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A07897 The death of Robert, Earle of Huntington Otherwise called Robin Hood of merrie Sherwodde: with the lamentable tragedie of chaste Matilda, his faire maid Marian, poysoned at Dunmowe by King Iohn. Acted by the Right Honourable, the Earle of Notingham, Lord high Admirall of England, his seruants. Munday, Anthony, 1553-1633.; Henry, Chettle, d. 1607?. aut 1601 (1601) STC 18269; ESTC S110066 47,218 90

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wretch Let him be hangd aliue in the high way that ioyneth to the power Don. Aliue or deade I reck not how I die You them and these I desperately defie Ely Repent or neuer looke to be absolu'd But die accurst as thou deseruest well Don. Then giue me my desert curse one by one Ely First I accurse thee and if thou persist Unto damnation leaue thee wretched man Don. What doe I care for your damnation Am I not doom'd to death what more damnation Can there insue your loud and yelling cryes Pri. Yes diuell heare thy fellowe spirit speake Who would repent O faine he would repent After this bodies bitter punishment There is an euer-during endlesse woe A quenchlesse fire an vnconsuming paine Which desperate soules and bodies must indure Don. Can you preach this yet set me on sir Prior To runne into this endlesse quenchlesse fier Pri. High heauens shewe mercie to my many ils Neuer had this bene done but like a fiend Thou temptedst me with ceaselesse diuelish thoughts Therefore I curse with bitternesse of soule The hower wherein I saw thy balefull eyes My eyes I curse for looking on those eyes My eares I curse for harkning to thy tongue I curse thy tongue for tempting of myne eares Each part I curse that wee call thine or mine Thine for enticing mine mine following thine Don. A holy prayer what Collect haue we next This time Robin stirres Fitz. My Marian wanteth words such is her woe But old Fitzwater for his girle and him Begs nothing but worlds plague for such a foe Which causelesse harmd a vertuous noble man A pitier of his griefes when he felt griefe Therefore be thee of thy hatefull deede Thou faithlesse Prior and thou this ruthlesse theefe Pri. Will no man curse me giuing so much cause Then Doncaster our selues our selues accurse And let no good betide to thee or mee All the yeomen Frier Much Iinny cry All Amen amen accursed may ye bee For murdring Robin flower of curtesie Robin sits vp Rob. O ring not such a peale for Robins death Let sweete forgiuenesse be my passing bell Art thou there Marian then fly forth my breath To die with in thy armes contents me well Pri. Keepe in keepe in a little while thy soule Till I haue powr'd my soule forth at thy feete Rob. I slept not vnkle I your griefe did heare Let him forgiue your soule that bought it deare Your bodies deede I in my death forgiue And humbly begge the king that you may liue Stand to your Cleargie vnkle saue your life And lead a better life than you haue done Pri. O gentle Nephew ah my brothers sonne Thou dying glory of old Huntington Wishest thou life to such a murdrous foe I will not liue sith thou must life for goe Oh happie Warman blessed in thy end Now too too late thy truth I doe commend O Nephew Nephew Doncaster and I Murdred poore Warman for he did denie To ioyne with vs in this blacke tragedy Rob. Alas poore Warman Frier little Iohn I told ye both where Warmans bodie lay And of his buriall I le dispose anone King Is there no lawe Lord Ely to conuict This Prior that confesseth murders thus Ely He is a hallowed man and must be tried Aud punisht by the censure of the Church Pri. The Church therein doth erre God doth allowe No Canon to preserue a murderers life Richard king Richard in thy Grandsires daies A law was made the Cleargie sworne thereto That whatsoeuer Church-man did commit Treason or murder or false felonie Should like a seculer be punished Treason we did for sure we did intend King Richards poisoning Soueraigne of this land Murder we did in working Warmans end And my deare Nephewes by this fatall hand And theft we did for we haue robd the king The State the Nobles Commons and his men Of a true Peere firme Piller liberall Lord Fitzwater we haue robd of a kinde sonne And Marians loue-ioyes we haue quite vndoone Don. Whoppe what a coyle is here with your confession Pri. I aske but iudgement for my foule transgression King Thy own mouth hath condemned thee Hence with him Hang this man dead then see him buried But let the other hang aliue in chaines Don. I thanke you sir Exeunt yeomen Frier prisoners Much Ioh. My selfe will goe my Lord And see sharpe Iustice done vpon these slaues Rob. O goe not hence Prince Iohn a word or two Before I die I faine would say to you King Robin wee see what we are sad to see Death like a champion treading downe thy life Yet in thy end somwhat to comfort thee Wee freely giue to thy betrothed wife Beautious and chast Matilda all those lands Falne by thy folly to the