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A64714 The ungrateful favourite a tragedy / written by a person of honour. Southland, Thomas.; Person of honour. 1664 (1664) Wing U63; ESTC R14556 48,843 99

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At first like a strong ship that makes the waves Rebound and shew their angry foam about Her Ribs she did repulse your love whereat I seem'd a little to draw off that with A double force I might return to storm Her resolution as at last I did Leaving Loves softer Theam to which her heart Seem'd an Antagonist I had recourse To what deceives the World Hypocrisie Which I did cloath in such a pious Garb Religion might have smil'd t' have seen her self So Ap'd With pious tears I did bemoan Her Fate yet on my knees at the same time Intreat her to embrace 't assuring her With a thousand imprecations strengthen'd By twice as many oaths that she 'd be cause In her withstanding of her Destiny Of the whole ruine of her Fathers state Her Brothers life incur the Peoples hate Ter. Excellent Hypocrite That we two might Incorporate and overthrow the World With Policy Was not the Princess mov'd Prin. Beyond expression startled in her thoughts Her Hate and Piety were so intermixt As barr'd all resolution You she seem'd To hate with all the malice of a Woman Contemning your Alliance with a scorn Might equal Cleopatra's when Caesar thought T' have led her a base Captive unto Rome T' adorn his Triumphs Yet Religion Mixt with a zealous fear t' offend the Gods Made her more apt to listen to my words Which her ears faster drunk then her confus'd And much perplex'd Imagination could Digest or indeed duely weigh To tell You all her Doubts and how I did resolve them Too tedious were suffice it that at last She was convinc'd Ter. But by what happy means Let me know every circumstance that I may adore the brain which did contrive it Prin. When nothing could prevail and I perceiv'd She was inclin'd with Conscience to dispence And hazard all I threatned I took a Pen and straight drew a Scheme before her Eyes Whereby I seem'd to calculate your Birth And soon convinced her too credulous faith You were a Prince led hither by the Stars For the accomplishment o' th' Gods Decrees Whereat she seem'd transported in her soul And crediting my words began to love Ter. Y 'ave render'd me too happy were my life Consum'd i' th' satisfaction of this service I should still die ungrateful Prin. This service Sir will scarce deserve your thanks Try me in something may be worth your love Ter. After this service past what canst thou do May equally oblige me Prince Sir I can bring the Prince the onely man That stands between you and your proudest hopes Into your power the old King I look on As a meer shadow I know your interest Ter. The Devil hath inspir'd him with my own thoughts Thou talk'st of blessings rather to be wisht Then hop'd for or effected Prince Be not incredulous my Art improv'd By my great Zeal to serve you will make me Work greater Miracles Ter. Your courtesies confound me I must crave Some time to prize them as I ought but if I thrive in my ambitious hopes you must Divide the Empire Prince Is your ambition there Y' are somewhat wide Aside If all hit right 't is you that must divide But not my Crown They that by crimes aspire Should be cut short that they may grow no higher Ter. It shall be so Come Sir let 's to the King 'T is much about the time he did appoint The Princes death we will contrive by th' way Danger doth threaten evils at a stay Exeunt Scoena Quarta Livia Juliana Clariana Lussurio Maligno Liv. DEar Frangypane how noble was thy love To die for me what generous sparks lie hid And smother'd in extravagant Fancies Thy Noble death hath gain'd more then thy life Could ever purchase thee my Love Jul. Prethee listen for the Wench is run Distracted sure since Frangypane's death And so transported that a Lord did die For love of her she 's quite Platonick grown And doats upon his Ghost Clar. How Love doth play with Mortals Liv. Holy Soul that gracest th' Elizium shades With thy blest company and rendrest us Unhappy by thy absence hear my Vow My Heart hereafter shall be ever thine And free from all Terrestrial Love aspire By thy example to become Divine And flee towards thee because it can no higher Jul. How she 's exalted Liv. No Mortals touch shall ere pollute my lip Nor lustful gripe provoke a wanton smile Nor amorous fingers be allow'd to skip Into my Bosom lest they should beguile Thee of my love and me of that same part I 'd wholly dedicate to thee my heart Clar. She 's high-flown in love Jul. A true Platonick a very Spirit in Flesh SONG Livia To love's a trifle