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A30851 Vertue betray'd, or, Anna Bullen a tragedy : acted at His Royal Highness, the Duke's Theatre / written by John Banks. Banks, John, d. 1706. 1682 (1682) Wing B667; ESTC R12105 50,050 97

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To what he has been still so obstinate North. Rage and Despair when he shall find her false Will make him rashly change to any state And thinking to be miserable will plunge Into the dreadful Sea of Matrimony And make himself though much against his Will The happiest man that ever was on Earth Enter Cardinal Woolsey musing Behold the proud imperious Cardinal With such a furious Tempest on his Brow As if the World 's four Winds were pent within His blustering Carkass He has heard the News And comes to argue with his Friend the Devil The Reason of his No-Intelligence Roch. The Popedom now and all the Wealth in Rome Can scarcely recompence him for the fright This News has put him in See how he staggers Giddy with th' height his Pride has rais'd him to 'T is then most fatal to unhappy England When such Church Blazing Stars appear in it Ex. North. and Roch. Card. Marry'd in private and declar'd his Queen Katherine divorc'd and Anna Bullen marry'd Now by our Holy Father's Triple Crown It must not cannot nay it shall not be Where was your aid that time you slothful Saints You whom false Zeal created in more numbers Than e're the Heathen made and worshipp'd Gods A Lutheran Queen upon the Throne of England She to lye in the Bosom of our Prince A Buxom King that for a wanton Smile Will pawn his Faith and turn an Heretick Enter the Lady Elizabeth Blunt Blunt Awake thou wretched dreaming Priest look up Can you behold your proud Saint Peter shake The mighty Pillar of that spreading Church That holds the great Religion of the World To stagger and bestow no help no aid From mighty Woolsey's Shoulders to support it Is this the great King Cardinal who late From smallest Root began to shade the Land And stood the tallest Cedar of the Church Shame to thy Priest-hood and thy Scarlet Robe Ev'n thou to whom the liberal See of Rome Has given all next giving of her self Unworthy Servant of so kind a Mistress Card. What does the Fairest mean Blunt Ha! must I teach thee Art thou the Thing that from the Chaff of Mankind From the base scurrilous Rubbish of the World First found thy self a way to thrive by Wit Then edging it with sharpest Villanies Mow'd thee a passage to thy Princes Breast And cut down all the Virtuous from his sight Who chose thee for the Champion of his Vices Whilst thou with labour let loose all their Sluces And pour'd them like a Torrent in his Bosom This you did once confess to me and more When you declar'd how hot you were in love Bullen is Queen the Crown you promis'd me Now wreaths her Head Are these the hopes you gave me When once you said my Son should be a King The News not stirs your Wonder Hell and Furies Card. What wou'd you I should do to serve you Blunt Forgive me tender Woolsey pious Cardinal Shall I then teach your Scarlet Priesthood Blood I would have done as Alexander did The Sixth and the most merciful so nam'd Are there no Consecrated Weapons left Or have you lost the Power to make 'em so Give me Saint Dagger or Saint Poison straight And I will do that Meritorious Act Dispatch her streight to Hell from whence she fetch'd Those Looks that robb'd me of the King and Crown Card. Have patience Madam Blunt Preach it to the Damn'd To those that feel the Rack or Inquisition Curse on your Gown Apologies but more Be curst the time of Bullen's fatal Birth Wrinkles like Age anticipate her Youth Mildews and Blasts devour her wanton Beauties Small-Pox and Leprosies rough-cast her o're Dig up her Charms and Features by the Roots And bury 'em in Pits as deep as Graves Card. Study some Act that may revenge this Fury This hurts no more than Barks of Coward Curs She lives and is as beautiful as ever Be rul'd by me who like a dreadful Piece Am sure to kill where-e're I take my aim Before they hear the Noise or see the Flame Blunt Oh tell me how to quench this Fire within That burns me up with thoughtful Injury Card. An easie way I 'le chalk to your Revenge A Road not steep nor dangerous but smooth So unsuspected and so fatal too That the Queens Fancy and deluded Genius Shall tempt her in the same dissembled Path Taking her by the other hand with us And lead her in the Pit prepar'd for her Blunt Go on my Woolsey charming as the young And more melodious than a Quire of Angels Card. This then it is The King you know's inconstant As jealous and as teasty as old Age So covetous of the pleasure he possesses That he who does but look upon 't must dye With her whose innocent Charms did force him to 't Blunt But how shall we be backt with a pretence Card. 