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A58338 Joyful news from heaven, or, The last intelligence from our glorified Jesus above the stars wherein is infallibly recorded how the soul dieth in the body : also is discovered I. What is that which sleeps in the dust, II. The nature of its rest, III. The manner of its waking, IV. The mystery of the dispute between Christ and the woman of Samaria, as touching the true point of worship, clearly opened : wherein you have drawn up a divine charge against the teachers of the Baptists, with all other teachers publick and private, for counterfeiting the commission of the man Jesus, being therein convicted of spiritual high treason against Christ the great commissioner of heaven and earth : with a true relation of the kingdom of darkness, prepared for the cursed seed of Cain, world without end / written by John Reeve and Lodowick Muggleton ... Reeve, John, 1608-1658.; Muggleton, Lodowick, 1609-1698. 1658 (1658) Wing R679; ESTC R32277 41,136 58

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pleasure of the Creator for if the body or person of the man Adam had been spiritual in his creation as his spirit was then there would have been no difference between the person of the Creator and the person of the creature Thus the man Adam was made like unto God a pure natural person of all righteousnesse in mortality like unto the spiritual person person of God which is all righteousnesse in glory Again it is written the first Adam of the Earth earthly the second Adam the Lord from Heaven heavenly Thus you that see by that single Eye of Faith you may know that God became flesh or a man as well as Adam who was called the Image of God because God was a spiritual man from Eternity as abundantly beforesaid Now you must understand the reason why Jesus the only God was called the second Adam was this because the body or person of the Lord Jesus was a pure natural body of all righteousnesse in mortality just like unto the body or person of the first Adam before his fall only Christ the second Adam had the spirit of Faith in him above measure and the first Adam had the spirit of Faith in him by measure as beforesaid again the second Adam differed from the first Adam in this he being made a man of sorrows but the first Adam knew no sorrows before his fall and why did he become a man of sorrows it was to redeem the Elect seed of the Spirit of Faith overcome in his image the first Adam by the Reprobate Angel-Serpent as beforesaid Again as for the natures or spirits of the holy Angels in their Creation they were pure Reason quite contrary to the nature or spirit of Faith in God their Creator only in their bodies or persons they were spiritual or swift of motion like unto the spiritual person of God their Creator but if the nature or spirit of the holy Angels had been of of the spirit of pure Faith as they were of pure Reason then there would have been no difference between the person of God their Creator and the persons of the holy Angels in their Creation who are but creatures as well as men wherefore not the holy Angels for they are not of the nature of God as it is written he took not upon him the nature of Angels but the seed of Abraham but Elias as beforesaid by the secret wisdom and counsel and love of God unto man above Angels was exalted upon the throne of glory for a moment to represent the person of God the Father and he was made the protector of my God when God became a child and it was Elias by vertue of his Commission as a faithful spiritual Steward upon the throne of glory that filled the Lord Jesus with those great Revelations of his former glory that he possest in the Heavens when he was the immortal Father and it was Elias that spake those words from heaven saying this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased hear him again when Christ was transfigured upon the Mount that his garment glittered with the glory of his transfiguration it was the visible glorious appearance of the persons of Moses and Elias talking with him that were the instrumental Commissioners of that visible glory of the Lord Jesus unto his Disciples who said Master it is good for us to be here for that glory was so great that they would have been building of Tabernacles for a continuance in it Again I declare from the Lord that Elias by vertue of his Commission did fill Elect men and Angels also with Revelation to keep them in obedience until the Lord Jesus was upon the Throne of his glory again so that when the Lord Jesus who was an absolute creature cryed in his agony unto his Father when he prayed unto his Father that that Cup might passe from him if it were possible it being a dreadful Cup for his innocent flesh and blood to drink he being as sensible of pain in his body as we are in our bodies and when he cryed out saying my God my God why hast thou forsaken me and Father into thy hands I commend my spirit I say again from the Lord that Elias by Commission from this man Jesus was that Father that he thus cryed unto in his mortality Elias being then in glory and the chief ground of all those actions and sufferings and cryings out of the Lord Jesus in the condition of a creature unto a Father or a Creator was to fulfil the Scriptures foretold by his Prophets in the time of the Law therefore he said Heaven and Earth shall pass away but my word shall not pass away again but you may say unto me did God the third day rise from the dead by his own power or by the power of his Deputy Elias to which I answer he by his own decree and spiritual compact with Elias and by that spirit of Faith in his innocent body the which Faith died in his pure body and quickned immediately and brought forth at the appointed time that natural innocent body out of the grave a pure spiritual body which naturally at the time appointed ascended into glory for it was impossible for God by death to be held in the grave because his person being pure his pure spirit and death could not remain together because there was no sympathy or agreement or union between them yea they were so contrary it was impossible for them to be together except one of them were absolutely extinguished wherefore death being too weak the Lord Jesus who is the only God of all created life brake through death and hell and the grave and through all the sins of his Elect by the shedding of his most precious blood and so entred into his eternal glory that all those that have Faith in his glorious person may be delivered at the appointed time from sin hell death and the grave and enter into eternal glory with him when he comes in the clouds of Heaven Again the reason why mens bodies in death or after death do rot or stink in the grave and come to dust is because there was sin in their bodies whilst they lived the which sin and death had a sympathy and as it were a sweet communion together whereby death had full power as Lord and King to keep the spirits and bodies in the dust until the time appointed of the Lord of life but on the contrary if men had no sin in their natures or bodies they might life and die and naturally rise again by their own power in their own time as the Lord of life did whose body was too pure to see corruption Thus unto you that have Faith in the Lord Jesus it is not strange that Elias should represent the person of God the Father until the Lord Jesus ascended into the right hand of all power and glory of his Father Elias again then when Jesus was set down in the Throne of