but to love like me Would pose Loves Deity She best on earth's esteem'd to love Doth constant'st to her object prove But I much higher move Loving an Object though it absent be In this who equals me But what talk I here of Equality As if each common man Might vie with Frangypane Had other Lovers but a Saint like mine So worthy and divine Their Offering too would be as high As mine unto his Sanity With what good justice can I tax a want of love in others then Or my own Vertues raise From what is onely due unto his praise I lov'd not's earth nor is it I Now love bis immortality But he that elevates my Soul so high Clar. Sure she 's inspired Jul. With her deceas'd Lovers Genius Enter Lussurio Maligno Clar. He spoke Raptures and she sings them but here Her living Lovers come shall 's make some sport Jul. 'T were pleasant sure to see them fight they 'll snarl they say like Dogs at a Country-wicket and draw their swords but 't is to wound the Air for if one makes a pass the other retires Livia made me the prettieff relation Clar. They look indeed as if they were of the Peace Lus To set a period to our fatal War Which might produce the shedding of much blood I am content Mal. And so am I Him that she chuses happy be his lot Jul. Livia here are those will disturb your meditations Clar. The Wench is in beaven sure already Her thoughts are with Frangypane Mal. Do you begin Lus The Princess is here she 'll laugh at us Jul. Let me alone I 'll warrant you some mirth Lussurio Lus An' please your Highness Jul. Y' are a diligent servant we love you well and having heard the love you bear our Maid of Honour resolve to recompence your merit by making it a Match She is an Heiress Sir Lus Your Highness bounty so confounds me I can't express my thanks my very Soul 's your slave Jul. Your modesty deserves our favour Go send that Fellow to us I hear he is a Pretender We can distinguish merit Lus I hope so Madam I 'll be as observant as your Puppy-Dog Jul. Mark then my beck when thus I hold my finger Cease Livia carry her to my Chappel Where you shall find a Priest
Consume you all or that my dying breath Might a contagion breed throughout the earth It grieves me not so much I am to fall Tho' from the pinacle of all my hopes As that my glories by a female rage Are all eclips'd Devil's revenge my death I can but curse you and so yeild my breath He dies Jul. Thy curses will accompany thy soul Valerio thou' rt reveng'd Clar. The Prince may likewise rest in Peace Liv. And so may Frangypane King Duke c. within King Break ope the doors Jul. We are surpriz'd but Death shall Finish all She wounds her self Clar. Why did you strike before me Jul. That I may carry tydings to the Prince That you will follow Liv. Commend my love likewise to Frangypane Tell him I 'll grieve his death a score of years And then I 'll visit him Jul. They bounce again dispatch dear Clariana Clar. Alas my feeble arm its utmost courage shew'd In spilling boldly that base Traytors blood I dare not die Liv. Nor I if I should be hang'd Jul. Then live here miserably whilst I Enjoy in the Elyzium shades my dear Valerio's company Farewel Clar. Nay take me with you for I feel desires Strong enough to lead me to the Prince My courage ebbs and flows just as my love And fears do dictate but love triumphs now She wounds her self Scoena Ultima King Duke Hortensio Captains c. Duke BE not so cruel to thy self Clar. Y' are welcome but too late Liv. I 'll take your counsel Sir I can't abide To have my love serv'd up in blood Exit Jul. Give me thy hand I 'll guide thee in this shady Pilgrimage Duke Great Sir you see the shipwracks you have made Your Sons innocence you already know Your Daughters you ne'er doubted nor I mine King I finde and see too much Goes to the Princess Duke My dearest Clariana Clar. Grieve not for me I finde a peace in death Beyond all earthly comforts Farewel Dies Duke She 's gone for ever gone Weeps Jul. Adieu dear Father May your Throne be well Secured by your Childrens blood your Peace Dayly by Subjects Loyalty encrease King Thy wishes will be good for those succeed Me in this fatal Throne My heart doth bleed With such an inward grief for my crimes past Caus'd by suspition and my needless fears By baser Sycophants improv'd I scarce Can live to ask a Pardon nor she to give 't That crack was timely in the other world She dies I will implore 't of both Dies Hor. Alas poor King grief crackt his aged heart My Lord why do you waste your tears in a Single sorrow when a general grief So much requires them Duke What can be nearer then a Daughters death Hor. A Soveraigns and the Peoples safety Duke The King dead Hor. Heart-broke with grief Duke Then Nature