'T is easie to give fire to that fond Breast That is already charg'd with jealous Sulphur The Queen loves Piercy that may be a means And Spies may be laid every where to watch Their Private Meetings and their very looks And then acquaint the Hot-brain'd King with it So streight their joyful Destinies are seal'd Blunt Most admirable Card. If we fail in this Some cry'd-up Beauty ne're yet seen at Court Must be found out to put her in his way And take the Amorous King 'T will certain do For then no greedy Falcon when he sees the Lure Will flye down swifter to be catch'd and hooded Than he into the Fetters of her Charms Blunt O come to my Embrace thou Godlike Priest Balm to my wounded and my tortur'd Bosom Card. Go streight and haste about the Intelligence Blu●t I will Good Fortune has been so propitious To make young Rochford Anna Bullen's Brother Enamour'd of my Beauty him I 'le mould Sound ev'ry thought of his unguarded Soul Linking him close in amorous Intrigues 'Till I have discover'd from him our Design Of Peircy's Love and of his Sisters Conduct Card. An Accident the luckiest that could happen Behold the Queen in her first State and Greatness But yet she bears it with no welcome meen Peircy hangs heavy on her heart and in her Eyes It works it manages as we would have it And in her heedless Innocence she sails Shunning no Rocks no Quick-sands nor no Danger But runs into her Ruine faster than We wish Blunt Her Crown is hideous to my sight Its Jewels fatal as the Eyes of Basilisks O Cardinal This Rival-Queen and I Should never meet but in the Scales of Death That weigh all Mortals even and alike Queen Anne appears seated upon a Throne Northumberland Rochford Lords Ladies Attendants and Guards about her Omnes Long live King Henry and Queen Anne of England North. Immortal live Great Queen of England France And Ireland and for ever rule the Heart Of Conquering Henry as he Reigns o're us And all his faithful Subjects I speak it as the Wishes and the Voice Of your most Loyal Kingdoms to
fill my Breast With Woe I 'le lay my Ears to the sad sound And thence Extract it as the Bees do Hony Grief is the Food that the afflicted live by Talk any thing there 's nought so dreadful as The thoughts of injur'd Piercy in my Breast Dian. The Princess Dowager is dead Queen What Princess Art thou a temporizing false one too And hast so soon forgot she was thy Queen Dian. Queen Katherine's dead Queen Alas then is she dead Then she has got the start of Anna Bullen Came you too late to pay my Duty to her Dian. No for sh' enjoyed her Senses to the last And then not seem'd to dye but fall asleep Queen So bold is Innocence it conquers Death And after makes amends for all the wrongs Sustain'd in Life Dian. When I began to tell her I came by your command to make a tender Of your most humble Duty and Condole Her Majesties Mifortune and Distemper She check'd me at that word and as you have seen A clear Sky with a travelling Cloud o'retook And quickly gone so she put on a Frown Which did not last and answer'd with a Smile Why did you say your Majesty to me She said a Name I loath Go tell your Queen Let her not fix on Greatness to be happy But take a sad Example here by me I who was Daughter Niece and Sister too To three great Emperours and Wife alas To the most potent Prince in Christendom Must Dye more wretched than the meanest Creature In a strange Country ' midst my Enemies Not one of all my great Relations here To pity me nor Friend to bury me And then she wept and turn'd her gentle Face The other way and quickly after Dy'd Queen Go on Why dost thou cease this Melody Thy Voice exceeds the mourning Philomels The dying Swan takes not that pleasure in Her note as I in such Celestial Musick Hast thou no more of it Come play the Artist Shew thou to my Fancy Th' Infernal Paths that lead to Infinite Horror Op'n all the Charnel Houses of the Dead And fright away if it be possible The sad Remains of injur'd Piercy here Enter King Exeunt Diana and Rochford King Yonder she is in Tears amidst her Glories You lavish Stars what will content this Scorner From a mean Spring I took this shining Pebble And plac'd her in my Heart and in my Crown The fairest and the best lov'd Jewel there And sate her on my Throne to be ador'd Yet she contemns all this and would do more The Heavens are all too narrow for her Soul Gods you must flatter and descend to her Or she 'll not stir one jot to you She is So very proud Queen My Lord. King Sit down again I but disturb you therefore I 'le return For sure they must be tender thoughts for which You pay such lavish Tribute from your Eyes Queen Sir I was thinking of th' uncertain State Of Greatness and amongst its sad Misfortunes What would become of me alas if you Which I 've no reason to suspect Should change your Love and that produc'd these Tears King Y' are in