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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A72252 Philadelphus, or a defence of Brutes, and the Brutans history Written by R. H. Harvey, Richard, 1560-1623? 1593 (1593) STC 12913; ESTC S125405 54,281 112

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the Geometrician now Aratus the Astrologian liued Elidure began again 3710. and raigned 4. yeares Gorboman the second began in the yeare of the world 3714. and raigned 10. yeares in this time the people created T. Coruncanus the high Bishop in Roome Thus the Time of Clotoes offspring seemeeh to end in the yeare of the word 3724. and to haue endured 194. yeares in the Rule of Brutany a verie little time of continuance for so many kings but all plantes haue not roote alike some are rooted broadway as Elmes and fall quickly some are rooted downward as Okes and stand in the mids of the windes euen till the violent axe or verie age ouerturne them THE TOPOGRAPHY MENTIOned in Clotoes Offspring The places named are in the Iland general Cambry where Rudank ruled in the conflict of Mulmcy Locry where Pinnor ruled in that conflict Belin and his successors ruled there Vigeny ruled ther. Albany where Statery was Ruler in that time of conflict Bren and Peredure raigned there Northumberland there Yeuan ruled in the time of the conflict here Belin prepared an Army against Brens comming speciall More burials Mulmucy buried in Troynew Tēple so was Gurguint Belin at Belinsgate Guintelin in the Temple Archigall at Grantam Elidure at Caerleyl Lesse cities and the foure high-wais c Warwicke built by Guintelin Cambridge Grantam built by Gorboman Caerusk built by Belin here he ordained an archflamin Troynew where Belin consulted with his Lords and with Bren. Other places not so generall are these the Tower of Troynew built by Belin there Elidure was imprisoned Belinsgate built by Belin Blackwell Hall an Malmesbury and Pauls founded by Mulmucy Bristo by Bren Calater a wood neere Caerbranke where Bren was discomfited in his first and second wars against Belin there Elidure met Archigal Caerbranke the place where Belin counselled with his Lordes about Guilthdake there hee ordained an archflamin there Elidure restored Archigall by the assent of his Lordes The places named out of the Iland general Ireland there Gurguint placed the 30. sayle of shippes that he met on the Sea Orcades there he met those ships wādring Norway Bren fled thither from Belin and there he gathered his second army against him Armorica or litle Brutany where Bren prepared his third Army Denmark from that countrey Guilthdake came in armes against this Iland Gurguint sayled thither to fight for his owne goodes Gallia there Bren ruled repaired some Cities Italy here Bren became most victorious Macedony here Bren spoiled himself all Mauritany Morind ouercame an Army of Mores which came against this Iland speciall Roome here Bren made hauocke of all Capitoll Bren besieged it and for one thousand poundes of gold brake vp and departed Millan Pauy Bergomum Comum Brixia Verona Tridentum Vincentia and other Cities built or repaired by Bren the rauenous and magnificent Prince Thus one Generation of men passeth and another commeth but the vertues of men are euerlasting yea their bodies by traduction are immortall So a vertuous man shall be a mortall God if his minde or body haue their issues THE THIRD GENERATION or rather succession of Brutan Kings THe death of Gorboman the second begat a politicke body in this Iland without an head This Acephalia begat Vnrulinesse in the lower partes Vnrulinesse begat Strife among the Nobles and Commons Strife begat Trouble on both partes Trouble begat Wearinesse and Weaknesse Weaknesse begat Desire of rest Desire of rest begat Election and Election begat Morgan and made him Ruler Morgan begat Goodwill in his subiectes Goodwill for his sake begat Emerian his brother who died as the other did without issue his death let Ambition a traytor out of prison Ambition begat Sedition Sedition begat Confusion Confusion begat Vnquietnesse Vnquietnesse begat Desire of order Desire of order begat Deliberation and Deliberation begat Iual and made him king The death of Iuall begat Emulation Emulation begat Wit and Inuention Inuention begat Friendship Frendship begat Rimo and made him Ruler When he was dead his companion Geruncie was made king in respect of that familiaritie which he had with Rimo Then Cathel so handled hys matters in pleasing the chiefe men by hys liberall behauiour that hee raigned next and dyed Then Coil ouercame