debt which must to God be rendred And Natures retribution must be tendred Some pay in youth and some in age doe pay But t is a charge that all men must defray For t is the lot of all mortality When they being to liue begin to dye And as from sin to sin we wander in So death at last is wages for our sinne He neither hath respect to sex or yeares Or hath compassion of our sighes nor teares He 'll enter spight of bars or bolts or locks And like a bold intruder neuer knockes To Kings and Caiti●●es rich poore great and small Death playes the tyrant and destroyes them all He calls all creatures to account most strict And no mans power his force can contradict We must perforce be pleas'd with what he leaues vs And not repine at ought which he ber●anes vs. Hee 's lawlesse and ●s folly to demand Amends or restitution at his hand He doth deride the griefe of those that mourne And all our fraile afflictions laugh to scorne For hee condemnes and neuer heares the cause He takes away despight the power of Iawes Yet hee our vassall euer doth remaine From our first birth vnto our graue againe And God doth in his seruice him employ To be the bad mans terrour good mans toy Death is the narrow doore to life eternall Or else the broad gate vnto death internall But our Redeemer in his spotlesse offering Did lead the way for vs to heauen by suffering He was the death of death when he did die Then Death was swallow'd vp so victory And by his rising blessed soules shall rue And dwell in the celestial Paradise For these respects you whose affinity Propinquity or consanguinity Whose blood or whose alliance challenge can A part in this deceased Noble man The law of Nature and affection moues That griefe and sorrow should expresse your loues He was your secondary maker and Your authors earthly being and
and be Tombd with him together Sonnets 3. FRom two strong Iailes thy corps ●on●● acquitted The one compact of flesh and bloud and bone The other vnrelenting sencelesse stone By God to one by man to one committed I euer did expect a happy time When thou shouldst shake by bondage from thy backer I euer hop'd that thy vnwilling crime Would be forgot and thou secur'd from wracke For this I wish'd and prat'd both day and night I onely aym'd to haue thy body freed But heau'n beyond my reason had decreed Soule body both at once to free thee quite Thou in thy life hast past a world of trouble But death from double Iailes hath freed thee double Sonnet 4. COrruption Incorruption hath put on Immortall weake mortality is made Earths wo hath gain'd a happy heauenly throne By death life dyes by life deaths force doth fade Though death kill life yet life doth conquer death Death but puts off our Rags of shame and ●ine When for a moment's an eternall breath Life passing through the dore of death doth win This thou well knowst my much beloued friend And therefore thou didst dare death to his worst But he much busied could not thee attend Or durst not till thy cares thy heart had burst And then the slaue came stealing like a thiefe And 'gainst his will did giue thy woes reliefe Sonnet 5. THou fortunes foot-ball whom she vs'd to tosse From wrong to wrong from wo to wo againe From griefe rebounding backe to pinching paine As 't please the blind-fold Dame to blesse or crosse But thou vnmou'd with either gaine or losse Nor ioy nor care could vexe they constant braine Thou smil'dst at all her buffets with disdaine And all her fauours thou esteem'dst as drosse Her and her Fauorites thou still didst deeme Iust as they are not as they seeme to be Her Minions all as fooles thou didst esteeme And that 's the cause she would not fauour thee Then since such reck'ning she of fooles doth make Would thou hadst beene one for her fauours fake Sonnet 6. T Is written in the euer liuing Word The Rule and Square that men should liue thereby Afflictions are the tuch-stones of the Lord. By which he onely doth his seruants try Then Noble Moray thou hadst many a tuch And still the patience good and currant prou'd Thy manly carriage in thy griefs were such Which made thee more then much admir'd and lou'd What yeer what month week day or fading houre Wherein some mischiefe did thee not befall Yet had Affliction ouer thee no power To conquer thee but thou didst conquer all Vnnumbred times thou wast both toucht and tri'd And in thy Makers feare and fauour dy'd Sonnet 7. VVEep heart weepe eyes weep my vnable pen In teares of blood of water and lake With bread of sorrow and afflictions drinke I liue for I haue lost a man of men Yet heart eyes pen dry vp your teares agen He is not lost he 's rather newly found Enfranchis'd from a dolefull theeuish den And with a rich Immortall Crowne is crownd Then hart eies pen no more with teares be drownd Weepe not for him that doth reioyce for euer Yet this againe my comfort doth confound Hee 's lost to mee and I shall find him neuer Then weep Muse heart eies pen lament and weep● My ioyes are buried in eternall sleepe Sonnet 8. SLeepe gentle spirit in Eternall rest Free from all heart-tormenting sorrow sleepe Whilst I doe vent from my care-crazed brest Hart-wondring sighs that there their mansion keep●● And let my grones from out that Cauerne deepe With lamentations and cloud-cracking thunder And let mine eyes an Inundation weepe Let sighs grones teares make all the world to wonder I meane my little Microcosmo world Sigh stormes grone thunder weep a floud of teares● Through eu'ry part of me let griefe be hurld That whosoeuer my lamenting heares May mone with me the cause of this my Ditty Or if not mone with me vonchsafe to pitty Sonnet 9. SInce cursed fates haue fatally decreed To tosse and tumble harmelesse Innocence And all the crue of hels abortiue breed Haue glutted Enuies maw by lawes defence Yet God whose knowledge knows the least offence Who all things sees with his all-searching eye Doth with his glorious great omnipotence Right wronged wrongs heares his seruants cry His mercie 's not immur'd within the sky But freely he doth powre it downe on earth He with afflictions scourge his sonnes doth try And when he pleases turnes their mone to mirth And though man liues in care and dies in sorrow A heauy euening brings a ioyfull morrow Sonnet 10. WEll hast thou runne in this ●y weary race Well hast thou fought with Satan hand to hād Th' ast won the Goale and gain'd the blessed Land That 's neither limitted with time or place There thou attendest on the th●●●●●●e of Grace There Angels and Archangels sweetly sing Eternall praises to th' eternall King And see the glorious brightnesse of his face All this I doubt not but thou w●ll hast done Not of thy selfe with shamefull sinne pollated But thy Redeemer hath the co●●iest wonne And vnto thee the victorie's imputed He paid the score and cancell'd all thy bands And gaue thee to his blessed Fathers hands Sonnet 11. NOw may you theeuing Poets filch and steale Without controlement breaking Priscians pate For he that whilom could your theft reueale Your Criticke and your Hypercriticke late Now may you cog and lye and sweare and prate And make your idle verses lame and halt For by the pow'r of euiternall Fate Hee 's gone that could and would correct each fault But you haue greatest cause to moane his want You sacred heau'nly Sisters three times thrice He from your Gardens could all weeds supplant And replant fruites and flowres of pecrelesse price He kept vnbroke your Numbers Tipes Tropes But now hee 's dead dead are your onely hopes Sonnet 12. AS Solon to rich haplesse Croesus said No man is happy till his life doth end The proofe in thee so piainly is displaid As if he thy Natiuity had kend What mortall miseries could mischiefe send But thou therein hast had a treble share As if Calamities their powers should bend To make thy Corps a treasure-house of care Yet fell Aduersity thou didst out-dare And valiantly 'gainst stormes of woe resisted Loue of the world they minde could not insnare Thou knewst wherein the best of best consisted And as old Solon said so I agree Death makes men happy as it hath done thee Sonnet 13. NO 〈…〉 Trophee Vertue needes And good report a marble Tombe out-weares ●●●●● plaies the Herald proclaimes mens deeds Her Trumps Thrill sound the spacious world heares And such an vniuersall Tombe hast thou Borne on the tops of thousand thousand tongs Thy liuing merit doth thy name allow A Monument for euer which belongs To none but such as whilom was thy selfe Who vs'd the world as if they vs'd it not And did