the right if that should ever happen But what begets such Doubts within your Breast You have done nothing to deserve such fears You love me and as long as that shall last Mistrust not Harry Queen By my hopes I do King Blest sound I will hear nothing but my Bullen Woolsey and Devil tempt me now no more Aside Then shake these Clouds of sorrow from thy Eyes And dart thy brighter Beams like April Sun-shine Into my Bosom and thus lock me ever Oh now I nought remember but thy Charms And quite forget what-e're I was before One word of Bliss one word of Softness from thee To banish hence Suspitions like the Plague And clear our Breasts from jealousies for ever What not a syllable do I deserve These Kisses faint Embraces and these Odours Are ravish'd not bestow'd upon me ha Queen What means my Lord King What means the Traiterous Bullen By Heav'n she wants the cunning Trick and Skill The easie quick Delusion of her Sex To hide her falseness By all Hell she 's damn'd Queen O Gracious Sir King Too gracious not to kill thee For whom for whom are your kind Looks reserv'd Hide you your Minion for his safeguard do For were he 'mongst his happy Stars I 'd reach him I 'm frightful as a Ghost or a Disease For when I think to hold her in these Arms She struggles like the Quarry in the Toil And yields her self unto my loath'd Embraces With such a forc'd and awker'd willingness As men when they are past all hopes of life Resign themselves into the power of Death Queen What Fiend has put such Thoughts into your Breast When did I wrong you How have I been false Yet I will not complain against my Lord. Since 't is your Will Sir have I not obey'd you No Slave so humbly faithful to your Pleasures And in your Bed with blushing paid those Duties That modest Virgin or chast Wife could do And if I was not wanton pray forgive me King Yes yes I have your outside but Hell knows And thy false self who 't is enjoys thy Soul You yield to me indeed 't is true but most Unwillingly you part with your dear Sweets Unless it be to him that has your Hoard But guard your fatal Honey with a Sting 'Gainst those you hate Your Person you resign But as to Prison my Arms are but the Grates Through which your Mind is longing still to be abroad Nay in the very Moment of Enjoyment And who would think but then I should be happy There 's still another's Picture in your Heart On which you look and fansie I am He And all the while I 'm sporting for another Queen Can Heav'n hear this O cruel faithless Lord. King No to thy Syren's Voice I 'le stop my Ears A thousand times like them th' hast cheated me Laid my just Passion to a gentle Calm VVhilst Storms behind were ready to devour me On thy false dangerous Charms I 'le wrack no more But seek for shelter on some kinder Shore A grateful Beauty here shall reign alone And chace thee from my Heart and from thy Throne Ha! who comes there My gentle Woolsey come And with thy Counsel streight defend my Breast The King meets Woolsey and goes out leaning on him Queen Did not my Lord flye from me in a rage Arm'd with a Frown and darted it quite through me And Woolsey in his Favourites place again Nay then the Wonder is expir'd that proud That great bad man and Lucifer ne're meant Me nor my Virtue well The King's Inconstancy Begins to shew its Ianu● Face again And all the Doubts of an Unhappy Wretch My Fears by Day and horrid Dreams by Night Are come to pass Enter Piercy Pier. What shall I fear to see her And tell her Face to Face the Perjuries And Falseness that sh' has heap'd upon her Soul And
Tale be blest And have no other Tongue but thine to tell it Dian. Then with the meekness of a Saint she stood With such amazing Oratory dazled And like the Sun darted quite through her Judges And sham'd their Guilt that none durst look upon her But oh what 's destin'd in the blackest Pit Of Hell what Innocence can n'ere withstand What e're she said that Angels cou'd not siner And shew'd a Soul no Crystal nigh so clear Tho' all appear'd to be the Plot of Devils Yet was she guilty found and oh sad Piercy May all Eyes weep at it like thine and mine Condemn'd to lose her Head Pier. Hell dare not think it Dian. The Cruel Duke of Norfolk her Relation As Steward for the Day pronounc'd the Sentence Pier. And my hard hearted Father too was there Dia. My Lord What said you your hard hearted Father Oh blotted let it be from all Records And never be in Englands Annals read What I 'm about to tell you Her own Father The Earl of Wiltshire sate amongst her Judges Pier. O Monster damn'd than Cruel Titan worse That eat up his own Issue as he got e'm Dia. Behold the King All Knees are bent all Hands All good mens Eyes lift up to Heav'n and him To beg the Life of Her that glads the World Pier. Make use of all thy Womans art to win him Let all Petition him that share her Blood Matrons Wives