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A19056 Chronographia A description of time, from the beginning of the vvorld, vnto the yeare of our Lord, 137. Diuided into six periodes. Wherein the seueral histories, both of the Old and the new Testament are briefly comprised, and placed in their due order of yeares. Collected out of sundrie authors, but for the greatest part, abridged and translated out of Laurentius Codomannus his Annales sacræ scripturæ. Codomann, Lorenz, 1529-1590. Annales sacræ Scripturæ. 1590 (1590) STC 5471A; ESTC S108119 56,533 108

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almost three moneths Ahasia died his brother Ioram succeeded the last of lune 2. Reg. 1. 17. 3. 1. Elias rapt in the beginning of his reigne Elias was taken vp into heauen 2. Reg. 2. 11. Y.W. 3228 Elizeus Elizeus cured the waters and cursed the children that mocked him 2. Reg. 2. 21. 23. Iehosaphat reproued Iehosaphat was reproued by Iehu the Prophet and called backe his people vnto God 2. Paral. 19. 2. Y.W. 3229 Warre with Moab Ioram king of Israell with Iehosaphat and the king of Edom went out against Mesa king of Moab and Elizeus with them 2 Reg. 3. 11. Y.W. 3230 Oile multiplied This yeare Elizeus multiplied the oile of the Prophets widow 2. Reg 4. 1. c. Y.W. 3231 One raised from death This yere Elizeus raised from death the Sunamits sonne c. 2. Reg. 4. 32. The same yeare was done the miracle of multiplying the twenty loaues by Elizeus 2. Reg. 4. 42. Pottage cured A litle before this Elizeus had cured the Pottage poisoned with Colocynthida 2. Reg. 4. 38. Y.W. 3231 Iehoram And three moneths when Iehosaphat had reigned two and twentie yeares his sonne Ioram who hitherto had only the title of the kingdom was taken by him into the fellowshippe of gouernement 2. Paral. 21. 4. Y.W. 3232 Iehosaphat his victorie This yere Iehosaphat got victorie against Ammon and Moab without battell as Iehasiel the prophet had said 2. Par. 20. 14. Naaman cured The same yere Naaman the Syrian was cured of his leprosie by Elizeus 2. Reg. 5. 14. Y.W. 3233 Iron swimmeth Elizeus caused iron to swimme An armie of Angels an armie of Angels was shewed vnto Elizeus his seruant He bringeth his enemies into Samaria 2. Reg. 6. 17. Y.W. 3234 Samaria besieged Benhadad besieged Samaria but being made afraid he leaueth his tentes furnished vnto his enemies the Israelites 2 Reg. 6. 24. 7. 7. Y.W. 3235 Iehosaph d. The third moneth of this yeare Iehosaphat died 2. Paral. 21. Ioram his murther Ioram slaieth his brethren 2. Paral. 21. 4. Idumea and Libna fall from Ioram Elias prop. Elias but not the Thisbite by letters denounced the wrath of God against Ioram 2. Paral. 21. 12. Y.W. 3236 Iudea wasted About the beginning The Philistines and Arabians wasted Iudea spoiled the kings house and led captiue the kings wiues and his sonnes except Ahasia alias Ioahas 2. Paral. 21. 16. 17. Y.W. 3237 Ioram diseased The ninth moneth of this yere began Ioram to be diseased in his bowels two yeares before his death 2. Paral. 21. 15. Y.W. 3238 This yeare about Haruest ceased the seuen yeares famine foretold by Elizeus 2. Reg. 8. 1. The Sunamite her returne The Sunamite returneth out of Palestina and recouered hir lands by Ioram 2. Reg. 8. 6. Y.W. 3239 Hazael king of Syria Benhadad king of Syria died when he had reigned fiue and fiftie yeares Hazael succeeded and reigneth seuen and fortie yeares Ahasiah Ahasiah reigned in Iudah for his father lying sicke 2. Reg 9. 16. The two hundred three score and thirteenth day of this yeare Ioram died in the eight yeare of his reigne 2. Par. 21. 19. Y.W. 3240 Battell with Hasael The first moneth Ahasia went downe with Ioram king of Israell against Hasael king of Syria vnto Ramoth where Ioram was wounded Iehu After they were both slaine by Iehu 2. Reg. 9. 21. 24 Iezabel Iezabel was eaten of dogges 2. Reg. 9. 36. Y.W. 3239 And foure score ten daies Iehu began to reigne ouer Israell the last of Iune Achabs sons slaine Three score ten sonnes of Achab were slaine Baal his priests slain Baals priests were slaine in their Temple 2. Reg. 10. 6. 25. Ionadab the Rechabite was neere friend to king Iehu 2. Reg. 10. 15. Athalias murther Athalia mother to Ahazia killed al the kings sons only Ioas escaped 2. Paral. 22. 10. Iubil 14. This yere and six moneths began the foureteenth Iubelie Y.W. 3245 Ioas made king of Iudah And foure score and ten daies Ioas being seauen yeares old was brought forth by Iehoiada the priest and made king ouer Iudah Athalia was slaine 2. Reg. 11. 16. 2. Paral. 33. 15. Y.W. 3246 Hasael inuadeth Israel About this time Hasael king of Syria inuaded Israel and subdued Gilead and Baasan 2. Reg. 12. 17. Y.W. 3260 Amaziah b Amazias was borne vnto Ioas king of Iudah 2. Paral 23. 11. Y.W. 3267 Ioas king of Israel And foure score and ten daies Ioas succeeded his father Iehu in the kingdome of Israel 2. Reg. 13. 1. During whose reigne the kings of Syria Hasael and Benhadad afflicted Israel 2. Reg. 13. 3. Temple repaired Ioas king of Iudah the three and twentith yeare of his raigne repaired the ruines of the Temple 2. Paral. 24. 4. Y.W. 3282 This yeare and almost three moneths Ioahaz was made king of Israel in the life of his father Ioas in the end of Iune Y.W. 3283 Iehoiada d. Iehoiada the priest died being an hundred thirty yeares old 2. Paral. 24. 15. Y.W. 3284 Ioas his fal Ioas after the death of Iehoiada suffered idolles to be worshipped in groues 2. Paral. 24. 18. Zacharias the priest reproued it was stoned in the Temple 2. Paral. 24. 21. Y.W. 3285 Hasael his victorie Hasael spoiled Iehuda and carried away the treasures of Ierusalem 2. Reg. 12. Amazia reigneth Ioas appointed his son Amazia king ouer Iehuda Ioas king of Israel died 2. Reg. 12. 21. Ioas king of Iuda in the fortith yeare of his reigne was killed of his seruantes 2. Paral. 24. 25. Y.W. 3286 Elizeus d. Elizeus died hauing prophesied three score and three yeares The irruption of the Moabites A souldier slaine and cast into Elizeus sepulchre reuiued 2. Reg. 13. 21. Hasael d. Hasael died the seuen and fortith yeare of his reigne Benhadad succeeded Benhadad his sonne succeeded 2. Reg. 13. 24. Y.W. 3287 Ioas king of Israel thrise ouer came Benhadad king of Syria and recouered the cities which were lost 2. Reg. 13. 25. Y.W. 3288 Iubil 15. And six moneths was the fifteenth Iubilie Y.W. 3297 Amazia his victorie About this time Amazia ouer came the Idumeans was an Idolater His ouerthrow reproued of the prophet procured Ioas vnto battel was vanquished taken c. 2. Reg. 14. 13. 2. Paral. 25. 14. 22. Y.W. 3298 Ierobeam the second And 89. daies Ioas died his son Ierobeam the second of that name succeeded in the kingdome of Israel about the end of Iune 2. Reg. 14. 23. Y.W. 3309 And foure score and nine daies Vzzia the sonne of Amazia was borne called also Azaria 2. Reg. 14. 21. 2. Paral. 26. 1. Y.W. 3313 Amazia d. And foure score and eight daies Amazia died in the end of Iune hauing reigned nine and twentie yeares 2. Reg. 14. 19. His sonne Vzzia alias Azaria succeeded but being onely foure yeares old Sanhedrim the kingdome was gouerned by the Senate of Sanhedrim till he came to sixteene yeares of age 2. Reg. 15. 2. Y.W. 3321 Pehul Belochus After this yeare
