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A06932 A new postil conteinyng most godly and learned sermons vpon all the Sonday Gospelles, that be redde in the church thorowout the yeare ... Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1566 (1566) STC 1736; ESTC S101291 689,601 1,060

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the church yet are they not the church For if they were they wold not persecute y● word but rather reuerētly extoll it In the contrary part Mary Ioseph Simeō are without al nobilite of the cōmon sort therfore are vnknowē with such like But these are they that know Christe in whome dwelleth the holy ghost gouerneth thē that they may encrease in the knowledge of Christe be saued In both parts as I saied ye must beware ye stūble not This is no tokē of the true church for that the pope his vsurpeth their administration in such pōpe neither may we gather herof that they can not erre be deceaued or that they must nedes be gods people This appeareth to be false ī this first history of Christ. on the cōtrary part the litle flock is not therfore to be despised Neither is the felowship of gods light to be taken awaye for because that they that beare it are in the worlde abiect persons For this is the maner of gods kyngdome in earth euē to be neglected and abhorred of the wise and to be aduaunced and set forth of the poore to whom it is truely reueled For they can put their trust in no worldly ayde as they do which leane al to power riches councels decrees c. And let this be sufficient as touchyng the first part of this historie wherin Simeon by the holye Ghost acknowlegeth the childe Iesus to be the annointed of the Lord. After this I wil take vpon me to entreat of his sermon Wherby he signifieth to other what great helpe and what thynges he surely knoweth to be to come of this child And furthermore what is his office the greatest thing that he worketh in all the worlde that we herby by this example may knowlege Christe and be saued The euāgelist before described that Simeon receaued an answere of the holy Gost that he sholde not die before he had seen the annointed of the Lord. And when that promesse nowe was fulfylled in the temple he beheld with his eyes the child Iesus and toke hym into his armes and pronounced these wordes with a ioyfull spirite saying Lorde now lettest thou thy seruaunte depart in peace accordyng to thy worde That is Now wil I gladly without any refusing yelde my selfe to nature Flesh and blood hath no such kynde of speache For we knowe all very well howe it goeth at that time when we muste departe out of this worlde Then is there sorow without hope thē is there conturbation trouble and anguishe of minde death desperation and lamentable cries c. Neither can the naturall man otherwise do as it is to see by the exāple of brute beastes wheras is only a naturall death But in men it is called the death of syn For death is enioyned to vs for syn And what feare and despaire commeth by synne we fele by experience Wherfore mannes death is muche more greu●ous to them then it is to all other thynges that by the law of destinie are appointed to die For they must abyde the wrath and iudgement of God which are ioyned with death and neuer hath ende If these thynges accompanied not death it wold not be so terrible a thing for mē to die It is no litle grefe that commeth by departyng from thinges most delectable and dere vnto vs wheras we must therwith leaue wife children frends and suche lyke But yet it passeth al greife to fele sinnes to dreade gods iudgemēt to be opprest with death without any wayes to escape Wherfore the worlde can not singe this songe with Simeon when death commeth But it beginneth rather to synge this morneful verse O Lord I am giltie cōdemned for my sinnes Wherfore I can not be suffered to departe from them in peace My minde trembleth and shaketh I see no helpe offered to me I knowe from what thinges I must depart but I can not tel what thynges I shall haue hereafter excepte this that I am sure of Goddes wrath and damnation suche is mans minde towards death Neither can it fynde in nature or reason anye helpe or remedie against suche feare And therfore it must nedes at the cōsideratiō of death fall in despeire Wherfore this lesson and doctrine that is put forth here to vs in the example of Simeon is not of mans witte He drew to his death without tremblynge he despeired not to be saued after the maner of other He knewe that he was olde and that olde men haue no longe continuance in this life he feleth his strength more and more to decay He perceaued not only by the necessary course of nature but also by his owne perill that the time was nigh wherin his frame sholde be disolued But yet he is not dismayed therby but euen now desireth and wisheth for the resolution therof the which all other and especially old men wold wish neuer to come It appeareth that he had marueilous helpe syth that he went to death with suche strength of mynde and ioyfull courage For if it had not ben for that he could neuer haue ben so glad at the beholdynge of death But what thynge shall we say that it was wherwith he was armed against it shall we saye he was no man or that he was without sin and therfore feared not gods wrath But the maner of obtaining saluation through this light vttereth plainlye that he felt himselfe to be a synner and a man in danger to gods ire and wrath And syth it goeth so with men synners what peace is it that this old man boasteth of His wordes shewe euidently that he had such sence felyng of peace as cold be hindred neither by mans fraile estate neither by contagion of syn And this is the thinge that ought well to be marked in this man that we sinners also may surely truste to the same And herby it may comme to passe that synners maye obtayne peaceable and quiete myndes agaynst death as we see Simeon to be indued with so greate and vncredible confidence and truste He had hard before that he shold not see death Now he perceaueth what was vnperformed of the couenant Yet he thought it not good to vse anye vnluckie wordes and to saye that he must die seinge he hath obtayned and gotten hym that is the Lorde of lyfe and peace Wherfore he expoundeth death to be but a licence of departyng in peace as souldiers after battaill are licensed to retourne home vnto their frendes and acquaintance But nowe let vs learne of hym this kynd of wonderful exposition For he is a gentle and free instructer He sheweth very louingly the ful reason meanyng of his opinion and iudgement without askyng wheras he sayeth For min eyes hath sene thy saluation Here he speaketh of the childe Iesu namynge him saluation sauynge health or sauiour Therfore whether he alludeth to the name of the childe whiche he knew and learned of his mother or whether he knew
of suche force and might that it putteth awaye death and restoreth lyfe But for asmuche as we knowe that Christ can so soon rydde vs from death and restore vs to lyfe let vs se also how redie he is and willing to do it For there is none amongest them all that desire this of him only is he moued with the miserie of the widow and goeth vnto her without askynge and restoreth her son vnto her alyue again Wherfore let vs thinke that this example belongeth vnto vs that we should not feare death For this was done for our sake As though he shold say It is not vnknowen vnto me that you feare death but put awaye all feare For what power can it haue on you at all It maye make you feare but prouide you such sauegard against it that ye may not only iudge according to your sense which is the verie cause of your feare but haue ye respect vnto me also what I can do what I will do euen that I can as easely raise you from death as you are wont to rayse a mā that is a slepe wil do it gladly desirously so that there can lacke neither power neither will therto Wherfore it foloweth therof that they that are buried in their graues do slepe more lightly then we in our bodies For it is possible that thou be in such a deade slepe that although thou be called ten times yet thou cāst not heare But the dead awake at one word of Christ as ye see by the example of this yonge man of Lazarus Wherfore death before god is not called death before vs it is both death is so called but before god it is so quiet light a slepe that nothing can be lighter And this wold Christ haue to be wel beaten into vs that we shold not feare when the pestilence or death it selfe taketh vs but that we shold with a bold minde answere thus against it What is thy greatest might then Tou layst before me very greuous matters thou puttest me in great feare how thou wil execute punishmēt on me like a tormēter But I wil cōsider what god on the contrarie part can do wil do whē y● hast slaine me For he feareth thee not neyther do he care for thy outragiouse furie but iesteth more rather vpon the saying O death I wil be thy death o hel I wil be thy destructiō If thou killest my Christians I will kil thee again restore them to life This is the cōfort that Christe setteth forth in this gospell that although Christiā men dye yet they be not dead but slepe a slepe yea that such a light slepe that Christ can awake thē with his litle fingar but this is but a litle praise for death that whē it doth here the worste yet it can do no more by all his rage but cast a mā into a slepe so that Christ may raise him vp with one worde As it is written The hower cōmeth when they that are dead in their graues shall heare the voice of the sonne of man and shall come forth they that haue done wel to the resurrection of lyfe but they that haue done euill to the resurrection of Iudgement This hope haue Christians but the Turkes the Iewes haue it not neyther the Papistes This they knowe that they must die and that there remaineth iudgement and hell But what do they They haue no truste in Christ But they seeke helpe of their diriges Masses trentalles pardons fastes such other thinges And they take Christe for no other but for a Iudge whiche hath onely the office to iudge and condemne This is the greatest wickednes that is that they Imagin that Christe is crueller then death Wherfore when they heare of the day of Iudgement they are afraid they tremble quake in their heartes So do not Christian men They know that Christe in that day shall iudge them that beleue not whiche will not receaue the worde or beleue it And therfore they boldly say I am baptised and do beleue in Iesu Christe my Lord that he dyed for my synnes and that by his resurrection he hath gotten me righteousnes and euerlasting lyfe Why shold I feare therfore he is not mine enemie but my frend and patrone with the father Wherfore although the laste day draweth nigh or death chanceth vnto me by anye other meanes al this shall not put me beside my state My Lord Iesus Christ holdeth himselfe stil for a time at the iniuries that death doth vnto me But when death thinketh that I am wholly opprest then am I only holden with slepe and that with such lyght slepe that Christe can scarselye speake a worde but I heare and rise vnto euerlastyng life Let this seme a necessarie lesson for vs that we may feare neither at death nor at the laste daye For Christ cōmeth not to iudge and condemne vs. He commeth as he came in this place to the widow and to her dead sonne to rayse vs from death that we may heare see speake again and do other thynges After this sorte will he come to all vs that beleue and saue vs. But they that beleue not them will he iudge Wherfore we must accustome our selues to looke for this our Sauiour to beleue in hym that by a litle a litle we may be more and more certified of this oure hope and saluation that we may feare neither death neither the laste day But he that feareth foloweth the fleshe and the olde man and not Christe his worde For the matter is playne that Christ shall come and rayse vs from death Where Christians bodies reaste in their sepulchres slepe vntil Christ come knocke at the sepulchre and saith Arise arise Then shall we rise as out of a most quiet and swete slepe we shall lyue and reioyce with Christ our Lord for euer And thus ought Christians to haue other thoughtes thā the Turkes or Iewes haue whiche are vtterly confounded with feare Yea and the Papistes mōkes all are dismayd in their heartes And this chaunceth vnto them worthily For why come they not to learne this lesson and beleue that CHRIST is the helper of them that beleue the iudge of them that beleue not If thou art a Christian and hast hope in Christ he will not take away his helpe succour and saluation from thee when deliuerance defence shal be requisite for thee against death and the deuill But if thou trustest for helpe any where els and despisest his helpe as the Pope both teacheth doth so in dede looke for no other of Christ but a very Iudge for because thou art the seruant of the deuil the minister of death and takest that on thee that is the worke of the deuill and of hell They hate Christ and care not for his kyngdome Wherfore he can be no other to them then a iudge But for the good
doctrine aboue the lawe For syth we can not perfectly fulfill the lawe The law causeth vs to haue an euil conscience to feare gods wroth for our synnes sake Wherfore this doctrine tendeth to this ende that thou sholdest learne what is Christ and what he hath done And nowe this is his voyce that he is not onely the son of Dauid as the Iewes beleue but also Dauids Lord that is an euerlastinge and verye god But what dothe he he putteth asyde from hym the forme of god as Paule sayeth and becommeth a man He taketh vpon hym the deathe of the Crosse. And why so Uerilye because he is the sonne of god that is to saye a sacrifice for the synnes of the worlde After that he dyed and rosse agayne the thyrde day from death vnto euerlastinge lyfe and sytteth at the ryghte hande of god This must we learne and beare awaye as touchinge Christ. For he that holdethe this faste is safe He that holdeth it not shall perishe vnder his synnes The reason is we are all synners and the lawe doth not only not deliuer vs from oure synnes but maketh vs more greuous synners agaynst god accuseth vs before God so that we are in greate daunger and can fynde no wayes to escape by all that we can doe In sinnes are we conceaued and borne and the longer that oure lyfe is the more do oure synnes encrease For this burden is put on vs not as an other burden which we may put downe cast of when we will It cleaueth to our very mary bones most secret parts of vs neuer suffereth vs to be at reast as we cā not denie this if we wold cōsider wel proue our strēgth Against this is this the only remedie to learne what is Christ. For assone as thou knowest who he is and then what he doth this is the very way to come vnto saluation The reason why is this If thou be a sinner and haste sinned muche againste God haue respecte to this God sendeth this Christ to suffer for synners to make satisfaction for synnes But what should this debte trouble the whiche that most riche Christe hath taken vpon hym to pay yea and hath payd it allredie wherfore this only remaineth that thou embrace with true confidence and fayth this death and crosse of Christe This can be vnknowen to no man that death is dewe to vs all and no man can haue any hope of a priuilege for the contrarie When we are dead we are vndone We can not helpe our selues But consider wherof commeth death Is it not for sinnes sake Nowe haste thou heard wher thou muste set remission of thy synnes euen in the death of thy Lorde Iesu Christ. This Christ whan he was deade remained not in death But he arose frō death to lyfe And this is a sure profe that he is Lord ouer death Wherfore euen as thou hast remission of syn through hym so by him thou hast euerlastyng lyfe in that he shall rayse thee vp againe thy flesh bodie in the last day And this the true knowing of Christ to know whose sonne he is euen the son of Dauid For he is a mā yet neuertheles the Lord of Dauid which sitteth at the right hāde of god hath for his footstoole his enemis sin death and hel Wherfore he y● nedeth any helpe against these enemies must not require it of Moses nor of the law nor of his own worke or righteousnes but let him require it of the son Lord of dauid wheras he shal be sure to find it This doth the idle kind of Phariseies not know Wherfore they care not for Christ are cōtent with this that they know out of the law how god the neighbour is to be loued Wheras yet it is not possible that god shold be knowen I will not speake of the loue of him except Christ be knowen firste As he saith in Math. 11. No man knoweth the father but the sonne he to whom the son openeth him And this is the cause why Christ by this occasiō moueth this presēt questiō As though he should saye This ye know that god is to be loued But ye shal neuer loue god with all your heart wyth all your soule with all your mynde excepte ye knowe Christ well and perceaue who he is For how can we otherwise knowe what grace and mercie God hath geuen vnto vs This is no smale thinge that God hath made vs and geuen vs bodie and soule and all thinges But we vse these thinges but for a litle time in this lyfe But herein appeareth moste especially the riches and great goodnes and mere mercy of God wheras he spared not his only begotten sonne but deliuered hym vnto the death of the Crosse for our sinnes that we should be deliuered from sinne and obtayne euerlasting lyfe through hym This is the euerlasting infinite and incomprehensible loue and grace whiche no man can know excepte he know Christ. And therfore he can neuer loue God truely without Christ. Wherfore it appeareth hereby what the Phariseies and Scribes get by their question Euen this verely that they are openly conuicted of Christ before them al that they can talke much of the loue of God But they vnderstande not nor yet perceaue the leaste part therof truely And wheras they knowe not god whiche hath bestowed so great benefittes and liberalitie vpō them how shall they loue their neyghbour that hath nede of their helpe and can recompence nothynge for their pouertie Wherfore let vs highly esteme this doctrine and let vs geue thankes to God with all oure heart that we are deliuered out of vncredible darkenes vnder the Popedome euen like as the darkenes of the Iewes were here And we haue the pure doctrine of Christ wherby we do not only knowe howe we ought to be deliuered and saued from sin but we receaue the holy ghost Whiche by this doctrine moueth oure mindes so farre that we may begin to loue God and our neyghbour The whiche thing our Lord Iesus Christ graunt vs. Amen Amen The .xix Sonday after Trinitie ¶ The Gospell Math. ix IEsus entred into a shipe and passed ouer and came into his owne citie And beholde they brought to him a man sicke of the paulsey lying in abedde And when Iesus sawe the faythe of them he sayd to the sicke of the paulsey Sonne be of good cheare thy sinnes be forgeuen thee And beholde certayne of the Scribes sayde within them selues this man blasphemethe And when Iesus sawe theyr thoughtes he sayde Wherefore thynke ye euyll in your heartes Whether is it easier to saye thy sinnes be forgeuen thee or to saye aryse and walke But that ye maye knowe that the sonne of man hath power to forgeue sinnes in earth Then sayeth he to the sicke of the paulsye Aryse take vp thy bedde and go vnto thine house And he rose and departed to his
of the worlde He shal be a kyng saieth the Prophet but yet with pouertie miserie without al princely reputation if the matter be consydered after the custom of the world of princes This Prophete also speaketh of an other power of this kyng For he calleth hym righteous and a sauiour and not riche fortunate or a glorious kyng before the worlde but righteous and a sauior whiche bryngeth with hym iustice and saluation and destroyeth synne and death the enemie of synne and death whiche shall delyuer all from synne and death that beleue in hym and take hym for theyr kyng and are not offēded with the borowed asse They that do this haue geuen vnto them remission of synne and remedye agaynst deathe to the attainement of euerlastyng lyfe And althoughe their body dye and be buried yet is it not to be called death but rather a slepe And this it is that Zacharie wyll teache vs of Christ when he geueth him these two names that is of a righteous and Sauior whiche may be the deathe of deathe and destroy the power of the deuyll and by this meanes deliuer vs that beleue in hym from sinne and death and transpose vs into the kingdom of angels wher is life and saluation He left for the kynges of the worlde their glorie richesse towers palaces Let them lyue in glorie neuer so muche buyld they neuer so gorgeously be theyr apparell neuer so costely yet haue they not this power whiche this poore kyng had For there is no emperor kyng or pope so mighty with all hys power that can delyuer vs from the least synne that is and that can heale a small disease with all the richesse that he hath And what shall I say than that they haue muche lesse any power agaynst euerlastyng deathe and hell But this poore kyng onely helpeth therin and that not only against one synne but against al sinne and not only agaynst my synnes but agaynst the synnes of the whole worlde He came not onely to take awaye diseases but also death and not onely death but also the deathe of all the world Tell this sayth the prophet to the daughter of Syon that she be not offended for his lowe behauiour but that she shut vp her eies and open her eares and let her not consyder howe poore this kyng is in syght but what the word doth teache of this kyng The pouertie is open forasmuche as he commeth on an asse without ridyng apparell But in that he forgeueth synne deliuereth from death geueth saluation and euerlastyng life to them that are sanctified that is not sene wherfore the word therof is only to be herd and to be beleued So saith Zacharie Tel the daughter of Sion that she may knowe and not be moued nor offended that he commeth so pore vnto his people and dyeth so shamefull a deathe For all these thynges be doone for thy sake that thou by thys Sauior mightest be saued against the deuyl death his purpose is to sanctifie thee and to delyuer the frō synne All endeuours are in vayne when we regarde not the sence of the eares but loke to haue it allowed by the eies For this kyng differeth very muche from other kyngs What so euer they do they do it in great magnificence and pompe But in Christe it is not so which fyrst in Baptisme gaue vs this strength wher by we ar deliuered from sinne from death Here the eies se nothing but cōmon water ▪ which is included in the word and pronunciation therof Here the eies see nothing then the breath of a man but this we must be ware that we folowe not the iudgement of the eyes The eies ar to be shut vp and the eares to be opened and the worde to be heard Whiche teacheth that our Lord Iesu Christ shed his bloode for the remission of synnes and euerlastyng lyfe These gyftes are founde for a suretie in the holye Baptisme in the Supper of the Lorde in the preachynge of the Gospell This is true But because of the simplicitie therof they ar not thought to haue so great efficacie by the lauer of water supper of the Lorde But beware thy eies bring the not to this straite It semeth an absurde thyng in the eies of the people that he that came on a vile asse and after was crucified shoulde be thought to haue power agaynst synne death and hell No mans sight was so clere as to see that But the prophet saith it Therfore in this matter there is no nede of eies but of Faithe and eares Wherfore sayth the Euangelist Tell the daughter of Syon And the Prophete sayth Reioyce Syon be glad daunce and leape for ioye O Ierusalem beholde thy kyng commeth What maner of kyng A righteous kyng and a sauior which shall sanctifie thee and saue thee For he wyl communicate his righteousnes and saluation with thee that thou myghtest be free from synne and he wyl dye for thee that thou by his death mayst be delyuered frome eternall death Wherfore let not the great pouertie that is in hym offend thee thy lyfe and saluation lyeth hydde in hym Geue thankes for the benefyte and vse it to thy comforte For all these thynges are doone for thy saluation Wherfore this is our kyng Iesus Christ this is his kingdome and office He handleth no taxes and tributes he careth for no towers nor for worldly magnificence But when we are now come to the marke of deathe so that we can lyue here no longer Then is it the office of this kyng that we by his passion and death may walke into Paradise and say on this maner I am sanctified through my kyng Iesus Christe whiche for that cause came after a vile forme and would be crucified that he myghte sanctifie me and that in me he might slea synne and death He that beleueth this on this wise as he heareth and is preached in the Gospell shal be sure of saluation For therfore was Baptisme ordeined of Christe that by it he might put his iustice on the and that his holynes and innocencie may become thyne by right For al we are miserable synners But in Baptisme Christ doth comfort vs and saith Geue me thy synnes and take thou my rightousnes and holynes Let thy death be taken from thee and my lyfe put on thee Wherfore this doctrine ought gladly to be receiued and the godlynes therof then also it ought to be declared in our lyfe that God myght not seme to haue geuen this lyght in vayne vnto the earthe But it chanceth contrarywise and the world is made oftentimes the worse for this doctrine And here is the very diuel reigning with al his kingdom in the vnkynd worldly man for all this greate grace of God The matter is playne that there is nowe more auarice couetousnes crueltie impudent lechery aduoutrie and wickednes then was before vnder the popedome What is the cause Uerily no other thing then
y● which we heare in the word must we iudge and saie I see that I must die but I heare the promise and word of Christ my Lorde that thorow hym I shall haue life For as touchyng sinne for the whiche I must nedes suffer death it is vtterly taken awaye by hym so that God for his deathe and resurrection wyll be mercyfull vnto me and geue me euerlastynge lyfe This is truely to kepe the woord of Christe But it is an harde thyng to haue this faythe For fleshe and blood can not otherwise bee persuaded then as they fele and proue Against this peruers and froward reason must we striue and aske of God hys holy spirite that he may stablishe our hearts throughe the worde that they may retaine and keepe the true Faith What the cause is why the worde of Christ is of so great efficacie myghte and power Christe hym selfe sheweth in the ende of this Gospell And in thys poynt he so greatly moueth the Iewes and stirreth them vnto anger that they are ready to stone hym vnto deathe For this troubled the Iewes that Christe said his worde preserueth and defendeth from euerlastyng death forasmuche as they sawe that Abraham Moyses and other holy men which be greately commended in the holy scripture wer dead They thought that Christ was muche inferiour to them and that it was a matter worthy to be laughed at that he should so muche bragge boast and sette out his worde But Christ answered Abraham desired to see my daye he sawe it and reioyced that is to say If Abraham had not kept my word he had dyed euerlastyngly and ben damned for euer Before Abraham was saith Christ I am And that is thus muche to say I am almightie and euerlasting God Now he that wil be deliuered from his synnes escape euerlastyng deathe and come vnto euerlasting life he must be holpē by me and seke help at none others hād but at myn alone This could neither Moses nor any of the Prophets speke truly of them selues For they were all men But Christ is god and man Therfore is he able to geue life euerlasting saluation none but he alone This is a great consort and a most sure confirmation of our faithe where we confesse that Christ is true euerlasting God as we haue the like testimonies of this thing in many diuers places of the Euangelical history that our whole trust shold be in hym in his word in none other For this is the word of god can by no means deceue vs. What soeuer he speaketh is certain and sure is neuer void but is as sure as God by his word made heauen earthe of nothing Lerne this diligently and with thankful hearts knowledge this inestimable benefit and pray that God by his holy spirite may kepe you in the truth of his word receiue you into euerlasting life through Christ his sonne to whom with the father and the holy ghost be all honour and glorie for euer and euer Amen The Sonday next before Easter cōmonly called Palme sondaye ¶ The Gospell Math. xxvi AND it came to passe when Iesus hadde finished all these sayinges he sayd vnto his Disciples Ye knowe that after two dayes shal be Easter and the sonne of man shall bee delyuered ouer to be crucified Then assembled together the chief Priestes and the Scribes and the elders of the people vnto the Palace of the high Priest whiche was called Caiphae and healde a Counsell that they myght take Iesus by subtiltie and kill hym But they said not on the holy day lest there be an vprore amonge the people When Iesus was in Bethanie in the house of Symon the Leapor there came vnto hym a woman hauynge an Alabaster boxe of precious oyntment and powred it on his head as he sat at the boorde But when his disciples saw it they had indignatiō saying Wherto serueth this wast This oyntment might haue ben well sold and geuen to the poore When Iesus vnderstode that he sayd vnto them Why trouble ye the woman for she hath wroughte a good woorke vppon me For ye haue the poore alwayes with you but me ye shall not haue alwayes And in that she hath caste this oyntment on my body she did it to bury me Ueryly I say vnto you Wher so euer this Gospell shal be preached in all the worlde there shall also this be tolde that she hath done for a memoriall of her Then one of the twelue whiche was called Iudas Iscarioth wente vnto the chefe Priestes and sayde vnto them What wyll ye geue me and I wyll delyuer hym vnto you And they appointed vnto hym .xxx. pieces of syluer And from that tyme foorth he sought oportunitie to betraye hym The first daye of sweete bread the disciples came to Iesus saying to him Where wylt thou that we prepare for thee to eate the Passeouer And he sayde Goo into the Citie to suche a man and say vnto hym The master saith my tyme is at hande I wyll kepe my Easter by thee with my disciples And the disciples dyd as Iesus hadde appoynted them and they made redy the Passeouer When the euen was come he sat downe with the twelue And as they dyd eate he sayde Ueryly I saye vnto you that one of you shall betray me And they were exceadynge sorowfull and beganne euery one of them to saye vnto hym Lorde is it I He aunswered and sayd he that dyppeth his hande with me in the dyshe the same shall betraye me The sonne of man truely goeth as it is writen of hym but wo vnto that man by whom the sonne of man is betrayed it hadde bene good for that man yf he had not bene borne Then Iudas whiche betrayed hym aunswered and sayde Master is it I He sayd vnto him thou hast sayde And when they were eating Iesus toke bread and when he had geuen thanks he brake it gaue it to the disciples and said Take eate this is my body And he toke the cup thanked gaue it to them saying Drynk ye all of this for this is my bloud whiche is of the new Testament that is shed for many for the remission of sinnes But I say vnto you I will not drinke hense forth of this fruite of the vine tree vntyll that daye when I shall drinke it newe with you in my fathers kyngdom And when they had sayde grace they went out vnto mount Oliuete Then saide Iesus vnto them All ye shal be offended because of me this night For it is writtene I wyll smyte the shepherd the shepe of the flock shal be scattered abrode but after I am risen again I wil go before you into Galile Peter answered and saide vnto hym Thoughe all men be offended because of thee yet wyll I not be offended Iesus saide vnto hym Uerily I saye vnto thee that in this same night befor the Cocke crowe thou shalte denye me thryse Peter saide vnto hym yea
for enuy thei had deliuered him When he was set downe to geue iudgement his wife sent vnto him saying haue thou nothing to do with that iust mā for I haue suffred this day many things in my slepe because of him But the chief Priests Elders persuaded the people that they should aske Barrabas and destroy Iesus The deputie answered and said vnto them Whether of the twaine wil ye that I let lose vnto you They said Barrabas Pilate said vnto them what shall I do then with Iesus that is called Christ They all said vnto him let him be crucified The deputie said What euil hath he done But they cried more saying Let him be crucified When Pilate saw that he coulde preuaile nothing but that more busynes was made he toke water and washed his handes before the people saying I am innocent of the bloud of this iust person se ye Then answered all the people and said His bloud be on vs on our childrē Then let he Barrabas loose vnto thē and scourged Iesus and deliuered him to be crucified Then the souldiors of the deputie toke Iesus into the cōmon hal and gathered vnto him all the cōpany and they stripped him and put on him a purple robe and platted a crowne of thornes and put it vpon his head and a reed in his right hande and bowed the knee before hym and mocked hym sayinge Haile kyng of the Iewes And whenne they hadde spytte vppon him they tooke the reede and smote hym on the head And after that they hadde mocked hym they tooke the roabe of hym agayne and putte hys owne rayemente on hym and ledde hym away to crucify hym And as they cam out they found a manne of Cyrene named Symon hym they compelled to beare hys Crosse. And they camme vnto the place whyche is called Golgotha That is to say a place of dead mennes skulles and gaue hym vineger myngled with gaulle to drynke And whenne he hadde tasted thereof he woulde not drynke Whenne they hadde crucifyed hym they parted hys garmentes and dydde caste lottes that it myghte bee fulfylled whyche was spoken by the Prophete They parted my garmentes amonge theym and vppon my vesture dydde they caste lottes And they satte and wacched hym there and sette vp ouer hys head the cause of his deathe written Thys is Iesus kynge of the Iewes Then were the twoo theeues crucifyed wyth hym one on the ryghte hande and an other on the lefte They that passed by reuyled hym waggynge theyr heades and sayinge Thou that destroyedst the Temple of God and dyddest buylde it in three dayes saue thy selfe If thou bee the sonne of GOD come downe frome the Crosse. Lykewyse also the hye Priestes mockynge hym wyth the Scrybes and Elders sayde He saued other hym selfe he can not saue If he bee the Kynge of Israell lette hym nowe comme downe from the Crosse and we wyll beleue hym Hee trusted in God lette hym delyuer hym nowe yf he wyll haue hym For hee sayde I am the sonne of GOD. The thieues also whych were crucified with hym caste the same in hys teethe Frome the sixthe hower was there darkenesse ouer all the land vntyll the nynthe hower And aboute the nynthe hower Iesus cryed wyth a lowde voyce sayinge Ely Ely lamasabathany That is to saye My God my God why haste thou forsaken me Some of them that stode there when they hearde that sayde Thys manne callethe for Helias And streyghte waye one of them ronne and toke a spunge and whenne he hadde fylled it full of vineger hee putte it on a reede and gaue hym to drynke Other sayde Lette bee lette vs see whether Helias wylle come and delyuer hym Iesus whenne hee hadde cryed agayne wyth a lowde voyce yealded vp the ghoste And beholde the vayle of the Temple dydde rent in two partes frome the toppe to the bottome and the earthe dydde quake and the stones rente and graues dydde open and manye bodyes of Sainctes whiche slepte arose and wente out of the graues after hys Resurrection and came into the holye Citie and appered vnto many When the Centurion and they that were wyth hym watchynge Iesus sawe the earthequake and those thynges whiche hapned they feared greately saying Truly this was the sonne of GOD. And many women were there beholdyng hym a farre of whyche folowed Iesus frome Galilee mynistryng vnto hym amonge which was Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Iames and Ioses and the mother of Zebedes children THE EXPOSITION THIS daye is redde in the Churche as ye haue hearde the storye of the paynefull Passyon and dreadefulle death of our most louynge Lorde and swete Sauioure Iesus Christe And although the passion of Christ oughte at all tymes and euery daye dylygentely to bee remembred of vs and of euery Christian seyng it is that onely and alone precious treasure whereby wee are delyuered and sette at lybertie frome all the power of helle from Sathan synne deathe damnation c. yet the aunciente Fathers of Christes churche in tymes paste haue well prouyded that we shold haue euery yeare a certayne peculiar tyme appoynted for this purpose in the whyche we myght doo and exercise this eyther priuately or publykely For by this meanes shall the Passion of Christ be the more dilygently inculked and beaten into the youthe and also bee the more surelye engraffed in the memorie of the Elder sorte of people Nowe forasmuch as the Passion of Christe hathe in tymes paste ben meruaylouslye abused by vayne meditations and cogitations of superstitious and ignorant hypocrites we wyl at this present leaue all suche vanitie and declare howe the passion and deathe of CHRIST oughte trewely and profytablye to bee consydered weyghed and pondered vnto oure synguler consolation and comforte and also vnto the amendement of our lyfe and conuersation Thys shall bee brought to passe if wee dilygentlye expende weyghe ponder and consyder these principall poyntes followynge Fyrst what the Passion of Christe is Secondly what prouoked and moued hym to suffer thys Passion Thirdly how Christ bothe outwardly and inwardlye suffered Fourthly what fruite and profite he hath procured and gotten for vs by his Passion Fyrst the passion of Christ is none other thing then an vnmeasurable dolour sorowe torment and payne whiche he of a singular vnoutspekable loue toward vs for our synnes that hee myghte purge them and vtterly put them away thorow his satisfaction outwardly in his body and inwardly in his soule susteined and suffered tyll at the laste he died on the crosse which shal be opened declared more playnly herafter Secondly there are fyue causes that moued Christ to suffer his most dolorous and peinful passion The first is our synne which could none otherwise be clensed purged and put away but only by the passion death of Christ. The second cause is the greate and vnoutspeakable charitie loue and fauor that Christ and his heauenly father bore toward vs men whiche charitie coulde not abyd
