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A36657 Oedipus a tragedy, as it is acted at His Royal Highness, the Duke's Theatre / the authors, Mr. Dryden and Mr. Lee. Dryden, John, 1631-1700.; Sophocles. Oedipus Rex.; Lee, Nathaniel, 1653?-1692. 1679 (1679) Wing D2322; ESTC R22022 48,606 90

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Cithaeron Phor. Who my Lord this man Oed. This Man this old this venerable Man Speak did'st thou ever meet him there Phor. Where sacred Sir Oed. Near Mount Cithaeron answer to the purpose 'T is a King speaks and Royal minutes are Of much more worth than thousand Vulgar years Did'st thou e're see this Man near Mount Cithaeron Phor. Most sure my Lord I have seen lines like those His Visage bears but know not where nor when AEge Is 't possible you should forget your ancient Friend There are perhaps Particulars which may excite your dead remembrance Have you forgot I took an Infant from you Doom'd to be murder'd in that gloomy Vale The Swadling-bands were purple wrought with Gold Have you forgot too how you wept and begg'd That I should breed him up and ask no more Phor. What-e're I begg'd thou like a Dotar'd speak'st More than is requisite and what of this Why is it mention'd now and why O why Dost thou betray the secrets of thy Friend AEge Be not too rash That Infant grew at last A King and here the happy Monarch stands Phor. Ha! whither would'st thou O what hast thou utter'd For what thou hast said Death strike thee dumb for ever Oed. Forbear to Curse the innocent and be Accurst thy self thou shifting Traytor Villain Damn'd Hypocrite equivocating Slave Phor. O Heav'ns wherein my Lord have I offended Oed. Why speak you not according to my charge Bring forth the Rack since mildness cannot win you Torments shall force Phor. Hold hold O dreadful Sir You will not Rack an innocent old man Oed. Speak then Phor. Alas what would you have me say Oed. Did this old man take from your Arms an Infant Phor. He did And Oh! I wish to all the Gods Phorbas had perish'd in that very moment Oed. Moment Thou shalt be hours days years a dying Here bind his hands he dallies with my fury But I shall find a way Phor. My Lord I said I gave the Infant to him Oed. Was he thy own or given thee by another Phor. He was not mine but given me by another Oed. Whence and from whom what City of what House Phor. O Royal Sir I bow me to the ground Would I could sink beneath it by the Gods I do Conjure you to inquire no more Oed. Furies and Hell Haemon bring forth the Rack Fetch hither Cords and Knives and Sulphurous flames He shall be bound and gash'd his skin flead off And burnt alive Phor. O spare my age Oed. Rise then and speak Phor. Dread Sir I will Oed. Who gave that Infant to thee Phor. One of King Lajus Family Oed. O you immortal Gods But say who was 't Which of the Family of Lajus gave it A Servant or one of the Royal-blood Phor. O wretched State I dye unless I speak And if I speak most certain death attends me Oed. Thou shalt not dye Speak then who was it speak While I have sense to understand the horrour For I grow cold Phor. The Queen Jocasta told me It was her Son by Lajus Oed. O you Gods But did she give it thee Phor. My Lord she did Oed. Wherefore for what O break not yet my heart Tho' my eyes burst no matter wilt thou tell me Or must I ask for ever for what end Why gave she thee her Child Phor. To murder it Oed. O more than savage murder her own bowels Without a Cause Phor. There was a dreadful one Which had foretold that most unhappy Son Should kill his Father and enjoy his Mother Oed. But one thing more Jocasta told me thou wert by the Chariot When the old King was slain Speak I conjure thee For I shall never ask thee ought again What was the number of th' Assassinates Phor. The dreadful deed was acted but by one And sure that one had much of your resemblance Oed. 'T is well I thank you Gods 't is wondrous well Daggers and Poyson O there is no need For my dispatch and you you merciless Pow'rs Hoord up your Thunder-stones keep keep your Bolts For Crimes of little note Falls Adr. Help Haemon help and bow him gently forward Chafe chafe his Temples how the mighty Spirits Half strangled with the damp his sorrows rais d Struggle for vent but see he breathes again And vigorous Nature breaks through all opposition How fares my Royal Friend Oed. The worse for you O barbarous men and oh the hated light Why did you force me back to curse the day To curse my friends to blast with this dark breath The yet untainted Earth and circling Air To raise new Plagues and call new Vengeance down Why did you tempt the Gods and dare to touch me Methinks there 's not a hand that grasps this Hell But should run up like Flax all blazing fire Stand from this spot I wish you as my friends And come not near me lest the gaping Earth Swallow you too Lo I am gone already Draws and claps his Sword to his breast which Adrastus strikes away with his foot Adr. You shall no more be trusted with your life Creon Alcander Haemon help to hold him Oed. Cruel Adrastus wilt thou Haemon too Are these the Obligations of my Friends O worse than worst of my most barbarous Foes Dear dear Adrastus look with half an Eye On my unheard-of Woes and judge thy self If it be fit that such a Wretch should live O by these melting Eyes unus'd to weep With all the low submissions of a Slave I do conjure thee give my horrours way Talk not of life for that will make me rave As well thou may'st advise a tortur'd wretch All mangled o're from head to foot with wounds And his bones broke to wait a better day Adr. My Lord you ask me things impossible And I with Justice should be thought your Foe To leave you in this Tempest of your Soul Tir. Tho' banish'd