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B12393 Certaine godly and verie comfortable letters, full of christian consolation. Written by M. Ed Dering vnto sondry of his friends. And nowe published, for the proffite of the Church of God Dering, Edward, 1540?-1576. 1590 (1590) STC 6682.5; ESTC S116582 40,526 65

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desire that wholy and altogither it should not be in this Jt is onely the worlde that hath taken vp enimitie against vs and striueth dailie to separate vs from the Lorde But what is in the worlde why the perswasions of it should please vs especiallie you who haue had experience of it whose life God hath filled with worldlie things You knowe what is the comfort of houses and landes you haue weighed them well and found them light You knowe the gladnes of a mother and haue in your sight Sōnes Daughters the triall of it is in you hath entred deepe euē as they haue bin the fruite of your owne wombe but in them you haue no such ioye as in the spirit of adoption by which you knowe your selfe to be the childe of God You knowe the treasure of a good husband with whom you haue had peaceable and louinge dayes but howe much is it a greater ioye of vnspeakeable gladnes to feele your selfe ioyned to Jesus Christ made a chaste member of his glorious body with whom you shal be ioyned for euer You haue seene a great many yeares of the age of man and haue measured the length of them so that if you might liue the dayes of Abraham yet you might account your houres and see the time at hande when in the ende of your course you shall take your rest and what were this to immortalitie To be short and to pretermit manie things wherewith God hath made your life as a blessing you haue seene fauour Credite Landes Authoritie Friendes Seruauntes the pleasures of these God hath giuen you You haue seene fulnesse of such delights but this and all els that you haue seene what is it to the grace of God the fellowshippe of Saintes the forgiuenes of your sinnes the loue of his countenance the assurance of your life the brightnes of his glorie your eternall blessinges Sith then in the world is no sure refuge the more I haue seene the fruit of your faith the more assuredlie J knowe the constancie of your minde readie to leaue the worlde to approch nearer vnto God and to account all these thinges to be but dunge to the ende you may winne Iesus Christ in whom you shal be so much more blessed as light is more bright then darknesse health is more excellent then sicknesse and life more precious then cruell death This good Madame you haue long knowen and with prayse professed it among men And nowe especiallie reape the fruite of it in these dayes of Gods visitation in which in a weake body you haue had a sharpe sickenesse to teach you that your life is in the handes of God the nature of your body that it is but dust so that you should not loue it but in the Lorde nor be pleased with it but as it pleaseth him readie to laye it downe when he shall call you This is that great and high commandement To loue God aboue all and this is the greatest obedience required of man to be readie to dye at the will of God Vnto which commaundement when I doe beseech you willinglie to yeelde I feele in my selfe howe the nature of man striueth against it all those delightes of which I spake before the pleasures of this present life they arise against it although we had no other comfort yet life it self is sweete vnto vs we are loth to make our beds in the darke our eyes they would yet see the sunne our eares would heare the sounde of worldly elements though our fleshe be grasse yet grasse hath a flower our fraile bodyes haue vanishinge fantasies agreeable vnto them as earth vnto earth and from which most hardlie you shall pull it away the Patriarkes Prophetes were sometime afraide Paule and Peter were not alwayes bolde they loued euer that life which they sawe in hope but they did feele the death whichc did fight in their members And howe should I then saye vnto you a weake woman feare not death or if I say it howe can you performe it beeing so weake a vessell of fleshe and bloud yet good Madame giue me leaue to intreate you J hope you shall haue a heart to graunt it J most humblie beseeche you feare not death The Apostles were men as we are yet Paule obteyned at last to be dissolued be with Christ if we be weaker then he the graces of God shal be more exalted in vs and we also shall say at the last Let thy seruaunt O Lord departe in peace It is the Lorde that hath promised this blessing vnto vs let vs heare it with faith and it will make death vile in our eyes it is enough if we knowe God will giue this victorie to his people lett vs be bolde though we feare a litle while yet feare shall be cast out and we shall say with a free spirit O death where is thy stinge c. trie your selfe therefore euery day and if your harte be bolde reioyce good Madame reioyce for euer the last and greatest enimie which is death is troden vnder your feete and what els can hurt you all other things of the world they are but seruauntes of death and serue to make his power more fearfull vnto vs friendes or kinsefolke golde siluer pretious stones or al other pleasures all labour vnto one ende to make vs more loth to die vanquish death and you haue vāquished all height depth life and death all is yours you are Christes And see I beseeeh you what glorie you haue gotten you are but a weake and sicke woman whom God hath shut vp into your chamber and tyed to your bedde and yet the great tyrant of the world that holdeth in bondage Kings Princes and woundeth them all with feare terror he is confounded before you the Lord of life he hath crushed him in pieces vnder you A blessed day that brought you first into this battell a blessed sickenesse that made you endure the fight most blessed ende in which you get the victorie for who hath giuen you this strength or who raigneth in you in such a day but he who hath saied and done it O death I wil be thy death and if he be in you who hath abolished death and in whose sight death shall neuer haue any rule what treasure what depth of ioy and gladnes shall he bring with him while you liue you shal liue in him no man shall take your ioy from you and whē you die you shall die in him and death shal be no death but you shall passe to eternall life and all that is fearfull shal be farre from you the burthen of sinne the malice of the deuill the terrour of hell the dreadfull words goe ye cursed into eternall fire All this is abolished troden down in the crosse of Iesus Christ who reigneth in you giueth you his spirit that you feare not death and all things that fill with ioy not the earth onely
but the heauens also you haue destroyed death you shall feele thē all within you the fellowship of Saints Angels the forgiuenes of sinns the resurrection of the body the life euerlasting and the God of glorie your eyes lightened with a pure faith shall see these things in so perfect beautie that you shall cast out death the feare of it yea you should thinke your time wearines if your dayes should be prolonged and you should bee yet many yeares a soiorner in this bodie in which you are a straunger from the presence of the Lorde And the nearer your time approcheth the gladder you shal be of the ende of your iourney when your harte shall feele it And when the earthlie house of this tabernacle shal be destroyed you haue a building giuen of God a house not made with hands but eternall in the heauens In this faith you shall not onely not feare death but you shall sigh and moane as Paule saith till you see your glorie and the lot of the saints that is in light where there is no more sorrow nor care nor feare nor death but the God of all mercie and father of our lord Jesus Christ shal be before vs for euer Thus Madame as my duetie is J haue written vnto you and God will blesse it as his promise is that it shall be for the best in the wisdome of his word we shal be strengthned in his grace that death sicknesse shal be forgotten all the desirs of our heart shal be with him And the Lord God for his Sonnes sake so haue mercie vpon vs that all euill taken from vs we may reioyce in him and see his blessed age that is in immortality is sealed in our heartes with his blessed spirit To whom be glorie for euermore Amen From Saint Ellens the tenth of Ianuarie Anno Domini 1576. Yours bounden in the Lord Iesu the onely forgiuenes of all our sinnes Ed. Deringe A Letter written by M. Edward Deringe to his Lord Maister the Duke of Northfolke Gratia et pax a Deo patre et domino nostro Iesu Christo THE longe good will that I haue borne vnto you as to one that earnestlie professed the Gospell and the great duetie I owe vnto you as to my Lord Master make that nowe I should write vnto you not knowing whether opportunitie shal be such that hereafter J may doe you any seruice God the author of all life he hath shutte both you and me vp in his handes that there is great likelihood our liues in this worlde they are