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A09339 A golden chaine: or The description of theologie containing the order of the causes of saluation and damnation, according to Gods word. A view whereof is to be seene in the table annexed. Hereunto is adioyned the order which M. Theodore Beza vsed in comforting afflicted consciences.; Selections Perkins, William, 1558-1602.; Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605. 1600 (1600) STC 19646; ESTC S114458 1,329,897 1,121

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For the life of a Christian is nothing else but a meditation of death A notable practise hereof we haue in the example of Ioseph of Arimathea who made his tombe in his life time in the midst of his garden no doubt for this ende to put himselfe in minde of death and that in the midst of his delight and pleasures Heathen Philosophers that neuer knew Christ had many excellent meditations of death though not comfortable in regard of life euerlasting Now we that haue knowne and beleeued in Christ must goe beyond them in this point considering with our selues such things as they neuer thought of namely the cause of death our sinne the remedie thereof the cursed death of Christ cursed I say in regard of the kind of death and punishment laid vpon him but blessed in regard of vs. Thirdly we must often meditate on the presence of death which we do when by Gods grace we make an account of euery present day as if it were the present day of our death and recken with our selues when we goe to bedde as though we should neuer rise againe and when we rise as though we should neuer lie downe againe This meditation of death is of speciall vse and brings forth many fruits in the life of man And first of all it serues to humble vs vnder the hand of God Example we haue of Abraham who said Behold I haue begunne now to speake to my Lord and I am but dust and ashes Marke here how the consideration of his mortalitie made him to abase and cast downe himselfe in the sight of God and thus if we could recken of euery day as of the last day it would straightway pull downe our peacocks feathers and make vs with Iob to abhorre our selues in dust and ashes Secondly this meditation is a meanes to further repentance When Ionas came to Ninive and cried Yet fourtie daies and Ninive shall be destroyed the whole citie repented in sack●loath and ashes When Elias came to Ahab and told him that the dogges should eate Iesabel by the wall of Iesreel and him also of Ahabs stocke that died in the citie c. it made him to humble himselfe so as the Lord saith to Elias Seest thou how Ahab is humbled before me Now if the remembrance of death was of such force in him that was but an hypocrite how excellent a meanes of grace will it be in them that truly repent Thirdly this meditation seemes to stirre vp contentation in euery estate and condition of life that shall befall vs. Righteous Iob in the very midst of his afflictions comforts himselfe with this consideration Naked saith he came I forth of my mothers wombe and naked shal I returne againe c. blessed be the name of the Lord. And surely the often meditation of this that a man of all his abundance can carrie nothing with him but either a coffin or a winding sheete or both should be a forcible means to represse the vnsatiable desire of riches and the loue of this world Thus we see what an effectuall meanes this meditation is to encrease and further the grace of God in the hearts of men Now I commend this first dutie to your Christian considerations desiring the practise of it in your liues which practise that it may take place two things must be performed First labour to plucke out of your hearts a wicked and erronious imagination wherby euery man naturally blesseth himselfe and thinkes highly of himselfe and though he had one foote in the graue yet he perswades himselfe that hee shall not die yet There is no man almost so olde but by the corruption of his heart he thinks that he shall liue one yeare longer Cruell and vnmercifull death makes league with no man yet the Prophet Esay saith that the wicked mā makes a league with death How can this be there is no league made indeed but onely in the wicked imagination of man who falsly thinkes that death will not come neare him though al the world should be destroyed See an example in the parable of the rich man that hauing stored vp aboundance of wealth for many yeres said vnto his own soule Soule thou hast much goods laid vp for many yeres liue at ease eat drink take thy pastime wheras his soule was fetched away presently And seeing this naturall corruption is in euerie mans heart we must daily fight against it and labour by all might and maine that it take no place in vs for so long as it shall preuaile we shall bee vtterly vnfit to make any preparation to death Wee ought rather to endeauour to attaine to the minde and meditation of S. Hierome who testifieth of himselfe on this manner Whether I wake or sleepe or whatsoeuer I doe me thinks I heare the sound of the trumpet Rise ye dead and come to iudgement The second thing which we are to practise that we may come to a serious meditation of our owne endes is to make praier vnto God that we might bee inabled to resolue our selues of death continually Thus Dauid praied Lord make me to know mine ende and the measure of my daies let me knowe howe long I haue to liue And Moses Lord teach me to number my daies that I may apply mine heart vnto wisdome I may bee said What neede men pray to God that they might be able to number their daies cannot they of themselues recken a fewe yeares and daies that are able by art to measure the globe of the earth and the spheres of heauen and the quantities of the starres with their longitudes latitudes altitudes motions and distances from the earth No verely For howsoeuer by a generall speculation we thinke something of our endes yet vnles the spirit of God be our schoolemaster to teach vs our dutie we shall neuer be able soundly to resolue our selues of the presence and speedines of death And therefore let vs pray with Dauid and Moses that God would inlighten our minds with knowledge and fil our hearts with his grace that we might rightly consider of death and esteeme of it euerie daie and houre as if it were the day and houre of death The second dutie in this generall preparation is that euery man must daily indeauour to take away from his owne death the power and strength therof And I pray you marke this point The Philistims sawe by experience that Sampson was of great strength and therefore they vsed meanes to knowe in what part of his bodie it laie and when they found it to bee in the haire of his head they ceased not vntill it was cutte off In like manner the time will come when we must encounter hand to hand with tyranous and cruell death the best therefore is before hand nowe while wee haue time to search where the strength of death lies which beeing once knowne we must with speede cutte off his Sampsons lockes and bereaue him of his power
to make all grace to abound towardes them Where also this dutie is taught vs that seeing God is omnipotent and therefore able to make vs abound therefore wee must giue cheerefully to our poore brethren which want Fourthly whereas there are many in euery place which haue liued long in their sinnes euen from their cradle some in wantonnes some in drunkennes some in swearing some in idlenesse and such like out of this place to all such there is a good lesson namely that euery one of them doe nowe become new men and repent of all their sinnes for all their life past For marke what Paul saith of the Iewes which are cutte off from Christ through vnbeleefe and haue so continued in hardnesse of heart and desperat malice against him almost 16. hundreth yeares If saith he they abide not still in vnbeleefe they may bee grafted into their oliue againe and his reason is this because God is able to graft them in againe Euen so though wee haue liued many yeares in sinne and sure it is a daungerous and fearefull case for a man to liue 20.30 or 40. yeares vnder the power of the diuell yet wee must knowe that if wee will nowe liue a newe life forsake all our sinnes and turne to God wee may be receiued to grace and be made a branch of the true oliue though we haue borne the fruits of the wilde oliue all our life long But some will obiect that they haue no hope of Gods fauour because they haue beene so grieuous sinners and continued in them so long Ans. But knowe it whosoeuer thou art God is able to graft thee in and if thou repent he will receiue thee to his loue and fauour This must be obserued of all but especially of such as are olde in yeares and yet remaine ignorant without knowledge they must turne to the Lord by repentance otherwise if they continue still profane and impenitent they must knowe this that their damnation comes post hast to meete them and they to it And thus much for the duties Nowe followe the consolations which Gods Church reape from this that God the father is omnipotent First the wonderfull power of God serueth to strengthen vs in praier vnto God for hee that will pray truely must onely pray for those things for which he hath warrant in Gods word all our prayers must bee made in faith and for a man to praie in faith it is hard therefore a speciall meanes to strengthen vs herein is the mightie power of God This was the ground and stay of the leper whom our Sauiour Christ clensed Lord saith he if thou wilt thou canst make me cleane And in the Lords praier when our Sauiour Christ hath taught vs to make sixe petitions in the end he giueth vs a reason or motiue to induce vs to stand vpon and to waite for the benefits before craued in these wordes Thine is the kingdome thine is the power c. Secondly hence wee learne this comfort that all the gates of hell shall neuer bee able to preuaile against the least member of Christ. I doe not say they shall neuer be able to assault or tempt them for that may be but they shal neuer ouercome them How will some say may we be resolued of this I aunswer By reason of faith for if a Christian man do beleeue that God the father and in Christ his father is almightie no enemie shall euer be able to preuaile against him So S. Iohn reasoneth Litle children ye are of God haue ouercome them that is all false teachers because greater is he that is in you that is Christ Iesus by his holy spirit who is God and therefore almightie then he that is in the world that is the spirit of satan therefore you neede not to feare So Dauid compareth himselfe to a silly sheepe and saith Though I should walke through the valley of the shadow of death that is as it were in the mouth of the lyon yet I will feare none euill why so because the Lord is with him thy rodde saith he and thy staffe comfort me Thus much for the benefits Now whereas it is said the first person is a Father as also Almightie ioyne these two togither and hence will arise singular benefits and instructions First whereas we are taught to confesse that the first person is a Father Almightie we and euery man must learne to haue experience in himselfe of the mightie power of this almightie father Why will some say that is nothing for the deuill and all the damned soules feele the power of the Almightie True indeede they feele the power of God namely as he is an almightie Iudge condemning them but they feele not the power of an almightie father this is the point whereof we must indeauour to haue experience in our selues Paul prayeth that the God of our Lord Iesus Christ the father of glorie would giue vnto the Ephesians the spirit of wisedome to see what is the exceeding greatnes of his power in them which beleeue according to the working of his mightie power which he wrought in Christ. Which place must be considered for here the Apostle would haue vs haue such a speciall manifestation of Gods power in our selues like to that which he did once shew forth in Christ. But how did Christ see and finde the power of God as he was man● Answer Diuers waies I. On the crosse he died the first death which is the separation of bodie and soule and he suffered the sorrowes of the second death For in his soule he bare the whole wrath of God and all the pangs of hell and after was buried and laide in the graue where death triumphed ouer him for the space of three daies Nowe in this extremitie God did shewe his power in that he raised Christ from death to life And looke as his power was manifested in Christ the head so must it be manifested in all his members for euery man hath his graue which is naturall sinne and corruption which we drawe from our first parents and looke as a man lies dead in the graue and can mooue neither hand nor foote so euery man by nature lyeth dead in sinne Now as God did shew his power in raising Christ from death so euery one must labour to haue this knowledge and experience in himselfe of the mightie power of God in raising him from the graue of sinne to newnesse of life For thus Paul makes a speciall request that he might know Christ and the vertue of his resurrection that is that he might feele in himselfe that power whereby Christ was raised from death to life to raise him also from the bondage of his sinnes to a newe life more and more Furthermore when Christ was vpon the crosse and all the gates of hell were open against him then did he vanquish Satan he bruised the serpents head and as Paul saith he spoyled principalities and powers
yet afterward for a time hee doth as it were hide the same in some corner of their hearts so as they haue no feeling thereof but thinke themselues to be void of all grace and this he doth for no other ende but to humble them and yet againe after all this the first grace is further renued and reuiued Thus dealt the Lord with Dauid and Salomon for whereas he was a pen-man of Scripture and therefore an holy man of God we may not thinke that he was wholly forsaken with Peter and in this place with Thomas And the experience of this shall euery seruant of God finde in himselfe The second appearance of Christ was to seuen of the disciples as they went on fishing in which hee giues three testimonies of his godhead and that by death his power was nothing diminished The first that when the disciples had fished all night and caught nothing afterward by his direction they catch fish in aboundance and that presently This teacheth vs that Christ is a soueraigne Lord ouer all creatures and hath the disposing of them in his owne handes and that if good successe followe not when men are painefull in their callings it is because God will prepare and make them fit for a further blessing Christ comes in the morning and giues his disciples a great draught of fish yet before this can be they must labour all night in vaine Ioseph must be made ruler ouer all Egypt but first he must be cast into a dungeon where he can see no sunn nor light to prepare him to that honour And Dauid must be King ouer Israel but the Lord will first prepare him hereunto by raising vp Saul to persecute him Therefore when God s●ndeth any hinderances vnto vs in our callings wee must not despaire nor bee discouraged for they are the meanes whereby God maketh vs fit to receiue greater blessings at his handes either in this life or in the life to come The second is that the net was vnbroke though it had in it great fishes to the number of an hundred fifty three The third that when the disciples came to land they sawe hotte coales and fish laid thereon and bread Nowe some may aske whence was this foode Answ. The same Lord that was able to prouide a Whale to swallowe vp Ionas and so to saue him and he that was able to prouide a fish for Peters angle with a peece of twentie pence in the mouth and to make a little bread and a fewe fishes to feede so many thousands in the wildernesse the same also doeth of himselfe prouide bread and fishes for his disciples This teacheth vs that not not onely the blessing but also the very hauing of meate drinke apparell is from Christ and hereupon all states of men euen the kings of the earth are taught to pray that God would giue them their daily bread Againe when we sit downe to eate and drinke this must put vs in minde that wee are the guests of Christ himselfe our foode which we haue comes of his meere gift and hee it is that entertaines vs if wee could see it And for this cause wee must soberly and with great reuerence in feare and trembling vse all gods creatures as in his presence And when we eate and drinke wee must alwaies looke that all our speech be such as may beseeme the guests of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ. Vsually the practise of men is farre otherwise for in feasting many take libertie to surfet to be drunke to sweare to blas●heme but if we serue the Lord let vs remember whose guests we are and who is our entertainer and so behaue our selues as being in his presence that all our actions and words may tend to his glorie The third appearance was to Iames as S. Paul recordeth although the same be not mentioned in any of the Euangelists The fourth was to all his disciples in a mountaine whither he had appointed them to come The fift last appearance was in the mount of Oliues when he ascended into heauen Of these three last appearances because the holy Ghost hath only mentioned them I omitte to speake and with the repeating of them I let them passe Thus much of the appearances of Christ after his resurrection the witnesses thereof are of three sorts I. angels II. women that came to the graue to embaulme him III. Christs owne disciples who did publish and preach the same according as they had seene and heard of our Sauiour Christ and of these likewise I omit to speake because there is not any speciall thing mentioned of them by the Euangelists Nowe follow the vses which are twofold some respect Christ and some respect our selues Vses which concerne Christ are three I. whereas Christ Iesus beeing starke dead rose againe to life by his owne power it serueth to prooue vnto vs that he was the sonne of God Thus Paul speaking of Christ saith that hee was de●lared mightily to bee the sonne of God touching the spirit of sanctification by the resurrection from the dead And by the mouth of Dauid God said Thou art my sonne this day I haue begot thee Which place must bee vnderstood not so much of the eternal generation of Christ before al worlds as of the manifestation thereof in time after this manner This day that is at the time of thine incarn●tion but especially at the daie of thy resurrection haue I begotten thee that is I haue made manifest that thou art my sonne so is this place expoūded by S. Paul in the Acts. Secōdly Christs rising frō death by his own po●er prooues vnto vs euidently that he is Lord ouer al things that are this vse S. Paul makes hereof for saith he Christ therefore died that he might be Lord both of the dead of the quick And indeed whereas he rose againe on this m●ner he did hereb● shew himselfe most plainly to be a mighty prince ouer the graue● death hel condemnation one that had al● sufficient power to ouercome them Thirdly it prooues vnto vs that he was a perfit priest and that his death passion was a perfect satisfaction to the iustice of god for the ●innes of mankind For whereas Christ died he died for our sinnes now if he had not fully satisfied for them all though there had remained but one sinne for which he had made no satisfaction he had not risen againe but death which came into the world by sinne and is strengthened by it would haue held him in bondage and therefore whereas he rose againe it is more then manifest that he hath made so full a satisfaction that the merit therof doth and shall counteruaile the iustice of God for all our offences To this purpose Paul saith If Christ be not risen againe your faith is vaine and you are yet in your sinnes that is Christ had not satisfied for your sinnes or at least you could not
and there must be iudged Furthermore the second comming of Christ is sudden as the comming of a thiefe in the night He will come when the world thinketh not of him as the snare doth on the bird The consideration whereof must teach vs the same duties which our Sauiour Christ taught the men of his time First he teacheth them what they must not doe for he knowing all things knew also the disposition of mans heart and therfore he saith Take heede to your selues least at any time your hearts be oppressed with surfetting and drunkennes and the cares of this life least that day come vpon you vnawares For these sinnes benumme the heart and steale away all grace This exhortation in these our daies is most needefull For mens hearts are like the smithes stithie the more they are beaten with the hammar of Gods word the harder they are Secondly he teacheth them what they must doe Watch therefore saith he and pray continually that ye may be counted worthie to escape all these things that shall come to passe and that ye may stand before the sonne of man But you will say how may we be found worthie to stand before Christ at that day Ans. Doe but this one thing for your liues past be humbled before God and come vnto him by true heartie and vnfained repentance be changed and become new creatures pray vnto him earnestly for the pardon of your sinnes in Christ and pray continually that God will turne your hearts from your old sinnes euery day more and more and then come the last iudgement when it will ye shall be found worthy to stand before Christ at his cōming The repentant sinner is he that shall find fauour in the sight of God at that day The consideration hereof may mooue vs to chaunge our liues Those which were neuer yet humbled for their sinnes let them nowe beginne and those which haue alreadie begunne let them goe forwarde and continue But the deuill will crie in the hearts of some men that this exhortation is as yet needelesse for the day of iudgement is not neere because all the signes thereof are not yet passed Ans. Suppose the day of iudgement be farre off yet the day of thy death cannot be so for the common saying is true to day a man to morrowe none Nowe looke as death leaueth thee so shall the day of iudgement finde thee Impenitent Cain died long since and yet the day of iudgement when it commeth shall finde him impenitent still The same thing may bee said of Saul Achitophel and Iudas They died desperatly and impenitent the Lord shall finde them so at his comming So will it be with thee whatsoeuer thou art that repentest not Death may come vpon thee the next day or the next houre therefore watch and pray Prepare thy selfe against the day of death that at the day of iudgement thou maist be found worthie to obtaine fauour in the sight of the Lord. Securitie doth ouerwhelme the worlde but let vs for our parts learne to prepare our selues daily for if the day of death doe leaue thee vnworthie then the Lord Iesus at his comming shall finde thee vnworthie and the deuill shall stand before thee and accuse thee thy conscience shall condeme thee and hell shall be readie to swallowe thee vp If this admonition take no place in thy heart then at the day of iudgement it shall stand against thee and be a bill of inditement to thy further condemnation The second point followeth that Christ after that he is come in the clouds shall sit in a throne of glorie as the soueraigne iudge of heauen and earth after the manner of earthly kings who when they will shewe themselues vnto their subiects in maiestie power and glorie vse to ascend into the thrones of their kingdomes and there to shewe themselues and appeare in state vnto all the people Nowe what this throne is and howe Christ sits in the same the scripture hath not reuealed and therefore I will not stand to search Yet here must we further marke that this appearance of his in endlesse glorie and maiestie shall be most terrible and dreadfull to the vngodly and therefore in Daniel his throne is saide to be like a flame of fire and at the very sight hereof men shall desire the mountaines to fall vpon them and the hills to couer them The third point is the citing of all men and of the angels before his maiestie in that day there to answer for themselues This citing shall be done by the voice of Christ as he himselfe saith In that day all that are in the graues shall heare his voi●e they shall come forth And here we are to consider two things I. the power of this voice II. the ministerie whereby it shall be vttered For the first no doubt the power of this voice shall be vnspeakable and therefore it is compared to a trumpet the lowdest and shrillest of all musicall instruments and to the crie of the marriners whose manner hath beene in the doing of any busines with all their strength at one instant to make a common shout And sensible experience shall manifest the force thereof For it shall cause all the deade euen from the beginning of the world to rise againe though they haue lien rotten in the earth many thousand yeares and all vncleane spirits shall be forced and compelled will they nill they to come before Christ who shall be vnto them a most fearefull and terrible iudge neither man nor angel shall be able to absent or hide himselfe all without exception must appeare as wel high as low rich as poore none sh●ll be able to withdrawe themselues no not the mightie Monarches of the earth Furthermore this voice shall bee vttered by angels As in the Church Christ vseth men as his ministers by whome he speakes vnto his people so at the last daie he shall vse the ministerie of Angels whome he shall send foorth into the foure windes to gather his elect togither and therefore it is likely that this voice shall be vttered by them And by this which hath beene said wee must be mooued to make conscience of all sinne For there is no auoiding of this iudgement we can not absent our selues no excuse will serue the turne euen the most rebellious of all creatures whether man or angel shall be forced to appeare and therefore it standes vs in hand while we haue time in this life to looke vnto our estates and to practise the duties of christianitie that when we shall be cited before his glorious maiestie at the last day we may be cleared and absolued The fourth point is the separation of the sheepe from the goates the good from the badde for when all the kinreds of the earth and all vncleane spirits shall stand before Christ sitting in the throne of his glorie then as a good sheapheard he shall separate them one from another the
miserie to the vngodly as S. Iohn saith they that haue done euill shall come forth to the resurrection of condemnation If they might cease to liue after this life and die as the beast doth O thē it would be well with them for then they might haue an ende of their miserie but the wicked must after this life rise againe to condemnation which is the accomplishment of their eternall woe and wretchednes a rufull and dolefull case to consider and yet is it the state of all vnbeleeuing and vnrepentant sinners If a man were bidden to goe to bed that after hee had slept and was risen again he might go to execution it would make his heart to ake within him yet this yea a thousand fold worse is the state of all impenitent sinners they must sleep in the graue for a while thē rise againe that a secōd death may be inflicted vpon thē in bodie soule which is the suffering of the full wrath of God both in bodie soule eternally This being so let vs imbrace the good counsel of S. Peter who saith Amēd your liues turne that your sinnes may be done away when the time of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. If a man die repētant for his sinnes it is a day of refreshing but if he die in his sinnes impetent and hard hearted it is a day of eternal horrour desperation confusion Againe if we beleeue that our bodies shall rise againe after this life stand before God at the last daie of iudgement wee must daily enter into a serious consideration of this time and haue in minde that one dai● we must meet the Lord face to face A traueller comes into an Inne hauing but a penny in his purse he sits downe and cals for all store of prouision and dainties now what is to be thought of him surely in the iudgement of all men his behauiour betokens folly or rather madnes But why because he spendes freely and hath no regard to the reckening which must follow howe foolish then mad is the practise of euery man that liueth in his sinns bathing himselfe in his pleasures in this world neuer bethinking how he shal meet god at the last day of iudgement and th●re make reckening for all his doings An ancient diuine w●ites of himselfe that this saying ran in his minde and sounded alwaies in his eares Arise ye dead and come vnto iudgement And this ought alwaies to be sounding in our eares that while we haue time wee should prepare our selues to meete God at the last day Thirdly if we beleeue the resurrection of the bodie we are not to weepe mourne immoderatly for our friends deceased Our Sauiour Christ did weep for Lazarus and when Steuen was stoned to death certaine men that feared God buried him and made great lamentation for him and therefore mourning is not condemned and wee must not be as stockes that are bereft of all compassion yet remember we must what Saint Paul saith to th● Thessalonians I would not brethren haue you ignorant concerning those which are asleepe that ye sorrowe not as others which haue no hope For the godlie man properly dieth not but laies himselfe downe to take a sleepe after his manifolde labours in this life which beeing ended hee must rise againe to ioyes euerlasting and therefore we must needes moderate and mingle our mourning for the deceased with this and such like comforts Fourthly we are taught hence to labour and striue against the natural feare of death for if there be a resurrection of our bodies after this life then death is but a passage or middle way from this life to eternall life If a begger should be commanded to put off his old rags that he might be cloathed with rich costly garments would he be sorrie because he should stand naked a while til he were wholly bestripped of his rags No surely well thus doeth God when he calls a man to death he bids him put off his old rags of sinne and corruption and be cloathed with the glorious robe of Christs righteousnes and our abode in the graue is but for a space while corruption be put off This is Pauls argument saying Wee knowe that when our earthly house of this tabernacle shall be dissolued we haue a building giuen of God which is an house not made with hands but eternall in the heauens Fifthly whereas the godly are subiect to manifold afflictions and miseries both in bodie and minde in this life here they shall finde a sufficient staie to quiet and calme their mindes if they consider that after this short life is ended there will ensue a ioyfull resurrection Iob in the extremitie of all his temptations made this the comfort to his soule that one daie he should rise again in which he should enioy the glorious presence of his Creatour And the Holy Ghost saith that the seruants of God in the daies of Antiochus were racked and tormented and would not bee deliuered why so because they looked for a better resurrection Lastly the consideration of this point serueth to be a bridle to restraine a man from sinne and a spurre to make him goe forward in all godlines of life and conuersation Saint Paul had hope toward God that the resurrection of the dead should be both of the iust and vniust Nowe what did this mooue him vnto Marke Herein saith he that is in this respect I endeauour my selfe alwaies to haue a cleare conscience towards God and towards man And let vs for our partes likewise remember the last iudgement that it may bee a meanes to mooue vs so to behaue our selues in all our actions that wee may keepe a good conscience before God and before men and let it also be a bridle vnto vs to keepe vs backe from all manner of sinne For what is the cause why men daily defile their bodies soules with so many damnable practises without any remorse of conscience Surely they neuer seriously remember the daie of the resurrection after this life wherein they must stand before Christ to giue an account of that which they haue done in this life whether it be good or bad Thus much of the duties nowe marke it is further said The resurrection of the bodie If the bodie rise it must first fall Here then this point is wrapped vp as a confessed trueth that all men must die the first death And yet considering that the members of the Church haue the pardon of their sinns which are the cause of death it may bee demaunded why they must die Ans. Wee are to know that when they die death doth not seaze vpon them as it is in his own nature a curse for in that respect it was borne of Christ vpon the crosse and that for vs but for two other causes which we must thinke vpon as being speciall meanes to make a man willing to die I. They must
is full of botches blaines and sores but much more are those men to be abhorred which haue lien many yeares starke dead in sinnes and trespasses and therefore now doe nothing els but rot and stinke in them like vgly loathsome carrions Secondly he which is no Christian is vnder the power of darknes hauing Sathan for his prince and god and giuing vnto him in token of homage his best parts euen his minde and conscience to be his dwelling place and his whole conuersation is nothing els but a perpetuall obedience to Sathan If Atheists and worldlings and carnall gospellers were perswaded of the truth of this as it is most true it would make them howle and crie though now they liue at ease without feeling any prick of conscience for sinne And if they had but the least sense of it in the world it would make their flintie hearts to bleede and it would make them shed riuers of teares But how long shall they continue in this vile estate Truly vntill they come to Christ awake therefore thou that sleepest and stand vp from the dead and Christ shal giue thee light open thine heart to receiue Christ and then he will come and binde the strong● man Sathan and cast him out and dwell in thee himselfe Thirdly he which is no Christian is in daunger of all the iudgements of God so that euery moment some of them may befall him He may perish sodainly by water with the old world he may be consumed with fire and brimstone with Sodom and Gomorrha he may be swallowed vp of the earth with Dathan and Abiram he may hang himselfe with Iudas he may haue his braines dashed against the ground and be eaten vp of dogges with Iesabel he may die in hardnesse of heart with Pharao he may despaire with Caine and Iudas he may be stricken with sodaine death with Ananias and Saphira his wife he may be eaten of wormes with Herod he may be smitten with trembling that he cannot heare Gods word with Foelix he may voide his guttes at the stoole with Arius he may crie at his death that he is damned with Latomus he may be left vnto himselfe to mocke blaspheme and renounce Christ with Iuhan and he may suffer many more fearefull iudgements whereof the Lord hath great store and all tend to the confounding of them which will not be humbled vnder his hand Contrariwise the true christian is so farre out of the reach of Gods iudgements that they cannot hurt him Christ is a couering and a cloud against the heate and tempest of Gods iudgements when a mans heart is sprinkled with the bloode of this immaculate Lambe all the the plagues of God passe ouer him In the destruction of Ierusalem the righteous beare a marke in their foreheads and are saued Therefore let him that hath regard to his owne safetie become a Christian. Thirdly the man which is no Christian is in daunger of eternall death and damnation in hell fire and they which fall into this estate it had beene tenne thousand fold better for them if they had neuer bin borne for they are quite separated from the presence of God and from his glorie all the company they haue is with the deuill and his angels Their bodies and soules are tormented with infinite horror and anguish arising of the feeling of the whole wrath of God in which as into a bottomlesse sea they are plunged Thus they are alwaies dying and yet are neuer dead Furthermore the length of this torment must be considered which greatly aggrauates the paine If a man might be deliuered from the paines of hell when he had suffered them so many yeares as there be droppes in the sea or little sands in the whole earth it were some comfort but after that those yeares be expired there shall come no release but the damned shall continue in shriking yelling and gnashing of teeth enduring the consuming heate of Gods wrath without any ende for euer and euer Yea to goe further a wicked man carrieth an hell about him in this life namely an euill conscience which if it be neuer so little touched with any part of Gods anger a man shall feele himselfe to haue euen the pangs of hell in his heart Now therefore they that would escape out of this hellish and damnable estate while they haue time let them pray for the pardon of their sins in Christ and walke according to the spirit in newnes of life and then they may assure themselues that there is no condemnation can belong to them And it must be alwaies remembred that he which would liue when he is dead must die while he is aliue namely to sinne And againe he which would rise to eternall life in the day of iudgement must rise from sinne before he die vnto newnesse of life The fourth reason God hath appointed vnto euery man that liueth in the Church a certaine time of repentance and of comming to Christ. And hee which mispendeth that time and is not made a christian then can neuer be saued This made our Sauiour Christ weepe for Ierusalem and say O if thou hadst knowne at the least in this thy day those things which belong to thy peace but now are they hidden from thine eyes And he further signifieth the destruction of Ierusalem because shee knew not the time of her visitation Againe the neglecting of this time is one cause why not one or two but many shall seeke to enter into the kingdome of heauen and yet shal not be able It is a marueilous thing that they which seeke to be saued should perish but the fault is theirs which seeke when it is too late Now therefore thou secure worldling thy conscience telleth thee that thou hast not yet repented and that thou art not as yet a liuely member of Iesus Christ. And thou knowest further that howsoeuer thou art aliue at this time yet thou hast no lease of thy life God may call thee forth of this world the next yeare the next weeke the next houre yea he may strike thee with sudden death at this very present And in very truth if thou goest forth of this world being no repentant sinner thou goest damned to hell Wherefore delay not one minut of an houre longer but with all speed repent and turne vnto God and bring forth fruits worthie of amendment of life that all thy sinnes may be done away when the day of death or the day of iudgement shall be And doe not thinke with thy selfe that it shall be sufficient to deferre thy turning vnto God till the last ende For late repentance is seldome true repentance And he which continueth long in any sinne is in a dangerous case If a man lie long in any disease he will scarce recouer his former health and he which is growne in the custome of any sinne and the sinne is become ripe in him it is a thousand to one
terrible but it is false to them that bee in Christ to whome many things happen farre more heauie and bitter then death IV. Death at the first brought foorth sinne but death in the righteous by meanes of Christs death abolisheth sinne because it is the accomplishment of mortification And death is so far from destroying such as are in Christ that there can bee no better refuge for them against death for presently after the death of the bodie followes the perfect freedome of the spirit and the resurrection of the bodie V. Lastly death is a meanes of a Christian mans perfection as Christ in his owne example sheweth saying Beholde I will cast out deuills and will heale still to daie and to morrowe and the third I will bee perfected Nowe this perfection in the members of Christ is nothing els but the blessing of God the author of peace sanctifying them throughout that their whole spirits and soules and bodies may be preserued without blame to the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ. Nowe hauing often thus considered with my selfe of the excellencie of death I thought good to drawe the summe and cheife heads thereof into this small Treatise the protection and consideration whereof I commend to your Ladiship desiring you to accept of it and read it at your leisure If I be blamed for writing vnto you of death whereas by the course of nature you are not yet neere death Salomon will excuse me who saith that wee must remember our Creator in the daies of our youth Thus hoping of your H. good acceptance I pray God to blesse this my little labour to your comfort and saluation Septemb. 7. 1595. Your H. in the Lord W. Perkins ECCLESIASTES 7. 3. The day of death is better then the daie that one is borne THese words are a rule or precept laid downe by Salomon for weightie causes For in the chapters going before he sets forth the vanitie of all creatures vnder heauen and that at large in the very particulars Now men hereupon might take occasion of discontentment in respect of their estate in this life therefore Salomon in great wisdom here takes a new course in this chapter begins to lay downe certaine rules of direction and comfort that men might haue somewhat wherewith to arme themselues against the troubles and the miseries of this life The first rule is in this third verse that a good name is better then a pretious oyntment that is a name gotten maintained by godly conuersation is a speciall blessing of God which in the midst of the vanities of this life ministreth greater matter of reioycing and comfort to the heart of man then the most pretious oyntment can doe to the outward senses Now some man hauing heard this first rule concerning good name might obiect and say that renowme good report in this life affoards slender comfort considering that after it followes death which is the miserable end of all men But this obiection the wise man remooueth by a second rule in these words which I haue in hand saying that the daie of death is better then the daie that one is borne That we may come to the true proper sense of this precept or rule three points are to be considered First what is death here mētioned secondly how it can be truely said that the daie of death is better then the daie of birth thirdly in what respect it is better For the first death is a depriuation of life as a punishment ordained of God and imposed on man for his sinne First I say it is a depriuation of life because the verie nature of death is he absence or defect of that life which God vouchsafed man by his creation I adde further that death is a punishment more especially to intimate the nature and qualitie of death and to shewe that it was ordained as a meanes of execution of Gods iustice and iudgement And that death is a punishment Paul plainely auoucheth when hee saith that by one man sinne entred into the worlde and death by sinne And againe that death is the stipend wages or allowance of sinne Furthermore in euerie punishment there be three workers the ordainer of it the procurer and the executioner The ordainer of this punishment is God in the estate of mans innocency by a solemne lawe then made in these verie wordes In the daie that thou eatest thereof thou shalt die the death Genesis 2. ●7 But it may be alleadged to the contrarie that the Lord saith by the Prophet Ezechiel that hee will not the death of a sinner and therefore that hee is no ordainer of death The answere may easily bee made and that sundrie waies First the Lord speakes not this to all men or of all men but to his owne people the church of the Iewes as appeares by the clause perfixed Sonne of man say vnto the ●ouse of Israel c. Again the words are not spoken absolutely but only in waie of comparison in that of the twaine hee rather wills the conuersion and repentance of a sinner then his death and destruction Thirdly the verie proper meaning of the wordes importe thus much that God doeth take no delight or pleasure in the death of a sinner as it is the ruine and destruction of the creature And yet all this hinders not but that God in a newe regard and consideration may both will and ordaine death namely as it is a due and deserued punishment tending to the execution of iustice in which iustice God is as good as in his mercie Againe it may bee obiected that if death indeede had beene ordained of God then Adam should haue beene destroyed and that presently vpon his fall For the verie wordes are thus Whensoeuer thou shalt eate of the forbidden fruite thou shalt certainly die Ausvvere Sentences of Scripture are either Legall or Euangelicall the lawe and the Gospel beeing two seuerall and distinct parts of Gods worde Nowe this former sentence is Legall and must be vnderstood with an exception borrowed from the Gospell or the couenant of grace made with Adam and reuealed to him after his fall The exception is this Thou shalt certenly die whensoeuer thou eatest the forbidden fruite except I doe further giue thee a meanes of deliuerance from death namely the seed of the woman to bruise the serpents head Secōdly it may be answered that Adam and all his posteritie died and that presently after his fall in that his bodie was made mortall and his soule became subiect to the curse of the Lawe And whereas God would not vtterly destroy Adam at the very first but onely impose on him the beginnings of the first and second death he did the same in great wisdome that in the midst of his iustice he might make a way to mercie which thing could not haue beene if Adam had perished The executioner of this punishment is hee that doeth impose and inflict the same on man and that also is God
himselfe as hee testifieth of himselfe in the prophet Esai I make peace and create euill Nowe euill is of three sortes naturall morall materiall Naturall euill is the destruction of that order which God set in euery creature by the creation Morall euill is the want of that righteousnesse and vertue which the lawe requires at mans hand and that is called sinne Materiall euill is any matter or thing which in it selfe is a good creature of God yet so as by reason of mans fall it is hurtfull to the health and life of man as henbane wolfebane hemlocke and all other poisons are● Nowe this saying of Esai must not be vnderstood of morall euills but of such as are either materiall or natural to the latter of which death is to be referred which is the destruction or abolishment of mans nature created The procurer of death is man not God in that man by his sinne and disobedience did pull vpon himselfe this punishment Therefore the Lord in Oseah O Israel one hath destroyed thee but in me is thine helpe Against this it may bee obiected that man was mortall in the estate of innocency before the fall Answere The frame and composition of mans bodie considered in it selfe was mortall because it was made of water and earth and other elements which are of themselues alterable and changeable yet if wee respect that grace and blessing which God did vouchsafe mans bodie in his creation it was vnchangeable and immortall and so by the same blessing should haue continued if man had not fallen and man by his fall depriuing himselfe of this gift and blessing became euery way mortall Thus it appeares in part what death is yet for the better clearing of this point we are to consider the difference of the death of a man and of a beast The death of a beast is the totall and finall abolishment of the whole creature for the bodie is resolued to his first matter and the soule arising of the temperature of the bodie vanisheth to nothing But in the death of man it is otherwise For though the bodie for a time be resolued to dust yet must it rise againe in the last iudgement and become immortall and as for the soule it subsisteth by it selfe out of the bodie and is immortall And this beeing so it may be demaunded how the soule can die the second death Answ. The soule dies not because it is vtterly abolished but because it is as though it were not and it ceaseth to be in respect of righteousnesse and fellowship with God And indeede this is the death of all deaths when the creature hath subsisting and beeing and yet for all that is depriued of all comfortable fellowship with God The reason of this difference is because the soule of a man is a spirit or spirituall substance whereas the soule of a beast is no substance but a naturall vigour or qualitie and hath no beeing in it selfe without the bodie on which it wholly dependeth The soule of man contrariwise beeing created of nothing and breathed into the bodie and as well subsisting forth of it as in it The kindes of death are two as the kindes of life are bodily and spirituall Bodily death is nothing else but the separation of the soule from the bodie as bodily life is the coniunction of bodie and soule and this death is called the first because in respect of time it goes before the second Spirituall death is the separation of the whole man both in bodie and soule from the gracious fellowship of God Of these twaine the first is but an entrance to death and the second is the accomplishment of it For as the soule is the life of the bodie so God is the life of the soule and his spirit is the soule of our soules and the want of fellowship with him brings nothing but the endlesse and vnspeakable horrours and pangs of death Againe spirituall death hath three distinct and seuerall degrees The first is when a man that is aliue in respect of temporall life lies dead in sinne Of this degree Paul speakes when he saith But shee that liueth in pleasure is dead while shee liueth And this is the case of all men by nature who are children of wrath and dead in sinnes and trespasses The second degree is the very ende of this life when the bodie is laid in the earth and the soule descends to the place of torment The third degree is in the day of iudgement when the bodie and soule meete againe and goe both to the place of the damned there to be tormented for euer and euer Hauing thus found the nature and differences and kinds of death it is more then manifest that the text in hand is to be vnderstood not of the spirituall but of the bodily death because it is opposed to the birth or natiuitie of man The words then must carrie this sense The time of bodily death in which the bodie and soule of man are seuered asunder it is better then the time in which one is brought into the world Thus much of the first point nowe followeth the second and that is howe this can be true which Salomon saith that the day of death is better then the daie of birth I make not this question to call the Scriptures into controuersie which are the trueth it selfe but I doe it for this ende that wee might without wauering bee resolued of this which Salomon auoucheth For there may be sundrie reasons brought to the contrarie Therefore let vs handle the question the reasons or obiections which may be alleadged to the contrarie may all bee reduced to sixe heades The first is taken from the opinion of wise men who thinke it the best thing of all neuer to be borne and the next best to die quickely Nowe if it bee the best thing in the worlde not to bee borne at all then it is the worst thing that can bee to die after a man is borne Answere There bee two sortes of men one that liue and die in their sinnes without repentance the other which vnfamedly repent and beleeue in Christ. Nowe this sentence may bee truely auouched of the first of whome wee may say as Christ said of Iudas It had beene good for him that hee had neuer beene borne But the saying applied to the second sort of men is false For to them that in this life turne to God by repentance the best thing of all is to be borne because their birth is a degree of preparation to happinesse and the next best is to die quickly because by death they enter into possession of the same their happinesse For this cause Balaam desired to die the death of the righteous Salomon in this place preferres the daie of death before the day of birth vnderstanding that death which is ioined with godly life or the death of the righteou● The second obiection is taken from the testimonies of Scripture Death is
the wages of sinne Rom. 6.22 it is an enemie of Christ 1. Cor. 15. and the curse of the law Hence it seemes to follow that in and by death mē receiue their wages and paiment for their sinnes that the daie of death is the dolefull daie in which the enemie preuailes against vs that he which dieth is cursed Ans. Wee must distinguish of death it must be considered two waies first as it is by it selfe in his owne nature secondly as it is altered and changed by Christ. Now death by it selfe considered is indeed the wages of sinne an enemie of Christ and of all his members and the curse of the law yea the verie suburbs gates of hell yet in the second respect it is not so For by the vertue of the death of Christ it ceaseth to be a plague or punishment of a curse it is made a blessing and is become vnto vs a passage or mid-waie betweene this life and eternall life and as it were a little wicket or doore whereby wee passe out of this worlde and enter into heauen And in this respect the saying of Salomon is most true For in the daie of birth men are borne and brought forth into the vale of miserie but afterward when they goe hence hauing death altered vnto them by the death of Christ they enter into eternall ioy and happines with all the Saints of God for euer The third obiection is taken from the examples of most worthie men who haue made their praiers against death As our Sauiour Christ who praied on this manner Father if it bee thy will let this cuppe passe from mee yet not my will but thy will bee done And Dauid praied Returne O Lord deliuer my soule saue me for thy mercies sake for in death there is no remembrance of thee in the graue who shall praise thee And Ezechiah when the Prophet Esai bad him set his house in order and tolde him that he must die wept sore and that in respect of death Nowe by the examples of these most worthie men yea by the example of the sonne of God himselfe it may seeme that the daie of death is the most terrible and dolefull daie of all Ansvvere When our Sauiour Christ praied thus to his father hee was in his agonie and hee then as our Redeemer stoode in our roome and steade to suffer all things that wee should haue suffered in our owne persons for our sinnes and therefore hee praied not simplie against death but against the cursed death of the crosse and hee feared not death it selfe which is the separation of bodie and soule but the curse of the lawe which went with death namely the vnspeakable wrath and indignation of God The first death troubled him not but the first and second ioyned togither Touching Dauid when hee made the sixt psalme hee was not onely sicke in bodie but also perplexed with the greatest temptation of all in that hee wrestled in conscience with the wrath of God as appeares by the words of the text where he saith Lord rebuke me not in thy wrath And by this wee see that hee praied not simply against death but against death at that instant when hee was in that grieuous temptation For at other times he had no such feare of death as hee himselfe testifieth saying Though I should walke through the valley of the shadowe of death I will feare no euil Therefore he praied against death only as it was ioyned with the apprehension of Gods wrath Lastly Ezechiah praied against death not onely because hee desired to liue and doe seruice to God in his kingdome but vpon a further and more speciall regard because when the prophet brought the message of death hee was without issue and had none of his owne bodie to succeede him in his kingdome It will be said what warrant had Ezechiah to praie against death for this cause Ansvvere His warrant was good for God had made a particular promise to Dauid and his posteritie after him that so long as they feared God and walked in his commandements they should not want issue to sitte vpon the throne of the kingdome after them Nowe Ezechiah at the time of the Prophets message remembering what promise God had made and howe hee for his part had kept the condition thereof in that hee had walked before God with an vpright heart and had done that which was acceptable in his sight hee praied against death not so much because hee feared the danger of it but because he wanted issue This praier God accepted heard and he added fifteene yeares vnto his daies two yeares after gaue him Manasses The fourth obiection is this that those which haue beene reputed to bee of the better sort of men oftentimes haue miserable endes for some end their daies despairing some rauing and blaspheming some strangely tormented it may seeme therefore that the daie of death is the daie of greatest woe and miserie To this I answere first of all generally that we must not iudge of the estate of any man before God by outward things whether they bee blessings or iudgements whether they fall in life or death For as Salomon saith all things come alike to all and the same condition is to the iust and the wicked to the good to the pure to the polluted to him that sacrificeth to him that sacrificeth not as is the good so is the sinner hee that sweareth as hee that feareth a● oath Secondly I answer the particulars which bee alleadged on this manner And first of all touching despaire it is true that not onely wicked and loose persons despaire in death but also repentant sinners who oftentimes in their sickenesse testifie of themselues that beeing aliue and lying in their beds they feele themselues as it were to be in hell and to apprehend the verie pangs and torments thereof And I doubt not for all this but that the child of God most deare vnto him may through the gulfe of desperation attaine to euerlasting happines This appeares by the manner of Gods dealing in the matter of our saluation All the workes of God are done in and by their contraries In the creation all things were made not of something but of nothing cleane contrarie to the course of nature In the worke of Redemption God giues life not by life but by death and if we consider aright of Christ vpon the crosse wee shall see our paradise out of paradise in the midst of hell For out of his owne cursed death doth he bring vs life and eternall happinesse Likewise in effectuall vocation when it pleaseth God to conuert and turne men vnto him hee doeth it by the meanes of the Gospel preached which in reason should driue all men from God For it is as contrarie to the nature of man as fire to water and light to darkenes and yet for all this though it be thus against the disposition and heart of
man it preuailes with him and turnes him to God Furthermore when God will send his owne seruants to heauen hee sends thē a contrarie waie euen by the gates of hell and when it is his pleasure to make men depend on his fauour and prouidence hee makes them feele his anger and to be nothing in themselues that they may wholly depend vpon him and be whatsoeuer they are in him This point beeing well considered it is manifest that the child of God may passe to heauen by the very gulfes of hell The loue of God is like a sea into which when a man is cast hee neither feeles bottome nor sees banke I conclude therefore that despaire whether it arise of weaknes of nature or of conscience of sinne though it fall out about the time of death can not preiudice the saluation of them that are effectually called As for other strange euents which fall out in death they are the effects of diseases Rauings and blasphemings arise of the disease of melancholie and of frensies which often happen at the ende of burning feauers the choller shooting vp to the braine The writhing of the lips the turning of the necke the buckling of the ioyntes and the whole bodie proceede of crampes and convulsions which follow after much euacuation And whereas some in sicknesse are of that strength that three or foure men cannot holde them without bondes it comes not of witchcrafts and possessions as people commonly thinke but of choller in the vaines And whereas some when they are dead become as blacke as pitch as Bonner was it may arise by a bruise or an impostume or by the blacke iaundise or by the putrefaction of the liuer and it doeth not alwaies argue some extraordinarie iudgement of God Nowe these and the like diseases with their Symptomes and straunge effects though they shal depriue man of his health and of the right vse of the parts of his bodie and of the vse of reason too yet they cannot depriue his soule of eternall life And all sinnes procured by violent diseases and proceeding from repentant sinners are sins of infirmitie for which if they know them come againe to the vse of reason they will further repent if not they are pardoned and buried in the death of Christ. And we ought not so much to stand vpon the strangenes of any mans ende when we know the goodnesse of his life for we must iudge a man not by his death but by his life And if this be true that strange diseases and thereupon strange behauiours in death may befall the best man that is wee must learne to reforme our iudgements of such as lie at the point of death The common opinion is that if a man lie quietly and goe away like a lambe which in some diseases as consumptions and such like any man may doe then he goes straight to heauen but if the violence of the disease stirre vp impatience and cause in the partie franticke behauiours then men vse to say there is a iudgement of God seruing either to discouer an hypocrit or to plague a wicked man But the trueth is otherwise For indeede a man may die like a lambe and yet go to hell and one dying in exceeding torments and straunge behauiours of the bodie may goe to heauen And by the outward condition of any man either in life or death wee are not to iudge of his estate before God The fifth obiection is this When a man is most neare death then the deuill is most busie in temptation and the more men are assaulted by Satan the more dangerous troublesome is their case And therefore it may seeme that the day of death is the worst daie of all Ans. The condition of Gods childrē in death is twofold Some are not tempted and some are Some I say are not tempted as Simeon who when he had seene Christ brake forth said Lord now lettest thou thy seruant depart in peace c. foresignifying no doubt that he should ende his daies in all manner of peace As for them which are tempted though their case be verie troublesome and perplexed yet their saluation is not further off by reason of the violence and extremitie of temptation For God is then present by the vnspeakeable comfort of his spirit and when wee are most weake he is most strong in vs because his manner is to shew his power in weaknesse And for this cause euen in the time of death the deuill receiues the greatest foile when he lookes for the greatest victorie The sixth obiection is this Violent and sudden death is a grieuous curse of all euils which befall man in this life none is so terrible therefore it may seeme that the day of suddaine death is most miserable Ans. It is true indeed that suddaine death is a curse and a grieuous iudgement of God and therefore not without cause feared of men in the world yet all things considered we ought more to be afraide of an impenitent and euill life then of suddaine death For though it be euil as death it selfe in his owne nature is yet we must not thinke it to be simplie euill because it is not euill to all men nor in all respects euill I say it is not euill to all men considering that no kinde of death is euill or a curse vnto them that are in Christ who are freed from the whole curse of the Law And therefore the holy Ghost saith Blessed are they that die in the Lord for they rest from their Labour whereby is signified that they which depart this life beeing members of Christ enter into euerlasting happinesse of what death soeuer they die yea though it be suddaine death Againe I say that suddaine death is not euill in all respects For it is not euill because it is suddaine but because it commonly takes men vnprepared and by that means makes the day of death a blacke day and as it were a very speedie downfall to the gulfe of hell Otherwise if a man be readie and prepared to die suddaine death is in effect no death but a quicke and speedie entrance to eternall life These obiections beeing thus answered it appeares to be a manifest truth which Salomon saith that the day of death is better indeede then the day of birth Now I come to the third point in which the reasons and respects are to be considered that make the day of death to surpasse the day of a mans birth and they may all be reduced to this one namely that the birth day is an entrance into all woe and miserie whereas the day of death ioyned with godly and reformed life is an entrance or degree to eternall life Which I make manifest thus Eternall life hath three degrees one in this life when a man can truly say that he liues not but that Christ liues in him and this all men can say that repent and beleeue and are iustified and sanctified and haue peace of
word requires two things a preparation before death and a right behauiour and disposition in death The preparation vnto death is an action of a repentant sinner whereby he makes himselfe fitte and readie to die and is a dutie very necessarie to which we are bound by Gods commaundement For there be sundrie places of Scripture which doe straightly inioyne vs to watch and pray and to make our selues readie euery way against the second comming of Christ to iudgement Now the same places doe withall binde vs to make preparation against death at which time God comes to iudgement vnto vs particularly Againe looke as death leaueth a man so shall the last iudgement finde him and so shall he abide eternally there may be changes and conuersions from euill to good in this life but after death there is no change at all Therefore a preparation to death can in no wise be omitted of him that desires to make an happie and blessed ende This preparation is twofold generall and particular Generall preparation is that whereby a man prepares himselfe to die through the whole course of his life A dutie most needfull which must in no wise be omitted The reasons are these First of all death which is certen is most vncertaine I say it is certen because no man can eschew death And it is vncertaine three waies first in regard of time for no mā knoweth when he shall die secōdly in regard of place for no man knowes where he shall die whether in his bed or in the field whether by sea or by land thirdly in respect of the kind of death for no man knowes whether he shall die of a lingring or sudden of a violent or naturall death Hence it followes that men should euery day prepare themselues to death Indeede if we could know when where and how we should die the case were otherwise but seeing we know none of these it stands vs in hand to looke about vs. A second reason seruing further to perswade vs is this The most daungerous thing of all in this world is to neglect all preparation To make this point more manifest I will vse this comparison A certaine man pursued by an Vnicorne in his flight falls into a dungeon and in his fall takes hold and hangs by the arme of a tree now as he thus hangs looking downeward he sees two wormes gnawing at the roote of the tree and as he lookes vpward he sees and hiue of most sweete honie whereupon he climes vp vnto it and sitting by it feedes thereon In the meane season while he is thus sitting the two wormes gnawe in pieces the roote of the tree which done tree and man and all fall into the bottom of the dungeon Now this Vnicorne is death the man that flieth is euery one of vs and euery liuing man the pit ouer which he hangeth is hell the arme of the tree is life it selfe the two wormes are day and night the continuance whereof is the whole life of man the hiue of honie is the pleasures and profits and honors of this world to which when men wholly giue themselues not considering their endes till the t●ee roote that is this temporal life be cut off which beeing once done they plunge themselues quite into the gulfe of hell By this we see that there is good cause that men should not deferre their preparation till the time of sicknes but rather euery day make themselues readie against the day of death But some will say it shall suffice if I prepare my selfe to pray when I begin to be sicke Ans. These men greatly deceiue themselues for the time then is most vnfit to begin a preparation because all the senses and powers of the bodie are occupied about the paines and troubles of the disease and the sicke partie is ex●rcised partly in cōference with the Physitian partly with the Minister about his soules health and matters of conscience and partly with friends that come to visit Therefore there must some preparation goe before in the time of health when the whole man with all the powers of bodie and soule are at libertie Again there be some others which imagine and say that a man may repent when he will euen in the time of death and that such repentance is sufficient Ans. It is false which say they For it is not in the power of man to repent when he himselfe will when God will he may It is not in him that willeth or runneth but in God that hath mercie And Christ saith that many shall seeke to enter into heauen and shall not be able But why so because they seeke when it is too late namely when the time of grace is past Therefore it is exceeding follie for men so much as once to dreame that they may haue repentance at command nay it is a iust iudgement that they should be condemned of God in death that did contemne God in their life and that they should quite be forgotten of God in sicknes that did forget God in their health Againe I answer that this late repentance is seldome or neuer true repentance It is sicke like the partie himselfe commonly languishing and dying togither with him Repentance should be voluntarie as all obedience to God ought but repentance taken vp in sicknesse is vsually constrained and extorted by the feare of hell and other iudgements of God for crosses afflictions and sicknes will cause the grossest hypocrite that euer was to stoope and buckle vnder the hand of God and to dissemble faith and repentance and euery grace of God as though he had them as fully as any of the true seruants of God whereas indeede he wants them altogether Wherefore such repentance commonly is but counterfait For in true and sound repentance men must forsake their sins but in this the sinne forsakes the man who leaues all his euill waies onely vpon this that he is const●ained to l●aue the world Wherefore it is a thing greatly to be wished that men would repent and prepare themselues to die in the time of health before the day of death or sicknesse come Lastly it is alleadged that one of the theeues repented vpon the crosse Answ. The thiefe was called after the eleuenth houre at the point of the twelfth when he was now dying and drawing on Therefore his conuersion was altogether miraculous and extraordinarie and there was a speciall reason why Christ would haue him to be called then that while he was in suffering he might shew forth the vertue of his passion that all which saw the one might also acknowledge the other Now it is not good for men to make an ordinarie rule of an extraordinarie example Thus then this point beeing manifest that a generall preparation must be made let vs now see in what manner it must be done And for the right doing of it ●u●e duties must be practised in the ●ourse of our liues The first i● the meditation of death in the life time
word of God For Paul saith that they that are the childrē of god are led by the spirit of Christ. Nowe seeing this is so that if wee would liue eternally wee must begin to liue that blessed and eternall life before we die here we must be carefull to reform two common errors The first is that a man enters into eternall life when hee dies and not before which is a flat vntruth Our Sauiour Christ said to Zacheus This day is saluation come to thy house● giuing vs to vnderstand that a man then begins to be saued when God doeth effectually call him by the ministery of his Gospell Whosoeuer then will bee saued when hee is dying and dead must begin to be saued while he is nowe liuing His saluation must beginne in this life that would come to saluation after this life Verely verely saith Christ he that heareth my word and ●eleeueth in him that sent me hath eternall life namly in this present life The second error is that howsoeuer a man liue if when he is dying he can lift vp his eies and say Lord haue mercie vpon me hee is certainly saued Behold a verie dangerous and foolish conceit that deceiues many a man It is all one as if an arrant theife should thus reason with himselfe and say I will spend my daies in robbing and stealing I feare neither arraignment nor exequution For at the verie time when I am to bee turned off the ladder if I doe but call vpon the iudge I knowe I shall haue my pardon Behold a most dangerous and desperate course the verie same is the practise of carelesse men in the matter of their saluation For a man may di● with Lord haue mercie in his mouth and perish eternally except in this world he enter into the first degree of eternall life For not euerie one that sayeth Lord Lord shall enter into heauen but he that doth the will of the father which is in heauen The fourth dutie is to exercise and inure our selues in dying by little little so long as we liue here vpon earth before we come to die indeede And as men that are appointed to runne a race exercise themselues in running that they may get the victorie so should we begin to die now while we are liuing that we might die well in the end But some may say how should this be done Paul giues vs direction in his owne example when he saith by the reioycing which I haue in Christ I die daily And he died daily not onely because hee was often in danger of death by reason of his calling but also because in al his dangers and troubles he inured himselfe to die For when men do make the right vse of their afflictions whether they bee in bodie or minde or both and doe with all their might endeauour to beare them patiently humbling themselues as vnder the correction of God then they begin to die well And to doe this indeede is to take an excellent course He that would mortifie his greatest sins must begin to doe it with small sinnes which when they are once reformed a man shall be able more easily to ouercome his master-sinnes So likewise he that would be able to beare the crosse of all crosses namely death it selfe must first of all learne to beare small crosses as sicknesses in bodie and troubles in minde with losses of goods and of friendes and of good name which I may fitly tearme little deaths and the beginnings of death it selfe and we must first of all acquaint our selues with these little deaths before we can wel be able to beare the great death of al. Againe the afflictions and calamities of this life are as it were the harbingers and puruiers of death and we are first to learne how to entertaine these messengers that when death the lord himselfe shall come we may in better manner entertaine him This point Bilney the martyr well considered who oftentimes before hee was burned put his finger into the flame of the candle not onely to make triall of his abilitie in suffering but also to arme and strengthen himselfe against greater torments in death Thus ye see the fourth dutie which ye must in any wise learne and remember because wee cannot be able to beare the pangs of death well vnles we bee first well schooled and nurtered by sundrie trials in this life The fifth and last dutie is set down by Salomon All that thine hand shall find to doe doe it with all thy power And marke the reason For there is neither worke nor inuention nor knowledge nor wisdome in the graue whither thou goest To the same purpose Paul saith Doe good to all men while ye haue time Therefore if any man be able to doe any good seruice either to Gods church or to the common wealth or to any priuate man let him doe it with all speede and with all might least death it selfe preuent him He that hath care thus to spende his daies shall with much comfort and peace of conscience ende his life Thus much of generall preparation Now followeth the particular which is in the time of sicknes And here first of all I will shew what is the doctrine of the Papists and then afterward the truth By the popish order and practise when a man is about to die he is inioyned three things First to make sacramentall confession specially if it be in any mortall sinne secondly to receiue the Eucharist thirdly to require his annoyling that is the sacrament as they call it of extreame vnction Sacramentall confession they tearme a rehearsall or enumeration of all mans sinnes to a priest that he may receiue absolution But against this kinde of confession sundrie reasons may be alleadged First of all it hath no warrant either by commandement or example in the whole word of God They say yes and they indeauour to prooue it thus He which lies in any mortall sinne is by Gods law bound to doe penance and to seeke reconciliation with God now the necessarie meanes after baptisme to obtaine reconciliation is the confession of all our sinnes to a priest Because Christ hath appointed priests to be iudges vpon earth with such measure of authoritie that no man falling after baptisme can without their sentence and determination be reconciled and they can not rightly iudge vnlesse they know all a mans sinnes therefore all that fall after baptisme are bound by Gods word to open all their sinnes to a priest Ans. It is false which they say that priests are iudges hauing power to examine and take knowledge of mens sinnes and iurisdiction whereby they can properly absolue pardon or retaine them For Gods word hath giuen no more to man but a ministerie of reconciliation whereby in the name of God and according to his word he doth preach declare and pronounce that God doth pardon or not pardon his sinnes Againe pardon may truly be pronounced
and right iudgement of the estate of any man without a particular rehearsall of his sinnes For he which soundly and truly repents of one or some few sinnes repents of all Secondly this confession is ouerturned by the practise of the Prophets Apostles who not onely absolued particular persons but also whol churches without exaction of auricular cōfession Whē Nathan the Prophet had rebuked Dauid for his two great horrible crimes Dauid touched with remorse said I haue sinned and Nathan presently without further examination declared vnto him in the name of God that his sins were forgiuen him Thirdly it can not be prooued by any good and sufficient proofes that this confession was vsed in the Church of God till after fiue or sixe hundred yeares were expired For the confession which was then in vse was either publicke before the Church or the opening of a publicke fault to some priuate person in secret Therefore to vrge sicke men vnto it lying at the point of death is to lay more burdens on them then euer God appointed And whereas they make it a necessary thing to receiue the Eucharist in the time of sicknes toward death and that priuately of the sicke partie alone they haue no warrant for their practise and opinion For in the want of the sacrament there is no danger but in the contempt and the verie contempt it selfe is a sinne which may be pardoned if we repent And there is no reason why wee should thinke that sicke men should bee depriued of the comfort of the Lords supper if they receiue it not in death because the fruite and efficacy of the Sacrament once receiued is not to bee restrained to the time of receiuing but it extends it selfe to the whole time of mans life afterward Againe the supper of the Lord is no priuate action but meerely Ecclesiasticall and therefore to be celebrated in the meeting and assembly of Gods people as our Sauiour Christ prescribeth when he saith Doe ye this and Paul in saying When ye come togither But it is alleadged that the Israelites did eate the Paschal lambe in their houses when they were in Egypt Answ. The Israelites had then no libertie to make any publike meeting for that end god commanded that the Paschal lambe should be eaten in all the houses of the Isaraelites at one the same instant and that in effect was as much as if it had beene publike Againe they alleadge a Canon of the Council of Nice which decreeth that men beeing about to die must receiue the Eucharist not be depriued of the prouision of food necessarie for their iourney Ans. The Council made no decree touching the administration of the Sacrament to all them that die but to such onely as fall away from the faith in persecution or fell into any other notorious crime and were thereupon excommunicate and so remained till death either then or somewhat before testified their repentance for their offences And the Canon was made for this ende that such persons might bee assured that they were againe receiued into the Church and by this meanes depart with more comfort Thirdly it is obiected that in the primitiue Church part of the Eucharist was carried by a ladde to Serapion an aged man lying sicke in his bedde Ansvv. It was indeede the custome of the auncient Church from the very beginning that the elemēts of bread wine should be sent by some of the Deacons to the sicke which were absent from the assembly And yet neuerthelesse here is no footing for priuate communions For the Eucharist was only then sent when the rest of the Church did openly communicate and such as were then absent onely by reason of sickenes and desired to bee partakers of that blessed com●union were to be reputed as pre●ent Lastly it is obiected that it was the manner of men and women in former times to carrie part of the Sacramēt home to their houses and to reserue it till the time of necessitie as the time of sicknes such like Ans. The reseruatiō of the sacrament was but a superstitious practise though it be ancient For out of the administration that is before it begin and after it is ended the sacrament ceaseth to be a sacrament and the elements to be elements As for the practise of them that vsed to cramme the Eucharist into the mouth of them that were deceased it is not only superstitious but also verie absurd As for the Annoiling of the sicke that is the annointing of the bodie specially the organes or instruments of the senses that the partie may obtaine the remission of his sinnes and comfort against all temptations of the deuill in the houre of death and strength more easily to beare the pangs of sickenesse and the pangs of death and be againe restored to his corporall health if it bee expedient for the saluation of his soule it is but a dotage of mans braine hath not so much as a shewe of reason to iustifie it The fifth of Iames is commonly alleadged to this purpose but the annointing there mentioned is not of the same kinde with this greasie sacrament of the Papists For that annointing of the bodie was a ceremonie vsed by the Apostles and others when they put in practise this miraculous gift of healing which gift is nowe ceased Secondly that annointing had a promise that the partie should recouer his health but this popish annointing hath no such promise because for the most part the persons thus annointed die afterward without recouerie wheras those which were annointed in the primitiue Church alwaies recouered Thirdly the auncient annointing serued onely for the procuring of health but this tendes further to the procuring of remission of sinnes and strength in temptation Thus hauing seene the doctrine of the Papists I come nowe to speake of the true and right manner of making particular preparation before death which containes three sorts of duties one concerning God the other concerning a mans owne selfe the third concerning our neighbour The first concerning God is to seeke to be reconciled vnto him in Christ though wee haue beene long assured of his fauour All other duties must come after in the second place and they are of little or no effect without this Nowe this reconciliation must bee sought for and is obtained by a renewing of our former faith and repentance and they must be renewed on this manner So soone as a man shall feele any manner of sickenesse to seaze vpon his bodie hee must consider with himselfe whence it ariseth and after serious consideration hee shal find that it comes not by chance or fortune but by the special prouidence of God This done he m●st goe yet further and consider for what cause the Lord should afflict his bodie with any sickenesse or disease And he shal find by Gods word that sicknesse comes ordinarily and vsually of sinne Wherefore is the liuing man sorrowfull man
in that respect may be saide to be the cause of euery mans death So saith Anna The Lord killeth and maketh aliue The Church of Ierusalem confessed that nothing came to passe in the death of Christ but that which the foreknowledge and eternall counsell of God had appointed And therefore the death also of euery member of Christ is foreseene and ordained by the speciall decree and prouidence of God I adde further that the very circumstances of death as the time when the place where the maner how the beginnings of sicknes the cōtinuance and the ende euery fit in the sicknes and the pangs of death are particularly set down in the counsell of God The very hayres of our heads are numbered as our Sauiour Christ saith and a sparrow lights not on the ground without the will of our heauenly father Dauid saith excellently My bones are not hidde from thee though I was made in a secret place and fashioned beneath in the earth thine eyes did see me when I was without forme for in thy booke were all things written which in continuance were fashioned when there was none of them before And he praies to God to put his teares into his bottle Now if this be true that God hath bottles for the very teares of his seruants much more hath he bottles for their blood and much more doth he respect and regard their paines and miseries with all the circumstances of sicknes and death The carefull meditation of this one point is a notable meanes to arme vs against feare and distrust and impatience in the time of death as some examples in this case will easily manifest I held my tongue and saide nothing saith Dauid but what was it that caused this patience in him the cause follows in the next wordes because thou Lord diddest it And Ioseph saith to his brethren Feare not for it was the Lord that sent you before me Marke here how Ioseph is ariued against impatience and griefe and discontentment by the very consideration of Gods prouidence and so in the same manner shal we be confirmed against all feares and sorrowes and say with Dauid Pretious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints if this perswasion be once setled in our hearts that all things in sicknes and death come to passe vnto vs by the prouidence of God who turnes all things to the good of them that loue him The second meditation is to be borrowed from the excellent promise that God made to the death of the righteous which is Blessed are they that die in the Lord for they rest from their labours and their workes follow them The author of truth that can not lie hath spoken it Now then let a man but throughly consider this that death ioyned with reformed life hath a promise of blessednes adioyned vnto it and it alone will be a sufficient meanes to stay the rage of our affections and all inordinate feare of death and the rather if we mark● wherein this blessednes consists In death we are indeed thrust out of our old dwelling places namely these houses of clay and earthly tabernacles of our bodies wherein we haue made long aboad but what is the end surely that liuing and dying in Christ we might haue a building giuen of God that is an house not made with hands but eternall in heauens which is vnspeakable and immortall glorie If a poore man should be commaunded by a Prince to put off his torne and beggerly garments and in stead thereof to put on royall and costly robes it would be a great reioycing to his heart oh then what ioyfull newes must this he vnto all repentant and sorrowfull sinners when the King of heauen and earth comes vnto them by death and biddes them lay downe their bodies as ragged and patched garments and prepare themselues to put on the princely robe if immortalitie No tongue can be able to expresse the excellencie of this most blessed and happie estate The third meditation is borrowed from the estate of all them that are in Christ whether liuing or dying He that dieth beleeuing in Christ dieth not forth of Christ but in him hauing both his bodie and soule really coupled to Christ according to the tenour of the couenant of grace and though after death bodie and soule be seuered one from an other yet neither of them are seuered or disioyned from Christ. The coniunction which is once begun in this life remaines eternally And therefore though the soule goe from the bodie and the bodie it selfe rotte in the graue yet both are still in Christ both in the couenant both in the fauour of God as before death and both shal againe be ioyned togither the bodie by the vertue of the former coniunction beeing raised to eternall life Indeede if this vnion with Christ were dissolued as the coniunction of bodie and soule is it might be some matter of discomfort and feare but the foundation and substance of our mysticall coniunction with Christ both in respect of our bodies and soules enduring for euer must needs be a matter of exceeding ioy and comfort The fourth meditation is that God hath promised by his speciall blessed comfortable presence vnto his seruants when they are sick of dying or any way distressed When thou passest through the water I will be with thee saith the Lord and through the floods that they doe not ouerflow thee when thou walkest through the very fire thou shalt not be burnt neither shal the flame kindle vpon thee Now the Lord doth manifest his presence three waies the first is by moderating and lessening the paines and torments of sicknesse and death as the very wordes of the former promise doth plainly import Hence it comes to passe that to many men the sorrowes and pangs of death are nothing so grieuous and troublesome as the afflictions and crosses which are laid on them in the course of their liues The second way of Gods presence is by an inward and vnspeakable comfort of the spirit as Paul saith We reioyce in tribulation knowing that tribulation bringeth forth patience c. but why is this reioycing because saith he in the next words the loue of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the holy Ghost Againe Paul hauing in some grieuous sicknes receiued the sentence of death saith of himselfe that as the sufferings of Christ did abound in him so his consolation did abound through Christ. Here then we see that when earthly comforts faile the Lord himselfe drawes neere the bed of the sicke as it were visiting them in his owne person and ministring vnto them refreshing for their soules With his right hand he holds vp their heads and with his left hand he embraceth them The third meanes of Gods presence is the ministery of his good Angels whome the Lord hath appointed as keepers and nources vnto his seruants to hold them vp and to
whereas it is a farre better course to consider the matter of the disease with the disposition and ripening of it as also the courses and symptomes and crisis thereof This beeing so there is good cause that sicke men should as well be carefull to make choise of meete Physitians to whome they might commend the care of their health as they are carefull to make choise of lawyers for their worldly suits and Diuines for cases of conscience Furthermore all men must here be warned to take heede that they vse not such meanes as haue no warrant Of this kind are all charmes or spels of what wordes soeuer they consist characters and figures either in paper wood or waxe all amulets and ligatures which serue to hang about the necke or other parts of the bodie except they be grounded vpon some good naturall reason as white peonie hung about the necke is good against the falling sicknes and woolfe-dung tied to the bodie is good against the collicke not by any inchantment but by inward vertue Otherwise they are all vaine and superstitious because neither by creation nor by any ordinance in Gods word haue they any power to cure a bodily disease For words can doe no more but signifie and figures can doe no more but represent And yet neuerthelesse these vnlawfull and absurd meanes are more vsed and sought for of common people then good physicke But it standes all men greatly in hand in no wise to seeke forth to inchanters and sorcerers which in deede are but witches and wizzards though they are commonly called cunning men and women It were better for a man to die of his sicknes then to seeke recouery by such wicked persons For if any turne after such as worke with spirits and after soothsaiers to goe an whoring after them the Lord will set his face against them and cut them off from among his people When Achazia was sicke he sent to Baalzebub to the god of Ekron to know whether he should recouer or no as the messengers were going the Prophet Elias met them and said Goe and returne to the King which sent you and say vnto him Thus saith the Lord Is it not because there is no God in Israel that thou sendest to inquire of Baalzebub the god of Ekron therefore thou shalt not come downe from thy bed on which thou art gone vp but shalt di● the death Therefore such kind of helpe is so farre from curing any paine of sicknes that it rather doubleth them and fasteneth them vpon vs. Thus much of the meanes of health now followes the manner of vsing the meanes concerning which three rules must be followed First of all he that is to take physicke must not onely prepare his bodie as physitians doe prescribe but he must also prepare his soule by humbling himselfe vnder the hand of God in his sicknes for his sinnes and make earnest praier to God for the pardon of them before any medicine come in his bodie Now that this order ought to be vsed appeares plainely in this that sicknes springs from our sinnes as from a roote which should first of all be stocked vp that the braunches might more easily die And therefore Asa commended for many other things is blamed for this by the holy Ghost that he sought not the Lord but to the physitians and put his trust in them Oftentimes it comes to passe that diseases curable in themselues are made incurable by the sinnes and the impenitencie of the partie and therefore the best way is for them that would haue ease when God begins to correct them by sicknes then also to begin to humble themselues for all their sinnes and turne vnto God The second rule is that when we haue prepared our selues and are about to vse physicke we must sanctifie it by the word of God and praier as we doe our meate and drinke For by the word we must haue our warrant that the medicines prescribed are lawfull and good and by praier we must intreat the Lord for a blessing vpon them in restoring of health if it be the good will of God The third rule is that we must carrie in minde the right and proper end of physicke least we deceiue our selues We must not therefore thinke that physicke serues to preuent old age or death it selfe For that is not possible because God hath set downe that all men shall die and be chaunged And life consists in a temperature and proportion of naturall heat and radical moisture which moysture beeing once consumed by the former heate is by art vnrepairable and therefore death must needes follow But the true ende of physicke is to continue and lengthen the life of man to his naturall period which is when nature that hath beene long preserued by all possible meanes is now wholly spent Now this period though it can not be lengthened by any skill of man yet may it easily be shortned by intemperance in diet by drunkennes and by violent diseases But care must be had to auoid all such euills that the litle lamp of corporall life may burne till it goe out of it selfe For this very space of time is the very day of grace and saluation and whereas God in iustice might haue cut vs off and haue vtterly destroied vs yet in great mercie he giues vs thus much time that we might prepare our selues to his kingdome which time when it is once spent if a man would redeeme it with the price of tenne thousand worlds he can not haue it And to conclude this point touching physicke I will here set downe two especiall duties of the Physitian himselfe The first is that in the want and defect of such as are to put sicke men in mind of their sinnes it is a dutie specially cōcerning him he being a mēber of Christ to aduertise his patients that they must truly humble themselues and pray feruently to God for the pardon of all their sinnes and surely this dutie would be more commonly practised then it is if all physitians did consider that oftentimes they want good successe in their dealings not because there is any want in art or good will but because the partie with whome they deale is impenitent The second dutie is when he sees manifest signes of death in his patient not to depart concealing them but first of all to certifie the patient thereof There may be and is too much nicenesse in such concealements and the plaine trueth in this case knowne is verie profitable For when the partie is certaine of his end it bereaues him of all confidence in earthly things makes him put all his affiance in the meere mercie of God When Ezechias was sicke the prophet speakes plainely vnto him and saith Set thine house in order for thou must die And what good we may reape by knowing certainly that we haue receiued the sentence of death Paul sheweth when he saieth We receiued the sentence of