Thebes in Corinth you may Reign Th' Infernal Pow'rs themselves exact no more Calm then your rage and once more seek the Gods Oed. I 'll have no more to do with Gods nor Men Hence from my Arms avant Enjoy thy Mother What violate with Beastial appetite The sacred Veils that wrapt thee yet unborn This is not to be born Hence off I say For they who lett my Vengeance make themselves Accomplices in my most horrid guilt Adr. Let it be so we 'll fence Heav'ns fury from you And suffer all together This perhaps When ruine comes may help to break your fall Oed. O that as oft I have at Athens seen The Stage arise and the big Clouds descend So now in very deed I might behold The pond'rous Earth and all you marble Roof Meet like the hands of Jove and crush Mankind For all the Elements and all the Pow'rs Celestial nay Terrestrial and Infernal Conspire the rack of out-cast Oedipus Fall darkness then and everlasting night Shadow the Globe may the Sun never dawn The Silver Moon be blotted from her Orb And for an Universal rout of Nature
your pen'worths of the Play And come resolv'd to Damn because you pay Record it in memorial of the Fact The first Play bury'd since the Wollen Act. OEDIPUS ACT. I. SCENE Thebes The Curtain rises to a plaintive Tune representing the present condition of Thebes Dead Bodies appear at a distance in the Streets Some faintly go over the Stage others drop Enter Alcander Diocles Pyracmon Alc. MEthinks we stand on Ruines Nature shakes About us and the Universal Frame So loose that it but wants another push To leap from off its Hindges Dioc. No Sun to chear us but a Bloody Globe That rowls above a bald and Beamless Fire His Face o're-grown with Scurf the Sun 's sick too Shortly he 'll be an Earth Pyr. Therefore the Seasons Lye all confus'd and by the Heaven 's neglected Forget themselves Blind Winter meets the Summer In his Mid-way and seeing not his Livery Has driv'n him headlong back And the raw damps With flaggy Wings fly heavily about Scattering their Pestilential Colds and Rheumes Through all the lazy Air. Alc. Hence Murrains follow'd On bleating Flocks and on the lowing Herds At last the Malady Grew more domestick and the faithful Dog Dy'd at his Masters Feet Dioc. And next his Master For all those Plagues which Earth and Air had brooded First on inferiour Creatures try'd their force And last they seiz'd on man Pyr. And then a thousand deaths at once advanc'd And every Dart took place all was so sudden That scarce a first man fell one but began To wonder and straight fell a wonder too A third who stoop'd to raise his dying Friend Dropt in the pious Act. Heard you that groan Groan within Dioc. A Troop of Ghosts took flight together there Now Death's grown riotous and will play no more For single Stakes but Families and Tribes How are we sure we breath not now our last And that next minute Our Bodies cast into some common Pit Shall not be built upon and overlaid By half a people Alc. There 's a Chain of Causes Link'd to Effects invincible Necessity That what e're is could not but so have been That 's my security To them Enter Creon Creon So had it need when all our Streets lye cover'd With dead and dying men And Earth exposes Bodies on the Pavements More than she hides in Graves Betwixt the Bride and Bridegroom have I seen The Nuptial Torch do common offices Of Marriage and of Death Dios. Now Oedipus If he return from War our other plague Will scarce find half he left to grace his Triumphs Pyr. A feeble Paean will be sung before him Alc. He would do well to bring the Wives and Children Of conquer'd Argians to renew his Thebes Creon May Funerals meet him at the City Gates With their detested Omen Dioc. Of his Children Creon Nay though she be my Sister of his Wife Alc. O that our Thebes might once again behold A Monarch Theban born Dioc. We might have had one Pyr. Yes had the people pleas'd Creon Come y' are my Friends The Queen my Sister after Lajus's death Fear'd to lye single and supply'd his place With a young Successour Dioc. He much resembles Her former Husband too Alc. I always thought so Pyr. When twenty Winters more have grizzl'd his black Locks He will be very Lajus Creon So he will Mean time she stands provided of a Lajus More young and vigorous too by twenty Springs These Women are such cunning Purveyors Mark where their Appetites have once been pleas'd The same resemblance in a younger Lover Lyes brooding in their Fancies the same Pleasures And urges their remembrance to desire Dioc. Had merit not her dotage been consider'd Then Creon had been King but Oedipus A stranger Creon That word stranger I confess Sounds harshly in my Ears Dioc. We are your Creatures The people prone as in all general ills To sudden change the King in Wars abroad The Queen a Woman weak and unregarded Eurydice the Daughter of dead Lajus A Princess young and beautious and unmarried Methinks from these disjointed propositions Something might be produc'd Creon The Gods have done Their part by sending this commodious plague But oh the Princess her hard heart is shut By Adamantine Locks against my Love Alc. Your claim to her is strong you are betroth'd Pyr. True in her Nonage Alc. But that let 's remov'd Dioc. I heard the Prince of Argos young Adrastus When he was hostage here Creon Oh name him not the bane of all my hopes That hot-brain'd head-long Warriour has the Charms Of youth and somewhat of a lucky rashness To please a Woman yet more Fool than he That thoughtless Sex is caught by outward form And empty noise and loves it self in man Alc. But since the War broke out about our Frontiers He 's now a Foe to Thebes Creon But is not so to her see she appears Once more I 'll prove my Fortune you insinuate Kind thoughts of