acknowledge misbegorten pelfe Must like the getters of it rust and rot And such a liuing Tombe thy Corps inherit A good report according to thy merit Sonnet 14. HAd I the skill of Homer Maro Naso Or had I that Admir'd ornated stile Of Petrark or the braue Italian Tasso I could not ouermuch thy praise compile But as I am alas and woe the while A poore vnlearned silly simple swaine At whose attempt the world with scorn will smile And flout th'vnshapen issne of my braine But duty bids me lanch into this Maine Though my performance be but weake of store Yet worthy mindes this goodnesse doe retaine Not to despise the seruice of the poore I lou'd him liuing and my loue to show My least and last poore loue I heere bestow FINIS A FVNERALL ELEGY DEPLORING THE DEATH OF THE TRVE Patterne Patrone and mirrour of Honour the Right Honorable Lord IOHN RAMSEY Lord Discount HADINGTON Earle of HOLDERNESSE Who departed this life on Tuesday the 24 of Ianuary last and was buried in the Abby-Church of Westminster on Tuesday the last of February following Haee dextra vindex Principis Patriae An A R M E and hand well ARM'D With HEAV'NLY might That gripes a iust drawne SWORD thrust through a HEART Adorned with a ROYALL DIADEM This and this Motto was his owne by right Giuen by his SOVERAIGNE for his iust desert And in his Coate of ARMES inserted them His right Hand did reuenge and ouer came His Prince and Countries foes and purchas'd fame TO THE RIGHT HONOVRABLE and vertuous Lady the LADY MARTHA Countesse of Holdernesse RIght Honoured Madame to your noble view These lines of greife with griefe I dedicate Not that I would your cares a fresh renew Or any way your sorrowes aggrauate Of you put please to reade what I relate My hope is that your grieued heart shall finde Some things that may your woe extenuate And adde some comfort to your care-craz'd minde And as you still haue nobly beene inclin'd To beare with Christian patience euery crosse So be that Vertue still to you combinde Supporting you to vndergoe this losse Thus crauing pardon I the heau'ns implore To make your sorrowers lesse your comfort more IOHN TAYLOR A Sonnet of true and notable obseruations vpon feuen seuerall Teuesdayes VPon a Tuesday hee his Birth beganne Vpon a Tuesday he his baptism● had Vpon a Tuesday hee his Honour ● anne Vpon the Gowries whose intents were bad Vpon a Tuesday hee at first did wed The Noble Sussex daughter who deceast Vpon a Tuesday then hee married Sir William Cockains C●alde by heau'ns behest Vpon a Tuesday hee d●ataste Deaths Cup And to his blest Redeemer gaue his spirit Vpon a Tuesday hee was closed vp Within his Tombe which doth his Corp● inherit Thus vpon Tuesdaies 't was his lot to haue Birth Baptisme Honor two Wiues Death Graue A FVNERALL ELEGY YOu Poets all where is your Art become Are you all tong-ti'd ar your Muses duin Or are your sorrows in your brests so shut That you your pens to paper cannot put Can neither duty or your loue expresse The lamentable losse of Holdernesse Alas I know that you doe know his Worth Was farre beyond your skils to blazon forth And that when you had done what could be done It had beene as a Taper to the Sunne He was an Ocean for whose sake I know A dry inuention may with plenty flowe He was a well manured fertile field Which to a barren wit would haruest yeeld He was a Subiect of transcendent size Beyond each vulgar pen to Poetize And though I know my selfe vnworthy farre With my poore Glow-worme Muse t' attend this Starre Yea though I cannot as I would endite Attribute here I offer vp my mite Which in his Noble Treasury I throw My latest Duty that I can bestow And well I hope these lines of m●ne shall last When as his Tombe by Time shall be de●ac'd Yea though I had no hope to hue so long To write his Epicedia● or Deaths song Yet since God so decrees this Elegie My duty loue and thankes shall testifie How can the World but be in Honour poore Since it in losing him hath lost such store Or how can Vertue hope to liue and thriue Hee 's dead whose life preserued her aliue Religion was his Tutresse and his Matron And vnto her he was a zealous Patron Tru● Charity belou'd with him did liue And to the poore his Glory was to giue Yet was his bounty from the world so hid His right hand know not what his left hand did So that his carriage and his Noble parts Iustly deseru'd and firmely kept mens hearts That his true praise great Britaines Bounds did fill And no man e're had cause to wish him ill His merits through Heau'ns fauour did afford That Heldernesse had euery mans good word For though the world doth vndergoe this curse That euery day it waxeth worse and worse He had a Noble and a Christian way Whereby his life was better'd euery day For to his end eu'n from his dayes of youth His time did sade but goodnesse still had growth So as his life did weare his Vertue grew And Grace did daily still more Grace renew Hee was no diuing Politician Or proiect-seeking Monopolitan Hee ne'r prouok'd the silly orphants cryes Nor fill'd with teares the woefull widdowes eyes But as his Princes fauour he did merit Hee vs'd it with such modesty of Spirit That though he might almost haue what he would Yet in such bounds he his demaunds did hold Which Honour and his Conscience did restraine That Prince or people neuer could complaine So as his life was all good mens content His death doth generally make all lament Much like a fruitfull piece of land well till'd Or as a Box with precious oyntment fill'd Eu'n so his Actions and his Conuersation Pleasd pleasur'd and much honour'd all our Nation And though that Honours doe change mannees much Yet sure in him th' effects were neuer such Though merit and the kings benignity Did raise him vnto Noble dignity Though he in Titles was promoted high Yet still his minde retain'd Humility That though desert had made his honours more His minde was rais'd no higher then before Promotion with humility combind A losty Title and a lowly minde These Vertues are exceeding great and rare And not by many men possessed are And yet in him these gifts were so apparent As if they had beene naturall inherent For had he beene with loue of Pride endowd He had the means that might haue made him proud Hee ne'r esteem'd Court complementing bubbles Nor car'd hee for the flattring Knee that doubles Hee knew it was Ambitions onely end To mount vp higher when it seemes to bend And therefore he these frothy toyes did shunne Not fit for men but Monkeyes to be done And in his actions shew'd himselfe to be Full of plaine honest true integrity He euery way himselfe did so demeane That from his
haruest good and bad might gleane Instructions to direct and good directions How to instruct their follies fond affections No doubt but God did him preordinate To be a speciall blessing to the State By constellation and Heau'ns Influence Mark'd for remarked seruice for his Prince For all his youth almost to manly age He was to Royall Iames a trusty Page When as his conuersation and behauiour Gain'd and retain'd his Soueraignes speciall sauour In our Redemptions sixteenth hundred yeare Then did his seruice happily appeare Then did he proue himselfe Heau'ns instrument His Gracious Masters murther to preuent Vpon that day of famous memory Of Gowries wracke and blacke Conspiracy That day of note which ne'r shall be forgot That fist of August 't was his lucky lot To kill a brace of Traytors at the time When as they were in action of the crime For when the younger brother of the twaine In murd'rous manner would the king haue slaine When nothing could his treachery diuert But that he vowd to stabbe his Soueraignes heart The Whilst the King and hee with eager will Were striuing one to saue and one to kill So long that bustling both 'twixt life and death They both were tyr'd and almost out of breath The king like Daniel in the Lyons Den As 't were by miracle preserued then Then Noble Ramsey was by God appointed To saue his Soueraigne and the Leras Ano●●ted For he by Gods direction found a way Where they were feussting and without delay He strait made Alexander Remthen feele The force and fury of reuenging steele For with three stabs he did the Traytor wound And cast him downe the staires an Act renown'd When strait Earle Gowry found his brother slaine With two drawn swords ran vp the staires amaine Well-knowing of his lifes approaching date Infus'd with rage and madnesse desperate Laying about him like a demy-Diuell With purpose to conclude his last act euill With many a furious stroke and ill-meant thrust He madly did his best to doe his worst Whilst this deceased Lord a Bulwarke stood And wounded Nobly spent his Noble blood And with a thrust most fortunate and fierce He with his sword the Earles heart through did pierce This happy seruice of most high esteeme Was but his duty as himselfe did deeme Yea though it was an action meritorious Yet selfe-opinion made him not vaine-glorious To arme or sword did he no praise impute Nor to his courage stoure and resolute But thanking God that had him so directed Whereby this worthy seruice was effected Attributing all praise and Maiestie To God that made him meanes of victorie Thus he like one of Dauids Worthies then Gain'd at one time the loue of God and men Of God for his humility of heart Of men for his good seruice and desert Consider you these mournefull lines that read Thinke but how much true Noblenesse is dead Which hauing pondred well who can forbeare But for his lofle to spend a sigh or teare For all that lou'd King Iames must likewise loue Him whose good seruice did so faithfull proue Who lou'd his master so that men might see That from him long he could not sundred be And as he truely on him here attended So knowing him to higher state ascended To make his loyalty the more appeare He left this world to wait vpon him there Each honest Britaine in his losse hath share The griefe is vniuersall and the care Hath tane possession of both high and low Eu'n from the Royall Throne vnto the Plough The King hath lost a seruant true and iust ●● whom he might reposc especiall trust And his companions Peeres haue lost a friend Whose vertues very few men could transcend His honourable Countesse she hath lost The comfort where her ioy consisted most His Nobles father ' in lawes are full of griefe And are in sorrowes equall with the chiefe His worthy honour'd brethren are