word of God so that the things that are visible or seen were not made of things that do appear and of that saying I am Alpha and Omega I am the first and the last and behold I create all things new and of that saying I am he that was dead and an alive and behold I live for evermore This was the man Jesus that sate upon the Throne of the Father with many other Scriptures too tedious to relate that prove clearly to all that are appointed to eternal glorie that the Lord Jesus Christ that died without the gates of Jerusalem is the only God and everlasting Father and alone Creator of all things that were made both in heaven and in earth Therefore I declare from the Holie Spirit of the Lord Jesus that sent us that whosoever prayes in his spirit or tongue unto any other God or Spirit but unto my God the man Jesus that sent me he prayes unto a Devil of his own imagination instead of a God for that man Jesus then to come was Davids only God and Saviour therefore he said The Lord said unto my Lord sit thou on my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool And this Jesus was all the true Prophets God in the time of the Law and this Jesus was the holy Apostles God and all the Christians God in the time of the Apostles Commission or Dispensation or Administration that lasted about three hundred years and this glorious man Jesus is my God alone and the God of all spiritual Christians in this last age until he comes in his glorie VIII AGain but some may say if Jesus Christ be the only God and eternal Father who was that Father that he spake so much of when he was in mortalitie where he said My God my God why hast thou forsaken me and Father into thy hands I commend my spirit and such like To this I answer by Revelation from the Holy Spirit that Eliah spoken of in the Law that was taken up bodily by a VVhirlwind into Heaven where the likenesse of a Chariot and Horses of fire appeared to Elisha at his departure I say from the Lord that the body or person of that Eliah was taken up and glorified in the Heavens by the Creator for that very purpose that he might represent the person of God the Father for that time or season whilst God the Father went that journey in flesh as aforesaid Again it is written he shall give his Angels charge over thee those Angels were Moses and Eliah who being both glorified they did both represent the Person of the Father in the Heavens above the Stars as they did represent the Person of the Son and of the Father when they were in earth beneath the Stars when Moses was upon this earth he represented the Person of God the Son that Lamb Jesus that was then to come in flesh in these things first Moses was called the Meekest man upon the face of the earth Again he was a great Type of Christ in this in offering up himself to be blotted out of the Book of Life for the salvation of Israel as the Lord Jesus became a Curse for his elect Israel likewise Moses was a great sufferer at the hands of Israel with much patience as the Lord Jesus suffered with all patience at the hands of his own People or Nation Again Moses was made an Angel of the Covenant of the Law unto all Israel as the Lord Jesus was made or became an Angel of the Covenant of Grace or the Gospel unto all the elect Israel so that whosoever despised the Law of Moses was to dye a natural death without mercy as a Tye of the eternal death of all those that despise the Grace or Gospel of Jesus and in this he was a great Type of the Lord Jesus when he said God should raise up a Prophet unto you like unto me him shall you hear much more might be spoken of Moses representing of the Person of God the son but I suppose it is sufficient for any moderate man Again when Elias was in this World he did represent the Person of God the Father in these things first in a God-like manner by commanding fire to come down from Heaven to destroy his enemies and it was so again by his commanding like unto a God all the Priests of Baal that were the National false Priests to be put to death for drawing the hearts of Israel from worshipping of the true God and that was a Type of the eternal perishing of all the National Priests of Baal in the World at this time who are Ministers of the letter only but call themselves Ministers of the Spirit and yet the Lord Jesus sent them not These are those croaking Frogs that keep the people in darknesse unto whom the people give their silver for nought Again Elias by his asking of Elisha in a God-like manner what he should do for him before he was taken up from him with his granting of Elisha a double portion of his Spirit if Elisha saw his departure from him Again Eliah spake in the Authority of the Father when he told King Ahab to his face that it was he and his Fathers house that were the troublers of Israel by their departing from the living God with more such like actings of his after a God-like manner shewing clearly his representing the person of God the Father when he was upon this earth which was but a Type of his representing the person of God the Father in the Heavens afterwards but some may say it seems very strange the Lord having so many glorious Angels in his presence that he should passe them by and take up a mortal man or a sinperson of God the Father as beforesaid To this I answer from the Holy Spirit all the Counsels of my God the man Jesus are quite contrary to mans unclean reason yea and contrary to the pure reason of the holy Angels also that God alone may have all the glory of the revelation of his unsearchable Counsels of wisdom from his Elect men and Angels Again I declare by Revelation from the Holy Spirit that the man Adam in his Creation was of the very nature of spirit of Faith with all divine vertues of pure love patience meeknesse and such like spiritual vertues in his spirit or person which were the very same divine vertues that lived in the spirit or person of God his Creator only in the person of God every spiritual vertue in him was infinite above all measure but in the person of the man Adam although they were the very same heavenly vertues yet in him they were in measure thus man in his Spirit was created like unto the Creator of the very same Divine Nature only they differed in this for the body or person of God was all spiritual or heavenly not subject to mortality but the body or person of the man Adam was natural or earthly subject to mortality at the
into a Horse or into a Root or into a Flower with many more such like cursed expressions they being more ignorant if it be possible of the Lord Jesus through the love of fleshly pleasures then the brute beasts therefore they reason against their own reason and say this Creation or VVorld had never any beginning nor never shall have any ending two cursed lyes Again They call perishing nature God or Creator saying God is all things and all things is God Thus these blaspheming Devils liken the incorruptible Spirit of God the man Jesus not only u●to the unclean spirit and cursed imagination living in the body of corr pt man but unto the spirits of unclean beast and creeping things as those Atheists in the time of Paul These are those who received the truth to prate of it only but not in the love of it having pleasure in unrighteousnesse therefore given up to strong delusions to believe a lie that they might all the damned then these Scriptures will be fulfilled He made all things for his own glory and the wicked for the day of wrath Again He shall come in flaming fire to render vengeance upon them that know not God and obey not the Gospel of Jesus ●hrist Again But these as natural brute beasts made to be taken and destroyed speak evil of the things they understand not and shall utterly perish in their own corruption Again Ha●ing eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin beguiling unstable souls an heart they have exercised with covetous p●actises cursed children which have forsaken the right way and are gone astray following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor who loved the wages of unrighteousnesse Again Raging waves of the sea foaming out their own shame wandring stars to whom is reserved the blacknesse of darknesse for ever Again And also Enoch the seventh from Adam prophesied of these saying behold the Lord cometh with ten Thousands of his Saints to execute judgment upon all and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodlily committed and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him XIII AGain Unto you that see by the Eye of Faith from the Lord I shall shew you that general Error amongst men concerning the spirit of man in death some say the spirit dyeth not at all but immediately goeth into Heaven or into Hell and the body goes to the dust only others say the spirit dyeth not but goeth into another form either of man or some other creature as beforesaid others say or think all mens spirits go into a Hell or Purgatory when they die for a season others blasphemously say that the spirit of man is God and that