Priors hands And by his fault now forfetted to mee Earle Huntington she shall thy Countesse bee And thy wight yeomen they shall wend with mee Against the faithlesse enemies of Christ Rob. Bring forth a Beere and couer if with greene A Beere is brought in That on my death-bed I may here sit downe Beere brought he sits At Robins buriall let no blacke be seene Let no hand giue for him a mourning gowne For in his death his king hath giuen him life By this large gift giuen to his maiden wife Chaist maid Matilda Countesse of account Chase with thy bright eyes all these clouds of woe From these faire cheekes I pray thee sweete do so Thinke it is bootelesse folly to complaine For that which neuer can be had againe Queene Elianor you once were Matilds foe Prince Iohn you long sought her vnlawfull loue Let dying Robin Hood intreat you both To change those passions Madame turne your hate To princely loue Prince Iohn conuert your loue To vertuous passions chast and moderate O that your gratious right hands would infolde Matildas right hand prisoned in my palme And sweare to doe what Robin Hood desires Qu. I sweare I will I will a mother be To faire Matildas life and chastitie Ioh. When Iohn solicites chast Matildaes eares With lawlesse sutes as he hath often done Or offers to the altars of her eyes Lasciuious Poems stuft with vanities He craues to see but short and sower daies His death be like to Robins he desires His periur'd body proue a poysoned prey For cowled Monkes and barefoote begging Friers Rob. Inough inough Fitzwater take your child My dying frost which no sunnes heat can thawe Closes the powers of all my outward parts My freezing blood runnes backe vnto my heart Where it assists death which it would resist Only my loue a little hinders death For he beholds her eyes and cannot smite Then goe not yet Matilda stay a while Frier make speede and lift my latest will Mat. O let mee looke for euer in thy eyes And lay my warme breath to thy bloodlesse lips If my sight can restraine deaths tyrannies Or keepe liues breath within thy bosome lockt Rob. Away away Forbeare my loue all this is but delay Fitz. Come maiden daughter from
THE DEATH OF ROBERT EARLE OF HVNTINGTON OTHERWISE CALLED Robin Hood of merrie Sherwodde with the lamentable Tragedie of chaste MATILDA his faire maid MARIAN poysoned at Dunmowe by King IOHN Acted by the Right Honourable the Earle of Notingham Lord high Admirall of England his seruants ¶ Imprinted at London for William Leake 1601 THE DEATH OF ROBERT EARLE OF HVNTINGTON ¶ Enter Frier Tucke SCEANE I Frier HOlla holla holla follow follow followe Like noyse within Now benedicite what fowle absurditie follie foolerie had like to followed mee I my mates like addle pates inuiting great States to see our last play are hunting the hay with ho that way the goodly Heart ranne with followe little Iohn Much play the man and I like a sot haue wholly forgot the course of our plot but crosse-bowe lye downe come on Friers gowne hoode couer my crowne and with a lowe becke preuent a sharpe checke Blithe sit yee all and winke at our rude cry Minde where wee left in Sheerewod merrily The king his traine Robin his yeomen tall Gone to the wodde to see the fat deare fall Wee left maid Marian busie in the bower And prettie linny looking euery hower For their returning from the hunting game And therefore seeke to set each thing in frame Warman all wofull for his sinne we left Sir Doncaster whose villanies and theft You neuer heard of but too soone yee shall Hurt with the Prior shame them both befall They two will make our mirth be short and small But least I bring yee sorrowe ere the time Pardon I beg of your well iudging eyne And take in part bad prologue and rude play The hunters holloo Tucke must needes away Therefore downe weede bowe doe the deede to make the Stagge bleede and if my hand speede hey for a cry with a throate strained hie a lowde yall at the beasts fall Exit Holloo within Enter King Ely Fitzwater Salsbury Chester Prince Iohn little Iohn Scathlocke Kin. Where is our mother Pr. Iohn Mounted in a stand Six fallowe deere haue dyed by her hand Fitz. Three Stags I slewe Ely Two Bucks by me fell downe Chest. As many dyed by mee Sals. But I had three Prin. Scathlocke where 's Much Sca. When last I saw him may it please your Grace He and the Frier footed it apace Prin. Scathlocke no Grace your fellowe plaine Iohn Lit. Ioh. I warrant you Much will be here anone Pr. Thinkst thou little Iohn that he must Iinny wed 's Lit. Ioh. No doubt he must Prin. Then to adorne his head we shall haue hornes good slore King God for thy grace How could I misse the Stagge I had in chase Twice did I hit him in the very necke When backe my arrowes flewe as they had smit On some sure armour Where is Robin Hood And the wighte Scarlet Seeke them little Iohn Exit Ioh. I le haue that Stagge before I dine to day ¶ Enter Much Much O the frier the frier the frier King Why how now Much Cry ye mercy