possest With each of them a sad and grieued brest And From his seruants death a Lord hath tane Whose like they haue no hope to finde againe His kindred all are fill'd with sad laments His friends are fraught with woe and discontents His friends say I alas he had no foes And therefore all are partners in these woes I in particular am now depriu'd Of him who formerly when he suruiu'd Did cause King Iames of his especiall grace On me desertlesse to bestow a place Which makes me in these poore sad lines expresse My loue my duty and my thankefulnesse Thus as the waues each other hath in chase So is our life in this our mortall race Through many changes from natiuity We gaine our manhood or maturitie And this deare Lord before his Winters age At mid-time was abridg'd his Pilgrimage Yet to the world it very plaine appeares His age was more in goodnesse then in yeeres Thus euery one may for his losse complaine All losers onely Heau'n and he did gaine His mortall race hee heere so well did runne That good report and loue his life hath wonne The glorious hoast of Heau'n hath gain'd a spirit Through his firme faith in his Redeemers merit And he an earthly Earledome hath forgone For true content and an immortall Throne He liu'd the life of Grace whilst he was heere And therefore hath the life of Glory there He through th' assistance of his Makers might Hath fought a good a valiant Christian fight And now inshrin'd in euerlasting blisse He from his house of Clay aduanced is His course he ranne so in this vale of strife That he hath wonne and weares a Crowne of life Of true eternall happinesse possest Whilst we with cares and sorrowes are opprest FINIS IOHN RAMSEYE Anagramma HONER'S I AYME MY HONER'S AYE TO VERTVE and to HONOVR once in Rome Two stately Temples there erected was Where none might vnto Honours Temple come But first through VERTVES Temple they must passe Which was an Emblem and a Document That men by vertue must true honour winne And that that HONOVR shall be permanent Which onely did from Vertue first beginne Thus was this Noble Lords high Honour wonne Through Vertue and by Vertue it increas'd And though his mortall Pilgrimage be done Yet shall his Honour neuer bee deceast And as for him his Anagrams doe say HONER'S I AYME Therefore MY HONER'S AYE THE WATER-CORMORANT DEDICATED TO GENTLEMEN AND THOSE THAT ARE GENTLE Which nay scene fearce or Printers ●●● worke when a ●●●●●● into the Proffe yet Cormorant oppresse and therefore worthy to the prest but mu Cormorant hath neither ●●● his ●●●●●●●● ●● smooth the fai of the ●●● wor stoped his mouth to ●●●●●●●● tuous I have thought good to sympathze ●●● and I haue done my best to handle it in a fatable ●●●● The Cormorant is nost castly unduced to ass●●●● nor I to stattery J. s best serunce is harsh and vnsectable so is my style His biting is sharpe and percing so is my phrase His thro●●● wide and spacious my subiect is spa●●ous His
this reading thou mayest be allur'd To turne thy tide of life another way And to amendment all thy thoughts incline And to thy rebell will no more obey But seeke by vertuou● actions to combine Fame to thy Friends and terror to thy foe And say 't was friendly counsell told thee so Satyre THis childish Anticke doating pie-bald world Through which y e Diuel all black sins hath hurld Hath beene so long by wickednesse prest downe From y e ●reeze Plow swaine to th' Imperiall crown We haue so long in vice accustom'd beene That nothing that is wicked lookes like sin The glistring Courtier in his gaudie tire Scornes with his heeles to know his russet Sire The petrifogging Lawyer crammes vp Crownes From hobnaild Boores sheep skin country clown The gaping greedie g●●iping Vsurer● The Sonne of Hell and Sathans treasurer The base ex●orting black sould bribing Broaker The Bane of Mankind and his Countries choaker The helhound whelpes the shoulder-clapping Seriant That cares not to vndoe the world for Argent The Post knight that will sweare away his soule Though for the same the Law his eares doe powle The smoakie black-lung p●f● Tobaccount Whose ioy doth in Tobacco sole consid The cholericke G●●l that 's ●angled with a Drab And in her quarrell will his Father stab The baudie drie boand ●●cherous Baboone Would ●aine repent ●●●●●● it is too soone The riming ●●●●●● would be a Poet But that the ●●●●●● not wit to shew it The wrinckled ●●● and dim'd v●●●melian whore That buyes and sels the poxe to ●●●●●●●●● slore The greasie eauesdropping do●●●●●● Pander That with a Punke to any man will wander The conveatching shister steales most briefe And when hee 's hang'd heel c●ase to be a thiefe The drousie Drunkard will ●●● and ●●● Till like a hog he tumble in his dr●●st● Besides there 's diuers other Hell bo●ne sinnes As some great men are wra●t in M●sers skin●es For feare of whose dislike I ●●● old me still And not bumbast them with my Ganders quill Consider with thy selfe Good Reader then That here thou hu'st amongst those wicked men Who on this earthly stage together keepe Like Muggots in a Putrified sheepe Whose damned dealing● blacke confusion brings By the iust iudgement of the King O. Kings Pastorall Equiuokes or a Shepheards complaint I That haue trac'd the mountaines vp and downe And pip't and chanted Songs and pleasant layes The whil'st my flocks haue frisk't it on the downe Now blinded Loue my sportiue pleasure layes I that on greenie grasse could lay me downe And sleepe as soundly as on beds of downe I then was free from loues all wounding blow My Ewes and Lambs then merrily could fold I car'd not then which way the wind did blow Nor had I cause with griefe my armes to infold I fear'd not Winters frost nor Summers Sunne And then was I a happy mothers sonne I then could haunt the Market and the Fayre And in a trolicke humour leape and spring Till she whose beautie did surpasse all fayre Did with her frosty necenesse nip my Spring Then I alas alas vnhappy I Was made a captiue to her scornefull eye When loues fell shaft within my breast did light Then did my Cock horse pleasure all alight Lou's fierie flames Eclipsed all my light And she vnkinde weyd all my woes too light Oh then my merry dayes away did hie VVhen I so low did dore on one so hie Her beautie which did make Loues Queene a Crow Whose whi●e did shame the Lilly red the Rose When Ph●bus messenger the Cocke did crow Each morne when from his Antipods he rose Despight of gates and barres and bolts and locks Hee 'd kisse her face and guild her golden locks Which makes my rest like those that restlesse be Like one that 's hard pursu'd and cannot flye Or like the busie buzzing humming Bee Or like the fruitlesse nought respected Flye That cuts the subtill ayre so swift and fast Till in the Spiders w●b hee 's tangled fast As blustring Borcas rends the loftie Pine So her vnkindnesse rends and reaues my heart I weepe I waile I sigh I groane I pine I inward bleed as doth the wounded Hart. She that alone should onely wish me well Hath drown'd my ioyes in Sorrowes ioylesse well The ruthlesse Tyger and the Sauage Beare All Beasts and Birds of prey that haunt the Wood In my laments doe seeme some part to beare But onely she whose feature makes me wood As barbing Autumne robs the trees of leaues Her storme like soorne me void of comfort leaues No castle Fort no Rampier or strong Hold But loue will enter without law or leaue Fot where affections force hath taken hold There lawlesse loue will such impression leaue That Gods nor men nor fire eath water winde From loues strait lawes can neither turne nor winde Then since my haplesse haps falls out so hard Since all the fates on me their anger powre Since my laments and moanes cannot be heard And she on me shews her commanding power What then remaines but I dissolue in teares Since her disdaines my heart in pieces teares Dye then sad heart in sorrowes prison pend Dye face that 's colour'd with a deadly dye Dye hand that in her praise hath Poems pend Heart Face and hand haplesse and helpelesse dye Thou Serieant Death that rests and tak'st no bale 'T is onely thou must ease my bitter bale This said he sigh'd and sell into a sound That all the Hils and Groues neighbouring Plains The Ecchoes of his groanings seem'd to sound With repercursion of his dying plaines And where in life he scorned councell graue Now in his death he rests him in his graue Epitaph HEere lies ingrau'd whose life fell death did sack● Who to his graue was brought vpon a Beere For whom let all men euer mourne in Sacke Or else remember him in Ale or Beere He who in life Loues blinded God did lead Now in his death lyes heere as cold as lead Sonnet In trust lyes Treason THe fowlest friends assume the fairest formes The fairest Fields doth feed the soulest road The Sea at calm'st most subiect is to stormes In choyfest fruit the cauker makes aboad So in the shape of all belieuing trust Lyes toad-inucnom'd-●reason coached close Till like a storme his trothlesse thoughts out burst Who canker-like had laine in trusts repose For as the Fire within the Flint confinde In deepest Ocean still vnquencht remaines Euen so the false through tru●st seeming minde Despight of truth the treason still retaines Yet maugre treason trust deserueth trust And trust suruiues when treason dyes accurst Death with the foure Elements Two infant-twinnes a Sister and a Brother When out of dores was gone their carefull Sire And left his babes in the keeping with their Mother Who merrily sate singing by the fire Who hauing fill'd a tub with water warme She bath'd her girle O ruthlesse tayle to tell The whilst she thought the other safe from harme Vnluckily into the fire