almost eleuen moneths Phul-Belochus succeeded Sardanapalus king in Assyria and reigned eight and fortie yeares This is thought to haue bin that king of Niniuy Ionas whom Ionas the prophet brought vnto repentance 2. Reg. 14. 25. Ionas 3. 7. Y.W. 3326 Azaria ruleth Azaria being now sixteene yeares olde began him selfe to rule in the end of Iune Hosea prophesieth About this time began Hosea to prophesie continued his ministerie more then 70. yeres Ose 1. 1. Y.W. 3337 Two yeres before those troubles of warre which followed presently after the death of Ierobeam Amos. Amos prophesied of the final destruction of the kingdom of Israel which came to passe about three score and fiue yeares after Esa 7. 8. Amos. 1. 1. Ioel. A little before him prophesied Ioel of a great drought and against Samaria Ioel. 1. 4. Y.W. 3338 Iubil 16. And sixe monethes began the sixteenth Iubilie Y.W. 3339 Ierob d. One day after this yeare ended died Ierobeam the second when he had raigned 40. yeares and two hundred three score and seuenteene dayes No king in Israel After his death there was no king in Israel for twelue yeares and three score dayes Y.W. 3341 Iotham the sonne of Azaria was borne Y.W. 3351 Zacharias raigneth And three score and one daies Zacharias sonne of Ierobeam obtained the kingdome of Israel which for the troubles of ciuill wars he hetherto had wanted 2. Reg. 14 29. Y.W. 3351 Is slaine And two hundred forty and foure dayes about the end of Nouember Zacharia Shallum succeedeth when he had raigned only sixe monethes Is slaine Menachem raigneth was slaine by Shallum 2. Reg. 15. 10. who succeded him in the kingdome Hitherto from the beginning of the raigne of Iehu were one hundred and twelue yeares and one hundred fiftie and foure dayes Shallum raigned not after the moneth of December and was slaine by Menachem 2. Reg. 15. 14. who after one hundred three score eighteene dayes possessed the kingdome Y.W. 3353 Phul Belochus king of Assyria inuaded Israel and for one thousand talents of siluer confirmed Menachem in the kindome 2. Reg. 15. 19. Y.W. 3355 Tobias the elder was borne Tob. 1. and 14. Y.W. 3356 Vzzia a lepar Vzzia stricken with Leprosie Iotham committed the gouernement of his house vnto his sonne Iotham being but sixteene yeares old 2. paral 26. 19. Y.W. 3362 Achaz b. In the entrance of this yeare Achaz was borne 2. Reg. 16. 2. After foure score and eight dayes of the same yere died Menachē when he had raigned ten whole yeares Pekahia raigneth whom Pekahia his sonne succeeded in the kingdome of Israel 2. Reg. 15. 17. 22. Y.W. 3364 Is slaine Pekah raigneth And almost iij. monethes in the end of the second yeare of his raigne Pekahia was slaine by Pekah sonne of Remalia who was made king of Israel in the moneth of Iune 2. Reg. 15. 25. Y.W. 3365 Vzzia d. And almost three monethes Vzzia died hauing raigned two and fiftie yeares Iotham raigneth His sonne Iotham of the age of fiue and twentie yeares raigned in his stead 2. Paral. 27. 27. 2. Reg. 15. 5. Esay his vision This yeare Esay saw the Lord sitting vpon an high Throne Esay 6. 1. and therefore had begun to prophesie somewhat before this Y.W. 3368 Olympiades begin And foure score and eleuen dayes began the Grecians to number yeares by the Olympiades The first Olympiad fell into the fourth yeare of Iotham king of Iudah Micha proph●sieth About this time began Michah the Moraskite to prophesie and taught sixe and fiftie yeares Michah 1. 1. Y.W. 3369 Thiglath-Pilleser And almost eleuen monethes Phul-Belochus died after whom succeeded Thiglath-Pilleser or Phul-Assar who raigned in Babylon fiue and twentie yeares Y.W. 3372 Ezechia b. Ezechia was borne Then was Ahaz about eleuen yeares old and so could not be the naturall father of Ezechia but adopted him 2. Reg. 16. 2. 18. 2. Y.W. 3381 Pekah and Rezin conspire From this time Pekah and Rezin conspired to inuade Iuda 2. Reg 15. 37. Iotham d. Vpon the ende of this yeare Iotham died whē he had raigned fifteene yeares and two hundred three score and nineteene Ahas king of Iudah dayes whom Ahaz his sonne succeeded in Iudah 2. Reg. 16. 1. Y.W. 3382 This yeare Ahaz sacrificed his owne sonne and committed other abominations 2. Reg. 16. 3. Y.W. 3383 Ierusalem besieged Rezin king of Syria and Pekah king of Israel besieged Ierusalem and tooke it not but carried many Iewes captiue to Damascus and Samaria Obed proph whom Obed the prophet commanded to set free 2. Reg. 16. 2. Paral. 28. 9. 11. Esay prophesieth of Christ. This yeare Esay prophesied that Christ should be borne of a virgine Esay 7. 14 which was done 759. yeares after and that Rezin and Remalia should shortly after be destroyed Esa 7. 8. 9. Y.W. 3384 Damascus besieged Thiglath-Pilleser king of Assyria hired by Achaz besieged Damascus and killed Rezin the king thereof 2. Reg. 16. 9. Gad Rub. Manasses captiue At the same time he inuaded Israel and carried the tribes of Gad Ruben and halfe Manasse captiue into Assyria 1. Paral. 6. 2. Reg. 15. 29. 1. Paral. 5. 6. Altar of Damascus Ahaz going to meete the king of Assur sent from Damascus an exemplar of an altar to be built at Ierusalem 2. Reg. 16. 10. Y.W. 3385 Pek slaine About the eightie and eight day Pekah sonne of Remalia when he had raigned twentie yeares was slain of Hosea and his confederates 2. Reg. 15. 30. No king in Israel After his death Israel had no king for eight yeares and two hundred three score and eighteene dayes Warres In the meane time happened those warres wherwith the Idumeans Philistines and Thiglath-Pilleser troubled Iuhah and Achas 2. Paral. 28. 20. Y.W. 3386 Iubib 17. And six monethes began the seuenteenth Iubilie Y.W. 3390 Rome founded And two hudred three score and fifteene dayes was the first of Ianuarie and began that yeare wherin the foundation of Rome was laid which was the ninteenth day of the yeare 3392. The same was the tenth yeare of Achaz his raigne Y.W. 3393 Hosea king of Israel And one day about the second of April Hosea obtaineth the kingdome of Israel Habacuc prophesied About this time Habacuc prophesied Y.W. 3395 Phul Assar alias Thiglath-Pelleser died hauing raigned fiue and twentie yeares Zalmanasser king of Assyria and Zalmanesser called by Ptolomie Nabonasser succeeded him in the kingdome of Assyria in the end of Februarie Hosea calleth him Salman cap. 10. 14. Y.W. 3396 Ezechias k. of Iudah The first of Aprill Ezechias was made king of Iudah being of age 25. yeares 2. Reg. 18. 1. Y.W. 3397 Achazd Achaz died in the sixteenth yeare of his raigne Then Esay foretold the victorie of Ezechia against the Philistines Esa 14. 28. 31. 2. Reg. 19. 6. 21. Ezechias reformeth religion Ezechias in the first moneth of his raigne opened the dore of the house of God caused the same to be purged 2. Paral. 29. 3. He destroyed idolatry in Iudah brake the brasen
Y.W. 3827 Iubil 26. And sixe monethes began the sixe and twentith Iubilie Y.W. 3831 The yeares of the Chaldeans And two hundred and thirtie dayes began the numbring of the yeares of the Chaldeans with the raigne of Seleucus in Syria and Babylonia Y.W. 3857 Ptol. Phil. raigneth This yeare and twelue dayes Ptolemeus Philadelphus began his raigne when his father Ptolemeus Lagi had raigned eight and thirtie yeares and one hundred fiftie and two dayes after the death of Alexander Y.W. 3870 And one hundred foure score and fourteene Ptolomeus Philadelphus had raigned thirteene yeares and an halfe Y.W. 3873 The 70. Interpreters And twelue dayes began the seuenteenth yeare of the raigne of Ptolomeus Philadelphus what time the seuentie interpreters translated the olde Testament out of the Hebrue into the Greeke tongue which translation is not now extant but an other farre differing from the Hebrue Y.W. 3876 Iubil 27. And sixe monethes was the seuen and twentith Iubilie Y.W. 3895 Ptol. Philad dieth And twelue dayes Ptolomeus Philadelphus died hauing raigned eight and thirtie yeares Euergetes whom Ptolomeus Euergetes succeeded and raigned 26. yeares Y.W. 3921 He dieth Ptolomeus Euergetes died Philopat and Ptolomeus Philopator succeeded who raigned sixteene yeres six moneths Ecclesiasticus written Somewhat before this time Iesus Siracides wrote his booke called Ecclesiasticus Y.W. 3925 Iubil 28. And six monethes was the eight and twentith Iubilie Y.W. 3937 Ptol. Epiphanes Ptolomeus Philopator died whom Ptol. Epiphanes succeeded and raigned three and twentie yeares and about two hundred dayes Y.W. 3944 Antiochus the great Antiochus the great king of Syria father of Antiochus Epiphanes was slaine in the 36. yeare of his raigne Y.W. 3954 Heliodorus raised Heliodorus was raised from death at the praier of Onias the high priest 2. Machab. 3. 