the body only dies and turn to dust these say also God is an infinite Spirit and all spirits came from his Spirit and so return into his spirit again others say the spirit and body or think it turns to dust for ever indeed almost all men are in darknesse because they walk by thinking only about things of eternity but about things that perish they think them hardly ever sure enough unto them wherefore unto you whose bodies are the Temples of the Holy Ghost from the Lord Jesus I shall declare unto you the truth of this secret you may know that the spirit is nothing at all without a body and a body is nothing at all without a spirit neither of them can live or have a being without the other you may know it is the spirit only in the body of man that li●es and speaks and walks and works and eats and drinks and dies for the spirit is a natural fire of Reason which is that life of light heat or motion that as a ●…re kindleth life and strength through all the flesh or body of man only the principal part of the understanding of this natural fire of the spirit of Reason liveth in the head of man because that is the glory of the man so that the spirit or soul is the man although it cannot possibly be without the form or body wherefore when man dies and turns to his dust it is that natural spirit of the fire of Reason that was the life or spirit of the body that dyeth or is quenched and goeth out within the body as fire goeth out in an Oven that is closed so doth the spirit of man die within his body from all sensible life heart or motion until the visible coming of the Lord of life in the Clouds of Heaven at the last day therefore it is written Dust thou art and unto dust thou shalt return when the Lord spake those words he did not speak to the flesh or outward form or body of the man but he spake to the inward spirit or soul that understands the words of a spirit again it is written in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt dye the death that is if thou through disobedience to my command dost forfeit the image of thy Creation then thou shalt see mortality or death within thy own body both spiritual and natural and the fear of eternal death also Thus it is clear to you that believe in the Lord Jesus that the spirit of man dies and turns to dust within the body because nothing can possibly die but it must first live so likewise nothing can possibly quicken or live again but that which is absolutely dead or dust or asleep void of all motion heat life light or sense being utterly annihilated to its self and all other creatures only being alive in the memory of God that God alone the man Jesus might have all the Glory in the new creating of Mankind at the last out of dust as he had in creating of man at the first out of dust according to that saying in the Revelation Behold I create all things new in answer to that Creation in Genesis Thus it is with the grain or body of Wheat except it dies it never comes to perfection but abides alone in the dust for ever But on the contrary if the spirit of life which is in the body of Wheat doth absolutely die within its body then by the decree of God it quickens out of death unto a new life immediately and brings ●orth a glorious Resurrection in due season of many bodies in the same form like unto that which died of the very same nature Thus it is by the decree of the Lord Jesus with the natural spirits of all the Elect first they are dead in sins and Trespasses before they are capable by the spirit or truth to live in righteousness so likewise the spirits of men and women must be absolutely dead when they fall asleep in the dust or else they were never capable to rise again neither in glory nor in shame so that by the decree of God all life both spiritual and natural must first enter into death that through death or in death they may quicken a
new life of a glorious encrease both spiritual and natural so that death in its place is as useful for the Creators raising of glory to himself as life is in its place this proves the truth of these Scriptures He poured out his soul unto death again The soul that sins shall die again He c●yed with a loud voyce and gave up the ghost again In the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt die the death again His soul was made an offering for sin again He was put to death in thy flesh and quicked in the spirit I know I have written enough to satisfie in the proof of this truth all spiritual Christians XIV AGain it is written and those that sleep in Jesus shall rise first that is those that fell asleep in the believing of the visible coming of the glorious person of the Lord Jesus in the clouds of Heaven in power and great glory their bodies shall be raised first out of the sleep of death because they were united by faith unto the person of their Lord Jesus who was the first that ever rose from the dead by his own power who raised life in death or out of death therefore he was called the first fruits of the resurrection or of life from death again you that see by faith m●y understand that not the same bodie● that died or fell asleep shall appear any more at all then the body of wheat doth as beforesaid which Paul fitly compareth together in their resurrection where it is written but God giveth it a body as it pleaseth him and to every seed his ●wn body that is as beforesaid that grain or body of wheat that died quickened a new life out of death and brought forth in a glorious manner in due season many bodies of the same form of that that dyed and yet that body that died appeared no more so likewise it shall be with all that died in the faith of Jesus not the same bodies or persons they lived in and died in shall appear again any more but that spirit of faith mixt with pure love and all other spiritual vertues that were in their former bodies by the which they died unto the power of sin and lived unto the power of righteousnesse that divine seed of faith sowed in the former body died with the first body immediately quickned a new life out of death by the decree of the Lord Jesus for you know there is no time now unto God nor unto them that are dead and so brought forth a spiritual body in its ●orm like unto that in the dust yea of a body of pure righteousness the same nature of that holy spiritual faith that raised it out of death yea a glorious body brighter then the Sun in its strength and as swift as thought yea bodies of such a bright burning glory that no persecuting Canaanites can behold and live because our spirits and bodies according to our faith and shall be made like unto the glorious body of God the man Jesus the which no man in mortality with his natural eye can behold and live then shall all the Elect in the twinkling of an eye both those that slept in the dust and those that are alive at that time whose bodies also shall be changed like unto those that slept then I say they shall all ascend together as one body to meet their Head the Lord Jesus in the Aire and with their King they shall enter into his Kingdom of eternal glory where that new Heaven and new Earth are beforesaid there with holy Angels to behold the glorious face of the only wise God and everlasting Father the Lord Jesus Christ with new glorious songs and praises unto their Redeemers that was dead as it is written to redeem us by his precious blood from eternal death and now behold be liveth for evermore therefore we eternally live with him XV. AGain I declare by revelation from the Holy Spirit that when the Elect are thus glorified they are absolutely of the very same glorious nature both in spirit and body as God is as God and they were both of one nature in mortality sin only excepted wherefore as the spirit of faith and love infinitely in the glorious person of God overfloweth as a fountain continually with revelation of new Heavenly wisedom from whence flows new joys and glory to himself and the holy Angels so shall every Believer according to his degree in glory be as a Well springing up unto everlasting life of revelation of new wisedom from whence flows new joys and glory within his own person like unto his God only they shall naturally returne the glory and praise unto their fountain the Lord Jesus for this their exaltation upon the