must excuse me Grief employ Thy power to distil my soul in tears Upon this Prince's Hearse whose much distrust Did heap on woes to hasten him to dust Hor. Your sorrow 's comely but the publick danger In my opinion claims precedency These dire events to Naples and her Crown Should they arrive unto the publick ear Ere you assert your right or make your claim Which is undoubted to this Realm Faction Might discompose the Publick Peace And so our griefs and dangers both increase Duke Advise us dear Hortensio now our friend Thy prompt complyance with us in revenge Of Prince Amintors death I never shall Forget to own or to neward Hor. The baseness of the Murther did compel That seeming Treachery but my revole You know was grounded upon honest thoughts And that we both meant safety to the King Duke Thou speak'st an Angel-truth But to Our Right Hor. We all salute you King Capt. Sould. Long live Alphonso King of us and Naples Duke We heartily your Acclamations greet Let all these Princely bodies be expos'd To publick grief for a convenient time And then interr'd with high solemnity As for that Caitiff Slave whose impious crimes All Presidents exceed so let his Grave Be in the bowels of devouring Wolves To whom let it be cast a prey whilst we Mutually grieve his great impiety Exeunt EPILOGUE VVIT's grown so poor those Poets now excel That in a Play express but one thing well If new 't is such a Miracle in Wit You ought admire but not to censure it Yet Gallants you do not consider this But boldly censure every thing amiss As if that Poets ought to have no fault When very Gods themselves do sometimes halt Troth you 'd do well before you censure it To try your selves if you can better it Which if y' effect your Work much better shames Those you'd condemn then now your loud exclaims But this our Author knew when first he writ He did create you Judges of his Wit Without disputing of your learned skill His Doom's wholly depending on your Will Therefore proceed whate'er your sentence be 'T will but at worst compleat his Tragedy But if in 's favour you your Verdict give Loudly proclaim your Votes and let it live FINIS
strange we hear not of the Prince he has I 'm confid●●t receiv'd advice both of Valerio's Death and my approach to Naples 1 Off. But what 's more wonderful your Messenger Returns not Duke That doth distract me too Me thinks he should With some Advices re-dispatch him back We all are in a mist and our designe For want of prosecution must needs give Advantage to the Enemy for soon As Hortensio hath notice of our March He 'll rally up his forces and pursue us From the Kings fury no less danger waits On our March forward Ruine will hem us in And pale Destruction like a hungry Grave Devour our Lives and Fortunes 1 Off. Our case is hard indeed to forsake hopes Of safety for a certain ruine 2 Off. Nay certain safety the resolution Was too promptly made and too soon executed Duke You judge by the event howe'er 't succeed The stratagem was high and the designe Through-laid We are not Gods to mold our fate Or to foresee futurity of chance We but propose 't is they dispose of things They mold the Fortunes of the mightiest Kings What means that shout A shout within 1 Off. It speaks the return Sir of your Messenger Enter Messenger Duke You are most welcome because long expected Where are the Prince's Letters 'T is more then time We knew his minde Mess The Prince Alas Duke Why dost thou stop and wear upon thy looks Distractions Livery Mess Could you but read the Tragedy within You 'd leave amazement and transported be To such a highth of wonder 't would change you To a Statue or like weeping Niobe From a Fountain-top force you to distil A Sea of blood for tears Duke For what most dire and fatal accident Dost thou prepare our ears Is the Prince Discovered and in hold Mess In hold indeed he 's Prisoner to Death Duke To Death Curst be the tongue which gave that language voice Curst be the ears that did receive the sound And doubly curst that guilty hand which durst Commit so vile a Regicide 1 Off. Cease good my Lord to be so far enrag'd Let us revenge before we grieve his death In his just Quarrel we 'll all spend our breath Duke Noble Lieutenant thy advice doth adde New vigour to my soul My curses now Shall change into revenge The Gods knew well How sweet that power was therefore reserv'd It wholly to themselves yet daring men By petty passions mov'd do often try To rob the Gods of that felicity With how much justice may I then revenge The Prince his Murther on that damned Slave Who durst in him give Vertue 's self a Grave Mess To set a sharper edge upon your swords Know that his Murtherer is high infavour With the