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death_n die_v king_n lord_n 5,768 5 3.5541 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10772 An exposition in the epistell of Iude the apostel of Christ wherein he setteth playnly before euery mans eyes false apostels, and theyr craftes, by ye which they haue longe receyued symple christian people. Ridley, Lancelot, d. 1576. 1538 (1538) STC 21042; ESTC S104543 43,103 150

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to saye the grace fanoure peace and mercye of God to be multyplyed to all Christen men and wemen Iudas the seruaunt of Iesus Christ In these wordes is shewed who was the Author of this pystell that is to saye one Iudas not Isearyoth the betrayer of Christ but an other Iudas by name Thadeus called the brother of Christ Here obserue these two men both called Iudas both Apostles of Christ the one of them to be good the other euell Here you maye learne good reader no dyfference to be betwene a good man an euell man as touchynge their names and offyces as you do se the author of this pystel to be a good man the seruaunte and the Apostle of Christe althoughe he was called Iudas and agreeth in name with hym that betrayed Christe yet his name Iudas made hym not euell So lyke wyse Iudas Iscarioth all thoughe be agreeth in name with this Iudas his name made hym not good It is not the outwarde name ne offyce that maketh a man or woman good but it is the grace of God and perseueraunce there in that maketh a man good Therfore let vs learne here not alwayes to iudge according to the outwarde apperaunce For yf we iudge after that facion we shall be deceyued yf any wolde iudge after the outwarde apperaunce and after the opynyon of men who wolde not iudge and preferre Iudas the betrayer of Christ before Iudas the author of this pystell and saye that he was moche better man then was Iudas Thadeus in that Christe made hym hys purse bearer and ouerseer of his house sheweth to hym more fauoure as dyd outwarde appere then he dyd to this Iudas Thadeus And yet Iudas Ischaryoth was euell and the chylde of perdicyon The other Iudas Thadeus was good and the chylde of saluacyon althoughe the iudgemente of the worlde was other wayes Here lerne the iudgement of the worlde and of the outwarde apperaunce to the eye often tymes to be deceyuable and deceyue men oftimes Therfore fayth is not alwayes to be geuē vnto the outward apperaunce or to the opinyon of men For men iudgeth these thynges that doth appere God beholdeth the herte and the inwarde affection of the minde oftymes it chaunceth these to be leste with God and fardest from his fauoure whome men doth iudge to be fyrst and hyest in the fauoure of God Paraduenture men iudgeth Popes Cardynalles Legates Bysshoppes Archebyshoppes Abbottes Decayns Prelates Pryors Monkes Channons Preestes Fryers obseruantes cartusyans and suche lyke to be more in fauoure with God then laye men or lay women when God peraduenture doth preferre laye men before all them And more hath in his fauoure the poore symple lay man or lay woman then the hyest bysshop pope or cardinall for God is not the acceptor of persons nor he dothe not iudge and esteme men after outwarde face and outwarde apperaunce but after the inwarde affeccyon of the mynde and purenesse of herte Iudas by interpretacyon sygnyfyeth confessyon or knowledge It becōmeth vs to be Iudas that is to saie as to knowe and confesse Iesus Christe and hym crucifyed only oure redemer Iustifyer and Sauyor Yf we beleue Christ to be our only Iustifyer then wyl we not beleue our workes to iustifye vs or able to pourge vs from our synne nor yet the Popes bullys Pardons or any indulgencis graunted by Popes Cardinalles or Bysshoppes halowed bedes or messys ad Scala cely may purge vs from synne or take awaye oure synne by strength of the worke it selfe For if remissyon of syn myght be had by the strenght of any worke in it selfe then Christe dyed in vayne then his death is not to vs so precyouse but some warke myght haue bene to vs as precyouse as his death whiche thing God forbid that any man shulde say or yet thynke The seruaunt of Iesus Christe In these he sheweth his office or dewtie sayenge that he is a seruaunte He calleth hym selfe not a Lorde a mayster a Kynge an Emperour to be aboue Kinges and Prynces and that Kynges shulde knele kysse his fete but he calleth hym a seruaunt not of euery one as of men to plese men to be a man pleaser and to preache these thynges that shulde please men and to plaie the legate of men of the worlde But he calleth hymselfe the seruaunt of God and his offyce or duety to be to please God to confesse Christ Iesus openly and playnly euery where and in all places to playe the Legate of Christe Iesus to preache Goddes wordes boldely withoute all feare without all drede amonge all men The Apostell here in these wordes he checketh and rebuketh these that be asshamed to confesse them selues to be the seruauntes of God that be asshamed to preathe Goddes worde purely and syncerly that for feare of men for hynderaunce of lucre or aduauntage wyll not openly confesse the trueth of Goddes gospel nor yet suffer other to do it nor be wyllynge that other shal shewe it for feare of decay of their honoure promocyon dignytie frendeshyppe of men lucre or aduauntage Also the Apostell checketh all these that wyll not preache Goddes worde but mannes tradicyons mannes phantasyes and dremes mannes learning and mans inuencyons and that for the worde of God and in the stede of the worde of God These be they that be men pleasers and studyes rather to please man then GOD. But suche be not the seruauntes of God but the seruauntes of men whome they studye to please These be not the seruauntes of Iesus Christe nor his trewe Apostles althoughe in wordes sumtymes they may call them selues the seruauntes of Christ and his Apostles yet they be not the seruauntes of Christe nor his Apostells but they be false Apostelles as Iudas Iscaryoth was and with hym are to be numered and reckenned and with hym shal haue their rewarde in hell The brother of Iames. These wordes be added les any man shulde thynke Iudas Iscaryoth the betrayer of Christ Iesus to be the author of this pystell and for to knowe Iudas Thadeus whiche was the author of this epystel from Iudas the betraier of Christ Then it is not lyke Yee let no man thynke that Iudas put in these wordes for any vayne glorye or any aduaunsynge of hym selfe that he was the brother of Christ or his kynsman all suche carnall affeceyon was farre from his mynde To those that be called / and in god the father halowed and by Iesus Christ preserued Nowe sheweth the Apostell vnto whome this Epistell was wrytten it was written not onely to the Iewes but also to the Gentyls to all men beleuinge in Christe it was written indifferently to all that be called eyther by secret and preuy inspiracyon or by open preachynge of the worde of God to beleue in Christe Iesus whiche in God the father be sanctifyed But theare is many that is sanctifyed or blessed but not of God but of man as of Popes cardynalles bysshops Abbottes whiche weryth their myters and other