but short The Prince that executeth the iudgement of the Lord she hath found you out in your great sinnes and sickenes that raigneth ouer all fleshe it hath taken now longe holde vpon me So that as I saide we are both in the handes of the Lord we are summoned paremtorilie death hath giuen an assault and the weake holdes of our life they are violentlie shaken Nowe therefore my good Lord let it vs take counsell togither and as a wise Maister learne of a faithfull seruaunt what is best to be done the worst that our sinnes can doe vnto vs is to lay vpon vs the iust rewarde of death my disease which thus afflicteth me for many thousand sinns it can but take away my life which J haue so abused And all your deepe dissimulation and hypocrisie your great ambitions your faithlesse religion which haue so bewitched you what can they doe more then this The remedie nowe is to make of necessitie a vertue that is to beare it wisely which you must needes abide J haue I thanke God founde that grace that I can loue this saying Cupio dissolui esse cum Christo the Lord also open your hearte and guide your vnderstandinge that with all saintes you may doe likewise and praye Veni Domine Iesu And now for asmuch as this is the last duetie that J am like to doe vnto you as God shall giue grace I will so aduice you as I may testifie myne owne faith and make you strong against the daye of triall trusting that our God shall so remember vs both in mercie that after a little while we shall see better dayes and raigne with him that abideth King for euer There is now but one thing necessarie for you to learne in this life that is how you may willinglie desire to die a hard lesson for a natural mā for death is our last enimie his assault most violent to the triall of our faith but Christ who hath ouercome death and hell hee hath broken the strength of this battell and set vp the songes of triumph vnto all that beleeue that we may haue the fulnesse of ioy and say with gladnes ô death where is thy sting Nowe that this ioye may be yours and this gladnes your inheritāce prepare your selfe not in your own wisdō for that hath alredie deceiued you but in the wisdome of god that your hope may be sure Jf you will now haue the hart that shal cōdemne the force of death cōsider wherfore you are called to die It is laid to your charg that you haue delt traytrously with your Prince with your coūtry with the religiō of God and vpon these crimes you are cōdemned to die If you be guiltles ô my Lord blessed are you blessed is your portion he hath spokē it that neuer will change Jf whē you do well you suffer wrōgfully take it patiētly for this is acceptable to god but if you be guilty you haue not your hope in death for that you haue deserued but your hope is this that you die so as it becōmeth you which if god shal grāt vnto you then blessed is the howre that God shall bring vpon you you shal make that change which god for his Christes sake lay speedily vpon all his children you shal die once that you may liue euer Now that you may know how you ought to die learne this of the lord which he hath so plainly taught you The first part of your true repētāce must be an hūble cōfessiō what soeuer your own conscience can vtter more thē is reuealed O my Lorde speake opēly the trueth sathan is enimie vnto vs his slightes are many if you will treade the malicious serpent vnder your feete triumph with Christ who hath spoiled hell tell the trueth my Lord conceale nothing so shall you shunne the diuel If my words seeme but light to perswade you heare the wisest counsellour that euer raigned in Israel He that hideth his sinne saieth Salomon shall neuer prosper but he that cōfesseth forsaketh them shall finde mercie Whē Acan had transgressed in Israel deserued death when he was brought into iudgemēt Ioshua said vnto him My Son J beseech thee giue glory to the lord God of Israel make cōfession vnto him shew me now what thou hast done Loe my Lord this is to giue glorie vnto God to cōfesse your sin
tell what you haue done The good king Dauid whē he had deserued death feared greatly the sentence of the Prophet he cōfessed gladly made it knowen vnto the world what his sin was wherin he had offended Whē God gaue his lawes vnto Israel in the bloud of goates calues sheweth thē the redemptiō that was in Christ Jesus He so ordeined that before their forgiuenes was preached the high priest should proclaime openlie what were the sins of the people so lay their sins vpon the beastes So standeth it nowe with vs if we will finde forgiuenes of our sins let vs cast off the cloaks of shame cōfesse before heauē earth what we haue sinned what we haue done What greater perswasions can you yet require or how can you thinke to please God if you wil hide your sins That was the practise of old Adam but you are borne anew that was the sin of Cain but you my good Lord are of a better kinred Speak the truth shrinke not God will once reueale the secrets of harts thē you shal reioice that ther is nothing of yours hid fie vpō that sin that you should turn away for one houre receiue hereafter euerlasting cōfusiō better a thousād times to receiue the reproch of flesh after receiue your glory of the Lord. Whē John Baptist preached first the Gospell he bpatized no more thē such as confessed their sins The lost Son whē he ran away he found no hope of pardō til he called heauē earth to witnesse his great iniquitie Paul who preached the gospell to vs Gentils how oftē doth he confesse that he was a persecutor The happy thief that was hāged entred not into paradise til he first in the hearing of all Israell said we are rightly punished receiue things worthy of that we haue done What should J say more J trust you feare God and J haue seene in you many signes of grace I doubt not but you will make it knowen whatsoeuer is in your hart It is the word of God that I haue spoken it is the onely trueth vpō which you may build your faith This thing toucheth so neare the glory of God the safetie of his gospell that you must now needs forsake your friends kinsmē yea forget the loue of your selfe and if you haue bin partaker of any counsell disclose the cōspiracies of the wicked you haue stood in iudgement not before mē for they are but ministers but before the Lord who sitteth in the middst of iudgement Surely if you seeke to hide your sins you seeke to hide them frō him that knoweth the secrets of the hart raynes and to dissemble with him that will not be mocked and therefore with all humblenes of dutie I beseech you in the name of God J craue this at your hands vnburthē your own coscience make your hart glad cast of the burthē of your secret sinns purge the eyes of your minde that you may see Christ let true repētance breake forth in holy confession shame the Lords enimies make the church of God reioyce and loe in the name of Christ J tell it you Blessed is the day in which it was said of you a man-child is borne and blessed shal be the houre in which it shal be said of you you are dead in the Lord the closing vp of your eyes shal be the beginning of your sight and death your entrance into life And now my Lord I beseech you pray for me humbly vpō my knees I aske you hartie forgiuenes wherein I haue not done as it became me touching you You knowe howe in my time I haue persuaded you frō your wicked seruants frō your popish friēds frō your adulterous woman But alas my Lord your high calling hath bridled my words I could not speak as I shold my words wer to soft to heale so old a disease why should I haue taried in your lordships house except these things had bin amēded this bearing with your euill was the greatest euill I could haue done you And I beseech you forgiue me God for his mercies sake shall make me strong that herafter J shall not feare to reproue the sinner God shall forgiue you your dulnes of spirit that could not be moued with a litle coūsel Now my Lord be strong in the Lord feare not if you must dye remēber that Christ bath ouercome him that hath the power of death hath set vs free frō the power of the graue Though you doe for a very litle time turne again vnto dust yet again you shal heare the voyce of the trumpet corruptiō shall die because he was no better thē his fathers you whē you go you shall go to your fathers the long race of Nobilitie of which God hath raised you euery one in his time is gone before you so many as haue died in the faith they shal be againe of your fellowship kindred and you shall prayse God with thē not feare the secōd death The lord opē your eyes that you may see your hope you shall loue that cōpany aboue Kings Princes You shall see Abrahā of whō you haue heard so much Jsaac Iacob Iob Samuell Daniell whose names you loued you shall see Paule Peter whose society you wish for all the Patriarkes Prophets and Apostles that are gone before you Be bold therfore be bold to dye with Elias you shall see Christ clothed with your flesh who hath immorta●●●●e in his hande shal make you raigne for euer yo● 〈◊〉 shall not be tedious and your glory shall 〈…〉 change he that