King and that it is reported The Princess marriage must reward the act With whom he is to raign th' old King being dead A Monarch here in Naples Duke A King in Hell amongst the Purple flames He shall be rewarded Phalaris Bull Or some more horrid Instrument of death Which may with lingring yet excessive pain Drink by degrees his life and force him curse His soul to Hell for ease shall be his recompence 2 Off. But all this while his Name 's to us unknown Duke Let it be Murtherer or what it may My high revenge is levell'd at his soul Mess They call him Calisto but neither know From whence nor what he is Duke But I know where to send him This Caliste Must certainly be Terraefilius That Slave still wore a murthering heart beneath A smiling face But come let 's haste to Court If Blood be pastime there I 'll make them sport Exeunt Scoena Quinta Juliana Clariana Livia Jul. THy grief to mine compar'd is of so mean A price it looseth all account Clar. I 've lost my Heart my Lover and my Prince Jul. And I my Love Heart Prince and Brother too My dear Valerio's poyson'd yet I live Clar. Amintor murther'd and I onely grieve Livia sings My Love is dead and my Heart is gone And yet I live And yet I grieve But Frangypane will return anon From yonder cloud Jul. What a medley of sorrow 's here Livia continues the Song He 'll rip his shrowd And visit me again But I 'll no longer be Guilty of cruelty By which he once was slain If that you spy An Arrow fly And wound his Noble Heart Oh do not cry Oh do not start 'T is but a glance Of this bright eye That doth advance To visit his poor Heart Clar. Poor innocent Maid with what distracted Yet passionate Notes she vents her griefs Were I distracted too I might as she Perhaps in Songs vent all my misery Jul. That wish would but our miseries augment For it would render us uncapable To revenge the deaths of those we grieve for Clar. I know 't is ignoble but where there is A want of strength to bear a misery To Nature sure it is a charity To wish our selves less sensible of grief I could afford to melt my soul in tears Distil my eyes like Marble in a sweat If 't would renew my dear Amintor's life But such my mis'ry is the more I grieve I 've greater cause to grieve Like damned fouls That suffer'd flames a hundred thousand years Perceive their sufferings of as great a length When that time 's finisht as when first begun So will the Prince his death appear to me And every day augment my misery Jul. Dry up those liquid sorrows Joyn with me In a Revenge may justifie your love And set his bones at rest Then we 'll resolve Like Roman Dames to meet our Loves in shades Which neither jealousie nor fate invades Clar. My Womans strength will fail in the attempt 'T is easier far for me to die my self Then own the cruelty to destroy another Yet Death though gildedne'en so well is still Relisht by Nature as a bitter Pill Jul. Tho' Nature's weak our loves may well supply That poor defect and teach us how to die And our Revenge so great a Justice is Nor gods nor men can say we do amiss He 'll straight be here come come you must resolve Here take this Ponyard how you tremble at it Me thinks my Brothers death might fortifie Your Arm. Clar. That fatal word addes Courage Jul. Why bravely said Think who you do revenge Think how he lov'd how innocent he died Then strike Thou canst not miss the Traytors heart I 'll grave as many wounds upon his flesh As his vile murther made upon my heart And then the World and I may freely part Clar. I 'll endeavour to follow your example So brave a Leader may well guide my hand To all those Actions which my fears withstand But if my love I to your Precepts Joyn No Womans Courage ought to equal mine Jul. How well that speech becomes my Clariana But since our Courage hath attain'd this heighth We must devise the aptest means to perfect Our Revenge Perswade thou Livia bind him to this
time you now were with them they believe Y' are but retired to your Country-house To setch them some pecuniary supplies You must continue still the false report Of my being gone to head some other Troops That lie concealed in a place remote Expecting a fit opportunity Upon advantage to disclose themselves For this will raise a terrour in the King Still keep their wisest Counsels in suspence That they 'll be long resolving what to do At worst they will not dare employ their force Against our Army in Calabria For fear our rumour'd forces here at home Should suddainly the King and Court surprize Duke I shall observe all your directions And make a Politick use from time to time Of these blanks by your Princely hand subscrib'd On Terraefilius specially whom I mistrust Prince Let not your Zeal