23. Y.W. 3956 This was the hundred thirty and seuenth yeare of the raigne of the Grecians Scleuchus dieth wherein Seleuchus died in the twelft yeare of his raigne Antiochus his brother Antiochus Epiphanes raigned in his stead 1. Machab. 1. Y.W. 3958 Onia. And about seuen monethes Onia was put from the priesthood by his brother Iason 2. Machab. 4. 7. Y.W. 3961 Ptolomeus Philometor And 36. daies began the raigne of Ptolomeus Philometor The same yeare about one hundred three score ten daes Lucius Aemilius Paulus ouercame Perseaking of Macedonia Anti. Epi. cometh to Ierusalem Antiochus Epiphanes brought back his armie out of Egipt was honorably receiued by Iason high priest at Ierusalem who after was depriued of the priesthood 2. Machab. 4. 7. Y.W. 3962 Cyprus won Also this yeare Antiochus went againe into Egypt he wanne Cyprus by the treason of Macron Signes were seene in the aire at Ierusalem portending greeuous things Iason inuaded Ierusalem and exercised great crueltie Antiochus rageth at Ierusalem Antiochus compelled by Popillius returned out of Egypt came to Ierusalem with great furie killed foure score thousand carried captiue fortie thousand and sold foure score thousand Entred into the holy place spoiled the treasurie of eight hundred Talents of siluer Y.W. 3964 Apollonius wasteth Ierusalem In the hundred fortie and fift yeare of the raigne of the Grecians Antiochus sendeth Apollonius with an armie of two and twentie thousand who inuaded Ierusalem by fraud and wasted it 2. Machab. 5. 24. Iudas Machabeus with his nine brethren went into the woods and mountaines 2. Machab. 5. 27. Greeke religion forced vpon the Iewes Antiochus shortly after by decree forced the greeke religion vpon the Iewes Many were cruelly handled amongst whom Eleazarus with the mother and hir seuen sons 2. Machab. 6. 7. Then also was the abhomination of desolation set vpon the Altar of the Lord. After followeth the storie of Mattathias 1. Machab 2. 16. Y.W. 3965 Mattathias d. Matthathias died his sonne Iudas Machabeus succeeded and ouerthrew Apollonius 1. Machab. 3. 10. Y.W. 3966 Iudas his victories Iudas Machabeus gaue a great ouerthrow vnto Lysias his captaines Ptolomie Nichanor and Gorgias 1. Machab. 4 34. and after to Timotheus Bacchides of whose armie he flew 20000. 2. Machab. 8. Y.W. 3967 Iudas againe discomfited the armie of Lysias 1. Machab. 4. 29. purged the Temple 49. and fortified the Cittie of Ierusalem and Bethzuram verse 61. Antiochus sicke Antiochus hearing of the euill successe of his armie in Iudea fell grieuously sicke and appointed his sonne Antiochus Eupator to raigne after him 2. Machab. 9. 25. Sacrifice is offered at Ierusalem the fiue and twentith of December 1. Mac. 4. 52. 59. Here the two thousand three hundred daies mētioned Dan. 8. haue their end Y.W. 3968 Ant. Epiphanes d. In the beginning of this yeare being the 149. yeare of the Grecians Antiochus Epiphanes died 1. Mac. 6. 16. which Lysias vnderstanding from Eupator made peace with the Iewes 1. Mach. 6. Iudas ouercame the Arabians and after Timotheus at Datheman 1. Mach. 5. where followeth a second victorie against Timotheus Famine This yeare was a great famine which caused the rēdring of Bethzura and the Temple 1. Machab 6. Y.W. 3969 Iudas besieged Sion 1. Mach. 6. 19. met Antiochus Eupator comming with a great Army vers 32. was besieged of the king and receiued conditions of peace 49. The king hearing of the treason of Philip in Antiochia hasted thither 1. Mach. 6. 63. Y.W. 3970 Ant. Eupator slaine Antiochus Eupator in the third yere of his raigne was slaine with Lysias at Antiochia by the souldiars of his vncle Demetrius sonne of Seleuchus Alcimus Alcimus accused the Machabeis and was restored by Bacchides vnto the priesthood 1. Mach. 7. 21. Y.W. 3971 Nicanor his salshod Nicanor was sent against Iudas made peace with him after brake the couenant and inuaded Iudah He is slaine finally was slaine with 35000. men in the moneth of March 1. Mac. 7. 42. Iudas sendeth to Rome Iudas sent Embassadors to Rome Demetrius sent Bacchides and Alcimus against Iudas Iudas slain who forsaken of his souldiers was slaine when he had gouerned sixe yeares c. 1. Mach. 8. 20. 9. Ionathas Ionathas succeeded Iudas reuenged the death of his brother Iohannes and ouerthrew one thousand of Bacchides souldiars Onias About this time Onias the sonne of Onias Pius the high priest whom Antiochus Epiphanes had slain fled vnto Ptolomy king of Egypt Temple in Aegypt by whose permission he built in the territorie of Heliopolis a cittie and temple like vnto Ierusalem and the temple there became high priest amongst the Iewes that fled thither Ioseph Antiq. lib. 13. Y.W. 3972 Alcimus striken The one hundred fiftie and third yere of the Gretians raigne Alcimus pulled downe certaine wals of the Temple was striken with the palsey died The Iewes had peace for two yeares 1. Machab. 9. Y.W. 3975 Peace made with Ionathan Bacchides assaulted Ionathan but being compelled made peace with him and returned into Syria 1. Mach. 9. Iubil 29. This yere in October began the nine and twentith Iubilie Y.W. 3979 Alexander sonne of Epiph. Alexander the sonne of
Marie to wife Matth. 1. The sixt period from the birth of Christ vnto the death of Adrian the Emperor hath 137. yeares Y.W. 4142 Christ borne The two hundred three score and eight day of this yeare the fiue and twentith of December was borne in Bethlem of Iudea our Lord IESVS Christ in the two and fortith yere of the raigne of Augustus Emperor of Rome at whose birth the Angels reioyced Luk. 2. 13. 14. Circumcised The two hundred three score and fifteenth day Christ was circumcised and called Iesus for which the Hebrues write Iehoschua which signifieth Iehouah the Sauior Wisemen out of the East After this the wise men came out of the East to Ierusalem and enquired for Christ Matth. 2. 1. whence they were directed vnto Bethlehem c. Mich. 6. Christ presented at Ierusalem After that Christ is presēted vnto the Lord in the Temple at Ierusalem where Simeon Anna beare witnesse of him Luk. 2. 18. 3. 6. Now was fulfilled the prophesie of Iaacob concerning the comming of Schiloh Gen. 49. 10. Infants slaine Herod caused the infants of Bethlehem to be slaine Matth. 2. And after killed the Senate of Sanhedrim he also slew the husband of his sister Salome and hi● owne sonne whom he had by a wife of the tribe of Iudah Y.W. 4144 Herod d. This yeare and seuē daies Herodes Magnus died Archilaus succeedeth and Archilaus his sonne succeeded in the kingdome of Iudea Y.W. 4145 After the death of Herod the Angel appeared vnto Ioseph in Egypt Matth. 2. 13. Y.W. 4152 Archilaus banished This yeare and seuen daies Archilaus was banished vnto Vienna in France entring the ninth yeare of his raigne Y.W. 4152 A. c. 12. And two hundred three score and eight dayes Christ entered the twelft yeare of his age This yeare Iudas Galilaeus moued sedition amongst the Iewes whereof is mentioned Act. 5. Y.W. 4153 Iesus disputeth with the Elders And foure and twentie daies Iesus lost of his parents was found in the Temple disputing with the Elders Luk. 2. 41. 45. Y.W. 4154 M. Amb. Marcus Ambiuius was President in Iudea after Coponius Y.W. 4156 An. Rufus Anius Rufus was President in Iudea August d. And one hundred and fortie daies Augustus died fourteene yeares and two hundred thirtie and seuen daies after the birth of Christ when he had raigned fiftie and sixe yeares Tiberius Tiberius succeeded for three and twentie yeares Y.W. 4158 Valerius Gratus Valerius Gratus was the fifth President ouer Iudea Y.W. 4166 A. C. 26. And two hundred three score and eight daies entred the yeare of Christ 26. Y.W. 4167 And 20. daies was ended the 26. yeare of the Natiuitie of Christ and the 69 weekes of Daniel Y.W. 4169 Pilatus Pilatus succeeded vnto Valerius Gratus who had bene President in Iudea eleuen yeares Y.W. 4169 A. c. 29. And two hundred three score and eight daies began the yeare of our Lord 29. Y.W. 4170 Iubil 33. And six Monethes was the 33. Iubilie Daniels weekes ended and the middest of Daniel his 70. weeke in which the sacrifices of the old Testament should be abolished and the new Testament begin Dan. 9. 