mens hearts with hys vertuous actiuitie and was annointed king and dyed then Porrex the second wrought many good works and was next king to him and dyed Then Cheryn fed all the mad fellowes humours in the realme that he could heare of and by voices got the kingdome Cheryn begat a sonne and called hym Fulgen who dyed without issue then Eldrid by faire and large promises got the Crowne and dyed then Androgy outwent hym in all kinds of allurement and succeeded him and begat Vrian that dyed without issue Then Eliud by his misticall artes did extraordinary and admirable acts and thereby was made king After him Merian by inuenting newe practises for warres and occupations was so honoured generally that he was Ruler Then Bladune arose from priuate desertes to publicke fauours and at length hee was king the same kinde of nature begat Capene and next hym Ouine and euen such a pacificatory mind preferred Sily After hym Bledgabrede by hys pleasant demeanour and merrimentes pleased all the Nobles and became theyr Ruler Then Redargy arose next him in such a sort and so did Samuly But Penisell being vnmachable in strength succeeded hym then Pirrhy for his strange swiftnesse and incomparable dexteritie in all feates of manhood was ruler of his brethren In those dayes publicke actions made kings These are the 24. rulers which succeeded Gorboman the second make a line of succession rather then of genealogy Yet wee may call this a politicke generation rightly in the whole body of the realme though it be not a naturall generation in theyr owne proper bodyes from Morgan to Pirrhy All men haue not the gift of children of all these Rulers here are but two sons and their two fathers the other seeme to haue left no seede behinde them Sometime the imperfection is in the wife sometime in the husband there are watry loynes and rotten thighes in both sexes Some men are barren naturally some are barren artificially some are barren by olde age some make themselues barren with preternaturall dyet some are made of other men by chirurgicall incisions Or if they had children and were not barren the more vnhappy they that coulde not continue as they began Some families are taken away by sicknesse some by wars some by mischances in theyr dyet and exercise some are put from theyr owne and are euer in thraldome and are neuer againe heard of in the worlde God almighty knoweth all thinges from the first to the last but if a man shoulde sucke the stars or be sucked himselfe as they say of the king of Fayries he should not finde a perfite History of this time of these Kinges Yet such as it is I beleeue a reader may go farther and speed
so vnauisedly that with them he gathered the ilwill of the Brutans To haue is not the rule but to get well a mans glorie is not in mony but the glory of mony is in a man Their vertue or fortitude is in Victories Bassian and the Brutans slew Geta and the Romanes by night Maximinian ouerranne great partes of Gallia and Germania Octauy ouerthrew Traherne and the Romanes three legions neere Winchester and made them flie euen into Albany and pursued them into Westmerland Gracian being sent into the field from Maximinian ouercame Guany the Duke of the Huns and Melga the Duke of the Pictes and kept this Land from their furor by the helpe of the Brutans Coil Earle of Colchester which hee built rose against Asclepiodate and slew him and was made king Battels Bassian was able to endure all the pains of war a right Emperour for the campe The Brutans seeing the valiant wit of Carasse made him their king in spite of the Romans rather then they would yeeld to Roome they dyed in battell Death is better then slauery among enemies Constantine the first armed himselfe with the Brutans and fought against Maxentius did he not good among them to doe them the more mischiefe as the Philistines suspected Dauid who was a true saint of God Conan Meriadocke made war with Maximinian at diuers times because hee was a Roman O it is an hard bone to digest Rome which counteth all birdes dawes besides her owne chickens the man that hath another maister beside himselfe in his owne house is beside himselfe or else I beleeue he shalbe set beside his cushion at the last Magnanimitie Maximinian called Armorica Litle Brutany in honour of Brutans because they conquered it that a man winneth is his owne a man may call his owne possession by what name it pleaseth him new Lordes will haue newe names for their newe landes Octauy being appointed king in the absence of Constantine and hearing that Constantine was then made Emperor of Rome thought verily