Bottle Bag Pipe Dog and all Shall breed no iarres in Westminsters great Hall Peace and tranquility was all his life And dead his goods shall breed no cause of strife Thus Shepheards haue no places meanes or times To fall into these hell-deseruing crimes Which Courtiers Lawyers Tradesmen men of arms Commit vnto their soules and Bodies harmes And from the Shepheards now I le turne my stile To sundry sorts of sheepe another while The Lambs that in the Iewes passeouer dy'd Were figures of the Lambe● that 's crucifi'd Esa. 53.7 And Esay doth compare our heauenly food 1. Ioh. 1.29 T'● Sheepe which dumb before the shearer stood Whose death and merits did this title win The Lambe of God which freed the world from sin LAMBE Anagram's BLAME LAMBE Anagram's BALME The Anagram's of Lambe is Blame and Balme And Christ the Lambe Vpon him tooke our Blame His precious Blood Gods heauy wrath did calme ' I'was th' onely Blame for Sinne to cure the same All power and praise and glory be therefore Ascribed to the Lambe for euermore And in the threescore nineteenth Psalme we read That like a Sheepe our God doth Ieseph lead Againe of vs he such account doth keepe That of his Paffure we are called Sheepe And euery day we doe confesse almost That we haue err'd and stray'd like Sheepe that 's lest Our Saueour that hath bought our Soules so deare Hath said his Sheepe his voice will onely heare And Thrice did Christ vnto Saint Peter call In which he spake to his Disciples all Iab 21.15.16 If you doe loue me feed my Sheepe quoth he And feed my Lambs well if you doe loue me Moreouer in the final Iudgement day There is the right hand and the left hand way Whereas the sheepe he to himselfe doth gather With saying Come Ye blessed of my Father c And to the Goats in his consuming ire He bids Depars into eternall fire Thus our Redeemer and his whole elect The name of Sheepe held euer in respect And the comparison holds reference To profit and to harmelesse innocence For of all beasts that euer were or are None can for goodnesse with a Sheepe compare Indeed for bone and burthen I must grant He 's much inferiour to the Elephant The Dromedarie Camell Horse and Asse For loade and carriage doth a Sheepe surpasse Strong Taurus Eunuch sonne the labouring Oxe The stately Stagge the bobtaild craftie Foxe These and all rauenous beasts of prey must yeeld Vnto the Sheepe the honour of the field An Oxe is the Eunuch sonne of a Bull. I could recount the names of many more The Lyon Vnicorne the Beare and Bore The Wolfe the Tyger the Rhinoscerot The Leopard and a number more I woe But all these greedie Beasts great Ouids pen Doth say are metamorphos'd into men For Beast to Beast afford more conscience can And much lesse cruelty than man to man I le therefore let such Beasts be as they be For feare they Kicke and snap and snarle at me ●● Vnto the Sheepe againe my Muse doth flye For honest safetie and commoditie He with his flesh and fleece doth feed and clad All Languages and Nations good and bad What can it more but dye that we may liue And euery yeare to vs a liuery giue 'T is such a bountie and the charge so deepe That nothing can afford the like but Sheepe For should the world want Sheepe but 5. whole yere Ten thousand millions would want cloathes to And wer 't not for the flesh of this kind beast weare The world might fast when it doth often feast There 's nothing doth vnto a Sheepe pertaine But'tis for mans commoditie and gaine For men to men so much vntrusty are Tolye to couzen to forsweare and sweare That oathes and passing words and ioyning heads Is like assurance written in the sands To make men keepe their words and mend all this The silly Sheepe skin turn'd to parchment is There 's many a wealthy man whose whole tstate Lyes more in Parchment then in coyne or Plate Indentures Leafes Euidenoes Wills Bonds Contracts Records Obligations Bils With these although the sherpeskin is bat weake It binds men strongly that they dare not breake B●● if man eates Spiders no. v and then The oyle of Parchment cures him oftagen And what rare stuffes which in the world are fram'd Can be value like to Parchment nam'd The richest cloth of gold that can befound A yard of it was nere worth fiftie pound And I haue seene two foot of Sheepeskin drest Which hath bin worth ten thousand pounds at least A peece of parchment well with Inke Iac'd ouer Helps many a gallant to a Sattin couer Into the Mercer it some Faith doth strike It giues the Silkeman Hope of no dislike The Taylor it with Charitie assailes It thrusts him last betwixt his Bill and Vailes And by these meanes a piece of parchment can Patch vp and make a Gull a Gentleman The Nature of it very strange I finde 'T is much like Physicke it can loose and binde 'T is one mans freedome and anothers noose And like the Pope it doth both binde and loose If the Taylors Bill be out of measure to the Gentleman then be can make a fit measure for him with his owne bond And as the Ram and Ewe doe fructifie And euery yeare a Lambe doth multiply So doth a sheepe-skin Bond make money breed And procreate as seed doth spring from seed ●● hundred pounds the Ewe which euery yeare Doth breed a ten pound Lambe all charges cleare A Bond is the Ewe the borrower and lender are both Rams and the Interest is the Lambe Thus is a sheepe-skin prou'd the onely Tie And stay whereon a world of men relye Which holds a crew of Earth wormes kin more awe Then both the Tables of the sacred Law Past number I could many functions name Who as 't is parchment liue vpon the fame But 't is sufficient this small homely touch Should all be writ my Booke would swell too much Now for the Ram the Ewe the Lambe and Weather I le touch their skins as they are turn'd to Leather And made in Purses Pouches Laces Strings Gloues Points Book Couers ten thousand things And many Tradesmen line and thriue thereby Which if I would I more could amplifie Their Guts serue Instruments which sweetly found Their Dung is best to make most fruitfull ground Their Hoofes burnt will most venom'd Serpents kill Their grated Hornes are good 'gainst poyson still Their Milke makes Cheese mans hunger to preuent As I haue seen in suffex and in Keut Their Trotters for the healthy or the sicke Drest as they should be are good meat to picke The Cookes and Butchers with the Ioints doe gaine And poore folkes eate the Gather Head and braine And though all wise mens iudgement will allow A Sheepe to be much lesser then a Cow Yet in a Leg of Mutton I can see More meat then in a leg of Beefe can be A liue Sheepe
for it is walled and ditched about with a draw-bridge and the prisoner came on foote with a Diuine with him all the way exhorting him to repentance and because death should not terrifie him they had giuen him many rowses and carowses of wine and beere for it is the custome there to make such poore wretches drunke wherby they may be sencelesse eyther of Gods mercy or their owne misery but being prayed for by others they themselues may die resolutely or to be feared desperately But the prisoner being come to the place of death he was by the officers deliuered to the hangman who entring his strangling fortification with two grand hangmen more and their ● which were come from the City of Lu●● and another Towne which I cannot name to assist their Hamburghian brother in this great ●● weightie worke the draw-bridge was drawne ●d the Prisoner mounted on a mount of ●● built high on purpose that the people without may see the execution a quarter of a mile round about foure of the Hangmans men takes each of them a small halter and by the hands and the feet they hold the Prisoners extended all abroad lying on his backe then the Arch-hangman or the great Master of this mighty businesse tooke vp a wheele much about the bignesse of one of the fore-wheeles of a Coach ●● hauing put off his doubler his hat and being in his shirt as if he meant to play at tennis he tooke the wheele and set it on the edge and ●● it with one hand like a top or a whirligig then he tooke it by the spoakes and lifting it vp with a mightie stroake he beate one of the poore wretches leggs in peeces the bones I meane at which he rored grieuously then after a little pawse he breakes the other leg in the same manner and consequently breakes his armes and then he stroke foure or fiue maine blowes on his brest and burst all his bulke and che●● in shiuers lastly he smoate his necke and missing burst his chin and iawes to mammockes then he tooke the broken mangled corps and spread it on the wheele and thrust a great post or pile into the Naue or hole of the wheele and then fixed the post into the earth some sixe foot deepe beeing in height aboue the ground some ten or twelue foote and there the carkasse must lye till it bee consumed by all consuming time or rauening Fowles This was the terrible manner of this horrid execution and at this place are twenty posts with those wheeles or peeces of wheeles with heads of men nailed on the top of the posts with a great spike driuen through the skull The seuerall kinds of torments which they inflict vpon offenders in those parts makes mee to imagine our English hanging to be but a flea-biting Moreouer if any man in those parts are to be beheaded the fashion is