families must principally bestowe their goods vpon their owne children and them that be of their own kindred This man saith God to Abraham of Eleazar a stranger shall not bee thine heire but the sonne which shall come of thy loynes And this was Gods commandement to the Israelites that when any man dies his sonne should bee his heire and if hee had no sonne then his daughter if he haue no daughter then his brethren and if he haue no brethren then his fathers brethren if there be none then the next of his kinne whosoeuer And Paul saith If ye be sonnes then also heires And againe He that prouides not for his owne and namly for them of his houshold is worse then an infidel Therefore it is a fault for any man to alienate his goods or landes wholly and finally from his blood and posteritie It is a thing which the verie lawe of nature it selfe hath condemned Againe it is a fault to giue all to the eldest and nothing in respect to the rest as though the eldest were born to be gentlemen and yonger brethren borne to beare the wallet Yet in equitie the eldest must haue more then any euen because hee is the eldest and because stockes and families in their persons are to bee maintained and because there must alwaies be some that must be fit to doe speciall seruice in the peace of the common-weale or in the time of warre which could not bee if goods should bee equally parted to all The fourth and last rule is that no Will is of force till the testatour bee dead for so long as hee is aliue hee may alter and change it These rules must bee remembred because they are recorded in Scripture the opening of other points and circumstances belongeth to the profession of the law The second dutie of the master of the family concerneth the soules of such as be vnder his gouernmēt and that is to giue charge to them that they learn beleeue and obey the true religion that is the doctrine of saluation set downe in the writings of the Prophets and Apostles The Lord himselfe commends Abraham for this I know Abraham saith he that he will command his sonnes his houshold after him that they keepe the waie of the Lord to doe righteousnes and iudgement And Dauid giues Salomon on his death bed a most notable and solemne charge the summe and substance whereof is to knowe the God of his fathers and to serue him which being done he further commends him to God by praier for which purpose the 72. psalme was made This practise of his is to be followed of all Thus gouernours whē they shall carefully dispose of their goods and giue charge to their posteritie touching the worship of God shall greatly honour God dying as well as liuing Hitherto I haue intreated of the two-folde preparation which is to goe before death nowe follows the second part of Dying-wel namely the disposition in death This disposition is nothing else but a religious and holy behauiour specially towards God when wee are in or neere the agonie or pang of death This behauiour containes three special duties The first is to die in or by faith To die by faith is when a man in the time of death doeth with all his heart relie himselfe wholly on Gods speciall loue and fauour and mercie in Christ as it is reuealed in the word And though their bee no part of mans life voide of iust occasions whereby we may put faith in practise yet the speciall time of all is the pang of death when friendes and riches and pleasures and the outward senses and temporall life and all earthly helps forsake vs. For thē true faith maketh vs to goe wholly out of our selues and to despaire of comfort and saluation in respect of any earthly thing and with all the power and strength of the heart to rest on the pure mercie of God This made Luther both thinke and say that men were best Christians in death An example of this faith wee haue in Dauid who when hee sawe nothing before his eies but present death the people intending to stone him comforted him at that very instant as the text saieth in the Lord his God And this comfort he reaped in that by faith he applied vnto his owne soule the mercifull promises of God as hee testifieth of himself Remember saith he the promise made to thy seruant wherin thou hast caused me to trust It is my comfort in trouble for thy promise hath quickened me Againe My flesh failed and my heart also but God is the strength of my heart and my portion for euer Now looke what Dauid here did the same must euery one of vs doe in the like case When the Israelites in the wildernes were stung with fierie serpents and lay at the point of death they looked vp to the brasen serpent which was erected by the appointment of God and were presently healed euen so when any man feeles death to drawe neere and his fiery sting to pierce the heart he must fixe the eye of a true and liuely faith vpon Christ exalted crucified on the crosse which beeing done he shall by death enter into eternall life Nowe because true faith is no dead thing it must bee expressed by speciall actions the principal whereof is Inuocation whereby either praier or thanksgiuing is directed vnto God When death had seazed vpon the bodie of Iacob he raised vp himselfe and turning his face towards the beds head leaned on the toppe of his staffe by reason of his feeblenesse and praied vnto God which praier of his was an excellent fruite of his faith Iobs wife in the midst of his affliction saide vnto him to very good purpose Blesse God and die I know and grant that the words are commonly translated otherwise Curse god and die but as I take it the former is the best For it is not like that in so excellent a family any one person much lesse a matrone and principall gouernour thereof would giue such lewd and wretched counsell which the most wicked mā vpon earth hauing no more but the light of nature would not once giue but rather much abhorre and condemne And though Iob cal her a foolish woman yet he doth it not because shee wēt about to perswade him to blaspheme God but because shee was of the mind of Iobs friends and thought that hee stood too much in a conceit of his owne righteousnes Nowe the effect and meaning of her counsell is this Blesse God that is husband no doubt thou art by the extremitie of thine affliction at deaths dore therefore beginne nowe at length to lay aside the great ouerweening which thou hast of thine owne righteousnes acknowledge the hand of God vpon thee for thy sinnes confesse them vnto him giuing him the glorie pray for the pardon of them and end thy daies This counsell is very good and to be
when hee had confirmed this by testimonie of Scriptur● he added This is my faith in which I will die and God will destroy them that teach otherwise This done he shooke hands with all and said Farewell my brethren and deare friends It were easie to quote more examples but these few may be in stead of many and the summe of all that godly men speake is this Some inlightened with a propheticall spirit foretell things to come as the Patriarkes Iacob and Ioseph did and there haue bin some which by name haue testified who should verie shortly come after them and who should remaine aliue and what should be their condition some haue shewed a wonderfull memorie of things past as of their former life and of the benefits of God and no doubt it was giuen them to stirre vp holy affections and thanksgiuing to God some againe rightly iudging of the change of their present estate for a better doe reioyce exceedingly that they must be translated from earth to paradise as Babylas Martyr of Antioch when his head was to be chopped off Returne saith he O my soule vnto thy rest because the Lord hath blessed thee because thou hast deliuered my soule from death mine eies from teares and my foote from falling I shall walke before thee Iehoua in the land of the liuing And some others speake of the vanitie of this life of the imagination of the sorrowes of death of the beginnings of eternall life of the comfort of the holy Ghost which they feele of their departure vnto Christ. Quest. What must we thinke if in the time of death such speeches be wanting and in the stead thereof idle talke be vsed Ans. Wee must consider the kind of sicknes whereof men die whether it be more easie or violent for violent sicknes is vsually accompanied with frensies and with vnseemely motions and gestures which wee are to take in good part euen in this regard because we our selues may be in the like case Thus much of the first dutie which is to die in faith the second is to die in obedience otherwise our death cannot bee aceeptable to God because wee seeme to come vnto God of feare and constraint as slaues to a master not of loue as children to a father Nowe to die in obedience is when a man willing and readie and desirous to goe out of this worlde whensoeuer God shall call him and that without murmuring or repining at what time where and whē it shall please god Whether we liue or die saith Paul we do it not to our selues but vnto God and therefore mans dutie is to bee obedient to God in death as in life Christ is our example in this case who in his agonie praied Father let this cup passe from me yet with a submission not my will but thy will be done teaching vs in the very pangs of death to resigne our selues to the good pleasure of God When the prophet told king Ezechiah of death presently without all manner of grudging or repining he addressed himselfe to praier We are commanded to present our selues vnto God as free-will offerings without any limitation of time and therefore as well in death as in life I conclude then that we are to make as much conscience in performing obedience to God in suffering death as we do of any cōsciēce in the course of our liues The third dutie is to render vp our soules into the handes of God as the most faithfull keeper of all This is the last dutie of a Christian and it is prescribed vnto vs in the example of Christ vpon the crosse who in the very pangs of death when the dissolution of bodie and soule drew on said Father into thy hands I commend my spirit and so gaue vp the ghost The like was done by Steuen who when he was stoned to death said Lord Iesus receiue my spirit And Dauid in his life time being in danger of death vsed the very same words that Christ vttered Thus we see what be the duties which we are to performe in the very pāgs of death that we may come to eternall life Some man will happily say if this be all to die in faith and obedience and to surrender our soules into Gods hād we will not greatly care for any preparation before hand nor trouble our selues much about the right manner of dying well for we doubt not but that when death shall come we shall be able to perform all the former duties with ease Ans. Let no man deceiue himselfe by any false perswasion thinking with himselfe that the practise of the foresaid duties is a matter of ease for ordinarily they are not neither can they be performed in death vnles there bee much preparation in the life before Hee that will die in faith must first of all liue by faith and there is but one example in all the bible of a man dying in faith that liued without faith namely the theife vpon the crosse The seruants of God that are endued with great measure of grace doe very hardly beleeue in the time of affliction Indeede when Iob was afflicted he said Though the Lord kill me yet will I trust in him yet afterward his faith being ouercast with a cloud he saith that God was become his enemie and that he had set him as a marke to shoot at and sundry times his faith was oppressed with doubting and distrust How then shall they that neuer liued by faith nor inured themselues to beleeue bee able in the pang of death to rest vpon the mercie of God Againe hee that would die in obedience must first of all lead his life in obedience he that hath liued in disobedience can not willingly and in obedience appeare before the iudge when he is cited by death the sergeant of the Lord he dies indeede but that is vpon neces●itie because hee must yeelde to the order and course of nature as other creatures do Thirdly he that would surrender his soule into the hands of God must be resolued of two things the one is that God can the other is that God will receiue his soule into heauen and there preserue it till the last iudgement And none can be resolued of this except he haue the spirit of God to certifie his conscience that hee is redeemed iustified sanctified by Christ and shall be glorified He that is not thus perswaded dare not render vp and present his soule vnto God When Dauid said Lord into thy hands I commend my spirit what was the reason of this boldnesse in him surely nothing els but the perswasion of faith as the next words import for thou hast redeemed mee O Lord God of trueth And thus it is manifest that no man ordinarily can performe these duties dying that hath not performed them liuing This beeing so I doe againe renewe my former exhortation beseeching you that ye would practise the duties of preparatiō in the course of your liues leading
debt due vnto him And so soone as any man beginnes to know Christ crucified he knowes his owne debt and thinks of the paiment of it Thus we see howe Christ is to be knowne nowe wee shall not neede to make much examination whether this manner of knowing and acknowledging of Christ take any place in the world or no for fewe there be that knowe him as they ought The Turke euen at this verie daie knowes him not but as he was a prophet The Iewe scorneth his crosse and passion The Popish Churches though in word they confesse him yet doe they not knowe him as they ought The Friers and Iesuits in their sermons at this daie commonly vse the Passion as a meanes to stirre vp pietie and compassion towards Christ who beeing so righteous a man was so hardly intreated and to inflame their hearts to an hatred of the Iewes and Iudas and Pontius Pilate that put our blessed Sauiour to death but all this may be done in any other historie And the seruice of God which in that Church stands nowe in force by the Canons of the Councill of Trent defaceth Christ crucified in that the passions of martyrs are made meritorious and the very wood of the crosse their only help and the virgin Marie the Queene of heauen and a mother of mercie who in remission of ●innes may command her sonne and they giue religious adoration to dumme crucifixes made by the hand and art of man The common protestant likewise commeth short herein for three causes First whereas in word they acknowledge him to bee their Sauiour that hath redeemed them from their euill conuersation yet indeede they make him a patrone of their sinnes The thiefe makes him the receiuer the murderer makes him his refuge the adulterer be it spoken with reuerence vnto his maiestie makes him the baud For generally men walke on in their euill waies some liuing in this sinne some in that and yet for all this they perswade themselues that God is mercifull and that Christ hath freed them frō death and damnation Thus Christ that came to abolish sinne is made a maintainer thereof and the common pack-horse of the worlde to beare euery mans burden Secondly men are content to take knowledge of the merit of Christs passion for the remission of their sinnes but in the meane season the vertue of Christs death in the mortifying of sin and the blessed example of his passion which ought to be followed and expressed in our liues conuersations is little or nothing regarded Thirdly men vsually content themselues generally and confusedly to know Christ to be their redeemer neuer once seeking in euery particular estate and condition of life and in euery particular blessing of God to feele the benefit of his passion What is the cause that almost all the world liue in securitie neuer almost touched for their horrible sinnes surely the reason is because they did neuer yet seriously consider that Christ in the garden lay groueling vpon the earth sweating water blood for their offences Againe all such a by fraud and oppression or any kind of hard dealing sucke the blood of poore men neuer yet knewe that their sinnes drewe out the heart blood of Christ. And proud men and women that are puffed vp by reason of their attire which is the badge of their shame and neuer cease hunting after strange fashions doe not consider that Christ was not crucified in gay attire but naked that he might beare the whole shame and curse of the lawe for vs. These and such like whatsoeuer they say in word if we respect the tenour of their liues are flat enemies of the crosse of Christ and tread his pretious blood vnder their feete Now then considering this so weightie and speciall a point of religion is so much neglected O man or woman high or lowe young or olde if thou haue beene wanting this waie begin for verie shame to learne and learning truly to knowe Christ crucified And that thou maiest attaine to this behold him often not in the wooden crucifix after the Popish manner but in the preaching of the word and in the Sacraments in which thou shalt see him crucified before thine eies Gal. 3.1 Desire not here vpon earth to beholde him with the bodily eie but looke vpon him with the eie of true and liuely faith applying him and his merits to thy selfe as thine owne and that with broken and bruised heart as the poore Israelites stung with fierie serpents euen to death behelde the brasen serpent Againe thou must looke vpon him first of all as a glasse or spectacle in which thou shalt see Gods glorie greater in thy redemption then in thy creation In the creation appeared Gods infinite wisdome power and goodnesse in thy redemption by the passion of Christ his endlesse iustice mercie In the creation thou art a member of the first Adam and bearest his image in thy redemption thou art a member of the second Adam In the first thou art indued with naturall life in the second with spirituall In the first thou hast in the person of Eve thy beginning of the rib of Adam in the secōd thou hast thy beginning as thou art borne of God out of the blood of Christ. Lastly in the first god gaue life in commanding that to be which was not in the second he giues life not by life but by death euen of his owne forme This is the mysterie vnto which the angels themselues desire to looke into 1. Pet. 1.12 Secondly thou must behold him as the full price of thy redemption and perfect reconciliation with God and pray earnestly to God that hee would seale vp the same in thy verie conscience by his holy spirit Thirdly thon must behold Christ as an example to whome thou must conforme thy selfe by regeneration For this cause giue diligence that thou maist by experience say that thou art dead and crucified and buried with Christ and that thou risest againe with him to newnesse of life that he enlightens thy minde and by degrees reforms thy will and affections and giue thee both the wil and the deed in euery good thing And that thou maist not faile in this thy knowledge read the historie of Christs passion obserue all the parts and circumstances thereof apply them to thy selfe for thy full conuersion When thou readest that Christ went to the garden as his custome was where the Iewes might soonest attach him consider that he went to the death of the crosse for thy sinnes willingly and not of constraint and that therefore thou for thy part shouldst doe him all seruice freely and frankely Psal. 110. 3. When thou hearest that in his agonie his foule was heauie vnto death know it was for thy sinnes and that thou shouldest much more conceiue heauines of heart for the same againe that this sorrow of his is ioy and reioycing vnto thee if thou wilt beleeue in him therefore Paul saith I say againe reioyce in the Lord. When
doubt they are both wide and the safest course is to keepe the meane between both Therefore the iudiciall lawes of Moses according to the substance and scope thereof must be distinguished in which respect they are of two sorts Some of them are lawes of particular equitie some of common equitie Lawes of particular equitie are such as prescribe iustice according to the particular estate and condition of the Iewes common wealth and to the circumstances thereof time place persons things actions Of this kind was the law that the brother should raise vp seed to his brother and many such like and none of them bind vs because they were framed and tempered to a particular people Iudicialls of common equitie are such as are made according to the lawe or instinct of nature cōmon to all men these in respect of their substance bind the consciences not onely of the Iewes but also of the Gentiles for they were not giuen to the Iewes as they are Iewes that is a people receiued into the Couenant aboue all other nations brought from Egypt to the land of Canaan of whome the Messias according to the flesh was to come but they were giuen to them as they were mortall men subiect to the order and lawes of nature as all other nations are Againe iudiciall lawes so farre forth as they haue in them the generall or common equitie of the law of nature are moral and therefore binding in conscience as the morall lawe A iudiciall lawe may be known to be a law of common equitie if either of these two things be found in it First if wise men not onely among the Iewes but also in other nations haue by naturall reason and conscience iudged the same to be equall iust and necessarie and withall haue iustified their iudgement by enacting laws for their common wealths the same in substance with sundrie of the iudicial lawes giuen to the Iewes and the Romane Emperours among the rest haue done this most excellently as will appeare by conferring their lawes with the lawes of God Secondly a Iudicial hath common equitie if it serue directly to explane and confirme any of the ten precepts of the Decalogue or if it serue directly to maintaine and vpholde any of the three estates of the family the common wealth the Church And whether this be so or no it will appeare if we doe but consider the matter of the law and the reasons or considerations vpon which the Lord was mooued to giue the same vnto the Iewes Nowe to make the point in hand more plaine take an example or two It is a iudiciall lawe of God that murderers must bee put to death now the question is whether this lawe for substance be the common equitie of nature binding consciences of Christians or no the answer is that without further doubting it is so For first of all this lawe hath beene by common consent of wise law-giuers enacted in many countries and kingdomes beside the Iewes It was the lawe of the Egyptians and olde Grecians of Draco of Numa and of many of the Romane Emperours Secondly this lawe serues directly to maintaine obedience to the sixt commandement and the consideration vpon which the lawe was made is so weightie that without it a common-wealth cannot stand The murderers blood must bee shedde saith the Lord Num. 35.33.34 because the whole land is defiled with blood and remaineth vncle●sed till his blood be shed Againe it was a iudiciall law among the Iewes that the adulterer and adulteresse should die the death nowe let the question be whether this lawe concerne other nations as being deriued from the common lawe of nature and it seemes to bee so For first wise men by the light of reason and naturall conscience haue iudged this punishment equall and iust Iudah before this iudiciall lawe was giuen by Moses appointed Tamar his daughter in law to be burnt to death for playing the whore Nabuchadnezar burnt Echad and Zedechias because they committed adulterie with their neighbours wiues By Dracoes lawe among the Grecians this sin was death and also by the law of the Romanes Againe this law serues directly to maintaine necessarie obedience to the seuenth commandement and the considerations vpon which this lawe was giuen are perpetuall and serue to vphold the common wealth Lev. 20.22 Ye saith the Lord shall keepe all mine ordinances and my iudgements the law of adulterie being one of them Nowe marke the reasons 1. Least the lād spue you out 2. for the same sins I haue abhorred the natiōs The Ceremoniall lawe is that which prescribes rites and orders in the outward worship of God It must be considered in three times The first is time before the comming and death of Christ the second the time of publishing the gospell by the Apostles the third the time after the publishing of the gospell In the first it did binde the conscience of the Iewes and the obedience of it was the true worship of God But it did not then bind the consciences of the Gentiles for it was the partition wall between them and the Iewes And it did continue to bind the Iewes till the very death and ascension of Christ. For thē the hand writing of ordinances which was against vs was nailed on the crosse and cancelled And when Christ saith that the lawe and the Prophett indured til Iohn Luk. 16.16 his meaning is not that the ceremoniall law ended then but that things foretold by the Prophets obscurely prefigured by the ceremoniall law began then more plainely to be preached and made manifest The second time was from the ascension of Christ til about the time of the destruction of the Temple and the Citie in which ceremonies ceased to bind conscience and remained indifferent Hereupon Paul circumcised Timothie the Apostles after Christs ascension as occasion was offered were present in the Temple Act. 3.1 And the Council of Hierusalem tendering the weaknes of some beleeuers decreed that the Church for a time should abstaine from strangled and blood And there was good reason of this because the Church of the Iewes was not yet sufficiently conuicted that an end was put to the ceremoniall law by the death of Christ. In the third time which was after the publishing of the gospel ceremonies of the Iewes Church became vnlawfull and so shall continue to the worldes ende By this it appeares what a monstrous and miserable religion the church of Rome teacheth and maintaineth which standes wholly in ceremonies partly heathenish and partly Iewish As for the Gospel I take it for the part of the word of God which promiseth righteousnes and life euerlasting to all that beleeue in Christ and withall commandeth this faith That we may the better knowe howe the gospell bindes conscience two points must be considered one touching the persons bound the other touching the manner of binding Persons are of two sorts some be called some be
falshood I will make manifest by sundrie reasons and then answer their arguments to the contrarie Our reasons The first shall bee taken from the properties and conditions that must bee in a worke meritorious and they are foure I. A man must doe it of himselfe and by himselfe for if it be done by another the merit doeth not properly belong to the doer II. A man must doe it of his owne freewill and pleasure not of due debt for when wee doe that which wee are bound to doe wee doe no more but our dutie III. The worke must bee done to the profit of another who thereupon must be bound to repay the like IV. The reward and the work must be in proportion equall for if the reward be more then the work it is not a reward of desert but a gift of good will Hence followes a notable conclusion That Christs manhood considered a part from his Godhead cannot merit at Gods hand● though it be more excellent euery way then all both men and angels For beeing thus considered it doth nothing of it selfe but by grace receiued from the godhead though it also be without measure Secondly Christs manhood is a creature and in that regard bound to doe whatsoeuer it doth Thirdly Christ as man cannot giue any thing to God but that which hee receiued from God therfore cānot the manhood properly by it selfe merit but onely as it is personally vnited vnto the godhead of the Sonne And if this bee so then much lesse can any meere man or any angell merit yea it is a madnes to thinke that either our actions or persons should be capable of any merit whereby we might attaine to life eternall Reason II. Exod. 20. ● And shew mercie vpon thousands in them that loue me and keepe my commandements Hence I reason thus where reward is giuen vpon mercie there is no merit but reward is giuen of mercie to them that fulfill the law therefore no merit What can we any way deserue when our full recompence must be of mercie And this appeares further by Adam if he had stood to this day he could not by his continuall and perfect obedience haue procured a further increase of fauour at Gods hand but should onely haue continued that happie estate in which he was first created Reason III. Scripture directly condemneth merit of workes Rom. 6.23 The wages of sinne is death but the gift of God is eternall life through Iesus Christ our Lord. The proportion of the argument required that S. Paul should haue said The reward of good works is eternall life if life euerlasting could be deserued which cannot because it is a free gift Againe Tit. 3.5 We are saued not by workes of righteousnes which we haue done but according to his mercie he saued vs. And Eph. 2.8 10. By grace you are faued through faith and that not of your selues it is the gift of God not of workes which God hath prepared that we should walke in them If any works be crowned it is certen that the sufferings of Martyrs shall be rewarded now of them Paul saith Rom. 8.18 The sufferings of this life are not worthie of the glorie to come Where then is the value and dignitie of other works To this purpose Ambr. saith The iust man though he be tormented in the brasen bull is still iust because he iustifieth God and saith he suffereth lesse then his sinnes deserue Reason IV. Whosoeuer will merit must fulfill the whole law but none can keepe the whole law For if we say we haue no sinne we deceiue our selues 1. Ioh. 1. And he that sinnes against one commandement is guiltie of the whole law And what can he merit that is guiltie of the breach of the whole law Reason V. We are taught to pray on this manner Giue vs this day our daily bread wherein we acknowledge euery morsell of bread to be the meere gift of God without desert and therefore must we much more acknowledge life eternall to be euery way the gift of God It must needes therefore be a satanicall insolencie for any man to imagine that he can by his workes merit eternal life who can not merit bread Reason VI. Consent of the auncient Church Bernard Those which we call our merits are the way to the kingdome and not the cause of raigning August Manuali chap. 22. All my hope is in the death of my Lord. His death is my merit my merit is the passion of the Lord. I shall not be void of merits so long as Gods mercies are not wanting Basil on Psal. 114. Eternall rest is reserued for them which haue striuen lawfully in this life not for the merits of their doings but vpon the grace of the most bountifull God in which they trusted August on Psal. 120. He crowneth thee because he crowneth his owne gifts not thy merits And Psal. 142. Lord thou wilt quicken me in thy iustice not in mine not because I deserued it but because thou hast compassion Obiections of Papists Obiect I. In sundrie places of Scripture promise of reward is made to them that beleeue and doe good workes therefore our workes doe merit for a reward and merit be relatiues Answ. Reward is two-fold of debt and of mercie Life euerlasting is not a reward of debt but of mercie giuen of the good will of God without any thing done of man Secondly the kingdome of heauen is properly an inheritance giuen of a father to a child and therefore it is called a reward not properly but by a figure or by resemblance For as a workeman hauing ended his labour receiueth his wages so after men haue lead their liues and finished their course in keeping faith good conscience as dutiful children God giueth them eternall life And hereupon it is tearmed a reward Thirdly if I should graunt that life euerlasting is a deserued reward it is not for our works but for Christs merit imputed to vs causing vs thereby to merit and thus the relation stands directly betweene the Reward and Christs Merit applied vnto vs. Ob. II. Christ by his death merited that our works should merit life euerlasting Ans. That is false all we finde in Scripture is that Christ by his merit procured pardon of sinne imputation of righteousnes life euerlasting it is no where saide in the word of God that Christ did merit that our workes should merit it is a dotage of their owne deuifing He died not for our good works to make them able to satisfie Gods anger but for our sinnes that they might be pardoned Thus much saith the Scripture and no more And in that Christ did sufficiently merit life eternall for vs by his own death it is a sufficient proofe that he neuer intended to giue vs power of meriting the same vnles we suppose that at some time he giues more then is needfull Again Christ in the office of mediation as he is a king Priest and prophet admitteth no deputie or fellow For
Dan. ●0 7 Thousand thousands ministred vnto him and ten thousand thousands stood before him Matth. 26.25 Thinkest thou I cannot praie to my father and he will giue me moe then twelue legions of Angels Heb. 12. 22. To the company of innumerable angels Fourthly they are in the highest heauen where they euer attēd vpon God and haue societie with him Mark 18.10 In heauen their Angels alwaies behold the face of my Father which is in heauen Psal. 68.17 The chariots of God are twentie thousand thousand Angels and the Lord is among them Mark 12.25 But are as Angels in heauen Fiftly their degree That there are degrees of Angels it is most plaine Colos 1.16 By him were all things created which are in heauen and in earth things visible and invisible whether they be thrones or dominions or principalities or powers Rom. 8.38 Neither Angels nor principalities nor powers c. 1. Thes. 4.16 The Lord shall descend with the voice of the Aarchangel and with the trumpet of God But it is not for vs to search who or how many bee of each order neither ought we curiously to enquire howe they are distinguished whether in essence or qualities Coloss. 2. 18. Let no man at his pleasure beare rule ouer you by humblenes of minde and worshipping of Angels advancing himselfe in those things which he neuer saw Sixtly their office Their office is partly to magnify God partly to performe his commandements Psalme 103. vers 20. 21. Praise the Lord ye his Angels that excell in strength that doe his commandement in obeying the voice of his vvorde Praise the Lord all ye his hostes ye his seruants that doe his pleasure Seuenthly The establishing of some Angels in that integritie in which they were created CHAP. 7. Of man and the estate of innocencie MAn after he was created of God was established in an excellent estate of innocencie In this estate seuen things are chiefly to be regarded I. The place The garden of Heden that most pleasant garden Gen. 2. 15. Then the Lord tooke the man and put him into the garden of Heden II. The integritie of mans nature Which was Eph● 4.24 Created in righteousnes and true holines This integritie hath two parts The first is wisdome which is true and perfect knoweledge of God and of his will in as much as it is to be performed of man yea and of the counsell of God in all his creatures Coloss. 3. 10. And haue put on the newe man which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him Gen. chap. 2.19 When the Lord God had formed on the earth euery beast of the field and euery foule of the heauen he brought them vnto the man to see howe he would call them for howesoeuer the man called the liuing creature so was the name thereof The second is Iustice which is a conformitie of the will affections and powers of the body to the will of God III. Mans dignitie consisting of foure parts First his communion with God by which as God reioiced in his own image so likewise man was incensed to loue God this is apparent by Gods familiar conference with Adam Gen. 1.29 And God said Behold I haue giuen vnto you euery hearb bearing seede c. that shall be to you for meate Secondly his dominion ouer all the creatures of the earth Gen. 2. 19. Psal. 8.6 Thou hast made him Lord ouer the workes of thine hands hast set all things vnder his feet c. Thirdly the decencie dignitie of the bodie in which though naked as nothing was vnseemely so was there in it imprinted a princely maiestie Psal. 8. Thou hast made him little lower then then God and crowned him with glorie and worship Gen. 2.25 They were both naked and neither ashamed 1. Cor. 12.22 Vpon those members of the bodie which we thinke most vnhonest put we more honestie on and our vncomely parts haue more comelines on Fourthly labour of the bodie without paine or griefe Gen. 3. 17,19 Because thou hast obeyed the voice of thy wife c. cursed is the earth for thy sake in sorrow shalt thou eate of it all the daies of thy life c. IV. Subiection to God whereby man was bound to performe obedience to the commandements of God which were two The one was concerning the two trees the other the obseruation of the Sabboth Gods commandement concerning the trees was ordained to make examination and triall of mans obedience It consisteth of two parts the first is the giuing of the tree of life that as a signe it might confirme to man his perpetuall abode in the garden of Heden if stil he persisted in his obedience R●uel 2. 7. To him that ouercōmeth will I giue to eate of the tree of life which is in the midst of Paradise of God Prov. 3.18 Shee is a tree of life to them which lay hold on her and blessed is he that retaineth her The second is the prohibition to eate of the tree of the knowledge of good and euil togither with a commination of temporall and eternall death after the transgression of this commandement Gen. 2.17 Of the tree of the knowledge of good and euill thou shalt not eate of it for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt die the death This was a signe of death and had his name of the euent because the obseruation thereof would haue brought perpetuall happines as the violation gaue experience of euill that is of all miserie namely of punishment and of guiltinesse of sinne Gods commandement concerning the obseruation of the Sabboth is that by which God ordained the sanctification of the Sabboth Gen. 2.3 God blessed the seauenth day and sanctified it V. His calling which is his seruice of God in the obseruation of his commandements the dressing of the garden of Heden Prov. 16.4 God made all things for himselfe Gen. 2.15 He placed him in the garden of Heden to dresse and keepe it VI. His diet was the hearbs of the earth and fruit of euery tree except the tree of the knowledge of good and euill Gen. 1.29 And God said Behold I haue giuen vnto you euery hearb bearing seede which is vpon all the earth and euery tree wherein is the fruit of a tree bearing seede that shall be to you for meate and chap. 3.17 But of the tree of knowledge of good and euill thou shalt not eate VII His free choice both to will and performe the commandement concerning the two trees and also to neglect and violate the same Whereby we see that our first parents were indeede created perfect but mutable for so it pleased God to prepare a way to the execution of his decree CHAP. 10. Of sinne and the fall of Angels THe fall is a reuolting of the reasonable creature from obedience to sinne Sinne is the corruption or rather depriuation of the first integritie More plainely it is a falling or turning from God binding the offendour by
the course of Gods iustice to vndergoe the punishment Here a doubt may be mooued whether sinne be a thing existing or not The answere is this Of things which are some are positiue other primitiue Things positiue are all substances together with those their properties effects inclinations and affections which the Lord hath created and imprinted in their natures The thing is called priuatiue which graunteth or presupposeth the absence of some such thing as ought to bee in a thing Such a thing is sinne the which properly and of it selfe is not any thing created and existing but rather the absence of that good which ought to bee in the creature Sinne hath two parts A defect or impotencie and is a confusion or disturbance of all the powers and actions of the creature Impotencie is nothing els but the very want or losse of that good which God hath ingrafted in the nature of his creature The fall was effected on this maner First God created his reasonable creatures good indeede but withall changeable as we haue shewed before For to bee vnchangeable good is proper to God alone Secondly God tried their obedience in those things about which they were conversant Deu. 13.13 Thou shalt not hearken to the wordes of the Prophet or vnto that dreamer of dreames for the Lord your God prooueth you to knowe whether you loue the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soule Thirdly in this triall God doth not assist them with new grace to stand but for iust causes forsaketh thē Lastly after God hath forsaken them and left them to themselues they fall quite from God no otherwise then when a man staying vp a staffe from the ground it standeth vpright but if he neuer so little withdraw his hand it falleth of it selfe The fall is of men and Angels The fall of Angels is that by which the vnderstanding pointing at a more excellent estate and of it own accord approouing the same together with the will making especiall choice thereof they albeit they might freely by their integritie haue chosen the contrarie were the sole instruments of their fall from God 2. Pet. 2.4 If God spared not the angels which sinned but cast them downe into hell and deliuered them into chaines of darkenes to be kept vnto damnation c. Iud. 6. The Angels which kept not their first estate but left their own habitation he hath reserued in euerlasting chaines c. Ioh. 8.44 He was a murtherer from the beginning and continued not in the trueth for their is no trueth in him In the fall of Angels consider First their corruption arising from the fall which is the deprauation of their nature and is either that fearefull malice and hatred by which they set themselues against God or their insatiable desire to destroy mankinde to the effecting whereof they neglect neither force nor fraud 1. Ioh. 3.8 He that committeth sinne is of the diuell because the diuell sinned from the beginning For this cause was the Sonne of God reuealed to dissolue the works of the diuell 1. Pet. 5.8 Your aduersarie the diuell goeth about like a roaring lyon seeking whom he may devoure Eph. 6.12 You striue not against flesh and blood but against Principalities and powers and wordly gouernours the princes of darkenes of this world against spirituall wickednesses which are in supercelestiall things II. Their degree and diuersitie for of these Angels one is cheife and the rest attendants The chiefe is Beelzebub prince of the rest of the diuels the world farre aboue them all in malice Matth. 25.41 Away from me ye cursed into euerlasting fire prepared for the diuell his angels 2. Cor. 4.4 Whose minds the god of this world hath blinded Revel 12. 7. And there was warre in heauen Michael and his Angels fought with the dragon the dragon his angels fought Ministring angels are such as waite vpon the diuell in accomplishing his wickednesse III. Their punishment God after their fall gaue them ouer to perpetuall torments without any hope of pardon Iude vers 6.2 Pet. 2.4 God spared not the Angels that had sinned but cast them downe into hell and deliuered them into chaines of darke●es to be kept vnto damnation This he did first to admonish men what great punishment they deserued Secondly to shew that grieuous sinnes must more grieuously be punished The fall of Angels was the more grieuous because both their nature was more able to resist and the diuell was the first founder of sinne Their punishment is easier or more grieuous Their easier punishment is double The first is their deiection from heauen 2. Pet. 2.4 God cast the Angels that sinned into hell The second is the abridging and limitation of their power Iob. 1. 12. The Lord said vnto Satan Behold all that he hath is in thine hand onely vpon him lay not thine hand The more grieuous paine is that torment in the deepe which is endlesse infinite in time and measure Luk. 8.31 And they besought him that he would not command them to goe downe into the deepe CHAP. 11. Of mans fall and disobedience Adams fall was his willing reuolting to disobedience by eating the forbidden fruite In Adams fall we may note the manner greatnesse and fruite of it I. The manner of Adams fall was on this sort First the diuell hauing immediately before fallen himselfe insinuateth vnto our first parents that both the punishment for eating the forbidden fruite was vncertaine and that God was not true in his word vnto them Secōdly by this his legerdemain he blinded the eies of their vnderstanding Thirdly being thus blinded they begin to distrust God and to doubt of Gods fauour Fourthly they thus doubting are mooued to behold the forbidden fruit Fiftly they no sooner see the beautie thereof but they desire it Sixtly that they may satisfie their desire they eate of the fruit which by the hands of the woman was taken from the tree by which act they become vtterly disloyall to God Gen. 3.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 Thus without constraint they willingly fall from their integritie God vpon iust causes leauing them to themselues and freely suffering them to fall For wee must not thinke that mans fall was either by chance or God not knowing it or barely winking at it or by his bare permission or against his will but rather miraculously not without the will of God but yet without all approbation of it II. The greatnes of this transg●●●●●● must be esteemed not by the externall obiect or the basenes of an apple but by the off●n●● it containeth against Gods maiestie This offence appeareth by many trespasses committed in that action The 1. is doubting of Gods word 2 want of faith For they beleeue not Gods threatning In that day ye eate therof you shal die the death but being bewitched with the diuels promise ye shal be like gods they cease to feare Gods punishment and are inflamed with a desire of greater dignitie 3. Their curiositie in
forsaking Gods word and seeking other wisdome 4. Their pride in seeking to magnifie thēselues and to become like God 5. Contempt of God in transgressing his commandements against their owne conscience 6. In that they preferre the diuell before God 7. Ingratitude who in as much as in them lieth expel Gods spirit dwelling in them and despise that blessed vnion 8. They murther both themselues and their progeni● III. The fruit or effects Out of this corrupt estate of our first parents arose the estate of infidelitie or vnbeleefe whereby God hath included all men vnder sinne that he might manifest his mercie in the saluation of some and his iustice in condemnation of others Rom. 11.32 God hath shut vp all men in vnbeleefe that he might haue mercie on all Gal. 3.22 The Scripture hath concluded all vnder sinne that the promise by the faith of Iesus Christ should be giuen to them that beleeue In this estate we must consider sinne and the punishment of sinne Sinne is threefold The first is the participation of Adams both transgression and guiltinesse whereby in his finne all his posteritie sinned Rom. 5. 12. As by one man sinne enered into the world and by sinne death so death entred vpon all men in that all men haue sinned The reason of this is ready Adam was not then a priuate man but represented all mankinde and therefore looke what good he receiued from God or euill elsewhere both were common to others with him 1. Cor. 15.22 As in Adam all men die so in Christ all men rise againe Againe when Adam offended his posteritie was in his loynes from whō they should by the course of nature issue and therefore take part of the guiltines with him Hebr. 7.9,10 And to say as the thing is Levi c. paied tithes to Melchisedec for he was yet in the loynes of his father Abraham when Melchisedec met him CHAP. 12. Of Originall sinne OVt of the former transgression ariseth another namely Originall sinne which is corruption ingendred in our first conception whereby euery facultie of soule and bodie is prone and disposed to euil Psal. 1.1 I was borne in iniquitie and in sinne hath my mother conceiued me Gen. 6. 5. Tit. 33. We our selues were in times past vnwise disobedient deceiued seruing the lusts and diuerse pleasures liuing in maliciousnes and enuie hatefull and hating one another Hebr. 12.1 Let vs cast away euery thing that presseth downe and the sinne that hangeth so fast on By this we see that sinne is not a corruption of mans substance but onely of faculties otherwise neither could mens soules be immortal nor Christ take vpon him mans nature All Adams posteritie is equally partaker of this corruptiō the reason why it sheweth not it selfe equally in all is because some haue the spirit of sanctification some the spirit onely to bridle corruption some neither The propagation of sinne from the parents to the childrē is either because the soule is infected by the contagion of the body as a good ointment by a fustie vessell or because God in the very moment of creation and infusion of soules into infants doth vtterly forsake them For as Adam receiued the image of God both for himselfe and others so did he loose it from himselfe and others But whereas the propagation of sinne is as a common fire in a towne men are not so much to search howe it came as to bee carefull howe to extinguish it That wee may the better knowe originall sinne in the seuerall faculties of mans nature three circumstances must be considered 1. How much of Gods image we yet retaine 2. How much sinne man receiued from Adam 3. The increase thereof afterward I. In the minde The remnant of Gods image is certaine notions concerning good and euill as that there is a God and that the same God punisheth transgressions that there is an euerlasting life that we must reuerence our superiours not harme our neighbours But euen these notions they are both generall and corrupt and haue none other vse but to bereaue man of all excuse before Gods iudgement seat Rom. 1.19,20 That which may be known concerning God is manifest in them for God hath shewed it vnto them For the inuisible things of him that is his eternall power Godhead are seene by the creation of the world being considered in his works to the intent they should be without excuse Mens mindes receiued from Adam 1. Ignorāce namely a want or rather a depriuation of knowledge in the things of God whether they concerne his sincere worship or eternall happines 1. Cor. 2.14 The naturall man perceiueth not the things of the spirit of God for they are foolishnes vnto him neither can hee know thē because they are spiritually discerned Rom. 8.7 The wisdome of the flesh is enimitie with God for it is not subiect to the law of God neither indeede can be II. Impotencie whereby the minde of it selfe is vnable to vnderstand spirituall things though they be taught Luk. 24.45 Then opened he their vnderstanding that they might vnderstand the Scriptures 2. Cor. 3.5 Not that we are sufficient of our selues to think any thing as of our selues but our sufficiēcie is of God III. Vanitie in that the minde thinketh falsehood truth and trueth falsehood Eph. 4.7 Walke no more as other Gentiles in the vanitie of your vnderstanding 1. Cor. 1.21 It pleased God by the foolishnes of preaching to saue those which beleeue 23. We preach Christ crucified to the Iewes a stumbling blocke but to the Grecians foolishnes Prou. 14.12 There is a way which seemeth good in the eies of men but the end thereof is death IV. A naturall incl●nation onely to conceiue and deuise the thing which is euill Gen. 6.5 The Lord saw that the wickednes of man was great vpon earth all the imaginations of the thoughts of the heart were on●ly euill continually Iere. 4. 22. They are wise to doe euill but to do well they haue no knowledge Hence it is apparant that the originall and as I may say the matter of all heresies is naturally ingrafted in mans nature This is worthie the obseruation of students in diuinitie The increase of sin in the vnderstanding is 1. a reprobate sense when God withdraweth the light of nature Ioh. 12.40 He hath blinded their eies and hardened their harts least they should see with their eies vnderstād with their harts and I should heale them and they be conuerted Rom. 1.28 As they regarded not to know God so God deliuered thē vp vnto a reprobate minde to do those things which are not conuenient 2. The spirit of slumber Rom. 11.8 God hath giuen them the spirit of slumber c. 3. A spirituall drunkennesse Esay 29.9 They are drunken but not with wine they stagger but not with strong drinke 4. Strong illusions 2. Thess. 2.11 God shall send them strong illusions they shall beleeue lies The remnant of Gods image in the conscience is an
He is able perfectly to saue them that come to God by him seeing he euer liueth to make intercession for them Secondly according to his Deitie partly by applying the merit of his death partly by making request by his holy Spirit in the hearts of the Elect with sighes vnspeakable 1. Pet. 1.2 Elect according to the foreknowledge of the Father to the sanctification of the Spirit Rom. 8. ●6 The Spirit helpeth our infirmities for we know not what to pray as we ought but the Spirit it selfe maketh request for vs with sighes which cannot be expressed We are not therefore to imagine or surmise that Christ prostrateth himselfe vpon his knees before his Fathers throne for vs neither is it necessarie seeing his very presence before his father hath in it the force of an humble petition The end of Christs intercession is that such as are iustified by his merits should by this meanes continue in the state of grace Now Christs intercession preserueth the elect in couering their continuall slipps infirmities and imperfect actions by an especiall and continuall application of his merits That by this meanes mans person may remaine iust and mans works acceptable to God 1. Ioh. 2.2 Hee is a reconciliation for our sinnes and not for ours onely but for the sinnes of the whole world 1. Pet. 2.5 Yee as liuely stones be made a spirituall house and holy Priesthood to offer vp spirituall sacrifices acceptable to God by Iesus Christ. Reuel 8.3,4 And another Angell came and stood before the altar hauing a golden censer and much odours was giuen vnto him that he should offer with the prayers of all Saints vpon the golden altar which is before the throne and t●● smoke of the odors with the prayers of the Saints went vp before God out of the Angels hand Thus farre concerning Christs priesthood nowe follow his Propheticall and Regall offices His Propheticall office is that whereby he immediately from his Father renealeth his word and all the meanes of saluation comprised in the same Ioh. 1.18 The Son which is in the bosome of his father he hath declared vnto you Ioh. 8.26 Those things which I heare of my father I speake to the world Deut. 18.18 I will raise them vp a Prophet c. The word was first reuealed partly by visions by dreames by speech partly by the instinct and motion of the holy ghost Heb. 1.1 At sundry times in diuers manners God spake in old time to our Fathers the Prophets in these last daies he hath spoken to vs by his sonne 2. Pet. 1.21 Prophecie came not in old time by the will of man but holy men of God spake as they were mooued by the holy ghost The like is done ordinarily onely by the preaching of the word where the holy ghost doth inwardly illuminate the vnderstanding Luk. 24.45 Then opened he their vnderstanding that they might vnderstand the Scriptures v. 21.15 I I will giue you a month and wisdome where against all your aduersaries shall not bee able to speake nor resist Act. 16.14 Whose heart the Lord opened that shee attended on the things that Paul spake For this cause Christ is called the Doctor Lawegiuer and Counsellour of his Church Matth. 23.10 Be ye not called D●ctors for one is your Doctor Iesus Christ. Iam. 4.12 There is one Lawgiuer which is able to saue and to destroy Esa. 9.6 He shall call his name Counsellour c. Yea he is the Apostle of our profession Heb. 3.1 The Angell of the couenant Malac. 3.1 And the Mediatour of the new couenant Heb. 9.15 Therefore the soueraigne authoritie of expoūding the Scripture only belongs to Christ and the Church hath onely the ministerie of iudgement and interpretation committed vnto her Christs Regall office is that whereby he distributeth his gifts and disposeth all things for the benefit of the elect Psal. 2. and 110.31.2 The Lord said vnto my Lord sit t●ou on my right hand till I make thine enimies thy footestoole The execution of Christs Regall office comprehendeth his exaltation Christs exaltation is that by which he after his humiliation was by little and little exalted to glorie and that in sundrie respects according to both his natures The exaltation of his diuine nature is an apparant declaration of his diuine properties in his humane nature without the least alteration thereof Rom. 1. 4. Declared mightily to be the sonne of God touching the spirit of sanctification by the resurrection from the dead Act. 2.36 God hath made him both lord Christ whome ye haue crucified The exaltation of his humanitie is the putting off from him his seruile cōdition and all infirmities and the putting on of such habituall gifts which albeit they are created and finite yet they haue so great and so marueilous perfection as possibly can be ascribed to any creature The gifts of his minde are wisdome knowledge ioy and other vnspeakeable vertues of his bodie immortalitie strength agilitie brightnesse Philip. 3.21 Who shall change our vile bodies that it may be fashioned like vnto his glorious body Math. 17.2 He was trāsfigured before them his face did shine as the sunne and his cloathes were as white as the light Heb. 1.9 God euen thy God hath annointed the with the oyle of gladnes aboue thy fellows Eph. 1.20.22 Christs bodie although it be thus glorified yet is it still of a solide substāce compassed about visible palpable and shall perpetually remaine in some certaine place Luk. 24.39 Behold my hands and my feete it is euen I touch me and see a spirit hath no flesh and bones as ye se me haue There be three degrees of Christs exaltation I. His resurrection wherein by his diuine power he subdued death and raised vp himselfe to eternall life 2. Cor. 13.4 Though he was crucified concerning his infirmitie yet liueth he through the power of God Matth. 28.6 Hee is not here for he is risen as he said Come see the place where the Lord was laid The ende of Christs resurrection was to shewe that his satisfaction by his passion and death was fully absolute For one onely sinne would haue detai●ed the Mediatour vnder the dominion of death though he had fully satisfied for all the rest 1. Cor. 15.17 If Christ be not raised your faith is in vaine yee are yet in your sinnes Rom. 4.25 Who was deliuered to death for our sinnes and is risen againe for our iustification II. His ascension into heauen which is a true locall and visible translation of Christs humane nature from earth into the highest heauen of the blessed by the vertue power of his Deitie Act. 1.9 When he had spoken these things while they beheld he was taken vp for a cloud tooke him vp out of their sight and while they looked stedfastly towards heauen as he went beholde two men stood by thē in white apparell which also said Ye men of Galile why stand ye gazing into heauen this Iesus which is taken vp from you into heauen
is expressed in the morall law The Morall Law is that part of Gods word which commandeth perfect obedience vnto man as well ●n his nature as in his actions and forbiddeth the contrarie Rom. 10.5 Moses thus describeth the righteousnes which is of the Law that the man which doth these things shall liue thereby 1. Tim. 1.5 The end of the commandement is loue out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and faith vnfained Luk. 16.27 Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with all thine heart with all thy soule and with all thy strength Rom. 7. We know that the law is spirituall The Law hath two parts The Edict commanding obedience and the condition binding to obedience The condition is eternall life to such as fulfill the law but to transgressours euerlasting death The Decalogue or ten Commandements is an abridgement of the whole Law and the couenant of workes Exod. 34.27 And the Lord said vnto Moses Write thou these words for after the tenour of these words I haue made a covenant with thee and with Israel And was there with the Lord fourtie daies and fourtie nights and did neither eate bread nor drinke water and he wrote in the Tables the words of the covenant euen the tenne Commandements 1. King 8.9 Nothing was in the Arke saue the two Tables of stone which Moses had put there at Horeb where the Lord made a couenant with the children of Israel when he brought them out of the land of Egypt Matth. 22.40 On these two commandements hangeth the whole Law and the Prophets The true interpretation of the Decalogue must be according to these rules I. In the negatiue the affirmatiue must be vnderstood and in the affirmatiue the negatiue II. The negatiue bindeth at all times and to all times and the affirmatiue bindeth at all times but not to all times and therefore negatiues are of more force III. Vnder one vice expressely forbidden are comprehended all of that kind yea the least cause occasion or entisement thereto is as well forbidden as that 1. Ioh. 3.15 Whosoeuer hateth his brother is a manslayer Matth. 5.21 to the ende Euill thoughts are condemned as well as euill actions IV. The smallest sinnes are entituled with the same names that that sinne is which is expressely forbidden in that commandement to which they appertaine As in the former places hatred is named murther and to looke after a woman with a lusting eye is adulterie V. We must vnderstand euery commandement of the law so as that we annex this condition vnlesse God command the contrarie For God being an absolute Lord and so aboue the law may command that which his law forbiddeth so he commanded Isaac to be offered the Egyptians to be spoiled the brasen Serpent to be erected which was a figure of Christ c. The Decalogue is described in two Tables The summe of the first Table is that we loue God with our mind memorie affections and all our strength Matth. 22. 37. This is the first to wit in nature and order and great commandement namely in excellencie and dignitie CHAP. 20. Of the first commandement THe first table hath foure commandements The first teacheth vs to haue and choose the true God for our God The words are these I am Iehouah thy God which brought thee out of the land of Egypt and out of the house of bondage Thou shalt haue none other God but me The Resolution I am If any man rather iudge that these words are a preface to al the commandements then a part of the first I hinder him not neuerthelesse it is like that they are a perswasion to the keeping of the first commandement that they are set before it to make way vnto it as being more hard to be receiued then the rest And this may appeare in that the three commandements next following haue their seuerall reasons Iehouah This word signifieth three things I. Him who of himselfe and in himselfe was from all eternitie Reuel 1.8 Who is who was and who is to come II. Him which giueth being to all things when they were not partly by creating partly by preseruing them III. Him which mightily causeth that those things which he hath promised should both be made and continued Exod. 6.1 Rom. 4. 17. Here beginneth the first reason of the first commandement taken from the name of God it is thus framed He that is Iehouah must alone be thy God But I am Iehouah Therefore I alone must be thy God This proposition is wanting the assumption is in these words I am Iehouah the conclusion is the commandement Thy God These are the words of the couenant of grace Ier. 32.33 wherby the Lord promiseth to his people remission of sinnes and eternall life Yea these words are as a second reason of the commandements drawne from the equalitie of that relation which is betweene God and his people If I be thy God thou againe must be my people and take me alone for thy God But I am thy God Therefore thou must be my people and take me alone for thy God The assumption or second part of this reason is confirmed by an argumēt taken from Gods effects when he deliuered his people out of Egypt as it were from the seruitude of a most tyrannous master This deliuerie was not appropriate onely to the Israelites but in some sort to the Church of God in all ages in that it was a typ●●f a more surpassing deliuerie from that fearefull kingdome of darkenes 1. Cor. 10.1,2 I would not haue you ignorant brethren that all our Fathers were vnder the cloude and all passed through the red sea and were all baptized vnto Moses in the cloude and in the sea Coloss. 1.13 Who hath deliuered vs from the power of darkenes and translated vs into the kingdome of his deare sonne Other Gods or strange gods They are so called not that they by nature are such or can be but because the corrupt and more then diuelish heart of carnall man esteemeth so of them Phil. 3.19 Whose God is their bellie 1. Cor. 4.4 Whose mindes the God of this world hath bewitched Before my face That is figuratiuely in my sight or presence to whom the secret imaginations of the heart are knowne and this is the third reason of the first commandement as if he should say If thou in my presence reiect me it is an heinous offence see therfore thou doe it not After the same manner reasoneth the Lord. Gen. 17.1 I am God almightie therefore walke vpright The affirmatiue part Make choice of Iehouah to be thy God The duties here commanded are these I. To acknowledge God that is to know and confesse him to bee such a God as he hath reuealed himselfe to be in his worde and creatures Col. 1.10 Increasing in the knowledge of God Ierem. 24. 7. And I will giue them an heart to know me that I am the Lord and they shall be my people and I will be their God for they
that it be sparingly and warily vsed is lawfull For if in serious affaires and matters of great importance it be lawfull in priuate to admit God as a Iudge why should he not as well be called to witnesse Againe the examples of holy men shew the practise of priuate othes as not vnlawfull Iacob and Laban confirmed their couenant one with an other by priuate oth the like did Booz in his contract with Ruth To this place may be added an asseueration the which albeit it be like an oth yet indeede is none and is nothing else but a constant assertion of our mind intersetting sometimes the name of a creature Such was Christs assertion Verely verely I say vnto you And Pauls I call God to record in my spirit Where is both an oth an asseueration 1. Cor. 15.31 By your reioycing which I haue in Iesus Christ I die daily 1. Sam. 20.3 Indeede as the Lord liueth and as my soule liueth there is but a step betweene me and death And surely in such a kind of asseueration there is great equitie for albeit it be vnlawfull to sweare by creatures least Gods honour and power should be attributed vnto them yet thus farre may we vse them in an oath as to make pledges and as it were cognisances of Gods glorie The performance of an oth is on this manner If the oth made be of a lawfull thing it must be performed be it of much difficultie great dammage and extorted by force of him that made it Psal. 15.4 He that sweareth to his owne hinderance and changeth not he shall dwell in Gods tabernacle Yet may the Magistrate as it shall seeme right and conuenient either annihilate or moderate such othes Contrarily if a man sweare to performe things vnlawfull and that by ignorāce error or infirmitie or any other way his oth is to be recalled For we may not adde sinne vnto sinne 1. Sam. 25.21 And Dauid said Indeede I haue kept all in vaine that this fellow had in the wildernes c. vers 22. So and more also doe God vnto the enemies of Dauid for surely I will not leaue of all that he hath by the dawning of the day any that pisseth against the wall vers 33. Dauid said Blessed be thy counsell and blessed be thou which hast kept me this day from comming to shedde blood and that mine hand hath not saued me 2. Sam. 19.23 Dauid promiseth that Shimei should not die but 1. King 2.8,9 Dauid saith to Salomon Though I sware so yet thou shalt not count him innocent but cause his hoare head to goe downe to the graue with blood V. Sanctification of Gods creatures and ordinances the which is a separation of them to an holy vse Thus ought we to sanctifie our meates and drinks the works of our calling and marriage The meanes of this sanctification are two Gods word and prayer 1. Tim. 4.4 All which God hath created is good and nothing must be reiected if it be receiued with thanksgiuing for it is sanctified by the word and prayer By the word we are instructed first whether God alloweth the vse of such things or not secondly we learne after what holy manner in what place at what time with what affection and to what end we must vse them Heb. 11.6 Without faith it is impossible to please God Psal. 119.24 Thy testimonies are my delight they are my counsellers Iosh. 22.19,29 1. Sam. 15.23 Prayer which sanctifieth is petition and thanksgiuing By petition we obtaine of Gods meiestie assistance by his grace to make an holy vse of his creatures and ordinances Col. 3. 17. Whatsoeuer ye shall doe in word or deede doe all in the name of the Lord Iesus giuing thanks to God euen the Father by him 1. Sam. 17.45 Then said Dauid to the Philistim Thou commest to me with a sword and with a speare and with a shield but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts the God of the host of Israel whome thou hast railed vpon Mich. 4. 5. We must walke in the name of the Lord our God for euer and euer Here may we obserue prayer made vpon particular occasion 1. For a prosperous iourney Act. 21.5 When the daies were ended we departed and went our way and they all accompanied vs with their wiues and children euen out of the citie and we kneeling downe on the shore prayed c. 2. For a blessing vpon meats at the table Ioh. 6.11 Then Iesus tooke the bread and when he had giuen thankes he gaue it to his Disciples and the Disciples to them that were set downe and likewise of the fishes as much as they would Act. 27.35 He tooke bread and gaue thanks to God in presence of them all and brake it and began to eate 3. For issue in childbirth This did Anna 1. Sam. 1.14 And Zacharie Luk. 1.13 4. For good successe in busines Gen. 24. 12. Abrahams seruant praied Thanksgiuing is the magnifying of Gods name euen the Father through Christ for his grace ayde and blessing in the lawfull vse of the creatures Phil. 4.6 In all things let your requests be shewed vnto God in prayer and supplication and giuing of thanks 1● Thess. 5. 18. In all things giue thanks for this is the will of God in Christ towards you This we may read vsed 1. after meate Deut. 8.10 When thou hast eaten and filled thy selfe thou shalt blesse the Lord thy God for the good land which he hath giuen thee 2. After the losse of outward wealth Iob 1.21 And Iob saide Naked came I out of my mothers wombe and naked shall I returne againe the Lord hath giuen and the lord hath taken away blessed be the name of the Lord for euermore 3. For deliuerance out of seruitude Exod. 18. 10. Iethro said Blessed be the Lord who hath deliuered you out of the hands of the Egyptians and out of the hand of Pharaoh who also hath deliuered the people from vnder the hand of the Egyptians 4. For children Gen. 29.35 Shee conceiued againe and bare of sonne saying Now will I praise the Lord therefore shee called his name Iudah 5. For victorie 2. Sam. 22.1 And Dauid spake the words of this song vnto the Lord what time the Lord had deliuered him out of the hands of all his enemies and out of the hand of Saul and said The Lord is my rocke and my fortresse c. 6. For good successe in domesticall affaires Abrahams seruant Gen. 24.12 blessed the Lord of his master Abraham CHAP. 23. Of the fourth Commandement THe fourth Commandement concerneth the Sabboth namely that holy time consecrated to the worship and glorifying of God The words are these Remember the Sabboth to keepe it sixe daies shalt thou labour and doe ●ll thy worke but the seuenth day is the Sabboth of the Lord thy God in it thou shalt doe no manner of worke thou nor thy sonne nor thy daughter thy man seruant nor thy maid nor thy beast nor thy
other and not in receiuing it Rom. 12. 10. Submitting your selues one to another in the feare of God To salute one an other with holy signes whereby may appeare the loue which we haue one to another in Christ. 1. Pet. 5.14 Greet ye one another with the kisse of loue Rom. 16. 16. Salute one another with an holy kisse Exod. 18.7 And Moses went out to meete his father in law and did obeysance and kissed him Ruth 2.4 And beholde Boaz came from Bethlehem and said vnto the Reapers the Lord be with you And they answered The Lord blesse thee Fiftly the duties of all Superiours towards their inferiours to yeeld to them in good matters as to their brethren Deut. 17. 20. That his heart be not lifted vp aboue his brethren and that he turne not from the commaundement to the right hand or to the left Iob. 31.13 If I did contemne the iudgement of my seruant and of my maide 2. King 5.13 And his seruant came and spake vnto him and said 14. Then he went downe and washed himselfe seuen times in Iordan c. To shine before their inferiours by an ensample of a blamelesse life Titus 2.2 That the elder men bee sober honest discreete sound in the faith in loue and in patience 3. The elder women likewise that they be in such behauiour as becommeth holines not false accusers not giuen to much wine but teachers of honest things 1. Pet. 5.3 Not as though ye were Lords ouer Gods heritage but that ye may be ensamples to the flock Phil. 4.9 To shewe forth grauitie ioyned with dignitie by their countenance gesture deedes and wordes Tit. 2. 3,4,5,6,7 Iob. 29.8 The younge men saw me and hid themselues the aged arose and stood vp Sixtly towards inferiours in obedience that is toward their subiects 1. To rule them in the Lord that they doe not offend 1. Pet. 2.13 Submit your selues vnto all manner of ordinance of man for the Lords sake whether it be vnto kings as vnto superiours 14. or vnto gouernours as vnto them that are sent of the king for the punishment of euill doers and for the praise of them that doe well Deut. 17.19 And it shall be with him namely the booke of the lawe and he shal read therein all the daies of his life that he may learne to feare the Lord his God and to keepe all the wordes of this lawe and those ordinances to doe them Col. 4. 1. Ye masters doe vnto your seruants that which is iust and equall knowing that ye also haue a master in heauen 2. To prouide such things as shall be to the good of their subiects whether they belong to the bodie or to the soule Rom. 13.4 For he is the minister of god for thy wealth Esa. 49.23 And kings shall be thy nursing Fathers Queenes shall be thy nurses Psal. 132.1 Lord remember Dauid with all his troubles 2. Who sware vnto the Lord and vowed vnto the mightie God of Iaacob saying 3. I will not enter into the tabernacle of mine house nor come vpon my pallet or bed 4. nor suffer mine eies to sleepe nor mine eie lids to slumber 5. vntil I finde out a place for the Lord an habitation for the mightie God of Iacob 3. To punish their faults the lighter by rebuking the greater by correction that is by inflicting reall or bodily punishment There is an holy maner of punishing the guilty whereunto is required I. After diligent and wise examination be had to be assured of the crime committed II. To shewe forth of Gods word the offence of the sin that the conscience of the offender may be touched III. It is conuenient to deferre or omit the punishment if thereby any hope of amendment may appeare Eccl. 7.23 Giue not thy heart also to all the words that men speake least thou doe heare thy seruant cursing thee 24. For oftentimes also thine heart knoweth that thou likewise hast cursed others 1. Sam. 10. vers 27. But the wicked men said Howe shall he saue vs so they despised him and brought him no presents but he held his tongue IV. To inflict deserued punishment not in his owne name but in Gods name adding the same holily and reuerently Iosh. 7. 19. Then Ioshua said vnto Achan My sonne I beseech thee giue glorie to the Lord God of Israel and make confession vnto him and shew me nowe what thou hast done hide it not from me 20. And Achan answered Ioshua and said Indeede I haue sinned against the Lord God of Israel and thus and thus haue I done 25. And Ioshua said In as much as thou hast troubled vs the Lord shall trouble thee this day and all Israel threwe stones at him and burned them with fire and stoned them with stones V. and lastly When thou punishest aime at this one onely thing that the euill may be purged and amended and that the offender by sorrowing for his sinne may vnfainedly repent for the same Prou. 20.30 The blewnesse of the wound serueth to purge the euill and the stripes within the bowels of the belly Seuenthly and lastly there is a certaine duty of a man to bee performed toward himselfe which is that a man should preserue and maintaine with modestie the dignitie and worthinesse which is inherent in his own person Phil. 4.8 Furthermore brethren whatsoeuer things are true whatsoeuer things are honest whatsoeuer things are iust whatsoeuer things are pure whatsoeuer thinges pertaine to loue whatsoeuer things are of good report if there be any vertue or if there be any praise thinke on these things The negatiue part Diminish not the excellencie or dignitie which is in the person of thy neighbour Hither are referred these sinnes First against our superiours I. Vnreuerent behauiour and contempt of them The sinnes hereof are deriding our superiours Gen. 9. 22. And when Ham the Father of Canaan sawe the nakednesse of his father he told his two brethren without Prou. 20.17 The eie that mocketh his father and despiseth the instruction of his mother let the rauens of the valley picke it out and the young eagles eate it To speake euill of or reuile our superiours Exod. 21.17 And he that curseth his father or his mother shall die the death II. Disobedience whereby we contemne their iust commādements Rom. 1.30 Disobedient to Parents 2. Tim. 3.3 No striker but gentle no fighter The sinnes hereof are To make contracts of mariage without the counsel consent of the Parents Gen. 6. 2. Then the sonnes of God saw the daughters of men that they were faire and they tooke them wiues of all that they liked Gen. 28.6,9 And Esau seeing that the daughters of Canaan displeased Izhac his father then went Esau to Ishmael and tooke vnto the wiues which he had Mahalath the daughter of Ishmael Abrahams sonne the sister of Nabaioth to be his wife The eie seruice of seruants Coloss. 3.22 Seruant● be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh in all things
sinnes in his teeth which hee hath committed or an obiecting vnto him some inherent infirmities Matth. 5.22 Whosoeuer saith vnto his brother Raca shall be worthy to be punished by the councell ● And whosoeuer shall say Foole shall be worthy to be punished with hel fire 2. Sam. 6.16 As the Arke of the Lord came into the citie of Dauid Michal Sauls daughter looked through a window and saw king Dauid leape and dance before the Lord and shee despised him in her heart 20. And Michal the daughter of Saul came out to meete Dauid and saide O how glorious was the King of Israel this day which was vncouered to day in the eyes of the maidens of his seruants as a foole vncouereth himselfe 3. Contentions when two or more striue in speech one with another for any kind of Superioritie 4. Brawlings in any conference 5. Crying which is an vnseemely eleuation of the voice against ones adu●rsarie Gal. 5.19 The workes of the flesh are manifest which are 20. emulations wrath contentions seditions Eph. 4. 31. Let all bitternesse and anger and wrath crying and euill speaking be put away from you with all malitiousnes 32. Be courteous one to another Gen. 16. 11. He vz. Ismael shal be a wild man his hand shal be against euery man and euery mans hand against him 6. Complaints to euery one of such as offer vs iniuries Iam. 5.9 Grudge not one against another brethren least ye be condemned III. In countenance and gesture all such signes as euidently decipher the malitious affections lurking in the heart Gen. 4.5,6 His countenance fell down and the Lord said vnto Cain Why art thou so wrath Math. 27.39 They that passed by rayled on him nodding their heades Hence is it that derision is tearmed persecution Gen. 21. 9. Sarai saw the sonne of Hagar the Egyptian mocking c. Gal. 4.29 He that was borne after the flesh persecuted him that was borne after the spirit IV. In deedes 1. To fight with or to beat our neighbour and to maime his bodie Leuit. 24. 19 20. If any man cause any blemish in his neighbour as he hath done so shall it be done to him breach for breach eie for eie tooth for tooth 2. To procure any way the death of our neighbour whether it be by the sword famine or poison Gen. 4.8 Cain rose vp against his brother and slue him 3. To exercise tyrannous crueltie in inflicting punishments Deut. 25.3 Fourtie stripes shall he cause him to haue and not past least if he should exceede and beate him aboue that with many stripes thy brother should appeare despised in thy sight 2. Cor. 11. 24. Of the Iewes I receiued fiue times fourtie stripes saue one 4. To vse any of Gods creatures hardly Prouerb 12.10 A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast but the mercies of the wicked are cruell Deut. 22.6 If thou finde a birds nest in the way in any tree or on the ground whether they be young or egges and the damme sitting vpon the young or vpon the egges thou shalt not take the damme with the young but shalt in any wise let the damme goe and take the yong to thee that thou maist prosper and prolong thy daies 5. To take occasion by our neighbours infirmities to vse him discourteously and to make him our laughing stocke or tanting recreation Leuit. 19 .14 Thou shalt not curse the deafe nor put a stumbling blocke before the blinde 2. King 2. 23. Little children came out of the citie and mocked him and saide vnto him Come vp thou baldhead come vp thou baldhead 6. To iniurie the impotent feeble poore strangers fatherlesse or widowes Exod. 22.21,22 Thou shalt not doe iniurie to a straunger neither oppresse him for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt Yee shall not trouble any widow or fatherles childe 25. Thou shalt not be an vsurer vnto the poore We then iniurie these 1. If we pay not the labourer his hire Deut. 24.14 Thou shalt not oppresse an hired seruant that is needie and poore neither of thy brethren nor of the straunger that is within thy gates 15. Thou shalt giue him his hire for his day neither shall the sunne goe downe vpon it for he is poore and therewith sustaineth his life least he crie against thee to the Lord and it be sinne vnto thee 2. If thou restore not the pledge of the poore Exod. 22.26,27 If thou take thy neighbors rayment to pledge thou shalt restore it vnto him before the sunne goe downe for that is his garment onely and his couering for his skin 3. If we withdraw corne from the poore Prou. 11.26 He that withdraweth the corne the people will curse him but blessing shall be vpon the head of him that selleth corne Againe this law is as well transgressed by not killing when the law chargeth to kill and by pardoning the punishment due vnto murther as by killing when we should not Nomb. 35.16 If one smite another with an instrument of yron that he die he is a murtherer and the murtherer shall die the death 33. The land can not be clensed of the bloode that is shedde therein but by the bloode of him that shedde it By this place also are combates of two men hand to hand for deciding of controuersies vtterly vnlawfull 1. Because they are not equall meanes ordained of God to determine controuersies 2. In that it falleth out in such combates that he is conquerour before man who indeed is guiltie before God This also condemneth Popish Sanctuaries and places of priuiledge as Churches and the like wherein murtherers shelter and shroud themselues from the danger of the law For God expressely commandeth Exod. 21.14 that such an one shal be taken from his altar that he may die And Ioab 1. King 2.24 touching the hornes of the altar was slaine in the Temple Hitherto in like sort belong such things as concerne the soule of our neighbour 1. To be a scandale or offence to the soule of our neighbor either in life or doctrine Math. 18.7 Woe be to the world because of offences it is necessarie that offences should come but woe be to them by whome they doe come 2. To minister occasions of strife and discord The which we then doe 1. When we cannot be brought to remit somewhat of our owne right 2. When we returne snappish and crooked answers 3. When we interpret euery thing amisse and take them in the worst part 1. Sam. 25. 25. Nabal is his name and follie is with him 2. Sam. 10.3 And the Princes of the children of Ammon said to Hanun their Lord Thinkest thou that Dauid doth honour thy father that he hath sent comforters to thee hath not Dauid rather sent his seruants vnto thee to search the citie to spie it out and to ouerthrow it wherefore Hanun tooke Dauids seruants and shaued off the halfe of their beards and cut off their garments in the middle euen to their buttockes and sent them away 3. The
last remedie as a desperate medecine is the last remedie the Physitian vseth We must assay all meanes possible before we vse this especially to a brother 1. Cor. 6.7 There is vtterly a fault among you because ye goe to law one with another why rather suffer ye not wrong why rather sustaine ye not harme III. In all suites of law we must be mindfull of the law of charitie and not so much indeauour to maintaine our owne right as to recall our brother which erreth into the right way CHAP. 28. Concerning the ninth Commandement THe ninth Commandement belongeth to the preseruation of our neighbours good name The words are these Thou shalt not beare false witnesse against thy neighbour The Resolution Thou shalt not beare That is answer when thou art asked before a Iudge Deutr. 19.17 Then both the men which striue together shall stand before the Lord euen before the Priests and the Iudges which shall be in those daies 18. And the Iudges shall make diligent inquisition and if the witnesse be found false and hath giuen false witnesse against his brother Witnesse By a figure signifieth euery word whereby the credit and estimation of our neighbour is either impaired or diminished The negatiue part Thou shalt not diminish or hurt the good name and estimation of thy neighbour Here is forbidden I. Enuie disdaine of others desire of a mans owne glorie 1. Tim. 6.4 He is puft vp and knoweth nothing but doteth about questions and strife of words whereof commeth enuie strife railings 1. Pet. 2.1 Wherefore laying aside all maliciousnes and enuie and all guile and euill speaking Math. 21.15 But when the chiefe Priests and Scribes saw the marueiles that he did and the children crying in the Temple and saying Hosanna the sonne of Dauid they disdained II. Euill suspicions 1. Tim. 6.4 1. Sam. 17.28 And Eliab his eldest brother heard when he spake vnto the men and Eliab was angrie with Dauid and said Why camest thou downe hither and with whome hast thou left those few sheepe in the wildernesse I know thy pride and the malice of thine heart Act. 28.4 Now when the Barbarians saw the worme hang on his hand they said among themselues This man surely is a murtherer whom though he hath escaped the sea yet vengeance hath not suffered to liue Here are condemned hard censures and sinister iudgements against our neighbour Matth. 7. 1. Iudge not that yee be not iudged 2. For with what iudgement yee iudge ye shall be iudged and with what measure yee mete it shall be measured to you againe These iudgements which Christ forbiddeth are priuate and reprochfull or slaunderous iudgements namely when either a good or an indifferent action is interpreted to the worse part or when a light offence is made hainous through euill will without all desire either to amend or to couer the same Act. 2.13 And other mocked and saide They are full of new wine 14. But Peter standing with the eleuen lift vp his voice and said vnto them Ye men of Iudea and all ye that inhabite Ierusalem be this knowne vnto you and hearken vnto my words 15. For these are not drunken as ye suppose since it is but the third houre of the day 1. Sam. 1.13 For Hannah spake in her heart her lips did mooue onely but her voice was not heard therfore Eli thought she had beene drunken But we must know that there are three kinds of iudgements which are not forbidden by this commandement of Christ. The first is the ministerie of the Gospel which iudgeth reprooueth sinne The secōd is the iudgement of the Magistrate The third is the iudgement of a friend admonishing vs as when he saith Abstaine from the companie of such a man for I know him to be a drunkard c. III. A relation of the bare words onely and not of the sense and meaning of our neighbour Math. 26.59 Now the chiefe Priests and the Elders and all the whole Councell sought false witnes against Iesus to put him to death 60. But they found none and though many false witnesses came yet found they none but at the last came two false witnesses 61. And said This man saide I can destroy the Temple of God and build it in three daies Indeede Christ saide some such thing in wordes as appeareth Ioh. 2.19 Iesus answered and said vnto them Destroy this temple and in three daies I will raise it vp againe IV. A lie whereby euery falshood with purpose to deceiue is signified whether in wordes or in deedes or concealing the truth or any other way whatsoeuer be it for neuer so great a good to our neighbour V. To pronounce vniust sentence in iudgement to rest in one witnesse to accuse another wrongfully to bewray a mans cause by collusion 1. King 21.12 They proclaimed a fast and set Nabaoth among the chiefe of the people 13. And there came two wicked men and sate before him and the wicked men witnessed against Nabaoth in the presence of the people saying Nabaoth did blaspheme God and the King then they caried him away out of the citie and stoned him with stones that he died Deut. 17.6 At the mouth of two or three witnesses shall he that is worthie of death die but at the mouth of one witnesse he shall not die VI. Openly to raise forged and hurtfull tales and reports of our neighbour or priuily to deuise the same Rom. 1.29 Whisperers 30. Backbiters haters of God proud boasters inuenters of euill things Leuit. 19.16 Thou shalt not walke about with tales among thy people thou shalt not stand against the blood of thy neighbour I am the Lord. 1. Tim. 5.13 And likewise also beeing idle they learne to goe about from house to house yea they are not onely idle but also pratlers and busi-bodies speaking things which are not comely To spread abroad flying tales or to faine and adde any thing vnto them Prou. 26.20 Without wood the fire is quenched and without a talebearer strife ceaseth 21. As a coale maketh burning coales and wood a fire so the contentious man is apt to kindle strife 22. The wordes of a talebearer are as flatterings and they goe downe into the bowels of the belly 2. Cor. 12.20 For I feare least when I come I shall not finde you such as I would and that I shall be found to you such as I would not and least there be strife enuying wrath contentions backbitings whisperings swellings and discord among you To receiue or beleeue those tales which we heare of others Exod. 23.1 Thou shalt not receiue a false tale neither shalt thou put thine hand with the wicked to be a false witnesse 1. Sam. 24.10 And Dauid said to Saul Wherefore giuest thou an eare to mens wordes that say Behold Dauid seeketh euill against thee VII To accuse our neighbour for that which is certaine true through hatred and with intent to hurt him 1. Sam. 22.9 Then answered Doeg the Edomit● who was appointed
be entertained and receiued in the closet of the heart III. The least cogitation and motion the which though it procure not consent delighteth and tickleth the heart Of this kinde are these foolish wishes I would such an house were mine such a liuing such a thing c. And hitherto may we referre all vnchast dreames arising from concupiscence The affirmatiue part Couet that onely which is auaileable to thy neighbour Here are commended I. A pure heart towards our neighbour 1. Tim. 1.5 The end of the commandement is loue out of a pure heart a good conscience and faith vnfained II. Holy cogitations and motions of the spirit Paul praieth 1. Thess. 5.23 that the Thessalonians may be holy not onely in bodie and soule but also in spirit Eph. 4.23 III. A conflict against the euill affections and lusts of the flesh Rom. 7.22 I reioyce in the law of God in regard of the inward man 23. But I see another Law in my members rebelling against the Law of my minde and making me captiue to the law of sinne which is in my members 24. Miserable man that I am who shall deliuer me from this bodie of death 2. Cor. 12.7 8 9. CHAP. 30. Of the vse of the Law THe vse of the Law in vnregenerate persons is threefold The first is to lay open sinne and make it knowne Rom. 3.20 By the workes of the Law shall no flesh be iustified in his sight for by the law commeth the knowledge of sinne The second vse is accidentarily to effect and augment sinne by reason of the flesh the which causeth man to decline from that which is commanded and euer to encline to that which is prohibited Rom. 7.8 Sinne tooke occasion by the commandement and wrought in me all manner of concupiscence for without the Law sinne is dead 9. For I once was aliue without the Law but when the commandement came sinne reuiued 10. But I died and that commandement which was ordained vnto life was found to be vnto me vnto death The third vse is to denounce eternall damnation for the least disobedience without offering any hope of pardon This sentence the law pronounceth against offendours and by it partly by threatning partly by terrifying it raigneth and ruleth ouer man Rom. 3.19 Wee know that whatsoeuer the Law saith it saith it to them which are vnder the Lawe that euery mouth may be stopped and all the world be culpable before God Gal. 3.10 As many as are of the workes of the law are vnder the curse for it is written Cursed is euery one that continueth not in all that is written in the booke of the Lawe to doe them 2. Cor. 3.7 If the ministration of death written with letters and ingrauen in stones was glorious 8. Howe shall not the ministration of the spirit be more glorious For if the ministration of condemnation were glorious c. The ende why sinne raigneth in man is to vrge sinners to flie vnto Christ Galat. 3.22 The Scripture hath concluded all vnder sinne that the promise by the faith of Iesus Christ should be giuen to them that beleeue 24. Wherfore the law was our schoolemaster to Christ. Heb. 12.18,19,20 The continuance of this power of the law is perpetuall vnlesse a sinner repent and the very first act of repentance so freeth him that he shall no more be vnder the lawe but vnder grace 2. Sam. 12.13 Then said Dauid to Nathan I haue sinned against the Lord wherfore Nathan said to Dauid The Lord also hath forgiuen thy sinne and thou shalt not die Rom. 6.14 Sinne shall not haue dominion ouer you for ye are not vnder the law but vnder grace If therefore thou desirest seriously eternall life first take a narrowe examination of thy selfe and the course of thy life by the square of Gods lawe then set before thine eies the curse that is due vnto sinne that thus bewailing thy miserie and despairing vtterly of thine own power to attaine euerlasting happinesse thou maiest renounce thy selfe and be prouoked to seeke and sue vnto Christ Iesus The vse of the Law in such as are regenerate is far otherwise for it guideth them to new obedience in the whole course of their life which obedience may be acceptable to God by Christ. Rom. 3.31 Doe we therefore through faith make the Law of none effect God forbid nay we rather establish the Law Psal. 119. 24. Thy testimonies are my delight they are my counsellers v. 105. Thy word is a lantarne vnto my feete and a light vnto my pathes CHAP. 31. Of the couenant of Grace HItherto concerning the couenant of works and of the Law now followeth the couenant of grace The couenant of Grace is that whereby God freely promising Christ and his benefits exacteth againe of man that he would by faith receiue Christ and repent of his sinnes Hos. 2.18 In that daie will I make a couenant for them c. 19. And I will marrie thee vnto me for euer yea I will marrie thee vnto me in righteousnesse and in iudgement and in mercie and in compassion v. 20. I will euen marrie thee vnto me in faithfulnesse and thou shalt knowe the Lord. Ezech. 36.25 I will poure cleane water vpon you and ye shall be cleane yea from all your filthinesse and from all your idols will I clense you v. 26. And I will giue you a newe heart and a newe spirit will I put within you v. 27. And cause you to walke in my statutes Malach 3.1 The Lord whome ye seeke shall speedily come to his temple euen the messenger of the couenant whome ye desire behold he shall come saith the Lord of hosts This couenant is also named a testament for it hath partly the nature and properties of a testament or will First it is confirmed by the death of the testator Heb. 9.16 Where a testament is there must be the death of him that made the testament 17. For the testament is confirmed when men are dead for it is yet of no force so long as he that made it is aliue Secondly in this couenant we doe not offer much and promise small to God but in a manner doe onely receiue euen as the last will and testament of a man is not for the testators but the heires commodity The couenant albeit it be one in substance yet it is distinguished into the old and new testament The olde testament or couenant is that which in types and shadowes prefigured Christ to come and to be exhibited The newe testament declareth Christ already come in the flesh and is apparantly shewed in the Gospel The Gospell is that part of Gods word which cōtaineth a most worthy welcome message namely that mankind is fully redeemed by the blood of Iesus Christ the only begotten sonn of God manifest in the flesh so that now for all such as repent and beleeue in Christ Iesus there is prepared a full remission of all their sinnes togither with saluation and life euerlasting Ioh.