made the heauens so high abo●● earth the Sun the moone the starres so ful of excellēt beauty he shal be your portiō in his endles glory wold God you cold see him now with opē coūtenance that you might knowe his louing kindnes how much it is better thē life J wold you cold withal his saints perceue what wer the height the ●reath the lenght the depth of his vnsearchable riches ●●apy 〈◊〉 that shal neuer end ô blesed inheritāce that shal neuer wast O holy citty new Ierusalē the perfectiō of beauty where the inhabitāts are princes O'pretious buildng that is not made with hands ioyfull tabernacles which God himselfe hath pitched my voice faileth my tonge cleaueh to my mouth whē I wold declare the euerlasting gladnesse whē God shal wipe away al teares frō our eies ther shal be no more death nether sorow nor crying nor yet any paine for the first things past Who remēbreth this saith not all flesh is grasse and the glory of man is as the flower of the fielde We haue nothing here but feare of our enimie griefe in pouertie paine in labour care in ritches vnstedfastnes in frindship enuy in authoritie emulation in honor change in nobilitie feare in a kingdome as the greatest of al princes hath wisely pronounced vexatiō of spirit in al things that is vnder the Su● so true it is vanity of vanities al is but vanity You need no example O my Lord Maister behold your selfe see what you were reioice in the lord loue better things cease to eate of this corruptiō desire Māna drink not of these puddels but goe to the pure water of life which is cleare as christal procedeth out of the throne of god of the lābe you are but one step frō this glorious blessing that is to die willingly well speak forth the secrets of your hart giu● God glorie The Lord blesse kepe you the Lord make his face to shine vpon you and be mercifull vnto you the Lord ●●ft vp his countenance vpon you and sende you peace FINIS MAISTER DERINGS WORKES LO heere the Pearle of precious price From Deringe dead that liues againe To preache in print and giue aduice Of that he taught in life with payne Lo nowe he liues both heere and there Whose life his foes could hardly beare Reade then to learne and putte in vre And taste the sweetenesse of his vayne So shall you see an heauenlie lure That drawes you vp from th' earth amaine And shewes the way that leads to life And eke the rest that endes all strife Studie to be approued to the Lord for if hee alowe not our doinges though all the world be with vs it shall bringe vs no comfort and this is our reioycinge the testimonie of a good conscience
knowledge of the mysterie of it And the Lorde open his gracious countenance reuealed in it vnto my Aunte that shee may also make a blessed chaunge to leaue vaine imaginations of her own minde which are full of ignorance and learne the scripture which can make knowen vnto her the liuinge God And commende me hartilie vnto them both to whom I wishe as to my selfe Your louing Brother Ed. Dering A comfortable Letter written by Maister Ed. Deringe to a Christian Gentlewoman in heauines of spirite JT is true good Maistres H. which the spirit hath spoken and we feele it by experience That by many tribulations we must enter into the kingdome of heauen This is a common decree which God hath sanctified to be a lot for all his children So the authour and finisher of our faith Jesus Christ him selfe was made perfect Into his similitude we are also predestinate that we should first die with him and then be partakers of his glorie Lett vs not therefore refuse that condition of life in which we haue the fellowshipp of all the Saintes of God but rather confesse with the holy Apostle That blessed is the man who endureth temptation But because all afflictions are bitter for the present time and when the minde is shaken with sorrowe it is then most easilie cast downe of the enemie let vs learne wiselie what our troubles are and be prepared of remedie in the day of triall All our afflictions are eyther according to the fleshe in hunger colde nakednesse shame contempt slaunder c. or according to the Spirite in lamentations and mourninges which the worlde knoweth not The firste euilles are easilie borne for they are all but vanitie and in vanitie they shall dye if we see no fauour in the sight of the Sunne that shineth not here acceptable vnto vs when we haue payde the debt we owe vnto death the Lorde will deliuer vs from all the iniuries of men But in this behalfe let me cōfort my selfe God hath set you free frō such afflictions Your goodes are vnto you in a liberall portion your life made happie with a louing husbande your calling acceptable vnder a gracious and good Mistresse in whose sight you haue founde fauour in this estate you feele no trouble therefore I let it passe The other affliction which is of the spirite and whiche can not be resisted with any earthlie blessing looke for it assuredlie for it will come vnto you that you maye suffer with Christ and reigne with him in glorie These troubles they come many wayes euen as the spirite of God doeth leade vs vnto life First we are commanded to learne knowe the worde of God against this looke for many tentations the enimie will trie whiche way to plucke that out of our heartes Out of the worde we must learne a precious faith and holde that vnmoueable before God against this what temptations are betweene heauen and earth you shal feeele your portion if any thing possible cā discourage you With faith you must ioyne a liuelie hope which is a longinge apprehension of Gods glorie in this also Sathan will pretermitte nothing to quenche your affections that it may be dead and to darken your minde that you may see nothing without these you can not possiblie liue and vnto these you can not possiblie come but first you shall feele what is the strength of sinne And yet notwithstanding faint not the Lion hath ouercome which is of the tribe of Iuda The force of the Serpent shall bruse our heele but it shall not take away from vs the head-piece of saluation Learne therefore first the worde of God this is the seede of regeneration by which wee are made newe creatures this is the bread of spiritual nourishment by which we are growne vp into eternall life This is the weapon of our warfare by whiche wee may wounde and driue away our enimies This is the Scepter of our glorious kingdome by which wee doe knowe that God doeth reigne in vs. Take this vnto you the shielde of your defence the strength of your age the wisedome of your heart and the safetie of your life cōmended vnto you in the worde of Christ. Searche the Scriptures and seale it in your heart with a good perswasion that it is the word of God and of life and hee hath grauen in it an expresse image of eternall trueth Let it dwell plentifullie within you and your heart is armed with a most strong defence all enimies shall fall before it the wisedome of the wise shal be brought to nought and the councell of the prudent shal be made foolish the wayes of the aduersaries shal be scattered and the scorners seate shall bee throwen downe so true it is that the Lorde hath spoken Blessed is the man whose delight is in the Lawe of the Lorde and whose meditation is in it day and night Lett vs then bringe downe the hautinesse of our mindes and receyue with meekenesse the worde grafted in vs which can saue our soules To this desire of vnderstanding when God hath brought vs then let vs pray to be deliuered from temptatiō and take heede we be not spoyled of so great a treasure We haue three especiall enimies in this behalfe of which S. Paule biddeth vs all beware the one is Phylosophie that is a vayne and curious searching of Gods mysteries or measuring things reuealed according to our vnderstandinge with which tentations whylest our Fathers were ouercome they became foolishe in their owne imaginations and chaunged the glorie of God into the likenesse of a corruptible man making Images praying to Angelles imageninge of soules like little children deuising Purgatorie reasoning of Gods wisedome aboue our capacitie As if we be predestinate we may liue as we list if wee are commanded to worke if our dayes are nombred why seeke we any safetie to our life Jf the Angelles doe keepe vs in all our wayes that we shal not hurt our foote against a stone why feare wee any falling These phantasies and worse then these disquiet our mindes and fight within vs against our humble obedience to the worde of God Which all when we haue ouercome and saide with the Prophete secrete things are for the Lorde but things reuealed for vs and our children yet haue wee no peace A seconde enimie riseth vp greater then the first which Saint Paule calleth The traditions of men for the heart of man which drinketh in errour as the grounde doeth drinke water is very obstinatlie bounde with olde customes and longe continuance measuring trueth which is pure and holy only by time which is corrupt and euill and not onely this but nature also hath inflamed our affections to loue to much our fathers wayes to like their opinions to esteeme their iudgementes to prayse their doeinges to commende their age to talke of their names till throughe manie entisements we are at last bewitched our wisedome is stolen away and trueth is taken from vs by this meanes all corruptions