my Lord so injure him Y' are both my friends yet Terraefilius Is of so dear concern unto my Soul I sooner should mistrust my self then him Nature hath molded all his faculties As if she intended him fair Vertues Shrine And Education hath so strengthened Those Natural Seeds of Honesty that In spight of Envy they must ever flourish Duke I wish your confidence meet no deceit Your Nature is too Noble to mistrust But if his intimacy with the King You 'd justly weigh in Reasons equal Scale And how since his endearment the old King's Ill-grounded Hatred to your self 's increast 'T were worthy a suspicion Prince Well I am content to try his Loyalty Duke I wish you finde all false however you 'll be Near enough to dive into his Policy Enter Juliana Clariana Prince No more here comes my Clariana and My Sister I hope I 'm far from knowledge Now my Lord we must but sigh a parting wish And separate Duke Wishing your Highness safety I am gone I hope to meet you next time on your Throne Prince Not whilst my Father lives for I would prove Not Heir unto his Kingdome but his Love Exit Duke Jul. I am glad howe'er my Brother is escap'd Since that the King design'd him for a Prison Clar. Such a restraint his Spirit could ne'er brook His Noble Soul would scorn to be confin'd And grown intemperate with injuries Might have expos'd his body unto some Contagious and Pestilential Fever Or more distractive Melancholy kill'd him Jul. So may the Wars thou hast not nam'd my fear Which was the secret murther of the Prince My credulous Fathers nature being apt By bloody Villains to be workt upon But now my Brother hath a spacious field To justifie his innocence or die In the Bed of Honour Clar. Die dear Madam that word 's destructive to us all Jul. He was not born immortal Clariana We all must die Death is to none a shame But those whose vitious lives do merit blame Prince I honour thy bravery of spirit My Clariana's more effeminate Fit for loves Dulcet charms yet is her Soul With Vertues much enrich'd though Pity most Within her Breast her Excellence may boast He goes to them Hail gentle Ladies you both are Much less fortunate then fair I read a sorrow on your brow And by a secret knowledge know The true cause of all your woe Clar. What 's this a Soothsayer Jul. One that pretends to Augury it seems I 'll try his Art Takes her by the hand Prince Sacred Madam as you stand This appears a Princess hand Mars and Venus do conjoyn Here within this amorous Line By which Art doth make us know You affect Valerio Jul. A strange knowledge Clariana Clar. It amazes me Jul. Pray proceed Prince By this Triangle Mars his square He should now be gone to th' War And by this same Line of Life You may live to be his Wife Though he be gone with bloody mind He shall ne'er your Brother find His aim is War Blood his intent Yet in his soul he 's innocent Jul. Stranger still Prince In your ear Madam by the way One thing I have more to say 'T is in your power to command And withhold Valerio's hand Vse your interest do this good Save your Lover and much blood Else on you will lie the guilt Of all the blood that 's to be spilt Clar. Take his counsel Madam for sure his Art 's Divine and he by th' Gods from Heaven sent Our dangers to foretel our griefs prevent Jul. Most learned Sir let us entreat your stay That we may yeild just Honours to your Art Prince Madam you shall command it Jul. You honour us whilst we enjoy your skill We 're careless of our fate and fear no ill Exeunt Scoena Quarta Terraefilius Lussurio Maligno Prince Clariana Tor. 'T is as I tell thee she loves thee dearly dotes on thee almost to death Lus Dear Calisto may I credit this Livia love me Ter. Thou art the very Idol of her soul Her Titular Saint As I was walking Two hours since behind the Mirtle-Grove Under a Cypress Tree I Livia spyed In such a posture as I soon did guess Love was the cause of her retirement Which moved my curiosity to draw Nearer where undiscern'd I over-heard Her thus complain unto her self Livia How hard 's thy fate to be belov'd by one Unworthy of thy love and to affect Lussurio dear Lussurio With which Her tears so plentifully flowed they stopt A while her Speech but taking truce with grief Lus What follow'd then my dear Calisto Ter. She said I must devise some way to let him know I love and how withal I hate Maligno betwixt whom and me Nature hath plac'd such an Antipathy I cannot live till he 's destroy'd and by Lussurio Lus I would I had the heart I 'd do it straight and merit her Ter. 