24. About the 11. day of October in the yere of Christ 29. Iohn Baptist called Iohn the Baptist was called and began to preach in the 15. yeare of Tiberius and in the third yeare of Pontius Pilate his being president in Iudaea Luk. 3. 1. An. ch 30. And 268. daies entred the yeare of Christ 30. Y.W. 4170 Christ baptized And 281. daies was the sixt of Ianuarie on which day Christ was baptised by Iohn in Iordan what time all the three persons of the blessed Trinitie at once were manifested Epiphanie The sonne vpon the earth in the nature of man The holy Ghost descending frō heauē in the similitude of a Doue the Father speaking from heauen and saying This is my beloued son in whom I am wel pleased Matth. 3 15. 16. 17. Presently after Christ was carried of the spirite into the wildernes to be tempted Math. 4. 1. Iohn● testimonie The fourteenth of Februarie Iohn witnesseth of Christ vnto those that were sent from Ierusalem the day before Christ his returne out of the wildernes Ioh. 1. 19. Y.W. 4170 Christs temptation And three hundred and twentie dayes were ended the fortie daies of Christes fasting and temtation in the wildernes The lambe of God The same day Iohn witnessed of Christ that he was the Lambe of God c. The next day he sent vnto him two of his Disciples Andrew Iohn Ioh. 1. 38. Peter The 17. of Februarie Andrew brought Simon vnto Christ whom he named Peter Ioh. 1. Y.W. 4170 And three hundred twentie and sixe daies was the twentith of February Thē Christ called Philip. vers 43. Nathanael Philip brought Nathaniel vnto Christ Ioh. 1. 45. A marriage in Cana. Christ went into Cana in Galilea to the marriage where he turned water into wine Christ purgeth the Temple After he wēt to Capernaum and thence after a few daies ascended to Ierusalē towards the Passouer which then was on the seuenth of April what time he cast the buyers and sellers out of the Temple Ioh. 2. 14. 15. Y.W. 4172 Nicodemus This yeare was that diuine conference of Christ with Nicodemus about the new birth Ioh. 3. 3. Christ returning into Iudea preached the Gospell and baptized by his disciples neare vnto Iohn Ioh. 3. 22. Emulation At that time arose an emulation betweene Iohn his disciples and the disciples of Christ which Iohn appeaseth Ioh. 3. 23. The woman of Samaria Christ passing through Samaria towardes Galile conferred with a woman at the well of Sichar Many of the Samaritans were then conuerted Ioh. 45. Capernaum Esa 61. Comming to Nazareth he preached in the Synagogue vpon Esa 61. 1. and reproued the hardnesse of their hearts Luk. 4. 16. Being at Cana in Galile he healed a noble mans sonne of Capernaum Ioh. 4. 16. Iohn imprisoned About this time hearing of the imprisonment of Iohn he went vnto Capernaum After he called sundry of his Apostles preached the Gospell in Galile and healed the diseased Math. 4. 18. 23. Y.W. 4172 The 31. yere of Christ The two hundred threescore and eight day entred the one and thirtith of Christ his natiuitie Sermon in the mountaine Christ ascending into the mountaine preached that most excellent sermon written Matth. 5. 6. 7. Lepar Descending out of the mountaine he purged a lepar cast out a diuell Centurion cured the Centurions seruant and raised Peter his mother in law Matth. 8. 15. Fishes taken Christ preached out of a ship at the lake of Genezareth and after by miracle tooke a great multitude of fishes Luk. 5. 3. 6. Gergesites Sailing thence to the Gergasenes he healed two men possessed of deuils Matth. 8. 28. Luk. 8. 27. Palsey Returning to Capernaum he healed one of the Palsey and purged a lepar Matth. 9. 2. Luk. 5. 13. Matthew He called Matthew the Publican taught that mercie is better then sacrifice of the time and
yeare of Christ About this time in the eight yeare of Claudius the Emperor Cumannus Cumanus succeeded Tiberius Alexander in the gouernement of Iudea Herod king of Chalcida died his kingdome was giuen to Agrippa the yonger The Epist to the Thess This yeare of Christ Paul wrote both his Epistles to the Thessalonians Y.W. 4192 A. C. 51. The two hundred three score eight day entred the yeare of Christ fiftie and one This yeare but not before September Paul came to Corinth Paul came from Athens to Corynthus Act. 18. 1. Y.W. 4193 A. C. 52. The 268. day began the two and fiftith yeare of Christ thirtie daies after began the eleuenth yeare of the raigne of Claudius the Emperour About this time after the banishmēt of Cumanus Felix Felix was sent to be gouernor in Iudea The 334. day Paul hauing continued at Corinth one yeare and six monethes Act. 18. 11. in the beginning of March sailed thence with Aquila and Priscilla Ephesus leauing them at Ephesus He went the fourth time to Ierusalē went now the fourth time after his conuersion to Ierusalem and thence descended to Antioch after into Galacia and Phrygia Act. 18. 23. 1. Epist to Timothie In this iourney Paul came to Laodicea whence he wrote his first Epistle vnto Timothie Apollo came to Ephesus In the meane time Apollo came to Ephesus and being better instructed in the way of the Lord by Aquila and Priscilla went thence with letters of commendation vnto Corinth Act. 18. 24. Y.W. 4194 Drus married to Azizus The two hundred three score and eight day entered the three and fiftith yeare of our Lord. About this time in the twelft yeare of Claudius his raigne Agrippa aduanced by the Emperor gaue his sister Drusilla to be wife to king Azizus whom shortly after she forsooke and married with Felix Paule came to Ephesus In the end of this yeare Paul came to Ephesus 12. Discipl and found there twelue disciples Act. 19. 7. who being before baptised with the baptisme of Iohn then receaued the holy Ghost Act. 19. 6. Y.W. 4195 About the 61. day of this yeare Paul fought with beasts at Ephesus 1. Cor. 15. 32. Y.W. 4195 A. C. 54. The two hundred threescore and eight day began the 54. yeare of Christ Phil. Martyred This yeare Philip the Apostle was martyred at Hierapolis Y.W. 4197 A. C. 55. The two hundred threescore and eight day entred the fiue and fiftieth yeare of Christ The former Epist to the Corinth This yeare was written the former Epistle to the Corinthians by Paul being then at Ephesus with Priscilla and Aquila Act. 18. 2. Pet. 1. Epist The same yeare was written the first Epistle of Peter from Babylon in Aegypt not in Chaldaea 1. Pet. 5. 13. Philippi This yeare in Iune Paule departed from Ephesus about Pentecost 1. Cor 16. 8. after the tumult raised against him there Act. 20. 1. 2. Epist to the Corinth After being at Philippi he wrote his second Epistle to the Corinthians in Iulie or August Act. 20. 6. Y.W. 4907 Claud. died The thirteenth of October Claudius the Emperor died thirteene yeares two hundred sixtie two dayes after the death of Caligula Nero suc after him Nero succeeded in the empire Epist to Titus From Nicopolis in Macedonia Paul wrote his Epistle to Titus in the winter time Tit. 1. 1. A. C. 56. The 268. day began the yeare of our Lord fifty six In the beginning whereof Paul came through Macedonia into Graecia Act. 20. 2. Corinth in which iorney also he came to Corinth as he had promised 1. Cor. 16. The Epist to the Rom. At this time was written the Epistle to the Romanes Paul purposing through Syria to go to Ierusalem vnderstanding of the trecherie of the Iewes against him turned by Macedonia and came to Philippi Act. 20. 6. 2. Epistle of Peter This yeare Peter wrote his second Epistle Y.W. 4198 Paul came the 5. time to Ierus The 63. day Paul the 23. yeare of his conuersion came the fift time to Ierusalē the third of Iune and was kindly entertained of the brethren Act. 21. 4. Was taken there But after the Iewes laide hands vpon him and would haue slaine him had he not bin rescued of the tribune Act. 21. 27. 