Virgins all the charming Sex Dia. Do you withdraw You but incense the King Iv'e yet a soft Experiment to try Shall pierce his stubborn Nature to the Quick Pier. That Angel th' art inspir'd with prosper thee Exeunt Enter King and Attendants King Piercy did I not charge he should be seiz'd To the Guards who go out to seize Piercy Now by the sacred Crown of Englands Monarchs Let none entreat me upon pain of Death To Petitioners What 's here a List of base Petitioners ●or Norris Life Hell and Confusion seize 'em 〈◊〉 I not like a Rock against the Seas 〈◊〉 Mountain 'gainst the Winds stood thus unshaken Deny'd all Englands Prayers and Tears of Angels Nay more this heart that pleads with mortal pangs For my dear Anna Bullen's life And shall I Pardon a Slave before I would my Queen Enter Northumberland who kneels King Why dost kneel North. I met my Son this most unlucky moment Just as the Guards were ready to obey And Execute your fatal orders on him Who in despair or rather in obedience Making a faint resemblance to resist As they were striving to put by his Sword He on a sudden open'd wide his Arms And on his Breast received a wilful wound I kneel with humble Prayer's that his Disaster would mitigate your present and just Fury And grant my Son his freedom till his hurt Is cur'd which is not mortal King Be it so Enter Diana leading in the Toung Princess Elizabeth with Women Dian. Pardon this bold Intrusion in your Presence Your Daughter Sir this little Princess here Possest with Womans Rage and far above The little sparkling Reason of a Child Scream'd for her Father Where 's my Father said she And as we brought her to you still she cry'd Unless she saw her Father she wou'd die King What wouldst thou have my little Betty say Child But will you promise me that you 'l not frown And cry aloud Hough and then indeed I 'le tell you King I do Come Let me take thee in my Arms Child No but I 'le kneel for I must be a Beggar And I have learn't that all who beg of you Must do it kneeling North. Prettiest Innocence King well then what is' t my little Pratler say Child I 'm told that streight my Mother is to die Yet I have heard you say you lov'd her dearly And will you let her die and me die too King She must die Child There is no harm in death Besides the Law has said it and She must Child Must is the Law a greater King than you King O yes But do not cry my pretty Betty For she 'l be happier when she 's dead and go To Heaven Child Nay I 'm sure shee 'l go to Heav'n King How art thou sure Child Some body told me so Last night when I was in my sleep King Who was it Child A fine Old man like my Godfather Cranmer Card. Ay! there 's the Egg that hatcht this Cockatrice Child Pray Father what 's that huge tall Bloody man I n'ere saw him but once in all my life And then he frighted me He looks for all The World just like the Picture of the Pope King Why don't you love the Pope Child No indeed don 't I Nor never will King Ay but you must my Dear He is a fine old man too if you saw him Card. Go y' are a little Heretick Child A Heretick Pray Father what does that bold Fellow call me What 's that King Why that 's One that forsakes the right And turns to a new wrong Religion Child Then I 'm no Heretick For I ne're turn'd In all my life But you forget your Child Dear Father will you save my Mother's life King You must not call me Father For they say Y' are not my Daughter Child Who 's am I then Who told you so That ugly old bald Priest He tells untruth I 'm sure you are my Father King How art Child Cause I love none so well as you But oh you 'l never hear me what I have to say As long as He that Devil there stands by Your Elbow King Ha! what Devil Child That Red Thing there King Oh Child He is no Devil he 's a Cardinal Child Why does he wear that huge long Coat then Unless it be to hide his Cloven Feet Card. Sir all 's design'd by Cranmer for the Queen Of whom Sh 'as learnt this Lesson like a Parot King Take her away I were a Fool indeed I● Womens Tears and Childrens idle Prattle Should change my fixt Resolves and cheat my Justice Away with her Child Oh but they dare not Father will you not let your Betty kiss you Why do you let 'em pull me from you so I ne're did anger you Pray save my Mother Dear King-Father do And if you hate her we will promise both That she and I will go a great huge way And never see you more King Unloose her hough Hence with her straight I will not hear her prate Another word Go y' are a naughty Girl Child Well I 'm resolv'd when I am grown a Woman I 'le be reveng'd and cry Hough too Ex. Diana Princess Women King Ha! Spirit Mount all the Draw-Bridges and guard the Gates Then bring the Prisoners sorth to Execution Norris and Rochford first and then the Queen My Lord Northumberland be it your Task Dispatch my Orders straight and fetch the Traytors What 's this that gives my Soul a sudden Twitch And bids me not proceed Ha! is' t Compassion Shall Pity ever fond the Breast of Harry