me into the multitude Lay load upon the Court gull 'em with freedom And you shall see 'em toss their Tails and gad As if the Breeze had stung ' em Dioc. We 'll about it Exeunt Alcander Diocles Pyracmon Enter Euridice Creon Hail Royal Maid thou bright Eurydice A lavish Planet reign'd when thou wert born And made thee of such kindred mold to Heaven Thou seem'st more Heaven 's than ours Euryd. Cast round your Eyes Where late the Streets were so thick sown with men Like Cadmus Brood they justled for the passage Now look for those erected heads and see 'em Like Pebbles paving all our publick ways When you have thought on this then answer me If these be hours of Courtship Creon Yes they are For when the Gods destroy so fast 't is time We should renew the Race Euryd. What in the midst of horrour Creon Why not then There 's the more need of comfort Euryd. Impious Creon Creon Unjust Eurydice can you accuse me Of love which is Heaven's precept and not fear That Vengeance which you say pursues our Crimes Should reach your Perjuries Euryd. Still th' old Argument I bad you cast your eyes on othermen Now cast 'em on your self think what you are Creon A Man Euryd. A Man Creon Why doubt you I 'm a man Euryd. 'T is well you tell me so I should mistake you For any other part o' th' whole Creation Rather than think you man hence from my sight Thou poyson to my eyes Creon 'T was you first poison'd mine and yet methinks My face and person shou'd not make you sport Euryd. You force me by your importunities To shew you what you are Creon A Prince who loves you And since your pride provokes me worth your love Ev'n at its highest value Euryd. Love from thee Why love renounc'd thee e're thou saw'st the light Nature her self start back when thou wert born And cry'd the work 's not mine The Midwife stood aghast and when she saw Thy Mountain back and thy distorted legs Thy face it self Half-minted
obey this Oedipus your King By publick voice elected answer me If this be true 2 Cit. This is true but it 's a hard World Neighbours If a mans Oath must be his master Creon Speak Diocles all goes wrong Dioc. How are you Traytors Countrymen of Thebes This holy Sir who presses you with Oaths Forgets your first were you not sworn before To Lajus and his Blood All. We were we were Dioc. While Lajus has a lawful Successor Your first ●ath still must bind Eurydice Is Heir to Lajus let her marry Creon Offended Heav'n will never be appeas'd While Oedipus pollutes the Throne of Lajus A stranger to his Blood All. We 'll no Oedipus no Oedipus 1 Cit. He puts the Prophet in a Mouse-hole 2 Cit. I knew it wou'd be so the last man ever speaks the best reason Tir. Can benefits thus dye ungrateful Thebans Remember yet when after Lajus's death The Monster Sphinx laid your rich Country waste Your Vineyards spoil'd your labouring Oxen slew Your selves for fear mew'd up within your Walls She taller than your Gates o're-look'd your Town But when she rais'd her Bulk to sail above you She drove the Air arround her like a Whirlwind And shaded all beneath till stooping down She clap'd her leathern wing against your Tow'rs And thrust out her long neck ev'n to your doors Dioc. Alk. Pyr. We 'll hear no more Tir. You durst not meet in Temples T' invoke the Gods for aid the proudest he Who leads you now then cowr'd like a dar'd Lark This Creon shook for fear The blood of Lajus cruddled in his Veins Till Oedipus arriv'd Call'd by his own high courage and the Gods Himself to you a God ye offer'd him Your Queen and Crown but what was then your Crown And Heav'n authoriz'd it by his success Speak then who is your lawful King All. 'T is Oedipus Tir. 'T is Oedipus indeed your King more lawful Than yet you dream for something still there lyes In Heav'ns dark Volume which I read through mists 'T is great prodigious 't is a dreadful birth Of wondrous Fate and now just now disclosing I see I see how terribly it dawns And my Soul sickens with it 1 Cit. How the God shakes him Tir. He comes he comes Victory Conquest Triumph But oh Guiltless and Guilty Murder Parricide Incest Discovery Punishment 't is ended And all your sufferings o're A Trumpet within Enter Haemon Haem Rouze up ye Thebans tune your Jo. Paeans Your King returns the Argians are o're-come Their Warlike Prince in single Combat taken And led in Bands by God-like Oedipus All. Oedipus Oedipus Oedipus Creon Furies confound his Fortune Haste all haste And meet with Blessings our Victorious King Decree Processions bid new Holy-days Crown all the Statues of our Gods with Garlands And raise a Brazen Collumn thus inscrib'd To Oedipus now twice a Conquerour Deliverer of his Thebes Trust me I weep for joy to see this day aside To them Tir. Yes Heav'n knows why thou weep'st go Countrymen And as you use to supplicate your Gods So meet your King with Bayes and Olive-branches Bow down and touch his Knees and beg from him An end of all your Woes for only he Can give it you Ex. Tiresias the People following Enter Oedipus in triumph Adrastus Prisoner Dymas Train Creon All hail great Oedipus Thou mighty Conquerour hail welcome to Thebes To thy own Thebes to all that 's left of Thebes For half thy Citizens are swept away And wanting to thy Triumphs And we the happy remnant only live To welcome thee and dye Oedipus Thus pleasure never comes sincere to man But lent by Heav'n upon hard Usury And while Jove holds us out the Bowl of Joy E're it can reach our Lips it 's dasht with Gall By some left-handed God O mournful Triumph O Conquest gain'd abroad and lost at home O Argos now rejoyce for Thebes lyes low Thy slaughter'd Sons now smile and think they won When they can count more Theban Ghosts than theirs Adrast. No Argos mourns with Thebes you temper'd so Your Courage while you fought that Mercy seem'd The manlier Virtue and much more prevail'd While Argos is a People think your Thebes Can never want for Subjects Every Nation Will crow'd to serve where Oedipus commands Creon to Haem How mean it shews to fawn upon the Victor Haem Had you beheld him fight you had said otherwise Come 't is brave bearing in him not to envy Superiour Vertue Oed. This indeed is Conquest To gain a Friend like you Why were we Foes Adrast. 