The Sacramentall vnion of the parts of baptisme is on this sort The element of water whereby the vncleannesse of the body is purified by a most conuenient proportion shadoweth out the blood of Christ and by the figure Synecdoche taking the part for the whole whole Christ. 1. Ioh. 1.7 And the blood of Iesus Christ clenseth vs from all sinne The action of the Minister is his washing of the partie baptized with the element of water This sealeth and confirmeth a double action of God I. The engrafting or incorporating of the baptized into Christ. Gal. 3.27 As many as are baptized into Christ haue put on Christ. 1. Cor. 12.13 By one spirit we are all baptized into one bodie II. Our spirituall regeneration Tit. 3.5 Not by the workes of righteousnes which we had done but according to his mercie he saued vs by the washing of the new birth and the renewing of the holy Ghost Of washing there be three parts The putting into the water the continuance in the water and the comming out of the water The putting into or the sprinkling of water doth ratifie I. the shedding of the blood of Christ for the remission of all our sinnes and the imputation of his righteousnesse Act. 22.16 Arise and be baptized and wash away thy si●nes in calling on the name of the Lord. 1. Cor. 6. 11. And such were some of you but ye are washed but ye are sanctified but ye are iustified in the name of the Lord Iesus and by the spirit of our God II. The mortification of sinne by the power of Christs death Rom. 6.3 Know ye not that all we which haue beene baptized into Iesus Christ haue beene baptized into his death 6. Knowing this that our old man is crucified with him that the bodie of sinne might be destroied that henceforth we should not serue sinne for he that is dead is freed from sinne The continuance in the water it noteth the buriall of sinne namely a continuall increase of mortification by the power both of Christ his death and buriall Rom. 6.4 We are buried then with him by baptisme into his death The comming out of the water doth confirme our spiritual vi●ification to newnesse of life in all holinesse and iustice the which we attaine vnto by the power of Christs resurrection Rom. 6. 4. Like as Christ was raised vp from the dead by the glorie of the Father so we also should walke in newnesse of life 5. For if we be graffed with him to the similitude of his death euen so shall we be to the similitude of the resurrection The action of the partie to be baptized is two-fold The first is to offer himselfe to be baptized before the minister and that in the presence of the congregation This signifieth that he doth consecrate himselfe vnto the Lord and that he vtterly renounceth the flesh the world and the diuell 1. Pet. 3.21 To the which also the figure which now saueth vs euen baptisme agreeth not the putting away of the filth of the flesh but in that a good conscience maketh request vnto God by the resurrection of Iesus Christ. The second is to receiue the externall washing by water this signifieth that the partie baptized doth receiue the internall washing which is by the blood of Christ or at the least that it is offered vnto him Rebaptizing is at no hand to be admitted for as in naturall generation man is once onely borne so must he be in the spiritual regeneration Therfore they that are baptized of a minister which is an heretike not yet degraded from that calling if the externall forme of administration be obserued must not be baptized againe of the Church of God especially if after baptisme they haue beene made partakers of the Lords Supper onely they ought to be instructed in the true faith Euseb. Eccles. hist. lib. 7. c. 8. saith There was in our Prouince an ancient professour of the faith yea before I was created Bishop nay before my predecessour Heraclas who when he was present at the baptisme of some heard what questions they were asked what answer they returned forthwith came weeping vnto me and humbling himselfe before me confessed that he was baptized by an heretike yet in regard of that administration which he saw in our Church he accoūted that no baptisme in that the confession there vsed was fraught with blasphemies This also he added that he was for this offence so sore grieued that he durst not so much as lift vp his eyes to heauen wherefore he most earnestly besought me that ●e might be clensed and purified with the baptisme of our Church and so receiue the gift of the holy Ghost The which notwithstanding I durst not presume to administer but said it was sufficient for him that he had beene so long a professour amongst vs that at the receit of the Lords Supper he answered Amen These things I told him were of force enough to purge him And therefore I aduised him to rest himselfe in his former faith and conscience alreadie sufficiently purified especially in that he so long was partaker with vs in the Sacraments Aug. lib. 3. c. 2. contra Petil. literas The right vse of baptisme is this When inwardly in thine heart thou sensibly feelest that through the heat of concupiscence thou art mooued to commit some sinne then beginne to haue some holy meditation of that solemne vow which thou diddest make to God in baptisme Againe if through infirmitie thou fallest once or often into some sinne stil haue recourse vnto baptisme that there thou maist receiue courage to thy soule For although baptisme be but once onely administred yet that once testifieth that all mans sinnes past present and to come are washed away 1. Pet. 3.20 Eph. 5. 25 26 27. Therefore baptisme may be truly tearmed the Sacrament of repentance and as it were a board to swimme vpon when a man shall feare the shipwracke of his soule Mark 1.4 1. Tim. 1.19 Rom. 6.4,6 Last of all see thou neuer rest till such time as thou haue a feeling of that renuing power signified in baptisme namly the power of Christs death mortifying sinne and the vertue of his resurrection in the renouation of the Spirit CHAP. 34. Of the Lords Supper THe Lords Supper is a Sacrament wherewith in the signes of bread and wine such as are engraffed into Christ are in him daily in a spirituall manner nourished to eternall life 1. Cor. 11.23,24,25 Rom. 6.5 The proportion of the parts of the Lords Supper is on this wife The Elements of bread and wine are signes and seales of the bodie and blood of Christ. The action of the Minister is a note of Gods action The Ministers action is fourefold The first is his taking the bread and wine into his owne handes this doth seale the action of God the Father by which he from all eternitie did separate and elect his Sonne to performe the duetie of a Mediatour betwixt God and man Ioh.
6.27 For him hath the Father sealed The second is his blessing of it whereby he by the recitall of the promises and praiers conceiued to that ende doth actually separate the bread and wine receiued from their common vnto an holy vse This doth seale that action of God by which he did in the fulnesse of time send Christ to performe the office of a Mediatour vnto the which he was fore-ordained The third is the breaking of the bread and powring out of the wine this doth seale the passion of Christ by which he verely vpon the crosse was both in soule and bodie bruised for our transgressions The fourth is his distributing of the bread and wine into the hands of the communicants This sealeth the action of God offering Christ vnto all yea to the hypocrites but giuing him indeede vnto the faithful for the daily encrease of their faith and repentance The action of the receiuer is double The first is his taking the bread and wine in his hand This sealeth a spirituall action of the receiuer namely his apprehension of Christ by the hand of faith Ioh. 1. 1● The second is his eating of the bread and drinking of the wine to the nourishment of his bodie This sealeth his application of Christ by faith that the feeling of his true vnion and communion with Christ may daily be encreased 1. Cor. 11.16 The cuppe of blessing which we blesse is it not the communion of the blood of Christ the bread which we breake is it not the communion of the bodie of Christ That doctrine of Transubstantiation which teacheth that the bread is turned into the very bodie of Christ and the wine into his blood is a very fable the reasons why are these I. In the first institution of the Supper which was before Christ his passion the bodie of Christ was then eaten as alreadie crucified Now how the bodie of Christ crucified should after a corporall manner be eaten he himselfe being not as yet crucified it is impossible to imagine II. The bread after the consecration is distributed into parts but the whole bodie of Christ is receiued of euery singular communicant III. The bread is the communion of Christs bodie therefore not his very bodie IV. By this meanes the bodie of Christ should not onely be made of the substance of the Virgin Marie but also of the bakers bread V. Let the bread wine be kept for a time and the bread will mould and the wine turne to vineger after the consecration by which we may conclude that there did remaine the substāce of bread and wine VI. This opinion quite ouerthroweth the sacramentall vnion namely the proportion which is betwixt the signe and the thing signed Th● l●ke may be said of the Lutherans Consubstantiation whereby they b●●re men in hand that there is a coexistence by which the bodie of Christ is eith●● in or with or about the bread Against this these reasons may suffice I. The ●ho●●●ction of the Supper is done in remembrance of Christ now what 〈…〉 f the bodie of Christ were really present II. Act. 3.21 Whom the heauens 〈◊〉 containe vntill the time that all things be restored III. This is an essential propertie of euery magnitude and therfore of the bodie of Christ to be in one place and circumscribed or compassed of one place IV. If that Christs bodie were eaten corporally then should the wicked as well as the faithfull be partakers of the flesh of Christ but to eate his flesh is to beleeue in him and to haue eternall life V. It were very absurd to thinke that Christ sitting amongst his Disciples did with his owne hands take his owne bodie and giue it wholly to each of his Disciples Such as will in an holy sort prepare themselues to celebrate the Lords Supper must haue First a knowledge of God and of mans fall and of the promised restauration into the couenant by Christ. 1. Cor. 11.26 So often as ye shall eate this bread and drinke of this cuppe ye shew the death of the Lord till he come 29. and discerne his bodie Secondly true faith in Christ for euery man receiueth so much as he beleeueth he receiueth Heb. 4.2 For vnto vs was the Gospel preached as also vnto them but the word that they heard profited not them because it was not mixed with faith in those that heard it Furthermore true repentance of their sinnes Esai 66.3 He that killeth a bullocke as if he slue a man he that sacrificeth a sheepe as if he cut off a dogges necke he that offereth an oblation as if he offered swines blood he that remembreth incense as if he blessed an idol yea they haue chosen their owne waies and their soule delighteth in their abominations Psal. 26.6 I wash mine hands in innocency O Lord and so come before thine altar Thirdly renued faith and repentance for daily and new sinnes committed vpon infirmitie because euery new sinne requireth a new act both of repentance and faith this renouation must be seene by our reconciliation of our selues to our neighbours for iniuries and wrongs Mat. 5.23 If thou bring thy gift to the altar and there remembrest that thy brother hath ought against thee 24. Leaue thy gift before the altar and goe first be reconciled to thy brother then come and offer thy gift If thou canst come furnished with these things abstaine not from the Lords table by rea●●n of thy many infirmities If being thus prepared thou feelest that thou hast a corrupt and rebellious heart know this that then thou art well disposed to the Lords table whē thou art liuely touched with a sense of thy crooked disposition Luk. 4.18 The spirit of the Lord is vpon me because he hath annointed me that I should preach the Gospell to the poore he hath sent me that I should heale the broken hearted that I should preach deliuerance to the captiues and recouering of sight to the blind that I should set at libertie them that are bruised Mat. 15.24 He answered and said I am not sent but to the lost sheepe of the house of Israel The Lords Supper is a medicine to the diseased and languishing soule and therefore men must as well seeke to purifie and heale their hearts in it as to bring pure and sounde hearts vnto it If thou feele in thy selfe some great defect and want of faith pray vnto god earnestly that he will vouchfafe to increase it Mark 9.24 The father of the child crying with teares said Lord I beleeue helpe mine vnbeleefe If thou canst not doe this thy selfe vse the aide of the faithfull which may by their faith carrie thee as men did the sicke of the palsie vpon their sholders and laid him before Christ. Mark 2.3 If thou come not furnished on this maner to the Lords table thou shalt be adiudged guiltie of the bodie and blood of Christ as he is guiltie of high treason who doth counterfeit or clip the Princes coyne 1. Cor. 11.27 He
that eateth this bread and drinketh this cuppe vnworthily shall be guilty of the body and blood of Christ. But such as feele not thēselues penitent they neither can come to the Lords table without repentance least they eate and drink their own damnation neither must they deferre repentance by which they may come least they procure to themselues finall destruction CHAP. 35. Of the degrees of executing Gods decree of Election VVE haue hitherto declared the outward meanes whereby Gods decree is executed Now follow the degrees of executing the same The degrees are in number two The loue of God and the declaration of his loue Eph. 1.6 To the praise of the glory of his grace wherwith he hath made vs accepted in his blood 9. And hath opened vnto vs the mysterie of his will according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in him Gods loue is that whereby God doth freely loue all such as are chosen in Christ Iesus though in themselues altogither corrupt 1. Ioh. 4. 19. Wee loued him because he loued vs first Rom. 5.8 God setteth out his loue towards vs seeing that while we were yet sinners Christ died for vs. 10. For if when wee were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his sonne much more wee beeing reconciled shall be saued by his life The declaration of gods loue is two-fold The first towards infants elected to saluation the second towards men of riper yeares The declaration of Gods loue towards infants is on this manner Infants alreadie elected albeit they in the wombe of their mother before they were borne or presently after depart this life they I say being after a secret and vnspeakable manner by Gods spirit engraffed into Christ obtaine eternall saluation 1. Cor. 12. 13. By one spirit wee are all baptized into one bodie whether Iewes or Grecians bond or free and haue beene all made to drinke into one spirit Luk. 1. 35. The Angell answered and said vnto her The holy Ghost shall come vpon thee and the power of the most High shall ouershadow thee therefore also that holy thing which shall be borne of thee shall be called the sonne of God 41. And it came to passe as Elizabeth heard the salutation of Marie the babe sprang in her bellie and Elizabeth was filled with the holy Ghost 64. And his mouth was opened immediately and his tongue loosed and he spake and praised God● 80. And the child grewe waxed strong in spirit Iere. 1.5 Before I formed thee in the womb I knew thee and before thou camest out of the wombe I sanctified thee I call the manner of infants saluation secret and vnspeakable because I. they want actuall faith to receiue Christ for actuall faith necessarily presupposeth a knowledge of Gods free promise the which he that beleeueth doth applie vnto himselfe but this infants cannot any waies possibly performe And surely if infants should haue faith actually they generally either lo●e it when they come to mens estate or at least shew no signes thereof both which they could not doe if before they had receiued actuall faith Nay we see that in those of riper yeares there are not so much as the shadowes or sparkes of faith to bee seene before they be called by the preaching of the Gospell II. Infants are said to be regenerated onely in regard of their internall qualities and inclinations not in regard of any motions or actions of the minde will or affections And therefore they want those terrors of conscience which come before repentance as occasions thereof in such as are of riper yeares of discretion Againe they are not troubled with that conflict and combate betwixt the flesh and the spirit wherewith those faithfull ones that are of more yeares are marueilously exercised CHAP. 36. Concerning the first degree of the declaration of Gods loue THe declaration of Gods loue in those of yeres of discretion hath especially foure degrees Rom. 8.30 1. Cor. 1.30 The first degree is an effectuall calling whereby a sinner being seuered frō the world is entertained into Gods familie Eph. 2.17 And came and preached peace vnto you which were a farre off and to them that were neere 19. Nowe therfore ye are no more strangers and forrainers but citizens with the Saints and of the ●oushold of God Of this there be two parts The first is Election which is a seperation of a sinner from the cursed estate of all mankind Ioh. 15.19 If ye were of the world the world would loue his own but because ye are not of the world but I haue chosen you out of the world therefore the world hateth you The second is the reciprocall donation or free gift of God the Father whereby he bestoweth the sinfull man to be saued vpon Christ and Christ againe actually most effectually vpon that sinfull man so that he may boldly sa●e this thing namely Christ both God and man is mine and I for my benefit and vse enioy the same The like we see in wedlocke The husband saith this woman is my wife whome her parents haue giuen vnto men so that shee being fully mine I may both haue her and gouerne her Againe the woman may say this man is mine husband who hath bestowed himselfe vpon me doth cherish me as his wife Rom. 8.32 He spared not his owne sonne but gaue him for vs. Esa. 9.6 Vnto vs a child is born vnto vs a son is giuen Ioh. 17.2 Thou hast giuen him power vpon all flesh that he should giue eternall life to all thē whome thou hast giuen him 6. I haue declared thy name to the men which thou gauest me out of the world thine they were and thou gauest them me and they kept thy worde 7. Nowe they know that all things whatsoeuer thou hast giuen me are of thee Ioh. 10.29 My father which gaue them me is greater then all and none is able to take them out of my fathers hands Hence commeth that admirable vnion or coniunctiō which is the ingraffing of such as are to be saued into Christ and their growing vp togither with him so that after a peculiar manner Christ is made the head and euery repentant sinner a member of his mysticall bodie Ioh. 17.20 I pray not for these alone but for them also which shall beleeue in me through their word 21. That they all may be one as thou O father art in me and I in thee euen that they may be also one in vs. Eph. 2.20 We are members of his bodie of his flesh and of his bones Ioh. 25.1 I am that true vine and my father is the husbandman 2. Euery branch that beareth not fruit in me he taketh away and euery one that beareth fruite he purgeth it that it may bring forth more fruite Eph. 2. 20. Built vpon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles ●hose corner stone is Iesus Christ himselfe 21. In whō all the building coupled togither groweth vnto an holy temple in the Lord. 22.
In whome ye are also built togither to be the habitation of God by the spirit This albeit it be a most neere and reall vnion yet we must not thinke that it by touching mixture or as it were by souldring of one soule with another neither by a bare agreement of the soules among themselues but by the communion and operation of the same spirit which beeing by nature infinite is of sufficient abilitie to conioyne those things togither which are of themselues farre distant from each other the like we see in the soule of man which conioyneth the head with the foote Eph. 2.22 2. Pet. 1.4 Whereby most great and precious promises are giuen vnto vs that by them ye should be partakers of the godly nature in that ye flie the corruption which is in the world through lust Phil. 2.1 If there be any consolation in Christ if any comfort of loue if any fellowship of the spirit c. The things vnited In this vnion not our soule alone is vnited with Christs soule or our ●lesh with his flesh but the whole person of euery faithfull man is ●erely conioyned with the whol person of our Sauiour Christ God man The manner of their vnion is this A faithfull man first of all and immediatly is vnited to the flesh or humane nature of Christ afterward by reason of the humanitie to the Word it selfe or diuine nature For saluation and life dependeth on that fulnesse of the godhead which is in Christ yet it is not cōmunicated vnto vs but in the flesh and by the flesh of Christ. Ioh. 6 5● Except ye eate the flesh and drinke the blood of the Sonne of man ye haue no life in you 56. He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood dwelleth in me and I in him The bond of this vnion This vnion is made by the spirit of God applying Christ vnto vs and on our parts by faith receiuing Christ Iesus offered vnto vs. And for this cause is it tearmed a spirituall vnion Christ because he is the head of the faithfull is to be considered as a publike man sustaining the person of all the elect Hence is it that the faithfull are ●aid to be crucified with Christ and with him to die to be buried Rom. 6.4 5,6 to be quickened Eph. 2.5 to be raised vp and placed in heauen v. 6. Col. 3.1 the which is not onely in regard of the hope of the faithful but because they are accepted of God certainely to haue done all these things in Christ euen as in Adams first sinne all his posteritie afterward was tainted of sinne A member of Christ is diuersly distinguished and is so either before men or God Before mē they are the members of Christ who outwardly professing the faith are charitably reputed by the Church as true members But such deceiuing at length both themselues and the Church may be reprobates therefore in Gods presence they are no more true members then are the noxious humours in mans bodie or a woodden legge or other ioynt cunningly fastened to another part of the bodie Againe members before God they are such as either are decreed to be so or actually are so already Such as are decreed to be so are they who being elect from all eternitie are either as yet not borne or not called Ioh. 10. 16. Other sheepe haue I which are not of this fold them also must I bring Actuall members of Christ are either liuing or dying members An actuall liuing member of Christ is euery one elected which being engraffed by faith and the spirit into Christ doth feele and shewe forth the power of Christ in him An actuall dying or decaying member is euery one truely engraffed into Christ and yet hath no feeling of the power and efficacie of the quickening spirit in him He is like vnto a benummed legge without sense which indeede is a part of mans body and yet receiueth no nourishment such are those faithfull ones who for a time doe faint and are ouercome vnder the heauie burthē of tentations and their sinnes such are also those excommunicate persons who in regard of their engraffing are true members howesoeuer in regard of the externall communion with the Church and efficacie of the spirit they are not members till such time as they being touched with repentance doe begin as it were to liue againe God executeth this effectuall calling by certaine meanes The first is the sauing hearing of the word of God which is when the said word outwardly is preached to such an one as is both dead in his sinnes and doth not so much as dreame of his saluation And first of all the Law shewing a man his sinne and the punishment thereof which is eternall death afterward the Gospel shewing saluation by Christ Iesus to such as beleeue And inwardly the eyes of the minde are enlightened the heart and eares opened that he may see heare and vnderstand the preaching of the word of God The second is the mollifying of the heart the which must be bruised in pieces that it may be fit to receiue Gods sauing grace offered vnto it Ezech. 11. 19. I will giue them one heart and I will put a new spirit within their bowels And I will take the stonie heart out of their bodies and will giue them an heart of flesh There are for the brusing of this stonie heart foure principal hammers The first is the knowledge of the law of God The second is the knowledge of sinne both originall and actuall and what punishment is due vnto them The third is compunction or pricking of the heart namely a sense and feeling of the wrath of God for the same sinnes The fourth is an holy desperation of a mans owne power in the obtaining of eternall life Act. 2.37 When they heard these things they were pricked in heart and said vnto Peter and the rest of the Apostles Men and brethren what shall we doe 38. Peter said vnto them Repent and be baptized euery one of you in the name of Iesus into the remission of sinnes and ye shall receiue the gift of the holy Ghost Luk. 15.17 Then he came to himselfe and said How many hired seruants at my fathers haue bread ynough and I die for hunger 18. I will rise and goe to my father and say vnto him Father I haue sinned against heauen and before thee 19. And am no more worthie to be called thy sonne make me as one of thy hired seruants c. Matth. 15. 24. He answered and said I am not sent but to the lost sheepe of Israel The third is faith which is a miraculous and supernaturall facultie of the heart apprehending Christ Iesus being applied by the operation of the holy Ghost and receiuing him to it selfe Ioh. 1.1,2,6.35 Iesus said vnto them I am the bread of life he that commeth vnto me shall neuer hunger and he that beleeueth in me shall neuer thirst Rom. 9.30 What shall we
Prophets and yee shall prosper They therefore doe very ill who are still in a doubt of their saluation because as yet they feele not in themselues especiall motions of Gods spirit Thus much concerning the way which God vseth in begetting of faith There are beside this two notable degrees of faith The one is the lowest and as I may speake the positiue degree the other is the highest or superlatiue The lowest degree of faith is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a little or weake faith like a graine of mustard seede or smoking flaxe which can neither giue out heate nor flame but onely smoke Math. 8.25 His Disciples awaked him saying Saue master we perish 26. And he said vnto them Why are ye fearefull O ye of little faith Math. 7.20 If ye haue faith as much as a graine of mustard seede ye shall say vnto the mountaine Mooue and it shall remooue Esay 42.3 The smoking flaxe shall he not quench Faith is then said to be weake and feeble when as of those fiue degrees aboue mentioned either the first which is knowledge or the fift which is application of the promises is very feeble the rest remaining strong Rom. 14.2 One beleeueth that he may eate all things and another which is weake eateth hearbes 3. Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not and let not him which eateth not iudge him which eateth for God hath receiued him The Apostles although they beleeued that Christ was the Sonne of the liuing God yet they were ignorant of his death and his resurrection Matth. 16. 16. Ioh. 6.69 Matth. 17. 22. Luk. 9.49 They vnderstood not that word for it was hid from thē so that they could not perceiue it Act. 1.6 They asked him saying Lord wilt thou restore at this time the kingdome of Israel For the better knowledge of this kind of faith we must obserue these two rules I. A serious desire to beleeue and an indeauour to obtaine Gods fauour is the head of faith Mat 5.6 Blessed are they which hunger and thirst after righteousnesse for they shall be satisfied Reu. 21.6 I will giue to him that it is a thirst of the well of the water of life freely Psal. 145.19 He will fulfill the desire of them that feare him he also will heare their crie and will saue them For in such as begin to beleeue and to be renued the minde will lie not idle but being mooued by the holy ghost striue with doubtfulnesse and distrust indeauour to put their assent to the sweete promises made in the Gospell and firmely to apply the same to themselues and in the sense of their weakenesse desire assistance from aboue and thus faith is bestowed II. God doth not despise the least sparke of faith if so be it by little and little doe encrease and men vse the meanes to increase the same Luk. 17.5 The Apostles said vnto the Lord encrease our faith 6. And the Lord said If ye had faith as much as a graine of mustard seed and should saie vnto this mulberrie tree Plucke thy selfe vp by the rootes and plant thy selfe in the sea it should euen obey you Man must therefore stirre vp his faith by meditation of Gods word serious prayers and other exercises belonging vnto faith The highest degree of faith is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a full assurance which is not onely certaine and true but also a full perswasion of the heart whereby a Christian much more firmely taking hold on Christ Iesus maketh full and resolute account that God loueth him and that he will giue to him by name Christ and all his graces pertaining to eternall life Rom. 4.20 Neither did be doubt of the promise of God through vnbeleefe but was strengthened in the faith and gaue glory to God 21. Beeing fully assured that he which had promised was able also to doe it Rom. 8.38 I am perswaded that neither life nor death c. can separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus 1. Sam. 17.36 Thy seruant slue both the lyon and the beare therfore this vncircumcised Philistim shall be as one of them seeing he hath railed on the hoste of the liuing God Psal. 23.6 Doubtlesse kindnesse and mercy shal follow me all the daies of my life Conferred with v. 1,2,3,4 Man commeth to this high degree after the sense obseruation long experience of Gods fauour and loue Quest. Whether is iustifying faith commanded in the law Answer It is commanded in the lawe of faith namely the Gospel but not in the law of works that is in the morrall law Rom. 3.27 the reasons are these I. That which the law reuealeth not that it commandeth not but the lawe is so farre from reuealing iustifying faith that it neuer knew it II. Adam had fully before his fall written in his heart the morall lawe yet had he not iustifying faith which apprehendeth Christ. Obiect I. Incredulitie is condemned by the law Answer That incredulitie which is toward God is condemned in the lawe but that incredulitie which is against the Messiah Christ Iesus is condemned by the Gospel For as by the Gospel● not by the law incredulitie in the Sonne as Mediatour appeareth to be a sinne so likewise not by the law is incredulitie in the Messiah condemned but by the Gospel which commandeth vs to heare him and to beleeue in him Mat. 17.5 1. Ioh. 3.23 Thus it is plaine that this sinne not to beleeue in Christ is expressely and distinctly made manifest and condemned by the Gospel And albeit the knowledge of sinne be by the law yet not euery thing which doth reprooue and declare some sinne is the lawe of workes or belongeth thereto Obiect II. But ceremonies belong to the decalogue Answer Ceremonies may be as examples referred to the decalogue but indeede they are appendants to the Gospell CHAP. 37. Concerning the second degree of the declaration of Gods loue THe second degree is iustification whereby such as beleeue are accounted iust before God through the obedience of Christ Iesus 2. Cor. 5.21 He hath made him to be sinne for vs which knewe no sinne that we should bee made the righteousnesse of God in him 1. Cor. 1.30 Rom. 5.19 As by one mans disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one that is Iesus Christ v. 17 shall many also be made righteous Quest. Whether did Christ performe full obedience to the law for vs men alone or for himselfe also Answer I. Not for himselfe as some not rightly would haue him for the flesh of Christ beeing hypostatically vnited to the Word and so in it selfe fully sanctified was euen from the first moment of conception most worthy to be blessed with eternall life Therefore by all that obedience which he performed after his conception Christ he merited nothing for himselfe II. For vs namely for the faithfull he fulfilled all the righteousnes of the law and hence is it that he is called the ende of the law vnto
righteousnes to euery one that beleeueth Rom. 10. Here may be obiected I. Christ as he is man is bound to performe obedience to the law for himselfe Answer He is not bound by nature but of his owne accord for he was not a bare man but God and man And albeit Christ did neither suffer nor fulfill the law but in that flesh which he tooke vpon him yet by reason of the hypostaticall vnion this his passion and obedience hath respect vnto the whole person considered as God and man and therefore his obedience was not due on his part and so was without merit to himselfe yea in that the flesh of Christ is vnited to the person of the Word and so exalted in dignitie and sanctitie aboue all Angels it may seeme to be exempted from this naturall obligation of performing the law II. If then Christ performed the law for vs we are no more now bounden to the obseruance of the same as we doe not vndergoe eternall punishments for our sinnes the which Christ in his person did beare vpon the crosse Answer If we keepe the same respect of performing obedience to the law the consequence is very true otherwise it is not so for Christ performed obedience to the law for vs as it is the satisfaction of the law but the faithfull they are bounden to obedience not as it is satisfactorie but as it is a document of faith and a testimonie of their gratitude towards God or a meanes to edifie their neighbours euen as Christ suffering punishments for our sinnes we also suffer punishments as they are either trialls or chastisments vnto vs. III. The law and iustice of God doth not togither exact both namely obedience and punishment Answer In mans perfect estate the iustice of God requireth onely obedience but in his estate corrupted he requireth both obedience and punishment Punishment as the law is violated obedience that legall iustice may be performed Gal. 3.10 It is therefore plaine that not onely Christs passion but also his legall obedience is our righteousnes before God Iustification hath two parts Remission of sinnes and imputation of Christs righteousnes Remission of sinnes is that part of iustification whereby he that beleeueth is freed from the guilt and punishment of sinne by the merits of the passion of Christ. Coloss. 1.21,22 You hath he now reconciled in the body of his flesh through death to make you holy and vnblameable and without fault in his sight 1. Pet. 2.24 Who in his owne flesh bare our sinnes in his bodie on the tree that we beeing deliuered from sinne should liue in righteousnes by whose stripes ye are healed Imputation of righteousnes is the other part of iustification whereby such as beleeue hauing the guilt of their sinnes couered are accounted iust in the sight of God through Christs righteousnes 2. Cor. 5.21 Psal. 32.1 Blessed is he whose wickednes is forgiuen and whose sinne is couered Rom. 4. the whole chapter where the Apostle repeateth imputation eleuen times Philip. 3.9 I haue counted all things losse and doe iudge them to be domage that I might winne Christ and might be f●●●d in him that is not hauing mine owne righteousnes which is by the law but that which is through the faith of Christ euen the righteousnes which is of God through faith The forme of iustification is as it were a kinde of translation of the beleeuers sinnes vnto Christ and againe Christs righteousnes vnto the beleeuer by meanes of Gods diuine imputation As is apparant in this picture falling This obedience of Christ is called the Righteousnes of God and of Christ. Of God I. not because it is in God but of God for it taketh all the power and merit it hath from the deiti● of the Sonne whence it is that Ieremie saith Iehouah our Righteousnesse II. God doth onely accept of it for vs because that alone maketh vs boldly to approch vnto Gods throne of grace that we may haue pardon for our sinnes and be receiued to eternall life It is also called the Righteousnesse of Christ because being out of vs it is in the humanitie of Christ as in a subiect Obiect I. No man is made iust by another mans iustice Answer This iustice is both an others and ours also An others because it is in Christ as in a subiect ours because by meanes of the forenamed vnion Christ with all his benefits is made ours Obiect II. The ancient fathers neuer dreamed of this imputatiue iustice and it may seeme too of no greater continuance then fiftie yeares Ans. This is both false impious to affirme August 3. Tract vpon Iohn saith All such as are iustified by Christ are iust not in themselues but in him Barnard in his sermon ad milites templi cap 11. Mors in Christi morte fugatur Christi iustitia nobis imputatur that is Death in Christ his death is put to flight and the iustice of Christ is imputed vnto vs. And in his 62. sermon v●on the Canticles Where is there any rest saith he but in the wounds of our Sauiour I will further sing but what mine owne iustice nay O Lord I will remember thy iustice alone for that is also my iustice For thou wast made of God vnto me iustice But should I feare whether that one iustice would suffice two nay it is not a short cloake that is not able to couer a couple Thy iustice is iustice for euermore and will both couer thee and me it is largely large and eternall iustice and in me it couereth the multitude of my sinnes c. August lib. de Spiritu litera cap. 9. 26. We must vnderstand this saying so The doers of the Law shall be iustified that we may know that there are no doers of the law but such as are iustified so that they are not first doers of the law and then iustified but first iustified and then doers of the law So it is said they shall be iustified as if it should be said they shall be reputed iust and ac●ounted iust Iustification hath annexed vnto it Adoption whereby all such as are predestinate to be adopted receiue power to be actually accounted the sonnes of God by Christ. Eph. 1. 5. Who hath predestinate vs to be adopted through Iesus Christ vnto himselfe according to the good pleasure of his will By meanes of adoption God hath bestowed many notable priuiledges vpon his children I. They are the Lords heires apparant Rom. 8.17 If we be children we be also heires euen the heires of God II. They are fellow heires with Christ yea kings Rom. 8. 17. Rev. 1.6 And made vs Kings and Priests euen to God his Father III. All their afflictions yea euen their wants and offences are turned to trials or fatherly chastisments inflicted vpon them for their good Rom. 8.28 We know that all things worke together for the best vnto them that loue God 36. It is written for thy sake are we killed all the day long we are
counted as sheepe for the slaughter 37. Neuerthelesse in all these things we are more then conquerours thorough him that loued vs. Psal. 89.32 I will visit their transgressions with the rodde and their iniquitie with strokes 33. Yet my louing kindnes will I not take from him 2. Cor. 12.7 There was giuen vnto me a pricke in the flesh the messenger of Satan to buffet me because I should not be exalted out of measure 2. Sam. 7. 14. I will be to him a father and he shall be to me a sonne and if he sinne I will chasten him with the rodde of men and with the plagues of the children of men IV. They haue dominion ouer all creatures yet so as that in this life they haue onely right to the thing but after this life also in the same Whence it is apparant that the faithfull alone haue the true vse of the Lords goods I. because their persons are in Christ acceptable vnto him in whom also they haue restitution made vnto them of those goods which they lost in Adam that they may with a good conscience vse them II. They vse them with thanksgiuing to their ends appointed by God 1. Cor. 3.22,23 Whether it be Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death whether they be things present or things to come euen all are yours Heb. 2.7 Thou madest him little inferiour to the Angels thou crownedst him with glorie and honour and hast set him aboue the workes of thine hands 8. Thou hast put all things in subiection vnder his feete Last of all they may haue the Angels as ministring spirits attending vpon them for their good Hebr. 1.14 Are they not all ministring spirits sent forth to minister for their sakes which shall be heires of saluation Psal. 34.7 The Angel of the Lord pitcheth round about them that feare him and deliuereth them CHAP. 38. Concerning the third degree of the declaration of Gods loue THe third degree is Sanctification whereby such as beleeue beeing deliuered from the tyrannie of sinne are by little and little renued in holines and righteousnes 1. Ioh. 3.9 Whosoeuer is borne of God sinneth not for his seede remaineth in him neither can he sinne because he is borne of God Rom. 8.1 There is no condemnation to those which are in Christ Iesus which walke not after the flesh but after the spirit Sanctification hath two parts Mortification and Viuification The mortification of ●inne is the first part of sanctification whereby the power of sinne is abated and crucified in the faithfull Rom. 6.2 How shall we that are dead to sinne liue yet therein 3. Know ye not that all we which haue beene baptized into Iesus Christ haue beene baptized into his death 4. We are buried then with him by baptisme into his death that like as Christ was raised vp from the dead by the glorie of the father so we also should walke in newnes of life Eccles. 5.6 7 11 12 13. Galat. 5.24 They which are Christs ha●e crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts thereof The meanes that worke mortification is the death buriall of Christ frō whence sinn being by it at the first nipped in the head proceedeth such a vertue as doth both keepe vnder the strength that it cānot break out as it would and in man as it were in a graue doth cause it to die and eke putrifie Rom. 6.6 Our old man is crucified with him that the bodie of sinne might be destroyed The power of Christ his death is a certaine power issuing into his humanitie suffering and dying from his deitie whereby he did in the ●ame his humanitie both concerning the guilt and also the punishment vanquish our sinne imputed vnto him beeing our suretie that in like sort he in vs his members might by the same power abolish the corruption of sinne Viuification is the second part of sanctification whereby inherent holines being begun is still augmented and enlarged First we receiue the fi●st fruits of the spirit then a continuall encrease of them Eph. 4.23 Be renued in the spirit of your minde 24. And put on the new man which after God is created in righteousnes and true holines Eph. 2. 1. And you hath he quickned that were dead in trespasses and sinnes Gal. 2. 20. Thus I liue yet not I now but Christ in me and in that I now liue by the flesh I liue by the faith of the Sonne of God who hath loued me and giuen himselfe for me Rom. 8.23 We which haue the first fruits of the spirit euen we doe sigh in our selues waiting for the adoption euen the redemption of our bodies 1. Cor. 15.45 The first man Adam was made a liuing soule ●nd the second man Adam was made a quickning spirit The efficient cause of them both is the holy Ghost who doth by his diuine power conuey himselfe into the beleeuers hearts and in them by applying the power of Christ his death and resurrection createth holinesse Iob 3● 24 25. Rom. 8.9 Now ye are not in the flesh but in the spirit because the spirit of God dwelleth in you but if any man haue not the spirit of Christ the same is not his 11. But if the spirit of him that raised vp Iesus from the dead dwell in you he that raised vp Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortall bodies because that his spirit dwelleth in you The preseruatiue of viuification is a vertue deriued from Christs resurrection to those that are quickned which maketh them to rise vp to newnesse of life Philip. 3.10 That I may know him and the vertue of his resurrection The power of Christs resurrection is that whereby he ●irst did in his owne ●lesh as conquerer ouer death and sinne beginne to liue with God and to be exalted aboue euery name and then by it he in his members sinne beeing d●ad and buried doth cause in them a studie and purpose to liue according to the will of God Furthermore this inherent holines is to be distinguished into parts according to the seuerall faculties of the bodie soule of man 1. Th. 5.23 The very God of peace sanctifie you throughout And I pray God that your whole spirit soule and bodie may be kept blamelesse vnto the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ. I. The holines or renuing of the minde which is the illumination thereof to the knowledge of the will of God Coloss. 1.9 We cease not to pray for you and to desire that ye might be fully filled with knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spirituall vnderstanding 1. Cor. 12.8 To one is giuen by the spirit the speech of wisdome to an other the speech of knowledge by the same spirit Illumination is either spirituall vnderstanding or spirituall wisdome Spirituall vnderstanding is an illumination of the minde whereby it acknowledgeth the knowne truth of the word of God Spirituall wisdome is also an illumination of the minde whereby the same truth is applied to the
Christian mans effectuall calling The temptation is the enterprise of the diuell to blindfold mans minde and to harden his heart least the word of GOD should worke in him to saluation Matth. 13.4 And as he sowed some fell by the waie side and the fowles came and deuoured thē vp 5. And some fell vpon stonie ground where they had not much earth and anon they sprang vp because they had no depth of earth 6. And when the Sunne rose vp they wer parched and for lacke of rooting withered awaie 7. And some fell among thornes and the thornes sprung vp and choked them 19. Whensoeuer a man heareth the word of the kingdome and vnderstandeth it not the euill one commeth and catcheth away that which was sowne in his heart and this is he which hath receiued the seede by the way side A resistance in those that are called is wrought by the spirit of God that causeth men to lend their eares to heare and doth ingraffe the word in their hearts that the immortall seede of regeneration may spring in them Psal. 40.6 Ioh. 6.44 Act. 16.14 Iam. 1. 21. Wherefore lay apart all filthinesse and superfluitie of maliciousnesse and receiue with meeknes the word that is graffed in you which is able to saue your soules 1. Pet. 1.22 Seeing your soules are purified in obeying the truth through the spirit to loue brotherly without faining loue one another with a pure heart feruently 1. Ioh. 3.9 Whosoeuer is borne of god sinneth not for his seede remaineth in him neither can he sinne because he is borne of god A resistance in those that are to be called is when in a sincere heart they doe ioyne the word which they haue heard with faith Luk. 8.15 But that which fell in good ground are they which with an honest and good heart heare the word and keepe it and bring forth fruit with patience Heb. 4.2 Here are certaine preseruatiues to be noted I. Premeditation of the power and vse of the word Eccles. 4.17 Take heede to thy feete when thou entrest into the house of the Lord and be more neere to heare then to giue the sacrifice of fooles for they knowe not that they doe euill Chap. 5.1 Be not rash with thy mouth nor let thine heart be hastie to vtter a thing before god for God is in the heauen and thou art on the earth therefore let thy wordes be few II. Diligent attention of the minde Act. 16.14 III. An hungring desire of the heart Ioh. 7.37 Nowe in the last and great day of the feast Iesus stood and cried saying If any man thirst let him come to me and drinke IV. Integritie of life Psal. 26.6 V. The casting away of euil affectiōs Iam. 1.22 And be ye doers of the word and not hearers onely deceiuing your owne soules VI. The inward consent and agreement of the heart with the word preached Act. 2.37 VII An hiding of the word in the heart least we should sinne Psal. 119.11 I haue hid thy word in mine heart that I might not sinne against thee VIII A trēbling at the presence of God in the assemblie of the Church Esay 66.2 For all these things hath mine hand made and all these things haue been saith the Lord and to him will I looke euen to him that is poore and of a contrite spirit and trembleth at my words Act. 10.33 Then sent I for thee immediatly and thou hast well done to come nowe therefore are we all here present before God to heare all things that are commanded thee of God The fall is either a coldnesse in receiuing the word and a neglect thereof or else a falling into errours The remedie for this is subiection which must be made to the iudgement and censure of the brethren and ministers Reuelat. 3.15 I knowe thy works that thou art neither cold nor hote I would thou werest cold or hote Gal. 6.2.1 Tim. 1.20 Of whome is Hymeneus and Alexander whome I haue deliuered vnto Satan that they might learne not to blaspheme CHAP. 42. Of the second Assault THe second assault is concerning faith The temptation is an illusion which the diuell casteth into the hearts of godly men as when he saith Thou art not of the number of the elect thou art not iustified thou hast no faith thou must certenly be condemned for thy sinnes Mat. 4.3 Then came to him the tempter and said If thou be the Sonne of God command that these stones be made bread Helpes which the deuil abuseth for the strengthening of such illusions are these I. Aduersitie as dangers losses persecutions iealousie grieuous offences c. Psal. 73.12 Loe these are the wicked yet prosper they alway and increase in riches 13. Certainely I haue clensed mine heart in vaine washed mine hands in innocency Iob. 13.23 How many are mine iniquities sinnes shew me my rebelliō and my sinne 24. Wherefore hidest thou thy face and takest me for thine enemie 25. Wilt thou breake a leafe driuen to and fro and wilt thou pursue the drie stubble II. The remembrance of sins past Iob. 13.26 For thou writest bitter things against me and makest me to possesse the iniquities of my youth III. A feeling of death euen alreadie at hand The resistance is made by a true faith applying Christ with all his merits particularly after this manner I assuredly beleeue that I shall not be condemned but that I am elected and iustified in Christ and am out of all doubt that all my sinnes are pardoned Esai 53.11 Hee shall see the trauaile of his soule and shall be satisfied by his knowledge shall my righteous seruant iustifie many for he shal beare their iniquities Rom. 8.38 For I am perswaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come 39. Nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. The preseruatiue is in temptation not to behold faith but the obiect of faith which is Christ. Philip. 3.12 Not as though I had alreadie attained vnto it either were already perfect but I follow if that I may comprehend that for whose sake also I am comprehended of Christ Iesus 13. One thing I doe I forget that which is behinde indeauour my selfe to that which is before 14. And follow hard toward the marke for the price of the high calling of God in Christ Iesus Ioh. 3.14 And as Moses lift vp the Serpent in the wildernes so must the sonne of man be lift vp that he that beleeueth in him c. The falling is doubtfulnes and distrust of our election and of Gods mercie Psal. 77.6 I called to remembrance my song in the night I communed with mine owne heart and my spirit searched diligently 7. Will the Lord absent himselfe for euer and will he shew no more fauour 8. Is his mercy cleane gone for euer doth his promise faile for euermore So Dauid
light or small Gal. 5.9 A little leauen doth leauen the whole lumpe Rom. 6.23 For the wages of sinne is death but the gift of God is eternall life through Iesus Christ our Lord. II. To auoide all occasions of sinne To these rather agreeth the prouerbe vsed of the plague longè tardè citò that is aloofe slowly quickly 1. Thess. 5.22 Abstaine from all appearance of euill Iud. v. 23 And other saue with feare pulling them out of the fire and hate euen the garment spotted by the flesh III. To accustome thy selfe to subdue the lesser sinnes that at the last thou maist also ouercome the greater Rom. 13.4 IV. To apply thy selfe to thy appointed calling and alway to be busily occupied about something in the same V. To oppose the lawe the iudgements of god the last iudgement the glorious presence of God and such like against the rebellion and loosenesse of the flesh Prou. 28.14 Blessed is the man that feareth alway but he that hardeneth his heart shall fall into euil Gen. 39.9 There is no man greater in this house then I neither hath he kept any thing from me but onely thee because thou art his wife how then can I doe this great wickednesse and so sinne against God Here certaine remedies take place Against vniust anger or priuate desire of reuenge Here meditate I. Iniuries they happen vnto vs by the Lords appointment for our good 2. Sam. 16. to II. God of his great goodnes forgiueth vs far more sinnes then it is possible for vs to forgiue men III. It is the dutie of Christian loue to forgiue others IV. We must not desire to destroy them whom Christ hath redeemed by his pretious blood V. We our selues are in danger of the wrath of God if we suffer our wrath to burne against our brother Forgiue saith he and it shall be forgiuen VI. We know not the circumstances of the facts what the minde was and purpose of them against whome we swell Bridles or externall remedies are these I. In this we shall imitate the clemencie of the Lord who for a very great season doth often tollerate the wicked Learne of me for I am humble and meeke II. There must be a pausing and time of delay betwixt our anger and the execution of the same Athenodorus counselled Augustus that he beeing angrie should repeat all the letters of the Alphabet or A B C before he against another did either speake or doe any thing III. To depart out of those places where those are with whom we are angrie IV. To auoide contention both in worde and in deede Doe nothing through contention Remedies against those bad desires of riches and honour I. God doth euē in famine quicken and reuiue them which feare him Psal. 33.18 19. The eye of the Lord is vpon them that feare him to deliuer their soules from death and to preserue them from famine II. Godlines is great gaine if the minde of man can be therewith content 1. Tim. 6.6 III. We do wait looke for the resurrection of the bodie and eternall life therefore we should not take such carking care for this present mortal life IV. We are seruāts in our fathers house therefore looke what is conuenient for vs that will he louingly bestowe vpon vs. V. The palpable blindnes of an ambitious minde desireth to be set aloft that he may haue the greater downe-fall and he feareth to be humbled least he should not be exalted VI. Adam when he would needes be checke-mate with God did bring both himselfe and his posteritie headlong to destruction VII He is a very ambitious rob-God which desireth to take that commendation to himselfe which is appropriate onely to the Lord. Preseruatiues against the desires of the flesh I. He that will be Christs disciple must euery daie take vp his crosse Luk. 9.23 II. They which are according to the spirit sauour of such things as are according to the spirit Rom. 8.5 III. We ought to behaue ourselues as citizens of the kingdome of heauen Phil. 3.20 IV. We are the temple of god 1. Cor. 3.6 Our members they are the members of Christ. 1. Cor. 6.15 And we haue dwelling within vs the spirit of Christ which we should not grieue Eph. 4.30 Concerning this look more in the explication of the seuenth commandement In this tentation the fall is when a man beeing preuented falleth into some offence Gal. 6.1 Here Satan doth wonderfully aggrauate the offence committed and doth accuse and terrifie the offender with the iudgements of God Mat. 27.3 Then when Iudas which betraied him sawe that he was condemned he repented himselfe and brought again the thirtie pieces of siluer to the chiefe priests elders 4. saying I haue sinned betraying the innocent blood but they said What is that to vs see thou to it 5. And when he had cast downe the siluer pieces in the temple he departed and went and hanged himselfe The remedie is a renued repentance the beginning whereof is sorrowe in regard of God for the same sinne the fruits herof are especially seuen 2. Cor. 7.9 Nowe I reioice not that ye were sorrie but that ye sorrowed to repentance for ye sorrowed godly so that in nothing ye were hurt by vs. 10. For godly sorrowe causeth repentance vnto saluation not to be repented of but worldly sorrow causeth death 11. For behold this thing that ye haue beene godly sorrie what great care hath it wrought in you yea what clearing of your selues yea what indignation yea what feare yea how great desire yea what zeale yea what punishment in all things ye haue shewed your selues that ye are pure in this matter I. A desire of doing well II. An Apologie that is a confession of the sinne before God with a requiring of pardon for the offence Psal. 32.5 Then I acknowledged my sinne vnto thee neither hid I mine iniquitie for I thought I will confesse against my selfe my wickednesse vnto the Lord and thou forgauest the punishment of my sinne 2. Sam. 12. 13. Then Dauid said vnto Nathan I haue sinned against the Lord and Nathan said vnto Dauid The Lord also hath put away thy sinne thou shalt not die III. Indignation against a mans selfe for his offence IV. A feare not so much for the punishment as for offending the Lord. Psal. 130.3 If thou straightly markest iniquities O Lord who shall stand V. A desire to be fully renued and to be deliuered from sinne VI. A feruent zeale to loue God and to embrace and keepe all his commandements VII Reuenge whereby the flesh may be tamed and subdued least at any time afterward such offences be committed CHAP. 44. Of the patient bearing of the crosse THe patient bearing of the crosse teacheth how Christians should vndergoe the burden The crosse is a certaine measure of afflictions appointed by God to euery one of the faithfull Matth. 16.24 If any man will follow me let him forsake himselfe take vp his crosse and follow me Col. 1.24 Now
reioice I in my sufferings for you and fulfill the rest of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his bodie sake which is the Church We ought to take vp this crosse willingly● euen with both hāds whē it shal please God to lay it vpon vs. And after we haue taken it vp we must beare it with patience and perseuerance Col. 1.11 Strengthned with all might through his glorious power vnto all patiēce lōg suffering with ioyfulnes Luk. 21.19 Possesse your soules with patiēce The preseruatiues of patience are I. Strength by the holy ghost Phil. 4. 13. I am able to doe all things through the help of Christ which strengthneth me Phil. 1. 20. It is giuen to you for Christ that not onely ye should beleeue in him but also suffer for his sake II. An holy meditation which is manifold I. That the afflictions of the faithfull come not by chance but by the counsell prouidence of God which disposeth all things in a most excellent sort Gen. 45.4,5 It was God that sent Ioseph into Egypt 2. Sam. 16. 10. The Lord biddeth Shemei curse Dauid Psal. 119.71 It was good for me that I was afflicted that I might learne thy statutes Hence it is euident that afflictions to the godly are ineuitable Act. 14.21 By many afflictions you must enter into the kingdome of god Mat. 7.14 The gate is straight and the way narrow that leadeth vnto life and fewe there be that finde it Ioh. 16.20 In the world ye shall haue troubles II. That albeit afflictions are grieuous yet are they good profitable For they are helps whereby men beeing humbled for their sinnes before god obtaine peace and holines of life 2. Cor. 1.9 We receiued sentence of death in our selues because we should not trust in our selues but in God which raiseth the dead Esay 26. 16. Lord in trouble haue they visited thee they powred out a praier when thy chastening was vpon them Hos. 5.15 I will goe and returne to my place til they acknowledge their fault and seeke me in their affliction they will seeke me diligently Psal. 78.34 When he ●lue them they sought him and they returned and they sought God earely Ier. 31.18 I haue heard Ephraim lamenting thus Thou hast corrected me and I was chastised as an vntamed calfe conuert thou me and I shall be conuerted Heb. 12 11● No chastisment for the present seemeth ioyous but grieuous but afterward it bringeth the quiet fruit of righteousnes vnto them which are thereby exercised Psal. 30.5 Weeping may abide at euening but ioy commeth in the morning Ioh. 15.2 Euery braunch that beareth fruite he purgeth it that it may bring foorth more fruite 1. Pet. 1.6 Wherein ye reioice though nowe for a season if neede require ye are in heauines through many tentations 2. Cor. 1.4 The God of all comfort which comforteth vs in all our tribulations that we may be able to comfort thē which are in any affliction by the comfort wherewith we our selues are comforted of God Rom. 5. 3. We glory in afflictions knowing that affliction bringeth patience Heb. 2. 10. He did consecrate the Prince of their saluation through affliction Wee permit Chirurgians that they should both bind vs lying diseased in our beds and seare vs with hot irons yea lanch and search our members with rasors and lastly we send them away vsually with friendly and kind speeches and often with a golden fee for their thus hādling vs. Shal we then suffer so many things of a Chirurgian to cure a bodily disease and will we not giue God leaue to cure by afflictions the most festered diseases of our sicke ●oules By this also may we gather that the afflictions of the godly are signes of their adoption Hebr. 12.6 Whome the Lord loueth he chasteneth and he scourgeth euery sonne that he receiueth 7. If ye endure chastisement God offereth himselfe vnto you as vnto sonnes And that they are to them the Kings high way to heauen Iam. 1.12 Blessed is the man that endureth t●ntation for when he is tried he shall receiue the crowne of life which the Lord hath promised to them that loue him 2. Cor. 4. 17. For our ●ight affliction which is but for a moment causeth vnto vs a farre more excellent and an eternall waight of glorie III. That God hath promised fauour mitigation of punishment his presence and deliuerance Philip. 1. 29. 1. Cor. 10. 13. God is faithfull who will not suffer you to be tempted aboue measure but with tentation will giue deliuerance 2. Sam. 7.14 Psal. 50.15 Call vpon me in time of trouble and I will deliuer thee and thou shalt glorifie me Psal. 121.4 He that keepeth Israel will neither slumber nor sleepe Esa. 43.2 When thou passest through the waters I will be with thee and thorough the floods that they doe not ouerflow thee when thou walkest through the very fire thou shalt not be burnt neither shall the flame kindle vpon thee 3. For I am the Lord thy God the holy one of Israel thy Sauiour IV. That in all troubles of the faithfull Christ is a companion 1. Pet. 4.13 Reioyce that ye are partakers of the afflictions of Christ. 2. Cor. 4. 10. Euery where we beare about in our bodie the dying of Christ that the life of Iesus might also be made manifest in our bodies Col. 1.21 V. That the Angels are readie to defend such as feare God Psal. 34.8.2 King 6.16 Feare not there are more with vs then against vs. CHAP. 45. Of the calling vpon God THus much concerning the deniall of our selues now followeth the profession of Christ. In which we consider either Christ himselfe or his mēb●rs namely the faithfull Math. 25.40 Verely I say vnto you in as much as ye did it to one of the least of my brethren ye did it vnto me That profession which directly concerneth Christ is either continuall or onely in the time of danger Continuall is the calling vpon the Name of God and ought euer to be performed of vs in the Name of Christ Iesus our Mediatour 1. Cor. 1.2 To the Church of God which is at Corinthus to them that are sanctified in Christ Iesus in euery place both their Lord and ours Act. 9. 14. He hath authoritie from the high Priest to binde all that call vpon thy Name Col. 3. 17. Whatsoeuer ye shall doe in word or in deede doe it in the Name of the Lord Iesus giuing thankes to God and the Father by him The calling vpon Gods name is by praier or thanksgiuing Phil. 4. 6. In all things let your requests be shewed vnto God in praier and supplication with giuing of thankes Prayer hath two parts Petition and Assent Mark 11.24 I say vnto you whatsoeuer ye desire when ye pray beleeue that ye shall haue it and it shall be done vnto you Petition is the first part of prayer whereby we according to the rule of Gods word aske his helpe for the obtaining of such necessaries as we
they which speak euill of you as of euill doers may by your good works which they shall see glorifie God in the day of thy visitation II. To exhort Heb. 3. 13. Exhort one another daily while it is called to day least any of you be hardened through the deceitfulnes of sinne Rom. 1.12 That I might be comforted togither with you through our mutuall faith both yours mine III. To comfort 1. Thess. 5.14 Comfort the feeble minded beare with the weake be patient towards all men Iam. 5. 16. Acknowledge your faults one to another and pray one for another that ye may be healed 20. He that conuerteth a sinner from going astray out of his way shall saue a soule from death and shall hide a multitude of sinnes 1. Thess. 4. 18. Comfort your selues one another with these words IV. To admonish Rom. 15. 14. I my selfe am perswaded of you brethren that yee also are full of goodnes and filled with all knowledge and are able to admonish one another 1. Thess. 5. 14. We desire you brethren admonish them that are vnruly They shall obserue an holy manner of admonition who in the spirit of meeknes and as it were guiltie of the like infirmitie themselues doe admonish forthwith all their brethren of such faults as they certenly know by them and that out of Gods word Gal. 6.1 Brethren if any man by occasion be fallen into any fault yee which are spirituall restore such an one in the spirit of meeknes considering thy selfe least thou also be tempted Matth. 5. 7. Thou hypocrite cast out first the beame out● of thine owne eye and then shalt thou see to take the mote out of thy brothers eye 2. Tim. 4.2 Preach the word be instant in season and out of season improoue rebuke exhort with all long suffering and doctrine Math. 18. 15. If thy brother trespasse against thee goe and tell him his fault betweene thee and him alone if he heare thee thou hast wonne thy brother Rom. 15.14.2 Tim. 4.2 Leuit. 19.17 Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart but thou shalt plainely rebuke thy neighbour and suffer him not to sinne Reliefe peculiar to the godly among themselues is a dutie whereby the rich doe out of their plentie supplie the wants of the poore both according to their abilitie and sometimes beyond their abilitie 2. Cor. 8.3 To their power I beare record yea beyond their power they were willing Act. 2.44,45 All that beleeued were in one place and had all things common and they solde their possessions and goods and parted them to all men as euery one had neede CHAP. 48. Of the fourth degree of the declaration of Gods loue and of the estate of the Elect after this life THe fourth degree of the declaration of Gods loue is Glorification Roman 8.30 Glorification is the perfect transforming of the Saints into the image of the Sonne of God Philip. 3.21 Who shall change our vile bodie that it may be fashioned like vnto his glorious bodie according to the working whereby he is able euen to subdue all things vnto himselfe 1. Cor. 15.44 It is sowne a naturall bodie and is raised a spirituall bodie there is a naturall bodie and there is a spirituall bodie 45. And it is also written The first man Adam was made a liuing soule the last Adam was made a quickning spirit 49. And as we haue borne the image of the earthly so shall we beare the image of the heauenly Psal. 17. 15. I will behold thy face in righteousnes and when I awake I shall be satisfied with thine image The beginning of Glorification is in death but it is not accomplished and made perfect before the last day of iudgement The death of the Elect is but a sleepe in Christ whereby the bodie and soule is seuered The bodie that after corruption it may rise to greater glorie The soule that it being fully sanctified may immediatly after departure frō the bodie be transported into the kingdom of heauen Against the feare of death note these preseruatiues I. Death it freeth the godly from the tyrannie of Satan sinne the world the flesh and eternall damnation yea from infinite both perills and losses and doth place vs both safe and happie vnder the shadow as it were of Christs wings II. Christ by his death hath sanctified vnto vs both death and the graue III. Christ is both in life and death gaine to the godly Phil. 1.12 IV. Those consolations which the spirit of Christ doth suggest to the soules of the faithfull doe by many degrees surmount the dolours of death V. The desire of that most bright and glorious beholding of God and the presence of those Saints which are departed before vs. VI. In stead of our bodies we shall be clothed with glorie 2. Cor. 5.1 VII The stings of death namely sinne is then so taken away as that that serpent can no more hurt vs. 1. Cor. 15.55 O death where is thy sting O graue where is thy victorie Heb. 2.15 That he might deliuer all them which for feare of death were all their life time subiect to bondage VIII We should not so much thinke of our death as to take an exact account of our life For that man can not die ill who hath liued well and he seldome dieth well that hath liued badly IX The Angels they stand at our elbowes that so soone as a Saint departeth they may with all speede immediatly transport his soule into heauen Soules being once in heauen remaine there till the last day of iudgement where they partly magnifie the Name of God and partly doe waite and pray for the consummation of the kingdom of glorie and full felicitie in body and soule Reuel 5.8 And when he had taken the booke the foure beasts and the foure and twentie Elders fell downe before the Lambe hauing euery one harpes and golden vials full of odours which are the prayers of the Saints 9. And they sang a new song saying Thou art worthie to take the booke and to open the seales thereof because thou wast killed and hast redeemed vs to God by thy blood out of euery kinred and tongue and people and nation Reuel 14. 2. I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps 3. And they sung as it were a new song before the throne and they cried with a loud voice saying How long Lord holy and true doest not thou iudge and auenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth CHAP. 49. Of the estate of the Elect at the last day of iudgement THe last day of iudgement shall be on this manner I. Immediatly before the comming of Christ the powers of heauen shall be shaken the Sunne and Moone shall be darkned and the starres shall seeme to fall from heauen at which sight the Elect then liuing shall reioyce but the reprobate shall shake euery ioynt of them II. Then the heauens beeing all set on fire shall with a
noise like to that of charriot wheeles suddenly passe away and the elements with the earth and all therein shall be dissolued with fire 2. Pet. 3. 12. L●●king for and h●●sting vnto the comming of the day of God by which the heauens beeing 〈◊〉 shall be dissolued and the elements shall melt with heate 13. 〈…〉 new heauens and a new earth according to his promise wherein d 〈…〉 ousness At the same time when as all these things shall come to passe 〈◊〉 sound of the last trumpet shall be heard sounded by the Archang●●● And Christ shall come suddenly in the cloudes with power and glorie and a great traine of Angels III. Now at the sound of the trumpet the Elect which were dead shal arise with their bodies and those very bodies which were turned to dust and one part rent from another shall by the omnipotent power of God be restored and the soules of them shall descend from heauen and be brought againe into those bodies As for them which then shall be aliue they shall be changed in the twinckling of an eye and this mutation shall be in stead of death And at that time the bodies shall receiue their full redemption and all the bodies of the Elect shall be made like the glorious bodie of Christ Iesus and therefore shall be spirituall immortall glorious and free from all infirmitie IV. Last of all when they are all conuented before the tribunall seate of Christ he will forthwith place the Elect seuered from the reprobate and taken vp into the aire at his right hand and to them being written in the booke of life will he pronounce this sentence Come ye blessed of my father possesse the kingdome prepared for you from the foundations of the world Matth. 25.33 He shall set the sheepe on his right hand and the goates on the left 1. Thess. 4. 17. Reu. 20. 12. whosoeuer was not found written in the booke of life was cast into the lake of fire CHAP. 50. Of the estate of the Elect after iudgement THe last iudgement beeing once finished the Elect shall enioy immediatly blessednes in the kingdome of heauen Blessednes is that whereby God himselfe is all in all his Elect. 1. Cor. 15. 28. When all things shall be subdued to him then shall the Sonne also himselfe be subiect vnto him that did subdue all things vnder him that God may be all in all And it is the reward of good workes not because workes can merit but by reason of Gods fauour who thus accepteth workes and that in respect of the merit of Christs righteousnes imputed to the Elect. Rom. 6.23 The wages of sinne is death but eternall life is the gift of God through Iesus Christ our Lord. 2. Tim. 4. 8. Reu. 22. 12. Behold I come shortly and my reward is with me to giue euery man according as his worke shall be Blessednesse hath two parts Eternall life and perfect glorie Eternall life is that fellowship with God whereby God himselfe is thorough the Lambe Christ life vnto the Elect. For in the kingdome of heauen the Elect shall not neede meat drinke sleepe aire heat cold phisicke apparell or the light of the Sunne and moone b but in place of all these shall they haue in them Gods spirit by which immediatly they shall be quickned for euer Perfect glorie is that wonderfull excellencie of the Elect wherby they shal be in a farre better estate then any heart can wish This glorie consisteth in three points I. In that they shall still behold the face of God which is his glory and maiestie Reuel 22.4 And they shall see his face and his name shall be in their forheads Psal. 17.15 I will behold thy face in righteousnes and when I awake I shall be satisfied with thine anger II. In that they shall be most like to Christ namely iust holy incorruptible glorious honorable excellent beautifull strong mightie and nimble 1. Ioh. 3.2 Dearely beloued now are we the sonnes of God but yet it doth not appeare what we shall be and we knowe that when he shall appeare we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is Phil. 3.21 Who shall change our vile bodie that it may be fashioned like vnto his glorious bodie according to the working whereby he is able euen to subdue all things to himselfe III. They shall inherit the kingdome of heauen yea the newe heauens and newe earth shal be their inheritance 1. Pet. 1.4 God hath begotten you to an inheritance immortall vndefiled and that fadeth not away reserued in heauen for you Mat. 25.34 Then shall the king say to them on his right hand Come ye blessed of my Father possesse a kingdome prepared for you before the foundations of the world were laid Reu. 5.10 Thou hast made vs vnto our God kings and priests and we shall raigne on the earth Reuel 21.7 Hee that ouercommeth shall inherite all things and I will be his God he shall be my sonne The fruit that commeth from both these parts of blessednes is of two sorts Eternall ioy and the perfect seruice of God Psal. 16.11 Thou wilt shewe me the path of life in thy presence is the fulnesse of ioy and at thy right hand there are pleasures for euermore Psal. 36.8 They shall be satisfied with the fatnes of thine house and thou shalt giue them drinke out of the riuer of thy pleasures 9. For with thee is the well of life and in thy light shall we see light The parts of Gods seruice are Praise and Thanksgiuing Reuel 21.3 And I heard a great voice out of heauen saying behold the Tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people and God himselfe shall be their God with them Chap. 5.12 Saying with a loud voice Worthy is the Lambe that was killed to receiue power and riches and wisdome and strength and honour and glory and praise c. 13. Chap. 11.17 The foure and twentie Elders which sate before God on their seates fell vpon their faces and worshipped God saying Wee giue thee thanks Lord God Almightie which art and Which wa st and Which art to come for thou hast receiued thy great might and hast obtained thy kingdome The manner of performing this seruice is to worship God by God himselfe immediately In heauen there shall neither be temple ceremonie nor Sacrament but all these wants shal God himselfe supply togither with the Lābe that is Christ. Reuel 21.22 I sawe no temple therein for the Lord God Almightie and the Lambe are the Temple of it This seruice shall be daily and without intermission Reuel 7.15 They are in the presence of the throne of God and serue him day and night in his temple A Corollarie or the last conclusion THus God in sauing the Elect doeth clearely set forth his iustice and mercy His iustice in that he punished the sinnes of the elect in his Sonnes owne person His
1. Cor. 2. 12. We haue not receiued the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of God that we might knowe the things that are giuen to vs of God Therefore is our election certainely knowne vnto vs. Eph. 1.13 In whome also ye haue trusted after that ye heard the word of trueth euen the Gospell of your saluation wherein also after that ye beleeued ye were sealed with the holy spirit of promise Exception The holy Ghost doth seale vnto vs our adoption morally by works and therefore the knowledge of our adoption is but onely probable Answer It sealeth vnto vs our adoption by begetting a speciall trust and confidence For when as we heare Gods promises and withall thinke vpon them then doth the holy Ghost by the same promises mooue our vnderstandings and wils to embrace them and in moouing them doth make vs both to giue our assent vnto them and in them to rest our selues whence ariseth a speciall assurance that we are adopted and in the fauour of God Luk. 10. 20. Reioice rather that your names are written in heauen But no man can be glad for that good which he is in doubt whether he haue receiued it or not IV. 2. Pet. 1. 10. Studie to make your vocation and election sure 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but this is not in respect of God but ourselues Obiect No man must by the Catholike faith beleeue any thing which God hath not reuealed either in the written or vnwritten word namely tradition But there is no such either writing or tradition as this namely that such a particular man suppose Peter or Henrie is predestinated of God Therefore no man must particularly beleeue that he is saued Ans. Albeit this particular proposition I am elected is not expresly set downe in the Scriptures yet is it inclusiuely comprehended in them as the Species is in his Genus as the Logitians speake so that it may by iust consequent be gathered out of Gods word if we reason thus They which truely beleeue are elected Ioh. 6.35 I truly beleeue therefore I am elected The first proposition is taken from the Scriptures the second from the beleeuers conscience and from them both the conclusion is easily deriued CHAP. 52. Concerning the decree of Reprobation THus much shal suffice for the decree of Election now followeth the decree of Reprobation The decree of Reprobation is that part of predestination whereby God according to the most free and iust purpose of his will hath determined to reiect certain men vnto eternal destruction and miserie and that to the praise of his iustice Rom. 9.21 Hath not the potter power ouer the clay to make of the same lumpe one vessell to honour and another to dishonour 1. Pet. 2.8 To thē which stūble at the word beeing disobedient vnto which thing 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 they were euen ordained Iud. v. 4. There are certaine men crept in which were before of old 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ordained to this condemnation 1. Thess. 5.9 God hath not appointed vs vnto wrath but to saluation In the Scriptures Cain and Abel Ismael and Isaac Esau and Iacob are propounded vnto vs as types of mankinde partly elected and partly reiected Neither doe we here set downe any absolute decree of Damnation as though we should thinke that any were condemned by the meere and alone will of God without any causes inherent in such as are to be condemned For vnto the decree of God it selfe there are certaine meanes for the execution thereof annexed and subordinate And therefore though we neuer doe or can separate Gods decree and the meanes to execute the same yet doe we distinguish them and doe consider the purpose of God sometimes by it selfe alone and sometimes againe not by it selfe but with middle causes subordinate therto And in this second respect Christ is said to be predestinate but in the former namely as the decree is considered by it selfe he is not predestinated but togither with God the Father a Predestinator Againe the decree of God is secret I. Because it ariseth onely from the good pleasure of God vnsearchable adored of the very angels themselues II. Because it is not knowne but by that which is after it namely by the effects thereof CHAP. 53. Concerning the execution of the decree of Reprobation IN the executing of this decree there is to be considered the foundation or beginning and the degrees or proceeding thereof The foundation of executing the decree of Reprobation is the fall of Adam by which fall he was subiect both to sinne and damnation Rom. 11.32 For God hath shutte vp all in vnbeleefe that he might haue mercy on all 1. Pet. 2.8 Here wee must note that God hath so decreed to condemne some as that notwithstanding all the fault and guilt of condemnation remaineth in the men onely Further whome God reiecteth to condemnation those he hateth this hatred of God is whereby he detesteth and abhorreth the reprobate when he is fallen into sinne for the same sinne And this hatred which God hath to man comes by the fall of Adam and it is neither an antecedent nor a cause of Gods decree but onely a consequent and followeth the decree Reprob●tes are either Infants or men of riper age In reprobate infants the execution of Gods decree is this assoone as they are borne for the guilt of originall and naturall sinne being left in Gods secret iudgement vnto themselues they dying are reiected of God for euer Rom. chap. 5. ver 14. But death raigned from Adam to Moses euen ouer them also that sinned not after the like manner of the transgression of Adam which was the figure of him that was to come Rom. 9.11 For ere the children were borne and when they had neither done good nor euill that the purpose of God might remaine according to election not by workes but by him that calleth Reprobates of riper age are of two sorts they that are called namely by an vneffectuall calling and they that are not called In the Reprobates which are called the execution of the decree of Reprobation hath three degrees to wit an acknowledgement of Gods calling a falling away againe and condemnation The acknowledgement of Gods calling is whereby the Reprobates for a time doe subiect themselues to the calling of God which calling is wrought by the preaching of the worde Mat. 22.14 For many are called but fewe are chosen And of this calling there are fiue other degrees The first is an enlightning of their mindes whereby they are instructed of the holy Ghost to the vnderstanding and knoweledge of the word Heb. 6.4 For it is impossible that they which were once lightned c. 2. Pet. 2.20 For if they after they haue escaped from the filthinesse of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and of the Sauiour Iesus Christ are yet tangled againe therein and ouercome the latter end is worse with them then the beginning The second is a certaine penitencie
whereby the Reprobate I. doth acknowledge his sinne II. Is pricked with the feeling of Gods wrath for sinne III. Is grieued for the punishment of sinne IV. Doth confesse his sinne V. Acknowledgeth God to be iust in punishing sinne VI. Desireth to be saued VII Promiseth repentance in his miserie or affliction in these words I will sinne no more Math. 27.3 Then when Iudas which betraied him saw that he was condemned he repented himselfe and brought againe the thirtie pieces of siluer to the chiefe Priests and Elders Heb. 12.17 For yee know how that afterward also when h● would haue inherited the blessing he was reiected for he found no place to repentance though he sought the blessing with teares 1. King 21.27 Now when Ahab heard those wordes he rent his clothes and put sackcloath vpon him and fasted and lay in sackcloth and went softly Numb 23.10 Let me die the death of the righteous and let my last ende be like his Psal. 78.32 For all this they sinned still and beleeued not his wondrous workes 33. Therefore their daies did he consume in vanitie and their yeares hastily 34. And when he slue them they sought him and they returned and sought God earely 35. They remembred that God was their strength and the most high God their redeemer The third degree is a temporarie faith whereby the reprobate doth confusedly beleeue the promises of God made in Christ I say confusedly because he beleeueth that some shall be saued but he beleeueth not that he himselfe particularly shall be saued because he beeing content with a generall faith doth neuer applie the promises of God to himself neither doth he so much as conceiue any purpose desire or endeuour to applie the same or any wrastling or striuing against securitie or carelesnes and distrust Iam. 2. 19. Thou beleeuest that there is one God thou doest well the deuils also beleeue it and tremble Math. 13.20 And he that receiued seede in the stony ground is he which heareth the word and incontinently with ioy receiueth it 21. Yet hath he no roote in himselfe and dureth but a season Ioh. 2.23 Now when he was at Ierusalem at the Passeouer in the feast many beleeued in his Name when they saw his miracles which he did 24. But Iesus did not commit himselfe vnto them because he knew them all The fourth is a tasting of heauenly gifts as of Iustification and of Sanctification and of the vertues of the world to come This tasting is verely a sense in the hearts of the Reprobates whereby they doe perceiue and feele the excellencie of Gods benefits notwithstanding they doe not enioy the same For it is one thing to tast of dainties at a banquet and another thing to feede and to be nourished thereby Heb. 6.4 For it is impossible that they which were once lightened and haue tasted of the heauenly gifts and were made partakers of the holy Ghost The fifth degree is the outward holines of life for a time vnder which is comprehended a zeale in the profession of religion a reuerence and feare towards Gods ministers and amendment of life in many things Mark 6.20 For Herod feared Iohn knowing that he was a iust man and an holy and reuerenced him and when he heard him● he did many things and heard him gladly Act. 18.13 Then Simon himselfe beleeued also and was baptized and continued with Philip and wondred when he saw the signes and great miracles which were done Hos. 6.4 O Ephraim what shall I doe vnto thee O Iudah how shall I entreate thee for your goodnes is as a morning cloud and as the morning dewe it goeth away The second degree of the execution of Gods counsel of reprobation in mē of ripe age which are called is a falling away againe which for the most part is effected and wrought after this manner First the reprobate is deceiued by some sinne Secondly his heart is hardened by the same sin Thirdly his heart being hardened it becommeth wicked and peruerse Fourthly then followeth his incredulitie and vnbeleefe whereby he consenteth not to Gods word when he hath heard and known it Fiftly an Apostasie or falling away from faith in Christ doth immediately follow this vnbeleefe Hebr. 3.12,13 Take ●eed brethren least at any time there be in any of you an euill heart and vnfaithfull to depart awaie from the liuing God 1. Tim. 1.19 This Apostasie is sometimes sinne against the holy Ghost In the sinne against the holy Ghost we haue haue these seuerall points to be considered I. The Name it is called a sinne against the holy ghost not because it is done against the person or deitie of the holy Ghost for in this respect he that sinneth against the holy Ghost sinneth in like sort against both the father the Sonne but it is so called because it is done contrarie to the immediate action namely the illumination of the holy Ghost For albeit this be an action common to the whole Trinitie yet the Father and the sonne doe effect the same by the holy Ghost II. The efficient cause of it which is a set obstinate malice against God and against his Christ. Therefore when a man doth in the time of persecution either for feare or rashly denie Christ he doth not commit this sinne against the holy Ghost as may appeare by the example of Peter who denied Christ. Mat. Neither doth he which persecuteth Christ and his Church vpon ignorance fall into this sinne Paul persecuted the Church of Christ and yet God had mercie on him because he did it ignorantly 1. Tim. 1.13 Many of the Iewes crucified our Sauiour Christ who afterward because they committed that grieuous fact vpon ignorance repenting at Peters sermon they did obtaine remission of their sinnes Act. 3.17 37. III. The Obiect namely God himselfe and the Mediatour Christ Iesus For the malice of this sinne is directed against the very maiestie of God himselfe and against Christ. Hebr. 10.29 Of how much sorer punishment suppose yee shall he be worthie which treadeth vnderfoote the Sonne of God and counteth the blood of the Testament as an vnholy thing wherewith he was sanctified and doth despise the spirit of grace Therefore this sinne doth directly respect the first table of the morall law and is not some particular slipping aside from the obseruation of those commandements which are contained in this first table such as are some doubtings concerning God or of the truth of the scriptures or of Christ c. but it is a generall defection apo●tasie from God and that totally IV. The subiect in which it is This sin is found in none at al but such as haue been enlightened by the holy Ghost and haue tasted of the good gift of God Heb. 6.5,6 Neither is it in him a bare cogitation alone but an externall action or rather such a blasphemie against God as proceedeth from a malitious and obstinate heart Matth. 12. 31. V. The Elect cannot commit this sinne and