countenances of the world in which in deede there is nothinge but vanitie of vanities and all is vanitie and thinke good Mistresse B. howe many occasions are before vs to cause vs to forget this or to let the desire of it to be● quenched in vs or at the least to fill our selues with other pleasures of the worlde but God shall keepe you from the corruptions of the worlde and giue vnto you a wise heart which euery daye may searche your thoughtes and suffer you neuer to forget your latter ende and seeing euery day doeth bring you neare vnto it let euery day kindle more your affections that you may loue it vnto the ende and then our hope shal be full and our mouthes opened for euer Amen Yours Ed. Deringe To Maistres B. THe grace of our Lorde Iesus Christ be with you euer As J trust the Lord doeth strenghten you to better health that you may liue to his prayse so J am desirous to heare also of your amendment but much more as God hath made manifest in you many tokens of his grace so J hartily pray that you may bee made euen as Paule to moorne still in this earthlie tabernacle and to saye vnfainedlie I desire to bee dissolued and to be with Christ this is that good issue of life to which I haue often prayed that J might attayne vnto it this is that measure of grace whiche as I am most bounde so hartely J beseech our God and Sauiour that it may plentifully be powred vppon you And if wee shal be made in our liues so happie then haue we a dwelling in perfect peace and in deede we be receyued into the couenaunt of the newe Testament that wee should be filled with ioye of the holy Ghost For what can disquiet vs or what can bee grieuous vnto vs if in the face of Iesus Christ we see our rising agayne from the graue and feare not before the shaddow of death all other afflictions they are but ministers vnto this in the presence of death they are dispersed and they doe not followe vs vnto the darke places If God will haue mercie vpon vs to blesse vs into this victorie thē hath hee giuen vs our inheritaunce in pleasant places and our portion in a happie lot What so euer enimies are against vs they shall striue in vayne and all things contrarie vnto vs shall haue no strength for beyonde death there is no power in them and death it selfe is dispised in our eyes Jf we felt not this in our heartes but would seeke outwarde testimonie of men let him speake that findeth any greater feare then this The sicke person or prisoner may bee loth to dye but the dead man he feareth no euill and they that liue in prosperitie this is not their feare least they should haue a fall but it is death that is bitter vnto all them that haue peace in their riches Seeing this then is the greatest tyrant that maketh Princes tremble and that anguish of harte that turneth all pleasure into wormwoode what soeuer is vnder the sunne good maistres B. as you are so abyde and as you haue receyued so abounde till the good graces of the liuinge GOD haue made you stronger then sinne or death so shall your dayes be all in blessing and your accounted tymes haue true delight till the latter ende doe shine in hope So shall you bee bolde to saye with Dauid Surely the Lord will deliuer me from the snare of the hunter and from the noysome pestilence I shall not bee afrayde of the feare of the night nor of the arrowe that flyeth in the day nor of the pestilence that walketh in the darkenes nor of the plague that destroyeth at noone I haue set the most highe to bee my refuge and there shall no euill come neare my tabernacle The Lorde blesse vs in this good hope make stronge our confidence in this perswasion that at last we may dwell in ioye and gladnes if feare haue often recourse into our fraile bodyes because we carrie in vs corruption whiche is the strength of death yet that feare shall not alwayes grieue vs for our hope is perfect and shall not be shaken Wee shall goe but as Saint Paule and Peter Abraham and Jsaac haue gone before and not onely they but oure Fathers our Mothers and our dearest friendes are gone with them and all that are behinde shall ouertake vs. The trouble of the trauell must needes appeare light in the middest of so happie companie or if their loue haue not such force in vs that Parentes and Friendes Apostles Prophetes Patriarkes and all the Saintes of God can make vs say Let vs dye with the righteous and let our latter ende bee as vnto them yet sure when among the dead I haue seene Christ and in the graue haue founde the God of glorie J shall say with a perfect hearte Christ is my life and death is myne aduantage What then remayneth more vnto vs but to striue faithfullie that we may come vnto this that God may worke with vs as with his saintes and wee may be pertaker with the happie Prophete to see the louing kindnes of the Lorde which is better then lyfe and to saye with him As the hart longeth after the water brookes so my soule longeth to see the Lord and in the meane season that we yet fulfill our accounted tyme whiche the Lorde graunt for his Churches sake that you may doe euen vntill olde age and many yeares in good increase of your childrens children happie peace of his chosen people In the meane while I say that your hope may be precious before you and in this earthlie tabernacle yet may haue your conuersation in the highest heauen from thence lookinge for a Sauiour euen Iesus Christ the righteous who shall change this corruptible body to make it like to his glorious body in that blessed time whiche shall skatter away all affliction seale within that happie assurāce of immortalitie whiche shal be in the presence of the God of glorie when this weake body shall haue a recompence of a fewe sorrowfull dayes in euerlastinge righteousnes Jn whiche hope the Lorde graunt many yeares you may rest Yours Ed. Dering To Maistres B. THe Lord who is riche in mercie keepe vs euer in the assured couenant of his newe Testament made in Jesus Christ that we may feele the forgiuenes of our sinnes and reioyce in the hope of eternall life Amen I am sure you wil be gladde good maistres B. to heare of our safe comming home And J would be gladde to heare of all your well dooing at your Saint Ellins therefore J writte vnto you Both to heare agayne that God continueth his good blessinges towardes you and to certifie you that I thanke God J am nowe safe at Shenfildes I haue not yet taken the plaster but this day J haue begonne to drinke Maistres P. Water Let it haue the worke which God will For in health our
CERTAINE GODLY AND VERIE comfortable Letters full of christian consolation Written by M. Ed Dering vnto sondry of his friends And nowe published for the proffite of the Church of God 2. THES 1.15 Stande fast keepe the instructions which ye haue bine taught either by worde or by our Epistles NEWLY IMPRINTED NON VI SED VIRTUTE Mr Derings wordes spoken on his death-bed at Tokye The 26. of Iune 1576. GOd forgeue me my negligence that I haue not vsed the pretious giftes of God laid vp within me more to his glory in my time Yet I thanke God that I haue not vsed them in vaine glorie or to please the vaine affections of men After my death my enimies will become my friendes except some that knowe me not and those which haue no feelinge of the trueth For I haue faithfully serued the Lorde and my Prince in a good conscience A Preacher saying vnto him It is for thee a great blessing that thou shal depart in peace and goe from many troubles that our brethren shall beare and see He answered I shall goe from many troubles and leaue many behinde me If the Lord hath appointed that his saintes shall suppe togither why goe I not to them but if there bee any doubting or staggering our Lord reueale the trueth Hearing one say He hoped that in his silence his minde was neuertheles exercised in godly meditation He answered As a poore frayle man and the least of all the elect saints yet beleeuing and lookinge on Christ my saluation We shall all meete togither with the sweet harmony of the Lord of hostes What a cloude of witnesses is heere yet a little while and we shall see our hope We haue ouertaken the endes of the worlde which is come vppon vs and we shall quicklie receyue the ende of our hope which we have waited for Afflictions sicknes and payne are but the worlds portions from the Lord. It is not to begin for a moment but to continewe in the feare of God all our dayes for in the twinckling of an eye we shal be taken away Dallie not with the worde of God make not light of it Blessed are they that vse their tongues well when they haue it E. D. An Epistle of M. Ed. Deringe before his 24 Lecture on the Hebrues which he preached the 6. of December 1572. And gaue for a newe yeres gifte to the godlie in London elsewhere To his verie louing friend Maister M. F. THe outward afflictions and manyfold troubles of a great nomber of gods