myghtily brake the chawes of hell braste on pieces the paunche of death and so valiantly victoriously and triumphantly rose agayne frome deathe Nowe for as muche as CHRIST was in all poyntes pure and innocente and vtterly wythout all synne Deathe and hell coulde by no meanes ouercome hym For seynge that death is the rewarde of synne as the Apostle saythe and Christe hadde no synne at all so doothe it ryghte well followe that death had no power ouer Christ and that it assaulted hym wythoute cause and therfore deathe loste hys ryghte because wythoute cause hee abused Christe beynge innocente and free frome all synne The Innocencye therefore of Christe was the cause that deathe and hell they onely haue power ouer synners For for synne entred deathe into the worlde coulde not retayne holde and deuoure hym but that hee muste needes retourne vnto lyfe and ryse agayne frome deathe Besides this innocencie Christe also had this that he was the true and naturall sonne of God and therfore coulde not he bee retained and holden of deathe nor yet of helle or of any other kynde of myserie as hee hym selfe glorieth and reioyceth of thys power sayinge That he hathe power to geue ouer hys lyfe and also to take it agayne And that no man takethe hys lyfe frome hym but he geueth it ouer of hym self Whiche is none other thyng then yf he should saye I am GOD and the Lord both of death and of lyfe I handle them as I my selfe lyste Therefore Saint Paule in hys Epistle to the Romaines writeth that by thys he was declared to bee the Sonne of GOD whenne he rose agayne frome deathe For no manne can escape deathe as Dauid saythe What manne is he that shall lyue and not see deathe And Saincte Paule to the Hebrues sayeth That all menne muste needes ones dye and after that commeth the Iudgement Seyng then that Christe was not onely man but also very GOD the Creator and lyfe geuer of all creatures yea the lyfe it selfe as he hym selfe testifyeth in the Gospell of Sainct Iohn It was not possible for deathe and helle to retayne and ouercome hym as S. Peter recordeth in the Chronicle of the Apostles Actes saying Whome he meaneth Christ God hath raysed vp and loosed the sorowes of death because it was impossible that he shoulde bee holden of it For seyng he was the holy one of God he could not abyde in helle neyther coulde his fleshe see corruption As S. Peter strongly proueth out of Dauid By this it is an easye thynge to aunswere that question howe this maye be that the passion and deathe of Christe and the syght of the infernall damnation wherin Christe was but a short tyme could be a sufficient satisfaction for the synnes of the whole worlde which notwithstandyng after the seuere iudgemente of God ought to haue ben punyshed with euerlasting payne and endles damnation I aunswere This satisfaction is of an incomparable force might strength and power and hath a meruailous energie and perfection because of the person of Christ. For seing Christe was true God and true man the God head the manhode ioyned in one person and yet toke vpon him this worke of our redemption the peyn which Christ God and man suffred ought worthily to be iudged and taken to be of suche excellencie and dignitie again of so great and such inestimable price that it ought to be estemed as it is in dede sufficiently great and large inough to the vttermoste for the synnes of the whole world For as the synne of man wherwith the noble maiestie of God is cōtemned and dishonored ought to be punished with perpetuall euerlastyng paine so in like maner the punishmēt which the sonne of God toke vpon him ought to be as it is vndoubtedly sufficiente full and perfect for al that beleue on him seke their saluation in his most blessed and glorious name For the deuine maiestie is of so great glorie that worthily al that offend it suffer euerlasting pain again all for whom it cam into so great ignominie torment and supplied their duties shold haue euerlastyng ioy and gladnes enioy the same worlds without end Seing then that Christ Iesus the true son of God of one substāce glory with the father hath offred himself an oblation swete smelling sacrifice to god by his death passion hath satisfied for our sinnes It is reason that for the worthynes of his person which was both god man it shold be also euerlasting and sufficient for euermore For consider how great worthye hygh infinite and euerlasting the person was that susteined this pain so great worthy high infinite and euerlasting is this worke of our redēption satisfaction wrought by Christ must endure and remaine for euer and euer in full force and strength for so many as repent beleue in his name Now forasmuch as wee know that Christe for his innocencie and Godheade rose agayne frome Deathe vnto lyfe we wyl briefly reherse the fruicts profytes and benefites which he hath purchased gotten deserued for vs by his victorious triumphaunt and glorious resurrection What soeuer Christe by hys deathe and passion hathe gotten and deserued for vs that dydde hee afterwarde receaue by hys Resurrection and broughte wyth hym so that the fruites of Christes resurrection doo not muche differ frome the fruites of hys Passion Wee wylle therefore speake and entreate of theym brefely at this presente for as muche as wee haue somewhat largely spoken of them when we handeled the Passyon of CHRIST our Sauioure The fyrste fruicte and profyte of Christes resurrection is that by it wee haue remyssion of synnes althoughe we feele them in vs and are not vtterly free frome them For when Christe dyed for vs and yet remayned not in deathe whyche muste needes haue comme to passe yf hee coulde not haue satisfied for synnes It followethe that hee by hys Resurrection broughte wyth hym Remyssion of synnes and gaue the same vnto vs as blessed Paule proueth in hys Epistle to the Corinthians sayenge If Christe bee not rysen agayne frome the dead thenne is your faythe vayne and you are stylle in youre synnes And agayne But nowe is Christe rysen agayn from the deade beynge the fyrste fruites of them that wer fallen a sleape For by manne came deathe and by man commeth the Resurrection of the dead As by Adam all dye so lykewyse by Christ all shall receaue lyfe Afterwarde the Apostle mocketh death saieth O deathe where is thy stynge The stynge of death is synne and the power of synne is the lawe But thankes bee to GOD whyche hathe geuen vs the victorie thorough our Lorde Iesus Christe Herof it is euident that Christ by his death hath slayne synne as we hearde in the Sermon of the Passion and by hys Resurrection hee hathe broughte with hym remission
not this voyce It is the voice not of a shepherd but of a wolfe For thus is the report of this beast that is to say of a shepe It hath this nature and propretie that amonge all beastes there is none that hath so quick an eare and so sharpe and redy sense of hearyng as the shepe hath as experience declareth For if neuer so many crye and call it regardeth them not It refuseth all excepte her owne shephearde Hys voyce shee knoweth and heareth Unto that she goeth and maketh haste In lyke maner yong lambes euen in the greatest flockes euery one knoweth the bleatyng of his owne damme and foloweth that so long tyll at the last he hath founde her Christ hath respect to this nature of the shepe and compareth his Christians wyth theym that they also after the same maner should moste diligently hearken to the voyce of the shephearde that they be not deceaued And this is his meanynge that where the voyce of Christ is not his shepe can not be allured nor moued there to geue any eare And herein he geueth vs a playne commandement that if we will be his shepe we muste haue fyne and picked eares whiche may discerne the voice of CHRIST frome all other although those voyces seme to be neuer so clere pleasant and swete Therfore in this place it is to bee learned that wee geue diligent attendance to heare the word of GOD yea and that alone and none other that thorowe it we maye be able to sette oure selues agaynste all the subtilties of the ennemie whyche he craftily gothe about to conueye into our heartes and also beware of false and corrupte doctrine For a woolfe is euer a wolfe neither can he geue ouer his nature If he hath not hys purpose by false doctrine then doothe he inwardly imagine disceit thorowe pestilent and poysonfull thoughtes Here must thou followe the shepe and saye I care not for thys voyce It is the voyce of a wolfe and not of a shepheard The voyce of my shephearde is I am the good shepheard and I gaue my lyfe for my shepe But thou woldest bryng me to that poynt that I shoulde despaire haue no hope of saluation in my shepheard and flee from hym Thus maist thou haue healpe and comforte agaynste that tentation wherwith the deuyll goeth about to dismaye thee to take away thy courage to driue thee into erroure to make thee sorowfull and to brynge thee vnto desperation We must therfore aboue all thyngs diligently heare and certainly knowe the voyce of oure shephearde by thys meanes shall there bee betweene vs mutuall knowledge and loue For howe can he hate vs when he bestoweth his lyfe for vs taketh awaye from vs death synne and all euyls and freely geueth vs euerlasting life These thynges can come to vs by none other voyce Lette vs therfore so much the more diligently embrace it and make muche of it Moreouer this is greately to oure comforte that Christe in thys Sermon calleth hym self a shepheard and tearmeth vs whyche haue and heare his voyce sheepe For by this meanes a Christian hath no cause to complayne that hee is destitute and wantethe a shepheard He may want money substance health c that it may appere that we be left confortlesse with out a shepherd among wolues as Christ also sayde to his disciples Behold I send you as shepe in the mids of wolues And we daily se none other thing then this miserable face that the church is redy to bee deuoured of Antichriste euen as a shepe of the wolfe It semeth as though we had no shepherd that careth for vs and yet he neyther sleapeth nor slombreth that kepeth Israell But thus muste it nedes be that we shold loke for none other cōfort but only at the voice of this our shepherd wherof Christ himself saith My shepe heare my voice He that heareth the voice of Christ and foloweth it He may in this behalf glory that he truly knoweth his shepheard and that his shepheard also knoweth him For he that regardeth the word foloweth that the deuill can not hurte him For what soeuer chanceth concernyng his lyfe goodes wife childrē c. He kepeth alway freshe in memorie this voyce of his shepheard Thou arte my shepe for thou hearest my voyce and knowest me and I knowe thee so that all his cogitation meditation studye and exercise is altogether in the woorde and faythe and in nothyng els at all as Christe hym selfe sayeth I knowe my sheepe euen as my father knoweth me and I know my Father For when Christ the sonne of God was in the earth he shewed none other power that he had but as though it had ben in the free choise of the deuill and of wicked men to deale with hym euen as they them selues lusted GOD seemed vtterly to forgette hym euen as thoughe he neyther cared for hym nor knewe hym But when Christ hanging on the crosse cōplained said My God my God why haste thou forsaken mee when he dyed on the Crosse when he was buryed and the deuyl in a maner persuaded that CHRIST had no GOD thenne was it euidentely declared that the Father knewe hym For hee dydde delyuer hym frome hell and deathe So sayeth Christe shall the matter goe with you But lette not thys trouble you when all thynges shall so comme to passe as though I dydde not knowe you For a Christen man in thys worlde muste be assaulted and combred with calamities crosses myseryes afflictions troubles and wyth all kynde of aduersities so that there shall appeare no difference at all betwene hym and the vngodlye For outwardly the lyfe and deathe of bothe are in a manner all one yea that more intollerable and harder is It seemeth outwardly that the condition and state of a Christian manne before GOD is worse thenne the state of any Ethnicke and infydelle For hee is more troubled and oppreste wyth many mo tentations and afflictions But let not this moue thee but holde faste with toothe and nayle that he sayth I knowe my shepe But here thou hearest the deuil and reason making this obiection howe can God haue any care of thee seyng thou arte so myserably afflicted and troubled Answer thou thus I knowe that he knoweth me Neither dothe thys make my faythe to faynt that I dye and suffer all this trouble For I know his voyce and I truste vnto that that as a shepheard vnto hys shepe he putteth forth his voyce vnto me whyche I ryght well knowe and sayth I am thy shepheard I dyed for thee I gaue my life for thee This worde I heare and beleue This is the only and sure token vnto me that he knoweth me and I know hym agayn And although I nowe feele and perceaue otherwise then Christe here speaketh yet shal not all this make me to fainte nor to plucke my fayth from his worde All thinges are full of the crosse
The wisedom of this world is foolishnes before God Again The wisdom that descendeth not from aboue is earthy naturall deuillish For this cause the holy apostle termed the great learned wise Gentiles which stode much in their owne conceite thought them selues to knowe all things fooles and vnwise Their foolish heart saith he was blynded in so much that whē they counted themselues wise they became fooles In consideration wherof if was wel said of that great lerned philosopher Socrates which notwithstanding by the oracle of Apollo was iudged of all men the wisest and best lerned This one thing I know saieth he that I knowe nothynge Uerily although a man know all natural morall thynges with the documentes therof and whatsoeuer other doctrine science or knowledge can be reckned vp besides so that in his one brest there is conteined whatsoeuer knowledge hath ben found in the breastes of all naturall men from the beginnynge of the worlde vnto this day or shal be vnto the end of the same yet yf he knowe not Christ he knoweth nothyng Notable is this Distichon and worthy for euer to be remembred Hoc est nescire sine Christo plurima scire Si Christum benescis satis est ▪ si caetera nescis Whiche is thus englished This is doubtlesse to know nothyng at all Without Christ many thyngs to know and see If thou know Christ well as it thee befall Thou nedest no more it is inough for thee But this knowledge of God and of his sonne Christ can we by no meanes obteyn but by the word of God only as our Sauior Christ saith Serche the Scriptures for in them ye think that ye haue eternal life and they ar they which testifie of me And as Abraham sayd to the riche man beyng in the tormentes of hell fyre They haue Moses and the prophets let them hear them Agayn as the Euangelist S. Iohn writeth No mā hath sene God at any tyme. The only begotten sonne whiche is in the bosome of the Father he hath declared hym This word therfore is diligently bothe day and nyght to be read heard considered weighed and pondered Yea our whole delight and pleasure is to be reposed in it that we may truely vnfaynedly and from the very bottome of the heart say with the disciples vnto our Sauior Christ Lord to whom shall we go Thou hast the wordes of euerlastyng lyfe And we beleue are sure that thou art Christ the son of the liuing God And also with the Psalmograph on this maner I haue had O Lorde as great delyght in the waie of thy testimonies as in all maner of rychesse For thy testimonies are my delight and my councellers The lawe of thy mouthe is derer vnto me then thousandes of golde and siluer For I loue thy commandementes aboue gold and precious stone And I am as glad of thy word as one that fyndeth great spoyles O how swete are thy wordes vnto my throte They are sweeter then honye vnto my mouth They are more to be desyred then gold yea then much fyne golde sweter also then the hony combe The woordes of the Lord are pure wordes euen as the syluer whiche frome earth is tried and purifyed seuen tymes in the fyre c. Moreouer thys worde of God is that hydde treasure in the fielde whyche whenne a manne hathe founde euen for verye ioye thereof he goeth and selleth all that he hathe and bieth the field Yea it is that precious pearle whiche when a merchant man by long sekyng hath ones found he selleth all that euer he hath and byeth it It is that swearde for byenge wherof Christe commandeth vs to sell our very cote signifieng hereby that aboue all thynges the worde of God and the knowledge therof is to be gotten as he saith in an other place Seke fyrst of all the kyngdome of God and the ryghteousnes therof And as he sayd to Martha which was busyly occupied about housholde businesses and preparynge for meate for the body her sister Mary sittyng at Christes feete hearynge his worde and doctrine Martha Martha sayd he Thou art carefull and troubled about many thynges Uerily one is nedeful Mary hath chosen the good part whiche shall not be taken away from her It is that meate which perisheth not but abydeth vnto euerlastynge lyfe Yea it is that heauenly Manna whych that princelike Prophete and moste counnyng musitian Dauid the Psalmograph calleth the bread of Angels and the wyse man termeth it not only the foode of Angels but also suche a meate as was very pleasant and of good taste It is that rock and fountayn of liuyng water wherof who soeuer drinketh shall neuer be more a thirst but the water that he shall drinke shal be in hym a well of water springyng vp into euerlastynge life It is that piller of fyre which geueth lighte to them that walke in darknes and syt in the shadow of death to guyde theyr fete into the way of peace as Dauid saithe Thy worde O Lorde is a lanterne to my feete and a lyght to my pathwaies And Salomon saith The commandement is a lanterne and the lawe a light yea it is the waye of life Likewise saith S. Peter We haue a right sure word of prophecie whervnto if ye take heede as vnto a lighte that shyneth in a darke place ye do well ▪ vntill the day dawne and the day starre aryse in your heartes To ende it is the power of God vnto saluation for so many as beleue Furthermore who is able to expresse what a ioyfull iewell precious pearle incomparable ouche and moste noble tresure the worde of God shall be founde if we in fewe wordes consider the commodities fruictes and profites that come thereof It turneth soules saieth Dauid It maketh of an vnfaithfull man a faithfull beleuer as the Apostle saieth Faith cōmeth by hearyng and hearing commeth by the word of God It maketh of an Idolater a true worshipper of God as the Psalmograph saieth The people whome I knewe not hathe serued me in the hering of the eare they haue ben obedient vnto me It maketh of a sinner a righteous person as we reade of Noha Loth Moyses Dauid Manasses Zachee Peter the thiefe Mary Magdalene c. It conuerteth synners and maketh them to be sory for theyr former wycked lyfe and to become newe creatures as God saieth by the Prophete Ieremie Loke that thou kepe not the worde backe if peraduenture they will herken and turne euery man from his wicked way Likewise said the Angell of Iohn Baptist to his father Zacharie the priest concernyng his preachyng He shall turne many of the sonnes of Israell vnto the Lorde their God And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Helias to turne the herts of the fathers to the children the vnbeleuers to the wisdome of the iust mē to make
darknes more then the lyght It is a myghty shielde and stronge defence agaynst Satan and all his infernall army as Salomon sayth The worde of God is a bucklar to such as beleue it Therfore S. Paule in a certaine Epistle where he appointeth what armour we shold put on that we may be able to stand against the assaults of the deuill and to resist the gouernours of darknes in the euyl day and to stande perfect in all thynges exhorteth vs among other weapons to put on the sworde of the spirite which saieth he is the worde of God With this spirituall sword dyd our sauiour Christ in the wyldernes fight against Sathan and mightily ouercame him by this his conflict declaring vnto vs what a noble weapon the word of God is to vanquishe and to ouercome Satan so that who soeuer putteth on this swearde and with a myghty faith falleth in hand with this olde cankred ennemy of mankind he may be sure to haue the victory For this word is that percyng stone wherewith Dauid ouerthrue and kylled that mighty great gyant Goliath that prowd Philstine and blasphemous rayler vpon God and his hoste It ouercommeth and subdueth Antichrist and all the aduersaries of Gods pure and true doctrine as S. Paul witnesseth saying That wycked that synfull man that sonne of perdition whiche is an aduersarie to Gods trueth and is exalted aboue all that is called GOD or that is worshipped so that he dothe sitte in the Temple of God bostyng himself to be God shall be disclosed vttered and broughte to lyghte whome the Lorde shall consume with the spirite of his mouth c. Agayn As Iames and Iambres withstode Moses euen so do these also resyst the truth men they are of corrupt myndes and leude as concernyng the Faith but they shall preuayle no longer For their madnes shal be vttered vnto all men euen as theirs was Of this thing God be thanked wee haue experience at this daye wherein Antichrist is reueled and all his wycked doctrine disclosed so that the very blynde begynne to see hys iugglyng And though there be whyche after the manner of Atlas susteyn vnderprop and hold vp wyth their shoulders that is to say with their writynges and preachings the kyngdom of Antichrist so much as they can with his Antichristian actes deuillish decrees croked cōstitutions trifling traditions drousie dreames idle inuentions vnwritten verities c. yet is the tyme of the iudgement of that great whore of Babylon at hande wherin she with her marked merchauntes wyth that blasphemous beast and false prophete shall bee caste into that lake that burneth with fyre and brymstone He whome Iohn sawe syttyng vpon a white horse clothed with a vesture dipte in bloode whose eies were as a flame of fyre and whose name is the worde of God and out of whose mouthe went a sharpe two edged sworde shall smyte kyll and destroy them Euery plant saieth Christ that my heauenly Father hath not planted shal be pluckt vp by the rootes Agayn The Gospell of the kyngdome shall be preached in all the world for a wytnesse vnto all nations and then shall the ende come It defendeth the louer and embracer therof frome all synne wyckednesse and lewde behauiour as the Psalmograph saith Thy wordes haue I hydde within my heart that I should not synne agaynst thee Agayne wherwithall shall a yonge man clense hys waye euen by rulyng hymselfe by thy word Ones agayne Order my steppes in thy worde and so shall no wickednes haue dominion ouer me It comforteth the troubled in his tribulation so that it suffereth not hym to faynt or to be of a desperate mynde as Dauid saythe If my delight had not bene in thy lawe I should haue perished in my trouble Agayne O thinke vpon thy seruant as concernynge the woorde wherein thou haste caused me to put my trust The same is my conforte in my trouble For thy woorde hath quickened me In an other place he also sayeth Though I walke through the valley of the shadowe of deathe I will feare no euyll for thou art with me Thy rod and thy staffe confort me It cureth and healeth all spiritual sicknesses and diseases as the wyse man sayth It is neyther herbe nor emplasture that restored them to health but thy woorde O Lorde which healeth al things Likewise saieth the Psalmograph He sent hys word and healed them they were saued frō their destruction It purifieth and clenseth the hearte of man yea the whole man as our Sauiour Christ saieth Nowe are ye cleane thorowe the worde that I haue spoken vnto you Hereto pertaineth the saying of thapostle Christe loued the congregation and gaue hymselfe for it to sanctifie it clensed it in the fountayne of water thorough the worde S. Peter also saith Ye are borne a newe not of mortall seede but of immortall by the worde of God whiche lyueth and abideth for euer It bringeth peace rest quietnes ioye and conforte to mens consciēces as the Psalmograph saith Great is the peace that they haue which loue thy law and they are not offended at it Peace peace vnto thē that are farre of to them that are nye saith the Lord and I make him whole But the wicked are lyke the ragyng sea that can not rest whose water fometh with the myre and grauell Euen so the wicked haue no peace saieth God It bringeth the holy Ghost to them y● beleue as we rede in the chronicle of the apostles acts while Peter yet spake these wordes saith the blessed historiograph S. Luke the holy gost fell on al them which heard the preaching Likewise saeith S. Paule In Christ also we beleue forasmuch as we haue herd the word of trueth euen the Gospel of your saluation wherin when ye had beleued ye were sealed with the holye Spirite c. And in his Epistle to the Galathians he saieth that they receyued the spirite by the preachyng of the Faithe It is able to make a man learned vnto saluation thorow the Faith whiche is in Christ Iesu. It teacheth al degrees how they ought to behaue thē selues euery one in theyr vocation and callyng that they may please God and woorke that whiche is acceptable before the eyes of hys diuine Maiestie It bryngeth health lyfe saluation glorification to so many as beleue accordyng to this testimonie of S. Paule I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ because it is the power of God vnto saluation to euery one the beleueth Likewise saith sainct Iames in his Epistle Lay apart all filthynes and superfluitie of maliciousnes and receaue with mekenes the worde that is graffed in you which is able to saue your soules As I may ones make an ende if an ende may be founde in an endlesse matter All scripture geuen by inspiration of god is profitable as the Apostle saieth to teache to improue to amend
to all the flocke amonge whom the holy Ghost hath made you Ouerseers to rule the congregation of God whiche he hath purchased with hys bloode For I am sure of this that after my departyng shall greuous wolues enter in among you not sparyng the flocke Moreouer of your owne selues shall men aryse speakynge peruerse thynges to drawe disciples after them Therfore awake and remember that by the space of three yeares I ceased not to warne euery one of you night and daye wyth teares S. Peter speakyng of hym selfe writeth on this maner I wyll not bee negligente to put you alwayes in remembrance of suche thynges though ye knowe them your selues and be stablyshed in the present truthe Not withstandyng I thynke it mete as longe as I am in this tabernacle to stere you vp by puttyng you in remembrance c. Thus ye see what diligence is required of you in feedynge the Lordes housholde wyth the holy worde of God This office aboue all other maye by no means be neglected For herein as I maye so speake consisteth either the saluation or damnation bothe of you and of the Lordes householde as God saythe by the Prophete O thou sonne of man I haue made thee a watcheman vnto the house of Israell that where as thou hearest any thyng out of my mouth thou mayst warn them on my behalfe If I saye vnto the wycked Thou wicked thou shalt surely dye and thou geuest hym not warning that he may beware of his vngodly way the wicked shal die in his owne sinne but his blood I will require of thy hande Neuertheles if thou warne the wicked of his way to turn frō it where as he yet will not be turned from it then shal he die because of his sinne but thou hast deliuered thy soule But if the wicked turne frō his sinnes do the thing that is laufull right then shall he surely liue not dye Yea the sinnes that he hath done shall neuer be thought vpon For in somuche as he doth now the thyng that is laufull and ryght he shall lyue If ye be tongue tyed or playe Placebo ▪ so that ye reproue not the wycked by the worde of God of theyr wickednes but suffer them to go forthe in theyr wickednes as though they were good righteous and fautlesse so bryng ye damnation bothe vpon your selues and vpon them But yf ye sharpely rebuke the wicked of theyr wyckednesse so that by this meanes they turne from theyr lewdnes and woorke that whyche is good and pleasant before the eyes of Gods maiestie so do ye that which shall bring saluation to you bothe as the Apostle sayth Take hede to thy selfe and vnto learnyng and continue therin For yf thou shalt so do thou shalt saue thy self them that heare thee Hereto agreeth the saying of S. Iames Brethren yf any of you doo erre from the truth an other conuert hym let the same know that he whiche conuerteth the synner from goyng astray out of his way shall saue a soule from deathe and shall hyde the multitude of synnes As the Lord hath committed to you the meate wherwith his housholde shoulde be fedde so is it your duetie not to withdrawe it from them but liberally to geue it vnto them as good faithfull and wyse seruantes and stewardes The distribution of the heauenly sede sayeth a certayne man is enioyned vs. Wo therfore be vnto vs if we doo not sprinkle it abrode Wo be vnto vs yf wee holde oure peace as the Apostle sayeth Wo is vnto me yf I preache not the Gospelle The verye titles and names whiche are appropriated vnto you by the holy Ghost in the sacred scriptures ought to moue you to doo youre duetie in this behalfe and by no meanes to be negligent herein Ye are called priestes elders shepheardes feders ouerseers apostles prophetes salt lyght workmen preachers labourers seruantes byshops planters waterers fathers angelles embassadours Gods labourers buylders ministers of Christ stewardes of the secretes of God schoolemasters sowers of spirituall thynges Gospell preachers ministers of the newe testament seruantes of the faithfull preachers of the attonement Christes messangers Christes seruantes Catechistes doctors or teachers Euangelistes Christes witnesses souldiours of Iesus Christ husbandmen laboures distributers of the worde of truth informers of them that resyst the truthe watchers for the health of mens soules c. If your trauayles doyngs lyfe and conuersation agree with these titles and names so are ye faithfull and wise seruantes and great is your reward in heauen But contrarywyse if ye vainly and withoute cause vsurpe these names so that ye are not the same in dede that ye are called in name and worde what other thing are ye then painted sepulchres white daubed walles whose portion is in that lake that burneth with fyre and brymstone Moreouer the salarie stipende and wages that ye receaue of your parishoners appointed for the true pastors of the Lordes flock and for the faithful ministers of Gods word ought to bee no dulle spurre vnto you to pricke you forwarde to feede the Lordes housholde The lyuynges whiche many of you enioye are neyther small nor slender but ryche and wealthy great and many They are not geuen you vnto thys ende that ye shoulde lyue of them lyke voluptuous Epicures and ydell bellygods but for thys purpose that ye beynge voyde of worldly care hauyng al necessary thynges prouided for you should the more frankely and freely geue your myndes to the study of the holy Scriptures and to the preachyng of the same to the ministration of the sacramentes to prayer to thankes geuyng and to suche other spirituall exercyses Our sauiour Christ sayeth The workeman is woorthy of his meate Hee saieth not The loyteryng lurden is worthye of his meate If any man be in the mynisterie and will liue of that he muste labour fyrst and afterwarde eate If he labour not so ought he not to eate accordyng to this rule of S. Paule He that laboureth not ought not to eate And his laboure is not to hunte and hauke to kepe great horses to fede many dogges and a sorte of ydell lasye lubbers to lye lurkyng in the court in Byshoppes and noble mens houses in the vniuersities c. but as I sayd to geue meate to the Lordes housholde to preache the Gospell to mynister the sacramentes to pray vnto God for the people to thank God for his benefites to watch day and nyght aboute the health of the Lordes flocke c. The Apostle sayeth that hee whyche soweth spirituall thynges ought to reape temporall thynges If ye therfore wyll reape temporall thynges ye muste fyrst of all sowe spirituall thynges If ye doo not sow so oughte ye not to mowe If ye doo mowe where ye dyd not sowe so are ye not pastors but raptors no shepheardes but hyrelynges noo flockelouers but flockelubbers yea very playne theues as CHRIST saieth A thefe commeth not but
man that of God mannes nature might be made one person The diuell can not ioyne him self so nighe to mā But God is made man and yet he remayneth a man And by this meanes he set him self more depely in mannes fleshe than the dyuell can which may enter into mannes body and vexe it but he can not be made man that the diuell and man might become one person Betwene these two natures is ther alway remayning a difference of persones not only in substance but also in person But in CHRIST that is borne these things be one For the sōne of God is made one flesh and one bloud borne of the virgyn Mary after the course of nature as all be excepte that he was not conceaued of mā but of the holy Ghost and hath escaped the fylthy mark of the dyuell and was borne with very pure flesh and bloud wheras oures is full of synne In all other things he is lyke vs which was subiecte to all naturall actions in all poyntes as other men As sayth Paule He was found in behauiour as a man so that all that sawe hym or heard hym dyd affirme that he muste nedes be a true and naturall man not any phantasme or appearing only for he had all the properties that belonge to this lyfe And this is the ioy as touching the which speaketh the Angel I speake only of the glorie not of the fruite For therof is it wont to be declared in the history of the passion and resurrection Now do we speake only of the glory that GOD is so nighe ioyned vnto vs that he is of my flesh bloud and soule very man as we be With this so great and meruailous glory hath he begon this matter and aduaūced mankind therby to high renoume And the Angell setteth this forth vnto men and sayth I shew you great ioy which shall be to the whole people The word sheweth that his mynde was rauished with some great ioy He telleth it boldly to the shepheards He wold that all men with hym shold know of this great honour wherby mannes nature is come to such dignitie that GOD whiche made all things is become oure flesh and bloud And if we wold ponder this well although we had no other profite therby yet wolde it make together amongest vs a great flame of charitie and loue I speake not yet as I said before of the profyt vse but only of the glory therof If we were moued earnestly therwith yt wold suffer no malice to remayne amongest vs. The reason is Who is there that wold hate this kinde or hurt it which is euen as oure God in body and sowle shall we not for this glories sake wher with God hath garnished vs loue all men do the best that we can for all men The Angels are more excellent creatures then we men are But this glory is not geuen them God was not made an Angell neither an Angell was made God Furthermore the Angels are innocent and holy which condicion was more agreable with Gods maiestye But it semeth otherwyse to him he choseth the viler creature which was subiect to syn which is hold captiue vnder the kyngdom of the diuell and the tyrannye of death Whom the dyuel vexeth and troubleth extremely He could not humble him self any lower But should not we be stirred hereby to loue and charitie to esteme one an other and not to neglecte but to proue mastries who can do other moste good Certayn of the fathers and amongest them as it now cometh to mynde Bernarde thought that the diuell whan he was in heauen did se before that the sonne of God should become man and for that cause enuied at man and began to hate God because he had not chosen rather to become an Angell than a man and that for this enuie and pride he was caste out of heauen Whether this were fayned or done in dede yet wold the holy fathers signifie hereby howe great is oure renoume in that that God became man and tooke the very same mannes nature which belongeth to vs all whiche haue ben in the dyuels daunger and captiue to synne and death In what wretched case then are they whiche are ignorante of this renoume But yet are they much more wretched which when the Angels or Apostles shew such things that God hath visited mans nature and tooke it on him and made it Lord ouer al creatures yet do not reioyce O how wretched are they that are not moued with this tidings If one amongest many bretherne should come to be a kīg how wold al the other reioyce how bolde would they waxe As Iosephs bretherne may be an example of this And this is a naturall zeale But how chāceth it that we reioyce not in such a great matter that we are not moued neither do geue thanks to GOD that oure God hath taken oure flesh and bloud and now sitteth at the right hand of God Lord ouer all creatures He therfore that wold esteme this as it is in dede wold loue all flesh and bloud in the worlde for this flesh and blouds sake and wold hate no mā The only gloriouse sight and contemplation of the humanitie of Christ oure God wold so chere vs replenishe vs with ioy that we should neuer be angry with any man Yea and he that beholdeth this image continually that the sonne of God is made man wold not loke for any wrathful displeasure frō Christe but hope for all goodnes at his hand For no man is angry with him self or hurteth him self Now is Christ one of vs and a man How could he hate him self that is to say vs which are his flesh bloud And if this sight were well printed in vs it wold sone put away all exāples of Gods wrathe out of oure myndes as is Noes floud the punishement of Sodom and Gomor All that wold vanishe away at such a contemplatiō if I wold muse of this only man which is God hath estemed mannes nature so greatly that he became man But be these things neuer so inestimable yet some mē are so mad that they care not they caste away this treasure and set their mynd on other things to heape vp riches to purchase get whereto mens myndes are wont wholy to be stirred And this is the cause that we fele no ioy rise in vs at the tydinges of the Angell Wherfore this thing may wel make vs ioyful and proude that we are preferred before all creatures in this renoume yea before Angels and may boaste and say My flesh my bloud sitteth on the right hand of God and hath the rule of all No Angell or creature hath suche renoume but my flesh and my bloud This fier ought to melt as it were in one all mens hartes and to inflame men with suche mutuall loue that we should embrace one an other with al oure hartes But this is the continuall working of the diuell to make vs forget