to Christ is in bearing afflictions Phil. 3.10 That I may know him and the vertue of his resurrection and the fellowship of his afflictions to be made conformable to his death V. To doe good workes Eph. 2. 10. Wee are his workemanship created in Christ Iesus to doe good workes which God hath ordained that we should walke in them Thus much concerning Theologie AN EXCELLENT TREATISE of comforting such as are troubled about their Predestination Taken out of the second answer of M. Beza to D. Andreas in the act of their Colloquie at Mompelgart c. VNlesse saith D. Andreas regeneratiō be alwaies vnited to baptisme and remaineth in such as are baptized howe should the troubled consciences of those be eased and cōforted who because they feele not in themselues any good motions of gods holy spirit finde none other refuge but the Word and Sacraments especially the Sacrament of Baptisme Now this remedie would be of small force except it be opposed against those imaginations which the diuell casteth into a troubled heart yea except it taught such that God is greater then our heart who in Baptisme hath not onely offered vs the adoption of sonnes but hath indeede bestowed the same vpon vs as it is said by Christ Hee that beleeueth and is baptized shall be saued And by Paul Ye which are baptized haue put on Christ. Dauid beeing armed with the like comfort from his circumcision feared not to ioyne battell with that great giant Goliah and if this were not so it must needs followe that Baptisme were nothing els but an idle ceremonie and also the persons of the Trinitie would be thought lyars Wherefore those afflicted men when Satan assaulteth them must resist him with these wordes Depart from me Satan thou hast neither part nor portion in the inheritance of my soule because I am baptized in the Name of the holy Trinitie and so am truely made the sonne of God by adoption And are these the strong weapons which so many times and in so many wordes haue beene obiected against me by D. Andreas and whereby he hath gotten the victorie But because this his reason is somewhat intricate I will explaine it after this sort First for the place of Scripture which he alleadgeth namely that God is greater then our hearts It is so farre from comforting an afflicted conscience that it will rather driue him to de●paire Neither doth Iohn 1. epist. 3.20 make mention of it to ease such as are in despaire shewing vnto them by that sentence the greatnes of Gods mercies but rather that he might therby euen bruise in peeces the hearts of proude persons when they consider the greatnesse of Gods maiestie And for the other place when as a man doubteth of his saluation and feeleth no testimonies of faith in himselfe for such an one wee here speake of what comfort thinke you can hee haue in these wordes Hee that beleeueth and is baptized shall be saued For hee would rather reason contrarily thus I indeede am baptized yet for al that I beleeue not and therefore my Baptisme is not auaileable I must needes be condemned For the saying of August in his treatise vpon Ioh. 6. is verie true who speaking of Simon Magus saith What good did it to him to be baptized bragge not therefore saith he that thou art baptized as though that were sufficient for thee to inherit the kingdome of heauen As for the place of Paul Gal. 3. I shewed plainely before how D. Andreas did violently wrest it to his purpose Neither are his reasons taken from the absurditie that would follow of more force then the former albeit he maketh them especiall pillars to vnderproppe the truth of his cause For I pray you is God of lesse truth because his truth is neglected and derided of them that contemne it Is the ceremonie of Baptisme therefore in vaine because some refuse the grace offered in Baptisme others if we may beleeue D. Andreas reiect that grace when they haue receiued it What Is not the Gospel therfore the power of God to saluation because it is to such as beleeue not the sauour of death to eternall death May not the Supper of the Lord be a pledge of Gods couenant because so may abuse these holy signes or as D. Andreas is of opinion the very bodie and blood of our Sauiour Christ And that I may reason from that which is true in the experience of euery childe can the Sunne be saide to be without light because they which are blinde and asleepe haue no benefit by the light thereof neither such as shut their eyes so close that they will not enioy the comfort of the light But amongst all this one is most childish that D● Andreas will make this his principall argument namely that in vaine did men thus tempted flie at all vnto Baptisme vnlesse we conclude with him that all such as are baptized are in Baptisme adopted the sonnes of God For first if this were a good consequent from baptisme it were in vaine for such an afflicted conscience to gather vnto himselfe a testimonie from the word of God and the other Sacrament of the Lords Supper vnlesse we make all those to be in like sort regenerate and adopted vnto whome the word of God is preached and the Lords supper administred either of which for D. Andreas to affirme is a bold vntruth But to omit this what if we graunt this which D. Andreas requireth concerning Baptisme may not for all that any that is so tempted by Satans pollicie refell this great comforter by his owne argument after this sort I will grant D. Andreas your question suppose I haue beene baptized and adopted the sonne of God yet seeing you teach that the grace of God is not so sure but that I may fal frō the same as indeed I feele that I haue grieuously fallen what doe you now els but lift me vp with one hand to heauen and with the other cast me downe into hell What meane you therefore to teach me those things which are so farre from easing me as that contrarily they doe more and more lay out vnto me mine abominable and vngratefull heart See now what sure consolation consciences grieuously afflicted may reape by this doctrine of their comforter D. Andreas Now if any be desirous to know what spirituall comfort is most meete to be ministred vnto consciences so troubled I will shew them that which is grounded vpon a sure foundation and which I my selfe haue often found to be true in mine owne experience the which also I purpose to handle more largely for the benefit of the Christian reader First therefore we teach contrarily to that which D. Andreas doth most falsly obiect against vs that the eternall decree or as Paul speaketh the purpose of God must not be sought in the bottomlesse counsel of God but rather in the manifestation of it namely in his vocation by the Word and Sacraments This I speake of such as are
of all graces whereas faith is but the instrument As for the places of scripture that mention iustification and saluation by faith they are to be restrained to men of yeares whereas infants dying in their infancie and therefore wanting actuall faith which none can haue without actuall knowledge of Gods will and worde are no doubt saued by some other speciall working of Gods holy spirit not knowne to vs. Furthermore to beleeue signifieth two things to conceiue or vnderstand any thing and withall to giue assent vnto it to be true and therefore in this place to beleeue signifieth to knowe and acknowledge that all the points of religion which followe are the trueth of God Here therefore wee must remember that this clause I beleeue placed in the beginning of the Creede must bee particularly applied to all and euerie article following For so the case standes that if faith faile in one maine point it faileth a man in all and therefore faith is saide to bee wholly copulatiue It is not sufficient to holde one article but hee that will holde any of them for his good must holde them all and hee which holdes them all in shewe of wordes if hee ouerturne but one of them indeede hee ouerturnes them all Againe to beleeue is one thing and to beleeue in this or that is another thing and it containeth in it three points or actions of a beleeuer I. To knowe a thing II. To acknowledge the same III. To put trust and confidence in it And in this order must these three actions of faith be applyed to euery article following which concerneth any of the persons in Trinitie And this must bee marked as a matter of speciall moment For alwaies by adding them to the wordes following we do apply the article vnto our selues in a very comfortable manner As I beleeue in the father and doe beleeue that hee is my father and therefore I put my whole trust in him and so of the rest Nowe wee come to the obiect of generall faith which is either God or the Church in handling of both which I will obserue this order I. I will speake of the meaning of euery article II. Of the duties which we ought to learne thereby III. And lastly of the consolations which may be gathered thence Concerning God three things are to be considered And first by reason of manifolde doubtings that rise in our mindes it may be demaunded whether there be a God many reasons might bee vsed to resolue those that haue scruple of conscience otherwaies wee are bounde to beleeue that there is a God without all doubting As for those Atheists which confidently auouch there is no God by Gods lawe they ought to die the death nay the earth is to good for such to dwell on Malefactours as theeues and rebells for their offences haue their rewarde of death but the offence of those which denies that there is a God is greater and therefore deserues most cruell death The second point followeth namely what God is Answer Moses desiring to see Gods face was not permitted but to see his hinder parts and therefore no man can bee able to describe God by his nature but by his effects and properties on this or such like manner God is an essence spirituall simple infinite most holy I say first of all that God is an essence to shewe that he is a thing absolutely subsisting in himselfe and by himselfe not receiuing his beeing from any other And herein hee differeth from all creatures whatsoeuer which haue subsisting and beeing from him alone Againe I say hee is an essence spirituall because hee is not any kinde of bodie neither hath hee the partes of the bodies of men or other creatures but is in nature a spirit inuisible not subiect to any of mans senses I adde also that he is a simple essence because his nature admits no manner of composition of matter or forme or partes The creatures are compounded of diuers parts and of varietie of nature but there is no such thing in God for whatsoeuer thing he is hee is the same by one and the same singular and indiuisible essence Furthermore he is infinite and that diuers waies infinite in time without any beginning and without end infinite in place because hee is euery where and excluded no where within all places and foorth of all places Lastly hee is most holy that is of infinite wisdome mercie loue goodnes c. and he alone is rightly tearmed most holy because holines is of the very nature of God himselfe whereas among the most excellent creatures it is otherwise For the creature it selfe is one thing and the holines of the creature another thing Thus wee see what God is and to this effect God describes himself to be Iehova Elohim Paul describes him to be a King euerlasting immortall inuisible onely wise to whome is due all honour and glorie for euer The third point is touching the number of Gods namely whether there be more gods then one or no. Ans. There is not neither can there be any more Gods then one Which point the Creed auoucheth in saying I beleeue in God not gods and yet more plainely the Nicene Creede and the Creed of Athanasius both of them explaining the words of the Apostles Creede on this manner I beleeue in one God Howesoeuer some in former times haue erroniously held that two gods were the beginning of all things one of good things the other of euill things others that there was one God in the old testament another in the newe others againe namely the Valentinians that there were thirty couple of gods and the heathen people as Augustine recordeth worshipped thirtie thousand gods yet we that are members of Gods Church must holde and beleeue one God alone and no more Deut. 4.39 Vnderstand this daie and consider in thine heart that Iehouah hee is God in heauen aboue and vpon the earth beneath there is none other Eph. 4.6 One God one faith one baptisme If it be alleadged that the Scripture mentioneth many gods because Magistrats are called Gods Moses is called Aarons god the deuill and all idols are called gods The answere is this They are not properly or by nature gods for in that respect there is onely one God but they are so tearmed in other respects Magistrates are gods because they be Vicegerents placed in the roome of the true God to gouerne their subiects Moses is Aarons god because he was in the roome of God to reueale his will to Aaron the deuill is a god because the hearts of the wicked would giue the honour vnto him which is peculiar to the euerliuing God idols are called gods because they are such in mens conceits and opinions who esteeme of them as of gods Therefore Paul saith an idol is nothing in the world that is nothing in nature subsisting or nothing in respect of the diuinitie ascribed vnto it To proceede forwarde
head in pursuing his father thē Dauid wept and cried O my sonne Absolon my sonne Absolon would God I had died with thee Absolon my sonne And so it is with God our heauenly father when his children sinne against him and thereby loose his loue and fauour and fall from grace he forsakes them but how farre Surely he shewes signes of anger for their wickednes and yet indeede his loue remaines towards them still and this is a true conclusion the grace of God in the adoption of the elect is vnchāgeable and he that ●s the child of God can neuer fall away wholly or finally On the contrarie that is a bad and comfortlesse opinion of the Church of Rome which holdeth that a man may be iustified before God and yet afterward by a mortall sinne finally fall from grace and be condemned Fourthly the childe of God that takes God the father for his father may freely come into the presence of God and haue libertie to pray vnto him We know it is a great priuiledge to come into the chamber of presence before an earthly prince and fewe can alwaies haue this prerogatiue though they be great men yet the kings owne sonne may haue free entrance and speake freely vnto the king himselfe because he is his sonne Now the children of God haue more prerogatiue then this for they may come into the presence not of an earthly king but of Almightie God the King of kings and as they are the sonnes of God in Christ so in him they may freely speake vnto God their father by praier And this ouerthrowes the doctrine of such as be of the Church of Rome which teach and hold that a man must come to speake to God by by praier through the intercession of Saints for say they the presence of God is so glorious that we may not be so bold as of our selues to speake vnto him but needes must haue the intercession of others Lastly God will prouide for all his Church and children all things needefull both for their bodies and soules so our Sauiour Christ bids his disciples take no thought what they should eate or what they should drinke or wherewith they should be clothed adding this reason for your heauenly Father knoweth all your wants And if we take thought it must be moderate and not distrustfull it is a part of the fathers dutie to prouide for his familie and children and not the children for the father Now shall an earthly father haue this care for his children and shall not our heauenly father much more prouide for those that feare and loue him Nay marke further in Gods Church there be many hypocrites which receiue infinite benefits from God by reason of his elect children with whome they liue and we shall see this to be true that the wicked man hath euer fared better for the godly mans cause Sodome and Gomorrha receiued many benefits by reason of righteous Lot and when the Lord was purposed to destroy Sodom he was faine to pull Lot forth of the citie for the text saith the Angel of the Lord could not doe any thing till he was come out of it So also in Pauls dangerous voyage towardes Rome all the men in it fared better for Pauls company for the Lord tolde Paul by an angel that there should be no losse of any mans life for the Lord had giuen to him all that sailed with him And vndoubtedly if it were not for some fewe that feare God he would powre downe his vengeance vpon many nations and kingdomes there is such excesse of wickednesse in all sorts Againe if the Lord doe thus carefully prouide for his children all kinde of benefits what a wonderful wickednesse is this for men to get their liuing by vngodly meanes as vsury carding dicing and such like exercises If a man were perswaded that God were his father and would prouide sufficiently both for his bodie and soule so that vsing lawfull meanes he should eue● haue enough out of all doubt he would neuer after the fashion of the world vse vnlawefull and prophane meanes to get a liuing But this prooueth that howesoeuer such men say God is their father yet indeede they denie him And thus much of 〈◊〉 ti●le Father the first thing whereby the first person is described Nowe followeth the second point namely his attribute of omnipotencie in the word almightie And whereas the father is said to be almightie it is not so to b● vnderstood as though the Sonne were not almightie or the holy ghost no●●lmightie for euery propertie and attribute saue the personal properties is c●mmō to all the three persons For as God the father doth impart his godhead vnto the sonne and to the holy ghost so doth he communicate the propriet●es of the godhead to them also God is omnipotent two waies I. Because hee is able to doe whatsoeuer hee will II. Because he is able to doe more then he will doe For the first that god is able to doe whatsoeuer he will Dauid saith Our God is in heauen and he doth whatsoeuer he will for there is nothing that can hinder God but as he willeth so euery thing is done Secondly that God can doe more then he willeth to be done it is plaine where Iohn Baptist saith God is able of these stones to raise vp children vnto Abraham for though God can doe thus much yet he will not doe it So likewise when Christ was betraied the Father could haue giuē him more then 12. legions of angels to haue deliuered him out of their handes but yet he would not the like may be said of many other things The father is was able to haue created another world yea a thousand worldes but he would not nor will not And likewise Christ being vpon the crosse was able at their bidding to haue come downe and saued himselfe from death but he would not and therefore this is true the Lord can doe any thing that he willeth to bee done actually yea and more then he will But some will say God can not doe some things which man can doe as God cannot lie nor denie himselfe and therefore he is not omnipotent Answere Although some haue thought that God coulde doe euen these things and that he did them not because hee would not yet wee must knowe and beleeue that God can neither lie nor denie himselfe indeede man can doe both but these and many other such things if God could doe them hee could not bee God God indeede can doe all things which shewe foorth his glory and maiestie but such things as are against his nature he cannot doe● as for example God can not sinne and therefore cannot li● and because he cannot doe these things for this very cause he is omnipotent for these and such like are workes of impotencie which if god could doe he should euen by his owne word be iudged impotent Secondly he cannot doe that which implies contradiction
and made a shew of them openly and hath triumphed ouer them in the crosse he ouercame the deuill and all his angels by the power of his almightie father and by his owne power as he is God And euen so must Christian men labour to finde the same power in themselues of this almightie father by which Christ did triumph ouer Satan that by it they may tread him vnder their feete which men can neuer doe by any power in themselues Againe Christ praieth that that cup might passe from him and yet hee saith Not my will but thy will be fulfilled For it was necessary that Christ should suffer And this request was heard not because he was freed from death but because God his father Almightie gaue him power and strength in his manhood to beare the brunt of his indignation Nowe looke as this power was effectuall in Christ Iesus the head to make him able and sufficient to beare the pangs of hell so the same power of God is in some measure effectuall in al the members of Christ to make them both patient of sufficient strength to beare any affliction as Saint Paul saith beeing strengthened with all might through his glorious power vnto all patience and long suffering with ioifulnesse And this is a notable point which euery one ought to learne that whereas they confesse God to be their Almightie father they should herewithall labour to feele and haue experience in themselues that hee is almightie in the beginning and continuing of grace vnto them and in giuing them power and patience to suffer afflictions Further Christ Iesus when the worke of our redemption was accomplished was lifted vp into heauen and set at the right hand of God in heauenly places farre aboue all principalities and powers c. euen by the power of his father well as this power was made manifest in the head so must it bee in the members thereof Euery childe of God shall hereafter see and feele in himselfe the same power to translate him from this vale of misery in this life to the kingdome of heauen Wherefore to conclude we haue great cause to bee thankefull and to praise God for this priuiledge that hee sheweth his power in his childrē in regenerating thē in making them die vnto sin and to stand against the gates of hel and to suffer afflictions patiently as also that he translates them from death to life And euery one should shew his thankefulnesse in labouring to haue experience of this power in himselfe as Paul exhorteth vs in his Epistles to the Colossians and Ephesians yea read all his epistles and we shal find he mentioneth no point so often as this namely the mighty power of God manifested first in Christ and secondly in his members and he accounteth all things losse that he might knowe Christ and the vertue of his resurrection This point is the rather to be marked because his power in the matter of grace is not to be seene with eye and fewe there be in respect that haue felt the vertue thereof in themselues for the diuell doth mightily shewe his contrary power in the greatest part of the world in carrying them to sinne and wickednesse Secondly hence we learne that which Paul teacheth namely to knowe that all thinges worke togither for the best vnto them that loue God God is almightie and therefore able to doe whatsoeuer he will he is also a father and therefore is willing to doe that which is for our good But some will say we are subiect to many crosses yea to sinne what can our sinnes turne to our good Ans. If God almightie be thy father he will turne thine afflictions yea thy sinnes which by nature are euil beyond all expectation vnto thy saluation And thus much God will doe to all such as be obedient vnto him yet no man must hereupon presume to sinne Thirdly whereas we beleeue that God is a mightie father it serues to confirme gods children in the promises of mercy reuealed in his word The chiefest whereof is that if men will turne from their sinnes and beleeue in Christ they shall not perish but haue life euerlasting I knowe some men will make it an easie thing to beleeue especially those which neuer knewe what faith meant But such persons neede no meanes of confirmation of faith therefore let all those which haue tasted of the hardnes of attaining vnto it learne howe to establish their wauering hearts in the promises of God by the consideration of these two points God is a father and therefore he is willing he is also almightie and therefore he is able to performe his promises He that will bee truely resolued of Gods promises must haue both these setled in his heart and build on them as on two foundations It followeth Creatour of heauen earth We haue spoken of the title of the first person and of his attributes nowe we come to speake of his effect namely the creation but before we come to it we are to answer a certaine obiection which may be made At the first it may seeme strange to some that the worke of creation is ascribed to the first person in Trinitie the father whereas in the Scripture it is common to them all three equally And first that the father is Creatour it was neuer doubted as for the second person the Sonne that hee is Creatour it is euident All things are made by it that is by the Sonne who is the substantiall worde of the father and without it was made nothing that was made And againe it is saide that God by his sonne made the worlde As for the holy Ghost the worke of creation is also ascribed vnto him and therefore Moses saith The spirit mooued vpon the waters and Iob saieth His spirit hath garnished the heauens Howe then is this peculiar to the father beeing common to all the three persons in trinitie I answer The actions of God are twofold either inward or outward The inwarde actions are those which one person doth exercise towards another as the father doth beget the sonne and this is an inward action peculiar to the father and all inward actions are proper to the persons from whome they are So the Sonne doth receiue the Godhead by communication from the Father and the holy Ghost from them both and these are inward actions peculiar to these persons So likewise for the father to send his sonne it is an inward action proper to the father and cannot be communicated to the holy ghost and the sonne to bee sent by the father onely is a thing proper to the Sonne and not common to the father or to the holy Ghost Now outward actions are the actions of the persons in the Trinitie to the creatures as the worke of creation the worke of preseruation and of redemption These and all such actions are common to al the three persons the father createth the sonne createth and the holy
wherein we must rest as it were for a night as a straunger doth in an Inne and so away but the second house is eternall in the heauens an euerlasting seate of all felicitie and happinesse And therefore our dutie is aboue al things to seeke the kingdome of God and his righteousnesse as Christ himselfe biddeth vs. And if the Lord haue there prepared such a place for vs thē we must in this world vse all good meanes whereby we may be made worthie the fruition of it and also fitte and readie at the day of death to enter into it which at the day of iudgement we shall fully possesse both in soule and bodie and there raigne eternally in all happinesse with God Almightie our creatour the Father the Sonne and the Holy Ghost But some may say how shall a man so prepare himselfe that hee may bee fitte for that place Answere This the holy Ghost teacheth vs for speaking of this heauenly Ierusalem he saith There shall enter into it none vncleane thing neither whatsoeuer worketh abomination or lies The meanes then to make our selues fitte is to seeke to bee reconciled to God in Christ for our sinnes past and withall to endeauour to haue an assurance of the free remission and pardon of them all in the blood of Christ. And as touching that part of life which is to come we must remember what Saint Iohn saith Euery one that hath this hope purifieth himselfe meaning that he which hath hope to raigne with Christ in heauen vseth the meanes whereby he may purifie and keepe himselfe from sinne as also he saith after that he which is borne of God keepeth himselfe and the wicked one toucheth him not Signifying that all such persons as are truely iustified and sanctified carrie such a narrowe and straite watch ouer the whole course of their liues and conuersations that the deuill can neuer giue them deadly woundes and wholly ouercome them Nowe the man that i● resolued in his conscience of the pardon of his sinne for the time past and hath a steadfast purpose in his heart to keepe himselfe vpright continually to walke in righteousnesse and true holinesse all the daies of his life this man I say is prepared and made fit to enter into the heauenly Ierusalem come death when it will he is readie And howesoeuer he must not looke for heauen here vpon earth yet he is as it were in the suburbes of this heauenly cittie and at the end of this life the king thereof the Lord Iesus will open the gates and receiue him into his kingdome for he is alreadie entred into the kingdome of grace To conclude this point let euery man in the feare of god be mooued hereby to set his heart to prepare himselfe that when God shall call him hence he may be fitte to enter into that glorie Secondly seeing God hath prepared the third heauen for vs it teacheth euery man in this worlde to be content with the estate wherein God hath placed him whether it bee high or lowe rich or poore why so because here he is but a pilgrime and liues in a cottage of clay and in a tent wherein he must abide but a while as a pilgrime doth oftentimes carrying his house about with him and we shall in better sort accept the afflictions which God sendes vs in this life if we remember that there is prepared for vs a place of ioy which must bee our resting place and perfect felicitie for euermore This was the practise of the chidren of God especially of Abraham for when the Lord called him out of his own country he obeyed and by faith abode in the promised land as in a straunge countrie as one that dwelt in tents with Isaac and Iaakob heires with him in the same promise and the reason followeth for he looked for a cittie hauing a foundation whose builder and maker is God They beleeued that these things which the Lord promised were shaddowes of better things and hereon staied themselues beeing well content with that estate whereto God had called them So Paul was cōtented to beare the afflictions which God had laid vpon him and his reason was Because saith he we looke not on things which are seene but on things which are not seene for the things which are seene are temporall but the things which are not seene are eternall And in the next chapter We knowe saith he that if our earthly house of this Tabernacle be destroyed we haue a dwelling giuen vs of God that is an house not made with hands but eternall in the heauens And for this cause his desire was rather to remooue out of this body and to be with the Lord. And thus much concerning heauen Nowe followeth the second part of Gods creation in these wordes And earth Earth signifieth the huge masse or body standing of sea and land on which we liue and all things that be in or vpon the earth whatsoeuer as Paul saith For by him were created all things that are in heauen or in earth c. In other Creeds which were made since this of the Apostles beeing expositiōs of that there is added maker of all things visible and invisible Here we haue occasion to speake of all creatures but that were infinite therefore I will make choice of these two good Angels and Men. I. That Angels had a beginning it is no question for Paul saith that by God all things were created in heauen and earth things visible and inuisible whether thrones principalities or powers And in respect of the creation angels are called the sonnes of God But the time day of their creatiō cannot be set down further thē this that they were created in the cōpasse of the sixe daies For Moses saith Thus namely in the compasse of the first sixe daies the heauens and the earth were fashioned and all the h●ast of them that is all varietie of creatures in heauen and earth seruing for the beauty and glory thereof whereof no doubt the Angels are the principall II. Touching the nature of Angels some haue thought that they are nothing but qualities and motions in the mindes of men as the Sadduces and the Libertines of this time but the truth is that they are spirits that is spirituall and inuisible substances created by God and really subsisting for the Scripture ascribes vnto them such kinde of actions which can not be performed by the creatures saue onely such as be substances as to stande before the throne of God to behold the face of the Father to carie mens soules to heauen c. yet must we not imagine that they are bodily substances consisting of flesh and bone And though they tooke vpon them visible shapes and formes and did eate and drinke in the companie of men and thereupon are called Men in Scripture yet they did this by diuine dispensation for a time that they might the better performe the actions
we so poreblinde that we cannot discerne any blessing and prouidence of God in them Therefore let vs learne to looke vpon both ioyntly togither and so shall wee bee thankfull vnto God in prosperitie and patient in aduersitie with Iob and Dauid This lesson Paul learned I can be abased saith he and I can abound euery where in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungrie and to abound and to be in want Fourthly seeing Gods prouidence disposeth all things wee are taught to gather obseruations of the same in things both past and present that we may learne thereby to be armed against the time to come Thus Dauid when hee was to encounter with Goliah gathered hope and confidence to himselfe for the time to come by the obseruation of Gods prouidence in the time past for saith he when I kept my fathers sheepe I slue a lyon and a beare that deuoured the flocke nowe the Lord that deliuered me out of the paw of the lyon and out of the paw of the beare he will deliuer me out of the hand of this Philistim Fifthly because Gods prouidence disposeth all things when we make lawfull promises to doe any thing we must put in or at the least conceiue this condition if the Lord will for S. Iames saith that we ought to say If the Lord will and if we liue we will doe this or that This also was Dauids practise for to all the congregation of Israel he saide If it seeme good to you and if it proceede from the Lord our God we will send to and fro Sixtly seeing Gods prouidence is manifested in ordinary means it behooueth euery man in his calling to vse them carefully when ordinarie meanes be at hand wee must not looke for any help without them though the Lord be able to doe what he wil without meanes Ioab when many Aramites came against him he heartened his souldiers though they were but fewe in number bidding them be strong and valiant for their people and for the citties of their god and then let the Lord doe that which is good in his eies And our Sauiour Christ auoucheth it to be flat tempting of God for him to leape downe from the pinacle of the temple to the ground wheras there was an ordinarie way at hand to descend by staires Hence it appeares that such persons as wil vse no means whereby they may come to repent and beleeue doe indeede no more repent and beleeue then they can be able to liue which neither eate nor drinke And thus much of the duties Nowe followe the consolations first this very point of Gods speciall prouidence is a great comfort to Gods Church for the Lord moderateth the rage of the deuill and wicked men that they shal not hurt the people of God Dauid saith The Lord is at my right hand therefore I shall not slide And when Iosephs brethren were afraid because they had solde him into Egypt he comforteth them saying that it was God that sent him before them for their preseruation So king Dauid when his owne souldiers were purposed to stone him to death he was in great sorrow but it is said he comforted himselfe in the Lord his God Where we may see that a man which hath grace to beleeue in God and rely on his prouidence in all his afflictions and extremities shall haue wonderfull peace and consolation Before we can proceede to the articles which followe it is requisite that we should intreat of one of the greatest workes of Gods prouidence that can be because the opening of it giueth light to all that in●ueth And this worke is a Preparation of such meanes whereby God will manifest his iustice mercie It hath two parts the iust permission of the fall of mā the giuing of the Couenāt of grace For so Paul teacheth whē he saith That god shut vp all vnder vnbeleefe that he might haue mercie vpon all And againe The scripture hath concluded all vnder sinne that the promise by the faith of Christ Iesus should be giuen to them that beleeue Touching the first that we might rightly conceiue of mans fall we are to search out the nature and parts of sinne Sinne is any thing whatsoeuer is against the will and word of God as S. Iohn saith Sinne is the transgression of the lawe And this definition Paul confirmeth when he saith that by the lawe comes the knoweledge of sinne and where no lawe is there is no transgression and sinne is not imputed where there is no lawe In sinne we must consider three things the fault the guilt the punishment The fault is the anomie or the inobedience it selfe and it comprehends not onely huge and notorious offences as idolatrie blasphemie theft treason adulterie and all other crim●s that the world cri●s shame on but euery disordered thought affection inclination yea euery defect of that which the law requireth The guilt of sinne is whereby a man is guiltie before God that is bounde made subiect to punishment And here two questions must be skanned where man is bound and by what For the first Man is bound in conscience And hereupon the conscience of euery sinner sitts within his heart as a little iudge to tell him that he is bound before God to punishment For the second it is the order of diuine iustice set downe by God which bindes the conscience of the sinner before god for he is Creatour and Lord and man is a creature and therefore must either obey his will and commandement● or suffer punishment Nowe then by vertue of Gods lawe conscience bindes ouer the creature to beare a punishment for his offence done against God yea it tells him that he is in danger to be iudged and condemned for it And therefore the conscience is as it were the Lordes Sergeant to informe the sinner of the bond and obligation whereby he alwaies stands bound before God The third thing which followeth sinne is punishment and that is death So Paul saith The stipend of sinne is death where by death wee must vnderstand a double death both of bodie and soule The death of the bodie is a separation of the bodie from the soule The second death is a separation of the whole man but especially of the soule from the glorious presence of God I say not simplie from the presence of God for God is euery where but only from the ioyfull presence of Gods glorie Now these two deaths are the stipends or allowance of sinne and the least sinne which a man committeth doth deserue these two punishments For in euery sinne the infinite iustice of God is violated for which cause there must needes be inflicted an infinite punishment that there may be a proportion betweene the punishment and the offence And therefore that distinction of sinne which Papists make namely that some are in themselues veniall and some mortall is false and
sentence of the law of God to which man was bound from the first creation But God is aboue all his laws and not bound to them he is an absolute lord and law-giuer and therfore his actions are not within the compasse of morall lawes as mens are Whereupon it followes that though he did foresee mans defection yet is hee free from all blame in not preuenting of it For with him there be good causes of permitting euill And though God be no cause of mans fall yet must we not imagine that it came to passe by chance or fortune whereas the least things that are come to passe with Gods prouidence Neither was it by any bare permission without his decree and his will for that is to make an idle prouidence neither did it happen against the will of God he vtterly nilling it for then it could not haue beene vnlesse we denie God to be omnipotent It remaines therefore that this fall did so proceede of the voluntarie motion of Adam as that God did in part ordaine and will the permitting of it not as it was a sinne against his commandement but as it was further in the counsell of God a way to execute his iustice and mercie Against this which I say diuers things are obiected First that if Adam did that which God in any respect willed then he did not sinne at all Answ. He that willeth and doth that which God willeth for all that sinnes vnlesse he will it in the same manner with God and for the same ende Now in the permitting of this fact God intended the manifesting of his glorie but our first parents intending no such thing sought not onely to be like but also to be equall with God Secondly it is alleadged that Adam could not but fall necessarily if God did decree it Answ. Adams fall that came not to passe without Gods decree and therefore in that respect was necessarie was neuerthelesse in respect of Adams freewill contingent and not necessarie Gods decree not taking away the freedome of will but onely ordering it Lastly it is alleadged that Gods will is the cause of Adams will and Adams wil the cause of his fall and that therefore Gods will shall be the cause of the fall Ans. It must be granted that Gods will is a moouing cause of the wills of euil men yet marke how not as they are euill wills simply but as they are wills and therefore when God inclines the euill will of his creature to his good purpose he is nothing at all intangled with defect or euill of his will Touching the time of the fall the receiued opinion in former ages hath beene that our first parents fell the same day in which they were created and therefore Augustine writes that they stood but sixe houres And though we cannot determine of the certen time yet in all likelihood was it very short For Moses presently after that he had set downe the creation of man without the interposition of any thing else comes immediatly to the fall And considering the nature of the deuill is without ceasing to shew his malice no doubt he tooke the first occasion that possibly might be had to bring man to the same damnation with himselfe And our Sauiour Christ saith that the deuill was a man-slayer from the beginning namely from the beginning not of the creation of the world or of time but of man And Eue saith We shall eate of the fruit of the trees of the garden it may be insinuating that as yet shee had not eaten when the deuill tempted her Touching the greatnes of mans fall some haue made a small matter of it because it was the eating of an apple or some such fruit But we must not measure the greatnesse or the smalnesse of a sinne by the obiect or matter whereabout it is occupied but by the commandement of God and by the disobedience or offence of his infinite maiestie And that this fact of Adam and Eue was no small fault but a notorious crime and Apostasie in which they withdraw themselues from vnder the power of God nay reiect and denie him will euidently appeare if we take a viewe of all the particular sinnes that be contained in it The first is vnbeleefe in that they doubted and distrusted of the truth of Gods word which he spake to them The second is contempt of God in that they beleeued the lies of the deuill rather then him For whē God saith In the day that ye shall eate thereof ye shall die the death it is as nothing with Eue but when the deuill comes and saith Ye shall not die at all that shee takes hold on The third is pride and ambition For they did eate the forbidden fruit that they might be as gods namely as the Father the Sonne the holy Ghost The fourth is vnthankfulnesse God had made them excellent creatures in his owne image that is nothing with them to be like vnto him vnlesse they may be equall vnto him The fifth is curiositie whereby they affected greater wisdome then God had giuen them in creation and a greater measure of knowledge then God had reuealed to them The sixth is reprochfull blasphemie in that they subscribe to the sayings of the deuill in which he charged God with lying and enuie The seuenth is murder For by this meanes they bereaue themselues and their posteritie of the fellowship and graces of Gods spirit and bring vpon their owne heads the eternall wrath of God The eight is discontentation in that they sought for an higher condition then that was in which God had placed them In a word in this one single fact is comprised the breach of the whole law of God And we should often thinke vpon this that we may learne to wonder at the iust iudgements of God in punishing this fall and his vnspeakable goodnesse in receiuing men to mercie after the same And here we must not omit to remember the largenesse of Adams fall Sinnes are either personall or generall Personall are such as are peculiar to one or some fewe persons and make them alone guiltie Generall that is common to all men and such is Adams fall It is a sinne not onely of the person of one man but of the whole nature of man And Adam must be considered not as a priuate man but as a roote or head bearing in it all mankind or as a publike person representing all his posteritie and therefore when he sinned all his posteritie sinned with him as in a Parliament whatsoeuer is done by the burgesse of the shiere is done by euery person in the shiere As Paul saith By one man sinne entred into the world and so death went ouer all for as much as all haue sinned And here lies the difference betweene Adams fall and the sinnes of men as Cains murder which makes not the posteritie of Cain guiltie because he was neuer appointed by God to be the roote of his posteritie
If any further alleadge that such as walke according to the commandements of God though their obedience be imperfect yet they haue the promises of this life and of the life to come The answer is that they haue so indeede yet not for their works but according to their works which are the fruites of their faith wherby they are ioyned to Christ for whose merits onely they stand righteous and are acceptable before God And whereas it is said by Peter that baptisme saueth vs his meaning is not to signifie that there is any vertue in the water to wash away our sinnes and to sanctifie vs but that it serues visibly to represent and confirme vnto vs the inward washing of our soules by the blood of Christ. It may further be said that others haue beene Sauiours beside Christ as Iosuah the sonne of Nun who for that cause is called by the same name with Christ. Ans. Iosua after the death of Moses was appointed by God to be a guide to the children of Israel which might defend them from their enemies and bring them to the land of Canaan but this deliuerance was onely temporal and that onely of one people Nowe the Sonne of God is called Iesus not because hee deliuereth the people of the Iewes onely or because he saueth the bodies of men onely but because he saueth both body and soule not onely of the Iewes but also of the Gentiles from hell death and damnation And whereas Prophets and ministers of the word are called Sauiours it is because they are the instruments of God to publish the doctrine of saluation which is powerfull in mens hearts not by any vertue of theirs but onely by the operation of the spirit of Christ. Lastly it may bee obiected that the father and the holy Ghost are Sauiours and therefore not onely the sonne Ans. True it is that in the worke of saluation all the three persons must bee ioyned together and in no wise to bee seuered the Father saueth the Sonne saueth the holy Ghost saueth yet must we distinguish them in the manner of sauing the father saueth by the Sonne the Sonne saueth by paying the ransome and price of our saluation the holy Ghost saueth by a particular applying of the ransome vnto men Nowe therefore whereas the sonne paies the price of our redemption and not the Father or the Holy Ghost therefore in this speciall respect he is called in Scriptures and intituled by the name of Iesus and none but he By this which hath beene saide the Papists are faultie two waies First that they giue too much to the name of Iesus for they write in plaine tearmes that the bare name it selfe beeing vsed hath great power and doth driue away deuils though the parties that vse it be void of good affection whereas indeed it hath no more vertue then other titles of God or Christ. Secondly they are faultie that they giue too little to the thing signified For Christ must either be our alone and whole Sauiour or no Sauiour Now they make him but halfe a Sauiour and they ioyne others with him as partners in the worke of saluation when they teach that with Christs merits must be ioyned our workes of grace in the matter of iustification and with Christs satisfaction for the wrath of God our satisfaction for the temporall punishment and when they adde to Christs intercession the intercession and patronage of Saints especially of the Virgin Marie whome they call the Queene of heauen the mother of mercie withall requesting her that by the authoritie of a mother she would commaund her sonne If this doctrine of theirs may stand Christ can not be the onely Sauiour of mankinde but euery man in part shall be Iesus to himselfe But let vs goe on yet further to search the special reason of the name which is notably set downe by the Angel Thou shalt saith he call his name Iesus for he shall saue his people from their sinnes In which words we may consider three points I. Whome the Sonne of God shall saue II. By what III. From what For the first he shall saue his people that is the elect of the Iewes and Gentiles and therefore he is called the Sauiour of his bodie We must not here imagine that Christ is a Sauiour of all and euery man For if that were true then Christ should make satisfaction to Gods iustice for all and euery mans sinnes and Gods iustice beeing fully satisfied he could not in iustice condemne any man nay all men should be blessed because satisfaction for sinne and the pardon of sinne depende one vpon an other inseparably Againe if Christ be an effectuall Sauiour of all and euery particular man why is any man condemned It will be saide because they will not beleeue belike then mans will must ouerrule Gods will whereas the common rule of diuines is that the first cause ordereth the second The meanes of saluation by Christ are two his merit and his efficacie His merit in that by his obedience to the law and by his passion he made a satisfaction for our sinnes freed vs from death and reconciled vs vnto God Some may obiect that the obedience and the passion of Christ beeing long agoe ended can not be able to saue vs now because that which he did 1500. yeares agoe may seeme to be vanished and come to nothing at this day Ans. If Christs obedience be considered as an action and his passion as a bare suffering they are both ended long agoe yet the value and price of thē before God is euerlasting as in Adams fall the action of eating the forbidden fruit is ended but the guilt of his transgression goes ouer all mankind and continues still euen to this houre and shall doe to the end of the world in those which shall be borne hereafter The efficacie of Christ is in that he giues his spirit to mortifie the corruption of our natures that we may die vnto sinne and liue to righteousnesse and haue true comfort in terrours of conscience and in the pangs of death The euils from which we are saued are our owne sinnes in that Christ freeth vs from the guilt and the punishment and fault of them all when wee beleeue Thus much for the meaning of this title Iesus Nowe follow the vses which arise of it First of all whereas we are taught to make confession that the sonn● of God is Iesus that is a Sauiour hence it must needes followe that wee are lost in our selues And indeed before we can truly acknowledge that Christ is our Sauiour this confession must needes goe before that we are in truth and therewithall doe feele our selues to bee miserable sinners vnder the wrath of God vtterly lost in regard of our selues for Christ came to saue that which was lost And when he talked with the woman of Cannan he checked her said he was not sent but to the lost
nothing regarded A blinde man neuer seeing the sunne is not brought to wonder at it and earthly minded men neither seeing nor feeling what an excellent thing it is to bee the childe of God cannot bee brought to seeke after it But let all such as feare God enter into a serious consideration of the vnspeakeable goodnesse of God comforting themselues in this that God the father hath vouchsafed by his owne sonne to make them of the vassals of satan to be his owne deere children Nowe followe the duties which are two First we beleeue that Iesus Christ who was to be the Sauiour of mankinde must needs be God what is the reason hereof surely because no creature no not all the creatures in heauen and earth were able to saue one man so vile wretched and miserable is our estate by Adams fall And therefore the sonne of God himselfe pitied our estate and beeing king of heauen and earth was faine to come from heauen and lay downe his crowne and become a seruant and taking vpon him our nature was also faine to take vpon him our case and condition and suffer death for our sinnes which otherwise euery one of vs should haue suffered both in bodie and soule world without ende To make this more plaine let vs suppose that some one hath committed an offence against a prince and the trespasse to be so grieuous that no man can appease the kings wrath saue only the kings onely sonne and which is more the kings sonne himselfe cannot release him vnlesse hee suffer the punishment for him in his owne person which is due vnto the malefactour Nowe what is to be thought of this mans estate surely all men will say that he is in a most miserable taking and that his trespasse is notorious and so it is with euery one of vs by nature whatsoeuer we are No man could saue our soules no not all the angels in heauen vnlesse the king of heauen and earth the onely sonne of God had come down from heauen and suffered for vs bearing our punishment Nowe the consideration of this must humble vs and make vs to cast downe our selues vnder the hand of God for our sinnes and pray continually that the Lord would send some Moses or other which might smite the rockes of our hearts that some teares of sorrowe and repentance might gush out for this our wofull miserie Secondly whereas God the Father of Christ gaue his onley sonne to be our Sauiour as we must be thankefull to God for all things so especially for this great and vnspeakable benefit Common blessings of God as meat drinke health wealth and libertie must at all times mooue vs to be thankeful but this that Christ Iesus the onely sonne of God redeemed vs beeing vtterly lost this I say must be the maine point of all our thankfulnes but alas mens hearts are so frozen in the dreggs of their sinnes that this dutie comes little in practise nowe adaies When our Sauiour Christ clensed ten lepers there was but one of them that returned to giue him thankes and this is as true in the leprosie of the soule for though saluation by Christ be offered vnto vs daily by Gods ministers yet not one of tenne nay scarse one of a thousand giues praise and thankes to God for it because men take no delight in things which concerne the kingdome of heauen they thinke not that they haue neede of saluation neither do they feele any want of a Sauiour But we for our parts must learne to say with Dauid What shall I render vnto the Lord for all his benefits yea we are to practise that which Salomon saith My sonne giue me thy heart for we should giue vnto God both bodie and soule in token of our thankefulnesse for this wonderful blessing that he hath giuen his onely sonne to bee our Sauiour and we are to hold this for trueth that they which are not thankfull for it let them say what they will they haue no soundnes of grace or power of religion at the heart And thus much of the third title The fourth and last title is in these wordes our Lord. Christ Iesus the onely sonne of God is our Lord three waies first by creation in that he made vs of nothing when we were not secondly he is our Lord in the right of redemption In former times the custome hath bin when one is taken prisoner in the field he that paies his raunsome shall becom alwaies after his Lord so Christ when we were bondslaues vnder hell death and condemnation paide the ransome of our redemption and freed vs from the bondage of sinne and satan and therfore in that respect he is our Lord. Thirdly he is the head of the Church as the husband is the wiues head to rule and gouerne the same by his word and spirit And therefore in that respect also Christ is our Lord. And thus much for the meaning Nowe followe the duties And first of al if Christ be our Soueraigne Lord we must performe absolute obedience vnto him that is whatsoeuer he commandes vs that must we doe And I say absolute obedience because Magistrates Masters Rulers and fathers may command and must bee obeyed yet not simply but so farre foorth as that which they command doth agree with the word and commandement of God but Christs will and word is righteousnesse it selfe and therfore it is a rule and direction of all our actions whatsoeuer and for this cause he must be absolutely obeyed Thus he requires the obedience of the morall lawe but why because he is the Lord our god And in Malachie he saith If I be your Lord where is my feare And againe we must resigne both bodie and soule heart mind wil affections and the course of our whole liues to be ruled by the will of Christ. He is Lord not onely of the bodie but of the spirit and soule of man he must therefore haue homage of both As wee adore him by the knee of the bodie so must the thoughts and the affections of our hearts haue their knees also to worship him and to shewe their subiection to his commandements As for such as doe hold him for their Lord in word but in the meane season will not indeauour to shewe their loyaltie in all manner of obedience they are indeede no better then starke rebels Secondly when by the hande of Christ straunge iudgements shall come to passe as it is vsuall in all places continually we must stay ourselues without murmuring or finding fault because he is an absolute Lorde ouer all his creatures all things are in his handes and hee may doe with his owne whatsoeuer he will and therefore wee must rather feare and tremble whensoeuer we see or heare of them so Dauid saith I was dumbe and opened not my mouth because thou didst it And againe My flesh trembleth for feare of thee and I am afraid of thy iudgements Thirdly before wee vse
any of Gods creatures or ordinances wee must sanctifie them by the direction of his word and by praier the reason is this because he is Lord ouer all and therefore from his word we must fetch direction to teach vs whether we may vse them or not and when and how they are to be vsed and secondly we must pray to him that he would giue vs libertie and grace to vse them aright in holy maner Also we are so to vse the creatures and ordinances of God as being alwaies readie to giue an account of our doings at the day of iudgement for we vse that which is the Lords not our owne we are but stewards ouer them and we must come to a reckoning for the stewardship Hast thou learning then imploy it to the glory of God and the good of the Church boast not of it as though it were thine owne Hast thou any other gift or blessing of God be it wisdome strength riches honour fauour or whatsoeuer then looke thou vse it so as thou maist be alwaies readie to make a good account thereof vnto Christ. Lastly euery one must in such manner lead his life in this world that at the day of death hee may with cheerefulnes surrender and giue vp his soule into the handes of his Lord and say with Steuen Lord Iesus receiue my soule For consider this with thy selfe that thy soule is none of thine owne but his who hath bought it with a price and therefore thou must so order and keepe it as that thou maiest in good manner restore it into the hands of god at the ende of thy life If a man should borrowe a thing of his neighbour and afterward hurt it and make a spoile of it he would be ashamed to bring it againe to the owner in that manner and if he doe the owner himselfe will not receiue it Vngodly men in this life doe so staine their soules with sinne that they can neuer be able willingly to giue them vp into the handes of God at the day of death and if they would yet God accepts them not but casts them quite away We must therefore labour so to liue in the world that with a ioyfull heart at the day of death we may commend our soules into the handes of our Lord Christ Iesus who gaue them vnto vs. This is a harde thing to bee done and he that will doe it truely must first be assured of the pardon of his owne sinnes which a man can neuer haue without true vnfained faith and repentance wherefore while we haue time let vs purge and clense our soules and b●dies that they may come home againe to God in good plight And here all gouernours must be put in mind that they haue an higher Lord that they may not oppresse or deale hardly with their inferiours This is Paul reason Ye masters saith he doe the same things vnto your seruants putting away threatning and knowe that euen your master is also in heauen neither is there respect of persons with him Inferiours againe must remember to submit themselues to the authoritie of their gouernours especially of magistrates For they are set ouer vs by our soueraigne Lord and king Christ Iesus as Paul saith Let euery soule be subiect to the higher powers For there is no power but of God and the powers that be ordained are of God And againe Seruants be obedient to your Masters according to the flesh with feare and trembling in singlenes of your hearts as vnto Christ. The comfort which Gods Church may reape hence is very great for if Christ be the Lord of lords and our Lord especially whome he hath created and redeemed we neede not to feare what the deuil or wicked men can doe vnto vs. If Christ be on our side who can be against vs wee neede not feare them that can destroy the bodie and doe no more but we must cast our feare on him that is Lord of body and soule and can cast both to hell Thus much of the fourth title Nowe followes Christs incarnation in these wordes Conceiued by the holy Ghost borne of the Virgin Marie And they containe in them one of the most principall points of the doctrine of godlines as Paul saith Without controuersie great is the mysterie of godlinesse which is God is made manifest in the flesh iustified in the spirit c. And that we may proceede in order in handling them I will first speake of the incarnation generally and then after come to the parts thereof In generall we are to propound fiue questions the answering whereof will be very needefull to the better vnderstanding of the doctrine following The first question is who was incarnate● or made man Answ. The second person in Trinitie the sonne of God alone as it is set downe in this article according to the Scripture S. Iohn saith The Word was made flesh and the angel saith The holy one which shall be borne of thee shall be called the sonne of the most high And Paul saith that Christ Iesus our Lord was made of the seede of Abraham according to the flesh And there be sundrie reasons why the second person should rather be incarnate then any other I. By whom the father created all things and man especially by him man beeing fallen is to be redeemed and as I may say recreated now man was at the first created of the father by the sonne and therefore to be redeemed by him II. It was most conuenient that he which is the essentiall image of the father should take mans nature that he might restore the image of God lost and defaced in man but the second person is the essentiall image of the father and therefore he alone must take mans nature III. It was requisite that that person which was by nature the sonne of God should be made the sonne of man that we which are the sonnes of men yea the sonnes of wrath should againe by grace be made the sonnes of God now the second person alone is the sonne of God by nature not the Father nor the holy Ghost As for the Father he could not be incarnate For to take flesh is to be sent of an other but the Father can not be sent of any person because he is from none Againe if the Father were incarnate he should be father to him which is by nature God and the sonne of a creature namely the virgin Marie which things can not well stand And the holy Ghost could not be incarnate● for then there should be more sonnes then one in the Trinitie namely the second person the sonne of the father and the third person the holy Ghost the sonne of the virgin Marie It may be obiected to the contrarie on this manner The whole diuine essence is incarnate euery person in Trinitie is the whole diuine essence therefore euery person is incarnate Ans. The whole Godhead indeede is incarnate yet not
them plentie of his grace but also admits them into his glorious presence so as they may behold his maiestie face to face The fourth and last is that whereby the Godhead of the sonne is present and dwells with and in the manhood giuing vnto it in some part his owne subsistance Wherby it comes to passe that this manhood assumed is proper to the sonne and can not be the manhood of the Father or of the holy Ghost or of any creature whatsoeuer And this is a thing so admirable and so vnspeakable that among all the works of God there can not be found an other example hereof in all the world Hence it follows necessarily that the manhood of Christ consisting of bodie and reasonable soule is a nature onely and not a person because it doth not subsist alone as other men Peter Paul Iohn doe but wholly depends on the person of the word into the vnitie whereof it is receiued The third point is in what order the diuine and humane nature of Christ are vnited togither Ans. The common consent of Diuines is that albeit all the parts of the manhood and the godhead of Christ be vnited at one instant yet in respect of order he vnites vnto himselfe first and immediately the soule and by the soule the bodie And it seemes vnmeete that God beeing a most simple essence should immediately be ioyned to a compound bodie and therefore it may well be saide that he is vnited vnto it by the more simple part of man which is the soule Againe the manhood of Christ is first and immediately ioyned to the person of the sonne himselfe and by the person to the godhead of the sonne The fourth point is whether there remaine any difference or diuersitie of the two natures after that the vnion is made Answ. The two natures concurring make not the person of the sonne to be compounded properly but onely by analogie for as bodie and soule make one man so God and man make one Christ neither are they turned one into an other the godhead into the manhood or the manhood into the godhead as water was turned into wine at Cana in Galile neither are they confused and mingled togither as meates in the stomacke but they now are and so remaine without composition conuersion or confusion really distinct and that in three respects First in regard of essence For the godhead of Christ is the godhead and can not be the manhood and againe the manhood of Christ is the manhood and not the godhead Secondly they are distinguished in proprieties the godhead is most wise iust mercifull omnipotent yea wisdom iustice mercie and power it selfe and so is not the manhood neither can it be Againe Christ as he is God hath his will eternall and vncreated which is all one with the will of the father and the holy Ghost And as he is man he hath another will created in time placed in his reasonable soule this Christ signifieth when he saith Not my will but thy will be done Thirdly they are distinct in their actions or operations which though they goe togither inseparably in the worke of redemption yet they must in no wise be confounded but distinguished as the natures themselues are Christ saith of himselfe I haue power to lay downe my life and I haue power to take it vp againe and hereby he shewes the distinction of operations in his two natures For to lay downe his life is an action of the manhood because the Godhead can not die and to take it vp againe is the worke of the Godhead alone which reunites the soule to the bodie after death The fifth and last point is what ariseth of this vnion Ans. By reason of this hypostatical vnion though the godhead receiue nothing from the manhood yet the manhood it selfe which is assumed is thereby perfected and enriched with vnspeakable dignitie For first of all it is exalted aboue all creatures whatsoeuer euen angels themselues in that it hath subsistance in the second person in Trinitie Secondly togither with the godhead of the Sonne it is adored and worshipped with diuine honour as in like case the honour done to the King himselfe redoundes to the crowne on his head Thirdly by reason of this vnion the godhead of Christ workes all things in the matter of our redemption in and by the manhoode And hereupon the flesh of Christ though it profit nothing of it selfe yet by the vertue which it receiueth from that person to which it is ioyned it is quickning flesh and the bread of life Againe from this vnion of two natures into one person ariseth a kinde of speech or phrase peculiar to the Scriptures called the communication of proprieties when the propertie of one nature is attributed to the whole person or to the other nature as when Paul saith that God shed his blood that the Lord of glorie was crucified And when Christ saith that he talking with Nichodemus was then in heauen The vse of the personall vnion is threefold First it serues to shew the hainousnesse of our sinnes and the greatnesse of our miserie For it had not bene possible to make a satisfaction to Gods iustice in mans nature for the least offence vnlesse the same nature had first of all beene neerely ioyned to the godhead of the sonne that thereby it might be so farre forth supported and sustained that it might ouercome the wrath of God Secondly it sets forth vnto vs the endlesse loue of God to man For whereas by reason of Adams fall we were become the vilest of all creatures except the deuill and his angels by his mysticall coniunction our nature is exalted to such an estate and condition as is farre aboue all creatures euen the angels themselues Thirdly it is as it were the keye of all our comfort for all sound comfort stands in happines all happines is in fellowship with God all fellowship with God is by Christ who for this cause beeing very God became very man that he might reconcile man to God and God to man Thus much of the conception of Christ now followes his birth whereby in the ordinarie time of trauell according to the course of nature he was brought forth into the world by the virgin Marie And it was the will of God that Christ should not onely be conceiued but also borne and that after the manner of men that he might be knowne to be very man indeede In the birth we may consider foure things the time the place the manner the manifestation of it The time was in the last daies toward the end of the 70. weekes of Daniel which are to be accounted from the ende of the captiuitie of Babylon and make in all 490 yeares or more plainly 3900 yeares and more from the beginning of the world and as Paul saith in the fulnesse of time And the Euangelists haue noted of purpose the time to haue beene when Augustus Caesar taxed
in the eternal counsell of God set apart to be a publike suretie or pledge for vs to suffer and performe those things which we in our persons should haue suffered and performed For this cause God the father is said to giue his sonne vnto vs and the sonne again to giue his life for his friends The ●econd question is how by the short and temporary death of the sonne of God any man can possibly bee freed from eternall death and damnation which is due vnto him for the least sinne Ans. When we say that the sonne of God suffered it must be vnderstood with distinction of the natures of Christ not in respect of the Godhead but in respect of the assumed manhood yet neuerthelesse the passion is to be ascribed to the whole person of Christ God and man and from the dignitie of the person which suffered ariseth the dignitie excellencie of the passion wherby it is made in value and price to counteruaile euerlasting damnation For when as the sonne of God suffered the curse for a short time it is more then if all men and angels had suffered the same for euer VII The difference of the passion of Christ and the sufferings of Martyrs and that stands in two thinges First Christs passion was a cursed punishment the sufferings of the Martyrs are no curses but either chastisements or trials Secondly the passion of Christ is meritorious for vs euen before god because he becam our mediatour and suretie in the couenant of grace but the sufferings of Martyrs are not of value to merit for vs at Gods hand because in suffering they were but priuate men and therefore they nothing appertaine to vs. By this it appeares that the Treasury of the Church of Rome which is as it were a common chest containing the ouerplus of the merits of saints mingled with the merits of Christ kept and disposed by the Pope himselfe is nothing els but a sensles dotage of mans braine And whereas they say that Christ by his death did merit that Saints might merit both for themselues and others it is as much as if they should say the sonne of God became Iesus to make euery one of vs Iesus And it is a manifest vntruth which they say For the very manhood of Christ considered apart from the Godhead cannot merit properly cōsidering whatsoeuer it is hath or doth it is hath and doth the same wholly and onely by grace whereas therefore Christ meriteth for vs it is by reason he is both God and man in one person For this cause it is not possible that one meere man should merit for another The vse of the passion followeth It is the manner of Friers and Iesuits in the Church of Rome to vse the consideration of the passion of Christ as a meanes to stirre vp compassion in themselues partly towards Christ who suffered grieuous torments and partly towards the virgin Marie who for the torments of her deere sonne was exceedingly troubled and withall to kindle in their hearts an indignation towards the Iewes that put Christ to death But indeede this kind of vse is meere humane and may in like manner be made by reading of any humane historie But the proper and the speciall vse of the passion indeede is this first of all we must set it before our eies as a looking glasse in which we may clearely beholde the horriblenesse of our sinnes that could not be pardoned without the passion of the sonne of God and the vnspeakable loue of Christ that died for vs and therefore loued his own enemies more then his owne selfe and lastly our endlesse peace with God and happinesse in that considering the person of our redeemer who suffered the pangs of hell wee may after a sort finde our paradise euen in the middest of hell Secondly the meditation of Christs passion serues as a most worthie mean● to beginne and to confirme grace specially when it is mingled with faith and that two waies For first it serues to breede in our hearts a godly sorrowe for our sinnes past when we doe seriouslie with our selues consider that our owne sinnes were the cause of all the paines and sorrowes calamities which he suffered in life and death When any man had sinned vnder the lawe hee brought vnto the temple or tabernacle some kind of beast for an offering according as he was prescribed laying his hand vpon the head of it and afterward slaying it before the Lord. Now by the ceremony of laying on the hand he testified that he for his part had deserued death and not the beast and that it beeing slaine and sacrificed was a ●igne vnto him of the sacrifice of Christ offered vpon the crosse for his ●innes And hereby we are taught that so oft as we remember the passion of Christ we should lay our hands as it were vpon our owne heades vtterly accusing and condemning our selues euermore keeping this in our hearts that Christ suffered not for himself but for our offences which were the proper cause of all his woe and miserie And as Christs passion was grieuous and bitter vnto him so should our sinnes likewise bee grieuous and bitter vnto vs let vs alwaies remember this otherwise we shall neuer reape any sound benefit by the passion of Christ. Againe the passion of Christ is a notable meanes to stirre vp in our hearts a purpose and a care to reforme our selues and liue in holines and newnes of life on this manner Hath the sonne of God so mercifully dealt with me as to suffer the curse of the whole lawe for my manifolde iniquities and to deliuer me from iust and deserued damnation yea no doubt he hath I am resolued of it if I should go on in mine old course I should be the most ingratefull of all creatures to this my louing Sauiour I will therefore by his grace returne and reforme my life And in this very point of reformation the passion of Christ is set before vs as a most liuely patterne and example to followe For as much saith S. Peter as Christ hath suffered for vs in the flesh arme your s●lues likewise with the same minde which is that he which hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sinne Where he teacheth that there must be in vs a spirituall passion answerable to the passion of Christ. For as his enemies did lade him with miseries euen to the death of the crosse so should we lade our owne flesh that is the corruption of our natures with all such meanes as may subdue and weaken crucifie and kill it To the doing of this three things especially are required First we must consider that the corruption of our rebebellious natures is like the great and mightie Goliah and the grace of God which we receiue like young and little Dauid and therefore if wee desire that grace should preuaile against corruption we must disarme the strong man and strippe him of all his weapons
which is done by giuing all the members of our bodies to be instruments of the seruice of God in righteosnesse and holinesse Secondly we must indeauour to keepe in the corruption of nature as it were choking and smothering it in the heart that by it neither the world nor the deuill preuaile against vs. And this must be done by hauing a narrowe regard vnto all the powers and faculties of bodie and soule setting a watch before our eies eares lippes and all other parts of the bodie that are in any action the instrumentes of the soule and aboue all as Salomon saith by countergarding the heart with all diligence By the outward senses of the bodie as through open windowes the deuill creeps into the heart and therefore our dutie is to stoppe all such waies of entrance Thirdly when original corruption begins to rebel either in the minde will or any of the affections then must we drawe out the sword of the spirit which is the word of God and incounter with that hydeous gyant laying loade vpon him by the iudgements and threatnings of the lawe and as it were beating him downe with clubbes as Paul speaketh And if it fall out that concupiscence begin to conceiue and bring forth any sinne we must cruise it in the head and dash it against the ground as a bird in the shell least it grow vp to our vtter confusion These are the duties which wee should learne by the passion of Christ. But lamentable are our daies in which all for the most part goes contrarie for commonly men are so farre from killing and subduing the rebellion of the naturall concupiscence that all their studie and care is howe they may feede and cherish it and make it stronger then the mightie Goliah But let vs for our parts be conformable to Christ in his passion suffering in our flesh as he suffered in bodie and soule for And let vs daily more and more by the hand of faith apprehend and apply to our hearts and consciences the passion of Christ that it may as a fretting corasiue eate out the poison of our sinfull natures and consume it Nowe followeth the second point concerning the passion of Christ which is vnder whome he suffered namely vnder Pontius Pilate And Christ may be saide to suffer vnder him in two respects First because he was then the president of Iurie For a little before the birth of Christ the kingdome of the Iewes was taken away by the Romane Emperour and reduced into a Prouince and Pontius Pilate was placed ouer the Iewes not as king but as the Romane Emperours deputie And this circumstance is noted in the history of the Gospell and here specified in the Creed to shewe that the Messias was exhibited in the time foretold by the Prophets Iacob foretold that Shilo must be borne after the scepter is remooued from Iudah Isaiah saith that the family of Ishai shall be worne as it were to the roote before Christ as a braunch shall spring out of it Againe Christ suffered vnder Pontius Pilate as he was a iudge whereby we are giuen to vnderstand of a wonder namely that Christ the sonne of God King of heauen and earth was arraigned at the barre of an earthly iudge and there condemned For thus much the words in meaning import that Pontius Pilate sate as iudge vpon Christ to examine him to arraigne him and giue sentence against him Wherefore before wee come to speake of the degrees of the passion of Christ we must needs intreat of his arraignment vpon earth In handling whereof we must generally consider these points First that when he was arraigned before Pilate he was not as a priuate man but as a pledge and surety that stood in the place and stead of vs miserable sinners as the Prophet Isaiah saith He bare our infirmities and carried our sorrowes and withall in him was mankind arraigned before God Secondly this arraignment was made not priuately in a corner but openly in the publike court and that in a great feast of the Iewes as it were in the hearing of the whole world Thirdly though Pilate in citing examining and condemning Christ intended not to worke any part of mans redemption yet was this wholly set downe in the counsell and good pleasure of God in whose roome Pilate sate and whose iudgement he exercised The generall vse of Christs arraignment is two-fold First it is a terrour to all impenitent sinners for there is no freedome or protection from the iudgement of God but by the arraignment of Christ and therefore such as in this life receiue him not by faith must at the ende of this world be brought out to the most terrible barre of the last iudgement there to be arraigned before the King of heauen and earth And marke the equitie hereof Christ himselfe could not haue beene our Sauiour and redeemer vnlesse he had bin brought out to the barre of an earthly iudge and arraigned as a guilty malefactour and therefore there is no man vpon earth that liues and dies out of Christ but he must whether he will or no hold vp his hand at the barre of the great iudge of all mankind where he shall see hell vnderneath him burning redde hotte and opening it selfe wide to swallow him vp and on the right hand of God standing all the Prophets Apostles and Saints of God giuing iudgement against him on the left hand the deuill and all his angels accusing him and within him a guilty conscience condemning him And thus one day shal the arraignment of those persons be that with full purpose of heart cleaue not to Christ and yet alas huge and infinite is the number of those which make more account of transitorie and earthly matters euen of their pigges with the Gaderens then of him and his benefits and such persons should rather be pitied then despised of vs all considering their estate is such that euery day they are going as traytours pinnioned to their owne iudgement that they may goe thence to eternall execution Secondly Christs arraignment is a comfort to the godly For he was arraigned before Pilate that all such as truly beleeue in him might not be arraigned before God at the day of the last iudgement he was accused before an earthly iudge that they might be cleared and excused before the heauenly iudge lastly he was here condemned on earth that we might receiue the sentence of absolution and be eternally saued in heauen The arraignment of Christ hath three parts his apprehension his accusation his condemnation In the apprehension we must consider two things the dealing of Christ and the dealing of Iudas and the Iewes The dealing and proceeding of Christ was this when he saw that the time of his apprehension and death was neere he solemnly prepared himselfe thereto And his example must teach euery one of vs who know not the shortnesse of our daies euery houre to prepare our selues against the day
of death that thē we may be found readie of the Lord. What shall the Sonne of God himselfe make preparation to his owne death and shall not we most miserable sinners doe the same who stand in need of a thousand preparations more then he wherefore let vs continually thinke with our selues that euery present day is the last day of our life that so we may addresse our selues to death againe the next day The first thing which Christ doth in this preparation is to make ●hoice of the place in which he was to be apprehended as will appeare by conferring the Euangelists together S. Matthew saith he went to the place called Gethsemane S. Luke saith he went to the mount of Oliues as he was accustomed And that we might not imagine that Christ did this that he might escape and hide himselfe from the Iewes S. Iohn saith that Iudas which betraied him knew the place because oftentimes he resorted thither with his Disciples whereas if he had feared apprehension he would haue rather gone aside to some other secret and vnwonted place This then is the first point to be considered that Christ knowing the time of his owne death to be at hand doth willingly of his owne accord resort to such a place in which his enemies in all likelihood might easily finde him and haue fit opportunitie to attach him For if he should haue still remained in Ierusalem the Scribes and Pharises durst not haue enterprised his apprehension because of the people whome they feared but out of the citie in the garden all occasion of feare is cut off By this it is manifest that Christ yeelded himselfe to death willingly and not of constraint and vnlesse his sufferings had bin voluntarie on his part they could neuer haue bin a satisfaction to Gods iustice for our sinnes Here a question offereth it selfe to be considered whether a man may lawfully flie in danger and persequution seeing Christ himselfe doth not Answ. When good meanes of flying and iust occasion is offered it is lawfull to flie When the Iewes sought to kill Paul at Damascus the Disciples tooke him by night and put him through the wall and let him downe in a basket to escape their hands When Moses was called by God to deliuer the Israelites after he had slaine the Egyptian and the fact was knowne and Pharao sought to kill him for it he fledde to the land of Madian And our Sauiour Christ sundrie times when he was to be stoned and otherwaies hurt by the Iewes withdrew himselfe from among them It is lawfull then to flie in persecution these caueats obserued First if a man finde not himselfe sufficiently strengthened to beare the crosse Secondly his departure must be agreeable to the generall calling of a Christian seruing to the glorie of God and the good of his brethren and the hurt of none Thirdly there must be freedome at the least for a time from the bond of a mans particular calling If he be a Magistrate he must be freed from ruling if a Minister from preaching and teaching otherwaies he may not flie And in this respect Christ who did withdraw himselfe at other times would not flie at this time because the houre of his suffering was come wherein he intended most willingly to submit himselfe to the good pleasure and will of his father The second part of the preparation is the praier which Christ made vnto his father in the garden And herein his example doth teach vs earnestly to pray vnto God against the danger of imminent death and the temptations which are to come And if Christ who was without sinne and had the spirit aboue measure had need to pray then much more haue we need to be watchfull in all kinde of praiers who are laden with the burden of sinne and compassed about with manifold impediments and dangerous enemies In this prayer sundrie points worthie our marking are to be considered The first who praied Answ. Christ the Sonne of God but still we must remember the distinction of natures of their operations in one and the same Christ he praieth not in his Godhead but according to his manhood The second is for whome he praieth Ans. Some haue thought that this and all other his prayers were made for his mysticall bodie the Church but the truth is he now praies for himselfe yet not as he was God for the Godhead feeles no want but as he was a man abased in the forme of a seruant and that for two causes First in that he was a man he was a creature and in that respect was to performe homage to God the creator Secondly as he was man he put on the infirmities of our nature and thereupon praied that he might haue strength and power in his manhoode to support him in bearing the whole brunt of the passion to come The third point is to whome he praied Answ. To the father neither must this trouble vs as though Christ in praying to the father should pray to himselfe because he is one and the same God with him For though in essence they admit no distinction yet in person or in the proper manner of subsisting they doe The Father is one person the Sonne an other therefore as the father saying from heauen This is my welbeloued Sonne spake not to himselfe but to the Sonne so againe the Sonne when he praieth he praies not to himselfe but to the Father The fourth point what was the particular cause of his prayer Ans. His agonie in which his soule was heauie vnto death not because he feared bodily death but because the malediction of the law euen the very heate of the furie and indignation of God was poured forth vpon him wherewith he was affected and troubled as if it had beene defiled with the sinnes of the whol world And this appeares first by the words whereby the Euangelists expresse the agonie of Christ which signifie exceeding great sorrow and griefe secondly by his dolefull complaint to his Disciples in the garden My soule is heauie vnto the death thirdly by his feruent praier thrise repeated full of dolefull passions fourthly by the comming of an Angel to comfort him fifthly by his bloodie sweat the like whereof was neuer heard And herein lies the difference betweene Christs agonie and the death of Martyrs he put on the guilt of all our sinnes they in death are freed from the same he was left to himselfe void of comfort they in the middest of their afflictions feele the vnspeakable comfort of the holy Ghost and therefore we neede not meruaile why Christ should pray against death which neuerthelesse his members haue receiued and borne most ioyfully Againe this most bitter agonie of Christ is the ground of all our reioycing and the cause why Paul biddes all the faithfull in the person of the Philippians to reioyce alwaies in the Lord and againe to reioyce And here we are further taught that when we are
of their soules But some thinke rather that this potion was to shorten and ende his torments quickly Some of vs may peraduenture thinke hardly of the Iewes for giuing so bitter a potion of Christ at the time of his death but the same doth euery sinner that repenteth not For whensoeuer wee sinne we doe as much as temper a cup of gall or the poison of aspes and as it were giue it to God to drinke for so God himselfe compareth the sinne of the wicked Iewes to poyson saying There vine is of the vine of Sodom and of the vines of Gomorrha their grapes are grapes of gall their clusters be bitter their wine is the poison of dragons and the cruell gall of aspes And for this cause we ought to thinke as hardly of our selues as of the Iewes because so oft as we commit any offence against God we doe as much as mingle ranke poison and bring it to Christ to drink Now afterward when this cup was giuen him he tasted of it but dranke not because he was willing to suffer all things that his father had appointed him to suffer on the crosse without any shortening or lessening of his paine Thus we see in what manner Christ was brought ●orth to the place of execution Now followeth his crucifying Christ in the prouidence of God was to be crucified for two causes one that the ●igures of the old testament might be accomplished and verified For the heaue-offering lifted vp and shaked from the right hand to the left and the brasen serpent erected vpon a pole in the wildernesse prefigured the exalting of Christ vpon the crosse The second that we might in conscience be resolued that Christ became vnder the law and suffered the curse thereof for vs and bare in his owne bodie and soule the extremitie of the wrath of God for our offences And though other kinds of punishments were notes of the curse of God as stoning and such like yet was the death of the crosse in speciall manner aboue the rest accursed not by the nature of the punishment not by the opinions of men not by the ciuill lawes of countries and kingdomes but by the vertue of a particular commandement of God foreseeing what maner of death Christ our redeemer should die And hereupon among the Iewes in all ages this kind of punishment hath beene branded with speciall ignominie as Paul signifieth when he saith He abased himselfe to the death euen to the death of the crosse and it hath beene allotted as a most grieuous punishment to most notorious malefactours If it be said that the repentant thiefe vpon the crosse dyed the same death with Christ and yet was not accursed the answer is that in regard of his offences he deserued the curse and was actually accursed and the signe of this was the death which he suffered and that in his owne confession but because he repented his sinnes were pardoned and the curse remooued It may further be said that crucifying was not knowne in Moses daies and therefore not accursed by any speciall commandement of God in Deuteronomie Answ. Moses indeede speakes nothing in particular of crucifying yet neuerthelesse he doth include the same vnder the generall For if euery one which hangs vpon a tree be accursed then he also which is crucified for crucifying is a particular kinde of hanging on the tree Lastly it may be alleadged that Christ in his death could not be accursed by the law of Moses becavse he was no malefactour Answ. Though in regard of himselfe he was no sinner yet as he was our suretie he became sinne for vs and consequently the curse of the law for vs in that the curse euery way due vnto vs by imputation and application was made his Furthermore Christ was crucified not after the manner of the Iewes who vsed to hang malefactours vpon a tree binding them thereto with cords and that when they were dead but after the vsuall maner of the Romanes his bodie being partly nayled to the crosse and partly in the nayling extreamely racked otherwise I see not but that a man might remaine many daies togither aliue vpon the crosse And here we haue occasion to remēber that the Papists who are so deuout and zealous towardes crucifixes are farre deceiued in the making of them For first of all the crosse was made of three pieces of wood one fastened vpright in the ground to which the bodie back leaned the second fastened towards the top of the first ouerthwart to which the hāds were nailed the third fastened towards the bottome of the first on which the feete were set and nailed whereas contrariwise popish caruers and painters fasten both the feet of the crosse to the first secondly the feete of Christ were nailed asunder with two distinct nailes and not nailed one vpon another with one naile alone as Papists imagine and that to the very bodie of the crosse for then the souldiers could not haue broken both the legges of the theeues but onely the outmost because one of them lay vpon the other Let vs now come to the vse which may be made of the crucifying of Christ. First of all here we learne with bitternesse to bewaile our sinnes for Christ was thus cruelly nailed on the crosse and there suffered the whole wrath of God not for any offence that euer he committed but beeing our pledge and suretie vnto God he suffered all for vs and therefore iust cause haue we to mourne for our offences which brought our Sauiour Christ to this lowe estate If a man should be so farre in debt that he could not be freed vnlesse the suretie should be cast into prison for his sake nay which is more be cruelly put to death for his debt it would make him at his wits end and his very heart to bleed And so is the case with vs by reason of our sinnes we are Gods debters yea bankrupts before him yet haue we gotten a good suretie euen the son of God himselfe who to recouer vs to our former libertie was crucified for the discharge of our debt And therefore good cause haue we to bewaile our estate euery day as by the prophet it is said They shall looke on him whome they haue pearced they shall l●ment for him as one mourneth for his owne sonne they shall be ●orie for him as one is sorie for his first borne Looke as the blood followed the nailes that were stricken through the blessed hands and feete of Christ so should the meditation of the crosse and passion of our Redeemer be as it were nayles and speares to pierce vs that our hearts might bleed for our sinnes and we are not to thinke more hardly of the Iewes for crucifying him then of our selues because euen by our sinnes we also crucified him These are the very nayles which pierce his hands and feete and these are the speares which pierce through his side For the losse