childrie whose trauel labour frō day to day J had stil in experience and the inward feelling of many woūded spirits whose wofull sighes and bitter mournings J beheld in other and had tried in my selfe it made me very desirous to seeke for remedies to stoppe the complaints of so grieuous cryings and to prepare our heartes in a strong defence that the fierie dartes of the Diuell might not wound vs. Vpon this occasion when J had to expound that place of the Apostle full of notable comfort That Christe in the dayes of his fleshe offered vp prayers and supplications to him that was able to saue him from death with strong cryings and teares and was deliuered from the thinges hee feared J taried the longer in that matter declared more at large what boldnes and assurance of hope was offered heere vnto all that should obey the worde Which whē I had done as God gaue me vtterance the poore in spirit to whom J applyed my selfe one or two required mee to sette it downe in writinge that it might be profitable to manie which was comfortable to them I durst not reiect such a good request but though sometime I deferred it yee I neuer forgot it till I had written all as I was required Which when J had done I purposed then with my selfe to make it yet more common and set it abroad in print knowing assuredly where God would giue it increase it should bring forth the fruite of consolation that we might stande vpright in the day of euill Thus hauing performed both the request of others myne owne desire and the time fallinge out with the beginning of a newe yeare I thought it not amisse to offer my labour to you who I knowe would well accept of it as a newe yeares gift though of no great price yet of great good will and though easilie obteyned yet not little to bee esteemed Therefore my deare brother whom J loue in Christ and reuerence in the worlde as many wayes J haue cause so I offer it vnto you The Lorde for his mercies sake worke his owne good pleasure that J may haue of you the fruite that J desire and you the grace that ye stande in neede of that as God hath greatly blessed you and made you abound in many graces to the glorie of his name the comforte of your friends and the benefite of his people so your ioye that it might be made perfect you might also abounde in this to haue a strong faith against the daye of triall which God of his mercie will surelie graunte vnto you and finishe the good worke that hee hath begunne Though J loue not to speake faire for flatterie and deceytful prayses I see what mischief they breed yet J feare not to beare you witnes of your well doing the spirit of God hath planted humilitie more deepe in your breast then that pride and arrogancie can pull it out And in deede the better you are the more effectuall you doe see your owne vnworthinesse that all your righteousnes is as a defiled clothe and the more you approche vnto God the more you abhorre your selfe knowe that in our fleshe there dwelleth no goodnesse Abraham our father Job Esaie and many other men of excellent vertue in the sight of God they haue beene all astonished to see howe their righteousnes hath bene scattered away as the cloudes of the heauens Paule cryeth out O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me from this body of death But because wee haue an enimie that spareth not to displaye all our corruptions before our eyes to the ende he might make vs dispaire therefore we may be bold to the strengthning of our hope to set before vs againe the spirituall graces that worke within vs to assure our selues that we bee borne of God So our Sauiour Christ praysed manie that beleeued on him so did the Apostles so may we and our heauenly Father will ratifie and confirme our wordes when we speake the trueth accordinge to the measure of faith that euery one hath receyued So Saint Iohn biddeth vs all be bolde and not bee deceyued He that doeth the things that are righteous him selfe is righteous and like vnto Christ in whom hee is sanctified So may J say vnto you the grace of GOD hath wrought happily in you in these yeres conditiō of life that so vnfainedly you haue sought the Lorde It can not be of your selfe who are
are for euer In all suffrings I am like to Christ they are the marks of mine adoption that J am his childe Doe wee not heare the Lorde Himselfe doeth speake If wee bee without correction then are we bastardes and not sonnes and to shewe what our correction shal bee hee sayeth in an other place If we bee planted with him into the similitude of his death then shall wee also be partakers of his resurrection Who hath heard so great saluation as this Euery weapon wherewith the enemie striketh the same armeth vs to greater saluation And euery wounde that we doe receyue the same confirmeth vs to a surer life Then as before I saide care not for sinne for that is abolished so here I maye adde care not for hell for the nearer wee feele it the further we are from it Let them feare sinne that feele it not and let them be afraide of condemnation that knowe not what it is vppon whom destruction shall come sodenlie as an armed man Our eyes haue bene kept waking and we haue seene our sinnes our harts haue fainted before the anger of the Lorde And wee haue not despised his heauenlie callinge therfore in the day of trouble we shall haue rest In this perswasion we will liue and die and if our soules should melte for feare within vs although the Lorde should kill vs yet would we trust in him Abraham beleeued in the Lorde and it was imputed vnto him for righteousnes against hope hee beleeued vnder hope and if our hope seemed to be taken from vs yet would wee patientlie wayte the Lords leasure vntill hee saue our hope agayne that at the least our faith might haue againe the glorie and trueth of full assurance Another thing we must labour in and in another thinge wee shall haue temptation and that is that wee may see what is the glorie of God and immortall life herein lett vs meditate in our beddes and thinke on this in our secret places in the middest of our companies let these cogitations be often in our hartes and in all places let these be our muses When we shal apprehende with all the seruauntes of God what is the height the bredth the length the depth wee shall knowe that the glorie is great of immortalitie and he is onely to bee beleued who shall shine in honour when this vanitie is ouerpast His strength is great that layde the foundations of the world and his brightnes exceeding that made the Sunne and the Moone His treasure and ritches are aboue measure who hath giuen Princes their golde and siluer and other pretious stones for the honour of man he in deede is of excellent maiestie who is King of Kings and Lord of Lordes and his power is aboue all who maketh sicknesse his messengers and death his minister till he shall abolishe them both For his mercies are vnspeakable that forgiueth vs all our sinnes and his goodnes is great who hath had regarde to the children of men From nothing hee brought vs into life he kept vs from the graue he will restore vs and make vs see his glorie When I would thinke on this my soule is compassed with dulnes of fleshe that J cannot see the fulnes of his fauour When I would consider in my heart what is his grace Darkenesse ouershadoweth myne vnderstāding all my thoughts doe vanishe in his immortalitie When J would speake of his louing kindnes my tonge cleaueth to the roote of my mouthe and my wordes sticke faste within my lippes But this one thinge in all myne infirmities J can perceyue that his glorie is exceeding great whose glorie I can not comprehende and the life is longe appointed vnto man where his heart and minde can see no ende If all the worlde were a flowing water and euery yeare one droppe should be diminished the Sea should be all made drye and the bottomes of the deepe should appeare before he shall cease to lyue whom God hath raysed from the dead and this breadth widenesse betweene heauen and earth if it should bee filled vp and euery yeare but one handfull of earth added to the worke yet sooner should the great distance bee closed vp and the emptie places made full then hee shall cease from ioye and gladnes who shall stande in the resurrection of the iust This is the glorie that hath neither spot nor blemishe before which me thinketh not only Princes and the glorie of the world but the Sunn and Moone all the hostes of heauen are nothing els but meere vanitie for death shadoweth the glorie of man though hee spred his braunches neuer so farre yet the graue closseth vp in little roome the ambitious heart which before was enlarged from East to West And the Heauens that are high and free from death yet are holden vnder the tyrannie of enuious and consuming tyme in which they shal be chaunged Only the Lord is in honor and maiestie who hath set eternitie rounde about him and cast out tyme vnto confusion Oh Lorde where are their eyes that see not this or their hearts that see and regarde it not Who hath bewitched them in the countenances of men to carrie the heartes