at home that that we lerned in the Churche This enemy doth corrupte oure ioy with other cares so that we neuer regarde this sight as we ought If we had nothyng els but this renoume therof yet wer it a thynge worthy to be reioyced at But now besydes this glorie this great ouerplus ther is also that this man is IESVS a sauiour And this in dede is the true cause of this ioy that the Angell sheweth And here I say agayn that they are in a miserable case which do neither heare nor know these thyngs but they are much more miserable that here and know yet regard it not For these words wold melte heauē and earth and make vs not to care for death For who is it that can thynke this sufficiently that a sauiour is borne for vs This treasure doth not the Angel shew to the mother Mary the virgin but to you saith he to you is this sauiour borne which is CHRIST the Lord. He speaketh with the shepheardes whiche were Iewes and were well acquainted with this word knowing that Christ dyd signify a kynge and Lord. But a great parte of the people were deceaued in that they thought he should be a corporal king But it was not so For the Angell hath a higher respect and saith almoste this hytherto haue ye ben captiue vnder the dyuell which hath persecuted you with water fier and moreyn And who can comprise al his myschefe Under his moste cruel tyranny are yow misers He seduceth your myndes with errours which hurte the sowle a thousand tymes more than any moreyn can hurt the body To yow I say to yow whiche with body and sowle are vnder this slanderous and hurtfull spirite to yow is borne a sauiour For with whom doth he speake Not with the stones brute beastes but with you men and not with one or two buth with the whole people Why dare we than be so bold as to reproue the voyce of this Angell when we take Peter and Paul for oure sauiour But do we flee from hym because we be sinners For if thou say this I haue nothing to do with hym then will I demand of thee whose he shal be Was he borne for the beastes For thou muste haue respecte to this who he is for if he wold haue ben the sauiour of anye other creature he wold haue taken on hym the forme shape of that creature But he is become the sonne of man Who art thou who am I are we not men yes truely To whō than doth this chyld belong more then to men The Aungels haue no nede of him the dyuels despise him But we haue nede of hym for vs is he made man Wherfore we must count hym ours that we may loke surely for helpe of him As the Angell sayth He is borne for you And aboue This ioy shall be great to all people But is not this an honorable thyng that an Angell from heauen bryngeth this tydings to men and after that so many Angells come with gratulations and melodious verses that we men should reioyce and receaue so great grace with thākes geuing Wherfore this saying is vncōparable that we heare that to vs is borne a Sauiour For what other thyng doth he say than this this byrth is not belonging to me I can requier no part therof I reioyse for your sake But it is yours that are that are myserable corrupte and damnable men He is the sauiour of suche Wherfore embrace him for you haue nede of such a sauiour that thynk how ye might escape the dungeon of syn death The glory wherof I spake before in that that God is made man is very great but this passeth it farre for that that he is a sauiour in things that be eternall and spirituall He that knew this and beleued it and had the fruition of a whole ioy wold peraduēture die for ioy But as longe as we are in this lyfe we shall neuer receaue and know this ioye For this lyfe is narow and straight and we are weake For if it were possible that mannes mynde could truely esteme it it wold not be able to hold it self for ioye But for as much as this can not wholly be performed let vs yet at least learne so muche hereby that we may shewe mutuall loue and cease from slaundering deceauing and other vices by this maruelous example that God is made mā But here is perceaued a great infirmitie this ioy can not perce so farre as it shold we forgett both the words of the Angel also this sauiour geue our self to customable vices to couetousnes such like And this is a tokē that we beleue this word veri litle For if we dyd beleue it in dede there wold be excedīg great ioy inwardly in vs because this sauiour is geuē to vs. In time of syckenes plague a mā wold haue a good hope if he knew some remedie And this hope should be open sensible But here wheras we haue put before vs a sure remedy against sin death no man is made chereful therby Wherfor we testifie of our self that we heare this good tidings as mē that be a slepe herby we declare our great frowardnes that wheras we haue this great treasure before vs yet we are nothing moued by it He therfore that cā not regard this great thing doth worthely bewayle his owne miserie For what thing might make the minde ioyfull if that so great vertue of the angels tidings that a sauiour is borne cā not do it He that is not the better by these words neither applieth him self to godlines herby he that is nothing affectioned at these moste cōfortable effectuous sayīgs the mā cā not be amended with grace but muste nedes be tamed with euil crueltie And this is a sure tokē that al such are dāned cursed But if so be that he haue any grace at all let him make his hūble petitiō to God for the holy Gost to bring into his hart an other vnderstāding sence And wher as the angel saith that a sauiour is borne in the citie of Dauid calleth hym the Lord Christ that he doth to make vs haue respect vnto the scriptures For so was it prophesied of before by Micheas that Bethleem shold be the place of his natiuitie And wheras he calleth him Lord it is not to be taken for such a lordshippe as masters hath ouer their bondmen But as God saith to Adā that he oure Lord wil defend vs resiste the diuell do the office of such a lord that he maye challenge vs to his kingdō withdraw vs frō the diuels power seing that al the power of the diuel falleth hereby when Christ doth take vs as his owne not only because he made vs but because he redemed vs also with his body Wherfore he contendeth with al his might to haue that that is his So that Christ after
this sort may be taken for a Lord with a right to challenge reclayme for our saluatiō because he disturbeth the false vsurped power of the diuell to recouer his owne from him and commeth before his enemies face and indighteth him openly of robbery in that that this cursed spirit hath takē so much vpon him that he hath caste vs misers headlong in to synne and death and in that he hath vsed crafte and gile in entycinge away his couenant seruantes which belonged nothing vnto him for that that he is the true Lord and not the dyuell which vsurpeth power ouer them by violence And for as much as the Angell geueth hym such a great title and calleth hym Lord it is a sure token that this child the sonne of Mary is verily by nature eternall GOD. If it wer otherwyse he wold neuer haue called him Lord. Our Sauiour him self and not an Angell as the Angell sayth with expresse words for yow is borne a sauiour And he is not only oure Lord but Lord also of the angels which as touching this Lord be all of one familie with vs. They are counted vnder one Lord with vs that we men that were the thralls and slaues of the dyuell might be aduaunced by this child to so great renoume that we be receaued with the holy Angells as it were into one citie which are now ioynte felowes with vs so that we may well boste that in this childe we are come to the moste familiar felowshippe of the Angells and may be as bold homely with them as we wold be with oure houshold felowes The Angels might well behaue them selues stately with vs because they passe vs in worthines firste for their nature and substance and also because they are without synne but they are not disdainfull of oure felowshippe neither despise vs for oure misery But it greueth them to see vs vexed with death synne calamytie And this is the cause that they are so gladde of oure saluation that cometh to vs by this chylde They are as glad to see oure saluation as their owne therfore they reioyce that we this day haue gotten that child which is their Lord bryngeth vs to the same degree so that now we are become their felowes and the members of his body They despise vs not they say not Away with these synners that are stinkinge rotton dead carcases in their graues with adulterers wicked doers They are not proude but glad with all their hart that suche synners are come into their felowshippe They geue thāks to God that we are deliuered from synne that we come to dwell with them in one house vnder one Lord. And for this grace they glorifie God although they haue no profyt therby Howe much rather were it oure deutie to geue God thanks to loue one an other as the sonne of God loued vs whiche is made oure flesh and moste nighly ioyned vnto vs He that regardeth not this and loueth not his neighboure can not be saued This is the fyrst sermon that was made after the byrth of Christ as touchīg this childe which endureth after that for euer to the ende of the worlde Wherfore euery man ought diligētly to haue his mynd theron For hereby is this mistery opened how the angels are become oure frends and brought vs ioyful tydings commanding vs to put asyde al feare for as much as this child is borne for vs which is oure sauiour This is an hygh true most excellent confort in the which the mercy of GOD may be perceaued and felte very sensibly and conueniētly that God for oure sake hath humbled him self so lowe that he gaue vs his sonne after a moste boūteouse sorte by a maydē He layeth him in her lappe and sendeth vs word and tydings that he is oure sauiour Let vs seke helpe of him in oure nede let vs trust surely to hym for succoure that all wrothe betwene God and vs may after this depart for euer that we may vse all kynd of humanitie gentlenes one to an other And now iudge here thy self whether God is to be blamed of vnrighteousnes sith that suche thyngs are declared vnto men and they regard it not but despise their owne saluation euen as the mad Papistes do that thynke that this sauiour is not sufficiēt setting vp other besydes to whome they may truste But the sermon of the Angell is not obscure as touchyng this only chyld to be oure sauiour that he as the very grounde of oure saluation may confort vs and replenishe oure hartes with ioy And this man only is he that tourneth bothe the Angell and also Gods eyes on hym self He putteth not only this treasure in the mothers bosome but also he geueth hym vnto vs as oure owne and all that belongeth vnto hym both in heauen and in earth He that heareth this and is not moued therwith is worthye to be caste into hell with lyghtninge Wherfore let vs geue God thanks for his grace pray instantly vnto hym that he will printe this sermon of the Angell in oure hartes that we may conceaue true hope of this sauiour and that by hym we may ouercome death and the dyuel The which to obtayne oure Lord and sauiour Iesus CHRIST graunt vs. Amen The thyrde sermon of the songe of the Angels HItherto haue we spokē as touching the feast And first of the history how the sonne of God being made man was borne into this wretched worlde miserably of the virgyn Mary We ought neuer to forgett this leaste we be founde vnkynde to God for so great a benefit that he hath bestowed on vs by this byrth of his sonne After the hystory we entreated of the godly sermō of the Angels wherby this natiuitie is declared vnto shepheards with a great brightnes which shyned round about the shepheards Whiche thing was vnwonte that God letting passe the great potentates of Ierusalem sendeth this his magnificent legacy of so many thousand Angels to the miserable shepheards watching in the nighte And the Angels geueth hym suche honour as Christ geueth to vs al. They submit them selues to this lowely seruice neither do they disdaine at oure vilenes in shewing vnto vs moste miserable beggers this plaine sermō which is yet extant shal be of a surety in the congregatiō vnto the worldes ende Who may not marueill at these moste hūble modeste spirits in whome is no pride or statelynes at al Whose exāples it might become them to folowe that wold be counted moste holy mightie princes not to be puffed vp for their vertue wisdō power such other things For if these giftes had bē geuē to y● mainte●āce of our pride then mighte the Angels had iust cause to disdayne these poore beggerly shepheards But this is not the maner of angels The shepheards cā not be so abiect vyle ꝑsons neither the Angels so fortunat noble mighty but that they are greatly delighted in
lawe she fell downe hedlonge and was caste into suche disobedience that all we vnto this time suffer the blame and penaltie therof Wherefore lette this be a lawe for the congregation When GOD geueth a commandement thynke it to be thy duetie to honour it with all submission and make no further searche Yf he commande obey if he speake be attent and disalowe nothyng that he doth For out of this most certain principle doth God diriue and set all the other of his doinges that all men are fooles lyers and euyll and of so greate madnes that they neuer oughte nor maye be able to vnderstande his worde and his workynge As Ieremie sayth leud and vnsearcheable is the hearte of man Seinge therfore oure leudnes and vice is so great we shoulde of our owne accorde correct oure iudgement and thynke this as to uchynge Gods workes and commandementes If this seme contrarie to my reason trulye it is for no other cause than that I haue suche a corrupt vnderstandynge and dul knowledge And nothynge hindreth me in iudgyng gods wisedō but myn owne natural folishnes Wherfore Circumcision is an example of fayth and of singuler obedience Wheras Abraham his seruātes were nothing offended with this commandement but obeied it without reasoning thought not thus that Circumcision is a folish thing for them that are aged This is peraduenture Gods meanynge what if he thought otherwise that the sin of the flesh shold be restrained as a man wold so cut of this is doubtles the true circūcision why shold God cōmand such a thing that is contrarie to reason that the body should be circumcised for what entent is that done But these men thought not so but were obedient to the commandement and this persuaded them selues Syth God doth requier that seme this neuer so much against reason yet shall I be saued because I obey his precepte Wherfore this is an example of stedfast faith wherwith Abraham and his seruantes were endued And it is put forth to vs that we should folow them and not geue oure selues to oure owne wisdom and reason to be deceaued And this haue we spoken as touching the circumcision of the Iewes whiche hath no longer power then the law it selfe that is vnto the comminge of CHRIST as it is signified in that y● childern were circumcised vpon the eight day For this order was in the law after six days is the Sabboth and that day that foloweth the Sabboth is the eight day euen the beginning of the weke folowing For Christ by circumcisiō began to fulfil the sayings that were prophecied of hym euen to be a sauiour and a light to lighten the Gētiles which should haue his kyngdome not only limited by the borders of the Iewes but should by his Gospel extend his kingdom throughout all the world And herof is that now the begynning Wherfore as I said before we must put a great distance and difference betwene the circumcision of the Iewes and of Christ. For the persons are vnlyke although the thing that they do is not vnlyke Circumcision was geuen to them whiche were synners and condemned to euerlasting death But Christ is without synne and the Lord of the law vpon whome the law hath no stroke for y● law is only against synners but he is no synner But for as much as he is circumcised after the law as other chyldern that are synners the law is ouerseen and doth hym wronge And for this cause is the law compelled to make him a recompence and therfore his power is disanulled and abrogate If it had pleased Christ he might abolished and abrogated the law by power For he is the Lord ouer the law with whom the law haue naught to do for because he is without synne But he wold do nothing presumptuously after rigour but order hym self humbly after the equall triall of the law And all this is done for oure sake that we might take confort therof in oure doyngs For in his owne behalf CHRIST had no nede to obey his mother or to be crucified But he doth it for oure sakes For we had nede of such a man that was without synne and that should fulfill the law for vs and so turne away the wrathe of GOD. For this cause was he made subiecte vnto the law and afterward geueth vs that victorie whiche he had of the law that we might so be helped by hym that the law should haue no more power ouer vs than it had ouer hym least it should accuse and condemne vs. For he that embraceth CHRIST with a true faith obtayneth by hym deliuerance from the law and damnation therof Wherfore remember well this difference for all the matter restethe therein Abraham is subiecte to the lawe and to circumcision because he is a synner and the lawe hath power on hym for synne But Christ is no synner and therfore he is not constrayned vnder the law yet doth he submit hymself to the law that all that receaue hym by faith may be free from the curse of the lawe Wherfore this history of Christs circumcision geueth no smalle conforte in the remembrance wherof thankes are worthely geuen to God that although we are in daunger of the lawe by syn yet this is not to the perill of oure saluation but by Christ we haue deliuerance from the curse of the law whiche for oure sakes suffered the curse of the law and made hymself subiecte to the lawe And that it was necessarye on this wyse that we should be delyuered from the lawe it is the saying of Paule to the Romains where he sayth Circumcision preuayleth nothyng but the keping of GODS commandements It is a confident kynde of speache For it is as much as to say No man circumcised and fulfilled the law of God or kepte the law of GOD. What other thing is this than that the circumcised are not circumcised For Gods commandement is euer ioyned with this prescripte Thou shalt loue the Lorde thy God with all thy heart with all thy sowle with all thy mynde Now let one be brought forth of al the men that be that may boste that he hath done or can do this The law commandeth Thou shalt not desyer Shew me one that can boste that he hath done it or can do it To be shorte chose out whatsoeuer commandement thou wilt amongest them all thou causte not denye but that thou haste not kepte it at all tymes But what sentence is geuen agaynst them that kepe it not Ueryly no other than is pronounced of Paule Cursed are all that are vnder the lawe for they can not do it For if we coulde do it ▪ there were no perill But sith we can not do it this is certayn and sure that the law accuseth vs killeth and deliuereth vs to the dyuell and condemneth to hell Wherfore we haue nede of a more highe and profound doctrine whiche may do more to vs than the lawe which doth
confort In the whiche this doctryne is set foorth That if we desyer the way that leade vs to God it may not be obtayned by the lawe whiche commandeth Thou shalt loue thy Lord thy GOD with all thy heart and thy neighbour as thy selfe For we do neuer so nor can not do if we wold But this is oure only safegard to the whiche we make oure refuge euen CHRIST Iesus the sonne of God and oure Lorde He hath satisfied the will of God and made hym self subiecte as a synner to the lawe for if it had not bene for that he should neuer haue bene circumcised as other chyldern be vpon the eight day This was done for all mennes synnes that all men may haue trust in hym For it was no nede for hym selfe Wherfore this pertayneth vnto vs and we doo well put oure truste in hym that we may be saued for his righteousnes and holynes And that I may briefly in one word note this matter we must only sticke to the righteousnes and iustification of Christ before God This is a moste certayne and aproued way and it hath moste suer ayde and succoure against synne and death The whiche thing God graunt vs through oure Lord Iesus CHRIST Amen The second Sermon of the name Iesu out of the Gospell of Luke ij ANd when the viii daye was come that the chylde shoulde be circumcysed his name was called Iesus which was named of the Angell before he was conceaued in the wombe THE EXPOSITION WE haue spoken of one part of this Gospel that is of circumcision In the whiche CHRIST wold signifie vnto vs that he became subiecte to the law for oure sake that we might be free frō the curse of the law Now foloweth the other parte as concerning the name IESV Wherof the Euangelist maketh diligent rehersall as thoughe it were a great cause why this name ought not to be vnknowen of men and specially bycause it is of no mans inuention but brought from heauen and shewed by the Angell before the child was conceaued in the wombe Which thing is a token that the name is suche as is alowed of God If we expound this name in English it is as much to say as a Sauiour But why this name was geuen to Christ Gabriel the Angell declareth wheras he speaketh to Ioseph And thou shalt cal his name Iesus for he shall saue his people from their synnes This name is moste worthie to be remembred and moste worthie to be regarded for oure owne behofe for that the chylde Iesu is called a sauiour which can saue vs from the greatest euill that is from syn and from no smalle myseries and calamities that befall vnto vs in this lyfe And where as corne feldes are destroyed by enemies and the graynes corrupted by tempestes and mennes bodyes vexed with diuers diseases and infirmities against all this hath God prouided help by other things as by the Princes and Kynges he defendeth frō robberies by the parents he prouideth for the liuelode of them that be in a familie by physitions he healeth diseases But as these things are not the greatest so are not these men the cheif sauiours in comparison and respecte of this sauiour that saueth from synne Wherfore he that regardeth this chylde earnestly hath a very Iesus and sauiour from all myseries Let him not require that saluation of him that belongeth to this present life which God hath cōmitted to other as I said before but that that is against death synne For when syn is takē away death also muste nedes be taken away Wherfore first consyder this thing wel with thy self whether thou maist hope for greater saluation from this sauiour or from them that are the mightiest in the worlde If thou hast no feling of the euerlasting lyfe to come thou shalt haue no nede of this Iesus God hath appointed the safegard of thy bodyly helth to officers parents physitions c. But if thou beleue that there is an other lyfe after this thou shalt haue nede of this sauiour For there is no helpe in other to euerlasting lyfe Whiche thing neuerthelesse is not so straightly to be taken For if the powers and parents cease from succourring and helping so that there is no ayde or goodnes in them we must looke for the easement of these presente euyls from Christ also Howbeit this is not his chyef and propre office Wherfore the doctryne of the Gospell is not referred especially to this corporall lyfe But this is his propre office and there will he declare this his name where as deliuerāce from syn death from the kyngdom of the dyuell is in hand To this also is he necessarie For if it were not for synne and death there should be no nede of this Sauiour The belly goddes haue no profite by this sauiour for of what things he is the sauiour those things do not they regarde And herof it appeareth how great the contempte of these Epicures is whiche thynk that there is neither God nor lyfe euerlasting But he that beleueth this that there is a God muste nedes collecte gather that al things are not ended by this lyfe but that ther remayneth an other lyfe that is euerlasting For this we proue by experience that God regardeth not muche this present lyfe sith the wicked hath such libertie and prospereth so wel He promiseth vs an other lyfe and that he may seme to haue great respecte to this lyfe this chylde Iesus is set foorth to be a sauiour for vs. And when he geueth vs this saluation no other thynge is greatly to be required of hym although other things in this lyfe go not as we wold and although we perceaue no great signes of Gods helpe in oure matters For his saluation is euerlasting saluation Let this be sufficient for vs be the difficulties and encombrances of this lyfe neuer so great We see that the Pope Cardinals Bishops and all that persecute the word do lyue in great securitie and that they are vnshamfastly bent agaynst the word and all Christians God seeth this and suffereth it and maketh as though he saw it not in so muche that he may seme to haue shewed more care for the Gentiles than for his people But if thou be a Christian let not this moue thee For euen for this very cause that God hath promised vs sure saluation to euerlasting lyfe he suffereth vs in this lyfe to wander as men destitute and without the helpe of God that we may know this by fayth that the chylde Iesus is such a Sauiour whiche neuerthelesse saueth vs although in all things besyde there can be no help gotten that is when syn shall either accuse vs or hath now alredy condemned vs to eternall death Excepte this tyme it appeareth that we haue no nede of this sauiour neither do we much regard him For he that is in helth hath plentie of goodes hath no nede of Christ for
to hell This is the imperie of this chylde and for this condition and state doth the fruite redound vnto his people He wyll geue no bodyly saluation but as farre as the soules helth and his glorie requireth for he is poore and nedy Wherfore let no man come to the kyngdom of Christ to the entent that he may enlarge his goods and encrease his substance Ye may loke for this of the Pope and of men of that sorte He aduanceth his creatures to imperie he getteth them riches parteth amōg them all Prouinces as Daniell prophecied But the princely power of this childe is to be felte only in this that thy synnes may be forgyuen that he maye iustifye and saue thee that he may geue his holye spirite and transpose thee out of the kyngdome of the worlde and of death into the kyngdome of God And to this now is Faith requisite and as I sayd before that thou kepe sure the worde of God For he that letteth passe Gods woorde and foloweth his owne thoughtes shall lose Christ neither shall he knowe hym for a king but for a Iudge he shall be in hatred and feare as the dyuell is For they are wont to feare hym also when they feele them selues gyltie for their synne least he shoulde take them to be punyshed wheras Christ in the meane season confesseth hym selfe to be the lord and prince of his people to delyuer theim from synne and to transpose them into the kyngdom of grace For his people are no other but myserable synners which tremble at the felyng of theyr synne and are afrayde and would fayne be in Gods fauour So that herby may the playn description of the Prophet be perceyued Fyrst that he shal be no bodyly prince nor yet exercise spirituall punyshementes agaynst wyckednes but to geue saluation to all men that beleue in hym agaynst synne the deuyll death and hell For of suche a prince there is sure hope of Saluation And thus farre doo the Scribes recite the saying of the Prophete and no farther They feare peraduēture lest this be to muche For they perceaue well that this is Herodes entent to seeke some way howe to slea and to take this kyng of the Iewes out of the way Wherfore they reherse not the whole sentence before Herode and they do almost professe by worde that at this time they acknowledge no other kyng of the Iewes besyde Herode And yet is it in the Prophete that a Prince of the Iewes shoulde come and shoulde procede oute of Bethleem Therfore they leaue this vnperfect neither dare they to pronounce any farther But the Prophete although he was not lyuyng at that tyme yet dothe he procede and describe what maner of captayn or kynge this should be whiche belongeth also to his persone in these wordes Et egressus eius ab initio a diebus aeterni tatis And his out going hath ben from the beginning and from euerlastyng This dyd not the Scribes reherse to Herode no neither they them selues dyd vnderstand it For ther is more obscuritie therin than was in the words before And that his byrth should be in Bethleem and he him selfe be a captaine ouer all Israell it is not obscurelye spoken and there is a sure signe that he shal be a man But wheras the Prophet sayth furthermore His procedyng is from the begynnyng and from the dayes of eternitie It signifieth that he is the eternal and euerlastyng God whiche had not his beginnyng in Bethleem Of a trouth he was born in Bethleem and this is one maner of procedyng But there is an other also beside this Which is sayd to be from the beginnnyng and from the days of eternitie The wordes of the prophete are not to be changed Fyrst he sayth Out of the shall procede Here do the priestes and scribes testify that to procede to be borne signifieth all one Wherfore the same word afterward must nedes signifie the same thyng when he saith Whose procedyng is from the old dayes and from eternitie that is before that tyme that dais and houres were Wherefore if thou wilte know frō whēce this child is borne mark this prophecie He is born saith he frō Bethleē But what more hath he no other birthe then this the prophet saith furthermore yes he was rather borne before al creatures heauen earth the sonne and moone But that may be determined by no wordes and it is nothyng els then that he was borne without begynnyng eternally before there was any tyme or dais This did neither Herode neither the Iewes vnderstand neither wer they worthy to vnderstand it And this is the prince king which was born at Bethleem a very man which neuerthelesse hath this name also Procedyng from the old dayes which proceded and was born before the world that is which is a true and eternal god and also a true a naturall man And this is the cause of so great stir rynges motions in the worlde For it can not vnderstand this to be procedyngs and birthes without discention that this child also should haue his procedyng before there was sonne or moone The Iewes could not abyde this and afterward there sprang vp many heresies whiche spake agaynst it But this matter is left to be consydered of the which hast gods word put foorth vnto the. Out of whome then was he borne if he was borne before the world Uerily of no other but of God only This must reason nedes confesse if it beleue that God made heauen and earth For what other thyng could be before heauen and earth than God If this childe then proceded was borne before heauen and erth was made it must nedes folow that he was borne of God and is very God For besydes God and his creatures was there nothyng And this is surely a sentence which conteyneth the ground foundation of all things For if Christ were onely a pure man death wold haue confounded hym with all other mortall men For in that that he was born of a virgin it hath not so great strength against death But this is a greatter miracle where as God made Eue of a ribbe thā in that that a virgin brought forth a chyld For a virgin is of that sexe and kynd whiche is borne to bryng foorth children Wherfore that thing coulde not represse the dyuell nor deathe because he was borne of the Uirgin Marye But all the healpe consysteth herein that the virgin Mary is not onely great wyth chylde but also with suche a chyld which was borne before the worlde Wherefore the dyuell deathe and all the kyngdom of the dyuell is ouercom in that they proue maistrie with suche a manne whiche hadde hys procedynge or begynnynge beefore the worlde If it were not for this and if he had his procedynge out of Bethleem only he coulde haue the vpper hande ouer death no more than we all he should be in danger therof aswel as his
God vntyll at laste they yealde them selfe wholly into the kyngdom of the deuill And so shall they haue at the last a worthy reward of their foly and madnes neyther is there any other ways for them Withoute these troubles and miseries there can bee no man lyuynge although the Gospell be away There are always mutuall wronges hatreds battailes c. The imperie of Rome which neuertheles was most mightiest in power coulde not be without calamities diuers cōmotions yea before they hadde the Gospell Wherfore it ought not to be imputed to the Gospell in that they wer plagued after the receiuyng of the Gospel All the faut therof lyeth in the deuyll and in our vnkyndnes The dyuell can not abyde the Gospelle he woulde haue it wholly destroyed and for that cause he stirreth vp so great tempestes at the commyng therof and by howe muche the clerer the lyght of the Gospell goeth abrode so muche the more cruell and greuous is the deuyll agaynst it But God is moste offended with oure vnkyndnes for that that we regarde not suche a greate treasure and wyll not suffer oure selues to bee helped in a matter that bryngeth death He punisheth the vnkynde as it is mete with all calamities and plagues that men may perceaue that there is no helpe in idols against these euyls And this is the first part of the thre matters whereof wee purposed to entreate If thou lykest the state of Christianitie refuse not to abide tempests But if thou doo not thou shalte not be violently handled therfore but thou shalt perceaue what thou haste doone when thou muste suffer the agonie of deathe The seconde part is as concernyng Faith which in temptations agonies fleeth to Christ and awaketh hym This also is worthy to be printed in mynde For our aduersaries the Papistes doo all that they can to deface faith But they greatly extoll fre will But they should wyshe for this that they might be receyued into this shyppe that they myght at the lest proue what power and strengthe free will hath in temptation and daunger The apostles fele how the matter goeth For although their faith was very smalle yet if this smalle faith had not ben they would haue despaired through their free wyll and sunke downe with desperation but when there is but a lyttell fayth as Christ witnesseth sayinge O you of lytle faithe they are helped so that they doo not vtterly perishe They flee to Christ they wake hym they call to hym for helpe If a small and lytle fayth can doo so muche what can a greate and stronge fayth doo As of late the examples of the leapre and Centurion declared Wherfore freewylle when his vertue and strengthe was moste requisite was nothyng at all It vanysheth away and can not stande styffe Then man feleth no other wayes to escape peryll but by wepyng and cryinge and wysheth hymselfe afarre of That is to saye freewyll can geue no comforte in peryll but casteth vs into desperation by a lytle more and more so that at the last they tremble at the sounde of a leafe blowen by the wynde But Faith although it be litle and weake yet standeth and striueth against desperation As it is perceyued in this place by the Disciples For the waues fell so vehemently that they couered the shyppe who would not be afrayde in suche a doubtfull danger and peryll But Faithe although it be but lytle yet it standeth sure as a rocke of the sea and as lytle Dauyd holdeth vp hym selfe agaynst great Goliad comyng towarde hym that is agaynst deathe synne and all daunger It despaireth not but seketh helpe there as it should that is of CHRIST It styrreth hym out of slepe it cryeth Lorde saue vs wee peryshe So is Faithe wonte to doo Althoughe destruction and myschiefe hangeth ouer vs yet it looketh and prayeth for helpe As sayth the Psalme I beleued and therfore I haue spoken and prayde For no man can praye excepte he beleue And free wyll can not doo it For it onely beholdeth the peryll and daunger but it consyderethe not the persone of whome he must aske helpe in suche a tyme. Neyther can a man be defended against synne and deathe by any thyng that belongeth to free wyll But faythe be it neuer so lytle yet dothe it apprehend Christe and obteyneth helthe And if this faythe were strong and sure as was the fayth of Ionas the Prophete whiche endured in the whales bealy thre days they myght haue sayde to the sea and whaues We no thynge feare you neyther all your ragyng and vnrulynesse we shall haue a quiete hauen agaynste youre wronges in the myddest of youre surges for to escape all perylle This is therfore true Faith which hath not respect onely to thynges presente as hath freewyll and therfore it feareth and dispaireth but it considereth the promyse whyche is not yet presently perfourmed and in the myddest of mischiefe hopeth for saluation Wherfore although he be in the middest of the wide chaws of deathe yet he casteth not of hope of saluation but trusteth constantely that he shall come to lande As it appeareth in this place in the small faithe of the disciples Wherfore faith is a thing of no common small efficacitie neither is it without strength but it is the power of God which cōmeth not by fre will but by the word through working of the holy ghost Our aduersaries the papists know not this for if they knew it they wold not set thēselues so stoutly against this sentēce wherin we say that only faith iustifieth saueth that is only faith bringeth comfort when synne death hell and damnation falleth on vs sheweth all their poison against vs. wherfore they ar only fierce and stout when the sea is calme the wether fayre But when a dark cloude stādeth ouer the hed that maketh it to seme night and winter when the water waxeth darke There dothe their heartes fall into their heles and desperation ensueth forthwith For they haue no faythe but freewyll whiche is voyde and without helpe because it forgetteth the worde of God and fyndeth no where any place of refuge And this a very dangerous thyng that Christ sleapeth when they are in peryll of death and lyfe Which thyng perchance came hereby for that he was wearye of teachyng in the day and praying and fightynge against temptations in the nyght For this doo I surely thinke that he was muche vexed in the night season of the diuell whiche tempted hym As he complaineth in the .88 Psalme I am poore and in greate trauaile from my youth I haue dronk of thy wrath and was troubled And this was the cause that he was counted of the people a melancholike person which shewed mery countenance but seldom but went musyng and hangyng downe his heade shewyng outwardlye no pryde or stoute stomacke And although this slepe had a trewe cause yet it behoued that
labourers and geue them their hyre beginning at the laste vntil the firste And when they dyd come that came about the eleuenth houre they receyued euery man a penye But whē the fyrste came also they supposed that they sholde haue receiued more and they lykewyse receyued euery man a peny And when they had receyued it they murmured against the goodman of the house saying These last haue wrought but one houre and thou hast made them equall with vs whiche haue borne the burden and heate of the day But he aunswered vnto one of them and sayd Frende I do thee no wrong Diddest thou not agree with me for a peny Take that thyne is and go thy waye I will geue vnto this last euen as vnto thee Is it not lawefull for me to do as me lusteth with myne owne goodes Is thine eye euill because I am good So the last shal be fyrst and the fyrst shal be last For many be called but fewe be chosen THE EXPOSITION THe meanynge of this Gospell is very profound high wherby youth and the rude people can not learne muche And yet because it is appointed to be learned at thys tyme we will speake somwhat therof We heare in this parable how the housholder went foorth in the morning and hyred workmen into his vineyard whiche wrought twelue houres Afterward he hyred some that wrought nine houres then also other that wrought sixe and three and laste one Their workes were farre vnlyke and yet their reward is equall one hauing no more then the other For the housholder dyd according to his couenant only with the fyrst as for the other he rewarded at his pleasure without couenāt And yet he gaue as much to them that were last which wrought but one hower as to the first that agreed with hym for a peny a daye This semeth against reason to the world which foloweth this rule He that doth muche work must haue much reward or wages he that doth litle must haue litle And yet can no man there complain of wrong if that be payde to any that is due to one and to an other that is not due Howbeit to geue equal wages where as is not equall labour is not according to the rule of iustice that biddeth to geue to euery mā his due Christ reherseth this parable to shew a differēce betwene his kingdom the kingdom of the world to teach that it is otherwise in his kingdō thā it is in the world wheras cā not be had such equalitie by reson that the degrees states therof be so contrary For where as ther is one degree of masters other of seruātes the master hath more substāce the seruāt more labor it is nothing agreable with this parable wherin Christe taketh away al inequalitie rewardeth al states degrees alike so that the one hath no more interest in this kingdom thā the other But in the corporal ciuil life it is otherwise For there must nedes be inequalitie euē as ther be differēces in degrees The husbands life is vnlike to the life of the citisen likewise the lordes to the knight Here can be no equalitie neither must we go about to seke it But in the kingdom of Christ whether he be king or prince lord or seruāt mastresse or handmaide or any such like they are all equall For we all haue one baptisme one faith one gospel one sacrament one Christ one God For al alike aswel the great as the small heare the Gospell likewise is it as touchyng baptisme For our baptisme the baptisme of children and of all other is all one There is one fayth of Peter Paule Magdalen of the these hanging on the crosse and of vs all if we be christians There is no other God of Iohn Baptist then is of other synners when they repente Neither doth this make any differēce or matter before God that for a ciuile respect there are superiours and inferiors accordyng to mens offices and degrees And this is the chiefest part in this Gospel to lerne that as touching our state cōdition in gods kingdom we ar all equal But before the world this differēce must nedes be had that the father be better then the son the maister better then the seruant the kyng better then the subiect And it is Gods wil that it should so be which dyd ordein constitute diuers states and degrees He that in the kingdome of the world wold go aboute to make the lowest equal with the highest shold bring the cōminalty to cōfusion And to this end tēded the cōmotiōs of the rude people cōmōs wherfore how great soeuer the diuersitie of offices is in the world yet let vs think for a suretie that before God we are all regarded alyke for asmuch as there is but one Christe one baptisme one Gospell one holy spirite of vs all neither hathe one a better Gospell baptisme or Christ then an other The lowest state of seruāts hath as good as the highest For although som hath more good things then thou hast yet he passeth the not in that he hath a better god thē thou hast And this is diligently to be learned specially for this cause euē that euery mā in his vocation may from the bottom of their heart willyngly obey God for asmuch as he may assuredly trust that although he be no emperor nor Pope nor abundant in riches neither is equall in power to the higher states yet that he is equall with the best for that he hath obteined baptisme through the death of Christ hath as sure a confidēce and trust that death shall not hurt hym as hath the highest that is It is not mete now that we that haue obteined so great riches by Christ should be of an abiect fearful heart but rather that we shold lerne litle to esteme thinges that are glorious in the world haue our only hope in this that we are baptised in the name of our Lord Iesu Christ and that he died for vs ascended into heauen and sitteth on the right hand of God the father almighty to aide succour vs against syn death and all euill Wherfore he that knoweth this perfectly that we are all equall in Christ dothe his busines duetie without wearinesse or griefe is not greued at all for that his state condition of lyfe is more base and lowe then an other is For it can not be otherwise in this kingdom but ther must nedes be diuersities of degrees the one les the other greater the one rule the other serue But let not this be any grefe to a christiā He must take in good part this state of the world and not bewaile his case nor grudge for his seruile and miserable lyfe that he leadeth in so base and low degree But he must faithfully maintein that state of lyfe that God hath appointed hym and take well a worth his present degree vntyll