master king Marry this is the matter Scarlet is following the Stagge you hit and has almost lodg'd him now the Frier has the best bowe but yours in all the field which and Scarlet had he would haue him straight Kin. Where is thy master Much Nay I cannot tell nor the Frier neither Scath. I heare them holloo farre off in the wod King Come Much canst lead vs where as Scarlet is Muc. Neuer feare you follow me Exeunt hollooing SCEANE II. ¶ Enter sir Doncaster Prior Don. You were resolued to haue him poysoned Or kild or made away you car'd not how What diuell makes you doubtfull now to doo 't Pri. Why Doncaster his kindnesse in our needes Don. A plague vpon his kindnesse let him die I neuer temperd poyson in my life but I imployd it By th' masse and I loose this For euer looke to loose my company Pri. But will you giue it him Don. That cannot bee The Queene Earle Chester and Earle Salsbury If they once see mee I am a deade man Or did they heare my name I le lay my life They all would hunt me for my life Pri. What hast thou done to them Don. Faith some odde toyes That made me fly the south but passe wee them Here is the poyson will you giue it Robin Pri. Now by this gold I will Don. Or as I said for euer I defie your company Pri. Well he shall die and in his iollity And in my head I haue a policy To make him die disgrac't Don. O tell it Prior Pri. I will but not as now Call the Frier within Wee le seeke a place the wods haue many eares And some me thinkes are calling for the Frier Exeunt SCEANE III ¶ Enter calling the Frier as afore Ioh. The Frier the Frier Scath. Why where 's this Frier Fri. Here sir what is your desire ¶ Enter Robin Hoode Rob. Why Frier what a murren dost thou meane The King cals for thee For a mightie stagge That hath a copper ring about his necke With letters on it which hee would haue read Hath Scarlet kild I pray thee goe thy way Fri. Master I will no longer will I stay Exit Rob. Good vnkle be more carefull of your health And you sir Doncaster your wounds are greene Both Through your great kindnes we are cōforted Rob. And Warman I aduise you to more mirth Shun solitary walkes keepe company Forget your fault I haue forgiuen the fault Good Warman be more blithe and at this time A little helpe my Marian and her maide Much shall come to you straight a little now We must al striue to doe the best we may Exit winding War On you and her I le waite vntill my dying day Exeunt and as they are going out Doncaster puls Warman Don. Warman a word My good Lord Prior and I Are full of griefe to see thy misery War My misery sir Doncaster why I thanke God I neuer was in better state than now Pri. Why what a seruile slauish minde hast thou Art thou a man and canst be such a beast Asse-like to beare the burthen of thy wrong War What wrong haue I I st wrong to be relieu'd Don. Relieu'd saist thou Why shallow witted foole Dost thou not see Robins ambitious pride And how he clymes by pittying and aspires By humble lookes good deedes and such fond toyes To be a monarch raigning ouer vs As if wee were the vassals to his will War I am his vassall and I will be still Pri. Warman thou art a foole I doe confesse Were these good deedes done in sinceritie Pittie of minde thine or this knights distresse Without vaine brags it were true charitie But to relieue our fainting bodies wants And grieue our soules with quippes and bitter braids Is good turnes ouerturnd no thanks wee owe To any whatsoeuer helps vs so War Neither himselfe nor any that hee keepes Euer vpbraided mee since I came last Don. O God haue mercie on thee
my hate Hee is a foole and will be reconcilde To anie foe hee hath he is too milde Too honest for this world fitter for heauen Hee will not kill these greedie cormorants Nor strippe base pesants of the wealth they haue He does abuse a thieues name and an outlawes And is indeede no outlawe nor no theefe He is vnworthy of such reuerent names Besides he keepes a paltry whinling girle And will not bed forsooth before he bride I le stand too 't he abuses maidenhead That will not take it being offered Hinders the common wealth of able men Another thing I hate him for againe He saies his praiers fasts eues giues alms does good For these and such like crimes sweares Doncaster To worke the speedie death of Robin Hoode Pri, Well said yfaith Harke hark the king returns To doe this deede my heart like fuel burns Exeunt SCEANE IIII ¶ Winde hornes Enter King Queene Iohn Fitzwater Ely Chester Salsbury Lester little Iohn Frier Tuck Scarlet Scathlocke and Much Frier Tuck carrying a Stags head dauncing King Gramercy Frier for thy glee Thou greatly hast contented mee What with thy sporting and thy game I sweare I highly pleased am Fri. It was my masters whole desire That maiden yeoman swaine and frier Their arts and wits should all apply For pleasure of your Maiestie Qu. Some Richard looke I pray you on the ring That was about the necke of the last stagge Chest. Was his name Scarlet