of beastes and to forget the latter ende The Lorde turne them that runne astray that they may knowe and see where is their glorie but the temptations haue ouertaken them Which are against our honour when the Lorde shall deliuer them from euill they shall giue thankes and reioyce with vs that they also haue eyes to see And blessed are you good Mistres H. and God hath visited you in an acceptable time whose heart he hath touched with feare whose afflictions he hath filled with hunger and thirst that you should mourne for the redemption that is in Christ and be pleased with nothing but with the grace of his countenance This is a Schoolemistres to bringe you vnto him and a bond to tye you faste that you shall not be seperated and accomplishe J beseeche you this good worke of his grace till you loue the Lord withall your heart and till you can say with the blessed Apostle I desire to be dissolued and to be with Christ For this purpose wee are chastised of the Lorde and whē our faith is tryed at the last it shal be made strong that with it we may quench all the fierie dartes of Sathan and in righteousnes and peace and ioye of the holy Ghoste runne the course that is set before vs till in a blessed issue of happie dayes with a good spirite we may say boldlie Lorde nowe lettest thou thy seruaunt depart in peace Which I beseeche God the father of our Lord Jesus Christ the God of mercie and Father of all consolation graunt vnto you Amen Pray pray pray praye this is your best seruice wheresoeuer your duetie is most bounde Letters of Ed. Der. to Maistres B. GRace mercie and peace from God our Father c. J had much leuer good Maistres B. come my self then write
eyelyddes payned with being open or are our eares wounded with the sounde of the ayre or what griefe what care what sorrowe is it why we wishe our time forgotten past Surely Iob knewe not this when hee saide His time passed faster thē a poste nor Dauid knewe it not whē he thought his life but a spanne longe and surely he hath but a wretched lyfe let him not loue it who is fayne to runne to the birdes of the ayre and the beastes of the fielde to seeke some comfort against it And therefore good Maistres B. let pastime alone and be not wearied with your good dayes your tymes are passed meetely well and you haue seene 40. yeares filled and gone the residue behinde will passe with them You shall not holde them if you would but pastyme and they will dwell togither till our appointed time shall come and one ende shal be vnto all But then you shall see another state and this enimitie betweene vs and it shal be taken away we shall not be wearie of it to wishe it gone and it will not bee wearie of vs to weare vs away but Tyme and we shall dwell togither and the glorie of God shal be eternally before vs and we before his Maiestie in Jmmortalitie A blessed state a hope of lyfe a glorious body a heauēly minde and woe be to all these tyme passers of that know how to delight in this but haue more pleasure in all vncleannes when the end of their labour shall come vppon them they shall feele more griefe in one day then after shal be eased world without ende And in one sentence of an angrie Judge goe you cursed into eternall fire they shal be wounded with that miserie whiche worlde without end shall rest vpon them and their olde pastime shall neuer more be founde but this is the portion of them that knowe not God But you good Maistres B. haue alreadie passed the dayes of your ignorance and the kingdome of heauen is come vnto you with power you loue the trueth of the Lorde Jesus and all false wayes you doe abhorre you doe feele the hope of the Elect of God and it hath quenched the desires of vngodlie Pray still that you may haue increase and read the Scriptures in whiche you shall haue comfort these will leade you in a perfect way and neyther Paule nor Peter haue a more blessed end then is for vs in a like pretious faith and J as J am bounde will beseeche the God of mercie and father of our Lord Iesus Christ that he will looke vpon you to fill you with his grace and holy spirite that it may guyde you and all your children before you and your houshold committed to your charge that you may dwell in the newe and blessed Testament of the forgiuenes of sinnes through faith in Christ Iesus who hath destroyed the workes of the Diuell and is able to keepe you for euer more And to his gracious defence J hartely leaue you and all yours Yours in the Lord Ed. Dering To Maistres B. THe grace of our Lord Iesus Christ be with you euer Amen Good Maistres Baret howe fayne J would be with you God knoweth and howe I am indebted to doe good in your house if J should not confesse I must needes accuse my selfe of much vnthankefulnes but God alone disposeth all our wayes to be so as pleaseth him whom hartily I beseeche for his sonnes sake blesse vs with that blessing whiche hee gaue his Apostle that in all places wee may bee vnto him in Iesus Christ a sweete sauour of life vnto life to all his saints with whom wee are So shall I more gladlie walke all the wayes of his appointment and you more willinglie beare with myne absence the will of God bee done in all thinges When you are at Braye if the Lorde will I shal be more quiet with you In the meane time good Maistres so beleeue as you haue seene and hearde and praye for me that I may liue to his glorie who hath shewed me such mercie that I may say with the Prophet Dauid What shall I giue againe for all that he hath giuen mee And so doe you reioyce in the blessing that GOD hath giuen you that more and more your estate here may be a sure testimonie of a more blessed hope that shall one day bee reuealed when honor and glorie shall succeed in the place of labour and sorrowe that nowe aboundeth The Lord blesse you and all yours keepe you and giue you a plentifull blessing in his newe Testament and in his kingdome which is righteousnes and peace and ioye in the holy Ghost the glorie whereof shall not bee darkened when the Sunne and Moone shall lose their light and faine men with desire of it that shall fill vs once with the countenance of the Lorde A glorious hope in an earthly tabernacle but a more glorious performance in a heauenly creature when we shal be free from sinne and death and be made like vnto him that sitteth at the right hande of maiestie and power Which tyme the Lorde God fulfill in the goodnes of his pleasure for our soules hope in whom we haue setled our hope Commendations c. Yours Ed. Deringe To Maistres B. THe grace of our Lord Iesus Christ bee with you euer Amen J am sorie that hitherto I could not come vnto you I would be more sorie if you should thinke I had leuer be any where then in your house I had thought shortly to haue come and I felte my selfe somewhat stronge and able to trauell but nowe on friday last the eleuēth of this moneth I had a feauer and fiue or sixe dayes after I felte it and my stomacke is very ill euer since and my cough much increaseth This is my health that God giueth me But let him do his will he is the God of life and one day will abolishe these troublesome thinges and make vs feele health in immortalitie and I beseeche him for his Christes sake to remember vs in his goodnes that wee may knowe all his mercies and then J am well assured both you and I and all weake bodyes shall so little care for the frayeltie of these tabernacles that we will reioyce in the remembrance of putting them of to thinke that wee shall see and take holde of him that liueth euer and will one day make these mortall bodyes like vnto the glorious body of his beloued sonne This we knowe in this we are comforted and holde it fast good Mistresse B. euen as you will holde your happie dayes for the hope of it shall not be confounded but when all our enimies haue spentt their euill willes and can doe no more hurt vnto vs he shal be on our right hande whom we haue looked for and he shall call vs with that blessed voyce Come ye blessed of my Father Let vs praye to vnderstande this for it hath pleasure effectuall gladnes more then all the faire