'T is a strange longing Sir but Womens appetites are very exorbitant especially when they 're in love Lus It is her longing moves me Ter. Nay y' are oblig'd in conscience since she loves you and hateth for your sake Maligno thus Lus Nay I 'd do it willingly but for two rubs the danger Calisto and a certain natural aversion from spilling humane blood Ter. 'T is considerable but my life 's at your service Here he comes observe that frown and neglect not this opportunity to see your Mistress Lus Ha ha ha He hath received but a frothy entertainment Mal. How merry the Slave is Exit Ter. Hath he not cause that triumphs in his Mistresses favours He hath wearied me with amorous passages were I as you I would not bear the affront Mal. Were I confirm'd you promis'd visible proof Ter. Well remembred make haste you 'll finde them now together you soon may guess what men and women do in private Mal. If I finde him there he dies Exit Ter. Yes fifty odd years hence Although these Slaves Want Policy to dive in my designes Envy may make them vigilant to mark My actions Malice many times gives Wit I therefore thought it Wisdome to create This difference to keep them so employ'd In countermining of each
Prince I see you 'll prove a Courtier let 's invent The aptest form now to prefer thee in For should my Father learn thou cam'st from me He 'd never trust but think it a designe Upon his Person Hast been seen in Court Ter. Never my Lord nor do I think my self within the verge of knowledge since my transformation from a Mendicant in Buff to a Silken Favourite Prince 'T is well but yet I fear although thy birth Was mean thy Soul and Education both Too Noble are to personate so base A spirit As must endear thee to my Fathers love Ter. Doubt me not love makes all service easie Prince But thou' rt to play a part so opposite Unto thy Genius thou 't ne'er humour it Can'st act a Coward a Slave as timoroue As a Virgin-Bride lying suspended 'Twixt her hopes and fears in expectation Of her a norous Groom Ter. A Coward Sir Prince Yes a wise cautious Coward a formal Coxcomb thou never enterest my Fathers Books else nor so much credit gain'st to do Me good my Father entertains all such About his Person for security His valiant Guard wait at the Palace-gate Not daring to trust them nearer his Person Ter. Your Highness makes me wonder Prince To such a wonder Age hath brought the King More my misfortune wilt counterfeit This Personage Ter. I 'll more then counterfeit to serve you I 'll be The thing you wish Prince Receive in writing these Directions then And fail not as you love your Prince to act Accordingly Ter. This is the square I 'll rule my actions by Prince Let 's then by execution give life To our designe extend a Princely Arm And make those Sycophants this Maxime know 'T is dangerous to be a Princes Foe Exeunt Scoena Secunda Lussurio Malcigno Juliana Valerio Lus VVE have a fine time on 't i'faith to be sole Companions Favourites and Chamber-fellows to the King Mal. Chamberlains and chief Gentlemen of the Chamber we are Totum in Toto or Fact-Totums Lus Not too much Latine Brother Mal. For indeed all things pass through our hands and therefore it is reason we should have a feeling in 't Lus How happy were we to be born patient Gentlemen not to have one angry Planet raign at our Nativities not one scruple of Choler in both our Compositions Mal. Choler Thou Ruby-fac'd Gentleman with a Carbunkled Nose I do contemn thee I 'll not give a rush for thee as the time goes for thou art more out of fashion then Picketde-vaunt Beards or Plain-dealing at Court and more ridiculous then Dancing to a Dead man that sees not the Mufick Lus Fighting Valour Vostre servittur you must not come within the smell of the Court now and yet we are valiant too for true Valour consists in suffering Mal. Right for if a Blow or a Kick will do a friend a kindness let him take it and be gone if he be actively valiant in striking we will be more passively valiant in bearing and oppose Flesh to Flesh the Cheek to the Palm for if he use the Batton he 's a Coward and not valiant by Nature because he refuses the use of Natural Weapons Lus Which the Lyon and other valiant Animals employ Mal. True but thanks to our good Kings peaceable temper we are freed from such unnatural Fencers Lus And from the Natural too prais'd be the patient Stars they were both a continual torment to us in our days of adversity I could never keep my Curls in order for the roaring of some Drum-headed Raskal or other would make them stare and stand an end Mal. That affliction could I bear but when they tore Hair and Ears up by the roots it requir'd a treble-fortified patience Lus Oh but the Villainous Kick given by the Horn'd shooe Mal. That fashion was invented in the City and came from head to foot immediately but the durty shooe do I exclaim against it hath spoil'd me many a Sattin Hose Lus But now thanks to our generosity in suffering we have overcome our griefs to the great grief of our Offendors who dayly come with Cap in hand to sue to us for favour Mal. Whilst we delay their suits and make them participate of our vertue Lus Patience Brother Mal. 