that the P●soner kneels downe and being blinded with a Napkin one takes hold of the haire of the crowne of the head holding the party vpright whilst the hangman with a backeward blow with a sword will take the head from a mans shoulders so nimbly and with such dextertie that the owner of the head shall neuer want the misse of it And if it be any ma●s fortune to be hanged for neuer so small a crime though he bee mounted whole yet hee shall come downe in peeces for hee shall hang till euery ioynt and Limbe drop one from another They haue strange torments and varieties of deaths according to the various nature of the offences that are committed as for example hee that counterfeits any Princes coyne and is prooued a Coyner his iudgement is to be boyled to death in oyle not throwne into the vessell all at once but with a pulley or a Rope to bee hanged vnder the Arme pits and let downe into the oile by degrees first the feete and next the legs and so to boyle his flesh from his bones aliue For those that set houses on fire wilfully they are smoaked to death as first there is a pile or post fixed in the ground and within an English Ell of it is a peece of wood nailed crosse whereupon the offender is made fast fitting then ouer the top of the post is whelmed a great tub or Dryfat which doth couer or ouerwhelme the Prisone as low as the middle Then vnderneath the executioner hath wet straw hay stubble or such kind of stuffe which is fired but by reason it is wet and danke it doth not burne but molder and smoake which smoake ascends vp into the tub where the Prisoners head is and not being able to speake he will heaue vp and downe with his belly and people may perceiue him in these torments to liue three or foure houres Adultery there if it bee prooued is punished with death as the losse of both the parties heads if they bee both married or if not both yet the married party must dye for i● and the other must endure some easier punishment eyther by the purse or carkasse which in the end proues little better then halfe a hanging But as after a tempest a calme is best welcome so I imagine it not amisse after all this tragicall harsh discourse to sweeten the Readers pallat with a few Comicall reports which were related vnto me wherein I seeme fabulous it must be remembered that I claime the priuiledge of a traueller who hath authority to report all that he heares and sees and more too I was informed of a fellow that was hanged somwhat neere the high way within a mile or two of Collcin and the fashion being to hang with a halter and a chaine that when the haulter is rotten with the weather the carkafse drops a butten hole lower into the chaine Now it fortuned that this fellow was executed on a winters afternoone towards night and being hanged the chaine was shorter then the halter by reason whereof he was not strangled but by the gamming of the chaine which could not slip close to his necke he hanged in great torments vnder the Iawes it happened that as soone as hee was trust vp there fell a great storme of raine and winde whereupon all the people ran away from the Gallowes to shelter themselues But night being come and the moone shining bright it chanced that a Country Boore or a waggoner and his Sonne with him were driuing their empty waggon by the place where the fellow was hanged who being not choaked in the extremity of his paines did stirre his legges and writhe and crumple his body which the waggoners Sonne perceiued and said Father looke the man vpon the Gallowes doth mooue quoth the old man he moues indeed I pray the let vs make hast and put the Waggon vnder the Gibbet to see if we can vnhang and saue him This being said was quickely done and the wretch halfe dead was laid in straw in the Boores waggon and carried home where with good attendance he was in foure
sort But 't is but painted mirth and ayrie sport All worth nothing Bright Maias So●e the God of tricks and sleights ●●●● Hath op'd the treasure of his subtill wit mercury And as a Seruant on this Wedding waits With Masques with Reuals and with tryumphs fit His rare inuentions and his quaint conceits Twixt Heauen alost and Hel insernall pit He in imaginary showes affords In shape forme method and applausefull words Old sullen i A dogged melancholy Planet a maleuolent opposite to all mirth Saturne hid his moody head In dusky shades of blacke Cimerian night And wauering k The Moo●●● who doth neuer continue at a stay and therefore she●●● herselfe from those delights which I hope will bee pe●●● Luna closely couch'd to bed Her various change she knew would not delight The loyall mindes where constancie is bred Where Protens thoughts are put to shamefull flight These two l ●●● Luna or indeed the nights were darke at the Wedding because the moone s●ined not by Ioues command were straightly bound To stay at home as better lost then found Cupid descended from the Chrystall skyes And leaues befind his golden feathered darts In steed of whom he makes faire Ladies eyes The piercing weapons of true loning hearts And he amongst these high Solemnities His awfull presence freely he imparts To all in generall with mirthfull cheere All sport 's the better if loues God be there The off spring of the high celestiall Ioue His braine bred m Minerua whom the Poets saine to be the Goddesses Wisedome Borne and bred in the braine of Iupiter Daughter and his thigh borne Sonne n Bacchus whom his Father loue saued from Abor●iue buth from his mother Se●d and sowed him vp in his Thigh till the time of his birth was come to a period Gai● Lib. 3 One with aduice of wisdome she wed her loue And t'other bounteously made plenty runne Where wine in streames gainst one another strone Where many a Caske was ba●ckrout an vndone Depriu'd the treasure of the fruitfully vinese By Bacchus bounty that great God of Wine s Thus Ioue and Iuno Jmps of aged Ops With wise Minerua Mars and Mercury Resplendent Sol with musicks straines and ileps Faire Venus Queene of Loues alacrity Loues God with shafts betipe with golden tops And Bacchus showring sweet humidity Gods Goddesses the Graces and the Muses To grace these tryumphs all their cunnings vses Amongst the rest was all recording Fame Inscalping noble deeds in brazen l●aues That meagre Enuy cannot wrong that name Where braue Heroick acts the minde vpheaues F●mes goldē trump will through the world proclame Whom Fortune Fare nor Death nor time bereaues Thus like a Scribe Fame waited to Record The Neptialls of this Ludy and this Lord All making marring time that turneth neuer To these proceedings still hath beene auspicious And in his Progresse will I hope perseuer To make their dayes and houres ro be delicious Thus Fame and time affoords their best indeauour Vnto this royall match to be propitious Time in all pleasure through their liues will passe Whilst Fame records their Fames inleaues of Brasse Times Progresse Yon Sonnes of Iudas and Achitophei Whose damn'd delights are treasons bloud death Th' almighties power your haughty prides will quell And unlike your vassals vessels of his wrath Let all that wish these Princes worse then well Be iudg'd and doom'd to euerlasting Scath For 't is apparent and experience prooues No hare preuailes where great Ichouah loues To whose Omnipotent Eternall power I doe commit this blest beloued paire Oh let thy graces daily on them showre Let each of them be thine adopted Heire a Raise them at last to thy Celestiall Bowre And feate them both in lasting glories Chaire In fine their earthly dayes be long and blest And after bettred in eternall rest A Sonnet to the Imperious Maiestick mirrour of King Iames great Britaines Monarch GReat Phoebus spreads his Rayes on good ill Dame Tellus feeds the Lyon and the Rat The smallest Sayles God AEols breath doth fill And Ttetic Harbots both the Whale and Sprat But as the Sunne doth quicken dying Plants So thy illustrious shine doth glad all hearts And as the Earth supplyes our needfull wants So doth thy bounty guerdon good desarts And like the aytie AEols pleasant gales Thou filst with Ioy the Sailes of rich and pore And as the Sea doth harbour Sprats and Whales So thou to high and low yeelds harbour flore Thus Sea Ayre Earth and Titans fiery face Are Elementall Seruants to thy Grace To Life SInce that on earth thou wondrous wandring gest Arithmeticians neuer number can The seuerall Lodgings thouhast tane in man In Fish in Fowle in tame or bruitish beast Since all by thee from greatest to the least Are squar'd and well compar'd vnto a span Oh fleeting Life take this ●●y counsell than Hold long possession in thy royall breast Dwell euer with the King the Queene the Prince The gracious Princesse and her Princely Spouse In each of these thou hast a lasting house Which Fate nor Death nor Time cannot conuince And when to change thy Lodging thou art driuen Thy selfe and they exalted by to Heauen To Death To thee whose auaritious greedy mood Doth play a sweepe stake with all liuing things And like a Hors-leech Quaffes the seuerall blood Of subiects Abiects Emperours and Kings That high and low and all must feele thy stings The Lord the Lowne the Caitiffe and the Keasar A beggers death as much contentment brings To thee as did the fall of Iulius Caesar. Then since the good and bad are all as one And Larkes to thee no better are then Kites Take then the bad and let the good alone Feed on base wretches leaue the worthy wights With thee the wicked euermore will stay But from thee Fame will take the good away To Eternity THou that beyond all things dost goes as farre That no Cosmographers could e're suruay Whose glory brighter then great Phebus Carre Doth shine where night doth ne're eclipse the day To thee I consecrate these Princes acts In thee alone let all their beings be Let all the measures of their famous tracts In the begin but neuer end like thee And when thy Seruant Time giues Life to Death And Death surrenders all their liues to Fame Oh then inspire them with celestiall breath With Saints and Martyrs to applaud thy name Thus vnto thee as thine owne proper rights Iconsecrate these matchles worthy wights Iohn Taylor FINIS TAYLORS FAREVVELL TO THE TOWER BOTTLES THE ARGVMENT ABout three hundred and twenty yeares since or thereabout I thinke in the Raigne of King Richard the Second there was a guift giuen to the Tower or to the Lieutenants thereof for the time then and for euer beeing which guift was two blacke Leather Bottles or Bombards of Wine from euery Ship that brought Wine into the Riuer of Thames the which hath so continued vntill this day but the Merchants finding