'Cause we were Kings and each disdain'd an equal I fought to have it in my pow'r to do What thou hast done and so to use my Conquest To shew thee Honour was my only motive Know this that were my Army at thy Gates And Thebes thus waste I would not take the Gift Which like a Toy dropt from the hands of Fortune Lay for the next chance-comer Oed. embracing No more Captive But Brother of the War 'T is much more pleasant And safer trust me thus to meet thy love Than when hard Gantlets clench'd our Warlike Hands And kept 'em from soft use Adr. My Conquerour Oed. My Friend that other name keeps Enmity alive But longer to detain thee were a Crime To love and to Eurydice go free Such welcome as a ruin'd Town can give Expect from me the rest let her supply Adr. I go without a blush though conquer'd twice By you and by my Princess Ex. Adrastus Creon aside Then I am conquer'd thrice by Oedipus And her and ev'n by him the slave of both Gods I 'm beholding to you for making me your Image VVou'd I cou'd make you mine Ex. Creon Enter the People with branches in their hands holding them up and kneeling Two Priests before them Oedipus Alas my People What means this speechless sorrow down cast eyes And lifted hands if there be one among you Whom grief has left a tongue speak for the rest 1 Pr. O Father of thy Country To thee these knees are bent these eyes are lifted As to a visible Divinity A Prince on whom Heav'n safely might repose The business of Mankind for Providence Might on thy careful bosome sleep secure And leave her task to thee But where 's the Glory of thy former acts Ev'n that 's destroy'd when none shall live to speak it Millions of Subjects shalt thou have but mute A people of the dead a crowded desart A Midnight silence at the noon of day Oed. O were our Gods as ready with their pity As I with mine this Presence shou'd be throng'd With all I left alive and my sad eyes Not search in vain for friends whose promis'd sight Flatter'd my toyls of war 1 Pr. Twice our deliverer Oed. Nor are now your vows Addrest to one who sleeps VVhen this unwelcome news first reach'd my ears Dymas was sent to Delphos to enquire The cause and cure of this contagious ill And is this day return'd but since his message Concerns
descry'd afar Atones the angry Powers Thunder c. Haem Ha! Pyracmon look Behold Alcander from yon' West of Heav'n The perfect Figures of a Man and Woman A Scepter bright with Gems in each right hand Their flowing Robes of dazling Purple made Distinctly yonder in that point they stand Just West a bloody red stains all the place And see their Faces are quite-hid in Clouds Pyr. Clusters of Golden Stars hang o're their heads And seem so crouded that they burst upon 'em All dart at once their baleful influence In leaking Fire Alc. Long-bearded Comets stick Like flaming Porcupines to their left sides As they would shoot their Quills into their hearts Haem But see the King and Queen and all the Court Did ever Day or Night shew ought like this Thunders again The Scene draws and discovers the Prodigies Enter Oedipus Jocasta Euridice Adrastus all coming forward with amazement Oed. Answer you Pow'rs Divine spare all this noise This rack of Heav'n and speak your fatal pleasure Why breaks yon dark and dusky Orb away Why from the bleeding Womb of monstrous Night Burst forth such Miriads of abortive Stars Ha! my Jocasta look the Silver Moon A setling Crimson stains her beauteous Face She 's all o're Blood and look behold again What mean the mistick-Heavens she journeys on A vast Eclipse darkens the labouring Planet Sound there sound all our Instruments of War Clarions and Trumpets Silver Brass and Iron And beat a thousand Drums to help her Labour Adr. 'T is vain you see the Prodigies continue Let 's gaze no more the Gods are humorous Oed. Forbear rash man Once more I ask your pleasure If that the glow-worm-light of Humane Reason Might dare to offer at Immortal knowledge And cope with Gods why all this storm of Nature Why do the Rocks split and why rouls the Sea Why these Portents in Heav'n and Plagues on Earth VVhy yon' Gygantick Forms Ethereal Monsters Alas is all this but to fright the Dwarfs Which your own hands have made Then be it so Or if the Fates resolve some Expiation For murder'd Lajus Hear me hear me Gods Hear me thus prostrate Spare this groaning Land Save innocent Thebes stop the Tyrant Death Do this and lo I stand up an Oblation To meet your swiftest and severest anger Shoot all at once and strike me to the Center The Cloud draws that veil'd the he ads of the Figures in the Skie and shews 'em Crown'd with the names of Oedipus and Jocasta written above in great Characters of Gold Adr. Either I dream and all my cooler senses Are vanish'd with that Cloud that fleets away Or just above those two Majestick heads I see I read distinctly in large gold Oedipus and Jocasta Alc. I read the same Adr. 