his keeper and said Into thy handes O Lord do I commend my spirit Nowe our Sauiour Christ being in the like distresse both by reason of the Iewes who euery way sought his final destruction confusion especially because he felt the full wrath of God seazing vpon him doth make choice of Dauids words and apply them to himselfe in his distresse And by his example was are taught not onely to reade the generall history of the bible but also to obserue the things commanded and forbidden and to apply the same vnto our selues and to our particular estates and dealings whatsoeuer thus the prophet Dauid saith God! How can this be for no part of Scripture penned before the daies of Dauid saith thus of him True indeede but as I take it Dauids meaning is that he read the booke of the lawe and found generall precepts and commandements giuen to Kings and Princes that they should keepe all the ordinances and commandements of God which he beeing a King applyes particularly to his owne person and thereupon saith In the volume of the booke it is written of me c. And this dutie is well practised by the people of God at this day for the Psalmes of Dauid were penned according to the estate of the Church in his time and in these daies the Church of God doeth sing the same with the same spirit that Dauid did and doth apply their seueral estates and conditions Nowe in that Christ commends his soule into the handes of his father hee doth it to testifie that he died not by constraint but willingly and by his own practise he doth teach vs to do the like namly to giue vp our own soules into the hands of god because this dutie is of some difficultie we must obserue three motiues or preparatiues which may induce vs to the better doing of it The first is to consider that God the father of Christ is the creatour of our soules and therefore he is called the father of spirits And if he be a creatour of them then is he also a faithfull preseruer of them For sure it is that God will preserue his owne workemanship Who is or can be so carefull for the ornament preseruation of any worke as the craftes-master and shall not God be more carefull then man Wherefore S. Peter exhorteth vs to committe our soules vnto God as vnto a faithfull creatour The second motiue is this wee must looke to be resolued in our consciences that ●od the father of Christ is our father euery man for himselfe must labour to haue the assurance of the pardon of his owne sinnes and that the corruption of his soule bee washed away in the blood of Christ that he may say I am iustified sanctified and adopted by Christ. And when any man can say thus he shall be most desirous and willing to commit his soule into the handes of God This was the reason which mooued Christ to lay down his soule into the handes of God because he is his father The third motiue or preparatiue is a continuall experience obseruation of Gods loue and fauour towards vs in keeping and preseruing him as appeares by Dauids example Into thy hands saith he I commit my soule for thou hast redeemed me O thou God of trueth The time when we are specially to commend our soules into the hand of God is first of all the time of any affliction or danger This was the time whē Dauid commended his soule into the hands of God in the Psalme before named We knowe that in any common danger or perill as the sacking of a citty or burning of an house if a man haue any pretious iewell therein he will first fetch that out and make choise of a faithfull friende to whose custodie he will commit the same euen so in cōmon perils and daungers we must alwaies remember to commit our soules as a most pretious iewell into the handes of God who is a faithfull creatour Another more speciall and necessarie time of practising this dutie is the houre of death as here Christ doth and Steuen who when the Iewes stoned him to death called on God and said Lord Iesus receiue my spirit And as this dutie is very requisite and necessarie at all times so most especially in the houre of death beca●se the danger is great by reason that Satan will then chiefely assault vs and the guilt of sinne will especially then wound the conscience Lastly at al times we must commit our soules into Gods handes for though we be not alwaies in afflictio● yet we are alwaies in great danger and when a man lieth downe to rest he knoweth not whether he shall rise againe or no and when he ariseth he knoweth not whether hee shall lie downe againe Yea at this very houre we knowe not what will befall the next And great are the comforts which arise by the practise of this dutie When Dauid was in great danger of his life and his owne people would haue stoned him because their hearts were vexed for their sonnes and daughters which the Amalekites had taken it is said hee comforted himselfe in the Lord his God And the practise of Paul in this case is most excellent for the which cause saith he I suffer those things but I am not ashamed for I knowe whome I haue beleeued and I am perswaded that hee is able to ke●pe that which I haue committed vnto him again●t that day This worthie seruant of God had committed his life and soule into Gods hand and therefore he saith In all my sufferings I am not ashamed where we see that if a man haue grace in his life-time to commit his soule into Gods hand it will make him bold euen at the point of death And this must be a motiue to cause euery man daily and hourely to lay downe his soule into the handes of God although by the course of nature he may liue twentie or fourtie yeares longer But howsoeuer this dutie be both necessarie and comfortable yet few there be that practise the same Men that haue children are very carefull and diligent to bring them vp vnder some mans tuition if they haue cattel sheep or oxen they prouide keepers to tend them but in the meane season for their owne soules they haue no care they may sinke or swimme or doe what they will This shewes the wonderfull blindnes or rather madnesse of men in the world that haue more care for their cattell then for their owne soules but as Christ hath taught vs by his example so let euery one of vs in the feare of God learne to commit our soules into the hand of God Againe in that Christ layes downe his owne soule and withall the soules of all the faithfull into the hands of the father we further learne three things The first that the soule of man doth not vanish away as the soules of beasts and other creatures there is g●eat difference
betweene them for when the beast dieth his soule dieth also but the soule of man is immortall The consideration whereof must moooue euery man aboue all things in this world to be careful for his soule if it were to vanish away at the day of death as the soule of beasts doe the neglect thereof were no great matter but seeing it must liue for euer either in eternall ioy or else in endlesse paines and torments it stands vs vpon euery man for himselfe so to prouide for his soule in this life that at the day of death when it shall depart from his bodie it may liue in eternall ioy and happinesse The second that there is an especiall and particular prouidence of God because the particular soule of Christ is committed into the hands of his father and so answerably the soules of euery one of the faithfull are The third that euery one which beleeues himselfe to be a member of Christ must be willing to die when God shall call him thereunto For when we die in Christ the bodie is but laid asleepe and the soule is receiued into the hands of a most lo●ing God and mercifull father as the soule of Christ was Lastly whereas Christ surrendring his soule into his fathers hands calls it a spirit we note that the soule of man is a spirit that is a spirituall inuisible simple essence without composition created as the angels of God are The question whether the soule of a childe come from the soule of the parents as the bodie doth come from their bodies may easily be resolued For the soule of man beeing a spirit can not beget another spirit as the angels beeing spirituall doe not beget angels for one spirit begetteth not an other Nay which is more one simple element begetteth not an other as the water begetteth not water nor aire begetteth aire and therefore much lesse can one soule beget an other Againe if the soule of the child come from the soule of the parents then there is a propagation of the whole soule of the parent or of some part thereof If it be saide that the whole soule of the parents is propagated then the parents should want their owne soules and could not liue If it be said that a part of the parents soule is propagated I answere● that the soule being a spirit or a simple substance cannot be parted and therefore it is the safest to conclude that the bodie indeede is of the bodie of the p●rents and that the soule of man while the bodie is in making is created of nothing and for this very cause God is called the father of spirits Thus much of the crucifying of Christ nowe followeth his death For hauing laid downe his soule into the hands of his father the holy Ghost saith he gaue vp the ghost to giue vs to vnderstand that his death was no fantasticall but a reall death in that his bodie and soule were ●euered as truely as when any of vs die In treating of Christs death we must consider many points The first that it was needfull that he should die and that for two causes First to satisfie Gods iustice for sinne is fo odious a thing in Gods sight that he will punish it with an extreame punishment therefore Christ standing in our roome must not onely suffer the mi●eries of this life but also die on the crosse that the very extremitie of punishment which wee should haue borne might bee laid on him and so we in Christ might fully satisfie Gods iustice for the wages of sinne is death Secondly Christ died that he might fulfill the trueth of Gods word which had said that man for eating the forbidden fruit should die the death The properties of Christs death are two the first that it was a volūtarie and willing death the second that it was a cursed death For the first whereas I say Christs death was voluntarie I meane that Christ died willingly and of his owne free accord gaue vp himselfe to suffer vpon the crosse Howsoeuer the Iewes did arraigne and condemne and crucifie him yet if hee had not willed his own death and of his free accord giuen himselfe to die not the Iewes nor all the whole worlde could euer haue taken away his life from him He died not by constraint or compulsion but most willingly and therefore hee saith No man taketh my life from me but I saith he lay it downe of my selfe I haue power to lay it downe and haue power to take it againe And our Sauiour Christ gaue euident tokens hereof in his death for then Iesus cried with a loud voice and gaue vp the ghost Ordinarily men that die on the crosse lāguish away by little little before they come to yeeld vp their liues they loose their speech and onely rattle or make a noise in the throate but Christ at that very instant when he was to giue vp the ghost cried with a loud voice which sheweth plainely that he in his death was more then a conquerour ouer death And therefore to giue all men a token of his power and to shewe that he died voluntarily it pleased him to crie with a loud voice And this made the Centurion to say that he was the Sonne of God Againe Christ died not as other men doe because they first giue vp the ghost and then lay their heads aside but he in token that his death was voluntarie first laies his head aside after the manner of a dead man and then afterward giues vp the ghost Lastly Christ died sooner then men are wont to doe vpon the crosse and this was the cause that made Pilate wonder that he was so soone dead Now this came to passe not because he was loath to suffer the extremitie of death but because he would make it manifest to all men that he had power to die or not to die And indeede this is our comfort that Christ died not for vs by constraint but willingly of his owne accord And as Christs death was voluntarie so was it also an accursed death and therefore it is called the death of the crosse And it containeth the first and the second death the first is the separation of the bodie from the soule the second is the separation of bodie and soule from God and both were in Christ for beside the bodily death hee did in soule apprehend the wrath of God due to man for sinne and that made him crie My God my God why hast thou forsaken me And here wee must not omitte a necessarie point namely how farre foorth Christ suffered death Answere Some thinke that hee suffered onely a bodily death and such paines as followe the dissolution of nature but they no doubt come to short for why should Christ haue feared death so greatly if it had beene nothing but the dissolution of nature Some againe thinke that he died not onely the first but also the second death but it may
bee they goe to farre for if to die the first death bee to suffer a totall separation of bodie and soule then also to die the second death is wholly and euerie way to bee seuered from all fauour of God and at the least for a time to bee oppressed of the same death as the damned are Nowe this neuer befell Christ no not in the middest of his sufferinges considering that euen then he was able to call God his God Therefore the safest is to follow the meane namely that Christ died the first death in that his bodie and soule were really and wholly seuered yet without suffering any corruption in his bodie which is the effect and fruit of the same that withall he further suffered the extreame horrours and pangs of the second death not dying the same death nor being forsaken of God more then in his own apprehension or feeling For in the very middest of his sufferings the father was well pleased with him And this which I say doth not any whit lesson the sufficiencie of the merit of Christ for whereas he suffered truely the very wrath of God and the very torments of the damned in his soule it is as much as if all the men in the worlde had died the second death and had bin wholly cut off from God for euer and euer And no doubt Christ died the first death onely suffering the pangs of the second that the first death might be an entrance not to the second death which is eternall damnation but a passage to life eternall The benefits and comforts which arise by the death of Christ are specially foure The first is the change of our naturall death I say not the taking of it away for we must all die but whereas by nature death is a curse of God vpon man for eating the forbidden fruite by the death of Christ it is changed from a curse into a blessing and is made as it were a middle way and entrance to cōuaigh men out of this worlde into the kingdome of glorie in heauen and therefore it is said Christ by his death hath deliuered them from the feare of death which all the daies of their liues were subiect to bondage A man that is to encounter with a scorpion if he knowe that it hath a sting he may be dismaied but beeing assured that the sting is taken away he neede not feare to encounter therewith Nowe death in his owne nature considered is this scorpion armed with a sting but Christ our Sauiour by his death hath pulled out the sting of our death and on the crosse triumphantly saith O death where is thy sting O graue where is thy victory and therefore euen then when wee feele the pangs of death approch wee should not feare but conceiue hope considering that our death is altered and changed by the vertue of the death of Christ. Secondly the death of Christ hath quite taken away the second death from those that are in Christ as Paul saith There is no no condemnation to them which are in Christ Iesus which walke not after the flesh but after the spirit Thirdly the death of Christ is a meanes to ratisie his last will and testament For this cause was Christ the Mediatour of the newe testament that through death which was for the redemption of the transgressions which were in the former testament they which were called might receiue the promise of the eternall inheritance For where a testament is there must be the death of him that made the testament for the testament is confirmed when men are dead for it is yet of no force as long as he is aliue that made it And therefore the death of Christ doth make his last wil and testament which is his couenant of grace authentical vnto vs. Fourthly the death of Christ doth serue to abolish the originall corruption of our sinnefull hearts As a strong corasiue laid to a sore eates out all the rotten and dead flesh euen so Christs death being applyed to the heart of a penitent sinner by faith weakens and consumes the sinne that cleaues so fast vnto our natures and dwells within vs. Some will say howe can Christs death which now is not because it is long agoe past and ended kill sinne in vs nowe Answ. Indeede if we regard the act of Christs death it is past but the vertue and power thereof endureth for euer And the power of Christs death is nothing els but the power of his Godhead which inabled him in his death to ouercome hell the graue death and condemnation and to disburden himselfe of our sinnes Nowe when we haue grace to denie our selues and to put our trust in Christ by faith are ioyned to him thē as Christ himselfe by the power of his godhead ouercame death hell and damnation in himselfe so shall wee by the same power of his godhead kill and crucifie sinne corruption in our selues Therefore seeing we reape such benefit by the death of Christ if wee will shewe our selues to bee Christians let vs reioyce in the death of Christ and if the question bee what is the chiefest thing wherein wee reioyce in this world we may answer the very crosse of Christ yea the verie least drop of his blood The duties to be learned by the death of Christ are two the first concernes all ignorant and impen●tent sinners Such men whatsoeuer they be by the death of Christ vpon the crosse must be mooued to turne from their sinnes and if the consideration hereof will not mooue them nothing in the world will By nature euery man is a vassall of sinne and a bondslaue of Satan the deuill raignes and rules in al men by nature and we our selues can do nothing but serue and obey him Nay which is more we liue vnder the fearefull curse of God for the least sinne Well now see the loue of the sonne of God that gaue himselfe willingly to death vpon the crosse for thee● that he might free thee from this most feareful bondage Wherfore let all those that liue in sin ignorāce reason thus with thēselues Hath Christ the son of god done this for vs and shal we yet liue in our sinnes hath he set open as it were the ve●ie gates of hell and shall we yet lie weltring in our damnable waies and in the shadowe of death In the feare of God let the death of Christ be a meanes to turne vs to Christ if it can not mooue vs let vs be resolued that our case is dangerous To goe yet further in this point euery one of vs is by nature a sicke man wounded at the very heart by Satan though we feele it not yet we are deadly sicke and beholde Christ is the good phisitian of the soule and none in heauen or earth neither Saint angel nor man can heale this our spirituall wound but he alone who though he were equall with the Father yet he came downe from his
bosome and became man and liued here many yeares in miserie and contempt and when no hearbe nor plaister could cure this our deadly wound or desperat sicknesse he was content to make a plaister with his owne blood the paine he tooke in making it caused him to sweate water and blood nay the making of it for vs cost him his life in that he was content by his owne death to free vs from death which if it be true as it is most true then wofull wretched is our case if we will still liue in sinne and will not vse meanes to lay this plaister vnto our hearts And after the plaister is applyed to the soule wee should do as a man that hath bin grieuously sick who when he is on the mending hand gets strength by little and little And so should we become newe creatures going on from grace to grace and shew the same by liuing godlily righteously and soberly that the worlde may see that we are cured of our spirituall disease O happie yea thrice happie are they that haue grace from god to doe this The second dutie concernes them which are repentant sinners Hath Christ giuen himselfe for thee and is thy conscience setled in this then thou must answerably beare this mind and if thy life would serue for the glory of God and the good of his Church thou wouldst then giue it most willingly if thou be called thereto Secondly if Christ for thy good hath giuen his life then thou must in like maner be content to die for thy brethren in Christ if neede be He● saith Saint Iohn laid downe his life for vs therefore we● ought to lay downe our liues for our brethren Thirdly if Christ was content to shedde his owne heart blood not for himselfe but for the sinnes of euerie one of vs then we must be thus affected that rather then by sinning wee would willingly offend God we should be content to haue our own blood shed yea if these two things were put to our choise either to doe that which might displease God or els to suffer death● wee must rather die then doe the same Of this minde haue beene all the Martyrs of God who rather then they would yeeld to Idolatrie were content to suffer most bitter torments and cruell death Yea euery good Christian is so affected that he had rather choose to die then to liue not mooued by impatience in respect of the mis●ries of this life but because hee would cease to offend so louing a father To sinne is meate and drinke to the worlde but to a touched and repentant heart there is no torment so grieuou● as this is to sinne against God if once he bee perswaded that Christ died for him Thus much for Christs death nowe followe those things which befell Christ when he was newely dead and they are two especially The first that his legges were not broken as the legges of the two theeues were Of the first S. Iohn r●ndreth a reason namely that the Scripture might be fulfilled which saith not a bone of him shal be broken which wordes were spoken by Moses of the paschall lambe and are here applied to Christ as beeing typically figured thereby And hence we obserue these two things First that Christ crucified is the true paschall lambe as S. Paul saith Christ our passeouer is sacrificed and S. Iohn saith Behold the lambe of God distinguishing him thereby from the typicall lambe In this that Christ crucified is the true paschall lambe the childe of God hath wonderfull matter of comfort The Israelites did eate the passeouer in Egypt sprinkled the blood of the lambe on the posts of their dores that when the angel of God came to destroy the first borne both of man and beast and saw the blood vpon their houses might passe ouer them that the plague should not be vpon them to destruction So likewise if thou dost feed on the lambe of God and by a liuely faith sprinkle the dore of thine heart with his bloode the iudgements of God in this life and the terrible curse of death with the fearefull sentence of condemnation at the day of iudgement and all punishments due vnto thy sinnes shall passe ouer thee and not so much as touch thee And whereas the legges of our Sauiour Christ were not broken by the souldiours who sought by all meanes possible to worke against him all the mischiefe they could we may note that the enemies of Christ and his Church let them intend to shew neuer so much malice against him they can not goe beyond that libertie which God giueth them they can doe no more for their liues then that which God willeth The Medes and Persians are called the Lords sanctified ones Cyrus is called the man of Gods counsell because whatsoeuer they intended against the people of God yet in all their proceedings they did nothing but that which God had determined before to be done And when Senacherib came against the Iewes as a wilde beast out of his denne the Lord telleth Hezekiah concerning Ashur that he will put his hooke in his nostrills and his bridle in his lippes and bring him backe againe the same way he came that is he will so rule him that he shall not doe the least hurt vnto the Iewes more then God will This is a matter of great comfort to Gods church oppressed with manifold enemies Papists Iewes Turks and all infidels malitiously bent against it for Christs sake For though they intend and practise mischiefe yet more then Gods will and counsell is they can not doe because he hath his ring in their nostrils and his bridle in their lippes to rule them as he listeth The second thing which fell out immediately vpon the death of Christ is that the souldiours pearced his side with a speare and thence issued water and blood The vse which ariseth of this point is two-fold first it serues to prooue that Christ died truly and not in shew or a fained death for there is about the heart a filme or skinne like vnto a purse wherein is contained cleare water to coole the heat of the heart and therefore when water and bloode issued out after piercing of the side it is very likely that that very skinne was pierced for els in reason we can not coniecture whence this water should come Saint Iohn an eye-witnes of this thing beeing about to prooue that Iesus the sonne of Marie was the true Messias bringeth in sixe witnesses three in heauen the Father the Word and the holy Ghost three in earth the Water the Spirit and the blood where no doubt he alludeth to the water and blood that issued out of the side of Christ by spirit we may vnderstand the efficacie and operation of Gods spirit making men to bring forth the fruits of the same as loue peace ioy c. And the second witnes namely water hath relation to the water that
came forth of Christs side which signifieth the inward washing away of sinne and the purging of the heart by Christs blood which also is and was signified by the outward washing of the bodie with water in baptisme The third witnes he calls blood alluding to the blood that issued out of Christs side whereby is signified the expiation or satisfaction made to Gods iustice for mans sinne The same vse had the ceremoniall sprinkling in the old testament typically signifying the sprinkling of Christs blood Now these three witnesses are not to be sought for in heauen but euery Christian man must search for them in his owne heart and conscience and there shall he finde them in some measure And this water and blood flowing out of the side of Christ beeing now dead signifieth that he is our iustification and sanctification euen after his death and that out of his death springs our life and therfore as Eue was made of a ribbe taken out of the side of Adam so springs the Church out of the blood that flowes out of the side of the second Adam Hauing thus intreated of Christs execution let vs now come to the last point namely the excellencie of Christs passion cōsisting in these two points I. a Sacrifice II. a triumph For the first when Christ died he offered a propitiatorie and reall sacrifice to his father and herein his death and passion differeth from the sufferings and deaths of all men whatsoeuer In this sacrifice we must consider foure things I. who was the priest II. what was the sacrifice III. what was the altar IV. the time wherein this sacrifice was offered The priest was Christ himselfe as the author of the epistles to the Hebrewes prooues at large from the third chap. to the 9. and of him we are to consider these foure points The first what is the office of Christs priesthood Ans. The office of Christs priesthood stands in three things I. to teach doctrine and therefore he is called the high priest of our profession that is of the Gospel which we professe because he is the author and Doctour of the same II. to offer vp himselfe vnto his father in the behalf of man for the appeasing of his wrath for sinne III. to make request or intercession to God the father that he would accept the sacrifice which he offered on the crosse for vs. The second point is According to which nature he was a priest whether in his manhood or in his godhead or both togither Ans. The office of his priesthood is performed by him according to both his natures and therefore he is a priest not as the Papists would haue him according to his manhood onely but as he is both God and man for as he is a Mediatour so is he a priest but Christ is a Mediatour according to both natures each nature doing that which is peculiar to it conferring something to the worke of redemption and therfore he is a priest as he is both God and man The third point After what order he is a priest Ans. The Scripture mentioneth two orders of priests the order of Leui and the order of Melchisedeck Christ was not a priest after the order of Aaron and yet notwithstanding in that priesthood were many notable rites whereby the priesthoode of our Sauiour Christ was resembled and we may note fiue especially First in the annointing of the high priests as of Aaron and his sonnes after him oile was poured on his head and it ran down to the very edge of his garments whereby was signified that Christ the true high priest was annointed with the oyle of gladnesse aboue his fellowes that is that his manhoode was filled with the gifts and graces of God both in measure number and degree aboue all men and angels Secondly the sumptuous and gorgious apparell which the high Priest put on when he came into the sanctuarie was a signe of the rich and glorious robe of Christs righteousnesse which is the puritie and integritie of his humane nature and of his life Thirdly the speciall parts of the high Priests attire were first the Ephod the two shoulders whereof had two onyx stones whereon were engrauen the names of the twelue tribes of Israel sixe names on the one stone and sixe on the other as stones of remembrance of the children of Israel to God ward secondly the brestplate of iudgement like the worke of the Ephod wherein were set twelue stones according to the names of the children of Israel grauen as signets euery one after his name Now by these two ornaments were figured two things in Christ by the first that he carries all the Elect on his shoulders and supports them by his spirit so lōg as they are in this world against the world the flesh and the deuill By the second that Christ our high priest beeing now in his sanctuarie in heauen hath in memorie all the Elect their very names are written as it were in tables of gold before his face and he hath an especiall loue vnto them and care ouer them Vpon this ground the church in the Canticles praies on this manner Set me as a seale on thy heart and as a signe● vpon thy arme And indeede this is a matter of comfort vnto vs all that Christ hath our seuerall names written in pretious stones before his face though he be now in heauen and we on earth and that the particular estate of euery one of vs is both knowne and regarded of him Againe God gaue to Moses the Vrim and Thummim which was put on the breastplate of the high priest when he was to aske counsell from God of things vnknowne before the mercie seat whence God gaue answer What the Vrim and Thummim was it is not knowne and it is like it was not made by any art of man but giuen by God and how it was vsed we can not tell but yet the signification of the words affoardeth matter of meditation Vrim signifies lights and Thummim signifies perfections And by this a further matter was prefigured in Christ who hath the perfit Vrim and Thummim in his breast first because in him are hidde all the treasures of wisdome and knowledge secondly because he reueales to his Church out of his word such things as none can know but the children of God as Dauid saith The secret of the Lord is reuealed to them that feare him And for this cause the spirit of Christ is called the spirit of wisdome and reuelation and the spirit of God whereby we know the things that are giuen vnto vs of God as namely our election vocation iustification and sanctification in this life and our eternall glorification after this life yea to euery member of Christ within his Church he giues a speciall spirit of reuelation out of the word whereby he may know that God the father is his father the sonne the redeemer his redeemer and the holy Ghost his
it also an imperfit sacrifice because it is repeated and iterated for vpon this ground doth the author to the Hebrues prooue that the sacrifices of the old testament were imperfit because they were daily offered And whereas they say there be two kinds of sacrifices one bloody once onely offered vpon the crosse the other vnbloody which is daily offered I answer that this distinction hath no ground out of Gods word neither was it knowne to the holy Ghost who saith that without blood there is no remission of sinnes The third question is what is the fruit of this sacrifice Ans. The whole effect thereof is contained in these foure things I. the oblation of Christ purgeth the beleeuer from all his sinnes whether they be originall or actuall so it is said If we walke in the light we haue fellowship one with another and the blood of Iesus Christ his sonne purgeth vs from all sinne whether they be sinnes of omission in regard of our duties or of commission in doing euill II. the oblation serueth for the iustifying of a sinner before God as Paul saith We are iustified by his blood and are reconciled to God by his death This being here remembred that in the passion of Christ we include his legall obedience whereby he fulfilled the law for vs. III. the oblation of Christ serues to purge mens consciences from dead workes How much more then shall the blood of Christ which through the eternall spirit offered himselfe without spot to God purge your consciences from dead works to serue the liuing God IV. the oblation of Christ procures vs libertie to enter to heauen By the blood of Christ Iesus we may be bold to enter into the holy place by the new and liuing way which he hath prepared for vs through the vaile that is his flesh By our sinnes there is a partition wall made betweene God and vs but Christ by offering himselfe vpon the crosse hath beaten downe this wall opened heauen and as it were trained the way with his owne blood whereby we may enter into the kingdome of God and without the which we can not enter in at all The last questiō is how this sacrifice may be applied to vs. Ans. The meanes of applying this sacrifice be two I. the hand of God which offereth II. the hand of the beleeuer that receiueth the sacrifice offered The hand of God wherby he offereth vnto vs his benefit is the preaching of the word the administration of the Sacraments baptisme and the Lords supper and wheresoeuer these his holy ordinances are rightly administred and put in practise there the Lord puts forth his hand vnto vs and offereth most freely the vertue and benefit of the death of Christ. And then in the next place commeth the hand of the beleeuer which is faith in the heart which when God offereth doth apprehend and receiue the thing offered and make it ours The third thing to be spoken of is the altar whereon Christ offered himselfe The altar was not the crosse but rather the godhead of Christ. He was both the priest the sacrifice and the altar the sacrifice as he is man the priest as he is both God and man the altar as he is God The propertie of an altar is to sanctifie the sacrifice as Christ saith ye fooles and blind whether is greater the offering or the altar that sanctifieth the offering Now Christ as he is God sanctifieth himselfe as he was man and therefore saith he for their sakes sanctifie I my selfe by doing two things I. by setting apart the manhood to be a sacrifice vnto his father for our sinnes II. by giuing to this sacrifice merit or efficacie to deserue at Gods hands remission of our sinnes the manhood of Christ without the Godhead hath no vertue nor efficacie in it selfe to be a meritorious sacrifice and therefore the dignitie and excellencie which it hath is deriued thence As for the chalkie and stonie altars of the Church of Rome they are nothing els but the toyes of mans braine Christ himselfe is the onely reall altar of the new testament And in stead of altars which were vnder the law we haue now the Lords table wheron we celebrate the Sacrament of his bodie and blood to shew forth his death till he come The fourth point is concerning the time of Christs oblation which he himselfe calleth the acceptable yeare of the Lord alluding vnto an other yere vnder the law called the yeare of Iubile which was euery fiftie yeare among the Iewes in which at the sound of a trumpet all that had set or sold their possessions receiued them againe all that were bondmen were then set at libertie This Iubile was but a figure of that perfect deliuerance which was to be obtained by Christs passion which was not temporarie deliuerance for euery fiftie yeare but an eternall freedome from the bondage of sinne hell death and condemnation And the preaching of the word is the trumpet sounded which proclaimeth vnto vs freedome from the kingdome of darknes and inuites vs to come and dwell in perfect peace with Christ himselfe Well if the yeare of perpetuall Iubile be now come in what a wretched estate all our loose and blind people that esteeme nothing of that libertie which is offered to them but choose rather to liue in their sinnes and in bondage vnder Satan and condemnation then to be at freedome in Christ. Now follow the vses which are to be made of the sacrifice of Christ. The prophet Aggai saith that the second temple built by Zorubbabel was nothing in beautie vnto the first which was built by Salomon and the reason is plaine for as the Iewes write it wanted fiue things which the first tēple had I. the appearing of the presence of god at the mercie seat between the two Cherubims II. the Vrim and Thummim on the breast-plate of the high priest III. the inspiration of the holy Ghost vpon extraordinarie Prophets IIII. the Arke of the Couenant for that was lost in the captiuitie V. fire from heauen to burne the sacrifices Yet for all this the Prophet afterward saith The glorie of the last House shall be greater then the first Now it may be demanded how both these sayings can stand together Ans. We are to know that the second Temple was standing in the time when Christ was crucified for our ●innes and it was the sacrifice of Christ which gaue glorie and dignitie to the second temple though otherwise for building and outward ornaments it was farre inferiour to the first And by this we are taught that if we would bring glorie vnto our owne selues vnto our houses and kindred either before God or before men we must labour to be partakers of the sacrifice of Christ and the sprinkling of his blood to purge our hearts This is the thing that brings renowne both to place and person how base soeuer we be in the eyes
lower parts should be no man is able to define Obiect II. Act. 2.37 Thou wilt not leaue my soule in hell neither wilt thou suffer thy holy one to see corruption Answer These words cannot prooue any locall descent of Christs soule For Peters drift in alleadging of them is to prooue the resurrection and he saith expresly that the words must be vnderstood of the resurrection of Christ vers 31. Hee seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ. What namely these wordes his soule was not left in hell c. Nowe there is no resurrection of the soule but of the bodie onely as the soule can not be said to fall but the bodie It will be replied that the worde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 cannot signifie the bodie and the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the graue Ans. The first worde signifies not onely the spirituall part of a man the soule but also the whole person or the man himselfe Rom. 13.1 1. Cor. 15.41 And the second is as well taken for the graue as for hel Apoc. 20. 14. Death and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 are cast into the lake of fire Nowe wee can not say that hell is cast into hell but the graue into hell And the very same word in this text must needes haue this sense For Peter makes an opposition betweene the graue into which Dauid is shut vp and the hell out of which Christ was deliuered vers 29.31 Againe it will be said that in this text there be two distinct partes the first of the soules comming forth of hell in these wordes Thou wilt not leaue my soule in hell The secōd of the bodies rising out of the graue in the next words neither wilt thou suffer my flesh to see corruptiō Ans. It is not so For flesh in this place signifies not the bodie alone but the humane nature of Christ as appeares vers 30. vnlesse we shall say that one and the same word in the same sentence is taken two waies And the words rather carrie this sense Thou wilt not suffer me to continue long in the graue nay which is more in the time of my continuance there thou wilt not suffer me so much as to feele any corruption because I am thy holy one Obiect III. 1. Pet. 3.19 Christ was quickened in spirit by the which spirit he went and preached to the spirits which are in prison Answere The place is not for this purpose For by spirit is not meant the soule of Christ but his godhead which in the ministerie of Noe preached repentance to the olde world And I thinke that Peter in this place alludes to another place in Genesis 6.3 where the Lord saith My spirit shall not alwaies striue with man because he is but flesh And if the spirit doe signifie the soule then Christ was quickned either by his soule or in his soule But neither is true For the first it can not bee said that Christ was quickened by his soule because it did not ioyne it selfe to the bodie but the godhead ioyned them both Neither was he quickened in soule for his soule died not It could not die the first death which belongs to the bodie and it did not die the second death which is a totall separation from God onely it suffered the sorrowes of the second death which is the apprehension of the wrath of God as a man may feele the pangs of the first death and yet not die the first death but liue Againe it is to no ende that Christs soule should goe to hell to preach considering that it was neuer heard of that one soule should preach to another especially in hell where all are condemned and in conscience conuicted of their iust damnation and where there is no hope of repentance or redemption It will be answered that this preaching is onely reall or experimentall because Christ shewes himselfe there to conuince the vnbeleefe of his enemies but this is flatte against reason For when a man is iustly condemned by God and therefore sufficiently conuicted what neede the iudge himselfe come to the place of execution to conuict him And it is flat against the text For the preaching that is spoken of here is that which is performed by men in the ministerie of the word as Peter expounds himselfe 1. Pet. 4.6 To this purpose was the Gospel also preached vnto the dead that they might be condemned according to men in the flesh that they might liue according to God in the spirit Lastly there is no reason why Christ should rather preach and shew himselfe in hell to them that were disobedient in the daies of Noe then to the rest of the damned And this is the first exposition the second follows He descended into hell that is Christ descended into the graue or was buried This exposition is agreeable to the truth yet is it not meete or conuenient For the clause next before he was buried contained this point and therefore if the next wordes following yeelde the same sense there must be a vaine and needlesse repetition of one and the same thing twise which is not in any wise to be allowed in so short a Creede as this If it be said that these words are an exposition of the former the answer is that then they should be more plaine then the former For when one sentence expoundeth an other the latter must alwaies be the plainer but of these two sentences He was buried he descended into hell the first is very plaine and easie but the latter very obscure and hard and therefore it can be no exposition thereof and for this cause this exposition neither is to be receiued Thirdly others there be which expound it thus He descended into hell that is Christ Iesus when he was dying vpon the crosse felt and suffered the pangs of hell and the full wrath of God seazing vpon his soule This exposition hath his warrant in Gods word where hell often signifies the sorrowes and paines of hell as Hanna in her song vnto the Lord saith The Lord killeth and maketh aliue he bringeth downe to hell and raiseth vp that is he maketh men feele woe and miserie in their soules euen the pangs of hell and after restoreth them And Dauid saith The sorrowes of death compassed me and the terrours of hell laid hold on me This is an vsuall exposition receiued of the Church and they which expound this article thus giues this reason thereof The former words was crucified dead and buried doe containe say they the outward sufferings of Christ now because he suffered not onely outwardly in bodie but also inwardly in soule therefore these words he descended into hell doe set forth vnto vs his inward sufferings in soule when he felt vpon the crosse the full wrath of God vpon him This exposition is good and true and whosoeuer will may receiue it Yet neuerthelesse it seemes not so fitly to agree with the order of the former articles For
these words was crucified dead and buried must not be vnderstood of any ordinarie death but of a cursed death in which Christ suffered the full wrath of God euen the pangs of hell both in soule and bodie seeing then this exposition is contained in the former words it cannot fitly stand with the order of this short Creede vnlesse there should be a distinct article of things repeated before But let vs come to the fourth exposition He descended into hell that is when he was dead and buried he was held captiue in the graue and lay in bondage vnder death for the space of three daies This exposition also may be gathered forth of the Scriptures Saint Peter faith God hath raised him vp speaking of Christ and loosed the sorrowes of death because it was vnpossible that he should bee holden of it Where wee may see that betweene the death and resurrection of Christ there is placed a third matter which is not mentioned in any clause of the Apostles Creede saue in this and that is his bondage vnder death which commeth in betweene his death and rising againe And the words themselues doe most fitly beare this sense as the speech of Iacob sheweth I will goe downe into hell vnto my sonne mourning And this exposition doth also best agree with the order of the Creede first he was crucified and died secondly he was buried thirdly laid in the graue was therein held in captiuitie and bondage vnder death And these three degrees of Christs humiliatiō are most fitly correspondent to the three degrees of his exaltation The first degree of exaltation he rose againe the third day answering to the first degree of his humiliation he died the second degree of his exaltation hee ascended into heauen answering to his going downe into the graue was buried and thirdly his sitting at the right hand of God which is the highest degree of his exaltation answering to the lowest degree of his humiliation he descended into hell These two last expositions are commonly receiued and wee may indifferently make choice of either but the last as I take it is most agreeable to the order and wordes of the Creede Thus much for the meaning of the wordes Nowe followe the vses And first of all Christs descending into hell teacheth euery one of vs that professe the name of Christ that if it shall please God to afflict vs either in bodie or in mind or in both though it be in most grieuous and tedious manner yet must we not thinke it straunge For if Christ vpon the crosse not onely suffered the pangs of hell but after he was dead death takes him and as it were carries him into his denne or cabbin● and there triumpheth ouer him holding him in captiuitie and bondage and yet for all this was he the sonne of God and therfore when Gods hand is heauie vpon vs any way we are not to despaire but rather thinke it is the good pleasure of God to frame and fashion vs that we may become like vnto Christ Iesus as good children of God Dauid a man after Gods owne heart was by Samuel annointed King ouer Israel but withall God raised vp Saul to persecute him as the fowler hunteth the partridge in the mountaine in so much that Dauid said there was but one steppe between him and death So likewise Iob a iust man and one that feared God with all his heart yet how heauily did God lay his hand vpon him his goods and cattell were all taken away and his children slaine and his bodie stri●k●n by Satan with loathsome byles from the sole of his foote vnto the crown● of his head so as he was faine to take a potsheard and scrape himselfe sitting among the ashes And Ionah the seruant and Prophet of the most high God when he was called to preach to Niniuie because he refused for feare of that great cittie God mette with him and hee must bee cast into the sea and there be swallowed vp of a Whale that so he might chastice him and thus doth hee deale with his owne seruants to make them conformable to Christ. And further when it pleaseth God to lay his hand vpon our soules and make vs haue a troubled and distressed conscience so as we do as it were struggle with gods wrath as for life and death and can finde nothing but his indignation seazing vpon our soules which is the most grieuous and perplexed estate that any man can be in in this case howesoeuer we cannot discerne or see any hope or comfort in our selues wee must not thinke it straunge nor quite despaire of his mercy For the sonne of God himselfe descended into hell and death carried him captiue and triumphed ouer him in the graue and therefore though God seeme to be our vtter enemie yet we must not despaire of his helpe In diuers Psalmes we read how Dauid was not onely persecuted outwardly of his enemies but euen his soule and conscience were perplexed for his sinnes so as his very bones were consumed within him and his moisture was turned into the drought in sommer This caused Iob to crie out that the arrowes of God were within him and the venyme thereof did drinke vp his spirit the terrours of God did fight against him the griefe of his soule was as waightie as the sand of the sea by reason whereof he saith that the Lord did make him a marke and a but to shoote at and therefore when God shall thus afflict vs either in bodie or in soule or in both we must not alwaies thinke that it is the wrathfull hand of the Lord that beginnes to bring vs to vtter condemnation for our sinnes but rather his fatherly work to kill sinne in vs and to make vs growe in humilitie that so we may become like vnto Christ Iesus Secondly whereas Christ for our sakes was thus abased euen vnto the lowest degree of humiliation that can be it is an example for vs to imitate as Christ himselfe prescribeth Learne of me that I am meeke and lowely And that we may the better doe this we must learne to become nothing in our selues that we may bee al in al forth of our selues in Christ we must loath and thinke as basely of our selues as possibly may be in regard of our sinnes Christ Iesus vpon the crosse was content for our sakes to become a worme and no man as Dauid saith which did cheifly appeare in this lowest degree of his humiliation when as death did as it were tread on him in his denne and the same mind must likewise be in vs which was in him The liking that we haue of our selues must be meere nothing but all our loue and liking must be forth of our selues in the death and blood of Christ. And thus much of this clause as also of the state of Christs humiliation Nowe followeth his second estate which is his exaltation into glorie set downe t●
these wordes The third day hee arose againe from the deade c. And of it wee are first to speake in generall then in particular according to the seuerall degrees thereof In generall the exaltation of Christ is that glorious or happie estate into which Christ entred after he had wrought the worke of our redemption vpon the crosse And hee was exalted according to both natures in regard of his godhead and also of his manhoode The exaltation of the godhead of Christ was the manifestation of the glorie of his godhead in the manhoode Some will peraduenture demaunde howe Christs godhead can bee exalted seeing it admits no alteration at all Answere In it selfe it cannot bee exalted yet beeing considered as it is ioyned with the manhoode into one person in this respect it may bee said to bee exalted and therefore I say the exaltation of Christs godhead is the manifestation of the glorie thereof in the manhood For though Christ from his incarnation was both God and man and his godhead all that time dwelt in his manhood yet from his birth vnto his death the same godhead did little shewe it selfe and in the time of his suffering did as it were lie hidde vnder the vaile of his flesh as the soule doth in the bodie when a man is sleeping that thereby in his humane nature he might suffer the curse of the lawe and accomplish the worke of redemption for vs in the lo●e and base estate of a seruant But after this worke was finished hee began by degrees to make manifest the power of his Godhead in his manhood And in this respect his godhead may be said to be exalted The exaltation of Christs humanitie stood in two things The first that he laid downe all the infirmities of mans nature which he carried about him so long as hee was in the state of a seruant in that he ceased to be wearie hungrie thirstie c. Here it may be demanded whether the wounds and skars remaine in the bodie of Christ nowe after it is glorified Ans. Some thinke that they doe remaine as testimonies of that victorie which Christ obtained of his and our enemies and that they are no deformitie to the glorious bodie of the Lord but are themselues also in him in some vnspeakable manner glorified But indeede it rather seemes to be a trueth to say that they are quite abolished because they were a part of that ignominious and base estate in which our Sauiour was vpon the crosse which after his entrance into glorie he laid aside And if it may be thought that the woundes in the handes and feete of Christ remaine to bee seene euen to the last iudgement why may we not in the same manner thinke that the veines of his bodie remaine emptied of their blood because it was shed vpon the crosse The second thing required in the exaltation of Christs manhood is that both his bodie and soule were beutified and adorned with all qualities of glorie His mind was inriched with as much knowledge vnderstanding as can possibly befall any creature more in measure then all men angels haue and the same is to be said of the graces of the spirit in his will and affections his bodie also was incorruptible it was made a shining bodie a resemblance whereof some of his disciples sawe in the mount and it was indued with agilitie to mooue as well vpward as downeward● as may appeare by the ascension of his bodie into heauen which was not caused by constraint or by any violent motion but by a propertie agreeing to all bodies glorified Yet in the exaltation of Christs manhood we must remember two caueats first that hee did neuer lay aside the essentiall properties of a true bodie as length breadth thicknes visibilitie locallitie which is to be in one place at once and no more but keepeth all these stil because they serue for the being of his bodie Secondly we must remember that the gifts of glorie in Christs bodie are not infinite but finite for his humane nature beeing but a creature and therefore finite could not receiue infinite graces and gifts of glorie And hence it is more then manifest that the opinion of those men is false which hold that Christs bodie glorified is omnipotent and infinit euery way able to doe whatsoeuer he wil for this is to make a creature to be the Creator Thus much of Christs exaltation in generall Nowe let vs come to the degrees thereof as they are noted in the Creed which are in number three I. He rose againe the third day II. He ascended into heauen III. He sitteth at the right hand of God the father almightie In the handling of Christs resurrection wee must consider these points I. why Christ ought to rise againe II. the manner of his rising III. the time when he rose IV. the place where V. the vses therof For the first it was necessarie that Christ should rise againe and that for three especiall causes First that hereby he might shewe to all the people of God that he had fully ouercome death For else if Christ had not risen howe should we haue beene perswaded in our consciences that he had made a ful perfect satisfaction for vs nay rather we should haue reasoned thus Christ is not risen therfore he hath not ouercome death but death hath ouercome him Secondly Christ which died was the sonne of God therefore the author of life it selfe and for this cause it was neither meete nor possible for him to be holden of death but hee must needes rise from death to life Thirdly Christs priesthood hath two parts one to make satisfaction for sinne by his one onely sacrifice vpon the crosse the other to apply the vertue of this sacrifice vnto euery beleeuer Now he offered the sacrifice for sinne vpon the crosse before the last pang of his death and in dying satisfied the iustice of God and therefore beeing dead must needes rise againe to performe the second part of his priesthood namely to apply the vertue thereof vnto all that shall truely beleeue in him and to make intercession in heauen vnto his father for vs here on earth And thus much of the first point Nowe to come to the manner of Christs resurrection fiue things are to be considered in it The first that Christ rose againe not as euery priuate man doth but as a publike person representing all men that are to come to life eternall For as in his passion so also in his resurrection he stood in our roome and place and therfore when he rose from death we al yea the whole Church rose in him and togither with him And this point not considered we doe not conceiue aright of Christs resurrection neither can we reape sound comfort by it The second is that Christ himselfe and no other for him did by his owne power raise himselfe to life This was the thing which he meant when hee said Destroy
this temple and in three daies I will build it vp againe more plainly I haue saith he power to lay downe my life and I haue power to take it againe From whence we learne diuers instructions First whereas Christ raiseth himselfe from death to life it serueth to prooue that he was not onely man but also true God For the bodie beeing dead could not bring againe the soule and ioyne it selfe vnto the same and make it selfe aliue againe neither yet the soule that is departed from the bodie can returne againe and quicken the bodie and therefore there was some other nature in Christ namely his godhead which did revnite soule and bodie togither and there●y quicken the manhood Secondly if Christ giue life to himselfe beeing dead in the graue then much more nowe beeing aliue and in heauen glorified is hee able to raise vp his members from death to life Wee are all by nature euen starke dead in sinne as the deade bodie rotten in the graue and therefore our duty is to come to Christ our Lord by humble prayer earnestly intreating him that he would raise vs vp euery day more and more from the graue of our sinnes to newnesse of life He can of men deade in their sinnes make vs aliue vnto himselfe to liue in righteousnes and true holines all the daies of our life The third thing is that Christ rose againe with an earthquake And this serueth to prooue that he lost nothing of his power by death but still remained the absolute Lord and King of heauen and earth to whome therefore the earth vnder his feete trembling doth him homage This also prooueth vnto vs that Christ which lay dead in the graue did raise himselfe againe by his owne almightie power Lastly it serueth to conuince the keepers of the graue the women which came to embalme him and the disciples which came to the sepulchre and would not yet beleeue that he was risen againe But how came this earthquake Ans. Saint Matthew saith there was a great earthquake For the Angel of the Lord descended from heauen c. This shewes that the power of angels is great in that they can mooue and stirre the earth Three angels destroied Sodom and Gomorrha An angel destroied the first borne of Egypt in one night In the hoast of Senacherib one angel slue in one night an hundreth fourescore and fiue thousand men Of like power is the deuill himselfe to shake the earth and to destroy vs all but that God of his goodnesse limits and restraines him of his libertie Well if one angel be able to shake the earth what then will Christ himselfe doe when he shall come to iudgement the second time with many thousand thousands of angels oh how terrible and fearefull will his comming be Not without cause saith the holy Ghost that the wicked at that day shall crie out wishing the hills to fall vpon them and the mountaines to couer them for feare of that great and terrible day of the Lord. The fourth thing is that an Angel ministred to Christ beeing to rise againe in that he came to the graue and rolled away the stone and sate vpon it Where obserue first how the angels of God minister vnto Christ though dead and buried whereby they acknowledge that his power maiestie and authoritie is not included within the bonds of the earth but extends it selfe euen to the heauens themselues and the hosts thereof and that according to his humanitie Wicked men for their parts laboured to close him vp in the earth as the basest of all creatures but the angels of heauen most readily accept him as their soueraigne Lord and king as in like manner they did in his temptation in the wildernes and in his agonie in the garden Secondly that the opinion of the Papists and others which thinke that the bodie of Christ went through the graue-stone when he rose againe is without warrant For the end no doubt why the angel rolled away the stone was that Christ might come forth And indeed it is against the order of nature that one body should passe through another without corruption or alteration of either considering that euery bodie occupies a place and two bodies at the same instant can not be in one proper place Furthermore it is saide that when the angel sate on the stone his countenance was like lightening and his rayment as white as snow and this serued to shew what was the glorie of Christ himselfe For if the seruant and minister be so glorious then endles is the glorie of the lord and master himselfe Lastly it is saide that for feare of the angel the watchmen were astonied and became as dead men which teacheth vs that what God would haue come to passe all the world can neuer hinder For though the Iewes had closed vp the graue with a stone and set a band of souldiours to watch least Christ should by any meanes be taken away yet all this auaileth nothing by an angel from heauen the seale is broken the stone is remooued and the watchmen at their wittes endes And this came to passe by the prouidence of God that after the watchmen had testified these things to the Iewes they might at length be conuicted that Christ whome they crucified was the Messias The fifth and last point is that Christ rose not alone but accompanied with others as S. Matthew saith that the graues opened and many bodies of the Saints which slept arose and came out of the graues and went into the holy citie and appeared vnto many after Christs resurrection And this came to passe that the church of God might know and consider that there is a reuiuing and quickning vertue in the resurrection of Christ wherby he is able not onely to raise our dead bodies vnto life but also when we are dead in sinne to raise vs vp to newnesse of life And in this very point stands a maine difference betweene the resurrection of Christ and the resurrection of any other man For the resurrection of Peter nothing auailes to the raising of Dauid or Paul but Christs resurrection auailes for all that haue beleeued in him by the very same power whereby he raised himselfe he raiseth all his members and therfore he is called a quickning spirit And let vs marke the order obserued in rising First Christ riseth and thē the Saints after him And this came to passe to verefie the Scripture which saith that Christ is the first borne of the dead Now he is the first borne of the dead● in that he hath this dignitie and priuiledge to rise to eternall life the first of all men It is true indeed that Lazarus and sundrie others in time rose before Christ but yet they rose to liue a mortall life and to die againe Christ he is the first of all that rose to life euerlasting and to glorie neuer any rose before Christ in this manner And the persons that
possibly haue knowne that he had made satisfaction for any of them if he had not risen againe The vses which concerne our selues are of two sorts comforts to the children of God and duties that are to be learned and practised of vs all The comforts are especially three First Christs resurrection serueth for the iustification of all that beleeue in him euen before God the father as Paul saith Christ was giuen to death for our sinnes and is risen againe for our iustification which wordes haue this meaning when Christ died we must not consider him as a priuate man as we haue shewed before but as one that stoode in the stead and roome of all the elect in his death he bare our sinnes and suffered all that we should haue suffered in our owne persons for euer and the guilt of our offences was laide vpon him and therefore Esai saith he was numbred among the wicked Now in his rising againe he freed and disburdened himselfe not from any sinnes of his owne because he was without sinne but from the guilt and punishment of our sinnes imputed vnto him And hence it comes to passe that all those which put their trust and affiance in the merit of Christ at the very first instant of their beleeuing haue their owne sinnes not imputed vnto them and his righteousnes imputed Secondly the resurrection of Christ serueth as a notable meanes to worke inward sanctification as S. Peter saith We are regenerate to a liuely hope by the resurrection of Iesus Christ from the dead And S. Paul We are then saith he buried with him by baptisme into his death that like as Christ was raised vp from the dead by the glorie of his father so we also should walke in newnesse of life For if we be grafted with him to the similitude of his death we shall be also to the similitude of his resurrection Which words import thus much that as Christ by the power of his owne Godhead freed his manhood from death and from the guilt of our sinnes so doth he free those that are knit vnto him by the bond of one spirit from the corruption of their natures in which they are dead that they may liue vnto God In the naturall bodie the head is the fountaine of all the senses and of motion and therefore by sundrie nerues dispersed through the bodie the power of moouing and of sense is deriued euen to the least parts so as the hands and the feete mooue by meanes of that power which comes from the head and so it is in the spirituall bodie of Christ namely the church he is the head and the fountaine of life and therefore he conueyeth spirituall life to euery one of his members and that very power of his Godhead whereby he raised vp himselfe when he was deade he conueyeth from himselfe to his members and thereby raiseth them vp from the death of sinne to newnes of life And looke as in a perfect body when the head hath sense and motion the hand that is of the same bodie hath also the sense and motion conuenient for it so likewise Christ beeing the resurrection and the life as there is spirituall life in him so euery member of his shall feele in it selfe spirituall sense and motion whereby it is raised vp from sinne and liueth vnto God For the better cōceiuing of this we must consider two things the outward means of this spirituall life and the measure of it For the meanes if we wil haue common water we must goe to the well and if we would haue water of life wee must goe vnto Christ who saith If any man thirst let him come vnto me and drinke Now this well of the water of life is very deepe and we haue nothing to draw with therefore we must haue our pipes and conduits to conuey the same vnto vs which are the word of God preached and the administration of the sacraments Christ saith The dead shall heare the voice of the sonne of God and they that heare it shall liue where by the dead is meant not the dead in the graue but those that are dead in sinne And againe Christ saith the wordes which I speake are spirit and life because the word of God is the pipe whereby he conueieth into our dead hearts spirit and life As Christ when he raised vp dead men did one●y speake the word and they were made aliue and at the day of iudgement by his very voice when the trumpe shall blow all that are dead shall rise againe So it is in the first resurrection they that are dead in their sins at his voice vttered in the ministerie of the word shall rise againe To goe further Christ raised three from the dead Iairus daughter newly dead the widowes sonne dead and wound vp and lying on the hearse Lazarus dead and buried and stinking in the graue and all this he did by his very voice so also by the preaching of his word he raiseth all sorts of sinners euen such as haue lien long in their sinnes as rotting and stinking carrion The sacraments also are the pipes and conduits whereby God conueieth grace into the heart if they be rightly vsed that is if they be receiued in vnfained repentance for all our sinnes and with a true liuely faith in Christ for the pardon of the same sinnes And so I take it they are compared to flagons of wine which reuiue the Church beeing sicke and fallen into a swound As for the measure of life deriued from Christ it is but small in this life and giuen by little and little as Ose saith The Lord hath spoiled vs and he will heale vs he hath wounded vs and he will bind vs vp After two daies he will reuiue vs and in the third he will raise vs vp and we shall liue in his sight The prophet Ezechiel in a vision is carried into the midst of a field full of dead bones and he is caused to prophecy ouer them and say O ye drie bones heare the word of the Lord at the fi●st there was a shaking and the bones came togither bone to bone and then sinewes and flesh grewe vpon them and vpon the flesh grewe a skinne Then he prophecied vnto the windes the second time and they liued and stood vpon their feete for the breath came vpon them and they were an exceeding great army of men Hereby it signified not onely the state of the Iewes after their captiuitie● but in them the state of the whole Church of God For these temporall deliuerances signified further a spirituall deliuerance And wee may here see most pla●nely that God worketh in the hearts of his children the gifts graces of regeneration by little and little First he giueth no more then flesh sinewes and skin then after he giueth them further graces of his spirit which quickeneth them and maketh them aliue vnto God The same also we may
see in the vision of the waters that ranne out of the temple First a man must wade to the ankles then after to the knees and so to the loynes then after the waters growe to a riuer that cannot be passed ouer and so the Lord conueyeth his graces by little and little till at the last men haue a full measure thereof Thirdly the resurrection of Christ serues as an argument to prooue vnto vs our resurrection at the day of iudgement Paul saith If the spirit of Christ that raised vp Iesus from the dead dwell in you he that raised Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortall bodies Some will say that this is no benefit for all must rise againe as well the wicked as the godly Answ. True indeed but yet the wicked rise not againe by the same cause that the godly doe They rise againe by the power of Christ not as hee is a Sauiour but as hee is a iudge to condemne them For God had said to Adam at what time he should eate of the forbidden fruite hee should die the death meaning a double death both the first and the second death Nowe then the vngodly rise againe that God may inflict vpon them the punishment of the second death which is the reward of sinne that so Gods iustice may be satisfied but the godly rise againe by the power of Christ their head and redeemer who raiseth them vp that they may be partakers of the benefit of his death which is to enioy both in bodie and soule the kingdome of heauen which he hath so deerely bought for them Thus much for the comforts Nowe followe the duties and they are also three First as Christ Iesus when he was dead rose againe from death to life by his owne power so wee by his grace in imitation of Christ must endeauour our selues to rise vp from all our sinnes both originall and actuall vnto newenesse of life This is worthily set downe by the Apostle saying Wee are buried by baptisme into his death that as Christ was raised vp from the dead by the glorie of the father so wee also should walke in newnesse of life and therefore we must endeauour our selues to shewe the same power to be in vs euery day by rising vp from our owne personall sinnes to a reformed life This ought to be remēbred of vs because howesoeuer many heare and knowe this point yet very fewe doe practise the same For to speake plainly as dead men buried would neuer heare though a man should speake neuer so loud so vndoubtedly amōg vs there be also many liuing men which are almost in the same case The ministers of God may crie vnto them daily and iterate the same thing a thousand times and tell them that they must rise vp from their sinnes and lead a newe life but they heare no more then the dead carkas that lieth in the graue Indeede men heare with their outward eares but they are so farre from practising this dutie that many iudge it to bee a matter of reproch and ignominy And those which make any conscience of this dutie how they are laden with nicknames and taunts who knoweth not I neede not to rehearse them so odious a thing nowe a daies is the rising from sinne to newnesse of life Sound a trumpet in a dead mans eares he stirs not let vs crie for amendment of life till breath go out of our bodies no man almost saith What haue I done And for this cause vndoubtedly if it were not for cōscience of that duty which mē owe vnto God wee should haue but fewe ministers in England For it is the ioy of a minister to see the vnfained conuersion of his people whereas alas men generally lie snorting in their corruptions and rather goe forward in them still then come to any amendment such is the wonderful hardnesse that hath possessed the hearts of most men He which hath but halfe an eie may see this to be true Oh! howe exceedes Atheisme in all places contempt of Gods worship prophanation of the sabbath the whordomes fornications the crueltie and oppression of this age crie to heauen for vengeance By these such like sinnes the world crucifies Christ againe For looke as Pilats souldiers with the wicked Iewes tooke Christ and stripped him of his garments buffeted him and slue him so vngodly men by their wicked behauiour strip him of al honour and slaie him againe If an infidel should come among vs yeeld himselfe to be of our religiō after he had seene the behauiour of men he would peraduenture leaue all religion for hee might say surely it seemes this God whome these men worship is not the true God but a God of licentious libertie And that which is more whereas at all times wee ought to shewe our selues newe creatures and to walke worthie of our Sauiour and redeemer and therefore also ought to rise out of our sinnes and to liue in righteousnes and true holinesse yet we for the most part goe on still forward in sinne and euery day goe deeper then other to hel-ward This hath beene heretofore the common practise but let vs nowe learne after the example of Christ beeing quickened and reuiued by his grace to endeauour our selues especially to come out of the graue of sinne and learne to make conscience of euery bad action True it is a Christian man may vse the creatures of God for his delight in a moderate and godly manner but Christ neuer gaue libertie to any to liue licentiously for he that is free is yet seruant vnto Christ as Paul saith and therefore we must not enterprise any thing but that which may be a worke of some good dutie vnto God to which ende the Apostle saith Awake thou that sleepest and stand vp from the dead and Christ shall giue thee life If this will not mooue vs yet let the iudgements of God drawe vs hereunto Blessed is he saith the holy Ghost that hath part in the first resurrection for on such the second death hath no power where mention is made of a double death the first is the separation of soule and bodie the second is the eternal condemnation of soule and bodie in hell fire Would we nowe escape the second death after this life we must then labour in this life to be partakers of the first resurrection and that on this manner Looke what sinnes we haue liued in heretofore we must endeauour to come out of them all and lead a better life according to all the commandements of God But if it be so that ye wil haue no care of your own soules goe on hardly to your owne perill and so yee shall be sure to enter into the second death which is eternall damnation Secondly we are taught by the example of Saint Paul to labour aboue all things to know Christ and the vertue of his resurrection And this we shall doe when we can say by
to teach all ignorāt persons and impenitent sinners repentance and humiliation for their sinnes and to mooue them with all speede to seeke vnto Christ for the pardon of the same When Paul preached to the Athenians he willed them to repent vpon this ground and reason because the Lord hath appointed a day wherein he will iudge the world in righteousnes To speake plainly we can be content to heare the word and to honour him with our lipps yet for the most part all is done but for fashions sake for still we liue in our old sinnes our hearts are not turned but in the feare of God let vs bethinke our selues of the time when wee shall come before the iudge of heauen and earth and haue all our sinnes laide open and wee must answer for them all This is the point which the holy Ghost vseth as a reason to mooue men vnto repentance and assuredly if this will not mooue vs there is nothing in the world will Secondly to this purpose Paul saith If wee would iudge our selues wee should not be iudged Wouldest thou then escape the iudgement of Christ at the last day then in this life iudge thy selfe Nowe a man in iudging of himselfe must performe foure things I. he must examine himselfe of his owne sinnes II. he must confesse thē before the Lord. III. he must condemne himselfe as a iudge vpon the bench giue sentence against himselfe Lastly he must plead pardon and crie vnto God as for life and death for the remission of all his sinnes and he that doth this vnfainedly shal neuer be iudged of the Lord at the last day but if we slacke and neglect this dutie in this life then vndoubtedly there remaines nothing but eternall woe in the world to come Thirdly by this we may learne one not to iudge or condemne another as Paul sayeth Iudge nothing before the time vntill the Lord come who lighten all things that are in darknes make the counsels of the hearts manifest And Christ saith Iudgement is mine and iudge not and ye shall not be iudged And againe Paul saith to the Romans Why doest thou iudge thy brother for we must all appeare before the iudgement seat of Christ but some will aske howe doth one iudge another Ans. Thus I. when a man doth well to saie of him that he doth euill II. when a man doth euill then to make it worse III. when a thing is doubtfull to take it in the worst part And by any of these three waies we are not to iudge either of mens persons or of their actions Fourthly wee must endeauour our selues to keepe a good conscience before God and before all men This is the practise of S. Paul who in consideration and hope of a resurrection vnto iudgement as well of the iust as of the vniust endeauoured himselfe to haue alwaies a cleare conscience both towards God and towards men His example is worthie our marking and imitation for fewe there be that vpon this occasion make any conscience either of duty to God or to their brethren Fifthly the last iudgement must stirre vs vp to a reuerend feare of God cause vs to glorifie him as the Angel saith in the Reuelation Feare God and giue glorie to him for the houre of his iudgement is come And doubtlesse if any thing in the world will mooue a man to feare the Lord it is this to remember the fearefull and terrible daie of iudgement Nowe hauing spoken hitherto of the first person the father and also of the sonne it followeth in the next place to speake of the third person in these wordes I beleeue in the holy Ghost In which wee may consider two things the title of the person and the action of faith repeated from the beginning The title is Holy Ghost or spirit It may here be demanded howe this title can be fit to expresse the third person which seemes to bee common to the rest for the father is holy and the sonne is holy againe the father is a spirit and the sonne is a spirit Ans. Indeed the father and the sonne are as wel to be tearmed holy in respect of their natures the third person for all three subsisting in one and the same godhead are consequently holy by one and the fame holinesse but the third person is called holy because beside the holinesse of nature his office is to sanctifie the Church of God Nowe if it be said that sanctification is a work of the whole Trinitie the answer is that although it be so yet the worke of sanctification agrees to the Holy Ghost in speciall manner The father sanctifieth by the sonne and by the holy Ghost the sonne sanctifieth from the father and by the Holy Ghost the holy Ghost sanctifieth from the father and from the sonne by himselfe immediatly and in this respect is the third person tearmed holy Againe the third person is tearmed a Spirit not onely because his nature is spirituall for in that respect the father is a spirit and the sonne is a spirit but because hee is spired or breathed from the father and from the sonne in that he procedes from them both Thus wee see there is a speciall cause why the third person is called the Holy Ghost Nowe the action of faith which concernes the third person is to beleeue in him Which is I. to acknowledge the Holy Ghost as he hath reuealed himselfe in the word II. In special to beleeue that he is my sanctifier and comforter III. To put all the confidence of my heart in him for that cause In these wordes are comprised foure points of doctrine which are to be beleeued cōcerning the holy Ghost The first that he is very God For we are not to put our affiance or confidence in any but in God alone And no doubt the penners of the Creede in that they prefixed these wordes I beleeue in before the article of the third person meant thereby to signifie that he is true God equall with the father and the sonne according to the tenour of the Scriptures themselues Peter saith to Ananias Why hath Satan filled thine heart that thou shouldest lie vnto the Holy Ghost and continuing the same speech he changeth the tearme onely and saith Thou hast not lied vnto men but vnto God Whereby hei nsinuateth that the Holy Ghost is very God In the vision of the Prophet Isai the wordes by him set downe are thus I heard the voice of Iehoua saying Whome shall I send c. and he said God and say to this people Ye shall heare indeed but ye shall not vnderstand But Paul quoting the same place spake on this manner Well spake the Holy Ghost by Esay the Prophet saying Goe vnto this people and say vnto them Now these places being compared togither make it plaine that the title of Iehova agreeth to the holy Ghost But yet the enemies of this truth which thinke that the Holy
righteous man And Saint Iohn saith Hereby we know that we are translated from death to life because we loue the brethren that is such as are members euen because they are so The second signe of this affection is a loue and desire to the comming of Christ whether it be by death vnto any man particularly or by the last iudgement vniuersally and that for this ende that there may be a full participation of fellowshippe with Christ. And that this very loue is a note of adoption it appeares by that which S. Paul saith that the crowne of righteousnes is laid vp for all them that loue the appearing of Christ. The outward token of adoption is New-obedience wherby a man endeauours to obey Gods commandements in his life and conuersation as Saint Iohn saith Hereby we are sure that we know him if we keepe his commandements Now this obedience must not be iudged by the rigour of the morall law for then it should be no token of grace but rather a meanes of damnation but it must be esteemed considered as it is in the acceptation of God who spares them that feare him as a father spares an obedient sonne esteeming things done not by the effect and absolute doing of them but by the affection of the doer And yet least any man should here be deceiued wee must knowe that the obedience which is an infallible marke of the childe of God must be thus qualified First of all it must not be done vnto some fewe of Gods commandements but vnto them all without exception Herod heard Iohn Baptist willingly and did many things and Iudas had excellent things in him as appeares by this that he was content to leaue all and to follow Christ and he preached the Gospel of the kingdome in Iurie as well as the rest yet alas all this was nothing for the one could not abide to become obedient to the seauenth commaundement in leauing his brother Philips wife and the other would not leaue his couetousnesse to die for it Vpright and sincere obedience doth inlarge it selfe to all the commandements as Dauid saith I shall not be confounded when I haue respect to all thy commaundements And Saint Iames saith he which faileth in one law is guiltie of all that is the obedience to many commaundements is indeede before God no obedience but a slatte sinne if a man wittingly and willingly carrie a purpose to omit any one dutie of the lawe He that repents of one sinne truly doth repent of all and he that liues but in one knowne sinne without repentance though he pretend neuer ●o much reformation of life indeed repents of no sinne Secondly this obedience must extend it selfe to the whole course of a mans life after his conuersion and repentance We must not iudge of a man by an action or two but by the tenour of his life Such as the course of a mans life is such is the man though he through the corruption of his nature faile in this or that particular action yet doth it not preiudice his estate before God so be it he renue his repentance for his seuerall slippes and falls not lying in any sinne and withall from yeare to yeare walke vnblameable before God and men S. Paul saith The foundation of God remaineth sure the Lord knoweth who are his Now some might hereupon say it is true indeede God knowes who are his but how may I be assured in my selfe that I am his to this demaund as I take it Paul answers in the next words Let euery one that calleth on the name of the Lord depart from iniquitie that is let men inuocate the name of God praying seriously for things whereof they stand in neede withall giuing thanks and departing from all their former sinnes and this shall be vnto them an infallible token that they are in the election of God Thirdly in outward obedience it is required that it proceede from the whole man as the regeneration which is the cause of it is through the whole man in bodie soule and spirit Againe obedience is the fruit of loue and loue is from the pure heart the good conscience and faith vnfained Thus we haue heard the testimonies and tokens whereby a man may be certified in his conscience that he was chosen to saluation before all worlds If and desire further resolution in this point let them meditate vpon the 15. psal and first epistle of S. Iohn beeing parcels of Scripture penned by the holy Ghost for this ende Here some will demand how a man may be assured of his adoption if he want the testimonie of the spirit to certifie him thereof Ans. Fire is knowne to be no painted but a true fire by two notes by heate and by the flame now if the case fall out that the fire want a flame it is still knowne to be fire by the heate In like manner as I haue saide there be two witnesses of our adoption Gods spirit and our spirit now if it fall out that a man feele not the principall which is the spirit of adoption he must then haue recourse to the second witnesse and search out in himselfe the signes and tokens of the sanctification of his owne spirit by which he may certenly assure himselfe of his adoption as we know fire to be fire by the heate though it want a flame Againe it may be demanded on this manner how if it come to passe that after inquirie we finde but fewe signes of sanctification in our selues Ans. In this case we are to haue recourse to the least measure of grace lesse then which there is no sauing grace and it stands in two things an heartie disliking of our sinnes because they are sinnes and a desire of reconciliation with God in Christ for them all and these are tokens of adoption if they be soundly wrought in the heart though all other tokens for the present seeme to be wanting If any shall say that a wicked man may haue this desire as Balaam who desired to die the death of the righteous the answer is that Balaam indeede desired to die as the righteous man doth but he could not abide to liue as the righteous he desired the ende but not the proper subordinate meanes which tend vnto the ende as vocation iustification sanctification repentance c. the first is the worke of nature the second is the worke of grace Nowe I speake not this to make men secure and to content themselues with these smal beginnings of grace but onely to shewe howe any may assure themselues that they are at the least babes in Christ adding this withall that they which haue no more but these small beginnings must be carefull to increase them because he which goes not forward goes backeward Lastly it may be demanded what a man should doe if he want both the testimonie of Gods spirit and his owne spirit and haue no meanes in the world of assurance Ans.