am bounde and so my not comminge vnto you shall greeue me the lesse Nowe touchinge your owne case I knowe you are wyse to see that the Lord giueth you newe instructions to be wise in him and to giue ouer your selfe vnto him For as God hath blessed you many wayes and giuen you a good callinge in the worlde So he visiteth you euery day and humbleth you with many chastisementes before him God hath giuen you husbande children famelie and other blessings but you enioye none of them without a crosse sometime one thing sometime another and commonly your owne weake and sicklie body makes you that you can not haue your ioye as you would Yea J doubt not but it is so abridged vnto you that sometime it grieueth you that you cannot eyther haue care ouer your house as you wishe or attende on your children as you desire or reioyce with your husbande as otherwise you might But this griefe God recompenceth with great benefite for our Sauiour Christ is our good warrant that this is the lot of Gods saintes to enioye his blessinges with afflictions so that the more that you bee sorrowsull the more you be sure that the liuing God hath giuen you your portion And so your sorrowe is ioye vnto you Besides this the mingling of your ioye with sorrowe and wealth with woe is a happie tempringe vnto you of heauen with earth that you should neither loue nor rest in this aboue that which is meete but acknowledge all is but vanitie so loue it as transitorie things and haue your great delight with the Lord alone who is vnto you health prosperitie ioye and eternall life This good Maistres K. you knowe but yet this I also put you in minde of for though God haue blessed you yet you are but a weake woman and haue neede in the common frayeltie of mans nature to be stirred vp with exhortatiō Remember therefore euer that which is the ende of all Feare God and keepe his commandements For this is the whole scope of our life which when we haue brought to his appointed ende wee shall see the hope which we haue long looked for and when immortalitie hath brought happines into light and scattered away our feare we shall saye then Blessed be the daye in whiche firste wee learned to feare the Lorde And the Lorde blesse you with his holy spirit that you may in the middest of other care haue pleasure in this and in other sorrowe reioyce in the Lord and alwayes reioyce Cōmende me J pray you to your litle ones Nan Besse and Marie And the Lord make you and maister K. gladde parentes of good children Amen From Tobie the last of Februarie 1575. Yours in the Lord Iesus Ed. Dering To Maistres K. THe grace of our Lord Iesu Christ bee with you euer Amen I thanke you good Maistres K. for your letter and for your medicine and for your good will to him to whom you before did owe so little Touching my disease I did soddainlie cogh and spit much bloud so that when with much forcing my selfe I refrained it ratteled in my throte as if I had bene a dying next day in the like sorte J did and once since the taking of these medicines for the staying of it it is nowe stayed but J feele a great stopping of my winde and much prouocation to coughe whiche if I did J should spit bloud as before I pray you aske your Phisicion what he thinketh good to bee done And good Maistres K. against all diseases and sicknesses of the body doe as you doe and increase it with an vnfayned testimonie of your owne heart Committ your health your sickenes your body your soule your life and your death to him that died for vs and is risen againe A sicke body with such an ayde hath greater treasure then the Queenes Iewell-house Praye still and pray for me J see the goodnes of God such towardes me as I thanke God except sinne I waighe not all the worlde a f●ather and with as a gladde a minde I spitt bloud I trust as cleare spitle To those that loue God all thinges are for the best hee hath a harde heart that beleeueth not this For the Church I commit it to the Lorde the Lorde graunt with that affection that I owe vnto it and for all my labour in it I thanke God I am guiltie neither of couetousnes nor ambitiō but as God hath giuen me grace J sought onely his glorie J write this vnto you good Maistres K. because you knowe it and that you may the more effectuallie remember him that will knowe you when the worlde your health your corruptihle bodie death and sinne it self haue done their worste Cōmende me to Maister K. your little ones to Maister R. The Lorde blesse vs all that we make our bodies shake not our bodies vs. Vale in Christo Iesu 25. Iul. 1575. Tuus in Christo Ed. Dering To Maistres K. TTe Lord God who sheweth mercie to whom hee will shewe mercie and haue compassion on whom he will haue compassion accordinge to his loue with which he loued vs before the worlde was made looke vpon vs and leade vs in our wayes that in righteousnes and holines peace and ioye of the holy Ghost wee may finishe our compas and come vnto him Amen If I could good Maistres K. doe as J should then my wayes were perfect among men but it is with mee as with manie other small hinderances to an vnwillinge minde are occasions great enough to keepe vs from doing well This hath made me to pretermitt manie dueties which had bene better done And J dare not make anie other excuse why J haue not written vnto you oftener for though I haue in a wearie bodie many thinges to doe and could make excuses whiche you would easilie beleeue yet sure I am if slought and negligence were vtterlie gone a fewe lines were so soone written that J could not want time for so little labour this is true sit erranti medicina confessio Touching my sicknes hee that sent it he doeth rule it and as he will so farre let it goe J feele yet difficultie of breath and coughinge and I see palenes and leanes abyding still yet I thanke God I am so well as wee supposed all to haue seene you at Henden this next Monday but God hath changed our waye and by occasion we haue differred it trusting yet to see you verie shortlie if the Lord will to whom we commit both your wayes and ours And nowe good Maistres K. further J neede not write vnto you for whiche cause yet especiallie you craue my letters I knowe whom you haue beleeued vpon what grounde you stande who hath sealed your perswasion in you he is able to keepe that you haue committed vnto him euen vntill that day that the things of the worlde are changed before vs all Affliction may be great and make vs murmur prosperitie may abounde and make vs proude the
worlde may fill our eyes and our eares that sometime we may be blinde and not see our hope our owne concupiscence may peraduenture stinge vs that wee forgett the good workes wherein wee had delight but the councell of the Highest standeth fast for euer the Lord knoweth all that are his Jn this tower of defence our dwelling is made for vs and the gates of hell shall not preuaile against vs. When wee sinne wee must needes be sorrowfull and to offende such a Sauiour it will greeue vs more then death it selfe but to remember againe so assured hope we can not but reioyce in the Lorde and alwayes reioyce Thus I leaue you to your owne hearte where is your strong safetie and to your secrete thoughtes which comfort you in the night And committing my selfe vnto your prayers I beseeche God the Father of our Lorde Iesus Christe to keepe you and yours Commende me to your little ones pardon me for writing in such piece of paper J could hardlie gett this Maister H. and my wife wishe to see you The Lord keepe vs vnblameable in his sight From Tobye the xiiij of August 1575. Your bounden in the Lord Ed. Deringe To Maistres K. THe Lord God direct vs in all our wayes that they may bee vnblameable in his sight and our faith may be strenghtened in the blessed hope of his elect so that nothing be able to shake it from henceforth from the boldnes and assurance of eternall life Many and iust causes good Maistres K. haue kept mee so that these holy dayes I could not see you but I knowe no excuse why I could not write vnto you and therfore for the one as I am sure you doe willinglie pardon me so the other I beseeche you to except both as a testimonie of my minde that I forget you not and as a discharge of that duetie J owe vnto you for if I should not faithfullie remember you though you had otherwise done nothing for me yet I were vnworthie of so much good will And if I should not as in bounden duetie be most carefull to strenghten and comfort that good purpose whiche your selfe haue chosen for the curse of your life I were not worthie of the acquaintance of the saintes of God Therefore departing from London againe as J could not chuse I haue yet written vnto you as I must needes And I hartelie praye that God may increase his goodnes in you and earnestlie beseech you as you haue receyued that so you would abounde more and more a short request and soone hearde but exceeding difficult to some to practize yet not difficult vnto you but easie and light as you can desire for he that is borne of God ouercommeth the worlde And the anointing as Iohn saieth which you haue receyued of God dwelleth in you and you neede not that any man teach you but as the same anointing teacheth you all thinges and it is true and not lyinge and as it is taught you you shall abyde in it Maruell not that J write this vnto you nor be vnwillinglie affected to heare of your owne happinesse Jt is as Salomon sayeth an other mans mouth that prayseth you and not your owne and what neede you feare And I speake not deceitfullie which J thanke God J hate nor giue I titles as Iob sayeth which the Lorde doeth abhorre But seeing as I am perswaded that in you which Saint Iohn could see in the people to whom hee wrote and to whom he gaue so honorable prayse why should not J be bolde vpon so good warrant to say also vnto you You are the Lordes and God who iustified then his Apostles wordes he will iustifie them nowe and euer for he is mercifull without ende Lett vs not then good Maistres K. bee hencefoorth sorrowfull or faint hearted Paule and Peter and all tht Apostles and Prophetes haue