Earth Hah the times come my Fatal Doom's at Hand Three Drops of Blood falls from her Nose and stains her Handkerchief Behold the Heav'ns in Characters of Blood In three inevitable Drops Have seal'd it and decreed that it is now Ah Piercy fly and leave me here alone To stem this mighty Torrent of my Fate Begone while I have Life to bid thee go For now Death stops my Tongue She Swoones Pier. My Lord She Faints My Life my Anna Bullen stay Or your Commands shall Fetter me no more But break I will through all the Bars of Distance And catch thee thus thus hold thee in my Armes Rochford Oh help to call her back again Hold stop thy flight thou precious Air return Far richer than that rare Immaculate Breath Which Natures God breath'd in the first of Mankind Roch. Wake Sister wake behold no dangers nigh Queen Ah Piercy Now I wake with Courage now To meet my Fate and see where it approaches Enter Cardinal Northumberland and Guards Pier. Ha! Woolsey and my Father with the Guards Card. My Lord e're we discover our Commission Pray let your Son be parted from the Queen Lest the wrong'd King should see him in his Rage And Execute his worst of Fury on him North. Son tho' you have committed in the Court The greatest Crime against your Royal Master That e're a Subject can be guilty of Yet in respect of these Gray Hairs and Tears He has been pelas'd to spare your forfeit Life Therefore begone A Minutes stay is fatal Guards force him if he goes not willingly And carry him streight by Barge to Suffolk-House Without Reply Pier. Obediently I 'le go If you will promise me that you have nought Against the Sacred Person of the Queen And will not touch her For 't is greater Sacriledge Then 't is to hurt an Angel cou'd it be She is so Innocent so Chast and Pure Else I 'm resolv'd to stand no Rock so firm Fixt like the Center to the Massey Globe You should as soon remove strong Hercules With his Hands grasping both the Poles of Heaven As force me from this Footing where I stand And see the Queen but threatned or in danger Card. My Lord on both our Honours the Queens Person Shall be Inviolate and Sacred always Nor know we ought against her but the King Is coming streight to visit her as kindly As he was wont Therefore you must be gone We have no other Reason but your safety Pier. I fear for ah what Truth can come from thee Thou speak'st but at the Second Hand from Hell Kind Sir May I believe what Woolsey says Card. Confirm it good my Lord or you 'l delay North. 'T is true what the great Cardinal has told you Queen Go Piercy and mistrust not more than I Begone if I have Power left to Command Leave me to Innocence and Heav'n that will not Permit a Soul that never did any ill To fear it Pier. Then I 'le go But oh Just Heav'n And all you Angels Cherubins and Thrones All you bright Guards to the most High Imperial You kindest gentlest mildest Planets You lesser Stars you fair Innumerable And all you bright Inhabitants above Protect the Sacred Person of the Queen And shed your balefull'st Venom on their Heads That think to stain a Whiteness like your selves Farewell Ex. Piercy Queen Farewell Card. Iohn Viscount Rochford by the King's Command W' Arrest you here of Capital High Treason Queen Hear Heav'n my Brother faln into the Snare Card. And 't is his Pleasure that you streight be sent Close Prisoner to the Tower with the Lord Norris Who is suspected with you to be Guilty Of the same hainous Crime Guards Seize his Person Roch. Base Villain Traytor Woolsey Say for what Queen No matter Let a Woman teach thee Courage Ne're ask for what since 't is his wise Decree Above who gave us with a liberal Hand And sate us on the highest Spoke of Greatness No longer than he pleas'd to call us down Well Whose turn's next Come dart your worst my Lords And meet a temper'd Breast that knows to bear By my bright Hopes y' are more afraid than I I did expect you would begin with me Card. Most Royal Madam Oh! I wish the King Had chosen some less unwilling than our selves To Execute this most detested Office In Witness of it on our Knees with Tears Kneels And Sorrow we our sad Commission tell It is the Kings most fatal Pleasure too That you be sent a Prisoner to the Tower And thence immediately to both your Tryals Rises Roch. Tryal oh her wrong'd Innocence for what Queen No more Dear Brother let us both submit And give Heav'n Thanks and our most Gracious King For I 'm not so presumptuous of my Virtue But think Dear Rochford that both you and I Have once committed in our erring Lives Something for which we justly merrit Death Though not perhaps the Thing we are accused of Enter the King in a Fury with Letters in his Hand Attendants and Guards Card. The King is here Queen Then