that he had enough to do in Roome though hee medled not with Brutany and tooke the Crowne to himselfe and chased the Romanes vp and downe in the land and played Rex with them at all handes to redeeme his Countrey from thraldome as hee counted it Home is for the homeborne Their vice or extreme fortitude is in Ambition Carasse a Brutan of lowe birth of a high heart but a venturous man a very hardydardy in deede as euer liued keeping the Hauens and playing the Sea captaine aspired to the kingdome and got it both by greater promises then hee coulde perperforme and by gathering more bankrupts ruffians to his side then he could keepe and contemning all noble and great men in the Land there was but one way with him and that was in his head onely all was one with him so that one might be all selfe-loue was selfewill and both were for himselfe Abiection of minde When Coil the third saw that Constantius was come from Roome with a great armie he feared and graunted him tribute and peace and euery thing els to be out of danger yet the most danger and damage in graunting these A babies wit in a kings estate The Brutans being afflicted by the Picts two times promised the Romanes a tribute to helpe them then they submitted themselues to Aldroene of little Brutany that he might succour them O Heauens where was olde Brutanie now where but in the Sea as a dead sea Whale THE TIMES OF THESE Romano-Brutans AFter there had been a king for 15. yeares space in which time Clemens Alexandrinus liued the Prophets were translated into Greeke Bassian began his Raigne in the yeare of the world 4179. and raigned 6. yeares in this time Papinian the great Ciuilian Chauncellor to Seuerus flourished Carasse began in the yeare 4185 and ruled 8. years in this time Origen began to shew himselfe Tertullian flourished Alectus beganne in the yeare 4193. and raigned sixe yeares about this time Zephirine chaunged the Communion cuppe into glasse for more decency which had been of wood commonly Asclepiodate began 4199. and ruled 30. yeares now Calistus appointed the 4. Ember weekes for the 4. quarters Vrban ordained that diuine vessels should be gold or siluer Coil the third began 4238. and raigned 27. yeares now Philip was the first christened Emperour Cyprian was martyred Decius the persecuter was swallowed of a quagmire Paul the first Hermite liued Constantius began 4265. and ruled 30. yeares in his time Eutychian bishop of Roome buried 300. martyrs with his owne hands Carus the Emperour was killed with lightning the Citty Spira in Germany was built Constantine the first began 4295. and raigned ten yeares nowe 20000. Christians were burnt in a Church on Christmas day at night Arnobius was famous Octauy beganne 4305. and ruled 54. yeares now Siluester refused to weare a golden Crowne which great Constantine offered him the great Nicene Councell was held Lactantius and Hilary were famous Moonkes beganne in Antonie the Hermite and Nuns in Marcella and Sophronia Constantinople was built Maximinian began in the yeare 4359. and raigned 8. yeares about this time Athanasius and Basilius flourished the Thalmud of the Iewes was compiled by Rabbi Iohanan Iulian the Apostata and Libanius raged Gracian began 4367. and ruled 4. yeares now Epiphanius wrote against heretickes Vphila found out the Gotes Letters or a b c about this time Gregory Nazianzene and Ambrose flourished So the Gouernement of these Brutanoromans continued for the space of 183. yeares but heere was no certaine Ruler in Brutany for 36. yeares after THE SIXT GENEALOGY OF Brutan Kinges THe Brutans chose Constantine the second the sonne of Aldroene king of litle Brutany for their king and he raigned ouer them and begat three sonnes the first was Constancie the second Aurely the third Vter but then Credulity slew him Constancie the eldest son succeeded his father but died without issue for Doltishnesse and Treason slewe him and Force lifted vp Vortiger to the kingdome but Self-will sharpned him so that the people hated him and by plaine might created his sonne Vortimer their king then Wichery puld him downe and Insinuation restored Vortiger yet Right and Vengeance at last destroyed him then Common Consent made Aurely the second son of Constantine the second a king but the diuels Art slew him and he dyed without issue so Vter the third son of Constantine succeeded him in the kingdome and begat vppon Igerne his wife or rather concubine Arthur the king who raigned and left no seede behind him then Constantine the third the sonne of Cador a Cornish Duke Arthurs coosin was made king but lasted not for Conan his kinsman slew him and became king begat Vortipory who liued and dyed without issue then Malgo the nephew of Conan raigned as king hee was of stature and personage the goodliest among all men of his time but left no Royall seede behinde him thus Carency got the kingdome by the goodwill of