31. Saw a vision The sixt of Iune he was brought before the Elders Act. 22. 1 Fortie men conspire against him Act. 23. 12. 13. The Lord appeared vnto him He is sent to Caesaria He was sent vnto Caesarea to Felix Tertull. accuseth him before whom the 14. of Iuine Tertullus and others accused him He defended him selfe Act. 24. 1. A. C. 57. The two hundred threescore and eight day began the seuen and fiftieth yeare of our Lord. Y.W. 4199 A. C. 58. The 268. day entred the yeare of Christ 58. Y.W. 4200 Festus succ The 63. day Paule had bene captiue at Caesarea two whole yeares Then Porcius Festus succeeded Felix in the gouernment of Iudea Act. 24. 28. P. defence before Agr. Paul spake for him selfe before king Agrippa and Bernice Act. 25. 23. His danger at sea The hundred fourescore and third day in October Paul and his companions were in danger at sea and shortly after suffer shipwracke Act. 27. 10. The three moneths following Nouember December and Ianuarie Miletum Paule wintered in the I le of Melitum Act. 28. 1. now called Malta An. ch 59. The two hundred threescore and eight day entred the nine and fiftieth yeare of Christ About the fourteenth of Februarie in the 4. yeare of the raigne of Nero Paule came to Rome Paule came to Rome Act. 28. 16. Y.W. 4201 A. C. 60. The 268. day began the 60. yeare of our Lord. Y.W. 4202 A. C. 61. The 268. day entred the yeare of our Lord 61. His impris at Rome The 319. day was ended that two yeares space which Paul continued in his owne hired lodging at Rome Act. 28. 30. During which time he wrote these Epistles from Rome Epistle to the Galath To the Galathians Gal. 6. Ephesians To the Ephesians by Tychicus Philip. To the Philippians by Epaphroditus Colossians To the Colossians Philemon To Philemon Actes of the Apostles At this time as seemeth the Acts of the Apostles were written by S. Luke Paule deliuered About this time also Paul seuen twenty yeares after his conuersion was deliuered out of his first imprisonment at Rome in the sixt yeare of Nero the Emperor and visited the Churches Y.W. 4204 Anno Christi 63. The two hundred three score and eight day entred the yeare of our Lord. 63. Y.W. 4205 Iames the lesse slaine The thirtith day Iames the lesse was martyred of the Iewes after he had bene thirtie yeares Bishop of Ierusalem Hist Eccles lib. 2. cap. 23. Y.W. 4206 The second persecution The hundred foure score and fifteenth day entred the tenth yeare of Nero his raigne wherein began the second persecution of the Christians and continued vntill the death of Nero. The pretence was the burning of Rome which Nero
yeare was borne Ruben of Lea. Tremelius and Iunius with great probabilitie affirme that Iaacob presently vpon his comming to Laban tooke to wife first Lea then Rachel which granted remoueth many difficulties in the age of Iaacobs children Y.W. 2253 Simeon b. And two hundred and fifteene dayes Sime on was borne Y.W. 2254 Leui b. And one hundred three score dayes was borne Leui. Y.W. 2255 Iehudah b. And one hundred and fiue daies was borne Iehudah Y.W. 2256 Issachar b. And three hundred dayes Issachar was borne of Lea. Y.W. 2257 Zabulon b. And two hundred fortie and fiue dayes Zabulon was borne of Lea. Y.W. 2258 Dinah b. And two hundred and twentie dayes was borne Dinah of Lea. Y.W. 2259 Ioseph b. Rachel bare Ioseph Gen. 30. 23. 24. Y.W. 2265 Iacob returneth Iaacob returned out of Mesopotamia hauing serued there twentie yeares Gen. 31. 3. in the way he wrastled with the Angel Is called Israel and was called Israel Gen. 32. 28. Hos 12. 3. He remained a good time at Sichem Gen. 33. 18. where he bought a plat of ground Y.W. 2268 Her b. And two hundred and fifteene dayes was borne Her the eldest sonne of Iudah Gen. 38. 3. Y.W. 2269 Onan b. And one hundred three score dayes was borne Onan Gen. 38. 4. Y.W. 2270 Selah b. And one hundred and fiue dayes was borne Sela the third sonne of Iuda Gen. 38. 5. Y.W. 2274 Dinah is defloured The Sichemites were traiterously slaine by Simeon and Leui c. Gen. 34. 2. Y.W. 2275 Beniamin b. This yeare Iaacob remoued vnto Bethel Debora died Rachell in the iourney bare Beniamin and died Not long after Ruben defiled Bilha Gen. 35. 18. 22. his fathers concubine and thereby lost his birthright Y.W. 2276 Ioseph sold into Egypt Ioseph of seuenteene yeares of age is sold into Egypt Gen. 37. 2. 28. Y.W. 2283 Iudah lay with Thamar in the way to Timnah Gen. 38. 18. Y.W. 2284 Peretz b. Peretz and his brother Zerah were borne of Thamar Gen. 38. 29. 30. Y.W. 2286 Ioseph imprisoned Ioseph was cast into prison Gen. 39. 20. where he continued three yeares Gen. 41. 14. Y.W. 2287 Pharao his butler was deliuered the first yeare of Ioseph his imprisonment Gen. 40. 21. Y.W. 2288 Isaac dieth Isaac died a hundred and foure score yeares olde hauing continued blind three and fortie yeares Gen. 27. 3. and 35. 29. Y.W. 2289 Ioseph deliuered c. Ioseph being of thirty yeres was takē out of prison and presented vnto Pharao who set him ouer his his house and kingdom Gen. 41. 46. presently followed the seuen yeres of plentie in which time Ioseph hath two sonnes Manasses and Ephraim Gen. 41. 50. Y.W. 2296 Famin. Now began the seuen yeres of famine Gen. 41. 54. This yeare Peretz taketh a wife Y.W. 2297 Hezron b. Hezron is borne vnto Peretz the yeare following Hamul Y.W. 2298 Iacob goeth into Egipt Iaacob of the age of one hundred and thirty yeres went downe into Egipt fiue yeares before the end of the famine Gen. 46. 1. Y.W. 2303 The 6. yeare of famine The Egiptians wanting mony gaue their cattell sheepe for corne the sixt yeare of the famine Gen. 47. 20. and after sold their fields Y.W. 2315 Iaacob d. Iacob blessed his children prophesied of Christ and died in Egipt a hundred fortie and seauen yeres old was carried into Canaan buried in Hebron Gen. 49. 33. 50. 13. Y.W. 2356 Deucaliō b. This yeare was borne Deucalion king of Thessalia foure hundred fiftie one yeres after the beginning of Ninus his reigne after the flood seauen hundred yeares Y.W. 2358 Chetzron Hezron of the age of three score yeares marrieth the daughter of Machir 1. Par. 2. 21. Y.W. 2369 Ioseph d. Ioseph died hauing liued an hundred ten yeares and gouerned in Egipt foure score yeares His bodie was imbalmed and kept there till Israell went out out of Egipt Gen. 50. 26. Here endeth the booke of Genesis The thirtie yeares after the death of Ioseph vnto the birth of Moses were the yeares both of the increase of the children of Israel and wherein the Egiptians oppressed them first with extreame labour and most cruell exaction Exod. 1. 12. 14. Then by commanding that euery man-child should be cast into the riuer Exod. 1. 22. Y.W. 2392 Leui died being of an hundred thirtie and seauen yeares old Iob. The historie of Iob is most probably assigned vnto the time of the children of Israell their continuance in Egipt as the names of persons and places do argue the length of Iob his life mentioned chap. 42. 16. Also by the names of his children his language c. it seemeth he was an Hebrue descended of Abraham as were the rest mentioned in that history some thinke that the storie it selfe was penned by Moses Y.W. 2431 Aaron b. This yeare Aaron brother to Moses was born Exo. 7. 10. The third period from the birth of Moses vnto the birth of Dauid hath 605 yeares Y.W. 2434 Moses b. Moses was borne this yeare kept three moneths cast out taken vp by Pharaoh his daughter and nursed for hir son Exod. 2. 2. c. brought vp in all the wisedome of the Egiptians Act. 7. 22. Y.W. 2438 Deluge This yeare was that great deluge in Thessalia whereof the Heathen writers make mention in the fourescore two yeres of Deucaliō his age Y.W. 2470 Iosuah b. Iosuah was borne foure fortie yeares before the deliuerance of Israel out of Egipt Iosuah 24. 29. Y.W. 2474 Moses being fortie yeres old called of God Act. 7. 22. visited his brethren was reiected of them fled into Madian Exo. 2. 15. was intertained of Rehuel vers 18. Act. 7. 