he is Merciful King Where is this Woman this most abhorr'd of Wives This Scandal to her Sex my Crown and Life What by your Minion oh good Natur'd Husband Down on your Knees and thank me for the favour See here are Letters faln into my Hands Where your dear Brother says he has enjoy'd you Gives the Letters to the Queen Oh thou more Damn'd and more Insatiate far Than Messalina She was Chast to thee Her half the Men and Slaves of Rome Could satisfy but thou not all Mankind With Husband Brother Kindred in the Number She gives 'em Roch. Queen Oh Heav'nly Pow'rs oh Guard of Innocence What do I see and hear O Sacred Sir You took me to your Royal Bed a Hand-maid The most unworthy of the mighty Favour Oh throw me into Dungeons streight or take Away my Life that ne're offended you Take all in Recompence from Anna Bullen 'T is yours But do not Rob me of my Fame Nor stain my Virtue with so foul a Guilt Roch. What 's here my Amorous Letters sent to Blunt Has she betray'd me King I will hear no more To the Queen Roch. Ah Royal Sir these Letters I confess King Damn thy hot Lustful Breath thy Poysonous Tongue Here take 'em hence to Tortures Racks to Death Queen O Sir I am prepar'd for any Death For worse than Death a thousand thousand Torments And if you think 'em all not pain enough Here take Advice of Woolsey Hee 'l instruct you Tell you how you may plague this hated Body But do not think that I 'm so loath'd a Creature King Quick Take away thy Hands or I will force thee Queen You shall not cannot till I 've Sworn the Truth For by th' unspotted Babe within the Womb That yet lies wrapt in Innocence unborn By injur'd Truth by Souls of Martyr'd Saints By you my Lord my Husband and my King And by the King of Kings the King
pay Dian. Ah Royal Mistress England's falling Star Best Pattern that e're Earth receiv'd from Heav'n I need not fear these Eyes should see you dye For e're that time just grief shall-strike me dead Or Torrents of these Tears will make me blind Queen Come lift her to my Arms and let me kiss her For'tis the last kind Office you will do me Now let me press thy little Coral-Lips With my dead pale ones now and oh let me Infuse some of thy Mothers latest Breath In Blessings on thy tender blooming Soul What 's this that tempts me with a Mothers Fondness To break my Resolution and upbraids me That I must leave thee to a Father's Rage And yet more cruel Enemies to both Leave thee a Lamb 'mongst Wolves for all who 've been Thy Mothers Foes will certainly be thine Dian. Tygers nor Devils or what 's more inhumane Envy of Mankind cannot be so Curst Queen See see Diana by my Wrongs it weeps Weeps like a thing of Sense and not a Child Like one well understood in Grief the Tears Drop sensibly in order down its Cheeks And drowns its pretty Speech in thoughtful Sorrow Nothing could shoot Infection through my Breast But this and this has done it Why weeps my Child Ah what a Question 's that ●●●n Behold how 't strives and betwixt Tears and Throbs If it could form a Language it would speak Queen Strive not for Words my Child these little drops Are far more Eloquent than Speech can be Be pitiful my Lord and thou my kind Diana ever faithful to thy Queen When I am dead as shortly I shall be Take this poor Babe and carry 't to the King Its Lips just pregnant with its Mother's Fondness Perhaps he 'l take her then into his Arms And tho' the favour were to me deny'd Steal there a Kiss of mine Say 't is the last Request of Anna Bullen North. Remove the little Princess To her Apartment where we streight will come And wait on her as is the Queen's Command Queen Yet let me hold her but a moment longer And with this Kiss that now must be my last Unlock a Secret which Heav'n dictates to me If e're there is a Light that does transcend Dark humane Knowledge in the Breast of Man Fate to foresee there is a Light at Death And that now bids me speak Thou little Child Shalt live to see thy Mother's Wrongs o're paid In many Blessings on thy Womans State From this dark Calumny in which I set As in a Cloud thou like a Star shalt rise And awe the Southern World That holy Tyrant Who binds all Europe with the Yoak of Conscience Holding his Feet upon the Necks of Kings Thou shalt destroy and quite unloose his Bonds And lay the Monster trembling at thy Feet When this shall come to pass the World shall see Thy Mothers Innocence reviv'd in thee Ex. Women with the Princess Eliz. North. Madam with greater pain to me than Racks I 'm forc'd to let you know your Brother's dead And that alas you must prepare Queen My Lord I thank you you mistake your noble Office It is the Voice of Angels to wrong'd Martyrs The sound of Cherubs trumpetting from Heav'n I 've heard it said amongst our many Ends Beheading is the mildest Death of any If it be so I thank my Gracious Lord For I was never us'd to pain How