'T is wonderful yet ought not man to wade Too far in the vast deep of Destiny Thunder and the Prodigies vanish Joc. My Lord my Oedipus why gaze you now When the whole Heav'n is clear as if the Gods Had some new Monsters made will you not turn And bless your People who devour each word You breathe Oed. It shall be so Yes I will dye O Thebes to save thee Draw from my heart my blood with more content Than e're I wore thy Crown Yet O Jocasta By all the indearments of miraculous love By all our languishings our fears in pl●●sure Which oft have made us wonder here I swear On thy fair hand upon thy breast I swear I cannot call to mind from budding Childhood To blooming youth a Crime by me committed For which the awful Gods should doom my death Joc. 'T is not you my Lord But he who murder'd Lajus frees the Land Were you which is impossible the man Perhaps my Ponyard first should drink your blood But you are innocent as your Jocasta From Crimes like those This made me violent To save your life which you unjust would lose Nor can you comprehend with deepest thought The horrid Agony you cast me in When you resolv'd to dye Oed. Is 't possible Joc. Alas why start you so Her stiff'ning grief Who saw her Children slaughter'd all at once Was dull to mine Methinks I should have made My bosom bare against the armed God To save my Oedipus Oed. I pray no more Joc. Yo 've silenc'd me my Lord. Oed. Pardon me dear Jocasta Pardon a heart that sinks with sufferings And can but vent it self in sobs and murmurs Yet to restore my peace I 'll find him out Yes yes you Gods you shall have ample vengeance On Lajus murderer O the Traytor 's name I 'll know 't I will Art shall be Conjur'd for it And Nature all unravel'd Joc. Sacred Sir Oed. Rage will have way and 't is but just I 'll fetch him Tho' lodg'd in Air upon a Dragon's wing Tho' Rocks should hide him nay he shall be dragg'd From Hell if Charms can hurry him along His Ghost shall be by sage Tiresias pow'r Tiresias that rules all beneath the Moon Confin'd to flesh to suffer death once more And then be plung'd in his first fires again Enter Creon Cre. My Lord Tiresias attends your pleasure Oed. Haste and bring him in O my Jocasta Euridice Adrastus Creon and all ye Thebans now the end Of Plagues of Madness Murders Prodigies Draws on This Battel of the Heav'ns and Earth Shall by his wisdom be reduc'd to peace Enter Tiresias leaning on a staff led by his Daughter Manto follow'd by other Thebans O thou whose most aspiring mind Know'st all the business of the Courts above Open'st the Closets of the Gods and dares To mix with Jove himself and Fate at Council O Prophet answer me declare aloud The Traytor who conspir'd the death of Lajus Or be they more who from malignant Stars Have drawn this Plague that blasts unhappy Thebes Tir. We must no more than Fate commissions us To tell yet something and of moment I 'll unfold If that the God would wake I feel him now Like a strong Spirit Charm'd into a Tree That leaps and moves the Wood without a Wind The rouz'd God as all this while he lay Intomb'd alive starts and dilates himself He struggles and he tears my aged Trunk With holy Fury my old Arteries burst My rivel'd skin Like Parchment crackles at the hallow'd fire I shall be young again Manto my Daughter Thou hast a voice that might have sav'd the Bard Of Thrace and fore'd the raging Bacchanals With lifted Prongs to listen to thy airs O Charm this God this Fury in my bosom Lull him with tuneful notes and artful strings With pow'rful strains Manto my lovely Child Sooth the unruly God-head to be mild SONG to Apollo Phoebus God belov'd by men At thy dawn every Beast is rouz'd in his Den At thy setting all the Birds of thy absence complain And we dye all dye till the morning comes again Phoebus God belov'd by men Idol of the Eastern Kings Awful as the God who flings His Thunder round and the Lightning wings God of Songs
and Orphean strings Who to this mortal bosom brings All harmonious heav'nly things Thy drouzie Prophet to revive Ten thousand thousand forms before him drive With Chariots and Horses all o' fire awake him Convulsions and Furies and Prophesies shake him Let him tell it in groans tho' he bend with the load Tho' he burst with the weight of the terrible God Tir. The wretch who shed the blood of old Labdacides Lives and is great But cruel greatness ne're was long The first of Lajus blood his life did seize And urg'd his Fate Which else had lasting been and strong The wretch who Lajus kill'd must bleed or fly Or Thebes consum'd with Plagues in ruines lye Oed. The first of Lajus blood pronounce the person May the God roar from thy prophetick mouth That even the dead may start up to behold Name him I say that most accursed wretch For by the Stars he dies Speak I command thee By Phoebus speak for sudden death 's his doom Here shall he fall bleed on this very spot His name I charge the once more speak Tir. 'T is lost Like what we think can never shun remembrance Yet of a sudden's gone beyond the Clouds Oed. Fetch it from thence I 'll have 't where e're it be Cre. Let me intreat you sacred Sir be calm And Creon shall point out the great Offendor 'T is true respect of Nature might injoin Me silence at another time but oh Much more the pow'r of my eternal Love That that should strike me dumb yet Thebes my Country I 'll break through all to succour thee poor City O I must speak Oed. Speak then if ought thou know'st As much thou seem'st to know delay no longer Cre. O Beauty O illustrious Royal Maid To whom my Vows were ever paid till now And with such modest chaste and pure affection The coldest Nymph might read 'em without blushing Art thou the Murdress then of wretched Lajus And I must I accuse thee O my tears Why will you fall in so abhorr'd a Cause But that thy beauteous barbarous hand destroy'd Thy Father O monstrous act both Gods And men at once take notice Oed. Euridice Eur. Traytor go on I scorn thy little malice And knowing more my perfect innocence Than Gods and men then how much more than thee Who art their opposite and form'd a Lyar I thus disdain thee