Constance he lamented for ioy of his death and lesse he might be suspected of the fact hee caused the 100. Picts to be executed after the law and of all men was most against them yet so that some men perceiued his shites He that hath any lawfull title in any possession is wisest if he seeke it lawfully or els he may be put iustly from his owne The Duke of Cornwall had more right to the Crown then the Dukes sonne of little Brutanie but was it not extreame folly to chalenge it in so villanous a maner and was not Constance a most improuident creature to be garded with them which scarsely regarded him so much as a countriman doth his beast Surely God was angry with Brutans when hee suffered their Rulers to liue so rudely without the Rule of wisedome O yee Heauens blesse ye our Nobles and al other Regents on the earth or els they will be without Regiment in their liues and end basely with vile death Constance had been fit to be a poore mans Sowe in a sty which is content with any vsage so the trough be ful and the bones at rest lay a logge into a cloyster and it will come out all worme eaten and fit onely to be burnt Their vertue of fortitude is in Magnificence and Magnanimitie When Vortimer saw that he must die hee called his souldiers before hym and gaue all that he had among them and exhorted them euer to hold their owne against the Saxons and all forraine enemies A true heart is vertuous to the last gaspe Ambrius built the Abbey of Amsbruy Arthur built the castle of Windsor and founded the order of knightes of the round table Artgall the first Eare of Warwicke one of Arthurs knights chose a Beare for his beast because Arth in that language signified a Beare in remembrance of his name among all his posteritie Quicheline gaue seuen myles compasse of land to Berine Bishop of Winchester to build his See there and Kenwalke his sonne finished it Saint Osuald gaue his daughter Elfleda xii Lordships to build xii Monasteries with them vi in Bernicia and vi in Deyra When Cadwallader had conquered the Saxons in Kent and in the Ile of Might hee gaue the fourth part of the Ile that is 300. households to Wilfride in honour of religion and of his owne name Victories Edolf Earle of Chester seeing how Hengist slew the Brutans with secret kniues got him to a hedge and defended himselfe with a stake and slew of the Saxons 70. men and escaped Vortimer the sonne of Vortiger hated the Saxons more then hys father loued them hee pursued them and gaue them battell at the riuer of Darwent and ouerthrew them at Epyford he ouercame them hee chased them by the sea side into the Ile of Might he vanquished them at Cole More he turmoyled them in Norfolk in Essex in Kent he put them out of their possessions he droue them to the Ile of Tenet there he besieged them by water and by land and neuer left them till they fled out of the land Aurely with the aid of the king of little Brutany tooke Caerbranke from Octa and tooke him prisoner he sought with Hengist at Crekinford and slewe 4000. souldiers and 4. Dukes of the Saxons he droue them out of Locry euery where except Kent hee quitted himselfe from Ella and Porth two mightie Saxons Vter in the time of his brothers sicknesse put to flight Pascenty the sonne of Vortiger with his army of Germans and afterward slew him and Guillioman the Irish Prince at S. Dauids in Cambry and Cossa and Octa the Saxons Arthur fought 12. battels with the Saxons and euery time ouerthrew them he made them pay him tribute when hee was in Gallia and heard of Mordreds treason he returned and fought with him at Sandwich and ouercame him and againe hee ouerthrew him at Winchester and at Bathe he slew him Constantine the third vanquished the two sons of Mordred and put them to flight when they rose against him and chalenged the Crowne by theyr fathers title Vortipory the son of Conan discomfited the Saxons in many battels and got the vpper hand of them alwaies Malgo subdued the Saxons in all his wars he conquered Ireland Scotland Iseland Norway Denmarke the Orcades and possessed them Arthur slew in one day an hundred and fortie Saxons with his owne hand Cadwallader slew Lothary Prince of Kent and Athelwald king of Southsex and possessed those landes Cadwallin droue the Saxons all along to Middlesex and made Penda