not be blinde may plainely spy That their insulting proud commanding Priest Is ●bsolute and onely Antichrist H'exalts himselfe ' boue all that 's called God Vpon the Emperours necke he proudly trod Hee is th'abomination void of grace That mounts himselfe into the holy place He makes the Princes of the Earth drinke vp And quaffe the poyson of his cursed Cup. Who being drunken with the dr●gs of sinne They haue his sworne and forsworne vassals beene Bewitched with his foule Inchanting charmes Gainst one another they haue rose in armes By forreine and domesticke bloudie broyles Whilst he hath fild his his coffers with their spoyles His double dealing too plaine appeares In setting Christian Princes by the eares Whilst he into his anatitious hands Hath feiz'd their persons moueables and lands And as the Christian Kings themselues made weake The Turke into their Kingdomes gan to breake And thus the Turke and Pope joynd with the deuill Haue beene the authors of all Christian euill FINIS THE BOOKE OF MARTYRS The Second Part. DEDICATED TO THE RIGHT HONOVRABLE PHILLIP EARLE OF MONTGOMERIE c. MY Lord the liues and deaths of Saints and Kings This little Booke vnto your Greatnesse sings Protection and acceptance if you giue It shall as shall Your selfe for ever liue IOHN TAYLOR VVHen the 7 Henry in his graue was laid And the eight Henry Englands Scepter sway'd Romes bloudy persecution raged more In England than in ten Kings raignes before And therefore Reader in this little Booke For euery Martyrs name thou must not looke But men of chiefest note respect and same That dyed in England onely these I name And first the Papists tyranny beganne In murthering Richard Hun a zealous man For being kept in prison by their power They closly hang'd him in the Lollards Tower And then they all in generall decreed Reporting Hun himselfe had done the deed Ann sixteene dayes iust after this was don They burn'd the foresaid corps of Richard Hun. Then to the number of full thirty fiue The surious flames did all of life depriue In seuerall places of this wofull land Because they did the Pope of Rome withstand At which time Thomas Bilney did begin To preach and teach against Antichristian sinne Where in Saint Georges Church in Ipswich Towne The Papists from the Pulpit pluckt him downe And as in dolefull prison he did lie He put his finger in the flames to try He prou'd aud God did giue him strenght to beare His death to liue with his Redeemer deare The next of note was one Iohn Frith a man Of learning great a Martyrs same he wan Then learned Luther and graue Zwinglius With Caluin Beza Occolampadius All glorious gracious reuerend lamps of light Were instruments to cleare blear'd Englands sight In Flanders William Tindall for Gods Word Was Sacrific'd to glorifie the Lord. Iohn Lambert valiantly his death did take And burn'd in Smithfield for his Sauiour sake About this time that Honourable man Lord Cromwels life and timelesse death began Hee like an Earthquake made the Abbies fall The Fryeries the Nunneries and all This famous Noble worthy Essex Earle This Iemme this Iewell this most orient pearle Was for his truth from all he had discarded And with his heads losse all his faith rewarded The next of worthy note by fire that dide Was good Anne Askew who did strong abide Rackes tortures and the cruell raging flame To magnifie her high Creators name Then gan the Kings eyes to be opended quite Inlightened by the euerlasting light He banisht Superstitious idle sables And packt the Papists hence with all their bables Then Bonner Gardner Brethren both in euill Factors and Actors bloudhounds for the Deuill Their burning fame to infamy soone saded They Godlesse gracelesse were disgracst degraded The King thus hauing this good worke begun He dyed and left the Kingdome to his Sonne Then raign'd young Edward that sweet Princely childe By whom all Popery was cleane exilde But he too good to liue mongst wicked men Th' Almighty tooke him hence to Heauen agen No sooner Edward was laid in his Tombe But England was the slaughter-house of Rome Gardner and Bonner were from prison turn'd And whom they pleas'd were eyther sau'd or burn'd Queene Mary imitating Iezabell Aduanc'd againe the Ministers of Hell Then tyranny began to tyrannize Tortures and torments then they did deuise Then Master Rogers with a saith most feruent Was burn'd and dy'd in Smith field Gods true Seruant Next vnto him did Laurence Sanders dye By fire for Iesus sake at Couentry He did embrace and kindly kisse the stake To gaine Heau'ns glory did the world for sake Good Byshop Hooper was at Gloster burn'd Cause he against the Romish Doctrine spurn'd And Doctor Taylor a true zealous man At Hadly burn'd eternall glory wan Then Byshop Ferrar next his life did spend In fire to gaine the life shall neuer end Next William Fowler first did loose his hand Then burn'd because the Pope he did withstand In Essex Thomas Hawkes with faith victorious Did dye by fire to gaine a life most glorious Master Ioha Bradford for his Sauiours sake In Smithsield burn'd a godly end did make Two reuerend Byshops Father Latimer And Ridley each of them a heauenly starre Liu'd in Gods foare and in his fauour dy'd At Oxford burn'd and now are glorisi'd Ioh● Philp●t gladly did the fire embrace And died and liues in his Redeemers grace Then that graue Father and religious man Arch-Bishop of Cranmars troubles hot began His Pompe his state his glory and his pride Was to know Iesus and him crucifide He liu'd a godly Preacher of Gods Word And dy'd a glorious Martyr of the Lord. Iohn Carcles in close Prison carefully Did change his cares for ioyes eternally But this small volum cannot well containe One quarter of the Saints in England flaine In Henries Raigne and Maries cruell Queene Eight thousand people there hath slaughtered beene Some by the Sword some Hang'd some burnt in fire Some staru'd to death in Prison all expire Twelue thousand and seuen hundred more beside Much perse●uting trouble did abide Some wrackt som whipt som tortur'd som in stocks Some doing penance with a world of mockes Some with an yron in the faces burn'd Some out of all their goods to beggry rurn'd Some barefoot bearing faggots on their shoulders We●e made a wondring stocke to the beholders All this and more much more they did endure Because they would not yeeld to liue impure But now to speake the law lesse ●ause wherefore And why these people troubled were so sore Because they would not make their plaints mones To senseles I mages dead stockes and slones Because they said the Sacramentall bread Is not the Lord which shall iudge quick and dead Because they not beleeu'd a Purgatory And held the Popes decrees an idle story Because they would not creepe vnto the crosse And change Gods sacred Word for humane drosse Because they held the Masse an Idoll soule At once which
pickt the purse damn'd the Soule Because they knew the Pope and all his crue H●● hounds whō heauern in rage on earth did spue And in a word they thus were ouer-trod Because they truly seru'd the liuing God This was the maine and onely cause of all Because they would not offer vnto B●el The Popes outragious and couragious actor Was Bishop Bonner hells most trusty factor Romes hangman and the firebrand of this Realme That with a sloud of bloud did ouerwhelme The true beleeuers of Gods holy truth He burchered not regarding age or youth With him was ioyn'd a man almost as ill Who tooke delight Gods seruants bleud to spill Cal'd Stephen Gardner Englands Chanceller And Bishop of the Sea of Winchester These two did striue each other to excell Who should doe greatest seruice vnto Hell Vntill at last God heard his seruants cry And each of them did die immediately Thus when I●honah heard the iust complaints Of his beloued poore afflicted Saints Then this too cruell Pope defending Queene The bloudiest Princesse that this land hath seene She did decease and persecution ceast And tired wofull● Englands purchast rest Queene Mary being dead her welcome death Reuin'd our ioyes in blest ELIZABETH Innumerable were her woes and cares Abundance were the subtill wiles and snares Which Sathan and his Ministers oft laid To reaue the life of that most harmelesse Maid She was accus'd abus'd reuil'd miscal'd She was from