say you North. We cannot wish you less since y' are to dye And if the Heads-man do as he 's commanded 'T will be no more than 't is to drop asleep Queen My Lord I 've but a little Neck Therefore I hope he 'l not repeat his Blow But do it like an Artist at one stroke North. There is no fear He has particular Order Queen Then let me go Heav'n chides my fond delay But tell the King I say it as I just Am going to dye I both forgive and bless him And thank him as my kindest Benefactor First from an humble Maid he lifted me To Honour then he took me to his Bed The highest State that I could be on Earth And now as if he thought he ne're could do Enough for me has mounted me to Heav'n North. Mr. Lieutenant on and lead the way Queen If 't is no Sin to skip one moment now Of what belongs to Heav'n let me remember Poor Piercy once Here take this Innocent Kiss A Token to you both 'T is thine and his Farewel Diana Farewell to you all Dian. A long farewell to all our Sexes Glory Queen Weep not for me but hear my dying Sentence Any that shall hereafter fall like me Falsly accus'd by wicked Men and Traytors Tho' in this World y' are great in Virtue strong Never Blaspheme and say that Heav'n does wrong Nor think an undeserved Death is hard For Innocence is still its own Reward And when th' Almighty makes a Saint sometimes He acts by Contraries and Villains Crimes Whilst thus their Malice always cheated is And leads us but the nearest way to Bliss Exit Queen to Execution with Northumberland and Guards Enter Piercy alone Pier. I dread the horrid deed is done or now A doing else what means this sudden Gloom Clad o're the Morning Sky and all Mankind All pass with Horror ●y with frighted Looks and Voice Lift up to H●●v'n who sees and hears in vain Then shake their melancholly heads like Time A general Consternation seizes all As if the Universal Empress of the World Nature it self were fled with Anna Bullen Enter a Gentleman with a Hanckerchief stain'd with the Queens Blood Hast thou beheld this great Eclipse of Virtue Speak is the Queen Beheaded Hast thou done As I commanded Gent. Sir when the fatal blow I saw perform'd Swift as a Whirlewind through the Crowd I rush't And as the Blood from their rich Vessels drain'd This Linnen with the Sacred Crimson stain'd Pier. Giv 't me and leave me to my self a moment Now Sacred Drops now Heavenly Nectar first I 'le kiss then pledge you with a Dying Thirst What 's this I feel my Soul beat at my Wound And bid me to remember now 's the time Now to let out Life's Navigable Stream And mix it with this most Celestial Flood Thus as kind Rivers to their Ocean run First I 'le descend by just degrees to Earth Thus on my Knees and wing my Soul to Heaven Kneels Where Anna Bullen waits her Piercy's coming And with this Bloody Sign the Pow'rs implore Like a poor Wretch Ship-wrackt on some Lone-shoar Who spies a Sail far off waves 'em his Hand To come and waft him from the Barren Land Enter Diana Behold the good Diana By those Tears Something of horror 't is thou hast to say Dian. Alas my Lord what have you done Your Wound does bleed afresh Your Looks are alter'd all those Masculine Beauties That shone in your Illustrious Face and made The noblest brave Epitomy of Mankind Are vanisht on a sudden and you hang Like a pale Carcass on my trembling
Arms Hah let me run and call for help I 'le fetch Your Father fetch the King Quick let me go Pier. O Bear me to some horrid Desart rather Where naught but Tygers Wolves and Panthers breed They are more merciful than King or Parent I feel like the wrong'd Patriarch a desire To do some fatal Mischief with my End Stand by me and Correct me with thy Virtue Else I shall lose the Duty of a Son And Subject do a rashness to be fam'd for Pull down a Show'r of Curses on the Heads Of this Philistim-King and Cruel Father Dian. Still still your looks grow Paler and your strength Decays Oh let me call some help Who 's there Pier. Grief like a subtile Limbeck by degrees With still Dissusion quite dissolves my heart And steals by drops my Blood and Spirits away But first Diana I 'le be just to thee I doubt if I have strength to rise again She raises him upon his Knees My Father made me Vow to be your Husband If I here die I kneel that you 'd forgive me But if I live I 'le keep my Promise to you Dian. You Faint you Sink you Die some Creature help Pier. Go strive to Lave the Water of the Sea And Quench the burning Aetna 't is in vain And so are Esculapius Remedies to me Look see'st thou this as long as I have this Shews the Handkerchief This here to waft me o're Deaths dreadful Main I need no Sword no Poison nor no Pain Dian. What 's that I see Your Blood Your vital Blood Pier. Yes Of a Heart far Dearer than my own Now now my Blood my Crowd of Spirits all Rush to behold and with their Standard fall Dian. Why stand