Thou once didst talk of Love Because I hate thy love Thou dost accuse me Adr. Villain inglorious Villain And Traytor double damn'd who dur'st blaspheme The spotless virtue of the brightest beauty Thou dy'st nor shall the sacred Majesty That guards this place preserve thee from my rage Draws and wounds him Oed. Disarm 'em both Prince I shall make you know That I can tame you twice Guards seize him Adr. Sir I must acknowledge in another Cause Repentance might abash me but I glory In this and smile to see the Traytor 's blood Oed. Creon you shall be satisfy'd at full Cre. My hurt is nothing Sir but I appeal To wise Tiresias if my accusation Be not most true The first of Lajus blood Gave him his death Is there a Prince before her Then she is faultless and I ask her pardon And may this blood ne're cease to drop O Thebes If pity of thy sufferings did not move me To shew the Cure which Heav'n it self prescrib'd Eur. Yes Thebans I will dye to save your lives More willingly than you can wish my fate But let this good this wife this holy man Pronounce my Sentence for to fall by him By the vile breath of that prodigious Villain Would sink my Soul tho I should dye a Martyr Adr. Unhand me slaves O mightiest of Kings See at your feet a Prince not us'd to kneel Touch not Euridice by all the Gods As you would save your Thebes but take my life For should she perish Heav'n would heap plagues on plagues Rain Sulphur down hurl kindled bolts Upon your guilty heads Cre. You turn to gallantry what is but justice Proof will be easie made Adrastus was The Robber who bereft th' unhappy King Of life because he flatly had deny'd To make so poor a Prince his Son-in-law Therefore 't were fit that both should perish 1 Theb. Both let both dye All Theb. Both both let 'em dye Oed. Hence you wild herd For your Ring-leader here He shall be made Example Haemon take him 1 Theb. Mercy O mercy Oed. Mutiny in my presence Hence let me see that busie face no more Tir. Thebans what madness makes you drunk with rage Enough of guilty death 's already acted Fierce Creon has accus'd Euridice With Prince Adrastus which the God reproves By inward checks and leaves their Fates in doubt Oed. Therefore instruct us what remains to do Or suffer for I feel a sleep like death Upon me and I sigh to be at rest Tir. Since that the pow'rs divine refuse to clear The mystic deed I 'll to the Grove of Furies There I can force th' Infernal Gods to shew Their horrid Forms Each trembling Ghost shall rise And leave their grizly King without a waiter For Prince Adrastus and Euridice My life 's engag'd I 'll guard 'em in the Fane Till the dark mysteries of Hell are done Follow me Princes Thebans all to rest O Oedipus to morrow but no more If that thy wakeful Genius will permit Indulge thy brain this night with softer slumbers To morrow O to morrow sleep my Son And in prophetick dreams thy Fate be shown Ex. Tires Adrast. Eurid Manto Thebans Manent Oed. Joc. Creon Pyrac Haem Alcan Oed. To bed my Fair my Dear my best Jocasta After the toils of war 't is wondrous strange Our loves should thus be dash'd One moment's thought And I 'll approach the arms of my belov'd Joc. Consume whole years in care so now and then I may have leave to feed my famish'd eyes With one short passing glance and sigh my vows This and no more my Lord is all the passion Of languishing Jocasta Exit Oed. Thou softest sweetest of the World good night Nay she is beauteous too yet mighty Love I never offer'd to obey thy Laws But an unusual chillness came upon me An unknown hand still check'd my forward joy Dash'd me with blushes tho' no light was near That ev'n the Act became a violation Pyr. He 's strangely thoughtful Oed. Hark! who was that Ha! Creon did'st thou call me Cre. Not I my gracious Lord nor any here Oed. That 's strange methought I heard a doleful voice Cry'd Oedipus The Prophet bad me sleep He talk'd of Dreams and Visions and to morrow I 'll muse no more on 't come what will or can My thoughts are clearer than unclouded Stars And with those thoughts I 'll rest Creon good night Ex. with Haemon Cre. Sleep seal your eyes Sir Eternal sleep But if he must sleep and wake again O all Tormenting Dreams wild horrours of the night And Hags of Fancy wing him through the air From precipices hurl him
adorn'd with all the Riches That Empire could bestow in costly Mantles Upon it's Infant Heir Oed. But was I made the Heir of Corinth's Crown Because AEgeon's hands presented me AEge By my advice Being past all hope of Children He took embrac'd and own'd you for his Son Oed. Perhaps I then am your's instruct me Sir If it be so I 'll kneel and weep before you With all th' obedience of a penitent Child Imploring pardon Kill me if you please I will not writhe my Body at the wound But sink upon your feet with a last sigh And ask forgiveness with my dying hands AEge O rise and call not to this aged Cheek The little blood which should keep warm my heart You are not mine nor ought I to be blest With such a God-like off-spring Sir I found you Upon the Mount Cithaeron Oed. O speak go on the Air grows sensible Of the great things you utter and is calm The hurry'd Orbs with Storms so Rack'd of late Seem to stand still as if that Jove were talking Cithaeron speak the Vally of Cithaeron AEge Oft-times before I thither did resort Charm'd with the conversation of a man Who led a Rural life and had command O're all the Shepherds who about those Vales Tended their numerous Flocks in this man's Arms I saw you smiling at a fatal Dagger Whose point he often offer'd at your throat But then you smil'd and then he drew it back Then lifted it again you smil'd again Till he at last in fury threw it from him And cry'd aloud the Gods forbid thy death