We are carefull to flie the infection of the bodily plague oh then how carefull should we be to flie the common blindnesse of minde and hardnes of heart which is the very plague of all plagues a thousand fold worse then all the plagues of Egypt And it is so much the more fearefull because the more it takes place the lesse it is perceiued When a malefactour on the day of assise is brought forth of the iayle with great bolts and fetters to come before the iudge as he is going all men pitie him and speake comfortably vnto him but why so because he is now to be arraigned at the barre of an earthly iudge Now the case of all impenitent sinners is farre more miserable then the case of this man for they lie fettered in bondage vnder sinne and Satan and this short life is the way in which they are going euery houre to the barre of Gods iustice who is the King of kings and Lord of lords there to be arraigned and to haue sentence of condemnation giuen against them Now canst thou pitie a man that is before an earthly iudge and wilt thou not be touched with the miserie of thine owne estate who goest euery day forward to the barre of Gods iustice whether thou be sleeping or waking sitting or standing as a man on the sea in a shippe goes continually toward the hauen though he himselfe stirre not his foote Begin now at length to lay this point to your hearts that so long as ye runne on in your blind waies without repentance as much as ye can yee make post hast to hel-ward and so long as you continue in this miserable condition as Peter saith Your iudgement is not farre off and your damnation sleepeth not Thirdly seeing those whom God hath purposed to refuse shall be left vnto themselues and neuer come to repentance we are to loue and embrace the word of God preached taught vnto vs by the ministers of the Gospell withall submitting our selues vnto it and suffering the Lord to humble vs thereby that we may come at length out of the broad way of blindnes of mind and hardnes of heart leading to destruction into the strait way of true repentance and reformation of life which leadeth to saluation For so long as a man liues in this world after the lusts of his owne heart he goes on walking in the very same broad way to hell in which all that are ordained to condemnation walke and what a fearefull thing is it but for a little while to be a companion in the way of destruction with them that perish and therefore I say once againe let vs all in the feare of God lay his word vnto our hearts and heare it with reuerence so as it may be in vs the sword of the spirit to cut downe the sinnes and corruptions of our natures and worke in vs a reformation of life and true repentance The third point concerning the decree of Reprobation is the Iudgement to be giuen of it This iudgement belongeth to God principally and pro●erly because he knoweth best what he hath determined concerning the estate of euery man and none but he knowes who they be which are ordained to due and deserued damnation And againe he onely knoweth the hearts and wills of men and what grace he hath giuen them what they are and what all their sinnes be and so doth no angel nor creature in the world beside As for men it belongs not to them to giue iudgement of reprobation in themselues or in others vnlesse God reueale his will vnto them and giue them a gift of discerning This gift was bestowed on sundrie of the Prophets in the olde testament and in the newe testament on the Apostles Dauid in many psalmes makes request for the confusion of his enemies not praying onely against their sinnes which we may do but euen against their persons which we may not doe No doubt he was guided by Gods spirit and receiued thence an extraordinarie gift to iudge of the obstinate malice of his aduersaries And Paul praies against the person of Demetrius saying The Lord reward him according to his doings And such kind of praiers were lawful in them because they were carried with pure and vpright zeale and had no doubt a speciall gift whereby they were able to discerne of the finall estate of their enemies Againe God sometimes giues this gift of discerning of some mens finall impenitencie to the Church vpon earth I say not to this or that priuate person but to the bodie of the Church or greater part thereof S. Iohn writing vnto the Churches saith There is a sinne vnto death that is against the holy Ghost I say not that thou shouldest praie for it in which wordes he takes it for graunted that this sinne might be discerned by the Church in those daies And Paul saith If any man beleeue not the Lord Iesus let him be had in execration Mara-natha that is pronounced accursed to euerlasting destruction Whence it appeares that the Church hath power to pronounce men reiected to euerlasting damnation vpon some speciall occasions though I dare not say ordinarily and vsually The primitiue Church with one consent praied against Iulian the Apostata and the praiers made were not in vaine as appeared by the euent of his fearefull ende As for priuate and ordinarie men for the tempering and rectifying of their iudgements in this case they must followe two rules The one is that euery member of the Church is bound to beleeue his owne election It is the commandement of God binding the very conscience that wee should beleeue in Christ. Nowe to beleeue in Christ is not onely to put our affiance in him and to be resolued that we are iustified and sanctified and shall be glorified by him but also that we were elect to saluation in him before the beginning of the worlde which is the foundation of the rest Againe if of things that haue necessarie dependance one vpon another we are to beleeue the one then we are to beleeue the other Nowe election and adoption are things conioined and the one necessarily depends vpon the other For all the elect as Paul saith are predestinate to adoption and wee are to beleeue our owne adoption and therefore also our election The second rule is that concerning the persons of those that be of the Church we must put in practise the iudgement of charitie and that is to esteeme of them as of the elect of God till God make manifest otherwise By vertue of this rule the ministers of Gods worde are to publish and preach the gospel to all without exception It is true indeed there is both wheate and darnell in Gods fielde chaffe and corne in Gods barne fish and drosse in Gods net sheepe and goates in Christs folde but secret iudgements belong vnto god the rule of loue which is to think wish the best of others is to be followed
that by reason of this confusion men can not possibly rise with their owne bodies Ans. Howesoeuer this is impossible with men yet it is possible with God For he that in the beginning was able to create all things of nothing is much more able to make euery mans bodie at the resurrection of his owne matter and to distinguish the dust of mens bodies from the dust of beasts and the dust of one mans bodie from another The goldsmith by his art can sunder diuers mettals one frō another some men out of one mettall can drawe another why then should we thinke it vnpossible for the almightie God to doe the like It may bee further obiected thus A man is eaten by a woolfe the woolfe is eaten by a Lyon the Lyon by the foules of the aire the foules of the aire eaten againe by men againe one man is eaten of another as it is vsuall among the Cannibals Nowe the bodie of that man which is turned into so many substances especially into the bodie of another man cannot rise againe and if the one doeth the other doeth not Ans. This reason is but a cauill of mans braine for wee must not thinke that whatsoeuer entreth into the bodie and is turned into the substance thereof must rise againe and become a part of the bodie at the daie of iudgement but euery man shall then haue so much substance of his owne as shall make his bodie to be entire and perfect though another mans flesh once eaten bee no part thereof Againe it is vrged that because flesh and blood cannot enter into the kingdome of God therefore the bodies of men shall not rise againe Ans. By flesh and blood is not meant the bodies of men simply but the bodies of men as they are in weaknesse without glorie subiect to corruption For flesh and blood in Scripture signifies sometime the originall sinne and corruption of nature and sometime mans nature subiect to miseries and infirmities or the bodie in corruption before it be glorified and so it must bee vnderstood in this place Lastly it is obiected that Salomon saith The condition of the children of men and the condition of beasts are euen as one condition Nowe beasts rise not againe after this life and therefore there is no resurrection of men Ans. In that place Salomon expoundeth himselfe They are like in dying for so he saith as the one dieth so dieth the other he speaketh not of their estate after death The second point to be considered is the cause of the resurrection In mankind we must consider two parts the Elect and the Reprobate and they both shall rise againe at the day of iudgement but by diuers causes The godly haue one cause of their resurrection and the vngodly another The cause why the godly rise againe is the resurrection of Christ yea it is the proper cause which procureth and effecteth their resurrection In the scripture Adam and Christ are compared togither and Christ is called the second Adam these were two rootes The first Adam was the roote of al mankinde and he conueieth sinne and by sinne death to all that sprang of him Christ onely excepted the second Adam which is the roote of all the Elect conueieth life both in bodie and soule to all that are vnited to him and by the vertue of his resurrection they shal rise againe after this life For looke as the power of the godhead of Christ when he was dead in the graue raised his bodie the third day so shall the same power of Christ his godhead conuey it selfe vnto all the faithfull which euen in death remaine vnited vnto him and raise them vp at the last daie And for this cause Christ is called a quickening spirit Nowe the cause why the wicked rise againe is not the vertue of Christs resurrection but the vertue of Gods curse set downe in his word In the daie that thou shalt eate of the tree of the knowledge of good and euill thou shalt die the death that is a double death both of bodie and soule And therefore they arise onely by the power of Christ as hee is a iudge that this sentence may be verified on them and that they may suffer both in bodie and soule eternall punishment in hell fire Furthermore S. Iohn setteth downe the outward meanes whereby the dead shal be raised namely the voice of Christ The houre shall come saith he in which all that are in the graues shall heare his voice and they shall come forth For as hee created all things by his word so at the day of iudgement by the same voice all shall be raised againe This may bee a good reason to mooue vs to heare the ministers of God reuerently for that which they teach is the very word of God and therefore we are to pray that it may be as effectuall in raising vs vp from the graue of sinne in this life as it shall bee after this life in raising vs vp from the graue of death vnto iudgement Thirdly we are to consider what manner of bodies shall rise at the last day Ans. The same bodies for substance this Iob knew well when he said I shall see him at the last daie in my flesh whome I my selfe shall see and none other for me with these same eies Neuerthelesse the bodies of the elect shall be altered in qualitie being made incorruptible and filled with glorie The last point to be considered is the ende why these bodies shall rise againe The principall end which God intendeth is his owne glorie in the manifestation of his iustice and mercie Nowe at the last daie when all men shall be raised to iudgement by the voice of Christ the godly to life and the wicked to condemnation there shal be a full manifestation both of his mercy and iustice and therefore by consequent a full manifestation of his glorie Thus much for the doctrines touching the Resurrection now followe the vses First it serueth wonderfully for the comfort of all Christian hearts Dauid speaking not onely of Christ but also of himselfe saith most notably Mine heart is glad my tongue reioiceth and my flesh also doth rest in hope Why so For saith he thou shalt not leaue my soule in graue neither wilt thou suffer thy holy one to see corruption Though the daies of this life be daies of woe and miserie yet the day of the resurrection shall bee vnto all the children of God a time of reioicing and felicitie as Peter saith it is the time of refreshing Whosoeuer is now an hungred shall then eate and be filled with the fruite of the tree of life and whosoeuer is now naked shall be then cloathed with the white garments dipped in the blood of the Lambe and whosoeuer is nowe lame shall haue all his members restored perfectly And as this daie is ioyfull to the godly so on the contrarie it is a daie of woe and
die that originall corruption may be vtterly abolished for no man liuing on earth is perfectly sanctified and originall sinne is remaining for speciall causes to the last moment of this life and then it is abolished and not before II. The godly die that by death as by a straight gate they may passe from this vale of miserie to eternall life And thus Christ by his death makes death to be no death and turnes a curse into a blessing And to proceede It is not here said the resurrection of the soule but of the bodie onely what then will some say becommeth of the soule Diuers haue thought that the soules then though they doe not die yet are still kept within the bodie beeing as it were asleepe till the last day But Gods word saith to the contrarie For the soules of the godly lie vnder the altar and crie How long Lord Iesus Diues in soule did suffer the woe and torments of hell and Lazarus had ioy in Abrahams bosome Again some others thinke that mens soules after this life doe passe from one mans bodie to an other and Herod may seeme to haue beene of this opinion for when newes was brought him of Christ he saide that Iohn Baptist beeing beheaded was risen againe thinking that the soule of Iohn Baptist was put into the bodie of some other man And for proofe hereof some alledge the example of Nebuchadnezzar who forsaking the societie of men liued as beasts and did eate grasse like a beast they imagine that his owne soule went out of him and that the soule of a beast entred in the roome thereof But this indeede is a fond conceit for euen then he had the soule of a man when he liued as a beast beeing onely stricken by the hand of God with an exceeding madnesse whereby he was bereft of common reason as doth appeare by that clause in the text where it is said that his vnderstanding or knowledge returned to him againe Again some other thinke that the soule neither dieth nor sleepeth nor passeth out of one bodie into an other but wandereth here on earth among men and oftentimes appeareth to this or that man and this is the opinion of some hereticks and of the common people which think that dead men walke for proofe hereof some alleadge the practise of the witch of Endor who is said to make Samuel to appeare before Saul but the truth is it was not Samuel in deed but onely a counterfait of him For not all the witches in the world nor all the deuils in hell are able to disquiet the soules of the faithfull departed which are in the keeping of the Lord without wandring from place to place For when men die in the faith their soules are immediatly translated into heauen and there abide till the last iudgement and contrariwise if men die in their sinnes their soules go straight to the place of eternall condemnation and there abide as in a prison as Peter saith In a word when the breath goeth out of the bodie the soule of euery man goeth straight either to heauen or hell and there is no third place of aboad mentioned in Scripture To conclude the resurrection of the bodie is expressely mentioned in the Creede to shew that there is no resurrection of the soule which neither dieth nor sleepeth but is a spirituall and inuisible substance liuing and abiding for euer as well forth of the bodie as in the same Thus much of the third prerogatiue or benefit now followeth the fourth and last in these words And life euerlasting To handle this point to the full a●d to open the nature of it as it deserueth is not in the power of man For both the prophet Esai and Saint Paul say that the eye hath not seene the eare hath not heard neither came it into mans heart to thinke of those things which God hath prepared for those that loue him Againe Paul when hee was rapt into the third heauen saith that he sawe things not to be vttered Neuertheles we may in some part describe the same so farre forth as God in this case hath reuealed his will vnto vs. Wherefore in this last prerogatiue I consider two things the first is Life it selfe the second is the Continuance of life noted in the worde euerlasting Life it selfe is that whereby any thing acteth liueth and mooueth it selfe and it is twofolde vncreated or created Vncreated life is the very godhead it selfe whereby God liueth absolutely in himselfe from himselfe and by himselfe giuing life and beeing to all things that liue and haue beeing and this life is not meant here because it is not communicable to any creature Created life is a qualitie in the creature and it s againe two-fold naturall spirituall Naturall life is that whereby men in this world liue by meate and drinke and all such meanes as are ministred by Gods prouidence Spirituall life is that most blessed and happie estate in which all the Elect shall raigne with Christ their head in the heauens after this life and after the day of iudgement for euer and euer And this alone is the life which in the Creede we confesse and beleeue and it consisteth in an immediate coniunction and communion or fellowship with God himselfe as Christ in his solemne praier to his father a litle before his death signifieth I pray not for these alone but for them also which shall beleeue in me through thy word that they all may be one as thou O father art in me and I in thee euē that they may be one also in vs. And whē S. Iohn in the Revelatiō saith Beholde the tabernacle of God is with men he will dwell with them and they shall be his people and God himselfe shall be their God with them he sheweth that the very foundation of that happines which god hath prepared for his seruants stands in a societie betweene God and them whereby God shall dwell with them in heauen and they againe shall there enioy his glorious presence Touching this Communion three points must be considered The first is in what order men shall haue fellowship with God Ans. This communion shall be first of all with Christ as he is man and by reason that the manhoode of Christ is personally vnited to the godhead of the sonne it shall also be with Christ as he is God and consequently with the father and the holy Ghost The reason of this order is because Christ though he be the author and the fountaine of eternall life as he is God yet he conueies the same vnto vs onely in and by his flesh or manhood Yet must we not here thinke that life proceedeth frō the māhood it selfe as from a cause efficient for the flesh quickeneth not by any vertue frō it selfe but by the Word to which it is personally vnited it beeing as it were a pipe eternally to conuey life from the godhead vnto vs. The
meditation of life eternall must be as sugar in our pockets to sweeten the cup withall Lastly if this be true that God of his goodnesse and endles mercy towards mankind hath prepared life euerlasting yet not for all men but for the elect whose names are written in the booke of life we must aboue all things in this world seeke to be partakers of the same Let vs receiue this as from the Lord and lay it to our hearts whatsoeuer we doe euening or morning day or night whether we be young or old rich or poore first we must seeke for the kingdome of heauen and his righteousnes If this benefit were common to all and not proper to the Church lesse care might be had but seeing it is proper to some alone for this very cause let all our studies be to obtaine the beginnings of li●e euerlasting giuen in this life For if we haue it not whosoeuer we be it had beene better for vs that we had neuer beene borne or that we had beene borne dogges and toades then men for when they die there is an ende of their miserie but man if he loose euerlasting happinesse hath ten thousand millions of yeares to liue in miserie and in the torments of hell and when that time is ended he is as farre from the end of his miserie as he was at the beginning Wherefore I pray you let not the deuill steale this meditation out of your hearts but be carefull to repent of all your sinnes and to beleeue in Christ for the pardon of them all that by this meanes yee may come to haue the pawne and earnest of the spirit concerning life euerlasting euen in this world What a miserable thing is it that men should liue long in this world and not so much as dreame of another till the last gaspe Let vs not suffer Satan thus to abuse and bewitch vs for if we haue not eternall life in this world we shall neuer haue it Hitherto by Gods goodnes I haue shewed the meaning of the Creede now to draw to a conclusion the generall vses which are to be made of it follow And first of all we learne by it that the Church of Rome hath no cause to condemne vs for heretickes for we doe truly hold and beleeue the whole Apostolicall Symbole or Creede which is an epitome of the Scriptures and the very key of faith It will be said that we denie the Popes supremacie iustification by workes purgatorie the sacrifice of the Masse for the sinnes of the quicke and the dead the inuocation and intercession of Saints c. which ar● the greatest points of religion It is true indeede we denie and renounce them as doctrines of deuills perswading our selues that if they indeede had beene Apostolicall and the very grounds and pillars of religion as they are now auouched to be they should in no wise haue beene left forth of the Creede For it is an ouersight in making a confession of faith to omit the principall points and rules of faith It will be further saide that in the Creede we beleeue the Church and so consequently are to beleeue all these former points which are taught and auouched by the Church but this defence is foolish For it takes this for graunted that the Church of Rome is the Church here meant which we denie vnlesse they can prooue a particular Church to be vniuersal or Catholike Nay I adde further that the principall grounds of popish faith for which they contend with vs as for life and death are not mentioned in any other Creedes which were made by the Churches and Councells for many hundred yeares after Christ. Secondly the Creede serues as a storehouse of remedies against all troubles and temptations whatsoeuer I. If a man be grieued for the losse of earthly riches let him consider that he beleeues God to be his Creatour who will therefore guide and preserue his owne workmanship and by his prouidence minister all things needefull vnto it And that he hath not lost the principall blessing of all in that he hath God to be his father Christ to be his redeemer and the holy Ghost to be his comforter and that considering he lookes for life eternall he is not to be ouer much carefull for this life and that Christ being our Lord will not forsake vs beeing the seruants in his owne house but will prouide things needefull for vs. II. If any man be grieued in respect of outward disgrace and contempt let him remember that he beleeues in Christ crucified and that therefore he is to reioyce in contempt for righteousnes sake III. They which are troubled for the decease of friends● are to comfort thēselues in the communion of Saints and that they haue God the Father and Christ and the holy Ghost for their friends IV. Against bodily captiuitie let men consider that they beleeue in Christ their Lord whose seruice is perfect libertie V. Against the feare of bodily diseases● we must remember the resurrection of the bodie in which all diseases and infirmities shall be abolished VI. If a man feare death of the bodie let him consider that he beleeues in Christ which died vpon the crosse who by death hath vanquished death VII The feare of persecution is restrained if we call to remembrance that God is a Father Almightie not onely able but also willing to represse the power of the aduersarie so farre forth as shall be for the good of his children VIII Terrours arising of the consideration of the last iudgement are delaied by remembrance of this that Christ shall be our iudge who is our redeemer IX Feare of damnation is remedied by consideration that Christ died to make satisfaction for vs and now sitts at the right hand of his father to make intercession for vs and by the resurrection of the bodie to life euerlasting X. Terrours of conscience for sinne are repressed if we consider that God is a Father and therefore much in sparing and that it is a prerogatiue of the Church to haue remission of sinnes Trin-vni Deo gloria AN EXPOSITION OF THE LORDS PRAYER In the way of Catechising seruing for ignorant people Corrected and amended Hereunto are adioyned the prayers of Paul taken out of his Epistles By W. Perkins Printed for Iohn Porter and Ralph Iackson 1600. To the right Honourable Edward Lord Russell Earle of Bedford Grace and peace be multiplied RIght Honourable if you consider what is one of the chiefest ornaments of this Noble state vnto which God hath aduanced you it wil appeare that there is none more excellent then the spirit of grace and prayer For what doth your heart affect would you speake the languages Behold by prayer you may speak the most heauenly tongue that euer was euen the language of Canaan Would you haue the valor of knighthood By prayer you may stand in place where Gods hande hath made a breach and doe as much as all the chariots and
horsmen in a kingdom Would you inioy Gods blessings which you wāt By praier you may as it were put your hand into the cofers of Gods treasures inrich your selfe Doe you desire the fauour of Monarks and Princes By praier you may come in presence and haue speech with Iehova the king of heauen and earth Lastly would you know whether now liuing you be dead that beeing dead you may liue for euer By prayer a man may knowe whether hee bee dead to sinne dead to the world liue to God liue to Christ and liue eternally Prayer then beeing so excellent a point of Religion I am imboldened to commend this small treatise to your Honour not so much for it selfe as because it doth set out the matter and true manner of inuocation of Gods holy name And I hope for your fauour in accepting of it the rather because I doubt not but your desire is to be answerable to your most honourable for religion most worthy ancestors in the care of maintaining and countenancing any good thing that may any way serue for the furtherīg of the gospel of Christ. Nowe Iesus Christ our Lord and God euen the Father which hath loued vs giuen vs euerlasting consolation and good hope through grace stablish your Honour in euery good word and worke to the end Your H. to command William Perkins An aduertisement to the Reader GOod reader there was a booke of late published in London vnder this title PERKINS vpon the Lords praier In it I haue double iniurie First it was printed without my knowledge or consent And secondly the booke is faultie both in the matter and manner of writing In the matter these things are not well set downe First the commandement of praier very easily to be kept pag. 3 b 2. Prayer is the restauration of the Gospell 7 b 3. The three first petitions concerne Gods glorie the three latter the meanes of Gods glorie 1 b 4. Gods name taken for his deitie and not for his attributes or titles 15 b 5. A man must pray for the day of his death 26 a 6. Repentance is sufficient not only to bring a true faith but also to renew it 34. ● 7. A lesson in the Lords praier taken out of Poperie 45 a 8. The doctrine of satisfaction for sinne is a most vile doctrine 52 b 9. God and the deuill agree in the manner of temptation 61 b 10. God offereth men the occasion to sinne 62 a Likewise the manner of writing hath other faults First in the middle of the Lords prayer there is placed a discourse of the Lords supper 2. The end of the Lords prayer is not expounded at all but friuolously 3. There are very many places which haue no common reason in them as First Gods angels doe his will in countenance 39 b 2. Our daily bread is communicating bread 45 b 3. To walke before God in the truth of the satisfaction of Gods iustice 51 a 4. To purge a cleere conscience 51 b 5. The pages 65.66.67 are so penned as the reader cannot knowe what was my meaning Now considering by this vngoaly practise Christian and well disposed people are much abused to omit the iniurie done to my selfe I thought it my duty to make a redresse by publishing this treatise according as the points therein were deliuered otherwise I was not willing to haue set downe any thing in the way of Exposition of the Lords prayer because it is alreadie sufficiently performed by others AN EXPOSITION OF THE Lords praier in the way of Catechisme Seruing for ignorant people by M. Perkins Matth. 6. vers 9. After this manner therefore pray ye Our Father c. THe occasion and so also the coherence of these words with the former is this The Euangelist Matthew setting downe the sermons and sayings of our Sauiour Christ keeps not this course to propound euery thing as it was done or spoken but sometime he sets downe that first which was done last and that last which was done before according as the spirit of God directed him Which thing is verified in these words where the praier is mentioned yet the occasion wherefore our Sauiour Christ taught his Disciples to pray is not here specified But in S. Luk. 11. 1. the occasion of these wordes is euident For there it is said that the disciples of our Sauiour knowing that Iohn taught his disciples to pray made request to their master that he would doe the same to them likewise These fewe words set before the pr●ier are a commandement and it prescribes vnto vs two duties the first to pray the second to pray after the manner following Touching the first point considering very fewe among the people knowe how to pray aright we must learne what it is to pray To make praier is to put vp our request to God according to his word from a contrite heart in the name of Christ with assurance to be heard For the better opening of these words we are to cōsider sixe questiōs The first is to whome we are to praie The answer is to God alone Rom. 10.14 How shall they call on him in whome they haue not beleeued c. Marke howe inuocation and faith are linked togither And Pauls reason may be framed thus In whome we put our affiance or beleefe to him alone must we praie but we beleeue onely in God therefore we must onely pray to him As for Saints or angels they are in no wise to be called vpon because not the least title of gods word prescribes vs so to doe because they cannot heare our praiers and discerne what are the thoughts and desires of our hearts and because inuocation is a part of diuine worship and therefore peculiar to God alone Obiection What neede any man pray vnto God considering hee knowes what we want before we aske and is readie and willing to giue that which we craue Ans. We pray not for this ende to manifest our case to God as though he knewe it not or to winne and procure his fauour and good will but for other weightie endes First that we might shew our submission and obedience to God because he hath giuen vs a direct commandement to pray and it must be obeyed Secondly that we may by inuocation shewe forth that wee doe indeede beleeue and repent because God hath made the promise of remission of sinnes and of all good blessings to such as doe indeede repent and humble themselues vnder the hand of God and by true faith apprehend and applie the promises of God vnto themselues Thirdly we pray to God that wee may as our dutie is acknowledge him to be the fountaine author and giuer of euery good thing Lastly that we might ease our mindes by powring out our hearts before the Lord for to this ende hath he made most sweete and comfortable promises Pro. 16.3 Psal. 37.5 Obiection What neede men vse prayer considering God in his eternall coūsell hath certenly determined what shall come
haue receiued the spirit of adoption whereby we crie Ab●a that is● father And Rom. 8.26 Likewise the spirit helpeth our infirmities for we know not what to pray as we ought but the spirit it selfe maketh request And Zach. 12.10 the holy Ghost is called the spirit of grace and deprecatio●s or praiers Well then the man that would pray must haue Gods spirit to be his schoole-master to teach him to pray with grones and sighes of the heart for the words make not the prayer but the grones and desires of his heart and a man praies for no more then he desires with the heart and he which desires nothing praies not at all but spends lip-labour The second worke of the spirit is to assure vs in our consciences that we are in the state of grace reconciled to God Rom. 8.16 The spirit of adoption beareth witnesse with our spirits that we are the children of God And this inward certificate of the spirit in all exercises of inuocation is very necessarie for he which wants this assurance if he be secure and benummed in his sinnes will not and if he be touched in conscience for them for his life dare not cal God father Also this confutes the opinion of the Church of Rome which teacheth that man is to doubt whether he be adopted or no. For how can a man truly call God father when he doubts whether he be the child of God or no It is a miserable kind of praying to cal God father and withall to doubt whether he be a father Indeede it is true that doubts will often arise but it is our dutie to striue against them and not to yeeld to them Yea but say they to be certaine of Gods mercy is presumption I answer if it be presumption it is an holy presumption because God hath bidden vs to call him father Our Father 1. The meaning THus much of the argument of relation now let vs proceede● It is further said Our father And he is so tearmed because he is the father of Christ by nature and in him the father of euery beleeuer yea of the whole bodie of the Church Quest. Whether may it be lawfull for vs in praier to say not our father but my father Ans. A Christian may in priuate praier say My father This is warranted by the example of our Sauiour Matth. 26. ●9 O my father if it be possible let this cup passe from me And Math. 27.46 My God my God why hast thou forsaken me And Thomas praied My Lord and my God And Paul I giue thanks to my God c. And Gods promise is Ier. 3.19 Thou shalt call me my father The meaning of Christ is not to binde vs to these words but to teach vs that in our praiers we must not haue regard to our selues onely but also to our brethren and therefore when we pray for them in our priuate praiers as for our selues we put in practise the true meaning of these words 2. The vses When we pray wee must not make request onely for our selues and our owne good but for others also as the church and people of God perswading our selues that we also are partakers of their praiers and for the better cleering of this point let vs search who they are for whome wee are to pray Of men there be two sorts some liuing● some dead Of these two kinds the liuing are to be praied for and there is no praying for the dead A man that is dead knowes what shall bee his estate eternally if he died a wicked person that is an vnrepentant sinner his state shall bee according in eternall torment if he died hauing repented of his sinnes then hee shall rest with God in his kingdome Apoc. 14.13 Blessed are they which die in the Lord for they rest from their labours and their workes follow them Gal. 6.10 While wee haue time let vs doe good to all men Where wee may note that there is a time namely after death when we cannot doe good to others Again of the liuing some are our enemies some our friends Our friends are they which are of the same religion affection and disposition Foes are either priuate or publike Publike foes are either enemies to our countrie as tyrants traitors c. or enemies to our religion as Iewes Turkes Papists Infidels Atheists Now towards all these how ought a man to behaue himselfe in praier Ans. He is to pray for them all Matth. 5.44 Pray for them which hurt you and persecute you 1. Tim. 2.1 I exhort that praiers intercessions c. be made for all men for kings c. Yet whē Paul gaue this commandement we read not that there were any Christian kings but all Infidels And the Iewes are commanded to pray for Babylon where they were captiue Ierem. 29.7 And seeke the prosperitie of the cittie whither I haue caused you to be carried captiue and pray vnto the Lord for it Question How and in what manner are wee to pray for our enemies Ans. We are to praie against their ●innes counsels enterprises but not against their persons Thus praied Dauid against Achitophel 2. Sam. 15.31 Lord I pray thee bring the counsell of Achitophel to foolishnesse And thus did the Apostles pray against their persecutors Act. 4.29 O Lord behold their threatnings and graunt vnto thy seruants with all boldnesse to speake thy word Question Dauid vseth imprecations against his enemies in which he prayeth for their vtter confusion as Psal. 59. 109. c. The like is done by Paul Gal. 5.1 2. Tim. 4.14 and Peter Act. 8. 20. though afterwards he mitigates his execration But how could they doe it Ans. 1. They were indued with an extraordinarie measure of Gods spirit and hereby they were inabled to discerne of their enemies and certainly to iudge that their wickednes and malice was incurable and that they should neuer repent And the like praiers did the Primitiue church cōceiue against Iulian the Apostata because they perceiued him to be a malitious desperate enemie 2. Secondly they were indued with a pure zeale and not carried with desire of reuenge against their enemies intending nothing els but the glorie of God Nowe for vs it is good that wee should suspect our zeale because sinister affections as hatred enuie emulation desire of reuenge will easily mingle themselues therewith Question How farre forth may we vse those Psalmes in which Dauid vseth imprecations against his enemies Ans. They are to bee read and song with these caueats I. We are to vse those imprecations indefinitely against the enemies of God and his Church for we may perswade our selues that alwaies there be some such obstinate enemies but we must not applie them particularly 2. Secondly we must vse them as Augustine saith as certaine propheticall sentences of the holy Ghost pronouncing the last sentence of destruction vpon final and impenitent sinners which oppose themselues against Gods kingdome 3. They may be vsed against our spirituall
spirit If we shall consider the conuersation of the wicked and the godly and their corrupt hearts togither we shall see little difference but in this that the wicked is delighted and glad to sinne but the godly doe wrestle as for life and death with their temptations and doe resist the deuill and doe desire the grace of Gods spirit and crie to heauen to bee freed from this bondage howesoeuer their hearts are alwaies readie to rebel against God 2. Forasmuch as the kingdome of grace is erected in Gods Church here vpon earth in this petition we are cōmanded to pray for the Chruch of God and the parts thereof Psal. 122.6 Praie for the peace of Ierusalem they shall prosper that loue thee Esay 62.7 Ye which are the Lords remembrance●s giue him no rest vntill he set vp Hierusalem the praise of the world And that Gods Church may flourish and be in good estate we are to pray for Christian Kings and Princes that God would blesse them and increase the number of them For they are as nursing fathers and nursing mothers to the Church And wee especially are bound to pray for the Queenes most excellent maiestie as also for the French king that they may be blessed and Gods kingdome by them aduanced And againe because ministers are the Lords watchmen in the Church we are here also put in minde to seeke their good and to praie that their hearts may be set for the building of Gods kingdome for the beating downe of the kingdome of sinne and Satan and for the sauing of the soules of his people And the rather because the deuill laboureth night and daie to ouerthrow thē in this glorious worke and to resist them in their ministerie as appeareth in Zacha●ie 3.1 When Ioshua the high priest stood before the Angell of the Lord Satan stood at his right hand namely to resist him Therefore also wee are to praie for them that the Lord would keepe them and furnish them with gifts and with all make them faithfull For where vision faileth the people are left naked saith Salomon 2. Thess. 3. 1. Brethren pray for vs that the word of the Lord may haue a free passage and be glorified Thirdly we must pray for all Christian Schooles of learning Howsoeuer some thinke but basely of them yet they are the ordinarie meanes to maintaine the ministerie and so the Church of God A man that hath diuers orchards wil also haue a seminarie ful of young plants to maintaine it Schooles they are as Seminaries to Gods church without which the Church falles to decay because they serue to make supplie of ministers 3. Thirdly we are to desire that the Lord would hasten the second comming of Christ as the Saints in heauen praie Come Lord Iesus come quicklie and therefore the godly are said to loue the comming of Christ. 2. Tim. 4.8 A penitent sinner so abhors his own corruptions and the irkesome temptations of Satan that in this respect he desires that Christ would hasten his particular comming to him by death for no other cause but that he might make an end of sinning and displeasing of God Thy will be done 1. The Coherence IN the second petition we desired that God would let his kingdome come vz. That he would rule in our hearts If he then must raigne we must be his subiects and therefore here we craue that beeing his subiects wee may obey him and doe his will Mal. 1.6 If I be a father where is my honour If I be a master where is my feare 2. The meaning VVIll Here it signfieth Gods word written in the olde and new Testament For in his word his will is reauealed Of the whole will of God there be three speciall points which are in this place meant 1. To beleeue in Christ Ioh. 6.40 This is the will of him that sent me that euery one which seeth the Sonne and beleeueth in him should haue euerlasting life 2. Sanctification of body soule 1. Thess. 4.3 This is the will of God euen your sanctification c. 3. The bearing of affliction in this life Rom. vers 29. Those which he knew before he did predestinate to be made like to the image of his owne sonne Phil. 3.10 That I might knowe him and the vertue of his resurrection and the fellowship of his afflictions and be made conformable to his death Thy will Not mine for mans owne will is wicked and corrupt yea it is flat enmitie to God Rom. 8. v. 5. Done That is obeyed and accomplished of men Then the effect of the prayer is this O Lord seeing thou art our King giue vs grace to shewe our selues good subiects in obeying thy will 3. The wants to be praied against 1. HEre first we are to bewaile this that our hearts are so prone to rebelliō and disobedience of Gods commandements Put a match to a heape of gun-powder on a sudden it will be all on a flame and as long as we adde matter to the fire it burnes so by nature we are most readie to sinne so soone as the least occasion is giuen Dauid had experience of this when hee praied Knit my heart to thee O Lord c. Psal. 86. 11. and incline my heart to thy commandements Psal. 119.37 Those which finde not this want in themselues and the like affection to bewaile it are in a miserable and dangerous case euen as a man that hath a great disease vpon him and knowes not of it 2. Againe wee must here bewaile the sinne of the worlde as ignorance schismes hipocrisie pride ambition contempt of Gods word couetousnes oppression want of loue of God and his word c. 2. Peter 2.7 Lot was vexed and his righteous heart was vexed with the vncleane conuersation of the Sodomites from day to day so ought our soules to bee vexed and grieued continually at the wickednesse of our time and we are to send vp our praiers to God for vnbeleeuing vnrepentant sinners that they may be brought to the obedience of Gods will Ezech. 9.4 In a common iudgement vpon Ierusalem They are marked in the forhead that mourne and crie for all the abominations that be done in the middest of it 3. Here also we must humble our selues for our vnquietnesse of mind impatience whē god laies any crosse on vs. It is Gods wil that we should suffer affliction and withall humble our selues vnder his mightie hand Our Sauiour praied that the cup might be taken away but with submission to his Fathers will Luk. 22.42 And this Dauid had learned when he said But if he thus say behold I haue no delight in thee behold here I am let him doe to me as seemeth good in his eies 2. Sam. 15.26 4. Graces to be desired 1. THe first thing which we are here to desire is that we may haue grace to denie our selues wils and affections because herein wee are vnlike to God and like the deuill This is the first lesson that our Sauiour doth
in more speciall manner they giue assent vnto the couenant of grace made in Christ that it is most certaine and sure and they are perswaded in a general and confused manner that God will verifie the same couenant in the members of his Church This is all their faith which indeede proceedeth from the holy Ghost but yet it is not sufficient to make them sound Professors For albeit they doe generally beleeue Gods promises yet herein they deceiue themselues that they neuer applie and appropriate the same promises to their own soules An example of this faith we haue Ioh. 2.24 where it is said that when our Sauiour Christ came to Ierusalem at the feast of Easter manie beleeued in his name and yet hee would not commit himselfe vnto them because he knewe them all and what was in them To come to the second thing those professors which are indued with thus much grace as to beleeue in Christ in a confused maner goe yet further for this their faith though it be not sufficient to saluation yet it sheweth it selfe by certaine fruites which it bringeth forth for as a tree or a branch of a tree that hath no deepe rooting but either is couered with a few moules or els lieth in the water at the season of the yeare bringeth forth leaues and blossomes and some fruite too and that for one or two or moe yeares so one that is an hearer of the word may receiue the word and the worde as seed by this generall faith may bee somewhat rooted in his heart and setled for a season and may bring foorth some fruites in his life peraduenture very faire in his owne and other mens eies yet indeede neither sound nor lasting nor substantiall What these fruites are it may be gathered forth of these wordes where it is said that they receiue the word with ioy when they heare it for here may be gathered First that they doe willingly subiect themselues to the ministerie of the word Secondly that they are as forward as any and as ioyfull in frequenting sermons Thirdly that they reuerence the Ministers whome they so ioyfully heare Lastly they condemne them of impietie which will not be hearers or be negligent hearers of the word Now of these and such like fru●ts this may be added though they are not sound yet they are void of that grosse kind of hypocrisie For the mindes of those Professors are in part enlightened and their hearts are indued with such a faith as may bring forth these fruits for a time and therefore herein they ●issemble not that faith which they haue not but rather shew that which they haue Adde hereunto that a man beeing in this estate may deceiue himselfe and the most godly in the world which haue the greatest gifts of discerning how they and their brethren stand before the Lord like as the figtree with greene leaues deceiued our Sauiour Christ as he was man for when in his hunger he came vnto it to haue had some fruit he found none If this be so it may be then required how these vnsound professours differ from true professours I answer in this they differ that they haue not sound hearts to cleaue vnto Christ Iesus for euer Which appeareth in that they are compared to stonie ground Now stonie groundes mingled with some earth are commonly hot and therefore haue as it were some alacritie and hastinesse in them and the corne as soone as it is cast into this ground it sprouteth out very speedily but yet the stones will not suffer the corne to be rooted deepely beneath and therefore when sommer commeth the blade of the corne withereth with rootes and all So it is with these professours they haue in their hearts some good motions of the holy Ghost to that which is good they haue a kind of zeale to Gods word they haue a liking to good things and they are as forwards as any other for a time and they doe beleeue But these good motions and graces are not lasting but like the flame and flashing of straw and stubble neither are they sufficient to saluation With the true professours it is farre otherwise for they haue vpright and honest hearts before the Lord Luk. 8. 15. And they haue faith which worketh by loue Gal. 5.6 And that Christian man which loueth God whatsoeuer shall befall yea though it were a thousand deaths yet his heart can neuer be seuered from the Lord and from his Sauiour Christ as the spouse speaketh vnto Christ of her owne loue Cant. 8.6 Set me as a seale on thy heart as a signet vpon thy arme for loue is as strong as death iealousie is as cruell as the graue the coales thereof are fierie coales and a vehement flame Much water cannot quench loue neither can the flouds drowne it if a man should giue all the substance of his house for loue they would greatly contemne it Wherefore good Reader seeing there is such a similitude and affinitie betweene the temporarie professor of the Gospell and the true professor of the same it is the dutie of euery Christian to trie and examine himselfe whether he be in the faith or not 2. Cor. 13.5 And whereas it is an hard thing for a man to search out his own heart we are to pray vnto God that he would giue vs his spirit to discerne betweene that which is good and euill in vs. Now when a man hath found out the estate of his heart by searching it he is further to obserue and keepe it with all diligence Prou. 4. 23. that when the houre of death or the day of triall shall come he may stand sure and not be deceiued of his hope And for this purpose I haue described the most of these small treatises which follow to minister vnto thee some helpe in this examining and obseruing of thine own heart Read them and accept of them and by the blessing of God they shall not be vnprofitable vnto thee And if they shall any whit helpe thee helpe me also with thy prayer 1595. FINIS CERTAINE PROPOSITIONS DECLARING HOW FARRE A MAN MAY goe in the profession of the Gospel and yet be a wicked man or a Reprobate I. A Reprobate hath in his mind a certain knowledge of God of common equitie among men of the difference of good from bad and this is partly from nature partly from the contemplation of Gods creatures in which the wisdome the power the loue the mercie the maiestie of God is perceiued II. This knowledge is only generall and imperfect much like the ruines of a Princes pallace it is not sufficient to direct him in doing of a good work For example he knoweth that there is a God and that this God must be worshipped come to particulars who God is what a one he is how he must be worshipped Here his knowledge faileth him and he is altogither vncertain what to doe to please God III. By reason of this knowledge the Reprobate doeth
yet afterward alwaies he returned to his old by as againe Foelix trembled before Paul for all that he could not leaue his couetousnesse but euen then he sought for a bribe Secondly the reprobate● when he repenteth he cannot come vnto God seeke vnto him he hath no power no not so much as once to desire to giue one litle sob for the remissiō of his sinnes if he would giue all the world he cannot so much as giue one rap at gods mercie gate that he may open to him He is very like a man vpon a racke who crieth roreth out for very paine yet cannot desire his tormentor to ease him of his paine Caine would haue bin void of his trembling but he could not aske pardon of his sinne from his heart neither could Saul or Iudas or now can the deuill XIV The reprobate may humble himselfe for some sinnes which he hath committed and may declare this by fasting and teares When Eliah reprooued Ahab for his Idolatrie and threatned him from the Lord it is said that when he had heard these words he rent his cloaths and put sackcloath vpon him and fasted and went softly in token of mourning and this humiliation stayed Gods wrath for a time XV. He may confesse his sinnes euen his particular sinnes before men but this is onely then when his soule is tormented for them and can find no ease For then he sticketh not to vtter his secret filthines to the hearing of all men to the open shaming of himselfe When God smote all that was in the fieldes of Egypt with haile then Pharao sent and called for Moses and Aaron and said vnto them I haue now sinned the Lord is righteous but I and my people are wicked pray ye vnto the Lord for it is enough that there be no more mightie thunders c. So Iudas when he saw that Christ was condemned and felt an hell in his conscience brake out and said I haue sinned in betraying the innocent blood And the experience of these daies giueth fearefull examples for the proofe of this point XVI He hath often a desire to be like the children of God in happinesse and to be saued not because he hath any loue to the kingdom of God but because he is afraid of hell As Balaam ouerpressed with the feare of Gods iudgement praied thus Oh that my soule might die the death of the righteous and that my last end might be like his XVII The wicked in their distresse may pray to God and God may heare their praiers and grant them their request as the Israelites wickedly murmuring against God desired flesh in the wildernes God heard their crie and rained Quailes among them But god heareth the wicked after one sort them that feare him after another them that feare him he granteth their requests of loue and mercy to the other of indignation and anger As may appeare in the Israelites who when they were in eating of their Quailes and the meate was within their teeth God in his anger stroke thē with a sore plague And which is more strange then this God hath performed that which he hath promised to the vnbeleeuers though they refused to aske it at his hands euen then whē they were particularly commanded of this thing we haue a worthie example in King Achas who vtterly refused to haue a signe of his deliuerance and the confusion of his enemies when God offered it to him and yet the Lord deliuered him XVIII The reprobate may go further in the profession of religion● and may seeme for a time to bee planted in the Church for he doth beleeue the promises of God made in Christ Iesus yet so that he cannot apply them to himselfe In this thing the elect and the reprobate differ The reprobate generally in a confused manner beleeueth that Christ is a Sauiour of some men he neither can nor desireth to come to the particular applying of Christ. The elect beleeueth that Christ is a Sauiour of him particularly The reprobates faith may perish in this life but the faith of the elect cannot The reprobate may be perswaded of the mercy and goodnes of God towards him for the present time in the which he feeleth it the elect is not onely perswaded of the mercies he presently enioyeth but also he is perswaded of his eternal election before the foūdation of the world and of his euerlasting life which yet he doth not enioy Yea if God would confound him and he saw nothing but present death and hell fire yet such is his nature that still hee would beleeue for faith and hope are not grounded vpon sense and feeling but are the euidence of those thing● which were neuer yet seene or felt The life of the faithfull is hid in Christ as the sap in the root of the tree their life is not in sense feeling but in hoping and beleeuing which oftentimes are contrarie to mans sense and feeling XIX After that he hath receiued a generall and a temporarie faith in Gods heauenly word his most mercifull promises of euerlasting life cōtained therin by the power of the spirit of God he commeth to haue a tast in his heart of the sweetnes of Gods mercies and a reioycing in consideration of the election adoption iustification and sanctification of Gods children But what is this taste I expresse it thus after the meaning of Gods word Suppose a banquet prepared in which are many sweet and pleasant and daintie meats At this banquet such as are the bidden guests they must be set downe they see the meates they taste them they chaw them in their mouthes they digest them they are nourished fed and strengthened by them they which are not bidden to this feast may see the meats handle them and taste of them to feele how good they are● but they must not eate and feede of them The first resemble the elect which truly eate digest are nourished by Christ vnto euerlasting life because they haue great aboundance of the vitall heat of Gods holy spirit in them and doe feele sensibly his grace vertue in them to strengthen them guide them The second sort truly resemble the reprobates which neuer in truth enioy Christ or any of his benefits appertaining to saluation but only see them and haue in their hearts a vanishing but no certen or sound feeling of them so that they may be changed and strengthened and guided thereby To vse another similitude The reprobates haue no more feeling and enioying of Christ and his benefits then those men haue of the sunne which see onely a glimmering of his light at the dawning of the day before it riseth Contrariwise the elect they haue the day-starre euen the Sunne of righteousnes Iesus Christ rising in their hearts the day spring from an high doth visit them the glorie of God doth rise vpon them they haue their eyes annointed
children And where the spirit of Christ dwelleth there must needes be faith for Christ dwelleth in the hearts of the faithful by faith Therfore as Rebecca when she felt the Twins striue in her womb though it pained her yet shee knew both that shee had conceiued and that the children were quick in her so they who haue these motions and holy affections in them before mentioned may assure themselues that the spirit of god dwelleth in them and consequently that they haue faith though a weake faith XIX Examples of this small faith are euident in the Apostles who though they beleeued that Christ was the Sauiour of the world yet they were ignorant of his death and resurrection which are the cheife meanes of saluation After his resurrection they were ignorant of his ascension of his spiritual kingdome for they dreamed of an earthly kingdome and at his death they all fled from him and Peter fearefully denied him They being in this estate are not said to haue no faith but to be of little faith Another example we haue in Dauid who hauing continued a long space in his two great sinnes adulterie and murther was admonished thereof by Nathan the prophet beeing admonished he confessed his sinnes and straightway Nathan declared vnto him frō the Lord the forgiuenes of them Yet afterward Dauid humbleth himselfe as it appeareth in the 51. Psalme and praieth most earnestly for the forgiuenes of those and all other his sinnes euen as though it had not bin true that they were forgiuen as Nathan told him the reason is howsoeuer they were remitted before God yet Dauid at his first repenting of them felt none assurance in his heart of the forgiuenes of them onely he had a perswasion that they might be pardoned And therefore he vehemently desired and praied to the Lord to remit them and to sanctifie him anew This then being the least measure of faith it must be remembred that he who hath not attained to it hath as yet no sauing faith at all XX. The greatest measure of faith is a full perswasion of the mercie of God For it is the strength and ripenes of faith Rom. 4.20.21 Abraham not weake in faith but being strengthened in the faith was fully perswaded that he who had promised was able to doe it This full assurance is when a man can say with Paul I am perswaded that neither life nor death nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. And least any should thinke this saying is peculiar to Paul he testifieth of himselfe that for this cause he was receiued to mercie that he might be an example to them which after should beleeue in Christ to life eternall and the whole Church in the Cant● vseth the same in effect saying Loue is as strong as death iealousie is as cruel as the graue the coales thereof are fierie coales and a vehement flame Much water cannot quench loue neither can the flouds drown it if a man should giue all the substance of his house for loue they would contemne it XXI No Christian attaineth to this full assurance at the first but in some continuance of time after that for a long space he hath kept a good conscience before God and before men and hath had diuers experiences of Gods loue and fauour towards him in Christ. This Paul declareth to the Romanes in afflictions God sheds abroad his loue in their hearts by the holy Ghost which is giuen to them but how by degrees for from afflictions ariseth patience from patience commeth experience from experience hope and hope neuer maketh ashamed or disappointeth him of eternall life This is euident in Dauids practise Doubtles saith he kindnes and mercie shall follow me all the daies of my life and I shall liue a long season in the house of the Lord. Mark this his resolute perswasion and consider how he came vnto it namely by experience of Gods fauour at sundrie times and after sundrie manners For before he set downe this resolution he numbred vp diuerse benefits receiued of the Lord that he fedde him in greene pastures and led him by the refreshing waters of Gods word that he restoreth him and leadeth him in the paths of righteousnes that he strengtheneth him in great daungers euen of death and preserueth him that in despight of his enemies he enriched him with many benefits By meanes of all these mercies of God bestowed on him he came to be perswaded of the continuance of the fauour of God towardes him Againe Dauid saide before King Saul Let no mans heart faile because of Goliah Thy seruant will goe and fight with the Philistine And Saul said to Dauid Thou art not able to goe against this Philistine to fight with him for thou art but a boy and he is a man of warre from his youth Dauid answered that he was able to fight with and to slay the vncircumcised Philistine And the ground of his perswasion was taken from experience for thus he saide Thy seruant kept his fathers sheepe and there came a Lyon and likewise a Beare and tooke a sheepe out of the flocke and I went out after him and smote him and tooke it out of his mouth and when he arose against me I caught him by the beard and smote him and slew him So thy seruant slew both the Lyon and the Beare therefore this vncircumcised Philistine shal be as one of thē seeing he hath rayled on the hoast of the liuing God The like proceeding must be in matters concerning eternall life Little Dauid resembleth euery Christian Goliah and the armie of the Philistines resembleth Sathan and his power He therefore that will be resolued that he shall be able to ouercome the gates of hell and attaine to life euerlasting must long keepe watch and ward ouer his owne heart and he must fight against his owne rebellious flesh and crucifie it yea he must haue experiences of Gods power strengthening him in many temptations before he shall be fully assured of his attaining to the kingdome of heauen XXII Thus much concerning faith it selfe now follow the fruits and benefits of faith By meanes of this speciall faith the Elect are truly ioyned vnto Christ and haue an heauenly communion and fellowship with him and therefore doe in some measure inwardly feele his holy spirit moouing and stirring in them as Rebecca felt the Twins to stirre in her wombe Christ is as the head in the bodie euery beleeuer as a member of the same bodie now as the head giueth sense and motion to the members and the members feele themselues to haue sense and to mooue by meanes of the head so doth Christ Iesus reuiue and quicken euery true beleeuer and
that our Sauiour Christ teacheth euery one in his praier which he made before he craue any other thing either concerning God or himselfe to pray that Gods name may be sanctified For by this all Christians are taught that they are to ouerpasse all considerations of themselues their owne pleasure and profit their saluation or damnation and absolutely with an heartie affection to seek after the glorie of God in all their doings that as Gods glorie is most deare vnto himselfe so it may appeare also that it is most deare vnto them If any thinke it strange that Moses Paul or any other should be content to fall into miserie to loose their liues and to bee cast into eternall perdition in hell fire with reprobate and damned spirits rather then Gods honour should bee turned into dishonour and blasphemie let them consider that wonderfull is the power of true loue which makes all things easie which is as strong as the graue that ouercomes all and was neuer yet ouercome which is as a flaming fire that a whole sea of water cannot quench And the loue which these men had to God did so rauish them that they felt no feare of hell fire XXXIX The second affection is the feare of God a most excellent and wonderfull grace of God Salomon matcheth it yea and preferreth it too before all things in this world making it the end of al. Without it a man cannot be wise it is the first step to wisdome in it is assured strength also it is a welspring of life to eschew the snares of death The Churches of Iudea beeing in peace were edified and walked in the feare of GOD and were aboundantly filled with the comfort of the holy ghost In this feare of GOD there be two parts the first is a perswasion in the heart that a man is in Gods presence wheresoeuer he is and when he by infirmitie forgets GOD a drawing of himselfe into Gods presence As it was in Dauid I haue saith he set the Lord alwaies before me For he is at my right hand therefore I shall not slide And this his beeing in the presence of God he setteth down most excellently in the 139 Psalme Enoch walked with God Abraham is commanded to walke before God and to be vpright The second part of the feare of God is in Gods presence to stand in awe of him which is when a man takes heede to his waies least he offend God This aduise Dauid giues to Sauls Counsellers Stand in awe and sinne not Pharao commanded the Midwiues of Egypt to kill all the male children of the Israelites at their birth they did it not because they stoode in awe of God fearing to displease him And hence it is that the godly heare Gods word with feare and trembling XL. The third is the hatred and detestation of sinne because it is sinne and specially of a mans owne corruptions wherewith a Christian is so turmoyled that in regard of them and for no other cause he most hartely desireth to bee forth of this most miserable world that he may be dis●urdened of his sinne leaue off to displease God Paul feeles in himselfe a la●ge masse of deadly corruption it makes him deeme himselfe most miserable and to mourne because he was not deliuered from it saying Oh miserable man that I am who shall deliuer me from this bodie of death Againe it is sinne that makes the Church cōplaine that shee is blacke that the sunne hath looked vpon her and therefore shee cries Come Lord Iesus come quickly XLI The fourth is ioy of heart in consideratiō of the neerenes of presence of the terrible day of iudgement The reprobate either trembleth at the consideration of the day of iudgement or els in the securitie of his heart hee regardeth it not And when he shall see the signes of the comming of Christ his heart shal faile him for very feare he shall call the hills to fall vpon him but contrariwise the faithfull loue the second comming of Christ and therefore wait and long for it and when they shall see the signes of it they shall lift vp their heads because the full accomplishment of their redemption is at hand XLII The sanctification of the bodie is when all the members of it are carefully preserued from beeing meanes to execute any sinne and are made the instruments of righteousnes and holines So Paul prayed for the Thessalonians that they might know howe to possesse their vessels in holinesse and in honour and not in the lust of concupiscence as the Gentiles doe which know not God And Iob made a couenant with his eies not to look on a woman In whose example it appeareth how euery member is to be kept pure and holy XLIII If any humbled Christian finde not this measure of sanctification in himselfe yet let him not be discouraged For if any man haue a willingnesse and a desire to obey all Gods commandements he hath the spirit and he who hath the spirit is in Christ and he who is in Christ shall neuer see damnation And though he faile greatly in the action of obedience yet God will accept his affection to obey as obedience acceptable vnto him God will approoue of thee for his owne worke which hee hath wrought in thee and not reiect thee for thine XLIV From sanctification ariseth repentance For a man cannot hate his own sins before he be sanctified and he cannot truely repent for them before hee hate them Repentance is when a man turnes to GOD and brings foorth fruits worthy amendment of life This turning vnto God hath two parts The first a purpose and resolution of heart neuer to sinne any more but to lead a newe life This was in Dauid who fully purposed to keepes Gods commandements and applied his heart to fulfill his statutes vnto the ende And vnto this did Barnabas exhort the brethren at Antioch that with full purpose of heart they would cleaue vnto the Lord. The second part is an holy labour in mans life and conuersation to purifie and clense himselfe from sinne of this speaketh Iohn And euery one that hath this hope in him purgeth himselfe euen as he is pure This did Dauid practise as may appeare in that he said Certainely I haue clensed my heart in vaine and washed my handes in innocency If any maruaile how repentance followeth sanctification considering it is the first thing of all that the Prophets Apostles and Ministers of GOD preach vnto the people whome they would winne to Christ I answere that all other graces are more hidden in the heart wheras repentance is open and sooner appeareth to a mans owne selfe and to the eies of the worlde It is like the budde in the tree which appeareth before the leafe the blossome the fruite and yet in nature it is
feele themselues forlorne and vtterly reiected of God according to the sense and iudgement of the flesh yet by faith they can apprehend his hidden mercie and behold it a farre off in the glasse of his promise And so they doe often shew contrarie affections in their praiers as Dauid doth Iacob when he wrastled with the Angel for life and death neuer gaue ouer and when he was foild he would not cease before the Lord had blessed him This his wrastling is a type of the conflicts which the faithfull are to haue with the Lord himselfe who vseth to bring his owne children as it were to the field and he assaileth them with the one hand and with the other he holdeth them vp that so he may prooue and exercise their faith And for this cause the Church is called by the name of Iacob An example may be had in the woman of Canaan First our Sauiour Christ gaue her faith and by that faith shee was mooued to seeke to him but when shee was once come to him he gaue her three repulses First by saying nothing Secondly by denying her Thirdly by calling her dogge Thus Christ in appearance made shew as though he would neuer haue graunted her request But shee at euery repulse was more instant crying more earnestly vnto him and shee plainly opposed her selfe to him would take no deniall for such is the nature of true faith Wherefore the faithfull when they feele themselues ouerwhelmed with sinne turmoiled with cōflicts of Satan when they feele the anger of God offended with them yet they can euen then lift vp their eye lids and giue a glimps at the brasen serpent Iesus Christ and can fling themselues into the armes of Gods mercie and catch hold of the hand of God buffeting them and kisse it LX. By these temptations it comes to passe that a Christian though he can not fall finally from Christ yet he may fall very dangerously from his former estate First the graces of God may be by his default lessened in him else Paul would not haue giuen out these exhortations quench not the spirit Grieue not the holy spirit of God by whome ye are sealed vnto the day of redemption Secōdly the graces of God may be buried in him and couered for a time so that he may be like a man in a traunce who both by his owne sense and by the iudgement of the Physitian is taken for dead This was the estate of Peter who though he confessed that Christ was the Sonne of the liuing Lord yet he denied him and forswore him at the voice of a damsell Thirdly he may fall againe into the same sinne after repentance Indeede this is a daungerous case yet it may befall a true christian Otherwise when as the Israelites Gods people had fallen away from him by their sinnes and idolatries he would not stil haue offered them mercie as he doth by his Prophets And Paul praieth the Corinthians in Christs stead that they would be reconciled to God who neuerthelesse were before reconciled to God Fourthly he may commit a sinne of presumption which is a fearfull sinne beeing done wittingly of knowledge and willingly and with some wilfulnesse Therefore Dauid praied Keepe thy seruant from presumptuous sinnes and to shew himselfe to be in daunger of it he praieth further let them not haue dominion ouer me Lastly he may fall into despaire of Gods mercie for a time and this is a dangerous sinne For he which despaires makes all the promises of God to be false and this sinne of all other is most contrarie to true sauing faith In this estate was Dauid when beeing in trouble he saide this is my death And Paul shewes that the incestuous man might haue fallen into desperation when he saith Comfort him least he be swallowed vp of ouermuch heauines And it must be remembred that the church of Rome erreth in this that she teacheth desperation to be a sinne against the holy Ghost This sinne against the holy ghost is a blasphemie spoken against the knowne truth of Gods word or a deniall of Christ of a wilfull and obstinate malice But desperation may arise through ignorance of a mans owne estate through horrour of conscience for sinne through an often relapse into some sinne through the ouerdeepe consideration of a mans owne vnworthines lastly by abiuration of the truth through compulsion and feare This befell Francis Spira who after his Apostasie despaired Yet they are much ouerseene that write of him as a damned creature For first who can tell whether he despaired finally or no. Secondly in the very midst of his desperation he complained of the hardnes of his heart which made him that he could not pray no doubt then he felt his hardnes of heart and the feeling of corruption in the heart is by some contrarie grace so that we may conueniently thinke that he was not quite bereft of all goodnes though he neuer felt it then nor shewed it to the beholder LXI The cause why a Christian cannot quite fall away from grace is this after that he is sanctified he receiueth from God another speciall grace which may be called Corroboration For he hath in him not onely the sanctifying but also the strengthening power of Christ. Therfore Paul praieth for the Ephesians that they may be strengthened in the inner man for the Colossians that they might be strengthened with the glorious power of Christ. And of himselfe he saith that he is able to doe all things through the power of Christ that strengtheneth him Dauid saith that God renueth them that feare him as the eagle renueth her decaied strength From hence as from a speciall cause ariseth patience and perseuerance vnto the ende for when a man is supported by the power of Christ he may be able to beare many crosses patiently with a contented mind and perseuer in bearing of it how long soeuer the crosse endureth LXII Thus much of the estate of a Christian in this life Now I will adde some reasons in the way of perswasion to all men but especially to worldlings and to loose professours of the Gospel that they would vtterly denie themselues and vse all meanes to become true Christians by being made new creatures in Christ and by leading such a life as may adorne the Gospel of Christ. My first reason is this the man that liueth in this world not beeing a true Christian is farre more vile then the basest creature of all euen the dogge or toade For first he is nothing els but a filthie dunghill of all abomination and vncleannes the stink whereof hath infected heauen earth no perfumes could euer delay it in the nostrils of God but onely the suffering of Christ beeing a sacrifice of a sweet smelling sauour to God We make it very daintie to come neere a lazar man that
by the law Now then this good work of God to my saluation standeth in two points the working of the law the working of the gospel the preaching of the law was a key that bound and damned my conscience the preaching of the gospel was another key that loosed me againe These two salues I meane the lawe the gospel vsed God and his preacher to heale cure me a wretched sinner withall The law did driue out my disease and made it appeare was a sharp salue and fretting corrasiue and killed the dead flesh and loosed and drew the sore out by the root and all corruption It pulled from me all trust and confidence I had in my selfe and in mine owne works merits deseruings and ceremonies and robbed me of all my righteousnesse and made me poore It killed me in sending me downe to hell and bringing me almost to vtter desperation and prepared the way of the Lord as it is written of Iohn Baptist. For it was not possible that Christ should come vnto me as long as I trusted in my selfe or in any worldly thing or had any righteousnes of mine own or riches of holy works Then afterward came the gospel a more gentle plaister which suppled and swaged the woundes of my conscience and brought mee health it brought the spirit of God which loosed the bandes of Satan and coupled me to God and his will through a strong faith and feruent loue Which bandes were to strōg for the deuill the world or any creature to loose And I a poore and wretched sinner felt so great mercie that in my selfe I was most sure that God would not forsake me or euer withdraw his mercy loue frō me And I boldly cryed out with Paul saying Who shall separate me from the loue of God c. Finally as before when I was bound to the deuil his will I wrought all manner of wickednes for I could do no otherwise it was my nature euen so now since I am coupled to God by Christs blood I do good freely because of the spirit this my nature And thus I trust I haue satisfied your fi●st demād Timoth. Yea but me thinkes you doe too much condemne your selfe in respect of sinne For I can remember that from your childhood you were of a good and gentle nature and your behauiour was alwaies honest and ciuil you could neuer abide the companie of them that were roysters and ruffians swearers and blasphemers and contemners of Gods word and drunkards which nowe are tearmed good fellowes And your dealing with all men hath bin euer commended for good faithfull and iust What meane you then to make your selfe so abominable and accursed and to say you were so whollie addicted vnto wickednesse and your will so fearefully and miserably in captiuitie vnto the will of the deuil Euseb. Brother Timothie I knowe what I say God giue me grace to speak it with more liuely feeling of my weaknes and with a more bitter detestation of my sin By nature through the fall of Adam am I the child of wrath heire of the vengeance of God by birth yea and so from my first conception and I had my fellowship with the damned deuils vnder the power of darkenesse rule of Satan while I was yet in my mothers wombe and although I shewed not the fruits of sinne as soone as I was borne nor long after yet was I full of the naturall poison from whence al wicked deedes doe spring and cannot but sinne outwardly as soone as I am able to worke be I neuer so young if occasion be giuen for my nature is to sinne as is the nature of a serpent to sting and as a Serpent yet young or yet vnbroughtforth is full of poison and cannot afterward when time and occasion is giuen but bring foorth the fruites threreof And as an adder a toade or a snake is hated of man not for the euill it hath done but for the poison that is in it and hurt which it cannot but doe so am I hated of God for that naturall poison which is conceiued and borne with me before I doe any outward euill And as the euill which a venemous worme doth maketh it not a serpent but because it is a venemous worm therfore doth it euill and poisoneth euen so doe not our euill deedes make vs euil first but because we are of nature euill therefore doe we euill and thinke euil to eternall damnation by the lawe and are contrarie to the will of God in our will and in all things consent vnto the will of the fiend Timoth. As yet I neuer had such a feeling of my sinne as you haue had and although I would be loath to commit any sinne yet the Law was neuer so terrible vnto me condemning me pronouncing the sentēce of death against me and stinging my conscience with feare of euerlasting paine as I perceiue it hath bin vnto you therefore I feare oftentimes least my profession of religion should be onely in truth meere hypocrisie I pray you let me heare your mind Euseb. A true saying it is that the right way to goe vnto heauen is to sayle by hell and there is no man liuing that feeleth the power and vertue of the blood of Christ which first hath not felt the paines of hell But yet in these paines there is a difference and it is the will of God that his children in their conuersion shall some of them feele more and some lesse Ezechias on his death bed complaineth that the Lord breaketh his bones like a Lion that hee could not speak by reason of paine but chattered in his throat like a Crane mourned like a Doue Iob saith that God is his enemie and hath set him vp as a marke to shoot at and that the arrowes of the Almightie are vpon him and that the poyson of them hath drunke vp his spirit Dauid bewaileth his estate in many Psalmes but especially in the 130. Psalme where he beginneth on this manner Out of the deepe places haue I called vnto thee O Lord which is as though he should say O my poore soule fall not flat downe vexe not thy selfe out of measure the burden of thy sinnes presse thee sore indeede but be not for al that quite ouerwhelmed thou art thrust down so low into the depth of deepes that thou hadst neede crie aloud to be heard of him which dwelleth in the highest heightes and the euer burning hell fire is not farre from that lake whither thine iniquities haue plunged thee so that thou maiest perceiue as it were the Eccho of their cries and desperate howlings which be there cast out of all hope of euer comming forth But the Lord which bringeth forth euen to the borders of hell his best beloued when they forget thēselues knoweth also how well to bring them backe againe Goe no further then downeward but lift vp thy heart together with thine eie and seeke vnto the
another law in my members rebelling against the law of my minde and leading me captiue to the law of sinne which is in my members O wretched man that I am who shal deliuer me from this bodie of death The second maner of Gods forsaking his Elect is when he hides his graces for a time not by taking them quite away but by couering them and by remoouing all sense and feeling of them And in this case they are like the trees in the winter season that are beaten with winde and weather bearing neither leafe nor fruit but looke as though they were rotten and dead because the sap doth not spread it selfe but lies hid in the roote Dauid often was in this case as namely when he saith Will the Lord absent himself for euer And will he shew no more fauour is his mercie cleane gone for euer doth his promise faile for euermore Hath God forgotten to be mercifull Hath he shut vp his tender mercies in displeasure Selah This comes to passe because the Lord very often in and by one contrarie works another Clay and spittle tempered togither in reason should put out a mans eies but Christ vsed it as a meanes to giue sight to the blinde Water in reason should put out fire but Elias when he would shew that Iehoua was the true God poures water on his sacrifice and fils a trench therewith to make the sacrifice burne The like appeareth in the worke of grace to saluation A man that hath liued in securitie by Gods goodnes hath his eyes opened to see his sinnes and his heart touched to feele the huge and loathsome burden of thē and therefore to bewaile his wretched estate with bitternes of heart Hereupon he presently thinkes that God will make him a firebrand of hell whereas indeede the Lord is now about to worke and frame in his heart sanctification and sound repentance neuer to be repented of The man which hath had some good perswasions of Gods fauour in Christ comes afterward vpon many occasions to be troubled and to be ouerwhelmed with distrustfulnes grieuous doubtings of his saluation so as he iudgeth himselfe to haue beene but an hypocrite in former times and for the time present a cast-away But indeed hereby the Lord exerciseth fashioneth and increaseth his weake faith In one word marke this point That the graces of God peculiar to the elect are begunne increased and made manifest in or by their contraries A man in this desertion cap discerne no difference betweene himselfe and a cast-away and the rather if with this desertion be ioyned a feeling of Gods anger for then ariseth the bitterest temptation that euer befell the poore soule of a Christian man and that is a wrastling and strugling in spirit and conscience not with the motions of a rebelling flesh nor the accusations of the deuill which are oftentimes very irksome and terrible but against the wrath of a reuenging God This hidden and spirituall temptation more tormenteth the spirit of man then all the rackes or gibbets in the world can doe And it hath his fittes after the manner of an ague in which euen Gods own seruants ouercarried with sorrowe may blaspheme God and crie out that they are dāned Iob was in this estate as he testifieth Oh that my griefe were waied saith he and my miseries were laid togither in the ballance for it would be heauier then the sand of the sea therefore my words are swallowed vp for the arrowes of the Almightie are in me the venome therof doth drink vp my spirit and the terrours of god fight against me And further he complaines that the Lord is his enemie that he writes bitter things against him and that he sets him as a But to shoote at This was Dauids tēptation when he said O Lord rebuke me not in thy anger neither chastise me in thy wrath haue mercy vpon me O Lord for I am weake O Lord heale me for my bones are vexed my soule is also sore troubled but Lord howe long wilt thou delay Returne O Lord deliuer my soule saue me for thy mercies sake Hence it follows that when any that hath beene a professour of the gospel shall despaire at his end that men are to leaue secret iudgements to God and charitably to iudge the best of them For example one Master Chambers at Leicester of late in his sicknes grieuously despaired and cried out that he was damned and after died yet it is not for any to note him with the blacke marke of a reprobate One thing which hee spake in his extremitie O that I had but one drop of faith must mooue all men to conceiue well of him For by this it seemeth that he had an heart which desired to repent beleeue therefore a repentant and beleeuing heart indeed For God at all times but especially in temptation of his great mercy accepts the will for the deed Neither is it to be regarded that he said he was damned for mē in such cases speak not as they are but as they feele themselues to be Yea to goe further when a professour of the gospell shall make away himselfe though it be a fearfull case yet stil the same opiniō must be carried First Gods iudgements are very secret Secondly they may repent in the very agony for any thing we know Thirdly none is able to comprehend the bottomlesse depth of the graces and mercies which are in Christ. Thus much of the manner which God vseth in forsaking his elect Nowe followe the kindes of desertion which are two desertion in punishment desertion in sinne Desertion in punishment is when God deferreth either to mittigate or to remooue the crosse and chastisement which hee hath laid vpon his children This befell Christ on the crosse My God saith he my God why hast thou forsaken me This was the complaint of Gedeon Did not the Lord bring vs out of Egypt But now the Lord hath forsaken vs and deliuered vs into the hands of the Midianites Iudg. 6. 13. Master Robert Glouer Martyr at Couentrie after he was condemned by the Bishop and was nowe at the point to bee deliuered out of the worlde it so happened that two or three daies before his death his heart beeing lumpish and desolate of all spirituall consolation felt in himselfe no aptnesse nor willingnesse but rather a heauinesse and dulnesse of spirit full of much discomfort to beare the bitter crosse of martyrdome ready now to be laid vpon him whereupon he fearing in himselfe least the Lord had withdrawn his wonted fauour from him made his mone to one Austine his friend signifying vnto him how earnestly he had praied day night vnto the Lord and yet could receiue no motion nor sense of any comfort from him vnto whome the said Austine answered againe willing him patiently to waite the Lords pleasure and howesoeuer his present feeling was yet seeing his cause was iust and true he
Lazarus that he may dippe the tip of his finger in water and coole my tongue And if thou be one which hast care to order thy selfe in speech silence according to gods word oh doe it more For what a shame is it that men with the same tongue wherewith they confesse the faith and religion of Christ should by vaine and vngodly speech vtterly denie the power thereof And for thy better helpe herein I haue penned these few lines following concerning the Gouernment of the tongue Vse them for thy benefit and finding profit thereby giue glorie to God M. D. XCII Decemb. 12. W. Perkins OF THE GOVERNEMENT OF THE TONGVE CHAP. I. Of the generall meanes of ruling the Tongue THE gouernement of the tongue is a vertue pertaining to the holy vsage of the tongue according to GODS word And for the well-ordering of it two things are requisite a pure heart and skill in the language of Canaan The pure heart is most necessary because it is the fountaine of speech and if the fountaine be defiled the streames that issue thence can not be cleane And because the heart of man by nature is a bottomlesse gulfe of iniquitie two things are to be knowne first how it must be made pure then how it is alwaies afterward to be kept pure The way to get a pure heart is this First thou must seriously examine thy life and thy conscience for all thy sinnes past then with a heauie and bleeding heart confesse them to God vtterly condemning thy selfe Thirdly with deepe sighes and groanes of spirit crie vnto heauen to God the father in the name of Christ for pardon I say for pardon of the same sinnes as it were for life and death and that day and night till the Lord send downe from heauen a sweete certificate into thy perplexed conscience by his holy spirit that all thy sinnes are done away Now at the same instant in which pardon shall be graunted God likewise will once againe stretch forth that mightie hand of his whereby he made thee when thou wast not to make thee a new creature to create a new heart in thee to renue a right spirit in thee and to stablish thee by his free spirit For whome he iustifieth them also at the same time he sanctifieth The purified heart appeareth by these signes I. If thou feele thy selfe to be displeased at thine owne infirmities and corruptions and to droope vnder them as men doe vnder bodily sicknesse II. If thou begin to hate and to flie thine owne personall sinnes III. If thou feele a griefe and sorrow after thou hast offended God IV. If thou heartily desire to abstaine from all manner of sinne V. If thou be carefull to auoide all occasions and entisements to euill VI. If thou trauell and doe thine endeauour in euery good thing VII If thou desire and pray to God to wash and rinse thine heart in the blood of Christ. When the heart is pure to keepe it so is the speciall worke of faith which purifieth the heart Faith purifieth the heart by a particular applying of Christ crucified with all his merits Elisha when he went vp and lay vpon the dead child and put his mouth on his mouth and his eyes vpon his eyes and his hands vpon his hands and stretched himselfe vpon him the flesh of the child waxed warme Afterward Elisha rose and spread himselfe vpon him the second time then the child neezed seuen times and opened his eies So must a man by faith euen spread himselfe vpon the crosse of Christ applying handes and feete to his pierced handes and feete his wretched heart to Christs bleeding heart and then he shall feele himselfe warmed by the heat of Gods spirit and sinne from day to day crucified with Christ his dead heart quickened reuiued And this applying which faith maketh is done by a kind of reasoning which faith maketh thus Hath god of his mercie giuen his own sonne to be my Sauiour to shed his blood for me and hath he of his mercie graunted vnto me the pardon of all my sinnes I will therfore endeauour to keepe my heart and my life vnblameable that I doe not offend him hereafter in word or deede as I haue done heretofore The language of Canaan is whereby a man endued with the spirit of adoption vnfainedly calleth vpon the name of God in Christ and so consequently doth as it were familiarly talke and speake with God This language must needes be learned that the tongue may be well gouerned For man must first be able to talke with God before he can be able wisely to talke with man For this cause when men are to haue communication one with another they are first of all to bee carefull that they often make their praiers to God that hee would guide and blesse them in their speeches as Dauid did Set a watch O Lord before my mouth and keepe the doore of my lippes And againe O Lord open thou my lippes and my mouth shall shewe forth thy praise Where we may see that the mouth is as it were locked vp from speaking any good thing vntill the Lord open it And Paul hauing the gift of ordering his tongue in wonderful measure yet desireth the Ephesians to pray for him that vtterance might be giuē him and good reason because God ruleth the tongue CHAP. II. Of the matter of our speech THe gouernment of the tongue containeth two partes holy speech and holy silence In holy speech must be cōsidered the matter of our speech and the manner The matter is commonly one of these three either God our neighbour or our selues As concerning God this caueat must be remembred that the honourable titles of his glorious Maiestie be neuer taken into our mouthes vnlesse it bee vpon a weightie and iust occasion so as wee may plainely see that glorie will redound to him thereby and for this cause the third commandement was giuen that men might not take vp the name of God in vaine that is rashly and lightly And therefore lamentable and fearefull is the practise euerie where For it is a common thing with men to beginne their speech and to place titles of Gods most high Maiestie in the fore-front almost of euery sentence by saying O Lord O God! O good God! O mercifull God! O Iesu O Christ c. If a mā be to say any thing he will not say Yea or Nay but O Lord yea or O Lord nay If a man be to reprooue his inferiour he will presently say O Lord haue mercy on vs what a slowbacke art thou what a lie is this c. An earthly Prince if hee should haue his name so tossed in our mouthes at euery worde would neuer beare it and how shall the euerliuing God suffer it nay how can hee suffer it I say no more but thou with thy selfe thinke how for in the third commandement the punishment is set down That he will