The second Sermon of Simeon in the Temple ¶ The Gospell Luke ii AAnd beholde there was a man in Ierus a lem whose name was Simeon And the same man was iust and godlye and loked for the consolation of Israell and the holy ghost was in hym And an answere had he receyued of the holye ghoste that he shoulde not see death except he first sawe the Lorde Christ. And he came by inspiration into the Temple THE EXPOSITION THis is a notable hystory wherwith is ioyned also a notable Sermon whiche Simeon preached openlye in the Temple as concernynge the childe Iesu. And it pertayneth vnto other reuelations openynge this child to the worlde especially to make him knowen amonge his owne people The fyrste reuelation was made to Marye by the Aungell The second to Ioseph and that also by an Aungell The thyrd by Elizabeth Iohns mother whā she receued mary great with child and when the child sprang in her wombe The fourth by Zacharie Iohns father And although he named not the person yet he declareth euidētly that Christ was cōme that it was the time of Messias to be borne in wheras god being mīdful of his holy couenaunt now performeth it And after these reuelatiōs whiche be fel before Christs byrth other folowed whē Christ was newe borne The firste was of the Angell vnto the shepherdes watchinge their flocke And the shepherds also kepte it not priuie but spred abrod the sermon of the angell euery where After that was there made a reuelation by the starre vnto the wise men And last of al these two reuelations by the testimonie of Simon and Anna the prophetesse which both bare record in the temple of this child That he is the comforth of Israell whiche shall helpe the worlde againste synne and death And first let vs accordyng to the description of the Euangeliste consider the matter as concernyng Simeon And he saieth the texte was a righteous man godly and suche a one that feared God lokyng for the consolation of Israell that is hauing a ful hope that God would shortly fulfill his promesse send Christe And it is a sure token that he had a pefect hope faith in this for that it was reueled vnto him that he shold not see death before he had sene Christ the anointed of the Lord. And this faith was not a vaine opiniō nor rashlye conceaued as men do commonlye imagine in matters that fall by chaunce and fortune But the holy ghost had touched his heart that doubtles by gods worde after that he had considered the prophecie in Genesis That Christ shold come at that time when the sceptre was taken from Iuda and foreiners had it likewise he had caste the count and duly numbred the times as touchyng the weekes of Daniel These prophecies cōpared with the tymes semed plainlye to him that the time was come wherin Christe shold be reueled But this motiō in his minde was wrought by the holy ghost and by his peculier operation that he shold liue vnto that time and see Christ the Lords anointed with his eyes Wherfore by the singuler procurement of the holie ghost when Marye and Ioseph came into the temple to present the childe before the Lorde and to redeme hym by an offeringe Simeon also commeth into the temple not by chaunce or of custome but by the motion of the holy ghost which put in his minde that it was the very houre wherin he might behold the borne Messias in the temple whome he had hitherto loked for Wherfore he toke no doubtful deliberation about the matter when he saw the child but went forthwith and toke him in his armes shewinge therwith all maner of ioye myrth that is accustomed to be shewen in suche greate and comfortable matter And there he pronounceth before them all suche an hartie thankes geuinge vnto God that teacheth that he truely estemeth this gyfte and certified other also of this great matter And he appered to other and especially to the priests not to do this of any custome Simeon semed to them not to haue his right wittes For all that was done was litle estemed the chyld beyng yonge the parents poore and nothing had in estimation But Simeon is nothing moued with this poore shew neither regardeth he the iudgement of other in this behalfe but boldly and frelye affirmeth that this is the very child in whome God hath ordayned succour and saluation not only for the Iewes but for the Gentils also and for all men If a man shoulde demaunde of Simeō howe he knewe this wher as there appered at this tyme in hym no notable thynge more than in other wher as there had ben many before this time more likelye persons whiche for their magnificence might seme more apte for this purpos he might haue had a iuste cause so to haue done Wherfore this is a merueilous case that causeth the parents Ioseph and Mary to wonder when they see this man Simeon without externall signes to perceaue such an inwarde light in this childe as wherby he acknowledgeth Christe notwithstandynge that he was hid by that poore shewe The parents were certifyed of this child what he was by the Angels neither could these thīgs appeare to be opened and reueled to Simeon by flesh bloud And this was a certain token of the church and congregation of GOD at that tyme when certayne were confirmed by reuelations from GOD. They that were chief at Ierusalē as the high priests Herod the Scribes the Leuites and Phariseis dyd not muche regarde the scriptures and the promises as touchyng Messias All their mindes were bent to encrease their power their dignitie their authoritie and riches And amonge them was there a litle number despised and vnknowen of the faythfull Of the which was Mary Ioseph Zacharie Elizabeth the sheppeherds Simeon Anne the prophetesse These had all their hope fired not in wordly things but in the promises as touchinge Christe They looked for them to be fulfilled and with them they comforted themselues and obtayned them as they trusted wheras the hye Priests and suche lyke were sent awaye emptie And after lyke maner is the state of the church at this tyme. There is alwayes a people that is poore hungrye whiche hath God and his worde for their falsegarde That doth it only regard without anye further care Wheras the Pope and his adherentes in the meane time which are named the holy churche knoweth nothing of God nor of Christ nor of his worde For they regard and esteme only things of this worlde boaste themselues for Christian men because that they can do more with their riches and power than the other common sorte in the congregation Wherfore you must beware in both parts that ye be not seduced The hie priest execute the administration yet they are not in the true church And so y● pope the bishops take vpō thē the gouernance of
it not yet properlye he toucheth the thynge that was meant by the name so that he consenteth in all points with the Angell whiche brought this diuine name from heauen causynge hym to be named Iesus because he shoulde saue his people from their synnes Simeon calleth him the saluatiō of the Lord that is whome the Lorde himselfe ordained to be a sauiour And as touching this name I haue spoken before of the childe Iesu that wheras God hath ordayned the maiestrate the parēts and such other necessary offices to be our sauiours in corporall and temporall affaires as the phisitions in sycknes lawyers in expoundynge what is euery mans right So yf this chylde had not cōme with an other kynd of saluation Simeon could neuer haue had suche great confidence in his matters as to expound that his death was but a licence to depart or a salfe conducte to go in peace he could neuer haue regarded synne and death so lyghtlye Wherfore sith Simeon confesseth that he shall depart in peace out of this life bycause he hath sene the saluation of God he defineth plainly that he is a sauiour againste sinne and death For how colde he els haue suche sure confidence of peace in a sauiour that was a man This description is not lightlye to be regarded For it cōprehendeth a great wayghtie matter in fewe wordes It is but one child whom Simeon so nameth Wherfore it is herby euidently proued that whatsoeuer is beside this childe seme it neuer so commendable through the name or outwarde shewe therof yet can it haue no power to bring to saluation or to put awaye death and synne But whosoeuer suffereth it to be applied vnto hym for saluation worketh his owne damnation Wher Simeon by this worde mindeth to abolishe and derogat all rites and ceremonies and all the obseruations of the lawe that no man shold put any hope of saluation in them and that whosoeuer trusteth in the lawe in his workes shall neuer obtayne to be saued For wheras he by a notable praise calleth this child the saluation of God it is easye to gather therby that all ayde and remedie againste death remaineth onely in hym Wherof then commeth this hope in the Iewes that put suche trust in the law and his workes What meaneth the Pope and his adherents so highly to extoll Masses Pilgrimages pardons as though saluation came by them syth this is the name of this child only neyther may it be geuen and communicat to any thyng or creature besydes The only wordes of Simeon may be taken for an argument against these wicked persuasions and opinions For mine eyes saith he hath sene thy saluation I say euen that thou almightie father hast ordayned hym to be a saluation to synners For the worlde must nedes finde out saluations againste sinne The Iewe thinketh it saluation if he obserue the law The monke and religious man thinketh it saluation if he bynde himselfe to a certaine kynd of life by a vowe and some chose certaine of the sainctes to be their patrones and defenders against synne and hell All thinke that purchasyng of saluation cōsisteth in their maner of lyuing But who can number the workes that procede of mēs traditions and Idolatrous seruice in the popedome wherin consisted their chiefe hope of saluation Yf they had well considered this verse of Simeon they shoulde haue perceaued that this ought to haue ben auoyded as a most haynous sacrilege and robbing God of his dewe honour and they wold not haue ordained any other sauiours thā was determined by the saying of Simeon They wolde haue suffered hym onlye to haue this glory whom God had appointed so to be in whome no man that trusteth can be disapointed For to this ende came this child and for this purpose was he sent of God euen to bring saluation vnto vs. Wherfore in this saluation whiche God hath prepared there is suche store of sauing helth that the conscience may therby haue perfect quiet and neuer more dreade the crueltie of death or violence of synne or the ragyng tyrannie of the deuill for as muche as he hath the sauing health of God prepared redie that is the almightie and euerlasting saluation whiche lacketh no kynde of succoure and helpe to saue vs againste synne and death and geue vs abondance of lyfe and rightuousnes Let vs only with this Simeō embrace this child that is stycke vnto hym with a true faith that we maye conceyue a sure comfort by hym For when this is surely printed in our heart that this child is that prepared saluation ordained to helpe vs againste synne and death then doth ensue therof suche peace of cōscience that syn and death skeareth vs but in vaine For our sauiour is redye to helpe vs against it And to entreat more at large of the saluation that commeth by this child let vs take the record of Iohn the Baptist discribynge hym thus Behold the lambe of god that taketh awaye the synnes of the worlde In these wordes is described the sacrifice vpon the crosse for syn and the conqueringe of death by his resurrection to iustifie vs and to make vs rightuous Wherfore to the obtainment of this saluation he by his death and resurrection geueth vs helpe against sin and death And albeit that a Christian man must not omitte to do good workes yet is not saluation obtained therby neither remission of syn but this is only obedience due vnto god which god requireth And he that will not performe it is not deliuered from his sinnes for his disobedience For this is the only true way to obtayne that euen that he that seeketh howe to be deliuered from syn and death sholde whollie flee to this saluation that is prepared for vs of god that it might take our synnes vpon hym and make satisfaction for them so deliuer vs. He that doth this may say with Simeon Whatsoeuer feare or dreade by death and other perils is set before vs this is my sure comfort againste them all that thou Lorde lettest thy seruaunt departe in peace He that trusteth to anye other thynge shall in steade of peace fynde anguishe and extreme miserie in suche a tyme. For he shall not haue this sauynge health but in death and damnation shall he perishe Neither muste we make anye suche difference betwene vs and Simeon as thoughe he myght more boldlye truste in this saluation because he had power to take the childe in his armes and to beholde hym and we not so because we haue no suche power For as touchynge the effecte of the matter the bodely presence is not auaylable or hath no great importance Many other Iewes doubtlesse dyd at that very time beholde CHRIST and yet obtayned no saluation therbie Only this was effectuouse in Simeon and furthered hym to saluation for that he thorowe the inspiration of the holy Ghoste embraced this childe whiche nothynge differed from other children by reason and
and death herein may they haue a sure hope thereof For thus hath God that most mercyfull father prepared and ordeyned it Wherefore hynder not thy selfe by stubborne refusynge of hym For so shalte thou make thy selfe voyde of all comforte and healpe the whiche GOD hathe not onely promysed but also performed it faythfully as Symeon here testifieth And least small credence shold be geuen to those wordes for the shortenesse thereof he addeth thervnto an euident exposition of the wyl of God as touchyng this saluation sayinge To bee a lyght to lyghten the Gentiles and to bee the Glorie of thy people Israell Nowe hee vttereth the matter playnelye that it might be vnderstande which all those people are that God will haue to be receiued Fyrst therfore he saith if thou knowest not whiche be all people they bee the Gentiles and the Iewes Let no man come and mystake my wordes Then that thou maist know whose saluation this is and in what myseries and euyls we must vse him consider that the Gentiles are drowned in all ignorance and darknesse For syth they be without Goddes worde they can haue no certayne knowledge of God They put no difference betwene GOD and the deuyll they feare the deuyll as well as God for their destruction Yea they haue more hope in the deuyl then in God as we are taught by examples And out of this ignorance there procede other synnes idolatrie blasphemye and many other vices And suche are the Gentiles But God prepareth saluation for the Gentiles If they wer not deliuered out of darknes they shold find no saluation for all that euer they can doo Wherefore this sauing helth helpeth them against this ignorance and darknesse geuynge the Gentiles lighte that is the knowlege of God by his word for their saluation These thinges are geuen to the Gentiles which are idolaters and filthy synners through Christ by the appointment and wil of God By this may the louing liberall bounteousnes of God the father be estemed that we flee not from hym for feare of his wrathe or crueltie As Christ saith So God loued the world that he gaue his only begotten sonne that as many as beleue in hym shoulde not perishe but haue lyfe euerlastynge Wherefore there can be doone no greater dishonour to God then to thynke that he hateth vs for our synnes and that we shall peryshe in our synnes yet this thought causeth gret trouble in our hearts so that the lyght of Gods mercy can scarsly be kindled therin For if we were not combred with this euyll we would not be of suche fearful and desperate heartes whiche dare scarcely in aduersitie and trouble to looke vnto God to his word or put any trust therin And hereby is it now euident again that Simeon bestowed great study in readyng the prophets For he conceaueth not these things of himselfe but as he had marked the tyme by the prophecie of Iacob and Daniell and as he knew by the promise made to Abrahā that this saluation was appoynted to all people and kynredes of the earth that hereby they shold be saued from malediction and curse and be defended against syn and death So learned he also of the prophet Esai that this chylde shoulde be the lyghte of the Gentiles For thus sayth the Lorde by his Prophet Esai It is but a small matter saieth he vnto Christe that thou shouldest be my seruant to stirre vp the tribes of Iacob and to turne the remnant of Israel I haue geuē thee to be a lyght to the Gentiles that thou myghtest be my saluation to the vttermost partes of the earth It is lyke that Simeon exercised hymselfe well in the vnderstandyng of this sentence forasmuch as he applieth it so fitly in this short sermon Wherfore the Gentiles haue a great gyft in this chylde to be their lyght to open vnto them the ioyfull tydynges and to set vp for them a kyngdome of saluation And for this cause was he prepared and brought foorth of God But the Iewes in this behalfe are preferred before the Gentiles for that that God cōmitted vnto them the lawe the Prophets and named them his people Wherefore in this the Iewes haue a greate prerogatiue and preeminence before the Gentiles But what then Is Christ therfore not necessary for the Iewes haue they therfore no nede of his saluation It is sayd before that this saluation belongeth to all Howbeit all are not of lyke state and condition that are healed by this saluation For the Iewes are not suche synners as the Gentiles were as Paule putteth a difference in his epistle to the Galathians yet forasmuche as they are not iustified by the workes of theyr lawe they haue not to glorie before God Wherfore Christ is become their glorie For although that God hath greatly glorified this people in cōfirming their seruice with his word and in geuyng them many other excellente thynges as priesthode and a kyngdome c. yet could they neuer obteyne purenesse of hearte thereby whereby they myghte bee delyuered frome synne and deathe And thys dyshonoure is suche in the presence of Almyghty GOD that they coulde neuer obtayne the trewe and gloryous herytage of God thereby Wherefore Symeon sayth furthermore The Iewes glorye is for that they are not so foolyshe and vnwise as the synners of the Gentiles were But yet it is a greatte dishonoure to theym that where as they haue the lawe yet they are not iustified by the lawe And now is this saluatiō prepared also for them that they myght bee iustified by Faythe in Iesus Christe and so obtayne glorye for that that they coulde not obteyne it by the woorkes of the lawe and that soo they myght be heyres in Gods kyngdome for this saluation Christes sake And thys is veryly a playne and euidente Sermon of CHRISTE shewynge after what sorte Saluation shall be geuen so that all shoulde be saued by hym as by an onely Sauiour and that we shoulde wyth a ioyefull hearte and a constaunte mynde ouercomme the assaulte of deathe and suche other myseryes belongynge therevnto thorough hym And after thys meanynge shoulde the Hystorye of thys feast bee handled and especially for that that Simeon as an exaumple layde before vs sheweth the waye to all teachers But beholde the Pope in hys stage wyth hys hallowed candels Is not thys I praye you necessarye geare to haue leaste any christian man should depart without blessyng of an holy candell And thus hathe the dyuell by his Papistes mocked Goddes Churche and congregation And where as they shoulde haue extolled thys lyghte and glorye of the Gentiles euen thys chylde IESVS they haue in steade thereof ordeyned thys triflyng custome of halowynge Candels that the congregation beynge kepte occupyed thereby myghte not regarde thys trewe and necessarye lyghte Looke what saluation was ordeyned in thys chylde by GOD that haue they taughte to bee in an hallowed candell Then haue they ordeyned also a pompe
and to shake for feare seinge that dāmnation hangeth vpon it as Christ sayeth he that heareth not the worde of God is not of god but he is the sonne of the deuill namely when they are so frowarde and wicked that they wil not only not do well but they wyll also defende their euill as the Iewes in this our Gospell do and saye Saye we not well that thou art a Samaritane and hast a deuill This is the very deuil that chalengeth vnto hym the honour of God desiereth to be counted holy and by no meanes suffreth to be reproued And this is one parte that whosoeuer heareth not gods worde the same is not of God but of the deuill But this is not so to be vnderstande as thoughe the deuill had made them and geuen them their mouth eyes reason and so forth Nay all suche thinges are of Godes creation and gyfte Therfore muste a man make a difference betwene the thinge and the vse thereof That man whiche lyeth and deceaueth had a good tonge geuen hym of God but the abuse of the tonge is of the deuill because he geueth his tonge vnto the deuill to be abused euen to blaspheme God his holy worde So lykewise God geueth hole and good eyes But he that abuseth them vnto the contemplation and beholdynge of vayne fylthy and vnhoneste thynges that cōmeth of the deuill In lyke maner when the hearte thincketh vncleane and cruel thinges the very hearte it selfe of the owne nature is not euil and is of god but the euil vse thereof is of the deuill Cōtrariwise that is vnderstād to be of god when the eares are put to this vse that they heare the worde of God can be contented to be reproued when they do amisse Also when the tonge is occupied in prayer in teachinge in edifyinge and confortynge other suche eares and tonge are of God and without faulte For they are put vnto that vse for the which god made them So in like maner whē the heart thincketh honest pure chaste godly things as howe our neighbour maye be edifyed and not offended howe Godes glorie may be set forth and not hyndred suche an hearte is the creature of God as the eares and the tonge lykewise are and doth right wel please god ▪ But they are therefore named to be of god because they wolde not that these their mēbres shold thincke speake and heare anye thing that shoulde be againste God And if it chance at any time that we fall by speakynge euil by beinge angry c. Yet we returne again we confesse that we haue done amisse and aske forgeuenes This cōmeth sometime to passe thorowe the euill behauiour of other or by chaunce and somtime before we be aware of it But we repent vs hereof and make haste to come again into the right waye with a ful purpose neuer to fall into the lyke againe But they are the deuilles children which stubburnely go forth styll on in doinge euil and yf they be reproued they stoutlye and arrogantlye answer what care I for it as disobedient and styfnecked children do when they are corrected of their parentes These are of the deuil and become daily worse and worse For the deuil will not suffer them to rest nor to be quiet Fyrst they despise the worde afterwarde they blaspheme curse and speake euill last of all after the maner of the Iewes they take vp stones and go about murder By these properties the deuils whealpes be knowen For he is a murtherer a calumniatour an accuser a pycker of quarelles and a despiser of god and his worde euen from the beginning Therfore let this doctrine be a defence vnto you againste this moste abhominable synne that ye also do not despise the worde of God but gladly heare it and diligentlye exercise youre selfe in the meditation and study therof both night and daye and learne to frame your lyfe accordyng to the same Then shall you be the sonnes of God other are the children of the deuill For they haue lost the worde lyfe righteousnes and are the very bonde slaues of the deuil Neither can this any thing at all helpe them that they are of great power riche In this synne stycketh the Pope euen vp to the harde eares with all his complices For he is euer against the worde of God and for it persecuteth and formenteth the Christians more cruelly then the Turke doth And by this may ye know that the deuill is in him that he belongeth vnto the deuil with all his But they that gladly heare the worde of God are of god Nowe what is god he is no murtherer but a creatour and maker frō whom all lyfe cōmeth But the deuill neuer made man nor gaue hym lyfe Therfore as God is a lyuing god so lykewise is he the very lyfe of all them that are of hym and heare his worde This doth Christ confirme here with this his notable saying worthy for euer to be remembred berely verely I saye vnto you if any man will kepe my worde he shall neuer see death But what other thinge is it to kepe the worde of God then neuer to departe frō it and to beleue that whatsoeuer Christ hath promised vs in the gospel concernyng forgeuenes of synnes and euerlastynge lyfe is true and to remayne in the same faith and hope vnto the ende he that doth thys saith Christ hath euerlastyng life neither nedeth he to feare sinne hell nor the laste iudgement For to suche one all is grace and mercie death in dede shal assaulte the faithfull and flea the bodies of them yet shal they not fele it as they do whiche are vnder the power of the deuil and dye without the worde of God For they die vnwillingly spurne against death take on as though they were madde rore out lyke lyons refuse death and wold by no meanes dye and yet dye must they Yea if it were possible they wolde leape thorow a thousand fyres to escape death But so shall not they do sayth Christe that be my disciples that heare my worde and kepe it For when they lye vpon their bed and muste dye they shall haue no suche trouble turmoyle and disquietnes They shall haue ioye and peace in their heartes towarde God confortyng them selues with the hope of a better lyfe to come in that hope as persōs fallen on sleape swetely departe without feare or tremblinge For although death shall corporally flea them yet shal that death be so apalled and made of no force that it shall not be felt at all euen as though a man should swetely fall a sleape vpō a softe pillow as we many times see in suche as for then offences are condempned to die when they go to suffer being before wel instructed in the worde and faithfully beleuinge the same they offer them selues gladlye willingly with a mery and chearefull hearte to dye They feare not neyther
trēble they as these do 〈◊〉 fele no consolation nor conforte in the worde for he that feleth death and is not armed with the worde of god against death the terrours of the same he is madde wode frantike fareth as though he were in desperation yea and possessed with the deuil Cōsider therfore O dearely beloued what a great treasure precious Iewel ye get when ye diligently gladly heare the word of God The firste is this ye know the ye are of god haue ouercome the deuil and al his infernal armie that neither sinne nor damnation hath any power ouer you Moreouer what soeuer shoulde be obiected againste you to the hyndraunce of your saluation it can not preuaile againste you but ye shall easely ouercome it But contrariwise the worlde with the leaste trouble that cōmeth waxeth madde is impaciēt falleth vnto vtter desperation The Christians vndoubtedly in this worlde haue many troubles For the worlde the deuil hate thē most extremely Therfore are they at al times in daunger of life of goods of fame of al that euer they haue Now how shal they fynde meanes to suffer these thinges paciently verely by none otherwaye then by holdinge faste the worde and cleauinge harde to the same saying let it go as it wil go I am not of the world but of god for if I were of y● world that worlde wolde deale otherwise with me But I had rather a thousand times that worlde should hate persecute me then loue me so fal out of the fauour good will of god Where the minde is thus affected setled all the troubles aduersities of that worlde passe awaye as a cloude or as a byrde that is swyfte of wynge They shewe them selues a litle while vnto vs but straight way they are gone Let this be your greate singuler consolation that euen in this life ye fele the power of y● worde but specially then whē death cōmeth which now thorow the faith that ye haue in the worde is euē as a swete pleasaunt slepe And as he y● walketh ī darkenes perceaueth not the theaues is y● soner oppressed ouerthrowen yea that befor he be ware euē so goeth it with the faithful the deuil is the theife mur therer hath sworne our bodely death so that we cā not escape it notwithstāding when we are enarmed with the worde holde faste that we shal scasely fele death or any payne therof For the worde setteth men in a ioyeful and quiet state maketh their cōsciences chereful mery and gladde so that they despaire not when aduersitie cōme neither make they any busines whē they loose their promotiōs lyuinges but kepe pacience in all kinde of aduersitie yea when death cōme they embrace it ioyefully receaue it without any feare at al onely this is their conforte that for Christes sake they haue a merciful father in heauen For this they learne in the word without the word they can learne nothing If there were non other cause that we should desyre the knowledge of gods word but only to learne how we ought to take these dayly cōbrances aduersities that chaunce vnto vs it might worthely seme a cause sufficient But this is nothing in comparison of the last miserie that cōmeth by death For as cōcerning that it is euident that then there is no helpe in any phisition or in any other thinge Christe alone our Lord is he which helpeth vs which also ought to be more estemed of vs then al the things in the worlde But how goeth it with vs whē he offereth vs this helpe remedie yea and bringeth it home to our owne dores we despise it and set naught by it This therfore chaunceth vnto vs worthely afterwarde that we be not of God and so by litle and litle dayly fall more and more into more greuous sinnes and become worse worse as it is sufficiently before sayd When suche are at the point to dye they can fynde neyther helpe nor councel And what remayneth there for all suche then lamentation feare tremblyng horroure yollyng out roring yea desperation and damnation Therfore this is the principal point of doctrine contayned in the Gospell of this present sonday that we diligentlye embrace the worde gladly heare it and faithfully beleue it If ye do this then shall ye ouercome synne deuyll death hel c. And althoughe death shall take you out of this lyfe yet shal ye fele no payne of hym but it shal be vnto you as a moste swete and pleasaunt slepe For the worde of God is suche a conforte and present helpe that it bringeth vnto vs a quiet lyfe a mery cōscience euerlastyng saluation As for the vngodly and suche as despyse the worde of God there can no more mischief be wyshed vnto them then they suffer all redy For seing they heare not the worde of God they are not of God As an vnruly childe whiche despyseth the commandement of God careth not for his parentes What can be spoken more vnto his reproche then that he is the sonne of the deuill and not of God This is not lightly to be regarded or to be set naught by For it were better to be the bonde slaue of the Turke or of any other most barbarous and cruell tyraunt then to to be the captiue and bondslaue of the deuyll which is an accuser a calumniatour a picker of quarels a murderer and seketh all means possible to cast vs into vtter destruction Take hede of this mischiefe and dilygently consider with your selfs in what gret reuerēce and estimation ye ought to haue the woorde of God For there is none other reskue help or remedy against euerlasting death deuyl sinne hell c. then to hold fast the word of Christ that is to say to beleue his promise and thorow faith in his worde to haue a sure hope of euerlastyng saluation For when Christ saith He that wyll kepe my woorde shall neuer see deathe He meaneth not the lawe that God gaue to the Iewes by Moyses Whiche lawe although it bee a trewe holy and profitable doctrine yet seyng we because of our vicious and corrupt nature can not obey that doctrine it is become vnto vs the ministerie of deathe and alwaies reproueth accuseth and condemneth our sinne before God Therfore haue we nede of an other word that we may be delyuered from synne and be iustified before God And that nowe is the woorde of Christe where he sayth He that beleueth in me shall neuer se deathe This worde muste be apprehended and layde hande on with a strong faithe so that we may by no means doubt but that it is true which Christ promyseth For he that refuseth the worde and taketh counsell of his owne deuise he shal fynd death and not life Therfore in the agony of death not according to that we fancie but according to
that we shoulde perishe and be damned in our synnes The third cause is the euerlastyng councell and prouidence of God wherwith he determyned by this meanes to shewe his loue and to deliuer mankynde frome synne The fourthe cause is the trewe and faithfull promise whiche he made in tymes paste Oute of the whiche afterwarde foloweth the blyndnes and indignation of the Iewes whiche is the fyfte cause As touchyng the fyrst cause I mean our synne the holy Prophete Esaie speaketh on this maner He was wounded euen vnto the death for our synnes and broken on pieces for our wickednesses In these wordes the Prophete declarech wherfore Christ was so euyll handled and so greuously punished verily not for his owne synne For he is the onely begotten and derely beloued sonne of God which neuer committed synne neither was there euer found any guyle in his mouth yea for our synne for thyn and myne iniquitie was he wounded and broken on peces Therfore saith the prophet For our sinne Now that he saith Our that is for the synne of all men did he suffer and die For whē he had ones takē vpon him our infirmities diseases then must he also die for our sinnes and wickednesses as the prophete saith in the afore recited chapter the Lord hath laid the iniquitie of vs all vpon hym And a lytle after the prophete speaking in the person of God sayth For the synne of my people haue I striken and smitten him And in the ende of this chapter he saieth He bare the synnes of many and paide for transgressors Dauid in like maner complaineth in a certayne Psalm and speaking in the person of Christ saith The rebukes of them whiche rebuked thee he meaneth the heuenly father fell on me And a litle afore I paid the things that I neuer toke We haue greuously offended God dishonored his holy name and greatly obscured his glorie All this must Christ pay satisfie make amendes for it Therfore saith Peter in his fyrst Epistle Christ suffred ones for our synnes the iuste for the vniust Herof doth it folow that not only the Iewes whiche lyued at that tyme neither the souldiors nor yet Pilate Herode c. are gilty of the passion and deth of Christe but also all sort of vs whyche all without exception haue synned For for Oure synnes was CHRIST slayne and nayled on the Crosse. Neyther are wee better thenne they that crucified hym Althoughe that the Iewes dydde not knowe hym as the sonne of GOD otherwyse they would not haue crucified the Lorde of glorye yet for all that euen of very malyce and enuie agaynst hym they layde hand on hym as a gyltlesse manne accused hym and flewe hym But he hadde neuer come to that poynte if our synnes had not ben for the whyche hee was stryken wounded and slayne So lykewise made we hym to serue in oure synnes and through hym much sorow with our iniquities Therefore lette vs no more bee angrye with that myserable caytife Iudas Pylate Herode Cayphas Annas c. as the maner heretofore hathe bene yea rather lette euery man be angrye wyth him selfe accuse hym selfe and impute the fault to hym selfe as vnto hym whych for his synnes dyd cast Christ that innocent lamb of God into this most horrible and intollerable payne Te seconde cause is the excedynge great charitie loue and mercye of GOD whyche he shewed vnto vs miserable men wicked synners without any merite or desert on our behalfe wherwyth the heauenly Father beyng prouoked spared not only his begoteen sonne as Sainct Paule sayth but for vs delyuered him vp euen vnto death This declareth Saint Iohn in his Epistle saying In this thyng hath the loue of God appeared that he sente his onely begotten sonne into the worlde that we myght lyue thorough hym In thys is loue not that we loued God but that he loued vs and sent his sonne to make satisfaction for oure synnes And Christe hym selfe saythe GOD hathe so derely loued the worlde that he hath geuen hys onely begotten sonne to the ende that all that do beleue in hym shoulde not peryshe but haue lyfe euerlastynge Thys Charytie and Loue moued CHRIST alsoo to obeye hys Father in thys behalfe so that he came down into this world and toke oure synnes vpon hym as the Prophete Esaie saeith In his loue and in his fauour hath he redemed them And S. Paule saith God setteth forth his loue meruailously towarde vs in this that when we were yet synners Christ dyed for vs. And Christ hym self saith No man hath a greater loue then thys that a manne shoulde geue his lyfe for his frendes Of these places of the holy scripture tofore alledged it appeareth euidently that the seconde cause of the death of Christ is the loue of God towarde all mankynde whome oure miserable and wretched state did so greatly moue and strike with tender compassion that he sent his onely begotten Sonne whyche also of very loue towarde man obeyed hys fathers wyll euen vnto the deathe the moste ignominious and spitefull death of the crosse into this worlde and gaue hym ouer into the handes of synners that he by his death and passion myght delyuer vs from euerlasting death damnation Wherof we may learne to loue one an other and so to bee mynded one to an other as Christe was mynded towarde vs. Of this thyng dothe S. Iohn admonyshe and teache vs in his Epistle where he saieth In this haue we knowen loue that he gaue his lyfe for vs we ought to geue our liues for our brethren Paule also in his epistle to the Philippians exhorteth vs that after the examples of Christ we shold humble our selues and serue one an other euen as Christ serued vs. The thirde cause is the euerlastynge councelle and prouidence of God which by his vnoutspeakable wisdome determined from euerlastynge to delyuer mankynd by the death of his sonne before the world was made as Peter in his sermon testifieth wher he after many wordes of the crucifying of Christ saith thus Hym Christ haue ye taken by the handes of vnrighteous persōs after he was deliuered by the determinate councel foreknowledge of god and haue crucified slayne him And Christe himselfe in the gospell telleth aforehande in many places geueth his disciples forewarning how that this passion death shal chaunce and comme vnto him by the euerlasting councell and decree of his heauenly father as he said also vnto Pilate Thou shouldest haue no power at all ouer me excepte it were geuen thee from aboue The fourth cause is the faith and trueth of God For when this councel was determined from euerlasting then god wold not haue it kept in secret but did make open the same before many times and promised that Sauiour in many places of scripture by his holy Prophetes as S. Paule testifieth in his epistles This promes