pay him tribute Now armies stay in Saxony and papermen flye from those coastes these do more harme in many places then those old armies did these will be sauced as they were and hunted out of the land by order of discipline none so busie as they and yet none more slight then they there is an Arthur in paper-worke against their inuasions which may in all right and equitie giue them twelue disgraces at the least and perhaps twelue times twelue let the triall proue all or let that labour be lost if they can recouer there 12 losses of this newe Arthur Their vice or extreme fortitude is in Ambition Vortiger tooke Constance out of a Monasterie to be king that he might do what he list in the kingdome vnder such an innocent and milksop and make his simplicitie a meanes for himselfe to get the Crowne as it proued afterward Mordred Arthurs kinsman being appointed Vicegerent in his royalty gaue great giftes and castels more then his owne to Cerdrick a Saxon and agreed with him to be crowned at Winchester with his goodwill so that himself might be crowned at Caerlud by his liking The two sonnes of Mordred the vsurper rebelled against Constantine the third for the kingdome and lost it No right or trueth can stay an aspyring humour Pusillanimitie Arthur gaue two Shyres to Cerdrick Duke of the Westsaxons to the end hee might be quiet those two shyres could do Brutans more good then Arthurs peregrination an enemie must not giue or take any thing but winne all by might or sleight When Cadwallader had raigned 12. yeares hee forsooke all his princely attyre and went to Roome and led a monasticall life euer after he preferd rest before riches the hood aboue the Crowne Rage or crueltie The Pictes to please their captaine Vortiger slew Constance their king and presented hys head to Vortiger imagining they had done the best act that coulde be to redresse his poore estate wherof he had complained to them Renowne the daughter of Hengist the concubine of Vortiger seeing what Vortimer had done in spight of the Saxons her countreymen and friends how he had taken away their possessions howe he reedified Churches which they destroyed howe hee was like to destroy them all if he liued a while sought out witches and magicians to charme or charactize him to death by some practise but when they could not worke vpon him she insinuated her selfe to one of his neerest men and
so corrupted his minde and sense with wordes gifts that he consented to poyson his Lord and so hee did Conan loued quarrellours aboue other men he made away his owne vncle that should haue bin king and slew his two sonnes Ethelfride Duke of Northumberland massacred 1200. moonks of Bangor in a beastly immanitie to please Ethelbert king of Kent which had offered praiers to God against him Carencie was so giuen to ciuill warres that he loued them aboue all other acts wherby he fell into such hatred that hee was not able to stand against the Saxons Out of all question it is extreame madnesse to admit any strangers into our countrey that are eyther more militar or more politick then the commonaltie vnlesse it be for a time and then away with them or they be kept in their boundes with certaine companie and neither see nor heare more then belongeth to strangers what shuld strangers but be vsed strangely they pretend pouertie but they intend to weaken our land they flie for religion but they foster heresies draffe is their errand but drinke they would either they are diuels in their owne likenesse or else they are Angels with the entrals of Diuels foolish pitty destroyeth the Cittie prouide for the weakest the strongest can saue it selfe the malignant hand will spoyle the impotent people when it cannot spill the bloud of Nobles but if Hares wurry Hounds and Harts be wounded of Ferrets then is the world turnd vpside downe the Hunters are vile keepers and the keepers are vilest men Let Brutans be fedde and taught as is meete for them and let my life go if they make not their ennemies round about them like Hares and Ferrets which euer auoyd the presence of men Their vertue or temperance is in Life and maners the Clergy in the time of Cadwallin behaued themselues so soberly and fatherly in all points that they were honoured of most men insomuch that as they went too and fro in the streetes and other places the people would kneele downe to them and aske them their blessing and gaue them whatsoeuer they demanded Wordes Berine Bishop of Dorchester conuerted Kingelist the king of the Westsaxons and christened him which he could neuer haue done without most temperate and well seasoned