20. Moses mariage where he married Tzippora the daughter of Iethro sonne of Rehuel Exod. 2. 21. and continued forty yeares Exod 2. in which time he had two children Gerson and Eliezar Y.W. 2476 Caleb b. This yeare Caleb was borne Ios 14. Y.W. 2485 The men of Gath kill certaine of the Ephraites 1. Paral. 8. 13. Y.W. 2514 The burning bush Towards the end of this yeare God appeared vnto Moses in mount Horeb in a burning bush and called him expressely vnto the deliuerance of his people gaue him instructions of duetie and promise of successe Exod. 3. At first he refuseth the charge and excuseth himselfe but being confirmed by miracles and promise of helpe from God reproued for his resistance and ioyned with his brother Aaron he taketh it vpon him Circumcision Moses is compelled in the way to circumcise his sonne He taketh his leaue of Iethro and meeteth with Aaron with whom he deliuered all these things vnto the children of Israel Exod. 4. 29. Pharao After they go vnto Pharao with their message He reprooued them and more oppressed the people who cried out vpon Moses and Aaron Moses complained vnto the Lord and and is confirmed Exod. 5. 22. He is againe sent first vnto the children of Israell and then vnto Pharao Exod. 6. 13. God the
c. captiue And amongst them Daniel Hanania Misael and Azaria Dan. 1. 6. Who were taught the tongue and learning of the Chaldeis for three yeares Dan. 1. 5. Y.W. 3516 Rechabites The Rechabites for feare of the warres came to Ierusalem They refuse to drinke wine In the same story is mentioned Higdalia a man of God Ier. 35. 6. Pharao Necho ouerthrowne About this time Nebuchadnezer ouerthrew the host of Pharao Neco at Euphrates Ier. 46. 2. Y.W. 3517 Nebuchadnezar the second About the hundred two and twentith day Nabuchadnezer called also Nebuchadnetzar succeeded his father in the kingdome of Babylon Ier. 25. 1. 9. Ieremie the second time imprisoned Ieremie was againe cast into prison Ier. 32. 3. Baruch commanded Baruch to write his prophesies which he read vnto the people and princes Ier. 36. 4. The king burneth the booke Ier. 36. 23. c. vnto this yeare belong the 25. 30. 31. 36. and 45. chapters of Ieremie Y.W. 3518 Susanna Daniel a yong man about twentie yeares old deliuered Susanna Y.W. 3519 Ioiakim rebelleth Ioiakim rebelled against Nebuchadnezer in the sixth yere of his raigne and was distressed of the Chaldeans 2. Reg. 24. 2. Daniel his aduancemēt Daniel his companions excel the rest Dan. 1. 15. He expoundeth the kings dreame Dan. 2. 27. is renowned for his wisdome is aduanced vnto honor preferreth his 3. companions Dan. 2. 48. 49. Burning furnace who shortly after are cast into the burning furnace Dan. 3. 21. Y.W. 3523 Nebuchadnetzer besieged Tyrus in the seuenth yeare of his raigne About this time Ieremie prophesied that Iehoiakim should haue the buriall of an Asse Ier. 22. 19. Y.W. 3523 And twentie nine dayes Iechonia was made king of Iudah by Nebuchadnezer when he was eighteene yeares old Iechoniah king of Iudah Then were carried captiue into Babylon 3023. Iewes Ier. 52. 28. 2. Reg. 24. 15. Y.W. 3523 Iechonia captiue And one hundred twentie and two dayes Nebuchadnezer sent his host to Ierusalem for Iechonia and the holy vessels of the Temple 2. Paral. 36. 10. Then were carried captiue with Iechonia tenne thousand of the nobles and valiant men c. 2. Reg. 24. 16. Ier. 24. 8. Zedechia Presently after this Methania was made king of Iudah and called Zedechia 2. Reg. 24. 17. He was the sonne of Iosias Ier. 37. 1. The captiuitie of Iudah after Ezechiel At this time began the yeares of the Captiuitie of Iudah according to Ezechiel cap. 40. 1. Before the burning of the Temple eleuen yeres Refer hither the 24. and 29. of Ier. Also his Prophesie against the Elamits Persians ca. 49. Y.W. 3526 And 131. daies Hither refer the end of the 27. and 28. of Ier. Not long after the false Prophet Hanania died whose death Ieremy had foretold Ier. 28. 16. Y.W. 3527 Zedechias goeth into Babylon Zedechias in the 4. yere of his raign goeth into Babylon Ier. 51. 59. At the same time Ieremie committeth vnto Seraia his prophesie against Babylō Ier. 50. 1. 51. 60. Baruch About the same time Baruch writeth his booke in Babylon Y.W. 3528 And 95. daies the fift of Iuly and the fift yere of the raigne of Zedechias Ezechiell prophesieth Ezechiel begā his prophesie taught by the space of xx yeares Vnto this time are to be referred Ezech. cap. 8. to the 19. Y.W. 3529 And 131. daies referre hither Ezech. 20. 21. 22. 23. Y.W. 3531 And 128. dayes in the ninth yeare of Iechonia his captiuitie died the wife of Ezechiel Ierusalem besieged The same day Nebuchadnezer with his armie besieged Ierusalem Ier. 52. 4. 2. Reg. 25. 1. Y.W. 3532 And 343. dayes Ezechiel foretold the desolation of Egypt for fortie yeares Ezech. 29. 2. Y.W. 3533 Ieremies 3. impris And one hundred twentie and two daies Ieremie was againe imprisoned and accused to be the cause of this third captiuitie Ier. 32. 2. 33. 1. The first was An. 3513. The second Anno 3517. Y.W. 3533 Iubil 20. This yeare and six Monethes was the 20. Iubilie wherin should haue bene set free al bond men bond women Leuit. 25. 10. for violating of which law they are reproued by the prophet Ier. 34. 13. Nebuchadnetzar goeth against Pharao At this time Nebuchadnezer left the siege of Ierusalem and went against Pharao Ier. 4. imprisonment Then Ieremie came out of prison and preached his cap. 34. 12. foretold the returne and victory of the Chaldeans and was the fourth time put in prison and accused of treason Ier. 37. 15. Y.W. 3534 In the beginning of this yere Ezechiel prophesied against Tyrus cap. 26. 1. 27. 1. and 28. 1. against Egypt 29. 1. 2. 30. 4. Y.W. 3534 Ier. 5. imprisonment And three score daies Zedechia conferred with Ieremie was the fift time imprisoned but more tollerably then before cap. 37. 15. After he is put in the dungeon of myer which was his sixt imprisonment He is deliuered by Ebedmelech Ier. 38. 6. 10. in the time of the famine 2. Reg. 25. 3. and is put in the entrance of the prison which was his seuenth captiuitie Zedechia conferreth secretly with Ieremie Ierem. chapter 38. Zedechia taken c. Nebusaradan entered the citie to burne it Zedechias was taken in flight Ier. 39. 4. 5. had his cies pulled out when he had seene his sonnes slaine was carried bound into Babilon and there died Ieremie was deliuered and commended to Gedaliah by Nebusaradan Ier. 39. 17. 40. 1. Y.W. 3534 And an hundred eight twentie daies Nebusaradan entered the citie to burne and destroy it Y.W. 3535 The citie Temple burnt The hundred one thirtith day of this yeare was the Temple palace and citie of Ierusalem burnt Ier. 52. 13. Ezech. 40. Abdiah About this time Abdiah prophesied against Idumea Abd. 1. Gedalia slaine Gedalia gathered the remnant of the people and was slaine by Ismael 2. Reg. 25. 25. The people for feare of the Chaldeans went into Egipt and carried Ieremie with them by force Ier. 41. 2. Y.W. 3536 Tyrus takē This yere the hundred two and twentith day Nebuchadnezer tooke Tyrus hauing besieged it thirteene yeares The same yeare Ieremie prophesied against the king of Egipt Ier. 44. 26 27. Y.W. 3538 Carchemin Pharao Neco went against Carchemin 2. Reg. 23. 29. 2. Paral. 35. 20. the spoile of Egipt was promised to Nebuchadnezar Ezech. 29. 19. Y.W. 3539 Nebuchadnetzar The three and twentith yeare of the reigne of Nechadnezer and the fift yere after the desolation of Ierusalem after he had subdued the Ammonites Moabites and Egiptians he sent Nebusaradan into Iudah 745. captiues who carried captiue seauen hundred forty and fiue men Ier. 52. 15. Here are determined the three hundred foure score and ten yeares of the iniquitie of Israel and the fortie yeares of the sinne of Iudah Ezech. 4. 5. 6. About this time Cyaxares destroied Niniuie Y.W. 3541 The vision of the tree This yeare Nebuchadnezar sawe the vision of the great Tree to be cut downe which was expounded vnto him by Daniel Dan.