Then I rush'd in and after some discourse To me he did bequeath your innocent life And I the welcome care to Polybus Oed. To whom belongs the Master of the Shepherds AEge His name I knew not or I have forgot That he was of the Family of Lajus I well remember Oed. And is your Friend alive for if he be I 'll buy his presence tho'it cost my Crown AEge Your menial Attendants best can tell Whether he lives or not and who has now His place Joc. Winds bear me to some barren Island Where print of humane Feet was never seen O're-grown with Weeds of such a monstrous height Their baleful tops are wash'd with bellying Clouds Beneath whose venomous shade I may have vent For horrors that would blast the Barbarous World Oed. If there be any here that knows the person Whom he describ'd I charge him on his life To speak concealment shall be sudden death But he who brings him forth shall have reward Beyond Ambition's lust Tir. His name is Phorbas Jocasta knows him well but if I may Advise Rest where you are and seek no farther Oed. Then all goes well Since Phorbas is secur'd By my Jocasta Haste and bring him forth My Love my Queen give Orders Ha! what means These Tears and Groans and Struglings speak my Fair What are thy troubles Joc. Yours and yours are mine Let me Conjure you take the Prophets Counsel And let this Phorbas go Oed. Not for the World By all the Gods I 'll know my birth tho' death Attends the search I have already past The middle of the Stream and to return Seems greater labour than to venture o're Therefore produce him Joc. Once more by the Gods I beg my Oedipus my Lord my Life My love my all my only utmost hope I beg you banish Phorbas O the Gods I kneel that you may grant this first request Deny me all things else but for my sake And as you prize your own eternal quiet Never let Phorbas come into your presence Oed. You must be rais'd and Phorbas shall appear Tho' his dread eyes were Basilisks Guards haste Search the Queens Lodgings find and force him hither Exeunt Guards Joc. O Oedipus yet send And stop their entrance e're it be too late Unless you wish to see Jocasta rent With Furies slain out right with meer distraction Keep from your eyes and mine the dreadful Phorbas Forbear this search I 'll think you more than mortal Will you yet hear me Oed. Tempests will be heard And Waves will dash tho Rocks their basis keep But see they Enter If thou truly lov'st me Either forbear this Subject or retire Enter Haemon Guards with Phorbas Joc. Prepare then wretched Prince prepare to hear A story that shall turn thee into Stone Could there be hew'n a monstrous Gap in Nature A flaw made through the Center by some God Through which the groans of Ghosts might strike thy ears They would not wound thee as this Story will Hark hark a hollow Voice calls out aloud Jocasta yes I 'll to the Royal Bed Where first the Mysteries of our loves were acted And double dye it with imperial Crimson Tear off this curling hair Be gorg'd with Fire stab every vital part And when at last I 'm slain to Crown the horrour My poor tormented Ghost shall cleave the ground To try if Hell can yet more deeply wound Ex. Oed. She 's gon and as she went methought her eyes Grew larger while a thousand frantick Spirits Seething like rising bubbles on the brim Peep'd from the Watry brink and glow'd upon me I 'll seek no more but hush my Genius up That throws me on my Fate Impossible O wretched Man whose too too busie thoughts Ride swifter than the galloping Heav'ns round With an eternal hurry of the Soul Nay there 's a time when ev'n the rowling year Seems to stand still dead calms are in the Ocean When not a breath disturbs the drowzy Waves But Man the very Monster of the World Is ne're at rest the Soul for ever wakes Come then since Destiny thus drives us on Let 's know the bottom Haemon you I sent Where is that Phorbas Haem Here my Royal Lord. Oed. Speak first AEgeon say is this the Man AEge My Lord it is Tho' time has plough'd that face With many furrows since I saw it first Yet I 'm too well acquainted with the ground quite to forget it Oed. Peace stand back a while Come hither Friend I hear thy name is Phorbas Why dost thou turn thy face I charge thee answer To what I shall enquire Wert thou not once The Servant of King Lajus here in Thebes Phor. I was great Sir his true and faithful Servant Born and bred up in Court no forreign Slave Oed. What Office hadst thou what was thy Employment Phor. He made me Lord of all his Rural Pleasures For much he lov'd 'em oft I entertain'd With sporting Swains o're whom I had command Oed. Where was thy Residence to what part o' th' Country Didst thou most frequently resort Phor. To Mount Citharon and the pleasant Vallies Which all about lye shadowing it's large feet Oed. Come forth AEgeon Ha! why starts thou Phorbas Forward I say and Face to Face confront him Look wistly on him through him if thou canst And tell me on thy life say dost thou know him Did'st thou e're see him converse with him Near Mount