glorious Throne of his own likenesse for it is the righteous actings and sufferings that was in the innocent body of the Lord Jesus when the was in mortality that by his infinite wisedom is made naturally that glorious fire to kindle new Revelation of Heavenly wisdom with in his body for the increase of his glory to all eternity as beforesaid so likewise all those righteous actings and sufferings for truth sake that were acted and suffered in our former bodies by the appointment of our God shall be conveyed into our new spritual bodies that are like unto our God and shall be that glorious fire naturally to kindle revelation of new wisedom from whence flows glorious new songs and praises unto our Redeemer the fountain of all our glory for everlasting world without end as abundantly beforesaid then shall these Scriptures be fulfilled to him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne even as I also overcame and am set down with my Father in his throne Again and he that overcometh and keepeth my words unto the end to him will I give power over the Nations and be shall rule them with a Rod of iron as the vessels of a Potter shall they be broken to shivers even as I received of my Father and I will give him the morning star Again him that overcometh will I make a Pillar in the Temple of my God and he shall go no more out and I will write upon him the name of my God and the name of the City of my God which is new Jerusalem which cometh down out of Heaven from my God and I will write upon him my new name Again he that overcometh shall inherit all things and I will be his God and he shall be my son Again henceforth I will not drink of this fruit of the Vine until that day I drink it new with you in my fathers Kingdom Again and from Jesus Christ who is the faithful witnesse and the first begotten of the dead and the Prince of the Kings of the Earth Unto him that hath loved us as washed us from our sins in his own blood and hath made us Kings and Priests unto God and his Father to him be glory and dominion for
he said that he was Judge both of quick and dead again he said that the Lord Jesus was a weak and an imperfect Saviour and afraid of death but he said that he had no fear of death in him at all but this Cain hath proved himself an old lyar since his great blasphemy against the Lord Jesus again this John Robins did declare that he was to gather the Jews in all Nation● and to lead them into their own Land unto Jerusalem with many more such like things declared by him A for his lying spiritual signes and wonders they were these and such like unto some that were deceived by him he did present the form of his person riding upon the wings of the Wind like unto a flame of fire also he did present unto some in their beds a great light like unto a flame of fire over all the Room that they have been compell'd to hide their faces in their beds fearing they should be burn'd but when they hid their faces in their bed the light did appear more brighter then before also he would present unto them half Moons and Stars and sometimes thick darknesse darker then any natural darknesse whatsoever also he did present his head only in the day time without a body to a Gentlewoman that I know in her Chamber also presenting unto her to deceive her the forms of strance beasts as namely Dragons and such like Again I declare from the Lord that this John Robins did present the form of his face looking me in the face in my bed the most part of a night insomuch that I cryed in my spirit unto the Lord and the Lord by his Spirit revealed this great Antichrist unto me to my exceeding joy and his everlasting praise Much more might be spoken of his deceits in this kind but now I shall declare the manner of his being worshipped as a God by those deceived by him they prayd unto him and they fell flat on their faces and worshipped him calling him their Lord and their God also he gave commandment to some of them that they should not make mention of any other God but him on●y also he gave authority unto some of his Disciples both unto men and women to change their wives and their husbands telling them that they were not united to their own bone This cursed Cain changed his own wife first for an example and called her name Eve telling his Disciples that she should bring forth his Son Jesus and it should be caught up into Heaven many of his Disciples following of his cursed example to their utter ruine in this life and that to come a so he commanded his Disciples to abstain from meats and drinks promising them that they should in a short time be fed with Manna from Heaven until many a poor soul was almost starved under his dyet yea and some were absolutely starved to death whose bodies could not bear his diet for those that believed on him indeed they brought in their whole estates unto him so that then he had full power over their souls and bodies and estates and he did plague their spirits and bodies at his pleasure in a most dreadful manner if they were not obedient to his commands of the which I my self was an eye-witnesse I could speak more of this Prince of Devils in this last age but I know I have written enough for a spiritual Chri●●●an to discern something of this great Deceiver in what I have written when his wickednesse was at the full the Lord Jesus sent me as beforesaid unto this John Robins to declare his wickednesse unto him and immediately to pronounce him cursed in soul and body from the presence of the Lord Jesus to all eternity unto the which I with my fellow witnesse were made obedient then about two months after this sentence of the Lord Jesus this John Robins wrote a Recantation of all his seeming great matters declared by him and sent the writing to General Cromwell and so obtained his liberty when he was out of prison he gave all his disciples about London the slip and with what silver stead of building of Cities he went into his own Country and repurchased his Land but it was re-bought with the innocent blood of many poor innocent souls in the highest nature that ever any man gained such a sum of silver as he did III. A Gain I declare from the Lord Jesus that all those that bear the name of Christians and yet make use of the sword of steel to slay men who are the image of God they are utterly ignorant of the true God and man Jesus and enemies to his Gospel that commands men to love their enemies therefore their fleshly reasoning causeth them to forsake the Gospel of suffering the Grosse of Christ and they apply themselves to the Law of Moses to prove it lawful to kill the Gospel of Jesus instead of yielding obedience unto it Unto you that are chosen to work righteousnesse I declare by revelation from the Holy Spirit that no spiritual Christian hath any thing to do to meddle with any Scripture from the Law given by the hand of Moses to prove it lawful to warre with the sword of steel because it was lawful for the Nation of the Jews only by commission from the Lord to warre against all the Heathen Gentiles that rose up against the Jews because they worshipped the God of Israel who was contrary to the Heathen Idol-gods and this war of the Jews was lawful until God the Father became flesh to reconcile both Jew and Gentile into that one faith in the body of his flesh and no longer Therefore since God became flesh of our flesh and bone of our bone sinne only excepted I declare from the Lord Jesus that they that are Christians indeed they are not under the Law of Moses that is a Sword of steel but they are under Grace or the Gospel of Jesus that is the sword of the Holy Spirit that makes all true Christians to understand that in this work their portions is to suffer all kind of wrong from all men and to return mercy and forgivenesse unto all men yea and to forgive those that would kill them because they know all vengeance is the Lords and he will repay it therefore they dare not rob God of his glory Again when the Lord Jesus gave that new Law of love unto all his elect believers where he saith it was said of old an Eye for an Eye and a Tooth for a Tooth but I say unto you love your enemies blesse them that curse you do good to them that hate you These be those Christians indeed that may be called perfect as their heavenly Father was perfect the Lord Jesus who did all good and suffered all wrong yea and laid down his life for that whole world of his Elect when they were all become his enemies Again I declare from the Lord Jesus that they that are new born by the Holy