speech by the like moderation Pauline conuerted Edwine king of Northumberland to the christian faith Melite Bishop of Caerlud conuerted Sebert king of Essex to Christian religion The Clergy of Kent delt so with their king Ercombert that he puld downe the Temples of his false Gods and kept the Lent fast and became a Christian When the Brutan Bishops saw that Austin took vpon him as their soueraigne they would not resist him presently but stayd a while to see his life and behauiour and then to vse them therafter either frendly or aduersly Liberalitie When Ethelfride had put away his wife being great with childe Cadwan receiued her into his Court and kept her honourably till shee was deliuered and so long after as shee would Osuald Duke of Bernicia liked so wel of Cedda Bishop of Winchester that hee gaue him land to build and Abbey thereon The more is giuen for the promotion of Gods Maiesty the more he giueth to our benefite Their vice or intemperance is in Loue When Ronowen had saluted Vortiger with a golden cup of wine and desired him to drinke of it he beheld her bewtie and was presently so inamored of her that he could not be quiet till he had put away his owne wife by whom he had three sons and married her and for her sake loued Saxons more then Brutans he lay with his owne daughter to haue issue of her but in vaine Vter fell in loue with Igerne the wife of Gorleis Duke of Cornewall and slewe him at his castell Tintagel and tooke her to wife Malgo fel into the sinne of Sodom and lost all that he had gotten aforetime let not sense rule reason Liberalitie Vortiger entertained Hengist and Horsus with their three ships he gaue them y e hire of souldiers he bestowed the Ile of Tenet vpon them hee graunted Hengist so much ground as hee could compasse with a buls hide he took away the Earldom of Kent from Garangon and gaue it him Anger Constantine the third siue one of Mordreds sonnes for rebelling against him euen in the Minster of Winchester the other for the same cause in the temple at Caerlud Dionote Abbot of Bangor would not yeeld to Austin because he was of another Prouince neither would he preach to the Saxons because they spoyled the land do Ethelbert king of Kent what he could vnto him The vertue or iustice is in Rewarding Constantine the second receiued the crowne and rule of Brutanie by a couenant that hee made with the Brutans when he deliuered them from the tyranny of the Picts When Aurely remembred how fast the Brutans resorted vnto him and Vter at their landing at Totnes and how truely they serued him in his warres did them one good turne for another and repaired their temples and houses which the Saxons destroyed and restored their religion to them againe Deuiding In the time of Carency it was determined at Worcester by a Councell of the chiefest men That the goodes of the Church should be bestowed on the Bishops their Clergy the Churches the poore people and then Gregory the great appointed the two Archbishops of Brutany at Caerbrank and Caerkent The Archbishop of S. Dauids had vnder thim these 7. Bishops Hereford Cardiff Landaff Bangor S. Asaph Worcester Morgan Punishing The Pictes to reuenge the death of the 100. Picts that garded Constance made war agaynst Vortiger the friends of Constance deuised to ouerthrow him for the death of their Prince thus he was tossed vp and downe the land that hee could not be safe The Brutans seeing Vortigers extreame affection toward the Saxons deposed him when hee was taken prisoner by Hengist they forsooke him Aurely and Vter burnt him to ashes in his Castle The Bishops refused Austin by the aduise of an old Anchorite who iudged him no man of God which vsed his brethren like his seruants Cadwan slew Edwine and Osricke and Eufricke Saxon kinges for the bloud of the Brutans which they had poured out like water on euery side of the Realme Burials Vortimer was buried solemnly at Caerlud Aurely Vter were buried at Stoneheng in Salsbury plaine Arthur was buried in the valley of Glascenbury Constantine the third at Stoneheng Vortipory Vortiger Malgo and Carency were not orderly buried for their vile liues Cadwan died in war and was buried accordingly Constance deserued his faire buriall Their vice or iniustice is in Couetousnesse Vortiger forgetting his loyaltie to his Prince abused him intollerably and got him by his own consent the strongest Castels and best treasure that he had he euer defended the 100. Pictes what naughtinesse soeuer they committed in the Court. Vnthankfulnesse the Brutans being desired by Vortimer on his death bed to bury his body at