wolde god as the euerlasting truth performe according to his promes sende the Sauiour suffer him to be crucifyed and slaine as witnesseth S. Peter in the Chronicle of the Apostles actes writtē by blessed Luke God saith he hath performed those thinges whiche he before declared by the mouth of all his Prophetes That Christe should suffer c. Christe also speaketh thus after his resurrection with the two Disciples that were iourneying towarde Emaus It was necessarie that all thinges shoulde be fulfilled that are written of me in the lawe of Moises in the Prophetes in the Psalmes What testimonies there are of the passion of Christ in the scriptures of the olde Testament ye may easelye see in the Euāgelicall historie of the passion death of Christe whiche I wolde wyshe you diligentlye to note for the confirmation of your faith in this behalfe The last cause is the induration or excecation and blyndnes of the Iewes which thorow their great cōtumacie stubburnes thorow their impenitēcie or vnrepētaūt heart being forsaken of god were punished blinded that they should heare and not vnderstād that they should see with their eyes and discerne nothynge as it is written in the scriptures By this meanes they flewe the sonne of God and so prouoked the fyerce vengeance and hote wrath of God against them as the Apostle sayth The wrath of God is comme on them euen to the vttermost For althoughe God from euerlastinge had determined that his sonne Christ shoulde suffer and dye and it could none otherwise be but as God had before decreed yet were not the Iewes excused For they founde no cause of death in hym And although they did not know that he was the sonne of God yet they knewe this for a certentie that he was a godly and innocent man whome they of mere enuye and malice slewe as Pilate againste hym selfe testified this saying I fynde no cause of death in hym Therfore they sought an other thyng then god did whiche appointed his Sonne to suffer and to dye that he by his sufferance and death myghte deliuer them that beleue from synne death deuill and hell and that he by his resurrection myght be glorifyed and become of moste worthie renoume But Satan with his mēbers the Scribes and Phariseyes sought an other thyng euen to slea Christe to bringe Christ to shame and vtterly to roote hym out of remembraunce both hym and his doctrine that there might be no more mention made of hym And so the wicked Iewes thorow their enuie their blinded heart and their vngracious coūcel executed contrary to theyr wyll and deuice the decree and determination of the heauenly father wherby thorowe the mercie of Christ dying for them health and saluation chaunced to so many as beleue Yea the vugodlye Iewes worthelye blynded were deceaued of their purpose and aduaunced Christ whome they determined vtterly to destroye vnto glorie as it is written The Lorde bringeth the councell of the heathen to naughte and maketh the deuices of the people to be of none effect But the councell of the Lorde shall endure for euer and the thoughtes of his hearte from generation to generation When we earnestlye consider these causes then shall we see how miserable and damnable synners we are verely euen suche as coulde none otherwise be saued but only by Christe so that for vs and for our saluation he muste neees dye yea and that the most ignominious and spitefull death of the crosse Again we shall see the moste brenninge heart and incomparable fyre of the loue of our heauēly father and of his sonne Christ which hauing no regard to our synnes nor yet that we were his enemies died for vs that we shold not perishe in our synnes Moreouer we see how faithfull and true god is and that all his wordes and promises will take place and procede against all the violence force power strength crafte and suttiltie of the deuill and the worlde and that heauen and earthe shall sonner fall perishe and cōme to naughte then one iote or title of gods worde shal be founde vntrue and false By the first we learne of the lawe howe greate and horrible a thynge synne is before the eyes of Gods maiestie for the abolishing wherof the onely and innocent sonne of God must be scourged and dye so bytter ignominious and spiteful death yea and that onely to take awaye other mennes synnes By the second we learne the Gospell and the louing gentle and mercifull hearte of GOD toward vs whiche for vs for our saluation sent his only begotten sonne that incomparable treasure into this world and suffred him to be nayled on the crosse By the third we learne assuredly to truste and beleue the promise of God and not to feare the vngodly and wicked persecutours forasmuche as we see that he hath so faithfully and so abundantly performed by his sonne all that euer he promised Again he hath confounded and brought to shame the deuill and all his children of this worlde and hath made frustrate and voyde all their deuices councels and imaginations in so muche that where as they thought with this their worke vtterly to kyl confounde and extinguish Christ they haue moste of all aduaunced Christe vnto his great honour and glorie and by this meanes brought to passe that all the faithfull shall receaue saluation by this crucified Christe For howe could Satan and the stifnecked Phariseyes thincke that Christ by death vnto life by buriall vnto resurrection by ignominie and contempt vnto glorie and honoure shoulde be brought and made king and ruler ouer all creatures both in heauen and in earth But mightie is the lorde our God to performe his promise and to confounde the worlde with his God the deuill as he both doth and shall do euen vnto the very ende of the worlde But now followeth the third thing which we ought to consider about the passion of Christ. This is howe great paine and affliction Christe suffered inwardly outwardly Of the externall passion outward suffring we haue abundantly in the Euāgelical history where we rede how he was taken be spitted whypped beaten crowned with thornes and at the last crucifyed put to death Of the inwarde passion and suffrynge that he had in his hearte and conscience when he must striue with death which was before his eyes hell and deuill Luke writeth in his gospell on this maner he was in an agonie and prayed the longer his sweat was lyke droppes of blood tricklynge downe to the grounde Of the whiche wordes the excedyng greate horror and torment whiche Christ suffered in his conscience may be estemed and iudged and how horrible the sight of death of sinne which he toke on him of hel and deuil was before hym seing that his sweate contrary to al reason of nature was bluddye and so came from hym Againe in that the cōfortour creatour of all the
from the curse of the law from desperation from death from hell from the wrathe of God and from euerlastyng damnation and are translated and remoued vnto the heauenly countrey that glorious kyngdome of the moste glorious God Last of all we opened vnto you how we ought by faith to take and chalenge vnto vs those moste singuler and inestimable benefites so forme and frame our conuersation and lyfe after the example of Christ that it may outwardly appere that we be the thankfull disciples of Christ and the faithful and louing children of the heauenly Father And for as muche as we can not doo this of our owne strengthe and power let vs moste humbly pray vnto God that he for Christ Iesus sake may geue vs his strength and spirite that we may liue before him in pure faith vnfained loue in the great day of the Lord appere fautlesse among the dere and welbeloued children of God and so heare out of his mouthe which suffered and dyed for vs this moste swete and comfortable saying Come ye blessed of my father possesse the kyngdome whych was prepared for you from the begynnyng of the worlde To this lord CHRIST our alone Sauiour and most perfect redemer with God the father the holy ghost our moste swete conforter be all honor glorie praise for euer Amen The Gospell on Easter day Iohn xx THe fyrst day of the Sabbothes came Mary Magdalen early when it was yet darke vnto the Sepulchre and saw the stone taken away from the graue Then shee ran and came to Simon Peter and to the other disciple whom Iesus loued and sayth vnto them They haue taken away the Lorde out of the graue and we can not tell where they haue layde hym Peter therfore went forth and that other disciple and came vnto the Sepulchre They ran bothe together and that other disciple dyd outrunne Peter and came firste to the Sepulchre And when he had stowped downe he sawe the lynnen clothes lyinge yet went he not in Then came Simon Peter folowynge hym and wente into the Sepulchre and sawe the lynnen clothes lye and the napkyn that was about his head not lying with the lynnen clothes but wrapped together in a place by it selfe Then went in also that other disciple whiche came fyrst to the Sepulchre and he sawe and beleued For as yet they knewe not the Scripture that he shoulde ryse agayne from death Then the Disciples went away againe to theyr owne home THE EXPOSITION IN as muche as thys daye accordyng to the auncient and commendable custome of Christs church we celebrate the laudable feast and worthy memorie of the moste noble and victorious resurrection of oure Sauioure Iesus Christ it is mete and conuenient that we speake and entreate of the same at this present For the true sanctifying and halowing of feastfull days consisteth in the true worshippyng of God which is none other thing praiers thankes geuing ones done then to exercise the worde bothe in preachyng and readyng We therfore at this tyme wyll make our conference according to the tyme of the glorious resurrection of our moste louyng Lorde and swete Sauiour Christe Iesu. And in this our conference we will firste of all consyder what maner of Resurrection the risyng agayn of Christ frome death vnto lyfe was After that we will declare what vtilitie and profyte what fruicte and goodnesse the moste victorious and triumphant Resurrection of Christe hathe broughte vnto vs as we haue to fore shewed of his Passion and deathe As touchynge the fyrste lette vs not thynke that the resurrection of Christ was a common resurrection frome deathe as was the Resurrection of Lazarus but besydes thys that Christe rose agayne in the fleshe and corporallye he also spiritually became the Lorde of deathe and ouercame it and broughte with hym euerlastynge lyfe so that all that beleue are risen agayne with hym and haue ouercome deathe And by this his resurrection he hath not onely obteined a temporall life but also a spirituall lyfe For as he before by the temporall deathe of the Crosse dyd slea and vtterly abolyshe the spirituall deathe of synne and hell So he lykewise by his resurrection hath not only recouered and broughte agayne the temporall lyfe and quietnesse but also euerlastynge lyfe and perpetuall ioye Wherof wee may learne that Christe is rysen agayne twoo manner of wayes Fyrste after the fleshe by the whyche Resurrection he made hys deade body quicke his despised body glorious His weake and feeble body mightie and stronge his naturall body supernaturall and spirituall Of this resurrection we reade in many places of the scripture Among all Paule hath these wordes in the chronicle of the Apostles Actes where he speaketh on this maner And we shewe vnto you that the promise whiche was made vnto the fathers God hath fulfilled to their children euen vnto vs in that he raised vp Iesus as it is written in the first Psalme Thou art my sonne this day haue I begotten the. And in his firste epistle to the Corinthiās he saith that Christ after his resurrection was sene of more then of fiue hūdred brethren And moreouer that he shewed himself before to the .xii. and to many other brethren as we maye see playnly written in the Euangelistes Secondly there was in Christ also an inward spirituall resurrection in that he escaped from the horror of death hell syn and the wrath of God and came vnto euerlasting ioy life health peace gladnes Of this he glorieth and speaketh by the mouth of that prince like Prophet sayinge Thou haste made the wayes of lyfe knowen to me Thou shalt fill me ful of gladnes with thy countenance Againe Thou hast turned my heuines into ioye thou hast put of my sackclothe and girded me with gladnes All these ar gratulations reioycinges and thankes geuynges that God the heauenly Father hath deliuered his sonne Christ from the horror of hell and death and not him only but also with him and through him all faithfull christians Whereof we shall speake more largely hereafter How the resurrection of Christ was don according to the historie how he rose again on Easter day betymes in the morning before the sonne was vp howe the women found the sepulchre emptie Again howe they were conforted of the Aungell and admonished of his resurrection This with diuers other things appertaining vnto the resurrection of Christ ar diligently written of the foure Euangelistes and ye your selues haue hertofore both heard red them Therfore at this time we will speake nothinge of that matter but we will rather declare set forth vnto you the profites and fruites which Christ hath gotten for vs by his glorious and royal resurrection and opē vnto you how we ought to enter into a newe lyfe with Christ. But before we come vnto this matter let vs speake somwhat of the innocencie and Godhead of Christe by the whiche he
of synnes because all the faythfull are wyth hym rysen agayne frome synne so that frome hensefoorth synne can not hurte theym althoughe whyle they are in thys wycked mortall bodye they can not be free from it For Christ brought wyth hym oute of hys graue remission of synnes The seconde fruicte foloweth of the fyrste and it is this That Christe by his Resurrection hathe abrogated the Lawe that is to saye hathe delyuered and sette at libertie our conscience from it and hath geuen our heartes peace tranquillitie and quietnesse For seynge that Christ by his Resurrection hath slain deathe whyche is the stypende of synne and hathe brought with hym vnto vs remission of synnes it necessarily foloweth that he hath also abolished the strength of synne whyche is the lawe that it can no more accuse vs. Therfore sayth Paule The lawe of the spirite that is to saye the Gospelle whiche quickeneth hathe delyuered me frome the power of synne and of death The quickenyng of the Gospell or in that the Gospelle quickeneth and makethe alyue it hathe hys strength power and efficacie of the Resurrection of Christe For if Christe hadde not rysen agayne then all oure preachynge and all our Faith had ben vayne The third fruict of Christs resurrection is that we by his Resurrection are deliuered from death In consideration whereof Paule glorieth with the Prophet Osee saying Deathe is swalowed vp into victorye As though he should saye The glorious and victorious resurrection of Christ hath swalowed vp deuoured and abolyshed death so that death from hensforth can doo nothyng at all against vs. And his cruel and terrible sight is none other thyng then an hornet with out a stynge whyche looketh terribly and with her wynges maketh a great and dreadfull noyse but yet hath she lost her styng and pricke so that she can hurt or wounde no man Our Sauior Christ sayth I am the resurrection and the life He that beleueth in mee although he were dead yet shall he lyue And all that lyueth beleueth in me shal neuer dye By the whiche wordes Christ signifieth that deathe to the Faithfull is nothyng ells then a sleape For as he that sleapeth lyueth and may ryse agayne so lykewise he that beleueth although he dye corporally yet abydeth he not in deathe but returneth vnto lyfe yea death is vnto him a very gate wherby he passeth oute of thys myserable and sorowfull lyfe vnto a trewe and an euerlastyng lyfe and is raysed vp frome thys sleape so that for euer after he waketh and abydeth alyue worldes without ende Therefore the holy Scripture callethe the corporall death of the Faithful a sleape as we rede in many places of the old and new Testament of Dauid Ezechias Stephen and other holy Sainctes The fourthe fruict of Christes Resurrection is the deuastation or destruction of helle so that nowe we are free and safe frome euerlastynge pestilence and curse For yf CHRIST saieth Sainct Paule be not rysen agayne then they whyche are fallen a slepe in Christ are vtterly loste Of the whyche wordes it foloweth that all they are blessed whyche sleape in Christe for as muche as hee is rysen agayne frome death And therefore dothe bothe the Prophete Osee and the blessed Apostle sainct Paule mocke helle and saye O helle where is thy victorie And the Apostle streyghte waye addeth Thankes bee vnto GOD whyche hathe geuen vs the victorie thorowe Iesus Christe If Christe had remayned in deathe then had all we perished as the Apostle sayth But for as muche as he remayned not in death therefore are we not loste but with hym we are escaped out of helle and made ioyfull and blessed The fyfth fruicte and profite of Christes Resurrection is that CHRIST risynge agayne frome the dead hathe gotten for vs the victorie ouer Sathan and all his kyngdome with all his membres also as it is written Christe by his deathe hath expelled him whyche hadde lordshyppe ouer death that is to say the deuyll that hee myghte delyuer theym whyche throughe feare of deathe were all theyr lyfe tyme subdued vnto bondage Christ by his Resurrection hathe taken away all power from Sathan so that now he can no more exercyse hys tyrannye againste the elect and chosen people of GOD. For Christe hathe taken hym prysoner and taken hys weapons awaye from hym bounde hym and so vtterly weakened him that hee hathe no power at all And thys hys victorye dydde hee in hys Resurrection myghtylye declare when he ledde awaye captyue all the rulers of helle as Saynct Paule sayth He hath spoyled rule and power and hath made a shewe of theym openly hath triumphed ouer them in his owne person And of this victorie against Satā it is recorded in a certen psalm of Dauid wher it is cōmāded that the gates dores shoulde bee sette open that the Kynge of glorie maye come in And the rulers and Princes of hell demand and saye Who is thys kynge of Glorye The Prophete aunswereth them sayenge It is the Lorde of Hostes. He is the kynge of glorie And of this victorie Christe also speakethe in a certayne Parable sayenge When a stronge manne armed watcheth hys house the thynges that hee possesseth are in peace But when a stronger then hee commeth vpon hym and ouercommeth hym Hee taketh frome hym all hys harneys wherein hee trusted and deuydeth hys goodes So lykewyse the deuyll possessed the world and shewed hys power in mainteynynge false worshyppynge of GOD and dyuers kyndes of Idolatrye and by thys hee stablyshed hys kyngedome and greately encreased the swarme of wycked and damned persones vntyll CHRIST whyche was stronger thenne hee inuaded hys kyngedome and tooke frome hym hys harneisse armour and weapon that is to saye synne and deathe wherewith he ouercamme the whole worlde and made spoyle of theim and by this meanes deliuered all the faithfull and electe people of GOD oute of his kingdome and sette theim free from his tirannie and power The sixt fruict of Christes resurrection is the preachynge of the Gospell For althoughe he dydde preache the Gospell to hys Disciples and to hys countreymenne the Iewes before hys deathe yet gaue hee oute noo Commyssion that it shoulde bee generally and vniuersallye preached to all Nations tyll after his Resurrection Therefore saieth he in the Gospell of Mathewe All power is geuen vnto me bothe in Heauen and in Earthe Go ye therefore throughout the whole worlde and teache all nations baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the Holy ghost He that shal beleue and be baptised shal be saued But he that shall not beleue shall be damned This is a moste noble gyft whiche no man is able sufficiētly to expresse or to esteme For all hadd ben frustrate and voyde yf it had not ben publyshed and set foorth abrode For howe
could we beleue on Christe of whome we hadde not hearde as it is wrytten But howe shall they heare without a preacher Fayth commeth by hearyng hearyng commeth by the worde of God Therefore Christ suffered that victorie ouer death and hell and also that his glorious Gospell to be published to the whole world and all nations thorow the preachyng of the holy apostles and other godly doctours and teachers to be inuited bydden and called vnto it The seuenth fruict of Christs Resurrection is that Christe wyth his rysynge agayne frome death hathe iustified vs thorowe Faithe For as hee by his deathe hath abolyshed and put awaye synne euen so by hys Resurrection hath he brought vnto vs ryghtousnes as Paule saieth Christe was betrayde for oure synnes and rose agayne for oure iustification And blessed Peter sayth Blessed be God and the Father of oure Lorde Iesus Christe whyche accordyng to his abundant mercy begate vs agayn vnto a lyuely hope by that that Iesus Christ rose agayne from deathe to an inheritance immortall and vndefyled and that perysheth not reserued in heauen for you which ar kept by the power of God thorough Faythe vnto saluation Thus hath Christe by his resurrection made vs godly and ryghteous thorowe Fayth that we shold not onely by hym be made free frome synne but also become holy and righteous in hym if as Peter saith we beleue in God thorough hym which raised him vp from the dead and gaue the glorie vnto hym that we myght haue faith and hope toward God The eyght fruicte of Christes Resurrection is the glorious blessednesse and eternall lyfe of the soules whyche foloweth of Iustification and Faythe wherof the holy Apostle S. Paul speaketh in hys Epistle to the Ephesians sayenge GOD whyche is ryche in mercye for hys greate loue wherewyth hee loued vs euen whenne wee were deade in synnes quyckned vs together in CHRIST by grace are ye saued and raysed vs vp together with hym and made vs sytte togyther wyth hym amonge them that are in heauen The Prophete Osee also saythe He shall make vs alyue after twoo dayes and on the thyrde daye he shall rayse vs vppe that wee maye lyue in hys syghte Hereof commeth it that S. Peter calleth Christe the Lorde of lyfe For he that confesseth wyth hys mouthe and beleueth wyth his heart that GOD raysed vp Christe he is saued Thys lyfe and euerlastynge saluation Christe by hys Resurrection hath purchased and geuen vnto vs. Therefore Christ sayde to Mary Magdalene that she shoulde telle hys disciples that he would go vp vnto his father and their father As though he shoulde saye Nowe we haue a common inheritaunce one father one kyngedome and an euerlastynge lyfe common to vs all For hee that sanctifyethe and they that are sanctifyed are all one The laste fruite of Christes resurrection is the glorification and dignitie of our mortall bodies For as Christe in his Resurrection dydde caste awaye frome hym all weakenesse of mannes bodye because from hensefoorthe he shoulde bee no more mortall weake hungrye thyrstie nor haue any other infirmities but immortall and withoute all infirmitie and weakenesse So shall our mortall bodies bee lyke vnto hys glorious bodye at the Resurrection of the deade and shall for euer remayne in that glory and honour worldes without ende Of thys speaketh Sainct Paule sayenge Our conuersation is in heauen from whens wee looke for a Sauioure euen the Lorde Iesus Christe whyche shall transfigure and chaunge thys oure vyle bodye that hee maye make it lyke to his owne glorious bodye accordyng to the power wherwyth he is able to make all thynges subiecte to hymselfe And in an other place Paule reioyceth wyth all the Christians that we haue an euerlastyng dwelling place in heauen although this oure corruptible body destroyed and put awaye For yf we beleue that Iesus dyed and rose agayn then shall God bryng them with hym that are fallen a sleape by Iesus So shall we bee glorifyed with Christe as he before was glorified by hys Resurrection and made hys mortall bodye immortall and brought it vnto glorie As he also before gaue a shewe of this matter to hys Disciples in mount Thabor where his face dydde shyne as the Sunne and hys garmentes were made whiter thenne snowe He that desyreth to heare more of this matter lette hym reade the .xv. Chapter of saint Paules first epist. to the Corinthiās There shall he abundātly find how Christ rose again how manyfold and great fruict he hath purchased and gotten for vs by that his glorious resurrection Nowe forasmuche as we haue hearde and do perfectly knowe what great and singuler benefites we haue receaued by the victorious and triumphant resurrection of our Lorde and sauiour Iesus Christ How he hath ouercome synne death deuyll and hell and hath made vs not only free and safe frome them but also holy godly and rightous thorowe fayth so that we shall haue with hym euerlastyng lyfe and a glorified body it becometh vs as thankfull children with Christ to take vpon vs a new pure syncere vncorrupt and fautlesse lyfe as S. Paule exhorteth vs in his Epistle to the Romains saying We are buryed with Christe by baptisme for to dye that likewyse as Christ was raised vp from death by the glorie of the father euen so we also should walke in a newe lyfe Nowe what other thyng is a new lyfe then to eschew sinne and to doo that whiche is good and godly As Paul saith in his foresaid Epistle We ought no more from hensforth to serue synne And in an other Epistle hee sayth that Christ dyed to this ende for all menne that they whyche lyue shoulde from hensefoorth lyue not to them selues but to hym that died for thē and rose agayne So lykewyse doothe Paule reioyce that he lyueth not but Christ in hym And he exhorteth the Corinthians that forasmuche as they through faith in Christe are holye and righteous and yet for the remnantes of the vncleane fleshe are synners and vnrighteous they would purge out that olde leauyn Know ye not saith he that a litle leauen so wreth the whole lumpe of dough Purge out therfore the olde leauen that ye may be new dough as ye are swete bread For Christ our passeouer is offred vp for vs. Therfore lette vs kepe a ioyfull feast not with olde leauen neyther with the leauen of maliciousnes wickednes but with the swete bread of purenes trueth In the whiche wordes Paule doth euidentlye expresse require that we should leaue the olde vnpure lyfe whiche we haue of Adam and in spirite begin exercise a newe spirituall lyfe vnto the whiche Christe hath brought vs and that we should from tyme to tyme if anye olde leauen of wyckednes we fynde in our selues purge it out and vtterly cast it out awaye from vs so that for euer after as in profession so lykewise
in conuersation we maye be new doughe and swete bread Therfore seing we by risen againe with Christe let vs seke the thinges that are aboue where Christe sytteth on the righte hande of God that is to saye let vs forsake earthye and transitorye thinges And aspire and labour forewarde vnto heauenlye and euerlastynge thynges that the resurrection of Christe and the benefites therof of the whiche ye haue now heard may be fruitefull and full of efficacie and power in vs that by our newe lyfe and Christen conuersation we maye shewe oure selues thankfeull vnto GOD and proffitable to oure neyghbours again that they which are without enemies to the Christian trueth maye thorowe oure Godly and honest behauiour be conuerted and turne from their Idolatrie vnto the worshippynge of God from their superstition vnto Gods pure religion from corrupt and wicked maners vnto holines and purenes of lyfe that by this meanes GOD oure heauenly father maye be glorified both by them and by vs whiche vnto this ende hath geuen vs his holy Spirite that in all pointes both in body and soule we being holy and righteous maye serue hym euen the Lorde oure GOD in holynes and righteousnes all the daies of our lyfe to whome with Christe our Lorde and the holy ghoste be all prayse honour and glorye worldes without end Amen The first Sonday after Easter ¶ The Gospell Iohn xx THe same daye at nyght whiche was the firste daye of the Sabboethes when the dores were shutte where the Disciples were assemblede together for feare of the Iewes came Iesus and stode in the middes and sayde vnto them Peace be vnto you And when he had so sayde he shewede vnto them his handes and his syde Then were the Disciples glad when they sawe the Lorde Then sayde Iesus to them agayne Peace be vnto you As my father sente me euen so sende I you also And when he had sayde these wordes he breathed on them and sayde vnto them Receyue ye the holy ghoste Whosoeuers sinnes ye remit they are remitted vnto them And whosoeuers sinnes ye retayne they are retayned THE EXPOSITION ALbeit in the gospell of this present Sondaye manye thinges are contained concerninge the glorious resurrection of oure Sauiour Christ Iesu worthy to be treated of and called vnto remembraunce yet forasmuch as we on Sonday laste spake abondātly of that matter sufficiently ynough to confirme stablishe oure faith in this article of Christs resurrectiō we haue thougt it good at this present to speake of some other matter specially to handle those wordes which Christe after he had wyshed peace to his disciples shewed thē his handes his side for the more confirmation of their fayth in his resurrection spake vnto them said As my Father sent me so lykewyse do I send you c. These wordes of our Sauiour Christ are very notable worthy to be remembred wherewith he gaue to his disciples committed vnto them the office of teaching preachinge that by this meanes the vse fruite of his death resurrectiō with the cause therof might also be knowen of other and so obtaine euerlasting saluation For if this matter had only ben chronicled and not published and set abrode by preaching wherfore it was done what commoditie cōmeth therof to the faithful beleuers howe coulde it haue ben greatly profitable as we see in the kingdome of the Pope In that as touchynge the historie nothinge wanteth nothing can be desired But when in the preachinge of the papistes these thinges are not handled as Christ cōmandeth here the matter is vnprofitable is in a maner none other thing then as a man should tell an historie of kyng Alexander of Iulius Cesar of the great Turke suche like Therfore the whole matter cōsisteth in this that the history of the death resurrectiō of Christ be brought vnto the righte vse This cōmeth to passe on this maner as Christ determineth when he saieth I send you as my father sent me But how the father sent Christ Esaye the Prophete declared lōg before saying The spirit of the lord is vpō me for the lord hath anointed me sent me to preache glad and ioyefull tydings vnto the pore that I might binde vp the wounded heartes that I might preach deliuerance to the captiue and open the prison to thē that are bounde that I might declare the acceptable yere of the Lorde This is the commandement wherewith Christe is sent And he sayeth here that after the same maner he sendeth his disciples as he was sent and geueth vnto them that ministerie and office that he exercised before that they shold teache after the same sorte as he had taught so that this commandement is only to be referred vnto doctrine that the disciples sholde declare the same of Christ whiche he had before declared of hymselfe Now what maner of doctrine this is Esaye describeth and setteth forth with most goodly and euident wordes that is to saye that Christ was anointed and sent vnto this end that he should conforte the feareful the contrite and broken in heart the poore in spirit c. The doctrine that is not agreable to this is not the doctrine of Christ neither hath Christ commanded it but it is the doctrine of the lawe of Moyses for the doctrine of Moyses is that suche as be troubled fearefull shold be driuen vnto more trouble and vnto more feare But the doctrine of Christe is to conforte the weake hearted and to preache glad and ioyfull tydings to them that be sorowful and brought vnto the bryncke of desperation For it behoued Christe to comme with a newe commandement and doctrine as his workes whiche he did were also new as the like were neuer before sene in the worlde I meane that the sonne of God suffered and rose again from death And as Esaye prophecied of the doctrine of Christe euen so doth Christe sett forth here also For these are the wordes of Christe as they are rehersed of the Euangelist And he breathed vpon them saying Take the holy ghost whose synnes ye shall forgeue are forgeuen them But whose synnes ye shal retaine are retayned Here haue ye the right spiritual regiment which doth no lesse differ from the Ciuile and worldly regiment then the heauen is distāt from the earth They that are in this spirituall regiment are righte kynges right princes right lordes haue also their regiment But here consyder marke and learne how farre this regiment goeth and howe wyde it stretcheth forth it selfe Uerely as the wordes sounde euē so wyde and brode as the worlde is And yet hath it nothinge to do but with sinne as touchinge golde syluer richesse worldly substaunce temporall possessions Lordshippes farmes parkes dominions and suche lyke it hath nothinge to do with them For all these thinges pertayne vnto the worldly and ciuile regiment and they are to be handled of temporal
synnes in our owne woorkes contrary to the woorde of GOD. For the Lord Christ doothe not instructe vs here of our woorkes but of the woorde whyche he putteth in the mouth of his Disciples and sendeth them euen as he was sent of his father Nowe where forgeuenesse of synne is and the heartes as Saincte Peter saythe are purifyed by Faythe There out of that good and purifyed hearte shall vndoubtedly issue and flowe foorthe abundance and plentie of all good and christen works For Faythe is not ydell and the holy Ghoste accordynge to hys nature and propretie alwaye mouethe and prycketh forwarde the faythefull vnto the obedience of Goddes holy wyll and vnto the mortification of the flesh and synne God through CHRIST gyue vs hys grace that we may beleue this and truly fele it in our heartes Amen The second sonday after Easter ¶ The Gospell Iohn x. CHriste said vnto his Disciples I am the good shepheard A good shepheard geueth his life for the sheepe An hired seruaun● and he which is not the shephearde neyther the sheepe are his owne seeth the wolfe comming and leaueth y● sheepe and fleeth and the Wolfe catcheth and scattreth the sheepe The hyred seruaunt fleeth because he is an hyrede seruaunt and careth not for the sheepe I am the good shepheard and knowe my sheepe and am knowen of myne As my father knowethe me euen so knowe I also my father And I geue my life for the sheepe And other sheepe I haue whiche are not of this folde them also muste I brynge and they shal heare my voyce and there shal be one folde and one shepheard THE EXPOSITION THis Gospel as likewise the other workes of Christ may be handeled two maner of wais First cōcerning faith Secōdly touching charitie It is the doctrine of Faith because it teacheth that Christ is the alone shepherd none other that dieth for his shepe For vnto this work that Christ dieth for vs no mā no saint no nor yet ang●ll was mete that he might restore man which was slain of that deuil in Paradise thorow synne so that it shold be the very proper work of this shepherd Christ with whom none is able to compare as none of all his other workes which he dyd in this behalf I meane in making satisfaction for our sinnes can be of any creature imitated folowed and expressed Therfore no mā can speake these wordes of himselfe which Christ pronoūceth in this place I am the good Shepherd A good shepheard geueth his lyfe for his shepe so that by these his wordes he allureth vs vnto hym and teacheth vs that we shoulde beleue that none can be like vnto hym in accomplishyng the work of our redemption whyche he broughte to passe by his Passion and deathe Moyses and the Prophets were men of great authoritie and of singuler excellencie whiche taughte truly what we ought to beleue and to do yea they suffered many thynges for this their doctrine yet as concernyng this worke wherof Christ speaketh here I meane to dye for the shepe they are only mercenaries and hirelynges neither can they defende the shepe agaynst the wolfe For this is without all doubt that Moyses and the Prophetes when they had taught a longe tyme and done all thyngs aswell as they 〈◊〉 were not yet able to recouer them selues out of death What then could they be able to do for the shepe against the wolf whiche is the deuill death And verily it is euen as Christ saith The hireling which is not the shepherd to whom the shepe do not belong seeth the wolfe cōming forsaketh the shepe fleeth and the wolf catcheth scattereth the shepe But the hireling fleeth because he is an hireling the shepe do not pertaine vnto him Therfore he that in this perill desireth to be without ieoperdy not to be rent torne of the wolf must diligētly take hede that he put not his cōfidēce in the law or in good works For ther is no help in the law yea y● law is rather against vs accuseth condemneth vs neither can good workes helpe any thyng in this behalf Therfore all our trust concernyng our owne righteousnes and good workes must we vtterly caste awaye and lerne with true faith to resorte vnto him alone which saith I am the good shepehearde I geue my life for my shepe For he fleeth not the wolfe neither is he afraide of him yea he rather offereth himselfe o the wolfe for to be rent and torne on pieces then that one of his shepe should perishe and decay Therfore when we are in dāger we must resort and flee vnto him alone And this is one thing that we muste stedfastly beleue We our selues can do nothyng in this behalfe but Christe that good shepheard he alone doth it and worketh all good thynges for vs and commandeth vs to embrace it with a sure faith and stedfastly to beleue it The second doctrine is that this act of our shepherd is set forth vnto vs for an example as Peter witnesseth sayinge Christ hath borne our sinnes in his body vpon the tree that we being dead to sinne might lyue vnto righteousnesse by whose stripes ye were healed For ye were sometime as shepe that runne astray but ye are turned vnto the shepheard and curate of your soules This is the doctrine of faythe whiche he afterward applieth vnto Charitie saying Christ hath suffred for vs leauyng vnto vs an example that ye shold folow his steppes As Christe died for vs that by his worke he myght redeme vs without our worke from synne and euerlastyng deathe so are we bounde one to helpe and confort an other when soeuer any man beyng in daunger hath nede of our helpe and confort This is to folowe the example of Christe that euery christen man also shoulde be a good shepheard For although I with my death can not redeme other from death and synne for that is the only worke of thee alone and true shepheard Christe Iesu as ye haue tofore heard yet may I geue my life that other by thys example may be allured vnto the worde and brought vnto the knowledge of Christ as S. Iohn saith By this haue we knowē the loue of God because he gaue his lyfe for vs and we are bound also to geue our lyfe for the brethren For this we right well knowe howe great the hatred of the world and the deuil is against the word of God And specially the Pope laboreth with all mayne to oppresse the word yea and so many as be the true pastors preachers therof Therfore we haue nede of faithful and good teachers whiche seyng they be redemed by the deth of Christ ought also they them selues to imitate and folow the example of Christ and also to die for the sheepe and to geue their life for the word This death redemeth not other for saluation cometh only by the death