trueth which wee affirme or denie be doubtfull or contingent then such clauses as these It is so or it is not so as I thinke as I remember as I take it are to be added If one shall say It is so and afterwards it prooue otherwise he receiueth discredit because he spake an vntruth But if he shall say I thinke it is so though it fall out otherwise yet he saueth his credit because he deceiueth not but onely is deceiued An asseueration is a forme of speech wherby one doth vehemently affirme or denie any thing as when a man shall say Verily in truth in very truth without all doubt c. These and such like are not to be vsed at euery word but then onely when a truth of greater importance is to be confirmed When the false prophets among the Iewes and the Priests would not beleeue that Ieremie was sent of God what saith he not simply The Lord hath sent me but In truth the Lord hath sent me Our Sauiour Christ when he vsed to speake any weightie matter vsed to say Amen Amen Verily verily which is a plain asseueration for Amen is more then a simple affirmation and it is lesse then an oath as the very sense of the word doth import which is no more but truly certenly The third is an oath which must not be made by any thing in heauen or earth but onely by the Name of God alone It must be vsed as the last refuge and remedie of all For when any truth of great importance is to be confirmed and all signes euidences proofes witnesses faile among men on earth then we may lawfully fetch the Lord as a witnesse from heauen who is the knower of all truth And in this case an oath may be taken either publikely before a Magistrate or priuately among priuate persons if it bee done with reuerence and consideration as it was betweene Iacob and Laban CHAP. IX What is to be done when we haue spoken AFter a man hath spoken his minde very few words more are to be added He that hath knowledge spareth his wordes In many wordes there can not want iniquitie but he that refraineth his lips is wise He that speaketh many wordes speaketh either false things or superfluous or both as when a riuer ouerflowes the water gathereth much slime so many wordes many faults When a vessell being smitten makes a great noise it is a token that it is emptie and so the sound of many wordes shewes a vaine heart The Gentiles haue said that God gaue a man one tongue and two eares that he might heare more and speake lesse Valerius Maximus reporteth of Xenocrates that beeing in the company of some that vsed railing speeches helde his tongue and beeing asked why hee did so answered That it had repented him that he had spoken but it neuer repented him that he had held his peace And the prouerb is He that will speake what he will shall heare what hee would not To the framing of our speech Ambrose requireth three things a yoke a ballance and a metwand a yoke to keepe it in staied grauitie a ballance to giue it weight of reason a metwand to keepe it in measure and moderation This rule must be practised carefully for the auoiding of chiding brawling and contention Let nothing be done by contention Phil. 2.3 Let students schollers learne to practise this for what shall an other mans opiniō hurt thee though in reasoning he be not of thy minde in euery point Here take heed of the spirit of Contradiction whereby some by thwarting and contradicting euery man at length prooue either obstinate heretickes or lewd Atheists and make no bones to contradict the holy Ghost and to call the scriptures in question and dispute that there is no God Nowe if a man speake necessarie things though he continue his speech till midnight as Paul did it can not be called immoderate or superfluous talke CHAP. X. Of writing ALL this which is set downe concerning speech must as wel be practised in writing as in speaking Whereby are condemned ballads bookes of loue all idle discourses and histories beeing nothing els but enticements and baites vnto manifold sinnes fitter for Sodome and Gomorrah then for Gods Church And it must be followed as well in speaking of latine or any other tongue as English which students haue not marked for whereas they wil not sweare in English yet in Latine they make no bones of it saying Mehercuse mediùs fidiùs aedipol per deos immortales And whereas they hold but one God in iudgement yet in their Latine exercises they speake of Iupiter and of the Gods● after the manner of the heathen What a shame is this that a Christian and that in Christian schooles should either be ashamed or not vse to speake as a Christian but as Atheists doe If thou haue many tongues and knowest not how to vse them well he which hath but his mother tongue ordering it aright is a better linguist then thou CHAP. XI Of silence VVIse and godly silence is as excellent a vertue as holy speech for hee knoweth not howe to speake which knoweth not howe to hold his tongue The rule of our silence must be the law of God By meanes of which wise consideration must be had whether the thing which wee haue in minde be for Gods glorie and our neighbours good which done we are answerably to speake or to be silent Here must be considered the things of which ●ilence must be vsed and the persons before whome The things are many First if any truth be to the hinderance of Gods glorie or of the good of our neighbour it must be cōcealed The concealing of the truth is either in whole or in part In whole when the speaking of the least word is hurtfull As for example the father and the sonne are both sicke at once the sonne dieth first the father asketh whether his sonne be dead or not if it be said no an vntrueth is tolde if yea then the fathers griefe is increased and his death hastened therefore silence is the best In daies of persecution holy Martyrs haue chosen rather to suffer death then to reueale their brethren that haue beene of their priuate assemblies with them The concealing of a thing in part is when a man speaketh a little of the trueth and concealeth the rest Which is warranted in all good and lawefull proceedings which manifestly tend to the glory of god Whē Samuel is sent to annoint Dauid he answereth the Lord and saith Howe can I goe for if Saul heare of it he will kill me Then the Lord answered Take an heyfer with thee say I am come to doe sacrifice to the Lord and call for Ishai to sacrifice and I will shewe thee what thou shalt doe and thou shalt annoint vnto me him whome I shal name vn-thee When Ieremie had shewed king Zedekiah howe he might escape death then the king said vnto
all his family was burnt The second had the iaundise from the head to the sole of the foote and died thereof The third seeing what was befallen these twaine repented and confessed the conspiracie against Narcissus and yet for all that he lost his eies Againe in the daies of Q. Marie as Iames Abbes was led by the Sheriffe to execution diuerse poore people stoode in the waie and asked their almes hee then not hauing any money to giue them did put off all his apparell saue his shirt and gaue it vnto them to some one thing to some another in the giuing whereof he exhorted them to be strong in the Lord and to stand steadfast in the trueth of the gospell While he was was thus instructing the people a seruant of the Shiriffes going by cried out aloude and blasphemously said Beleeue him not good people he is an hereticke and a mad man out of his witte beleeue him not for it is heresie that he saieth And as the other continued in his godly admonitions so did this wicked wretch blow forth his blasphemous exclamations vntill they came vnto the stake where he should suffer But immediatly after this martyr was bound to the stake and fire put to him such was the fearefull stroke of Gods iustice vpon this blasphemous railer that he was there presently in the sight of all the people stricken with a frensie wherewith he had before railingly charged that good martyr of God who in his furious rage madnes casting off his shooes and the rest of his cloaths cried out vnto the people said thus did Iames Abs the true seruant of God who is saued but I am damned and thus ran he about the towne of Burie still crying that Iames Abbes was a good man and saued but I am damned Againe children sitting in companie togither fell into communication of God and to reason what God was And some said one thing some another among the rest one saide He is a good old father to which an other named Dennis Benfield replied with a most outragious blasphemy What he said she is an old doting foole But shortly after this yong gyrle was so stricken that all the one side of her was blacke and she became speechles●e and died Againe one Leaver a ploug-man rayling said that he saw the euill fauoured knaue Latimer when he was burned and also in despite said that he had teeth like an horse At which time and houre as neere as could be gathered the sonne of the said Leaver most wickedly hanged himselfe Againe in the time of K. Edward a young gentleman of Cornwall beeing in companie with other moe gentlemen together with their seruants beeing about the number of twentie horsemen among whome this lustie yonger entred into talke and beganne withall to sweare and vse ribauld speech beeing gently reprooued the yong gentleman tooke snuffe and saide to the reproouer Why takest thou thought for me take thought for thy winding sheete well quoth the other amend for death giueth no warning for assoone commeth a lambes skinne to the market as on old sheepes skinne Gods woundes said he care not thou for me raging still in this manner worse and worse in wordes till at length passing on their iourney they came riding ouer a great bridge standing ouer a piece of an arme of the sea vpon which bridge this gentleman-swearer spurred his horse in such sort as he sprang cleane ouer with the man on his backe who as he was going cried saying Horse and man and all to the deuill Againe there was a seruing man in Lincolnshire who had still in his mouth an vse to sweare Gods pretious blood and that for very trifles beeing often warned by his friendes to leaue the taking of the Lords bloode in vaine did notwithstanding still persist in his wickednesse vntill at the last it pleased God to acite him first with sicknesse and then with death during which time of the Lords visitation no perswasion could mooue him to repent his foresaid blaspheming but hearing the bell to toll did most hardly in the very anguish of his death start vp in his bedde and sware by Gods blood this bell tolled for me Whereupon immediatly the bloode aboundantly from all the ioynts of his bodie as it were in streames did issue out most fearefully from mouth nose wrestes knees heeles toes with all other ioynts not one left free so died These and such like iudgements must be as warnings from heauen to admonish vs and to make vs afraid of the abuse of the Tongue especially when it tendeth to the dishonour of God And we are to imitate the example of Policarpe the Martyr who when he was bidden to take his oath curse Christ answered Fourescore and sixe yeares haue I beene his seruant yet in all this time hath he not so much as once hurt me how then may I speake euill of my King and Soueraigne Lord which ●●th thus preserued me VI. Lastly God hath honoured thy tongue with the gift of speech and vtterance and the great excellencie of this gift thou shouldest perceiue if thou werest stricken dumme for a time Therefore let thy tongue be applied to the honouring of God and to the good of thy neighbour FINIS TWO TREATISES I. Of the nature and practise of Repentance II. Of the combat of the flesh and spirit A second Edition corrected Printed by Iohn Legate Printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge 1600. To the Reader whosoeuer GOd hath bestowed on vs great prosperitie and peace with plentie of all temporall blessings that heart can wish for many yeares in this land Prosperitie abused hath beene the occasion of many grieuous sinnes against the first and second table specially of Atheisme neglect of Gods worship contempt of the word profanation of the Sabbath abuse of the sacraments c. These and such like sinnes haue long called downe for iudgements from heauen vpon vs and the rather because the preaching of the word hath little preuailed to bring vs to any amendment of life Whereupon God hath now begun to cause his iudgement to seaze vpon vs specially by plague and pestilence and that euen in the very principall part of this lande whereby he himselfe doth as Iob saith round vs in the eare and preach repentance to vs. Wherefore it stands vs now in hand if euer to looke about vs and if we haue not repented to begin to repent if we haue in former time repented to doe it more earnestly If so be that we shall harden our hearts both against his word and iudgements and put farre from vs the euill day vndoubtedly we must needs looke for iudgements farre more terrible then euer we felt as yet if not eternall destruction Let vs be aduised by the old world who made light of Noahs warning and were drowned in the floode by Lots sonnes in law who tooke their fathers counsell for mockage and were burnt with fire and
When the milt swells the rest of the bodie pines away and when the heart is puft with pride the whole man is in danger of destruction The sheep that goes in the best pasture soonest comes to the slaughter-house and the vngodly man fattes himselfe with continuall prosperitie that he may the sooner come to his owne damnation The miserie on the left hand is aduersitie which stands in all maner of losses and calamities in goods friends good name and such like Of this read at large Deut. 28. The miserie ouer his head is the wrath of God which he testifies in all maner of iudgements from heauen in daunger of which euery impenitent sinner is euery houre And the danger is very great The Scripture saith It is a fearefull thing to fall into the hands of the liuing God He hath store-houses full of all manner of iudgements and they watch for secure sinners that they can not scape Gods wrath is as a fire making hauocke and bringing to naught whatsoeuer it lights on yea because he is slow to anger therefore more terrible as a man therefore staies his hand for a time that he may lift it higher and fetch a deeper blow When the dumbe creatures melt as waxe and vanish away at his presence when he is angrie as the hugh mountaines and rockes doe fraile man must neuer looke to stand If the roaring of a lyon make men afraid and the voice of thunder be terrible oh how exceedingly should all be astonished at the threatnings of God! The miserie vnder his feete is hell fire for euery man till he repent is in as great danger of damnation as the traitour apprehended of hanging drawing and quartering A man walking in his way falls into a deepe dungeon that is full of ougly serpents and noysome beasts in his fall he catches hold of a twig of a tree that growes at the mouth of the dungeon and hangs by it afterward there comes a beast both leane and hungerbitten which hauing cropt the whole tree is euer and an on knapping at the twig on which he hangs Now what is the danger of this man surely he is like to fall into the pit ouer which he hangs Well this man is euery impenitent sinner the pit is hell prepared for the deuill and his angels the twigge is the brickle and fraile life of man the hungerbitten beast is death that is readie euery houre to knappe our life a sunder the danger is fearefull for man hanging as it were ouer the mouth of hell when life is ended vnlesse he vse good meanes before he die he then falls to the very bottome of it If this be the miserie wherewith the carelesse man is ●ieged and compassed about euery way and that for his sinnes why doe men lie in the dead sleepe of securitie O! it stands them in hand to take vp the voyce of bitter lamentation and for their offences to howle after the manner of dragons If men could weepe nothing but teares of blood for their sinnes if they could die a thousand times in one day for very griefe they could neuer be grieued enough for their sinnes The second motiue to draw men to repentance is the consideration of the wretched estate of an impenitent sinner in his death which is nothing but the wages and allowance that he receiues for his sinne and it is the very suburbes or rather the gates of hell S. Paul compares death to a Scorpion who caries a sting in his taile which is sinne Now then when impenitent and prophane persons die then comes this scorpion and gripes them with her legs and stabs thē at the heart with her sting Wherfore the best thing is before death come to vse meanes to pull out the sting of death And nothing will doe it but the blood of Christ let men therefore breake off their sinnes by repentance let them come to the throne of grace and crie yea let them fill heauen and earth with cries for mercie Oh! pray pray for the pardon of thine owne personall and particular sinnes If thou obtaine but one drop of Gods speciall mercie in Christ all daunger is past For death hath lost his sting and then a man without danger may put an ougly Serpent in his bosome The third motiue is the consideration of his estate after death When the day of the last iudgement shall be he must be brought and set before the tribunall seat of Christ he shall not be able to escape or hide himselfe then the books shall he brought out and all his sinnes shall be discouered before Gods Saints and Angels the deuill and his owne conscience shall accuse him none shall be aduocate to plead his cause he himselfe shall be speechlesse he shall at length heare that dreadfull sentence of damnation Goe ye cursed into hell prepared for the deuill and his angels This thing might mooue the vilest Atheist in the world to leaue his wicked waies and come to amendment of life We see the strongest theefe that is when he is ledde in the way from the prison to the barre leaues his theeuing and behaues himselfe orderly And in deede if he would then cut a purse it were high time that he were hanged All men by nature are traytours and malefactours against God whiles we liue in this world we are in the way going to the barre of Gods iudgement The wh●ele of the heauens turnes one bout euery day and windes vp somewhat of the threed of our life whether we sleepe or wake we are alwaies comming nearer our ende wherefore let all men daily humble themselues for their sinnes and pray vnto God that he would be reconciled vnto them in Christ and let them endeauour themselues in obedience to all Gods commandements both in their liues and callings Againe after the last iudgement there remaines death eternall appointed for him which standes in these three things I. A separation from all ioy and comfort of the presence of God II. Eternall fellowship with the deuill and all his angels III. The feeling of the horrible wrath of God which shall seaze vpon bodie soule and conscience and shall feede on them as fire doth on pitch and brimstone and torment them as a worme crawling in the bodie and gnawing on the heart they shall alwaies be dying and neuer dead alwaies in woe and neuer in ease And this death is the more grieuous because it is euerlasting Suppose the whole world to be a mountaine of sand and that a bird must carrie from it but one mouthfull of sand euery thousand yeares many innumerable thousands of yeares will be expired before shee will haue carried away the whole mountaine well if a man should stay in torment so long and then haue an ende of his woe it were some comfort but when the bird shall haue carried away the mountaine a thousand times alas alas a man shall be as farre from the end of his anguish and torment as euer
he was This consideration may serue as an iron scourge to driue men from their wicked liues Chrysostome would haue men in their meetings in tavernes and feasts to talke of hell that by often thinking on it they might auoide it A graue and chast matrone being mooued to commit follie with a lewd ruffian after long discourse shee called for a panne of coales requesting him for her sake to holde his finger in them but one houre he answered that it was vnkinde request to whome shee replied that seeing he would not hold so much as one finger in a fewe coales for one small houre shee could not yeeld to doe the thing for which shee should be tormented bodie and soule in hell fire for euer And so should all men reason with themselues when they are about to sinne None will be brought to doe a thing that may make so much as their finger or tooth to ake if a man be but to snuffe a candle he will first spitte on his finger because he can not abide the heate of a small and tender flame Therefore we ought to haue great care to leaue our sinnes whereby we bring endlesse torment to bodie and soule in hell fire to which our fire is but yee in comparison CHAP. IX Of motiues Euangelicall EVangelicall Motiues are two especially The first is taken from the consideration of mans redemption He that redeemed mankind is God himselfe as Paul saith that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himselfe Mans sinne is so vile and haynous in the eyes of God that no Angel nor creature whatsoeuer was able to appease the wrath of God for the least offence But the sonne of God himselfe must come downe from heauen and take mans nature on him and not onely that but he must also suffer the most accused death of the crosse and shed his most pretious heart bloode to satisfie the iustice of his Father in our behalfe If a father should be sicke of such a disease that nothing would heale him but the heart bloode of his owne child he would presently iudge his owne case to be dangerous and would also vow if euer he recouered to vse all meanes whereby he might auoid that disease So likewise seeing nothing could cure the deadly wound of our sinne but a plaister made of the heart blood of Christ it must make vs acknowledge our pitifull ●ase and the haynousnesse of the least of our sinnes and stirre vs vp to newnes of life Againe considering the end of the redemption wrought by Christ was to deliuer vs from our euill conuersation in sinne and vnrighteousnes we are not to continue and as it were lie bathing our selues in sinne for that were as if a prisoner after that he had bin ransomed and had his bolts taken off and were put out of the prison to goe whither he would should returne againe and desire to lie in the dungeon still The second motiue is that God hath made a promise to such as truly repent I. Of remission of sinnes Wash you make you cleane take away the euill of your workes from before mine eyes cease to doe euill c. Though your sinnes were as crimson they shall be made as white as snow though they were red like scarlet they shall be as wooll And Seeke the Lord while he may be found call vpon him while he is neere Let the wicked forsake his waies and the vnrighteous his owne imaginations and returne vnto the Lord and he will haue mercie on him for he is very plentifull in forgiuing II. Of life euerlasting I will not the death of a sinner but rather that he repent and liue And Thus saith the Lord vnto the house of Israel Seeke ye me and ye shall liue III. Of mitigating or remoouing temporall calamities Stand in the court of the Lords house and speake vnto all the cities of Iudah c. If so be they will hearken and turne euery man from his euill way that I may repent me of the plague which I haue determined to bring vpon them because of the wickednes of their workes And If we would iudge our selues we should not be iudged that is afflicted with temporall punishments I ioyne with the remoouing of temporall calamities the mitigating of thē because they are not alwaies taken away when the partie repenteth After Dauids repentance the childe dieth and the sworde departes not from his house And the Prophet Micha brings in the people humbling themselues before God vnder a temporall punishment saying I will beare thy wrath because I haue sinned against thee And it is Gods pleasure that the chastisement shall remaine after the partie is reconciled to him that he may by that mearies be admonished of his sinne and be an example to others As God hath made these mercifull promises to penitent sinners so he hath faithfully performed them so soone as they haue but begun to repent Example of Dauid Then Dauid said vnto Nathan I haue sinned against the Lord And Nathan said to Dauid Thy sin is forgiuen thee Of Manasses When he was in tribulation he praied vnto the Lord his God and humbled himselfe greatly before the Lord God of his fathers and praied vnto him and God was intreated of him and heard his praier Of the Publicane The Publicane c. smote his breast saying O God be mercifull to me a sinner I tell you this man departed iustified to his house rather thē the other Of the thiefe He said vnto Iesus Lord remember me when thou commest to thy kingdome Then Iesus said vnto him Verily I say vnto thee to day shalt thou be with me in paradise Hauing such notable promises made to Repentance no man is to drawe backe from the practise of it because of the multitude of his sinnes but rather to do it The Pharises said to Christs disciples Why eates your master with Publicans and sinners When Iesus heard it he said vnto them The whole neede not the phisition but they that are sicke And I came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance And Verily I say vnto you that Publicanes and harlots shall goe before you into the kingdome of God CHAP. X. Of the time of Repentance THe time of repentance is the time present without any delay at all as the holy Ghost saith To daie if ye will heare his voice And Exhort one another daily while it is called to day least any of you be hardened through the deceitfulnes of sinne Reasons hereof are these I. Life is vncertaine for no man knowes at what houre or moment and after what manner he shall goe foorth of this world Be ye also prepared therefore for the sonne of man will come at an houre when ye think not This one thing should make a man to hasten his repentance and the rather because many are dead who purposed with themselues to repent in time to come
but were preuented by death and shall neuer repent II. The longer a man liues in any sinne the greater danger because by practise sinne gets heart and strength Custome is of such force that that which men vse to doe in their life time the same they doe and speake when they are dying One had three poundes owing him to bee paid three seuerall yeares when he was dying nothing could be got of him but three yeres three poūds Againe by deferring repentance men treasure vp wrath against the daie of wrath If a malefactor for his punishment should be appointed euery daie to carrie a sticke of woode to an heap to burne him twentie yeares after it must needs be an exceeding great punishment and miserie and this is the case of euerie sinner who neglecting repentance from daie to daie doth thereby imploy himselfe in heaping vp the coles of Gods wrath to burn his soule in hell when the daie of death comes III. The more the time is prolonged the harder it is to repent the longer a man goes in his sicknesse without phisicke the harder is the recouerie And where the deuill dwels long he will hardly be remooued The best waie to kill a serpent is to crush it in the head when it is young IV. It is as meat and drinke to the deuil to see men liue in their sinnes deferring repentance as on the contrary there is great ioy among the angels of God in heauen when a sinner doth repent V. Late repentance is seldome or neuer true repentance For if a man repent when he can not sinne as in former time as namely in death then hee leaues not sinne but sinne leaues him wherefore the repentance which men frame to themselues when they are dying it is to be feared least it die with thē And it is verie iust that he should bee contemned of God in his death who contemned God in his life Chrysostom saith that the wicked man hath this punishment on him that in dying hee should forget himselfe who when he was liuing did forget God VI. We are with Abel to giue vnto God in sacrifice euen the fat of our flocke nowe they which deferre repentance to the ende doe the contrarie Late repenters offer the slower of their youth to the deuill and they bring the lame broken sacrifice of their old age to God CHAP. XI OF CERTAINE CASES IN Repentance I. Case of a Reuolt WHether a man that hath professed Christ and his religion yet afterward in persecution denies Christ and forsweares the religion may repent and be saued Answere It is a grieuous estate yet a man may come to repentance afterward Manasses fell away to idolatrie and witchcraft and yet was receiued to mercie So did wise Salomon and yet no doubt recouered is receiued to life euerlasting My reason is because God vouchsafed him to be a penman of some parts of holy Scripture And the scriptures were written not by such as were men of God onely but by such as were holy men of God Peter denied Christ of knowledge against his owne conscience and that with cursing and banning and yet came to repentāce afterward as appeares by the testimonie of Christ I haue praied for thee that thy faith faile not therefore when thou art conuerted strengthen thy brethren Obiect I. Mat. 10.33 Whosoeuer shall denie me before men him will I denie before my father which is in heauen Ans. The place is onely to be vnderstood of such a deniall of Christ which is finall Obiect II. Heb. 6.4 It is impossible that they which were once lightened haue tasted of the heauenly gift c. if they fal away should be renued by repentance And Heb. 10.26 If we sinne willingly after that we haue receiued the knowledge of the trueth there remaines no more sacrifice for sinne Ans. These places must bee vnderstood of the sin which is to death in which mē of desperate malice against Christ vniuersally and wholly fall away from religion For the H. Ghost saith not if they fall but if they fall away And it is added that they crucifie the sonne of God and make a mocke of him that they trample vnder foote the sonne of God that they account the blood of the newe testament an vnholy thing that they despise the spirit of God And the word translated willingly imports somewhat more namely to sinne because a man will that is wilfully The like answere is to be giuen to the question whereby it is demanded whether men ouertaken with the vnnaturall sinnes mentioned Rom. 1.24,25,26 may come to repentance afterward or no namely that although the sinnes be hainous and capitall yet the grace of repentance is not denied as appeares in the example of the Corinthians 1. Cor. 6.9 10,11 VVHether the child of God after repentance for some grieuous sinne doe fall into the same againe and come to repentance the second time Ans. The case is dangerous as wee may see by comparison in the bodie If one fall into the relapse of an ague or any other strong disease it may cost him his life and the recouerie will bee verie hard Christ said to the man that had bin sicke eight and thirtie yeres after that he had healed him Behold thou art whole sinne no more least a worse thing befall thee And the vncleane spirit returning takes to him other seauen spirits worse then himselfe Indeede we finde no particular example of recouerie after a relapse in the scriptures yet no doubt a recouerie may be Reasons are these I. Promise is made of remission of sins in Christ without any tearme of time without any limitation to any number or kinds of sinne saue onely the blasphemy against the H. Ghost Therefore there may be a repentance and saluation after a relapse II. Christ tels Peter that he must forgiue not til seuen times only which peraduenture he thought to be very much but seuentie seuen times and that in one daie if one returne seuentie times and say it repents me Now if we must do this which haue not so much as a drop of mercie in vs in comparison of God hee will no doubt often forgiue euen for one sinne if men will returne and say it repents me considering that with him is plentifull redemption and he is much in sparing III. Case of Restitution VVHether hee that repents is to make restitution if hee haue taken any thing wrongfully from his neighbour Ans. Yea Zacheus when hee repented and receiued Christ gaue halfe of his goods to the poore and if hee had taken any thing by forged cauillation he restored it foure folde It is but a bad practise when a man on his death bed will verie deuoutly bequeath his soule to God and his goods euill gotten as his conscience wil often crie in his eare to his children and friendes without either restitution or amends making Quest. But what if a man be not able to
with all his heart and with full consent and so doth not the first Secondly though he fall into any sinne yet he doth not lie long in it but speedily recouers himselfe by reason of grace in his heart Hence it is manifest that sinnes of infirmitie are committed onely of such as are regenerate As for the man vnregenerate he can not sinne of infirmitie whatsoeuer some falsly thinke For he is not weake but starke dead in sinne And sinnes of infirmitie are such onely as rise of constraint feare hastinesse and such like sudden passions in the regenerate And though they sin of weaknes often by reason of this spirituall combat yet they doe not alwaies for they may sinne against knowledge and conscience of presumption To come to the second point the regenerate man can not doe the good which he would because he can not doe it perfitly and soundly according to Gods will as he would Paul saith To will is present with me but I finde no meanes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 perfitly to doe that which I would In this point the godly man is like a prisoner that is gotten forth of the gayle and that he might escape the hand of the keeper desires and striues with all his heart to runne an hundred miles in a day but because he hath straight and waightie bolts on his legges cannot for his life creepe past a mile or twaine and that with chasing his flesh tormenting himselfe So the seruants of God doe heartily desire and endeauour to obey God in all his commaundements as it is saide of King Iosias That he turned to God with all his heart with all his soule with all his might according to all the lawes of Moses c. yet because they are clogged with the bolts of the flesh they performe obedience both slowly and weakely with diuers slippes and falls Thus much of the combat now let vs see what vse may be made of it First of all by it we learne what is the estate of a Christian man in this life A Christian is not one that is free from all euill cogitations from rebellious inclinations and motions of will and affections from all manner of slips in his life and conuersation for such an one is a meere deuise of mans brain and not to be found vpon earth But indeed he is the sound Christian that feeling himselfe laden with the corruptions of his vile and rebellious nature bewailes them from his heart and with might and maine fights against them by the grace of Gods spirit Againe here is ouerthrowne the Popish opinion of merit and iustification by workes of grace on this manner Such as the cause of workes is such are works themselues The cause of works in man is the mind will and affections sanctified in which the flesh and the spirit are mixt together as hath beene shewed before Therefore works of grace euen the best of them are mixt workes partly holy and partly sinnefull Whereby it is euident to a man that hath but common sense that they are not answerable to the righteousnes of the law and that therefore they can neither merit life or any way iustifie a man before God If any reply that good works are the works of Gods spirit and for that cause perfectly righteous I answer it is true indeede they come from the H. Ghost that can not sinne but not onely or immediatly For they come also frō the corrupt minde will of man and in that respect become sinnefull as sweete water issuing out of a pure fountaine is by a filthy channell made corrupt Thirdly we doe hence learne that concupiscence or originall sinne is properly and indeede sinne after baptisme though it please the Councill of Trent to decree otherwise For after baptisme it is flat contrarie to the spirit and rebells against it Papists obiect that it is taken away by baptisme Answ. Originall sinne or the flesh is taken away in the regenerate thus In it there be three things the guilt the punishment the corruption the first two are quite abolished by the merit of Christs death in baptisme the third that is the corruption remaines still but marke in what manner it remaines weakned it remains not imputed to the person of the beleeuer Lastly hereby we are taught to be watchfull in praier Watch and pray saith Christ c. for the spirit is readie but the flesh is weake Rebecca when two twins stroue in her wombe was troubled and saide Why am I so wherefore shee went to aske the Lord namely by some Prophet So when we feele this inward fight the best thing is to haue recourse to God by praier and to his word that the spirit may be strengthened against the flesh As the children of Israel by compassing the citie of Ierico seuen daies and by sounding rammes hornes ouerturned the walls thereof so by serious inuocation of Gods name the spirit is confirmed and the turrets and towres of the rebellious flesh battered The voice of a man 1. Carnall of Euill I doe that which is euill and I will doe it Good I do not that which is good and I will not do it 2. Regenerate of Euill I doe the euill which I would not Good I doe not doe the good which I would 3. Glorified of Euill I doe not that which is euill and I will not doe it Good I doe that which is good and I will doe it A salue for a sicke man OR A TREATISE CONTAINING THE NATVRE DIFFERENCES AND KINDES OF DEATH AS ALSO THE right manner of dying well And It may serue for spirituall instruction to 1. Marriners when they goe to sea 2. Souldiers when they goe to battell 3. Women when they trauell of child PRINTED BY IOHN LEGAT PRINTER to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge 1600. TO THE RIGHT HONOVRABLE AND VERTVOVS LAdie the Ladie Lucie Countesse of Bedford THe death of the righteous that is of euery beleeuing and repentant sinner is a most excellent blessing of God and brings with it many worthie benefits which thing I proue on this maner I. God both in the beginning and in the continuance of his grace doeth greater things vnto his seruants then they do commonly aske or thinke and because he hath promised aide and strength vnto them therefore in wonderfull wisdome hee casteth vpon them this heauie burden of death that they might make experience what is the exceeding might power of his grace in their weakenes II. Iudgement beginnes at gods house the righteous are laden with afflictions temptations in this life therefore in this worlde they haue their deaths and hells that in death they might not feele the torments of hell and death III. When Lazarus was dead Christ said He is not dead but sleepeth hence it followeth that the christian man can say My graue is my bedde my death is my sleepe in death I die not but onely sleepe It is thought that of all terrible things death is most
conscience with other gifts of Gods spirit which are the earnest of their saluation The second degree is in this life when the bodie goes to the earth and the soule is carried by the Angels into heauen The third is in the ende of the world at the last iudgement when bodie and soule reunited doe ioyntly enter into eternall happines in heauen Now of these three degrees death it selfe being ioyned with the feare of God is the second which also containeth in it two worthie steppes to life The first is a freedome from all miseries which haue their ende in death For though men in this life are subiect to manifold daungers by sea and land as also to sundrie aches paines and diseases as feauers and consumptions c. yet when death comes there is an ende of all Againe so long as men liue in this world whatsoeuer they be they doe in some part lie in bondage vnder originall corruption and the re●nants thereof which are doubtings of Gods prouidence vnbeleefe pride of heart ignorance couetousnesse ambition enuie hatred lust and such like sinnes which bring forth fruits vnto death And to be in subiection to sinne on this manner is a miserie of all miseries Therefore Paul when he was tempted vnto sinne by his corruption calls the very temptation the buffets of Sathan and as it were a pricke or thorne wounding his flesh and paining him at the very heart Againe in another place wearied with his owne corruptions he complaines that he is sold vnder sinne and he cries out O miserable man that I am who shall deliuer me from this bodie of death Dauid saith that his eyes gushed out with riuers of teares when other men sinned against God how much more then was he grieued for the sinnes wherewith he himselfe was ouertaken in this life And indeede it is a very hell for a man that hath but a sparke of grace to be exercised turmoiled and tempted with the inborne corruptions and rebellions of his owne heart and if a man would deuise a torment for such as feare God and desire to walke in newnesse of life he can not deuise a greater then this For this cause blessed is the day of death which brings with it a freedome from all sinne whatsoeuer For when we die the corruption of nature is quite abolished and sanctification is accomplished Lastly it is a great miserie that the people of God are constrained in this world to liue and conuerse in the companie of the wicked as sheepe are mingled with goates which strike them annoy their pasture and muddie their water Hereupon Dauid cried out Woe is me that I r●maine in Meshech and dwell in the tents of Ke●ar When Elias saw that Ahab and Iesabel had planted idolatrie in Israel and that they sought his life also he went apart into the wildernes and desired to die But this miserie also is ended in the day of death in as much as death is as it were the hand of God to sort and single out those that be the seruants of God from all vngodly men in this most wretched world Furthermore this exceeding benefit comes by death that it doth not onely abolish the miseries which presently are vpon vs but also p●euent those which are to come The righteous saith the Prophet Esay perisheth and no man considereth it in his heart and mercifull men are taken away and no man vnderstandeth that the righteous is taken away for the euill to come Example of this we haue in Iosias Because saith the Lord thine heart did melt and thou hast humbled thy selfe before the Lord when thou heardest what I spake against this place c. behold therefore I will gather thee to thy fathers and thou shalt be put in thy graue in peace and thine eyes shall not see all the euill whi●h I will bring vpon this place And Paul saith that among the Corinthians some were asleepe that is dead that they might not be condemned with the world Thus much of freedome from miserie which is the first benefit that comes by death and the first steppe to life now followes the second which is that death giues an entrance to the soule that it may come into the presence of the euerliuing God of Christ and of all the Angels and Saints in heauen The worthines of this benefit makes the death of the righteous to be no death but rather a blessing to be wished of all men The consideration of this made Paul to say I desire to be dissolued but what is the cause of this desire that followes in the next wordes namely that by this dissolution he might come to be with Christ. When the Queene of Sheba saw all Salomons wisdome and the house that he had built and the meate of his table and the sitting of his seruants and the order of his ministers and their apparrell c. shee saide Happie are thy men happie are these thy seruants which stand euer before thee and heare thy wisdome much more then may we say that they are ten thousand folde happie which stand not in the presence of an earthly King but before the King of kings the Lord of heauen and earth and at his right hand inioy pleasures for euermore Moses hath beene renowmed in all ages for this that God vouchsafed him but so much fauour as to see his hinder parts at his request O then what happinesse is this to see the glorie and maiestie of God face to face and to haue eternall fellowship with God our father Christ our Redeemer and the holy Ghost our comforter and to liue with the blessed Saints and Angels in heauen for euer Thus now the third point is manifest namely in what respects death is more excellent then life It may be here the mind of man vnsatisfied will yet further replie and say that howsoeuer in death the soules of men enter into heauen yet their bodies though they haue bin tenderly kept for meate drink and apparrell and haue slept many a night in beddes of doune must lie in darke and loathsome graues and there be wasted and consumed by wormes Answ. All this is true indeede but all is nothing if so be it we will but consider aright of our graues as we ought We must not iudge of our graues as they appeare to the bodily eye but we must looke vpon them by the eie of faith and consider them as they are altered and changed by the death and buriall of Christ who hauing vanquished death vpon the crosse pursued him afterward to his own den and foyled him there and depriued him of his power And by this means Christ in his owne death hath buried our death and by the vertue of his buriall as sweete incense hath sweetned and perfumed our graues and made them of stinking and loathsome cabbines to become princely pallaces and beddes of most sweete and happie rest farre more excellent then beddes of doune And
though the bodie rotte in the graue or be eaten of wormes or of fishes in the sea or burnt to ashes yet that will not be vnto vs a matter of discomfort if we doe well consider the ground of all grace namely our coniunction with Christ. It is indeede a spirituall and yet a most reall coniunction And we must not imagine that our soules alone are ioyned to the bodie or soule of Christ but the whole person of man both in bodie and soule is ioyned and vnited to whole Christ. And when we are once ioyned to Christ in this mortall life by the bond of the spirit we shall remaine and continue eternally ioyned with him and this vnion once truly made shall neuer be dissolued Hence it followes that although the bodie be seuered from the soule in death yet neither bodie nor soule are seuered from Christ but the very body rotting in the graue drowned in the sea burned to ashes abides still vnited to him and is as truly a member of Christ then as before This point we must remember as the foundation of all our comfort and hold it for euer as a truth For looke what was the condition of Christ in death the same or the like is the condition of al his mēbers Now the cōditiō of Christ was this though his body soule were seuered each frō other as far as heauen the graue yet neither of them were seuered frō the godhead of the Sonne but both did in death subsist in his person And therefore though our bodies and soules be pulled asunder by naturall or violent death yet neither of them no not the bodie it selfe shall be seuered and disioyned from Christ. It will be alleadged that if the bodie were then vnited to Christ it should liue and be quickned in the graue Ans. Not so when a mans arme or legge is taken with the dead palsie it receiues litle or no heat life sense or motion from the bodie and yet notwithstanding it remaines still a membrr of the bodie because the flesh and the bone of it remain ioined to the flesh and the bone of the bodie euen so may the body remaine a member of Christ though for some space of time it receiue neither sense nor motion nor life from the soule or from the spirit of Christ. Furthermore wee must remember that by the vertue of this coniunction shall the dead bodie be it rotten burned deuoured or howsoeuer consumed at the day of iudgement rise to eternal glorie In the winter season trees remain without fruit or leaues and beeing beaten with winde and weather appeare to the eye as if they were rotten trees yet when the spring time comes again they bring forth as before buddes and blossomes leaues and fruit the reason is because the bodie graines and armes of trees are all ioyned to the roote where lies the sappe in the winter season and whence by meanes of this coniunction it is deriued to all the parts of the tree in the spring time Euen so the bodies of men haue their winter also in which they are turned to dust and so remaine for the space of many thousand yeares yet in the day of iudgement by meanes of that mysticall coniunction with Christ shall diuine and quickning vertue streame thence to all the bodies of the Elect to cause them to liue againe and that to life eternall But some will say that the wicked also rise againe Answ. They doe so indeede but not by the same cause for they rise by the power of Christ as he is a iudge to condemne them whereas the godly rise againe by the vertue of Christs resurrection whereof they are partakers by meanes of that blessed and indissoluble coniunction which they haue with Christ. And the bodies of the Elect though they putrifie and consume neuer so much in the graue yet are they still in the fauour of God and in the couenant of grace to which because they haue right and title beeing dead they shall not remaine so for euer but shall rise to glorie at the last iudgement Therefore the rotting of the bodie is nothing in respect and the death of the bodie is no death And therefore also death in the olde and new Testament is made but a sleepe and the graue a bed whereof the like was neuer seene wherein a man may rest nothing at all troubled with dreames or fantasies and whence he shall rise no more subiect to weaknesse or sicknesse but presently be translated to eternall glorie By this then which hath bin said it appeares that the death of the righteous is a second degree to euerlasting happines Now then considering our coniunction with Christ is the foundation of all our ioy and comfort in life and death we are in the feare of God to learne this one lesson namely that while we haue time in this world we must labour to be vnited vnto Christ that we may be bone of his bone flesh of his flesh This very point is as it were a flaggon of wine to reuiue our soules when they be in a sowne at any instant And that we may be assured that we are certenly ioyned to Christ we must shew our selues to be members of his mystical bodie by the daily fruits of righteousnes and true repentance And beeing once certenly assured in conscience of our beeing in Christ let death come when it will and let it cruelly part asunder both bodie and soule yet shall they both remaine in the couenant and by meanes thereof be reunited and taken vp to life eternall Whereas on the contrarie if men be out of the couenant and die out of Christ their soules goe to hell and their bodies rotte for a time in the graue but afterwards they rise to endlesse perdition Wherefore I say againe and againe labour that your consciences by the holy Ghost may testifie that ye are huing stones in the Temple of God and braunches bearing fruit in the true vine and then ye shall feele by experience that the pangs of death shall be a further degree of happines then euer ye found in your liues euen then when ye are gasping and panting for breath Thus much of the meaning of the text now followes the vses and they are manifold The first and principall is this In that Salomon preferres the day of death before the day of birth he doth therein giue vs to vnderstand that there is a direct and certen way whereby a man may die well if it had beene otherwise he could not haue said that the day of death is better And whereas he auoucheth this he shewes withall that there is an infallible way whereby a man may make a blessed ende Therefore let vs now come to search out this way the knowledge and true vnderstanding whereof must not be fetched from the writings of men but from the word of God who hath the power of life and death in his owne hand Now that a man may die well Gods
disarme him make him altogither vnable to preuaile against vs. Now to finde out this matter we neede not to vse the counsell of any Delilah for wee haue the worde of God which teacheth vs plainly where the strength of death consists namely in our sinnes as Paul saith The sting of death is sinne Well then we knowing certainly that the power and force of euery mans particular death lies in his owne sinnes must spend our time and studie in vsing good meanes that our sinnes may be remooued and pardoned And therefore wee must daily inure our selues in the practise of two duties One is to humble our selues for all our sins past partly confessing them against our selues partly in prayer crying to heauen for the pardon of them The other is for time to come to turne vnto god and to carrie a purpose resolution and indeauour in al things to reforme both heart and life according to Gods worde These are the verie principall and proper duties whereby the strength of death is much rebated and he is made of a mightie and bloodie enemie so farre forth friendly and tractable that we may with comfort incounter with him and preuaile too Therefore I commend these duties to your Christian considerations and carefull practise desiring that ye would spend your daies euer hereafter in doing of them If a mā were to deale with a mightie dragon or serpent hand to hand in such wise as he must either kill or bee killed the best thing were to bereaue him of his sting or of that part of his bodie where his poyson lies nowe death it selfe is a serpent dragon or scorpion and sinne is the sting or poison whereby hee woundes and kills vs. Wherefore without any more delay see that yee pull out his sting the practise of the foresaid duties is as it were a fitte and worthie instrument to doe the deede Hast thou beene a person ignorant of Gods wil a contemner of his word and worship a blasphemer of his name a breaker of his sabbaths disobedient to parents and magistrates a murderer a fornicator a railer a slanderer a couetous person c. reforme these thy sinnes and all other like vnto them pull them out by the rootes from thy heart and cast them off So many sinnes as bee in thee so many stings of death bee also in thee to wound thy soule to eternall death Therefore let no one sinne remaine for which thou hast not humbled thy selfe and repented seriously When death hurts any man it takes the weapons whereby he is hurt from his owne hand It cannot doe vs the least hurt but by the force of our owne sinnes Wherefore I say again againe lay this point to your hearts spend our strength life and health that ye may before ye die abolish the strength of death A man may put a serpent in his bosome when the sting is out and wee may let death creepe into our bosoms and gripe vs with his legs and stab vs at the heart so long as he brings not his venime and poison with him And because the former duties are so necessarie as none can be more I wil vse some reasons yet further to enforce them Whatsoeuer a man would doe when he is dying the ●ame he ought to doe euerie daie while he is liuing now the most notorious and wicked person that euer was when hee is dying will praie and desire others to praie for him and promise amendement of life protesting that if he might liue he would becom a practitioner in al the good duties of faith repentance and reformation of life Oh therefore bee carefull to doe this euerie daie Againe the saying is true hee that would liue when hee is dead must die while he is aliue namely to his sinnes Wouldest thou then liue eternally sue to heauen for thy pardon and see that now in thy life time thou die to thine owne sinnes Lastly wicked Balaam would faine die the death of the righteous but alas it was to smal purpose for he would by no meanes liue the life of the righteous For his continuall purpose and meaning was to followe his old waies in sorceries and couetousnesse Nowe the life of a righteous man standes in the humbling of himselfe for his sinnes past and in a careful reformation of life to come Wouldest thou then die the death of the righteous then look vnto it that thy life be the life of the righteous if ye will needs liue the life of the vnrighteous yee must looke to die the death of the vnrighteous Remember this and content not your selues to heare the word but bee doers of it for ye learne no more indeede what measure of knowledge soeuer ye haue then ye practise The third dutie in our generall preparation is in this life to enter into the first degree of life eternall For as I haue said there bee three degrees of life euerlasting and the first of them is in this present life For he that would liue in eternall happinesse for euer must begin in this world to rise out of the graue of his owne sinnes in which by nature hee lies buried and liue in newnesse of life as it is said in the Reuelation Hee that will escape the second death must bee made partaker of the first resurrectiō And Paul saith to the Colossians that they were in this life deliuered from the power of darkenesse and translated into the kingdome of Christ. And Christ saith to the Church of the Iewes the kingdome of heauen is amongst you Nowe this first degree of life is when a man can say with Paul I liue not but Christ liues in me that is I finde partly by the testimonie of my sanctified conscience and partly by experience that Christ my redeemer by his spirit guideth and gouerneth my thoughts will affections● all the powers of body and soule according to the blessed direction of his holy will Now that we might be able to say this we must haue three gifts graces of God wherein especially this first degree of life consists The first is sauing knowledge whereb● we doe truely resolue our selues that God the father of Christ is our father● Christ his sonne our redeemer and the holy ghost our comforter That this knowledge is one part of life eternall it appeares by the saying of Christ in Iohn This is life eternall that is the beginning and entrance into life eternall to know thee the onely God and whome thou hast sent Iesus Christ. The second grace is peace of conscience which passeth al vnderstanding and therefore Paul saith that the kingdome of heauen is righteousnes peace of conscience and ioy in the holy Ghost The horror of a guiltie conscience is the beginning of death destruction therefore peace of conscience deriued from the death of Christ is life and happinesse The third is the regiment of the spirit whereby the heart and life of man is ordered according to the
death in our selues because we should not trust in our selues but in God which raiseth the dead Hauing thus seene what bee the duties of the sicke man to himselfe let vs nowe see what bee the duties which hee oweth to his neighbour and they are two The first is the dutie of reconciliation whereby he is freely to forgiue all men and to desire to be forgiuen of all In the olde testament when a man was to offer a bullocke or lambe in sacrifice to God he must leaue his offering at the altar first go be reconciled to his brethren if they had ought against him much more then must this be done when we are in death to offer vp our selues our bodies and soules as an acceptable sacrifice vnto god Quest. What if a man cannot come to the speech of them with whome he would be reconciled or if he doe what if they will not be reconciled Ansvv. When any shall in their sicknesse seeke and desire reconciliation and can not obtaine it either because the parties are absent or because they will not relent they haue discharged their conscience and God will accept their will for their deed As put case a man lying sicke on his death bedde is at enmitie with one that is then beyond the sea so as hee can not possibly haue any speech with him if he would neuer so faine howe shall he stay his minde why he must remember that in this case a will and desire to bee reconciled is reconciliation it selfe The second dutie is that those which are rulers and gouernours of others must haue care and take order that their charges committed to them by God be left in good estate after their death and here come three duties to be handled the first of the Magistrate the second of the Minister the third of the master of the familie The Magistrates dutie is before he die to prouide as much as he can for the godly and peaceable estate of the towne citie or common-wealth and that is done partly by procuring the maintenance of sound religion vertue partly by establishing of the execution of ciuil iustice outward peace Examples of this practise in Gods word are these When Moses was an hundred and twentie yeare olde and was no more able to goe in and out before the people of Israel he called them before him and signified that the time of his departure was at hand and thereupon tooke order for their wel-fare after his death And first of all he placed Iosua ouer them in his stead to be their guide to the promised land secondly he giues speciall charge to all the people to bee valiant and couragious against their enemies and to obey the commandements of God And Iosua followes the same course For hee calls the people togither and shews thē that the time of his death is at hand and giues them a charge to be couragious to worship the true God which done he endes his daies as a worthie captaine When king Dauid was to goe the way of al flesh and lay sicke on his death bedde he placed his owne sonne Salomon vpon his throne and giues him charge both for maintenance of region and exequution of iustice The dutie of ministers whē they are dying is as much as they can to cast prouide for the continuance of the good estate of the Church ouer which they are placed Consider the example of Peter I will saith hee indeauour alwaies that ye also may be able to haue remembrance of these things after my departure If this had beene well obserued there could not haue bin such aboundance of schismes errors and heresies as hath beene and the Church of God could not haue suffered so great hauocke But because men haue had more care to maintaine personall succession then the right succession which stands in the doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles therfore wolues haue come into the roomes of faithfull teachers and the Apostasie of which Paul speakes hath ouerspread the face of the Church Thirdly housholders must set their families in order before they die as the Prophet Esai saith to Ezechiah Set thine house in order for thou must die For the procuring of good order in the family after death two things are to bee done The first concernes this life and that is to dispose of lands and goods And that this may bee well and wisely done if the Will bee vnmade it is with godly aduise and counsell to be made in the time of sicknes according to the practise of auncient and worthie men Abraham before his death makes his Will and giues legacies so did Isaac and Iacob in whose last will and testamēt are contained many worthie blessings and prophesies of the estate of his children And Christ our Sauiour when he was vpon the crosse prouided for his mother specially commending her to his disciple Iohn whom he loued And indeede this dutie of making a will is a matter of great weight and importāce for it cuts off much hatred and contention in families staies many suites in law It is not therefore alwaies a matter of indifferencie which may bee done or not done as many falsly think who vpon blind sinister respects abstaine from making wills either because their wealth should not bee knowne or because they would haue their decaied estate to bee concealed or because they feare they shall die the sooner if the will be once made Now though the making of wills belong to another place and profession yet so much may be spoken here as the holy ghost hath vttered in the worde and that I will reduce to certaine rules The first is that the will must be made according to the lawe of nature and the written worde of God and the good and holesome positiue lawes of that kingdome or countrie whereof a man is a member The will of God must be the rule of mans will And therefore the will that is made against any of these is faultie The second is that if goods euill gotten be not restored before they must euen then be restored by will or by some other way It is the practise of couetous men to bequeath their soules when they die to God their goods euill gotten to their children friends which in al equitie should be restored to them to whome they belong Quest. Howe if a mans conscience tell him that his goods bee euill gotten and hee knowes not where or to whom to make restitution Ansvv. The case is common the answer is this When the partie is known whom thou hast wronged restore to him particularly if the partie bee vnknowne or dead restore to his executors or assignes or to his next kinne if there be none yet keepe not goods euill gotten to thy selfe but restore to God that is in way of recompence and ciuill satisfaction bestowe them on the Church or common-wealth The third rule is that heads of
followed of all though it may be the applying of it as Iob well perceiued is mixed with follie Here it may be alleadged that in the pangs of death men want their senses and conuenient vtterance and that therefore they are vnable to pray Ans. The very sighes sobbes and g●ones of a repentant and beleeuing heart are praiers before God euen as effectuall as if they were vttered by the best voice in the world Prayer stands in the affection of the heart the voice is but an outward messenger therof God looks not vpon the speach but vpon the heart Dauid saith God heares the desires of the poore againe that he will fulfill the desires of thē that feare him yea their very teares are loud and sounding praiers in his eares Againe faith may otherwise be expressed by the Last words which for the most part in thē that haue truly serued God are very excellent cōfortable and full of grace some choise examples whereof I will rehearse for instructions sake and for imitation The last wordes of Iacob were those whereby as a prophet he foretold blessings and curses vpon his children and the principall among the rest were these The scepter shall not depart from Iudah and the lawgiuer from betweene his feete till Shilo come and O Lord I haue waited for thy saluation The last words of Moses are his most excellent song set downe Deut. 32. and the last words of Dauid were these The spirit of the Lord spake by me and his word was in my tongue the God of Israel spake to me the strength of Israel said Beare rule ouer men c. The wordes of Zacharias the sonne of Iehoida when he was stoned were The Lord looke vpon it and require it The last words of our Sauiour Christ when he was dying vpon the crosse are most admirable and stored with abundance of spirituall grace 1. To his father he saith Father forgiue them they know not what they doe 2. to the thiefe Verily I say vnto thee this night shalt thou be with me in Paradise 3. to his mother Mother behold thy son to Iohn behold thy mother 4. and in his agonie My God my God why hast thou forsaken me 5. and earnestly desiring our saluation I thirst 6. and when he had made perfect satisfaction It is finished 7. and when bodie and soule were parting Father into thy hands I commend my spirit The last words of Steuen were 1. Behold I see the heauens open and the Sonne of man standing at the right hand of God 2. Lord Iesu receiue my spirit 3. Lord lay not this sin●e to their charge Of Polycarpe Thou art a true God without lying therefore in all things I praise thee and blesse thee and glorifie thee by the eternall God and high Priest Iesus Christ thine onely beloued sonne by whome and with whome to thee and the holy Spirit be all glorie now and for euer Of Ignatius I care not what kinde of death I die I am the bread of the Lord and must be ground with the teeth of lyons that I may be cleane bread for Christ who is the bread of life for me Of Ambrose I haue not so led my life amōg you as if I were ashamed to liue neither doe I feare death because we haue a good Lord. Of Augustine 1. He is no great mā that thinks it a great matter that trees and stones fall and mortall men die 2. Iust art thou O Lord and righteous is thy iudgement Of Bernard 1. An admonitiō to his brethren that they would ground the anchor of their faith and hope in the safe and sure port of Gods mercie 2. Because saith he as I suppose I can not leaue vnto you any choise example of religion I commend three things to be imitated of you which I remember that I haue obserued in the race which I haue runne as much as possibly I could 1. I gaue l●sse heede to mine owne sense and reason then to the sense and reason of other men 2. When I was hurt I sought not reuenge on him that did the hurt 3. I had care to giue offence to no man and if it fell out otherwise I tooke it away as I could Of Zuinglius when in the fielde he was wounded vnder the chinne with a speare O what happe is this goe to they may kill my bodie but my soule they cannot Of Oecolampadius 1. An exhortation to the ministers of the Church to maintaine the puritie of doctrine to shewe forth an example of honest and godly conuersation to bee constant and patient vnder the crosse 2. Of himselfe Whereas I am charged to bee a corrupter of the trueth I weigh it not now I am going to the tribunall of Christ and that with good conscience by the grace of god there it shall be manifest that I haue not seduced the Church Of this my saying and contestation I leaue you as witnesses and I confirme it with this my last breath 3. To his children loue God the father and turning himselfe to his kinsfolkes I haue bound you saith he with this contestation you which they heare and I haue desired shall doe your indeauour that these my childrē may be godly and peaceable and true 4. To his friend comming vnto him What shall I say vnto you Newes I shal be shortly with Christ my Lord. 5. being asked whether the light did not trouble him touching his breast there is light enough saith hee 6. he rehearsed the whole 51. psalme with deepe sighes from the bottome of his breast 7. a little after Saue me Lord Iesus Of Luther My heauenly father God and father of our Lord Iesus Christ and God of all comfort I giue thee thank●s that thou hast reuealed vnto me thy sonne Iesus Christ whome I haue beleeued whome I haue professed whome I haue loued whome I haue praised whome the Bishoppe of Rome and the whole companie of the wicked persecuteth and reuileth I praie thee my Lord Iesus Christ receiue my poore soule my heauenly father though I bee taken from this life and this bodie of mine is to he laid downe yet I knowe certainely that I shall remaine with thee for euer neither shall any be able to pull me out of thy hand Of Hooper O Lord Iesus sonne of Dauid haue mercie on me receiue my soule Of Annas Burgius Forsake me not O Lord least I forsake thee Of Melācthon If it be the will of God I am willing to die and I beseech him that he will graunt me a ioyfull departure Of Caluine 1. I held my tongue because thou Lord hast done it 2. I mourned as a doue 3. Lord thou grindest me to powder but 〈◊〉 sufficeth me because it is thine hand Of Peter Martyr that his bodie was weake but his mind was well that he acknowledged no life or saluation but onely in Christ who was giuen of the father to be a redeemer of mankind and
them daily in faith and obedience and from time to time commending our soules into the hand of God casting all our works vpon his prouidence They which haue done this haue made most happie blessed ends Enoch by faith walked walked with God as one that was alwaies in his presence leading an vpright and godly life and the Lord tooke● him away that hee should not see death And this which befell Enoch shall after a sort befall them also that liue in faith and obedience because death shall bee no death but a sleepe vnto them and no enemie but a friende to bodie and soule On the contrarie let vs consider the wretched and miserable endes of them that haue spent their daies in their sinnes without keeping faith and good conscience The people of the olde worlde were drowned in the floode the filthie Sodomites and Gomorrheans were destroyed with fire from heauen Dathan and Abiram with the companie of Core swallowed vp of the earth Core himself as it seemes by the text beeing burnt with fire wicked Saul and Achitophel and Iudas destroy themselues Herod is eaten vp of wormes and gaue vp the ghost Iulian the Apostata smitten with a dart in the fielde died casting vp his blood into the aire and blaspheming the name of Christ. Arius the hereticke died vpon the stoole scouring foorth his verie entralls And this veri● age affoards store of like examples Hof●meister a great Papist as he was going to the councill of Ralisbone to dispute against the defenders of the gospell was suddenly in his iourney preuented by the hand of God and miserably died with horrible roaring and crying out in the vniuersity of Louaine Guarlacus a learned Papist falling sicke when he perceiued no way with him but death he sel into a miserable agony and perturbation of spirit crying out of his sins● howe miserably he had liued and that he was not able to abide the iudgement of God and so casting out wordes of miserable desperation said his sinnes were greater then they could be pardoned and in that desperation ended his daies Iacobus Latromus of the same Vniuersitie of Louaine after that hee had beene at Bruxels and there thinking to doe a great act against Luther and his fellowes made an oration before the Emperour so foolishly and ridiculously that he was laughed to scorne almost of the whole court then returning from thence to Louaine againe in his publike lecture hee fell into open madnesse vttering such words of desperation and blasphemous impietie that other diuines which were present were faine to carrie him away as he was rauing to shut him into a close chamber From that time to his verie last breath hee had neuer any thing else in his mouth but that he was damned reiected of god and that there was no hope of saluation for him because that wittingly and against his knowledge he withstood the maniest truth of Gods word Crescentius the Popes Legate and vicegerent in the Council of Trent was ●itting all the daie long vntill darke night in writing of letters to the Pope after his labour when night was come thinking to refresh himselfe he began to rise and at his rising behold there appeared to him a mightie blacke dogge of an huge bignesse his eies flaming with fire and his eares hanging low down wel neere to the ground which began to enter in and straight to come towards him so to couch vnder the boord The Cardinall not a little amased at the sight thereof somewhat recouering himselfe called to his seruants which were in the outward chamber next by to bring in a candle and to seek for the dogge But when the dogge could not bee found there nor in any other chamber about the Cardinall thereupon stricken with a sudden conceit of minde immediately fell into such a sickenes whereof his Phisitians which he had about him could not with all their industrie and cunning cure him and thereupon he died Steuen Gardiner when a certaine bishop came vnto him and put him in minde of Peter denying his master answered again that he had denied with Peter but neuer repented with Peter so to vse M. Foxes words stinkingly vnrepentantly died More examples might be added but these shall suffice Againe that wee may bee further induced to the practise of these duties let vs call to minde the vncertaintie of our daies though we now liue yet who can say that hee shall bee aliue the next daie● or the next houre No man hath a lease of his life Nowe marke as death leaues a man so shall the last iudgement find him and therfore if death take him away vnprepared eternal damnation followes without recouerie If a theife bee brought from prison either to the barre to be arraigned before the iudge or to the place of exequ●tion he will bewaile his misdeameanour past and promise all reformation of life so be it he might be deliuered though he be the most arrant theefe that euer was In this case we are as fellons or theeues for we are euery day going to the barre of Gods iudgement there is no stay nor standing in the way euen as the shippe in the sea continues on his course day and night whether the marriners be sleeping or waking therefore let vs all prepare our selues and amend our liues betime that in death we may make a blessed ende Ministers of the Gospel doe daily call for the performance of this dutie but where almost shall we finde the practise and obedience of it in mens liues and conuersations Alas alas to lend our eares for the space of an houre to heare the will of God is common but to giue heart and hand to doe the same is rare And the reason hereof is at hand we are all most grieuous sinners and euery sinner in the tearmes of Scripture is a foole and a principall part of this follie is to care for the things of this world and to neglect the kingdome of heauen to prouide for the bodie and not for the soule to cast and forecast how we may liue in wealth and honour and ease and not to vse the last forecast to die well This folly our Sauiour Christ noted in the rich man that was carefull to inlarge his barnes but had no care at all for his ende or for the saluation of his soule Such an one was Achitophel who as the Scripture tearmes him was as the very oracle of God for counsell beeing a man of great wisdome and forecast in the matters of the common-wealth and in his owne priuate worldly affaires and yet for all this he had not so much as common sense and reason to consider how he might die the death of the righteous and come to life euerlasting And this follie the holy Ghost hath noted in him For the text saith when he saw that his counsell was despised he sadled his asse and arose and went home into his citie
and put his houshold in order and went and hanged himselfe And the fiue foolish virgins contented themselues with the blasing lamps of a bare profession neuer seeking for the horne of lasting oyle of true and liuely faith that might furnish and trimme that lampe both in life death But let vs in the feare of God cast off this damnable folly first of all seeking the kingdome of God and his righteousnes and leading our liues in faith and obedience that we may die accordingly And thus much of the first point of doctrine namely that there is a certen way whereby a man may die well now I come to the second Whereas therefore Salomon saith that the day of death is better then the day of birth we are further taught that such as truly beleeue thēselues to be the children of God are not to feare death ouermuch I say ouermuch because they must partly feare it partly not Feare it they must for two causes the first because death is the destruction of humane nature in a mans owne selfe and others in this respect Christ feared it without sinne and we must not feare it otherwise then we feare sicknes and pouertie and famine with other sorrowes of bodie and mind which god wil not haue vs to despise or lightly regard but to feele with some paine because they are corrections and punishments for sinne And he doth therefore lay vpon vs paines and torments that they may be feared and eschewed and that by eschewing them we might further learne to eschew the cause of them which is sinne and by experience in feeling of paine acknowledge that God is a iudge and enemie of sinne and is exceeding angrie with it The second cause of the feare of death is the losse of the Church or Commonwealth when we or others are depriued of them which were indeede or might haue bin an helpe stay and comfort to either of them and whose death hath procured some publike or priuate losse Againe we are not to feare death but to be glad of it and that for many causes First of all in it we haue occasion to shew our subiection and obedience which we owe vnto God when he calls vs out of this world as Christ saide Father not my will but thy will be done Secondly all sinne is abolished by death and we then cease to offend God any more as we haue done Thirdly the dead bodie is brought into a better condition then euer it was in this life for by death it is made insensible and by that meanes it is freed from all the miseries and calamities of this life and it ceaseth to be either an actiue or passiue instrument of sinne whereas in the life time it is both Fourthly it giues the soule passage to rest life and celestiall glorie in which we shall see God as he is perfectly know him and praise his name for euer keeping without intermission an eternall sabbath therefore Paul saith I desire to be dissolued and be with Christ for that is best of all Fifthly God exequutes his iudgements vpon the wicked and purgeth his Church by death Now in all these respects godly men haue cause not to feare and sorrow but to reioyce in their owne death and the death of others Thirdly if the day of death be so excellent yea a day of happines then it is lawfull to desire death and men doe not alwaies sinne in wishing for death Paul saith I desire to be dissolued and againe O miserable man who shall deliuer me from this bodie of death Yet this desire must not be simple but restrained with certaine respects which are these First death must be desired so far forth as it is a meanes to free vs from the corruption of our nature secondly as it is a meanes to bring vs to the immediate fellowship of Christ and God himselfe in heauen thirdly death may be lawfully desired in respect of the troubles and miseries of this life two caueats beeing obserued the first that this desire must not be immoderate the second it must be ioyned with submission and subiection to the good pleasure of God If either of these be wanting the desire is faultie and therefore Iob and Ieremie and Ionas failed herein because they desired death beeing carried away with impatience On the contrarie also a man may desire a continuance of life Ezechias praied and desired to liue when he heard the message of present death that he might doe seruice to God And Paul desired to liue in regard of the Philippians that he might further their faith● though in regard of himselfe to die was aduantage to him Lastly if death ioyned with reformation of life be so blessed then the death of the vnbeleeuing and vnrepentant sinner is euery way cursed most horrible Reasons are these First it is the destruction of nature and the wages of sinne Secondly in it there is no comfort of the spirit to be found no mitigation of paine and no good thing that may counter●aile the miseries thereof Thirdly that which is the most fe●reful thing of all bodily death is the beginning os eternall death desperation and infernall torment without hope of deliuerance Therefore as I began so I end haue care to liue well and die well FINIS An addition of things that come to my minde afterward THe last combat with the deuill in the pang of death is oftentimes most dangerous of all For then he will not vrge men to desperation knowing that by this meanes he shall stirre them vp to resist him but he labours with them that they would not resist him when he assaults them and by this means he indeauours to extinguish hope And this is not done in any other temptation in which faith or hope alone are impugned whereas in this they are both impugned togither This must be thought vpon for when the deuills temptation is not to resist his temptation it is most deceitful of all and it is more easie to ouercome the enemie that compells vs to fight then him that disswades vs from it The temptation of M. Iohn Knox in the time of his death is worth the marking He lay on his death-bedde silent for the space of foure houres very often giuing great sighes sobbes and grones so as the standers by well perceiued that he was troubled with some grieuous temptation and when at length he was raised in his bedde they asked him how he did to whome he answered thus that in his life time he had indured many combats and conflicts with Sathan but that now most mightily the roaring lyon had assaulted him often said he before he set my sinnes before mine eyes often he vrged me to desperation often he laboured to intangle me with the delights of the world but beeing vanquished by the sword of the spirit which is the word of God he could not preuaile But now he assaults me another way for the wily serpent would perswade me that
I shall merit eternall life for my fidelitie in my ministerie But blessed be God which brought to my mind such Scriptures wherby I might quench the fierie darts of the deuill which were What hast thou that thou hast not receiued and By the grace of God I am that I am and not I but the grace of God in me and thus beeing vanquished he departed When thou art tempted of Satan and sees no way to escape euen plainely close vp thine eyes and answer nothing but commend thy cause to God This is a principall point of Christian wisdom which we must follow in the houre of death If thy flesh tremble and feare to enter into another life and doubt of saluation if thou yeeld to these things thou hurtest thy selfe therefore close thine eyes as before and say with S. Stephen Lord Iesus into thy hands I commend my spirit and then certenly Christ will come vnto thee with all his Angels and be the guider of thy way Luther A DECLARATION OF THE TRVE MANNER OF KNOVVING Christ crucified Galat. 6.14 God forbid that I should reioyce but in the Crosse of our Lord Iesus Christ c. PRINTED BY IOHN LEGAT PRINTER to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge 1600. To the Reader IT is the common sinne of men at this day and that in the very places of learning that Christ crucified is not knowne as he ought The right knowledge of whome is not to make often mention of his death and passion and to call him our Sauiour or to handle the whole mysterie of God incarnate soundly and learnedly though that be a worthie gift of God but first of all by the consideration of the passion to be touched with an inward and a liuely feeling of our sinnes for which our Redeemer suffered the pangs of hell and to grow to a through dislike of our selues and our liues past for them and from the groūd of the heart to purpose a reformation and a conformitie with Christ in all good duties that concerne man secondly in the Passion as in a myrrour to behold and in beholding to labour to comprehend the length the breadth the height the depth of the loue of the Father that gaue his owne deare Sonne to death and the goodnes of the Sonne that loued his enemies more then himselfe that our hearts might be rooted and grounded in the same loue and be further inflamed to loue God againe To further this true manner of knowing Christ crucified I haue penned these few lines read them at thy leisure and haue care to put them in practise otherwise thou art but an enemie of the crosse of Christ though thou professe his name neuer so much Ian. 3. 1596. W. Perkins Of the right knowledge of Christ crucified IT is the most excellent and worthy part of diuine wisdome to know Christ crucified The Prophet Esai saith The knowledge of thy righteous seruāt that is Christ crucified shall iustifie many And Christ himselfe saith This is life eternall to know thee the onely God and whome thou hast sent Iesus Christ. And Paul saith I haue decreeed to know nothing among you but Iesus Christ and him crucified Againe God forbid that I should reioyce in any thing but in the crosse of our Lord Iesus Christ. Again I thinke all things but losse for the excellent knowledge sake of Christ Iesus my Lord and doe iudge them but dung that I might win Christ. In the right way of knowing Christ crucified two points must be considered one how Man for his part is to know Christ the other how he is to be knowne of man Touching the first Man must know Christ not generally and confusedly but by a liuely powerfull and operatiue knowledge for otherwise the deuils themselues know Christ. In this knowledge three things are required The first is notice or consideration whereby thou must conceiue in minde vnderstand and seriously bethinke thy selfe of Christ as he is reuealed in the historie of the Gospel and as he is offered to thy particular person in the ministerie of the word and Sacraments And that this consideration may not be dead and idle in thee two things must be done first thou must labour to feele thy selfe to stand in neede of Christ crucified yea to stand in excessiue neede euen of the very least drop of his blood for the washing away of thy sinnes And vnlesse tho● throughly feelest thy selfe to want all that goodnes and grace that is in Christ and that thou euen standest in extreame neede of his passion thou shalt neuer learne or teach Christ in deede and truth The second thing is with the vnderstanding of the doctrine of Christ to ioyne thirsting whereby man in his very soule and spirit longs after the participation of Christ and saith in this case as Sampson said Giue me water I die for thirst The second part of knowledge is application whereby thou must know beleeue not onely that Christ was crucified but that he was crucified for thee for thee I say in particular Here two rules must be remembred and practised One that Christ on the crosse was thy pledge and suretie in particular that he then stood in thy very roome and place in which thou thy selfe in thine owne person shouldest haue stood that thy very personall and particular sinnes were imputed and applied to him that he stoode guiltie as a malefactour for them and suffered the very pangs of hell and that his sufferings are as much in acceptation with God as if thou haddest borne the curse of the law in thine owne person eternally The holding and beleeuing of this point is the very foundation of religion as also of the Church of God Therefore in any wise be carefull to applie Christ crucified to thy selfe and as Elizeus when he would reuiue the childe of the Shunamite went vp and lay vpon him and put his mouth vpon his mouth and his hands vpon his hands his eyes vpon his eyes and stretched himselfe vpon him euen so if thou wouldest be reuiued to euerlasting life thou must by faith as it were set thy selfe vpon the crosse of Christ and applie thy handes to his hands thy feete to his feete and thy sinnefull heart to his bleeding heart and content not thy selfe with Thomas to put thy finger into his side but euen diue and plunge thy selfe wholly both bodie and soule into the woundes and blood of Christ. This will make thee to crie with Thomas and say My Lord my God and this is to be crucified with Christ. And yet doe not content thy selfe with this but by faith also descend with Christ from the crosse to the graue and burie thy selfe in the very buriall of Christ and then looke as the dead souldier tumbled into the graue of Elizeus was made aliue at the very touching of his bodie so shalt thou by a spirituall touching of Christ dead and buried be quickned to life euerlasting The second rule is