prison vnto prison hal'd Long in the Tower she shas close prisner shut Her louing seruants all way were put From thence to Windsor thence to Woodstocke sent Closely mewd vp from all the worlds content But God whose mercies euer did defend her Did in her greatest Sorrow comfort send her He did behold her from his Throne on hie And kept her as the apple of his eye Let Hell and Hell-hounds still attempt to spill Yet the Almighty guards his Seruants still And he at lest did ease her Sorrowes mone And rais'd her to her lawfall awfull throne This Royall Deborah this Princely Dame Whose life made all the world admire her fame As Iudith in Bet h●lias same was spread For cutting off great Holophernès head So our Eliza stoutly did begin Vntopping and beheading Romish sin Shee purg'd the Land of Papistry●agen Shee liu'd belou'd of God admir'd of men Shee made the Antichristian Kingdome quake She made the mighty power of Spaine to shake As farre as Sunne and Moone dispears'd her Rayes So farre and farther went her matchlesse praise She was at home abroad in euery part Loadstar and Loadstone to each eye and heart Supported onely by Gods powerfull hand She foure and forty yeares did rule this Land And then she lest her Royall Princely Seat She chang'd earths greatnesse to be heauenly great Thus did this Westerne Worlds great wouder dye She fell from height to be aduanc'd more hie Terrestriall Kings and Kingdomes all must fade Then blest is she that is immortall made Her death fild woefull England full of feares The Papists long'd for change with itching eares For her decease was all their onely hope To raise againe the doctrine of the Pope But he whose power is all omnipotent Di● their vnhappy hopelesse hopes preuent Succession lawfully did leaue the Crowne Vnto a Prince whose vertue and Renowne And learning did out-stripall Kings as sarre As doth the Sunne obseure a little starre What man that is but man could bass● more Romes seauen●headed purple beastly Whore How wisely hath he Bellarmine con●uted And how diuinely hath'he ost dispated How zealously he did Cods faith desend How often on Gods word he did attend How clement pious and how gracious good Was he as fits the greatnesse of his bloud Were 't not for him how should the Mu●●s doe He was their patterne and their patron too He was th' Apollo from whose radient Beames The quinteffence of Poetry our-streames And from the splendor of his piercing rayes A world of worthy writers won the bayes Yet all the worthy vertues so transparent And so well knowne to be in him inharent Could not perswade the Papists leaue their strife With cursed treasons to attempt his life For when their disputations helpt them not They would dispute in a damn'd powder plot In which the Romists went beyond the deuill For Hell could not inuent a plot so euill But he that plac'd him on his royall Throne The God of Iacob Iudahs holy one That God for Iesus sake I doe beseech With humble heart and with vnfained speech That he or his may Britaines Scepter sway Till time the world and all things passe away But now he 's gone into Eternall bliss̄e Crowne● And with Eternall glory crowned is Long may King CHARLES weare Britaines royall And heauens best blessings raise his high Renowne FINIS GODS MANIFOLD MERCIES IN THESE MIRACVLOVS DELIverances of our Church of England from the yeare 1565. vntill this present 1630. particularly and briefly Described IOSHVA 4.21 22. 24. When your Children shall aske their Fathers in time to come What meaneth this Pillar Then yee shall let your Children know saying THESE ARE THE DELIVERIES WHICH GOD HATH VOVCHSAFED TO HIS CHVRCH IN ENGLAND SINCE THE BEGINNING OF QVEENE ELIZABETHS RAIGNE TO THIS DAY That all the People of the Earth might know the hand of the Lord that it is mightie that yee might feare the Lord your God for euer THere was a Bull in Rome was long a breeding Which Bull prou'd little better then a Calfe Was sent to England for some better feeding To fatten in his Holinesse behalfe The vertues that this Beast of Babell had In thundring manner was to banne and curse Raile at the Queene as it were raging mad Yet God be thanked she was ne're the worse The goodly Sire of it was Impious * Pius the fufh of that name Pope of Rome piu● Hee taught it learnedly to curse and banne And to our faces boldly to defie vs. It madly ouer England quickly ranne But what succe●●e it had reade more and see The fruits of it herevnder written be This Bull did excommunicate and curse the Queene ●●dep●●eth her from her Crowne it proclaimed her an Here●●●● it cursed all such as loued her it threatned damnation to all subiects as dur●t obey her and it promised the kingdome of heauen to those that would oppose and kill her This was the effect and nature of this Popish Beast which all wise godly and vnder standing men did deride and contemne 1. A Priest call'd Moort●n by the Pope assign'd Northumberland and Westmerland seduceth With whom the Duke of * Duke of Norfolke and Earle of Northumberland beheaded Earle of Westmorland fled Norfolke is combin'd The whilst the Pope nocost or charge refuseth But pawnes his challices his Beads and Crosses Giues them his gracelesse blessing for their ayde The fruit where of were heads and honors losses God still defending Englands Royall Maid Thus we by proofe must thankefully confesse That where the pope doth
labours and takes paine May with a better Conscience sleepe in bed Then he that is with ill got thousands sped So well I like it and such loue I owe Vnto it that I 'll fall againe to Rowe 'T will keepe my health from falling to decay Get money and chase Idlenesse away I 'm sure it for Antiquity hath stood Since the worlds drowning vniuersall Flood And howsoeuer now it rise or fall The Boate in Noahs Deluge carried all And though our wits be like our purses bare With any Company wee 'll make compare To write a Verse prouided that they be No better skild in Schollership then wee And then come one come thousands nay come all And for a wager wee 'll to Versing fall Epilogue to those that know what they haue read and how to censure TO you whose eares and eyes haue heard seene This little pamphlet and can iudge betweene That which is good or tol'rable or ill If I with Artlesse Nature wanting skill Haue writ but ought that may your thoughts content My Muse hath then accomplisht her intent Your fauors can preserue me but your frownes My poore inuentions in obliuion drownes With tolerable friendship let me craue You will not seeke to spill what you may saue But for the wrymouth'd Critick that hath read That mewes puh's and shakes his brainlesse head And saies my education or my state Doth make my verse esteem'd at lower rate To such a one this answer I doe send And bid him mend before he discommend His Enuy vnto me will fauours prooue The hatred of a foole breeds wise-mens loue My Muse is iocund that her labours merits To be malign'd and scornd by Enuious spirits Thus humbly I craue pardon of the best Which being gaind Sir reuerence for the rest FINIS A MEMORIALL OF ALL THE ENGLISH MONARCHS being in number 151. from Brute to King CHARLES TO THE RIGHT HONOVRABLE LIONEL Lord Viscount Cranefield Earle of Middlesex c. MY humble Muse in lofty manner sings a The y. Kingdomes were 1. Kent 2 ●●● Sussx and Surry 3 ●●●● ●●● Norfolke and Cambridge-shire 4 ●●●●●● ●●● Somersetshire and Corne●●● 5 Mertia Glostershire Hertfordshire Worcester Shra●●● Staffordshire Cheshire Warwike Leycester North Oxford Buckingham Bedford and halfe Hartfordshire 6 East-Saxon Essex Middlesex and halfe Hartfordshire 7 Northumberland diuided to two Kingdomes Deyrs and all brought to one Monarchy by Eghert King of sae●●● and called England 1968. yeeres after Brute A Catalogue of Englands mighty Kings At first I do begin with Troian BRVTE And following Chronicles I do dispute Proceeding briefely with their Raignes and Names Till these blest dayes of our best Monarch IAMES T is but an Argument that 's written here That in such time such and such Princes were But he that meanes their Actions were to know May read Boetius Hollinshed or Stow Or our true labouring Moderne Master How Which Authors Learned Iudgement do allow Or if you le see how former times doe runne Reade the laborious paines of Middleton We haue had Kings since Brute of royall Blood One hundred forty sixe some bad some good Foure Queenes in all this time did only Raigne Whose Memories in Histories remaine So in two thousand and seuen hundred yeeres We had thrice 50 Princes it appeares This Kingdome here was fiue times won and lost And Kings as God decreed oft chang'd and tost Sometimes one swaid the Scepter sometime twaine And sometime seuen at once did rule and raigne Till sixe by bloudy warres lost life and throne And valiant Egbert ioyn'd them all in one But since through Heauens high prouidence I see T is growne more great and greater like to be Long may He liue by whom in one 't is guided And may they sinke that wish't againe diuided ●●●e Noble Lord with good acceptance take ● Poem for the Royall Subiects sake ●●though it be not compleate as it should ●●with it and accept of what I could ●●●●● matter 's worthy though the manner 's poore Which makes me heere your Patronage implore And may you be externall and internall Blest and aduanc'd to happinesse eternall Your Honours in all obseruance to be commanded Iohn Taylor BRVTE THE FIRST KING OF BRITTAINE began his Reigne 