the euerlasting lyfe So sayth Paule I suppose that the afflictions of thys lyfe are not woorthy of the glorie whiche shall be shewed vppon vs. Agayne Our tribulation whyche is shorte and lighte prepareth an excedynge and an eternall weight of glorye vnto vs while we looke not on the things that are sene but on the thinges which are not sene For the thinges whiche are seene are temporall but things which are not sene ar eterna●l Blessed Peter saith also In the which ye reioyce thoughe now for a season ye are in heuines thorow many folde tentations that the triall of your faithe being muche more precious then gold that perisheth might be foūd vnto praise glorie honor at the appearing of Iesus Christ whom ye haue not sene yet loue hym in whō euen now though ye see him not yet doo you beleue and reioyce with ioy vnspeakable and glorious receauing the ende of your faith euen the saluation of your soules Again The God of all grace which hath called vs vnto his eternall glory by Christ Iesus shal his owne selfe after that ye haue suffred a lyttell affliction make you perfect settle strength and stablish you He that coulde thus beleue and be thus certainely persuaded of this saying A lyttell whyle should fynd great consolation in hys affliction wherwith he shold bee able to staye hym selfe Therefore all the matter standeth in thys one poynte that wee surely truste the Lorde CHRIST and counte hys woorde to be moste certayne and trewe and that although we be troubled and afflicted yet it shall continue but a lytle while so that we may comfort our selues in the crosse as they comforte a woman that trauayleth of chyld namely that she shall haue good lucke bee delyuered of her payne and haue a fayre chylde to her great ioye and comfort For it is not possible that there shoulde be any great gladnesse where no sorowe and sadnesse hath ben before But thorowe the importunitie of reason we are kepte in myserable bondage whyche alwaies putteth vs in mynde that our affliction commeth not from the fauour but the anger of God and that we shall perishe in the same and neuer be deliuered But the matter is farre otherwise For as sorowes and paynes doo therfore chance to women trauailyng of chylde that an infant may be borne so likewise oure afflictions are therfore sent to vs from God that by this meanes we may obteyne our trewe glorie and so for euer be saued This also is not to be passed ouer with silence that Christe interpreteth and maketh playn to his disciples what ioye shall chaunce vnto them I sayth he wyll see you agayne This came to passe in the daye of his resurrection when they sawe hym in a new and euerlastyng lyfe Christe therfore seeth vs also and our hert reioyceth when we meditate and consider his resurrection that for oure sake he hathe ouercome synne deathe and deuyll that we thorough hym myght liue euerlastyngly And this is a true sound perfect and euerlastyng ioye whyche changeth all sadnesse neyther shall it at any tyme be taken away from vs. Lette vs therefore beware and take hede of impaciencie and desperation when we are in trouble And this comfort is diligently to bee retayned and kepte faste that although wee suffer and beare the Crosse yet it shall bee but A litle while For Christe is rysen from the dead and sytteth on the ryght hande of GOD the Father that he may represse and keepe vnder the deuyll and all euyls and geue vs euerlastyng saluation Whiche thynge oure faythfull GOD mought vouchsafe to bestowe vpon vs for his sonne Christ Iesus sake oure Lorde and alone Sauiour To whom with the Father and the holy Ghoste be all honour glory and prayse worldes without ende Amen The fourthe Sonday after Easter ¶ The Gospell Iohn xvi IEsus said vnto his Disciples Nowe I go my way to hym that sente me and none of you asketh me whither I go But because I haue said suche things vnto you your heartes are full of sorowe Neuerthelesse I tell you the truth it is expediēt for you that I go away for if I go not away that comforter wyll not come vntn you But if I depart I wyll sende hym vnto you And when he is come he wyll rebuke the worlde of sinne and of ryghteousnes and of iudgment Of sinne because they beleue not on me Of ryghteousnes because I go to my father and ye shall see me no more Of iudgement because the Prince of this world is iudged alredy I haue yet many thinges to say vnto you but ye cannot beare them away nowe How be it when he is come which is the sprite of trueth he wyll leade you into all trueth He shall not speake of hym selfe but whatsoeuer he shal heare that shall he speake and he wyll shewe you thynges to com He shall glorifie me for he shall receiue of mine and shall shewe vnto you All thinges that the father hath are mine therefore sayde I vnto you that hee shall take of mine and shewe vnto you THE EXPOSITION THis is a most noble and excellent Gospell For it entreateth specially of that high necessarie article for the which wee are and are called Christians Therfore although it be redde euery yeare among vs yet canne wee not thynke and speake it sufficiently If we entend truely to haue the profite and fruite that commeth by it so must we diligently exercise our selues in the meditation therof It is also part of that sermon which Christ made after his laste Supper And this parte euen as all the rest tendeth also to this end that the Disciples may be enarmed agaynst the sclaunder offendicle or stomblyng blocke of Christes Passion and death that they shoulde not onely not be heauy but also iudge so of the matter that as the truthe is they should right well perceaue that the saluation bothe of them and of all synners dothe onely consyste in the deathe of the Lorde Christe Wherfore euen as of late he set foorth vnto vs a consolation and conforte concernynge the shortnes and small continuance of affliction and trouble and the perpetuitie of our ioye and gladnesse soo lykewyse dothe he declare the matter here and setteth foorthe the cause of his passion I goe sayeth he vnto hym that sent mee that is to saye To morowe I shall be crucified and slayne and yet there is none of you that asketh me whyther I goe nor what I entend by this my departure But because I haue spokē this vnto you your hertes are ful of sorow But I tell you truth it is expediēt for you that I go away For if I shall not go away the cōforter shal not come vnto you and the prince of this worlde shall not bee Iudged But when I shall go away I will send the comforter vnto you Christe woulde haue it well beaten in to all mens heades that they should not
Christ hath not the holy Ghost neyther can he thynke any godly thinge aright And although he doth that which of the owne nature is not vicious and wicked but agreable to the commaundementes of God yet dothe he the same as a seruant onely for feare not frely to shew his obedience to the will of God so that the worlde is euen suche one as lyke a most bondslaue is ledde of the deuyll which can neither speake do or thinke any thing that good and godly is as S. Iohn saith The world is altogether set on wyckednes The reason hereof is this For incredulitie is the fountayne and welspring of all euyll And he that exactly and throughly desireth to describe the worlde may well saye on this maner The worlde is a multitude of men which beleue not in Christ and therfore hate curse and blaspheme his worde whiche inwardly in their heartes outwardly in their dedes and workes steale robbe kylle commytte whoredome and are bent to all kynde of lewdnes and wickedly abuse all the good gyftes of God All suche sayth Christ in this place shall you myne Apostles and ministers of the worde haue euermore your aduersaries with suche muste you haue to doo This rebukyng of the worlde shall not be taken away before the laste daye but it shall bee continuallye taught that whatsoeuer is the worlde that beleueth not on Christ that pertayneth not vnto the kyngdom of Christ but vnto the deuyll not only for the notorious and outward syns but also for this principall and moste greuous synne I meane incredulitie or vnbelefe Neyther dothe this profite any thyng at all that thou keepest this or that monasticall rule that thou doest this or that woorke For so longe as incredulitie is presente thou arte a damned synner neyther canste thou auoyde damnation so longe as thou remaynest in that state The one and alone waye to escape damnation is to geue ouer thyne incredulitie and to beleue in Christe and to holde fast this confort agaynst synne deuyll and deathe As concernyng Faithe what it is it is not vnknowen vnto you and ye haue many tymes heard that Faythe is not onely to knowe and beleue that the hystorie of Christe is true but faithfully to be persuaded that all that euer Christe dydde was doone for thy sake for thy cōmoditie and wealthe for thy health and euerlastynge saluation For the deuyll also knoweth that Christ dyed and doothe as certainly beleue it as all the Papistes of the worlde but he beleueth not that Christe dyed for hym and for his saluation Thys Fayth that we here speake of that all that Christe dyd was done for our sake and for our saluation is onely the gyfte of the holye Ghoste Hee that hath not thys Faythe that he can saye Christe dyed for me that I myghte be delyuered from synne and euerlastynge deathe is vngodly and appertayneth not vnto the kyngdome of Christ neyther hath he remoued synne from him whatsoeuer good works he dothe and taketh neuer soo muche payne otherwyse And this is the firste parte of the office of the holy Ghost that all thyngs are wrapped in synne and that we with all our good workes are not withstandyng iudged of the holy Ghoste synners and so damned forasmuche as we beleue not in Christ Iesu. Therefore lette vs refuse and vtterlye caste awaye coules monkyshe orders foolyshe vowes superstitious fastynges vnfaythfull prayers mens wicked traditions vnfruitfull ceremonies and ydell obseruations of mennes mooste ydell inuentions and carnall imaginations and moreouer what soeuer we haue taken vppon vs to this ende that we maye obteyne Remission of oure synnes and lette vs laye on hande and holde faste trewe Faythe in Christe For these thynges can not agree together that I should saye Christe dyed for me and yet I dooe and obserue certayne woorkes that I maye bee iustified and saued by them He that can not abyde to bee rebuked of the holye Ghoste for suche thynges It is a manyfeste signe that he doothe not beleue and that he is a damned synner and of the number of them that doo not beleue in Christe Iesu. The seconde parte is that the Holye Ghoste wyll rebuke the worlde of ryghteousnesse Thys alsoo is an harde sayenge The worlde hathe Synne but it hathe not Ryghteousnesse neyther dothe it knowe howe it shoulde bee Iustifyed and made Ryghteous But what is thys Ryghteousnesse Lawe and righteousnes be the chiefe thynges of the worlde And the Philosophers haue prescribed Rules and Preceptes of the Offices and dueties of Righteousnesse and of other vertues that menne myght lyue an honest and Ciuile lyfe Neyther canne thys be counted vnrighteous to hange vp theues to punyshe adulterers c. Yea it is an acte bothe ryghte and good But Christe speakethe not here of that Ryghteousnesse whiche the world counteth righteousnes but of that righteousnes whyche is of valour and wyll goe for payment before God He speaketh not here of politike and humayne iustice or rightousnes but of that which is comprehended in this worde of Christe I go vnto the Father and ye shall see me no more This is more mysticall and harder to be vnderstanded then the last where it is pronounced that it is synne not to beleue in Christe For thus men thynke that they haue naturall strength inough to lyue godly to prepare them selues vnto grace and to praye for it And that is the cause nowe a dayes also that the Papists can not perceaue nor vnderstand this doctrine so far out of frame semeth here the description of righteousnes that thou art then righteous when Christe goeth vnto the Father and thou seest hym no more This is a meruailous goodly text and nothynge can bee more euident and playne then this description For what will man nowe glorye and boaste hymselfe of his good works Christes worde is manyfest in this place that righteousnes is not gotten by woorkes but it is gotten by this meanes onely that Christe gothe to the Father This his iourney and goynge vnto the Father is the true and euerlastynge righteousnes This knowledge is vtterly vnknowen vnto the worlde For in all his monumentes and bookes there is not one syllable of this rightousnes This is sette foorth in theyr bookes that he whyche kepeth the tenne commaundementes dothe nothyng agaynst honestie publique ordinances lawes custome c. is a good honeste and righteous man But Christe speaketh not one worde here what I ought to doo or to leaue vndoone but he speakethe symply and onely of his owne worke that is to saye that he goeth vnto the Father and that we shall see hym no more and that this is our righteousnes and none other thyng Therefore when we doo determyne to get vs true ryghteousnesse we maye not go about to obteyne it with our owne workes and with our owne righteousnes It maketh nothyng vnto this matter to become a Monke to watche to faste
euerlastingly neither can synne condemne them Therefore all thinges are now turned cleane contrarie Before we were holden vnder the captiuitie of synne Before we perceaued that the deuill by the reason of oure sinne was a cruell tyrant againste vs. Before we coulde by no meanes escape the moste bytter payne of death Before we looked for yea and that worthely euerlasting damnation and the most cruell tormentes of hell fyre But fromhensforth it shall no more be so For Christe vnto this ende is ascended into heauen that he shoulde holde in bondes as slaues of no power synne death and deuill that they fromhensforth should not exercise their tyranny againste vs as tofore they haue done or if they do attempt any violence against vs it should chaunce for the best on our behalfe Synne ceaseth not to prouoke vs if by any meanes it may enforce vs to do any thing againste the will of God and so to make vs to haue gyltie consciences And our infirmitie is great We do not resiste sin as we ought to do Dauid was a great man an holy yet was he throwne into two most greuous haynous sinnes Nowe that he was deliuered again frō those sinnes that they were forgiuen him The cause was that he beleued on that blessed sede that was promised to come which shold destroye the power of synne and make it his bonde prisoner It therfore can not only not oppresse Dauid but it is the cause also that he prayeth the more feruently and is the more circumspecte in all his doinges for euer after If he had not thus fallen he had neuer made that moste godly and swete psalme Miserere And so likewise is the matter concerning death It can not refraine his violence from vs neither can we any otherwise then tremble for feare at the beholdinge therof But how cōmeth it to passe that death can do none of all those thinges that it entendeth Because death is taken prisoner bounde so that nowe it can not hurt nor kyl euerlastingly the faithful the styng therof being taken awaye by Christ and it selfe being vtterly subdued and ouercome as Christ him selfe saith by the Prophet O death I wil be thy death Therfore whē death sheweth it selfe moste fearce and vttereth the greatest violence that it can yet it doth no more with the true Christians then that it should be the cause for them to flee vnto the worde of God that they maye exercise them selues in it the more diligently and confirme them selues with it which otherwise they wold not haue done if the terrours of death had not bene Euen the same may be spoken concerning the deuil which is a sutle deceiptfull craftie and cruell enemie He at all times lyeth in waight for the Christians if by any meanes he may make their hope frustrat vaine But Christ is Lord ouer him so that he shal not onely not do bring to passe that he entendeth but also the more that Christians are assalted of him the more ware circumspecte doth he make them and prouoke them the more diligently to geue their mindes to prayer to the meditation studie of gods worde to cōmit them selfe wholly to the tuition defence of god euermore calling on him for helpe and succour And where as if they were without this sutle and craftie enemie they wold become careles and negligent because they should stand in no feare of suche an aduersarie nowe they watch now they are circumspecte and take hede that they fall not into his daunger Al these thinges therfore profit the Christians whiche are to other because of their corrupt pernitious nature a very plague pestilence confusion and destruction And this chaunceth to the Christians because Christ is ascended into heauen and hath by that meanes made them his prisoners so that now they can not do against the Christians what they wold but what it pleaseth Christ to suffer or appoint them Synne wold gladly condēne vs death wold very faine kyl vs The deuil is altogether desirous to cast vs hedlōg into euerlasting damnati ōbut they can not do what they wold forasmuch as they are although enemies yet the captiues bond slaues of Christ so that although they be cruel fearce against vs yet can they not hurt against vs. And this is the noble fruit singuler cōmoditie of Christes Ascentiō that our greate enemies synne death deuill whose captiues and bonde slaues we were are nowe imprisoned of Christe and holden in bondage so that by this meanes we are free from their tyranny For for this purpose dyd he go vp into heauen and sytteth on the right hande of God that he might defende the churche against them It foloweth in the psalme Thou hast receaued gyfts for men that is to saye suche gyftes as thou wilt distribute vnto men and thorowe those gyftes helpe cōfort them What maner of gyftes these are God by the Prophet Ioel declareth saying After this will I poure out my spirit vpon all fleshe and your sonnes your daughters shall prophecie your olde men shall dreame dreames and your yong men shal se visions yea in those dayes I wil poure out my spirit vpon seruantes maydens I wil shewe wonders in heauen aboue tokens in the earth beneth And in the gospel of Iohn Christ saith thus If I go away I wil send the confortour vnto you And when he shal come he will rebuke the worlde of sin of righteousnes of iudgemēt Peter also saith Sence now that Christ by the right hand of god is exalted and hath receaued now of the father the promes of the holy ghost he hath shed forth this gyfte whiche ye nowe see and heare Now there are two thinges principally whiche the holye ghost worketh Firste he leadeth vs thorowe the Gospel vnto the true knowledge of CHRIST that we maye beleue to haue remission of our synnes in his name Again that we maye bringe forth the worthy fruites of repentaunce resiste synne mortifye it earnestly begin to obeye god And this newnes of lyfe afterwarde taketh place in oure soule bodye heart and in al the partes of vs. For although because of our sinnefull body we can neuer be so free from sinne that we shall be vtterly without synne yet that sinne that remaineth in vs is not imputed to vs nor layde to our charge for Christes sake neyther doth it condemne vs. And this is the firste thynge that the holy ghost worketh in vs. Secondly the holy ghoste also maketh his instruments that thorowe the worde and the preachynge therof other maye be brought vnto the knowledge of this grace In consideration wherof Paule interpreteth this psalme to this ende that thorowe the Ascention of Christ these giftes chaunce vnto vs that he hath made some Apostles some Prophetes some Euangelistes some Shepheardes and teachers to
Secondarilye this is to be noted that as the scripture geueth a peculiar name vnto CHRIST and calleth hym the worde of GOD So doth it also geue a proper name to the sprite callynge it Spiritus Sanctus that is the holye Ghoste whiche by his grace doth sanctifye the heartes whiche were before vnholy and defiled with synne This name bringeth greate conforte to all good Christian men For they perceaue that they are weaker then the deuill and vnable at all times to resyste hys temptations And as they are verye sorowfull that they fele the euyll spirite sore sette agaynste them so are they put in good hope that by CHRIST they obtayne the holye Ghoste whiche pardoneth theyr synnes and styrreth them to obeye God truly But howe the holye Ghoste dooth bringe thys to passe it is shewed in Iohns Gospell The holye Ghoste shall reproue the worlde of synne of iustice and of iudgement For so are the properties of the Trinitie discerned in the articles of our faith that GOD the father gaue vs bodye and lyfe and made vs to his Kyngedome And after that oure parentes became the firste synners and vnder deaths danger and we also as by enheritance succeded vnto their synne and forfet The sonne of god was made man and thorough his death restored to vs that that was loste deliuered vs from sinne and death This deliuerance doth the holy ghost set forth by the Gospell and so instructe the heartes of men to beleue therin that is to haue sure confort therin that CHRIST died for them and that they maye not doubt but that they are reconciled to God the father by that death so that he wili no more remember their synnes but will forgeue them for Christes sake This doth signifie the sanctifiynge of the heartes or the purifying by fayth as Peter speaketh in the Actes of the Apostles And wher as is suche remission of synnes by faith so that we do not despaire althoughe diuers sinnes remaine but take sure conforte thorowe the death and resurrection of CHRIST There foloweth at the lenght the second sanctifyinge of the holye Ghoste wherein oure bodyes also are sanctified by the holye Ghoste as when we geue ouer oure selues no more to sin nor be delighted therwith but abstayne and studie to do those thynges that please God as Paule teacheth He that stole set hym steale no more but rather let hym labor with his owne handes that that is good that he maye haue to geue to the nedefull c. This is the propertie of the holy Ghoste to begin in vs a newe and true obedience towarde GOD that we maye resiste synne and mortifye the fleshe and so obtaine remission of oure sinnes by faith But this sanctifying is not parfect by and by with the first For if the fyrst were not the second coulde not muche preuayle For fleshe and bloud are full of infirmitie but the deuill is excedynge mighty against vs and we haue receaued onely the firste fruites of the spirite Wherefore this obedience can not be parfect and there is no sanctifyinge to attayne vnto ryghteousnes before GOD and euerlastynge lyfe than the sanctifyinge of fayth wherof is spoken before For thereof dependeth the whole matter wheras the second sanctifyinge when it hath done all that it can confesseth his owne vnprofitablenes and stycketh onelye to the sanctifyinge whiche commeth of Gods grace and mercie Hereof then is it plaine why the holye Ghoste is so called because it doth make holy and sanctifye that is by the word it stirreth vp in vs fayth towarde CHRIST that thereby we maye obtayne remission of oure synnes Besyde this office of sanctifyinge the holy Ghoste hath other offices as he hath other names in scripture For Zacharie calleth hym the spirite of prayer because he encourageth the heartes to truste surelye in GOD and to call vpon hym in their necessities Also CHRIST calleth hym the conforter whiche helpeth oure heartes by stirringe vs to take paciently all thynges that they shoulde be feared by no misfortune or combrance of the worlde Also he calleth him the spirit of truth because to withstand lies and heresies and to confirme the pure word and true faith he is alwayes bent Wheras contrariwise the deuill by our reason and false doctrine woulde caste vs hedlong into errours and lyes These are the proper offices of the holye Ghoste besyde that he garnisheth the heartes of the faythfull with diuers vertues and gyftes and is suche a conforter that bydeth with vs alwayes where as all the worldlye conforte is but for a tyme and at laste forsaketh vs. Seynge then that the holye Ghoste dooth worke suche greate thynges in vs. This also is to be learned Whiche is the waye to attaine to suche greate gyftes and howe they maye begynne to growe in vs and that we maye receaue the holye Ghoste and thereby be sanctifyed and saued As touchynge this thynge CHRIST hymselfe doth teache vs. Luke xj Wheras he sayth on this wise Seynge that you that are euyll can geue good thynges to youre sonnes howe muche more can youre heauenly father geue his holye spyrite vnto them that aske it of hym Yt is a sentence worthy to be rehearsed teachynge fyrste that GOD woulde that the holye Ghoste shoulde be obtayned by prayer of hym and that he geueth it to them that wyth humble prayers desire it of the father Wherefore when thou haste a desyre in thy mynde to obtayne the holy Ghoste of GOD continewe in prayinge and doubte not but thou shalte obtayne This is the redye waye to obtayne the holye Ghoste For CHRIST hym selfe dooth teache thee so to doo and to call vpon GOD the father often for the holye Ghoste but this prayer as all other prayers muste be made also in the name of IESV and on suche wyse muste we praye GOD that he for CHRIST his Sonne sake wyll geue vs the holye Ghoste And to the attainement thereof haue greate helpe in that that Christ ascended to the father for no other cause but to receaue these gyftes of the father and to geue them vnto vs. Wherfore in our prayers we can not doubt for it is not onely commanded of God that we shoulde praye for the holye ghoste and also promised that we shall obtayne but also his wil is redie to geue it For as muche as Christ therfore sitteth at the right hande of God the father to distribute amongest vs these gyftes For he also receaued them of the father as it is writent in the .lxviij. psal Not for hymselfe but for men to geue them vnto them Besides prayers there are other things also necessary to the obtayninge of the holye Ghoste For we muste haue a feruent studie to read or heare the worde of God and to vse often the Sacraments that all these thinges ioyned to gether may make opē the way for the holy ghost For this is once for all
of no strenght they can not bring vs to heauē But thou wilt say Are al condēned are al wtout saluatiō This sentēce is against al mē neither can it be otherwise for asmuch as it belōgeth to al mē of whatsoeuer cōditiō or state they be There is but one way to heauē which we do not opē make but the son of god doth it And of this speaketh christ now immediatly saying As Moses lyfted vp the serpent in the desert so much the sonne of man be lifte vp that all that beleue in him may not perishe but haue euerlasting lyfe This is the secōd part of this celestial heauēly sermō of the very soūd of the holy ghost now he mitigateth the sharpnes of his first sermō by these words For it is an horrible fereful sayīg that no mā shal go vp īto heauē get saluatiō But it is spokē to the intēt that we shold learne that our first birth is al sinful ther can nothing be foūde in vs that may seme worthy of euerlasting life that not only to put down our prid carelesse liuing but that we shold tourne hūble our selues before god aske grace And this is the beginning of the true gospell that according to my former sayīg euē as no mā ascēdeth īto heauē so that here thou maist know that al that beleue in Christ shal not perish but haue euerlasting life This is a swete voice soūd by that which the holy ghost may be felt perceaued And both these doctrines are necessary in the cōgregatiō The first of sin of our corrupt nature that we might despaire of our workes of al things that we shal neuer go vp into heauē for their sake And whē our heartes are terrified abashed by such wordes then must that cōfortable worde be put forth that Iesus Christ the son of god descēded frō heauē came into the world tooke our flesh blood died for our sins that we might be free frō syn get the inheritāce of euerlasting life He that beleueth this sayinge purposeth surely to sticke therto is now saued shal not be forsakē of Christ nether in life neither in death but shal be takē vp vnto hī into heauē This sermon is a heauenly thynge which can not sufficiently be set forth commended vnto men especially to Nicodemes that is to them that thynke that the law must be obserued vnto iustification and that it is sufficient vnto saluatiō For these are they which knowe not the firste doctrine of sinne that although the lawe be iust holy and good yet we are so corrupt and euill that for our naturall vice we can not obey the lawe although to syght we do good workes Furthermore they muche lesse know that we must ascend into heauen by this man the sonne of Mary which only came frō heauen And so it cōmeth of such ignorance that they do not only thynke that they shal be saued by their owne righteousnes before god but also they persecute the righteousnes which cōmeth of faith in Iesu Christ as we see by the examples of the papistes which can suffer nothyng lesse in our doctrine striue againste nothyng so much as that we teache that we are iustified only by faith and saued therby not by good workes But compare our doctrine with the doctrine of Christ and ye shal fynd no diuersitie In the fourth booke of Moyses ther is such an hystorie The people of Israell when they were werye of suche thynges as they had in the wildernes They murmured against god Moses despised Manna as a light meat This sinne trespas dyd god punishe after this sorte He sent amōgest them ferye serpētes by and by at their styngyng followed a swellynge an inflammation in their bodies so that they fel down on heapes died Then came they to Moyses said we haue trespaced in that we haue spoken againste God and they pray hym that he wil take away from vs these serpētes And the lord spake vnto him Make a brasen serpent and put hym vp for a signe he that is stong and loketh vpon it shal liue Christ here maketh mention of this historie applieth it to himselfe that he must be lifte vp also as the serpent was And he that looketh vpon him that is he that beleueth in hym shal not perish but haue euerlasting lyfe First let vs learne the cause of this dreadfull iudgement whiche Christ hath pronounced twise before againste all men that is that no man can go vp to heauen but the sonne of man that came downe from heauen And again except a man be borne again he can not se the kyngdom of god Wherof came this great misery to man that he is thrust out of heauen should for his owne desert perish for euer It came of no other thing than that the old serpent the deuil dyd so byte hurte the first man and so corrupted him infected hym by syn That he is now in danger of euerlasting death can not by himself get any remedie against it as the type figure in the Iewes doth shew also whosoeuer were stonge they died al. So is it with vs also the reward of sinne is death And looke wher synne is ther must death nedes folow For as much then as al men as soone as they are borne be sinners this iudgement is geuen on thē that they must dye as god by name doth threaten Adam Eue whatsoeuer daye ye eate of this tree ye shall dye the death But here doth God shew his mercie in that he casteth not awaye men that are in this miserie and so infected damned to death but euen as in the figure and tipe of the brasen serpent he put forth a cōmandement which serpent was in all points lyke other serpents sauing that he had no poyson was a remedie against poyson so doth he procure that his son shold be lyfte vp on the crosse that all that looke on him sholde not perishe but escape the danger of death get euerlasting lyfe Yea he himselfe on the crosse had y● forme of a poysonful serpent but yet hath no poyson but the lykelines therof For although Christe had our fleshe bloud yet that fleshe and bloud was without sinne yea and is of such strength that it deliuereth vs from poyson and sinne This is the very voyce and sound of the holy ghost by the whiche he beginneth the newe byrth in oure heartes that faith may conceaue and that this serpent by true faith may be in our syght and geue saluation But this sight of Christ is not regarded because of folishe reason As it is very lyke that so it chaunced thē also with the Iewes which wold not be brought in beliefe that ther was so great vertue in sight of such a dead
thing They wold more sooner beleue that the poison might sooner be expelled by medicines What doth it profite saith reason to saue the life if a man beleue in Christ The commandementes of the lawe must be fulfilled also and synne must be auoyded and than ther is hope of saluation Therfore few men perceaue this that all the meanes to come to saluatiō doth depende hereof that we beleue in Christ. But som be made Monkes they fast they pray c. And euery man seeketh saluation and lyfe by an other meanes then by the syght and faith in Christ But in this place marke this perfect sentence The corruption an contagion the which is ingendred in thee by the deuill is greater then that thou mayst be deliuered from euerlastynge death by thy owne power and might Neiher mayst thou be deliuered from this greate euill by any other meanes then by this syght that thou beholde Christ lyfted vp on the crosse how that he died for thee and offred his owne lyfe for thee and by his death satisfied for thy sinnes and so reconciled thee to God If thou beleuest this and be baptised then no doubt art thou newe borne by the holy ghost to the kyngdome of god For I ●●yd before that this new byrth is of this sorte that there is nothynge open beside the sounde that is to saye we must sticke sure to the worde and beleue that most constantly And this is the plaine doctrine of this gospell that first we are al sinners damned to eternal death Thē that by this we are deliuered from eternal death whē we behold the man Iesus Christ on the crosse that he made satisfaction for vs and vanquished death ▪ and brought vs at one with god and made vs partakers of euerlastinge lyfe This is the doctrine that forgeth new men and new heartes so that we may say in sin death Although I am deadly stōg of the old serpēt and can not deme it yet this thing maketh me haue sure hope of saluation that in the man Christe Iesu there is so great vertue that if I loke vpon him being crucified I get therby sure deliuerance from sin death and the deuill Wherfore there is nothing that can feare me be the bytting of the deuil neuer so great defileth he all thinges neuer somuche with matter and blacke poyson Christe on his Crosse doth confort me with his righteousnes For his blacke wan woundes are there set for my health And looke wher this confort is in the hearte againste this continuall poyson forthwith will ther ensue an other maner of lyfe that euen as we obtaine saluation be Christ So lykewyse we are redie to seke the sauing of other men by geuing helpe succour councel confort defence c. And although a Christian man be hurte of other yet he goeth not about to reuēge but more rather he hath pitie For he seeth the cause that all those things come by the bytinge and poyson of the deuill in all whiche thinges we could not but perishe if it were not for the remedie prouided by Christ. Wherfore he leaueth nothynge vndone but seketh alwayes possible to bringe men to this felowship and companie of saluatiō that they may be deliuered from this poison as he was deliuered So that this doctrine is the spring and fountaine wherout floweth al vertues confort ioy tranquillitie The almightie god and our most mercifull father preserue vs thorough Iesus Christ his sonne in this doctrine and graunt vs therin daylye to encrease that this syghte may neuer fall out of our syght and that by true fayth in Christ we maye be deliuered from eternall death Amen Here endeth the fyrste part of the Postille ¶ The seconde parte of this Appostell beginnyng at the firste Sondaie after Trinitie Sondaie vpon the Gospell of Luke xvj THere was a certain riche man whiche was clothed in purple and fine white and fared deliciously euery daie And there was a certain begger named Lazarus whiche laie at his gate full of sores desiryng to bee refreshed with the crummes whiche fell from the riche mannes borde and no man gaue vnto him The dogges came also and licked his sores And it fortuned that the begger died and was caried by the Aungelles into Abrahams bosome The riche man also died and was buried And beyng in hell in tormentes he lift vp his eyes and sawe abrahā a farre of and Lazarus in his bosome and he cried and said Father Abraham haue mercy on me and sende Lazarus that he maie dippe the tippe of his finger in water and coole my tongue for I am tormented in this flame But Abraham saied Sonne remember that thou in thy life tyme receiuedst thy pleasure and contrariwise Lazarus receiued paine But now he is comforted and thou art punished Beyonde all this betwene vs and you there is a greate space set so that thei whiche would go from hense to you can not neither maie come from thense to vs. Then he saied I praie thee therefore father sende hym to my fathers house for I haue fiue brethren for to warne them least thei come also into this place of tormente Abraham saied vnto hym Thei haue Moises and the Prophetes let them heare them And he saied Naie father Abraham but if one come vnto theim from the deade thei will repente He saied vnto hym If thei heare not Moises and the Prophetes neither will thei beleue though one arose from death againe THE EXPOSITION THere is in this historie a singuler example the like wherof is not founde in al the scripture as touchyng the iudgement that after this life shall come Neither is it necessarie for vs to dispute whether it bee an historie or a parable For seyng that Christ do●th name the persones and describeth the life of thē bothe and also what is bothe their endes that the riche is tormented in fier and Lazarus is comforted it semeth requisite to beleue that it chaunced so in deede Yea and this we maie be bolde also to saie after the councell of Christ with a sure faithe that it shall likewise befall and chaunce to all suche as are like in condiciōs to this riche man and to this Lazarus As Christ declareth wheras he putteth forthe this example to terrifie and to feare the couetous Phariseis There are put forthe here generally twoo examples for the whole worlde The one of hym that is riche in this worlde and after that poore without ende The other of him that is poore in this world and after that blessed and salfe for euer that euery manne might folowe that state that he thynketh beste For pouertie and other discommodities ioyned with godlines are not to bee refused so that thou maiest thereby come to saluacion As contrarie wise prosperitie putteth not a man in suche safetie as though he neede not feare vngodlinesse but rather for riches and wealthes sake should a man suspecte the more the perill of Idolatrie and of vngodlinesse