I here like Marble made of Woe And run not for the Cure of both our Lives For shou'd I stay I shall betray my Love In dying with him Exit Diana Running Pier. Thus when the Generous Lyon sees the Blood Of his once Royal Master shed like this Taking the Lawn stain'd with Imperial Gore At first he Frowns and then begins to Roar Lashes his Sides his Fiery Eye-balls rolls and with his awful Voice Revenge he calls Till finding no Relief at length He 's mute And Weeps Tears falling from the Kingly Bruite Then gently on it as his Death-bed lies And with a Groan breaks his stout Heart and Dies Dies Enter Northumberland and Gentlemen Gentl. He 's dead Alas He 's dead W' are come too late North. Here let me fix till my Gray-Hairs shall rot Or turn to Snakes to Plague this Aged Head And never more be lookt on to upbraid me This is a Punishment for what my Eyes Unpitying saw and now I feel dear Piercy Thy Father's Curses on his own Head turn And thou art blest and I alas forlorn Enter King Lords Attendants and Guards King Whom mourn'st thou over Whose dead Body 's that North. 'T is Piercy's You and all good Men shou'd weep For you have lost a faithful Queen and I a son King Thy Tongue 's too bold Are all the Traitors dead North. Norris and Rochford and th' unhappy Queen Were all Beheaded in one Fatal Hour Yet all the Traitors are not dead King What mean'st thou Say Who has scap'd North. The Haughty Blunt deckt with Her proudest Ornaments of Gold and Jewels Came to behold their Ends upon the Scaffold And saw 'em with a Hellish Cruelty Till Anna Bullen's Head lopp'd from her Body The brightest Ornament of that Person fell Upon that wretched Womans Knees as She Was sitting to behold the Dismal sight The Trunkless Head with darting Eyes beheld her Making a motion with its Lips to speak As if they meant t' upbraid her Cursed Treason When streight the dreadful Accident so struck her Swift as a Hind she gave a leap and with A sudden shriek she started into Madness So sierce that just and speedy Death must follow Then uttering strange and horrid Guilty Speeches In her distraction she accus'd her self And Woolsey Talkt the Queen was Innocent Saying the Letters found within her Closet Were false and plac'd by them to ruine Her For which her Cruel Ghost she said did haunt her King Where is the Traitor Woolsey North. Fled to Esher King Go you in Person and secure the Villain Many foul Causes claim his forfeit Life But if I find him Guilty in the least Of a Contrivance with this Cursed Woman Though the Queen justly merited her End I 'le Rack his Soul out with a thousand Tortures North. 'T will be some joy to my Revenge and Piercy's King For thy Sons Death thy King shall be a Mourner Now Heav'n vouchsafe to Pardon till this time What I by Sycophants Advice have done I will be Absolute and Reign alone For where 's a Statesman fam'd for just and wise But makes our Failings still his aim to Rise If Subjects thus their Monarchs Wills restrain 'T is they are Kings for them we idly Reign Then I 'le first break the Yoak this Maxim still shall be my Guide A Prince can do no Ill In spite of Slaves his Genius let him trust For Heav'n n'ere made a King but made him just Exeunt omnes EPILOGUE WEll Sirs!-Your kind Opinion now I pray Of this our neither Whig nor Tory-Play To blow such Coales our Conscious Muse denies Wit Sacred Wit such Subjects should despise The Author saies his Heliconian stream Is not yet drain'd to such a low extream To abuse one Party with a Cursed Play And Bribe the other for a large third Day Like Gladiators then you streight resort And Crowd to make your Nero-Faction sport But what 's more strange that Men of sense shou'd do it For Worrying one another Pay the Poet So Butchers at a Baiting take delight For him that keeps the Bears to Roar and Fight Both Friends and Foes such Authors make their Game Who have your Money that was all their Ayme No matter for the Play nor for their Wit The better Farce is Acted in the Pit Both Parties to be cheated well agree And swallow any Nonsense so it be With Faction fac'd and guilt with Loyalty Here 's such a Rout with Whigging and with Torying That you neglect your dear-lov'd sin of Whoring The Visor-mask that ventur'd her Half-Crown Finding no hopes but here to be undone Like a Cast Mistress past her dear-delight Turns Godly streight and goes to Church in spite And does not doubt since you are grown so fickle To find more Cullies in a Conventicle We on the Stage stand still and are content To see you Act what we should Represent You use us like the Women that you Woe You make us sport and Pay us for it too Well w' are resolv'd that in our next Play-Bill To Print at large a Tryal of your skill And that five hundred Monsters are to fight Then more will run to see so strange a sight Than the Morocco or the Muscovite FINIS