the noise of clashing Swords the sound Comes near O that a Battel would come o're me If I but grasp a Sword or wrest a Dagger I 'll make a ruine with the first that falls Enter Haemon with Guards Haem Seize him and bear him to the Western-Tow'r Pardon me sacred Sir I am inform'd That Creon has designs upon your life Forgive me then if to preserve you from him I order your Confinement Oed. Slaves unhand me I think thou hast a Sword 't was the wrong side Yet cruel Haemon think not I will live He that could tear his eyes out sure can find Some desperate way to stifle this curst breath Or if I starve but that 's a lingring Fate Or if I leave my brains upon the wall The Aiery Soul can easily o're-shoot Those bounds with which thou strive'st to pale her in Yes I will perish in despite of thee And by the rage that stirs me if I meet thee In the other World I 'll curse thee for this usage Exit Haem Tiresias after him and with your Counsel Advise him humbly Charm if possible These feuds within while I without extinguish Or perish in th' Attempt the furious Creon That Brand which sets our City in a Flame Tir. Heav'n prosper your intent and give a period To all your Plagues what old Tiresias can Shall straight be done Lead Manto the Tow'r Ex. Tir. Manto Haem Follow me all and help to part this Fray Or fall together in the bloody broil Trumpets again Ex. Enter Creon with Eurydice Pyracmon and his party giving ground to Adrastus Cre. Hold hold your Arms Adrastus Prince of Argos Hear and behold Eurydice is my Prisoner Adr. What would'st thou Hell-hound Cre. See this brandish'd Dagger Forgo th' advantage which thy Arms have won Or by the blood which trembles through the heart Of her whom more than life I know thou lov'st I 'll bury to the haft in her fair breast This Instrument of my Revenge Adr. Stay thee damn'd wretch hold stop thy bloody hand Cre. Give order then that on this instant now This moment all thy Souldiers straight disband Adr. Away my Friends since Fate has so allotted Begon and leave me to the Villain 's mercy Eur. Ah my Adrastus call 'em call 'em back Stand there come back O cruel barbarous Men Could you then leave your Lord your Prince your King After so bravely having fought his Cause To perish by the hand of this base Villain Why rather rush you not at once together All to his ruine drag him through the Streets Hang his contagious Quarters on the Gates Nor let my death affright you Cre. Dye first thy self then Adr. O I charge thee hold Hence from my presence all he 's not my Friend That disobeys See art thou now appeas'd Or is there ought else yet remains to do That can atone thee slake thy thirst of blood With mine but save O save that innocent wretch Ex. Attendants Cre. Forego thy Sword and yield thy self my Prisoner Eur. Yet while there 's any dawn of hope to save Thy precious life my dear Adrastus What-e're thou dost deliver not thy Sword With that thou may'st get off tho' odds oppose thee For me O fear not no he dares not touch me His horrid love will spare me Keep thy Sword Lest I be ravish'd after thou art slain Adr. Instruct me Gods what shall Adrastus do Cre. Do what thou wilt when she is dead My Souldiers With numbers wll o're-pow'r thee I' st thy wish Eurydice should fall before thee Adr. Traytor no Better that thou and I and all mankind Should be no more Creon Then cast thy Sword away And yield thee to my mercy or I strike Adr. Hold thy rais'd Arm give me a moment's pause My Father when he blest me gave me this My Son said he let this be thy last refuge If thou forego'st it misery attends thee Yet Love now charms it from me which in all The hazards of my life I never lost 'T is thine my faithful Sword my only trust Tho' my heart tells me that the gift is Fatal Cre. Fatal yes foolish Love-sick Prince it shall Thy arrogance thy scorn My wounds remembrance Turn all at once the Fatal point upon thee Pyracmon to the Palace dispatch The King hang Haemon up for he is Loyal And will oppose me Come Sir are you ready Adr. Yes Villain for what-ever thou canst dare Eur. Hold Creon or through me through me you wound Adr. Off Madam or we perish both behold I 'm not unarm'd my ponyard's in my hand Therefore away Eur. I 'll guard your life with mine Cre. Dye both then there is now no time for dallying Kills Eurydice Eur. Ah Prince farewel farewel my dear Adrastus Dyes Adr. Unheard of Monster eldest-born of Hell Down to thy Primitive Flames Stabs Creon Cre. Help Souldiers help Revenge me Adr. More yet more a thousand wounds I 'll stamp thee still thus to the gaping Furies Adrastus falls kill'd by the Souldiers Enter Haemon Guards with Alcander and Pyracmon bound the Assassins are driven off O Haemon I am slain nor need I name The inhumane Author of all Villanies There he lyes gasping Cre. If I must plunge in Flames Burn first my Arm base instrument unfit To act the dictates of my daring mind Burn burn for ever O weak Substitute Of that the God Ambition Dyes Adr. She 's gone O deadly Marks-man in the heart Yet in the pangs of death she grasps my hand Her lips too tremble as if she would speak Her last farewel O Oedipus thy fall Is great and nobly now thou goest attended They talk of Heroes and Celestial Beauties And wondrous pleasures in the other World Let me but find her there I ask no more Dyes Enter a Captain to Haemon with Tiresias and Manto Cap. O Sir the Queen Jocasta swift and wild As a robb'd Tygress bounding o're the Woods Has acted Murders that amaze mankind In twisted Gold I saw her Daughters hang On the Bed Royal and her little Sons Stabb'd through the breasts upon the bloody Pillows Haem Relentless Heav'ns is then the Fate of Lajus Never to be Aton'd How sacred ought Kings lives be held when but the death of one Demands an Empire 's blood for Expiation But see the furious mad Jocasta's here Scene Draws and discovers Jocasta held by her Women and stabb'd in many places of her bosom her hair dishevel'd her Children slain upon the Bed Was ever yet a sight of so much horrour And pity brought to view Joc. Ah cruel Women Will you not let me take my last farewel Of those dear Babes O let me run and seal My melting Soul upon their bubling wounds I 'll Print upon their Coral mouths such Kisses As shall recall their wandring Spirits home Let me go let me go or I will tear you piece-meal Help Haemon help Help Oedipus help Gods Jocasta Dyes Enter Oedipus above Oed. I 've found a Window and I thank the Gods 'T is quite unbarr'd