there is nothyng doen of compulsion in all his seruice allowed After this sorte he dooeth compell he causeth the woorde to be preached vnto vs he that beleueth and is Baptized shall be saued he that beleueth not shall be condemned Wherby he setteth before vs bothe heauen and helle death and life wrathe and mercie For first of all he declareth vnto vs our synne and our greate corruption of nature that we maie feare when we heare that we are borne the children of wrathe in the kyngdome of the deuill And this is in deede compulsion and constrainyng when there is greate feare for the wrathe of GOD and thereby we are driuen to call for helpe And when that is so brought to passe by the preaching of the Gospel that the heartes dread then muste we proceade in doctrine that yet the synners fall not to desperation for their synne although thei haue neuer so iuste cause to despaire But let them rather folowe this councell of GOD that bicause thei are Baptised let them heare the Gospell that preacheth of Iesu Christ that he died for vs and made satisfaction for our synnes on the crosse by his death If thou beleue this thou nedest not feare the wrathe of GOD and death euerlastyng And so thou as a true geaste hast a roume in this magnificent and glorious supper and art therby fedde made fatte and in good likyng And so to compell is to make a manne afraied for synne and not to compell as the Pope dooeth with curssyng by booke bell and candell He doeth not cause any true feare in the conscience For he teacheth not truly what is synne But he magnifieth his owne trifles and cursseth hym that will not kepe his Ceremonies and mennes traditions But the Gospell openeth synne and the wrathe of GOD from heauen that all we none excepted doe liue in synne and are vngodlie This thyng doeth GOD commaunde to be shewed vnto vs by the Gospell whē he saith to the Apostles Go and preache repentance But repentaunce can not be preached but by the openyng of the wrathe of GOD against all men because thei are full of vnbelief contempt of GOD and other synnes This wrathe ought to terrifie them and to make their cōscience quake for feare that thei maie compell theim selues and saie O Lorde what muste I dooe to auoyde this miserie Then shall it be saied to hym sit doune in the supper and eate For there are many tables full of meate and yet voyde of geastes Thou art christened therfore beleue in Iesu Christ that he hath satisfied for thee Thou hast none other remedie against this destruction then to be Baptized and to beleue For then shall wrathe be ended and greate plentie of grace mercie and remission of sinne sent doune from heauen vnto thee to thy greate ioye and sing●ler comfort Wherefore to compell is nothyng els then to preache repentaunce and remission of synne To shewe the wrathe of GOD vpon synners and mercie vpon theim that beleue The wrathe and repentaunce causeth a great thrist and desire of grace And this is the true waie to this supper And now there is one churche made bothe of the Iewes and Gentiles and all are generally called poore nedie lame and weake For after the feare of the conscience thei gladly embrace the Gospell and desire mercie But thei that refuse to doe this be thei neuer so prudent and wise haue this sentence giuen against theim Thei shall not taste of my Supper ▪ that is the wrathe of GOD shall remaine vpon them and thei shall be damned for their vnbelief For GOD as I saied before hath no respect how riche how wise how holie thei be Wherefore bee thei neuer so carelesse be thei neuer so sure of them selues yet shall thei proue by experience that this sentence is not vainly spoken where Christe here concludeth Thei shall not taste of my supper But we that receiue it and feare for our synnes and doe not despise the grace of GOD whiche is offered vnto vs in the Gospell for Christes sake we shall obtaine for wrathe grace for synne eternall rightuousnes and for eternall death eternall life This sore Iudgement is now a daies as it appereth moste euident emong the Iewes and Turkes whiche haue no saueryng of the Gospell yea rather thei so muche abhorre it that thei can not finde in their heartes so muche as to see it or heare it It chaunceth also likewise with the Papisticall high priestes and bishops whiche are so little filled with this Supper that thei scarslie taste it or smell it But we whiche by the peculiar grace of GOD are set in the middle of the light of this Gospell are filled and well fedde and are become lustie and strong and are glad to be at this supper The Lorde graunte vs to continewe therein vnto the ende Amen Amen Christes intent therefore in this parable is to exhorte vs that we haue the Gospell in high estimacion and that we ioyne not our selues to theim whiche haue high stomackes by reason of their prudence wisedome power and holinesse For this sentence is giuen as touchyng their castyng awaie and damnaciō of theim that thei shall not tast this supper As thei were caste awaie in the people of the Iewes and onely the vnpure dragges wer reserued so shall it chaunce to vs also if we set more by Farmes Oxen and wiues that is by our spirituall and ciuill dignities and temporall possessions then we doe by the Gospell He speaketh a greuous and a verie terrible thyng with plaine and simple wordes Thei shall not taste of my Supper As though he should saie my supper is not to be despised for it is of an higher price then their farmes be despise thei it now neuer so muche although thei set more by their Farmes Oxen and wiues then thei doe by it There shall come a time when thei muste depart from all thynges from Farme from Oxe and frō wiues so that thei would faine then taste of my Supper But then shall it be saied vnto theim I knowe ye not Now I lacke no geastes Let your Farmes Oxen and wiues comforte you These shall giue you a better Supper for as muche as ye despised my supper and cared not for it There was greate prouision and coste made in this supper but althynges semed vile vnto you If there be more good fare and delicates in yours goe to it a Gods name spare not I will not lette you onely this I saie vnto you ye shall haue no part of my Supper These thynges shall bee dreadfull in that daie when GOD shall with plaine wordes call his supper life euerlastyng and their Farmes and Oxen eternall fire and shall not chaunge his sentence any thing but that thei shall neuer taste of this supper that is thei shal be voyde of all hope of saluation Wherefore these woordes are not lightly to be estemed whiche declare the euerlastyng
euery man so consider his neyghbour when he doth hym good that god may take it as done vnto hymselfe Then is ther nothyng in the worlde so vile base with which God may not be serued The seruant in the stable The mayde in the dayrie or kitchyn the child in the schole yea all shoulde be the Lordes seruantes and worshippers if they woulde do that diligently that God commande So shoulde houses be made churches where as nothyng is kepte but gods seruice But no man cā be persuaded to care for this No man will serue his neyghbour All men endeuer to serue them selues to seke their owne commoditie Wherfore euen as by doing good to our neyghbour we may worke a thing acceptable to god So the world doth alway gratifie and please the deuill in that it regard not Charitie toward his neyghbour But the ende therof will be sorowfull For how can this please God wher as god hath ordayned his seruice to be done so nigh that with out in the felde within in the house whersoeuer thou doest the workes of thy vocation thou art occupied as it were in an holy temple wher moste acceptable seruice may be done to god And yet we regard it not but despise it and had rather serue the deuil than hym Wherfore learne this that he that geueth a benefite to his neyghbour doth it not only to his neyghbour but to his heauenly father also For there is a sayinge in this place that God will take this to be done vnto him euen as though it were done to hym in heauen For els woulde not Christ haue sayde The second is lyke the first He that can not be brought into this beleife that he maye do heauenly thynges in the earth and that he may fynde euery where a temple let hym get hym to the deuill For euen as thou mayest make thee here a Paradise and an heauen when thou doest good to thy neyghboure for therin thou doest good to God whiche is in heauen so when thou doest not good to thy neyghboure thou makest a hell and damnation for thy selfe For thou doest gratifie the deuill whiche is appointed to hell Neither doth it skyll if thou doest not yet see it and fele it For the tyme shall come when thou shall both fele it and see it when thou shalte accuse thy selfe for thy stubburnes and great folye Wherfore it were very necessarie for vs to learne to exercise oure selues to doe good vnto our neyghbours For all thynges are geuen to vs from god to this entent hole and perfect senses riches vnderstandynge and suche other that we myght therby obey this commaundement and do to hym this seruice And as this doctrine as concernynge loue of GOD and our neyghbour belongeth to this present lyfe So the second doctrine whiche teacheth whose sonne Christe is doth teache vs howe we maye obtaine an other euerlastynge lyfe after this lyfe For we shall not obtayne euerlastynge lyfe by this if we knowe howe GOD and oure neyghbour ought to beloued of vs althoughe we begyne to performe this in dede with all diligence as the Phariseyes dyd suppose whiche thought that if they had Moses they neded no more But Christ sheweth here that this preuayleth not vnto the obtayninge of euerlastyng lyfe We must clyme and ascend to a hyer steppe and learne perfectly what is Christ and whose sonne he is The Pharise●es knewe that he should be the son of Dauid But Christe requireth more in this place The reason is this For if Christe were no more but the sonne of Dauid he must nedes die as Dauid dyd and should he haue only a corporal kyngdome But Christ hath an eternall kyngdome And Dauid his father calleth hym father in spirite Howe doth this agree that Christ should be both Dauides sonne and Lorde This is a question to the whiche the Phariseyes can make no answer neither can any of the Iewes at this present time answere therto In this question is nothing belōging to thy neighbour to charitie to good workes But this is intented euen to teache vs to know what Christ is He that learneth y● can not wander frō the kyngdom of heauen and euerlasting life For it is not sufficient to euerlasting lyfe to know the law what is to be don The reason is this Because that also is required that it should be done Which thing is wont to procede very slowly Wherfore this is of necessitie required euen to know perfectly what CHRIST is Wherfore Christ doth so put forth the question and byddeth them to make answere whose sonne Christe is which after the flesh was Dauids sonne But for as muche as Dauid calleth him not son but his Lord yea and such a Lord that sitteth at the right hande of god to whō god wil make all his enemies his footstoole By this questiō Christ mindeth to stirre vp the Iewes and all vs to haue a more hygher iudgement of Christ to beholde him with other maner of eyes than with suche as see hym only to be the son of Dauid For he is Dauids Lorde also that is he is not only a man but also very God borne eternallie out of the father Or els would not Dauid haue called him Lorde if he had not ben more then a man and if he had only byn Dauids sonne For Dauid was an excellent holy man and a most learned Kyng and yet he calleth Christ which is his sonne lorde As though he should say and openly confesse-My son passeth me farre I am a Kyng and beare the name of his father but yet he is my lord and such a Lord that sitteth at the right hand of God and by gods commandement beareth rule ouer all his enemies For wher as he is a man it is easie to iudge what maner of enemies he hath euen the deuill death as Paule gathereth out of this very psalme If the deuill then death ought to be made a footestoole to this sonne of Dauid that he might be their Lord this must nedes folowe that a godly power is in this sonne of Dauid For without this vertue he coulde do nothyng against death and the deuill no more then other men can By this meanes than doth Christ bringe vs to the true meaning declaring the way to euerlasting lyfe The law is a most profitable necessary doctrine For it sheweth what we ought to do to please God to serue him to escape y● punishement of sinne But this doctrine belongeth only to this present lyfe But for as much as after this life we must come to an other lyfe which is euerlastynge the doctrine of the lawe preuayleth nothing ther vnto The reason is There can be no hope of lyfe excepte we be whollie ridde and deliuered frō sinne And although the law be geuen to this ende that sinne might be restrained yet synnes be not therby layde a syde Wherfore we haue nede of an other
is excluded from Baptisme the sacrament and the worde is bounde also in heauen By this power that we men in earthe doo lose and bynd sinnes god is not spoiled of his glorie neyther ar we made Gods therby as the prophane and wicked mynded men doo oftentymes say of this matter For we haue no more than the ministerie and office Wherfore God hath coupled vs together by this ministerie that alwaies one of vs shoulde conforte and confirme an other And that the other shoulde thynke hym selfe bounde to beleue as farre as the worde is purely preached vnto hym that is to say remission of synnes in the name of Christ. And this is the very bryngyng vnto God and remission of syns He that dieth in thys beliefe dieth to his saluation But hee that dyeth as he is taught in the Popedome with a confidence and trust of the intercession of Sainctes dyeth euyll and to his destruction For hee lackethe those defenders whiche God ordeyned agaynst the violence of death that is the trewe pastor the pure worde and absolution So great miserie the deuyll brought in by the Pope yea and nowe begynneth to bee the author of an other infection by the sectaries For they can not abyde the worde This offendeth his eyes Wherefore the Pope toke it clean away and in his place brought in the monkes rules masses pilgremages pardons and suche other This can the dyuel well away with For it hyndreth his kyngdom nothyng The Anabaptistes furder the matter which speake very contemptuously of the water of Baptisme The Swenckfeldians also mooste vilely and wickedly contemne the outward preachynge of the worde All haue loste the worde wherfore they are to be auoyded and this is to be learned that remission is no where els but there as the woorde is That woorde is in Baptisme in the Supper of the Lorde in absolution in publike preachyng Wherfore remission of synne is there also and let hym be accursed that sayeth otherwise But wher as the word is there is faith requisite And then the membres begyn to be fastned which the syck of the palsey could before moue by no means But loke wher the worde is not the palsey is neuer taken away and it is vnpossible that any true mouyng should ioyn the membres together This wold I the more earnestly dryue into you because the Pope and sectes are the authors of suche great disorder in the Congregation The Pope bryngeth neyther to the worde nor sacramentes The sectaries can not but speake contemptuously of the worde and sacrament and nothynge preuayleth with them but the holy Ghoste And we knowe thys that the holye ghoste wyll not doo hys worke without the woorde and sacramentes Wherfore we can not despise the woorde and sacramentes but we wyll obserue them for the chiefe thynges that we haue God graunte his grace that we maye preserue this pure doctrine and continue in it to the end and be saued Amen The .xx Sonday after Trinitie Sondaye ¶ The Gospell Math. xxii IEsus sayde to his Disciples The kyngdom of heauen is lyke vnto a man that was a kynge which made a maryage for his sonne and sent forthe his seruauntes to call them that were bydden to the weddyng and they woulde not come Agayne he sent forth other seruauntes saying Tell them which are bydden behold I haue prepared my dinner mine Oxen and my fatlynges are kylled and all thynges are redy come vnto the mariage But they made light of it and went their wayes one to his farme place another to his marchaundise and the remnaunt toke his seruauntes and intreated them shamefully and slewe them But when the kyng heard thereof he was wrothe and sent forthe his men of warre and destroyed those murtherers and brente vp theyr Citie Then sayde he to his seruauntes The maryage in dede is prepared but they whiche were bydden were not worthy Go ye therefore out into the hye wayes and as manye as ye fynde bydde theym to the maryage And the seruauntes wente foorthe into the hyghe wayes and gathered together all as many as they coulde fynde bothe good and badde and the weddynge was furnyshed with geastes Then the kynge came in to see the geastes and when he spyed there a man whiche had not on a weddyng garment he saide vnto him Frende howe camest thou in hyther not hauyng a weddynge garmente And he was euen spechelesse Then sayde the kynge to the ministers Take and bynde hym hande and foote and caste him into vtter darknesse there shal be weepyng and gnashynge of teeth For many be called but fewe are chosen THE EXPOSITION IN this Gospel ye heare that the kingdom of God is lyke vnto a mariage vnto the whiche many are bydden that not onely come not and regarde not but that also reuile and kyll the seruants that call them Here must we first learn what this word Kyngdom of heauen signifieth euen that it is no worldly kyngdom but a kyngdome in heauen where as God onely is kyng That doo we call the holye churche whiche is nowe For Christ dothe therfore vse the parable of the mariage because that he beyng the kynges sonne taketh the churche to be his spouse Wherfore the kyngdome of heauen is to be taken on suche wise that it is in earth and yet it is no politicall or earthly kyngdome but spirituall and eternall For the state of the Christians that are in this lyfe is suche that they are halfe in the kyngdome of God that is in soule and spirite and after theyr fayth Wherfore when thou heareste of the kyngdome of heauen thou must not loke to heauen but thou must seke after it in the earth amongest men and that in all the world where soeuer the Gospel is beleued and the true vse of the sacraments ministred So that proprely the kyngdom of heauen is nothyng els then the kyngdom of Christ the kyngdome of the Gospell and of faith For whersoeuer the Gospell is there is Christ. And wher Christ is there is the holy ghost and his kyngdome whiche is the true kyngdom of heauen For the which cause all that haue the word and sacramentes and beleue continue in Christ by faith they are heauenly princes and sonnes of God And onely this remayneth that God moue away the half wall which is put betwene that is that we die then shall all thynges be heauen and saluation This therfore must be lerned first that the kingdome of heauen is the kyngdome of Christe where as the worde Faith is For in this kyngdome we haue lyfe in hope and are cleane from synnes free from death hell Sauyng that the body of synne is lefte whiche is not yet abolyshed and yet shal be abolished when al thinges shal be lyfe saluation and heauen To this mariage sayeth Christ God hathe called the Iewes his people dyuers tymes before his commynge by his holy Prophets For it was their office specially bycause they cōmanded the Iewes to waite for
nothynge for their defence For what can they bringe God made all thinges he gaue vnto them the moste holy baptisme He put the gospell yea all most in thy mouth he gaue his supper communion euerie wher and absolution He ordayned cōmon ministers thou haddest at home both parentes and maisters which should teach the what thou sholdest beleue and what godlines thou sholdest shewe in thy liuing Wherfore thou canst not lay for thy excuse that thou were ignorant of the articles of thy beleife but thou shalt nedes be constrained to confesse I was baptised The gospell was sufficiently preached vnto me But I cared not for it I did sett more by wordlye thinges This doth that signifie in this place wher as he that lacked the mariage garment is done For what could he answere to this wherto we must beare record that he gaue vnto vs his sonne and shewed all maner of grace in baptisme and in the gospel so that this only remained that we shoulde receaue with embracing armes that which he offereth so willingly vnto vs. Wherfore an horrible iudgement shall be geuen to these hypocrites euen that they may be caste bound hand and foote into the vtter darkenes that is that they may be damned with the deuil in hell vnto euerlasting chaines For their handes and feete are bounde so that they can not deliuer thē selues by theyr workes and they shall abyde their damnation in darkenes They shall lacke the light of god that is his confort for euer being alwaye in perpetuall miserie anguishe and tormentes so that they shall neuer come vnto thē so muche as a sparke of light This is an horrible miserie Oh that we could be moued therby and consider what a dolful paine it is to lyue miserablye in hel in chaynes with weping and gnashinge of teeth The gnashinge of teeth shal be through frost and colde the wepinge and waylinge for heate as the doctours haue expounded it Albeit Christ wolde signifie hereby all maner of torments that may be inuented This shal be their punishement because the time of their visitatiō is not knowen receaued wheras we were called had the sacrament baptisme the gospel and absolution yet we beleued not we vsed thē not And Christ would teach vs and bringe vs to this that we might know how great felicitie hath chaunced to vs in that we are called to such a magnificent noble glorious mariage where at we may be sure to find a recouerīg frō sin deuil death hell euerlasting wayling But he that will not knowlege so great grace but counteth these things of no estimatiō hath worthely for his reward eternal death For one of these two must nedes be that a man either receaue the gospell beleue get euerlasting saluatiō or not beleue so get euerlasting dānatiō So that the gospel may iustly say the same that Paule sayd to the Iewes which spake against him blasphemed your blud be vpō your owne head I frō this time forth go giltlesse to the gētils For whē the Iewes wold not come god subdued thē to destruction sent his gospel to vs gētiles And for as much as it is come to vs this only remaineth as it is describe here that god wil cast out all thē that haue not their mariage garment And the lord will partly by alluring partly by fearing bring vs to that point that we shold take the gospel for our cheife safgard studiouslye heare it beleue it He allureth vs by his promise great grace through his great punishmēts he feareth vs. But whan he preuayleth by none of these two an extreme destruction is sure to come If god wold raine downe gold perchance ther wold som begin to loke vp to heauen But wheras he putteth forth vnto vs the punishment of eternal death no mā careth for it or hath respecte to life This therfore is the some of the whole sermō Christ wold gladly both allure feare vs that we might earnestly embrace beleue his word loke wayte certeinly for the most ioyful cōming in the last day whē he shall retourne deliuer vs frō all euil both bodely gostly The whych thīg that almighty god and merciful father graunt vs through Christ his son and the holy ghost Amen The .xxi Sonday after Trinitie Sonday ¶ The Gospell of Iohn iiii THere was a certayne ruler whose sonne was sicke at Capernaum As sone as the same heard that Iesus was come out of Iurye into Galile he wente vnto hym and besoughte hym that he woulde come downe and heale his sonne for he was euen at the poynt of deathe Then sayde Iesus vnto hym Excepte ye see signes and wonders ye wyll not beleue The ruler sayd vnto hym Sir come down or euer that my sonne dye Iesus saithe vnto him Go thy way thy sonne lyuethe The man beleued the worde that Iesus had spoken vnto hym and he went his way And as he was going downe the seruauntes mett him and tolde hym saying thy sonne lyuethe Then enquired he of them the houre when he began to amende And they sayde vnto hym Yester day at the seuenthe houre the feuer left him So the father knewe that it was the same houre in the which Iesus sayde vnto hym they sonne liueth and he beleued and all his householde This is agayne the seconde miracle that Iesus dyd when he was come out of Iury into Galile THE EXPOSITION THere are two thinges in this gospell whiche are very profitable and therfore moste worthie to be had in memorie The first is the miracle that Christ sheweth to the child that was in perill wheras he healeth him and yet commeth not at hym onely he saith to the father Go thy waye thy son lyueth and forthwith by this worde the childe is recouered whiche was many a mile from thence and knew nothinge of this worde This is a great miracle which declareth vnto vs how mightie the word of our lord Iesus Christ is and that whatsoeuer it setteth vpon it bringeth it to passe although the deuill be neuer so muche against it For this disease is no otherwise to be estemed of vs than the other workes wherwith the deuill vexe vs moste miserable men To the destroying of this worke of the deuill is nothing els requisite but the worde of Christ and then is health gotten For the deuil muste geue place whether he will or no as soone as the worde of this man Christ soundeth As we see here Wherfore this miracle pertayneth specially to this ende that we maye well knowe Christ which is not only a man as other be that lyue a bodilye lyfe but he is also almightie god for as much as he is the Lorde ouer death and the deuill yea such a Lord which with a worde can helpe againste all euill Therfore we also in our peril and necessitie must seeke helpe at hym As this prince doth And speciallye we oughte to make muche
that thou perceauest not how it should come to passe But when Dauid which was of no high blud heard the word of God by Samuell the prophete as touchyng the kyngdome of Israell the ende and successe therof could not be voyde or frustrate whatsoeuer Saules frendes dyd to the contrarie So is it here also This Ruler where as he requireth a signe and present ayde of Christe somwhat importunately is by Christ wholly dryuen to the worde And although that Christ woulde nowe also shewe a signe and healpe the Ruler out of hande yet he wold haue hym endewed with Faith before he fele healpe And when the woorde appoynteth hym so to doo Go thy wayes thy sonne lyueth There doothe the Ruler beleeue as concernynge the lyfe of hys sonne by the worde And as Faithe foloweth the woorde so doth lyfe folowe Fayth thorough the woorde As we also haue the worde and promyse where as God doth generally confort all the worlde and saieth He that beleueth in me shall neuer see deathe Likewise sayeth Iohn Baptist of hym Beholde the Lambe of God that taketh away the synnes of the world These are vniuersall and generall sermons whiche pertayne to all men For he saythe not when he or this man shall beleue But he speaketh generally He that beleue the in me shall neuer see death Likewise Iohn saieth not that Christ the Lambe sent from God shal take away the synnes of this man or that man but the synnes of all the worlde Wherfore if thou bee a synner and art in the worlde thynke that it appertaynethe vnto thee and doubt not but that thy matter is in hāde and that it is done for thy sake This is the foundation wherin our Faith as muche as belongeth to Remission of synnes and euerlastyng lyfe ought to leane And shall no more deceaue vs that doo sticke thervnto then the ruler was deceaued by his Faith For we must not thinke that it was an easier matter for so great a ruler than it is for vs when Christe puttethe foorthe vnto hym suche a certayne woorde where as hee sayeth Go thy way thy sonne lyueth But it is an harder matter for vs because there is noo suche certayne woorde putte foorthe vnto vs but generallye to vs all For CHRISTE hym selfe althoughe he putte foorthe a generall worde yet as hee speaketh it here priuatly to the Ruler sayinge Go thy way thy sonne lyueth So doth he speake this to euery man by himselfe Sonne thy synnes be forgeuen thee thyne is that life euerlastyng For to what other man dothe he speake thys but to euery one of vs that are baptised Dothe not baptisme belonge to euery man If other wil be partakers of baptisme they muste take it for them selues But what dothe God saye to thee and to all that are baptised Is not the promise that who soeuer beleeueth and is baptised shall bee saued Lykewise thou arte baptised to dye with Christe because he dyed for thee and by his deathe redemed thee frome synne and deathe Howe can God speake with thee more certainly or ioyn thy persone more certainly wyth his woorde thenne it is doone in Baptisme wher as it is bestowed in thee alone and is thy propre Baptisme So whenne thou wouldest bee absolued frome thy synnes and comest to the Mynister or to any other Christian wyth the hope to heare the woorde of GOD and to obteyne conforte thys woorde that thou hearest there openly to all that Christe dyed for the synnes of all is pronounced to thee alone that this deathe is auaylable for thy synnes For the woordes of Absolution bee these Brother myne all we are synners and therfore all shoulde abyde and susteyne damnation But the sonne of God is becom man for our sake and dyed also and rose agayne from the deade for our Iustification Despaire not therfore Christ hath satisfied for thee thou must pay nothyng onely sticke vnto his passion and trust in the same Thus is it also concernynge the Supper of the Lord. There is the body and blood of Christ geuen to thee alone and there is it pronounced to thee alone that his bodye was geuen for thee and his blood shed for the that thou maiest not doubt but trust to such a sacrifice of Christ as though it wer proper vnto thee alone For it is put in thy mouth geuen peculiarly to thee that thou maist eate and drinke for thy self There dothe God medle with none beside he speketh with none but with the that cōmest vnto his supper there doest eate and drink as he cōmanded thee And here consider thinke with thy self what maner of christiās they be which let passe such oportunity neuer come to this most ioyfull supper of the Lorde Wherfore if thou desire not this that God shold cōfort thee alone and speke with thee pronounce vnto thee remissiō of thy sinnes life euerlasting thou art worthy to talke and company with the deuill Wherefore this is not lacking as though God spake not with vs but the fault is in this that we folow not the example of the ruler that we receue not neither beleue it to be true whatsoeuer Christ speketh vnto vs priuately The Ruler also had occasion not to beleue yf he wold haue folowed his reason and hadde no respect to the worde For howe coulde hee beleue that thys lyttell worde woulde haue ben so effectuous so farre of and brought suche a greate thyng to passe He might haue sayde It is not vnknowen to me in what case I haue lefte my sonne Seynge there is no hope of lyfe agaynst so great perill so small a woorde can be of no efficacitie He must nedes come more nere and do greter thynges if he will bryng to passe so great a thing But the Ruler omitteth all these thynges and onely embraceth the woorde and geueth so greate credence therto as thoughe hee sawe the healthe of his sonne presently before his face For except he had ben of this mynde hee woulde not haue departed as contente with this word But he was content as Iohn saith very well The man beleued the woorde that Iesus spake vnto him and went his waie And here doest thou knowe what Faith is proprely if thou seekest the definition thereof euen no other thynge than to beleue that that Christe promyseth Gette thee therfore acquaynted with it and first lerne whenne God promyseth to thee in Baptisme Christe in the Gospell and in his Supper Embrace that promyse with all thy heart and lette nothyng hynder thee therin although thou shalt haue many lettes We fele synne and deathe whyche offer them selues alwayes to our syght and sence And if thou let passe the word in thys case synne and deathe wyll oppresse thee and caste thee headlong into destruction But what doth a Christian he confesseth his synne neyther is he vncertayne of deathe But yet hee despaireth not therefore But hee taketh holde of the worde as muche
as he canne and saythe CHRIST dyed for me therfore am I free frome synne and I canne not dye neyther hathe death nor synne any power vppon me For Christe hathe made satisfaction for all thynges that I shod pay This is true faith neither is it possible that he should be deceaued of this hope that sticketh to the word on this wise This is true it is not yet sene or felte but yet it is trewe and the tyme shall surely comme whenne it shal be opened The ruler dyd euen so and sticked surely to the woorde He perceyued not the thynge but because he beleued the woorde hys seruauntes come on the nexte daye with ioyefull tydynges that hys sonne was alyue At lengthe also he seeth it wyth hys eyes Then is Faithe no longer requisite it is come to passe as he beleued Thus is it wyth vs also We haue remission of oure synnes and euerlastynge lyfe We heare the Gospel we beleue the absolution we vse the supper of the Lorde yet do we styll fele always deathe and synne neyther can wee remoue thys sence and feelynge frome vs whyle we lyue in thys lyfe But yet beleue thou the word neuertheles For so must we also wholly beleue gods word without signes and vse the condition of Paule that is to lyue content with Gods grace We must beleue the worde although it is not our chaunce to see with Thomas But we shall see when the tyme shal come wyth thys Ruler that as we beleued the Remyssion of synnes and euerlastyng lyfe by the woorde euen soo shall wee haue it in deede in euerlastynge ryghteousnesse and lyfe As long as we lyue here we muste be content wyth the word and beleue it After thys lyfe we shall feele it and haue it in dede The whyche thyng God our mercifull Father graunt for his sonne Iesus Christes sake thorough his holye spirite Amen The .xxii Sonday after Trinitie Sonday ¶ The Gospell Math. xviii PEter sayd vnto Iesus Lorde howe oft shall I forgeue my brother if he sinne agaynst me tyll seuen times Iesus sayethe vnto hym I saye not vnto the vntyll seuen tymes but seuentie times seuen tymes Therefore is the kyngedome of heauen lykenede vnto a certayne man that was akynge whiche woulde take accoumptes of his seruauntes And when he had begon to recken one was brought vnto hym whiche ought hym ten thousande talentes But forasmuche as he was not hable to paye his Lorde commaunded hym to be solde and his wyfe and chyldren and all that he had and payment to be made The seruaunt fell downe and besought him saying Sir haue pacience with me and I wyll paye the all Then had the Lorde pitie on that seruaunte and losed hym and forgaue hym the debt So the same seruaunte wente out and founde one of his felowes which ought hym an hundred pence and he layd handes on him toke hym by the throate saying paye that thou owest And his felowe fell downe and besought hym saying haue pacience with me and I wyll paye the all And he woulde not but wente and caste hym into pryson tyll he shoulde pay the debt So when his felowes sawe what was done they were very sory and came and tolde vnto theyr Lorde all that hadd happened Then his Lorde called hym and sayde vnto hym O thou vngracious seruaunte I forgaue the all that debt when thou desiredst me shouldest not thou also haue had compassion on thy felowe euen as I had pitie on thee And his Lorde was wroth and delyuered hym to the Iaylers tyll he shoulde pay all that was due vnto him So like wise shall my heauenlye father do also vnto you yf ye from your heartes forgeue not euery one his brother theyr trespasses THE EXPOSITION YE heare in the very begynnynge what is the summe of this Gospell When Peter asketh of Christe what was nedefull to be done when his brother synned againste hym and howe often hee shoulde forgeue hym whether seuen tymes were inough Christ aunswereth Not seuen tymes but seuentie tymes seuen tymes That is the forgeuyng of synnes amongest Christians ought to bee withoute measure and ende and they must pardon one an others synnes and beware of reuengyng For that belongeth only to God whose maiestie ought not to bee violated neyther hys iurisdiction to be broken As the parable also sheweth it in order And we afterwarde wyll gather togyther the causes and declare theim But here muste we especially marke howe Christe saieth That the kyngdome of God is lyke a kynge whiche purposeth to make a reckenynge and accompt with his seruantes For this commaundement as touching remission of sinne is not to be applied to the gouernance of a comminaltie where as are seuerall offices and diuersities of persons therfore all thynges there consist in the varieties of rulynge and obeyeng that licence may not be geuen to the lustes and vices of men but that a discipline and honest order maye be hadde for the restraynynge of the lewde and wicked Wherefore it is not ment that parentes should geue theyr chylderne all lycencious libertie They ought to vse a certayne kynde of reuengyng and by no meanes to couete and desyre the name of facilitie and gentylnesse Lykewise is it also with the maysters ouer their houshold seruauntes and with maiestrates and officers Let all them knowe that they are appointed certainly to reuenge For thys is the worldes faulte that it is the worse for libertie as it appereth by wyld children that wyll not obey theyr parentes vntyll at length they come to hangyng Wherfore this commandement is not to be vsed in a common welth but in the kyngdom of God where all we are equall and are subiecte but onely to God whiche is the head of the lyfe of vs all He calleth the kyngdom of God not only the lyfe that is after this but the holy churche in this lyfe wher as God by hys word and by his holy spirite hath the gouernance In thys churche thou must obserue this trade if it be not thy peculiar office to reuenge synne that there may alway be pardonyng one an other and no reuengynge that al things may be done toward thy neighbor with mercy gentlenes whersoeuer he hath nede althoughe by reason we might seme to haue a iust cause to do the cōtrarie Why Christ requireth this he sheweth sure causes in the parable of the two seruants and of the king The first is that Christ requireth that the christians should thynk with themselues howe great mercie God hathe shewed vnto them which also if he would deale extremely with vs had many and great causes to be reuenged of vs and to vexe vs with moste greuous euyls But seyng that we obteined mercy without our desert we must shew mercy and gentlenes to our neighbor And this must be obserued with great diligence For by this Christ declareth what is the true way to obteyn remission of synne and sheweth vs to our selues