that shot off his necke Iohn Chester it was this honest fellow Scarlet This is the fellowe and a yeoman bold As euer courst the swift Hart on the molde King Frier here 's somewhat grau'd vpon the Ring I pray thee reade it Meane while list to mee This while most compassing the Frier about the Ring Scarlet and Scathlock you bold bretheren Twelue pence a day I giue each for his fee And hence forth see yee liue like honest men Both We will my Liege else-let vs dye the death Much A boone a boone vpon my knee Good king Richard I begge of thee For indeede sir the troth is Much is my father and hee is one of your tenants in Kings Mill at Wakefield all on a greene O there dwelleth a iolly pinder at Wakefield all on a greene Now I would haue you if you wil doe so much for mee to set mee forward in the way of marriage to Iinny the mill would not be cast away vpon vs King Much be thou euer master of that mill I giue it thee for thine inheritance Much Thanks pretious Prince of curtesie I le to Inny and tell her of my lands yfaith Exit Ioh. Here Frier here here it begins Fri. read When Harold hare-foote raigned king About my necke he put this ring King In Harolds time more than a hundred yeare Hath this ring bene about this newe slaine Deere I am sory now it dyde but let the same Head ring and all be sent to Notingham And in the Castle kept for monuments Fitz. My Liege I heard an olde tale long agoe That Harold being Goodwins sonne of Kent When he had got faire Englands gouernment Hunted for pleasure once within this wood And singled out a faire and stately Stagge Which foote to foote the king in running caught And sure this was the Stagge King It was no doubt Chest. But some my Lord affirme That Iulius Caesar many yeares before Tooke such a Stag and such a Poesie writ King It should not be in Iulius Caesars time There was no English vsed in this Land Untill the Saxons came and this is writ In Saxon characters Ioh. Well 't was a goodly beast ¶ Enter Robin Hoode King How now earle Robert Fri, A forfet a forfet my liege Lord My masters lawes are on record The Court-roll here your Grace may see King I pray thee Frier read them mee Fri. One shall suffice and this is hee No man that commeth in this wod To feast or dwell with Robin Hood Shall call him Earle Lord Knight or Squire He no such titles doth desire But Robin Hood plaine Robin Hoode That honest yeoman stout and good On paine of forfetting a marke That must be paid to mee his Clarke My liege my liege this lawe you broke Almost in the last word you spoke That crime may not acquited bee Till Frier Tuck receiue his fee Casts him purse King There 's more than twenty marks mad Frier Fri. If thus you pay the Clarke his hire Oft may you forfet I desire You are a perfect penitent And well you doe your wrong repent For this your Highnesse liberall gift I here absolue you without shrift King Gramercies Frier Now Robin Hood Sith Robin Hood it needes must bee I was about to aske before If thou didst see the great Stags fall Rob. I did my Lord I sawe it all But missing this same prating Frier And hearing you so much desire To haue the lozels companie I went to seeke Small honestie Fri. But you found much when you found mee Rob. I Much my man but not a iot Of honestie in thee God wot Qu. Robin you doe abuse the Frier Fri. Madam I dare not call him lyer He may be bold with mee he knowes How now Prince Iohn how goes how goes This wod-mans life with you to day My fellow Wodnet you would bee Ioh. I am thy fellowe thou dost see And to be plaine as God me saue So well I like thee merry knaue That I thy company must haue Nay and I will Fri. Nay and you shall Rob. My Lord you neede not feare at all But you shall haue his company He will be bold I warrant you King Know you where ere a spring is nie Faine would I drink I am right dry Rob. I haue a drinke within my bower Of pleasing taste and soueraigne power My reuerend vncle giues it mee To giue vnto your Maiestie King I would be loath indeede being in heate To drinke cold water Let vs to thy bower Ro. Runne Frier before bid my vnkle be in readines Fr. Gon with a trice on such good businesse Exeūt omnes SCEANE V. ¶ Enter Marian with a white apron Mar. What Much What Iinny Much I say Much What 's the matter mistresse Mar. I pray thee see the fueller Suffer the cooke to want no wodde Good Lord where is this idle girle Why Iinny Within I come forsooth Mar. I pray thee bring the flowers forth Much I le goe send her mistres and help the cookes if they haue any neede Exit Much Mar. Dispatch good Much What Iin I say ¶ Enter linny Much Hie yee hie yee she cals for life Mar. Indeede indeede you doe me wrong To let me cry and call so long Iin. Forsooth I strawed the dining bowers And smoth'd the walkes with hearbes flowers The yeomens tables I haue spred Drest salts laid trenchers set on bread Nay all is well I warrant you Mar. You are not well I promise you Your foresleeues are not pind fie fie And all your