'T was that I was going to say therefore 't is fit now we are called to the Helm Brother mark me to the management of State-affairs we should be grateful to the vertue that hath exalted us Lus Patience Mal. Still thou takest the word out of my mouth A bearing Patience Brother observe me I have a designe to bring it in fashion for I conceive it very advantagious and profitable to the Commonwealth Lus As how dear Brother Mal. If you mark it for 't is a State-point Bearing is the cause of Advancement Peace and Defence to a Common-wealth of Advancement in us who whilome were the dregs and are now become the very cream of the Commonwealth and swim atop Patience is a certain cause of Peace for it makes the Citizen bear with his Wife whilst she is bearing the Courtier so every man bears one with another Lastly it is a defence to the Commonwealth for it chiefly causeth the generation of her Defendor Lus Learnedly argued Brother What Flesh can say more in praise of patient bearing Undertake thou the fashion amongst the men and let me alone to perswade the Women they have a natural faculty in it But mum Enter Valerio Princess Here comes the Princess and Valerio whose Physiognomy is more terrible then an apparition of Satan with a visible Cloven foot Mal. His looks congeal my very blood my heart is but one lump of Ice Lus But for the priviledge of the Peace I durst not come within the scent of his Valour I thank my fear Mal. Yonder 's my Mistress too and if his very aspect have not conjur'd down all my affections and laid the Devil flat may I never rise to the Council-board Lus By this cudgell'd Carcase she 's a dainty morsel of Mans flesh Oh that I had her in place where Mal. How thou swell'st at the sight of a handsome Woman Lus Oh she hath eyes whose sparkling Glances invite a man to Leudness Prethee let 's Court her to the next Lobby my thoughts are Fornicators already Mal. Thou wantst a Cooling Julep faith Brother you must purvey elsewhere this Lady is selected for a lawful affection Lus No monopolizing Brother if I can get a consent before thee I 'll make bold with the first cut Mal. Howe'er I 'll venture on the invitation she 's too honest for thy purpose Lus I would fain see an honest Woman but Miracles are ceast sure Exeunt with Lucia Val. I dare not nourish the bold thoughts of love Yet still I must admire you still adore you As a Star above me a happiness Like heaven in this life not to be obtain'd Though wisht for yet there after good actions Through th' Port of Death we may at last arrive But to
the accomplishment of my desires I fear never how can I fear a thing I dare not hope for Jul. You are my Lord too cruel to your self Too superstitious in your love to which Altho' I dare give no encouragement Not being my own Disposer might I Advise it should be constancy Val. Madam Could I be guilty of so greate crime Or Heaven be so cruel to impose For secret sins so high a punishment As make me know a change in my Devotions To your Grace yet your Vertuous Counfel Would strengthen and reanimate my love To such a vigorous perfection It would appear invincible to all The incounters of an adverse fortune Jul. You 're very confident of your affection Val. Your Goodness Madam did first give it birth But if I have offended pardon me And I will teach my tongue forget that Name That Divine Name of Love I ' d not offend Your Vertue willingly but if a service Pretending nothing but from your merit A pure flame free from the smoak of lust Zealous Devotions no ways counterfeit Can pretend to the Character of Love Pray let me read it in a smile You are In this too bountiful and I in the Request I fear too impudent if so With a frown you chide away my Soul whilst dying On your hand I vow my self your Martyr Jul. How he moves me I have too much Woman My Lord see how unmovedly he stands Just like Loves Statue and as lovely Sure He 's transported in his thoughts How his Fancie Labours 't were sin beyond a cruelty to scorn Such love which in a sweet yet negligent Distraction displays both Truth and Passion But he recovers Val. What a Paradise hath my thoughts enjoyed What Seas of Pleasures hath my Fancie waded Most Divine Power of Love thy Joys and Griefs Are both inscrutable and not to be Comprehended Jul. How do you do my Lord Val. Very exceeding well never better Surely Sickness dares not approach me now Now you are present who