what we are as it were with a fynger and what God is agayne what is our merite before God and yet what we obtaine For as concernyng the parable of the seruaunt that ought ten thousand talentes Christ putteth it forth to thys ende that he maye teache vs what oure cause is before the Iudgemente of God A talente wyth theym that were in tymes paste was almost in valoure syxe hundreth Crownes Of these the seruaunt oughte tenne thousande Talentes To so exceadynge greate a summe are oure synnes iustely compared before GOD that by thys it maye be declared that those oure synnes can neuer be put away by our selues or by our owne workes again that we ar not able to make satisfaction for them For the first beginnyng of vs and the verye propagation of our stocke is in synne so that as sone as we be borne we bringe synne with vs into this worlde And afterwarde the longer we lyue the more we synne so that besydes the Originall synne wherin we are begotten conceaued and borne we also accumulate and heape vp our owne actuall syns by this meanes become so great debters vnto god that we may right wel be resembled lykened compared to this seruant beyng in dede by no means able to satifie so gret a det But what iudgement shall suche a seruant haue Ueryly euen thys The Lorde commaundethe that he hys wyfe his chyldern and all that euer he hath shoulde be solde By thys Christe sheweth that we synners are not only not able to paye our debtes but we must also of necessitie for synnes sake suffer death as S. Paule saieth The rewarde of synne is death And God in Paradise threatned the same to Adam and Eue sayenge On whatsoeuer daye ye eate of thys tree ye shall dye the death After the transgression of this commaudement we al came to this point that the lawe of God dothe vtterly condemne vs yea and iudgeth vs vnto death as S. Paul saith By one man synne entred into the worlde and deathe by the meanes of synne and so death went ouer all menne in somuche that all men synned For yf syn were not we shold neuer dye Whyther therfore shall we turne vs The debte is certayne we can not denye it and the Lorde requireth the debte but wee are not hable to paye it And here nowe is set foorthe vnto vs a moste ioyfull and luckye thyng whyche we ought to imbrace as they saye with metyng armes that by this means we are delyuered from our debt and so escape deathe But for the attaynement hereof we muste doo that whiche Christ saieth this seruaunt dyd He confesseth his great debte he acknowlegeth also his extreme pouertie beggery and his payne which he by no meanes can auoyde Therfore he falleth downe before his Lorde worshyppeth him and saith Lord beare with me and I wil pay thee altogether This order of praying in this seruant Christ full well alloweth wold haue vs to praye after that maner whensoeuer wee desyre forgeuenesse of oure debtes For in so doynge we bothe confesse the debt and also desire to haue fauour shewed vs. For he that denyeth the debt as the phariseys do which mainteine their own rightousnes before God setteth himself in worse case then he was before And when it is ones confessed than is the danger present forasmuche as we are not able to paye it Therfore this is an abhominable errour in the Papacie when men be sent away vnto theyr own workes and satisfactions that by them their synnes maye bee clensed and put awaye But thou wy●t say vn●o me The seruant byndeth hym selfe to pay altogether It is true He promiseth that he wyll so doo But we may not consyder what he saythe but what he is able in dede to do Though he promyse it as one out of his wyttes yet thoughe he wyth all hys shoulde bee solde he is not able to satisfye for the leaste debte Therefore it appeareth euidentely that this is CHRISTES mynde euen to declare howe it goeth with manne when he is in feare daunger and trouble In suche case he doubteth not to bynde hymselfe to extreame inconueniences yea to thynges impossible so that he maye escape the present trouble and the daungers and paynes that are lyke to ensue yea in suche case he would guage all his promyses bargaynes compactes goodes landes mouables and vnmouables yea and his very lyfe also so that he maye be delyuered from those euyls that hange ouer his head In lyke maner when the matter is come to this poynt betwene God and vs that thorough the law our synnes are reueled and brought to lyght for by the law commeth the knoweledge of synne as the Apostle saythe to escape that daunger wherinto thorowe synne we are fallen wee spare no impossible conditions so that we maye obteyne some respite and fauour for as muche as we ryghte welle perceaue that we are not able to satisfye the debte But yet the Lorde here doothe not forgeue hys seruaunt for the condition of the bargayne whyche he knoweth to be impossible but because the seruant desyreth fauoure mercye and pardon whiche he estemeth more then the debtes of all the worlde Whyche notwithstandynge is not so to bee vnderstanded as though after that a man hath obteyned forgeuenesse he should afterwarde in noo poynte shewe hym selfe thankefull for so greate liberalitie and louynge kyndenesse as it shall afterwarde bee declared when thys seruaunte sheweth no gratitude no thankefulnesse no gentylnesse noo kyndenesse agayne but rather declarethe hymselfe moost cruell moste fierce moste churlysshe agaynste hys fellowe seruaunte Obedyence towarde the lawe of GOD is wyth a necessarye condytion and yet it is not to be referred vnto this ende as though the Lorde because of that shoulde remytte and forgeue the debt The forgeuenesse of debt and of synnes is grounded onelye in the mercy of GOD. Unto thys alone must wee haue oure resorte Thys is to bee desyred and heartylye to bee called for neyther oughte wee to doubte but that wee shall haue God as mercyfull and as readye to pleasure vs as he shewed himselfe good and bounteous beneficiall and lyberall to this seruaunt As the Sonne of GOD whiche is in the bosome of the Father pronouncethe in thys our gospell of the seruant The Lorde sayeth he hadde pitie on hym sette hym at lybertie and forgaue hym all hys debte This persuasyon and Fayth muste we vndoubtedly haue of God when synne and lawe do most of all vexe vs and threaten vnto vs death and damnation that GOD desyreth not the deathe of a synner but rather that he shoulde tourne and lyue as he sayeth by the Prophete My desyre is not that any manne shoulde dye sayeth the Lorde God returne and lyue Agayne As surely as I lyue saieth the Lord God I wyll not the deathe of the vngodly but rather that the vngodly turne from his wayes and lyue
Turne O turne from your wicked waies and wherfore will ye dye O ye house of Israell For where as our hertes thynke that God is a cruell Iudge with whome synners haue no hope of forgeuenesse of theyr synnes it is a false imagination For thys ought not to take awaye our hope from the mercy of God because the lawe is so fierce and vnmercyfull agaynst synners For the Lawe dothe but her office declaryng what the Iudgement of God shall bee agaynst synners Neyther canne the cause of synners bee otherwyse if it be examined by the Lawe whyche accuseth curseth condempneth woundeth and kylleth so manye as it fyndeth gyltie withoute exception For synners muste needes abyde the sentence and Iudgemente of the Lawe because of the ryghtuousnesse which GOD lawfully requireth of all menne Yet for all that the Lawe is no lette vnto God but that he by hys grace maye restore theym and sette them withoute all daunger that were before condemned of the lawe Who so euer therefore appeale frome God thorowe the decrees of the lawe cruell and suche one as wil not be intreated vnto god mercifull and such one as wyll not the deathe of synners and falle downe before the Lorde with this seruaunt and desyre mercye they without doubte obteyne the inwarde mercy of Gods moste mercyfull bowels as the testimonie of Christe is here that the bowels of God yearne and are moued when synners are driuen by the lawe and synne to destruction and euerlasting bondage Wherfore when thou feelest thy debt haue thy recourse with this seruaunt to the mercye of God and thynke for a suertie that it is Goddes will that thou sholdest not dye but haue euerlastyng lyfe And what is the meane by the whiche God would haue mercy vpon vs the Gospel sheweth in other places euen that the sonne of God Iesus Christ is becom man for vs synners and toke our syns vpon him and satisfied for them by his death Loke where this faith is as touchyng Christ his deathe there is the wrath of God ouercome so that he suffreth himselfe to be reconciled to man and is no more angry with him For he hath declared in Iesu Christe that he hathe a verye prompt redy mynd to mercy whiche hath mercy on vs as the father on his chyldren For he forthwith as soone as the kyngdom of death and of synne was set vp by Adam and Eue set forth a hope of saluation agaynst thys kyngdome by the promyse as touchynge the seede of the woman And thys is oure doctrine which thanks be to god in our Churche is sette foorth syncerely and withoute fault that remission of sinnes cometh vnto vs only by the grace and mercy of God As it is described in thys place by the seruant which oweth such a great summe but yet obtaineth a quittance of it not by merite and desert but onely by mercy and grace and that only for this that he sticketh sure to grace and prayeth for the mercy of God Wherfore the doctrine of the Papistes is erronious false and blasphemous whenne they preache as concernynge remission of synnes For they caste menne with theyr vnpayable dettes vnto theyr owne workes But when we teache that remyssion of synne is onely to be asked of God by Christe they condemne it as heresie and false But iudge thou thys by the true meanyng of the Gospell which of vs both do preache more truly as touching remission of sinnes whether we that cōmend the mercy of God in Christ or they that persuade mē to works and satisfactions To be brief al this sermon tendeth to this end that we shold learn that God hath mercy on vs freely and forgeueth all our debt for naught Christ admonisheth vs here as touching this grace that we also by this exāple shold behaue our selues likewise shew no crueltie towarde our neighbour for that we haue receaued the remittyng of so great debtes from God For other wise can they not do that acknowledge truly the remission of sinnes before GOD. And this is the fyrst cause the whyche Christe hath set foorthe and in the meane tyme hee doothe teache what is the way vnto Saluation whereby we myght obteyne grace and Remission of synnes The seconde cause is when Christ requireth of vs to consyder well the wronge and damage doone vnto vs. For yf that wee trye all thynges by a iust balaunce we shall perceaue that oure debtes to God be alwayes tenne myllions of talentes in comparyson of the debte of the hundred pence that our neighbour dooth owe vnto vs. If thys bee welle consydered it wylle admonyshe vs where as GOD hathe forgeuen vs so greate a summe that we shold not to straightly require our minute but iudge al things according to equitie For what are a hundred pens in respecte of tenne millyons of talentes Wherfore these thynges wyll make vs ashamed and not without a iuste cause yf that wee whyche haue gotten Remission of so greate thynges wyll not pardon our neighbours in lytle thyngs They do not well esteme the mercy of God that are so strait to their neighbors The third cause is that Christe in this Parable calleth vs all seruauntes Thys seruant sayeth he went foorth and chaunced vppon one of his fellowe seruantes that owed vnto hym an hundred pence Thys also might worthily adhort vs vnto mercyfulnes and withdraw vs from reuengyng For we are but felow seruauntes and all we haue one Lorde whose propre office it is to reuenge all trespasses whose maiestie is not to be resisted nor hys power to be mynished neyther will he suffer thee if thou do so as he saith in an other place Leaue to me the reuēging I wil reward saieth the Lorde For without thy reuengyng it is Gods office to punyshe syn And to thys ministration he hath not onely the deuyll that vexeth the body and goodes when GOD permytteth hym so to doo but he hath also certayne powers in the earthe that euerye one for theyr parte shoulde punyshe and reuenge that is the parentes and officers All these are commaunded to be a terrour and feare to euyll woorkes To these reuengers must al flee vnto that suffer wrōg eyther in Cities or in housholdes For they are all felow seruantes and ought not to reuenge their owne wronges If any haue an office to punyshe and yet punysheth not GOD wyll not leaue hym vnpunyshed For hee doothe not onely challenge thys for his owne office But hee hym selfe also whenne these reuengers appoynted of hym ceasse frome dooynge their dutie exerciseth reuenging for the oppressed and vexed Wherfore all men must beware that they reuenge not their owne wronge This is the meaninge of Christes saying wheras he sayth in the parable This seruant fell vpon one of his felow seruants The fowerth cause is He that will not also thinke vpon the greatnes of Gods mercie and the litle and small debt of his felowe seruant in whom he hath no power
dissimulation fayned frendshippe contempte of true religion and such other most vile and wicked vices which are practised in this our time that the bellye may not lacke Forasmuch therfore as this belly care prouoketh men vnto all kynde of wickednes and suffreth them not to aspire vnto any point of godlines our Sauiour Christ in this our gospell laboureth to heale this disease and to cure this mischiefe by fedyng a great multitude of people in the wildernes by this meanes declaryng what a fatherly care he hath for all them that seke the kyngdom of God the righteousnes therof and that we therfore ought not to be carefull for corruptible thynges appertainynge vnto this mortall lyfe but rather study to walke worthely and faithfully in our vocation and callinge and as for all other thinges cast our care vpō him Therfore taking an occasion thorowe this miracle we will exhorte all godly men to caste all care for their liuinge vpon Christ which is careful for the faithful as a most kynde and louing father for his children and liberally nourisheth and fedeth them I beseche you therfore geue good eare and harcken well to that whiche shal now be spoken in this behalfe For the often meditation of this miracle shal be a moste present remedy againste the vngodly carefulnes whiche many times disquieteth and vexeth our mindes It shall therfore be your parte diligētly to cōsider this miracle that ye may be the more able to ouercome the tentation of hunger and learne to truste in Christ and to looke for all good things at his hande Christ accordinge to his naturall disposition and singuler bountie was greatly moued with the necessitie of the people and miraculously fedde in the wildernes a mightie great company of people that we mighte haue a moste certein signe and sure argument of his carefulnes for vs and so commit all oure whole life vnto him with all that euer partayneth to the same We ought worthely and not without a cause to cast our care on Christ which can none otherwise do but be careful for the faithfull that put their truste in hym And that hath he here declared by this present miracle For when Christ was accōpanied with great multitudes of people and they had nothinge to eate He was streightwayes moued with their necessitie willingly without any motion of other cōsulted with his disciples concerning meate to be prepared for thē before they should fall into daunger for lacke of sustenaunce Whom woulde not this singuler goodnes of Christ moue to commit him selfe wholy vnto him If this example can do no good nor take any place with vs ▪ then are we no true Christians but falsly and vniustly chalenge vnto vs that name which ought only to be appropriated to the faithfull For he is no Christian that disdaineth to cōmitt the care of his belly to Christ. In cōsideratiō wherof Christ himselfe admonisheth vs of oure dutie sayinge Be not carefull sayinge What shal we eate or what shal we drincke or wherwith shall we be couered Do not the heathen enquire after all these things your heauenlye father knoweth that ye haue nede of all these things Seke ye rather first of all the kingdom of God the righteousnes therof and all these things shall be cast vnto you Christ doth here take away frō vs the care of temporall liuing ▪ attributeth that to the prophane Gentiles which are without faith It is therfore very vnsitting vnwourthy a Christen man after the maner of the heathen to be troubled with belly care whereby also he degenerateth groweth out of kynde is made of a Christiā an Ethnicke an heathen an Infidel Christ requireth this in a godly and faithfull man that he should auoyde the carefulnes of the belly and labour for the kyngdom of God that is to say the gospell wherin he shal finde heauenly treasures as Christ saith in an other place worcke for the meate not for that meate which perisheth but for the meate which abideth vnto euerlasting life We ought not only directly and plainly to caste awaye from vs all belly care but we are commanded of God in his holy worde So to do For what other thing meaneth this commandement Thou shalt haue no strāge gods in my sight but that we shold trust to the goodnes of god alon aske and loke for at his hande all good things both for body soule He that is infected with belly care depēdeth not on god alone neither can he beleue that he shal receaue all good thinges of him yea he putteth all hys hope and confidence in worldly richesse for the prouision of his life This incredulitie and vnfaithfulnes doth merueillously fight with the law of god whosoeuer is infected therwith he worshippeth that foule dombe Idoll Mammon in stead of the most noble God and liuyng Lord which thing Christ himselfe also reproueth saying ye can not serue two maisters eyther he shall hate the one and loue the other or he shal cleaue to the one and neglect the other I meane ye can not serue god and Mammon Here is it euidēt that belly care and the true worshippinge of God can not agree together Therfore that we may not fall awaye from true godlines it is necessarie that we cast awaye that filthie care for the belly Furthermore the holy scriptures with many promises do commend and set forth vnto vs the fatherly goodnes of God For thus saith that Princelike Prophete Dauid in his psalmes They that feare the Lord shall haue no scarsenes They whiche seke the Lorde shall want no good thing Beholde the eyes of the lorde are vpon them that feare hym and vpon them that trust in his mercy that he may deliuer their lyues frō death and nourrishe them in time of honger Laye thy care on the lorde and he shall nourrishe thee All creatures depend vpon thee O Lorde and thou geuest them meate in due time For thou geuing it them they take it and thou opening thy hand they are well satisfied The eyes of all thinges loke vpon thee O Lord and thou geuest them meate in due season Thou openest thy hand and fyllest euery liuing thing with thy blessing The Lord geueth meate to the hongrie Kynge Salomon also Dauids sonne saith The Lorde wyll not let the soule of the righteous suffer honger but he putteth the vngodly frō his desire The blessing of the lord maketh men rich there shall no griefe accōpanie thē Iesus the sonne of Syrach sayth Trust in God and abyde in thy place For it is an easey thinge in the sight of god quickly to enriche a poore man Old Tobias said to his son Feare not my son we lede a poore life Notwithstanding we shal haue plentie of al good thinges if we feare the Lorde departe from syn and do well The blessed Apostle S. Paule saith The lord is at hand Be not carefull for any
A similitude The sluggishnes of christeans An example of acouetous man Note well Pro. 19. Preachers must do their duties in preachinge wh●ther the people amende or not Marke well Wee oughte daylye to encrease in the waye of godlynes more and more Phil. 3. Phil. 2. Rom. 8. We ought liberally to geue vnto the poore Papistes abuse the scriptures of god Note this reason Math. 25. Whyther by oure good workes wee deserue heauen Rom. 4. Iohn 11. Iohn 14. Iohn 3. Rom. 14. Faythe Rom. 8.12 Cor. 12. 2. Timoth. 2. Heb. 12. Rom. 4. Scriptures oughte to be conferred An aunswere to the quistiō of the iustification of good workes Galat. 16. An example of gods wrath agenst the despisers of his worde The dispysyng of gods worde is a most horrible synne Ierusalem Let vs repent betymes Rom. 11. At what tym Ierusalem was destroyed and with howe greate a multi●ud● Why god differrethe hys plages Rom. 2. 2. Pet. 3. Note well It is a moste greu●us synn to dispise the worde of god Repente O England and amende Iere. 9. Ioan. 8. Psal. 109. Parētes and householders The plage is certen and yet hydde from the wycked The delaye of punyshement hur●eth greatly in common wealthes A sentence ●or●hy to be remembred 2. Pet. 3. Gods plages differrede are the more greuous Plinius lib. 5. cap. 14. Pro. 10. Osee. 5. Synne Securitie destroyeth the citie Remember this O Englande and beware betyms The seconde parte of the gospellr The priestes sought not the glorye of god but theyr owne gaynes Masse Note Osee. 6. The false doctrine of the Iewishe priestes Humilitie Phariseys Publicanes Christes iudgement of the phariseye and of the publicane two greuous synnes in the phariseye To despysed ther is a great synne Pride abhorred of god Iob. 4. Esa. 14. 2. Pet. 2. Gene. 3. vayne glorye or pride corruptethe all good workes 1. Pet. 5. Iac. 4. Luke 18. What the christen humilitie is Rom. 12. The publican an example of true humilitie 1. Cor. 4. Luke 12. All our glory ought to be in god alone Howe gods gyftes are to be vsed Christe alone is the sauiour The deuyl is the author of all euyll An whole and healthefull bodye is the gyfte of god Why god fulfrethe the deuyll to hurte vs. Ephe. 6. 2. Cor. 4. 1. timoth. 2. Note well God helpethe vs agaynste the deuyll by hys sonne 1. Iohn 3. Gen. 3. Christen men must haue theyr eares opened and theyr tonges losened Rom. 1.10 Iacob 1. Gladly to heare the worde of god is the gyfte of god The papistes are both deaff and dumme God openeth our eares by hys worde Rom. 10. We muste bothe beleue and confesse the worde Why Christ vsed so many circumstāces in restoryng thys man to hys healthe Iohn 11. Math. 9. Note thys well Math. 17. Mat. 28. Marc. 16. Luc. 10· Act. 4.5 Disobediente children and seruauntes Disobediente subiectes The vnreuerent handling of the spirituall ministers in these our dayes The wycked worlde heareth gladlyer Robyn Hood then the word of god Psal. 109. Iohn 3. O Englande take hede be tymes and saye not but thou art warned Why christe lokethe vp to heauen and mournethe God is to be praysed for hys gyftes The word of god is christes fynger and spettle The fyrste parte of the gospell The worlde despyseth the gospell of christe Note well They are most miserable whiche haue not the knowlege of the gospell 1. Iohn 5. What maner of men the gospell makethe The opinion of holines puffethe men vp with pride and makethe the vnmercifull The laweyer What it is to loue god Exod. 20. To loue god is to kepe his commaundementes Iohn 14. Malach. 3. Matth. 10. Luc. ●0 To loue god is to loue thy neyghbour The vnkindenes of the worlde The samaritans loue towardes god God is euery where and in all places a lyke present Rom. Gal. Iobn Fayth obtayneth all thingges He that beleueth not obtayneth nothing Iac. 1. Heb. 1. An apte similitude The seconde doctrine of vnkindnes Unkindnes is the greatest synne The maner of the Monasteries Psal. 116. The world is most vnkynde to god The actes of certayne Gretians Pro. 25. Rom. 1● Math. 5. We muste learne to be kynd of god The nature of Christen charitie The vnthankfull shall not escape vnpunished The whole worlde is set on couetousnes This sermon appertayneth to householders and to preachers ▪ What it is to serue What it is to serue god All gods seruice is cōtrary in the worde ▪ What the true seruice of god is Gen. ● Psal. 45. Pro. 1. Nowe couetousnes maye be auoyded Psal. 59. The fable of Midas Psal. 47. Gods blessing and not care maketh men ryche Not laboure but carefulnes is forbydden Laboure and fayth must go together He that despiseth the word of god despyseth god hym selfe Not idlenes but labour becomethe a christian Ryotus persons Prodigalitie and idlenes forbydden Note we●● the●e ●yue poyntes A comfort agaynst deathe by Christe Christ is the lorde of death We must not feare death Iohn ●1 The deathe of Christen men is a swete and quiet sleape Iohn 5. Pytie or compassion Charitie issuethe out of faythe Rom. 12. Too sortes of compassion pitie Spirituall pitie reprouethe synne Apte and very proper similitudes Folyshe petie marrethe the citie A good lesson for maiestrates To punishe the wycked is greate 〈◊〉 and mercie What is the sanctifyeng of the Saboth Heare and do 1. Iohn 3. What it is to sanctifye the Sabbothe Osee. 6. To a Christian euery daye is the sabboth The seconde part intreateth of humilitie 1. Pet. 5. 1 Pet. 5. Psal. 113. Saull Dauid God can not abyde pride What it is to be perfect The blyndnes of seruing god in the papecie What it is to serue God Math. 2● Monkery is against charitie and the true seruice of god Math. 25. Math. 25. The benefite done to oure neyghboure on earthe is done to god in heauen Why god geuethe vs hys gyftes and to what ende Too knowe christe is most necessari vnto saluacion The knoweledge of the lawe sufficeth not vnto sal●●cion Psal. 110. 1. Cor. 15 ▪ The lawe Phil ▪ ● Iohn 1. Rom. 3. ● 7 Psal. 51. Deathe ▪ Christ Lorde ouer deathe Math. 11. No man can loue god except he knowethe Christe Iohn 3. Rom. 8. Man hath power to forgeue sinnnes The worde and faythe muste be ioyned together Gods mercie is to be found in Christe alone Note well With out the worde it is an easye thing to beleue lyes What things are to be learned of this gospell God alone forgeueth synne The Minister certifyethe the conscience ther of by the worde Math. 28. Marc. 16. Luke 4. Math. 5. Math· 18. Iohn 20. Of the water of Baptisme Note Fayth an the worde are both the gifts of god In the true churche of Christe is remission of synnes and no where ells Math. 18. Numer 22. Contricion The propertie of the palseye Note well What the kyngdome of heauen signifyethe The longe
the Phariseis in in comparison of them selues whom thei thought iuste exclude synners Thei did see that thei were directe againste the lawe of God in their doynges and therfore thei also pronounced plainly that thei ought to haue no place in the kyngdome of God Thei suspect Christ also that he doth not after Gods will bicause he had to doe with such But consider thou this with thy self to what case the matter will come if synners should be excluded from God and his kyngdome as the Phariseis thinke For although thei suppose that there is a kinde of men that liueth without synne yet GOD and the lawe knoweth none suche For although euery manne committeth not adulterie slaughter and thefte yet before God no manne is without synne yea and those synnes are the more greuous if thei fall in a manne that hath wisedome and strength to resist them If then the Phariseis iudgement be true that GOD doeth tourne awaie from synners it maketh as muche against them selues as against other For by the lawe are not onely reproued the sinnes of the Publicās and of synners but also their owne all others Then will it followe that no men haue place in the kingdome of God So that the Phariseis are proceded so farre by ignoraunce that as thei are fore against other so giue thei a moste greuous sentence against them selues But all their ouersight riseth here of bicause thei knowe not why Gods lawe was giuen neither what corruption of synne there is in all men And as in other thynges one errour bringeth an other so here also of the kyngdome of God doe these hypocrites knowe nothing whiche must nedes be set vp by Gods grace and goodnes But Christ groundyng his reason on true principles openeth the misterie of the Gospell vnknowē to naturall witte and to all that followe the rightuousnes of the lawe that is that God hateth not sinners nor willeth their death and that he declareth this his will in Christ whom he sent into the worlde to bring home againe to their foldes shepe that straye from their flockes and that all his intent hath onely respect to the fulfillyng of the Gospell that the loste and straies maie chiefly be regarded and that all the will of God might hereby bee declared and the Gospell opened to the poore This is plainly an other kinde of doctrine then the doctrine of the lawe and Phariseis whiche taketh not here seede and roote in our nature but is brought from heauen by the sonne of God as saith Ihon. No man hath seen God at any time the onely begotten soonne whiche is in the bosome of the father sheweth hym forthe For no man knoweth that will of God that he is not angrie with sinners nor damneth them for their synnes but receiueth them rather to his grace and saueth them but all knowe the contrary Wherefore the feare of the wrothe of GOD is naturally ioyned with synne But Christe teacheth vs here by his Gospell that GOD is otherwise mynded towarde synners and that he is not angrie but mercifull and that the Angelles in heauen reioyce when synners repent and amende This doctrine must be the better marked bicause it semeth contrary to our reason that we by it maie confirme our conscience For he that in suche temptation followeth reason and iudgement goeth hedlong to the Deuill and there is no remedie against desperation Wherefore this goeth the matter we must agree surely with Christ contrary to reason and al other thinges that although we are synners yet that by Christ we must be reuoked and called againe as shepe goyng a straye vnto the place of our saluacion As Christ setteth forth a plaine parable in this place to the declaracion of his moste excellent office In diuers other places doeth the Gospell declare why God casteth not awaie synners as in the third of Ihon that GOD is suche that hateth not the worlde but loueth it so that he giueth his onely begotten soonne for the recoueryng thereof that the worlde maie haue confidēce for these sacrifices sake and maie not despeire for their synne For although God might haue helped vs otherwise yet he purposed to doe it by his soonne so that we should haue no cause to doubte of his deliueryng and redemption For this is moste true that God is more pacified by the death of his sonne then offended by our synnes Furdermore there is an other cause set forthe by Christe why God casteth not awaie synners For he sheweth that sinners are a portiō of Gods substance whiche fell from him yet God hath suche respect to the matter that he regardeth not the greatest thynges that he hath vntill that that is loste be recouered And all this waie of recoueryng is sette vp by Christe as he hymself saieth in this place Wherfore it ought to seme no maruell if he make a searche for synners that straye from Gods houshold to bryng them home againe For he is sent for this very cause to bryng home synners againe and if he should dooe otherwise as the Phariseis appoinct hym he could not execute Gods commaundement But it is verie comfortable to see the affection of Christe toward synners whiche is described in the tipe and figure of this careful and studious shepherd whereas he followeth after the straye shepe takyng no care in the meane season of the reste and when he findeth her he beateth her not but handleth her gētly as though she were blamelesse He taketh her on his shoulders and at his retourne he maketh ioyfull gratulacions with his frendes All whiche declareth the greate bounteousnesse and loue of Christ toward man whiche if it should bee well cōmended and set forthe had nede of a long sermone The declaracion of this loue resteth chiefly in hym that is loste weake and in perill as men doe testifie in suche thynges that thei loue Loue is vncertaine when there is any sure trust of aduauntage But when there is daunger and yet there is more care for that that is in daunger then for all that is safe this is naturall and true loue Yet this maye not bee compared with the shadowe of the greate affection of Christe He searcheth for them of whō he was greuously hurt as shepe goyng a stray and as though thei wer in peril without their owne fault and when he findeth them he put them on his shulders What thyng maie a man inuent that is more comfortable and swete Whereas he followeth after thē that are fugitiues and by their owne fault seke their owne destruction ioynyng theim selues with the deuill that is Gods aduersarie and stoutly defendyng his parte and holdyng with Gods enemie the Deuill againste Gods kyngdome He pursueth not after theim I saie as after his hurtfull enemies but searcheth them out as miserable shepe that are in peril endeuoureth wholy hym self to recouer theim before the Woulfe oppresseth theim that is that thei dye not in
their synnes For this shepherd doeth alwaies crie after the shepe goyng a straye I will not the death of a synner but rather that he repent and liue Despaire not of thy matters bicause of thy synne Knowe that GOD is mercifull in his sonne Iesu Christ whom he hath sent vnto thee as a shepherd to bestowe his life for thee and to laye thee on his shoulders and to bryng thee againe to the folde of saluacion And these thynges ought to be considered fullie and perfectly that wee maie vnderstande howe greate loue and care GOD hath for the saluacion of man that he can not abide to se hym to be made a praye for the deuill He maketh sute for synners as for his owne right And least he should be repelled for sinne as though he had no right he appoint a shepherd whiche hath right to recouer synners as straye shepe And when he seeth that thei are not able to retourne againe he followeth after theim and bryngeth theim againe vpon the shoulders of his mercie By the lawe of Moises whereon the Phariseis grounde their determinaciō of the kingdome of GOD there could neuer be ordeined suche a recoueryng of the loste For the lawe dooeth not onely not entise vnto it the straunge shepe but also it driueth her furder of with sharpe and cruell wordes For what can the lawe preuaile with a synner by this saiyng If thou be cleane and without all sinne thou maiest obtaine a place in the kingdome of GOD and not otherwise He knoweth truly the woorde of GOD but he can not tell what to dooe He is commaunded to ascende into heauen but he vnderstandeth that there is no place for synners in heauen Wherfore except there commeth a shepeherd from heauen vnto these straiyng shepe and beareth them on his shoulders againe to the kingdome of GOD there is no doctrine beside that sheweth the kyngdome of GOD neither that councelleth or preuaileth any thyng with theim that should come thereto onely this doctrine that commendeth and setteth forthe this shepherd sheweth the redie waie to it For it dooeth not onely declare that no man entereth into heauen excepte he descended from thens which is a deniyng of saluaciō vnto synners for the lawe is alwaies against synners saiyng thou descēdedst not therfore thou shalt not ascende but it sheweth this also that the sonne of man is come doune from heauen and become the shepherd of the loste shepe that thei maie be borne into heauen vpon his shoulders Thei could neuer haue come thither by their owne power As Christ in Ihon saieth that the sonne of man should therfore bee exalted that all that beleue in hym should not perishe but haue euerlastyng life For this are synners and straunge Shepe recouered when the Shepherde is exalted on the Crosse that he might beare theim vp into heauen on his shoulders and make them partakers of the kyngdome of heauen from whence he descended that sinners might thither ascende Whereby appereth what right GOD hath to challenge sinners into his owne familie The greate errour also of the Phariseis and Scribes and of all suche as measure the kyngdome of GOD by the rightuousnes of workes is declared For GOD can not allowe and commēde them that honour hym onely with their lippes but he requireth a true and a nigh hearte whiche can not be so except it be recouered by this shepherd This shepherd when he bryngeth hym againe on his shoulders maketh the heart full of hope confirmyng it with the holy ghost so that now he maie call boldly on GOD in his kyngdome without distruste he maie earnestly embrace the hope of saluacion and not doubt to bestowe this present life with al that he hath for the life euerlastyng Wherefore he so ioyneth hymself with his shepherd that he is onely disioyned from hym in that that he is not yet deliuered from the bodie of sinne But yet while he liueth in this corporall life he bestoweth hymself whollie to that heauenly conuersation And in it now he bryngeth forthe suche workes of the spirite as no hypocrite no Pharisie no Monke can bryng And yet alwaies hauing in minde his first condicion and state and after his recoueryng he trusteth onely to the Shepherd and his shoulders before God He is glad to shewe hym obedience yet taketh hede that he cōpare not this with Christ and his shoulders This is the kingdome of God described by Christ wherein is place for synners and yet none can enter in thither but with true and earnest confession of their synnes And yet so that thei be partakers of the shephearde and of his bringyng againe to the flocke If thou shouldest aske the Phariseis Scribes Papistes Monkes of the kyngdome of God thei would aunswere beware of the companie of synners doe good woorkes faste saie the ordinarie praiers giue almose to make satisfactiō for thy synnes c. but that a manne should put his onely trust in the shoulders of this shepherd thei will cōfesse that thei doubt thereof Yea thei will compte it contrary to the kyngdome of GOD as the Phariseis doe in this place And hitherto hath Christe taken part against the Phariseis and Hypocrites to defende this sentēce as moste true that synners haue place in the kyngdome of GOD and that Publicans and sinners are not to be excluded from gods kyngdome and from his sainctes For the gouernaunce and order of all his kyngdome consisteth of mercie and nedes must we abide the losse of all ours and cast them awaie as thynges of naught that our gaines in Christ maie be cōplete whole But there are diuers sortes of synners For although Christe came to call all synners to repentaunce yet all doe not repent Thei heare the worde with their eares but thei chaūge nothyng of their old condicions and maners thei giue thēselues to their owne sensualitie and pleasure and declare plainly by their life and doynges that thei haue no regarde of eternall life But what cōmeth thereof Nothing els but that although thei be on Christes shoulders yet thei fall of againe begin after that to stray with more perill then euer thei did before vntill at the length thei are without recouering caught in the deuilles snare so that thei can neuer ridde them selues out of coueteousnes lecherie and of vngodlie opinions These sinners belong not to the kingdome of God but thei onely that after thei haue heard the voyce of the shepherd doe repente and mortifie the woorkes of the fleshe For thei perceiue by the course of al thynges that thei that are in Christe Iesu and truste in the shoulders of this shepherd must not walke after the fleshe but must kill and slea their concupiscences and woorkes of the fleshe Suche synners doeth Christe beare againe vnto the flocke He foloweth after the other also but thei flie to farre of and tourneth awaie their eares from his woordes neither can he done theim any good