Spirit they are so farre from killing or consenting to the killing of any man offensively or defensively in their own behalfe or in the behalfe of any other man that they are afraid of their own evill thoughts and much more of evil words or deeds against God or men because they know nothing but pure righteousnesse pure love without envy and pure innocency shall raign in eternall glory with the only eternal Father the Lord Jesus And on the contrary they know all man-slayers under what pretence so●ver and all Govertous Idolaters Drunkards Swearers Lyers Sorcerers Whoremongers and all those that vindicate unrighteousnesse through the love of silver in opposing of that pure Law of love that commands all Christians not to do as they are done unto that is the hypocrits righteousnesse But on the contrary to do unto all men as you would they should do unto you this is the righteousnesse of pure faith which is the righteousnesse of God which makes men to fulfil all righteousnesse for want of this those unrighteous persons beforesaid must all perish to eternity Again I declare from the Lord Jesus that all those that hate to yield obedience to this pure peaceable Law of love proceeding from the pure spirit of the Lord Jesus I say in the great and notable day of the Lord by his decree or by a word speaking from his mouth they shall every one of them rise out of the dust together not with the same bodies they died or fell asleep in because there was somewhat of God in those bodies whilest they lived which perisheth with them indeath but the bodies which they shall have shall be in forme of their former bodies but they shall be fiery bodies of spiritual darknesse yea bodies of all unrighteousnesse having all the inwicked deeds of their former bodies conveyed into these bodiers as fewell to kindle the fire of new sorrows In these bodies of Hell and utter darknesse and their spirits in their bodies shall be all fiery Devils so their bodies shall be their Kingdome of Hell and their proud spirits that had pleasure in unrighteousnesse shall be the Devils that shall be barr'd in close prisoners within their bodies from all motioning or thinking of any former comforts either spiritual or naturall to give them any ease at all because all time is past then as beforesaid shall their spirits and bodies burn together like a flame of fire that is all as dark as pitch they never stirring from the place of their resurrection nor never seeing one anothers face●… more much lesse shall they see the face of God just men or Angels to all eternity and the place of their eternall torment shall be upon this earth where they acted all their bloodshed and all other unrighteousness Then shall the Sun Moon and Stars and all other natural lights in this lower creation or world vanish or go out like the snuff of a candle giving no more light to eternity then shall this fruitful pleasant earth be like unto dry burning sand the seas and all rivers or springs of water being dryed up for evermore as if they never had any being this whole creation being turned into a chaos of confusion without forme and void of all light or sap either natural or spiritual to all eternity as beforesaid Again I declare by Revelation from the Holy spirit what was from Eternity before any creature was formed that had any sensible life either in heaven above or in this e●●th beneath there were these two uncreated substances of earth and water with the uncreated spiritual person of God the Creator in whose glorious prefence these senseless substances of earth and water were eternally resident that the creator might create or forme by his infinite wisedome out of those dead substances all variety of sensible living creatures in his own time for the setting forth of his visible glory to eternity Again I declare by Revelation from the holy spirit that the earth and the water were both dark substances having no light or sensible life at all in them but the person of the creator was infinitely full of all glorious lights and sensible life to himself both within and without Thus it is clear there was death from eternity only it was not in a sensible forme as well as there was sensible life light and glory in forme from eternity Again eternall life or God was a substantial forme from eternity but eternall death or darknesse of earth and water was substance without forme void of all spirit or life so that life or spirit only is all substantiall forme and death or darknesse only is all substance without forme so that life and death from ecernity are not bare words as blind hypocrites imagine but the invisible creator of all life or spirits was a God of a glorious substance a spirituall body in the form or likenesse of a man from all eternity Again I declare from the Lord Jesus that the glorious sensible life or light in the person of the Creator could not possibly be known by Men or Angels but by his creating or forming of some creatures to live sensibly in death and darknesse shame and misery and by his creating other creatures in opposition sensibly to live in life and light joy and glory Again the infinite glorious prerogative power of the Creator could not possibly be known to any of his creatures to make a distinction between the glory of eternal life and the misery of eternal death but by his forming of creatures of the same lump to be vessels of honour and vessels of dishonour to eternity but of the contrary if the Creator without distinction had formed his creatures to be all eternally glorious like himself then the glory of his prerogative power of infinite love or mercy and infinite justice or wrath and all his infinite new wisdom increasing or flowing in his glorious person as a fountain of living waters must in a manner have been shut prisoner in his own person and the creatures must have been all as Gods instead of creatures and so the Creator would have had no glory in his Creation at all of the prerogative power of his Godhead Wherefore I declare by vertue of my Commission from the only wise God and everlasting Father the man Jesus in glory that all those that are made to yield obedience in love to the prerogative power of God are his Elect ones appointed for blessednesse to all Eternity but on the contrary all those that are offended at the prerogative power of the Creator and love to dispute against it are all Reprobates and appointed to be cursed to all Eternity IV. AGain for your Information I declare from the holy spirit that the Creation above or beyond the starre of the holy Angels who are spiritual bodies in their persons formed like men and all other creatures that God hath made in the heavens above of that substance of earth and water aforesaid that was from all
the Revelation of the everlasting Gospel of that Son within her which was of a more transcendent glory than that of the Law and that Crown of twelve Stars upon her head that was the twelve Apostles that sprang from her head Jesus to preach the everlasting Gospel of Truth and Peace unto his Elect thus that saying that every seed shall have his own body is a little more clear unto you that have faith in a personal God then it was before you may understand that God the Father was a spiritual man from eternity and that in time his righteous spiritual body brought forth a righteous natural body that the Father to shew forth his infinite love and humility and to bring forth a new transcendent glory to himself might become a son yea and a servant unto his creatures in the very condition of a creature for a season that he might exalt his elect creatures into the same condition of the Creator in his glory in the highest Heavens to all eternity when the curtains of this lower Heavens are drawn and vanisht like smoak never more to be time being past Again it is written he that hath seēn me hath seen the Father and the Father liveth in me and I live in him and I and the Father are one the only meaning or mind of the Lord Jesus in those words is this his Spirit living