15. Y.W. 3628 The fourteenth day was held the Passeouer mentioned Esr 6. 22. Y.W. 3631 Iubil 22. And six monethes was the 22. Iubilie Y.W. 3657 Darius d. Darius died hauing raigned six and thirtie yeares after him succeeded Xerxes his son by Atossa or Hester and raigned 21. yeares Y.W. 3664 Xerxes wēt into Grecia In the end of this yere Xerxes went with his army against Grecia according to Daniels prophesie Dan. 11. 2. Eclipse of the sunne The same time was a maruellous great Eclips of the Sunne the seuenteenth day of Februarie Y.W. 3664 And about foure score and ten dayes entred the three score and fifteenth Olympiade Leonides vnto the first yeare whereof is referred the slaughter of Leonides and three hundred Lacedemonians in Thermopolis by Xerxes Y.W. 3671 Ezra commeth to Ierusalem In the moneth Nisan Ezra deliberated to ascend vnto Ierusalem Esr 7. 7. and came thither the first day of the fift moneth Esr 7. The fift day of the same moneth were waied the gold siluer vessels dedicated to the house of God Ezr. 8. The twentith day of the ninth moneth was held at Ierusalem a Synod of all the men of Iudah Beniamin Strange wiues put away The tenth moneth c. was inquisition made of those that had married strange wiues Esr 10. 3. Y.W. 3678 Xerxes slaine Xerxes died when he had raigned one twentie yeares slaine by Artabanus who shortly after was slaine by Artaxerxes in reuenge of his fathers death He succeeding in the kingdome raigned fiftie and nine yeres and sixe moneths Y.W. 3679 Pericles gouerneth Athens And one hundred foure score and two dayes Pericles after the flight of Themistocles obtained the gouernement of Athens and ruled fortie yeares Y.W. 3680 Iubil 23. And six monethes was the three and twentith Iubilie Y.W. 3683 The Iewes built the walles and gates of Ierusalem by fauor of Artaxerxes Nechem 2. Y.W. 3684 Samaritanes This yeare in the beginning the Samaritans and other borderers threw downe the wals burnt the gates of Ierusalem by commandement of Artaxerxes Ezra 4. 21. 22. 23. Y.W. 3685 Nehemias In the first moneth Nehemias obtained leaue of Artaxerxes to build againe the streetes wals of Ierusalem Nechem 7. 1. The seuen●ie weeks begin From this time began the 70. weekes or 490. yeres which the angel Gabriel said vnto Daniel should be vnto the death of Christ The third of August the Iewes began to build the wall of Ierusalem and finished the same in fiftie two daies Nechem 6. Famin. This yeare was a great famine in Ierusalem Nehem 5. 3. The wall finished The 184. day the first of October Ezra preached Nechem 8 and the feast of Tabernacles was celebrated the day following Also the 207. day of this yeare was a fast and the booke of the Law read Nehem. 8. 2. 13. 1. Y.W. 3691 Vnto this time or some like of the reformation of the Church Malachie proph may be referred the prophesie of Malachie the last of all the Prophets of the old Testament Who exhorteth not vnto the building of the Temple as did Haggay and Zacharie but after the Temple was built and religion established reproueth the abuses and profanations of the time and namely against their entertaining of strange wiues Nehem. 13. 23. Y.W. 3696 In the beginning of this yeare Nehemias returned vnto the king after he had gouerned in Iudae a twelue yeares Nech 13. 6. Y.W. 3697 This yeare or the yeare following Nehemias returned to Ierusalem and reproued Elias and such others as had offended cap. 13. 17. 15. About this time Nehemia banished Menasche brother of Iaddo the high priest for marrying the daughter of Sanballat the Choronite who by permission of Alexander the great after his victorie called ●ssica Temple in Samaria built a temple in mount Garizim of Samaria like vnto the temple of Ierusalē made his son in law high priest there ouer the runnagate Iewes that fled thither This increased much the ancient enimity betwene the Iewes the Samaritans Neh 13. 28. 29. Ioh. 4. 20. Y.W. 3710 Apseudes And foure score and sixe dayes Apseudes gouerned in Athens Y.W. 3716 Pythod In Iune Pythodorus was made pretor at Athens and Aenesius was made Ephorus in Sparta Y.W. 3717 The warre of the Peloponesus This yeare in the spring time began that great war of Peloponesus Y.W. 3718 A plague Now began the second yeare of the same warre the sommer whereof brought also an exceeding great plague Y.W. 3719 Pericles d. And 182. daies Pericles died after he had gouerned in Athens fortie yeares Y.W. 3724 Artaxerx Long. dieth The 225. daie Artaxerxes Longimanus died when he had raigned 59. yeres an half after Xerxes his fathers going into Europa and 45. yeares after he had slaine Artabanus Y.W. 3729 Iubil 24. This yeare and sixe monethes was the 24. Iubilie Y.W. 3733 And 15. dayes were determined those 7. weekes or fortie nine yeares wherein the streetes trenches of Ierusalem were finished Dan 9. Y.W. 3737 Hannibal This yere Hannibal with 100000. men of Carthage came into Sicilia This was not he that after warred against the Romans but an other more auncient Y.W. 3759 And two hundred three score six daies Phanostrates was gouernor at Athens Y.W. 3760 And two hundred fiftie and sixe daies Euander gouerned at Athens Y.W. 3778 Iubil 25. And sixe monethes was the fiue and twentith Iubilie Y.W. 3808 Alexander the great In the beginning of this yere Alexander the great succeeded his father Philip in the kingdome of Macedonia and raigned 12. yeares 1. Machab. 1. 8. Aegesias At the same time Aegesias gouerned at Athens Y.W. 3810 And fifteene dayes entered the fourth yeare of Alexander his raigne Tyrus takē in which he besieged Tyrus seuen monethes and tooke it as Esay had said 23. 1. Alex. came to Ierusalē The same yeare he came offended to Ierusalem but was pacified of Iaddo the high priest and went thence towards Babylon Ier. 50. Y.W. 3811 And one hundred three score thirteene daies or there about The battell at Arbela was the last bat●aile fought betweene Darius Codomanus and Alexander at Arbela Dan. vision fulfilled wherein was fulfilled the prophesie of Daniel of the Goat ouerthrowing the Ramme cap. 8. 4. About the same time happened that great victorie of the Iewes in Babylonia mentioned 2. Machab. 8. 24. Y.W. 3818 Alexander Mag. dieth And two hundred twentie and fiue dayes Alexander died the twelft of Nouember when he had raigned eleuen yeares and seuen monethes After his death his posteritie was cut off and his Empire deuided into foure kingdomes Seleuchus became king of Syria Ptolomie of Egypt Anrigonus of Asia the lesse and Cassander of Macedonia and Grecia according to the prophesie of Daniel Dan. 8. 22. Y.W. 3819 The yeares of the Grecians begin The first of Aprill next following the death of Alexander the great was the beginning of the yeares of the kingdome of the Grecians mentioned in the historie of the Machabies
preached the Gospel at Damascus The Iewes conspired against him he was conuayed away by the Disciples Act. 9. 24. 30. and went into Arabia Gal. 1. 17. after he returned to Damascus the gouernor layeth waite for him He is againe conuaied by the Disciples 2. Cor. 11. 33. Y.W. 4176 Tiberius The hundred and one and fortith day began the twentith yeare of Tiberius his raigne Philip the brother of Herodes Antipas died Y.W. 4177 Anno Christi 37. And two hundred three score and eight dayes entred the seuen and thirtith yeare of Christ his Natiuitie Y.W. 4178 Paul commeth to Ierusalem Paul three yeares after his conuersion came to Ierusalem Gal. 1. 18. was brought vnto the Apostles by Barnabas Act. 9. 27. within the compasse of these fifteene daies which he taried with Peter Gal. 1. he disputed against the Greekes Act. 9. Praying in the Temple he saw Christ heard him Act. 22. 18. Thence he was conuayed vnto Caesaria Is sent to Tarsus and so sent to Tarsus Act. 9. 26. Caesaria is a Citie in Syria and Tarsus a Citie in Cilicia Hether referre that he saith Gal. 1. 21. Y.W. 4179 Peter raiseth Dorcas goeth to Cornelius Peter cōming to Lydda healed Aeneas Act. 9. 34. at Ioppa raised Tabitha or Dorc. Act. 9. 36. Saw a visiō went to Cornelius who with others receiued the holy Ghost and was baptised Actes 10. 24. 28. Returning to Ierusalem he rendred a reason of his entrance vnto the Gentiles Act. 11. 4. Barnabas is sent to Antiochia Barnabas was sent by the Church of Ierusalem vnto Antiochia whither he fetched Paul from Tarsus Agabus foretold of a famine to come Act. 11. 28. Y.W. 4179 Anno Christi 38. The two hundred three score and eight day of this yeare entered the eight and thirtith yeare of Christ Tiberius d. The three hundred fortie and ninth day being the sixteenth of March Tiberius the Emperor died in the three twentith yeare of his reigne Caligula C. Caligula succeeded in the Empire and deliuered Herodes Agrippa out of prison where Tiberius had left him Iosephus b. This yeare Flauius Iosephus was borne Also Drusilla daughter of Herodes Agrippa Y.W. 4180 Vitellius The foureteenth day Vitellius came to Ierusalem in the feast of Easter A little after Marullus Marullus sent by Caligula was President of Iudea Paul and Barn came to Ierusalē Paul and Barnabas came with almes to Ierusalem after returned to Antioch hauing with them Iohn Marke Act. 12. 25. Y.W. 4180 A. C. 39. The two hundred three score and eight day entred the nine thirtith yere of Christ in which Paul and Barnabas They are sent vnto the Gentiles sent out by the holy Ghost trauelled into Seleucia Cyprus Salamina Paphus Sergius P. where Sergius Paulus was conuerted Elimas and Elimas the Sorcerer striken blind Act. 13. 7. 12. Y.W. 4181 An. ch 40. The two hundred three score and eighth day began the fortith yere of our Lord in which Paul Barnabas leauing Paphus Perga Pamp. went to Perga in Pāphilia where Mark forsooke thē returned to Ierusalem Antiochia After they came vnto Antiochia in Pisidia banished thence by sedition of the Iewes came to Iconium Act. 13. 