spoken glorious thinges vnto vs and we will beleeue them And yet not they but the spirit of God hath giuen vs this testimonie and it is true For what were the Romaynes Corinthians Galathians and all other whome the Spirite nameth Saintes and Holy ones were they not as wee Fraile and weake as wee and our faith as theirs But wee feele a great deale of infirmitie in our selues did not they so and did not the spirit of God see more in them then them selues could feele yet it calleth thē saintes yea and so it calleth vs that wee should not feare and therefore as I saide I saye agayne you are anoynted of the Lorde and you shall not fall if your heart beare you witnesse that the profession which you make is vnfained in you as I am sure it beareth you witnesse One care onelie wee haue which also wee will haue vnto the ende and that is that we may glorifie him who hath glorified vs. Jn this doing as I accuse my selfe most aboue all other men so J prayse not you a white For J knowe good Maistres K. herein you are too too faultie and so is all fleshe our fleshe the world and the Deuill they are to stronge for vs but blessed bee the Lorde God who hath giuen vs victorie in Jesus Christ and wee will doe if God giue vs grace as his Apostles did wee will chastise our bodyes and bringe them in subiection that all that knowe our religion shall not blame our workes And I thanke God for all that you haue obteyned And I beseeche you increase and abounde more that as hee will giue vs a full rewarde so wee may offer vp our bodyes a holy sacrifice to prayse his name who hath had mercie vppon vs. And pray for me that my handes tonge may ioyne in the workes of Gods Saintes and let vs all growe togither vnto that blessed hope till wee haue founde that happie strēght by which the world is crucified vnto vs and wee vnto the worlde But the Lord that teacheth you to him I leaue you whom I beseech to open your eies into so large wyde a spiritual sight that you may yet more clearlie see and feele the glorie of God immortalitie Fare well good Maistres K. Commende mee to Nan Besse Marie The Lorde blesse you with them euer Amen Tuus in Christo Edwardus Deringe A Letter of M. Ed. De. to the Ladie G. ¶ The grace of our Lorde Iesu Christ bee with you euer Amen JF either I might doe the duetie wherevnto your well deseruing hath bound me or might requite with thanks that with all your good wil you haue deserued I knowe and confesse it good Madame longe since I should haue come to see you but such is my case as I cannot doe either what is most meete or what I most desire for sometimes by busines sometime by sicknes sometime by opportunity of others I am holdē here that J could neuer yet haue opportunitie to ryde fare or to see my natiue Countrie nighest friendes Once in Sōmer J would haue gone to M. B. besides Windsore and
the seconde night of my trauell J could not sleape but taried a seuen night in the same place then came backe againe ill at ease thus it pleaseth God to deale with me and such a body he hath giuen me to the ende I am sure J should not loue this present vanitie but remember him that liueth euer desire to bee dissolued to see his glorie And this I beseeche you thinke to be the only cause that I haue not of longe time seene you and others with whom otherwise I would wishe to dwell and if it bee the good will of God to prosper my iourneys in time conuenient J trust to see you oftener hereafter but his will bee done who appoynteth our wayes and numbreth our steppes and doeth all things for the best to those that loue him and to him if J can commit you in my daily prayers that so my spirit bee present with you how longe soeuer J be absent in body yet my duetie I owe you shall not bee altogither vnperformed and that piece of it which yet is wantinge that in daily exhortation J might by the grace of God stirre vp your minde that in the meane time let me supplie with these letters In which most hartily I beseech you good Madame goe on forwarde and faint not in the course of godlines increase stil in faith in loue in hope til with a wise hart you haue such a feeling of the glory of God of eternall life that you haue made your account vp with the world are at a point with all that is vnder the Sun While God shall prolong your dayes reioyce in him that hath giuen you life and vse all his gifts to his glory and whē his appointed time shal come and bring death into your doores let this be the preparation of your heart you desire to be loosed to bee with Christ and let this be the answere of your tongue Lord nowe lettest thou thy seruant departe in peace Surelie then it shall come vnto you that a happie life shal haue a blessed end Your former times haue found their wished issue the entrance of your graue shal be the beginninge of your glorie Hee hath spoken it that can not deceyue vs That euerie one that beleeueth in him shall not taste of death but shall passe from death to life This good Madame is the crowne garlande of all our pleasures reioyce in feeling it and be glad in louing it knit it faste to all the thoughtes of your hart neuer forget it it shal giue you more pleasure in one day of your life thē without it you can find in a thousande yeares and all the men of the worlde which feele their pleasure in this life know nothing better then to followe their owne concupiscence they shall perish when you shall abyde they shall mourne when you shall reioyce because they haue forgotten the liuinge God whom you haue loued Manie tentations shal be continuallie against you but God is able to set you free from them cast your care on him you haue wonne the victorie And to the ende you may knowe him how to trust in him as the Prophet Dauid did so let vs doe that is Let vs make his testimonies to be our delight excercise our selues in thē day night for they onely can make vs wise and renue in vs the image of God that we may be perfect as our heauenlie father is perfect This hope J thanke God hath bine before me that J haue not feared in any trouble and in a good conscience of this doing I had rather haue the displeasure of the worlde then with losse of this desire or any hurt of it to winne the fauour of all mortall men And so I am sure it shall be with you that day in which you shall so feele Gods glorie eternall life that you will consecrate your life for euer vnto him loue hi● feare him longe after him Jt shal be more ioyfull vnto your thē the daie of your birth your heart shal be see as Saint Paule saith to vse the world as though you vsed it not not to forsake the world or worldly things for they are the gifts of god for the cōforte of our life but as though wee forsaked it so let our loue bee taken from it and be euer with him who is the giuer of all hath all immortalitie There is not a day that passeth ouer our heades but it afflicteth the body maketh it a day shorter liuing then it was Let there not be a day but shall strenghthen our faith that we may be glad we are one daie neerer the presence of our God then wee were before And I beseech god who only can do what he will worke his good will with you in all spirituall blessings that you may abounde and in the cōdition of this life that you may reioice till your accounted times bee all fulfilled Amen Yours in the Lord Iesu Ed. Deringe A Letter of M. Ed. De. to the Ladie M. THE Lorde God who hath onely power to worke his will and hath shewed mercy vnto vs in an eternall couenant make vs perfect in all our ways to abound in righteousnes and loue his glorie that in life and death we may be happie and haue ioy in his presence who liueth euer Amen Good Madame tbe dutie that J haue long owed vnto you doth much binde me the experience of your good inclination sufficientlie doth emboulden me to write at this time vnto you and J trust the Lord God who hath giuen you his grace and called me to this worke will blesse the labour that it may bee profitable to his glorie your cōfort For if his worde haue so great strength in his Saintes when they are yet vnbeleeuing and ignorant that it reuealeth euen the secretes of their hartes that it maketh them fall down to worship him and to acknowledge his mightie power in it J am sure it can not be but the same worde shall haue strength in you wholy altogither to consecrate your selfe vnto the Lord till all your delight be in him alone So that I am nowe more to praye for my selfe then for you that I may rather speake the trueth then you heare it for of this I am sure your heart is prepared as the Prophete sayth to a good purpose the Lord make my hande as the penne of a good writer And nowe good Madame this is the summe of all Feare God loue him your goods your credit your thoghts your desires your body your life giue it all vnto him that he only may please you nothing but he only delight you his worde instruct you his wil perswade you that whether you liue or whether you die you may be wholy his A short lesson soone learned harde J confesse of the worlde to practise but not harde to you whom God hath loued for what is it can call away your