within his body that was the Father and his visible body that was the Son both God and man in one person and so but one personal God the man Christ Jesus he perfectly knowing himself to be the only God he said unto the Jews except ye eat my flesh and drink my blood you have no life in you again he said except ye believe that I am he ye shall dye in your sins his very mind in those words was this except they did believe that that very person of his of flesh blood and bone that spake unto them was the only God and eternal Father and alone Saviour of all that were to be saved and that there was no salvation to mankind but thus spiritually eating of his flesh and drinking of his blood except they did thus own his person to be their Lord and only Saviour they must all die in their sins and perish to all eternity because there is nothing but the precious blood of a God can possibly clense the spirit of man from the power of sin therefore if the very Godhead had not died that is if the very soul of Christ which is the eternal Father had not died in the body or with the body to quiet or satisfie the cry of the guilt of sin in mens spirits all men would have perisht to eternity because the spirit of unclean reason the Devil in man whose nature is all sin did reign in the very bodies of the Elect as their Lord and King and they were free from the power of righteousnesse until the precious blood of a God by the Holy Spirit of Faith was sprinkled in their consciences that by the pure life or spiritual love to God and man they might break the Serpents head of sin of reigning any longer in them but on the contrary they that have no faith given them in the precious blood of God to clense their spirits from the power of that Devil sin in them their sins will be their Lord and King and they must perish together eternally as beforesaid Again by this time it is very clear to you that have the faith of Jesus that the Serpent Angel beforesaid was a spiritual body or person in the form of a man before he entred into the womb of Eve by that seed or son of his called Cain Thus every seed or spirit by the decree of God brings forth his own body according to its nature or kind God the Father being a spiritual man from all eternity in time begot and brought forth himself a manchild in mortality of all pure righteousnesse therefore he was called the expresse Image of the Father because he was indeed the very Father and that made him say be thought it no robbery to be equal with God and that was the cause that made him say that all power was given unto him both in heaven and in earth because he knew perfectly that there was no other God but himself to possesse all power and this made the Prophet Isaiah to attribute the chief titles of the everlasting Father unto the Son that was to be made of a Woman or of a Virgin because the Prophet knew very well that the Father and the Son was but one unseparable person in immortal glory from all eternity and so he knew they were to become in time one unseparable Person of all purity in mortality and I with him know from the same spirits that revealed it to the Prophet long before God became flesh that that pure mortality both spirit and body that died together they did both immediately quicken together a new life in death or out of death and they unseparably both Father and Son in one person did ascend together into that immortal glory that they possesse together from all Eternity and so they now enjoy it again in one transcendent glorious person both God and man to all Eternity This proves the truth of these sayings Glorifie me with the same glory I had with thee before the world was and of that saying My glory I will not give to another and of that saying Before Abraham was I am according to that saying of God to Moses when he bade Moses tell Pharaoh that I am sent him and of that saying He thought it no robbery to be equal with God and of that saying I am the living bread which came down from heaven if any man eat of this bread he shall live for ever and of that saying This is the bread which cometh down from heaven that a man may eat thereof and not die and of that saying For the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven and giveth life unto the world and of that saying I am that bread of life Again Not that any man hath seen the Father save he which is of God he hath seen the Father and of that saying What and if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before and of that full saying that proves Jesus to be the Father He was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not and of that saying In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him and without him was not any thing made that was made Whosoever is not stark blind by this Scripture must needs understand that there is no Creator nor Father but the man Jesus only the Lord of life and glorie and where it is said through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the
the glory of the Father again Elias then as a glorified creature did return all praise and glory unto the Lord Jesus his Creator so that now it is the Lord Jesus alone by his holy Spirit that revealeth all spiritual and heavenly wisdom to elect men and Angels Elias having now with exceeding joy surrendred up his spiritual and glorious stewardship of representing the person of God the Father unto the right owner and sole Heir of Heaven and Earth and all therein is the Lord Jesus Christ the eternal Father God alone blessed to all eternity I know I have spoken enough to the spiritual Christian of this Truth IX AGain I declare by Revelation from the Holy Spirit that about this fourteen hundred years there hath not been one true Prophet nor Minister sent with a Commission from the Lord Jesus to declare or write or preach the everlasting Gospel of truth and peace unto his Elect Wherefore I declare by vertue of my Commission received by voyce of words from the Lord Jesus that all the Ministry in this world whether Prophetical or Ministerial with all the worship taught by them whether invisible or visible to the people it is all a lye and an abomination unto the Lord both the Ministry and their worship are as acceptable unto my God the man Jesus that sent me as the cutting off of a dogs neck Now unto you that discern truth from the Lord I shall give you light into this truth first I declare that all the true Commissionated Prophets of the Lord in the time of the Law from Moses unto John the Baptist with all the true commissionated Apostles and Ministers of the Lord Iesus in the Gospel they had every one of them in their Commission a power given them to set life and death before men or to declare blessing or cursing unto men which is all one according to their administrations received from the Lord. Again I declare from the Holy Spirit that the Lord Iesus did purpose within himself to send his Messengers three times to the world but three times to this bloody unbelieving world and no more for a witnesse or testimony unto them and to make known unto his Elect that he alone is the only God and everlasting Father wherefore you shall find it written there are three bear record in Heaven the Father the Word and the Spirit and these three are one again it is written there are three bear witnesse in Earth the Water the Blood and the Spirit and these three agree in one Again I declare from the Holy Spirit that those three in earth are the Lords three dispensations given to his Prophets or Messengers beforesaid the Water was the Commissions of Moses and the Prophet● under the Law the Blood was the Commission of the Apostles and those Ministers of the Gospel chosen by appointment from the Lord the Spirit which is the third and last Witnesse by Commission from the Lord are those two Witnesses spoken of in the Revelation prophesied of by John the beloved Disciple of Iesus that were to come in the last age whose Message or Ministery or Prophesie is all invisible and spiritual cutting off or condemning all fleshly formal worshipping of an invisible spiritual personal God taken up by vain-glorious men from the Letter of the Scripture which were the Prophets and Apostles Commissions because they want a Commission from the Lord. Again I declare from