1. BRVTE ●●●●●●munds 2858. Before Christ 1108. AENE AS from subuerted Troy exilde In Tuscais wedded King Latinus childe By whom the Realme of Italy he gain'd And after he had 3. yeeres fully raign'd He died and left Ascanius in his stead To whom Siluius Posthumus did succeed From which Posthumus Royall loynes did spring ●●● Great Brutus Brittaines first commanding King The people then were here all voyd of pride Borne Naked Naked liu'd and Naked dy'd Three Sonnes Brute left Locrinus was his Heire To England Cambria Wales was Cambers share To Albanact the youngest 't was his lot To sway the Scepter of the valiant Scot. Thus 'mongst his Sonnes this Ile he did diuide And after twenty foure yeeres Reigne he dy'd Brute being of the age of 15 yeeres as he shot at a wild beast the arrow glanced unfortunately and slew his Father Sinius AEneas for the which he was exiled and came on this ●●●●● then called Albyon I follow the common opinion for many Writers doe neither write or allow of Brutes being here accounting it a dishonor for our Nation to haue originall from a Pa●●●ide and one that deriued his descent from the Goddesse alias strumpet Venus Howsoeuer Histories are obseured and clouded with ambiguities some burnt left defaced by antiquity and some abused by the malice ignorance or partialitie of Writers so that truth is hard to be found Amongst all which variations of Times and Writers I must conclude there was a BRVTE Locrine 20. yeeres 1034. LOcrinus Eldest of old Brutus Sonnes By Valour vanquisht the inuading Hunnes He chas'd them their power did quite confound And their King Humber was in a The Riuer of Humber tooke the name from the drowned King of the Huns now Hungarians Humber drownd This Locrine had a Queene faire b Guendoline was daughter vnto Corineus Duke of Cornewall Estrild was a beautious Lady of King Humbers whom Locrinus tooke prisoner Guendolin Yet folly led him to the Paphaean sinne Besotted sence and blood with lust inflam'd He lou'd a beautie Beautious Estrild nam'd By whom he had a Daughter Sabrin hight In whome the King had whole and sole delight For which the Queene made war vpon her Lord And in the Fight she put him to the Sword And after a reuengefull bloody slaughter Queene Guendoline tooke Estrild and her daughter And drownd them both to quéch her ielous flame And so from Sabrine Seauerne got the name Yeeres before Christ. Q. Guendoline 1064. About this time Saul was King of Israel VVHen 15. yeeres this Queen'had wisely raign'd She dy'd then her Son the kingdome gain'd Queene Guendoline was allowed the gouernment in her Sonne Madans minority whose prudent reigne is applausefully recorded in histories Madan
Westminster she buried doth abide And as the fame of this Imperiall Ma●de Is through the world by the foure winds displaid So shall her memory for euer grace Her famous birth her death and buriall place At Teuxbury Anno 1574. the 24. of February being a hard frost the Riuer of Seuerne was couered with Fl● and Beetles so that it was thought within the length of a paire of Bu●● to be 100. quarters of them the m●●●●en stopped with them but from whence they came is unknown 1582. A piece of Land of three Acres in Dorsotshire i● the Parish of Armitage was suddenly remoo●ed 600. f●●t from the place where formerly it stood King Iames. An. Dom. 1601. VVHen as Elizaes wofull death was acted When this lamenting land was halfe distracted● Whē tears each loyall heart with grief had drown'd Then came this King and made our ioyes abound Ordain'd for vs by heauenly power diuine Then from the North this glorious starre did shine The Roall Image of the Prince of Peace The blest Concorder that made warres to cease By Name a STEVVARD and by Nature one Appointed from I●houahs sacred Throne And by th' almighties hand supported euer That Treason or the Diuell should hurt him ne●●● And as his Zeale vnto his God was great Gods blessings on him were each way compleat Rich in his Subiects loue a Kings best treasure Rich in content a Riches aboue measure Rich in his Princely Issue and in them Rich in his hopefull Branches of his stemme Rich in Munition and a Nauy Royall And richer then all Kings in seruants Loyall When Hell and Rome together did conspire To blow him and his kingdome vp with fire Then did the King of King● preserue our King And all the Traytors to confusion bring And who so reckons vp from first to last The many hel-hatch'd dangers he hath past Through all his daies he will beleeue no doubt That he with heauenly pow'rs was wall'd about All Christian Princes held his friendship deare Was fear'd for loue and not belou'd for feare And P●●gan Monarchs were in League combin'd With him as farre as is the Easterne Inde ●●● like a st●●● amidst a Riuer fix'd ●● was his ●●flic● with his mercy mix'd He ●riu'd to imitate his Maker still ●ed clemency preseru'd where Law would kill He hath cur'd England and heal'd Scotlands wounds And made them both great anciēt Britains bounds ●●● bloudy deadly ●eud the caus'd ●● cease And ●●●●●'d hate he turn'd to Christian peace The mouth of warre he muzzled mute and dum He fill'd the roaring Cannon and the Drum ●●ure in peace his people si●● and dine With their owne fig-trees shaded and their vine Whilst in an vprore most of Christendome ●●e nation doth another ouercome Vnto the King of Kings let 's pratles sing For giuing vs this happy peacefull King ●●●one know so well how they should peace prefer ●●s those that know the miseries of warre ●Tis true though old and must not be forgot The warres are sweet to such as know them not Peace happy peace doth spread tranquillity Through all the bounds of Britaines Monarchy And may we all our actions still addresse For peace with God and warre 'gainst wickednesse Vnto which peace of God this King 's ascended ●o reigne in glory that shall ne'r be ended His mortall part at Westminster enter'd His soule and Fame immortally preser'd God did wonderfully preserue him vpon two seueral●● Tue●daies from 2 most dangerous treasons the one at the Towne of Saint Iohnston in Scotland on Tuesday the 5. of August 1600. where the Earle of Gowry attemptea to kill his Maiesty The other was in England in that fearfull treason and deliucrance from the Powder-plot on Tuesday the 5. of November 1606. King CHARLES TWo Williams Henries 8. I. Steuen I. Iohn Sixe Edwards Richards 3. and I. Queene Mary Elizabeth and Iames all dead and gone Our gracious Charles doth now the Scepter carry And may they liue and dye of God accurst Who wish the preiudice of Charles the first ●ust 25. Kings and Queenes of England since the Norman Conquest A BRIEFE REMEMBRANCE OF ALL THE ENGLISH MOnarchs from the Normans Conquest vntill this present TO THE HONOVRABLE AND TRVLY Noble Sir ROBERT CARR Knight one of the Gentlemen of his Maiesties Royall Bed-chamber c. T Is not in expectation of reward That I this booke vnto your hands doe tender But in my humble dutie in regard That I am bound my daily thanks to render And though my stile be harsh my learning slender My Verse defectiue and my Accent rude Yet if your Patronage be my Defender Iam defended'gainst a multitude Thus to auoyd Hell-hatch'd ingratitude My dutious Love my Liues and Life shall be To you deuoted euer to conclude May you and your most vertuous Ladie see Long happie dayes in Honour still encreasing And after death true Glorie neuer ceasing Your Honours in all seruice Iohn Taylor WILLIAM THE FIRST Surnamed the CONQVEROVR KING OF ENGLAND And DVKE OF NORMANDY BY bloody Battels Conquest and by Fate Faire Englands Crown kingdome l surpris'd Itopsie-tutuy turn'd elie Eng'ish State And Lawes and Customes new and strange deuis'd And where ● vanquisht there I tyrannaiz'd Instead of peoples loue inforcing feare Extorting Ioils I daily exercis'd And Tributes greater then the Land could beare Besides the Normans fame the more to reare The English I forbad the English tongue French Schooles of Grammer I ordayned here And gainst this Nation added wrong to wrong At last my Crown Sword scepter Cōquest braue I left I lost scarce found an earthly Graue Anno 1066 October 14 Saturday William Conqueror the sonne of Robert the 6. Duke of Normandy Ianded with a 1000. shippes furnished with men horse all warlike prouision at Hastings in Sussex and after a bloody battell with King Harold with the slaughter of nere 70000. men on both parts Hareld beeing slaine Duke William came in Triumph to London and was crowned at Westminster on Christmas day following by Aldred Archbisbop of Yorke he vsed his victorie and conquest here tyrannically dispossesing most part of the English of their lands giuing them to the Normans for which appressions he was continually molested sometimes with the Danes then with the Welsh with the Scots out of Ireland and at home amongst his owne people besides many miseries did at once afflict this Land as I. an vniuersall feauer amongst people 2 Barrennesse of the ground 3 Dearth and famine 4 Moraine of Cattell and the Church of St Pauls in London burnt and all that was in it The Country extremely ruin'd and spoyled for 60 miles space betwixt York and Durham The king pulled downe 36 Churches Townes and Villages laying the Country waste and open for 30 miles space from the City of Salisbury Southward which is now called Newforrest and was by him made a wildernes or place for beasts for his game of hunting In which place by Gods iust Iudgement his second sonne Richard