most notable meanes to breede repentance and reformation of life in time to come For when wee begin to thinke that Christ crucified by suffering the first and second death hath procured vnto vs remission of all our sinnes past and freed vs from hell● death and damnation then if there be but a sparke of grace in vs we begin to be of another mind and to reason thus with our selues What hath the Lord bin thus mercifull vnto me that am in my selfe but a firebrand of hell as to free me from deserued destruction to receiue me to fauour in Christ yea no doubt he hath his name be blessed therefore I will not therefore sinne any more as I haue done but rather indeauour hereafter to keep my selfe from euery euill way And thus faith purifies both heart and life Thirdly when thou art in any paine of bodie or sickenes thinke how light these are compared to the agonie and bloodie sweat to the crown of thornes and nailes of Christ. When thou art wronged in worde or deede by any man turne thine eie to the crosse consider howe meekely he suffered all abuses for the most part in silence praied for them that crucified him When thou art tempted with pride or vaine-glorie consider how for thy proper sins Christ was despised and mocked and condemned among theeues When anger and desire of reuenge inflame thine heart think how Christ gaue himself to death to saue his enemies euen then when they did most cruelly intreat him shed his blood and by these meditations specially if they be mingled with faith thy minde shall be eased Thus we see how Christ crucified is to be known and hence ariseth a threefold knowledge one of God the second of our neighbours the third of our selues Touching the first if we would know the true God aright and know him to our sahiation we must knowe him only in Christ crucified God in himselfe and his owne maiestie is inuisible not onely to the eies of the bodie but also to the vere minds of men and he is reuealed to vs only in Christ in whom he is to be seene as in a glasse For in Christ he setteth forth and giues his iustice goodnes wisdome and himselfe wholly vnto vs. For this cause he is called the brightnes of the glorie and the ingrauen forme of the person of the father Heb. 1. 3. and the image of the inuisible God Coloss. 1.15 Therfore we must not know god and seeke him any where else but in Christ and whatsoeuer out of Christ comes vnto vs in the name of God is a flat idol of mans braine As for our neighbours those especially that are of Christs Church they are to be known of vs on this manner When we are to do● any dutie vnto them we must not barely respect their persons but Christ crucified in them them in Christ. When Paul persecuted such as called on the name of Christ he thē f●om heauē cried Saul Saul why persecutest thou me Here then let this be marked that when the poore comes to vs for releefe it is Christ that comes to our dores and saith I am hungrie I am thirstie I am naked and let the bowels of compassion be in vs towards them as towards Christ vnles we wil heare that fearefull sentence in the day of iudgement Go ye cursed into hell c. I was hungrie and ye fed me not I was naked and ye did not cloath me c. Thirdly the right knowledge of our selues ariseth of the knowledge of Christ crucified in whom and by whome we come to know fiue speciall things of our selues The first how grieuous our sinnes are and therefore howe miserable we are in regard of them If we consider our offences in themselues as they are in vs we may soone be deceiued because the conscience being corrupted often erreth in giuing testimonie and by that meanes maketh sinne to appeare lesse then it is indeede But if sinne be considered in the death passion of Christ whereof it was the cause and the vilenes thereof measured by the vnspeakable torments endured by the sonne of God and if the greatnesse of the offence of man be esteemed by the endlesse satisfaction made to the iustice of God the least sinne that is will appeare to bee a sinne indeed and that most grieuous and ougly Therefore Christ crucified must bee vsed of vs as a myrrour or looking glasse in which we may fully take a view of our wretchednes and miserie and what we are by nature For such as the passion of Christ was in the eies of men such is our passion or condition in the eies of God and that which wicked men did to Christ the same doeth sinne and Satan to our very soules The second point is that men beleeuing in Christ are not their owne or lords of themselues but wholly both bodie and soule belong to Christ in that they were giuen to him of God the father and he hath purchased them with his owne blood 1. Cor. 3. Ye are Christs and Christs Gods Hence it commeth to passe which is not to be forgotten that Christ esteemeth all the crosses and afflictions of his people as his own proper afflictions Hence againe we must learne to giue vp our selues both in body and soule to the honour and seruice of Christ whose we are The third is that euery true beleeuer not as he is a man but as hee is a newe man or a Christian hath his being and subsisting from Christ We are members of his bodie of his flesh and of his bone Eph. 5.30 In which words Paul alludes to the speech of Adam Gen. 3. Thou art bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh thereby he teacheth that as Eue was made of a ribbe taken out of the side of Adam so doeth the whole church of God and euery man regenerate spring and arise out of the blood that streamed from the heart and side of Christ crucified The fourth is that all good workes done of vs proceede from the vertue and merit of Christ crucified he is the cause of them in vs and we are the causes of them in and by him Without me saith he ye can do nothing and Euery branch that beareth no fruite in me marke well he saith in me he taketh away Ioh. 15.2 The fift point is that we owe vnto Christ an endles debt For he was crucified onely as our suretie and pledge in the spectacle of his passion we must consider our selues as the chiefe debters and that the very discharge of our debt that is the sinnes which are inherent in vs were the proper cause of all the endles paines and torments that Christ endured that he might set vs most miserable bankrupts at libertie from hell death and damnation For this his vnspeakable goodnes if we doe but once thinke of it seriously we must needs confesse that we owe our selues our soules and bodies and all that we haue as a
thou readest that in the garden he praied lying groueling on his face sweating water and blood beginne to thinke seriously what an vnspeakable measure of Gods wrath was vpon thy blessed Sauiour that did prostrate his bodie vpon the earth and cause the blood to follow and thinke that thy sinnes must needes be most heynous that brought such bloodie and grieuous paines vpon him Also thinke it a very shame for thee to carrie thy head to heauen with haughtie lookes to wallow in thy pleasures and to draw the innocent blood of thy poore brethren by oppression and deceit for whome Christ sweat water and blood and take an occasion from Christs agonie to lay aside the pride of thy heart to be ashamed of thy selfe to grieue in heart yea euen to bleede for thine owne offences casting downe and humbling thy selfe with Ezra saying O my God I am confounded and ashamed to lift vp mine eyes vnto thee my God for mine iniquities are increased and my trespasse is growne vp into heauen When thou readest that Christ was taken and bound thinke that thy very sinnes brought him into the power of his enemies and were the very bondes wherewith he was tyed thinke that thou shouldest haue beene bound in the very same manner vnlesse he had beene a suretie and pledge for thee thinke also that thou in the selfe ●ame manner art bound and tied with the chaynes of thine owne sinnes and that by nature thy will affections and whole spirit is tied and chained to the will of the deuill so as thou canst doe nothing but that which he willeth lastly thinke and beleeue that the bondes of Christ serue to purchase thy libertie from hell death and damnation When thou hearest that he was brought before Annas and Caiaphas thinke it was meete that thy suretie and pledge who was to suffer the condemnation due vnto thee should by the high Priest as by the mouth of God be condemned and woonder at this that the very coessentiall and eternall Sonne of God euen the very soueraigne Iudge of the world stands to be iudged and that by wicked men perswading thy selfe that this so great confusion comes of thy sinnes Whereupon beeing further amazed at thy fearefull estate humble thy selfe in dust and ashes and pray God so to soften thy stonie heart that thou maiest turne to him and by true faith lay hold on Christ who hath thus exceedingly abased himselfe that his ignominie may be thy glorie and his arraignment thy perfect absolution When thou readest that Barrabas the murderer was preferred before Christ though he exceeded both men and Angels in holinesse thinke it was to manifest his innocencie and that thy very sinnes pulled vpon him this shamefull reproch and in that for thy cause he was esteemed worse then Barrabas thinke of thy selfe as a most heynous and wretched sinner and as Paul saith the head of all sinners When thou readest that he was openly and iudicially condemned to the cursed death of the crosse consider what is the wrath and furie of God against sinne and what is his great and infinite mercie to sinners and in this spectacle looke vpon thy selfe and with grones of heart crie out and say O good God what settest thou heare before mine eyes I euen I haue sinned I am guiltie and worthie of damnation Whence comes this chaunge that thy blessed sonne is in my roome but of thy vnspeakable mercie Wretch that I am how haue I forgotten my selfe and thee also my God O sonne of God how long hast thou abased thy selfe for me Therefore giue me grace O God that beholding mine owne estate in the person of my Sauiour thus condemned I may detest and loath my sinnes that are the cause thereof and by a liuely faith imbrace that absolution which thou offerest me in him who was condemned in my stead and roome O Iesu Christ Sauiour of the world giue me thy holy and blessed Spirit that I may iudge my selfe and be as vile and base in mine owne eyes as thou wast vile before the Iewes also vnite me vnto thee by the same spirit that in thee I may be as worthie to be accepted before God as I am worthie in my selfe to be detested for my sinnes When thou readest that he was clad in purple and crowned with thornes mocked and spit vpon behold the euerlasting shame that is due vnto thee and be ashamed of thy selfe in this point conforme thy self to Christ be content as he was to be reproched abused and despised so it be for a good cause When thou readest that before his crucifying he was stript of al his cloathes thinke it was that he beeing naked might beare thy shame on the crosse and with his most pretious and rich nakednesse couer thy deformitie When thou readest the complaint of Christ that he was forsaken of his father consider how he suffered the pangs and torments of hell as thy pledge and surety Learne by his vnspeakable torments what a fearefull thing it is to sinne against God and begin to renounce thy selfe and detest thy sinnes and to walke as a child of light according to the measure of grace receiued When thou commest to die set before thine eyes Christ in the midst of all his torments on the crosse in beholding of which spectacle to thy endlesse comfort thou shalt see a paradise in the middest of hell God the father reconciled vnto thee thy Sauiour reaching out his hands vnto thee to receiue thy soule vnto him and his crosse as a ladder to aduance it to eternall glorie Wheras he cried aloud with a strong voice at the point of death it was to shew that he died willingly without violence or constraint from any creature and that if it had so pleased him he could haue freed himselfe from death and haue cast his very enemies to the very bottom of hell When thou readest that he commended his soule into the handes of his Father consider that thy soule also so be it thou wilt beleeue in him is deliuered vp into the hands of God and shall be preserued against the rage and malice of all thine enemies and hereupon thou maist be bolde to commend thy spirit into the hands of God the father When thou readest of his death consider that thy sinnes were the cause of it and that thou shouldest haue suffered the same eternally vnlesse the sonne of God had come in thy roome againe consider his death as a ransome and apprehend the same by faith as the meanes of thy life for by death Christ hath wounded both the first and second death and hath made his crosse to be a throne or tribunall seate of iudgement against all his and thine enemies When thou readest of the trembling of the earth at the death of Christ thinke with thy selfe it did in his kind as it were grone vnder the burden of the sinnes of men in the world and by his motion then it signified that euen
and alteration For he which hath a good cōscience hath also care to keepe good conscience in all things V. Presumption is peremptorie without doubting whereas the testimonie of conscience is mingled with manifold doubtings Mark 9.24 Luk. 17. 5. yea otherwhiles ouercharged with them Psal. 77.7,8 VI. Presumption will giue a man the slip in the time of sickenes and in the houre of death and the testimonie of good conscience stickes by him to the ende and euen makes him say Lord remember nowe ●owe I haue walked before thee in trueth and haue done that which is acceptable in thy sight Isa. 38.2 The duties of conscience regenerate are two in speciall manner to giue testimonie and to excuse The speciall thing of which conscience giues testimonie is that we are the children of God predestinate to life euerlasting And that appeares by these reasons I. Rom. 8.16 The spirit of God witnesseth togither with our spirit that we are the sonnes of God Now the spirit of man here mentioned is the minde or conscience renewed and sanctified To this purpose saith Iohn He that beleeueth hath a witnesse in himselfe 1. Ioh. 5.10 II. That which Gods spirit doth testifie to the conscience the conscience can againe testifie to vs but Gods spirit doth testifie to the conscience of a man regenerate that he is the childe of God 1. Cor. 2.12 Therefore the conscience also doeth the same III. He that is iustified hath peace of conscience Rom. 5.1 Nowe there can bee no peace in conscience till conscience tel the man which is iustified that he is indeed iustified IV. That which the conscience may know certenly it may testifie but conscience may know certenly without reuelation the mans election and adoption as I haue before prooued therefore it is able to giue testimonie of these Againe the regenerate conscience giueth testimonie of a certaine kinde of righteousnesse beeing an vnseparable companion thereof and for this cause it is called of some the righteousnesse of a good conscience Now this righteousnes is nothing els but an vnfained earnest and constant purpose with endeauour answerable thereto not to sinne in any thing but in all things whatsoeuer to please God and doe his will Hebr. 13.18 Pray for vs for wee are assured that we haue good conscience in all things desiring to liue honestly 2. Cor. 1.12 Our reioycing is this the testimonie of our conscience that in simplicitie and godly purenesse and not in fleshly wisdome wee haue had our conuersation in the worlde 1. Cor. 4.4 I knowe nothing by my selfe Esa. 38.2 Lord remember now howe I haue walked before thee with an vpright heart and haue done that which is acceptable in thy sight I adde this clause in all things because that obedience which is the signe or fruit of good conscience of which also it giues testimonie is generall shewing it selfe in all and euery commandement of God Philosophers haue said that Iustice is vniuersall because he which hath it hath all vertues But it is more truely said of this Christian righteousnes or new obedience that it is vniuersall and that he which can performe true obedience in one commandement can doe the same in all Act. 23.1 Men and brethren I haue in all good conscience serued God till this day Psal. 119.6 Then shall I not bee confounded when I shall haue respect to all thy commandements Act. 24.16 In the meane season I endea●our my selfe or take paines to haue a conscience without offence towards God and towards men This shewes that there is a great number of men professing the Gospell that want good conscience For though they shew themselues very forward and willing to obey God in many things yet in some one thing or other they vse to follow the swinge of their owne wills Many are diligent to frequent the place of Gods worship to heare the word preached with liking to receiue the Sacraments at times appointed and to approoue of any good thing all this is very commendable yet these men often when they depart home from the congregation say in effect on this manner Religion stay thou here at the Church doore till the next Sabbath For if we looke into their priuate conuersations the gouernment of their families or their dealings in their particular callings we shall with griefe see much disorder and little conscience It is a common practise with sicke men when they make their wills on their death beds in the very first place to commend their bodies to the graue and their soules to God that gaue them in hope of a better resurrection and all this is well done but afterward they bequeath their goods gotten by fraud oppression and forged cauillation to their owne friends and children without making any recompence or satisfaction But alas this should not be so for obedience that goes with good conscience must be performed to all Gods commandements without exception and if it be done but to some alone it is but counterfait obedience and he that is guiltie in one is guiltie in all As regenerate conscience giues testimonie of our new obedience so it doth also by certaine sweete motions stirre men forward to performe the same Psal. 16.7 My reynes that is the minde and conscience inlightened by the spirit of God teach me in the night season Esai 30.22 And thine eares shall heare a word behind thee saying This is the way walke ye in it when thou turnest to the right hand and when thou turnest to the left Now this word is not onely the voice of Pastours and teachers in the open ministerie but also the voice of renewed conscience inwardly by many secret cogitations snibbing them that are about to sinne A Christian man is not onely a priest and a prophet but also a spirituall king euen in this life and the Lord in mercie hath vouchsafed him this honour that his conscience renewed within him shall be his solliciter to put him in minde of all his affaires and duties which he is to performe to God yea it is the controller to see all things kept in order in the heart which is the temple and habitation of the holy Ghost The second office of conscience regenerate is to excuse that is to cleare and defend a man euen before God against all his enemies both bodily ghostly Psal. 7.8 Iudge thou me O Lord according to my righteousnes and according to mine innocencie in me Againe 26.1,2 Iudge me O Lord for I haue walked in mine innocencie c. Prooue me O Lord and trie me examine my reynes and my heart That the conscience can doe this it specially appeares in the conflict and combat made by it against the deuill on this manner The deuill beginnes and disputes thus Thou O wretched man art a most grieuous sinner therefore thou art but a damned wretch The conscience answereth and saith I know that Christ hath made a satisfaction for my sinnes and freed me from dānation The deuill replieth againe
III. the fault or the offending of God vnder which I comprehend our Guiltinesse in Adams first offence as also the corruption of the heart which is a naturall inclination and pronenesse to any thing that is euill or against the lawe of God For the first we say that after baptisme in the regenerate the punishment of originall sinne is taken away There is no condemnation saith the Apostle to them that be in Iesus Christ. Rom. 8.1 For the second that is guiltines we further condescend say that is also taken away in them that are borne anew for considering there is no condemnation to them there is nothing to bind them to punishmēt Yet this caueat must be remembred namely that the guiltines is remooued from the person regenerate not from the sinne in the person but of this more afterward Thirdly the guilt in Adams first offence is pardoned And touching the corruption of the heart I auouch two things I. That that very power or strength whereby it raigneth in man is taken away in the regenerate II. That this corruption is abolished as also the fault of euery actuall sinne past so far forth as it is the fault and sinne of the man in whome it is Indeede it remaines till death and it is sinne considered in it self so long as it remaines but it is not imputed vnto the person and in that respect is as though it were not it beeing pardoned II. The dissent or difference Thus farre we consent with the Church of Rome nowe the difference betweene vs standes not in the abolishment but in the manner and the measure of the abolishment of this sinne Papists teach that Originall sinne is so farre forth taken away after baptisme me that it ceaseth to be a sinne properly and is nothing els but a want defect and weaknes making the heart fitte and readie to conceiue sinne much like tinder which though it be not fire of it selfe yet is it very apt and fit to cōceiue fire And they of the Church of Rome deny it to be sinne properly that they might vphold some grosse opinions of theirs namely that a man in this life may fullfill the lawe of God and doe good workes void of sinne that hee may stand righteous at the barre of Gods iudgement by them But wee teach otherwise that though originall sinne be taken away in the regenerate and that in sundrie respects yet doth it remaine in them after baptisme not onely as a want and weakenesse but as a sinne and that properly as may by these reasons be prooued Reason I. Rom. 7. 17. Paul saith directly It is no more I that doe it but sinne that dwelleth in me that is originall sin The Papists answer againe that it is so called improperly because it commeth of sinne and also is an occasion of sinne to be done But by the circumstances of the text it is sinne properly for in the wordes following Saint Paul saith that this sinne dwelling in him made him to doe the euill which he hated And. v. 24. he crieth out O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me from this bodie of death whence I reason thus That which once was sinne properly and still remaining in man maketh him to sin and intangleth him in the punishment of sinne and makes him miserable that is sinne properly But originall sinne doth all these Ergo Reason II. Infants baptized and regenerate die the bodily death before they come to the yeares of discretion therefore originall sinne in them is sinne properly or else they should not die hauing no cause of death in them for death is the wages of sinne as the Apostle saith Rom. 6. 23. and Rom. 5. 12. Death entred into the world by sinne As for actuall sinne they haue none if they die presently after they are borne before they come to any vse either of reason or affection Reason III. That which lusteth against the spirit by lusting tempteth and in tempting intiseth and draweth the heart to sinne is for nature sinne it selfe but concupiscence in the regenerate lusteth against the spirit Gal. 5.17 and tempteth as I haue said Iam. 1.14 God tempteth no man but euery man is tempted when he is drawne away by his owne concupiscence and is in●●sed then when lust conceiueth it bringeth forth sinne And therefore it is sinne properly such as the fruit is such is the tree August Concupiscence against which the spirit lusteth is sinne because in it there is disobedience against the rule of the minde and it is the punishment of sinne because it befalls man for the merits of his disobedience and it is the cause of sinne Reason V. The iudgement of the auncient Church August epist. 29. Charitie in some is more in some lesse in some none the highest degree of all which cannot be increased is in none as long as man liues vpon earth And as long as it may bee increased that which is lesse then it should be is in fault by which fault it is that there is no iust man vpon earth that doth good and sinneth not by which fault none liuing shall be iustified in the sight of God For which fault if we say we haue no sinne there is no trueth in vs for which also though we profit neuer so much it is necessary for vs to say forgiue vs our debts though all our words deedes and thoughts bee already forgiuen in baptisme Indeed Augustine in sundrie places seemes to denie concupiscence to be sinne after baptisme but his meaning is that concupiscence in the regenerate is not the sinne of the person in whome it is For thus he expounds himselfe This is not to haue sinne not to bee guiltie of sinne And the law of sinne in baptisme is remitted and not ended And Let not sinne raigne he saith not let not sinne be but let it not raigne For as long as thou liuest of necessity sinne will be in thy members at the least looke it raigne not in thee c. Obiections of Papists The arguments which the Church of Rome alleadgeth to the contrarie are these Obiect I. In baptisme men receiue perfect and absolute pardon of sinne and sinne beeing pardoned is taken quite away and therefore originall sinne after baptisme ceaseth to be sinne Ans. Sinne is abolished two waies first in regard of imputation to the person secondly in regard of existing and beeing For this cause God vouchsafeth to man two blessings in baptisme Remission of sinne and Mortification of the same Remission or pardon abolisheth sinne wholly in respect of any imputation thereof vnto man but not simply in regard of the beeing thereof Mortification therefore goeth further abolisheth in all the powers of body and soule the very concupiscence or corruption it selfe in respect of the beeing thereof And because mortification is not accomplished till death therefore originall corruption remaineth till death though not imputed Obiect II. Euery sinne is voluntarie but originall
faith as he is of the articles of the creed I answer First they prooue thus much that we ought to be as certen of the one as of the other For looke what commandemēt we haue to beleeue the articles of our faith the like we haue inioyning vs to beleeue the pardon of our owne sinnes as I haue prooued Secondly these arguments prooue it to be the nature or essentiall propertie of faith as certainely to assure man of his saluation as it doeth assure him of the articles which he beleeueth And howesoeuer commonly men doe not beleeue their saluation as vnfallible as they doe their articles of faith yet some speciall men doe hauing Gods word applyed by the spirit as a sure ground of their faith whereby they beleeue their own saluation as they haue it for a ground of the articles of their faith Thus certainly was Abraham assured of his owne saluation as also the Prophets and Apostles and the martyrs of God in all ages whereupon without doubting they haue bin content to lay downe their liues for the name of Christ in whome they were assured to receiue eternall happines And there is no question but there be many now that by long and often experience of Gods mercy and by the inward certificate of the holy Ghost haue attained to full assurance of their saluation II. Exception Howesoeuer a man may be assured of his present estate yet no man is certaine of his perseuerance vnto the ende Ans. It is otherwise for in the sixt petition Lead vs-not into temptation wee pray that God would not suffer vs to be wholly ouercome of the deuill in any temptation and to this petition we haue a promise answerable 1. Cor. 10. That God with temptation will giue an issue and therefore howesoeuer the deuill may buffit molest and wound the seruants of God yet shall he neuer be able to ouercome them Againe he that is once a member of Christ can neuer be wholly cut off And if any by sinne were wholly seuered from Christ for a time in his recouerie he is to be baptised the second time for baptisme is the sacrament of initiation or ingrafting into Christ. By this reason we should as often be baptized as we fal into any sinne which is absurd Againe S. Iohn saith 1. Ioh. 2.19 They went out from vs but they were not of vs for if they had beene of vs they would haue continued with vs. Where he taketh it for graunted that such as be once in Christ shall neuer wholly be seuered or fall from him Though our communion with Christ may be lessened yet the vnion and the bond of coniunction is neuer dissolued III. Exception They say we are indeede to beleeue our saluation on Gods part but we must needs doubt in regard of our selues because the promises of remission of sinnes are giuen vpon condition of mans faith and repentance Now we cannot say they be assured that we haue true faith and repentance because we may lie in secret sinnes and so want that indeed which we suppose our selues to haue Ans. I say again he that doth truly repent and beleeue doth by Gods grace know that he doth repent and beleeue for els Paul would neuer haue said Prooue your selues whither you be in the faith or not and the same Apostle saith 2. Cor. 12. We haue not receiued the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of God that we might know the things which are giuen of God which things are not onely life euerlasting but iustification sanctification and such like And as for secret sinnes they cannot make our repentance voide for he that truly repenteth of his knowne sinnes repenteth also of such as be vnknowne and receiueth the pardon of them all God requireth not an expresse or speciall repentance of vnknowne sinnes but accepts it as sufficient if we repent of them generally as Dauid saith Psal. 19. Who knowes the errours of this life forgiue me my secret sinnes And whereas they adde that faith and repentance must be sufficient I answer that the sufficiencie of our faith and repentance stands in the truth and not in the measure or perfection thereof and the truth of both where they are is certenly discerned Reason VI. The iudgement of the auncient Church August Of an euill seruant thou art made a good child therefore presume not of thine owne doing but of the grace of Christ it is not arrogancie but faith to acknowledge what thou hast receiued is not pride but deuotion And Let no man aske an other man but returne to his owne heart if he finde charitie there he hath securitie for his passage from life to death Hilar. on Matth. 5. The kingdome of heauen which our Lord professed to be in himselfe his will is that it must be hoped for without any doubtfulnesse of vncertaine will Otherwise there is no iustification by faith if faith is selfe be made doubtfull Bernard in his epist. 107. Who is the iust man but he that beeing loued of God loues him againe which comes not to passe but by the spirit reuealing by Faith the eternall purpose of God of his saluation to come Which reuelation is nothing else but the infusion of spirituall grace by which when the deedes of the flesh are mortified the man is prepared to the kingdome of heauen Togither receiuing in one spirit that whereby he may presume that he is loued and also loue againe To conclude the Papists haue no great cause to dissent from vs in this point For they teach and professe that they doe by a speciall faith beleeue their owne saluation certenly and vnfallibly in respect of God that promiseth Now the thing which hindreth them is their owne in disposition and vnworthines as they say which keepes them from beeing certen otherwise then in a likely hope But this hindrance is easily remooued if men will iudge indifferently For first of all in regard of our selues and our disposition we can not be certen at all but must despaire of saluation euen to the very death We cannot be sufficiently disposed so long as we liue in this world but must alwaies say with Iacob I am lesse then all thy mercies Gen. 32. and with Dauid Enter not into iudgement with thy seruant O Lord for none liuing shall be iustified in thy sight and with the Centurion Lord I am not worthie that thou shouldest come vnder my roofe Matth. 8. Secondly God in making promise of saluation respects not mens worthines For he chose vs to life euerlasting when we were not he redeemed vs from death beeing enemies and intitles vs to the promise of saluation if we acknowledge our selues to be ●inners Matth. 9. if we labour and trauaile vnder the burden of them Matth. II. if we hunger and thirst after grace Ioh. 7.37 And these things we may certenly and sensibly perceiue in our selues and when we finde them in vs though our vnworthines be exceeding great it should not
saith When we are gone out of this world there will remaine no compunction or satisfaction Some new Editions haue foisted in the word aliqua and so haue turned the sense on this manner There will remaine no compunction or some satisfaction But this is flat against Augustines meaning who saith a little before that when the way is ended there is no compounding of our cause with any Chrysost. proem in Esa. Say not to me I haue sinned how shall I be freed from so many sinnes Thou canst not but thy God can Yea and he will so blot out thy sinnes that there shall remaine no print of thē which thing befalls not the bodie for when it is healed there remain●s a skarre but God as soone as he exempts thee from punishment he giueth thee iustice Ambrose saith I read of Peters teares but I read not of his satisfaction Againe Let vs adore Christ that he may say vnto vs Feare not thy sinnes of this world nor the waues of bodily sufferings I haue remission of sinnes Hierome saith in Psal. 31. The sinne that is couered is not seene the sinne that is not seene is not imputed that which is not imputed is not punished Chrysostome in Matthew hom 44. Among all men some indure punishment in this life and the life to come others in this life al●ne others alone in the life to come others n●ither in this life nor in the life to come There alone as Dives who was not lord so much as of one droppe of water Here alone the incestuous man among the Corinthians Neither here nor there as the Apostles and Prophets as also Iob and the rest of this kinde for they indured no sufferings for punishment but that they might be knowne to be conquerours in the fight Obiections of Papists I. Obiect Leuit. 4. Moses according to Gods commandement prescribed seuerall sacrifices for seuerall persons and they were meanes of satisfaction for the temporall punishments of their daily sinnes Ans. Those sacrifices were onely signes and types of Christs satisfaction to be offered to his father in his alone sacrifice vpon the crosse and whosoeuer offered any sacrifice in the old testament did thus and no otherwise esteeme of it but as a type and figure of better things Secondly the saide sacrifices were satisfactions to the Church whereby men did testifie their repentance for their offences and likewise their desire to be reconciled to God and men And such kinde of satisfactions we acknowledge II. Obiect Men whose sinnes are all pardoned haue afterward sundrie crosses and afflictions laide vpon them vnto the ende of their daies therefore in all likelihood they make satisfaction to God for temporall punishments As for example the Israelites for murmuring against the Lord in the wildernes were barred all from the land of promise and the like befell Moses and Aaron for not glorifying God as they should haue done at the waters of strife Ans. Man must be considered in a two-fold estate as he is vnder the law and as he is vnder grace In the first estate all afflictions are curses or legall punishments be they little or great but to them that are in the second estate and beleeue in Christ though the same afflictions remaine yet doe they change their habite or condition and are the actions of a Father seruing to be trialls corrections preuentings admonitions 1. Cor. 11.32 When we are iudged we are nurtered of the Lord. and Heb. 12.7 If ye indure chastisment God offereth himselfe vnto you as children and Chrysostome saith 1. Cor. hom 28. When we are corrected of the Lord it is more for our admonition then damnation more for a medicine then for a punishment more for a correction then for a penaltie And whereas God denied the beleeuing Israelites with Moses and Aaron to enter into the land of Canaan it cannot be prooued that it was a punishment or penaltie of the law vpon them The scripture saith no more but that it was an admonition to all men in all ages following to take heede of like offences as Paul writeth All these things came vnto them for ensamples and were written for our admonition 1. Cor. 10.11 III. Obiect Dauid was punished after his repentance for his adulterie for the child died and he was plagued in his owne kind in the incest of Absolon and when he had numbred the people he was yet punished in the death of his people after his owne repentance Ans. I answer as before that the hand of God was vpon Dauid after his repentance but yet the iudgements which befell him were not curses vnto him properly but corrections for his sinnes and trialls of his faith and meanes to preuent further sinne and to renew both his faith and repentance as also they serued to admonish others in like case for Dauid was a publike person and his sinnes were offensiue both within the Church of God and without IV. Obiect The prophets of God when the people are threatned with the plague famine sword captiuitie c. exhort them to repent and to humble themselues in sackcloath and ashes and thereby they turned away the wrath of God that was then comming forth against them Therefore by temporall humiliation men may escape the temporall punishments of the Lord. Answ. Famine sword banishment the plague and other iudgements sent on Gods people were not properly punishments of sinne but onely the corrections of a father whereby he humbleth them that they might repent or thus they were punishments tending to correction not seruing for satisfaction And the punishments of God are turned from them not because they satisfie the iustice of God in their own s●fferings but because by faith they lay hold on the satisfaction of the Messias testifie the same by their humiliation repentance Obiect V. Dan. 4.24 Daniel giueth this counsel to Nabuchadnezar redeeme thy ●innes by iustice and thine iniquities by almes deedes Beholde say they almes deeds are made a meanes to satisfie for mans iniquities Ans. The word which they translate to redeeme as the most learned in the Chalde tongue with one consent auouch doth properly signifie to breake off as if the Prophet should say O King thou art a mightie Monarch and to inlarge thy kingdome thou hast vsed much iniustice and crueltie therefore now rep●●● of thine iniquitie and breake off these thy sinnes testifie thy repentance by doing iustice and giue almes to the poore whome thou hast oppressed Therefore here is nothing spoken of satisfaction for sinne but onely of testification of repentance by the fruits thereof Obiect VI. Matth. 3.2 Doe penance and bring forth fruits worthy of penance which say they are workes of satisfaction inioyned by the priest Ans. This text is absurd for the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifieth thus much change your mindes from sinne to God and testifie it by good workes that is by doing the duties of the morall lawe which must bee done not because they are meanes to
sufficient to comfort and direct him All this argues that poperie denied with the mouth abides still in the heart and therefore we must learne to reuerence the written word by ascribing vnto it all manner of perfection The eight point Of Vowes Our Consent Touching Vowes this must be knowne that we doe not condemne them altogether but onely labour to restore the puritie of doctrine touching this point which by the Church of Rome from time to time hath beene corrupted and defaced Wee holde therefore that a vowe is a promise made to God touching some duties to be performed vnto him and it is twofold generall or speciall The generall vowe is that which concerns all beleeuers and it is made in the couenant both of the lawe and of the Gospell I will here onely speake of the vowe which is made in the couenant of the Gospel in which there be two actions one of God the other of man God in mercie on his part promiseth to men the remission of sinnes and life euerlasting and man againe for his part promiseth to beleeue in Christ and to obey God in all his commandements Al men euer made this vowe vnto God as the Iewes in circumcision which also they renued so often as they receiued the Passeouer in the newe testament all that are baptized doe the like And in Baptisme this vowe is called the stipulation of a good conscience whereby we purpose to renounce our selues to beleeue in Christ and to bring forth the fruites of true repentance and it ought to be renued so oft as we are partakers of the supper of the Lord. This vowe is necessarie and must bee kept as a part of the true worship of God because it is a promise wherein we vowe to performe all duties commanded of God either in the law or in the Gospell It may be demanded considering we are bound to obedience how we binde our selues in baptisme thereto Ans. Though we be alreadie bound partly by nature and partly by the written worde yet may wee renue the same bond in a vowe and hee that is bound may further bind himselfe so it be for this ende to helpe his dulnesse for want of zeale and to make himselfe more forward in duties of loue to men and the worshippe of God to this ende Dauid sware to keepe the lawe of God Psal. 119.116 though he were bound vnto it by nature and by the written lawe it selfe The speciall vowe is that which doeth not reach to the person of all beleeuers but onely concerns some speciall men vpon some special occasions And this kind of vowe is two-fold The first is the vowe of a ceremoniall dutie in the way of seruice to God and it was in practise in the Church of the Iewes vnder the old testament examples hereof are two especially the first was the vowe of the Nazarites whereto no kinde of men were bound by Gods commandement but they bound themselues God onely prescribing the manner and order of keeping the same with rites pertaining thereto as abstinence frō wine the not cutting of their haire and such like The second example is of the Iewes when of their own accords they vowed to giue god house or land sheepe or oxen or any like things for the maintenance of the legall worship and of this also God prescribeth certaine rules Leuit 27. Nowe these vowes were part of the Iewish pedagogue or ceremonial lawe wherein God trained vp the Iewes in the old testament and beeing obserued of them they were parts of Gods worship but nowe vnder the Gospell they are not beeing all abolished with the ceremoniall lawe to which Christ put an ende at his death vpon the crosse It is true Paul made a vowe and since kept the same in the time of the newe testament Act. 18. yet not as a part of Gods worship but as a thing indifferent for the time wherein he onely condescended to the weaknesse of the Iewes that by this meanes he might bring them the better vnto Christ. And whereas Christ is called a Nazarite Matth. 2.23 wee may not thinke he was of that very order because he did not abstaine from wine but he was so tearmed because he was the veritie accomplishment of this order For by it was signified that Gods Church was a peculiar people seuered or chosen out of the world and that Christ in respect of holinesse was also seperated from all sinners And the words in S. Mathew he shall be called a Nazarite are borrowed from the booke of Iudges cap. 13. where they are properly spoken of Sampson and in type or figure of Christ. For as Sampson saued Israel by his death so did Christ saue his Church And as Sampson killed his enemies more by death then by life so did Christ. It is plaine therefore that this kind of vowe bindeth not vs for there are no more ceremonies to be kept vnder the gospell for parts of Gods worship but the outward rites of baptisme and the Lords supper Vowes concerning meates drinkes attire touching tasting times places daies were proper to the Iewes The second kind of speciall vowe is that whereby a man promiseth freely to performe some outward and bodily exercise for some good ende and this vow also if it be made accordingly is lawful and belongs both to the Church of the old and newe testament In the old we haue the example of the Rekabites Ier. 35. who by the appointment of Ionadab their father abstained from strong drinke and wine from planting vineyards and orchards whereby Ionadab intended onely to breake them before hand and to acquaint them with their future condition and state that they should bee strangers in a forraine land that so they might prepare themselues to indure hardnes in the time to come And nowe in the newe testament wee haue warrant in like manner to vowe as if a man by drinking of wine or strong drinke finde himselfe prone to drunkennes he may vow with himselfe to drink no more wine nor strong drinke for so long time as he feeles the drinking thereof wil stirre vp his infirmitie and minister occasion of sinning Of this kinde also are the vowes in which we purpose and promise to God to keepe set times of fasting to taske our selues in praier and reading of holy scriptures and to giue set almes for speciall causes knowne to our selues and to doe sundrie like duties And that we be not deceiued in making such vowes certen rules must be remembred I. that the vowe be agreeable to Gods will and worde for if it be otherwise the making as also the keeping thereof is sinne Vowes must not be the bonds of iniquitie II. It must so bee made that it may ftand with Christian libertie For we may not make such things necessarie in conscience which God hath made free Now Christian libertie allowes vnto vs the free vse of all things indifferent so it be out of the case of offence Hence it followes that vowes must be
praier and humiliation are practised in fasting And I doe now specially intreat of this kind Conclus II. We ioyne with them in the allowance of the principall and right endes of a religious fast and they are three The first is that thereby the minde may become attentine in meditation of the duties of godlinesse to be performed● The second is that the rebellion of the flesh may be subdued for the flesh pampered becomes an instrument of licentiousnes The third and as I take it the cheefe ende of a religious fast is to professe our guiltinesse and to testifie our humiliation before God for our sinnes aud for this ende in the fast of Nineue the very beast was made to abstaine Conclus III. We yeeld vnto them that fasting is an helpe and furtherance to the worship of God yea and a good worke also if it be vsed in a good maner For though fasting in it selfe beeing a thing indifferent as eating drinking are is not to be tearmed a good worke yet beeing applied and considered in relation to the right ends before spoken of and practised accordingly it is a worke allowed of God and highly to be esteemed of all the seruants and people of God The difference or dissent Our dissent from the Church of Rome in the doctrine of fasting stands in three things I. They appoint and prescribe set times of fasting as necessarie to be kept but we hold and teach that to prescribe the time of a religious fast is in the libertie of the Church and the gouernours thereof as speciall occasion shall be offered When the disciples of Iohn asked Christ why they and the Pharises fast often but his disciples fasted not he answered Can the children of the marriage chamber mourne as long as the bridegroome is with them but the daies will come when the bridegroome shall be taken away from them and then shall they fast Math. 9.15 where he giues them to vnderstand that they must fast as occasions of mourning are offered Where also I gather that a set time of fasting is no more to be enioyned then a set time of mourning It was the opinion of Augustine that neither Christ nor his Apostles appointed any times of fasting And Tertullian saith that they of his time fasted of their owne accordes freely without law or commandement as occasions and times serued And Eusebius saith that Montanus was the first that made lawes of fasting It is obiected that there is a set time of fasting prescribed Leuit. 16.29 Ans. This set and prescribed fast was commanded of God as a part of the legall worship which had his ende in the death of Christ therefore it doth not iustifie a set time of fasting in the new testament where God hath left man to his owne libertie without giuing the like commandement It is againe alleadged that Zacharie 7.5 there were set times appointed for the celebration of religious fasts vnto the Lord the fifth and the seauenth moneths Ans. They were appointed vpon occasion of the present afflictions of the Church in Babylon and they ceased vpon their deliuerance The like vpon like occasion may we appoint It is further obiected that some Churches of the Protestants obserue set times of fasting Ans. In some Churches there be set daies and times of fasting not vpon necessitie or for conscience or ●eligions sake but for politicke or ciuill regardes whereas in the Romish Church it is helde a mortall sinne to deferre the set time of fasting till the next day following Secondly we dissent from the Church of Rome touching the manner of keeping a fast For the best learned among them allow the drinking of wine water electuaries and that often within the compasse of their appointed fast yea they allow the eating of one meale on a fasting day at noone-tide and vpon a reasonable cause one houre before the time of fasting not yet ended But this practise indeede is absurd and contrarie to the practise of the olde testament yea it doth frustrate the ende of fasting For the bodily abstinence is an outward meanes and signe whereby we acknowledge our guiltinesse and vnworthinesse of any of the blessings of God Againe they prescribe a difference of meates as whit-meate onely to be vsed on their fasting daies and that of necessitie and for conscience sake in most cases But we holde this distinction of meates both to be foolish and wicked Foolish because in such meates as they prescribe there is as much filling and delight as in any other meates as namely in fish fruites wine c. which they permit And it is against the ende of a religious fast to vse any refreshing at all so farre as necessitie of health and comelinesse will permit Thus the Church in times past vsed to abstaine not onely from meate and drinke but from all delights whatsoeuer euen from soft apparell and sweete oyntments Ioel 2.15 Sanctifie a fast let the bridegroome goe forth of his chamber and the bride out of her bride chamber Dan. 10.3 I ate no pleasant breade neither came flesh nor wine within my mouth neither did I annoint my selfe at all till three weekes of daies were fulfilled 1. Cor. 7.5 Defraud not one an other except it be with consent for a time that ye may giue your selues to fasting and prayer Againe we holde this practise to be wicked because it taketh away the libertie of Christians by which vnto the pure all things are pure And the Apostle Gal. 5. biddes vs to stand fast in this libertie which the Church of Rome would thus abolish For the better vnderstanding of this let vs consider how the Lord himselfe hath from the beginning kept in his owne handes as a master in his owne house the disposition of his creatures for the vse of man that he might depend on him and his word for temporall blessings In the first age he appointed vnto him for mea●e euery hearb of the earth bearing seede and euery tree wherein there is the fruit of a tree bearing ●eede Gen. 1.29 And as for flesh whether God gaue vnto him libertie to eate or not to eate we hold it vncerten After the flood the Lord renewed his graunt of the vse of the creatures and gaue his people libertie to eate the flesh of liuing creatures yet so as he made some things vncleane and forbad the eating of them among the rest the eating of blood But since the comming of Christ he hath inlarged his word and giuen libertie to all both Iewes and Gentiles to eate of all kinds of flesh This word of his we rest vpon holding it a doctrine of deuills for men to commaund an abstinence from meates for conscience sake which the Lord himselfe hath created to be receiued with thanksgiuing Socrates a Christian historiagrapher saith that the Apostles left it free to euery one to vse what kinde of meate they would on fasting daies and other times Spiridion in lent dressed swines flesh and set
of Iohn Baptist. Againe Christ saith that they know not the houre of the last iudgement Math. 24. 23. much lesse doe the Saints knowe al things in God And hence it is that they are said to be vnder the altar where they crie How long Lord holy and true wilt thou not reuenge our blood as being ignorant of the daie of their full deliuerance And the Iewes in affliction confesse Abraham was ignorant of them and their estate Isa 63.16 Reason III. Math. 4.10 Christ refused so much as to bowe the knee to Sathan vpon this ground because it was written thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him onely shalt thou serue Hence it was that Peter would not suffer Cornelius so much as to kneele vnto him though Cornelius intended not to honour him as God Therefore neither Saint nor angel is to be honoured so much as with the bowing of the knee if it carrie but the least signification of diuine or religious honour Reason IV. The iudgement of the auncient Church August Wee honour the Saints with charitie and not by seruitude neither doe we erect Churches to them And Let it not be religion for vs to worship dead men And They are to be honoured for imitation and not to be adored for religion Epiphan Neither Tecla nor any Saint is to be adored for that auncient errour may not ouerrule vs that we should leaue the liuing God and adore things made by him Againe Let Marie bee in honour let the Father Sonne and holy ghost be adored let none adore Marie I meane neither woman nor man Againe Marie is beutifull holy and honoured yet not to adoration When Iulian obiected to the Christians that they worshipped their Martyrs as God Cyrill graunts the memorie and honour of them but denies their adoration and of inuocation he makes no mention at all Ambrose on Ro. 1. Is any so mad that hee will giue to the Earle the honour of the King yet these men doe not thinke themselues guiltie who giue the honour of Gods name to a creature and leauing the Lord adore their fellowe seruants as though there were any thing more reserued for God Obiections of Papists I. Gen. 48.16 Let the angel that kept me blesse thy children Here say they it is a praier made to angels Ans. By the angel is meant Christ who is called the angel of the couenant Malac. 3.1 and the angel that guided Israel in the wildernes 1. Cor. 10.9 compared with Exod. 23.20 Obiect 11. Exod. 23.13 Moses praieth that God would respect his people for Abrahams sake and for Isaac and Israel his seruants which were not then liuing Ans. Moses praieth God to bee mercifull to the people not for the intercession of Abraham Isaac and Iacob but for his couenants sake which he had made with them Psal. 123.10,11 Againe by popish doctrine the fathers departed knew not the estate of men vpon earth neither did they pray for them because then they were not in heauen but in Limbo Patrum III. Obiect One liuing man makes intercession to God for another therefore much more doe the Saints in glorie that are filled with loue pray to god for vs and we pray to them no otherwise then we desire liuing men to pray for vs. Ans. The reason is naught for we haue a commandement one liuing man to pray for another and to desire others to pray for vs but there is no warrant in the word of God for vs to desire the praiers of men departed Secondly there is great difference betweene these two To request our friend either by word of mouth or by letter to praie for vs and by Inuocation to request them that are absent from vs departed this life to pray for vs for this is indeede a worship in which is giuen vnto them a power to heare and helpe all that call vpon them at what place or time soeuer yea though they be not present in the place in which they are worshipped and consequently the seeing of the heart presence in all places and infinit power to helpe all that pray vnto them which things agree to no creature but God alone Thirdly when one liuing man requests an other to pray from him hee onely makes him his companion and fellow member in his praier made in the name of our mediatour Christ but when men inuocate Saints in heauen they being then absent they make them more then fellow members euen mediators between Christ and them The XV. point Of intercession of Saints Our Consent Our consent with thē I will set down in two conclusions Conclus I. The saints departed pray vnto God by giuing thanks vnto him for their owne redēption for the redēption of the whole church of God vpon earth Rev. 5. 8. The foure beasts and the foure and twentie elders fell downe before the Lambe 9. and they song a newe song Thou art worthie to take the booke and to open the seales thereof because thou wast killed and hast redeemed vs to God .13 And all the creatures which are in heauen heard I saying Praise and honour and glorie and power be vnto him that sitteth vpon the throne and vnto the Lambe for euermore II. Conclus The Saints departed pray generally for the state of the whole church Reu. 6.9 And I saw vnder the altar the soules of them that were killed for the word of God and they cried 10. How long Lord holy and true doest thou not iudge and aueuge our blood on them that dwell on the earth whereby we see they desire a finall deliuerance of the church and a destruction of the enemies thereof that they themselues with all the people of God might be aduanced to fulnesse of glorie in bodie and soule yea the dumbe creatures Rom. 8. 23. are said to grone and sigh waiting for the adoption euen the redemption of our bodies much more then doe the Saints in heauen desire the same And thus farre we consent The dissent or difference They hold and teach that the Saints in heauen as the virgin Marie Peter Paul c. doe make intercession to God for particular men according to their seuerall wants and that hauing receiued particular mens praiers they present them vnto God But this doctrine we flatly renounce vpon these grounds and reasons I. Isa. 63.16 The Church saith to God doubtles thou art our father though Abraham be ignorant of vs and Israel knowe vs not Nowe if Abraham knewe not his posteritie neither Marie nor Peter nor any other of the Saints departed knowe vs and our estate and consequently they cannot make any particular intercession for vs. If they say that Abraham Iacob were then in Limbo which they will haue to be a part of hell what ioy could Lazarus haue in Abrahams bosome Luk. 16.25 with what comfort could Iacob say on his death bed O Lord I haue waited for thy saluation Gen. 46.18 II. Reason 2. King 22.20 Huldah the prophetesse telleth Iosias he
they because they come vnto vs by the hands of men that may deceiue and be deceiued And we hold and beleeue that the right Canon of the bookes of the old and newe Testament cōtaines in it sufficient direction for the Church of God to life euerlasting both for faith and maners Here then is the point of difference that they make the obiect of faith larger then it should be or can be and we keepe our selues to the written word beleeuing nothing to saluation out of it In the second conclusion touching saluation by Christ alone there is a manifest deceit because they craftily include and couch their owne works vnder the name of Christ. For say they works done by men regenerate are not their owne but Christs in them and as they are the workes of Christ they saue and no otherwise But we for our parts looke to be saued onely by such workes as Christ himselfe did in his owne person and not by any worke at all done by him in vs. For all workes done are in the matter of iustification and saluation opposed to the grace of Christ Rom. 11.6 Election is of grace not of workes if it be of workes it is no more of grace Againe whereas they teach that wee are saued by the works of Christ which he worketh in vs and maketh vs to work it is flatte against the word For Paul saith Wee are not saued by such workes as God hath ordained that men regenerate should walke in Eph. 2.10 And hee saieth further that hee counted all things euen after his conuersion losse vnto him that he might be found in Christ not hauing his owne righteousnes which is of the lawe Phil. 3.8 Againe Heb. 1.3 Christ washed away our sinnes by himselfe which last wordes exclude the merit of all workes done by Christ within man Thus indeede the Papists ouerturne all that which in word they seeme to hold touching their iustification and saluation We confesse with them that good works in vs are the workes of Christ yet are they not Christs alone but ours also in that they proceede from Christ by the minde and will of man as water from the fountaine by the channell And looke as the channell defiled defiles the water that is without defilement in the fountaine euen so the minde and will of man defiled by the remnants of sinne defile the works which as they come frō Christ are vndefiled Hence it is that the works of grace which we doe by Christ or Christ in vs are defectiue and must be seuered from Christ in the act of iustification or saluation The third conclusion is touching the imputation of Christs obedience which some of the most learned among them acknowledge and the difference betweene vs stands on this manner They hold that Christs obedience is imputed onely to make satisfaction for sinne and not to iustifie vs before God We hold and beleeue that the obedience of Christ is imputed to vs euē for our righteousnesse before God Paul saith 1. Cor. 1.30 Christ is made vnto vs of God wisdome righteousnes sanctification and redemption Hence I reason thus If Christ be both our sanctification and our righteousnes then he is not onely vnto vs inherent righteousnes but also righteousnes imputed But he is not onely our sanctification which the Papists themselues expound of inherent or habituall righteousnesse but also our righteousnes for thus by Paul are they distinguished Therefore hee is vnto vs both inherent and imputed righteousnesse And very reason teacheth thus much For in the ende of the world at the barre of Gods iudgement wee must bring some kinde of righteousnes for our iustification that may stand in the rigour of the law according to which we are to be iudged But our inherent righteousnesse is imperfect stained with manyfold defects and shall be as long as we liue in this worlde as experience tels vs and consequently it is not sutable to the iustice of the lawe and if we goe out of our selues we shall find no righteousnesse seruing for our turnes either in men or angels that may or can procure our absolution before God and acceptation to life euerlasting We must therefore haue recourse to the person of Christ and his obedience imputed vnto vs must serue not onely to be a satisfaction to God for all our sinnes but also for our perfect iustification in that god is content to accept of it for our righteousnes as if it were inherent in vs or performed by vs. Touching the fourth conclusion they holde it the safest and surest course to put their trust and confidence in the mercie of God alone for their saluation yet they condescend that men may also put their confidence in the merit of their owne workes and in the merits also of other men so it be in sobrietie But this doctrine quite marres the conclusion because by teaching that men are to put confidence in the creature they ouerturne al confidence in the Creatour For in the very first commandement wee are taught to make choice of the true God for our God which thing we doe when wee giue to God our hearts and we giue our hearts to God when we put our whole confidence in him for the saluation of our soules Now then to put confidence in men or in workes is to make them our Gods The true and auncient forme of making confession was on this manner I beleeue in God the father in Iesus Christ and in the holy ghost without mention making of any confidence in workes or creatures the auncient Church neuer knew any such confession or confidence Cyprian saith He beleeueth not in God who putteth not affiance concerning his saluation in God alone And indeede the Papists themselues when death comes forsake the confidence of their merits and flie to the meere mercie of God in Christ. And for a confirmation of this I alleadge the testimonie of one Vlinbergius of Colen who writeth thus There was a booke founde in the vestrie of a certaine parish of Colen written in the dutch tongue in the yeare of our Lord 1475. which the Priests vsed in visiting of the sicke And in it these questions be found Doest thou beleeue that thou canst not be saued but by the death of Christ The sicke person answered Yea. Then it is said vnto him Go too then while breath remaines in thee put thy confidence in this death alone haue affiance in nothing else commit thy selfe wholly to this death with it alone couer thy selfe diue thy self in euery part into this death in euery part pearse thy selfe with it infold thy selfe in this death And if the Lord will iudge thee say Lord I put the death of our Lord Iesus Christ betweene me and thy iudgement and by no other meanes I contend with thee And if he shall say vnto thee that thou art a sinner say Lord the death of my Lord Iesus Christ I put betweene thee and my sinnes If he shall say
vnto thee that thou hast deserued damnation say Lord I oppose the death of our Lord Iesus Christ betweene thee and my euill merits and I offer his merit for the merit which I should haue and haue not If he shall say that he is angrie with thee say Lord I oppose the death of our Lord Iesus Christ betweene me and thine anger Here we see what Papists doe and haue done in the time of death And that which they hold and practise when they are dying they should hold and practise euery day while they are liuing In the last conclusion they teach that we must not onely beleeue in generall but also applie vnto our selues the promises of life euerlasting But they differ from vs in the very manner of applying They teach that the promise is to be applied not by faith as●uring vs of our own saluation but only by hope in likelihood coniecturall We hold that we are bound in dutie to applie the promise of life by faith without making doubt thereof and by hope to continue the certentie after the apprehension made by faith We doe not teach that all and euery man liuing within the precincts of the church professing the name of Christ is certen of his saluation and that by faith but that he ought so to be and must indeauour to attaine thereto And here is a great point in the mysterie of iniquitie to be considered for by this vncerten application of the promise of saluation and this wauering hope they ouerturne halfe the doctrine of the Gospel For it inioynes two things first to beleeue the promises thereof to be true in themselues secondly to beleeue and by faith to applie them vnto our selues And this latter part without which the former is voide of comfort is quite ouerturned The reasons which they alleadge against our doctrine I haue answered before now therefore I let them passe To conclude though in coloured tearmes they seeme to agree with vs in doctrine concerning faith yet in deede they denie and abolish the substance thereof namely the particular and certen application of Christ crucified and his benefits vnto our selues Againe they faile in that they cut off the principall dutie and office of true sauing faith which is to apprehend and to applie the blessing promised The 21. point Of Repentance Our consent Conclus I. That repentance is the conuersion of a sinner There is a two-fold conuersion passiue and actiue passiue is an action of God whereby he conuerteth man beeing as yet vncōuerted Actiue is an action whereby man being once turned of God turnes himselfe and of this latter must this conclusion be vnderstood For the first conuersion considering it is a worke of God turning vs vnto himselfe is not the repentance whereof the Scripture speaketh so oft but it is called by the name of regeneration and repentance wherby we beeing first turned of God doe turne our selues and doe good workes is the fruit thereof Conclus II. That repentance stands specially for practise in contrition of heart confession of mouth and satisfaction in worke or deed Touching contrition there be two kinds thereof Legal and Euangelical Legal contrition is nothing but a remorse of cōscience for sinne in regard of the wrath iudgemēt of God it is no grace of God at all nor any part or cause of repētance but onely an occasion thereof that by the mercie of God for of it selfe it is the sting of the law and the very entrance into the pit of hel Euangelical contrition is when a repentant sinner is grieued for his sinnes not so much for feare of hell or any other punishment as because he hath offended and displeased so good and mercifull a God This contrition is caused by the ministerie of the Gospell and in the practise of repentance it is alwaies necessarie and goes before as the beginning thereof Secondly we hold and maintaine that confession is to be made and that in sundrie respects first to God both publikely in the congregation and also priuately in our secret and priuate praiers Secondly to the Church when any person hath openly offended the congregation by any crime and is therefore excommunicate Thirdly to our priuate neighbour when we haue vpon any occasion offended and wronged him Math. 5.23 If thou bring thy gift to the altar and there remembrest that thy brother hath ought against thee goe first and be reconciled to him now reconciliation presupposeth confession Lastly in all true repentance we hold and acknowledge there must be satisfaction made first to God and that is when we intreat him in our supplications to accept the death and passion of Christ as a full perfect and sufficient satisfaction for all our sinnes Secondly it is to be made vnto the Church after excommunication for publike offences and it stāds in duties of humiliatiō that fitly serue to testifie the truth of our repētāce Thirdly satisfaction is to be made to our neighbor because if he be wronged he must haue recōpence and restitution made Luk. 19.8 there repentance may iustly be suspected where no satisfaction is made if it lie in our power Conclus III. That in repentance we are to bring outward fruits worthie amendment of life for repentance it selfe is in the heart and therefore must be testified in all manner of good workes whereof the principall is to indeauour day by day by Gods grace to leaue and renounce all and euery sinne and in all things to doe the will of God And here let it be remembred that we are not patrons of licentiousnes and enemies of good workes For though we exclude them from the act of our iustification and saluation yet we maintaine a profitable and necessarie vse of them in the life of euery Christian man This vse is three-fold in respect of God of man of our selues Workes are to be done in respect of God that his commandements may be obeied 1. Ioh. 5.12 that his will may be don 1. Thess. 4.3 that we may shew our selues to be obedient children to God our Father 1. Pet. 1.14 that we may shew our selues thankefull for our redemption by Christ Tit. 2. 14. that we might not grieue the spirit of God Eph. 4.30 but walke according to the same Gal. 5. 22. that God by our good workes may be glorified Math. 5.16 that we may be good followers of God Eph. 5.1 Againe workes are to be done in regard of men that our neighbour may be helped in worldly things Luk. 6.38 that he may be woon by our example to godlines 1. Pet. 3.14 that we may preuent in our selues the giuing of any offence 1. Cor. 10.32 that by doing good we may stoppe the mouthes of our aduersaries Thirdly and lastly they haue vse in respect of our selues that we may shew our selues to be new creatures 2. Cor. 5.17 that we may walke as the children of light Eph. 5.8 that we haue some assurance of our faith and of our saluation 2. Pet.
his woe A. It were so indeede if there were no meanes of deliuerance but GOD hath shewed his mercie in giuing a Sauiour to mankind Q. Howe is this Sauiour called A. Iesus Christ. Q. What is Iesus Christ A. The eternall sonne of God made man in all things euen in his infirmities like other men saue onely in sinne Q. Howe was he made man void of sinne A He was conceiued in the womb of a Virgine and sanctified by the holy Ghost at his conception Q. Why must our Sauiour be both God and man A He must be a man because man hath sinned and therfore a man must die for sinne to appease Gods wrath he must be God to sustaine and vphold the manhood to ouercome and vanquish death Q What be the offices of Christ to make him an al-sufficient Sauiour A He is a priest a prophet a King Q VVhy is he a priest A To worke the meanes of saluation in the behalfe of mankind Q Howe doth he worke the meanes of saluation A First by making satisfaction to his father for the sinne of man Secondly by making intercession Q How doth he make satisfaction A By two meanes and the first is by offering a sacrifice Q VVhat is this sacrifice A Christ himselfe as he is man consisting of body and soule Q VVhat is the Altar A Christ as he is God is the Altar on which he sacrificed himselfe Q VVho was the priest None but Christ and that as he is both God and man Q How oft did he sacrifice himselfe A Neuer but once Q VVhat death did he suffer when he sacrificed himselfe A A death vpon the crosse peculiar to him alone for besides the separation of bodie and soule he felt also the pang●s of hell in that the whole wrath of God due to the sinne of man was powred forth vpon him Q. What profit commeth by his Sacrifice A. Gods wrath is appeased by it Q. Could the suffering of Christ which was but for a short time counteruaile euerlasting damnation and so appease Gods wrath A. Yea for seeing Christ suffered God suffered though not in his godhead that is more thā if all men in the world had suffered for euer euer Q. Now tell me the other meanes of satisfaction A. It is the perfect fulfilling of the lawe Q. Howe did he fulfill the lawe A. By his perfect righteousnes which consisteth of two parts the first the integritie and purenesse of his humaine nature the other his obedience in performing all that the lawe required Q. You haue shewed how Christ doth make satisfaction tell mee likewise howe he doth make intercession A. He alone doth continually appeare before his father in heauen making the faithfull and all their praiers acceptable vnto him by applying of the merits of his owne perfect satisfaction to them Q. Why is Christ a prophet A. To reueale vnto his Church the waie and meanes of saluation this he doth outwardly by the ministerie of his word and inwardly by the teaching of his holy spirit Q. Why is he also a King A. That he might bountifully bestowe vpon vs and conuey vnto vs all the aforesaid meanes of saluation Q. How doth he shewe himselfe to be a King A. In that beeing dead and buried hee rose from the graue quickened his dead bodie ascended into heauen and nowe sitteth at the right hand of his father with full full power and glory in heauen Q. How else A. In that he doeth continually inspire and direct his seruants by the diuine power of his holy spirit according to his holy word Q. But to whome will this blessed King communicate all these meanes of saluation A. He offereth them to many and they are sufficient to saue all mankind but all shall not be saued thereby because by faith they will not receiue them The fourth principle expounded Q. What is faith A. Faith is a wonderfull grace of God by which a man doth apprehend and apply Christ and all his benefits vnto himselfe Q. Howe doth a man apply Christ vnto himselfe seeing we are on earth and Christ in heauen A. This applying is done by assurance when a man is verely perswaded by the holy spirit of Gods fauour towards himselfe particularly and of the forgiuenes of his owne sinnes Q. How doth God bring men truely to beleeue in Christ A. First he prepareth their hearts that they might bee capable of faith and then he worketh faith in them Q. Howe doth God prepare mens heartes A. By bruising them as if one would breake an hard stone to powder and this is done by hambling them Q. How doth God humble a man A. By working in him a sight of his sinnes and a sorrowe for them Q. How is this sight of sinne wrought A. By the morall lawe the summe whereof is the ten commandements Q. What sinnes may I finde in my selfe by them A. Ten. Q. What is the first A. To make something thy God which is not God by fearing it louing it so trusting in it more then in the true God Q. What is the second A. To worship false Gods or the true God in a false manner Q. What is the third A. To dishonour God in abusing his titles wordes and workes Q. What is the fourth A. To breake the Sabboth in doing the works of their calling and of the flesh and in leauing vndone the workes of the spirit Q. What be the sixe latter A. To doe any thing that may hinder thy neighbours dignitie life chastitie wealth good name though it be but in the secret thoughts and motions of the heart vnto which thou giuest no liking nor consent Q. What is sorrowe for sinne A. It is when a mans conscience is touched with a liuely feeling of Gods displeasure for any of these sinnes in such wise that hee vtterly despaires of saluation in regard of any thing in himselfe acknowledging that he hath deserued shame and confusion eternally Q. Howe doth God worke this sorrowe A. By the terrible curse of the Lawe Q. What is that A. He which breakes but one of the commandements of God though it be but once in all his life time and that onely in one thought is subiect to and in danger of eternall damnation thereby Q. When mens hearts are thus prepared howe doth God ingraft faith in them A. By working certaine inward motions in the heart which are the seedes of faith out of which it breedeth Q. What is the first of them A. When a man humbled vnder the burden of his sinnes doth acknoweledge and feele that he standes in great neede of Christ. Q. What is the second A. An hungring desire and a longing to be made partaker of Christ all his merits Q. What is the third A. A flying to the throne of
in them which are chosen to saluation but vnto them that perish it is by reason of their corruption an occasion of their further damnation Q. How must we heare Gods word that it may be effectuall to saluation A. We must come vnto it with hunger-bitten hearts hauing an appetite to the word we must marke it with attention receiue it by faith submit our selues vnto it with feare and trembling euen then when our faults are reprooued lastly we must hide it in the corners of our hearts that we may frame our liues and conuersations by it Q. What is a Sacrament A. A signe to represent a seale to confirme an instrument to conuey Christ and all his benefits to them that doe beleeue in him Q. Why must a Sacrament represent the mercies of God before our eies A. Because we are dull to conceiue and to remember them Q. Why doth the Sacrament seale vnto vs the mercies of God A. Because we are full of vnbeleefe and doubting of them Q. Why is the Sacrament the instrument of the Spirit to conuey the mercies of God into our hearts A. Because we are like Thomas we will not beleeue till we feele them in some measure in our hearts Q. How many Sacraments are there A. Two and no more Baptisme by which we haue our admission into the true Church of God and the Lords Supper by which we are nourished and preserued in the Church after our admission Q. What is done in Baptisme A. In the assemblie of the Church the couenant of grace betweene God and the partie baptized is solemnly confirmed and sealed Q. In this couenant what doth God promise to the partie baptized A. Christ with all blessings that come by him Q. To what condition is the partie baptized bound A. To receiue Christ and to repent of his sinne Q. What meaneth the sprinkling or dipping in water A. It seales vnto vs remission of sinnes and sanctification by the obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Christ. Q. How commeth it to passe that many after their Baptisme for a long time feele not the effect and fruit of it and some neuer A. The fault is not in God who keepes his couenants but the fault is in themselues in that they doe not keepe the condition of the couenant to receiue Christ by faith and to repent of all their sinnes Q. When shall a man then see the effect of his baptisme A. At what time soeuer he doth receiue Christ by faith though it be many yeares after he shall then feele the power of God to regenerate him and to worke all things in him which he offered in baptisme Q. How if a man neuer keepe the condition to which he bound himselfe in baptisme A. His damnation shall be the greater because he breaketh his vowe made to God Q. What is done in the Lords Supper A. The former couenant solemnly ratified in Baptisme is renued in the Lords supper betweene the Lord himselfe and the receiuer Q. What is the receiuer A. Euery one that hath beene baptized and after his baptisme hath truly beleeued in Christ and repented of his sinnes from his heart Q. What meaneth the bread and wine the eating of the bread and drinking of the wine A. These outward actions are a second seale set by the Lords owne hand vnto his couenant And they doe giue euery receiuer to vnderstand that as God doth blesse the bread and wine to preserue and strengthen the bodie of the receiuer so Christ apprehended and receiued by faith shall nourish him and preserue both bodie and soule vnto eternall life Q. What shall a true receiuer feele in himselfe after the receiuing of the Sacrament A. The increase of his faith in Christ the increase of sanctification a greater measure of dying to sinne a greater care to liue in newnesse of life Q. What if a man after the receiuing of the Sacrament neuer finde any such thing in himselfe A. He may well suspect himselfe whether he did euer repent or not and thereupon to vse meanes to come to sound faith and repentance Q. VVhat is an other meaues of increasing faith A. Prayer Q. What is praier A. A familiar speech with God in the name of Christ in which either we craue things needfull or giue thankes for things receiued Q. In asking things needfull what is required A. Two things an earnest desire and faith Q. What things must a Christian mans heart desire A. Sixe things especially Q. What are they A. 1. That he may glorifie God 2. That God may raigne in his heart and not sinne 3. That he may doe Gods will and not his lusts of the flesh 4. That he may relie himselfe on Gods prouidence for all the meanes of this temporall life 5. That he may be iustified and be at peace with God 6. That by the power of God he may be strengthened against all temptations Q. What is faith A. A perswasion that these things which we truly desire God will grant them for Christs sake The sixth Principle expounded Q. After that a man hath led a short life in this world what followeth thē A. Death which is the parting asunder of bodie and soule Q. Why doe wicked men and vnbeleeuers die A. That their bodies may goe to the earth and their soules may be cast into hell fire Q. Why doe the godly die seeing Christ by death hath ouercome death A. They die for this ende that their bodies may rest for a while in the earth and their soules may enter into heauen immediatly Q. What followeth after death A. The day of iudgement Q. What signe is there to know this day from other daies A. Heauen and earth shall be consumed with fire immediatly before the comming of the iudge Q. Who shall be the iudge A. Iesus Christ the Sonne of God Q. What shall be the comming to iudgement A. He shall come in the cloudes in great maiestie and glorie with infinite companie of Angels Q. How shall all men be cited to iudgement A. At the sound of a trumpet the liuing shall be changed in the twinckling of an eye and the dead shall rise againe euery one with his owne bodie and all shall be gathered together before Christ and after this the good shall be seuered from the bad these standing on the left hand of Christ the other on the right Q. How will Christ trie and examine euery mans cause A. The bookes of all mens doings shall be laide open mens consciences shall be made either to accuse them or excuse them and euery man shall be tried by the workes which he did in his life time because they are open and manifest signes of faith or vnbeleefe Q. What sentence will he giue A. He will giue sentence of saluation to the elect and godly but he will pronounce
Christ. 1. Cor. 3.1 II. Conclusion The first material beginnings of the conuersion of a sinner or the smallest measure of renewing grace haue the promises of this life and the life to come The exposition THE beginnings of conuersion must bee distinguished some are beginnings of preparations some beginnings of composition Beginnings of preparation are such as bring vnder tame and subdue the stubburnenesse of mans nature without making any change at all of this sort are the accusations of the conscience by the ministerie of the lawe feares and terrors arising thence cōpunction of heart which is the apprehension of gods anger against sin Now these and the like I exclude in the conclusion for though they goe before to prepare a sinner to his conuersion following● yet are they no graces of God but fruites of the law that is the ministerie of death of an accusing conscience Beginnings of composition I tearme all those inwarde motions and inclinations of Gods spirit that follow after the worke of the law vpon the conscience and rise vpon the meditation of the Gospel that promiseth righteousnes and life euerlasting by Christ out of which motions the conuersion of a sinner ariseth and of this it consisteth what these are it shall afterward appeare Againe grace must be distinguished it is twofold restraining grace or renuing grace Restraining grace I tearme certaine common giftes of God seruing onely to order and frame the outward conuersation of men to the lawe of God or seruing to berea●e men of excuse in the daie of iudgement By this kind of grace heathen men haue beene liberall iust sober valiant By it men liuing in the Church of God haue beene inlightened and hauing tasted of the good worde of God haue reioyced therein and for a time outwardly conformed themselues thereto renewing grace is not common to al men but proper to the elect and it is a gift of Gods spirit whereby the corruption of sinne is not onely restrained but also mortified and the decaied Image of God restored Now then the conclusion must onely be vnderstood of the second and not of the first for though a man haue neuer so much of this restraining grace yet vnlesse he haue the spirit of Christ to create faith in the heart and to sanctifie him he is as farre from saluation as any other Now then the sense and meaning of the conclusion is that the very least meanes of sauing grace and the very beginnings or seedes of regeneration doe declare and after a sort giue title to men of all the mercifull promises of God whether they concerne this life or the life to come and therefore are approoued of God if they be in trueth and accepted as greater measures of grace That which our Sauiour Christ saieth of the worke of miracles ●f you haue faith as a graine of Musterd seede ye shall say vnto this mountaine remooue hence to yonder place and it shall remooue must by the lawe of equall proportion be applyed to faith repentance the feare of God and all other graces if they bee truely wrought in the heart though they bee but as small as one little graine of musterd-seede they shall be sufficiently effectuall to bring forth good workes for which they were ordained The Prophet Esay 42.3 saith that Christ shall not quench the smoaking flaxe nor breake the bruised reede Let the comparison be marked fire in flaxe must be both little and weake in quantitie as a sparke or twaine that cannot cause a flame but onely a smoake specially in a matter ●o easie to burne Here then is signified that the gifts and graces of Gods spirit that are both for measure and strength as a sparke or twaine of fire shall not be neglected but rather accepted and cherished by Christ. When our Sauiour Christ heard the young man make a confession of a practise but of outward and ciuill righteousnes he looked vpon him and loued him and when he heard the Scribe to speake discreetely but one good speach that to lou● God with all his heart is aboue all sacrifices he said vnto him That he was not farre from the kingdome of heauen Therefore no doubt hee will loue with a more special loue and accept as the good subiects of his kingdome those that haue receiued a further mercie of God to be borne anew of water and of the spirit III. Conclusion A constant and earnest desire to be reconciled to God to beleeue and to repent if it be in a touched heart is in acceptation with God as reconciliation faith repentance it selfe The Exposition LVst or desire is twofold naturall and supernaturall Naturall is that whose beginning and obiect is in nature that is which ariseth of the naturall will of man and anecteth such things as are thought to be good according to the light of nature And this kind of desire hath his degrees yet so as they are all limited within the compasse of nature Some desire riches honours pleasures some learning and knowledge because it is the light and perfection of the minde some goe further and seeke after the vertues of iustice temperance liberalitie c. and thus many heathen men haue excelled Some againe desire true happinesse as Balaam did who wished to die the death of the righteous because it is the propertie of nature to seeke the preseruation of it selfe But here nature staies it selfe for where the minde reueales not the will affects not Supernaturall desires are such as both for their beginning and obiect are aboue nature for their beginning is from the holy Ghost and the obiect or matter about which they are conuersant are things diuine and spirituall which concerne the kingdome of heauen and of this kind are the desires of which I speake in this place Againe that we may not be deceiued in our desires but may the better discerne them from flittering fleeting motions I adde three restraints First of all the desire of reconciliation the desire to beleeue or the desire to repent c. must be constant and haue continuance otherwise it may iustly be suspected Secondly it must be earnest and serious though not alwaies yet at sometimes that we may be able to say with Dauid My soule desireth after thee O Lord as the thirstie lād And as the heart braieth after the riuers of water so panteth my soule after thee O God my soule thirsteth for God euen the liuing god Thirdly it must be in a touched heart for when a man is touched in conscience the heart is cast down and as much as it can it withdrawes it selfe from God For this cause if then there be any spirituall motions whereby the heart is lift vp vnto God they are without doubt from the spirit of God Thus then I auouch that the desire of reconciliation with God in Christ is reconciliation it selfe the desire to beleeue is faith indeede and the desire to repent repentance it selfe But marke how A desire to be reconciled is not
comfort but spend the time in silence gazing and looking on or in vttering wordes to little or no purpose saying to the sicke partie that they are verie sorrie to see him in that case that they would haue him to be of good comfort but wherein by what meanes they cannot tell that they doubt not but that he shall recouer his health and liue with them still and be merrie as in former time that they will pray for him whereas all their praiers are nothing els but the Apostles creed or the ten commandements and the Lords praier vttered without vnderstanding And this is the common comfort that sicke men get at the hands of their neighbours when they come vnto them and all his comes either because mē liue in ignorance of Gods word or because they falsly thinke that the whole burthen of this dutie lies vpon the shoulders of the minister The second circumstance is when the sicke partie must send for the elders to i●struct him and pray for him And that is in the verie first place of all before any other helpe be sought for Where the Diuine endes there the phisition must begin and it is a verie preposterous course that the Diuine should there begin where the physitian makes an ende For till helpe be had for the soule and sinne which is the roote of sicknesse be cured physicke for the bodie is nothing Therefore it is a thing much to be disliked that in all places almost the physitian is first sent for and comes in the beginning of the sicknes and the Minister comes when a man is halfe dead and is then sent for oftententimes when the sicke partie lies drawing on and gasping for breath as though Ministers of the Gospel in these daies were able to worke miracles The second dutie of the sick party is to confesse his sinnes as Iames saith Confesse your sinnes one to another and pray one for another It will be said that this is to bring in againe Popish shrift Ans. Confession of our sinnes and that vnto men was neuer denied of any the question onely is of the manner and order of making confession And for this cause we must put a great difference betweene Popish shrift and the confession of which S. Iames speaketh For he requires onely a confession of that or those sinnes which lie vpon a mans conscience when he is sicke but the Popish doctrine requireth a particular enumeration of all mans sinnes Againe S. Iames enioynes confession onely as a thing necessarie meete and conuenient but the Papists as a thing necessarie to the remission of sinnes Thirdly S. Iames permits that confession be made to any man and by one man to an other mutually whereas Popish shrift is made onely to the priest The second dutie then is that the sicke partie troubled in mind with the memorie and consideration of any of his sinnes past or any manner of way tempted by the deuill shall freely of his owne accord open his case to such as are both able and willing to helpe him that he may receiue comfort and die in peace of conscience Thus much of the sicke mans dutie now follow the duties of helpers The first is to pray ouer him that is in his presence to pray with him and for him and by praier to present his very person and his whole estate vnto God The Prophet Elizeus the Apostle Paul and our Sauiour Christ vsed this manner of praying when they would miraculously restore temporal life and therfore it is very meete that the same should be vsed also of vs that we might the better stirre vp our affections in prayer and our compassion to the sicke when we are about to intreat the Lord for the remission of their sinnes and for the saluation of their soules The second dutie of him that comes as an helper is to annoint the sicke partie with oyle Now this annointing was an outward ceremonie which was vsed with the gift of healing which is now ceased and therefore I omit to speake further of it Thus much of the dutie which the sick man owes to God now follow the duties which he is to performe vnto himselfe and they are twofold one concernes his soule the other his bodie The dutie concerning his soule is that he must arme furnish himselfe against the immoderate feare of present death And the reason hereof is plaine because howsoeuer naturally men feare thorough the course of their liues more or lesse yet in the time of sicknes when death approcheth this naturall feare bred in the bone will most of all shew it selfe euen in such sort as it will astonish the senses of the sicke partie sometime cause desperation Therefore it is necessary that we vse meanes to strengthen our selues against the feare of death The meanes are of two sorts practises and meditations Practises are two especially The first is that the sick man must not so much regard death it selfe as the benefits of God which are obtained after death He must fixe his mind vpon the consideration of the pangs torments of death but all his thoughts and affections must be set vpon that blessed estate that is enioyed after death He that is to passe ouer some great deepe riuer must not looke downward to the streame of the water but if he would preuent feare he must set his foote sure and cast his eie to the banke on the further side and so must he that drawes neare death as it were looke ouer the waues of death and directly fixe the eye of his faith vpon eternall life The second practise is to looke vpon death in the glasse of the Gospel and not in the glasse of the law that is we must consider death not as it is propounded in the law and looke vpon that terrible face which the law giueth vnto it but as it is set forth in the Gospel Death in the law is a curse and the downfall to the pit of destruction in the Gospel it is the entrance to heauen the law sets forth death as death the Gospel sets death as no death but as a sleepe onely because it speaketh of death as it is altered and changed by the death of Christ by the vertue whereof death is properly no death to the seruants of God When men shall haue care on this manner to consider of death it will be a notable means to strengthen and stablish them against all immoderate feares and terrours that vsually rise in sicknes The meditations which serue for this purpose are innumerable but I will touch onely those which are the most principal the grounds of the rest and they are foure in number The first is borrowed from the speciall prouidence of God namely that the death of euery mā much more of euery child of god is not onely foreseene but also foreappointed of God yea the death of euery man deserued and procured by his sinnes is laide vpon him by God who