the Holy Spirit the Lord spake by voyce of word unto his three Commissioners that he hath sent unto the VVorld yea I know God the Father spake unto Moses as a man speaks unto his friend as it is written and I know that God spake unto the Apostles in the person of the Son as it is written because I know the Lord Iesus spake unto me in the person of the Holy Ghost or Spirit as beforesaid only the two former Witnesses saw the person of God in part visibly but I saw the glory of his person invisibly or within me because I am the Messenger of the Holy invisible Spirit Again Concerning those three bearing Record in Heaven beforesaid the meaning of those words are this God from Heaven in a three-fold name or title bear witnesse by Signes and VVonders unto his three Commissioners according to their several administrations given unto them unto Moses and the Prophets this personal God bare witnesse in the name or title of the Father unto the holy Apostles God bare witnesse in the name or title of the Son and unto us his third last Messengers God beareth witnesse in the name or title of the Holy-Spirit because our Commission is all spiritual we have to do only with the invisible spirits of men concerning the eternal estates of men and womens persons in the great and notable eternal Day of the Lords account therefore instead of natural signes upon the bodies or persons of men and women as in the two former Commssions of the Prophets and the Apostles the Lord Iesus beareth witnesse that he hath sent us by spiritual Signs or Wonders upon the spirits of those that are sealed up through our mouthes unto eternal life and unto eternal death as many do bear witnesse whose eyes are opened at this day in England in this great City of London Again This is a true testimony unto you that have faith in the Lord Iesus that he hath sent us by his Holy Spirit because there is none upon this earth that beareth witnesse unto that man Jesus that was crucified at Jerusalem to be the only God and everlasting Father but we only as Moses the Prophets and the Apostles bare witnesse in their times unto this Jesus to be the only God and alone eternal Father but on the contrary there is hardly a Minister in the world that confesseth an invisible God but they preach unto the people either a God of two Persons or a God of three Persons that is a Monster instead of one true personal God or else they teach the People to worship an infinite Spirit that is every where without a Body or Person but he is fain to borrow his creatures bodies to live in that is a God of words only without any form or substance or an infinite nothing that never can be comprehended nor apprehended in the least by any formed creature a cursed lying imaginary God from mans own unclean blind reason which occasioneth all kind of blood and cruelty to be committed in this wicked world between man and man for if men understood indeed that there is but one only wise God and that this God is a distinct body or person then would men understand that all those that are led by the voyce of the Holy Spirit of God the man Jesus to work righteousnesse in their bodies they lived in they only shall appear with bodies of all righteousnesse like unto their God the man Jesus visibly to behold face to face the glorious body of the God of all Righteousnesse for
everlasting world without end Thus it is clear to the understanding of all those that are appointed to know the true God the man Jesus unto life Eternal that there is no true Ministry in the World because they teach not the true God unto the people therefore as it is written they are blind leaders of the blind therefore they must needs both fall into the Ditch Oh! it is an eternal Ditch These are those Merchants of the Letter of the Scripture that make the blind Nations their prey these are those ravening Wolves that come in sheeps cloathing these are those dumb dogs in spiritual things that bark a● true Prophecy and heavenly revelation that a man d●clares by Commission from the Lord Jesus these are those that the Apostle Paul complained on in his time that bewitched the people to turn from the spiritual Gospel to the legal form who began by the Apostle in the spirit but were deluded by false Hypocrites to be made perfect in the flesh these were of those Hypocrites that were in Christs time who under pretence of long prayers devour Widows houses these are those hypocrites that are always teaching of God what he should do for his own glory when indeed it is their own glory in lusting after things that perish they desire when they thus pray or preach or prate these are those bloody hypocrites and workers of iniquity that the Lord Jesus will never own because he never sent them X. AGain I declare by revelation from the Holy Spirit that there is no Magistrate in this world that bears the name of Christian that hath any Authority or Commission from the Lord Jesus to set up any visible form of Worship whatsoever to compel the spirits or consciences of men to how down to his image that he had set up for his own glory because ever since the Lord Jesus ascended into his glory he alone is the Teacher of all his Elect by his Holy Spirit it is truth in the time of the Law before God became flesh there were many Magistrates and Priests commissionated from the Lord to set up and to declare the true Worship of God unto all Israel and it was death by the command of the Lord if the people despised to yield obedience unto it because it was the Lords Worship and no● mans worship set up from his own lying imagination that would be a God but he is a devil for his creating of a Worship to deceive the people without a Commission from the Lord and by taking the prerogative power and glory of God to himself who will not give his glory to another as it is written therefore in the Revelation the Dragon there spoken of is the imagination of the Beast and the Beast is the body of the Magistrate wherein that Dragon imagination liveth and the false prophet there spoken of is the Magistrates Priest and the Image of the Beast is that false worship set up by the imagination of the Magistrate and the serpent-counsel of his false prophet or Priest to deceive themselves and the people with them therefore it is written And all that dwell upon the Earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the Book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the World that is all Reprobates both rich and poor shall bow down unto that false idolatrous worship set up by Heathen Magistrates and their Heathen false prophets the National Priests who call themselves Christian Magistrates and Christian Ministers and are blindly called so by the people also and yet both of these Devils together persecute with the sword of steel all spiritual Christians under the name or title of Blasphemers Seducers Heresie Deceivers of the people and such like because the spiritual Christian cannot bow down unto that carnal Antichristian formal worship set up by those carnal Magistrates and their carnal Ministers beforesaid who being both lovers of the glory of this world loving to be honoured as gods for that cursed heathenish idol-worship from their own invention set up to deceive themselves and those appointed to damnation with them wherefore the Dragon Magistrate and the false Prophet his Serpent-Ministers that committed spiritual fornication together and all those of their own spirits shall every one of them in the day of the Lords vengeance burn in their spirits and bodies together as a lake of fire those spirits and bodies that they shall appear with in the Resurrection shall be that lake of spiritual fire and brimstone that by the decree of the Lord Jesus shall burn together to all eternity this is that giving her own blood to drink who eat up the innocent as bread and thought they did God good service in shedding of the blood of the Lambs of Jesus as their forefathers did then will these Scriptures be fulfilled And those mine enemies that would not that I should reign over them bring them and slay them before me And Go ye cursed into everlasting fire And the Carcasses of the Rebels shall be cast out where the worm never dies and the fire never goes out And Tophet is ordained of old for