are both my life And health indeed my All for less cannot Express you nor that at full Jul. You set my Lord too great a value on A worth that 's borrowed from the Barren Dust Of Ancestors Their peculiar Vertues Made them Kings my Fortune me a Princess I might as well been born the neglected Issue of a Shepherdess and past as Unregarded your Lordship then I doubt Would scarce have thought my Vertue a full Dowry My Chastity a Nobleness in Nature Val. How much you wrong my thoughts Madam my Love 's No common flame wedded to Lust or to Ambition it is your Soul your Soul Of Vertue I am ravisht with had it Inhabited the coarsest blackest earth Affrick did ere produce 't would have rendred It Divine and through that Sable Cloud Cast forth its glorious Beams of brightness Jul. Continue still a President for Lovers Steer them a course to everlasting love Immortal as the Soul Tell them Beauty Is fading such will be their love if plac'd On her Greatness unstable no secure Prop to build it on Vertue 's the Pillar That will never fail She 's your Advocate And pleads my Lord your interest in my heart Doat on her still for she 'll deserve your love Val. I have ever done so Madam doated On you but with such reverence such a Becoming duty as best might suit my Meanness and your great Birth Jul. Continue constant Exit Val. Continue constant excellent Motto Thou shalt be ingrav'd in lasting Characters About my heart and excho thence Those sacred words until my tongue forget All frivolous Discourse onely her name Shall intermixedly make up Loves Harmony whilst dayly I admire Those Blazing Stars which set my heart on fire Exit Scoena Tertia Prince Terraefilius in a plain simple dress Prince IF thou canst suit thy Garb unto thy dress Thou gain'st access and credit with the King But Terraefilius do not forget The ends for which I plac'd thee there to work For my advantage and to plead my cause Like a double-fee'd Advocate which must Be with success the Kings Aged Weaknesses Being of such an easie mold they take Impressions good or bad as those about Him stamp on his Belief Ter. For the future it shall bear the Signet Of your Vertue which I 'll impress so deep Into his Soul that Age nor eating time Shall never rase I 'll let him know how sweet A hope he hath for to succeed him how Noble a Son how generous a Prince How full of duty and of humble thoughts Prince Thou wilt in this so far oblige us that I shall esteem my Favours past but Trifles Ter. I 'm richly recompensed in your Princely Love Continue me but there I wish no greater Fortune Prince Would I could take thee nearer to my Soul Thou art so good but being already at height In my affection I will raise thee to An equal highth in Fortune when I raign 'T is Terraefilius that must command Ter. I am my Lord your Vassal born to serve Not to oblige you yet I would not change My bondage to be a Monarch so much I prize your love and service Prince I know thou lovest us and need no farther Argument to confirm the truth But now To my Designe This leads to the Presence I must commit thee to thy fortune for I dare advance no further it would breed Too much suspicion you know your task Ter. And will perform 't with all fidelity Prince 'T is in thy power to oblige thy Prince And to mistrust were too much injury Where I have found so much fidelity Ter. I were too base a Villain to deceive So generous a Prince Your confidence Would make a Traytor Loyal but on me Meer Gratitude doth put a double eye Prince May the Gods favour our designes Ex●● Ter. They 're oblig'd to favour Justice Sir Poor Prince I pity him I see Content Is seldome conversant with high Estates Most Vertuous Souls are injur'd most by Fates Scoena Quarta Lussurio Malcigno Terraefilius Lus FEllow Malcigno let us be watchful vigilant and careful in our Office the King is upon entrance and relies upon our honesty for his Safe-guard Mal. Therefore it is safe we search each corner wherein Treason may lurk Ter. What a brace of Baboons are these fitter to keep Centinal at a Ladies Closet then at a Kings Bed chamber But I must try my fortune and accost them Worshipful Gentlemen Lus Ha! what Fellow 's that speaks to us with his Justice of Peace his Title Ter. Right Worshipful Gentlemen Mal. So he rises a note but hath not attain'd our stile Lus Brother take no notice of him Austerity and Gravity are the Essence of Greatness and Place Mal. Let us then walk by him with as much contempt as a begging Spaniard refuses an Alms before witness Ter. What Musk-cats are these to guide a tottering State whose Wisdome is meer Formality Honesty Baseness and greatest Vertue Cowardise But I must temporize with these State-Leeches Right