14. Caligula his fall At this time C. Caligula hauing hitherto gouerned well began to degenerate affecting diuine honour Philo Iudaeus At this time florished Philo Iudeus who is thought the author of that booke which is called the Wisedome of Salomon Y.W. 4182 A. C. 41. The 268. day entred the yeare of our Lord 41. All which yeare with part of the next Iconium Paul Barnabas tarried at Iconium Act. 14. 1. Pilate d. About this time Pilate killed himselfe Herodes Antip. d. Herodes Antipas died in Spaine Y.W. 4183 The 268. day began the 42. yeare of Christ An. ch 42. About this time S. Mat. wrote his gospel in Iudaea The Gospel of Matth. The 298. day of this yeare being the foure and twentith of Ianuarie Caligula d. Caligula died when he had raigned three yeares tenne monethes and eight daies Claudius Claudius succeeded in the Empire Herod Agrippa and gaue the kingdome of Iudaea vnto Herodes Agrippa His brother called also Herod was made king of Chalceda Iosephus Y.W. 4184 Lystra and Derbe Paul and Barnabas being driuen from Iconium fled to Lystra and Derbe and preached there At Lystra Paul was stoned and left for dead but was raised againe in presence of the disciples Act. 14. 19. Y.W. 4185 A. c. 44. The 268. day began the yeare of Christ 44. Paul stoned Elders ordained Now they returned to Lystra Iconium Antiochia in Pisidia and ordained Elders in euery church Act. 14. 21. 23. Y.W. 4186 Peter imprisoned And the 15. day at Easter Herod hauing slaine Iames the brother of Iohn put Peter into prison who was myraculously deliuered by an Angel c. Act. 12. 4. A. c. 45. The 268. day was the 45. yeare of Christ Mark preached in Egypt About this time Mark the disciple of Peter preached the gospel in Egypt Herod died Not long after Herod was stricken of the angel of God and died miserably Act. 12. 23. After the death of Herod Claudius in the 4. yeare of his Empire made Cuspius Fadus president in Iudaea after whom succeeded Tiberius Alexander In their times was a famine for 4. yeares Pa. Ba. returne to Antiochia This yeare Paul and Barnabas came into Pamphilia and preached the word at Perga thence returned to Antiochia in Syria whence they were commended to the grace of God and taried there Act. 14. 26. Y.W. 4187 The two hundred three score and eight day began the yeare of Christ 46. This yeare and the next as is thought Paul and Barnabas tarried at Antiochia in Syria Act. 14. 28. Y.W. 4188 A. C. 47. The two hundred three score and eight day entered the seuen and fortith yeare of Christ Theudas About this time Theudas the rebell his head was brought to Ierusalem not his that is mentioned Act. 5. 36. but an others Luke wrote his Gospel This yeare as is thought S. Luke wrote his Gospel Luk. 1. 1. Y.W. 4189 A. c. 48. The two hundred three score and eight day began the eight and fortith yeare of Christ Synode This yeare which was the fifteenth of Pauls conuersion he went vp with Barnabas Titus vnto Ierusalem to the Synode there Act. 15. 6. 7. Gal. 2. 3. Peter reprooued Shortly after this Peter was reproued of Paul at Antioch Gal. 2. 11. Not long after the Synode Barnabas and Marke sailed into Cyprus The trauell of Paul and Silas Paul and Silas trauelled thorough Syria and Silicia confirming the brethren Act. 15. 40. Y.W. 4190 A. c. 49. The two hundred three score and eight day began the yeare of our Lord fortie and nine Timothie called Paul and Silas came to Derbe and Lystra Paul tooke Timothie to be a companion of his iourney Act. 16. 1. Y.W. 4191 A. c. 50. The two hundred three score and eight day beganne the fiftith
himselfe had caused to be done and after laid it to the charge of the Christians Y.W. 4207 The hundred foure score and fifteenth day entred the eleuenth yeare of the raigne of Nero Gessius Florus in which Gessius Florus was made president of Iudaea Y.W. 4209 This yeare in May began the last war against the Iewes A. C. 68. The two hundred three score and eight day was the yeare of Christ three score and eight 2. Epist to Timothie About this time Paul wrote his second Epistle to Timothie from Rome whē he was now the second time imprisoned and not long before his death 2. Tim. 4. 6. Y.W. 4210 The foure score and ninth day in the last yeare of Nero and the three score and eight yere of our Lord Paul beheaded at Rome Paul at the commandement of the Emperor was beheaded at Rome the fiue and thirtith yeare after his conuersion The seuen yeares and almost an halfe of the Apostle his life after his deliuerance out of prison at Rome P. his visitation of the churches before mentioned was for the most part bestowed in visiting of the Churches of Grecia Macedonia Asia c. Y.W. 4210 The 195. day which was the thirteenth of October began the fourteenth yeare of Nero his Empire Y. C. 69. The 268. day entred the yeare of Christ 69. Y.W. 4211 The three score and sixteenth day the sixteenth of Iune Galba Galba tooke the Empire Nero being yet aliue and held it for seuen monethes A. C. 70. The 268. day was the yeare of our Lord 70. Vitellius The 276. day the second of Ianuarie Vitellius was saluted Emperor of his armie Galba and Oto yet liuing The fifteenth day of the same moneth Galba slain Galba was slaine Otho whom Oto succeeded Y.W. 4212 The 19. day being the twentith of Aprill ended those 95. daies in which Oto raigned alone Vitel. Emp. and began the eight monethes of Vitellius his Empire The 91. day the first of Iuly Pla. Vespas Emperour Flauius Vespasianus being 60. yeares old was compelled of his army then in Iudaea to take vpon him the Empire after which time he liued almost nine yeares A. C. 71. The 268. day entred the 71. yeare of Christ Titus sent to Ierus The 306. day in the beginning of February Vespasian sent his sonne Titus to destroy Ierusalem Y.W. 4213 The Temple burnt The 131. day was the tenth of August in which the souldiers of Titus Vespasianus fired the third Temple which Herod had built for the second Matth. 26. Y.W. 4220 A. C. 79. The 268. day began the 79. yeare of Christ Y.W. 4221 Vespas d. The fourescore and fourth day the foure twentith of Iune died Flauius Vespasianus when he had raigned eight years three hundred fiftie eight days Titus Vesp succeedeth After him succeeded Titus Vespasianus who raigned two yeares and 81. dayes Y.W. 4222 The 268. day entred the yeare of Christ 81. Y.W. 4223 Titus Vesp dieth The hundred three score and fift day being the 13 of September Titus Vespasianus died Domitian After whom succeeded Domitianus Y.W. 4234 A. C. 93. The 268. day began the yeare of our Lord 93. Y.W. 4236 The third persecution Iohn banished The 165. day began the fourteenth yere of Domitian his raigne in which was raised by him the third persecution against the Christians Then was Iohn the Apostle banished into Pathmos His Gospel c. where as is thought he wrote his Gospel and the Reuelation The other Epistles The Epistles of Iohn as also those of Iude Iames and to the Hebrues when they were written cannot certainly be determined Y.W. 4237 A. C. 69. The 268. day entered the 96. yeare of Christ Y.W. 4238 Dom. slaine The 170. day being the eighteenth of September was Domitian the Emperor slaine when he had raigned fifteene years Nerua suc after him Nerua succeeded Iohn commeth to Ephesus At this time Iohn returned from Pathmos and came to Ephesus Y.W. 4239 The 210 day being the 28. of October Nerua had raigned thirteene monethes and ten daies Traianus and adopted Traianus into the fellowship of the Empire and after liued three monethes and died the 27. of Ianuarie A. C. 98. The 268. day began the 98. yeare of Christ Y.W. 4240 The 210. day ended the first and began the second yeare of Traianus raigne Y.W. 4242 Iohn died This yeare S. Iohn the Apostle died Y.W. 4250 The fourth persecution The 210. day entered the 12. yeare of Traianus his raine At this time began the fourth persecution of the Christians Euseb lib. 3. cap. 32. Y.W. 4257 A. C. 116. The 268. day began the 116. yeare of Christ Y.W. 4258 Adrianus Emperor The 130. day which was the ninth of August Adrianus being in Syria vnderstood that Traiane being sicke had nominated him to be Emperor of Rome Who also died the third day after in a cittie of Cilicia when he had raigned eighteene yeares and 285. daies Y.W. 4266 The 130. day the ninth of August Adrian began the ninth yeare of his raigne A. C. 125. The 268. day entred the 125. yeare after Christs Natiuitie Y.W. 4271 The 130 day begā the fourteenth yeare of Adrian his raigne Barcochab his crueltie At this time Barcochabas head of the Iewish faction then raised drew vnto punishment the Christians that woulde not denie Christ The finall destruction of the Iewes The warre against this faction of the Iewes continued for six years and brought a finall destruction vpon that people A. C. 135. The 268. day entred the 135. yeare of Christ Y.W. 4276 Adrian his edict The 130. day ended the 19. yeare of Adrian his raigne in which he finished the warre of the Iewes banishing them out of the land charged them not so much as from any high place to looke towards the land of their fathers Y.W. 4277 A. C. 136. The 268. day began the yeare of Christ 136. Y.W. 4278 A. C. 137. The two hundred three score eight day entred the yeare of Christ 137. Y.W. 4279 Adrian d. The 100. day being the tenth of Iuly Adrian the Emperor died when he had raigned twentie yeares and three hundred thirtie fiue daies Antoninus After him succeeded Antoninus in the Empire of Rome Thus farre Codomannus FINIS THE Table A Aron borne 2431. 2516. 2553. 2554. Abdias proph 3534. Abdon Iudg. 2942. Abel pag. 3. Abiam king of Iudah 3165. Abiathar 3065. 3110. Abihu 2516. Abimelech Iudg. 2853. Abiram 2553. Abner 3072. 3076. Abraham borne 2008. come into Canaan 2080 deliuerde Loth 2093. died 2183. Absalon b. 3072. banished 3093. raised sedition 3099. Absolom Machab. 3988. Achan 2555. Achior 3457. Actes of the Apostles 4202. Actium battaile 4112. Adam created pag. 2. his fal pag. 2 died 930. Adoniah 3110. Adrian Emperour 4257. 4277. Aegyptians drowned 2515. Aegypt destroyed 3539. 3579. Aeneas cured 4179. Aenesius 3710. Aethiopians 3183. 3538. Agabus proph 4179. 4185. Aggeus proph 3622. Agrippa 4190. 4199. Achab. 3206. 3223. d. 3227. Ahazb 3362. king 3381. 3382. 3384. died 3397. Ahasia b.