the King That Tophet is the body of man and that King is the spirit of unclean reason in man for behold the day cometh that shall burn as an Oven and all the proud yea and all that do wickedly shall be stubble and the day that cometh shall burn them up saith the Lord of Hostes and ye shall tread down the wicked for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this saith the Lord of Hosts Fill yee up the measure ●f your Fathers ye Serpents ye generation of Vipers how can ye escape the damnation of Hell for he shall have Judgment without mercy that hath shewed no mercy but the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and Murtherers Whoremongers and Sorcerers or Astrologers and Idolaters and all lyars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death Again the bloody persecutors beforesaid instead of feeding and cloathing the hungry Saint quite contrary they do not only take away the food and rayment of the Lord Jesus in his Elect innocent Lambs but they crucifie the Lord of life afresh in the shedding of the blood of his Believers because they yield obedience to the spiritual Law of faith and love or command of the Lord Jesus either by Prophecying or writing or speaking the Truth by command from the man Jesus who is the only spiritual Magistrate and Minister unto all that are appointed unto eternal glory with him in that glorious Creation of that new Heaven and new Earth above the stars when this creation beneath the stars is utterly destroyed and fitted only for persecuting Dragon-Serpent-Devils to lament howl and weep to all eternity upon this earth where the Saints by them were put to grief for a moment XI BUt some may say unto me do you not
ever and ever Amen XVI AGain from the holy Spirit I shall shew you the difference between elect men and Angels in glory the Angels natures or spirits being pure Reason they must always be supplyed by Revelation from the spirit of faith in the person of God to keep their spirits in pure obedience unto their Creator but on the contrary the Believers Spirits being of the very same divine nature of God they are but one voice or spirit speaking all pure obedience within themselves unto their Redeemer to whom alone be all Glory and praise from my Spirit with his Elect men and Angels to all eternity FINIS A Letter presented unto Alderman Fouke Lord Mayor of London from the two Witnesses and Prisoners of Jesus Christ in New gate as an eternal witness unto him with a Declaration unto the Recorder Steel and the Lord Chief Justice Rowles with the whole Bench and Jury and in general unto all Civil Magistrates and Juries in the World Iohn Reeve and Lodowick Muggleton the two last Spiritual Witnesses and true Prophets and only Ministers of the everlasting gospel by Commission from the holy Spirit of the true God the Lord Jesus Christ God and man in one Person blessed to all Eternity BY vertue of our Commission received by voyce of words from the glorious mouth of the onely true God upon the Throne of Glory the Lord Iesus Christ we shall make manifest unto men what the foundation is of the power of the Civil Magistrate and that he ought not to meddle with spiritual things which God hath reserved himself not allowing any man to touch them upon pain of eternal death but those onely by him anointed for that purpose First we declare that the Scriptures were given by Inspiration of the Holy Spirit therefore except the Magstrates were inspired with the same Spirit as those that speak the Scriptures they ought not to judge any man by them but ought rather to yield obedience themselves unto Holy Writ or they must perish to eternity Again we declare from the Holy Spirit that since God became flesh no Civil Magistrate hath any Authority from above to bee the Judge of any mans faith because it is a spiritual invisible gift from God that gives a man assurance of everlasting life but the Magistrates Authority is to judge the Civil Lawes of the Land which is grounded onely upon Reason but the things of Eternity are from God who is from Eternity to Eternity therefore Faith is the Evidence of things hoped for and reason is judge of things that are visible As for you that are skilful in the Law of Reason as soon as you hear an Action to be a breach of the Law you understand presently what punishment belongs to the Fact therefore the Apostle saith the Magistrate is the Minister of God for good to them that do well and a terrour to the evil doer Again wee declare from the Lord that no Magistrate by his power from the Law of Reason ought to usurp the Law of Faith into his Authority because the Law of Reason is utter●● ignorant of the Law of Faith the one being carnal and the other being spiritual therefore what Magistrate soever takes upon him to be the judge of us who are the Messengers of Faith in the true God they are enemies to the Lord Jesus Christ and shall surely perish to eternity Again from the Lord Jesus wee forewarn you that are Magistrates before it is too late that you tread not in the Lord Mayors steps presumptuously to take upon you to judge this Commission of the two edged sword of God put into our mouths which if you are left so to do it will cut you in sunder from the presence of our God to all eternity for our God is a consuming fire who did pronounce us cursed to eternity had we not obeyed his voyce therefore we perfectly know who ever is left great or small to speak evil of this Commission which God hath put unto us by calling it blasphemy delusion a devil or lie in so doing they have sinned against the Holy Ghost and must perish soul and body from the presence of our God Elect men and Angels to all eternity for God hath chosen us two onely and hath put the two edged sword of his Spirit into our mouths as beforesaid that whom we are made to pronounce blessed are blessed to eternity and whom we are made to pronounce cursed are cursed to eternity and this power no mortal can take out of our hands neither will out God any more give such power unto men whilst this World endures Therefore you that are Judges of this Earth be wise and learned and meddle with those things which you know in this World onely and call not your God to account at your bar for who ever arraigneth a Prophet at his Judgement Seat it is all one as arraigning his God for a Prophet commeth in the name and power of his God therefore he that despiseth the Prophet despiseth him that sent him Again we declare from the Lord Jesus if any Magistrate pretends to be a Preacher of the Gospel he having no Commission from our God so to do if he preach any more after we forbid him then we have full power to pronounce the sentence of eternal death upon him and it is so unrevocable Again we declare from the Lord Jesus that the cause why so many Magistrates and Ministers must suffer the vengeance of eternal death is because with one consent they fight against the true Messengers of God with the temporal Law invested upon them by men Again woe would have been unto U● 〈◊〉 wee had come in our own name but wee know that God sent us as sure as he sent Moses the Prophets and the Apostles and that great Authority as to be Judges of blasphemy against the Holy Ghost wee onely are invested withal Wherefore you Magistrates that are not yet under this sentence of eternal death from the Lord Jesus our counsel is if you desire blessedness in the life to come that you would not meddle to be the Judges of spiritual things knowing you have no Commission from the Lord remember the counsel of Caiphas the High Priest if it be possible and prevent the Lord Mayors eternal curse SIR THe 15. of September 1653. you may remember by vertue of your Warrant wee were brought before you not being guilty of the breach of any civil Law the man Jesus our onely God elect men and Angels will beare us witness too but we being accused of words only in relation to a Commission received from our God by voice from Heaven it was your pleasure to commit us unto Newgate as the only offenders in this world notwithstanding I gave you a full account of the Lord Jesus speaking unto me by voice of words three morning together commanding me to deliver this his wonderful and strange message unto Magistrates Ministers and people concerning his blessing or